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“Environmental Benefits of

Using Alternative Fuels in

Cement Production”


CEMBUREAU - the European Cement Association, based in Brussels, is the

representative organisation for the cement industry in Europe. Its Full Members are the
national cement industry associations and cement companies of the European Union and
the European Economic Area countries plus Switzerland and Turkey. Associate Members
include the national cement associations of Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovak
Republic and the sole cement company in Estonia.

The Association acts as spokesman for the cement sector towards the European Union
institutions and other authorities, and communicates the industry’s views on all issues
and policy developments likely to have an effect on the cement market in the technical,
environmental, energy and promotion areas. Permanent dialogue is maintained with the
European and international authorities and with other International Associations as

Serviced by a multi-national staff in Brussels, Standing Committees and issue-related

Project Groups, established as required, enable CEMBUREAU to keep abreast of all
developments affecting the cement industry.

CEMBUREAU also plays a significant role in the world-wide promotion of cement and
concrete in co-operation with member associations, and the ready-mix and precast
concrete industries. The Association regularly co-hosts conferences on specific issues
aimed at improving the image of concrete and promoting the use of cement and concrete

Since its foundation in 1947, CEMBUREAU has developed into the major centre for the
dissemination of technical data, statistics and general information on the cement industry
world-wide. Its publications serve as the principal source of information on the cement
industry throughout the world. It is the editor of the “World Cement Directory” providing
data on cement companies and works based in some 150 countries.

du Ciment
The European

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2.1 ISSUES 5















1.1 PREAMBLE 1.2 POLICY B ACKGROUND • application of the proximity

principle and self-sufficiency in
The principle of sustainable waste management outlets.
The cornerstone of current
development has been European policy in the
accepted as a central policy CEMBUREAU concurs with the
environmental arena is the Treaty
objective of the European Union. principles embodied in the waste
on European Union, signed in
The European cement industry, management hierarchy, which
February 1992 at Maastricht and
through CEMBUREAU, has rightly places waste prevention
ratified in 1993. The key issues of
engaged in proactive and and recovery/reuse in a pre-
relevance to the cement industry
positive debate with decision eminent position relative to
arising from the Treaty are as
makers on how the industry can ultimate disposal. CEMBUREAU
best put these principles into believes that every opportunity
practice. should be explored to prevent
(1) Sustainable growth in
and minimise waste generation
Europe, respecting the
Hitherto, decision making in the and to maximise its recovery and
environment, is established
environmental arena has tended reuse.
as a principal objective of
to be on a piecemeal basis the European Union.
whereby each industrial sector’s The utilisation of wastes in the
resource needs, energy cement industry, principally as
(2) Integration of environmental
requirements and environmental alternative fuels but also as
imperatives into other areas
impacts of each pollutant were supplementary raw materials, is
of policy is seen as another
considered individually. compatible with the general
key requirement.
CEMBUREAU believes this principles of waste management
approach fails to maximise at both European Union and
(3) Flexibility in decision making
opportunities for general national levels, and with existing
is promoted, with decisions
environmental improvements, nor EU and national policies on
being taken at Community
does it provide an adequate energy efficiency, climate
level if objectives cannot be
framework for the optimisation of change and waste
appropriately met at
the costs and benefits of policy management. There are two
Member State level.
options. In its place, CEMBUREAU reasons why the use of such
advocates a holistic, integrated materials is considered by the
The European cement industry
view of industrial activity and the industry to be fully compatible
fully endorses these goals and,
environment. Using this broader with the principles of sustainable
through CEMBUREAU, is actively
concept, the present report development:
engaged in assessing the
explores one facet of sustainable contribution it can make towards
development: namely, how the (1) In terms of the cement
achieving these goals.
European cement industry can manufacturing process, the
contribute towards the use of alternative fuels and
With respect to waste
implementation of the raw materials has the
management, in 1997 the
Community Strategy for Waste potential to reduce
European Commission published
Management by substituting emissions to the environment
a review of the Community
conventional fossil fuels with relative to the use of
Strategy for Waste Management
alternative and suitable waste conventional fossil fuels, and
originally established in 1989. The
materials. Using a life cycle conserves non-renewable
review endorses the concept of
approach, the report resources.
sustainable development and
demonstrates the overall the principles of the waste
environmental benefits that fuel (2) In terms of the waste
management hierarchy, namely:
substitution can deliver when the management system,
cement industry participates as a cement kilns offer a safe
• prevention of waste;
legitimate player within the alternative to conventional
Community’s waste disposal of waste in
• recovery of waste (including
management infrastructure. dedicated waste incinerators
material recycling and energy
or in landfills, again resulting
The use of waste in European in overall benefits by
cement kilns saves fossil fuels reducing environmental
• safe disposal of waste;
equivalent to 2.5 million tonnes burdens and reducing the
of coal per year. need for dedicated
treatment capacity.

