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Vol 17 (2016) PJIM&L

Journey from Library Management System (LMS) to KOHA by Government

College University Libraries, Lahore
Muhammad Tufail Khan
Government College University, Lahore, Pakistan

Aneela Zahid
Government College University, Lahore, Pakistan

Muhammad Rafiq
University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan

Libraries around the world are valuable for Pakistani librarians at large and
using the technology in best other libraries in general which are in the
possible ways to satisfy their process of implementing Koha for
users through efficient and automation.
effective library services. The
Keywords Library Automation, Academic
paper aims to discuss the
Libraries, Library Technology, KOHA, Integrated
process of KOHA
implementation in Government College Library Management System.
University (GCU) Libraries Lahore, while Introduction
replacing the Library Management Software
(LMS) implemented in 1999. The article Academic Libraries are playing an effective role
discusses the implementation of Koha in a in the transmission of knowledge to their library
narrative style. In first phase KOHA was customers. Academic libraries are providing
installed on testing basis on one computer best possible services to their library users in a
and its different modules were evaluated as friendly way to fulfill their information needs. In
per their functions in context of the today’s world it is inevitable to offer the library
requirements of GCU Libraries. After scales up to the mark without due technological
satisfactory results a journal was placed applications. The evolution of technology is
formally for notes taking purpose during the targeting the libraries to provide their services
step by step process of KOHA as per their user’s convenience. The technology
implementation for the required results. On removes the wall boundaries of libraries and
the basis of testing phase, the technical issues
hence the libraries are expanding their services
were addressed and Koha implementation
through technology. The collection available
strategy was chalked out, employed and
resulted as the live server of KOHA. inside the libraries are playing a basic role in the
richness of a library. It also attracts their target
The study discussed the major technical customers like the students enrolled in that
problems that were encountered in the organization as well as the students and
implementation of KOHA. The authors researchers from other
assume that other libraries who are
organizations/universities too. Now a day, the
implementing Koha also face such problems.
library access mainly depends on the
However, these technicalities are not
disclosed and remain unaddressed. The study automation software. It is the basic need of a
addresses these technical issues and offers library user to search his/her required material
solutions. The study offers insight that is in the library collection through OPAC or at
home via WebOPAC. The automation software


Vol 17 (2016) PJIM&L
helps the users to find out the required material also of vital importance. Nok (2006) discussed
from library’s knowledge treasure. In past the successes of library automation in university
library automation software was standby for setup that largely depends on the ability of
having local network access but now-a-days it is professional staff to facilitate and implement
web based and searchable from all over the the process. To arrange proper and regularly
world through internet. training sessions is necessity if the maximum
benefit is to be gained from the library
Many developments were made in the world of
automation. Haider (2007) explained that
library automation in recent decades. A number
barriers in library automation in Pakistan were:
of large scale and small scale automation
systematic planning for library automation,
software were designed by software companies
sufficient knowledge of library software and
to fulfill the libraries’ needs. Libraries and
related hardware, non-existence of standers,
technology have a deep link since the invention
library budgets cut, trained library staff and
of printing (Vyas, 1997). Advanced countries
most importantly lack of willingness in
stared automation in their libraries in 1960’s.
professional staff. In order to resolve the
Libraries automation systems especially the
situation, the author emphasized that special
public library system in UK has deep impact on
attention should be paid to: design the
information access in their society (Roberts,
information policy, create awareness in regards
2008). The concept of computer in libraries
to technology in library operation, training and
relates to IBM’s introduction of the 360 series in
development of library staff, arranging
1964, and it was the first “family’ of computers
awareness sessions for students and library
to be released and the robust machine that
staff. Karetzky (1998) discussed in his study that
propelled computing out of the universities and
selecting an appropriate software for library
into the mainstream” (McCallum, 1963). In
automation was very important step for the
simple words, library automation is a process in
library automation. First, it is necessary to have
which library uses computers to perform
adequate knowledge of the available software
different tasks to improve library services and
in market. Secondly, verify the software
accessibility. Library tasks, mainly house-
capabilities, weakness and possibility to meet
keeping routines, such as acquisition,
the need of library users. Omeluzor (2012)
circulation, cataloging, reference services and
discussed in their research study that unsuitable
serial control etc. are performed by using
package could lead to failure. Unhappy clients,
computers. In other words, Library automation
loss of patronage are the main problems when
is the process of performing all information
selecting an inappropriate library automation
operation in library with the help of computers
package. On the other hand, the right package
and related technologies. History of library
provides batter services for library clients.
automation in the world is not an old one. It
could be said that library automation Presently, in Pakistan, many library packages
development began in the 1930’s when punch are used for developing better library services
card equipment was implemented for use in for example dBase, Foxpro, INMAGIC, CDS/ISIS,
library circulation and acquisitions. It dates back Kitabdar, Pak Library Software, LAMP, LIMS,
1950s and 1960s in America and Europe. Evergreen, Virtua and Koha etc. Open source
According to Malik (1996) in Pakistan, library software (OSS) received attention of library
automation was started in 1980s and a number community and a number of OSS applications
of libraries have been computerized in or after are available for library community. Rafiq
1987. Adopting computer technologies in (2009) confirmed that library professionals,
libraries is the first step to library automation. around the world, had positive perceptions
However, to keep up with new trends in about OSS. KOHA is well developed OSS for
information and communication technology is library automation and many libraries around


