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Quarter 1 - Lesson 5
Writing the Research Title
Learning Competency:

• Writes a research title (CS_RS12-ld-e-2)

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Define what research title is,

2. Know how to choose a topic for research study,
3. Know the techniques for narrowing a topic into a research question,
4. Write a specific research title.

Try this!

A. Directions: Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is incorrect. (Pre-Test)

1. Research title is synonymous to research project.

2. The title of the research is the research study in a capsule form.
3. Research title must clearly reflect the topic of investigation.
4. The title of the research must be original and clear only.
5. Your research teacher is the only one who can choose for your research study.
6. Your research should be on required time frame.
7. You can include your personal views, ideas, opinions and prejudices on your study.
8. You can ask other people who are knowledgeable about the topic about questions that they
have thought of.
9. Examining the literature can be a technique for narrowing a topic into a research question.
10. Narrow the topic to a specific society or geographic unit.

B. Directions: Choose one of the following broad topics and narrow them into specific title.

a. Online Selling
b. Junk Foods and its Ill Effects on Human Health
c. A Comparison of the Time Spent on Facebook by Adults and Adolescents
d. Theater Arts e. Teleseryes: Mirrors of Positive and Negative Filipino Values?

Specific Title: __________________________________________________________________________


Task 1: Think and Explore.

Try to look again on the test B of your Pre-test and give 5 broad topics that you are interested
to study.

Broad Topics
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________

Task 2. Mind Mapping
Fill the following boxes. What words or phrases comes to your mind when you encounter the
word “research title”?

Research Title

1. Can you give examples of a research title?
2. What is the importance of the title of the research?
3. Why do the research title should be specific?

Keep this in mind:

• A research title is not like a manna that will from heaven, and presto! You have a title!
• A research title or a research project is a product of real world observations, dilemmas, wide
reading, selective viewing (television programs, films, documentaries, videos, etc.) meaningful
interactions with significant others, and deep reflection.
• The title of the research is the research problem or inquiry in capsule form. Great care must be
taken in the formulation of the research title. It must clearly reflect the topic of investigation.
And it must be original, clear, concise or specific.
• When you finally decide on a research topic, make sure that your research topic and research
questions match. Too broad topics will lead you nowhere. In order to narrow broad topics to
specific ones, the purpose or intent must be clear.

Broad topics
Broad topics should be narrowed down.
The Following are examples of broad topics:
• Blended Learning in English Classes
• Presidential Election Results
• Agri-Business
• Social Networking
• Vegetarianism

Specific Topics
Specific topics are researchable.
The following are examples of specific research topics:
• A Correlation Study on the Use of Blended Learning In Freshman English Classes and Student
• Campaign Events and Materials and Their Impact on Presidential Election Results.
• The Impact of Agri-business on the Philippine Economy
• The Cause-Effect Relationships of Social Networking and Online Selling
• Effects of Vegetarianism on Physical Health

Choosing a Topic for a Research Study

Layder (2013) stresses that in choosing a research topic is important to select a topic that interest
and motivates you. It should “doable” with the resources at your disposal and within the required timed
frame. Needless to say, the research topic should be focused and well-defined.

Deciding on a topic also entails being clear about which ones to avoid, especially if you have little
experience as a researcher. Although topics close to your own personal experiences may be appropriate
for small scale projects, you must not allow personal views, ideas, opinions and prejudices cloud your
thinking. Research projects must be objective as possible that is freed from your personal biases or
preferences as a researcher.

Lastly you should avoid research topics that involve your making moral judgments about certain
kinds of behaviour.

Techniques in Narrowing Down a Topic into a Research Question

Neuman (2007) suggests the following techniques in narrowing down broad topics:
1. Examine the literature. Published articles are an excellent source of ideas for research questions. They
are usually at an appropriate level of specificity and suggest research questions. That focus on the
a. Replicate a previous research project exactly or with slight variations.
b. Explore unexpected findings discovered in previous research.
c. Follow suggestions an author gives for future research at the end of an article.
d. Extend an existing explanation or theory to a new topic of setting.
e. Challenge findings or attempt to refute a relationship.
f. Specify the intervening process and consider linking relations.

2. Talk over ideas with others.

a. Ask people who are knowledgeable about the topic for questions about it that they have
thought of.
b. Seek out those who hold opinions that differ from yours on the topic and discuss possible
research questions with them.

3. Apply to a specific context.

a. Focus the topic on a specific historical period or time period.
b. Narrow the topic to a specific society or geographic unit.
c. Consider which subgroups or categories of people/units are involved and whether there are
differences among them.

4. Define the aim or desired outcome of the study.
a. Will the research question be for an exploratory, explanatory, or descriptive study?
b. Will the study involve applied or basic research?

Apply what you have learned.

Discuss the following:

1. What does research title means?
2. What factors should you consider in choosing a topic for research study?
3. What are the different techniques in narrowing down a topic into a research question?
4. Differentiate the broad topic to specific topic.
5. What is the importance of specified research topics?

Directions: Complete the following words into sentences. Based your answer on what you have
learned from this learning material.

I have learned that ………

I realized that ………

I will apply ……….

A. Directions: Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is incorrect. (Post Test)

1. Research title is synonymous to research project.

2. The title of the research is the research study in a capsule form.
3. Research title must clearly reflect the topic of investigation.
4. The title of the research must be original and clear only.
5. Your research teacher is the only one who can choose for your research study.
6. Your research should be on required time frame.
7. You can include your personal views, ideas, opinions and prejudices on your study.
8. You can ask other people who are knowledgeable about the topic about questions that they
have thought of.
9. Examining the literature can be a technique for narrowing a topic into a research question.
10. Narrow the topic to a specific society or geographic unit.

B. Directions: Choose one of the following broad topics and narrow them into specific title.

a. Online Selling
b. Junk Foods and its Ill Effects on Human Health
c. A Comparison of the Time Spent on Facebook by Adults and Adolescents
d. Theater Arts e. Teleseryes: Mirrors of Positive and Negative Filipino Values?

Specific Title: __________________________________________________________________________


Broad Topic - a topic which should be narrowed down. It is a topic when you have many different
ideas or resources about that topic.
Research title - a product of real-world observations, dilemmas, wide reading, selective viewing
(television programs, films, documentaries, videos, etc.) meaningful interactions with
significant others, and deep reflection.
Specific Topic - a narrowed down topic from a broad topic. It is researchable and it has clear intent of
the study.
Techniques - a method of accomplishing a desired aim.

Answer Key:

(Pre-test and Post-test) 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. T


Prieto, N., Naval, V., & Carey, T. (2017) Practical Research 2 for Senior High School: Writing a
Research Title

Prepared by:

Special Science Teacher 1
Arturo Jugo National High School
Schools Division of Capiz
Region VI - Western Visayas

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