Management Analysis Journal

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Management Analysis Journal 7 (2) (2018)

Management Analysis Journal



Dewi Sukmawardini, Anindya Ardiansari

Management Department, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia

Info Article Abstract

History Article: The purpose of this study is to determine whether institutional ownership, Return
Received January 2018 on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), current ratio (CR), dividend payout
Approved May 2018 ratio (DPR) and debt to equity ratio (DER) affects the firm value. The population is
Published June 2018
manufacturing companies which is listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2012-
Keywords: 2016. The sample in this study is 14 companies with purposive sampling method.
Institutional Ownership; Prof- Firm value is proxied by Price to Book Value (PBV), profitability is proxied by Re-
itability; Liquidity; Dividend turn on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE), liquidity is proxied by Current
Policy; Debt policy; the Value ratio (CR), dividend policy is proxied by Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR) and debt
of the Company. policy is proxied by Debt to equity ratio (DER). Methods of data analysis using
descriptive statistical analysis and multiple regression analysis by using a eviews
9 program. The result show that th institutional ownership, ROA and DPR have
no effect on firm value, ROE have positive effect on firm value, CR and DER have
negative effect on firm value.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui apakah kepemilikan institusional, re-
turn on asset (ROA), return on equity (ROE), current ratio (CR), dividend payout
ratio (DPR) dan debt to equity ratio (DER) berpengaruh terhadap nilai perusahaan
Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan-perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di
Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2012-2016. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 14 perusahaan denga
metode purposive sampling. Variabel nilai perusahaan diproksikan dengan Price Book
Value (PBV), profitabilitas diproksikan dengan Return on Assets (ROA) dan Return
on Equity (ROE), likuiditas diproksikan dengan Current ratio (CR), kebijakan dividen
diproksikan dengan Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR) dan kebijakan hutang diproksikan
dengan Debt to Equity Ratio (DER). Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis statis-
tik deskriptif dan analisis regresi berganda dengan menggunakan program eviews 9. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepemilikan institusional (INST), ROA dan DPR tidak ber-
pengaruh terhadap nilai perusahaan, ROE berpengaruh positif terhadap nilai perusahaan,
CR dan DER berpengaruh negatif terhadap nilai perusahaan.

© 2018 Universitas Negeri Semarang

Correspondence Address: ISSN 2252-6552
L2 Building, 1st Floor, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang
Jalan Taman Siswa, Sekaran, Gunungpati, Semarang, 50229
Dewi Sukmawardini & Anindya Ardiansari/ Management Analysis Journal 7 (2) (2018)