Vol 17 (2016) PJIM&L
the world are using to meet their automation Science Library, and seven departmental
requirements. According to Boss (2008) Koha is libraries.
an “Open source” which is free software that
Library plays a pivotal role in a university life.
includes the original source code and it provide
Well established libraries support their
the opportunity to modify this source code
organization in its development. In GCU,
according to their library need. It also provides
libraries were automated in 1999 through the
the right of distribution without any charges.
use of library automation software named as
In Pakistan budget allocation for libraries is not “Library Management System (LMS)” produced
sufficient. It hinders the libraries to purchase by Towertech software house, a Lahore based
costly proprietary software. The computer company. LMS was used to automate
system becomes very common and easily cataloguing and circulation related tasks.
available in all libraries however integrated However, it is non-MARC and non-Unicode
library systems are missing in Pakistani libraries software that does not facilitate to enter data
especially the small and medium libraries. of Urdu books in Urdu alphabets. Although the
Nevertheless, the trend of adopting OSS GCU, Libraries contained more than one
especially KOHA is rising in Pakistan. Rafiq and hundred thousand Urdu books collection, yet
Kanwal (2009) discussed certain issues the system was operated manually due to no
associated with the adoption of KOHA in hospitality in the LMS software for Urdu
Pakistani context. The study mentioned that the language.
adoption of OSS in Pakistani libraries was just at
Keeping the needs of GCU libraries, its users
a beginning stage in Pakistan, The major
and especially Urdu subject, in 2013 an informal
identified issues which affected OSS adoption in
meeting of Librarian Mr. Muhammad Tufail
Pakistani libraries were social (cultural)
Khan (Principal Author) with the Chief Librarian
disparity, conceptual confusions, digital divide,
Mr. Abdul Waheed was held in which the needs
lack of technological infrastructure, lack of
of Library users and libraries were discussed in
finances, and lack of human resources with
details. In this meeting it was decided to use
needed skills.
KOHA - integrated library software in GCU
Implementation of KOHA in GCU, Lahore Libraries to meet the needs. A plan for KOHA
Government College University (GCU), Lahore implementation was prepared and presented to
(formerly The Government College, Lahore) was chief librarian for approval by the principal
established in 1864 and it is the oldest author. After the thorough analysis and
institution in this part of the world. The college necessary changes, the plan was approved by
library, comprising just one room, was the Chief Librarian. It was decided that the plan
established in 1872. However, a formal library will be implemented without any disturbance in
with an office and reading room was the routine duties of the library staff as well as
established in 1937. The Government College routine process of GCU, Libraries.
was upgraded to the status of university in The whole project was designed to be
2002. GCU, Lahore is popular among all completed within three months. However, the
universities established in Pakistan due to its target was achieved within two months and 15
old history and role in supplying the man power days. The project included: Installation of KOHA,
for the society. GCU Libraries consist of a Data Transfer from LMS to Koha (English
Central Library, a Postgraduate Library, a Books), and data entry of Urdu collection


