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Oyewobi, I. A.

Determinants of the adoption of international public
sector accounting standards in Lagos state$BI.A.
Oyewobi & R.O. Salawu

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Oyewobi & Salawu. Determinants of the Adoption…

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©International Accounting and Taxation Research Group, Faculty of Management Sciences,
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Original Research Article

Determinants of the Adoption of International Public Sector

Accounting Standards in Lagos State
I. A. Oyewobi1& R. O. Salawu2
Department of Accounting, Bowen University, Iwo
Department of Management and Accounting, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife

*For correspondence, email:

Received: 05/03/2019 Accepted: 23/06/2019

The study examined determinants of the adoption of International Public Sector Accounting
Standards (IPSASs) in Lagos State. The study employed primary data. The population
consisted of all the public sector accountants and auditors working in ministries and
departments in Lagos State. The sample size of 300was selected using stratified random
sampling technique. Data were collected with the aid of structured questionnaire. A total of
291 copies of questionnaire were retrieved from the respondents. Data were analyzed using
ordinal logistic regression technique. The study revealed that acceptable in cash accounting
based system (CABS), adequate multidimensional reporting requirement (MDRR), awareness
on the transition of IPSASs (AOT), commitment of central entities and key officials (CCEK),
effective project management structure for IPSASs (EPMS), budget for additional human
resources (BAHR) are major determinants of adoption of IPSASs. Also, adequate technology
capacity and information system (TCIS), regular update of the governing bodies on the
headway made in the adoption of IPSASs (UGBH), interim financial statement (IFSR),
continuous testing of internal controls (CTIC) and prevention of corrupt practice (PCP) are
also major determinants of adoption of IPSASs. The study concluded that an increase in these
will raise the likelihood of the occurrence of higher level of adoption of IPSASs. The study
recommended that each State should put into consideration the identified determinants in
order to enhance the adoption of IPSAS.

Keywords: Determinants, Adoption, Standards, IPSASs Corrupt practices.

JEL Classification Codes: G28, J48

This is an open access article that uses a funding model which does not charge readers or their institutions for access and is
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. ( and
the Budapest Open Access Initiative (, which permit unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited.
© 2019. The authors. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Accounting & Taxation Review, Vol. 3, No. 2, June 2019

Citation:Oyewobu I.A., & Salawu R. O. (2019). Determinants of the adoption of

International Public Sector Accounting Standards in Lagos State. Accounting and Taxation
Review, 3(2): 57-65

1. INTRODUCTION In order to address the main focus of this

According to Udeh and Sopekan (2015), the paper, the second section looks at literature
adoption of International Public Sector review and section three stated the methods
Accounting Standards (IPSASs) in public used for collecting and analyzing data.
sector accounting is important in that Section four discusses results while the
stakeholders need useful financial conclusion and recommendations drawn
information in terms of quality and public from this study are presented in section five.
sector accounting is supposed to accomplish
this need. The fact that IPSASs are unique 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
and offer high quality is the main argument Conceptual reviews as well as empirical
for making use of them (Alamu, 2014). studies relating to determinants of the
IPSASs were adopted in Nigeria in 2010. adoption of IPSASs in Lagos State were
Ijeoma and Oghoghomeh (2014) revealed examined in this section. Both the
that the Federation Account Allocation conceptual and empirical studies were
Committee (FAAC) fixed implementation reviewed in order to gain insight into the
commencement dates of IPSASs cash basis state of knowledge and to serve as input into
to be 1st January, 2014 and IPSASs accrual this study. To this end, the section is
basis to be 1st January, 2016. Ijeoma and divided into three parts. Part 2.1 was on
Oghoghomeh (2014) further reported that Public Sector Accounting Reform in
the Federal Government gave directive to all Nigeria, part 2.2 dealt with the advent of
the 36 States in Nigeria on the adoption of unified accounting standard and part 2.3
IPSASs. However, only Lagos State has was on empirical review on adoption of
started adopting IPSASs since 2014 in IPSASs
Nigeria. Why is it that other state
governments have not started adopting 2.1 Public Sector Accounting Reform
IPSASs despite that the Federal in Nigeria
Government has enforced IPSASs adoption Shakirat (2013) posited several factorsthat
on all state governments in Nigeria? may influence adoption of public sector
accounting, which include, adopting
This neglect on the part of other States may modified cash accounting based system,
hinder accountability and transparency in incorporating adequate multidimensional
handling public fund and financial reports reporting requirement and creating
(Alamu, 2014). Moreover, instigated reform awareness on the transition into public
in public sector accounting should be sector accounting reform. According to
preceded by investigating the determinants Hassan (2013), public sector accounting
influencing the success of the adoption of reform requires political and management
the reform (Yosra & Yosra, 2017). support. Success depends on the ability to
According to Kuye (2010), reform in public mobilize support from political leaders, who
sector accounting may either delay or set the tone by demanding greater
collapse if there is no feasibility studies accountability and transparency (Oyewobi,
conducted to determine the factors 2014). Also, Udeh and Sopekan, (2015),
contributing to the success of its adoption. postulated that their political determination
Consequently, this paper aimed at will stand a better chance of realization if it
identifying and assessing the factors is reinforced by the support of ministers and
influencing IPSASs adoption in Lagos State.

