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A Thesis

Submitted to

Aurora National High School

Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur

In Fulfilment

Of the Requirements for Practical Research 1






July 2021
Approval Sheet

[Only for Thesis 2 after the oral defense, when you are ready

to submit your final copy before binding. Get from the Graduate School]


Family Name, First Name Middle Initial. (year of graduation). Title of Thesis Here in

Italics. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Saint Columban College, Pagadian City.

Start with the general statement of the problem or objective/s of the study. Identify the

research environment, research participants and timeline. Discuss the methods used

(research design, instruments, data analysis methods).Present the summary of findings.

Include the conclusion/s.

Keywords: Include the keywords in the title, may include the indicators

The researchers wishes to express sincere appreciation and profound gratitude

to the following persons who made this study possible:

Foremost to , the thesis adviser, for his suggestions, professional guidance and

full support throughout all the stages of work

Table of Contents

Chapter 1......................................................................................................................... 1

The Problem................................................................................................................. 1

Introduction............................................................................................................... 1

Purpose of the Study................................................................................................2

Significance of the Study...........................................................................................3

Scope and Limitations of the Study...........................................................................4

Definition of Terms....................................................................................................5

Chapter 2......................................................................................................................... 7

Review of Related Literature........................................................................................7

External Stakeholders’ Motivation to School Improvement........................................7

Stakeholders Participation in School Improvement.................................................10

Chapter 3....................................................................................................................... 13

Research Methods.....................................................................................................13

Research Design....................................................................................................13

Research Environment............................................................................................13

Research Participants.............................................................................................14

Sampling Techniques..............................................................................................14

Research Instruments.............................................................................................14

Data Analysis.......................................................................................................... 15

Ethical Consideration in Research..........................................................................15


Chapter 4....................................................................................................................... 16

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data......................................................16

External Stakeholders Motivation............................................................................16

Chapter 5....................................................................................................................... 22

Summary of Findings, Conclusion/s and Recommendations......................................22

Summary of Findings..............................................................................................22



References..................................................................................................................... 24

Appendix A..................................................................................................................... 26

Appendix B..................................................................................................................... 26

Appendix C.................................................................................................................... 27

Curriculum Vitae.............................................................................................................29

Name: MARILOU M. LOGARTA.........................................................29

Date of Birth: November 8, 1978...................................................................29

Place of Birth: La Paz, Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur.......................................29

Home Address: Bliss, Balide, Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur...............................29

Civil Status: Married.....................................................................................29

Religion: Roman Catholic........................................................................29

Eligibility: Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET)...............................29

EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT......................................................................................29

Elementary: Aurora Regional Pilot School....................................................29

Poblacion, Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur.........................................................................29

March 1991.................................................................................................................... 29

Secondary: Juan Lomusad Memorial National High School........................29

Mahayahay, Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur.......................................................................29

March 1995.................................................................................................................... 29

Tertiary: Zamboanga City Polytechnic College.......................................29

Zamboanga City.............................................................................................................29

March 2000.................................................................................................................... 29

Graduate Studies: Master of Arts in Education Major in Educational Management.29

Saint Columban College................................................................................................29

Pagadian City.................................................................................................................29

- 2020............................................................................................................................. 29

WORK EXPERIENCE....................................................................................................30

June 28, 2018 – Present................................................................................................30

Teacher II/ School ICT Coordinator................................................................................30

Aurora Regional Pilot School – SPED Center................................................................30

Aurora East District........................................................................................................ 30

June 28, 2007 – June 27, 2018......................................................................................30

Teacher II/ School ICT Coordinator................................................................................30

Anonang Elementary School..........................................................................................30


Aurora East District........................................................................................................ 30

August 12, 2002 – June 27, 2007..................................................................................30

Teacher I/ Teacher - in - Charge..................................................................................30

Veronico J.Cabahug Memorial Primary School..............................................................30

Presently Veronico J. Cabahug Elementary School.......................................................30

Aurora East District........................................................................................................ 30

Chapter 1

The Problem


With the increase in the usage of social media especially Facebook, there is a growing

concern on how it influenced the cultural identity of the youth. The aspects on why the

youth deeply indulge in the social media is also a concern and the increasing attention

towards the effects of social media on the youth’s cultural identity needs also a concise

academic research.

