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According to Bernadette Romula-Puyat, after enhanced community quarantine they will

have general community quarantine. Still, essential businesses are allowed but after the general
community quarantine which is the modified general community quarantine, tourism is already
allowed. We need to understand that we need to obey the rules and guidelines of DOT so that
we are safe. It is hard to go outside and enjoy vacation if we are in the middle of pandemic.
Don’t take risks that can harm or affect your health. It is also mentioned that they need to make
sure that all of the hotels and accommodation have the proper protocols. It has to be slowly
but surely so tourists can travel safely and effectively. Secretary Romulo-Puyat said that they
are working on touchless or contactless payments and hygiene. Numerous tourists had utilized
contactless payment methods, either pushed or naturally. These payments are presently
utilized across ages for ordinary buys at supermarkets, for food conveyance and to make lease
payments. As expected, organizations have needed to adjust to new types of payments from
tourists, both on the web and available. Utilizing contactless retail location frameworks for in-
person buys and creating APIs for on the web and portable buys has been basic to organizations
that have turned to help arising customer inclinations during the pandemic. Clients are
requesting more computerized, customized, and speedier installment innovation to help their
buying propensities, yet it's dependent upon organizations to ensure these choices stay free
from any danger. The pandemic has gone about as an impetus for the vital and unavoidable
shift toward a more digital world, including payment measures. The change to advanced
payments offers advantages to all partners and is possible a drawn out part of business to
shopper exchanges.

Metro Manila presently positioned under modified enchanced community quarantine

(MECQ) and most of different places under GCQ. Secretary Bernadette Romulo-Puyat offered
this expression during the becoming aware of the Senate Committee of the Whole on the
Impact of COVID 19, in which she introduced a situationer about the country's travel industry
and explained on the reaction measures attempted by the Department of Tourism (DOT) to
alleviate the monetary effect of the pandemic. The DOT accepts that this drive will assist with
giving jobs and create occupations to Filipinos in these recognized regions where the travel
industry is their essential wellspring of income. Besides, the DOT accepts that the early
readiness will help the travel industry area change appropriately and securely once travel
limitations have been lifted and homegrown travel will continue for all spaces. The DOT will
recognize these objections dependent on places that exceptionally rely upon the travel industry
for their neighborhood economy, will be under the MGCQ grouping, and are the moderately
more modest objections where exercises can be contained and better oversaw.

With regards to who can visit these objections, the DOT is at present focusing on
occupants from neighboring spots that are now positioned under GCQ. Visiting sightseers will
follow LGU Issuances on severe passage rules.

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