Ped 2a Major Assesment

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Mark Fernand S. Ellosa

1. Complete the Table

21st century Short description Issues in Proposed steps specific to

literacies implementing the classroom instruction as
literacy in the to how the literacy will be
curriculum implemented
A. Multicultural Refers to the skills  Cultural Multicultural literacy can
Literacy involved when Intolerance be infused in language-
uncovering bias in among students learning areas of a
regards to culture to  Comparison particular curriculum.
gain a more humane between Through research and
perspective cultures as a studies about the history of
form of a certain language,
discrimination students can also trace its
linguistic roots, tradition
and the people (speakers)
for them to understand
diversity not just a word,
but as a denominator that
makes us whole.
B. Artistic and Refers to the ability to  Lacking of Arts can stand as a
Creative Literacy connect both resources learning area alone. It is a
personally and good move to separate arts
meaningfully to works from MAPEH. As a stand-
of art alone learning area, arts
can provide adequate
learning about its
components, history and
have that artistic
competence among
students enough to make
them more globally
C. Soicial Literacy Refers to the idea that  influences from Social Literacy should be
people should possess peers and other taught in schools with the
a body of knowldege, external factors help of Values Education.
understanding and It should be enhanced
skills that allows them more for better quality of
to share, communicate knowledge and an
effectively, and respect expected result among
themselves and others students. Might as well
consider coming up for
activities such as roleplay,
art-related activities and
many more for fun
experience in learning.
D. Critical Literacy Refers to the process of  Use of archaic Critical Literacy may also
becoming aware of and complex be included in the
one’s experience terms curriculum. It may be in
relative to power either English and Filipino
relations, often realized subjects for them to
through reading and develop their critical
writing thinking when writing and
reading. It is also essential
to strengthen this literacy
skill within us, for it us to
understand more concepts
and ideas despite of its
E. Media Literacy Refers to the ability to  Printed Media Media Literacy among 21st
identify different types is rare to find century learners is very
of media and the  Internet helpful in any way. This
messages they are connection is should be included as a
sending required to learning area specified to
access digital develop skills in analyzing
media and evaluating information
base on what they see and
read on different media
platforms. It is also
important to strengthen
their knowledge and skills
in identifying news base
on its accuracy and the
skill to choose trusted sites
that produces authentic
news and texts.
F. Digital Literacy Refers to an  Some resources As we live in a digital era,
individual’s ability to may be out of it is a must to be digitally
find, evaluate, and reach literate. Few jobs require
clearly communicate  Overexposed mastery in digital tools and
information through on digital tools schools may consider
typing and other media might cause doing tech-learning
on various digital sickness among sessions or ICT for them to
platforms. students master the use of these
G. Ecological Refers to the ability to  Use of plastics Ecoliteracy as a learning
Literacy understand the natural are inevitable area or at least part of a
systems that make life  Some may not learning area (Science) is
on earth possible consider still going to educate
becoming a students on what does it
vegan mean to be an ecoliterate
individual. Having respect
for mother nature will also
be taught as well as
practicing small actions in
redusing damages that we
have caused in our
ecosystems. Knowing also
that we are entrusted by
God the responsibility to
take care of his creations
and be educated enough on
the possibilities of our
actions towards the
H. Financial Literacy Refers to the ability to  Sudden Practicing financial
understand and expenses are literacy is very helpful
effectively various inevitable among students who find
financial skills,  Students can themselves into a position
including personal still be tempted of being broke and not
financial management,  Lack of having money because of
budgeting and financial means endless spending of their
investing money.As a learning area,
financial literacy will help
students to become more
thrifty and save their
money and spend it when
needed. Financial Literacy
will also encourage
students to invest on their
future nad later in life if
financial literacy is taken
into practice, they will
definitely establish a
successful business. It will
also equip students
financial skills that are
essential in becoming
financially literate.

2. What other skill which you think should also be part in the expanded views of
literacy in the 21st century? Explain its role in the community.

As the 21st century is expanding, I guess it’s also important to know the role of
economy in a country. To understand economics means you understand also the flow
of trades in the country, the GDPs, the importance of certain sectors of the country in
contributing progress in the economy and many more. As an economically literate
individual, you also know how resources are used on a national level. I suppose
encouraging everyone about economic literacy will limit the government from
overusing resources. Everything will have transparency and people in the government
who are taking adavantage of the ignorance of the public will be in a hot seat.
Through economic literacy, the country may flourish and be able to sustain resources
for things that needs it the most. The public will also know how to address certain
economical issues such as the scarcity of resources. Economic literate individuals also
will take part in suggesting and proposing ideas good for the country’s economy.
After all, this is a democratric country, and voting is a democratic right. People who
are also economic literate will start doing trade and manufacture goods for exporting.
In this way, the economy rate of the country will rise. That is why I think economic
literacy should be encouraged among people to become aware of the happenings that
occured in the country relative to economy.