INTRODUCTION to et al., 2014). The conflict can be minimized

by the supervision carried out by the owner of
Every company manager tries to be able the company, namely by aligning the interests of
to improve the performance of his company be- managers and shareholders. Santoso et al. (2014)
cause of a goal to be achieved. The purpose of stated that the ownership structure is believed to
establishing a company is to increase the value of be able to influence the course of the company
the company by obtaining maximum benefits so which ultimately affects the company’s perfor-
that it can improve the welfare of its owners (Sa- mance in achieving the company’s goals, namely
putra & Fachrurrozie, 2015). In addition, Anita the company’s value. Institutional ownership is
and Yulianto (2016) stated that the high value of the proportion of share ownership by institutions
a company can illustrate the welfare of a com- or institutions. The existence of institutional ow-
pany owner. According to Mayogi and Fidiana nership can encourage an increase in supervision
(2016), the value of a company is a form of com- that is more optimal so as to ensure an increase in
pany achievement that comes from public trust in the prosperity of shareholders.
the company’s performance after going through Financial performance is a description of
a long process of activity. So that it can be said the company’s financial condition in a certain
that the value of a company is an important thing period. Information about financial performan-
because it can influence the views of investors ce can be used by investors to determine their
regarding the performance of a company. There- investment decisions, namely by knowing which
fore, every company is competing to increase the companies are eligible for investment choices. In
value of the company, namely by trying to gain assessing financial performance, investors can use
the trust of investors so that they continue to in- financial ratios to assess the company’s financial
vest their shares in the company. Managers can position. In this study the financial ratios used are
meet their shareholders’ expectations of superior profitability ratios and liquidity ratios.
performance by creating strategies that are valu- Profitability ratios are ratios that can be
able and difficult to replicate by their competitors used to assess a company’s ability to make a pro-
(Cahyaningdyah & Ressany, 2012). fit. Profitability is the result obtained through
The company’s value is reflected in its efforts to manage the funds invested by share-
stock price. The higher the stock price, the higher holders (Nisasmara & Musdholifah, 2016). Tan-
the value of the company because of the high delilin (2010) states that this ratio is very impor-
value indicates the prosperity of shareholders is tant to note to see how far the investment that
also high (Fama & French, 1998). Company va- will be made by investors in a company is able
lue can be measured using Price to Book Value to provide returns that are in accordance with
(PBV) which is the ratio of the share price to the the level required by investors. Profitability will
book value per share. Based on this comparison, show income balance and the company’s ability
the company’s stock price can be known to be to generate profits at various levels of operations,
above or below the value of the book (Darmanto so that this ratio will reflect the effectiveness and
& Ardiansari, 2017). The higher the value of this success of management as a whole (Wibowo &
ratio, the more expensive the price of the stock Wartini, 2012).
so that it can increase the value of the company. The profitability ratios used in this stu-
Therefore, companies that have a PBV ratio of dy are Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on
more than 1 (one) indicate that the company has Equity (ROE). Return on Assets (ROA) is a ra-
a good performance because investors are willing tio that can be used to measure how efficiently a
to buy shares more expensive than the value of company manages its assets to generate profits.
the book. According to Vitalia and Widyawati (2016) stated
In the process of maximizing corporate that ROA is an investment that has been invested
value, it will allow the emergence of conflicts can provide returns as expected. Therefore, this
of interest between managers and shareholders ratio can help management or investors to find
which are often called agency problems. Anpo- out how well investment management can pro-
tential agency problem occurs when the manager vide benefits for the company. Return on Equi-
of a company has less than 100 percent common ty (ROE) is a ratio used to measure a company’s
ownership in the company (Brigham & Houston, ability to generate profits from shareholder invest-
2006). This condition proportionally delegates ments in the company. According to Zulkifli et
principals to agents (managers) to manage the al (2017) Return on Equity is the ratio used to
company (agency relationship) with the aim that measure income or income available to company
managers act in the interests of agents (Yulian- owners (both ordinary and preferred sharehol-

Dewi Sukmawardini & Anindya Ardiansari/ Management Analysis Journal 7 (2) (2018)