Facebook is one of the world’s leading social networking application in which almost all

the people in the world imparted its usage and building a connection with the application

in their daily lives. They provide a context where people across the world can

communicate, exchange messages, share knowledge, and interact with each other

regardless of the distance that separates them (Senior Honours Project,2017). Through

this, we are able to visualize the perspectives and lives of other people across the world.

Almost all human activities are already present and can be seen through Facebook.

Understanding cultural identity especially to the youth in the realms of social media

becomes crucial and broad because of the larger percentage of the youth of today uses

different kind of social media applications such as Facebook. The diffusion of new social

media across the world has different effects on individual cultures, but ultimately

promotes interconnectedness and understanding among global societies (Sawyer,


Furthermore, the question arises also on what the impact the internet has had on youth

through accessing this sort of 'identity laboratory' and what role it plays in the shaping of

youth identity(Turkle,1995 ).On the one hand, the internet enables young people to

explore and perform various roles and personifications while on the other, the virtual

forums---some of them highly attractive, vivid, and absorbing(e. g video games or virtual

games of personification)----could present a risk to the construction of a stable and

viable personal identity(Zegers,2011).

In the local setting, the cultural identity of the youth was influenced and through their

usage of the internet and particularly, Facebook. The culture of another local culture or a

foreign culture (e.g. Korean pop culture) is introduced to the youth because of the socio-

cultural networking that is presented on Facebook and can be seen by the youth and

can be overwhelming to the youth. Regardless of other aspects of culture, the internet

and Facebook have a huge impact in influencing society and the youth as a whole and

contributed as one of the building blocks of creating their cultural identity.

Based on the preceding facts, the researchers see the need to investigate the influence

of Facebook to the extent that it influences their own cultural identity.

Purpose of the Study

This study aims its purposes to the following:


1. To understand and define cultural identity.

2. To investigate why Facebook gained its status as a leading social networking

service that leads also its position as a top social influencer especially to the


3. To identify the aspects of cultural identity that have been inclined to youth

through their usage of Facebook.

4. To interpret the following aspects of cultural identity influence by Facebook on

whether it is good or bad for the youth.

5. To find out whether the cultural identities of the modern-day world are already

being centered.

Significance of the Study

The researchers fall the importance of the study to the following groups and

organizations to assess the influence of Facebook to the extent that it influenced the

cultural identity of the youth.

Software Engineer. The study will help the software engineers in improving their

strategies in implementing software like Facebook and improvements to ensure its


Web Designer. This study will help them develop strategies to examine properly what

kind of website that they will make for the benefit of society.

Teachers. They play a vital role in educating the youth about cultural identity and other

cultural perspective lessons. Most of our youth are also a student and established a

bond with their teachers and this study can help the teachers to educate more

knowledge to their students that also part of the youth community.

Youth. The primary subject of this research. This research can help the youth

themselves to identify what aspects of their cultural identity are influenced by Facebook

and to judge whether it is good or bad for them.

Other Researchers. The process and outcome of this study will produce great

satisfaction, competence, and professionalism in the field of research, which can be

used by other researchers who would like to conduct similar studies in other areas

involving Facebook's influence to the extent to influence the cultural identity of youth.

Statement of the Problem

This study shall determine the influence of Facebook to the extent that it influenced the

cultural identity of the youth. This study will focus on the youth of Aurora, Zamboanga

del Sur perspectives, thoughts, and particular aspects of cultural identity. They are

embedded towards themselves when they use Facebook.

Specifically, it will aim to answer the following queries:

1. What is the prime reason why the youth use Facebook?

2. What are the aspects of cultural identity held by Facebook towards them?

3. What implication to practice can be drawn from the result of the study?

Scope and Limitations of the Study


The scope and limitation of this study involved the following essential features:

Subject Matter. This study shall focus on the Facebook influenced to the extent that it

influenced the cultural identity of the youth. This study this to find out the influence of

Facebook concerning the cultural identity of the youth.