Vol 17 (2016) PJIM&L

Figure 1: Flow Chart of Automation Process of Urdu Material

The principal author started work and accepted security strengths of the server and bugs. After
Google as the teacher. In the whole process of satisfactory review of the KOHA; it was
the KOHA installation and implementation, two transferred to live server and now it’s available
computer systems were demanded from the online through internet from anywhere (Fig. 2
Chief Librarian to test KOHA in first phase and shows the screenshots of GCU KOHA OPAC).
then to implement it. In the whole process of The data of English books were migrated with
the project all these two phases were tried first the help of Ms. Aneela Zahid Librarian GCU,
to test on testing computer and after successful Lahore as she was newly appointed in GCU,
results it was implemented on the server. In the Lahore. The data entry of Urdu collection
same way the installation and system followed the process as mentioned in Fig. 1. It
configuration was completed successfully. In included the selection of Urdu collection for
first phase KOHA local server was installed and data entry, data entry and technical processing
operated from various stations to know the (labeling, stamping, etc.).

Figure 2: GCU KOHA Web OPAC


Vol 17 (2016) PJIM&L
Challenges in the implementation of KOHA installation of KOHA remain unaddressed and
Certain challenges were faced by the project hinder the prolific adoption of KOHA in
team during the implementation of KOHA in Pakistani libraries.
GCU Libraries. These challenges are given Technical Issues in Configuration
Other major technical issues in configuration
Installation – From where? that pose challenges to the implementers are:
First question that is being faced by Pakistani 1. Configurations of KOHA server into LAN
professionals is about the installation of KOHA.
2. Configuration on WAN
There are four options:
3. Administrative rights
a. From its official website
4. Password changes
b. From USB
5. Customization
c. From DVD
6. Barcode area tracing for data entry
d. From CD
7. Barcode field properties changeable
In Pakistan, different groups, companies, and
firms are working on KOHA prepared KOHA live 8. LINUX operating system
CDs, DVDs and USBs in Pakistan for the purpose Configurations of KOHA Server into LAN
to install KOHA in libraries. The basic aim of all
these is to foster awareness about KOHA among Solution: Read the basics of networking and
Pakistani LIS community. Professional Librarians discuss it with your networking administrator.
and Computer Science professionals work on Configuration on WAN
the same to customize it for their own
organizations or for the selling purpose in the Configuration on WAN also creates problems
market. As the source code is open so many for librarians due to lack of their awareness
groups, firms and private companies make with the Linux/Fedora operating system.
changes and ask for the consultancy charges for Solution: WAN configuration is given in the help
its implementation in any organization. These file of the KOHA clone. If you feel any difficulty,
companies and groups also arrange workshops, you may search google as your teacher as I have
seminars and training programs to market their myself been guided by google.
KOHA versions among library professionals and
many times offer free CDs, DVDs and USBs to Administrative Rights
the training participants to install it in their This is a critical area and many experts also
work environment. When the professionals have no knowledge about its technicalities. It
return back to their jobs with these took the principal author two weeks to trace
CDs/DVDs/USBs, they have interest for some and solve the problems regarding the setting of
days to explore it and try in their library. But administrative rights.
they face basic problems, they request for help
Solution: At this stage the user is defined as
to the trainers, or any other professional
administrator but at the backend, the
colleagues to solve their problems related to
administrator rights are made limited and
KOHA installation. Sometimes this practice is
hence during working on KOHA many times you
successful but most of the time it is neither
face problems due to this issue. To overcome
clear nor solvable. Hence our professional
these problems simply create another user with
colleagues remain unsuccessful in implementing
admin rights. Secondly if you wish to change the
the KOHA in their libraries. The technical issues
properties of the file, the process is given
being faced by individuals during the