These two aspects of waste (1) The production of cement • climate change and carbon
management are interlinked. by the use of two different dioxide reductions;
They are best examined by the types of fuel: coal, and non-
technique known as Life Cycle fossil fuels made from waste. • disposal versus recovery in
Assessment (LCA). An LCA cement kilns;
describes the impact on the (2) The management of waste
environment during the stages a by two different routes: • recycling versus recovery in
product goes through from the utilisation in cement kilns, cement kilns.
time the raw materials are and disposal or reuse by
obtained until the final disposal of other operations. Information under the last two
the product. headings is based on studies
The environmental benefits of carried out by TNO (The
utilising waste materials in Netherlands) and the Fraunhofer
1.3 THIS REPORT cement kilns is examined under Institute (Germany).
three headings:
In this report LCA techniques are
used to examine two related



2.1 I SSUES During the manufacture of Of the three sources, the

cement, CO2 is generated from decarbonation of limestone
three sources: generates the greater proportion
The European cement industry is
(60%) of the CO2 emissions
already recognised as being
• combustion of fuel in the kiln, liberated from the kiln. It should
highly energy efficient, and
to maintain the required kiln be noted that these three
additionally there is little scope for
temperature; sources of emissions are
technological changes which will
essentially independent of each
reduce emissions of carbon
• decarbonation of limestone other.
dioxide from the production
within the kiln;
process. However, the industry
There are three main strategies
has demonstrated that the
• use of electricity in by which the cement industry
substitution of conventional fossil
installations such as grinding may contribute to a reduction
fuels with alternative fuels based
mills. in CO2 emissions:
on waste can make an
important contribution to
A total of 0.83 tonne of CO2 is (1) Improve the energy
sustainable development
emitted per tonne of finished efficiency of cement
through the reduction of the
product (80% clinker), and is manufacture;
global burden of greenhouse
made up as follows:
gases such as carbon dioxide.
(2) Substitute fossil fuels used in
• CO2 from decarbonation is cement kilns by fuels derived
The manufacture of cement is
0.45 tonne per tonne of from waste;
an energy intensive operation,
and the cost of energy
(3) Modify the composition of
represents a significant part of
• CO2 from the combustion of cement by using cement
the total production costs. On an
coal is 0.28 tonne per constituents which require
EU wide basis, cement
tonne of cement; less energy to produce than
production totals approximately
cement clinker.
170 million tonnes per year. With
• electricity produced in coal
an average energy consumption
fired power plants to operate Each strategy is discussed below.
equivalent to the combustion of
on-site installations contribute
120 kg of coal per tonne of
a further 0.1 tonne of CO2
cement, this level of production
per tonne of cement.
utilises the equivalent of 20 million
tonnes of coal.

2.2 S TRATEGY 1: The industry will continue along recovery, and the power
the same lines to further improve generated is fed into the
IMPROVING THE energy efficiency. There is, national electricity grid
EFFICIENCY OF however, now limited scope for system. The cement kiln
further improvements in energy operates with a conventional
CEMENT K ILNS efficiency, although the ongoing fossil fuel, coal.
programme of modernisation will
Dealing first with Strategy 1, continue to result in lower CO2 (2) Scenario 2: Waste is
emissions of CO2 from cement emissions per tonne of cement transferred to the cement
kilns are closely linked with produced. kiln, displacing an amount of
process and energy efficiency. coal in proportion to its heat
Over the past four decades, the content. Since the
European cement industry has incinerator is no longer
adopted a policy of continuous 2.3 STRATEGY 2: operational, the electricity it
improvement in plant, equipment USE OF ALTERNATIVE originally produced is now
and operation. For example, less generated by a coal fired
efficient kilns are being replaced F UELS power station.
by more fuel-efficient preheater
and precalciner kilns and ball mills This leads directly to Strategy 2, For each scenario, we have
for cement grinding have been and the use of alternative fuels in calculated the burden of CO2 to
replaced by more efficient cement kilns. This practice has a atmosphere, and then
grinding systems. Presently, 78% wider benefit than merely compared the two scenarios for
of Europe’s cement production is reducing CO2 emissions at the the net effect on CO2 emissions.
from dry process kilns, 16% is point of cement production. The The calculations are presented in
from semi-dry or semi-wet kilns, global CO2 emissions are Annex A.
and only 6% is from wet process reduced, but the reductions
kilns mainly in geographical areas occur in other industry sectors The net CO2 burden of the two
with wet raw materials. These than the cement industry. To scenarios is obtained by
and other energy efficiency analyse the benefits of the use of subtracting the total burden of
measures adopted within the alternative fuels in cement kilns, Scenario 2 from the burden of
industry have resulted in we have applied LCA techniques Scenario 1. The benefit
significant reductions in fuel use, to two scenarios: (reduction) in CO2 emissions
and hence of CO2 emissions. from burning waste in cement
(1) Scenario 1: Waste is kilns as opposed to dedicated
combusted in a dedicated incinerators is summarised in
incinerator, with energy Table 1 and Table 2.