Research Environment and Timeline. This study was conducted in Aurora, Zamboanga

del Sur from June to July 2021.

Research Participants. The research participants were the youth of Aurora, Zamboanga

del Sur.

Research Design. This study used a qualitative research method for each individual,

particularly the Case Study Design of research.

Research Methods. This study used a one on one interview with all participants of the


Definition of Terms

Facebook - One of the world's leading social networking service software. The main

initiator of influencing the cultural identity of the youth.

Internet - A system that links all the computer networks worldwide. The system that

made Facebook function worldwide.

Social Media - The created and shared society of the people all around the world

through the usage of different social networking services such as Facebook.

Influence - The affection that Facebook initiated towards the youth especially in the

cultural identity perspective.


Extent -The excessive or extended influence of Facebook on the youth.

Cultural Identity - The established identity is caused by the sense of belonging of a youth

to a particular group.

Youth - The collectivity of young people. They were the most users of Facebook and

thus, they are the more prone to the influences that Facebook can bring to them.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

This chapter reviews the related literature and studies used by the researchers as

background information on the extent the Facebook influenced the cultural identity of the


Facebook’s Influence

Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg, a Harvard undergraduate student on 4th of

February 2004 and was earlier targeted for Harvard graduates only. Later on Facebook

for high school networks was developed in 2005 and then it was launched for corporate

networks in 2006.It helps people make new contacts based on same “shared interests,

political views or activities”(Boyd & Ellison,2008).

Furthermore, the Facebook is the most widely used social networking website to

date and has been growing in numbers of its users exponentially in the past one year.

The reason for it can be found in the easiness of its use as comparing with, for example,

Myspace, where the user has more freedom of expression regarding creating and

manipulating the visual background and spatial adjustment of information boxes.

Facebook, on the other hand, is in its basis the same for all users, what he or she can

manipulate is in a larger degree bound to content, as the users has the option to select

different “boxes” with selected information, such as music, maps, videos, texts, and

other custom made applications. Creativity is fostered and encouraged as users have

the possibility to be playful on regular daily basis or even more frequent and present that

to the outer world or their friends (Attia, 2018).


Zhao, (2008) have also found that Facebook users create online identities that

represent their "hope“ for” selves, rather than their ‘true” or hidden selves. Users can

achieved this by making socially acceptable character traits like popularity, well-

roundedness, and thoughtfulness. Social media use can also lead to privacy and

security risks and subject users to phenomena like cyber-bullying, sexting and

“Facebook depression” (O'Keeffe, G.S. & Clarke-Pearson, K. 2011).

The initiating and maintaining relationships between people has been provided

by the Facebook. Facebook is employed mostly to keep in touch with people and to

know them better. It has been found out that one of the user’s most frequent activities on

Facebook is writing messages, chat, comments, and wall posts-messages that publicly

appear on a user’s personal page (Golder et. al 2007).

Facebook addiction is also linked to certain psychological variables, such as relationship

dissatisfaction (Elphinston & Noller, 2011), depression (Hong et al., 2014), anxiety (Koc

& Gulyagci, 2013), subjective happiness and subjective vitality (Uysal, Satici & Akin,


Tayyebeh and Datis(2013) on the other hand, focus on regional cultural

differences of Facebook users as most pervasive social networks. They concluded that

social identity joins with the real identity of the users, and thus they care about their

social image in the social media space.