ders) for the capital they invest in the company, shows that institutional ownership does not affect
the higher the return or income earned, the more the value of the company.
good position of the company owner. According to research results from Vitalia
The second financial ratio is the liquidity and Widyawati (2016) shows that profitability
ratio. is a ratio that shows the company’s ability with proxy Return on Assets (ROA) has a posi-
to meet its short-term obligations. According to tive effect on firm value. But research conducted
Sudiani and Darmayanti (2016) stated that high by Chaidir (2015) shows that Return on Assets
liquidity indicates the strength of the company (ROA) does not affect the value of the company.
in terms of its ability to meet current debt from Research conducted by Chaidir (2015);
current assets owned so that this increases the Pertiwi and Hermanto (2017) shows that profi-
trust of external parties to the company. The li- tability with a proxy Return on Equity (ROE)
quidity ratio used in this study is the Current ratio has a positive effect on firm value. In contrast to
(CR). Current ratio (CR) is a ratio that measures the results of research conducted by Apriada and
the ability of a company’s current assets to meet Suardhika (2016) showing that Return on Equity
short-term liabilities with assets held. (ROE) does not affect the value of the company.
In addition, investors are interested in in- Research conducted by Yuslirizal (2017)
vesting their capital because of the level of return shows that liquidity has a positive effect on firm
that will be obtained in the form of capital gains value. But the research conducted by Stiyarini
or dividends. Capital gain is the return obtained and Santoso (2016) shows that liquidity does not
by investors because of changes in stock prices in affect the value of the company.
the sale and purchase of shares in the capital mar- Research conducted by Pertiwi and Her-
ket. While dividends are profits distributed by the manto (2017) shows that dividend policy has a
company to shareholders based on many shares positive effect on the value of the company. Ho-
owned by shareholders. Dividends are the rea- wever, research conducted by Anita and Yulianto
son investors invest their investments, where di- (2016) shows that dividend policy does not affect
vidends represent returns on funds that investors the value of the company.
will receive for their investments in the company Then the research conducted by Pertiwi
(Hidayah & Widyawati, 2016). According to Gi- and Hermanto (2017) shows that debt policy has
riati (2016) the company’s financial management a positive effect on firm value. However, the re-
deals with resolving important decisions taken search conducted by Mayogi and Fidiana (2016)
by the company, including investment decisions, shows that high and low debt does not affect
funding and dividend policies. So that this divi- investor decisions in increasing the value of the
dend policy is an important decision in achieving company.
the company’s goals. According to Anita and Yu-
lianto (2016) dividend policy is a decision to de- Table 1. Average PBV, INST, ROA, ROE, CR,
termine how much part of the company’s income DPR, DER in Manufacturing Companies Listed
will be given to shareholders who are reinvested on IDX 2012-2016
or detained in the company.
Debt policy is an external funding decisi-
  2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
on made to increase company funds in meeting
the company’s operational needs. Yulianto et al. Inst 73.3 73.25 71.83 71.08 71.07
(2015) stated that companies that are profitable ROA 16.73 18.78 14.15 14.07 12.27
and to increase the likelihood of investment will ROE 31.13 28.85 28.24 25.00 23.15
pay dividends, so companies that pay dividends CR 255.49 220.54 188.92 264.11 270.69
can choose funding sources that come from pro-
DPR 43.97 52.75 38.98 53.08 108.04
fits or from debt. According to Pertiwi and Her-
manto (2017) debt policy is a company policy DER 2.08 0.84 .87 .76 .72
about how far a company uses debt financing. PBV 7.00 7.24 8.05 7.21 6.28
With the existence of debt, the higher the pro-
portion of debt, the higher the share price of the Based on Table 1 average company value
company (Mardiyati et al., 2012). (PBV) in manufacturing companies listed on the
According to research conducted by Apria- Stock Exchange in 2012-2016 experienced fluctu-
da and Suardhika (2016) shows the results that in- ations. After experiencing three consecutive years
stitutional ownership has a positive effect on firm of improvement, the next two years actually dec-
value. In contrast to the results of research con- reased the value of the company. In 2013, PBV
ducted by Suryani and Redawati (2016) which increased from 7.00 to 7.24 and then increased
Dewi Sukmawardini & Anindya Ardiansari/ Management Analysis Journal 7 (2) (2018)

again to 8.05 in 2014. But in 2015 it decreased to (2016) that institutional ownership has a positive
7.21 and in 2016 it also decreased to 6.28. effect on firm value, meaning that the higher the
The liquidity variable proxied by CR institutional ownership, the value of the compa-
against PBV shows the gap. In 2015, CR expe- ny will increase.
rienced an increase from 188.92 to 264.11 but H1: Institutional ownership has a positive effect
PBV decreased from 8.05 to 7.21. Likewise in on the value of the company.
2016, CR increased from 264.11 to 270.69 but
PBV decreased from 7.21 to 6.28. The company Return on Assets (ROA) describes the ex-
should be more liquid then it will be followed by tent to which the ability of assets owned by a
a high company value. company can generate profits (Tandelilin, 2010).
The dividend policy variable proxied by ROA ratio is used to measure the effectiveness
the DPR against PBV also shows the gap. In of a company in generating profits by utilizing
2015, the House of Representatives increased its assets (Wijayanto, 2010). The higher the ROA
from 38.98 to 53.08 while PBV experienced a ratio will be attractive to investors so they will
decrease from 8.05 to 7.21. Likewise in 2016, be interested in investing in the company (Anni-
when the House of Representatives experienced sa & Chabachib, 2017). Previous research con-
an increase in PBV it actually declined. In 2016, ducted by Vitalia and Widyawati (2016) shows
the House of Representatives increased from that profitability as measured by ROA has a po-
53.08 to 108.04 and PBV decreased from 7.21 to sitive effect on firm value. In line with Annisa
6.28. & Chabachib’s (2017) research. This means that
Based on the description above, the formu- the higher the ROA, the higher the value of the
lation of the problem proposed is whether insti- company.
tutional ownership affects the value of the com- H2: Return on Assets (ROA) has a positive effect
pany? Does Return on Assets (ROA) affect the on the value of the company.
value of the company? Does Return on Equity
(ROE) affect the value of the company? Does Return on Equity (ROE) describes the
Current Ratio (CR) affect the value of the com- extent to which a company’s ability to generate
pany? Does Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR) affect profits can be obtained by shareholders (Tandeli-
the value of the company? Does Debt to Equity lin, 2010). Mayogi and Fidiana (2016) stated that
Ratio (DER) affect the value of the company? ROE is a measure of the company’s ability to
From the formulation of the above prob- generate profits with the total equity used. Com-
lems, the purpose of this study was to determi- panies that have good financial performance or
ne whether institutional ownership, Return on profitability (ROE) will have an impact on their
Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), Cur- stock prices, thus if the company’s stock price ri-
rent Ratio (CR), Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR), ses then the profits will be enjoyed by investors
Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) affect the value of (Lubis et al., 2017).
the company. Pertiwi and Hermanto’s research (2017)
shows that profitability calculated using ROE
Hypothesis Development has a positive effect on firm value. This means
Institutional ownership is the ownership that the higher the profit or profit generated, the
of shares by parties of institutions or institutions higher the value of the company.
such as insurance companies, banks, investment H3: Return on Equity (ROE) has a positive ef-
companies and other institutional ownership. fect on the value of the company.
Institutional ownership has an important role in
more optimal supervision of management and is Current ratio (CR) is a ratio that describes
able to suppress opportunistic behavior carried a company’s ability to meet its short-term obli-
out by managers. With a high level of ownership, gations (Hasania et al., 2016). CR can be calcu-
it will reduce agency costs in the company and lated by the formula of current assets divided
use of debt by management (Vitalia & Widyawa- by current liabilities. According to Annisa and
ti, 2016). Al-Najjar (2015) states that interest in Chabachib (2017) with a high CR level reflec-
institutional ownership in both developed and ting cash adequacy, the more liquid a company
developing countries is reflected in the fact that is in the eyes of investors so that it can affect the
they are considered effective owners and can be company’s value. The research conducted by Ha-
seen as a good monitoring tool. In accordance sania et al. (2016) shows the results that CR sig-
with the research of Apriada and Suardhika nificantly influences the value of the company.

