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Fermented Fish Preparation in Barangay Manga

A Monograph Research Presented to the


Tagbilaran City Division

A partial fulfillment of requirements in



Daviz, Sofia Louren L. Pino, Maricel W.

Duterte, Danica Azalea R. Rubio, Romnick M.

Gonzales, Michelle T. Sumaya, Cathylyn B.

Lorecto, Olsen C. Tolop, Jacqueline D.

Pabito, Ma. Carmela P.

Grade 11 – E (Food Processing)

July 2021

Fermented fish is generally considered as any fishery product that has

undergone degradative changes through enzymatic or microbiogical activity in

either the presence or absence of salt. After the fish have been caught, small

fish such as sardines are either dried or used fresh for fermentation.

Fermented fish products are very popular in Southeast Asian countries;

however, the products are actually also found in other parts of the

world. Fermentation of fish is an ancient technology that has already been

employed by our ancestors a long time ago. The processing is traditionally

used to overcome the perishable nature of fish.

Fermented fish is an old staple food in European cuisines; for instance,

the ancient Greeks and Romans made a famous fermented fish product

called “garum.” The product has pasta form and very strong smell.

Fermented fish products usually have special consumers because of

their ability to provide a certain unique characteristic, especially in terms of

aroma, flavor, and texture. This is due to a transformation of organic materials

into compounds which are simpler by the activity of microorganisms or

enzymes that are encountered in fish muscle tissue during the fermentation

process (Beddows, 1998).

The interest of consumers for fermented fish products is primarily due

to the specific flavor generated which can induce appetite. In the case of

Indonesia, a variety of flavors produced by fermented fish products can

actually satisfy the tastes of consumers outside the area of origin of the

product. Unfortunately most of fermented fish products are still local and not
so easily found nationwide. Only some types of fermented fish products have

been widely known, such as fish sauce and shrimp paste (Irianto, 2012).

The ones contributing the most in flavor formation and the changes in

texture in fermented fish products are enzymes. Besides enzymes,

microorganisms that contribute to the fermentation process also assist in the

formation of aroma and flavor (Beddows, 1998). Many researchers from

around the world have already explored the enzymes in fermented fish

products and pay attention to uncover their role in the fermentation process.

The manufacturing procedures of fermented fish include packing all or

part of the fish with salt (20–50%) in tightly sealed earthenware pots or jars.

These pots are buried in the ground or exposed to the sun depending on

whether the climate is rainy or sunny.

II. Guide Questions

1. How do you prepare a fermented fish?

2. If you prepare a fermented fish, is it needed to be tight sealed?

3. Are you sure that once the can is sealed it is safe from a bacteria?

4. Is it a good idea that food must be preserved or fermented to bacteria

spoilage and bacteria?

III. Definition of Terms

Fermented Fish. Is a traditional preservation of fish. It is used as flavouring

and source of protein. Here in our province we call it “ginamos”.

Preparation. The action or process of making something ready or getting

ready for making a fermented fish.

Fermentation. It is the important way of preserving fish. It is a method which

attacks the ability of microbials to spoil fish. It does this by making the fish

muscle more acidic.

IV. Methodology

Research Instrument

An four-item questionnaire is used to identify whether the interviewers

know how to prepare a fermented fish. In order to attain the necessary

information of this work the researchers used the internet to gather the data.

This study was conducted in the Barangay Manga of the Tagbilaran

City in the Province of Bohol because researchers observe that many folks in

the village were making a fermented fish.

Manga is a barangay in the City of Tagbilaran, in the province of Bohol.

According to 2015 census, it has a population of 7,224 people. It’s nearest

neighbor along the national high way to the north is the town of Cortes.

Figure 1. Barangay Manga Location Map

The researchers choose to conduct a qualitative research with the

method of interviews. In the research, purposive sampling was employed in

determining the respondents for only those who are a practitioner in preparing

a fermented fish. They were selected for being a practitioner for the reason of

having an experience and knowledge in preparing a fermented fish. A total of

2 respondents are interviewed. They both agree to be interviewed for the

validity of the research.

V. Presentation of Data Gathered

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