Cultural Identity, Internet and Youth

Cultural identity is the identity of belonging to a is part of a person’s self-

conception and self-perception and is related to nationality, ethnicity, religion, social

class, generation, locality or any kind of social group that has its own distinct cultural. In

this way, cultural identity is both characteristic of the individual but also of the culturally

identical group of members sharing the same cultural identity or upbringing (Ennaji,


The internet has also become an extension of the youth condition. The youth talk about

their lives and concerns, design the content that they make available to others and

assess others’ reaction to it in the form of optimized and electronically mediated social

approval. Many of today’s youth go thought processes of affirmation procedures and is

often the case for how youth today grow dependent on peer approval. When connected,

youth speak of their daily routines and lives. With each post, image or video they upload,

they have the possibility of asking themselves who they are and to try out profiles

differing from those they assume in the ‘real’ world. The connections they feel in more

recent times have become much less interactive through personal means compared to

past generations. The influx of new technology and access has created new fields of

research on effects on teens and young adults. They thus negotiate their identity and

create senses of belonging, putting the acceptance and censure of others to the test, an

essential mark of the process of cultural identity (Lopez,Opertti,Vargas Tamez,2017).


Chapter 3

Research Methods

This chapter presents the research methods of the study. It includes discussion

on the research methods covering the research design, environment, research

participants, sampling techniques, instruments, Data gathering techniques, data

analysis, and ethical considerations.

Research Design

A qualitative method of research, correctly a descriptive case study research

design, will be utilized. A qualitative research method is originated from social science to

enable researchers to study social and cultural oriented phenomena. This approach

seeks to probe deeply into the research setting to obtain an in-depth understanding of

the way things are, why things are that way, and how participants perceive them in their

context (Dapin 2018).

A case study is a popular research design in the social sciences. It is a strategy for

doing research which involves an empirical investigation of a particular contemporary

phenomenon within its real-life context using sources of evidence. Case study research

allows for a certain degree of methodological eclecticism, which typically includes asking

people questions, observing what happens, and analyzing documents (Arthur et al.


Research Environment

This study conducted in Aurora Regional Pilot School – SPED Center of Aurora

East District during the school year 2019 – 2020. Aurora Regional Pilot School – SPED

Center is one of the 19 schools in the Aurora East District. It composed of 17 classes,

which include Kinder to Grade VI Gifted and Talented Sections, Special Classes, and

Grade I To Grade VI section II sections. The study conducted at the school and to find

out how the external stakeholders motivated and participating in school improvement.

Research Participants

The participants of this study were the external stakeholders of Aurora Regional

Pilot School – SPED Center of Aurora East District. They will be the participants of the

study because they are the direct companions of the school in terms of improvements.

Sampling Techniques

Purposive sampling will employ in this study. The participants were selected

based on judgment. The best quality the objectives of the research, according to

(Mariquit 2017). In this study, the ability and knowledge of the school heads and

teachers would help the researcher in determining the external stakeholders’ motivation

and their participation in school improvement.

Research Instruments

An interview guide made of open-minded questions was used regarding the

insights and views of the selected stakeholders of Aurora Regional Pilot School – SPED

center of Aurora East District.

Data Gathering Techniques

The data-gathering technique for this study starts with official permission to

conduct the research that sought from Ma. Liza R. Tabilon, Ed.D CESO VI. The Schools

Division Superintendent of Zamboanga del Sur division.


After the permission granted, the researcher then contacted the school heads of

the school that covered in this study for the actual administration of the research

instruments. The researcher then will administer the questionnaire – checklists on

determining the external stakeholders’ motivation in their participation in school

improvement, which was answered by the participants. The researcher will orient the

participants on the directions and explained to them that their perceptions treated with

the utmost confidentiality.

Data Analysis

In analyzing the data gathered through interviews, qualitative techniques

employed. Data from interviews recorded. Then analysis and discussion of the collected

data made by narration and description. The researcher made a table that contained the

actual answers of the interviewees — keywords drawn from their responses. Through

keywords, themes formed.

Ethical Consideration in Research

The researchers created a letter of permission for every participant

regarding the study. Explanation and discussion of the topic were made and at the same

time. The researcher formally explained that the data gathered from them are for the

study purposes only and assured to them that these will remained inexpressible to


Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presented the analysis and interpreted the qualitative data on

external stakeholder's motivation. It includes the external stakeholder's motivation for

their participation in school improvement.

External Stakeholders Motivation

All research participants express various insights related to external motivation.

Emerging themes such as parental involvement, community engagement, social

services, and give and take system formulated.

