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Technews EVERY MONDAY• 25 April 2011 D5

By Jaye C. Bautista
How to clean lens
Being careful what you Google for Part 1 the right way
ummer vacation and typing URLs directly in the address hen I solicited photog-

yes, the kids are get- bar. This dated list had search en- raphers for their top
ting restless! On the gines Google and Yahoo, coming tips, I was reminded
onset, our school-free in at two and seven, and the two of how important the
kids enjoy the first largest social networks Facebook fundamentals are to
few days of waking and MySpace at three and five, strong shots and how
up later, sitting around the house respectively. Apparently, the auc- often they go overlooked.
or simply lazing about. A few tion site eBay is also very popular Take, for instance the note from
more days of that and they soon among the younger users, coming Jung Wi of Allure West Studios, who
get bored, start to rant and rave at in at number 10. If unsupervised, teaches photography seminars as
not being able to do anything. For survey said that kids at some point well as specializing in wedding pho- time. Just throw it in the wash-
kids who have gadgets around the do searches of a more “adult” na- tography. His tip was, "Clean your ing machine," Mr. Heiner said.
house to keep them company, idle ture, uhuh the porn sites. And then lens. " He said, "You would be sur- The old standby, disposable lens
time is less. For others, trips to the there’s the clamor to know about prised by all the dirty lenses I see wipes, is still available and ac-
mall, the beach or sleep overs at products, reviews and celebrities before every class." ceptable, but never, ever use pa-
relatives’ or friends’ houses tempo- lives are also popular with the kids. But even something as simple as per products. "They are very, very
rarily suffice. But for those who opt While the list was interesting, the wiping a lens can be done the wrong rough and can scratch the surface
to stay home and “nest” round the trends that can be extracted from way, with disastrous results. I spoke of the lens," said Mr. Heiner. "Even
computer, hours are spent surfing, the searches are even more impor- to Steve Heiner, the senior technical bathroom tissue, it seems soft, but it
downloading, emailing or being on tant and one thing that stands out manager at Nikon, for advice on lens isn’t." Always start in the middle of
the social networking sites. Over is the fact that most of the searches cleaning. There is more to know than the lens and wipe in concentric cir-
the summer kids look up a ton of are, in fact, for sites that have ex- you might expect. Air blowers, which have whimsical cles, pushing any gunk to the outside
things online. I dug up and came actly the same URL as their names, Lenses in general have several fins that prevent them from rolling of the lens, where a tiny bit of residue
up with a list of top choices. Sit like YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, coatings designed to let more light in out of reach. can be swiped up.
back moms and dads, read on and etc. And if you think that's strange, by canceling reflection. Most are in- 2) Brush up. Another option is 4) The solution solution. For per-
afterwards, please care to check consider the fact that Google, the tegral to the glass; some may be ap- to use a lens brush to sweep dust sistent spots on the lens, you might
out the parental control settings on biggest search engine so the site plied on top. The coatings are tough from a lens, but be careful in han- need a cleaning solution. Don’t buy a
your computers. where most of the searches in the but not indestructible, and they are dling the brush. "You never want to bottled product that is mostly water
A few years ago, the company top have been performed, came especially susceptible to scratches. touch a brush," said Mr. Heiner. "It’s and detergent. "You make a bigger
Symantec released an interesting in at number 2, basically meaning The problem is, wiping a lens can the worst thing you can do because mess," said Mr. Heiner. The slowly
list of top 100 most popular search- that kids are searching for Google make the grit you are removing act the oils from your hands get on the drying water and sticky detergent
es kids do online. Besting the top on Google. like sandpaper. Here’s the right bristles." Oils can be especially hard can actually attract more dirt. Use
three spots were YouTube, Google Years later, this list hadn’t way. to remove from the lens. Mr. Hei- generic, fast drying denatured al-
and Facebook, now of whom we changed much, with probably the 1) Take the air. Start by blowing ner cited the Staticmaster brush as cohol applied sparingly to the cloth,
know are some of the largest sites top three neck to neck. But for the as much dust away as you can with one that is often used, but it is much never to the lens. "If you put it on the
online. Here’s part of that list… smaller kids, gaming sites are still air, but not just any air. "We do not more expensive than an air bulb. lens, it can get inside." Don’t have
1. YouTube tops specially those that have be- recommend that you use any high 3) Friendly fibers. In most cases any alcohol? A perfectly good substi-
2. Google come more interactive like Habbo pressure air," said Mr. Heiner. Air all you need is a good lens cloth. tute for light cleaning is "a good huff
3. Facebook that is both a social networking/ from compressors can be laced with They are now made of microfiber, of breath across the lens," said Mr.