Table 1 Summary of CO2 emissions from burning 1 tonne of waste in a dedicated

incinerator with energy recovery or in a cement kiln, discounting the baseload
operation of the power plant

Activity Biofuel (16 GJ/t) Solvent Waste (26 GJ/t)

Incineration in dedicated incinerator 3,379 kg CO2 4,429 kg CO2

Combustion in cement kiln, displacing coal 2,778 kg CO2 3,462 kg CO2

Net benefit due to combustion in cement kiln 601 kg CO2/t waste 967 kg CO2/t waste

The above analysis covers process. However, there remain of the scenarios. The net
operating practice observed by some incinerators which have no reduction in CO2 emissions when
many incinerators in the EU: heat or energy recovery facilities. waste is combusted in the
namely, the recovery of energy In this case, the power plant is cement kiln is greater, as shown
alongside the waste destruction effectively decoupled from each in Table 2.

Table 2 Summary of CO2 emissions from burning 1 tonne of waste in a dedicated incinerator
without energy recovery or in a cement kiln

Activity Biofuel (16 GJ/t) Solvent Waste (26 GJ/t)

Incineration in dedicated incinerator 3,379 kg CO2 4,429 kg CO2

Combustion in cement kiln, displacing coal 1,760 kg CO2 1,820 kg CO2

Net benefit due to combustion in cement kiln 1,619 kg CO2/t waste 2,609 kg CO2/t waste

By burning waste in a cement kiln the intrinsic energy of the waste CO2 released, relative to a
and substituting for coal, a non- material. Specialist waste scenario in which waste is
renewable resource, savings are incinerators are very inefficient combusted in a dedicated
made through resource converters of the heat content of incinerator, reduces the
conservation and associated wastes, whereas a cement kiln environmental impact of the
CO2 emissions. The cement kiln approaches 100% efficiency. A greenhouse effect during the
also makes more efficient use of net decrease in the quantity of combustion of wastes.

2.4 STRATEGY 3: with cement clinker and grind 2.5 C ONCLUSIONS

both materials to a cement.
SUBSTITUTION OF R AW Such cement consequently
The analyses demonstrate the
M ATERIALS consists of cement constituents
clear benefits the cement
other than ground clinker. The
additional cement constituents industry can provide in CO2
The use of materials such as reduction through integrating
pulverised fly ash or slag to often provide additional
beneficial properties to the cement kilns within an overall
replace raw materials such as waste management strategy,
clay in cement kilns has the cement. The modification of the
cement composition by the either through the use of
potential to reduce CO2 alternative fuels, or through the
emissions at the point of cement usage of additional cement
constituents results in use of materials such as
production, as these products industrial by-products as
use less energy than clay. considerable reductions in CO2
emissions as not only fuel related additional cement constituents.

A much more efficient way of CO2 is reduced but also the

using industrial by-products and process related CO2
natural materials is to mix these (decarbonation).


3.1 I NTRODUCTION • filter cake (in a rotary kiln and was undertaken on their
incinerator); behalf by the Netherlands
Organisation for Applied Scientific
LCA techniques have been used • paint residues (in a rotary kiln Research (TNO)1).
to compare the environmental incinerator); Two methods of allocation were
effects of processing the constructed. The first method
following wastes in a cement kiln • sewage sludge (in a fluidised treated the cement kiln and
as opposed to destruction in bed incinerator). dedicated waste incinerators as
dedicated waste incinerators isolated units, and apportioned
specially designed for each The project was commissioned emissions and their environmental
waste type: by the Dutch Government as effects solely to the function of
part of their analysis of the Dutch waste processing. In other
• spent solvents (in a rotary kiln National Hazardous Waste words, upstream and
incinerator); Management Plan 1997 - 2007,

• Tukker A (1996). LCAs for Waste: The Dutch National Waste Management Plan 1997-2007. Paper presented at the
4th Symposium for Case Studies, SETAC Europe, Brussels, December 1996.
• Keevalkink J A and Hesseling W F M (1996). Waste Processing in a Wet Cement Kiln and a Specialised Combustion Plant.
Report No. TNO-MEP-R 96/082, TNO Institute of Environmental Sciences, Energy Research and Process Innovation,
Apeldoorn, Netherlands.

downstream operations such as could not be assessed. incinerator to the kiln, while the
coal mining and transportation (in The alternative method of system incinerator system is offset with
the case of the cement kiln) and enlargement was therefore the burden of procuring fossil fuel
electricity generation (in the case agreed with the Dutch authorities for the cement kiln. The results of
of the dedicated incinerator) and applied to the LCA. the LCA, as applied to the
were not considered, nor were Conceptually, this method is specific case of a cement kiln in
the avoided burdens resulting identical to that described in Belgium, are discussed below.
from fuel substitution in the Section 2 for the assessment of
cement kiln. However, it was CO2 emissions during the burning
realised that this method of of waste, and illustrated in Figures 3.2 SYSTEM D EFINITION
allocating environmental effects 1A and 2A in Annex A. In system
penalised waste processing, enlargement, the additional The basis of the LCA was one
since emissions from cement kilns upstream activity of fossil fuel tonne of waste, either
are regulated separately to those procurement and the incinerated in a dedicated
from dedicated incinerators, with downstream activity of electricity incinerator, or combusted in a
higher emissions of acid gases generation are considered in cement kiln as a substitute for
such as sulphur dioxide being conjunction with the incinerator conventional fuels, in the present
permitted in cement kiln and the cement kiln operations. case coal (90%) and crude
operation due to the fact that The latter is offset with the burden (10%). The inputs and outputs to
they are associated with the raw associated with the generation of the two systems are summarised
materials. Further, the wider electricity as a result of the waste in Table 3.
implications of fuel substitution being transferred from the