Parental Involvement

Research participants who shared the following insights:

“ as a parent ang nag aghat namu ang mu apil apil sa kalambuan sa eskuylahan
mao ang kaayuhan sa among mga anak nga nag eskwela. Isip katabang sa mga
magtutudlo responsibilidad namu isip ginikanan ang paghatag og suporta sa mga
proyekto nga gikasabutan uban sa mga magtutudllo sa eskwelahan. Kalipay usab
namu nga makatabang kay dili lang man ang anak namu ang matabangan kundi ang
uban pang kabataan nga nagtungha sa eskuylahan. Ang among pag apil apil sa mga
proyekto sa kalambuan sa eskwelahan naghatag kini og kaayuhan og ka komportabli sa
among kabataan nga nagtungha sa eskwelahan” [As a parent I was motivated to
participate in school improvement for the benefits of our children in the school. As a
direct stakeholder, it is our responsibility to help the teacher, support the teacher in every
project does the school has. It is our will and happiness to help and counterpart support
not only for our children but also to other children. Our engagement in participating in the
school improvement will give betterness, and comfortability among learners]

The research participants show how they are responsive in participating when it

comes to the betterment of the learners. Joy and happiness is the key to fulfilling their

responsibility. Their good attitudes will attribute more to the success of different activities

related to school improvement.

According to the study of ( Abouchaar 2003), the overall impact of parental

involvement seems to work in support of pupil attainment across all ethnic groups so far

studied. Parental involvement, especially in the form of parental values and aspirations

modeled in the home, is a significant force shaping pupils' achievement and adjustment.

The precise details of how costs are conceived and expressed located in the ethnic

culture of the family. Involving parents in the degree that supporting and enhancing their

child's school achievement is part of their 'job' as a parent. Likewise, parents will get

involved to the degree that they feel they have the capacity to make a difference.

People can learn new roles and skills. The desire and ability to be involved will be

enhanced or limited to some degree by the barriers or opportunities afforded by schools

and by individual teachers. The parent/teacher interface is a critical meeting ground for

mutual support and understanding or mutual distrust.

Public Service

“as a barangay officials ang naka aghat namu nga mu apil sa kalambuan sa
eskwelan mao ang among pagka public servant. Ang among pagtabang sa among mga
constituents mao gyud ang among prioridad, usa na niana ang pag tabang sa
eskwelahan. Bisan pa sa balaod karun sa COA nga wala nay budget nga naka allocate
para sa eskwelahan tungod kay naa na kini MOOE dili kini babag arun makatabang
kami sa kalambuan sa eskwelahan. Nagdipende kini kung unsa ka gikinahanglan sa
maong tulunghaan nga nangayo og tabang kanamo. Amo kini ipa agi sa session arun
masabutan og asa kini kuhaon ang budget pera sa gihangyo nga tumong alang sa
pagpalambo sa eskwelahan.[as barangay officials, we are motivated to participate in the
school improvement because we are a public servant. Helping our constituents is our
priority, and one of those is helping a school. Besides that, the COA did not allow to
allocate budget for education because of MOOE, but it is not a barrier to assist in
improving the school. It depends upon how important it is, and we give priority. Based on
the request we will pass in the session so that we can allocate money for the request

The research participants show how generous they are when it comes to public

service. Even though public education is not included anymore in their jurisdiction but

then due to public service, they extended their full support as external stakeholders.

Public sector services are responsible and accountable to citizens and

communities as well as to its customers. Service provision is more complicated in the

public sector because it is not merely a matter of meeting expressed needs, but of

finding out unexpressed needs, setting priorities, allocating resources and publicly

justifying and accounting for what has been done ( Munhurrun, 2010).

