Week 4-Day 1 Lesson 14: Functions of Applied Social Sciences

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Quarter 2-Week 4

A. Functions of Applied Social Sciences

B. Effects of Applied Social Sciences Processes

Ms. Norlyn S. Letegio


Content Standards:
 The learner demonstrates an understanding of Functions of Applied Social Sciences
 The learner demonstrates an understanding of Effects of Applied Social Sciences Processes

Performance Standards:
 The learner shall be able to assess objectively through an individual project how the functions of
the applied social sciences have been fulfilled in any of the following: case study of a counselee
case study on integrative social work comparison of the programming of any two-television
 The learner shall be able to participate in one-day exposure trip to an existing development
program, and write a sincere refection report on the effects of the processes on the clientele
 The learner shall be able to submit a portfolio of output from the course
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
 Explain each of the functions of applied social sciences
 Identify situations that would require or necessitate the performance of the various functions in
local/Philippine settings
 Analyze the effects of applied social sciences processes on individuals, groups, and society
 Evaluate the effects of certain program or projects on knowledge, attitude, and behavior of
individuals, groups and society
 Synthesize the learning from the course and its application to the learner

Week 4-Day 1
Lesson 14: Functions of Applied Social Sciences
Lesson Objectives
At the end of the lesson, you will be able to…
 Explain the functions of applied social sciences

The discipline of applied social sciences are informed by the core values of respect for the
inherent dignity and worth of persons, pursuit of social justice, integrity of professional
practice, confidentiality in professional practice, and competence in professional practice. They help
individuals fit well in society and challenge the social environment to become a better place for all.

TRY THIS! Complete the matrix below by answering the question.

Why are the applied
social sciences


Applied social sciences are the purveyors of social justice, inclusions, and caregiving. Applied
social science services are indispensable to the full transformation of a child because they are critical to
unblocking all barriers to the individuals, groups and community’s holistic development. They also help
the society to see beyond the behavior manifestations by looking beneath them and to address and
uproot the root causes through communication and journalism, social work, and guidance and counseling


The functions of applied social sciences for self-development have been discussed in – counseling,
social work and communication – each of which distinct contributions in services they out on for self-
development. Counseling offers guidance to individuals in varying situations of conflict, confusions and
crisis and provides tools for the individual to address issues if self-development. Social work offers a
wide range of services, particularly in aid of emancipating the marginalized individuals and facilitating
participating in the public goods and services that are necessary for self-development. Communication
empowers the individual with listening and speaking skills in order for them to be effective.

Self-development is a continuous process of understanding and enhancing oneself in

order to become effective and productive members of the society.

Self-improvement does not happen overnight. It is a continuous process. Successful personal

development is dependent on targets such as one’s goals and strategies. We have four steps in the
process of self-development – (1) creating and vision of yourself, (2) setting specific goals, (3) identifying
action plans and last (4) evaluating outcomes.


At the heart of persuasion is the ability to understand well one’s audience and its complexity. In this
kind of communication, the communicator deals with people’s basic attitudes, values, and beliefs on
issues on how to tailor the message for the audience in order to convince them to adopt a particular point
of view through appropriate channels – TV, radio, Internet, magazines and newspapers. Communication
and journalism skills, counseling and social work skills facilitate the ability to emphasize, listen well, and
to respond effectively.
Applied social sciences are used in the arts and entertainment industry. Arts and entertainment are
reflections of a country’s culture and society. To be able to understand and analyze the development and
new trends in the arts and entertainment, it is important to be knowledgeable about the people’s social
and cultural conditions. The applied social sciences looks into these important aspects as it studies the
anthropological and sociological conditions of a society.

Activity 5: Goals and Action Plan
Objectives: This activity aims to help you investigate a difficult situation that you, yourself, have
experienced and, where by, self-development is important in order to become more effective member of
your community. It will also provide the opportunity to discover how the process of self-development can
be practically applied.

