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Detailed Lesson Plan in MTB- MLE (Grade III)

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a) Identify degrees of comparison of adjectives;

b) Identify adjectives and degrees of comparison used in each sentence; and
c) Construct sentences using degrees of comparison of adjectives.

II. Subject Matter

Lesson: Adjectives and Degrees of Comparison
Reference: Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education Grade III:
Kagamitan ng Mag-aaral
Materials: Pictures, Manila paper, Cartolina

III. Procedure
A. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

1. Preliminary Activities
“Good Morning, Class...” “Good Morning, Ma’am!”
“Let us pray first...”
(Checking of Attendance) (One student will lead the prayer)
...say present... (Students raise their hand and say
present as the teacher calls in their name)
“Please pick up the pieces of paper
under your chair”
(Students pick up the pieces of paper)
“So, did you eat your breakfast this
“Yes, Ma’am!”
“Okay that’s good, so are you ready to listen
and have fun today?”

“Yes, Ma’am!”
B. Presentation

“Before we’ll start, let’s see if you can still

remember our lesson yesterday. Do you
“Yes, Ma’am!”
remember our lesson yesterday?”

“So, what was our lesson yesterday?”

“Adjectives, Ma’am!”
“Very good! What are adjectives, CJ?”
“Adjective is a word that modifies a noun
“Nice one, CJ! Adjective is a word that or a pronoun.”
modifies a noun or a pronoun.”

“Bea, can you give me examples of “Cold.”


“Very good! John Paul, can you give me “Big and delicious.”
another examples of adjectives?”

“Very good! It seems like you really

understand our past lesson. So now, are
you ready for our new lesson?”
“Yes, Ma’am!”

“Before we’ll proceed on the new lesson,

we are going to have a game. Are you
“Yes, Ma’am!”
“This will be the instruction, I will divide
you into 4 groups. What are you going to do
is to arrange the scrambled letters that will
best described it’s given pictures. Then paste
it into the board.
Each group should have a leader to present
their work.
The group that has correct answers will be
declared a winner and will have a
corresponding prize.”

“Do you understand the instructions?”

“Yes, Ma’am!”
“Very good! Now, I will divide you into four
(4) groups and I would like you to choose
your own leader.”

(The game/motivation starts)

(The class participated well on the said

“Did everybody enjoy the game?”

“Yes, Ma’am! It was fun!”
“Do you have any idea of what will be our
lesson for today?”
“Comparing, Ma’am!”
“Nice observation, Charles!”
“Based on the activity, we compared the
pictures right?” “Yes, Ma’am!”
“Another idea? Charles’ answer is quite
near to the exact topic.”
“Yes, Faye? “Comparison, Ma’am!”
“Very good, Faye! What did we compare?
Eric?” “Nouns, Ma’am!”
“Are you sure, Eric?”
“Class, do you think Eric’s answer is “No, Ma’am!”
correct?” “We guessed the word.”
“So, what’s the answer? What did we
compare on the activity?”
“So, our lesson for today will be adjectives! “We tried to fill the boxes with the word
Can you repeat it?” that perfectly describes the posted
“And now, I will ask you if what have you
noticed on the activity?”
“Nice observation, Gwen! Another
observation?” “How’s that, Ma’am?”

“Very good, Nicole! Nicole is correct, you

tried to fill the blank boxes with the word (Performs the Aling Dionisia Clap.)
that describes the given pictures.”
“For that, let us give Nicole an Aling “Adjectives are describing words,
Dionisia Clap.” Ma’am!”

“Aling Dionisia Clap goes like this.

“Going back to the lesson, what do you think

are adjectives?”

“Very good!” “Adjective is a word that modifies a noun

“Yes, adjectives are word that modifies or or a pronoun. These are also called
describes a person, objects or places. In describing words.”
short, these are describing words.”
“Again, what are adjectives?”

“Job well done!”

“Here are some examples of adjectives.”
(Shows the examples.)

“If you truly understand adjective, let us now

proceed with the degrees of comparison of
the adjectives.”
“Yes, Ma’am!”

“Of course, Ma’am!”

“Did you understand our lesson for today?”

“If you truly understand our lesson, let’s do “Yes, Ma’am!”

an activity. Are you excited?”
“So, I have here sentences and I want you to “Ma’am! Ma’am! I have a question.”
find and encircle adjectives in each
sentences. Is it clear?” “What if, I’ve found more than one (1)
“Just raise your hand if you know the adjectives on each sentence? Is it okay to
answer.” underline the adjectives as much as we
“Yes, Aldrin. What is it?” can?”

“That was a good question, Aldrin! Yes, you “Okay, Ma’am. Thank you.”
are all allowed to underline the word on each
sentence as long as it describes a noun or a
“The old woman begged”
pronoun. Okay?”

“Ma’am! Ma’am!”
“Ma’am! Ma’am!”
“Let’s start! Rhea, can you help me read first
(Underlines the word “old”.”
“Thank you, Rhea. So class, where do you
think is the adjective?”
“Yes, Joey? What word do you think should “Yes, Ma’am!”
be underlined?”
(Performs the Aling Dionisia Clap.)
“Do you think Joey is correct?”

“Yes! Joey answered correctly. Let us give

Joey an Aling Dionisia Clap.”

“So class, why do you think “old” should be

the underlined word?”

IV. Generalization

“What do we call a word that modifies or “Adjective, Ma’am!”

describes a person, objects or places?”

“What is an adjective again?” “Adjective is a word that modifies or

describes a person, objects or places.”
“What is the other term for adjective?”
“Describing words, Ma’am!”

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