Community Engagement

“as a private lending investors ang naka aghat namu nga mu participate me sa
school para school improvement kay nakasulat kini siya sa among Vision, Mission og
sa activiies sa tibook tuig nga mutabang gyud sila sa community. Usa na niana ang
pagtabang sa namu sa mga eskwelahan. Kalipay og garbo namu nga makatabang me
at the same time mailhan pud ang among company nga dili lang magpautang og
kawarta kung dili mutabang pud sa mga nanginahanglan. Ingon sila basta adunay
formal request nga itunol sa ilang opsina gikan sa pamunuan sa eskwelahan dili gyud
sila mubalibad kay kini naa may tumong nga pagpalambo sa komunindad nga mao ang
eskwelahan.[as private lending investors we motivated to participate in school
improvement because it stated in our Vision, Mission, and even in the activities of the
company of the year that it is our social responsibility to help the community, and one of
those is the school. It is our joy and pride to maintain, and at the same time, they are
aware that we, not the only lending company that lends money to our clients, but we also
rendered social services. They say that if there's a formal request from form the school,
they are willing and not hesitant to offer their help for the benefits of the school and the

The participants show how they strengthen their services. The program and

activities in their company implemented. Their support is not only to their clients but as

well as to the community they belong to them.

Based on the book of (Moore et al.) community engagement means "people

working collaboratively, through inspired action and learning, to create and realize bold

visions for their common future." Community engagement is "mutual communication

and deliberation that occurs between government and citizens that allows citizens and

government to participate mutually in the formulation of policy and the provision of

government services. It necessarily means participation with a community of people,

rather than an individual citizen, and needs to incorporate the diversity and dynamics of

cities. Community engagement is "the process of working collaboratively with and

through groups of people affiliated by geographic proximity, special interest, or similar

situations to address issues affecting the well-being of those people."


Give and Take System

“as a member of business sector ang naka anghat namu nga mu participate sa
mga programa sa eskuylahan labi na gyud ang school improvement kay ang mga nidoul
namu pinaagi sa pag solicit mga suki man namu. Amo silang regular nga customers
nga mamalitay sa among mga baligya.Tungod kay mga suki man namu sila amo pud
silang tagaan og pahalipay pinaagi sa pagsulod sa ilang sobre kung kini sila muhangyo
og tabang namu” [as a member of the business sector we are motivated to participate in
the program of the school. Particularly the school improvement because they are our
customers in our business. And since they are our regular customers as a reward, we
give support to them]. Ang uban pud kay mga amigo og amiga nga nagdumala na og
usa ka eskwelahan mangayo pud og tabang labi na og ting closing exercises,
magsolicite sila og medals arun ika pahalipay sa mga kabataan nga ni gradwar og para
sa mga with honors.[some are our friends who are managing a school. They ask help,
especially during closing exercises. They solicited medals for the graduates and with
honors during closing exercises]

The participants in the business sector are also generous to their customers. As

a reward to their loyalty as their customers. They extend their help to the purpose of

improving a particular school. Not only customers but also to their friends. Extending

support to any improvement projects is such a right attitude of the business sector.

According to (Patricia, 2015) "give and take" forms the basis of almost all relationships.

Proportions may vary as per the intensity of the relationship. In a relationship, every dual

has expectations from his/her partner. A relationship without expectations is

meaningless. According to Social Exchange Theory, feelings and emotions ought to

reciprocate for a successful and long-lasting relationship. Links can never be one-sided.

An individual invests his time and energy in bonds only when he gets something out of it.

There are relationships where an individual receives less than he gives. This theory

becomes necessary to organizations because it takes two or more people to form a

team, and a team cannot exist without "give and take," which is the core of any

relationship. Therefore, this theory emphasizes the need for a positive interpersonal

relationship among the organization's members in other to achieve its goals.


Present all the emerging themes. Discus each theme. In-flesh your discussion

through including direct quotes from your participants. Support your findings with related


(Note: Do not just present all the quotes from the research participants. Make sure you

have a storyline based on the theme that you are expounding.)



In three or more pages, discuss the implications of your study. If your output is an

action plan, intervention program, advocacy program, or module, present them in the


Chapter 5

Summary of Findings, Conclusion/s and Recommendations

[Introductory paragraph stating the contents of the chapter.]

Summary of Findings

Introductory paragraph.

