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Kirim lembar jawaban kepada ketua tingkat selambat-lambatnya hari selasa (9/11/2021)

Read th story to answer question number 1-4

1 Mrs. Marigold took very good care of Thumbelina. "You are tiny, so I must keep my
eye on you," said Mrs. Marigold. Every morning she took Thumbelina into the garden.
Thumbelina liked to sit next to her mother. "Give me a rose seed, dear," Mrs. Marigold said
one day. "I'm strong, Mother," Thumbelina replied. "I can pass you three." Gardening took
5 much longer with her daughter helping. But Mrs. Marigold didn't care. She was happy to
have Thumbelina. Her daughter also liked to help Mrs. Marigold cook. "Thumbelina, pass
me the salt," Mrs. Marigold said one day as she made dinner. "This saltshaker is heavy,"
gasped Thumbelina. "But I can do it!" Thumbelina pushed the saltshaker to Mrs. Marigold.
On hot days, Thumbelina loved playing in the water. One afternoon Mrs. Marigold filled a
10 bowl with water. Then she set the bowl on the windowsill. Soon Thumbelina was floating in
an acorn shell, singing happily. A toad was hopping along outside, and it stopped under
Mrs. Marigold's open window. "What's that beautiful sound?" the toad, Mrs. Burp, said to
herself. "It's coming from that window."

1. The word “she” in line two refers to . . . .

2. The word “me” in line seven refers to . . . .

3. The word “I” in line eight refers to . . . .

4. The word “it” in line twelve refers to . . . .

5. “Such a beautiful day,” sight a handome guy, “and nothing can change my plan today to go


What does “my” refer to?

6. Once two friends called Hanna and Hanni came to a party to celebrate my birthday. They

want to give me a give and make me happy.

What does “they” refer to?

7. He took the other wire and ran it back up to his seat in the front.
What does “it” refer to?

fill in the blank with the right reference!

8. Sam and I went to the near village to have a little journeyof adventure, and it made . . . . .

feel happy.

9. . . . . is a wonderful and amazing view I ever see.

Underlined the subject in these sentences!

10. “Do you know what color is this”

11. A smart student make an article that describe about how to avoid covid-19 desease.

12. In the middle night shoping discount, a lady bought many items of clothes for her baby.

13. One day, Mr. & Mrs. David went out to attend a wedding.

14. “When will the English teacher come to the class?”

15. The long red dress makes the bride so beautiful.

Put the right predicate in each sentences!

16. The word culture . . . many different meanings. (memiliki)

17. Here . . . some reasons: heavy logging which means cutting down lots of forest trees for

their wood . . . many of the forests. Those in the logging business . . . after teak, mahogany

and ebony for their highly-prozed hardwoods usd for making furniture.


18. A language learner . . . .a language. (sedang belajar)

19. The sun . . . .brightly. (bersinar)

20. Children . . . a game last Friday in the their own home. (sedang bermain)

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