Yagi Slope

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Edited by
Norio Yagi
Ehime Universio,Japan
Takuo Yamagami & Jing-Cai Jiang
University of Tokushima,Japan



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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Table of contents

Preface XIII
Organization xv

Special lecture
Flow-type failure of slopes based on behavior of anisotropically consolidated sand 3
K. Ishihara, YTsukamoto & S Nakayama

Keynote lectures
The limit analysis for slopes: Theory, methods and applications 15
Z Chen
Using limit equilibrium concepts in finite element slope stability analysis 31
D. G. Fredlund & R. E. G.Scoular
Stability of geosynthetic reinforced steep slopes 49
D. Leshchinsky
The mechanisms, causes and remediation of cliff instability on the western coast 67
of the Black Sea
M. Popescu
Design of slope stabilizing piles 83
H. G.Poulos

1 Geological and geotechnical site investigations

Geoenvironmental factors influencing the deterioration of shale in a rockslope 103
A. M. Elleboudy
Weathering mechanism and slope failures of granitic rocks in Southwest Japan 109
-Effect of hydrothermal activities
R. Kitagawa
Site investigation of weathered expansive mudrock slopes: Implications for slope instability 1 15
and slope stabilization
R.J. Mahuruj

Investigation of cut slope consisting of serpentinite and schist 121
H. Kitarnura, M.Aoki, TNishikawa, TYarnamoto, M. Suzuki & TUmezaki
Using multibeam sonar surveys for submarine landslide investigations 127
J. Locat, J.KGardner, H. Lee, L. Mayer, J. E. Hughes Clarke & E. Karnrnerer
Automatic measurement of pore water pressure in the hard-rock slope and the sliding 135
weathered-rock slope - Field survey in mountainous region in Shikoku Island, Japan
E.Tamura & S. Matsuka
Field measurement of suction in soil and rainfall in Kagoshima Prefecture 141
R. Kitarnuru, K.Jomoto, K. Yamamoto, TTerachi, H.Abe & T Iryo
Application of acoustic emission method to Shirasu slope monitoring 147
T.Fujiwara, K. Monrna & A. Ishibashi
Acoustic emission technique for monitoring soil and rock slope instability 151
A. Kousteni, R. Hill, N Dixon & J. Kavanagh
Hydraulic fracturing as a mechanism of rapid rock mass slides 157
S. Hasegawa & T Sawadu
Evolution of ridge-top linear depressions and a disintegration process of mountains 163
K. Mokudai & M. Chigira
Geological characteristics of landslides of the soft rock type, Central Japan 169
Study of configuration, scale and distribution of landslides 175
S. Ueno
Geodynamics and spatial distribution of properties of sea cliff colluvium 181
E. Dembicki & WSubotowicz
A mineralogical study of the mechanism of landslide in the serpentinite belt 187
K.Yokota, R. Yatabe & N. Yagi
Detailed geotechnical study in Modi Khola Hydroelectric Project, Western Nepal 193
VDangol & 7:R. Puudel
Local instability in saturated colluvial slopes in southern Brazil 199
WA. Lacerdu

2 Soil slope stability analyses

A new theory on instability of planar-sliding slope - Stiffness effect instability theory 207
Qin Siqing
Ultimate state of a slope at non-linear unsteady creep and damage 213
SA ElsouJiev
Application of FEM on the basis of elasto-viscoplastic model to landslide problems 219
H. Fujii, S. Nishirnura, T.Hori & K. Shimuda
Coupled excavation analyses of vertical cut and slopes in clay 225
T.Hoshikawa, 2: Nakai & Y Nishi
Effects of a deep excavation on a potentially unstable urban hllside in San Marino 233
G.Gottardi, G.Marchi, L.Tonni & F: Bianchi
Displacements of a slope in the Euganean Hills induced by quarrying 239
S.Cola & RSirnonini
Stability evaluation of sliding failure along thin mudstone deposit due to excavation 245
Y Nakarnura, J. Kojirna, S. Hanagata, K. Narita & YOhne
Appraisal of Bishop’s method of slope stability analysis 249
G.L. Sivakurnar Babu & A. C Buoy
A convenient alternative representation of Taylor’s stability chart 253
R. Baker & YTanaka
Influence of stress-strain curves on safety factors and inter-slice forces in FEM 259
A. Mochizuki, J. Xiong & M. Mikasa
Slope stability analysis considering the deformation of slices 265
YTerado,H. Hazarika, TYarnazaki & H. Hayarnizu
Slope stability analysis using a spring attached to inter-slice planes 27 1
K. Kondo & S. Hayashi
Three-dimensional stability analysis of locally loaded slopes 277
X.Q.Yang, S.X. He & 2.D. Liu
A lower-bound solution of earth pressure of cohesive backfill with inclined slope surface 28 1
M. Luan, 7:Nian, C.E Lee, K.T. Law, K. Ugai & Q.Yang
Shear band formation and propagation in clay slopes 287
L. E.Vallejo
Progressive failure analysis of slopes based on a LEM 293
TYarnagarni,M.Taki, J.-CJiang & S.Yarnabe
Progressive failure analysis based on a method of non-vertical slices 299
TYarnagarni,YA.Khan & J. -C.Jiang
Back analysis of unsaturated shear strength from a circular slope failure 305
J. -CJiang, TYarnagarni & Y Ueta
A back analysis of MC-DP model parameters based on FEM and NLSSQP method 31 1
T.Q.Feng, TYarnagarni & J.-C.Jiang
An FE analysis of anisotropic soil slopes and back analysis for its parameters 3 17
T.0, Feng TYarnagarni & J.-CJiang

3 Rock slope stability analyses

An upper bound wedge failure analysis method 325
ZYChen, YJ.Wang,X.G.Wang & J.Wang
Stability analysis of rockfill dam and retaining wall constructed on dip bedrock 329
S. S Chen & X.S. Fang

Soil-water coupling analysis of progressive failure of cut slope using a strain softening model 333
TAdachi, E Oka, H. Osaki, H. Fukui & E Zhung
A back analysis in assessing the stability of slopes by means of surface measurements 339
S. Sakurai & 7:Nakayama
Numerical simulation of excavation of the permanent ship lock in the Three Gorges Prqject 345
Y Zhang & K. Yin
Numerical simulation of the buckling failure in rock slopes 349
I!Hu & H. -G.Kempfert
Fuzzy-based stability investigation of sliding rock masses 355
NO.Nawari & R. Liang
Stability evaluation of discontinuous rock slope 36 1
K. Kawarnura & M. Nishioka
Earthquake and seepage effects on the mobilised shear strength of closely jointed rock 367
M.J. Pender

4 Effects of rainfall and groundwater

Design chart for cut slope in unsaturated residual soils 375
R. Subrarnaniam & E H.Ali
Factors affecting on water retention characteristic of soils 38 1
K. Kawai, D. Karube & H. Seguchi
Suction profiles and stability of residual soil slopes 387
E. C.Leong, B. K. Low & H. Rahardjo
Effects of perched water table on slope stability in unsaturated soils 393
L. 7:Huat, E H.Ali, S. Mariappan & l? K. Soon
Field suction variation with rainfall on cut slope in weathered sedimentary residual soil 399
L. 7:Huat, E H.Ali & S. Mariappan
Study of slope stability for Pleistocene cemented sandy sediments in Singapore 405
(Old Alluvium)
K. K. Poh, l? B. Ng & K. Orihara
Influence of pore water pressures in partly submerged slopes on the critical pool level 41 1
E.N. Brornhead, A.J. Harris & l? D.J. Watson
Role of pore water and air pressures on slope stability in reservoir for pumped storage 417
power plant
TSato, N.Nishizawa, M. Wakarnatsu,I!Hiraiwa & I. Kurnazaki
Seepage characteristics of decomposed granite soil slope during rainfall 423
S. Sasaki, S.Araki & K. Nishida
Relation between slope stability and groundwater flow caused by rainfalls 429
M. Enoki & A.A. Kokubu

Salient aspects of numerical analyses of rainfall induced slope instability 435
Centrifuge model tests and stability analysis on mobilizing process of shear strength 441
of decomposed granite soil slope
S.Yushituk & KOnitsuka
Centrifuge tests on slope failure during water infiltration 447
H. G. B.Allersrna
Reinforcement’s effects in the tank-model prediction of slope failures due to rainfalls 453
M. Shirnizu
Investigation of danger rainfall prediction system for natural and cut slopes 459
H. Miki, A. Fujii & M. Furuta
Predicting ramfall-induced slope failures from moisture content measurement 465
M. Nishigaki, A. Tohari & M. Kornatsu
Analytical study on the slope stability during ramfall and the rainfall indexes 47 1
A. Togari-Ohta, TSugiyama, T Nara & S. Yarnazaki
Evaluation of critical rainfall with logit model 477
I:Sugii, K.Yarnada & T Uno
Strategy for prevention of natural disaster due to slope failure 483
R. Kitarnura, T Iryo, H.Abe, H. Yakabe & K. Yarnarnoto
Relationships between rainfalls and landslides after forest damages by typhoons 489
S. Murata, H. Shibuya & K. Hayashi
Threshold rainfall for Beragala landslide in Sri Lanka 495
A K. Dissanayake, Y Sasaki & N H. Seneviratne
The importance of the groundwater regime studies of unstable slopes - An example 50 1
of investigations on the landslide ‘Plavinac’, Yugoslavia
G. Rasula & M. Rasula
Landslides induced by rainstorm in the Poun area of Chungchongbukdo Province 509
D. Hun & K. Kim
Characteristics of Cretaceous granite slopes that failed during heavy rainfall 515
TYarnarnoto, M. Suzuki, N. Matsurnoto & X Sehara
Seepage analyses of embankments on Tokaido-Shinkansen in long term rainfalls 521
K. Kato & S. Sakajo
Instability analyses of embankments on Tokaido-Shinkansen in heavy rainfalls 527
S. Sakajo & K. Kato
Chemical effect of groundwater from acid rain on slope evolution 533
Z X u & R. Huang
Slope failures triggered by an earthquake and a heavy rain in Chiba 539
S.Yasuda, XYoshida, I:Kobayashi & TMizunaga

Numerical evaluation of the effects of drainage pipes 545
TYamagami, K. Nishida & J.-CJiang
Effects of horizontal drains on ground water level and slope stability 55 1
RCai & K. Ugai

5 Effects of seisrnicity
Collapse of high embankment in the 1994 far-off Sanriku Earthquake 559
KShioi & S. Sutoh
Slope instability of large embankments in residential areas caused by the Hyogoken-Nanbu 565
Earthquake, 1995
T.Kamai, I:Kobayashi & H. Shuzui
Analysis of toppling failure of mountain slope caused by the Hyogoken-NanbuEarthquake 57 1
TOkimura,NYoshida & NTorii
Stress condition and consequence of liquefaction on weathered granitic sands 577
ZOkada, K.Sassa & H. Fukuoka
Effects of density, stress state and shear history on sliding-surfaceliquefaction behavior 583
of sands in ring-shear apparatus
G.Wang & K. Sassa
Real seismic-waveloading ring-shear test on the Nikawa landslide 589
EWWang, K. Sassa & H. Fukuoka
Dynamic properties of fine-grained soils in pre-sheared sliding surfaces 595
M.Yoshimine, R. Kuwano, J. Kuwano & K. Ishihara
Dependence of pore pressure generation on frequency of loading at sliding surface 60 1
D.A. Vankov & K. Sassa
On-line earthquake response tests on embankments founded on saturated sandy deposits 607
T.Fujii, M. Hyodo, I:Nakata, KYahuki & S. Kusakabe
Dynamic centrifuge tests of embankments on sloped ground and their stability analyses 613
J. Koseki, 0.Mutsuo, K. Kondo & S. Nishihara
Evaluation of liquefaction potential for loose minefill slopes 619
€? Kudella
Runout distances of earthquake-inducedlandslides 625
Evaluation of measured vertical and horizontal residual deformation at crest of rockfill dam 63 1
under earthquake
T. Okamoto
Displacements of slopes subjected to seismic loads 637
R. L. Michalowski & L.You
Permanent displacement analysis of circular sliding block during shaking 641
H. R. Razaghi, E.Yanagisawa & M. Kazarna

Dynamic analyses of slopes based on a simple strain-softening model of soil 647
A.Wakui & K. Ugai
Slope instability due to rainfall and earthquake 653
K. Shirnada, I3 Fujii, S. Nishirnura, ?:Nishiyarna & ir: Morii
Shaking table tests of concrete block retaining walls 657
S. Mori, ir:Matsuyarna & ?:Ushiro
Shakedown analysis of soil foundations under varied loads 663
M. Luan, Z: Cao & K. Ugai

Author index 669

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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang (c) 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 0795


It is of a great concern to civil, geotechnical, and environmental engineers to overcome different

problems caused by natural disasters, human errors and geo-environmental problems, whch are
related directly or indirectly to the soil and rock properties. Although significant progress in the field
of geotechmcal engineering has been made in past few decades, there are still a number of problems
that arise in geotechnical analyses, designs, and specifications to prevent the possible damages due
to unexpected disasters like landslides, debris flows, earthquakes, etc. So, figuring out these
problems and tackling them very professionally are the main challenges at present-day world of
geotechnical engineering.
With this objective, the International Symposium on Slope Stability Engineering: Geotechnical
and Geo-environmental Aspects - IS-Shikoku’99 was held at Matsuyama, Ehime from November 8
to 1I , 1999. The symposium was sponsored by the Japanese Geotechnical Society on its 50th
anniversary under the auspices of the technical committee on landslides (TC-11) of the International
Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) and the Japan Landslide
Society. The aim of the symposium was to bring different professionals from different disciplines
and backgrounds together into a place to broaden the knowledge and understand the problems all
over the world from various perspectives.
This symposium covers a broad range of topics such as site investigation, seismic effect, soil
strength parameters, damage assessment, remediation techniques, land development, waste dis-
posal, landslide hazard, simulation, analysis, etc on slope stability engineering. The main themes of
the symposium are as follows:
1. Site investigation;
2. Stability analysis of soil and rock slopes;
3. Effects of seismicity and rainfall;
4. Design strength parameters of natural slopes;
5. Effect of land development;
6. Slope stability of waste materials;
7. Stability of landfills;
8. Stabilization and remedial works;
9. Reinforced steep slopes;
10. Probabilistic slope stability;
1 1. Landslide inventory and landslide hazard zonation;
12. Simulation and analysis of debris flow.
After reviewing the abstracts and manuscripts of 246 full papers from over 4 0 countries by the
organizingcommittee, a total of 221 papers has been accepted for the presentation in the symposium
and publication in the proceedings volumes.
The chairman, on behalf of the organizing committee, would like to extend his deep gratitude to
the special speaker, Prof. Kenji Ishihara, President of ISSMGE and the keynote speakers, Dr. Zuyu
Chen, Prof. Delwyn G.Fredlund, Prof. Dov Leshchinsky, Prof. Mihail Popescu, and Prof. Harry
G.Poulos. Thanks are also due to the professionals who made this symposium a grand success by
submitting and presenting the papers in different topics in the field of slope stability engineering. All
participants without whom the symposium would not have been a lively discussion forum are
greatly acknowledged for their active participation. Special thanks from the chairman go to all the
session chairpersons and to Prof. Yamagami, Prof. Mochizuki, Prof. Yatabe, Dr Jiang and the
members of local and international advisory committee for their active involvement in accomplish-
ing the symposium.
Finally, the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture that financially supported the
symposium under the Grant-in-Aid for publication of Scientific Research Results is highly appre-

Norio Yagi
Chairman of the International Symposium
on Slope Stability Engineering - IS-Shlkoku’99
Professor of Ehime University, Japan

November 1999

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 905809 079 5



Prof. T.Adachi, Japan Prof. T. Matsui, Japan
Prof. K.Arai, Japan Prof. R. L. Michalowski, USA
Prof. A.Asaoka, Japan Dr H.Miki, Japan
Prof. R. Baker, Israel Prof. T. Mitachi, Japan
Dr R. K. Bhandari, India Prof. S. Miyauchi, Japan
Prof. C. Bonnard, Switzerland Prof. H. Nakamura, Japan
Prof. E. N. Bromhead, UK Prof. K.Narita, Japan
Dr Zuyu Chen, China Prof. M. Nishigaki, Japan
Prof. M.Chigira, Japan Prof. H.Ochiai, Japan
Prof. R.Chowdhury, Australia Prof. Y.Ohrushi, Japan
Prof. D. M.Cruden, Canada Prof. H.Ohta, Japan
Prof. J. M. Duncan, USA Prof. K.Okada, Japan
Prof. M.Enoki, Japan Prof. TOhmura, Japan
Prof. R. M. Faure, France Prof. S.Okuzono, Japan
Prof. D.G. Fredlund, Canada Prof. M. J. Pender, New Zealand
Dr H.FuJita, Japan Dr D. J. Petley, UK
Prof. T.Furuya, Japan Prof. L. Picarelli, Italy
Prof. J. N.Hutchinson, UK Prof. M. Popescu, Romania
Prof. Y. Ichlkawa, Japan Prof. H.G. Poulos, Australia
Prof. K. Ishihara, Japan Prof. S.Sakurai, Japan
Prof. H. Kawakami, Japan Prof. Y.Sasaki, Japan
Prof. Sang-Kyu Kim, Korea Prof. D.Schreiner, South Africa
Prof. T. Kimura, Japan Prof. R. L. Schuster, USA
Prof. R. Kitamura, Japan Prof. H.Sekiguchi, Japan
Prof. Y. Kobayashi, Japan Prof. K. Senneset, Norway
Prof. 0.Kusakabe, Japan Prof. ETatsuoka, Japan
Prof. W.A. Lacerda, Brazil Dr Gongxian Wang, China
Prof. K.T. Law, Canada Prof. S.G.Wright, USA
Prof. C. E Lee, Hong Kong Prof. E.Yanagisawa, Japan
Prof. D. Leshchinsky, USA Prof. S.Yasuda, Japan
Prof. J. Locat, Canada Dr H.Yoshimatsu, Japan
Prof. M. Maksimovic, Yugoslavia

Prof. N.Yagi

General Secretary
Prof. T.Yamagami

Dr J.-C. Jiang
Prof. A. Mochizuki
Prof. R.Yatabe

Dr S.Akutagawa Prof. K. Sassa
Dr S. Hasegawa Dr N. Shimizu
K. lshikawa Y. Shono
E Kamada Dr A. Suemine
K. Koumura M.Takeyama
Prof. T. Muro Prof. 1.Towhata
H. Nishda Prof. K.Ugai
Assoc. Prof. M.Ogura M.Yamamoto
Dr H.Ohtsu A.YZiISIanaka

Special lecture
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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami 8 Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Flow-type failure of slopes based on behavior of anisotropically consolidated


K. Ishihara, YTsukamoto & S. Nakayama

Department of Civil Engineering, Science University oj' Tokyo,Japan

ABSTRACT: Soil deposits in natural slopes are subjected to an initial shear stress as well as confining stress
which are induced by the gravity. To evaluate effects of the initial shear stress on the behaviour of sand
undergoing large deformation, a series of laboratory tests were performed, using the biaxial test apparatus, on
saturated samples of Toyoura sand consolidated anisotropically under various Kc-conditions. The results of the
tests were examined to determine the initial stress conditions distinguishing contractive and dilative behaviour in
undrained application of shear stress. It was found that the major effective principal stress at the time of
anisotropic consolidation is a parameter controlling dilative or contractive behaviour of the sand under otherwise
identical conditions. Based on this conclusion, it was pointed out that the most appropriate way to normalize the
residual strength of anisotropically consolidated sand is by the use of the major principal stress at consolidation.
The outcome of the test results as above was used to address a method or criterion by which to identify whether
or not a given sandy soil deposit under a slope will have a potential to develop the flow type failure with large

INTRODUCTION Generally, it is a difficult task to determine the

factor of safety for the slide triggering, because of
In the conventional analysis of slope stability, a uncertainty in quantitatively identifying the slide-
potential sliding plane is assumed and the shear stress inducing external force to be applied to the soil
expected to occur is compared against the shear element in addition to the gravity-induced shear
strength that can be mobilized along the sliding plane. stress. This external force could be seismic shaking
It has been customary to take up the magnitude of or additional weight by rainfall. In contrast, the factor
peak shear stress to define the shear strength. In the of safety for the flow slide can be determined rather
case of saturated loose sandy soils, the peak stress is easily primarily because the gravity-induced shear
mobilized at a relatively small shear strain of the order stress is the major driving force to be compared
of 2 - 5%. Thus, even when the peak shear stress is against the residual strength of the soils, and there is
passed over by some external forces, the resulting no need to identify other external forces.
deformation may not be large enough, if there is no The aim of the present study is to indicate a basic
strain-softening taking place in the soils. In this case, concept for determining the residual strength for
cracking or small amount of deformation may be sandy soils that can be used to determine the factor of
manifested on the surface of soil deposits and damage safety for flow type failure of slopes. In this type of
would be minor. analysis, no matter what is the slide-triggering driving
However, if the soils are loose enough to induce force, the consequence is recognized as more
strain-softening due to contractive nature of important and there is no need to seek for the cause of
deformation, the shear strain of the order of 10 - 20% the slide. The only force to be considered is the force
can easily be generated leading to flow type induced by the gravity and this makes the analysis
deformation. In terms of field behaviour, the soil in simple and straightforward.
the slope is envisaged to move largely downstream
giving rise to destructive damage there. Thus, the
factor of safety against sliding of slopes can be BASIC CONCEPT
defined in two ways, namely, (1) the factor of safety
for triggering the slide against the peak strength, and For the sake of simplicity, let a potential sliding plane
(2) the factor of safety for the flow failure against the be located in parallel to the surface of the slope as
residual strength. illustrated in Figure 1. Then, from the equilibrium of

forces amongst the weight of a soil mass W, and Then, given the values of stress components, o,
normal and tangential forces N and S acting on the and z,, as above it is possible to locate a point B in the
potential sliding plane, the stresses o, and T, are diagram of o, and 7, as illustrated in Figure 2.
obtained as The direction of the line OB indicates the angle of
obliquity of stress application, a , or the angle of
=-=y HCOS~CX stress mobilization. By drawing a half circle through
, e the point B so that it is tangential to the line OB, it
becomes possible to identify the points of the minor
... (1) and major principal stresses o, and o3on the Mohr
S diagram. Then, from geometrical consideration, the
z, = - = y Hsina. coscx
e following relations are obtained.

where y is the unit weight of the soil, a is the angle
of the sliding plane, and H is the height of the soil
mass being considered.
o1= 0 , + (tan

( ~=
3 CT,
+ -lcos

+ (tana - -)za
cos a
z, a

I ... (2)

Introducing Eq. (1) into Eq. (2), one obtains

o, = y H( l+sina) ... (3)

o3= y H( 1-sina) 1
Thus, the ratio between the minor and major principal
stresses is obtained as

KC= CT~/CT, ... (4)

The relation of Eq. (4) is displayed in Figure 3. It is

Figure 1. Forces acting on the soil element above a known that the majority of natural slopes consisting
sliding plane in a slope. of relatively soft soils have an angle ranging
approximately between a=O and a=45". Thus, the
ratio, Kc, between the two principal stresses has a
value between 0.2 and 1.0.

Figure 3. Relation between Kc-value and angle of

Figure 2. Mohr circle to determine 0,and o3from o,
and 7,.


When attempting to identify mechanism of failure of The typical pattern of undrained deformation of
soils underneath sloping surface by virtue of anisotropically consolidated specimens is
laboratory tests, it has been a usual practice to subject schematically illustrated in Figure 4 in terms of stress
a soil specimen to the stress changes which are similar path and stress-strain curve. In Figure 4 (a), the
to those expected to take place in the field. The abscissa indicates the mean principal effective stress
principle of duplication of in-situ conditions as above defined by p’=(0’,+20’,)/3 and the ordinate
would be executed in the laboratory tests by applying represents the shear stress defined by q In
the principal stress CT, and C T ~under drained conditions Figure 4, point A indicates an initial state of Kc-
and then by shearing the soil specimen under consolidation whereupon undrained shear stress
undrained conditions. It would be argued that the application starts. When the specimen is loose, it
undrained conditions may not prevail in shallowly shows an increase in shear stress, q, to a point B at
seated partially saturated soil deposits where sliding peak strength and then a decrease down to a point C
could frequently take place. However, the change in corresponding to the phase transformation. The bent-
void ratio of the soil during large deformation leading over in the stress path takes place at point C and the
to sliding may be deemed not so much appreciable shear stress increases to a point D where large
that the constant volume condition may be maintained deformation starts to occur without any change in the
approximately to a tolerable level of accuracy. In effective mean stress p’ and shear stress q. This state
addition, it may as well be assumed that, even though is called the steady-state. When the specimen is
the soil is partially saturated, the deformation loose, the minimum shear stress is encountered,
behaviour is considered to be represented concomitant with fairly large deformation, at point C
approximately by that of a fully saturated sample, if where the phase transformation take place from
its volume stays little changed. contractive to dilative behaviour. Thus, the residual
With the assumptions as above multiple series of strength should be defined by the shear stress qas
triaxial tests were conducted by subjecting sand which is mobilized at point C. The residual strength
specimens to a stress system with varying Kc-values thus defined is called the strength at quasi-steady
defined as state.
When the specimen is medium dense to dense, the
stress drop does not appear and the shear stress at the
Kc = C T ’ /~c T~ ’ , ~ phase transformation does not produce large
deformation. In such a case, the residual strength
where o ’ ,and ~ C T ’ ~stands
~ for, respectively, the should be defined as the shear stress mobilized at the
effective major and minor principal stresses at the time steady-state, namely the point D.
of consolidation. After the specimens were In the present study, attention will be drawn to the
consolidated anisotropically, they were subjected to state of stress at the quasi-steady state, that is, the
shear stress under undrained conditions by increasing point C in Figure 4. No matter what is the strength at
the major principal stress CT]. the steady state at point D, of practical importance in

Figure 4. Typical stress-path and stress-strain relation for loose sand.

Figure 5. Stress path and stress-strain relation of Figure 7. Stress path and stress-strain relation of
anisotropically consolidated sand with Kc=0.5. anisotropically consolidated sand with Kc=0.7.

Figure 6. Stress path and stress-strain relation of Figure 8. Stress path and stress-strain relation of
anisotropically consolidated sand with Kc=0.6. isotropically consolidated sand with Kc=l .O.

loose sands would be the shear stress that can be CONSIDERATION FOR TEST RESULTS
mobilized at the point C in the state of phase
transformation. In t h s context, the strength at the It has been shown by Chern (1985), and, Vaid -
ultimate steady state is beyond the scope of the Chern (1985) that the relation between the void ratio
present study . and the minor effective stress at phase transformation
G’,,is determined almost uniquely irrespective of the
Kc-condition at the time of anisotropic consolidation.
OUTCOME OF TESTS This conclusion has been proved to be valid as well
for Toyoura sand as indicated by the data shown in
The results of undrained compression tests on Figure 9 where four test data are plotted for the cases
samples with void ratios ranging between 0.882 and of K,=0.5, 0.6 and 0.7. The specimens with an
0.993 are displayed in Figure 5 where the shear stress initial void ratio of ei=0.892 were consolidated to
q=(o,’-o,’)/2 is plotted versus the effective vertical stresses of o’,, =60, 70 and 12OkPa and
confining stress defined as p=(o,’+o,’)/2. The sheared undrained in the triaxial compression mode.
saturated samples were consolidated with a vertical
stress of oI,’=196kPa and a lateral stress of
o,,’=98kPa producing an initial state of Kc=0.5. It
may be seen in Figures 5(a) and 5(b) that the dilatant
behaviour is exhibited when the sample is prepared
with a void ratio less than about 0.90, but otherwise
the sample is contractive. It is to be noticed that the
sample with e=0.912 has reached a steady-state with a
shear stress of q=30kPa which is smaller than the
initially applied shear stress of q=SOkPa. It is seen in
Figure 5(b) that large deformation began to occur at
an early stage of load application and continues
further until an axial strain of 20% developed. The
smallness of the shear stress at the quasi-steady state
as compared to the shear stress at the outset would be
regarded as a criterion for an unstable condition where
flow-type deformation could be triggered if the peak
shear stress is passed over by application of a slight
agitation at the beginning.
Another series of tests with the same initial lateral
stress of 03,’=98kPa but with an increased Kc-value
of 0.6 is demonstrated in Figure 6 for samples with
various void ratios where the general tendency is seen
to be the same as the results of the tests shown in Figure 9. Relation between void ratio and major
Figure 5. Still other series of the tests with a further principal stress G’,, at the state of phase
increased value of Kc are displayed in Figure 7 where transformation.
it may be noted that the sample with a void ratio of
0.900 has reached a steady-state where the shear
stress is about q=SOkPa which is much larger than The minor effective stress G ’ ~ , at phase
the initial shear stress of q=20kPa. In such a transformation obtained in the tests was multiplied by
condition, the flow type deformation would not be a factor, ( 1+sin$,)/( 1-sin$,), to obtain the
induced because of the gain in shear strength as corresponding major principal stress, o’,,, and this
compared to the initially applied shear stress. The last value of is plotted versus the void ratio in Figure
series of the tests with Kc=l.O are demonstrated in 9, together with the consolidation curve for the initial
Figure 8 where it is apparently noted that the void ratio of 0.892. It was then possible to draw a
specimen with e=0.884 exhibits delative behaviour. curve amongst the data points to establish a
In comparison amongst the cases of Kc=0.5 through correlation between the void ratio and as indicated
1.0, it is noted that the sample changes its behaviour in Figure 9. Note that there are some scatters in the
from contractive to dilative with increasing Kc-values data, but the scatters become less and less as the
even if the void ratio is kept at a constant value of consolidation pressure o’,, becomes large. It may be
e=0.900. This means that, with an increasing degree seen in Figure 9 that for the two specimens with
of anisotropy at the time of consolidation, the sample o’ ,=60 and 70kPa, dilative responses were observed
becomes more contractive and susceptible to throughout shear stress application, but for other two
triggering of the flow failure. tests with o’ 120kPa, specimens exhibited
contractive behaviour with limited deformation.

Figure 10. Plots of initial states of specimens in terms of void ratio and ollC
to determine the Initial Dividng
Line for anisotropically consolidated sand.

Thus, the threshold condition differentiating between RESIDUAL STRENGTH OF ANISOTROPICALLY

contractive and dilative behaviour would be obtained CONSOLIDATED SAND
as marked in the diagram of Figure 9. In looking at
the diagram in Figure 9, it is to be noticed that a It has been customary to define the residual strength,
unique set of curves are obtained for the consolidation Sus, by referring to the minimum shear stress at the
and phase transformation, if the effective major QSS which is mobilized at the state of phase
principal stress, G’I c and G’ are used to plot the transformation for sands exhibiting contractive
test data of Kc - consolidated samples. Thus, it may behaviour. By denoting the deviator stress at this
be mentioned that, the deformation behaviour of Kc - state by qs=o’1s-o’3s, the residual strength is
consolidated sand is dominated by the effective major expressed as (Ishihara, 1996, p. 268)
principal stress o’l.
In order to examine the characteristic features of
4 M
undrained deformation as above, the major principal sus = cos@ = -cos@ .p‘
stress c f I C at consolidation is plotted in Figure 10 for 2 2 s s
each of the test results with varying Kc-values. Note ... (6)
that each point in the figure indicates the void ratio
and o’lc at initial stages before application of M=- 6sin@,
undrained shearing. It may be seen in Figure 10 that 3 - sin@,
the Initial Dividing Line (ID-line) defined as a
threshold curve differentiating between conditions of
flow and non-flow can be established uniquely for where p’s is the confining stress at the quasi-steady
anisotropically consolidated sample, if 0 ,1c is chosen state as defined by ps’=(o’Is+20’,,)/3 and M is a
as a parameter to indicate confinement of the sample at parameter related with the angle of phase
the initial state. Superimposed in Figure 10 is the transformation in the p’-q plot. When normalizing the
quasi-steady state line established previously in residual strength, Sus, there are three methods that are
Figure 9. According to the study by Kato et al. conceived to properly represent the strength. In the
(1999), the QSS-line was shown to be determined previous study (Ishihara, 1993) dealing with
uniquely also for anisotropically consolidated sand, if isotropically consolidated samples of sands, the mean
dIC is chosen as a parameter to indicate initial effective stress at the time of consolidation,
confinement. p’c=(~’lc+20’3c)/3, has been used as a variable to
represent the degree of confinement at the state of

consolidation. However, when dealing with the 11 (a). Those data from denser samples exhibiting
anisotropically consolidated samples of sand, it may dilative behaviour are displayed with open circles and
not be convenient to utilize the mean effective stress those shown by solid circles indicate that samples
p,'. The other options would be to adopt the exhibited contractive behaviour. The boundary
confining stress fjC=(o',,+ci',,)/2 or to use the major separating conditions of contractive and dilative
effective confining stress o',,.The three options are behaviour is indicated by a vertical straight line in
summarized as follows. Figure 11 (a). It can be seen that the threshold initial
state ratio differentiating between contractive and
dilative behaviour remains almost unchanged with
0' 1c + 2 d 3c
P'C' variation of Kc-values. Thus, it is considered
3 '
appropriate to assume that the threshold initial state
ratio, r,', takes a constant value which is equal to
- 61, + d 3 c ... (7) rc'= 1.2 for Toyoura sand.
Pc =
The same data set is expressed alternatively in
Figure ll(b) now in terms of the Kc-value plotted
0' IC = d 1 c
versus the initial state ratio, ic, defined by Eq. (9). It
may be seen that the threshold value of fctends to
increase with an increasing value of K ~ = o ' ~ c / o ' , ~ .
Using the three confining stresses, the normalized The other approach was adopted to arrange the data
residual strength is obtained variously as follows. set in terms of the initial state ratio, rc=pc'/ps',
defined by Eq. (8). The data plotted in Figure 1l(c)
sus - M 1 versus the Kc-value indicate as well that the threshold
-- -cos$,
P'c 2
r, 1 r,-value differentiating conditions between contractive
and dilative behaviour tends to increase with
increasing Kc-values. It is to be noticed in Figure
i 1O(c) that the value of r,=2.1 corresponding to
Kc=l.O condition is approximately equal to the value
of r,=2.0 determined in the previous study (Ishihara,

Based on the observation as above, it may be
assumed that the initial state ratio, r,', defined by Eq.
... (9) (10) is to be taken as a fundamental parameter to
indicate the threshold condition between the
contractiveness and dilativeness of sand no matter
whatever the anisotropic condition would be at the
initial state. It may also be concluded that for
Toyoura sand the threshold initial state ratio takes a
value of r,'=1.2 for all the Kc-conditions employed in
... (10) the tests.
The relationship between rc', ?,and r, can be
- derived from their definitions as follows,

r 1
The ratio of the confining stress at the initial state to +
C = - (1 2Kc)(2M + 3)
that at the quasi-steady state, rc, was introduced in the rc' 9
previous study (Ishihara, 1999, p269) as an important ... (1 1)
parameter to represent the degree of contractiveness in -
undrained loading on isotropically consolidated sand. = (1 + Kc)-
It was referred to as the initial state ratio. The initial rc M+6
state ratio ?,and r,' are newly introduced in the where
present study as defined by Eqs. (9) and (10).
In order to examine effects of Kc-consolidation on 3(0' 1s-63s 1 - 6sin Qs
the value of the initial state ratio, the effective (0' +2d3, ) 3 -sin$,
confining stress at the state of phase transformation
was read off from all the test data such as those
shown in Figures 5 through 8. The value of The results of extensive tests in the previous studies
rc'=o,,'/ols' as defined by Eq. (10) was calculated (Ishihara, 1993) have shown that for Toyoura sand
first for all the test data on Toyoura sand and plotted the value of M takes a value of 1.24 and Qs=31" . In
versus the value of Kc =o,c'/~,c'as shown in Figure the subsequent study, this value proved to be valid as

well for anisotropically consolidated samples of It has been known in the above that the threshold
Toyoura sand with various Kc-values. Introducing initial state ratio rc’=o,c’/oIs’takes a value of rc7=l.2,
this value into Eq. (1 l), one obtains as demonstrated in Figure 11(a). Introducing this
value, Eq. (12) can be rewritten as,
rc = 0.73( 1+ 2Kc)
... (12) 1
. . . ( 13)
% = 0.76( I + Kc) ~
TC =0.91(1+Kc)

Figure 1 1. Relation between Kc-value and variously Figure 12. Relation between Kc-value and variously
defined initial state ratios. defined normalized residual strength.

These relations are displayed in Figures 1 l(b) and magnitude of the residual strength is equal to or
1 I(c). It may be seen that the relations of Eq. (13) are smaller than that of the shear stress induced by the
considered to hold true with a reasonable level of gravity force. It is to be mentioned here that, no
coincidence to mark the boundary lines differentiating matter whatever may be the genetic cause of the slide,
between conditions of contractive and dilative the gravity-induced shear stress would be the main
behaviour of Toyoura sand, if the initial state ratio, rc force driving the soils mass moving downhills. If the
and ?,are to be used to obtain the normalized residual soil deposit is in a loose state exhibiting the
strength through the use of Eqs. (8), (9) and (10). contractive behaviour with a residual strength which
The values of the normalized residual strength can is smaller than the gravity-induced shear stress, then
be determined for all the test data obtained in the the soil mass would continue to move downwards
present study based on the three expressions indicated leading to the flow-type of slide.
by Eqs. (8) (9) and (10). The normalized residual As mentioned above, the degree of susceptibility to
strength obtained using Eq. (10) is displayed in the flow slide depends also on the initial state of shear
Figure 12(a). Since the threshold value of rc’ is stress as expressed in terms of the Kc-values. Thus,
known to take a constant value of 1.2, the normalized it would be of interest to examine how the initial state
residual strength is determined uniquely independent will affect the potential for the flow slide if the soil is
of the Kc-value. As indicated in Figure 12 (a), the in the initial state under the slope as illustrated in
normalized residual strength takes a threshold value of Figure 1.
Sus/0’,,=0.24 which is the upper limit amongst a
number of data corresponding to the condition
fC 2 1.2. It is to be noticed that the test data indicated
by open circles all belong to the state of phase
transformation in dilative samples and the normalized
residual strength in this region is not the minimum
value of the strength.
The ultimate strength in the region of fc51.2
needs to be determined by considering the ultimate
state (steady state in dilating samples). The ultimate
strength at the steady state in the dilative sand is
generally higher and beyond the scope of the present
study .
The normalized residual strength Sus/p’, and
Sus/pc determined by Eqs. (8) and (9), respectively,
is also demonstrated in Figure 12. The threshold
value of the strength bounding the upper limit of any
of the strength values in contractive sand is obtained
by simply introducing Eq. (13) into Eqs. (8) and (9),
as follows.

S u s / d I c= 0.24

1 Figure 13. Residual strength versus the gravity-
induced initial stress.

s u s / Pc = ... (14)
For each of the results of the tests on loose
samples with void ratios ranging between e=0.880
S,,/p‘ = ____
1 + 2Kc 1 and 0.92 1, the value of shear stress qQsat the state of
phase transformation was read off and its ratio to the
initially applied shear stress qo was obtained as
The relations of Eq. (14) are also displayed in plotted in the ordinate of the diagram in Figure 13.
Figures 12(b) and 12(c) where it may be seen that the The definition of qQsand qo is illustrated in the inset
normalized residual strength as determined by E¶.( 14) of Figure 13. Plotted in the abscissa of Figure 13 is
could represent the upper limit of the strengths if the the Kc-value in each of the anisotropically
residual strength is to be normalized by p’, and P,. consolidated sample. Also plotted in the figure in the
value of the slope angle, a, as obtained from the chart
POTENTIAL FOR FLOW SLIDE in Figure 3. It may be mentioned that if the ratio,
qQs/qOis less than unity, there would be a potential for
As mentioned in the foregoing, the flow-type failure the flow-type slide being induced in the soil and
will be induced in loose sandy deposits, if the otherwise the soil will be safe and free from being

involved in the catastrophc slide due to flow-type Okuhara, students of the Civil Engineering
deformation. Interpreted in this context, it may be Department, Science University of Tokyo. The
inferred from the data in Figure 13 that , if the authors wish to express their gratitude to these
Toyoura sand exists in a slope with a void ratio of persons.
e=0.880 and 0.921, the slope with an angle of
inclination greater than about 12.5” (Kc 50.65) would
be considered to have a danger of being involved in REFERENCES
the flow slide. It is to be noticed that the relation as
shown in Figure 13 depends upon the density and Chern, J. C. 1985. Undrained Response of Saturated
material properties of sandy soils and more test data Sands with Emphasis on Liquefaction and
will need to be accumulated before any conclusion is Cyclic Mobility. Ph. D. Thesis, University of
drawn. British Columbia, Vancouver.

Ishihara, K. 1993. Liquefaction and Flow F d u r e

CONCLUSIONS during Earthquakes. Geotechnique, Vol. 32,
NO. 3 : 351 -415.
A series of undrained triaxial compression tests were
conducted on saturated specimens of Toyoura sand Ishihara, K. 1996. Soil Behaviour in Earthquake
with various densities to investigate effects of Geotechnics. Oxford University Press.
anisotropic consolidation on undrained behaviour
distinguishing between contractive and dilative Kato, S., K. Ishihara & I. Towhata 1999. Undrained
characteristics. Shear Characteristics of Saturated Sand under
The outcome of the tests indicated that the major Anisotropic Consolidation. submitted to Soils
principal stress at the time of anisotropic and Foundations.
consolidation is a governing factor to uniquely
determine the initial dividing line and quasi-steady Vaid. Y. P. & J. C. Chern 1985. Cyclic and
state line in the plot of void ratio and confining Monotonic Undrained Response of Saturated
stresses. This means that neither the mean principal Sands. Advances in the Art of Testing Soils
stress defined by p’=(o’,,+2o’,,)/3 nor under Cyclic Conditions, Proc. ASCE
p=(o’1c+o’3c)/2is an appropriate parameter to Convention in Detroit, Michigan: 120 - 147.
specify the initial state of confinement in the
consolidated sand.
Based on the above conclusion, the residual
strength of the sand normalized each to different initial
stresses, i.e., o’],,p’ and Tj, was examined, with the
result that the normalization by oYlcis most
appropriate to define the normalized residual strength.
It was also shown that the residual strength
normalized by o ’ ,takes
~ a value of 0.24 as an upper
lirmt beyond which the residual strength can not be
defined because of the sand becoming dilative with
increasing density.
To evaluate whether the Kc-consolidated sand is
susceptible to flow-type failure, the value of residual
strength was compared with the shear stress applied at
the time of the anisotropic consolidation for loose
samples with a void ratio between e=0.880 and
0.921. The outcome of such assessment indicated
that for a loose deposit of Toyoura sand, there would
be a potential for the flow failure to be triggered, if the
angle of slope becomes greater than 12.5” and
otherwise there would be no danger for such
catastrophic failure.


The laboratory tests described herein were performed

by the help of Mr. T. Yoshimura and Mr. M.

Keynote lectures
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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang (01999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

The limit analysis for slopes: Theory, methods and applications

Zuyu Chen
China Institute of WaterResources und Hydropower Research, Beijing, People’s Republic of Chinu

ABSTRACT: The solution of a slope stability problem can be approached by its least upper bound and
maximum lower bound. The limit equilibrium methods that employ vertical slices, such as those proposed by
Bishop (1955), Morgenstern and Price (1965), imply a lower bound of the factor of safety. Those that employ
slices with inclined interfaces, such the methods proposed by Sarma (1979), Donald and Chen (1997), give an
upper bound approach to the stability analysis. In most cases the gap between the two bounds is very small
and the rigorous solutions are indeed obtainable. However, care must be taken of the possible two directions
of shear between the adjacent slices when the upper bound approach is used. The concept of upper bound and
lower bound principles has been extended to wedge slide analysis. A number of case histories regarding the
slope engineering of China’s hydropower construction, including those of the Three Gorges and Xiaolangdi
projects, have been reviewed which indicated that an understanding of the Bound Theorems will help to
obtain reliable and economical solutions to slope stability problems.

1INTRODUCTION application of the theory to practical geotechnical

problems possible.
The limit equilibrium method, or in a broader sense, In this paper, the author wishes to give a general
the limit analysis method (Chen, 1975), is an review of the theoretical background of the limit
approach that has been extensively used in solving analysis method, demonstrate its accuracy, bring
various practical problems concerned with slope some critical issues that have not yet been discussed
stability analysis. In spite of its successfbl in literature and report its successhl applications in
applications in geotechnical engineering for both some important projects in China.
soil and rock slopes there have been some critical
issues needed to be discussed.
The limit equilibrium method has been regarded 2THEORETICAL BACKGROUND
sometimes as an empirical approach since some
assumptions were introduced when establishing the
2.1 Fundamentals
governing equations and since the displacement of
the soil or rock mass is not properly considered in The procedures of solving slope stability problems is
the method. similar to that for solid mechanics. For a specified
Another issue related to this method is that the load system, it is required to find a stress fielder,,,
method is well developed and understood. More and its associated displacement field U,, which
work in updating the method seems not to be highly satisfy the following conditions (expressed in
demanded. tensors).
As a branch of applied science, Soil Mechanics
and Rock Mechanics benefit from the recent (1) Force equilibrium
developments in the Classic Mechanics and
Computer Science. The former offers a theoretical
background, such as the upper bound and lower
nq., = *,
bound theorems of Plasticity, which enables us to
establish a modern system of limit analysis based on with the boundary conditions:
the traditional method of slices. The latter makes the

in which W, is the body force, T, the tractions in the stability problems. However, rock mass is highly
boundary S and nl is the directional derivatives of the discontinuous, non-homogeneous, anisotropic and
surface S. nonlinear, which exhibits complicated deformation
The force equilibrium conditions can be behavior at failure, such as dilatancy, strain
expressed in a formulation employing the virtual softening and large displacements, Finding the
work principle. solution by some simplified methods is an approach
actually employed by many practitioners in their
I, crJ.i., dv = W , . ri, dv +IF,
U, LJS (2.3) consulting work.

where li is a compatible displacement increment

field assigned on each force. The left side of (2.3) is
sometimes called energy dissipation.

(2) Compatible displacement filed

A compatible displacement filed requires that the
strain at any point follows the definition:

(3) Constitutive law

The constitutive law relates the force equilibrium
and deformation compatibility requirements and
represents the material behavior. It includes both
deformation and strength requirements.

where Cllk,is a matrix representing elastic or elasto-

plastic relationships expressed in tensors. For Eq.
(2.6), Mohr-Coulumn' s failure criterion is generally
employed, which states as

,r - o,,ig$ - c 4 0 (2.7)


where on and 'tr are normal and shear strength on

the failure surface, while c and 4, shear strength
parameters respectively. For rock and soil material,
we also restrict the presence of tensile stress, i. e.,

20 (2.9)
FIG. 2.1 Slope stability analysis by an upper bound approach.
where 0 3 is the minor Principle stress at any Point of (a) a general case; (b) the multi-slice failure mode: (3) the
the media. multi-block failure mode.

2.2 The upper bound and lower. borrnd theorems of

(1) The lower bound theorem
The lower bound approach starts from the force
Satisfying all the conditions stated in Section 2.1 equilibrium condition and states that any stress field
will lead to a real or rigorous solution to slope that satisfies Eq. (2.1). (2.2) and (2.7) or (2.8) will

be associated with an external load r
that is lower 2.3 Definition ofthe factor of safety
than or equal to the real load that brings the
failure. Traditionally, the theorems of Plasticity employ a
loading factor q that brings a structure to failure.
(2) The lower bound theorem Donald and Chen (1997) discussed the unique and
The upper bound approach starts from an monotonic relationship between the loading factor 7
increment of displacement, generally referred to as and factor of safety F which, in order to bring the
velocity U,, , in the plastic zone Q* and the slip structure to failure, reduces the available shear
surface r*.It states that the load calculated by (2.3) strength parameters to new values as
and (2.8) will be either greater than or equal to the
real load associated with a real failure mechanism Q C, =CIF (2.11)
and r (Refer to Fig. 2.1 (a)). The left part of Eq. (2.3)
consists of two parts, becoming tanp, = tanp, I F (2.12)

L o ~.zi,,JdQ+
, ~ IdD=dW;.Uldv+IT,zi,ds (2.10) The minimum and maximum loading factors are
directly related to the minimum and maximum factor
of safety respectively. Therefore, all the statements
where D is the energy dissipation developed on the related to the bound Theorems can be expressed in
slip surface r. terms of factor of safety.
The limit analysis renders the solution by In the following presentations, the subscription
approaching the real ultimate load from lower bound ‘e’ appeared for all variables would invariably mean
and the upper bound, trying to find the least upper that the related c and 4 values are reduced by (2.1 l),
bound and the maximum lower bound. If the (2.12).
difference between the two bounds is small, we may
conclude that the rigorous solution is actually
obtained. The advent and rapid development of 2.4 Significance ofthe Bound Theorems
computers and the associated various numerical Before proceeding with the details, we present the
algorithms have enabled a practicable procedure to following three examples indicating that a proper
find the extreme for geotechnical problems and implementation of the bound theory will help us find
confirm that the two bounds are indeed very close. the solution in a very simple way with high accuracy.
In explaining this concept, Pan Jiazheng (1980) Further more, it will offer better understanding to
summarized the following principles: some basic rock mechanics concepts which
(1) Among many possible slip surfaces, the real otherwise could hardly be well interpreted.
one offers the minimum resistance against failure
( Principle of minimum); Example I The upper bound approach used for
(2) For a specified slip surface, the stress in the solving structural problems.
failure mass as well on the slip surface will be Fig. 2.2 shows an example taken from the
reorganized to develop the maximum resistance textbook (Wang, et. al, 1992). The frame is subjected
against failure ( Principle of maximum). to a set of external load. Although modern
The author has given a formal demonstration to Mechanics of Structure has provided well defined
Pan’s principle based on the Bound Theorems of methods to obtain the ultimate external load that
Plasticity and Drucker’s postulates (Chen, 1998). In brings the structure to failure, use of the Bound
fact, Pan’s Principle is identical to the Bound Theorems could lead to the following very simple
Theorems but expressed in a more understandable and direct solution.
way. We know that the structure collapses in a failure
Following the Bound Theorems or Pan’s mode that involves 4 hinges. Fig. 2.2 shows 4
Principles, performing slope stability analysis possible such modes. For each of the failure modes,
generally includes the following two steps: we assign a virtual rotation 8 and establish the
(1) For a specified failure mechanism, find a equation for energy and work balance. For example,
stress distribution that satisfies Eq. (2.1) with the in mode (a), a virtual rotation 8 will cause the
constraints of (2.7) or (2.8), and search for a external vertical load 2P to do work with a
distribution that offers the maximum value of factor magnitude of 10, and develop an internal energy
of safety. dissipation 011 hinges 2,3,4. Equating the work and
(2) Among all possible failure mechanism, find energy dissipation gives
the one that has the minimum factor of safety.

which leads to

Similarly, the ultimate loads for mode (b), (c), (d)
are P = M/21 ,P = 5 M/81, P = 5M/41 respectively.
According to the upper bound theorem, the real
ultimate load is the one that gives the lowest P,
which is mode (b) with P = M/21.
Performing the rigorous procedures of Structural
Mechanics will give the same solution but in a much
complicated way. This example indicates that if we
are only interested in the ultimate loads and do not
care about the failure process and the information
about the stress and deformation during loading,
there exists a straight forward and easy way to
obtained the solution. This concept has been adopted
to solve slope stability analysis problems as shown
in the next example.

Examzple 2 A classical problem with the closed

form solution.
Fig. 2.3 shows uniform slope subjected to a
vertical surface load. Sokolovski (1954) gave a
closed-form solution with the assumption that the
weight of the soil is neglected.-For this particular
example in which c=98 kPa, $=30", the closed-form
solution for the ultimate load T is 111.44 kPa.
Associated with this load, we started with a four
slice mechanism as shown in Fig. 2.3(a). Using
Sarma's method, it is easy to find that the value of
factor of safety is F=l.047. Sarma's method assumes
that failure develops on both the slip surface and the
inclined inter-slice faces. Therefore this solution can
be regarded as the one that realizes Pan's principle
of maximum. Following Pan's principle of
minimum, we tried to find a failure mode that gives
the minimum value of F as shown in Fig. 2.3(b) with
a solution F,, =1.013. If the failure mass is divided
into 16 slices, we obtained a failure mode almost
identical to the one suggested by the closed-form FIG. 2.2 An example explaining a simple way to solve the
solution as shown in Fig. 2.3(c), associated with F,], ultimate loads using the upper bound theorem
= 1.006.
It is clear that with the theoretical support of the
Bound Theorems, we are able to offer this example a
solution for the ultimate load as accurate as the
close-form solution.

FIG. 2.3 Example 2, an example describing the upper bound approach. (a) A four slice failure mode, initial estimate, F,=1.047; (b)
Results of the optimization search, F,"=l.013; (c) Result of the optimization search using 16 slices, F,= 1.006.

Examule 3 An issue regarding the wedge failure
Fig, 2.4 shows the forces applied on the two
failure surfaces of a typical wedge. When
establishing the force equilibrium equations, we
noticed that the resultant forces PI and P,applied on
the two failure surfaces involve six unknowns, i.e.,
their components in XJ,Z .directions. The factor of
safety adds one more. The number of available force
equilibrium equations for the wedge block is three.
Mohr-Coulumn failure criterion on the failure
surfaces added another two equations. Therefore,
two assumptions must be made to render the
problem statically determinate. The traditional
method presented in Textbook implies an
assumption that the shear forces on the failure
surfaces are parallel to the line of intersection of the Fig. 2.4 The wedge failure analysis, (a) Sketch; (2) Forces
two failure surfaces. Pan (1980) argued on the applied on the two failure surfaces: (3) Co-ordinate system.
theoretical background of making such assumptions.
H e believed that among all the solutions satisfiing
force equilibrium equations. the real solution should
be related to the one that gives the maximum factor
of safety. It is after the observation of this critical
issue Pan put forward his Principles of Maximum
and Minimum.
On a separate paper published in this Symposium
Proceedings (Chen et. al. 1999), the author and his
associates presented an example which showed that
the factors of safety obtained by the conventional
and the upper bound approaches were 0.870 and
1.136 respectively. This indicates that even in a very
simple area of rock mechanics, there are still some Fig. 2.5 Search for the critical failure mode by the method of
fundamental concepts for which a critical study is optimization, 1: the original estimated ; 2. the critical
To simulate this curve, we connect these points
2.5 Numerical supports - the method of optimization by either straight lines or smooth curves. Once this
Use of the Bound Theorems or Pan's Principles discretization mode is specified, factor of safety can
essentially leads to a mathematical problem of be expressed as a function of x,,y,, x,, y,, ... .xi,,y,, In
finding the minimum of the factor of safety, which is the upper bound method, the inclination of an
associated with the input geometry of the failure interface 6, should also be included in the variable.
mode, given the strength parameters for the material We have
The method of optimization renders a powerfbl tool
to find the minimum for geotechnical problems that
involve complicated slope profiles and material
properties. We start with an initial estimated failure mode,
The task of an optimization operation is to find represented by A,,A2,....,A,, and 6,, 62,..., 6v,,which is
F,,, the minimum of the objective function F associated with an initial value of F.Implementing
associated with the variable ZT=(z,,z2,...,z,J which the optimization routine, we eventually obtained a
represents the failure mode. new mode represented by B',,B,,....,Bi,( refer to Fig.
In slope stability problems, the slip surfacey(x) is 2.5, n1=6 here), and a new set of 6,. 62,..., 6,,
discretized by ni number of points A,, A2,,..., A,, associated with the minimum value of F.
(Fig. 2.5), whose coordinate values are ZI(i=l,2, A variety of optimization methods are available
... m): (Celestino and Duncan, 1981; Chen and Shao,
1988). Chen and Shao (1988) discussed the
applications of the Simplex method, Negative
(2.13) gradient method and DFP method. While these
methods on many occasions functioned well in
finding the minimum factors of safety, they

sometimes suffered from not being able to find the The factor of safety will be obtained by solving
global minimum. A random search technique was the relevant boundary conditions based on the
consequently developed (Chen, 1992; Greco, 1996) assumptions made for the distribution of p(x).
which greatly enhances the efficiency of the search. (2) To satisfy (2.7), or (2.8), it is required that on
the interfaces shear and tensile failure not occur, i. e.

3.1 Theoretical back ground

As a simplified approach, our profession has a long
history of employing the method of slices to solve
various practical problems of geotechnical
engineering. Early approach divides the failure mass
into a series of slices with vertical interfaces. The
method proposed by Morgenstern and Price (1965), as
well as by others (Bishop, 1955; Janbu, 1973), imply a
lower bound approach since the solutions are
associated with a force distribution satisfying Eq. (3.1)
on the slip surface, and (2.7) or (2.8) on the interfaces.
(1) To allow the satisfaction of Eq. (2.1) for each
slice, the force and moment equilibrium equations
are formulated as (Chen and Morgenstern, 1983)

_ dP G = - p ( x ) sec t
tan w - y
dx dx

d d dw
Gsinp=-y-(Gcosp) +-(y G a p ) + 7-h (3 4
dx d x t d x t

in which

dW . dW
p(x) = -sin@: -a) +qsin@i -a) -7, --.seuy.singlj
dx dx (3.3)

G = the total interslice force; y, = y value of the

point of application of the interslice force; a=
inclination of the slice base; p=inclination of the
interslice force; dW/& = weight of the slice per unit
width; q= vertical surface load; q= the coefficient of
horizontal seismic force, h, = distance between base
and the horizontal seismic force, rt,= pore pressure
coefficient (refer to Fig. 3.1(a)).
Eq. (2.1) is obtained by projecting all the forces FIG. 3.1 Slope stability analysis by the method of vertical
applied on a slice onto the line A-A' (Fig. 3.l(a)) slices, (a) the slope profile; (b) assumption for tan p ; (c) forces
which inclined at an angle of $e to the base of the applied on a slice
slice. In that case the resultant of the normal force N
and its contribution of the shear force on the base of
the slice N tan$,, denoted as P , would be
[G' cosp' tanq:,, + cb,h] > F (3.5)
perpendicular to A-A' and not appear in Eq. (3.1). G'sinp'

andf, (b) to be equal to the values of tanp at x=a
and x=b respectively. J;,(x)is another function that
G’>O (3.7) has zero values at x=a and x=b. Fig. 3.l(b) shows an
example that takesfix) as a sine function andf;,(x), a
Among a variety of assumptions for p(x), we linear function that is zero at x=a and tan6 at x=a ,
neglect those that produce results violating Eq. (3.5) where is the friction angle between the retaining
or (3.7), and find one that gives the maximum factor wall and the soil. It is possible to find F (or P) and h
of safety, according to the lower bound theorem. from (3.8) and (3.9) by iterations. For details refer to
Chen and Morgenstern (1983) or Chen and Li
Solutions to the governing equations (I 998).
Chen and Morgenstern (1983) gave the solutions to
the differential equations (3.1) and (3.2). They have
been recently extended by Chen and Li (1997, 1998)
to incorporate active earth pressure problems with
the presence of a tension crack at the crown. The
Theoretical background
force and moment requirements take the form:
Sarma (1973) presented the method that employs
slices of inclined interfaces. Therefore, the failure
mode shown in Fig. 2.l(a) is simplified to a multi-
wedge system as shown in Fig. 2.1(b).
We may understand the upper bound nature of
(3.9) Sarma’s solution in the following two ways.
(1) Since both the slip surface and the interfaces
where are assumed to be in a state of limit equilibrium
s(x) = sec yE(x) (3.10) condition, the solution means a mobilization of
maximum resistance against failure. Estimation for
the external load is thus either higher than or equal
(3.11) to the real load, according to Pan’s Principle of
(2) While Fig. 2.l(a) is simplified to Fig. 2.l(b),
~ ( x=) [(sinp-cosptann)E-](nd{ (3.12) Eq.(2.3) in the upper bound approach is
approximated as

G,,, = P,‘,- PE(b) (3.13)

M,,, = P,,,h,,,- P[hCOS 6 + t(b)E(b)]

dW (3.14)
where the first and second terms of the left side of
i- 7, -h,dx
dx (4.1) refers to the energy dissipation developed on
the interfaces and slip surface respectively. In the
in which P is the value of G(x) at x=b, or active following discussion we will demonstrate that Eq.
earth pressure at the vertical wall. P, is the water (4.1) is equivalent to the force equilibrium equations
pressure at x=a, i.e. P,,=G(a). h is the distance given by Sarma (1979). Therefore the factor of
between the point of application of the active earth safety obtained by Sarma’s method corresponds to
pressure and the bottom of the wall, i.e., the value of an upper bound.
o/-y,) at x=b; h , the distance between the point of It has been understood that for a material that
application of the water pressure and the bottom of obeys associated flow law and Mohr-Coulomb
the tension crack, i.e., the value of o/-y,) at x=a;6 is failure criterion, the plastic deformation produced by
the value of p at x=b, i.e., the friction angle at the an increment in external load would incline at an
wall angle $e to the shear band (Fig. 4.1 ), and the energy
Eqs. (3.8) and (3.9) involve an unknown F (or P) dissipation developed on the band is
and an unknown variable p (x), Chen and
Morgenstern (1 983) suggested introducing an d D = (ccosp,, - usinpe)V (4.2)
assumption defining /3 (x) (Fig. 3.l(b)).
where U is the pore pressure applied on the shear
surface (Donald and Chen, 1997).
Let us examine a two block failure mode as
,f (x) is a linear function that allows the valueJ;,(a)

shown in Fig. 4.2. In Sarma’s approach, Mohr- formulated in a more efficient way by employing
Coulomn criterion applies on both the left and right (4.5)’ the virtual work principle, with a set of virtual
bases of the blocks as well as on the interface. The displacements, each inclined at an angle of &e to
normal force P and its contribution of shear force their respectively shear surfaces.
Ptan@on each of the faces forms a resultant Pwhich (2) Since Eq. (4.5) is identical to (4.1) in this
inclines at an angle @e to the normal of the bases. particular problem, the solution obtained by Sarma’s
Establishing force equilibrium equation, according method would be identical to that obtained by the
to Sarma’s concept, we have upper bound method described in Section 4. I .

FIG. 4.1 The plastic deformation V and the energy dissipation

developed on a shear band.

w,+P,+Pi+c,,=0 (4.3)
FIG. 4.2 A two block failure mode explaining the equivalence
between Sarma’s method and the energy approach.

And Formulations of the upper bound solutions

A brief introduction to this method is given as
w,+P,+Pi+c,,=0 (4.4) follows. For details, refer to Donald and Chen
for left and right slice respectively. In (4.3), W is the As explained in section 2.1, we start the upper
weight of the slice, C, is the shear force applied on bound solution by establishing a velocity field. For a
the failure surface developed by cohesion. pair of adjacent slices, the velocity of the left and
Now, we deliberately assign a set of virtual right slices V, ,V, and the relative velocity form a
displacements V,, V,, y (Fig. 4.2)’ each inclined at closed triangle. Therefore we have (Refer to Fig. 4.3
an angle of @e to the shear surface. The work done and Fig. 4.4)
< v,
by P,,P,, on V,, respectively is thus zero. P,,
P,, Pi,as unknowns, disappear in the work and sin(6, - 8,)
energy balance equation and Eq. (4.3) and (4.4) (4.6)
reduce to v,.= v,sin(@,.- 6, )
Alel COS@^,^^ +Arc,.cos@J”,. + A,c, COS^,,^,
(4.5) sin(6, - 6,)
= cos p, + wrvrcos p,.
w,v, v,= v,sin(6,. (4.7)
- 8,)

where p is the angle between the weight vector and

V The values V,., V, can be expressed as a linear where 6 is the inclination of the interface with
function of V, , as will be given in the subsequent respect to the y axis. 8 is the angle of the velocity
Section, and therefore are not unknowns. Eq. (4.5) vector measured from the positive x axis. V, ,V, and
remains only one unknown F which is implied in V, of any slice can then be expressed as a linear
and is readily obtainable. function of the velocity of the left first slice V,. In
We thus reach two conclusions: general, the velocity of the wedge number k is
(1) Sarma’s method, which typically involves a determined by
procedure of solving Eq. (4.3) and (4.4)’ can be
V=kV, (4.8)


Fig. 4.4 Velocity compatibility between adjacent

slices. The left slice moves downward to the right one.

Fig. 4.3 Velocity compatibility between adjacent

slices. The left slice moves upward to the right one.

To enhance the numerical efficiency, we usually

discretize a slip surface by several nodal points
which are connected by smooth curves, as shown in
Fig. 2.l(c). The velocity at any point of the slip
surface can be integrated by the following equation.
where T is the external surface load and q , the
coefficient of horizontal seismic force. L is the
V = E(x)V, (4.10) length of the interfaces.
In Chen and Donald (1997), as well as in
where Example 2, stability analysis with slopes containing
weightless material were presented which indicated
da that the new method is capable of producing results
E ( x ) = k exp[- f cot(a - p: - Q ) -d<] (4.11)
as accurate as the closed-form solutions. In this
-ro d<
paper, we give another example in which the weight
of the soil material is not neglected.
The relative velocity on the interfaces is defined
by Example 4 A test problem with closed-form solutions
V, = -cosec(a - 4: - Q)E(x)V,da (4.12) Fig. 4.5 shows an example whose closed-form
solution is available by Sokolovski (1954) who
concluded that for a slope whose self-weight is not
Substituting (4.8) and (4.10) into (4.2), and negligible, the ultimate load is associated with a
following (2.10), we obtained the following equation
calculating the factor of safety. curved slope surface and a critical failure mode
designated in Fig. 4.5(b). With the parameters
V, is the velocity at x=x, . K accounts for the points indicated in 4.5(a) and the theoretical solution of
on the slip surface where a or 4 changes abruptly. q=220.5kPa, we started at an initial guess of failure
mode as shown in Fig. 4.5(a) and obtained F=1.065 ,
The subscripts 1 and Y refer to the variable at the left
by solving Eq. (4.13). The optimization process
and right point of discontinuity.

FIG. 4.5 A closed-form solution for a slope whose self weight is not neglected. (a) The initial trial, F,,=l.O65, (b) The final solution,

yielded a failure mode which is exactly the 8 =---&peJ

theoretical one as shown in Fig. 4.5(b), associated ' 2 (4.15)
with the minimum factor of safety of F,,,=1.008.
use of Eq. (4.6) and (4.7) will produce positive
On the two possible directions of shear between the values of V, or v/
adjacent slices In general, case 1 requires that the condition
In this section, we put forward an important 8,- 8,> 0 be satisfied with a definition of eJ by Eq.
statement which sometimes affects the results of the (4.14) while Case 2 requires the condition of
limit equilibrium methods of inclined slices. @, - 8,< 0 or 8, - 8)> - E , with a definition of Eq.
When establishing velocity field, one must
examine whether the left slice moves in an upward (4.15) for 8/ , refer to Donald and Chen (1997).
or downward direction, with respect to the right one.
Failure to do so will cause negative values of V,. or Example 5 A simple problems explaining the need
when (4.6), (4.7) are employed. Substituting for considering two directions of shear
these negative values into the work and energy To support this statement, let us examine a simple
balance equations, such as (2.10) or (4.1), means a case shown in Fig. 4.6. The two-block system is
violation of Drucker's Postulate. As a consequence, pushed by a horizontal force at the right side. It is
the calculation will lead to absurd results indicating not difficult to find the critical load of P that brings
that the bigger the cohesion value at the shear the system into a state of limit equilibrium by
surface where the negative velocity develops, the establishing the following equation:
smaller the factor safety will be obtained. Further
investigation shows that this problem is related to
the improper direction of v/ caused by a wrong
direction of shear on the interface. Fig. 4.3 shows
the velocity 7 which represents an upward
movement of the left slice with respect to the right
one. This case, defined as case 1, is most commonly
encountered. In this case, BJ is defined as

8,=--6+p,, (4.14)
2 The symbol '+' in 'k'is associated with case 1,
whereas '-' means case 2. For this example, the left
However, if V, lies lower than V,, as shown in block should move downward with respect to the
Fig. 4.4, and consequently 0,.-i o,, the left slice right one since a,<a, and consequently symbol '-'
would move downward with respect to the right one. should be used. If we use the symbol '+', the
This case, defined as case 2, occurs when the base of existence of the second term on the right side of the
the left slice is a weak zone having lower friction equation will produce a smaller value of P
angle compared to that of the right one, or when the associated with a larger c,,, which is controversial to
base exhibits an abrupt decrease of a. i.e., 4,. -i common sense.
or a,. -i a , . It can be easily found that if a
downward 7 is assigned and consequently, Q, is
defined as

It has been understood that the shiplock may have
two possible failure modes.
(1) Landslide may take place along the whole or
part of the slope. This may be caused by unexpected
high ground water or by the inadequate shear
strength of the rock mass especially due to the stress
relief after the large amount of rock mass
(2) The highly fractured rock mass may form
random wedges whose stability must be carefully
reviewed to ensure no hazardous instability
triggered either during construction or operation.

TABLE 5.2 c, pvalues obtained by Hoek-Brown Criterion

Rock Weather n? RMR (3 c cp
FIG. 4.6 A two block system explaining the need for condition MPa kPa ( " )
considering the shear direction between adjacent slices. Granite Moderately 25 57 50 60.01 41.4
Granite Slightly 25 77 100 199.5 57.7
Schist Slightly 17 57 50 57.8 37.7
The analytical results for Cross Section 20,
Examnle 6 Stability analysis for the shiplock slopes shown in Fig. 5.1, are presented in Fig. 5.2 and
of the Three Gorges project Table 5.3. A tension crack 15 m deep filled up with
water was assigned in the calculation. The
The shiplock of the Three Gorges project assures the horizontal anchor load 1000 KN/m and 30 m in
transportation through the Yangtze River and is length is applied on the slope where the cables pass
therefore of utmost importance. It is located in the through the slip surface. Since there exists a set of
left abutment of the Complex with a total length of steeply dipping joints, vertical interfaces were
6442 m in which 1607 m is covered with the main employed in the upper bound method. However, the
structure. The geology of the shiplock consists of shear strength parameters of the interfaces are set to
early Sinian Period plagioclase granite. A schist vain be equal to those of totally weathered rock, i.e.,
intrudes transversely through this area. From the top 4 ~ 3 5 ", c=5OkPu. From the results shown in Table
to the bottom, the slope material transfers from the 5.3, it can be seen that there is no substantial
heavily, slightly, moderately weathered to fresh rock difference between the results obtained by
mass. Parameters for these rock types based on a Morgenstern - Price method and the upper bound
comprehensive geological review are proposed and approach. Morgenstern-Price sometimes gave larger
listed in Table 5.1. factors of safety, compared to those of the upper
The shiplock slope is 160 m high and involves an bound method. This is because a relatively lower
excavation of 23.8 million m3 rock material. Refer to strength parameters were assigned to the interfaces
Fig. 5.1, above the elevation 161m, the slope ranges in the upper bound method. Shear strength
from 1.5:l to 1.1:l. The vertical cut 60 rn high parameters suggested by the designers (Table 5.1)
below elevation 161 m is supported by two rows of and by Hoek-Brown criterion (Table 5.2) are quite
prestressed cables, with a designed load of 3000 KN close for various types of weathering granite.
in general. Additional cables are installed where the However those for the schist intrusion deviate with
wedge failure potential is of concern. Six levels of each other quite a lot.
drainage tunnels are provided in both abutments
(Fig. 5.1).
Example 7 Stability analysis for the Three Gorges
TABLE 5.1 Shear strength parameters for various types of rock
based on a comprehensive geological study The bed rock of the power plants of the Three
Rock No. Weathering cp c Unit weight Gorges project rises near both abutments and
kPa KN/m3 consequently shortens the dam. Since the
I Totally 35.0- 50 25 foundations of all the power plants are located at the
Granite I1 Heavilv 45.0' 200 26.5 same elevation, the dam units near the abutment will
I11 Moderately 52.4" 500 26.8 sit on a slope approximately 60 m high as shown in
IV Slightly 60.9' 1500 27
Schist V Slichtlv 35.0' 150 26.8
Fig. 5.3. It has been discovered that there exists a set
of joint which dips in the same direction to that of
the slope, presenting a very unfavorable condition to

Fig. 5.1 Cross section 20 of the Three Gorges Shiplock

FIG. 5.2 Critical slip surfaces obtained in local and overall stability review. Strength parameters: (a) from Table 5.1; (b) from Table
5.2, the Hoek-Brown failure criterion. Refer to Table 5.1 for rock layers I, 11, III,IV,V; refer to Table 5.3 for critical slip surfaces

TABLE 5.3 Factors of safety obtained by different approach for the stability of the dam. Detailed geological
the Three Gorge Shiplock slope explorations suggested some essentially inter-
No. of the Sarma Morgenstern connecting long joints as shown by line ABCHI in
slip surface Designers Hoek- Price Fig. 5.4. The question raised by the designers are
Local Above 1 7.18 7.08 what the factor of safety is if the dam slide partly
200m along OA, the concrete dam and partly along the
Above 2 5.33 5.89 5.80 joints and rock bridge. represented by BCHI, under
151m the application of the reservoir water pressure, with
Global 3 2.36 2.34 2.44 the parameters shown in Table 5.4 .
Vertical With 4 2.32 1.91 Using Morgenstern-Price method, we found it not
Wall cables
Without 5 2.07 1.69 2.38
difficult in obtaining a factor of safety which
NOTE: Morgenstern-Price method adopted designers’ satisfies both force and moment equilibrium
parameters (Table 5.1) conditions. The result is F=2.79.
When Sarma’s method was tried, we understood

Fig. 5.3 Unit 3 cross section of the Three Gorges Dam

that for the part of failure mass which constitutes a TABLE 5.4 Shear strength parameters used in stability analysis
continuous media of the concrete dam (OA in Fig. for the Three Gorges dam.
5.4), optimization process must be introduced to
determine the critical failure mode, just as we did for Part of the slip surface $ c (MPa)
OA 47.7" 3 .O
Example 2 and Example 4. Fig. 5.4(a) shows the ABCD 3 5 .O" 0.2
critical failure mode associated with F=2.89, which HI 57.8" 1 .8
is closed to that obtained by Morgenstern-Price
method. However, the result is based on the
understanding that at point A and C, the relative joints develops in this area, which dips into the slope
movement between slices take the direction defined with dip direction and angle of 280"and 71"
by Case 2. If the issue about the two directions of respectively. The possible failure mode of this slope
relative movements between interfaces is ignored is consequently clear. Rock mass would slip along
and along the slip surface, Case I was exclusively F236at the upper part and along a well defined clay
used, the optimization process eventually gave a seam between the bedding planes near the toe as
failure mode shown in Fig. 5.4(b) with a minimum shown in Fig. 5.6. The inclination of the interfaces
factor of safety F= 2.05. This result rather confused would be 6=-20° based on the set of joints that dip
the designer until the idea of two possible directions into the slope. Very low shear strength parameters
of shear was introduced. are assigned to the slip surface either on the weak
seam or on F236,being c=o, $=11.5". For the rock
ExamAde 8 Stability analysis for the outlet slope of mass near the toe where the slip surface exits, the
the Xiaolangdi project parameters assigned are c=5OkPa, $=3 1.O". Heavy
reinforcement including prestressed cables has been
The outlet of the water discharge tunnels of the installed. In designing the reinforcement, it has been
Xianglangdi Multiple-purpose Hydro-project creates found that factors of safety were very sensitive to the
a 60 m high slope which consists of severely adverse analytical methods as well as the input parameters of
geological conditions. Fault F,,, passes through the interfaces as shown in Table 5.5. It can be found that
crest of the slope which has a dip direction of 113" Morgenstern-Price method gave a relatively low
(Fig. 5.5). The dip direction of the bedding planes of factor of safety being 1.08. Using Sarma's method,
the sandstone and shales ranges from 106" to 113", The F value ranges from 1.17 to 1.41 associated
being very unfavorable. On the other hand, a set of with different parameters on the inclined interfaces.

FIG. 5.4 Stability analysis for the Three Gorges dam and foundation at Unit 3 using the upper bound approach. (a) Taking case 2 at
point A and C; (b) Case 1 is invariably used.

TABLE 5.5 Factors of safety of the Xiaolangdi outlet slope 6CONCLUSIONS

Method Shear strength parameters F
of interfaces This paper has given a general review on the
c,( kPa) ‘p!
theoretical background and the numerical advances
Sarma 0 20° 1.17
3O0 1.38 of the method of slices for slope stability analysis,
50 20° 1.23 which can be summarized as the following.
The solution of a slope stability problem can be
Morgenstern-Price (p = 17.4’) 1.OS approached by its least upper bound and
maximum lower bound. On most cases the gap
between this two bounds is very small, such as
shown in Example 6, 7 and elsewhere (Donald
and Giam, 1992). The rigorous solutions are
indeed obtainable.
The limit equilibrium methods that employ
vertical slices, such as those proposed by
Bishop (1955)’ and Morgenstern and Price
(1965), imply a lower bound of the factor of
safety. A rational application of this method
usually offers a safe solution to stability
problems but is not always economical,
especially when a rock slope is concerned as
FIG. 5.5 Critical slip surface obtained by the Sarma method shown in Example 8.
The limit equilibrium methods that employ
The large difference in the F values might be slices with inclined interfaces, such as those
attributable to the very low shear strength assigned proposed by Sarma (1978), Donald and Chen
on the slip surface. In making the final decision, we (1997), give an upper bound approach to the
believed that the failure mechanism was clear in this stability analysis. Use of powerful optimization
particular problem. Employing Sarma’s method has routines has enabled the least upper bound being
considered the real condition of the discontinuities. very close to the accurate answers. In rock slope
The inclined interfaces represent a set of joints stability analysis, this method is highly
which are not thoroughly persistent. Therefore, commended since its inclined interfaces offer
giving a set of parameters such as c=SOkPa, @30° better simulation to a jointed rock mass.
on the interfaces should be considered rational. Example 7 shows that a proper use of this
The importance of the project requires that the method will give a good insight into the stability
reinforcement must be sufficient to ensure safe behavior of a rock slope for which both safe
performance of this large project. On the other hand, performance and economical issue are of
the installation of prestressed cables presents a serious concern.
critical economical concern. A rational assessment In performing the method of inclined slices,
of the stability of this slope depends partly on a good care must be taken on the possible two
understanding to the analytical methods employed. directions of shear between the adjoining slices.
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Bishop, A. W. 1955. “The use of the slip circle in the stability
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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang (c) 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Using limit equilibrium concepts in finite element slope stability analysis

D.G. Fredlund & R. E.G. Scoular

University c?f Suskatchewun, Suskatoon, Susk., Cunudu

ABSTRACT: This paper reviews the development of finite element slope stability analyses and proposes
that such a method can form a practical procedure for solving slope stability problems. Several slope stability
methods have been proposed that make use of the finite element methods; these are summarized in this paper.
The proposed finite element method is in a form that can be conveniently used in engineering practice. The
procedure lends itself to present day numerical modelling techniques. The method has been updated to take
advantage of recent advances in computer technology and algorithms.
The combination of a finite element stress analysis with a limit equilibrium analysis provides greater cer-
tainty and flexibility regarding the internal distribution of stresses within the soil mass. The normal force
along any selected slip surface can be calculated from the stress distribution that has been calculated using a
linear and non-linear stress analysis. The overall factor of safety for a slope, when the finite element method
is used, can be defined as the available shear strength of the soil divided by the resisting shear strength. The
overall factor of safety is a combination of the local factors of safety within the slope. The resulting overall
factor of safety retains the basic assumptions inherent to the limit equilibrium definition of the factor of
The local factors of safety are an expression of the stability of the soil mass at each point along the slip sur-
face. The overall factor of safety computed using the finite element method shows good agreement with the
factors of safety computed using any one of several limit equilibrium methods. The finite element method
provides additional information regarding the potential performance of a slope; information not available
when using traditional limit equilibrium methods. The results indicate that it is important to use the effective
shear strength characterization of the soil when performing the slope stability analysis. The computed factor
of safety obtained when using a total shear strength characterization of the soil, may not agree with the factor
of safety computed when using the finite element stress analysis method.
Key words: slope stability analysis, finite element, enhanced method, direct method, strength method, stress
level method, factor of safety, local factor of safety.

1 INTRODUCTION the stresses in the soil mass. These stresses can sub-
sequently be used to compute a factor of safety (Fig.
Limit equilibrium methods of analysis have proven 1). The complete stress state from the finite element
to be a widely used and successful method for the analysis can be "imported" into a limit equilibrium
assessment of the stability of a slope. Limit equilib- analysis where the normal stress and the shear stress
rium methods sum forces and moments related to an are computed corresponding to any selected slip sur-
assumed slip surface passed through a soil mass face.
(Fredlund and Krahn,1975; Fredlund et al., 1981). The objective of this paper is to demonstrate a
However, these methods do not utilize the stress ver- procedure for combining a finite element stress
sus strain characteristics of the soils involved. It is analysis on a slope with the concepts of a limiting
well known, and intuitively understood that the sta- equilibrium method of analysis. The final method is
bility of a slope should be influenced by the stress called a "finite eIement method of slope stability
versus strain characteristics of a soil (Kondner analysis" and the results are compared to results ob-
1963). A finite element analysis utilizes a stress ver- tained when using conventional limit equilibrium
sus strain model for the soils involved to calculate method of analysis.

Figure 1. Illustration showing stresses that are "imported" from a finite element analysis into a limit equilibrium analysis.

2 BACKGROUND surface. The normal and shear stresses fiom an elas-

tic analysis were used to calculate an overall factor
of safety. The formulation of Kulhawy (1969) was
Bishop (1952) noted that the stresses from a limit classified as an "Enhanced Limit Strength Method".
equilibrium method of analysis did not agree with A number of finite element slope stability meth-
the actual stresses within an earth structure. Other ods have been proposed and the methods can be
researchers have confirmed this observation both categorized as "enhanced limit methods" or "direct
with experimental evidence and with numerical methods", as shown in Figure 2.
modelling. La Rochelle (1 960) estimated the stress Wright (1969) compared the factors of safety cal-
conditions in steep slopes using photoelastic tests on culated using the "enhanced limit strength" method
gelatine models. The results showed that stresses with factors of safety calculated using Bishop's Sim-
along a slip surface were over-stressed in the lower plified method (1952). A slip surface was selected
portion of the slip circle. Brown and King (1966) for comparative purposes that had a factor of safety
produced critical slip surfaces from a finite element of 1.O when using the Bishop's Simplified method. It
stress analysis of slopes using a linear elastic soil was concluded that the factors of safety determined
model. The critical slip surfaces were produced by by the "enhanced limit strength" method (Kulhawy,
using the angle of obliquity, 8, along the slip surface 1969) were approximately 3% higher than those de-
(i.e., $equal to (45" + ~'h)). Each critical slip sur- termined applying Bishop's Simplified method.
face represented a close approximation to an essen- Wright et al. (1973), using the "enhanced limit
tially circular shaped slip surface. strength" method, showed that: 1) along one third of
Clough and Woodward (1 967) undertook a study the slip surface, the local factors of safety are less
to evaluate the effect of incremental loading with than the overall factor of safety, 2) the factors of
single step loading as it related to stresses and de- safety calculated by the finite element method using
formations. It was concluded that: l ) stresses and de- linear elastic material properties ranged fiom 0% to
formations in an embankment obtained fiom a direct 4.5% higher than those calculated using Bishop's
application of the gravitational body forces on the Simplified method, and 3) the factors of safety cal-
complete structure were not completely accurate, culated by the finite element method using non-
and 2) changing Poisson's ratio interferes with the linear elastic material properties increased with
relationship between stresses and displacements, re- Poissonk ratio and are 2% to 8% higher than those
quiring a new analysis for each case. It was con- calculated using the Bishop's Simplified method.
cluded that "meaningful stability analysis can be Resdndiz (1 974) agreed with the concept of using
made only fi the stress distribution within the struc- the finite element method to calculate the stability of
ture can be predicted reliably." a slope; however, disagreed with points No. 2 and
Kulhawy (1969) developed a computer program No. 3 of the results of Wright et al. (1973) because
to obtain an independent assessment of the normal the factor of safety differences were too small.
and shear stress distribution along an assumed slip ResCndiz had developed a finite element method of

I Finite Element Slope Stability Methods I

Direct methods

Enhanced limit methods

(finite element analysis with Load increase
a limit equilibrium analysis) to failure

I Definition of Factor of Safety

Stress Level Strength & Stress Level

Kulhawy 1969 Zienkiewiczef a/ 1975 Adikari and Commins 1985

C/(c' + o'tan4') AL]

Figure 2. Finite element approaches proposed in computing the factor of safety in a slope stability analysis.

slope stability analysis defined as an "enhanced limit have also been studied by Martins et al. (1981) and
stress-level" method" in 1972 (Fig. 2). This method Tan and Donald (1 985).
used the maximum principal stress difference of the The "enhanced limit" slope stability methods are
soil at failure to define the factor of safety. Analyses based on stresses calculated using a finite element
made using non-linear stress versus strain relation- analysis and combined with a limit equilibrium type
ships led to factors of safety which in all cases were of analysis along a prescribed slip surface, to define
higher (i.e., differences as large as 30%) than con- the factor of safety. The prescribed slip surface is the
ventional factors of safety (e.g., Ordinary method or one defined by the lowest factor of safety and is
Bishop's Simplified method). found using a trial and error procedure. The stresses
Zienkiewicz et al. (1975) also proposed a finite along the slip surface are computed using a finite
element method of analysis to compute the factor of element analysis and can either be used in a
safety by using the principal stress difference in the ''strength" method or a "stress-level" method. Farias
soil at failure to define the factor of safety. The and Naylor (1996) stated that when using the "di-
method is an "enhanced limit stress - level method" rect" finite element method it is, "not easy to obtain
(Fig. 2). Both the ResCndiz (1972) and Zienkiewicz a safety factor accurate to within the conJidence
et al. (1975) formulations are classified as "enhanced limits achievable by limit equilibrium methods". The
limit stress-level" methods. authors noted that: 1) afine mesh is required, 2) a
Naylor (1982) established two types of finite ele- code capable of giving reliable results with the
ment slope stability methods, a "direct" and an "en- Mohr Coulomb elasto-plastic model for loading
hanced limit" method of analysis. The direct method states close to failure is needed, and 3 ) it is usually
used a finite element nodal formulation to define the necessary to carry out a set of analyses with c 'and
slip surface and the factor of safety directly from the tan+' progressively reduced by a factor which will
analysis. The proposed "direct" slope stability become the safety .factor when .faillire is eventimlly
method defined the factor of safety either as the in- reached. "Enhanced limit" methods require only one
creased load necessary to cause failure, or as the re- finite element analysis to calculate factors of safety
ciprocal of the reduction in the strength properties for a slope with various combinations of c' and
required in order to achieve failure. These methods tand!

Adikari and Cummins (1985) produced a finite mal stress at the base of a slice is known. On the
element method that combine the "strength" and the other hand, limit equilibrium methods, starting with
"stress-level" methods as defined by Kulhawy Bishop's Simplified method (1955), have used an
(1969) and Zienkiewicz et al. (1 9 7 9 , respectively estimated factor of safety when computing the nor-
(Fig. 2). The Adikari and Cummins (1985) method mal force at the base of a slice. The final factor of
produced factors of safety that were between the safety is found through an iterative process. The fi-
values obtained when applying the Kulhawy (1 969) nite element method factor of safety is defined using
and the Zienkiewicz et al. (1975) methods. It was the normal and shear stresses computed using a fi-
noted that for near-failure conditions (i.e., as defined nite element analysis.
by Bishop's Simplified method, 1955), the value of Finite element numerical stress analyses have
the factor of safety calculated by the Adikari and been available for many years. The finite element
Cummins (1985) method approached 1.O, while the method, however, has not become popular for slope
value of the factor of safety calculated by the Zien- stability studies due to intense computational re-
kiewicz et al. (1975) method remained high. The quirements and difficulties in assessing the stress
factor of safety by the Kulhawy (1969) method also versus strain characteristics of the soils. In addition,
approached unity with the factor of safety being de- inexpensive and easy to use limit equilibrium meth-
pendent on the percentage of the strength mobiliza- ods have provided factors of safety that appear to
tion in the component materials. The main differ- represent failure conditions in the field in most
ence in results appears related to using the stresses situations. Microcomputers now have sufficient
on the principal plane (Zienkiewicz et al. 1975) computational capacity to perform combined stress
rather than on the plane. By definition, failure does and limit equilibrium analyses. As a result, it is an-
not occur on the plane of principal stress and there- ticipated that the latter procedure will become more
fore, the Zienkiewicz et al. (1975) method (or any common in engineering practice.
stress-level method) is computing a factor of safety
that must be higher than the factors of safety pro- 3.1 Procediire usedfor the finite elenienl analysis
duced by a "strength" method.
Duncan et al. ( 1 996) provided a summary of the The enhanced limit (strength) finite element method
limit equilibrium and finite element methods that proposed by Kulhawy (1969) was selected as the
have been proposed for slope stability analyses. most appropriate method for slope stability analysis.
The finite element stress-deformation software,
Sigma/W (a proprietary product of Geo-Slope Inter-
3 SUGGESTED STUDY FOR COMPARISON national Ltd., Calgary, Alberta, Canada), was modi-
BETWEEN THE FINITE ELEMENT AND THE fied to utilizes a search algorithm in order to assign
LIMIT EQUILIBRIUM METHODS OF SLOPE and transfer calculated finite element stresses to a
STABILITY ANALYSIS designed point on the slip surface (Bathe, 1982;
Kralm et al., 1996). The calculated finite element
The finite element slope stability method proposed calculated stresses are used to calculate the normal
in this paper is of the "enhanced limit strength" type and shear stresses on the slip surface. The latter
(Scoular, 1997). The finite element method uses the stresses are used to calculate local factors of safety
Kulhawy (1969) definition for the factor of safety at the center of the base of each slice as well as the
combined with a finite element stress analysis of the overall factor of safety for the entire slip surface.
slope. Stress analyses were done using Poisson's ra-
tios equal to 0.33 and 0.48. For each stress analysis, 3.2 DeJinitiori offactor of safety
the cohesion and the angle of internal friction of the
soil were altered as the stability of the slope was The overall factor of safety is defined in accordance
computed. The selected values for cohesion, c', were with the finite element slope stability method de-
10, 20 and 40 kPa, and for the angle of internal fric- scribed by Kulhawy (1969), and expressed as the ra-
tion, +; were 10,20 and 30 degrees. tio of the sun1 of the incremental resisting shear
The finite element slope stability method pro- strengths, Sr, to the slim of the mobilized shear
duces an overall factor of safety that is an expression forces, S,, along the slip surface.
of the stability of the slope based on the calculated
stresses within the slope. Slope stability problems
solved using the finite element method have two im-
portant distinctions from limit equilibrium methods. The resisting force for each slice is calculated in
First, the finite element slope stability equation is terms of the shear strength, z,at the center of a slice
determinate; therefore, no further assumptions are multiplied by the base length of the slice, p. The
required to complete the calculations. Second, the available resisting shear strength for a satu-
factor of safety equation is linear, because the nor- ratedunsaturated soil (Fredlund and Rahardjo, 1993)
can be written as:
Figure 3. Definition of the global and local coordinates for a rectangular finite element.

S, =zP=(c'+(D~ -U, >ta$+(ua -U, >ta@b > P A common set of coordinates is used to identify
the center of a slice along a slip surface with respect
(2) to the surrounding finite element. The global coordi-
The mobilized shear force, Sm, for each slice is nates for the center of the base are calculated in or-
calculated as the mobilized shear stress, zm, at the der to determine the location of the base center
center of a slice multiplied by the base length, p. within the slope, and to determine which element is
associated with the center of the base. The local co-
rn = L P (3) ordinates of the center of the base are then calculated
The local factor of safety is defined as the ratio of within the element that encompasses the center of
the resisting shear force, S y , at a point along the slip the base (Fig. 3).
surface divided by the mobilized shear force, Sm, at The global coordinates for the center of the base
the same point, of a slice are related to the global coordinates of the
finite element nodal points through use of the shape
(4) functions.
x=< N >{XI (5)
The resisting shear force, S y , and the mobilized
shear force, Sm, are both calculated using the y = <N>{Y) (6)
stresses computed in the finite element analysis. The Where x = global x coordinates for the center
normal stress, on, and shear stress, zm, can be "im- of the base of a slice; y = global y coordinates for the
ported" as known values to the limit equilibrium center of the base of a slice; {X) = global x coordi-
analysis and the definition of both the overall and nates for the element nodal points; {Y) = global y
local factor of safety equations are linear. coordinates for the element nodal points; and <N> =
matrix of shape functions.
3.3 Element identification corresponding to the The shape functions <N> are defined in terms of
base of a slice the local coordinates (r, s). Since the global coordi-
nates for the center of the base of a slice and the
Each element must be checked to confirm that the nodes are known, the local coordinates can be ob-
center of the base of the slice is located within the tained by solving Equations (5) and (6), simultane-
element under consideration. Then the stresses cal- ously. The shape functions for a rectangular finite
culated by the finite element analysis can be "im- element with four nodes are as follows (Bathe 1982):
ported" into the stability analysis. Once the element
embracing the center of a portion along the slip sur- 1
face is located, stress values from the Gauss points
NI = - ( l + r ) ( l + s ) ( 7)
of the element can be transferred to the nodes of the
element and consequently to the center of the base. 1
The procedure is in accordance with the method de- N, = -(1 -r)(l + s ) (8)
scribed by Bathe (1982). 4

1 be used to describe the change of a variable within an
N, = - ( 1 - r)( 1 - s ) (9) element in terms of nodal values. The finite element
slope stability calculations require that stresses at the
1 center of the base for each slice be within an ele-
N, = - ( 1 + r ) ( l - s ) (10) ment. This is achieved using the following proce-
dure :
where r and s = local coordinates within the element.
The local coordinates vary between -1 and +1 (Fig. {oIn= < N > {F) (15)
3). A knowledge of the local coordinates is crucial to where oIn= stresses at the element node; <N> =
identifying the element overlapping the center of the matrix of the shape functions; and {F) = stress values
base of a slice. By definition, an element surrounds at the Gauss points.
the center of the base of a slice if the following con- The local Gauss point integration coordinates are
ditions are met: (0.577, 0.577), however, when the local Gauss point
For a triangular element, integration coordinates are projected outward to the
element nodes, the local coordinates become
(0 5 r 21) and (0 5 s 21) (1 1) (1.7320, 1.7320) (Fig. 5). This projection is carried
For a rectangular element, out for each element and the values for the stresses
from each contributing element are averaged at each
(-1 5 r 21) and (-1 5 s 21) (12) node. Accordingly, the values of ox, q,, and zxy can
The center of the base is outside an element if the be computed at each node of the finite element mesh.
local coordinates are not within the above specified The nodal stresses, ox, q,,and z,), of an element are
ranges. The search continues until an element is transferred to the center of the base of a slice along
found that satisfies these conditions. the slip surface.
N >{oIn
(o.)=< (16)
3.4 Transfer of element stresses to the center of the where {c$ = stresses at the center of the base of a
base of a slice slice.
Calculated stresses are stored within the computer The stresses, ox, q,,and zxy, can now be computed
software relative to the Gauss points of an element. at the center of the base for each slice.
Stresses must be transferred from the Gauss points of
an element to the nodes of the element and then to 3.5 The normal and shear stresses at the center of a
the center of the base of a slice. slice
The local coordinates of a point within a finite
element are defined in relationship to the global co- Once the stresses, a,, q,,and zxy, are known at the
ordinates at the nodes of the element by using the center of the base for each slice, the normal stress,
shape functions, as per Equations ( 5 ) and (6): o n ,and the mobilized shear stress, z, , can be cal-
culated using Equations (17) and (1S), respectively
(Higdon et al. 1976):

ox + oy + 0, - oycos 2 e
on =- + zxysin28
2 2
ox- oysin 28
2, = ~xycos2e
- (18)
where ox= total stress in the x-direction at the center
Y = N,N,N,N, > > (14) of the base;oy = total stress in the y-direction at the
center of the base; zxy= shear stress in the x- and y-
direction at the center of the base; and e = angle
measured from the positive x-axis to the line of ap-
where x and y = global coordinate positions within plication of the normal stress.
the element that are known as the center of base of a The above steps provide the necessary information
slice (Fig. 4); X and Y = global coordinate at the ele- required to calculate the stability of a slope using the
ment nodes; and N I , Nz, N3 and N4 = the shape func- finite element stresses. The calculated values for the
tions defined in Equations 7 to 10. normal stress, on, and the mobilized shear stress,, ,z
The stresses from a fmite element analysis are at the center of the base of a slice are entered into
stored at the Gauss points. The shape functions can Equations (2) and ( 3 ) to give the resisting shear force

Figure 4. Location of the center of the base along the slip surface within a particular finite element.

Figure 5. Gauss point projections to the nodes of a finite element.

(strength) and the mobilized shear force (actuating 4 PARAMETRIC STUDIES ON A SIMPLE 2:1
shear), respectively. SLOPE
The local factor of safety is computed as the ratio
of the resisting shear force to the mobilized shear A slope at 2 horizontal to 1 vertical is analyzed for 4
force. The overall factor of safety is the sum of the conditions (Scoular, 1997). The first case is a free-
shear force resistance values divided by the sum of standing slope with zero pore-water pressures and
the actuating shear forces along the slip surface. the slope is referred to as a dry slope (Fig. 6). The
second case is a free-standing slope with a pie-
zometric line at three quarters of the slope height,
and the slope is referred to as a wet slope (Fig. 6).

Figure 6 . Selected 2: 1 free-standing slope with a piezometric line exiting at the toe of the slope.

The third case is a slope partially submerged in wa- slope is simulated by point loads equal to the weight
ter with zero pore-water pressures in the slope (re- of water on the slope. The analyses are performed
ferred to as dry) (Fig. 7). The fourth case is a par- using Poisson’s ratios of 0.33 and 0.48, and a
tially submerged slope with a piezometric line at one Young’s modulus equal to 20,000 and 200,000 kPa.
half of the slope height (referred to as wet) (Fig.7). The results showed that the stresses change with a
The partially submerged slope is covered with water changing poisson’s ratio, but are constant for
to one half of the slope height, providing support for changes in the Young’s modulus. This observation is
the slope and increasing the factors of safety. The consistent with the observations of Matos (1982).
cohesion of the soil was varied from 10 to 40 kPa
and the angle of internal friction was varied from 10
to 30 degrees for each slope type. 5 RESULTS OF THE FINITE ELEMENT SLOPE
4.1 Limit equilibrium analysis
The local factors of safety differs along the overall
The limit equilibrium analyses are performed using slip surface (Fig. 8). Local factors of safety were
the General Limit Equilibrium method (GLE), computed for a 2: 1 (dry) slope with a cohesion equal
(Fredlund & Krahn 1977) which provides a com- to 40 kPa and an angle of internal friction equal to
bined moment and force equilibrium solution. An 30 degrees. While the local factors of safety differ
empirical finite element interslice force function, along the slip surface, the overall finite element
based on an independent stress analysis (Fan et al. factors of safety fall within the range of the limit
1986) was used. The General Limit Equilibrium equilibrium factors of safety. The difference be-
method along with a finite element interslice force tween the local factors of safety for Poisson’s ratios
function provides a method of comparison between of 0.33 and 0.48, calculated using the finite element
the finite element based analysis and the limit equi- method, is reflected in Figure 8. The factor of safety
librium analysis. computed by the limit equilibrium method and the
finite element method appear to be very similar. The
results appear to be within the limits of uncertainty
4.2 Finite element stress analysis associated with slope stability calculations. The fi-
The finite element stress analysis was performed by nite element method incorporates the stress-strain
“switching-on” gravity for the free-standing slope characteristics of the soil when computing the shear
and for the partially submerged slope. The load of strength and actuating shear force of the soil in the
the water and the lateral support it provides to the calculation of the factor of safety (Fig. 9).

Figure 7. Selected 2:1 partially submerged slope with a horizontal piezometric line at mid-slope.

The factor of safety results computed using the the stability coefficient, (c Y y H ) (Taylor, 1937),
finite element method (i.e., F3 corresponding to a where p is the unit weight of the soil, H is the height
Poisson's ratio of 0.33, F4 corresponding to a Pois- of the slope, $'is the angle of internal friction, and c'
son's ratio of 0.48) are compared to the factors of is the cohesion.
safety computed using the limit equilibrium method The factors of safety are grouped according to the
(GLE) and are shown in Tables 1 and 2. To assess soil parameters and plotted versus the stability num-
the variations in the factor of safety by each method ber and the stability coefficient. The greatest differ-
of analysis, the results are grouped according to co- ence in factors of safety is noticed at high angles of
hesion and angle of internal friction. The factors of internal friction, at low values of cohesion and at the
safety grouped according to cohesion, c', are plotted maximum values of Poisson's ratio.
versus the stability number, [(pVtan&)/cl, (Janbu, The factors of safety for the (dry) free-standing
1954). The factors of safety grouped according to slope, when grouped according to cohesion and
the angle of internal friction, +', are plotted versus plotted versus the stability number (Fig. 10) show a

Figure 8. Presentation of the local and global factors of safety for a 2:1 dry slope.

Table 1. 2: 1 &ee-standing slope
Soil Parameters Dry Wet
kPa degree Finite p=O.33 p = 0.48 Finite p = 0.33 p = 0.48
element element
hnction function
10 10 0.669 0.662 0.672 0.488 0.456 0.467
20 10 0.882 0.867 0.874 0.677 0.634 0.647
10 20 1.131 1.125 1.151 0.782 0.745 0.755
40 10 1.260 1.230 1.239 0.995 0.930 0.953
20 20 1.370 1.352 1.368 1.021 0.969 0.988
10 30 1.615 1.639 1.696 1.102 1.077 1.101
40 20 1.794 1.765 1.775 1.335 1.260 1.293
20 30 1.892 1.884 1.918 1.374 1.287 1.312
40 30 2.356 2.324 2.339 1.741 1.627 1.661

Figure 9. Shear strength and shear force for a 2: 1 dry slope calculated using the finite element method.

Figure 10. Factors of safety versus stability number for a 2: 1 dry slope as a h c t i o n of cohesion.

Table 2. 2: 1 partially submerged slope
Soil Parameters Dry Wet
kPa degree Finite element ,U = 0.33 ,U = 0.48 Finite ,LI = 0.33 p = 0.48
function element
10 10 0.845 0.843 0.827 0.649 0.635 0.641
20 10 1.149 1.115 1.OS5 0.886 0.874 0.880
10 20 1.344 1.425 1.422 1.050 1.046 1.068
20 20 1.618 1.586 1.575 1.318 1.314 1.343
40 10 1.721 1.722 1.691 1.322 1.296 1.316
10 30 1.865 2.08 1 n.s.a.* 1.482 1 SO5 1.530
40 20 2.297 2.385 2.368 13 0 0 1.774 1.795
20 30 2.337 2.268 2.204 1.783 1.763 1.786
40 30 3.006 2.970 2.899 2.303 2.260 2.274
*n.s.a.: no solution achieved

Figure 11. Factor of safety versus stability coefficient for a 2: 1 dry slope as function of angle of internal friction.

Stability Number, [( yHtan4)lc'J

Figure 12. Factor of safety versus stability number as a function of cohesion for a 2:l slope with the piezometric line at % of the
slope height.

Figure 13. Factor of safety versus stability coefficient as a function of the angle of internal friction for a 2.1 slope with the pie-
zometric line at % of the slope height.

Figure 14. Factor of safety versus stability number as a fimction of cohesion for a 2:1 dry slope % submerged with water.

slight divergence in the factors of safety when the nite element factors of safety and the General Limit
cohesion approaches 10 kPa and the angle of inter- Equilibrium factors of safety when the cohesion is
nal friction approach 30 degrees. 40 and 20 kPa. The difference between the factors of
The factors of safety by the finite element safety by both methods is constant at all values of
method, with a high Poisson’s ratio, is greater than cohesion until the angle of internal friction becomes
the General Limit Equilibrium solution. The slight equal to 30 degrees and cohesion becomes equal to
divergence is evident when the factors of safety are 10 kPa (Fig. 13).
grouped according to the angle of internal friction The grouping of the factors of safety according to
and plotted versus the stability coefficient (Fig. 11). the angle of internal friction, plotted versus the sta-
It is also evident that at high values of cohesion, bility coefficient (Fig. 15), shows the same pattern
(i.e., c’equal to 40 H a ) , The factors of safety com- as for the (dry) free-standing slope (Fig. 10). The dif-
puted when using the General Limit Equilibrium ferences in the results are more pronounced as the
method are greater than those from the finite ele- cohesion become less than 10 kPa.
ment methods with either Poisson’s ratio value. The factors of safety for the partially submerged
The factors of safety for the (wet) free-standing slope with a piezometric line at one half of the slope
slope with a piezometric line at three quarters of the height were grouped by cohesion and plotted versus
slope height, are grouped according to the cohesion the stability number (Fig. 16). The results show
and plotted versus the stability number (Fig. 12). close agreement between the General Limit Equilib-
The results show a slight divergence between the fi- rium method and the finite element method. The

Figure 15. Factor of safety versus stability coefficient as a function of internal fkiction for a 2: 1 dry slope % submerged in water.

Figure 16. Factor on safety versus stability number as a function of cohesion for a 2:l slope half submerged with a horizontal pie-
zometric line.

same pattern of divergence is evident as was shown termine the stress state in the slope. If the limit equi-
for the dry soil slope which is partially submerged librium and finite element factors of safety are
(Fig. 14). However, the divergence is not quite as similar for a simple slope than results from the two
extensive. The same comments apply to the factor of methods can be interpreted in similar manners. This
safety versus the stability coefficient as shown in study then sets the stage for using the finite element
Figure 17. method for situations where the limit equilibrium
Plotting the factors of safety for the various slope methods is known to not yield satisfactory results.
conditions, (i.e., dry fi-ee-standing, wet free-standing The finite element method also produces graphs of
and dry partially submerged), versus stability num- the local factors of safety that can be combined with
ber on Figure 18, shows the ranking of slopes by the shear strength-actuating shear force plots to help
factors of safety. The factor of safety can be esti- explain the best support mechanism for the slope.
mated for a slope that is similar to one of these cases The close agreement between the factors of safety
by calculating the stability number and selecting the when using the limit equilibrium method or the fi-
appropriate value of cohesion and angle of internal nite element method, has historically favored the use
friction. of limit equilibrium methods. Examination of the
Both the General Limit Equilibrium method and the critical slip surfaces reveals that while the factors of
finite element method of slope stability produce safety values are close, the location of the critical
factors of safety that are in close agreement. The ad- slip surfaces may be different.
vantage of the finite element method is that the
stress-stain characteristics of the soil are used to de-

Figure 17. Factor of safety versus stability coefficient as a function of the angle of internal fiiction for a 2:l slope half submerged
with a horizontal piezometric line.

Figure 18. Factor of safety versus stability number as a h c t i o n of cohesion for a 2:1 slope, evaluated for dry, piezometric and
submerged conditions.

6 ANALYSIS FOR THE LOCATION OF THE showed the deepest slip surface. For the partially
CRITICAL SLIP SURFACE submerged slope, the finite element method with a
Poisson's ratio equal to 0.48, showed a considerably
shallower slip surface.
The location of the critical circle changes depending
on the situation being analyzed. The biggest change
in location of critical slip surface was experienced 7 CONCLUSION
for the (wet) free-standing slope (Figs. 19 and 20)
and the (wet) supported slope (Figs. 21 and 22). The finite element method of slope stability is a vi-
In general, the finite element method slip surfaces able method of analysis that is now available for en-
go deeper than the limit equilibrium slip surfaces for gineering practice. The use of the finite element
the (wet) free-standing slope. The partially sub- method yields more detailed information on the
merged slopes show that the limit equilibrium slip stress state in the soil than is available horn conven-
surfaces go deeper than the finite element method tional limit equilibrium methods. This information
slip surfaces. For the free- standing slope, the finite can assists engineers in the design of slopes and
element method with a Poisson's ratio equal to 0.48 slope retaining structures.

Figure 19. Location of the critical slip surface for a slope with a piezometric line where the soil properties are c' = 40 kPa and 4'=

Figure 20. Location of the critical slip surface for a slope with a piezometric line where the factors of safety are closest to 1.O.

The value of Poisson's ratio can affect the calcu- the finite element method to slope stability prob-
lation of the factor of safety as well as the location lems, a better understanding is required regarding
of the slip surface. With an increasing application of the effect of Poisson's ratio and the overall deforma-
tion model on the stability of slopes.
Figure 21. Location of the critical slip surface for a half submerged slope where the soil properties are c' = 40kPa and qY = 30".

Figure 22. Location of the critical slip surface for a submerged slope where the factors of safety are closest to 1.O.

The finite element stress analysis provides input boundary conditions are being used and that a rea-
information for the calculation of the stability of a sonable stress-deformation model is being used.
slope. Further research must be undertaken on the With this assurance, soil structures can be better de-
stress analysis in order to ensure that the proper signed to account for a variety of stress conditions.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Leshchinsky, D. 1990. Slope stability analysis: Generalized
approach. .Journal of' Geotechnical Engineering. ASCE
The authors want to acknowledge the initial dis- 116(5): 851-867.
Martins, J.B., E.B. Reis & A.C. Matos 1981. New methods of
cussions regarding the potential for using a finite analysis for stability of slopes. Proc. lU[h In/. Conf.. Soil
element slope stability method that were held with Mech. Found. Eng. 3: 463-467.
Prof. Wong Kai Sin of Nanyang Technological Uni- Matos, A.C. 1982. The numerical influence of the Poisson ratio
versity, Singapore. These discussions formed the ba- on the safety factor. Proceedings of' the Jth ltiterticrfiorial
sis for the study of this topic. The assistance of Dr. Confiretice on Nutmrical Methods in Geo-Mechanics 1 :
207-21 I .
Fangsheng Shuai, Ms. Noshin Zaderzadeh and Ms. Morgenstern, N.R. & V.E. Price 1965. The analysis of the sta-
Brigitte Boldt-Leppin in assembling this manuscript bility of general slip surfaces. Geotechniqzre I5( 1 ): 79-93.
is also acknowledged. The authors are also grateful Naylor. D.J. 1982. Finite elements and slope stability. N u m e ~ i -
to Geo-Slope International, Calgary, for the modifi- cul 1bfethorLs in Geomechanics. D. Reidel Publishing Com-
cations made to their software in order that this pany.
study could be readily performed. ResCndiz, D. 1972. Accuracy of embankment deformations.
Proceedings, ASCE Specierlly C'oiference on Perjormcrnce
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University of London. dam stability. Proc. I llh Int. Conf.' Soil Mech. Found. Eng..
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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang (( ) 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Stability of geosynthetic reinforced steep slopes

D. Leshchinsky
University of Deluwure, Newark, Del., USA

ABSTRACT: To produce design of stable reinforced steep slopes, a framework for stability analysis is pre-
sented. Elements such as local, compound, global and direct sliding stability are ensured. Other stability
analysis methods can be implemented using the presented framework as a generic template. To produce eco-
nomical designs, a meaningful definition of factor of safety is introduced. It is applicable to slopes that are
stable only due to the reinforcement tensile resistance. Furthermore, the phenomenon of progressive failure,
comnion to reinforced earth structures, is addressed in the context of design. A hybrid type of stability analy-
sis is employed. Peak shear strength dictates the location of the critical slip surfaces and hence sets the rein-
forcement layout. Residual strength is used to estimate the required force reaction of the reinforcement in case
shear bands are fully developed along the traces of the critical slip surfaces. Also presented is an instructive
parametric study. Finally, general guidelines about the selection of long-term geosynthetic strength and a
comparison with a case history are discussed.


Soil is an abundant construction material that, similar 2.1 General

to concrete, has high compressive strength but virtu-
ally no tensile strength. To overcome this weakness, Limit equilibrium analysis has been used for dec-
soils, like concrete, may be reinforced. The materials ades in the design of earth slopes. Attractive fea-
typically used to reinforce soil are relatively light and tures of this analysis include experience of practitio-
flexible, and though extensible, possess a high tensile ners with its application, simple input data, useful
strength. Examples of such materials include thin (though limited) output design information, and re-
steel strips and polymeric materials commonly known sults that can be checked for 'reasonableness'
as geosynthetics (i.e., geotextiles and geogrids). through a different limit equilibrium analysis
When soils and reinforcement are combined, a com- method, charts, or even hand calculations. Conse-
posite material, the so-called 'reinforced soil', pos- quently, extension of this analysis to the design of
sessing h g h compressive and tensile strength (similar, geosynthetics reinforced steep slopes, where the re-
in principle, to reinforced concrete) is produced. inforcement is tangibly modeled, is desirable. The
The increase in strength of the reinforced earth main drawbacks of limit equilibrium analysis are its
structure allows for the construction of steep slopes. inability to deal with displacements and its limited
Compared with all other alternatives, geosynthetic representation of the interaction between dissimilar
reinforced steep slopes are cost-effective. As a result, or incompatible materials comprising the slope.
various earth structures reinforced with geosynthetics Typically, adequate selection of materials properties
are being constructed worldwide with increased and safety factors should ensure acceptable dis-
frequency, even in permanent and critical applications placements, including safe level of reinforcement
(Tatsuoka and Leshchinsky, 1994). deformation.
This paper describes a design process for geo- In principle, inclusion of geosynthetic
synthetic reinforced steep slopes. It includes the de- reinforcement in limit equilibrium analysis is a
tails of the various stability analyses used to determine straightforward process in which the tensile force in
the required layout and strength of the reinforcing the geosynthetic material is included directly in the
material. It also details the relevant material proper- limit equilibrium equations to assess its effects on
ties, suggests a new concept related to the factor of stability. However, the inclination of this tensile force
safety quantifying stability, and addresses the phe- must be assumed. Physically, its angle may vary
nomenon of progressive failure. between the as-installed (typically horizontal) and the

tangent to the potential slip surface. By using a log 2.2 On the factor of safety in reinforced steep slopes
spiral mechanism, Leshchinsky and Boedeker (1 989) Limit equilibrium analysis deals with systems that
have demonstrated that for typical cohesionless are on the verge of failure. However, existing slopes
backfill, this inclination has little effect on both the are stable. To analyze such slopes, the concept of
required strength and layout of reinforcement. factor of safety, Fs, has been introduced. In unrein-
Conversely, Lesliclinsky (1992) pointed out that for forced slopes, Fs is used to replace the existing soil
problems such as reinforced embankments over soft with artificial one, in which the shear strength is &,
(cohesive) soil, the inclination of the reinforcing = tan-’(tan$/Fs) and cn, = c/Fs where $m and c,,, are
geosynthetic, located at the foundation and backfill the ‘design’ shear strength parameter of the artificial
interface, plays a significant role. The long-term value soil. Alternatively, these values represent the aver-
of cohesion used in design of manmade reinforced age mobilized shear strength of the actual soil. Em-
steep slopes (i.e., the topic of this paper) is negligibly ploying the notion of Fs in limit equilibrium reduces
small and hence, inclination has little effects. the statical indeterminacy of the stable slope formu-
Therefore, the force can be assumed horizontal lation via use of Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. It
without being overly conservative. also provides an object for minimization. Fs have
A potentially significant problem in limit
little physical significance unless viewed in an aver-
equilibrium analysis of reinforced soil is the need to
age sense. The extensive experience with limit
know the force in each reinforcement layer at the
equilibrium analysis, however, has produced engi-
limit-state. Physically, this force may vary between
neering database providing acceptable values of Fs.
zero and the ultimate strength when the slope is at a Extension of limit equilibrium stability analysis to
global state of limit equilibrium. Assuming the actual
reinforced steep slopes requires modification of Fs
force is known in advance, as is commonly done in
definition. Leshchinsky and Reinschmidt (1985),
analysis-oriented approach, implies the reinforcement
for example, applied Fs equally to all shear-resisting
force is actually active, regardless of the problem.
components, be it soil or reinforcement. This ren-
The designer then assumes the available ‘active’ force
ders Fs that is even less physically meaningful then
of each reinforcement layer to ensure that overall
the one used in unreinforced slopes (e.g., symboliz-
satisfactory state of limit equilibrium is obtained. The
ing the same average reduction of strength of dis-
end result of such assumption may yield a slope in
similar materials that are attaining a limit equilib-
which some layers actually provide more force than
rium state simultaneously). Current federal design
their long-term available strength while other layers
guidelines in the US (Elias and Christopher, 1997)
are hardly stressed. To overcome the potential
define the factor of safety for reinforced slope as:
problem of local instability, a rational methodology to
estimate the required (Le., reactive) reinforcement
tensile resistance of each layer is introduced via a Fs = Fsu + Mr / Md (1)
‘tieback analysis’ or internal stability analysis.
Consequently, the designer can verify whether an where Fsu is the factor of safety for the unreinforced
individual layer is overstressed or understressed, slope and Mr and Md are the resisting moment due
regardless of the overall stability of the slope. Once to reinforcement and the total driving moment, re-
this problem of ‘local stability’ is resolved, overall spectively. Mr and Md are calculated for the same
stability of the slope is assessed through rotational and slip surface as Fsu. Such an approach yields an
translational mechanisms. The rotational mechanism overall factor of safety whose physical meaning is
(termed in this paper ‘compound stability’ or ‘pullout difficult to interpret. Moreover, it treats the rein-
analysis’) examines slip surfaces extending between forcement as pure moment (i.e., only Mr resulting
the slope face and the retained soil. The force in the from reinforcement force is considered; actual force
geosynthetic layers in this limit-state slope stability is not included in the equilibrium equations).
analysis is taken directly as the maximum available Rather than extending the conventional definition
long-term value for each layer. The translational of Fs, one can take advantage of the fact that rein-
analysis (‘direct sliding’) is based on the two-part forced steep slopes are stable solely due to the rein-
wedge method in which the passive wedge is sliding forcement tensile resistance. The full strength of the
either over or below the bottom reinforcement layer, soil will mobilize along slip surfaces. By definition,
or along the interface with the foundation soil. ‘Fs’ for the soil alone in this case is unity every-
A new concept included in this paper relates to ade- where along the slip surface (i.e., a plastic ‘hinge’
quate definition of factor of safety of reinforced steep develops mobilizing the available strength of the
slopes. It suggests a rational and physically meaning- soil). For this state, the required reinforcement force
ful alternative to the conventional factor of safety used needed to restore a state of limit equilibrium can be
in slope stability analysis. In fact, this factor of safety calculated. As an example, see Figure 2 where a log
can be measured in an actual structure. spiral mechanism is used. The stability of the slope

now hinges on the reinforcement strength. Hence,
the factor of safety can be defines as:

Fs = tavailable
where tavailable is the long-term available strength and
trequired is the strength required for stability (i.e., for a
limit equilibrium state). This definition signifies a
factor of safety with respect to the reinforcement
available strength, a value that can actually be
measured in a structure.
The modified definition of Fs is based on the
premise that the soil will attain its full strength be-
fore the reinforcement ruptures; i.e., the soil will at-
tain an ‘active’ state exactly as assumed in design of
retaining walls including those reinforced with geo-
synthetics. Geosynthetic materials are ductile typi-
cally rupturing at strains greater than 10% thus allow
sufficient deformations to develop within the soil to
reach active state. In reality, most of the deformation
needed to develop the active state will occur during Figure 2. Log spiral slip surface and its statical implications.
construction as the geosynthetic mobilizes its
strength. It should be noted, however, that this ‘ac-
tive state’ approach needs further verification if used Figure 1 shows notation and convention. Rein-
with clayey backfill. forcement is comprised of primary and secondary
layers. Only the primary layers are considered in
2.3 Internal stability analysis analysis. In practice, secondary layers allow for
better compaction near the face of the steep slope
Internal stability analysis (also termed tieback analy- and thus reduce the potential for sloughing. The
sis) is used to determine the required tensile resis- secondary layers are narrow (typically 1 m wide)
tance of the each layer needed to ensure a reinforced and are installed only if the primary layers are
mass that is safe against internal collapse due to its spaced far apart (e.g., more than about 0.6 m apart).
own weight and surcharge loading. In the context of At the slope face, the geosynthetic layers may be
retaining walls, this analysis identifies the tensile wrapped around the exposed portion of the soil mass
force needed to resist the active lateral earth pressure or, if some cohesion exists, the layers may simply
at the face of the steep slope. That is, the tensile terminate at the slope face as shown in Figure 1.
force needed to restrain the steep slope from sliding Steep slopes are defined as slopes inclined at an-
along potential slip surfaces that emerge along the gles for which they are considered unstable without
face of the slope. The reinforcement tensile force reinforcement. For example, a slope would be con-
capacity is made possible through sufficient anchor- sidered steep if its inclination is larger than its angle of
age of each layer into the stable soil zone located repose if granular backfill is used (i.e., i>$d where i
behind the active zone. and @d are the slope inclination and angle of repose, or
design friction angle, respectively). Consequently, in
steep slopes the force in the reinforcement is activated
by an unstable soil mass. That is, the reactive force
mobilized in each reinforcement layer has to restore a
limit equilibrium state.
In general, the following rational could have been
used with any type of stability analysis. However, it is
most convenient to use it in conjunction with log spi-
ral stability analysis. This analysis produces the loca-
tion of the critical slip surface and subsequently, the
necessary reactive force in the reinforcement.
The log spiral mechanism makes the problem stati-
cally determinate. For an assumed log spiral failure
Figure 1 . Notation and convention. surface which is fully defined by the parameters xo yc

and A , the moment equilibrium equation about the
pole can be written explicitly without resorting to
statical assumptions (see Figure 2). Consequently, by
comparing the driving and resisting moments, one can
check whether the mass defined by the assumed log
spiral is stable for the design values of the shear
strength parameters: 4d and c d and the distribution of
reinforcement force $. This check is repeated for
other potential slip surfaces until the least stable sys-
tem is found. That is, until the maximum required re-
storing reinforcement force is found. The terms K17
and K,, (see Figure 2) represent the seismic coeffi-
cients introducing pseudo-static force components. It
is assumed to act at the center of gravity of the critical
mass. No surcharge is shown in Figure 2 to simplify
the presentation; however, inclusion of its effects in
the moment equilibrium equations is straightforward.
In this case, K h is also applied to the surcharge load,
rendering a horizontal pseudo-static force at the crest,
where the surcharge acts.
Figure 3 illustrates the computation scheme for es-
timating the tensile reaction in each reinforcement
layer. In STEP I, the soil mass acting against D, is
considered. Note that D, is signified by a reinforce-
ment layer wrapped around the slope face (see Figure
3), thus making it physically feasible for a mass of soil
to be laterally supported, resulting in a locally stable
mass. That is, D,is considered as a 'facing unit' (i.e.,
an imaginary facing element in the front edge of the
Figure 3. Scheme for calculating tensile reaction in reinforce-
reinforced soil mass) preventing slides of unstable soil ment layers
above that tend to emerge through it. This facing is
capable of providing lateral support through the de-
velopment of tensile force in the geosynthetic. The forcement level. Application of appropriate factors
moment equilibrium equation is used to find the criti- of safety to the required reinforcement strength
cal log spiral producing max(t,J employing the free- should ensure selection of geosynthetic possessing
body diagram shown in Figure 3 while examining adequate long-term strength at each level.
many potential surfaces. The resulted tn counterbal- Note that cohesive steep slopes are stable up to a
ances the horizontal pressure against 0,and thus, sig- certain height. Consequently, the scheme in Figure 3
nifies the reactive force in layer n. That is, the re- may produce zero reactive force in top layers.
sulted t, represents the force needed to restore Though these layers may not be needed for local sta-
equilibrium and hence stability. Note that D,7 was bility, they may be needed to resist compound failure
chosen to extend down to layer n. This tributary area as discussed in the next section.
implies a 'toe' failure that activates the largest possible The outer-most critical log spiral defines the ex-
reaction force. treme surface as dictated by Layer I. In conventional
In STEP 2, the force against D,]-Jis calculated. internal stability analysis it signifies the extent of the
&-, extends from layer y2 to layer (n-1). Using the 'active zone'; i.e., it is the boundary between the slid-
moment equilibrium equation, max(t,-J, required to ing soil mass and the stable soil. Consequently, rein-
retain the pressure exerted by the unstable mass forcement layers are anchored into the stable soil to
against D,,-,, is calculated. When calculating t,,-/,the ensure their capacity to develop the calculated tensile
reaction t,,, determined in STEP I, is known in mag- reaction tJ (see Figure 4). The 'stable' soil may not be
nitude and point of action. Hence, the reactive force immediately adjacent to this outer-most log spiral and
in layer (n-1) is the only unknown to be determined therefore, some layers should be extended further to
from the moment equilibrium equation. ensure satisfactory stability (see next section).
Figure 3 shows that by repeating this process, the Note in Figures 3 and 4 that the reinforcement lay-
distribution of reactive forces for all reinforcing lay- ers are wrapped around the overlying layer of soil to
ers, down to t l , are calculated while supplying the form the slope face. However, in slopes that are not
demand for a limit equilibrium state at each rein- as steep (say, i<50 9, typically there is no wrap around

the face or any other type of facing. In this case, load each reinforcement layer needed to ensure adequate
transfer fiom each unstable soil mass to the respective stability against rotational failures.
reinforcement layer is feasible due to a 'coherent' mass Internal stability analysis gives the required rein-
formed at the face. This mass may be formed by soil forcement strength at each level. In actual practice,
arching, by a trace of cohesion and by closely spaced however, specified reinforcement layers will have al-
reinforcement layers. The end result is a soil 'plug,' in lowable strengths in excess of that required (Le., tj I
a sense similar to the one developed at the bottom of a t(allowab1e)jwhereas tallowable 5 tavailable and tavailable is the
driven open-end pile, that acts de fact0 as a facing unit long-term available strength of the geosynthetics).
thus making feasible the load transfer into the primary The end result is that globally, the tieback analysis re-
reinforcement layer. It should be pointed out that quires only m reinforcement layers extending outside
'closely spaced reinforcement' does not necessarily the 'active' zone and into the stable soil. That is, the
mean closely spaced primary reinforcement layers; m layers are sufficient to maintain stability of the ac-
simply, thls 'plug' can be created by the combination tive mass as a whole. Internally, however, layers
of secondary and primary layers acting together to (m+l) through n are also needed to ensure local sta-
create a coherent mass. Since reinforcement layers, bility as implied in the scheme presented in Figure 3.
including primary and secondary layers, are spaced To calculate the minimum number of layers, m, the
approximately 30 cm apart in practice, and since the following equation is used:
secondary layers extend at least about 1 m into the
slope, the contribution of secondary layers to the for- m n
mation of a Yacing' should not be ignored. With time,
c t(a1lowable )j c tj ( 31
j = I j=1
surface vegetation and its root mat enhances this Yac-
ing.' The end result of forming a coherent face is not Note that m is the number of layers, counting from the
just an efficient load transfer fiom the deeply unstable bottom, capable of developing a total tensile resistance
soil mass to the reinforcement, but also improved equal to (or slightly exceeding) the net total force ob-
surficial stability and erosion resistance. tained fiom the internal stability analysis. When m =
n the compound stability degenerates to that intro-
2.4 Compound (or pullout) stability analysis duced by Leshchinsky (1992). The m layers may con-
tribute their full allowable strength simultaneously to
For a given geometry, pore-water pressure distribution
global stability when compound stability of the rein-
and (#d and c d ) , the internal stability analysis provides forced system is examined. The assumption of si-
the required tensile resistance at the level of each rein- multaneous availability of reinforcement strength is
forcement layer. It also yields the trace of the outer-
commonly used in limit equilibrium stability analysis
most log spiral defining the 'active' soil zone, a notion of reinforced slopes.
commonly used in conjunction with analysis of re-
taining walls. In reinforced soil structures, the capac- Embedding the layers immediately to the right of the
outermost log spiral obtained in the internal stability
ity of the reinforcement to develop the required tensile
analysis, so that t&,l,able for layers I through m and t,
resistance depends also on its pullout resistance;. i.e.,.
the length kchored into the siable soil zone. If the
boundary of this stable zone is indeed defined by the
'active' one, then potential slip surfaces that are pass-
ing further into the soil mass than the outermost log
spiral in Figure 4, outside or within the effective an-
chorage length, will never be critical. However, such
potential surfaces may render reduced pullout resis-
tance since the effective anchorage length is short-
ened. That is, the reduced tensile resistance capacity
along these surfaces could potentially produce a glob-
ally unstable system. Consequently, a conventional
slope stability approach is used to determine the re-
quired reinforcement length so that compound failures
(i.e., surfaces extending into the unreinforced soil
zone) will not be likely to occur. The term 'conven-
tional' refers to the nature of the analysis in which
global stability is sought (recall that internal stability,
or tieback analysis, looks at local stability at the ele-
vation Of each reinforcing layer)* The Objective Of the Figure 4. Tensile reaction transferred into soil next to active
compound analysis is to find the minimum length of zone.

for layers (m+I) through n can develop through length in practical problems, this simplification is rea-
pullout resistance, ensures that, in an average sense, sonably conservative. In a theoretical sense, this sim-
the mobilized friction angle, $mob, along this log spi- plification is not needed, however, it greatly simplify
ral is equal to, or slightly less than, (bd. The upper any computational procedure.
layers)I+‘( through n (see points A, B and C in Compound critical surfaces emerging above the toe
Figure 5 ) are not needed for the global stability of are also possible and consequently, the procedure in
the ‘active’ mass and therefore, from a theoretical Figure 5 should be formally repeated for slip surfaces
view point could be ignored at points A, B and C. emerging through the face of the slope. Subsequently,
Note that the mobilized friction angle, (bf&,, repre- layers previously truncated are lengthened if neces-
sents the required angle to produce a limit equilib- sary to ensure that (b,,job 5 (bd.
rium state while using the allowable reinforcement Specifying a layout similar to the envelope
strength. Hence, when (bnzob < (bd, a fictitious situa- ABCDEFG will contain, at least, m potential slip sur-
tion is analyzed; i.e., the system is actually stable faces, all having the same minimal safety factor
since the available soil strength, as expressed by (bd, against rotational failure (see Figure 5). However, be-
is larger than needed, (b),,&, for a limit equilibrium cause of practical considerations, a uniform or linearly
state. Only when $,,lob = (bd is a limit equilibrium varying length of layers is specified in practice. As a
state achieved. result, the number of such equally critical slip surfaces
At this stage of analysis, reinforcement layers I is reduced in actual structure since most layers are
through m are lengthened to a test body defined by an longer, and typically, some are stronger than optimally
arbitrary log spiral extending between the toe and the needed.
crest, to the right of the outermost log spiral (Figure Finally, anchorage lengths are calculated to resist
5). Each layer beyond the slip surface is embedded so pullout forces equal to the required allowable strength
that the calculated t(a/lo\vab/e)j can be developed; (b& for of each layer multiplied by a factor of safety Fs.po. In
this surface will be smaller than (bd used in design (i.e., these calculations the overburden pressure along the
for this layout, the outermost surface from internal anchored length and the parameter defining the shear
stability analysis is most critical). The upper rein- strength of the interface between soil and reinforce-
forcement layer is truncated in a numerical sense (i.e., ment are used. This parameter, C,, termed the inter-
t,,, = 0), and the moment equilibrium equation for the action coefficient, relates the interface strength to the
arbitrary log spiral is used to check whether (bmob = (bd. reinforced soil design strength parameters: tan(& and
If (br,lob = (bd than layer m is sufficiently long (see point cd. The interaction coefficient is typically determined
D in Figure 5); otherwise, lengthen this layer and re- from a pullout test. The required anchorage length of
peat calculations until satisfactory length is found. A layerj then equals t/ / (c~~,C,,[tay2((b&+cd]} where 4;
satisfactory length implies that the critical log spiral signifies the average overburden pressure above the
passing through point D yields a stable system for the anchored length. Adding the anchorage length to the
design friction angle, (bd; all feasible log spirals be- length needed to resist compound failure produces the
tween this one and the one from the internal stability total length required to resist tieback and compound
have (b,nob < (bd indicating they represent less critical failure. This length ensures that sufficient pullout re-
mechanisms (note that the strength of layers I through sistance exists for all layers and therefore, sometimes
m is available between these two log spirals). termed Pullout Analysis. It considers compound fail-
The process is repeated to find the required length ure developing in both the reinforced and retained
of layer (m-1) (Figure 5). Since the layers above were soil.
already ‘truncated’, they no longer contribute tensile
resistance to deeper slip surfaces. Once the process
has been repeated for all layers down to layer 1, the 2.5 Direct sliding analysis
length of all layers (curve DEFGH in Figure 5 ) re-
quired to ensure that (&job does not exceed $d for all Specifying reinforcement layout that satisfies a pre-
possible log spiral failure surfaces is found. To be scribed (bd against rotational failure does not guarantee
slightly conservative (and to avoid consideration of sufficient resistance against direct sliding of the rein-
surfaces where only a fraction of the pullout resistance forced mass along its interface with the foundation
is available), all anchorage lengths may be specified soil, or along any reinforcement layer. The rein-
beyond points D, E, F and G. This simplification is forcement length required to ensure stability against
conservative since, contrary to the compound analysis failure due to direct sliding, L k , can be determined
procedure, it ensures the following: f(a/lol&le)f,l at point from a limit equilibrium analysis that satisfies force
D (not zero resistance at D); ~(a//o)t~ab/e)m-l
at point E (not equilibrium; i.e., the two-part wedge method.
zero resistance at E); and so on. Since the anchorage Figure 6 shows the notation used in defining the ge-
length of planar geosynthetic sheet is typically small ometry and forces in the two-part wedge analysis.
(only a few centimeters) relative to its total required First, an initial value of Lds is assumed. Then, for an

Figure 5. Length required to resist compound/pullout failure.

ussurned interwedge force inclination, 6, the maxi-

mum value of the interwedge force, P,,,, is found by
varying 0 while solving the two force equilibrium
equdions for the active Wedge A. This interwedge
force signifies the resultant of the lateral earth pres-
sure exerted by the backfill soil on the reinforced soil.
Next, the vertical force equilibrium equation for
Wedge B is solved considering the vertical component
of the lateral thrust of the active wedge (i.e., Pnt,sin@.
The reaction NU is obtained and the base sliding re-
sisting force of Wedge B, TR,is calculated.
When calculating TB, the coefficient Cd, is used
(Cd, = the interaction coefficient between the rein-
forcement and the soil as determined from a direct
shear test). If the bottom layer is placed directly over
the foundation soil, two values of C d , are needed: one
for the interface with the reinforced soil and the other
for the interface with the foundation soil.
At this stage, the actual factor of safety against di-
rect sliding, Fs.ds, is calculated by comparing the re- Figure 6. Two-part wedge mechanism used in direct sliding
sistiiig force with the driving force: analysis.

TB direct sliding equals to the prescribed value.

FWA =- (4) The assumed value of 6 may have significant influ-
P cos 6
ence on the outcome of the analysis. Selecting s>O
implies the retained soil will either settle relative to
This factor of safety corresponds to the assumed value the reinforced soil and/or the reinforced soil will
of Lds. In case it is unsatisfactory, the value of L d s is slide slightly as a monolithic block thus allowing
changed and the process is repeated for Wedge A and interwedge friction to develop. Some reinforcement
Wedge B until the computed factor of safety against layers will typically intersect the interwedge inter-
Figure 5 . Length required to resist compound/pullout failure.

Figure 6. Two-part wedge mechanism used in direct sliding


face (especially if i < 70 "). However, the tensile re- stability calculations. Consequently, selecting a
sistance of these reinforcement layers is ignored in value of 6 in between (2/3)$d and $d should be
viewed as a conservative choice.

The techmque for incorporating seismicity into the compound failure analyses (Figure 5), this surface
force equilibrium analysis is shown in Figure 6. In a passes through both reinforced and retained soil and
pseudo-static approach, however, large seismic coeffi- possibly, even through the foundation soil. As an ap-
cients may produce unrealistically large reinforced proximation, one can use an averaging technique,
soil block, Wedge B. In this case, a permanent dis- considering the compound failure surface lengths in
placement type of analysis (i.e., Newmark's stick-slip the reinforced soil and in the retained soil, to find
model) is recommended. Alternatively, one may equivalent values for & and cd to be used in analysis.
eliminate inertia fiom Wedge B, analogous, in a sense, The value of the equivalent $hd is used to define the
to Mononobe-Okabe model used in analysis of gravity trace of the log spiral passing through the reinforced
walls. Only the 'dynamic' effects on P are superim- and retained soils.
posed then on the statical problem.
Finally, note that FSas is imposed when using 4 d
and cd. In the context of limit equilibrium analysis, 3 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS
this may constitute a 'double taxation.' That is, if peak
shear strength parameters are used, such a factor of 3.1 General
safety is essential. However, if (bd and cd equal to or
smaller than the residual strength values (see discus- The presented approach is based on the state of lim-
sion later on progressive failure) then imposing Fs-ds is iting equilibrium. Such a state deals, by definition,
unnecessary. with a slope that is at the onset of failure. Applica-
tion of adequate safety factors should ensure accept-
able margins of safety against the various failure
2.6 Commentary mechanisms analyzed. It is implicitly assumed that
the different materials involved (i.e., the geosyn-
No conventional factor of safety was used in the thetic materials and soils) will all contribute their
limiting equilibrium analysis. This is possible design strengths simultaneously to attain a state of
since the unreinforced slopes are considered limit equilibrium. For materials having constant
unstable thus enabling the soil to mobilize its full plastic shear strength after some deformation (e.g.,
strength (i.e., attain an active state). soils), such an assumption is realistic. However, not
all materials in the reinforced soil system possess
The presented approach assumes the foundation to this idealized plasticity. Consequently, the follow-
be competent and therefore, deepseated failures ing guidance is provided for selecting material prop-
were not considered. However, the computational
procedure can be modified for slip surfaces that
penetrate the foundation soil.
3.2 Progressive failure and soil shear strength
The approach can be modified to include any
type of limit equilibrium analysis. In case of Slip surface development in soil is a progressive phe-
generalized approach, separation into direct nomenon, especially in reinforced soil where rein-
sliding and compound stability is not needed. forcement layers delay the formation of a surface in
However, search routines in generalized methods their vicinity (e.g., Huang et al., 1994). Zornberg et
must be capable of capturing critical surfaces of al. (1998) discuss the elapsed time between failure
greatly different geometries. Furthermore, the initiation and complete collapse observed in cen-
problem may posses several minima thus trifugal models of reinforced slopes. Clearly, this
complicating the search. observation indicates a phenomenon of progressive
failure implying that while the soil is about to reach
Possibility of surficial failure is ignored in the its peak strength along portions of the slip surface, it
presented procedure. The presented approach has already passed the peak along other portions,
can be modified to deal with this issue by perhaps reaching its residual strength. Leshchinsky
assigning low or zero reinforcement strength at et al. (1 995) recommended that the design values of 4
the face provided the geosynthetic is not and c (i.e., 4d cd) should not exceed the residual
wrapped around. However, for steep slopes, strength of the soil. This would ensure that at the state
strict limit equilibrium analysis will indicate of a fully developed slip surface, the shear strength
insufficient stability at the surface. The used in the limit equilibrium analysis is indeed attain-
empirical concept of soil 'plug' is assumed to be able all along the slip surface.
valid for closely spaced reinforcement layers. Use of residual strength has clear cost implica-
tions in the design of reinforced steep slopes. The
In the strict sense of analysis, log spiral slip surface is required strength of the reinforcement increases
valid for homogenous soil only. However, in the somewhat (see next section). However, the required

length of reinforcement increases significantly since determine the geosynthetic reactive force. In
much deeper slip surfaces are predicted. For com- compound analysis use $residual in the limiting
pacted granular soil, an increase in length of 30 to equilibrium equations to assess the required rein-
50% might typically be required. This additional forcement strength along slip surfaces deter-
length makes construction more difficult, especially mined using $peak.
if space constraint exists (e.g., widening existing
embankment), thus rendering construction more ex- It is entirely possible that the backfill in steep
pensive than just the cost of extra reinforcing mate- slopes will deform (during or after construction)
rial. Hence, this combined with what currently ap- mobilizing the soil beyond its peak strength. There-
pears as overly conservative designed reinforced fore, the stability of steep slope may hinge then upon
steep slopes create a need to introduce a less conser- the strength of the reinforcement. Consequently, the
vative design approach. reinforcement strength becomes critical to stability
It is an experimental observation that only one slip in case residual strength develops. Note that the hy-
‘surface’ develops during the shear of granular dense brid approach recognizes that slip surfaces will initi-
soil element (i.e., unreinforced soil in triaxial or plane ate and have a trace based on the soil peak strength.
strain tests). In these tests, Mohr circle at failure However, possible development of progressive fail-
combined with Coulomb failure envelop indicates that ure is also recognized and at this state, the ductile
the shear surface is inclined at an initial angle of (45”+ reinforcement should be sufficiently strong to keep
$ p e k / 2 ) to 03. As displacement continues, a shear the system stable. It should be pointed out that in a
band forms and the residual state of strength is sense, Tatsuoka et al. (1998) proposed a similar hy-
reached. As an example, see Figure 7, reproduced brid approach, however, it was limited to seismic
from Yoshida and Tatsuoka (1997). Observing Figure design of reinforced walls.
7 (unreinforced soil element), as well as measured The proposed procedure may result in signifi-
traces of slip surfaces in centrifugal models of rein- cantly shorter reinforcement as compared to using
forced granular slopes presented by Zornberg et al. &esidual. However, the required reinforcement
(1998), indicates a unique slip ‘surface’ within the strength will be somewhat larger than that computed
shear zone. That is, there are no two different slip sur- by using $peak.
faces, one attributed to $peak and the other to $residual; If cohesive fill is used, extreme care should be used
instead, a rather narrow shear band is developed. when specifying the cohesion value. Cohesion has
Based on plane strain compression tests con- significant effects on stability and thus the required
ducted on 12 different unreinforced sands, Yoshida reinforcement strength. In fact, a small value of cohe-
and Tatsuoka (1 997) have demonstrated that the av-
erage inclination of the shear band (i.e., the ‘slip’
surface) is approximately related to $peak having a
value that is slightly less than (45”+ $peak/2). This
observation, however, is valid for medium to fine
sand while the confining pressure is less than, say,
100 kPa. Zornberg et al. (1998) have demonstrated
that a single ‘slip’ surface also develops in rein-
forced slopes. Via limit equilibrium back-
calculations, Zornberg et al. (1 998) have shown that
indeed their traced slip surfaces correspond well to
$peak. Consequently, the following hybrid procedure
is proposed for design when granular compacted fill
is used:
Use $peak and limit equilibrium analysis to locate
the critical slip surfaces. These surfaces will be
used to determine the required layout of geo-
synthetic layers (i.e., length and spacing). Note
that in reinforced slopes there can be several
equally critical slip surfaces.
Use $residual along traces of the critical slip sur-
faces determined in ( a ) to compute the required
Figure 7 . Shear band in plane strain compression test (Ticino
geosynthetic strength. That is, in internal stabil- sand: Dr = 79%, DjO = 0.527 mm, at u3 = 78 kPa and ylllas =
ity use $peak to locate the slip surface and the use 13.3%). Photo courtesy of Professor F. Tatsuoka, University of
$residual in the limiting equilibrium equations to Tokyo, Japan.

sion will indicate that no reinforcement at all is 2. For clarity, a simple granular slope (c = 0) with-
needed at the upper portion of the slope. However, out water and seismic loads is depicted.
over the long run, cohesion of manmade embank- 3. The weight of the sliding mass, W, and the re-
ments tends to drop and nearly diminish (normally quired reinforcement force, treyujyed, are known in
consolidated clay). Since long term stability of rein- magnitude (from the solution of the moment equi-
forced steep slopes is of major concern, it is perhaps librium equation for $peak) and in direction.
wise to ignore the cohesion altogether. It is therefore
recommended to limit the design value of cohesion to The action line of R (i.e., the resultant force of the
a maximum of about 5 kPu. It should be pointed out, distribution of G and T along the log spiral) must
however, that end-of-construction analysis must be coincide with 00' and simultaneously close the
also conducted if a soft foundation is present. In this polygon to satisfy force equilibrium. Hence, the
case stability against deepseated failure must be en- force equilibrium will be satisfied by virtue of the ex-
sured. istence of an unspecified resultant R that will close the
force polygon. The approximate procedure is implied
in Figure 8. All elemental resultant forces due to o
and T along the slip surface, dR,, at the residual
strength, must be inclined at $residual to the normal; dRr
no longer pass through the log spiral pole 0. At each
location along the log spiral, the elemental resultant
force at the peak strength, dR,, is inclined at $peak
passing through the pole. Hence, at each point along
the surface, the angle between dR, and dR, is A$ =
$peak - $esidl,al. It is assumed that the resultant of all
elemental dR,, R,, is also inclined at A$ to the resultant
of dRp, Rp. This assumption allows for the construc-
tion of the force polygon (Figure 8). Consequently,
using the force polygon in Figure 8, the results ob-
tained for beak can be 'corrected' in a simplified way
to adapt to the hybrid approach. That is:

Figure S. Approximate approach to consider the effect of re- where RF, is the reduction factor in the strength of
sidual strength. geosynthetic due to consideration of residual
strength along the slip surface while using peak
3.3 Reinforcement force due to progressive failure strength in all calculations. In a sense, the assump-
tion about the resultant inclination is similar to that
The preceding discussion suggests using $peak to de- used in the friction circle method (Taylor, 1937).
termine the location of each critical slip surface. However, unlike the friction circle, the 'accuracy' of
Next, along these critical surfaces one should calcu- this simplified approach has not been fully verified
late the required reinforcement reaction to maintain yet. Leshchinsky and Boedeker (1 989) have demon-
a state of limit equilibrium using residual shear strated that as the slope inclination approaches
strength values. This process can be done using any the log spiral degenerates to a planar surface (i.e.,
limit equilibrium procedure, preferably a rigorous log spiral with a pole located at infinity). This plan
one. To be consistent with the presentation in this is inclined at (45"+ $/2) when the reinforcement
paper, the following modified approximate proce- force acts horizontally. Observing Figure 8, one can
dure is proposed. realize that as the surface tends to be a plane, the ap-
The general expression shown in Figure 2 implies proximation regarding A$ becomes accurate. That
that the critical results for the log spiral satisfy is, for a planar surface the problem is statically de-
moment equilibrium explicitly. It can be argued that terminate and therefore, one can verify that the dif-
these results also satisfy the force equilibrium ference in Rp and R,. inclinations must equal to A$ =
implicitly. To realize this, refer to Figure 8. Notice in $peak - $resjdlral. Furthermore, geometry implies that
this figure that: the angle toequals to (45 "- $peak /2). Consequently,
1. For clarity, only one reinforcement layer is used for granular vertical slope the reduction factor RF,.
(expansion to n layers is straightforward). turns to:

factor of safety for uncertainties is specified. This
factor multiplies the calculated minimal required rein-
forcement strength at each level. Typical values for
Close examination of RF,. reveals that it is relatively this factor range from F,,,=1.3 to 1.5. The strength of
the factored reinforcement should be available
insensitive for reasonable range of values of to
throughout the design life of the structure. To achieve
(between 20" and 50") while holding A$ constant. this, reduction factors for installation damage (RFjd),
Furthermore, observing the results presented by durability (RFd), and creep (RF,,) should be applied
Leshchinsky and Boedeker (1989), one can config- so that geosynthetics possessing adequate ultimate
ure that toincreases as the steep slope flattens. The strength, tlrll,could be selected. That is, the specified
equations of RFr (Equations 5 and 6) imply that for geosynthetic should have the following short-term ul-
90" slope and constant A$, the largest value of RF,. is timate strength:
produced (within a reasonable range of both E0 and
A$). Hence, it is practically sufficient to investigate
the explicit value of RF,. for 90" slope and use it as
an upper limit in evaluating the effects of progres-
sive failure. Using typical values of $peak between Table 1 gives preliminary values for geosynthetics
40" and 50" and A$ = 5" yields a narrow range of reduction factors (Elias and Christopher, 1997).
RFr between 1.24 and 1.28 (practically one would Note that for normal soil conditions in steep slopes
use 1.3). Unusual design values of @peak between (i.e., near neutral pH and no biological activity),
45" and 50" and A$ = 10" yields RF, of nearly 1.6. degradation should not be a problem when using a
typical reinforcing polymeric material. The values
To avoid complication of design via introduction of of RFjd and RFd are site specific. The creep reduc-
complex concepts and involved analysis, it is practical tion factor, RF,,., depends, to a large extent, on the
to conduct the entire analysis using peak strength and polymer type and the manufacturing process. The
then correct the needed strength reinforcement by in-
term ultimate strength, tull, should correspond to the
voking the multiplier RFr. For simplicity, in design
result obtained fiom the short-term wide-width tensile
guidelines the value of $peak can be limited to 45"
while the correction factor is set to RF,. =1.40. Alter- test, following, for example, ASTM D4595-86 proce-
natively, the exact procedure can be followed as sug- dure. Typically, the strength at 5% elongation strain
gested. in the wide-width test is reported as well. Some de-
signers concerned with performance prefer to use this
3.4 Reduction factors related to geosynthetics value as 'tu/,.' It should be noted that performance (i.e.,
deformations) of steep slopes is less critical than that
The presented limit equilibrium analysis assumes that of walls and therefore, the 5% 'limit' is unnecessary
the geosynthetic will not mobilize its full strength be- and overly conservative for most practical purposes.
fore the full design strength of the soil is attained.
Formally, there is no consideration of deformations. Finally, if seismicity is considered in the design,
One can envision a scenario in which very stiff rein- the reduction factor against creep can be set to one.
forcement will have its strength mobilized rapidly, Simply, since the duration of the superimposed
potentially reaching its design value before the soil pseudo-static seismic load is short, significant creep
mobilizes its strength. This may lead to overstressing is not an issue. However, the designer should verify
and subsequently, premature rupture of the reinforce- that the required seismic strength is no less than the
ment, violating the analysis premise that its tensile re- required value for static stability where the creep re-
sistance will be available with the soil residual duction factor is high; the larger strength value from
strength. The result might be local, or even global, static and pseudo-seismic should prevail.
collapse. However, since geosynthetics are ductile
(typically, rupture strain greater than 10%), large 3.5 Other speciJied safety factors
strains will develop locally in response to overstress-
ing thus allowing the soil to deform and mobilize its The factor of safety against direct sliding, Fs-ds, en-
strength as assumed in the analysis and as needed for sures that the force tending to cause direct sliding of
stability. Over twenty years of experience indicate the reinforced soil block is adequately smaller than
that lack of stiffness compatibility is not a problem in the force available to resist it. It is a straightforward
structures based on limit equilibrium design. adaptation of analysis from reinforced retaining
To ensure that indeed some overstressing of the walls or gravity walls. It is recommended to use Fs-
reinforcement without breakage is possible, an overall ds=l .5 to 2.0 to avoid possible progressive failure as-

Table 1. Preliminary reduction factors.


Leshchinsky provides these values for preliminary design.

sociated with peak shear strength of soil,. If the de- is about 0.7. It should be pointed out that anchorage
sign value of the soil shear strength used in analysis length for reasonably spaced continuous reinforcing
is lower than its residual strength, one can use Fs-ds= sheets (i.e., 30 to 60 cm vertical spacing), is quite
1.0 to 1.3 since safety is already manifested in the small relative to the total required length in the final
reduced shear strength. layout. Consequently, the interaction coefficient
With reference to direct sliding, note the coeffi- may just be conservatively assumed in design.
cient C d , related to this mechanism. There are two
direct sliding coefficients. The first signifies the ra- 3.6 Practical layout of reinforcement
tio of shear strength of the interface between the re-
inforcement and reinforced soil and the shear Two practical options for specifying reinforcement
strength of the reinforced soil alone. The second co- length are common in practice (see Figure 9). The
efficient signifies a similar ratio but with respect to first option simplifies construction by specifying all
the strength of the foundation soil. This coefficient layers to have a uniform length. This length is se-
reflects a mechanism in which soil slides over the lected as the longest value obtained from the internal
reinforcement sheet. Its value can be determined stability analysis, the pullout/compound failure analy-
from direct shear tests in which the shear strength of sis, or the direct sliding analysis.
the interface between the relevant type of soil and The second safe option is to specify L g and L T at
the reinforcement is assessed under various normal the bottom and top, respectively, where L g is the
loads. Typically, C d , will vary between 0.5 and 1.0, longest length from all analyses and LT is the longest
depending on the type of soil and reinforcement. length obtained from internal stability and com-
For granular soils and common geosynthetics used pound/pullout analyses. Length of layers in between
in reinforcement, C d , is about 0.8. In many cases is linearly interpolated. This specification is more
the required length of bottom layer (i.e., see L g in economical; however, it may result in misplaced
Figure 9) may increase significantly as C d , decreases layers at the construction site.
below 0.8.
Factor of safety against pullout, F&,, multiplies the
calculated required allowable tensile force of each re-
inforcement layer. Anchorage length then is calcu-
lated to provided pullout resistance up to this in-
creased tensile force. Typically, Fs-povalue is specified
as 1.5. C, signifies the interaction coefficient. It re-
lates the strength of the interface between the rein-
forcement and soil to the shear strength of the rein-
forced soil or foundation soil. This coefficient re-
flects a mechanism in which the reinforcement is
being pulled out from a confining stable soil. The
required anchorage length is calculated based on Ci.
The value Ci is normally determined from a pullout
test. Typically, the value of Ci varies between 0.5
and 1.0, depending on the type of soil and rein-
forcement. For granular soils, the typical value of C, Figure 9. Practical layout of reinforcement.

Figure 9 shows primary and secondary reinforcing
layers. In the stability analyses, only primary layers
are considered. However, layers spaced too far apart
may promote localized instability along the slope face.
Therefore, secondary reinforcement layers should be
used. Their width should extend at least l m back into
the fill and their strength, for practical purposes, may
be the same as the adjacent primary reinforcement.
The vertical spacing of a secondary reinforcement
layer from either another secondary layer or from a
primary one should be limited to 30 cm. Secondary
reinforcement creates a 'coherent' mass at the slope
face, a factor important for local stability. Further-
more, it allows for better compaction of the soil at the
face of the steep slope. This, in turn, increases the
sloughing resistance and prevents surficial failures. If
wrap-around is specified (necessary in slopes steeper
than about 50°), secondary reinforcement can be used
to wrap the slope face as well. It should be back-
folded then at least I m back into soil, same as the
wrapping primary reinforcement.


4.1 Typical results

Figure 10, reproduced from Leshchinsky and

Boedeker (1 989), shows the calculated required ten- Figure 10. Calculated tensile reaction for cohesionless slopes
sile force from internal stability analysis versus $peak
and slope inclination. It should be noted that Lesh-
failure, the values of tj's determined from this chart
chinsky and Boedeker (1989) used a variational
have to be multiplied by RF, (i.e., typically, tj would
technique to facilitate the generation of results, how-
be 20 to 40% larger to account for $residual). It should
ever, those results are identical to those produced
be pointed out that soil possessing low $ such as 15"
using the scheme presented in this paper. This fig- or 20" is not likely to exhibit peak shear characteris-
ure is limited to cohesionless slopes. The ordinate K
tics; it is presented in this and following figures for
represents the non-dimensional value of the calcu-
instructive purposes unless one uses the chart for a
lated tj and, in a sense, is equivalent to K a in lateral
earth pressures (K, is equivalent to Rankine's if case where $design = $residual = $peak.
horizontal reinforcement and to Coulomb's if the Figure 11 show the outermost traces of critical slip
reinforcement is inclined). Notice that for reason- surfaces obtained from internal stability analysis.
able range of $peak, the difference in required K as a This figure is for horizontal inclination of geosyn-
function of assumed reinforcement force orientation thetic force (for traces when reinforcement is tan-
at the slip surface is small. This difference is the gential, see Leshchinsky and Boedeker, 1989). No-
largest for vertical slopes (practically, about 10%). tice that for vertical slopes, the surfaces are
The value of each tj can be back calculated from this practically planar inclined at angle of (45"+ +peak/2).
chart following the rational presented in Figure 3 . Also notice that as $peak decreases, the slip surfaces
That is, start with j = 1 and top layer to find tn for become significantly deeper thus implying longer
which H equals Dn, then go to j = 2 and layer n -1 to uniform required length of reinforcement. The im-
find tn-1 where H equals D,+Dn-I and t, is known, pact of this phenomenon should be viewed in the
and so on. Alternatively, one can use this chart in an context of the proposed progressive failure ap-
approximate manner. That is, the overburden pres- proach.
sure at the middle of a tributary area of a reinforcing No charts are shown for required length based on
layer can be calculated and then be multiplied by the compound stability analysis. The results in this case
tributary area and by the coefficient K obtained from will depend on the selected reinforcement strength.
the chart. Considering the potential for progressive The interested reader is referred to Leshchinsky et

Figure 1 1 . Outermost traces of internal slip surfaces.

al. (1995) to view some typical surfaces. In general, = while Figure 12 (bottom) shows the conserva-
compound failure will not control the length in near tive case where 6 = 0. Generally, it can be seen that as
vertical slopes provided the reinforcement is closely the slope flattens, the length of reinforcement in-
spaced and uniform in strength. However, this creases. Also, the friction angle and the interwedge
would not necessarily be the case if geosynthetic angle have significant effects on length. Notice that
layers with variable length and/or strength is speci- +
for 45" slopes combined with = 45", no reinforce-
fied. ment is needed, however, if one uses $design < the
Figure 12 shows the length of reinforcement re- required length will increase. In this case, one could
quired to resist direct sliding. It is constructed for use lower Fsdsin lieu of smaller b.
strength related to peak shear strength, for direct slid-
ing coefficient, Cds, equals one, and for a factor of 4.2 Case history
safety to resist direct sliding, F,&, equals 1.5. Figure
12 (top) represents the case where full friction is de- Fannin and Herman (1990) report the results of a
veloped along the interface of the two wedges (i.e., 6 field test of a well-instrumented full-scale slope.

One tested slope in which no intermediate rein-
forcement layers were used is adequate for compari-
son with the proposed progressive failure approach.
The slope height was 4.8 m and its inclination
was 1H:2V. The backfill soil was a uniformly
graded medium to fine sand, compacted to a unit
weight of 17 kn/m3. The plane strain residual inter-
nal angle of friction is reported to be 38". Unfortu-
nately the peak angle is not reported. The layout of
the uniformly spaced geogrids is shown in Figure
13. The force distribution in each geogrid layer was
measured using load cells. Only the facing was con-
structed of a wire mesh, which is considered
equivalent to wrap-around face. Following con-
struction, the wall was surcharged with soil placed
to a depth of 3 m. Since no details are given, it is
assumed that the slope of the this surcharge fill was
The outermost internal failure surfaces using the
approach presented in this paper are contained
within the reinforced zone (Figure 13) for $residual =
38". Since $peak is unknown, the corresponding slip
surface is not plotted, however, because $peak is
larger than $residual, the critical slip surfaces would be
even shallower (i.e., certainly contained within the
reinforced zone). The long-term allowable geogrid
strength is not reported, however, it can be verified
that its value is much larger than the measured
forces. Hence, all compound slip surfaces are also
contained within the reinforced soil. Assessment of
direct sliding reveals that Fs-dsfor the layout used is
between 1.5 and 2.0. Figure 12. Required length to resist direct sliding as function of
Since the actual layout is not the same as required in peak shear angle and slope inclination (assuming reinforced.
Figure 5 (i.e., not minimum length but rather uni- retained and foundation soils possess same strength and den-
form length), back-analysis using the presented de-
sign-oriented analysis can only suggest a probable
range of feasible values. The probable range for
each layer is between the required force against in-
ternal failure and compound failure (i.e., between
the value needed to ensure local stability and global
stability). The proposed approach in this paper
specifies the maximum value of this probable range
in design. Table 2 shows the comparison between
measured values and those predicted using $residual =
The agreement exhibited in Table 2 is considered
good. The total measured and calculated forces can
be used, in an average sense, to realize whether the Figure 13. Configuration of Norwegian Wall.
values suggested for RF, are reasonable. Repeating
calculations for the problem for $peak = 43", one gets proach recommends values between 1.2 and 1.4.
CtJ = 1 1.1 kN/m; for 4peak = 4 1", one gets Ctj = 13.3 The results of this exercise support the simplified
kN/m. Considering the measured (actual) value of approach of the hybrid approach using a reduction
CtJ was 15.3 kN/m, the reduction for progressive factor, RFr, to account for possible progressive fail-
failure would be RF, = 1.38 ($peak = 43") and RFr = ure along a surface determined by $peak.
1.15 (@peak = 4 1"). If one considers the calculated Fannin and Herman report only the total sum of
value of Ctj = 17.0 kN/m, the corresponding RFr forces for the surcharged case. The measured value
would be 1.53 and 1.28. Note that the proposed ap- is 22.2 kN/m whereas the calculated one ($residual =

Table 2. Reinforcement forces under self-weight loading.

Layer no. j
I 110.0

38") is 21.1 kN/m. Calculating RF,. will produce Superimposing on these critical slip surfaces the
similar trend to that of the self-weight case. Gener- residual strength of the soil and solving the limit
ally, this case history shows that use of $residual is equilibrium equations provide an estimate of the
justifiable. However, strain measurements by Fan- required reinforcement strength in case progressive
nin and Herman indicates the location of maximum failure fully develops. It is recommended to ignore
force is shallower that that implied by $residual (i.e., the cohesion value in long-term design of reinforced
implied by the trace of slip surface shown in Figure steep slopes.
13). Use of $peak will produce shallower surfaces The proposed design procedure can be easily
while use of RF,. will correct the required reinforce- carried out using a computer program (e.g.,
ment strength to account for a possible state in Leshchinsky, 1997). The mechanism and analysis
which residual strength is attained along that sur- used can be replaced with other rigorous stability
face. methods. Hence, this paper provides a conceptual
framework for design of reinforced steep slopes. It is
comprehensive and economical; experience proves it
5 CONCLUSION is safe.

A procedure for the design of steep slopes

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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang fi 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

The mechanisms, causes and remediation of cliff instability on the western

coast of the Black Sea
Mihail Popescu
Depurtnient of Geotechnicul Engineering, University of Civil Engineering, Buchurest, Romuniu

ABSTRACT: The large landslides along the Romanian shore of the Black Sea are well known instability
phenomena. They are responsible for considerable economic losses each year and the severity of the problcm
increased in recent years as increased scarcity of land forced utilization of inherently unstable areas. An im-
portant feature of these landslides is the presencc of a structured overconsolidated red clay underlying a loess
layer at the ground surface. The sliding phenomena evinced by the red clay along the cliff of the Black Sea in
Romania are developing cyclically, in time and space, with periods of attenuation and intensification. As the
cliff front is unloaded by the sliding of the material previously fallen in, increasing shear stresses are devel-
opcd, causing clay dilatancy and its yielding by intense moistening. As the displacement of the sliding rnass
increases, the mobilized shear strength of the red clay progressively decreases from its peak value to the re-
sidual one. The paper reviews the basic mechanisms involved in the instability phenomena of the Romanian
shore of Black Sea. Back analyses of some slope failures in the iirea performed in order to asses the shear
strength parameters mobilized along the sliding surface are presented and the results are compared with labo-
ratory experimental data. Finally, the remedial works and associated design principles which take into account
the causes, the extent and evolution of the landslide phenomena are discussed.

1 DEFINITION OF A LANDSLIDE; CAUSAL slope to become unstable and the processes which
FACTORS AND REMEDIAL MEASURES triggered that movement. Only an accurate diagnosis
makes it possible to properly understand the land-
Within the framework of the United Nations Inter- slide mechanisms and thence to propose effectivc
national Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction, the remedial measures.
International Union of Geological Sciences has es- The computed value of the factor of safety is a
tablished a Working Group on Landslides (abbrevi- clear and simple distinction between stable and un-
ated IUGS WG/L) which is assisting the creation of stable slopes. However, from the physical point of
a World Landslide Inventory. This has proposed a view, it is better to visualize slopes existing in one of
standard terminology for describing landslides; thus the following three stages: stable, marginally stable
a working definition for a landslide is "the move- and actively unstable.
ment of a mass of rock, earth or debris down a Stable slopes are those where the margin of sta-
slope" (Cruden 1991). The basis of the Inventory is bility is sufficiently high to withstand all destabi-
the "Landslide Report", which includes aspects both lising forces. iWurginully stuble slopes are those
of causes and of remediation for landslides. which will fail at some time in response to the de
At the national and world centers, analysis of the stabilising forces attaining a certain level of activity.
landslide inventory data is expected to provide valu- Finally, aclively zinsluble slopes are those in which
able information concerning their spatial distribution destabilising forces produce continuous or internii t-
and their seasonalAong term patterns of behaviour. tent movement.
The successive movements of individual landslides The three stability stages provide a useful
will enable a more precise prediction of sites liable framework for understanding the causal factors of
to failure in the future and their timing. landslides and classifying them into two groups on
"The processes involved in slope nioveinentc the basis of their function:
comprise a continuous series of events from cause to 1 . Prepurutory causal factors which make the
effect" (Varnes, 1978). When preparing a Landslide slope susceptible to movement without actually
Report for a particular site, of primary importance is initiating it and thereby tending to place the
the recognition of the conditions which caused the slope in a marginally stable state.

able 1 A brieflist of landslide Lausal factooz -- __ A particular causal factor may perform either or
1. GROUND-CSNDITION-S - both functions, depending on its degree of acti\ it>
I ) Plastic weak rnatei ial and the margin of stability.
2) Sensitive material Although it may be possible to identify a single
:3) Collapsible material triggering process, an explanation of ultimate causes
:4) Weathered material of a landslide invariably involves a number of prc-
,S) Sheared material
paratory conditions and processes. Based on their
;6) Jointed or fissured material
temporal variability, the destabilising processes J V : ~ ~ J
:7) Adversely oriented mass discontinuities (including bed-
ding, schistosity, cleavage)
be grouped into JIOWchanging (e.g. weathering. ero-
,8) Adversely oriented structural discontinuities (including sion) and fusi chcmging processes (e.g. esrihquake.
faults, unconformities, flexural shears, sediincntary drawdown). In the search for landslide causes. at-
contacts) tention is oftcn fbcused on those processes within
:9) Contrast in permeability and its effects on ground water the slope system which provoke the greatest rate of
( 1 @)Contrastin stiffness (stiff, dense material over pldbtic change. Although slow changes act over a long pe-
material) - ~ - -
riod of time to reduce the rcsistancdshear stress ra-
2. GEO M0RP H(0LOC ICAL PROCESSES tio, often a fast change can be identilied as haviiig
: I ) Tectonic uplift triggered movement.
(2) Volcanic uplift The IUGS WG/L Commission on Causes of‘
(3) Glacial rebound Landslides has prepared a short checklist of land-
(4) Fluvial erosion of the slope toe slide causal factors arranged in four practical groups
(5) Wave erosion of the slope toe according with the tools and procedures necessary
(6) Glacial erosion of the slope toe for documentation as illustrated in Table 1 .
(7) Erosion of the lateral margins The format of the table lends itself to the creation
(8) Subterranean erosion (solution, piping) of simple databases suited to much of the database
(9) Deposition loading of the slope or its crest management software now available for personal
( I @)Vegejat5io removal (byerosion, fore%t-fire,-drought) computers. The information collected can be coin-
3 PHYSICAL PROCESSES ~- - pared with summaries of other landslides and uscd
(1) Intense, short period rainfall to guide further investigations and mitigative rncus-
(2) Rapid melt of deep snow uses.
(3) Prolonged high precipitation Terzaghi (1 950) has written that “if a slope has
(4) Rapid drawdown following floods, high tides or started to move, the means for stopping niovenieiii
breaching of natural dams must be adapted to the processes which started tlic
(5) Earthquake slide”.
(6) Volcanic eruption Correction of an existing landslide or the preven-
(7) Breaching of crater lakes tion of a pending landslide is a function of a reduc-
(8) Thawing of perinafrost tion in the driving forces or an increase in the avail-
(9) Freeze and thaw weathering able resisting forces. Any remedial measure iiscd
(10)Shrink and swell weatherins of exgansLve soils - must prokide one or both of the above results.
4 MAN-MADE PROCESSES _ _ _ --- The technical solution must be in harmony with
( I ) Excavation of the slope or its toe the natural system, otherwise the remedial work will
(2) Loading of the slope or its crest be either short lived or excessively expensive.
(3) Drawdown (ofreservoirs) In fact landslides are so varied in type and size,
(4) Irrigation and always, so dependent upon special local circum-
( 5 ) Defective maintenance of drainage systems stances, that for a given landslide problem there is
(6) Water leakage from services (water supplies, sewers, more than one method of prevention or correction
stormwater drains) that can be successfully applied. The success of each
(7) Vegetation removal (deforestation) measure depends, to a large extent, on the degree to
(8) Mining and quarrying (open pits or underground which the specific soil and groundwater conditions
gal er ies) are correctly recognized in investigation and applied
(9) Creation of dumps of very loose waste in design.
(10)Artificial vibration (including traffic, pile driving, heavy As many of the geological features, like the
_ __ machinery1
- ___ - _ ___ __ ____ - ___ -- - sheared discontinuities, are not well known in ad-
vance, it is better to put remedial measures in hand
on a “design as you go basis”. That is the design has
to be flexible enough for changes during or subse-
2. Triggering causal jucfors which initiate mo\ie- quent construction of remedial works.
ment. The causal factors shift the slope from a In order to help including relevant information in
marginally stable to an actively unstable state. Landslide Report, the IUGS WG/L Comission on

Table 2: A bt-ief list of landslide [syedjfinieastires the major categories. For example. while restrsint
1. MODIFICATION OF SLOPE GEOMETRY may be the principal measure used to correct a PHI-
I. 1. Removing material from the area driving the landslide ticulx hidslide, drainage and modification 01‘ s ! ~ p e
(with possible substitution by lightweight fill) geometry. 10 s o x e degree and by nece
1.2. Adding material to the area maintaining stability Lit i l i d .
(counterweight berm or fill) Over the last s e ~ e r a decades
l there has been a no-
1.3. -Reducing general slope angle table shift towards ‘“softengineering” non-.structui*ul
2. DRAINAGE_- _ _ ~ solutions including classical methods such as drain-
2.1. Surface drains to divert water from flowing onto the age and modification of slope geometry but also
slide area (collecting ditches and pipes) some novel methods such as lime/cement stabiliza-
2.2. Shallow or deep trench drains filled with free-draining tion, grouting or soil nailing.
geoinaterials (coarse granular fills and geosynthetics) The cost of non-srructural reinedial measures is
2.3 Buttress counterforts of coarse-grained materials (hy- considerably lower when compared with the cost of
dro I og i ca I effect) structural solutions. On the other hand struct~ri~f
2.4 Vertical (small diameter) boreholes with pumping or solutions such as retaining walls involve opeiiing the
self draining slope during construction and often require steep
2.5. Vertical (large diameter) wells with gravity draining temporary cuts. Both these operations increase the
2.6. Subhorizontal or subvertical boreholes risk of failure during construction for oversteeping
2.7. Drainage tunnels, galleries or adits or increased infiltration from rainfall. In contrast. the
2.8. Vacu~imdewatering use of soil nailing as a non-structural solulion to
2.9. Drainage by siphoning strengthen the slope avoids the need to open or al?er
2. I0 Electroosmotic dewatering the slope from its current condition.
2.1-!.LVege_etat con plantins (hydrolqg ical eff5cL) Environmental considerations have increasingly
-3 .-RETA IN IN G - ~ T R U ~ TRUES become an important factor in the choice of suitable
3.1. Gravity retaining walls remedial measures, particularly issues such as visual
3.2. Crib-bloch walls intrusion in scenic areas or the impact on nature or
3.3. Gabion walls geological conservation interests.
3.4. Passive piles, piers and caissons This reporl is intending to discuss some problems
3.3. Cast-in situ reinforced concrete walls related to causes and remedial measures of land-
3.6. Reinforced earth retaining structures with strip/ sheet - slides along the Black Sea western shore in Romania
polymer/metallic reinforcement elements as resulted from the work of the IUGS WG/L Com-
3.7. Buttress counterforts of coarse-grained material (me- mission on Causes of Landslides and the IUGS
chanical effect) WG/L Commission on Landslide Remediation re-
3.8. Retention nets for rock slope faces spectively, in the framework of the United Nations
3.9. Rockfall attenuation or stopping systems (rocktiap International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction
ditches, benches,fences and walls) ( I 990-2000).
3 I O.Prgtec$veLock/concEE- blocks againsterosion
4 3. Soil nailing SHORE IN ROMANIA
4 4. Anchors (prestressed or not)
4.5 Grouting The eastern coast of Romania stretches approxi-
4.6. Stone or lirne/cement columns mately 2 10 km north from Constantza to south from
4.7. Heat treatment Mangalia. Sarmat deposits are found at the cliff base
4.8. Freezing while loessial collapsible soils form the cliff upper
4.9. Electroosmotic anchors part. In some places the Quaternary loess reaches the
4.l~L~eg~,ti~n planting<root strength meckankal effect) beach. Starting from Mangalia towards south and
continuing to Balcic and Varna in Bulgaria, the
Sarmat is more frequently found on the beach.
Landslide Remediation has prepared a short check- ‘The western edge of the Black Sea is a major
list of landslide remedial measures as given in seismic area where slope instability and landslides
Table 2. The measures are arranged in four practical are common. Major landslides tend to occur
groups, namely: modification of slope geometry,
throughout the Lower, Middle and Upper Sarmat
drainage, retaining structures and internal slope rein-
forcement (Popescu, 1996). (Miocene) sediments with the most spectacular
The experience shows that while one remedial large-scale failures tending to be of Neogene age.
measure may be dominant, most landslide repairs The large coastal landslides along the Black Sea
involve the use of a combhation 01two or more of shore in Romania are well known instability phe-

nomena that evolve in time and space. There are Landslides in stiff fissured red clays are likely to
many examples when the development of land has be accompanied by volume increase at the fail-
led to the reactivation or initiation of coastal land- ure surface. Field evidence shows that the equilib-
slides which have resulted in damage to property rium moisture content at the slip surface is gcncr~ally
and services. higher than that in the mass above or below it. l h c
An important feature of these landslides is the volume increase and associated moisture content in-
geological sequence including a red overconso- crease at the failure surface are attributable to fhc
lidated fissured clay underlying a loess layer at the folI owi ng factors :
ground surface. The underground water level is gen- (1) mechanical expansion due to unloading by re-
erally located at the base of the loess layer. The red moval of the upslope lateral support;
clay is overlying a hard mar1 clay or limestone. The (2) shearing dilatancy where the mechanical behav-
investigation of most landslides has shown that the iour of the red clay is brittle;
basal slip surface is bedding - controlled and seated (3) physical swelling due to water flow into thc ar-
in the red clay layer. eas undergoing mechanical expansion or shear-
The cliff retreat follows cycles similar to those ing dilatancy.
reported on the southern coast of England and on the While mechanical expansion and physical s.ive1-
northern coast of France (Hutchinson et al., 1991). ling are always present in the mechanism of cliffrc-
Most prominent is the major cycle of a large, rapid treat by landsliding, the shearing dilatancy is re-
landslide followed by slow erosion, but of impor- stricted to the areas where the mechanical behaviour
tance is also the annual climate - driven cycle, of the red clay is brittle (dilatant), i.e. the brittlenes
causing large soil strength variations between spring, index IB > 0. In the areas where 113 = 0, the clay me-
summer and autumn. chanical behaviour is ductile (contractant). If3 is a
In contrast to the longer time cycles of deep- function of the effective normal stress and the clay
seated landsliding, the cycle of relatively shallow condition (intact or previously sheared), and conse-
landslides tend to follow an annual, seasonal se- quently varies significantly along a slip surface as
quence. Loss of shear strength associated with swel- illustrated in Figure 2. Although for first - time
ling - shrinking cyclic events is responsible for many shallow landslides the shearing dilatancy might be a
shallow failures that occur seasonally in culting major contributory factor of shear strength reduction
slopes. Progressive slaking contributes to material by moisture content increase it does not play any
weathering and increases its susceptibility to failure. important role for deep seated reactivated landslides.
Hard dried clods of red clay have been observed to Due to the slow intermittent nature of ground
rapidly and completely lose their shape due to slak- movement along the Black Sea coast and the lack of
ing on immersion in water (Popescu, 1980). precise monitoring information it was not possible to
'I'he geoinorphology of the landslides along the relate landslide activity with rainfall events. How-
Romanian shoreline of the Black Sea suggests they ever, there did appear to be a close relationship be-
comprise broadly a seaward system of compound tween phases of increased landslide activity and pe-
landslides backed by a landward system of m~lltiple riods of heavy or prolonged rainfall and inferred
rotational landslides. higher groundwater levels.
The mechanism of rear scarp retrogression caused
by successive landslips is illustrated by the cartoons
in Figure 1. Continued erosion of the toe of the slopc 3 PROPERTIES OF THE RED CLAYS
results in a series of landslips. Each slide leeds to the
removal of the lateral support of the main landslide The red clays of the Doubrodjean Plateau are some
blocks upslope, and progressively worsens the sta- of the most peculiar soils of Southern Romania.
bility of the system. Each slope failure causes re- They are rigid, fissured, high plasticity clays.
duction of the lateral stress in its close vicinit3 Bedding planes and fissures form natural zones of
which i n turn makes the red clay to meclianically weakness in red clays. As with other lithologies, red
expand and reduce its strength. Physical swelling is clays that have been subjected to tectonic stress suf-
not possible in short term due to the low permeabil- fered interbed movement which resulted in smooth,
ity of the clay. After a period of time, however, ma- sometimes polished structures. The existence of
ter flows into the area, reduces the clay shear these ctslikensides)) is sometimes ignored by prac-
strength and causes further failure. Each slide leaves ticing engineers, particularly as these structural fea-
a steep rear scarp which rapidly degrades to a flattcr tures may well be obscured by the weathering of the
slope. The pile-up of debris on the rear of the main near surface material. The slickensides act as prefer-
slide constitutes a loading which together with the ential flow paths often leading to the weathering and
generation of undrained porewater pressures, and the softening of material adjacent to the discontinuities.
continuance of marine erosion at the toe, acts to de- Randomly oriented stress release fissures occur as
stabilize the main slide, and cause further inove- a result of a decrease in loading in red clays. Re-
ment. duced stress following natural erosion, excavation or

fissured inaterid: red overcoilsolidated clay (1.6)
adversely orieiited mass discoritinuities: slip surface - bedding
controlled (1.8)
wave erosion of the slope toe (2.5)
intense, slxort period rainfall (3.1)
prolonged high precipitation (3.3)
shrink and swell of expansive red clay (3.10)
loading of the slope at its crest: urban development (4.2)
water leakage froin services (4.9

PREPAIUTOIiY CAUSAL FACTORS 1.6, 1.8,2.5,3.1,3.10,

4.2. 4.6
Figure I Possible development and causal factors of landslides on the Romanian Black Sea shore

landsliding allows red clays to swell and hydratc, drying of red clays but these rarely penetrate more
thus facilitating further weathering adjacent to the than 1 m.
fissures. Uessication cracks result from summer Because of their very high plasticity and activity

Figure 2 Cliff retreat mechanism and shearing dilatancy

as well as their liability to volume changes, red clays f'ects are important only for first - time slides in red
exhibit a thick zone of weathering which often is clays.
disguised by the loess cover. In the deep zone of Drained direct shear tests with stress reversal
weathering, the red clay is fractured into blocks of have been performed to examine the differenccs
the ni-domain. Approaching the surface, the blocks between peak and residual strength of red clay. Brit-
gradually diminish in size (dm - and cm - domain) tlenss index values as high as 0.6 - 0.7 have been re-
while in the subsurface zone they are reduced to corded under effective normal stresses ranging be-
((crumbs))(mm - domain). tween 100 - 300 kPa.
Figure 3 summarizes the plasticity characteristics Based on the assumption that the fully softened
of the red clay in Casagrande plasticity chart. Red shear strength of the red clay can be represented by
clay belongs to high plasticity clay CH group that the average peak value of a remolded sample,
correlates well with the clay fraction percentage drained direct shear tests on remolded samples haire
(37-84 Yo)and high amount of montmorillonite been performed.
(36-64 %) detected by mineralogical analysis of the The difference between the residual and fully
clay fraction (< 2 p). softened shear strength is illustrated in Figure 4 for
Shear strength of the overconsolidated red clay two typical red clays. The measured residual and
varies from an initial peak to a residual value as fail- fully softened strength effective friction angle values
ure occurs, and as the complex of discrete minor are 13.4' and respectively 20.5' for the red clay with
shears become linked into a smooth failure surface. plasticity index 42 % and clay fraction 37 %, while
Under low effective normal stress the progressive the corresponding values for the red clay with plas-
preresidual shear displacement is accompanied by ticity index 58 % and clay fraction 62 % are 11.5"
soil dilatancy in the failure zone. If the shearing tli- and respectively 18.2'. These values compares well
latant zone is put in contact with a source of gravita- wiih studies of overconsolidated clays worldwide
tional water the clay adjacent to this zone hydrates based on correlation with plasticity index.
and swells leading to further decrease in soil shear With the availability of the ring shear apparatus it
strength. No shearing dilatancy and assocjated became possible to undertake relatively quick and
physical swelling are observed after attaining the re- accurate residual strength testing enabling to obtain
sidual strength state. 'Thus the shearing dilatarlcy cf- a large number of points through which the residual

Figure 3 Plasticity chart of the red clays

Figure 4 Residual and fully softened shear strength of the red clays

failure envelope can be drawn. This put into evi- analyses are believed to be reasonable estimates of
dence the existence of a curved part of the strength the average field strength of the red clay which
envelope at low effective normal stress. forms the basal slip surface. In most landslips, the
Figure 5 shows the results of a series of ring shear proportion of slip surface involving the upper loess
tcsts performed on red clay samples at effective layer is small and thus the back calculated shear
normal stresses less than 120 kPa. As the failure en- strength parameters of the red clay are not very
velope is curved it appears that the assumption much affected by the values assumed for the loess
C'r = 0 is only applicable to tests carried out at very shear strength parameters.
low normal stress and it is unrealistic when CDr' is Two dimensional static back analyses in ternis of
obtained from the straight line section of the enve- effective stresses have been carried out for seiw'il
lope. From the data presented in Figure 5 it results sites wliere landslides occurred and relevant i nfbr-
that the residual strength Parameters are C'r = 0 and mation was available. Figure 6 presents the d a a
@'r = 16.5' for shallow slips (0' = 30 kPa), C'r = from a landslide in Constantza city area (Popt-scu
3 kPa and @'r = 12.5' for intermediate depth slips et al., 1991). Both shear strength parameters h a w
(U' = 70 kPa) and C'r = 5 kPa and @'r = 9.5' for been simultaneously back calculated from the fo!-
deeper slips (0' = 110 kPa). As there is no unique lowing two requirements: (i) the safety factor was
value of @Ir it does not seem realistic to correlate the equal to unity, and (ii) the safety factor was niiiii-
residual shear strength with the plasticity index. mum for the given failure surface and the slope url-
It is to be noted that the ring shear tests generally der comideration (Popescu, Yaniagami, 1994).
resulted in a lower value of the residual friction an-
gle for deep slides corresponding to large effcctive Several factors concerning the investigated lmd-
normal stress when compared with the multiple re- slides introduced a degree of approximation into llie
versal shear box. performed stability computations namely: (1) the
slip surface is almost always known in only few
points from its trace 011 ground surface and frnni
4 S1,OPE INSTABILlTY BACK ANALYSIS slickensided surfaces and paleontoligical discoii-
tinuities found i n the borings; (2) the data con-.
cerning the pore water pressure on the slip surf'dce
Post-failure investigation of landslides is potentially
are generally few and irnprecisc.
the niost fruitful means of advancing our knowledge
in slope stability field. A landslide can reasonably be Despite these uncertainties, the results of the sta-
considered as a full scale shear test capable to give a bility back analyses are fairly consistent and agree
measure of the shear strength mobilized at failure reasonably well with the laboratory residual shcar
along the slip surface. strength data. The range of the back calculated shear
In many cases, back analysis is an effective tool, strength parameters, resulted from foar investigated
and sometimes the only tool, for investigating the landslips, was c' = 3-15 kPa and respectively
strength features of a soil deposit. However one has @'-10.2°-13.8", that draw attention on the effec-
to be aware of the many pitfalls of the back analysis tiveness of drainage as a method of stabilization of
approach that involves a number of basic assunip- landslides in red clays.
tions regarding soil homogeneity, slope and slip sur-
face geometry and pore pressure conditions along
the failure surface. A position of total confidence in 5 REMEDIAL MEASURES
all these assumptions is rarely if ever achieved.
Back analysis is of use only if the soil conditions When designing landslide remedial measures it is of
at failure are unaffected by the failure. For example primary importance to recognize the conditions that
back calculated parameters for a first-time slide in a caused the slope to become unstable. Landslide
stiff overconsolidated clay could not be used to pre- causal factors can be separated into two broad
dict subsequent stability of the sliding mass, sincc groups: preparatory and triggering. Three main pre-
paratory factors have been identified for the vast
the shear strength parameters will have been reduced majority of landslides along the Black Sea shore in
to their residual values by the failure. Romania, namely (Popescu, 1996): the recession of
The most important application of back analysis the coastal cliffs, the construction and development
consists in proper design of remedial measures. It is activities in the area, and water suppiy/sewage
generally assumed that the errors involved in the
network leakage. The primary triggering factor
back analysis of a given slope failure will cancel-out
iniliating movement has been reported to be pro-
by applying the back calculated shear strength in
longed and/or intense rainfall.
further limit equilibrium analyses of remedial meas-
By considering various causal factors it was felt
ures and design new slopes in the same area. that the following approaches to stabilization are
The scale of the landslides occurring along the likely to have a positive effect:
Black Sea Romanian coast is such that the back (1) Prevention of marine erosion by extending and

Figure 6 Example of a back analysed landslide in Constantza city area

upgrading the existing sea defences along the ing variolis retaining works.
ci iff toe. Wave crosion at sea level tends to remove toe-
( 3 ) Limiting the unfavourable effect of the ground- supporting laiidslide debris and steepen the slopc:
watedprecipitation conditions by providing ap- profile, so leading to decreased stability. In order to
propriate drainage systems and monitoring the protect the cliff toe against marine abrasion new sea
water supply network to identify areas of leakage defences consisting of cast-in-situ gravity retaining
where pipes need to be either repaired or re- walls and precast reinforced concrete crib walls have
p 1aced. been carried out as illustrated in Figure 7.
(3) Modification of the slope geometry by unloading Although very important. toe protection is rzre;
its active ~ o n t ' and
s loading the passive 2oncs. sufficient to prevent further cliff - top recession or
(4) Adding stabilizing h r c e to the slope by install- slope displacernsnt. Groundwater seepage from a

Figure 7 Toe protection works against niarine erosion

boundary between the permeable loess top layei and taining walls. They are designed CO undertake the
the underlying impermeable red clay may cause sloping ground thrust as well as to provide protec-
oversteepening of the cliff top and softening of the tion against marine erosion. which is the main cause
lower cliff. Remediation engineering for the seepage of clifi retrogression in the area. 'The retaining walls
problems of the parts of the coastal slope above provided with a special shaped "wave - breaking"
wave height consists in a series of longitudinal and face inighi be on spread foundation as illustrated 111
transversal open pit drains. In addition the whole Figure 8 for Cosiinesti and Qlinip resorts area,
slope is protected by planting trees viable in the near where the liniestone bedrock is located near the
proximity of the sea. ground surface, or on piled foundation as illustrated
I n the area of Mangalia, Costinesti and Olimp rc- in Figure 9 for Mangalia resort area where the sound
sorls, where the apartment houses being located 011 stiff mar1 layer is well bellow the sea level.
the cliff top usually do not have more than two In the areas of Constantza city and Eforie resort
floors, the retaining works consist in 4-6 m high re- where the cliff height often exceeds 20-30 ni and the

Figure 8 Reta~ningnalls in Costinesti and Oliiiip area

apartment houses being located on the cliff top zontal thrust diagrams corresponding to both situa-
might have groundfloor and 8-10 floors. the retain- tions and presented in figure 1 1b put into evidence
ing works that should undertake large horizontal that the resulting lateral forces are too large to be
forces given by both earth thrust and house overload, undertaken by the currently available retaining work
consist of stabilizing piles bored through the sliding systems
mass to the stable underlying material (Fig. 10). The third option was to reduce the height of the
Distinct protection works against wave erosion are
apartment houses that would result in a corres-
provided at the cliff toe.
ponding decrease of the horizontal thrust within the
As the systematization plan of the city of Con- sliding mass If the apartment house with groundfoor
stantza required to place the apartment houses as and 8-10 floors is taken as a comparison basis, a re-
marginal to the cliff edge as possible, diff'ereiit op-
duction in the house height by SO YO results in a
tions have been considered as illustrated in
Figure 11. 20 TOdecrease in the horizontal thrust as shown in
In order to analyse these design options the back Figure 1 l c
calculated shear strength parameters from slope fail- The three design options presented in figure 11 are
ures in the area have been used to determine the assuming that the apartment houses are on raft foun-
internal horizontal thrust distribution within the dations A forth option was to build the apartment
sliding mass. Horizontal thrust distribution diagram houses on piled foundations leading to a considerable
provides information on the optimum location of the decrease in the horizontal thrust to be undertaken by
retaining works and the magnitude of the force that the retaining works
these works should undertake In the 1950's an interesting innovation in slope
The first option was to place the apartment houses stabilizing was carried out at the Black Sea coastal
far enough from the cliff edge such as to provide the resort of Constantza Some 2 to 3 km of the coastal
cliff slope with a minimum safety factor against slid- area, 30 to SO m high slopes and running at an angle
ing F = 1 3 The minimum distance between the cliff of approximately 4S0, are composed of loess deposits
edge and the building front satisfying the requirement mainly derived from Sarmatian sediments (shelly
F =1 3 was found as large as 68 in (Fig 1 la) This calcareous liniestones with a few shales). Small-
was too large to be considered taking into accounl scale slumping had caused problems to neighbouring
the city planing restrictions housing developments, so a novel stabilization pro-
The second option was to level the cliff top by ex- gramme was undertaken
cavating the surfacial 6 m deep loess layer or to The process entailed drilling vertical holes at hori-
move the building front 10-12 m landward The hori- zontal distances of 5 to 8 m - the distance being de-

Figure 9 Retaining walls in Mangalia area

termined empirically - over some 2 to 3 km of coast presented within Figure 1. By considering those
Natural gas mixed with oxygen was then ignited in factors which have contributed to the coastal land
the holes at a temperature of around 200°C This slides, a number of stabilisation approaches have
baked the surrounding sediments, “hardening” been identified, as summarised in Figure 10.
and increasing the strength of the cover The IJsing numbers selected from the checklists (Ta-
net-work of holes was then filled in and to date the bles 1 and 2) provided by the IUGS WWL, rather
hill slope has not moved (Stiinculescu, 1963\. than words, Landslide Reports can be compiled
’The experiment was a “one-off’ and has not been which are independent of language and thus more
repeated. Intensive housing development has oc- amenable to digital processing (Popescu, 1996).
cured in and around the slope with no evidence on Much progress has been made in developing
any structural displacement being displayed. At the techniques to minimLe the impact of landslides
toe of the slope a new harbour development, with along the Black Sea shore in Romania, although
quays and jetties, has been finalised as Constantza is new, i n o x efficicn?, quicker and cheaper rnetlmls
the main import/export harbour in Romania. could well emerge in the future. Landslides may be
corrected or controlled by one or any combination of
four principle measures: modification of slope ge-
6 CONCLUDING REMARKS ometry. drainage, retaining structures and internal
slope reinforcement. There are a number of levels
The causal factors that have contributed to the ofei’fectiveness and levels of accepiability that may
coastal landslides in the area of Constantza city have be applied in the use of these measures, for while
been grouped under two main headings: ( 1 ) pre- one slide may require an iinmediate and absolute
paratory and (2) triggering, as shown in the table long-term correction. another may only require
minimal control for a short period.

modification of slope geometry by reducing general slope angle (1.3)
liirniting the urdavourable effect of precipitation/growndwater by appropriate
drairiage system: surfixe drains (2.1) and shallow trench drains (2.2)
planting the slope surface (2.11)
preventing niaririe erosion by extending and upgrading the sea defence
works: re t a b k g walls (3,I) a d protective rocMconcrete blocks (3.110)
atldirig stabihhig force by passive piles (3.4)
heat trcatriieIit (4.7)


DRAINAGE 2.1,2.2, 2.11
_I___ STRUCTWS 3.1,3.4, 3.10

Figure 10 Complex stabilization works i n Constantza city area

Figure I 1 Design options in building up apartment houses 011 the c!iff in Constantza city

Whatever the measure chosen, and whatever the
level of effectiveness required, the geotechnical en-
gineer and engineering geologist have to combine
their talents and energies to solve the problem.
Solving landslide related problems is changing from
what has been predominantly an art to what may be
termed an art-science. The continual collaboration
and sharing of experience by engineers and geolo-
gists particularly in the framework of the United
Nations International Decade for Natural Disaster
reduction (1 990 - 2000) will no doubt move the field
as a whole closer toward the science end ofthe art-
science spectrum than it is at present.