Oyewobi & Salawu. Determinants of the Adoption…

commissioners to change the way the

government operates. The Advent of Unified Accounting
Resource support is also critical to The advent of unified accounting standard
successful public sector accounting reform can be traced to the International
in Nigeria. Sufficient budgetary support is Accounting Standards Committee (IASC)
necessary to acquire software and hardware, formed in 1973 which determines and
and to hire qualified staff (International disseminates information about
Monetary Fund {IMF}, 2016). Also, International Accounting Standards
International Monetary Fund (IMF) (2016) (Mukoro, 2013). In 2001, the IASC was
articulated that in many developing reconstituted to become the International
countries, the shortage of technical Accounting Standard Board (IASB) thus
personnel imposes a severe constraint, thus, making it an independent international
human resources are another obstacle to standards setter (Oyewobi, 2014). The first
overcome. Yosra, and Yosra (2017) set of accounting standards issued by the
similarly enunciated that reform involves board is known as International Accounting
changing policies and procedures of Standard IAS and it contains 41 accounting
government accounting. There are national standards. In year 2009, over 100 countries
guidelines and directives enforced by law of the world had adopted IAS and 13 more
for running public sector accounting countries were in the process of adopting
systems in the countries although there may the standard (Oyewobi, 2014). IAS was later
be difference in the institutional modified to International Financial
arrangements for setting such guidelines and Accounting Standards (IFRS) in 2001 and
directives (Agbo, 2014). has since risen to 55. Therefore, IFRSs
refers to the new numbered series of
Kelly and Hartley (2010) reported that pronouncements that the IASB issued, as
efforts at ensuring quality financial distinct from the IASs series issued by its
reporting have always been short lived. predecessor (Kuye, 2010). IASB (2008)
Hassan (2013) and Mukoro (2013) opined broadly defined IFRSs as the entire body of
that the authenticating function of external IASB pronouncements, including standards
auditing in accounting has had it fair share and interpretations approved by the IASB,
of blame, criticism and failures on ensuring Standard Interpretation Committee (SIC)
quality financial reporting in Nigeria. and International Financial Reporting
Considerable expenditures and investments Interpretation Committee (IFRIC).
have been made by governments,
institutions and concerned agencies to IFRS was strictly adopted and applied in
ensure quality financial reporting. commercial entities and was later adapted to
Legislations such as Economic and public sector accounting. The compliance
Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and by the Public Sector completes the entire
Independent Corrupt Practices and other transition circle. That is application of IFRS
related offences Commission (ICPC), either to public accounting, known as International
wholly or partly were also targeted to Public Sector Accounting Standards
reduce the inadequacies of cash basis (IPSASs) as prescribed by International
disclosure requirement in the public sector. Public Sector Accounting Standard Board
These equally have not yet solved the (IPSASB) formed in 2004 (Kuye, 2010).

Accounting & Taxation Review, Vol. 3, No. 2, June 2019

International Accounting

 Set of accounting roles developed/evolved

set of accounting standards which have
been developed and evolved to guide the
accounting functions of organizations and
countries across the world.
 IAS focus on the: recognition,
measurement, presentation & disclosure
requirements of items in the GPFS.
 The International Federation of
Accountants (IFAC) has the overall
responsibility for setting these standards.

International Financial Reporting International Public Sector

Standards (IFRS) Accounting Standards (IPSAS)

 Set of international accounting  IPSASs are a set of

standards stating how international accounting
particular types of transactions standards for public sector
and other events should be organizations and
reported in financial governments across the world
statements of private  The IPSASs are set by the
organizations. International Public Sector
 The International Accounting Accounting Standards Board
Standards Board (IASB) is IFAC (IPSASB)
Source: responsible for setting
2013  IPSAS are derived from IFRSs
the IFRS

Source: Mukoro, 2013

Figure 1: Schematic Diagram of International Accounting Standard (IAS), International

Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) and International Public Sector Accounting Standard

Empirical Review on the Adoption of analyzed using Pearson Product Moment

IPSASs Correlation with the aid of SPSS. The result
Agbo (2014), investigated accountability in showed that there is weak accountability in
the Nigerian Public Sector. The population Nigeria due to weak accounting
of the study was Nigeria public sector and infrastructure, poor regulatory framework
the sample frames was drawn from Ministry and attitude of government officials.
of Finance, Presidency, Ministry of Works, According to the study, measures like
and National Assembly. Source of data was legislative committees, financial audit,
primary and were collected through ministerial control, judicial reviews,
structured questionnaire which was anticorruption agencies, advisory
distributed to 100 management staff of the committees, parliamentary questions and
above organizations at random. Data were public hearing to ensure accountability in