1. (Question 1)

Answer to Question 1

2. (Question 2)

Answer to Question 2

3. And so on


(Refer to your general statement of the problem) Make a general statement

relevant to the purpose of your study. Add statements on so what? (ex. Students’

engagement in online games affects their social behaviors and academic-related

behaviors. Then HEIs/Guidance Center should ….[still generic statements]. )


Based on the findings, the researcher endorses the following recommendations:

1. (identify the target group/persons who will implement the recommendation,

then state the specific course of action.)

2. And so on…

3. C

4. C

5. C

6. c


Ubben et al. (2014) “The Principal Creative Leadership for Excellence in Schools":
Pearson Education. Inc.p.319

Albarico, S. J. (2018). “School Administrators Motivational Practices Teachers Needs

and Organizational Commitment. Unpublished Thesis, Saint Columban College

Limansag, R. Jr. (2010)" The study habits and motivation of the Pupils in Grade VI."
Unpublished Thesis, Saint Columban College

Navarro J. M. (2013) “Multi-Graded Teachers' Motivation, Job Satisfaction and

Teaching Performance” Unpublished Thesis, Saint Columban College

Maruhom J. A. (2015) “Stakeholders participation in Department of Education Brigada

Eskwela Program” Saint Columban College

Mariquit D. G. M. (2017) “Stakeholders Participation in the Adopt - a - School Program”

Saint Columban College

Granada M. H. (2013) “Stakeholders’ Support, Teacher’s Reinforcement and Students’

Behavior” Saint Columban College

Dapin J. G. (2018)” School Administrators’ Challenges in the Instructional Supervision”

Saint Columban College

Arthur J. et al. (2012) “Research Methods & Methodologies in Education."

Saga Publication Asia Pacific Pte Ltd p.102

Ryan & Deci (2017) “Self Determination Theory: Basic Psychological Needs in
Motivation Development and Wellness ” Guilford Publication Inc USA p. 13

Herzberg F. ( 2017) “Motivation to Work” Transaction Publishers, USA p. 114

Ginsberg M.B. et al. ( 2017) “ Enhancing Adult Motivation to learn: A comprehensive

Guide for Teaching All Adults” Jossey Bass Publishing Inc. San Francisco, California.
p 1-2



Appendix A

Appendix B

Interview Guide Questions

Directions: Give your responses to the following questions.

Engaging Question:

 What are your contributions as the external stakeholders of the school?

Exploration Questions:

 What are your hindrances in helping the school?

Please expound your answer.

 What are the motivations do you apply in coping with those mentioned

hindrances? How do you use those motivations?

Exit Question:

1. Do you have any additional information/situation to share with regarding how

the external stakeholders motivated in participating school improvement


Appendix C

Interview Guide

Name of Participant:(Optional)______________________________________________



 How important for you is the elementary school? Why?


 What motivates you in the participation in the school improvement?


 Do you have additional information on improving the participation of the

school improvement?

Appendix D

[Photocopy of the Plagiarism Scan Result


Curriculum Vitae


Date of Birth: November 8, 1978
Place of Birth: La Paz, Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur
Home Address: Bliss, Balide, Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur
Civil Status: Married
Religion: Roman Catholic
Eligibility: Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET)

Elementary: Aurora Regional Pilot School
Poblacion, Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur
March 1991
Secondary: Juan Lomusad Memorial National High School
Mahayahay, Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur
March 1995
Tertiary: Zamboanga City Polytechnic College
Zamboanga City
March 2000
Graduate Studies: Master of Arts in Education Major in Educational Management
Saint Columban College
Pagadian City
- 2020

June 28, 2018 – Present
Teacher II/ School ICT Coordinator
Aurora Regional Pilot School – SPED Center
Aurora East District

June 28, 2007 – June 27, 2018

Teacher II/ School ICT Coordinator
Anonang Elementary School
Aurora East District

August 12, 2002 – June 27, 2007

Teacher I/ Teacher - in - Charge
Veronico J.Cabahug Memorial Primary School
Presently Veronico J. Cabahug Elementary School
Aurora East District

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