4. Sex game site then there’s PBS, Car- small bits of oil that is hard to get off but get a good one. How do you de- Heiner.
5. MySpace toon network I’m betting that a a lens. Canned air uses refrigerants, termine quality? "It’s hard to be ab- Finally, if you really have to wipe
6. Porn lot of parents are still unaware of which can shoot a gust of damaging solutely certain, so try to use a repu- the lens and don’t have the proper
7. Yahoo what their children are actually freezing air. "I’ve seen people blast table manufacturer." Cloths from 3M tools, a little cautious improvisation
8. Michael Jackson searching for and now that school’s the lens and break the element," Mr. are available for around $5. One wipe is probably fine. "I’ve been guilty of
9. Fred out, let’s expect to see a different Heiner said. The preferred product will last a long time, but you have to using my shirttail on occasion," said
10. eBay “trending” very soon. Once again, is a squeeze bulb. Favorites of pho- take care of it. "Make sure you wash Mr. Heiner, "but I keep it to a mini-
While many of the entries aren't I stress the importance of keeping tographers are the Giottos Rocket- your microfiber cloth from time to mum." (NYT)
that surprising, several trends tabs at the sites our kids go to. Is
emerged from the list. Searching your child left alone to “google”
via search vehicle such as Google, whatever for the summer?
Magellan's Sony's MDR-DS6500 wireless
Bing, iMesh seem to have replaced Part 2 Up Next...
eXplorist Pro 10 headphones -- surround sound
does GIS data in style
Tech Buys and Goodbyes collection
Sony's latest MDR-DS6500 setup offers up a
slew of surround sound modes, including Dolby
Magellan is at it once
Digital, Sony's Virtualphones Technology, a
Unlike basketball games that novative products and services, again with the Pro
100-meter (330-foot) operating range, and
10. Running Windows
have time-out’s, technology runs upping their revenues to an im- automatic tuning. Sony's also promising
Mobile 6.5 and powered
after its own life in coping up with proved level. 20 hours of listening for
by dual AA disposables,
one trend to another. Consumers Some other companies who every three hours the
the eXplorist Pro has a
things spend on
need to satisfy our tech-savvy found themselves better with three-inch 240 x 400
their charging
hunger, which is why we always the buying of another company color transreflective
look for organizations that drive are CBS and Wired. CBS bought display -- so on-screen
site surveying is as
ingenuity and innovation as fast CNet for $1.75B a few years back
easy in direct sunlight
as possible. in order to put themselves in a as it is in the dark of
This is exactly why technol- great position not only on televi- night. The device comes
ogy companies strive to be the sion media, but also in computer with a 533 Mhz CPU,
best and the first in launching and print media. Similarly, Wired 128MB of RAM, 4GB of
latest gadgets, so that they will bought Ars Technica for $25M, onboard memory, and
room for more bits and
be able to set the tone in the mar- with the aim to bring readers to a bytes via microSD. A
ket. However, no matter how con- newer, higher level of expertise. 3.2 megapixel camera,
stant the research and develop- three-axis compass,
ments may be, some companies Closing to Focus on Strengths pressure altimeter,
just cannot keep up with their Do you remember back in and a barometer round
out the geographic
competitors. As a result, they 2005 when Google Video and
measurement gear, and
buy or sell another company to Youtube were going at it? Since a Bluetooth radio.