Table 3 Summary of inputs and outputs to the cement kiln and dedicated incinerators

Dedicated Incinerators Cement Kiln

Input Materials • Spent solvents • Spent solvents
• Filter cake • Filter cake
• Paint residues • Paint residues
• Sewage sludge • Sewage sludge

Input Utilities • Electricity • Electricity at the kiln

• Lime • Electricity for waste processing
• Sodium hydroxide • Transport to kiln
• Ammonia

Airborne Emissions • Acid gases • Acid gases

• Metals • Metals
• CO2 • CO2
• CO • CO
• Dioxins • Dioxins
• Hydrocarbons • Hydrocarbons

Waterborne Releases • Metals in effluent None (no liquid effluent)

Solid Wastes • Solid residue None (recycled within kiln)

• Fly ash
• Bottom ash

Avoided Products • Steam • Input coal

• Electricity • Input crude
• Input raw material

The system definitions were Additionally, in the case of the In the case of the cement kiln,
based on data obtained on fluidised bed incinerator for there was neither a release of
actual, operating incinerators in sewage sludge, an SNCR deNOx liquid effluent nor a release of
the Netherlands and a wet system was installed, solid residue, since cement kiln
cement kiln in Belgium. In the necessitating an input of dust was recycled back into the
incinerator systems, the flue gas is ammonia. Solid residues kiln, a practice that is standard in
cleaned in a wet scrubber, requiring disposal included fly ash, the industry.
resulting in a release of liquid filter sludge and bottom ash.
effluent from the plant.

3.3 E NVIRONMENTAL Avoiding the generation of be different. The LCA
energy or avoiding the use differentiated between the
I MPACTS of fossil fuels in the cement following waste types: non-
kiln can result in a significant hazardous waste (NW)
In an LCA, the environmental net avoided GWP score. arising from mining and other
impacts resulting from the similar activities; hazardous
releases to air, water and land (4) Depletion of the waste (HW) comprising
from the incinerator systems or bottom ash, fly ash and filter
ozone layer (ODP):
the cement kiln are grouped into sludge, and radioactive
This impact arises from waste (RW) comprising the
categories. Each chemical
released can contribute to one emissions of volatile waste produced by the
or more impact categories and hydrocarbons, and is proportion of the national
conversely an impact category relatively small in magnitude electricity system generated
can contain contributions from a compared to other impacts. by nuclear power (6%).
number of releases - for
example, a release of sulphur (5) Human Toxicity (HT): Each impact category was
dioxide can contribute both to This impact category arises scored for each of the waste
acidification and to human from emissions of acid management options. The
toxicity, while the latter impact gases, CO, hydrocarbons, individual scores were weighted
category can contain dioxins, metals, etc. by the “Distance to Target”
contributions from emissions of method relative to the impact
acid gases, metals, dioxins, and (6) Aquatic Ecotoxicity created by GWP, and then
hydrocarbons. The LCA study (AT): totalled to obtain a composite
focused on the following impact score.
For the incinerator systems,
categories: AT results from releases of The results of the LCA are
effluent containing heavy
presented in Table 4 and in
metals. For the fossil fuels,
Figure 1. In Table 4, the
(1) Depletion of mineral AT arises from effluents
environmental burden scores
raw materials (DRM): generated during the mining
associated with burning waste in
For the incinerator systems, or refining processes. the incinerator system (adding
depletion of raw material the burdens associated with
results from the use of utilities (7) Photochemical burning fossil fuel in the cement
such as lime. The DRM Ozone Creation kiln) and the scores associated
score can be positive (i.e. Potential (POCP): with burning waste in cement kilns
the resource is procured and (adding the burdens associated
This impact is caused by
used) or negative (i.e. with generating additional heat
releases of hydrocarbons to
avoided, when considering and electricity) have been
atmosphere, and can arise
net emissions within the summed to provide an overall
at any stage of the life
overall waste management sub-score for resource depletion
option). and releases to air and water,
and an overall sub-score for
(8) Nutrification (NP): waste production. These scores
(2) Depletion of fossil
Nutrification results from the are then added to provide a
energy carriers (EDP):
addition of nutrients to a soil total score for each waste
This burden relates to the or water system, causing an management option, the
energy input for waste increase in biomass. Any assumption having been made
handling and utility input for nutrient can have this effect, that the impact categories are
flue gas cleaning. Again, but nitrogen and phosphorus all of equal importance.
the net EDP score relative to are the most crucial species.
two different options for
waste management can be
(9) Acidification (AP):
both positive or negative.
This impact is caused by
deposition of acid gases
(3) Global warming such as sulphur and nitrogen
potential(GWP): oxides onto water bodies.
This impact arises from
emissions of CO2 during
(10) Solid waste
combustion, and from
emissions of methane from
biodegradable waste Depending on the type of
deposited in landfills. solid waste, the
environmental impacts will