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Srahility Engg., Isle of Wight, 169-179.
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with a crumb structure. Proc. 4'" Ini C'017f' Ex-
pansive Soils, Denver, 1 : 1 5 8- 17 1 .
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clays as encountered in Eastern Europe. State-of-
the Art Lecture. Proc 4'" Int Symp Laiidslides,
Toronto, 1 : 83-106.
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Slope Stability Engg., Isle of Wight, 361-366.
Popescu, M., Chiroiu, M., Dragoniir, N. & A.
Chiricii 1991. Instability phenomena and remedial
measures along the North cliff of Constantza city.
Ti.unspoi.tution Journul, 3-4: 7 1-79 (in Romanian
with English and French summaries).
Popescu, M. & T. Yamagami1994. Back analysis of
slope failures. A possibility or a challenge ? Proc.
7'"Internutional IA EG Congress, 4737-4744.
Popescu, M. 1996. From landslide causes to land-
slide reniediation. Special Lecture. Proc. 7"' h i .
Symp. Lundslides, Trondheim, 1 :75-96.
Stanculescu, I. 1'363. Sicherung der Gelanderut-
schung in Stadtgebiet von Konstantza, Wisscw-
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Varnes, D. J. 1978. Slope movements and types and
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This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami& Jiang (c) 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Design of slope stabilizing piles

H.G. Poulos
Cofley Geosciences Pty Limited, Sydney & University of Sydney, N. S.W ,Austruliu

ABSTRACT: This paper discusses a procedure for the design of slope stabilizing piles in which the resistance
provided by the piles is assessed via an analysis of their response to lateral ground movements. The mechan-
ics of such pile-soil interaction are discussed and it is shown that there are a number of modes of failure, in-
volving yield of the soil and/or the piles themselves. For the ultimate case, a series of design charts are given
to assist in the assessment of pile resistance. A conceptual approach for designing piles to limit slope move-
ments is also presented. Finally, the application of the approach to two documented case histories is de-

1 INTRODUCTION 2 to describe an analysis which quantifies the re-

sponse of piles to soil movements arising from
One of the options for increasing the safety of poten- slope instability
tially unstable slopes is to use stabilizing piles. Such 3 to discuss the mechanics of pile-soil interaction
piles have been extensively used in Japan (e.g. Ito under lateral ground movements
and Matsui, 1975; Ito et a1 1979; Fukuoka, 1977; 4 to present a series of charts which inay be used for
Broinhead, 1997), Europe (e.g. Sommer, 1977; Vig- design purposes.
giani, 1981; Lippoman and Gudehus, 1985; Bandis Finally, application to two real cases is described,
and Tzaros, 1988) and North America (e.g. Merriani, and comparisons are made between measured and
1960; Oakland and Chapman, 1984; Morgestern, observed behaviour of slope Stabilizing piles.
1982; Reese et al, 1992; Rollins and Rollins, 1992).
Ito and Matsui (1 975) and Ito et a1 (1979,1982) have
presented some solutions which illustrate the influ- 2 THE BASIC PROBLEM
ence of various geometric parameters on the shear re-
sistance generated by a pile in moving soil. Their Figure 1 illustrates the basic problem being consid-
solutions have formed the basis of some suggested ered. A pile (which may be one of a number of piles)
methods of design (e.g. Popescu, 1991; Hassiotis et is located within a soil inass in which there is poten-
al, 1997). tial instability, with “unstable” soil to a depth of z,
Model tests have been carried out in recent years tending to slide over a deep layer of “stable soil”.
to study more closely the effects of ground move- The main issues are:
inents on piles (e.g. Poulos et al, 1995; Chen et al, i) to determine the forces and bending nioinents
1997; Guerpillon et al, 1999), and these have helped developed in the pile by moveiiient of the un-
to elucidate some aspects of pile behaviour. How- stable soil
ever, despite this work and the widespread use of ii) to estimate the increase in stability of the
stabilizing piles, methods of design are by no means slope because of the presence of the stabiliz-
well-established, and there remains an incomplete ing piles.
understanding of the mechanics of pile-soil interac- The two issues are inter-related, since the increase in
tion when soil flows past a pile or row of piles. slope stability depends on the amount of shear force
The purposes of this paper may be summarized as which can be developed by the pile at the level of the
follows: sliding plane and the position of tlie sliding plane
1 to present a relatively simple framework for the will determine tlie shear force developed in the pilc.
design of slope-stabilizing piles

3 DESIGN PROCEDURE FOR STABILIZING In both of these cases, the relationship between
PILES the factor of safety and tlie stabilizing force devel-
oped by the pile can be readily obtained.
The general design approach adopted follows closely Guidelines for selection of the optimal location of
that described by Viggiani (1981), Hull (1993) and piles in a slope are not well-established. However,
Poulos (1995), and involves three main steps: there is evidence to suggest that, in order to be effec-
1 evaluating the total shear force needed to increase tive, stabilizing piles must have the following char-
the safety factor for the slope (based on an analy- acteristics:
sis with no piles) to the desired value they must be of relatively large diameter and rela-
2 evaluating the maximum shear force that each pile tive stiffness
can provide to resist sliding of the potentially uii- they must extend well below the critical failure
stable portion of the slope surface so that the failure surface is not merely
3 selecting the type and number of piles, and the shifted downwards below the pile tips with a fac-
most suitable location in the slope. tor of safety still less than tlie target value
Step (1) makes use of the detailed results of the sta- they should be located in tlie vicinity of tlie centre
bility analysis. The actual safety factor Fa for the of the critical failure circle (or wedge, etc.) to
slope can be defined as follows: avoid merely relocating the failure surface behind,
or in front of, the piles.


where CR = sum of resisting forces along the critical
failure surface; CFD = sum of disturbing forces along
that surface.
In principle, it is possible to estimate the movement
If the actual safety factor F" is less than the target
of tlie slope after stabilization by piles, if the follow-
safety factor, FT, the piles must provide an additional
ing relationships can be estimated:
resistance AR, so that: 1 pile shear resistance (and hence improved factor
of safety) versus soil movement
2 slope factor of safety versus soil movement.
Figure 2 shows that tlie intersection of these two
From equations (1) and (2), relationships gives the values of factor of safety and
soil movement. Clearly, the larger the pile stabiliz-
AR = CF,,(F, - F a ) (3) ing force which can be developed for a particular soil
This represents the stabilizing force, per unit width of movement, the smaller will be tlie resulting niove-
soil, that must be provided by the piles, and can ment of the slope.
readily be calculated if CFD is extracted from tlie sta- The first relationship can be established via a pile-
bility analysis results. soil interaction analysis, as outlined in Section 4 be-
It should be noted that the safety factor can also low. Unfortunately, there appear to be no well-
be defined in terms of the moments along the failure established methods for estimating the second rela-
surface, rather than the forces e.g. Navfac (1986). tionship and it would be necessary to adopt an eni-
The principle of the method is the same, regardless of pirical approach. For example, it might be expected
the definition of tlie safety factor. that such a relationship would take tlie following
For step (2), the most satisfactory procedure is to form:
undertake an analysis in which the pile is subjected F = 1.O + (F, - 1.O)e-""$ (4)
to soil movements which simulate tlie movement of a
sliding mass of soil over a stable mass. Such analy- where F = factor of safety after stabilizing piles in-
ses are discussed in the following section. stalled; Fo = minimum factor of safety which would
Alternative approaches can be used to assess the result in no (or an acceptably "small") slope move-
relationship between safety factor and pile resistance, ment; ps= movement of slope after stabilization; k =
depending on the capabilities of the slope stability an empirical coefficient.
analysis used. These include: Unfortunately, there appears to be no systematic
tlie inclusion of a lateral concentrated force within data which might enable the empirical coefficient k
the soil, at the intersection of the pile and the criti- to be cstiniated.
cal sliding plane Tlie relationship betwcen pile shear resistance, V,
the inclusion of a stronger cohesive "lump" of and soil slope movement, p5,may be obtaincd from a
soil, tlie strength of which can be related to the pile-soil interaction analysis, as described in the fol-
shear force developed by the moving soil acting lowing section. Tlie consequent factor of safety of
upon the pile.

Figure 1. Basic problem of a pile in an unstable slope.

Figure 2. Conceptual approach for estimating slope movement after stabilization.

Figure 3. Model for piles in soil undergoing lateral movement.

the stabilized slope, F, can be obtained, e.g. from ment, the following equation may be derived while
equation 2, as the conditions of the pile-soil interface remain elas-

where CR and CFDare defined in equation 1, and CV

= total shear resistance developed by piles per unit where [D] = matrix of finite difference coefficients
width of the soil, due to a specified slope movement for pile bending; [I]" = inverted matrix of soil dis-
Ps. placement factors; KR= dimensionless pile flexibility
An illustrative example of the utilization of this factor = EI/EsL4; n =number of elements into which
approach is given in Appendix A. pile is divided; {Ap} = incremental lateral pile dis-
placements; {Aps} = incremental free-field lateral
movement; E1 = bending stiffness of pile; E, = aver-
5 ANALYSIS OF THE PILE RESISTANCE age Young's modulus of soil along pile shaft; L =
embedded length of pile.
It is assumed here that a pile in a potentially unstable In addition, the horizontal and moment equilib-
soil mass is subjected primarily to lateral ground rium equations, and the pile head and tip boundary
movements, although in general, there will also be a conditions, may be expressed in terms of the dis-
component of vertical ground movement acting on placements. After solving the resulting equations for
the pile. Thus, the basic problem is one of the re- the incremental displacements, the incremental pres-
sponse of a pile to externally-imposed lateral ground sures may then be evaluated from the equation of
movements. bending of the pile, and added to the existing pres-
Viggiani (1 98 1) has derived dimensionless solu- sures to obtain the overall pile-soil pressures. These
tions for the ultimate lateral resistance of a pile in a values are compared with the specified limiting lat-
two-layer purely cohesive soil profile. These solu- eral pressures, and at those elements where the com-
tions, while being extremely valuable, are limited in puted overall pressure exceeds the limiting value, the
the following respects: compatibility equation for that element is replaced by
1 they apply only to purely cohesive soils in which the pile bending equation which incorporates the
tlie cohesion of the unstable and stable soils is as- condition that the lateral pressure increment is subse-
sumed constant with depth quently zero. The solution is then recycled until the
2 they apply to the ultimate state only and do not computed lateral pressures nowhere exceed tlie lim-
give any indication of the development of pile re- iting values. Allowance has also been made for lim-
sistance with soil movement iting the bending moment within the pile itself to the
3 they are confined to a simplified representation of yield moment, since nonlinear pile bchaviour can
the distribution of soil movement with depth. have a considerable influence on lateral pilc response
A somewhat more versatile approach, which en- (e.g. Kramer and I-Ieavey, 1988). A FORTRAN 77
ables the above limitations to be overcome, can be computer program, ERCAP, has been developed to
developed by using a pile-soil interaction analysis in implement this analysis. Hull et a1 (1991) have de-
which the effect of soil moving past the pile can be scribed an alternative program, PALLAS (Piles and
considered at any stage of soil movement. Such an Lateral Loading Analysis) which uses a different
analysis has been described by Poulos (1 973), Poulos formulation but gives cssentially similar results to
and Davis (1980) and Lee et a1 (1991) and makes use ERCAP. Another alternative but similar analysis has
of a simplified form of boundary element analysis to been presented by Chow (1 986).
obtain a solution. The lateral response analysis requires a knowl-
In this case, the pile is modelled as a simple elas- edge of the distributions of lateral soil modulus and
tic beam, and the soil as an elastic continuum. The limiting lateral pile-soil pressure with depth, and the
basic problem is illustrated in Figure 3. The lateral free-field horizontal soil movements. For problems
displacement of each element of the pile can be re- involving slope instability, a distribution of free-field
lated to the pile bending stiffhess and the horizontal soil movements such as that shown i n Figure 1 ap-
pile-soil interaction stresses. The lateral displace- pears to be appropriate. This assumes that a large
ment of the corresponding soil elements are related to volume of soil (the upper portion) moves as a rigid
the soil modulus or stiffness, the pile-soil interaction body downslope. Below this is a relatively thin zone
stresses, and the free-field horizontal soil move- undergoing intense shearing in the 'drag zone'. The
ments. A limiting lateral pile-soil stress can be speci- underlying 'stable zone' is stationary. The estima-
fied so that local failure of the soil can be allowed tion of lateral soil modulus and limiting lateral pile-
for, thus allowing nonlinear response to be obtained. soil pressure will be discussed later in this paper.
By consideration of the compatibility of the hori-
zontal movements of the pile and soil at each ele-

6 MECHANICS OF PILE-SOIL INTERACTION tlie pile head movement can exceed the soil
Failure of a pile in a pile-reinforced slope will result Figure 5 shows tlie dependence of tlie maximum
from tlie interactions between tlie tliree components shear force and bending moments (positive and
of tlie problem; tlie soil strength, the pile strength and negative) on tlie relative depth of tlie sliding unstable
tlie geometry of the problem. If tlie piles are also soil along tlie pile (z,/L). When the pile is elastic
loaded by some external forces these too must be (i.e. does not yield), the maximum shear force is de-
considered. Three modes of failure within the soil veloped when z,/L is about 0.4, with tlie “interniedi-
can be identified: atc” mode being operative. However, for a yield
1 the “flow mode”, when tlie slide is shallow and moment of 0.94 MNm (representing a steel yield
tlie unstable soil becomes plastic and flows around stress of 350 MPa), tlie “long pile” mode dominates
tlie stationary pile over a wide range of values of z,/L, and tlie maxi-
2 tlie “short-pile mode”, when the slide is relatively inuin shear resistance is developed when z,/L is
deep and the length of tlie pile in tlie stable soil is about 0.6.
relatively shallow; the sliding soil carries tlie pile For three values of z,/L, Figure 6 shows the dc-
through the stable soil layer, and full mobilisation velopiiieiit of the maximum shear forcc with in-
of soil strength in tlie stable layer occurs creasing soil movement. In this case, for all modes
3 the “intermediate mode”, when tlie soil strength in of failure, tlie niaxiniuni shear is developed for a soil
both tlie unstable and stable soil is mobilised movement of about 60% of tlie pile diameter, or less.
along tlie pile length. For tlie flow mode (z,/L = 0.2), a soil movement of
Superimposed upon these three modes of soil fail- only about 20% of tlie pile diameter is sufficient to
ure is tlie consideration of tlie finite strength of tlie develop tlie maximum shear force. Tlie pile response
pile. Since failure of tlie pile in shear is unlikely, this is essentially linear for ground movements of up to
leads to consideration of the “long pile” failure mode about 5 to 10% ofthe pile diameter.
in which one or more positions along the pile are For a slide depth z, of 7.5ni, Figure 7 shows the
found to have attained the yield moment and then effect of tlie embedment of tlie pile in tlie stable soil
developed so-called “plastic hinges”. Tlie first at- on tlie pile response. For enibednients of more than
tainment of tlie yield moment, My, (perhaps without about 7.5111, tlic bcliaviour of tlie pile (flow mode)
fully mobilising the soil resistance) is possibly a does not change, and it can be concluded that there is
more important practical consideration than the ulti- no benefit to be gained by increasing tlie pile length
mate state of full mobilisation of pile strength, and beyond this depth. It is interesting to note that the
will be considered here as the criterion for failure of “critical” or “effective” length of tlie portion of the
tlie pile. More load could be taken by tlie piles but pile in tlie lower stable soil layer is (using the ap-
tlie pile itself is permanently damaged. proach of Poulos and IHulI, 1989) about 7.4111. Thus,
Figure 4 illustrates the characteristics of pile be- perhaps not surprisingly, for economical design, the
haviour for tlie flow mode, tlie short-pile mode, and pile length in tlie stable layer should not exceed tlie
tlie intermediate mode. The results are for a 15ni elastic critical length of tlie pile in that layer.
long steel tube pile with an external diameter of 0.5m Figure 8 shows tlie computed pile head movement
and a wall thickness of 15mni. In the upper sliding as a function of tlie soil movement, for various
zone, tlie soil is a clay with an uiidrained shear depths of sliding soil. For shallow slide depths,
strength of 30 kPa, while in tlie lower “stable” zone, where the flow mode is operative, tlie pile head
the undraiiied shear strength is 60 kPa. Tlie soil movement stabilizes at a maximum value as tlie soil
movement in tlie slide zone is assumed to be constant flows past tlie pile. However, for slide depths in ex-
with depth and equal to 0.41~1, and no “drag” zone has cess of about 2.5177, the pile movement continues to
been considered. increase with increasing soil movement, and may
The following observations are made from Figure even exceed the soil movement for some slide depths
4: (e.g. 6 to 911-1).
1 the maximum shear force in tlie pile is developed Figure 9 illustrates the dependence of the niaxi-
at the level of the slide plane mum shear force versus depth of slide relationship on
2 for tlie flow mode, tlie maximum moment occurs tlie lateral soil movement p,. Also shown is tlie tlieo-
below tlie slide plane, in tlie stable soil, and the retical solution for tlie ultimate condition, derived
pile movement is considerably less than the soil from tlie equations of Viggiani (198 1). It can be seen
movement that tlie numerical solutions tend to Viggiani’s solu-
3 for tlie short-pile mode, the maximum moment tion as the lateral soil movement increases. For tlie
occurs well above tlie slide plane in the unstable flow mode of failure (z, 5 3111) and the short-pile
soil, and tlie soil and pile movements are similar mode (2, 2 13.5m), tlie ultimate condition develops at
4 for tlie intermediate mode, large moments are de- relatively small values of p5. However, larger
veloped both above and below the slide zone, and movements are required to develop ultimate condi-
tions for tlie intermediate failure mode.

Figure 4. Pile behaviour characteristics for various modes.

Figure 6. Effect of soil movement on maximum shear force developed on pile.

In general, it is found that the pile response is es- movement exceeds about 20% of the pile diameter.
sentially linear for soil movements up to about 5% of However, for the intermediate failure mode, soil
the pile diameter. Ultimate conditions are developed movements in excess of 60% of the pile diameter
in the flow and short pile failure modes when the soil may be required to develop ultimate conditions.

Figure 8. Pile head movement for different depths of soil movement.

Three important practical implications may be length. The effect of yielding of the pile is to re-
drawn from Figures 5 to 9: duce the maximum shear force, especially for
1 the largest shear force occurs when the soil slide slide depths between about 0.25 and 0.9 times the
depth is between about 0.5 and 0.6 times the pile pile length

2 the flow mode creates the least damaging effect of where My = yield moment of pile section.
the soil movement on the pile; if problems in- The following characteristics can be noted from
volving protection of the piles are encountered, ef- Figures 10 to 12:
forts should be made to promote this mode of be- 1 as would be expected, the maximum shear resis-
haviour tance provided by the pile reduces as the pile yield
3 the intermediate mode develops the largest shear inoinent reduces
force and bending moment in the pile; hence, if 2 the dimensionless pile shear resistance ( V ) de-
the piles are being used to stabilise tlie slope, they creases as z,/L increases (however, the actual
should be designed so that tlie intermediate mode value of V will generally reach a inaxiiiiuiii value
of behaviour occurs. This can be done by varying for z,/L between about 0.4 and 0.6).
the depth of embedment of the pile in the stable The estimation of the ultimate lateral pile-soil
zone in tlie analysis, until a maximum value of pressure is discussed in the following section. An
shear force is found. illustrative example of the use of the design charts is
The soil failure mode will depend on the length, given in tlie Appendix.
diameter and section of the pile, the strength and de-
formation properties of the pile material, the strength
properties of the soils in the unstable and stable re- 8 ESTIMATION OF SOIL PARAMETERS
gions, the relative lengths of the pile in the unstable
and stable regions, and the spacing between adjacent The key parameters required for a complete analysis
piles. It is possible to develop design charts which of the lateral response analysis of a pile are:
relate the resistance developed by piles to the above Young’s modulus of the soil E,
variables, as described below. limiting lateral pile-soil pressure pu
Assessment of these parameters is usually made
on the basis of:
7 DESIGN CHARTS FOR STABILIZING PILES 1 correlation with strength properties of soil
2 correlation with insitu test data (e.g. CPT, SPT)
The numerical analyses using ERCAP indicate that 3 in-situ test measurements (e.g. via the pressure-
an ultimate condition is reached for ground move- meter of the dilatoineter)
ments in excess of about 60% of the pile diameter. 4 interpretation of lateral pile load test data.
As a design expedient, when it is not possible to A brief review of some correlations for E, and pU
carry out a complete site-specific analysis, useful de- is made below.
sign charts can be derived for the ultimate pile re-
sponse to lateral moveiiieiits using the solutions of
8.1 Young’s modulus E,
Viggiani (1 98 1).
These solutions give the maximum shear force For clays, Young’s modulus E, is usually related o
which can be developed by a stabilizing pile, re- the undrained shear strength c,, as follows:
gardless of the ground movements which act on the
pile. (7)
Viggiani’s analysis considers a two-layer soil Assuming a non-linear analysis is to be used, so that
system in which the upper unstable soil layer can de- E, represents a secant modulus for relatively low load
velop on ultimate lateral pressure (pUl)which is dif- levels, the value of a1 typically lies between 150 and
ferent from the value (pL,~) developed by the pile in 400 (Poulos and Davies, 1980; Banerjee and Davies
the lower (stable) layer. Figures 10 to 12 give di- 1978; Decourt, 1991).
inensionless curves for the maximum shear resistance For overconsolidated clays, Dccourt (1 99 1) sug-
V, for three values of pul/puz. In each case, the fol- gests the following correlation with SPT value N:
lowing dimensionless quantities are given:
Dimensionless pile shear resistance: E, = 2 N (MPa) (8)
- V For sands, it is customary to assume that the modulus
varies linearly with depth, so that
P 1 dz ,

Dimensionless depth of sliding surface: E, = N , , z (9)

z, / L where z = depth below ground surface. Typical val-

ues of NI, for saturated loose, medium and dense
Dimensionless yield moment of pile section: sands are 1.5, 5.0 and 12.5 MPdm respectively (De-
court, 1991).
- My Kishida and Nakai (1977) relate E, to SPT value
M y =-
P I, 2 dz: N as follows:
E, = 1.6N (MPa) (10)
Figure 9. Influence of soil movement on shear development in a stabilizing pile.

Figure 10. Design curves for piles in two-layer laterally moving soil ultimate case: pu,-pu2= 0.5.

8.2 Ultimate lateral pressure p,, large spacings or at very close spacings, the mecha-
It0 and Matsui (1975) have developed a theory for nism Of flow through the Piles Postulated Ito and
the flow of soil through a row of piles. The equa- is not the mode.
tions they have developed show that the limiting In clay Soils, it usual to adopt a tota1 stress aP-
pressure py developed on a pile by the flowing soil poach in which pu is related to undrained shear
depends on the strength properties of the soil, the strength as follOws:
overburden pressure, and the spacing between the
piles relative to their diameter. Their equations are pit = N~)Cil (1 1)
meant to apply for the portion of the piles in the un-
stable or moving soil. However, the equations are where N, = lateral capacity factor. For a single pile,
,only valid over a limited range of spacings, since at N, may be assumed to increase linearly from 2 at the

Figure 1 1 . Design curves for piles in two-layer laterally moving soil ultimate case: p , , , / ~=~1’.O.

Figure 12. Design curves for piles in two-layer laterally moving soil ultimate case: pl,Jpu2= 1.5.

ground surface to a limiting value of N, = 9 at a piles arranged parallel to the direction of soil move-
depth of 3.5 pile diameters or widths and beyond i.e. ment the value of pu for the leading piles can be in-
creased by up to about 40%, whereas “trailing” piles
N, = 2(1+z/d) P 9 (12) may have reduced pu values. Model tests by Guer-
where z = depth below ground surface; d = pile di- pilon et a1 (1999) also imply that group effects may
ameter or width. cause an increase in pile bending moments (com-
Theoretical studies by Chen and Poulos (1993) pared to an isolated pile) and therefore (by iniplica-
provide some indications of the influence of group tion) an increase in ultimate lateral pile-soil pressure.
effects on N,. Such effects may reduce N, if the For piles in sands, the simplest approach is to use
piles are arranged in a line perpendicular to the di- the suggestion of Broms (1 964) in which
rection of soil movement (typically by about 25% for I

piles spaced at 3 diameters centre-to-centre. For P,, = a K % , (13)

Figure 13. Cross-section showing ground movements and location of shear plane.

Figure 14. Shear resistance of piles.

Figure 15. Displacement of pile with time.

where K, = Rankine passive pressure coefficient = It is noted by De Beer (1 977) and Viggiani (1 98 1)
tan2 (45 + $/2); $ = angle of internal friction of soil; that different values of the coefficients N, and a in
ova, = effective overburden pressure; a = coefficient Equations 11 and 13 may apply for the sliding and
ranging between 3 and 5. stable portions of the soil profile. Typically, the val-

ues in the stable soil have been taken to be those An analysis was also performed with inclined an-
given in Equations 12 and 13 above, while the values chors located near the pile head. It was found that
in the sliding soil have been taken to be about half of there was very little improvement in the shear resis-
those values. However, other than for the near- tance of the pile, despite the development of a sub-
surface effects, there appears to be no reason why stantial force in the anchor. Anchors were therefore
such differences should exist. For example, if the not used in the pile wall design.
sliding layer in a homogeneous clay soil is at a depth The final design involved the use of two rows of
of 3 pile diameters, the average value of N, above the 1.5m diameter piles with 13mm wall thickness, the
sliding surface (using Equation 12) would be about 5 , first row at a centre-to-spacing of 2m, and the second
whereas below the sliding surface it would be 9. at 4m spacing. The total cost of the remedial works
Thus, the near-surface effect would cause a reduction was about C$2.38 million, of which almost half was
in pL,of about 45% compared to the case of deep em- for the supply of the steel piles.
bedment. After construction, four slope indicators were in-
stalled in selected piles in the wall. Plots of deflec-
tion versus time for one of these piles are shown in
9 APPLICATION TO CASE HISTORIES Figure 15. A deflection of about 140m had occurred
by the end of construction, with an additional deflec-
Beatton River Highway, Canada tion of about 30min in the ensuing year. In the slide
Polysou et a1 (1998) describe an example of the suc- mass downhill of the pile wall, there has been less
cessful use of piles to stabilize a landslide 011 a sec- than 20mm of displacement at the ground surface.
tion of highway in British Columbia, Canada. Con- Hence there are strong indications that the installa-
struction of a highway remobilized a pre-historic tion of the piles has been effective in improving the
landslide, causing ground movements of up to 5111. overall stability of the slope.
The sliding mass was 14oni wide by 2001n long, and
movement occurred at a depth of 15-2oni. The Concrete pile in unstable slope
method envisaged to stabilize the upper part of the Esu and D’Elia (1974) described a field test where a
slide mass and the highway fill was a pile wall, coil- reinforced concrete pile was installed into a sliding
sisting of closely-spaced large diameter piles ex- slope. The slope consisted mainly of clay and the
tending from ground surface at tlie toe of the high- upper layer of 7.5m thick underwent lateral niove-
way fill to some depth below tlie shear toe. ment. The test pile was 30m long, 0.79m in diameter
Figure 13 shows a cross section through the mid- and the bending stiffness (EI) was 360 MN.m’. The
dle portion of the slide. Together with the slip sur- pile was instruinented with pressure cells along its
face deduced from slope indicator data and drill shaft at depths of 5, 10 and 15ni below the ground
holes. The slip was essentially planar and was con- surface and they were located on both the upstream
centrated at a depth of about 1 1in, corresponding to face and the downstream face. An inclinometer was
the base of the pre-sheared very stiff clay with also installed inside the pile at the centre to measure
slicken sided shear surface. the pile inclination and deflection. The measure-
The design process involved the three stages set ments were carried out over a period of 8 months and
out in Section 3. It was decided that the stability of the results showed that the stresses acting on tlie pile
the upper portion of the slide was to be increased by had increased gradually until the pile developed a
30% i.e. to raise the factor of safety to 1.3 on the plastic hinge at 1 lni below the ground surface.
weakest slip surface. It was deduced that such an in- There was no information about the undrained
crease in safety factor would require an additional shear strength and the ultimate soil pressure for the
shear resistance of 2.9 MN/m depth of wall. clay deposits. However, Maugeri and Motta (1991)
The ERCAP analysis was used by tlie author to analyzed tlie case and suggested that the undrained
analyze four types of steel pipe piles, with diameters shear strength c,, might be 40 kPa, and the values of
of 1 to l S m , and wall thicknesses of 19 to 25mm. lateral ultimate soil pressure coefficient N, could be
Young’s modulus of the soils was estimated via cor- 3 and 8 for the upper moving soil layer and the lower
relations with SPT values (Equation 8), while the ul- stable soil layer respectively. Since their theoretical
timate pile-soil lateral pressures were taken as 9 results compared fairly well with the measured re-
times undrained shear strength for the clayey soils, 3 sults, these values were also adopted in the present
times the Rankine passive pressure for the gravel analysis.
layer, and 20 MPa for the shale. Figure 14 plots the To match the measured bending moment profile,
computed pile shear resistance versus pile length, for two further assumptions regarding the soils were
the four pile types considered. The maximum shear made in the present analysis:
resistance increases as the pile diameter and yield 1 the soil Young’s modulus E, increases linearly
moment increases, and reaches a maximum value for from zero at the surface to 16 MPa at the level of
a length of about 24 to 26m. the pile tip (see Poulos and Davis, 1980)

Figure 16. Comparisons between the predicted and measured pile responses for test of Esu and D’Elia (1 974).

2 since the soil movement profile to cause the pile ground surface down to the sliding surface (7.51~1
to yield was not reported, a uniform distribution of below the ground surface), was assumed.
lateral soil displacement of 1 1Omm, from the The predicted and measured results are presented

in Figure 16. It can be seen that the measured bend- made of the ultimate lateral pile-soil pressure and the
ing moment profile is reasonably well predicted soil movement profile, the approach presented herein
along the whole pile shaft, although the position of provides a reasonable method of designing slope sta-
the maximum bending moment is predicted to be bilizing piles.
slightly higher than the measured.
The shape of the shear force profile is seen to be
very similar for both the predicted and the measured, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
and the value as well as the position of the maximum
shear force is also in very good agreement (Figure The author acknowledges the contributions to re-
16c). search in this area made by his colleagues and former
Both the pile inclination and pile deflection pro- colleagues at the University of Sydney, Dr T.S. Hull,
files are in very good agreement between the pre- Dr. C.Y. Lee and Dr L. Chen. Professor C. Viggiani
dicted and the measured, as can be seen from Figures kindly provided updated information on his equa-
16d and 16e. The pile portion above the position of tions, while Mr J. Sobkowitz provided detailed in-
the plastic hinge is seen to be affected significantly formation on the Beatton River Highway case.
by the moving soil, with the pile head deflection
greater than the soil movement at the surface, how-
ever, the lower portion of the pile remained essen- REFERENCES
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New York, 1: 485-499. This is less than the value of 1.40 required, and
Poulos, H.G., Chen, L.T. & Hull, T.S. 1995. Model tests on sin-
gle piles sub-jectcd to lateral soil movement. Soils i i i d
therefore stabilization with piles is required.
FOZiiiduliot7.s. 35 (4): 85-92. For tlie calculation of the pile requirements to
Reese, L.C., Wang, S.T. & Fouse, J.L. 1992. Use of drilled achieve the desired factor of safety, use can be made
shafts in stabilising a slope. Stabili/y ~ i i i dPet:fi)riiiutice of of the design charts in Figures 10 to 12. To estimate
Slopes atid Eiiibankinents - 11. Ed. R.B. Seed and R.W. the ultimate lateral pile-soil pressures, use is made of
Boulanger, ASCE, Vol. 2: 1318-1332. Equation 12, with N, taken as 5 in Clay 1 and 9 in
Rollins, K.M. & Rollins, R.L. 1992. Landslide stabilisation LIS-
ing drilled shaft walls. Ground A4ovet?zt~tsut7d S/ructzu~es.
Clay 2. The ultiiiiate lateral pressures are therefore
vol. 4, Ed. J.D. Geddes, Pentech Press, London: 755-770. pk,1= 5 x 40 = 200 kPa in Clay 1, and pr12= 9 x 45 =
Somnier, H. 1977. Creeping slope in a stiff clay. Proc. Spec. 405 kPa in Clay 2. Thus, ~ ~ , l / pis, ~approximately
Session No. 10, 9'" In/. Conf Soil Adechs. Foiindti. Et7g. To- 0.5, and Fsure 10 can be used. Here, z,/L = 5/10 =
/CJW: 113-1 18. 0.5, and M y = My/p,,IdzF2=942/' = 0.377.
Viggiani, C. 198I . Ultimate lateral load on piles used to stabi- From Figure 10, V = 0.60, and the inaxiniuni ulti-
lise landslides. Proc. 10"' In/. CoiIf Soil Meclis. Fouiidti.
Etigs. Stockholm. Vol. 3: 555-560. mate shear resistance which can be developed in the
pile is V = V purd zs = 0.60 x 200 x 0.5 x 5 = 300
kN/pile. If a factor of safety of 2 is applied to this
APPENDIX A - ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE shear resistance, then tlie design pile shear resistance
is 150 kN/pile.
The problem is shown in Figure AI, and involves a With pile stabilization, the shear resistance AR re-
22" slope consisting of a stiff clay layer (Clay I ) quired (per metre width of slope) is given from
overlying another stiff clay layer (Clay 2), with a thin Equation 3 as
weak clay seam between them. It is assumed that AR = Fr, (FT - F")
= 886.7 (1.40 - I .07)
sliding of Clay 1 on the weak clay seam may occur
over a length of 30m, following cutting of a vertical = 292.6 kN/m (per metric width of the 30m
length of slope.

If 3 equally-spaced rows of piles are used, as il- Table A l . Calculation of slope movement versus factor of
lustrated in Figure A2, then each row must contribute safety for piles and for slope
292.613 = 97.5 kNlm. Slope move- Pile shear Factors of Factor of
The required spacing sy across tlie slope is then merit pS resistance safety (from safety (for
MM kN pile view- slope)
0 0 1.07 I .50
5 22.3 1.12 I .48
10 44.8 1.17 1.46
It is assumed in the above analysis that group ef- 20 89.5 1.27 1.42
fects are negligible. As indicated previously, group 50 186.8 1.49 1.32
effects tend to increase the ultimate lateral pressure 100 246.1 1.62 1.20
and hence the pile shear resistance. Ignoring group 140 266.5 1.67 1.14
effects is therefore conservative from the viewpoint 200 28 I .4 1.70 I .08
of slope stability. 250 286.6 1.71 I .05
Having computed the required pile spacing, it is
now required to estimate the slope movement that
could be expected after stabilization of tlie slope.
Following the procedure outlined in Section 4, it is
necessary to estimate:
1 the relationship between pile shear resistance and
slope movement, and from this, factor of safety of
the slope versus slope movement from the view-
point of the piles
2 tlie relationship between slope factor of safety and
slope movement, from the viewpoint of the slope,
for example from Equation (4).
The first relationship has been computed via the
program ERCAP. Tlie pile shear resistance versus
slope movement relationship is shown in Figure A3.
Tlie factor of safety with piles is given from Equation
(5) as:

Since the piles are spaced across the slope at 1.5m

centre-to-centre, CR, CFv and CV are computed for a
1.5m wide “strip” of slope. Thus,
CR = 1.5 x R = 1.5 x 947.9 = 1421.8kN
CFD = 1.5 x F,, = 1.5 x 885.7 = 1328.5 kN
Since there are 3 rows of piles along the 30m long
slope, CV = 3V1, where Vl is the shear resistance of
a single pile. Thus,

F E 1421.8+3V, -
- 1.070 + -Vl
1328.5 442.8
Table A1 tabulates the computed values of V1 for
various slope movements and the consequent rela-
tionship between factor of safety and slope move-
ment, from the point of view of the piles. This is
plotted as Curve 1 in Figure A4.
For the slope, it will be assumed (arbitrarily) that
there is zero movement of the slope for factors of
safety of 1.5, and that for a factor of safety of 1.05,
the slope movement would be 0.25m. Thus, in
Equation (4), F, = 1.50 and tlie exponent k is found
to be -9.21. The resulting relationship between fac-
tor of safety and soil slope movement, from the Figure A2. Arrangement of stabilising piles.
viewpoint of the slope, is shown as Curve 2 in Figure

Figure A3. Computed relationship between maximum pile shear
resistance and slope movement (from ERCAP Analysis).

Figure A4. Estiniation of movement of stabilised slope

A4. Curves 1 and 2 intersect at a slope movement of

about 32mn1, and this would be the estimated slope
movement for this configuration of piles.
It should be noted that, from Figure A4, the com-
puted factor of safety if the ultimate shear resistance
of the piles is developed in excess of 1.70, which ex-
ceeds the design value of 1.40. This occurs because
of the safety factor of 2 imposed on the computed ul-
timate shear resistance of the piles.

1 Geological and geotechnical site investigations
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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Geoenvironrnental factors influencing the deterioration of shale

in a rockslope

A. M. Elleboudy
Civil Engineering Department, Banha University, Cairo, Egypt

ABSTRACT : Rockfalls have been reported at the southwestern cliff of Mokattain plateau in the recent
decades which endangered several buildings and damaged the main roadway bordering the western edge.
Many gcoeiiviroiiineiital factors have led to rock deterioration and created unsafe condition for the traffic and
structures in the vicinity of the cliff edge. An effort was inade to assess the factors that weaken and looseii the
rock formation which is composed of lunestone interlayered with shale. Rehabhtatioii scheines for the
damaged road and the affected structures near the cliff edge are demonstrated. Proposals for stabihzatioii of
the rock slope through a iiuinber of feasible geotechnical solutions are discussed.


The author was involved in the gcotechnical

problems of Mokattaiii plateau since 1979
(Ellebo~idy 1985) when a iiia-jor rockslide took
place iiilioiit of' an iinportaiit hotel in the area and
put it out of work (Fig. 1). This failure was
l'ollowcd by several rockfalls at the western aiid
southwestern cMfs that eiidaiigered several
buildings aiid damaged the main roadway
bordering the western edge. These failures had
iieptivc impact on the public, land owners, local
iiivcstoi-s. aiid thc urban devclopmciit of this
special area which is privileged with its high
altitude, open air, moderate weather, and its
closcllcss to Cairo down town.
Many geoeiiviroiiinental Factors contributed to
rock deterioration aiid created an instability
problem. N o satispactory solution has been
iinplcineiitcd till now. The debate over the
proposed solutioiis has delayed the execution of'
any of them. This situation devaluated the
properties aiid discouraged land owiiers aiid
investors froin exteiidiiig their activities aiid
dcvclopinciit projects. Thus, an effort was made to
assess the gcoeiiviroiiineiital factors that weaken
and looscn the rock inass at the edges and trigger
the rockhlls in order to suggest the most suitable Figure 1. Rockfall at the hotel locatioii
rchabhtatioii scheines aiid preventive measures.

2 GEOLOGICAL SETTING sigiiificaiice in the road surface breakdown and
eventually led to major rockfalls along the edge of-’
Mokattain Mountain represents a notable plateau the slope. The rate of slope deterioratioii and
bounding Cairo south-eastwards with its highest timing of consequent detachineiit of rock blocks
point at an elevation of 2 131n above sea level. It is and their separation froin the rock inass was
coinposed of thick succession of sedimentary difficult to predict quaiititavely. The rockfalls
ciirboiiates and argfiaceous rocks that belong created a significant hazard to the road users aiid
mainly to middle aiid late Eoceiie. These include for pedestrians, thus it was closed waiting for a
clayey inarl and shale layers interlayered with the pragmatic solutioii to the problem.
basic limestone ineinbers. Near the top of this In a trial to assess the deterioration potential of
formation, limestone exists and servers as a cap. the existing slope, the rating inethod suggested by
This layer is severely jointed and subjected to Nicholson aiid Hencher 111 1997 was used. It
sluinpiiig aloiig cliffs. It is underlain by a thick included input parameters such as iiitact rock
shale member. The stratigraphic section is then strength, inaterial weathering grade, discontinuity
coinposed of successive layers of hnestoiie and spacing, and discontinuity aperture. The input
shale (El-Sohby & Elleboudy 1988). parameters of the rockslope was taken from
Jolliting is an important characteristic of the previous research dolie by the author (Abouleid &
plateau. Some of the joint sets are closely spaced Elleboudy & Hafez 1989) aiid applied to this
In a way that accentuates slumping aloiig the criteria. Then it was converted to a rockslope
southern escarpineiit aiid in the vicinity of’ the susceptibility class after iiuinerical adjustments
faults. The iiitersectioiis between sets of joints relating to adverse engineering, stress. aiid
occasionally give a blocky appearance foi- soine enviroiiineiital conditions. It gave a deterioration
hnestoiie beds outcropping at Mokattain plateau. rating of ahiiost 60% which indicates a class of
Faults have an important role 111 the developineiit high susceptibility to Failure. The ciigiiieering
of the present coiiliguration of the plateau. classification of the rockslope deterioration inode
Moreover, they represent weak zoiies aloiig which was both blockfall and rockfall which preseiit a
inoveineiits caii be rejuvenated. They inaiiifcst signilicant threat due to uiipredic t a b h t y aiid
vertical aiid horizontal displaceineiits. The layers of suddeii hill of large volume of materials. The litho-
lunestone aiid shale show regional bedding structural group was composite since the rock type
direction slightly dipping towards the slope f x e . was strong aiid weak strata represented by
liinestoiie and shale respectively. They :ire
subjected to diflkrciitial weathering leading to
3 THEPROBLEM collapse of’overhangs with associated blockfall aiid
occasional rockfall.
Significant progressive deterioration of the
rockslope has happened to the Mokattain plateau
over the years. It was recently noticed after the 4 GEOENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS
urbaii developineiit of this area took place. At least
four successive inajor rockfalls have occurred since Most gcotechnical engiiiecrs 111 this country are
1960. A major rockfall occurred in 1979. The used to build on sods and successf‘dly face the
entire rock inass infront of‘ a f-jve-story hotel probleins encountered with different types of
building has slipped taking with it a 50in wide saturated and arid soils. However, the local
lawn, and leaving the footing of the corner coluinii experience with building on rocks is iiot as much
haiiging in the air. Aiier this incident the inaiii road since we don’t often have to build on inouiitainous
bordering the western cliff started to deteriorate. areas.
Many parts of the road cracked and fell down the Morcovcr. when the urban developinclit ol
slope (Figs. 2,3). This deterioration was not given Mokattaiii plateau has started decades ago. the
much attention at the design stage. The alternation designers did iio t visuahze the geoeiivu-onmental
in the physical and chemical properties of the rock factors which should be taken mto consideration to
inaterial due to exposure to uiiexpected achieve a safe and stable design for the long r~iii
geoeiiviroiiineiital factors that accelerated the They thought that rocks with its high bearing
dctc ri o rati o n was ii o t taken i i i to CO 11sidcr at io 11in capacity ,uid iicgligiblc compression would cause
the urban planning ofthe whole area. The initiation i i o problcin for low-rise structures even iicx the
and propagation o f fractures was of particular edge of the chf-f.It is true that the bcaruig capacity

Figure 2. Failure of the roadway pavement due to rockfdl

of inost rocks with iniiiiin~undegree of induratioii

varies between I400 kN/m’ and 7000 kN/m’
(Sowers 1976). However, inost surfdce rocks
exhibit fdbric weaknesses and defects due to the
destruction by weathering which reduces their
strength (Hudson 1993). Moreover Peck (1976)
stated that : “In coinparison to foundations o i i soil,
those on rock L ~ S L I present
L ~ ~ few difficulties if we
exclude certain shalcs.”
The dark gray fissile shale of Mokattain
plateau consists of laminated heavily
overconsolidated clay layers with seeins of sand,
silt, and gypsum. The intersections of set of joints
turned the top hnestoiic layer into a layer full of
cracks aiid structural defects, or inore severely into
separate blocks with random shapes (Fig. 4). The
sewers and water supply networks were originally
designed jli a primitive way relying on the low
population of the area.
Water loaded with carbonates from the
dissolution of the liinestone itself, aiid suliltes and
salts li-om defective sewer system percolates
through the limestone cracks and joints to the
uiidcrlyiiig shale. It reduces the shearing strength
of both inarl and shale, and softens the shale. This
process aloiig with the orientation of bedding
planes when dipping towards the cliffs, create slip
surfaces at the base of the lunestoiie blocks.
Moreover. the expansive nature of the shale layers
Figure 3. Vertical crack in hnestoiie top layer

in close proximity of the slope area, added to the
severity of the problem.
Reviewing the above inentioiied Factors, it is
obvious that the inost influential geoeiiviroiiineiital
factor is the reinarkable change in moisture regime
111 such arid rocks. The seeping of water through
shale layers towards the cliff greatly affected the
integrity of the rock inass aiid altered the
engineering properties of these water-sensitive
layers. This fact was iiot clear at the design stagc.
Hence, the urban planning lacked the necessary
precautions against the adverse geoenvironinental
conditions aiid resulted in Pacing this challenging
pro blem .


At the beginning, when the hotel rockfall occurred,

a simple Llninediate solution was adopted. The
structural members of the building were
strengthened aiid rigidly tied together. The rock
prolilc was raised by adding sand aiid boulders to
bring it back up to grade. It was thought that
replacing the f’alleii rocks by artificial enibanknient
would substitute the lost lateral support. This
solutioii did iiot improve stabhty, aiid the
Figure 4. Detached lllnestoiic blocks at cliff edge settlenient or tlie hotel continued. Thus, this
solution failed to save the hotel or to stop further
is another important geoenvironinental factor that rockfall, and the hotel was abandoned.
contributes to the problem. The shale exerts a When rockfalls continued along the cM’f edge
rather high swehig pressure on the limestone and endangered the main roadway and other
bloclts upon the increase in inoisturc content buildings, a variety 01’ remedial ineasures were
(Ellcboudy 1985). The reinoval of the lateral introduced to control the effect of the progressive
confinement as a result of the preceding rockf:all deterioration aiid coinply with the eiiviroiinieiital
encourages the expansion of shale in the lateral planning requirements. It was clear that any
direction toward the cliff. Also, the increase of solution should start with constructing a water -
surcliargc load on the cliff edge due to tight, leakage-proof tanks, pipes, aiid sewer system
construction of the road and tlie adjacent buildings to maintain the internal integrity of the shale layers
enhances the inoveiiieiit in the horizontal direction aiid stop the seepage of water through the
towards the slope. The growth of gypsum crystals liinestoiie cracks. The repair strategy involved the
inay also add to the s w e h i g potential of shale. On following steps:
the other hand, the seeping water inay dissolve the - Removing the debris aiid scaling the cliff face
gypsum crystals aiid weaken the fabric of the shale froin loose rocks.
- Exposing the surface of the hnestone aiid
strata. Thus, deterioration of shale, which includes
disclosing the pattern ofjointing.
progressive physical aiid chemical alternation of
- Filli~igthe cracks aiid joints with cement mortar.
rock material, has the most adverse effect on the
- Treating the slots with grout injection.
stability of the slope.
- Using rock bolts to preveiit the inoveineiit of the
Another important factor was the slope
geometry. The high altitude and the steep angle blocks that potentially would fail.
contributed to the instabhty of the slope. Also, a - Placing a wire iiet above the surface of the
stress factor, represented by the dyiiainic roadway to restrict rockfall. The wire net
stresses imposed by blasting Ui limestone quarries should be anchored by grouted rods.

- Containing the upper loin of the cliff face with a Foundations and slopes. 2 ; 1-21. Colorado,
wire mesh to reinforce the slope. USA.
- Coiistructuig a proper drainage system for the Sowers, G.F. 1976. Foundation Bearing in
surface water to direct it away from the face of the weathered rock. Proc. Con$ on Rock
slope. Engineering for Foundutions und Slopes. 2 ;
- Reducmg the slope angle by introducing benches 32-42. Colorado, USA.
and intermediate berms.


The deinoiistrated rockfall problem is very

challenging m inany ways. The plateau is high and
steep, the cldf edge is long, aiid the treatinclit and
iiiaiiiteiiaiice reyulreinents arc very costly. It was
miportant to outliiie the most adverse
gcociiv~oiiinental factors that threaten the
stability of the slope in order to adopt the
appropriate preventive measures. The proposed
incasurcs will help i n controlhng the coiisequeiiccs
oi deterioration of the 1-ockslopc by containment,
1 eiiif orcement, and protection.
The p 1'0 p 0 scd 1-chd billt at10 11 pro lett 1s s t 111
under iiivcstigatioii by the authorities, and seekuig
f o r government funds. Hopefully it will end the
controversy over the best solution to the problem
uid pi-ovide a safe aiid reliable treatment for the
1 ockf'lll


Aboulcid, A., A.M. Ellcboudy 8L H. Hal'cz 1989.

Iinportmt aspects of Mokattam shale shearing
strength. J O L ~ ~ I Iof'U ~ thr F u c i t l ~ ~ of'
Engineering, Cniro Un
Ellcboudy, A.M. 1985. Analysis 01' Mokattain
1-ockl'alls. Yroc. I I tli lnt. Conj: on SMFE. 4 :
232 1-2324. San Francisco, USA.
El-Soliby, M.A. & A. M. Ellcboudy 1988.
Instability of' iiatiiral slope in intcrbeddcd
linestone and shale. Proc. 5th lilt. SJviip. on
Lrii7dslitle.s. 12 1 - 123. Lausaniic, Switzerland.
Hudson. J.A. 1993. Coiiiprelieiisive rock
ciig in e e ring, 11rin cip les, 11r~ c tice Ce 11 je cts .
New York: Pcrganion Press.
Nicliolsoii, D.T. & S. Heiicher 1997. Assessing the
potential for dctc ri o rat io 11 o 1' engineered
rockslopes. Pi-oc. Int. Syinp. oii Enginec~riiig
Ceolog?~ aiid the Eiivirontneiit. 1 ;9 1 1-9 16.
Athens, Greece.
Peck. R.B. 1976. Rock foundation for- striictures.
Pi-oc. Colif: on Rock Engineering jbr

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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami& Jiang @ 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Weathering mechanism and slope failures of granitic rocks in Southwest

Japan - Effect of hydrothermal activities

R. Kitagawa
Faculty of Science, Hiroshimu Universig, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan

ABSTRACT: This paper deals with the genetical relationship between the mechanism of decomposition of
granitic rocks and occurrence of the slope failures distributed in Hiroshima and Shimane Prefecture with special
reference to the effects of hydrothermal activities on the decomposition process of the granitic rocks.
Decomposed granitic rocks have been strongly fractures and characterized by remarkable alteration to clay
minerals at hydrothermal stage before weathering. The clay veins are generally developed in the granitic rocks,
in particular in the decomposed parts. The existence of clay veins has significant effect upon occurrence of
slope failures. The slope failures were often occurred in some areas where smectite formed by hydrothermal
activity is formed remarkably in granitic rocks.

1 INTRODUCTION and their paragenesis (Kitagawa, 1989). These facts

suggest that the hydrothermal activities may play an
Studies of decomposed rocks are important to prevent important role on the decomposition. In addition,
the disasters such as the landslide and slope failures. preferred orientations of fractures were formed under
Therefore,the decomposition of granitic rocks have the regional stress field (Kitagawa and Okuno, 1983).
been studied in various field such as pedology, On the other hand, many slope failures have
geomorphology and civil engineering as well as in the been occurring in the granitic rocks during every
fields of geological sciences. Nevertheless, the rain and/or typhoon season. Some clay veins are
mechanism or process of the decomposition of granitic often observed on the failured slopes of granitic
rocks have not been systematically explained yet. rocks.
In the inner zone of southwest Japan, granitic Based on the mineralogical and geochemical
rocks of Cretaceous to Palaeogene age are distributed studies of clay veins and clay minerals altered from
widely and the rocks are characterized, in general, by plagioclase and geometrical analysis of fractures
common development of fractures and extensive developed in the granitic rocks of Chugoku district, a
alteration. The decomposition extends usually to the systematic examination for the effect of hydrothermal
depth reaches more than hundred meters. While activity on decomposition process of granitic rocks,
conducting the mineralogical study on the alteration will be described in the present, and also indicate that
mechanism of plagioclase in the granitic rocks, the the existence of clay veins have the significant effect
author has found that clay veins or veinlets are upon occurrence of slope failures in the granite
commonly observed in the decomposed rocks regions.
(Kakitani and Kitagawa, 1977). These clay veins
seem to have been formed by filling fissures and /or
fractures developed in granitic rocks. Subsequent 2 MODES OF OCCURRENCE OF CLAY VEINS
studies on the mode of occurrence, detailed constituent
clay minerals and distribution of these clay minerals 2.1 Distribution of clay veins
have revealed that clay veins are intimately associated
with the post-magmatic activities, i.e., hydrothermal The degree of the decomposition were roughly
activities (Kakitani and Kitagawa, 1977; Kitagawa measured by the alteration degree of plagioclase in the
and Kakitani 1978a, b) . granitic rocks. Clay veins develop considerably at
The constituent minerals of the host granitic rocks the relatively more decomposed parts of the respective
are, more or less, altered to clay minerals. It is to be granitic rocks. The width of veins varies from one
noted that some clay minerals of the alteration millimeter to one meter. In addition to the clay veins
mineralogical characteristics such as mineral species minerals, aggregates of clay minerals of replacement

(Lower pari upper P-t*


Figure 3 Schematic diagram showing variation of

constituent clay minerals of clay vein

plane are caused by the unloading (Hashikawa, 1985).

The poles of the orientation of the microcracks were
Figure 1 Schematic diagrams of clay veins classified measured on both planes and results were plotted on
based on the characteristics of fractures. the equal-area stereographic nets. As one example is
shown in Figure lb. As seen in Figure, two district
dominant directions have been confirmed. These
directions are almost coincide with those of clay veins
developed in the respective district.

2.3 Constituent minerals of veins

The clay veins consist mainly of illite, smectite,

interstratified mineral of mica and smectite, kaolin
minerals associated with small amount of chlorite.
Quartz is commonly associated with clay minerals and
calcite and/or zeolite (laumontite, stilbite and
heulandite) are occasionally found in the clay veins.
Figure 2 Stereo diagram showing the prefered Most of the clay minerals are composed of more than
orientation of clay veins and microcracks in two kinds of clay minerals.
granitic rocks at one district, Hiroshima It is to be noted that constituent minerals
prefecture. commonly change from the lower to the upper parts in
the vertical direction of the veins. According to
Kitagawa and Kakitani (1978a,b) and
origin which are aligned in certain directions resulting Kitagawa.( 1989), the main constituent mineral of the
vein-like appearance will be also found. A veins varies from illite to interstratified mineral of mica
continuous development of veins can be pursued more and smectite, smectite and kaolin minerals from the
than several kilometers at least. These clay veins lower to the higher altitudes in the range between
can be also pursued more than hundred meters in the 400m and 800m (Figure 2).
vertical direction.

2.2 Fractures developed in granitic rocks 3 CLAY MINERALS DERIVE FROM

Common developments of the clay veins in the
granitic rocks may suggest that these fractures were Among the constituent minerals of the host granitic
formed in relation to the stress fields during the rocks, plagioclase is easily altered to clay minerals as
geological age as well as cooling process of the well as biotite. In general, plagioclase alters to
granitic rocks. kaolin minerals under the weathering conditions in
Orientation of the fractures (clay veins) show in Japan (Nagasawa and Kunieda, 1970; Nagasawa,
general certain preferred directions if the area is limited. 1978). However, plagioclase in the granitic rocks of
Each district is characterized by two or three preferred the district of the present study is often altered to illite,
orientations of the fractures (Figure la). smectite and interstratified mineral together with or
Microscopic-microcracks developed in the without kaolin minerals. Kaolin minerals, in general,
constituent minerals of the host granitic rocks were are found mainly at the higher level, whereas illite and
measured on the oriented thin sections of parallel and smectite at the lower level.
perpendicular to the ground surface using an universal
accepted that the microcracks developed on the vertical


As typical examples, some districts where many slope

failures were occurred are chosen to compare
genetically the directions (strikes) between failured
slopes and clay veins observed on the slope surfaces
and/or their near outcrops. Each direction (strike)
of clay vein and the strike of failured slope is
indicated in Figure 3. As seen figure, both directions
are similar to each other.
Mite, smectite and kaolin minerals were formed in
the failured materials (soils), in particular the dominant Type 1 Type 5
clay minerals is usually smectite. Total%, Max:59.4% Total:48, Max:45.8%

Figure .5 Histgram of
strike of clay veins
classified based on the
mode of occurrence in
one district.
Total:133, Max:22.6%
Figure 4 Strikes of the failured slopes and clay veins
in the one district, Hiroshima Prefecture.
shown in the figure, it is to be noted that one direction
indicates bisectional direction of the other two.
5 DISCUSSION Moreover, the veins have characteristic conjugated
features and accompanying slickensides occasionally.
One of the main purpose of this studies is to establish These facts strongly suggest that the veins are the
the significance’s of the hydrothermal activities on the shear fractures formed under the regional stress field
decomposition of the granitic rocks. The clay veins of the district.
observed in the decomposed granitic rocks have been Comparing fractures of clay veins with
distributed widely in Hiroshima and Shimane microscopic-fractures, it is suggested that both
Prefectures. The complicated mechanisms of the directions have been formed under the same stress
decomposition process of the granitic rocks will be field of the district.
discussed from the two important view points,
fracturing system related to the paleo-stress fields and 5.2 Age of fractures
clay mineralogy in relation to the formation
conditions. Concerning the formation ages of these fractures, K-
Ar ages of illite obtained from clay veins will be
5.1 Fomtion mechanism of fractures useful. The data are taken from Ishihara et al. (1980)
and Kitagawa and Kakitani (1981). The K-Ar ages
First of all, it may reasonably be assumed that the clay of the host granitic rocks are also available (Kawano
veins developed in the granitic rocks represent the and Ueda, 1%; Shibata and Ishihara, 1974). As is
fractures which have been formed after the evident, the ages of clay minerals and those of granitic
solidification stage subsequent to the ma,gnatic activity. rocks are identical with each other within the analytical
Furthermore, a systematic fracturing pattern within error. The concordance in the ages indicates that the
granitic rocks have been controlled by the stress fields clay minerals in the clay veins have been formed by
of the representative district. the post magmatic activities of the host granitic rocks
The fractures patterns of clay veins developed in of the respective districts. Therefore, fractures were
the granitic rocks in Hiroshima and Shimane also formed just after the solidification of granitic
Prefectures will be analyzed. The typical example of rocks.
the analysis of the stress field is shown in Figure 2.
In this district, the results of the orientation (strike)

5.3 Formation condition of clay minerals

The physic-chemical condition of the formation stage

of clay minerals will be discussed based on the
available data such as temperatures and sequence of
mineral assemblages. Based on the results obtained
by Kitagawa (1989), in spite of the previous
researches on the formation of clay minerals under the
weathering condition, present results strongly
indicated the hydrothermal origin of the clay minerals.
The decomposition of the granitic rocks can be
represented by the amounts of clay mineral formation.
It may be concluded that the decomposition of the
granitic rocks is mainly the results of hydrothermal
activities subsequent to the granitic activity as well as
the weathering during the geological ages.

5.4 Relationship between slope falures and clay


As shown in Figure 4, the directions (strike) of slopes

failured are almost same directions to the clay veins
in each district. As shown in figure 4, both
directions are almost same each other. These results
strongly suggest that clay veins developed on the
slope are one of the significance factors as to
occurrence of slope failures. Smectite is mainly
composed clay mineral in the veins developed in these
The typical profile of the slope occurred failure is
schematically indicated in Figure 5. In these
districts, strongly decomposed granitic materials
Figure 6 Schematical profiles of granite slope before
(soils) are formed on the weakly decomposed or
almost fresh rocks. On the slope some clay veins are and after slope failure.
developed as shown in Figure 5. Smectite was
mainly and characteristically formed in the according to their geographical vertical positions.
decomposed materials on the slope. Under the That is, the mineral sequence of illite---interstratified
geological condition like this, the rain water saturate mineral----smectite-----kaolin minerals from the depth
in the decomposed rock and expansion of smectite geological ages. To be noted that the clay minerals
formed in both decomposed granite and veins with the found in the host granitic rocks were formed during
water. Therefore, it is inferred that decomposed the same hydrothermal activity in more or less extend.
materials may easily separate from the clay veins The slope failures often occurred where smectite is
and/or the boundary between decomposed materials mainly formed in the granitic rocks andor clay veins
and weakly or almost fresh rock, as shown in are composed mainly of smectite.
Figure S. Consequently, it is inferred that the hydrothermal
activity has significant effect upon occurrence of slope

Based on the results obtained in this study, the most REFERENCES

possible decomposition process of the granitic rocks
of the district will be explained: Hashikawa,K.( 1985) Studies on the planer fracturing
First, nearly vertical fractures and microcracks structures developed in the suficial part of
have been developed within the granitic rocks under granite mass. Geol. rep. Hiroshima Univ.
the regional paleo-stress field of the respective districts No.25,
after the solidification stage of the granite. The clay 1-37.
veins were formed filling the fractures by clay Ishihara,S., Shibata, K,,Kitagawa, R. and
minerals from hydrothermal solution. The clay Kakitani,S.( 1980)K-Ar ages of sericites from
mineral species have been gradually changed

the Chugoku district, Japan. Bull. Geol. Surv.
Japan, 3 1,221-224.
Kakitani, S. and Kitagawa, R.( 1977) Clay minerals in
the veins and veinlets found in the granitic rocks
of Hiroshima Prefecture. Mineralogical society of
Japan, 13, Spec., 187-196.
Kawano,Y. and Ueda,Y .( 1964) K-Ar dating on the
igneous rocks in Japan (I), Jour. Japan Assoc.
Miner. Petr. Econ. Geol., 51, 127-148.
Kitagawa,R and Kakitani,S.( 1978a) The pale-green
clay vein in the granitic rock at the Ondo-cho
district, Hiroshima Prefecture. Jour. Clay Sci.
Soc. Japan, 18, 1-10.
Kitagawa, R. and Kakitani, S.( 1978b) The white clay
vein in the granitic rock at the Hachihonmatsu
district, Hiroshima Prefecture. Jour. Clay Sci.
Soc. Japan, 1 8 , 3 1-39.
Kitagawa,R.( 1989) Clay veins and clay minerals in
the granitic rocks in Hiroshima and Shimane
Prefectures, southwest Japan. -Effect of the
hydrothermal activities on the decomposition
of the granitic rocks-. Jour Sci. Hiroshima Univ.
Ser.C, 8, 47-80.
Kitagawa,R. and Kakitani,S.( 1981) K-Ar ages of
mica clay minerals in clay veins found in
granitic and rhyolitic rocks of Hiroshima
Prefecture, Japan, Jour. Japan Assoc. Miner.
Pet. Econ. Geol., 76, 176-179.
Kitagawa,R. and Okuno, T.( 1983) Formation
mechanism of clay veins found in granitic rock in
Hi sashihi roshima district, Hiroshima Prefecture.
Jour. Clay Sci. Soc. Japan. 23,45-60.
Nagasawa, K. and Kunieda,K.( 1970) Geology and
mineralogy of clay deposits in the Naegi
district, Gifu Prefecture, Mining Geol., 20, 361-
Nagasawa,K.( 1978) A study on the formation and
transformation of kaolin minerals, Rep. Earth
Sci. Shizuoka Univ., 3, 17-33.
Shibata,K and Ishihara,S.( 1974) K-Ar ages of
biotites across the central part of the Hiroshima
granite, Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, 80,43 1-433.

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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Site investigation of weathered expansive mudrock slopes: Implications

for slope instability and slope stabilization
Russell J. Maharaj
Commonwealth Secretariat1 CFTC Expert, South Pacijc Applied Geoscience Commission, Suva,Fiji

ABSTRACT: This paper presents the results of a literature review and site investigations from Trinidad,
West Indies, on the effects of weathering on slope instability in mudrocks and its implications for slope
stabilization. The performance of mudrocks slopes decreases with weathering, through engineering time. In
pyritic mudrocks, weathering produces acidic groundwater, which can lead to the precipitation of gypsum.
Site investigations on slopes of these lithologies, from Trinidad, have shown that gypsum is commonly
precipitated at geological contacts of intercalated and tectonically sheared pyritic and carbonate bearing
mudrocks. Weathered carbonate rich mudrocks are fat clays, classified as CH, with in-situ densities of 1647-
1900kg/m3, 52-92% clay, liquid limit up to 106%, clay activity up to 1.51, up to 88% montmorillonite,
contains gypsum, free swell >10% and pH of 4-7.8. Weathered pyritic mudrocks are lean clays, classified as
CL, with <40% clay, liquid limit of 40-50%, plasticity index of 22-24%, 18-34% montmorillonite, pH pf 6-
7.5 and activity <0.80. The precipitation of expansive gypsum cause potential soil heave and slope
instability on these slopes. Deccication of these soils is also significantly greater, lead to greater shrinkage,
larger macropores and higher, negative soil suction. These increase potential groundwater infiltration during
antecedent rainfall, and increase the susceptibility of these slopes and engineered facilities founded on them,
to instability and failure. As a result, the characterization of these lithologies is very important during site
investigations and selection and is useful for optimum ground control, remediation and improvement.

1 INTRODUCTION damage repair costs. In Trinidad and Tobago, damage

repair costs, due to landslides exceeds TT $ l M each
Mudrocks are common in the rock record and are year. For a developing country, these costs are high,
frequently encountered in almost all civil engineering and can significantly impair financial allocations for
projects. Due to their high clay content, especially developing projects within the domestic economy.
smectites, poor induration and sometimes To reduce the financial costs associated with
overconsolidated nature, they are susceptible to high landslides in weathered mudrocks, it is first necessary
volume changes in response to wetting and drying to characterise their geotechnical characteristics and
(Taylor and Cripps, 1987). In addition, weathering of engineering behaviour. This will assist in site
these rocks produce expansive clays and cause the selection for engineered facilities and guide the
development of hazardous ground conditions on choice of methods for optimum ground control,
shallow soils slopes. remediation and improvement.
It is a well known that the performance of Due to the variety of geotechnical problems
mudrocks slopes decreases with weathering, through frequently encountered in weathered mudrocks,
engineering time. In construction projects, ground considerable attention has been given to these
engineering problems often associated with these material in the engineering literature. In this paper,
lithologies include soil and foundation expansion and the weathering characteristics and geotechnical
shrinkage, frequently resulting in landslides. These behaviour of pyritidblack and glauconitic mudrocks
all lead to failure of constructed and engineered are reviewed from significant publications in the
facilities, incurring millions of dollars each year in geotechnical literature. The geotechnical implications

Figure 1A. Location of the study area; B- rainfall
distribution and C- Thorntwaite soil moisture
distribution index

of weathering are discussed based on site presence of gypsum crystals and bedrock were noted.
investigations in weathered Tertiary pyritic, 109 samples were collected from the 23 sites, sealed
clacareous and glauconitic mudrocks from Trinidad, to prevent moisture loss and taken to the laboratory
West Indies. Implications for slope instability and for testing. Soils were tested following guidelines of
slope stabilization are presented. In addition, the the ASTM (1 988). Granulometry; clay content;
strong geological control of mudrock properties and natural moisture; plastic, liquid limit and shrinkage
weathering are discussed. limits; free swell and compaction were determined
The study area is the Poole-Ortoire using Soiltest apparatus. Site investigation and
watershed/drainage basin, located in southeast laboratory data were then analysed in relation to
Trinidad, between 10' and 10' 22' N and 61' and 61' mudrock weathering and slope instability.
22' W, with an area of about 502 kmL(Figure la). It
has a warm tropical climate, with a January-June dry 3 GEOLOGY
season and a July-December rainy season. The study
area has mean annual rainfall varying between 1500-
2500 mm and variable soil mositure indices (Figure The study area is located on the Southern Lowlands
Ib and Ic). The depth to active deccication and and on the south flank of the Central Range and the
heaving/active soil layers, varies between 1-2 m for north flank of the Southern Range Uplifts. The
zones 1 and 2 and 1-3m for zone 3 (Figure lc). Central Range is a Late Cretaceous to Tertiary clastic
and carbonate terrain. The Southern Range is a
Temperature varies from 17-35'C, with a mean daily
northeast trending line of upthrusted Miocene
range from 7-1 I'C. anticlines, while the Southern Lowlands is of late
Tertiary to Pleistocene age. These rocks suffered
intensive high angle normal faulting, overturned
2 METHODS folding and thrust deformation, from the late Miocene
to Pliocene. Contemporaneous southeast directed
Data were first obtained from a literature review. This contractile deformation, tectonic transport and thrust
was followed by site investigations of weathered deformation led to overturn folding and the
mudrocks slopes. 23 hand-dug test pits were development of a macroscopic asymmetrical synform
excavated to 3.5m deep and soils were described in this part of the island (Kugler, 1959).
according to the Geological Society Working Party The rocks of the study area are extremely diverse,
on Tropical Residual Soils (Anon, 1990a). Sample varying from Lower Cretaceous mark and calcareous
location, depth, surface elevation, slope, vegetation, mudrocks, to Holocene alluvium. Black pyritic and

Figure 2.
Geology of
the study

calcareous mudrocks are the most common of water and on continual surface exposure at
lithologies, especially in the northern parts of the landslide sites. They are usually iron stained,
watershed. Black mudrocks containing pyrite include containing limonite and haematite, derived from the
the Nariva, Brasso, Karamat, Moruga, Lengua and weathering of constitutent pyrite and glauconite. Iron
Morne L'Enfer formations. In addition, these staining is pronounced along stress relief cracks and
formations also contain carbonaceous materials, discontinuities. Stress relief cracks are > 0.5 mm
including graphite and lignite. Formations with wide. Mudrocks contains numerous discontinuities,
calcareous shales and marls include Cuche, Navet, including joints, faults, bedding and lamination
Cipero, Brasso, Tamana and Lengua. Lengua surfaces. These channel seepage, interflow and
formation is the only one with known gypsum. facilitate deep weathering.
Glauconite is found in the Cuche, Brasso, Lengua and Typically grey-black calcareous and pyritic
Morne L'Enfer formations. Together, these mudrocks, such as from Brasso and Moruga
formations occupy more than 65% of the watershed formations show yellow-red-brown limonite staining.
area. Brasso and Lengua formations are the only ones These are common along shallow seepage zones,
with pyrite, carbonaceous and calcareous shales and seen at landslide scarps. Seepage cause intense red-
marls. These mudrocks are highly weathered to brown hematite staining of lower slopes. These stains
produce stiff, acidic and expansive calcareous clays. suggest a high ferrous oxide content, which from
Figure 2 shown the general geology of the study area. these black mudrocks are derived from oxidised
The oxidation of pyrite is a complicated
4 MUDROCK WEATHERING process. Ivarson (1973) notes that pyrite is oxidised
in the presence of moisture to produce ferrous
sulphate and sulphuric acid. Ferrous sulphate may
Table 1 presents the geotechnical properties of pyritic
become hydrated and react with water to produce
and calcareous mudrocks. Mudrocks are generally
limonite, which may oxidize to haematite. Ferrous
very soft when weathered, but stiff and indurated in
sulphate may also combine with sulphuric acid and
less weathered sections. They show low slake oxygen in soil air to produce ferric sulphate.
durability, as they disintegrate rapidly in the presence Haematite is very abundant in weathered pyritic

Table 1. Properties of weathered calcareous and pyritic clays.
Soil Properties Weathered BlacWyritic Mudrocks Weathered Marls and Calcareous Mudrocks
Unified Classification CL CI - CH
Gravel, % 1-10 0
Sand, % 20-60 5 -22
Silt, %O 10-15 1 0 - 18
Clay, % <40 52 - 92
Liquid limit, WI, % 40-50 65 - 106
Plasticity index, PI, %O 22-24 46 - 71
Shrinkage limit, SI, %O 12 - 19
Skempton’s clay activity < 0.80 0.679 - 1.51
In-situ density, kg/m
1647 - 2010
Rainv season moisture. % 25-33 31 - 4 3
Dry season moisture, % 10-13 1 2 - 18
Optimum moisture, %O 23-31
Free swell, % 1-9
Amorphous silica, YO 1-3
Iliite, % 10-20 20 - 35
Kaolinite, % 20-30 8-35
Montmorillonite, % 18-34 20 - 88
PH 6.0-7.5 4 - 7.8
Calcium carbonate content,% < 0.10 0.2 - 12
Unconfined compressive strength, kg/cm 0.25-1.50 1.25 - 3.25
Cation exchange capacity (CEC), 20 - 80
niilliequivalents/iOOg dry soil
Saturated hydraulic conductivity, c d s e c 1 x10’7to i X io-* 1-2xIO.”

mudrocks in the watershed, with between 5-16% of have pH‘s fiom 6.5-7.4 (Table 1). Wet chemical data
the soil mineral content. Further, haematite develops from Ahmad and Jones (1969) and Government of
rapidly in excavations on exposure of limonitic soils Trinidad and Tobago (197 1) support these results,
with free air, evident from intense red-brown staining although they never gave reasons for such high
and also noted by Chenery (1952). Limonite staining acidity.
is found in all weathered pyritic mudrocks, but in Sulphuric acid produced by these reactions
deeper, more saturated soil horizons. Since the above may enter seepage and react with other lithologies
reactions lead to the formation of sulfuric acid, then downslope. Inclusive of these are carbonate
soils weathered from strongly pyritic mudrocks dissolution and gypsum formation within calcareous
should show strong acidity. In-situ measurements and shales and marls. Evidence of carbonate loss was
wet chemical data show that the pH of these soils noted in these soils, which show that the percentage
range from 4.0-6.5. of CaCO, decreases rapidly from 10% at 1.0-1.2m
Pyrite oxidation requires free air and water deep to less than 3.3% in more shallow horizons.
and therefore, is limited to shallow, more pervious CaO and LOI (loss on ignition) percentage also show
weathered horizons. In the study area this is evident a similar trend. LOI reprsents free organic matter,
from the depth of soil staining and mottling, which is which in these samples is largely derived from
usually less than 3-4 m and particularly intense organic carbonates. These reaction may be more
between 2.0-2.5 m deep. Seepage zones and common and aggressive at faulted contacts and
discontinuity surfaces are the most common sites. within intercalated pyritic and calcareous shales
Deeper layers will be oxygen deprived and possibly where acidic leachates can easily enter, e. g. Brasso
anoxic. formation. Such reactions in calcareous mudrocks
Ferric suphate may be reduced further, with with pyrite can cause a reduction in soil acidity due to
pyrite, to produce sulphur and ferrous sulphate. the buffering action of calcite against sulphuric acid,
Sulphur produced may be oxidized to produce more e.g. a pH of 6.5-7.4 was measured in weathered
ferrous sulphate and sulphuric acid (Garrels and calcareous and pyritic mudrocks of Brasso formation.
Thompson, 1960 and Pye and Miller, 1990). In the Evidence of gypsum precipitation was found
watershed, diagenetic sulphur is abundant in Moruga at two excavated sites, on unstable slopes, in the
and Morne L’Enfer mudrocks. Therefore, weathered watershed, within the Upper Cipero formation, at a
soils in these mudrocks should be very acidic, contact between acidic soils, pH 4-5, weathered from
confirmed by in-situ soil pH measurements (using a pyritic black shales and slighlty alkaline soils, pH 7-
portable Soiltest pH meter) which show that 8, weathered from calcareous marls. At both sites,
weathered non-calcareous, pyritic mudrocks have 3.0-4.5 m deep excavations of the weathering profiles
pH’s between 4.0-6.5, while calcareous equivalents in small hills cut during the beginning of the dry

season revealed euhedral crystals of gypsum, 1.5 cm plausible to infer the following regarding the
long, 0.5-1.0 cm wide and 1 mm thick. These were identification of problematic slopes and unstable
found at 1.5-2.5 m deep. ground. Mudrock slopes which show all of the
Immediately before and during the time of the following combination of characteristics are the ones
study, rainfall was low which caused extensive most likely to be affected by recurrent and long term
development of deccication cracks on the cut slope instability. These include slopes which :
surfaces. Careful removal of the outer 10 cm of soil
from the cut surfaces revealed gypsum crystals. It is 1. Have suffered intense tectonic shearing,
unlikely that this gypsum is the result of other 2. Contain intercalated pyritic and clacareous
processes, while the intense weathering of the mudrocks,
shallow soil and bedrock horizons do not suggest that 3. Contain many discontinuities,
such crystals are of primary/bedrock origin. Adjacent 4. Are deeply weathered,
weathering profiles also contained similar deposits. 5. Are affected by seepage and interflow,
The occurrence of gypsum in relation to the 6. Are affected by significant deccication
above chemical processes have not been previously and shrinkage,
reported by former workers in Trinidad. Government 7. Receive high rainfall and
of Trinidad and Tobago (1971) reports gypsum in 8. Suffer high seasonal soil moisture fluxes
soils weathered from non-calcareous clay shales
(largely pyritic) in this and adjacent watersheds. 6 CONCLUSIONS
While reasons for their occurrence was not given,
analysis of the lithostratigraphy of their soil sample The weathering of pyritic mucrocks and the reaction;
sites, with gypsum, show that they are found at of derivative acidic leachates, with calcareous
tectonically shearedthrust fault contacts, of pyritic lithologies can cause the precipitation of gypsum. If
and calcareous mudrocks. both calcareous and pyritic mudrocks are present in
adjacent areas, such as in faulted and sheared
lithologies, then gypsum can be easily porecipitated.
5 IMPLICATIONS FOR SLOPE INSTABILITY The precipitation of gypsum can increase
potential soil heave, increasing the susceptibility of
The precipitation of gypsum in tectonically sheared weathered mudrock slopes to failure during rainfall.
and intercalated mudrocks can lead to an increase in Site investigations at excavated landslide
potential soil heave and increase the likelihood of sites, examination of the distribution of sites with
slope instability under rainfall conditions. Since reported gypsum and unstable slopes have shown that
gypsum has a much higher swell potential than the these sites have suffered intense tectonic shearing and
original soil constituents, then the potential for long contain intercalated pyritic and clacareous mudrocks.
term slope instability is considerable. Precipitated gypsum can increase potential
Site investigations have shown that the soil heave and expansion by up to 103% (Taylor,
precipitation of this expansive sulphate in Trinidad is 1988). Ground heaving and landslides due the
largely controlled by the presence and distribution of presence of gypsum is common at many road-sites in
tectonic and geological contacts. Highly sheared Brasso, Lengua, Nariva and Moruga mudrocks.
lithologies, which are also highly weathered, are the Further site investigations are planned for
most likely and favourable sites. This suggests a unstable slopes in similar weathered mudrocks. These
strong geological control on the precipitation of this site investigations will be suplemented by in-situ and
expansive sulphate. laboratory wet chemical analysis of soil constituents
Analysis of soil survey data from previous to determine soil chemistry and further geotechnical
land capability studies (Chenery, 1952 and parameters. In addition, a programme of in-situ
Government of Trinidad and Tobago, 1971) has aiso measurements of soil heave and shrinkage is also
shown that slopes reported to have gypsum and also planned, for determination of the effective soil
with a high landslide frequency and distribution are
volume changes associated with seasonal moisture
found within tectonically sheared and intercalated fluxes.
pyritic and calcareous mudrocks. This further These further investigations will assist in
supports the hypothesis that the precipitation of determination of in-situ behaviour of these weathered
gypsum is geologically controlled. mudrock in this part of the island. Further, these data
Based on the foregoing discussions, it is
will be useful in selection of suitable slope

stabilization and remediation technologies for these consolidated clays. In: M. G. Anderson and
and geologically similar areas. K. S. Richards (eds), Slope Stability : 405-
445. New York, John Wiley.
Taylor, R. K. 1988. Coal measures mudrocks:
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS composition, classification and weathering
processes. Q. J. Eng. Geol. 21 : 85-89.
This work was supported by a Fellowship to the
author funded by the Government of Japan and from
research conducted at the Institute of Marine Affairs,
Trinidad and Tobago. Field assistance by Peter
Joseph and Hayden Chung are gratefully
acknowledged. Writing of this paper was facilitaed
by resources secured during tenure as a
Commonwealth SecretariaVCFTC Expert at SOPAC,
Fiji. The careful editing of the manuscript by Mrs.
Penella C. Maharaj is gratefully acknowledged.


W a d , N.and Jones, R. L. 1969. Genesis, chemical

properties and mineralogy of Caribbean
grumusols. Soil Sci. 107: 166-174.
Anon, 1990a. Tropical residual soils. Q. J Eng. Geol.
23: 1 - 101.
ASTM, 1988. Annual Book ofASTMStandards. Soil
and Rock, Building Stones; Geotextiles.
Vol. 04.08. Philadelphia, ASTM.
Chenery, E. M. 1952. Soils of central Trinidad.
Trinidad, Government Printing Office.
Garrels, R. M. and Thompson, M. E., 1960.
Oxidation of pyrite in ferric sulphate
solution. Amer. Jour. Sci. 158A: 57-67.
Government of Trinidad and Tobago, 1971. Soil and
Land Capability Study of Trinidad: Vols. 1-6.
Trinidad, Government Printing Office.
Hawkins, A. B. and Pinches, G. M. 1987. Cause and
significance of heave at Llandough Hospital,
Cardiff-a case study of ground floor heave
due to gypsum growth. Q. J. Eng. Geol. 20:
Ivarson, K. C., 1973. Microbial formation of basic
ferric sulphates. Can. Jour. Soil Sci. 53: 3 15-
Kugler, H. B. 1959. Geological map of Trinidad and
geological sections, I : 100,000. 2 Sheets.
Petroleum Association of Trinidad.
Pye, K and Miller, J. A., 1990. Chemical and
biochemical weathering of pyritic mudrocks
in a shale embankment. Q. J Eng. Geol. 23:
Taylor, R K. and Cripps, J. C. 1987. Weathering
effects: slopes in mudrocks and over-

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami& Jiang (5-1 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Investigation of cut slope consisting of serpentinite and schist

H. Kitamura, M.Aoki & T. Nishikawa

I l b k m Geotech Company Limited, Yumuguchi, Jupur2
T.Yamamoto & M. Suzuki
Depurtment of Civil Erigineeririg , Ymmguchi Uniwr yity, Uhe,Jupun
Department of'Ci\-il Engineering, Shirzshu UrziverJih; N u p n o , Japun

ABSTRACT A plan for the improvement of a public road was made regarding a hill which included
slopes consisting of serpentinite and schist in the north of Ube-shi of Yamaguchi prefecture, Japan. In order to
classify rock class for the stability analysis of these cut slopes, not only standard penetration tests, but also
elastic prospecting, electric prospecting, and bore hole velocity logging were performed. Bore hole ring shear
tests and direct shear tests were performed as well in order to evaluate the strength parameters of the
weathered soils of both rocks. Based on these tests, an estimated classification of rock class of a cut slope was
illustrated. The strength parameters of weathered soils used for a design of slope stability analysis was also

1 INTRODUCTION direct shear tests were performed on the weathered

soils of both rocks.
In a hill consisting of Sangun metamorphic rocks On the basis of these test results, a method of
in the north of Ube-shi in Yamaguchi prefecture, determining the relationship between rock class and
Japan, a plan for the improvement of a public road P-wave velocity is suggested and a mode of
was made. Due to the cutting of the slopes estimating rock class of a slope is illustrated. The
consisting of serpentinite and pelitic schist (hereafter strength parameters of weathered soils used for a
called schist) in four steps, it became very important design of slope stability analysis are also proposed.
to examine the stability of the cut slopes.
Furthermore, due to heavy rainfall during and at the
end of the rainy seasons, cut slopes consisting of 2 IN-SITU GEOLOGY
Sangun metamorphic in Yamaguchi prefecture have
easily failed at not only very nearly this site but As shown in Figure 1, the geology is composed of
also other sites. The third author et al. have Sangun metamorphic rock consisting of serpentinite
investigated the failed slopes and have described and schist which were formed during the Triassic
many properties of soils which were formed by the period in Mesozoic (about 200 Ma year). In the
weathering of both rocks (Yamamoto et a1.1996 a & narrow sense, Sangun metamorphic rocks are
b, 1997 & 1998). Thus the weathered soils of classified into Sangun-Renge, Suou, and Chizu
Sangun metamorphic rocks have historically metamorphic rocks according to formative year
considered problematic. and process (Nishimura & Matsusato 1991). The
From the view point of the above, the examination Sangun metamorphic rock at this site is of Suou type.
of the following two issues in the cutting of slopes at These serpentinite and schist are subjected to a
the this site became necessary: 1) estimation the penetration of granite and have hornfels structure.
rock class of serpentinite and schist relating to the Namely, in the case of the schist shown in
difference of the degree of weathering, and 2) Photograph 1, a lot of biotite is observed. In the case
determination the strength parameters of the of the serpentinite shown in Photograph 2, some
weathered soils of serpentinite and schist. serpentine have altered to olivine.
In order to address the first issue, not only Serpentinite e x i s t s only at the wedge of
standard penetration tests but also elastic granite, and disappears in the north to the south
prospecting, electric prospecting, and bore hole direction in which schist is excelled. Areas of
velocity logging were performed. In order to address serpentinite and schist from a few meters to 10
the second issue, both in-situ ring shear tests and meters wide are distributed alternatively in the

Figure 1. Investigated place and its geology.

Photograph I . Polarization - microscope photograph Photograph 2. Polarization - microscope photograph

of schist under crossed nicols (qz, quartz; bt, biotite; of serpentinite under crossed nicols (ser, serpentine;
pl, plagioclase). 01, olivine).

east - west direction in a belt or a lens-like rock body. weathered soil with a schistosity of 70 O in the
The boundary between both rocks inclines steeply in northern direction.
a northern direction.
Most serpentinite observed at the outcrop is
composed of hard massive rock. Serpentinite with a 3 INVESTIGATED ITEMS
distinguishable foliated structure exists only at the
edges of schist and ranges from about 10 meters to As mentioned above, since this site has a very
about 1 m width. Schist at the outcrop is altered to complex geology consisting of serpentinite and

Figure 2 (a). The distribution of N-value in depth on C line shown in Figure 1.

Figure 2 (b). The distribution of N-value in depth on E line shown in Figure 1.

schist, it was thought impossible to understand its Table 1. Rock class, average N-value and unit
entire geology only by means of boring data. So, weight of weathered soil and soft rock.
the following four in-situ tests were vigorously
1)Standard penetration test (16 points) unit
2) Elastic prospecting (Total length:850 m)
3) Electric prospecting (Total length:850m)
4) Bore hole velocity logging (4 points)
In order to obtain the strength parameters of the 100 21.4
weathered soils, the following two shear tests were 207 241 23.2
1)Bore hole ring shear test
2) Direct shear test into C,, D, and D, classes according to N-value.
Bore hole ring shear tests are said to be applicable to Figures 2 (a) and (b) show the distributions of N-
many soils and rocks such as clay, sand, and soft values in depth on C line and E line shown in Figure
rock The details of the test apparatus and method 1,respectively.
have been described elsewhere (Yunoki et al. 1995 a Figure 3 represents the relationship between the
& b). P-wave velocity obtained by elastic prospecting
(V,), and the P-wave velocity obtained by bore hole
velocity logging (V,), for serpentinite and schist, and
4 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ROCK CLASS their weathered soils. As can be seen in Figure 3, no
AND V, distinct relationship was observed between both
velocities of both rocks’ P-waves because the test
As shown in Table 1, serpentinite and schist, and data are considerably scattered.
their weathered soils, respectively, were classified Figures 4 and 5, respectively, show the (V,), and

Figure 3. Comparison of (V,), with (V,),.
Figure 5. Variation of (V,), with geology and rock

Figure 4. Variation of (V,), with geology and rock

Figure 6. Variation of resistivity with geology and
rock class.
(v,), of serpentinite and schist, and their weathered
soils according to rock class. It is seen in Figure 4
that the (V,), of both rocks and weathered soils serpentinite is smaller than the (V,), of schist. In
increases when the rock class change in the order of contrast, it is found from Figure 5 that since the
D,-DD,-CL; namely, when the rock class becomes (V,),, of the C, class has become small, no distinct
more conducive to slope stability. Furthermore, in difference was dxerved between the (V,), of the C,
case that the same rock class the (VJe of and DH chsses. Bore hole velocity logging is

Figure 7. The distribution of estimated rock class for cut slope.

Table 2. Results of bore hole ring shear tests.

Serpen- Figure 8. Relationship between cohension and

D, 10 25.8 6.0
'eO tinite depth for weathered soils obtained from bore hole
' 14.1 , Schist D, 35 17.0 13.0 ring shear tests.
18.0 Schist D, 50 26.5 25.0
D, 13 25.7 11.0 the distinction between the D, and D,, classes.
3.0 tinite
(V,& =2.0 km/s is a boundary value for the
Serpen- distinction between the D,, and C,- classes.
On the basis of this, an estimated rock class
classification of the cut slope (B line in Figure 1)
was determined as shown in Figure 7.

Table 3. Results of direct shear tests.

1 :i
\ ,

1 Serpentinite 28.2 7.0 Table 2 shows the internal friction angle (,!I' and
2 Schist 29.8 7.0 cohesion c' of weathered soils obtained by the bore
hole ring shear tests carried out at each bore hole.
Their N-values are also shown in this table. As
mentioned before, bore hole ring shear tests could
Table 4. Strength parameters for a design. be applicable for various soils. This in-situ soil
corresponds to the D, class.
Rock 7 0' C'
As can be seen in Table 2, in the case of
class (kN/m3) () (kN/m2)
weathered soils of serpentinite, @ ' ranged between
D, 18.0 25'0 - 22.5 - 25.7" , and c' ranged between 3.0 - 11.0
D,, 19.0 29.5 kN/m2. In the case of weathered soils of schist,@'
ranged between 17.0 - 30.2" and c' ranged between
carried out by packing loose sand around the pipe, 1.0 - 25.0 kN/m2. 0 '=17.0" of weathered soil of
and this may affect test results. schist at a depth=14.1 m of Bor.No.14 is remarkably
Figure 6 shows the relationship between the small as compared to other values. Except for this
resistivity obtained by electric prospecting and rock (b '=17.0 " , (b ' values of weathered soils of
class. As seen in this figure, the resistivity of both serpentinite and schist existed within a
rocks and their weathered soils was very low, and comparatively small scattering. In contrast, c' values
the relationship of resistivity and rock class, for of both weathered soils existed over a wide range. In
schist, is not so distinguishable as compared with the case of weathered soils of serpentinite, average
that for serpentinite. values of @ ' and c' were 24.6" and 6.0 kN/m2,
As seen in the above results, the classifications respectively. In the case of weathered soils of schist,
of geology and rock class in areas with no boring both average values were 27.2" and 9.0 kN/m2,
data were determined as follows: respectively.
1) Because there exists no distinct difference of Table 3 shows the strength parameters of block
The (V,), between serpentinite and schist, and their sampled specimens of weathered soils obtained by
weathered soils, both rocks were treated as the the direct shear tests under submerged conditions.
same rock class. As can be seen in Table 3, 0 of weathered soils of
2) (V,),=l.O - 1.5 km/s is a boundary value for

serpentinite and schist are 28.2 and 29.8 , REFERENCES
respectively. Thus these internal friction angles of
both weathered soils obtained by direct shear tests Nishimura, Y. & Matsusato, H. 1 9 9 1 . h illustrated
are 2 - 4 ” larger than those obtained by the bore Book of rocks in Yamaguchi prefecture, Daiichi
hole ring shear tests. Also, the levels cohesion of Gakusyusya Ltd. , 21-22 (in Japanese).
weathered soils obtained by direct shear tests Yamamoto,T.,Ohara,S, Nishimura, Y. & Sehara, Y.
range between those obtained by bore hole ring tests. 1996a. Characteristics cut slopes consisting of
Figure 8 represents the relationship between c’ Sangun metamorphic rocks which have failed
obtained by the bore hole ring tests and the tested due to heavy rainfall in Yamaguchi prefecture,
depth z. The straight line in this figure shows the Domestic Edition of Soils and Foundations,
relationship of c’(kN/m2) = z (m). This relationship 36(1), 123-132 (in Japanese).
has often been adopted in cases of determining Yamamoto, T., Takamoto, N., Nishimura, Y. &
c’ in the simple inverse analysis of a landslide. It is Sehara, Y.1996b. Saw-type slope failure in the
noticed in Figure 8 that 5 data among 9 data exist on Sangun metamorphic region, Tsuchi-to-Kiso
or near this straight line irrespective of the kind of (the Japanese Geotechnical Society), 44( 11)’
rock. Hereafter, it will be necessary to examine the 9-12 (in Japanese).
reason why the data fit or not fit the relationship of Yamamoto, T., Sehara, Y., Nakamori, K. & Morioka,
c’(kN/m2) = z (m). K.1997. Landslide at the Sangun metamorphic
As mentioned above, since no distinct difference Region the case of Ube - shi, Yamaguchi
was observed between the strength parameters of prefecture, Journal of Japan Landslide Society,
weathered soils of serpentinite and schist obtained 34(3), 41-50 (in Japanese).
by in-situ and laboratory tests, the strength Yamamoto, T. 1998. Some geotechnical engineering
parameters used for the stability analysis of the cut properties of weathered soils on failed slope in
slopes were proposed according to D, and DH the Sangun metamorphic region,
classes as summarized in Table 4. Namely, 6 ’is Proceedings of the international
25.0 and 29.5” for D, and DH classes, respectively. symposium on problematic soils, IS-
c’ (kN/m2) for both classes is given as the sampled TOHOKU ’98,537-540.
depth (m). Yunoki, M., Takano, M. & Rempo, M.1995a Study
on residual strength tests by direct ring
shear test, Proceedings of 30th Japan
6. CONCLUSIONS National Conference on Soil Mechanics
and Foundations Engineering, 713-716 (in
The relationships between rock class anf P-waqve Japanese).
velocity (V,) were investigated in the cut slopes in Yunoki, M., Rempo, M., Takano, M. & Yagisawa, T.
the Sangun metamorphic region in which 1995b. Inspection tests of pore - pressure
serpentinite and pelitic schist are distributed in a transition in soil-sampled by direct ring
complex way and show different degree of shear test, Symposium on method and
weathering. Also, the strength parameters of both application of direct type shear test, 283-290
rocks’ weathered soils used for a design of ( i n Japanese).
stability analysis were measured. The results are
summarized as follow:
Classification of rock class has a good correlation
with the velocity of P-wave obtained by elastic
prospecting, (Vp)e,but not with the velocity of P-
wave obtained by bore hole velocity logging, (V,),.
No distinguishable difference between the strength
parameters of weathered serpentinite and schist soils
were obtained by bore hole ring shear tests and
direct shear tests. On the basis of this result, the
internal friction angles of weathered soils of the D,
and D, classes were determined as 25.0 and
29.5 , respectively. The cohesion (kN/m2) was
given as the sampled depth (m).

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Using multibeam sonar surveys for submarine landslide investigations

J. Locat
Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, Lava1 University, Que., Canada
J.YGardner & H. Lee
United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, Gal$, USA
L. Mayer, J. E. Hughes Clarke & E. Kammerer
Ocean Mapping Group, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N B., Canada

ABSTRACT: Multibeam sonar surveys have been carried out in areas where submarine mass movements
have been identified. This technique couples various tools including the swath mapping system itself and
differential GPS. After corrections for ship movement and tide, the resulting images provide a air-
photograph-like picture of the sea floor which enable a detailed morphological analysis. The analysis of
Saguenay fjord data will also show that this methodology can be use to precisely monitor landslide prone


The analysis of sub-aerial landslides must be done Multibeam techniques use an acoustic signal
with an adequate knowledge of the morphology and emitted from a series of transmitters mounted on the
stratigraphy, not withstanding the mechanical hull of a vessel (Figure 1). The greater the number of
properties and pore water conditions. For transmitters and higher frequencies will provide
submarine landslides, and until recently, most of more precise bathymetric information. Bathymetry
the analyses had to rely on side-scan sonar and data from multiple sources can also be merged
seismic surveys. A major limitation of these (Orange 1999). Since most of the examples provided
techniques was the complexity of integrating them herewith were obtained by means of EM1000, we
into a homogeneous system whereby the inherent will focus on this technique to illustrate the
morphological distortions due to the data methodology (Hughes Clarke et al. 1996).
acquisition process would be corrected. This was The EMlOOO works at a frequency of 95 kHz,
particularily true for large landslides (Moore and producing a fan of 60 sensors with 2.4" by 3.3"
Normark 1994, Schwab et al. 1991) For nearly a beam widths over a total angular swath sector of
decade now, multi-beam techniques have been 150". While the sonar can operate in water depths
developed (Lee et al. 1991, Mitchell 1991, Li and ranging from as little as 3m to up to 1000m, this
Clark 1991, Prior 1993, Hughes Clarke et al. 1996) system is at its best for water depths between about
and, when coupled with differential positioning, can 10 to 600m. The EM3000, a more portable and
provide precise bathymetric information at such a recent version of the EMlOOO system, can be used
density that a detailed map of the seafloor can be for water depths of less than 100m. The sonar is
produced (Bellaiche 1993, Urgeles et al. 1997). capable of resolving a water depth at an accuracy as
This paper will focus on illustrating the use of little as 0.25%. The EM1000 can be mounted on a
such a technique for the geomorphological analysis vessel a small as 8 m (Figure lb).
of submarine slides. More attention will be given to The data is collected along a path (Figure lc) in
the Saguenay Fjord where two surveys (1993 and order to cover all the survey area with an overlap
1997) were conducted over the same area of the percentage depending on the accuracy required. In
fjord. At the same time, some examples, taken from most cases, an overlap of 150% is correct. The
various locations around the world, will be overlap assures a minimum of redundancy in the
presented to illustrate the diversity and scale of data and helps increase the precision of the
subaquatic mass movements. measurements. The ship speed can be as high as 14

knots without loss of accuracy. Precise differential movement illustrated hereafter are: rock avalanches,
positioning, tide data and data correction related to retrogressive slide, slides and debris flows.
ship movement are essential. In addition, the
acoustic velocity is corrected by a series of acoustic 3.1 Saguenay Fjord landslides and debris flows
profiles taken during the survey. If space permits, The Saguenay Fjord was one of the first sites where
onboard post treatment can be completed for a quick a multibeam sonar survey was carried out to map
production of the various maps. The overall aspect
submarine landslides (Couture et al. 1993, Hampton
of data reduction and analysis has been presented by et al. 1996). It is located 200 km northeast of
Hughes Clarke (1997). QuCbec City, Canada. The area provides a fairly
quiet environment so that sea conditions are nearly
perfect so as to ensure the best results. The same
area was also re-visited in 1997 after a major flood
event (Kammerer et al. 1998). The Saguenay Fjord
survey covers the upper part of the fjord at water
depths ranging from 0 to 225 m Figure 2). The water
column is stratified with a surface freshwater layer
of about 5m in thickness. At regular intervals, a
sonic velocity profile of the water column was
obtained for the first 75 m to take into account
changes in tides and currents.
The Saguenay Fjord region has frequent major
earthquakes (e.g. 6.3 in 1988), the largest historic
one occurring in 1663 (Locat and Leroueil 1988,
Locat and Bergeron 1988, Syvitski and Schafer
1996) for which an equivalent Richter Scale of
nearly 8 was given. It is believed that this
earthquake triggered a series of major land and
submarine slides, the largest sub-aerial one being the
St. Jean Vianney slide totaling a volume of more
than 200 millions cubic metres. At the same time,
major submarine landslides took place in the upper
reaches of the fjord so that a complex fan was
constructed at the mouth of the Bras Nord (Figure
2b). From seismic and coring data, the fan appears
composed of clayey debris flow deposits mantled by
a thin layer (less than 2 m) of turbidite (with a
typical sandy layer at its base) sediments derived
mostly from the on-land St. Jean Vianney slide.
Between 1984 and 1993, many seismic and sonar
surveys had revealed the presence of other major
submarine slide features (Locat and Bergeron 1988,
Pelletier and Locat 1993) but a clear picture could
only be assembled after a multibeam survey
Figure 1. Schematic deployement of a multibeam conducted in 1993 (Couture et. al. 1993). Results of
sonar survey with vessel types (a and b) and track the 1997 survey are used to detail the
pattern (c). Indications are given for major geomorphology of the fan complex. On the lower
component, i.e. ship movement and position (S) with part of the Bras Nord we could map few slides as
differential GPS. evidenced by compressive deformation at their base.
A major retrogressive slide is also visible which
extends on almost the total length of this part of the
3. MULTIBEAM SURVEYS: EXAMPLES fjord, i.e. over about 6 km (Figure 2c). From seismic
surveys, the depth of the failure plane would be at
The following examples are taken from various about 15-20 m, Figure 2d).
places around the world. The type of mass The fan itself is cut by two channels a few

Figure 2. Morphological analysis of the upper part of the Saguenay Fjord, QuCbec, Canada, illustrating the
use of sun-illuminated (from the east) multibeam sonar bathymetry from the 1997 survey. Failures are clearly
seen along the edge of the fjord, as circular type failure while the centre of the Bras Nord shows retrogressive
failures extending over few kilometres towards the north. Insert in b shows details of the fan complex, S1 and
S2 are SEISTEK and 3.5 kHz seismic surveys of some landslide features; “a” refers to Figure 3.

Figure 4. Palos Verdes slide. “a”: plane view, “b”
3D view. The “x” points at the northwest extent of
the detachment area (Source USGS).

the variation in the thickness of the flood layer at

Figure 3. Evaluating 1996 Saguenay Fjord about 5m. This example illustrates well the potential
catastrophic flood deposit by comparing the two of this technology to make accurate pre and post
multibeam sonar surveys of 1993 and 1997 measurements. If used in an active landslide area or
(Kammerer et al. 1998). In “a” the white color a potentially unstable area, any future movements
represent the 1997 bathymetry above the 1993. In could be detected and calculated.
“b” we show the three cross sections where both
1993 and 1997 depth profiles are compared. 3.2 Palos Verdes slide, California
The Palos Verdes slide (Figure 4), off Los Angeles,
hundred metres in width and flanked by escarpments had long been recognized on reflection seismic logs
which are about 10 m high. (Hampton et al. 1996). The slide took place along a
As indicated above, the second (1997) multibeam steep escarpment and traveled a distance of about 10
sonar survey provided an opportunity to test the km on the sea floor. The head scarp is about 500m
reliability of the system (Kammerer et al. 1998). The high and the slope varies between 15-20’. The debris
vertical resolution of the system is about 25 cm for a were dispersed over a wide area shown in figure 4b.
depth of lOOm which corresponds to the maximum From seismic records (Hampton et al. 1996) the
water depth in the area shown in Figure 3. As shown thickness of the debris deposit varies from about 20
in Figure 3b, the 1997 survey was able to estimate m in the lower part of the slope to less than lm, 10

preserved in the stratigraphic record (Nitttrouer
1999). One component of this study is to understand
sediment stability and transport (Lee et al. 1999). In
such a case, the detailed description of the
morphology is an essential part of the analysis (Goff
et al. 1999).
The 3D bathymetry picture shown in Figure 5a
represents the study area which can be divided into
two parts. The northern part, located to the north of
the anticline (a small sea mount in the middle on the
slope), which present a regular slope with more or
less regularly spaced gullies. The southern sector is
characterized by a semi-circular feature which may
represent the amphitheatre of a large shear-
dominated retrogressive failure (Fig. 5b, Gardner et
al. 1999) or a large deep seated submarine failure
(Lee et al. 1981, Lee et al. 1999, Orange 1999). The
water depth range in this image is from zero to about
200 m near the shelf break and about 500m near the
base of the slope. The slope itself is at an angle of
about 3" to 6" and the slope break is at about 20 km
from the shoreline.

3.4 Lake Tahoe rock avalanche

Lake Tahoe is located at the boundary between
California and Nevada. The lake is at an elevation of
1900m. The multibeam sonar survey of the lake was
carried out in 1998 (Gardner et al. 1998). For this
work, the EM1000 was mounted on a small vessel (8
m long, Fig. lb).
Lake Tahoe, one of the deepest lakes in the United
States, is located between two major faults,
Figure 5. Humboldt Slide, Eel River Margin, including the Sierra Nevada fault which is located
California (see Gardner et al. 1999 and Lee et al. about two kilometers west of the lake. Most rocks in
1999 for discussion), a: swath bathymetry sun the area were produced by volcanic activity. The
illuminated 3D map; b: Huntec seismic section with landscape itself has been localy modified by
the location shown in "a". glaciers.
The headscarp of the slide is about 5 km wide and
the debris reached a distance of up to about 10 km
km away from the base of the slope, with an average
near the centre of the lake. Some lumps of isolated
thickness of 5 to 1Om.
debris are of the order of 100 m in length. The north
The image shown in Figure 4 appears to illustrate a
flank in the starting zone appears to be limited by
process of continuing instability development
strong lineament systems intersecting at an angle of
towards the north-east. The nature of the material
about 130" (see arrows in Figure 6a).
involved in the slide remains to be determined.
According to the slope geometry and the blocky
3.5 Canary Islands rock avalanches, Spain
morphology still observable in the runout zone, the
material should be made of stiff sediments. The Canary Islands submarine slides (Urgeles et al.
1997) were initiated along the flanks of the islands
3.3 Humboldt slide, Eel River margin, California (Figure 7). The avalanche spreads from an elevation
of about lOOOm above sea level to a depth between
The Eel River Margin example was obtained as part
of a study related to a multidisciplinary effort aimed 3000 and 4000m with a run out distance at about 50
km. The La Palma rock avalanche is also partly
at understanding the process by which sedimentary
strata are deposited, modified and ultimately visible on the left side of the Figure 7. These large
scale mass movements involve very large volumes

(few cubic kilometres) and cover large areas of the
sea floor (up to 2600 km2),and run-outs reaching 70
km (Urgeles et al. 1997). This type of mass
movement is very similar to those reported by
Moore and Normark (1994) for the Hawaiian
Islands. This example also illustrates the coupling of
land and marine elevation data.


Recent multibeam sonar survey systems and their

required software for data analysis now provide the
engineering community with a powerful and reliable
tool to map the sea floor with very high precision.
With this technique, we can now really talk in terms
of “submarine remote sensing”, as it now provides
information nearly equivalent to aerial photography
or radar images. In addition, the work carried out in
Lake Tahoe has demonstrated that the system can be
efficiently mounted on a small vessel thus showing
that multibeam sonar surveys can be carried out in
more restricted areas. The recently developed
EM3000 is a portable system which will provide
nearly a tenfold improvement in bottom morphology
definition for water depths less than 100m.
The experience of the Saguenay Fjord has shown
Figure 6 . Lake Tahoe debris avalanche (see Gardner that two surveys, conducted at a four year interval,
et al. 1998 for details); a: plan view of the debris were able to show morphological changes associated
avalanche area, with the arrows pointing at with flood deposits. At the same time, minute
lineament intersections, b: 3D view looking towards features revealed in 1993 were also observed in
the west. 1997. These results illustrate the monitoring

Figure 7. El Golfo debris avalanches off El Hierro Island (Canary Islands, Spain, Urgeles et al. 1997)

potential of this technique in submarine landslide Hughes Clarke, J.E., 1997. Data thinning for chart
prone areas. production purposes. In: Coastal Multibeam
Finally, this limited compilation has also provided Training Course, Ocean Mapping Group,
an opportunity to showcase the diversity and scale of Department of Geodesy and Geomatics
sub-aquatic landslides and related mass movements. Engineering, University of New Brunswick,
Fredericton, 26 pp.
Hughes Clarke, J.E., Mayer, L.A., and Wells, D.E.
5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (1996). Shallow-water imaging multibeam sonars:
A new tool for investigating seafloor processes in
We would like to thank our supporting organizations the coastal zone and on the continental shelf.
including the U.S. Geological Survey, the Office of Marine Geophysical Research, 18: 607-629.
Naval Research (STRATAFORM project), the Kammerer, E., Hughes Clarke, J.E., Locat, J.,
National Science and Engineering Research Council Doucet, N., and Godin, A., 1998. Monitoring
of Canada and the Fonds F.C.A.R. (Ministry of temporal changes in seabed morphology and
Education, Quebec). In addition, we like to thank composition using multibeam sonars: a case study
Dr. M. Canals and Dr. R. Urgeles (University of of the 1996 Saguenay rivers floods. In:
Barcelona) for providing the example from the Proceedings of the Canadian Hydraugraphic
Canary Islands. conference, Victoria.
We would also like to thank R. Sansfaqon and N. Lee, H.J., Brian, Edwards, B.D., and Field, M.E.,
Doucet of the Institut Maurice Lamontagne at Mont- 1981. Geotechnical analysis of a submarine slump,
Joli, Quebec and P. C8t6, graduate student at Laval. Eureka, California. Proceedings of the 13‘h Annual
OfLshore Technology Conference, Houston, pp. :
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Urgeles, R., Canals, M., Baraza, J., Alonso, B.,
Masson, D. (1997).- The most recent megaslides
on the Canary islands: The El Golfo debris
avalanche and the Canary debris flow, West Hierro
Island Journal of Geophysical Research, 102 (B9):
20.305 -20.323.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang (01999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Automatic measurement of pore water pressure in the hard-rock slope

and the sliding weathered-rock slope - Field survey in mountainous
region in Shikoku Island, Japan

E.Tamura & S. Matsuka

Yonden Consultunts Compuny Incorporated, Kugawa, Jupun

ABSTRACT: It has been shown in general researches that one of the causes of the landslide is the rise of the
pore water pressure. The rise of the pore water pressure causes initial rockslides and rockfalls in particular.
We continuously measured the groundwater level and the pore water pressure in the slope of the rock and the
slope of the weathered-rock slide in the mountain range in Shikoku which has an annual amount of rainfall
from 2000mm to 3000mm. With regard to the disaster prevention of the landslide and the rockfall, we
examined the start time and the disappearance time of the rise of the pore water pressure. The result of our
research clearly shows the start time of the rise of the pore water pressure in heavy rain. Warning time of
landslide is half a day or one and a half days after the stream flow had begun to increase or the beginning of
the heavy rain.

1INTRODUCTION has an annual rainfall of 2,250-2,75Omm. Rainfall is

heavy in the rainy season and the typhoon season from
The rise of pore water pressure is regarded as a cause of July to September.
landslides oaniguchi and Fujiwara, 1965). In the initial
phase of rockslides and rock€& in particular, its
involvement seems significant. However, there were 3 MEASUREMENT OF PORE WATER PRES-
performed not many studies in which the fluctuation SURE I N HARD ROCK SLOPE
of pore water pressure was observed in sites in
relation to the occurrence of landslides. Higaki,K. et The hard-rock slope rested on the end of a ridge of a
al. (1991) and Shiraishi,D.(1994) measured the pore mountain range 1,ooOm high. The slope was 280-480 m
water pressure at sliding surfaces and ascertained above sea level and in a convex shape 2oom high (Fig. 1).
that landslides became active following rises in the The geology of the slope consisted of the strata of
pore water pressure, concluding that rises in pore greenstone, slate, sandstone,and chert of the Chichibu Belt.
water pressure cause landslides. These strata slanted downward by 15" and ran along the
In this study, the groundwater levels, pore water slope, as shown in Fig. 2. Underlying the strata was hard
pressure in the rock slope and the sliding weathered-rock rock, which was 55 m deep in the upper part of the slope
slope on a mountainous region in Shikoku Island were and 12 m deep in the lower part. The groundwater level
continuously measured, and the relation between the was around the upper surface of the hard rock
fluctuation of pore water pressure and the time elapsed Vertical bores A-l,2,3, and 5 and a horizontal bore B-
was studied from a disaster-preventivepoint of view. 1of a 76-mm diameter were made in the slope (Fig. 1).To
measure the pore water pressure in the bedrock, a pore-
water-pressuregauge was set at the bottom of each vertical
2 GEOLOGICAL OF SLOPES AND bore, and each bore was clogged above the gauge with
RAINF.. bentonite and cement milk to isolate the groundwater(Fig.
3). The groundwater levels in the vertical bores were
The geology of the central mountainous region in measured with water-pressure gauges. The horizontal bore
Shikoku Island is characterized by metamorphic rocks of was divided into three chambers with air-packers to
the Sanbagawa Belt and sedimentary rocks of the measure the spouting-water pressure. Personal computers
Chichiiu Belt. The rock slope surveyed was located in the were used and data were collected Continuously.
Chichibu Belt; the gradually sliding weathered-rock slope, The measured pore water pressures were converted
in the Sanbagawa Belt. Landslides occurs frequently in into groundwater levels. In the same bore, there were
these geologicalbelts. The area around the slopes surveyed differencesof 1-6m between the converted water levels

Figure 2. Geological profile of hard rock slope.

and the measured water levels, the latter tending to be increase in the stream flow and the pore water pressure in
higher. The pore water pressure and the water levels in the the bedrock was studied. Data were collected fiom the
bores changed under daily rainfall of 50 mm or more, stream and the bore A-2 in six cases of continuous rainfall
presenting larger changes in the upper and middle parts of of 50-600 mm (Table 1). According to the data of the
the slope and smaller changes in the lower part. table, although data are somewhat dispersed depending on
There were observed time differences among the the raining patterns and the water-saturated condition of
increase of the stream flow below the slope, and the the ground before the rains, the pore water pressure began
increase of the groundwater levels and the rise of the pore to increase about 10 hours, and reached its peak 20-30
water pressure in the bores in the middle part of the slope, hours, after the stream flow had begun to increase (Table 1
while it was rainingcontinuously.Under the rainfallof 671 and Fig. 9.
mm during the period of July 26-30, 1993, the stream T f i c on National Highway running by the survey
flow increased first, then the water levels in the vertical area is regulated when continuous rainfall reaches 250
bores and the spouting-waterpressure in the portion of the m.
horizontal bore with the shallow section,and thereafter the A tendency can be read from Table 1: at the point in
pore water pressure in the vertical bores and the spouting - time when rainfall reaches the level of 250 mm, (i) the
water pressure in the portion of the horizontal bore with stream flow already began to increase long before, (ii) the
the deep d o n . The time Werence between the first pore water pressure also began to rise a short while before,
event (for the surface water) and the second event (for the and (iii) it is 10hours or so before the pore water pressure
upper-stratum water) was 12 hours or so, and the time reaches a peak. This suggests that the appropriate time
difTerencebetween the second event (for the upper-stratum zone to be wamed of landslides and mkMls is fiom the
water) and the third event (for the lower-stratum water) point of half a day after the stream flow’s increaseto the
was 4-5 hours (Fig. 5). point of one and a half day after the same.
Besides, the relation between the starting times of

Figure 5. Automatic measurement of pore water pressure and groundwater levels in bores on rock slope.

Figure 6. Automatic measurement of pore water pressure in bed bedrock.

Figure 7. Automatic measurement of pore water pressure in sliding weathered-rock slope.

rainfall Hourly
(mm) (mm/h) (mm/d)
Jul. 671 36 288 5 17 29

Oct. 7-8,
43 6 28 Almost no change
Nov. A low
12-13, 14 27
126 12 88 41 55 68 area and a
~ ~ - _ front
_ _ _
Jul. 461 42 281 7 18 36 11 29 No.7
25-27, 22" typhoon
Aug. 342 27 119 16 74 100 58 84 No. 13
10-15, 89" typhoon

"*" Mark are the time period that each raintook to reach a rainfallof 250 mm.


The main finding of the present study about the pore
The sliding weathered-rock slope was composed of water pressure under heavy daily rainfalls of 100 mm or
pelitic schist in the Sanbagawa Belt and located on the end more are as follows:
of a ridge of a mountain range 1,OOO m high. The landslide 1. In the non-sliding hard-rock slope, the pore water
was 40 m wide, 70 m long, and 5-7 m deep. pressure began to rise about 10 hours, and reached a peak
The pore water pressure in the clay forming the slip 20-30 hours, after the stream flow had begun to increase.
surface was measured in the center of the sliding block A 2. In the sliding weathered-rock slope, the pore water
bore was made down to the slip surface. A vinyl chloride pressure increased at a time from half a day after the
pipe was provided at the bottom of the bore and the upper beginning of rainfall to one and a half days after the same,
portion of the bore was cemented so that underground and the pressure took a week or so to retum to its normal
water would enter the bore only from the clay of the slip level.
surface. A water pressure gauge was set at the bottom of
the bore to measure the water level in the bore
continuously and determine the pore water pressure (Fig. REFERENCES
Under daily rainfall of 101)-300 mm, the pore water Higaki, D. & Maruyama. K. & Yoshida, K. & Yoshi-
pressure increased rapidly at a time in the period from the matsu, H. 1991. Pore-water pressure fluctuations
point of half a day after the beginning of rainfall to the in some landslide areas. Journal of Japan Land-
point of one and a halfdays after the same, and took seven slide Society. 28-3 : 9-16.
days or so to decrease to the pre-rain level (Fig. 7). A Nishimura, K. & Sakamoto, S. & Kawamura, M. 1997.
similar phenomenon was observed in the study performed Observation of groundwater levels with selfrecording
to measure continuously the ground water levels in a water level meter; taking Owcita Landslide as example.
landslide area in Sanbagawa Belt in Tokushima Prefecture proceedings of Chugoku-Shikoku Branch of Japanese
(Nishimura, k et al., 1997). Although the slope of the Society of Applied Geology. 23-28.
present study was not in ~ t u r a state
l due to the measures Shiraishi, K. 1994. Observation ofpore waterpressure on
taken to reduce the sliding displacement, it can be said that slip-su$ace for landslide control works. Proceedings
the time when the pore water pressure increases coincides of Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foun-
generally with the time when the sliding displacement dation Engineering Symposium.
(XXLlrs. Taniguchi, T. & Fujiwara, M. 1965. Investigation and
analysk of landslides. Rikohtosho.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang ((-1 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Field measurement of suction in soil and rainfall in Kagoshima Prefecture

R. Kitamura, K. Jomoto, K.Yamamoto & T.Terachi

Kugoshirna UniversiQ Japctn
Chubu Chishitsu Company Limited, Japan
T. Iryo
University of Western Ontario, Ont.. Canada

ABSTRACT: In Kagoshima Prefecture a non-welded part of pyroclastic flow deposits, Shirasu in Japanese,
is widely distributed on the surface ground. The slopes composed of Shirasu and other volcanic products
often fail due to the heavy rain in the rainy season every year. In order to prevent natural disasters due to
slope failures our laboratory has started to measure the suction and rainfall at several points in Kagoshima
Prefecture. In this paper the field measurement system of the suction in soil and the amount of rainfall are
firstly introduced. The tensiometer is used to measure the suction in unsaturated soil. The data obtained at
several measuring points are automatically filed in the data loggers and acquired by the personal computer in
the laboratory by means of cellular phones. The change in suction and rainfall are shown with time. The
hourly, dairy and monthly change in suction with time is discussed to predict the slope failure.

1 INTRODUCTION introduced, and then some measuring results are

Kagoshima Prefecture is located in the southern part presented and discussed*
of Kyushu Island, Japan, as shown in Fig.1. The
surface ground in Kagoshima Prefecture is almost
covered with the volcanic products such as
pyloclastic flow deposits including pumice and
falling ash, weathered igneous rock and so on. The
non-welded part of pyloclastic flow deposits is
locally called Shirasu in Japanese, which is
classified into sandy soil. The density of Shirasu is
smaller than popular silica sand because the particle
is porous. Consequently Shirasu is easy to be
eroded by the surface flow of rainwater. When
heavy rains fall every rainy season, the slope failures
often occur on the slopes composed of Shirasu on
which thin surface humus layer is laid. It is
qualitatively well-known that these slope failures
occur due to the seepage of rainwater into
unsaturated soil and the increase in water content,
which brings the increase in self-weight of soil mass
and the decrease in suction. But it is difficult to
estimate the changes in water content and suction
Our laboratory started to measure the suction and
rainfall in the field to make the seepage behavior of Fig.1 Location of Kagoshima Prefecture
rainwater into surface ground clear (Kitamura et al.,
1999). In this paper the field measuring system is

MEASURING POINTS Figure 6 shows the change in suction and the amount
Figure 2 shows the schematic field measuring of hourly rainfall with time obtained at the
system of suction and rainfall. The suction in measuring point of Ijuin-twon in June 1996, where
unsaturated soil is measured by the tensiometer and the suction is represented as the head of negative
the amount of rainfall is measured by the tipping water pressure. The surface ground at this point is
bucket rain gauge. Four sets of tensiometer are covered with the primary Shirasu layer of more than
installed into the ground of 20 cm, 40 cm, 60 cm and 10 m in thickness. In Fig.6 the absolute value of
80 cm in depth. The measuring data are filed in the negative pressure (suction) is the largest at 20 cm in
data loggers and acquired by the personal computer. depth followed by those of 40 cm, 60 cm and 80 cm
The sampling interval can arbitrarily be selected in order, which means that the water content
from lsecond to 60 minutes, which is now set to be increases with depth. The change in suction due to
60 minutes for tensiometer and 10 minutes for rain rainfall was initiated at 20 cm in depth followed by
gauge respectively. About 60000 data can be filed the change in suction of 40,60 and 80 cm in depth in
in the data loggers, which means that the data for this case that the ground is uniform and the ground
more than 2 months can be filed. In the latest water level is deep. The same behavior was
system the cellular phone is used to transmit the data obtained at some measuring points as shown in Figs.
filed in the data loggers as shown in Fig.3, where the 7 and 8. Figure 7 shows the measured data
sampling interval can remotely be controlled by the obtained at Kokubu-city where the talus was formed
personal computer in the laboratory. Figure 4 by the slope failure of Shirasu. Figure 8 shows the
shows the tensiometer which is composed of porous measured data obtained at Tarumizu-city where the
cup made of ceramic whose air entry value is about falling volcanic ash derived from Mt. Sakurajima
250 kPa, acrylic pipe filled with de-aired water and deeply covers the surface ground with more than 1m
pressure transducer at the top of acrylic pipe. in depth. Figure 9 shows the measured data
Figure 5 shows the measuring points in Kagoshima obtained at Yoshida-town. Near this point the river
Prefecture, where the remote measuring system is is located and the ground water level is shallow. It
adopted in Kiire-town, Matsumoto-town and Izumi- is found out from Fig.9 that the head of water
city. pressure of 80 cm in depth is always positive

Fig.2 Field measuring system

Fig.3 Remote system for data transmission

Fig.4 Tensiometer

Fig.6 Measured data obtained at

Ijuin-town in June 1996

Fig.5 Measuring points in Kagoshima Prefecture

because the ground water level is shallow. The

water pressure of 20 cm is also positive when a rain
falls, which means that the ground water level is
easy to rise to be same as the ground surface in the
rainy condition.

The field measurement system for suction and
rainfall is shown to investigate the seepage behavior Fig.7 Measured data obtained at
of rainwater into ground in Kagoshima Prefecture. Kokubu-city in April 1997

The measured data obtained at some measuring
points are presented and discussed. It is found out
that the suction is one of the basic informations for
the water content in the ground and reflects the
seepage characteristics of ground. Therefore the
change in suction with rainfall should be
continuously measured to analyze the mechanism of
slope failure and prevent the natural disaster due to
slope failure caused by the rainfall.

This research was supported by the grant-in aid of

scientific research (B) (Project No. 09555153) of the
Ministry of Education.


R. Kitamura, T. Iryo, H. Abe and H. Yakabe: Field

measurement of suction on Shirasu ground, Proc.
1st Asian-Pacific Conference and Trade
Exhibition on Ground and Water Bioengineering
for Erosion Control and Slope Stabilization, 1999
( to be appeared).
Fig.8 Measured data obtained at
Tarumizu-city in May 1997

Fig.9 Measured data obtained at

Yoshida-town in April and May 1996

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Slope Sfabihty Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami& Jiang c,' 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Application of acoustic emission method to Shirasu slope monitoring

T. Fujiwara & A. Ishibashi

Nippon Koei Company Limited, R&D Center, Ibaruki, Japan
K. Monma
Public Works Research Institute, Ministry of Construction, Government of Japan, Jupan

ABSTRACT: The Shirasu , that is widely covered on southern Kyusyu, characterized by gray soft rock
derived from Pyroclastic flow sediment. In Shirasu area, slope stability is frequently disturbed by heavy rain,
and Shirasu slope failures caused some deaths every year. It has become very important to predict these
disasters. This paper on application of Acoustic Emission (AE)technique in the field of Shirasu slope failure
prediction presents the findings on the real scale slope experiment.

1. INTRODUCTION As at today, there are about 86,000 areas are

legally designated as landslide prone areas of which
Inherited nature of the topography, complicated 70% are further identified and categorized as high
geological structure and the relatively extensive priority areas that require quick attention for proper
rainfall makes Japan highly susceptible for slope preventive measures, Figure 2.
failures. This is further accelerated with growth of Even though there are quite large number of
urban fringe expanding into sensitive areas places are recognized for quick action for
demolishing the natural balance of the mountainous appropriate counter measures, the response from
and hilly region. Consequences are the increasing responsible agencies is not sufficient. Due to the
slope failures accounting for heavy losses to life and poor progress in the construction of anti-landslide
property. facility, Ministry of Construction launched a
During the period between 1992 to 96 there were program for improvement in warning systems that
2392 slope failures recorded killing 156 people. could prevent loss of life if sufficient, accurate and
When compared to death toll with other types of timely information could be provided to people who
slope tragedies, slope failures account for more than are living in questionable areas.
60% of total destruction during the period mentioned
above, Figure 1.

Fig.2 Slope Failures and Preventive Measures

Fig.1 Death by Slope Disasters in the past Syears

AE is long-awaited technology that could be Subsequently, results are combined with few filed
combined with warning system to inform people measurements to extrapolate experimental results to
living in a vulnerable area well in advance to reduce real-world situations. Hence, they face difficulties
losses to a minimum. However, application of AE in applying to real-world situations.
is considered questionable as not enough research
works have been conducted on this aspect. 2.1 Test Site
Further, there are very few reports on real To investigate the AE occurrence during a slope
application of AE on real-world slope failure failure an experimental scale cutting slope was
studies. constructed in a Shirasu slope, and an experiment
was carried out. Shirasu is a stratum widely
found in southern part of Kyushu Island consists of
2. TEST SITE AND EXPERIMENT sediments with the origin of pyroclastic deposits.
This is one of the most vulnerable soil type for slope
Slope failures that are occurring in Japan break
failures. The prepared experiment site is shown in
out much higher speed when compared to other
Figure 3. The prepared slope was 5 meters wide
slope destruction. For this reason, experiments are
and 6 meters in height. The material found in the
mainly conducted in laboratories using models.
slope is belonged to weathered Shirasu. In order to
conduct the experiments the slope was made
unstable by excavating at the bottom of the slope.
AE measurements were started with the excavation
and continued until the slope was collapsed,
figure4. Three and half-hours were taken to the
collapse from the time the excavation started, and
AE mcasurernents for the whole period were

2.2 Equipment
A PAC SPARTAN AT system was used for AE
measurement. The frequency of the AE sensor was
6OkHz. Apart from AE sensor more equipment, an
extensonicter and a tiltmeter was installed on the
slope. The whole experiment was recorded in a
video camera. Two AE sensors were mounted on
wave guides, two meters long with a diameter of 2
cm. They were placed at upper and lower parts of
the slope. For comparison, third AE sensor was
placed on a stable slope.

Fig.4 Shirasu Slope Failure Experiment

3 . RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 6 shows AE occurrence of AE activities of
the three sensors. Upper two graphs are for the
3.1 Behavior of AE between Slope Failure collapsed slope and the lower one is for the
Figure 5 shows AE measurements from the time reference sensor. The two graphs of the collapsed
of excavation until the moment of the slope failure. slope clearly showed that AE activity increased with
Black arrows pointed downward indicate the excavation. In contrast to this, there was no AE
excavations. Altogether five excavations were activity observed on the reference slope.
carried out before the slope failure. White arrow Among the two sensor of the collapsed slope, the
represents the AE observation of slope failure. one placed at the lower part detected more AE
During the excavations, high AE activity was activity than the one placed at the top of the slope.
detected, and exponentiaIIy decreased to zero once This shows that significant amount of energy was
the excavation stopped except for the last one. concentrated at the lower part of the slope. This
After the 5th excavation, there was some AE activity, suggest that sensor be installed on a wave guide and
and this was rapidly increased 15 minutes before the placed at the bottom or lower part o f a slope for easy
collapse. detection of sensor activities.

Fig.6 AE Bchavior by Location

AE Count Primary Secondary Tertiary resembles each other and obviously shows similar
behavior to that of a creep curve. Fukuzono have
proposed a method to predict slope failure time
using the strain per unit time at the tertiary creep
stage. He has shown that reciprocal number of
strain per unit time converges to zero at the tertiary
creep stage.

In this study, it was investigated whether failure

time can be predicted using AE count. Figure 8
shows the failure time prediction by applying strain
velocity to AE count rate. This shows that the
failure time can be predicted accurately using AE
count rate. In the case of AE observation, larger
number of data can be obtained when the slope
failure is beginning to start. This could provide
finer information at the time of the failure.
Therefore, failure time can be predicted more
Fig.7 Comparison AE Behavior and Displacement precisely by AE count rate than the strain velocity

A reciprocal of
AF, counts per sec Findings and the conclusion of the present
experiment can be summarized as below;

1. The applicability of AE was tested on a real

slope and it was found that AE technology can
satisfactorily be uscd in real-world slope failure
2. Placement of sensors was experimented and it
was found that for accurate and easy AE
interpretation the sensors should place closer to
the bottom of a slope.
3. Method to estimate slope failure time was
proposed and the applicability of high accuracy
was confirmed with obtained experiment

Sasahara,K. 1995 Evaluation of Soil Displacement by AE
Parameter. Proceedings of 34'h Japan Landslide Society
Fig.8 Collapse Time Prcdiction by AE Conference (Japanese) :245-248
Fukuzono,T. 1981 Surface displaccmcnt velocity and
acceleration in the slope failure. Proceedings of 36'h
3.2 Collapse Time Prediction by AE Japan Society of Civil Eng. Cod. (Japanese) : 302-
If extensometcr observations are carried out 303
during a slope failure, the strain data would shows a
creep curve during a Failure. During this study, some
attempt was made to formulate a methodology to
predict the failure time during tertiary creep stage.
Figure 7 compares changes of extensometcr
observation with changes in the accumulated count
of AE during the present experiment. These two

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Acoustic emission technique for monitoring soil and rock slope instability

A. Kousteni - Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Nottingham Trent University, UK

R. Hill -Department of Chemistry and Physics, Nottingham Trent University, UK
N.Dixon -Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Nottingham Trent Universizj; UK
J. Kavanagh - Transport Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, UK

ABSTRACT: This paper presents our recent research in Acoustic Emission (AE) monitoring used to assess
slope instability and the factors controlling instrumentation design. These factors include wave-guide material
type; the type of the backfill soil placed around the wave-guide, and the method of wave-guide construction.
Both field and laboratory studies, undertaken by the authors, indicate that: i) the AE monitoring technique
provides an early indication that small deformations are taking place during progressive failure; ii) even in
“quite” material, such as clays, AE levels can be related to deformation rates and iii) the choice of wave-guide
system is of fundamental importance (e.g. active wave-guides are best suited for the study of slopes formed in
clay soils). Quantitative assessment of AE at an early stage of slope failure is still basic. Data is provided on
the performance of wave-guide systems, and which will lead to a better quantitative assessment of field AE.
The results of laboratory and field studies are discussed.

1. INTRODUCTION 2. can detect changes in the rate of movement;

3. provide information about the location of sliding
Terzaghi, (1950) stated: “If a landslide comes as a surface; and
surprise to the eyewitness, it would be more accurate 4. is portable for monitoring slope stability
to say that the observers failed to detect the continuously.
phenomena which proceeded the slide”. The Such a system could provide an early warning of
implication is that the smallest possible movements slope instability.
should be measured at the earliest possible time. Acoustic emission (AE) monitoring techniques
The standard method for assessing the stability of have the potential to meet the above requirements.
slopes is by measuring ground deformations. At This paper presents recent developments and
present, conventional surface survey markers, considers issues related to instrumentation design.
extensometers, or inclinometer tubes installed Successful applications on field and laboratory
through the potentially unstable soil/rock are used to studies are described. The work and results of the
define the area of movement. Unfortunately the current research are discussed with the aim of
magnitude of the pre-failure movements which is of quantifying the AE response of a wave guide and
interest, is often of the same order as the accuracy of developing a reliable early warning monitoring
the above monitoring methods. These methods often system.
require measurements taken many times and over a
period of time to obtain trends, thus enabling the 1.1. Background information
certainty of ground movement to be established.
Therefore, there is a need of an instrumentation Acoustic emission is a non-destructive technique
system which: which, since the 1970’s has been increasingly
1 . is sensitive to small pre-failure slope employed to monitor the stability of soil bodies. The
deformations; main body of research into AE applications for soil

assessment has been carried out in the USA (e.g. piles or soil reinforcement units). It is possible for
Koerner et nl., 1981), Japan (e.g. Chichibu et al., the length of a wave-guide to be in excess of 30 m
1989, Naltajima et al., 1991) and more recently at when used in field monitoring.
Nottingham Trent University (Dixon et al., 1997).
When any material is stressed, it generates micro-
seismic activity at locations of local instability.
When soil is stressed, it responds by reorganising its
constituent particles and changing their relative
positions with the consequent frictional generation
of stress waves. These micro-seismic stress waves,
are referred to as acoustic emission. The associated
stress waves propagate from the source of instability
through the surrounding material and can be detected
by suitable high sensitivity transducers.
This is the main principle of the AE monitoring
technique, which enables the detection of the
occurrence of distress in soil before the development Figure 1. AE field instrumentation
of significant movements. However, monitoring
soils by using high frequency AE techniques, is
affected by the high attenuation in soils. The
attenuation of AE energy in soil is highly frequency Preamplifiier and Filter: A preamplifier is used to
dependent. According to Koerner (198 1) the amplify the low level signals from the sensor by 40
attenuation coefficient (in dB/distance) in dry sands dB. The signal is filtered by a band pass filter with a
varies from 0.09 dB/cm at 500 Hz to 10 dB/cm at bandwidth of 15 - 45 kHz. Hence the output signal
l6kHz. Since metals have a three to four orders of consisted of waves with frequencies between 15 kHz
magnitude lower attenuation than soils, a metal and 45 kHz. This ensured that any low frequency
wave-guide has been found very useful in background noise is not included in the recorded
conducting the signals from within the soil mass to signal.
the receiving AE sensor. Therefore, the use wave- Main Amplifier: The system can amplify the
guides to monitor AE in soils, has became standard. signal between 50 and 108dB.
Data capture: An A-to-D board converts the
analogue voltage to a digital value. The maximum
2. AE MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION sampling rate used is 1 MHz. By directly writing to
the board, via the digital ports, it is possible to set
The AE instrumentation components used for field the default to capture a stream of data including data
monitoring and laboratory testing at NTU are shown points before any trigger time or voltage set by the
in Figure 1. It is shown as a single channel system, operator.
the extension to a multi-channel system can be easily Data processing: A high-level programming
achieved. language for data acquisition and processing was
used. AE captured data are saved into binary files
2. I . Components of monitoring system which can then be analysed.

Sensor: An AE Technology piezoelectric transducer

2.2. Design of Wave-guide systems
with a resonant frequency of a 30 kHz has been
used. The choice of 30 kHz resonant frequency is In the present study a steel tube of 1.60 m length, 60
due to the need to minimise low frequency mm diameter and 6 mm wall thickness has been
environmental noise and at the same time keep the used. Steel threaded rings are used for connecting
frequency of the system as low as possible, to avoid sections of the wave-guide. The choice of the steel
high levels of attenuation. tube AE wave-guide has the advantage that it can be
Wave-guide: Metal wave-guides can take the form easily fabricated to the required cross-section and
of steel reinforcing rods, various metal length, and has a low ultrasonic attenuation
instrumentation pipes, (e.g. aluminium iiiclinometer coefficient. This wave-guide system transmits the
tubes) or construction units (e.g. tiebacks, anchors, emission generated by the frictional motion of the

soil particles which are in contact with or close to
the wave-guide.
It is possible to drive the wave-guide into the host
soil for short distance. For larger slopes it is
necessary to install the wave-guide in pre-drilled
boreholes. This method requires a backfill material
to improve the contact between the host soil and
wave-guide. Depending on the backfill material two
possible systems are formed: Passive and Active
wave-guide systems.
For passive systems the annulus around the wave-
guide has to be backfilled with low AE activity
material (i.e. clay), so the installation does not
introduce additional sources of AE into the wave- Figure 2. Cowden instrumentation array
guide. Any recorded AE signal is assumed to
emanate from the deforming host soil. Driven It can be seen that there is a reduction in AE mean
systems can also be defined as passive, as a result of signal value between days 149 and 163 recorded by
the wave-guide being in direct contact with the in- all wave-guides, which is accompanied by a
situ material. reduction in the rate of increase of displacement
Active wave-guide systems are installed when the recorded by the inclinometer. The monitoring
monitoring site consists of cohesive material. As the method wasn’t continuous, but based upon periodic
emission levels generated are low, it is difficult to site visits and acquisition of AE data. Therefore, it is
obtain quality AE data. Therefore, the annulus can likely that much deformation-related AE was not
be backfilled with granular soils such as sand or captured because no operator was present when it
gravel which produce high AE levels. Although the was generated. However, under these conditions the
recorded AE data will not relate directly to the stress correlation of displacement rates with AE was
state of the host soil, it may be possible to calibrate encouraging, and proved the good qualitative status
the system, such that the recorded AE signal can be of the AE monitoring technique. Unfortunately, at
related to the magnitude of the general ground this stage, the signal could not be quantified to
deformations. It is this type of system which has provide an independent measure of slope instability.
been studied by the authors. One of the wave-guide design parameters was
backfill type. Wave-guides 1, 5 and 12 were
backfilled with sand, wave-guides 2, 6 with gravel
3. FIELD AE MONITORING and the rest of them with grout. The grout backfill
produced the least AE, gravel appeared to be the
Results from recent field studies are reported by next active and the sand backfill clearly produced
Dixon et.al. and Kavanagh (1996, 1997). One of the the highest levels of AE (Figure 3b). The poor
case study areas was located on the north eastern response of gravel backfilled wave-guides was a
coast of England at Cowden. At this location 20 result of the gravel particles requiring greater
meters high cliffs are formed of stiff cohesive glacial displacements of the host soil to cause them slip. In
till. The failure mechanism of the cliffs was a addition, slippage would occur over a shorter period
rotational sliding which is triggered by marine of time, but AE would be of much greater amplitude
erosion of the toe. Twelve steel tubing wave-guides than for sand particles.
and two inclinometer casings were installed into the
coastal cliff section. Figure 2 shows the
instrumentation array arrangement at November 4. CURRENT LABORATORY STUDIES
Part of the results that were obtained from a The aim of recent laboratory work has been to
monitoring period of almost one year are shown in investigate the AE wave-guide response and
Figure 3. In this figure a comparison of the AE quantify the AE levels with displacement. For the
recorded data from 4 different wave-guides is made first stage of this work, the waveforms of the AE
with displacement rates recorded by inclinometer 11. signals, propagating through a free surface wave-

guide were investigated to locate the AE source. For breaks. This method was used because the generated
the second part the AE investigation of two granular signal mainly consisted of one event with short
backfills (gravel and sand) surrounding the wave- duration and was reproducible and consistent.
guide were investigated. The 0.3 mm pencil lead, of 3 mm length was
broken at a constant angle, multiple times, at the five
different locations, 0.36 m, 0.54 m, 0.72 m, 0.90 m,
and 1.08 m away from the sensor. The signals were
sensed and processed by the instrumentation
described in section 2. The main amplifier was set to
50 dB. The A-to-D board was set to capture a stream
of 400 data points including 50 pre-trigger points at
a frequency of 237 kHz.

Figure 4. Experimental set-up

Figure 3 Displacement rate inclinometer 1 and AE

mean signal value of four WG’s.

4.1. A E source locution

Figure 5 . Arrival time of the 1st peak versus distance
In this study the histograms (waveforms in time between source and sensor
domain) of the recorded signal were investigated.
Different wave modes with different propagating
velocities were identified in the signal. This Analysis was focused only on the first part of each
identification is essential to locate the AE source. captured event. The reason being to identify the first
Two sections of 1.63 m length (6 mm wall two fastest modes, and not to complicate the study
thickness) steel tubes connected by a steel collar with other flexural modes or reflections. The arrival
were used. The whole wave-guide body (two time of the first peak was plotted on a graph with
sections with the collar) was lifted from the ground respect to the distance between source and sensor. At
and supported by three wooden blocks (Figure 4). each distance ten values of arrival time for the first
This was to provide a free surface around the wave- peak from different pencil lead break records were
guide. plotted. Figure 5 shows a linear relationship between
The signal was generated in the form of a transient propagating distance and arrival times of the first
step force function by carrying out pencil lead peak. This is an indication of a constant velocity

difference between the fastest mode, which triggers
the A-to-D board, and the flexural mode which
arrives with higher amplitude.
The pencil breaks were repeated with the
transducer moved further away from the edge of the
wave-guide to position B (0.40 m). This was to
investigate whether reflections from the edge of the
wave-guide would be included in the waveform. It
was found that the slope of the line was similar to
the above plot. This indicates that there is no
interference of reflections in the first part of the
waveform section that is under investigation, and
that the results are consistent.
The results of these tests show that it is possible to
locate the AE source without using a second
transducer. The recognition of the two fastest wave
modes can be achieved, and hence the difference in
their arrival times and the location of the source can
be measured. It has to be noted that the above
findings are at present only applicable for
propagating distances less than 2 meters.

4.2. Active wave-guide system

Two types of backfill soil were investigated:
i) well graded sand and ii) medium size rounded
gravel. A thick polythene sleeve with a diameter of
195 mm, and lenght of 1650 mm was used to contain
the backfill material. The soil column was supported Figure 6. AE versus cumulative displacement of
vertically by a steel frame. Before filling the sleeve gravel backfill at propagating distance of (a) 565
with the soil, one section of 1.65 m (steel tube) mm (b) 1170 mm
wave-guide was inserted in the centre of the
polythene sleeve (i.e. representing a wave-guide in a shown in Figure 6(a), (b) for gravel backfill and 7(a),
borehole filled with the backfill soil). The backfill (b) for sand backfill. It is obvious that the
soil then was placed between the wave-guide and deformation of the gravel emits higher AE levels
sleeve. The transducer was fixed to the exposed top than the sand. There is a general trend of increase in
section of the tube. The AE instrumentation the AE mean amplitude with displacement. The sand
components were the same as in the previous backfill behaviour seems to consists of sporadic
experiment. The only difference was that A-to-D releases of energy which results in the AE level
frequency was reduced to 150 kHz, and 1000 data dropping temporarily and then rising again to a new
were captured including the 100 pre-trigger points maximum value with increasing displacement. This
when a pre-set threshold was exceeded. The AE phenomenon is the “Kaiser effect” in which AE
events were generated by a compression action, on levels are low until the material is stressed beyond
the soil surrounding the wave-guide, achieved by that which it has experienced in the past. Kavanagh
using a G-clamp. The compression was applied at (1997) demonstrated this effect on sand in an
two different heights. The clamp was calibrated to isotropic compression tests.
produce controlled displacements of the soil cylinder Measurements indicate that exact AE repeatability
surrounding the wave-guide (i.e. changes in is difficult to obtain. This remains a topic for further
diameter). research.
The recorded AE events were assessed, by carrying
out simple statistical analyses. The mean and
standard deviation of the AE voltage response were
plotted against cumulative displacements. This is
generates high magnitude emission over a short time
The relationship between displacement and
statistical mean and standard deviation values of AE
was as expected (the statistical values increase with
displacement). However, additional studies are
required in order to relate the displacement rate with
the AE response.


Chichibu A.K., Nakamura M., Goto T. & Kamata

M., 1989. Acoustic emission characteristics of
unstable slopes. Journal of Acoustic Emission, 8,
4, 107-112.
Dixon N., Kavanagh J.G. & Hill R., 1997.
Monitoring landslide activity and hazard by
acoustic emission. Journal of Geological Society
of China, Special Publication of the Proc. 3”d
Sino-British Geological Conference, Taiwan, 39,
4, 301-327.
Kavanagh J.G., 1997. The use of acoustic emission
to monitor of a solid body. PhD. Thesis,
Nottingham Trent University.
Koerner R.M., McCabe W.M. & Lord A.E.Jr, 1981.
Acoustic emission behaviour and monitoring
soils. Acoustic Emissions Geotechnical
Figure 7 AE versus cumulative displacement of sand Engineering Practice, ASTM STP 750, V .P.
backfill at propagating distance of (a) 565 mm (b) Drnevich and R.E. Gray, Eds., American Society
1170 nini for Testing and Materials, 93- 141.
Nakajima I., Negilshi M., Ujihara M. & Tanabe T.,
1991. Application of the acoustic emission
5. CONCLUSIONS monitoring rod to landslide measurement. Proc.
5th Conference on Acoustic
Results from field studies suggest that the AE EmissiodMicroseismic Activity in Geologic
technique can be used to detect and monitor pre- Structures and Materials, Pennsylvania State
failure deformations in soil slopes. The most University, 505-520.
promising area of research relates to the use of active Terzaghi K., 1950. Mechanism of landslides.
wave-guide systems with the assessment of AE Geological Society of America, Berkey,
signal characteristics. Application of Engineering Practice, S. Paige,
The pencil lead break studies suggest that it is Ed., 83-123.
possible to locate the AE source using only one
transducer. The two fastest guided-wave modes in
the first part of the captured signal can be identified,
and therefore the difference in their arrival times and
hence the propagating distance of the signal can be
The study of the two backfill types, gravel and
sand, showed that the former backfill was “noisier”
under small displacements than the latter. The sand
backfill appears to generate low magnitude emission
over a long time scale whereas gravel backfill

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 0795

Hydraulic fracturing as a mechanism of rapid rock mass slides

Shuichi Hasegawa
Shikoku Research Institute Incorpora-arect,Takamatsu, Jupan
Tomihiro Sawada
Suwu Soft Science Incorporated, rOkyo, Jupan

ABSTRACT: This paper presents a possible mechanism of rapid rock mass slides by hydraulic facturing of
bedrocks. Large-scale rock mass slides along the Median Tectonic Line (MTL) in Southwest Japan are
inferred to have been caused by hydaulic fracturing, based on texture of sliding layers. Past big earthquakes
by the MTL might have trigged the rapid rock mass slides.

1.INTRODUCTION The active fault planes are usually higt-angled,

dipping north. The MTL have made the linear
The earthquakes are one of the most important topographical boundary between the mountain and
landslides-inducing agents in seismic regions. As the plain in Shikoku. Geology along the MTL in
the Japanese islands are located in the Circum- Shikoku is shown in Fig. 1.
Pacific seismic zone, numerous landslides caused by
earthquakes have been reported.
The Median Tectonic Line (MTL) contains highly 3. EXAMPLE OF ROCK MASS SLIDES
active faults that have a potential danger of
earthquakes in Shikoku, Southwest Japan 3.1 Shinyama rock mass slide
(Osaka,1980). Large-scale rock slides occurred in In the northeastern part of Shikoku, the MTL is
the Early to Middle Pleistocene along the fault marked by striking contrast in topography between
scarps of the Median Tectonic Line in Shikoku the northern Sanuki Range and the southern
(Hasegawa,l991). Yoshino River basin. The Ikeda fault runs ENE
This paper describes the geological characteristics along the southern foot of the Sanuki Range
on sliding surface of a typical rock slide masses in (Okada,1968).
northern Shikoku, then disscusses a possible The Shinyama hill is an isolated hill on the south of
mechanism of rapid rock mass slide by hydraulic the Ikeda fault (Fig.2) . The hill is underlain by the
fracturing. alternated beds of brecciated sandstone and
mudstone of the Izumi Group, which is a large-scale
sliding rock mass with about 1.5km and 0.5km in
2. GEOLOGICAL SE'TTING width, and about 150m in thickness (Okada,1968 :
Hasegawa,1993 : Fig.2,3).
The MTL separates the Ryoke granites and the The sliding surface is observed at Loc.1, the
Izumi Group from the Sanbagawa metamorphic southern foot of the Shikoku mountains (Fig.2) . At
rocks. It forms a active fault system with Loc.1, the sliding rock mass composed of the Izumi
predominantly right-lateral displacement in the Group overlies on the debris flow deposits A
Quaternary in Shikoku and western Ki. The rate of (Fig.4).
right-lateral slip of the fault during the late
The sliding surface is undulated and gently dipping
Quaternary is estimated to be several meters per
lOOOyears in Shikoku (Okada, 1980). The active north. Clay-rich matrix brecciated layer is formed
faults of the MTL are inferred to cause magnitude 7 beneath the sliding mass. It consists of sandstone
t o 8 class earthquakes on the basis of the fault fragments with black clay-rich matrix and attains 20
lengths and the amount of displacement -30cm in thickness. No distinct shear plane is
(Okada, 1992). observed in the matrix, or the bountary between the

Figure 4. Sliding surface of the Shinyama rock mass slide.
(D:Debris flow depA (Dochu Fm.), SS:Sliding surface, CBL:clay-matrix brecciated layer, 1:Izumi Cp.)

ovelying mass and underlying debris flow deposits. width, and over 180min thickness (Hasegawa,
The Shinyama mass can be restored on the open 1993;Fig.5,6).
space at the mouth of the Aikurushi River about 4- The sliding surface is obseved at LOc.2, where the
5 km east of Shinyama, based on lithology, type outcrop of the Gunchu fault was reported
topography and slip rate of the Ikeda fault (Fig.2,3). (Saito,1962). At h c . 2 , the sliding rock-mass
This restoration suggests that the original sliding composed of the Izumi Group overlies on the Plio-
surface of the Shinyarna mass was very gently Pleistocen Gunchu Formation (Fig.7).
dipping less than 10" . The sliding rock mass consists of alternated beds
of brecciated sandstone and mudstone, which is
3.2 Miaki rock mass slide similar to those of Shinyama. The Gunchu
At the westernmost part of the MTL active fault Formation consists of harf-consolidated gravel and
system in Shikoku, the Iyo fault is marked by silt layes, and steeply dipping north.
remarkable contrast in topography between the The sliding surface A is undulated, striking
southern Shikoku mountains and the northern N70" - 80" E and dipping 50-60" S at the front,
Matsuyama Plain, trending N50" E (Saito,1962 : becoming horizontal at the seashore. The sliding
Okada,1972). surface A can be traced to the sliding surface B,
The Miaki mass is an isolated hill on the north of which strikes N80" W and dips 3 2 " N. This
the Iyo fault (Fig.6). The hill is underlain by the indicates that the overlying Izumi Group is rootless.
alternated beds of brecciated sandstone and The sliding surface B cuts the reverse fault
mudstone of the Izumi Group, which is a large-scale (probably sliding) plane C, which strike 80" E and
sliding rock mass with over 4km and about lkm in dips40" S.

Figure 5. Geological map of the Miaki rock mass slide.

Earrfiiddle Pleistccene deposits (Miaki Fm)

P I i o f l e i s t c c e n e deposits (Gcmcho Fin
Andesite & Rhyol i t e (Ishizuchi Gr.)
@ Acidic tuff (Izuni Gr.)
Mdstcne predcmimnt a l t e r m t i m (Izuni Gr.)
0Sandstcne predaninant a l t e r n a t i m (Izuni Gr.)

Figure 6. Geologic Profile of the Miaki rock mass slide.

The sliding surface A and B have accompanied 4.CHACTERISTISS OF THE SLIDING

black clay-matrix brecciated layer which attains 40 ROCKMASS
-50cm in thickness. This clay-matrix brecciated
layer is quite similar to that of the Shinyama mass. 4.1 Sliding rock ~ x S
It consists of sandstone fragments with black Characteristics of the rock slide masses of the Izumi
clay-rich matrix derived from the Izumi Group. Group are as follows:
Although destinct shear plane is obseved in the zone, 1) Original stratifications are roughly preserved,
boundarys between the overlying mass and the but sandstone beds are disrupted by fracturing to
The Miaki sliding rock mass can be restored on form polygonal-shaped fragments and mudstone
the open space at Konokawa about lkm southwest beds are sheared parallel to the bedding.
of the mass. This restoration suggests that the 2) Sandstone beds have many open fractures, some
original sliding surface of the Miaki mass was also of which are filled with soils from the
very gentle dipping less than 10" (Fig.6). groundsurfaceand unconsolidated pebble
bearing muddy materials, derived from the
sediments of footwalls.
3 ) Beds beneath the footwalls have few fractures or

Figure 7. Sliding surface of the Miaki rock mass slide.
(G:Gunchu Fm., SS:Sliding surface, CBL:clay-matrix brecciated layer, 1:Izumi Gp.)

shear planes, showing remarkable contrast with 2) h o s t fragments are matrix-supported, and
beds on hanging walls. have ramdom fabric. This texture resembles
4) The surface layer of a rockslide mass has a those of debis flow deposits.
texture similar to debris. 3) Shear plains are seldom obseverd in the matrix.
5 ) The masses have been displaced right-laterally 4) Sliding surfaces are usually low-angled.
by active fault of the MTL. 5 ) Some clay-matrix breccias have injucted into
6) The masses are highly disected by erosion and open cracks of the overliying sliding rock-
are more displaced by the active fault, in case masses.
that the formative ages are older. These evidence indicates that the rock-mass had
slid rapidly by this clay-rich brecciated layer as
4.2 Sliding layer lubricant layer and have not moved since having
The sliding layers on the Quatenary sediments are settled.
composed of clay-matrix, brecciated layer. This This clay-matrix layers can be interred to be
sliding zone material named “clay-matrix brecciated caused by hydraulic fracturing of the Izumi Group,
layer (CBL)” has following characteristics. judging from the sililarity of the texture. Sandstone
1) Sandstone fragments are scatterd in clay-rich layers have brecciated into fragments which are
matrix. surrounded by clay material derived from mudstone.


These rockslides have occurred at the fault scarp of This paper presents a posible machanism of rapid
the active fault of the MTL. These indicate that rock mass slides by hydraulic fracturing of bedrocks.
long-term gravitational deformation of rocks under Conclusions are as follows:
the steep slopes prepared the starting materials for 1)Large-scall rock mass slides along active faults of
the large-scale rockslides. The steep slopes had been the Median Tectonic Line have clay-matrix
formed by faulting of the MTL before the time of brecciated layer as sliding surface.
the rockslides. 2) The texture of the clay-matrix brecciated layers is
Sliding surface are gentle (less than 10 ), inferred to have been formed by hydraulic
judging from the restoatoin of the mass. These fracturing of the bedrock.
gentle sliding surfaces are very difficult to occur, 3)The rock masses had slid rapidly from the fault
where the bedding planes of the Izumi Group at the scarp, using the clay-matrix brecciated layers as
source area dip opposite to the slopes. Therefore, lubricant layer.
simple static slope stability analysis cannot be 4)The hydraulic fracturing is important agent of
adopted. rapid rock mass slides, in case of earthquakes.
The texture of clay-matrix brecciated layers
which were the lubricant layer during the sliding
indicates that the clay-matrix brecciated zone acted ACKNOWLEDGMENT
as fluid. Injection at the front boundary of the Miaki
mass also supports the extraordinary high pore We thank to Dr. Seiichi Kanayama for useful
pressure. comments on the manuscript, and Ms. Miki Kimura
We propose the dynamic formative process of the for typing the manuscript.
clay-matrix brecciated layer by hydraulic fracturing,
based on above mentioned observation. The
possible mechanism of rockslides is as follows: REFERENCES
1)The uplift by the fault activity and the opposite
Hasegawa, S., 1991. Large-scale rock mass slides along the
dipping structure of the Izumi Group had fault scarp of the Median Tectonic Line in northeastern
produced the large-scale steep slopes. Shikoku, Southwest Japan. Landslides, D.H.Bell (ed.),
2) Grativitation deformation might have formed the Balkema, 119-125.
creeping zone in the slope. Hasegawa, S., 1992. Large-scale rock mass slides and
3) Groundwater had permeated into the mass along Quaternary faulting along the Median Tectonic Line on the
southern foot of the Sanuki Range in Shikoku, SW Japan.
the creeping zone. Mem. Geol. Soc. Japan, No.40, 143-170.
4)The tremor by a big earthquake by the active fault Hasegawa, S., 1993. Large-scale rock mass slides and
at the foot of the slope caused an extraordinary Quaternary faulting along the Median Tectonic Line in
pore pressure in the slope. Shikoku, SW Japan. Doctor Thesis of Univ., Tokyo: 219
5) The extraordinary pore pressure caused the shear Okada, A., 1968. Strike-slip faulting of late Quaternary along
the Median Dislocation Line in the surroundings of Awa-
failure of the atlernated bed of sandstone and Ikeda, northeastern Shikoku. Quaternary Res., 7, 15-26.
mudstone. That is, the hydraulic fracturing Okada, A., 1972. Quaternary faulting of the Median Tectonic
occurred. Line fault system in the northwestern part of Shikoku. Bull.
6) The hydraulic fracturing have propagated along Fac. Litel:, Aichi Pref: Univ., 23, 68-94.
the pre-exsisting creeping zone, and caused the Okada, A., 1980. Quaternary faculty along the Median
Tectonic Line of southwest Japan. Mem. Geol. Soc. Japan,
slide. 18: 79-108.
7) The mass above the sliding layer had slid rapidly Okada, A., 1992. Proposal of the segmentation on the Median
onto the unconsolidated sediments and had Tectonic Line active faults system. Mem. Geol. Soc. Japan,
stoped after long - distance sliding. (a). 15-30.
As this mechanism is inferred from geological Saito, M., 1962. The geology of Kagawa and northern Ehime
Prefecture, Shikoku, Japan. Mem. Fac. Agri. Kagawa Univ.,
evidences, theoretical and experimental study are V01.10, 1-74.
needed. Nevertheless, the hydraulic fracturing is
important agent of rapid rock mass slides,
expecially in case of earthquakes.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Evolution of ridge-top linear depressions and a disintegration process

of mountains

Kuniyasu Mokudai
Kyoto University, Uji,
Masahiro Chigira
Disaster Preventiofi Research Institute, Kyoto University, Uji, Japan

ABSTRACT: A formative process of upslope-facing scarps and ridge-top depressions has been
investigated by the observation, description and measurement of these forms, and geological survey
around a ridge in the Akaish Mountains, central Japan. The ridge is underlain by slate, of whch
cleavage trends with a small angle with the ridge and &ps very steeply in the depth. The
geomorphological features and the geological structure of these forms indicate that these forms were
made by the valleyward bowing of slate and that such deformation is the incipient stage of
hsintegration processes of a mountain that consists of rocks with steeply-&ppingfoliation.

1 INTRODUCTION This paper describes and classlfies the mor-

phological features of scarp topography in the
"Ridge-top depressions", "multiple ridges", and southern part of the Akaish Mountains by
"upslope-facingscarps" have been documented means of interpretation of aerial photographs
in many mountainous areas including Japan and ground survey. Based on the results, we
(we call these forms as scarp topography). The infer the style of slope deformation in t h s area.
scarp topography was sometimes attributed to
periglacial processes (Kobayashi, 1956), but
many recent stu&es attribute it to the gravi- 2 GEOMORPHOLOGICAL AND GEOL-
tational deformation of mountains (Jahn, 1964; OGICAL,SETTING
Zishnsky, 1966; Tabor, 1971; Nemcock, 1972;
Matsuoka, 1985; Evans, 1987; Varnes et al., Study area is a ridge extending NE from the Mt.
1989). Moreover, Chgira (1992) and Chigira Yambushi upstream of the Abe River m g . 1).
and Kiho (1994) reported gravitational
deformation of rock mass that made scarp
topography; steeply hpping foliation bowed
valleyward, leaving scarp topography on the
upper part of a mountain.
The scarp topography has been called in
various names, and its scientificrecognition and
classification are not adequate as yet. Pre-
vious studies about scarp topography focussed
mainly on large-scale features, and its detailed
morphology has been scarcely described. In
addition, its origins and historical development
have not been fully studied in terms of the
combination of surface morphology and internal
geologic structure. Geomorphc processes
caused by rock deformation are thus little
known, while there are many stu&es on
denudation processes of mountains.
Understanding the features of scarp to-
pography and its formative processes is very
important to pre&ct slope movements or Fig. 1.Index map of the survey area.
Two kdometers to the northeast of the Mt.
Yambush is the Oya-kuzure, one the largest
landslides in Japan.
On t h s ridge and the upper parts of the
nearby slopes, there is scarp topography whch
consists of scarps and linear depressions
aligning in three or four lines. The alignments
trend subparallel to the ridge. The ridge is
underlain by the Paleogene Setogawa For-
mation, which trend N-S and is mainly
composed of sandstone, shale, and slate, with
subordmate basalt, chert, and h e s t o n e
(Sugiyama, 1995).


To clarify the geomorphological features in the

study area, we made a geomorphological map
by interpreting aerial photographs (1:15000)
and ground survey, paying attention to scarp
topography. A unit of scarp topography con-
sists of upper and lower h c k lines and a scarp
in between. If the scarp inclines in the same Fig. 2. Schematic sketch showing the
kection with its surroundmg slopes, the unit is tei-minologyof scarp topography.
a downslope-facingscarp (Fig. 2). On the other
hand, a unit with a scarp inclining in the
opposite direction is an upslope-facing scarp. The second area is on the northeast of the
The scarp topography on top of a ridge is first one, where the ridge top is narrower than
referred to ridge-top depression, because up- in the first. In t h s area, there are upslope-
slope or downslope could not be defined there. facing scarps and ridge-top depressions aligned
In order to characterize the alignments and along several lines trendmg NE. m s is a
morphology of scarp topography, we made different feature from those in the first area.
profiles across of the ridge by using a tape- Some of the scarps or the depressions are
measure and a hand level. Measured lines connected to each other. The top of the ridge in
were approximately normal to the trends of the second area widens toward the northeast.
scarp topography in a plan. We performed Figure 4 shows profiles across the ridge-top
geological investigation by mapping and obser- depressions and scarps along the lines shown in
vation in the field, carefully dstinguishing Figure 3. As is seen in Figure 4, top of the
stationary rock mass from creeping rock mass; ridge is a wide gentle slope, and the scarp
almost all rock masses in elevations hgher topography appears on the southeast side of the
than creek beds have crept (bowed downslope). ridge almost exclusively. Scarp topography
does not appear in the slopes on the other side
of the ridge. The scarp topography has hgher
4 RESULTS scarps in hgher elevations. For example,
along Line 3, the height of the scarp of a ridge-
4.1 Geomophologcd features top depression is 10 m, while the height of the
Rgure 3 is a geomorphological map showing upslope-facing scarp on slope is about 1 m. In
scarp topography, in whch many ridge-top addition to the height change, scarp topography
depressions and scarps trend parallel or sub- changes its sharpness according to elevations,
parallel to the main mountain ridge. the scarp tops are more rounded in hgher
The survey area is dwided into two regions elevations than in lower elevations.
from a geomorphologicalpoint of view. The first
area is around the peak of the Mt.Yambush. 4.2 Geologcalstructure
On the northeast side of the peak, there are
some downslope-facing scarps trendmg NW, The strata in the survey area consist mainly of
while on the southwest side of the peak, there slate with subordmate alternated beds of chert
are some ridge-top depressions parallel to the and slate, and greenstone. These strata strike
downslope-facingscarps. N-Sand dip steeply to the west or east. The

Fig. 3. Geomoqhological map of the survey area. See Fig. 2 for legend.

slate has well-developed slaty cleavage whch is 5 GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE AND

parallel to the beddmg planes in most parts FORMATIVE PROCESSES OF SCARP
with some exceptions. T h s slaty cleavage TOPOGRAPHY
bowed to the east, downslope, in the surface
parts of almost all slopes on the southeast side The scarp topography has not been formed by
of the ridge from the Mt. Yambushi to the Oya- normal erosion processes, because the trend of
kuzure (Fig. 5, Chigira, 1997). Consequently, the topography approximately parallels t h e
the rock mass is fractured extensively by the contour lines, and its upper and lower knick
shearing along the slate cleavage. points is clearly defined. On the contrary, the
scarp topography has a n alignment andrela-
tions with geologic structure, which indicate

Fig. 4.Proues across scarp topography along lines shown in Figure 3.

t h a t i t h a s been made by g r a v i t a t i o n a l increase with time. In the survey, area, the

deformation of rock (Fig. 6). Along the scarp roundness of a scarp in higher elevatioiis is
topography, active tectonic faults could not be larger than that in lower elevations as
expected because it appears only around the described before. This difference within an
ridge-top and because strata on one side of the small elevation interval of about 40 m strongly
ridge continue t o the other side across the suggests that the scarp topography in hgher
topography. On the other hand, it is codrmed elevations is older than that in lower elevation.
that the strata on almost all the southeast slope In adhtion, the relative height of scarps in
of the ridge bowed to the east. Moreover, hgher elevations is larger than that in lower
such deformation could form a gravitational elevations. These geomorphological features
fault whch appear as an upslope-facing scarp, suggest that slope deformation spread out-
as has been observed in the landslide scar of the wards from the top of the ridge. The shape of
Aka-kuzure, 10 km west of the Mt. Yambushi scarp topography also changes laterally along
(Chigira and Kho, 1994). the ridge in the second area: scarp tops become
Morphology and heights of scarp topography more rounded to the northeast, inhcating older
probably inhcate a period of its formation as origin.
follows. The top of a scarp is denudated Downslope-facing scarps in area 1, which
gradually and its roundness is expected to form step-llke landform, are probably made by

Fig. 5. Geological map of the Survey area. Arrows inchmix the dixection of rock movement mfei-red &om the fold ayes
made by the bowing of slaty cleavage

the translational slide to the northeast leaving 1. Upslope-facing scarps and ridge-top de-
ridge-top depressions on the southwest side of pressions trend parallel or subparallel to the
the Mt. YambusWs peak. ridge, being ahgned in several lines.
2. The top of a scarp in a higher elevation is
more rounded than those in lower
CONCLUSIONS elevations.
3. The relative height of a scarp is larger for the
Ths study clarrfred geomorphological and geol- scarps in hgher elevations.
ogical features of upslope-facing scarps and 4.The above two facts strongly suggest that the
ridge-top depressions on an ridge near the Mt. scarps and depressions in hgher elevations
Yambush in the Akaish Mountains, whch is are older than those in lower elevations,
mainly underlain by Paleogene slate with indxating that slope deformation extended
steeply-hpping cleavage. Following results from the ridge top outwards.
were obtained. 5. The slope deformation is probably caused the

Matsuoka, N. 1985. Rock control on the dstri-
bution of linear depressions on the main
divide of Akaishi range, Southern Japan
Alps. Geogz Re%Japan. 58 : 411-427.
Nemcok, A. 1972. Gravitational slope
deformation h g h mountains. International
Geological Congress, 24th Montreal,
Canada, Sec.lj: Proceedngs 131-141.
Sugiyama, Y. 1995. Geology of the northern
Setogawa Belt in the Akaish Mountains
and the formation process of the Setogawa
accretionary complex. Bd. Geol. S m .
Japan. 46: 177-214.
Tabor, R. W. 1971. Origin of ridge-top
depressions by large-scale creep in the
Olympic Mountains, Washngton. Geol. Soc.
Am. Bd.82: 1811-1822.
Varnes, D. J.,Radbruch-Hall, D. H. and Savage,
W. Z. 1989. Topographc and structural
conhtions in areas of gravitational
spreadmg of ridges in the western United
States. U S GeoIogical Survey Professional
Paper, 1496.
Zishnsky, U. 1966. On the deformation of high
slopes. Proc. Cong. Int. Soc. Rock
Mechanics, 1st.2: 179-185. Lisbon.
Fig. 6. Relationshp between scarp topography
and geological structure.

valleyward bowing of slate separated by

steeply-hpping cleavage.


Chigira, M. 1992. Long-term gravitational

deformation of rocks by mass rock creep.
Engineering Geologv 32: 157-184.
Chgira, M. & Kho, K. 1994. Deep-seated
rockslide-avalanches preceded by mass rock
creep of sehmentary rocks in the Akaish
Mountains, Central Japan. Engheezing
Geolow. 38: 221-230.
Chigira, M. 1997. Large mass rock creep and
possible landslides in the area from the
Oya-kuzure to Yambush-dake. Heisei 9
nendo happyou kai kouen ronbun syuu.
(Proceedngs of amual meethg of Japan
Engneennggeology society) 89-91.
Evans, S.G. 1987. Surface hsplacement and
massive toppling on the northern ridge of
Mount Currie, British Columbia. Geol. S m .
Can. Paper. 87-1A.181-189.
Jahn, A. 1964. Slopes morphological features
resulting from gravitation. Zeit-
Geomorph.,Suppl. 5: 59-72.
Kobayash, K. 1956. Periglacial morphology in
Japan. Bid.PeuyglaqZy 4: 15-36.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang (c 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Geological characteristics of landslides of the soft rock type, Central Japan

ABSTRACT: Many landslides of the soft rock type occur in Tertiary or Quaternary formations of the
Japanese Islands, and are divided into three groups. Landslides of the first group, which are often large
in scale, are found in the Neogene "Green Tuff" formations along the Sea of Japan side. Those of the
second group mainly occur in scattered sedimentary basins of Neogene age, partly of Paleogene age, in the
Setouchi area of the central Southwest Japan, and in the Pacific Ocean side of Northeast Japan. The third
group is found in Quaternary sediments, or volcanic pyroclasts. The author discusses geological and
geomorphologic characteristics of landslides of the second group, based on those of the Kobe Group of
Paleogene age, Central Japan.

1 INTRODUCTION of landslides. He pointed out that two kinds of

main geologic factors, lithology and geologic
In the Japanese Islands, a large number of structure of bed rocks, are closely connected with
landslides belonging to the soft rock type are occurrences and movement of landslides. It is
mainly distributed in the Neogene "Green Tuff" indicated that many landslides of the slow slide
formations along the Sea of Japan side, which form type occur in fine clastic sediments, such as
typical landslide areas in Japan. Some characteristic mudstone and fine tuff, in every kind of basement
landslides occur in scattered sedimentary basins of sedimentary rocks.
Neogene or partly Paleogene age in inland areas,
and also in Quaternary unconsolidated sediments or
volcanic pyroclasts.
The landslides of the Kobe Group of Paleogene
age, Central Japan, are typical ones in the Inner
Zone of Southwest Japan, together with those of
the Hokusho area in northern Kyushu. The
author discusses geologic characteristics of
landslides of the soft rock type, different from
those of the "Green tuff" type.
The Kobe Group, which mainly distributed in
the Sanda Basin, north of the Rokko Mountains,
Kobe in Central Japan, is one of the largest
landslide areas in Southwest Japan. This Group
consists of mudstone, sandstone and conglomerate
of lacustrine origin, and is characterized by
numerous tuff beds found in various horizons. Most
of the landslide areas range from 5 to 10 in slope Fig.1 Outline of geology of Kobe and its adjacent
angle, though the Basin forms many hills of 10 to areas (based on Huzita and Kasama, 1983)
20 in slope angle. It is clarified that many 1: Alluvium and Quaternary sediments
landslides occur in slopes with lower slope angle. 2: Kobe Group
On the basis of the fact that occurrences of 3: Basement rocks (pre-Cretaceous formations
landslides are generally controlled by geological with volcanic rocks)
factors, the author proposed the geologic control (S): Sanda Basin

2KOBEGROUP sandstone beds dominate the lower part, and
include pebbles or mud balls, intercalating thin
The Kobe Group is mainly distributed in the mudstone beds. The upper part is mainly
Sanda Basin, north of Kobe in central Kinki composed of tuff and tuffaceous mudstone
District, which is a square area with about 22 and intercalating sandstone or conglomerate.
16 km in the East to West and North to South Recently, Ozaki and Matsuura (1988) show that
directions (Fig.1). This Group is composed of the Group is considered to be late Eocene to early
mudstone, sandstone and conglomerate of lacustrine Oligocene on the basis of the fission track age of
origin, and is characterized by numerous tuff beds tuff, and show new stratigraphy of the Group.
found in various horizons. These tuff beds are
useful as key beds in order to clarify the
stratigraphic sequence and geology structure,
though it commonly is difficult to distinguish them
by naked eyes. The stratigraphy has been
established by Huzita, Kasama and their group,
who have been researching it since 1955, by means
of tracing tuff beds in field and the petrographic
study of tuff (Huzita et al, 1971; Huzita & Kasama,
1983). Generally, the Group is dips gently
westward or toward the center of the Basin, except
for several fault and flexure or fold zones.
As the result, the Kobe Group in the Sanda
Basin is divided into Arino, Yokawa and Ohgo
Formations in ascending order. Each formation
is 170 to 190 m’s’ thick, respectively, and shows
sedimentary cycles changing coarse to fine clastic
sediments. Fig.2 and Fig.3 show the modified
stratigraphic sequences of the Kobe Group and the
geological map of the Sanda basin, respectively.
The fu-ino Formation unconformably overlies
the basement rocks composed of rhyolitic to dacitic
lava and pyroclasts of Late Cretaceous to Early
Paleogene age, which are called by the Arima
Group, and of pre-Jurassic clastic rocks. It is
exposed the marginal area of the basin, particularly
distributed its southeastern corner, and mainly
consists of boulder to cobble conglomerate and
sandstone with thin layers of mudstone and tuff.
The Yokawa Formation, which is mostly wide-
spread in central part of the Basin, conformably
overlies the Arino Formation. Well-sorted and
massive sandstone dominate the lower part,
intercalating mudstone and two tuff beds, and
partly containing pebbles derived from the
basement rocks. The upper part, characterized by
tuffaceous facies as a whole, is mainly composed
of mudstone, sandstone and two remarkable tuff
beds. The lower tuff is very conspicuous, hard
and widely traceable, and is considered to be
pyroclastic flow deposits. In the upper most part,
thick sandstone beds with pebbles and mud balls Fig.2 Compiled columnar section of the Kobe
are dominant. Group (based on Huzita and Kasama, 1983)
The Ohgo Formation, mainly occupied west side 1: Tuff 2: Tuffaceous mudstone 3: Mudstone
of the Basin, overlies the Yokawa Formation with 4:Tuffaceous sandstone 5: Sandstone
slight disconformity, and is unconformably covered 6: Tuffaceous conglomerate
by the Osaka Group of Quaternary age, and several 7: Conglomerate (well-sorted)
terrace beds. Thick massive and well-sorted 8: Conglomerate (poorly sorted angular gravels)

Fig.3 Geologic map of the Sanda Basin and distribution of landslides
1: Alluvium, low and middle terrace deposits 2: Osaka Group and high terrace deposits
3: upper part of the Ohgo Formation 4: lower part of the Ohgo Formation
5: upper part of the Yokawa Formation 6: lower part of the Yokawa Formation
7: Arino Formation 8: Basement rocks (mainly Mesozoic Rhyolite)
9: fault 1 0:landslide
The surround area with black line shows one of the Fig.4

3 GENERAL REMARKS OF LANDSLIDES pebble, partly boulder, derived from mudstone, tuff
and sandstone of the Kobe Group. The matrix
Generally, the Sanda Basin shows hilly topography. mainly consists of viscous clay or silt, partly sand,
The relative relieves are commonly small, showing including abundant clay minerals, such as
below about 100 m. The inclination is also montmorillonite. This is called a "debris and soil
gentle, and most of the slopes in the Basin are bed." On the other hand, some of the masses
between 5 and 20 in slope angle. consist of weathered fine clastic rocks, partly
According to Huzita and Kasama (1983), Fujita coarse clastic rocks of the Kobe Group.
(1984 & 1994) and Ishida et a1 (1975, 1976, 1977 The size of a sliding mass, which consists of
& 1985), main features of landslides of the Kobe "debris and soil bed," is generally 10 to 50 m in
Group are summarized as follows: width, 50 to 300 m in length, 5 to 10 m in
By slope analysis (Fujita, 1984 & 1994), many thickness. The average volume is estimated to be
landslide areas show 10 to 15 in slope angle, and 4 x 104m3. Though a sliding mass is small in
it is clarified that many landslides occur in slopes scale, a large new one is often formed, combining
with lower slope angle than with higher one. several sliding masses. A sliding mass composed
Then, landslide areas are so gentle and high in of rock masses is usually large in scale, showing
content of water that they mostly use as rice fields. 300 to 500 m in width, 300 to 1,000 m, 5 to 30 m
Landslides of the Kobe Group are commonly in thickness, and 5 x 106m3 in average volume.
found in found in mudstone or fine tuff beds. Its Most of the landslides show the slow slide type
sliding mass is mainly composed of soft, light of movement. The displacement is usually less
brown or gray colored, ill-sorted and massive than 10 cm a year, but the movement is often
debris deposits with angular to round cobble or continuous. Particularly, the movement of a

landslide composed of rock masses is very slow, structural control, respectively. Generally, it is
namely the slow slide or creep type, and is indicated that many landslides of the slow slide
continuous. Some landslides show the rapid slide type occur in fine clastic rocks, in every kind of
one, but are commonly small in scale. bedrock of sedimentary origin.
A primary sliding surface is generally found on Fig.4 shows the geological map with the
an unconformity plane between a "debris and soil distribution of landslides of the slow slide type in
bed" and each formation of the Kobe Group. It the Ohgo area, which locates in the southern and
forms a soft clay layer with the thickness of 5 to central Basin. This area is well known to be one
10 cm, and is very viscous and high content of of the most typical landslide areas in the Kobe
water, including abundant montmorillonite. Some Group. On the map, the Kobe Group is divided
of the surfaces are formed in mudstone or fine tuff into two kinds of lithofacies, namely fine clastic
beds of the Kobe Group, and large-scale landslides rocks composed of mudstone and fine tuff, and
often occur. The secondary one is often found coarse clastic rocks composed of sandstone,
within the bed, and smaller landslides occur. conglomerate and coarse tuff. The former rocks
are soft, weak and low in strength, and form many
gentle slopes with large slope length. On the other
4 GEOLOGIC CONTROL OF LANDSLIDES hand, the latter are hard and high in strength, in
comparison with the former ones. Therefore, the
hard rocks form relatively steep slopes over 20 in
4.1 Lithological Control
slope angle, and landslides of the rapid slide or fall
On the basis of the fact that occurrences of type occur. In general, they calls slope failures,
landslides are generally controlled by geological and these are not shown in the figure, because of
factors, the author discussed the geologic control of small in scale
landslides (Fujita, 1987). He indicated that two As Fig.4 clearly shows, most of landslides
kinds of main geologic factors, lithology and belonging to the slow slide type are found in soft
geologic structure of the Kobe Group, are closely and fine clastic rocks. From the fact, it is pointed
connected with occurrences and movement of out that fine clastic rocks show tendencies to form
landslides, and calls them the lithological and sliding surfaces, because of including abundant clay

Fig.4 Geological map and distribution of landslides in the Ohgo area

1: Alluvium 2: Landslide 3: Conglomerate and sandstone of the Kobe Group
4: Mudstone and tuff of the Kobe Group 5 : Mesozoic Rhyolite 6: Fault
0: Ohgo S: Kita-Sou0 H: Higashihata M: Mikage K: Kohda

Fig.5 Schematic cross sections of landslide areas
(A) L1 L: Landslide ( LI: Old landslide, L2: Active landslide, L: Landslide of the rapid slide type)
H: Hard rock S: Soft rock SF: sliding surface
(B) SS: Sandstone (hard rock) MS: Mudstone (soft rock)
L: Landslide of the slow slide type C: Landslide of the rapid slide type (L3 type)

minerals, particularly montmorillonite. Therefore, These belong to the "Nagareban" type, and are
many landslides occur, and are often large in scale. commonly large in scale. Particularly, sliding
They move on slopes slowly and continuously. masses composed of rock masses belong to this
In this area, the action of groundwater is closely type. These facts indicate that a main sliding
related to form a sliding surface. Though the surface forms along a bedding plane.
movement of groundwater is complex, two types of Hard and coarse clastic rocks, mainly sandstone
movement are proved. The first type is one of the or conglomerate, form relatively steep slopes with
shallow groundwater through relatively thin "debris short slope length, and a few landslides of the
and soil beds," 2 to 5 m under the ground surface. collapse type occur, showing the rapid slide type of
This type of groundwater is closely related to movement, or sometimes the fall type. These are
rainfalls. The second type shows groundwater commonly small in scale, and belong to the "Uke-
moving in weathered strata of the Kobe Group ban" type. In this area, a small number of
about 10 m deep, and has a slight relation to landslides belonging to the "Yokoban" type are
rainfalls. found, and are commonly small in scale.
In Fig.5, the upper figure (A) shows the relation
between occurrence of landslides and bedding
4.2 Structural Control
planes of sedimentary strata with low dips less than
The author proposed three structure type of about 5 O . On very gentle and long slopes parallel
landslides; the "Nagareban," "Ukeban" and to bedding planes, many landslides of the "Nagare-
"Yokoban" types (Fujita, 1987). Many landslides ban" type occur. Some of these old landslides
show the "Nagareban" type, whose sliding mass are found on the end of slopes with about 5 in
moves along the dip direction side of a bedding slope angle, and are stable at present. Present active
plane. On the other hand, landslides of the "Uke- landslides occur on relative steep slopes with about
ban" type move toward reverse side of the dip 10 in slope angle. Some small-scale landslides
direction of the plane, and the "Yokoban" type are of the collapse type occur on slopes of the opposite
the strike slide one. side. These lanclslides show the movement rapid
Fig.5 shows two schematic cross sections of slide type, and most of them are distributed in
landslide areas in this area. These sections central part of the Sanda Basin.
indicate that soft and fine clastic sediments, mainly On the other hand, the lower figure (B) shows
mudstone, form gentle and long slopes, and that typical cuesta topography, and landslides belonging
most of the landslides occur on these slopes. to the "Nagareban" type occur on these slopes with

about 10 O in slope angle. Many landslides show ban'' type, which occur in coarse clastic sediments,
this type, and move slowly and continuously. in contrast to the former type.
These landslides are mainly found around the
central Sanda Basin. It is pointed out that the
ridge in the upper figure was eroded out, and REFERENCES
topography of the lower figure has been formed.
Many landslide areas of the slow slide type form Fujita, T., 1984: Slope analysis of landslides of the
gentle slopes and are used as rice fields, because of soft rock type in Kinki, Southwest Japan. Proc.
keeping a large quantity of water. However, those 3rd Inter. Symp. Landslides, Toronto, 2, 75-80.
of other types are difficult to be used as rice fields Fujita, T., 1987: Geologic features of landslides in
or farm, because of steep slopes. Japan. Proc. China-Japan Field Workshop on
Landslides, Xian - Lanzhon, 61-68.
Fujita, T., 1994: Characteristics of landslides in
5 CONCLUSION Southwest Japan based on slope analysis. Proc.
7th Inter. IAEG, 3, 1415-1424.
In Japan, many landslides of the soft rock type are Huzita, K., Kasama, T., Hirano, M., Shinoda, T. &
found in Cenozoic formations. In Central Japan, Tanaka, M., 1971: Geology and geomorphology
the Kobe Group in the Sanda Basin is one of the of the Rokko area, Kinki district, Japan, with
most typical sedimentary formations of Cenozoic special reference to Quaternary tectonics.
age, and includes many active landslides, which Jour. Osaka City Univ., 14, 71-124.
show the slow slide type of movement and are Huzita, K. & Kasama, T., 1983: Geology of the
usually small in scale. The geologic and Kobe district - Quadrangle series, scale
geomorphologic characteristics of the Kobe Group 1:50,000. Geol. Surv. Japan, 115p. (in
and the landslides are as follows: Japanese with English abstract).
1. The Kobe Group consists of three formations, Ishida, Y., & Nishiura S., 1975: Studies of
and landslides are found in the Yokawa Formation, landslides of agricultural land in Kobe Group,
which is widely distributed and shows tuffaceous Tertiary deposit (Part.1). Jisuberi (Landslide),
lithofacies as a whole. 12(3), 17-23. (in Japanese with English
2. The Kobe Group forms hills or hilly lands abstract).
lower than 20 O in slope angle. Generally, the Ishida, Y., Imamura, H., Abe A. & Tomoto S.,
landslide areas form gentle slopes between 8 O and 1976: Studies of landslides of agricultural land
12" in slope angle. in Kobe Group, Tertiary deposit (Part.2).
3. Many landslides are composed of "debris and Jisuberi (Landslide), 13(3), 33-39. (in Japanese
soil" beds, derived from the Kobe Group, with English abstract).
including other basement rocks, mainly Mesozoic Ishida, Y., Kawahara, T. & Kunugi, Y., 1977:
Volcanic rocks and partly Paleozoic rocks. Some Studies of landslides of agricultural land in
landslides consist of rock masses. Kobe Group, Tertiary deposit (Part.3).
4. As Fig.4 shows, most of the landslides occur Jisuberi (Landslide), 14(3), 15-21. (in Japanese
in fine clastic sediments, namely mudstone or fine with English abstract).
tuff. This fact indicates the lithological control of Ishida, Y., Ozaki, E. & Sakane, I., 1985: Studies
landslides. On the other hand, small-scale of landslides of agricultural land in Kobe
landslides of the rapid slide type occur in coarse Group, Tertiary deposit (Part.4) & (Part.5).
and hard clastic sediments, namely coarse Jisuberi (Landslide), 21(4), 18-28.; 22(1),
sandstone and conglomerate. 7-17.
5. The fine clastic sediments are generally soft Ozaki, M. & Matsuura H., 1988: Geology of the
and weak, and include abundant clay minerals, Sanda district, with geological sheet map at
such as montmorillonite. Accordingly, these 1:50,000. Geol. Surv. Japan. 93p. (in Japanese
easily form sliding surfaces for landslides. with English abstract).
6. As Fig.5 shows, many landslides are
controlled by bedding planes of strata of the Kobe
Group, and slide along the dip direction side of the
planes. This is the typical structural control of
landslides, and this type is called the "Nagareban"
type. Generally, a sliding surface is formed along
a bedding plane.
7. On the other hand, most of the landslides
belonging to the rapid slide type show the "Uke-

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Study of configuration, scale and distribution of landslides

OYO Corporation, Omiya,Japan

ABSTRACT: Configuration and scale of general landslides from the reality of existing landslides were studied,
and as an example on study of landslides in the mountainous aria of Shikoku was given. The results of this study
are summarized as follows:
1)As for the form of landslides, depth and width of landslides show a good correlation.
2)As for the scale of landslides, as a slope becomes steep scale of landslide becomes small.
3)In the mountainous area of Shikoku, the older geomorphic surface showed gentler slope and thicker
weathered zone, and landslides are distributed over such place.


It is very important to understand configuration and
scale of landslide, as well as dynamic condition, in an 2.1 Configuration of Landslides
investigation of actual condition of a landslide and
design of countermeasures. Even if whole structure The author defines the configuration properties of
of landslide cannot be identified, rational landslides from Figure 1 as follows:
investigation and countermeasures can be Width of landslide 0 : m a x i m u m width of
programmed in early stage of landslides, if general landslide
tendency of landslides can be recognized by Depth of landslide@):maximum depth of slide
estimating one of configuration properties, namely as plane in vertical direction
slide width, length, and depth, of landslide(Tab1e 1). Length of landslide(L):distance between the head
For this purpose, it is necessary to clarify the and toe of landslide
relationship between each property from analysis of Slope angle(P):inclinationof line between the head
features of existing landslides. From this point of and toe of landslide to a horizontal direction
view, the author has been investigating the
relationship between scale of landslides and
configuration or slope angle, based upon 52 examples,
in which actual conditions such as sliding extent or
depth were known.
In this process, the author came to recognize a
specific relationship between scale of landslides and
geomorphic surface condition. The author also
carried out geomorphological analysis in a part of
mountainous area in Shikoku, and studied dominating
conditions in the scale and distribution of landslides.
Fig. 1 Terminology to define the form of landslide

Table 1 Geometric data measured for landslides
Width Depth Length Slope angle
Na Location Geology
W(m> D(m> B ("1
1 Ehime P(gr) 200 30 190 16
2 Kochi P(gr) 135 23 340 15
3 Kochi P(gr) 135 19 210 20
4 Fukuoka P(sch) 60 10 34 30
5 Wakayama P( sch) 90 13 210 14
6 Kochi P( sch) 125 19 130 30
7 Fukuoka P( sch) 50 6 60 33
8 Kochi P( sch) 30 6 40 29
9 Kochi P(sch) 70 14 77 26
10 Kochi P( sch) 60 15 92 26
11 Kochi P(sch) 60 16 85 25
12 Kochi P( sch) 95 18 83 29
13 Kochi P( sch) 270 38 260 28
14 Kochi P( sch) 230 23 510 20
15 Kochi P( sch) 300 30 250 23
16 Kochi P( sch) 130 20 220 24
17 Kochi P( sch) 50 8 70 32
18 Kochi P(sch) 70 8 55 30
19 Kochi P( sch) 55 7 40 29
20 Kochi P(sch) 80 8 75 25
21 Kochi P( sch) 60 6 70 38
22 Ehime M(ms,ss) 120 30 280 32
23 Hyogo M(ms,ss,tf) 80 14 65 25
24 Saga T(ms,ss) 80 15 165 15
25 Saga T(ms,ss) 40 10 40 26
26 Osaka T(ms,ss) 300 39 185 11
27 Saga 30 9 35 30
28 Saga T(ms) 50 7 35 31
29 Oita Utf) 180 27 230 14
30 Saga T(ms,ba) 130 23 190 15
31 Saga T(ms,ba) 80 13 65 17
32 Saga T(ms,ba) 35 9 40 30
33 Saga T(ms,ba) 160 14 110 16
34 Saga T(ms,ss,ba) 170 19 160 10
35 Saga T(ms,ss,ba) 80 11 110 15
36 Saga T(ms,ss,ba) 40 8 45 16
37 Osaka Q(W) 50 5 80 15
38 Osaka Q(CJ) 70 8 110 13
39 Osaka Q(W) 55 10 140 15
40 Osaka Q(c,s,g) 50 9 38 28
41 Nara P(S1) 200 25 225 28
42 Hyogo P(s1) M(wtf,dk) 300 30 300 23
43 Kochi P(SP,Sl,SS) 200 40 900 15
44 Nagano T (t f, cg ) 300 40 160 12
45 Yamagata T(ms,tf,tf) 350 40 400 15
46 Hokkaido T(ms,tf,ba) 350 50 750 15
47 Nagano T(ms,ss,dk) 350 60 250 22
48 Nagano T(ms,ss,tf) 200 40 800 8
49 Nagano T(ms,ss) 210 55 600 10
50 Toyama T(ms,ss,tf) 250 40 900 10
51 Osaka T(ms,ss,tf,tb) 300 60 800 10
52 Akita , T(tf),Q(an,c,s) 370 69 675 14

P: Palaeozoic, M: Mesozoic, T: Tertiary, Q: Quarternary, gr :green rock, sch: schist,

sl; slate, sp: serpentinite, ms: mud stone, ss: sand stone, cg:conglomerate, tf: tuff, ba: basalt,
dk: dyke, wtf: welded tuff, tb: tuff breccia, an: andesite, c: clay, s : sand, g: gravel

Ratios between each configuration property are From the analysis of transverse configuration ratio,
defined as follows. the relationship between depth of landslide and width
Surface configuration ratio0;NV):ratio of length of is shown in Figure 4. A good correlation was found,
landslide to width and the values of transverse configuration ratio(W/D)
Transverse configuration ratio(W/D):ratio of width range within 4- 10. Especially, for the landslides with
of landslide to depth width grater than 2 1Om, W/D range within 5- 10, and
Longitudinal configuration ratio(L/D):ratio of correlation between W and D becomes better.
length of landslide to depth

The values of surface configuration ratio, LMr,

range within 0.5-3.0 from the result of analysis
(Figure 2). However, in the case of landslides that
have been active in long time, this value is often
greater than 2.5 in Japan, because of expansion of
landslide upward or downward. The Chausuyama
landslide in Nagano (L=800m, L/W=4), and the
Choujha landslide in Kochi (L=900mYL/W=4.5)
represent such long and narrow landslides in Japan. In
these landslides, the sliding block dose not move as a
single block, because the sliding block is divided into
several blocks, and each small block moves
independently. So, for the unit sliding block, the value
of LMr is supposed to fit within the range given here.
For longitudinal configuration ratio, the values of
L/D range within 4-15 as is shown in Figure 3.
However, in some examples, the value of L/D
exceeds this range because of same reason as surface
configuration ratio.

Fig.2 Relationship between width and length of Fig.4 Relationship between depth and width of
landslide. landslide.