leverage on strengths, maximize Youtube essentially won, Google
opportunities and lessen threats eventually bought it in 2006 to
against a rival company. end the competition. Although
that was the case, Google kept
Acquiring to Lessen Threats the Video – until this April 2011,
Hewlett-Packard is one of the when they finally announced the Synthesis Innovations introduces new business software
largest information technology closure of the service. It’s not
companies in the world today. a surprise at all. Besides, why o better serve the re- ing of vehicle maintenance, driver lessly from front-end to the back of-

But it wouldn’t be successful as keep two similar services, when quirements of the management and assignment, and fice.
it is if it only relied on its basic the other one is just a vestigial micro, small and en- management of fuel, speed and dis- With an accessible interface,
computers and printers, which it tail for Google? terprises, Synthesis tribution. cashier transactions, generation of
is very known of. On the other hand, Cisco also Innovations make SYNC Parcel comes handy with sales and terminal report up to in-
As of date, it has acquired gave a stunning announcement available new business its efficient tracking solution. As a ventory management comes more
more than 100 companies since that their Flip Video line of digital software to automate operations in courier management system, this scalable and consistent in handling.
1981, ranging from less than cameras is saying farewell even the transport shipping and transport software manages the delivery of SYNC Credit promises to be the
$10M to more than $100M. if it became a success. Why? Be- industry as well as systems in retail, parcel and monitors client accounts complete solution to loan account
Among the biggest and most cause they have realized that the credit and parcel delivery. These automatically. The tracking mecha- servicing including mortgages, re-
popular acquisitions are Com- company is still a network infra- software packages offer efficiency, nism utilizes barcode registration, ceivables, leases and other lines of
paq (personal computers), 3Com structure business after all, so accuracy and flexibility with upgrad- invoicing and administration of phys- credit.
(computer networking), 3PAR efforts on sales, marketing, re- ed features that outdates the manual ical management, analysis report, This out-of-the-shelve computer
(data storage), and Palm Inc. search and development should flow of day-to-day business transac- data security and other features. software of the SYNC line come in
(smartphones). These acquisi- be focused on maintaining their tions. "Our commitment to the small modular types thus enabling users
tions have placed HP in better core product on top of the line. For Public Utility Bus opera- businesses pushes Synthesis Inno- to integrate different software suites
ranking and higher revenues, as As they say, “if you can’t tors, the SYNC Transport is capa- vations to consistently develop and with ease. Highly-adaptable to any
compared to when it was operat- beat them, buy them.” But buy- ble of seamless extraction of data come up with business solutions that company processes, these software
ing just in itself. ing isn’t just all that. Acquiring a from ticket-generating devices and are simple, innovative and affordable. packages can easily be customized
In the same manner, our company means that one compa- produce day trip summaries in a With these industry-based software to conform to existing systems and
most-abused and used Google ny acknowledges the other com- cost-effective, precise transport packages, we give SMEs the option database.
has acquired around 90 com- pany’s core competency. It also management system. Thus, data is to automate, achieve higher pro- SYNC Software is designed and
panies since 2001. By looking at means that they want to work it easily validated and human errors ductivity and compete well in their developed by Synthesis Innova-
their list of buys, it seems like out together to complement the efficiently abated. respective markets," says Kendrick tions Inc. with offices at 4th floor,
Google wants to be a one-stop existing core competencies in Designed for fleet operators and Ang, vice-president for Business De- BJS Building, P. Domingo St., Brgy.
shop for everything we online order to produce an improved, dispatchers, the SYNC Cargo ac- velopment of Synthesis Innovations. Kasilawan, Makati City. For product
junkies need. Their acquisitions quality-oriented, and most com- complishes a series of tasks involved To fit the retail business opera- inquiries, contact Synthesis Inno-
have not only diversified their plete product or service. (Glenn in the management of delivery ve- tions, the SYNC POS was developed vations or for additional info, go to
portfolio, but also led to more in- Richmond Ong) hicles. This Fleet Management Sys- as a "Point-of-sale" system capable of or find us in Facebook
tem functions to achieve monitor- managing the selling process seam- – Synthesis Innovations, Inc.

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