Oyewobi & Salawu. Determinants of the Adoption…

the public sector as in developed countries pressure) is a non-significant factor. This

were adopted yet no tangible result has been research contributes to the international
achieved. accounting literature in the public sector.
The results are relevant to standard-setters,
International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) (2016) regulators, researchers, international
manual on, Implementing Accrual financial organizations, and non-adopting
Accounting in the Public Sector, this countries.
technical note and manual (TNM) explains
what accrual accounting means for the Flynn (2018) reviewed the roadmap for
public sector and discusses current trends in adopting IPSASs. Despite these strong
moving from cash to accrual accounting. It benefits, there is a wide variation in the rate
outlines factors governments should of progress made with IPSASs adoption.
consider in preparing for the move and Taking the sample of countries as examples,
sequencing of the transition. The note the review suggests progress remains slower
recognizes that governments considering than is desirable. Specific, complex and
accounting reforms will have different consistent implementation challenges have
starting points across the public sector, faced adopting countries, which need to be
different objectives, and varying coverage overcome. Here are further issues to
of the existing financial statements, it consider in the transition towards successful
therefore recommends that governments full adoption of IPSASs: stakeholder
consider each of these, and the materiality engagement, structural and legal
of stocks, flows and entities outside of transformation, transformation and change
government accounts when planning management, skills capacity, cost,
reforms and design the sequencing and technology and infrastructure,
stages involved accordingly. Building on implementation approach and external
international experiences, the note proposes support.
four possible phases for progressively
increasing the financial operations reported 3. METHODOLOGY
in the balance sheet and operating The study employed primary data because it
statement, with the ultimate aim of was adopted by related prior studies such as
including all institutional units under the Agbo (2014) and Flynn (2018). Also, the
effective control of government in fiscal view of public sector accountants and public
reports. sector auditors who are the primary subjects
of the study would be easily captured. The
Yosra and Yosra (2017) reviewed population consisted of all the public sector
Institutional and economic factors affecting accountants and auditors working at
the adoption of IPSASs. This work ministry and department in Lagos State
investigates the environmental factors Government. According to IFAC 2011,
associated with countries’ decision to adopt public sector accountants and auditors are
International Public Sector Accounting obliged to seeing to the successful
Standards (IPSASs). Based on a sample of implementation of IPSASs. The sample
110 countries, the results reveal a positive size selected from the department and
influence of external public funding ministry (Auditor General’s Office,
(coercive isomorphic pressure), the degree Accountant General’s Office, Ministry of
of external openness (mimetic isomorphic Finance and Lagos Internal Revenue
pressure), and public sector organizations’ Service) was 300 using stratified random
importance on IPSASs adoption. The result sampling technique. Most often, more of
shows a negative effect of the availability of accountants and auditors are found in these
local GAAP on this decision, whereas ministries, departments (Udeh & Sopekan,
education level (normative isomorphic 2015).

Accounting & Taxation Review, Vol. 3, No. 2, June 2019

Assuming a linear relationship,

The ministry and department are directly consequently, equation (3.1) can be
concerned with finances and auditing of explicitly expressed as:
finances (KPMG), 2016). Most often, more
of accountants and auditors are found in LAIi = 1 + 2DLAi+ ei………………2
these ministry and, department (Udeh &
Sopekan, 2015). Data were collected with Where:1and2are the parameters while the
the aid of structured questionnaire. a priori expectation is that2> 0
Cronbach’s Alpha (α) coefficient test was Where:e= error term.
used to calculate the reliability of the scale
that was used. The reliability coefficient Data were analyzed using ordinal logistic
was 0.89. The Likert scale was adopted in regression technique.
this study because it is among the most
widely used itemized scales. Model on the 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
determinants of the adoption of IPSASs was Table 1 shows the determinants of the
drawn from empirical review of the study, adoption of IPSASs in the public sector in
that is, best practices for implementing a Lagos State. From table 1, the diagnostics
smooth transition to IPSASs. tests for the study reveal that the variation in
the adoption of IPSASs as explained by
LAIi = f(DLAi) …………… 1 variation in the determinants (as seen in
Pseudo R2) is up to 5.86%. At 1% level of
Where: DLAi = Determinants of the level of significance, the included variables in the
adoption, and LAIi = level of the adoption of model are significant in explaining this
IPSASs variation.