Table 4 LCA scores for waste management options

Waste Incinerators Cement Kiln Net Benefit

to Cement

Resources/ Solid Total Resources/ Solid Total

Air/Water Waste Score Air/Water Waste Score

Spent solvent 154 24 178 116 44 160 -18

Filter cake 44 500 544 43 11 54 -490

Paint residues 91 362 453 71 26 97 -356

Sewage sludge 59 80 139 53 20 73 -66

The higher the score the waste disposal fly ash, filter cement kiln. From each base
greater the potential sludge, etc. is a major case the scores for the avoided
environmental impact of a consideration within the overall environmental burdens are
particular waste management life cycle, and involves landfilling subtracted. In the case of waste
option. Therefore a net and its associated impacts of combustion in incinerators, the
environmental benefit leachate generation and health avoided burdens relate to
relative to the cement kiln effects, the cement kiln option external electricity and heat
operation is represented by does not generate liquid or solid production. In the case of
a negative net score, while a waste. The small score assigned combustion in a cement kiln, the
net environmental disbenefit will to solid waste impacts relates to avoided burdens relate to the
be represented by a positive net the waste associated with the savings in fossil fuel and raw
score. The table shows that generation of the additional material use at the kiln. A net
regardless of the type of waste, electricity and heat needed to decrease in emissions is
there is a net benefit to the replace the power produced by represented by negative scores
cement kiln option, in terms of the incinerator. for the impact categories,
all the impact categories whereas a net addition to
considered (i.e. resource TNO has also developed a environmental burdens is
conservation, releases to air, “standardised environmental represented by positive scores.
releases to water and the profile” for each disposal option. Net scores for individual impact
production of solid waste). The In this method of presentation, categories are shown in Figure 1
impact category of solid waste is scores for the base case for each waste type. The
perhaps the most significant net environmental burdens are summation of individual scores
benefit accrued to the cement calculated when one tonne of into a single overall score for
kiln disposal option. Whereas in waste is combusted in an each waste management option
the case of combustion in incinerator, and when one tonne is presented in Table 5.
dedicated incinerators solid of waste is combusted in a

Table 5 Net scores and environmental profiles for waste management options

Waste Incinerators Cement Kiln

Resources/ Solid Total Resources/ Solid Total

Air/Water Waste Score Air/Water Waste Score

Spent solvent -5 -20 -25 -42 -1 -26

Filter cake 7 487 494 7 -1 6
Paint residues 2 330 332 -19 -0.2 -19.2
Sewage sludge -5 60 55 -9 -1 -10


4.1 I NTRODUCTION and the generation of hazardous reduction in CO2 generation

waste: of the three management
options, relative to landfilling.
As stated in Section 1, the
• utilisation of 1 kg of waste For waste incineration, the
European cement industry firmly
plastics in cement kilns, offset from avoiding external
supports the principle of the
displacing an equivalent energy generation is
waste management hierarchy,
amount of fossil fuel in insufficient to counterbalance
and the need firstly to conserve
thermal units. This results in the avoided burden through
non-renewable resources, and
avoided emissions relating to not having to mine, transport
secondly to recover, reuse and
the mining, handling, and use coal at the cement
recycle materials to their fullest
transportation and use of kiln. Hydrogenation and
potential. In this regard the
coal at the kiln; conversion of waste to plastic
cement industry can play a
goods itself is an activity that
valuable role in maximising the
• incineration of 1 kg of waste uses energy, resulting in a
utilisation of latent energy within
plastics in an incinerator, small net saving in CO2
a waste material, providing an
along with other municipal generation.
environmentally beneficial
solid waste. Fossil fuel is now
alternative to materials
used in the cement kiln, in (2) Energy Recover y:
recycling. Two examples
the absence of a Apart from waste incineration,
illustrate this theme:
supplementary fuel; which is a relatively inefficient
• the recycling of waste converter of latent energy,
• recovery by conversion of the other management
plastics versus the utilisation
1 kg of waste plastic into options offer comparable
of waste plastic in cement
gaseous and liquid synthesis benefits in energy utilisation
kilns as a heat source;
products using processes relative to landfill.
such as hydrogenation.
• the recycling of waste oils
versus the utilisation of waste (3) Hazardous Waste
As the base case, it was Production:
oils in cement kilns as a heat
assumed that 1 kg of waste The cement kiln,
plastics was landfilled along with hydrogenation and conversion
other municipal solid waste. This options do not produce
Since each activity (i.e. recycling
is still the predominant route of hazardous waste, since any
and use in a cement kiln) has
disposal for unsorted municipal waste products are
associated upstream and
solid waste within the EU. recyclable. However, waste
downstream implications in terms
of energy use, resource incineration will produce
The environmental impacts of the 0.03 kg of hazardous waste
requirements and avoided
waste management options per kg of plastics, in the form
burdens, LCA is again used to
relative to landfilling were of fly ash and bottom ash.
define and analyse the two
assessed for a range of impact This waste will require disposal,
categories, including global generally by landfilling.
warming potential, nutrification,
acidification potential, solid Overall, the cement kiln option
4.2 RECYCLING V ERSUS waste generation, etc. A outperforms the remaining
UTILISATION OF W ASTE selection of environmental options, maximising the
burdens are displayed in Figure
P LASTICS 2 and can be summarised as
beneficial use of waste plastics
relative to conventional
follows: incineration or conversion into
The Fraunhofer Institute has
chemical goods.
analysed the environmental (1) CO 2 Generation: lubricating oil products would
performance of the following The use of waste plastics in
activities with respect to cement kilns as a substitute
emissions of CO2, energy use, fuel results in the largest net