2.2 Scale of Lanaklides

The relationship between slope angle@) and depth of

landslide(D) is shown in Figure 5. Most data spread
lower than the solid line in this figure. This result
shows that depths of landslide tend to be smaller in
steep slopes. The author considers that, in steep
slopes, because of erosion caused by small scale
failure, thick unstable formation, such as weathered
zone or talus cannot remain for long period in the
process of weathering.
The relationship between slope angle@) and
transverse configuration ratio(W/D) is shown in
Figure 6. From this figure, most data spread lower
than the solid line in this figure. This result shows that
both maximum and minimum value of transverse
configuration ratio tend to be smaller, when slope
angle becomes steeper. Considering this result along Fig.6 Relationship between slope and transverse
with the above mentioned relation between slope configuration ratio.
angle and depth, scale of landslide becomes smaller as
the slope becomes steeper. In general case, several knick lines divide
geomorphic surface, and geomorphic surface in
higher elevation can be considered as older surface
with smaller influence of present erosion. And
focusing on the river bed profile, there are some steep
zones (fast stream zones) corresponding with knick
lines, and location of these zones is in a line with
knick lines.
An example of geomorphological analysis focusing
on knick lines is shown Figure 7. River bed profile of
this area is shown in Figure 8. In this profile,
Yoshinogawa river and its branch are shown with the
base point at Ikeda dam that is located 30km down
stream from the study area, and the lower terrace
along Yoshinogawa river is also mentioned. As is
clearly shown in this figure, fast stream zone can be
identified in branch river, and it is easy to compare
each terrace to the past geomorphic surface.
The relationship between distribution of landslides
Fig.5 Relationship between slope angle and depth of and geomorphic surface can be understood from
landslide. classification of geomorphic surface with river bed
profile. Geomorphic surface in this area can be
classified into the following five types:
3. GEOMORPHOLOGY AND DISTRIBUTION Type 1:Gentle slope with peak that forms ridge
OF LANDSLIDES distributed higher than EL. 700m.
Type 1I:Surface with erosion by lower surface I11
In the topography with remarkable upheaval of distributed between EL. 500-800m.
ground, knick lines that correspond to the edge of the Type 1II:Surface that forms gentle slope from EL.
past geomorphic surface can be recognized in many 300-500m, on which many villages or paddy fields
cases. are located.
Fig.7 Geomorphologicalclassification map

Fig.8 Profiles of river bed of the Yoshinogawa

River and its branch rivers

Type 1V:Surfacethat is distributed between EL. 100-

400m and growing along river. The ancient river bed
when surface IV was formed is the connection of
terraces shown Figure 8.
Type V:The newest geomorphic surface that is
distributed along the main stream of Yoshinogawa

river. This surface corresponds to steep valley slope 3) If the slope angles of geomorphic surface are
lower than EL. 2 0 0 4 and many rock outcrops are same with each other, weathered zone develops
exposed. thicker in older surface, and larger landslide
tends to occur in older surface. Landslides with
4. WETHERING CONDITION AND similar scale tend to be distributed in the same

Figure 9 shows the result of borings that were drilled REFERENCES

on geomorphic surface III,IV, and V. Geology in this
area mainly consists of metamorphic rocks with partly D.Higaki 1992. Slope Evolution Processes of the
distributed sedimentary rocks in south area. Choja Landslide, Southwest Japan, Landslide
From the result of boring on surface 111, thick layer 29(2): 12-19
of colluvial deposit about 20m is distributed in N.Oyagi, H.Ikeda 1998. Landslide Structure and
surface zone. Tuff breccia formation under colluvial Regional Perspective on Sumikawa Landslide at
deposit is weathered to depth about 35m and forms Hachimantai Volcanic Area, Northern Honsyu
heavily weathered zone. Japan, Landslide 35(2): 1- 10
From the result of boring on surface IVY the S. Ueno, H.Tamura 1992. Study of configuration,
thickness of colluvial deposit is several meters. Scale and Distribution of Landslides, OYO
Crystallin schist under colluvial deposit is weathered technical report No 14: 1- 13
to depth 23m and forms heavily weathered zone. T. Kamai 1989. Movement Patterns of the
From the result of boring on surface V, surface Ogawamura-Sodechi Landslide in Nagano,
layer consists of terrace gravel that was river bed Central Japan, Landslide 26(2): 1-8
deposit when surface V was formed. Sandy schist
layer is relatively fresh, and is not weathered to deep
As is shown above, thicker weathered zone is
distributed in upper zone of slope, that was formed
earlier, and it seems to have been caused by
weathering in long term.


Following are the result of this study.

1) About configuration of landslides, depth of
landslide@) and -width of landslide0 show
good correlation. And, transverse configuration
ratio(W/D) ranges between 4-10. From this
result, if width of landslide(W) observed, depth
of landslide can be estimated, or, on the other
hand, if thickness of unstable soil layer can be
observed, surface extent of landslide can be
estimated. These estimations can be utilized in
planning of investigation or countermeasures.
2) From relationship between slope angle@) and
depth of landslide(D), it is shown that if slope
angle becomes steeper, the maximum of depth
becomes smaller. It shows that in steep slope,
unstable soil layer cannot remain for a long
period, and large scale landslide is hard to form.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Geodynamics and spatial distribution of properties of sea cliff colluvium

Eugeniusz Dembicki & Wieslaw Subotowicz

Environmental Engineering Faculty, Technical University of Gdaksk, Poland

ABSTRACT: In the paper three basic types of cliffs are presented and described, namely: slope wash, earth
fall and landslipe cliffs. The spccial attention is paid to the slope wash cliff type and particularly to the
geodynamics of its colluvium. Additionally, numerical kinetic model describing the process of internal
alteration of colluvium into its homogeneous form is presented.

1. INTRODUCTION Observed on cliffs landslides phenomena are

strictly connected with its geological structure.
Along almost 500 kilometres of Polish coastline one Additionally, in the landslide development an
can distinguish two main types of coast: cliffs and important role plays presence of groundwater which
dunes (Fig.1). Cliff coast spreads out over a total mostly occurs on the cliff slope in the form of
distance of 100 km whereas dune coast covers 400 seepage springs.
km. In both cases the coast can be divided into three Long-term observations of the geodynamical be-
basic elements: near-shore, beach and upper part of haviour of cliffs allowed the distinguishing of three
coast which in the case of the first type are cliffs main types of cliffs (Subotowicz, 1982), ( Fig. 2):
(Subotowicz, 1982). The paper is devoted to the A. Slope wash type
description of this coast element and particularly the B. Earth fall type
properties and geodynamics of its colluvium. C. Landslip type.

Slope wash cliff is characterised by sandy

2. GEODYNAMICAL TYPES OF CLIFF formations exclusively. Abrasive sea activity causes
immediate slope wash of these formations. In this
Cliffs of Polish coast are built of Pleistocene case, an inclination of a slope is very close to an
formations which are mainly represented by moraine angle of natural slope. Cliff colluvium is built of
clays and intermoraine deposits. The second ones sandy cones.
consist of gravel, sands, silts and stagnant clays. Earth fall cliff is forrned of soils with high strength
Sometimes one can also meet formations of older parameters, such as loams and highly compressed
age such as glacial detached blocks.

Fig. 2 Geodynamical types of cliffs. 1 - ,moraine

clays; 2 - intermoraine sandy formations; 3 -
stagnant silts and clays. Age of formations -
Fig. 1 Scheme of Polish coast Pleistocene.

clays. In this case, an inclination of cliff slope is left to it there was much younger landslip denoted as
usually almost vertical. Earth fall occurs due to Landslide I1 which occurred in 1986 forming
abrasive sea activity undercutting a toe of cliff younger colluvium. Thus both cliff parts represent
together with destructive activity of tree roots and two different kinds of colluvium characterised by
frozen water in the cliff fissures. different stages of dynamics process. These different
Landslip cliff is characterised by soil landslipes. phases of dynamics acting on the two colluvium
The landslipes are related to differentiated caused changes in spatial distribution and in
geological structure and groundwater. As in lithologic composition of individual layers. Such
previous cases the direct initiation of cliff conclusion has been derived on the basis of
development comes here from sea abrasion, exploratory borings and SPT (Standard Penetration
however significant role in this process play so Tests) tests analysis. The depth of boreholes was not
called land factors (e.g. geological conditions, flow exceeding 6 m. Additionally, in order to measure
of groundwater supplied additio-nally by leakage displacements of colluvium surface by standard
from water supply installations located in the nearest survey methods near every boring the settlement
vicinity of cliff crest etc.). Both, sea and land factors points have been installed. The survey
cause that the cliff slope becomes more steep measurements were carried out in the period from
worsening global equilibrium conditions what 1994 to 1997, (Czarnecki, 1998).
finally may lead to a loss of cliffs stability and The borings and SPT tests analysis allowed also a
subsequently a landslide occurs which is usually of determination of colluvium thickness and the depth
structural character. Such character is caused by the and shape of slip surface.
fact that potential failure surface initiating the In both landslide cases colluvium was built of
landslide phenomenon runs along top of stagnant or much less compacted soils comparing to the original
moraine clays. The surface develops progressively subsoil. Due to high saturation of colluvium clayey
upwards being tangent to the top of these deposits, soils were plastic or even highly plastic. In many
forming cylindrical shear surface which becomes a cases such high saturation of colluvium prevented
border between soil masses displaced and the its drilling through thus the floor of it was being
undisturbed subsoil. The displaced soil mass forms a determined from SPT tests. It has been found that
colluvium which immediately after landslide starts the border between natural subsoil and displaced
to undergo its own geodynamical processes different masses of soil is reached at 35 blows on every 10 cm
from the rest of a matrix bed. of driven drill rode.



The investigations of colluvium have been

performed in the Jastrzqbia G6ra cliff (Fig. 1). The
failure surface which had initiated landslide run
along the roof of stagnant clays of varvedlike type
called glacial-limnical clays (Fig. 3). They form cliff
toe with well developed abrasive scar. The
colluvium had been created due to displacement of
two moraine clay layers separated by intermoraine
sands. In both formations i.e. in intermoraine sands
as well as in interstratified sandy and silty beds
within clayey subsoil one can find groundwater.
Displaced “en block” part of cliff which had
become cliff colluvium preserved its original
structure corresponding to undisturbed cliff subsoil
only immediately after the landslide.
In Fig. 4 is shown a landslide denoted as Landslide
I which had developed on the turn of XIX and XX
century. The colluvium formed due to this landslip
process can be then recognised as old one. On the Fig. 4 Overview of Jastrzqbia Gora cliff.

Quarterly performed survey measurements have 4. LITODYNAMIC AND GMNULOMETRIC
shown that the colluvium is being non-uniformly CONDITIONS OF COLLUVIlJM DYNAMICS
displayed in time. The colluvium movement is
Advanced dynamics of older Landslide I (see Fig. 6a
characterised by periods of different displacement
- cross-seclion A-A) has caused clear litodynamic
velocities. The differences may range between 20-30
stratificatiori within the colluvium area. Successive
cm withir, three years observation period. Thcy are
colluvium movement downwards cliff slope
mostly caused by various configuration of colluvium
together with rainfall waters infiltrating into a
subsoil and varying intensity of water supply.
subsoil and groundwaters caused that original layers
Additionally, zones of faster movements are located
of displaced "en block" soils underwent and
in the areas of relatively large colluvium thickness
continuously undergo the progressive process of
what causes smaller influence of a subsoil on the
alteration. The movement of individual layers
(larger in the upper cliff part and smaller in the
It has to be noted that periods of higher
lower one) contributed to the decrease of thickness
movement activity of colluvium and worsening soils
of original layers and to the formation of new ones.
strength take place during spring periods and not in
Subsequently, the new, qualitatively different
autumn-winter months. It means that dynamics of colluvium subsoil has become homogeneous,
colluvium is much more influenced by groundwaters
(Wilski, 1997). However, it is not the arbitrary
instead of rainfalls.
mixed structure but multilayered and flaggy spatial
Older Landslide I is characterised by thinner
structure characteristic for gravitational flows,
colluvium and higher plasticity of soils. It results
(Gradzinski et al., 1976). Such structure has been
from higher progress of colluvium homogenisation confirmed by both the description of soils drilled
process comparing to the Landslide 11. The
through the colluvium as well as by grain size
differences of a shape of failure surfaces can be also distribution analysis. It has to be noted that the latter
seen. The slip surface of older landslide is much flat
is an important feature allowing the assessment of
and less declined whereas in the second case grading, deposition and permeability of soils. These
cylindrical shape of the surface is much classical.
processes can indirectly serve for description of
Czarnecki, 1998 has elaborated the numerical geological environment in which the deposits were
mo-del allowing the analysis of colluvium formed.
displacements and interpretation of the results Sampling for the laboratory analyses was being
obtained with regard to deeper colluvium parts. The done every 0.5 m of exploratory boring. The
numerical code incorporates soil resistance data homogenisation of colluvium together with its lower
provided from SPT tests. Typical data of this type border can be seen in Fig. 6 - cross-section A-A.
are shown in Fig. 5. The latter runs along slip surface localised on the
roof of glacial-limnical clays. Lower colluvium part
near abrasive scar can be subjected to the secondary
landslip forming secondary colluvium consisting
partially of older clayey subsoil (Fig. 6), (Czarnecki
and Subotowicz, 1994).


Colluvium of both analysed landslides are highly

saturated. Larger thickness of younger Landslide 11
colluvium and higher inclination of slope surface
cause that groundwater table occurs quite deep
within colluvium mass, sometimes several meters
be-low the soil surface. In the case of Landslide I1
which is characterised by the essentially smaller
volume of colluvium and little slope surface
inclination ground-water table is situated much
Fig. 5 Diagram of soil resistance and displace- higher, not exceeding 2 m depth in the upper cliff
ment of the colluvium part and reaching around 1 m going downwards.

Fig.6a Jastrzqbia Gora cliff colluvium - A - A cross-section.

Fig.6b Jastrzqbia Gora cliff colluvium - B - B cross-section.

Locally, groundwater was found near colluvium and particularly in interstratified sandy and silty
surface (Fig. 6). beds. They exist as confined groundwaters with its
There are three main sources of water supply. The stabilised piezometric head at the colluvium level.
first one is related to land supply coming from They are hydraulically connected with colluvium
intermoraine aquifer. Its waters have direct contact waters and due to its confined character are source
with colluvium and occur in the form of seepage of additional supply.
springs on the slope of landslide scar and Continuous saturation of colluvium causes that
consequently flow and infiltrate inside the its soils are permanently wet. It subsequently
colluvium. Second source are rainfall and melt worsens strength parameters of these soils what
waters, which also directly supply the colluvium. induces dynamical gravitational processes.
The third source are w-aters existing in cliffs
undisturbed subsoil mostly in glacial-liinnical clays

6. SUMMARY Dembicki E., Sobocinski G., Subotowicz W. and
Czarnecki J. 1998. Spatial distribution of
In the paper soil and water conditions of colluvium properties of Jastrzqbia G6ra cliff colluvium, (in
of Jastrzqbia Gora cliff and its influence on Polish, Przestrzenny rozklad wlaSciwoSci
dynamics of cliff have been analysed. koluwium klifowego w Jastrzqbiej Gorze),
The colluvium soils are characterised by high Iniynieria Morska i Geotechnika, 5 : 241 -248.
saturation and are subjected to continuous dynamic
process occurring in the form of permanent flow Gradzinski R, Kostecka A., Radomski A., Unrug R.
downwards the cliff slope. This process induces 1976. Sedimentology, (in Polish,
internal alteration of colluvium itself. It finally leads Sedymentologia), Wydawnictwo Geologiczne,
to the new qualitative structure of the homogenisa- Warszawa.
tion character, (Wilski, 1997).
Grain size distribution and lithologic analyses Subotowicz W. 1982. Litodynamics of cliff coats in
performed, assessment of hydrogeological Poland, (in Polish, Litodynamika brzegow
conditions existing within colluvium and SPT tests klifowych wybrzeia Polski), Ossolineum,
together with the measurements of colluvium Gdansk.
movements were the basis for assumption to treat
the colluvium as uniform liquid-plastic material, Ter-Stepanian G. 1975. Theory of Progressive
(Dembicki et al., 1998). The assessment of Failure in Soil and Rock Media, Proc. of the
colluvium properties together with the above First Baltic Conf. on Soil Mechanics and
assumption served for construction of numerical Foundation Eng., Vol. 1, Gdahsk: 181-198.
kinematic colluvium model. The model has
incorporated the assumption of uniform Wilski J. 1997. Homogenisation of colluvium on
displacements of colluvium along its depth. It Jastrzebia Gora cliff landslides, (in Polish,
enabled making use of survey measurement of Homogenizacja koluwium na osuwiskach klifu
colluvium surface movements for verification of the w Jastrzqbiej Gorze), Gdansk Technical
model. They are dependent on soil resistance University, Faculty of Environmental
measured during in situ soil investigations in terms Engineering, Master Thesis.
of SPT tests Fig. 5).
The analysis presented can serve for better
assessment of colluvium properties and its influence
on the dynamics of cliff leading to the better
understanding of the processes governing the
behaviour of this coast structure.
At this stage of analysis the interpretation of the
influence of blows on the strength parameters of
colluvium soils is not possible.


Czarnecki J. and Subotowicz W. 1994. Genesis of

Jastrzqbia G6ra cliffs landslides (in Polish,
Geneza osuwisk klifu w Jastrzqbiej Gorze),
Iniynieria Morska i Geotechnika, 5 : 248-25 1.

Czarnecki J. 1998. Geodynamics of cliff coasts in

Jastrzqbia Gora and Dqbno near Ustka. Gdahsk
(in Polish, Geodynamika brzegow klifowych w
Jastrzqbiej G6rze i Dqbnie k. Ustki), Technical
University, Faculty of Environmental
Engineering, PhD Thesis.

This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Slope Stab/lify Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang G ) 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 905809 0795

A mineralogical study of the mechanism of landslide in the serpentinite belt

K.Yokota, R.Yatabe & N.Yagi

Depurtnzent of Environment and Construction, FUCUIQ of Engineering, Ehinic? University, Mutsuyuinu, Jupun

ABSTRACT; A Serpentinite is consisted of Magnetite, Brucite and Serpentine. It has been made from upper
mantle matter and seawater at the deep sea floor. It has good coordination with basic rocks and sedimentary
rocks. At the ground surface, Brucite is easily soluble into water, but Magnetite is stable. Therefore, at the
border between Serpentinite and other rocks, many pores inner of weathered Serpentinite keep ground water
channel. It affects other rock's weathering, and, some contact surfaces are made from different clayey layers.
Serpentinite layers have larger residual strength and higher permeability than Montmollironite or Chlorite
layers. When the layers of debris have loosen their stability, they sqush weathered Serpentinite layers, and
they move slowly and creepy. The mechanism of landslide at the so-called Serpentinite zone is upper process.

1.INTRODUCTION characteristics of Serpentinite's forming process and

its characteristics of distribution. Then, we want to
A Serpentinite has been valued as an ornament make clear of the mechanism of these characteristics
from its characteristic pattern, on the other hand, of landslide at the areas of the so-called Serpentinite
Serpentinite mountain's surface has been usually by the mineralogical method.
broken down and known fragile generally.
We can see many landslide sites in the areas of the
so-called Serpentinite. The characteristic profiles of
Serpentinite's landslide have been worked up
(Sokobiki et al. 1994). as below;
0 Serpentinite's landslide sites are distributed
mainly along the tectonic lines, and there are
complex geostructures around them.
0 Landslide topography is frequently at the
border between Serpentinite and other rocks.
There are few rock slides but many clay and
debris slides.
@ A gradient of the landslide site is
comparatively gentle as 10 to 20.
@ Many of the landslides still continue their
slow and creepy movement.
These features have been generally explained that
Serpentinite is the intrusive rock and the surface of
the landslides is formed from clay of Serpentine
caused by faulty action and weathering. But these
explanations do not give us positive proof about the
characteristic of Serpentinite landslide's distribution
and occurrence at the gentle slopes. It is considered
that these features of landslide are caused by the Fig. 1 Distribution of Serpentinites and sampling sites

2.CHARACTERISTIC OF LANDSLIDE SITE 2. I . Features of dislribution of landslide.
Distribution of landslide sites has a distinctive
The distributions of ultra basic rocks in Japan are feature as below;
showed in Fig. 1 (Miyashiro 1965). In Japan, we can 0Landslide sites are rare inner of the Serpentinite's
find a Serpentinite as one of the ultra basic rocks distribution area.
along geotectonic lines. It has been considered, @ Many landslide sites are at the border between
usually, that Serpentinite has been metamorphized Serpentinite and metamorphic rocks as green
from Peridotite whose main components are Olivine schist, and, Serpentinite and sedimentary rocks as
and Pyroxine. A Serpentinite is, generally, black schist. .
coordinated with green schist and black schist. And, @ There are few landslide sites at the border
it is often distributed with granite. between serpentinite and granite.

Tablc 1 Coinponetit minerals of so-called weathered 2.2.Minerals of slip surface

claycy Serpentinitcand stress strength of them In Table1 , the component minerals of weathered
Sampling spot main I Str.strengtIi so-called Serpentinite by the X-ray analysis and
structure bedulace names I residual strength by the ring shear test are shown.
Minerals of' slip surface are consisted from
Serpentine, Talc, Chlorite and Montmorillonite at
Serpentinite landslide sites. Serpentinite has high
shear friction about 30 , but Talc, Chlorite and
Montmorillonite have low shear friction angles
about 20 to 10 , and degree of decrease from peak
strength to residual strength is large.
Chlorite is one of the main minerals of weathered
green schist. And Montmorillonite is one of the
main minerals of weathered black schist.



At the outcrop of the ground surface, weathered

Serpentinite usually turn grayish blue or green, and
it forms a striking contrast against other dark brown
weathered basic rocks whose layers are found with
coordination of Serpentinite layers.

Engyoji 1lC.SlS I 29.81 30.6

2lC.SlS I 31.21 30.6

t " Br.2 1L.SIT.S I 19.31 141

Br. :boring core S. : Serpentine

C.S.:cutting slope C, : Chlorite
S.C. : swelling cutting slope T. : Talc
L.S. : Landslide site M. : Montmorillonite
F. : Felspars Fig.2. The propotion of Brucite at each sampling site

Chrysotile. Magnetite is one of the iron oxide and it
is stable at the ground surface. Brucite is the only
magnesium hydroxide mineral. It exists generally
inner of the ultra basic rocks. And it is stable in the
strong basic solution higher than pH 11. Serpentine
is one of the magnesium hydrous silicate minerals
and it is classified Anteigolite, Chrysotile and
Rizaldite by the occurrence condition of temperature
and pressure.
In Fig.2, the proportion of Brucite, which is
contained in respective serpentinite blocks in Japan,
are illustrated.
At the ground surface, Brucite is easily soluble
into acid or weak basic water, but Magnetitc is
nearly soluble. Therefore, Serpentinite is weathered
easily and crashed into pieces quickly, and it keeps
coarse-grained particles with Magnetite. Then, it has
large residual strength and turns grayish blue or

3.2. A comparison with basic rocks

In Fig.3, the metallic elements, which are leached
from Serpentinite, Sanbagawa green schist,
Sanbagawa black schist and Mikabu green stones in
the acidic solution, are shown. Acid solution is
H2C03 and pH6.3. Strikingly, leaching Mg from
Serpentinite shows larger value than the others. And,
prominently, leaching Fe from Serpentinite shows
smaller value than the other rocks. Many other
metalic elements are leached from the other rocks.
Main minerals of basic rocks, as Pyroxene,
Hornblende and Chlorite, have Mg2+,Fe2+,Ca2', A13+
and Fe3+in their crystal structures as anhydrous or
hydrous silicate minerals. It seems that Fe and other
elements are dissolved into acidic or basic solution
with destruction of the crystal structure. Therefore,
they are slowly weathered and reformed to clayey
soils which have minute-grained particles and low
residual strength. And they turn dark brown.

3.3. A comparison with Peridotite rocks

Olivine, which is a main mineral of ultra basic
rock, has Mg2+and Fe2+ in its crystal structure as
anhydrous silicate minerals whose names are
Foresterite and Fairlite. The thin surface of
weathered Peridotite turns reddish-brown, but inner
of the Peridotite turns clear olive green. It seems that
Fe is dissolved with destruction of the crystal
structures. And it shows us that weathered Peridotite
is not metamorphising to Serpentinite. We can find
Fig*3' components Of rocks and times some slim, soft and straight white vein of fibrous the
Chrysotile at the Peridotite outcrop. It has been
3. I . A Serpentinite
reported that a Peridotite has some veins of Brucite
We can observe, generally, a Serpentinite is
and Chrysotile which keep fluidity of the upper
basically consisted of some lumps of Magnetite with
mantle matter (Morimoto 989).
Serpentine and some veins of Brucite with The white vein the traces from which

Brucite has been dissolved into water at the ground It is considered that Serpentinite has made from
surface. reaction between upper mantle matter and water at
the deep sea floor suddenly with eruption or
3.4. A considervtion of the occurrence of cracking the ocean crust. And it is considered that
Serpenlinite rocks other basic or ultra basic rocks have gone hard
These points of difference between Serpentinite slowly from lava of upper mantle matter with each
and Peridotite, or, Serpentinite and basic rocks show condition respectively. The conceptual process is
us that Serpentinite has a unique occurrence illustrated in Fig.4. (Arai 1992, Fujioka 1994,
condition and process compared with other basic or Ishizuka 1995 and Cannet 1995). It is considered
ultra basic rocks. that Serpentinite has good coordination with basic
rocks at the sea floor, and many sedimentary rocks
cover over the Serpentinite later.
A profile of mineral facies A profile of rock facies
T SB H:Hornblendite
SB % C:Chlorite
SB SMS M:Magnetite
On the one hand, a large ultra basic rock body,
SB $ SMS T B:Brucite
which is consisted of Peridotite with Serpentinite,
d SB SMS S:Serpentinite
forms generally a high mountain. We can find that
veins of Brucite and Chrysotile affect some cracks
inner of the ultra basic rocks, and they affect some
rock faults usually. On the other hand, some
Serpentinite rock body is very fragile by the
dissolution of Brucite into water and it breaks into
pieces usually. And then, a mountain of ultra basic
rocks has steep cliffs and gentle slopes. But
weathered Serpentinite break into clayey pieces
rarely at the outcrop, and it causes rarely landslide
inner of the serpentinite areas.

--,.------ 4.1. The Primary Collapse with landslide
In Fig.5, the coefficient of permeability of
Serpentinite and other clayey soil at landslide site is
A vain of B&S (yellow-white) shown. It shows that a Serpentinite has considerably
\L larger coefficient of permeability than the others.
SMSMS SB SMSMS At the border zone between Serpentinite and other
00000 SB 00000 MSHSM SB MSHSM rocks, when veins of Brucite with Chrysotile have
OOPOO SB OOPOO SMOMS SB SMOMS dissolved into water from Serpentinite rocks, many
OPOPO SB OPOPO MOPOM SB MOPOM pores are caused inner of the rocks, and they keep
POPOP SB POPOP SMOMS SB SMOMS ground water channels. It affects other rock's
PPOPP SR PPOPP MSHSM SB MSHSM weathering. In them, some contact surfaces are
HPOPH SB HPOPH SMSMS SB SMSMS formed between weathered soft Serpentinite layers
Peridotite SerpentinisedPeridotite and other clayey layers as Chlorite and
(01ive-green) (gray-blue) Montmorillonite.
IMSMSM SB MSMSM It has been cleared that Montmorillonite has the
SMMMS SB SMMMS SMSMS SB SMSMS remarkable hydrophilicity and it expands with water.
SMMMS SB SMMMS MSMSM SB MSMSM And it has been found that some Chlorite has been
SMSMS SB SMSMS SBSBSB SB SBSBSB swelling at the outcrop with water. The two layers
SMMMS SB SMMMS MSMSM SB MSMSM are contrary to each other. Weathered Serpentinite
SMMMS SB SMMMS SMSMS SB SMSMS has the characteristics of high permeability and large
MSMSM SB MSMSM residual strength. But, Chlorite and Montmorillonite
Hard Serpentinite Weak Serpentinite have the characteristics of low permeability and
(black-green) (blue-white) small residual strength. If the stability is lost by
Fig.4. Schematic diagram concerning genesis of some cause, the contact surface will affect collapse
Serpentinite with landslide.

Table 2. Component minerals of landslide site's
clay by X-ray analisis and stress strength of them

Fig.5. Permeability of landslide's clay

4.2. The secondory Landslide

In Table 2, the minerals of deposit at landslide site,
by the X-ray analysis and residual strength by the
ring shear test, are shown. Minerals of slip surface
are consisted from Serpentine, Talc, Chlorite and
Montmorillonite. And they have the smallest
residual strength.
It has been reported that, at the Choja landslide
site, many thin layers of Serpentinite and Slate are
alternately with each other. They are few
centimeters or several decimeters thickness. Main
minerals of slate are Talc, Chlorite and Ca:Calcite Tr:Tremolite M:Montmorillonite
Montmollironite. ss:slip surface Br.:Boring core
When slope collapse with other rocks should
occur again and again, layers of debris containing Serpentinite layers and other clayey layers as Talc,
many various rocks are formed. At the surface of the Chlorite and Montmorillonite.
deposit, they keep a gentle slope caused by the One of the weakest contact surfaces becomes the
characteristic of main mineral which have low slip surface at the location. When the layers of
friction angle. Inner of the deposit, some contact debris have loosen their stability, due to natural
surfaces are formed between weathered soft erosion by rivers or artificial cutting slop, they

squash weathered Serpentinite layers, and they move It is considered that the mechanism of landslide at
slowly and creepy. It is considered that clayey the so-called Serpentinite zone is upper process.
minute-grained Serpentinite layer is formed as the
result of squashing weathered Serpentinite layer.
It is considered that the mechanism of landslide at REFERENCES
the so-called Serpentinite zone is upper process.
Sokobiki H. et al, 1994. A study and property of
Serpentinite landslide in Japan. The 33th Japan
national conference on Japan landslide SOC. :78-
1. Landslide sites are rare inner of the Serpentinite's Miyashiro A. 1965. Metamorphic rocks and
metamorphic belts, Iwanami Shoten.
distribution area. Many landslide sites are at the
border between Serpentinite and metamorphic rocks Morimoto 1989. Rock forming mineralogy. Tokyo
as green schist, and, Serpentinite and sedimentary University Publishing company.
Arai S. et a1 1992. Petrology of peridotites as a tool
rocks as black schist. .
of insight into mantle process, a review, Joint of
Min.,Petro. And Econ. Geology, Vo1.87,pp.351-
2. Minerals of slip surface are consisted from
Serpentine, Talc, Chlorite and Montmorillonite at 363
Fujioka K. et al, 1994. Southerncross Cruise
Serpentinite landslide sites. Serpentinite has high
shear friction about 30, but Talc, Chlorite and Preliminary Results-a Transect of Palau, Yap
Tranches and Ayu Trough at the SouthernTip of
Montmorillonite have low shear friction angles
the Phillipine Sea Plate-.JAMESTEIC J Deep Sea
about 20 to 10, and degree of decrease from peak
Res. 10:203-230.
strength to residual strength is large.
Ishizuka H. et al, 1995. Oceanic lower Crust and
3. In acid solution, leaching Mg fkom Serpentinite Upper Mantle Materials in Transform Fault Zone
of WMARK. JAMESTIC JDeep Sea Res. 1 1:37-
shows strikingly larger value than the other rocks as
green schist and black schist. And, leaching Fe from
Cannet M. et al, 1995. Thin crust, ultra-mafic
Serpentinite shows prominently smaller value than
exposures, and rugged faulting patterns at the
the other rocks as green schist and black schist.
A Serpentinite is basically consisted of some Mid- Atlantic Ridge(22-24" N)., Geology.,23-
lumps of Magnetite with Serpentine and some veins 1 :49-52.
of Brucite. It is considered that it has been made
from upper mantle maters and seawater, with ultra
basic rocks, at the deep sea floor. And it has
generally good coordination with basic rocks and
sedimentary rocks.

4. At the ground surface, Brucite is easily soluble

into water, but Magnetite is stable. Therefore, at the
border between Serpentinite and other rocks, many
pores inner of weathered Serpentinite, by leaching
Brucite, keep ground water channel. It affects other
rock's weathering. It is considered that the
weathered contact surface will affect primary
collapse with landslide suddenly.

5. At the landslide site, some boring cores show the

many layers of weathered Serpentinite and other
clayey soils, alternately, with each other. Clayey
Serpentinite has considerably larger coefficient of
permeability than the other clayey soil. When the
layers of debris have loosen their stability, naturally
or artificially, they sqush weathered Serpentinite
layers. And then, one of the weakest contact surface
become slip surface, and they move slowly and

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Detailed geotechnical study in Modi Khola Hydroelectric Project,

Western Nepal

Department of Geology, Tribhuvan University, Ghaiitughur, Kathmandu, Nepal
T. R. Paudel
Modi Khola Hydroelectric Project, Nepal Electricity Authority, Tundikhel, Kuthmandu, Nepal

ABSTRACT: Detailed geotechnical study is very important for any infrastructure development works, especially for
underground excavation in the geotectonically active parts like the Himalayas. This paper gives an account of the
geotechnical study carried out for the Modi Khola HydroelectricityProject. It also describes the engineering geological
problems faced during construction of tunnel and foundation works of various structures with assessments made to
tackle the problems. As a result of the geotechnicalstudy,the project became safe and cost-effective.The advantageof
self-supportingcapacity of rocks is used, which reduced a huge amount of cost in tunnelling. The formerly designed
long and curved tunnel alignment from vertical shaft is changed to a straight and better alignment, which reduced the
tunnel length by about 35.0 m. Previouslyfixed locationsof surge tank and penstock pipe at loose terrace and conglom-
erate deposit were shifted towards the bedrock by designing a 40 m high vertical shaft and about 4.45 m long pressure
tunnel instead of an exposed inclined penstock. similarly, results obtained from various geotechnical tests granted a
sound basis to decide the location and foundation of Powerhouse and Intake structures.

1 INTRODUCTION evaluation of site and possible alternatives and for over-

all planning of the project,
The MO&Khola Hydroelectric Project area is located in 2. A basis for evaluation of potential stability problems
Western Nepal (Fig. 1). The construction site lies along and judgement of geotechnical parameters for stability
the right bank of the Modi Khola - one of the major tribu- analysis, planning of reinforcement and treatments,
taries of the Kaligand& River. The Mod Khola is origi- 3. Classification of rockmass for support in the tunnel.
nated from the glacier cirque of the Annapurna Range. 4. A basis for cost evaluation, and
Total upstream catchment of the Modi Khola from the 5. Evaluation of unforeseen geological hazards in the
intake of the project is little above 500 km2. construction site and recommendation for excavation
A concrete diversion weir (7.5 m high, 33 m long) through unstable zones.
diverts the 27.5 cumecs of water from the Modi Khola
to a 154.8 m long Desanding Basin through a 30 m
intake and 250.29 m long underground Box Culvert. 2 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION
Thereafter an open canal of 63 m length conveys the
water to a Regulating Pondage of 26,640 m capacity. The Project site (Fig. 2) lies in quartzitic terrain named
Then the water passes through 1507.1m long Headrace as Naudanda Quartzite (Hirayama et al. 1988). It has
Tunnel of 3.15 m diameter, 41.25 m long Horizontal
Tunnel of 4.24 m diameter, 37.96 m high Surge Tank
of 5 m diameter, and 50.845 m long Vertical Shaft of 4
m diameter. After passing through 351 m long Pres-
sure Tunnel of 4 m diameter and 90 m long Penstock
Pipe of 3.2 to 2.77 m diameter, it reaches to the semi-
underground Powerhouse (27 m x 14 m x 22 m) with a
net head of 67 m and generates 14 M W electricity.
Finally, the water runs down to the Modi Khola (Fig.
2) again through a 262 m long Tailrace Canal (Cut and
Cover Box Culvert type).
The main objectives of the geological and geotechnical
investigationsfor the hydropower project were to obtain:
1.The necessary geological and geotechnical input for Figure 1. Location map of Modi Khola Hydroelectric

Figure 2. Geological map of the Project area, showing locations of constructionfeatures.

a sharp contact with the underlying Seti Formation and under stress and may create the problem of water tight-
gradational contact with the overlying Balewa Forma- ness and unequal settlement.
tion (Paudel & Dhital 1996). The maximum thickness Due to the unfavourable geological condition for
of the quartzite is about 1000 m in the Modi Khola foundation works of diversion weir and sluice gate,
section. The rocks of the Naudanda Quartzite are rep- essential treatments were carried out. The spongy silty
resented by medium- to coarse-grained, massive, white clay part at the foundation elevation was removed and
and green quartzite with intercalations of thinly foli- replaced upto 1.5 m by sand with jute membrane at
ated grey to greenish grey phyllites and massive dark the lower part (P1.2) to stop the sand boiling. Consid-
green chloritic phyllite with mica schist. ering the low bearing capacity of deposited material,
Surface mapping and subsurface investigations are heavy concrete structures was to be designed for the
carried out in the construction sites. Surface investi- Desanding basin and its side spillways so that it can
gation comprised in-situ mapping and test of outcrops, withstand giving minimum load at its sloping walls.
surface mapping of old landslide scars, topographically
depressed zones, active gullies and their interpolation 2.2 Tunnel Area
to the subsurface structures. Detail geological map of
the project site is prepared from the data obtained dur- The Headrace Tunnel pass through greenish to white
ing construction of concrete structure and excavation quartzite and highly weathered, soft phyllitic schist,
of tunnel (Fig. 2). Generally, the rocks dip towards chloritic schist and kaolinite band. The inlet portal is
North West (N3Oo-35"E/25-30"NW) in the Project affected by a fault. The portal and about 300 m length
area. Two sets of joints are predominant. The bedding of tunnel alignment runs through an old stabilized land-
planes are slickensided with sandy clay infilling, while slide area. The rockmass in this area is composed of
the joint planes are planar with plumose structure. fully decomposed saturated swelling clay fault gouge,
breccia, kaolinite mass with altered schist layers and
fractured rock fragments. Such a rockmass has zero
2.1 Headworks area

Geologically, the Headworks area lies totally in old ter-

race of the Modi Khola. The structures are designed on
alluvial deposit, taking into consideration of the
geotechnical parameters accordmgly.The alluvial deposit
of the Modi Khola is composed of irregularpoorly sorted
sequence of boulders, gravels, sand and silt. A quartzite
rock cliff is exposed on the left bank of the river (Pl. 1).
The bore hole drilled during detail design stage
shows that the bedrock is far below the foundation
level. An anticlinal fold axis passes through the river
at this site. Foundation works in such geological con-
dition is not favourable for heavy concrete structures
in river channel. The engineering property of quartz-
ite bedrock, spongy soil and boulders can not be com- Plate 1. Out crop of bedrock (quartzite)on the left bank
pared and such inhomogenous material act differently and diversion weir under construction.


3.1 Relocation of Surge Tank and Pressure Tunnel

In the original design, the Surge Tank was located at

the slope surface just at the interface of the quartzite
beds and the conglomerate deposit. The conglomerate
is composed mainly of gravel, boulders, pebbles and
sand produced from granite, gneiss and quartzite, ce-
mented by calcareous matrix and clay. Most of the part
of this conglomerate is hard and compact, but it is loose
at top and often at its depth too. It is normally unsorted
Plate 2. Foundation treatment of the sluice gate using jute and inhomogenous. The bedrock is no more continu-
membrane. ous in the tunnel excavation line due to NW dipping of
rock. As a result, about 300 m long Headrace tunnel,
stand up time. In these reaches, excavation was done upstream from portal was designed to be located
with heading and benching method. The steel ribs in- through the conglomerate deposit.
stalled became buckled (inwardly bended upto 20 cm) Considering the geological problem, two explora-
due to high stress from right slope. After 325 m length, tory drill holes were sunk to findout the subsurface
slightly weathered, thick bedded,jointed, strong to very condition of rock and thickness of overburden above
strong massive green quartzite appeared in the tunnel. the bedrock. From these two borehole interpretation,
Therefore, only 50 mm thick plain shotcrete and the bedrock line was traced. Consequently, it became
spotbolts are used for initial support. obvious that the original Surge Tank location and last
300 m of Headrace Tunnel was on the loose terrace
2.3 Powerhouse and tailrace area conglomerate deposit lying unconformably over the
bedrock, which is geologically unfavorable for
A semi-underground Powerhouse and 270 m long cut hydropower tunnel. Then the location of surge tank was
and cover box culvert type Tailrace canal is designed on shifted on the bedrock about 340 m upstream from its
the terrace deposit along the right bank of the Modi Khola
(Pl. 3). The alluvium exhibits mainly two cycles of depo-
sition. The first cycle consists mainly of dark gray to ash
colored silty sand with fine aggregates. Few boulders of
granite, gneiss, limestones and calcareous sandstones are
also interspersedwith in it. The secondcycle is composed
of irregular sequence of boulders gravels, sand and silty
clay. The alluvial deposit as a whole is non-cohesive,
brownish in color and the sediments are poorly sorted.
The opencut excavation at the cutslope of 1:0.5 was far
higher than the internal friction angle of alluvial deposit.
Therefore slope stability problem was faced in the tail-
race part.
From the geological condition observed, the ex-
pected bedrock might have deeply eroded and buried
by the alluvial deposit of the first cycle in the past. The
dipping of bed rock towards the hill also limits its con-
tinuation towards the Powerhouse. From Engineering
classification of soil, the soil found at the foundation,
level of powerhouse falls in Poorly graded sand silt
mixtures with fine aggregates (SM). Obviously, this
type of deposit is not competent for foundation of
Power house, where the vibrating load is high. Desir-
ability of foundation for this type of soil is 3 to 7, (where
1 is for excellent and 14 for unacceptable). Recom-
mendation to shift the Powerhouse at about 40 m up-
stream towards the slope in the same alignment is given,
where competent bedrock of quartzite is confirmed.
Plate 3. Power house site on the alluvial deposit.

original location. The last 450 m tunnel profile is low-
ered by about 45 m along the bedrock and designed as
Pressure Tunnel introducing a 40 m high vertical shaft.
A vent adit of 2.5 m diameter and 68 m length is added
for the ventilation of surge tank. About 40 m length of
vent adit was designed to be located on the conglom-
erate deposit. Since the diameter of adit was small, no
problem was faced during excavation. Since this adit
is to use only for ventilation purpose, there remains no
geological problem in future also.

3.2 Pressure Tunnel Excavation through Shear Zone

A 76.5 m long work Adit No. 2 (PI. 4) for the excava-

tion of Pressure Tunnel was designed just below the
Pokhara-Baglung road. The massive bedrock
outcropped at the Portal and the orientation of bed-
ding and joints shows a very favorable condition for
tunnel excavation. But, at the end of Adit and further
in the Pressure Tunnel, a major shear zone was to cross
along the upstream part from junction. At the junction
area, thinly foliated, soft mica schist layers were
appeared.The orientation of these weak layer is almost
parallel to the tunnel alignment. As a result, the weak
zone continued for a long distance. On further excava-
tion, a major shear zone composed of fully decomposed
soft fault gouge and shattered fault breccia collapsed
at upstream face chainage of 26 and 41 m. Since the Plate 4. Work adit 2 for the pressure tunnel excavation..
Pressure Tunnel alignment is 7-10 m below the river
bed level, high rate of ground water inflow further made
the condition worse. rockmass can be suggested to overcome the prob-
The slid material was piled up at the face and con- lems encountered at other projects in similar situa-
solidation grouting was started to stabilize the collapse. tions. Provisions of compressible packing between
The grouting was done by injecting the cement milk at rock and the support to allow deformation under
the ratio of 1:l (cement:water) through 3 to 8 m long controlled condition and final lining of the tunnel
perforated GI pipes. Cubes from the collapsed mate- after sufficient time has elapsed through completion
rial was made and tested in the laboratory. of excavation so that all the movements have died
After consolidation grouting in the perimeter and down, is an important consideration in the context
above the crown, heading and benching method is fol- of tectonically active zones.
lowed for further excavation. Heading by steel arch
installation above SPL at 30 to 50 cm spacing and lag- 3.3 Assessment for Permaneizt Support in the Tunnel
ging behind with steel bars was done in the first stage.
In the second stage full section excavation was done The major discontinuities, and their infilling, opening,
by erecting the post and struts with concrete founda- spacing, persistency, weathering, roughness and altera-
tion at 30 to 50 cm spacing. tion of joint surface (Table 1) provide very important
After excavating 14 m in the shear zone following clues in malung permanent support in the tunnel.The
the heading and benching method; horizontal Probe quartzite bedrock is sufficiently strong but the major
Hole Drilling was started to find out the width of the discontinuitiesare very prominent and intersectingwith
shear zone. Core samples of fractured quartzites were one another. Moreover, the Headrace tunnel alignment
obtained from about 18 m onwards from the drilling N36"E and N48"E is nearly parallel to the bedding ori-
face so that the width of the shearzone was found to be entation of N30"-35"E/24"-30"NW. Intersection of
about 32 m. About 300 bags of cement grouting in the bedding plane by south dipping prominent joint
perimeter and spiling bars at 20 cm spacing was re- (N1O0E/58"SE) has resulted maximum possibility of
quired per meter length of tunnel in average. Steel ribs block failures along the left wall and crown of
support with 75 to 100 mm thick fibre reinforced Headrace tunnel. The analysis of stereographic pro-
shotcrete was used throughout the weak zone. jection of bedding plane, joints and shear planes (Fig.
On the basis of experience from the Modi 3) shows many unstable condition on crown and walls
hydropower, tunneling methods in unstable sqeezing (Kwon & Choi 1998).

Table 1: Orientation and characterestics of discontinuities in the Headrace Tunnel.

Tunnel Chainage BeddingJJoint Orientation In filling Opening Spacing Roughness

99- 120 Bedding N 25'E/35"NW Clay 2-3 m Slickensided
120-130 Bedding N 27"E/37'Nh Clay 2-3 m Planar
330-400 Joint 125 "/60°NE Sandy clay 30-100 cm Planar
HRT 400-440 Joint 12/70 SE 2-3 mm 50-100 cm Smooth
from 400-440 Bedding N 45'E/23'NW Sandy clay 50-150 cm Undulated
Inlet 440-500 Joint N 45"E/85 SE 3-5 mm 100-200 cm Smooth
500-600 Joint 200/44 SE Clay 40- 100 cm Planar
600-660 Bedding N 3l0E/35NW Clay 50- 100 cm Undulated
660-690 Joint N-S/62E Sandy Clay 20-50 cm Planar
0-200 Bedding N 3O0E/24NW Sandy Clay 100-200 cm Slickensided
0-200 Joint N 20°E/65 SE 3-5 mm 40- 100 cm Smooth
200-360 Bedding N 27"E/28 NW Sandy Clay 60- 100 cm Slicken sided
200-360 Joint 78 "E/74"SE 2-5 mm 20-60 cm Rough/Planar
360-390 Joint N95/6SW 100-300 cm Roughhight
Adit - 1 390-530 Joint 220/66SE 5-1 0 mm 50-100 cm Rough/Planar
Upstream 530-55 0 Joint 42/72 SE Sandy Clay 30- 100cm RoughPlanar
550-600 Joint 175/66 NE 5- 10 mm 50-100 cm Smooth
600-660 Joint 340/60NE Silt + clay 40- 100 cm Smooth
660-705 Joint 90/70 "S 3- 5 mm 50-150 cm Smooth
705-795 Bedding 45 '/35N W Clay 200-300 cm Planar
705-795 Joint 330/65NE 2-6 mm 100-150 cm Smooth/Planar

The support system primarily guided by rock 112 -1/3

mass quality (Q-value) of rock calculated during 2Jn
excavation. Further, subjective judgment of evalu- P= . 98.1 kPa (3)
ating parameters also exist under consideration ac- 3Jg
cording to the field condition, purpose of tunnel and
safety factor. Minor modification in the support as Considering these situation, the permanent support
recommended by Q-system is carried out in the system for the underground waterways are recom-
Headrace and Pressure Tunnel. Steel rib support at mended after modification on the basis of subjective
1 m to 1.5 m spacing is provided at the major weak judgement of actual field condition. The Pressure tun-
zones and in the remaining part the support pattern nel, Vertical Shaft, Surge Tank and Upper Pressure
is primarily the combination of shotcrete and Tunnel are concrete lined taking the design and hy-
rockbolts where the rockmass appears in Poor to Fair draulic elements in consideration. In the remaining
class.The rockbolt spacing and length is determined underground waterways, the final support system is
from the formula given by Hoek & Brown (1980): recommended as follows:

L=2+0.15 BESR (1)

where, B is Tunnel height. The spacing of bolt is 1/2 of

the bolt length and the diameter of rockbolt is 20 to 25
The support pressure (P) is calculated from

p=- gb

where g = rock density and b = tunnel height

Permanent support pressure is calculated taking the

average value of Joint set number (Jn), Joint roughness
and Q value of rock from the following formula (Speers

Figure 3. Stereonet analysis of discontinuities of a) Head Race Tunnel-1 and b) Head Race Tunnel-2

In the concrete lining sections, the rock bolts and The geological problems observed during the study
consolidation grouting will be reduced and instead, can not be generalised for other hydropower projects,
backfill grouting will be required; while in the shotcrete however, the experience gainedtackling various problems
lining sections, rockbolt number and consolidation may help to solve the similar problems in other orojects.
grouting will be increased. The rockbolts and shotcrete The geological and geotechnical parameters taken into
applied as an initial support will be the part of final consideration in various hydropower projects of Nepal
support and required number of rockbolts and shotcrete under construction would be a great advantage for other
layer should be added in shotcrete lining sections. High hydropower projects proposed in the country.
water pressure test was camed to decide the grouting
pattern and locations

4 CONCLUSIONS Hirayama, J., Nakajima, T., Shrestha, S.B., Adhikary, T.P.,

Tamrakar, J.M. & G.R. Chitrakar 1988. Geology of the
The detailed geotechnical investigation for the Modi southern part of the Lesser Himalaya, West Nepal. Bull.
Khola Hydroelectric Project helped to relocate a few Geol. Sum. Japan, 39(4): 205-249.
major structures, previously designed in geologically Hoek, E. & E T . Brown 1980. Underground excavations in
rock. Institute of mineralogy and metallurgy, London.
unstable sites to safe sites with competent bedrocks.
Kwon, K.O. & K.D. Choi 1998. Review report on construc-
It also helped to reduce the cost in support measures. tion works in view of geotechnical and civil engineer-
Present geological and geotechnical study in ing, Modi KIzola Hydroelectric Project. Unpubl. Report.,
hydropower project incorporates the geotechnicalparam- Kathmandu, Nepal.
eters taken during design and their deviation in particular Paudel, L.P. & M.R. Dhital 1996. Geology and structure of
construction site. The engineering geological problems the area between Pokhara and Kushma, Western Nepal
in construction site sometime requires certain modifica- Lesser Himalaya. Bull. Dept. Geology, Tnbhuvan Univ.,
tion of structures for which a geologist works in close 5: 47-60, Kathmandu, Nepal.
contact with design engineer. The role of geologist in Paudel, T.R., Dangol V. & R.H. Sharma 1998., Construc-
makmg decisions is very important. tion phase engineering geological study in Modi Khola
Hydropower development in Himalayan region re- Hydroelectric Project, Parbat district, western Nepal.
quires a high level expertise in geological and JOUKNepal Geol. Soc., Spec. Issue, 18: 343-355.
geotechnical fields. The geological study in coming Speers, C.R. 1992. Support for tunnels subjected to changing
rock loads: a comparison of design methods. In: ‘Tunneling
years should be confined to particular specific purpose
and underground space technology’, 7( 1): 25-32.
rather than in generalized forms.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Local instability in saturated colluvial slopes in southern Brazil

Willy A. Lacerda
COPPE, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


In the southern coast of Brazil annual rainfalls range from 1000 to 6000 mm. Thick colluvial mantles cover
the residual soil on the sea-side of a long (2.000 km) mountain range. Their thickness range from a few
meters to about 30 meters, and some of them are permanently saturated. They present a marked influence of
rainfall and phreatic levels on the rate of movement, as superficial and in depth measurements indicate.
However, local artesian conditions, often unpredictable, initiate local instabilities that can trigger landslides of
the upward mass. Two cases are shown, and a simulation of local artesianism is presented, aiding in the
. understanding of the observed phenomena.


Thick mantles of colluvial soil cover the hillsides of
an appreciable portion of the “Serra do Mar” Borda (1 996) analyzed the instrumentation data of a
mountain range along Brazil‘s southeastern coast. deep (10 to 20 m thick) colluvium in a
Due to the high annual rainfall, typically in the range granitic/gneissic environment, with may faults and
of 1500 to 3000 mm a year, and up to 6000 mm a pegmatite and diabase dikes crisscrossing the
year in some locations, they present a permanent mountain range. It is situated at a distance about 200
phreatic level. Their movement is conditioned by the kilometers west from the city of Rio de Janeiro, at
position of the water table, which in turn is related to seaside, along the Rio de Janeiro-Santos highway.
the rainfall. These masses are usually long, 300 to The slope was extensively instrumented by
500 meters in length, with thickness varying from 5 piezometers, water level indicators and
to 30 meters, and widths of 100 to 200 m. They have inclinometers. Raingages were read at a distance less
been studied in length, and some papers describe than 1 km from the site The period of observation
their behavior and mitigation measures employed was from September 1987 to December 1993.
(Eacerda, 1997, Lacerda & Sandroni (1985), Average annual rainfall during the observation
Teixeira & Kanji (1 970)) period was 2200 mdyear. The history of the
They move along a pre-existing shear surface, movement goes back to 1978. The initial history of
permanently wet, and the shear strength along this this period can be seen in Sandroni (1982).
surface is at the residual value. Since these soil Up to 1980 total horizontall displacements of 30-
masses were originally composed of the weathered 40 cm were read at the middle of the slope, and of
granitic-gneissic parent rocks (and also weathered 80 cm near the foot. Deep horizontal drains were
diabase dikes, very abundant) with a predominance installed just above a highway that crosses the lower
of sand and silt particles, their residual effective third of the slope, and a large rockfill berm was
friction angle is not very low, and is found to be in placed at the foot, and anchored walls were built just
the range of 26 to 30 degrees (Silveira & Lacerda, below the highway. The slope was continuously
1992; Pinto et a1 1993). monitored, and the period from 1987 to 1993 was
more intensely studied. During that period 16
piezometers and water level indicators and 18
inclinometers were read on a weekly basis.

Figure 1 - Section of the deep colluvial slope (Borda Gomes, 1996)

(Lacerda, 1997). In Figure 3 the horizontal

displacement of a typical inclinometer was plotted.
It can be seen that a “jump” in deformation occurs
when the accumulated 25-day rainfall exceeds about
200 mm; the position of the piezometric lines was
then 1,5 to 2 m higher than the minimum level. This
indicated that at a certain critical elevation of the
piezometric line the velocities of deformation read
by the inclinometers increased abruptly, for
example, from less than 0.02 inm/day to 0.13
Nevertheless, piezometer installed at different
depths at the same location showed that both in the
paper by Sandroni as in the study reported the
direction of flow was predominantly parallel to the
slope, but in some places bent downwards or
upwards, irrespective of the position (upper or lower
Figure 2 - Typical inclinometer graph (Borda elevations). These local anomalies could be
Gomes, 1996) explained by the mechanisms described in the
following sections.

Initial inclinometer and monument readings of the

1987 - 1993 period showed velocities of movement 3. LOCAL INSTABILITY DUE TO AN
at the surface up to 20 mdmonth, and the sliding IMPERMEABLE VERTICAL BARRIER
surface was clearly indicated at a depth between 5
and 22 meters, at the contact colluviudresidual soil The slides of Soberbo Road in Rio de Janeiro have
Figure 1 shows a profile of the instrumented been extensively studied (Soares et al, 1988;
slope, with an extension of 450 m, and figure 2 is a Lacerda & Schilling, 1992). Figure 4 shows a partial
typical inclinometer graph, showing distinctly the plan of the slide. Section C-Cl along zones C, B and
slide surface at a depth of 21 meters. The analysis of D is shown in Figure 5. The branches of this
rainfall data showed best agreement when 25 day complex slide present a colluvial layer on top of the
accumulated rainfall was plotted against piezometric residual soil. The thickness of the colluvium lies
elevations, and these results can be seen elsewhere between 6 and 10 meters.The water table is very

Figure 3 - 25-day accumulated rainfall and inclinometer horizontal displacements against time (Borda
Gomes, 1996)

close to the surface, except at the lower range, when decreased just above the obstacle to flow which the
it appears at the surface. At this point a thick diabase diabase dikes represent, as indicated by the
dike was found, which presents a barrier to the schematic Figure 6. Indeed, superficial horizontal
groundwater flow. The position of the diabase dykes movements were larger at this location, as already
found while perforating long (80 m) horizontal discussed, and a succession of cracks and the
drains is noted in Figure 4, which also shows the inclination and displacement of small trees and
position of piezometers, inclinometers and inclinometers showed the signs of this instability.
superficial marks. The accumulated movement of
the superficial marks can be seen to increase as the
diabase dyke is approached, as the arrows in this 4. INSTABILITY DUE TO HIDDEN SPRINGS
Figure show. Two piezometers and a water level
indicator were installed besides most of the Artesianism is not always caused by the obstruction
soundings, and they are shown in the Figure 5 as of flux. Water recharge by means of concealed
positions A, B and C. The arrows in this figure springs connected to water bearing fractures in the
indicate the direction of movement of the flow lines underlying rock can alter significantly the flow
at the interval between two piezometers. They are pattern in its neighborhood, and a suitably located
seen to bend upwards near the diabase dikes. The piezometer would show artesianism.
position of the more impermeable dikes influence Local artesianism can initiate landslides in upper
the flow lines, as Figure 5 shows. Thus, artesian colluvial layers, and has been observed in some
pressures can be observed just above the dikes, as cases in Brazil, in the Author’s experience.
shown. In the Soberbo Road case artesianism was In order to simulate this situation Borges and
indeed observed, the water level of the deepest Lacerda (1 986) made Finite Element analyses of a
piezometer rising more than one meter above ground slope with an initial low water table (Fig. 7), and
elevation. Of course, the ground was very wet, with then applied a fountain with a piezometric pressure
rivulets of water springing at the surface. above ground level, as Figure 8 shows. The arrow
The local stability of the colluviuni is then indicates the direction of flow, and the water level is

20 1
Figure 4 - Plan view of the Soberbo Road landslide (from Lacerda & Schilling, 1992)

significantly altered to a position close to the slope 5. CONCLUSIONS

surface. If a cut were made in this slope at the dry
season, it would eventually fail during the wet The movement of infinite type colluvial masses are
season, and, even without a cut, the slope would strongly dependent on the position of the phreatic
certainly show signs of instability. The observation level, and follow the equations of the infinite slope
of some slides in natural slopes just after a very equilibrium equations. In this case the velocity of
heavy rainy period showed springs of water near the downward movement of the mass is reasonably the
crown of the slide, inside the slided mass.

Figure 5 - Flow conditions along Section ACDE (From Schilling, 1993)

Figure 7 - a) Seepage along a slope with an

impermeable base parallel to the slope; b) -
Seepage pattern of the same slope affected by spring
in localized fracture of the underlying rock (Borges
Figure 6 - Idealized flow lines past the diabase dike
& Eacerda, 1986)

same along the entire extent of the colluvium. The

first case is a typical example, however local this case local instabilities due to upward deflection
anomalies of flowlines could be explained by the of the seepage direction. Portions of the colluvium
presence of dikes or springs, as the latter part of the mass affected by these phenomena exhibit slides of
paper shows. the circular shape type, which in turn leads to
Flux restrictions or the existence of covered loading of the lower part and to the unloading of the
springs are also a cause movement initiation, and in foot of the upper part of the colluvial mass, in both

cases propagating the movement. These occurrences (1988) - Mechanism of Movements in Colluvial
are illustrated by the two last cases. Slopes in Rio de Janeiro - 5th International
Symposium on Landslides, Lausanne, V01.2,
121 1-1216
6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Pinto, C. S., Gobara, W., Peres, J. E. E., e Nader, J.
J. (1993) Properties of residual soils, (in
The author thanks the PRONEX program of the Portuguese), Solos do Interior de 5'60 Puulo,
National Research Council (CNPq) and FINEP for ABMS, USP-Sgo Carlos. Siio Paulo, Vol.1, 95-
the partial funding of this research., and Mr. Luiz de 142
Franqa for the Figures. Teixeira, A.H. & Kanji, M.A. (1970) Stabilization of
the Landslide at elevation 500 of the Serra do
Mar of the Anchieta Highway (in Portuguese)
7. REFERENCES Proc. 4th Brazilian Conference on Soil
Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, ABMS,
Borda Gomes, D. (1996) Correlation among rainfall, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 1-1, IV-33 to IV-53
movements, piezometric levels and Factor of
Safety in colluvial slopes in tropical regions, MS
(in Portuguese) COPPE-UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro,
Borges, M.S.N. & Lacerda, W.A. (1986) On the
internal drainage of cut and fill slopes (in
Portuguese), Proc. 8th Brazilian Conference on
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering,
ABMS, Port0 Alegre, Vol. 1, 17-33
Eacerda, W.A. (1991) Mass Movement Phenomena
in Tropical Soils. IX Pan-American Conference
on Soil Mechanics, Vifia del Mar, vol 4 1907-
Lacerda, W.A., & Schilling, G.H. (1992) Rain
induced creep-rupture of Soberbo Road
Landslide, Landslides, ed. D.H. Bell, Balkema,
Proc. 6th Int. Symposium on Landslides,
Christhurch, vol 1,45-152
Lacerda, W.A. & Silveira, G.C. (1992) Shear
strength and compressibility characteristics of
residual and colluviai soils of the Soberbo
hillside, RJ (in Portuguese) 1st Brazilian
Conference on Slope Stability - 1st COBRAE,
ABMS, Rio de Janeiro, vol2 445-462
Lacerda, W.A. (1997) Stability of natural slopes
along the tropical coast of Brazil, Symposium on
recent developments in Soil and Puvement
Mechanics, June, COPPE-UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro,
Ed. Balkema, 17-40
Sandroni, S.S. (1982) Forecasting the behavior of
slopes, examined from case histories (in
Portuguese) 7th Brazilian Conf. On Soil
Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, ABMS,,
Olinda - Recife, vol 1, 74-97
Schilling, G.H. (1993) - Instrumentation and
Analysis of the movements at the Soberbo Road
hillside, Alto da Boa Vista, Rio de Janeiro, MS
Thesis, (in Portuguese) COPPE-UFRJ, Rio de
Soares, M.M., Pedrosa, M.G.A., & Lacerda, W.A.

2 Soil slope stability analyses
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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

A new theory on instability of planar-sliding slope - Stiffness effect

instability theory

Qin Siqing
Institute of Geolog); Chinese Acudemy ($Sciences, Beijing. People’s Republic of’ China

ABSTRACT: A cusp catastrophe model is presented for instability of planar-sliding slope. The discrimination
formula for rapid and slow landslide is given and the stiffness effect instability theory is established.

1 PRESENTATION OF THE PROBLEM not a fixed value, so it is not reliable to evaluate

slope stability, neglecting the evolution of the slope
According to the traditional limited equilibrium evolution, merely according to the safety factor for
method of rigid body, the safety factor of slope is one certain state.
defined as the ratio of sliding force and anti-sliding
force, to evaluate the stability of slope. However,
there is a great shortcoming in this method. To be
understood easily, we take the instability of planar-
sliding slope as an example to explain it. In order to
guarantee the uniformity of sliding, we assume that
the upper part rock mass above sliding plane is rigid
body, sliding plane is composed of two kinds of
media with different strength, the sliding force is
Figure 1. Curve of sliding plane medium,
simultaneously reaching the peak value of strength

where, Fa,,,,= limited anti-sliding force by limited

equilibrium method of rigid body; z,,and % =the
peak value of anti-shearing stress for medium 1 and
2, respectively; L , and L, =the length of medium 1
and 2,respectively.
There is a defect in the above mentioned method .
Observing the curve of anti-shearing stress and
sliding displacement, we can find this method is
proper in the condition that the deformation of two Figure 2. Curve of sliding plane medium, not
media simultaneously reaches the peak value of simultaneously reaching the peak value of strength
strength (Fig.1). But in fact, it is hardly possible for
the two media to reach peak simultaneously (Fig.2),
so we can not calculate anti-sliding force with On summary, when tracing the failure reason of
equation (1). We have met two strange cases in the limited equilibrium method of rigid body
practice: landslide with safety factor more than 1 is sometimes, we should pay more attention to the
unstable and landslide with safety factor less than 1 defect of theory itself, rather than only consider the
is stable. I think the anti-sliding force by equation (1) unreasonable values of parameters of rock
is the reason. mechanics. To evaluate the stability of this kind of
Otherwise, it is the safety factor for one certain slope rightly, the new theory is needed to develop.
point by the limited equilibrium method of rigid Obviously, landslide is an unconsecutive and
body. In Fig.2, anti-shearing stress varies with the catastrophic process, and it is more rational than any
creep-sliding displacement U , and the safety factor is of the mathematical tools to describe successive

phenomenon for landslide to be described by the
catastrophe theory (Thom 1972), which can reflect
the dynamic instability process of slope. In view of where, G,=shear modulus; u*=critical displacement
this, a simple mechanical model is presented to solve of unstable point; z,,,=residualanti-shearing strength.
the instability problem for planar-sliding slope, and The constitutive equation for segment with the
a new theory on instability of slope - the stiffness strain softening property (Qin 1993) is
effect instability theory is proposed by a cusp
catastrophe model in the paper, with which the = G, ~ e - " ~ l i c (31
mechanical mechanisms of slope instability are where,G,=initial shearing modulus; u,=displacement
explained. at the peak value of stress (Fig.4). It is easily known
u,=221,, slope is equal to -G,e-'lh, at the turn point of
the curve, by the equation (3).

2. I Mechanical model

Supposing the sliding plane as non-uniform weak

intercalation, upper part rock mass above the sliding
plane as rigid body (Fig.3), e s l o p e angle, psliding
plane dip angle, H=vertical height of upper part rock
mass, h=layer thickness of weak intercalation,
mg=weight of upper part rock mass @gravity

Figure 4. Curve of two media

2.2 Cusp Catastrophe model

In the system shown in Fig.3, the overall potential

energy is equal to the sum of strain energy and
sliding potential energy. The total potential energy is
Figure 3. Mechanical model of instability of planar
sliding slope
where, I,, l,=the length of sliding plane with strain
softening and elastic property, respectively, I,+
Due to the sliding force caused by weight of rock
l,=H/sinp. According to the catastrophe theory, we
mass, there is a creep displacement U for the rock can choose U as state variable to make cusp
mass to slide along the weak intercalation. At some catastrophe theory analysis by the equation (4).
segments of weak intercalation, media, such as Above all, according V'=O,the equilibrium surface
locked patch, show elasticity or strain hardening equation is expressed as
because of high strength of media or smaller
shearing stress, whose capability to resist v' - G A ue-lIIu" +---u--mgsin/3
Gel, (5 1
deformation adds up with the increasing deformation; h h
But at the other segments, because of the broken Apparently, this above equation is balancing
media, muddying action of water or great shearing condition of forces. The cusp is solved by the
stress, media are with strain softening property after smoothness property of the equilibrium surface,
the peak stress value, whose ability to resist V "=0 at cusp, that is
deformation declines with increasing deformation.
To simplify the analysis and focus on the physical
essence of instability, assume the weak intercalation
is composed of two media with different mechanical and further, we can get
properties, one is elastic, the other is with strain
softening property. u=u,=2u, (7)
The constitutive equation for the elastic segment
of weak intercalation is That is, the displacement value at cusp is exactly one
at turn point of the constitutive curve of medium
with strain softening property.

Make Taylor extension with reference state u l , for softening property is not more than 1. The smaller is
the equation ( 5 ) , neglecting the forth order item and the stiffness of medium with elastic property and the
more, substituting (6) into ( 5 ) , we can obtain greater is the stiffness of medium with strain
softening property, the more possible is for slope
system to cause catastrophe. The necessary
catastrophe condition depends on internal properties
of system because the stiffness ratio depends on
geometric dimension and material characteristic of
system. If media of weak intercalation are wholly
Carry out variable substitution for equation (8), in hardening (the medium with strain softening
order to transform it into typical form of cusp property is not exist) or one segment is with elastic
catastrophe. The equilibrium equation is property and the other is with ideal plasticity, that is
analogous to k+co, landslide will not happen.
When across the left branch of bifurcation set,
b<O, the corresponding points stand unstable state,
where, value x has a jump. Combining equation (9) and (1 5 ) ,
we can determine the critical deformation value of
x=( U-U I)/ul (10) unstable points as follows

U* = uI[1--(1-
k)”’] (1 8)
When control variables meet

k=G,l,e’lG,l, (13) 2(k- 1)3+9(1+k-kg?<O (19)

~mghsinplG,l,u, (14) , show that, although slope is in limited equilibrium

state ,owing to action by internal and external factors,
Parameter k is stiffness ratio, which is the stiffness very small change of those factors also results in
of medium with elastic property divided by the very small change of equilibrium state, which is
stiffness at turn point of constitutive curve of corresponding to slow landslide in nature.
medium with strain softening property; 5 is called as
geometric-mechanical parameter, in relation with
weight of rock mass, geometric dimensions of 3 COMPARISON WITH THE TRADITIONAL
system and mechanical parameters of medium. From STABILITY ANALYSIS METHOD
equation (1 1) and (1 2), control variables a and b are
determined by stiffiiess ratio k and geonietric- We can change equation (1 6) as
mechanical parameter 6,that is to say, bifurcation set
that is possible to take place catastrophe is decided
by mechanical system characteristic itself and is
irrelevant to external action.
Substitute equation (1 1) and (12) into equation of For rapid landslide, h<O, the right side of equation
bifurcation set, (20) uses positive sign, that is

GI) ) - 0.5 e 2
mgh sin p &
uo[l + k + ---(1-
3 k)’”]
We get
The stability factor, defined by ratio of anti-sliding
2(k-1)’+9( 1 +k-ka2=0 (16) force and sliding force at certain deformation U , is
This equation is the sufficient-necessary mechanical
K=G1 “
e-‘i ’“o + kC,l,ue-’
criteria for instability of planar-sliding slope. mgh sin p
Apparently, only when a20, system can cut across
bifurcation set to result in catastrophe, the unstable
necessary condition is z/L
u , [ l + k + - - -(1-k)3’’]
k< 1 (17) It is easily known the stability factor only depends
That is to say, the stiffiiess ratio of the stiffness of on k and ulu,. that is to say, K is relevant to creep-
medium with elastic property and that with strain sliding deformation U and varies as increase U .

When slope evolves to critical state, u=u*, to understand why landslide (slow landslide)
substitute equation (1 8) into (22), we can obtain the possibly takes place when the stability factor
critical stability factor as follows calculated by this method is more than 1.
We can also see that even if K,<1, but is not less
[1 - fi
_ - (1 - k)1/?][edl(l-k)”2
+ kl
than certain degree, the rapid landslide can not occur,
such as k 0 , O.82<K,<l7 not to happen to rapid
KL = (23)
landslide. So we easily understand why slope is still
1+k + &(l-
k)3/2 possibly stable (in this case, slow landslide probably
occurs, but during evolution process of slow sliding,
We know from equation (23), KL is only relevant to k.
landslide, affected by environment factors, becomes
Values calculated with equation (23) are listed in
stable midway, and can not evolve into disaster)
Table 1.
when K,<1 , sometimes.
We should note that the evolving path of slope
may change by the external environment, such as
slow landslide will probably change into rapid
K 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 lands1ide.
K, 0.819 0.895 0.947 0.979 0.996 1.0 We can come to such conclusion from equation
(16) and (19) that slope instability is with close
relation to stiffness ratio k, here, this theory to
It is clear that K, is the smallest at k-0 and KLwill evaluate slope instability is called as the stiffness
add up when k increases. This explains rapid effect instability theory.
landslide will take place when anti-sliding force is
more than sliding force and some condition is met.
But this condition can not be given with the limited 4 INSTABILITY MECI4ANISM OF SLOPE
equilibrium method of rigid body, for which,
landslide will occur when stability factor is less than It is generally thought that slope instability has great
1 and the effect of stiffness ratio is not considered. relationship with water’s action. Acted by water,
It is analogous to condition k=l and is a special shearing modulus of medium with elastic property,
example. becomes lower and its anti-shearing force also
The happening condition can be got for different decreases at the same time, so the stress borne by
stiffness ratio by equation (1 9), whose expression is media with strain softening property
[I - f i (1 -k)l’?][eJ’(1-”“2 correspondingly adds up and its peak strength value
+ kl become lower by water’s action. This coupling
<K, < interaction easily make medium deform into the
1+ k + &(I - k)3”
phase of strain softening after peak strength value.
[I - & (1 __ k)”?][e\/2(’”’‘2
l+k- (1 - k)j/z
and which is listed in Table 2.
k 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.9 Figure 5 . Steepening of inclination of the softening
0.819 0.895 0.947 0.979 0.996 0.999 segment of quartzite deformation curve with the
K‘ - - - - - - increase of pore water pressure (numerals on the
2.279 1.595 1.299 1.137 1.043 1.015 curve are pore water pressure, in Mpa)

We can see that when k<l, even if stability factor When it turns to the phase of strain softening.
is more than 1 but less than the certain critical value water’s action makes stiffness add up (Fig.5) and at
listed in Table 2, rapid landslide can be only judged the same time also makes stiffness of medium with
not to occur but slow landslide is inevitable to elastic property decrease, this easily causes stiffness
happen. So the limited equilibrium method of rigid ratio less than 1 to result in slope instability. This
body is a kind of method to judge whether rapid process can directly be understood through the
landslide will happen or not. Thus, it is not difficult senses, the greater the stiffness of medium with

strain softening property, that is, the steeper the
curve T-U after peak strength value, that shows its
bearing capability decreases quickly at certain
deformation, and the elastic segment (locked patch)
will have to undertake larger load, and also bearing
capability of locked patch decreases by action of
water, the locked patch will break for the reason
not to undertake the higher shearing stress, this will
lose its original equilibrium state to cause landslide.


The problem, such as the slope with safety factor

more than 1 is unstable, but less than 1 is stable, is
reasonably explained. It is pointed out that there is
great shortcoming for the limited equilibrium
method of rigid body.
It is possible to make physical forecasting of
landslide and explain the cause of rapid landslide
with the theory presented in this paper.
To be sure, the above mentioned model and theory
are not too perfect, such as the form of constitutive
equation needs to develop further. But the author
believes that the concept and method proposed in
this paper will have vast developing prospect along
with deeper research on the theory.


Qin, S. Q. 1993. An introduction to nonlineur

engineering geology. Chengdu: Southwest
University Press of Traffic.
Saunders, P. T. 1980. An introduction to catastrophe
theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

21 1
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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami& Jiang 0 1999Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Ultimate state of a slope at non-linear unsteady creep and damage

Odessa State Universiy, Ukraine

ABSTRACT: Non-linear deformation and ultimate state of a slope under vertical Ioads are considered.
Constitutive equations of a non-linear unsteady creep and a damage (the development of internal defects) are
introduced. Critical strains and time as well as the mode of fracture and ultimate load are found according to
the criterion of infinite rate of strains for a hardening body and the scheme of the perfect plastic media.
Some simple engineering formulae are proposed. The problem of a wedge penetration is also studied.

1 INTRODUCTION should be solved together with boundary conditions

The complications in soils behaviour do not allow to =

‘c(+~) o, oe(-h)= o, oe(k)= -p.
assume a single rheological law for all the earths. (2.2)
Great difference between the properties of a sample
and an element of a material in a structure makes Strains E F -Q,y subdue to the compatibility equation
difficulties in the usage of the Media Mechanics
methods. In this situation it is convenient to apply to rd(d(r2ee)/rdr)/dr- d2~e/d02= d(r&y/&)/dr. (2.3)
objects’ strength computation comparatively simple
constitutive equations with the determination of their The stresses are linked with the strains by the
parameters from the data on the structures rheological law (Elsoufiev 1978)
mechanical behaviour.

Here ye = d ( 2 ~ r+) ~$ - an equivalent strain, o - a
For a slope under loads P, in polar co-ordinates r, function of time t, p - an exponent of the hardening
8 (Fig. 1) static expressions for stresses Gr, law. The experiments (Elsoufiev, 1982)show that
zro ‘I:

(2.4) is valid at a monotonous loading while the

equivalent strain does not diminish. At stepwise or
a(ror)/dr -k - = O, doe/d0 + 2T = O (2’1) interrupted stress change equations (2.4) may be
used for the parts in which the equivalent stress is
not less than on the portions before it, if the time is
calculated from the beginning of the new loading.
The correlation of (2.4) with test data is better for
unsteadier creep. When the influence of time is
negligible expressions (2.4) turns to be the
constitutive equations of the plasticity theory. Basic
law (2.4) may be easily generalized for quasi-brittle
rupture(see below) that takes into account a damage
(the development of internal defects) that induces
the third parts of creep curves, the growth of materi-

als volume, the fall of critical strains and time for the similar way the cases m >2 and m <2 may be
not enough plastic media and other effects. studied, when with consideration of the symmetry
demands we have respectively


The constants D1, D2 can be found from (3.2) as
3.1 Elastic solution above. At p = 1 we have the result of 3.1 at h = n/2.
For practical purposes it is interesting to
The common solution may be received by the establish the dependence of yo,/P-value on angle 0.
superposition method when we have (Fig. 1) From (3.6) and well-known formulae of tensor
transformation we have for m = 1,2,4 respectively
z = Co(cos20-cos2h), 0 0 = Co(20cos2h-sin20) - p/2,
CTy( 1) = -(2Pcos40)/ny, oy(2)= -(Pcos30)/2y,
or= C~(20cos2h+sin28)-p/2+(Acos0+Bsin0)/r,
CTy(4)= - (o.4P(cosh2d~0)"4cos30
The corresponding diagrams C T ~ = F(0) are
CO = (p/2)(sin2~ 2hcos2~)-' constructed in Fig.2 by solid, dashed and interrupted
by points lines and we can see that with the increase
and constants A, B can be found from integral static of m-value the distribution of the stress becomes
conditions more even.

Psinh = -Irorcos0d0, Pcosh -Srorsin0d0 (3.2)
-h -h
which give

A = -Psinh(h+O.Ssin2h)-', B = -Pcosh(h-O.Ssin2h)-'.

3.2 Non-linear solution.for the case p-0

Here as in 3.1 we suppose = z =O and from the

first static equation (2.1) we find

or=f(0)/r (3.3)

and according to rheological law (2.4) we have

E, = -E@ = Q(t)r-"g(0), (3.4)

wherein m = p-', g = f" and function SZ is linked

with a.Putting (3.4) into compatibility expression Fig.2
(2.3) we find
In order to appreciate the results we compute for
g"+ p2g = 0. (3.5) the case m = 1 the distribution of oyalong axis y
under the concentrated load as well as under the
Here p = dm(2-m), and " denotes the second centres of the stamp and uniformly distributed load
derivative by 0. The solution of (3.5) depends on on the length (-1,l) where we have respectively
the m-value.
If m = 2 g = C0 + D and due to the symmetry GU/q=4(iiY)in,oy/q =(2/~)(
1+ ( ~ / 1 ) ~ ) - ~ / ~ ,
condition C = 0 and constant D may be found from
(3.2). For the case of h = rc/2 we find <Tr = -P/2r. In os/q= 2(tan-'(l/y)+(y/l)/( ~+(y/l)~))/n.

Here q = P/21 and from Fig.3 where by solid, dashed Sokolovski 1969 integrated (3.8) for p = 1/3, y<n/4
and interrupted by points lines the diagrams Oy= and received curves y = ~ ( e )T~, = ~ ( h ) where
, T~=
=F(y/l) are constructed we can see that at y>41 =((or- oe)*/4 + T*)”* - the maximum shearing stress.
these Curves practically coincide. AS with the growth The latter curve is shown in Fig.4 by dashed line.
of non-linearity the stress distribution becomes more
uniform we can expect that solution (3.6) can be
valid at least in the above shown limit.


Here we integrate (3.9) by the finite differences

method at boundary condition CD(0) = 1. Then we
integrate expression dWdy = -CD at border demand
Fig.3 8(n/4) = 0 which also gives condition 8 = h at y = 0.
Firstly we considered the case p = 1 when we have
3.3 The non-linear solutiorzfor the case P = 0 the rigorous solution (see 3.1) which in the new
variables here is (upper sign refers to h > n/4)
Here we suppose that the strains and stresses do not
depend on r (Sokolovski 1969) and putting
cos28 = (1 - CD +cos22h)((2 - cD)cos2h)-I

The calculations by a computer reveal good

agreement with these formulae . It allows to use the
scheme above for other p-values. In Fig.5 diagrams
into (2.3) and (2.1) respectively we derive
y = y(8) are shown for different h which
practically coincide for 1-1 = 1,2/3, 1/2 and 1/3.

that at p = I gives the solution of 3.1 at P=O.

Fulfilling the operations in (3.8) we find the
second order differential equation that is shown only
in a common form i n the Sokolovski‘s book, 1969.
Replacing in it CD = -d8/dy we receive

+ 1 - 2/Y), (3.9)
tan2y(dCD/dy) = 2@(1-@)((@-1)/p


When function ~ ( 0 is) known the z,-value may Here we again suppose z’= 0 that gives z“’=O and
be found from the equation following of (2.1), (3.7) with consideration of (2.1),(2.2)-the following result
and boundary condition (2.2) for cig as

dxe/zedO+ 2 ( d ~ / d 0+ l)cot2y, p = 4!zesin2~d0

that in combination give for maxx, =x,l= z,(O)

(h2d4) the equation From Fig.4 where the latter expression is shown by
the interrupted by points line we can see that this
h 8 solution may be used at least as the first approach.
p=4~,l!sin2~exp(-2!( l+dy/d0)cot21yd€l)d8 (3.10)
0 0
Computations show that for p-values above CONNECTED WITH THIS TASK PROBLEMS
diagrams z,= F(h) are near to the solid line in Fig.4.
It may be explained by the absence of p in (3.10) Here we suppose as everywhere in Soil Mechanics
and the vicinity of curves in Fig.5 (for h equal to compressive stresses to be positive and use the
Mohr’s diagram for the ultimate state (Fig.6),.
n/4 and n/2 the straight lines coincide at all p). That
where cp is an angle of repose and c - the cohesive
allows to use the solid curves for practical purposes.
In order to use the criterion of infinite strains at factor.
fracture (Carlsson 1966) we write similar to (3.4)

Here e - the Neper’s number, a - a damage factor

and E = As at 8 = 0 ci, = 00, then E, = €0 = 0, E =
= y/2 and according to the criterion dddt +m we
have from (3.1 1) the critical values (denoted by *)

As E = E* acts under angle n/4 to the line 8 = 0 the
destruction should begin on the line OH (Fig. 1).
In order to get simple engineering formulae we Fig.6 allows to find many important formulae. In
put (3.1 1) at a = 0 into (2.3) which gives particular we have for main stresses

+ ~(T~)”’-’)(T,’
((rn-l)(~,)’”~3~~2 + 42) = C2. (3.12) 0 3
=(,ic 1 k sincp) rt cxcoscp (4.1)
where C2 is a constant. According to the symmetry
demand ~ ’ ( 0 =
) 0 and taking this condition for the
whole wedge we get from (3.12) (zJn-’(z/, + 42) = and construct the simple fields of slip lines that are
= C2/4 which at m = 1 gives the solution of 3.1. To inclined to the planes of maximum and minimum
exclude C2 from (3.12) we differentiate it as stress action under angles n/4 -t 9/2. Another field
follows of this kind consists of straight lines r with the same
origin and inclined to them curves described by

+42))(z”+4z)z ’+4(Q2(m-
( 1)z + 4(Q2)
(z, ’+4z’)=O.
r = r0exp(8tancp). (4.2)

From Fig.6 we can also derive much bigger its value for an ideal plasticity, where
cp = 0, c = zyi- the yielding limit at shear.
o, = Hexp(20tancp) - c/tancp. (4.3)

We construct the field of slip lines at the wedge

penetration as in Fig.7 and suppose that A 0 is a
straight line. From the Figure we compute that it is
inclined to the horizon AK by the angle h - v and we

At v = 2h - n/2 we find from (4 6 ) the ultimate
have for the segment KE lcosh - h = llsin(h-v), and load for a slope (Figl), and if v = n/2 we have the
from the equality of triangles AOG and GKD for the well-known so-called second ultimate load for a
material of constant density we compute foundation with depth h in the soil with the weight
of its unit 6
h’tanh=( 1I)’sin( h-v)(cos(h-v) + sin(h-v)tank). (4.4)
P,, = (6h + c/tancp)(I+sincp)e”t””’P(1-sincp) - c/tancp.
From geometrical considerations we find 11 = al,
where a = (1 - sincp)exp(-vtancp)/coscp, and h =
Il(acosh - sin(h - v)). Putting the latter expression 5 CONCLUSION
into (4.4) we derive the formula linking angles h
and v as In the same manner other problems for a non-linear
soil at unsteady creep can be solved: a strength of a
thin layer at tension or compression; the stability of
(4acosv + sin2v)tan2h - 2(a2 - C O S ~ V+ 2asinv)tanh -
retaining wall, as well as of cylinder, sphere and
cone under internal and external pressure; a flow of
- sin2v =O. (4.5) a material between two foundations, inclined rigid
plates and in a cone; the bearing capacity of piles
Now we find the ultimate load. In triangle AOB and sheets of piles; propagation of cracks and plastic
01 = 0 = 0 and from (4.1) qn(1 - sincp) = cxcoscp, zones near stamps edges etc..
but from (4.3) o,,,= H - c/tancp, and so H = c/(l -
sincp)tancp. In the same manner for triangle OCD
where 03 = p., 0 = v we find from (4. l), (4.3) REFERENCES

p+= H( 1 + sincp)exp(2vtancp) - c/tancp Carlsson, R. 1966. Creep induced tensile instability.

J. of Mech. Eng. Sci. 7, 2: 218-229.
and with consideration of H-value we derive finally Elsoufiev, S. !978. On one scheme of determination
of ultimate creep strains. Strength of Muter. 10.
p. = c(( 1+sincp)exp2vtanv/(
1-sincp) - l)/tancp. (4.6) Elsoufiev, S. 1982.The use of simplified rheological
rules for describing the processes of deformation
Lastly of static conditions we find P, = 2lp,sinh and and fracture of materials.Sov Mut.Sci. 13,1:62-65
from diagrams PJ21c = F(h)in Fig.8 we can see that Sokolovski, V. Theoiy ojplasticity. 1969.(In Russ.).
P, increases with the growth of h and cp. It may be

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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Application of FEM on the basis of elasto-viscoplastic model to landslide


Hiroaki Fujii, Sin-ichi Nishimura & Kiyoshi Shimada

Faculty of Environmental Science and Technology, Okayama UniversiQ Japan
Toshio Hori
WESCO Incorporated, Hyogo, Japun

ABSTRACT : This paper discusses the applications of FEM on the basis of the elasto-viscoplastic model to landslide
problems. Fluidity parameter y which governs the time dependent behavior of landslide, is determined from the com-
parison of the calculated displacement of landslide with the measured in the Site. Concluding remarks are as follows:
1)The fluidity parameter identified from five typical landslide Sites is within the range of 1* 10-5+7*104(day-’);2)The
effect of dewatering method was proved by the proposed method; 3)Using this model, it may be possible to make pre-
dictions on the future trend of deformation.

1 .Introduction The viscoplastic strain rate is expressed by the

next equation based on the excess stress model and
The numerical method is discussed to predict the associated flow.
landslide behavior in this study. Particularly, the fi-
nite element method based on the elasto-viscoplastic
model (E-VP FEM) is described here. By E-VP
FEM, we can analyze the rheological (time depend-
y :fluidity parameter, @ ( F ):flow function,
ent) deformation behavior of landslide.
E-VP FEM is applied to some actual landslide 0 :stress vector, F : yield function
Sites in this paper. The measured displacement of
the landslide surface is compared with the calculated Mohr-Coulomb’s failure criterion is used as a
one. Then, the fluidity parameter y that is one of yield function here, and it is defined as follows.
the parameters constituting the elasto-viscoplastic (0’ - 0 ’ )
model and governs the deformation velocity of F = 1 + 0;).
- C’ . cos$’ - (0; sin$’
ground is identified in some landslide Sites. Finally,
the range of value of the parameter was grasped C’ : cohesion based on effective stress,
roughly in the actual landslide Sites. : internal friction angle based on effective stress,
0;,D; : maximum, minimum, effective principal
2. Elasto-Viscoplastic model’)’2) stress, ,o3:total stress

2.1 Basic concept qf Elasto- Viscoplastic model ) - U , o3- U ) , u :pore water pressure
( o ; , ~=;(0,

The behavior of the soil is assumed to be elasto- In this research, the following simple function is
viscoplastic in this researchh the elasto-viscoplastic assumed concerning @ . That is,
theory, the strain rate is obtained by (i= ke + iVp
) as
summation of the elastic strain rate€, and the visco-
(x> 0) -+ (I+)) = 1, (x< 0) + (@(x))= 0
plastic strain rate ivp. Here, the time differentiation It can express viscoplastic behavior of the land-
of stress vector is obtained by the next equation ac- slide well enough. It is shown by the following ex-
cording to the elastic strain rate. amples.
ci = D i e D : elasticity matrix

2.2 Meaning of 7 and flow of the analysis
Site geology length width Pt c 6 ’ measurement velocity
A decision method of y has not been established
yet. Therefore, it is decided by the trial and error, so A Paleozoic 210m 120m 22.5 0 33.4 inclinometer 5-12
that the analytical and measured value agree with
B ” 600m 320m 19.6 19.6 23.4 extensometer 400-
each other well in this research. Here, the measured 3,300
values are obtained from the inclinometer and the C Tertiary 70m 30m 17.6 7.8 17.4 ” 80-100
extensometer in the actual landslide Sites.
The analytical values are compared with the D Mesozoic 18Om 90m 19.6 0 26.7 inclinometer 10
measured in many places of landslide Site and corre-
sponding y is determined at each point. The range P ,:unit weight(kN/m’), C :cohesion(kPa), d, :internal friction angle(- )

and the difference of y in the various points are

considered and the representative of the landslide
Site is determined. The representative in the objec-
tive Site is used as an analytical parameter. Finally,
the history of the landslide and the prediction of the
future displacement can be discussed according to
the result of analysis.

3. Application to Site A3’landslide

Figure- 1 Inclinometer (Site-A)
3. I Analysis condition

The outline and the movement situation of the

landslide in Site A are shown in Table-1. The posi-
tion of inclinometer 12, 11, and I3 in the landslide
block is shown in Figure-1.
As for the landslide activity of Site A, there is no
information about the initial movement. Here, it is
assumed that the initial movement was caused, when
the tail of the slope was cut for the improvement of
the highway. The cut spot is coincide with the end of Figure-2 Element division chert
the sliding surface. Various investigations and the
measurements were started 4,00Oday( = 11years) af- Table-2 Parameter of Site-A
ter the landslide start based on the assumption. The Pt E v c’ 6’
horizontal displacement is used for the comparison Surface 19.6 17,640 0.31 9,800 24.6
of the analytical with measured. Sliding 23.1 - I’ - 33.4
Base rock 22.5
4,900,000 0.25 9,800 45.0
3.2 Modeling qf stratum a n d n i t e elements 0 ,:unit weight(kN/m3), E : modulus of elasticity(kPa), v :
poisson’s ratio, c : cohesion(kPa), d, : internal friction angle( )

The finite element model is shown in Figure-2.

The stratum classified into three layers, “Surface”,
calculated displacement
“Sliding”, and “Base” as shown in Figure-1. The ( = 1 x IO-’) measurement
material parameters of these layers are shown in Ta- point ‘y ‘U

t=O 4000 8ooo average fitting Y

ble-2. The horizontal displacement corresponds to 7 7

the surface and the sliding surface are used for I2 : surface 43.2 cm 0.92 0.71 0.75 1.1 XlO-’
analysis. The positions of the bore holes for the in- : sliding 7.9 ’1 1.14 0.45 0.50 1.1 XlO-’
clinometer I2, I1 and I3 are given in Figure-1. The I1 : surface 42.4” 1.05 0.67 0.82 1.2X10-5
highest water level of the past during the measure- : sliding 8.4 ’1 1.09 0.94 0.77 0.8X 10”
ment period is shown in the figure.
I3 : surface 22.2 1’ 1.04 0.96 1.18 1.2X lO-’
: sliding 6.2” 1.10 0.79 0.80 1.0X10-5

3.3 Analvsis result and considerations

The value o f y which corresponds to the meas-

urement is within the range of (0.8-1.2) X 10-5(day-')
according to an analytical result. Table-3 gives the
analytical and measured results of the displacement
velocity and identified y -values in the six points.
Fig~re-3~ shows
) the relation of the surface dis-
placement of I2 point and the elapsed time in the
case that y =1.O* 10-5(day-').Here, the displacement
obtained by this analysis can be divided into the
elastic component and viscoplastic component. In
Fig.3, the analytical displacement is added to the
measured one so that the measured and analytical are
coincide with each other at the 4,000 days.
According to the result, the analysis predicts the
surface displacement of I2 point well, while on the
sliding surface the analysis a little underestimates the
displacement velocity. Almost similar results are
obtained in I1 and I3 points. From the analytical re-
sult, ~ = l . o * l O (day-')
-~ is adopted as a fluidity
parameter in Site A.

3.4 Prediction qf displacement

The deformations of slope on the t=5,050 day and Figure-3 I2 point displacement
t=l1,362 day after are shown in Figure-4. In the fig-
ure, the dotted and solid lines mean the initial and
deformed states respectively, and the displacement
scale is extended 50times.

4. Application to Site B * C * D landslide

4.1 Outline of Site B -C -Dlandslide

The outline of the landslide and the movement

situations of Site B5),6)37), Site C *), Site D9' are
shown in Table- 1.
Site B : The displacement had been measured by
the extensometer during 1989-1990. Due to the de- Figure-4(a) A-Site displacement
watering well or bore hole in the measurement pe-
riod, the displacement velocity measured by the ex-
tensometer decreased as follows. At the head, from
2 . 5 d d a y to 0.70mm/day, in the middle part, from
l.lmm/day to 0.43mm/day, and in the end part, from
9. lmm/day to 5 . 0 4 d d a y .
Site C : Small-scale cutting was conducted in the
vicinity of the center in the landslide block. The dis-
placement of extensometer about six months after
construction, is accumulated in the tensile direction.
The displacement velocity is 0 . 2 2 d d a y at the
landslide head and it's 0 . 2 8 d d a y in the middle
part. Figure-4(b) A-Site displacement

22 1
Site D : The displacement shown in Figure-5 is ob-
tained by the inclinometer in the landslide block in
Site D.

4.2 Modeling of Site B -C *D

We divides into three zones of "Surface", "Slid-

ing" and "Base", and Table-4 shows the material
parameters of each zone. The finite element mesh is
also shown in the figure.

4.3 Fluidity parameter 7 of Site B .C *D

The highest ground water level of the past was

used in the analysis. The time-horizontal displace-
ment relationship is shown in Figures-6, 7 and 8.
Adopted values as the representative of yin the fig-
ures are 7*10-4(day-1)in Site B, 2*10-4(day-')in Site
C and5*10-5(day-') in Site D. The result of analysis
correspond to each Site is described as follows.
Site B : The parameter y is identified to be 1.2*10-3
(day-'), 7.1 *10-4(day*')and 9.5*10-4(day-')from the
measured displacements at the head, middle and end
zones respectively. According to Figure-6, the analy-
sis underestimates the displacement compared with
measured in the head and end zones, while in the
middle zone, calculated displacement agrees well
with the measured, y =7* 1O-'(day-') is adopted as a
representative value.
Site C: The parameter y is identified to be 1.9* 1OU4
(day-') and 2.2" 10-4(day-') from the measured dis-
placements respectively. According to Figure-7, an
analytical result when we use y =2* 1O-'(day-') that
is the average value of above-mentioned values. The
calculated displacement agrees well with the meas-
Figure-6 B-Site displacement

ured, though the observation period is shorter than

other Sites.
Site D: The parameter y is identified to be 5.0* 10-4
and 1.4*1O-4(day-') from the measured displace-
ments of the surface and the sliding surface respec-
tively. In Figure-8, the former value 5.0*10-4(day-')
is used. In this case, measured displacement of the
sliding surface exceeds the calculated and varies
widely. On the other hand, the calculated and the
measured displacements of the surface are corre-
sponding well. Here, y =5 * 1O-4(day-') obtained by
the measured displacement on the surface is adopted
as a representative value.

Figure-5 D-Site Inclinometer

4.4 Dewatering effect in Site B Table-4 Parameter of sliding layer (B,C,D)
parameter of sliding layer
An analytical result in the head of landslide, the Site displacement( mm/y)
o t ( l < ~ / m ~c) ~ a $) ( " I
middle zone, and the end zone is shown in Figure-9.
An analytical value of the displacement velocity at -?.zoo
,_- -
any point roughly agrees with the measured. In this
7.8 17.4 extensometer 80-100
calculation, it is assumed that groundwater level de-
creases to the sliding surface after the drain con- 19.6 0 26.7 inclinometer 10

the landslide behavior caused by the change of the

pore water pressure is predictable.
It is extremely difficult to evaluate the effect in the
design stage. Currently, the evaluation of the im-
provement effect is based on the observed ground
water level in the bore holes or the observed volume
of drained water. It is clarified the displacement
measurement is more effective for the evaluation of
the construction effect.

5. Conclusions

The representative y of the each Site is shown Ta-

ble-5. The value of y of Site A or D whose land-
slide is not active is small. On the other hand they
of Site B or C whose landslide is active are larger
than Site A and D. The obtained finding is surnma-
rized as follows.
(1)Site A, on the assumption that various measure-
ments were started 4,000 days( % 11y) after the initial
movement took place, we have compared the ana-
lytical value which is calculated by the material
parameters obtained from the conducted laboratory
soil tests and the identified parameter from the
measurement value of inclinometer 12, I1 and I3 in
the hole points. It turned out that the fluidity
parameter of this Site is y=l*lO-'(day-'). The cal-
culated displacement of the surface in each point
was adjusted to the measured to identify the fluidity
parameter y here.
(2)The fluidity parameter obtained by four typical
landslide which include Site A is within the range of
1*10-5-7*10-4(day'1). Moreover, there is great pos-
sibility that landslide is affected by geological fea-
tures. The older the geological features age is, the
smaller y is. The characteristic of yis clarified
by investigating deferent types of landslide cases and
accumulation of the identification.
(3)As for B Site, the effect of the dewatering
against the landslide is confirmed by comparing the
calculated displacement after the dewatering con-
struction with the measured one by the extensome- Figure-9 B-Site drainage
ters. Thus, the landslide behavior after construc-

tion is predictable by comparison of the measured 5) Ryousuke Amiki, Hiroyuki Nakamura, Kazumi
and the calculated displacement. Itou : Measurement result and the predict of
(4)The analytical technique shown in this study, E- Pore water pressure on a certain landslide area,
VP FEM is based on the comparison of various Landslide Academy research & lecture thesis
measured data with the calculated and some kinds of collection of 1990 term,pp.244-247,1990.
ordinary soil tests. The proposed method seems to be 6) Tatsuo Iinuma, Masatate Funazaki, Tsuyosi
practical to analyze a lot of types of landslide area. Yauchi : Geographical & geological features
However, the method of deciding the fluidity pa- consideration to large-scale landslide, Landslide
rameter y which governs the visco-plastic behavior Academy research & lecture thesis collection
of landslide, depends heavily on the observation of of 1991 te1-m~pp.33-36,1991.
landslide movement. Some problems remains to 7) Hiroyuki Yoshimatsu, Michio Takeshita,
establish the better prediction method as follows. Ryousuke Ichikawa : Measures worker and the
1) Many of the measured displacement always construction effect of Kuchisakamoto landslide
change the pattern by the influence of rainfall. The in 6. Pref.,Landslide Academy research
accumulation of an analytical case with the tech- & lecture thesis collection of 1991 term,pp. 149-
nique to consider variable pore water pressure. 152,1991.
2) The method of identify the initial movement of 8) Susumu Hoshino, Tamotsu Yoshida : The meas
landslide is necessary considering the geological -urement of the displacement on Rikushinai
property of the Site. Landslide in Hokkaido Furubira-cho,Landslide,
vo1.7-3,pp. 1520,1971
9) Masabumi Yuube, Norio Yagi, Ryuuichi Yatabe,
-Table-5 The Parameter y of A,B,C,D Site
landslide velocity Meiketu Enoki : Characteristic of behavior of the
Site Chichibu belt Kitaobiutiki district landslide and
length width ( d y ) day-’ lllI17/y
landslide clay, landslide Academy research &
A Paleozoic 210m 120m 5-12 lX10-5 3 x 1 0 - ~

B I! I O4 2 x 10”
600m 320m ~ o o ~ 3 70X01~
lecture thesis collections of 1991 term,pp. 114-

C Tertiary 70m 30m 80-100 2X104 7 X 10”

D Mesozoic 11Omi 9Omi 10 i5X1O4 1 x 1O4

1) Yoshiaki Yamada : Finite element method of
plasticity, Science & Technology publisher inc.,
pp. 26-28,pp.96- 1 OO,pp.283-285,1988.
2) 0wen.J & Hinton : Finite Elements in Plasticity,,
Theory & Practice, 1980.
3) Hiroaki Fujii, Toshio Hori, Kiyoshi Shimada,
Shinichi Nishimura: Some considerations concerni
-ng precipitation and amount of movement on
landslide area, Ground EngineeringVol. 10-1,pp
13-24,1992.(Geotechnical engineering society
Chugoku branch thesis report collection)
4) Hiroaki Fujii, Shinichi Nishimura, Toshio Hori,
Kiyoshi Shimada : Application of FEM on the
basis of Elasto visco-plasticity model in a certain
landslide area, Ground Engineering,vol. 1 1-1,pp. 11
- 1,pp. 11-23,1993.(Geotechnical engineering
society Chugoku branch thesis report collection)

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Coupled excavation analyses of vertical cut and slopes in clay

T. Hoshikawa & T. Nakai

Department of Systems Management and Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology,Japan
Y. Nishi
Deparhnent of Civil Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology,Japun

ABSTRACTS: Soil-water coupled analyses of vertical cut and slope excavations are conducted to investigate
the behavior of an excavated ground in clay. In this paper, an elastoplastic model for clay named the tij-clay
model (Nakai & Matsuoka 1986) is extended to one which can describe the behavior of over-consolidated
clay. To take into consideration the influence of stress history including over consolidation, the subloading
concept (Hashiguchi 1980) is introduced into the model. Employing this model, finite element analyses are
carried out on normally and/or over consolidated grounds. The difference of time dependent behavior of
excavated ground between normally and over consolidated states has been discussed on the basis of numerical

1 INTRODUCTION In practice the ground conditions in many

geotechnical problems are considered to be under
In recent years, there are many cases of excavation over-consolidated (OC) state. In order to simulate
closely neighboring to other structures in urban areas. the behavior of OC ground, the previous model has
Hence, it is necessary to consider not only the been extended to one which can describe the
stability of excavated slopes but also the settlement behavior of OC clay as well as NC clay. In this
of ground surface and the deformation of extended model, the subloading concept by
surrounding ground. The stability of slopes is usually Hashiguchi (1980) is introduced. Then, soil-water
analyzed by using the theory of rigid-plasticity. On coupled finite element analyses are performed for
the other hand, ground deformations are predicted different excavation times in order to investigate the
using elastic finite element analyses in many change of deformation on the excavated slopes and
practical problems. In excavation problems, it is very vertical cuts with time.
important to take into consideration the process of
the excavation (Nakai et. al., 1995, Nakai et. al.,
1996). Elastoplastic analyses, however, should be 2 ELASTOPLASTIC MODEL WITH SUB-
conducted to consider the excavation process on the LOADING CONCEPT
mechanical behavior of grounds.
Nakai & Matsuoka (1986) proposed an Nakai & Matsuoka (1986) proposed an elastoplastic
elastoplastic constitutive model for clay named the constitutive model, named as the t,-clay model for
t,-clay model. This model is based on the tij-concept normally consolidated clay. The yield function of
(Nakai & Mihara, 1984), can describe the the t,-clay model has been deduced by assuming
deformation and strength characteristics of normally that a linear stress-dilatancy relationship is satisfied
consolidated (NC) clay. The validity of this model in the tij-space.
has also been confirmed by using many laboratory
test results. Nakai et al. (1996) discussed the
influence of the construction history on the earth
retaining wall. Model tests and elastoplastic finite
element analyses were conducted on sandy ground.
It was indicated that the settlements and earth
pressures on the retaining walls are very much
influenced by the excavation procedure. Also it is
necessary to carry out elastoplastic analyses in order Where t, and X are mean stress and stress ratio
to predict the behavior of ground under excavation respectively according to the tij-concept. The value
accurately. of t, at reference state on normally consolidation

line (NCL) is denoted as tN0.a and Cp = C,-C, are
the soil parameters.
Now, total strain increment is composed of elastic
and plastic component as follows


The elastic strain increment of clay is assumed to

follow isotropic Hooke's law

(3) Figure 1. Explanation of t,, and t,,, on the subloading

surface and normal yield surface in tN-tsplane.

Where E, is Young's modulus and v, is Poisson's

ratio for elastic component. It has been assumed that The proportionally constant A of Equation 4 can be
the plastic strain increment satisfies the associated evaluated from the consistency condition df=O.
flow rule not in the ordinary stress space but in the tii
stress space. Thus it can be given as
d ~ =; A - d f (4)
d tiJ
In the above Equation, the evolution rule of G can be
The above is the outline of the tjj-clay model. Now, defined as Equation 10. In this Equation, the scalar
we extend this model by introducing the subloading U should satisfy Equation 11, since the subloading
surface concept (Hashiguchi 1980). According to surface approaches the normal yield surface
this concept, Equation 1 is modified as Equation 5. monotonically with increase in plastic strain.


d G = + m for G = O
Where G is the inverse of over consolidation ratio in dG=O for G = l
accordance with the tij-concept and defined by dG<O for G > 1
Equation 6.

We adopted the following function for U for

definiteness, which is monotonically decreasing
function of G.

Where, t,, is given by Equation 7. It is the value of

t, on NCL and can be obtained from present stress
state (e.g. at P in Fig. 1). On the other hand, the
mean stress t,,, corresponds to the volumetric strain Substituting Equations 10 and 12 in Equation 9, the
and is expressed by Equation 8. The mean stresses scalar A of Equation 4 can be obtained as
tN1 and tNlein the tN-t, plane are shown schematically
in Figure 1.

Thus, the formulation of the subloading tjj-clay

model is complete. Due to the presence of the second
term in the denominator of Equation 13, the

proposed model can express some features of over- 3 ANALYSES OF EXCAVATION PROBLEMS
consolidated clay. Namely, it reduces the magnitude
of strains and increases the strength compared to Figure 3 shows the assumed excavation process of
those of normally consolidated clay (because the clay ground. CASE 1 and 2 are slope excavation
0 < G s 1). This model can describe not only the of ground. CASE 3 is the vertical cut of ground.
strain hardening and softening but also positive and Normally consolidated ground is assumed in CASE
negative dilatancy, which are typical features of the 1. Over-consolidated ground in CASE 2 and 3 are
over-consolidated clay. For normally consolidated formed in such a way that a uniform load of
clay (G=l), the second term of the denominator in q=98kPa is applied on the surface of ground and
Equation 13 disappears and the present model unloaded under drained condition. In the excavation
coincides with the original tjj-claymodel. process, ‘gradual’ excavation (tE=10,000hr:A-series)
and ‘instantaneous’ excavation (t,=O:B-series) are
assumed for each case. The ground material of these
analyses is assumed as the Fujinomori clay, which is
used in previous section (see Fig. 2). All these finite
element analyses are carried out using the
subloading tij-clay model and the soil parameters of
Table 1. The coefficient of permeabillity (k) used in
these analyses is O.GxlO~”m/hr.

Figure 2. Laboratory tests vs. model prediction for clays

with various OCR.

Now, we will show an example to verify the

excavation I
OC (q=98kPa)
performance of the proposed model. Figure 2 shows
the comparison between the observed results of
conventional triaxial compression tests at constant

mean stress on Fujinomori clay with various over

consolidation ratios (OCR=1,2,4 and 8) and
calculated ones by the proposed model. It can be
seen from this figure that the proposed model can
predict well the deformation and the strength
characteristics of clay (stiffness, peak strength, In order to consider the influence of the migration
dilatancy and so on) depending on the OCR. Soil and dissipation of pore water pressure, coupled
parameters of Fujinomori clay used in these analyses based on Biot’s theory are carried out under
calculations are listed in Table 1. An additional plane strain condition. The mesh of Figure 4 is used
parameter ‘ a ’ of Equation 12 is required for the for CASE 1 and 2, while the mesh in Figure 11 is
proposed model, and the remaining parameters are used for CASE 3. The boundary condition is the
the same as the original model. same for both meshes. The bottom boundary is

h /(1 +e,,) 5.08 X 10-’

K. /( 1+e,) 1.12 x 10-2
0 33.7 O
a 0.7
V 0.2
a 0.25 Figure 4. Finite element mesh of slope excavation

Figure 5. Computed contours of principal stress ratio for NC ground

Figure 7. Computed displacement vectors

Figure 6. Computed contours of deviatoric strain for NC ground
for NC ground

Figure 8. Computed contours of principal stress ratio for OC ground

assumed to be fixed, and the lateral boundaries are
assumed to be free only in the vertical direction. The
ground water level is assumed at the ground surface,
and the dissipation of pore water is allowed at the
top of the grounds. The initial stresses in the grounds
are calculated from the effective unit weight (y’=
0.93tf/m3) and the coefficient of earth pressure at rest
(&,=0.47). To prepare the over-consolidated ground
in CASE 2 and 3, the grounds were loaded with
overburden stress q=98kPa and then unloaded. The
excavation procedure is simulated by removing l m
thick layers one by one from top to bottom.


Figures 5 to 7 show the computed contours of
principal stress ratio, deviatoric strain, and
displacement vectors respectively for CASE 1
(normally consolidated ground). Here, figures (a)
correspond to ‘gradual’ excavations and figures (b)
Figure 9. Computed Contours of deviatoric strain correspond to ‘instantaneous’ Though
for OC ground the region with high stress ratio firstly develops just
behind the top of slope in the case of ‘instantaneous’
excavation (see Fig.S(b)), the region moves with
time to the toe of slope and the surface of excavated
ground in the same way as the region for ‘gradual’
excavation. We can see from Figure 6 that though
the region with large deviatoric strain distributes
along the circular zone from top to toe of slope
ground in figure (c), such region is not so clear in
figure (a) even if the elapsed time from the
beginning of excavation is the same. The computed
patterns of displacement in Figure 7 depend on the
elapsed time.

Figures 8 to 10 show the computed contours of

principal stress ratio, deviatoric strain and
displacement vectors for OC ground (CASE 2). We
can see from these figures that deviatoric strain in
OC ground are less than NC ground, but the contours
of stress ratio and deviatoric strain qualitatively
show the same trend.


FigurelO. Computed displacement vectors The excavation of vertical cut is simulated by
for OC ground removing the rectangular domain ABCD from the
original mesh (see Fig. 11). The behavior of over-
consolidated ground under vertical cut is shown in
Figures 12, 13 and 14. As shown in Figure 12(b) in
CASE 3-B, high stress ratio area concentrates in the
vicinity of the vertical cut at the completion of
excavation. With increase of elapsed time, it
progresses toward the excavated surface. In the case
of ‘gradual’ excavation (CASE 3-A, Fig. 12(a)) the
stress ratio distribution shows the same trend as that
Figure 11. Finite element mesh of vertical cut of ‘instantaneous’ excavation after t=10,000 hours
from beginning of excavation (CASE 3-B, Fig.
12(c)). It is also noticed from Figure 14 that under

Figure 12. Computed Contours of principal stress ratio for OC ground

Figure 13. Computed contours of deviatoric strain Fig U re 1 4. Coin p u t ed d i sp 1ace m e n t vectors
for OC ground for OC ground

‘gradual’ excavation the vertical face deforms almost above-mentioned extended model. In order to
horizontally. The ‘instantaneous’ pattern in Figure investigate the time depended behavior of the
14(b) is very similar to the ‘gradual’ one in Figure excavated ground, the computed results of the
14(a). But the vertical displacements increase only as ground behavior for ‘instantaneous’ and ‘gradual’
t approaches to 10,000 hours under ‘instantaneous’ excavation have been compared. It is shown from
excavation. That is due to the migration of pore the calculated results that the deviatoric strains in
water after excavation. Such tendency can be seen in ‘instantaneous’ excavation are larger than those in
the distribution of deviatoric strain in Figure 13. ‘gradual’ one for every case. It is also found from
these comparisons that the behavior of ground is
different depending on the excavation procedure
CONCLUSIONS even if the elapsed time from the beginning of
excavation is the same. Thus, we can conclude that
An elastoplastic constitutive model (tij-clay model) the simulation of excavation should be conducted
has been extended to one, which can describe the using coupled analysis and appropriately considering
behavior of both normally and over consolidated the excavation process.
clay and is named subloding tij-claymodel.
The numerical simulations of slope excavations
and vertical cuts have been performed using the


The first author acknowledges the financial support

of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


Hashiguchi, K., 1980. Constitutive equations of

elastoplastic materials with elasto-plastic
transition, J. Appl. Mech., ASME, Vol. 47, pp.
Nakai, T., Kawano, H. and Hashirnoto, T., 1996.
Prediction of earth pressure and settlements due
to excavation: influence of wall deflection
process and wall friction, Proc. of Geotechnical
Aspects of Underground Construction in soft
Ground, Vol. 1, pp. 127-132.
Nakai, T. and Matsuoka, H., 1986. A generalized
elastoplastic constitutive model for clay in three-
dimensional stresses, Soils and Foundations, Vol.
26, NO. 3, pp.81-98.
Nakai, T. and Mihara, Y., 1984. A new mechanical
quantity for soils and application to elastoplastic
constitutive model, Soils and Foundations, Vol.
24, NO. 2, pp.82-94.
Nakai, T., Xu, L. M., Kawano, H. and Hashimoto, T.,
1995. Influence of construction history in
excavation, Proc. of 10'" Asian Regional
Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation
Engineering, Vol. 1,329-332.

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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & JiangO 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Effects of a deep excavation on a potentially unstable urban hillside

in San Marino

G-Gottardi, G. Marchi & L.Tonni

DISTAR7; University of Bolognu, ltuly
E Bianchi
Engineering Service,FuenTa, Ituh

ABSTRACT: The paper reports the geotechnical engineering aspects of a deep, complex excavation into an
urban hillside in the Republic of San Marino for a multi-storey building. The soil to be excavated was
principally a highly over-consolidated, pliocenic silty clay and slickensided slip-surfaces - formed during
historic iandslips in it - were positively identified during site investigation. The new permanent excavation,
inore than 100 m long, progressed in front of a retaining wall of contiguous bored-piles of 800-1000 mm
diameter. During and after construction ground movements in the hillside were monitored by three
inclinometers which detected the re-activation of earlier landslip surfaces and other, smaller but deep-seated
movements. The relevant topography and soil stratigraphy, coupled with congested urban development, are
quite common in San Marino and the surrounding region (Marche and Romagna, Central Italy) and, therefore,
achieving a satisfactory and safe construction and monitoring methodology for deep excavations in them is of
considerable economic importance.

1. INTRODUCTION pavement. Causes of displacements, their monitoring

and the prediction of possible further movements
The paper reports the geoniorphological and which might develop during and after completion of
geotechnical aspects of a deep, complex excavation the excavation work, were all studied intensively.
into an urban hillside in the Republic of San Marino According to vertical cracks and local failures of
for the construction of a new shopping centre. The preexisting masonry walls and to records of
Republic of San Marino is an independent State, continuous road pavement repairs in the past,
located in Central Italy, contained between Marche shallow slope movements had already occurred, well
and Romagna regions (see map in Fig. 1). before excavation work started.
A multi-:torey commercial building over an area The main question was therefore whether the new,
of 10000 in- had to be constructed in the circled area but closely similar, soil movements were to be
at the bottom left corner of Figure 1. The basement simply related to the stress level reduction induced
level of the new building was planned to be at a by the excavation or, on the contrary and more
depth of 7.5 m with respect to the previous surface worrying, to the activation of a major deep-seated
level (with an estimated amount of excavated soil of slope movement (Bertuccioli et al., 1992).
100000 m3) and up to a maximum of 13 in below the
dual carriageway, heavy traffic road, running
immediately above the hillside and leading to the 2. GEOLOGICAL SETTING
main city centre. Excavation work started in
September 1997 and ended only in May 1998, after The area shown in Figure 1 is a typical example of
the construction of a contiguous bored-pile wall, the geologically complex situation of the Northern
incorporating three tiers of reinforced concrete Apennines towards the plane borders (Colleselli &
waling beams restrained by ground anchors. Colosimo, 1977) and is characterised by the general
From the start of excavation, clear evidence of soil outcropping of Pliocenic formations, locally overlain
displacements (concentrated along the bedding plane by more recent alluvial deposits.
discontinuities of the existing formation) appeared in The older sediments essentially consist of blue-
front of the excavated cuttings. Furthermore, small, grey silty clays deposited in 10-40 cm-thick, sub-
but alarniing, cracks appeared in the major road horizontal layers, sometime with the insertion of

Figure 1. Map of tlie area investigated and relevant outcropping geological formation.

very thin arenaceous sub-layers. In the area outcrops of the T. Ausa alluvium and the Pliocenic
investigated, they reveal a main NE-S W direction clayey formation.
strike and a dip angle between 10” and 15”, as
shown in tlie geological section A-A’ sketched in
Figure 2. The undisturbed stiff “bedrock” is usually 3.SITE INVESTIGATION AND GEOTECHNICAL
topped by a softened and weathered shallow layer, a PROPERTIES
Sew metres thick, essentially made of the same
material. Figure 3 shows a general plan of the construction
The dashed area of Figure 1 is where the more site. The main dual carriageway road is shown at the
recent alluvial deposits of the local Torrent Ausa top; the dashed area represents the area occupied by
outcrop: they are soft brown silts and clays, with the building under construction, which is maxiinally
organic matter and gravelly-sandy lenses. 13 m lower than the current road level.
The construction site is located beside the rivulet The site investigation for design purposes
named ”Fosso del Rio”, at the junction between basically comprised ten cone penetration tests, five

Figure 2. Schematic geological section along A-A’.

Figure 3 - General plan of the construction site.

12 in-deep boreholes and two open standpipe to Unit A only. In fact, due to the very low
piezometers. Undisturbed samples from borings and permeability of the clayey soils, perched water tables
fi-om specifically dug trenches were used for the - fed locally through the coarser upper alluvial
determination of standard physical and mechanical deposits - are likely to form. A secondary minor
soil properties. groundwater circulation through the many fissures
On such basis two stratigraphic units can be easily and silty lenses is also possible in the clayey
identified, both belonging to the same geological “bedrock”, as detected during the excavation work.
formation and essentially made from the same
material: a highly overconsolidated, strongly
anisotropic, pliocenic silty clay of medium plasticity 4. THE DEEP EXCAVATION
(classified as CL, with average activity index 1.2).
Howcvcr, the top layer (Unit A) shows clear The new permanent excavation, more than 100 in
evidence of a strongly weathered material, i.e. a long, progressed from north to south in front of a
higher water content and a considerably lower contiguous bored-pile wall (800-1 000 min diameter
undrained shear strength. As regards tlie by 15-18 m long). The wall was supported by three
geotechnical parameters, the alluvial material - tiers of reinforced concrete waling beams restrained
where present - can be considered as part of the same by 40 ni long x 600 kN ground anchors, inclined of
stratigraphic unit. Such shallow layer is between 4 25” with respect to the horizontal and spaced,
and 5 i n thick and is separated from the underlying, typically, at 2 m centres horizontally and 3 m
much stiffer, deeply fissured and stratified clay (Unit vertically. A schematic section of the designed
B) by a transition layer a few centimetres thick. situation (X-X’ in Fig. 3), throughout the slope and
Shear strengths laboratory (direct shear and normal to the wall, is shown in Figure 4. Twelve
Ltiiconsolidated-uiidrained triaxial) tests were benchmarks (BMn in Fig. 3) were positioned on the
performed on Unit B soil only, obtaining average top edge of the pile wall in order to monitor the
peak (cp = 70 kPa and @p = 25”) and residual (& = horizontal displacements.
19”) parameters. However it should be kept in mind Since October 1997 some indication of soil
that the material is strongly anisotropic, not only movements appeared on the face of the excavation
because densely stratified. but also because of the as relative displacements, up to 10 cm, either on the
frequent silty-sandy lenses on the bedding planes two units interface or within the clayey “bedrock”, in
which tend to influence the overall available shear correspondence of the silty lenses, showing tlie same
strength. During excavation, slickensided slip- average inclination of the existing bedding planes
surfaces (which had developed during historic (see Fig. 2). This situation, together with the
landslips), were clcarly identified both along the two numerous previous records of shallow slope
units interface and within the Unit B, in movements. induced the contractor to ask for advice
correspondence of the bedding planes. and install three 20 in-deep inclinometers behind tlie
Little information is available on the piezometric pile-wall (labelled In in Fig. 3), in order to measure -
levels, but they are probably rather low and related with time and excavation progress - the

Figure 4. Section X-X’: measured displacementsand possible slip surfaces.

displacements within the soil mass and detect any re- out in the same period. They also show initial
activation of earlier landslip surfaces and other, displacements of few tens of millimetres, essentially
possible, deep-seated movements, the pile wall had normal to the wall axis, and, afterwards, the same
not been designed to accommodate. decreasing trend from May onwards. BM6, the
benchmark which moved most, exhibited a total
horizontal displacement of 48 mm, from late
5 . MONITORING OF DISPLACEMENTS October 1997 till mid May 1998.
In Figure 4 the I3 readings plot, together with the
The three inclinometers were installed on 3 1 October total horizontal displacements as measured from the
1997, read monthly until June 1998 and again in benchmark BM5 at the top of the pile wall in the
January 1999. Inclinometer I1 showed immediately same period, have been superimposed on section X-
(after the first two readings) a total displacement of 6 X’. These information, together with the cracks
mm at a depth of 6 m, at the interface between Units position in the main road pavement and record of
A and B; however in all subsequent readings, relative displacements on the face of the excavation,
movements at every depth appear to halt. enabled us to draw possible slip surfaces (labelled
Inclinometer 12, the more northern located, displayed from 1 to 3) for subsequent slope stability analyses.
some deep movement at a depth of 9 m and, In order to better understand all these data, the
subsequently, of 12 m, i.e. well within Unit B; excavation progress and the ground anchors
however the main displacements were concentrated installation should be also taken into account: in fact
in the first 5 m, with a maximum integral value at about 80% of the excavation work was quickly
the inclinometer head of 21 mm. Virtually nothing completed by October 1997; then it stopped until the
happened after April. end of March and resumed to end in June 1998.
Inclinometer I3 is situated along the mean section Again only one tier of ground anchors was installed
X-X’and all the relevant incremental readings since by 1997 and the whole set completed in mid-April.
late October 1997 are reported in Figure 5 . Again Some tendons were equipped with a load cell,
early data show a possible shallow slip surface at a which, from the data available so far, have shown an
depth of 5 m, which progressed until April and then essentially constant trend with time starting from the
practically stopped. It is interesting to note a much initially given value of 600 kN. As specifically
deeper movement, occurring within the “bedrock”, regards section X-X’, the middle ground anchor was
which advanced until last May and achieved a installed first, in December 1997, and subsequently
maximum value of 7 nun; the last readings seems to the other two in March 1998; the final situation was
suggest that also those movements have now ceased. reached at the end of April.
The integral displacement at the inclinometer head Therefore the soil displacements were clearly
has been 37.1 mm so far. detected at various depths only after October 1997,
The inclinometer readings are in good agreement i.e. when most soil had already been excavated. The
with benchmark measurements, which were carried shallow movements could well be interpreted as the

Table 1. Factors of safety (FS) from limit
equilibrium stability analysis.
Slip surface 1 2 3
Before excavation 1.38 1.52 2.27
After excavation
without ground anchors 1.16 1.28 1.64
After excavation
with ground anchors 1.21 1.32 1.66

by the ground anchors, the load cell measurements

were used. The stability calculations were carried out
assuming homogeneous and isotropic soils in Units
A and B, with the following soil strength parameters:
(PA = 16" and (PB = 20" and no cohesion. Results are
reported in Table 1.
FS is generally greater than unity, significantly
increasing with the slip surface depth. Of course the
most severe situation everywhere is after the end of
excavation and without the ground anchors, which,
however, do not seem to have a great effect on the
overall stability. It is interesting to observe that the
existence of a perched water table in the Unit A
would substantially reduce the factor of safety of
Figure 5. Inclinometer I3 incremental readings. surface 1 (to 1.06 with a water level at -2 m from the
soil surface), which can even become less than unity
reactivation of previously developed slip surfaces, (0.99 when the water level coincides with the soil
whilst the deep-seated displacements might, on the surface).
contrary, be related to the soil deformations induced A second analysis using a 2D finite element code
by the stress level reduction and concentrated - in a was aimed to verify what could be the order of
strongly anisotropic material - on the weaker layers. magnitude of the strains induced by the stress level
All movements tend anyway to cease after the decrease, due to the excavation, in a strongly
excavation work completion and the ground anchors anisotropic material and whether such soil
installation. deformation could concentrate in thin levels of a
silty-sandy nature.
Therefore a much simplified situation was
6. STABILITY ANALYSES considered: a steep, 9 m-deep slope, progressively
excavated in an elasto-plastic homogeneous material
In order to better investigate the causes of the (Fig. 6). A marked anisotropy was introduced as a
measured soil displacements and predict possible layer with no cohesion and an inclination of 10" with
further movements, two separate analyses were respect to the horizontal, like the existing bedding
performed. planes. Such model provides, as a consequence of
The first applied standard limit equilibrium the unloading phase, total horizontal displacements
methods to the slope stability analysis of section X- up to 10 cm and relative movements concentrated in
X', taking into consideration the following three slip correspondence of the silty interface; these relative
surfaces (see Fig. 4): surface 1 essentially displacements tend to progressively reduce, moving
corresponds to the two units interface, surface 2 is from the face of the excavation towards inside the
the expression of shallower movements recorded soil mass, for a length of about 5 m, in good
both by the inclinometer and on the face of the agreement with what observed on site.
excavation, finally surface 3 concerns the whole
slope and is related to the deep-seated movements
which developed within the Unit B. For each slip 7. CONCLUSIONS
surface the factor of safety towards slope instability
was calculated with reference to the original soil The geotechnical engineering aspects of a deep,
profile (before the excavation) and the final situation complex excavation into an urban hillside in the
(end of works), with and without the ground Republic of San Marino were presented. The soil to
anchors. For the inclined concentrated forces applied be excavated was principally a highly over-

Figure 6. Horizontal displacemeiits induced by the excavation of a 9 in-deep slope (FEM analysis).

consolidated, stiff, silty clay, overlain by a few Those strains, in a strongly anisotropic material, tend
metres-thick layer of the same material, but softened to concentrate on the weaker layers, like the bedding
and weathered. planes or the silty lenses trapped within the clayey
The particular interest of this case-history is in the matrix.
analysis of the possible causes of the soil movements On the other hand, surface evidence like the road
which had been detected during the excavation pavement cracks are to be related to much shallower
work, both on the cutting face and on the pavement slope movements (also measured by the
of the major road running immediately above the inclinometers), probably situated at the two units
hillside. Previous shallow slope iiioveinents had interface. Slope stability analyses have confirmed
already occurred and question arose whether the new that the actual factor of safety is considerably lower
displacement evidence was to be related to the in this case and can be further reduced by the
reactivation of an ancient deep-seated slip surface or, possible creation of a temporary perched water table.
more simply, to the stress level reduction induced by However, these shallow slope movements had
the excavation. already occurred previously and were just reactivated
The displacemeiits of the bored-pile wall top edge, by the major excavation work: once the wall was
through topographic surveys, as well as the soil completed and all the ground anchors installed, they
movements behind the wall, through the installation clearly stopped.
of three inclinometers, were continuously monitored Such topographic and stratigraphic situation,
and carefully kept under control during the coupled with congested urban development, is quite
excavation. Total displaceinents greater than 30 nim coinnion in San Marino and the surrounding region
were measured at the surface level, mostly before the and similar deep excavations have often to be
ground anchors installation and, now that work is realised. It is hoped that the results of this study can
completed, they appear to be substantially help to achieve a satisfactory and safe construction
attenuated. and monitoring methodology.
Such important observation. together with the
results of the relevant limit equilibrium slope
stability analysis which provided factors of safety REFERENCES
well above unity and increasing with depth, would
suggest that major slope movements are unlikely to Bertuccioli P., Distefano D., Esu F., Federico G. (1992).
occur in these circumstances. The deep-seated Initial deforinatioiis of high cuts in overcoilsolidated
displacements, measured by the inclinometers within jointed clay. Proc. 6" ISL, Christchurch, vol. 11, pp.
the stiff clay, could be better interpreted (as well 1265-1270.
shown also by the schematic finite eleinent analysis Colleselli F., Colosimo P. (1 977). Coinportaiiiento di
performed) as the soil strains resulting from the argille plio-pleistoceiiiche in una faiesia del litorale
considerable stress level reduction caused by the adriatico. Riv. It. Geot., vol. XI, N.1, pp. 5-22.
excavation of a highly overconsolidated material.
Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang (( 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 905809 0795

Displacements of a slope in the Euganean Hills induced by quarrying

ABSTRACT: The paper concerns the evaluation of stability conditions of a landslide which occurred behind a
marl and limestone quarry located in the Euganean Hills, Northeastern Italy. The limit equilibrium conditions
of the landslide is evaluated. Then, an analysis of the displacements induced by the excavation together with
their backward-propagation effect on slope movements is performed using the finite element method. The
influence of some recent drainage works on the overall stability is also briefly discussed.

1 INTRODUCTION stability are probably of less importance compared

the intensive quarrying activity performed during the
The Euganean Hills rise isolated in the Venetian last decades.
alluvial plain, covering an area of about 120 km2 and The influence of human activity on the stability
reaching an altitude of 600m above mean sea level. conditions of a landslide, located in the south eastern
They are composed of sedimentary and eruptive area of the Euganean Hills and involving the
rocks, the former composed of limestone and mar1 colluvial cover, is analyzed and discussed in this
and the latter by basalst, ryolithes, trachytes and paper using both limit equilibrium and finite element
latites (Piccoli et al., 1975). method. The effects of some drainage works, carried
The marl and basalt formations are normally out recently in the most sliding zone, are also briefly
covered with layers of weathered clay materials. commented.
These colluvial materials, having sometimes a
thickness of up to several metres, show a precarious
equilibrium also on gently conformed slopes. A 2 LANDSLIDE CHARACTERIZATION
recent census of landslide movements singled out
about 140 unstable areas, corresponding to about 4% Figure 1 shows a general view of the landslide area.
of the total surface of the hills (Dal Pra et al., Features to note are: extension of the quarry and of
1995a,b). For example, during 1997 more than 60 the unstable zone; position of tension cracks and of
landslides of various size and importance were damaged houses (Ravarotto house, S. Lucia Chapel,
recorded (Mazzucato, 1998). ect.); location of water springs, irrigation wells and
These landslides are due to anthropic as well as drainage well; in-situ instrumentation such as
natural causes. piezometers and inclinometers; section A-A and B-B
Since about 2000 years, the morphology of the both considered in the analyses.
Euganean Hills has been intensively modified by
several types of human activities, among which the 2.1 Brief history of the landslide
most important is probably represented by open
quarries of mark and trachytes. The former are The quarrying activity was undertaken in the early
generally excavated from the toe of the slopes 1960s and continued until about 1986: at that time
whereas the latter from the volcanic outcrops. These the scarps reached an height of about 60 m with a
excavations involve sharp variations of the profiles slope of 20". During 1976, some small sliding
of the hills. movements involving the colluvial sheet were
Terracing for agricultural purposes, construction observed behind the top of the excavation front.
of new roads, changes of river paths or of the surface Again, in 1985 a larger failure with an extension of
drainage system also create alterations of the original about 1000 m2 occurred at the eastern border of the
profiles of the hills, but their effects on slope quarry. Thereafter, it was decided in 1985 by the

Figure 1. General view of the landslide area.

Mine and Quarry Regional Department to suspend altimetric shape of the limestone bedrock supporting
the excavation works and the scarps were re- the colluvial deposits.
profiled, as shown in the cross-section of Figure 2.
At the same time, the owners of some properties 2.3 Structural setting
located at the eastern border of the area, where the
rock outcrops emerge forming the Rusta Hill, Two types of sedimentary soft rock formations
complained about damage (i.e. cracks, fissures, wall characterize the investigated area: the “Scaglia
rotations, etc.) occurring to their houses. The Rossa” (marly limestone) and the Euganean Marl,
presence of tension cracks at the ground surface was whose emergences, having thickness of about 50 m,
also observed. Therefore an area of approximately can be observed in the quarrying zone. The soft rock
20,000 m2 was suspected to be active including a deposits slope in a east by south east direction with a
transitional sliding area around the quarry involving dip angle of 25-30”.
the whole detrital layer. The movements, occured On the basis of the in-situ investigations two cross-
along slightly sloping surfaces (8’- 10’) and sections were reconstructed as shown in Figure 2
continued at variable rate depending on hydrological (section A-A) and Figure 3 (section B-B).
site conditions. The possibility that quarrying works Section A-A was selected along the maximum slope
might influence the stability of the entire area, has direction whereas section B-B intersects the zone of
been and is still being debated. On the basis of the quarrying.
limit equilibrium analysis carried out since then it The thickness of the colluvial sheet does not exceed
appeared that no significant interaction between (about) 16 m in section A-A or 30 m in B-B. For
excavation and slope movements would have section B-B the ground surface and the bedrock are
occurred or would occur. counter-sloping in the proximity of the border of the
2.2 In-situ investigations
2.4 Laboratory tests
In order to characterize the nature and the extent of
this larger sliding movement, boreholes and Due to the nature of the overconsolidated detrital
geopyhsical tests were carried out in 1986. Some materials, mostly composed of weathered trachytic
results have been already reported (Aquater, 1986, elements (with dimensions up to several decimeters)
Favaretti et al., 1991). These investigations were in a clayey matrix, extensive undisturbed sampling
performed mainly with the aim to provide the plano- was not allowed. Nevertheless, some samples were

Figure 2. Cross section along the maximum slope.

Figure 3. Cross section intersecting the quarrying area.

taken and subjected to geotechnical laboratory tests, 2.5 Hydrological conditions

especially to determine shear strength parameters to
The ground water flow is relatively poor in the
be used in limit equilibrium analysis.
whole area and confined in the detrital materials
Atterberg limits were determined both on the detrital
cohesive matrix and on the altered marl. For the resting above the impermeable marly bedrock. On
matrix plasticity index ranges from 10% to 29% the basis of the geophysical investigations the
whereas for the marl from 20% to 29%. Liquid limit presence of an underground valley, delimited by two
lies in the range between 30% and 59% for the watersheds having an East West direction was noted.
cohesive matrix and between 43% and 53% for the This was also confirmed by the presence of some
altered marl. water springs located at the interface detrital
Residual shear strength was determined on a cover/marly bedrock in the southern part of the
cohesive fraction under 0.42 min by using quarry.
Bromhead's ring shear apparatus. Figure 4 shows the The ground water condition was monitored
results of the shear tests: note the higher values due throughout the observation by piezometers and
the clayey fraction composing the matrix of the wells, whose position is reported in Figure 1.
detritic colluvium (25"-3 1") compared to those of Figure 5 gives the results of the water level
the altered marl (16"-2 1"). Deforniability of colluvial measurements in the period December 1985 to May
material was estimated from some triaxial tests 1986 and, for some wells, during 1998. These latter
carried out on undisturbed samples as suggested by measurements were taken in order to veri@ the
Soranzo (1988). The average value of the elastic efficiency of drainage system constructed in 1997,
Young's modulus at stress levels compared to those consisting in a large well with sub-vertical
acting in-situ were approximately equal to 2035 microdrains departing radially from it.
MPa. More particularly, the Casagrande piezometers S2

24 1
Figure 4. Residual friction angles.

Figure 6. Displacements observed in inclinometers I1 and 12.


The limit equilibrium analyses were carried out

along A-A section (maximum slope) and along B-B
section (intersection with the quarry). The Bishop
simplified method was used considering residual
strength of altered mar1 (20") as the minimum
resistance parameter influencing the stability of the
slope (Trevisan, 1998). Two types of pore pressure
conditions were assumed: phreatic surface
corresponding to the maximum levels measured in
Figure 5. Ground water level measurements. piezometers and wells or coinciding with the slope
(i.e. fully saturated soils).
and s3 are located along the B-B section whereas In both cases the safety factor resulted greater than
wells W I and w2 are along section A-A. No pore the unity, approaching the instability condition in
pressure was measured in piezometer S 1. section A-A when the phreatic surface reaches the
on compar~sonwith the measurements taken in ground level. Therefore, it was presumed that the
early Spring 1986 and 1998 the influence of deep 'lipping movement occurred prevalently NEE-
drainage on the pore pressure can be appreciated. WSW direction as confirmed by inclinometric
2.6 Slope displacements
In the two boreholes S4-I1 and S5-I2 inclinometers 4 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS
were installed. Figure 6 reports the displacements,
ranging from 2 mm to 11 mm with a SW direction, In order to evaluate the effect of excavation on slope
measured from 24'h April to 25th May 1986. Despite movements, numerical analyses were carried with
the limited period of observation, it appeared that the BEFE (Beer, 1986). The material models used for
sliding surface lies around 14 m below ground level sedimentary bedrock and detrital sheet were linear
for I1 and 18 m for 12. Note that I1 is located close elastic and elastic-perfectly plastic respectively. In
to the most damaged buildings. this context, for the detrital materials it is assumed
that the effect of lithic elements present in the matrix
with relatively small percentage do not influence
significantly the deformability of the detrital cover.

Figure 7. Contours of horizontal (a) and vertical (b) displacements.

Elastic modulus for sedimentary rock was assumed 5 CONCLUSIONS

as suggested by Meigh (1976).
On the basis of site and laboratory investigations and A back-analysis of a landslide in the Euganean Hills,
on the above considerations, the following involving detrital materials, carried out with the limit
parameters were selected: equilibrium and finite element method was presented
* Detrital material: Young's modulus E=20 Mpa; in the paper.
Poisson's ratio ~ 0 . 3 0Friction
; angle @=20"; On the basis of the results of the limit equilibrium
Sedimentary bedrock: E=200 MPa; ~ 0 . 3 0 . analysis it seemed that no significant interaction
The mesh is composed of 8-node isoparametric between the landslide and the quarry could take
finite elements. Boundary elements were used at the place.
vertical and horizontal borders of the mesh. Figures The advantage of using a finite element approach
7a and 7b show the horizontal displacement contours was given by the possibility of considering the effect
spaced at intervals of 0.04 m and the vertical of excavation due to mar1 and limestone quarrying
displacement contours at 0.01 m, not only on the overall stability but also on slope
It can be observed that the swelling of the marly displacements.
bedrock induces a general heave of the whole area Therefore, it was shown that the influence of the
especially in the zone close to the quarry. Small excavation back-propagates, even though with small
vertical settlements, between 0.02 and 0.04 m, are movements, up to the upper border of the landslide,
calculated at the ground level in that zone where about 400 m far from the crest of the quarry.
some tension cracks were observed in the field (see Although the calculated displacements are
Figure 1). In the same zone horizontal displacements characterized by very small values (2-4 cm), these
at the ground, ranging from 0.01 to 0.02 my were are probably not negligible when shear stress levels
determined in the direction of the quarry. on pre-existing sliding surfaces are very close to
From numerical analyses, it appears that stress relief failure conditions.
due to the excavation propagated backwards up to Finally, on the basis of the last observations of the
the upper border of the landslide. Even though the displacements and pore pressure measurements, the
calculated displacements are characterized by small slope seems to be stabilized by the drain system
values, they should be taken into account if the recently constructed in the most damaged zone of the
landslide is in a residual condition along with pre- landslide.
existing sliding surfaces. In other words, the
landslide was probably so close to limit equilibrium
conditions that the stress variation due to the lateral REFERENCES
excavation behaves as external perturbation inducing
movements towards new stable slope configurations. Aquater, (1 986). Versante Ovest Monte Rusta - Condizioni di
Stabilita, Regione Veneto, p. 36.

Beer G. (1 984). BEFE - A combined Boundary-Finite Element
Computer Program. Advances in Engineering Sofiare, 6,
No. 2.
Favaretti M., Previatello P. & Soranzo, M. (1991). Stability
analysis of landslides occurred close to a mar1 and
limestone. Proc. of the Sixth Int. Symp. on Lanslides, Vol.
1, pp. 397-402.
Mazzucato A. (1998). Studio sulla franosita dei Colli Euganei.
MSc Thesis, University of Padova.
Meigh A. C. (1976). The Triassic rocks, with particular
reference to predicted and observed performance of some
major foundations. Rankine Lecture. Geotechnique, Vol.
26, NO. 3, pp. 391-452.
Piccoli G., Sedea R., Bellati R. & Di Lallo, E. (1975). Note
illustrative della Carta Geologica dei Colli Euganei. Societa
Cooperativa Tipografica, Padova.
Dal Pra A., Di Lallo, E., Passuto A., Sedea, R. & Silvano, S.
(1995a). Le frane nei colli euganei. University of Padova,
Mem. Sci. Geol. Vol. 47.
Dal Pra A., Di Lallo, E., Passuto A., Sedea, R. & Silvano, S.
(1 995b). Carta della franosita dei Colli Euganei. Cartografia
SELCA, Firenze.
Soranzo, M. (1988). Results and interpretation of multistage
triaxial compression tests. Advanced Triaxial Testing of Soil
and Rock. ASTM, STP 977, pp. 353-362.
Trevisan A. (1998). Analisi di un movimento franoso nei colli
Euganei Sud-occidentali. MSc Thesis, University of

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Stability evaluation of sliding failure along thin mudstone deposit due

to excavation

Y. Nakamura - AICO Company Limited, Japan

J. Kojima - Tokai Technology Center,Japan
S.Hanagata - Wakachiku Construction Company Limited, Japan
K. Narita & Y.Ohne -Department of Civil Engineering, Aichi Institute of Technology,Toyota,Japan

ABSTRACT: This paper concerns the mechanism of sliding failure along a thin layer of mudstone deposit
due to excavation. Some laboratory tests were carried out on both undisturbed and reconstituted samples of
the mudstone material to know its shear strength characteristics, especially on the relation among strength
values of the peak, residual and normally consolidated states. Stability evaluation was then conducted by
use of FEM and a conventional limit equilibrium approach in order to discuss accuracy and reliability of
the estimated behavior of the clay slope as compared to that observed in the field during excavation.


A large scale sliding failure happened to occur in a The sliding failure now under consideration took
project of land improvement due to excavation. A place in a project of land improvement of about
thin layer of mudstone deposit of 5 to 10cm thick 32.5ha in area. The land has a topography of gentle
lies beneath deposits of clay and gravel mixture of slope hill formed near a river, of about 40m in
about 10m thick, and a big slide took place through height, as illustrated in a plan view in Figure 1 and
this thin mudstone layer immediately after in the cross-sectional view of A-A in Figure 2a) .
excavation of talus and clay deposit, accompanying The profile of the hill is geologically composed of
large horizontal and vertical deformation of the a Tertiary mudstone deposit of Neogene period as a
order of 50cm to 150cm. Field investigation and bedrock, Tertiary deposits of porcelain clay and
survey conducted after failure revealed that the sand gravel overlying the bed, and a talus deposit
mudstone deposit lies with a very low angle to the of Quaternary on the hillside.
horizon and is considered to have some latent A big sliding failure of soil block of 150m
sliding planes which had been a cause of instability wide, 120m long and 8 to 10m deep took place
of the existing clay slope before excavation. immediately after the excavation of a part of talus
This paper concerns the mechanism of sliding and porcelain clay deposit, along a thin flat layer of
failure along a thin layer of mudstone deposit due mudstone deposit inclined with a very low angle of
to excavation. Some laboratory tests were carried 2 to 3 to the horizontal. This mudstone deposit
out on both undisturbed and reconstituted samples of 10 to 20cm thick lying beneath the porcelain
of the mudstone material to know its shear strength clay differs a little from the bedrock deposit,
characteristics, especially on the relationship among containing some kind of carbide, and a thin layer
strength values of the peak, residual and normally of chocolate color alterated clay of 5 to 10cm thick
consolidated states. Material tests were also is considered to be a potential slip surface in this
conducted on the clay deposit in order to estimate sliding failure.
stress-strain behavior of slope during failure and The sliding took place just after excavating the
lateral earth pressure acting in the field to promote clay deposit in 5 to 7m, and a large deformation
sliding. Stability evaluation was then conducted by was observed, as indicated by displacement vectors
use of FEM and a simple conventional approach of of point survey in Figure 1, in the horizontal and
limit equilibrium in order to discuss accuracy and vertical direction of the order of 50cm to 150cm in
reliability of the estimated behavior of the clay the duration of two months until a countermeasure
slope as compared to that observed in the field construction is completed by replacing a part of
during excavation. soil near the toe of the slope with crashed stone, as

shown in Figure 2c) . The land slide is thus Table 1. Physical properties of mudstone
characterized by a very flat and straight slip of a 2.7 1g/cmj
Density of solid particle:
soil block on along a polished latent sliding plane. Natural water content: 52.8%
Content of Sand: 4.2%
Silt: 30.6%
Clay: 65.2%
Liquid limit: 116.3%
Plastic limit: 31.1%
Plastic index: 85.2

3.1 Repeated loading direct shear test

In order to investigate the relationship between the
peak and residual strength of the material, direct
shear test was conducted on undisturbed samples
by applying shear force repeatedly from one side to
the other several times until the ultimate state of
shear failure is reached. The test was done under
CD condition: The sample was first submerged in a
week to be saturated state and consolidated in 24
hours under a constant vertical pressure, and then
loaded repeatedly up to * 6mm in horizontal
direction under a drained condition at the rate of
Figure 1. Plan view of sliding failure
Figure 3 shows an example of shear stress and
deformation relation curve in a repeated loading
under a vertical pressure of CI ~=200kPa.It is seen
that shear stress gradually decreases nearly at a
constant rate and tends to converge to a certain
ultimate state as the repeated loading proceeds. The
relation curves of shear stress and deformation are
again plotted in Figure 4 by taking as usual the
total absolute shear deformation on the abscissa.
Point of interests noticed in this figure is the fact
that the shear deformation until the peak strength is
reached is significantly smaller as compared to that
after peak to the ultimate state.

Figure 2. Cross sectional view along A-A



Laboratory shear strength tests were carried out on

both the undisturbed and reconstituted samples of
the alterated mudstone deposit to know its peak and
the ultimate residual strength values. Some physical
properties of the mudstone material are summarized
in Table 1. Figure 3. Stress-deformation in repeated loading

Shear stress and deformation curves obtained in the
test are hyperbola in shape as usually observed in a
normally consolidated clay and the maximum shear
stress at a large deformation was defined here as
the completely softened strength. Failure line thus
determined for the reconstituted sample is drawn in
Figure 5, indicating very small cohesion intercept,
similarly as normally consolidated clay, and rather
large angle of friction as compared to the residual
strength of the undisturbed samples.


In order to discuss stress and deformation behavior

Figure 4. Shear stress vs. total deformation and safety against sliding along the thin mudstone
deposit, a FEM elastic analysis of excavation is
conducted on the cross section presented in Figure
2a), which was obtained through site investigation
after failure. The solution of a simple self weight
analysis for the model with the original ground
surface before excavation is superposed with that
by an inverse load due to excavation. Deformation
parameters used in the analysis, some of them were
determined from the results of triaxial tests, are

taken to be 5MPa for the thin mudstone layer and
10 25MPa for overlain clay and gravel mixture.
Figure 6 shows distributions of the local factor
of safety (Fs) obtained at elements along the
surface of the thin mudstone layer for the original
configuration before excavation. The factor FS is
defined here as a ratio of the radius of the stress
circle at failure to that at the present state and was
evaluated for three different cases of strength
values ( c , @ ) presented in Figure 5; i.e., 0 Peak
Figure 5. Comparison of failure lines and @ Residual strength of the undisturbed sample,
and @ NC (normally consolidated) strength of the
reconstituted sample, respectively. Also shown in
Failure lines are drawn for the peak and the Figure 7 is distributions of FS calculated for the
residual strength in Figure 5, where the latter is configuration after excavation and filling of banks
defined here by the shear stress at deformation of on the gravel layer. Distributions of the maximum
200mm. It should be noted that the undisturbed shear stresses z mbl acting along the thin mudstone
samples have a certain small amount of cohesion layer before and after excavation are also plotted in
component in the peak strength, which is supposed Figure 8, together with the change in stress circles
to be constituted with its stress history in the field, before and after excavation at two representative
but it disappears by a large shear deformation in elements of No.10 and No.20 below the toe of the
the residual state. first and the second step of the excavated slope,
3.2 Direct shear test on reconstituted samples Discussions associated with these figures are
Direct shear strength tests were also carried out on summarized in the following.
the reconstituted slurry samples of the mudstone to 1)Distributions of FS before excavation in Figure 6
compare the strength value obtained above with are rather flat in shape for every case of ( c , @ )
that at compIetely softened state. The slurry sample under consideration. This suggests equal potential
of under 0.42mm was consolidated in a week with of sliding along the base, though the lowest value
its self weight and cut out and set in the shear box of FS appears near the toe of the original slope in
for a CD test under a specified vertical pressure. the case of residual strength.
2) Distributions of FS after excavation in Figure 7

demonstrate locations of higher potential of sliding slip plane: i.e., failure at No.10 element is largely
near the toe of the first and second step of the dependent on the loss of confining pressure, not at
excavated slope. The value of FS becomes below least on the increase in shear stresses, and that at
unity in the case of residual strength along two No.20 is mainly caused by an increase in shear
sections (1) and (2) near the above toes, where stress accompanied by a significant unbalance of
tension cracks were observed in the time sequence overburden weight due to excavation and filling.
as the 1st (1) and the 2nd (2) slide in the field. 4)Stability analysis was conducted by use of a
3)Distributions of T: mar in Figure 8, together with limit equilibrium method for two composite sliding
the change in stress states at No.10 and No.20 planes, which start in circles from the points where
elements before and after excavation, suggest the tension cracks were detected, running along straight
occurrence of different patterns of failure along the surface of the mudstone layer, and passing through
in circles again near No.10 element, as illustrated
in Figure 7. The values of safety factor for the 1st
small and the 2nd large sliding planes obtained in
three cases of ( c , @ ) are listed in Table 2. Very
low safety in the 1st slide, irrespective of strength
values, suggests higher potential of a local sliding
failure and is considered to be a threshold of the
overall big failure due to excavation.

Table 2. Safety factor based on limit equilibrium

0Peak @Residual @NC
1st 1.13 0.35 0.61
2nd 2.03 0.75 1.23
Figure 6. Distribution of FS before excavation

Although much more discussion is still required

on the mechanism of progressive nature of sliding
failure, for instance presented by Bjerrum 1967 and
Burland et al. 1977, some useful suggestions were
supplied in this paper on the stability evaluation of
sliding along a thin weak mudstone deposit.


FEM analysis can be a practically useful tool for

evaluating stability of sliding failure along a thin
mudstone deposit due to excavation, together with
the residual strength obtained in the repeated
loading direct shear test. Distributions of local
Figure 7. Distribution of FS after excavation factor of safety roughly indicate the position of
higher potential of sliding and stress circles at
elements along the failure plane suggest different
patterns of failure, which are supposed reasonable
to interpret sliding failure observed in the field.


Bjerrum,L. 1967. Progressive failure in slopes of

over-consolidated plastic clay and clay shales,
Proc ASCE, 93-SM5: 3-49.
Burland,J.B. et al. 1977. A study of ground
movement and progressive failure caused by a
deep excavation in Oxford Clay, Geotechnique,
Figure 8. Stress change before and after excavation 27-4: 557-591.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Appraisal of Bishop’s method of slope stability analysis

G.L.Sivakumar Babu & A.C. Bijoy

Department of Civil Engineering, lndian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

ABSTRACT: The stability of slopes is a major problem in geotechnical engineering. Of the methods
available for the analysis of soil slopes such as limit equilibrium methods, limit analysis and numerical
methods such as FEM and FDM, limit equilibrium methods are popular and generally used, owing to
their simplicity in formulation and in evaluating the overall factor of safety of slope. However limit
equilibrium methods possess certain disadvantages. They do not consider whether the slope is an
embankment or natural slope or an excavation and ignore the effect of incremental construction,
initial stress, stress strain behavior etc. In the work reported in this paper, a comparative study of actual
state of stress and actual factor of safety and Bishop’s factor of safety is performed. The actual factor of
safety is obtained by consideration of contours of mobilised shear strains. Using Bishop’s method of
slices, the critical slip surfaces of a number of soil slopes with different geometries are determined
and both the factors of safety are obtained. The actual normal stresses and shear stresses are determined
from finite difference formulation using FLAC (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continuaa) with Mohr-
Coulomb model. The comparative study is performed in terms of parameter Ac+ (= yH tan@). It is shown
that actual factor of safety is higher than Bishop’s factor of safety depending on slope angle and Lc+.

surfaces of a number of soil slopes with
different geometries are determined and both the
The stability of soil slopes is a common problem in
factors of safety are obtained. The actual normal
geotechnical engineering and is a topic of
stresses and shear stresses are determined from finite
considerable interest to engineers as well as
difference formulation using FLAC (Fast
researchers. Limit equilibrium methods, more
Lagrangian Analysis of Continua) with Mohr-
popularly Bishop’s simplified method provides a
Coulomb model.
simple means of evaluating the likelihood of failure
in many types of soils. These methods do not
consider whether the slope is an embankment or 2 LITERATURE REVIEW
natural slope or an excavation and ignore the
effect of incremental construction, initial stress, Duncan and Dunlop (1969) superimposed upon the
stress strain behavior etc and is likely that these finite element configuration of slope, the critical
methods predict the stability conservatively. In circular slip surface from which the limit
many situations, it is often advantageous to know the equilibrium solution was evaluated. From finite
margin of safety so that this information could be element solutions, the mobilised shear strength along
used in the event of additional stability measures. In the failure surface was averaged and compared with
the work reported in this paper, a comparative study the assigned value. The ratio was taken as the factor
of actual state of stress and actual factor of safety of safety against failure. Their results exceeded
and Bishop’s factor of safety is performed. The those of limit equilibrium by more than 20 % for a
actual factor of safety is obtained by consideration homogeneous and normally consolidated slope. Lo
of contours of mobilised shear strains. Using and Lee (1 973) analysed the behaviour of slope of a
Bishop’s method of slices, the critical slip strain softening material. The residual factor based

on Skempton’s concept was calculated. Their comparatively smaller (Fig. 1(a)). These contours
results show that the limit equilibrium solutions define a locus of points, which can be considered as
overestimated the actual factor of safety when peak the actual potential failure surface. The maximum
strength was used and underestimated when the levels of strain are at the toe and decrease towards
residual strength was considered. Limit equilibrium top and variations in strain levels are due to the
methods have certain disadvantages (Wright et al, overburden at different levels and hence the above
1973, Duncan and Dunlop, 1969. Lo and Lee, 1973, assumption is considered to be in order. Fig.1
Deschamps and Leonards, 1992) such as; a) the (a)shows a typical actual failure surface as defined
nature of arbitrary assumptions employed with by strain contours and Bishop’s critical slip surface.
regard to the determination of normal stresses and In order to calculate the stresses and strains in
shear stresses which are determined without due slopes, finite difference scheme using FLAC (Fast
consideration to the stress strain characteristics of Lagrangian Analysis of Continuaa) is employed and
soils and b) the factors of safety being one and the Mohr-Coulomb model is adopted for modeling
same for all slices. Wright et a1 (1973) made a material behavior. Fig. 1 (b) shows the distribution of
detailed study of these factors and examined the resultant displacements that are essentially along the
variations of normal stress and factors of safety actual failure surface. The soil parameters
along the potential failure surface as well as the considered are treated as effective and hence results
overall factor of safety using finite element method. are applicable to end of construction as well as long
The distribution of normal stresses by both the term stability of slope. Incremental construction with
Bishop’s simplified method and finite element 12 lifts is considered for each slope.
calculations assuming linear elastic for the material
of the slope were determined. It was observed that
variations were small. Variation of local factors of
safety along the potential failure surface assumed by
the Bishop’s method were studied and noted that
along one-third to one-half of potential surface
length, the factors of safety calculated were less than
the average values for the slope, according to linear
elastic theory. A comparative study of average
values of factor of safety was made and it was
shown that the values calculated from line of safety
stress distributions were marginally higher, varying
from 0 to 4.5 % depending on the value of
parameter hc,+(= yH tan$/c). Deschamps and
Leonards (1992) carried out a detailed study of slope
stability analysis considering a simple wedge
problem, comprising a slip surface with two planar Fig. 1(a)Typical actual failure surface as defined by
segments and one interslice plane and determined strain contours and Bishop’s critical slip surface
the bounds of all possible solutions satisfying
equilibrium and limiting shear strength and showed
that these bounds were greater than those determined
from conventional limit equilibrium analysis. In this
paper, calculation of actual factor of safety and its
comparison with the limit equilibrium methods
particularly, Bishop’s modified method is carried out
in the following manner.


Slopes on account of their geometry have induced

shear strains and the corresponding shear stress
within the soil mass on account of self weight. The
contours of the shear strain define a continuous band
of strain concentrations within the zone of Fig. 1 (b) Distribution of resultant displacements in
overstress. Out side this zone, the strains are the soil slope


Fig.:! (a) and 2(b) show the variation of shear stress,

shear strength and Fig.2(c) shows the variation of
local factor of safety along the slip surface for 1:l
slope of 6 m height with c = 10 kN/m2 and @ = 37’
and bulk density of 18 kN/m’. It can be observed
that local factors of safety calculated along the
Bishop’s failure surface and the surface defined by
maximum shear strain are marginally different. The
average factors of safety are also given for
comparison. The correspooding Bishop’s factor of
safety is 1.76 and is less‘rhan the actual factor of
safety. It can also be observed that at the toe, local
factors of safety are less than the average values of
actual factor of safety. The letters ‘a‘ and ‘b‘ in
figures denote the slip surfaces as per maximum Fig.:!(c) Variation of local factor of safety along
shear strain and Bishop’s failure surface respectively. failure surfaces( 1: 1 slope of 6 m height with c = 10
kN/m2, $ = 37’ and yb , 18 kN/m3).
The letter ‘c’ denotes the Bishop’s factor of safety
and is determined from conventional slope stability
program. The above approach is extended to a
number of soil slopes of different heights and slope
angles and actual and Bishop’s factors of safety are
determined. Factors of safety obtained by Bishop’s
method and factor of safety along the Bishop’s
failure surface are given for comparison. The results
are examined in terms of a dimensionless parameter
Ac$ (= yH tan4/c), where y is the unit weight, H is the
height of the slope, 4 is the angle of internal friction
and c is the cohesion. As indicated earlier, Wright et
a1 (1973) also used the above parameter for slope
Horizontal distance from the toe along the slip surface in r~
stability analysis. Figs. 3 and 4 shows the variation
of factors of safety with Fig. 3 and Fig.4 present
Fig.2(a) Variation of shear stress along failure
results for I : 1 (V:H) and 1.5:1 slopes respectively.
surfaces, (1: 1 slope of 6 m height with c = 10 kN/m’
Results clearly show that the actual factors of safety
and 4 = 37’ and Yb, 18 kN/m3).
are more than Bishop’s factor of safety varying from
10 to 48 % depending on the slope angle and LC$

Horizontal distance from the toe along the slip surface in m

Fig.2(b) Variation of shear strength along failure Fig.3 Variation of actual factor of safety with A,,
surfaces. for I : 1 slope

Fig.4 Variation of actual factor of safety with XC$
for 1S:l slope


In this paper, a critical examination of actual factors

of safety in slope stability analysis is undertaken. An
approach to evaluate the actual factor of safety in
terms of shear strains for soil slopes is suggested. It
is shown that the actual factors of slopes are more
than Bishop’s factors of safety to the extent of 10 to
48% depending on the slope angle and kC+.


Deschmaps, R.J. and G.A. Leonards (1992). A

study of slope stability analysis. Stability and
performance of slopes and embankments - 11,
Vol.l, Geotech STP: 3I(Eds. R.B. Seed and
R.W. Boulanger) 267-291.
Duncan, J. M. and P. Dunlop (1969). Slopes in
Stiff figured clays and shales. JI. Of SMFE,
ASCE 5, N0.2,467-492.
Lo, L.Y. and C.F. Lee (1973). Stress analysis and
slope stability in strain softening materials,
Geotechnique, 23 (I), 1-1 1.
Wright S.G., Kulhawy, F.H. and Duncan, J.M.
(1973). Accuracy of equilibrium slope stability
analysis, Journal of SMFE, Vol. 99, No. 10,783-

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang (c) 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 0795

A convenient alternative representation of Taylor's stability chart

R. Baker
Technion-lsruel Institute of Technology.ffctifu,Isruel
Kobe University, J q a n

ABSTRACT': The evaluation of slope stability using a notion of safety factor with respect to strength usually
requires iteration as long as the strength envelope is defined by more than one strength parameter. Use of
Taylor's stability chart provides a classical example of this situation. Practically performing this type of
iterations using Taylor's stability chart is time consuming and not convenient, particularly in the range of
small slope inclination where the stability number varies considerably with the friction angle,
Utilizing the information in Taylor's stability chart, it is possible to construct a design chart resulting with a
safety factor with respect to strength, which avoids the need for iteration. The key to this representation is
the use of a non-dimensional parameter h = c/(y H tan$ ) which represents essentially the ratio of cohesive to
frictional forces. In this representation, the parameter h and the slope inclination $ are the two independent
parameters. It is believed that the new stability chart provides a convenient tool for practical slope stability
calculation using Taylor's approach.


Taylor's stability chart, Taylor (1937), is still the Taylor's stability chart is a set of functions :
main tool for analyzing homogeneous slope stability SN = SN [P I@rnl
problems. Taylor's original derivation was based on
a modification of the friction circle assumption. This where S N = C and d- = tan-'
assumption can not be justified rigorously; however, Y HF
as noticed by Taylor himself, results obtained on are the stability number and a mobilized friction
this basis are practically identical with results based angle respectively;(c, @ } are the Mohr-Coulomb
on the assumption that slip surfaces are log-spirals. strength parameters cohesion and angle of internal
The log-spiral assumption can be justified on the friction; y is the unit weight, F is the safety factor
basis of the upper bound theorem of plasticity, with respect to shear strength, and {H, P } are the
Chen and Liu (1990). Alternatively, using a slope's height and inclination respectively. We use
variational approach, it can be shown that slip the convention that quantities written to the right of
surfaces yielding the minimal safety factors are log the vertical bar " 1 " are considered as constant given
spirals in homogeneous problems, Baker and Garber parameters; i.e. SN[f31@,] is a system of functions
(1 978) and Baker (1 98 1). Consequently, Taylor's depending on p, each one of which corresponds to a
results have rigorous theoretical support and it is different constant value of the mobilized friction
expected that his chart will continue to be used angle. The functions SN[P ($rnJ are obtained by
extensively in practical applications. specifying the general two dimensional function
Taylor presented his result in terms of mobilized SN[P, @m] to a constant value of $rn.
friction angles. This presentation makes it necessary The functions SN[P I@,,] are shown in Fig. 1. The
to use iterations in order to calculate a safety factor stability chart shown in this figure was obtained by
for a given slope. In the present work we derive an Baker (198 l), and it represents results for log-spiral
alternative representation of Taylor's results in slip surfaces (i.e. strictly speaking this figure is not
which safety factors can be established directly, Taylor's chart). However, for all practical purposes
without iterations. The wide-spread use of Taylor's the results shown in Fig. 1 are the same as those
results is expected to make such a representation a obtained by Taylor, and we will refer to Fig. 1 as the
useful design-aid. Taylor's stability chart (the angles along the right
vertical coordinates in this figure are the given values
surfaces passing through the toe of the slope
(the region CDEFC), and situation in which the
critical conditions are realized on "deep" slip
surfaces passing below the toe (the region
ABCFA). It is noted that the present definition of
shallow and deep solutions differs from the one
employed by Taylor. Taylor's classification is
related to the depth of the lowest point on the
slip surface, while the present classification is
related to the location of the starting point of the
slip surface. The utility of the present
classification is related to the fact that the
functions SN [p $I], have a slope discontinuity
Figure 1. Taylor' s Stability Chart along this boundary (see Fig 1). The end points C
and F of this boundary occur at (approximately),
It is instructive to note the following features of {8=52.5", (9m=O, S N ~ 0 . 1 8 )and { f ~ ( 9 ~ = 1 0SN
Figure 1: = 0).
1, The two dimensional function SN[p, (9m] is 4. Point E corresponds to the limiting situation in
defined only for p ~(9,,,, and it satisfies the limiting which $ = Qm= 90" and SN = 0. (9 values larger
relation SN[p I(9 ,] = 0. Considering the definition then approximately 50" are obviously not
of Taylor's stability number, it is clear that the realistic, however (9, depends also on F and if F <
only physically significant case in which SN can 1, it can have any value in the range 0 5(9m 590".
be equal to zero is if the cohesion c is equal to
zero. Consequently SN = 0 can be realized only in
cohesionless materials, and in that case the 3. TRANSFORMATIONS OF TAYLOR'S
definition of the mobilized friction angle implies REPRESENTATION
that the safety factor is given by F =
tan[@]/tan[p]. Consequently, for c = 0, Taylor's For the present purpose it is convenient to "invert"
stability chart is consistent with the result usually
obtained on the basis of the infinite slope Taylor's stability chart, representing it as a system
approximation in cohesionless material. of functions SN = SN[vm IS], where
2. Ta'ylor have shown that for (9, = 0 the horizontal
line BC in Fig. 1 represent situations is which the vm= tan[4,,,1= ?r-]
tan 4
as shown in Fig.2.
critical conditions are realized for infinitely deep
slip surfaces. In such situations the height of the
slope is negligible compared with the depth of the
slip surface, and the slope's inclination does not
affect the stability number if the slope inclination
is less then approximately 52.5'. In order to
eliminate this obviously unreasonable result,
Taylor postulated a rigid bed-rock at some finite
depth Df, and incorporated the effect of Df in his
stability chart. Baker (1981) has shown that
infinitely deep critical slip surfaces occur only if
(9m is identically equal to zero, (i.e. critical slip
surfaces have finite depth for all finite values of
@,,,). Figure 1 shows that SN depends on ((9m =
l", and critical slip surfaces associated with ( 9 m =
1" have a finite depth. It is noted that the small Figure 2. The functions SN [vm
(but non-zero) compressibility of water implies The "concentration point" A in Fig 2 corresponds to
that even for un-drained conditions (9m is not the horizontal line BC of Fig 1, and the dashed line
identically zero, and the "singularity" associated AB in this figure is the boundary between deep and
with (9, P 0 is not physically significant. In the shallow solutions in the "coordinates" (SN, q m }.
present work we choose to consider the Consider any one of the functions SN [ q m I@]
completely homogeneous case which does not shown in Fig. 2, and define the non-dimensional
include the effect of Df. uarameter h as:
5 . The dashed line CF in Fig 1 represents the
boundary between situations in which the critical
condition are associate with 'khallow" slip
Physically h represents the ratio of cohesive to

frictional forces. The definition of h implies that SN
= h q,,,and this relation plots as a straight line
through the origin in the coordinates (SN, q)m>as
shown in Fig. 3. Inspection of Fig 3 shows that for
each pair ( h, p} the intersection point A between
the functions SN = h q,,,and SN = SN [v,,,lp] can be
obtained by solving the non-linear equation SN
[ q m l B ] = A q m . Solving this equation yields qy,=q,
[A, 4, and it is possible to define a function GI [A,p]

Figure 3. The basic transformation The value of h does not depend on F (Eqn. l), and

Figure 4. The stability chart G [ hI p]

knowledge of G1 [A,B] = F/tan[@]makes it possible Figures 4 are the main result of the present work,
to calculate F without iterations (in essence solving and in the following section we discuss various
the non-linear equation SN [qmlp] = h q,,,replaces features of those figures.
the conventional iteration process).
Figure 3 shows that h = 0 is associated with SN = 0.
SN = 0 implies that c is equal to zero, and in that 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
case the safety factor is given by F = tan[$] / tan[P].
Introducing this result into the definition of G1 [A, a. The main advantage of the representation shown
p] shows that this function satisfies the limiting in Figs. 4 is that it allows evaluations of safety
relation G I [ h=O, p] = l/tan[p]. Figure 3 shows also factors without the need for iteration. In order to
that G1 [h I p] = 1/ q mincrease monotonically with illustrate the utility of this figure consider a 10m
h. Consequently, when h is small, the functions G1 slope, with an inclination of 1 to 4 (f3-14"), c =
[h,p] start at a large value (l/tan[P] ), and continues lOkPa, $=25" and y = 20 kN/m3 (these conditions
to increase with h, while large p values result with are typical of many clay embankments of small
small values of G1. It is convenient therefore to water reservoirs in Israel). For this input
normalize the functions G I [h I p] with respect to information Eqn. 1 gives h = c / (y H tan[$]) =
their values at h= 0, and define G [hIj3]-as: 0.1 1; interpolation in the first one of Figs 4 gives
G[h=O.11, p=14"] = 0.43, and using Eqn. 2
results with F = (G+l) tan[$]/tan[p] = 2.67. It is
noted that this result was obtained directly (i.e.
without iterations).

b. Consider the limiting case of c = 0. The definition

i.e. G represents the relative magnitude of safety of ( (Eqn. 2) shows that that c = 0 implies h=O,
factors in comparison with the limiting case of a and excluding the limiting case of p=9Oo (which is
cohesionless slope (subtracting the constant value considered below), Figs 4 show that G[h=O, f3] =
of 1 from the ratio F [$, c] / F [$Ic=O] is not 0. When G is equal to zero, Eqn. 2 yields the
essential, and it is introduced for plotting classical result F = tan[$]/tan[f3] which is known
convenience only. The definition of G guaranties to be valid for the limiting case of c = 0. For the
that G [h=0, f3] = 0 for all values of (3 (except f3 = present purpose the important point is that there
90" where G [h,f3] is not defined). is no need to use Figs. 4 in the vicinity of h=O
Figures 4 show the functions G [LIB] plotted in two where all the functions G [Alp] merge together,
different ranges of h values. Numbers along the top and when c is small enough it is possible to
and right hand side of this figure are slope calculate the safety factor directly as F =
inclinations f3. The dashed lines OA in Figs. 4 tan[$ ]/tan[ f3].
represent the boundary between deep and shallow c. The representation in Figs. 4 is not useful when
failure mechanisms (solution points below those (3=90" ( G [h, p=90"] -+ CO for all values of h

lines correspond to slip surfaces below the toe). except h=O where G [h=O, f3=90"] = 0).

Figure 5. Steep slopes

Figure 6. Limiting behavior of G[h I p] when h is large

Therefore in this particular case it is convenient to REFERENCES

present results in terms of the functions G I [Alp]
3 F / tan[@]as shown in Fig. 5. Figure 5 makes it
Baker R. and Garber M. (1978), Theoretical analysis
possible to evaluate safety factors without of the stability of slopes. Geotechnique. Vol. 28,
iterations in the limiting cases of vertical and NO. 4, pp. 395-41 1.
nearly vertical slopes.
d. Consider the limiting case of $=O, which is Baker R. (198 l), Tensile strength, tension cracks and
associated with h-. 03. Figure 6 illustrates stability of slopes. Soils and Foundations. Vol. 21,
behavior of the functions G [Alp] h is large; NO. 2, pp. 1-17.
showing that for such conditions G [hip] a[P] =(

h. It can be shown that Chen W.F. and Liu X.L. (1990), Limit Analysis in
Soil Mechanics (Developments in Geotechnical
Engineering Vol . 52). Elsevier Oxford, New-York,
where SN[pI$=O] is ihe limiting line ABCD in Tokyo.
Taylor's stability chart (Fig. 1). The validity of
this result is illustrated by the dotted lines in Fig. Taylor D. W. (1937 ), Stability of earth slopes.
6. It can be verified that in general G [ h l p ] a[P]
~ Jour. of Boston Soc. of Civil Eng. Vol. XXIV, No. 3,
h, so using the approximation G [LIP]= a[P] h pp. 197-246.
(which is valid only for large values of A), results
with a conservative estimate of safety factors.

Figures 4 and 6 make it possible to evaluate G [h, p]

for all pairs {A, p) (except p- 90" when the
analysis should be done in terms of the functions G,
[A, p] given in Fig. 5). As a result, it is possible to
calculate safety factors for all input variables {c, $,
p, y H} without the need for iterations. It is noted
that the presentations in Figs. 4, 5 and 6 contain the
same physical information as the classical stability
chart of Taylor (Fig. l), expressed in a different
(hopefully more convenient), way. Consequently,
the results presented in those figures suffer from the
same limitations as the original presentation of
Taylor (i.e. no external loads, constant strength
parameters, and dry or fully submerged slopes).

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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 6 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 905809 0795

Influence of stress-strain curves on safety factors and inter-slice forces

in FEM

A. Mochizulu & J.Xiong

nepurb?ient of Cilil Engineering, U n i l v i \it\ of rokushinin, Japun
M. Mikasa
Soil nrid Foumlotion Engineering Centei J q m i ~

ABSTRACT: The use of Limit equilibrium methods (LE-methods) over the past sixty years has proven them
to be reliable for evaluating potential danger of a slope. Recently, modeling the stresses and strains that
dcveIop within a slope has been an important area of research in civil engineering. The FE-method has been
used, however, this method has not been proven to be a reliable method for evaluating the degree of dangcr of
a slope. In thiy paper, the safety factor and inter-slice forces of a slope, which are obtained from the LE-
methods including two new methods presented by the authors, are compared to those obtained from the FE-
method. It is found that the safety factors obtained using the FE-method are in a range between values
obtained from the Bishop method and Modified Janbu method. This result shows that stress-strain curves
influence the safety factor of a slope even if soils have the same strength. Distributions of inter-slice forces
and normal forces obtained using the FE-method are similar to those obtained using the LE-methods.

1 INTRODUCTION Up to the present, however, the FE-method is yet

to be proven for accurate evaluation of the degree of
Fellenius et al. (1936) presented the original limit danger of a slope. In this paper, inter-slice forces
equilibrium method (LEM) for slope stability acting on slices of potential slip surface and safety
analysis which, today, is known as the ‘Swedish factors arc evaluated using the FE-method and LE-
method’. Following this, several methods based on methods. In the FE-method three types of stress-
the limit equilibrium of forces have been developed. strain curves with the same strength were employed
At present, the M&P-method is regarded as being in order to investigate the influence on safety factors.
the most reliable. Mochizuki et al. (1986)
presented the Advanced LE-method and Modified
Janbu method. Both methods are able to provide 2 INTRODUCTION OF TWO NEW LE-
accurate results with less computation than the M&P METHODS AND COMPARSION OF RESULTS
method. One failing of the LE-methods is the fact
that displacements in a slope are not considered. In a 2.1 The Modified Janbu method arid Advanced LE-
number of situations it is necessary to assess method.
potential danger of slope failure based on each stage
of slope deformation from stable to unstable states. Figure 1 shows inter-slice forccs acting on a slice in
As an alternative technique, the FE-method has a soil mass on a potential slip surface. Neutral
been used since 1970. Penmun et al. (1973) porewater pressure due to seepage flow, water table,
employed the FE-method successfully to evaluate or consolidation etc., are regarded as external
the displacements in dams. Following this, a number pressures acting on each surFace of slices in both
of studies concerning the FE-method have been methods.
carried out. These studies were discussed in J. M. The force, N, acting in a normal direction to a
Duncan’s paper (1996) entitled ‘State of Art: Limit potential slip surface is assumed to be acting at point
equilibrium and finite-element analysis of slope’. m, where the vertical line from the center of gravity
With regard to assessing potential danger of a slope of a slice crosses the potential slip surface. For
using the FE-method, Ugai (1993, 1995) presented seismic force, a lateral seismic coefficient, LY,~,is
results showing that the safety factors obtained using included in the quasi-static coefficient method.
2-D and 3-D FEM were almost the same as those of The Modified Janbu method (referred to in this
thc Swedish method in 2-D and 3-D systems paper as the MJ-method) employs formulas for the

safety factor of a slope from equilibrium of inter- assumed, and D in Eq. (4) is neglected as in Janbu’s
slice forces for both horizontal and vertical guide in his original method.
directions in addition to momentum equilibrium of
the forces at point tn. Height of the thrust line (h, in = -H tan P, - M h , / b + E[(h, - h, )/b - tan a ]
Fig.1) is assumed to be 1/3 of a slice height in the
MJ-method. The derivation process of the MJ- /b+(l-c)tana]+U(c
method is basically the same as that of the
Generalized Janbu method (Janbu 1973). Referring
-~,w[h,/b -< tanaj+D (4)
symbols are shown in Fig. 1.
Here, D = -AV(l- <)+ M(<tan cx - tan p, )

h,=h,s,/3 (51

Boundary conditions at both ends of a potential slip

surface are shown in Eq. (6):

The suffix of symbols in Eq. (6) denote slice number.

Thus, a safety factor of a potential slip surface can
be obtained when F , on the left-hand side of Eq. (3-
1) coincides with the assumed FJ on the right-hand
(l A V H , A H : inter-slice forces side of Eq. (3-2) under the conditions presented in
U,E: water force due to water pressure
h,hl: height of the action point of E,H
Eq. (6).
The safety factor using the Advanced LE-method
E / , i l : distance to the action point of U,N
(referred to as the ALE-method) can also be
Fig.l Forces acting on a slice obtained by solving Eq. (3). Here it is assumed that
the direction of “total surplus thrust force, F, on a ‘I

The safety factor of a slice is defined by Eq. (1). slice surface coincides with that of the thrust line,
instead of using Eq. (5). Here, totul surplus thrust
force is a vector composed of AV and A H , as
shown in Fig. 3, and calculated using Eq. (7).
Here, Sfrepresents the potential resistance force and
T represents mobilized shear force on the slip
surface. This has the same magnitude as the sliding
force with an inverse sign. By considering Eq. (9) can be obtained following the conditions of
equilibrium of €orces in directions parallel and Eq. (8).
normal to the potential slip surface, Eq. (2) is
cb + (W - AV -U coscr ) tan 4
~J(cos2a+sincrcosatan4/Ij,j The angle B,is defined by Eq. (lO), though the
angle in the MJ-method is defined as the angle from
- M - K,W - (W - AV)tancx (2) the horizontal. Smooth transference of surplus thrust
forces was assumed for each slice in the ALE-
Differentials of inter-slice forces A H and AV in method, rather than assuming V/H= 2 f(x) -
the above equation are shown in Fig 1. Taking (Morgenstern and Price, 1965).
ZH=O into consideration for all slices, Eq. (3) can
be presented as follows:

a +(W-A I/)sin a ]
F,=A/,z[( AE+K~~W)COS (3-1) 2.2 Comparison of solutions obtuined using LE-
[cb+(W-AV-Ucosa)tan@] (3-2)
A=C Table 1 presents known and unknown conditions,
[cosa + sin a tan $ / F , ]
and degree of redundancy for each LE-method. As
Momentum equilibrium of forces around point m the Infinite Slope method is the only one”’ with a
will give Eq. (4) with respect to V when Eq. (5) is statistically determinable system, it follows that

ccrtain assumptions must be introduced in the other obtained using the LE-methods wcre compared to
methods. It should be noted that the Generalized those obtained from the ALE-method in the bottom
Janbu method, the MJ-method, the M&P-method'r2 line of the table.
and the ALE-method have the same number of
unknown conditions. They also have the same Table 1 known-unknow conditions and degree of
number of known conditions, with the exception of a redundancy of the LE-methods
condition of 2 A H =O in the M&P-method. Taking stabil~tycomputation In-sliSwedishl Blshop GJ MBP MJ ALI
the above into account, it can be said that all these ;hape~tslipsurlace P C C NC NC NC NC
analysis methods are based on the same fundamental number oi slice I n n n n n n
principle. known concls.
1. Force acts on slice
Table 2 presents assumptions introduced into each (1) w 1 n n n n n n
method. The degree of redundancy coincides with 2. Boundary conds.
numbers of assumed conditions. The Swedish (1) Vi, Vn+l=KI 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2
method is thought to have a comparatively large - 2 2 2 2
crror in the safety factor because some inter-slice
forces are neglected in the formulas. 3. Safety factor I
Figure 2 shows the differences of thrust lines and (1) F 1 n i i n n n
safety factors by varyingf(x) and /1 in the M&P- 1.Total strcngth
method obtained by Whitman (1967). Fig.3 shows (1) s n n
5. Forcc acting on slice
the same solutions obtained using the ALE-method (1) N n n
and MJ-method. The obtained safety factor is almost (2) T n n
the same as, or slightly larger than, that of the M&P- -
(3) v n-1
method with a similar thrust line of slice forces (see (4) H n-1
(5) AV _I

n n 11 n n
Fig. 2 (1) and (2)). (6) AH - n n n n n
(7) h, - - n-1 n-1 n-1 n-1
?umberof unknowns 6 511-1 6n 'n-3) 711-1I 711-1 7n-
-ond. of sedundancy
5. Equilibrium of slice ,
'1)horizontal direction
)r slip surface direction 1 n n n n n n
'2)vertical direction or
iorrnal to the slip surface
lirection 1 n n n
'3) moment - - - n
7. Equilibrium of inter
Fig. 2 Solution by the M&P method slice force
(1) 2 AH=O 1 - 1
(2) 2 AV=O 1 - -
Table 3 shows safety factors of the slip surface 3. Total equilibrium
(I) H=O - -
from the LE-methods, including those of the two
new methods. The safety factor obtained using the (2) v=o
(3) M=O - (1)
Swedish method has the smallest value. The M&P- 3 . Strcngth formula
method provides a safety factor that has a range (1) Coulomb formula 1 n n
between the value calculated using the Bishop 10. Formula of safety factor
( I ) F=MR/MD - I
method and that of the ALE-method. Due to the
(2) F=S/T 1 - n
assumption that V=O and H=O, the Swedish method ( 3 ) Fl=I;,= ...=F,, , - - n-1 n-1 n-1 n-1 n-1
tends to estimate smaller normal forces for steep ,ootalof formulas 6 3i1+1 5n , 6n 6 n - 1 6n 6n
slopes, which results in a low safety factor. Iegreeofwdundancy 0 2n-2 n n-1 n n-i n-1
Computations by the Bishop method, which n-sl infinite slope P: plane C. cricular NC. non-cricular
assumes that A V d , result in a value of the safety
€actor between those given by the Swedish method The safety factors given by the Swedish method
and the MJ-method. The ratios of the safety factors and the Bishop inethod were 12% and 6% lower
respectively than those given by the ALE-method.
:*1:T h e Wedge method is also statistically determinable. Bishop noted that the safety factor given by his
'''2:One of the features of the M&P-method is that slope shape, simplified method was about 5% less than that from
slip surfacc, thrust liiic etc. can be replaced with appropriate his rigorous method (Bishop, 1955). Whitman et al.
fiinctions. T h i s enablcs problems of the slope to be treated in a (1967) reported that the Bishop method is subject to
morc gciieralizcd manner. 'This point, however, is not a errors of 7% or less compared with the M&P-
condition s h o w n in the table. method. Judging from the rate of F/F,, in the table,
the ALE-method provides almost the same solution
as that of other methods.

26 1
Fig. 3 Distribution of surplus thrust forces and inter-slice forces

Table 2 Assumptions used in the LE-methods

method shape of slip assuming number of assumptior
Swedish circular v=o n-1
H=O n-1
total 2n-2 Here, rigidity Go,, is E / 2 ( 1 i’ ? I ) , and Rf is a
Bishop circular V=O n constant for adjusting stress-strain curves of a
Original Janbu circular & assumed n-1 numerical model to those of test results.
non-circular relevant ht
Table 4 shows model parameters for thrce cases
M&P circular & V= f(x)H: n-1
non-circular n-1 of f(x) 1
of different stress-strain curves with the same
total n strength parameters, c and d. Case 1 and 3 havc
Modified Janbu circular & n-1 the smallest and thc largest slope stress-strain curves
non-circular h,=h,/3 respectively. The same slope as shown in Fig. 2 was
4dvanced Limit circular & adopted in the analysis. Stress-strain curves
Equilibrium non-circular V/ H=-tan /3 I n- 1 represented by the parameters in Table 4 are shown
in Fig. 4. The slopc was meshed by 222 iso-
parametric elements with 250 nodes. Eq. (13) shows
Table 3 Safety factors obtained using the LE-methods the definition of the safety factor used in the FE-
F, F, F,, F, FMKP method (see Fig. 5).
F 1.43 1.54 1.63 1.63 1.53-1.66
FE,, 0.88 0.94 1.0 - 0.94-1.02

met hod Case 1 2 3

c, ci, c=0.044 kgf/cm2(=4.3kPa), 0 =32‘
p, 2.0 t/m‘ (=19.6kN/m’)
E,, (kgf/cm’)*
Rf 0.8 0.8 0.9
In slope stability analysis the basic process involves
evaluation of T and o N(or N in Fig.l), which are
mobilized shear forces acting on a potential slip
surface and normal stresses, respectively (see Fig.1).
The potential resistance force on slip surface Sf is a
€unction of o,,,. On this basis, the FE-method is
considered to be valid for evaluating T and oN,
instead of using a LE-method.
In the FE-method a hyperbola-type model was
adopted for describing the stress-strain relationship
of soil. For simplicity, a Poison’s ratio of 0.4 is used,
assuming only volume shrinkage during shearing.
Elastic moduli in the model are defined by Eqs. (11) Fig4 Stress-stain curves for Casel,2 and 3
and (12).

Table 5 presents safety factors obtained using the
FE-method. Results from the ALE-method are also
shown in the table. Ratios of FFE/FAare shown in the
bottom line of the table. Case 1, with the gentlest
slope of the initial stress-strain curve, gives the
smallest safety factor, which coincides with that of
the Bishop method. The greatest safety factor is
given by Case 3, showing almost the equivalent
safety factor as that of the ALE-method. It is shown
that the safety factors differ due to the difference of
stress-strain curves.
Fig. 6 shows the distributions of safety factors
that are defined by Eq. (1) for each slice. In Case 2
and 3, the safety factors have the largest value at the
toe of a slope and reduce further away from the toe,
showing a feature of progressive failure of the slope.
However, in Casel, the value of the safety factor is
greatest near the top of the slope.

Case 1 2 3 F,
I?, r 1.54 1.63 1.64 1.63
F,JF,, 0.94 1.0 1.01 1.0 Fig.7 Inter-slice force obtained
using the FE-method

Fig. 5 The definition of safety factor

Fig.8 Inter-slice forces obtained

using the LE-methods

method were compared with those of the LE-

Fig.6 Safety factor distributions obtained methods (Figs. 7 and 8). In the solution of Case 1,
using the FE-method inter-slice forces and their differentials show similar
distributions to those obtained from the LE-methods.
However, solutions of Case 2 and 3 show some
Next, inter-slice forces H and V and their differences from those of the LE-methods. It is
differentials AH and A Vobtained using the FE-

supposed that the tension zone of the potential slip The present paper has shown that the FE-method
surface in Case 1 would yield. In Case 2 and 3 the is also practical for assessing the potential danger of
potential slip surface will move as a soil mass, then slopes.
values of +H and -I/ will not yield in the slice near
the top of the slope. Distributions of small
magnitude of +H in Case 2 and 3 is also one of the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The authors would like
features of the FE-method. to express their gratitude to Hirofumi Yumioka, who
Figure 9 shows a comparison of distributions of is master student of civil engineering in Tokushima
normal stress o N(=N/AZ) on the slip surface with University, for his help with the analysis.
those of the LE-methods. The n, calculated using
the FE-method is more scattered, showing larger
values than those obtained from the LE-methods. REFERENCES:
The stresses near the toe are obviously greater than Fellenius, W. (1936), Calculation of the Slability of Earth
[hose obtained from the LE-methods. However, the Darns, Second Congress on Large Dams, pp.445-462.
FE-method gives safety factor valves in a range Bishop, A.W.(1955), The Use of the Slip Circle in the
bctween those of the Bishop method and ALE- Stability Analysis of Slopes, Geotechnique, Vo1.5,
method. pp.7-17
Morgenstern, N. R. and Price, V.E. (1 9 6 3 , The Analysis of
'3: In the LE-methods, the solution is obtained assuming the the Stability of General Slip Surface, Geotechnique, Vol.
safety factors of slices arc all the samc, while in FE-method, 15, pp.79-93.
the safety factors of slices differ from each other. Whitman, R.V. and Bailey, W.A. (1967), Use of Computers
for Slope Stability Analysis, ASCE, SM4, pp.475-498.
Spencer, E. (1968), Effect of Tension on Stability of
Embankments, ASCE, SM5, pp.1159-1173.
Janbu, N. (1973), Slope Stability Computations,
Embankment-Dam Engineering, John Wiley & Sons,
Mochizuki, A., Mikasa, M. (1986), Two New Slice
Mcthods for Slope Stabillity Analysis, Journal of
Geotechnical Engineering, No. 370, IU-5, pp. 261-270.
Poulos, H. G., Booker, J. R., and Ring, G. J. (1972),
Siinplified calculation of embankment deformations,
Soils and Found., 'Tokyo, 12(4). pp. 1-17.
Penman, A., and Charles, A. (1073), Constructional
deformations in rockfill dam, J, Soil Mech and Found.
Fig.9 Comparison of 0 obtained using Div., ASCE, 99(2), pp.139-163.
the FE-method and the LE-methods H.Ida, K. Ugai, and T. Hagiwara. (1903), Analyses of 3-
dimensional slope failurc by FEM and the column
method, The 28th Japan national conference on soil
4. CONCLUSIONS mechanics and foundation engineering, Kobe, No.799, pp.
(1) The condition, equilibrium equations and degree K. Ugai, and D. Leshchinsky. (199S), Three-dimensional
of redundancy made in LE-methods including two limit equilibrium and finite element analyses: a
new methods were clarified in Table 1 and 2. comparison of results, Soils and Found.,Vol.35, No.4, pp.
Comparison of the safety factors provided by the 1-7.
LE-methods was shown in Table 3. J. M. Duncan. (1996), State of art: limit equilibrium and
(2) The FE-method was employed for evaluating finite-element analysis of slopes, Journal of geotechnical
stresses and safety factors under conditions of soils engineering, Vol. 122, No.7, July, 1996. ASCE, pp.
having the same shear strength but different stress- 577-596.
strain curves. The safety factors presented by the
FE-method were in a range between those of the
Bishop method and ALE-method (about the same as
the Modified Janbu method). It should be noted that
the safety factors depended on stress-strain curves of
(3) Inter-slice forces H and V and their differentials
AH and A V obtained from the FE-method showed
similar distributions as those of the LE-methods.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang (c) 1999Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Slope stability analysis considering the deformation of slices

'r'.Terado - TechrzicdResearch L a ~ o r a t o Japan
r ~ Foundation Engineering Company Limited, Tokyo,Japi~i
W. Hazarika -Department of Civil Engineering,M & u - uNutiorzal College of Technology,Kyoto, Japan
T.Yamazak_l- Technology Section, Japan Fottndation Engineering Company Limited, Tokyo,Japan
H. fliayamizu - Retired Faculty Chiha Institute of Technology,Japan

ABSTRACT: With the aim of developing an analysis method that can give a uniquc solution for slopc stability
problcms, finitc elemcnt formulation is incorporatcd in the existing mcthod of slopc stability analysis using
sliccs and a new numerical method is devised. in this mcthod, it was considcrcd that thc nodal displaccmcnts
develop along the sliding surface. Also, the shear force and the normal forcc acting on the slopc arc considcrcd
a s the nodal forces on an element. A relationship is dcrivcd rclating the two forccs so that thc ~ o h r - C o u l o m b
critcrion is satisfied.
~ i g h rcl~ablevalues
~y of the global factor of safety and thc external nodal forcc could bc o ~ t ~ ~ i from
n c d thc
present method of analysis comparcd to the cxisting slope stability analyses, which arc bascd on thc mcthod of
sliccs. Howcvcr, concerning the nodal disp~dcementstwo C ~ S C Swcrc obscrvcd: 1) whcn thc slopc docs not fail,
the valucs arc closc to those that conventional FEM givcs and 2) whcn therc is a failurc, dcpcnding on the
valucs of the global safcty factor, the dispIa~mcntmagnitudes diffcr grcatly from thc convcntional onc.