Vol 17 (2016) PJIM&L
Open terminal and type as Step 4. Run the query as mysql> update
mysql.user set password= password
Sudo passwd root (Press Enter)
(‘katikoan’) where user = ‘katikoan’;
UNIX password type in a root password when it (katikoan is default password for
ask (It will ask for password twice) koha)
Clear (type it and then press enter) Step 5. Commit;
SU (type SU now and enter your new root Step 6. Exit
password here. When it changes to root so it
will be denoted as hash (#)).
Customization is more attractive area of the
Now type nautilus to start up the UNIX explorer
software as every library wants to customize it
window, then navigate to your desired folder
as per their organizational needs. It is easy if a
and right click on the folder. Open the
professional librarian knows the basics of
permission tab and change it accordingly as per
computer and has commonsensical views about
your needs i.e. writeable, changeable etc. After
its use.
this whole process, type exit in the terminal to
leave the root terminal and then exit to close Solution: It is the most attractive part of any
the terminal. software. Simply generate HTML codes for any
picture or information that you want to display
Secondly you may login to the system with root
on the KOHA OPAC. Then go to the mentioned
user and select the folder to change its
area, and paste it and finally save it. After
properties. Press ALT+F2 and right click on the
having refreshed your page, you will find the
folder to change the properties. (For UNIX
necessary changes made by you.
operating system only).
Barcode Area Tracing for Data Entry
Password Changes
Sixth one is the area to trace where the barcode
Fourth one task that we see as a challenge is to
or accession number is entered during data
change the KOHA admin password. It is a
complicated process and if you happen to
commit any mistake at this stage, the whole Solution: The barcode field name is often
database will not work until you remove the changed, due to which the professionals face
changes or make them correct Solution: The problem during the process of data entry. The
professionals know to create new patrons with field for barcode MARC tag is 852 subfields $p.
rights in the KOHA. However, the basic work for So try to search the area and rename it as per
the professional is to change the master your needs related to Barcode or Accession
password which is applicable throughout the Number. Barcode Field Properties Changeable
world. For security purpose of your KOHA
The barcode field properties are sometime
automation software it is necessary to change
changed by the clone makers. Hence it also
the master password of KOHA. The process of
creates problem.
changing the master password is given below:
Solution: Some time the properties of the
Open the terminal and follow the below
barcode field are changed. It causes problem
during data entry. Check the properties and
Step 1. Open the terminal make it not repeatable, so it will reject your
request if you are making entry having already
Step 2. ‘mysql –u root –p’
entered the available materials.
Step 3. Enter password (Default password is
LINUX Operating System


Vol 17 (2016) PJIM&L
The last one stage in my study is to know about Malik, K. M. (1996). The status of library
the Linux operating system basics. automation in Pakistan. Library Review,
45(6), 36-42.
Solution: Linux is an operating system which is
more securing than window, yet in Pakistan its McCallum, S. (2003). 40 years of technology in
use is rare. Therefore, most of the librarians are libraries: a brief history of the IFLA section
not aware about Linux so they don’t know how on Information Technology, 1963/64-2003.
to use it. For this purpose, we would suggest Information Technology, 64, 2003.
you to explore the operating system. Install
Nok, G. (2006). The challenges of computerizing
Linux on one computer and play with it for a
a university library in Nigeria: the case of
week or two. Then you will be able to know the
Kashim Ibrahim Library, Ahmadu Bello
basic and further you will learn as per your
University, Zaria. Library Philosophy and
Practice (e-journal), 78.
Omeluzor, S. U., Adara, O., Ezinwayi, M., &
The study is based on sharing the practical ObyUmahi, F. (2012). Implementation of
experience by professional librarians. What the Koha Integrated Library Management
expected problems they face and how to Software (ILMS): The Babcock University
overcome these problems, all the areas have Experience. Canadian Social Science, 8(4),
been discussed in detail. The aim of this study is 211-221.
to encourage professional librarians to go
Rafiq, M. & Ameen, K. (2009). Issues and
forward, to inspire you not only to take
lessons learned in open source software
initiatives for your libraries but also to make
adoption in Pakistani libraries. The
your libraries as per need of your library users.
Electronic Library, 27(4), 601-610.
As the whole process were lead and
implemented by Librarians there was no single Rafiq, M. (2009). LIS community’s perceptions
involvement of computer expert or any other towards open source software adoption in
expert. Try to focus on your target and do not libraries. The International Information &
hesitate from failure. However, in real sense Library Review, 41(3), 137-145.
failure leads you toward success. If you face Roberts, D. (2008). Research Method in
failure, just keep trying it again and again until Information Management: Source Book.
you achieve your target. We have to work Thames Valley University, London.
within limited resources in spite of having high
demands of senior administration. After Vyas, S. (1997). Library automation and
successful execution of your project, your networking in India: problems and
senior himself will ask you “what we can do for prospects. World Libraries, 8(1), 27-35.
its improvement”. This is the only way to
Boss, R. W. (2008). Open Source’Integrated
Library System Software. PLA Tech Notes.
Haider, S. J.-u.-D. (2007). Library management
scenario & management problems in
Pakistani libraries. Library Administration &
Management, 21(4), 173-176.
Karetzky, S. (1998). Choosing an Automated
System. Library Journal, 123(11), 42-44.


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