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Vue de la façade d’affichage

Platine PL3 N° C 800047

Je mesure sur la platine PL3 les tensions suivantes :

PT11 = 12,17 V

Led DE2 = allumée (jaune)

Led DE3 = éteinte (rouge)

PT8 = 0V (Masse)

PT 14 = 12,17 V

PT 12 = 0,512 V

PT 4 = 10,97 V

Led DE4 = allumée (jaune)

Platine C809826 Vue arrière du commutateur de KV

La platine C809826 est reliée à la platine 45439849 via le connecteur X3

J’aimerais te signaler kil n’existe pas de moteur M821 dans l’appareil, le seul
moteur qui existe est le moteur de montée et descente de la colonne. Il
fonctionne correctement.

Tous les fusibles sont bons, voir les photos ci dessous

Bloc des fusibles supérieur Bloc des fusibles inferieurs

Vue d’ensemble supérieur Vue d’ensemble inferieur

Bloc d’alimentation +/- 12 V

fonctionne correctement.

seno 600T hf
by Tayfun Canli on November 07, 2003
Hi to all,
i need to adjust PM gain on seno 600T hf, but i don't have
information about how to connect laptop to seno. I have seno
service terminal software ver 1.16. Please show me the way...
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Re: seno 600T hf

by Manuel Casanova on November 09, 2003
In response to: Tayfun Canli
Connect the serial cable in senographe jack XJ33 on the back
panel PL13, at rights of the boards panel, the other side the
cable connect to serial port in your laptop, select the at 1200bd
the velocity connections and flow to ALK-7 menu, its yours adjust
to pm. you need the IMEX manuals P/N C085U52M.04. IF YOU NEED
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Re: seno 600T hf

by Ricardo Faria on November 08, 2003
In response to: Tayfun Canli
Hi, to connect your laptop on Senix 600T, you must be use tha
cable (serial) to connect both, laptop and Mamo. the connect is
located inside of mammo, on the main board, right side. there is
2 or three connector in this mainboards-right side, the cable
have only one place to perfect connection.
Connect it and re-start mamo. Open the software and enjoy! more
questions? call me: 0055.31.9184.6755 Ricardo Faria
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Re: seno 600T hf

by Milner A. Flecha on February 20, 2004
In response to: Tayfun Canli
Dear Mr. Tayfun:

can you provide me of the software for the Senographe 600T



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Re: seno 600T hf

by Manuel Casanova on February 21, 2004
In response to: Milner A. Flecha

Please contac with me, I have a full information for 600T.

Manuel Casanova
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