1 INTRODUCTION statically dctcrminatc systcm, and hcncc a uniquc

solution can bc obtained. It is also possiblc to
Thcrc arc many circumstances in natural slopcs, improvc the accuracy of thc rcsults by making the
compacted embankmcnts and excavations where thc sizc of thc planar clement smallcr.
civil enginccr must invcstigate the stability of a slope Sincc no stress analysis is pcrformcd for thc lower
by performing slopc stability analysis. Such analysis stable formation (bclow thc failcd mass) of thc slopc,
should, therefore, be as inscnsitive as possiblc, to 'a it is important to handlc thc discontinuous
priori' conditions. Existing rncthods of slope stability displacement that dcvclops bctwccn thc nodcs o f thc
analysis using sliccs (Bishop 1955, Janbu 1957) arc movablc sliccs and thc stablc formation. Normally,
bascd on the limit equilibrium thcorern, however, such discontinuity is takcn carc of by introducing
most of them rcndcr a statically i n d e t c ~ i n a t esystcm. joint clcmcnt in such boundarics. H o u w w , since thc
Thereforc, in order to obtain a unique solution it is forcc in thc nodc acting in thc dircction of thc slopc is
ncccssary to introducc an additional condition, Since d e t e r ~ i n e dby thc forcc acting pcrpcndicui~to thc
varictics of conditions can be imposcd, dcpcnding on slope, hcncc, it is not ncccssarily that thc problcm of
thc reasonableness of the imparted conditions, therc d ~ s c t ~ n t i ~ u displacement
ous can bc gottcn rid o f by
may be significant differences in the results. Thus, it the usc of joint clement.
is not possiblc to obtain rcliablc rcsults from thc In the present method, it was assumed that the
analyses based on the method of sliccs. nodal displacements develop along the sliding
The reason why the mcthod of sliccs rendcrs surfacc. The shear force acting along the slopc and
statically indeterminate system can bc attributed to the the normal force acting at right anglc to the slope are
fact that only the force and the moment acting on thc considcred as thc nodal forces. A rclationship is
slices arc considered with total disregard to the derived, by introducing a factor of safety betwecn thc
deformation developing in the sliccs. In this research, two forces, so that the Mohr-Coulomb critcrion is
in order to do away with the necessity of additi(~na1 satisfied ( ~ a y a m i1996, ~ Kojima et. a1 1997,
constraints, thc displaccmcnt and thc dcformation of Terado ct. a1 1998).
the sliccs arc takcn into considcration. In othcr words Thus, a ncw analysis method is developcd, based
thc slicc or thc portion of thc split slicc is considercd on the finite element method, by considering the
as a planar elcmcnt of a finitc clcmcnt assembly. I n slices thcmselves or thc portions of the split slices a s
this casc, since the forcc and thc momcnt cicvclopcd planar elements. The nodal displacements, the global
in each slice automatically forms thc cquilibrium, they factor of safety and other parameters were calculated
naturally satisfy the analysis condition of thc using the dcvelopcd method.
convcntional rncthods of sliccs as well. In addition
duc to thc abscncc o f any additional conditions a

Figurc 1. FEM discretization of a slope

nodal displacement and the nodal forcc of a typical

nodc k (Fig. 2) should satisfy thc conditions (a) and
(b) statcd below.
(a) Sincc nodal displacement develops along the slip
surface, the displacement in the x direction U2k-l
and the displaccment in thc y direction u2k is rclatcd
by the following relationship:

u2k = u2k-l tanek (2)

Hcrc, 8k is thc angle of inclination of thc slip surfacc

with respect to thc position of thc nodc.
(b) The forces acting between thc movablc slicc and
the stable formation undcrncath act on thc nodc a s
external nodal forccs. The rcaction forcc Nk
acting pcrpendicular to thc slip surfacc and thc
shear forcc Tk acting parallcl to thc slip s u r f x c
Figurc 2. Displaccmcnts and forccs acting on a obey thc relationship as in thc cxisting rncthods of
typical node slopc stability analysis using mcthod of sliccs.

Here, c k is the cohesive force at the node calculated
Figure 1 shows a typical finite element discretization from the distributed cohesion at the slip surface, Pk is
for a slopc stability problem using slices. As shown the nodal force due to the pore water pressure
in the figure, the failure mass is broken into a series generated inside the movable slice, @kis the angle of
of vertical sliccs. Each slice is again sub-divided into internal friction, and Fs is the global factor of safety.
planar triangular elements. If Kij is the stiffness of Conditions (a) and (b) render four unknowns:
each node of the planar element, thcn FE formulation U2k-1, U2k, Nk and Q. However, since we have
givcs the following relationship between the nodal
force Fi and the nodal displacement uj: two additional equations (Eqs. 2 & 3), ultimately w e
are left with only two unknowns: u2k-land Nk. Thc
external forces, F2k-1 and F2k, acting at the node k
in the x direction and the y direction respectively can
be calculated from thc forces Nk and Tk (see Fig. 2).
In Eq. (l),in general, if Fi is unknown, Uj is
known or the vice versa. Therefore, the number of
unknowns and the number of equations are equal and
hence a unique solution can be obtained. However, (4)
for the sclected problem rcprcsentcd in Figurc 1, thc

3.1 Finite element model

Here w k is the force component acting on the node k Numerical calculations wcrc pcrformcd for thc slopc
due to the self weight of the movable slice. shown in Figure 3. Thc wholc slopc was dividcd into
10 movable slices, and a finitc clcmcnt asscmbly was
The forces F2k-1 and F2k can be divided into a formed using each slicc as an clcmcnt. Thc triangular
known part and an unknpwn part. The known parts sliccs were takcn as triangular clcmcnts, while thc
arc newly referred as F,,-, and F,, , and can be quadrilateral sliccs wcrc trcatcd as fivc nodcd
written as follows: quadrilatcral elements. In addition, thc fifth nodc of
the five noded quadrilateral clcmcnt is madc to
coincide with the ccntcr of gravity of thc quadrilateral
slicc. For each clement thc following paramctcrs wcrc
Young's modulus, E = 50 Mpa
Poisson's ratio, Y = 0.35
Average unit wcight, p = 17.0 kN/m3
Distributcd cohcsion, c = 12.0 kPa
Thc unknown parts G2k-1 and G2k bccomc, The angle of intcrnal friction, $k = 16.3".

3.2 Method of analysis

It is worthwhile mentioning here some of thc

important points to be considcred while performing
the slope stability analysis using the developed
theory. A movable slice remains stationary unless the
Now, Eq. (1) is modified so that it satisfies the slopc fails. At that moment, the minimum valuc of
conditions (a) and (b). Denoting k as the node displacement at cach nodc does not ncccssarily
number of each node of the slip surfacc in the right bccomc zcro. Even though movement occurs in all
hand side of Eq. (I), and then using Eq. (2), the parts of a movable slicc, in ordcr to yield the rcsults
CXpreSSiOn ( K i 2k-1 Uzk-l+Ki 2 k u2k) bccomcs to the safe side, thc nodc at thc lowest part (node 28
in Fig. 3) of the failed mass was assumed to bc fixed.
(Ki2k-ltKi2ktanC)k)U2k-1. Thc CxprCSSion Also, thc value of global safety factor Fs should
(Ki2k-l+Ki2ktanOk) is then substituted into Eq. bc obtaincd from thc calculation. However, Fs
(l),and a new Ki 2k-1 is calculated. In addition, thc appears in many parts of the modified vcrsion of Eq.
following condition is introduccd: K i 2 k = 0 for all i . (I), and hence a trial and error m e t h d was adopted
Thcn, transfcrring G2k-1 and G2k from the left to by rcpcating the calculation using various values of
Fs. Thc correct valuc of Fs was assumcd as thc onc
the right hand side of the Eq. (l), and rcplacing all
that is obtaincd whcn the displacement at the bottom
U 2 k by Nk, the following rclations can bc obtaincd:
nodc (node 28) of thc failed mass becomes equal to

Eq. (1) thus can be modified as above which

yields a unique solution by rcndcring the number of
unknowns and the numbcr of cquations equal. Morc
cvcr, the weight of the planar clcmcnt wk,which acts
as an external forcc o n the rnovablc slice is
considered as thc resultant of the forccs Nk and Tk
acting betwccn thc movable slicc and the fixed layer
underneath. Thus, it represents a condition that is Figurc 3. FEM mcsh of thc slopc undcr considcration
similar to thc forcc boundary condition considcrcd in
the convcntional method of sliccs. I n the above
derivation, since it was assumcd that thc valuc of Tk
in Figure 2 is positive, the nodal displaccmcnt u 2 k - 1
should havc a ncgativc valuc.
4 RESULTS Tdblc 2. Nodal forcc and displacements for Casc I1
Nodc Reaction Displaccmcnt Displaccrnent
The numerical analyses were performed for two Nos. forcc, Nk in x dircction in y dircction
cases: Case I. Neglecting the pore water and Case 11. (kN/m) (cm) (cm)
Considering the pore water.
1 117.8 -14.82 -11.33
4.1 Slope without pore water 2 941.1 -15.82 -10.04
Table 1shows the results of the analysis for the case 5 2029.5 -1571 -8.24
I where the presence of the pore water in the slope 8 2564.8 -13.97 -5.97
was neglected. The corresponding global factor of
safety Fs was 1.08 for this calculation. 11 3208.9 -11.08 -3.76
14 3543.5 -7.84 -2.02
Tablc 1. Nodal force and displaccments for Casc I 17 3527.6 -4.69 -0.85
Nod e Reaction Displaccmcn t Displaccm cn t 20 3206.7 -2.21 -0.24
Nos. force, Nk in x direction in y direction 23 2527.7 -0.65 -0.02
(kN/m) (cm> (cm)
26 1696.3 -0.13 0.00
1 124.0 -14.18 -10.84 28 263.3 0.00 0.00
2 937.1 -15.07 -9.56
5 2024.4 -14.72 -7.72
cases is the same and thcrc is a critical point in thc
8 2582.2 -12.75 -5.45 failure surface at which thc rcaction attains thc
11 3240.6 -9.80 -3.33 maximum valuc.
In thc abovc calculation using the modificd finitc
14 3572.7 -6.67 -1.72 element formulation, thc valucs of thc cohcsion and
17 3539.4 -3.74 -0.68 thc friction anglc changc according to thc valucs of
thc global factor of safcty uscd. This rcsults in thc
20 3200.6 -1.57 -0.17 differencc of the magnitudcs of thc displaccmcnt and
23 2500.7 -0.30 -0.01 the external force shown in Tablc 1 and Tablc 2 from
thosc given by thc convcntional FEM analysis cvcn
26 1658.3 0.00 0.00 whcn the slope is stablc. This factor should bc notcd
28 241.5 0.00 0.00 while interpreting thc rcsults.

It is clcar from thc x and y dircctional

displacemcnts that dcpcnding on thc forces Nk and
Tk acting bctwccn thc movablc slicc and fixcd
formation the magnitudc of thc displaccmcnt varics.
Thc negativc valucs of all thc x dircctional
displacemcnts imply that thcrc was nothing wrong in
the assumption of thc direction of thc forcc Tk.

4.2S h p e with pore water

Tablc 2 shows thc rcsults for thc Casc 11, whcrc thc
porc watcr insidc thc elcmcnts is considcrcd. In this
casc, thc global factor of safcty, Fs is 0.937. For this
valuc of Fs, practically thc slopc will fail and hcncc
thc numcrical valucs shown in Tablc 2 can not bc
obtaincd as it is. Howcvcr, thc cohcsion c and thc
friction anglc & wcrc recalculated (dividing cach by
thc abovc valuc of Fs) and thc rcsults obtaincd using
thcsc ncw valucs arc shown in Tdbk 2.
Thc rclation bctwccn thc rcsultant displaccmcnt Figure 4. Variation of the reaction force with
and the reaction forcc along thc failurc surfiicc is displaccmcnt
shown in Figurc 4 for thc two casts considcrcd in
this rcscarch. It can bc sccn that thc trcnd for both thc

This rescarch has established that the use of the Finite
Element Method in the slope stability analysis using
slices yields a unique global safety factor without
imposing any additional conditions. In addition, this
has also made clear some points regarding
displaccments of the nodes of the movable slices,
which was one of the drawbacks of the existing slope
stability analysis based on method of slices. When
the global factor of safety is greater than 1.0, the
results are not much different from the conventional
method. When the global factor of safety is smaller
than 1.0 attention should be paid, as in that case fairly
large difference exists between the results obtained
and conventional method. Regarding the magnitude
of the force that develops between the movable slice
and the stable formation, it is seen that the present
method gives more accurate results as comparcd to
those from the existing methods of slices.
Furthermore, even while using a value of Young's
modulus for the elements different from that used in
the reported calculations, no differences of the valucs
of the global safety factor and the force developed
between the failed mass and the stable formation
underneath were found. However, the magnitude of
displacement showed an inverse relation to the values
of the Young modulus.

Bishop, A.W. 1955. Thc use of slip circle in thc
stability analysis of earth slopes. Ge~tecIzni~ue,5:
Hayamizu, H. 1996. A ncw analysis mcthod for
slope stability evaluation. In Teclznology and
Constructiorz: (Rcscarch Report of Japan
Foundation Enginccring Co. Ltd., Tokyo): 54(2):
76-8 1.
Janbu, N.1957. Earth pressure and bearing capacity
calculation by generalized procccturc of sliccs.
Proceeding of the 4th International Conference of
Soil ~ ~ c h a ~ and ~ i cF~Iundati~>i~
s Engi~~eering~,
London: 2 : 207-212.
Kojima, Y., Yamazaki, T., and H. Hayamizu 1997.
Slopc stability analysis incorporating slice
deformation - Part 1. ~ ~ ~ ) of cthee 32nd e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Annuul Coizference of .lupane.se Geotechnical
Society. 3: 1871-1872.
Lane, P.A. and Griffiths D.V. 1997. Finitc clcmcnt
slope stability analysis - why arc cnginccrs still
drawing circl cs . Proceedings of the Sixtlz
on urnerica1 ~ ~ ) d einl ~ s
~ ~ ~ t e ~ n a~,~ym~~o.siurn
Geomeclzanics. Montrcal, Canada: 589-593.
Tcrado, Y., Yamazaki, T., and H. Hayarnizu 1998.
Slopc stability analysis incorporating slicc
~eformation- Part If. P i - ~ > c e ~of ~ ~the
~ g33rd
Annual Coizfirencc of Jupuncse Ck~teclinicul
S>ciety. 3: 1707-1708.

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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang ic) 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Slope stability analysis using a spring attached to inter-slice planes

K. Kondo
Public Works Department, Aichi Prefecrural Governmenr,Nugoya, Jupun
S. Hayashi
Faculiy of Bioresources, Mie UniversiQ Japan

ABSTRACT: A new slope stability analysis method is proposed by using springs attached to the inter-slice
planes based on the limit equilibrium method(LEM), and an evaluation of this method on typical soil fail-
ure problems is discussed. The subject of slope stability analysis using the slice method based on LEM,
involves determination of the inclination angles of the inter-slice forces related with a statically indetermi-
nate problem. In the method proposed, the inter-slice forces including these angles and the overall safety
factor can be determined logically by deformations of the vertical slices, which are obtained from the
stress-strain relation of the soil and the limit equilibrium condition. Results obtained by this method satis@
the force and moment equilibrium conditions on each slice and the whole slope. This method can be applied
to most soil failure problems, even on a non-uniform ground surface.


The slice method based on the limit equilibrium

principle is the most common method for slope sta-
bility analysis. Various slice methods have been
proposed by Fellenius( 1936), Bishop( 1954),
Janbu ( 1955 ), Morgenstem-Price( 1965 ), Spencer
( 1967,1973) and others. However, owing to the
statically indeterminate nature of the problem, most
of these methods have done nothing but analyze by
only using groundless assumptions regarding
inter-slice forces.
For example, the Morgenstern-Price method
(MPM) and Spencer method( SPM) have been
based on a determinate state by using an additive of Figure 1 Situation of internal forces
unknown value( Sarma,1979, Imaizumi et al., 1988)
They satisfy the force and moment equilibrium con-
ditions on each slice and the whole slope, and as- the conventional methods is not clear, even for the
sume all acting inclination angles of inter-slice slope stability analysis.
forces( these hereafter will be called internal an- By the way, soil failure phenomena such as those
gles) to be set as usually parallel to each other as on a slope, footing and back-fill of a wall, are
shown in Figure 1 ( a ) . In an actual slope, the inter- caused mainly by soil shear failure. From the stand-
nal angles depend on the locations, as shown in point of mechanics, thou h these failures result
Figure 1 ( b ) . As a. matter of course, the results of from the same phenomena? Yamaguchi, 1990) , the
slope stability analyses are under the influence of slice methods are not usehl for soil failure phe-
the internal angles. Therefore, the appropriateness of nomena on the footing and the back-fill of a wall.
results obtained from the conventional methods The analysis of these requires other methods, be-
such as the MPM and SPM is not ascertained. The cause of the inability to determine the internal an-
bearing capacities whose correct values have al- gles with reasonable accuracy by the conventional
ready been known, are analyzed using conventional slice methods. It has been desired that these phe-
methods, and are high in errors( Hanssen, 1966). nomena can be dealt with uniformly by using one
This fact also indicates that the appropriateness of method (Imaizumi et al., 1986).

27 1
effective inter-slice force, Wi the self-weight of
slice, U1 and PI the total pore water pressure on the
base plane and on the left side inter-slice plane re-
spectively, QI the surcharge force, br the width of
the slice, 61’the internal angle of Zl’, Q I the incli-
nation angle between the tangent to the base plane
and the horizontal, w r the inclination angle of Qj,
SOZI( C I ~ b~
I sec Q I ) and ( NI’.tan q5 l?II the mo-
bilized shear strength owing to the cohesion and
friction angle on the base plane, LI and hrl vertical
distances of the acting position of Zl’ and P,from
the base plane respectively, Iiu, h’,Iv and IQ hori-
zontal distances of the gravity center and the acting
position of NI’, lJl and Qi from the left side
inter-slice plane respectively, hQ vertical distance of
the acting position of Ql from the acting position of
NI‘, where cnll’=clYFs, tan q5 )?I1 ’=tan q5 I YFs, Fs the
overall safety factor, cI’ and @ I ’ the cohesion and
the friction angle in terms of effective stress on the
base plane, du= ( b I - h )tan a I , dL=h tan a
By considering U * , whose direction is the mobi-
lized friction angle, dn,,‘, measured upward from
Figure 2 Several forces acting on a slice the base plane and considering 8 * , the sum of the
virtual work, wl, of the z-th slice can be obtained as
The aim of this paper is to propose a new slope
stability analysis method by using the slice method WI = U*. el

based on the limit equilibrium principle, and to dis-

cuss an evaluation of this method for typical soil
failure problems. This method is capable of deter-
mining the internal angles reasonably, and even re-
sults in accurate solutions for the problems of bear-
ing capacity and earth pressure. Therefore, this -cos( x I + 61 ’ )
cos! T6I-1’ 1
method can be widely applicable to soil failure -sin x I



In the slice methods such as MPM and SPM, to de-

Rr., = -cos q5 1n1
sin q5 ini
-cos x I
cos x I
-cos( x l - w l ) Ij T

rive the limit equilibrium formulas, the force and RM =

moment equilibrium conditions are usually em-
ployed in each slice. However, the principle of vir-
tual work can also make the derivation of the same
formulas as equivalent as the SPM. That is, the
force and moment equilibrium formulas using the
principle of virtual work can be derived from con-
sidering a virtual deformation without rotation, U * , where x i included in the above equation is q5 ml‘- Q i.
and a virtual rotatory deformation, 8 * , respectively. Eq. ( 1 ) must satis@ the following relational
Figure 2 shows the several forces involved in the equation concerning the principle of virtual work:
derivation of formulas. The acting position of the
effective force, NI’, normal to the base plane of the wi = 0 (2)
i-th slice is defined as the origin of the orthogonal
coordinates, and the coordinates of the acting Since U * and 8 * are not zero, and Eq. ( 2 ) has to
positions of several forces are defined as shown in be satisfied for all slices, the equilibrium formula of
Figure 2 In this figure, the definition of each vari- the whole slope is written as follows:
able of the i-th slice is as follows: Zj’: the left side
Figure 4 Deformation of slices in the SSM

Figure 3 Model of the SSM

planes. The plastic springs, N, normal to the base
plane and the sliders parallel to the base planes are
attached to the base plane. As for the deformation
of slices, the following are assumed:
where i1 is the number of slices. 1 )The slices are assumed to move basically parallel
Eq. ( 3 ) which is as equivalent as an equation in to the base and inter-slice planes. The rotational
the SPM, has the generality of the slice method. movement is not considered here.
From now on, this new formula will be useful as a 2)The moving direction of slices is employed to a
general formula of the vertical slice method, be- dilatancy angle while being in a plastic state on
cause it is impossible to derive it clearly and the inter-slice plane. The base plane is dealt with
quickly from the principle of virtual work. in the same way.
3)Soil mass is assumed to be isotropic.

3 2 Dejbrmation of slice based on the model
The subject of the slope stability analysis using the In the SSM, the deformations of slices are obtained
slice methods such as the SPM and MPM, deals from applying two forces (Zm‘,N‘) to spring-H
with how to determine internal angles This problem and spring-N, respectively
is caused due to the lack of a number of mechanical Considering the usual slope rising to the right
conditions as compared with the number of un- side, each slice being a base plane in the limit equi-
known values Accordingly, to add the new librium state moves downward to the left, shrinks
conditions, the new slope stability analysis method with Zm’ and then moves downward to the left side
utilizes springs attached to the inter-slice planes along the slip surface Shrinking upper slices also
( Kondo, Hayashi, 1997b ) This method hereafter slip downward to the left side on the slip surface
will be called the SSM (Slice Spring Method) following the lower moving slices If the inclination
The SSM adopts a new limit equilibrium formula angles of slip surfaces are all the same, namely, a
as mentioned above, and is equivalent to the SPM linear slip surface, a relatively vertical deformation
The SSM utilizes springs to determine the internal between the adjacent slices does not occur
angles which are impossible to determine reason- However, since the inclination angles of slip sur-
ably by the SPM or others Initial trial forces, faces usually become steep at upper sides of the
namely, the horizontal inter-slice forces, ZH~’,and slope, a relatively vertical deformation between the
NI’ are determined by the SPM Then the actual in- adjacent slices occurs due to a difference in the in-
ternal angles are yielded by a deformation of the clination angle of the base plane between the adja-
slices caused by action of the springs etc, intro- cent slices Furthermore, Ni’ caused by @,I’ ( 2 1 , ZI’,
ducing the stress-strain relationship attached to the etc which are acting on the slice, bring a sinking
inter-slice planes normal deformation to the base plane into the slices
The difference of the sinking deformation between
3.1 Model of SSM
the adjacent slices also yields a relatively vertical
Figure 3 shows the model of SSM to express the As mentioned above, two kinds of vertical defor-
characteristics of the soil mass as an elasto-plastic mation, which are caused by both moving of the
body. Regarding the slices as a rigid body, the hori- slices along slip surfaces and normal sinking of the
zontal elastic springs, H, and the vertical elasto- slices to the base planes, yield the relatively vertical
plastic springs, V, are attached to the inter-slice deformation, V I , as shown in Figure 4 This figure

indicates that point. P, which is stationary before the unique internal angle, can be derived from Eq
moving of slices, moves to different positions( Pi, ( 6 ) regarding k as the unknown variable While k,
P2) after this movement, and then by these defor- in the SPM needs to be assumed, the SSM does not
mations the relatively vertical deformation,,1'1 occurs need to assume k and 6 ~which ~ , can be provided
by an iterative calculation of the conditions of Eqs
3 3 b?rilml acting arigk of rrzter-slice force 6w ( 3 ),( 5 ) Namely, the SSM is also different from
the SPM in the usage of the scaling factor
In the SSM, the virtual acting angles of inter-slice
In the SSM, Rs derived from the force equilibri-
forces (these hereafter will be called virtual internal
um equation using 6,' and k derived from both the
angles, ~ D I) , are calculated before determining the
moment equilibrium equation and Eq ( 6 ) , are de-
internal angles, 6 Calculating 6D~ requires ZfIl'
termined by calculating both Eq ( 3 ) and Eq ( 5 )
and NI', which are obtained from the SPM assuming
with iteration until Fs and each 6,' converge
all the internal angles to be parallel Just after de-
During iteration, once transforming the inter-slice
termining these forces, the action of the springs
plane to a plastic state, 61'are the imposed angles
( H,N) diminished upon applying the forces
on the plastic state as follows
( ZH~',NI') to these springs ( H,N ) respectively, yield
V I as mentioned above Before determining 6 ~the~ ,
virtual internal shear force, ZDV~, needs to be ob-
tained from both 1'1 and the stress-strain relationship
of the spring-V as follows where 7b: the shear resistance force on the inter-
slice plane, Zvl: the vertical internal force.

where g the tangential spring constant of the 4 VERIFICATION OF SSM

spring-V, ml=( dl+dI -1 )/Hi,
HI the vertical length
of the left side inter-slice plane, (dl+dl+i) the ho-
To verify the SSM, the bearing capacities of which
rizontal length between the midpoints of adjacent the correct values are already known and of which
slices the results from using the conventional vertical slice
By determining ZDr.1, dol can be given as methods have much error, are computed using the
shown in Eq ( 5 ) , using ZH!'obtained from the SPM SSM. At the same time, computing by the SPM is
also performed to compare with the SSM.
A ground is considered for the bearing capacity
problem in which the parameters are given as c=l,
Details concerning the derivation process of 11, are @ soil unit weight y =0, footing width B=l
referred to in the paper by Kondo & Hayashi, and V ( Poisson's ratio) 4 3 . Namely, the value of
1997a. Nq is computed. The ground is divided into 5 slices
as shown in Figure 5 . The bearing capacity value
must be optimized for the geometry of the slip sur-
3.4 Computing Method of 8I ' face on Fs set to 1.0 (the tolerance is 10-4 ) . The
The internal angles 6 i ' satisfying the limit equilib- method of optimization employed is a quasi-New-
tonian method similar to that of Arai et al. ( 1985 ) .
rium conditions are obtained from Eq. ( 6 ), which
includes 8~ and the limit equilibrium in Eq.( 3 ) To search for an optimum geometry, the vertical 10-
concerning slope stability derived from the principle cations of slip surfaces are taken as variables along
of virtual work. the inter-slice planes. Also, the slip surfaces located
at the mid-vertical plane on the active and passive
earth pressure wedges are moved along the rupture
line of each wedge, and the tip of the rupture line
on the ground is moved along the ground surface.
The computed results are shown in Figure 5
where k is the scaling factor. In the SPM, the inter- comparing with those by others ( Hansen, 1966).
nal angles, 6 are derived from Eq. ( 7 ) with itera- The SPM gives 9.5 as the value of Nq and causes
tion regarding 8 as the unknown variable. an error of -45.6% as compared with the correct
value( 18.4) by Prandtl (Prandtl, 1921 ) . Though
t a n 6 I' = kl * tan8 (7) the SPM is known as an accurate method for slope
stability analysis, this method gives rise to much
where 8 : the scaling factor, kl: function that de- error because of being obliged to assume all the in-
scribes the manner in which the internal angle var- ternal angles to be parallel to each other( in this
ies across the slope. Usually, kl is taken as 1.0 case, 6 T'=l.26" ) . Contrarily, the SSM gives 19.6 as
owing to the inability to determine these angles the value of Nq, and causes an error of only 6.5%
individually. On the other hand, in the SSM, the as compared with the correct value. This error is the

Figure 5 Nq30" and slip surface shape obtained from several methods Figure 6 Nq by SSM

same as the one obtained from GLEM( Enoki, et a1 , ified by analyzing a model slope using the SSM
1991 ) , and much less than the one obtained from (Kondo, Hayashi, 1998 ) . At the same time, com-
the SPM Moreover, the internal angles on the puting by the SPM is performed to compare with
mid-vertical inter-slice planes of the active and pas- the SSM. Once anchor force is introduced into a
sive wedges are known as horizontal, because of slope, the internal angles are supposed to change
being in an active failure state under the footing, partially at and around the slice with the introduced
and being in a passive failure state adjacent to the anchor force. It is impossible for the conventional
footing Eventually, with these internal angles set to slice methods to properly estimate the change of
horizontal as the boundary condition (this hereafter these angles due to anchor force in the design of
will be called the horizontal boundary condition), anchor works to stabilize a slope. Therefore, the
the SSM still yields a more accurate value( 17 9, necessary anchor force, in other words, the safety
error=-2 7% ) factor and the slip surface to determine the position
Figure 6 draws the bearing capacity values of Nq of an anchor body, may not be able to be estimated
obtained from the SSM where the ground is divided properly. On the other hand, the SSM is supposed
into 6 slices with correct values( Prandtl ) (Kondo, to be able to estimate these properly, because of
Hayashi, 1997b) Results of the SSM are computed considering the slice deformations due to anchor
on the condition that v (Poisson's ratio) is given forces and then determining the internal angles
at 0 3 Figure 6 shows the values obtained from based on these deformations.
both conditions of the horizontal boundary and Figure 7 shows the model slope in which the pa-
without them rameters are given as @'=25.0",c'=9.982kN/m2, 7
Values of Nq by the SSM agree well with the =17.64kN/m3 and v =0.3. In the analysis to deter-
correct values by Prandtl Errors of these values mine the necessary anchor forces in which the safe-
without the horizontal boundary conditions are ty factor is 1.500, the directions of the five anchor
about 1% in c,6'=10"and 10% in $'=40" Given forces are assumed to be normal to the ground sur-
the horizontal boundary conditions, errors become face, and then the anchor is acting position, L,
less than 4% on the whole measuring from the left side inter-slice planes and is
The examination above by means of analyzing varied simultaneously to the upper side of the slope.
the bearing capacity indicates that the results ob- An optimization method which is the same as that
tained from the SSM are appropriate and the SSM in the above chapter is employed.
can be verified The computed results of slip surface shapes are
shown in Figure 7. Accompanied with increasing L,
the tops of slip surfaces have been moved toward
5 APPLICATION TO ANCHOR WORKS the center side of the slope, and the toe of these
have moved toward the opposite side of the slope.
A basic characteristic of anchor force variation de- Figure 8 indicates the difference and variations of
pending on the acting position of the anchor is clar- the necessary total anchor forces by the SSM and


The slice method is convenient for the actual prob-

lems because of its ability to deal with several
problems in which conditions are complicated.
However, the conventional slice method cannot es-
timate the internal forces properly, so that when the
anchor works and bearing capacity problem where
the internal angles vary widely depending on the
surcharge force, the conventional slice method has
much error. The proposed method( SSM) can esti-
mate the internal forces properly. While the SSM
cannot deal with a ground whose soil parameters
are not uniform, it can deal with a non-uniform
ground surface which is difficult for the limit anal-
Figure 7 Slip surfaces depending on acting location ysis and slip line methods to analyze. Therefore, the
SSM is capable of wide application to soil failure


Arai. K. and Tagyo, K. 1985 : Determination of noncircular

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Enoki, M. , Yagi, N., Yatabe, R. 1991 : Generalized limit
equilibrium method and its relation to slip line method.
Soils and Foundations, Vo1.3 1, No.2, pp. 1-13.
Hansen, J. B. 1966 : Comparison of methods for stability
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Imaizunu, S. and Yamaguch. H. 1986: Bearing capacities of
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Japanese 1.
Figure 8 Necessary anchor forces depending on Imaizumi. S.; Yamaguclu, H.,Oohasl~i,K.. 1988 : Stability
acting location (Fs=1.500) annlysis by the generalized slip surface. Tsuchi-to- Mso,
Vo1.36, No.5, pp.55-60 ( in Japanese).
Kondo, K. and Hayashi. S. 1997a : Slope stability analysis
SPM These forces increase with increasing L. The using the springs attached to the interslice plains, Journal
of Geotechnical Engineering, ,JSCE, No.561lIII -38,
tendency of its variation is linear in the SSM as pp.33-46 ( in Japanese).
compared with a curved line in the SPM The line Kondo. K. and Hayashi, S. 199% : Evaluation of the SS
of discontinuity at L=l Om is generated by changing method on typical soil failure problems, .Journal qf
the slice acted upon by the anchor forces accompa- Geotechnical Engineering, J Y E , No.5821III -3 1,
nied with increasing L. The necessary anchor forces pp. 137-149 ( i n Japanese) .
Kondo. K. and Hayashi. S. 1998 : Analytical study on the
by SSM are smaller than those by SPM The differ- location of anchor works to stabilize a slope, Journal qf
ence between the two methods increases with The Japan Society qf Erosion Control Engineering,
increasing I,, and is 2% at L=OOm and becomes Vol.50, No.5. pp.12-20 ( i n Japanese) .
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pp. 197( in Japanese ) .

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang cc) 7999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Three-dimensional stability analysis of locally loaded slopes

X.Q.Yang& S.X.He
Hubei Polytechnic University, Wuhan, People’s Republic of China
Z. D. Liu
Wuhun Universify of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering, People’s Republic of China

ABSTRACT: Stability analysis of locally loaded slopes is a complex three-dimensional research topic. Based
on limit analysis theory and three-dimensional failure mode, corresponding calculation method of local limit
surcharge on top surface of slope is proposed. By use of energy safety factor, some relations between slope
general stability and local stability are revealed for locally loaded slopes in this paper.

1 INTRODUCTION 2.1 Smaller local surcharge

When the local surcharge is smaller, it does not
Many practical geotechnical problems involving influence slope general stability. In such the
local surcharge on top surface of slopes require circumstances, the surcharge can be neglected, and
reasonable stability analysis evaluation. When the corresponding slope with no local surcharge can be
local surcharge is smaller, it does not influence slope used to study the slope general stability, as shown in
general stability. When the local surcharge is bigger, Figure 1.
it is proved by many geotechnical engineering
practices that dimension and location of the local
surcharge will control slope failure state, and local
three-dimensional slope failure will be easy induced.
Because of complexity of problem, beneficial
influence of two end failure surfaces is neglected,
and the slope with local surcharge is analysed by
means of two-dimensional methods, assuming the
surcharge of an infinite extent, this may lead to a
very conservative design.
Based on limit analysis theory (Chen 1975) and
some research results reported in literatures( Baligh Figure 1. General stability analysis of slope
1975. Hovland 1977 and Michalowski 1989), and
combined with energy safety factor(Yang et al. 1977 The slope general stability analysis can be
a,b), the paper gives out a further study about the regarded as a two-dimensional stability problem,. for
three-dimensional stability problem of slope with certain failure angle p, external force work rate W ~ . , I
local surcharge. done by weight of failure soil mass is expressed as

There is a slope with an infinite extent, its top surface Internal dissipative work rate J;,,,,, produced by
is horizontal, slope height is h. and slope angle is failure soil mass sliding along failure surface AD can
(9O”-~).Soilmass’s unit weight is r, cohesion and be obtained:
internal friction angle are C and p respectively. If the
soil mass satisfies Mohr-Coulomb yield criteria and = ChV cosiplsin p
W,,,; (2)
obeys associated flowing rule, then slope stability
analysis will be detailed under two kinds of local According to definition method of energy safety
surcharge conditions in the following sections. factor (Yang 1997 b ),the energy safety factor FS, of

Figure 2. local stability analysis of slope

the slope general stability can be gotten: mode of total three-dimensional sliding soil mass is
w ,,,I 2c cos p shown in Figure 2(b).
FS I =-=--. Based on some geometry relationships, weight W,
rh (ctgp - tgE) s i n ( p - p) sin p
W,YI of total three-dimensional failure soil mass can be
In order to calculate FSI,,,,,,
making dFS,/dpO, expressed as follows:
then critical failure angle p,,. has a following
relationship: w,= 1 rBH
(ctgP - t g E ) -
I-H =.
sin ,8
(ctgfl - tgE) (5)

Then external force work rate done by the W,

and local surcharge on top surface of the slope can be
Formula (4) coincides with failure angle derived
obtained :
by literature (Hunt 1986). For vertical slope (FO"),its
=45 p/2. O+
1 1
Putting p,, obtained by formula (4) into formula i r , z = [-I-BH '(ctgp - t g E ) - ; r H 3 *(ctgp - tgc)
2 3 sin ,8
( 3 ) then corresponding FSjlllll,
of the slope general
stability can be gotten. + 41bIC' sin( p - p) (6)
Just shown in Figure 2(b), area S, of bottom failure
2.2 Bigger local surcharge surface GEFK can be derived as follows:
If rectangular surcharge on top surface of slope is s,= H ( B s isin?
uniform, when the local surcharge is bigger, local
three-dimensional failure of slope is easy induced. as And area S, of end failure surface AEG(or DFK)
shown in Figure 2, corresponding failure angle p can can also be gotten:
be calculated by use of the relationship H2 2
tgpH/(g+b+HtgE). Under such the circumstances. s, = -{ 4 + 2(ct@-tg&)' -~

sliding velocity V of the total failure soil mass is 4 sin' pco? pco? E cos?E sin' pcos?E
shown in Figure 2 (a) and angle between velocity 'I I 1
- _ _ _ _ -, [ -(ct&- tg&)'l2}?
and sliding tangent GG'(or KK') of bottom failure COiE sin-p
surface GEFK is equal to 9.At the same time, GE
and KF are sliding tangents of two end failure Then internal dissipative work rate M', produced
surfaces AEG and DFK respectively. so angle along velocity discontinuity surfaces GEFK, AEG
between Vand GE(or KF) is also equal to p. Based and DFK can be expressed as follows:
on the construction of kinematically admissible W,,,' = C(S, - + 2 S 2 ) V c o s p
velocity field. such field has to comply with the
kinematical boundary conditions and compatibility
conditions, it can easy be conjectured that angle
between GE and GG'(or KF and KK') must be equal , q c t g p - &E)? 2 I
to p. corresponding lower-bound length EF of the ' cos2& sin2Pcos2& cos4&
three-dimensional failure soil mass should satisfy the
relationship B=I+2HtgpIsinp. If AE and DF. two (9)
failure lines exposed on the slant slope surface, are
vertical to the line AD, then GA and KD must be two Corresponding energy safety factor FS, of the local
failure lines exposed on top surface of the slope. three-dimensional stability has following relation-
According to above demonstrations. then the failure ship:

(1)When the local surcharge is smaller, it does not
influence the slope general stability, then energy
- safety factor of the slope with no local surcharge can
1 1
[T r-BH'(ctgp-tg~)- ~ r-H5*-(ctg,8-tgs)+y bI ] be obtained by formula (3): FS,,,,,,,=1.54, its
I J sinp PC,=45"+p/2=6Oo.
H(Bsinp- H tgp) H ' 2(ctgP- tgE)? (2)When the local surcharge is bigger, local
sin' p
+--E 2 sin' P C O4S ' ~ C O S ~ E+ COS'€ three-dimensional failure will be induced, then
qilllllll=148.88kPa can be calculated through trial and
error by formula ( I I ) , PC,=59.04O and H=5 m
corresponding to the q,,,,,,,,can be obtained respective-
In above formula(lO), making FS2=1,then limit (3) Putting &=59.04" and H=5 m into formula (IO),
rectangular uniform surcharge q,, can be obtained as then q=46 kPa corresponding to FS2,,,,=1.54 can also
follows: be gotten by trial and error.
Example I1 :Some vertical cohesive slope (c=Oo),
H(Bsinp- Htgq) H' 4 there is a rectangular uniform surcharge on its top
q,, = c sin' +-[
2 sin' pcos'qcos 'E
surface, its g=lm, b=2m, and I/b+x,other known
parameters are same as that of example I . Please
2(ct@ - tgs)? 2 1 give out q,,,,,,,and its 3/,
+ COS?€ sin'pcos?E COS4€ q,,,,,,,=36.53kPacan be calculated through trial and
error by formula (12), &,=59.04" and H=5m
corresponding to the q,ll,,lll can be obtained respective-
Example 111: Some vertical cohesive slope (FO"),
its top surface is horizontal , corresponding h=5 m ,
r=18 kN/m', C=20 kPa and ~ 3 0 " .There is a
rectangular uniform surcharge on top surface, its
If I / b - + x , i t means the surcharge with an infinite g=O, b=2m, and I=4m. Please give out q,,,,,, and its
extent, Putting B=I+2Htgp/sinp into the formula( 11 ),
then formula (12) can be derived:
(1)When the local surcharge is smaller, it does not
influence the slope general stability, then energy
CHcosq rH2 safety factor of the slope with no local surcharge can
--(ctgP- tgs)
= hsin psi@ - p) 2h (12) be obtained by formula (3): FS,,,,,=1.54, its
(2)When the local surcharge is bigger, local three-
To locally loaded slope, local three-dimensional dimensional failure will be induced , then
failure soil mass could be slided out either from toe q,,,,,,,=99..54kPacan be calculated through trial and
of the slope or from the slope surface, so it often error by formula (11)- ,8,,=61.93" and H=3.75 m
needs to calculate through trial and error by putting corresponding to the qrllnln can be obtained respective-
different values of H=cx h(a< I .O) into formula (1 1)
or formula (12), in which the selected value q~lmln is (3) Putting &=61.93" and H=3.75 m into formula
called limit rectangular uniform surcharge, and the (10), then q=43 kPa corresponding to FS21,1n=1 .54 can
failure angle corresponding to qllllllll
is named critical also be gotten by trial and error.
failure angle ,8, of the local three-dimensional failure Example I\/: Some slant slope ( F I O O ) , its top
soil mass. surface is horizontal , corresponding h=5 m , r=18
It can be proved that failure surface corresponding kN/m', C=20 kPa and ~ 3 0 " There . is a rectangular
to FS2,,,,,,derived by formula (10) is identical with uniform surcharge on top surface, its g=O.12m, b=2
failure surface corresponding to q,,,,,,,calculated by m, and I=4m. Please give out q,,,,,, and its p,,.
formula (1 1). (1)When the local surcharge is smaller, it does not
influence the slope general stability, then energy
safety factor of the slope with no local surcharge can
3 CALCULATION RESEARCHS be obtained by formula (3): FS,,,,,,=2.12, its pcr=(90"-
Et p)/2 =5 5".
Example I : Some vertical cohesive slope (~0"). its (2)When the local surcharge is bigger, local three-
top surface is horizontal, corresponding h=5m, dimensional failure will be induced, then q,,,,,
~=18kN/m', C=20kPa and ~ 3 0 " . There is a =172.46kPa can be calculated through trial and error
rectangular uniform surcharge on top surface, its by formula ( l l ) , ,8,,=54.77" and H=4 m
g=lni, b=2m, and I=4m. Please give out qLllnln and its corresponding to the qlllnln can be obtained respective-
P' I - ly.

Figure 3. local failure as distance g increases

(3) Putting ,3i ,= 54.77" and H=4 m into formula slope general stability and local stability for locally
(1 O), then q=42 kPa corresponding to FS2,n,n=2. 12 can loaded slope are detailed in this paper, corresponding
also be gotten by trial and error. local limit surcharge yu,,l,,tcan be given out by
According to above calculation results, some formula (1 1).
understanding can be summed up as follows: I t should be noted here that the local three-
(1)To locally loaded slope, there are general failure dimensional failure mode suits to a smaller distance g.
surface and local failure surface, When the local As the distance g increases, local three- dimensional
surcharge is smaller, for examples q646kPa in failure mechanisms will change and approach failure
example I , q G 3 k P a in example 111 and g inechanisms of shallow foLindations gradualfy, as
642kPa in example 1V. energy safety factor of slope shown in figure 3. When the distance g exceeds
general stability is smaller than that of slope local certain critical value, local surcharge on top surface
stability, then the stability will be controlled chiefly will have no any effects on the slope stability.
by slope general failure surface. As increasing of the
local surcharges, energy safety factor of slope general
stability is bigger than that of slope local stability, REFERENCES
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increases. method of safety factor and its application. In J.X.
( 5 ) By comparison between example I , example Yu~n(ed.~.coinp~ter methods and advances in geo-
111, and exampleIV, it is also shown clearly that the mechanics: 1625-1630. Rotterdam: Balkema.
local three-dimensional failure soil mass induced by
local load easy slides out from slope surface as
distance g decreases or as angle F increases.


Based on energy safety factor and local three-

dimensional failure mode. some relations between

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang (01999Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 0795

A lower-bound solution of earth pressure of cohesive backfill with inclined

slope surface

M. Luan & T. Nian - Depurtment c?fCivil Engineering and State Key Luborutor-y ( ~ C o a s t u l
and Oflyhore Engineering, D u l i m University of Technology, People’s Republic of China
c.E Lee & K.T Law - Depurmzent of Citil ancl Stmc~turulEngineering, Urzi~~ersip
of H m g Koizg,
People’s Republic of China
K.Ugai - Departnient of Civil Engineering, Gunmn Universitv, Kiryu, Japan
Q.Yang - Department of Ciiil Engineering. Dalian Vniiw-sityof Techology, People’s Rejmh/ic oj‘Chinu

ABSTRACT: Rankine’s theory of earth pressure cannot be directly employed to the backfill with an
inclined surface. For this practical case, it seems that there is no analytical solution available. In this paper, a
theoretical solution of active and passive earth pressures of cohesive backfill with an inclined surface is
developed on the basis of the lower-bound theorem of limit analysis. First a statically-equilibrium stress field
of the slope ground consisting of cohesive soils is constructed from elasticity theory. Then it is enforced to not
violate the Mohr-Coulomb yield condition. According to the lower-bound theorem of limit analysis, two
extreme values of lateral stress which respectively correspond to active and passive earth pressures will be
found and expressed in the superposition form. Based on numerical computations conducted for different
combinations of key parameters related to the problem, and the computed results useful for engineering
practice are given in tabular form.

1 INTRODUCTION In the case of active state of limit equilibrium

based on Rankine’s theory, the depth of surface
While analyzing stress conditions in the limit- tension cracks zo may be found by equating oa to
equilibrium state attained under self-weight in semi- zero as
infinite mass of cohesive soil, Rankine (1857)
presented following analytical formulae for
calculating lateral active and passive earth pressures
of cohesive backfill on retaining wall with a vertical
and smooth back and horizontal surface of backfill, A graphical method was presented by Terzaghi
(1943) for obtaining the lateral earth pressures of
p , = CT, = p k , - 2cJka cohesive soil in the case of backfill inclined at an
angle a to the horizontal. This method becomes
pP =O = p k P + 2J ~
kP rather tedious for solving practical retaining wall
P problems, since several Mohr’s circles of stress need
where p , and y,, are respectively the active and to be drawn for several points along the back of the
passive earth pressure given by Rankine’s theory, y retaining wall to determine the lateral active and
is bulk unit weight of soil, z is the depth to any soil passive earth pressures profile. At present, it seems
element on the vertical back of the retaining wall that there is no theoretical solution available. In this
from the level ground surface, c and qJ are cohesion paper, an analytical procedure for solving this
and internal friction angle of backfill soil, k, and problem is developed on the basis of the lower-
kp are respectively the active and passive earth bound theorem of limit analysis. Numerical
pressure coefficients based on Rankine’s theory with calculations are made for different combinations of
the following expressions related key parameters of the problem, e.g., friction
angle 4 of soil, inclination angle a of backfill
k, =-1-sin4 = tan;(:
1 + sin 4
- $) surface slope and non-dimensional ratio c / p of
cohesion to vertical self-weight stress. The
computed values of active and passive earth pressure
coefficients are given in tabular form for direct
applications in engineering practices.

28 1
2 FUNDAMENTAL AND FORMULATION expressions of the vertical stress o,and shear stress
z, satisfying the equilibrium conditions with the
Shown in Figure 1 is a typical differential soil strip lateral stress ox as an unknown variable,
element with the height of z and width dx cut from
the inclined earth slope. The bottom of the element
is designated to parallel to the slope surface. Their relevant principal stresses will have the
According to equilibrium conditions of forces, when
q=O, notice that the self-weight dW of the soil strip following values
element is given by dW = y t d x , normal reaction
force dN = dWcosa and shear force
dT = dW s i n a along the bottom surface can be /7\

expressed respectively as
CW = ytdxcosa, dT = p d x s i n a (4)
The stress field ( ox,oz,zn) or ( oI,oj) obtained
Notice dx = dl cosa , the average normal stress in this way is an equilibrium one which fulfills both
o = dN/d/ and shear stress z = d'/dl acted on the soil the equilibrium conditions within the soil domain of
strip bottom surface may respectively be written as slope and the stress boundary conditions. In
accordance with the concept of limit analysis, this
o=pcos2a, r=yirsinacosa (5) stress field will be a statically allowable stress field
if it everywhere doesn't violate the yield condition
such as Mohr-coulomb criteria. According to the
lower-bound theorem of limit analysis, the limit load
corresponding to the statically allowable stress field
will be a lower-bound estimation of its real ultimate
load. Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria can be
expressed in the form of principal stresses as
+ E
(oI--o3 (oI+~,)sin4 + c cos 4 (8)
By substituting Equation 7 into Equation 8, the
following relation can be formulated,
Figure 1. Stress state of soil in slopes.

Solving this equation yields two limit values of

horizontal stress ox in the statically allowable
Figure 2. Stress analysis of wedge. stress field
Referring to Figure 2, in order to determine the
vertical stress oz, lateral stress ox and shear stress
2, of soil in the slope in the limit-equilibrium state,
p P--
cos2$ ]
+ 2c tan 4F

the stress condition acted on the inclined cross

section of the differential element under
consideration is analyzed for obtaining the inter-
relationship among various components of stresses,
Further simplification of this equation will give two
o= + + ox)+ t (oz- ox)cos 2 a rxzsin 2a
(Uz - principal values of lateral stress o x ,i.e., horizontal
components o and cr, of passive earth pressure
p , and the acfive earth pressure p , . Referring to
z= (oz- ox)sin2a + zn cos2a
Figure 2 and Equation 6, it can be observed that the
Substituting the expressions of normal and shear passive and active earth pressures of backfill with
stresses (i.e., o and z) given by Equation 5 into inclined surface on the retaining wall will be parallel
above equations and rearranging lead to following to the slope surface and have the following values

Table 1. Comprehensive active and passive earth pressure coefficients values ( k,", k i )
for various combinations of 4 , a and c / p .

vertical and smooth interface, two principal values

of lateral earth pressure in infinite slope obtained
They can further be expressed in the superposition- above will be the active or passive earth pressure of
type form backfill with an inclined surface on retaining wall.
The optional sign in the above equations (e.g.,
Equations 10 and 11) will take the upper and lower
sign respectively for passive state and active state of
limit equilibrium. The first and second items in the
in which right side of Equation 10 respectively stand for earth
2sin2a c o s a - pressures caused by the self-weight and cohesion of
+ cohesive backfill on retaining wall. ky and kc are
cos2@ respectively referred to earth pressure coefficient
2 cos a (1 1 4
ca tan$!- due to the contributions of soil self-weight and
cos @ cohesion.
Setting p , in Equation 10 to be zero and making
a series of simplifications will yield a quadratic
equation with respect to tension-crack depth zo,
y 2 z," - 4 c y t a n @ z o- 4 c 2 = O
where ca is a factor that is dependent on the non-
dimensional ratio of the cohesion and self-weight- From this equation, the same value of the tension-
induced vertical stress of soil, crack depth zo as given by Equation 3 will be
obtained. It may be noted that the depth of the
tension crack is independent of backfill slope angle.
Especially, for the cohesionless backfill and
inclined slope surface, i.e., c=O and a g o , the
above formulae will be reduced to

It is supposed that the effect of the left-side soil mass

of any cross section in infinite slope on the right-side
soil is replaced by a rigid retaining wall with a

Table 2. Active earth pressure coefficients (kay,kac)for various combinations of 4, a and c / p .




which is the solution of Rankine's theory of earth

pressure for cohesionless backfill with inclined
surface. Furthermore for the cohesionless backfill

Table 3. Passive earth pressure coefficients (kp.,,kpc)for various combinations of (s , a and c / p




and horizontal surface, i.e., c=O and a=O, which is Rankine's formula of earth pressure for
cohesionless backfill with level surface.
(13) Equation 10 can be further expressed in the
comprehensive form as
three items of passive earth pressure coefficient
increase with increasing values of 4.

in which

Analytical expressions (see Equation 10 or Equation

where k,’ and k i are the comprehensive values of 14) of active and passive earth pressures of cohesive
active and passive earth pressure coefficients backfill on retaining walls with inclined surface of
respectively. Active earth pressure and passive earth backfill are developed based on the concept of
pressure given by numerical calculations are linearly lower-bound theorem of limit analysis. Combined
distributed along the depth z. with numerical calculations, both the branch values
and comprehensive values of active and passive
earth pressure coefficients for various combinations
of relevant key parameters, such as soil friction
3 NUMERICAL RESULTS AND ANALYSES angle 4, backfill surface slope inclination a and non-
dimensional ratio c/yz of cohesion and self-weight
According to Equations 11 and 15, numerical values vertical stress, are given in tabular form (see Tables
of comprehensive or branch active and passive earth 1-3). The active and passive earth pressures of
pressure coefficients are computed for various cohesive backfill on retaining walls with inclined
combinations of relevant key parameters such as soil surface can be conveniently achieved by the
friction angle 4, inclination angle a of backfill proposed formulae for practical applications.
surface slope, and non-dimensional ratio c / p of
cohesion and self-weight-induced stress of soil. The
corresponding results are presented in ta)ular form ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
and given in Tables 1-3. The negative k, values in
Table 1 show that tension develops within the soil The financial support from the Trans-Century
behind the wall leading to surface tension cracks in Training Programme Foundation for the Talents
the soil. If the tension cracks are filled with water, offered by the Ministry of Education of China for
hydrostatic pressures will develop on the wall. this study is gratefully acknowledged.
Subsequently, the tension components of active earth
pressure in Equation 10 should be removed.
Tables 1-3 together with Equation 10 or Equation REFERENCES
14 can be used for calculating earth pressures of
backfill on retaining wall with inclined cohesive Terzaghi, K. 1943. Theoretical Soil Mechanics. New
backfill (y-c-q5 type soil). For given values of friction York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 35-41.
angle 4 and surface slope a of backfill, with the
increase of the non-dimensional ratio c / p , both the
branch value k,,, due to soil self-weight and
comprehensive value k,* of active earth pressure
coefficients decrease while the branch value k,, due
to cohesion increases. However all the branch values
(i.e., kpyand kd) due to self-weight and cohesion of
soil and comprehensive value kpc of passive earth
pressure coefficient increase with increasing values
of c./ For given values of non-dimensional ratio
c / and~ friction angle 4 of soil, the branch value kay
due to self-weight and comprehensive value k,’ of
active earth pressure coefficients increase while the
branch value k,, resulting from soil cohesion
substantially decreases with the increase of backfill
surface slope inclination a. At the same time, all the
branch values kpy and kpc arising from self-weight
and cohesion of soil and comprehensive value k i of
passive earth pressure coefficients decrease with
increasing values of a. For given values of a and
c/p, two branch values and comprehensive value of
active earth pressure coefficients decrease, while all

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yarnagarni& Jiang 0 1999Balkerna, Rotterdam, ISBN 905809 079 5

Shear band formation and propagation in clay slopes

Luis E.Vallejo
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Pittsburg, Pa., USA

ABSTRACT: Stiff clays in the ground are highly overconsolidated, with lateral pressures several
times greater than the present overburden stress. When a cut is made in deposits of stiff clays, the
resulting stress relief causes the clay near the cut faces to exhibit large lateral movements towards
the face of the cut. Such movements lead to the concentration of stresses in regions close to the toe
of the cut, resulting in the formation of what is referred to as “shear band” or “toe crack” at the
base of the cut. The present study presents the results of laboratory and theoretical investigations
designed to understand the mechanics of formation and propagation of a shear band in vertical cuts
in clay. Laboratory tests on simulated vertical slopes in clay containing a small shear band (crack)
at their toe indicated that the shear band did not propagate in its own plane when subjected to a
combination of normal and shear stresses. Instead, the shear band or toe crack propagated in the
form of a secondary crack that developed an angle with respect to the plane of the shear band. This
study also presents a way to obtain the critical height of a cut in clay considering a failure surface
that is made of a shear band of small length at the base of the cut, a secondary crack at an angle
with the plane of the small shear band, and a tensile crack at the top of the cut.


The stability of a vertical cut made in a homogeneous

clay layer has been a subject of great interest to
geotechnical engineers. Fig. 1 indicates the failure
mechanisms used by geotechnical engineers to obtain
the critical height, H, at which the cut fails. The
first two mechanisms (I and 11) assumes the failure to
take place in a clay which is saturated and has an
angle of internal friction, 4 , equal to zero; a
cohesion, c , equal to the undrained shear strength,
cLl; and a unit weight, y , equal to its saturated
value. The third mechanism (HI) assumes the failure
to take place in a clay that have both, cohesion (c)
and friction(a), to resist failure. Mechanism (I) is
due to Coulomb (1 773) who calculated the cut to fail
when the height, H , reached a value equal to
(4cu/y ). Mechanism (11) is due to Taylor (1948)
who calculated the height at failure, H , to be equal to
(3.83cJy). Mechanism (111) is due to Lohnes and
Handy (1968). Mechanism (111) assumes a tensile
crack in the upper section of the cut. This tensile
crack joints a plane failure surface that starts at the
toe and is inclined at an angle (45 + @2) with the Fig. 1 Interpretation of the failure
horizontal. The height at failure, H ,can be obtained of a cut in clay.

from Eqs. (1) and (2).

F i g . 2 Shear band f o r m a t i o n i n a c u t
i n clay.

cause the walls of the crack to slide in the plane of

the crack. This is a sliding mode and represents the
mode IT type of cracking. Cracks can propagate in
The above mentioned mechanismsdo not consider materials as a result of one or a combination of the
the shear band or closed crack that develops at the toe two modes.
of the cut when the excavation is completed. The In the study conducted by Palmer and Rice (1963),
introduction of this toe crack in the stability analysis they indicated that even in the absence of
is vital for our understanding how vertical cuts in gravi~tionalinduced driving shear stresses, the
clay fail. magnitude of strain energy stored in a stiff clay
deposit plus the existing lateral earth pressures can
cause a shear band or toe crack formed right after a
2 SHEAR BAND DEVELOPMENT IN VERTICAL cut was made in the stiff clay to propagate inside the
CUTS IN CLAY slope. In the analyses presented by Palmer and Rice
(1973) and Bjerrum (1967), the propagation of the
Stiff clays and shales in the field are highly shear band was assumed to take place in a self-same
overconsolidated, with lateral pressures several times manner, “analogousto direct shear test conditions.’‘
grater than the present overburden. In London Clay Thai is, an initial horizontcrl cmck at the base of
deposits, Skempton (1961) measured lateral stresses vertical cut made in a horizotita? ground wotitd
that were in some instances equal to 2.5 times the advance into the intact material of the excavation
vertical overburden stresses. When a cutting is made I?orizontciIly (mode I1 type of crack propagation
in stiff clay deposits, the resuIting stress relief causes using the terminology of fracture mechanics) . Field
theclay near the cut face to exhibit large lateral work conducted by Biirland et al. (1977),indicates
movements (elastic rebound) towards the face of the that the self-same manner of propagatio~iof a crack
cut. Smith and Redlinger (1953) described how a 3 under mixed-mode type of loading (mode I plus
inch wide cut i n the Fort Union shale closed in about mode II) indeed occur in in a cut in Oxford clay
24 hours. Such movements in open cuts in stiff clay containing a shear band at the toe of this cut.
will lead to: (a) the formation of a “shear band” or However, Hutchinson (1972) found that horizontal
“toe crack” at the base of the cut (Bjerrum, 1967) notches at the toe of chalk cliffs in England did not
(Fig. 21,and (b) concen~rationand re-orientation of propagate inside the slope following the direction of
stresses in the region close to the toe of the cut. the plane of the notches. Hutchinson (1972)
established that the notches propagated in the form of
secondary failure surfaces that extended from the tip
3 SHEAR BAND PROPAGATION of the notches in a direction equal to 67 degrees with
the horizontal plane of the notches. Therefore, there
The propagation mechanics of the shear band which is field evidence contrary to the assumption advanced
forms at the toe of a cut immediately after it is made by Palmer and Rice ( 1973) that shear bands in slopes
in a layer of stiff clay has been the subject of various propagate following the direction of their own
studies (Christian and Whitman, 1969; Bjerrum, planes. The purpose of this study was to conduct a
1967; Palmer and Rice, 1973). Patmer and Rice laboratory study to clarify the shear band propagation
(1973) made their analysis of shear band propagation mechanism in slopes.
iii slopes made of stiff clay using fracture mechanics
According to Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics 3.1 Laboratory study involving shear bands in
(LEFM) theory, a crack or fissure in clay can be simulated clay slopes
stressed in three different modes (Broek, 1984).
Normal stresses to the crack walls give rise to the To better Linderstand how shear bands propagate at
mode I type of cracking. In this mode I, the the base of slopes, a laboratory and a theoretical
displacementsof the crack surfaces are perpendicular study using the principles of LEFM theory were
to the plane of the crack. In-plane shear stresses carried out. The laboratory study involved the use of

a prismatic clay sample containing a cut and a pre- the shear stress (T) on the plane of the closed crack
existing toe crack as shown in Fig. 3. The sample of were equal to 78 kPa and 45.7 kPa respectively. The
clay that simulates a vertical cut in a horizontal clay closed toe crack propagated in the clay sample in the
deposit, was subjected to stresses similar to the ones form of a secondary crack the extended from the tip
a vertical slope will experience in the field. This was of the pre-existing toe crack and deviated from its
done using the Plane Stress Direct Shear Apparatus original horizontal direction. This secondary crack
(PSDSA) described in detail in articles by Vallejo was inclined at an angle c( equal to 70 degrees from
(1987, 1991). The sample of clay with the planar the horizontal direction of the original toe crack (Fig.
dimensions shown in Fig. 3 and a thickness equal to 3) . This finding is contrary to the Bjerrum (1967)
3.18 cm was subjected in the PSDSA to a and Palmer and Rice (1973) assumption that states
combination of normal, on , and a lateral normal that when a shear band or closed toe crack at the base
of a slope is subjected to a combination of normal
stress, oh . The normal stress, o n ,simulates the and shear stresses, it will propagate in a direction that
gravity stress acting on the slope material, and the follows that of the plane of the shear band.
lateral normal stress, o h ,simulates the lateral earth
pressures. One can also obtain the shear stress, T , 3.2 Theoretical evaluation
acting on the clay in a direction parallel to the plane
of the crack (Fig. 3). This shear stress is obtained To evaluate the laborato~results shown in Fig. 3,
by dividing the known lateral force the maximum tangential stress criterion of LEFM
(oh x 5.13 cm x 3.18 cm) by the area on which it theory developed by Erdogan and Sih (1963) is
acts (8.76 c m x 3. 18 cm). The prismatic clay used. According to this criterion, the tangential
sample used in the experiment was cut from a larger stress, o0 , in the material located in the vicinity of
clay sample prepared by conso~idatin~ a soft mass of a crack subjected to a mixed mode type of loading
kaolinite clay in an oedometer 30 cm in diameter (normal and shear stresses) can be obtained from the
(Vallejo, 1987, 1988, 1989). The water content of following relationship (Ingraffea and Heuze, 1980)
the clay sample used for the crack propagation
experiment was equal to 27%. (Fig 4)

In the equations above r is the radius between the

tip of the crack and a point in the clay surrounding
the crack where the stresses are being measured, 0
is the angle that the radius r makes with the axis of
the crack (Fig. 4), and KI and KII are the stress

F i g . 3 L a b o r a t o r y e x p e r i m e n t of shear
band p r o p a g a t i o n i n a c u t i n c l a y .

During the experiment, the normal stress, oil ,

applied to the clay sample was equal to 40 kPa and
was kept constant ~hroiighoLitthe experiment. The
lateral stress was gradually increased until the toe
crack propgat4 in the sample. The application of
the 40 kPa on stress to the clay sample caused the toe
crack to doso. T/ZecIostJdroe c*rt~kpropagated in Fig* Stresses near Of shear
the sample when the lateral norinal stress (Oh ) and

intensity factors for an open crack under mode I and The solution of Q. [7] gives the angle of
mode II type of loading. These stress intensity propagation of the shear band or closcd cruck .The
factors are given by (Ingraffea and Heuze, 1980) theoretical value of the angle of crack propagation,
a , is equal to 70.5 degrees. The angle of crack
propagation in our simulated slope experiment was
KI = 1.1215 0, ( T c ) I I2 [41 equal to 70 degrees (Fig. 3). Thus, LEFM theory
has proved very effective for the interpretation of the
laboratory results on the propagation of shear bands.
and The theoretical findingsare also close to the field
findings by Hutchinson (1972) of notch propagation
in chalk cliffs in England. Hutchinson found the
KII = 1.1215 T ( T c ) 1I2 ~51 horizontal notches at the base of the cliffs to
propagate at 67 degrees with the horizontal. Thus,
the laboratory and field values of crack propagation
are validated by the maximum tangential stress
where on is the normal stress that acts criterion of fracture mechanics.
perpendicular to the plane of the open crack If the crack remains open, the angle of crack
(Figs. 3 and 4) and T is the shear stress that acts propagation, a , can be obtained from the following
parallel to the crack, and c is the length of the crack equation
in Figs. 3 and 4.
Erdogan and Sih (1963) have proposed the
hypothesis that crack extension in brittle materials sina + (KII/K1) ( 3 cos a - 1 ) =0 181
takes place in a direction in which o8 , given by
Q. 1 11 ,reaches its maximum value. That is, crack
extension will take place in a radial direction from its Using Q. [ 81, Fig. 5 was developed and shows
crack tip and that the direction of crack growth is the values of a for different values of the ratio
nonizul to the direction of the maximum tangential
(I<IrfiI). Using Q s . 14 and 51, the ratio (I<rIA<I) is
stress o8 (Fig. 4). Hence the direction of crack
also eqiial to the ratio (do).
propagation taking place when 8 reaches a value
equal to a is can be obtained after differentiationof
o8 with respect to 8 (d o8 / d 8 ). If this is done
the following relationship is obtained from which to
obtain a (Ingraffea and Heuze, 1980)

KI sina + KII ( 3 cos a - 1 ) = 0 161

where a is the value reached by 8 when crack

propagation takes place (Figs. 3 and 4).

3.3 Direction of crack propagation.

The direction of crack propagation, cx , can be

obtained by using Fq. 161 . @. 16) applies to an
opcv7 crctck. That is the stress intensity factors KI
and K 11 apply when the cmck is open. If the cmck
close.~as was the case of the laboratory experiment
depicted in Fig. 3, the stress intensity factor K I
becomes equal to zoro (Broek, 1984), and Elq. 16)
can be written as
F i g . 5 Angle of p r o p a g a t i o n of a s h e a r
band assumed open.

4. CRITICAL HEIGHT USING FRACTIJRE 2. A shear band at the toe of a vertical clay cut is
MECHANICS APPROACH subjected to a combination of normal and shear
stresses (mixed mode type of loading) and
The critical height for a vertical cut in clay with a propagates in the form of a secondary crack that
shear band of sincrll length at the toe of the cut, as grows from the tip of the shear band. This
well as a tensile crack at its upper surface can be secondary crack is inclined with respect to the
obtained very easily from a stability analysis of the direction of the plane of the shear band.
failing soil geometry shown in Fig. 6. This 3. The maximum tangential stress criterion from
geometry is very similar similar to that shown in Fig. LEFM theory predicted very well: (a) the type of
1 (mecanism 111). The only difference between the stresses (tensile) that caused the shear band to
mechanism 111 of Fig 1 and that shown in Fig. 6 is propagate, and (b) the direction of propagation of
the angle that the lower failure surface males with the shear band under the mixed-mode type of
the horizontal. For mechanism III of Fig. I , this loading. This result indicates the usefulness of
angle is equal to (45 + $12). For the failing geometry LEFM theory for understanding crack propagation in
clay slopes.
depicted in Fig. 6 this angle is equal to a . Values of 4. The critical height of a vertical cut with a shear
this angle a can be obtained from the plot shown in band or toe crack was influenced by the value of the
Fig. 5. From a simple slope stability analysis of the shear and normal stresses acting i n a direction
geometry depicted in Fig. 6 a relationship to obtain parallel and normal to the shear band.
the critical height H of the cut can be obtained. This
relationship is the following:
H= 4c -I,
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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Progressive failure analysis of slopes based on a LEM

Takuo Yamagarni & Jing-Cai Jiang

Depnrhnent of Civil Engineering, UniversiQ of Tokushirnu, Japan
Masakazu Taki
Fukken Conzpaizy Limited, Consulting Engineers, Hiroshinza, Jupnn
Satoiu Yarnabe
A ruig Limi Company Limited, Hyog o, J c p n

ABSTRACT: A new method for progressive failure analysis of slopes is presented, based on the variable local
factors of safety in the limit equilibrium approach. A local factor of safety is defined at the base of each slice,
and used to account for the progressive, local failure along a slip surface. It is also used to approximately
simulate the softening behavior of soil. The introduction of local factors of safety results in an increase of the
number of unknowns. In order to render the problem determinate, simplifying assumptions are simultaneously
made of the interslice forces and the line of thrust which are separately used in the Morgenstern-Price method
and the Janbu method. Two different techniques called AILC and AGLC are devised to deal with the local
factors of safety in the failure zones. The results of case studies show that the proposed approach can simulate
the actual behavior of progressive failure.

1 1NTRODUCTION lov's method, the number of equations is one more

than the number of unknowns, which makes the con-
In this paper, a slope stability analysis method con- ditions redundant. Chugh considers the variations of
sidering progressive failure is developed based on the the factor of safety (8, and stipulates the character-
limit equilibrium approach. A local factor of safety is istic hnction g(x) [F=g(x)T where T is the unknown
defined at the base of each slice to represent progres- scalar factor], but he fails to explain how to deter-
sive failure. Although the number of unknowns in- mine it.
On the other hand, FEM (e.g. Lo and Lee, 1973;
creases due to the local factors of safety, the problem
Potts ef al., 1990; Rowe, 1991), Discrete Element
can be easily made determinate through introducing Method (Chang, 1992), Discontinuous Deformation
simplifying assumptions. The softening of soil can al- Analysis (Huang & Ma, 1992) are all effective
so be taken into account in terms of local factors of methods for progressive failure analysis due to their
safety. Limit equilibrium equations are derived using available stress and strain fields. Nevertheless, these
the slice method. methods are complicated and the amount of compu-
In an actual slope, local yielding or failure initiated tation required is quite large. Furthermore, the initial
at some points gradually develops, and finally leads stress state and pore water pressure are difficult to
t o overall slope failure. This phenomenon is known determine in practice. Therefore, they have not been
as progressive failure (e.g. Skempton, 1964; Bjer- widely used.
rum, 1967; Bishop, 1971). The stress or strain levels In this paper we propose two different techniques
are non-uniform along the slip surface, so the factor to treat the local factors of safety after local failure
of safety varies from place to place as well. There- has occurred at some location: the AlLC method and
fore, the local factors of safety have to be used to the AGLC method. The former permits a local factor
express the progressive failure within the framework of safety to have a value less than unity, while the
of the limit equilibrium method. A single value factor latter does not. Once local failure takes place, the lo-
of safety, however, is assumed along the whole slip cally failed zone is in limiting equilibrium, that is, the
surface in conventional limit equilibrium methods. local factor of safety of the zone becomes equal to
Hence it is impossible to deal with progressive failure unity. Therefore, the latter method seems preferable
using such existing methods. from a physical standpoint, while the former still has
Law and Lumb (1978), Srbulov (1995), Chugh a mathematical significance.
(1 986) put forward limit equilibrium analysis consid- The following abbreviations are used in the main
ering progressive failure respectively. However, all body of this paper:
these methods are quite limited. Law and Lumb do L.F.S. = Local factor of safety
not take into account the interslice forces. In Srbu- L.Fs.S.= Local factors of safety

Table I The numbers of unknowns and equations

The number of unknowns The number of eauations ~~~

Nonnal force N at base of slice 11 Horizontal force equilibrium for each slice n
Location of nonnal force N n Vertical force equilibrium for each slice n
Shear force 5' at base of slice n Moment equilibrium for each slice n
Nonnal force E at interslice n- 1 Definition of local safety factor F n
Location of interslice force E n- 1 (F=RIS. R shear strength at base of slice)
(line of thrust) Location of normal force N (middle of base) n
Shear force X at interslice n- 1 Relation between interslice forces X and E n- 1
Local safety factor F a t base of slice n [X=;1f(x)q
An unknown parameter 1 Location of interslice force 11- 1

Total number of unknowns 7n-2 Total number of equations 7n-2

O.F.S. = Overall factor of safety


= M,-, + 0 L
[ALf(x)- 41 E,-,L, + e x + -b,2

L, + Kzx
As the slope stability problem is highly indeterminate,
some simplifying assumptions are necessary to make
the problem determinate In the present analysis, the where b,;x,-x, I and M,=E, (yt,-yJ,M, denotes a mo-
assumptions used in the Morgenstern-Price method ment of E, about the rightmost point of the base of
(1965) and the Janbu method (1957) are employed the z-th slice
simultaneously, namely one is the relations between
shear force X and normal force E on the interslice
faces, and the other is the acting points of normal
force E i e the line of thrust.
A typical slope, which is divided into n slices, is
illustrated in Fig 1. The forces acting on a slice are
also shown in this figure For such a slope, the num-
bers of unknowns and equations are summarized in
Table 1 We can see clearly from Table 1 that the
numbers of unknowns and equations are in corrspon-
dence; namely, the problem becomes determinate.
As for the detailed solution procedures, refer to (a) Potential sliding mass
our companion paper (Yamagami, Yamabe, Jiang &
Khan, 1999). The basic equations from which the
solutions can be obtained are as follows (see Fig. 2).

(b) Forces acting on an infinitesimal slice

Fig. 1 Forces acting on a slice Fig. 2 Diagram for formulation

in Fig.3. If the L.Fs.S. lie below or equal unity at a
portion of the slip surface, this means that local fail-
ure has occurred on that portion. Even under this
situation, no sliding as a whole will take place along
the slip surface unless the O.F.S. is smaller than
unity. It is true, however, that as long as the soil
mass above the slip surface is in equilibrium, the
factor of safety should be equal to unity on the lo-
cally failed zone. The reason for this is that the shear
forces become equal to the shear strengths on the
failed zones. Then, is a result wrong in which L.Fs.S.
are less than unity, e.g. those in Fig.3? The answer is
of course not. In short, the method of analysis ad-
dressed so far has allowed values of L.F.S. below
unity, while it meets all the equilibrium conditions for
the entire sliding soil mass. This approach, as will be
briefly discussed below, can be justified. Hereafter,
we call this method AILC: Analysis of Instantaneous
Loading Condition.
In the meantime, it is also necessary to establish an
approach in which once local failure takes place on
some part of the slip surface during the solution pro-
cess, the factor of safety for that part is kept at unity.
Slice number Hereafter we call this type of analysis method
(b) Local factors of safety AGLC: Analysis of Gradual Loading Condition, and
will explain its details in the following section.
Fig.3 Simple example problem
From Eq.[l] a value of El is determined with a In a stable slope, in which local failure has oc-
known value of El-). Substituting this value into curred at some location, shear stresses must be equal
Eq.[2] yields an equation which contains F; as the to shear strengths, i.e. the local factor of safety is in-
only unknown, enabling us to solve for P', iteratively. evitably equal to unity over the failed zone. An analy-
Solving the two equations for each slice thus sis method that satisfies this condition has been
provides local safety factors as well as the location of named as AGLC. In the following we propose an it-
the thrust line, interslice forces, and so forth. erative procedure of the AGLC which starts with the
The result of an illustrative example is given here solution of AJLC.
to demonstrate how the above procedure yields the The slices i to m in Fig.4 are assumed to have
solution Fig.3 (a) shows the configuration of a ho- L.Fs.S. less than or equal to unity as the result of the
mogeneous slope, a given slip surface and division of AILC. In other words, let's suppose that the part poq.
slices. The soil parameters used are y=19.6kN/m3, of a given slip surface AB has locally failed as the re-
cp=ci=2.56kPa, friction angle at peak strength $p = sult of AlLC. Suppose also that the L.F.S. of slicej
27.6" and friction angle at post-peak residual is the smallest of all the L.Fs.S.. In the schematic fig-
strength $i= 23.4.6' ($1l$~=0.85). Fig.3 (b) illustrates ure the locally failed slices occur continuously, but
the distribution of L.Fs.S. together with the overall
factor of safety. It can be seen from Fig.3 (b) that a
local failure zone where the L.Fs.S. are lower than
unity appears though its overall factor of safety is
1.129. This indicates that local failures may have al-
ready occurred at some locations even if the slope is
safe as a whole. Conventional single value factor of
safety analyses do not represent this essential phe-


The preceding procedure provides the L.Fs.S. dis- Fig.4 Schematic diagram illustrating a situation im-
tribution along a given slip surface just as can be seen mediately after solution of kdLC has been obtained

this is not a prerequisite. They may appear at discon-
tinuous locations without loss of generality.

First step
The iterative procedure starts with making the
factor of safety for slicej that has a minimum factor
of safety equal to unity. That is to say, computation
is made of the AILC on condition that c=l.O. More
specifically, starting with the first slice the procedure
of AILC described before is performed, and when ar-
riving at slicej, the factor of safety 6 is made equal
to unity, followed by the subsequent procedure. It is Fig.5 Schematic diagram showing a situation in which
essential that we treat the L.F.S. for slicej as known the first converged solution has been attained at
(l.O), whereas the rest of L.Fs.S. are all unknown. the end of the first step
Nothing else is otherwise different from the original
AILC. And when the last slice is reached, a check is
made of the boundary condition (En=O)at the right-
most end; if the condition is not satisfied, the process
is repeated until a converged solution (the first con-
verged solution) is obtained.

Secorid Step
Fig.5 shows schematically a situation in which the
first converged solution has been attained. Assume
that the slices above a part p q of the slip surface have
failed as the result of the First Step. The part p q does
not necessarily coincide with the initial failure zone
poqcj(slices i-n) in Fig.4. There might have occurred
discontinuous failure zones as well at this stage; Fig. 6 A schematic diagram illustrating
however, causing no problems at all. the second converged situation
Here, pay attention to the slice having the smallest
factor of safety again, e.g. slice k. This time we con-
duct a similar computation of AILC on condition that 4 CASESTUDY
fi;=l.O and Fk=l.O. Consequently, a new set of
L.Fs.S. will be obtained as a converged solution. The The Selset landslide (Skempton and Brown, 1961) is
third iteration is done in order to obtain the solution employed to show how the proposed method works.
in which, beside the two slicesj and k, a third slice, This landslide has been also solved by Law and
e.g. slice I, retains a factor of safety of 1.0. Ob vi- Lumb ( I 978) with their progressive failure analysis
ously, slice I possessed a minimum factor of safety method. Hence we omit showing the pre-slide slope
less than unity at the end of the second iteration pro- profile here.
cess (see Fig.6). Fig.7 illustrates the conditions employed for the
In this way, it is the AGLC method that renders analysis and the results obtained. As seen at each ba-
each factor of safety equal to unity one by one for the se of the slice in Fig 7(a), ru values are different from
slices in locally failed zones. The iteration processes one slice to another. These values have been read
are continued until no slices having factors of safety fiom the original flow net profile, while the r,, value
smaller than unity exist. Hence, all the L.Fs.S. are is a constant of 0.35 in Law and Lumb’s analysis.
greater than or equal to unity when a solution for the It is quite interesting as can be seen in Fig.7 that
AGLC is attained. both AILC and AGLC have predicted almost the
We may encounter a case where a converged so- same 0. F. S., but the distributions of L. Fs. S. are
lution cannot be obtained even after all the L.Fs.S. totally different. The result of AGLC is, of course,
have become equal to unity. This case suggests that physically much more reasonable.
the O.F.S. is less than unity and implies that com-
plete failure will take place along the slip surface un-
der consideration. The AGLC thus fails to provide 5 CONCLUDING REMARKS
the solution for this case; only the AULC may solve
these types of problems. Within the framework of the limit equilibrium ap-
proach, a progressive failure analysis method has

zone to be less than unity. In the AGLC method,
however, they are kept at unity based on an iterative
procedure starting with the solution of the AILC
method. Physically, the AGLC method is rational,
and indeed it has turned out through case studies that
this method provides highly accurate solutions. The
AGLC is, nevertheless, not available for a situation in
which the overall factor of safety will fall bellow
unity, i.e. complete failure is anticipated to occur.
The AILC method still holds for the situation. It has
also turned out that locations where local failures
take place and overall factors of safety predicted by
(a) Thrust lines for AILC and AGLC for Selset slope the AILC method approximately coincide with those
from the AGLC method.
The proposed method should be expanded in the
hture in order that it may search for the critical slip
surface that has the minimum overall factor of safety.
With regard to this, a possible way is to use the
AILC method in search of the location and shape of
the critical slip surface. And then the AGLC is ap-
plied to the critical slip surface so as to obtain de-
tailed solution. This is the subject for our fbture


The authors would like to thank Dr. D. Leshchinsky,

(b) Local factors of safety f?om AILC and AGLC Professor of Delaware University, for his kind review
and advice on the main parts of this paper.
Fig. 7 Selset slope failure
NOTES: The main contents of this paper were pre-
been presented. This method, a variable local factor sented at the Special Sino-Japanese Forum on Per-
of safety analysis method, completely satisfies the formance and Evaluation of Soil Slopes under Earth-
quakes and Rainstorms, June 28-29, 1998; Dalian,
equilibrium of forces and moments. Occurrence of
local failure along a slip surface and its progress are
recognized on the basis of the local factor of safety
defined at the base of each slice. Softening can be REFERENCES
simply handled through the use of local factors of
safety. Furthermore, the overall factor of safety has Bishop, A.W. 197 1. The influence of progressive failure
been used to evaluate the overall stability of the slid- on the choice of the method of stability analysis. Geotech-
ing soil mass. nique. 21 (2). 168-172.
Introduction of the local factors of safety resulted Bjerrum; L. 1967. Progressive failure in slopes of over-
consolidated plastic clay and clay shales. ASCE Journal
in an increase in the number of unknowns, thereby of Soil Mechanics and Foundations. 93 (SM5). 3-49.
making the problems highly indeterminate. However, Chang, C.S. 1992. Discrete element method for slope sta-
simple assumptions from the Morgenstern and Price bility analysis. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical Engineer-
method and the Janbu method could equalize the ing. 118 (12). 1889-1905.
number of unknowns and that of equations or rela- Chugh, A. K. 1986. Variable factor of safety in slope sta-
tionships available. In other words, the analysis has bility analysis. Geotechniqe. 36 (1). 57-64.
been rendered statically determinate. Huang, A. B. & Ma, M. Y. 1992. Discontinuous defor-
Two different treatments are developed for the lo- mation slope stability analyses. Proc. Sfahilify and Per-
cal factors of safety after locally failed zones have formance of Slopes and Bmhankments- D. 1. 479-492.
danbu N. 1957. Earth pressures and bearing capacity cal-
occurred: the AILC and AGLC methods. The AILC
culations by generalized procedure of slices. Proc. 4th
method allows the local factors of safety of the failed ICXMIX Lolldon 2. 207-2 12.

Law K. T. & Luiiib P. 1978. A limit equilibrium analysis
of progressive failure in the stability of slopes. Canadian
Geotechnical Jozirnal. 15. 113- 122.
Lo K. Y. & Lee C. F. 1973. Analysis of progressive fail-
ure in clay slopes. Proc. 8th ICSMFE. Mockba. 1. 25 1-
Morgensteni N.R. & Price V. E. 1965. The analysis of
the stability of general slip surfaces. Geofechnique 15 (1).
Potts D. M., Dounias G. T. & Vaughan P. R. 1990. Finite
element analysis of progressive failure of Carsington em-
bailluiieiit. Geotechnigue. 40 (1). 79- 101.
Rowe P.W. 1991. A reassessment of the causes of the
Carsington embankment failure. Geotechnigue. 41 (3).
395-42 1.
Skeiiipton A. W. 1964. Long-term stability of clay slopes.
Ceotechnigzie. 14 (2). 77-102.
Srbulov M. M. 1995. A simple method for the analysis of
stability of slopes in brittle soil. Soi1.s and Foundations.
35 (4). 123-127.
Yaniagami, T., Yamabe, S. Jiang, J.-C., & Khan, Y. A.
1999. A promising approach for progressive failure ana-
lysis of reinforced slopes. Pi-oc. ofInt. Sym. on Slope Sta-
bility Engineering: Geotechnicnl and geoenvironmental
Aspects ('s'-S'hikoki~'99), Yagi N.et al. Eds, Rotterdam:

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Progressive failure analysis based on a method of non-vertical slices

Takuo Yamagami & Jing-Cai Jiang

Department of Civil Engineering, University c?f’ Tokushima, Japan
Younus Ahmed Khan
Gracluare School of Engineering, Universify of Tokushima, Japan

ABSTRACT: An approach of progressive failure analysis of slope stability is proposed based on a method of
non-vertical slices within the limit equilibrium framework. Variable factor of safety is defined along a shear
surface and the local safety factors are calculated. Simplifjring assumptions about the inter-slice forces and their
points of action made this method determinate. Force and moment equilibrium equations are derived from the
equilibrium conditions and the Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope. The softening behaviors of the soil materials
are also included in the method. To evaluate the ultimate stability of a slope an overall factor of safety is intro-
duced. The method is presented with two case studies

1 INTRODUCTION safety for the entire failure surface; i.e. the factor of
safety is the same for all locations along the shear
A limit equilibrium method of non-vertical slices for surface. However, in an actual slope stress or strain
slope stability analysis considering progressive failure levels vary along any slip surface, and the non-
is developed. In this method, variable factor of safety uniform distributions of either stress or strain level
is defined along a shear surface to represent the inevitably cause local failures along the surface.
nature of progressive failure. The required assump- Therefore the single value factor of safety is unable
tions are made in order to get the solution of the to define these failure surfaces. So, the local factors
method. The equilibrium equations are derived using of safety have to be introduced to express this non-
the static equilibrium of non-vertical slices and Mohr- uniform distribution of local stress levels during pro-
Coulomb failure criterion. gressive failure within the limit equilibrium frame-
There are many instances, where local yielding or work.
failure initiated at some points along the shear sur- Finite Element Method (e.g. Lo and Lee, 1973;
face develops which finally leads to the failure of the Potts, et. al., 1990; Rowel, 1991), Discrete Element
slope as a whole. This process is called as progres- Method (Chang, 1992) and Discontinuous Deforma-
sive failure (e.g. Skempton, 1964; Bjerrum, 1967; tion Analysis (Huang and Ma, 1992) are all effective
Bishop, 197 1). methods of progressive failure analysis. But due to
In geotechnical engineering practice, slope stability the complicated nature and large computation proce-
analysis of artificial and natural slopes is usually dures, these methods have not widely been used so
performed by the limit equilibrium method. In limit far.
equilibrium analysis certain assumptions are made to There are number of limit equilibrium methods
solve the problems using static equilibrium and fail- considering progressive failure, for example, Law
ure equations. The commonly used procedures are and Lumb (1978), Chugh (1986), Srbulov (1995),
those of Bishop (1955), Morgenstern and Price Yamagami and Taki (1997). However, these
(1965), Spencer (1967), Sarma (1973) and Janbu methods are not so satisfactory except, that of Ya-
(1973). These conventional limit equilibrium magami and Taki (1997). Yamagami and Taki have
methods are generally regarded as best available for satisfied all equilibrium conditions in their method
stability analysis, but they will not result in the true satisfactorily to make the problem deterministic. In
progressive failure mechanism. A complete method an accompanying paper, two different techniques
should satisfjr force and moment equilibrium. Multi- called AILC (Analysis of Instantaneous Loading
ple wedge methods have proved capable of satisfjring Condition) and AGLC (Analysis of Gradual Loading
all these needs and the approach of Sarma (1979) is Condition) are devised to deal with the local factor of
widely accepted. safety in the locally failed zone (Yamagami, Taki,
All these methods assume a single value factor of Jiang & Yamabe, 1999). Furthermore, an approach

for progressive failure analysis of reinforced slopes
with vertical slice have been developed and presented
in a companion paper (Yamagami, Yamabe, Jiang &
Khan, 1999). All of these methods of progressive
failure analysis are based on the vertical slices.
Therefore, progressive failure analysis using non-
vertical slice needs to be considered.
This paper presents a simple limit equilibrium
method of progressive failure analysis using non-
vertical slices. Here, the analysis is based on the
AILC (Yamagami, Taki, Jiang & Yamabe, 1999)
technique where, the local factors of safety are al-
lowed to be less than unity in stable slope.

2 1 Necessary ussirmptrons
In this method, the body of mass contained within the
assumed slip surface and the ground surface is divid-
ed into n non-vertical slices (Fig 1) Now, we have
the following 7n-3 unknowns n number of the nor-
mal force N, n number of the shear force T, n-1 num-
ber of the inter-slice force E, n-1 number of inter- Figure 1. (A) Division of non-vertical slices and
slice force X,n- 1 number of the points of application (B) forces acting on an inclined slice.
of the E forces given by Z , n number of the points of
application of the N forces and n number of the local
factors of safety I; where,
On the other hand, we have the following 4n num- c; , 4 i are the strength parameters
ber of equations n number of horizontal force equi- li is the length of the slice base
librium equations, n number of vertical force equilib- Ni & ui are the total normal force.and pore pres-
rium equations, n number of moment equilibrium sure acting on the base of the slice and
equations and n number of Mohr-Coulomb failure Fi is the safety factor of the slice
criterion equations for each slice
In order to get the solution of the proposed Resolving the forces vertically and horizontally we
method, the number of required assumptions are 3n- have,
3 We assume 17-1 acting points of E forces and
another ii acting points of N forces at the middle of
the slope base Another n-1 assumptions are made 7,’sin a, + N, cos a, = - El+1 + X,+ I cos6,r,
sin 6,+,
about the relationship between X and E forces, i e +E, sin 6, - X i cos.6, (2)
X= A. f(x)E This type of relationship is considered
here to introduce one extra unknown, A. to equalize
the unknowns to the number of equations as pro- T c o s a , - N I sina, =KIT+
E,-, cos6,+,+ X i , ,sin6,+,
posed by Morgenstern & Price (1965) in their
method Therefore, the actual number of assumptions -E, cos 6,- X,sin 6 (3)
is reduced to 3n-2
From equations (1) & (2),we get,
2.2 Resolving eyiruiions
Considering a failure surface as shown in Figure 1,
the mass contained within the slip surface and the
free ground surface is divided into n non-vertical
Since we define a local factor of safety (I;,) at the
base of each slice, we get the following expression By combining the equations (2), (3) and (4) for
from the Mohr-Coulomb equation: eliminating T, and NI,we have,

I?,+,A1 = E , A2 + Xi+,A3 - XIA4 + A5- A6 (9

A1 = m, sinS,,, +m,cosS,,,

A2 = m, sin 6, + m,COSS,
A3 = m, COSS,,, - m,sin 6,+,

A4 = m, COSS,
- m,sin 6,

A5 = (m,sina, -m,cosa,)
14~1,tan @, c,b,
+ ym, where, (xgi, ygi) is the center of gravity of the slice
and d, is assumed to be half of the base length (I,).
A6 = K,W;m, Z,+] andf(x) must be optimized in the present analy-
sis (Yamagami, et. al. 1999)
A value for E,+,is determined from equations (6)
s i n a , tan@,
m,= + cos a, and (7) with a known value of E,. Substituting this
I;; E,+,value into equation (9) yields an equation which
cosa, tan@, contains F, as the only unknown.
mz = - sin a , By solving the equation (lO), with for example the
E Secant method, the moment equilibrium for individu-
Wi= weight of the slice al slice is satisfied and the value of <(i = 1 . . . r?) in
Ki = horizontal Earthquake acceleration sequence can be obtained. The complete solution
b; = horizontal length of the slice base must satis@ the boundary condition, E,,+,= 0.
6i & & + I are the inclinations of slice interfaces
with y-axis 2.3 Cnlculatiori procedures
ai= angle between the slice base and x-axis.
For any slope, the above mentioned equations are
Therefore, we obtain a recurrence equation (6) of applicable to find a solution for safety factor calcula-
inter-slice forces. tion. The calculation procedures for a slope, which
is divided into n non-vertical slices numbering 1 to n
from left to right, are as follows:
E,,, =-[EiA2+X,,,A3-XlA4+A5-A6] (6)
A1 Step I:
1. Assume A. = A. 1 & A.2 for Secant method
2. Start with A.1
To solve this equation, we assume, as mentioned
Step 11:
before, the relation between normal force E and
1. i=l, setting Ei and Xi to zero
shear force X, which is similar to that of Morgen-
2. Assume two initial F values, Fit and Fi2 for Se-
stern-Price method.
cant method
3. Start with FI1
4. Calculate E,+1and X1+lfrom equations (6) & (7)
5 . Find N, value from equation (4)
6 . Find moment value M,,[Al, F,,] from equation
where, A is an unknown parameter, and .f(x)is a
known hnction. (9)
7. Putting another initial F (=F12)value and recal-
Considering moment equilibrium(M, = 0) about
the left corner-point, C (xb;, ybi) of the base of the culate M1,[~1,Fi,1
8. Find F,.,,, from the Secant method as,
slice, we obtain,
c-,,,,= 6Mi,(A1, <,I- E,Mr,(AL E,)
M,, (A4 e,)- M,,(AI, <I)

If (F,-ne~\..~-F,-ne~\)>tolerance, then recalculate

M,[A,F,]with this F,.,,, and find next F,-,,, until
(F1-nea-l-FI-nea )< tolerance, is satisfied
SO, F, = Fi.,,,, if (Fi-nem-1-F1-nas)< tolerance Here,
Now putting the value of Xi.] from equation (7) F,-new-l is the immediately previous value of F,-,,,
into equation (8), we have the following equation of and tolerance is1 O'6
moment equilibrium: 9. Calculating the processes from 2 to 8 of step-11,

for n numbers of slices we find the values of F1, The local factors of safety are calculated using
FZ,F3, . . . . F,. Now, check the boundary condi- the calculation procedures discussed in the previ-
tion, =O; usually En+lf 0. ous section.
10. Recalculate the processes from 1 to 9 of step- If slices whose F<1 emerge, the peak strength of
11, with A.=A.& and we will get another set of F such slices is then replaced by the residual
values. strength.
11. Then, reiterate the processes from 1 to 10 of The calculation is continued until the peak
step-I1 with A..,value until the boundary condi- strength of all the slices with F<1, are replaced
tion =0) is satisfied. A value is found with residual strength.
from the Secant method as follows,
2.5 Optimization of f(x) and Z
In the Morgenstern-Price method, f(x) is taken as an
arbitrary function, for example, a constant (e.g. 1) or
if ( A. new-l - A. new)<l.O-', then 1 new = final 2.
half sine and so on. In the Janbu method, Z is as-
value, if not reiterate the processes from 1 to 11
sumed usually to be 1/3 of the slice height. How-
of step-I1 with the successive A. new , until it is
ever, many studies have indicated that f(x) and 2 in
satisfied. 1 newt-1 is the immediately previous
this method must be optimized to obtain a complete
value of A. new.
converged solution. The boundary condition can be
12. At this stage, we get a set of F values after
reached by optimizing the following equation:
satisfying all the conditions. This set of F values
represents the local safety factors of the slices.
I'Il+l 1' = F2m[a>f(x, 1, f (',), "'> f ('n)7 1' > 2' 7 "' 1
> z~l

2.4 Considering softening -+ minimize(= 0) (13 )

The softening can not be defined with the amount of The Nelder-Mead simplex method for non-linear
deformation or strain in the limit equilibrium analysis. programming is applied to solve the equation (1 3).
In this study, it is assumed that the soil resistance will
drop abruptly to the final residual value (as Law and
Lamb, 1978) immediately after reaching the peak 2.6 Overall safety factor
value (Fig. 2). For evaluating the safety factor of the slope as a
Peak ,strength (Rp) and Residual-strength (Rr) are whole, we define the overall safety factor, Fc,,.era,lby
expressed as, the ratio between the sum of the mobilized shear
forces (T, and TP) and the sum of the available shear
Rp = c ' , l + N t a n @ , strengths along the entire slip surface.

Rr = clr I + N tan @ r

where, m is the number of slices with residual

strength among the total slices (n).


Here, we present solutions of the two illustrative ex-

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of softening. (after 3.1 Example I :Simple homogeneoirs slope
Law & Lumb, 1978) Figure 3 illustrates the geometry and strength prop-
erties of a slope problem with no pore pressure. The
slip surface for this case is non-circular. Yamagami &
The softening processes are included by the follow- Taki (1997) solved this problem considering progres-
ing iterative procedures: sive failure with vertical slices.
The solutions including no softening as well as
a. At the beginning, every slice is assigned with the softening process are presented. Figure 3b shows the
peak strength.

Figure 4. Solution of Selset landslide (example 2)

distributions of local factors of safety along the slip

surface. The Morgenstern & Price method provided
a single value factor of safety of 1.20 for the case of
no softening, where the proposed method showed an
overall factor of safety of 1.25. To demonstrate the
effects of the softening behavior of the soil, we con-
sider several cases with residual strengths (Figs.3~&
3d). For these cases, we find the overall factor of
safety gradually decreases with strength.

3.2 Example 2 :Selset Landslide

This is a failed valley slope of the River Lune, near
Middleton-in-Teesdale in Yorkshire, which is ana-
lyzed by Skempton & Brown (1961). A number of
researchers have analyzed this slip surface for exam-
ple, Law & Lumb (1978) and Chang (1992). Figure
4 depicts this slide with the calculated results.
For this case the slip surface is circular. In the pre-
sent approach, the calculated overall factor of safety
is 0.98. We used the strength parameters, c=8.6 kPa
& $=32.0° and unit weight of the material(y) =21.8
Figure 3. Solution of a simple homogeneous slope kN/m3. Here, we find that the local safety factors of
(example 1) about two-third of the slip surface are below unity.

4 CONCLUSIONS der clay at Selsct, Yorkshire. Geotechnique, 11:4:280-
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pe as a whole. Finally, the method provided ac- Yamagami, T. Taki, M., Jiang, J.-C. & Yamabe, S. 1999.
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it might be extended for the slopes with reinforcing Shikoku '99). Yogi, N.et. al. e h . , Rotterdam, Balkema..
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Back analysis of unsaturated shear strength from a circular slope failure

Jing-Cai Jiang & Takuo Yamagami

Depurmient of Civil Engineering, Uni\wsitv of Takwhimu, Jupatz
Yasuhiro Ueta
HLInshin Consultunts Comnpuny Lini ited, Osuki, J u p n

ABSTRACT: A back analysis method is described to determine three unsaturated strength parameters (c’, 4’,
4”) in Fredlund’s failure criterion. This method is based on two essential conditions which take full advantage of
the information provided by a slope failure in a unsaturated zone. A back calculation procedure is constructed
by combining these two conditions with the Bishop factor of safety equation with Fredlund‘s failure criterion.
Application of the proposed method to a hypothetical slope failure illustrates that a unique and reliable solution
of (c’, bb) can be back calculated quickly. The back analysis method proposed has the potential to determine
the magnitude of (c’, 4”) from an actual slope failure as long as the suction distribution along the slip surface
at failure is known.

1 INTRODUCTION internal friction, 4 - angle of internal fi-iction associ-

ated with suction of soil, U , - pore air pressure, U , -
In engineering practice, it is often encountered that pore water pressure, (on-u.) - net normal stress state
the groundwater table in a slope is deep and/or only a variable on a failure surface at failure, (U,-U,) - ma-
shallow slope failure is possible due to particular tric suction on the failure surface at failure.
geological and geographical conditions (for example, Eq.[l] can easily be combined with the conven-
a slope overlying a relatively shallow strong layer of tional limit equilibrium methods to carry out stability
soil or rock). In such cases, when slope failures occur analyses for unsaturated slopes. The unsaturated
slip surfaces will be located in an unsaturated zone. strength parameters (c’, $b) in Eq.[l] are usually
Therefore, it is necessary to consider the effect of un- determined by triaxial compression tests and/or
saturation of soil on slope stability. In other words, modified direct shear tests (e.g., Gan et al., 1988;
an unsaturated strength criterion, instead of the Tadepalli, Rahardjo & Fredlund, 1992; Abramento &
Mohr-Coulomb model for saturated conditions, Carvalho, 1989; Vanapalli et al., 1996). However,
should be adopted in order to evaluate reasonably the laboratory testing is not a practical method as it re-
stability of slopes in unsaturated zones. quires costly laboratory equipment, expert test tech-
An effective failure criterion for unsaturated soil niques and long test times. In addition, the difficulties
(Fredlund, 1979) is expressed as (see Fig. 1). in undisturbed soil sampling from an unsaturated soil
also greatly limit applications of laboratory testing.
Back analysis is an effective tool for obtaining
shear strength parameters for design of landslide
where c’ - effective cohesion, 4’- effective angle of control works because it avoids many of the prob-
lems associated with laboratory tests. However, all
existing back analysis techniques to determine
strength parameters are only available for slope fail-
ures under saturated conditions. Some being used to
back calculate both c and $) (e.g. Nyugen, 1984;
Yamagami & Ueta, 1986, 1992) and others being
used to estimate the magnitude of 4 only by assuming
a value of c or vice versa.
The objective of this paper is to present an effec-
tive and quick method for determining the unsaturat-
ed strength parameters from a slope failure. The ba-
Fig. 1 Failure criterion for unsaturated soil sic idea of this method is based on two fundamental

conditions (Yamagami & Ueta, 1986, 1992), which
take full advantage of the information provided by a
slope failure. The back calculation procedure for (c',
b', $b) is described in detail by applying these two
conditions to the Bishop safety factor equation with
Eq.[11. Finally, an illustrative example problem is
presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the
back analysis method.


2 1 7ivo Essential Conditionsfor Back Analysis
Two essential conditions suggested for back analysis
of strength parameters (Yamagami and Ueta, 1986,
1992) are presented here for the sake of complete- some point on the relation surface. In Fig.2, maxi-
ness Since the aim of this paper is to develop a sim- mum values of the strength parameters, crmax,tan$',,,
ple and quick back analysis method for the unsaturat- and tan$',,,, limit ranges of variation of c', tan$' and
ed strength parameters, we assume the slope in tan$'. In other words, a solution (c'o, tan4'0, tan+")
question to be homogeneous in strength In other to be back analyzed should meet the inequalities of
words, c', 4' and +'' are back calculated as an average O<C'O<C'~~X, O<tan$'~~tan$',,,, and O~tan$bO<tan$bmax.
of the strength parameters along a failure surface The c',,, tan@,,, and tan$b,,, can be calculated re-
The Bishop method for unsaturated conditions is spectively by
employed in this paper and the factor of safety equa-
tion is written as follows (Fredlund, 1987)

hrd + W tan@+ ( U , - u,,)d tan@b}/ma

>- = [21
where m,=cosa+sinatan$'/F, W is the weight of a
slice, d=Icosa is the width of the slice ( I is the length
of the slice base), and a is the inclination of the slice
base to the horizontal.
Back analysis of strength parameters is carried out
based on a known or assumed failure surface within a
slope. As an actual failure surface reflects the most As Eq. [4b] is implicit in tan$',,, an iterative pro-
cedure, e.g. the Newton-Raphson method, is neces-
critical conditions, its factor of safety should be the
sary to obtain a solution of tan$',,, .
smallest of all admissible slip surfaces in the vicinity To summarize the above descriptions, the two es-
of the failure surface. That is to say, a solution (c'o, sential conditions for back calculation of the strength
tan$'o, to be back analyzed should make the parameters are yielded:
factor of safety of the failure surface minimum. I). Strength parameters to be identified must satisfy
The value of the factor of safety of a failure sur- the relation surface shown in Fig.2, i.e. the cr-
face is usually taken to be F p l . 0 . Substituting the tan$'-tan$b relationship of Eq.(3);
known value ofF=Fo (=1 .O)into Eq.[2], we have 11). Strength parameters to be identified must satisfy
that the factor of safety of the failure surface is
the minimum among any admissible slip surfaces
c {crd+Wtanbr+(u,
F, C W sin a = close to the failure surface.
These two conditions take full advantage of the
information provided by a slope failure, and are es-
where W, d, and m, are evaluated from the informa- sential for any back analysis procedure of strength
tion of the failure surface. parameters. Based on the above two conditions, we
Eq. [3] indicates the relationship between c', tan$' will first show that when a parameter among (c', $I,

and tan$b, representing a 3-D surface, egf in c'-tan$'- $b) is given through experimental or empirical means,
tan$b space, as shown in Fig.2. This surface will be the other two strength parameters can be determined
called the "relation surface" hereafter. Note that the by Yamagami and Ueta's back analysis (1986) of c
c'-tan$b relationship is linear when tan+' in Eq.[3] and 4 for saturated conditions. Then, a procedure,
keeps unchanged (constant). The required strength which is able to back calculate three unsaturated
parameters satisfying Eq.[3] is corresponding to strength parameters simultaneously, is presented.

2.2 Application of Yamagamiand Ueta s method
In this section, a similar method to that proposed by
Yamagami and Ueta (1986) is applied to dealing with
back calculation problems where one of (c’, $I, $b) is
given. Since one parameter is known, say =$I0 is $I

assumed to be known here for convenience.

As the Bishop method is employed, a circular fail-
ure surface is illustrated in Fig.3. In order to explain
the back analysis procedure, a number of trial slip
circles are also chosen in the vicinity of the failure
surface (Fig.3). For computational convenience, all
trial slip circles are constrained to pass through the
two ends A and B of the failure surface.
Substituting $‘=$‘ointo Eq. [3] and re-arranging the
terms of the equation, we have

t:c’d + ( U , - u,,)d

tan bb =
w(hosin a tm4i) [5]

This equation indicates the relationship between c‘

and tan$b, which can be represented by a straight line
PQ on the relation surface, as shown in Fig.2. In the
present case, the condition I) means that strength pa-
rameters (c’o, tan$”) to be identified must satisfy the
c‘-tan$b relationship shown in Eq. [5]; corresponding Fig.4 Restriction of ranges of variation of (c‘, tan$”)
to a point on the line PQ in Fig.2.
Next, we consider the condition 11) which requires
that the factors of safety, F,, of trial slip surfaces It is of interest to note that the factor of safety, F,,
should be greater than Fo, i.e. in Eq.[7] is considered to be a knction rather than a
constant in the present analysis, varying with the
F, 2 F, parameters c’ and tan$b. Application of the Yama-
gami and Ueta back analysis (1986) has shown that
For any trial slip surface, the factor of safety, F,, when (c’, tan$b) change along the line PQ in Fig.2,
may be expressed as: the F,-c‘ and relationships for a trial slip cir-
cle above the failure surface (such as AO’B in Fig.3)
can be illustrated by a curve a1a2in Fig.4 (a) and by a
curve dldz in Fig.4 (b), respectively. On the other
Y hand, the F,-c’ and relationships for a trial
slip circle below the failure surface (such as A0‘’B in
where the overlined symbols indicate that they are Fig.3) can be represented by a curve blb2 and a curve
evaluated from the trial slip surface in question. ele2, respectively (Fig.4).
From Fig.4 we can see that satisfaction of the con-
dition 11) signifies that values of c’ and tan$b cannot
be beyond the ranges AB and DE, respectively. In
other words, the required c’o and tan$bo should sat-
isfy the follow inequalities (see Fig.4).

c; d c ’ o 5 c;/ P I
tan$bIStan$bo 5 tan+bn P I
Eqs.[8a] and [Sb] indicate that application of the
two essential conditions to a pair of trial slip surfaces
resulted in reduction of possible range of the required
c’ and tan$b. It has been shown that when the above
procedure is performed with respect to an appropri-
ate number of pairs of trial slip circles close to the
failure surface, the range of variation of c‘ and tan$h
Fig.3 Circular failure surface and trial slip circles can be restricted to an extremely narrow zone in

which a required solution of (c', tan$b) exists.

2.3 An efficient and Aysternatic back analysis proce-

Similarly to the method by Yamagami and Ueta
(1986), the back analysis procedure described in
Section 2.2 can be performed more efficiently and
systematically by applying the following calculations.
1) An appropriate number (n) of trial slip circles
are separately chosen above and below the failure
surface (but in the vicinity of it). Their radii are de-
noted by ri and ri* (i=l, 2, ..., n), respectively (see Fig. 6 An efficient and systematic procedure
Fig. 3 in which only two trial circles on each side are
shown for simplicity). It has been shown that when c' or tan$' is given as
2) Values of c;~.,. and tan$',,,,,, are calculated re- a known value, similar back calculations can be con-
spectively using Eqs.[4a] and [4c] on the basis of the structed to determine (tan$', tan$') or (c',tan$').
failure surface information. Note that $' =$I0 is as-
sumed to be known in the present case.
3 ) The range of O-C',,,,~ is divided into (m)equal 2.4 Verification
parts, and the value of c' at a dividing point is repre- An illustrative example problem is presented here to
sented by c', ('j=l, 2, ..., m+l) where c'l=O and c;+, verifl the effectiveness of the back analysis proce-
=c ',a.r. dure described in section 2.3. The example has a
4) Substituting c' = c', into Eq.[3], values of tan$';. configuration with a height of 5.Om, an inclination of
(j=l, 2, ..., m+l) corresponding to c; are calculated. 1:2 and a lower groundwater table, as shown in
The pairs of (c;, tan$'j) so calculated certainly meet Fig.7. The distribution of suction is assumed to be
the condition I), i.e. Eq.[3]. (ua-u,)=4.9H (kPa), in which H (m) denotes the
5) Using the above (c;, tan$'j), j=l, 2, ..., m+l, height from the groundwater table. In order to obtain
computations of Ft by Eq.[8] are carried out for each a failure surface, a search using the soil parameters of
trial slip surface, and the results are recorded. ct=4.9kPa, $'=loo, $'=6' and y=17.64 kN/m3 has
6) For the trial slip surface with the radius r1, a been carried out by combining Eq.[2] with the con-
value c ' ~of c' at the point of intersection of the Ft-c' ventional repeated trials. The obtained critical circle
curve with the line of Ft=Fois obtained from the re- and the corresponding minimum factor of safety are
sults in step 5 ) (see Fig.5). Also, a value (tan$")l of also shown in Fig.7.
tan$' at the point of intersection of &tan$' curve By assigning a known value to one of (c', $', $'),
with the line of Ft =Fois determined in the same way. the other two parameters are back calculated ac-
The above procedure is repeated for each trial slip cording to the information shown in Fig.7. When $'=
surface. $'o=lO' is given, the results of (c1=4.91kPa, $'=
7) Accor$ng to the obtained values of c'i (C*'i), 6.24') are obtained by the efficient and systematic
tan$'; (tan$' ;) associated with r,(r*,)(i=1,2,, . . ,n), r-cr procedure (see Fig.8). In addition, ($I= 10.1', $b=
and r-tan$" relationships can be drawn schematically 6.03') and (c'=5.0 kPa, $'= 9.85') are back calculated
(Fig.6). The point of intersection of the r-cr curve respectively by giving c'=c'0=4.9kPa and $b= $'o=
with the line of r=ro (radius of the failure circle) cor- 6.0'. It can be seen from these results that in each
responds to a required solution of c'. And the point case the back calculated strength parameters agree
of intersection of the r-tan$" curve with the line of with the assumed values quite well.
r=ro yields a solution of tan$', as illustrated in Fig.6. Stability analyses for the slope shown in Fig.7 are
performed using the back calculated strength pa-
rameters. As a result, the critical slip surfaces and the
associated minimum factors of safety obtained from
the above three situations are almost the same as tho-
se shown in Fig.7.


TERMINING(c', 4', 4')
It has been indicated that when one of the three
Fig.5 points of intersection of the Ft-c' curve parameters c', $' and $' is given as a known value, a
with the line of Ft =Fo similar back analysis to the Yamagami and Ueta

number of equal parts (tan$;, j=1, 2, . . .m)where
tan$'l=O and tan$k+l=tan$lmax.
3)Regard each value of tan$; to be a solution of
tan$', i.e. tan$'o = tan$;, and back calculate (c),
tan$") by the procedure described in the previous
sections. Eliminate back calculated values of (c',
tan$b) which are beyond O - C ' ~ , and 0- tan$b,,,.
4) Search for the critical slip surfaces and the mini-
mum factors of safety using each group of (c),
tan$:, tan$") obtained in 3).
5 ) Take such values of (c), tanb;, tan$bj) as a re-
Fig.7 Critical slip surface of a hypothetical slope quired solution which give the critical slip surface
(H: vertical distance from the water table) that is most close to the failure sudace.
While the above procedure is described in terms of
tan$', similar back calculations can also be carried
out in terms of c' and tan$b separately.
If the range of 0-tan$',, is divided sufficiently
small, the above-mentioned back calculation proce-
dure can result in a sufficiently accurate solution of
strength parameters. However, such computations
require long computer time.
An optimization approach is constructed to enhan-
ce the efficiency of back calculations. In order to ex-
plain the approach, a value of tan$' is chosen be-
tween 0 and tan+',,, first, and then c' and tan$b can
be back calculated by giving tan$'o = tan$'. Usually,
three parameters (c', tan$', tan$b) so obtained are not
a required solution. Therefore, the critical slip sur-
face located using these parameters differs from the
failure surface. It is obvious that the magnitude of
difference between the locations of the critical slip
surface and the failure surface depends upon the cho-
sen value of tan$'. In other words, difference be-
tween critical slip surface and the failure surface can
be regarded to be a fknction of tan$'.
In searching for critical slip surfaces, it is conven-
ient to constrain them to pass through the two ends
Fig. 8 Back calculation results based on T-c' and A and B of the failure circle (Fig.9). Thus, the differ-
r-tan$b relationships ($'=$'0=1Oo) ence between a critical slip surface and the failure
circle can be represented by the distance DR (Fig.9)
between their centers. DR varies with tan$', being a
method (1986) can be applied to determining the hnction of tan$'. The minimum value of DR, DRmm
other two strength parameters uniquely. Based on (=O), corresponds to a required solution of unsatu-
this fact, a procedure is presented here to back cal-
culate three unsaturated strength parameters simulta-
neously where the following condition is used:
Required strength parameters (c'o, $'o, 4'0)
should satisfy that the critical slip surface
searched by do, and $"o must be identical with

the failure surface, and the associated minimum

factor of safety must be equal to FO(=1 .O).

By considering the above condition, the back cal-

culation procedure for determining (c', $', +b) is de-
scribed as follows.
1) Calculate values of,,, 'c tan$',,, and tan$bma,us-
ing Eqs.[4a]-[4c] on the basis of the failure sur-
face information.
2) Divide the range of 0-tan$',,, into an appropriate Fig.9 Optimization problem for back analysis

rated strength parameters. Table 1 Back calculation results
The golden section method is employed to solve
the above optimization problem. Details of this are Cases
described in the following.
A value of tan$',,, is calculated, then 6m=O and 6, in terms of $'
=tan$'maxare denoted.
The following two values of tan$' are calculated
by the golden section method: 61=6,+0.382 (6n-
Sm), and 62=6,+0.618 (6n-6m). 1 correct solution I 5.0 I 10.0" 1 6.0" I
(c'l, tan$"') and (~'2,tan$'J are back calculated
by giving tan$'o = 61 and tan$'o = 62, respectively. the Bishop factor of safety for unsaturated condi-
Two circular critical slip surfaces are located us- tions. Application of the proposed method to a hy-
ing the obtained (~'1, 61, tan$") and (c'z, 62, pothetical back analysis problem indicates that the
Then, DRI and DRz, differences between back calculated strength parameters agree well with
the two critical slip surfaces and the failure circle, the correct values of (c',$I, 4').
are obtained. Future research planned is to carry out laboratory
If DRl <DRz, assume 6,=6, and 6, 4 2 ; if DRl > failure tests for model slopes to further verifL the ac-
DRz, assume 6,=61 and 6, =6n; and if DRI =D&, curacy of the back analysis method. In addition, the
assume 6,=61 and 6, =62. same idea will be combined with factor of safety
Repeat steps from 2) to 5 ) until the difference equations for noncircular slip surfaces for back cal-
between 61 and 62 does not exceed a prescribed culation of unsaturated strength parameters.
The average value, 6 (tan$'), of the final 61 and 62,
and the corresponding c' and tan$" are taken as a re- REFERENCES
quired solution of the three strength parameters. Of
course, the above solution procedure can also be Abramento, M., & Carvalho, C. S., 1989. Geotechnical para-
performed in terms of c' or tan$". meters for the study of natural slopes instabilizatioii at
'Serra do Mar'. Proc. the 12th Int. Con$ on Soil Mechan-
ics and Foundation Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, 3. 1599-
Fredlund, D. G. 1979. Second Canadian Geotechnical Collo-
Based on the critical slip surface, the minimum quium: Appropriate concepts and technology for unsatu-
factor of safety and the distribution of suction shown rated soils. Canadian Geotechnical Journa, 16. 121-139.
in Fig. 7, three unsaturated strength parameters are Fredlund, D. G. 1987. Slope Stability Analysis Incorporating
back calculated by the back analysis method de- the Effect of Soil Suction, Slope Stability (Ed. by M.G.
scribed in the preceding section. The results obtained Anderson and K.S. Richards), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.,
from the procedures in terms of c', $' and $" are 113-144.
summarized in Table 1. Their average values and the Gan, J. K. M., and Fredlund, D. G., and Rahardjo, H. 1988.
correct solution of (c', $', $") are also shown in this Determination of the shear strength parameters of an un-
Table. It can be seen from Table 1 that in all cases saturated soil using the direct shear test. Canadian Geo-
the back calculated values of (c', 4") are in good
$I, technical Journal. 25. 500-5 10.
agreement with the assumed parameters (correct val- Nguyen, V. U. 1984. Back calculations of slope failure fail-
ues). This indicates that the proposed back analysis ures by the secant method. Geotechnique. 34(3). 423-427.
procedure can provide sufficiently accurate results of Tadepalli, R., H. Rahardjo, and Fredlund, D. G. 1992.
unsaturated strength parameters. Measurements of matric suction and volume changes dur-
ing inundation of collapsible soil. Geotechnical Testing
Journal, GZJODJ. 15 (2). 115-122.
5. S U M A R Y Vanapalli, S. K.; Fredlund, D. G. Pufahl, D. E. and Clifton.
A. W. 1996. Model for the prediction of shear strength
A back analysis method for determining the un- with respect to soil suction. Canadian Geotechnical Jour-
saturated strength parameters (c', 4') in Fredlund's
$I, nal. 33. 379-392.
failure criterion, has been presented. This method is Yamaganii, T. & Ueta, Y . 1986. Back analysis of average
based on the two simple and rigorous conditions strength parameters for critical slip surfaces. Proc. Int.
which take full advantages of the information provid- Symp. on Computer and Physical Modelling in Geotech-
ed by a slope failure. It is an extension of Yamagami nical Engineering (A. A. Balkema). Bangkok, 53-67.
and Ueta's (1986, 1992) back analysis of (c, $) for Yamagami, T. & Ueta, Y. 1992. Back analysis of strength
slope failures in saturated conditions. parameters for landslide control works. Proc. 6th Interna-
The back analysis procedure for (c', $', 4") was tional Symposium on Lanhlides (A. A. Balkema). Christ-
suggested by applying the two essential conditions to ChUrCh. 1. 619-624.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yarnagarni & Jiang 0 1999 Balkerna, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

A back analysis of MC-DP model parameters based on FEM

and NLSSQP method

T.Q. Feng
Sun Brain Plan Company Limited, Tokushima,Japan
T.Yamagami & J.-C. Jiang
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Tokushima,Japan

ABSTRACT: This paper presents a possible method to back analyze the parameters of MC-DP model by in-
corporating FEM into a minimization method NLSSQP. The NLSSQP method is capable of solving Nonline-
ar Least Squares problems with constrained conditions by means of Sequential Quadric Programming
method. The model parameters are estimated by minimizing a norm of the difference between observed and
calculated values at specified observation points. Although only MC-DP model is investigated in this paper,
there is no necessity to prescribe the constitutive model; any model can be used as a subroutine program. The
proposed method is applied to an excavation performed in a homogeneous and isotropic slope. The results in-
dicate that the proposed method can provide convergent and accurate solutions.

1 INTRODUCTION parameters on the basis of displacement measure-

ments (Sakurai, 1990).
The parameters of constitutive models are conven- One important and difficult task in FE analyses is
tionally determined using two ways such as labora- the choice of constitutive models for soils. An elastic
tory tests and in situ tests. With the development of and transversely anisotropic model was assumed for
the measuring instruments and techniques, the re- rocks and applied to cut slope problems (Sakurai,
sults of laboratory tests and in situ tests become 1990); however, the elastic model is not applicable
more and more reliable. However, in some cases to soils, because it is well known that the soils usu-
such as large-scale natural slopes, it is extremely dif- ally present elasto-plastic behavior. So it is essential
ficult to quantitatively estimate the mechanical to employ elasto-plastic model for soils. The prob-
properties of soils by tests. This difficulty is mainly lem is that there are more material parameters in
due to the complex and non-homogeneous geologi- elasto-plastic model than in elastic model. In back
cal conditions of the ground. It is not surprising that analysis, there are mainly two types of errors: one is
material properties largely scatter from place to the system modelling error which can be evaluated
place, although soil formation seems to be identical. by the goodness of fit of the calculated results to the
Therefore the real behaviors of structures such as observed data; and the other is the error corre-
displacements often differ from the predicted ones, sponding to parameter uncertainty. An increase in
even after a carefid investigation. parameter number generally improves the system
In order to avoid these difficulties, some re- modelling error, but it also increases the parameter
searchers proposed back analysis methods, and these uncertainty and vice versa. Therefore it should be
methods have been more and more frequently used recognized that increase in parameter uncertainty re-
in the estimation of the model parameters. For ex- duces the prediction reliability which is the most
ample, the strength parameters (c' and +') of failed important aim of the back analysis. Thus, a complex
slopes have been successfblly back analyzed by model may not give better prediction. So one should
combining limit equilibrium method and optimiza- choose the most appropriate model depending on the
tion techniques (e.g. Nguyen, 1984;Yamagami & quality and quantity of the given information for
Ueta, 1989, 1990). These methods, however, can not prediction purpose.
be applied to the slopes without failure slip surfaces; In the present paper, a simple but practical model
in fact there is no effective back analysis methods so called MC-DP elasto-perfect-plastic model (Tanaka,
far for the stable slopes. But if the stable slopes are et al., 1996) is employed in which Mohr-Coulomb
subjected to loading (e.g. excavation), a sophisticat- failure criterion is used and Drucker-Prager model is
ed numerical analysis method such as finite element taken as plastic potential functions. There are only
method (FEM) can be used to back analyze the soil's four parameters (E, v , c' , 41' ) to be back analyzed.

31 1
It should be noted that there is no necessity to pre- K: the number of the time steps; N: the total number
scribe the constitutive models; any model can be of the data.
used as a subroutine program. So the proposed
method can be applied not only to the homogeneous
and isotropic soils discussed in this paper, but also to 3. NLSSQP METHOD
various types of soils.
The other important task in back analysis is to Equations (2) and (3) are commonly called Least
solve minimization problems. So far, there are sev- Square problem. Due to the complexity of the con-
eral minimization methods available (e.g. Luenber- stitutive relationship, the relation between r(x) and x
ger, 1973). Many methods, however, suffer fiom is usually nonlinear and non-convex as well; there-
non-uniqueness and instability solutions. The solu- fore the problem described above is a Non-linear
tions obtained are very much affected by the set of Least Square (NLS) problem. There are some
initial values in the optimization schemes and some- methods available such as quasi-Newton method for
times, different schemes give different answers. The the optimization of NLS problems. The quasi-
present paper introduces a minimization method Newton method, however, can not be used to solve
(NLSSQP method), which is capable of solving the NLS problems with some constrained conditions.
Nonlinear Least Square problems with constrained In fact, it is very common in geotechnical engineer-
conditions by using Sequential Quadric Program- ing that most model parameters have definite ranges
ming method. This method is applied to an excava- which can be known by experience or laboratory
tion in a fictitious slope. The convergent solutions tests in advance. Although in some cases, it is diffi-
by the proposed method are very close to the correct cult to determine such ranges, it is clearly under-
values. stood that the parameters are at least positive. Hence
we usually need to solve the NLS problems with
some constrained conditions. In order to solve such
2. MINIMIZING FUNCTION problems, this paper employs NLSSQP method (Ta-
kahashi et al., 1987), in which Sequential Quadric
The constitutive parameters are estimated by mini- Programming is used to solve Nonlinear Least
mizing a norm of the difference between observed Square problems with constrained conditions. It is
and model calculated values at specified observation the authors' opinion that NLSSQP method has so far
points. The observation data can be related to the been the only method to be capable of solving NLS
calculated values at the specified points by the fol- problems with constrained conditions. The .details
lowing relationship: will be described in the following.
First let's see the following nonlinear least square
U* = ~ : + r(x)
( xe) (1) problem:
Constrained conditions:
U*:field observation data vector;
U: calculated results vector by FEM based on the
employed physical model with a chosen parameter
x: model parameter vector to be estimated; and the objective function is:
8: known input data vector, e.g. soil profile, loading
conditions and boundary conditions;
r(x): error vector.
The most comprehensive function to be mini-
mized in the parameter value estimation procedure is
given as: Denoting the Lagrangian multiplier vectors of con-
straints g(x)SO and h(x)=O by A. andp , the La-
grangian hnction is defined by:

where L(x,h,p) = -r(x)Tr(x)+hTg(x) +pTh(x) (8)
1 N=PxK 2
f(x) = r(x)T
'('1 = ~ l l r ( x ) l ~ = 2 c ( r ('~))'
(3) The Hesse matrix corresponding to x is given as:

rj(x) = u l -U, (4) V,,L= J(x)TJ(x)+$rj(x)V2rj(x)


P: the number of the observation points;

m Step 4: Let xk+l=xk+
a kdk.
j= 1 (9) Step 5: Renew the matrixes of 4 and ck to produce
Ak+,(DGW Equation) and Ck+l(BFGS Equa-
where J(x) stands for the Jaccobi matrix of r(x). The
B matrix in SQP method can be expressed as:

Then the algorithms of NLSSQP method can be de-

scribed briefly as follows:

Step 0: To set up initial x,,,the matrix of A,,, C,and

parameter 6 >O, LL) '(0,0.5), z E(O,l), k=O.
Step I : When the xk, Ak,Ck are known, we can sol-
ve the following QP problem with respect to d.

h(Xk) + Vh(xk)d = 0 (13)

The solution of this problem is dk by which Step 6 : Let k=k+l, go to Step I

we can determine the searching direction. Cor-
respondingly, Lagrangian multiplier vectors of
constraints g(x) 5 0 and h(x)=O become 2- k + l 4. MC-DP MODEL
and p k + l respectively.
Step 2: If (xk, 1 k,l, p k + l ) satisfy Karush-Kuhn- The constitutive models of soils (from simple linear
Tucker (K-K-T) conditions, then stop; other- elastic ones to very sophisticated elasto-plastic ones)
wise, go to step 3 to judge the convergence. have been developed for several decades and a great
Step 3: To determine a k in the following procedure deal of achievement has been acquired. Generally,
(Line Search): elasto-plastic models can simulate the behaviors of
Step 3. I : Let Y k,1=1 and j=1. the soils better than elastic ones do, but the number
Step 3.2: Regarding the following line search of the model parameters increases correspondingly.
evaluation fkction: An increase in parameter number generally im-
proves the system modeling error, but also increases
the parameter uncertainty. Therefore, it is essential
to employ an appropriate constitutive model that can
provide reasonable results. Considering this point,
this paper employs an elastic-perfectly-plastic model
(Tanaka et al., 1996; Oettl, et a1.,1998). The Mohr-
Coulomb failure criterion, which coincides with ex-
periment data very well, was adopted in this model;
and the non-associated flow rule is assumed in
which Drucker-Prager model was taken as plastic
potential fhction. So a mixed model (MC-DP
model) was produced. The Mohr-Coulomb failure
then let a k= Y kJ7and go to step 4; otherwise, criterion and Drucker-Prager plastic potential func-
go to Step 3.3. tion are given in Equations (21) and (22), respec-
Step 3.3: let Y kJ+l=z Y 4, j=j+l, then go to Step tively.

f=-------- sin $' +
The determination of the mechanical properties from
the measured values of displacement is referred to as
/(o;+o$ + T2, - c' cos$' = 0 a back analysis. The proposed method belongs to in-
4 direct back analyses in which the FEA is one of the
subroutine of NLSSQP. The flow chart of back
analysis for determining model parameters is briefly
given in Figure 1. The convergent solutions have
0; +o; been obtained when Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (K-K-T)
a=--- sin cp +
2 conditions are satisfied (Takahashi et al., 1987).
Note that the number of the measured values
should be large enough in order that optimization
techniques can be adopted to determine the un-

where c' represents effective cohesion; $' is effective

angle of internal friction and cp represents angle of
dilatancy. ox',o,',
and z,' are stress components.
The stress-strain relation then can be expressed as

d o = [Del--(1-


~ _ _ _
_ _ 0
(1-2v) (1-2v) Figure 1. The flow chart of back analysis
E ~
2v_ 2(1-v)
_ _ _
[Del =- 0
2(1-v) (1-2v) (1-2v)
0 0 1
An excavation performed in a homogeneous and
isotropic hypothetical slope is taken into considera-
tion in this paper. The finite element mesh and six
and r represents a coefficient; when stress state is at observed nodal points are shown in Figure 2.
elastic zone r=l; at perfectly plastic zone r=O; in
other cases O<r<l. Neglecting the angle of dilatancy
cp (i.e. assuming cp=O), there are four parameters to
be back analyzed in this model, (i.e. c' , $' and E, v,).
It should be noted that we employ MC-DP model
only for the sake of the simplicity. The MC-DP
model like many other models is confined to iso-
tropic conditions. In most cases, however, the soils
of natural slopes exhibit anisotropic behavior due to
geological formation. In these cases, we should
choose the anisotropic models (e.g. Nova, 1986,
Schmidt et al. 1993).
Figure 2. FE mesh and the observed points

This excavation was done in the slope in 5 stages. Table 2. Four sets of initial values
The height of the original slope is 20 m at 1:l. The
height of the cut slope is 10 m with the slope of 1: 1. Property case 1 case 2 case 3 case 4
The initial stresses are determined by elastic ana- c (KNm-2) 15.50 4.50 15.00 7.49
lysis in which self-weight is handled as loading 4(0) 38.00 25.50 42.00 24.70
force. The boundary conditions for the displace- E(KNin-') 5130 5540 12000 10300
ments are described as follows: there are only hori- v 0.22 0.22 0.35 0.35
zontal restrictions at left and right sides (i.e. AB and
CD in Figure 2). There are both horizontal and verti-
cal restrictions at bottom (i.e. BC). For the sake of 7. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
- - we do not take into account the pore wa-
ter pressure. The back-analyzed results of four cases are listed in
The constrained conditions for the parameters to be Table 3. We can see that the present procedure could
back analyzed are handled as: back analyze the reasonable constitutive parameters,
which provide the good approximation of measured
displacements. Like other optimization methods, the
c'> 0 (25) present method also needs to do trial computations
with different initial values till the convergent solu-
tions are obtained. Therefore, the computation time
may be quite long if the initial values are given im-
properly and may be quite fast if the initial values
are set properly. Nowadays, with the development of
the fast, small size computers, the computation time
is no longer the most difficult problem. From table
As we do not have in situ observed horizontal dis- 3 we can conclude that the back-analyzed values
placements, which are usually taken by inclinome- having the smallest error can be taken as the final
ter, the observed data are then produced from for- back analyzed results. For example the results of
ward FEA. The material parameters used in the Case 4 can be chosen as the best one. Figure 3 pre-
forward FEA are regarded as correct values (see Ta- sents the comparison of the displacements between
ble 1). The corresponding output of horizontal dis- the observed and computed values at the end of the
placement of specified points is taken as observed excavation. It is shown that the values of Case 4 and
values for the following back analysis. The model Case 2 are nearer to the observed values compared
parameters are back analyzed by optimizing the with Case 1 and Case 3. The development of the
norm of the difference between observed and calcu- displacements of nodal point 41 1 with construction
lated displacements at the specified observation process is given in Figure 4. In this figure, we can
points. see that the displacements of Case 3 meet the ob-
served ones better than other cases do. This does not
mean that the back analysis results of Case 3 are the
Table 1. Material parameters best one, because this figure represents only one
point other than all the points. Due to the limited
Property Value space, we do not list the results of all the observed
Cohesion (c) 9.00 KNm-2 points.
Angle of internal friction ($) 32.00'
Young's modulus (E) 7 140 KNm-2
Poisson's ratio (v) 0.30 Table 3. Back analysis results
Density (y) 22.3 KNm-3
Property case 1 case 2
correct values initial results initial results
As it is well understood that the back analysis re- C (KNm-') 9.00 5.50 9.01 4.50 4.71
sults depend closely on the initial input material pa- No) 32.00 38.00 31.10 25.50 31.80
rameters. As we do not know whether the solutions E(MNm-2) 7140 5130 6900 5540 6940
with the input initial values are convergent or not in V 0.30 0.22 0.31 0.22 0.31
advance, we first set the initial values arbitrarily. If Errors( x 10-4) 4.74 1.36
the solutions are not convergent, then we need to Number of cycles 5 6
change the input initial parameters till the conver-
gent solutions come out. The following four sets of
initial values can provide convergent solutions (see
table 2).

Table 3. (Continued) Attention, however, should be paid to the large
Property case 3 case 4 number of the parameters associated with the com-
correct values initial results initial results plicated models, which may lead to the instability of
C (KNm-’) 9.00 15.00 5.29 7.49 6.83 the solutions. This is another topic of the authors’
No> 32.00 42.00 33.80 24.70 31.00 interests (Feng et al., 1999).
E(KNm-*) 7140 12000 7240 10300 7120
v 0.30 0.35 0.30 0.35 0.30
Errors(x 1(Y4) 5.35 1.06 REFERENCES
Number of cycles 7 11
Feng T.Q., Yamagami, T. & Jiang J.C., 1999 A fi-
nite element analysis for transversely isotropic
soils and the determination of model parameters
by means of back analysis. International symposi-
um on slope stability engineering: Geotechnical
and Geoenvironmental aspects. IS-Shikoku’99,
Luenberger D.G., 1973. Introduction to linear and
nonlinear programming. Addison-wesley Pub-
lishing Company.
Nova R., 1986. An extended Cam clay model for
soft anisotropic rocks. Computers and Geotech-
nics, 2: 69-88.
Nguyen, V.U., 1984. A technique for the back ana-
lysis of slope failures. Proceedings of the Fourth
Australia-New Zealand Conference on Geome-
chanics, Perth: 6 17-622.
Oettl, G., Stark, R.F. & Hofstetter, G., 1998. A com-
parison of elastic-plastic soil models for 2D FE
analyses of tunnelling. Computers and Geotech-
nics 23:19-38.
Sakurai, S., 1990. Numerical analysis for the inter-
pretation of field measurements in geomechnics.
Numerical Methods and Constitutive Modelling
in Geomechanics, CISM courses and lectures
No.3 1I, Edited by C.S. Desai/G. Gioda, Springer-
Figure 4. The comparison of horizontal displacement
verlag: 35 1-407.
Schmidt, R.J. Wang D.Q. & Hansen A. C., 1993.
at Nodal point 41 1
Plasticity model for transversely isotropic materi-
als. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE,
119(4): 748-767.
8. CONCLUSIONS Takahashi, S., Yamaki, N. & Yabe, H. 1987. Some
modifications of sequential quadratic program-
A back analysis method for determining the soil ming method for constrained optimization. TRU
parameters has been proposed by incorporating FEM Mathematics. 23(2):28 1-295.
into NLSSQP method. This method has been applied Tanaka, T., Ugai, K., Kawamura, M., Sakajo, S. &
to an excavation in a hypothetical slope. The solu- Ohtsu, H. 1996: Three dimensional elastic-plastic
tions obtained were very close to the correct values finite element analysis for foundations. Maruzen
in case the solutions were convergent; and the com- Co. Ltd., Japan (in Japanese).
putations were quite fast. Correspondingly, the solu- Yamagami, T. & Ueta, Y., 1989. Back analysis of
tions with the smallest error could be regarded as fi- average strength parameters for critical slip sur-
nal results. faces. Computer and Physical Modelling in Geo-
The proposed method belongs to indirect back technical Engineering (eds. A. S. Balasubrama-
analysis methods. The advantage of this method is niam et al.) Balkema: 53-67.
that there is no necessity to prescribe the constitutive Yamagami, T. & Ueta, Y., 1990. Back analysis of
models. Hence this method is not limited to the ho- failed slopes in heterogeneous soils. Proceedings
mogeneous and isotropic problem discussed here; it of the Tenth Southeast Asian Geotechnical Con-
can also be used to solve more complicated cases ference: 2 13-2 16.
(for instance, elasto-plastic and anisotropic condi-
tion) if the constitutive relationships are available.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

An FE analysis of anisotropic soil slopes and back analysis for its parameters

T.Q. Feng
Sun Bruin Plan Coinpany Limited, Tokushimu, Japan
T.Yamagami & J.-C. Jiang
Depnrtnient of Civil Engineering, University oj'Tokushimu,Jupun

ABSTRACT: A finite element analysis has been implemented by employing an elasto-plastic model for an-
isotropic soils proposed by Nova (1986). Owing to the complexities of the anisotropy, the number of model
parameters increases in comparison with that of isotropic soils. Also, these parameters are quite difficult to be
determined by laboratory tests, because it is hardly possible to acquire the specimens of high quality for rep-
resenting the anisotropy of geotechnical materials. At present, there are few acceptable methods proposed for
the determination of the parameters of anisotropic models. In the present paper, an attempt has been made for
the determination of the model parameters by combining FEA with an optimization method. The proposed
procedure is illustrated through a cutting in an orthotropic slope. The results indicated that the present proce-
dure is applicable for transversely isotropic soils

1 INTRODUCTION the model parameters (Sakurai, 1990; Feng et al.

1999). A very important task in FE analyses is the
In the numerical analyses of soil behaviors, it has choice of constitutive models. A complex model is
been generally assumed that the .properties of soils not always preferable to a simple one due to its large
are isotropic. However, this assumption does not ap- number of parameters, which may leads to parame-
pear reasonable for the natural slopes, which exist ter uncertainty. Thus the final goal of our research is
broadly in the mountainous regions of Japan. The to develop a rational method in which the constitu-
mountainous regions of Japan consist of very com- tive models should be implemented in a simple and
plicated, heterogeneous and anisotropic geological proper manner to present the anisotropy of the
materials varying from soft soils to hard rocks. It is, geological materials. As a first step, a simple and
therefore, essential to take into account the anisotro- practical model (Nova, 1986) dealing with the an-
py of the geological materials. In order to present the isotropy of soils, is introduced into the present pa-
anisotropy of the soils, some researches have been per. It is the authors' opinion that this model is the
done in the past decade (e.g., Oda & Nakayama, most suitable for FE analysis because it is extended
1989; Sakurai, 1990). Oda and Nakayama (1989) from a well-known Cam-clay model (Burland, 1967)
introduced a fabric tensor to express the anisotropy and there is a small number of parameters compared
of the discrete particles. Sakurai (1990) described with other models. These parameters are to be back
the anisotropy of the soils only in elastic behavior. It analyzed by a minimization method in which
has been well understood that most geological mate- NLSSQP method is combined with FEA. This pro-
rials present elasto-plastic rather than elastic behav- cedure has been successhlly applied to isotropic
ior. At present, however, there are no generally ac- soils (Feng et al. 1999). Its effectiveness is also il-
cepted elasto-plastic constitutive models that can be lustrated in the present paper through a fictitious ex-
used with confidence to simulate the nonlinear re- cavation performed in a transversely isotropic slope.
sponse of anisotropic materials under a variety of
loading conditions, because it is either difficult or
costly to determine the parameters used in aniso- 2. CONSTITUTIVE RELATIONS OF TRANS-
tropic models by laboratory tests. The difficulties VERSELY ISOTROPIC SOILS
exist in that it is nearly impossible to obtain the spe-
cimens of high quality through samplings in moun- To start with, the transversely isotropic soils are
tainous areas. taken into consideration in which the axis of sym-
A back analysis substituted for laboratory tests has metry is normal to the bedding plane. We shall de-
become an available method for the determination of fine a cartesian frame where one axis y coincides

with the symmetry axis, and cofisequently, the plane In plane strain condition, the elastic matrix for trans-
of isotropy is the plane (x, z) as shown in Figure 1. versely isotropic materials is known as (Zien-
kiewicz, 1977)

n(l-nv:) nv2Al 0
[Del = T
lnv2A, 1-v: 0
AlA, 0 0 mA1A2
A, = l + v , , A, = 1-v, -2nv; (7)
Figure 1 . A cartesian coordinate system
for transversely isotropic soils

If the soils are isotropic, the yield surface may be

expressed by a hnction of the state of the stress dij
and the plastic history of the material through E,, v , are associated with the behavior in x-z plane
hardening variables, k, which is a hnction of plastic and E,, G2,v along y direction; perpendicular to the
strains, ePhk x-zplane. Hence, there are 5 elastic parameters such
as m, n, E2,Y , and v 2 . There has been no effective
f = f(oij,k(&)) testing techniques for them so far; and they will be
back analyzed in the present paper.
If the material is orthotropic, the yield function
and in general all mechanical properties depend on
the orientation of the principal axes of the stresses 3 . YIELD FUNCTION FOR TRANSVERSELY
which are inclined to the orthotropy axes with angles ISOTROPIC SOILS
8,. Since the strain history may change the initial
anisotropy of the soils, 8, will be in general hnctions In order to present the elasto-plastic matrix (i.e.,
of the plastic strains. Thus equation (4)), one needs to choose a yield function f
and a potential hnction g. In the following, we shall
employ the associated flow rule. Although it is
widely accepted nowadays that the associated flow
Then the elasto-plastic stress-strain relationship can rule is not valid for geological materials (e.g., Lade
be expressed as and Duncan, 1975; Lade and Musante, 1978), the as-
sociated flow rule will be, as a first step, assumed
here for the sake of simplicity.
(3) For anisotropic materials, Nova (1 986) proposed
a constitutive model by generalizing the yield hnc-
Dep]represents the elasto - plastic matrix tion of the modified Cam Clay model (see Burland,
1967). The model for anisotropic materials was in-
vestigated through triaxial compressions for soft
sedimentary rocks (e.g., Nova, 1986). Although the
quantitative agreement between experimental data
and predicted values, as reported by Nova, was not
always satisfactory, this model, however, gives an
overall picture of the behavior of sedimentary rocks.
In the following, the derivation of the yield hnction
where H is referred to as hardening parameter and is for anisotropic materials is briefly described.
written as The yield hnction of the modified Cam-clay
model is given by the expressions

p' = -(G;
1 +20;)
q = 0;- 0 ;

M =strength parameter; pc= initial mean effective 4. FINITE ELEMENT FORMULATION
stress. Equation (9) can be expressed in a general-
ized formulation The finite element method follows a conventional
elastic-plastic formulation except that the stress
components corresponding to local x-y coordinate
system must be transformed into those of global XI-y'
where system as shown in figure 2.

p2=2M2/9, k= pc /2, 6, is the Kroneker delta. Equa-

tion (12) holds for an isotropic material.
A generalization of equation (12) to orthotropic
conditions was given by Nova (1986) who followed
Hill's ideas (1950). The generalized equation may
be expressed by the following equation
Figure 2 . Two sets of coordinate systems
- 3k2 = 0

The relation of elasto-plastic matrix between the two

where C,, is a quadruple tensor whose components coordinate systems can be given as
are linked to the anisotropic characteristics of the
material. In plane strain condition, the quadruple
tensor Cllrsis given by

in which [D',,] is an elastic-plastic matrix corre-

sponding to XI-y' global coordinate; [D,,] represents
the elastic-plastic matrix associated with x-y local
coordinates; [T] is a transformation matrix and may
be expressed as

Equation (15) is the yield fimction for anisotropic -cos2 e sin2e - 2 sine cOse
materials. To obtain the elasto-plastic matrix of
equation (4), it is still necessary to define the fimc-
tions k and 8 Nova (1986) pointed out that it is [T]= sin28 cos2e 2sin€Icose (19)
very difficult to choose a suitable expression for 8 I
because few experimental findings have been
achieved so far. Therefore 8 I is not taken into ac- -
sine cose - sine cos0 cos28 - sin28
count in this paper as a first approximation. A pos-
sible expression for k( E Phk) may be assumed as fol-
lows where 8 is the angle between the x-y and XI-y' coor-
dinate systems (see Figure 2).
The basic governing equilibrium equation, based
on the principle of virtual displacement, is given by

in which A. represents the volumetric compressibil-

In equations (15) -
(17), there are 5 plastic pa-
rameters (i.e, Q , p , y , p , l.). Since y may be where [BIT is the strain-displacement transformation
linked to 0: (see Nova,1986), the number of plastic matrix; and
parameters then reduces to 4.
{ U )= j[Nr{Afb}dV+ /[N]T{Af,)dS (21)
v S

where [NI =displacement interpolation matrix; { A

f,}=body force vector; { Af,}=external load vector.

5. DETERMINATION OF THE PARAMETERS The constrained conditions for the parameters are

There are 10 parameters in this model (i.e., m, n, E,, O<n<l; m>0; E2>0
v ,, Y , ,U, a , P , ;L and 8 ). These parameters are
conventionally determined by laboratory tests. How- 0 < v1 < 0.5; 0 < v2 < 0.5
ever, these tests cannot be carried out successhlly
because it is hardly possible to acquire specimens of 0 > 0; a>0; p o
high quality for representing the behavior of aniso-
tropic soils. This does not imply that the authors un-
derestimate the value of laboratory tests. On the Table 1. Material parameters.
contrary, we believe that the researches should be
contributed to the essential development in tests, Property Value
since the intrinsic properties of anisotropic soils may n 0.50
be revealed only through a wealth of test data. This m 0.09
paper does not contribute to this aspect, while fo- Young's modulus (E,) 7000 KNm-'
cussing on the determination of the parameters in Poisson's ratio (v,) 0.30
terms of an optimization procedure, in which Poisson's ratio (v,) 0.30
NLSSQP method is employed. The NLSSQP meth- 8 45.00"
od is capable of solving Nonlinear Least Square a 2.50
problems with constrained minimization conditions P 1.35
by means of Sequential Quadric Programming P 1.oo
method. With regard to the details about the optimi- A. 0.03
zation method, the readers are referred to the related Density ('yJ 20.0 KNm"
papers (e.g., Takahashi, et al., 1987; Feng et al.,
Theoretically speaking, all the 10 parameters and
density yt ought to be evaluated. As the excessive
6. NUMERICAL EXAMPLE number of parameters , however, may lead to unsta-
ble solutions, some parameters can be determined by
A cutting made in a fictitious slope of transversely tests in advance. For example, the value of density yt
isotropic soils is investigated in the following sec- can be easily obtained by routine tests. Also the val-
tions. The finite element mesh and six observed no- ues of A. can be determined by performing a com-
dal points are shown in Figure 3 . Due to lack of the pression test since it is affected little by anisotropy.
observational data of practical projects, we need to In addition, the value of 0has no influence on'the
do a forward FEA to produce them. The properties shape of the yield surface for 8 =O" and 8 =90", and
of the soils and the model parameters listed in table is of minor importance for other values of 8 (Nova,
1 are regarded as real solutions. 1986). So the value of 0is assumed to be 1.0 in the
The initial stresses are determined by elastic ana- present example. As a result, only 8 of them are
lysis in which self-weights are handled as loading herein left for back analysis.
forces. The boundary conditions for the displace- Like some other optimization methods, the pre-
ments are described as follows: there are only hori- sent procedure also needs to set up a group of initial
zontal restrictions at left and right sides (i.e. AB and values. Here four groups of initial values are taken
CD in Figure 3). There are both horizontal and verti- into investigation as listed in table 2.
cal restrictions at bottom (i.e. BC). For the sake of
simplicity, we do not take into account the pore wa-
ter pressure. Table 2. Four groups of initial values

Property case 1 case 2 case 3 case4

n 0.20 0.37 0.70 0.80
m 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.20
E, (KNm-') 10500 5500 9000 11000
VI 0.21 0.20 0.35 0.20
v2 0.21 0.20 0.35 0.20
8 (0) 20.00 20.00 70.00 70.00
a 1.25 1.90 3.20 1.50
Figure 3. The finite element mesh and the observed P 1.15 1.15 1.45 1.10
point number


The back-analyzed parameters are listed in table 3,

and the corresponding horizontal displacements are
given in figure 4. The displacements back analyzed
are generally approximate to the observed values,
especially those of case 4 meet the observed values
very well (see figure 4(b)). It is very common that
the back-analyzed values of parameters having the
smallest error, which is a norm of the difference
between observed and model calculated displace-
ments at specified observation points, can be taken
as the final results (Yamagami et al., 1992; Feng et
al., 1999). Here, the results of case 4 can be chosen
as the final values of the parameters.
It is worth noting that the value of the angle be-
tween local and global coordinate systems (i.e., 8 )
can be well optimized to the real value in the four
cases. This means that the present method can pre-
dict accurately the values of 8 , which is difficult to
be determined in practice. Hence, this method is
worth hrther studying. However, some values (e.g.,
a , y in case 3) are not convergent towards correct
values, which leads to a larger errors (i.e., 1.027X
103 in case 3 ) . To avoid such discrepancies, the sim-
plest way is to choose the results with smallest er- Figure 4. The comparison between observed
rors. and computed values at the end of excavation

Table 3. Back analysis results 8. CONCLUSIONS

Property case 1 case 2
A finite element analysis has been implemented by
correct values initial results initial results
introducing a constitutive model for the transversely
n 0.50 0.20 0.45 0.37 0.52 isotropic geotechnical materials. The significance of
m 0.09 0.03 0.08 0.06 0.12
introduction of this model is that some materials
E, (KNm-,) 7000 10500 7180 5500 6340
such as sedimentary rocks enjoy an intrinsic or
v1 0.30 0.21 0.35 0.20 0.30
structural anisotropy due to their formation process.
v2 0.30 0.21 0.27 0.20 0.38
However, this model has not been widely used so far
0 (") 45.00 20.00 44.73 20.00 45.45
due to the complexities of determining the model
ff 2.50 1.25 2.60 1.90 2.29
parameters by laboratory tests. An attempt has been
P 1.35 1.15 1.39 1.15 1.45 made in the present paper to employ a back analysis
Errors(x w 4 ) 0,0802 0.0800 method in which FEM was incorporated into
Number of cycles 18 28 NLSSQP method. The proposed procedure has been
verified using an example of excavation in a strati-
fied slope. The values of the parameters back ana-
Table 3. (Continued) lyzed were very close to the correct values. Corre-
Property case 3 case 4 spondingly, the solutions with the smallest error
Correct values initial results initial results could be regarded as final results.
n 0.50 0.70 0.60 0.80 0.51 Since the study on the constitutive relations of
m 0.09 0.10 0.09 0.20 0.09 anisotropic geological materials are insufficient at
E, (KNm-,) 7000 9000 6220 11000 6910 the present stage, various attempts, including labo-
V1 0.30 0.35 0.24 0.20 0.29 ratory tests and back analyses, should be made in
v2 0.30 0.35 0.34 0.20 0.31 order to predict more accurately the behaviors of
0 (") 45.00 70.00 45.39 70.00 44.60 heterogeneous and anisotropic slopes existing
ff 2.50 3.20 3.30 1.50 2.33 broadly in Shikoku of Japan.
P 1.35 1.45 1.50 1.10 1.29
Errors(x l(Y4) 1.0270 0.0 120
Number of cycles 4 30


Burland, J. B., 1967. Deformation of soft clay. Ph.

D. Thesis, University of Cambridge.
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analysis for parameters of MC-DP model by com-
bining FEM with NLSSQP Method. International
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technical and Geoenvironmental aspects. IS-
Shikoku'99, Japan.
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stress-strain theory for cohesionless soils. Journal
of Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE,
V01.101, No.GT10: 1037-1053.
Lade, P. V. & Musante H. M., 1978. Three dimen-
sional behavior of remoulded clay. Journal of
Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol.
104, No.GT2: 193-210.
Nova, R.,1986. An extended Cam clay model for
soft anisotropic rocks. Computers and Geotech-
nics 2: 69-88.
Oda, M. & Nakayama H. 1989. Yield Function for
Soil with anisotropic fabric. Journal of Engineer-
ing Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 115, No. 1: 89-104.
Sakurai, S., 1990. Numerical analysis for the inter-
pretation of field measurements in geomechnics.
Numerical Methods and Constitutive Modelling
in Geomechanics, CISM courses and lectures
No.3 11, Edited by C.S. Desai/G. Gioda, Springer-
verlag: 35 1-407.
Takahashi, S., Yamaki, N. & Yabe, H. 1987. Some
modifications of sequential quadratic program-
ming method for constrained optimization. TRU
Mathematics. 23(2):28 1-295.
Yamagami, T., Mori, K., Ueta, Y. & Yasutomi, H.,
1992. Design and construction control of a large
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pan: 443-448.
Zienkiewicz, 0. C. 1977. The finite element method.
Published by McGRAW-HILL Book company
(UK) Limited: 93-134.

3 Rock slope stability analyses
This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Slope Stabhty Engmeenng, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiangco 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

An upper bound wedge failure analysis method

Z.Y.Chen, Y. J. Wang, X.G. Wang & J.Wang

China Institutue of Water Resources und Hyclsopor~wResecisch, Bei jing, People's Republic of' China

ABSTRACT: The solution to a wedge failure of a rock slope is normally obtained by employing force
equilibrium analysis (Hoek, 1976). It has been found that the problem is in fact statically indeterminate and
some assumptions were made to render the analysis tractable.
A new method based on the upper bound method of plasticity has been proposed by which Pan's
postulates( 1980) can be numerically performed. More than 80 potentially unstable wedges in the Ship-lock
slopes of the Three Gorges Project were evaluated, compared with the traditional approaches. It has been
found that for material that has no friction angle, the new method gave exactly the same answers as those
from the textbooks. However, for wedges with cohesionless material, the textbook answers can be as low as
60 percent of the upper bound solutions. This means that the currently available wedge failure method may be
too conservative if failure potential is assessed on the ground that cohesion of the material are not considered.
This is certainly an area of much needed firther research.

1 INTRODUCTION assumption that the shear forces on the failure

surfaces are parallel to the line of intersection of the
Wedge failure is a common collapse mode found in two failure surfaces.
rock slopes. In this case, the sliding mass falls along To understand the effect of the assumption made
two well defined weak planar structures either with in the conventional method, let us examine an
or without a tension crack at the crown (Figure 1). example that has a symmetric geometry and material
Hoek and Bray (1 977) discussed the conditions upon properties with respect to the line of intersection.
which a typical wedge failure may take place. In Main parameters are shown in Table 1. Cohesion of
general, a wedge failure may occur if the line of the two failure surfaces is set to zero. Figure 2 gives
interaction of the two slip planes daylight at the the factor of safety associated with different values
slope surface. of the angles between the line of intersection and the
The limit equilibrium method is generally used to shear forces applied on the failure surfaces, which is
find the factor of safety for this kind of failure mode. represented as p. It is apparent that the case p=O"
The procedures are well documented in textbooks corresponds to the conventional method which
(e.g. Hoek and Bray, 1977). However a detailed assumes that the shear forces on the two failure
study of these procedures will come to the fact that surfaces are parallel to the line of intersection. It can
the problem is statically indeterminated. When be found that the conventional method gave a value
establishing the force equilibrium equations, there of factor of safety F = 0.87. However F can be as
are generally two unknown force vectors on the two large as 1.136 at p =39". The question thus arises is
failure surfaces, which involve a total of six what the true answer to F would be and in what
components in the x,y,z co-ordinate axes(Figure 1). cases the deviation between different assumptions
The value of factor of safety to be searched adds one regarding the directions of the shear forces can be of
more. The numbers of available force equilibrium significance and caution must be exercised to select
equations for the wedge block are three. Mohr- appropriate answers.
Coulumn failure criterion on the failure surfaces In this paper we would investigate the theoretical
would provide another two equations. Therefore, background regarding this issue and try to establish
two assumptions must be made to allow the problem a new analytical method that is based on the upper
statically determinate. The traditional method bound theorems of Plasticity.
presented in Textbooks actually implies an

Figure 2. Factors of safety for different value of p

Figure 1. The wedge failure analysis

where W is the weight vector of the wedge. The

Table 1. Parameters for an example of symmetric wedge
subscripts r and I refer to the right and left failure
Surface Dip direction Dip angle
surfaces respectively.
Left 120" 65" Now, we assign a velocity V that inclines at
Right 240" 65" angles q,,,qerto the left and right failure surfaces
Crest 180" 0" respectively. According to the virtual work principle,
Slope 180" 90" we have
Unit weight = 27KN/m3
w + P,,,V + P,,,V + C,,,V + c,,y= 0 (4)
2 AN APPROACH BY THE VIRTUAL WORK Since the work done by the frictional forces P on
PRINCIPLE V is zero, the work and energy balance equation
Let us examine the forces applied on the two failure
surfaces that constitute the wedge. Each force
comprises two components. The first component,
designated as P (Figure lb), is a resultant of the where y is the angle between the weight vector.
normal force N and its shear resistance N tanq,, . P Equation ( 5 ) involves only one unknown, the value
inclines at an angle qeto the normal of the failure of F, which is implicitly involved in the shear
surface. The second component designated as C is strength parameters with the subscript e and can be
the shear resistance force contributed by the solved by iterations.
cohesion, whose magnitude is c ',,A . The velocity V that inclines at angles qel,q,,, to
The subscript e involved in the strength
the left and right failure surfaces respectively can be
parameters defines the factor of safety F, which
reduces the available shear strength parameters c ' uniquely determined by solving the following
and 4' to the new values of c', and $'c by the equations:
following equations to bring the wedge into a state
of limiting equilibrium.

ck = c ' l F (1) V, . N, + Vy- N, + V, . N , = sin ye,,, (7)

tan 4; = tan 4; / F (2) V,' + Vy' + Vz2= 1 (8)

Considering force equilibrium for wedge leads to where the components of V in x, y, z directions are
designated as (V,,Vy,V,) . (N,,Ny, N,) is the
W + ?,e + Pr,, + C/,c+ Cr,e = 0 (3) directional component of the normal of the failure

surface. IVI is the magnitude of I? term in Equation (9) does not exist. On the other
hand, for problems which concerns factor of safety
rather than the external ultimate load, T* is zero,
performing the upper bound statement would be the
3 THE THEORETICAL BACKGROUND determination of the minimum values of F involved
in the following equation
3.1 Pan s postulates of maximum and minimum
The value of factor of safety obtained by the
L. = WV*
procedures described in Section 2 is one of many
possible solutions that satisfy Equation (3). It is The second term D,,refers to the energy
different from the one obtained by the conventional dissipation developed on the slip surface, based on
method introduced in the textbook, which assumes the reduced shear strength parameters c and @Ie.

Pie,Pr,eparallel to the line of intersection. For a Mohr-Coulomb material the yield surface is
Perhaps Pan was the first one who challenges the given by
conventional approach. In his book (Pan, 1980), he
put forward the famous postulates in China as
(1) Among many possible slip surfaces, the real where z and G are shear and normal stress on the
one offers the minimum resistance against failure failure plane respectively, U is the pore pressure. The
( Principle of minimum); associative flow rule thus requires that the normal
(2) For a specified slip surface, the stress in the velocity V, and tangential velocity y, obey the
failure mass as well as on the slip surface will be following relationship
reorganized to develop the maximum resistance
against failure ( Principle of maximum).
Pan tried to find the maximum values of F in
Equation (3) among all the two possible extra
unknowns. However the mathematics was too
complicated to be approached in the time when his This implies that for a Mohr-Coulumb material
theory was advocated. It is now possible to the plastic velocity is inclined at an angle of 4Ie to
demonstrate that the procedure described in Section the failure plane.
2 is actually the maximum value of F based on the The energy dissipation developed on a unit area of
upper bound theory of Plasticity. The procedures the failure surface can therefore be determined by
described in Section 2 actually gave the maximum the expression.
factor of safety of 1.136 for the example shown in
Figure 2. dD = zy,+ oV, = (zcos 4; + o sin 4; )V
= (c‘cos 4; - U sin 4: )V (13)
3.2 The Upper bound theorem of Plasticity
Now it is not difficult to find that: (1) the velocity
The upper bound theorem of Plasticity as applied for determined by solving Equations (6), (7), (8) is
soil mechanics is discussed in detailed in Chen’s exactly the plastic velocity determined by Mohr-
textbook (Chen, 1975) and can be stated as follows: Coulumb associate flow law which obeys (12); (2)
Equation (10) is identical to (5). Therefore, the
If an increment in compatible plastic deformation solution obtained by the procedure presented in
V* (called velocity) and strain filed E,; are Section 2 is an upper bound, or in other words, a
assigned to a failure mechanism R*bounded by solution that offers the maximum resistance.
a failure surface P, then the external load T* Use of the bound theorems of Plasticity to
determined by the following work-energy balance Geomechanics is not new. Chen, W. F. (1975) gave
equation will be either larger or equal to the true a comprehensive review on its fundamentals and
load T that brings the structure to failure. applications to solving bearing capacity, earth
pressure and slope stability problems. Sloan (1988,
(9) 1989) used finite elements and linear programming
to approach both upper and lower bounds for the
determination of bearing capacity on both uniform
The first and second terms refer to this energy and layed foundations. Donald and Chen (1997)
dissipation developed in the failure mass and on the presented an upper bound slope stability analysis
failure surface respectively. In wedge slide the method which employed a multi-wedge failure
failure mass is a rigid body, therefore the left first mechanism. Optimization was followed to find the

velocity field that offered the minimum factor of upper bound method of plasticity and Pan's 'Theory
safety, which according to the upper bound theory of maximum-and minimum'. This method gives the
would be either equal or slightly higher than the true maximum possible factor of safety among all
answers of the problem. The method presented statically admissible stress fields. More than 80
herein belongs to the same theoretical framework, potentially unstable wedges in the shiplock slopes of
but is particularly applicable to wedge analysis. It is the Three Gorges Project were evaluated, compared
also not difficult to demonstrate that for material with the traditional approaches. It has been found
with $',=O, the method described in Section 2 will that for material that has no friction angle, the new
give identical results to those obtained by the method gave exactly the same answers as those from
conventional method. the textbook. However, for wedges with
cohesionless material, the textbook answers can be
as low as 60 percent of the upper bound solutions.
4 CASE STUDY - THE THREE GORGES This means that using currently available wedge
failure method may be too conservative for
SHIPLOCK SLOPES cohesionless materials.
Further experimental research is certainly much
In evaluating the stability of potential wedge failure needed to justify the issue raised in this paper.
of the shiplock slopes of the Three Gorges project,
we performed some 80 wedges. Some of them
exhibited quite large difference between the results Table 3 Factors of safety associated with different
obtained by the conventional method and the upper strength parameters for Wedge No. 4 of the Three Gorges
bound method described herein. The following is a shiplock project
typical example. Friction c=O KN/m2 c=25 KhJ/m2 c=50 KN,/m2
angle U.P. L.M. U.P. L.M. U.P. L.M.
Example Stability analysis for the No. 4 Wedge of O0 - - 0.982 0.982 1.97 1.97
the shiplock slope of the three Gorges 5" 0.285 0.172 1.176 1.15 2.154 2.142
Table 3 shows the result for No. 4 Wedge based 10" 0.573 0.346 1.405 1.328 2.361 2.317
on a different combination of parameters. Geological 15' 0.872 0.526 1.661 1SO8 2.591 2.497
and strength parameters are shown in Table 2. We 2OQ 1.184 0.715 1.942 1.697 2.846 2.685
found that: 5 O 1.516 0.916 2.25 1.898 3.129 2.886
(1) When the friction angles of both failure 3l0 1.953 1.18 2.665 2.16 3.154 3.150
surfaces are zero, the two methods gave identical *L.M. stands for the conventional limit equilibrium
results; method, and U.P., for the upper bound method proposed
(2) Great discrepancy was found for cases where in this Section.
the cohesion of both surfaces is zero.

Table 2 Parameters of Wedge No. 4 of the Three Gorges REFERENCES

shiplock slope
DiD direction DiD angle Chen, W. F. 1975. Limit analysis and soil plasticity.
left 345" 76" Elsevier Scientijk Publishing Co., New York.
right 130" 80" Donald, I and Chen, 2. Y. 1997. Slope stability
crest 21" 0" analysis by the upper bound approach:
slope 21" 90" fundamentals and methods. Canadian
Height = 32.1 m Geotechnical Journal, 34: 853-862.
Unit weight = 27 KhJ/m3 Hoek, E. and Bray, J.W. 1977. Rock slope
engineering. The Institute of Mining and
Pan, J. Z., 1980. Stability analysis and landslide
5 CONCLUSION assessment for structures. Water Resources
Press, Beijing. (In Chinese).
It hzs been found that the limit equilibrium method Sloan S. W. 1988, Lower bound limit analysis using
involved in a wedge failure analysis is in fact finite elements and linear programming. Inter-
statically indeterminate. The conventional method national Journal for Numerical and Analytical
(Hoek and Bray, 1977) introduced an assumption Methods in Geomechanics, 12, 6 1-67.
that the shear forces on the failure surfaces are Sloan S. W. 1989, Upper bound limit analysis using
parallel to the line of intersection of the two failure finite elements and linear programming. Inter-
surfaces. national Journal for Numerical and Analytical
This paper presents a new method based on the Methods in Geomechanics, 13,263-282.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami& Jiang 0 1999 Balkerna, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Stability analysis of rockfill dam and retaining wall constructed

on dip bedrock

Chen Shengshui & Fang Xushun

Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, People’s Republic of China

ABSTRACT: Modified Janbu’ s general slice method is used to calculate the stability of the downstream shell
of rockfii dam along the dip bedrock, the in - situ direct shear test are carried out to determine the shear suen,oth
between rockfill and the bedrock. Results show that the stability safety factor does not meet the desired value.
As a result, a concrete gravity retaining wall is used to cut the long dip bedrock, and modified Coulomb theory
is used to analyses the stability of gravity concrete retaining wall along the dip bedrock and the soft intercalated
layer in the bedrock again. Results show that the stability of the retaining wall is sufficient.

1 INTRODUCTION and k d m k surface is one of key factors to determine the

stability of the downstream shell of rockfill dam along the
A lOOOMW pumped storage hydro - plant will be dip k d m k surface. Tnus, an in-situ dimt shear test is
built in %a, the major dam of upper reservoir con- carried out to m m the shear stren,&. The curve of
structed on the dip bedrock is a remforced concrete shear stress and dsplacexmt, and the shear stren-a index
face rockfill darn. The average gradient of bedrock between the n8mkfZI and weak warherd quarti! sand-
surface is about 1 : 1 . 5 , and the maximum height is stone and strong h e r e d gmxteprphyry are shown in
Fi,.ure 2. and Fi,.ure 3 respectively. It is found that the
shear mn,& betwen rockfill and tedrcck is obviously
less than that of mkfill itself ( G x n & Guan 1 5 9 ) .
’Therefore, the interface of downstream shell and k d m k
b e c m of the mt p b l e slide plane. The stabdity
analysis of downstream shell along be$rock suface is irn-
plemnted by rmm of d e d Janbu s general slice
mthd. In the mthd, the following assqtions are
made (see Fi,oure 2):
about 270111, see Figure 1 . Therefore, the stability of
downstream shell is one of key problems. As a result,
two kinds of type of downstream shell is chosen at
preliminary design stage, one is that the downstream
shell is all rockfill, the other one is that a gravity con-
crete retaining wall is built to cut the long downstream
shell in order to increase its stabllity. In what fol-
lows, the stability of downstream shell of two kinds
of type is discussed respectively.
Figure 2 Forces applied on soil slice

1.slide plane has saT1z: safety factor;

It is wll known that the shear strength between mkfill ~ pint of vertical load AW and sLide plane
3 . 3 CITES

is also the acting pint of reactive force AN;
3.?he push E is linear distribution, and the distance
between its acting pint and the bottom of soil slice equals
- w

Based on the esphbrium of force and rrmmx, the
following expsiions can be obtained for i soil slice:

- ( p + t)Axtga (1)
when the width of soil slice is srr!all enough, then

where t = AT/a?G,p = y z , y is the unit wight of soil,

hi and h i + l is the distance betwen acting pint of push
f a E and the bottomof soil slice, U is the pressure of
pore water. As a result, the expresson of stability safety Figure 3 . Direct shear test results
(benveen tuff rock-fill and weak weathered quartz sandstone)
factor F , can be given:

3 -
2 [ cllz + (pAz + AT - u h ) t g 4 ~[ (1 + $ a ) / ( 1+ F)]
( p ~ +z ar)tga
, = I

?he iteration m t h d will be q l o y e d to calculate
the stability safety factor F,. In the calculation, the acting
force E and T betven soil slices are obtained from lower
position to uppx position, different from Janbu’ s general
slice IrEthd.
Moreover, the simpl5ed Bishop’ s mthod is em-
ployed to a n a l p the stability of mkfill, the slide plane
in rockfill is detemdned by t d and m.In above calcu-
larion, the shear strengh between rock-fiu and w a k
weathered quartz sandstone or granite - porphyry is used
respectively for merent bedrock (see E ,- 3 and Fi,a
3 ) , the inm~ockingforce of mkfill c = W a , internal
firction angIe $ = 4P. It is worth to indicate that the seep- Figure 4. Direct shear test results
(between tuff rock-fill and strong weathered granite-porphyry)
age force applied on tedmk surface and rockfill is not
considered in the calculation. ?he calculation result shows
that the safety factor is 1.34, less than 1.50 requested by 9m,the average height is about 28.9m, the total lengch of
the Chinese design code of earth and mm darn. ?he axis of retaining wall is about 4 1 3 . k . As a result, che
combined slide plane of typical section campnding to stability of downstream shell tlansfers into the stabil~tyof
the rninimm safety factor is show in F i
, 1. retainhg wall. It is well known that the stability of retain-
ing wall contains the following two aspects:
3 WILITY ANALYSIS OF REc4TMNG MI?vL I. ?he stability of retaining ~+aLlalong the kdrcck
Considering the long and steep k d m k surface of down- 3,. ?he stability ofretaining wall along the softinter-
stream shell, a gravity concrete retaining wall is sugested calated layer in k h x k .
to M d in order to increase the statxlity of downstream Figure 4 gives three typical Sections that mml the
shell and d u c e the volunx: of midill. The distance be- stability of retaining wall along the k d m k surface. Fig-
twen axis of ~tainingwall and axis of mjcx damis about ure5 is a typical section, it indicates the disolbunon of
1&, the maxirrmm height of retaining wall is about 62. faults and soft inferabed layers in becjtrock.

3.1 stability d y i s qf retauwzg ud &ng beasock srqfpace
Generally, for ' L' type retaining wall, the connect-
ing line BC of wall top and wall toe can be approxi-
mately regarded as the wall back (Guang 1996). Ac-
cording to Coulomb theory, the angle between direc-
tion of active soil pressure E, and normal direction of
BC plane equals to the internal friction angle of rock-
fill. As for slide plane AB, it can be determined
based on the principle that the active soil pressure E,
induced by rockfill reaches the maximum. Thus, the
following expressions can be obtained from Figure 4:

J 1 + tg(a + $)ctg( 4 - a ) ] - tg($ -13) (7)

+ ctg( $ -a) 1
Where G is the rockfill weight of slide mass AI3C
(D) , 6 is the angle between slide plane AI3 and hori-
zontal plane. It is worth to note that the obtained by
above expressions less than the dip angle of bedrock
surface for section 3 , therefore, the interface of
bedrock and rockfid becomes of slide plane. Accord-
ingly, the direction of acting force applied on slide
plane is determined by the friction angle between
rockfii and bedrock surface.
Now, the active soil pressure E, induced by slide
mass ABC(D ) can be calculated by means of vector
mangle method. Moreover, the lirmt equrlibrium the-
ory of rigid body can be used to calculate the stability
safety factors of retaining wall. In stability analysis, Figure 5 Sraoilip anaihsis o i r m i n i n g nail along becrock surhcs

the unit wei&t of rockfii and concrete are 31.5kN/

m3 and 23,5kN/rn3 respectively, the internal friction Table 1 Stabdity analysis results
angle of rockfii 4 = 42", the friction angle between
rockfill and bedrock $ = 33.1' , the cernendng power 1 34609.8 6.42 3.93
between concrete retaining wall and bedrock c =
2 30479.7 8.11 1.75
GOOkPa, the hction factor f = 0.8 . Consider that the ~~ ~~

dip contact face of retaining wall and the bedrock is 3 9772.8 10.8 6.50
possible tensile stress zone, only the cementing power
and friction force of horizontal contact face between tion 3 have an excessive safety factor. As a result,
reraining wall and bedrock are considered. The active the toe slab length of retaining wall may be reduced in
soil pressure E, and stability safety factors F,, Fo a- order to reduce the volume of concrete.
gainst sliding and overturning of retaining of above
tkree typical sections are listed in table 1 . It is found 3 . 2 Stability analysis of retaining waLL along s o j In-
that the stability safety factors of retaining wall along tercalated layer and fault in Bedrock
bedrock surface are lager than 3 . 0 requested by (31-
nese design cede, especially , the section 2 and sec- Fi,me 5 indicates that interconnected Fig, F4 faults

and St20, St21 soft intercalated layers exist in the foun- obvious influence on the deep slide stability of retain-
dation of retaining wall, therefore, it is necessary to ing wall ,the 3", 5" and 8" dip angle of soft interca-
analyses the deep slide stability of retaining wall along lated layers are chosen to cany out the sensitivity
faults and soft intercalated layers. At first, on the ba- analysis. Calculation results are listed in table2. It is
sis of Coulomb theory, the active pressure E, applied found that the stability increases with increasing depth
on wall back HI is obtained. In the calculation, fault of soft intercalated layer, and the stability safety fac-
F19 is redarded as slide plane of slide mass AHI. For tor F, = 1.30 when the dip angle of soft intercalated
conservative aim, the direction of acting force R ap- layer St20reaches 8", less than 1 .50 requested by Chi-
plied on slide plane AH is determined by the friction nese design code of earth and rockfiu dam. As a re-
angle $ r of fault FI9. Then, the active soil pressure sult, the anchoring measures should be taken to ensure
E, is regarded as external force, the stability analysis the deep slide stability of retaining wall.
of retaining wall along the soft intercalated layers and
faults is canied out. Table 2 D e e ~slide stabilitv safetv factor
The stability analysis of retaining wall along fault Slide type Dip angle Safety factor
F19 and F1 is implemented by means of equivalent 3" 2.05
safety factor method (Lu 1984) . In the calculation, HD-DE 5" 1.67
block DBE and EBC are assumed in limit equilibrium
8" 1.30
state, the weight of block MDEJKL is assumed as the
external load, the cohesion and friction angle of fault 3" 2.93
FI9 and F4 c = 30kPa, $ = 17.7",the unit weight of HF- FG 5" 2.19
bedrock is 24. 5kN/m3 . Calculation result shows the 8" 2.08
stability safety factor F, = 3.44. Therefore, the sta-
bility of retaining wall along fault F19and F1 is suffi-
Conventional Limit equilibrium method is used to
calculate the stability of reraining wall along soft in- Based on above analysis results, the following conclu-
tercalated layer St20and Sbl . In the calculation, HD sions can be obtained:
or HF plane is assumed in critical unjoint state. The 1 . The shear stren,gh between rockfill and
shear stren,gh of soft intercalated layer Stzo and St21is bedrock surface is less than the shear stren,gh of rock-
determined by in - situ test, the cohesion and friction fill itself, the dip bedrock surface conn-ol the stability
angle c = 30kPa, 4 = 15.6". Consider that the dip of downstream shell of rockii dam.
angle of soft intercalated layer of Sb0 and St21has 2. The stability of proposed concrete reraining
wall along bedrock surface is sufficient. However,
the deep slide stability of retaining wall along shallow
soft intercalated layer does meet the requested value
when its dip angle a = 8". Thus, the anchoring engi-
neering measures must be taken.


S.S . Chen & B . H. Guan (1999). Study on shear

snen,& between rockfill and bedrock surface.
NHRI Rport.
F. N . Guang ( 1996) Design of Retaining Wall. Chi-
nese Hydropower Press.
S . S . Lu (1984) Rock Mechanics and Engineering.
Hohai University Press.

Figure 6 Srabilip analysis ofreramng n a i l along iauirs and soft layer

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 7999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Soil-water coupling analysis of progressive failure of cut slope using a strain

softening model
T.Adachi, EOka, H.Os& & H.Fukui
Department of Civil Engineering, Kyoto University,Japan
E Zhang
Department of Civil Engineering, Gifu University,Japan

ABSTRACTS: In the present paper, based on an elasto-plastic model with strain hardening and strain softening
(Oka, and Adachi, 1985), a finite element analysis of soil-water coupling problem is conducted to investigate
the progressive failure of a cut slope in a model ground. The mechanical behaviors of a cut slope, such as the
change of excessive pore-water pressure, the redistribution of stress in ground due to strain softening, the
propagation of shear band and the progressive failure are discussed in detail. It is found that a soil-water
coupling analysis based on an elastoplastic model with strain softening can simulate the progressive failure of a
cut slope.

1 INTRODUCTION are two types of time-dependent behavior, one is due

to the interaction of free water and soil skeleton and
It is commonly known that soft sedimentary rock can the other is brought about by the inherent viscous
be linked to many geotechnical engineering characteristics of soil skeleton.
problems, such as the instability of cut slopes and Yoshida et al. (1991), Adachi and Yoshida (1993)
foundations. Generally speaking, the mechanical discussed the softening behavior of soft sedimentary
behavior of soft sedimentary rock is elasto-plastic, rock and the instability of cut slopes. Adachi et al.
dilatant, strain hardening-strain softening and time (1 994) proposed an elasto-viscoplastic model that
dependent. From a physical point of view, soft can describe the aspects of time dependency, such as
sedimentary rock has an unconfined compressive strain rate dependency, creep and stress relaxation,
strength of 1-10 MPa and its mechanical behavior is but also the strain softening of geologic materials. In
between the behavior of soil and rock. Cementation the present paper, a finite element analysis was
plays an important role in its shearing strength. carried out to investigate the instability of a cut slope,
Compared to other geological materials formed in using the strain softening model. In the analysis, Biot
the same epoch, the void ratio is relatively large and type solid-fluid mixture theory with effective stress
a special structure formed during sedimentation. Its concept were adopted in order to take into
mechanical behavior during shearing is largely consideration soil-pore water interaction. Long term
dependent on the confined stress and the pore-water stability and progressive failure of cut slope have
pressure. The cementation existed in the structure, been studied due to strain softening and time
deteriorates due to the breakdown of the structure. dependency due to the dissipation of pore water
Various processes, such as large shearing pressure with small permeability of soft rocks.
deformation, cyclic drying-wetting or stress release
cause such a breakdown. The softening behavior of
soft sedimentary rock becomes a very important 2 ELASTOPLASTIC MODEL WITH STRAIN
factor in the long-term stability of cut slopes SOFTENING
It is known that progressive failure of cut slopes is
usually caused by the following two factors, namely, Oka and Adachi (1985) proposed an elastoplastic
(a) the deterioration of the structure of geologic model with strain softening, using a strain measure
materials due to the swelling and the weathering expressed as
during and after the cut of the slopes, and (b) a
reduction in the apparent shear strength due to the
dissipation of negative pore-water pressure caused dz = (de,,de,,)"' (1)
by rapid excavation of the cut slope. In general, there

where dz is an incremental strain measure. The stress It is assumed that plastic potential function is
history tensor is expressed by introducing a single expressed by the relation as
exponential type of kernel function, namely,

where zis a material parameter which expresses the

retardation of stress with respect to the time measure where Sq is the deviatoric stress tensor and omis the
and a;/ is the effective stress tensor. The total strain mean stress and M is the parameter that controls
increment tensor is composed of the elastic and the development of the volumetric strain. omb, the
plastic components: plastic potential parameter, is determined by
isotropic consolidation tests and takes the value of
+ d&T the pre-consolidated stress.
d E q = dE,f (31
The following relation expresses a boundary
The plastic strain increment is given by the non- surface, which defines the normally consolidated
associated flow rule as, and overconsolidated region as shown in Figure 1:

fb= i + g , n l n [ ( o , n +b)l(o,, +b)]=O (11)

where & is the plastic potential function, fy is the Based on this relation, the value of M in equation
yield function and H is a positive function 10 can be determined based on the boundary
describing the strain hardening-softening character- surface:
istics. The subsequent yield function is defined by

L,= q ' - K = O , 7' = .,/-/U:, (5)

where S*,, is the deviatoric stress history tensor, b is
the plastic potential parameter that represents the
extensive. o',,~is the mean stress history. K is the
strain hardening and softening parameter and is
given by the following evolution equation:

In the case of proportional loading, it can be

integrated as

Figure 1 Plastic potential and boundary surface

y p = jdyP
Combining Equations 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12, the
where 8,is a deviatoric plastic strain tensor. G' and following equation for the plastic strain increment
h f fare the strain hardening-softening parameters. tensor can be derived:
For the yielding function defined in Equation 5 ,
the following Prager condition should be satisfied,

dfy = d 7 * - dK = 0 (8)
The loading condition is given by the following +b)
A = M;' IG'I(M; - q*)' , q,, = SV/(o,,,
8 parameters are involved in the model and they can
# 0 if f J= 0, dfy > 0 loading be determined with the conventional triaxial
= 0 if A = 0, dfy = 0 neutral compression tests. Detail description of the
determination of these parameters can be referred to
= O if f,= 0 , d&, < 0 unloading references (Oka and Adachi, 1985)

3 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF PROGRESSI- stress field of the model ground is a gravitational
VE FAILURE I N CUT SLOPE OF MODEL field with a value of K0=0.43. In the calculation, the
GROUND excavation of the slope is completed within one
month, simulated by releasing the initial stress with
In this paper, a soil-water coupling finite element 500 steps (0.2%/step, 6000 sec/step). After the
analysis based on the model introduced in section 2 completion of the cut slope, 30000-step calculation
is conducted to analyze a progressive failure of a cut with a time interval of 6000 seclstep is conducted to
slope in a model ground of soft rock. simulate the dissipation of the excessive pore-water
For strain softening material, when it is subjected to pressure caused by the excavation of the slope.
a shearing force, it will firstly exhibit strain
hardening. After it reaches a peak value, strain
softening will occur and if the shearing deformation
continues, it will finally reaches a residual state. In a
boundary-value problem such as an excavation, a
stress concentration will occur, which often results in
a localized softening zone. In this case, because of
the strain softening, the stresses around the zone will
redistribute to satisfy the equilibrium equation. For
this reason, the strain-softening zone will develop
gradually due to the redistribution of the stresses. If
the development of the zone stops, an overall failure
of ground will not occur. However, if the zone
develops to such an extent that the surround ground
cannot bear any more stress shifted from the
softening zone, then an overall failure will occur and
it is called as progressive failure. Table 1 shows the
material parameters of the ground.

Table 1 Material Darameters of model ground

Young' modulus E Residual stress ratio
(MPa) M'f
Poisson Ratio v 0.33 b (MPa) 0.87
Density y' (g/cm3) 1 .O - (MPa)
omh 16.0
Permeability k (cdsec) 1O-' M ," 1.25
45.2 z 0.025
parameter G ' (MPa) Figure 2 Comparison of stress-strain-dilatancy
relations obtained from theory and FEM
Figure 2 shows a comparison of stress-strain-
dilatancy relations of the model ground in
conventional triaxial compression and extension
condition obtained from the theory and the finite
element analysis. It is found that the calculated
relations agree well with the theoretical ones, which
implies that the finite element analysis is convincible.
Figure 3 shows the finite element mesh adopted in
the analysis of the cut slope. The size of the ground
is 1000 m in length and 360 m in depth. The height
and the slope gradient of the cut slope are 150 m and
5:l respectively. The numbers of the node and 4-
node isoparametric element are 1120 and 1053 Figure 3 Finite element mesh
respectively. In the soil-water coupling analysis, an
excessive pore-water pressure is taken as the In order to fully study the process of the progressive
unknown variable. The boundary condition is given failure, the following two points are discussed,
as: (a) for displacement, it is fixed at the bottom in (1) Overall changes of the field quantities such as
both x, y directions and is fixed at the vertical plastic strain, excessive pore-water pressure and
boundaries in x direction; (b) for excessive pore- stress state
water pressure, the ground surface is the drainage (2) Time history of stress, strain, strain rate and
boundary and the others are impermeable. The initial dilatancy of individual element.


Figure 4 shows the change of the distribution of

stress-history ratio. In Adachi-Oka's model, the
failure state or the residual state is described by the
equation as

Figure 5 Change of plastic shear strain

Figure 4 Distribution of stress-history ratio with time

In'the residual state, the cohesion or the cementation

of the geologic material tends to be zero and only the
frictional strength that depends on a confining stress
remains. In this case, the stress-history ratio will be
the same as the stress ratio and takes the value of
In the figure, t=O means the time immediately after
the completion of the excavation. At the beginning,
the value of q* is kept as a constant of about 0.80.
4.67 years after the completion of the excavation, it
increases abruptly at the toe of the slope and then the
phenomenon propagates to other regions. 5 month
later, a failure band formed from the toe to surface,
in which the q* reaches to the residual value. Finally
an unstable block appears in slope, taking the band
as its boundary connecting the stable area of ground.
Figure 5 shows the change of the distribution of Figure 6 Change of excessive pore-water pressure
plastic shear strain. Similar to the stress-history ratio,
shear strain develops very quickly in a zone at the Figure 6 shows a change of distribution of excessive
time of 4.67 years. The propagation of the shear zone pore-water pressure with the time. At the time
in which a large shear strain occurs takes the same immediately after the completion of excavation, a
form as the failure zone shown in Figure 4. large excessive pore-water pressure developed in the

ground, resulting in an apparent shear strength that Figure 8 shows the change of stress ratio with time
keeps the slope stable. After 4.67 years, it dissipated and the stress-strain relations. It is also known that
gradually and the failure zone shown in Figure 4 the stress ratio increased very slowly but did not
began to develop due to the loss of the apparent change for a long time, meanwhile the plastic strain
shear strength. At the moment, the excessive pore- was very small. When the ratio reached its peak
water pressure reached its minimum value. When the value, strain softening occurred and the plastic strain
shear zone formed, strain softening occurred and a developed very quickly, resulting in a sharp
dilatancy develops in some area, resulting in an reduction of the stress ratio. It is also found that the
increase of excessive pore-water pressure as shown time when strain softening occurs is different for
in Figure 6. different elements, showing a clear propagation of
From Figures 4-6, it is clear that because of the the softening zone. In group A, the softening
dissipation of an excessive pore-water pressure due propagated from inner to outer, while for group Byit
to excavation, the ground of cut slope lost its propagated from the lower to the up part. In both
apparent strength and a strain softening occurs in cases, the softening started from the shear band.
some area. Then a redistribution of stress leads to a
start of the propagation of the softening zone,
resulting in the formation of the failure band and the
shear zone. The failure band develops gradually and
finally a global failure in cut slope happens.



In order to clarify the mechanism of the progressive

failure, the time history of field quantities such as
stress ratio etc. in individual element is studied in
detail. Two groups of elements located in the shear
zone, one is grouped along a horizontal line and the
other is grouped along the slope surface, are
Figure 7 shows the change of stress-history ratio
with time in the elements. Obviously, the stress-
history ratio kept as constant for a long time and then
increased abruptly to the failure line.

Figure 8 Time change of stress ratio and stress-strain


Figure 7 Change of stress-history ratio with time Figure 9 Relation of strain rate with time

Figure 9 shows the relation of strain rate with time. It Figure I1 shows the time history of the stress ratio,
is found that although the strain softening occurred at the stress-history ratio, the volumetric strain and the
different time for different elements, the creep failure excessive pore-water pressure of element 423. The
that is usually marked by an acceleration of strain figure gives a clear description of the change in these
rate occurred at the same time in all elements, valuables. The strain softening of the element always
implied that the global failure does not depends on a accompanied with dilatancy, resulting in an increase
single element, but depends on the deformation of of excessive pore-water pressure and an acceleration
surrounding ground. of the strain rate
Figure 10 shows the stress and stress-history path
of element 423. The stress at the end of excavation
has already excceed the residual line, while the stress 4 CONCLUSION
history is under the line, showing that it is stable at
the moment. Then the stress history and the stress Based on the numerical analysis of progressive
move towards the failure line and finally they failure in a cut slope conducted in this paper, the
reached the line and failed. following conclusions can be obtained

(1) A cut slope of soft rock may remain stable for a

long time after the completion of a rapid excavation.
Sometime, however, a failure band may forms
abruptly in the slope and then slope may fail
overwhelmingly at a few months.
(2) The propagation of the shear zone in cut slope
takes the same form as the propagation of the failure
(3) The progressive failure in a cut slope is caused by
the redistribution of a stress due to the stain softening.
(4) Before a global failure of cut slope, an
acceleration of a strain rate, and an increase of a
negative excessive pore-water pressure that has
dissipated long time before, can be observed in a
Figure 10 Stress and stress-history path localized area.
( 5 ) By conducting a soil-water coupling analysis, it is
possible to simulate the time dependent behavior of
geologic materials due to pore water-soil interaction.
(6) The progressive failure of cut slope can be
simulated with a soil-water coupling analysis based
on an elasto-plastic model with strain softening.


Adachi, T., and Yoshida, N., 1993. Analysis of

excavation in clay shales with high KO stress states,
Proc. Int. Symp. on Application of Computer.
Mathematics in Rock Mechanics and Engrg, Xian,
China, pp835-842.
Adachi, T., Oka, F. and Zhang, F., 1994. An elasto-
viscoplastic constitutive model with strain softening
and its application to the progressive failure of a cut
slope, AMD-Vol. 1 83/MD-Vo1.50, Material
Instabilities: Theory and Applications, ASME,
Oka, F. and Adachi, T. 1985. A constitutive equation of
geologic materials with memory, Proc. 5th Int. Conf.
on Numerical Method in Geomechanics, Balkema,
V01.1, pp.293-300.
Yoshida, N., Morgenstern, N., and Chan, D. H., 1991,
Finite-element analysis of softening effects in fissured,
overconsolidated clays and mudstones, Canadian
Figure 11 Change of stress and strain in element 423 Geotech. Jour., Vo1.28, pp.5 1-6

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yarnagarni& Jiang 0 1999Balkerna, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 0795

A back analysis in assessing the stability of slopes by means of surface


Hir-oshimuInstitute oj Technology, Jupun
T. Nakayama
Kohe University, J q m n

ABSTRACT: This paper deals with a back analysis method for assessing the stability of slopes which can
determine not only a sliding plane, but also the strength parameters, such as cohesion and internal friction angle,
by using displacements measured at the slope surface alone. This method makes it possible to use a GPS
surveying for monitoring the slopes. The method is based on a concept of strain-induced anosotropic damage
of geomaterials, and formulated by finite element method. Furthermore, taking into account the critical strain
of geomaterials, the strength parameters can be determined, so that a factor of safety is easily evaluated by this

1INTRODUCTION This paper addresses the question of how to

monitor the stability of slopes and how to assess the
The stability of slopes is in general assessed by a strength parameters, cohesion and internal friction
factor of safety. In this method, strength parameters angle. A back analysis is described which can
such as cohesion and internal friction of angle of determine the location of sliding planes, and can
concerned geomaterials are most important. The evaluate the cohesion and internal friction angle from
laboratory tri-axial tests on small specimens which field measurement results. Since displacement
have been most commonly used may be adequate for measurements are most commonly carried out, the
either soils or soft rocks. However, the strength field measurement results are usually displacements.
parameters of hard rocks are difficult to obtain by This proposed method is also used for interpreting
using a small specimen in a laboratory. This the measurements results of GPS surveying.
difficulty is because the strength of hard rocks
entirely depends on joints and joint systems existing
in rock masses. Therefore, the effect of joints on 2 MODELING OF ROCKS
the strength of rocks must be taken into account.
For this purpose, in-situ tests such as direct shear test It is assumed that the concerned rocks are highly
may be useful, but it is costly. jointed, so that the continuum mechanics approach
As an alternative for the in-situ tests, field can be adopted. The constitutive equation adopted
measurements by using extensometers and in the back-analysis is based on the concept of stain-
inclinometers are carried out during the excavation of induced damage (Sakurai et al, 1998). The strain-
soils and rocks. The objectives of the field induced anisotropic damage is defined in such a way
measurements are first to monitor the stability during that the geomaterials start to yield as the shear strain
excavation of the concerned structures like tunnels along the slip plane reaches a certain level, the slip
and slopes. The idea of monitoring arises because planemay occur along the direction of the maximum
the real behavior of structures under excavation quite shear strain. However, slip does not occur
often differs from the one predicted at the design completely unless the maximum shear strain becomes
stage. In such a case that the real behavior differs, quite large, Therefore, in this paper we call it a
the original design must be modified. This “potential slip plane.”
evaluation and modification of the initial design, then, When the principal stress directions are known, the
is the second objective of field measurements. In this direction of a potential slip plane is determined,
process of evaluation and modification, the considering the Mohr-Coulomb’s failure criterion.
question of how to design parameters such as The conjugate slip plane is also defined as shown in
cohesion and internal friction angle arises. Fig. 1. The constitutive equation expressed in the

local coordinate system x’ - y ’ is shown for two-
dimensional plane strain condition in Eq.(l):

Fig. 2 Parameter m (= U E )versus shear strain.