• Life Cycle Analysis of Recycling and Recovery of Households Plastics Waste Packaging. Fraunhofer Institute, Munich, 1996
• Verwertung von Kunststoffabfällen aus Verkaufsverpackungen in der Zementindustrie. Fraunhofer Institute, Munich, 1997

mean the continuation of fossil processing and use in cement The LCA results for CO2 emissions
fuel procurement and use at the kilns were added to the and energy use are displayed in
cement kiln. Therefore the environmental burdens resulting Table 6.
environmental burdens from reprocessing operations. As with the utilisation of waste
associated with coal extraction,

Table 6 Environmental burdens associated with the management of waste oils

Activity CO 2 Emitted Energy Used

(kg/t waste oil) (MJ/t waste oil)

Reprocessing of Waste Oil

• Mining & transport of coal 551 4,300
• Waste oil refining 149 2,115
• Coal in cement plants 4,023 462
• TOTAL 4,732 6,877

Waste Oil in Cement Kilns

• Crude oil procurement 124 1,434
• Crude oil refining 246 2,676
• Waste oil in cement kilns 2,536 17
• TOTAL 2,905 4,121

plastics in cement kilns, the use reprocessing. Emissions of CO2 the waste oil is reprocessed into
of waste oils as supplementary and overall energy utilisation are lubricating oil products.
fuel outperforms the alternative approximately 60% lower for the Controlled processing of waste
waste management option of cement kiln option than when

with energy recovery and energy while ensuring their governments. The practice of
material recovery within a safe disposal; employing alternative fuels in
cement kiln represents an cement plants does not hinder
attractive waste management • produces overall the establishment of a sound
option. With an excess of 300 environmental benefits by waste management industry.
cement plants spread throughout reducing releases to air, This practice can co-exist
the European Union, the industry water and land; alongside a vigorous and thriving
is particularly well placed to materials recovery and recycling
respond to Society’s needs in this • prevents resource depletion and incineration industry, without
regard. Waste materials which of valuable non-renewable distorting the essential principles
the industry has utilised as fossil fuels; of the EU’s waste management
alternative fuels include used hierarchy.
tyres, rubber, paper waste, waste • obviates the need to build
oils, sewage sludge, plastics and dedicated incineration To this end the cement industry
spent solvent. In all cases these facilities. continues to contribute to the
waste materials would either furtherance of sustainable
have been landfilled or The important contribution that development in Europe.
combusted in dedicated the cement industry can make
incinerators. Their use in cement to a nation’s waste management
kilns replaces fossil fuels: infrastructure has been explicitly
• maximises the recovery of recognised by several European

Annex A

The purpose of this note is to develop scenarios describing the emissions of CO2 during the combustion of
waste material in a cement kiln rather than in a dedicated incinerator. The calculations are intended as
indicative, to establish broad order of magnitude of net emissions rather than precise emission estimates.

Two scenarios are constructed. In Scenario 1 the waste is combusted in a dedicated incinerator, and the
power generated is fed into the national electricity grid system. The cement kiln operates with a conventional
fossil fuel (coal). The releases of CO2 from this system comprise the following:

· CO2 from the mining and transportation of coal used at the cement kiln;

· CO2 from the combustion of coal at the cement kiln;

· CO2 from the combustion of waste in the dedicated incinerator.

In addition to the above, there are emissions of CO2 from the power plant, when the latter is operating at
reduced load owing to the addition of electricity into the grid from an external source downstream of the
power plant. These emissions do not need to be computed if the objective is to examine the net difference
between Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.