LAIi = f (CABS, MDRR, AOT, TSU, CCEK, In the model, (which corresponds to the
EPMS, BAHR, TCIS, UGBP, IFSR, CTIC, determinants of the adoption of IPSASs in
PCP). Lagos State) only acceptable cash
accounting based system (CABS), interim
Note that DLA is a vector of several factors financial statement (IFSR) and continuous
that determine the adoption of IPSASs testing of internal controls (CTIC) are
which include; cash accounting based significant in explaining the determinants of
system (CABS), adequate multidimensional the adoption of IPSASs in the sampled
reporting requirement (MDRR), awareness public offices at 5% each. Interestingly, a
on the transition of IPSAS (AOT), total rise in acceptable in cash accounting based
support and dedication given by political system (CABS) increases the odds of the
leaders (TSU), commitment of central occurrence of having a higher adoption of
entities and key officials (CCEK), effective IPSASs by 1.399 while an increase in
project management structure for IPSAS adequate multidimensional reporting
(EPMS), budget for additional human requirement (MDRR) raises the odds
resources (BAHR), adequate technology likelihood of higher adoption of IPSASs by
capacity and information system (TCIS), 1.304. Also, when the awareness on the
regular update of the governing bodies on transition of IPSASs (AOT) increases, it
the headway made in the adoption of IPSAS makes the odd likelihood of the adoption of
(UGBH), interim financial statement IPSASs (AOT) to rise by 1.228.
(IFSR), continuous testing of internal
controls (CTIC) and prevention of corrupt In the same vein, commitment of central
practice (PCP). entities and key officials (CCEK), effective
project management structure for IPSASs
(EPMS), budget for additional human

Oyewobi & Salawu. Determinants of the Adoption…

resources (BAHR), adequate technology Table 1: Ordinal Logistic Regression for

capacity and information system (TCIS), the Determinants of the Adoption of
regular update of the governing bodies IPSASs in Lagos State
headway made in the adoption of IPSASs Variable Model
(UGBH), interim financial statement CABS 1.399**
(IFSR), continuous testing of internal (2.15)
controls (CTIC) and prevention of corrupt MDRR 1.304
practice (PCP): such that an increase in this (1.73)
will raise the likelihood of the occurrence of AOT 1.228
higher adoption of IPSASs by 1.418, 1.261, (1.21)
1.28, 1.093, 1.128, 1.465, 1.675 and 1.111 TSU 0.971
respectively. However, total support and (-0.17)
commitment from the political class (TSU) CCEK 1.418
decreased the likelihood of the occurrence (1.95)
of higher adoption of IPSASs by 0.971. EPMS 1.261
The study revealed that the variables are BAHR 1.280
significant at 1% in explaining the (1.56)
determinants of the adoption of IPSASs for 1.093
the study. This means that there is (0.55)
significant influence of the determining
UGBH 1.128
factors on the adoption of IPSASs. The
study corroborate Jones and Browrey (2013)
IFSR 1.465**
who discovered that the re-introduction of
the cash accounting and budgeting system
CTIC 1.675**
(CABS) have great influence on IPSASs
adoption such that it serves as foundation
PCP 1.111
for government entity that desires to adopt
IPSASs accrual basis of accounting.
Number of 274
Gruthrie, Humphry, Jones and Olson (2010) Observations
also averred that introduction of accrual LR Chi-Squared 104.55
accounting allows for interim financial Pseudo R 0.0586
reporting which assists management of Prob>Chi- 0.0000
government in funding capital investments Squared
expenditure. However, the results of this Source: Field Survey, 2018
study negates the thought of Mellet, The figure without bracket is the odds ratio
Macniven and Marriot (2008) when they while the figure with bracket is the Z test
stated that governments of developing score for each variable.* represents 1% and
countries may not experience improvement ** represents 5% levels of significance
in the rating of internal controls through the
adoption of IPSASs. Consequently, 5. CONCLUSION AND
Shakirat (2013) found that there has been RECOMMENDATIONS
positive significant impact of financial The study revealed that cash accounting
control on appropriation processes and based system (CABS), adequate
budgetary controls in Nigeria public sector. multidimensional reporting requirement
(MDRR), awareness on the transition of
IPSASs (AOT), commitment of central
entities and key officials (CCEK), effective
project management structure for IPSASs

Accounting & Taxation Review, Vol. 3, No. 2, June 2019

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capacity and information system (TCIS), Institutional Issues. New York, Palgrave
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statement (IFSR), continuous testing of of Directors, A critic Literature
internal controls (CTIC) and prevention of Review,Prime Journal of Business
corrupt practice (PCP) are the major Administration and Management, 11-12.
determinants of adoption of IPSASs. The Guthrie, P., Humphrey, F., Jones, T. &
study concluded that an increase in these Olson, L. (2010). Presentation of
will raise the likelihood of the occurrence of Budget and Accrual Accounting.
higher level of adoption of IPSASs by Academic Review of International
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Accounting in the Public Sector: A
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