Fig. 1 Conjugate slip planes under a triaxial It is noted that there are two ways for the cause of
compressive stress condition. displacement in slopes. One is due to the reduction of
stress caused by excavation. The other is due to the
reduction of strength of soils and/or rocks. In other
words, in the second case the displacements occur as
the parameter of m decreases, even though there is
no excavation. This type of decrease of the
parameter m may be caused by weathering.
However, it should be noted that no matter what
cause may be the increase of shear strain causes the
reduction of the parameter m (see Fig. 3).
11-Y Y 0 1
0 ! (2)
1 7
U )
where E and Y are Young’s modulus and
Poisson’s ratio, respectively. The parameter m is
the ratio of shear rigidity to Young’s modulus. The
anistropic damage parameter d is then defined as Fi
follows: m

where Y is Poisson’s ratio. Laboratory experiments

Fig. 3 Relationship between increments of
show that the parameter m is expressed as a function
parameter m and shear strain.
of the maximum shear strain in the following general
form. One of the results for sand is shown in Fig. 2.
It is worth mentioning that Young’s modulus remains
In this study, the finite element method is adopted.
almost constant, while shear modulus decreases as a
When the parameter m decreases in a certain
function of shear strain.
increment, say Am (see Fig. 3), the external forces
Eq. (2) can be transformed to a global coordinate
acting at each nodal point, which are the equivalent to
system as follows:
the reduction of m values, can be represented by the
following equation:
where [ T] is a transformation matrix. (5)

. .. .
where [ B ]is a matrix connecting strain in an element
with displacements at nodal points of the element.

{cr} is stress induces by gravitational force.

Sakurai and Hamada (1996) demonstrated that the

constitutive equation shown in Eq.(l) can simulate
well three different types of deformational modes of
slopes, that is (1) elastic, (2) sliding and (3) toppling.


Fig. 5 Application of the proposed method for
A method for determining a sliding plane from predicting a sliding plane from the ground surface
displacement vectors measured at the ground surface displacements
is proposed. Though the method may be extended
to a three dimensional case, a two dimensional case is displacement vectors as the measuring value, a
illustrated here. sliding plane is predicted by using the proposed
method. It is obvious that the predicted sliding plane
falls exactly within the assumed damaged zone.
This means that the proposed method is well
applicable to accurately predict a sliding plane from
surface displacements alone.



As already mentioned the stability of slopes is usually

assessed by the factor of safety. The determination
Fig. 4 Schematic diagram for the procedure of the of factor of safety generally requires strength
proposed method. parameters such as cohesion and internal friction
angle. These strength parameters are difficult to
evaluate at the design stage because there are many
Consider the displacement of vectors measured along uncertainties involved in geological and
the surface of slopes, as shown in Fig. 4. It is
assumed that we can find the edge of the sliding plane geomechanical characteristics of geomaterials. To
at point A, considering displacements of the ground overcome these difficulties, field measurements are
surface. A sliding plane starts from the point A carried out for the monitoring of slope stability during
parallel to the displacement vector ul, until hitting its excavation. Monitoring displacement
point B on a straight line which is perpendicular to measurements by using extensometers, inclinometers
the slope surface and passes through point E located and surveying are commonly used. The question is
at the center of the two measuring points @ and 0. however how to determine the strength parameters
From point B, the sliding plane stretches parallel to from the measured displacements.
the displacement vector u2 until hitting point C. There are two different approaches available to
After that we repeat the same procedure as before answer this question: (1) a non-linear back analysis in
until arriving at the last point D. the determining strength parmeters directly from
In Fig. 5 w e demonstrate the adequacy of the displacement measurements, and (2) a linear back
proposed method. In this figure the displacement analysis in which the moduli of deformation such as
vectors u1-ul0 were obtained by the finite element Young’s modulus and shear modulus, is firstly
method assuming a damaged zone indicated as the obtained, and the strength parameters are then
shaded zone in the figure. In this damaged zone, determined from the back-analyzed deformation
the parameter m decreases. Considering these

34 1
moduli by considering the correlation between the
strength and deformability of geomaterials. This
paper uses the second approach.
Sakurai (1983) demonstrated that there exists a
good correlation between the strength and
deformability of geomaterials like soils and rocks.
The ratio of uniaxial strength to Young’s modulus is
defined as “critical strain”, which is a function of
Young’s modulus.
It is a great advantage for the critical strain that
there is no scale affect, so that if Young’s modulus is
known, critical strain can be immediately evaluated.
Once the critical strain together with Young’s
modulus are known, uniaxial strength can be
evaluated by the definition of critical strain, and Fig. 6 The relationship between critical shear strain
cohesion of the materials can be obtained by and shear modulus.
assuming the internal friction angle. The procedure
of this back analysis is as follows:
(5) Cohesion c is then determined by the following
(1) The parameter mi and m (see Fig.3) are equation assuming the internal friction angle q5 :
determined by a back analysis of the displacement
vectors measured at the ground surface. In this
back analysis, m; and m may be determined as to
minimize the following equation:
(6) The factor of safety can then be calculated by a
conventional limit equilibrium method. The
procedure of this back analysis is illustrated in Fig. 7.

where U; and uic are measured and computed

displacements at measuring point i , respectively,
and N is the total number of measuring points.

(2) Since Young’s modulus E has also been

determined by the back analysis, shear modulus G
can be evaluated by
G Sheor Hodu I U S
G = mE (8) (a) Relationship between shear modulus
(3) The critical shear strain y , is determined by the and critical shear strain
following equation (Sakurai et al, 1993):

where E , is the critical strain and Y is Poison’s ratio.

The critical shear strain y, is plotted in relation with
shear modulus G, as shown in Fig. 6. Thus, from
this figure the critical shear strain can be evaluated
from shear modulus determined by Eq. (8).
(4) Shear strength zccan then be determined by the
following equation: (b) Shear strength

Fig. 7 Schematic diagram for critical shear strain

( The definition of shear strain is y , = ‘A
and shear strength


(1)To represent the deformational behavior of slopes,

the parameter m, whose physical meaning is the ratio
of shear modulus to young’s modulus, was proposed.
Considering this parameter a constitutive equation has
been proposed.

(2) A method for determining the location of a sliding

plane has been described. This method requires the
displacements at the ground surface alone be known.
This means that this method can be used for
interpreting the results of GPS surveying being
carried out during the monitoring of slopes.

(3) A back analysis method for evaluating the

strength parameters such as cohesion and internal
friction angle from measured displacements have
been described. In this method, the parameter m,
together with the critical strain plays a key role. It is
a great advantage that according to this method, the
strength parameters can be evaluated by displacement
measurements which are commonly carried out
during monitoring of slopes. Once the strength
parameters are obtained, the factor of safety can
easily be evaluated.


Sakurai, S., I. Kawashima and T. Otani, 1993. A

criterion for assessing the stability of tunnels,
EUROCK’93, Lisboa, 969-973
Sakurai, S. and K. Hamada, 1996. Monitoring of
slope stability by means of GPS. Presented at
the 8th Intl. Sympo. Deformation Measurements,
Hong Kong, June 25-28.
Sakurai, S., A Hiraoka and K. Hori, 1998, Strain-
induced damage of rocks, Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf.
on Mechanics of Jointed and Faulted Rock,
Vienna, 21-27

This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami 8 Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Numerical simulation of excavation of the permanent ship lock in the Three

Gorges Project
Yongxing Zhang & Ke Yin
Chongqing Jianzhu Universiv, People’s Republic of China

ABSTRACT: According to the characteristics of rock mass slope of the permanent ship lock in the Three
Gorges Project, it is simplified to be orthotropic. Based on the characteristics of unloading, the law of
mechanical parameters changing with the degree of unloading caused by slope excavation is presented in this
paper. The software of unloading nonlinear finite element analysis of rock mass excavation named UNLOAD
has been programmed. Numerical simulation of excavation of the rock mass slope of the permanent ship lock
has been done by this program. The results are consistent with the in-situ observed data. There are differences
of several orders of magnitude between these results and those of other past researches.

1 INTRODUCTION For examples, in-situ gaps of cracks in rock mass of

Lian Zi Ya precipice, which is in the Three Gorges
The permanent ship lock is one important part of the of Yangtze River, are over 2m, but results of past
Three Gorges Project. It is also one of the biggest computations and lab tests are only about 3cm. The
navigation buildings over the world. Its charac- actual deformation of the slope of Jin Chuan Open
teristics are: Mine is already over 5m, but results of past compu-
(1) Huge dimension The total length of the lock tations and lab tests are only about 20cm. Obviously,
is 1617m, and the effective lock room dimension is these results can not correctly represent the
280mX34mX5m. The ship lock is located in a mechanism of slope deformation and damage.
trough valley excavated deeply in granite rock mass. The main reason of above problems is that there
(2) Obvious anisotropy There are many kinds of are many joints, cracks and the existence of initial
structural planes in the bedrock that is mainly stress in rock mass, which make the stress-strain
composed of granite. The structural planes include relationship different for loading and unloading. The
dikes, faults, joints and cracks. These structural rock mass deformation of unloading is much larger
planes, especially those have large inclinations, than that of loading. When tensile stress appears in
make the rock mass anisotropic. rock mass, the difference is even more evident. In
(3) High initial stress Because of complex past research it is assumed that the constitutive
geological conditions, the initial stress is up to relationships under loading and unloading condition
10Mpa. After rock mass excavation, the initial are the same. The relationships are also thought to
stress-unloading area is wide, and the secondary be the same when rock mass is subjected to tensile
stress field is induced in the new rock slope. The and compressive stresses. Generally, the mechanical
deformation of rock mass is relatively large. parameters used are obtained from loading
(4) Obvious horizontal unloading The river valley mechanical tests as well.
topography of the Yangtze River makes the rock inass According to the actual situation of the high
unload in the East, West and South directions, which mainly rock mass slope of the permanent ship lock in the
occurs in the Huangling anticlinal plagio-granite. The Three Gorges Project, the mechanical characteristic
dominating unloading direction is perpendicular to the axis of unloading with slope excavation is studied in this
of the lock slope. It is typical rock mass unloading and paper. The numerical simulation has been done for
natural unloading is coupled with artificial unloading. excavation of the high rock mass slope of the
The main problem in past analysis of rock slope permanent ship lock.
stability or stress-strain relationship is that the value
of deformation obtained from computation or lab
test is much less than that from in-situ observation.

2 MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTIC OF SLOPE The test simulation material is a mixture of barite
EXCAVATION AND UNLOADING powder, gypsum and water. There are many class
111, IV and V structure planes in the rock mass
In the geological history a sequence of architectonic slope of the permanent ship lock. For analyzing the
actions have made various joints and cracks in rock influence of the various structural planes on the
mass of the ship lock, so the strength of rock mass is strength of rock mass and deformation behavior, the
much less than that of the rock. In the tests for the engineering dominant structural planes have been
in-situ deformation curve or strength of rock mass, considered in these tests. These structural planes
or when rock mass being excavated, the stress-strain have large inclinations and are the most important
curve of rock mass is a continuation of the influence factor of anisotropy and unloading
architectonic loading and unloading curve, as shown characteristic in rock mass of the slope.
in Figure 1. Because of the architectonic actions, it is The special triaxial test equipment was designed
assumed generally that the initial state of stress is at for the tests. Thus, the actual unloading condition of
point a in the figure. Due to unloading in rock slope excavation can be simulated, in order to
mass, the stress-strain relationship will advance achieve the nonlinear constitutive relationship and
along the unloading curve abc into the tension corresponding mechanical parameters. According to
region. As to loading in rock mass, it will be along the past geological research, the loading paths of
the curve ab'c' to the compressive strength of the these tests are based on principle of architectonic
rock mass, point c' . It is seen in the figure that the movements in this area, which started from the
initial modulus of loading is much larger than that of structural system of the rock mass formed by the
unloading, and the strength point c' is the residual sixth tectonism (Movement of the Himalayas). The
strength of rock mass. loading and unloading paths of triaxial tests are
In 1986, in-situ tests were done for studying the keeping with the actual plane strain problems. The
mechanical characteristic of the bedrock of the dam error is about 20% when 3D problem is simplified to
in San Dou Pin. The method of flexible plates was a plane one. Therefore, the result of the tests is very
used at all test points. The stress-strain relationship useful in engineering, and it is the basis of nonlinear
curve was obtained from the tests, just as shown in mechanical analysis of the permanent ship lock and
Figure 2. The results of these tests indicate that the research of anchorage methods.
slope of the unloading curve decreases rapidly with
the stress reducing to low level. In rock mass
excavation, the stress is usually unloaded to low
level and there are relative large tensile regions
appear, so it is important to study the stress-strain
relationship under condition of unloading and to
tensile stress.
Chongqing Jianzhu University and Ge Zhou Ba
College of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering, in
order to study thoroughly the unloading mechanical
characteristic of rock mass with tensile regions, have
done some mechanical tests with similar models.

Figure 2. Stress-strain curves of the tests with

flexible plates

Table 1. Unloading modules of horizontal

deformation of slightly weather and fresh granite
rock mass. (E0=40GPa, o ,=lOMPa) (unit: GPa)
<30 30- 50- 80- 90- 100%
"load % 50% 80% 90% 100%
E 26 18 12 3.2 0.4 0.25
Figure 1. Diagram of stress-strain curve of unload- E'/E 0.65 0.45 0.30 0.08 0.01 0.006
ing and loading tests "Tensile stress

The horizontal deformation modules of slight iterative steps. Thus, they can represent the unload-
weathered granite rock mass in different unloading ing characteristic of the rock mass. The process of
period are shown in Table 1. E, is the initial deformation to damage of the rock mass slope can
“loading” modulus, which formerly was used in be simulated by this method.
almost all cases, no matter what condition rock mass The conventional programs of finite element
was under; E, is the “unloading” modulus. It is method can not be used directly in computation and
shown in the table that the horizontal deformation analysis of unloading nonlinear rock mechanics. We
modulus of rock mass decreases with the increase of have expanded and developed ADINA, a well-
amount of unloading, this phenomenon is more known standard structural nonlinear FEM program.
apparent in the region of tensile stress. Moreover, It was used in computations of Jin Chuan Open
for any particular stress the unloading modulus is Mine slope and Qian Mu Rock Tunnel, where there
less than the corresponding loading one. are plentiful observation data. The order of
magnitude and tendency of computation results are
consistent with in-situ values. However, the program
3 COMPUTATION METHOD OF ROCK MASS used is expanded from others, so the amount of
EXCAVATION AND UNLOADING manual work is very large. One specific program for
unloading nonlinear excavation has been pro-
The degrees of unloading are different in different grammed by the authors, named UNLOAD. Results
regions of rock mass as it is excavated. The computed by this program are the same as that by
unloading mechanical parameters used should be the expanded one, but manual work is reduced to the
consistent with the unloading condition in the rock least amount.
mass. The excavation can be approximately simu-
lated by the following steps:
(1) The rock mass in computational area is 4 SIMULATING THE EXCAVATION OF HIGH
considered as an anisotropic continuum. The stress SLOPE OF THE PERMANENT SHIP LOCK
field and unloading forces on the excavation
boundary are computed firstly. 4.1 Comparing and analyzing the results of
(2) Without changing the parameters of the rock computation and observation
mass, the stress field of the rock mass slope is
In the past analysis, the observation data in one
computed when it is acted with the unloading forces
particular period were compared with computation
from the first step. Comparing this stress field with results, which were the total value of deformation.
that of step 1, the rock mass after excavation of the Thus, the comparison is worthless obviously. In this
slope can be divided into several regions with paper where the observation points locate and when
different degrees of unloading. the observation start as well as the corresponding
(3) According to unloading mechanical charac- excavation elevation are paid enough attention. Then
teristic of the rock mass, the unloading mechanical the computation results at same time and excavation
parameters are determined in corresponding regions elevation are compared with the corresponding
with different unloading degrees. When the unload- observation data.
ing forces are applied in opposite directions, the The UNLOAD program was used in the
initial displacement and stresses of rock mass are stepwise computation of three observation points in
computed, and the quality of rock mass is degraded the high slope of the permanent lock: TP40GP02,
by excavation and unloading. TP41GP02 and TP42GP02. The excavation level of
(4) The unloading regions computed above will every computation step is based on the observation
expand continuously. The unloading regions can be data of the three points. The comparison between
determined again by the same way, and the iterative observation data and computation results is shown in
process will last until satisfactory accuracy. Table 2.
In the computation of the rock mass slope of the It indicates that the displacement computed by
permanent ship lock, according to the degrees of unloading nonlinear program UNLOAD is consist-
natural weathering, the rock mass of the slope is ent with that of observation. Thus, the above-
classified into strongly weathered, less weathered, mentioned model and parameters of unloading
slightly weathered and fresh. The results of nonlinear rock mechanics can represent the actual
computation show that after excavation of the rock rock mass condition of the high slope of the
mass the depth of strongly degraded region is about permanent lock.
5m, and that of the influence region where the
quality of rock mass is degraded by excavation is
about 20m. Then there are over ten computational 4.2 Predicting the deformation of high slope of the
regions, in which the corresponding macro mecha- permanent ship lock
nical parameters used are different in different
Results of Computation are shown in Table 3 when

the permanent lock is excavated completely to its continuously in the computation process can the
design altitude in the simulation computation. We results be consistent to the actual situation.
also computed the deformation of the same sections 3. The research shows that macro mechanical
with the elastic-plastic Drucker-Prager criterion with parameters should be adopted in simulation
corresponding tensile strengths, in which the usual computation of excavation of rock mass slope, and
isotropic deformation parameter (E=3 5Mpa) of less the anisotropy should be considered. Thus, the
weathered and fresh granite rock was used. The results of computation can reflect that of observation.
results are equal to those of other past research. The The results of unloading computation show that
horizontal displacements of the top of the lock room, without supporting the tensile strength of rock mass
which are computed by UNLOAD and traditional of the permanent lock decrease gradually, and the
method respectively, are both shown in Table 3. It largest displacement is over lm, but only 4cm in
indicates that there are different orders of magnitude usual computation.
between results of these two computations. If the 4. The results of computation indicate that
loading mechanical parameters of rock mass are according to the present design plan there will be
used in computation, the results show that terminal several large tension regions after excavation. These
horizontal displacement of the rock mass in this regions are mainly concentrated under the two walls
section without supporting is about 4cm. However, of the lock rooms and in the middle partition wall.
the computation results of UNLOAD program show This is unfavorable to maintain the lock gates.
that the corresponding displacement depends on the 5. The largest unloading displacement is about
tensile strength of rock mass, and it is over lOcm at 14cm during excavation. It occurs in one very short
least. period. This displacement is hard to be controlled by
any past reinforcing methods. Therefore, initial
lateral pressure should be applied beforehand or
5 CONCLUSIONS promptly during excavation. This can prevent rapid
development of the unloading process and stop more
1. Because of many structural planes with large quality degrading of the rock mass that may cause
inclinations and nonhomogeneous behavior to a too large displacement and even make the slope
certain extent, the rock mass in this area is obviously collapse.
anisotropic. In order to simulate the behavior of the
rock mass, it is suitable to choose an orthotropic
model in computation. REFERENCE
2. The natural condition is changed with
excavation of the rock mass slope of the permanent Ha, Q.L. & G.L. Liu 1996. Research of engineering
lock, large unloading and tensile regions appearing. geology in unloading rock mass of rock slope.
The rock mass characteristics of unloading are Beijing: Chinese construction industry.
different from those of loading. Only when the Ha, Q.L. & J.L. Li 1996. Research of macro mecha-
mechanical parameters be considered as degrading nical parameters in unloading rock mass of rock
slope. Beijing: Chinese construction industry.
Ha, Q.L. & Y.X. Zhang 1998. Research of unload-
Table 2. Comparison between computation results ing nonlinear rock mass mechanics of rock slope.
and observation data. (unit: mm) Beijing: Chinese construction industry.
Obser- Computation result
Observa- Altitude vation
(r ,*=2.2 cr t=l .5
tion point (m)
Value MPa MPa
TP40GP02 +170 17.38 15.10 18.2
TP41GP02 +185 24.33 26.60 30.8
TP42GP02 +200 22.88 20.05 21.0
*Tensile strength used in computation.

Table 3. Horizontal displacements of the top of the

lock room with different tensile strength. (unit: mm)
- 1 , - I

Unloading 14.82 15.95 21.37 56.00 72.00

Loading 4.06 4.06 4.06 4.08 4.11
*Tensile strength used in computation.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Numerical simulation of the buckling failure in rock slopes

Y. Hu & H.-G. Kempfert

Institute of Geotechnics, University of Kassel, Germany

ABSTRACT: The buckling of slope in jointed rock is a special failure mode. In this paper, a numerical
method is presented simulating the buckling failure process of rock slope. The calculation model is based on
the geometrically nonlinear theory and implemented by using finite element method. The discontinuity
behavior is simulated using "joint element". A calculation example is illustrated for a slope in an open pit


It is well-known that the geological structure and

strength of the rock discontinuities as well as its
orientation with respect to the slope face are the
essential factors to the failure of rock slope. The
preexisting weak planes or discontinuities with
unfavorable orientation are usually the failure sur-
faces of an unstable rock slope, whereas in soils it
appears generally in the form of a circular arc. The
pure sliding is predominately the failure mode in
rock slope engineering. However, it was reported in
the literature that the buckling failure of rock slope a) photograph of the buckling
can occur if the rock mass contains one or more
throughgoing discontinuities approximately parallel
with the rock surface, see e.g. Fig. 1. This failure
mode appears in sedimentary rocks containing slabs
separated by bedding planes, and also in jointed
In general, the buckling failure may occur in the
rock slopes, if the slope dips more steeply than the
internal friction angle of the discontinuities parallel
to the slope. The basic boundary conditions may be
described as follows:
a) Major discontinuity set is parallel to slope face;
b) The spacing of discontinuity set is relatively
b) three hinge buckling model
c) The discontinuities have a low friction angle
smaller than slope angle.
Kutter (1974) as well as Hock Lk Bray (1977) Figure 1. A buckling failure of sandstone strata
in an o en it coal mine and modeling, from
described and discussed the buckling failure of the
6 17.
Cavers 98

rock slope qualitatively. For plane slope, Cavers As a simplified way, the jointed rock can be
(1981) assumed four possible failure modes of approximately seen as a continuum material, see e.g.
single slab lying on the slope and formulated two Zienkiewicz & Pande (1977), if the dimension of
simple approaches to the analysis of buckling failure building is much smaller than that of joint spacing.
of rock slabs. Hu & Cruden (1992) reported the In the replacement material, the real spacing of the
buckling of beds in the sedimentary rocks occurring discontinuities exists no longer (dT1, d7.2, d7.3,
on steep underdip and dip slopes in the Highwood compar. Fig. 2 a) and b)), and each point in this new
Pass, Alberta, Canada. The observation and the material behaves mechanically same, whereas the
analysis of the four buckling sites indicated that the orientation (striking and dip angles of the
bedding thickness is an important parameter discontinuities ( ~ t 7 . 1 , P7.l Ct7.2, P T ~ aT3,
, p.1.3) remains.
determining the modes of buckling. The correspon- This represents the deformation and strength
ding mechanical models were proposed for predic- anisotropy. The influence of discontinuities in elastic
ting the initiation of the observed buckling behavior. stage (kN,T1, kS,TI ,~N,Tz, kS,T2, kN,T3, kS,T3) is taken
In these approaches, however, only the critical state into consideration using the average values for rock
at failure is referred to and the failure procedure mass (EF,UF). The analysis using this modeling lead
can't be simulated. normally to conservative results. Separate treatment
In this paper, a numerical method is presented of joints becomes necessary, if the joint opening or
simulating the process of buckling failure in rock large sliding along joints occurs. In these cases, a
slope. A calculation example i s given for the combined modeling seems to be computationally
buckling failure of a rock slope in an open pit economical. That is, the discrete modeling is applied
mining. to the area where the joints should be individually
considered, whereas the other area of the jointed
rock is simulated using the homogeneous model, see
Jointed rock is essentially a discontinuous system. In
general, there are two ways modeling its stress-strain
behavior. To represent the hndamental behavior, a
rock mass containing three families of disconti-
nuities (joints) is illustrated in Fig. 2 a).

Figure 2. Modeling of jointed rocks.

Compared to this procedure, the distinct element {f?(t+At)}: body force vector at step t+At;
method was specifically developed for discontinuum { f"(t+At)}: total surface traction vector applied at
analysis in rock mechanics about thirty years ago, step t+At;
see e.g. Cundall (1988). Here, jointed rock mass is (F'(t+At)}: total concentrated load vector applied
represented as an assemblage discrete blocks. All at step t+At.
joints in rock mass are individually treated and
viewed as interfaces between distinct rock blocks. This equation can then be converted into a finite
The corresponding contact forces and displacements element formulation:
at the interfaces are determined through a iterative
procedure using the principle of mechanics. For
many years, however, it was seen as not-yet-proven
numerical technique and has not been applied so
extensively as conventional continuum analysis
technique. In the recent years, the theoretical further
refinement and the development of the software
related to this method were made. More and more [KL,tl : linear stiffness matrix referred to the
rock engineering projects are analyzed using this configuration at step t;
technique. In the near future, it may become a [KN,~]: nonlinear stiffness matrix referred to
generally recognized tool in the analysis of rock the configuration at step t;
engineering as the continuum technology. {Rt(t+At)}: total force applied at step t+At
referred to the configuration at step t;
{ Ft } : equivalent internal force vector at step
{ AFtVp}
: equivalent visco-plastic force vector
For the analysis of the buckling failure of rock slope at step t+At referred to the confi-
presented in this paper, the continuum model is guration at step t.
applied with the special treatment for some key
joints. In order to investigate the buckling pheno- Upon the finite element equation (2) a finite
mena, the geometrically nonlinear theory is used. element program has been developed for analyzing
Arising from the updated Lagrangian formulation the deformation and stability of buildings in jointed
and the elasto-viscoplastic theory, the controlling rock. In addition, "joint element" has also been
equation can be written to: implemented in this program which makes the
separate treatment of some key joints possible.


4.1 Details of the problem

W(t + At) - i,,,
~ ( A E , ) ' (a(t)}dV(t) +

Fig. 3 shows the cross section of an open pit coal

L t ,
'I 7
~ ( A E . [D] . {AE jdV( t) mine as well as the planed excavation procedure.
The slope is located in a geological fold and covered
(1) by two rock slabs being 0.6 m thick, respectively.
6 : variationof; The dip above the fold is 50" and below the fold 70".
(As,> : incremental linear strain vector The total height of the slope comes to 49 m. The
referred to the configuration at step t; discontinuities between the two slabs as well as
PI : elastic matrix; between the underlying slope surface and the slab
(A?-it}: incremental nonlinear strain vector below have the same mechanical behavior as that of
referred to the configuration at step t; three cross joints. It is assumed that the tension
{o(t)) : incremental linear strain vector strength perpendicular to the joints is zero. The
referred to the configuration at step t; geometrical and mechanical parameters of the
(Acvpt): incremental visco-plastic strain vector jointed rock are given in Table 1.
referred to the configuration at step t;
{Au} : incremental displacement vector at
step t+At;

Figure 3. Details of the problem, COSS section of an open pit coal mine with the rock slope.

Figure 4. Computation cross section and FE-mesh.

4.2 Computation cross section and FE-mesh

Table 1. The geometrical and mechanical parameters Fig. 4 illustrates the chosen computational cross
of the jointed rock section and FE-mesh. Apart from the area of slope
surface, 8-node finite element elements were used
rock: y = 25 kN/m3; E = 10000 MN/m2; U = 0.2. for other area in the cross section. The rock slabs
and joints on the slope surface were separately
parallel joints: a = 180"; p = 50"/70"; c = 0; considered using finite elements and joint elements,
cp = 26"; y~ = 12"
so that the possible sliding and opening along the
cross joints: a = 180"; p = 50"/30"/20"; c = 0; parallel and cross joints can be well simulated.
cp=26"; y ~ = 1 2 " The excavation was divided into 5 part excavations
in the numerical simulation, see Fig. 3. Totally 6
calculation steps are necessary. In the first step the

Figure 5 . Relative sliding of the second slab to Figure 6. Opening of the second slab to the slope
the slope surface. surface.

primary stress state before the construction was round the fold and increases from 5.7 mm to 27 mm
determined. The following 5 steps simulated the 5 at the last two stages. From the development of the
step excavations. The designed FE-mesh consists of relative displacement, it can be concluded that the
1274 nodes, 189 elements as well as 58 joint slope is in the critical state of buckling failure. Any
elements. minor disturbance may trigger the massive slab
slide. Fig. 7 gives the total displacement arising
4.3 Calculation results from the excavation with the reference to the
primary state.
In Fig. 5 and 6, the sliding as well as opening of the
second slab relative to the underlying slope surface 5 CONCLUSIONS
are illustrated for the excavation down to 45 m and
49 m, respectively. The relative sliding of the slab The numerical method using the geometrically
part above the fold appears toward the bottom while nonlinear theory and the discrete modeling of joints
the slab part below the fold toward the top. It comes has been applied for simulating the buckling failure
to ca 1.9 mm at the excavation depth of 45 m and of rock slope in an open pit mining. The calculation
increases drastically to 8.25 mm at 49 m. At the example illustrates the gradual failure process in the
same time, the opening of the parallel joints occurs course of the excavation until the critical state.
Figure 7. Total displacement with the reference to the primary state.


Cavers, D. S. 1981. Simple methods to analyze

buckling of rock slopes. Rock Mechanics 14.
Cundall, P. A. 1988. Conceptual, analytical and
numerical modeling. Key address in 29'h U.S.
Sym. on Rock Mech., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Hoek, E., Bray, J. W. 1977. Rock slope engineering.
2'ld ed. London: The Inst. of Mining and
Hu, X.-Q., Cruden, D. M. 1993. Buckling defor-
mation in the Highwood Pass, Alberta, Canada.
Can. Geotech. J. 30.
Hu, Y. 1997. The buckling failure analysis of a
cavern in jointed rock. Proceedings of the 36'h
US Rock Mechanics Symposium (CD-ROM),
NYRocks'97, Columbia University, New York.
Kutter, H. K. 1974. Mechanisms of slope failure
other than pure sliding. Rock Mechanics,
International Center for Mechanical Sciences,
Course and Lectures No. 165, L. Miiller ed.
New York: Springer.
Zienkiewicz, 0. C., Pande, G. N. 1977. Time-depen-
dent multilaminate model of rocks - A numer-
ical study of deformation and failure of rock
masses. Int. J. Num. & Anal. Methods in
Geomech., Vol. 1.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang (c) 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 905809 0795

Fuzzy-based stability investigation of sliding rock masses

N.O. Nawari & R. Liang

Civil Engineering Depurtment, Universig of Akron, Ohio, USA

ABSTRACT: Stability of rock sliding surfaces is governed not merely by the shear strength of rock alone,
but also by various rock defects, such as jointing, cracks, fissures and other possible weaknesses. In bedded
or foliated rock, cut by joints, there are many possibilities for a block mass movement along weakness
planes and a large variety of behavioral modes are exhibited. The appreciation of modes of failure in such
cases has usually ill defined boundaries. Gravity, tectonic, weathering and erosion brought about by the
environment are factors contributing eventually to the instability of rock slopes. Such factors are generally
difficult to quantify with the present approaches. In this paper a new procedure to estimate the risk of
instability of sliding rock masses will be presented using fuzzy-safety techniques. This will enable to solve
the difficulties mentioned above in quantifylng the noisy geological and environmental data. The application
of this method in the practice will be illustrated by numerical examples.

1 INTRODUCTION hypotheses. Other uncertainties, especially those

involving description and, judgmental opinions, as
Rock slope stability analysis and design are rarely well as those based on very scarce information have
free from uncertainty. Uncertainty in a design never been incorporated satisfactory in the
situation emerges whenever information pertaining probability theory (Klir, 1988, Kosko 1992). In
to the situation is deficit in some respect. It may be other words, uncertainties of geotechnical
imprecise, incomplete, fkagmentary, unreliable, parameters (geological materials and structures,
ambiguous, vague, contradictory or deficit in some boundary conditions, loading, ground water, ...etc.)
other way. For example, the real behaviour of rock, can not be adequately described with probabilistic
soil and soft rock-hard soil near failure remains models.
unknown in most cases because of the diversity of Rock slope failure represents one of the most
complex factors affecting the behaviour. complex geotechnical problems that can not be
Unexpected loading conditions, or unseen grasped and analysed totally by any conventional
deficiencies in soil or rock continuum are likely to mathematical models. This is due to the diversity of
cause the geotechnical structure (tunnels, dams, factors affecting the stability of the slope. Factors
natural slopes, waste deposits,. ..etc.) to behave such as variation of geological formations,
other than usually assumed (modelled as linear or hydrogeology, tectonic forces, vegetation, rainfall,
idealised non-linear) and it is not practical in most erosion, temperature fluctuation, frosts effects,
cases to conduct even a single full scale test of these ...etc. are difficult to include in safety analysis
massive geotechnical structures. computation. Difficulties stem from the vague,
Conventionally, in the construction of the incomplete, and ambiguous terms and concepts
mathematical models of these ambiguous systems, concerning these parameters.
the imprecision is standardly modelled as a random It is more rational to describe these factors in the
process (classical stochastic model). This manner of fuzzy variables. Presented in this paper is
conventional probability theory require idealised a new approach to estimate risk and safety of rock
assumptions such as the independent of evidence slope stability employing methods of fuzzy
and the mutual exclusiveness and exhaustiveness of quantification, synthetic fuzzy evaluation, and

computation with imprecise and uncertain 2.3 The Extension Principal:
parameters utilizing the concept of fuzzy variables
Owing to this principle, any mathematical
and fuzzy preference functions.
relationship between non-fuzzy elements can be
fitted to deal with fuzzy entities. This principle will
be stated below and its main applications will be
seen later.
The essential theoretical backbone for the fuzzy-
Let AI, ..., A, be fuzzy sets over XI, ... X,.
based slope stability investigation will be stated
respectively, their Cartesian product is defined by:
A ~ ...
X XA,, = J ~ i n A ~ i ( x i ) / ( x , , . . . , x " ) (3)
2. I Tlzejkzzy variable: x,x.,.x X" i = l , 1 1
Let f be a mapping f : XI x.. . x X, + Y . The
The preference fiinction of a fuzzy variable A, (AA) fuzzy image B of AI, ..., A, through f has a
is a mapping from % (real number line) to the unit membership function:
interval [0, 13 and is defined as a ,,class" with a
AB( y ) = sup min AA8(xi) (4)
continuum of grades of membership (Nahmias, x I,... X " E X I X ...X X , i=',n
1978). Let X be a set of objects, called the universe under the constrain y = f(x1, - .. x,).
of discourse, whose generic elements are denoted
by Xi . Then if A is a subset of X with hA(Xi) is the
grade of membership of Xi in A, A is completely 3 APPLICATION EXAMPLE
characterised by the set of pairs:
A = ((h~(x)/X):X E x,L*(X) E[0,1] 1 (1) Rock slope failure is generally governed by the
intercalated change in lithologies and the related
2.2 Fuzzy Relations change in discontinuities such as faults, bedding
planes and joints. The stability of rock slope is
A fuzzy relation R is a fuzzy set in a Cartesian conducted to evaluate the possibility of slope failure
product X x Y of universe of discourse X and Y in terms of plan sliding, wedge sliding and toppling.
(Zadeh, 1971, 1973). R(x,y) is the membership The first computation model for the slope
value of (x, y) in R. Fuzzy relations generalize investigation will be based upon the Direct Sliding
ordinary relations. As such, they can be composed: Block Method(DSBM) (Nawari et. al., 1997b). This
let R and S be two fuzzy relations on X x Y and Y x method assumes an admissible collapse mechanism
Z respectively, the membership function of the of the sliding rock blocks and satisfies the
fuzzy relation R o S, on X x Z is defined by: conditions of statics and kinematic, (i.e. statics-
S O S ( x ,z ) = SUP min (All ( x ,Y ) , ( x , 4) (2) kinematic correct solution for the stability analysis).
Note that in (2), a product or other algebraic The second computation model deals with the
operations could replace "min". quantification of subjective excitation conditions.
R can be interpreted as a fuzzy restriction on the This practical example concerns the
value of a variable (u,v) ranging over (X x Y), i.e. R determination of the safety of cut along a highway
acts as an elastic constraint. alignment passing through a rock formation. The
characteristic values of rock properties and
geometry are given in figure.1. The failure
mechanism can be approximated by three sliding
blocks as shown.

The governing equation at the limit state is given by

r 1


Figure 1: Jointed Rock Slope

xIa,, u>o

L(Q = L((a, - x) / U )
4r = R(Q=L((x-a,)/v) a, Ix, _<a,(7)
x < a , - U , x>a, -v
where, In case of non-linear functions, the reference
dCi = Cohesion force; 1; = Length of the block hnctions L(<) and R(<) are given by the following
along the sliding surface; dui= Porewater pressure relations:
along the sliding surface of Block(i); dUi-,,i =
Porewater pressure along the left side of Block(i);
dUi,i+l = Porewater pressure along the right side of
Block($ dWi = Weight of the sliding block(i)
(including applied load); cpi = Friction angle along (9)
the sliding surface of Block(i); Vi-l,i = Friction
angle along the left side; (Pi,i+l = Friction angle Table 1. Definition of the Fuzzy Variables
along the right side of Block(& 0; = Slope of the 1 Variable 1 Function parameters
sliding surface in Block(i); a i,i+1 and ai-l,i =
inclination of Qi,i+l and Qi-l,i from the horizontal;
dQj = Resultant from normal and shear forces along
the sliding surface of Block(i); dQij = Vectorial
difference (dQi.l,i - dQi,i+l) with unknown
inclination pi; dQi-l,i = Inter-block force from left
inclined with the angle Oi-1,i against the horizontal; b3 [m] 1.3 1.35 0.35 0.35
dQi,i+l = Inter-block force from right inclined with y [ ~ \ ~ / m ~20] 21 3 2
the angle oi,i+lagainst the horizontal; T = Fictitious $["I 22 23 4 3
disturbing shear stress; c[M\T/~ 5 ~] 6 5 4
The safety measure is then adequate when T 2 0. 44 45 3 2
Now, all design parameters in equation 5 will be
considered as fuzzy variables and the computation
of the fictitious disturbing shear stress T will be
determined using the extension principle. The fuzzy The results of the computations are depicted in
variables are defined using linear and non-linear Figure 2. In the fuzzy failure event, there is no
functions (equations 7-9) and are summarized in unique precise limit state surface to provide a crisp
table 1. portioning of strict dilapidated and survival sets.
hstead a family of limit state surfaces will be
(0.8/0.6), (0.2/0.7), (O.UO.8) }
hw3 = ((UO), (0.910.l), (0.5/0.2) }
h~1= A, = CON(K3) = ((0.16/0.7), (0.25/0.8),
(0.81/0.9), (14) }
hm = {(0.4/0.7), (0.5/0.8), (0.9/0.9), (1/1)
The total effect on the degree of danger of slope
failure will be determined using the following
G = ( W I A K1) V (W2 A K2) V (W3 A K3) (10)
If the measure of safety is defined using the index
1. U ' , \ b (13), then the interaction between consequence (K)
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 and the index (13) is to be considered. Theses inter-
playing actions will be described using the
Figure 2. Safety Grade for the Rock Slope following approximate reasoning relations:
if K is significant, then 131 is very significant =
{(O.O4/n), (0.64/(n-0.5)), (l/(n-1)) >.
introduced to reflect the real structural environment
if K is medium, then 132 is significant = ((0.2/n),
(Nawari & Hartmann, 1997a, 1998):
(0.8/(n-0.5)), (l/(n-1)) >.
(a)- Safety state (I): absolute safe (b)-Safety state
if K is small, then 133 is also small = {(l/n),
(11): safe (c)-Safety state (IQ: more or less safe
(0.8/(n-0.5)), (0.2/(n-l)) }.
(slightly damaged) (d)-failure state (I): partial
where n = safety index (considered safety level ).
collapse (require maintenance) (e)-failure state (n):
Now, fuzzy relations between (K1, Bl), (K2,132) and
absolute collapse.
(K3, 0,) can be constructed. These relations will be
Now, we can assess the slope stability as more or denoted by RI, R2 and R3. Further, a relation
less safe (Safety state III) (see figure 2). The area between RI, R2 and R3 will be created to estimate
under the curves in Fig2 varies from negative to
the entire interaction: R = R1 v R2 v R3
positive having almost equal values. Performing
A subjective measure of risk of failure (S) will be
conventional Factor of Safety analysis in this
built using the fuzzy composition:
problem results in FS=1.19.
In the second model, consideration of the W n n-.5 n-1
climatic conditions, tectonic activity, vegetation and
0.0 0.2 0.64 1.0
unexpected loading in the safety evaluation will be
made. As a first step for the system identification, 0.1 0.2 0.64 0.9
the causes or actions which affects the safety of the 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5
rock slope system will be described using fuzzy 0.3 0.16 0.2 0.2
variables (see Table 2):
0.4 0.16 0.64 0.8
S = 0.5 0.16 0.64 1.0
ile 2. Fuzzy Variables for the synthetic analysis
0.6 0.16 0.64 0.8
0.7 0.16 0.4 0.4
0.8 0.16 0.5 0.5
snow, frost, significant 0.9 0.16 0.64 0.9
TemDerature) 1.0 0.16 0.64 1.0
2 Tectonic activity

3 \Vegetation and
II medium
II simificant
II It is now necessary to find ftom S a subset S,(n),
which represent the risk assessment. The selection
of Sm(n) will be as considered as a fuzzyfied
process. For example, if the maximum value in
The preference functions for the fuzzy variable every column is selected, then results
in Table (1) are defined below:
S m (n) = ((0.2/n), (0.64/(n-0.5)), (l.O/(n-1)) 1
Awl = {(0.4/0.7), (0.5/0.8), (0.9/0.9), (1/1) }
Aw2 = {(0.1/0.2), (0.2/0.3), (0.8/0.4), (1/0.5),

From Eq.( 1l), if one specifies the largest g a d of Journal of Rock Mechanics, Vo1.34, No.3 14,
membership as a diffzification criteria, one gets the pp.516, 1997.
safety index (n-1). This represents the influence of Zadeh, L. A.(1965). Fuzzy sets and systems, Proc.
the subjective, vague and experience wise Symp. System Theory, Polytech. Inst. Brookl, ,
disturbing actions. For example, if n is chosen to be pp. 20-37.
T (as defined in Eq.5), then due to climatic and
geological factors we must reduce T by one. This Zadeh, L. A. (1971). Similarity relations and fuzzy
result would changing the state of safety in our ordering. Inf. Sci, vo1.3, pp.177-200.
example from safety state III (more or less safe) to Zadeh, L. A. (1973). Outline of a New Approach to
failure state I. the Analysis of Complex Systems and Decision
Processes. IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and
Cybernetics, Vol. SMC-3, pp. 28-44,

Rock slope stability analysis is associated with

inherent uncertainties, which arise in the reduction
of actual site conditions to a representative
analytical model, and in the determination of
physical properties of the subsurface formations.
Not all these uncertainties can be considered
adequately within the probabilistic safety concept.
The fuzzy model presented is a more reliable
procedure for mapping the slope failure potential
because it is based upon the incorporation and
managing of uncertainties through a combination of
objective and mostly explicitly expressed data and
from information that is eminently subjective.


Klir, G.J. and Folger, T. (1988). Fuzzy Sets,

Uncertainty, and Information. Prentice-Hall,
Englwood, Cliffs, New Jersey.
Kosko B. (1992). Neural networks and fuzzy
systems. Prentice Hall-Englewood Cliffs.
Nahmias, S. (1978). Fuzzy variables. Fuzzy sets and
systems I, pp.97-110.
Nawari, 0. and Hartman, R. (1997a). Determination
of the Characteristic values with respect to the
new European Codes in Civil Engineering using
Fuzzy Modeling. (in German) Journal of “Die
Bautechnik” 74, Heft 4, pp.227-232, Berlin,
Nawari, 0. and Hartman, R. (1998).Fuzzy Logic
Concept in the Limit States of Geotechnical
Structures. The XI Danube-European Conference,
25-29 May,, Porec, Croatia, pp.855-862.
Nawari, O., Hartman, R. and Lackner, R. (1997b)
Stability Analysis of Rock Slopes with the
Direct Sliding Blocks Method”, International

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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang (0 7999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Stability evaluation of discontinuous rock slope

K. Kawamura & M. Nishioka

Department of Civil Engineering, Kanuzawa Institute of Technology,Ishikawu, Jupun

ABSTRACT : In Japan, the evaluations of many dangerous discontinuous rock slopes have been urgently
carried out from view-points of geography, geology, slope conditions and the risky aspects of present slope
location, etc, in each local region since Toyohama Tunnel in Hokkaido largely failed in 1996 and
consequently a number of passengers suddenly died. However this evaluation method is not now perfect,
because the contents of it cannot clearly determine both the influcnce zone and the degree of rock block
falling on the road nearby the toe of dangerous rock slope. The purpose of this paper is to propose an original
procedure for drawing up a road hazard map along the toe of dangerous rock slopes. The map will be based
on the analyses for both the possibility and the extended length of each rock block falling from the Distinct
Element Method with taking the Image Processing Method into consideration.

1 INVESTIGATED ROCK SLOPES the road$ is very important in practical engineering

to exactly predict a path and an arrival distance of
The discontinuous rock slopes investigated for the rock block falling. This prediction has been carried
risk analysis are located in about 250m between out under the following conditions:
Sosogi Tunnel to Hase-no Tunnel in the traffic road 1. The direction range of rock block falling may
Route No.159 along the Sea of Japan in the Noto he generally indicated to be about 45" each zone to
Peninsula, Japan. There, rock slopes which consist both wings under the condition of a flat surface on
of rhyolite, volcunic brecciu and tuj"-brecciu in rock slope.
geology have slope angles of 40 to 50 degrees on 2. As a general rule, a risky rock block may
average and can be especially found either large or
small dominant discontinuities in site by site, as
shown in Photograph 1. Topically, the 50m near the
Wajima side entrance of Hase-no Tunnel can be
recognized as the most dangerous zone of rock
block falling and sliding highly possible to occur in
the near future.


2.1 Puth of rock block fulling

On the occasion that dangerous rock block of
discontinuous rock may fall down toward Photo.1 Near entrance of Hase-no Tunnel
Fig.1 Path of rock block Palling

mainly fall down along the nearest valley line on dangerous discontinuous rock slope can be counted
rock slope surface, except that it is also possible to from the distribution of dominant discontinuous
jump over a low ridge line in case of a shallow planes, such as the cracks and the fissures, and each
valley line. size is also able to be determined from several clear
3. The actual path of rock block falling along photographs of rock block induced into the Image
discontinuous rock slopes in the past may be Processing Method. The simulation of rock block
registered as a path again in the future. falling is carried out with the Distinct Element
Figure 1 shows each predicted result of falling Method under the following conditions:
path of dangerous rock block according to the
above-mentioned rulc. It can be determined that the
topical rock blocks on the most dangerous Table 1 Input data for the Distant Element Method
discontinuous rock slope are highly likely to fall I Vertical elastic modulus kn I 26.0 X 1 O6 1 10 3 (m)
down along either Path 1 or Path 2 in this figure. Lateral elastic modulus ks 9.0 X 1O6
Coefficient of viscosity r) 41.8
2.2 Simulation by using the Distinct Element
(kN -s/m2)
Method Internal friction angle 35.0
4 ("1
Cohesion C 0.0
The section of rock slope, along which the most (kN/m2)
Unit weight y 23.5
dangerous rock blocks may probably topple and roll
down along either Path 1 or Path 2 of Figure 1, can Time interval A t 9.5 x m5
be shown in Figure 2. Each rock block consisting of

be demonstrated that almost all dangerous rock
blocks will fall down along Path 1 and soon stop by
the small dam below the rock slope which was
constructed in order to protect against the mud
outllow and also store it. However, although almost
all rock blocks will probably stop over this dam, a
few large blocks will jump over it and arrive at
Route No. 249 road. That is, the rock block falling
along Path 1 makes the downward road much
dangerous. While if along Path 2, their behavior
may be predicted to be more serious than Path 1,
because several large rock blocks falling will not
only easily jump over the steel nets on retaining
wall which was constructcd in order to protect
against the falling, but also they come to Route No.
249 road. Especially, it is highly possible to destroy
the steel nets by the large impact of dangerous rock
falling, so that this falling energy through Path 2

Table.2 Investigation sheet for rock slope stability

Fig.2 Simulation rcsults

That is, a simulation has been continued until either

dangerous rock block behaviors stop perfectly or
the falling rock block arrives at a road lower down.
Both the distribution of dangerous rock blocks more than lOOm 10
height of 50m to lOOm 7 7/(10)
divided by some dominant discontinuous planes of rock slope 30m to 50m 4

the Image Processing Method and the input data of

the Distinct Element Method for the material
characteristics determined based on comparing a
few results of actual cases with the simulations of
rock block falling can be indicated i n T a b l c l ~

2.3 Sim it La t ion result s

An example of simulation results by the Distinct

Element Method is shown in Figure 2, where it can

% 1 Risk for rock block falling and rock slope sliding
EZZ3 Any possibility for rock block falling and jumping in near future
Any possibility for rock block falling and arrival in near future
5 q Any possibility for rock block falling and arrival in near future
% 2 Effective action of protector structure against falling and sliding
No expectant structure
IlTTrmOl A part of expectant structure
Effective structure
% 3 Integrated judgement for road hazard
Needful to urgently make measure for road safety
ma Needful to make measure for road safety
E -Needless to make measure and only observation for road safety
- --
% 4 Examples of unsafe degree of dangerous rock blocks and slopes, Ha, Hb, Hd, * ,Hn
--- Needful to urgently make measure against dangerous rock block falling and sliding

Needful to make measure in near future against dangerous rock block falling and sliding
mx Needful to make measure in future against rock block falling and sliding
;_3 Needful to observe behavior

Fig.3 Road hazard map

will be not able to be decreased because there is not and to predict the influence of damage by rock
the same small dam as Path 1. Path 2 is assumed to block falling and slope sliding. Conclusions
be more dangerous. obtained from this study are summarized as follows:
1. An original road hazard map, which is based
on not only several results for any possibilities of
3 ROAD HAZARD MAP rock block falling and rock slope sliding determined
from the conventional investigation method but also
A road hazard map against rock block falling of the results of an arrival length and a falling path of
most dangerous slope area can be concretely dangerous rock block obtained by simulation of the
illustrated in order to maintain a safe road. Making Distinct Element Method, can be proposed in
a road hazard map is based on adding the results of engineering practice.
conventional investigations, which have been 2. It is possible from a proposed road hazard
composed of the position and the size of dangerous map to comprehensively evaluate the road safety
rock block, the unsafe conditions of discontinuous while simultaneously taking both the danger of rock
rock slope surface, the possibility of slope sliding block falling and the effectiveness of structure in
and the other of Table 2, to the original simulation order to protect against rock block falling and slope
results of an arrival length and a falling path of sliding.
dangerous rock block falling determined from the 3. It is easy by using a proposed road hazard
Distinct Element Method. This simulation can fully map to select a extreme dangerous road position,
consider the effective actions of structures, such as where either the hard protection measure of any
the shade of reinforced concrete and the steel net, in structures should be constructed in the near future
order to protect against rock block falling. In this or the soft protection measure of traffjc control
paper, a road position where there is any possibility rapidly carried out against rock block falling and
for dangerous rock block either falling or passing is rock slope sliding.
defined as increasing the degree of safety by one
rank. This road hazard map can illustrate the unsafe
degree by three bands shown in Figure 3, in which 5 ACKNOWLEGMENT
the first band described on the mountain-side can
indicate any possibilities of dangerous rock block The authers are grateful to Ishikawa Prefecture Civil
falling and discontinuous rock slope sliding. The Engineering Office for their valuable data and
second band, in other words, the central band comments in this study.
demonstrates an improved and effective structure
in order to protect against rock block falling and
rock slope sliding. Finally, the third band on the 6 REFERENCES
sea-side is examined to show an integrated hazard
judgement while taking both the first and the second Kawamura,K. and Ogawa,S. (1989). Topographical
bands into consideration. It is easy from this consideration for landslide prediction. 12th
proposed road hazard map to not only keep a road I C M F E V01.3 1587-1590
safe but also to make i t possible to carry out Kawamura,K. ,Murayama,H. and Kondo,H.( 1997).
meaningful measures against rock block falling and Applicability of Distinct Element Method t o failure
sliding in the case of extreme danger. prediction of discontinuous rock slope based on an
actual slope failure. Proc. .!SCE, NoS68/ -39 175-
185 (in Japanese)
4 CONCLUSIONS Kawamura,K. and Ogawa,R. (1997). Slope failure
in major Tertiary mud-stone zone. Proc.
This paper proposes a valuable road hazard map Dejbrmation and Progressive Failure in
from the practical views of how to keep a road safe Geomechunics in IS-Nagoya 701-706

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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang (o 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 905809 079 5

Earthquake and seepage effects on the mobilised shear strength of closely

jointed rock

ABSTRACT: This paper continues a long-standing interest of the author on the shear strength parameters for
closely jointed rock masses. Greywacke (an indurated sandstone of Mesozoic age in which the unweathered rock
material is very strong and hard) is one of the principal basement rocks in New Zealand. Because of the complex
tectonic history of NZ these greywackes are closely jointed. In a previous paper the Casagrande resistance enve-
lope for greywacke slopes in the Wellington area was estimated from the back analysis of existing stable slopes.
As this envelope lies well below the estimated Hoek-Brown failure envelope for the rock mass, the effects of seep-
age and earthquake loading are investigated herein. It is found that earthquake effects are more severe than seep-
age; in fact, an earthquake with a peak ground acceleration at about the maximum expected in the region is likely
to move the mobilised shear strength curve out to the estimated Hoek-Brown failure envelope.

1 INTRODUCTION shear strength of the rock mass that can be obtained by

back analysis of the data. The majority of the work
This paper continues work reported earlier (Pender reported in this paper was based on three points along
& Free 1993, Pender 1990) in which back analysis the upper bound curve in Figure 1 : a 17 m high slope
of existing slope height - slope angle data was used at 75", a 72 m high slope at 60", and a 188 m high
to obtain a lower bound on the shear strength enve- slope at 45". Preliminary back analysis shows that it
lope of a closely jointed rock mass. The particular is not possible to model these three combinations of
slopes are those around the city of Wellington in slope height and angle with a single linear c and @
New Zealand in which the rock type is greywacke - failure envelope. The mobilised shear strength curve
a highly indurated sandstone of Mesozoic age. obtained (Pender & Free 1993) for a dry rock mass
The standard method for assessing the strength of a when under static conditions is plotted in Figure 2.
geotechnical material is to recover a sample and test it Clearly the rock close to the Wellington Fault
in the laboratory, or, alternatively, conduct in situ cannot be expected to stand as well as material remote
tests. In the case of a closely jointed rock mass nei- from the fault, as near the Wellington Fault the rock is
ther of these approaches is feasible; consequently back likely to be more closely jointed with interlocking
analysis is used to give some indication of the shear much reduced. Unlike the upper bound in Figure 1,
strength properties of the rock mass. the data for slopes near the Wellington Fault can be
The slope height - slope angle relation (Grant- matched reasonably well with a single set of Mohr-
Taylor 1964), is shown in Figure 1. Two limiting Coulomb shear strength parameters: c = 30kPa and @
cases are evident in this figure, an upper limit for the = 26". As this friction angle is considered too low for
best material and a lower limit for the material near a typical closely jointed rock mass, the heights of the
the Wellington Fault. As the context of this paper is slopes adjacent to the Wellington Fault must be
stability analysis, there is a temptation to consider all controlled either by the properties of the fault zone or
the points on Figure 1 as the result of slope instability. by a gradual surface deterioration of the rock.
However, Grant-Taylor emphasises that other The Hoek-Brown failure criterion is, in principle,
mechanisms, for example erosion, are likely to be capable of describing rock masses such as those in
responsible for at least some of the points in the closely jointed Wellington greywacke. The modified
diagram. Therefore, it seems reasonable to assume version of the criterion (Hoek at a1 1992), used herein,
that the upper bound of all the points in Figure 1 is a assumes that a closely jointed mass has zero cohesion;
contour of constant factor of safety. The upper bound it is expressed in terms of principal stresses and has
curve leads to the highest values for the mobilised the form:

Figure 1. Wellington slope-height slope-angle data. Figure 2. Mobilised shear strength curve for dry Wellington
greywacke under static conditions and the estimated Hoek-
Brown failure envelope.

are that water pressures will not explain the differ-

ence between the two curves in Figure 2, but earth-
The parameters a and mnb depend on the intensity of quake shaking may be the key to understanding the
jointing in the rock mass. A basic input parameter is observed slope-height slope-angle data. This does
the unconfined compression strength, oc, of the assume, of course, that the estimated Hoek-Brown
unweathered rock; for NZ greywacke this is failure envelope is appropriate for the rock masses,
frequently well in excess of 100 MPa. However, in perhaps the greatest assumption of the whole paper
the earlier paper it seemed more appropriate to use a and the one that is most difficult to verify.
smaller value of 50 MPa. (It is of interest that
independent work on the shear strength properties of
greywacke rock masses (Read et a1 1999) found that a 2 TERMINOLOGY
value of 60 MPa for the unconfined compressive
strength was needed to achieve a reasonable Hoek- 2.1 Closelyjointed rock masses
Brown failure envelope.) Using the guidance given in
the Hoek et a1 (1992) paper, and the comments of A rock mass is described as closely jointed when the
Hoek (1998), values were chosen for the parameters a joint spacing is small in relation to the scale of the
and mb (0.5 and 1.2). The corresponding Mohr- project in question. The cuts in the greywacke slopes
Coulomb failure envelope for the rock mass, obtained in and around the city of Wellington provide a good
after calculations outlined by Hoek et a1 (1992), is example. In these rock masses, and at many other
plotted in Figure 2 along with the mobilised shear
locations throughout NZ, the joint spacing is a small
strength curve for the Wellington slopes. In passing, it fraction of a metre. It is, therefore, very much smaller
is of note that the shear and normal stresses in the rock than the scale of the cut slopes which are up to several
mass are a very small fraction of the assumed
tens of metres high. Furthermore, at many locations
unconfined compression strength for the intact rock. there is no clearly defined characteristicjoint direction
The previous back analysis (Pender & Free 1993) (notwithstanding that plotting a large number of joint
was done on the assumption that the slope is dry and directions may indicate other than random joint
that there is no earthquake acceleration present; this orientations). As the individual joints do not seem to
gives a lower bound on the mobilised shear strength have great continuity, a particular joint cannot exert a
curve. There is the possibility that inclusion of other dominant effect on the rock mass behaviour. The
effects on the slope might go some way to spanning behaviour of the mass is thus a consequence of the
the gap between the two curves in Figure 2. The combined action of a large number of individual
rainfall in Wellington is such that seepage is likely joints.
to be a significant effect on slope behaviour. Simi- At stress levels of interest in slope stability
larly, as NZ is in a seismic region the effect of ac- assessment, the strength of the intact rock between the
celerations on slope stability is a legitimate question. joints is usually so high that failure of the mass is
The relevance of these two classes of action is thus controlled, in a complicated way, by the joint system.
investigated in this paper. The conclusions reached This comment restricts the consideration herein to

I f I

Normal stress (MPa) Normal stress (MPa)

Figure 3. Mobilised shear strength curve with, along with the Figure 4. Mobilised shear strength curve with a pseudo-static
curves from Figure 2. horizontal acceleration of 0.4 g, along with the curves from
Figure 2.

hard rocks that are unweathered or only slightly

weathered. However, many of the concepts (1988). These provide a method for generating
developed are also valid for slopes in weathered mobilised shear strength curves both for dry and
rock and soil. saturated slopes. For slopes subject to earthquake
Assumptions about the type of failure mechanism accelerations the logarithmic spiral approach of Prater
are also required. In closely jointed media it seems (1979) is adapted to the back analysis.
appropriate to assume that the material is
approximately homogeneous, i.e. there are no clearly
defined joint planes or joint sets which control the 3 EFFECT OF SEEPAGE
form of the failure mode. With this assumption of
homogeneity it is necessary to search for the critical There is little information about the water conditions
case of each type of failure mechanism. If, for in the steep slopes in Wellington greywacke. It is not
example, a circular failure mode is under common to see water seeping out of slope faces
investigation then a search has to be made until the around the city. Furthermore water was not a
critical circle is found. particularly difficult problem during the construction
of the Terrace Tunnel in the late 60’s and early 70’s or
during the construction of the investigation drive
2.2 Resistance envelopes und mobilised shear several years earlier. SimilarIy most of the prebored
strength curves holes for piles on the Shell Gully structures for the
Wellington Urban motorway were dry. The
A further point of terminology needs clarification. As topography of the Wellington region, with roughly
originally formulated (Casagrande 1950) the parallel ranges of hills separated by steep sided
resistance envelope refers to one particular slope valleys, means it is unlikely that the highest slopes
geometry. This relation tells us nothing more than the will ever be completely saturated. Finally, as pointed
stress combinations required to satisfy equilibrium in out by Grant-Taylor, the higher less steep slopes are
the slope. The envelope of a number of separate mantled by a layer of weathered greywacke having a
resistance envelopes gives a better bound on the low permeability, so water falling on the slopes will
failure envelope for the material in the rock slope. runoff rather than infiltrate the unweathered and
Herein the term resistance envelope is confined to closely jointed rock mass below. These comments
information derived from a single slope geometry and provide another perspective on the assumption in the
the term mobilised shear strength curve is used when earlier back analysis that the rock masses are dry,
information gained from the back analysis of slopes which was made to give a lower bound on the
with different geometries is combined. It should be mobilised strength curve.
noted that the mobilised shear strength curve is not the Using the curves developed by Baikie the effect of
failure envelope of the rock mass, it will have more having the slopes completely saturated with water is
curvature than the actual failure envelope, but may easily investigated. The resulting mobilised shear
approach the failure envelope from below. strength curve is plotted in Figure 3. This diagram
The stability charts of Hoek and Bray (1981) have shows that seepage through the slopes, even when
been replotted as resistance envelopes by Baikie the slopes are fully saturated, gives rise to only a

modest change in the mobilised shear strength curve about slope deformations during and after these
which remains far short of the estimated Hoek- earthquakes. Thus we cannot reach a definite
Brown failure envelope in Figure 2. Clearly, then, conclusion that they are responsible for the existing
seepage will not explain the difference between the slope configurations.
two curves in Figure 2. Current assessment of the earthquake risk in the
Wellington region suggests that peak ground
accelerations in the 0.6 to 0.8g range could occur for a
4 EARTHQUAKE EFFECTS major earthquake on the Wellington fault. It is
apparent from Figure 4 that a peak horizontal
The Hoek and Bray charts do not include inertia acceleration in the 0.6 to 0.8g range would scale the
forces in the slope generated by earthquake mobilised shear strength curve into the proximity of
accelerations. Prater ( 1979) presents a pseudo-static the estimated Hoek-Brown envelope in the figure.
approach, although he uses a logarithmic spiral rather Although less frequent, horizontal accelerations of this
than a circular failure surface, to assess the effects of magnitude will have a more severe effect on the
horizontal and vertical accelerations in the slope. slopes than 0.4g. Once again we are hampered by
Prater does not include a vertical tension crack at the lack of information about slope damage during large
top of the slope, which is incorporated into the Hoek earthquakes.
and Bray charts. However, Baikie has investigated this The pseudo-static analysis discussed in this paper
and found that it is not of great significance for slope indicates the stresses that will be generated during
inclinations 60" or less. For given values of friction earthquake loading. However, the above two
angle and cohesion Prater tabulated values of the paragraphs indicate that we cannot decide if the
horizontal acceleration coefficient, k,,, which will just geometry of the greywacke slopes around
have a slope of a certain height and angle at limiting Wellington is defined by relatively infrequent major
equilibrium. In the work herein the range of the earthquakes or a series of more frequent events with
tabulated values was extended by coding in Mathcad a smaller peak ground accelerations. In particular
the expressions given by Prater. One thus obtains we need information about the long term effect of
from Prater's equations a range of linear c, Cp failure the earthquake accelerations on the slopes. If the
envelopes corresponding to the limiting equilibrium of earthquake causes loosening of the rock mass then
a particular slope configuration at a given horizontal long term deterioration may follow.
acceleration. The resistance envelope for the The pseudo-static calculations have been done with
particular geometry is then obtained by plotting the horizontal acceleration only; in reality vertical
linear failure envelopes and sketching an inner accelerations will accompany the horizontal. This will
envelope to them. These steps, with a horizontal be another effect on the mobilised shear and normal
acceleration of 0.4g, lead to the mobilised shear stresses.
strength curve plotted in Figure 4. From this it is Another possibility would be to combine
apparent that the demands on the slopes of earthquake earthquake and seepage effects to further expand the
accelerations of this level are considerably more mobilised shear strength curve. This has not been
severe than those of water seeping through the slope. considered herein as the simple addition of the two
effects is most unlikely. A closely jointed mass
behaves as a very dense medium, thus, when
5 DISCUSSION saturated, any shearing, and even more so any
loosening, of the rock mass will lead to a short term
It is clear from Figures 3 and 4 that a psuedo-static reduction in water pressures.
horizontal earthquake acceleration of 0.4g has a more
severe effect on the Wellington slopes than seepage.
Even so we are still some way short of being able to 6 CONCLUSIONS
conclude that the mobilised shear strength curve for kh
= 0.4 in Figure 4 is the failure envelope for the The following conclusions are reached:
Wellington greywacke rock masses. The following Extending the Casagrande resistance envelope
points preclude this: concept to encompass different slope geometries,
The earthquake shaking of the slopes is a transient means that the lower bound on the shear strength
process, whereas the above calculations have been properties of the rock masses is also extended.
done in a pseudo-static manner. It appears that earthquake loading with a peak
The horizontal acceleration of 0.4g used in the ground acceleration of the magnitude that could be
calculations is thought to be representative of the peak expected in the Wellington region in a major event
ground acceleration to which slopes in the Wellington would mobilise shear strengths approaching the es-
region will have been subjected a number of times in timated Hoek-Brown failure envelope in Figure 2.
the past. Unfortunately we have no direct information The effects of pseudo-static earthquake loading at

the level of 0.4g are much more demanding of the
shear strength behaviour of the jointed rock masses
than seepage under fully saturated conditions.
In as much as the pseudo-static analysis per-
formed herein tells us nothing of the deformations in
the slope, it is not possible to conclude definitely
that earthquake shaking can account for the observed
slope height - slope angle relation.
Although the this paper extends the mobilised
shear strength curve obtained by Pender and Free
(1993), there is still considerable uncertainty about
the actual shear strength properties of the closely
jointed greywacke rock masses in Wellington.
The actual unconfined compression strength of
unweathered greywacke gives what seems an unrea-
sonable Hoek-Brown rock mass failure envelope.
Herein a smaller value (5OMPa) was used.
The range of shear and normal stresses in the
slopes associated with the mobilised shear strength
curve is a small fraction of the assumed unconfined
compression strength of the intact rock material.


Baikie, L. D. 1988. Casagrande resistance envelopes for rock

and rockfill slopes having circular slip surfaces. Canadian
Geotechnical Journal, 25: 42-49.
Casagrande, A 1950. Notes on the design of earth dams. Jour.
Boston Societ), Civil Engineers. 37: 405-429.
Grant-Taylor, T. L. 1964. Stable angles in Wellington grey-
wacke. New Zealand Engineering. 19: 129-130.
Hoek, E. & J. W. Bray 1981. Rock slope engineering. London:
Institution of Mining and Metallurgy.
Hoek, E., D. Wood, & S. Shah 1992. A modified Hoek-Brown
criterion for jointed rock masses. Proc. Eurock’92: 209-
2 13. London, Thomas Telford.
Hoek, E. 1998 Reliability of Hoek-Brown estimates of rock
mass properties and their impact on design. Int. J. Rock
Mech. Min. Sci. 35( I): 63-68.
Pender, M. J. & M. W. Free 1993. Stability assessment of
slopes in closely jointed rock masses. Proc. Eurock’93:
863-870. Balkema: Rotterdam.
Pender, M. J. 1990. Stability of slopes in closely jointed rock
masses. NZ Road Research Unit Bridge Design and Re-
search Seminar, RRRU Bulletin 84: 1 15-126. Wellington:
Prater, E. G. 1979. Yield acceleration for seismic stability of
slopes. Jnl. Geotechnical Engineering, 105(GT5): 682-687.
Read, S. A. L., L. R. Richards, & N.D. Perrin 1999. Applica-
bility of the Hoek-Brown failure criterion to New Zealand
greywacke rocks. Proc. 9”’ Congress of the ISRM, Paris.

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4 Effects of rainfall and groundwater
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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 7999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Design chart for cut slope in unsaturated residual soils

R. Subramaniam
KTA Tenugu Sdn Btid, Mulaysia
Civil Engineering Department, University of Malaya, Kualu Liinzpur,Malaysia

ABSTRACT : In the past, tlie effects of soil suction , rainfall and conductivity of soil were not considered in
the coiiveiitioiial slope stability analysis that were carried out using parameters based on saturated condition.
The analysis when linked to shallow failure, deep ground water conditions or climatic fluxes, should however
be extended to incorporate unsaturated soil mechanics. This study has been carried out in view of partial
saturation with other related parameters involved in the stability of slopes in residual soils using a
combination of seepage and slope stability programs.

1 INTRODUCTION 3. To use the predicted hydrological condition

(steady state and transient state analysis) as input
The relatively steep cut slopes in residual soils are to a physically based two diiiiensional (2D)slope
initially stable aiid partly saturated. The partial stability sub model (SLOPEIW) to study tlie
saturatioii of the soil allows the negative pore changes in factor of the safety of slopes based on
pressure (matric suction) to exist aiid develops an the various parameters determined above.
apparent cohesion, which in iiiajority of the cuts is 4. To apply the combined seepage and slope
the predominant stabiliziiig factor. The rain initiates analysis to arrange a slope form aiid antecedent
the absorption of water by the surface layers causing condition for the production of design chart for
the degree of saturation to increase. The saturation partially saturated soils which summarizes the
zone advances to greater depths. The advancing effect of a particular storm event on slope
saturation front alters tlie hydraulic gradient and the stability.
hydraulic Conductivity thus changing the flow
patterns and the distribution of moisture content in
This project has been carried out in view of tlie
partial saturation with other related parameters Standard approaches to stability analysis usually
involved in tlie stability of slopes in residual soils. simplify consideration of the hydrological condition
The following objectives have been o u t l i d . to that of a static, fixed grouiidwater level. Stability
analysis procedures are then used to determine the
1. To identify tlie different hydrological, physical, factor of safety for the slope, given the distribrrtion
geometrical aiid strength parameters that affect of positive pressures along the slip surfaces. Soil
tlie stability of slopes in unsaturated residual suctions are generally ignored in such analysis,
soils. being assumed zero.
2. To produce a physically based coupled
dimensional (2D)dynamic slope hydrological Many researcher have produced chart that enable the
condition (transient) model controlling stability stability of simple slopes to be assessed without the
due to various parameters identified above using necessity of coiiipletiiig detailed calculations. They
tlie available SEEP/W software. are a1v ~tscfu!fgr prcliiiiinary aiialysis and enable

the designer to quickly assess the sensitivity of a This output model is later used as input to
problem to changes in different input parameters. SLOPE/W programme for stability analysis.

The main objectives of this exercise is to :- 2.3 Results

To find the critical condition where the 2.3.1 Factor of Safety vs Permeability (ks) for
landslide could occur or the combination of various slope heiglits(H)
permeability of the soil and the rainfall intensity
which will be critical. For a fixed qs = 1 ~ 1 0 m/s - ~ (Figure I), the factor of
safety tends to decrease with the increase of
To find a linear relationship between the f ctor permeability of the soil. For all the various heights
of safety and the diinensionless factor tan $ for ranging from 20 meters to 50 meters, the factor of
unsaturated residual soils. safety seems to decrease with increasing saturated
conductivity. For qs = l ~ l O -m/s ~ the factor of
To establish a design chart for approximation of safety is the lowest at permeability value of ks =
1x10-7 m/s and increases at ks = 1 ~ 1 0 m/s ‘ ~ and
preliminary design.
1x10- m/s. or qs = 1 x 1 0 - ~m/s, the lowest value
Determination of the critical condition is obtained at ks = 1xlOb8 m/s. This signifies that the
lowest factor of safety is achieved when the
Before the slope stability charts are produced a table infiltration rate is alinost or equal to the permeability
is formed to study the different rainfall intensity and of the soil. However the lowest value is obtained at
conductivity f~inction. The critical case is to be qs = 1xl 0p6 m/s wliicli means the liiglier the
found and to be used for the development of slope permeability the lower is the factor of safety.
stabilitp charts. The following parameters are
identified as these values represent the comnion
values for residual soils at the Kuala Lumpur - Karak
highway project and these values can also be used at
other residual soils in Malaysia (Othman, 1989).

9s = I ~ I o - M~ ,O - ~ , 1 x 1 0 - ~ni/s for a
duration of 24 hour.
1% = MO-~M , O-~M , O-~
H = 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,60 meters
tan p = 1:1,2:1, 3:2
C’ = 0, 5 , 1OltPa
= 20,25, 30, 35,40 degrees
$b Figure 1 Factor of Safety vs Permeability (lts) for
Q, = 0, 0.25, O$O, 0.75, 1.00
various slope heiglits(H)
Yb = 18 kN/ni’

2.2 Procedure 2.3.2 Factor of Safety vs Heiglit(H) for various

rainfall intensity (qs)
A homogeneous slope model is developed with the
respected parameters using tlie SEEP/W programme
and the various iiifiltratioidrainfall intensities is used
For a ixed saturated permeability of the soil, ks =
1x10- m/s (Figure 2), the factor of safety seems to
as input to run the transient condition. A typical decrease with increasing slope heights. When the
initial condition is simulated with the groundwater rainfall intensity is close or equal to the saturated
table to be at 10 meters perpendicular distance from permeability the lowest factor of safety is achieved,
the toe of the slope. A maximum suction value of whereas there is not much changes in factor of safety
100 1;Pa is fixed to siniulate tlie site condition. when the rainfall intensity (qs) is M O - ~m/s or
1xl0- d s ) . Again when the saturated permeability
A transient analysis is carried out and the respective (ks) is l ~ l O m/s,
- ~ the factor of saftty tends to drop
profile changes in tlie suction are then observed. also with tlie increase in height. The difference
between the threc different rainfall intensity do not

Figure 2 Factor of Safety vs Height(H) for various
rainfall intensity (9s)
Figure 3 Factor of Safety vs Saturated Permeability
seem to be big when compared to when ks = 1 ~ 1 0 (ks) ~ ~for various slope angle (tan p)
d s . However when ks = ~ x I O -m/s, ~ the various
rainfall intensity tends to be close to one another. The
soil can only infiltrate the maximum value of ks =
1x10-8 m / s and the excess water acts as surface

2.3.3 Factor of Safety vs Saturated Permeability (ks)

for various slope angle (tan 0)

For a fixed rainfall intensity (qs = I X ~ Om/s)

- ~ and
height (H = 50 meters) as in Figure 3, the factor of
safety tends to decrease with increasing saturated
permeability . The drop in the factor of safety is very
much greater for slope 1V:lH compared to slopes Figure 4 Factor of Safety vs slope angle (tan p) for
3V:2H and 2V:IH. The lowest factor of safety is various rainfall intensity (qs)
obtained when the rainfall intensity is close or equal
to the permeability of the soil. However the drop in 2.4 Discussion
the fact r of safety whe the rainfall intensity is (qs
9/ 1
= 1x10- m/s and 1x10- m/s did not vary much for In the computation of the data for the development
each slopes. of stability charts it has been assumed that the slope
is homogeneous and constructed of a single material
with effective stress strength parameter c’ and 4’.
2.3.4 Factor of Safety vs slope angle (tan p) for The critical condition qs = ks is chosen when ks =
various rainfall intensity (9s) l x 10-6m/s because of its high permeability and the
duration of rainfall intensity is fixed at 24 hours as
For a fixed height (H = 50 meter) and saturated determined from the analysis. The ks = 1x 10-6 m/s
permeability (ks = 1x10 m/s) as in Figure 4, the was found to give the lowest safety factor during the
factor of safety tends to decrease with increasing sensitivity analysis for the slope of Kuala Lumpur -
s!ope angles. However when qs is less than or more Karak Highway.
than the saturated permeability, the difference is not
very much. The critical condition occurs when qs = The range of the parameter are as follows:-
ks and the worst case is for slope 2V: 1H. tan p = 2:l , 1:1, 3:2
= 0.0,0.25,0.50,0.75, 1.00
= 0,0.015,0.030
pore water pressure = SEEP/W Heads

An accurate and extensive general solutions is made For a simple soil profile and specified shear strength
possible by these factors:- parameters, it had been found that to a closer
approximation, the factor of safety, (F) varies
linearly with the magnitude of the tan 6b
2.4.1 Dimensionless iiuiiiber c’/yH (dimensionless value of rate of change in shear
strength with respect to suction). A typical example
For a given value of tlie dimensionless number of this linear relationship is given iii Figure 6
c‘lyH, the factor of safety depends only on tlie
geometry of the section, expressed as tan p, 011 the F = f + s.tan --------(1)
pore-pressure given by SEEP/W and on the aiiyle of
shearing resistance,$’ aiid suction resistance, $B for where f and s are termed the stability coefficient for
unsaturated residual soils. a particular slope and soil properties, tan $b .is the
rate of change in shear strength with respect to
To reduce the amount of computation cn!y three(3) suction (ua - U*).
values of c’/yH have been used that is 0.0, 0.015,
0.03. Considering that tlie cohesion intercept in
terms of effective stress is gradually somewhat lower
than the cohesion intercept in total stress, these
values have been selected as represeiitiiig the range
coiniiioiily encountered in effective stress analysis
and also a range within which a linear interpolation
can be used without significant errors. Tlie
intermediate values for c’lyH can be interpolated as
shown in Figure 5 for a particular slope angle and
strength value. It should however be renieiiibered
that for cross sections of natural slopes or wide Figure 6 Linear relationship between factor of safety
embankments some errors inay be iiicurred due to and dimensionless tan $b value for = 30 degrees
the neglect of tension cracks whose effect on and c’/yH = 0.005 for various slope angle
stability becomes more pronounced at higher values
of c’lyH. For these problems, a modified analysis is Linear relationship between F and tan$b for a givcn
generally required. value of c’lyH, tan p as shown in Figure 6 can
be described in t e r m of two parameters, f. and s
where geometrically, f is the intersection with factor
2.4.2 Factor of safety (F) varies linearly with the
magnitude of tlie tan $b 6
of safety (F) axis of me describing the relationship
between F aiid tan 4 and corresponds to the v 1
of tlie factor of safety for zero suction value (4 =
O)., and s is the slope of this line. Since the slope of
this line is always positive (Fredlund. 19 4), the
factor of safety increases with increasing $ value.
whilst all other parameters being held constant and
inay be expressed in tlie form of equation (1 ).

These two parameters f and s are determined from

tlie fitting curve passing through all or near all the
respective points where $ /$* = 0.0. 0.25. 0.50, 0.75.
1.00 for various 4’ values process using the
blicrosoft EXCFL programme \\it11 an a\ erage
standard error. R- value of 0.9 (Fredlund. 1994).
Figure 5 Linear relationship between factor of safety
The values of the stabilit) coefficients f and s Lire
and dimensionless number c’/yH for a particular =
then plotted against tan 0.the tangent of the slope
30 degrees and = 15 degrees for various slope
angle. for varying $‘ bet\veeii 30 degrees to 40
degrees. Figures 7. 8, 9 shoib the f m d s coefficients

for values c‘h{H = 0. and also for three different
heights. H = 0 - 20m. 21 - 4Om. 41 - 60111

The presentation and tabulation of the results are

greatly simplified by the use of these stability
coefficients, which also have the advantages of
giving an immediate picture of the influence of
suction on the factor of safety.

To calculate the factor of safety of a section whose

c’lyH lies within the range covered by these figures,
it is necessary only to apply the equation ( 1 ) to
determine the factor of safety of the two nearest
values of c’lyH and then perform a linear
interpolation between these values for the specified
c’lyH as the factor of safety(F) is also linearly
increasing with dimensionless value c’lyH.

Figure 8 Stability coefficients for c’lyH = 0 and H =

21 - 4 0 m

Figure 7 Stability coefficients for c’lyH = 0 and H =


3 CONCLUSION Figure 9 Stability coefficients for c’lyH = 0 and H =

41 - 6 0 m
The following conclusion can be derived from this
1) Eiig]1er suction values give higher factors of 2) The factor of safety for unsaturated soil seems to
safety. be increasing with a dimensionless value tan+b .

3) A linear relationship can be obtained for the
factor of safety of unsaturated residual soil.

F=f + s tail 4'' -------(I)

F = factor of safety.
f aiid s = the stability coefficient
= is the rate of change in shear
strength with respect to suction ( Ua - Uw).

Hence tlie factor of safety for a particular slope can

be deteriiiiiied from the coiiibinatioii of stability
coefficients obtained from tlie stability chart.


Special thanks to the authors colleagues Mr. Low

Tiaii Huat and Mr. Saravaiiaii Mariappaii for their
kind assistance in helping to write this paper.

1. Affeiidi, A ( I 996). Field aiid laboratory study on
unsaturated residual soils in relation to slope
stability analysis, P1i.L). thesis, University of
Malaya. Unpulished.
2. Fredlund, D.G and Raliardjo, H. (1993). Soil
Mechanics for Uiisaturated Soils. John Wiley &
3. Morgentern, N (1963) Stability Charts for earth
slopes during rapid drawdown, Geotechnique,
vo113,pp121-13 1.
4. Othmaii, M.A., (1990). Highway cut slope
instability problems in West Malaysia, P1i.D.
thesis, Uiiiversity of Bristol, unpublished.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang e) 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN go 5809 079 5

Factors affecting on water retention characteristic of soils

Katsuyulu Kawai
Deparhnerzt of Citd Engineering, Kohe University,Japan
Daizo Karube & Hitoshi Seguchi
Graduate School qf Science und Technology,Kobe University, Japun

ABSTRACT: The mechanical behaviors of unsaturated soil are strongly influenced by the suction value and
the pore water distribution. The water retention curve is provided as the relationship between the suction
and the moisture content and widely used in the analyses for an unsaturated soil medium such as the
unsaturated seepage flow. However, since the water retention curve essentially shows hysteresis loop, the
moisture content is not uniquely determined even if only the suction is specified. Void ratio also affects the
degree of saturation. Therefore, some physical quantity considering the volume change of unsaturated soil
element has to be introduced in the expression of water retention characteristics. In this paper, a new
expression of water retention characteristics of unsaturated soil is presented, in which the initial void ratio of
the soil is introduced as a variable in the mathematical expression of water retention characteristics.

1. INTRODUCTION hysterisis loop in the water retention curve and the

Slope failures are often connected with the rainfall loading/unloading response of saturated soils. He
and statistically analyzed with the total amount introduced “Virgin Drying Line (VDL)”, defined as
and/or the intensity of the rainfall. It is well known the relationship between the water content and the
that the mechanical behavior of unsaturated soils in suction value for an initially saturated normally-
the slope is much influenced by the water retention consolidated soils under the drying process without
characteristic of the soils. The water retention applying any external stress, and proposed a simple
characteristic is conventionally represented by the model. Toll’s model can rationalize the volume
“water retention curve” provided as a unique relation change of the soil by separating the volume change
of the suction value and the degree of saturation of of water from it. However, a question whether
the soil. Some models describing its relation have VDL can be uniquely defined for a soil has been left.
been proposed and used in the analyses. However, In this paper, a series of laboratory tests, i.e.
in actuality, the values of degree of saturation are oedometer tests for compacted soils and triaxial tests
different in the drying and wetting processes. for reconstituted soils, are carried out to obtain the
Since the relation of suction and degree of saturation water retention curves. And possible factors
draws a sort of hystresis loop depending on the effecting on the water retention characteristic is
loadinghnloading process of suction stress, the discussed by fitting it to the relationship between the
degree of saturation is not uniquely specified for a suction stress and the degree of saturation obtained
suction value. from experiment. Then, new model that contains the
Vachaud et al.’) examined the hysteresis loop of effect of void ratio is introduced.
water retention curve using the soil column method.
Nakano’) 3 , proposed the water retention model, 2. EXPERLMENTAL METHOD
which can express the hysteriesis loop in the relation 2.1 Soil S’ecinieri
of the suction and saturation degree, considering the The soil specimens used in the experiment are No.5
geometrical shape of soil pore. The exponential clay and Catalpo clay which are on the market.
function is employed to express the distribution of Their material properties are summarized in
pore size after the expression of energy distribution Table.2.1.
in the classical statistical mechanics. However, there Table.2.1 Material properties of clays
would be of much difficulty in specification of
parameters in the practical use of it.
! No.5
1 Gs
1 wp
I 1,
Toll )‘ pointed out the similarity between the Catalpo 2.7 20.3% 33.5% 13.2

The grain size of Catalpo clay is finer than that of
No.5 clay. Water Degree of

2.2 Experimental procedure

Uedometer test on compacted soils
The powder of No.5 clay is mixed with water and 1.62 30.2 50.5
clay specimens are prepared around prescribed water c 1.59 17.5 29.7
content. Clay specimens are compacted statically d 1.20 23.1 52.0
in the oedometer test apparatus. The initial 1 e 0.99 1 30.4 82.9
conditions of thus prepared clay specimens are
summarized in Table 2.2. The experiments are
carried out as follows. Under the condition of the Confining Pressure Suction (Wa)
constant vertical pressure of 196 Wa, the suction (&a)
stress is changed by means of applying air pressure IAl 19.6 1 0-+490+0 1
directly to the compacted soil specimen of which
B 19.6 0-392-+49+245
boundaries are set to be permeable. Namely since
the pore water pressure is measured, the suction C 19.6 0+294+49-+245
value can be calculated as, ID1 98.0 I 0-490-49 I
s = zc, -U,, (1) E 19.6 0+490+0
in which s is the suction, zi, is the pore air F 196.0 0+490-0
pressure and U, is the pore water pressure. Thus, Test-A, B, C, D: No.5 Clay; Test-E, F : Catalpo Clay
the suction stress is increased from 196 to 492 kPa
and then reduced to 0 kPa under the condition of
constant vertical pressure of 196 kPa in the 2.3 Experimental Results
experiment. Fig. 1 shows the experimental results obtained from
oedometer tests for compacted clay specimens.
Trimial test on reconstituted soils And changes of water content, void ratio and degree
Slurry paste of clays is prepared and of saturation with the suction stress are compared.
preconsolidated in the container. Thus obtained In the process of suction increase, the change of void
reconstituted clay materials are trimmed in the shape ratio with suction is not seen. But the water
of the diameter of 35 mm and the height of 80mm. content decreases with the increase of suction and
The reconstituted clay specimens are set in the seems to converge into a certain constant value in all
triaxial test apparatus and air pressure is applied in cases. On the contrary, in the process of suction
the same manner with the oedometer test. The decrease, the void ratio drops at the low value of
stress paths chosen in experiment are summarized in suction. It is called “collapse” phenomenon and is
Table 2.3. The suction stress is applied as shown in seen more conspicuously in initially higher value of
the table under the condition of constant confining void ratio.
pressure. F i g 2 shows changes of water content, void ratio
and degree of saturation obtained from triaxial tests

for reconstituted soils. The effect of suction stress increase of suction stress than that in the case of
history on the water retention characteristics can be Test-D. However, its difference is quite small.
examined from Fig.2. The water retention curves Moreover, since the drainage of pore water is hard to
obtained in the loading process of suction (with be made under higher confining pressure in the
increase of suction) are different from those obtained experimental practice, its difference due to the
in the unloading process of suction (with decrease of confining pressure cannot be immediately accepted
suction). But the water retention curves in the as a mechanical property of unsaturated soils. In
unloading process of suction gradually converge into fact, the experimental results obtained from Test-E
the curves of specimen applied higher suction stress. and Test-F for Catalpo clays do not show
Fig.3 shows influence of confining pressure on dependency on the confining pressure as shown in
water retention property of soil. The results Fig.4. Therefore, it would be concluded that the
obtained from Test-A and Test-D for No.5 clays are confining pressure does not influence the water
compared. It appears that the degree of saturation retention characteristics of unsaturated soils.
in the case of Test-A more rapidly decreases with the

Fig.5 Application of Fig.6 Relation of Fig.7 Relation of
Brooks and Corey's model air entry value and void ratio water entry value and void ratio

3. THE EFFECT OF VOID RATIO ON THE FORM air entry value and the water entry value
OF WATER RETENTION CURVE corresponding to the value of void ratio are different
in each test. Since each entry value corresponding
In order to examine the effect of void ratio on the to the void ratio can be specified for each of all tests,
water retention curve, a model proposed by Brooks the dependency of s, and s, on the void ratio is
and Corey is applied to the water retention curves summarized as shown in Fig.6 (air entry value) and
from experiments and the fitting parameters Fig.7 (water entry value). It is found that each
employed in the model are considered. The Brooks entry value can be expressed by a power fknction of
and Corey's model is expressed as, the void ratio as shown in the figures.
In order to examine the void ratio dependency, a
capillary model as shown in Fig.8 is introduced.
From equilibrium of forces, the suction value is
in which S,is the normalized degree of saturation, S, expressed as,
is the degree of saturation, Slo is the degree of 2T
residual saturation when the suction, s + C O , s, is s = zi, -74," = ___ ( 31
the suction at saturation and a is the fitting in which T is the surface tension, Y is the radius of
parameter and s, is generally called the air entry the capillary tube. If the sectional area of the
value in drying process or the water entry value in capillary tube per a unit surface of the model shown
wetting process. Experimental data are plotted on in Fig.8 can be regarded as being equivalent to the
the bi-logarithmic plane of S, and s with assuming void ratio, Eq.(3) means that the suction stress
the value ofS, and a straight line is drew so as to becomes smaller as the void ratio becomes larger.
best fit experimental data by using the least square Actually, the experimental results shown in F i g 6
method. Such trial and error are made and fitting (drying process) and Fig.7 (wetting process) are
parameters of s, and a are determined. And consistent with it. The suction value is expected to
simultaneously the air entry value and the water be in inverse proportion to the square root of void
entry value are also estimated. Fig.5 shows a ratio.
example of data fitting lines (solid lines) by Eq.(2), However, the pore structure in real soils is much
in which s , ~and s,, in the figure are the air entry more complicated. It would not be suitable that
value and the water entry value, respectively. The such a simple model shown in Fig.8 is directly
applied to quantitative prediction of suction stress in
the real soils. In this paper, the power law is used
in the expression of water retention curve to
consider the void ratio dependency. First, the idea
by Toll is employed here. He introduced the
"equivalent void ratio" which was defined as,
e," = w.G, = e . S , . (4)
The effect of void ratio on the water retention
characteristic of soils can be considered if one
employs the equivalent void ratio instead of the
Fig.8 The Capillary Model degree of saturation as in Eq.(2). Then, the
following expression is presented.

Fig9 Water retention curve Fig. 10 Theoretical drying curves Fig. 11 Theoretical drying curves
in terms of equivalent void ratio from saturated state from unsaturated state

Fig. 12 Relation of 0: and Sro Fig. 13 Predicted and experimental Fig. 14 Theoretical wetting curves
wetting curves from unsaturated state

suction works so as to compress the soil mass as the

(5) external force until the suction reaches the air entry
value. The drainage begins when the suction
in which e,is the equivalent void ratio and e,, is the reaches the air entry value and the remarkable
equivalent void ratio at residual state (s + a). compression of soils occurs. However, after that,
When one compares Eq.(5) with Eq.(2), he becomes the amount of compression of soils gradually
aware that both expressions have the same reduces with the increase of suction and finally the
parameters, i.e., CL and s,. Therefore, these fitting void ratio reaches its residual value, ewe.
parameters can be determined by the same manner Fig. 11 shows the case that the suction is applied to
as shown in Fig.5 and then the fitting curves are initially unsaturated soils indicated by “P” in the
obtained as shown in Fig.9. The equivalent void figure. Likewise, the suction at first works so as to
ratio at residual state, e,,, is uniquely specified from compress the soils as the external force until the
S,,and the water content at the residual state in the suction reaches to the water retention curve of
drying process. However, in the wetting process, it initially saturated specimen in this case. Then, the
is necessary to assume a proper value of equivalent drainage occurs along the water retention curve as
void ratio at the residual state (s -+ a) for each shown in the figure. The timing when the drainage
case begins is different depending on the initial void ratio
The water retention curves in the drying process as indicated by 0and 0in Fig. 10.
are drawn in Fig. 10 in terms of the equivalent void On the other hand, in the wetting process, the
ratio. Two cases in which the initial void ratio is equivalent void ratio at the residual state cannot be
different are considered, i.e. 0 and 0. The specified uniquely. It is different in each wetting
broken line in the figure indicates the air entry value, process even for the same soil. And the water entry
which is obtained from Fig.6. If the suction is value shows void ratio dependency as indicated in
applied to initially saturated soils, the water Fig.7. Then, to address this problem, considered is
retention characteristics of the soils are expected to the shape of water retention curve in the wetting
change along the curves shown in Fig.10. The process. As seen in Fig.1 and Fig.2, the gradient of

the water retention curve becomes smaller as the 3) M. Nakano. 1976. Pore volume distribution and
degree of saturation is lower. Since the gradient of curve of water content versus suction of porous
the curve is governed by the parameter, a, the body: 2. Two boundary wetting curve. Soil
relation of a and the degree of saturation at residual Science. Vol. 122. No.2: 100-106.
state (S,, = e,, / e ) is examined. Fig. 12 indicates 4) D. G. Toll. 1995. A conceptual model for the
drying and wetting of soil. Proc. 1st Int. Con$ on
the relationship between a and S,, . It is found Unsaturated Soils.Vol.2: 805-8 10
that there is a unique linear relation between CL and
S,,independent of soil properties. Then, once a is
specified, S,, and ew, can be estimated using the
linear relation shown in Fig.12. Fig.13 shows the
performance of above mentioned approximation
method that makes it possible to draw the water
retention curve in the wetting process.
Experimental data shown in Fig.2 are used and
compared with the theoretical curves. Good
agreement between them can be seen. Fig.14
shows the theoretical water retention curves in terms
of equivalent void ratio. Two cases in which initial
void ratio is different are drawn in the figure. Once
initial state of the soil indicated by “P” in the figure
is given, the water retention curve considering void
ratio dependency can be predicted fiom Eq.(5) as
shown in the figure.

The main conclusions described in this paper are as
1. The void ratio dependency of the water retention
curve is quantitatively examined throughout
laboratory experiments. It is shown that the air
entry value and the water entry value are also
influenced by the void ratio.
2. The model proposed by Brooks and Corey is
introduced and the influence of void ratio on the
water retention curve is quantitatively examined
based on the model. It is found that the
parameter that effects on its gradient has a linear
relation with the degree of saturation in the
wetting process.
3 . The idea of the equivalent void ratio by Toll is
adopted to express more realistic water retention
characteristics of soils and a new model to
rationally predict the water retention
characteristics of soils is proposed.

1) Vachaud. G. and Thony. J. L. 1971. Hysteresis
during infiltration and redistribution in a soil
column at different initial water contents. Water
Resources Research. Vo1.7. N o . 1 : 11 1-127.
2) M. Nakano. 1976. Pore volume distribution and
curve of water content versus suction of porous
body: 1. Two boundary drying curves. Soil
Science. Vol. 122. N o . 1: 5-14.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Suction profiles and stability of residual soil slopes

E.C. Leong, B. K. Low & H. Rahardjo

NTU-PWD Geotechnical Research Centre, Nanycrrzg TechtzologicalUniversity, Singapore

ABSTRACT: In the tropics, many residual soil slopes stand at a very steep slope angle. The stability of these
very steep slopes is attributed to the suction or negative pore-water pressures within the soil. Measurements of
suction within a slope showed that the suction in the surface soils can change drastically due to climatic con-
ditions. As the pore-water pressure condition in the slope is never a constant, it is very difficult to account for
suction in slope stability analyses. Hence in practice suction is often not considered in slope stability analyses.
The paper attempts to illustrate how suction may be accounted for in the stability of residual soil slopes
through limit equilibrium analysis. Suction profiles, typical of residual soil slope conditions found in Singa-
pore, will be used in the analyses.

1 INTRODUCTION ingly, a number of landslides occurred during the

months of November, December and January (Pitts
The relief of Singapore island can be divided into 1983, Tan et al. 1987).
the central hilly region of igneous rock formation in The factors affecting slope instability due to rain-
Bukit Timah, Bukit Panjang and Bukit Mandai, the fall are: slope geometry, groundwater condition, soil
western region of sedimentary rocks forming a suc- properties, rainfall pattern and slope surface condi-
cession of northwest trending hills and valleys, and tions (Leong & Rahardjo 1997a). In this paper, em-
the relatively flat eastern region of sand and gravel phasis is placed on the effect of rainfall duration and
deposits. The igneous rock formation is known intensity on soil suction profiles and hence its effect
geologically as the Bukit Timah granite formation on slope stability. A typical slope geometry found in
and the sedimentary rocks as the Jurong sedimen- parks and along highways in the Jurong sedimentary
tary formation. Each formation occupies about one- formation is selected for the study.
third of Singapore’s land area. The upper strata of
these formations are highly weathered where weath-
ering depth may vary from several metres to tens of 2 SLOPE INSTABILITY DUE TO RAINWATER
metres. The groundwater table in these soils is usu- INFILTRATION
ally quite deep, thus most of the residual soils are in
an unsaturated state. Most of the island’s steepest To evaluate slope instability due to rainwater in-
slopes are found in the ridges of the Jurong sedi- filtration, two processes need to be examined. One
mentary formation. process is the change in pore-water pressure condi-
Singapore lying in the tropics is uniformly hot and tions in the slope due to movement of rainwater into
humid throughout the year, with an average mean the slope. The other process is the change in shear
temperature of 27OC and average daily humidity of strength of the soil due to the increase in pore-water
about 85%. Rain falls throughout the year but is pressure and hence its effect on the factor of safety
heavier in the months of November, December and against slope failure. Specialized computer programs
January. Most of the rain falls as sudden showers, are available to evaluate the factor of safety for the
with rainfall of more than 50 mm per day. The aver- slope taking into account the reduction in suction
age annual rainfall is about 2400 mm. Not surpris- during rain. The most commonly adopted approach

is to use a finite element program for transient seep- 2.2 Limit equilibrium analysis
age to obtain the pore-water pressures in the slope A number of limit equilibrium methods are avail-
during rain and to incorporate the pore-water pres- able for slope stability analysis mash 1987). Fred-
sures in a slope stability evaluation using limit equi- lund and Krahn (1977) found that differences be-
librium analysis (e.g. Fredlund & Barbour 1992, tween factors of safety obtained from Bishop's
Alonso et al. 1995, Sun et al. 1995). Nowadays with simplified method (satisfying moment equilibrium
the improvement in desktop computing power, it is only) and Spencer's and Morgenstern and Price's
possible to formulate and solve the problem using a methods (satisfying both force and moment equilib-
spreadsheet program. Such an approach is adopted rium) are less than 0.4% for the cases that they had
for the present study. analysed. The limit equilibrium method adopted for
this study is the Bishop's simplified method for non-
2.1 InJiltration circular slip surfaces. Details of a spreadsheet for-
mulation for slope stability analyses can be found in
In this study, the process of rainwater infiltration Low & Tang (1 997) and will not be elaborated here.
is treated in one dimension only. The transient one-
dimensional water flow into unsaturated soils can be
solved using Richard's equation: 3 SOIL PROPERTIES AND SLOPE GEOMETRY

The Jurong sedimentary formation consists mainly

of interbedded layers of mudstone and sandstone
which are highly folded and faulted. The top portion
of the formation is generally weathered to residual
clayey or sandy silts. The weathered depths can ex-
where 8, = volumetric water content, t = time, z = tend to 40 m and is generally deeper in the faulted
vertical ordinate, k, = unsaturated permeability and areas and in the mudstone region. The groundwater
h = hydraulic head. table can generally be found as shallow as 1.5 m
from the ground surface in the low lying areas and
A widely used solution of Equation 1 in terms of can be deeper than 10 m in the hilly areas. The satu-
the depth of the wetting front zw was proposed by rated permeability k, of the Jurong formation resid-
Lumb (1 975). The depth zwto which a wetting front ual soils ranges from 10-4m / s to 10-9m/s depending
will penetrate into a slope in time t is given as: on the depth and degree of weathering. Typical unit
weight y of the residual soils ranges from 17 to 20
kN/m3. The shear strength z of the Jurong formation
residual soils may be described using the extended
Mohr-Coulomb envelope (Fredlund et al. 1978):

where D = diffusion term, k, = saturated coefficient (3)

of permeability, n = porosity, Sf = final degree of
saturation and So = initial degree of saturation. How- where c' = effective cohesion, (T, = normal stress, ua
ever, this solution is based on the restrictive as- = pore-air pressure, $' = effective friction angle, U,
sumption that unsaturated permeability is constant = pore-water pressure and $b = angle defining the
with depth and is valid only for the case where the increase in shear strength for an increase in matric
rainfall intensity exceeds the saturated permeability suction (ua - U,). The value for 4' ranges from 20' to
of the soil. 40'. The value for c' is quite variable ranging from 0
Equation I can be recast in finite difference nota- to about 50 kPa. Typical $b angle for Jurong fonna-
tions and implemented in a spreadsheet. To solve tion residual soils ranges from 20' to 30'.
Equation I , the soil-water characteristic curve and Typical cut slopes in the Jurong formation can be
permeability function of the soil are required. The found in parks and along highways. These slopes
infiltration rate is dependent on both the rainfall in- have a height of about 10 to 15 m with a slope angle
tensity and the permeability of the soil at the soil between 20' and 30'. The slope geometry selected
surface. Using this approach, the pore-water pres- for this study is shown in Figure 1 with the ground-
sures at various depth can be obtained at different water table (GWT) at the level corresponding to the
rainfall durations. The pore-water pressure condi- toe of the slope. It was assumed that the slope con-
tions in a slope can be determined at different verti- sists of homogeneous residual soil of the Jurong
cal sections of the slope. sedimentary formation. The Jurong formation resid-

ual soil properties used for the study are y = 18
kN/m3, k, = 10-5d s , c' = 5 kPa, and 4' = $b = 26".
The soil-water characteristic curve and permeability
functions used are given in Equations 4 and 5, re-
spectively. Details of the form of Equations 4 and 5
can be found in Leong & Rahardjo (1997b, 1997~).


Figure 2. Rainfall intensity - duration plot for return

periods of 1, 10 and 100 years.

groundwater table is assumed to remain constant at

all times during rainfall.


In the above equations, (U, - U,) is in kPa and y, is
in kN/m3. The saturated volumetric water content 8s The suction or pore-water pressure profiles in the
used in Equation 4 was 0.4. Equations 4 and 5 were slope are affected by the position of the groundwater
used together with Equation 1 in the infiltration table and the climate (Leong and Rahardjo 1997a).
analysis at sections 1 to 4 of the slope. The pore- The deeper the groundwater table, the higher is the
water pressure conditions in the slope were deter- suction at the ground surface which can increase to
mined by interpolations from the four sections and even higher values due to evaporation and evapo-
together with Equation 3 were used in the factor of transpiration. With rainwater infiltration, the upper
safety calculation using limit equilibrium analysis. part of the ground may lose part of or in the extreme
case all of its suction. Such changes in the suction
Section 11 profiles have been observed in Singapore residual
soil slopes (Lim et al. 1996, Rahardjo et al. 1998).
Two initial suction profiles for the residual soil
slope were used in the analyses. The initial suction
profiles at Sections 1 to 4 of the slope are shown in
Figure 3. Suction profile A represents the typical
pore-water pressure condition in a slope during the
dry season. Suction profile B represents the typical
pore-water pressure condition in a slope during the
wet season. The suctions are highest at Section 1 and
Figure 1. Slope geometry and groundwater condition. lowest at Section 4 as the ground surface at Section
1 is furthest from the groundwater table compared
with the other sections. The changes in suction pro-
4 RAINFALL CONDITIONS file at various times under a rainfall intensity of 16
mm/h (0.44kS)are shown in Figures 4 and 5 for ini-
In the tropics, rainfall of high intensity is of short tial suction profiles A and B respectively. It can be
duration and rainfall of low intensity is of much observed in Figure 4 that the suctions at Sections 1
longer duration. In Singapore, the relationships of and 2 did not change any further after 3h of rainfall.
rainfall intensity and duration for return periods of 1, The depth of influence is less than 2 m. At Sections
10 and 100 years are shown in Figure 2. The chart is 3 and 4, the situations are very different. At Section
normally used for surface drainage design (ENV 3, the suction decreases with rainfall duration
1992). The rainfall intensities selected for the analy- reaching almost zero suction after 18h of rain. The
ses were 8 mm/h, 16 mm/h and 61 mm/h or ap- reduction is much faster at Section 4 where the pro-
proximately 0.22kS, 0.44k, and 1.69k, (where ks is file reaches almost zero suction after 6h of rain. In
saturated permeability of the soil), respectively. The Figure 5 , the reduction in suction is more rapid. The
rainfall intensities correspond to rainfall duration of suctions reduce to zero in all sections after a certain
10h, 5h and l h respectively for a rainfall return pe- rainfall duration. Similar to that of initial suction
riod of 1 year as shown in Figure 2. In all cases, the profile A, the suctions reduce the fastest at Section 4

Figure 3. Initial suction profiles A and B.

Figure 4. Changes in suction profile with time for rainfall intensity, i = 16 mm/h, starting with initial
suction profile A.

Figure 5 . Changes in suction profile with time for rainfall intensity, i = 16 mm/h, starting with initial
suction profile B.

and slowest at Section 1. Using these suction pro- 6 INFLUENCE OF RAINFALL INTENSITY
files at different rainfall duration, a limit equilibrium
analysis of the slope was conducted using Bishop’s
simplified method with a non-circular slip surface. Some researchers have suggested that if the rain-
The factors of safety with rainfall duration are fall intensity exceeds a critical value, slope failure
shown in Figure 6. Also shown in Figure 6 is a dash will occur. The influence of rainfall intensity on
line indicating the factor of safety of the slope if slope stability was studied using three different rain-
pore-water pressures above the groundwater table fall intensities, 8 m d h , 16 mm/h and 61 m d h , with
are assumed to be zero at all times. For initial suc- initial suction profile B. The factors of safety for the
tion profile A, the slope will show a reduction in different rainfall intensities at different rainfall du-
factor of safety but it will not reach the factor of ration are shown in Figure 7. For the rainfall inten-
safety of the slope where zero pore-water pressures sity of 8 m d h , the factor of safety reduces very
were assumed zero above the groundwater table. Not slightly at the initial stage and does not change any
all the suctions in the slope were diminished by the further. The critical slip surfaces at various times for
rainfall even after a long rainfall duration. For initial 8 mm/h rainfall intensity are shown in Figure 8a. For
suction profile B, the factor of safety of the slope re- the rainfall intensity of 16 m d h , the factor of safety
duces with rainfall duration reaching the factor of reduces as the rainfall duration increases, reaching a
safety of the slope without suction consideration af- constant value that is above the factor of safety for
ter 27h of rain. The results indicate that initial suc- the case where the pore-water pressures are assumed
tion profiles play an important role in slope stability to be zero above the groundwater table. The critical
during a rainfall event. The results also provided ex- slip surfaces for this case, shown in Figure 8b, indi-
planation for the role of antecedent rainfall in slope cate that the critical slip surfaces become shallower
instability due to rain. with the increasing rainfall duration. For the rainfall
intensity of 61 mm/h, the decrease in factor of safety
is more rapid, decreasing to the factor of safety for
the case where the pore-water pressures were as-
sumed to be zero above the groundwater table (Fig-
ure 7). The change can be more clearly observed in
the progression rate of the critical slip surfaces in
becoming shallower with the increasing rainfall du-
ration as shown in Figure 8c. The results in Figure 7
seem to indicate that there is a critical rainfall inten-
sity dependent on the initial suction profile, below
which the stability of the slope will not be affected.

Figure 6. Factors of safety versus rainfall duration for
different initial suction profiles. In this paper, a way of accounting for suction in
the stability of residual soil slopes through limit
equilibrium analysis has been illustrated. The for-
mulation can be implemented in a spreadsheet and
does not require any specialized computer program.
The analyses showed that initial suction profile plays
an important role in the stability of residual soil
slopes during rain. In some cases, the suction profile
does not diminish significantly even after a long
rainfall duration. The analyses also showed that for
an initial suction profile, there exists a critical rain-
fall intensity, below which the stability of the slope
will not be affected even after a long rainfall dura-


Figure 7. Factors of safety versus rainfall duration for The work described in this paper is part of a re-
different rainfall intensities. search project funded by the National Science and

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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami L3 Jiang 0 7999 Balkema, Rotterdam, lSBN go 5809 079 5

Effects of perched water table on slope stability in unsaturated soils

Low Tian Huat, Faisal Haji Ali, Saravanan Mariappan & Phang Kam Soon
Civil Engineering Department, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

ABSTRACT: Instability is an extremely important consideration in the design and construction of man-made
slopes and natural slopes. Slope failures and landslides are influenced by geologic topographic and climatic
factors. In tropical region, most of the slope failure occurs during severe rainfall. Rain water infiltrates into
the slope and reduce the soil matric suction and the strength of the soil. Perched water table may also
develops depending on the permeability of the soil layers in the slope and the rate of infiltration. In the paper,
effect of perched water table, which occurs after severe rainfall and underlying of impermeable layer were
studied. The effects of perched water table on factor of safety of slope were analysed by varying the
permeability ratio of soil layers, thickness of impermeable layer, position of impermeable layer, number of
impermeable layer and orientation of impermeable layer.

1 INTRODUCTION stability become unpredictable. Perched water table

would probably built up when these non-
Tropical countries like Malaysia experiences warm homogeneous soil strata are exposed to prolong
and wet climatic conditions throughout the year. period of infiltration which is common for the
Most of the highlands are covered with tropically climatic condition in this region.
weathered residual soils. Significant infiltration into
residual soils can cause slope instability. Many
constructions of roads and highways are carried out 2 METHODOLOGY
especially on undulating terrain that mainly consist
of residual soils. In this study, the water flux and seepage on slopes
Recently, slope stability problems had gained were simulated first by using a water seepage
attention from both public and local authorities after (SEEPN) software (refer to Figure 1 for typical
a few cases of serious landslides occurred and output). The output from S E E P N was then
caused losses in properties and even lives. A huge exported to a slope analysis (SLOPEN) software to
amount of money had to be spent on slope remedial find the safety factor of slope (refer to Figure 2 for
works yearly and giving rises for the need of typical output).
thorough and detail research on slope stability. Before using S L O P E N , the moisture condition
Most of the slope failures occurred during rainy for transient analysis from S E E P N has to be clearly
seasons. Many researchers found that rainfall defined. The output at different interval of time was
infiltration is the triggering factors of most combined with S L O P E N to make it possible to
landslides (Affendi, 1996; D.G. Fredlund 1993). The determine the factor of safety of each interval of
slope failure basically caused by the reduction of time. For all cases, Bishop method of analysis were
soil suction during prolong period of rainfall and chosen for the stability check.
reduced the shearing resistance. In the analyses, the strength parameters for soils
Most of the sedimentary residual soils in has been defined as follow:
Malaysia are not homogeneous. The non-
homogeneity also caused by the weathering Unit weight (y) = 18 kN/m3
process. They usually overlaid by one or more Angle of friction (phi) = 20°
layer of soils. Due to the different characteristic of Cohesion (C) = 20 kN/m’
the soil layers, ground water condition and seepage
flow would be too and their influences to slope The strength parameters were used to study the
effects of perched water(for both the permeable and
impermeable strata).
Under this type of rainfall intensity perched water
table can be generated in most of the cases. Thus the
effect of perched water table under these specified
parameters can be studied carefully.
The effect of the permeability ratio (ratio of
permeability of a permeable stratum to impermeable
stratum) was also studied. The critical ratio that
causes perched water table was determined.
The parameters chosen were as below:
i) 2.1 x 10-4m/s and for sloping surfaces was
1.05 1 0 - ~dS.
ii) Thickness of impermeable layer was 2m and
it was modelled at 4m below top surface.
iii) Height of slope was 8m.
Figure 1. Typical output from S E E P N iv) Permeability of impermeable layer had been
selected as 1 x 10.' m/s. The ratios were
defined in the range of 30000 to 100000.

In the study few possible cases were considered: -

I) Effect of position of impermeable layer.

2) Effect of dipping of impermeable layer.
3) Effect of thickness of impermeable layer.
4) Effect of number of impermeable layer.
5) Effect of rainfall intensity

Verification of the SEEP/W program

Before the parametric study, verification of the

suction values was carried out by comparing the
Figure 2. Typical output f r o m x O P E / W measured suction values in the laboratory
hydrological model (Figure 3) with the simulated
suction values by the S E E P N program. Figure 4
shows one of the typical variations of with time. The
difference of the lowest simulated and measured
suction is just 2 kPa. However, there is a time lag of
about 100 minutes between the simulated and
measured suction values. The rainfall pattern agrees
well with the drop in suction. The trend in recovery
of the suction values for the simulated and site
values are also found to be almost the same.
The initial difference of the suction values might
be due to the hysteresis effect of the soil water
characteristics of the sample used. .

Figure 3 Laboratory Hydrological Model

Parametric Study

The pattern of rainfall chosen was constant rainfall

with intensity 2.1 x 1 0 ' ~m / s for all cases. The Figure 4 comparison of simulated and measured
duration of rainfall was 12000 sec (3.333 hrs). suction value.


Rainfall intensity for all the cases was specified for

horizontal surface as well as dipping surface. The
water flow into the slopes will be much more
complicated as the interference of water flow from
horizontal and dipping surface will happen. So,
fluctuation is expected.
The conditions that cause slopes to become
unstable and the factors that initiate the slip failure
should be able to be identified. These factors are by
the geological structure and hydro-geological Figure 6. Effect of position of impermeable strata
conditions of the slope. (distance referring to the top of the slope)
Generally in all cases the safety factor drops as
the perched water table starts to build up. The drops
are not very large i.e., not more than 20 %. 3.3 Effect of Dipping of Impermeable Layer

Cases with dipping layers generally have safety

3. I EfSect of Permeability Ratio of Permeable Layer factor with sloping bed dipping backward (Figure 8).
to Impermeable Layer This is because the dipping backwards enables more
water to accumulate above impermeable layer. The
By varying the permeability ratio, it will affect the effect of perched water table is more significant as it
seepage and water content in the slope and hence the is easier to form as safety factor drops earlier
stability of the slope. From the results shown in compare to model with dipping bed gradient same
Figure 5 , it is clear that safety factors drop at certain direction with dipping surface.
interval of time when perched water table starts to
build up. The perched water table starts to build up
earlier for higher permeability ratio and this causes
safety factor drop earlier. This is true because the
higher ratio means the permeable layer with higher
hydraulic conductivity, which allows water to
infiltrate into the soil faster. Generally perched water
table starts to build up from interval time 6000 sec to
8000 sec.

3.2 Effect of Position of Impermeable Layer

By varying the position of impermeable layer, the

time to build up perched water table seepage
infiltration and water content will be affected. From
graph (Figure 6), the safety factor of slip surface Figure 7 Typical profile showing the impermeable
starts to drop at time 6000 sec. This means perched stratum
water table starts to build up at this time. Generally
the effect of position of the impermeable strata is not

Figure 8. Effect of dipping of impermeable soil

Figure 5. Effect of soil permeability ratio on slope layer on slope safety factor. (negative in the figure
safety factor (Permeability of 1 X lo-' m / S for indicates dipping backwards)
impermeable stratum was used as datum)

3.4 ESfect of Number of Impermeable layer. to be considered carefully. If the rainfall intensity is
more than the permeability of the soil, surface runoff
As the number of impermeable layer increases the needs to be specified.
safety factor drops accordingly as shown in Figure 9.
In all the three cases shown in Figure 7, the safety
of factor seems to drop after a critical duration i.e.,
about 4000sec. This is due to the build-up of
perched water table in the slope.

Figure 10 Effect of rainfall intensity on factor of


Figure 9. Effect of number of impermeable strata on
slope safety factor. From the studies carried out, the following
conclusion can be summarised:
3.5 EfSect of Rainfall Intensity
i) Factor of safety will drop lower for slope
Figure 10 clearly shows that for rainfall intensity of with higher ratio of permeability.
1 x 10-5 m/s or less the factor of safety remains ii) When perched water table is formed, it
constant as no perched water table build up. For decreases the factor of safety. Further rainfall
rainfall intensity 5 x 10-5 m/s and 5.2 x 10-5 m/s does not seem to lower the safety factor.
there are only slight drops i.e., not more than 2 %. iii) Cases with impermeable stratum dipping
The drop of safety factor becomes more significant backward generally gives lower safety factor
for higher rainfall intensity. Rainfall intensity of 1 x compares to cases with impermeable stratum
10-4m/s records a maximum drop of 4.4% while dipping forward.
rainfall intensity of 2.1 x 10-4 m/s records a iv) As the number of impermeable layer
maximum drop in factor of safety. increases the safety factor will drop. The
Generally the safety factor starts to drop at time drop in safety factor is rapid after the critical
6000 sec or 7000 sec. The reading is constant for set duration.
of data with lower rainfall intensity, as for lower
rainfall intensity the effect of perched water table is REFERENCES
not significant. The safety factor for rainfall
intensity 2.1 x 10-4m/s shows fluctuating trend Affendi, A (1996). Field and laboratory study on
before perched water table starts to build up because unsaturated residual soils in relation to slope
seepage of high rainfall infiltration is more stability analysis, Ph.D. thesis, University of
complicated and difficult to predict. Interference of Malaya. Unpublished.
water flow from horizontal and slope surface is Fredlund D.G. , “Slope Stability analysis
another contributing factor. incorporating the effect of soil suction”, 1987,
The permeability of the soil also plays an Slope Stability, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
important role in this study because when the Fredlund, D.G and Rahardjo, H. (1993). Soil
rainfall intensity is lower then the permeability of Mechanics for Unsaturated Soils. John Wiley &
the soil, the infiltrated rain water can dissipate fast sons.
into the slope and does not cause perched water table Morgentern, N (1963) Stability Charts for earth
to build up. But, when the rainfall intensity equal to slopes during rapid drawdown, Geotechnique,
or more than the soil permeability value, perched vol13,pp 121- 131.
water table will start to form. Othman, M.A., (1990). Highway cut slope instability
In the analysis, the flux boundary condition needs

problems in West Malaysia, Ph.D. thesis,
University of Bristol, unpublished
T.H. Low F.H. Ali, R. Subramaniam, “Parametric
Studies of Slope Stability in Unsaturated Residual
Soils” 13‘h. Southeast Asian Geotech. Conference,
Taiwan, 1998, pp 117-122.

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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 6 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Field suction variation with rainfall on cut slope in weathered sedimentary

residual soil

Low Tian Huat, Faisal Haji Ali & Saravanan Mariappan

Civil Engineering Departnzent, Uiziversity of Malaya, Kualu Lumpur, Muluysiu

ABSTRACT: Most residual soils especially in slopes are in unsaturated condition and therefore matric suction
is an important factor to be considered in the design or analysis of slopes. The suction has an important
bearing on water entry, structural stability, stiffness, shear strength and volume change. The soil matric
suction, the water content and the solute content and how they vary with time are often the most important
variables in soil engineering design. The field instrumentation for automatic continuous measurement of soil
matric suction, rainfall and other slope instability related parameters are presented in this paper. Description
of the selection. fabrication and installation of the instrumentation are discussed.

1 INTRODUCTION covered by different types of synthetics

(biodegradable) and non synthetic covers ( poly-jute)
Construction activities in hilly terrain covered by after hydro-seeding to prevent erosion .
residual soil frequently confront geotechnical Instrumentation is carried out on every berm with
engineers with slope instability problems. Failures in respect to different weathering grades of soil.
both natural and cut slopes in residual soils of
Peninsular Malaysia are usually brought about by
rainfall during the monsoon season. The upper layer 2 ROLE OF SUCTION IN SLOPE STABILITY
of the residual soil profile is always partially
saturated , but invariably has a relatively high The principle of effective stress for unsaturated soil
permeability to infiltrating rainwater. This obviously was first used by Terzaghi (1923) and proposed by
causes the pore water regime to be governed largely him in the first International Conference on Soil
by rainfall pattern.
mechanics in 1936. Numerous researchers have
The mechanism of slope failure is that the
infiltration of rainwater causes a reduction of matric carried out work since then in order to confirm. But
suction in the unsaturated soil, resulting in a the validity of the principle for unsaturated soil
decrease in the effective stress. This in turn reduces mechanics has been questioned by Jennings and
the shear strength to a point where equilibrium can Burland (1962). Following an extensive research
no longer sustained in the slope. Good correlations program on unsaturated soil conducted in Imperial
between rainfall intensity and frequency of College the shear strength of partially saturated soil
landslides have been reported by some researcher was hypothesised ( Bishop, 1959) to be a function of
from Hong Kong, Japan, United State and an effective stress defined as:-
The instrumentation is attempted to study the
change of soil matric suction with the rainfall on a
cut slope along the link road of The Kuala Lumpur
International Airport (KLIA) Malaysia. The cut where cf and 0 are the effective and total stresses
slope mainly consists of two types of weathered respectively, ua is the pore air pressure and uw is the
sedimentary residual soil, i.e., weathered sandstone x
pore water pressure. is a function that depends on
and shale. These residual soils come in alternate the saturation with value 1 at 100% saturation and 0
bedding which is almost vertical. The weathered for completely dry soil.
sandstone bed basically is the thicker bed and the Fredlund and Morgentern (1987) showed from a
study is concentrated in one of these beds. The soil stress analysis that any two combination of the
consists of very fine sand and silt. The slope is

three possible stress variables (0 -U,), (0 -U,,,) and system is set in such that when there are rapid
(U,-U,) can be used to define unsaturated soil. The changes (in terms of percentage change of suction
equation for unsaturated shear strength ‘I: is written in value) the 10 minutes interval would be utilised, or
terms of the stress state variables for an unsaturated else, the 30 minutes interval is used. The recorded
data are downloaded from the data logger direct to a
soil and is an extension of the form of equation used
portable notebook computer through an RS232
for saturated soils interface.
An automatic logging tipping bucket rain gauge is
installed at the study site. The rain gauge records
rainfall events on a real time basis. The clock of the
where, data logger for the tensiometers and moisture blocks
and the rain gauge recorder are always synchronised.
C’ = effective cohesion Figure 1 shows the schematic arrangement of the
0 = total stress instrumentation at the study site.
Ua = pore air pressure
The infiltration characteristics of the soil are
deduced by using a sprinkler system installed at the
UW = pore water pressure
site. A V- Notch fixed with a flow meter is used to
0’ = effective angle of friction measure the surface run-off in a control section in
(u,-uw) = matric suction the study (refer to Figure 2). Besides, an
0 = gradient with respect to changes in (ua-u,) infiltrometer P-88 from Geonor (refer to Figure 3) is
when (0 -U,) is held constant. used to obtained the infiltration capacity at the site
for the comparison with the sprinkler system.
The factor of safety for slope stability analysis
using method of slices can be derived using shear
strength equation [2] above. The shear force
mobilised at the base of slice can be written as:-

S, =OR { c’ + (0 -U,) tan$ + (Ua-U,) tan$ } [3]

S, = the shear force mobilised on the base of
each slice.
F = the safety factor
p = the sliding surface of the slice.

3 INSTRUMENTATION Figure 1. Instrumentation Layout of the study Site.

20 numbers of tensiometer and 20 numbers of

moisture block and a rain gauge are installed on the
slope to monitor the changes of matric suction with
respect to rainfall. The tensiometers and moisture
blocks are installed at different depths. At each
berm, 4 numbers of tensiometers and moisture block
are installed i.e., with depth of OSm, l m , 3m and
3m. An automatic data acquisition system is
designed to record the output from tensiometers and
moisture blocks. Automatic data acquisition system
solves the problems of reliability, access and safety
which are difficulties associated with manual data
recording and allows continuous monitoring. The
data acquisition system is supported by a solar
powered set and specifically designed for low power
consumption. The logging intervals are achieved by Figure 2. Field Infiltration Sprinkler System
prescribing the appropriate interval during the set-up
process. Two time intervals are adopted in this
study, i.e., 30 minutes interval and 10 minutes. The


In this study, normal coring tools cannot be used

because the soil is brittle and hard (various
weathering grades of weathered sandstone). A
special in-house designed motorised auger is
fabricated for the installation purposes. The
motorised auger consists of two motors with ?hand
% horse power. The quarter horse power motor is
fitted at the top of the machine to push the auger into
the slope as the half horse power motor is used to
rotate the auger. Both the motors are fitted with a
speed controller. During installation, four sand bags
are placed at the base of the augering machine and
the speed of the motors are properly controlled to
Figure 3. Infiltrometer prevent the auger machine from being pushed up
when drilling through hard layers. The set-up is
shown in Figure 5.
4 MATRIC SUCTION MEASUREMENT The auger used in this study is designed to suit
the soil condition at the study site. The most suitable
In this study, matric suction of the soil is measured distance between the flights is determined to be
using jet-fill tensiometer and moisture block (Soil 25mm in order to ease the process of augering. Due
Moisture Corporation U.S.A). Moisture blocks are to the difficulty in fabricating long auger, 2 or 3
used because tensiometer can only measure matric lengths of short extension flights are jointed
suction below 1 bar of negative pressure while together.
moisture block can measure more than 4 bar. The After the hole has been augered, a special tool is
matric suction obtained from the tensiometer is the used to remove the residual from the hole.
difference between the gauge reading and the head Precaution needs to be taken because an intimate
of the water in the stamp. The longer the contact with the soil is necessary in order for the
tensiometer, the lower the suction it can measure. tensiometer and moisture block to function properly.
In this study the tensiometer is installed Moisture blocks are inserted into the bored hole
perpendicular to the slope surface to reduce the head using a fabricated tool in the form of a long rod with
of water ( refer to Figure 4) a modified tip. The soil is tamped firmly after
placing the blocks and bentonite is placed at the
surface of the hole in order to prevent the hole from
becoming an abnormal water passage.
All the wire leads are inserted into a poly-pipe
and are buried in a shallow trench in the ground. The
wires are connected to the data logger situated at the
midway between the berms. The adverse tropical
climate and vandalism are major concerns in the
installation. The tensiometers and moisture blocks
installation are protected by lockable steel security
cages grouted to the slope. The data acquisition
system is contained in a lockable steel hut. All the
transducers for the tensiometers are protected from
sunlight by wrapping them with a double layered
foam rubber on the inside and aluminium foil on the
out side.
Figure 4. Sensors Layout for each berm.
The accuracy of the moisture block when the Figure 6 shows a typical suction variation with
suction is below 1 bar is not as good as tensiometer. rainfall (one month duration) for one of the berm at
To overcome the limitation of both the devices, both the study site. It is clearly shows that as the depth
the tensiometer and moisture block are installed at increases, the matric suction reduces.
the same depth for comparison and cross checking During the time interval of 14000 to 24000

40 1
Figure 7. Typical High Rainfall Intensity from The
Study Site
Figure 5. Special Fabricated Augering Machine
As shown in Figure 6, high rainfall intensity with
short duration may not play an important role in the
instability of slope. Prolong rainfall even with low
intensity could be significant.


The automatic data logging system for monitoring

tensiometers, moisture blocks and other devices has
been detailed. The desired attributes of the system
have been reasonably achieved and the advantages of
a fully electrical installation are credited to its
flexibility and continuity of data obtained.
Installation method which creates much less
disturbance helps to obtain more accurate data from
the instruments.
Figure 6. Typical suction variation with rainfall for Generally as the depth increases, matric suction
on e-month duration. reduces. But, in some circumstances, due to the flux
condition, this can be the other way round.
Heavy rainfall intensity may necessary cause
minutes, there was no rainfall occurred. All the four instability to slope but prolong rainfall can be
tensiometers experiencing increments in matric significant.
suction. When the rain started to fall, matric suction Geological features like quartz vein could be
did not reduce immediately. Due to the infiltration of significant in slope instability because it increases
rain water into the ground after rainfall, the matric the rainwater infiltration.
suction reduced slowly for all depths even without
any rainfall after the rainstorm.
From Figure 6 , the time interval of 0 to 13000
minutes, suction of the 3.0m depth tensiometer
gives very low suction values. This is mainly due to
Acknowledgement is due to the Road Section,
the cumulative rain water during the raining period.
Public Work Department, Malaysia for providing
From the field infiltration test, the water part of the research grant.
infiltration rate is 2.31 x10-6m/s.From Figure 6, it is
clearly shown that during heavy rainstorm, the
suction drops very fast and also recovers fast. One of REFERENCES
the reasons- is that the rainwater infiltrate nto the
slope through quartz veins in the soil. Abdullah, Affendi M.L. & Ali Faisal, "Field
Figure 7 shows one of the typical high rainfall Instrumentation for Slope Stability in Residual
intensity patterns at the study site. The rainfall Soil ". GEOTROPIKA 92' Johor Bahru,
intensity at the site can be very high, i.e., 1. 3 x 10- Malaysia.

Anderson , M.G. & Burt, T.P. “Automatic
monitoring of soil moisture conditions in a
hillside spur and hollow”, Journal of hydrology,
Bishop, A.W. and Blight, G.E. (1967) “Effective
stress evaluation for unsaturated soils” Jour. Soil
Mech. & Found. Engg. Div., ASCE 93 (SM2),
pp. 125 - 148.
Fredlund D.G. “Appropriate concepts and tecnology
for unsaturated soils”. Second Canadian
Geotechnical Colloquim, Canadian Geotechnical
Journal, No. 1 6 , 1979, pp 121-139.
Fredlund,D.G., ”Slope stability analysis
incorporating the effect of soil suction”, Slope
Stability : Geotechnical Engineering and
Geomorphology, Edited by Anderson,M.G., and
Richards, K.S., John Wiley and Sons,
Chichester,1987, ppl13-144.
Rahardjo.H, Loi, J., and Fredlund, D.G.,” Typical
matric suction measurements in the laboratory
and in the field using thermal conductivity
sensors”, presented at Indian Geotechnical
Conference (IGC-89), Vol. 1, Visakhhapatnam,
December 1989.

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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang C) 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Study of slope stability for Pleistocene cemented sandy sediments

in Singapore (Old Alluvium)

K. K. Poh, F! B. Ng & K.Orihar-a

Koso-Jihun Singupore Pte Limited,Singupore

ABSTRACT: This paper describes the methodology in the design of the 10 to 20m high cut slope in Old
Alluvium which is Pleistocene cemented sandy sediments in Singapore. Also described are the measures
taken to improve the safety margin of the cut slope and proposed monitoring program to verify the design
assumption and concept.

The project is in the initial construction stage and some of temporary cut slopes have been constructed. Based
on the monitoring results and field observation, the slopes designed according to the above methodology
(analysis and assumption) are found to be adequate.


Over a kilometer of cut and cover tunnel is currently The Old Alluvium is alluvial fan or piedmont plain
being constructed in the northeastern part of deposits formed in the period of Pleistocene (10,000
Singapore using open cut excavation. Because o f ‘ to 1 million years ago), which is found lying on the
space constraint, it is necessary to design steeper eastern part of Singapore.
slope based on the best estimate of the soil
properties and ground water condition. The Old Alluvium consists mainly of lightly
cemented to cemented coarse quartz-feldspar sand. It
Due to the high permeability of the Old Alluvium, is heavily weathered near the ground level to the
drained analysis is carried out for the design of greater depths.
temporary cut slope. Nevertheless, short term
undrained analysis is also conducted as a check.
Drained shear strength and groundwater -
conditions of the slope are critical parameters in the ; Gmii1 Size Distr ih U tion
drained analysis. Drained shear strengths were >
Figures 1 and 2 show the distribution of grain size
determined by consolidated undrained triaxial tests i
and clay/silt content in the Old Alluvium. The Old
with porewater measurement on undisturbed I
samples, and design values were then determined by I
Alluvium is divided into sandy and clayey layers.
statistical method after consideration of safety I
Stiff clayey layers are present as lenticular bodies
margin. Seepage analyses were carried out using 5 (Tan et a1 1980).
two-dimensional FEM seepage programme to )

estimate the groundwater levels both at transient and 1 There is no significant difference in the grading
steady state. curves of sandy layers. The silt/clay contents in the
sandy layers range from 15 to 35% with an average
The stability analyses were then carried out using 5 of 25%. There are little clayey layers in the present
Modified Bishop method. During the construction, , site, with clay content as little as 10%.
groundwater levels are monitored by piezometers to I
verify the design information.

Figure 1. Grading Curves of Old Alluvium

Figure 2. Silt/Clay Contents in Old Alluvium Figure 3 . P - q’ Plots

Permeability Figure 3 presents the p-q plots of sandy soils for

OA 1(N<I 0), OA 2a (1 O<N<15) and OA 2b (1 5<N<
The coefficient of permeability of the sandy soil
30), which constitute the main excavated soil for the
range from I x ~ O -to~ l ~ l O idsec
- ~ as obtained from
project. The data falls in the small range after
in-situ rising head permeability tests. The
divided into sub-layers. The lower quartile lines
permeability values estimated based on Dzo are one
(parallel to best fit line) were used for the slope
or two order higher than from field tests. This may
design (Orihara et al 1998).
be due to cementation of the Old Alluvium.

UrzdruiriedShear Stsergth
Undrained shear strengths were obtained from
laboratory unconsolidated undrained triaxial tests on To determine the phreatic surface, seepage analysis
undisturbed soil sample. The undrained shear was carried out using a two-dimension FEM seepage
strength was correlated to SPT N-values, and the programme. The computer programme “Soil2F”
average line of Cu/N = 6N (Wa) was used in design. developed by Kiso-Jiban is used in the seepage
Efft’ctive Shear. Strerigth
Goveniirig Eqircrtrons
The effective shear strength parameters vary in a
wide range. To simplify the ground for analysis, the The governing equation of seepage flow in
Old Alluvium was divided into sub-layers according saturated/unsaturated soil is written as follows. For
to SPT N-values. simplicity, the equation for one-dimensional vertical
flow is given as follows :-

Figure 4. Phreatic surface of a single slope by FEM
seepage analysis

Figure 7. simplified phreatic surface for design

Figure 5. Phreatic surface of a single slope with
subsoil drain by FEM seepage analysis
permeability. The boundary condition of the seepage
analysis are defined as follows:-

(a) constant head at 3 to 5H from edge of slope

(b) constant head at base of slope

From the seepage analyses, it is noted that at

steady state, a residual water head will form near the
toe of the slope. Figure 4 shows the lowering of
Figure 6. Phreatic surface of two step slope with ground water level in a one-step slope. Figure 5
subsoil drain at toe by FEM seepage analysis shows the water level when subsoil drain is provided
at the base. The residual water head will drop below
the base when drain is provided.

Due to the relatively high permeability of the Old

Alluvium, water level will reach almost steady state
in about 30 days, which is approximate time
required for excavation.
0 : unsaturatedregion
a = [I : saturated region Figure 6 shows the lowering of ground water level
for two-step slope. Water level will reach almost
steady state in about 90 days.
Where z is the vertical co-ordinate
t is the time Based on the above study, a standard simplified
k is the permeability of soil approach is proposed for determining ground water
\v is the pressure head profile or phreatic surface for stability study of other
S, is the specific storage coefficient slopes. Figures 7a and 7b illustrate the approach.
8 is the volumetric water content Generally, the following assumptions are made :-

1. a residual water head at the toe of each slope

The seepage at transient and steady state were: 2. a rise in groundwater level due to rainfall
studied based on initial groundwater table and soil I

ground. However, there is a difficulty to determine
unsaturated soil parameters and local rain fall data.

In our case, we assumed phreatic surface before

excavation close to the slope although seepage
analysis shows lower level.

Preferably, the monitoring shall coininence over a

suffjcient period of time prior to the actual
excavation in order to assess the rise in ground water
level due to heavy rain.


Figure 8. Toe failure due to residual water head Analysis

Modified Bishop's method was used in the slope
stability analysis and the minimum safety factor of
1.2 was used.

The slope stability analyses were carried out

under the following conditions:-

a) Stability of slope was studied under drained

condition and also checked under undrained
b) Tension crack was assumed to be filled with
water to the ground level for undrained analysis.
No tension crack was assumed for drained case.
c) Surcharge load of 15 kN/m2 to 30 kN/m2 was
also considered depending on construction
equipment. Adverse combination of loads are
considered for slope of more than one-step.
d) The phreatic surface was determined by seepage
analysis and modified slightly. Equi-potential
line determined by seepage analysis was not
used in the stability analysis. Phreatic surface
and linear increment of porewater pressure was
used in the analysis for safe design.

Measures to intprove safety iiiai-gin af slope

To improve the safety margin of slopes, subsoil
Figure 9b. Undrained analysis drains were proposed to be provided at the base of
slopes. There was a case that slope toe was eroded
Figure 9a, 9b. Results of slip circle analysis due to residual water head (seepage force) and
subsequently partial slope failed. Figure 8 shows toe
The residual water head can be determined by erosion due to residual water head.
seepage analysis and verified by monitoring the The residual water head will be lowered when
drawdown of ground water level, The rise in subsoil drain is provided. This lowering of water
groundwater level can be assumed by seepage head is not considered in design to allow for possible
analysis which allows seepage by rain fall into rise in Water level due to rain, O r other reasons.

Piezometers and Observed Ground Water Levels

Figure 10 Figure 13

Ground Water Levels versus Time

Figure 11 Figure 14

Comparison with Seepage Analysis

Figure 12 Figurc 15

Turfing may also be provided to protect the slope Figure 15 presents the comparison of observed
from surface erosion. Piezometers may also be ground water levels and water levels from seepage
provided at suitable location to check the actual analysis (transient state).
phreatic surface and to confirm the design.
The comparison of ground water level, between
the observed and analysis is good, indicating a
6 RESULTS AND VALIDATION permeability ranging from l x 10‘ to l ~ l Om

Monitoring results from piezometers are only

available at sections A and B at the present stage of 7 CONCLUSION
construction. The slope at section A and B are
typically one-step slope of 8m height, with a As the constructed slopes are stable and predicted
gradient of 1 (vertical) : 1 (horizontal). At the phreatic surfaces are reasonably close to the
moment, subsoil drain has not been installed. monitored, the following conclusions are made :-

The stability of the slope indicates that the design 1) the phreatic surface at transient and steady state
approach is adequate. Figures 9a and 9b show the can be determined by two dimensional FEM
result of slip circle analysis for the slope. program
2) simplified approach can be used for one-step
Section A slope. For two-step slopes, verification will be
Two piezometers, GWC( 1) and GWC(2), were carried out with monitoring results.
installed at section A. Figure 10 shows the slope and 3 ) rise in phreatic surface of ground water may be
the observed lowering of water level at the section. estimated by seepage analysis. However,
unsaturated parameters and local rain fall data
Figure 11 presents the graph of ground water and are required.
excavation level versus time for the piezometers. 4) the permeability of Old Alluvium is estimated to
There is an abrupt change of pressure head at be varied between lx 10-6to 1 ~ 1 0m/s
‘ ~ based on
GWC( 1) just before the excavation reaching the monitoring results.
base. The reduction of overburden probably had 5) Piezometers are usehl tools for observing the
caused dilatancy of the ground, and thus the build u p changes in phreatic surface during construction
of negative pore pressure. The water level finally and comparing with it to design.
stabilized at lm above the toe level

Figure 12 shows a comparison of the observed REFERENCES

ground water level and the results of seepage
analysis (transient state). 1. Orihara, K. and Khoo, K.S. (1998).
“Engineering Properties of Old Alluvium in
The trend line of ground water lowering compares Singapore and Its Parameters for Bored Pile and
reasonably with the results from seepage analysis. Excavation Design.” Thirteenth Southeast
Based on the comparison, the permeability of the Asian Geotechnical Conference, Taipei, pp 545-
soil at section A corresponds to a permeability of 550.
1x10-*d s .
2. Tan, S.B., Loy, W.C. and Lee, K.W. (1980).
Engineering Geology of the Old Alluvium in
At Section B Singapore.” Sixth Southeast Asian Conference
One piezometer, GWC(3) was installed at section B. on Soil Engineering, Taipei, pp 673-684.
Figure 13 shows the slope and the observed
lowering of ground water level at the section. 3, Scott, R.F. (1 965).Principles of Soil Mechanics
pp 63-77, Addison-Wesly Publishing Company
Figure 14 presents the graph of ground water and Inc.
excavation level versus time for the piezometer.

41 0
Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang v 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 905809 079 5

Influence of pore water pressures in partly submerged slopes on the critical

pool level

E. N.Bromhead, A. J. Har-ris & I? D. J.Watson

School of Cil-ilEngineering, Kiii\q\ton Uni\wsity, Kingcton upon 7‘harne.s UK

ABSTRACT: Variation in the external water level of a partly submerged slope causes changes in stability which
show up in the Factor of Safety computed by limit equilibrium methods. This paper considers the computation of
stability in partly submerged slopes, and shows that several alternative procedures give essentiallythe same result.
In many cases, there is some critical level for submergence at which the Factor of Safety is a minimum. This
is shown to be not a fixed location or level for a given slope, but to vary according to the response of pore water
water pressures inside the slope to the changing external water level. For example, in cases of declining water
level where water flows out of the slope, both the critical pool level and the minimum factor of safety are different
to the case where the water level is rising, and pore water pressures in the slope are lagging behind.
The implications of this to slope engineering is discussed.

INTRODUCTION Rather than to consider the arbitrary extremes of pore

water pressure response to loading which go under the
In Bishop’s paper of 1955, a method of dealing with titles “drained loading” and “undrained loading”, the
partly submerged slopes was introduced. This was of Authors prefer to split the problem into two parts: the
particular importance in connection with embankment imposition of the load itself, and the pore water pres-
dam stability. It was recognised then, as now, that a sure response. The pore water pressure response at
critical stability condition could arise on drawdown. any time may be made up fiom elements of steady seep-
Indeed, it was also recognised that critical conditions age, with elements of unsteady seepage arising from
could occur during impounding. Thus there is an either (or both) soil compressibility or the emptying of
apparent paradox that both filling and emptying a soil pores. What really counts in conventional limit
reservoir gives rise to potential stability issues.Although equilibrium slope stabilityanalysis are the resulting pore
this has been recognised for decades, the partly water pressures, and not the mechanisms which give
submerged case is a comparative rarity. The Authors rise to them.
have found that engineers often have a “blank spot” in Water loads on the face of a slope can improve sta-
respect of this aspect of slope stability, and even where bility. Both the horizontal and vertical components of
the principle is understood, the detail of the procedure water loading on the toe of a slope act to decrease the
to solve the problem is poorly covered. An increasingly overturning forces and moments. In the early stages of
widespread use of computer s o h a r e appears to have submergence of a slope, for example, in the first im-
had surprisingly little impact on the understanding of pounding of a reservoir, the increased support for the
slope stability analysis in general, but in this area at slope fiom the reservoir water load may be more than
least, it has probably reduced awareness ofthe problem. offset by the effect of rising piezometric pressures in
Since some software does not make provision for the the slope. In such cases, the factor of safety of the
partly submerged case, the situation can only worsen. slope against sliding may be found to be a minimum at
The procedure which Bishop set out for dealing with some critical reservoir level. This level is known as
these cases, discussed below, is only one of a set of “the critical pool level”. Factors controlling the criti-
strategies for handling reservoir loading within limit cal pool level are discussed below. An analogous ef-
equilibrium methods generally. The alternative proce- fect may be observed when the water level is drawn
dures can have advantages when dealing with water down, but the critical external water levels for impound-
retaining embankments with different external water ing and drawdown may not be the same, especially if
levels on both sides - a case which Bishop’s method the pore water pressures in the slope lag behind the
handles only with difficulty. external water level.

41 1
The four alternative procedures are considered
individually below.

The explicit procedure

An explicit procedure is to add the forces and moments

arising out of the external water loads on to the
individual slice force components. For a completely
satisfactorysolution, a method which handles additional
horizontal forces explicitly is required. This requirement
is a surprisingly difficult one to meet, and many methods
do not fblfil it (e.g. Bishop’s iterative method). If the Figure 2. Adding the wedges through the external wa-
horizontal load transfer is not carried out correctly, the ter zones. Pore water pressures inside the slope are
effect of the water load is usually underestimated. handled independently.
Figure 1 shows how the forces fiom the reservoir
water load are applied to the top surface of slices which surfaces must be extended to the level of external water
are submerged by the “downstream” and “upstream” at the toe and head of the slip if appropriate (Figure 2)
water levels. The vertical force component is naturally It is essential to include hydrostatic pore water along
easiest to deal with, because the weight of water acting the slip surfaces at these locations. A method which
on a slice is simply added to the slice self weight uses inter-slice forces is de rigeur, but these forces must
component. be horizontal, at least in those parts of the slip surface
As always in slope stability analyses based on a slices extended through the water. The vertical loads of water
method, the pore water pressures are treated as a are added to slice weights where appropriate.
completely independent set of variables. Wedges through the water at the toe and head of a
Some sofbvare will assume that pore water pressures potential slide are shown shaded in Figure 2, with the
underneath the external water level are hydrostatic, but force diagram for the toe wedge also shown inset. Slip
this is by no means always the case, and a more general surface extensions through the water are shown dashed.
situation is indeed better catered for when no such The force polygon with the slip surface through the
assumption is made. An outstanding instance of the “water” gives the correct horizontal resultant acting at
assumption not being appropriate is the case of a lined the position of the toe. A similar result is found at the
reservoir, with a drain immediately underneath the head of the slide.
impermeable liner. Problems which can arise when using this method
Methods in which the explicit representation of water usually relate to the inability of some methods to cope
loads can be made include those by Maksimovic (see with zero shear strength. One reason for this might be
Bromhead, 1986, 1992), Sarma (1973) and Janbu’s accidentally rotating the interslice forces in between
Generalised Procedure of Slices (1983). slices which consist wholly or largely of water, implying
that the water can sustain shear! Such a problem arises,
for example, when injudicious use is made off(x)
functions in Morgenstern and Price’s (1965) method.
The method is particularly sensitive tof(x) = 0 (no
inclination) and this is worse in some computer codes
than others. For small slip surface extensions, and good
codes, the problem may not arise at all, but for sensitive
codes and long, especially curved, slip surface
extensions, it may prevent a solution from converging.

Figure 1. Adding the water load forces to each slice.

The pore water pressures are handled independently.

Strengthless soil zone procedure

In this method, the external water loads are represented Figure 3. Treating the water load as end forces to the
by soil layers devoid of strength but having selfweight, whole slip. Once again, the pore water pressures are
with a unit weight equivalent to that of water. The slip handled independently.

Pre-calculated end forces procedure at the toe of the slope. The linef c is at the level of the
external water. Bishop noted that the hydrostatic
In this procedure, end forces are applied to the slip pressures along af were exactly counterbalanced by:
surface at the toe and head, computed from the depth (a) a set of pore water pressures along abc such that
of submergence (Figure 3). This method replaces the the piezometric head at every point on abc is the
slip surface extensions of the “strengthless soil zone” pressure head rising up to the linefc.
method, and therefore works in methods which fail and
when strengthless soil is input. It is, however, (b) the forces and moments due to the self-weight of
imperative that the end forces are not rotated (implying a body of water shaped like the polygonal figure abcfa.
shear!) as can easily be overlooked. Such a problem The forces along af can be removed from
arises, for example, when injudicious use is made of consideration, provided that forces equivalent to (a)
f(x) hctions in Morgenstern and Price’s (1965) method and (b) above are also removed. This is done, for
and is related to the problems noted above for the example in the slice illustrated, by modifying the pore
strengthless soil procedure. water pressures and the slice weights. The water weight
Some software can handle this procedure, with and moments are removed by taking only the submerged
varying degrees of completeness, simulating a “water- unit weight in the dark shaded part of the slice.
filled tension-crack”. In cases where this can be done, Pore water pressures are modified by only considering
it is almost certain that it will only be permitted at the the piezometric heads above the linefc. In effect, this
slide head - and not at the toe. reduces the piezometric heads on the illustrated slice
Problems can also arise with programs which judge from the total shaded area down to the light shaded
the direction of failure from the relative heights of the area. Segments of the slip surface below the external
ends of the slip surface. In this case, the external water water (say, for example, from a to vertically belowjj
forces may cause sliding in a direction which is may end up with zero pore water pressure after
“downstream” but “upslope” with respect to the modification. Of course, if the pore water pressures in
inclination of the slip surface (see slip surface xy on this zone are not hydrostatic with respect to the external
Figure 3). Whereas at first sight this may seem an water level, then the modified pore water pressures may
improbable slide surface, the combination of the nett be non-zero positive (in the case of greater-than-
imbalance in water thrusts, a pre-existing (tectonically) hydrostatic pore water pressures) or even negative
sheared zone on this alignment, taken together with (when the pore water pressures are less than
some seismic acceleration in the appropriate direction hydrostatic, for example, because there is downward
(from y to x), could cause this to be the critical slide flow).
surface. Apparently negative pore water pressures come about
where the piezometric line dips below the external water
Bishop k procedure level line projected into the slope. This is seen in the
curved slip surface xy in Figure 4.Of course, there are
The procedure outlined by Bishop is one where the situations where the pore water pressures are genuinely
forces from the external water load are omitted from negative, for example in deeply desiccated clays in arid
the analysis. To do so without effect on the computed regions, or in newly-placed clay fills in low height
factor of safety, a set of internal force and moment embankments. This is not such a case, but is one where
components which exactly equilibrate the external the pore pressure modificationwhich in an integral part
water loads are also removed. Figure 4 shows this for of Bishop’s procedure creates the apperance of a
the whole slope and for sample slices. negative pore water pressure.
Consider slip surface abcde and the possible sliding It is essential to use the resulting pore pressures after
of soil above it. The external water load acts along af modification without further adjustment. Some
software will, for example, take zero pressures when
negative pore water pressures are indicated. This is
conservative in ordinary engineering practice, but can
be misleading in dealing with submergence as well as
in back analysis (Chandler, 1977).
Problems arise when the external water is high on
one side of an embankment (Figure 4), and the method
deals with two water levels with difficulty, if at all.
Different water levels are normally dealt with by a
variation of the “End force” method, at least for the
higher of the two external water levels, or occasionally
by use of the “strengthless soil zone” method.
Figure 4. Slope submergence handled via Bishop’s

TEST CALCULATIONS seated slip surface, slip 1. Both of these slip surfaces
are slip-circles, and the analyses have been done with
Effects of part submergence on pre-selected slip an implementation of Bishop’s (1955) iterative method,
surfaces coded by one of the Authors. All of the strategies listed
above, with the exception of the “end force” strategy
The above procedures have been tested with a variety can be employed in this code, and selected cases have
of methods implemented as computer codes. Both been analysed for comparison purposes. The majority
codes written by one of the Authors and codes produced of the analyses have been carried out using Bishop’s
by others have been tried. Within the limitations of procedure. The selected cases provided identical results.
each implementation, and the quantum nature of the The end forces procedure is available within a
method of slices, they all provide equivalent answers. computer code implementation of Morgenstern and
A consistentdifficultywas found with some codes when Price’s method. This models the slip surface less
the slope was entirely submerged. To analyse this case accurately as a circle (although probably more
with many computer codes is possible, when the realistically in practice) as a series of wedges. Certain
following practice is followed: of the deep slip surface cases were modelled. In
(a) Consider only the submerged unit weight in the addition, this code permits the other strategies to be
slope adopted. There were differences between the base
(b) Operate only with those pore water pressures results obtained by the Morgenstern-Price procedure
which are different from hydrostatic with respect to and Bishop’s method, so that they never yielded
the external water level. identical results, although they were close enough for
A series of calculations was also made with varying practical purposes, especially when enough slip surface
external water levels on a simple test slope to examine points were used. A further complexity with the
the “critical pool” effect. This test slope in indicated in Morgenstern Price method is that the results are
Figure 5 , which shows the simple geometry used in the influenced by the interslice force assumptions made.
analyses. The height of the slope was taken as lOm, However, the results satisfied the Authors that the
and the slope angle was l(V) to 2 (H). While this is different strategies produced the same effect within a
comparable to many earthworks slopes, it is obviously given code. Even the differences between codes were
a small scale problem compared to many earth dams at the level of small changes in the second decimal place
and valley slopes submerged by reservoirs. However, for the numerical value of the Factor of Safety.
for purely frictional soil with a constant angle of Slip 2 does not extend to the crest of the slope, and
shearing resistance, the slope height does not enter into thus becomes totally submerged by the higher external
the problem, and the same answers would be obtained water levels. The changes in factor of safety are shown
for a lOOm high slope. Scale does enter into the equation in Figure 5 , expressed as a ratio between the Factor of
when the soil properties contain appreciable cohesion. Safety for the submerged case, and the Factor of Safety
For a given slope angle in a soil which is partly or wholly without submergence (Fsub/ F ,).
cohesive, the initial factor of safety decreases with Four different piezometric distributions have been
increasing slope height, but the negative effects of part considered, labelled cases A to D inclusive. Case A
submergence become progressively less important as ignores pore water pressure change inside the slope.
the proportion of cohesion rises, since they are This situation could arise with a perfectly lined reservoir,
essentially an effective stress effect.
Two slip surfaces through the test slope were
considered: a shallow slip surface, slip 2, and a deeper

Figure 6. The results: for the shallow slip (2) above,

Figure 5. Different cases analysed. Water pressure con- and for the deep slip (slip 1) below. Results are plotted
ditions inside the slope vary, and the effect is calcu- for different reservoir elevations and the cases shown
lated for a deep slip (slip 1) and a shallow slip (slip 2). in Figure 5.

o r where the bank is of clay and operates undrained in analysis. The unit weight of soil in the slope was taken
respect of the reservoir filling so that it is modelled as twice the unit weight of water, and the soil was
using total stresses, and any pore water pressure effects considered to be non-cohesive. As a result, the fully-
are ignored. It was found that for this case there was submerged results should be the same as the
no critical pool effect, but that the imposition of unsubmerged result without pore water pressure, and
reservoir load acts always to increase stability. Slip 2 indeed, the Factor of Safety ratios for cases B & C did
(the shallow one) increased in stability as the depth of return to 1.O when the slip was fully submerged. Case
complete submergence increased. This was the result D started with a lower factor of safety for the base
o f the increase in pressures acting on the slope face as case than did cases B and C, and ends up, when fully
the submergence depth increased. The base result for submerged, with a higher factor of safety ratio.
the evaluation of Fo was no submergence and no pore Cases B, C and D represent very similarpore pressure
water pressure in the slope. conditions for the small shallow slip, and thus the
Case B could occur in a variety of field situations. A stability analysis results are very close. For the deeper
good example would be a dam with a rockfill upstream slip, there is more separation between the results for
shoulder, where the permeability of the shoulder was all cases, in effect because the pore water pressure
such that the water level in the rockfill was at all times conditions are more clearly different.
equal to the external water level. Both on impounding The deep slip is never fully submerged in these test
and drawdown the same conditions would apply. In analyses, but the results are explicable using a similar
case B, the piezometric levels rose with the reservoir logic for the shallow slip. The base case is never (except
level, such that the water levels in the slope were always for case A) a “no pore pressure” case, and so the fully
the same as the external water level. The base result submerged result will never be the same as the
for the evaluation of Fo was no submergence and a unsubmerged case.
piezometric line level with the toe of the slope. This Total stress analyses (using cuonly as a soil property)
case demonstrated a critical pool effect, shown on do not appear to exhibit the critical pool effect. Quite
Figure 5, occurring when the external water level was simply, as the effect as the external water level rises is
between 40 and 50% or the slope height. an interaction between the increasing load (which
Cases C and D, respectively for water flowing-into increases stability) and the corresponding rising pore
and out of the embankment, correspond crudely to the water pressures (which decrease stability), the total
piezometric conditions expected when filling or stress analyses which are subject only to the first of
emptyinga reservoir where the piezometric equalisation these can only show a rising factor of safety with
lags behind the reservoir level change. Another field impounding.
situation modelled by Case C is the flow through a These calculations did not attempt to address the
homogeneous embankment to a toe drain, where we question of the location of the critical slip surface for
are consideringthe upstream slope. Ofcourse, the shape different degrees of submergence. This provides a
of the top flow line (shown in a variety of positions as degree of further complexity which obscures the
the water level was progressively raised) is grossly over- simplicity of the interactions found. However,
simplified, even for the situation where an idealised experience suggests that there are two classes of field
homogeneous soil is taken, but the intention of the situation which can be clearly distinguished.In the first
demonstration was to identify general principles only. of these, similar to the model analysed here, the position
Steady state conditions corresponding to Case D are of the critical slip surface is constrained only very
the flow of groundwater towards a river or pond, where loosely by the slope geometry, materials and pore
the external water level is lower than that in the pressures. In such a situation, the critical slip surface
surrounding ground. does change as the external water level rises. In addition,
Critical pool effects were also noted in both of‘these the critical pool effect tends to be accentuated and
cases. The analyses of the deep slip exhibited greatest caused to occur at lower externalwater levels. A second
clarity, and the the three cases B to D exhibit different class of problems is encountered when the slope
critical pool levels, as well as different percentage contains an internal structure which constrains the slip
reductions in stability, demonstrating clearly that the surface to follow a definite path. Examples of this
critical pool effect is caused by pore water pressure include pre-existing shears, or where the critical slip
change in the slope and not by the external loading surface location runs along thin weak layers. In these
which followed the same sequence for all analyses. problems the critical slip surface position does not
The shallow slip case was less clear because of change on submergence.
additional effects, but showed a critical pool effect for
water pressure cases B, C and D. The base result for Eflects of submergence on the critical slip surface
the evaluation of Fo with cases B and C pore water
pressures was the same as for case A, because the slip In none of the cases investigated did the critical slip
surface did not dip below the toe of the slope. Case D, s d a c e mode, or even the factor of safety for the critical
however, did have pore water pressures in the base slip surface, change on part submergence. For Case A

and Case By with a soil exhibiting non-cohesive Slopes subject to the critical pool effect may suffer
characteristics, the critical slip surface is always an stability problems both on impounding and on
extremely shallow slip sub-parallel to the slope face drawdown, and the critical pool levels for the two
and located above the external water level. As the water situations will differ slightly, as the water pressure
level rises, the length of this surface shortens, but its regimes on filling and emptying of a reservoir will differ
factor of safety remains unaltered. Deeper slip surfaces appreciably.
may have reductions in their factor of safety against
sliding, but riot to a value which is as little as the critical
factor of safety for shallow sliding. With the extremely REFERENCES
simplified pore pressure distributions shown in Cases
C and D, the same effect is also shown. It is, however> Bishop A. W. (1955). The use of the slip circle in
clear that particularly with Case D, the effect of the stability analysisof earth slopes. Gkotechnique 5, 7-
external water level in the slope could have some effect 17.
on the stability of even shallow slips with toes Bromhead E.N. (1986, 1992). The stability of slopes
immediately above the external water level. For (1st or 2nd edition), Blackie Academic and
example, if the phreatic surface was a convex-upwards Professional, Glasgow.
curve, then it could approach ground level above the Chandler R.J. (1977). Back analysis techniques for
external water level, and thus have some effect on the slope stabilisation works: a case record.
critical slip surface. Gkotechnique 27, 457-466.
Non-homogeneous slopes, where due to materials Janbu N. (1973). Slope stability computations. In
or geology the critical slip surface lies well within the Embankment Darn Engineering, Casagrande
slope, have not been investigated specifically, but Memorial Volume, Hirschfield E., Poulos S. Eds.
experience shows that there the part-submerged Factor John Wiley, New York, pp. 47-86.
of Safety does reduce with submergence. There does Lauffer, H., Neuhauser, E. and Schober, W. (1967)
not appear to be a simple rule for this, and each case Uplift responsible for slope movements during the
must be treated and analysed independently. filling of the Gepatsch Reservoir.Proc 9th Congress
on Large Dams, Istanbul, 669- 693,
Ground deformations on submergence Maksimovic M. (1970). A new method of slope
stability analysis.Private communication.
The limit equilibrium method makes no allowance for Morgenstern N.R. Price V.E. (1965). The analysis of
ground strains. However, on submergence, some the stability of general slip surfaces. Gkotechnique
potential slide mechanisms in a slope need to mobilize 15, 79-93.
a greater proportion of the available shear strength. It Sarma S. (1973). Stability analysis of embankments
is impossible to visualize this without imagining some and slopes. Ggotechnique23,423- 433.
correspondingground strains, leadingto settlementand
possible shearing (if the soil material has brittle stress-
strain characteristics).
A mechanism similar to this was invoked to explain
slope deformation due to flooding by Lauffer et al.
(1967) in slopes adjacent to the Gepatsch Reservoir.


Partly submerged slopes with varying reservoir levels

can be analysed with equal validity making use of a
variety of procedures implemented within the limit
equilibrium method. Some of these procedures may
be available in stabilityanalysis sofhvare not explicitly
designed to cater for the partly submerged slope case.
Where the pore water pressures in the slope vary as
the reservoir level is changed, a minimum factor of
safety may be found at a critical reservoir level, termed
the critical pool level. Critical pool levels depend on
the piezometric distributionswithin the slope. A critical
pool level is more easily found for a specific individual
slide mechanism: the critical pool effect may not exist
for the slope as a whole.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Role of pore water and air pressures on slope stability in reservoir for pumped
storage power plant

T. Sat0 & N. Nishizawa

Department of Civil Engineering, Gifu UniversiQ,Jupan
M.Wakamatsu & Y. Hiraiwa
Tokuru Construction Cornpuny Limited, Nugoya, Japan
I. Kumazaki
Chubu Electronic Power Company Incorporuted, Nagoya, Japan

ABSTRACT: Pore water and air pressures were measured at a slope of a reservoir by using a special
waterproof filter to prevent from water or air invasion into sensor chamber. The observations revealed that air
entrapment takes place at pressure of much greater than A.E.V. and suction starts to decrease earlier than the
time when water table rises above the elevation of the installation once air entrapment occurs.

1 INTRODUCTION on infiltration rate into unsaturated soil. Despite of

the investigations, lots of unknowns still remains
Fluctuation of water table sometimes accelerates the with respect to the effect of air entrapment onto
increase of damages to slope stability. Several slope stability.
instability factors have been reported, such as The purposes of this study are: ( I ) to offer an
decrease of soil strength, increase of pore water example for measuring pore water and air pressures
pressure, progress of weathering, etc. There have in field; (2) to give a good understanding on
been no field measures to show good understandings measured values; and (3) to show air entrapment
of slope instability induced by water table fluctuation. effects on slope stability, especially on failure due to
A top reservoir of a pumped storage power plant was suction decrease near the surface.
chosen as a case study for investigations of pore
water and air pressure changes to show a good
performance of instability due to water table 2 FIELD MEASUREMENTS
fluctuation. The site locates at the northeast edge of
Aichi prefecture, Japan. Soil type is mainly 2.1 Pore water pressure
composed of granite.
Water content varies as water taljle rises and Ialls. Three types have been proposed for measuring
Measurements of TDR(Time Domain Reflectometry) negative value of pore water pressure in soil. Type 1
reveal that soil does not become fully saturate is the use of manometer displaying water potential
condition even when water tablc rises above the inside soil as height of water surface. Type 2 uses
ground surface. The degree of water saturation varies sensor instead of manometer. This shows a good
from 60 to 80 percent at submerged condition. Soil response to soil-water pressure change. Type 3 is a
pore contains air even after the surface is submerged. pressure meter applicable to the negative. Filter
Entrapped air builds bubble that tends to move selection is important to detect hydraulic potential of
upwards into atmosphere with buoyancy. This easily water affected from capillary. Large amount of
happens in pore with large radius. At this moment, A.E.V. (air entry value) is recommended for
pressure of the entrapped air is no longer the same as preventing from air invasion into sensor chamber.
the atmosphere. Pore pressure meter of which filter is replaced by
Former researchers had already reported that air a ceramic is installed in the slope. A.E.V. is 200kPa
entrapment causes an reduction of infiltration as with considering fluctuation of water table from 846
compared with the case where air is allowed to to 868 meters above the mean sea water level
smoothly escape from soil pore as water enters into (M.S.L.). Tension meter is also installed to find out
soil (Christiansen 1944, Horton 1940). Youngs and capillary potential near ground surface. The pressure
Peck( 1964) and Peck( 1965a, 1965b) observed meter applicable to negative value is illustrated in
fluctuation of air pressure and escape of air bubbles Fig.1. Air is removed from the filter by putting it
in bounded column. The studies, however, focussed into boiled water before installation.

Figure 1. Device for pore water pressure.
Figure 2. Device for pore air pressure.

Figure 3. Layout of gauges at a reservoir slope.

2.2 Pore air pressure because pore water and air pressures are
simultaneously detected this month.
A waterproof filter called as Bio-filter is applied.
This enables air to pass through it. Water can not
invade into the chamber containing air pressure 3 RESULTS
sensor. An apparatus is displayed as Fig.2. This is
originated from water level gauge equipped with the 3.1 Pore water pressure
filter fixed by a holder. The space bounded among
Bio-filter, filter holder and sensor is as small as Figure 4 shows results of pore water pressure and
possible since responsibility to a small volumetric reservoir water table. Unit of pressure is expressed
change is improved. It amounts to 34 cm3, which is a by gauge pressure that is different from absolute one.
little too large to measure. The figure implies that the pressure inside slope
changes dependently on the elevation of water table.
2.3 Layout P3 and P4 similarly behave with good response to
water table fluctuation, but P5 does not respond
Pressure meters are installed as Fig.3. P1, P3, P4 and when water table falls below 861 meters above
P5 are Type 3. T2, T3 and T4 are Type 2. Pore air M.S.L.
pressure is installed at the point of A, of which
elevation is the same as T2. Measurements by P1, P3, 3.2 Tension ineter
P4 and P5 started in Oct. 1995, T2, T3 and T4 in
Aug. 1996 and pore air pressure in Oct. 1998. The Measurement of tension meter is shown in Figure 5.
paper addresses to the observations within Dec. 1998 Behavior within the positive value shows a good

Figure 4. Results of pressure gauges.

Figure 5. Results of tension meters.

response to water table fluctuation. On the other increases dependently on water table. Air entrapment
hand, changes become slow once the pressure turns takes place at this moment. Reservoir water table had
into negative. This comes from capillary force acting never risen above the elevation of the pressure gauge
at the soil-water interface. Rapid increase is also until Dec. 9. Once pressure gauge is submerged, air
seen after the increase of negative value. can not escape from the chamber since the bio-filter
prevents from water invasion. The increase results
3.3 Pore air pressure from air invasion into the chamber surrounded by
waterproof filter. The pressure is no longer the same
Results are described in Figure 6. Air pressure is as atmospheric once the entrapment happens. The
recoverable until Dec. 9. Residual pressure is measurement is for air in the chamber, but the same
generated in a couple of days later and it gradually situation is expected in entrapped air in soil pore.

41 9
Figure 6. Results of a pore air pressure gauge.

Figure 7. Pore water of T2 and air pressures of A.

4 DISCUSSIONS value tends to gradually increase as water table

fluctuation goes on.
4.1 Air entrapment Air entry value (A.E.V.) of this soil is estimated as
10 cmH,O from laboratory measures of water
Air pressure recoverably changes even when pore retention characteristics. The entrapped air pressure
water pressure turns into positive value until Dec.9. increases from 20 cmH,O on Dec. 10 to 50 cmH,O
Once air entrapment occurs, the measurements on Dec.24. The difference results from exchange of
describe the residual value larger than the air and water in addition to effect of the waterproof
atmosphere. The residual air pressure is kept at a filter. Laboratory tests are conducted at a slow speed
constant until pore water pressure reaches to a enough to smooth exchange of air and water. Rapid
minimum value. According to Fig.6, the residual rise and fall of water table induces air entrapment

Figure 8. Suction change at air-water interface.

inside the slope. Once air is entrapped, it does not suction due to water table rises. Suction dissipation
escape from the soil even when air pressure attains suddenly takes place after water table rises. At this
A.E.V. because water is applied to overburden moment, air is replaced by water. Air escapes and
pressure. Youtigs and Peck( 1964) declared that the water invades into soil pore.
maximum value of air pressure is about A.E.V. plus Suction dissipates at different value before and
overburden water pressure above the depth of after air entrapment takes place. Once entrapment
considering point. Their estimate meets with the occurs in the chamber, rapid dissipation takes place
measurements in Fig.6. at lower elevation of water table. Before Dec. 9,
The iiiaxiiiium value of air pressure appears at the dissipation starts at 863 meters above M.S.L. After
peak of water pressure. Air and water pressures are Dec.15, suction decrease arises at lower level of
theoretically the same at air-water interface in the water table less than 862 meters above M.S.L. and
equilibrium condition. Figure 7 shows that the the amount becomes large.
generating air pressure is a little less than the water One of the reasons is residual pressure of entrapped
pressure. The difference ranging from 5 to 17 air in the chamber. Microscopic investigations may
cmI3,O may come from displacement due to be required to well understanding on the mechanism
elasticity of the Bio-filter. Nolie of exact of air replacement by water in soil pore.
relationships can be seen between the difference and
pore water pressure. 4.3 Air-water exchnage

4.2Suction chungeJ Diagrams are displayed in Figs.9, 10, 11 and 12 to

show the relationships between reservoir water table,
Pressure difference at air-water interface is defined pore water and air pressures. The vertical axis
as suction. In engineering practices, air pressure is describes gauge pressure. Focus is on the rises of
assumed to be alniost the same as atmosphere. The reservoir water table, of which elevation is given on
physical meaning of suction corresponds to the the horizontal axis. The switching point, where pore
negative value of capillary pressure. water pressure turns into the positive (hydrostatic
Once entrapment occurs, air possesses pressure condition) from the negative (capillary condition),
differing from atmosphere. Figure 8 shows suction increases as the elevation of the tension meter
defined as difference between pore air and water decreases. This implies that air smoothly escapes
pressures. Rapid fall down and rise up in water table from the shallow rather than the deep. Differences
induces suction change. Soil-water capillary is an between the hydrostatic pressure line and the
important factor for suction increase generated at measures are the pressure generated by air
water table draw down. On the other hand, air entrapment at each depth.
pressure induced by entrapment in soil pore mainly The results of T4, of which depth is 120 cm below
takes an effect on suction increase when water table the surface, describes that switching point arises
rises. Important things happen after growing up much later than the other two. The difference from
Figure 9. Relationship between T2 and water table. Figure 11. Relationship between T4 and water table.

Water table (M.S.L.m)

Figure 10. Relationship between T3 and water table. Figure 12. Relationship between A and water table.

hydrostatic pressure is also as big as the other two. 355-366.

Air is replaced by water in conjunction with drastic Horton R.E.( 1940). An approach towards a physical
change of water pressure at this moment. This is one interpretation of infiltration capacity. Soil Sci.
of reasons for slope instability. Soc. Am. Proc. 5,399-417.
Peck A.J. (1965a). Moisture profile development and
air compression during water uptake by
5 CONCLUSIONS bounded porous bodies: 2.Horizontal columns.
Soil Science 99, 327-334.
Pore water and air pressures were simultaneously Peck A.J. (1965b). Moisture profile development and
measured at a slope of a reservoir to find out suction air compression during water uptake by
decrease effects on slope stability. A special filter bounded porous bodies: 3.Vertical columns.
was applied to water level gauge for preventing from Soil Science 100,44-51.
water invasion into the sensor chamber. The Youngs E.G. and Peck A.J. (1 964). Moisture profile
conclusions of this study are as follows, development and air compression during water
(1) Field measurements reveal the possibility of air uptake by bounded porous bodies:
entrapment in slope when water table rapidly rises, 1 .Theoretical introduction. Soil Science 98,
(2) Entrapped air builds up pressure much greater 290-294.
than A.E.V. estimated from laboratory tests for water
retention characteristics, and
(3) Air replacement with water takes place at slope
inside later than the near ground surface and it
accompanies a drastic decrease of water suction.


Christiansen J.E.( 1944). Effects of entrapped air

upon the permeability of soils. Soil Science 58?

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang ((-1 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Seepage characteristics of decomposed granite soil slope during rainfall

Depu r tnz ent of En viromnen rul and Civil Engineering, Wukuyuma Nurionu1 Col1eg e cf Technology, Goho,Jupu n
Osako Ojjke of Dn iya ConsLil tunt, Jupan
K. Nishida
Depurh?ienrof Civil Engineering, Kaiuui Uizivei-sity,Suitu, Jupan

ABSTRACT: This paper deals with the relationship between seepage parameters of undisturbed decomposed
granite soil and degree of weathering, and examines the seepage characteristics of natural slope in a
decomposed granite soil area during heavy rainfall. The severely weathered sample contains much confined
water evaluated at pF4.2 than the slightly weathered sample does. Especially, the confined water affects not
only on the soil water characteristic curve with hysteresis but also on the relationship between hydraulic
conductivity and volumetric water content. It has demonstrated that the water flow pattern in slope during
rainfall can be clarified by means of the seepage analysis depending on the seepage parameters

1.INTRODUCTION physical properties of compacted decomposed

granite soil and also many data relating to the soil
The disasters such as natural slope failure and have been applied for the embankment design or
ground collapse take place during rainfall on every slope analysis. However, it is found that the natural
year in the decomposed granite soil region of Japan. slope failure due to the heavy rainfall takes place
In examining a weathering zone in detail, it is often mainly the region in which the decomposed granite
seen to take place the several layers, which are soil is distributed. Therefore, it is important to
different in the degree of weathering. The reason investigate the seepage characteristics and
why the soil collapses is closely connected with the mechanism both on undisturbed sample and on
peculiarity of the soil. natural slope of the decomposed granite soil regions
The decomposed granite soil has already used a: ; during rainfall. But, in this case, it has been stated
a material for embankment constructions. However , that the informations of seepage parameters have
slope failure due to rainfall is caused in this soi 1 not been fully collected yet for the practical seepage
region and the following property peculiarities haw : analysis of natural slopes. Because it is difficult to
been pointed out: examine the pore water pressure of the specimen
(I) Soil particles are easily broken and deformation collected in undisturbed state on slope of
due to collapse occurs during water permeation. (2) decomposed granite soil.
A physical property of soil varies with the degree of In this study, the relationship between degree of
weathering. Accordingly, this soil is referred to one weathering and seepage parameters such as
of problematic soils in Japan. hydraulic conductivity and soil water characteristic
Many investigators have already clarified the curve are examined for undisturbed decomposed
relationship between degree of weathering and the granite soil specimens and moreover the seepage

mechanism is clarified for the natural slope during weathered soil particles depending on the soil fabric,
rainfall by applying the numerical analysis It is important to evaluate the confined water
content as water content at pF4.2 in the estimation
of seepage parameters of decomposed granite soil.
Photos. 1 and 2 show the photomicrograph of the
soil fabric of samples. The specimens were prepared
after infiltrating the methylmethacrylate into the
The samples of undisturbed decomposed granite
sample of the diameter of 6 cmxlength 5cm.
soil with different degree of weathering were
obtained from a cutting slope. In order to examine The slightly weathered sample is given as Photo.
the soil fabric effects on the seepage characteristics 1. It shows the flat surface of feldspar without the
of decomposed granite soil, a large undisturbed existence of intragranular voids. On the other hand,
specimen (length 3Omm, section 13 0 x 13 Omm) were Photo.2 of the severely weathered sample shows
prepared by means of the nail sampling method porous soil fabric which correspond to intragranular
(Nishida, 1986). voids.
The ignition loss of samples was adopted as a
criterion of the degree of weathering and the
coefficient of permeability in saturated state was 3.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
determined by the constant head permeability test at
a definite hydraulic gradient (1). The confined water The soil water characteristic curves for the samples
content at pF4.2 was measured by making use of the of different degrees of weathering are given in Figs.
pressure membrane method. 1 and 2, which are measured by the pressure plate
The physical properties of samples are shown in method. In order to measure the volumetric water
Table 1. It is shown in this table that the degree of content in undisturbed sample, the experiment was
weathering increases with the increment of sample done for a large sample with the length lOcm,
number depending on the values of ignition loss. In diameter 14cm. The experiment of pressure plate
Table 1, the water content at pF4.2 of the severely method carried out by using a n apparatus shown
weathered sample is also larger than that of the Fig. 3 equipped with neutron ray radiation
slightly weathered one. This fact suggests that much equipment (15'Cf 1.85MC').
water should be held within or around the The measurement of volumetric water content

Physical Specific Ignition Dry Water Coefficient of Degree of

Properties Gravity loss Density Content a t Permeability Weathering
Sample \ Ps (%) (glcm3) pF4.2 (cm/s)
No.1 2.675 1.192 2.166 0.040 6.00X 10.' Slightly
2 2.617 1.269 2.145 0.040 4.77 Weathered
3 2.676 1.514 1.876 0.040 4.59
4 2.732 3.750 1.291 0.130 2.50

Fig.2 Soil water content characteristics
of sapmles

Fig.3 Layout of experimental appratus

has been done periodically under a definite air

pressure by means of the air pressure control system,
after the sample is h l l y saturated
The first hysteresis loop that means the difference
between drainage and infiltration process for the
severely weathered sample is remarkably revealed
in comparing with the slightly weathered one. For
the second hysteresis loop in these figures, the
difference in degree of weathering can be found.
The phenomenon suggests that water should be held
tightly within or around the soil particles.
In examining the seepage phenomenon of an
undisturbed sample, it is important to estimate the
amount of confined water for the analysis of soil
Fig.1 Soil water characteristic curves of
samples water characteristic curve.

?)/. :suction (kPa)
'$ cr : critical suction(kPa)
h , A,B,C constants
8 :volumetric water content(cm3/cm3)
8 ssaturated water content(cm3/cm3)
8 r:residul volumetric water content
In Eqs. (1) and (2),Se was caluculated by using the
equation defined by (3). In these equations, 8 r is
the volumetric water content at pF4.2 shown in
Table 1.Water content at pF4.2 is not involved in
permeation. The evaluated values from Eqs. (1) and
(2) are shown in Fig.4. It is clear that the values
evaluated in Eqs. (1) or (2) fit relatively well the
measured values for the slightly weathered sample.
On the other hand, the difference between values
calculated by both equations is remarkable for the
severely weathered sample. From these data, it is
useful to estimate the soil water characteristic curve
making use of Eq. (2), which has been ascertained
for the various kinds of compacted soil.
The relationship between by hydraulic
conductivity and volumetric water content for the
representative samples in Table 1. is plotted in Fig.5.
The difference is appeared between compacted and
disturbed samples. At first, the hydraulic
conductivity of compacted sample varies in
smoother paraboratic curve, comparing with that of
one. Especially, it is seen that for the severely
Fig.5 Relationship between relative weathered samples, the sudden drop of the
permeability and volumetric water content
hydraulic conductivity can be seen at volumetric
water content because of the presence of macro pore
The shape of the curves is expressed by Eqs. (1)
as shown in Photo.2.
(Brooks et.al.1966) and (2) (Matsukawa et. a1.1983)
In order to analyze the seepage properties of
which have been derived experimentally.
decomposed granite soil layer, the failed slope in
Masuda City was adopted as a model slope for
seepage analysis by FEM. In the numerical analysis,
it is reasonable to choose the multi- layered model
which is consisted of layers of the different degree
of weathering and the pressure head @ = 0 kPa is
given along the slip surface of the layer as an initial
Se = (8- 8 r/O s- 8 r) (3)
where, Se : effective degree of saturation

Fig.6 The seepage analysis o f FEM

Volumetric Water A 0.339 0.365 0.413 0.445 0.460
Content 8(cm3/cm3) B 0.374 0.381 0.413 0.461 0.50
Suction$ (KPa) A 11.3 5.8 1.3 0.5 0.4
B 10.9 8.9 2.7 0.5 0.3

Relative Permeability A 0.003 0.015 0.05 0.15 1.00

Kr B 0.007 0.014 0.06 0.29 1.00

Saturated Volumetric A 0.46

Water Content B 0.50
0 s(cm3/cm3)
Residual Volumetric A 0.10
Water Content B 0.20
Specific Moisture A 7.3 x 10.4
Capacity C($) (llcm) B 9.9 x 10-4
Coefficient of
Permeability Ks(cm/s) 11
2.0 x 10.3
7.0 x 10-4
A: Slightly weatherd sample B: Severely we athered sample

The behavior of water stored within a soil layer 4. CONCLUSION

during rainfall is expressed in Fig.6 obtained by
1.The seepage parameters such as soil water
applying the physical parameters of Table 2. As the
characteristics curve and hydraulic conductivity
results, the magnitude of flow vector in slightly
are dependent on the degree of weathering.
weathered lower layer is larger than that in severely
2.It is reasonable to understand that from the results
weathered upper layer and the values increase
of seepage analysis, the increment of water
toward the slope toe. Moreover, it can be
pressure due to rainfall causes the slope failure.
understood that the ground water level rises
gradually until the surface of slope and the high
water pressure is generated in a localized portion at REFERENCES
the toe of slope.
Another simulation result for examining the Nishida, K. 1986. Engineering properties of
factors relating to the water pressure generation weathered residual soil, Kashima Publish Company,
described above is shown in Fig.6, which was Tokyo.
calculated by assuming the inverse rainfall pattern. Brooks, R.M.& Corey, A.T. 1966. Properties of
It is realized from the result that the water level is porous media affecting fluid flow. A.S.C.E.: 61-88.
lower, comparing with the carrier of real rainfall Matsukawa,S.&Souma, K. 1983. New experimental
pattern state. As a result, for the factors affecting equation describing the soil moisture characteristic
slope failure, it can be pointed out that the water curves (desorption curve),J.S.I.D.R.E., No.104:31-
stored at the interface of different weathered layers 38.
contributes greatly to the generation of high water Nishida, K., Aoyama,C. 1985. Weathered residual
pressure. soil properties & failure mechanism of slope. Proc.
Ivth International conference field workshop on
landslides, Tokyo: 289-294.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang (c i 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN go 5809 0795

Relation between slope stability and groundwater flow caused by rainfalls

M.Enoki & A.A. Kokubu

Department of Civil Engineering, Tottori University, Jupan

ABSTRACT: In this paper, slope failure due to rainfall is analyzed considering some simplifications con-
cerning the stability analysis, infiltration and seepage parallel to the base rock. Then, the conditions required
for the slope to fail are obtained. Accuracy by means of field tests in the determination of the parameters that
arc required for stability analysis, that is, permeability. strength parameters, etc. is very difficult to attain.
This is principally owing to field tests and measurements involving only a small portion of the slope. The
degree of influence of the error in the measurement for cach parameter is investigated through a sensitivity
analysis. Furthermore, permeability of the slope is investigated by means of tests based on the actual velocity
principle and the apparent velocity principle.

1 INTRODUCTION Slope failures of such proportions are the aim of

this investigation. Sliding of the mass of soil of the
Nearly all slope failures occur during o r after a pre- slope takes place along a base rock, which has high
cipitation. Slope failure is a common natural disas- shear strength and low permeability. In every case,
ter in mountainous regions and the most dangerous slope failure is sliding of thin layers along a base
type of sliding due to the quick movement of the rock. The cause of failure of natural slopes is gener-
mass of soil. Japan, being a mountainous country ally infiltration of rainwater which reaches the base
with an annual precipitation of approximately 1800 rock and make the surface layer fail.
mm, suffers frequently from this kind of natural The aforementioned characteristics makes the
disasters during rainy seasons. process of failure of natural slopes different from
The distribution of dimensions of failed slopes in that of landslide which involves slow sliding of an
Japan is shown in Figure 1. Numerous invcstiga- extremely large mass of soil. Concerning landslide
tions carried out in this country led to the conclu- problems, the infiltrated rainwater cannot reach the
sion that the representative slope failure has the base rock because of the magnitude of the depth of
following dimensions: length L = 10 m, depth of the soil layers overlying the base rock. The water
failure H = 0.5 m and width W = 15 m. that reaches the base rock has a different origin
which is not explained in this paper.



2.1 Meclzuiiism of' slope fuilure cuused by precipitu-

From laboratory and field observations. the
mechanism of slope failure was disclosed as fol-
10 lows:
1 2
a. Infiltration process (Figure 2-a): After a given
Length L (m) Depth of failure H (m) precipitation begins, infiltration phenomenon com-
mence in the form of Wetting Front (WF). The
Figure 1. Distribution of dimensions of failed volume of flow of the WF and its descending ve-
slopcs if Japan. locity arc conditioned by rainfall intensity and ca-

pacity of infiltration of the soil
b Seepage flow along the base rock (Figure 2-b)
A few moments after the WF reaches the base rock,
a seepage flow along it is generated The height of where I I , is the effective porosity of the soil and H S
the groundwater table at any point along the base the depth of the soil layer overlying the base rock
rock depends on the rainfall intensity, the perme-
ability along the base rock, the distance of the point
from the top of the slope and the inclination of the
slope The height of the groundwater table at a distance .s
c Slope failure (Figure 2-c) If the height of the measured from the top of the slope is
groundwater table at one point along the base rock
is large enough, pore pressure at that point on the s I'
base rock grows too large to support the overlying HI, = HI,,+-
k, sin [I
soil, consequently slope failure occurs
where H,, is the depth of the ground water table at
2 2 II!filtr~cftlon s - 0, fl is the inclination of the slope, Kh is the
During the infiltration process for any position of permeability along the base rock and i' is the infil-
the WF, the hydraulic gradient is unit This is de- tration velocity
rived from the fact that for a given column of soil
subjected to the wetting front, both upper and lower
ends are at atmospheric pressure Also, the effects
of suction are neglected, otherwise the hydraulic For infinite slopes there have been many slice
methods to analyze the stability of slopes However,
gradient takes a value different from unit
Then the infiltration velocity I' is I' k, where k, one of the authors has already clarified that every
slice method is not valid (Enoki et a1 1992), though
is the vertical permeability If rainfall intensity is
the explanation I S omitted here Moreover, it is ob-
larger than k, then infiltration velocity takes the val-
ue I' = k, . If rainfall intensity is smaller than k, in- vious that the closer a safety factor obtained by ar-
filtration velocity is I' - R where R is the rainfall bitrary slice method gets to one obtained by an
intensity Therefore, the infiltration velocity is I' = analysis method for infinite slopes, the more slen-
der the slipping mass becomes
min (R,k,) The time required for the WF to reach
Generally, for a slope of thickness N and length L ,
the base rock may be expressed as
the ratio of H/L of actual slipping masses is about
0 1, then, an analysis method for infinite slopes is
used here For a given seepage of depth H,, along
the base rock, the pore pressure ZI on the base rock
is as follows

I[- y ,, H,,, cos: P (3 1

Therefore, the depth H,,,at the instant of failure is

where, H is the thickness of surface layer of slope,

,8 is the angle of slope, yis the unit weight of the
mass of soil, and @(/, c ~are
, the strength parameters
of soil.


General description of the failure condition: For a

given rainfall of intensity R and period 7: two con-
ditions for the slope to fail are required, that is
1. The wetting front must reach the base rock,
Figure 2. Process of failure in slopes due to pre- which means that Equation 5 is satisfied

Table 1 Sensitivity analysis for each parameter of
the slope
Slope Standard Coefficients Relatn e
2. The pore pressure due to the seepage flow along parameters Ialues dispersion
the base rock must be large enough to make the rr(c111) 50 10 12
mass of soil of the slope slide along the base rock. I,(I l l ) 10 -1 1
Assuming the slope length to be L , from Equations r: ,,(ClldS) 2x102 1 4
2 and 4, the following equation is obtained. SlnB 0 64 1 02
y (g/cm') 2 1 0 15
Y w (dC11l3) 1 -1 0
tall/ 0 84 6 25 0 11
tan d<, 1 5 25 0 35
These two conditions of slope failure are summa-
rized in Figure 3. In Equation 6 the values of slope
parameters affect the required rainfall intensity i ;
therefore sensitivity of the potentiality of failure to From one measurement of permeability to another,
every parameter of the slope must be evaluated. the range of dispersion may be ten times or more
This analysis is explained in the next section. For this reason, it has a high relative dispersion in
the term drh: The same strong influence of vertical
permeability k,, on Equation 5 is expected. The
4 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS terms tan/ and tan dcjhave a low relative disper-
sion, but in turn, their coefficients are large. These
The sensitivity of the principal slope parameters are coefficients becomes larger for closer values of /
analyzed and shown in Table 1 Every parameter of and @(,. Therefore, it can be concluded that k,,, tan
Equation 6 and their standard values are shown in / and tan d',are the most sensitive terms in Equa-
the first two columns In the right part of the table, tion 6 or in other words, in the term d d r .
the corresponding coefficients and relative disper-
sions in the term ddr. are shown Standard values of
the parameters are representatives of nearly all 5 INVESTIGATION FOR PERMEABILITY
slopes that have failed in the mountainous areas
When measuring permeability, field tests are 5 1 fiield tests f i ir!filti.ntiori
generally more adequate than laboratory tests per- 5 1 1 Ring test c?f nypnr.erit velocity
formed on samples Sample represents only a very
small portion of the slope, in addition to this the The procedure of this test is as follows
sample is in many cases disturbed However, becau- A metal ring is set on the ground surface (Figure 4),
se of the hardships founded in carrying out field sweet water is poured inside the ring by means of a
tests in natural slopes, generally the scale of the Mess cylinder in a way that all the time a film of
tests is relatively small Therefore, the uncertainties water appears on the surface ground By means of
that appear in the measurement of permeability are this procedure the soil immediately below the ring
still unavoidable. is subjected to a saturated flow The rate of flow of
the supplied water is measured by means of a stop-
watch The permeability is calculated as follows

k,,= A (2 / (A A t ) (7)
where A t is the time necessary to pour the volume
of water A Q and A is the cross-sectional area of
the ring The intrinsic characteristics of this test,
makes Equation 7 valid for only a short period of
time. That means that only at the beginning of the
test, the flow of water is one-dimensional.
With elapsing time the flow of water becomes
three-dimensional, therefore, the accuracy of Equa-
tion 7 decreases. Moreover, the unsteady flow of
water is subjected always to the effect of suction
which is not considered in Equation 7. A good point
Figure 3. Conditions of slope failure. of the test is its simplicity and readiness to perform.

43 1
Figure 4. Ring test of apparent velocity for a soil
Figure 5. Ring test of actual velocity for two soil
layers (Layer 1 and Layer 2).
5.1.2 Ring test of actual velocity
The test procedure is similar to that of the ring test Tests for infiltration based on the actual velocity
of apparent velocity. The principal differences are principle are not dependent of the three dimensional
as follows: spreading of salty water, because only the actual
1. Sensors that are sensible to salty water are velocity along the known flow line is measured to
placed beneath the ring, at depths corresponding calculate the permeability of the layers. This is an
with the border line between two layers. advantage when compared with the ring test of ap-
2. Sweet water is poured in the ring until the satu- parent velocity which is affected by the spreading of
ration of the layers of which the permeability will the flow of water and the effect of suction. Layered
be measured is attained. deposits usually consisting of a mixing of two or
3. Supply of sweet water is replaced suddenly by more types of soils with erratic soil grain properties
salty water. By means of the sensors shown in Fig- are common characteristics founded in the field.
ure 5 , the flow of salty water is detected and the Because of this, the weak point of the test is the
time to cover the corresponding depths of the difficulties founded in the positioning of sensors.
layers are recorded by a stopwatch.
The steady flow of salty water is not subjected to 5.2 Field tests for permeability along the base rock
the effect of suction because of the saturation of the
mass of soil carried out in the preceding step. Two vertical holes separated a distance d that range
Therefore, the hydraulic gradient for the flow of from 50 to 100 cm are perforated on the slope sur-
salty water may be considered as unit in the calcu- face (Figure 6). Hole A is filled with sweet water,
lation of permeability. with the purpose to establish a steady flow between
The permeability of layer 1 is calculated as fol- holes A and B. Sweet water is replaced by salty
lows k,, = H,.nel IT, where H I is the depth of layer 1, water which is detected in hole B by means of a
neI= /VT)is the effective porosity of layer 1 and sensor. Then the permeability along the base rock is
T, is the time required for the flow of salty water to as follows
cover the distance H p Permeability of every layer is
calculated in the same way. kh= d n,l (i A t ) (8)
In the proposed formula of k,, the flow of water is
assumed as a block of uniform height leaving be- where A t is the time for the salty water to cover the
hind soil in saturated condition though actually in- distance d and i = (h2- h,) I d is the hydraulic gra-
filtration under saturated condition is not possible. dient. This test is also based on the actual velocity
Also, the voids distribution of the soil is assumed as principle, therefore it has the same advantages and
homogeneous but actually it is not. If the voids dis- disadvantages of the ring test of actual velocity. To
tribution of the soil is assumed as homogeneous, the obtain conditions of steady flow in the field are ex-
velocity of the flow according to Darcy’s law vd and tremely difficult. For this purpose, a large amount
the average actual velocity v,, are related as follows of water and a long duration test would be required.
v,, = vJn,, where ne < 1. Due to the distance from water sources, precarious-
If the actual case of inhomogeneous voids dis- ness of the approach roads etc, the amount of water
tribution were considered, the average actual veloc- is generally restricted. Because of this, tests of per-
ity is less than the actual velocity or in other words meability along the base rock are usually performed
the maximum velocity of the flow. under the conditions of unsteady flow.