In Scenario 2 the waste is now transferred to the cement kiln, displacing an amount of coal in proportion to its
heat content. Since the incinerator is no longer operational, electricity is not produced. In order to maintain
the overall supply of electricity to the grid, the power plant has to generate an additional amount of electricity
equivalent to that previously generated by the incinerator. In most EU Member States this marginal power is
generated via the combustion of coal. The releases of CO2 from this system comprise the following:

· CO2 from the mining and transportation of coal used at the power plant;

· CO2 from the combustion of coal at the power plant;

· CO2 from the combustion of waste in the cement kiln.

The scenarios are described below.

A summary of the assumptions and their sources is presented in Table A1. The assumptions are discussed in
more detail below.

Table A1 Summary of Data Input and Other Information

Heat Content CO 2 Emissions Plant Design Reference

Biofuel 16 GJ/t 110 kg/t - (a)
Solvent 26 GJ/t 70 kg/t - (b)
Coal 26 GJ/t 93 kg/t - (a)
Coal mining - 24.3 kg/MWh - (c)
Coal transportation - 0.045 kg/km/t - (c)
Incinerator efficiency - - 23% (d)
Power plant efficiency - - 37% (c)
(a) Nystrom K L E (1993). Incineration waste and the greenhouse effect. ISWA Times, 1993/4 Yearbook.
Emission factor for biofuels is the average of emission factors for wood 112 kg/GJ) and domestic
waste (108 kg/GJ).
(b) Emission factor estimated on the basis of 55% carbon content, relative to coal with 75% carbon
(c) European Commission, DGXII, Science, Research and Development, JOULE (1995a). Externalities of
Fuel Cycles ‘ExternE’ Project.
(d) Wallis M K and Watson A (1994). MSW incineration: a critical assessment. Energy World, pp 14-16,
December 1994.


We assume that the conventional fossil fuel used in the cement kiln and in the power plant is coal with a heat
content of 26 GJ/t and a CO2 emission factor of 93 kg CO2/GJ.

We assume two waste types broadly representative of a biofuel made from waste materials (sewage sludge,
refuse derived fuel (RDF), etc.) and a solvent waste derived from chemical wastes. For the biofuel we assume
a heat content of 16 GJ/t (typical of RDF) and for the solvent waste we assume a heat content of 26 GJ/t,
typical of the specifications for supplementary liquid fuels delivered to cement kilns. The CO2 emission factor
for the biofuel is taken as 110 kg CO2/GJ, between that of domestic waste (108 kg CO2/GJ) and a woody
waste (112 kg CO2/GJ). The CO2 emission factor for the solvent waste is taken as 70 kg CO2/GJ, assuming a
lower carbon content (55%) relative to that of coal (75%).


When combusting waste in the cement kiln, the amount of coal displaced will be proportional to the heat
content of the waste. Therefore 1 tonne of biofuel will displace 0.62 tonne of coal, and one tonne of solvent
waste will displace 1 tonne of coal. Assuming an energy consumption of 4 GJ/t of cement, 1 tonne of
biofuel will produce 4 tonnes of cement, while 1 tonne of solvent waste will product 6.5 tonnes of cement.

Under Scenario 2, additional coal required in the power plant to supply the energy withdrawn from the
electricity grid due to the closure of the dedicated incinerator. Assuming a conversion efficiency at the
incinerator of 23%, a conversion efficiency at the power plant of 37%, and a conversion factor of 280 kWh
per GJ of heat content, 1 tonne of biofuel will produce 1,030 kWh of electrical energy in the incinerator,
equivalent to 0.39 t of coal at the power plant. 1 tonne of solvent waste will produce 1,674 kWh of electrical
energy in the incinerator, equivalent to 0.63 t of coal at the power plant.


CO2 is released during the mining and transportation of coal. The emission factors used are 24.3 kg CO2/MWh
electric from coal mining, and 0.045 kg CO2/km/t for transportation by rail. It is assumed that coal
transportation from the mine to the cement kiln or to the power plant involves a round trip of 300 km.




For Scenario 1, we assume the following:

• 1 tonne of waste is combusted in a dedicated incinerator.

• The cement kiln uses coal as the conventional fuel.

• Electricity from the incinerator offsets an equivalent amount of electricity produced at the power plant,
enabling the power plant to operate at reduced load.

Two situations are defined:

· Scenario 1(a): Burning of biofuel in dedicated incinerator.

· Scenario 1(b): Burning of solvent waste in a dedicated incinerator.

The CO2 burden to atmosphere comprises the following:

• (A) CO2 generated during the mining and transportation of coal.

• (B) CO2 generated during burning of coal in the cement kiln.

• (C) CO2 generated during burning waste in the incinerator.

• (D) CO2 generated at the power plant when the incinerator is on-line.

The total CO2 burden is therefore:


It is not necessary to compute the CO2 burden defined by (D).


With an emission factor of 24.3 kg CO2/MWh electric from coal mining, 0.045 kg CO2/km/t for transportation by
rail and a round trip of 300 km for transportation to the kiln, the CO 2 burdens are as follows:

· Scenario 1(a): CO2 emissions from mining of 0.62 t coal is 110 kg and transportation of 0.62 tonne of coal is
9 kg. Total is 119 kg.

