Subjunctive / Subjunctive Mood

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Subjunctive / Subjunctive mood

Uses of subjunctive
1.We generally use the subjunctive when talking about events that are not certain to happen,
especially when talking about events someone wants to happen, hopes will happen or
imagines happening.
 The minister hopes that you help him with the new law.
 If I were you I would buy this house.

2.Typically, the subjunctive is used after these structures:

It is essential, vital, important, necessary, desirable,...+ that
The verbs ask, recommend, request, suggest, insist, propose, command + that
 It is vital that you finish your studies.
 I suggest that you visit Paris.

3.Some fixed expressions use the subjunctive.

 Long live the King!
 God bless America!
 come what may!
 God forbid!
 So be it!
 So help me God!
 Be that as it may!

4. Other uses
 Should you feel hungry, … (equivalent to If you (should) feel hungry)
 Be he called on by God, … (equivalent to "If he be (i.e. If he is) called on by God, …")
 Be they friend or foe, … (equivalent to "(No matter) whether they be friend or foe, …")
 Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home (from "Home! Sweet Home!"; meaning
"even though")

What is subjunctive?
is a grammatical construction recognizable by its use of the bare form of a verb in a finite clause that
describes a non-actual scenario. For instance, "It's essential that he be here" uses subjunctive mood
while "It's essential that he is here" does not. In contrast to many other languages, English does not
have a specifically subjunctive verb form. Rather, subjunctive clauses recruit the bare form of the
verb which is also used in a variety of other constructions such as imperatives and infinitives.

Things to remember
 The English subjunctive is realized as a finite but tenseless clause.
 Use the simple form of the verb.
 The Subjunctive is used to emphasize urgency or importance. It is used after certain
 I suggest that he study.
 Is it essential that we be there?
 Don recommended that you join the committee.
The Subjunctive is only noticeable in certain forms and tenses. In the examples below, the
Subjunctive is not noticeable in the you-form of the verb, but it is noticeable in the he-form of the
You try to study often. "try" (NOT SUBJUNCTIVE)
It is important that you try to study often. (SUBJUNCTIVE)
He tries to study often. "tries" (NOT SUBJUNCTIVE)
It is important that he try to study often. (SUBJUNCTIVE)

There are some patterns to consider.

1. Verbs followed by the Subjunctive
to advise, to ask, to command, to demand, to desire, to insist, to propose, to recommend,
to request, to suggest, to urge (+THAT)
 He suggests that you be present at the meeting.
 The board recommend that he join the company.
 He requested that the car park not be locked at night.

2. Adjective followed by the Subjunctive

advisable, best, crucial, desirable, essential, imperative, important, necessary, unthinkable, urgent,
vital, adamant, anxious, determined, eager, keen (+THAT)
 It is advisable that she rest for a week.
 It was essential that the army advance rapidly.
 After the landing, it will be vital that every soldier not use a radio.

3. Noun followed by the Subjunctive

demand, order, proposal, recommendation, request, suggestion (+THAT)
 They made a suggestionthat we be early.
 He made a proposal that the company buy more land.
 The president has issued an order that the secretary resign next month.

The forms of the subjunctive

a. Present
The subjunctive in the present is the same as the bare infinitive (infinitive without "to") for all verbs.

b. Past
The past subjunctive relates only to the verb to be. It takes the form were

Other examples
1. It is essential that Lucy learn her multiplication tables.
2. If only I were able to read Chinese!
3. It is important that you not drink too much alcohol before driving.
4. Sorry, the cake is burnt! I wish I were a better cook.
5. In Phoebe's school it is required that every student wear a uniform.
6. Bob's grandfather is ill. It is urgent that Bob be warned at once.
7. The monks insisted that the tourists not enter the temple with their shoes on.
8. It's too cold here. I wish I lived in a warmer country.
9. Mr. Mason demands that the heater be repaired immediately. His room is freezing.

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