Figure 6. Actual velocity test (Seepage along the
base rock) for a soil layer (Layer 2).

5 3 Pimcrpnl dffewmxs hetweeii the ring test of

nppnrwit wdocrtj)arid the mig test of nctiinl ~wlc)cif~
Intending to explain the differences between the
ring test of apparent velocity and the ring test of
actual velocity, the voids distribution of soils may
be made alike to a model pipe
This model assumes the voids distribution of
soils as pipes of different sizes aligned parallel to
each other As for permeability tests based on the Figure 7. Portions of slope showing the values
apparent velocity principle, the rate of flow through of k,, and kh for every kind of test.
each one of the pipes as a whole is measured in or-
der to calculate the coefficient of permeability In
other words, the apparent permeability of the
phoon 5 as shown in Figure 8 Because of this natu-
mass of the soil is calculated
ral disaster, 80 families of a village had to take
On the contrary, for permeability tests based on
rehge and numerous houses were destroyed.
the actual velocity principle, instead of rate of flow,
Location of the slope failure, contour lines repre-
the maximum velocity of the flow along the known
sentation, geometry of the slope as well as its
flow line is measured For this purpose, salty water
strength parameters are shown respectively in Fig-
etc may be used as tracer The larger the diameter
ures 9, 10 and 11 The characteristics of permeabil-
of the pipe, the larger the velocity of the flow, there-
ity are shown in Figure 7
fore, the calculated value of permeability is larger
Rainfall intensity during the precipitation of Ty-
than the apparent
phoon 5 is shown in Figure 12
From the rainfall pattcrri of Figure 12, rainfall in-
5 4 Resiilts of permenhrlrty tests tamed orrt in nnfii- tcnsity is lcss than thc capacity of infiltration of the
rzrl .slope.s soil. Bccausc of this I’ = R must bc uscd in the first
Figure 7 shows observational data obtained from condition of slopc failurc, Equation 5. According to
field tests performed on natural slopes of
‘Egoouchi’ and ‘Taka no Su’ district, Hiroshima
prefecture Subscripts meanings are as follows
v vertical infiltration, b base rock, a ring test of
actual velocity, r ring test of apparent velocity and
s permeability tests performed on samples Units in
cm/s The dispersion for the values of kh and k, is
evident as it was already mentioned in section 4


The conditions of slope failure, Equations 5 and 6,

were applied to a natural slope located in ‘Taka no
su’ district, Hiroshima prefecture, in which slope Figure 8. Slope failure in ‘Taka no su’.(July 27,
failure happened on July 27, 1993 during the Ty- 1993)

this cqiiation and the rainfall pattcrn indicated in
Figurc 12, thc WF rcachect thc basc rock on July 27
at 18 h. Thcn, application of thc sccond condition of
slopc failurc indicatcs that the slope failed during
thc intcrval lrom 18 to 19 h.
The slopc failurc caused dcbris flow, and it attacked
the villagc on July 27 at 20 h.

Figure 12. Rainfall pattcrn for ‘Taka no su’ area


The mechanism of slopc failure presented in this

paper assumes both infiltration and sccpage along
1 :1,500,000 the basc rock as proccsses of steady flow, although
these processes arc unsteady. For cvcry case, sliding
Figurc 9. Location of slopc failures. of thc mass of soil is assumcd to occur along a base
rock of low pcrmcability. Morcovcr, actual finitc
slopcs arc assumcd to lx iiifinitc. Ttic conditions of
slopc failurc are C X ~ J C S S Cb~y iiicans o f cquations
that rclatc failurc with thc pattcrn of tlic prccipita-
tion, gcomctry o f thc slopc and its strcngth pa-
ramctcrs. Thc rcsult of thc thcorctical analysis
shows a good agrccmcnl with thc practical c;isc
prcscntcd in this papcr.
From thc rcsults of thc scnsitivity analysis, pcr-
mcability along thc basc rock has a marked influen-
ce in the conditions of slope failure. For this reason,
determination of pcrmeability along the base rock
by means of large scale field tests that improve the
I :25,000 accuracy of the measureinents should be developed.
Figure 10. Contour lincs.


Enoki, M., Ikeda, Y. & Kokuhu, A.A. 1998. Mechanism of

slopc surface failure caused by precipitation. The First
Asia-Pacijic Corlferetice otid Exhibition.
Enoki, M., lketla, Y. & Terauchi, K. 1YY8. Field tests related 10
slopes stabilily. Proc. of the 53lh aritiual cotlfererice ofthe
.Iapati Society of Civil Etigiricers. (In Japanese)
Enoki, M. & Ikcda, Y. lYY8. Theorelical analysis of slope
failure due 10 precipitation. Proc. ofthe 53th aririual cot!&
o f f h eJaporz Sociefy of Civil Eizgirieers. ( I n Japanese)
Enoki, M. & Kokubu, A.A. 1998. Using of tracer in the analy-
sis of tlie pipe diainelcr distribution of soils. Proc. ofihe 53th
atitiuol cotiferetice o/ [tie.Inparr Society of Civil Etigitieers.

Figure 11. Geometry and strength parameters of

the slope.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang (U 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Salient aspects of numerical analyses of rainfall induced slope instability

Department of Civil Engineering, Tiunjin Univel-sif?!People’s Republic of China

ABSTRACT: This paper outlines principally some salient aspects of numerical analyses of rainfall induced
slope instability problem, while discussing on diverse ideas as well as different techniques presented in
literature. Suggestions are given, concerning with the following aspects: (1)infiltration and evaporation as
transient boundary conditions; (2)simulation of the effects of vegetation; (3)assessment of initial stress con-
dition; (4)definitions of factor of safety.

1 INTRODUCTION problems will be of great significance. It is this topic

the writer tries to address.
Rainfall induced slope instability is one of the most This paper outlines four important aspects of the
sophisticated geoenvironmental problems and has numerical analysis of rainfall induced slope insta-
been increasingly the focus of the interests of re- bility. They are: (1)infiltration as flux boundary con-
searchers from multidiscipline. Conventionally used dition; (2)effects of vegetation on slope stability; (3)
slope stability analysis methods such as limit equili- initial ground stress condition; (4)definitions of the
brium methods are incapable of solving so compli- factor of safety.
cated problems as they, by nature, can not take so
many complex factors into analysis of the problem.
On the other hand, numerical methods are now 2 INFILTRATION AS BOUNDARY CONDITION
taking an increasingly important role in analysing
slope stability problems, as they can also by nature, Infiltration is the direct reason for the seepage and
simulate the behaviour of slopes under complicated changes in stress and strength condition of soil body.
conditions (Cai et al. 1998, Fourie et al. 1999, Ng & Infiltration due to rainfall is now commonly consi-
Shi 1998). dered as a boundary condition prescribed on to sur-
Though numerical methods, especially finite ele- face of slopes. There have been misunderstanding
ment methods, are most promisingly used at present and difficulties in taking infiltration as a boundary
for analysing andor predicting the behaviour of soil condition, which needs to be examined to conduct
dopes under transient infiltration conditions due to the analysis successfully.
rainfalls, some old difficulties do still exist and new To prescribe a variable value, e.g. an external load
problems merge in conducting these analyses. or a displacement, as a boundary condition, gene-
The numerical analysis of rainfall induced slope rally in numerical techniques, is to decompose it into
instability include mainly three subjects. The first is normal and parallel components to the boundary sur-
how to represent the rainfall as a transient boundary face. For example, in conventional seepage analy-
condition, i.e. to describe properly the nature of rain- sis, water pressure or pressure gradient at a boundary
fall such as the intensity, duration, pattern, distribu- is easy to apply in this way provided that these
tion and direction, to the slope to be analysed. The values are known.
second is how to represent the existing status of Unfortunately, a boundary condition involving in-
slopes, which include the shape, materials, initial filtration due to rainfall can not be so easily set,
conditions such as initial stress field, initial ground which is a problem that is being overlooked.
water table, and so on. The last is how to present
properly the results of the analyses, i.e. to select a
2.1 Capacity of Infiltration
rational way to define degree of safety of slopes.
A comprehensive understanding of the correct and There must be a limit capacity for a soil layer at the
efficient ways of application of the methods to these surface of a slope to actually intake flowing water.

It is wrong to set an amount of water flow velocity runoff) to the surface as shown in Figure l(a), which
to a surface just without caring about whether this have been used in numerous literature (Fredlund &
amount is within the limit capacity of the boundary. Rahardjo 1993, Yagi et al. 1985). This could be
The capacity for a surface to let water to come in is right in case where effective rainfall intensity is
determined by many factors such as soil type, poro- greater than the capacity of infiltration.
sity and degree of saturation of soil, water viscosity,
permeability of soil and so on. Though at present an
exact solution of the capacity is not generally avai-
lable, the rate of infiltration due to rainfall could be
set within the limit value of permeability as the
infiltration can, for practical use, be best regarded as
under zero or very small water pressure condition. (4 (b)
In some analyses, boundary values of infiltration Figure 1 Direction of infiltration on slope surface
were set as rainfall intensity that were much greater
than that the infiltration rate could have reached, i.e. Unfortunately, from simple tests and field observa-
coefficient of permeability of soils (Zaradny 1993, tions it can be seen that the infiltration takes place in
Cai et al. 1998). In fact, the part of such an infi- almost vertical direction for some materials with
ltration intensity that surpasses the capacity will high permeability, e.g. sand, gravel, as shown in
build up a mass of water on the boundary, and sub- Figure l(b). That is to say, the surface runoff and
sequently alters the boundary condition. inflow are not simply determined only by the slope
There will be changes not only in quantity but also gradient or surface direction but also some other
in type of boundary condition when an effective factors such as soil permeability and its anisotropy
rainfall intensity is greater than the capacity of infi- and sometimes even the direction of rainfall. Though
ltration of ground surface. If a boundary is capable the mechanism is not quite clear at present, it is true
of maintaining the part of rain water that is over the that the traditional way of applying boundary con-
amount of infiltration, the type of the boundary con- dition is no longer valid in such a situation. The way
dition will change from Neumann condition to De- to set up a boundary condition under such circum-
richlet condition. That is to say, water pressure stances will have a great influence on the results of
should be then exerted on the area where a water numerical analysis, especially in analysing unsatu-
flow was once allowed with a velocity value. rated soil slopes with high permeability under a pro-
If the boundary is not be able to maintain the addi- longed rainfall with low intensity.
tional water, the additional water will be definitely
spread under the action of its gravity. This process is
even more difficult to simulate. For a horizontal 3 EFFECTS OF VEGETATION
surface that is near the initial part of infiltration
boundary, there will be a newly generated seepage Vegetation effects on slope stability include interce-
boundary, be either Neumann type or Derichlet type, ption and evapotranpiration, reinforcement, exerting
according to the volume of additional water and sur- forces to slope and absorption of chemicals of soil.
face conditions. Stability analysis of vegetated slopes is necessary to
Here some difficult problems may be encountered include these effects, but now little attention has
and need to be answered. What is the range of the been given to this issue in numerical analyses.
newly generated boundary? How can one to distri-
bute the additional water over this range? Which
type of boundary condition should be for this range? 3.1 Incorporation of Interception
All these problems are of importance in analysing Interception by vegetation can significantly reduce
the state of seepage in unsaturated soil slopes, and the mount and delay the time of rain water fallen on
may be difficult to be incorporated into a computer the ground surface. Knowing this is very usefil in
code. conducting transient seepage analysis in determining
the factor of safety that changes with the process of
2.2 Directions of infiltration rainfall. The effective rainfall intensity is given as

The issue of the direction of infiltration rises from

three aspects: slope surface gradient, permeability
and direction of rainfall. where I ; is the effective intensity of rainfall direct-
In dealing with rainfall on non-levelled slopes sur- ly to the surface of a slope, q is the intensity of rain-
face, the formal way to supply rainfall intensity is to fall, I , is the rate of interception, and t is time.
decompose the total effective rainfall intensity I; In Equation (l), the term of interception rate may
(Equ.1) into two components, i.e. a normal compo- become zero when the capacity of total interception
nent I,, (as infiltration) and a tangential one I , (as is reached, and all rainfall intensity will be effective.

If the rate of interception is equal to the rainfall A quasi-suction is only for seepage calculation, and
intensity, there will be no infiltration. This is quite it should not be included in metric suction in deter-
true in heavy forested slopes in tropical areas. mining unsaturated soil strength.
All the last three methods need the knowledge of
root distribution. If the root distribution can be
3.2 Simulation of reinforcement
assessed, the second will be the best and should be
Roots are natural fabric materials while streng- the first choice.
thening soil. The strength increase due to root sys-
tem can be determined experimentally and statisti-
cally in relating to root intensity or a distribution 4 JNITIAL, STRESS CONDITIONS
function (Zaradny 1993).
As roots are arbitrarily distributed, it is nearly One of the advantages of finite element methods
impossible and unnecessary to represent every root over limit equilibrium methods is that finite element
with elements, a simple yet economical way to take methods give stress results that can be used in
the reinforcement effects in numerical analysis is to calculation of factor of safety and in examination of
add an increase to soil cohesion (Wu 1997), and failure mechanism of soil of particular interests.
sometimes also to soil hctional angle. At where Such stress results can be affected by initial ground
tension is of importance, an increase in tension stress condition as in stability analyses soils are
strength of soil should be considered, for use of necessary to be mechanically nonlinear materials.
tension failure criterion. Therefore, how to simulate initial ground stress con-
Root reinforcement may be practically negligible dition is a vital aspect to finite element analyses of
where root system are quite shallow distributed as slope stability problems.
the critical slip surface may be deeply seated in a All slopes have undergone a complicated geo-
slope or where bed rock surface is covered with a logical process that can not be mimicked from its
thin soil layer and roots can hardly penetrate across very beginning stage. Generally speaking, the initial
soil-rock interface, because it is more likely to such condition of a slope is referred as a state that is just
slopes the most part of slip surface is at the interface. prior to new changes to the slope conditions.

3.3 Simulation of hydraulic effect 4.1 Total or net stresses

Living roots draw water from unsaturated soils. The There are two methods in current practice in setting
water uptake flow process affects the water balance up the initial ground stresses. One is to specify stress
of under ground water. There are four possible ways values to an element according to its vertical posi-
in all to simulate this process in finite element tion (either at gauss points or nodes of elements).
analysis, i.e. to prescribe a negative flux boundary, This is referred as the direct method. The other is
to add an element sink, as add a quasi-suction to soil apply material gravity and other loads already
mass or set an increase in permeability of soil. exerted on a slope prior to any new changes is made
To prescribe a negative part flux flow of water is a to the slope, conduct an initial step of calculation,
simple way when the information of spatial distri- then set the horizontal stress results to be (the
bution of roots is not available. This negative flux of coefficient of lateral pressure at rest) times of ver-
boundary condition should be regarded as to have tical stress to achieve static equilibrium at rest.
included evapotranspiration as well as evaporation The direct method can be best used in where the
of pore water directly from soil surface. shape and soil condition are both relatively simple
Add an element sink of water is the most direct (Zou et al. 1997). For most natural slopes with
way to take this effect into calculation. The sink is complicated geometry, large error may be intro-
dependent on factors such as root distribution, mean duced in this way, as secondary stresses may have
root conductivity and soil type, and can be roughly been resulted from structural geological movements
assessed using a root distribution fimction (Zaradny and from other possible geoenvironmental influen-
1993). ces, and as a consequence, the stresses at a point can
To add a quasi-suction and to add an increase in not be determined simply by its position.
water conductivity are two indirect ways to simulate In analysing a reinforced natural slope, Mastui et
the phenomena based on the relationship between al. (1995) adopted a technique to assess initial
water conductivity and metric suction of unsaturated ground stresses. In the analysis, an original ground
soil. Both methods have the side effect that they do was assumed to be horizontal, then an excavation
not distinguish the direction of water flow, i.e. they analysis was taken to simulate an erosion process to
may result in an acceleration of water flow inward as form the existing natural slope.
well as upward. So under general conditions, the two This is a simple yet useful measure to get initial
methods should be used where only upward flows ground stresses provided that the so called original
exist. ground could be represented with rational geotech-

nical parameters. Unfortunately the authors failed in or pressure head through the unsaturated soils as the
giving clear information about what was the diffe- initial pore water pressure condition in a series of
rence between parameters of original ground soils transient seepage analyses due to rainfall. Spieren-
and those of existing natural slope. This issue has burg et al. (1992), in analysing slope stability during
not been able to be shed on lights yet, and, therefore, infiltration into a dike, assumed a linear negative
need for further investigations. initial pore water pressure head above phreatic sur-
In order to simulate the process of formation of face until a suction head had reached 1.0 my and
existing slope, excavation is usually mimicked by above this level, soil suction is assumed to be con-
cutting off elements from the top of the slope to its stant up to the top surface of the dike. Ng & Shi
bottom from initial ground element mesh, whereas (1998) conducted an analysis steady state seepage in
embanking is simulated by adding elements from the unsaturated soil slope under specific hydraulic head
bottom to the top of the slope from the initially boundary condition, and its pore water pressure
levelled ground mesh. Both ways are exposed to an result were then used as an initial condition in
unconditional use of the presently available para- subsequent transient seepage analyses. This seems
meters rather than parameters before or after a slope the most reasonable way to set up initial ground
has been formed. This is to say that soil parameters condition, like the indirect method in determining
remain unchanged in both stages of the simulating net or total stress of soils. In analysing the effects of
the formation of a slope and analysing the behaviour horizontal drain on the stability of unsaturated soil
of the existing slope. slopes, Cai et al. (1998) assumed an initial degree of
Another severe shortcoming to these methods for saturation distribution that was 61.7% at the crest of
simulation initial ground stress condition is that a slope and linearly increased to unity at the height
when the simulation is finished, some elements may of the initially assumed ground water table. This
be already failed before a stability analysis is taken, method is most feasible as the degree of saturation is
while the existing slope was supposed to preserve easy to assess and applicable in setting initial pore
static equilibrium according to the direct methods. water pressure based on the relationship between soil
Can stresses of the failed elements be simply set to moisture and suction. For shallow slopes, assump-
values that meet requirement of the static equi- tion of constant negative pore water pressure may
librium, as in the direct method? This is a key pro- not introduce severe errors, as it was demonstrated
blem that needs investigation. by Fourie et al. (1999).
It may be seen from above examples of setting
initial conditions to the seepage and stress analyses
4.2 Initialpore pressure distribution that the ways are quite diversified. This situation
Initial pore pressures include pore water pressures reveals the badly needs for making filed measure-
and pore air pressures. Their initial distribution has ment of initial state of slopes for stability analyses.
an unusual influence on the results of seepage ana- Only with comprehensive measurements and back
lysis and stress analysis. analysis techniques, can we improve the theory of
Pore air pressures are generally set to nullity where applying initial ground conditions for geotechnical
pore air is assumed to connect with atmosphere, numerical analyses.
which is widely accepted. However, at where the
pore air is enclosed from atmosphere, a determi-
nation of initial pore air pressure becomes a nece- 5 DEFINITIONS OF FACTOR OF SAFETY
ssity to numerical analysis. Such an issue may be
concerned in dealing with deeply seated organic By nature, finite element stress analyses do not link
unsaturated soils, in where gases may be generated directly their results to the value of factor of safety
in chemical andor biochemical processes. Waste for a slope. The factor of safety of a slope can be cal-
deposit slopes covered by a clay barrier is more culated by using the stress results from finite
likely the case. element analysis. There are many methods to calcu-
Pore water pressures have tremendous effects on late the factor of safety, but not all the methods are
soil strength of both saturated and unsaturated soils. suitable for use based on the stress results of finite
For the propose of analysing slope stability due to element analysis. A rational definition of factor of
rainfalls, an initial state of pore water pressure dis- safety should reflect the basic mechanism of slope
tribution must be linked with the permeability of un- stability, not be in conflict with basic rules in mathe-
saturated soils. matics and mechanics, and be easy to use in practice.
There have been several ways to prescribe the ini- Although there have been a number of ways to
tial pore water pressure condition. Yagi et al. (1985) define the factor of safety for finite element analysis,
considered a capillary rise h in determining the they are exposed to severe shortcomings. In this
seepage characteristic curve for initially unsaturated section, several main definitions of factor of safety
sand, and set the initial potential value to be a give are discussed, as to make it clear that how they can
value. Vargas et al. (1990) used a constant moisture be used in particular situations. For brevity, yet
preserving generality, the discussion is limited in In Equation (3) there is no illness as that in Equation
two dimensional cases. (2), but in practical use of this definition, another
Among the definitions of factor of safety in litera- numerical difficulty may be encountered. Infinity of
ture, the following one seems to be most popular local factor of safety can be resulted in at some
(Yamgami & Ueta 1988, Zou et al. 1994, Shi 1998, points or some areas in soil body where the shear
Farias & Naylor 1998). For the convenience in stresses happen to be zero.
choosing shear stress and compute the shear strength Another definition of local factor of safety is the
in practical calculation, Equation (2) is widely used inverse of the stress level (Matsui & San 1990)
in its difference form .

whereo, ando, are maximum and minimum princi-

i=l i=l pal stresses of at a point on the slip surface, respec-
tively, and f denotes the stress difference at failure
where is the line of slip surface, x and z are hori- condition according to Mohr-Coulomb's criterion.
zontal and vertical co-ordinates of a point on the slip One can also see from above that this method has
surface, respectively, zand zj . are the shear stress the same numerical problem as in Equation (4).
and shear strength at point (x,z), respectively where Furthermore, this definition of local factor of safety
Alli is a segment line in the slip surface, i denotes does not mean the real shear stress level on the slip
the number of segments in the slip surface and n is surface.
the total number of the segments (Fig. 2). Ge (1987) suggested a method called main-sliding
Although Equation (2) is widely used, it has an direction method, for calculating factor of safety. In
illness in physical meaning when used with non- this method, all forces are summed up in the main
circular slip surface. Both the sliding forces and sliding direction which is determined by the resul-
the potential resistant forcesq are summed up tant sliding force vector (Fig, 2), and the factor of
numerically rather than geometrically. To add the safety is given by
vectors by their numerical value without caring a-
bout their directions is in conflicting with mathema- n
tically and mechanical principles. As it can be seen Sinai +zli COSai)Ali
in Figure 2 there are differences among the direc-
tions of sliding and antisliding forces and between
their resultant vectors. So Equation (2) can be used Z<G,,~
sina, +zi COS~~>AZ~
\ I

free from illness only with circular and translational i=l

slip surfaces.
where a , i s the angle between direction of ith force
and the main-sliding direction ,o,.is normal stress.
This method is free from above illness, but it invo-
lves an equivocality about the role of normal stresses
in stability as they appear in both sides of sliding
and antisliding forces. The confusing feature pre-
Figure 2 Directions of sliding and antisliding forces vented the method from being widely recognised.
Recently, Wang et al. (in prep.) suggested a weigh-
In avoiding this illness, another way is to calculate ted method similar to that used in calculating the
the overall factor of safety through integration of factor of safety with respect to moment equilibrium
local factor of safety along the slip surface, i. e. in general limit equilibrium method (Fredlund &
Rahardjo 1993). The definition is given as


where FsLis the local factor of safety at print (x, z) in

the slip surface and is defined as
where w(x,z) is a weight function and is same for
both shear stress and shear strength and at point
Fa =--z P (x,z) along the entire slip surface. Other symbols are
(4) of same meanings as above. The weighted function
w(x,z) acts as the arm of force in limit equilibrium

method and can be determined by the distance from Shi, H.-T. 1998. Nonlinear finite element analyses of
a reference point to the point (x,z) along the entire stability of complex slopes. Thesis submitted to
slip surface. Tianjin University for the degree of Master of
For translational slip surface, the function is al- Engineering (in Chinese).
ways set to unity. For a circular slip surface it is the Spierenburg, S.E.J. et al. 1992. Slope stability during
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zil. Computers and geotechnics, 10(3):247-261.
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slopes. Submitted to the 8th international sympo-
Four salient aspects in numerical analyses of slope sium on landslides. 2000. Cardiff.
stability under rainfall condition are summarised and Wu, T.H. 1997. Slope stabilizaion. In Morgan &
analysed in this paper. The key issues that are now Rickson (eds), slope stabilization and erosion
not well established or generally overlooked at control: 221-264. E & FN SPON
present are discussed and emphasised on with regard Yagi, N. et al. 1985. Slope failure mechanism and
to further studies and applications. prediction method due to rainfall. In Proc. of the
Completely solving of these problems may take 5th international conference and workshop on
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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami& Jiang 0 1999Baikema, Rotterdam, iSBN 90 5809 079 5

Centrifuge model tests and stability analysis on mobilizing process of shear

strength of decomposed granite soil slope

S.Yoshit ake
Nihon Kensetsu Gijutsu Company Limited, Saga, Japan
Department of Civil Engineering, Saga Universify,Japan

ABSTRACT :Centrifuge model tests were performed on slope models made from
undisturbed and statically compacted decomposed granite soils with and
without rainfall to clarify its characteristics of slope failure. From
the tests, shallow sliding type of failure of undisturbed and compacted
granite soil are observed in the centrifuge model tests, independent of
the case with and without rainfall. It can be observed that the local
failure occures initially at the toe and gradually reach the top of the
slope and finally result in failure of the slope.
In order to explain such a failure state for decomposed granite soil
slope, a new stability analysis method is proposed. It considers the
variation of shear strength coefficients(c,,cbm) with the increase in
deformation under low confining pressure. A proposed slope stability
analysis can explain the failure pattern or failure occurrence phenomenon
of the decomposed granite soil slope very well.

1. INTRODUCTION tion of the strain or deformation

Natural and man-made slopes of is necessary than the critical
decomposed granite soil are stable equilibrium method in which the
under normal dry condition, but are strength mobilized along the slid-
sometimes unstable under wet condi- ing surface is assumed to be the
tion such as a rainy season. Most peak strength without considering
failures are shallow sliding the magnitude of the deformation.
failures of 1.0m to 2.0m depth. The shear strength is not constant
Such shallow failures is one of during the shear process, and
the characteristics of decomposed varies with the change in the mag-
granite soil slopes. Shallow slid- nitude of the deformation (Hayashi,
ing type of failure of the 1982, Onitsuka and Yoshitake, 1987,
decomposed granite soil slope was Yoshitake and Onitsuka, 1990).
observed in the centrifuge model Stability analysis is done with
tests with and without rainfall. consideration of the variation in
For the stability analysis of the the shear strength coefficient and
decomposed granite soil, therefore, its results are compared with the
it is necessary to consider the centrifugal experimental results.
shear and strength characteristics,
including the effect of soaking,
under low confining pressure. 2. SAMPLES AND TEST PROCEDURE
In addition, it is the general 2 . 1 Sample
pattern for the failure of the The samples used in this study
slope of decomposed granite soil were obtained from two sites in
that the failure occurs firstly at Saga prefecture. Sample A was
the toe of the slope, and progres- obtained by pressing a CBR mould
sively develops toward the upper with a cutting edge into the
part of the slope. In order to natural decomposed granite soil
explain such a failure state, an slope. Sample B was obtained by a
analytical method with considera- nail sampling method for the cen-

Table 1 Soil properties larger than that of the prototype.


Shear strength coefficients(c,, + m )
can be obtained from the relation-
ship between normal stress o and
shear stress ‘1:. The observed
changes in the values of shear
strength coefficients(c,, + m ) can be
used to describe the mobilizing
process of shear strength as a
function of shear displacement D .
Linear relationships are observed
for each particular shear displace-
trifuge model test. Properties of ment D . Thus, different values of
these samples are shown in Table 1. shear strength coefficients can be
obtained at every stage of shear
2.2 Direct shear test displacement, e.g. at the primary,
The consolidated constant normal
stress direct shear tests were failure and residual states.
carried out on both undisturbed and Fig.l(undisturbed specimens) shows
statically compacted soils. The the variations of shear strength
range of the normal stress is from coefficients with increase in shear
1.96 to 17.6(kN/m2) under low con- displacement for unsoaked and soak-
fining pressure and from 19.6 to ed conditions under both low and
294(kN/mZ) under moderate confining moderate confining pressures. For
pressure. Tests were carried out the undisturbed specimens, the co-
under unsoaked and soaked condition hesive component coefficients( c r n )
wi.th strain control(O.Eimm/min). increase to the peaks value at
(Onitsuka and Yoshitake, 1988). small shear displacement. After
that, it decreases gradually with
2.3 Centrifuge model tests increase in shear displacement and
Centrifuge model tests were gradually approaches a constant
performed on slope models of value. The frictional component co-
both undisturbed and compacted
unsaturated soils with and without
rainfall. The undisturbed soil
slope model were prepared with
various inclinations, a , after
setting the sample mass in the
container. In the case of the
compacted slope model, decomposed
granite soil was compacted from
five to seven equal layers of 2cm.
In the case of without rainfall,
the centrifugal force is gradually
increased till the failure of the
slope occurs. In the model test
under rainfall, the rainfall begins
after the centrifugal acceleration
become to 9O(G). Details of test
procedure have already been pre-
sented elsewhere(Y0shitake and
Onitsuka, 1992, 1994) The failure
patterns of the slope and its
seepage characteristics were inves-
tigated. In order to make the
slope failure and make clear the
failure state, the slope gradient
of the compacted slope is somewhat Fig.1 Influence of soaking on the variation of
shear strength coefficients

efficients ( b m ) increase gradually 4. CENTRIFUGE SLOPE MODEL TESTS
with shear displacement and gradua- 4.1 Slope Failure without Rainfall
lly becomes constant regardless of The centrifuge model tests were
the soil conditions. It can be con- conducted to investigate the
cluded that, therefore, the cohe- failure characteristics of the
sion component mobilizes maximally decomposed granite soil slope
at a small shear deformation, while without rainfall. For undisturbed
the friction component mobilizes decomposed granite soil slope,
maximally only at quite large shear sliding surfaces are not obserbed
deformation. In case of compacted clearly. The slope failure pattern
specimens(figure not shown), the was a slide at the top of the
cohesive component coefficient also slope. Shallow sliding type for all
increases to the peak value at kinds of slopes was observed in the
small shear displacement and re- centrifuge model tests. In case of
mains constant after taht. As shown the compacted slope model, a slid-
in Fig.1, the mobilizing process of ing surface can be clearly observed
shear strength coefficients is not by centrifugal tests. The sliding
affected by soaking. In addition, surface is close to a circular in
the decrease in shear strength due the shape as shown in Fig.3. The
to soaking depends mainly on the failure pattern in the compacted
decrease in cohesive component slope is similar to that occurred
coefficients. In particular, the in the undisturbed slope of the
degree of decrease in cohesive decomposed granite soil. That is,
component coefficients is great the sliding surface occurs in the
under low confining pressure. On shallow surface layer.
the other hand, the frictional com- In order to make clear the process
ponent coefficients are unaffected of the failure for the slope of
by soaking. the decomposed granite soil, the
Fig.2 shows the relationship be- photographs are continually taken
tween the degree of decrease in on compacted slope during the cen-
shear strength due to soaking (the trifugal model test. An example of
ratio of peak strength of soaked the failure process is shown in
specimen to that of unsoaked speci- Fig.4, in which the slope gradient
men) and confining pressures. The is 45" and the height is 14cm. The
degree of decrease is nearly con- failure process is observed as
stant under moderate pressure. follows: 1)settlement occurs in the
Under low confining pressure, it whole model slope and a little
becomes large, particularly, when movement forward is found in the
the confining pressure is less toe of the slope(centrifuga1 accel-
than about 20 ( k N / m 2 ) (Onitsuka and eration: 90G); 2)cracks oriented in
Yoshitake,l988). It is necessary to parallel to the slope occur in the
consider the degree of decrease in vicinity of the toe, and quite
shear strength, espesially under swelling occurs in middle of the
low confining pressure for the slope(94G); 3)cracks in both the
slope stability analysis of surface toe and top slope develop to the
failure. middle of the slope, and the slid-

Fig.2 Ratio of peak strength of soaked specimen

to that of unsoaked specimen Fig.3 Failure state of the slope(Compacted slope model,
without rainfall ,inclination of slope : 60' )

tial state(void ratio, water con-
tent) and the slope gradient on the
slope failure. As shown in Fig.5,
three types of failure states were
observed. The first type occurs as
a straight line from the top to the
middle of the slope in Fig.5 (a).
As shown in Fig.Fj(b) for the large
void ratio, the sliding surface is
in a little deeper position from
the toe to the top with a shape of
the circular. It is clear that the
effect of the initial viod ratio is
large on the failure state of the
slope. In the case of high rainfall
intention for a low gradient of a
slope as shown in Fig.5(c), the
decomposed granite soil in the
shallow layer runs of along the
slope, like a debris flow.


Relationships between shear stress
and shear displacement were ob-
tained from direct shear test. As
mentioned above, variation of shear
strength coefficients can be ex-
pressed in terms of shear displace-
ment. In the analysis using the
Fig.4 Process of slope failure finite element method, the stress-
(compacted slope, sample A) strain relationship is needed.
Hence, the concept of relative dis-
ing seems beginning in the shallow placement which is correspondent
layer of the slope(96G); 4)the with strain is newly introduced.
shallow surface layer in the slope For example, in the case of low
slides down and failure occurs(97G). confining pressures for undisturbed
Above observation makes clear that samples, the maximum cohesional
the failure process for the slope component is mobilized at shear
of decomposed granite soil develops displacement of 2.0mm. It is called
progressively in the following as maximum shear displacement,
order: firstly, deformation occurs D,,,, . The concept of relative
in the vicinity of the toe, then displacement was proposed based on
the deformation increases, finally the maximum shear displacement,
failure occurs in the shallow Dcmax , responsible for the relative
surface layer. displacement, D r e , is defined as
the ratio of shear displacement D
4.2 Slope Failure Under Rainfall to D c m a x , D r e = D / D c m a x .
The failure state of the slope for The analysis of decomposed granite
undisturbed decomposed granite soil soil slope was done by finite
under rainfall shows a straight element method considering the
line of the sliding surface from variation of the shear strength co-
the top to the middle of the slope. efficients with increase in rela-
This failure state i s almost the tive displacement. Nonlinear secant
same as that without rainfall. The modulus method was adopted in the
failure of the slope under rainfall stability analysis.
occurs before seepage develops for The following equation is used to
all slope models. judge whether the local failure
Next, centrifuge model test was occures.
performed on the slope model of the local safety factor F ~ ,
compacted decomposed granite soil
under rainfall. The purpose is to sinq5,*(a l t a 3 ) / 2 t c m * c o s 4 m
Fr. =
investigate the effects of the ini- ( 0 1- a3)/2

Type of slope failure state

The analysis is done considering

of the variation of the shear
strength coefficients with relative
shear displacement obtained from
direct shear test. The value of
deformation modulus 10000(kN/m2) and
poisson's ratio is 0.30. Fig.6
shows the variation of the shear
strength coefficients in approxi-
mately linearized form with respect
to the relative displacement. The
analysis results are shown in Fig.7
(a),(b). Fig.7(a) shows the distri-
bution of the deveioped relative
strain. Fig.7(b) shows the distri-
bution of local failure elements
with F ~ < 1 . 0 .The relative strain
develops from the initial stage in
the analysis, and a sliding surface
gradually develops from the toe of
the slope as shown in Fig.'l(a). Fig.6 Simplified shear strength coefficients
From Fig.7(b), it can be observed with relative displacement
that the local falure occurs at the
toe of the slope at the initial
stage. Finally, failure occurs when the same as those without rainfall.
the local failure elements reach The distribution of local failure
the top of the slope. This gradual elements under rainfall shows a
slope failure pattern is correspon- relative deeper position.
dent with the centrifuge model test Therefore, the stability analysis
results. which considers variation of shear
Next, in the case of undisturbed' strength coefficients, especially
decomposed granite soil slope model, under low confining pressure, can
the value of deformation modulus is explain the failure pattern of the
15000(kN/mZ) and poisson's ratio is decomposed granite soil slope very
0.28. The analysis results using well.
relative displacement are shown in
Fig.8(a)(without rainfall) and (b)
(under rainfall). From Fig.8(a),
the local failure elements develop The centriguge model tests were
initially at the toe and gradually performed on both undisturbed and
reach the top of the slope and statically compacted decomposed
finally result in failure of the granite soil with and without rain-
slope. In the undisturbed decom- fall to study slope failure charac-
teristics. The failure character-
posed granite soil slope, the local istics of the decomposed granite
failure elements develop in the soil slope were also simulated by a
relative shallow position comparing new stability analysis, which is a
to the slope of compacted decom- finite element method considering
posed granite soil. As shown in variation of shear strength coeffi-
Fig.8(b), the distribution and de- cients with the increase in rela-
veloped state of local failure tive displacement. The following
elements under rainfall are almost results are summarized.

1)For both undisturbed and com-
pacted decomposed granite soil,
the cohesional component mobi-
lizes maximally at the initial
stage during the shearing. On the
other hand, the frictinal compo-
nent gradually increases with in-
crease in the shear displacement
and become constant.
2)Shallow sliding type of failure
of the decomposed granite soil
slope was observed in the cen-
trifuge model tests with and
without rainfall.
3)The slope failure of decomposed
granite soil always occurs before
the all part of slope is soaked.
This indicates that the strength
obviously decreases in the sur-
face part of the slope(overburden
pressure is small) due to soaked.
4)A proposed slope stability analy-
sis, especially under low confin-
ing pressure, can explain the
failure characteristics of the
decomposed granite soil slope
very well.

REFERRENCES Fig. 7(a), (b) The distribution of the developed

l)Hayashi,S.(l982):A study of relative strain y R and the local failure
three-dimensional friction rule
of soils, Dr. Eng. Thesis, Kyushu
University.(in Japanese).
2)0nitsuka, k. and Yoshitake, S .
(1987):Consolidation on the var-
iation of strength parameters,
c , q~ with shear displacement,
Proc. of JSCE, Vo1.382, III-7,
pp.265-268(in Japanese).
3)0nitsuka, K. and Yoshitake, S .
(1988): Shear characteristics of
decomposed granite soil compress-
ible under low pressure, Proc.
J.S.C.E., V01.400, III-10, pp.141-
150(in Japanese).
4)Yoshitake, S . and Onitsuka, k .
(1990):Factor's influence strength
parameter behaviour of decomposed
granite soil, Residual soil in
Japan, pp. 105-110.
5)Yoshitake. S . and Onitsuka, K.
(1992):A study of slope failure
of decomposed granite soil due to
rainfal1,Report of the 26th Japan
Annual meeting on Soil Mechanics
and Foundation Engineering,JSSMFE.
pp.1873-1874(in Japanese)
6)Yoshitake, S and Onitsuka, K.
(1994):Stability of decomposed
granite soil slopes, Proc. Int.
Conf. Centrifuge 94, Singapore,
pp.599-604. Fig.8(a), (b) The distribution of the local failure

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Centrifuge tests on slope failure during water infiltration

H.G. B.Allersma
Deljt Universityof Technology,Netherlunds

ABSTRACT: A description is given of centrifuge tests for investigating the behaviour of slopes of embankments during
water infiltration. The stability of embankments during infiltration has to be known in order to predict the degree of
safety provided for the protection of land fiom flooding. Tests have been performed for investigating tlie failure
mechanism and for verifying assumptions of tlie mechanisms in calciilation tnetliods. Tlie phenomena are relatively
simple to simulate in a centrifuge and reproduction of the test was good possible. Fiirtliertiiore, the phenomena could be
made visible in detail and it was possible to manipulate the water table in tlie embankment.

1 INTRODUCTION tlie University of Delft are devoted to tlie behaviour of

embatiktiients for the protection of tlie land from floods.
Centrifuge research is a method with world wide 'I'he resistance of dikes to tlie infiltration of water are of
acceptance for investigating the behaviour of soil interest in the prediction of the degree of safety provided.
structures. A large variety of geotechnical problems can I n 1953, several dihes protecting tlie low lying areas of
be modelled by this technique (e.g. Kitnura et al. 1998). A tlie Netherlands against tlie sea were breached during a
powerful application is tlie validation of calculation heavy storm in combination with spring tides. It appeared
methods and tlie visualization of mechanisms. that for several dikes, damage was riot sustained in tlie
Furthermore, several geotechnical problems are currently first instance by the mechanical forces of tlie waves on the
not susceptible to any solution by mathematics, so that sea side, but, rather, on tlie land side. Tlie sea had reached
experimental research is the only possibility for gaining such a high level that it flowed over tlie top of tlie dikes as
insight into a particular geoteclinical phenomenon. I n a a result of tlie wave action. Tlie water infiltrated into the
centrifuge, even in a small model, it is possible to obtain a dike because tlie top of tlie dike arid the slope on the land
good ratio of shear stresses to cohesion. This side were not covered with a waterproof layer. Water flow
circumstance allows small scale tests to be performed on in tlie soil reduced tlie stability of tlie slope on the land
clay models. Furthermore, tlie stress dependent behaviour side, causing failure of tlie dike. Centrifuge tests have
of sand can be scaled correctly. It is usual to validate been performed to gain more insight into tlie mechanism
calculation mctliods by predicting ttie behaviour of real causing failure. Clay dikes that were made higher by sand
scale problems. However, in reality, tlie geometry is often were tested in a previous test prograin (Allersnia et al.,
rather complicated and tlie soil characterization contains 1994~).In a later test program niore attention was paid to
several uncertainties, so that tlie validation has to be homogeneous dikes of sand that were covered with a clay
carried out on a complex problem. In centrifuge models, layer.
however, a start can be made with simple configurations, I n a centrifuge model, tlie cohesion attributable to
and the soil parameters are under much tighter control, so capillary action exhibits tlie same ratio to the shear
that a better connection with the theory is obtained. stresses as pertains i n the prototype problem. Because tlie
Because tlie models can be reproduced accurately. capillary rise of tlie water is also in good correspondence
differences in behaviour arising from slight changes in the n i t h the prototype dimensions, tlie warer flou tliroiigh ttie
construction procedure can be made visible. For dike can be made visible by means of tracers and tlie
tnechanistn studies, a small centrifuge is preferred, mechanism of failure can be visualized.
because models can be built in a short time and several The aim of this test program was to investigate tlie
tests can be performed thanks to tlie low costs of mechanism leading to slope failure of pure sand dikes and
operation. Tlie applications of centrifuge research to slope sand profiles covered with clay, during water infiltration.
stability engineering in the Geotechnical Laboratory of

Fig.:! Test box with an air lift to simulate the effect of
wave overtopping.

Fig. 1 The University of Delft geotechnical centrifuge.

course of the tests could be analyzed in inore detail by
subtracting images of the tests taken at the end of
Furthermore, methods were tested that could improve tlie different time steps. Several devices have been developed
stability, and tlie effect of homogeneity was examined. in order to perform tests in flight (Allersma, 1994a). I n
When the mechanisms of failure are known, there is a this test program, a computer controlled water circulation
better possibility of designing methods that improve the system has been used to manipulate the course of the test.
stability. I n many cases, new methods can be tested
relatively simply i n a centrifuge model to investigate the
effect. Examples are the use of drains to improve the 2.2 In,jlight test equipmerit
stab i I i ty during in fi I trat ion.
Water is circulated by means of an air lift (Fig.2). I n this
technique, air is injected into water confined within a
2 TEST FACILITIES plastic tube. The advantage of this system is that the
water supply can be controlled very smoothly from zero
to the maximum flow and the device is very simple and
2.1 The cenlrijuge
cheap to build. The flow rate is detected by a small
The tests are performed in a small geotechnical centrifuge turbine, the rotational speed of which is converted to a
voltage via an optical sensor. A maximum flow of about
(Fig. 1). This device has been developed at the
10 I/min can been obtained at I OOg.
Ceotechnical Laboratory of the Faculty of Civil
Engineering of the University of Delft (Allersma, I994b).
The design goal was to obtain a device that is flexible and
cheap in operation. The centrifuge, which has a diameter
of 2.4 metres, contains two swinging platforms to carry
The tests were performed in plane boxes with transparent
the samples. With tlie present motor power, samples with
a weight of more than 3OON and a volume of 15x40~40 walls separated by 50 mm (Fig.2). The dimension of the
box was 360x400 min. The model of a dike was located
cm can be accelerated up to 150 times earth’s gravity. I n
most cases, the weight of the model containers is less than on a metal platform. The space left under the platform
200N, so that the tests can be conducted by one person. was used as a water reservoir. An air lift driven by
This makes the centrifuge very convenient i n use. An compressed air was used to circulate the water. The tests
advanced electronic system, containing a single-board were performed at XOg. At this gravity, dikes with a
1BM PC compatible computer (486 central processor, height of approximately 2 to 7 meters could be simulated
in the test box. The water was supplied at the top of the
66Mhz), is installed i n tlie spinning part of the centrifuge
for the purpose of controlling the tests. The computer can dike through a small box with holes. A filter at the
be accessed in a normal way via slip rings. A link with the bottom distributes the water evenly and prevents erosion
mechanical devices is made by means of an analogue to of the top layer through fast running water. I n reality,
during wave overtopping, the water infiltrates not only
digital converter with a 16 channel multiplexer, two
voltage controlled outputs of more than 5 amps each and into the crest, but also into the slope of the dike. It was
found, however, that the infiltration pattern did riot
two 16 bit counters.
change significantly if tlie water was supplied at tlie crest
A special feature is that several plienomena can be
measured by using the video images of the on-board only.
camera. Digital image processing is used to visualize and During centrifuge tests. a video camera was focused on
the model. Thanks to the transparent boundaries it was
digitize automatically the surface deformation of clay and
possible to watch the groundwater behaviour i n the soil.
sand sainples (Allersma, 199 I ) . I n this test program, the

Since the capillary rise is only a few inm at 80 g a
phreatic line could be created in the small model. The
water table in the sand layer was visible as a result of the
difference in contrast between wet and dry sand. The
stream lines are visualized by means of a tracer. The
tracer consists of grains of potassium permanganate,
which are inserted into the sand during preparation. As
soon as the groundwater flowed around the grains,
coloured stripes representing the streamlines of the water
flow became visible. Owing to the higher g level, the
pseudo cohesion induced by the capillary forces (36 cm
water at 1 g) could be ignored. On the other hand, the
flow rate of the pore water in the dune sand during tests
at 80 g was still low enough (maximum flow rate in the
test series was 0.01 6 m/s) to keep the Reynolds number
(the estimated max. value was 1.6) below the value
indicating turbulence (Goodings, 1984). If the flow can
be assumed to be steady state and laminar, the flow rate
of the water varies linearly with the acceleration of the
centrifuge. Additional tests have shown that Darcy's law
is valid at the acceleration level employed. The slopes are
made of dune sand, which is characterized by

Unit weight 16 kN/m3

Permeability 0.01 cm/s
DlO 0.1 m m
D50 0.2 iiim
Friction angle 36"

3.1 Dike qfpure sand

I n Fig.3, a number of test stages are presented where a

dike of pure sand is infiltrated by water. If a
homogeneous dike of sand with a critical slope is
infiltrated in the centrifuge, the failure of the dike started
in all cases near the toe owing to seepage-induced local
instability. The initial failure of a homogeneous dike
appeared to be a surface phenomenon. Even in the case of
a critical slope, the test did not show a Bishop like
shear band mechanism. The local instability proceeds
with increasing water flow, which results finally in a total
failure of the embankment. I n Fig.3c a slope with a
smaller angle is shown after failure. Also in this case
failure starts near the toe. 111 Fig.3d the stream lines are
made visible by a tracer. The seepage is clearly visible,
which explains the erosion of the sand. I n accordance
with the exception more water can be infiltrated if the
slope angle is smaller. It was found that the mechanism is
not significantly influenced by density and particle size.

3.2 Sand dike with clciy

In this case a dike is constructed with a sand body to

which a clay layer is applied to prevent erosion of the
Fig. 2 Different stages showi11g the bellaviour o f a dike of sand by wirld and rain. Usually grass is growing on the
pure sand during water infiltration. clay layer. Because the clay layer has relatively poor
contact with the subsoil. the clay becomes dry. This

drying process can cause small cracks in the clay layer. If
water runs over the slope, infiltration occurs via the
cracks. In Fig.4 a test is performed on a sand dike
covered with a clay layer. In this test the water is
infiltrated at the crest only. The stream lines are made
visible by a tracer. If the sand slope is covered with a clay
layer, the first visible sign of failure is the crack in the
clay layer (Fig.4~).The crack is caused by the fact that
the clay layer is lifted up, so that the friction between
clay and the sand slope is reduced strongly. A crack
appears as a result of tlie inherent weight. The moment of
uplift of the clay layer can be deduced from the curvature
of the visualized stream lines. It appeared that the
location of the crack in the clay layer was dependent on
the thickness of the layer. The larger ttie thickness of ttie
clay layer, the closer the crack comes to the crest of the
dike. This tendency is shown in Fig.4d. In practice tlie
crack is mostly located at the transition between slope
and crest.

Fig.5 Centrifuge tests to examine the effect of a drain at

the toe of the embankment.

The influence of a drain close to the toe of the dike is

tested in Fig.5. This is a typical demonstration of how
centrifuge modelling can be used to examine alternative
constructions. It should be pointed out that it is almost
impossible to make such a comparison in field tests. As
was expected more water was required to cause failure.
The stream lines show clearly that water is discharged via
the drain. The practicability of a drain as a solution is a
matter for debate. Dikes have to be reliable for hundreds
of years. whereas there can be no certainty of the drain
continuing to work well for such a long time. For the
same reason, the use of geotextile for dikes has not been
common to date.
Fig.4 Moment of cracking of a clay layer covering a sand
dike; the stream lines are visualized by means of a tracer.

deformation of the dike was measured by digital image
processing (Allersnia, 1996). For this purpose, labels
were placed at the slope of the dike. The labels are
monitored by a video camera mounted on a fixed point 30
metres distant. The deformation of the dike body could
be visiialized easily by subtracting two images. taken at
different time steps. A typical example is shown in Fig.7.
It can be seen that in the field tests almost tlie same
mechanism is visible as i n the centrifuge tests, i.e. failure
does not occur along deep shear bands. Rather, the clay
layer slides over the sand surface, so that a crack is
formed at the transition between slope and crest. After
that, the water infiltrates the sand body via the crack,
which causes a gradual erosion of the dike body.
I n practice, the water siipply by wave overtopping is
Fig. 6 Effect of a heterogeneity during infiltration given i n litres/s/ni. In the field test, about 1 litre/s/m was
supplied. I n the centrifuge tests the water infiltration at
failure varies between 0.1 and 0.3 I/s/m. There are no
accurate measurements available from practice. In the
design rules, the permitted quantities lie between 0.1 and
I n Fig.6, the effect of a heterogeneity i n the sand body is 10 I/s/m. depending on tlie protection of the slope. The
visualized. This test was performed as a response to data show that there is a realistic agreement between the
critical remarks that only liomogeneous sand bodies tests.
could be tested. The stream lines of the groundwater flow
are made visible by a tracer. It was found that a
heterogeneity can have a positive effect on the stability. 4 CONCLUSION

The small geoteclinical centrifuge was very convenient

for investigating the behaviour of slopes of embankments
during water infiltration. I11 a relatively short time a large
number of test conditions could be investigated, were the
costs are very reasonable.
The niotnent of failure of a sand slope during wave
overtopping is dependent on the degree of saturation and
the slope angle of the sand body. Critical slopes with an
angle of 36" show failure if the phreatic line has reached
the soil surface at a height of 1/3 of the slope. Non-
critical slopes can be completely saturated before failure
occurs. It appeared that the failure of sand slopes during
water infiltration is initiated by seepage-induced local
instability. This is i n contradiction to some theoretical
hypotheses, which assume that failure starts with a slip
circle mechanism, as is supposed in the failure
mechanism of Bishop. I n the centrifuge tests, the
F i g 7 Deforniation of a real eriibanknient during water
behaviour of a clay layer covering a sand slope could be
i nfi Itration. visualized. It appeared that tlie clay layer is lifted up by
the water pressure. Due to reduction of friction between
clay and sand the self weight of the clay causes tensile
cracks. Infiltration of the water into the cracks results in
progressive failure of the slope. A similar mechanism
The centrifuge tests could be compared with field tests. could be observed in a field test. This agreement is a
I n this test a real dike with a height of 6 metres was satisfying demonstration that centrifuge tests are a very
infiltrated by water. The construction of the dike was realistic simulation of practice.
comparable with a sand Fig.7 Deformation of a real dike
The centrifuge tests can be used to examine the effect
during water infiltration. of alternative constructions. A typical example is tlie
covered with a clay layer. The water was supplied over
visualization of the effect of a drain. Moreover, tlie effect
some length via holes i n a large tube at the crest of the
of a heterogeneity can be visualized, so that conclusions
dike. The water ran over the slope, so that some
can be drawn about tendencies in practise. It is believed
proportion infiltrated into the sand body. The surface

that a small centrifuge is valuable tool for testing new
ideas i n geotechnical engineering.


The research described is assisted by several graduate

students from different countries, they are: I.A.G.
Ligtenberg (the Netherlands), 0. Mareschal (Belgium).
Many thanks are expressed to the technicians of the
laboratory for their assistance in this project.


Allersma, H.G.B., 199 I : Using image processing in

centrifuge research. Proc. Int. Conf. Centrifuge9 1,
Boulder, Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 55 1-558.

Allersma, H.G.B., 1994a: Development of miniature

equipment for a sinall geotechnical centrifuge.
Transportation Research Record no. 1432, Inovation in
Instrumentation and Data Acquisition Systems, National
Academy Press, Washington, D.C.,pp. 99- 105.

Allersma, H.G.B., 1 9 9 4 ~ : The University of Delft

geotechnical centrifuge. Proc. Int. Conf. Centrifuge94,
Balkema, Rotterdaqpp.47-52.

Allersma, H.G.B., I.A.G. Ligtenberg, B.A.N. Koehorst,

1994d: Sirnulation of failure of dikes by water infiltration
by waves. Proc. Int. Conf. Centrifuge94, Balkema,
Rotterdam, pp. 289-294.

Allersma, H.G.B. 1996: Using digital image processing in

field measurement. Geotechnique 46(3), pp.561-563.

Goodings, D.J., 1984: Relationships for modelling water

effects i n geotechnical centrifuge models. Proc. Symp.
Application of Centrifuge Modelling to Geotechnical
Design, Manchester: 1-24.

Kimura, T., 0. Kusakabe, J.Takernura, 1994: Editors

Proceedings Centrifuge 98, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam.

sfabil‘fy EngineerW yagi, Yamagami & Jiang U 1999Balkema, Rofferdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Reinforcement’s effects in the tank-model prediction of slope failures due

to rainfalls

Masayoshi Shimizu
Faculiy o j Engineering, Tottori Universih;Jupurz

ABSTRACT: In 1983, heavy rains caused senous disasters including slope failures in San-in Regon, Japan.
Using undisturbed samples taken at a slope that failed, tnaxial and unconfined compression tests were conducted.
Results say that not only physically dscontinuous plane such as a crack but also non-uniformity of mineral
composition can form weak planes. It was verified that the rain in 1983 is the heaviest by Characterizing hourly
rainfall data from 1976 to 1997 in two ways: one is using R-T diagram and the other based on the tank model
method. One of conclusions is that, although reinforcement techmques adopted as countermeasures for disasters
in 1983 are effective up to present, the effectiveness would be verified by possible record-brealung rains.

1. INTRODUCTION t h s parameter St.

For two purposes of this paper, i.e. the examination
One purpose of this paper is concerned with of the effectiveness of reinforcement of slopes and the
mechanical view of slopes. It is crucial to assess assessment of mechanical properties of geomaterials
mechanical properties of geomaterials for examining of a slope, a failure that hlled 13 people at a site in
the mechanical stability of a slope. Geomaterials have Hamada City, Shlmane Prefecture, in 1983 is studied
to be tested in the undisturbed conditions. as a representative case.
In 1983, heavy rainfalls caused many serious disasters The first half of this paper describes geographical,
including slope failures in Shimane Prefecture, San-in geological and geotechnical conditions based on the
Regon, Japan. investigation and researches previously made by the
Slopes that failed in 1983 have been reinforced. The authors . Geotechcal researches include biaxial tests
main purpose of this paper is to examine the on undisturbed samples of the soil taken on the failure
effectiveness of the reinforcement. The reinforcement surface and uniaxial compression tests on specimens
would be effective unless reinforced slopes fail in a cored from rocks that have fell down the slope at the
rain heavier than or equal to the rain in 1983. Whether failure (Shimizu & Sugimoto, 1984b).
a rain is heavier than another rains or not has to be The second half discusses the characterization of
examined through the characterization of rains by an hins on the basis of analyses of hourly rainfall data
objective manner. observed at a meteorologcal station in Hamada City
The duration of raining T and the amount of the rain from 1976 to 1997.
R during T are important factors characterizing the
rain in relation to disasters due to rains. In this sense, a
rain can be characterized in the R-T diagram. 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE SLOPE
Another way of characterizing rains is utilizing a
tank model. The tank model was originally developed 2.1 Outline
as a method for predicting discharge in hydrology and Figure 1 shows the plan of the site where four slopes
it is used for that purpose. The tank model, however, failed on the 23rd July 1983. The biggest slope failure
was used to predict the occurrence of disasters such as occurred at 12:30. The debris attacked houses at the
slope failures due to rains by Michiue & Kojima foot of the slope and killed 13 people. The section of
(1981) and the effectiveness of the method has been the slope is shown in Figure 2 with geologcal
verified (Shimizu & Sugimoto, 1984a; Shimizu, 1988). information.
In the tank model method, a parameter, ‘storage The investigation of the site showed that the
height’ St, representing the height of the water in tanks thickness and volume of the sliding mass, which had
is used as an index with which the occurrence of fallen down, were about 20m and 15,000m3,
disasters is predicted. A rain can be characterized by respectively. The inclination of the slope’s surface was


3.1 Samples
Three kinds of samples were taken:
undisturbed block-samples of heavily weathered
and soft diorite, which were taken at the point
indicated by the mark 0 in Figure I ,
rock masses of rhyolite having fallen down in the
debris, and
Physical and mechanical properties of these samples
will be described separately in the following.

3.2 Weathered diorite rocks

Figure 1: Plan of the site. Some of the undisturbed samples were taken in the
way. that the author had employed for taking
undisturbed samples of weathered granite (Shimizu,
1983) and some with many cracks in the way
developed by Nishida and Aoyama (198 1). In the latter
way steel nails 15 cm in length were forced into the
ground so that they surround an area to be a block
sample. The rock of the ground was so soft that nails
could be forced into with hammer.
X-ray diffraction patterns were examined on two
fractions of one of undsturbed samples (Figure 3).
The sample A is a fraction of the white part that is
rather uniform in color and texture. The sample B is a
fraction of the part that appears relatively black.
Minerals common to both samples are quartz and
chlorite; the peak for feldspar is not high. The peaks of
28=8.8O and 17.6', observed only for the sample B
Figure 2: Section and geologCa1 Profile Of the 'lope reflect the existence of black mica and
w. montmorillonite, respectively.

over 30".
At the investigation on August 2, 1983, water was
flowing with a murmur from the point marked with X
in the figure. However on November 5 , no water flew.
From the measurement of the water table in bonngs
dug at four points in different height, the groundwater
surface was supposed to be as shown in the figure.
From these observations, we can assume that the levels
of groundwater's surface arose as well as its pressure
on the sliding surface to much higher level than those
before the failure, which led to the loss of the stability
of the slope.

2.2 Geological features of the slope

The slope comprises masses of crystalline schist,
rhyolite and diorite. All the masses are heavily
weathered with cracks in particular along faults. The Figure 3: X-ray diffraction patterns of the dioritic
thickness of the mass having fallen makes us suppose sample.
that the weathered mass had developed as thick as
more than 20m. The weathering has deteriorated Triaxial compression tests were conducted on
diorite rocks to be clayey soft-rocks and crystalline undisturbed samples. Specimens of cylindrical form, 5
schist and rhyolite rocks to be fissured. cm in diameter and 10 cm in height, were prepared by
the following way: at first sample blocks were frozen
with liquid nitrogen, and cylindrical specimens for
triaxial tests were cored by using a boring machine.

The coring bit of the machine is a special one designed 3.3 Rhyolite rocks
for coring weathered granite soft rocks (Shimizu, The blocks ot' rhyolite that we took in the debris
1990). deposit had Fallen from the upper part of the slope;
Each specimen was photogaphed both before and they had been separated by existing cracks. Each block
after the triaxial test (Figure 4). The comparison of
photos could help us to examine the effects of the tone
of color and the existence of cracks upon the
mechanical behavior in triaxial tests. The tone of color
seems to retlect the non-uniformity of mineral
composition as pointed out in the reference o f Figure

Figure 5 : Stress-strain Figure 6: Effective stress

relationships. paths.

itself appeared intact without clayey material although

they have flow texture.
Blocks were cored to be cylindrical specimens, 3 cm
Figure 4: An example of photos taken before (left) and in diameter and 7 cm in height, by using a boring
after the test (right) machine. The direction of the coring was varied so that
the direction of the flow texture, p, varies (See the
Tnaxial tests were conducted under the conditions of figure inserted in Figure 7). Unconfined compression
consolidation-undrained (CU) with measurement of tests were conducted on specimens that have different
pore pressure. Figures 5 and 6 show the effective values of p. Results are shown in Figure 7, in which
stress paths and stress-strain relationships, the unconfined compression strength qu and the secant
respectively. Young's modulus E, are plotted against the angle p. E,
We observe in these figures two distinctive types of was determined from the secant corresponding to qJ2.
behavior: one is strain-hardening but less rigid type for This fi,we shows that both qu and E, take relatively
specimens No. 3 , 3 and 5 ; the other is strain-softening low values for p higher than 65". The direction of
and relatively rigid type for specimens No. 1, 4 and 6. failure planes for all the specimens were also in this
The observation of photos showed that the strain-
hardening type is for specimens of which failures
occurred along preexisting cracks or plane parts of
black-color tone, and that the strain-softening type
corresponds to specimens in which failure planes were
neither coincident with preexisting cracks nor with
black-colored plane parts.
Different values of strength parameters, Cp' and c',
were determined between two different types:
and c'=58 kPa for No. 2, 3 and 5 ; and Cp'=39" and
c'=66 kPa for No. 1, 4 and 6. This difference in the
value for strength parameters, especially, for $', as
high as about loo, reflects not only the existence of
cracks but also the non-uniformity of mineral
composition. As a conclusion, physical discontinuity,
for example, due to cracks and non-uniformity of
mineral composition such as micaceous composition Figure 7: Unconfined compression strength qu and
form 'weak planes', which reduce inacroscopic shear secant Young's modulus Es versus the direction of
strength. flow texture p for rhyolite rock samples.

range of angle, which indicates that the direction of the According to meteorobY~warm O r stationay fronts
flow texture of rhyolite can be the mechanically weak and typhoons Cause h e a y rains in Japan. A rain would
direction. be characterized with the consideration of these
According to the Deere,s classification which meteorological causes. However, the detailed data on
is used to classify rocks from the relationships these causes other than records of rainfalls are not
between E, and qu, the data shown in Figure were available particularly for disasters several decades ago;
plotted in the lowest end for intact igneous rocks. records of rainfalls have been provided as fundamental
records for long years.


A usual way of characterizing a rain is to use the
In the district, as well as the main slope that failed to duration of raining and the amount of rain. A rain will
kill 13 people, indicated as @ in Figure 1, another continue for some duration of time and stop; after
slopes failed, too, or became unstable. In particular, stopping, it may rain again. Therefore, the duration
the slope in the west of the main slope, tension cracks and the amount depend on whether we include the
were observed. Countermeasures were adopted to duration ofthe stopping in that of the rain or not.
prevent further loss of human lives and estates of The definition of a rain depends on how to treat the
inhabitants in the district. time-duration, AT, during wtuch the raining was
As stated in the preceding section, the main slope- stopping. BY setting a value of AT, the raining with the
failure occurred due to the rising of the groundwater's intemption less than AT or equal can be defined as a
level and therefore its pressure. The most appropriate rain. Suppose that it rains for some time, stops for the
countermeaSure for possible failure in future was duration longer than AT and rains again; in this case
considered to keep them low even in heavy rains. For the raining is w w d e d to comprise WOrains.
this purpose, borings for drainage were dug at ten Analyses were made using data on hourly rainfalls,
different vertical levels, and 7 or 9 at a level. Total observed at a meteorological station, locating Hamada
number of borings reached 80. Usual level of CW, S h h a n e Prefecture, from 1976 to 1997. Figures
groundwater could be lowered by two to one meters. 8 (a) and (b) show the results, in which the
Boring tubes were fixed in retaining walls constructed relationships between the duration of raining, T, and
on the slope surface at those ten vertical levels. the amount of rain, R, during the duration T. The
In 1999, more than 15 years after the failure, a figure (a) corresponds to the case when and (b)
bamboo forest develops in the surrounding area AT=12 hours. Only rains of R more than 150mm are
outside the area where borings were dug, but no inside shown for clearness.
the area. Considering that the bamboo can grow only Figures 8 (a) and (b) show that the rain from July 22,
in wet conditions, the cowtemeasure is effective in 1983 was record-breaking in the examined range of
the sense that it could keep the groundwater level low. Years that Precede with regard to the amount R. If the
This c o u n t e m e a u e can be regarded as an indirectrain is counted as the same rain as that from July 20,
reinforcement for the main slope. the amount R will be more than 500 mm.
As for the slope in the west of the main slope, The a m u n t R of the rain recorded from July 15,
concrete frames were constructed on the surface to 1988 exceeded that of the rain of 1983. This rain
make the slope more stable. In 1999, a grove mainly of caused floods and broke banks along two rivers in
bamboo is growing so that the frames can not be Hamada City but did not cause serious slope failures
viewed. This direct type of reinforcement appears to other than river banks. By comparing figures (a) and
be also effective. (b), we see that it rained before and after this rain for
the time as long as about 10 days.
Another rain of July 7 or 8, 1997 caused disasters
5. CHARACTERIZATION OF RAINS due to slope failures in mountainous area. This year,
fortunately, disasters were rather insignificant so that
This section discusses whether the rainfall in July no one died.
1983, which caused serious disasters in San-in Region,
was really record-breaking or not, comparing with 5.2 Tank-m~delmethod
rainfalls that we experienced before and after that time. The tank n d e l used for analyses is the Same as that
It seems that the tern 'record-breaking' is too often used in previous studies (Figure 9; Shimizu, L9xx).
used without proof for rainfalls having caused Parameters 9i (i=1,2,3) represent the rate of
disasters. Whether a rain was record-breaking or not discharges; Pi (i=l,2,3) the rate of vertical percolation
has to be examined by defining or characterizing the or infiltration into ground; S, (i=1,2,3) the height of
rain in an objective or quantitative manner. Here two water or storage height in tanks; a, (i=l to 4) and bi
methods of characterizing rains are examined: one is (i=1,2,3) are coefficients to control the discharge and
based on the duration and amount of a rain and another Percolation; and L, (1'1 to 4) the height of outlets. For
on the concept of the storage height used in the tank-
model method.
Figure 9: The tank model used for analyses.

Figure 8: R-T diagrams for rains from 1976 to 1997.

our purposes, the total height of storage St(=SL+S2+S3)
is of importance. The intensity of rainfall r to be input
is hourly rainfall.

Table 1: Values of coefficients for the tank model. Figure 10: Variations of total storage height St with
Discharge Percolation Height of outlets time in selected years.
coefficients coefficients
1h o u r lhour mm
Whether slope failures occur or not depends on not
a l a2 a3 a4 bl b2 b3 L1 Lz L3 L4 only the level of St but also the duration in which the
.15 .10 .05 .01 .12 .05 .01 15 60 15 15
level continues. From this point of view, Figures 11 (a),
In Figure 10, the variation of S, with time is shown (b) and (c) were prepared. The proportion of the
duration in which S, exceeds a certain value X,
only for particularly selected years; the years in which
T(S0X) to the total time T (=a year) is plotted against
the high amount of a rain R was recorded were
to the value X. All the years from 1976 to 1997 were
selected (see Figure 8).
examined; for clearness three figures are provided for
In the previous studies, the critical storage height SIC
every several years. For the comparison, the data for
was determined to be 157mm in Hamada City
the year 1983 is shown in all the figures.
(Shimizu & Sugimoto, 1984a; Shimizu, 1988),. The
We can see in these figures that how much more
value was determined on the basis of the criterion that
heavily it rained in 1983 and in 1988 than in other
we could predict 85% of those slope-failures which
years. Comparing these two years, however, the rains
would fail due to the rain in which S, exceeds StG. In
this regard, the level of St=157mm is shown in the
in 1983 was heavier than those in 1988 because, for
example, the time proportion for which St exceeds
figure with a dotted line for each year. At a glance, this
150mm reaches 0.3% in 1983 and 0.15% in 1988.
level was reached in 1983 and 1988.

Rains in Hamada City, Shimane Prefecture, Japan,
from 1976 to 1997 were characterized in two ways.
One way is to use R-T diagram, where T is the
duration in which a rain continues and R is the total
amount of the rain during T. The other is to use a
parameter for the tank model, the total storage height
Through these two ways of characterizing rains, it
was verified that the heavy rains in 1983, which
caused serious disasters in San-in Region, Japan, was
record-breaking. After that year, in 1988, so heavy
rains attacked this regon that rivers' banks broke and
flood occurred, however tremendous disasters dld not
occurred in slopes other than river banks. Although the
rain of 1988 was really so heavy that the amount of
rain R was the highest in the examined years, the
duration in which St was higher than the critical value
was shorter comparing with the rain of 1983.
Slopes that failed or deteriorated due to the rain in
1983 were reinforced by direct or indirect techniques.
Up to present, 1999, the reinforced slopes have been
kept stable. Although the effectiveness of
reinforcement can not be denied, we have to continue
to observe their stability because we have not yet
experienced a rain heavier than the rain in 1983 in the
sense that S, in 1983 has not been exceeded.

The Author sincerely thanks Mr. T. Inoue, Engmeer of
Shimane Prefecture, and Mr. A. Tsumiya, Engineer of
WESCO, Co., Ltd. for their help in field investigation.
Mr. N.Sugmoto, Engmeer of Muramoto Kensetsu Co.
Ltd., former student of Tottori University, is also
acknowledged for his co-operation in conducting
laboratory tests and investigating the site.

Michiue, M. and Kojima, E. 1981. study of forecast
for occurrence of land slides due to heavy rain storm.
Reports of Faculty of Engineering, Tottori University,
12:167-178. (in Japanese)
Nishida, K. and Aoyama, C. 1990. Evaluation of
permeability of residual soil. Residual Soils in .Japan.
JSSMFE. 133-136
Shimizu, M. and Sugimoto, N.1984a. Application of a
method for predicting occurrence of slope failures
due to rain falls, Report of Faculty of Engineering,
Tottori University. 15: 130-140.
Figure 11: Characterization of rains from 1976 to Shimizu, M. and Sugimoto, N. 1984b. Strength
1997. T(SPX)/T vs. X characteristics of strongly weathered rocks taken at a
slope-failure site. Proc. of the 31st Annual
Conference of Civil Engineering. JSCE. 3:633-634.
6. CONCLUSIONS (in Japanese)
Shimizu, M. 1987. Weathering and strength behavior
Results of triaxial and unconfined compression tests of granite Soils. proc. Of8th Pun-American conf: on
on undisturbed samples of weathered diorite and sMrE3 2: 141-152.
rhyolite rocks showed that not physical but also Shimizu, M. 1988. Prediction of slope failures due to
mineralogical discontinuity weak planes to heavy rains using a tank model. Lundslides. Proc. of'
(he Fdth lnt. Symposium on Lundslides. Balkema.
deteriorate macroscopic shear strength. 77 1-776.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang k-' 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Investigation of danger rainfall prediction system for natural and cut slopes

H. Miki, A. Fujii & M. Furuta

Soil Mechanics Division, Public Works Research Institute, Ministry of Construction, Tsukubu, J n p n

ABSTRACZIt is difficult to predict both the quantity of rain that must fall for a cut and natural slope to collapse
under its effects and when the collapse will actually occur. This means that under present conditions, warning and
danger rainfall levels are established by referring to the relationship between past rainfall records and disasters in
the surrounding area to empirically set rainfall criteria for closing roads. In the past, the authors have conducted
studies based on a series of field monitoring results to determine wheather it is poscsible to quantitatively evaluate
stability and danger rainfall levels at specific slopes based on the rainfall permeation and the destabilization mechanism.
This paper proposes a survey and analysis system that can quantitatively evaluate the danger rainfall level of a
specified slope: a task formerly very difficult to perform to a degree adequate for practical use.

1 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY (1) Slope survey : The actual state of the slope is
surveyed in order to obtain the analysis model and
Because of the extreme difficulty in predicting the basic parameters necessary to perform a stability
quantity of rainfall that may cause the failure of a evaluation.
natural or cut slope and when such a collapse will The items surveyed are the shape of the slope,
occur, the establishment of rainfall levels to serve as seepage properties, and mechanical properties, and
standards for closing roads is now generally done these are tested by means of both in-situ experiments
based on experience with reference to the relationship

between past rainfall records and disaster records in r In-situsurvey -y- Soil testing 7 Monitoring
the region where the road is located. Rainfallgauge
The authors have drawn on a series of monitoring oil mdsturemeter
results to conduct a study to clarify to what extent it is Sampling Moisturecontent
ore pressuremete
n-situ seepagetesting testing
possible to quantitatively evaluate the rainfall that will
cause the failure of a specific slope (referred to Analysis precision improvement
hereinafter as the "danger rainfall") based on the
rainfall seepage and accompanying dmtabilization
mechanism. Purp0se:recreatethesite
This paper introduces a proposal for a survey and Resultconfirmationofthe usefulness
analysis system that can be used to perform the of theanalysis method

hitherto difficult feat of quantitatively evaluating the

danger rainfall of a specific slope and illustrates
typical examples of the application of the proposed


emage tlow analysis I
Stabilityanalysis I
DANGER RAINFALL PREDICTION METHOD Purpose:clar/ficationofthe Purpose:clarificationofthe degree
rainfallquantityqrior tothe failure of saturationprior to the failure
2.1 Overall Procedures Result failure at Xmm of Resultfailure at satur ationof X %
Figure 1 is a flow chart of the proposed a natural and
cut slope danger rainfall prediction method.
The basic overoil evaluation procem is divided into Figure 1 Slope dunger rainfall setting process
three stages.

and laboratory experiments using specimens obtained
at the site.
(2) Slope monitoring :This monitoring is performed
to clarify the rainfall seepage properties on the slope at
the site in order to obtain information needed to bring
the analysis model and parameters established
tentatively in stage (1) closer to actual conditions at the
It is vital to perform the monitoring using
appropriate methods in order to improve the precision
of the analysis because the data obtained through this
monitoring b information directly related to the figure 2 Example of a detailed topographical clwifiation
establishment of the parameters of the seepage model. topographical maps and records of past disasters.
The monitoring is performed by installing soil At the site, more detailed visual observations
moisture meters, pore pressure meters, water level focussed on the natural and cut slopes selected by the
indicators, and other monitoring instruments to above procedure are carried out to estimate the latent
measure changes continuously in water content, the danger of a failure of the slopes and the form of failure
water level, etc. likely to occur. Then traverse lines are established on
(3) Slope analysis and danger rainfall forecasting : the natural and cut slopes which are assumed to be at
Danger rainfall forecasting is performed through both the highest risk of failure in light of their geological
seepage flow analysis and stability analysis. and topographical nature, vegetation conditions,
Seepage flow analysis can be used to forecast disaster occurrence history, and spring water situation
changes in the degree of saturation of the interior of a and with reference to the same conditions on nearby
slope under the effects of rainfall of various intensities natural and cut slopes.
by developing a slope seepage model that represents (2) Internal slope exploration : After the traverse
the response and behavior of the actual slope related lines are determined, the geological structure of the
to rainfall seepage. interior of the slope is investigated using the following
Stability analysis can forecast the stability of a slope exploration methods.
under various seepage states by developing a slope a) Hand sounding staff(Figure 3) : A steel rod with a
stability mechanical model based on the relationship diameter of about 5mm that can be inserted into the
between the saturation and strength of the slope ground manually. It is a good method that provides
obtained based on laboratory soil experiments. test results in a few seconds for sites with the
By performing a failure simulation based on the weathered layer lem than lm. It has a small slit at the
results of the above two kinds of analysis, it is possible end that allows the user visually check the soil at the
to link the state of the rainfall to the degree of stability insertion depth after pulling it out. It is a method used
of the slope in order to set the danger rainfall at which to perform a simple survey in order to determine
the slope may fail. whether or not the weathered layer is deeper than lm.
2.2 Proposal of Practical Slope Survey Technology
Because the geological structures of natural and cut
slopes are very inhomogeneous, it is very difficult to
correctly verify their internal geological structures.
This research project was a study of the application of
various kinds of survey technologies in order to
ebzabliih survey methods that are simple and can be
used to obtain information with the maximam possible
practical precision.
The slope survey is divided into the following three
(1) Preliminary survey : The interpretation of
topographical maps and photographs completed
before entering the site focuses on topographical
classification and vegetation. The first step is the
classification of the slope into detailed topographical
features such as the valley top, knick line, and failed
ground(F4gure 2) in order to estimate the form of the
failure and at the same time prepare for a field survey
centered on those natural and cut slopes that are
assumed to be at high risk of failure while referring to Figure 3 Hand sounding 6 h f f Figure 4 Simple penetration test device

Figure 5 Example of a summary of the state of the the state of the interior of a slope

b) PWRI type simple penetration test(Figure 4) : A seepage properties. These are seepage testing, pF
rod with a diameter of 16mm and a cone on its tip is testing, etc. The specimens used are ones obtained by
equipped with detachable 5kg weight The weight is block sampling or other undisturbed specimen
dropped from a height of 50cm to push it into the collection method must be used. Because the results of
ground to investigate the penetration resistance of the these tests are seriously effected by disturbance of the
interior of ground. It can investigate the ground down specimens.
to a depth of about 3m, and because it can obtain c) Soil tests related to strength : These tests are
specific and continuous strength information in a performed to confirm the strength-related properties
relatively short time, it is an extremely useful method of the soil. The test items include box shear testing,
of investigating a natural and cut slope. triaxial compressive testing, and so on. A study of the
c) Physical exploration : Other new exploration failure mechanism of a natural and cut slope must
technologies developed to quickly obtain data account for the fact that it is almost impossible to
regarding the ground over a wide area include the account on the internal friction angle component of
underground radar method, electromagnetic wave the soil cover and that a major cause of failure is a
reflection method, and the specific resistance reduction in strength caused by soil moisture. For this
exploration method. Since it is difficult to convert data reason, the test must be done at a low confining
obtained by these methods into actual strength pressure of l.0kg/cm2 or less, and if possible, at a
constants, it is necessary to use them in conjunction confining pressure of 0.2kg/cm2. The box shear test
with a direct test such as the PWRI type simple method is recommended because it permits this to be
penetration test done with ease. These teshs should also be done using
An actual survey begins with a simple hand undisturbed specimens.
sounding staff survey followed by the use of more 2.3 Proposal of a Practical Slope Monitoring Method
detailed survey methods considered necessary in light
of the results of the simple survey. The data obtained The following precautions are observed in order to
is recorded on a single diagram to summarize the continuously metss changea in saturation inside a
interior condition of the slope(Figure5). slope and the deformation of the slope in order to
(3) Soil quality tesbs : Soil quality tests are obtain stable long-term data.
performed in order to confirm the properties of each a) Soil moisture meters (Tensiometers)(Figure6) : A
soil layer categorized using the exploration soil moisture meter is a device with a porous cup filled
technologies described above. with deaerated water on itS. tip (made of unglazed
The soil quality tests include in-situ tests done at the porcelain to allow a little water to pass through) that is
same time as the slope interior exploration and also equipped with a sensor to measure the suction
laboratory soil tests of specimens of soil taken from the (force that draws water) by sensing the force the
site. moisture adsorbs from the area where the cup presses
a) Soil testing related to basic properties of the soil tightly on the soil. The data obtained is represented by
specimens : The soil testing is done to confirm a the unit gkmH20 (pF value = log10(suction value)).
fundamental categorization of the soils. The tests If a model of soil moisture meter that can also
performed include wet density testing, dry density measure positive pressure is selected, it can be
testing, specific grain testing, moisture content testing, substituted for a pore pressure meter. Hut because a
and grain size analysis. These are the tests that can meter of this kind is not as sensitive as a pore premure
also be done to the disturbed specimens. meter, it is better to also install a separate pore
b) Soil testing related to seepage : Tests are pressure meter when it is necessary to obtain real-time
performed to confirm properties related to the soil's water p r m u r e fluctuation data.

46 1
A soil pressure meter is installed by drilling a is installed close to the other measurement locations to
vertical hole with a hand auger etc., inserting the measure the rainfall. The installation of inclinometers,
meter in the hole, and pouring in slurry so that the extensometers, and other instruments are useful to
cup adheres closely to the soil. This must all be done measure the deformation of a slope. But they are not
carefully to prevent any damage to the cup on the tip. necessarily required where the main object is to gain
Accurate evaluations can be performed by installing an understanding of the seepage properties of the
this meter at the end of the slope where rainwater is slope.
likely to collect or at a location where the weathered The data obtained using the aforementioned
layer is deeppigure 7). A data logger records data at monitoring techniques is summarized by plotting
intervals ranging from 15min. to lhr. In s l o p suscep them on a common time axis(Figure 9).
tible to severe dryness, the deaerated water inside
2.4 Analysis and Prediciion Method
these meters is exhausted and they stop working in
between one month and one week. As necessary, The results of the in-situ survey and monitoring
maintenance workers have to replace the deaerated described above are reflected in an analysis model and
water. Although not done in this case, it is possible to seepage flow and stability analyses are performed to
track the seepage of a slope in real time by installing predict the danger rainfall.
telephone lines to transmit the data to an office. The following sections present methods of reflecting
b) Pore pressure meterpigwe 8) : Pore pressure the various kinds of data obtained from the in-situ
meter measures the water pressure generated when a survey and monitoring in the analysis model.
water level appears in the soil and converts the a) Seepage flow analysis : Seepage flow analysis is
pressure to data. These meters can be installed any done to investigate the behavior of moisture that
locations where water level will certainly appear seepage a slope following a rainfall. The slope shape,
because this meter basically does not respond where a weathered layer depth, moisture properties curve, the
water level fails to appear. specific coefficient of permeability, coefficient of
The model of pore pressure meter selected must permeability, rainfall, etc. obtained from the site are
perform extremely precise measurements because it entered into the analysis program in order to find
will be installed to detect the failure of shallow layers. changes in the water content (degree of saturation) at
Pore pressure meters are installed in boring holes and, various points inside the ground.
as in the case of soil moisture meters, at locations As explained in Section 2.1, in order to increase
where rainfall collects easily. analysis precision, it is important to add the rainfall
As in the soil moisture meter case, the measure- data obtained by the rainfall gauge to the analysis
ments are done at short intervals of time so that the model and repeatedly perform analysis while making
process of seepage can be tracked closely. One good fine adjustments to the input parameters until the soil
feature of this type of meter is that it requires less moisture content output by the analysis model
maintenance than a soil moisture meter. conforms as closely as possible to the data from the
Because there are some slopes where a water level soil moisture meter that has been buried in the slope
does not appear, this meter is installed after in order that the analysis model closely resembles the
confirming to the greatest degree possible that a water actual slope.
level exists. b) Stability analysis : Stability analysis is performed
c) Miscellaneous instruments : Because the data to investigate the relationship between a slope's
obtained with soil moisture meters and pore pressure stability and the increase in the moisture content of
meters is closely related to the rainfall, a rainfall gauge the slope caused by rainwater seepage.

Figure 6 k%oil moisture meter Figure 7 Example of instrument installationlocations Figure 8 Pore preasure meter

Figure 9 Example of a aummarization of monitoring results
The slope 6hape that basically serves as the analysis tions that closely resemble the actual site can be
model is a stratification model consisting of the obtained by finely adjusting the parameters.
bedrock and weathered layer. The approximation method is to increase or
The calculation performed by the analysis model decrease the coefficient of permeability, pF curve,
treats the weathered layer and bedrock layer as an specific coefficient of permeability etc. to an extent that
infinite slope. The incline and weathered layer depth does not deviate sharply from the actual test values
of the slope may be entered as the maximum that were initially entered. And this definition is
inclination and the maximum depth of the slope. And performed by focussing on the decline and recovery of
the cohesiveness, internal friction angle, and wet the pF value and the delay between the rainfall and
density are obtained by using relationship with the the rise in the saturation.
saturation found from the results of the soil test and b) Stability analysis : Figure 12 presents the results
varying the saturation in 10% steps as it is entered. of providing the relationship between the saturation of
c) Overall evaluation : Because the stability analysis the slope obtained experimentally with c ,cl) ,y t to
clearly shows the state of the moisture (degree of
saturation) of a slope where the safety factor of the
slope is less than 1.0, the seepage analysis model is
used again to study what kind of rainfall conditions
must be provided for the corresponding saturation to
be achieved. Rainfall intensity between 5 and 30mdhr
may be consecutively applied because simple
consecutive rainfall more readily clarifies the failure


This section of the paper introduces a case where the

above danger rainfall establishment system was
applied to a natural and cut slope facing a national
highway in Yamanashi Prefecture.
Figure 10 shows the site layout The survey revealed Figure 10 site condition6 and seepage flow analysis no del
that it is a steep slope with an average gradient of
4Odegrees and that it6 top is almost completely covered
with thick deposits of collapsed soil and that bedrock
is exposed at its bottom.
a) Seepage flow analysis :Figure 10 also illustrates a
FEM mesh modeled basedon information obtained
from an insitu survey.
Figure 11 defines the soil moisture changes on the
slope obtained by monitoring and the soil moisture
changes in the slope model obtained by analysis by
superimposing the two results on a single axis. It
reveals that a model indicating soil moisture fluctua- Figure 11 Similarityof monitoring resdts and analytical results

calculate the safety factory by varying the saturation safety factor below 1.0. And at a rainfall intensity of
for the model of the site shown in the upper right part 5mm, the safety factor will stop declining at 1.3, a
of the figure. result of the fact that at this intensity, the rainfall
As the saturation rises, the safety factor against seepage and L\e drainage of moisture from the bottom
failure gradually declines until the safety factor falls of the slope are balanced, maintaining the saturation
below 1.0 at a saturation level of 80%. From this at a constant level.
graph, it can be concluded that the slope will fail at a In this case, it is possible to predict that when
saturation of 80% or more. rainfallof 20mdhr continues, the failure could occur
at the minimum cumulative rainfall level of 340mm
and at a rainfall intensity of S m d h r , the safety factor
stops declining at 1.3. This is because of the fact that at
this intensity, the rainfall seepage and the drainage of
moisture from the bottom of the slope are balanced,
maintaining the saturation at a constant level.
And results of the above study for a number of
other slopes indicate that this is a plausible result.


The proposed danger rainfall prediction system for

natural and cut slopes that feeds back rainfall seepage
monitoring results for analysis purposes can be used
to quantitatively predict the danger rainfall of a
specific slope.
Future research themes may include the
R g w e 12 Saturation and safety factor decline of the slope
development of simple soil survey methods to be used
c) Overall evaluation : The next step was the to accurately mess the strength properties of soil, the
introduction of a hypothetical rainfall to set the danger continued study of failure predicting based on the use
rainfall of the slope. of monitoring instruments, and research on ways to
Figure 13 shows a summary of the cumulative apply these to actual road management.
rainfall - safety factor (calculated from the degree of
saturation) relationship.
This shows that the cumulative rainfall that would
cause failure varies according to rainfall intensity. As
an overall trend, the higher the rainfall intensity, the
more rapid the rise in the degree of saturation and the
lower the cumulative rainfall required to reduce the

Figure 13 Cumulative rainfall - safety factor relationship

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Predicting rainfall-induced slope failures from moisture content measurement

M. Nishgaki, A.Tohari & M. Komatsu

Department of Environmental Design and Civil Engineering, Okayama Universio,Japan

ABSTRACT: This paper presents the results of a series of laboratory slope failure experiments conducted to
examine the effectiveness of monitoring moisture content to predict the occurrence of rainfall-induced slope
failure. Numerical seepage analyses were also conducted prior to the experiments to identify the hydraulic
response of the model slopes to the simulated rainfall. The changes in moisture content and pore-water
pressure were monitored during rainfall infiltration and at the initiation of failures. The experiments showed
that moisture content of soil slope increased to the saturated value at the time of failure. This indicated the
possibility in predicting the critical time of failure initiation by monitoring the change in moisture content.
Upon advantages of moisture sensing instruments over pore-pressure measuring instrument, therefore,
monitoring of moisture contents during rainfall is more effective and more reliable than that of pore
pressures to predict failure occurrences. The results of precise monitoring of moisture contents in the field to
predict the rainfall-induced slope failures are encouraging.

INTRODUCTION A series of small-scale experiments on rainfall-

induced slope failure were conducted to examine
Rainfall-induced slope failures are among the most the effectiveness of monitoring the changes in
dangerous and destructive natural hazards that moisture content to predict the occurrence of
affect humans and human works. Worldwide, rainfall-induced slope failures. This investigation
especially in the tropical slope areas during high forms part of a program of studies at Okayama
rainfall intensity, these mass movements have University into the development of method of
claimed untold numbers of casualties and millions predicting the occurrence of rainfall-induced slope
of dollars in property losses every year. failures.
Recently, there have been some attempts to find
the ways to predict rainfall-induced slope failures.
Sammori, et a1 (1996) investigated the effect of soil 2 SOIL PROPERTIES
thickness on slope failure initiation, and pointed out
the possibility of predicting the initiation of rainfall- Two different types of soil were used in the
induced slope failures by monitoring soil thickness experiments, namely river sand and residual
and physical soil properties. However, this approach granite soil. The properties of the soils determined
only applies to soil slopes with uniform thickness. by laboratory experiments are summarized in
Predicting the occurrence of slope failures may also Table 1.
involve monitoring the change in pore-water
pressures of the soil during rainfall. Nevertheless,
the present-day devices for measuring soil suction Table 1. Properties of soils used in experiments
still show some limitations, and require special care I Soil type I
D,, I
D,,JD,,, I Density of I K, I
and regular maintenance when used for a long-term (mm) particles, (cds)
measurement activity (Rahardjo et al. 1998). p, (gr/cm’>
Therefore, considering the practical limitations of River sand 0.175 7.14 2.69 0.064
the above-mentioned methods, the findings of an Residual 0.157 4.63 2.70 0.0072
effective and reliable monitoring method for granite soil
predicting failure time are of major importance to
mitigate loss of life and property.

Figure 1. Overview of experimental apparatuses

3 EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUSES induced in each of model slopes by simulating the

rainwater infiltration into the model slope. The
The basic apparatus consisted of a landslide tank in rainfall intensity was set at 100mm/h for all
which one-meter high model slopes could be experiments. The measurements focused on the
constructed, and brought to failure by the simulated changes in moisture content (0) and pore-water
rainwater infiltration. The geometry of the model pressure just prior to slope failure.
slopes was chosen not to confine the development Prior to each experiment, the process of
of failure surface and the occurrence of slope infiltration into the model slope was analyzed
failure. using a finite element method, UNSAF code
The model slopes were instrumented with pore- (Nishigaki, 1987). Each analysis used the initial
water pressure transducers (P1-P8) and moisture pore-water pressure in the slope as the initial
sensors (Amplitude Domain Reflectometry type: boundary conditions, and the respective SWC
ADR I-ADR4). The instruments were mounted in curves shown in Figure 2.
custom fitting at certain points on the vertical
section of the model slopes, and were connected to
a microcomputer-based data acquisition system as
illustrated in Figure 1. Each of the instruments was
logged at approximately 60 seconds intervals.


In the experiments, two homogenous model slopes

were constructed under the specific properties
summarized in Table 2. The changes in the initial
hydrologic condition, and the instability were

Table 2. Properties of experimental model slope

1 Exp. I Soil type I Slope I Average I Porosity I
No angle (") fl
1 Sandy soil 45 0.081 0.454 Figure 2. Soil-water characteristic curve of river
2 Residual 35 0.17 0.342 sand used in Case 1.
I granite soil I


5.1 Failure process

The results of transient seepage analyses
demonstrated the simulated rainwater infiltration
had introduced the developments of groundwater
level in the slopes and the formation of seepage face
near the toe of the slopes (Figures 3 and 4). As far
as the prediction of slope failure is concerned, the
development of seepage face can be indicative of
the generation of the instability of the slope.

Figure 5. Change in moisture content with time

during experiment 1.

5.2 Case I : moisture content at failure

Detailed moisture content measurement records for
all moisture sensors are shown in Figure 5. The
records showed two phases of significant increase
Figure 3. Level of groundwater at the time in moisture content. The first phase was associated
of failure in experiment 1. with the ingress of the wetting front by which the
soil reached about 50% degree of saturation. This
saturation condition lasted until the groundwater
Experimental evidences indicated that the level was developed in the slope. The increase in
development of seepage face at the area near the toe groundwater level had resulted in the next phase of
of the slope resulted initially in the generation of increase in moisture content and saturation.
tension cracks just above the saturated soil. In sandy Moisture sensor ADRl indicated that the moisture
soil slope (Case l), the tension cracks introduced content of the soil near the toe of the slope reached
instability to the whole portion of the slope. In the saturated value at failure. This clearly
contrast, in residual granite soil slope (Case 2), suggested that saturation of the toe of the slope
tension cracks only induced local instability on contributed to failure initiation.
saturated soil portion. Therefore, the experiments
have demonstrated the critical influences of seepage
face development on local and overall instability.

Figure 4. Level of groundwater at the time of Figure 6. Variation of pore-water pressure

failure in experiment 2. with time during experiment 1.

5.3 Case I : Pore-wuter pressure at f d u r e increase in groundwater level indicated by ADR3
Pore-water pressure records frorn all transducers are and ADR4 resulted in the next Occurrence of slope
shown in Figure 6. The advancing rainwater- failure.
wetting front resulted initially in sharply increased
pore-water pressures near the surface of the slope.
The pore pressures were then constant and finally
increased slowly again in response to the rise in
groundwater level. In contrast, pressure transducers
located near the bottom part of the slope (P5 and
P7) initially displayed no pore-water pressure
increase until the arrival of advancing groundwater-
wetting front, when there were sharp increases to
Transducers located near the slope surface (Pl-
P3) showed pore-pressure increases to positive
values prior to the occurrence of slope failure. This
gave the indication that the development of seepage
face was responsible for failure initiation.
Figure 8. Variation of pore-water pressure with
time during experiment 2.

5.5 Case 2: Pore-water pressure at failure

Pore-water pressure records are given in Figure 8.
Pressure transducers located at the bottom of the
slope (P5 and P7) indicated the appearance of
initial groundwater table.
The changes in pore-water pressure in response
to rainfall infiltration commenced with the
generation of significant increase in pore-water
pressures near the surface of the slope. Pore-water
pressures then increased slowly during the ingress
of wetting front and rise in groundwater level.
Then, seepage face developed in the area near the
slope toe as indicated by the development of
positive pore-water pressure at P1 and P2. Further
increase in groundwater level enlarged the seepage
Figure 7. Change in moisture content with time face area, which was believed to initiate two
during experiment 2. subsequent failures.

5.4 Cuse 2: Moisture content at fuilure 6 DISCUSSION

Variation of moisture content with time is presented
in Figure 7. Moisture sensor ADRl located 30 cm The experiments have demonstrated the possibility
above the base of the tank initially indicated the in predicting failure initiation by monitoring the
existence of a nearly saturated area. changes in either moisture Content or pore-water
Moisture content in the most parts of the soil pressure during rainwater infiltration. Precise
slope increased slowly throughout the experiment. monitoring of moisture contents and pore pressures
The first significant increase occurred in the near in relation to failure initiation consistently
indicated that moisture content of soil approached
slope surface area of the slope as displayed by
saturated value, while pore-water pressure reached
moisture sensor ADR2. This increase suggested the
zero value at failure initiation.
rise in groundwater level and development of
Instruments for the monitoring of negative pore
seepage face during which a slope failure initiated.
pressure (suction) have suffered from a number of
Moisture sensor ADR2 showed the soil failure
disadvantages. The present-day instruments are
involved nearly saturated soil slope. The next
restricted to measuring a very low suction, and

require special care and maintenance for long-term provide a higher possil$ity in predicting slope
monitoring program. In contrast, long-term failure occurrences during rainfall. The advantage
monitoring of moisture content has been possible by of moisture sensors for long-term measurement
the present-day moisture-sensing instruments. This would tend to recommend this predicting method
advantage of moisture sensing instrument over over other available method. Field experiments to
suction measuring instrument suggests that investigate further the application of this method
monitoring of moisture content during rainfall is are desirable.
more effective and more reliable to predict the
occurrence of slope failures compared with that of
pore pressure. However, in order to observe
properly the changes in soil moisture content, it is Abraham, L. W., T. S. Thomas, S. Sharma & G.
so preferable that soil is initially at low moisture M. Boyce 1995. Slope srability and
content. stabilization methods. New York: John Wiley
The general profile of variation of moisture and Son.
content with time due to rainwater infiltration, Fredlund, D.G & H. Rahardjo 1993. Soil
inferred from the experiments, as shown in Figure 9 mechanics for unsaturated soils. New York:
suggests two phases of significant increase in John Wiley and Son.
moisture content. Referring to this Figure, the Nishigaki, M 1987. Unsaturated seepage analysis
initiation of second increase in moisture content (UNSAF), Okayama University, Japan.
(Profile 11) may be used for early warning towards Rahardjo, H., E.C.Leong, G.M. Gasmo & S.K.
the occurrence of slope failure. Knowledge of the Tang 1998. Assessment of rainfall effect on
value of saturated moisture content of soil and the stability of residual soil slopes. Proc. 2"" Znt.
rate of moisture increases will assist one to estimate COT$Unsaturated Soils, Beijing, 2 7-30August
the critical time of failure. 1998: 280-285. International Academic
The experiments reported in this Paper indicated Publisher.
that the development of seepage faces at the slope Sammori, T., Y. Okur, H. Ochiai & H. Kitahara
surface were responsible for the initiation of slope 1996. Seepage process in sloping sand layers
failures. This clearly illustrates the importance of and mechanism of landslide-Effects of soil
precise monitoring of moisture contents in seepage thickness on landslide initiation by laboratory
face area to predict failure time. The use of and numerical experiments. Proc. 7"' Znt. Symp.
numerical analysis would help to determine the Landslides, Troizdlzeim, 17-2I Juni 1996:1351-
location where the seepage face will develop. 1356. Rotterdam: Balkema.
The conclusions drawn from this study are that van Genuchten, M. Th. 1989. A closed-form
direct monitoring of the change in moisture content equation for predicting the hydraulic
conductivity of unsaturated soils. Soil Sci. Am.
J. 44: 892-898.

Figure 9. General variation of pore-water

pressure and moisture content with time at failure
(under the effect of rainwater infiltration)

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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami L? Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Analytical study on the slope stability during rainfall and the rainfall indexes

East Japan Railway Company,Japan
T. Sugiyama & T. Nara
Railway Technical Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan
Kyushu Railway Company,Japan

ABSTRACT: In order to ensure a safe rail-transportation during rainfall in Japan, the operation control is
performed to limit a speed of train or to suspend a train operation, comparing the measurements of rainfall
with the assigned rainfall indexes. The combination of an hourly rainfall and an accumulative rainfall is
mainly applied for the operation control as the rainfall indexes at present. Aiming at clarifying scientifically
that these rainfall indexes can catch up the instability due to rainfall within the adequate timing, we performed
the analytical investigations for relationship between stability and rainfall indexes. By two different-
conceptual simulations, so as the saturated-unsaturated seepage analyses and the stability analyses of limit
equilibrium method, we obtained the time-dependent series of safety factors as stability. With comparing the
calculated safety factors and the rainfall indexes on a time-series, we succeeded to educe the characteristics of
the interested rainfall indexes for the instability at the patterned rainfalls.

1 INTRODUCTION using for engineering and practical fields.

Additionally, we also investigate the effectiveness of
Railways are obligated to ensure a safe and steady an antecedent rainfall, which is not reflected to the
transport as mass transport. The geotechnical and present operation control. We, herein, report the
meteorological conditions in Japan, however, tend to results of analytical investigations and the
induce collapses of embankments or cuttings even conclusion from these results.
along railways, during Typhoons or heavy rainy
In order to keep a safe transportation away from a 2 OBSERVATIONS OF PAST COLLAPSES DUE
disturbance of disasters due to rainfall, the TO RAINFALL
construction works for disaster prevention must be
done at the places judged as danger spots. At the The past cases that the collapses of embankments
same time, the operation control must be performed or cuttings occurred along the railways sites are
by the rainfall indexes or the detecting sensors classified by the types of the measured rainfall.
against collapses as countermeasures. Although the Herein we observe how the antecedent rainfall
occurrence of disasters becomes relatively would influence the collapse phenomenon.
decreasing by the effects of advancement of
disaster-prevention technology, more developing 2.1 Procedure of analysis
countermeasures for safe transportation becomes
necessary, because a speed-up and a high-frequency The used data are based on the actual collapse
of train are required by public. cases which caused at the embankments or cuttings
Rainfall indexes are applied for the operation along the railways after 1975 (Sugiyama et al.,
control during rainfall and the combination of an 1995). These include 67 cases of embankments and
hourly rainfall and an accumulative rainfall is widely 119 cases of cuttings. As amounts of rainfall, the
used as rainfall indexes for railway in Japan. On data of AMEDAS provided by Japan Meteorological
these background and requirement, we perform the Agency are used for all the cases.
analytical investigations to ensure the relationships For classification, we set four types of rainfall.
between stability of earth structures and rainfall The definition is follows;
indexes, aiming at clarifying it scientifically and * type I : no or less than 50mm as antecedent rainfall,

*typeI1 : the antecedent rainfall is more than 50mm antecedent rainfall and also to imply the influence
but less than the accumulative rainfall of the with disasters due to rainfall. One of these rainfall
collapse’s occurrence, indexes is an effective rainfall.
*type111-1 : the antecedent rainfall is more than the We investigate analytically the relation and
accumulative rainfall of the collapse’s consistency between the stability of rail-
occurrence, and the time interval between the embankments during rainfall and the rainfall indexes
antecedent rainfall and the following rainfall including an effective rainfall and practically used
is less than 24 hours, rainfalls. As the first step of procedures, we set the
*type111-2 : the antecedent rainfall is more than the embankment-model for numerical analysis with the
accumulative rainfall of the collapse’s data from actual sites of railway, and then, perform
occurrence, and the time interval is more than the saturated-unsaturated seepage analyses with the
24 hours, data of patterned rainfall. As the next step,
An antecedent rain means to have fallen within 10 embankment-models are remodeled with the
days before the collapse occurred. moisture distributions obtained by the former
analyses, and then perform the stability analyses with
assumed shear strength of soils.
2.2 Occurrence frequency of collapses for classified
The calculated rainfall indexes of the patterned
types rains are compared with the time-dependent series of
Failure of cuttings can be distinguished into two safety factors obtained as results of these two
types; one is shallow failure whose slip surface goes different-conceptual numerical analyses to educe the
through a relative shallow depth with a relatively characteristics of the rainfall indexes for stability at
linear shape, and the other is deep failure whose slip the each patterned rainfall.
surface goes relatively deeply with a rather circular
shape. The classification of the interested 186 past
3.1 Procedures of analyses
cases is shown in Figure 1.
The past cases of type I and I1 occupies about 80 96 For analyzing slope instability due to rainfall, an
of all for the both of embankments and cuttings, thus, infiltration of rain water into a ground or soil
it is figured out that the rest of 20% can be judged to material of earth structures is essential phenomenon
depend on the antecedent rainfall. This result to be in interest. Here, we apply the saturated-
implies that some past collapses should be analyzed unsaturated seepage analysis which can treat a
with the antecedent rainfall, and thus, represents the permeability of an unsaturated domain to get hold of
influence of antecedent rainfall noticeably. the distribution of soil moisture inside of slope.
The embankment-model for this seepage analysis
n u m b e r inside:occurrence of collapse
is set up with the profile data based on the standard
cross section for Shinkansen. For setting the soil
39 17 5 6 moisture property for this model, p F tests and
(67 data)
permeability tests are done with the samples taken
from railway sites. As the rainfall data, we adopt
cu ttingshallow 32 20 4 4 eight patterns of rainfall, of which total amounts are
all set to be 400mm.
cuttingdeep After the series of moisture are obtained, the
30 20 6 3
(59 data) stability of slope can be calculated at the selected
time-point by Janbu’s Simplified procedure of a
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
limit equilibrium method of slices.
Figure 1. Occurrence frequency of collapses. The embankment-models are remodeled at the
selected time-points by setting the layers for several
ranks of saturation degree to reflect the moisture
3 NUMERICAL ANALYSES FOR STABILITY distributions obtained at the former seepage analysis.
AND RAINFALL INDEXES The shear strength of soil generally tends to vary
depending on its moisture content. Using the data of
From the hereinabove results of the classification triaxial compression tests of unsaturated soil
for the 186 past cases, we can clarify that the 20 96 of samples, we assume the variation of cohesion of soil
these can be collapses influenced by antecedent due to saturation degree while the constant value of
rainfall. an internal friction angle. As results of a series of
Several studies and practical applications have stability analyses, we obtain the time-dependent
been attempted for setting the rainfall indexes which series of safety factors as stability. An hourly
have possibility to present the influence of an rainfall, an accumulative rainfall, a 24-hour’s

rainfall, and two effective rainfalls with 24 and 72
hours’ half-life periods are also calculated for the
adopted patterns of rainfall as the interested rainfall TZ = 0.69 - 1311 k,? (3)
where k is a coefficient of unsaturated permeability
3.2 Targets and conditions of analysis with an arbitrary water content, k, is a coefficient of
The target of this series of analyses is to reflect the saturated permeability, K, is specific coefficient of
moisture situation into the stability analyses for permeability, and n is a coefficient. These parameters
embankment models with a standard profile and for the approximate equation of (I),@), and (3) are
property along a railway under the patterned rainfall. obtained by the least squares methods using soil test
The analytical conditions are the follows. data, shown in Table 2.
(1)Profile of embankment-model (3) Rainfall data: patterned and measured rainfalls
The external form of embankment-models for The eight patterns of assumed rainfalls and the
both of the seepage analysis and the stability analysis practical rainfall are adopted as rain data for the
is referred to the Standard of Design for Shinkansen analyses.
(RTRI, 1992). The embankment-model is shaped as The variations of eight patterned rainfalls are set as;
* 40mm/h pulse (40mm/h X 10 hours) rainfall,
the only half profile of embankment because of
symmetry. The height of embankment is set to be 6.0 - 10mm/h pulse (10mm/h X 40 hours) rainfall,
meters , the gradient of embankment slope to be - 100mm/h pulse (100mm/h X 4 hours) rainfall,
* double pulses I (300mm+100mm) rainfall with
l(vertica1): 1.5(horizontal), the half width on crest to
be 5.35 meters. interval of 14 hours,
(2) Soil moisture property and permeability - double pulses I1 (100mm +300mm) rainfall with
The parameters of the soil moisture property and interval of 14 hours,
permeability for the seepage analysis are set on the * equal-double pulses (200mm+200mm) with
base of representative or average data from saturated interval of 14 hours,
permeability tests and pF tests. The samples for - increasing intensity (increased linearly form
these tests were taken from the railway sites of Omm/h to 30mm/h for 26.3hours) rainfall,
commercial lines or used for the past experiments of decreasing intensity(decreased linearly from
a slope failure. The parameters are shown in Table 1. 30mm/h to Omm/h for 26.3hours) rainfall.
Since the seepage analysis concerns not only The total amounts of patterned rains are all set to be
saturated domain but also unsaturated domain, the constant value of 400 mm, which has been obtained
soil moisture characteristics and the unsaturated as the maximum daily amount of rainfall with 70-
permeability should be defined before the analyses. years-probability in the district of Tohkai, Japan. The
For soil moisture characteristics, the $ ,,,-8 relation is rainfall intensities of patterned rain are set to be
defined by Brooks & Corey equation (Brooks et al., varied as 0 to 100 mm/h due to the variation of each
1966) as; patterned rainfall.
As a practical rainfall data for the analysis, it is
selected a series of rains measured in Shizuoka
Prefecture from August 15‘hto 31” , 1983, of which
maximum hourly rainfall is 62 mm/h and total
where 8 is a volumetric water content, 8 is a amount is 600 mm.
saturated volumetric water content, B is a minimum (4) Shear strengths of soil
volumetric water content, $ is a pressure head, $ c r For the stability analysis, we need to set shear
is a limit suction pressure head, and h is a strengths of soil material inside an embankment-
coefficient. The unsaturated permeability is defined model. Based on the moisture distribution obtained
using Irmay equation (Irmay, 1954) and Nishigaki the seepage analysis, several layers are set due to
assumption (Nishigaki, 1983) as; ranking of the saturation degree inside
embankment-model. Every rank holds the individual
property of moisture and water content on which the
Table 1. Parameters set from soil tests
Darameter value
coefficient of saturated permeability (k,J 3.6 X 10” cm/s Table 2. Parameters set for approximate equations
soil gravity (G,,) 2.65 Parameter value
void ratio (e) 0.698 Coefficient ( A dry ) :for drying process 0.35
dry unit weight ( P d) 1.30 g/cm3 Coefficient ( A wet ) :for wetting process 0.60
saturated volumetric water content ( 0 b) 0.41 1 limit suction pressure head ($ cr) -2.80 cm
minimum volumetric water content ( 0 0.180 Coefficient for Irmay’s Equation (n) 3.7

values of cohesion and wet unit weight of soil are
Using the existing data of triaxial compression
tests on unsaturated soil samples taken from the
actual railway sites, we assume the valuables of
cohesion of soil depending on saturation degree of
soil’s ranking. The internal friction angle of soil is
assumed to be constant of 30 degree, because the
relation between waterlmoisture content and this
value has not been clarified enough yet. The assumed
shear strengths of soil due to ranking of saturation
degree are listed in Table 3. (a) Patterned rainfall : 40mmh pulse rainfall

3.3 General concept of an eflective rainfall

The concept concerning to an effective rainfall has
been recognized on the base that a slip movement of
ground relates to a groundwater level rising due to
rainfall. The effective rainfall, which is used herein,
is defined by Suzuki et al.(Suzuki et al., 1981).
3.4 Results of analyses
(1) Patterned rainfalls
The analyses are carried out for all eight patterned
rainfalls. For representatives cases of patterned (b) Patterned rainfall : 10mmh pulse rainfall
rainfalls, the time-dependent changes of safety
factors are shown with rainfall indexes in Figure 2.
The rainfall indexes examined herein are an
accumulative rainfall, which is applied to
conventional railways, a 24-hour’s rainfall, which is
a rainfall cumulated for 24 hours before an arbitrary
time and applied to Shinkansen, and two effective
rainfalls with a halt-life period of 24 hours and 72
The followings are considerations against the four
representative patterned rainfalls for relations of
safety factor and rainfall indexes.
(a) Patterned rainfall :40mmlh pulse rainfall (c) Patterned rainfall : double-pulses rainfall
As the characteristics of this patterned rainfall, it
is found out that the safety factor takes a minimum
in nine hours after rainfall-stop. At the point of
timing of a peak value, only an accumulative rainfall
and a 24-hour’s rainfall are realized to keep enough
consistency with safety factors. An effective rainfall
tends to start to go down at the very time of rainfall-

Table 3 . Cohesion (c) of soil and saturation degree (S,)

rank of S, representative c (kPa) wet unit weight
value of S, (kN/m3)
100 % 100 % 1.961 16.10 (d) Patterned rainfall : decreasing intensity rainfall
100 - 90 %
80 - 90 %
95 %
85 %
hourly rainfall
effective rainfall ( M = 2 4 h )
-a c c u m u l a t i v e rainfall
- - - - 2 4 - h o u r ’ s rainfall
70 - 80 % 75 % 4.315 15.27 ... . . effective rainfall ( M = 7 2 h ) safety factor
60 - 70 % 65 % 5.394 14.94
Figure 2. Change of rainfall indexes and safety factor for
50 - 60 % 55 % 7.257 14.59
patterned rainfalls.

stop, while a safety factor not to start to increase at relatively long half-time periods, however, can be
that time. An effective rainfall, however, can follow recognized to be better than the others at the point
better than the others in regard to the recovering that their peak values occur during the second
tendency of a safety factor. pulse-rain when factor of safety has not begun to
(b) Patterned rainfall :10mmlh pulse rainfall recover yet.
At this pattern a safety factor tends to start to In addition, the tendency that the minimum factor
decrease at the very time of rainfall-start and to of safety occurs after rainfall ends is the common
recovery just after rainfall-stop. On the other hand, phenomenon for all other patterns of double-pulse
all examined rainfall indexes take their peaks at the rainfalls. Thus, when the rainfall similar to this
time of rainfall-stop, and those except an pattern would occur practically, all examined rainfall
accumulative rainfall tend to start to decrease after indexes have difficulty to satisfy to get hold of the
rainfall-stops. Thus, since the value of a safety factor appropriate timing of change of the instability.
does not recovery enough to reach at the beginning (d) Patterned rainfall :decreasing intensiy rainfall
value in twelve hours after rainfall-stops, there is not The characteristics shown for effective rainfalls
any difference to be recognized between the are distinctive, namely, the shorter a half-life period
examined rainfall indexes except an accumulative becomes, the earlier a peak amount of effective
rainfall which takes a zero value at that time. rainfall tends to appear.
(c) Patterned rainfall :double-pulses rainfall I The tendency of decreasing factor of safety seems
The accumulative rainfall becomes zero due to the relatively stronger at the immediate after rainfall
interval period of the over twelve hours without any starts, and then, because a intensity of rainfall
rainfall before the second pulse-rain of 100mm. For becomes linearly smaller, the ratio of decrease
both half-life periods to be set here, the effective becomes flatter and the factor of safety reaches at a
rainfalls take non zero values. Additionally, for 24- minimum three hours after a rainfall ends. Therefore,
hours’ half-life period the effective rainfall during the rainfall index which can hold the consistency of a
the first pulse-rain becomes bigger than one during factor of safety with their limits is only an
the second pulse-rain, while for 72-hours’ half-life accumulative rainfall not the other rainfall indexes.
period the effective rainfall during the second pulse- However, for the decreasing and recovering
rain becomes bigger than one during the first pulse- tendencies an accumulative rainfall has much
rain. difficulty to follow the safety factor.
The safety factor decreases gradually during the (2) Practical rainfall
first pulse-rain and the ratio of its decrease becomes Picking up the period including antecedent
slightly smaller during the interval after the first rainfalls enough to be concerned, a series of analyses
pulse-rain’s end. After the second pulse-rain starts, is carried out with the selected practical rainfall data.
the safety factor once indicates to recover, then starts Figure 3 shows the results of rainfall indexes and a
to decrease again at the time around the end of the safety factor. There is not seemed the significant
second pulse-rain, and eventually takes the differences between the examined rainfall indexes
minimum value when it spends more than twelve for this practical rainfall, concerning the decreasing
hours after rainfall completely ends. That is the tendency of safety factor and the timings when the
reason why all rainfall indexes can not catch up the peak and the minimum appear. The accumulative
timing to cause the minimum factor of safety. The rainfall has also difficulty to hold the recovering
24-hour’s rainfall and effective rainfalls with tendency of safety factor as recognized for

Figure 3. Changes of safety factors and rainfall indexes in the case of the practical rainfall.

Table 4. Consistency between a change of safety factor and rainfall indexes.
comparison with F, at a consistency of peak timings comparison with F, after
Patterned rainfall beginning of rainfall with F, niin rainfall-end
Rainfall index R R24 Rc24 Rc72 R24 Rc24 Rc72 R R24 Rc24 Rc72
40mm pulse o o o o ~ o x x x x A o
100mm pulse O O O O x x x x x x x n
10mm pulse O O O O O O O O x ~ n O
equaldoublepulse x 0 0 0 x x x x x X 0
double pulse I x O O O x x x x x x n O
double pulse I1 n O O O O A n n x x n O
increasing intensity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x x A 0
decreasing intensity 0 0 0 0 0 X x x x A 0 0
practical 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o x x a o
ovcrall A O O O n n n n x x n O
<regent> R: accumulative rainfall, Rc24:effective rainfall with 24-hours’ half-life period, RZ4:24-hours rainfall, F,: safety factor,
Rc72:effective rainfall with 72-hours’ half-life period, 0:relatively good consistency, A: rather consistency, X : no consistency
(difference of peak timings is less than 3 hr.(O), or more than 6 hr. (X), otherwise (A).)

the patterned rainfalls. The interested practical characteristics of an effective rainfall and an
rainfall includes the non-rainfall interval of 36 hours, accumulative rainfall, while it tends to recover
however, in case that the interval would be shorter, earlier than an effective rainfall and a safety factor.
the minimum factor of safety could be expected to
appear during the following rainfall, then an
accumulative rainfall might be not able to hold the 5 CONCLUSION
existing consistency with safety factor.
We succeed to educe the characteristics of the
examined rainfall indexes for the stability in the
4 COMPARISON O F RAINFALL INDEXES patterned rainfalls through the numerical analyses.
BASED ON STABILITY OF EMBANKMENT Shown in Table 4, the engineering judgements are
obtained, and then, an effective rainfall is recognized
We herein verify the consistency between the to hold the most consistency to stability. On the other
time-dependent change of safety factor and hand, resulting from our verification, even an
examined rainfall indexes for all patterned rainfalls. effective rainfall might miss at the timings to catch
For this verification, we aim at (1) the consistency up an instability, it is necessary to remark such points
between the decreasing tendency of safety factor and for applying to a practical operation.
the time-dependent change of rainfall amount at the
beginning of rainfall, (2) the consistency of timings
when a safety factor take a minimum and when the REFERENCES
peak of rainfall indexes appear, (3) the consistency
between the recovering tendency of safety factor and Brooks, R.H., and Corey A. T., 1966 Properties of porous
the decreasing tendency of rainfall indexes. This media affecting fluid flow, ASCE, IR(92), pp.61-88.
result for engineering judgement is listed in Table 4. Irmay, S. 1954 The determination of the hydraulic conductivity
From the general judgement in Table 4, an effective and diffusivity of unsaturated soils, Soil Science, ~01.113,
rainfall is realized to have the most consistency with 110.4,pp.264-276
the tendency for time-dependent change of safety Nishigaki, M., 1983 The considerations on permeability
factor. characteristics of soil moisture in saturated and unsaturated
Since an accumulative rainfall keeps a cumulative domains, Journal of Japan Society of Soil Mechanics,
value for 12 hours continually after rainfall ends, it vo1.23,no.3, pp.165-176 (in Japanese)
can catch up the timing of a minimum safety factor to Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI), 1992 Design
appear some hours after rainfall ends. However, standard and its explanation for railway structures - Earth
because it must be zero 12 hours after rainfall-end, it structures, Maruzen (in Japanese)
can not follow the recovery tendency of safety factor. Sugiyama, T., Okada, K., Muraishi, H., Noguchi, T., Samizo,
By the same reason, in case of a series of rainfalls M., 1995 Statistical rainfall risk estimating method for a
with any antecedent rainfalls and interval period of deep collapse of a cut slope. Soils and Foundations 35-4
more then 12 hours, an accumulative rainfall may be Suzuki, M., Kobashi, S., 1981 Correlation between the
caused to count as bigger value for the antecedent occurrence of collapse and the rainfall. Shi-Sabo 121 (in
rainfall than one for following rainfall even a safety Japanese)
factor becomes smaller than after antecedent rainfall.
A 24-hour’s rainfall seems to show the middle

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Evaluation of critical rainfall with logit model

T. Sugii & K.Yamada

Chubu University, Aichi, Kusugui, Jupun
Giju University, J q u n

ABSTRACT The critical rainfall that triggers slope failure has been evaluated based on the history of slopes,
disregarding the properties of the slope. In this paper, a statistical method of evaluating the critical rainfall
considering the properties of the slope is proposed. The strength of slope (the resistance potential) is evaluated
with a logit model. The results showed several significant characteristic factors that affect the slope stability.
The rainfall intensity and the effective rainfall corresponding to the resistance potential determined the rainfall
threshold. Management of the slope and traffic control could be controlled based on the LM (Logit Model)
line and the curves of rainfall intensity and effective rainfall.

1 INTRODUCTION cumulative rainfall and effective rainfall, as shown

in Fig.1.
In the past, decisions on critical rainfall have been
based on the history of the slope or data of the
neighboring area. However, critical rainfall should
consider the influence of many characteristic factors
of the slope such as the gradient of the slope, as well
as the permeability, cohesion and water retention
curve of the soil that affect slope stability. This paper
proposes a method of evaluating critical rainfall
considering properties of the slope with a logit
model. The logit model is a regression model
(Domencich et al., 1971). In the previous study, it
was clarified that river levee stability could be
evaluated with a logit model (Uno et al., 1991),
which could identify characteristic factors for levee
failure and express the probabilities of failure. It can
also incorporate qualitative factors, too. In this paper,
slope properties are evaluated as a function of
“resistance potential” obtained by calculation using
the logit model (Sugii et al., 1998). The critical Fig.1 Indexes of rainfall
rainfall to trigger slope failure is decided by the
resistance potential, the effective rainfall and the
rainfall intensity with a logit model again. The (1) Rainfall intensity (Hourly rainfall): R,
effective rainfall is an index expressing the Rainfall intensity R, is defined as the amount of
antecedent rainfall, and the modified cumulative rainfall in one hour. In this paper, it is the amount of
rainfall. rainfall from one hour to the next using
AMeDAS(Automated meteorological data
2 INDEX OF RAINFALL acquisition system, JMA).
(2) Cumulative rainfall: RA
There are three kinds of index used to indicate This is the amount of rainfall intensity from a certain
rainfall at present. They are rainfall intensity, time until the present time, and is defined as:

R , = C R I I= R I i+ R I , + * - * - . . + R I , (1) 1
P, =
where RI, is the rainfall intensity of the previous i 1 + exp(- z,)
hours (7)
(3) Effective rainfall R ,
When cumulative rainfall is used, the starting time where P, is the probability of slope failure, Z, is
of rain is an important issue Effective rainfall is a damage potential function and C are unknown
modification of cumulative rainfall considering the parameters estimated by the maximum likelihood
antecedent rainfall It is given by the half-life,T method R,, is the effective rainfall, and RI is the
rainfall intensity The dummy variable, C ,,,
however, is a constant that is affected by unknown
where factors
If P, is regarded as 0 5 , the critical line of R,\ and R,
a , = 0 5(l-') ' (3 1 is given by equation (8) Substituting equation (7)
T is dependent on the period of antecedent rainfall into (6) gives
If a, is equal to 1, R , corresponds to the cumulative
rainfall As a, approaches infinity, R,\ becomes equal
to the rainfall intensity The half-life is not defined at
present The data used for this study consists of cut
slope data for the last 10 years, therefore, T is set as If RI exceeds equation (8), it is supposed that slope
12 hours in this paper failure occurs. Thus, we can predict whether slope
failure will occur. When the probability of slope
3 CRITICAL RAINFALL DISREGARDING failure, P,, is greater than 0.5 (50%), it is judged that
THE SLOPE PROPERTIES slope failure will occur.
Fig.2 shows the critical line estimated by the logit
In the debris flow, the critical rainfall is evaluated model using 14 slope failures and 70 no-failures.
using rainfall intensity and effective rainfall. By using the logit model, the critical line can be
Rainfall intensity is concerned with the permeability decided objectively. But the critical rainfall is not
of the slope, effective rainfall done with strength of independent of many characteristic factors of the
its soils. Though the critical line for judging the slope. It is necessary to define the critical rainfall
rainfall that triggers slope failure is decided appropriate to the properties of slopes.
empirically, its line is estimated by following the
logit model in this paper.


Slopes are regarded as randomly selected samples.

For the n th slope, the damage potential fimction is
denoted by U,. If U, is greater than 0, the slope
collapses, but if it is less than 0, there is no collapse.
The function is defined by

U, = V, (deter min istic part) + E, (random part) (4)

where V, is expressed by the characteristic factor of
the slope, and F consists of unknown factors and
random errors in the data. The probability of
collapse, therefore, is
Fig2 Critical line by logit model
P, = Prob(U, > 0) = Prob(V, +E, > 0)
= h o b ( - E, < V,) (5)
where Prob(, . ,) is the probability that satisfies the STABILITY
conditions in the parentheses. When the Gumbel
distribution is applied to the random part, P, is In this section, the logit model is reformulated to
evaluate the properties of the slope. In order to

evaluate the stability of many slopes easily, the logit done “Upheaval types”. In the case of containing
model is used The probability of non-collapse category of unknown as in Table m , they are
concerning slope stability is given by classified into “Recognized water flowing and
1 seeping out (Recognized spring)” and “Others”. In
’sn 1 + exp(- v, the same way as these, categories are modified.
Modified categories are shown in Table JY.
Table V shows the coefficients of correlation
v, =B,] + P , X , , +P2Xn3 + . a * + BkXk (10) among the properties of the slope.
P,, is the probability of non-failure, V, is the The coefficient of correlation between classification
resistance potential, [3 is an unknown parameter stratum and weathering is the highest.
estimated by the maximum likelihood method and
X,, is a characteristic factor of the slope. The
probability of non-collapse, Psn, increases with the Number Number Failure
value of resistance potential, V, The larger V, is, the s of of proporno
more stable the slope is. stable failure n
This model of evaluating slope resistance is called as slopes slopes (%)
“Resistance potential model” in this paper. Mountain Upheaval 72 40 36
t\ pe
Hill 169 86 34
4.1 SELECTION OF CHARACTERISTIC Plateau Scdimentar 5 4 44
1 t’pe 4 1 20
Bench 46 3 6
Many possible characteristic slope variables are
shown in Table I.
TableIII Fail U re proportions (Spring)
Table I Characteristic slope variables
Chsrnctcristic rlopc variahlcs I Numher I Slope 1 Backgr I Arti1ic.i proportion

Unrecognized Others 0 1 100

Unhionm 190 85 31

Table IV Modified categories

L e n g h of slope x,,k=1 x,,=O
X,,,1 Topography Sedimentary type Uphea\.al

Xn3 Shape of slope

h pe
X,,,Utih/;ltion of upper Developed Uiidel eloped
x,,,Classificatron Sods Rocks
Where “ A ’ shows a qualitative variable and “B” I stratum
does a quantitative variable. The numbers of 1
x,,,Weathering 1 Fresh I Weathered
categories is 70. We selected thirteen characteristic Xn6 Degree of fissuring Existence Others
X,,- RecogniLed fault Recognized Others
slope variables as following description. Tables II X,, Recognized spring Recognized Others
and Ill show the failure proportions of each X,,, Slope protection protection except Others
I\ ork planting
category of topography and spring (the water

flowing out of the slope). Both of topography and x,,,,LengtIi of slope Unit (in)
spring are classified into two categories, respectively. 1 Degree of slope
X,,,? 1:11
In variables of topography, plateau, alluvial fan and I Width of berm
X,,,, Unit (111)
bench are defined as “Sedimentary type”, others

Table V Coefficients of correlation TableW Parameters for rainfall model

Effect rainfall
Rainfall intensity
Resistance potential of slope i,
Hit ratio 0.99 / Likelihood of inodel 0.93

intensity are positive variables that affect slope

failure. The parameter of resistance potential is
4.2 RESISTANCE POTENTIAL BY LOGIT negative. From analyses, the LM line is obtained as
RI - {0.0039R,\, - 0.66V, + 0.088> (12)
A resistance potential model is formulated using the 0.0573
selected variables in Table V . Parameters, fi k, where R,\, is the effective rainfall, R, is rainfall
estimated by the logit model are shown in Table VI. intensity, V, is resistance potential. The safety factor
of critical rainfall is determined by the probability of
slope failure, P, as in equation (8). In this case, P, is
------- regarded as 0.5, because it is considered that slope
Parameter t-value
failure will occur when P, exceeds 0.5 (50%).
Alternative specific dummy constant 0 4.28 3 76
Equation (12) is called as LM line in this paper.
Topography (sedimentary Qpe) 0I -1.74 2.20
Shape of slope (flat type) 2.10 1.89
Height of slope I BII I-0.06 1.93
Hit ratio 0.92 / Likelihood of model 0.67
The LM line shows the dangerous combination of
Other variable factors in Table VI are rejected by effective rainfall and rainfall intensity for a slope
with a certain resistance potential. The dangerous
the t-test. With parameters B ,), P ,, fi and /3 ,,, the
combination of R,\, and R, is decided by the
resistance potential of the slope, V,, can be evaluated. resistance potential, V,. The plane in Fig.3 shows the
The greater V, is, the greater the probability of non- relations among effective rainfall, rainfall intensity
failure, P,,, is. Therefore, the positive parameter, fi k, and resistance potential. When the relation between
affects slope stability, and the negative one fi effective rainfall and rainfall intensity exceeds this
affects instability. plane (LM lines), slope failure will occur.
V, = 4.28 - 1 . 7 4 ~ ,+, 2 . 1 0 -~0~. 0~ 6 ~ ~ ; (1 1)
It is clear that the value of V, indicates the relative
stability of the slope. Sedimentary type of
topography and height of slope are negative
parameters, causing slope instability. But a flat type
slope is a positive parameter, improving slope



We combine the resistance potential given by

equation (1 1) with the rainfall model by equation (7).
Rainfall data for the slope failure period were
obtained from AMeDAS. The logit model is
formulated with rainfall intensity, effective rainfall
and resistance potential as the variables of equation
(7). Estimated parameters are shown in Table W . Fig.3 Effective rainfall, rainfall intensity
The parameters of effective rainfall and rainfall and resistance potential

Since the two slopes are located near each other, the
same rainfall data are observed by AMeDAS. The
resistance potential of the failure slope (No.57) is
evaluated as 2.016, and that of the non-failure slope
(No.57) is 3.584. LM lines are calculated using
equations (13) and (14), respectively.
The LM lines of slope No.57 are given by
R =--- (0.0039R1\,- 2.2774) (13)
I 0.0573
The LM lines of slope N0.60 are given by
R , = -----(0.0039R, - 1.3306) (14)
Where R, is the effective rainfall and RI is rainfall
Fig.4 Decided LM line
Figs.5 (a) and (b) show the snake curves of rainfall
and two LM lines of equations (13) and (14),
LM lines are shown on the plane. Solid lines present respectively.
the same resistance potential lines. The figure shows In the case of No.57, the rainfall is always less than
that the greater the resistance potential is, the greater the LM line as in Fig. 5 (a), so slope No.57 does not
the effective rainfall and the rainfall intensity are. collapse. Since slope No.60 is not stable, the LM
If the resistance potential of the slope, V,, is line is shifted down to the left, therefore, the rainfall
evaluated as 2.0 by the resistance potential model in intensity exceeds the LM line. It is estimated that the
equation ( l l ) , the LM line is given by the slope failure in N0.60 occurs at the time exceeding
intersection of the plane of resistance potential equal the LM line. The exact time of slope failure in slope
to 2.0. This LM line is shown in Fig. 4, and is drawn N0.60 is not observed, but it is clear that the slope
in the horizontal plane with equal resistance failure can be predicted from Figs. 5(a) and 5(b).
potential. Therefore, it is easy to evaluate the critical According to this method, it is easy to manage the
rainfall by using the two indexes of effective rainfall slope against rainfall considering the strength of the
and rainfall intensity as shown in Fig. 4. slope. If the resistance potential (equation (1 1)) and
LM line (equation (12)) are obtained beforehand,
6 SLOPE STABILITY MANAGEMENT WITH and if the snake curve approaches the LM line using
CRITICAL RAINFALL s, and R,, slope failure can be predicted, and
countermeasures should be taken.
The case of slope stability management for rainfall
with equations (1 1) and (12) is presented in the next 7 CONCLUSIONS
example. Two slopes are selected in the neighboring
area and equations (11) and (12) are calculated. This paper presents a method to evaluate critical
However, the two slopes are not used in the rainfall with a logit model. The conclusions are
formulation of those equations. The properties of summarized as follows:
these slopes are shown in Table w1. (1) The characteristic factors for evaluating the
strength of the slope are identified from various
Table w1 ProDerties of selected slooes properties of the slope according to the logit model.
Num ofslope No 57 No 60 (2) It is clarified that the critical rainfall can be
Non-Failure Failure defined using the strength of the slope as well as
Topographr Sediinentap t>pe Sedinientap t>pe effective rainfall intensity.
x.7 ,=1 XA,, ,=1
(3) A method of predicting slope failure against
Shape of slope Flat t j pe Flat t> pe rainfall considering the stxength of the slope is
propose d.
xj7 2=1 X61, 3= 1
Height of slope xi, ,,=17 6(m) xhi\,,=43 7(m)
Resistance V,,=3.5 84 V6,=2.016
potential of slope
The authors thank Japan Highway Public
Corporation, and Mr. Y. Kato for his assistance

Report of Grant-in- Aid for Scientific Research
(No.07555446), 1997.
Japan Meteorological Agency: Rainfall intensity
data in Gifu and Nagano Regions, automated
meteorological data acquisition system (AMeDAS),
M. Suzuki: Prediction of slope failures by
monitoring rainfall (review) (in Japanese), Proc. of
Symposium on Forecast and Prediction of Landslide,
Japan Landslide Soc. and Soc. of Erosion Control
Eng., pp.31-42, 1991.
T. Uno, T. Sugii and M. Hayashi: Logit model for
river levee stability evaluation considering the flood
return period, Structural safety, Vol. 14, pp.81-102,
T. Uno, H. Morisugi and T. Sugii: Identifying
dangerous levee location, Proc. 9th Asian Conf.
Fig. 5 (a) LM line for slope No.57 and ISSMFE, pp.441-444, 1991.
the snake curve. T.A. Domencich and D.MacFadden: Urban Travel
Demand (A Behavioral Analysis), North-Holland,
Amsterdam, Ch.5, 1975.
H. Morisugi: Estimation and testing of disaggregate
behavioral modeling (in Japanese), in: the Research
Committee on Infrastructure Planning (Eds.), Theory
and Practice of Disaggregate Behavioral Modeling,
JSCE, pp.121-147, 1984.

Fig. 5(b) LM line for slope No,60 and

the snake curve.

contribution in collecting data and assisting

arrangement part of this work.


T. Sugii, K. yamada and T. Uno: Evaluation of

rainfall considering resistance of slope (in Japanese),
Porc. 53rd Annual Japan National Conf. on JSCE.,
pp.450-451, 1998.
T. Uno and T. Sugii: Evaluation of critical rainfall
considering characteristics of slope (in Japanese),

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang (c) 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Strategy for prevention of natural disaster due to slope failure

R. Kitamura & K.Yamamoto - Kagoshima University,Japan

T. 1170- Univer-sih)of Western Ontario, Ont., Canada
H.Abe - Cliubu Chishitsu I'ornpany Limited, Japan
H.Yakabe -Diva Con.s~rlta~it Cornpany Limited, Japan

ABSTRACT: In Kagoshima Prefecture a non-welded part of pyroclastic flow deposits, Shirasu in Japanese,
is widely distributed on the surface ground. The slopes composed of Shirasu and other volcanic products
often fail due to the heavy rain in the rainy season every year. The mechanism of slope failure is
qualitatively known, but can not quantitatively estimated at present. In this paper the strategy to establish the
prevention system for natural disaster due to slope failure caused by heavy rain is proposed based on the
combination of current field measured data with those obtained by the laboratory soil tests and the numerical
models. The field measurement apparatuses for the suction in soil and the amount of rain fall, the
unsaturated-saturated permeability testing apparatus and the numerical models to simulate the seepage
behavior of rain into unsaturated soil are firstly introduced. And then the method to qualitatively estimate
the risk of slope failure is explained where the measured data are processed and used to calculate the safety
factor of slope by means of the numerical models. Finally the synthetic system is proposed to apply for the
disaster prevention in Kagoshima Prefecture.

1 INTRODUCTION Our laboratory started to measure the suction and

In Kagoshima Prefecture, which is located in the rainfall in the field to investigate the seepage process
southern part of Kyushu Island, Japan, there are a lot in Kagoshima Prefecture (Kitamura et al., 1999a,
of volcanoes such as Mt. Sakurajima, Mt. Kirishima, 1999b). The data is filed at intervals of one hour
Mt. Kaimon etc. Consequently most of the surface for suction and ten minutes for rainfall in the data
ground is covered with various volcanic products. loggers, and acquired by the personal computer.
The non-welded part of pyroclastic flow deposits is This system can be remotely controlled through the
locally called Shirasu in Japanese that is classified cellular phone by the personal computer in the
into sandy soil and forms steep slopes. In the rainy laboratory. Figure 1 shows an example of obtained
season (June - September) the slope failures often data, which are processed to be the change in suction
occur due to heavy rainfall on such steep slopes. In and rainfall with time.
this paper the strategy to establish the strategy to
establish the prevention system for natural disaster 3 NUMERICAL. MODELS
due to slope failure caused by heavy rain is proposed A numerical model for seepage of water into soil
based on the combination of current field measured element was proposed based on the mechanical and
data with those obtained by the laboratory soil tests probabilistic consideration on the soil particle scale
and the numerical models. (Kitamura et al, 1998), where this model is called
the model for voids. The water void ratio, water
2 FIELD MEASUREMENT content, unsaturated-saturated permeability
It is qualitatively known that the slope failure due to coefficient, degree of saturation and suction can be
heavy rainfall is caused by the increase in water obtained by using this model. In model the grain
content which brings the increase in the self-weight size distribution curve is only needed to obtain the
of soil mass and the decrease in suction related to the above physical quantities. Figure 2 shows an
apparent cohesion in soil. But the seepage process example of moisture characteristic curves obtained
of rainwater into soil is not made clear quantitatively. by this model. A numerical model for seepage of

Fig. 1 Change in suction and rainfall with time in the field

water into ground was also proposed, in which the measurement of suction and rainfall, and the
calculus of finite differences was used (Fukuhara et numerical simulation. The in-situ test such as the
al., 1995). This model is called the seepage model. cone penetration test should be carried out to
Figure 3 shows an example of simulation result for identify the layer composition of slope. As the
the infiltration test where the contour lines of waterlaboratory tests, the permeability test, water retention
content are presented with time. A numerical test, and the shearing test should be done for
method to relate the suction to the apparent cohesion undisturbed sample. The permeability test and the
was proposed by Kitamura & Yamada (1997) based water retention test with the grain size analysis are
on the mechanical and probabilistic consideration on needed to prove the validity of model for voids.
the particle scale. Figure 4 shows an example of The shearing test such as the triaxial compression
the relation between the suction and apparent test and the direct shear test on unsaturated soil are
cohesion. This relation was applied to calculate the needed to prove the validity of numerical method to
safety factor of slope where the infinite slope relate the suction to apparent cohesion. The field
stability analysis is used. Figure 5 shows an measurement of suction and rainfall should be done
example of the relation between the safety factor and to prove the validity of numerical simulation of
apparent cohesion. seepage of rainwater into soil by the seepage model.
Once the numerical models and method are proved
4 LABORATORY SOIL TESTS to be valid, the rainfall data are only needed to
A permeability testing apparatus was tried to calculate the safety degree of slope. Figure 7
manufacture in our laboratory to prove the validity shows the procedure to achieve the proposed
of the numerical model for voids (Abe et al., 1999~). strategy.
Figure 6 shows the arrangement of this apparatus.
The air and water circuits can be controlled 6 CONCLUSIONS
independently. The moisture characteristic curves The strategy for the prevention of natural disaster
are simultaneously obtained from one specimen by due to slope failure is proposed in this paper. The
this apparatus. system to measure the suction and rainfall in the
field has been established and the data are filed
5 STRATEGY FOR PREVENTION OF NATURAL every day at several field measuring points. The
DISASTERDUE TO SLOPE FAILURE system for laboratory tests on saturated soil are also
The strategy is composed of three parts, which are established. The validity of numerical methods is
the in-situ and laboratory tests, the field now checked by the field measuring and laboratory

Fig. 2 Moisture characteristic curves

Fig. 3 Simulation result for infiltration test

Fig.6 Schematic arrangement of permeability testing apparatus

I 1 I
Sampling of soil from slope Numerica1

Disturbed sample
Undisturbed sample Permeability test & I
Water retention test Grain size analysis >
Numerical experiment
Shearing test on I

Numerical experiment
to obtain the relation No > Improvement of numerical
model and soil test
between suction and
apparent cohesion
I Numerical seepage model

In-situ infiltration test Numerical simulation

Improvement of of infiltration test
numerical method I
and shearing test Comparison

Improvement of
seepage model and
slope by surveying,
sounding and in-situ
in-situ test condition
cone penetration test
Numerical simulation
Measurement of
suction and rainfall

Improvement of
/ es No >. numerical simulation
Slope stability analysis
of infiltration

Safety factor Nn > Improvement of slope

stability analysis

test data. The in-situ test should also be developed
to promote the accuracy of identification of the
geological condition of slope in the near future.

This research was supported by the grant-in aid of

scientific research (B) (Project No. 09555153) of the
Ministry of Education.


S. Fukuhara, R. Kitamura and T. Muranaka (1995):

A numerical experiment by seepage model, Proc.
of 50th Annual Conf. of JSCE, Part IIIA, pp.182-
183, (in Japanese).
R. Kitamura and M. Yamada (1997): Slope stability
analysis for Shirasu taken account of cohesive
component, Proc. Sympo. on Geotechnical
Engineering for Prevention of Slope Failure due to
Heavy Rain and Earthquake, pp.77-80, (in
R. Kitamura, S. Fukuhara, K. Uemura, G. Kisanuki
and M. Seyama (1998): A numerical model for
seepage through unsaturated soil, Soils and
Foundations, Vo1.38, No.4, pp.261-265.
R. Kitamura, T. Iryo, H. Abe and H. Yakabe(l999a):
Field measurement of suction on Shirasu ground,
Proc. 1st Asian-Pacific Conference and Trade
Exhibition on Ground and Water Bioengineering
for Erosion Control and Slope Stabilization,(to be
R. Kitamura, H. Abe, T. Iryo, K. Jomoto, K.
Yamamoto and T. Terachi (1999b): Field
measurement of suction in soil and rainfall in
Kagoshima Prefecture, Proc. Int. Sympo. On
Slope Stability Engineering(IS-Shikoku'99), (to be
H. Abe, R. Kitamura, K. Jomoto, M. Seyama and H.
Shikata (1999~):Permeability and water retention
tests on unsaturated soil, Proc. 34th Japan
National Conf. on Geotechnical Engineering, (to
be appeared), (in Japanese).

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang (( 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Relationships between rainfalls and landslides after forest damages

by typhoons

S. Murata, H.Shibuya & K. Hayashi

Depurhnent of Civil EiizineeriiigVKLmiunioto Institute of Techiiologj! Jupun

ABSTRACT: Many severe disasters occurred by heavy rainfalls during rainy and typhoon season in Kyushu. We
investigated many disasters and rainfalls. As a result, we found the relationships between rainfalls and degrees of
disasters in Kyushu. Furthermore, big forest damages occurred by typhoons and bulky trees were blown down.
After the typhoons, many landslides occurred in the areas of forest damages and those landslides occurred by
weaker rainfalls than those which caused the former disasters. And most of landslides were overlapped with the
areas of forest damages. Therefore, these landslides were caused by the influence of the forest damages due to the
typhoons. These slopes and mountains in the areas of forest damages have changed to different situations and
strength of ground decreased severely after the typhoon.

1 INTRODUCTION rainfall in the late rainy season. This rainfall had a lot
We have had many sediment disasters, landslides and of antecedent precipitation before the disaster and this
debris flows, caused by rainfalls in Kyushu. Therefore, point is a distinguishing character of this rainfall. On
i t is needed to find a method of mitigation of disaster. the other hand, Figure 2 shows a example of heavy
It is widely known that there are some relations rainfall which had not antecedent precipitation1 before
between rainfalls and sediment disasters. However, the disaster and the heavy rainfall happened only on the
those relationships are not yet found exactly. At first, day of disaster. Since both rainfalls caused severe
we examined about those relationships using AMeDAS disasters, antecedent precipitation before the disaster is
data of the Meteorological Agency. And then, we not so important for the occurrence of the disaster.
discuss sediment disasters after typhoons. We had big We can easily realize that disasters occurred by the
typhoons in 1991 and 1993 and bulky trees were intensive rainfall within a short period of time.
suffered severe damages. Some damaged trees were
completely overturned from their roots and others were
bent like an arch and broken at the middle of their
trunks. At the same time, the ground was disturbed by
the overturned trees and the strength of ground were
decreased. Therefore, it was worried that landslides
would occur by rainfalls more easily than before the
typhoons. After the typhoons, many landslides
occurred by the weaker rainfalls than those which
caused the former disasters in the areas of forest
damages. These landslides show that the strength of
ground was extremely decreased. Those subjects were Figure 1 Hourly rainfall hyetograph observed at Aso
described in this paper. Otohime in Kumamoto, July, 1990

Most disasters occurred while the intensive rainfall

2 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN RAINFALLS AND continued for several hours and when the maximum
SEDIMENT DISASTERS hourly rainfall happened. Therefore, relationships
Typical examples of rainfall which caused severe between the hourly rainfalls and the amount of rainfalls
disasters in Kumamoto Prefecture are shown in before the disaster were already pursued by several
Figures 1 and 2. Figure 1 shows an example of heavy researchers. However, these relations are not complete

Figure 2 Hourly rainfall hyetograph observed at
Manotaniyama in Kumamoto, May, 1988

and have to be improved by the new data. Then we

pursued to find new relations about the hourly rainfalls
and the amount of rainfalls before the disaster. Data
used in this research are rainfalls of big disaster
occurred in Kyushu during the past 50 years and
rainfalls of rainy season in 1998 in Kumamoto
Prefecture. The rainfall of rainy season in 1998 gives
special data, because the total rainfall in one week was
more than 1,000 mm in several places. If this rainfall
was concentrated in one or two days, we could imagine
that sever disaster occurred in everywhere. However,
only small disasters occurred in several places in
Kumamoto, because the rainfall dispersed during one
week. So the rainfalls give the lower level of the
occurrence of the disaster.
As times of antecedent precipitation before the
maximum hourly rainfall, 3, 4, 5 , 6, 12 and 24 hours
are selected. And relationships between these
antecedent rainfalls and the maximum hourly rainfall
are plotted in Figures 3(a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (9.
become clear from these figures that 12 or 24 hours as
the antecedent precipitation are better to estimate a
degree of disaster. For example, if w e had a
antecedent precipitation of 12 or 24 hours, we could
estimate a degree of disaster for the next intensive


Typhoon No. 19 went through northern part of Kyushu
on September 27, 1991 as shown in Figure 4. The
typhoon brought very strong wind and its maximum
wind velocity was 60 m/sec. The typhoon caused big Figure 3 Relationship between antecedent
forest damages in wide areas in Kyushu Island Bulky precipitation and maximum hourly rainfall
trees were also blown down by the typhoon in Oguin
Town, Kumamoto Prefecture. Most blown-down trees
were Japanese cedars, which were planted artificially

Figure 4 Courses of Typhoon No. 19, 1991 and
No.13, 1993

and aged 30-40 years. Some damaged trees were

completely bend like an arch. The rest of them were
broken down a t the m i d d l e of their trunks o r
overturned form the roots. At the same time, the
ground was disturbed by the overturned trees and the
strength of the ground decreased.
After the typhoon, many landslides and debris flow
occurred in Oguni town and other places by the
rainfall. Especially, the severe disaster occurred in
Tsuetate village, a hot spring resort. This village is
located on narrow places in the village and surrounded
by steep slopes, 40m-50m high. People have often
suffered from damages by floods of the Tsuetate River
which flows through the center of the village. These
steep slopes were undamaged for a long time.
Therefore, people only worried about a flood at that
The rain which began from June 13 continued as a
typical rain in the rainy season and the accumulative
rainfall became about 200mm by the time of the
disaster as shown in Figure 5. The rainfall became
heavy from early morning and continued until the
afternoon. Many landslides occurred between 1O:OO
am and 12:OO am as shown in Photo 1. The first small
landslide and rockfall occurred around 9:OO am. Most
people evacuated t o s a f e t y places before the
occurrence of severe landslides. A big landslide
occurred at 11:lO am. And two people were killed by
the landslides. These landslides occurred during a day
time so that the occurrence of landslides and rockfall,
etc. were actually observed.


Figure 3 Relationship between antecedent THIS TIME AND JULY 1990
precipitation and maximum hourly rainfall Distinctive feature in this rainfall was that the
rainfall continued for six hours from 6:OO am. to 12:OO
am. However, this rainfall was not distinctive in
comparison with the former ones which caused severe

Figure 5 Hourly rainfall hyetograph observed at Tsuetate in Kumamoto, 1993

Figure 6 Hourly rainfall hyetograph of the day of

landslide at Tsuetate on June 18, 1993

Photo 1 Landslides of Tsuetate on June 18, 1993

Figure 7 Hourly rainfall hyetograph observed at

Tsuetate on July 2, 1990

Photo 2 Forest damages of Tsuetate due to typhoon

No.19. 1991

disaster. And landslides usually do not occur by this

magnitude of rainfall. The rainfall was investigated in
details to verify the cause of these landslides. Figure 6
shows the rainfall of the day when the disaster
occurred. The cumulative rainfall until the occurrence
of the first rockfall and landslide was about 100 mm
and the hourly rainfall was about 30 mm.
On the other hand, Figure 7 shows the rainfall on July
1990. There was no landslide in this area at that time, Figure 8 Relation between landslides and areas of
although the cumulative rainfall was 150 mm and the forest damages

hourly rainfall was about 45 mm. If the ground
situations of these slopes were the same as in 1990, the
landslides would not occur at 9:OO am. These slopes
and mountains suffered from the damages by blown-
down trees which caused by Typhoon No.19 (Photo
T h e areas of forest damages and the places of
landslides were illustrated together in Figure 8. Many
landslides were overlapped with the areas of forest
damages. Therefore, these slopes and mountains have
changed to different situations after the typhoon. And
these failures were caused by the influence of the forest
damages due to Typhoon No.19.


Typhoon No.13 went through the southern part of
Kyushu on September 3, 1993 as shown in Figure 4.
T h e typhoon caused severe forest damages in
Sakamoto Village, Kumamoto Prefecture. Bulky trees
were also blown down by the typhoon. Most blown-
down trees were Japanese cedars, which were planted
artificially and aged 30-40 years. Some damaged trees
were bent and others were completely overturned. The
rest of them were broken down at the middle of their
trunks. At the same time, the landslide occurred in
many places as shown in Photo 3. Figure 9 Hourly rainfall hyetograph observed at
These landslides occurred due to the rainfall carried Aburatani Dam on September 3, 1993
the typhoon. The rainfalls were timely measured by the
Aburatani Dam station located in the center of the clear that these landslides occurred by the influence of
forest damaged area. The hourly rainfalls on the day of blown-down trees caused by the typhoon.
typhoon are shown in Figure 9. However, this rainfall
was not so strong. There were stronger rainfalls on
August 1 and 18 before the typhoon. The ground was 6 ANOTHER LANDSLIDE IN SAKAMOTO
disturbed by the overturned trees and as a result the VILLAGE
A big landslide occurred in Sakamoto Village on July
strength of the ground decreased. Therefore, it is
15,1998 as shown in Photo 4. This area suffered from
forest damages by the Typhoon No.13, 5 years ago as
shown in Photo 5. The bulky blown-down trees and
some landslides are seen in the photo. The landslide
was overlapped completely with the area of forest
damage as shown in Figure 10.
The rainfall was measured by the rain recorder of
Highway Office station located at only 600m from the
failure place. There were a lot of rain from July 7 to 9
in this area, but it did not rain on the day when the
failure occurred as shown in Figure 14. Therefore, this
landslide did not occur directly due to the rainfall.
Thess slopes and mountains have changed to different
situations after the typhoon. And this landslide was
caused by the influence of the forest damages due to
Typhoon No.13.
Photo 3 Landslides of Sakamoto Village on After the failure, we found that a lot of water flowed
September 3, 1993 out from the middle of the slope as shown in Photo 8.

Conclusions are summarize as follow:
1. When w e m a k e a relationship between the
antecedent precipitations and the maximum hourly
rainfalls, as antecedent precipitation 12 or 24 hours
is better for estimation of the degree of disaster.
2. The ground was disturbed by the overturned trees
and the strength of the ground decreased by
typhoons. Slopes and mountains suffered from
forest damages areas have changed to different
situations after the typhoon. Therefore, the
landslides occur due to more small rainfall in those
areas, so we have to pay attention to weaker
Photo 5 Forest damages of Ayugaeri in Sakamoto rainfalls for several years in future.
Village due to Typhoon N0.13~1993 3. Rainfall permeated into the ground and reached the
non-permeable layer, then concentrated and flowed
in the permeable layer. After that, groundwater act
on a slope and the pore water pressure in the
weathered stratum went up, then the landslides
occurred. It is estimated that the groundwater may
gathered not only in the failure area but also in other

We obtained information regarding rain record, photo,
map etc., from Kumamoto Local Weather Station,
Oguni T o w n , S a k a m o t o T o w n , K u m a m o t o
Figure 10 Relation between landslide and areas of Prefecture, Kikuchigawa Branch in Ministry of
forest damages Construction, Japan Highway Public Corporation
and Kyushu Power Electric Co. Ltd. The authors
express their sincere acknowledgments with many

Murata, S. & Shibuya, H 1994. Failure of Sabo dams
and rockfall prevention walls caused by the heavy
rainfalls of Kumamoto in 1990and 1993, Int. Conf
Landslides Slope Stability and the Infra-Structure,
Malaysia, 257-263..
Aboshi, H. & Sokobiki, H. 1972. Failure of natural
slopes in Masa area, Conf 7”” Soil and Foundation
Engineering, 507-5 10.

Photo 6 Flow of groundwater from landslide surface

Rainfall permeated into the ground and reached non-

permeable layers, and then concentrated and flowed in
the permeable layers. This groundwater acted of the
slope from behind and the pore water pressure in the
weathered stratum went up, then the failure occurred.
It is estimated that the groundwater gathered not only
in the failure area but also in other areas.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Threshold rainfall for Beragala landslide in Sri Lanka

A. K. Dissanayake & Y. Sasaki

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hiroshima University,Japan
N.H. Seneviratne
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

ABSTRACT: Particularly during the monsoonal rainy seasons, landslides occur very frequently in the central
highlands of Sri Lanka causing numerous problems. In order to study the appropriate instrumentation in
understanding the mechanism of rain induced landslides, a research study was undertaken to monitor the
Beragala landslide, which is particularly significant because of the possible disruption it causes to the national
transportation system in the southern part of the central highland. This paper describes the results of the field
monitoring carried out at this landslide and the stability analysis with respect to the variation of ground water
levels. Both the piezometric levels and surface movement observations showed that the one-week cumulative
rainfall causes the instability of the landslide at Beragala. The threshold value of the one-week cumulative
rainfall at which the landslide becomes unstable was estimated to be 310mm. Outcome of the results showed
that the selection of appropriate monitoring techniques are indispensable in understanding the mechanism of
landslides and thereby to provide both economical remedial measures and warning systems to mitigate the
sliding induced disasters.

1. INTRODUCTION experiences 3000 to 2000mm annual rainfalls, which

covers the entire hill country. Almost all the
Because of the great damage that landslides cause to landslides occur within these two climatic zones in
the forest growth, farmlands, communication the central highlands due to the heavy precipitation.
systems, engineering constructions, infrastructure, Beragala landslide area belongs to Badulla district
such as supply systems, roads, railway lines, etc. and in the central highlands of Sri Lanka, which is in the
buildings, they are attracting increasing attention in intermediate climatic zone. The landslide is situated on
many countries in the world (Ng., et al., 1998 and the southern slope of Ohiya-Idalgashinna-Haputala
Bhandari, et al., 1994), and have become a serious ridge at an elevation of about 1200m above mean sea
economic problem. In Sri Lanka, many landslides level (MSL). This landslide is on a scarp slope and its
occur in residual terrain of the central highlands, location is shown in Fig.1.
particularly during rainy seasons, which present
difficulties in understanding the behavior and
mechanism due to the inherent heterogeneity of the
soil involved. The central highlands of Sri Lanka
starts from an elevation of about 270 m above Mean
Sea Level (MSL) and nearly 22% of the land area is
covered with hilly or mountainous terrain, embracing
well over one million hectares, spread over seven
districts. Predominantly, Precambrian crystalline
rocks underlie ninety percent of the Sri Lankan land
area, including the entire hill country. (Cooray,
1994). According to the annual precipitation
experienced, Sri Lanka has been divided into three
climatic zones. The Wet Zone that covers nearly one
third of the area of central highlands and
southwestern sector of the island receives above
3000mm annual rainfall, The Intermediate Zone
Fig. 1 Location of Beragala landslide

This slide is of major national significance as the geotechnical investigations were done at Beragala
sliding area encompasses two major motor ways A4 landslide area under Second Road Improvement
and A16, which connect the capital, Colombo, with Project. Following the consultant's report, the Road
outstation cities of Wellawaya and Haputale Development Authority of Sri Lanka has undertaken
respectively. Beragala landslide crosses Beragala-Hali the stage 1 of the remedial work in 1992, focusing
Ela (A16) road just after the 1st kilometer post from mainly on improving the drainage of the area. This
Beragala junction. work consisted of constructing a 500m long surface
diversion drain which has been built using 0.9m
diameter hume pipes and a 4m deep trench drain of
length 50m by the side of the road A16. These drains
had been designed to collect the surface water from
the area above the road and to discharge them safely
into a stream far away from the slide. In addition, three
horizontal underground drains have been constructed
across the road A16 to relieve the artesian pressure in
the area.
At the time when this project began in July 1995,
several cracks at the joints of hume pipes of the
surface diversion drain, which was spanning across the
Fig. 2 Cross section of Beragala landslide showing the sliding area, were visible and water stagnant could
soil profile and borehole locations also be seen at places along this diversion drain caused
by sinking of hume pipes. Some catch pits in the
sliding region have been damaged due to ground
Soil Description Y C' subsidence. Water was leaking from several places
layer kN/m3 Deg. KN/m' along the surface drain and it was obvious that this
1 Bed rock 21.0 45.0 0 drainage system has been badly maintained since after
2 Weathered rock 20.5 40.0 0 the construction. Nevertheless, the water coming out
3 Dense top soil 19.0 27.5 1 10 of the horizontal drains, which relieve the artesian
4 Colluvium 20.0 27.5 I 20 pressure of the slide above the road A16, has been
I 5 1 Soil mixture I 18.5 1 25.0 1 10 1 discharged on to the lower part of the sliding area.
Further, the water flowing in the diversion drain has
with SPT>15
6 Top soil with 18.0 21.0 5 been tapped for watcring vegetable cultivation in the
lower slope of the slide below the road A16 by farmers
I SPT<15
living in that area. These illegal tappings supply water
for several unlined wells dug on the landslide through
1.1 History of Bcragala landslide out the day. Because of the above reasons, the ground
water level has been increased in the area down slope;
The area above the road A16 (Fig. 2) had been under a marshy area could be observed in the middle of the
tea cultivation over the years. Subsequently, a part of slide between the roads A4 and A16 and a stream
this area came under vegetable cultivation and small originates from there. Because of these evidences of
holdings of the original tea estate, which are in and instability of the area, it was decided to reinvestigate
around the sliding area, have been badly maintained the state of the slope, focussing mainly on the surface
since 1970s. The land on the upper slope has been movements and subsidence as the data of the complete
replanted in early 1970s after clearing of land. geo-exploration and topographical surveying of the
Several years before the first failure of the slide, a area was available (RDA, 1989).
stream had been diverted into the landslide area,
towards the Beragala junction, for watering the
vegetable cultivation below the road Al6. Following a 1.2 General geology, topography, subsoil conditions
heavy rain in June 1986, the first major slide at and the climatic variations in the vicinity of the
Beragala took place depositing debris on the road A4 landslide
and the area below. Sincc then the area above the slide Beragala landslide area is underlain by the
has been creeping continuously, badly affecting the Precambrian rocks, which consist of quartzite,
road Al6. After this event. due to the poor water charnockite, charnocketic gneisses, biotite gneisses
retention as a result of ground cracks and subsidence,
and granulitcs rock types (Cooray, 1994). Charnokites
Vegetable cultivation was partially abandoned. encountered at the site area are sparsely jointed while
However in May 1987. the slide recurred causing the quartzites are highly jointed. Biotite gneisses fall in
severe damages to both roads A4 and A16 and made between. Majority of joints is near vertical having a
these roads impassable for several weeks. strike direction of NS to N20E and N O W to N80W.
In 1958. because of the possibility of recurrence.

The strike of the rock foliation trends in N50W to Table 1. Gravel and boulders of different sizes are
N70W with North-Easterly dips of 30 to 40 degrees encountered between ground level and the top of the
(RDA, 1989 and Bandara, et al., 1994). Two well- bedrock. The upper part of the bedrock is usually
developed sub vertical joint sets occur approximately weathered. The bedrock has been encountered, in
in the east-west and north-south directions. The general, between 20 to 25m below the ground surface
combination of the foliation and these two major joint with exception of areas near the road A5 and estate
sets has produced a step like morphology on the bungalow where some outcrops of the bedrock are
surface of the bedrock. Therefore, it can be observed visible.
steep escarpments alternate with less steeply sloping Beragala landslide area is located in the
benches; the latter covered with colluvium and Intermediate Climatic Zone, where the annual rainfall
talluvium of varying thickness. receives is in between 2000 to 3000mm. Monthly
The general topography of the landslide area is variation of the rainfall at the site, for a ten-year period
shown in Fig. 3 (Loganathan et al., 1992). The cross starting from 1987, is shown in Fig. 4. It indicates that
section along the major upper centerline of the the landslide area receives heavy monthly rainfall of
landslide area shows that the southern slope of Ohiya- about 500mm in average during the months of April
Idalgashinna-Haputale ridge above the landslide area and November. In addition, it has been observed that
rises to an elevation of 1680m above MSL. The upper the ground water level also varies between the ground
part of the slope, which runs from the level of 1200m surface and several meters below the ground level
above MSL to the ridge of the slope, inclines about 40 during the rainy periods. (RDA, 1989)
degrees to the horizontal whereas the lower slope
below 1200m contour, where the landslide encounters,
is inclined only about 20 degrees. The surficial slope
just below the road A16 has even been much lowered
down to 15 to 12 degrees due to the landslide activities
that have taken place in the recent past.

Fig. 4 Monthly rainfall at Beragala landslide since



The stability of the slope can be checked by measuring

the slope movements within a potential landslide area
as a failure is characterized by relatively large
displacements and displacement rates, which increase
with time. Therefore, Beragala landslide was
instrumented, basically to observe the surface
Fig. 3 General topography of Beragala landslide area movements and subsidence as the data on detailed
exploration was available from an investigation done
Many gullies and toppled boulders remaining down at the site in 1988. The surface movements were
the slopes in the vicinity of Beragala landslide show measured by deploying Extensometers. Ten constant
evidence of intensive land degradation, which has tension type extensometers were setup within 300m
taken place over the years. Many landslides and rock distance along the centerline of the slide as shown in
falls were reported, since early 1 9 7 0 ' in
~ ~this area. Fig. 3. Continuous recording of surface movements
According to the geotechnical investigation done at with time was made for 75 weeks starting from
Beragala landslide site in 1988 (RDA, 1989), the November 1995. The first extensometer was installed
subsurface soil profile has alternating silt and silty at a stable location above the crown of the landslide
clays down to the bedrock level of which the thickness close to estate bungalow, where an outcrop of the
varying from 0 to about 20m (Fig. 2). The bedrock was visible (extensometer No. 1 as shown in
geotechnical properties of these layers are given in Fig. 3). The movements of the other extensometer

points were calculated relative to this extensometer. movements of extensometers and the one-week
As shown in Fig. 3, fifty concrete markers were cumulative rainfall (Fig. 5) than with 2 and 3 weeks
installed on the slope, close to road A16 in May cumulative rainfall. This observation shows that the
1996, because this area seemed to be critical during landslide had reactivated on the 57th week with
the visual inspection of the slide. In October 1996, weekly rainfall of about 400mm.
another 25 numbers of markers were positioned The horizontal displacements of greater than 2mm
below the road A16 to enhance the intensity of data of individual extensometer on respective weeks
in that region. Precise leveling was carried out along the centerline of the landslide and the positions
monthly of these markers with respect to the fixed of the boreholes 2, 4 and 5 are shown in Fig.6. The
points located well away from the sliding area, extensometer Nos. 4 to 7 show consistently
starting from May 1996. increasing movements during the respective weeks
The rainfall for the site during the period of where as the movements have almost ceased at the
monitoring was obtained from a measuring station extensometer No. 8. The extensometers 7 and 8 are
situated at the adjacent tea estate approximately 30 m located below the road A16 whereas the other
perpendicularly away from the extensometer line instruments are located above this road. Since this
between 4th and 5th extensometers. stretch of the landslide undergoes large deformations
Apart from above data, the piezometric pressure during the rainy periods, it was considered as a
observations made in the previous investigation in critical section for stability analysis.
1988 at Beragala landslide were also utilized in this



The use of extensometers, in surface movement

observations, started in November 1995 and
continued for 75 weeks, which includes a complete
weather cycle. The cumulative movements of each
extensometer with respect to the extensometer No. 1
and cumulative rainfall, during the monitoring
period, are presented in Fig. 5. These data show that, Fig. 6 Horizontal displacements of extensometers
even after a complete weather cycle (i.e. after 55 along the centerline of the slide
weeks), the average rate of surface movement is only
75 mm per year and also indicates that the movement Monthly subsidence of the ground at Beragala
of the slide increases with the increase of rainfall landslide was observed using precise leveling since
intensity. May 1996 and carried out uninterruptedly until
October 1996. There was no significant subsidence
of the ground observed until about five months after
the commencement of the measurements. Markers
were surveyed again in the 8th month (Jan.’97) and
in the 13th month (Jun.’97) and the observations are
shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 5 Variation of cumulative movement of

extensometers with weekly rainfall

Analysis of the variation of weekly cumulative

movements of extensometers against the 1, 2 and 3
weeks rainfall at Beragala landslide showed that a
better COrrelatiOIl exists between weekly CUmUlatiVe ~ i 7 Subsidence
~ . Contours at Beragala landslide

These observations also indicate that the landslide by 1.6m, l.lm, 2.3m and 0.9m at boreholes 2, 4, 5
has reactivated during 5th and 8th months probably and 8, respectively due to 310mm weekly rainfall
after heavy rainfall periods in November and above the “normal” ground water level, which
December 1996. The sliding area, especially just prevails most of the time during a complete weather
below the road A16, has undergone a considerable cycle as found by the previous investigation in 1988.
amount of subsidence 0f up to 45 cm during the
period of 5th month to 13th month. This observation
also confirms the fact that the area around road A16
is more susceptible to failure during heavy rainy
periods. It is also clear from these figures that the
upper centerline of the landslide has shifted to the
left of the proposed centerline. This may be due to
the alteration of the drainage after the stabilization
measures in 1992.

The piezometric pressure variation observed

during the period of August to November 1988 also
showed a better correlation with one-week rainfall as
presented in Fig. 8. The fact of increasing the
piezometric heads during the rainy spell between Fig. 9 Piezometric pressure relations with weekly
October 9th, 13th and October 30th to November rainfall
13th illustrates the above argument. The almost
constant piezometric levels during the period after
November 15th may be explained by the fact that the 4 STABILITY ANALYSIS OF THE SLOPE
time elapsed between rise and reduction of pore
pressures in the sliding area. Further, the continuous A computer program based on Spencer’s procedure
accumulation of water in the landslide area is less was adopted in computing the factors of safety of the
than the accumulation of water during the period slope for several ground water conditions
between October 9th and 13th. corresponding to different weekly rainfalls as found
by using the relations shown in Fig. 9. The sub-soil
profiles and their geotechnical properties, as shown
in Fig. 2 and Table 1 respectively, were used for the
stability analysis of the slope. The boundary
conditions were imposed considering the surface
movement observations as mentioned earlicr and
thus, the stability of the lower (below the road A16)
and upper (above the road A16) slopes were
analyzed separately and the critical shear surfaces
found from this analysis are given in Fig. 10.

Fig. 8 Variation of piezometric pressures along the

centerline of the landslide

Linear relations with reasonable accuracy were

found between piezometric pressure and one-week
rainfall at Beragala landslidc at each borehole as
shown in Fig. 9. Almost all the piezometers indicate
good linear relations with the cumulative rainfall
except the piezometer at BH8-7.35m. Gradients of
the trend lines are varying between 0.0031 to 0.0077
m per millimeter of weekly rainfall. These gradients
were utilized in determining the ground water profile
at the sliding area for various weekly rainfall Fig. 10 Critical Failure surfaces at Beragaja landslide
intensities. For instance, the ground water level rises (R = Radius of the Circle, Fs = Factor of safety)

The factors of safety of the slope for different only in monitoring the movement, but also in
ground water levels corresponding to the weekly determining the critical sections for stability
rainfall of 250, 300, 350, 400, and 450 mm analysis.
respectively, were calculated and are plotted in Fig. 3. A shift of the subsidence zone is probably
11. caused due the alteration of the drainage patterns
after stabilization. Therefore, it can be concluded
that the conventional precise leveling technique
provides useful information, although it is time
consuming. It further concludes that the monitoring
of surface movements is indispensable in
understanding the mechanism and discussing the
stability of landslides.
4. Observations show that the slope above the
existing landslide becomes unstable during heavy
rainy periods. It also showed that the 1-week
cumulative rainfall has a good correlation with the
variation of the surface movements.
Fig. 11 Variation of safety factor with weekly rainfall 5. The stability analysis of the slope at
(Failure profile : NC- Non Circular, C- Circular) Beragala landslide shows that the circular slide at the
toe of the landslide becomes unstable at low
From this analysis, it was found an exponentially intensity of weekly rainfall of about 210mm. The
decaying relation between the safety factor of the studies also showed that the whole slide becomes
upper circular slide and the weekly rainfall. Utilizing unstable after the total failure of this toe slide.
this relation, a threshold value of one-week rainfall Therefore, it was recommended to offer priority to
of 310 mm was estimated, which could trigger the this slide in the stabilization work of the landslide
failure of the upper slope. In fact, the recurrence of area.
the landslide was observed when the weekly rainfall 6. It was also estimated a threshold value of
was about 400 mm as shown in Fig. 5. It was also 3lOmm weekly rainfall, which could trigger the
found that the circular slide at the toe of the landslide landslide at Beragala; a value of which might be
becomes unstable at a low weekly intensity of used to implement an early warning system to
rainfall of about 210mm. The stability analysis mitigate disaster due to sudden collapse of the slide.
further showed that the whole slide becomes
unstable after the collapse of this toe slide.
Therefore, this fact was brought to the notice of the REFERENCES
relevant authorities in Sri Lanka and an immediate
attention to stabilize this critical slope prior to any
Bandara, R.M.S. and Kumarapeli, K.A.D.S.P. 1994.
other counter measuring work was recommended.
Mharagala debris flow cuin rock full, Proc.
National Symposium on Landslides in Sri Lanka,
Bhandari, R.K and Thayalan, N. 1994. Landslides
and other mass movements including failures of
The detailed geotechnical investigation at ciittings in residual soils in Sri Lanku, Proc.
Beragala landslide in Sri Lanka was carried out to National Symposium on Landslides in Sri Lanka,
identify the mechanism and thereby to propose 73-82.
economical remedial measures. Following Cooray, P.G., 1994. Geological fuctoi.s affecting
conclusions were made after the analysis of the field landslides in Sri Lanku, Proc. National Symposium
observations and the stability of the slope. on Landslides in Sri Lanka, 15-22.
1. The observed surface movement during a Ng, C.W.W and Shi, Q. (1998) “A numerical
complete weather cycle was 75 mm before the slide investigation of unsaturated soils slopes subjected
was reactivated. The small value of the movement is to transient seepage” Journal of Computers and
due to poor rainfall during the first 55 weeks. After Geotechnics, Vol. 22, No. 1, 1-28
the heavy weekly rainfall of 400 mm in November Loganathan, N., De Silva, S and Thurairajah, A.
1996, the landslide has reactivated and the 1992. Strength correlation fuctors for residual
extensometer observations and subsidence soils, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE,
measurements showed a surface movement of about Vol. 118, NO 1, 593-610.
700 to 800 mm per year, subsequently. Road Development Authority (RDA) of Sri Lanka,
2. Use of the extensometers in landslide 1989. Phase I report, Asian Developtneizt Bank
observations is also a very effective technique not Fiinded Second Roud Improvement Project.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

The importance of the groundwater regime studies of unstable slopes

- An example of investigations on the landslide 'Plavinac ', Yugoslavia

Goran Rasula
Jaroslav Cerni Institutefor the Development of Wuter Resources, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Mladenka Rasula
CIP Institute.for Transportation,Departmentfor Geotechnics, Belgrade, Yugoslavia

ABSTRACT Many unstable slopes with active or partially soothed sliding processes are limiting factors
in urban planning, and urban, traffic and other development on the Danube river bank (right). Because of
complex lithological structures, neotectonics, erosion and other current geodynamical processes in the
area, a multidisciplinary approach to investigations is required and particularly needed for any local
remedial or protection measures. Our numerous papers on engineering-geological investigations on
unstable slopes clearly show that we have not enough experience in the determination of groundwater
table fluctuations, although its presence is one of the key active factors in slope stability. During 1997, the
engineering-geological and hydrogeological investigations performed for the purpose of planning and
developing the lands of the "Zlatni Breg" Ekonomija (Golden hill Farm estate) located in the central part
of the "Plavinac" landslide, near Smederevo included a detailed groundwater table study after which
geotechnical conditions for planning the land development and adequately and rationally protecting it
were established. This paper puts an emphasis on the hydrogeological activities and methodology of a
reliable, quality determination of the groundwater regime in the landslide body as a basis for geotechnical
modelling of slope stability, all for the purpose of planning the farm estate development, i.e. preparing
optimum measures of protection.

Key words: hydrogeology, engineering geology, landslides, groundwater regime, slope stability,
protection measures

1 INTRODUCTION protection measures of the level of a detailed

design were to be planned in order to arrange and
For the purpose of determining geotechnical develop the land on an area of about 3 1 hectares.
parameters for local land development, vineyard
raising, construction of access communications,
subsidiary buildings, an optimum irrigation system 2 MAINPOINTS
and drainage systems in the overhumid zones in
the area of Golden hill farm estate near The central section, precisely the Golden hill farm
Smederevo, which is fully situated in the central estate lies in the west end of the urban area of
part of the "Plavinac" landslide, a program of Smederevo, south of the old Smederevo Ironworks
specific, dedicated, hydrogeological and on an area of 3 1.5 ha, 21 ha of which are under
engineering geological investigations, in the office plantations of pear trees, apple trees and vineyards
and in the field, was first defined and then and 10 ha under auxiliary buildings,
implemented in due time. The main approach was communications and the park with a very
to first identify all ground stability disturbing interesting historical museum building, the old
processes bearing in mind its planned use, and villa of the Obrenovic dynasty. The estate extends
then to briefly refer to the groundwater regime and between Bratstvo i Jedinstvo St. in the north, at
balance in the wide surrounds of the landslide. In altitude of 115 m above sea level, Goricka St. in
the final phase the ground stability was to be the south, at about 190 m above sea level,
modelled using different groundwater tables, and Timocka St. at the east, 115-190 ni above sea level

used to touch the Smederevo-Belgrade road
(Goranska St.) while today its bank is moved by
about 60 m towards the river stream centre.
Morphology in the area of the Old Villa shows a
ground leap of 2-5 m, sloped at about 30' that
cannot be noticed on the topographic plan of 1941.
Moderate continental climate is evident.
Average annual amount of precipitation (1949-
1995 records) is 665.8 mm, maximum 916 mm
(1954), and minimum 447 mm (1950). In the dry
months only (July, August) the minimum monthly
precipitation is 4 mm (July, 1958), and maximum
194 mm (August, 1975). Average annual air
temperature is 11.3"C. The lowest temperatures of
0,06-2OC on average occur in winter months
(January, February), while they are maximum
20.9-21.2OC in summer months (complete


Fig 1. Situation map of the investigated area
Based on the analyzed properties of the ground
and Nevesinjska St. in the west, at about 125-190 from the aspects of geomorphology, engineering
m above sea level. geology, hydrogeology in the wide zone of the
The entire investigated area lies in the body of the investigated area, the causes of the "Plavinac"
"Plavinac" landslide (Fig.1). In order to make a landslide formation were determined and found to
comprehensive review of the soil engineering be still causes of stability disturbance, though
geological and hydrogeological characteristics, a occasional and localized. In the period before the
broader district was investigated encompassing the completion of the hydroelectric power plant of
land lying eastward, i.e. the western flanks of the "Djerdap" the Danube river used to undermine the
adjacent "Provalije" landslide around the Cir shore belt by permanent linear erosion. As the
Antina fountain. With regard to geomorphology labile balance was thus disturbed and the toe of the
the investigated area lies on a relatively gentle slope taken away, sliding processes were actuated
slope (from 129 m in Goricka St. down to 70 m both occasionally and continually with a regressive
along the bank of the Danube river). Watched up slope tendency to an altitude of 175 m above
along the south-north line first comes a steep cut sea level. With regard to geology, frequent
inclined at 1:2 (in the zone of a loess cap on Zlatni alternating of loessoid clays and dusty sands as
breg). South from the park the slope is inclined at well as coal clay beds are evident (Fig.2) which
1:5, while in the park itself at the location of the caused local fragmentation of sedinients and
Old villa of the Obrenovics the inclination is 1 :10. which, due to geomorphologic and neotectonic
The inclination of the rest of the investigated area, processes made disturbances of the slope stability
the farmland zone north of the villa to Bratstvo i easier. The landslide was activated to a major
Jedinstvo St. is 1:15 (Fig.2). extent after the Bucharest earthquake.
The stretch below the estate northern The hydrogeological properties of the
boundary, at the Danube side (on which numerous ground with three fully separated aquifers (Fig.2),
unplanned private housing projects and other where the first aquifer groundwater plays the most
buildings have been built) is much steeper and active role in water saturation of the ground in
shows evident scars of active sliding (toe of the surface and subsurface colluvial deposits down to
landslide). the depth of about 10-I5 m constitute one of the
A comparison of the topographic plans of main factors of adverse strain, particularly in wet
1941 with those of 1976 shows that the section of periods.
the Danube river opposite the "Plavinac" landslide Inappropriate human activity also partly

contributed to ground instability such as: extensive that any extremely high groundwater rise in this
unplanned (wild) housing, construction of sheds aquifer can almost in a nick of time activate the
md other buildings, private water intakes, sump whole landslide or some of its parts. For this
pits for waste and other waters, drains for runoff reason additional hydrogeological investigations
and faecal waters in the wide surrounds of the and quantification of groundwater regime and
farm estate. balance was started in the wide surounds of the
investigated area.



After a preliminary study of the basic geological A detailed analysis of the available documentation
documents and detailed reconnaissance in the wide and additional hydrogeological investigations
investigated area and pursuant to the terms of designed to the purpose down to the relative depth
reference for the farm estate development and of about 138 m pointed to three characteristic
preservation of the "Old villa of the Obrenovics" aquifer complexes (Fig. 2):
museum and its grounds (the park), the following a) The "first phreatic aquifer" located in the
study and investigations were first designed and surface and subsurface complexes in colluvial
then realized: loessoid sands and clays to the depth of about 10
* Desk-top study of the available documents in m and depths to the groundwater table of 0.90 m
order to define the programme and schedule of (at the lower sections around 125 m above sea
field work. level) to about 4 m (on higher ground at 150-155
* The field work included: engineering geological m). Replenishing conditions in the first aquifer are
ground mapping (wide surrounds of Golden hill directly related with vertical balance parameters
farm estate); an expert inspection of the Old villa (precipitation, evaporation, evapotranspiration,
building (detailed in the basement); detailed humidity, temperature etc.) as well as with
hydrogeological mapping, a questionnaire on the inflows from the background (from hypsometric
use and yield of all the existing wells; preparation higher loess deposits while drainage, depending on
of a cadastre of all observation water structures, ground morphology is in form of gravity
for the six selected wells, tests were carried out in percolation to lower ground sections. In the wide
order to identify filtering parameters of their investigated area, this aquifer drains through
aquifers and set water intake rules, regulate the numerous dug out and drilled wells that serve as
groundwater levels and specify ground remedial water supplies in households mostly for garden,
measures and requirements for future drainage and vineyard and courtyard watering).
irrigation systems; at all registered water structures b) The free level phreatic aquifer is formed
a systematic observation of the groundwater table in the complex of the so called roof sands that
fluctuations and daily observation of the amount occur mostly at the depths of 15-30 m (Fig. 2). In
of precipitation on the farm were started. the higher ground sections (south of the park)
* The desk top and laboratory work included: a these sands lie at the depth of 34-78 m (thicker
detailed study of the past engineering geological than 30 m) while in the lower grounds, below the
and hydrogeological investigations, an engineering level of 125 m they lie at the depth od 17-45 m
geological map; a detailed hydrogeological- (thickness about 25 rn). In the lower ground
hydrodynamic study of groundwater fluctuations sections this aquifer practically blends with the
in the determined aquifer environments, first aquifer (borehole Sb-19) and because of a
particularly in the first phreatic aquifer and pronounced sliding process, waters from both of
correlation with the observed daily amounts of "in the aquifers percolate by gravitation and diffuse
situ" precipitation this becoming the base for a downwards towards the shore belt of the Danube
geotechnical analysis of soil stability. (without visible springs, filtration springs or
A summary of the results of past pools). The depths down to this aquifer table
investigations is given as a general statement that measured on the highest ground sections (borehole
tlic ground in the farm estate is in a so-called Sb-34) amount to about 69 m while on the lower
tranquilized state and that any possible future ground (well Sb-29) they are about 25 m. Water is
disturbance of its stability may be associated with replenished at the expense of infiltration from the
the sliding plane which lies at the average depth of "first aquifer" in shallow subsurface complexes
about 10 m (in the first phreatic aquifer floor) and and particularly from the loess deposits in the

Fig. 2 Hydrogeological and engineering-geological yroJile of the wide investigated area

Fig 3. Comparison between groundwater table diagrams of the 'tfirst aqufer" and
precipitation in the period of investigation

background. The aquifers are drained, in addition sea level (Sb-23) and 72.92 m (Sb-29) - (Fig.2).
to gravity percolation towards the Danube stream, Continuous systematic observation of
by intense water intake in local wells in the wide groundwater table in all three aquifers is
investigated area wherefrom water is taken for performed on more than 40 registered water
household water supply systems. structures with simultaneous daily recording of the
c) A subartesian aquifer is formed within the amount of precipitation on a local pluviograph
so called floor sands at the depth of over 75 m stationed in the estate. Groundwater observations
below the surface. Groundwater observations are so programmed that the retardation period and
show that the groundwater table varies between the infiltration rate particularly in the zone of the
absolute levels of 76 m (Sb-18) and 79 m (Sb-23). "first aquifer" are determined with the highest
In the course of the preliminary investigations the possible reliability after any intense precipitations.
thickness of this aquifer was determined only in Data from trial pumping in selected wells were
two boreholes in the coastal belt of the Danube analyzed on a full hydrogram using original
(Sb-29 and VB 4) where it was about 10 m while hydrodynamic software programme for trial
in the Sb-18 borehole it exceeded 20 m and its pumping data processing MVAS 17 (Jaroslav
floor has not been located with precision. This Cerni Institute, Belgrade). Transmissivity
aquifer is replenished with infiltrated water from coefficient values for the "first aquifer" vary
the shallow aquifers in the wide investigated area within the limits of T=5 x 10-6- 7 x 10-' m2/s and
(Sumadija hinterland) of the general N and NW T = 1.2 x 10-4m2/s for the deeper aquifer (Sb-29).
direction of migration. The aquifer is drained Effective porosity varies within the limits of E =
practically in the whole wide investigated area. 0.002-0.05. It is evident that the yields of both
It is evident that the absolute groundwater phreatic aquifers ("first aquifer" to the depth of
levels of the first aquifer in the zone of the farm about 10 m and the deeper phreatic aquifer to the
estate lie between 149.76 m above sea level (in the depth of about 30 m) are very small the average
park south of the Old Villa) and 117,93 m (in the one being about 0.1 l/s/well.
zone of water intake wells at the lowest part of the On the other hand, a preliminary
estate - along Bratstva i Jedinstva St.). One may hydrodynamic model was formed to analyze
say that the piezometer profile practically follows primary and basic hydrogeological prerequisites
ground morphology (Fig. 1 and Fig.2.). In the same for selecting a drainage system in order to monitor
period the groundwater table in the deeper phreatic and control groundwater table on the basis of the
aquifer (within roof sands) ranged from 124.20 m identified filtration parameters of the "first
above sea level (SB-23) and 98.06 m (Sb-28). The aquifer".
subartesian aquifer (within floor sands) has the
most gently falling piezometer line and its
groundwater table varies between 79.29 m above

6 GROUND STABILITY AS A FUNCTION to Bratstvo i Jedinstvo St. (1 15 m).
OF THE "FIRST AQUIFER" * Slide "B" extending from the youngest front scar
GROUNDWATER TABLE in the Old villa zone (at the level of
about 150 m) to Bratstvo i jedinstvo
Extensive hydrogeological investigations were St. (1 15 m).
conducted for a reliable separation of characteristic In addition to the hydrogeological
aquifer complexes down to the investigated depth parameters of the existing water structures in the
of 138 my and were followedby a specific wide surrounds of the Farm estate, a need
quantitative analysis of the "first aquifer" appeared in the course of 1997 to adopt values for
groundwater table. The aim was to determine the physical-mechanical parameters of the
conditions for possible active monitoring and lithological environment derived from
control of the "first aquifer" groundwater table in preliminary investigations (1 986). The standard
particular for the purpose of preserving the for an analysis of the impact of groundwater table
existing conditional ground stability (by fluctuations on stability is the limit state of the
appropriate geotechnical measures of protection) balance Fs=l and the average observed
on the one hand and design optimum and rational groundwater levels in the period (May-June, 1997).
hydrotechnical amelioration measures for ground For different conditions of the first phreatic aquifer
development and raising of new plantations in the groundwater table, the values of safety factor Fs is
estate on the other hand. A six-month analysis of giving in Tab 1.
fluctuations of the first aquifer groundwater table On the basis of a stability analysis and with a view
indicated risky sudden rising of the table after to all preliminary hydrogeological observations
abundant precipitations (about 1.7 m at Sb-2, the definite conclusions and recommendations
Fig.3) with an approximate 7-day retardation have been made.
period. Thanks to this, guidelines were established
for an approach to a concrete targeted geotechnical
analysis of soil stability. With regard to earlier 7 FINAL COMMENTS
landslide engineering geological investigations
and hydrogeological properties of the colluvial The results of the conducted engineering-
complex in the first aquifer, conditions were geological and hydrogeologic works and study in
considered for preserving ground stability by the wide surrounds of Golden hill farm estate have
maintaining groundwater table at the given been used to prepare the main geotechnical plans
optimum depth. A quantitative geotechnical for a detailed design for the estate development in
analysis of slope stability was done, first of all, in order to raise vineyards and orchards on the area
the narrow zone of the investigated area from of 31 ha. This paper puts an emphasis on
contributions that the groundwater regime
which the toe of the landslide was excluded.
determination of quality and quantity, an
A calculation was made by Janbu modifying
interactive implementation of hydrogeological
method that depends on the type of the slide
experience and a good communication with
planes that were considered to the depths of 10-15
geotechnical modelling of soil stability have for
modern and rational approach to solving concrete
* Slide "A" extending from the loess plateau cut at problems of unstable slope protection and
the level of 175 m (the front scar zone)
Tuble I .
"A" Slide "B" Slide
The average groundwater level at the depth Fs= 1 Fs= 1
from 1 to 4 m below the ground surface
y7=19.6 kN/m3 y,=2 1.O kN/m3
The average groundwater table is at the Fs = 0.758 Fs = 0.696
Around level
For the groundwater table (1 - 2 m of higher Fs = 0.908 Fs = 0.870
than average) after one day of intense
precipitation of > 130 d m 2
For the groundwater table 2 m below the Fs = 1.135 Fs = 1.095
Fully drained surface permeable soil Fs = 1.473 Fs = 1.352
complex ('first aquifer')


1. Todorovic T., Cvetkovic T. et. al., 1986: Synthetic

report of geotechnical investigation of
Plavinac-Provalije zone in Smederevo,
“Kosovoprojekt”, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
2. Rasula G. et al., 1997: Report of engineering-
geological and hydrogeological investigations
for designing and developing the lands of the
Golden hill Farm estate near Smederevo,
“Jaroslav Cerni” Institute for the Development
of Water Resources, Belgrade, Yugoslavia

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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami8.Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 905809 079 5

Landslides induced by rainstorm in the Poun area of Chungchongbukdo


Daesuk Han & Kyeongsu Kim

Korea Institute of Geology,Mining m d Materials, Tccejon, Korea

ABSTRACT: A rainstorm occurred on 12th August 1998 causing over 120 landslides in the Poun area of
Chungchongbukdo Province; the maximum hourly rainfall was as much as 91 mm. The landslides, most of
which were classified into debris and mud flows, caused loss of life, injury of people, and property damage.
Seven typical cases, Kumgulri, Waisujong, Jangiaeri 1, Jangiaeri 2, 2nd Uhamri, 2nd Jukjonri, and Sokaeri are
discussed in the paper.
Based on the results of field checking on the landslides and laboratory investigation on the soils taken from
some of the landslide sites including the above mentioned cases, most of the landslides occurred in the areas
having a slope angle greater than 30" and composed of the thin colluvial soils overlying granite saprolite. The
landslide deposits were classified into SC-SM, SM, and SP-SM according to the Unified Soil Classification

1 INTRODUCTION The terrain was divided into areas of five units, 0-5",
5-15', 15-30", 3040", and >50' slope. Based on the
A project entitled Geologic Hazard Investigation was slope classification map constructed using the units,
carried out during the period from January to the distribution of terrain angles for the study area
December, 1998 for the middle region of the (Figure 1) was prepared. According to the figure, the
Republic of Korea; the region included parts of natural slopes of the study area are steep, more than
Chungchongbukdo and Chungchongnamdo Prov- 50% of the land area being steeper than 15' and
ince, encompassing about 3080 km2. This paper about 40% being steeper than 30".
deals with the Poun area of Chungchongbukdo, a
northern part of the study region. The area encom-
passes about 137 km2, lying between 36'25" and
36'3 0 ' N.
Over 120 natural slopes in the Poun area suffered
rapid failures due to the rainstorm occurred on 12th
August 1998; the maximum 24-hour and one-hour
rainfalls were 409 mm and 91 mrn, respectively. The
most abundant type of landslide that formed during
the rainstorm was debris flow, mud flow being the
next abundant one. The landslides caused loss of life,
injury of people, and property damage.
This paper focuses on the flows that occurred at
Kumgulri, Waisujong, Jangiaeri 1, Jangiaeri 2, 2nd
Uhamri, 2nd Jukjonri, and Sokaeri.
Figure 1. Distribution of terrain angles for the study
2.2 Geologic setting
2.1 Topographic setting As illustrated in Figure 2, the rock types in the study
The land of the study area is rugged, with a number area are phylIite and Hwanggangri Formation
of mountains exceeding 250 m above the sea level. @ebble bearing schist) of Ordovician age, Jurassic

Figure 2. Geologic map of the study area with the locations of raingauge stations and landslides.

granite, and the rocks of Cretaceous age comprising and 3) Waisokri. Their locations are shown in Figure
Tongjungri Formation (conglomerate, sandstone and 2. Figure 3 shows the hourly rainfall records at the
shale), tuff, porphyries, and acidic dyke. Of the rock
types, the most predominant one is the medium to
coarse grained granite which occupies about 54% of
the land area.
In the granite terrain where the landslide events
took place, colluvium is commonly in a loose state,
thus being of high permeability; it varies in thickness
from 0.2 to 1.5 m. In general, the colluvium directly
overlies the saprolite defined here as the weathering
product of granite that was decomposed andor dis-
integrated in-situ to the consistency of a soil, while
retaining the original rock structure that is still largly
intact. The thickness of the saprolite rarely exceeds 3
The residual soil of granite is normally not found
beneath the colluvium at the landslide sites having a
slope inclination greater than 30"

Figure 3. Hourly and cumulative rainfalls at the Po-

unup station on 12th August 1998.
On 12th August 1998, a rainstorm occurred in the
Poun area of Chungchongbukdo Province. Hourly Pounup station. The distributions of hourly rainfalls
rainfalls were recorded by the automatic raingauges at the Suhan and Waisokri stations, which are lo-
installed at the three stations, 1) Pounup, 2) Suhan, cated 2 km southwest and 6.5 km southeast of the

Pounup station respectively, are very similar to that colluvium (about 30-cm thick) and the granite sapro-
of the Pounup station. The 24-hour and maximum lite (about 1.5-m thick) overlying on the highly to
one-hour rainfalls at the three stations are listed in moderately weathered granite; the slope inclination
Table 1 for comparison. of the flow-material source area, which is located
near the ridge, was measured at 30". Large amounts
Table 1. Rainfall records on 12th August 1998 in the of runoff were infiltrated into the permeable colluvi-
um and the granite saprolite of medium permeability,
Poun area.
the infiltration elevated pore pressures enough to
cause flow failure of the soils. The soil-and-water
Location Raingauge Rainfall, mm
mixture began to move downslope, scouring the ex-
No. Station
24-hour Max. 1-hour isting drainage channel (Figure 4). The source mate-
rials, combined with the scoured material, moved
1 Pounug 409 91 rapidly along the channel and destroyed two houses
2 Suhan 400 78 located near the mouth of the channel (Figure 5 ) , a
3 Waisokri 395 87 life being lost. The flow materials finally spread into
the nearby paddyfield. The distance from the source
head to the paddyfield was about 300 m; the total
4 LANDSLIDE EVENTS damaged area was estimated at 1.4 ha.