· Scenario 1(b): CO2 emissions from mining of 1 t coal is 177 kg and transportation of 1 tonne of
coal is 13.7 kg. Total is 191 kg.


With an emission factor of 93 kg CO2/GJ, the CO2 burdens are as follows:

· Scenario 1(a): CO2 emissions from combustion of 0.62 t coal is 1,500 kg.

· Scenario 1(b): CO2 emissions from combustion of 1 t of coal is 2,418 kg.


With an emission factor of 110 kg CO2/GJ for biofuel, and 70 kg CO2/GJ for the solvent waste, the CO2
burdens are as follows:

· Scenario 1(a): CO2 emissions from combustion of 1 t biofuel is 1,760 kg.

· Scenario 1(b): CO2 emissions from combustion of 1 t solvent waste is 1,820 kg.


The total CO2 burden from Scenario 1 is (A + B + C + D) kg.

· Scenario 1(a) = 119 + 1,500 + 1,760 + D = (3,379 + D) kg

· Scenario 1(b) = 191 + 2,418 + 1,820 + D = (4,429 + D) kg



For Scenario 2, we assume the following:

• Waste is combusted in the cement kiln, displacing a (thermal) equivalent of coal.

• The incinerator does not function. An equivalent amount of energy is produced in the power plant by
mining, transportation and combustion of coal.

Two situations are defined:

· Scenario 2(a): Burning of biofuel in the cement kiln

· Scenario 2(b): Burning of solvent waste in the cement kiln

The CO2 burden to atmosphere comprises the following:

• (D) CO2 released when the power plant is operating as in Scenario 1.

• (E) CO2 generated during burning of additional coal in power plant.

• (F) CO2 generated during mining and transportation of additional coal.

• (G) CO2 generated during burning of waste in the cement kiln.

The total CO2 burden for Scenario 2 is therefore:



· Scenario 2(a): 1 t of biofuel will generate 1,030 kWh electrical energy, equal to 0.39 t coal at the
power plant, giving an additional CO2 burden of 943 kg at the power plant.

· Scenario 2(b): 1 t of solvent waste will generate 1,674 kWh electrical energy, equal to 0.63 t coal at
the power plant, giving an additional CO2 burden of 1,523 kg at the power plant.


• For Scenario 2(a), 1 t of biofuel is equivalent to 0.39 t coal. CO2 emissions from mining is 69 kg and from
transportation is 5.3 kg. Total CO2 emissions is 75 kg.

• For Scenario 2(b), 1 t of solvent waste is equivalent to 0.63 t coal. CO2 emissions from mining is 110 kg
and from transportation is 9 kg. Total CO2 emissions is 119 kg.


These emissions are identical to CO2 generated during the combustion of the waste in the dedicated

· Scenario 2(a): CO2 burden due to combustion of 1 tonne of biofuel in the cement kiln is 1,760 kg.

· Scenario 2(b): CO2 burden due to combustion of 1 tonne of solvent waste in the cement kiln is 1,820 kg.


The total CO2 burden from Scenario 2 is (D + E + F + G) kg.

· Scenario 2(a) = D + 943 + 75 + 1,760 = (2,778 + D) kg

· Scenario 2(b) = D + 1,523 + 119 + 1,820 = (3,462 + D) kg


The net CO2 burden of the two scenarios is obtained by subtracting the total burden of Scenario 2 from the
burden of Scenario 1. The benefit (reduction) in CO2 emissions from burning waste is cement kilns as opposed
to dedicated incinerators is summarised in Table A2.

Table A5 Summary of CO2 emissions from burning 1 tonne of waste in a dedicated incinerator
or in a cement kiln

Biofuel (16 GJ/t) Solvent Waste (26 GJ/t)

Incineration in dedicated incinerator 3,379 + D kg CO2 4,429 + D kg CO2

Combustion in cement kiln 2,778 + D kg CO2 3,462 + D kg CO2

Net benefit due to combustion 601 kg CO2/t waste 967 kg CO 2/t waste
in cement kiln



Therefore, burning of waste in a cement kiln results in the following benefits:

(1) Substitution of coal, a non-renewable resource, with waste, an unwanted material that will require safe
treatment and/or disposal. Savings are made through resource conservation and associated CO2

(2) Making more efficient use of the intrinsic energy of the waste material. Specialist waste incinerators are
very inefficient converters of the heat content of wastes, whereas a cement kiln approaches 100%

(3) Provision of combustion capacity for incinerable wastes in existing thermal plants which are
environmentally safe and secure, obviating the need for dedicated, specialist combustion capacity to
be constructed.

(4) A net decrease in the quantity of CO2 released, relative to a scenario in which waste is combusted in a
dedicated incinerator, thereby reducing the environmental impact of the greenhouse effect during the
combustion of wastes.

 Copyright: CEMBUREAU
N° Editeur: D/1999/5457/February

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