3. What is the present literacy rate in the Philippines? What are its causes? In what
literacy field or fields do Filipinos fall short? List at least three government actions
specific to Department of Education: the actions in developing literacy among

Literacy rate simply refers to the percentage of a particular population who are
able to read and write on a daily basis . While Basic literacy is defined as "the ability
to pronounce and write the alphabet, read and write words and simple paragraphs, and
comprehend simple reading materials." (Education Forum Basic Literacy-Numeracy
Manual, 1993). Literacy does not only focus on basic language skills, which are
reading and writing. On the other note, literacy can also be referred to numbers. Basic
numeracy is defined as "the ability to count orally, understand place value, write
numerals, do the four fundamental operations,count money and use common
standards of measurement." (Education Forum Basic Literacy-Numeracy Manual,

The present literacy rate in the Philippines is 98.18% (courtesy of Macrotrends)

that dates back from 1980 to present. The remaining 1.82% may experience some
struggles on going schools or institutions to be literate. According to Wagner (1987)
he pointed out five general problems: 1) the problem of definition, 2) the problem of
literacy acquisition, 3) the problem of retention, 4) the problem of individual
consequences, and 5) the problem of social consequences. These problems and
struggles has hindered the remaining percentage of illiterate individuals in the country
and will definitely affect the country until the problem is existing on its own.

Most people do fall short on functional literacy. Functional Literacy can be

defined as a significantly higher level of literacy which includes not only reading and
writing but also numeracy skills (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2020).A functional
literate person is one who can read, write, compute, and comprehend. Also, persons
who have completed at least four years of secondary education are classified as
functional literate.The functional literacy rate of the Philippines according to the
PSA's survey is 91.6%.


2. Doronila, Maria Luisa et al. Education Forum Manual on Basic Literacy and
Numeracy. Manila: Education Forum, 1992. The Limits of Educational Change.
Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press, 1989.
3. Wagner, Daniel A. "Literacy Futures: Five Common Problems from Industrialized
and Developing Countries." in D. A. Wagner, ed. The Future of Literacy in a
Changing World. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1987.
4. / Reference No. 2020 - 406

4. How can literacy build a nation?

Let's say if a country or a territory with illiterate citizens, will it progress? And If
I say, illiterate individuals got to have a position in the government, will it truly work
on his/her favor? I don't think so. Literacy always contributes to the progress of a
country. Given that if citizens were knowledgeable about things, a country would
flourish. 21st century has brought life to various literacies arising in this era. Some of
which are considered essential and important for the public to know. With that being
said if you are illiterate on a specific field or area, you're ignorant and that says it all.

At some point some considers financial literacy to be more than just a word but a
skill that everyone needs to be financially stable through the help of savings and
investments. They find it much more essential for parents and does really need to be
taught among students for future purposes. Some also consider being ecologically
literate to help lessen the damages we have caused to our environment, I mean, the
environment because it's not ours to own. They volunteered in planting trees in areas
affected by deforestation, doing clean up drives in coastal areas, uses non-plastic
materials and utensils, avoids using plastics, promotes urban gardening, and what
more can I say? Ecological Literacy is all about respecting nature and all its creations
as well as giving the best care we could ever give to mother nature. Some people also
prefer to be artistically literate, for they know through art they can express their selves
in best way possible. Artistic and Creative Literacy gives people the freedom to be
who they want to be. It gives color, as they say, to those who are feeling dull and
lifeless. It provides inner peace to those who are seeking for it. Being an artistically
literate individual, doesn't mean they are all about paints and colors, they can also
make a movement through art. People who thinks the diversity doesn't exist, needs to
be equipped with skills of a multicultural literate individual. To be able to respect
everyone's differences without feeling contradicted is one of the skills of a
multicultural literate. This skill will give you that humane perspective among
individuals from different backgrounds and have that sense of understanding on
where are they coming from. Multicultural literacy always revolves around the idea of
understanding diversity and that also relate to being socially literate. Having empathy
towards others are a skill that falls on the category of social literacy. Apologizing is
also a skill you acquire in being a socially literate person. Social Literacy can either
be influential or can be taught in schools. All I know is that, every person must be
socially literate for us to have a better and peaceful community to live in. As the 21st
century began to find innovation through the use of technology, we can't be left
behind clueless about these tools. Digital and Media Literacy provide skills among
individuals that helps them in understanding the 21st century as a technology
dominated era. Some people may find it very complex to understand but being
digitally literate will help you sail through this era, the digital era. Media Literacy is
also important for everyone because we use technology almost every day. Media
Literacy aims to develop skills among individuals to evaluate and analyze contents
and texts they see from different types of media and having that ability to tell what is
the text all about.

This proves the idea that if you are respectful to your fellow people, you are
socially literate. If you respect mother nature better than you respect yourself, you're
an ecological literate. If you know the flow of technologies and other media
platforms, you are a digital native, probably media and digital literate, and so on. As
you can see, these literacies help build a nation through educating its citizens with
rising literacies from this era because the citizens or the residents are the foundation
of a country. It is also important to maintain literacy in a country for it helps them to
flourish and become more progressive with the help of its literate citizens. With the
rising of the technology and other innovations, it is no surprise that another set of
literacies will arise for the people to consider because the more people becomes
knowledgeable, the more it will benefit the nation for having citizens that are capable
of thinking as a 21st century learner.

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