The field investigation on 120 landslides, which

were undertaken during the period from 18th August
to the end of November, 1998, revealed that most of
them were flows. The flows were grouped into the
three types as defined in Table 2.

Table 2. Classification of the flows occurred in the

Poun area.

Group Mode of slope failure

1 Failure started at source head; the soil-and-

water mixture rapidly moved downslope,
scouring the existing drainage channel.
2 Flow generated by semi-planar failure that Figure 4. Scoured channel in the Kumgulri landslide.
started at source head and emerged at the
toe of the slope, the lower part of the slope
being entirely scoured or flow generated by
the semi-circular slide, the toe of which
emerged from the face of the slope, the
lower part of the slope being partly scour-
3 Failure started at tomb site, the mode of
failure being similar to that of the group

The numbers of landslide occurrence for the group

Nos. 1, 2: and 3 arel2, 87, and 11, respectively.
Seven typical cases of the flows, Kumgulri,
Waisujong, Jangjaeri 1, Jangjaeri 2, 2ndUhamri, 2nd
Jukjonri, and Sokaeri are briefly discussed in this Figure 5. Homes destroyed by the Kumgulri flow.

4.2 Waisujong landslide

4.1 Kumgulri landslide The Waisujong landslide also belongs to the group 1
This flow belongs to the group 1 in Table 2. The in Table i.The landslide started at the six source
flow formed as a result of failure of both the thin areas having a slope inclination that ranges from 30

51 1
to 35" and comprising about 1-m thick colluvium.
Though the topographic and geologic conditions
somewhat differ from those for the Kumgulri land-
slide, the failure mechanism was the same as that
described in the preceding paragraph. At the mouth
of the existing drainage channel, two homes were
carried away and three cattle sheds were damaged;
fortunately, nobody was either killed or injured, but
20 cattle were killed. The nearby paddyfield was
covered by the flow materials, the damaged area
being about 0.7 ha. The distance from the source
head to the paddyfield was about 700 m and the total
damaged area was predicted at 3.0 ha.
Figure 6 shows the panoramic view of the Waisu-
jong landslide.
Figure 7. Houses destroyed by the Jangjaeri 1 flow.

Figure 6. Panoramic view of the Waisujong landslide

that damaged two homes and three cattle sheds. Figure 8. Jangjaeri 2 landslide.

4.3 Jangjnevi 1 and 2 landlsides

The Jangjaeri 1 landslide belongs to the 1st case of
the group 2 in Table 2. The saturated colluvium (50-
cm thick) and granite saprolite (about 80-cm thick)
of the upper part of the slope (32 to 35") moved
along the surface of highly to moderately weathered
granite in the manner of semi-planar failure, scour-
ing the lower part of the slope. The flow materials
destroyed a house completely and another one partly
(Figure 7); they farther moved along the alleys of the
village, damaging several fences and houses. A life
was lost and several people were injured; the total
damage area was estimated at 1 ha.
The Jangjaeri 2 landslide (Figure 8) belongs to the
2nd case of the group 2 in Table 2. The semi-circular
failure of flow type first occurred in the upper part of
the slope (45") comprising the saturated colluvium
(about 25-cm thick) and granite saprolite (about 1.2-
m thick) and then the soil-and-water mixture partly
scoured the lower portion of the slope, finally dam-
aging an area (about 0.3 ha) of the farm land located
in front of the slope. The semi-circular slide surface
was analyzed using a stereographic projection meth- Figure 9. Stereographic projection for the grid points
od as shown in Figure 9. on the slide surface of the upper part shown in Fig. 8.

51 2
4.4 Landslides at 2nd Uharnri and 2nd Jukjonri 4.5 Sokaeri landslide
The 2nd Uhamri landslide belongs to the group 3 in The landslide, which belongs to the group 1 in Table
Table 2.There were two tombs at the site shown in 2, started at the source area having a slope angle of
Figure 10; one of them was carried away by the 35" and composed of the 50-cm colluvial soil
landslide, while the other remained undamaged ex- together with the underlying granite saprolite (about
cept that the flat part of its front side moved away. 1.5-m thick). The saturated soils moved downslope,
The thickness of colluvium and the slope inclination scouring the nearby drainage channel. The flow
around the tombs were measured at 1.2 m and 25 to materials destroyed only a home (Figure 12); the
30", respectively. All the saturated colluvial soils total damaged area was estimated at 0.5 ha.
moved downslope together with the underlying
weathered and fractured granite and acidic dyke,
damaging several fences and barns. The total
damaged area was estimated at 0.3 ha.

Figure 12. Home destroyed by the Sokaeri landslide.

Figure 10. Damaged tomb-site. Note that the right 5 LABORATORY INVESTIGATION
(arrow mark) remains, while the left is missing.
5.1 Shear strength
The 2nd Jukjonri landslide also belongs to the The undisturbed samples, which were taken from the
group 3 in Table 2. The flow-materials source area sites of the seven landslides described in the preced-
neighboring a tomb and comprising the thin collu- ing chapter, were subjected to shear strength test.
vium (about 10-cm thick) and the completely The measurement on the samples was accomplished
weathered acidic dyke (about 90-cm thick) was by means of an ELE direct shear box machine. The
subjected to a semi-circular failure. The soil-and- specimen size used for the test was 60 mm square
water mixture moved rapidly downslope, partly and 20 mm thick; the normal stresses applied to each
scouring the lower portion of the slope ranging in of the three specimens were 20, 34, and 53 kN/mz,
inclination from 30 to 35". A home was damaged while the loading rate was 1.06 mm/min. The shear
(Figure 11) and three people were injured. The total strength parameters are presented in Table 3.
damaged area was predicted at 0.4 ha.
Table 3. Results of the shear box test on the soils
from seven landslide sites.

Sample Soil "USCS Shear strength

Location Type c,kPa 0
Kumgulri Colluvial SP-SM 2 31"
Waisujong SP-SM 1 34"
Jangjaeri 1 SC-SM 5 33"
Jangjaeri 2 SP-SM 3 34"
2nd Uhamri " SC-SM 4 31"
2ndJukjonri **CW SM 2 32"
Sokaeri Colluvial SM 2 32"
"Unified Soil Classification System.
Figure 1 1. Home damaged by the 2nd Jukjonri flow. * *Completely weathered.
5.2 Landslide deposits saprolite, both of which generally were of high to
medium permeability. The shear strengths of the 6
The samples of landslide deposits, which were col-
colluvial soils (Table 3) are quite similar, the inter-
lected from 50 landslide sites, were tested for their
nal fnction angle being 31 to 34" and the intercept
grain-size distribution and Atterberg limits in ac-
cohesion being 1 to 5 kPa.
cordance with ASTM D 422 and ASTM D 4318,
As can be seen in Figure 13, 53 percent or more of
respectively. Of all the grain-size distribution curves
the grains of the landslide deposits from the site Nos.
constructed based on the test results, seven typical
1 to 6 are larger than 2 mm in diameter, whilst 87
ones are presented in Figure 13. Their liquid limits
percent of the grains of the landslide deposit from
and plasticity indexes ranged from 21.5 to 32.5%
the site No. 7 is smaller than 2 mm in diameter.
and from non-plastic to 7.9%, respectively.
Judging from the definitions of Varnes (1978), the
landslides of Kumgulri, Waisujong, Jangjaeri 1,
Jangjaeri 2, 2nd Uhamri, and 2nd Jukjonri are debris
flows and the Sokaeri landslide belongs to mud flow.
Based on the gradation analysis on 50 landslide
deposits, 45 of the 50 landslides are debris flows, the
rest being mud flows; the flow deposits are classified
into SC-SM, SM, and SP-SM according to the
Unified Soil Classification System
Considering all the available information, it is
concluded that the granite terrain in the Poun area,
which is steeper than 30°, is more liable to become
unstable than the terrain of phyllite, porphyries, etc.
under the weather condition that hourly rainfall of
more than 40 mm occurs consecutively for several


American Society for Testing and Materials1 980,

Figure 13. Grain-size distribution curves for the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Section 4 vol.
landslide deposits of Kumgulri, Waisujong, Jangjaeri 04.08.
1, Jangjaeri 2, 2nd Uhamri, 2nd Jukjonri, and Davis, G.H. 1984. Structural geology of rocks and
Sokaeri. regions: 68-8 1. New York: Wiley.
Han, D. et al. 1998. Geological hazards investigaion.
KIGAM Research Report KR-98(C)-03: 18-70.
6 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Head, K.H. 1982. Manual of soil laboratory testing
v01.2. London: Pentech.
The intense rainstorm on 12th August 1998 in the Johnson, A.M. & J.R. Rodine 1984. Debris flows. In
Poun area, which was associated with a slow- D. Brunsden & D.B. Prior (eds), Slope instability:
moving trough of low pressure, caused over 120 257-357. New York: Wiley.
landslides. One-hour rainfalls of more than 40 mm Keefer, D.K. & A.M. Johnson 1983. Earth flows:
occurred consecutively from 3 up to 7 o'clock in Morphology, mobilization, and movement. Geo-
the morning; the 4-hour rainfalls ranged from 233 to logical Survey Prof. Paper 1264: 1-41. US Gov-
247 mm depending on location. It has been reported erment Printing Office, Wahsington.
that most of the landslide events took place during Kim, O.J. et al. 1977. Geological map of Bouen
the hours mentioned above. sheet (scale 1:50,000). Korea Research Institute
As mentioned in the chapter No. 3, the terrain of Geoscience and Mineral Resources.
angles of the seven landslide sites vary from 25 to Kim, D.H. & B.J. Lee 1986. Geological map of
45'; according to the slope analysis on the 120 land- Chongsan sheet (scale 1:50,000). Korea Institute
slides, 10, 95, and 15 of them occurred in the moun- of Energy and Resources.
tains with the slope angles of 15 to 30°, 30 to 50°, Varnes. D.J. 1978. Slope movement types and pro-
and X O " , respectively. cesses. In R.L. Schuster & R.J. Krizek (eds),
The analysis on the relationship between the geo- Landslides: Analysis and control. Transportation
logic units shown in Figure 2 and the 120 landslides Research Board Special Report 176: 11-33. US
reveals that 109 of them occurred in the granite ter- National Academy of Science, Washington.
rain composed of the relatively thin colluvial soil Zaruba, Q. & V. Mencl 1976. Engineering geology:
(0.2 to 1.5 m thick) and the underlying granite 163-197. Amsterdam: Elsvier.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami& Jiang 0 1999Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Characteristics of Cretaceous granite slopes that failed during heavy rainfall

T.Yamamoto & M.Suzuki

Departnient of Civil Engineering, Yamugiichi UiiiLvrsity, Uhe,Japan
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yiinia<quchiUiiivei-sity, Uhe,Japan
Y. Sehara
7hkiwa chiku K o g y Compcrtiy L im ired, Uhe, Jupun

ABSTRACT: 215 slopes consisting of cretaceous granite-namely, Hiroshima granite, older Ryoke granite, and
younger Ryoke granite-failed due to rainfalls during the years 1978 to 1997 in Yamaguchi prefecture, located at
the west end of Honshyu in Japan. Case or field investigations of the slopes were made in order to examine the
features of the failed slopes and the physical and mechanical properties of surface soils in relation to granite type.

1 INTRODUCTION southern region of Yamaguchi prefecture, while Ryoke

granite is distributed only in the southeast (Nishimura
Granite formed in the Cretaceous period in the & Matsusato 1991).
Mesozoic is widely distributed in Chugoku district of 215 slopes consisting of granite failed due to heavy
Japan. Granite distributed in Yamaguchi prefecture, rainfalls during and at the ends of the rainy seasons of
located at the west end of the Chugoku district, are 1978 - 1997 in Yamaguchi prefecture
classified into three kinds: namely, Hiroshima granite, Case investigations were performed on 192 failed
older Ryoke granite, and younger Ryoke granite. All slopes consisting of the above three kinds of
three types are notably weathered, and the weathered Cretaceous granite during the years 1978 to 1994
soil they form is well known as masado (the (Yamaguchi prefecture 1994). In addition, field
decomposed granite soil). As shown in Figure 1, investigations were conducted on 23 slopes that
Hiroshima granite is distributed in a belt through the consisted of the above three types of granite that failed

Figure 1. The distribution of Cretaceous granite in Yamaguchi prefecture and the location of slopes failed
during the years 1978 to 1997.
Figure 2. Frequency distribution of dimensions of
failed granite slopes.

during the years 1994 to 1997. Physical tests,

permeability tests, direct shear tests, and compaction
tests were conducted on the surface soils (masado)
sampled from these slopes.


215 slope failures occurred in the locations shown in

Figure 1. The closed circles indicate the slopes at
which case investigations were made, and the double
circles indicate the slopes at which field investigations Figure 3. Rainfall amounts over at two week period
were made. and a single day prior to slope failure.
All of 192 failed slopes were classified by
inclination, height, and depth for each type of
granite. The results are shown in Figures 2(a), (b), and
(c). It was found from Figures 2 that irrespective of the preceding failures of slopes consisting of Hiroshima
kind of granite, the dimensions of the failed slopes granite and Ryoke granite, respectively. The two
generally ranged between 40-49 degrees in curv~sin both figures were obtained by Aboshi (1972)
inclination, 5.0-9.9 m in height, and 1.00-1.49 m in and Ohara (1988) ,who investigated numerous failed
depth. 96 slopes were found to have failed due to plane slopes in Yamaguchi and Shimane prefectures. As can
slips. be seen, most of the slopes consisting of Hiroshima
Figures 3(a) and (b) represent the amount of rainfall granite failed at a rainfall accumulation of 40-230 mm

Dimensions of failure Type Amount of Rainfall (mm)
Place Slope Kind of granite Inclination Height Width Depth of One Two Date
N 0. (degree) (m) (m) (m) failure day weeks
Mine A I - 35.3 130.0 2.0 Toppling 15.0 352.0 August 22, 1993
Mine B I(1)
- - - - - - -

Yanai B I Younger Ryoke 48 14.9 11.5 - Surface 134.5 241.0 July 27,1993
Yanai C I 45 4.8 5.0 1.5 Circular - - June-August, 1995
Kaminoseki A' 1 31 7.5 66.0 1.8 Surface 173.0 325.5 July 28, 1993
Kaminoseki B' I 50 14.6 18.0 1.0 Surface 177.0 325.5 July 28, 1993

during 1 day rainfalls and 100-500 mm during two occurred due to toppling and circular slip, respectively.
weeks rainfalls. In contrast, most of the slopes Furthermore, as seen in Table 1, the slopes I (1) and
consisting of Ryoke granite failed at a rainfall (2) at Kumage failed during one day rainfalls of 0
accumulation of 100-190 mm during the one-day and only 1.0 mm respectively. Both slopes are located
rainfall and at an accumulation of 180-600 mm during in geological discontinuity positions, in which
the two weeks rainfalls. This difference may be biotite-rich granite interpenetrates into Sangun
explained as follows. As shown in Figure 1, since metamorphic rock (Nishimura & Matsusato 1991;
Hiroshima granite is more widely distributed in Yamamoto et al. 1996).
Yamaguchi prefecture than Ryoke granite, the amount
of rainfalls needed to cause slope failure in areas of
Hiroshima granite is more widely dispersed than the 3 PROPERTIES OF ROCKS
amount for failure in Ryoke granite areas.
Furthermore, the slopes consisting of Hiroshima Table 2 summarizes the minerals composing the three
granite failed under smaller rainfall accumulation that kinds of granite sampled at each location. The
did slopes consisting of younger and older Ryoke properties of rocks are described below for each type
granites. of granite.
The results of the 23 field-investigated failed slopes (1) Hiroshima granite
are summarized in Table 1. Among them, 13 slopes are Hornblende contained in quartz diorite at Mine B
consisted of Hiroshima granite, and 4 of older and 6 of altered into chlorite due to weathering. Aplite at Ube
younger Ryoke granites. Rainfall accumulation on interpenetrated as a dyke into Sangun metamorphic
the failed slopes consisting of Hiroshima and Ryoke rock. Biotite granite at Hofu had an equi-granular
granite are indicated by closed symbols in Figures texture, and a large amount of alkali feldspar, some of
3(a) and (b), respectively. As can be seen in Table 1, which had been altered into muscovite.
with the exception of slope I at Mine and slope I at
Yanai B, for which the dimensions of failure were (2) Older Ryoke granite
much larger, all the failed slopes had dimensions In the biotite granite at Oshima, the gneissic structure,
similar to those shown in Figure 2. All failures which is a typical structure in old-age Ryoke granite,
occurred due to surface slips, with the exception of was observed. Garnet, a mineral typically contained
the failures of Mine A and Yanai C slopes, which

Yanai A Garnet biotite granite Quartz, Plagioclase, Alkali feldspar, Biotite, Muscovite, Chlorite, Garnet
Oshirna Older Ryoke Biotite granite Quartz, Plagioclase, Alkali feldspar, Biotite, Apatite, CNorite
Biotite granite Quartz, Plagioclase, Alkali feldspar, Biotite, Chlorite
Hirao Biotite granite Quartz, Plagioclase, Alkali feldspar, Biotite
Kurnage Biotite granite Quartz, Plagioclase, Biotite, Muscovite, Garnet
Biotite granite Quartz, Plagioclase, Biotite, Chlorite
Yanai B Younger Ryoke Muscovite-biotite granite Quartz, Plagioclase, Alkali feldspar, Biotite, Muscovite, Garnet
Yanai C Biotite granite Quartz, Plagioclase, Biotite, Muscovite, Chlorite
Kaminoseki A Muscovite-biotite granite Quartz, Plagioclase, Alkali feldspar, Biotite, Muscovite
Kaminoseki B Muscovite-biotite granite Quartz, Plagioclase, Alkali feldspar, Biotte, Muscovite, Chlorite

Table 3. Physical properties and soil classification of surface soils.

in Ryoke granite, was observed in garnet biotite granite minerals such as chlorite were produced by the
at Yanai A. weathering of hornblende or biotite.

(3) Younger Ryoke granite

Unlike older Ryoke granite, the gneissic structure was 4 PROPERTIES OF SURFACE SOILS
not observed in younger Ryoke granite. Garnet was
observed in biotite granite at Kumage and in 4.1 Physical properties
muscovite biotite granite at Yanai B.
As shown in Table 2, all three kinds of granite were Table 3 shows the physical properties of surface soils
composed primarily of quartz, plagioclase, alkali sampled from each slope, and the soils’ classification
feldspar, biotite, and a little muscovite. Also, clay according to the Japanese Unified Soil Classification

Figure 5(a). Internal friction angles, ((b ,),, and ((b &
for each surface soil.

Figure 4. The change of coefficient of permeability k

with void ratio e for each surface soil.

System. It can be seen in Table 3 that Ryoke masado

samples had much lower finer content (FJ and were all
classified as NP,while Hiroshima masado samples had
comparatively higher F, content and all showed I,,
values. Both Ryoke masado samples were classified as
S-M (sand with silt) or SM (silty sand), and almost all
Hiroshima masado samples were also classified as S-
M or SM, with the exception of a ML (silt with low
liquid limit) at Mine and a CL (clay with low liquid
limit) at Onosaka B. Masado samples at Mine B, C Figure S(b). Cohesion, (c,), and (c,), for each surface
and Onosaka B consisted of enriched hornblende, soil.
which is easily altered to clay minerals by weathering.
In contrast, since the enriched acidic-rich granite at
Kumage and the aplite at Ube contained enriched
biotite, their I,, values were low in spite of their 4.3 Strength parameters
comparatively large clay content (FC,;J.
Direct shear tests using a direct shear test apparatus
4.2Permeability were performed on several disturbed masado
specimens ( b ,=60 mm, h=20 mm) under both natural
Constant head permeability tests were performed on and submerged conditions.
three kinds of disturbed masado. Figure 4 shows the Figure 5(a) shows the relationship between the
change of the coefficient of permeability k with the internal friction angle ( (b,),, and ((b,) under natural
void ratio e. It is found from Figure 4 that each masado and submerged conditions, respectively, for three kinds
is characterized by a unique change in k with of masado. Figure 5(b) shows the relationship between
decreasing e. The higher the content of color minerals the cohesion (c,)" and (c& under natural and
such as biotite and hornblende, the smaller the submerged conditions, respectively. It can be seen
coefficient of permeability of masado. That is, with the from Figure 5(a) that although no distinct difference of
exception for Kaminoseki A masado, Hiroshima (6d),, was observed among the various kinds of
masado has a larger coefficient of permeability as masado, the decrement of the internal friction angle of
compared with both Ryoke masado. Similar results Hiroshima masado due to the submergence was larger
have been obtained by Matsuo et al. (1970). than that of older and younger Ryoke masados. It can
also be seen from Figure 5(b) that the cohesion of


The conclusions of the present study are as follows:

Most slope failures during rainfall occurred due
to plane slips of comparatively small magnitudes
irrespective of the kind of granite involved.
Namely, 96 slopes among 215 failed slopes failed
due to plane slips of 0.5-0.8 m in depth.
The slopes consisting of Hiroshima granite failed
with a small amount of rainfall as compared with
those slopes consisting of older and younger Ryoke
Though most Hiroshima masado were classified as
ML, SM, or S-M, all Ryoke masado were
classified as SM or S-M.
The degree of decrease of the internal friction
angle (5, and the cohesion c, of the surface soils
by submergence were larger for Hiroshima masado
than for either type of Ryoke masado.
Figure 6. Relationship between P dmax and M, for Older Ryoke masado has lower degrees of
each surface soil. compaction and a lower coefficient of permeability
level than either younger Ryoke masado or
Hiroshima masado.
almost all masado samples decreased remarkably, or
disappeared due to submergence. The same results REFERENCES
showing that the strength parameters of masado
decrease remarkably due to submergence have been Aboshi, H. 1972. Heavy rainfalls and failures of
obtained by Onitsuka et al. (1985). masado slopes, Seko-gijutsu, 5 (11): 39-49 (in
4.4 Compuctionproperties Lambe, T. & Whitman, R.S. 1979. Soil mechanics, SI
version. John Mley & Sons:147.
Compaction tests were performed on three kinds of
masado according to the A-b method (the dry and Matsuo, S. & Nishida, K. 1970. The properties of
cycle method) by the Japanese Society of Geotechnical decomposed granite soils and their influence on
Engineering. Figure 6 shows the relationship permeability, Soils and Foundations, 5(1):93-105.
between the maximum dry density p dmax and the Nishimura, Y. & Matsusato, H. 1991. An illustrated
mole ratio of each oxide M, given by Eq.4.1 for each Book of rocks in Yamaguchi prefecture, Duiichi
masado. The mole ratio increases with the increase of Gakusyusya Ltd. :21-22 (in Japanese).
colored minerals such as biotite and hornblende. It was ahara, S. 1988. Investigation of prediction procedure
observed that the maximum dry density decreases with of occurrence for ground disaster by heavy
the increase in the mole ratio value. In particular, the rainfalls. Report on important area study(1) in
p ,,,,,=1.55-1.60 g/cm3 of older Ryoke masado rich in
research expenses on Ministry of Education
(No.62601529):1- 17 (in Japanese).
biotite are very small compared with the p dmax=1.80-
Onitsuka, K., Yoshitake, S. and Nanri, M. 1985.
1.90 g/cm3of biotite-poor Hiroshima masado. Mechanical properties and strength anisotropy of
decomposed granite soil, Soils and Foundations,
M, = A1,0, / (Na,O f K,O 9-CaO) (44 25(2):14-30.
Yamaguchi prefecture 1994. Tables of results of
It is known that a micaceous sand will often have a investigation on slopes failed due to heavy
large void due to little interlocking (Lambe & rainfalls during the years 1978 to 1994 (in
Whitman 1979). Therefore, our test results reflected Japanese).
the fact that, in the case of earthworks using masado in Yamamoto, T., ahara, S., Nishimura,Y. & Sehara, Y.
Yamaguchi prefecture, although the degree of 1996. Characteristics of cut slopes consisting of
compaction of Hiroshima masado is high, the Sangun metamorphic rocks which have failed due
compaction of Ryoke masado is not achieved to heavy rainfall in Yamaguchi prefecture,
satisfactorily. Domestic Edition of Soils and Foundations,
36(1):123-132 (in Japanese).

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami 6: Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Seepage analyses of embankments on Tokaido-Shinkansen

in long terrn rainfalls

K. Kato
R&D Ceizter,TechnicalResearch and Development Division, Central Japan Railway Company,Nagoya, Japan
Numerical Analysis Section of Geo-mechanics,Kiso-jiban Consultants Company Limited, Tokyo,Japan

ABSTRACT:The sensitivity of seepage soil properties was studied in the seepage analysis of the seven embankments
on Tokaido-Shinkansen. It is obvious that the un-saturated soil property is the key of success of saturated and un-
saturated seepage analysis. However, the consistent analytical study based on soil properties obtained from in-situ has
never been studied. Re-evaluation of seepage soil parameters was discussed in the present study. The computed results
were compared with the observed water pressure in the embankments.Finally, the authors have proposed a procedure to
determine the various un-saturated seepage soil propertiesfor Tokaido-Shinkansen.

1 INTRODUCTION low, where a river is existing beside this embankment.

The embankment at this site has cut off walls on their
JR Tokaido-Shjnkansen is between Tokyo and Osaka. At right and left sides of the embankment. The
many portions of the line, embankment structures are embankment at B site is made of loam mixed with
constructed for the railway foundations, which have gravel from Mt. Fuji. The strength of the embankment is
been faced with damage due to heavy rainfalls. The rather week. This soil of the embankment at C and D
embankment height varies from 3 m to 10 m. Eispecially, sites were constructed with clayey circular gravel.
small scale slope failures have occurred on the line in However these gravel contain little clay. Therefore, it is
Shizuoka and Aichi Prefecture. On the other hand these d%cult to evaluate the seepage properties. The E
days, the computer facilities have been advanced very embankment was constructed with the residual soils of
much and many sophisticated softwarecan be applicable sand and mud stone from a nearby tunnel excavation.
using high speedy computers. Now is the time to start to The embankment at E site is about 3m high. The
simulate the seepagebehavior and assess their stability in embankment at F site was made of sand with clay. The
rainfall using the these computer software. In this study, embankment at G site was contains sand. The
a saturated and un-saturated seepage analysis on -finite embankment at B, C and E sites used a structure of
element analysis is emplyed, which was proposed by retainingwall. The embankment at B site has the walls at
Prof. Nishigaki (Akai,Ohnishi,Nishigaki, 1977). The the right and left sides of the embankment. The
used rainfall records for a long term are two kinds. One embankment at C site has one at its left side and the
is one month in April 1998. Another is one month in embankment at E site has one at its right side. These
August 1998( except for G site ) (Central JR. and Kiso- embankmentsdiffer from each other in size and soil. The
jiban ConsultantsCo., Ltd., 1999). G embankment was selected near from Toyohashi and
Mikawa-Anjo area, Aichi prefecture. The others were
selected from Shizuoka prefecture. The heights of
2 SEVEN EMJ3ANKMENTS AND SOIL embankmentsvary from 3 m to 10 m. The constitution
ZNVESTIGATIONS soils of these embankments are from silt clay to gravel.
Their soil profiles were made by the boring results
Fig. 1 shows embankments and foundations at seven (Radway T e c h c a l Research Institute, 1997a;
sites of A, B, C, D, E, F and G. The characteristics of Central J R and &so-jiban Consultants Co., Ltd.,
these embankments can be described as follows. The 1998).
embankment at A site was constructed with mud stone A set of soil investigations was conducted to obtain
fractures from a nearby tunnel excavation. This kind of soil properties. Standard penetration test (SPT) was
material is not easy tc! define the seepage properties conducted to evaluak the soil profile and the basic
because of the complicated composite mixtures of soils. strength of the embankments. Un-disturbed tube and
It seems hke silt gravel. The initial water table is rather biock samples were obtained for the laboratory tests for

Fig. 1 Embankment models for the seven sites

measuring soil strength and soil seepage properties, scepagc properties of soil, coefficient of pernieability and
respcctively. TA-axial compression tests were conducted pF curve of soil was measured.
to riieasurc soil strength. Tlie CD test was applied for From the results of the boring data, the following
sand soils and CU test was applied to clay soils. As classifications ~ a i be
i obtained. The embankment at A

site is silt gravel, which is residual soil from tunneling
but it was found to be gravel. The embankment at B site
was classified as gravel clay but it was found to be clay.
The embankments at C and D site were classifiedas clay
gravel but they were found to be silt. The embankment
at E, F and G site arc classified as sandy soils but they
were found to be sand. These reasons would be
explained at the next section. The W, and the W, are the
observation wells of pore water pressures in this figme.
The computed poic water pressures were compared with
these observed valucs. (Central J R and IGso-jiban
Consultants Co., Ltd., 1999).



The soil properties for the saturated and un-saturated

seepage analysis are the coefficient of permeability at
saturated state ks, the volumetric water content in
saturated state 6's and the residual volumetric water
content Br. To obtain these parameters, permeability
test and pF test were conducted using block samples.
These test results are shown in Table 1. The coefficient
of permeability at unsaturated state ku can be obtained
by h a y ' s equation. :

where, the @isvolumetric water content and the n

canbe defined as n = O.69-1.311og1&
The permeability test is free water head test. pF test is
conducted with tension meter for pF value of 0.0 to 2.0
and centrifuge test for pF value of 2.0 to 3.0. The
maximum suction was applied up to 1Om because
embankment height is 6 to 7 m w w a y 'lkchcal Fig. 2 Un-saturated seepage soil properties
Research Institute, 1997a;199713).
These results do not match with soil classifications.
For example, the soil at the distance of E section was
classified as sandy clay from boring data but the
measured coefficient of permeability ks was 7.78 X 10"
(cm/sec), which was like a clay. The values of 0 s and
8 r from pF tests were 48.9 and 40.6 respectively,which
were rather large values corresponding to the clay soil.
All the pF curves from @ to 0are shown in Fig. 2. D clay gravel 1.20X 10-5 39.8 30.6 @
The 0, 8 and 0 is for silt gravel, sandy gravel and E sandy clay 7.78XIO-j 48.9 40.6 @
sand. The 0, 0, @ and @ are for gravel clay and F sandyclay 1.13X10-3 41.1 23.5 @
clay gravel. Therefore,these values must be re-evaluated G sand 1.OOX 10-3 26.0 20.5 a
through comparing the numerical simulation with the
conducted and these properties were changed
into 4 categories, 1)gravel, 2) silt, 3) silt clay and
4 SlMULATIONS AND RESULTS 4) sand as shown in Table 2. Then, the last
seepage analyses on h t e element methods
To assess the measured seepage properties, were conducted for long term ramfall (Central
many trial numerical simulations were JR and &so-jiban Consultants Co., Ltd., 1999).

Fig. 3 Simulated results at the seven sites

The retaining walls were modeled as a concrete

material in the seepage analysis. However, the
cutoff walls are not modeled in the analysis
because of the a c u l t judgement for the
seepage properties.
Fig. 3 shows the simulated results for long
term radaUs. The computed relationshps
between pore water pressure and r d d time
can be seen in these figures compared with the
At A OyJ and B (W,) sites, the computed pore
water pressures can fit with the observed ones

Fig. 4 Patterns of water lines in embankments at
the moment of the heaviest rainfall

F sand 1.13X10-3 41.1 23.5 @

G sand 1.OOX 10-3 26.0 20.5 0

very well for the one month. Thzse pore water M. S.Suzuki at Shizuoka Shinkansen Structure
pressures are very sensitive due to the very InspectionCenter of Central Japan Railway Company.
large permeabhty. At C (WJ site and D (W,) site,
the computed pore water pressures are flat
against the r d a l l time because of the low
permeabdity at these sites, whch are similar to REFERENCES
the observations although there is a gap
between the both values at C site. At E (WJ, F Akai, K, Ohnishi, Y and Nishigaki, M. 1977, Finite
(WJ, and G (Wd sites, the computed results element saturated and un-saturated seepage analysis,
could explain the observations very well. From Journal of Japanese Civil Engineering Society,
these computed results at E, F and G, the sand V01.264, pp. 87-96 ( in Japanese ).
embankments could rise the water line much Central JR and Kiso-jiban Consultants Co., Ltd. 1999.
hgher than the others. It inhcates that the Report on the stabilityanalysis of the embankments
embankments at E, F and G are very dangerous of JR Tokaido-Shinkansen Line 309km and other 6
for the real r d a l l s . From the above tlungs, it locations ( in Japanese ).
can be concluded that the computed results Central J R and &so-jiban Consultants Co., Ltd.
explained the observations very well and the 1998. Report on Soil Investigation results for
seepage properties are very important in the embankments on Tokaido-Shinkansen in Shizuoka
seepage analyses. StructuralInspection Center.
Fig. 4 shows the patterns of water lmes at the Sakajo, S. and Kato, K 1999, In-stab&@Analyses of
moment of the heaviest rainfall. These figures Embankments on Tokaido-Shmkansen in
show the characteristics of the above seepage Heavy hnfalls, IS-Shikoku ( under submitted ).
properties very well. One can see the veiy h g h Railway Technical Research Institute, 1997%Report on
water h e in the embankments at E, F and G . Soil Investigation and permeability test results of
The others have very low water h e s in the Toukai-dou Sin-kan-sen at 309kmZOOm ( in
embankments. From these figures, it can be also Japanese ).
concluded that the seepage properties are very Railway Technical Research Institute, 1997b, Research
important in the seepage analyses. on evaluation procedure of railway slope damege for
rainfalls ( in Japanese ).


The followingconclusionsare developed:

1)The consistent analytical study based on soil
properties obtained from in situ has never been
2)The measured seepage properties were be re-
evaluated through comparing the numerical
simulationwith the observation.
3)Then, a set of seepage properties was proposed for the
embankmentson Tokaido-Shinkansen.
4)The computed results could explain the
observations very well.
5)The seepage properties may effect on the iise
of water lmes in the embankment. T h s would
be related to the safety of embankment is long
term r d a l l s .
6)The embankments at E, F and G sections are
very dangerous for the real rainfalls. The other
embankments are not dangerous in the actual
7)The seepage properties are very important in
the seepage analyses.

The authors would like to show sincerer appreciation to

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami& Jiang 1999Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Instability analyses of embankments on Tokaido-Shinkansen

in heavy rainfalls

Numerical Anulysis Section of Geo-Mechanics, Kiso-jiban Consultants Compuny Limited, Tokyo, Japan
K. Kato
R&D Center, Technical Research and Development Division, Central Japan Railway Company, Nagoya, Japan

ABSTRACT : The authors studied in-stability of embankments on Tokaido-Shinkansen due to heavy rainfalls. At first,
a set of seepage and stability analyses of a model embankment was carried out. Then, a set of seepage and stability
analyses of the seven real embankmentswas conducted.From these results, it was found that the safety of embankments
might be deeply related with the seepage properties. The used seepage properties in the present study were re-evaluated
through the numerical simulations of pore water pressures in the embankments by the long term rainfall. Stability
analysis was a circular stability analysis based on a limit equilibrium method. The analytical results of the embankments
showed the importanceof the seepage soil properties on the stability analysis.

1 INTRODUCIlON properties were assessed through the numerical

simulations of embankments at many different locations
Several numerical procedures are now available for the on Tokaido-Shinkansen. (Kato and Sakajo, 1999). The
stability analysis of slopes in rainfall. For example, The authors attempted to investigate the importance of these
first author has proposed a procedure of slope stability seepage properties for the safety evaluations of these
analysis coupling seepage analysis on finite element embankmentson Tokaido-Shinkansen.
method (Yoshimaru,Sakajo and Ugai, 1997; Ugai, Cai,
Sakajo and Wakai, 1999). In this procedure, the stability
analysis proposed by Ugai (Ugai, 1990; Tanaka, Ugai, 2 SOIL INVESTIGA?rlONS AND
Kawamura, Sakajo and Ohtsu, 1997) is employed, EMBANKMENTS ON TOKAIDO-
which could be the most rational evaluation method for SHINKANSEN
several countermeasure works like piles in slope,
because it can consider the critical state deformation of The 7 different embankments were chosen from
piles and ground in their resistance. This method also Tokaido-Shinkansenand their soil profiles were made by
can be applied to embankment as an artificial slope. In the boring results (Nishio et al., 1998; Kanda et al, 1998;
this procedure, a saturated and un-saturated seepage Railway Technical Research Institute, 1997a; Central JR
analysis on finite element analysis is employed, which and Kiso-jiban Consultants Co., Ud.,1998). These
was proposed by Nishigaki (Akai, Ohnishi, Nishigaki, embankments differ from each other in size and soil. A
1977). Therefore,saturated and un-saturated seepage soil set of soil investigations was conducted. Standard
properties can be required in this analysis. To increase penetration test (SP") was conducted to evaluate the soil
computational accuracy, seepage lines coordinates in the profile and the basic strength of the embankments. Un-
seepage analysis results are transferred to the stability disturbed tube and block samples were obtained for the
analysis. However, in the present study, a circular laboratory tests for measuring soil strength and soil
stability analysis based on rigid plasticity is used, which seepage properties, respectively.
is simpler than the that on finite element method and can Tri-axial compression tests were conducted to
be applicableto the ground without piles. measure soil strength. Table 1 shows the soil
The strengths of soils are not only important but the characteristics and their strength of soils of
seepage properties of soils are also important, for the embankments. The c denotes and the 6 denotes
safety evaluation of embankment in rainfall. However, cohesion of soil and frictional angle respectively. The
seepage properties of soils are not well investigated CD test was applied for sand soils and CU test was
usually. Therefore, it seems that there are yielding many applied to clay soils. As seepage properties of soil,
bad simulations using in-realistic seepage properties. coefficient of permeability and pF curve of soil was
The authors conducted a set of soil investigations to measured.
measure the seepage properties at in situ and then these

Table 1 Soil classificationand unit weight, strengths Table 2 The used soil classifications and seepage
of embankments

(site) classdkation (cdsec) (%) (%) curve

A gravel 1.22X 10-' 48.9 19.2 0
B silt 1.00X10-3 80.5 64.0 @
C siltclav
silt clay 1.06X10-5
1.06X 10-5 38.3 21.4 @
1 D 1 silt clav 1 1.20X10-' 1 39.8 I 30.6 1 ?' $ 1
E sand l.00X10-3 26.0 20.5 0
F sand 1.13X10-3 41.1 23.5 @
G sand 1.00X10-3 26.0 20.5 0

were conducted using block samples. The permeability

test is falling head permeability test. pF test is conducted
with tension meter for pF value of 0.0 to 2.0 and
centrifugemethod for pF value of 2.0 to 3.0. Suction was
applied up to 10 m because the maximum embankment
height is around 10 m (Rdway Techrucal Research
Institute, 1997a;199713). However, these seepage
properties obtained fkom tests were re-evaluated by the
numerical simulations of seepage behavior in long term
rainfall (Central JR and Kiso-jiban ConsultantsCo., Ud.,
1999; Kato and Sakajo, 1999). These re-evaluated
seepage properties are tabulated in Table 2. The used pF
curves from @ to 0are shown in Fig. 1. The 0, 8
and 0is for sand and gravel. The 0, @ and @ are
for silt and silt clay silt clay. The computed results using
the above seepage properties could explain the observed
pore water pressures very well.



A 5 m high model embankment was assumed to show

the influence of soil properties on safety. This is a
simplified embankment at E site, which consists of two
soil layers. The embankment slope was set 1.0 to 1.5.
Rainfall intensity was set 10 mm/hour. The total rainfall
was set 800 mm. It can be said a kind of heavy rainfall.
Fig. 2 shows the cross section of this model
embankment. Table 3 shows the used seepage
parameters for three cases.
Fig. 3 shows the computed water lines for this
embankment at the moment that 30 hours passed for the
Fig. 1 The used pF curves three cases. The water line does not change at all for
CASE-1. However, the water line went up to 4 m for
CASE-2 and it reaches to the embankment top For
CASE-3. This implies that the coefficient of
3 USED SEEPAGE PROPERTIES OF SOILS permeability influenced the change of water line very
Necessary soil properties for the saturated and un- Fig. 4 shows the change of water lines for CASE-3 at
saturated seepage analysis are the coefficient of the moments that 0, 10, 20 and 30 hours passed. From
permeability k, the maximum volumetric water content
6's and the minimum volumetric water content Br.
this figure, it was found that there was significantchange
To obtain these parameters, permeability test and pF test of water lines with time passing. At the initial stage,
water line goes up near the slope of embankment by

Table 3 The used seepage and strength properties

ki 9s Or
CASE % pF-curve
(cm/sec> (%)
CASE-1 7.78X1Op6 48.9 40.6
CASE-2 LOOX 10-3 48.9 40.6 0
CASE-3 1.00X10-3 26.0 20.5

Fig. 2 The cmss section of model embankment with a

height of 5 m

Fig. 3 The computed water lines for this

embankment at the moment that 30 hours passed

Fig. 5 The pore water pressure change and rainfall


Fig. 4 The change of water lines for CASE3 at the

moments that 0,10,20 and 30 hours passed

rainfall. Then, the water line goes up at the center of

embankment.This may yields the non-linearity of safety
Fig* shows the Pore water pressure change Of the
fig. 6 The relations of safety factor and rainfall
three cases at the two points, 1) under the embankment
shoulder and 2) at the center of embankment on the
ground surface level. The pore water pressures at the two
points W, ( under the embankment shoulder ) and w2 W, is much faster than W, at the initial stage. However,
( at the center of embankment ) do not change for the rise of water line for CASE-3 is faster than that for
CASE-1. CASE-2 and CASE-3 show a similar increase CME-2, because of the differenceof the pF curves.
of pore wa-ter pressures, where the rise of water line at Fig. 6 shows the relations of safety factor (S.F.) and

Fig. 7 The safety and rainfall time relations

elapsed time. Safety factor of the embankment is around a significant drop of safety factor happens at the moment
1.7 at the beginning and it decreased to be 1.2 by the that 25 hours passed since start of rainfall. On the other
rainfall. For CASE-1, the safety factor does not decrease hand, a significant drop happens at the moment 20 hours
but it decreases for CASE-2 and CASE-3. For CASE-2, passed since start of rainfall. This is correspondingto the

Fig. 8 The patterns of water lines

differencebetween CASE-2 and CASE-3 in Fig. 5. 5 INFLUENCE OF SOIL PARAMETERS ON

From above things, it can be said that the seepage SAFETYOFREALEMBANKMENTS
properties of soils may influence the safety of railway
embankment very much. The permeability is the It is not easy to judge the safety for the long
primarily important and the pF curves are the secondary embankments of various soils along Tokaido-
important. Shinkansen. The safeties of the seven real embankments
were computed for the heavy rainfalls. Rainfall
intensities(R.1.) were 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 00 and 70
mmhour. The total rainfall was 800 mm. The computed
safety and rainfall time relations were shown in Fig. 7.

The patterns of water lines corresponding to the REFERENCES
minimum safety are shown in Fig. 8. The computed
safety in rainfall corresponds to the seepage analysis Akai, K., Ohnishi, Y. and Nishigaki, M. 1977, Finite
(Kato and Sakajo, 1999). From Fig. 7 and 8, it was element saturated and un-saturated seepage analysis,
found water line rising does not change at the sections of Journal of Japanese Civil Engineering Society,
A, B, C and D site. On the other hand, it was found the V01.264, pp. 87-96 ( in Japanese ).
water line goes up at the sections of E, F and G site. The Central JR and Kiso-jiban Consultants Co.,Ltd. 1999.
former sections keep very safe in the rainfall but the Report on the stability analysis of the embankments
latter sections become very dangerous at E, F and G site of JR Tokaido-ShinkansenLine 309km and other 6
in the end of the rainfall. Especially, the safety of the locations ( in Japanese ).
sections at F and G site becomes less than 1.0. The Central J R and &so-jiban Consultants Co., Ltd.
section at A site belongs the same group with B, C and 1998. Report on Soil Investigation results for
D site fiom the water line change and safety change with embankments on Tokaido-Shinkansen in Shizuoka
rainfall. However, the section at A site has very Structural Inspection Center.
permeable embankment and foundations and the others Kanda, H., Suzuki, S., Nishio, A. and C h h m a , T. 1998,
have not permeable embankment made of silt and clay. Field measurement of the pore water pressure in the
It was seen that the water line change looks similar embankment of Tokaido-Shinkansen (2), Proc. of the
although the mechanism of water flow is different. It can 33 rd annual conference of JGES, pp.321-322 ( in
be explained by the difference of seepage soil properties Japanese ).
in Table 2 and Fig. 1. From these things, it can be said Kato., K. and Sakajo., S. 1999, Seepage analysis of
that the safety might be deeply related with the seepage embankments on Tokaido-Shinkansen in long term
properties. rainfalls, IS-Shikoku ( under submitted ).
Nishio, A, Kanda, H., Fukuyama, F., Kokubo, M. and
Fukuda, K., 1998, Field measurement of the pore
6 CONCLUSONS water pressure in the embankment of Tokaido-
Shmkansen (l),Proc. of the 33 rd annual conference
The authors studied in-stability of embankments on of JGES, pp.319-320 ( in Japanese ).
Tokaido-Shinkansendue to heavy rainfalls in the above. Railway Technical Research Institute, 1997%Report on
The following conclusionsmight be developed: Soil Investigation and permeability test results of
Toukai-dou Sin-kan-sen at 309km2oOm ( in
1)The seepage properties on Tokaido-Shinkansencan be Japanese ).
classified into four types. Railway Technical Research Institute, 1997b, Research
2)A 5 m high model embankment at E site could show on evaluation procedure of rainfall slope damege for
the importance of the seepage properties on the safety rainfalls ( in Japanese ).
evaluation. From this result, it was found that Tanaka, T., Ugai, K., Kawamura, M., Sakajo, S. and
permeability and the un-saturated seepage properties Ohtsu, H., 1997, Three dimensional finite element
of soil might be primarily and secondarily important analysis in geomechanics,Maruzen. ( in Japanese ).
on the analysis. Ugai, K. 1990. Availability of shear strength reduction
3)From the seepage and stability analyses of the seven method in stability analysis, Tsuchi-to-kiso, Journal
model embankments, it was found that the safety of JGES, Vo1.38, No.1, pp.67-72 (in Japanese).
might be deeply related with the seepage properties. Ugai, K., Cai, F., Sakajo, S. and Wakai, A. 1996.
4)It was also found that the sandy embankments at E, F Evaluation of slope safety in rainfall, Journal of land
and G site are more dangerous in the heavy rainfall slide. Vo1.35, No.1, pp.19-23 ( in Japanese).
than the other embankmentsat A, B, C and D site. Yoshimaru, T., Sakajo, S. and Ugai, K 1997, Effect of
5)The gravel embankment at A site is very safe because un-saturated seepage properties of slope stability in
of the large permeability. rain fall, Proc. of symposium of JGES on
6)The silt clay embankments at C and D site are very geotechnid engineering to protect the slopes from
safe because there are very few rain penetrations into rainfall and earthquake damages, pp.99-102 ( in
the ground similarly as the silt embankment at B site. Japanese ).


The authors would like to show sincerer appreciation to

Prof. Ugai at Gunnma University for his discussion. He
is the co-researcherof land sliding in rainfall.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN go 5809 079 5

Chemical effect of groundwater from acid rain on slope evolution

Zemin Xu & Runqiu Huang

Depurtment of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Chengdu University of Technology,
People’s Republic of China

ABSTRACT. Taking a railway slope located in Chongqing acid rain region as an example, the paper
investigated the chemical effect of acid groundwater on slope evolution. Based on this research result, model
experiments on the prevention and control measures against corrosion of acid groundwater on slope rock and
soil were carried out. The results demonstrated that the corrosion of acid groundwater on the slope rockmass
was very intense. Both minerals easily dissolved and a great deal of minerals hard to dissolve such as feldspar
and laumontite were corroded on a large scale and the total corrosion amount amounted to 30 t or so per year.
Since occurred mainly along the discontinuities, the corrosion had an important influence upon the
mechanical and hydraulic properties of the rockmass. Model experiments showed that the neutralizing barrier
formed by mixing the sand clay covering the slope with a proper amount of limestone could effectively
contain the corrosion of acid groundwater on the slope rockmass.

1 INTRODUCTION property. At the same time, the effective porosity of

rockmass will be gradually elevated and the storing
In the rocky slope evolution process from stable to and conducting water capacity strengthened. Thus,
unstable state, as well as complete failure, the stress field and stability of rockmass will become
groundwater from rain is the most active inducing more and more sensitive to the fluctuation of slope
factor The effect of groundwater may be groundwater and under proper condition a heavy
summarized into chemical or long-term effect and rain or a long time rain may induce rockmass
mechanical or short-term effect. The former covers landslide. That is why the researches on the effect of
the changes in structure, strength, as well as porosity groundwater on slope evolution is of importance to
and so on of rockmass caused by corrosive the prediction, prevention and control of landslide.
groundwater and the latter means that during rain or The former relevant researches were focused on
rainstorm the large margin elevation of slope the mechanical effect of groundwater and although
groundwater level causes slope failure, that is, the existence of chemical effect has been realized for
landslide a long time, the researches about it have been few as
The long-term effect causes gradual change of yet. The difference in research degree maybe results
slope and short-term brings about the sudden change. from that the chemical effect is not only a very slow
Oabviously, the latter is based on the former and the process and not evident enough to attract wide
sudden change would not appear without necessary attention, but also highly complicated and very
gradual change The chemical effect of groundwater difficult to study. In contrast, mechanical effect is
on slope evolution shows mainly in the following rather apparent and the natural phenomena that most
two aspects A, it makes the loose layers covering of landslides occur during rain season have attracted
rocky slopes become thicker and thicker with time, close attention.
and under proper condition these loose Taking some railway bed slope as an example, the
accumulations separate themselves from the paper investigated a method of estimating effect of
rockmass and cause shallow landslide or mud-rock the groundwater from acid rain on slope evolution
flow B, it causes the decrease in JRC and JCS, and and a corresponding measure of containing the
the increase in aperture, which lead to the profound effect.
change of rockmass strength and deformation

2 EFFECT OF ACID GROUNDWATER ON corrosion along discontinuities such as
SLOPE EVOLUTION microfractures was intense especially.
The observation about corrosion phenomena was
Some railway slope is located in Chongqing suburbs. easy, but the evaluating quantitatively these complex
It is mainly made of sandstone and mudstone and is phenomena was relatively difficult. Based on mass
covered by a layer of sand clay of l m thick. The balance reaction modeling theory (Plummer et al.
strata incline down to outside and angle of 1977, 1980, 1983, 1993; Katz et al. 1995), the
inclination is 10"-15". In the backside of the slope corrosion intensity of acid groundwater on the slope
there is a tensile fracture zone forming in 1960's. rockmass was estimated.
The fluctuation of the groundwater and slope
deformation are sensitive to rain and during rain
seasons, tensile fractures develop and the 2.1 Equilibrium specintiori cnlciilntioii
deformation of the slope aggravates, which seriously Equilibrium speciation calculations were made to
threatens the security of the railway. It has become provide saturation indices (So of minerals that may
clear that rain is the most important factor inducing be reacting in the system The Sl of a specific
the slope deforming, which should be contributed to
mineral is defined as (Plummer et al. 1993)
the long-term corrosion of groundwater on the
fracture and pore system of the slope rockmass. UP
The slope groundwater stems from rain and 5'1 = lg-
recharge amount from regional groundwater is small K,.
(Figure 1). The groundwater discharges in the way
of a serious of springs, whose chemical composition where IAP is the ion activity product of the mineral-
was given in Table 1 . Congqing is a famous acid rain water reaction and K,is the thermodynamic
region in china and the pH of rain is usually below 5
equilibrium constant. Calculated values of the
(Table 1).
Table 1 showed after the acid rain had seeped saturation indices of gypsum, calcite and dolomite
through the slope body, not only its acidity was were presented in Table 2.
neutralized but also the element concentrations were
apparently raised by way of corroding the various
minerals in the rockmass. Under a SEM, it was
found that minerals hard to dissolve, such as feldspar Table 2. Results of saturation indices calculation
and laumontite, were dissolved intensely along Mineral iiaiiie rain water spring \\ ater
cleavage seam and seams around mineral grains and gypsuin -1.5 -0.59
honeycomb-like mineral skeleton and a great deal of calcite -CO 1.11
secondary quartz and clay minerals were left over
(Figure 2). The study of rock casting thin sections doloinite -CO 1.90
using polarizing microscopes found that the

F i g r e 1. H-0 stable isotope diagram of the slope groundwater

Table 1 The analytical data of the water

pH SiO, Ca" Mg" K' c1 DS DIC 6 "U%") "S(%")
Rain 4.3 0.020 0.045 0.013 0.025 0.029 0.135 0.604 -12.83 -3.97
Spring\vater 7.35 0.149 6.600 0.810 0.132 1.109 1.480 3.829 -18.41 5.2.3
All concentrations of cleiiietits and species are 111 iiimol/l; DS denotes total dissoh ed sulfur. DIC denotes total dmoh cd inorganic
carbon; the Ialues of Ca' , Mg' , Na-, K , C1 and DS of the rain after Zhilal Shen et a1 ( 1992 )

Figure 2 SEM photograph of corroded minerals and minerals left over

2.2 Pln~isihlephases 2 3 A4ns.s halarsce reaction niodeliiig

Plausible phases refer to constituents that enter or The chemical evolution of the water along the flow
leave the aqueous phase during the course of water- path were constrained by the relationship of
rock (soil) interaction. The determination of
conservation of mass that was represented by the
plausible phases is the basis of mass balance
reaction modeling. following equations
By way of comparing the chemical composition of 0 calcite + 0 dolomite + a ,o = 1777 (3 (2)
rain and spring water, analyzing the mineralogy and
microstructure of the slope rock and clay by X ray a gvpvp’um = A 1771s (3)
diffraction, casting thin section ( that is, rock 0 calcite + 0 laumontiv + 0 iioloniite + 0 g ’ p u i n = illrc;r (4)
samples being impregnated with a red resin prior to a dolomite = n7T4fg (5)
sectioning) and SEM observation, the plausible a NaCl = n7TCl (6)
phases of the slope water-rock system were selected 0 poias,iurn icld5par + 0 illlie = ll?TAk (7)
(Table 3).

Table 3 Selected plausible phases for mass balance reaction modeling

Phase laumol~tltc feldspar
potasslulll calcite doloinite gypsum Sodiuiii Carbon llllte
clilonde dioude

Composition CaSi ,AI20,? KSi,A10, CaCO, CaMg(CO,), CaSO, NaCl CO? KAISi-020(OH)I SiO?

results of the mudstone from XRD, the phase was
pyrite. The corrected mass balance reaction models
were following
where o P is the number of moles of yth mineral
entering (positive) or leaving (negative) the solution,
b , , is the stoichiometric coefficient of kth element in
the yth mineral, A indicates a difference (final
value minus initial value), nrT,kis the total molality
of the kth element in solution.
Considering the dissolving process and carbon
isotope equilibrium, there were the following

modeling results were showed in Table 4

The preliminary modeling results were obtained 2.5 Esiinzniion qf fotnl m m m t of niim.cils
from the mass balance reaction model consisting of cor.roded
equation (2)-equation (10) The total discharge rate of the slope groundwater per
year (0t/a) was calculated using the following

where Q f ( t ) is the discharge hnction with time of

24 L x a n m m v 1 oj 17?0dtdI?lgresrdt ith spring.
The total corrosion amount (M t/a) was defined as
Comparing the above relevant a , with the
saturation indices in Table 2 indicated modeling P
results were reasonable from one aspect M = 1 x 10 - " x QC a I , n 7 , , 113)
P- 1
The sulfur isotope data in Table 1 offered relevant
information for examining the modeling result The
where Y is the total number of reactant phases and
examining be carried out on the basis of equation nip is
the molal mass ofyth phase.
(11) (Hummer et a1 1993) The total corrosion amount calculated using

077T J7w,,l,f +, < ,a,$ , , ~ 7 9 "equation

1 > (13) equaled to 38.93 t/a, of which the
( b 3 byr 5 ) = P-1 cements such as laumontite accounted for 99.05% or
(m, 5 so. According to this result, the estimated corrosion

(11) depth per year was about 3mm. Because the main
where h,,, is the stoichiometric coeficient of sulfur phases of mass transfer were aluminosilicate
in the y t h phase, 6 ''SI, is the sulfur isotope minerals, the corrosion amount of 3 8 . 9 3 did not
composition in per mil of the yth phase, inTSand 6 denote that so amount of mass was bought out from
"S, denote the total molality of sulfur in solution the slope, but the amount of the minerals whose
and the average isotopic composition, in per mil, of structure were destroyed.
total dissolved sulfur, respectively The above research results showed that the
The calculated ~ ~ " SforI J final water equaled to corrosion of acid groundwater to the slope rockmass
18 92%0, but the corresponding measured value was was very intense. Since occurs mainly along the
only 5 23 %o, which indicated that in addition to discontinuities, the intense corrosion action will
gypsum other phase containing sulfur existed in the speed up the slope evolution process from stable to
water-rock system According to the analyzing unstable state, as well as complete failure.

Table 4 Results of the mass balance reaction modeling

~ l isea u lit i t e
~ a iiio ssiuill Calcite Dolomite Gypsum
feldspar chlonde diovde Illite Quart'
a I1 5 390 0 134 0 24 0827 0098 108 2 158 -0 027 -22 02

3 PREVENTION AND CONTROL MEASURES minerals to dissolve easily were corroded, the
concentration of every ion of the four leaching fluids
It was clear that if seepage water was neutralized had an apparent rise. Except the sand clay the pH of
prior to entering the slope rockmass, the corrosion the leachates amounted to 7 or so. Because modeling
action may be effectively contained. Since the slope the corrosion of aluminosilicate minerals such as
rockmass was covered by a sand clay layer of 1 m feldspar was hardly possible, the ion concentration
thick, the sand clay may be changed into a margin of the leachate from the sandstone was
neutralizing barrier by mixing it with some additive. relatively lower.
Considering the neutralizing effect, cost as well as
availability, limestone was chosen as additive. 3 2 Modeling experiment or7 tiei4ti*aImrighariwr
According to carbonic acid equilibrium theory, when
3.1 Modelirig experinient OH corroding capacity of
the action between water and CaCO; gets balance in
acid izliti OH the slope rock and clay
a open system, the pH of the solution is equal to 8 4,
Acid rain was modeled by adding hydrochloric acid which indicates that limestone has the capacity of
into distilled water and the modeling experiment on neutralizing acid water Moreover, as a natural
conoding capacity of acid rain on the slope rock and material it is not only inexpensive but also may be
clay was made using a leaching column. Water-rock obtained easily So, limestone was chosen as
interaction time was controlled within 20 hours by additive Limestone was ground into broken stone of
circulating leaching The sand clay, weathering and 2cm in diameter to increase interaction time The
fresh mudstone, as well as fresh sandstone from the sand clay was mixed with limestone at some fraction
slope were leached respectively. The fresh mudstone to turn it into a neutralizing barrier Mudstone and
and sandstone were ground to pass a lcm sieve. The sandstone were ground to pass a lcm sieve
results were given in Table 5 . Simulating experiment was conducted in a leaching
Table 5 demonstrated the corrosion of acid rain on device (Figure 3) The interaction time of water-
the slope rocks was very intense. Although the barrier and water-rockmass was controlled within 20
modeling water-rock interaction time was far shorter hours
than the real that, and in the course only part of the

Table 5 Chemical composition of acid rain and leaching fluids (mg/l)

Na' K' ca ?+ M ?+ c1 SO,? HCO, CO,? CO? pH TDS
1 OS6 060 5 11 255 1443 535 599 000 1051 42 33 1 3
2 7 11 7 33 2558 348 1413 41 98 4545 000 1583 5 95 1197
3 1086 281 1918 417 2367 1239 10023 0 0 0 122 7 10 183 52
4 3016 212 3716 526 6839 2099 7592 000 844 7 1 201 11
5 8 1 1 221 2575 391 1841 2099 7226 000 422 73 115 54
1. acid ran, 2. sand cla!. 3. weatheniig mudstone. 4, Fresh mudstone. 5. sandstone. TDS denotes total dlssol\ed sollds

Figure 3. Experimental model of neutralizing barrier

_.- 6. The comoosition of leachate
Number Na' K Ca?' Mg?' C1- SO:- HC0,- CO:- CO? pH TDS
0 0.86 0.60 5.11 2.55 14.43 5.35 5.99 0.00 10.54 4.2 33.33
1 7.51 1.36 71.03 15.07 11.43 38.28 223.77 0.00 21.51 7.10 259.65
2 10.35 1.86 59.23 20.40 21.01 39.92 209.93 0.00 10.12 7.10 257.79
0:acid rain (input ivater); 1, leachate from neutralizing barrier; 2, leachate from roclunass

Table 7. The composition of leachate

Number Na- K Ca?' Mg" C1' SO:- HCO,' CO? pH TDS
1 4.12 2.42 71.12 8.81 74.31 31.28 123.51 0.00 7.72 255.83
2 15.63 1.77 61.51 9.50 78.25 31.69 114.22 0.00 7.52 255.46
1. leachate froin neutralizing barrier: 2, leachate from rockinass

The comparison of the compositions of acid rain The chemical effect of groundwater from acid rain
and leachates from the barrier and rockmass were on some railway bed slope located in Chongqing
presented in Table 6. The neutralizing barrier not suburbs was investigated and a corresponding
only elevated the pH of acid rain from 4.3 to 7.1 but prevention and control measure were studied. The
also raised its TDS by about 7 times. The results demonstrated that the corrosion of acid
concentrations of all the ions increased apparently, groundwater on the slope rockmass was very intense.
especially HC0;- and Ca". Comparing Table 6 with Both minerals easy to dissolve and those hard to
Table 5 , these changes obviously stemmed from dissolve, such as potassiuni feldspar and laumontite,
limestone, but from sand clay. So, the neutralizing were intensely corroded. The porosity of rockmass
effect of the barrier was striking. was obviously raised. The corrosion took place
After passing through the neutralizing barrier, the along the discontinuities and was the most important
seepage water from acid rain lost basically the factor causing the rockmass strength decaying.
capacity to corrode the rockmass. Having penetrated The total leaching amount of the slope amounted
the rockmass, the increase margins of ion to 30 t per year or so, which meant the structure of
concentrations were all little, and even those of Ca2+, about 30 t minerals, especially the cements such as
HCO; and TDS were negative. That is why the laumontite, were destroyed. The corrosion depth was
effect of neutralizing barrier was conspicuous. about 3mm per year. The experiments indicated that
In order to confirm further the above conclusion a the neutralization barrier made of the slope sand clay
dilute solution whose pH was 4.2 was compounded and limestone could effectively lowered the acidity
by adding hydrochloric acid into running water and and corrosive capacity of the seepage water from
a repeated experiment was conducted. The result acid rain and prevent the rockmass against
was given in Table 7. The concentration changes corrosion.
trend of Na*, Ca?' and HCO; and the change in TDS
indicated in Table 7 were basically consistent with
that shown in Table 6. It became clear that after REFERENCES
passing through the neutralizing barrier, the seepage
water from acid rain lost basically corrosiveness and
the neutralizing barrier made of limestone could Pluinmer L. N. 1977. Defining reaction and mass transfer in
prevent effectively the slope rockmass against parts of the floridan aquifer. l ? b w resoiiiw.~resenrcli.
corrosion. Ibl. 13. Xo. 5.
Considering slope property, neutralizing barrier is Plummer L. N. et al. 1980 The iiiass balance
suitable to those covered by weathering clay layer; approach :application to interpreting the chemical
In light of geographical condition, it is proper not evolution of hydrological systems. .lii/ericnii journnl oj
science. I bl. 280
only in acid region but also most of areas where Pluinmer L. N.et al. 1983. De\clopiuent of reaction models for
chemical weathering are intense and soil acidity are ground-water system. Geochimicn e l Cos~rocl7iii/icn .Icm
strong, such as vast southern china. Tbl. 17
Plurmner L. N. et al. 1993. Geochemical modeling of the
Madison aquifer in parts of Montana Wyoming and South
4 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Dakota. Ilhter resoiirces rcseni-ch. Ibl. 26. NO. 9
Younger P. L. 1992. The hydrogeological use of thin sections:
estimates of groundwater flow and transport parameters.
Groundwater originating from rain plays an
Qiiorter!v Jouri7ol of Ei7gineeriiig Geolo<p. 25 . 159-
important part in slope evolution and deformation. 161
Its effect may be divided into mechanical and
chemical two aspects.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang GJ 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Slope failures triggered by an earthquake and a heavy rain in Chiba

S.Yasuda, Y.Yoshida, T. Kobayashi & T. Mizunaga

Tokyo I l m k i Universig, Suitnnia,J u p n

ABSTRACT: Slope failurcs during thc 1971 hcavy rain and 1987 Chibaken-toho-oki carthquakc in Chiba were
studicd by aerial photo survcy. Slopes failed during thc second trigger wcrc thc slopcs saved from the failure
during thc first triggcr. Laboratory tcsts for thc failcd soil showcd that cohcsion dccrcascd with weathering. It
was concludcd that thc soils of the slopcs arc scnsitivc to wcathcr and tend to fail during rains or earthquakcs.


In Japan, slope failures occur frcqucntly because

there arc many big carthquakcs and hcavy rains.
Morcovcr, soils or rocks of slopcs arc weak and
sensitivc to slidc bccausc they arc young and tend to
wcathcr. Sharp fluctuation of tcmpcraturc and
moisturc accclcratcs thc wcathcring of thc soils and
rocks. Tcmperaturc is ovcr 30°C and under 0 "c
summer and in wintcr, respcctivcly. Rainfall continues
during about 2 month in rainy scason but no rain falls
in dry scason.
Thcrcforc the study on dccrcasc of strcngth of soils
and rocks due to wcathcring sccms to be important.
Rccently, many slope failurcs occurred during a
heavy rain and an carthquakc at almost samc slopcs in
Chiba. It scemcd that thc soils of the slopcs arc
scnsitivc to wcather. Thcn, thc authors studicd thc
soil and topographical conditions of thc failcd slopes,
and conductcd laboratory tcsts to ciemonstratc thc
dccrcasc of strcngth duc to wcathcring.


CONDITIONS OF THE STUDIED AREA Fig. I Location of the arca studicd

Figurc 1 shows thc arca studicd. Thc arca is in and

around Naruto and Matuo towns, mrhich arc about 60 3 SURVEY OF FAILED SLOPES DUE TO TWO
km wcst of Tokyo, in Chiba Prcfccturc. Shimofusa TRIGGERS
Tcrrdcc is formcd bchind Kujyukuri lowz land. Height
of thc tcrracc is several tcns mctcrs. Figure 2 shows a 3.1 Slope failures during U heavy ruin and an
cross section of thc tcrracc at thc sampling sitc shown earthquake
latcr. The tcrracc is composed mainly of dcnsc and
ccmentcd sand laycrs named Narita Sand which was Slope failurcs occurred at about 7760 sites in Chiba
dcposited in Plcistoccnc. Surface soils of Narita Sand Prefecture due to the heavy rain on September 6 to 8
are fairly wcathcrcd. Top of thc terracc is covered in 1971. Most failures were shallow slides of Natira
with a thin layer of loam. Sand. In 1987, Chibaken-toho-oki earthquake, with a

Fig.2 Soil cross section at the sampling site (Sambu Construction Work Office of Chiba
Prcfecture Government)

magnitude of 6.7 on the JMA scale occurred about different. Therefore, it can be concluded that surface
10 krn southeast Kujyukuri low land. Many terrace sand of slopes had been weathered and sensitive to
slopes failed. Most of failures were shallow slides of failure before two disasters. Some slope failed during
Narita Sand again. the 1971 heavy rain and remaining slopes failed
during the 1987 Chibaken-toho-oki carthquake.
3.2 Survey of failed slopes by aerial photoes
3.3 Effect of failure of neighbor slope
Locations of failed slopes during the 1987 Chibaken-
toho-oki earthquake were investigated and plotted on In detailed survey of Failed slopes, several interesting
maps by Chiba Prefecter Government. However, locations where failures during the former disaster
locations of failed slopes during the 1971 heavy rain affected the failures during the latter disaster, were
were not clear. Then, aerial photo survey was carried found. Figure 4 s h o w the dctailcd map of these
out for both disasters to find the locations with a locations. At Site No.1 and 3, east and west slopes
same accuracy. Aerial photos used were taken in the failed during the heavy rain, then central slope failed
following years: during the earthquake. At Site No.2 east slope failed
a) 1971 heavy rain: at first, then west neighbor slope failed. Neighbor
1970 (before the disaster, 1/20,000) slope also failed at Site No.4. In these sites, the
1972 (after the disaster, 1/13,000) central or neighbor slopes must be sensitive to failure
b) 1987 Chibaken-toho-oki earthquake during the earthquake because side friction of these
1986 (before the disaster, 13,000) slopes had been lost due to the Failures of neighbor
1988 (after the disaster, 12,500) slopes during the heavy rain.
Figure 3 shows the locations of failed slopes during
two disasters. As shown in this figure, many slope
failures occurred on terrace slopes which are the 4 RING SHEAR TESTS TO STUDY THE
boundary between Kujyukuri lowland and Shimofusa DECREASE OF STRENGTH DUE TO
Terrace during the 1971 heavy rain. Slope failures
occurred also on almost same line of terrace slopes
4.1 Sampling and weathering procedures
during the 1987 Chibakn-toho-oki earthquake.
Volume of slid mass is also similar. However, As mentioned above, typical pattern of slope failures
locations of failed slopes were slightly different. This was shallow slide of a surface weathered soil layer. It
means that slopes which had been saved from failure seemed also that the soil named Narita Sand is
during the 1971 heavy rain, failed during the 1987 sensitive to weather. Then, decrease of shear strength
Chibaken-toho-oki earthquake. of the Narita Sand due to weathering was tested by a
From topographical points of view, terrace slopes ring shear test apparatus.
are not curved in this area. Topographical conditions Undisturbed samples of Narita Sand were taken at
of failed slopes during the two disasters were not the site shown in Figs.2 and 3. As the slope had failed

Fig.3 Locations of failed slopes during the heavy rain and the earthquake

Fig.4 Detailed map of the interesting sites

and inner diameter are 2.5cm, 15cm and 10cm,
In this district, heavy rain falls in June and July but
no rain falls in winter. Moreover, it’s very hot in
summer though snow falls in winter. Then two
procedures to weather the specimens were selected:
cyclic drying and wetting, and cyclic freezing and
thawing. In the first procedure, specimens were dried
in a drying furnace with the temperature of 60°C for
22 hours and wetted by a spray for 2 hours as shown
in Fig.6. This procedure was repeated for prescribed
numbers of cycles. In the second procedure,
Fig.5 Grain size distribution curve of the samlpe specimens wcre frozen with -20°C for 3 hours and
thawed with 40°C for 3 hours as shown in Fig.7.
Numbers of cycles were selected as 0, 1, 4, 16 and 64.
Confining pressure was not applied during these
processes because only surface soil layer must be
weathered. Figure 8 shows volume change of
specimens during the weathering processes.
Specimens swelled up to 16th cycle. Especially, the
volume changed rapidly up to fourth cycle. The
volume change by drying and wetting was larger than
that by freezing and thawing.

4.2 Ring shear tests

Shear strength of the weathered specimens were
tested by a ring shear test apparatus. Water content
of the specimen were adjusted as natural water
content in situ, then vertical pressure of 50, 100 or
200 kPa was applied. Torsional shear stress was
applied with a speed of 0.183 degrees/minute, up to
Fig.6 Procedure of drying and wetting 50 degrees under drained condition. Torsional shear
strcss, torsional angle and vertical displacement were
measured during the tests.
Torsional shear stress increascd with torsional
angle, then decreased slightly after a peak strength.
The peak strength was induced at several degrees of
torsional anglc. Figures 9(a) and 9(b) show the
change of peak strength and residual strength,

Fig.7 Procedure of freezing and thawing

surface soil only was excavated to the depth of about

l m at the middle height of the slope. Then
undisturbed samples were taken by block sampling
technique. Figure 5 shows grain size distribution
curve of the sample. As shown in the figure the
sample was silty sand with 27.6 % of fines. Samples Fig.8 Volume change of specimens during
were trimmed for specimens. Height, outer diameter weathering process

Fig.9 Change of pcnk and residual strengths with
Fig. 10 Change of peak aiid residual strengths with
repeated number oi':;~ks for drying and wetting
repeated number of cycles for freezing and thawing
respectively, with repeated number of cycles for dried
and wetted specimens. Figures 10(a) and 10(b) show
test results for the specimen weathered by freezing
and thawing. Both peak and residual strengths
decreased up to fourth cycle. This number of cyclc is
similar as the number in which volume change
occurred, as mentioned above. Reduction of the
strengths for the specimens weathered by drying and
wetting were more sevcrc than that weathered by
frcczing and thawing. As mentioned above, volume
change during the drying and thawing was larger than
that during the freezing and thawing. Therefore, it
can be said reduction of peak and residual strengths is
attributed to the swelling of the specimen, because
cementation of particles decreases with the swelling.
Figures 11 and 12 show relationships between
vertical pressure and peak strength for the two series
of tests. Change Of angle Of internal friction, d , and Fig. I 1 Relationships betweell vertical pressure and
cohesion, C , from zero cycle to 64th cycle, derived peak strellgth for dried and wetted specimen
from these figures are:
a) weathered by drying and wetting: c=15 kPa-0
kPa, #=35' -311' Therefore it can be said that the main reason of
b) weathered by freezing to thawing: c=15 kPa-5 decrease of strength is attributcd to the loss of
kPa, 4=35" -33" cohesion. In general, the loss of cohesion causes

Denki University. Their cooperation and assistance
are gratefully acknowledged.


Yasuda, S., T. Kobayashi, T. Mizunaga & K.

Yamamoto 1999. Decrease of shear strength of
two types of soils during the cyclic drying-wetting
and freezing-thawing, Proc. of the 34lh Annual
Convention of the Japanese Geotechnical Society
(in press, in Japanese).

Fig. 12 Relationships between vertical pressure and

peak strength for frozen and thawed specimen

shallow slide because the strength of surface soil is

controlled not by internal friction but cohesion. This
must be the reason why shallow slides occurred
during the heavy rain and the earthquake as
mentioned beforc.
The authors has been conducted same tests for
Kdntoh Loam which is volcanic ash soil (Yasuda et
al., 1999). Test results showed that not cohesion
but internal friction decreases due to weathering for
the Kanto Loam. It is interesting that the mechanism
of decrease of strength due to weathering is different
between the Narita Sand and the Kdntoh Loam.


Slope failure sites during the 1971 heavy rain and

1987 Chibaken-toho-oki earthquake in Chiba were
studied by aerial photo survey. Laboratory tcsts to
demonstrate the decrease of strength due to
weathering were also carried out. Based on these
studies, following conclusions were derivcd:
1) Type of the slope failures during both disasters
was shallow slides.
2) Surfdcc sands of the slopes had been wcathered
and sensitivc to failure before the two disasters.
3) In this soil, cohesion decreases with weathering
and bring shallow slides.


Boring data shown in Fig.2 are provided by Sambu

Construction Work Office of Chiba Prefecture
Government. Great support was given by the office
and Nihonkohatsu Co. Ltd. in the sampling of the
Narita Sand. Ring shear tests were conducted with
the assistance of Messrs. S. Imura, Y. Uno and K.
Yamamoto who were former students at Tokyo

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Numerical evaluation of the effects of drainage pipes

Takuo Yamagami & Jing-Cai Jiang
Department of Civil Engineering, Universityof Tokushima,Japan
Kenji Nishida
Obayashi Corporation Technical Research Institute, Tokyo,Japan

ABSTRACT: An evaluation method is presented for the effectiveness of horizontal/semi-horizontal drains to

reduce ground-water pressures in soil slopes. A system of horizontal/semi-horizontal drains is commonly used
to enhance the stability of slopes in which ground-water is the main cause of instability, this is the usual case
for almost all landslide slopes in Japan. Despite its quite frequent use, no design guidelines have been
established. In this paper ground-water behavior is solved by the 3D-finite element saturated-unsaturated
seepage analysis. One dimensional linear finite elements are incorporated into the 3D-finite element ground-
water system to simulate the influence of the drains. An experiment was conducted on a model sandy ground
in a metal tank in which perforated drainage pipes were installed. The observed results were compared with
the numerical ones, and good agreements were obtained, indicating the usefulness of the proposed method.

1 INTRODUCTION approach (Cai, et al. 1998) has been presented in

which pressure heads are simply forced to zero along
Fans of perforated drainage pipes are installed drainage pipes. This treatment however dose not
almost invariably in Japan to improve the stability of seem to reflect the real state of seepage flow.
landslide slopes. To the authors' knowledge Drainage effects may vary widely according to the
however, a rational design method has not yet been size and perforation ratio of each pipe. The scheme
developed for this type of stabilizing measure. The of zero-pressure head along the pipe however,
choice of drain length and drain spacing for systems cannot take into account the above fact. Regardless
of drainage pipes are usually chosen on the basis of of the type of pipe, it will yield the same result. On
engineering judgement by the engineers in charge. this point, the present method discretizes a drainage
This is unavoidable, in one sense, because of Japan's pipe as one-dimensional finite elements with a
natural ground conditions. Mountainous regions in hydraulic conductivity, thereby enabling us more
Japan, where usually landslides take place, consist of flexible treatment.
very complicated, unsystematic and heterogeneous An experimental investigation was made for
geological materials varying from soft soils to hard verification of the proposed method, based on a
rocks. It is thus quite difficult to treat the ground- small scale model sandy ground with some model
water behavior quantitatively. These circumstances drainage pipes. Good comparisons were obtained
have hindered progress in the theoretical aspects of between the predicted and the measured values,
the design criterion for drainage systems. We must demonstrating that the proposed method can be used
nonetheless make efforts to overcome this difficulty. with confidence for design purpose as long as soil
Thus, the goal of our research is to develop a rational grounds are concerned.
design method which will adapt to the actual
situations mentioned above. And as the first step
toward this goal, ground conditions in this paper are 2 NUMERICAL MODEL
restricted to soil systems only, without
discontinuities with regard to seepage flow. A three-dimensional saturated-unsaturated finite
This paper presents a 3D-finite element element technique is employed to simulate transient
representation of the effectiveness of drainage pipes, seepage for ground-water flow systems including
provided that the ground consists of soils amenable drainage pipes. The soil system is treated as a
to an integrated saturated-unsaturated seepage continuum, without hydro-geological discontinuities
analysis. The key to success of the proposed method which may become preferred flow paths,
is how to numerically model the drainage pipes. An encompassing flow in both saturated and unsaturated

zones. The governing equation for this system is for the pipe flow:


- CC(4) + as,]- = 0
The Galerkin method has been applied to this
at equation for the finite element formulation. In
Eq.(6), if the pipe under consideration lies in a
saturated zone, then the pipe is also assumed to be
where xi : the spatial coordinate, k,( 4 ) : the saturated ; and if it is in an unsaturated zone, then
relative hydraulic conductivity, $ : the pressure the pipe may be, either.
head, ki,' : the saturated hydraulic conductivity, It is how to determine adequately the saturated-
C( 4): the specific moisture capacity(=a B / a $I), unsaturated seepage characteristics for the pipe flow
(Y : a = l ( $20), a = l ( 4 < 0 ) , S, : the specific that is the biggest problem. There is no existing
storage, t : time. testing method to determine these properties. We
But descriptions of the formulation of finite have thus established an empirical approach that was
element technique based on this equation are omitted attained through trial and error. In the approach, soil-
here, because it is well-documented elsewhere. . water characteristic curve and unsaturated hydraulic
One-dimensional finite elements are used to conductivity are respectively defined in a bilinear
represent the flow in the drainage pipes. Fig.1 form as shown in Fig.2.
illustrates schematically part of a drainage pipe For the saturated flow in the pipe, required
installed in a drilled hole. It is clear that water flows property is the hydraulic conductivity only, and this
predominantly in one direction in the pipe, taking in value has influential effects on the computed results.
neighboring water through perforations or slits on Therefore, how to determine an adequate value of
the peripheral wall of the pipe. the hydraulic conductivity is of great importance.
Now suppose that water is incompressible and no About this essential point a brief discussion will be
pipe deformation occurs during drainage, then the given later.
continuity equation of saturated-unsaturated seepage Complete solutions are provided by the
in the pipe can be expressed as simultaneous treatment of the 3D-model governing
the equation of the ground-water system, Eq.( I), and
the governing equation for the pipe flow, Eq.(6),
aeB with appropriate boundary and initial conditions. In
-div?+q =- the finite element formation, 8-node isoparametric
at and one-dimensional linear elements are used for the
where v : the velocity, q : the flow rate into the pi e
per unit length of it from surrounding ground, 8 E: :
volumetric moisture content.
Eq.(2) can be rewritten as

-div?+q =CB($)-
Fig. 1 Drainage pipe in a drilled hole
where CB( 4) : the specific moisture capacity
(= a B B/ a y5 ) for the flow in the pipe.
We assume here the following equation of motion,
that is Darcy's law, for the flow in the pipe for both
saturated and unsaturated conditions :

v =kB($)I (4)

where k,"( ) : the relative hydraulic conductivity (0
S k,"( 4)5 1 ).
Then we can finally obtain the governing equation Fig.2 Unsaturated properties for drainage pipes

ground-water system and for the flow in the pipe, In the ground four perforated metal pipes imitating
respectively. horizontal or semi-horizontal drains were placed.
In what follows, the numerical model mentioned The outside and inside diameters of each pipe were
above is named LE (Linear Element) model ; 8mm and 6mm respectively. Perforations were made
whereas the existing model is called PP (Prescribed over the whole length of the pipes. Each pipe was
Pressure) model in which the pressure head is protected on the outside by wire gauze stocking.
prescribed to be zero. Even in the PP model, nodal Arrangement of the pipes on the front and rear faces
flow rate is zero for the nodes located in an are shown in Fig.3. The rear side ends of the pipes
unsaturated zone. protruded penetrating through the steel plate and
were put in a plug.
The water tables on both sides of the ground were
3 EXPERIMENTS gradually raised from the bottom up to a height of
S5cm and this final condition was kept for 24 hours,
A test tank used is shown in Fig.3 ; the size of which followed by the following two types of experiment :
is 190cm wide , 9Scm high and 40cm deep. The 1) The first case (Case 1) : Drainage was
front face of the tank is made of a transparent acrylic performed for 2 minutes after pulling out the four
(resin) plate. On the rear, steel plate are attached 60 plugs simultaneously. The water tables were kept at
manometers to measure pore water pressures along the height of S5cm during this experiment.
the inside surface of the rear plate. 2) The second case (Case 2) : First, one water
Toyoura sand was used in the tank to make a table was lowered down to a height of 4.5cm, while
model ground which measured 1S0.5cm wide, the other was kept at the initial level. The water level
64.Scm high and 40cm deep as shown in Fig.3. The variation with time is given in Fig.4. Then, the four
specific gravity of the sand was 2.65 and the dry plugs were pulled out at an elapsed time of 10
density was 1.Sg/cm3. Sufficiently strong, pervious minutes, without changing the levels of water table
wire screens were vertically installed on both sides on both sides. Under this condition drainage was
of the ground. conducted for 2 minutes.

Fig3 Experimental apparatus

Fig.8 shows the locations of the free surfaces on the
inside surface of the rear steel plate at the end of the
Unsaturated seepage characteristics for the sand, i.e.
experiment of Case 1, where a free surface means a
the pressure head-volumetric moisture content and
line connecting points of zero water pressure head.
the pressure head-relative hydraulic conductivity
The hydraulic conductivity kB for drain pipes are
figures are shown in Fig.5. These characteristics are
unknown in advance. Thus, a parametric study has
obtained from Kohno and Nishigaki's
been done in which three different values were used
research(Kohn0 and Nishigaki, 1981). The hydraulic
for kB as shown in Fig.8. Table 1 lists total volume
conductivity k" is 2.04 X 10-2cm/sec for saturated
of drained water from the mouth of each pipe. The
condition. The specific storage S, is zero assuming
LE model with kB=lOOcm/sec has yielded the best
that the sandy ground will not deform at all.
Unsaturated seepage characteristics for the flow in
pipes are shown in Fig.6. As seen in the figure, the
same form is assumed for both relations, with a
porosity of n= 1.O.
The largest value available is preferable for C1 in
reflecting the actual behavior ; however an excessive
value of C I causes a numerical instability. Thus we
need some experiences to manage to deal with this
The finite element mesh division is shown in Fig.
7 ; the total number of elements is 560 and that of
nodes is 825. This seems like a rather coarse mesh

Fig.6 Unsaturated properties for drainage pipes

Fig.4 Water level variation with time (Case 2)

Fig.7 3D-finite element mesh (A view from steel side)

Fig.8 Comparison of numerical and experimental free surface

Fig.5 Unsaturated properties for sand locations at the end of Case I (120sec, Steel side)

Fig.9 Free surface locations at the end of Case 1
(120sec, Vertical sections including drainage pipes)

solution among the competitors in the light of the

locations of the free surfaces. On the other hand, the
LE model with kB=40cm/sec is considered to be
preferable based on the out-flow amount of water.
Fig.9 shows the locations of the free surfaces in
vertical sections including drainage pipes.

4.2 Case2
Fig.10 shows the transition of the free surface
locations, on the same surface as that in Case 1, from
Fig. 10 The transition of free surface locations from the
the beginning up to the time immediately before the beginning up to the time immediately before the
start of drainage from the pipes. The final conditions start of drainage from the pipes of Case 2 (Steel side)
in Fig.10 become the initiaI ones for the following
drainage analysis.
Fig.11 shows the locations of the free surfaces at Judging from the discussions above synthetically,
the end of the experiment of Case 2. Table 2 lists the kB of 100cm/sec seems to be the most desirable for
same kind of data as Table 1. Again, the LE model the pipes used here. In this way, a promising method
with kB=lOOcrn/sec has yielded the best result of determinin an adequate value of the hydraulic
regarding the locations of the free surfaces, and also conductivity kT3 for any drainage pipe is to perform a
from the viewpoint of the discharged amount of well-controlled, high quality experiment, together
water. Fig. 12 shows the locations of the free surfaces with a parametric study such as that shown in this
as in Fig.9. paper. Back analysis procedure is recommended to
identify the adequate value.
Table 1 Comparison of numerical and experimental total
volume of drained water from each pipe in Case 1
(Unit : cm3)
No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4 Total

Experimental 420 1750 1980 2120 6270

PP model 72 2829 1265 2495 6661

LE model
(kB=100cm/sec) 283 2432 2058 2566 7339

LE model
(kB=SOcm/sec) 338 2141 1831 2221 6531 Fig. 11 Comparison of numerical and experimental free
surface locations at the end of Case 2
LE model (120sec, Steel side)
( k ~ = 4 0 ~ ~ /366
~ ~ ~2097
) 1786 2152 6401

Fig. 12 Free surface locations at the end of Case 2
(1 20sec, Vertical sections including drainage pipes)


A new attempt has been employed for the evaluation Cai, F., K. Ugai, A. Wakai and Q. Li : Effects of horizontal
of the effects of drainage pipes based on the 3D- drains on slope stability under rainfall by three-
finite element seepage analysis, on the premise that dimensional finite element analysis, Computers and
Geotechnics, vo1.23 , pp.255-275, 1998.
the proposed method is valid only for soil slopes.
Kohno, I. and M. Nishigaki : An experimental study on
Numerical simulations were made of experimental characteristics of seepage through unsaturated sandy soil
results on the model ground in a tank, and good (in Japanese), Proceedings of the Japan Society of Civil
comparisons were obtained. It has been also known Engineers, No.307, pp.59-69, 198 I .
that the existing approach, i.e. the PP model is much
less accurate than the proposed one, the LE model.
This is because the PP model cannot take a variety
of drainage pipes into consideration.
Horizontal andor semi-horizontal drains are
installed in almost every case as a controlling
measure for landslide movements in Japan.
Nevertheless, a rational design method has not been
established for this kind of stabilizing works. In
order to improve this situation, the present study has
been done ; but this is not sufficient because it is of
only use for soil slopes. Therefore, we must develop
the proposed method into a more versatile one which
may be adapted to strongly heterogeneous
formations with flow channeling.

Table 2 Comparison of numerical and experimental total

volume of drained water from each pipe in Case 2
(Unit : cm3)
No.1 No:2 No.3 No.4 Total

Experimental 30 1510 1490 1240 4270

PP model 1 2364 737 701 3803

LE model
(kB=]OOcm/sec) 2 1700 141 1 1177 4290
LE model
(kB=’jocm/sec) 2 1849 1239 1026 4116
LE model
( k ~ = 4 0 ~ m / ~ ~2~ ) 1747 1180 975 3904

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Effects of horizontal drains on ground water level and slope stability

Fei Cai & Keizo Ugai
Department of Civil Engineering, Gunnza University,Kiryu, Japan

AEISTRACT: The effects of the horizontal drains on the ground water level are predicted by 3D FE analysis of
transient water flow through unsaturated-saturated soils. The slope stability is evaluated with the global safety
factor, obtained by 3D elasto-plastic shear strength reduction FEM, where the pore water pressure is obtained
from the transient water flow analysis. The numerical results of a typical slope show that the ground water level
is effectively lowered with the horizontal drains installed, and that the steady-state pressure head is independent
of the hydraulic properties of soils. The slope stability increases with the length of the horizontal drains, and
lengthening the horizontal drains is more effective than making the spacing smaller and increasing the drains
number in a group when the length of the horizontal drains is shorter than the critical length.


The horizontal drains are an effective measure to 2.1 Fitnabmenfa1flow equation

lower the ground water level and to increase the
The Darcy’s law has been shown to be valid for the
slope stability. The effects of the following
water flow through unsaturated soils as well as the
parameters, i.e. the length, spacing, and direction
flow through saturated soils (Richards 193 I). The
angle of the horizontal drains, on the ground water
main difference is that the hydraulic conductivity is
level and slope stability are the factors concerned in
assumed to be constant for saturated soils, while it
the design of the horizontal drains .
depends on the pore volume occupied by water for
In the present paper, the effects of the horizontal
unsaturated soils. Based on the mass conservation
drains on the ground water level in a typical slope
and the Darcy’s law, the differential equation
with upstream water level of 14m and down stream
governing the water flow through unsaturated-
water level of 5m are predicted with 3D FE analysis
saturated soils is given by:
of transient water flow through unsaturated-saturated
soils. The slope stability is evaluated with the global
safety factor, obtained with 3D elasto-plastic shear
strength reduction FEM, where the water pressure is
obtained from the above-mentioned transient water
flow analysis. The conventional elasto-plastic FEM is where K ( 0 ) is the hydraulic conductivity, 8 is the
modified to predict the global safety factor of slopes, volumetric moisture content, 0 is the pressure head,
whose definition is identical to that of the z is the elevation head, t is time, and c(B) is the
conventional limit equilibrium methods (Ugai & specific moisture capacity.
Leshchinsky 1995). The shear strength of the
unsaturated soils is expressed with the Bishop’s
effective stress equation (Bishop 1959). Three sets of 2.2 Hydraulic characteristics
hydraulic characteristic parameters of van Genuchten Equation (1) includes two soil parameters that must
model (van Genuchten 1980) are used to investigate be determined: the hydraulic conductivity and the
their influences on the ground water level and the specific moisture capacity. These parameters under
slope stability. unsaturated conditions are dependent on the

volumetric moisture content, which is in turn related sliding surface as the conventional limit equilibrium
to the pressure head. A widely used representation of methods (Ugai & Leshchinsky 1995).
the hydraulic characteristics of unsaturated soils is the The global safety factor of slopes, defined in the
set of closed-form equations (van Genuchten 1980). shear strength reduction FEM, is identical to the one
The soil-moisture retention, specific moisture in the limit equilibrium methods. The reduced
capacity, and hydraulic conductivity are given by: strength parameters ck and 4; replace the shear
strength parameters c' and #' of the Mohr-
s, = (8 - 8,)/(8, - 8,) = (1 +I U @/'I
rm Coulomb's failure criterion. Stresses and strains are
then calculated in the slope by the elasto-plastic FEM.
The initial F is selected to be so small that the soils of
c(8) = U (n - 1)(& - 8,) sym
(1 - Sk'"')'I the slope are under elastic condition. Then the value
of F is increased step by step until the global failure
of the slope finally develops, which means that the FE
calculation diverges under a physically real
convergence criterion. The global safety factor at
failure lies between the F, at which the iteration limit
respectively, where
is reached, and the immediately previous value. The
detailed procedure can be seen elsewhere (Ugai &
m = 1 - 1/M n>l (5) Leshchinsky 1995).
For unsaturated soils, the water phase occupies
and S, is the relative degree of saturation, and 9, and
only parts of the pore volume, while the remainder is
Ss denote the residual and saturated volumetric covered by air. Bishop (1959) introduced a x -factor
moisture contents, respectively. K, and K,are the to account for the fact, and suggested an equation for
saturated and the relative hydraulic conductivity, the effective stress of unsaturated soils. The shear
respectively. a , n, and nz are empirical parameters strength of unsaturated soils is then calculated as:
of the hydraulic characteristics. The hydraulic
hnctions are determined by a set of five parameters,
6, , 9,, a , n, and K,.
where zJ is the shear stress at failure, c' is the
2.3 Numerical approach effective cohesion, CT is the total normal stress, U , is
The FE formulation for the transient water flow the pore-air pressure, U", is the pore-water pressure,
through unsaturated-saturated soils can be derived by @' is the effective friction angle, and x is a
the Galerkin principle of weighted residual: parameter with the value between zero and unity,
depending on soil type and the degree of saturation.
d@ The x -factor can roughly be replaced by the
df relative degree of saturation. The shear strepgth
obtained from the hypotheses are in good agreement
where, D is the seepage matrix, E is the capacitance with the experimental results. When the degree of
matrix, and Q is the flux vector. saturation is larger than 50%, there is a better
The time derivative can be approximated with correlation between the predicted and measured
Crank-Nicolson algorithm. Because the hydraulic shear strength for unsaturated soils (Oberg & Sallfors
conductivity and specific water capacity are fbnctions 1997, Vanapalli et al. 1996).
of the volumetric moisture content, Equation (6) is
highly nonlinear and is solved by an iterative method.

3 FE ANALYSIS OF SLOPE STABILITY An idealized slope with the height of 10m and the
gradient of 1: 1.5 is analyzed with a mesh, as shown in
The shear strength reduction FEM can analyze the Figure 1. The initial ground water level is supposed
slope stability under a general frame. The numerical to be 14m in the upstream and 5m in the downstream.
comparison shows that this method can yield nearly The slope and the ground are assumed to be
the same safety factor and the corresponding critical composed of the same soil. Three sets of the van

Figure 1. Typical slope and FE mesh

Table 1. Hydraulic properties

Soil tvne GCL USS BLS
a (m-') 1.060 7.087 2.761
Figure 3. Time histories of pressure head
n 1.395 1.810 3.022
0, 0.106 0.049 0.044
0, 0.469 0.304 0.375 linearly increases to unity at the height of the initial
K,( 10'4cm/s) 1.516 18.29 63.83 water level for each type of soil. The initial moisture
content has not influence on the pressure head in the
steady state.
Table 2. Mechanical properties The effects of the horizontal drains on the slope
Parameter Value stability are predicted with the shear strength
Young's modulus 98.1 MPa reduction FEM, in which the pore water pressure is
Poisson's ratio 0.3 obtained from transient water flow analysis. In order
Unit weight 17.66 kN/m3 to compare the effects of hydraulic characteristics on
Effective cohesion 7.85 kPa the slope stability when the horizontal drains are
Effective friction angle 25" installed, it is assumed that mechanical parameters of
Dilatancv angle 0" GCL, USS, and BLS are the same, as shown in Table
2, in spite of these soils with different grain
characteristics and micro-structures.

4.1 Effects of horizontal drains length

The horizontal drains are installed at the height of the
lower ground surface. The spacing is 10m, i.e. S=5m
as shown in Figure 1 , when the effects of the length
are analyzed. The pressure head along the horizontal
drains is specified as zero. The length of the
horizontal drains, L, from the slope toe is changed to
clarify its effects on the ground water level and on the
slope stability.
The pressure head contours for the cross section
Figure 2. Contours of pressure head (m) show that the ground water level is effectively
lowered with the horizontal drains installed(Figure 2).
Genuchten model parameters of the hydraulic The numerical results show that the steady-state
characteristics for the Glendale clayey loam (GCL), phreatic surface (the zero pressure contour) is
the Uplands silty sand (USS), and the Bet Degan independent of the hydraulic properties of soil for the
loamy sand (BLS), as shown in Table 1, are used to homogeneous slope. However, the time histories of
investigate their effects on the ground water level and the pressure head on appointed points from the
the slope stability (van Genuchten 1980). steady-state without the horizontal drains to the
The initial relative degree of saturation is assumed steady-state with the drains of L=15m are dependent
to be the same, i.e. Se=0.617, at the slope crest, and on the hydraulic properties, and can not be

the length of the horizontal drains, but it does not
increase further when the horizontal drains are
extended beyond the critical length, as shown in
Figure 5. This is because only the pressure head of
the zones along the slip surface influences the slope
Figure 6 shows that the discharge of the horizontal
drains, Q, can be normalized with the saturated
permeability, Ks. It implies that the other hydraulic
parameters have no influence on the discharge. The
normalized discharge almost linearly increases with
Figure 4. Pressure head versus length the length of the horizontal drains.

4.2 Effec fs of hosizontnl drains syncirig

The relationships between the pressure head and the
spacing of the horizontal drains (L=7.5m and L=l5m)
are shown in Figure 7. For all three types of soil the
ground water level is definitely lowered only in the
zones in the extent of the horizontal drains with the
spacing becoming smaller. Figure 7 shows again that
the steady-state pressure head in homogenous slope
is independent of the hydraulic properties of soil.
When L=7.5m7 the slope stability increases a little
with the spacing becoming smaller. In contrast, when
L=l5m, the slope stability comparatively more
Figure 5. Safety factor versus length increases with the spacing becoming smaller (Figure
8) By comparing the rate of the increase in the safety
factor in Figure 5, it is shown that lengthening the

Figure 6. Discharge versus length

normalized with the saturated permeability, Ks, as

shown in Figure 3.
Figure 4 indicates the relationships between the
pressure head and the length of the horizontal drains.
These relationships are the same for all three types of
soil. It is shown that the rate of the decrease in the
ground water level at the points B and C becomes
smaller and smaller when the horizontal drains are
extended beyond a critical length, i.e., the distance
between the slope toe and the slope shoulder.
The slope stability increases with the increase in Figure 7. Pressure head versus spacing

horizontal drains is more effective to lower the
ground water level and increase the slope stability
when the length of the horizontal drains is shorter
than the critical length.
Figure 9 shows that the discharge of the horizontal
drains with different spacing also can be normalized
with the saturated permeability. The normalized
discharge almost linearly increases with the length of
the horizontal drains whether L=7.5m or L=l5m.

4.3 Eflecfs of horizontal draiia directiori

Figure 8. Safety factor versus spacing The horizontal drains are installed in a group in the
horizontal plane for easy construction. It is assumed
that the group consists of three horizontal drains, and
only half of the group is analyzed due to its symmetry.
The direction angle, i.e. the angle between the drains
is assumed to be 0", 30°, 45", and
respectively. When the length of every horizontal
drains in the group L=7.5m, the spacing is assumed to
be 15m, i.e. S=7.5m. When L=15m, the spacing is
assumed to be 30m, i.e. S=15m.
The relationships between the pressure head and
the direction angle of the horizontal drains (Figure
10) show that for all three types of soil, the direction
angle influences slightly the pressure head. When the
direction angle is 30 degree, and the length reaches
Figure 9. Discharge versus spacing the critical length, the ground water level is the
lowest, and the pressure head decreases only 10%
further. This implies that the ground water level is
slightly lowered firther with the increase in the
number of the horizontal drains in a group if the
length of the drains in the group is the same. This is
because the ground water level has been lowered with
installing the horizontal drains with the direction
angle of zero degree and the other drains in the group
are installed in the region with the lowered ground
water level.
The direction angle of 30" obtains the maximum
increase in the safety factor whether L=7.5m or
L=15m. The increase in the safety factor for the
spacing of 30m and the length of 15m is larger than
that for the spacing of 15m and the length of 7.5m.
Under these conditions, the total length of the
horizontal length is the same. This implies that the
lengthening the horizontal drains in the extent of the
critical length is more effective than increasing the
number of the horizontal drains in the group in order
to lower the ground water level and to increase the
slope stability.
The discharge increases a little with the number of
drains in a group, and the direction angle of the drains
Figure 10. Pressure head versus direction angle almost does not influence the discharge, as shown in
Figure 11, where the discharge ratio with the

drains in a group when the length of the horizontal
drains is shorter than the critical length.


Bishop, A.W. 1959. The principle of effective stress.

Plrblicnfion 32. Oslo: Norwegian Geotechnical
van Genuchten, M.T. 1980. A closed-form equation
for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of
unsaturated soils. SoiI Sci. Soc. Anzer. J. 44: 892-
Figure 1 1. Discharge versus direction angle 898.
Oberg, A.L. & G.Sallfors 1997. Determination of
direction angle of 90" includes the seepage flow shear strength parameters of unsaturated silts and
through the toe of the slope. sands based on the water retention curve. Geotech.
Testing J. 20(1): 40-48.
Richards, L.A. 193 1. Capillary conduction of liquids
5 CONCLUSIONS through porous mediums. Physics 1: 3 18-333.
Ugai, K. & D.Leshchinsky 1995. Three-dimensional
The 3D FE analyses have been conducted to limit equilibrium and finite element analyses: a
investigate the effects of the horizontal drains on the comparison of results. Soils Foz~rzd.35(4): 1-7.
ground water level and the slope stability, where the Vanapalli, S.K., D.G.Fredlund, D.E.Pufah1, &
effects of the length, spacing, and direction angle on A.W.Clifion 1996. Model for the prediction of
the ground water level in a typical slope are predicted shear strength with respect to soil suction. Cm.
with 3D FE analyses of transient water flow through Geofech.J. 33: 379-392.
unsaturated-saturated soils. The slope stability is Zienkiewicz, O.C. & R.L.Tayor 1989. The Jinite
evaluated by the global safety factor, based on the elenienf niefhod, 4th edn. London: McGraw-Hill.
elasto-plastic shear strength reduction FEM. From
the calculated results, the following conclusions are
1. The procedure proposed in the present paper
can be used to determine the length, spacing, and
direction angle of the horizontal drains, and 3D
analyses can give more realistic results than 2D ones.
2. The effects of the horizontal drains on the
ground water level, in turn, the slope stability under
steady-state are independent of the hydraulic
properties of soil for homogenous slope. However,
the time histories of the pressure head from the
steady-state without drains to the steady-state with
drains are influenced by the hydraulic properties.
3. The ground water level is effectively lowered
due to the drainage effect of the horizontal drains.
The slope stability increases with the increase in the
length of the horizontal drains, but the rate of the
increase in the safety factor of the slopes becomes
smaller and smaller when the horizontal drains are
extended beyond a critical length, i.e., the distance
between the slope toe and the slope shoulder.
4. In order to lower the ground water level and
increase the slope stability, lengthening the horizontal
drains is more effective than making the spacing
smaller and increasing the number of the horizontal

5 Effects of seismicity
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Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang (01999Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 905809 0795

Collapse of high embankment in the 1994far-off Sanriku Earthquake

Y. Shioi
Huchinolze institute of Technokogv,Aomol-i,Japan
East Japan Passenger Ruilway Company Limited, Morioku, Jupuii

ABSTRACT: A study using the sliding circle mcthod indicated that a high railway embankment, in Hachinohe, collapsed
in the 1994 Far-off Sanriku Earthquake due to strong vertical seismic motion. Combined with other types of structural
damage, this information should prove useful in evaluating the stability of other embankments.


The 1994 Far-off Sanriku Earthquake occurred in

northeastern Japan at 21:19 on December 28, 1994,
heavily damaging structures in the city of Hachinohe, 200
km west of the epicenter (Figure 1). The Far-off Sanriku
Earthquake measured 7.5 in magnitude on the Japan
Meteorology Agency (JMA) scale and put forth a very
strong motion with a maximum acceleration of 675 gal
(Figure 2). Table 1 gives the maximum values of
acceleration recorded at Hachinohe Port Construction
Office, Hachinohe Meteorological Observatory and
Hachinohe Institute of Technology (HIT). This quakc
occurred 20 days before the 1995 Hyogoken Nanbu
(Hanshin) Earthquake that ravaged the city of Kobe.
The largest aftershock occurred 10 days after the main
shock with a magnitude of 6.9 and with nearly the same
Figure 1. Important sites in the 1994 Far-off Sanriku
level of acceleration (Table l), 80 km southwest of the
epicenter (Figure l), heavily damaging area of Hachinohe

only lightly affected by the main shock.

Table 1. Maximum accelerations of the main shock and
The main shock evidenced such phenomena as damage
aftershock of the Far-off Sailriku Earthquake
due to the vertical component of seismic force and
1 I 1
Observa- Seismo Max. main 1 Max. aftershock
effectiveness of ground improvement for soil liquefaction,
tory -graph ;k ac el.
shc ___ accel.
similar to the Hanshin Earthquake. The seismic measures
for water supply in Hachinohe, after the 1968 Off Tokachi
PortConst SMAC
Earthquake were functioned efficiently and became a
Office -B2 675 - 470 132 552 295 140
standard methods for repair and reconstruction works after
Meteorol. JMA87
a great earthquake, including the Hanshin Earthquake.
Observa. 488 - 602 94 363 499 95
H. JEP- > >
I. GL-1 m 4B3 300 300 192 627 292 186
G1-20 m 4B3 149 __ 109 69 174 102 56 While the damage in Hachinohe was relatively small
compared to the Hanshin disaster, several types of damage

Figure 2. Corrected main shock acceleration record of the 1994 Far-off Sanriku Earthquake, Hachinohe Port Construction
Office, the Ministry of Transportation

Figure 3. Cracks in columns at Hachinohe city hall Figure 5. Comparison of damaged and undamaged
masonry lanterns

cracks, the building should have collapsed under

alternative load.
A viaduct side column (Figure 4) lying on a border
between terrace and sedimentary ground suffered buckled
reinforcing bars at the top and coarse aggregate cut finely
on the shear face.
A comparison of damaged and undamaged masonry
lanterns at a Shinto shrine 011 a hill in central Hachinohe
(Figure 5 ) showed those damaged with ashlars heaped and
plastered upon each other. Another in slender type was
Figure 4. Railway viaduct column breakage connected firmly part to part by other means. Had
horizontal force predominated, undamaged lantern should
were very difficult to explain in terms of conventional have been toppled and the damaged ones with stable shape
horizontal seismic force alone, in both cases. remained sound.
Geologically, the Hachinohe area consists of tertiary and A tall stone monument at the same shrine rotated only
Pleistocene (Dilluvium) terraces covered by thick loam and slightly, with the top stone plate remaining sound (Figure
Holocene (Alluvium) soft sediment on Paleozoic 6). Had horizontal force alone operated here, force should
formations. Most of damage occurred, interesting enough have exceeded 0.6 g corresponding to the frictional
on terraces compared to Holocene ground, as detailed resistance between the massive footing and the ground,
below.. breaking the plate.
The columns of the city hall, built on a low hill, shows Figure 7 shows a comparison of a leaped natural stone
cracks (Figure 3). Intermediate columns had X shaped monument and a small masonry tower, set on rocky
cracks, while end columns, which carried a comparatively ground at another shrine. The former was plastered to
light load, remained sound. If horizontal force caused these footing with concrete mortar and parts of the latter was

Figure 9. Embankment collapse in the 1994 Far-off
Sanriku Earthquake

Figure 6. Shape and rotational deviation of monument


Figure 10. Collapse of high railway embankment

Figure 7. Comparison of leaped natural stone monument

and a small masonry tower

Figure 11. Embankment collapse in the 1968 Off Tokachi


not. A masonry lantern and small towers on the stairway

to the same shrine remained sound (Figure 8). Had even a
small horizontal force been acting, these towers should
have been toppled.


3.1 Overview

Although it is surmised that vertical seismic force

predominated in damaging embankments and cut slopes
observed in the Far-off Sanriku Earthquake, it is difficult
Figure 8. Masonry lantern 011 stainvay to shrine
to prove.
A typical railway embankment collapse occurred on
Holocene ground near Hachinohe (Figure 9 and 10). This

56 1
Figure 12. Completed rehabilitation works

embankment had evidence of severe slope sliding (Figure other structures in nearby residential areas.
11) in the 1968 Off Tokachi Earthquake, which had a Interestingly, while the maximum aftershock had the
magnitude of 7.9, a relatively long period, and a maximum same level of acceleration as the main shock (Table l), it
acceleration of 233 gal. The embankment was repaired did riot produce the same degree of damage. Train
using sheet piles at the slope end and gabions implemented operation continued under careful observation after the
over the slope. railbed had been inspected. The aftershock mainly
The top of the collapsed embankment remained damaged houses in eastern Hachinohe that were located on
positioned almost the same (Figure lO), but gabions at the relatively firm ground, even so, damage was not great.
slope end were thrown several tens meters, suggesting that
a strong, abrupt force acted on the embankment. To restore 3.2 Collapsed embankment Case study
the embankment and enable trains to pass as soon as
possibility, a rehabilitation plan (Figure 12) was quickly After the collapsed embankment had been repaired, East
implemented. Japan Passenger Railway Co. Ltd. conducted a surveys
Repair work was completed in 3 days working 24-hour and analysis series to examine the mechanism of damage.
shifts and the first train passed through slowly at midnight The rehabilitation plan was based on a triangle block
December 31, 1994. analysis (Figure 14).
Other railway damage was mainly railbed misalignment The soil survey provided the geological section (Figure
and settlement, with similar heavy darnage not occurring 15) at the center of collapsed bank and soil coefficients
elsewhere nearby. About 1.5 km away, however, a similar required for analyses, which were conducted using the
road embankment slide (Figure 13) was seen along an old waves of the Far-off Sanriku and the Off Tokachi
small basin. No marked damage was seen to houses or Earthquakes (Table 2).

Figure 13 Collapse of road embankment near railway

Figure 14. Loads adopted in the triangle block analysis

Seismic Comp Top of slope Slope end
wave onent Acc.ga1 Dsp.cm 1
Acc.gal Disp.cm
Tokachi EW 325 6.3 260 5.3
Sanriku EW 678 10.9 403 7.9

Figure 15. Geological section at center of collapsed Table 5. Safety factors of circle sliding in embankment
embankment and in embankment and ground in the Off Tokachi and the

As a result, one dimensional response analysis shows

the acceleration and displacement of the top and end of wave minimum minimum
slope (Table 3). Two dimensional analysis with an EW
component is shown in Table 4. The sliding circle method Sanriku 0.76 0.85
using finite element method (FEM), gives the safety EW+UD 0.73 0.77
factors in the embankment itself and in the embankment
and ground in Table 5. seismic force. In these cases, many similar slides should
Shioi calculates the safety factors along a assumed have been easily found all over on the same ground nearby
sliding line for the horizontal and the vertical forces and their lateral movements of collapsed embankment
(Figure 16). must have been great.
The safety factors for a vertical force 1 g in Figure 16
3.3 Discussion is nearly 1.0 and the forces are so great as 1 g or 2 g
which mean a phenomena of leaping upward, observed in
Except one dimensional analysis, values calculated for the large earthquakes, although this motion have not yet been
Far-off Sanriku Earthquake are so great enough to excite recorded. This motion appears to have been extremely
slope collapse in embankment due to the Off Tokachi short as was the impact from other phenomena discussed.
Earthquake and previous heavy rain Actual sliding through In pile driving, the impact acceleration was some tens or
the base ground involved a great vertical displacement and hundreds gs and some hundreds of microsecond.
a small horizontal movement of main embankment. If 1 g is a critical value to slide, these phenomena are
The values of safety factor in the Sanriku Eq. in Table due to the strong impact of a vertical force that barely
5 and Figure 16 are too small even for a small horizontal generates embankment failure but the amount of its works
(force x distance) is not so large. This presumption can
Table 2. Surface and base accelerations in the Off Tokachi
explain the difference in failure between the two
and the Far-off Sanriku Earthauakes
earthquakes, the sliding of road embankment, the lack of
Seismic Component Surface acc. Base acc.
marked damage of structures nearby and embankments,
wave (gal) (gal) and railbed settlement.
Tokachi NS ' 232.7
Despite the small safety factor for the horizontal force,
Eq. EW 180.6
the lack of further damage to neighboring embankments by
Sanriku NS 431.3
the maximum al'tershock appears to indicate that vertical
force predominated in the Far-off Sanriku Earthquake.


A series of case studies for collapse of the railway

embankment in the Far-off Sanriku Earthquake, led to the
Seismic Comp Top of slope Slope end
following conclusions.

wave onent Acc.ga1 Dsp.cm Acc.gal Disp.cm

1. There is a possibility that the collapse of railway

Tokachi NS 213 4.2 235 3.9 ,
Eq. EW 2201 5.5 5.4
embankmeiit occurred mainly due to the vertical impact of
the seismic wave in the Far-off Sanriku Earthquake.
Sanriku NS 249 3.8
2. The hypothesis of strong impact wave with a great
Eq. EW 280 8.8 325 8.8
1UD 1521 0.4 , 0.4
acceleration and a very short period can explain clearly the
mechanism behind damage to neighboring structures.

Figure 16. Calculation of safety factor for sliding circles to various seismic coefficients

3. These analyses suggest the importance of examining

the stability of embankments under vertical seismic force
with horizontal force added.

To prove the existence of such impact wave in large

earthquakes, Hachinohe Institute of Technology is
exploiting a special minute seismograph because existing
apparatus can not record such impact wave with very short


Disaster survey committee for the 1994 Far-off Sanriku

Earthquake 1995. Disaster survey report for the 1994
Far-Ofi Sanriku Earthquake.
Japanese Geotechnical Society 1994. Disaster survey
report for the 19Y4 Far-OfiSanriku Eurthquake.
Morioka Branch, East Japan Passenger Railway Co. Ltd.
1996. Disaster record (technicul version) for The Fur-
Off Sanriku Earthquuke.
Shioi, Y 1996. Phenomena influenced by vertical force
in the Far-off Sanriku Earthquake, Proc. 51st Conf:
Jupun Society of Civil Engineers, Nagoyu, Oct.1996.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Slope instability of large embankments in residential areas caused

by the Hyogoken-Nanbu Earthquake, 1995
Toshitaka K m a i
Department of Civil Engineering, College of Science and Technology,Nihon University,Tokyo, Japan
Yoshiyuki Kobayashi
Graduate School of College of Science and Technology,Nihon University,Tokyo,Jupan
Haruo Shuzui
Nippon Koei Company Limited, Japan

ABSTRACT:The Hyougoken-nanbu earthquake triggered numerous instances of slope instability in the gentle
slopes of residential areas between Nishinomiya and Kobe cities. These cities have developed on the alluvial
plain and southern slope of the Rokko Mountains. The slopes consist of the semi-consolidated clay, sand and
gravel of the Lower Osaka group, Plio-Pleistocene. Urban development, such as, housing, road and lifeline
construction has been continuing since the 1920’s in this region. The crests of the hills have been removed and
the valleys have been filled by cutting soil and industrial waste, and many valleys have been filled artificially.
The following four types of landslides were found in this areas:
A) Slide associated with high-speed flows (0.9%)
B) Creep and slide in artificial valley fill (53.3%)
C) Creep and slide of embankments caused by liquefaction in alluvial deposit (at the toe of slope) (10.7%)
D) Slide on steep slopes (small-scale slope failure) (35.1%)
Soil strength for B- and the C-type slides was investigated by simplified penetration tests. Most of the artifi-
cial embankments in the residential areas were insufficiently compacted and had low mean N-value of below 5.
However, no marked contrasts in soil strength were found between cases of unstable embankments and stable
cases. Rather, differences in the shapes of embankments, their depth, width, the inclination angle of the base,
transverse form, etc. seem to be key factors in determining slope instability. Consequently, based on studies of
artificial geomorphological changes in residential areas in the past, we can identify embankments are likely to
be unstable following an earthquake.
Many large cities in Japan have ground conditions almost identical to those of the Hanshin district; and thus
have potential for future landslide disasters. Clearly, there are geological aspects for all government develop-
ment plans, not only geotechnical engineering for surveying ground conditions, but also importantly in provid-
ing information to residents. Earthquake hazard mapping for slope instability in urban region is urgently needed.


A disastrous earthquake shook the southern part of

Hyogo prefecture and the eastern part of Osaka, Japan
on 17 January 1995. Its epicenter was about 50 km
east of Osaka. The magnitude of 7.2 placed this event
among the strongest earthquake in densely populated
areas of Japan in the last 70 years. The earthquake was
due to a dextral movement along the Rokko active fault
system, and caused 1 1 km rupture (Fig.1). The earth-
quake killed about 5500 residents and involved great
property loss. During the earthquake, two main types
of landslides occurred: landslides in the mountainous
slopes of the Rokko Mountains, and landslides in the
hillside urban districts between Nishinomiya and Kobe
cities on the southern slope of the Rokko Mountains.
In the latter case, landslides occurred in areas that have
been covered by artificial materials. These landslides
caused serious damage, injured 34 people and destroyed Figure 1. Index map of the disaster district.
a few thousand houses at the time of the earthquake.

Beyond causing serious damage to the lives and people southern part of Takarazuka to the west end of Kobe.
living in the Hanshin district, these landslides also re- The geological details of two typical landslides in
vealed the weaknesses of urban development in Japan Nishinoniiya were prepared using drillings and the
over the past half century. Swedish sounding method. The N-values of land fill-
This paper describes the landslides which occurred ing material was measured by simplified penetration
in the residential areas; including their distribution, tests for eighteen representative landslides in the east-
classification, movement and the serious problems in ern part of the region. Simplified penetration test re-
the urban environment which they caused. sults can be converted into N-value for SPT based on
the experirnental results on abundant soil materials.
The Hanshin District, between Osaka and Kobe cities
is one of the most important, densely populated areas 4.1 Landslide concentration regions
in Japan. Takarazuka, Nishinomiya, Ashiya and Kobe
cities are located together on the alluvial plain and Fig.2 shows the distribution of landslides in the
hills of the southern slope of the Rokko Mountains. Rokko Mountains and in the urban district. Numer-
The Rokko Mountains’ elevation is 100-900m above ous shallow landslides in residual soil occurred in the
sea-level, and mainly consist of: Rokko Granite, Rokko Mountains. The Rokko Granite in the moun-
Quartz Diorite, small patches of Palaeozoic sedimen- tains is strongly sheared by several fault movements.
tary rocks (Tamba Group) and Cretaceous-Paleogene This granite is deeply weathered which has caused
volcanic rocks. The hills of the piedmont area consist many previous slope failures. These landslides have
of overlying strata, which are members of the Lower sometimes caused debris flow and damage to down-
0s ak a G ro LIp , P 1 i o - P 1e ist oc en e : se m i -conso 1id ated stream areas. In July, 1938, this district suffered from
clay, sand and gravel. Plio-Pleistocene sediments have one of its heaviest rainfdls, many landslides occurred
filled the Osaka Basin with a thickness of more than in the Rokko Mountains, and debris flow damaged
l000m (confirmed by deep drilling in the northeast- the urban district. Fortunately, due to the occurrence
ern part of Osaka). The highest peneplain elevation of of recent earthquake in the dry season, no debris flow
the Rokko Mountains is 800-900m. This means that was caused by the landslides.
the vertical displacement of the surface of the base- During 1995 earthquake, more than two hundred
ment between the Rokko Mountains and Osaka is landslides occurred in the gentle hillsides slopes of
about 2000m, most of which accumulated in the Qua- residential areas on the southern slope of the Rokko
ternary Period. The Quaternary tectonic movenients Mountains. They directly affected the urban conimu-
in this district are clearly visualized by the active fault nities, and caused more serious problems in this dis-
system in the southern side of the Rokko Mountains, trict. As shown in Fig.2, landslides in the gentle slopes
that is the stepwise vertical displacements of 200-3OOm of residential areas were distributed mainly in two
along the large faults with NE-SW and E-W trends. separate regions: The eastern region was from
The average movement rate of each fault is in order of Nishinoniiya City to the eastern part of Kobe City,
0.1 mm/yr, but the total amount of displacement be- and the western region was the middle part of Kobe
tween the Rokko Mountains and the alluvial plain is City.
about 1 mni/yr.
4.2 Influence of urbanization

3 FIELD INVESTIGATION The original hillside landform has been changed com-
pletely due to urban development in this district. The
The strong ground shaking caused by the earthquake, crests of the hills have been removed and the valleys
created many cracks at the ground surface. These filled by cutting soil and industrial waste, with many
cracks were classified based on their. characteristics artificial slopes and valley fills have been formed in
such as opening width, height and sense (tension, corn- the hillside. Now, i t is difficult to distinguish the origi-
pression and strike-slip). Both compressional cracks, nal landform. Urbanization has continued since 1920’
pressure ridges in toe of slopes, and tensional cracks, s, from the hillside which consists of the Osaka Group
scarps in upper part of slopes can be used as clear (semi-consolidated clay, sand and gravel). However,
markers to indicate the toe and head of a landslide. in the hills that consist of the Kobe Group, Miocene
Distortion of roads and buildings were also effective marine sediments, and mountainous slope of the Rokko
in determining landslide area in the slope. We mapped Mountains, major development has taken place since
the distribution of cracks and landslides on topologi- 1970. Remarkable progress has been made in construc-
cal maps with a scale of 1/2,500, and then, compiled tion methods and management systems in recent de-
these, to maps with a scale of 1/1,000. The prepared cades. Therefore, in order to clarify the effective fac-
map nearly covers the entire the Hanshin district; the tors in the occurrence of disaster, not only geology

Figure 2. Distribution of major landslides caused by the earthquake. Geologic map is modified from Huzita
& Kasama, 1982 and Huzita & Kasama, 1983.

Figure 3. Four types of landslides and their occurrence ratio in the Hanshin
urban district.

and geomorphology, but also the quality of construc- such as the Miyagiken-oki earthquake (1978) in Ja-
tion in urban development should be take into account. pan (Tamura et al., 1978). The largest one of this type
By comparing the topographical maps of different was the Morikita-cho landslide in Kobe City that had
ages, we can reveal the age of urbanization in each a long and narrow shape along the original valley
area. The topographical maps from 1888 show the (300m in length and 150m in width), thirty or forty
original landscape of this district. Many small valleys, houses were moved by this slide.
ponds, marshes and rice fields are shown on this map, The slip surface of landslides formed in artificial fills
but today, most of this area is covered by houses. This consists of loose material of silt, sand and gravel. A
contraction extended from the area surrounding rail- high ground water level is usually found in this filling
way stations (located on the alluvial plain), to the up- material. This type of landslide was moved frequent
per part of the hillside after 1920. Development on in the hillside that consisted of the Osaka Group.
the hillside consisted of the Osaka Group was almost Both the heads and toes of the B-type landslides were
completed in 1960. Most recent landslides occurred clear, tension cracks were usually found at the head
i n the area with artificial landform changes. It is of the original valley, and compression cracks and an
thought that the loose and uncompacted material of uplifting area were formed at the end of the landslides.
filling slopes with poor drainage systems are respon- However, the landslide mass remained in its source
sible to the occurrence of the landslides. area; that means no collapse were occurred and com-
pared to A-type landslides, the total strain of this type
was very small.
5.3 Landslides caused by liquefaction in alluvial de-
The following four types of landslides were found in posit, C-type
the gentle slopes of the residential areas (Fig.3):
Distribution of the C-type landslide was limited to
A) Slide associated with high-speed flows the Shukugawa area. In this area, due to the erosion of
B) Creep and slide in artificial valley fill terrace deposit, a gentle slope was formed between
C) Creep and slide caused by liquefaction in allu the terrace surface and the alluvial plain. This gentle
vial deposit (at the toe of slope) slope consists of artificial embankment, old landslide
D) Slide on steep slopes (small-scale slope failure) mass and talus deposit (recent slope deposits). At the
lower part of slope, these sediment partially covers of
Distribution of occurred landslide of types A, B, C the alluvial plain (mainly consists of loose sand).
and D was 0.9,53.3, 10.7 and 35 % respectively. Nor- Sand boiling in the inland district was discovered only
mally landslides occurred in the youngest material and in this area. It is thought that ground liquefaction took
on steep slopes. place in the alluvial loose sand underlying the slope
deposits, and caused the collapse of the toe of the slope.
5.1 Landslides associated with high speed flow slide, The the landslide moved down due to the failure at
A-type the toe area.

A-type landslides have occurred in two locations: the 5.4 Landslides on steep slopes, D-type
Nikawa landslide in Nishinomiya and the Takarazuka
golf course landslide in Takarazuka. These landslides D-type landslide mainly occurred in the steep slopes
were characterized by high mobility. The landslide of the terrace scarp and artificially cutting slopes in
mass of both slides mainly consisted of artificial fill- the urban district. This type is a small-scale and a shal-
ing material with high water content. This material low slope fdilure comparing to A, B and C-types. The
settled on the steep valley side, with about 20-30 deg. largest one of this type was the Satsukigaoka-cho land-
of its original slope angle (base angle of embankment) slide in Nishinomiya City that had a rectangular shape
, and the bank faced the valley with no retaining wall on the terrace scarp (60m in length and 70m in width)
(embankment slope angle of 20-25 deg.). These em- , an old people’s home was moved by this slide. De-
bankments collapsed instantaneously during earth- spite to its small size, this type of landslide was dan-
quake, and the associated high speed flow (partially gerous due to its rapid movement.
changed to %surge€)caused fatal damage to the resi-
dential areas in the valley side. In the Nikawa land-
slide, 34 people were injured by the rapid motion. 6 SOIL STRENGTH (N-VALUE) OF EMBANK-
5.2 Landslides in artificial valley fill, B-type
Investigations as to the extent of damages due to the
B-type landslides were found conimonly in the ur- earth q u ake re vea 1ed that 1an ds 1 i des in art i f i c i a 1 em -
ban district. Similar types of earthquake-induced land- bankment (B- and C-type) occupies the majority of
slides have also been reported in previous research, slope instability that occurred in the urban region of

generally at low levels of between only 2-5.(Fig. 4 ).
2. Soil compaction was still ongoing in surface
layers of embankments (limited within 2m from
ground surface). N-values reduce from the middle lev-
els down to the base levels of the embankment (Fig.
3. Allowing for the accuracy of the tests, no marked
differences were found in soil strength between the
sliding unstable embankments and the stable ones .
4. A weak, low N-value layer often forms at the
bottom of the embankments. This layer develops at
ground surface before formation of the embankment.
5. The embankments were confirmed as having a
shallow ground water level.

Figure 4. Frequency of N-value in embankments by

simplified penetration tests. LARGE EMBANKMENT

The results of field investigations on artificial valley

fill landslide suggest that the bottom shape of embank-
ment, that is, the shape of the valley before artificial
filling is a primary factor behind embankment land-
slides. Despite large displacements by landslides, the
N-values in some embankments (i.e., Nishi okamoto
in Kobe city) was relatively high (5- 15).In these cases,
a slip surface probably developed along the weak bot-
tom layer of embankments.
Although, Morikitachou embankment in Ashiya city
was destroyed by the earthquake, the adjacent
Kounandai embankment in Kobe city was safe despite
the fact that the two embankments had similar N-value
and mass scale (volume). Topographical deference be-

Figure 5. The N-value distribution in Higashi-ashiya


Kobe. Soil strength (N-value) of the artificial filling

material was measured by simplified penetration tests
in the eastern part of the region. The main geotechnical
characteristics Of the filing soil found in this survey Figure 6. Topographical deference between the two
are as followers. embankments. The Morikitachou embankment is
semicircular in shape, the Kounandai embankment has
1. The average N-value of embankment soil was a V-shape cross section.

tween the two embankments suggests that there was a 5. The geological aspects of all government de-
clear difference in earthquake ground motion. Al- velopment plans should considered not only in terms
though the cross section of the Morikitachou embank- of geotechnical engineering for surveying ground con-
ment is semicircular in shape, the Kounandai embank- ditions, but also importantly in providing information
ment has a V-shape cross section (Fig.6). to residents. The work of preparing landslide avoid-
As the driving force for landslide is not so great, land- ance maps for urban regions, especially in Tokyo and
slide can be easily controled by the presence of an Yokohama, is a necessary first step in mitigating fu-
internal resistor for distortion in embankments (i.e., ture disasters.
foundations of large buildings). The Higashi-ashiya
embankment in Ashiya city was stable despite its very
low N-value (below 5). Distortion in this embankment ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
was reduced by the foundations for an apartment
building situated in the center of the slope. This sug- We express our appreciation for useful discussion to
gests that how the land is used on an embankment can Mis. Chikako Jinbo of Central Research Institute for
also be a factor controlling landslide. Construction Technology. Particular thanks are due
These results show that based on topographical re- to the menbers of Ohta georesearch Inc., Mr. Hidemasa
search and field studies, it is possible to objectively Ohta, Mr. Yoshitaka Hayashi and Mis. Mayunii
assess the slope instability of an embankment. Using Furuta, for their support in the field survey.
GIS methods, it is not very difficult to survey the to- This research work has been financially supported
pography of valley before embankments created, in- in part by the scientific research grant of the Ministry
cluding the inclination of valley floor and valley cross of Education (No. 1 1680475).
sections. Based on these methods and such research,
it will be possible to make landslide avoidance maps
with assessments of slope instability. REFERENCES

Huzita, K. & Kasama, T. 1982. Geology of the Osaka-

8 CONCLUSIONS seihokubu District. Quadrangle Series, scale 1 :
50,000, Geol. Surv. Japan. (in Japanese with
The following main conclusions can be made on the English Abstract)
basis of the research presented in this paper. Huzita, K. & Kasama, T. 1983. Geology oftlie Kobe
1. Artificial landform changes in urban region tend District. Quadrangle Series, scale 1 :50,000,
to be at great risk of landslide. Many cities in Japan Geol. Surv. Japan. (in Japanese with English
have ground conditions almost identical to those of Abstract)
the Hanshin district, where there is a danger of land- Kaniai, T., Suzuki K. & Isobe, I. 1995. Landslides in
slide disasters. the Hanshin Urban Region caused by the
Hyougoken-nanbu Earthquake 1995. Jour. Ja
2. The following four types of landslides were
pan Soci. Engineering Geology 36- 1 :47-50. (in
found in residential areas on gentle slopes.
Kamai, T 1995. Landslides in the Hanshin Urban Re
A) Slide associated with high-speed flows
gion Caused by the 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu
B) Creep and slide in artificial valley fill
Earthquake, Japan. Landslide News 9: 12- 13.
C) Creep and slide caused by liquefaction
in alluvial deposit (at the toe of slope) Kamai, T., Suzuki K. & Isobe, I. 1996. Landslides in
gently sloping residential areas caused by the
D) Slide on steep slopes (small-scale slope
1995 Hyougoken-nanbu Earthquake. Bill. Geol.
Surv. Japan 47:175-200. (in Japanese with En
glish Abstract)
Normally landslides occurred in the youngest mate-
Okimura,T. 1995. Characteristics of Slope failures
rial (artificial material) and on steep slopes.
caused by the Hyougoken-nanbu Earthquake,
3. Soil compaction was still ongoing in surface Landslides caused by the Hyougoken-nanbu
layers of enibankments. (in B- and C -type slides). Earthquake. Cornniitteeon Landslides and Slope
The N-value of embankment soil is generally at low failures caused by the Hyougoken-nan bu Earth
levels, and this reduces from the middle levels down quake, Japan Landslide Society: 1-31 . (in
to th base levels of the embankments. Japanese)
4. The shape of a valley before formation of artifi- Tamura, T. , Abe, T. & Miyagi T. 1978. Housing
cial fills, that is, the topography of an embankment, is Construction in Hillside and Earthquake Disas
a primary factor behind embankment landslides. Based ter. General Urban Research 5: 1 15-13 1. (in
on topographical research and field surveys, it is pos- Japanese)
sible to objectively assess the slope instability of an

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Analysis of toppling failure of mountain slope caused

by the Hyogoken-Nanbu Earthquake

Takashi Olumura, Nobuyuki Yoshida & Nobuyuki Torii

Reseurch Center for Urban Sqfety arid Securig, Kobe University,Japan

ABSTRACT: The Hyogoken-Nanbu Earthquake, Japan, of Jan. 17, 1995, induced a lot of slope failures or collapses in
the Rokko Mountains, near Kobe. A field investigation carried out immediately after the earthquake and its showed that in
the most location the outcrop after collapse exhibited marked discontinuous faces and the debris was not soils but rock
fragments. It can be deduced that rock blocks were detached form base rock along well-developed joint systems due to
seismic forces and brought to collapse, and it is not unreasonable to consider that most such collapse occurred in a toppling
mode. This research presents a limit equilibrium analysis of toppling failure of mountain slope due to earthquake and
discusses the effects of seismic acceleration on slope stability and its failure mode through an example analysis and a case
study. I n the example analysis, the relationships between seismic acceleration and the critical angle of friction are presented.
From these relationships, the magnitude of seismic acceleration sufficient for slope to collapse can be determined and the
mode of collapsing can also be evaluated, provided that the friction angle of slope material is known. From the analysis of
mountain slope collapsed in a toppling-dominated mode caused by the Hyogoken-Nanbu Earthquake, it was suggested that
the strength of the slope material and the seismic acceleration are conjectured.


Due to the Hyogoken-Nanbu Earthquake in January 17,
1995, it is said that slope failures or collapses took place 2.1 Prelimin~rrj.
about 750 locations in the kokko Mountain System in Toppling failure involves the forward rotation of columns
Iiyogo Prefecture, Japan. A field investigation carried out or blocks of rock about some pivot point.
immediately after the earthquake and its showed some In this paper, toppling failure of rock blocks on an
characters of slope failures or collapses . For example, 1 ) inclined stepped surface due to earthquake is analyzed
their scales almost were small, 2 ) they almost took place using the method proposed by Hoek and Bray ( 1981 .
in steep slope, 3 ) they almost took place in the convex and Figure 1 shows a model for limit equilibrium analysis of
linear slope, 4 ) in most locations the outcrop after collapse toppling on a stepped base rock.
exhibited marked discontinuous faces and 5 ) the debris
was not earth but rock fragments ( Okimura, 1996) . In
these, 4 ) and 5 ) are especially characteristic and it can be
deduced that rock blocks were detached from base rock
along well-developed joint systems due to seismic forces
and brought to collapse, and it is not unreasonable to
consider that most such collapse occurred in a toppling
In this paper, a limit equilibrium analysis is presented
for toppling failure by introducing the coefficient of
seismic acceleration into the analysis. An example analysis
is first performed to grasp the influence of the coefficient,
type and inclination of slope and shear strength ( friction
angle) on the slope stability. Next an actual collapse of
mountain slope is anaiyzed and the strength of the slope Figure 1. Modei for limit equilibrium analysis of
material and the seismic acceleration are conjectured. toppling on a stepped base rock

The slope consists of a system of rock blocks dipping at
(90- d, ) underlain by the base rock with an overall
inclination of 0 . The inclination of the surface of rock
blocks is 0 1 for the low portion and 02 for the upper
portion. From the geometry, the constants a,, b,, and cn €or
the n-th block are obtained as:

where xn,x,\.t is the width of each block.

When the equilibrium of the block system is disturbed

and the blocks start to move, they are classed into three
groups of behavior: ( 1 ) a set of sliding blocks in the toe Figure 2. Forces acting on the n th block
region, ( 2 ) a set of stable blocks at the top, and ( 3 an
intermediate set of toppling blocks. Under a certain
geometry, the toppling zone extends down to the toe and
the group of sliding blocks may be absent.
Forces acting on the n-th block is shown in Figure 2.
The forces R,, and S,, act between the block and the base
rock, and the forces P,,, Q,,, P,).Iand Q.-I act between the
adjacent blocks. As the body force of each block, seismic
effect is also taken into account in terms of the coefficient
of horizontal seismic acceleration, kt,.
When the block under consideration is one of the
toppling group, the application points of all forces on the
block are determined, and the following relations are
satisfied on the sides of the block at the limit condition
(shown in Figure 3 ) . Figure 3. Toppling of the n th block

Thus, R, and S,, are expressed as:

From the equilibrium condition for moment, the force

Pn.l,,,sufficient to prevent toppling is obtained as:

Figure 4. Sliding of the n th block

where M,, and L,, are the distance from the block bottom to
the application point of force for the M th block, 4 is the However, the magnitudes and points of application of all
angle of friction, Y, is the height of the block, W,, is the the forces on the sides and base of the block are unknown.
weight of the block and ki, is the coefficient of horizontal Here, an assumption is made that just like for the toppling
seismic acceleration. case, conditions for limit equilibrium are satisfied on the
sides of the block; that is, Equations [ 6 I and [ 7 1 are
When the block under consideration is one of the sliding applicable. Then, using Equation [ 91 the force, Pn.t.>,
group, the following condition is met at the base ( shown sufficient to prevent sliding is obtained as:
in Figure 4 ) .
P,i.l., =P, { W,tan 4 cos 9 - sin 4 - kt, (cos d,
S,=R, tan 4j [91 +sin tan 4 1 I / ( 1-tan' 4j ) [ 101

2.2 Analisis procedure
Define that nl is the uppermost block of the group of
toppling blocks and that n? is the uppermost block of the
group of sliding blocks. The analysis is to determine the
critical value of @ for the limit equilibrium of a system of
rock blocks.

1: Assume a value of 4 which satisfies the condition that

4 > ( 4" +tan.'ks) .

2: Find the uppermost block of a group of blocks which

satisfies the condition that x,JY,,< tan ( (1, +tan"kl,) , and
set it as nl. The blocks higher than the nl are in a stable

3 Staiting with this n-th block, calculate P,,l I and P,,I ,

using Equations [ 8 1 and [ 10 I , and comparc. with each
other If P.I, is greater than P,,I,, the block is about to
topple and P , I IS set equal to P,I, If P , , I ,is smaller than
P,,I , the block is about to slide and P,, I is set equal to P,,I

4 : Repeating this procedure for the ( n-1) -th block and all
the lower blocks, nz may be determined. Note that the
critical condition of nz and all the lower blocks is in a
sliding state. If the condition which P,>.I.,
is smaller than Figure 5. Two type models in example analysis
P , > I is
\ not satisfied for any block, there are no sliding
blocks and toppling extends down to the block 1.
Table 1. Analysis condition for example analysis
5 : If POis greater than zero for the block 1 at the toe, the
slope is unstable for the assumed value of 4 . Thus, the
calculation should be repeated assuming a larger value of
cp. On the other hand, if P,, is smaller than zero, the
calculation should be repeated with a smaller value of Cp .
When PI)becomes very small, 4 is set as the critical value
for the limit equilibrium, O L . In this study, the calculation
is repeated until the condition that /Pi11 < 0.1 ( k N ) is

6: In this study, the 4 1 is determined for a given value of

kl,, and the stability of slope is evaluated by comparing it 10
with the friction angle of the slope.

2.3 Example anal.ysi.7 OL tends to increase. For instance, in the case of kh equal to
In this example, two type of model slope are considered as 0.1, OL is zero for Slope 1, 24 for Slope 2 and 41.5
shown in Figure 5. In model type A ( the slope inclination for Slope 3. This suggests that, Slope 1 remains stable even
changes at the middle block ( Block 5 ) , while in model if the friction angle of the slope is zero, while Slope 3 will
Type B the slope inclination changes at the uppermost topple or slide if the friction angle of the slope is sinaller
block (Block 10) . Table 1 shows analysis condition for than 4 1.5 . It can be said that, the larger the inclination of
example analysis. Total six slopes are analyzed as seen rock blocks is, the more likely the slope fails. Both the
from the table; and for each slope, the critical angle of model types show a similar tendency for kl, smaller than
friction for limit equilibrium is calculated for values of the 0.2 but as light difference beyond it. O L can be obtained
coefficient of horizontal seismic acceleration from 0.0 to even for kh equal to 0.5 for Slope 1 but not for kl, greater
0.5. than 0.32 for Slope 4, which suggests that Slope 4 is more
Figure 6 shows the relationships between horizontal susceptible to toppling or sliding than Slope 1.
seismic acceleration, kh, and the critical angle of friction for Figure 7 shows the behavior type of each block at the .
limit equilibrium, @ I . For a given k,,, regardless of the limit equilibriumFrom this figure, a tendency can be that;
model type, as the inclination of rock blocks ( 4 increases, for limit equilibrium for Slopes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6,

Figure 6. Relationships between ki, and qh

Figure 7. Behavior type of each block at the limit equilibrium ( a ) - f) )

Table 2. Analysis condition for collapsed slopes

the slope ( 6 ) , the inclination of rock blocks ( 4 ) and

the overall inclination of base rock ( [3 are known.
The behavior of each block, moreover, can be seen from
the relationships between ni and nz.

2.4 Analysis of’ collupsed slopes

The analysis presented in the previous section is applied to
an actual case in which mountain slope collapsed in a
toppling-dominated mode caused by the Hyogoken-Nanbu
The collapsed mountain slopes are located near
Koininegahara checkdam in the upper stream of Sumiyoshi
River in Kobe City ( denoted as Nos. 1 and 2 in Figure
8 ) . The collapse surfaces of these slopes were found
Figure 8. Location map of two slopes
markedly discontinuous and stepped along well-developed
joint systems, and rock fragments at the toe of slope
observed slopes 1, 2 and 3, the blocks higher than the contained boulders as large as 1.5m in diameter. The
middle block remain stable, the middle block and its longitudinal profile of two slopes is shown in Figure 9,
neighbors topple, and those lower than the middle block respectively, which was determined based on a field survey
slide. As kt, increases, the toppling group extends upward or from topographic maps with a scale of 1:2,500. The
and downward. On the other hand, for Slopes 4, 5 and 6, slope consists of weathered granite with highly-developed
toppling starts at the uppermost block and extends joints, and analysis condition for collapsed slopes is given
downward as ki, increases. Once toppling takes place in in Table 2. The analysis procedure is the same as in the
these slopes, no blocks remain stable. previous example, and the critical angle of friction for limit
In the case of applying this analysis to an actual case of equilibrium is computed for a given seismic acceleration.
collapsed slope, the magnitude of seismic acceleration Figure 10 shows the computed relationships between the
(ki,) for bringing the slope to the limit state can be horizontal seismic acceleration and the critical angle of
determined from the relationships between kt, and @ I as friction for limit equilibrium. In the case of horizontal
presented in Figure 6, provided that the friction angle of seismic acceleration equal to zero, the critical angle of

Figure 9. Longitudinal profile of two slopes

discusses the effects of seismic acceleration on slope
stability and its failure mode through an example analysis
and a case study.
2. In the example analysis, the relationship between
seismic acceleration and the critical angle of friction are
presented. From these relationships, the magnitude of
seismic acceleration sufficient for slope to collapse can be
determined and the mode of collapsing can also be
evaluated, provided that the friction angle of slope material
is known.
3 . Froin the analysis of collapsed slope, it was
suggested that, for the Slope 1 all the blocks were in the
toppling mode while for the Slope 2 upper thee blocks
Figure 10. Relationships between kil and 6 I were in the toppling mode and two blocks from the toe
were in the sliding mode.


Okimura, T., 1996. The Hyogokcn-Nanbu Earthqtiake and Slope

Disaster -Mountain Slope Failure-, Landslide Control Techniques,
23-2, pp.38-44. ( i n Japanese)
Hock, E. and Bray, J.W., 1981. Rock Slope Engineering. Inst. Min.
Met. London. 358p.

Figure 1 1 . Behavior type of each block at the limit


friction for limit equilibrium is 27.5 ' for Slope I and

42.9 '' for Slope 2. As the seismic acceleration increases,
the critical angle of friction for each slope approaches
44.7 " . From this, it can be said that, if the both slopes had
the same friction angle, Slope 1 would be more stable than
Slope 2 for a low level of seismic movement.
Considering that the distance between these two slopes
is only about 230111 and that both the slopes consist of the
same type of Rokko granite, it inay be assumed that the
two locations experienced almost the same magnitude of
seismic movement. Hence the critical angle of friction and
horizontal seismic acceleration given by the intersection of
the two curves in Figure 10 could correspond to the friction
angle of the material of both slopes and the seisinic
acceleration acted, respectively; and these are read out from
the Figure as 44.7 '' and 0.28, respectively.
Figure 1 1 shows the behavior type of each block at the
limit equilibrium. This figure indicates that all the blocks
topple in Slope 1 and that in Slope 2 the upper three blocks
topple and the lower two blocks slide.


1. This study presents a limit equilibrium analysis of

toppling failure or mountain slope due to earthquake and

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Stress condition and consequence of liquefaction on weathered granitic sands

Y. Okada
Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Universiy, Uji,Japan
K. Sassa & H. Fukuoka
Disaster Prevention Research Insrirure,Kyoto UniversiQ Uji,Japun

ABSTRACT: This paper presents the results from a series of the undrained speed-controlled ring shear tests,
carried out on weathered granitic sands taken from a landslide source area caused by 1995.1.17 Hyogoken-
Nanbu earthquake. The stress condition which marks the onset of contractive deformation and the
consequence of liquefaction through collapse behaviour are examined. Though all normally consolidated
specimens have not exhibited liquefaction but the newly proposed sliding-surface liquefaction, the collapse
behaviour before the stress paths reaching the failure line has been obtained from all tests. These collapse
points in stress space can be bound by the straight line passing through the origin (collapse line). And the
steady state line from the ring shear tests shifts downward compared with that from the triaxial compression
tests, it is interpreted as the ultimate estimate of steady state line, "ultimate steady state line."

1 INTRODUCTION the liquefaction through collapse behaviour are

conducted by the undrained speed-controlled ring
Among some types of landslides, liquefaction- shear tests.
induced landslide is one of the most hazardous
landslides. Geo-disasters by liquidizing landslides
were recently caused also in Japan, for example, 2 RING SHEAR APPARATUS
Otarimura debris flow (1996), Harihara debris slide-
debris flow (1997), and Sumikawa reactivated Apparatus employed in this study is the fifth version
landslide (1997). As the responsibility for in a family of the ring shear apparatuses developed
socioeconomic losses of landslides is increasing, it is by Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto
more and more important to reveal the liquidizing University (DPRI Ver.5) in 1996 (Sassa 1997). DPRI
mechanism of landslides. Ver.5 is considered to be improved intelligent type
After the catastrophic earthquakes of 1964 in because of satisfying criteria of the simplicity of
Niigata, Japan, and Alaska, United States, the both construction and operation, and the capability
extended laboratory tests on the liquefaction of complete undrained testing to investigate pore
behaviour have been conducted (Castro 1969, Poulos pressure generation before and after the failure or
198lj. Collapse line by Sladen et al. (1985) and the collapse of soil.
critical stress ratio line by Vaid et al. (1985) as for After the pioneering work by Bishop et al. (1971),
the triggering stress condition of liquefaction, and the ring shear apparatus is widely used to study the
steady state line by Poulos (1981) as for mechanical behaviour of landslide motion (Tika et al.
consequence of liquefaction were proposed. But it 1996) especially in residual state. For the purposes
was almost entirely conducted by using the triaxial other than the measurement of the residual strength,
test, the shear behaviour along the sliding surface it has all the disadvantages of the shear box, such as
especially after the long shearing have not been high local concentrations of the strain and the
investigated. In other words, remarkable concepts uncertainty about the direction of the principal
were proposed by many researchers using the stresses as the test proceeds. But it is the most
triaxial test, but the investigations by the ring shear powerful tool to reproduce the stress condition along
test which can closely simulate the stress condition the sliding surface of the landslide in situ for very
along the sliding surface are really limited. long shear displacement, the extended laboratory
In this paper, an investigation and examination tests by means of the ring shear test were performed
about the stress condition and the consequence of (Sassa 1988, Sassa et al. 1996).

Silica sand No.8 is the construction material for
Figure 1. Schematic figure of the shear box of industrial use. It consists of weathered silica sand. It
the ring shear apparatus Ver.5. is almost angular sand with 92 through 98 percent of
quartz and a little amount of feldspar and has a mean
diameter D,, = 0.057 mm, a uniformity coefficient of
The soil specimen is set in the donut-like Uc = 10.2, and specific gravity of Gs = 2.63.
(circular) shear box made of steel. The outer
diameter of shear box is 18.0 cm and the inner
diameter is 12.0 cm, thus the area of the sliding 4 TEST PROCEDURE
surface is 141.37 cm’. The nominal specimen height
after initial consolidation is around 6.0 cm and the It is said that air-pluviation method provides a more
sliding surface is located at around the middle of the uniform specimen (Gilbert et al. 1988) and yielded
specimen. Rubber edge is pasted along the upper the specimens of the lowest resistance to
surface of the lower half of the shear box (Fig. 1). liquefaction (Mulilis et al. 1977). Since air-
And it was turned on a lathe to completely remove pluviation is difficult for the donut-shaped shear box,
unevenness and designed for preventing the leakage the oven-dry specimen was poured into the shear
of water and specimen in the process of box from the top of the upper shear box by a cup as
consolidation or shearing. The constant contact force close as air-pluviation. To make saturated specimens,
at 1.4 kN between the rubber edge and the upper half CO2gas was supplied into the specimens to expel air
of the shear box is supplied during the test. Before for about 1 hour first, and then de-aired water was
each test, rubber edge was covered by Teflon spray percolated for around 12 hours. For checking the
and silicon grease was laid on it for the complete degree of saturation of the specimens, pore pressure
undrained condition. parameter B,, in the undrained direct shear condition
(Sassa 1988) was measured.


The soil specimen employed in this study is Osaka- where U = pore pressure; and CT = normal stress.
group coarse sandy soils and Silica sand No.8. The specimens were consolidated at 50 kPa of
Osaka-group coarse sandy soils widely distributed normal stress, and then the generated pore pressure
in the Knasai area was sampled from the source area was measured when the additional 50 kPa of normal
of Takarazuka Landslide, which was triggered by stress was applied under undrained condition. In this
1995.1.17 Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake. The depth study, the specimens with B, value larger than 0.95
of the sampling point was approximately 4 m. were adopted as the fully saturated specimens.
Osaka-group is a lacustrine and marine deposit of Normal stress was decreased to 50 kPa under
weathered granitic sands in the Pliocene to the Mid- undrained condition and then certain initial normal
Pleistocene (Ichihara 1996). It is an angular sandy stresses for each test were applied and the specimens
soil made up of 77 percent of quartz and 23 percent were consolidated.
of feldspar, and has a mean diameter D,, = 0.9 mm, a The specimens were sheared up to 10 m of shear
uniformity coefficient of Uc = 5.2, and specific displacement at the 1.0 d s e c of shear speed.
gravity of Gs =2.6 1. During shearing, the data of normal stress, shear
resistance, pore pressure, shear displacement, and

Figure 2. Collapse line on stress paths of normally consolidated Osaka-group coarse sandy soils.

vertical displacement were measured at very high specimens collapse into liquefaction. The
frequency. And it should be mentioned about the controversy of which line shows the real undrained
rubber edge friction between the gap. In this study shear behaviour of sandy soils has not been resolved.
by the ring shear tests, obtained shear resistance Besides very few investigations have been conducted
includes the real shear resistance of soils and the by means of the ring shear test.
rubber edge friction. Thus, after the undrained ring In order to investigate the collapse behaviour by
shear tests, the shear box was changed into the the ring shear test, the specimens of Osaka-group
drained condition. And by decreasing normal stress coarse sandy soils (Test RO1 through R07) were
gradually to almost 0 kPa, a clear failure line was normally consolidated at different initial normal
obtained for each test. Assuming zero cohesion of stress from about 103 kPa through 628 kPa. Relative
sandy soils, the value of the intercept (shear density varies from 80.4 to 96.1. Figure 2 shows the
resistance at 0 kPa of normal stress) was interpreted effective stress paths of these tests. All stress paths
as the rubber edge friction. These values were reached almost the same failure line on the way to
subtracted from the measured shear resistance for the final stress points and effective normal stresses at
each test. The conducted test numbers and test steady state were as small as around 20 kPa. It
conditions are listed in Table 1. means liquefaction was not generated but sliding-
surface liquefaction (Sassa et al. 1996) was yielded
from all tests. In the ring shear test, the shear
5 STRESS CONDITION OF LIQUEFACTION deformation is concentrated at around the sliding
THROUGH COLLAPSE BEHAVIOUR surface and it seems difficult to whole liquefy.
Although the postpeak loss of shear resistance was
As for liquefaction phenomenon, Bishop et al. small and the pore pressure in Test RO1 and Test
(197 1) pointed out that the mobilized peak internal R 0 2 showed the small turnaround into decreasing,
friction angles were considerably smaller than the the collapse behaviour of sandy soils was observed
maximum angle of shear resistance based on the from all tests. Each collapse point (circles in Fig. 2)
Mohr-Coulomb criterion. Sladen et al. (1985) put it before the stress paths reaching the failure line fell
forward the collapse line in the stress space (p-q on the almost straight line passing through the origin
diagram) by using the triaxial compression test. The (collapse line as for ring shear test). Based on the
stress points of peak shear resistance when the test result, when the stress paths reached a certain
specimens at a certain void ratio were collapsed fell stress ratio of the temporal peak shear resistance
on the straight line. Hence the collapse line reached divided by effective normal stress under the failure
the steady state stress point of the specimens at a line, the specimens collapsed and the stress path
certain void ratio. As the void ratio is getting smaller, moved to the failure line with shear resistance
the collapse line shifts its position upward in the decreasing. The collapse line in this study which was
stress space. Meanwhile, Vaid et al. (1985) proposed from the undrained speed-controlled ring shear tests
the critical stress ratio line by the triaxial test. This on normally consolidated Osaka-group coarse sandy
line is passing through the origin and independent of soils is harmony with Vaid's critical stress ratio line.
initial void ratio. When the stress path reaches a However, as to the speed controlled ring shear tests
certain stress ratio of shear resistance divided by on normally consolidated Silica sand No.8 (Test RS 1
effective normal stress, in other words, the stress though RS5), effective stress paths (Fig. 3) did not
path is trying to cross the critical stress ratio line, the show the temporal peak shear resistance before

Figure 3. Effective stress paths of normally consolidated Silica sand No.8.

Figure 5. Negative dilatancy region and grain

Figure 4. Negative dilatancy region and grain crushing dominant region of Silica sand No.8.
crushing dominant region of Osaka-group coarse
sandy soils.
to the final stage under steady state condition. In the
first stage pore pressure considered to be generated
reaching the failure line and the collapse points ware entirely by negative dilatancy, and in the second
not able to be observed. Although the shape of stage by negative dilatancy plus grain crushing
effective stress paths were similar to those on Osaka- (grain crushing dominant). The relationship of
group coarse sandy soils and pore pressure was excess pore pressure ratio, r,,(t)expressed as the ratio
monotonically increased without decreasing, no of excess pore pressure increment to initial effective
collapse line was defined on Silica sand No.8. normal stress, d o ' (Popescu et al. 1997) versus
shear displacement of Test RO1 through Test R07 is
presented in Figure 4 and that of Test RSl through

As to Figures 2, 3, effective stress paths of Osaka-

group coarse sandy soils and Silica sand No.8 could where uo= initial pore pressure.
be divided into two parts. The first region is from the In Figure 4, excess pore pressure ratio, ru(t)of
beginning to the stress path reaching the failure line Osaka-group coarse sandy soils was positively
and failed, and the second is from what time the increased just from the beginning of shearing.And at
stress path went left-downward along the failure line around 4 mm of shear displacement, some of them

Figure 6. Ultimate steady state line compared with steady state line and quasi steady state line.

showed the temporal peak and the others showed the 7 CONSEQUENCE OF LIQUEFACTION
very small increase of excess pore pressure ratio. THROUGH COLLAPSE BEHAVIOUR
And then from around 10 mm of shear displacement
excess pore pressure ratio was re-increased. From 1 It is stated in the definition of the steady state by
m to 10 m of shear displacement, excess pore Poulos (198 1) that the steady state is achieved only
pressure ratio was almost constant for each test and after all particle orientation has reached a
this final value was proportional to the initial statistically steady state condition and after all
effective normal stress. Though there was the scatter particles breakage, if any, is complete, and that these
of about 0.1 as for excess pore pressure ratio, the conditions normally can be attained only at larger
generated excess pore pressure ratio at 4 mm and 10 strains - well beyond those that can be reached in the
mm of shear displacement could consider to be triaxial tests. Nevertheless the widespread concept of
independent of initial void ratio or initial effective steady state line and the subsequent of quasi steady
normal stress. Accordingly it should be noticed here state line proposed by Alucon-Guzman et al. (1988)
that the negative dilatancy region when effective are mostly based on the test results by using the
stress path moved under the failure line and the grain triaxial test and examinations about steady state have
crushing dominant region when effective stress path been scarcely conducted by means of the ring shear
moved left-downward along the failure line could be test.
demarcated by the shear displacement of 4 mm and Figure 6 compares steady state line from the ring
10 mm respectively for Osaka-group coarse sandy shear tests with quasi steady state line and steady
soils. state line from the triaxial compression tests (Okada
From Figure 5 on Silica sand No.8, the negative et al. 1998). As to the triaxial compression test, a
dilatancy region could be also finished at 7 mm of sliding surface would be theoretically formed in the
shear displacement. And the emphasis should be cylindrical specimen with the angle of (45 + $72)
placed on the complete coincidence of the excess degrees from the vertical direction, and effective
pore pressure ratio from 5 tests at different relative normal stresses on a theoretical sliding surface at
density. Grain crushing dominant region might be quasi steady state and steady state conditions are
from about 15 m of shear displacement and the calculated by the following equation assuming
find excess pore pressure ratio under steady state internal friction angle at quasi steady state and
condition was in order of initial effective normal steady state conditions as 3 1 degrees.
From these results, it was revealed that negative (3)
dilatancy region and grain crushing dominant region
of each specimen could be demarcated by the certain where U ' = effective normal stress on the sliding
values of shear displacement respectively. And surface; p:, = p ' at quasi steady state or steady state;
excess pore pressure ratio under steady state
condition was affected by initial effective normal
and +
' = internal friction angle at quasi steady state
or steady state.

Of evidence is that the steady state line from the Castro, G. (1969): Liquefaction of Sands. Ph. D.
ring shear tests was located under the other two lines Thesis, Harvard Soil Mechanics Series, No. 81.
from the triaxial compression tests and the Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
inclination of the steady state line from the ring Gilbert, P. A. & W. F. Marcuson (1988): Density
shear tests was steepest of all three. Since the ring variation in specimens subjected to cyclic and
shear tests (Test RO1 through R07) all generated monotonic loads. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical
sliding-surface liquefaction, much generation of Engineering Division, Vol. 114, No. 1, pp. 1-20.
excess pore pressure was due to grain crushing. Thus Ichihara, M. (1996): The Osaka group layer and
effective normal stresses at steady state by the ring Chinese loess layer (in Japanese). Tokyo: Chikuji-
shear test were obtained after possible grain crushing Shokan .
was finished. Accordingly it could be considered that Mulilis, J. P., H. B. Seed, C. K. Chan & J. K.
the steady state line which is completely conformity Mitchell (1977): Effect of sample preparations on
with the original definition by Poulos (1981) was sand liquefaction. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical
obtained ultimately. In this sense, the steady state Engineering Division, Vol. 103, No. GT2, pp. 91-
line from the ring shear tests after long shearing 108.
should be interpreted as "ultimate steady state line." Okada, Y., K. Sassa & H. Fukuoka (1998):
There is a controversy on which of quasi steady Comparison of shear behaviour of sandy soils by
state strength or steady state strength from the ring-shear test with conventional shear tests.
triaxial tests should be used as residual strength, but Environmental Forest Science, Proceedings of
the authors emphasize that the ultimate steady state IUFRO Div. 8 Conferences, Kyoto, Kluwer
line from the ring shear tests should be concerned in Academic Publisher, pp. 623-632.
relation to some practical problems considering Popescu, R., J. H. Prevost & G. Deodatis (1997):
residual strengths of soils. Effects of spatial variability on soil liquefaction:
some design recommendations. Giotechnique, Vol.
47, NO. 5, pp. 1019-1036.
8 CONCLUSIONS Poulos, J. (1981): The steady state deformation.
ASCE Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
1. As to the speed-controlled ring shear tests on Division, Vol. 107, No. GT5, pp. 553-562.
normally consolidated Osaka-group coarse sandy Sassa, K. (1988): Motion of Landslides and debris
soils, the collapse line was obtained as the criterion flows - Prediction of hazard area -, Report of
for liquidization phenomenon. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research by Japanese
2. Effective stress paths of normally consolidated Ministry on Education, Science and Culture (No.
Osaka-group coarse sand soils and Silica sand No.8 61480062).
could be divided into two regions of the negative Sassa, K., H. Fukuoka, G. Scarascia-Mugnozza & S.
dilatancy region and the grain crushing dominant Evans ( 1996): Earthquake-induced-landslides:
region. And these regions could be demarcated by Distribution, motion and mechanisms. Special
shear displacement from the viewpoint of the Issue for the great Hanshin Earthquake Disasters,
relationship of excess pore pressure ratio versus Soils and Foundations, pp. 53-64.
shear displacement for each normally consolidated Sassa, K. (1997): A new intelligent type dynamic
specimens. loading ring shear apparatus. Landslide News
3. Steady state line from the ring shear tests on (Japanese Landslide Society), No. 10, PP. 33.
Osaka-group coarse sandy soils obtained after Sladen, J. A., R. D. D'Hollander & J. Krahn (1985):
finishing grain crushing as much as possible should The liquefaction of sands, a collapse surface
be treated as the real steady line, and it was approach. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 22,
interpreted as "ultimate steady state line." pp. 564-578.
Tika, T. E., P. R. Vaughan & L. J. L. J. Lemos
(1996): Fast shearing of pre-existing shear zones
REFERENCES in soil. Gkotechnique, Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 197-233.
Vaid, Y. P., J. C. Chern & H. Tumi (1985): Confining
Alarcon-Guzman, A., G. A. Leonards & J. L. pressure, grain angularity, and liquefaction. ASCE
Chameau (1988): Undrained monotonic and cyclic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Division, Vol.
strength of sands. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical 11 1, NO. 10, pp. 1229-1235.
Engineering Division, Vol. 114, No. 10, pp. 1089-
Bishop, A. W., G. E. Green, V. K. Garga, A.
Anderson & J. D. Brown (1971): A new ring shear
apparatus and its application of the measurement
of the residual strength. Gkotechnique, Vol. 2 1, No.
4,pp. 273-328.
Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999Balkema, Rofterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Effects of density, stress state and shear history on sliding-surface liquefaction

behavior of sands in ring-shear apparatus

Gonghui Wang
Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Universir)! Uji,.Inpm
Kyoji Sassa
I1 isci.5 ter Presention a i d Re.,eu rch I n s titu re, Kyoto Uni rsi 9,
U ji , J upa n

ABSTRACT: The concept of sliding-surface liquefaction was proposed by Sassa in the studies of landslides
triggered by the Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake through undrained ring-shear tests. In the present research, to
make a further understanding of sliding-surface liquefaction, a series of tests was conducted on silica sands in
ring-shear apparatus to study the effects of initial density, stress state and shear history on sliding-surface
liquefaction behaviour. The tests on different initial relative densities showed that undrained shear behaviour
was affected greatly by initial density. While the tests on different initial shear stress proved that initial
drained shear stress had some influences on static liquefaction resistance and the resulting deformation after
failure, but no effect on steady state shear strength. Repeated shear tests on the same sample showed that with
increase of repeated shear times, the peak shear strength and the steady state shear strength become greater.

1 INTRODUCTION tremendous ring-shear tests on different samples

under different loading conditions (static load and
Liquefaction landslide is always characterized by cyclic load) to study the effects of these factors on
high-speed movement and long run-out distance, so sliding-surface liquefaction behaviour, and had made
it is usually accompanied by tremendous hazards. To this phenomenon widely understood. However, most
predict the potential of this kind of failure and of the studies were on the mechanism of sliding-
mitigate the disasters, it is necessary to have a good surface liquefaction, with some emphasis on the
understanding of its mechanism. In the studies of relationship between grain crushing and pore
landslides triggered by the Hyogoken-Nanbu pressure generation, etc (Wang 1998). The
earthquake through undrained ring-shear tests, a new evaluation of sliding-surface liquefaction
concept “sliding-surface liquefaction” was proposed susceptibility of a soil element under a certain stress
by Sassa et al. (1995), which could reasonably inter- state and the evaluation of post failure behaviour
pret many initiated high speed landslide phenomena. that could be connected with the potential resulting
Sliding-surface liquefaction is a special kind of disaster were less studied. And even more, there is
liquefaction, it differs from the normally known no research concerned with the failure of re-activate
Liquefaction (namely mass liquefaction) (Sassa field slopes. In practical situation, a slope could have
1995). Mass liquefaction is a process during which suffered several times of failure, it means that the
the soil losses a great number of its strength due to soils within the sliding zone may have repeatedly
the generation of excess pore pressure, and shows suffered shear failure arid grain crushing. This kind
the behaviour of liquid. Sliding-surface liquefaction of slope should be paid more attention, because the
is a phenomenon that liquefaction only takes place stability factor is small (usually considered as l.O),
along the sliding surface. With increasing of shear when triggered by some factors (such as earthquake,
displacement, accompanying the grain crushing, rainfall, etc.). Therefore, it is necessary to make the
pore water pressure builds up gradually, and shear behaviour of the soils within the shear zone of this
resistance decreases slowly, finally reaches a certain kind of failure clear.
value, known as the steady state strength (Sassa et al. The data presented in this research is to aid
1996, Sassa 1997). Therefore, Sliding-surface understanding of the effects of initial relative density,
liquefaction can take place even in medium or dense previously mobilized drained shear stress, and shear
soil structure; it is a localized liquefaction limited in history on the undrained shear behaviour in ring-
the shear zone both in laboratoryand in the field. shear apparatus. These constitute the main purpose
Recently, Sassa and colleagues had carried out of the present research.

Figure 1. Grain size distribution of silica sand no. 8 Figure 2. Shear stress-shear displacement curve in
(W. ring shear test.

2 SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS scanned at an interval of 1 second before the peak

shear stress; after that, the sampling rate was
Silica sand no.8 (abbreviated as S8) was selected as increased to 20 sampleshec. To observe the
the sample. S8 is a kind of sand material for building generation of pore pressure accompanying the shear
made from silica sandstone by grinding, comprised displacement, the samples were usually sheared to a
of sub-angular to angular quartz. S8 has a mean large displacement of 10m.
diameter of D,, = 0.057 mm, uniformity coefficient
of U , = 10.2, maximum void ratio of 1.657 and
minimum void ratio of 0.852, and specific gravity of 4 STATIC LIQUEFACTION RESISTANCE AND
2.63. Figure 1 shows the grain size distribution of S8. BRITTLENESS INDEX
The permeability coefficients range from 0.001 to
0.01( c d s ) when the void ratios vary from 0.9 to 1.3. Static liquefaction refers to these liquefaction
resulted from monotonically increasing of static
loading. The criterion for the analysis of liquefaction
3 TEST APPARATUS AND TEST PROCEDURE susceptibility of sand under a certain condition
(stress state and density) had been made clear
3.1 Ring-shear apparatus (Castro 1969, Castro & Poulos 1977). Considering
that both in the field and in the laboratory,
Two new sets of almighty intelligent ring-shear
liquefaction can only occur when shear stresses
apparatus (DPRI Ver.5, DPRI Ver.6) were developed
under undrained conditions are greater than or equal
and improved by Sassa and colleagues. In the
to those required to initiate liquefaction, Kramer &
present research, DPRI-6 was employed. The shear
Seed (1988) proposed a new concept of static
box for DPRI-6 is very large, of 250cm in inner
liquefaction resistance to evaluate the liquefaction
diameter, 350cm in outer diameter and 15cm in
potential at a given site, that was defined as the
height. The detailed information on ring-shear
increase in shear stress under undrained conditions
apparatuses could be referred to Sassa (1997).
required to initiate liquefaction, and formulated as:
Corresponding to the shear stress control, there are
three kinds of rotating gear with final speed of
I0mdsec (Low), 30cdsec (Medium) and 21dsec
(High). In this study, the Low gear was selected.
where r = peak undrained shear strength, r =
previously mobilized drain shear stress, as shown in
Figure 2.
3.2 Test procedure A parameter “Brittleness index” was proposed
and used by Bishop (1967) with which to relate post-
The oven-dried sample was set into the shear box rupture behaviour. It was defined as:
by means of dry deposition (Ishihara, 1993). Sample
was saturated with aid of carbon dioxide and de-
aired water. In all the tests, full saturation was Where T , is the residual undrained shear strength,
ensured by using B,, parameter (proposed by Sassa, usually referred to as the steady state shear strength.
1988) with B, 2 0.95. A greater brittleness index indicates a greater re-
The sample was normally consolidated. After duction in shear strength that may be associated with
consolidation, initial mobilized drained stresses larger deformation after the initiation of liquefaction.
corresponding to those of a given slope were applied In this paper, we will use R, to evaluate the
Undrained shear stress was subsequently applied at a liquefaction susceptibility and Z, to analyse the post-
loading rate of 0.098 kPa/sec. Transducers were failure behaviour of liquefied soil in ring-shear tests.

Figure 3. Ring shear test on very loose sand showing Figure 4. Ring shear test on dense sand showing
mass liquefaction phenomenon. sliding-surface liquefaction phenomenon.
(a) and (b): Variation of pore pressure and shear (a): Effective stress path; (b): Variation of pore
resistance in relation to shear displacement for the pressure and shear resistance in relation to shear
tests with shear displacement being 10 m and 3 cm, displacement. (B,,=0.99, D, = 9 1.2%, CT =I96 kPa.)
respectively; (c): Effective stress path. (B, = 0.99, D,.
= 63.3%, = 196 kPa.)
test of S,(),and Figure 3b for test of S,,,,. As shown,
immediately after the undrained shear stress was
5 TEST RESULTS applied, shear displacement was generated.
Accompanying the increase of shear displacement,
5 . I Muss liquefuction and sliding-su@uce lique- pore pressure built up quickly within limited shear
fulctian behavior displacement range (about 1cm), and shear resis-
To make a good understanding of the distinction tance decreased remarkably. This period is usually
between sliding-surface liquefaction and mass known as the collapse period, mainly due to the
liquefaction, test results were presented to show failure of metastable structure. It could be seen that
their unique characteristics. The results of two tests test S,, and S,,, behaved almost the same. After that,
on loose sands showing the behaviour of Inass pore pressure built up gradually with the shear
liquefaction during undrained shearing are illustrated displacement, and as a subsequence, shear resistance
in Figure 3 (S,, and Soo3), Both of these two tests decreased slowly (Fig. 3a). Figure 3c shows the
were carried out under the same initial stress state effective stress paths and failure line. The failure
and initial density. S,, was sheared to 10m. So,, was line was measured after the undrained shear test was
a complementary test of S,,, and its purpose was to stopped by means of reducing the normal stress at a
observe the undrained shear deformation of soils. very slow unloading rate while keeping the shear
Two vertical slices of lcm width made from Toyoura box rotating at a constant speed under drained
standard sands with different color were made inside condition. From this figure, it could be seen that
the samples. After undrained sheared to 3Cm, the after undrained shear stress was loaded from 0.0,
shear box was opened and the shear deformation with increasing of shear stress, stress path extended
was observed, which confirmed the character of towards but did not reach the failure line with a final
mass liquefaction. Figures 3a shows the variation of point, known as the steady state point.
pore pressure in relation to shear displacement for Mass liquefaction occurred only in the very loose
sands. Because all the tests were carried out under

normally consolidated state, there were limited tests
showing mass liquefaction, while most of them
showed sliding-surface liquefaction.
Figure 4 shows the results of a test on dense sands,
in which typical sliding-surface liquefaction
phenomenon occurred. This sample was made
through tamping method. After saturated, sample
was normally consolidated. Figure 4a illustrates the
variation of pore pressure and shear resistance in
relation to shear displacement; Figure 4b shows the
corresponding effective stress path. As shown in
Figure 421, in the initial period after shear stress was
applied, with increase of shear displacement, pore
pressure built up gradually, but after point “L”, it
decreased due to the dilatancy of dense sands. After
the peak shear strength was reached (Point F in Figs.
4a,b), sample failed, and thereafter, pore pressure
built up gradually with shear displacement, finally
reached about 110 kPa. The shear resistance
decreased slowly consequently, and finally fell to Figure 5 . Results of tests on samples with different
about 60 kPa. The pore pressure ratio (pore pressure initial relative density.
/ normal stress) was about 0.56. As shown in Figure (a) and (b): the variation of shear resistance and
4b, upon increase of shear stress, the effective stress pore pressure in relation to shear displacement for
path extended left downward due to the pore these tests, respectively.
pressure generation. After point “U’, the path went
right-upward accompanying further shearing, results. As shown, both the samples tested at relative
showed a turn point. After failure point “F”, the path densities of 76.0% and 74.1% exhibited transient
fell downward along the failure line until a small period of dilative behavior with decreasing excess
shear resistance. This is a typical stress path of pore pressure and increasing shear stress after a
sliding-surface liquefaction. The generation of high period of limited liquefaction. Thereafter, with the
pore pressure is due to grain crushing in the shear increase of shear displacement, excess pore pressure
zone. The undrained shear behaviour in triaxial was built up gradually, and shear resistance
apparatus as that before the point “F’ in Figure 4b decreased subsequently, finally, dropped down to a
was described as limited liquefaction (Castro 1969). certain value respectively, which is usually much
Due to the limitation of triaxial apparatus in shear less than the peak value of shear resistance, this
displacement, the behaviour after “F” was not means that the soil was liquefied.
obtained and not made clear until undrained ring- The increase in shear stress under undrained
shear apparatus was developed. Obviously, the conditions required to initiate liquefaction in
prerequisite for this kind of liquefaction is that samples tested at 63.3, 74.1,76.0 and 91.2% relative
enough shear displacement could be offered for the density was progressively greater. This means that
completely grain crushing. the static liquefaction resistance increases with
increasing relative density. It could be found easily
(in Fig. 5a) that steady state shear resistance
5.2 Effects of initial relative density
becomes greater with increase of relative density
As widely known, void ratio plays an important role also. In the liquefaction potential analysis based on
for the liquefaction. To study the influence of soil triaxial test results, it has been pointed out that, at
density on shear behaviour in ring-shear apparatus, a relative densities greater than those corresponding to
number of tests were conducted on sands with initial the steady state line, the soil will exhibit dilative
normal stress being 196.0 kPa and shear stress being behaviour, and there will be no potential for
0.0. Relative density was selected as the parameter liquefaction. However, the test results presented here
to expressed the density. shows that, provided that shear stress is enough to
Figure 5 presents the variation of shear resistance initiate the failure of soil, liquefaction could be
(Fig. 5a) and pore pressure response (Fig. 5b) in resulted in, no matter the soil is denser or looser than
relation to shear displacement for samples with that of steady state line.
different relative densities. Two of them (D,.= 63.3%
and D,.= 91 2%)had been presented in detail in the 5.3 Effects of initial drained shear stress
proceeded section, therefore, emphasis will be
focused on the description of another two tests To study the influence of initial drained shear stress

Figure 7. Test results of three shear times.
(a): effective stress paths; (b): variation of shear
resistance in relation to shear displacement; S 1, S2,
Figure 6. Results of tests on sample at different
S3: final shear strength for the first time, second
initial drained shear stress.
time, and third time, respectively.
(a): effective stress paths; (b): variation of shear
resistance in relation to shear displacement.
be noted that the static liquefaction resistance for the
on the following undrained shear behaviour of sands, test on initial drained shear stress of 99.7kPa is just a
a series of tests was conducted on sands under very little proportion of the initial shear stress (about
different initial drained stresses. Initial drained shear 3.8%). This means that a soil that have been
stresses were 0.0, 26.3, 58.0, 70.2 and 99.7kPa subjected to high initial drained shear stress is easier
respectively, while the normal stresses were kept the to suffer from sliding-surface liquefaction because a
same, 196.0kPa. Duiing test, after the normal stress very little change in shear stress under undrained
was applied and sands were normally consolidated, condition could initiate sliding-surface liquefaction.
initial drained shear stress was loaded, and then This result showed a good consistent with other
switched the shear box into undrained condition and studies on mass liquefaction (Castro 1969, Castro &
increased the shear stress until failure. Theoretically, Poulos 1977, Kramer 1988).
all the tests should be performed under the same Although the tests on sands with different initial
relative density, but due to the difficulties in making shear stresses showed different peak shear strength
samples and effect of initial shear stress, there were and different static sliding-surface liquefaction
still little differences between their initial relative resistance, it could be seen easily (Figs. 621, b) that
densities among the tests presented here. the final liquefaction resistance was approximately
Figure 6 shows the results of tests on different the same. The little differences between their values
initial shear stresses. Figure 6a presents the effective may be due to the little differences between their
stress paths for these tests; and Figure 6b is the initial relative densities. As described above, denser
variation of shear resistance in relation to shear sand will have greater steady state strength.
displacement. From Figures 6a, b, i t could clearly be Therefore, i t could be concluded that initial shear
seen that with increase of initial shear stress, the stress has no influence on the steady state strength.
peak shear strength become greater. However, the Figure 6 presents another phenomenon that is, the
differences between the peak strength and initial peak shear strength ( i- ,) becomes greater with
shear stress were approximately 54.8, 26.3, 15.6, increase of initial shear stress while the steady state
11.3 and 3.8 for the tests at initial shear stress of 0.0, shear strength ( T ,) is the same. Therefore, the
26.3, 58.0, 70.2 and 99.7kPa respectively, namely brittleness index (In) becomes greater consequently
the static liquefaction resistance becomes smaller ( I , for these five tests were 1.42, 1.75, 2.19, 2.53 and
with increase of initial drained shear stress. It should 3.5 1 at initial shear stress of 0.0, 26.3, 58.0, 70.2 and

99.7kPa respectively). It shows that the soil liquefied study the sliding-surface liquefaction behaviour in
at a steeper slope will suffer from larger progressive ring-shear apparatus. Through changing the initial
deformation, namely greater run-out distance. density and shear stresses, shearing the same sample
repeatedly, the effects of initial density, initial
drained shear stress and shearing history on the
5.4 Efsects ofrepeated shear history
undrained shear behaviour of sands were analyzed.
Considering that failure could happen on a pre-failed The conclusions could be drawn as follows.
slope or along an existed sliding surface, repeated 1. Mass liquefaction could only happen in very
shear tests on sands were performed to study the loose sands, while sliding-surface liquefaction could
shear behaviour of soils that have even experienced take place even in medium or dense state.
prefailure. During test, sand was normally 2. Initial shear stress has no effect on the steady
consolidated and sheared (under undrained condition state shear strength. With increase of initial shear
with a given drained initial shear stress) to about stress, the static sliding-surface liquefaction
10m. Then, unloaded the loading and turned the resistance decreases, while brittleness index
shear box into drained condition, re-consolidated the becomes greater. It shows that a steeper slope is
once sheared sample, and performed the test under more prone to suffer from the sliding-surface
the same condition as that of the first time for the liquefaction failure with rapid deformation.
second and third time. 3. With increase of repeated shear history, the
The effective stress paths for three times of tests static liquefaction resistance and residual shear
on the sample subjected to an initial shear stress of strength become greater, namely soils become
70.2 kPa were presented in Figure 7a. Figure 7b difficult to suffer from liquefaction failure.
shows the corresponding variation of shear
resistance in relation to shear displacement. As
shown in Figure 7a, for the first shear time, after REFERENCES
undrained shear stress was applied, accompanying
the excess pore pressure generation, effective stress Bishop, A.W. 1967. Progressive failure-with special
path extended leftwards remarkably before reached reference to the mechanism causing it. Proc.
the failure line. After reached the failure line, due to Geotechn. Conf., Oslo, Norway 2, 142-1 SO.
grain crushing, excess pore pressure continued to Castro, G. 1969. Liquefuction ofsands. Ph.D. Thesis,
build up until reaching the steady state. Focusing on Harvard University, Mass.
the effective stress path for the second time, we can Castro, G. & S.J., Poulos. 1977. Factors affecting
find that, although accompanying the increase of liquefaction and cyclic mobility. J. Geotech.
undrained shear stress, the excess pore pressure was Eng. Div., ASCE 103, 50 1 -5 1 6.
built up, but it did not lead to the quick failure. After Ishihara, K. 1993. Liquefaction and flow failure
the stress state reached the failure line, with increase during earthquakes. GPotechnique 43(3):349-45 1.
of shear displacement, shear resistance decreased Kramer, K. L. & H. B . Seed 1988. Initiation of soil
slowly accompanying the built-up of pore pressure. liquefaction under static loading conditions. J .
For the third time, it could be seen that once the Geotech. Engrg., 114: 4 12-430.
undrained shear stress was applied and increased, Sassa, K. 1988. Geotechnical model for the motion
negative pore pressure was generated due to the of landslides. Special Lecture of 5th International
dilatancy. When shear stress was increased to a Symposium on Landslides, “Landslides”, 1.
certain, the sample failed, and then shear strength Rotterdam: Balkema. 37-55
fell to the failure line, thereafter, dropped down Sassa, K. & H. Fukuoka. 1995. Prediction of rapid
along the failure line towards 0 point with increase landslide motion. Proc. X X IUFRO World Cong.,
of shear displacement. Finland.
From Figures 7a, b, it could be seen that with Sassa, K., Fukuoka, H., Scarascia-Mugnozza, G. &
increase of repeated shear times, the steady state S.Evans 1996. Earthquake-induced-landslides:
shear strength and the peak shear strength became Distribution, motion and mechanisms. Special
greater. It indicates that with increase of shear times, Issue for the great Hanshin Earthquake Disaster,
it becomes difficult for the liquefaction failure to Soils and Foundations, 53-64.
occur, because the collapse of metastable structure Sassa, K. 1997. A new intelligent type of dynamic
and the grain crushing are tending to be finished loading ring-shear apparatus. Landslide News.
with increasing of repeated shear times. No.10, pp.33.
Wang, F. W. 1998. An experinzentul study on grain
crushing and excess pore pressure generation
6 CONCLUSIONS during-shearing of sandji soils-A key factor for
rupicl landslide niotion. Ph. D.Thesis. Kyoto
A series of tests was conducted on silica sands to University.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Real seismic-wave loading ring-shear test on the Nikawa landslide

EW W a g , K. Sassa & H. Fukuoka

Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University,Uji,Japan

ABSTRACT: By employing an undrained cyclic-loading ring-shear apparatus, a series of tests to reproduce

the sliding behavior of the Nikawa landslide was conducted. Test sample was taken from the landslide. The
initial stress condition acting on a soil element in the sliding surface was applied on the sample. Based on the
monitored seismic-wave records, the input seismic wave was synthesized to obtain the seismic stress acting
on the sliding surface. The most remarkable result is that the pore pressure generation and the acceleration of
shear displacement continued after the main shock. Combining with the grain crushing at the shear zone in the
drained ring-shear test, the mechanism of this landslide is interpreted as that the main shock triggered the
failure of the slope, then shear displacement caused grain crushing in the shear zone, and resulted in residual
excess pore pressure generation and sliding-surface liquefaction.

1 INTRODUCTION granite. The Osaka-group layer and terrace deposit

distributing on the slope overlaid on it. Above the
The January 17, 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu earthquake old slope surface, landfill was consisted of the
in Japan killed more than 5,500 persons, destroyed Osaka-group layer, and the landslide occurred in the
about 200,000 houses, and triggered many disasters landfill. Test sample was taken from the landslide
of landslides. The Nikawa landslide is one of the mass just above the sliding surface by excavating the
largest geo-disasters of the earthquake. It destroyed landslide debris, namely the same materials (Osaka-
11 houses and killed 34 persons. According to Sassa group coarse sandy soil) where the sliding zone was
et al. (1996), the landslide volume was 110,000 - formed.
120,000 m3. The moving distance was 175 m. No To investigate the depth of groundwater table,
observation data of the sliding speed is available. some boreholes were drilled immediately after the
However, it is believed that it was a high-speed occurrence of the landslide. The ground water table
landslide, because no one could evacuate from the existed in 6-7 m below the ground surface near and
destroyed houses and all 34 residents were killed. outside of the landslide area in three boreholes from
The landslide occurred on a gentle slope, and February to March 1995.
moved for a long distance to the nearby residential As an example of rapid landslides induced by
area. Figure 1 shows the plan of the landslide area earthquakes, the Nikawa landslide was studied by
before the landslide occurred. The sliding direction Sassa et al. (1996), with an undrained ring-shear
of this landslide is about 60"NE. Location of borings apparatus, DPRI-3. In that study, normal stress was
and excavation pits PI and P2 for observation and kept as constant, and shear stress was applied as a
sampling point S1 are plotted. Standing ground sine wave of 0.1 Hz with the amplitude increasing
water was observed at secondarily moved debris. cycle by cycle. In undrained condition, dense sample
Although January in this area is very dry, the Osaka- was sheared and effective stress path was obtained.
group layer composing the slope retained ground Basing on the study, a concept termed as "sliding-
water. The ground water table was confirmed by surface liquefaction" was proposed. Sliding-surface
ground water level monitoring in them later. liquefaction can take place even in medium-dense or
Figure 2 is the A-A' section shown in Figure 1. It dense soil layer because grain crushing in the shear
is drawn based on the ground surface survey, boring zone results in potential of volume reduction and
investigation and the ground water monitoring at the generation of excess pore pressure.
boreholes. The average angle of the sliding surface It is of great geotechnical significance to perform
was about 20". The base-rock of the slope was a test using a real earthquake record to investigate

Figure 1 Plan of the slope before the Nikawa landslide occurred and the outline of the landslide area
(from Sassa et al. 1996).

courtesy of the Japan Railway Technical Research

There are two important factors in the input
seismic wave. One is the peak ground acceleration,
and the other is wave shape. Concerning the peak
ground acceleration, an attenuation equation (Eq. 1)
proposed by Fukushima & Tanaka (1992) was


where A is the average of two peak horizontal

Figure 2 Geological section along A-A’ line in
acceleration in cds’, Ms the moment magnitude and
Figure 1 (from Sassa et al. 1996). R the distance from an observatory station to the
fault rupture in km. Eq. (1) is for the horizontal
the sliding behavior of landslide triggered by acceleration, because vertical acceleration also
earthquakes. For this purpose, an improved attenuates following the same law, the correction of
undrained ring-shear apparatus, DPRI-5, which is the vertical acceleration was also processed with this
possible to load real seismic wave, was developed in equation.
1995 (Sassa 1997) and used in this study. According to the Active Faults Map in Urban Area
published by Geographical Survey Institute of Japan
(1996) and Lrikura & Fukushima (1995), the distance
2 INPUT OF SEISMIC LOADING from the active fault, the Koyo active fault, to the JR
Takarazuka Station and the Nikawa landslide are
Theoretically, it would be the best to use a seismic about 7 km and 0.5 km, respectively. The peak
record monitored at the landslide site, but it did not acceleration for the moment magnitude ( M s ) value
exist. -4mong seismic records monitored in the for the Hyogoken-Nambu earthquake is 7.0. By
earthquake, the seismometer at the JR Takarazuka calculation, the peak ground acceleration at the
Station is the nearest one from the Nikawa landslide Nikawa landslide was about 1.4 times to that at the
site. Therefore, the real seismic wave monitored at JR Takarazuka Station.
the JR Takarazuka Station was used in this study by Fukushima & Tanaka (1990) also found that, in

Figure 4 Loading stresses on the sample.
(a): Normal stress, (b): Shear stress

consisted of landfill was assumed to be 140% of that

measured by seismometers at the JR Takarazuka
Station. Considering the two factors, 2.0 (1.4~140%
= 2.0) was selected as the amplifying coefficient of
the peak ground acceleration.
Concerning the wave shape and loading
magnitude, through the procedure shown in Figure 3
(Fukuoka et al. 1998), the seismic wave acting on
the soil element in the sliding zone was calculated.
Here, we use the following values based on the
field investigation. H = 14 m, 8 = 20°, 'yl = 17.6
kN/m3, E = 20.6 kN/m3, respectively (Kawasaki
Figure 3 The synthesizing procedure from Geology Corporation 1995). The pore pressure table
seismic loading to normal stress and shear stress. above the sliding surface was assumed to be about 7
(a) Transfer the horizontal acceleration (EW m (at least), because the ground water table outside
and NS) components to the horizontal slope the landslide area was 6-7m below the ground
direction. surface. Accordingly, the initial normal stress 0,was
(b) Transfer the horizontal component along 236.1 kPa, the initial shear stress T, was 85.9 kPa,
the slope direction and the vertical component and the initial static pore pressure U, was 60.6 kPa.
(UD) to the components (NR and SH) along the Eventually, the dynamic-loading stress input was
sliding surface. obtained as shown in Figure 4. The seismic wave
(c) Sum the initial stress according to the self- lasts for 40 seconds. The main shock distributed
weight (w)and the increments of normal stress between 4 second and 7 second. After the seismic
(Ao) and shear stress (AT) acting on the sliding wave is over, the stress state of the soil element
surface by multiplying acceleration and mass of returns to the initial stress state at the slope.
the soil columns.


general, the mean value of the peak ground PROCEDURE
acceleration for loose soil was 140% times of the
average value. The seismic measurement system was Grains greater than 4.75 mm are about 7% of the
set in stiff layer at the JR Takarazuka Station. While, sample. They were eliminated after dried in oven,
as described previously, the Nikawa landslide mass considering the size of the shear box. The physical
was consisted of landfill of the Osaka-group coarse properties of the sample are shown in Table 1.
sandy soil. So the peak acceleration in the landslide The seismic loading simulation test on the Nikawa

Table 1. Physical properties of the Osaka-group
coarse sandy soil.
Specific gravity, G,y

Minimum void ratio, ernin

Uniformity coefficient, U,
0.50 mm

landslide was performed by following procedures.

1) Weigh and set the dry sample in the shear box
with free-fall deposition method, and then saturate it.
The degree of saturation is confirmed by B D value, a
pore pressure coefficient in direct shear state. The BD
value at this test was 0.99, means a high degree of
saturation was achieved.
2) Consolidate the sample at the initial normal
stress, 0,and then apply the initial shear stress, z, at
drained condition.
3) Apply the initial pore pressure U , from the
upper drain line of the shear box to simulate the
ground water condition. The relative density of the
sample was 121.2 percent.
4) Change the shear box to undrained condition
and load the seismic-wave loading of normal stress Figure 5 Time-series data of the simulation test
and shear stress simultaneously. on the Nikawa landslide.
S ) Keep on the shearing with the shear box in the B, = 0.99, Dr = 121.2 percent
undrained condition, until the steady state of the (a): Normal stress (kPa); (b): Pore pressure
tested sample is reached. (kPa); (c): Shear resistance (kPa) and shear
displacement (x100 mm).


corresponding to the tendency of pore pressure built-
Figure 5 shows the time-series data of monitored up after the main shock. This is the same
parameters of normal stress 0,pore pressure U , shear phenomenon observed in the previous research in
resistance z and shear displacement. In Figure 5a, the 0.1 Hz cyclic-loading ring shear test for the same
the monitored normal stress is almost the same as soil sample.
the control signal. Figure 5b shows the variation of Figure 6 shows the stress path obtained in the
pore pressure. During the main shock (4-7 second), simulation test. ESP means the effective stress path,
the excess pore pressure changed rapidly as a while TSP means the total stress path. Because of
response to the loaded stresses. The low boundary of possible delay of pore pressure measurement during
pore pressure curve indicated the built-up of pore the period of high frequency, some stress points
pressure during the main shock. It is noticed that distributed above the failure line. Although it is
pore pressure is built-up to a certain value after the difficult to follow the process of both stress paths
main shock. Figure 5c shows the variation of shear with this figure, referring to the time series data, it is
resistance and shear displacement. During the main reasonable to describe the stress path as following.
shock, the sample failed because the loaded shear At first, the stress path reached the peak strength
stress exceeded the shear strength of the soil. Shear failure line ($I,) = 39.6') and the soil failed. The state
displacement was observed. However, it was so of shear zone became to residual one. With the
small during the main shock that almost invisible in progress of shearing after failure, the effective stress
this figure. The mobilized shear resistance changes path turned to the residual failure line ($Ir = 35.5').
rapidly, while the maximum value did not decrease Shearing under a high effective stress should cause
so much during the main shock. It is quite the grain crushing and then result in the generation
remarkable that the shear displacement accelerates of excess pore pressure. Thereafter, with the
through the whole process after failure. It is generation of large excess pore pressure, the
apparently resulted from the decrease of shear effective stress path descended along the residual
resistance to a certain low value, reasonably failure line to a very low effective stress level. The

Figure 6 The stress path for the simulation test on the Nikawa landslide.
ESP: Effective stress path, TSP: Total stress path
B, = 0.99, Dr = 121.2 percent

residual excess pore pressure ratio (T,,~(t)).r,, ( t ) was

defined as Eq. (2).