1. Think of a difficult situation that you have encountered in school last academic year. Recall the
details of it.
2. Describe briefly such situation
3. Follow the steps in the process of self-development

A Situation I Encountered

Self-development Activity Sheet

Step 1: Vision

 Imagine that you are experiencing the same again. How do you envision yourself to be more
capable of handling it?
 What do you think are your strengths that will help you achieve that vision?
 What do you think are your weak points that may hinder the realization of such vision?
Step 2: Goals and Objectives
 What self-improvement goals are applicable for you? Example: Enhance time management skills
 Write at least five specific objectives that you would need to accomplish in order for you to
achieve your goal of managing time well. Example: To avoid absences and tardiness in math class
Step 3; Action Plans
 Write strategies or action plans for each objective listed above.
Objective: To avoid absences and tardiness in math class
Action Plans:
1. To wake up early
2. To get enough sleep every night

Week 4-Day 2
Lesson 15: Effects of Applied Social Sciences Processes
Lesson Objectives
At the end of the lesson, you will be able to …
 Analyze the effects of the process of applied social sciences on individuals, groups, and societies
 Evaluate the effects of certain program or projects on knowledge, attitude, and behavior of
individuals, groups and society

Applied social sciences come with a wide range of practitioner skills in areas such as
advocacy, counseling and case management, and the knowledge and experience to be able to
work with individuals, groups, and communities to improve their well-being and social functioning. With
the applied social sciences, processes, standards in social service delivery are observed. A set core values
is considered in the delivery of human and social services. Services are given with quality. Social justice is
pursued. Every person is considered to have dignity and worth.

Activity: “Do you think the applied social sciences processes have short term and long-term
effect to individuals, groups, and society? Put a check mark on the column if you think if it has an
effect to individuals, groups and society. Use the table to answer the question.

Does it have an effect

Applied Social Science Does it have an effect Does it have an effect
on the
Processes on the individual? on the society?
1. Counseling
2. Social Work
3. Communication


Social awareness, self-awareness and self-knowledge are very essential for quality participation
and functioning in society for they incorporate one’s appreciation of both the inner-ecology and the social
Social awareness is important for managing own response to change, and it forms an essential
part of interpersonal intelligence. Self-awareness is an important step toward self-understanding and
self-mastery and it forms an essential part of intrapersonal and emotional intelligence

Communication specialists, social workers, and counselors have a vital role in shaping
the minds of people. They thus need to be responsible.


The applied social sciences allows us to understand various social phenomena and because of this,
people can make significant changes in their attitudes and values to prevent the occurrence of various
natural and social problems.
The applied social sciences also introduced us to the different political problems and issues
confronting our country today. It also provided us solutions on how to address these political and social
problems. Applied social sciences particularly, those which delve into organizational theory and the
behavior of individuals in organizations, are important in assessing risk and addressing conflict in the
workplace and in the organization.

Social sciences, in their broadness, provide a huge theoretical resource to explain much of the
social phenomena that affect individuals, families, groups and communities. Applied sciences raise the
social science to a practical science to address personal, family, group and community problems by
helping individuals develop their capacity to fit well in the environment and by challenging the
environment to become better for individuals to flourish.

Performance Task:
“Covid-19 pandemic have made a big impact in the Philippines, especially in the economy sector. Based
on your knowledge about the virus that caused the pandemic, identify at least one factor that made it
increased the positive cases rapidly. As part of the research and advocacy team, you were given a task by
your head officer of the company you are working for to make an advocacy campaign material
(infomercial, infographics or E-poster) on how the Filipino citizens must cope up and be able to prevent
the spread of virus. Your output must be posted on your Facebook account and then tag your subject
teacher. The material should reflect the diverse social concerns and issues among the community.
Aligned to that, the material should be well understood by all and thus have a remarkable impact to the
Excellent Good
10 8
Content of the Advocacy Advocacy Advocacy campaign
material (advocacy campaign contains campaign contains does not contain
campaign) sufficient and appropriate sufficient and
appropriate content but some appropriate content
content information are
Use of technical All the technical Most of the Most of the
terms terms in the technical terms in technical terms in
advocacy campaign the advocacy the advocacy
are used correctly campaign are used campaign are used
correctly incorrectly
Relevance of the Advocacy Advocacy Advocacy campaign
topic campaign is really campaign is is not relevant to
relevant to the somewhat relevant the topic
topic to the topic

Summarize what you have learned in this lesson for the week in three to five sentences.
Provide two or three sentences for reflection or opinion regarding the lesson for the week.
 Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Science Textbook; Phoenix Publishing House
 Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Science Textbook; DIWA

You Made It!

Closing Prayer
Dear God,
thank you for the lesson today.
It's great to find out new things
about your world.
It's fun trying new skills and
learning new ideas.
Help us remember all we have learnt today.
We look forward to tomorrow
and all the wonderful things
we will be taught.

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