Hypothesis Asynchronous

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The data accompanying this exercise show the average monthly debt payments (Debt, in $) for resid

a. State the null and the alternative hypotheses in order to test whether average monthly debt paymen
b. What assumption regarding the population is necessary to implement this step?
c. Calculate the value of the test statistic and the p-value.
d. At α = 0.05, are average monthly debt payments greater than $900? Explain.

Metropolitan area Debt Income Unemployment SUMMARY OUTPUT

Washington, D.C. 1285 103.5 6.3
Seattle 1135 81.7 8.5 Regression Statistics
Baltimore 1133 82.2 8.1 Multiple R
Boston 1133 89.5 7.6 R Square
Denver 1104 75.9 8.1 Adjusted R Square
San Francisco 1098 93.4 9.3 Standard Error
San Diego 1076 75.5 10.6 Observations
Sacramento 1045 73.1 12.4
Los Angeles 1024 68.2 12.9 ANOVA
Chicago 1017 75.1 9.7
Philadelphia 1011 78.3 9.2 Regression
Minneapolis 1011 84 7 Residual
New York 989 78.3 9.3 Total
Atlanta 986 71.8 10.3
Dallas 970 68.3 8.4
Phoenix 957 66.6 9.1 Intercept
Portland 948 71.2 10.2 Debt
Cincinnati 920 69.5 9.3 Income
Houston 889 65.1 8.7
Columbus 888 68.6 8.3 P Value
St. Louis 886 68.3 9.9 Debt
Miami 867 60.2 14.5 Income
Detroit 832 69.8 15.7
Cleveland 812 64.8 9.6 Uji T Value
Tampa 791 59.4 12.6 Debt
Pittsburgh 763 63 8.3 Income
s (Debt, in $) for residents of 26 metropolitan areas.
monthly debt payments are greater than $900.

egression Statistics
0.2857209955 R Square 0.28 / 28% Debt dan Income mempengaruhi Unemployment

df SS MS F Significance F 1
2 35.38907282131 17.6945364106545 4.6001512394 0.02086799259
23 88.46977333254 3.84651188402335
25 123.8588461538 2

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

18.151440256 3.128896751686 5.80122698070207 6.545529E-06 11.6788241781 24.624056333
0.0005699821 0.006328414381 0.090067124274133 0.9290136316 -0.0125213405 0.0136613047
-0.1208185158 0.076166873494 -1.586234412668 0.1263402428 -0.2783816984 0.0367446667

P hitung > P table = terima Ho, tolak Ha

P Hitung 0.92 0.05 Terima Ho, tolak Ha Tidak berpengaruh secara significant terhadap Unemploye
P Hitung 0.12 0.05 Terima Ho, tolak Ha Tidak berpengaruh secara significant terhadap Unemploye

T hitung > T table = terima Ho, tolak Ha

T Hitung 0.09 T Tabel 1.71 Tolak Ho, terima Ha Berpengaruh pada Unemployement
T hitung -1.5 T Tabel 1.71 Tolak Ho, terima Ha Berpengaruh pada Unemployement
Uji apakah debt/month dan income/ month berpengaruh significant terhadap unemployment

Bandingkan F Hitung dengan F Tabel F Hitung 4.6 F Hitung > F Tabel

Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
11.678824178 24.624056333
-0.0125213405 0.0136613047
-0.2783816984 0.0367446667

nt terhadap Unemployement
nt terhadap Unemployement
A 2012 survey by Business Week found that Massachusetts residents spent an average of $860.70 on
A researcher at a Boston think tank believes that Massachusetts residents spend less than this amoun
a. Specify the competing hypotheses to test the researcher’s claim.
b. Calculate the value of the test statistic and the p-value.
c. At the 10% significance level, do the data support the researcher’s claim? Explain.

Lottery DM
594 0
899 1 Regression Statistics
1105 1 Multiple R 0.8217190462
1090 1 R Square 0.6752221909
1197 1 Adjusted R Square 0.6719081316
413 0 Standard Error 124.38346788
803 0 Observations 100
1069 1
633 0 ANOVA
712 0 df SS
512 0 Regression 1 3152185.425859
481 0 Residual 98 1516182.214141
654 0 Total 99 4668367.64
695 0
426 0 Coefficients Standard Error
736 0 Intercept 681.34545455 16.77186338814
769 0 DM 356.87676768 25.00201776348
877 1
777 0
785 0
776 0
1119 1
833 0
813 0
747 0
1244 1
1023 1
1325 1
719 0
1182 1
528 0
958 1
1030 1
1234 1
833 0
745 0
985 1
774 0
1002 1
561 0
681 0
546 0
777 0
844 0
856 0
785 0
1289 1
502 0
703 0
334 0
1140 1
594 0
719 0
1002 1
943 1
1025 1
969 1
576 0
627 0
989 1
915 1
662 0
802 0
876 1
962 1
878 1
668 0
1227 1
947 1
864 1
1016 1
1022 1
723 0
665 0
1072 1
610 0
538 0
992 1
978 1
1291 1
1139 1
1111 1
873 1
850 0
941 1
845 0
639 0
495 0
1016 1
939 1
974 1
893 1
645 0
1098 1
788 0
682 0
686 0
764 0
759 0
n average of $860.70 on the lottery, more than three times the U.S. average.
end less than this amount. He surveys 100 Massachusetts residents and asks them about their annual expenditu

MS F Significance F
3152185.4259 203.74475367 1.1380514E-25

t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
40.62431459 3.971536E-63 648.0622375 714.6286716 648.0622375 714.62867159
14.273918651 1.138051E-25 307.261077128 406.4924582 307.26107713 406.49245823
eir annual expenditures on the lottery.

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