= ( ( u ( t ) - uo) - A o ( t ) B ~ ) / o o ’
rilr(t) (2)
where, u(t) is the monitored pore pressure, uo is the
initial pore pressure, do ( t ) is the applied normal
stress increment, and oo’ = o, - uo is the initial
effective stress. B, is pore pressure coefficient in
direct shear state. The residual excess pore pressure
ratio is independent for the initial pore pressure and
the loaded normal stress, and has the maximal value
of unity. It is shown that, although there is possible
measurement delay of pore pressure between the
shear displacement of 0.2 mm and 3 mm, the
increase trend of r,, ( t ) with shear displacement is
clearly observed. Especially, after 10 mm, it is
Figure 7 The relationship between residual convinced that, the excess pore pressure is generated
excess pore pressure ratio and the shear with the increasing of shear displacement. When the
displacement. shear displacement exceeds 1000 mm, the excess
pore pressure ratio reaches about 0.8. Sliding-
surface liquefaction occurred with the progress of
apparent friction angle is 6.3”. The grain crushing shear displacement.
process went to close, until the effective stress
became small enough that grain crushing can not
take place any more. This is somewhat different 5 GRAIN CRUSHING PROPERTY OF THE
from the usual liquefaction, in which the stress path TESTED SAMPLE
instantaneously reduces to a very low stress level
without reaching the peak strength failure line. It is After the simulation test, drained constant-speed
consistent with the phenomenon of “sliding-surface ring-shear test was carried out on the same kind of
liquefaction”. In it, the excess pore pressure, which sample to investigate the grain crushing property of
caused by grain crushing in the shear zone during the tested sample.
shearing is important. The grain crushing makes Under a normal stress of 196 kPa, and shear speed
volume reduction potential, and results in the built- of 3 m d s e c , the sample was sheared for 42 m in
up of excess pore pressure. To examine the concept, drained condition. In order to investigate the state of
the built-up of residual excess pore pressure with grain crushing in the shear zone, the sheared sample
shear displacement is presented here, and the grain after the drained test was excavated and the cross
crushing property of the sample is investigated later. section was exposed. Figure 8 is the photograph
Figure 7 shows the changing process of the showing the cross section of the sheared sample in


The mechanism of the Nikawa landslide was

investigated. Dynamic loading synthesized from the
real seismic-wave was loaded in this test. Results
presented that shear displacement started during the
main shock, but it was very small. The major
phenomenon representing the rapid motion of the
landslide occurred after the main shock. After the
main shock, shear displacement increased rapidly,
pore pressure was built-up continually and shear
resistance reduced to a very low value. Through
confirmation of the grain crushing process in the
shear zone after the drained shear test, it is
concluded that the sliding-surface liquefaction is
caused by grain crushing.

Figure 8 Photo of the sample after drained shear. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

A trench cut in the shear box. Pins show the
upper and lower boundary of the grain- We would like to express our special thanks to Japan
crushing zone. Railway Technical Research Institute, for providing
the real seismic record at the JR Takarazuka Station.


Fukuoka, H., F.W. Wang & K. Sassa 1998. Ring

shear test with real seismic loading. Proceedings
of 1998 Annual Con. of the Japan Society of
Erosion Control Engng., JSECE Publication.
Sapporo, 25:98-99 (in Japanese).
Fukushima, Y. & T. Tanaka 1990. A new attenuation
relation for peak horizontal acceleration of strong
earthquake ground motion in Japan. Bull. of the
Figure 9 Grain size distribution analysis results for Seis. Soc. of Am., 80(4):757-783.
the original sample, sample at the shear zone, Fukushima, Y. & T. Tanaka 1992. Revised
samples at the upper part and the lower part of the attenuation relation for peak horizontal
shear box after sheared for 42 m under 196 kPa acceleration using a new data base. Prog. and Abs.
normal stress, shear speed = 3 m d s e c . of Seisrn. SOC,Japan, 2: 116 (in Japanese).
Geographical Survey Institute of Japan 1996. Active
the sample box. It is clearly observed that a grain- Faults Map in Urban Area: Northwest part of the
crushing zone, which was finer and denser than the Osaku area.
upper and lower sample, was formed at the shear Irikura, K. & Y. Fukushima 1995. Attention
zone. The pins show the upper and lower boundary characteristics of peak amplitude in the
of the grain-crushing zone. Then, the samples in the Hyogoken-Nambu earthquake. J. of Natural Dis.
shear zone, and that at the upper part and lower part Sci., 16(3):39-46.
of the shear box were taken out, and grain size Kawasaki Geology Corporation 1995. Field
distribution analyses were conducted on them. Investigation Report on the Nikawa Landslide.
Figure 9 is the result comparing to the original Sassa, K., H. Fukuoka, G. Scarascia-Mugnozza. & S.
sample. The samples at the upper part and lower part Evans 1996. Earthquake-induced-landslides:
have just the same grain size distribution as that of Distribution, motion and mechanisms. Special
the original one, while that in the shear zone was Issue for the great Hanshin earthquake disasters,
much finer. It is indicated that grain crushing only Soils and Fdn. 53-64.
took place in the shear zone. Based on this result, it Sassa, K. 1997. A new intelligent type dynamic
is reasonable to estimate that the built-up of pore loading ring shear apparatus. Landslide News
pressure is resulted from the grain crushing in the (Japan Landslide Society), 10:33.
shear zone. It is confirmed that, because of the grain
crushing occurred in the shear zone, sliding-surface
liquefaction happened.
Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami L? Jiang 0 1999Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Dynamic properties of fine-grained soils in pre-sheared sliding surfaces

M.Yoshimine - Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan

R. K U W ~-O University of Tokyo, Japan
J. K U W ~- OTokyo Institute of Technology,Japan
K. Ishihara - Science University of Tokyo,Chiba. Japan

ABSTRACT To evaluate the seismic stability of slopes containing pre-sheared surfaces, a series of cyclic
loading tests on samples with pre-sheared surface were conducted with a dynamic ring shear apparatus. The
effects of the dynamic loading such as the number of cycles and fiequency were examined. It was also
attempted to find if the dynamic behavior of soil with pre-existing shear surface is correlated with physical
properties of the tested materials.

1 INTRODUCTION 15cm and 2cm, respectively. The torque arm and the
load cell for torque-measurement fix the rotation of
Slopes of clay and weak mudstone often contain the loading head and the upper half of the specimen.
shear surfaces at residual strength which were During displacement-control and monotonic loading
created by previous landslides or tectonic tests, the electric motor and the gear system rotates
movements. For evaluating the stability of such the lower half of the specimen. A shear surface is
slopes during earthquakes, dynamic properties of created at the middle height of the specimen. In case
materials with pre-existing shear surfaces at or close of load-control cyclic tests, the pulley is lifted up by
to residual strength should be known. For this air pressure and fixed to the base platen. Then the
purpose, high speed shear tests have been conducted gear system is disconnected, and the cyclic load is
on clayey materials by means of ring shear apparatus applied to the lower half of the specimen by air
(Skempton, 1985, Lemos et al., 1985, Tika et al., pressure in torque cylinder through the wire-pulley
1994 and Tika and Hutchinson, 1999). Based on the system. This mechanism enabled soil samples to
relationship between shear resistance of slip plane create shear surfaces at residual state in one
and the rate of displacement derived from these direction. Then cyclic load was applied on the shear
experiments, Lemos et al. (1994) proposed a method surfaces successively.
to calculate the displacements of slopes induced by In the ring shear testing, setting adequate gap
earthquake loading. between upper and lower rings is necessary for
Although these previous studies addressed precise measurement of vertical load and torque on
dynamic and cyclic properties of pre-existing shear the shear surface. The gap controlling system of the
surfaces, only monotonic loading tests have been Imperial College - NGI type ring shear apparatus
conduced and cyclic loading tests have not been (Bishop et al., 1971) is not suitable for dynamic
performed. To directly observe the cyclic behavior loading, because it is impossible to keep normal
of of fine-grained soils in pre-existing shear surface, stress on the shear plane constant due to the
a dynamic ring shear apparatus was manufactured fluctuating vertical friction between upper ring and
(Ijuin et al. 1987, Kuwano et al. 1991) and a series specimen. To overcome this limitation, the gap is
of cyclic loading tests on pre-existing shear surface adjusted using the screw on the loading head as
have been carried out. This paper reports on the shown in Fig. 1. This system is superior also for
results of these tests. monotonic loading providing that residual state is
achieved and the height of the specimen is constant.


The outline of the dynamic ring shear apparatus used
in this study is shown in Fig. 1. The outer diameter, Sixteen materials were obtained from some sites of
inner diameter and height of the specimen are 20cm, landslides in natural or manmade slopes and tested.

Table 1. List of ring shear tests

Li,qu,id Plasticity Normal Residual shear strength, T, (kPa) Dynamic strength, q, ( H a )

limit index
( < 2 p ) stress [ Rate of displacement ( m d m i n ) ] [ Sinusoidal loading ] [Earthquake]

The physical properties of the materials are applied on the residual slip surface to examine the
summarized in Table 1. Some of these materials effects of the nuniber of cycles, then sinusoidal
were sampled near ground surface, and therefore loading with increasing amplitude were applied to
they might not be exactly the same as the materials examine dynamic strength characteristics. Finally,
causing the landslides in the field. the behavior of the shear plane under earthquake
After processing the natural materials through the loading was studied. Before each steps of dynamic
sieve to remove particles coarser than 2mm, distilled loading, it was made sure that the slow residual
water was added to make the water contents around strength, ~ ~ ( 0 .mdmin)
01 ,was achieved by applying
the liquid limit. Then the material was poured monotonic load.
between outer and inner rings and consolidated During the final stage of consolidation and the
under the target vertical stress of 49 to 490kPa, but monotonic and dynamic shear process, the gap
mostly in the range of 98 to 294kPa. Only normally between upper and lower rings was kept constant
consolidated specimens were tested. around O.lmm. The test results are also summarized
First, specimens were sheared at constant rate of in Table 1.
0.01mndniin until residual strength was attained.
Very smooth and clear slip surface was created for
all of the materials. Second, the shear rate was 4 TEST RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
gradually accelerated up to 300mdmin to study the
4.1 Slow sesidid stsength
rate effects during monotonic loading. Third,
sinusoidal loading with fixed amplitude were Secant residual friction angle at shear rate of 0.01

Figure 1. The dynamic ring shear apparatus
Figure 3. Effect of displacement rate on residual

m d m i n is displayed in Fig. 2. Skempton (1964),

Voight (1973), Kanji (1974), Lupini et al. (1981),
Skempton (1985) and Tika et al. (1999) pointed out
that the residual friction angle of clay decreases with
increasing plasticity index or clay fraction. Fig. 2(a)
and (b) indicate the same tendency, although the
measured residual friction angle was somehow
larger than the previous studies. Stark and Eid
(1994) reported that the residual friction angle was a
function of liquid limit, clay fraction and overburden
pressure. The same trend may be seen in Fig. 2(c),
though more scatters were detected.

4.2 Rate effect in monotonic loading

Fig. 3(a) shows the shear rate effect on residual
strength. Generally, shear resistance increases with
higher speed, but in some cases the resistance
dropped with increasing the rate of displacement,
especially when the rate reached 300 mndmin. It
should be noticed that the shear resistance of
Kalabagh clay at high rate of displacement was less
than half of the slow residual strength. Skempton
(1985) and Tika et al. (1996, 1999) also reported
such “negative rate effects” especially for Kalabagh
soils. Pore pressure on the slip surface was not
measured in this study.
Skempton (1985) pointed out that “intermediate
soils” that had clay fraction of 20 to 30% could
exhibit negative rate effects. The same trend may be
Figure 2. Slow residual strength seen from Fig. 3(b).

Figure 6. Dynamic stress versus displacement

4.3 Effect of the nuniber. of cycles in a'yriuinic

loading tests
Figure 4. Sinusoidal loading test (fixed amplitude) A typical example of the result of sinusoidal loading
test with fixed amplitude was shown in Fig. 4.
Before all of the cyclic loading, including sinusoidal
and earthquake loading described below, initial static
load equal to 70% of the slow residual strength (q,
= xr x 0.7) was applied to the shear surface. Hence,
the movement during cyclic loading was observed
mostly only in the same direction as the initial static
Fig. 4 shows that the deformation was negligibly
small when stress level was smaller than a threshold
value. Sudden increase in plastic deformation started
when stress level became larger than the threshold
value in each cycle. Another prominent feature of
the behavior of residual slip surfaces shown in Fig. 4
is the fact that displacement in one cycle was nearly
constant for any cycles. This means that the number
of cycles did not influence the cyclic behavior, i.e.
no hardening or softening occurred during cyclic
loading on residual slip surfaces.

4.4 DeJinition of Dynamic strength

Fig. 5 shows a typical example of the sinusoidal
loading tests with increasing amplitude. Based on
the finding that the cyclic stress - displacement
behavior was not much affected by the previous
cycles, peak stress of cyclic loading (to+ tc.yc)and
displacement in each cycle was plotted in Fig. 6 (a).
One may see from this figure that when the cyclic
Figure 5. Sinusoidal loading test (increased amplitude) stress level reached to -Some level, the stress-
displacement curve became nearly flat and large

4.6 Dynamic strength characteristics
Cyclic loading test results were summarized in Fig.
9. In this figure, the ratio of dynamic strength to
slow residual strength was plotted against clay
fraction of each material to see if the dynamic
behavior of pre-existing shear surface is correlated
with the physical properties of the tested materials.
The dynamic response of materials that had larger
clay fraction was more ductile and the ratio of
dynamic strength to slow residual strength tended to
be higher, but scatter of data was considerably large.
From Fig. 9, it may be seen that, in general, the
dynamic strength was 1.2 to 2.0 times larger than the
slow residual strength.


Sixteen materials, ranging from low plastic silt to

very high plastic clay, were tested by means of
dynamic ring shear apparatus. In the first series of
the tests, sinusoidal cyclic stress with fixed
amplitude was applied on pre-existing shear surface
in the specimen at residual state. It was found that
the number of cycles showed almost no influence on
the stress-displacement behavior, i.e. no hardening
or softening occurred during cyclic loading.
Figure 7. Earthquake loading test (Hachinohe EW) Sinusoidal cyclic stresses with increasing amplitude
were loaded on the shear surfaces to study the
relationship between dynamic stress ratio and the
deformation developed. This stress level, zd, was magnitude of deformation in one cycle. The increase
defined as the dynamic strength in this study. In in the loading frequency from O.1Hz to 1.OHz
addition to the sinusoidal loading tests, EW and NS resulted in the increase in the dynamic strength by 5
components of acceleration record acquired at
Hachinohe Port during Tokachi-oki Earthquake,
Japan (1964) was used. Due to the fiequency
limitation of the pneumatic loading system, the time
scale was four times as the reality. Fig. 7 is an
example of earthquake loading tests. The dynamic
strength for earthquake loading was defined in the
same manner as sinusoidal loading tests as shown in
Fig. 6 (b).

4.5 Frequency and random loading efects

Fig. 8 (a) shows the frequency effect in sinusoidal
loading. It may be seen that, in the majority of the
cases, dynamic strength of residual shear surface
increased around 5 to 20% when the frequency of
sinusoidal loading became 10 times in the range of
0.1Hz to 1,OHz, though opposite frequency effects
appeared in some cases. Dynamic strength against
the earthquake loading (four times extended in time
scale) was nearly the same level as 1.OHz sinusoidal
loading as shown in Fig. 8 (b). The relationship
between the frequency effect and physical properties
of the material was hardly detected as shown in Fig. Figure 8. Effects of frequency and random loading on
8 (4. dynamic strength of residual slip surfaces

Figure 9. Dynamic strength characteristics and physical property of tested material

to 20%. In addition, the dynamic response to the Kanji, M.A. 1974.The relationship between drained friction
random loading simulating earthquakes was angles and Atterberg limits of natural soils. Gkotechnique
24(4): 671-674.
examined. Using these test results, it was attempted Kuwano, J., K. Ishihara, R. Kuwano & M. Yoshimine 1991.
to find if the dynamic behavior of pre-existing shear Dynamic strength of cohesive soils from landslide sites.
surface is correlated with the physical properties of Proc. 1st Young Asian Geotechnical Engineers Con$:
the tested materials such as clay fraction. Though 207-216.Bangkok.
scatter of data was very large, it seemed that the Lemos, L.J.L., A.W. Skempton & P.R. Vaughan 1985.
higher the clay fraction, the larger the ratio of Earthquake loading of shear surfaces in slopes. Proc.,
11th Int. Con$ Soil Mech. And Found. Engrg. 4: 1955-
dynamic strength to slow residual strength. In most 1958.
of the cases, the dynamic strength was 20 to 100% Lemos, L.J.L., A.M.P. Gama & P.A.L.F. Coelho 1994.
larger than slow residual strength. Displacements of cohesive slopes induced by earthquake
loading. Proc., 13th Int. ConJ Soil Mech. And Found.
Engrg. 3: 1041-1045.
Lupini, J.F., A.E. Skinner & P.R. Vaughan. 1981. The
ACKNOWLEDGMENT drained residual strength of cohesive soils. Gkotechnique
31(2): 181-213.
The ring shear tests on the material No. 8 to 16 Skempton, A.W. 1964.Long-term stability of clay slopes.
(Table 1) were performed by Mr. Y. Kamegai Gkotechnique 14(2): 77-102.
(Chubu Electric Power Co.), Mr. K. Sat0 (Tokio Skempton, A.W. 1985. Residual strength of clays in
Marine and Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.) and Mr. K. landslides, folded strata and the laboratory. Gkotechnique
35(1): 3-18.
Amano (Shimizu Corporation). Stark, T.D. & H.T. Eid 1994. Drained residual strength of
cohesive soils. J. of Geotech. Engig., ASCE 120(5): 856-
REFERENCES Tika, TH. E., P.R. Vaughan & L.J.L. Lemos. 1996. Fast
shearing of pre-existing shear zones in soil. Gkotechnique
Bishop, A.W., G.E. Green, V.K. Garga, A. Andresen & J.D. 46(2): 197-233.
Brown 1971. A new ring shear apparatus and its Tika, TH. E. & J.N Hutchinson. 1999. Ring shear tests on
application to the measurement of residual strength. soil from the Vaiont landslide slip surface. Gkotechnique
Gkotechnique 2l(4): 273-328. 49(1): 59-74.
Ijuin, R., K. Ishihara & J. Kuwano 1987.Residual strength Voight, B. 1973. Correlation between Atterberg plasticity
and dynamic strength of pre-existing sliding surface. Proc. limits and residual shear strength of natural soils.
42nd Annual Con$ of JSCE 3: 148-149 (in Japanese). Gkotechnique 23(2): 265-267.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Dependence of pore pressure generation on frequency of loading

at sliding surface
D. A.Vankov & K. Sassa
Landslide Section, DPRI, Kyoto UniversiQ Uji,Japan

ABSTRACT: This paper presents results of series of shear stress controlled and shear displacement con-
trolled cyclic tests, conducted by an advanced model of ring shear apparatus, with different frequencies of
loading. It was found that frequency of loading has an effect on shear displacement in shear stress con-
trolled tests. Due to large shear displacement, mechanism of pore pressure generation was strongly affected
by type of loading.


Extensive field investigations conducted after the A ring shear apparatus (DPRI-4) was used in pre-
1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake (Kamai 1995; sent investigation. In addition to ordinary advan-
Sassa et a1 1996), revealed that many landslides tages of a ring shear device, such as limitless
occurred on very flat slopes in urban and residen- shear displacement, clear location of shear zone,
tial areas. These landslides usually formed in sandy etc, this apparatus has following features, which
soils. Some of them were reported to have moved were important in carrying out our investigation:
several days after the main seismic shock. Gener- 0 Possibility of applying reversible cyclic shear
ally, all houses and structures constructed on these stress;
landslides were not completely destroyed by the 0 In a cyclic loading test, either shear stress
movement and no casualties were reported. How- controlled or shear displacement controlled
ever, since all these houses and structures should modes are available;
be rebuilt, they created substantial financial dam- 0 Undrained condition with pore pressure meas-
age for owners. The mechanism movement in these urements along shear zone provided;
landslides was not clear. However, it was sug- 0 In a cyclic loading test, a frequency of loading
gested by the second author, that pore pressure up to 5 Hz can be produced;
generation might play a decisive role in landslide 0 Large shear box (approximately 2000 cm')
occurrence and movement. Therefore, the mecha- enabling testing of coarse grain soils.
nism of pore pressure generation in sandy soils at The structure of this ring shear apparatus was de-
potential sliding surfaces should be investigated in scribed in details by Vankov & Sassa (1 998).
detail. Frequency of loading is one of possible
factors affecting pore pressure generation at direct
shear state. Completion of this task requires a se- 3 EXPERIMENTAL OUTLINES
ries of basic experiments, for obtaining primary
dependencies, however the sample condition as 3.1 Sarizple properties
well as stress state at potential sliding surface
should be reproduced with accuracy. It is believed The soil used in our investigation was a
by the authors, that an advanced ring shear appa- coarse-grain sandy soil belonging to the Middle-
ratus is the most suitable device for studying the Upper Subgroup of Plio-Pleistocene Osaka Group
process of pore pressure generation at the sliding (Osaka Formation) widely distributed in the Kan-
surface. sai Area. The Osaka group consists of loose sedi-

ments made of gravel, sand and clay, and is di- Therefore, in extreme cases, these sandy layers
vided into three subgroups, Lower, Middle and could be completely saturated and during loading
Upper. The Lower Subgroup is clearly distin- they would be in an undrained state. The same
guished from the others due to the absence of ma- state should be provided during experiment.
rine deposits. Differences between the Middle and The high degree of saturation is necessary
Upper Subgroups are not so clear. Geomorphologi- for obtaining correct data. Samples were saturated
cally the Osaka Group forms hilly lands and up- with help of carbon dioxide and back pressure.
lifted areas. For checking of degree of saturation before cyclic
The sampling site was at the headscarp of test we used B, : the pore pressure coefficient in
the Takarazuka Landslide, triggered by the 1995 the direct shear state, which was devoted as:
Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake. The landslide was
described in details by Sassa et al. (1996). The B, =- (1)
depth of the sampling point was about 4 meters. AD
Totally more than 1000 kg of soil were taken by where Au and Ao are increment of pore pressure
machine excavation. and total normal stress respectively.
Results of the grain-size distribution analy- Xia & Hu 1991, reported that value of
sis and basic physical properties are summarized in back pressure has significant influence on the liq-
Table 1. The mineral composition analysis was car- uefaction resistance of sands. They even sug-
ried out visually and shows that the investigated gested, that in liquefaction tests the back pressure
soil consisted mostly of quartz and feldspar, proba- technique should not be used to enhance the de-
bly albite. grees of saturation of the tested sand. The ob-
Both of these minerals, being interacted with water served phenomenon of the effect of back pressure
are chemically passive, i.e. they are unlikely to can be summarized as: the higher the applied back
change their physico-mechnical properties. pressure, the higher the liquefaction resistance of
the sand.
3.2 Saiizple preparation The goal of this research is not to simulate
field conditions but to obtain principal dependen-
The procedure of preparation of samples for cies of pore pressure generation on the rate of
the tests was as follows. The sandy soil was dried loading. In such cases back pressure technique
at 105°C for 48 hours. Then it was removed from could be used.
the oven and cooled. After that soils were dis- Another sensitive aspect, is the moment of
persed by means of a rubber hammer and sieved checking saturation degree, i.e. before or after
through a sieve with a diameter of 4.0mm. The soil consolidation of the sample. Measurement of pore
finer than 4.0mm diameter was used in the ex- pressure response before consolidation is rather
periment. common among geotechnical researchers
During field observations, it was concluded that (Drnevich 1972, Ladd 1977, Mulilis et a1 1977,
sandy layers are sometimes confined between Novak & Kim 1981, Towhata & Ishihara 1985,
clayey ones and partially saturated. The perme- Figueroa et a1 1994, Boulanger 1995, Hatanaka et
ability of clayey layers seems to be very low. a1 1997). However, it was established by prelimi-
nary tests that in ring shear apparatus pore pres-
sure response parameters after consolidation are
___Table 1. Basic properties of investigated soil. substantially less (sometimes lcss than 50% of
Parameter Value initial value) than before consolidation. Based on
Grain size, mm this fact, all BD parameters were measured after
-2.00 12% consolidation.
2.00-0.84 36%
0.84-0.42 33% Table 2. Parameters of SSC-tests.
0.42-0.25 7% No f BD e 0'0 U() A
0.25-0.105 8% (Hz) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa)
0.105-0.074 2% 1-s 0.01 0.95 0.77 220 106 52-58
0.074- 2% 2-s 0.05 0.95 0.74 213 69 52-58
Coefficient of uniformity (D60/D10) 5.55 3-s 0.10 0.98 0.75 201 84 52-58
Maximum void ratio 1.17 4-s 0.50 0.96 0.72 210 85 52-58
Minimum void ratio 0.66 5-s 1.00 0.97 0.71 206 103 52-58
Specific gravity (g/cm') 2.61 6-s 2.00 0.96 0.67 199 108 52-58

Table 3. Parameters of SDC-tests.

1-d 0.01 0.95 0.68 200 47 1.00

2-d 0.02 0.97 0.68 200 50 0.98
3-d 0.04 1.00 0.67 192 57 0.98
4-d 0.08 0.97 0.66 195 63 0.98
5-d 0.10 1.00 0.66 182 68 0.96
6-d 0.20 0.95 0.67 204 39 1.00
7-d 0.30 0.96 0.67 202 47 0.92
8-d 0.40 0.95 0.67 169 51 0.86
9-d 0.50 1.00 0.67 202 56 0.76 Figure 2. Effective stress path for 4-s test
f -loading frequency, BD-pore pressure parameter in direct
shear state, e-void ratio, 0'0-initial effective normal stress, UO-
initial pore pressure, A-amplitude of shear stress, A*- ampli-
tude of shear displacement.

3.3 Test program

A series of shear stress controlled tests (hereafter
SSC-tests) and shear displacement controlled tests
(hereafter SDC-tests) has been conducted. The test
parameters for SSC-tests and SDC-tests are given
in Table 2 and Table3. All samples were subjected
to reversible cyclic loading. Figure 3. Time series data for 6-d test
Liquefaction was believed to have occurred when
the pore pressure was not less than 95% of the total
normal stress at all stages of loading.


Representative test data are plotted in Figures 1, 2

(SSC-data, time series and effective stress path,
respectively), and Figures 3, 4 (SDC-data, time se-
ries and effective stress path respectively). In both
types of test pore pressure gradually built-up and
subsequently reached the value of total normal Figure 4. Effective stress path for 6-d test
stress. Due to a decrease of effective normal stress
the amplitude of shear displacement increases decayed to almost zero (SDC-test). This mecha-
(SSC-test), and shear resistance decreases (SDC- nism is almost the same for all tests conducted.
test). When a sample reached liquefaction state the In order to analyze whether the frequency
amplitude of shear displacement obtained its of loading has any influence on pore pressure gen-
maximum value (SSC-test), and shear resistance eration, the number of cycles required to liquefac-
350 , , 500 tion was counted and total dissipated energy re-
300 4 00
quired to liquefaction was calculated.
250 m Total dissipated energy per area of shear
plane required to liquefaction, was calculated by
2 150
w means of following equation:
' 50
-1 00

-200 I

0 300 3

-100 '
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
4 00


Time (sec)
Where z is shear resistance, I is shear displacement,
Figure 1. Time series data for 4-s test n is number of points recorded to liquefaction.

energy decreases abruptly, while in SDC-tests W
decreases much more gradually. In terms of the
absolute value of total dissipated energy required
to liquefaction a large difference is observed at
low-frequency range of testing, as loading fre-
quency increases the difference is decreases.
This effect is an outcome of variance in
shear displacement during testing. In SDC test
shear displacement is servo controlled by the ap-
paratus and its amplitude is always the same.
However, during SSC test shear displacement is
dependent on the values of applied shear stress
Figure 5. Dependence of number of cycles required and shear resistance. At the beginning of tests,
to liquefaction (N) on frequency of loading (0in when shear resistance of a sample is large, shear
shear stress controlled (SSC) and shear displace- displacement is almost equal to zero. As pore
ment controlled (SDC) tests. pressure is gradually built-up, under cyclic load-
ing, shear resistance of the sample decays due to
It can be seen, from Figure 5 , that different the decrease of effective normal stress and shear
types of test provide different tendencies, in terms displacement gradually increases. During the final
of the number of cycles required to liquefaction. In stage of testing, when pore pressure approaches the
SSC-test the number of cycles required to lique- value of total normal stress, shear resistance drops
faction increases with increasing loading fre- almost to its zero value and shear displacement de-
quency. However, SDC-tests demonstrate a differ- pends solely on the frequency of loading. The
ent tendency, it appears that with increasing load- lower frequency is, the greater shear displacement
ing frequency there is no significant changes in the becomes. In Figure 7 total dissipated energy is
number of cycles required to liquefaction. The lat- plotted versus cumulative shear displacement re-
ter statement is in agreement with conclusions of quired to liquefaction.
other researchers, who reported an absence of in- For both groups of points (SSC and SDC
fluence of the frequency of loading on the dynamic tests), linear trend lines were drawn and the value
behavior of sand (Wood 1982). of the coefficient of correlation was calculated. For
Dependence of total dissipated energy re- SSC tests the coefficient of correlation obtained,
quired to liquefaction on loading frequency has was very high (0.992), while for SDC test this pa-
similar trend for both types of testing. With in- rameter demonstrates a total absence of any corre-
crease of loading frequency, total dissipated energy lation (0.064). This supports our idea, that value of
required to liquefaction decreases as it shown in total dissipated energy is controlled by shear dis-
Figure 6. However, the character of the trend is placement.
different for SSC and SDC tests. In SSC-tests as From Figure 8 it is obvious, that most of energy
the loading frequency increases total dissipated dissipates while shear displacement is developing,
because of the remaining shear resistance. On the

Figure 6. Dependence of total dissipated energy

required to liquefaction (W) on frequency of Figure 7. Total dissipated energy required to liq-
loading (0in shear stress controlled (SSC) and uefaction versus cumulative shear displacement in
shear displacement controlled (SDC) tests. SSC and SDC tests.

nal friction angles are different from each other
for SSC and SDC tests (Figures 2, 4). For SSC
test it is 33O, while for SDC it is 31”. Therefore,
sample exhibit more resistance to shearing during
stress-controlled tests. The peak failure line for
the same soil tested under monotone loading in
drained condition inclined at 34”. During mono-
tone shearing grain crushing certainly takes place.
Although method of determination of friction an-
Figure 8. Time series of total dissipated energy gle has precision of about O.5O-l0, it could be
(W) and shear displacement (1) for 4-s test stated that its value in SSC test is closer to that of
monotone loading, than in SDC test. This is one
more indirect evidence of possibility of grain
other hand, a shear displacement reaches its maxi-
crushing during stress controlled test.
mum value, shear resistance is almost equal to
Therefore, we can assume, that if shear
zero, thus very small amount of energy is dissi-
displacement starts, it can lead to liquefaction
pated.However, during SDC-test shear displace-
within the first 2-3 cycles. If dynamic load has a
ment was constant and about 1 mm amplitude.
low-frequency spectra with magnitude large
Since shear resistance has highest values at first
enough to induce shear displacement of about 2-4
cycles, the largest amount of energy dissipated
mm, it could trigger grain crushing along the
durins the first cycles (Figure 9).
sliding zone with subsequent pore pressure gen-
Therefore, the mechanism of pore pressure
eration. It is very probable, that there is a certain
generation for different types of loading is differ-
treshold value of shear displacement for given soil
ent, from the standpoint of such criteria as total
in a given stress condition. If shear displacement
dissipated energy. It was also mentioned above,
overcomes this threshold value, pore pressure will
that absolute values of dissipated energy in each
start to build-up, which ultimately will lead to liq-
test vary significantly (Figure 6). These differences
uefaction. Verification of this idea requires addi-
could be explained on the basis of grain crushing
tional studies.
phenomena. The necessary condition for grain
crushing is movement of particles, i.e. shear dis-
placement. It is very likely, that during large shear 5 CONCLUSIONS
displacement grain crushing occurred. This would
lead to an increase of dissipated energy and pore After a series of shear stress-controlled and shear-
pressure generation because of volume shrink in displacement controlled tests with different fre-
the shear zone due to comminution of crushed quencies of loading were performed on sandy sam-
particles. This phenomenon is called “sliding sur- ples the following conclusions could be drawn:
face liquefaction” (Sassa 1996). The fact that the Frequency of loading has direct influence on
number of cycles required to liquefaction in- magnitude of shear displacement in shear
creases with increasing of loading frequency (for stress-controlled tests. With increasing of
SSC-tests), supports this explanation. loading frequency, shear displacement in-
It also should be noted that values of inter- creases.
Due to increase in shear displacement, the
value of total dissipated energy increases in the
same manner. For shear displacement-
controlled tests the value of loading frequency
has little effect on value of total dissipated en-
Liquefaction within first few cycles is possible
under low frequency of loading due to grain
crushing and comminuting along sliding zone.


Figure 9. Time series of total dissipated energy Boulanger R.W., Seed R.B. 1995. Liquefaction of
(W) and shear displacement (1) for 6-d test sand under bidirectional monotonic and cy-

clic loading I/ Journal of Geotechnical En-
gineering Division. 121:870-878.
Drnevich V.P. 1972. Undrained cyclic shear of
saturated sand. Journal of the Soil Mech-
nics and Foundations Division, Proceed-
ings of ASCE. 98: 802-825.
Figueroa J.L., Saada A.S., Liang L., Dahisaria N.M
1994. Evaluation of soil liquefaction by en-
ergy principles. Journal of Geotechnical
Engineering. 120(9):1554-1569.
Hatanaka M., Uchida A., Ohara J. 1997. Liquefac
tion characteristics of a gravelly fill lique-
fied during the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu
earthquake. Soils and Foundations. 37(3):
Kamai T. 1995. Landslides in Hanshin Urban Re-
gion Caused by 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu
Earthquake, Japan. Landslide News. 9: 12-
Ladd R.S. 1977. Specimen preparation and cyclic
stability of sands. Journal of Geotechnical
Engineering Division, Proceedings cf
ASCE. 103(6): 535-547.
Mulilis J.P., Seed H.B., Chan C.K., Mitchell J.K.,
Adanandan K. 1977. Effects of sample
preparation on sand liquefaction. Journal
of Geotechnical Engineering Division,
Proceedings ofASCE. 103(2):91-108
Novak M., Kirn T.C. 1981. Resonant column
technique for dynamic testing of cohesive
soils. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 18:
Sassa K., Fukuoka H., Scaraccia-Mugnozza G.,
Evans S. 1996. Earthquake-Induced-
Landslides: Distribution, Motion and
Mechanisms. Soils and Foundations (spe-
cial issue on Geotechnical Aspects of the
Junuary 17 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu
Towhata I., Ishihara K. 1985. Shear work and
pore water pressure in undrained shear.
Soils and Foundations. 25(3):73-84.
Vankov D. A., Sassa K. 1998. Dynamic Testing
of Soils by Ring Shear Apparatus. Pro-
ceedings of 8‘” Congress of IAEG, Van-
couver, Canada, (1):485-492.
Wood D. M. 1982. Laboratory investigation of
the behaviour of soils under cyclic load-
ing: a review. in the book “Soil Mechan-
ics-Transient and Cyclic Loads”, edited by
Pande and Zienkevich:5 13-582.
Xia H., Hu T. 1991. Effects of Saturation and
back Pressure on Sand Liquefaction. Jour-
nal of Geotechnical Engineering.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang k j 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN go 5809 0795

On-line earthquake response tests on embankments founded on saturated

sandy deposits

T Fujii
Fukken Company Limited, Hiroshimn, Japun
M. Hyodo, Y.Nakata & K.Yabuki
Deparbrient of Civil Engineering. Yhiaguchi Uni\wsity, Ube,J c p a n
S. Kusakabe
Okunzuru Conipuny Limited, Tsukubci, Japun

ABSTRACT River dykes and road embankments are frequently damaged during earthquakes. The
liquefaction of foundation, the behavior of which is not yet well realized. is considered to be the main cause
of the damage. Based on the results of past studies, the foundation of an embankment was divided into three
zones to examine the failure modes. One-dimensional on-line earthquake tests, which were conducted by a
combination of element tests and computer earthquake response analyses, were performed for such zones of
actual river dykes damaged during earthquake. The cumulative horizontal displacement values obtained by
the tests were compared with the measured enibanknient-crest settlement data, which showed that the
liquefaction sliding failure under the toe of slope of such an embankment is found to be the most detrimental
of all failure modes.


Numerous river dykes and road embankments According to the study by Koga and Matsuo with
suffered severe damages in the 1994 Hokkaido- a shaking table (1990), different typical modes of
Nanseioki Earthquake and the 1995 Hyogoken- earthquake behavior were observed in three zones;
Nanbu Earthquake. Since rivers have long i.e., a zone directly under an embankment, a zone
embankments and small breakage of embankments under the toe of slope, and a zone of the horizontal
may be permitted where such failure dose not cause glL.:iid, In the horizontal ground, the exce~sf-?re-
a disastrous overflow, it has long been a cherished water pessure ratio rose close to 1.0 to causc
desire of engineers to establish a method of liquefactioa in the ground. In the zone directly
predicting the magnitudes of deformation of river under the embankment, although the excess pore-
dykes under earthquakes. The liquefaction of water pressure ratio rose to less than 0.6, residual
fourdation, the behavior of which is not yet well deformations in both the vertical and horizontal
realized, is LuA3deredto be the main cause of the directions were built up. In the zone under the toe of
damase. the slope, though the pressure ratio did not reach 1 .O,
Based on the results of past studies, the the deformation in the horizontal direction was large,
foundation of an embankment was divided into forming a circular slip surface, as is shown in Fig. 1.
three zones to examine the failure modes. Thus three liquefaction failure modes were
Considering the embankments of the Shiribeshi- identified in the horizontal ground (Zone I>, circular
Toshibetsu River struck by the I994 Hokkaido- slip under the toe of slope (Zone IQ, and shakedown
Nanseioki Earthquake, the authors performed one- directly under the embankment (Zone 111). Fig. 2
dimensional on-line earthquake tests which were a
combination of element tests and computer
earthquake response analyses under the boundary
conditions of failure modes in the three zones of
each embankment. The crest settlements of the river
embankments, measured in the field, and the
cumulative horizontal displacements of their
foundations obtained by the on-line earthquake
response tests were compared to find which failure
mode contributes most to such crest settlement. Fig. 1. Result of shaking table test

Fig. 2. Classification of failure modes

shows the failure modes, condition of elements, duration of an earthquake. In this way, the
effective stress paths, and stress-strain relations. continuously changing non-linear shear stress
To verify the validity of the above zoning and response in the ground during an earthquake are
classification of the failure modes, on-line obtained directly from element tests of specimens,
earthquake response tests were carried out. and they are processed on-line by a response-
analyzing system to simulate the behavior of the
ground. For cyclic loading tests, the simplified
3 OUTLINE OF ON-LINE EARTI-IQIJAKE simple-shearing tester developed by Kusakabe
RESPONSE TEST (1 999) is available.

Fig. 3 shows the concept of the on-line

earthquake response test (Kusakabe et al. 1990). A 4 TESTRESULTS
system of lump mass on the ground is modeled. and
earthquake ground motion is input from the base of The embankments of the Shiribeshi-Toshibetsu
the layers to be examined. The equation o l motion River struck by the 1994 Hokkaido-Nanseioki
of the lump-mass model is solved by a computer to Earthquake developed, at their top surfaces, crest
find corresponding displacements in the ground. settlements of over 2 meters. Fig. 4 shows the cross
Then, shear strains equivalent to the corresponding s e c t i o n ( N o . 1 s e c t i o n ) o f t h e most s e v e r e l y
displacements are applied to specimens under damaged embankment. Soil investigation carried
coinputer control to measure shear stresses out after the earthquake revealed the N values of the
automatically, and shear stresses are used for the alluvial sand layers As, and AsZto be as low as 3-7,
calculation of the corresponding displacemcnts of suggesting their liquefaction during the earthquake.
the next step. This process is repeated for the In this study, therefore, the layers As, and As2 were

Presents a liquefaction strength curve overlapping
that of the undisturbed sand in situ, as is shown in
Fig. 6 was used in the tests. The other conditions for
the tests and analyses were also set up based on the
results of the soil investigation. The acceleration
waveforms recorded by the Suttsu Observatory were
modified by taking into account the damping over
distance to obtain the input earthquake motion,
which was an input from the bottom of the layer
Fig. 7 shows the input acceleration waveform
and the corresponding mass acceleration waveforms
Fig.3. Conceptual flow for on-line testing in Zone I. The period of the waveform was
prolonged in the upper liquefaction layers rn, and m?.
The amplitude of the waveform was amplified in the
clay layers m6 and m,, damped in the liquefaction
layers m4, m3 and m2, and again amplified in layer
Fig, 8 and Fig. 9 show the effective stress paths
and the stress-strain relationships, respectively, of
the on-line layer As2 in the zones. In Zone I, the
effective stress reached almost zero and the shear
modulus decreased rapidly, indicating the
occurrence of liquefaction. In Zone 11, the effective
Fig.4. Section of damaged river dyke stress did not reach zero due to the initial shear
stress but reached a steady state when it approached
the phase-changing line. Simultaneously. the shear
treated as the on-line layers the other layers were strain began to develop rapidly, indicating the
treated as non-linear elastic bodies. Fig. 5 shows occurrence of sliding failure with a liqued flow. In
that each zone of the two-dimensional section was Zone 111, the effective stress decreased by only 30%
replaced by a one-dimensional lump-mass model. or so and reached a steady state without reaching the
For the initial shear stress acting on and around the phase-changing line, and although there occurred
toe of the slope due to the dead weight of the vertical strain of a few percent, it hardly increased
embankment, the static circular slip analysis was after the effective stress had reached a steady state.
performed to calculate the average shear stress, Figs. 10 (a) and ( b ) s h o w t h e calculated
which was applied to the model in advance of the magnitudes of settlement of the embankment in
testing. Toyoura sand of such relative density as Zones I1 and 111. The magnitude of settlement of

Fig. 5. On-line testing model

soil by the thickness o f soil was regarded as
equivalent to the crest settlemcxt of the
embankment, assuming that sliding failure crvies
the soil within the circular slip surface uniformly. In
Zone 111, the settlement was calculated from the
vertical strain in soil multiplied by the thickness of
soil. Zone I does not appear here because no
residual shear strain or vertical strain occurred. It is
apparent from these figures that large settlement
occurred in the on-line layers in both Zones I1 and
111. The Zone I1 settlement picked up rapidly about
10 seconds after the startup to reach over 60 cm,
whereas Zone 111 exhibited a settlement growing
rapidly i n the first 10 seconds or so, progressing
Fig.6. Cyclic shear strength slow thereafter. and reaching a mere 10 cm or so
finally. In Fig. 10 (a), the cumulative curves
terminate at around 20 seconds after the startup,
because the strain-measuring range of the tester was
25%. If the test had been continued up to 40 seconds,
it should have presented considerably large
The above results are consistent with those of the
shaking table test mentioned earlier, proving the
validity of the classification of the failure modes
made in the present study. Zone I1 of the sliding
failure which was liquefied exhibited the largest
strain, which seemed to be the main cause of the
heavy crest settlement of the embankment.


The above tests indicated that the failure mode

most detrimental to an embankment was the sliding
failure under the toe of the slope (Zone 11).
Accordingly, further damaged (No. 3 and 5 sections
in addition to No. 1 section) and undamaged (No. 2
and 4 sections) embankments of the River were
chosen, and on-line earthquake response tests for
their Zones I1 were carried out. In Fig. 11, the
cumulative horizontal displacement values obtained
by the tests are compared with the crest settlement
values of the embankments measured in the field.
Although the values of displacement obtained by the
tests are not in such so good agreement with the
measured values of settlement, the former well
reflect the trend of the latter. One factor contributing
to the underestimation of the settlement by the tests
would be that the survey of the ground deformation
was carried out several days after the earthquake,
Fig. 7. Input acceleration and responding allowing later subsidence due to the dissipation of
acceleration pore water pressure. a d d i t i o n a l p e r m a n e n t
deformation over time. and so on. Another factor is
each layer was calculated by multiplying the strain that the soil properties of the ground would have
obtained in tests by the thickness of the layer, and changed under the influence of the earthquake
all the settlement magnitudes of the layers were hampering the accurate estimation of the input
summed to obtain the magnitude of settlement of acceleration based on the liquefaction strength and
the embankment. In Zone 11, the shear displacement daniping over distance. It was assumed in the
calculated by multiplying the residual shear strain in present study that sliding failure with a circular slip

Fig. 8. Effective stress paths

Fig. 9. Stress-strain relations

Fig. 10 Cumulative settlement

61 1
Kusakabe, S., Morio, S., Okabayashi, T., Fujii T.
and M. Hyodo (1999). Development of a simplified
simple shear apparatus and its application to various
liquefaction tests, Journal of Geotechnical
Engineering, No. 617, m-46,pp.299-304.

Fig. 11 . Comparison between results of on-line tests

and results of measured in situ of crest settlement

surface occurred in the soil directly under the

damaged embankments. However, the embankments
should also have been subjected to the effects of the
nearby liquefaction. In addition, although no
damage was reported for the No. 2 and 4
embankments, the above tests suggested that some
horizontal displacement occurred. When these
factors are taken into account, it can be said that the
cumulative horizontal displacement values obtained
by the on-line earthquake response tests are in fairly
good agreement with the crest settlement values
measured in the field.


In this study, the foundation of an embankment

was, on the basis of the results of past studies,
divided into three zones for the examination of
failure modes, and a liquefied sliding failure
occurring under the toe of slope was ascertained
being the most detrimental failure mode, though
other modes, should of course, be considered
together with it since actual failure involves
multiple factors and modes. The approach taken in
this study proved itself to be a feasible method for
estimating the earthquake crest settlement of river


Koga, Y. and Matuo 0.(1990) . Shaking table tests

of embankments resting on liquefiable sandy ground,
Soils and Foundations, Vol.30, No.4, pp. 162-
Kusakabe, S., Morio, S . and Arimoto, K.(1990).
Liquefaction phenomenon of sand layers by using
on-line computer test control method, Soils and
Foundations, yOl.30, No.3, pp. 174-184.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami& Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Dynamic centrifuge tests of embankments on sloped ground and their

stability analyses

Junichi Koseki - Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo,Japun

O S ~Matsuo
U - Public Works Research Institute, Ministry of Construction,Jupan
Koichi Kondo - Nugushimu Dam Construction Office, Ministry of Construction,Jupan
Satoshi Nishihara - Geo-TechnologicalAnalysis Division, Chuo Kaihutsu Corporation,Japun

ABSTRACT: Dynamic centrihge tests were performed on model sandy embankments with a height of 20 cm,
which were prepared by compacting Edosaki sand having a mean diameter of 0.17 mm on a rigid slope ending
with a flat base layer. After adjusting the oil table used as pore water, a centrihgal acceleration of 40 or 50 G
was applied t o the model, and it was shaken horizontally with 20 cycles of sinusoidal waves at 100 Hz.Limit-
equilibrium and pseudo-static stability analysis assuming a circular failure plane was conducted on the tested
models, in which combined effects of excess pore pressure generated in the submerged portion of the
embankment and inertia force during shaking were considered. In general, with increase in the crest settlement,
the calculated safety factor decreased irrespective of the oil table. On the other hand, different relationships
between these values were obtained for cases with different degree of compaction.

1 INTRODUCTION retrieved from Edosaki Town, Ibaraki Prefecture,

Japan, having a mean diameter of 0.17 rmn and
The 1993 Kushiro-Oki earthquake caused severe uniformity coefficient of 2.0. In several layers having
damage to road embankments constructed on sloped a thickness of about 2 cm, the embankment was
ground in hilly area. Based on survey results compacted at an optimum water content of 19 % to a
conducted after the earthquake, it was estimated that specified degree of compaction, D ("A), defined as:
the damage was induced by reduction in the shear
strength of the fill material which was partly
submerged in the ground water, as typically shown in
Figure 1 (PWRI, 1994). However, it has not been where pd is the dry density of the embankment, and
fully understood how the ground water affects the Pdmax is the maximum dry density of the sand that was
seismic behavior of embankments on sloped ground. determined to be 1.588 glcm' based on standard
In the present study, to investigate the effects of compaction tests.
the ground water on the seismic stability of In total, seven models as listed in Table 1 were
embankments on sloped ground, a series of dynamic tested. The inclination a: of the original slope was set
centrifuge tests were performed with changing the to 35 degrees in cases 2-5 through 2-7 and to 30
ground water level in the embankment and some degrees in other cases. The embankment was made to
other configurations. have crest width of 200 mm and the same slope
inclination as the original slope. In case 1-3, the
embankment was compacted relatively heavily to the
2 TESTING PROCEDURES D value of 85 %, while in other cases the D values
were set about 80 %. It is to be noted that, as shown
A typical cross-section of the tested model is shown in Figure 2, the actual model configuration was
in Figure 2. In a rigid soil container having inner slightly modified according to the rotational radius of
dimensions of 800 mrn in length, 200 mm in width the centrifuge.
and 300 mm in depth, a rigid original slope that ends In cases 1-3 and 1-4, the whole sand box was put
with a rigid flat base layer was made with gypsum. in a larger box in order to apply a partial vacuum to
Then, embankment was filled by using a fine sand the embankment. Under this condition, silicone oil

Figure. I Cross section of road embankment at Higashi-Arekinai, Shibecha Town along National Highway

Route No. 272 damaged by the 1995 Kushiro-oki earthquake (PWRI, 1994)

: Oil level (upper: wL=160

mm, 1 : Displacement gage (DV)

lower: WL=80 mm) .

I 0 : Horizontal accelerometer (A)
: vertical accelerometer (AV)
i 0 : Pore pressure gage (P)
I A \A& 5-- -

- ---
of colored sand c _ _ / - - c


I 160 , 60 '"80AU, 140 , 60 , 160
i Unit inmm


(R: rotational radius)

1 I I I
a @ a @
Figure. 2 Cross-section of model embankment having a slope inclination a equal to 35"

which is 50 times as viscous as water was injected Table Clonditions of model embankments
from the bottom of the embankment to submerge it Slope I Oil* tablein I Centrihgal
up to a specified height, WL, measured from the base inclination, embankment, acceleration, n,/
layer. After setting the sand box to the rotor, a al WL / amplitude of
centrifugal acceleration of 50 G was applied, and degree of existence of base shaking
several steps of horizontal shaking were conducted compaction, oil table in acceleration in
by using 20 cycles of sinusoidal waves at a frequency D open space each step, abase**
of 100 Hz. 30°/85.2% 80mmiyes 50/6.9,14.5,18.6C
On the other hand, in cases 2-5 through 2-9, the 30"/ 79.2% 1 6 0 d yes 50/ 6.8,13.3G
same silicone oil as used in cases 1-3 and 1-4 was 2-5 35"/79.8% 160mm/no 40/ 13.1, 12.6G
poured i n t o the o p e n space at t h e side of t h e 2-6 35"/ 81.4% 80mmlno 40/ 12.5, 12.6G
2-7 35'/80.9% Odno 40/ 13.8, 14.3G
embankment. By applying a centrifugal acceleration
2-8 30"/ 80.2% 801nm/ no 40/ 10.9, 12.2G
to the model, the embankment was submerged to the 307 79.4%
__ O m m / no 40/ 14.2, 14.3G
specified height, WL. After stopping the rotation, L -:I
. 311
excessive silicone oil that was left in the open space ** by 2o cycles ofsinusoidal waveS at Hz
was expelled. A centrifugal acceleration of 4 0 G

Degree of Submerged Unsaturated
Applied compaction, region region
case D beIow oil above oil
table table
1-3 about 85% c=O, c=3.9kPa,
(5 =45" 4 =35"
1-4 and 2-5 about 80% c=O, c=2.9kPa,
through 2-9 (5 =42" 4 =33"
Base layer . ' '
Figure. 3 Circular failure plane assumed in the
horizontal direction; and U; is the pore pressure acting
stability analysis
on the bottom of the i-th soil block that is evaluated
as a summation o f the hydrostatic pressure U,; and the
was reapplied quickly in order to maintain the excess pore pressure dui induced by shaking.
submerged condition in the lower part of the In the present study, values of c and 4 , cohesion
embankment, and several steps of horizontal shaking and shear resistance angle of the embankment, were
were conducted by using the same input form as in determined as listed in Table 2 based on triaxial test
cases 1-3 and 1-4. results on specimens with 5 cm in diameter and 10 in
It should be noted that lowering of oil table in the height, which were prepared by compacting the sand
embankment during the process of reapplying the in a mold in the same way as employed to prepare the
centrifugal acceleration could not be prevented in embankment.
cases 2-5 through 2-9. By monitoring the pore By neglecting the amplification in the response
pressure gages installed in the embankment, attempts acceleration of the embankment, the value of kt, was
were made to evaluate the oil table at the time of determined from the amplitude of the base shaking
shaking. However, accurate evaluation was not acceleration abase as
successfully made, due possibly to effects of partial
suction in the unsaturated layer. For simplicity,
lowering of the oil table was neglected in the
following analysis. where nE is the centrihgal acceleration applied to the
embankment (either 50 G or 40 G).
Further, the value of Au; was determined by
3 STABILITY ANALYSIS dividing the submerged region of the embankment
into several sub-regions and by assuming a uniform
Based on the modified Fellenius method assuming a distribution of the excess pore pressure ratio A U ~ O , ~ ~ '
circular failure plane as shown in Figure 3 , which is within each sub-block, which was assigned based on
one of the Iimit-equilibrium and pseudo-static the maximum excess pore pressures measured by
analyses, a factor of safety F, of the model pore pressure Sages installed in the embankment. The
embankment was evaluated as: initial effective overburden pressure o,~' was
calculated one-dimensionally.
For cases 1-3 and 1-4 having free oil table in the
open space at the side of the embankment, effects of
hydrostatic oil pressure applied to the slope surface in
the submerged region were also considered in the
where kh is the horizontal seismic coefficient; r is the
radius of t h e failure plane; Wi, b, and Li are the
weight, the horizontal width, the bottom arch length 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
of i-th soil block, respectively; hi is the vertical
distance between the mass center of the i-th soil block Typical r e s p o n s e s o f t h e m o d e l embankment
and the center of the circular failure plane; fi i is the recorded during shaking are shown in Figure 4.
average angle of the partial failure plane at t h e Generation of excess pore pressure during shaking
bottom o f the i-th soil block measured from the was observed i n the submerged portion o f the

. .. . ... : Before first shaking
-. . After first shaking

1Not observed
Figure. 5 Residual deformation of embankment after
the first shaking step in case 2-5

Figure. 4 Recorded responses in the first shaking step

of case 2-5

embankment, and the crest settlement accumulated

mostly during shaking. These behaviors suggest that
the combined effects of the excess pore pressure and
the inertial force should be considered in analyzing Figure. 6 Relationships between horizontal seismic
the stability of model embankments under the present coefficient and normalized crest settlement
testing conditions,
It is also seen from Figure 4 that the excess pore
pressures did not reach their maximum values
simultaneously. Further, horizontal response and 2-8, in which the embankment was partially
accelerations were not the same as the horizontal submerged without having a free oil table in the open
base acceleration, and vertical response acceleration space at the side of the embankment. Because these
measured at the crest was much larger than the failure planes did not cross the crest in these cases, it
vertical base acceleration. However, these behaviors was estimated that the crest settlement was caused
were not considered in the stability analysis. mainly by s h e a r d e f o r m a t i o n o f t h e w h o l e
Residual deformation of the embankment in case embankment. N o t e also that no failure plane was
2-5 observed after the first shaking step is shown in formed in other cases. Therefore, in the present study,
Figure 5 . The whole embankment deformed largely the F, values evaluated by assuming a circular failure
by the shaking, and a failure plane having a relatively plane should be regarded as an index indicating the
small radius was formed near the slope surface. relative extent of the combined effects of the inertia
Similar failure planes were formed in cases 2-5, 2-6 force and the excess pore pressure as well as those of

Figure. 7 Relationships between horizontal seismic Figure. 8 Relationships between safety factor and
coefficient and safety factor normalized crest settlement

different initial configurations and densities, which was compacted to the D value of 85 YO showed
may be correlated with the extent of the damage smaller settlement than those compacted to the D
although they do not directly reflect the actual failure value of about 80 %.
mechanism. Relationships between the kh and the F, values are
To investigate a possible link with the amount of shown in Figure 7. At nearly the same value of kh,
residual crest settlement measured at the shoulder embankments having higher oil table yielded smaller
(DV in Figure 2), the F, value was evaluated by F, values With the same oil table, embankments
assuming a failure plane crossing the lines a-a’ at the having a steeper slope yielded smaller F, values.
crest and b-b’ at the toe of embankment, as shown in Further, in cases 1-3 and 1-4 having free water table
Figure 3 , which mobilize a relatively large failure in the open space at the side of the embankment, the
zone including both the crest shoulder and the lower F, value was reduced with the increase in the khvalue
part of the embankment. Consequently, as shown in Figure 8, relatively
Figure 6 shows relationships between t h e unique relationships were obtained between the F,
horizontal seismic coefficient kh that was calculated value and the normalized crest settlement. In general,
from the base shaking acceleration using Eq. (3) and the F, value was reduced with the increase in the
the crest settlement induced by each shaking step that normalized crest settlement. On the other hand, at the
w a s n o r m a l i z e d by d i v i d i n g w i t h t h e i n i t i a l same F, value, the normalized settlement was smaller
embankment height (=200 mm). At nearly the same for the embankment in case 1-3 that was compacted
value of kh about 0.3, the normalized crest settlement to the D value of 85 % than those compacted to the
was larger for the cases having higher oil table (i.e., D value of about 80 %. Such different relationships
with larger value of WL). When cases with the same may be caused by difference in the residual
oil table are compared, it is seen that embankments deformation behavior of embankments compacted
having a steeper slope (Le., with a = 3 5 O as shown by at different degrees of compaction and subjected to
solid symbols in the figure) showed larger settlement. cyclic loading, which was not considered in
On the other hand, the embankment in case 1-3 that evaluating the F, value.

It is also seen from Figure 8 that the normalized these values were obtained for cases with different
crest settlement in the second shaking step was degree of compaction. Further investigations on
sometimes smaller than that in the first shaking step in procedures to evaluate the seismic coefficient and the
spite of the reduction in the F, value. This may be excess pore pressure and those on possible scale
caused by the change in the embankment effect are required in order to employ the above
configuration and possibly by the change in the oil relationships in designing actual sandy embankments.
table in the embankment due t o the previous shaking
hstory, which were not considered in evaluating the
Figure 8 may be used t o roughly estimate the
amount of seismically induced crest settlement of Public Works Research Institute. 1994. Report on the
actual sandy embankments from the F, value obtained disaster caused by the Kushiro-oh Earthquake of
by the stability analysis under the same conditions as 1993, Repoyt of PWRI, Ministry of Construction,
employed in the present study; i.e., strength Japan, Vol. 193, pp.158-170 (in Japanese).
parameters of the embankment material are
determined from relevant triaxial compression tests;
combined effects of the excess pore pressure and the
inertial force are considered in the same way as in the
present analysis; and the embankment configurations
with respect to the slope angle, crest width, and the
degree of compaction are similar to those in the
present model tests. However, further investigations
are required to determine horizontal seismic
coefficient that is equivalent t o the actual irregular
seismic motion, to estimate the distribution of excess
pore pressure rationally, and to check if there is a
scale effect on the behavior of the tested models.


The results of the present study could be summarized

as follows.
1) For model sandy embankments compacted to 80 %
or 85 ?40 of the maximum dry density, excess pore
pressure was generated in the submerged portion by
shaking. The crest settlement accumulated mostly
during shaking. These behaviors suggest that
combined effects of the excess pore pressure and the
inertial force should be considered in analyzing the
stability of model embankments under the present
testing conditions.
2) The major failure mode of the model embankments
was overall deformation, while a failure plane was
also observed near the surface of the embankment
slope for submerged cases without free water table at
its side. Therefore, safety factors obtained by
assuming a larger circular failure plane should be
regarded as an index which may be correlated with
the extent of the damage although they do not
directly reflect the actual failure mechanism.
3) With increase in the crest settlement induced by
each shaking step, the calculated safety factor
decreased in general. Different relationships between

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, YamagamigJiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN go 5809 079 5

Evaluation of liquefaction potential for loose minefill slopes

€? Kudella
Institute of Soil Mechanics and Rock Mechanics, Universityof Karlsruhe, Germany

ABSTRACT: Uncompacted embankments of certain fine sands exhibit a spontaneous liquefaction potential,
which cannot be evaluated based on undrained shear strength alone. A novel procedure for stability analysis
has been developed, based on Hill’s stability criterion and a hypoplastic constitutive law. With given relative
densities, assumed initial stress states and variations of perturbation directions, stability or instability of slope
sections can be assessed. Catastrophic landslides observed in the past could thus be explained.

1 INTRODUCTION 1.2 Conventional failure analysis

1.1 Spontaneous liquefaction Usually, stress equilibrium analyses are perfor-
The East German open-pit lignite mining has left mend for risk assessment of embankments. Characte-
large areas of refilled sandy mining deposits behind ristic shear strength values are taken from undrained
embankments of up to 70 m height. During the next triaxial tests with undisturbed or reconstituted sam-
decades, the groundwater table will rise again to its ples. These tests typically exhibit a raise of porewater
original level creating an artificial lakeland. Some pressure and a deviatoric stress peak before reaching
of the prevailing sands exhibit significant liquefaction a plateau with a lower - or even zero - shear resistance
potential when inundated. The most important factors (Ishihara 1993).
which contribute to this behaviour are: For different initial stress levels, deviatoric stress
peaks can be connected with an ”instability line” in
Extremely inhomogeneous, mainly loose pa- the p-q-diagramm (Lade 1992) or a ”collapse surface”
cking due to ”moist dumping” without densifi- (Sladen e.a. 1995), and have been compared with
cation; results calculated for special constitutive laws (Do-
Unknown stress state due to the dumping process, anh e.a. 1997). According to the experts opinion,
including residual shear stresses; either the undrained peak strength c , , ~= a‘ tan pupor
Uniform grain size distribution and rounded grain the steady state strength c,, = CT’ tan pIL,(Poulos e.a.
shape; 1985) or any value in between is introduced into con-
ventional slope failure mechanisms. This approach,
Insufficient drainage due to small grain size. however, cannot capture the problem for the following
reasons (Gudehus 1993):
Prior to inundation, the unsaturated material is stable
due to capillary forces. Quite a number of catastrophic e Mechanical histories in reality are far different
landslides have been observed already, involving up from the triaxial test regime, and they vary with
to 12 Mio. m3,claiming a number of lives and causing the soil element’s position in the slope;
great material damage (Warmbold & Vogt 1994).
a For a soil skeleton with overcritical void ratio,
Sometimes, large moving loads or stabilization brittle failure may propagate from weak points
measures can be identified as so-salled ”initials” trig- where the peak has been passed;
gering spontaneous liquefaction events. Great efforts
are made to minimize danger before the land is rende- Q Clearly defined slip surfaces are not observed;
red to public use. Common techniques are vibrofloa- Q Residual strength cannot be determined confi-
tation and compaction by blasting (Raju & Gudehus dentially in most triaxial tests due to restricted
1994). There is urgent need for a rapid and economi- deformation capacity or early bifurcation.
cal evaluation procedure for the remaining liquefac-
tion risk and also for quality control of stabilization That means that any evaluation of slope stability re-
measures. quires a high portion of empirical judgement. Coinci-

dence of calculation and observation may be inciden- 1998), but it seems justified as long as only the inun-
tial. dated soil body after macrovoid breakdown is consi-
dered. The following properties are implied:
1.3 Stability concept
e Effective stress principle and rate-independence
0 The soil state is characterized only by grain pres-
sures and void ratio;
e Characteristic limit void ratios (critical, upper
and lower limit e,, e, and e d ) decrease with mean
e Proportional strain paths lead to proportional
stress paths independent of the initial state;

Figure 1: schematic energy cases (left = stable, right The stress rate tensor can be written (v. Wolffersdorff
= instable) 1996): as

Our novel stability evaluation approach uses a con-

sistent energy-based definition of stability (Hill 1958).
A system in static equilibrium is unstable, if a small
perturbance of the actual state exists for which an ex- For non-symmetric$ deformation gradients, the co-
cess second order work will be released as kinetic rotated stress rate d.has to be transformed into the
energy and accelerate the initial motion (see fig. l a as initial configuration a’: but in most cases, the simpli-
an example). fication a’ N8/is sufficient. The factors HI,H2, H3
If a soil element of volume V under external dead describing the incremental stiffness depend on mean
loads cij is subjected to a monotonic initial deforma- pressure and relative density. The derivation is ex-
tion gradient, say gij = dvi/dzj in an arbitrary di- plained elsewhere in detail.
rection, the excess second order work reads (Drucker The equations require 8 constants as material pa-
1964): rameters: critical friction angle (pc),granulate hard-
ness (h,), minimum, critical and maximum void ra-
tio at zero pressure ( e d o , e d , eio) and three exponents
( a ,b,72). They can all be referred to granulometric
The criterium only gives a yes-or-no-answer for the properties and be determined on reconstituted sam-
actual state: A 2 E 2 0 means stability and A2E < 0 ples using laboratory element tests and standard index
instability. It cannot answer questions about the future tests (Herle 1997).
system behaviour after non-vanishing deformations or 2.2 Partial saturation
about the amount of necessary energy to transform the
system from one equilibrium state to another (fig. lb). Eq. (2) describes the effective stress development
For evaluation of the actual state, the second order only. Due to field data, degrees of saturation in the
energy can be summarized over a set of elements un- order of S,.= 0 , 8 ...O, 95 are reached after inundation.
der infinitesimal deformations forming a kinematic Using Boyle-Mariotte’s law p G + $& = 0 and as-
chain (fig. lc). suming that the pore gas fraction V, is distributed in
the pore liquid forming isolated bubbles, the gas pres-
sure (initial atmospheric plus hydrostatic pressure, p
2 CONSTITUTIVE LAWS positive) rate can be expressed as
2.1 Hypoplasticity
For calculation of the stress rates in eq. ( l ) , a hypo-
plastic soil model is used which has proved it’s ability
to predict the pre-failure stress-strain-relation of the Capillary effects can be accounted for by a further
soil under changing stresses and densities (Gudehus constitutive law (Gudehus 1995), but they can be ne-
1996). It holds for so-called ”simple grain skeletons” glected for fine sands. In that case the generated gas
where the stress transfer can be characterized by the pressure is transferred totally to the pore water, and
mean values of grain contact forces alone. It’s applica- we thus expect a pore pressure increase for contractive
bility has been questioned with regard to macrovoids and a drop for dilative deformations.
and pseudo-grains of moist minefill sands (Herle e.a.

3.1 Stability criterion
Combining eqs. (2) and (3) with eq. (1) and omit-
ting small terms, the stability criterium for an unsatu-
rated soil element finally reads

The lower the relative density, the wider the range of

possible stress states with instable deformation paths.
As the second term for the pore pressure is always
positive, a low degree of saturation always stabilizes
the grain skeleton.
One of the advantages of the above criterion is
that no time integration of the constitutive equation is
required. For the same reason, however, it can only Figure 3: critical void ratios for different angles 6 and
provide a snapshot-like criterion for the actual state. horizontal pressures

3.2 Single soil element

has to be satisfied and determines the unknown initial
dilatancy v (or contractancy if it is negative).
Fig. 3 shows ”critical” (in the sense of A’E = 0)
relative densities for a certain set of hypoplastic para-
meters and full saturation.
There are also kinematic constraints for 6: an initial
strain direction 6 > ,O cannot accelerate in the long
term, even if it produces excess kinetic energy at the
beginning. The following general rules can be dedu-
ced from the analysis of single soil elements:

0 Liquefaction is at first to be expected for shear

directions coinciding with the directions of ma-
ximum shear stress;
0 The greater the mobilized degree of friction in
the initial state, the higher the liquefaction risk;
Figure 2: definition of strain and stress directions in a e A steep slope angle is a sufficient, but not neces-
slope sary condition for liquefaction.
For the analysis of an embankment, the above cri-
terion can be applied to a number of soil elements each The disadvantage of this single soil element consi-
representing one material point. If we assume that the deration is that the critical deformation directions of
trigger deformation acts in a plane strain cross section, neighbouring elements are not kinematically compa-
the equations are considerably simplified. The defor- tible as the kinematic chain of fig. lc.
mation gradient is defined with an angle of dilatancy v 3.3 Coherent deformation.jields
and an arbitrary angle 6 according to fig. 2. The most
unfavourable combination of both, giving a minimum The velocity profile for the initial perturbation can
A’E for each soil element, can be found by variation. be chosen in such a way, that the deformations of adja-
cent soil elements are fully compatible. The simplest
In practice, there are static constraints for v: As deformation mode is the constant-volume shear of a
the vertical stresses cannot differ much from the dead triangular region below the water table (Raju 1994)
load of the overlying soil mass, the condition of zero which was later extended to contractant shear (Ku-
total stress rate della 1995). Dilatancy v and the angle of shear base
6 = ?9. are constant for all material points (comp. fig. 2
b,, = 0 = b;, +p i

e(1 - S?.)
and 4 4 . As a kinematic chain like the one of fig. l c
acts, the excess energy can now be summarized over

62 1
finitesimal deformation (kinematic chain) can indeed
replace the real initials.

Global instability arises, if a kinematically pos-

sible coherent deformation field (fig. 4) can be
found yielding A’E < 0 . Because this field is
not necessarily the most critical mode, the crite-
rion is a sufficient, but not necessary condition
for liquefaction. A’ E > 0 as a condition for sta-
bility is thus on the unsafe side for the coherent-

Local instability may still arise, if the decisive de-

formation field yields A’E < 0 only in an isola-
ted region or for directions which are not globally
compatible (fig. 5a). Such modes may be iden-
tified using the single-element-consideration. In
terms of safety, this case refers to fig. l b and
remains unclear without further time integration.
Global failure is not necessary, contractant defor-
mation causes local pore water increase, but may
Figure 4: kinematically possible velocity fields stop again at a new equilibrium state.

Global stability is surely demonstrated only if

the whole wedge. For steep slopes, a stability mini- A 2 E > 0 results for all directions and for every
mum for 0 < f l c r Z t < @ can always be found. single point. As a condition for stability, the
Another option is a circular section reminding of a single-element-consideration is on the safe side
slip circle, leading to slightly higher critical densities as the decisive deformations, though incompati-
(fig. 4b). The geometric boundaries of the mechanism ble, represent a lower limit of A’ E.
have to be varied until a stability minimum has been
found. However, there is still an infinity of other Fluctuations of void ratio e may initiate local insta-
possible velocity fields of that kind. bility which evolves into global instability. The re-
3.4 Local arid global instability mainig open question is therefore, whether void ratio
mean values can describe reality or whether a statisti-
cal density fluctuation should also be accounted for in
the model.
3.5 Parameter variation
The analysis uses the computer program STABIL
which carries out the necessary variations of deforma-
tion field geometry. Slope geometry, initial density
and hypoplastic material parameters are supplied as
input data. The program calculates a field of A’E-
values and shows them grafically according to fig. 6.
Figure 5 : schematic representation of so-called local
and global instability

A strong argument for Hill’s stability criterion

can be drawn from calculations of liquefaction onset
using time integration. It has been shown by detailed
calculations that, if an initial deformation field with
A’E < 0 exists for the whole slope while also ki-
nematically possible, all perturbations will cause the
slope to fail. With time, the deformations are di-
rected into the critical direction, and the same steady
state flow pattern will be approached independently of
the initial perturbation’s specific direction, magnitude Figure 6: distribution of A’E, typical result plot of
or location (fig. 5b). The simultaneously acting in- stability analysis

1,o 1 I or undisturbed sampling. Apart from costly ground
freezing technologies, no sampling method for ex-
tremely loose sands under water can provide reliable
undisturbed densities. The derivation of relative den-
sities from CPT results needs careful calibration and
experience. For an objective interpretation CPT data
and comparative cone pressiometer sounding data can
o,201 0,2 0.4 0,6 0,8
be combined with a calculation model (Cudmani &
inundation ratio H,.,kRIk
0.4 - Osinov 1999).
1.0 , - 1 -___I___? Many attempts have been made to measure the in-
situ stresses directly (Wehr e.a. 1995). Results show
that horizontal stress ratios can be as low as Kmor as
high as I< = 1 , 5after densification. Shear stress com-
ponents cannot be measured as yet; a limited nume-
rical variation of empirical stress distributions makes
more sense. It is also promising to extend the calcula-
tion program by a statistical distribution of initial state
parameters, as has already been tried with success for
settlement analysis (Nubel & Karcher 1998).
Figure 7: critical relative density for parameter varia-
tion 4.2 Case studies

Non-constant void ratio distributions can be accoun-

ted for. The realistic assumption of the initial stress
state is one of the crucial factors. Depending on a
preselected horizontal stress ratio ( K a 5 I( 5 K O )
and the slope angle ,O the program derives a set of
1 A2%:rder
enerav distribution
0 ' h 6 = 3 5 42"
decisive shear direction 1
combined equilibrium stress fields. Alternatively, it
would also be possible to use initial stresses from FE Figure 8: cross section of the embankment showing
models. By variation, the influence of the different the distribution of 2nd order work
input parameters on liquefaction risk can be separated
(fig. 7): A back-calculation has been made for 37 docu-
mented landslides which happened since 1960 in the
e high influence: slope inclination p, horizontal East German mining areas. Although a single set of
stress ratio K , hypoplastic exponent n and rela- hypoplastic parameters was adopted, most of them
tive density I D ; could be well justified. The reported in-situ densities
lie in between the back-calculated critical values for
e medium influence: inundation ratio H,k/Hk,de- the limiting horizontal stress ratios Kmand KO. The
gree of saturation S,,critical friction angle cpc and case study presented here refers to a site where first
hypoplastic granulate hardness h,; spontaneous liquefactions were reported in the 70s
o low influence: slope height Hk and for other a few years after ceasing of groundwater lowering.
hypoplastic parameters. Slope inclination at that time was about 30". To in-
crease stability the slope was flattened to an average
The calculated critical water level corresponds to ob- angle of 6,3" (fig. 8). The deposit consisted of 27 m
servations. An active horizontal earth pressure is more thick very loose silty fine sand. Soil parameters were
critical because of the higher mobilised shear resis- taken from frozen specimens. The measured average
tance. Low saturation stabilizes, but full saturation in-situ void ratio was e = 0,87 with a recorded ma-
should be assumed if no data are available. The risk of ximum of e = 0,97, and the average saturation was
global liquefaction rises with increasing slope angle, S, = 0,8. As the water will rise 19,8 m above slope
but with the single-element-consideration also slopes toe in the year 2030, stability was further increased
with less than 15" can liquefy under certain void ratios by blasting in the lower part and by vibratory rollers
and initial stress states. in the upper part. This technique creates a so called
"hidden dam" parallel to the slope and the later sho-
reline, a defined region densified to e = 0 , 7 6 which
obstructs the undensified soil mass from flowing out
4.1 Identification of state parameters into the lake in case of liquefaction.
In-situ densities can be measured using radiome- Back calculation using STABIL proves that the
tric combination sounding, cone penetration testing steep original slope with an assumed water level of 5 m

Gudehus, G. 1993. Spontaneous liquefaction of saturated
granular bodies. Modern approaches to plasticity, ed:
Kolymbas, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 691-714, 1993
Gudehus, G. 1995. A comprehensive concept for non-
saturated granular bodies. Unsaturated Soils, eds.
Alonso & Delage, Balkema.
Gudehus, G. 1996. A comprehensive constitutive equa-
tion for granular materials. Soils and Foundations,
36(1): 1-12.
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Runout distances of earthquake-induced landslides

Yoshimasa Kobay ashi

Hiroshima Institute of Technology,Japan

ABSTRACT: Cases of earthquake-induced landslides in Japan are described. Items such as name, date, location,
causative event, volume, area, thickness, drop height H, attained distance L, Fahr-boeschung WL, velocity,
composition,references, etc. of investigated landslides are given. Fahr-boeschungs or WL ratios, which correspond
to net coefficient of friction, are variable depending on size, geology and other factors. Moisture content is one of
the important factors for triggering and for increasing runout distances of slides. Volume is another important
factor affecting the runout distance. Volcanic areas are particularly susceptible to debris avalanches. The time-
distance relationships of some of the slides are reproduced, and the maximum velocity is found to reach about 5 to
50 d s .

I lNTRODUCTION 3.5km2 devastating farmland and houses with toll of

477 lives.
Landslides have caused many fatalities in past Sekiguchi et a1.(1993) divide the process of the
destructive earthquakes. It is hence desirable to activity into 5 stages as follows: 1) Ascent of magma
understand their characteristics. In particular, and expansion of the edifice starting around the 8' of
prediction of the runout distances of slides is July accompanying marked tremors and noise at 7:OO
important for mitigating this kind of hazard since they on the 15', 2) eruption of the first stage with a
often reach unexpectedly long causing disaster. phreatic explosion below Kobandai peak. 15 to 20
However, the data base for this category of hazard is strong explosions occurred and the last one broke the
relatively poor. I have hence tried to collect data of north flank causing a rock avalanche. An avalanche
well-documented earthquake-induced landslides in valley was formed by this event and debris buried the
Japan mainly in the recent past. The information will villages in the northern foot of the mountain causing
be usehl for preventing disaster as well as in preparing great hazards. It formed also hummocks along the
land-use planning. flowed-down course, 3)relative quiescence at around
In the following, case histories are first described 8:50, 4)a small explosion at around 9:30 caused a slide
briefly, then based on the cases the correlations of Kobandai. Fan-shape cleavages and a pressurized
between the runout distances and volume or other zone were formed by this slide, and 5)cease of
factors are examined. Estimated velocities of eruptions around 16 hr.
landslides if available are given for reference. The avalanche valley is 1.2km wide and 3km long.
Lessons are extracted fkom the experiences described The sizes of hummocks located on the extension of
in this article. the avalanche valley mostly range 70 to loom, and the
maximum is 300m in longer diameter.
This slide was extraordinary since it accompanied a
volcanic explosion and undoubtedly gaseous content
2.1 Bandaisan volcano(1888) had some effect on the mobility of the rock mass. This
Volcano Bandai erupted on the 15' of July, 1988 and type of slide is relatively rare but cannot be ignored,
caused a well-known giant debris avalanche amounting since in volcanic areas similar phenomena can occur
to 1.5km3 on the northern flank of the volcano. It occasionally as exemplified by the slide at Mt. St.
attained the distance of 11.4km, covered an area of Helens in 1980.

2.2 N e b u b a ( 1923) 2.5 Nahzgi(1974)
A rock avalanche was triggered by the 1923 Kanto The off Izu Peninsula earthquake of the 9“’ of May,
earthquake of September 1, 1923, and it rushed into the 1974 (M 6.9) caused a Shirohatayama slide at a
village of Nebukawa, south of Odawara, and fishermen’s village Nakagi and took 27 lives by
demolished the village killing 300 to 400 people. This burying 19 houses. The rock type is volcanic breccia
is the most catastrophic case among earthquake- and tuffaceous sandstone underlain by pumice tuff.
induced landslides in modernized Japan (Kobayashi, Short drifts had been driven into the latter for storage
1985). and their effect on the stability of the slope was argued
The source area of the avalanche is supposed to be after the event. Seepage of ground water was
3.5 km upstream of the Shiraito river along which the observed at the outcrop of pumice tuff after the slide,
rock mass flowed down. The volume is estimated at 1 which suggests the base rock was saturated on the
to 3 million m3. earthquake.
The slide was rapid, and after destroying the village a
2.3 Dedo-Nishime(1964) part of the soil mass flowed into the bay.
In the Niigata earthquake of June 16,1964 (M 7.5) a
7 m high railway embankment failed as long as 150 m 2.6 Mitaka-Iriya(1978)
and the soil deposited flat on one side of the railroad In the near Im-oshima earthquake of Jan. 14, 1978
covering paddy field up to 115m from the foot of the (M 7.0) many slides were triggered including the
slope (Tada et al., 1964). From the fluid-like present one. This slide of about 10,000 m3 took place
appearance of the deposit the fill material is presumed at a slope with 110 m relative height with maximum
to have liquefied during shaking or sliding. According width of 200 m, slope length of 120 to 200m, and the
to an eyewitness account by a farmer, the soil in the depth 2-3m. A characteristic feature of the slide is its
embankment broke through the mid-slope surface and speed estimated at 1 5 d s or more, and the slid mass
the higher part of the embankment dropped vertically stopped after climbing some height on the opposite
down on that portion. The deposit was 1.0 to 1.5 m bank. Seven people who could not flee died by the
thick at 50 m and 0.3 to 0.5 m thick at 90 m from the slide.
railroad, respectively. Patches of the slope-surface This is a slide of recent pyroclastics along a bedding
with grass on them were scattered overriding the rice plane. Although the size of the slide is not large, this
field giving little damage to rice plant below. type can be dangerous because its speed is high and its
At this site the railroad crosses a buried valley of runout distance is relatively large.
10m deep unconsolidated silt and clay deposits
including thin sand lenses. This subsurface may have 2.7 Nashimoto-West and East( 1978)
been responsible to strong shalung of the site. In the same earthquake as above, two slides took
place at Nashimoto along the Amagi-pass road. The
2.4 Shiriuchi(l968) slides amount to 19,000 and 15,000 m3, respectively.
The Tokachioki earthquake on the 16* of May, 1968 The former buried a bus and 3 passengers died. At
(M 7.9) caused a number of slope failures of railroad this location cutting was made in 1971-72 to widen the
embankments of the Tohoku line of Japan National road into the rock mass of volcanic breccia or tuff
Railways. It is noteworthy that this earthquake was breccia as high as 30m or more on the mountainside
preceded by a heavy rainfall amounting to 150 mm in and several meters on the valley side, respectively.
total till the previous day of the event. The slope was unstable since then and failed
Among others a failure between Shiriuchi and repeatedly; e.g. by a 94.5 mm daily precipitation of Oct.
Mutsu-ichikawa stations is a typical flowslide with 9, 1976. On the earthquake the western part of the
liquefaction of material (Yamada et al. 1968). Slope slope was being reconstructed after a failure while
surface of the embankment 15m high failed as long as closing one of the lanes. The west slide was 50 m high,
80 m and the surface soil slid 80m from the slope end 120 m wide and 10 m deep in the maximum. The
over a paddy field. T h s location was underlain by east slide was 53 m high, 110m wide and 7 m deep in
soft ground containing peat of 1 to 2 m thickness. On the maximum. The basic cause for these slides is
the day of investigation on June 17, there still remained undercutting of layers sub-parallel to the original
pools of seepage water at the foot of the slope ground surface.
suggesting ground water played an important role in
this slide.

A part of the slope of a fill for residence area in TYPE OF LANDSLIDES
Kotobukiyama, Sliroishi city failed during the
Miyagiken-oki earthquake of the 1 2 of~ June, 1978 (M It is well known that there is a general tendency that
7.4). The size of the slide was 120m wide, 230m larger landslides exhibit lower net frictions or smaller
long involving 16,000m2 residential area. One person Fahrboeschungs H/L (Scheidegger, 1973). I have
died buried by the slide. The failed mass flowed compiled data for the cases described in the foregoing
about lOOm fi-om the foot of the slope and is estimated sections(Table1 and Fig.1). They e h b i t a similar
at 80,0001n3 in volume. The site is underlain by tendency as usual except that some smaller slides have
pumice tuff and the fill material is provided by sand extraordinary low net frictions; the latter group belongs
from the same rock. The fill thickness ranges up to to those where materials liquefied. Those with
25m in the maximum. The slide is rather fluid-like volume larger than 106m3 are debris avalanches at
and is 5 to 6 m in the deposited area. The ground- Bandai, Ontake and Nebukawa. They have in general
water table measured in 1976 had been less than 10 m smaller net frictions than other slides. It may not be by
from the surface. This suggests an effect of soil chance that all of them were in volcanoes. In
liquefaction on the present slide. particular, the Nebukawa debris avalanche was very
likely facilitated by light loaniy soils involved.
2.9 Ontake(1984)
The Western Nagano Prefecture earthquake of the
Table 1. Volume and Fahrboeschung WL of
14'h of September, 1984 (M 6.8) triggered a giant rock earthauake-induced landslides
slide which turns into a debris avalanche and flowed
down along the Denjogawa canyon as long as 8 km or year event name voiume(m3) WL
more. 15 people were killed by this debris avalanche.
1888 Eruption Bandaisan 1 . 5 ~ 1 0 ~ 0.070
The volume is estimated at 36x106m3. According to 1923 Kanto Nebukawa 1 . 0 ~ 1 0 ~ 0.15
eyewitness account it took about 6 minutes after the 1964 Niigata Dedo-nishime 1 . 8 ~ 1 0 ~0 ,047
onset of the main shock to reach the 8-km point, 1968 Tokachi Shiriuchi 3 . 4 ~ 1 0 ~0.15
Yanagase, giving an average speed of 2Ods. 1974 IzuPen. Nakagi 1 . 7 ~ 1 0 ~0.37
1978 Izu-oshima Mitaka-inya l.0x105 0.30
The slide occurred on the south-eastern slope of
1978 Izu-oshima Naslimoto W 1.9~10' 0.83
Volcano Ontake in two steps, the first in the foot of the 1978 Izu-oshimaNashimoto E 1 . 5 ~ 1 0 ~0.73
slope contains about 10% volume and the second in the 1978 Miyagiken Kotobukiyama 6 . 0 ~ 1 0 ~ 0.12
upper part of the slope about 90%. The slid mass fell 1984 Naganoken Ontake 3 . 6 ~ 1 0 ~0.12
into the Denjogawa canyon and flowed down in the
note: H is the dropped height, L the horizontal distance of slide
canyon leaving little deposit till the canyon meets the
Nigorikawa canyon about 5 km downstream. In the
farther stretch than the confluence with the Nigorikawa 4 VELOCITY OF MOVEMENT
the quantity of deposit grew rapidly and there were also
huge hummocks. Debris avalanches are in general rapid phenomena
Whether the debris were dry or wet was actively and their velocity is an important factor of concern.
argued. Relevant lnformation is that mud was found However, estimation of the velocity is difficult because
sticking to ground and trees where the debris flowed very few were measured in field in real events and it is
through; that the quantity of water contained in the in general hard even to collect data for simulations.
debris of 36x106m3is estimated at 7.7x106m3and it is Nevertheless, I have tried simulations of the slides
not sufficient to saturate the whole debris. One of the based on limited evidence; only three cases so far; the
hypothesis is that only the lower part of the mass was Nebukawa, Mitakairiya and Ontake cases.
saturated facilitating slide while the upper part Based on a simple simulation incorporating hction
remained dry. Another category of hypotheses and air-drag resistance Kobayashi (1985) estimated the
assumes mechanism for facilitating dry debris velocity-distance relationship of the Nebukawa debris
avalanches (e.g. Kobayashi, 1994). avalanche as shown in Fig.2 to fit the eyewitness
account that it reached Nebukawa village about 3-5
minutes after the main event. If the estimation is true
the maximum speed attained 40 to 50 m/s in the fulst
third of its travel.
Fig.1 Net fhction of landslides versus volume

Fig.2 Velocity-distance and travel-time-distancecurves for the Nebukawa debris avalanche

in the Kanto earthquake 1923 under the effect of gravity and friction as well as air
turbulcnce .

Next example is for the Mitaka-iriya slide in The left panel is a bird eye’s view of the trajectories of
the1978 Lzu-oshima earthquake. Assuming the friction rock masses on the three dimensional topography, the
angle of sliding plane between 11 and 16 degrees, central one locations-time of rock masses ( upper line:
Kobayashi (1981) estimated the speed as shown in leading rock mass; lower line: average rock masses),
Fig.3. It ranges between 5 and 15 m/s depending on the and the right one is the instantaneous average speed of
assumed f?iction angle. rock masses and time.
The last example is for the Ontake debris avalanche
in 1984. Kagawa and Kobayashi (1987) conducted a 5 CONCLUDING REMARKS
computer simulation to reproduce the debris avalanche
by representing the debris by a number of spherical Relatively a few number of cases are available at the
masses flowing down on a three dimensional canyon present moment, but even in such a limited situation it
topography and obtained a result as shown in Fig.4. is possible to draw some lessons from experience.
Fig3 Velocity-distance curves for the Mitaka-iriya landslide in the Izu-oshima earthquake 1978.

Fig.4 Computer simulation of the Ontake debris avalanche in the Western Nagano Prefecture
earthquake 1984. Left: bird eye’s view of the trajectories of rock masses; Center: locations
of the leading (top) and average rock masses; Right: velocity-travel time of average rock masses.

From Fig.1 showing examples of net hction or WL are more limited, and only three examples could be
of earthquake-induced landslides, it is evident that it discussed. In these examples the values range
can be lower than 0.1; one is in case of a large debris between 5 and 50 m / s depending on conditions
avalanche and another is the case affected by including the size. Larger slides seem to have greater
liquefaction. speed and tend to be more dangerous.
The data of speed of earthquake-induced landslides It is important to collect more data on this relevance

to make a more concrete recommendation to prevent
slope hazards by earthquakes.

Japan Scientists Association (1978) Report of the
1978 Izu-oshima -kinkai earthquake, p.76(in Japanese).
Kagawa, T. and Y. Kobayash (1987) Simulation of
debris avalanche of Mt. Ontake induced by the
Western Nagano Prefecture earthquake, 1984. Proc.
Japan National Symp. Rock Mechanics, 3 19-324 (in
Kawakanii, F., A. Asada and E. Yanagisawa (1978)
Damage to embankments and earth structures due to
Miyagiken-oki earthquake of 1978, Soils and
Foundations 26-12,25-3 l(in Japanese).
Kobayashi, Y. (1984) Back-analysis of several
earthquake-induced slope failures on the In1 peninsula,
Proc. 8WCEE, similar contents also in Annuals of
Disaster Prevention Res. Inst. Kyoto Univ.24 B-
1(198 l), 401-410.
Kobayashi, Y. (1985) A catastrophc debris avalanche
induced by the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake, Natural
Disaster Science, 7,l-9.
Kobayashi, Y. (1994) Effect of basal guided waves on
landslides, PAGEOPH 142,329-346.
Scheidegger, A. E. (1973) On the prediction of the
reach and velocity of catastrophic landslides, Rock
Mechanics 5,23 1-236.
Seluguchi, T., K. Haraguchi, J. Iwahashi, T. Otani, Y.
Inazawa and M. Tsusawa (1993) Study of topography
forming process in the 1888 eruption of the Bandai
volcano, Report of Geodetic Survey Inst. Japan D1-
No.308, 150-160 (in Japanese).
Tada, Y., M. Saito, M. Ihara, T. Matsunami, T.
Muromachi, T. Fujiwara, C. Ueda, Y. Kobayashi, Y .
Sat0 and H. Uezawa (1964) Survey report of Niigata
earthquake, Report of Railway Res. Inst. 448, 92p. (in
Yamada, G., T. Takayama, T. Muromachi, T.
Fujiwara, Y. Sat0 and Y. Kobayashi (1968) Survey
report of Tokachioki earthquake, Report of Railway
Res. Inst. 650, 137p., (in Japanese).

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Evaluation of measured vertical and horizontal residual deformation at crest

of rockfill dam under earthquake

Toshiro Okamoto
Geotechnical and Eurthquake Engineering Department, Abiko Laboratory, Central Reseurch Institute of Electric
Power Industry,Jupun

Abstract: Many data have been collected concerning the deformation of completed rockfill dams under strong
earthquake from all over the world, in this study some data, especially horizontal deformation and recently
observed data are added to evaluate the effect of magnitude, compaction, gradient and so on. In this study
settlement and horizontal deformation ratios are defined to be the values of crest deformation / dam height, and the
relation among deformation, acceleration and duration are evaluated by regression analysis. Then the influences
of performance and dam structure are studied.

1 INTRODUCTION was conducted, so its data is included herein. Table 1

is their summary.
It is more necessary for seismic design to take account
of seismic behavior and structure function in Japan
especially after Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake, it 3 SETTLEMENT AND HORIZONTAL
needs the study of earthquake input motion and DEFORMATION
evaluation method of stability taking in account of the
function appropriate to the kind of structures. Also 3.1 Settlement ratio and base acceleration
the design of rockfill dam should be reflected by dam Settlement ratio E ,is defined and introduced to be
function evaluation according to seismic behavior. It crest settlement S, / dam height H (Bureau et.al, 1985).
may be said generally that rockfill dam has high According to Fig. 1, it found that the data distributed in
seismic resistance, however measured deformation some region between settlement ratio and base
should be analyzed rationally to lead to the design acceleration.
taking account of dam function.
3.2 Settlement ratio and crest acceleration
Fig.2 shows the relationship between settlement ratio
2 INVESTIGATION METHOD AND MAIN and crest acceleration and it found that the distributed
RESULTS region seems to be wide comparatively as well as
Fig. 1. Fig. 1 and 2 shows that the maximum E , is
Technical Research Center of Japan Development,
1982, Bureau et.al, 1985, Kondou, 1990, Finn et.al, less than 1% and most of E ,are less than 0.5%, and
1995 collected many data and evaluated them. As the no poundage function damage of leakage increment
recently observed data this study includes the were reported about soil core type dams listed in Table
following, namely Anderson dam by Morgan-Hill 1 or Fig. 1 and 2. The maximum settlement in Fig. 1
Earthquake (1984) (Bureau, et.al. 1985) and Loma and 2 is 80 cm in Matahina dam and is less than 1.Om
Prieta E. (1989) (Tepel, et.al. 1996), Matahina dam by and the more, which was observed in earth fill dam
Edgecumbe E. (1987) (Gillon, et.al. 1989), with large damage of poundage function by
Ambuklao dam by Philippines E. (1990) (Japan earthquakes (Tani, 1982). On the other hand, Cogoti
Society of Civil Eng. 1993), and Los Angels dam by and Minase of CFRD type dams leaded to increased
Northridge E. (1994) (Bureau, et.al. 1996). Los leakage though their E , were less than 0.5%, so it
Angels dam is zoned earthfill dam replaced San found that E , related dam function of poundage are
Fernando dam, but its data seems to be valuable deferent between soil core type and concrete facing
because gentle design, performance and observation type of rockfill dam.

Table 1 Measured deformation and dam characteristics

dam I nation :earthquake base ;crest rest residicrest resit lam type Refference
. (Magnitude) accerel. laccerel. e t t h e n 4 horiz. del 1) Okamoto,S.,Yoshida,N. and Nakayama,K( 1961)
Ab (gal) IAc (Pal) v (cm) ISh (cm) : On the behavior of dams during earthquake, J.
Malpasso jPeru i 1938.10.10 *loo ___ 7.6 I 5.1 of Japanese society of Large Dam, No.26,33-48
Cogoti /Chile 1Illapel 1943 (8.3) '190 --- 60 . .. 2) Committee of damage investigation by Niigata
Miboro :Japan 1Kita-Mino 1961 (7.0) *200 1 --- 3 1 5 earthquake, Japanese Society of Civil Enginerring
Minase !Japan fNiigata 1964 (7.5) 55 I --- 13.9 j 11.4 (1966) Report of damage investigation by
LaVillita IMexiccj 175.10.11 (5.5) 72.8; 300.2 2.5 ; 2 Niigata earthquake
LaVillita :Mexico (75.11.15 (6.5) 40.8; 191.6 2.5 : 2 3) Noguera, Larrain,G.(1979) : Seismic behavior of
LaVillita :Mexico 179.3.14 (7.6) 17 i 371 5 j 2.5 some Chilean earth dams, 13th Intem. Congress
LaVillita ;Mexico 181.10.25 (8.1) 85 j 338 11 : 4.5 60
CECRD of Large Dam
LaVillita \Mexico j85.9.19 (8.1) 125 I 450 32 ; 11.5 60
CECRD 4) Nose,M. and Baba,K.(1981) Dynamic behavior
Infiemillo ;Mexico j75.11.15 (5.5) 52.9; 130.1 0.54 j --- 148
CECRD of rockfill dams, Proc. of Dams and Earthquake
Infiemillo ;Mexico j79.3.14 (7.6) 105 355 7.55 j 12.9 148
CECRD Conference, Institute of Civil Engineers, London,
1nfiemillo:Mexico j85.9.19 (8.1) 125 1 303 10.6 I 10.7 148
CECRD 5) Rom0,M.P. and Resendiz,D. (1981) Computed
Namioka [Japan 1Nihon-kai Chubu 83 (7.7) 79 j 223 5.7 j --- and observed deformation of two embankment
Makio j Japan iNaeano-kenSeibu 84(6.8' *400 1 '750 50 j --- CECRD
105 dams under seismic loading, Proc. of Dams and
Anderson :USA jMorgan-Hill84 (6.2) 410 j 630 1.5 0.9 Earthquake Conf. Institute of Civil Engineers,
Anderson !USA ILomaPrieta89 (7.1) 78 j 421 3.9 j 2.4 London, 267-274
Matahina i ~ e wzeallvnajEd~ecumbe1987(6.3) 324.7/ 764.e 80 1 26.8 IECRD 6) Arrau.L.. 1barra.I. and Noguera.G.(1985) :
AmbuklaoiPhilippin$85.4.24 (6.3) --- I --- 40 9 129
CECRD Performance of Cogoti dan under seismic loading,
AmbuklaojPhilippinej1990 Ruzon (7.8) '200 I --- 68 28 129
CECRD Concrete face rockfill dams-Design Construction
LosAngels \USA ;Northridge 1994(6.7) 270 I 600 8.89 I 3.81 46.5
CECFDl and Performance, ASCE, 1-14
7) Bureau.C., Volpe.R.L., Roth,W.H. and Udaka,
T.( 1985) Seismic analysis of concrete face rock-
fill dams, Concrete Face Rockfill Dams - Design,
Construction and Performance, ASCE, 479-508
8 ) Ohne,Y.( 1985) : Behaviorof Makio dam under
earthquake, Specialty session, 20th Symposium
of Soil Enginerring, Japanese society of Soil
Engineering, pp 47-54
9) Construction Department of Mexico United Mini-
stry of Electric Power(1985) : Prompt report on
structure behavior of Jose Ma Morelos and El
Infemillo Hydrolic Power Station by 1985/9/19
and 20 earthquake El Infemillo Hydrolic Power
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10) Matsumoto,N., Takahashi,M. and Sato,F.( 1985)
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Sv observed at abutment dam, 15th ICOLD, vol N 203-225
11) Sawada.T (1986) : Behavior of fill dam under
earthquake- example of Namioka dam by Nihon-
Anderson 25 25 kai Chubu earthquake, J. of JSIDRE. Dec 37-40
Matahina 2.5 2.3 12) Tamura,C (1986) report of damage investi-
Ambuklao 1.75 1.75 gation by Mexico Earthquake, J. of Japanese
Ambuklao I 75 1.75 Society of Large Dam, No. 116,40-5 I
13) Uzu,N (1987) : Dictionary of earthquake,
Asakura Library, 372-374
* : estimated 14) Gil1on.M D. and Newton,D J.(1989) : Earth-
CECRD : Center Earth Core Rockfill Dam, CECFD : Center Earth Core Fill Dam, quake Effects at the Matahina Dam, New Zealand
IECRD : Inclined Earth Core Rockfill Dam, CFRD Concrete Facing Rockfill Dam proc of discussion session on influence of local
conditions on seismic responce, 12 th I C on
S.M.F E , 37-46
15) Kondou,N( 1991) : Research on behavior of rockfill dam basing long-term observation result, doctor thesis
16) Matsumoto,N., Yasuda,N. and Shougoku,Y.(1991) Behavior of dams by Loma Prieta earthquake, J. of Dam Technology, NoS6, 19-33
17) Tepel,R.E., Nelson,J.L and Hosokawa,A.M (1996) Seismic responce of eleven embankment dams, Santa Clara county,Califomia, as measured by crest
monument surveys,ldth annual USCOLD Lecture Senes, Seismic design andPerformancc o f Dams , 185-199
18) Japan Society of Civil Engineers( 1993) : Reconnaissance Report on the July 16,1990 Luzon Earthquake, the Philippines
19) Bureau.G , Ine1.S , Davis C.A and Roth W H( 1996) Seismic responce of Los Angels dam, CA During the 1994 Northndge earthquake,l6th annual
USCOLD Lecture Series. Seismic design and Performance of Dams ,281-295

3.3 Horizontal deformation and acceleration R.E., 1996). The reasons are not clear, but the
Fig. 3 and 4 indicate horizontal deformation ratio, it following factors can be listed, crest center or top
can be recognized that horizontal deformation ratio slope of observation position, difference of slope
relates acceleration, however the correlation is lower. gradient between upstream and downstream,
Fig.5 shows low correlation between horizontal foundation shape and embankment height difference
deformation and settlement. After completion some between upstream and downstream side, earthquake
dam showed the horizontal deformation to upstream input direction and wave.
side not to downstream side not by earthquake
(Japanese Association of Electric Civil Engineering,
198l), and some data of earth dam showed horizontal
deformation to upstream side by earthquake (Tepel,

Fig.4 Horizontal deformation ratio and crest
Fig. 1 Settlement ratio and base acceleration

Fig5 Crest settlement and horizontal deformation

Fig.2 Settlement ratio and crest acceleration

Fig.6 Effect of Magnitude on the relation between

Settlement ratio and base acceleration



Fig.3 Horizontal deformation ratio and base 4.1 Earthquake characteristics

acceleration Magnitude M is known in each dam. The longer
duration the larger M, and cyclic number increase
when the duration is longer. Now the data classified
to 8 2 M , 8 > M 2 7 and 7 >M, and the results are
showed in Fig.6 and 7. It found that the deformation
occurred by small acceleration if M 2 7.

Fig.7 Effect of Magnitude on the relation between
settlement ratio and crest acceleration Fig.9 Effect of performance or dam structure on the
relation between settlement ratio and crest

@no damage under construction and first filling

@rock foundation (La Villita)
@no local settlement (Namioka)
According to the results of Fig.8 and 9, it found that
the data of each case distribute in some different region.
However for most of “easily deform” case, which are
satisfied the above-mentioned conditions, they
suffered the bigger earthquakes of M 2 7 , so it is not
clarified whether the deformation depends on
magnitude or the above-mentioned condition of
performance and dam structure. So further analysis is
Fig.8 Effect of performance or dam structure on the
relation between settlement ratio and base

5.1 Effect of duration

4.2 PerJomnce and dam structure Bureau et.al, 1985 suggested ESI (Earthquake
As the other factors except for earthquake Severity Index) which is defined to AD2 (A:
characteristics, compaction of performance and slope foundation base acceleration, D: duration =7(M-
gradient, and foundation ground of dam structure has 4.5)1.5 ). Japanese Association of Electricity (1987)
some possibility to affect the measured deformation by applies widely the relation log D=0.3 1M-0.774, and
earthquake. Concerning compaction, most of dams the relation between settlement ratio and D calculated
embanked by compaction after 1965, but before 1940 by its equation are shown in Fig. 10. Good relation
compaction was not applied (Cook,J.B., 1984, is obtained except for Matahma dam data, but its
Yamamura, 1995). And the compaction and slope correlation is comparatively low.
gradient clearly affect the deformation of rockfill dam
due to the results by shaking table tests (Okamoto,S. 5.2 Regression analysis
et.a1,1972). Now collected data are classified by the ESI depends on the simple estimation method of
following conditions to “easily deform” case and Newmark, 1965. Now fundamental relation E =
“hardly deform” case. Dams in ( ) means that they -
1 * A” D” is introduced to clarify the affecting
don’t satisfy the condition. degree of acceleration and duration by regression
asufficient compaction (not dumped) (Malpaso, analysis. D is estimated by the equation of Japanese
Cogoti, Minase, AmbuMao) Electric association (1987). Replacing E v1 , A, , D, to
Blower gradient than 1: 1.8 (Malpaso, Cogoti, 2, , XI, Y,, here i means each data, and N is the number
Minase, El Infernillo) of the data. Generally N should be more than 60 to get
generalized relationship, so it needs 100 years and

Constants are as follows.
m= ( c z , x , c Y , ~ - C Z , Y ~ C X ~ Y/ ,)
1 C X i 2CYi2 ( C X i Yi)2 1
n = ( C Z Y , C X , ~ - C Z ~ X ~ C X ~/ YJ
1cx,“Cy,”- ( C X i Y , ) 2 1
I = ( 1 / N ) C l o g E v i - m * (1,”)
* C log&- n * (1,’” ) C logD,
Final relations are followed.
E .=7.79X 10 -74,0.5 * D’

E v = 1 . 1 9 X 1 0 - 9 A , 1 . 8 3 . D0.84
4, and A, are base and crest acceleration each other.
Fig. 10 Effect of duration on settlement ratio The ratio of the POW ers of base acceleration and
duration is almost 1:2, and this result is similar to
ESI, however the crest settlement depends highly
on the crest acceleration.


6.1 Inntroduction of EIDI

The relation obtained by regression analysis

Fig. 11 EIDI for base acceleration of rockfill dams in

Japan without deformation by earthquake

Fig. 13 EIDI for crest acceleration of rockfill dams in

Japan without deformation by earthquake

Fig. 12 Relation between EIDI for base acceleration

and settlement ratio

more. This analysis is basing on the restricted number

and the result depends on the character of each data.
Z,=log E v i - ( 1 /” C log E ,,
Xi=logA, - ( 1 /N ) C log A,
Yi=logDi - ( 1 /N ) C logDi Fig. 14 Relation between EIDI for crest acceleration
and settlement ratio
indicated average relation among settlement, REFERENCES
acceleration and duration. And then it can be
recognized that if the settlement is larger than the Bureau.G, Volpe,R.L., Roth,W.H. and Udaka,T.
relation by regression analysis, other factor will (1985) Seismic analysis of concrete face rockfill
affect the deformation, which are seem to be dams, Concrete Face Rockjill Dams - Design,
especially compaction and / or gradient and so on. Construction and Pe$omzance, ASCE, 479-508
So new index EIDI (Earthquake Induced Bureau, G., Inel, S., Davis, C.A. & Roth, W.H.
Deformation Index) is introduced, EIDI= A"' * (1996) :Seismic response of Los Angeles dam, CA
D". For base and crest acceleration, during the 1994 Northridge earthquake, Seismic
EIDI,= & o . 5 3 D 1 , 3 g design andpei$omzance of dams, USCOLD, 281-
EIDI,= 3D0.s 295
Cooke, J.B. (1984) Progress in rockfill dams, J.
6.2 Evaluafion by EIDI of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 110, No. 10,
According to the results of regression analysis, 1383-1414
E /EIDI=7.79X 10 - 7 0 r 1.19X 10 -', Finn, W.D., Ledbetter, R.H. & Marcuson, W .F.
(1995) The Evolution of Geotechnical Earthquake
however E should be 0 if EIDI is small. Then the
EIDI in non deformation case is evaluated by Engineering Practice in North America : 1954-1994
calculating A" * D" for the data without (State of the Art Paper), 3rd International
Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical
deformation measured in Japan, and the relation
Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, 88 1-
between E and EIDI is evaluated by least square
909, Vol. II
method for the data with larger EIDI than it.
Fig. 11 and 12 show the results of EIDI without Gil1on.M.D. and Newton, D.J.( 1989) : Earthquake
deformation and the relation between E and EIDI Effects at the Matahina Dam, New Zealand, proc.
with deformation. The average re1ation is of discussion session on influence of local
E = 2 . 2 2 x 10 - 6 (EIDI, - i,ooo) conditions on seismic response, 12th I. C. on
S.M.F.E., 37-46
It found that the performance and dam structure
Japanese association of Electric Civil Engineering
don't affect the settlement ratio.
Fig. 13 and 14 are for crest acceleration. The ( 1981) Recent Fill Dam Engineering
average relation is Japanese Association of Electricity ( 1987) :Technical
E =1.67X 10 -' (EID1,- 2 x 1 0 ') Standard of Seismic Design of Nuclear Power
Fig. 14 can evaluate the effect of the performance Plant (JEAG 460 1)
and dam structure on the deformation. Kondou, N. ( 1990) :Research of Rockfill Dam based
Table 2 indicates the correlation coefficients when on long-term.Observation, doctor thesis
each relation is linear, and the settlement of Newmark, N.M. (1965) :Effects of Earthquakes on
Matahina dam is 10.2cm. And it found that the Dams and Embankments, Rankine Lecture,
coefficient in applying EIDI, is bigger. Geotechnique, No. 15
Okamoto, S., Tamura, J. and Katou, K. (1972)
Table 2 Correlation coefficient About failure of rockfill dam by vibration, 12th
meeting of Japanese Earthquake Engineering, 23-
Research Center of Japan Development (1982)
Seismic Design of Dams
Tani, S (1982) :J. of Japanese Large Dmz, No.140,
Tepel, R.E., Nelson, J.L. and Hosokawa, A.M.
CON CLUSI ON ( 1996) : Seismic response of eleven embankment
dams, Santa Clara county, California, as measured
Recent data of measured settlement and horizontal by crest monument surveys, 16th annual USCOLD
deformation of rockfill dam are collected. Applying Lecture, design and Per$orm.mce of Dams, 185-
the regression analysis settlement ratio relates 199
acceleration and duration. Introducing EIDI Yamamura, T. ( 1995) :J. of Japanese Electric Civil
settlement ratio is more rationally recognized, and
EIDI for crest acceleration can evaluate the effect of Engineering, No.259, 17-26,
performance and dam structure.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Displacements of slopes subjected to seismic loads

Radoslaw L. Michalowski & Liangzhi You

Departnzent of Civil Engineering, Johns Hopkins University,Baltimore, Md., USA

ABSTRACT: Geotechnical structures, such as slopes, subjected to earthquake loads, are often designed using
quasi-static design loads. The displacement-based design method was suggested in the nineteen-sixties, with
a relatively simple one-block translational mechanism. However, the most adverse failure pattern known for
uniform slopes is the one where the soil mass rotates as one rigid block, separated from the stationary soil by
a failure surface. A scheme for calculating displacements for the rotational mechanism will be shown. Yield
accelerations for slopes will be calculated, and expected displacements for seismically loaded slopes will be

I LNTRODUCTION during shear has been experimentally proved and it

is also the consequence of the normality rule in mod-
Recent earthquakes in the U.S. and Japan have re- eling effort. Whereas the dilatancy predicted by the
newed interest in the analysis of displacements of flow rule associated with the Mohr-Coulomb yield
earth structures subjected to seismic loads. A rigid condition is larger than the dilatancy seen in experi-
sliding-block method was suggested more than 30 ments, the normality rule is the reasonable flow law
years ago, and, even though this method is only ap- to be used in perfectly plastic models.
proximate, it is still widely accepted today. Originally It was found out earlier (Chen 1975) that the ro-
this technique was used for a translational mechanism tational mechanism of slope collapse is the most ad-
(Newmark 1965, Goodman and Seed 1966), but later verse of all known collapse patterns. A kinematically
it was adapted to a rotational failure pattern (Chang admissible failure mechanism for a uniform slope is
et al., 1984). shown in Fig. 1. The failure surface is a log-spiral
This paper briefly reviews the rigid block tech-
nique as applied to rotational failure, and gives a
practical means for its application to earth slopes.
where ro is the log-spiral radius related to angle 80,
Similar considerations have been the subject of and cp is the angle of internal friction of the soil.
research in recent years (e.g., Ling & Leshchinsky
Velocity discontinuity vectors along the failure sur-
1995, Cai & Bathurst 1996). Results directly
face BC are all inclined at cp to that surface, assuring
applicable in engineering practice are presented in
kinernatical admissibility of the deformation process.
this paper. Block ABC rotates about point 0, and the moment
of the block weight about 0 can be calculated as the
moment of block BCO about 0 minus moments of

It is a common practice to assume that slopes collapse M7

L l = r d (fl - f 2 - f3)
along failure surfaces that separate a moving rigid where y is the specific weight of the soil. Analo-
block of soil mass from the base soil at rest. Com- gously, the moment of an inertial force caused by
monly assumed circular surfaces in frictional soil are horizontal shaking can be calculated as
not admissible, since they do not allow for the dila-
tion of soil during shear. Dilation of granular soils f; - f a (3)

where k is the coefficient representing horizontal ac-
celeration as a fraction of the gravity acceleration.
Coefficients f i are given in the Appendix. The mo-
ment of the resisting shear on BC about point 0 is fl - f 2 - f3
fl" - f2" - fi

The yield accelerations were calculated from eq. (6),

where c is the soil cohesion. and an example of results (for the soil with ip = 30")
is shown in Fig. 2. The geometry of the failure
If the acceleration coefficient reaches its critical surface was optimized where the minimum of k,
value k,, then the three moments must be in limit was sought with angles Bo and Bh being variable.


3.1 Critical acceleration

Critical acceleration for uniform slopes now can be

derived directly from eq. ( 5 )

Figure 2: Yield acceleration for homogeneous slopes

(soil internal friction angle cp = 30").

3.2 Acceleration of rotating block

If the ground acceleration exceeds the critical level,

then block ABC will start rotating with relative ac-
celeration e, and an additional term will appear in
the equation of motion

where G is the weight of the moving block, g is

the gravity acceleration, and 1 is the distance from the
center of gravity of the block to point 0 (both G and
1 are given in Appendix). Acceleration 4 necessary to
maintain transient equilibrium now can be calculated
by subtracting eq. ( 5 ) from eq. (7)

Y r,3
Q = (k: - k,) -
E 12 ( f ; - f2" - f3") (8)
Figure I : Collapse of a slope: (a) rotational mecha- 9

nism, and (b) displacements. Expressions similar to eq. (8) were developed earlier
by Chang et al. (1984), for both the translational
and rotational failures.

3.3 Toe displacement was performed for a number of different acceleration
records. An example of results for the Northridge
The acceleration in eq. (8), integrated twice over the (1994) record at Moorpark Station is shown in
shaking record for time intervals for which the ve- Fig. 4. The displacement is, of course, dependent
locity is positive, leads to the irreversible rotation of on both the duration of the seismic event and the
block ABC (Fig. 1). Maximum horizontal displace- pattern of the acceleration record above the critical
ment occurs at the toe of the slope, and it can be level. Seismic events are characterized here by
written as their peak acceleration k,. To make the application
of different earthquake records possible for a wide
range of earthquake intensity, peak acceleration
for different seismic records was scaled in such
Consequently, the horizontal displacement at the toe a way so that the integral in eq. (10) could be
of the slope can be written as presented as a function of the difference between
peak acceleration and the critical acceleration of
U% = Cllg(k - k,)dtdt (10) the structure ( k , - k,) for different k,. Results
for a variety of earthquake records will be shown
where elsewhere (You and Michalowski 1999).

Coefficient C depends on the slope inclination, The traditional block sliding technique appears to be
internal friction angle of the soil, and the geometry quite useful in calculations of displacement of slopes
of the displacement mechanism associated with 00 subjected to seismic loads. This technique, as pre-
and 6 h such that this mechanism is the most adverse sented here, allows one for estimating of displace-
of all rotational patterns. There are four parameters ments using precalculated charts and thus eliminat-
needed for calculations of C: p, p, ;;"i? and k,. ing the necessity of elaborate integration of seismic
However, the number of independent parameters records or optimization of collapse mechanisms for
is reduced to three if C is determined from the slopes.
mechanism for which k, is to be the minimum. Reinforced soil slopes and walls seem to have
An example of results is shown in Fig. 3 for performed well in recent earthquakes both in the
slopes whose critical acceleration is equal to 0.2. U.S. and Japan. The extension of the technique for
According to eq. (10) the displacement of the reinforced soil structures seems to be straightforward.


Results presented in this paper came from research

supported by the National Science Foundation under
grant No. CMS-9634193. This support is greatly

Figure 3: Coefficient C for slopes with critical ac-

celeration k, = 0.2.

slope at its toe can be calculated as the product

of coefficient C and the double time integral of an
acceleration record above the critical threshold. To
facilitate practical use of the technique, integration Figure 4: An of double time integral for a
specific seismic record.

REFERENCES center of rotation, both of which appear in eq. (7)
and eq. (8), can be expressed as follows
Cai, Z. & Bathurst, R.J. 1996. Deterministic sliding
block methods for estimating seismic displacements
of earth structures. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake
Engineering I996 15: 255-268.
Chen, W.F., Giger, M.W. & Fang, H.Y. 1969. On
the limit analysis of stability of slopes. Soils and
Foundations 9(4): 23-32.
Chang, C-J., Chen, W.F. & Yao, J.P. 1984. Seismic
displacements in slopes by limit analysis. J. Geot.
Engrg. 1lO(7): 860-874.
Goodman, R. & Seed, H.B. 1966. Earthquake-
induced displacements in sand embankments. J.
1 = -:7 J( f 1- f2 - f3)2 + (ff - f2” - fa2
Soil Mech. Found. Div. 92(2): 125-146.
Ling, H.I. & Leshchinsky, D. 1995. Seismic per-
formance of simple slopes. Soils and Foundations
35(2): 85-94.
Newmark, N.M. 1965. Effects of earthquakes on
dams and embankments. GLotechnique15: 139-
You, L. & Michalowski, R.L. 1999. Displacement
charts for slopes subjected to seismic loads. Corn-
puters and Geotechnics 24.


Coefficients fi were first derived by Chen et al.

(1969), and can be found also in Chen (1975). Co-
efficients f ,are given below

fi = -- sin 280
3 To


__ -
- s i n ~ ~ e ( ’ h - ’ ~ ) t ’-
* ~sinQ0
The weight of block ABC (Fig. l(a)), and the dis-
tance from the gravity center of that block to the

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Permanent displacement analysis of circular sliding block during shaking

H. R. Razaghi, E.Yanagisawa & M. Kazama

Civil Engineering Department, Tohoku Universig, Sendai, Japan

ABSTRACT The model of a rigid block sliding on a circular surface is used to analyze the effect of inertia
forces on the stability of a slope subjected to different input motions. The study is based on Newmark’s
method, and the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion is assumed. A soil mass with a circular sliding surface inside
the earth slope is considered to be a rigid block that will move relative to the slope when the driving moment
exceeds the resisting moment. Permanent displacement must be studied for a critical slip surface that is
determined by pseudo-static slope stability analysis. Sinusoidal waves and random waves are used as input
acceleration data, and then the effect of the maximum acceleration magnitude, the natural frequency of earth
slopes, the frequency of input motion, the time history of acceleration, and the strength parameters of soils on
the permanent displacement are evaluated.

1 INTRODUCTION the circular rigid block. Consider a soil slope

with a slope angle of a which has strength
In the analysis and design of earth slopes and parameters of c and $ and which is subjected to
embankments under seismic loading conditions, horizontal acceleration, a(t), (Figure 1). The earth
permanent displacement is one of the significant slope is connected to the ground by a spring and a
parameters which shows the degree of deterioration damper and behaves in the manner of a mass
in the stability of slopes. Displacement depends on spring system with one degree of freedom. The
the shear strength of the embankment materials and equation of motion is solved to determine the
on the inertial force during shaking. A circular rigid displacement.
block model, Newmark’s method and Mohr- To determine the critical slip surface, pseudo-
Coulomb failure criterion are used for the static analysis is used. Assuming that the input
calculation of the safety factor along a circular slip acceleration is constant, the safety factor is
surface. The problem is analogous to the problem of calculated based on a fraction of the gravitational
a rigid block resting on an inclined plane. Herein, it acceleration, g, and the geometry of the circle. By
is assumed that a soil mass resting on a circular changing the radius and the coordinates of the center
sliding surface inside the slope is a rigid block that of the slip circle at a certain acceleration, the
will not move relative to the slip surface as long as minimum safety factor of the case is determined.
the driving moment, including moment due to The minimum acceleration that makes the minimum
inertial force, does not exceed the resisting moment safety factor against rotation equal to 1 is defined as
due to frictional force and cohesion. When the the yield acceleration in the pseudo- static method,
acceleration exceeds, the circular block will rotate and the corresponding circle is the critical slip
relative to slip surface. The movement continues surface.
until the inertial force drops below the frictional
force long enough for reduction of the relative
velocity of the circular block to zero. 3 ROTATION OF A CIRCULAR RIGID SLIDING

2 THE EQUATION OF MOTION 3.1 General concept

The permanent rotation of a circular rigid sliding A sliding block resting on the critical circular slip
block is estimated by simultaneously solving the surface is assumed to be rigid. This block is subjected
equation of motion for the earth slope body and to a sinusoidal acceleration wave of a(t)=aosincut.

Figure 1. Circular sliding block inside an earth slope: a) earth slope and circular rigid block,
b) analytical model

Newmark’s method and the equation of motion total resisting moment increases. In this situation
are used to determine the angular velocity and the resistance is so high that it is not usually
rotation of the rigid block during a certain time overcome by the driving moment and the
history. The moment due to gravitational force movement will stop in this direction.
and inertial force acts as the driving moment The equation of motion for the circular block
and the moment corresponding to cohesion and is given by:
frictional force on the sliding surface acts as the
resisting moment:
R:gm2$= M D- M R (5)
M, = mg(x, - x,) + ma, sin c.t(y, - y,) (1)
where R,, is the distance between the
where x,, and y,, are the coordinates of the gravitational center of the b&k, m2 is the
gravitational center of the circular block, and xc mass of the block and 8 is the angular
and y , are the coordinates of the center of the acceleration of the rigid block which causes
circle. rotation. As initial conditions for solving this
equation, angular velocity and rotational
displacement are given as zero at t=O. I[ the
absolute value of the driving moment is less than
that of the resisting moment, there is no relative

MR’ = -tana - -(ye + x,tana) + xxcyc
When l M ~ lbecomes greater than IMRI, sliding
occurs. Rotation starts and continues until
reversal of inertial force; furthermore the relative
angular velocity between the block and the slope
becomes zero. Figure 4 shows the plot of the
angular velocity, Re, and the rotational
(4) displacement, R e , versus time for a slope with
values of a=25, +=30, c=4O KPa and an input
where a is the soil slope, y is the unit weight of acceleration of OSgsinot. This stepwise plot
the soil and R is the radius of the circular block. shows when the acceleration reverses, the
PI and pz are the angles shown in Figure 1. While velocity in the upward direction becomes zero
the inertial force acts in the downward direction and displacement remains constant. As time
of the slope, M R ~is negative and the total passes the displacement increases. In this case,
resisting moment decreases. When the direction effect of damping is not taken into account,
of the inertial force changes to the upward, the although it plays an important role in the motion.

Figure 2. Angular velocity and displacement during Figure 3. Effect of damping on displacement during
sinusoidal shaking harmonic motion

3.2 Effect of damping found in the previous section, there will be

failure and considerable rotation in the slope
Considering the mass and spring system for under the resonance condition and also at some
connecting the earth slope to the ground, the frequencies around the natural frequency. This
effect of the natural frequency of the means pseudo-static solutions do not yield
embankment and the frequency of the input wave acceptable results, at least when the frequency of
are taken into consideration. By assuming certain input waves is sufficiently close to the natural
values for the coefficient of damping in the frequency.
equation of motion, the influence of damping on
permanent displacement can also be calculated. 3.4 Effect of maximum amplitude
In Figure 3, it is assumed that the natural
frequency of the embankment is 2 Hz and the Figure 5 shows the permanent displacement
frequency of the input wave is 2.5 Hz. Then the versus the maximum amplitude of sinusoidal
value of permanent rotational displacement wave acceleration after 10 seconds for various
against the time history for the harmonic motion frequencies of input waves. It can be seen from
is plotted. Three cases with respective damping this figure that the permanent displacement
coefficient of 1%, 5% and 10% are comparcd increases as the maximum acceleration increases.
with the case without damping. As shown in this In the resonant state, however, the values of the
figure, by considering a damping ratio of only displacement become far larger than those of the
1%,the displacement after 10 seconds is reduced non-resonant states.
from 5.76 m without damping to 3.24 m for a It can be said that the ratio of frequency to
damping ratio of 1%. natural frequency is more important than the
magnitude of amplitude in terms of the
3.3 Effect of frequency of input waves permanent displacement.

To show the effect of frequency, it is again

assumed that the natural frequency f, is 2 Hz and 4 STRENGTH PARAMETERS O F SOILS
that the time history of dynamic loading is 10
seconds. Figure 4 shows a plot of circular block One of the important parameters which affects
rotation after 10 sec versus different frequencies the permanent displacement under dynamic loads
of input waves. It can be seen that the rotational is the strength parameters of soils. In this section,
displacement will increase when the input the influences of the strength parameters are
frequency is close to the natural frequency. examined. For determining quantitative values of
Maximum displacement corresponds to f= fn (i.e. dynamic sliding of a soil mass with different
resonance condition). Even if the input angles of internal friction and the different values
acceleration is less than the yield acceleration of of cohesion, other conditions ar assumed to
the critical circular slip surface which is be constant as follows: a=25, fn=2 Hz,

Figure 4. Effect of frequency on the displacement Figure 6, Muence of internal friction angle of
for differnt acceleration material (c=40 KPa)

Figure 5. Effect of acceleration on the displacement Figure 7. Maximum diplacement after 10 seconds
for differnt frequency against internal friction angle

a(t)= OSgsinot , f=2.5 Hz. In the next stage, keeping the friction angle
In the first stage, it is assumed that the value of constant at +=30, the cohesion changes from 0
the cohesion is constant; c=40 KPa, and the to 50 KPa at intervals of 10 KPa. The effect of
internal friction is changed from 15 to 45 at 5 the cohesion o n the permanent displacement
intervals. The results of permanent rotational during shaking is shown in Figure 8. The
displacement after 10 seconds for different coefficient of damping is the same as that
internal frictions are shown in Figure 6. The previous cases (i.e., 1%). The maximum
coefficient of damping is considered to be 1% in permanent deformation after 10 seconds against
all cases. As it is shown in Figure 7, the the cohesion is plotted in Figure 9. As shown in
maximum permanent rotational displacement this figure, when the cohesion is increased from
after 10 seconds is plotted against the internal 0 to 50 KPa , the displacement decreases from
angleof friction. It can be seen in this case, when 4.94 m to 2.89m.
the angle of friction is increased from 15 to 45, Comparison of these results indicates that the
the permanent displacement is decreased from strength of the soils under seismic loading is
7.21 m to 1.23 m. more influential in the internal friction than the

Figure 8. Influence of cohesion of material (+=30) Figure 9. Maximum displacement after 10 seconds
against cohesion of material

5 EARTHQUAKE ACCELERATION AS AN small enough to limit the damping coefficient to

INPUT MOTION 1096, then the Hardin and Drnevich method
should be utilized to calculate the coefficient of
5.1 Displacement during random shaking damping at each step.
It can be seen that the ultimate displacement due
For engineering purposes, the responses of slopes to the Kushiro earthquake changes from 1.9 m
to the real earthquakes must be studied. For this for 1% damping to 11 cm for 5% damping.
purpose, the random shaking based on earthquake
motion records of acceleration is employed as 5.2 Influence of natural frequency of slopes
input waves instead of sinusoidal waves. If the
coefficient of damping is considered to be zero, As seen in harmonic motion, the ratio of the
the earth slope which is considered to be frequency of input waves to the natural frequency
connected to the ground by a spring will continue of the slope has a considerable influence on the
its movement even after cessation of the input
earthquake. Herein, the component N-S of the
Kushiro earthquake record of acceleration is used
to analyze the permanent displacement of the
slope. Maximum amplitudes of this wave are -
496 and +351 Gal with a time history of 100
seconds. Assuming the same condition for the
earth slope as discussed in the previous section
and a natural frequency of 2 Hz, the permanent
displacement is calculated and plotted in Figure
10. The damping coefficient changes from 1% to
5%. As shown in this figure, the displacement
diagram is stepwise. This means that the driving
moment is below the resisting moment when the
acceleration reverses to the upward direction of
the slope. Consequently, the velocity becomes
zero and the displacement remains constant.
If the value of deformation is small, the
coefficient of damping is usually considered to be
less than 5% to 10%. Since the block movement
is not continuous and stops at each step of the Figure 10. Comparison between displacements for
displacement plot, the displacement and shear various coefficients of damping (Kushiro Eq.)
strain are not so large at each step. However,
when the deformation and shear strain are not

Figure 12. Predominant frequency of the Kushiro earthquake

displacement. It is expected that the ratio of the earthquake wave is near the natural frequency
pr e do mi n an t fr e q u e nc y of ear t hq u ak e of earth slopes. This is usually ignored in pseudo-
acceleration to the natural frequency of slope static analysis and determination of the dynamic
affects the displacement. To observe this effect, safety factor, and may result in unrealistic
the natural frequency of the slope is changed findings.
from 0 to 5 Hz. Then the permanent rotational 2) Increasing the maximum amplitude of the
displacement of each case is calculated. Figure 11 input wave increases the permanent displacement.
shows the ultimate permanent displacement In the resonant state, however, the values of the
against the natural frequency for two cases of displacement become far larger than those of the
damping: 1% and 3%). It can be seen that the non-resonant states.
maximum displacement occurs when the natural 3) Improvement of the strength parameters of
frequency becomes 0.65 Hz. the soils results in a decrease in the permanent
The Fourier Transform is utilized to compute displacement of the sliding block under seismic
the predominant frequency of the earthquake loading. However, improvement in internal
acceleration. The result is shown in Figure 12 for friction is more influential than improvement of
the N-S component of the Kushiro earthquake. cohesion.
By comparing Figure 11 and 12, it can be seen
that there is good agreement between the
predominant frequency and the natural frequency REFERENCES
for maximum displacement.
Cai 2. & Bathurst R.J. 1996. Deterministic sliding
block methods for estimating seismic
6 CONCLUSION displacements of earth structures. Soil Dynam.
Earthq. Engg. 15, Elsevier: 255-268
Bascd on thc results of this study, the following Kramer S.L. & Smith M.W. 1997. Modified
conclusions can be made: Newmark model for seismic displacements of
1) One of the important parametcrs affecting complaint slopes. J. Geotech. Engg, ASCE,
the failure of slopes is the relation between the 123(7): 635-644
frequency of seismic loading and the natural San K. C. & Leshchinsky D. 1995. Seismic slope
frequency of slopes. This appears while utilizing stability design by pseudo static variational
sinusoidal waves with various frequencies and method. Earthquake Geotechnical Eng.,
when the predominant frequency of an Balkema: 1123-1128

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami& Jiang (( 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, lSBN 90 5809 0795

Dynamic analyses of slopes based on a simple strain-softening model of soil

A.Wakai & K.Ugai

Gunma Universir), Kiryu, Japan

ABSTRACT: In this paper, the seismic response analyses of a simple homogeneous slope which consists of
strain-softening soil are presented. The analyses are based on the elasto-plastic finite element method (FEM)
in which a very simple strain-softening model of soil is used. In order to evaluate a strain concentration along
the slip surface, the width of shear band is also considered in the analyses. It is shown that the dynamic FEM
can evaluate the residual deformation of slopes induced by a large earthquake.

1 INTRODUCTION strain-softening model. They have indicated the

The total stability of a slope is usually estimated by possibility such that the total factor of safety was
the peak strength of soils in the ground. However, overestimated when the peak strength was used.
over-consolidated clayey soils and dense sandy soils Ugai & Ida (1994) have performed the analyses of
show a strain-softening characteristics in their stress- a homogeneous vertical slope and reported about a
strain relationships. In cases where such soils are comparison of analytical results based on the simple
included in the ground, the strain-softening effect strain-softening model and the elasto-perfectly
often cause the degradation of the total stability of plastic model. They did not referred to shear bands.
the slope. As a result, it was shown that the strain-softening
In this paper, the numerical analyses on a simple effect of soil would cause the degradation of the
homogeneous slope are presented. These are based total stability of slopes. In their report, the total
on the 2D elasto-plastic FEM in which a very simple factor of safety Fs was investigated by the shear
strain-softening model of soil is used. In order to strength reduction finite element method (SSRFEM),
evaluate a strain concentration along the slip surface, which had been originally proposed by Zienkiewicz
the width of shear band is also considered in the et al. (1975). If the associated flow rule is adopted,
the factor of safety obtained by this method, by
definition, is the same as the one in limit equilibrium
With regard to the modeling of shear bands and
analysis. More detailed discussion about this topic
strain softening, a very simple analytical method has
has been presented by Ugai & Leshchinsky (1 995).
been proposed by Tanaka (1996). In the analyses
In this paper, both the static and seismic response
presented here, we have adopted this method. In this
analyses of a simple homogeneous slope are
method, only the volume ratio of the strain-softening
presented. In the static analyses, the total factor of
zone in each finite element is considered. This
safety is calculated by SSRFEM. On the other hand,
feature is completely different from other more strict
in the seismic response analyses, the residual
approaches such as the smeared crack model
displacement induced by earthquakes are evaluated
(Pietruszczak & Mroz, 1981) in which the
by the dynamic elasto-plastic FEM (Ugai et al,
geometrical shape of shear band is strictly 1996a, 1996b). The horizontal acceleration is
considered. The model proposed by Tanaka has been applied to the base of the ground and the response of
applied to various problems with strain softening,
the system is analyzed numerically.
such as the lateral behavior of a short pile and the The attention of this paper is focused on
passive earth pressure of a retaining wall (Mori & investigating the effect of strain-softening behavior
Tanaka, 1995). on the seismic stability of slopes. It is shown that the
There have been a few studies on the stability of results obtained by these analyses are useful for the
slopes with strain softening. Lo & Lee (1973) have seismic design of slopes, based on the allowable
evaluated the total stability of a slope which consists displacement for earthquake resistance.
of over-consolidated clayey soils, based on the

2.1 Modeling of strain softening
According to Tanaka (1996), the yield function J'
is given by Eq.(l) which is similar to that of the
elasto-perfectly plastic model based on Mohr-
Coulomb failure criterion.

Figure 1. Relationships between p and yp

a, =sin4, p, =2ccos@ (31

af = sin 4r, /, = 2cr cos br

3 (4) 2.2 Modeling of shear band
cr and #r indicate the values of and 4 in the The stress-strain relationship for each element is
residual stress state, respectively. A and B are generally given by Eq. (9)*
constants. y p is a hardening Parameter which is
related to the accumulated pla&i shear strain. ( i3u f i3f 7'

" p " added to each strain component indicates the

plastic component. dEp =A-

On the other hand, the plastic potential g is a0
given by Eq. (7), which is also similar to Mohr-
D e is the elasticity matrix. K is a hardening
Coulomb equation.
parameter which corresponds to the parameter y p in

g= Jm 1 - %ox+ oY (7)
this model. Therefore, the next equation concerning
with A is derived from Eqs. (5), (7) and (1 0).

A parameter s in Eq. (9) is assumed to be given

C is a constant. U ,I is the dilatancy angle at the by Eq. (12) (Tanaka, 1996).
peak stress. According to Eqs. (7) and (8), the plastic
volumetric strain decreases, as the plastic shear
strain increases. After the shear stress reaches to the
residual state, the dilatation induced by shear
becomes almost zero. d and 1 are the width of a shear band and of a
A , B and C are related to the rapidity of strain finite element, respectively. This equation means the
softening. Figure 1 shows the variation of the volume ratio of the strain-softening zone in each
relationship between the accumulated plastic shear finite element. In this study, I is assumed to be
strain y p and the strength parameter ,8 in Eq. (l), given by the average of the length of each side in
where the constant B was varied. Other input each finite element. d is an input parameter.
parameters are consistent with material constants
used in the analyses of a simple slope as described in
the following chapter. It can be seen that the strain- 3 ANALYSES OF A SIMPLE HOMOGENEOUS
softening behavior occurs more rapidly as the value SLOPE
of B decreases. 3.1 Analytical model
Figure 2 shows an example slope with finite element

meshes for both the static and dynamic analyses. softening soils can be designed based on the
The height of the slope is 10m and its gradient ratio allowable displacement for earthquake resistance.
is 1 : 2. The soil is assumed to be homogeneous. The
material constants, in cases where the strain-
softening model is adopted, are shown in Table 1. Table 1. Material constants used in the analyses.
The width of shear band is assumed to be 1Ornm.

3.2 Total factor of safety Fs Young’s modulus E 40000 kPa

Poisson’s ratio V 0.4
Based on SSRFEM, the total factor of safety of the Cohesion (peak) c 10 kPa
slope was calculated. The analytical results in both Friction angle (peak) 4 15”
cases of the elasto-perfectly plastic model and the
strain-softening model are shown in Table 2. It is - (peak)
Dilatancy- angle .. I
Y 10”
found that the values of the total factor of safety Cohesion (residual) cr 6 kPa
obtained in both cases are close to each other. This Friction angle (residual) C 9”
is because the values of input parameters A , B Softening uarameter A A I 0.3
and C were relatively large in these cases and the Softening parameter B B 1 0.3
effect of strain softening was relatively small in such Softening uarameter c c I 0.3
a static equilibrium analysis. Unit weight Y I 16. kN/m3
Shear band width d 1 IOmm
3.3 Effects of strain softening on seismic behavior
In order to evaluate the seismic stability of the slope,
the dynamic elasto-plastic analyses were performed. Table 2. Total factor of safety Fs
The constitutive model adopted here is the same as calculated by the static FEM.
the one used in the static analyses. Rayleigh
damping ( a = 0 , p = 0 . 0 2 ) was adopted in the
analyses. The positive direction of horizontal 1 With strain softening 1.226
acceleration and displacement in the following 2 Elasto-perfectly plastic 1.228
figures corresponds to the movement to the right in (no strain softening)
Figure 2. Similarly, the vertical component of them
corresponds to the upward in Figure 2. The input
horizontal acceleration is 10 sine waves whose
amplitude is 200gal. The period of input sine waves
is 0.75 sec.
Figures 3 and 4 show the histories of acceleration
and displacement at the “top” and “toe” of the slope,
respectively. The strain-softening model described
before was adopted here. As seen in Figure 3, the
acceleration response is magnified at the top of the
slope, while the one at the toe is relatively small. In
addition, the responses to the negative direction of
the axis of acceleration are very sharp and greatly
magnified at the top. On the other hand, the
responses to the positive direction are not sharp
because the sliding of the slope occurs during the
duration of those periods. This phenomenon is also
suggested by the histories of displacement as shown
in Figure 4. A large residual deformation after
earthquake can be seen in the figure.
Based on the dynamic elasto-plastic FEM
presented here, actual slopes composed of strain-

Figure 3. Histories of acceleration (with softening).

Figure 2. Finite element meshes for a simple slope.

(b) Vertical displacement
Figure 4. Histories of displacement (with Softening). Figure 6. Histories of displacement (no softening)

near the toe. It suggests that the strain softening

during excitation occurred in the area around the toe.
In order to investigate the effect of strain
softening, a similar analysis based on the elasto-
perfectly plastic model was performed. In this case,
the residual strength are consistent with the peak
strength, that is, c = Cr = lOkPa and 4 = @ = 15" .
Figure 6 shows the history of calculated relative
displacement in this case. Compared them to the
results based on the strain-softening model, it is
found that the residual deformation based on the
elasto-perfectly plastic model is smaller.
As described before, the total factor of safety
calculated by SSRFEM are almost the same in these
cases. This indicates that the strain softening has a
Figure 5. Residual deformation after earthquake greater influence on the seismic stability, compared
(with softening). to the stability based on the static equilibrium.

Figure 5(a) shows the residual deformation after 3.4 Parametric studies on the width of shear band d
earthquake. The magnitude of relative deformation The results calculated by changing the width of
has been emphasized as 5 times the real scale. A shear band are stated here. Figure 7 shows the time
large settlement and upheaving can be seen at the histories of horizontal displacement at the top of the
top and the toe, respectively. Figure 5(b) shows the slope. The following four cases were performed
calculated shear strain in the slope after earthquake. here; (i) the elasto-perfectly plastic model (indicated
Residual shear strain is concentrated to the region as 'no soft.'), (ii) the strain-softening model without

shear bands (as ‘d=non’), (iii) the strain-softening composed of the first shock (maximum acceleration
model with shear bands whose width is 50mm (as is 818gal) and the following three aftershocks (max.
‘d=50’) and (iv) the width of shear band is lOmm is 102gal). Figure 9 shows the history of horizontal
(as ‘d=10’). displacement at the top of the slope, in a case where
As seen in the figure, the decrease of the width of the material constants used are the same as Table 1.
shear band slightly increases the residual As seen in Figure 9, most part of the total
deformation. This is a similar tendency to the displacement was induced by the first shock, while
analytical results reported by Tanaka (1996), such slight deformations were induced by each small
that the decrease of the width of shear band aftershock.
decreases the shear resistance after the peak stress. Figure 10 shows the horizontal displacement at
This is caused by the difference of the extent of a the top induced by each aftershock. The following
strain concentration along the slip surface. three cases were performed here; (i) the elasto-
perfectly plastic model (indicated as ‘no soft.’), (ii)
3.5 Analyses for aftershocks the parameters are as Table 1 (as ‘A=B=C=0.3’) and
Several aftershocks often occur after a large (iii) the same as (ii) except for the values of A, B
earthquake. The amplitude of them is much smaller and C replaced by 0.2 (as ‘A=B=C=0.2’).
than the main earthquake. Therefore, the damage of As seen in Figure 10, the residual displacements
slopes during aftershocks is usually very small. based on the strain-softening model were much
However, if the strain-softening soils are included in larger than the one based on the elasto-perfectly
the slope, there is a possibility of the large plastic model. In addition, the increase of the
deformation induced by aftershocks. In this section, number of aftershock slightly increases the residual
in order to evaluate such phenomena caused by displacement during each aftershock, in cases where
strain softening, a few cases of the seismic response the strain softening is considered. It is shown that
analyses were performed. the strain-softening phenomena have a great
Figure 8 shows the input waves which is influence on the residual displacement induced by
small aftershocks as well as the first shock.

3.6 Analysis for more sensitive soils

Figure 11 shows the history of horizontal
displacement at the top and toe of the slope, in a
case where A , B and C are assumed to be 0.G1. Shear
bands are not considered in this case. Input waves
are 10 sine waves whose amplitude is 200gal.
It is found that the residual displacement increases
even after the earthquake has ended. This seems to
be caused by the progressive failure of soil after the
earthquake. This suggests that the analyses presented
in this paper can simulate the behavior of more
sensitive soils such as quick clay.

Figure 7. Horizontal displacement in each case. 4. CONCLUSIONS

(width of shear band is varied)
The summary of this paper is as follows:
(1) The seismic behavior of actual slopes composed

Figure 8. Input random waves composed of the first shock and three aftershocks.

The authors wish to thank Mr. Kei Takafuji, a
graduate student of Gunma University, for his great
help in FE calculations.

Lo, K. Y. and Lee, C. F. (1973) : Stress analysis and
slope stability in strain softening materials,
Geotechnique, Vo1.23, No. 1, pp. 1- 11.
Mori, H. and Tanaka, T. (1995) : Three-dimensional
elasto-plastic finite element analysis of short pile
and retaining wall and model test, Proc. Symp. on
the Three-dimensional Evaluation of Ground
Failure, Japanese Geotechnical Society, pp.267-
274 (in Japanese).
Pietruszczak, S.T. and Mroz, Z. (1981) : Finite
Figure 9. Horizontal displacement in a case where element analysis of deformation of strain-
the random waves including aftershocks are input. softening materials, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. ,
V01.17, pp.327-334.
Tanaka, T. (I 996) : 3-2 Constitutive Relationships
for Strain Softening and Dilatancy Properties,
The Three-dimensional Elasto-plastic Finite
Element Analysis of Ground (a joint work),
Maruzen Press., Tokyo, pp.81-86 (in Japanese).
Ugai, K. and Ida, H. (1994) : Calculations of total
safety factor for slopes of strain-softening soils,
Proc. 29Ih Meeting of Japanese Geotechnical
Society, pp. 1825-1826 (in Japanese).
Ugai, K. and Leshchinsky, D. (1995) : Three-
dimensional limit equilibrium and finite element
analyses; a comparison of results, Soils and
Foundations, Vo1.35, No.4, pp. 1-8.
Figure 10. Horizontal displacement by aftershocks. Ugai, K., Wakai, A. and IdayH. (1996a) : Static and
dynamic analyses of slopes by the 3-D elasto-
plastic FEM, Proc. 7th Int. Symp. on Landslides,
pp.1413-1416, Trondheim, Norway.
Ugai, K., Ida, H. and Wakai, A. (1996b) : 3D effects
on the stability of slopes during earthquakes, Proc.
JSCE, No.554 / 111-37, pp.119-128 (in Japanese).
Zienkiewicz, O.C. et al. (1975) : Associated and
non-associated visco-plasticity in soil mechanics,
Geotechnique, Vo1.25, No.4, pp.671-689.

Figure 11. Typical result for the progressive failure.

of strain-softening soils can be simulated by

FEM. The effect of strain softening has a great
influence on the residual displacement induced
by small aftershocks as well as the first shock.
(2) The decrease of the width of shear band
assumed in the analyses slightly increases the
residual deformation of slopes after earthquake.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang cc) 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 905809 0795

Slope instability due to rainfall and earthquake

KShimada, H. Fujii, S. Nishimura & T. Nislyama

Faculty of EnLGronmentul Science and Technology, Okayuma Universig,Japan
T. Morii
Fmulty of Agriculture, Niigata Universitv,Jupun

ABSTRACT : This paper discusses the coincident effects of rainfall and earthquake on the slope stability.Anumerical
program for the analysis of the slope instability due to rainfall has been already developed.The program unites a finite
element program for the infiltration analysis and a Rigid-Body-Spring-Model(RBSM) program for the slope stability
analysis. The numerical results for a model slope show that the reduction of the shear strength of the slope surface soil
due to rain infiltration causes the reduction of the safety factor of the slope. When the slope suffers from both rainfall
and earthquake, its safety factor will decrease more and it must become more unstable. The effect of seismicity is
taken into account by applying the additional horizontal seismic force in RBSM as the pseudo-staticlimit equilibrium
procedure of the slope stability analysis. The calculation results show that the slope suffering from the rain infiltration
becomes more unstable when the additional seismic force acts. The greater magnitude of the seismic intensity strongly
reduces the safety factor of the model slope.

1 INTRODUCTION showing the relationship between the horizontal

displacements and the shear stresses. The shear test was
Rainfall and earthquake are essential factors in slope carried out with the stress-controlled method under the
stability. When rain water penetrates into unsaturated drained condition. Figure 1(b) shows a test result of the
slope soils, the matric suction in the soils will decrease. same soil with soaking. The shear stress was increased
This change will cause the reduction of the shear with the same procedure as that of Figure 1 (a) up to the
strength of the slope soils and will then cause the stress level of 80 % of the shear strength. Water for
instability of the slopes. soaking was supplied to the specimen through the lower
The major cause of the slope failures due to rainfall porous stone while the stress level was kept constant.
can be the rise of a ground water table and the reduction When the specimen was soaked, the horizontal
of the effective stress in the slope soil. Then, the displacement started to increase gradually, and then the
reduction of the shear strength due to rain infiltration specimen finally failed.
cannot be a major one. However, the slope becomes Figure 1 shows that the specimen compacted even
unstable even though it does not fail. If an earthquake with the optimum water content has failed by soaking at
strikes the slope during rainfall, its safety factor will the 80 % stress level of the shear strength. However, the
decrease more and the slope must become more change of the matric suction was not measured in the
unstable. soaking test. We therefore only recognize the reduction
This paper discusses the coincident effects of rainfall of the shear strength due to soaking, but we cannot
and earthquake on the slope stability through the obtain the shear strength of the soil for an arbitrary
numerical analysis. matric suction.
Figure 2 (Shimada et al. 1998) shows results of the
suction-controlled direct shear box tests for an
2 REDUCTION OF SHEAR STRENGTH OF unsaturated decomposed granite soil, showing the
UNSATUFUTED SOILS DUE TO WE?TING relationship between the horizontal displacements and
the shear stresses with the different matric suctions (S,).
2.1 Experimental results The shear strengths decrease with the decrease of the
Shimada (1986) has shown the reduction of the shear matric suction under the same normal stress (0).The
strength of a compacted soil due to soaking. Figure 1(a) shear tests were carried out with the controlled matric
presents a result of the direct shear box test for a clayey suction method. We can therefore obtain the shear
soil compacted with the optimum water content, strength for an arbitrary rnatric suction.

2.2 Introducing strength change due to wetting into
numerical analysis

We have two approaches for introducing the change of

shear strength with the matric suction into the numerical
analyses. Elastoplastic deformation analyses coupled
with the analysis of infiltration (Alonso et al. 1990,
Kohgo et al. 1993) are rational, but are somewhat
complicated. An uncoupled analysis is the other one,
which is simple and is easily applicable to the slope
stability analysis.
When we confine discussion in the slope stability
analysis, we can ignore the effect of the displacements
prior to failure. We can then apply the uncoupled
analysis for the stability analysis of unsaturated slopes
considering the change of the matric suction within the
slopes due to rain infiltration. Since we employ the total
stress in the uncoupled analysis, we do not consider the
change of the effective stress in describing failure, but
consider the changes of the shear strength parameters, c Figure 1 Reduction of shear strength due to soaking
and $, with the matric suction in the next Coulomb

where c is cohesion, cp angle of shear resistance. Both

parameters are associated with the total normal stress.
They are not constant, but they vary with the matric
suction. It is not difficult to introduce the change of the
parameters into numerical analyses.
Figure 3 (Shimada et al. 1998) summarizes the result
of the direct shear box tests shown in Figure 2. The
figure indicates that both the shear strength parameters,c
and $, appear to vary with the matric suction. The
variation of c and 4 can be directly introduced into the
numerical analysis, and no functional relations of c and $
with the matric suction are employed in this paper. The
magnitudes of c and $ for an arbitrary matric suction are
linearly interpolated from the experimental data shown
in Figure 3. Figure 2 Change of shear strength with matric suction

3.1 Uncoupledprogram
A FORTRAN program used herein has united 1) a finite
element program for the infiltration analysis and 2) a
Rigid-Body-Spring-Model program for the slope
stability analysis.
The finite element program for infiltration had been
coded according to the paper by Neuman (1973), who
had firstly presented the finite element treatment for
saturated-unsaturated seepage.
The Rigid-Body-Spring-Model (RBSM) had been
originally proposed by Kawai et al. (1977). The model
employs the Coulomb’s failure criterion and the
associated flow rule for the plastic constitutive relations
of the springs, which connect with rigid triangular Figure 3 Variation of cohesion and angle of shear
elements. In the slope stability analysis, RBSM resistance ofMasa96 with matric suction

multiplies the unit weight of a slope soil to yield the
springs one by one. R m i n is the multiplying factor at
which the slope becomes unstable.
The program can predict the change of the safety
factor, R m i n , of unsaturated slopes considering the
reduction of shear strengths of the slope soils due to rain
infiltration (Shimada et al. 1995).
When the ground water table has developed in the
slope, we can evaluate the stability of the slope in terms
of effectivestress with introducing the seepage force and
the buoyancy into the analysis for the domain of the
positive pore water pressure (Morii et al., 1995).

3.2 Analysis for-earthquakes Figure 4 Mesh of model slope

The effect of earthquake on slopes is analyzed with the
pseudo-static limit equilibrium procedure, which applies
the horizontal seismic force to each element in RBSM.
The seismic force is assumed to be equal to the weight of
a slope soil multiplied by the horizontal seismic
coefficient, Kh. The effects of the rise of the pore water
pressure and loss of the shear strength during dynamic
loading imposed by an earthquake are ignored in this
Figure 4 shows the mesh descretization for the model
slope used in the analyses. A soil spreads uniformly on a
stiff rock foundation. The right boundary is located 50 m
away from the origin of the coordinates for avoiding
effects of constrains at the boundary, but is not shown in
the figure.
The calculation results are shown in Figure 5 ,
comparing with the result by the Bishop's simplified Figure 5 Results of slope stability analyses
method considering seismicity. Presented with the line considering seismicity
segments in the figure is the displacement vectors
calculated from RBSM with soil constants indicated in
the figure. The slip circle, which is calculated from the
Bishop's method with the same soil constants, is also
drawn in the figure. The magnitude of R m i n is almost
equal to the safety factor (Fs)from the Bishop's method.
The location of the slip circle is also fairly identical to the
slip line presumed from the displacement vectors
calculated from RBSM.
When a slope suffers from raining, the safety factor of
the slope decreases with time. If an earthquake strikes
the slope suffering from rainfall, it must become more
unstable and the safety factor drops suddenly. The
situation is schematically shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6 Drop of safety factor due to earthquake


EARTHQUAKE ON SLOPE STABILITY parameters with the matric suction, and that of the
unsaturated properties of soils, i.e., the soil-water
Calculations are carried out for the model slope shown in characteristic curve and the coefficient of unsaturated
Figure 4. Since the surface of the model slope is assumed permeability. The following conditions are employed in
to be bare, the effects of vegetation on the slope stability, the calculations:
i.e., the root reinforcement and the change of the 1) The variation of the shear strength parameters, c
infiltration rate etc, are ignored. and $, with the matric suction is that of the
Carrying out the uncoupled analysis, we need decomposed granite soil shown in Figure 3.
information of the changes of the shear strength 2) The unsaturated properties of the slope soil is that

of a decomposed granite soil, obtained by Aoyama
(1987), shown in Figure 7. The maximum matric
suction is modified according to that in the data set
of the shear strength parameters.
3) The initial matric suction, S, = 50 kPa, spreads
uniformly in the soil.
4) The rain intensities ( I ) on the slope surface are 20
and 30 mm/h, and are kept constant throughout
the analyses.
5) Young's modulus = 9.81 x 104kPa, and Poisson's
ratio = 0.3 for the soil in the slope.
6) The variation of the unit weight of the soil with the
matric suction is also introduced. (Shimada et al.
Figure 8 shows the result for the case of the horizontal Figure 7 Unsaturated properties of Masuda Masa
seismic coefficient, Kh = 0 to 0.2, with the rain intensity, (Aoyama 1987, partly modified)
I = 20 m m h . The safety factor of the model slope drops
fast for the greater magnitude of Kh. The simulation
result for I = 30 mm/h is shown in Figure 9. The figure
gives the same tendency as that in Figure 8, however
safety factors of the slope decrease faster than that for
I = 20 m m k .


When a slope suffers from both rainfall and earthquake,

its safety factor will decrease and it must become more
unstable. This paper presents the coincident effects of
rainfall and earthquake on the slope stability through the
numerical analysis. Simulation results for a model slope Figure 8 Reduction of safety factor of slope of
show that the slope suffering from the rain infiltration Masuda Masa, I = 20 mm/h
becomes more unstable when the additional seismic
force acts. The greater magnitude of the seismic intensity
strongly reduces the safety factor of the model slope.


Alonso, E.E., A.Gens & A.Josa 1990. A constitutive model

for partially saturated soils. Gkotechnique, 40(3) : 405-
Aoyama C. 1987. Physical and engineering properties of
decomposed granite soils. Doctoral dissertation :Kansai
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Kawai T. & Toi Y. 1977.Anew element in discrete analysis of
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Kohgo Y., Nakano M. & Miyazaki T. 1993. Theoretical
aspects of constitutive modelling for unsaturated soils.
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Morii T., Hattori K., Hasegawa T. & Shimada K. 1995. analysis of unsaturated slopes considering changes of
Stability of earth dams subjected to storms with changing matric suction. Proc. of 1st. Int. Conf on Unsaturated
external water levels, Tram of JSIDRE, 180 : 85-92. Soils, 1:293-299.Rotterdam : Balkema.
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Shimada K. 1986. Changes in shear characteristics of slope instability due to rainfall. Proc. of 8th. Int. Cong.
compacted soils due to soaking, Bulletin of Ishikawa International Association for Engineering Geology and
Prefecture College ofAgriculture, 16 : 29-37. the Environment : 1981-1986.Rotterdam : Balkema.

Slope Stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Shaking table tests of concrete block retaining walls

S. Mori
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ehime Universig, Japan
T. Matsuyama
Nihon Kogyo Incorporated, Japan
Dai-lchi Consultants Incorporated, Japan

ABSTRACT: Authors conducted 1G shaking table tests with models of concrete block retaining walls for the
development of their seismic safety evaluation method. The objectives of this paper are to investigate the
failure mechanism of the block retaining walls, to understand the influential factors on their failure, and to
clarify the effect of the reinforcement on the walls. The test results clarified the failure process, and enabled
us to define the yield of the walls. It is concluded that the weight of the block composing the walls, the ap-
parent cohesion of the backfills behind the walls, and the presence of the reinforcement increase the
acceleration amplitude required to make the walls yield; also that the reinforcement makes their ductility
increase effectively.

1 INTRODUCTION light block, and the other the same filled up with
Precast concrete block retaining walls are being concrete as a heavy block.
widely used in Japan in recent days, because of the
performance and the economy in construction
(Research Committee for Aseismic Large Concrete
Block Retaining Walls 1998). However, the meth-
odology to evaluate their seismic safety has not yet
been established. For this reason, authors conducted
a series of 1G shaking table tests with instrumented
models of block retaining walls for the seismic
safety evaluation. The objectives of this paper are to
explain the failure mechanism of the block retaining
walls, to understand the influential factors on their
failure, and to clarify the effect of the reinforcement
on the walls.


2.1 Experimental uppuratus and models

Model wall and backfill prepared for the test in a
container were excited in horizontal direction on a
shaking table by’ using a mechanical vibrator. Figure
1 shows the experimental apparatus and the model.
The container 90 cm wide, 60 cm high, and 30 cm
deep was made of a steel frame with three pieces of
transparent acrylic plate fixed on it.
The model wall consisting of 10-step blocks was
50 cm high with a slope of 1: 0.5. Two blocks
different in weight were prepared: one composed of
some pieces of chloro-vinyl plate, 5 cm in height, 5
cm in thickness, and attached with a shear key, as a Figure 1-Experimental apparatus and model

2.3 Shaking condition and measurements
The models were shaken by sinusoidal waves of 5
to 5.5 Hz in predominant frequency with 50 cycles.
The shaking amplitude was adapted to adequate
level for each specimen based on the results of
preliminary tests.
The horizontal acceleration of container, top
block and bottom block of the wall were measured
by strain-gauge type transducers (AS-2GB), and
Figure 2. Configuration of model blocks recorded in 0.006 second’s interval. Moreover,
deformation images of the wall and the backfill
were taken by a CCD digital video camera at a rate
of 30 frames per second.


After a series of tests, all the unreinforced walls

collapsed but most of the reinforced walls did not.
Therefore in this reason, in this section, the failure
mechanism and the vibration characteristics of
Figure 3. Grain size distribution of test soil unreinforced walls, and the deformation process and
the deformation resistance of both reinforced and
unreinforced walls are discussed.
Figure 2 shows the configuration of the blocks. The
bottom of the wall was horizontally restrained, but 3.1 ~~~l~~~~
illec.zani,srlz of block retainiizg wall
free to rotate.
Backfill with 1.5 g/cm3 dry density was pre- The digital video images made it easy to understand
pared behind the wall by tamping dry or wet the failure mechanism of the block retaining wall.
decomposed granite soils. Figure 3 shows the grain The illustration of the failure process of the unrein-
size distribution of the test soil. Colored sand as foced wall is shown in Figure 4.
index was put horizontally into the backfill at an In the cases of the unreinforced walls, when the
interval of 10 cm so as to be observed the deforma- backfill began to move backward just after the
tion of the backfill and slip lines in it. return, the wall remained moving forward due to the
inertial force. This resulted in the phase delay in the
motion of wall, in the separation of the backfill and
2.2 Experimental paranieters the wall. Subsequently the separation led to a slide
The main experimental parameters were the weight in the backfill. The slide was then promoted by the
of the blocks, the strength of the backfill soil and oscillation inducing new slides in further interior
the reinforcement. region, which led to the expansion of the sliding
The apparent densities of the light and the heavy area, and to the accumulation of the whole defor-
blocks were 0.61 and 1.55 g/cm3 respectively. mation of backfill. The progress in sliding caused
The strength of the backfill was controlled by its deformation in the wall, which was folded out at the
water content, w. According to preparatory direct mid-height. After this, the upper portion of the wall
shear tests, values of apparent cohesion of the soils leaned backward and the lower portion forward,
with 0, 5 , and 10 96 in water content were 0.98, 10.8, pushing the middle portion outward resulting to the
and 19.6 kPa respectively; and value of internal wall collapse. This is the process of the accumula-
friction angle of all the three cases was the same, 42 tion of the residual deformation and the subsequent
degree. collapse of the wall.
For the reinforcement, two types of model wall On the other hand, in the cases of the textile-
were prepared; one was unreinforced, and the other reinforced walls, no sliding occurred in the backfill
reinforced with some pieces of cotton textile as and the residual deformation of the wall was very
geotextile. A piece of cotton textile, 1 cm wide and small.
20 cm long was used as a model of geotextile.
Three pieces were horizontally set up on every stage 3.2 Mbration charucteristics of block retaining
at 5, 15, 25, 35, and 45 cm in height from the bot-
tom of the container, and one end of every piece The acceleration time histories of the container and
was fixed on the top of the corresponding block. the top of the wall in the case of unreinforced heavy

Figure 4. Schematic diagram for failure process of unreinforced wall

Figure 5. Acceleration time histories of container and top of wall in a case of unreinforced heavy block wall
with no water content backfill

block wall with no water content backfill are shown that the predominant frequencies of the container
in Figure 5, as an example of the cases of the unre- and the wall coincide at about 5 Hz. Both figures
inforced walls. The accelerogram of the container show the amplification of the wall at 10 Hz, which
seemed to be approximately steady sinusoidal may be due to rocking of blocks. According to the
oscillation, whereas two distinctive features are observation of video images, the response dis-
recognized in that of top of the wall: one is the placement in the wall amplified consistently with
subsequence of gradual amplification and sudden the height of block, and when the wall moved
attenuation, and the other the appearance of pointed backward, the joints of blocks opened at the front
sharp wave-peaks during the amplification process. side and the whole wall bent visibly.
The amplification may be attributed to the defor- In the cases of reinforced walls, residual defor-
mation of the wall, the sudden attenuation to the mation of the wall and amplification of its
fall-down of the top block, and the pointed sharp displacement was relatively very small.
peaks to the re-contact of the blocks during their
rocking (Fig.5). 3.3 Deformation process of block retaining wall
In the cases of reinforced walls, the response of The displacement time histories of the container and
the wall was almost steady. the top blocks were calculated by double integral of
Based on the analysis of the acceleration records their acceleration records with the linear accelera-
described above, Fourier spectra of the wall and tion method. Their displacement time histories and
container, and their transfer function are shown in some phenomena like block separation, subsidence
Figures 6a and 6b respectively. Figure 6a indicates of backfill, etc. are shown in Figure 7. The separa-

Figure 6. Fourier spectra of container and wall’s top, and their transfer function

Figure 7. Time histories of integrated displacement of container and wall top, and some phenomena in a
case of unreinforced heavy block wall with no water content backfill

relative forward displacement increased. However,

the error in the double integration is not negligible,
so that the residual displacement of the wall can not
be evaluated quantitatively.
Thereupon, shear deformation of the backfill was
calculated based on the rotation of the lower portion
of the wall measured on the video images. The
number of cycles of excitation and the residual
shear deformation of the wall in all the cases of the
heavy block walls are shown in Figures 8 and 9;
Figure 8 shows those for unreinforced wall and
Figure 9 for reinforced. In the unreinforced cases,
the shear deformation increases radically after it
reaches 5 to 10 %. The number of cycles at the start
of the radical shear deformation increases with the
increase in cohesion of the backfill. According to
Figure 8. Progress of residual shear deformation of analysis of the video images, the time of start of the
the wall with number of cycles of excitation in all radical increase corresponds to the time of occur-
cases of unreinforced heavy block wall rence of an initial evident slide in the backfill.
Consequently, 5 % shear deformation, which is the
tion and the phase delay in the motion of wall start point of its radical increase due to the initial
observed through the video images, are supported evident slide occurrence can be defined as the yield
by integrated displacement wave forms. These of the block wall. On the other hand, in case of the
integration analyses clarify that the phase delay reinforced wall with dry backfill, shear deformation
increased from 90 to 180 degree with increasing increases gradually after it reaches 5 to 10 %,
number of cycles, and the separation began when whereas with the 5 % and 10% water content back-

Figure 12. Relation between yielding input accel-
Figure 9. Progress of residual shear deformation of eration, Ayield and cohesion of backfill, c (number
the wall with number of cycles of excitation in all of 5 5% shear deformation, N5=10)
cases of heavy reinforced block wall
fills, it increases not so distinctly even after it
reaches 2 to 5%. Consequently, this result reveals
the effect of reinforcement that increases the ductil-
ity of the wall.

3.4 Deformation resistance of block retaining wall

The deformation resistance of block retaining wall
is discussed on the point of the yield of wall men-
tioned in the previous section.
Based on the relation between the number of
cycles of excitation and the residual shear deforma-
tion of wall as shown in Figures 8 and 9, the
number of cycles at 5 % shear deformation, N5 can
be obtained. Then, the amplitude of input accelera-
tion, Airrpict is calculated as mean of the three peak
Figure 10. Relation between input acceleration and values except the maximum and the minimum
number of cycles at 5 % shear deformation in case values from second to sixth pulses in the accelera-
of heavy block wall tion time history of container. The dynamic
deformation resistance of wall is defined by the
relationship of Ai,~p~l with N.5 which is a resistance
curve as shown in Figures 10 and 11. These figures
with various resistance curves lead us to understand
that the input acceleration required to make the wall
yield increases with the increase in water content or
cohesion of backfill, the increase in weight of block,
the existence of reinforcement, and the decrease in
the number of cycles.
So from the Figures 10 and 11, the yielding input
acceleration, AyieId as a simple index of the strength
of wall may be defined as the input acceleration
required to make the wall yield at 10 cycles. The
relationship between the yielding input acceleration
and the cohesion of backfill is shown in Figure 12.
Figure 11. Relation between input acceleration and This figure clearly summarizes the whole results of
number of cycles at 5 % shear deformation in case this research, as mentioned in the last paragraph.
of light block wall The results of the present study seem to provide
some useful information for the development of
seismic safety evaluation method, and for the de-
velopment of seismic retrofit technique.

The failure mechanism, the vibration characteristics,

the deformation process and the deformation resis-
tance of block retaining walls were studied by
carrying out a series of shaking table tests with
various models. Based on the results of the tests,
following conclusions are drawn as follows:

(1) The failure process of unreinforced wall was

clearly understood after the tests. At first, there
occurs a phase delay in the motion of wall that
causes a separation of backfill and wall leading to a
slide in the backfill. Then, the sliding gets promoted
and expands due to the oscillation of the container.
After that, the wall is folded out at the mid-height
and the residual deformation of wall is accumulated,
which finally causes the collapse of the wall.
(2) In the case of reinforced wall, the shear defor-
mation of wall increases gradually and reaches the
maximum value of 2 to 5 %, which is not sufficient
to cause the collapse of the wall. So none of the
reinforced wall models collapsed during the tests.
(3) The shear deformation of unreinforced wall
increases radically after it reaches 5 to 10 %. So the
5 % shear deformation, which is the start point of its
radical increase due to the initial evident slide
occurrence, can be termed as the yield of block
(4) The input acceleration required to make the wall
yield increases with the increase in water content or
cohesion of the backfill, increase in weight of the
block, and the existence of reinforcement. Conse-
quently, it can be said that the reinforcement by
geotextile is highly effective in increasing the
ductility of block retaining walls.

Authors would like to express their sincere gratitude
to Prof. N.Yagi and Prof. R.Yatabe of Ehime Uni-
versity for their advice. Authors would like to thank
O.Futagami, technical official and K.Morino,
undergraduate student of Ehime University for their
assistance during the experiments.

Research Committee on Aseismic Large Concrete
Block Retaining Walls 1998: Manual of design and
construction of large-block retaining walls. Taka-
matsu, Japan: Shikoku Blanch of Japan Society of
Civil Engineers (in Japanese)

slope stability Engineering, Yagi, Yamagami & Jiang 0 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 079 5

Shakedown analysis of soil foundations under varied loads

Maotian Luan & Yongzhe Cao

Department of Civil Engineering and State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian
University of Technology, People’s Republic of China
Keizo Ugai
Department of Civil Engineering, Gunma University, Kiryu, Japan

ABSTRACT: In this paper, the importance of fundamental concept and analysis method of plastic
shakedown in geotmechanics is emphasized. The temperature parametric procedure developed by Qian &
Wang (1989) in which nodal temperature is taken as adjustable variable of finite element analysis is
introduced for constructing self-equilibrium stress field. Then the mathematical formulation and numerical
algorithm for limit analysis and shakedown analysis are established on the basis of the lower-bound theorems.
Numerical computations and analyses are made for strip footing on soil foundation subjected to varied loads
and the effect of the cyclic and variable property of externally-applied loading on bearing capacity of
foundation is discussed. A comprehensive method based on the envelope diagram of the shakedown load is
proposed for evaluating stability of foundations under complex variable loading.

1 INTRODUCTION elastically upon subsequent cycles of loading as long

as the applied loading varies arbitrarily within the
Ultimate bearing capacity of soil structures and given range. Otherwise, soil mass will be in either
foundations under simple loading programs can be incremental collapse caused by one-way progressive
predicted directly and effectively by applying limit plastic deformation, or alternating plasticity collapse
analysis theorems of plasticity. In fact, loading mode caused by fatigue failure while different directional
or pattern exerted on structures and foundations are alternating plastic deformation will unceasingly
usually rather complex, e.g., for a gravity-type continue. Soils in the shakedown state will deform
offshore platform foundation, seismically- or wave- continually until the deformation reaches a finite
induced loads are always alternating in both ultimate value and stabilizes after several cycles. In
direction and acting position. However, the the case of incremental collapse or alternating
magnitude bounds of load variations can be defined. plasticity, soils will deform limitlessly with loading
For these structures and foundations, only pseudo- time. Therefore, for the structures and foundations
static evaluation of bearing capacity under subjected to complex loading sequence, shakedown
monotonic loads and purely elastic analysis of analysis is of practical significance. For the offshore
transient responses under cyclic loading do not mean platform foundations, shakedown under repeated
that whole structures can offer sufficient strength to varying loads or even dynamic loads should be
actual varied loads, also permanent deformation can ensured so that the structures are both safe under
be constrained. In fact, for the structure with the static loads and shakedown under varied loads.
elastic-plastic deformation nature, unconstrained Shakedown analysis is the extension of limit
irrecoverable deformation will be either accumulated analysis. In the engineering design, shakedown
progressively or two-directional alternating plastic analysis is aimed to estimate shakedown loads of
deformation will continue without ceasing under structures or foundations subjected to varied loads.
transient or cycle loading programs. If the increasing In order to ascertain the actual meaning of
plastic deformation or hysteretic-energy dissipation shakedown analysis in geotechnical engineering, an
can attain a stable state, the soil mass will be said to effort is made to develop the computational method
shakedown to corresponding deformation and on the basis of existing elasto-plastic shakedown
residual stress field. If a stable plastic deformation analysis theorem. In consideration of the state-of-
state is attained after a finite number of cycles or the-art and the importance and necessity of
within a limited time of instantaneous loading, the shakedown analysis (e.g., Aboustit & Reddy 1980,
structures or foundations will behave purely Pande et a1 1982), advanced numerical analysis

procedure is combined with mathematical can be taken as independent variables and the
programming techniques to develop practical corresponding thermo-stress field can be taken as
mathematical formulations and effective numerical self-equilibrium residual stress field. The procedure
algorithm of shakedown analysis. Numerical for constructing self-equilibrium stresses on the basis
computations are performed for a strip footing on of the above-mentioned technique is called
soil foundation and comparisons between the limit temperature-parametric method. By adjusting nodal
loads and shakedown loads are made. Shakedown temperature variables, the corresponding self-
load envelope diagram in the load space is proposed equilibrium thermo-stress fields will be changed.
for evaluating dynamic stability of soil foundations Additionally such self-equilibrium stress fields are
under complex loading condition. Some preliminary constrained not to violent the yield condition in order
findings are given for improving design of to achieve statically admissible stress fields. The
foundation under varied load. thermo-stress which can make the load multiplier
acquire its maximum is the optimum residual stress
field, and the corresponding load multiplier is
2 LIMIT ANALYSIS AND SHAKEDOWN shakedown load multiplier. The product of
ANALYSIS shakedown load multiplier and basic load factor is
the shakedown load, which is one of the maximum
In limit analysis and shakedown analysis of solid lower bound of the real shakedown load. All the
mechanics, two bound theorems are usually used to components of the shakedown load will constitute an
directly solve for the upper-bound or lower-bound outward convex envelope in the load space. The
ultimate loads of structures. Upper-bound theorem is boundary-value problem to be evaluated can be
based on kinematically allowable velocity fields induced to a mathematical extreme-value issue and
while lower-bound theorem is on the basis of the can be solved by mathematical programming
statically admissible stress field. However, it is techniques. Since the widely-used Mohr-Coulomb
difficult to search the best kinematically allowable yield criterion is the non-linear function of the stress
velocity field of structures by using finite element components, therefore the resulting mathematical
method. Therefore, in the most cases, to search for programming problem is usually of non-linear type.
the optimum statically allowable stress field is the To simplify the problem, linearization of the Mohr-
main objective in order to get the lower bound of Coulomb yield criterion is conducted iii order to
limit load or shakedown load. Lower theorem of solve the final problem by using usual linear
shakedown analysis, i.e., so-called Melan’s theorem, programming procedures. Limit analysis can be
can be stated that if such a time-independent residual stated as the special case of shakedown analysis
stress filed can be found that the combination of while the range of load is set to be zero. Numerical
these residual stresses with elastic stresses 01“ analysis approach based on finite element method is
induced by arbitrary load within a given range stifl used. An unified computational formulation for both
does not violate the yield condition, i.e., limit analysis and shakedown analysis is established
on the basis of temperature parametric method. The
f ( a g +oT)5 0 (1) resulting extreme-value problem is solved using
then the structure will shakedown, where linear programming techniques. The effective
f(o,) I 0 is the yield function. Therefore in solving approaches to reduce the constraint number are
for lower-bound shakedown load based on static- proposed. A strip footing on soil foundation upon
type shakedown theorem, the key issue is to find or varied loads is analyzed as an illustrative example for
construct a time-independent residual stress field application of shakedown analysis in geotechnicai
which is in self-equilibrium. The shakedown load engineering. Comparisons among the computed
corresponding to such a stress field will be a lower results and existing theoretical or numerical solutions
bound of the real shakedown load. Among all the are made for verifying the reasonability and
statically allowable stress fields, the best or optimal effectiveness of the proposed technique.
one is the stress field that can allow the variation
range of externally-applied loads to attain its
maximum value. Two main aspects are contained in
implementation of the lower-bound shakedown
analysis, i.e., (1) constructing of self-equilibrium
residual stress fields which meet all mechanical
In order to reduce the shakedown analysis issue to a
equilibrium conditions within the soil mass and
linear programming problem, the linearization of the
boundaries and don’t violate the yield condition, (2)
Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion is made. The yield
searching of the optimum self-equilibrium residual
criterion f(o,.) I 0 can be expressed in the form of
stress field. Noticing the fact that thermo-elastic
linear inequalify as follows
stress field caused by temperature variation is a self-
equilibrium stress filed, nodal unknown temperatures

in which N' is the assemblage of outward normal [ K ) = [ 2 c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2 c r (5)
unit vector of the i-th element, NI is the unit
outward normal vector of the j-th plane, ,K, where c and p are cohesion and internal friction
represents the distance of the j-th linearized yield angle of soil respectively, e = sin p .
plane from the origin, r represents the number of For the j-th linearized plane, the yield condition
elements, 1 is the number of linearized planes. can be written as
Equation 2 indicates that the projection of stresses
on the outward normal of each yield plane should 4; = Ni,QL + NfQ; - Ki, I 0 (6)
not exceed the distance of the yield plane from the where QE is elastic stress and QR is residual stress.
origin. The Mohr-Coulomb criterion in the plane This equation can be stated in the vector form as
condition can be expressed as follows
Furthermore (QE] can be resolved into two parts,
i.e., purely-elastic stress {Qd,-} which is in
equil'brium with basic loads, and elastic stress
(Qs,-) which is corresponding to the fixed static
loads. As a result, the lower-bound theorem of
shakedown analysis can be stated that for a known
elastic stress field (Q, ] which fulfills equilibrium
conditions, a residual stress field {QR} which can
make load multiplier A of basic load to attain its
maximum value is to be found. This statement can
be mathematically formulated
max A
a[N](~d,}+[N]{~sE]+[N]{~~]- (K} ' (8)

The maximum of the projection of elastic stresses

QiE(t) on the outward normal vector Ni, of the
yield plane is assumed as M J
Figure 1 Linearized Mohr-Coulomb criterion
MJ = max{NJQ;, (t)) (9)

In shakedown analysis, it is assumed that the

externally-applied load varies in the following

<(,' ') = (')pk (t>
<k (1 1)

{WI = PITWI (12)

where T k ( x ) represents the basic loading pattern,
p k ( t ) is the combination coefficient of various
Figure 2 Linearized Mohr-Coulomb criterion loads . In the most cases, the variation range of each
load coefficient is known or can be assumed in
The yield surface is an elliptic awl in the stress space advance, e.g., p- 5 p ( t ) . < p + , the history of
variation p ( t ) with the time is usually unknown,
(ox,o Y zxJ,).
, Six planes used to linearize the
surface are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. The pi pk (')' p i , '
{p-}' (p(')> (p') (I3)
elements of the matrix N and vector K are given as Elastic stress under the k-th basic load pattern
follows (Luan 1989 after Anderhaggen) T k ( x ) is stated as a,dE,the total elastic stress

under all load patterns can be written as
(o.)= [DekzO}= [ H e ] { T e }
odE -
- C.OiEPk tf) (14) where
While ,u-=,u+,i.e., there is no variation of external '3 11 1 11
load, the computation will be of limit analysis.
While p- + p+ , all or parts of loading components 'H ' - 3 o - P ) 0 0 0
are varied, each basic load component can vary
independently in the given range. Assembling leads to
According to the temperature parametric method
developed by Qian & Wang (1989), the temperatures b}= [DIIBl{4- [ M E 0 1= [SIKI-' {QI- [HIfO
of finite element nodes are taken as independent
= [Sl[Kl-' [CllrrI- [Hl(r) (23)
variable, the elastic stress field caused by the Shakedown theorem can be stated as
variation of temperatures is taken as self-equilibrium
residual stress field. This self-equilibrium stress field max A
will be adjusted by varying each nodal temperature i { K '} (24)
s.t. A { M }+ [N]([SIK]-'[G]{T}- [H]{7.})
and then will be statically allowable by fulfilling the 220
no-yield condition. The optimum statically- in which {K'} = ( K }- [NI' {osE
} . Introducing non-
admissible stress field can be constituted. The negative constraints and setting ( T }= (T'}- {T"},
maximum of the load multiplier corresponding to the mathematical programming can be rewritten as
such a stress distribution is the limit multiplier or max A
shakedown multiplier.
Triangle-type finite elements are used in the s.t. A ( M )+ [Ax{T')- {T"})i ( K } (251
following as example. In constructing residual stress a 2 O , T ~2 O,T" 2 o
field QR,the temperature change of three nodes of where
triangle element in the plane problem is designated
as T, , T, and T,n respectively and the temperature [AI = "1 QI[Kl-"Gl- (HI)
Equation 25 is a standard linear programming
within element is assumed to distribute linearly, the
interpolation function is taken as the same as the problem. The constraint number is equal to rnl, i.e.,
displacement function, product of the number r of elements, the number n
of nodes and the number 1 of linearized yield planes,
T(x,Y) = NJk (15) and the number of the variables is 2ri-1. Since the
number of variable is less than the number of
Equivalent nodal loads caused by this temperature constraints, it will be more efficient to solve the dual
field can be written as form of the programming as stated as follows
[Q' ] = I [Bf'[DIQdy (16)

where t is the thickness of structure. Substituting

boundary conditio s and constitutive law as well as s.t. (27)
initial strain {EJ= aT[l 1 01' into the above
equation leads to
[Qe] = [G. IT'} (17)
The fact that [A]' {y}2 0 and -[A]' {y}5 0 leads
to [A]' {y}= 0 . Therefore the problem can be finally
in which stated as

{ ~ e ) =[T~ T, T J (19) Introducing artificial variables in the above

Then the characteristic sub-matrices Q e , G', T' formulation, a standard linear programming is
of each element are assembled to lead the global obtained and can be solved by existing algorithms.
characteristic matrices Q , G, T of the structure. The
varying temperature-caused stress of the element can

Shakedown analyses of the strip foundation under

different circumstances are made by the above
formulations and proposed method.

vertical component, horizontal component and
moment (or eccentricity) will constitute an outward
convex envelope in the load space. Typical
illustrative presentations are shown in Figure 4 and
Figure 5 . Such an interaction diagram is called here
the ultimate load envelope for limit analysis or
shakedown load envelope for shakedown analysis.
When the actual load is located within the envelope,
the structure or foundation will be statically safe
under monotonic loading or will be shakedown
under varied loading. Otherwise, limit equilibrium
state or plastic non-shakedown (i.e., alternating
plasticity or progressive failure) state will occur.
Based on the ultimate load diagram and
shakedown load diagram, a comprehensive method
Figure 3 Loading pattern and the finite is proposed for evaluating static or dynamic stability
element model of the strip footing. of structures and foundations under complex loading
conditions. In three-dimensional space consisting of
three loading components, various combinations of
The loading mode and finite element model are shakedown loads or limit loads constitute a three-
shown in Figure 3 in which B is the width of the strip dimensional outward convex surface. For a given
footing and A is the area of the foundation with unit value of one component, the inter-relation graph
length. p , = ‘yA represents the uniformly- between other two components is called shakedown
distributed vertical load, and p,, = ‘yA defines the load or limit load curve, which is an outward convex
uniform horizontal load intensity while A4 is the curve and dependent on the third component value.
gross moment acted on the footing. A number of For example, when the load eccentric distance e is
cases are computed and main typical computational fixed, the horizontal component and vertical
results are shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5 . Based on component of load in the shakedown state or the
numerical results, comparative studies of limit limit-equilibrium state will establish the p,,-py
analysis and shakedown analysis are performed. The diagram, as shown in Figure 4. The shape and
main findings are presented as below, magnitude depend on the eccentric distance of the
(1) For the strip footing founded on purely load and the soil strength property. Obviously the
cohesive soil foundation subjected to the vertical shakedown load envelope must be situated in the
loading, the vertical bearing capacity of 5 . 2 0 ~is inside of the limit load envelope. The difference
estimated by the present method. The numerical between two envelopes indicates that variable nature
solutions using elasto-plastic finite element method of cyclic or transient externally-applied loading has
given by Hoeg, Chen, Valliappan, Aboustit and a significant effect on bearing capacity of
Reddy are respectively 5.14c, 5.26c, 5 . 2 0 ~and 4 . 8 6 ~ foundation.
(referring to Aboustit & Reddy 1980) while the Based on computational results, comparative
theoretical solution given by Prandtl (192 1) is 5 . 1 2 ~ . studies show that the shakedown load is obviously
It can be concluded that the present result agrees well lower than the limit load due to alternating or cyclic
with the existing numerical or analytical solutions. nature of load. Therefore, in the design of structures
However, the shakedown vertical load computed by and foundations subjected to varied loads, e.g.,
the present procedure is 4 . 3 0 ~which
~ is reduced by cyclic or transient load induced by earthquake
16% compared with the corresponding limit load. shaking or ocean wave, shakedown analysis is
(2) For the strip footing founded on cohesive- necessary in addition to evaluation of bearing
frictional soil under the inclined (the inclined angle capacity under monotonous loading. Furthermore,
with vertical is +45’) and eccentric (the eccentricity both ultimate bearing capacity and shakedown load
distance e varies between -B/12 and B/12) loads, the increase remarkably with the increase of soil
numerical results show that shakedown load cohesion and internal friction angle. The influence
increases linearly with the increase of the soil of the friction angle is more significant. Since
uniaxial compressive strength f,,, where offshore foundations are usually subjected to
fcL, = 2c cos @/(1 - sin 4). Therefore shakedown load
horizontal loads, vertical loads and moments
increases remarkably with increaseing of soil internal simultaneously, shakedown analysis is more
friction angle. important compared with limit analysis and the
(3) For the strip footing on cohesionless or proposed envelope can be used for rationally
cohesive-frictional soil foundation subjected to
evaluating stability under complex loading modes.
simultaneous exerting of horizontal load and vertical
load as well as moment, the inter-relationship among

cyclic loading will result in obvious reduction of
bearing capacity of soils. These results and
conclusions have important indications on
improving the design of offshore platform


The financial supports from the National Natural

Science Foundation of China through the grant No.
597790 17 and from the Trans-Century Training
Programme Foundation for the Talents offered by
the Ministry of Education of China are gratefully
acknowledged. The authors would like to express
thanks to the Heiwa Nakajima Foundation which
makes their cooperation possible.
Figure 4 pI,-pv
interaction diagram


Aboustit, B.L. & D.V. Reddy 1980. Finite element

linear programming approach to foundation
shakedown. Proceedings of International
Symposium on Soils under Cyclic and Transient
Loading, Swansea, 7-1 1 January 1980: 727-738.
Luan, M.T. 1989. Dynamic stability analyses of non-
homogeneous soil structures and foundations.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfil1 of the
requirements for the degree of Doctor of
Philosophy in Engineering, Dalian University of
Technology, Dalian.
Qian, L.X. & Z.B. Wang 1989. Limit analysis and
shakedown analysis of engineering structures.
Computational Structural Mechanics and
Application, 6(1):113-121.
Pande, G.N., W.S. Abdullah & E.H. Davis 1982.
Figure 5 p,-A4 interaction diagram Shakedown of elasto-plastic continua with special
reference to soil-rock structures. Proceedings of
International Symposium on Soils under Cyclic
5 CONCLUSIONS and Transient Loading, Swansea, 7- 11 January
1980: 738-746.
In this paper, the lower-bound theorem of
shakedown analysis is extended to the pressure-
dependent frictionally-behaving soil material. The
approach for constituting self-equilibrium residual
stress field by integrating the finite element method
and temperature parametric procedure is developed
for implementing the lower-bound theorem of the
shakedown analysis and mathematical formulation
and numerical algorithm are provided. For the strip
footing on cohesive or sandy soil foundations, the
shakedown loads are computed. For the soil
structures and foundations subjected to complex
loading, the comprehensive methodology for
stability evaluation using the proposed limit load
diagram and shakedown load diagram is presented.
It is found that the variable nature of transient or

Abe, H. 141,483 Gardner, J.V. 127 Kim, K. 509
Adachi, T. 333 Gottardi. G. 233 Kitagawa, R. 109
Ali, EH. 375,393,399 Kitamura, H. 121
Allersma, H.G. B. 447 Han, D. 509 Kitamura, R. 141,483
Aoki, M. 121 Hanagata, S. 245 Kobayashi, T. 539
Araki, S. 423 Harris, A. J. 41 1 Kobayashi, Y. 565,625
Hasegawa, S. 157 Kojima, J. 245
Baker, R. 253 Hayamizu, H. 265 Kokubu, A.A. 429
Bianchi, E 233 Hayashi, K. 489 Komatsu, M. 465
Bijoy, A.C. 249 Hayashi, S. 271 Kondo, K. 271,613
Bromhead, E. N.41 1 Hazarika, H. 265 Koseki, J. 6 13
He, S.X. 277 Kousteni, A. 151
Cai, E 551 Hill, R. 151 Kudella, I? 619
Cao, Y. 663 Hiraiwa, Y. 417 Kumazaki, 1.417
Chen, S.S. 329 Hori, T. 219 Kusakabe, S. 607
Chen, Z. 15 Hoshikawa, T. 225 Kuwano, J. 595
Chen, Z.Y. 325 Hu, Y. 349 Kuwano, R. 595
Chigira, M. 163 Huang, R. 533
Cola, S. 239 Huat, L.T. 393,399 Lacerda, W.A. 199
Hughes Clarke, J. E. 127 Law, K.T. 281
Dangol, V. 193 Hyodo, M. 607 Lee, C. E 28 1
Dembicki, E. 181 Lee, H. 127
Dissanayake, A. K. 495 Iryo, T. 141,483 Leong, E.C. 387
Dixon, N.151 Ishibashi, A. 147 Leshchinsky, D. 49
Ishihara, K. 3,595 Liang, R. 355
Elleboudy, A. M. 103 Liu, Z.D. 277
Elsoufiev, S.A. 213 Jiang, J.-C. 293,299,305,3 I 1, Locat, J. 127
Enoki, M. 429 3 17,545 Low, B. K. 387
Jomoto, K. 141 Luan, M. 281 , 663
Fang, X.S. 329
Feng, T.Q. 31 1,317 Kamai, T. 565 Maharaj, R.J. I15
Fredlund, D.G. 3 1 Kammerer, E. 127 Marchi, G. 233
Fujii, A. 459 Karube, D. 381 Mariappan, S. 393,399
Fujii, H. 219, 653 Kato, K. 52 1,527 Matsuka, S. 135
Fujii, T. 607 Kavanagh, J. 15I Matsumoto, N.5 15
Fujita, T. 169 Kawai, K. 381 Matsuo, 0. 613
Fujiwara, T. 147 Kawamura, K. 361 Matsuyama, T. 657
Fukui, H. 333 Kazama, M. 641 Mayer, L. 127
Fukuoka, H. 577,589 Kempfert, H.-G. 349 Michalowski, R. L. 637
Furuta, M. 459 Khan, Y.A. 299 Mikasa, M. 259

Miki, H. 459 Rahardjo, H. 387 Umezaki, T. 121
Mizunaga, T. 539 Rasula, G. 501 Uno, T. 477
Mochizuki, A. 259 Rasula, M. 501 Ushiro, T. 657
Mokudai, K. 163 Razaghi, H. R. 641
Monma, K. 147 Vallejo, L. E. 287
Mori, S. 657 Sakajo, S. 521,527 Vankov, D.A. 601
Morii, T. 653 Sakurai, S. 339
Murata, S. 489 Sasaki, S. 423 Wakai, A. 647
Sasaki, Y. 495 Wakamatsu, M. 417
Nakai, T. 225 Sassa, K. 577,585,589,601 Wang, C.-H. 435
Nakamura, Y. 245 Sato, T. 417 Wang, EW. 589
Nakata, Y. 607 Sawada, T. 157 Wang, G. 585
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Narita, K. 245 Seneviratne, N. H. 495 Watson, €? D. J. 41 1
Nawari, N.O. 355 Shibuya, H. 489
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Nishi, Y. 225 Shioi, Y. 559 Yabuki, K.607
Nishida, K. 423,545 Shuzui, H. 565 Yagi, N. 187
Nishigaki, M. 465 Simonini, I? 239 Yakabe, H. 483
Nishihara, S. 6 13 Sivakumar Babu, G. L. 249 Yamabe, S. 293
Nishlkawa, T. 121 Soon, €? K. 393 Yamada, K. 477
Nishimura, S. 219,653 Subotowicz, W. 181 Yamagami, T. 293,299,305,3 11,
Nishioka, M. 361 Subramaniam, R. 37.5 317,545
Nishiyama, T. 653 Sugii, T. 477 Yamamoto, K. 141, 483
Nishizawa, N.417 Sugiyama, T. 47 1 Yamamoto, T. 121, 5 15
Sutoh, S. 559 Yamazaki, S. 471
Ohne, Y. 245 Suzuki, M. 121,515 Yamazaki, T. 265
Oka, E 333 Yanagisawa, E. 641
Okada, Y. 577 Taki, M. 293 Yang, Q. 281
Okamoto, T. 63 1 Tamura, E. 135 Yang, X.Q. 277
Okimura, T. 571 Tanaka, Y. 253 Yasuda, S. 539
Onitsuka, K. 441 Terachi, T. 14 I Yatabe, R. 187
Orihara, K. 405 Terado, Y. 265 Yin, K. 345
Osaki, H. 333 Togari-Ohta, A. 471 Yokota, K. 187
Tohari, A. 465 Yoshida, N.571
Paudel, T. R. 193 Tonni, L. 233 Yoshida, Y. 539
Pender, M.J. 367 Torii, N. 57 1 Yoshimine, M. 595
Poh, K. K. 40.5 Tsukamoto, Y. 3 Yoshitake, S. 441
Popescu, M. 67 You. L. 637
Po~rlos,H.G. 83 Ueno, S. 175
Ueta, Y. 305 Zhang, E 333
Qin Siqing 207 Ugai, K. 28 1,551,647,663 Zhang, Y. 345


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