Dewi Sukmawardini & Anindya Ardiansari/ Management Analysis Journal 7 (2) (2018)

This means that the higher the CR, the higher the
value of the company.
H4: Current ratio (CR) has a positive effect on
firm value.

Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR) shows the

amount of dividends that will be paid by the
company from the total earnings obtained by the
company (Tandelilin, 2010). According to Erfi-
ana and Ardiansari (2016) the increase in divi-
dends paid can give a clear signal to the market
that the company’s prospects have progressed.
This is in accordance with the signaling theory
which states that high dividend payments by the
company are considered by the company to have
good profit prospects while the decrease in the
amount of dividends paid by the company can be Figure 1. Mindset
bad information for the company because it will
impact the decline in stock prices and ultimate- METHOD
ly reduce the value of the company (Efni et al.,
2012). So that it can be said that if a company in- Type of research is quantitative study.
creases its dividend payment, it will increase the The population of this study are manufacturing
value of the company. companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchan-
According to the results of the study, ge in 2012-2016 which amounted to 132. The
Mayogi and Fidiana (2016) show that the divi- sampling technique used was purposive sampling
dend policy measured using the DPR has a posi- technique. The number of research samples was
tive effect on the value of the company. Research 14 companies during the period 2012-2016 so the
conducted by Pertiwi and Hermanto (2017) also research data amounted to 70. The sample crite-
shows the results that dividend policy (DPR) has ria of this study were manufacturing companies
a positive effect on firm value. that distributed dividends during the study year,
H5: Dividend payout ratio (DPR) has a positive namely 2012-2016.
effect on firm value. Data collection techniques used in this
study is documentation that is by collecting data
Debt to equity ratio (DER) is a comparison through the company’s financial reports have
between total debt to total equity. DER reflects been published through
the ability of companies to use their own capital The dependent variable in this study is the
to pay debts (Pertiwi & Hermanto, 2017). With value of the company. The value of the compa-
high debt, companies will try to increase profits ny is the investor’s expectation of the company,
because of the debt that must be paid. Compa- which is often associated with stock prices (Kom-
nies that raise their debt are seen as companies bih & Suhardianto, 2017). Company value variab-
that are confident in their prospects in the futu- le is measured by price book value (PBV). Pertiwi
re because they have many opportunities to use and Hermanto (2017) stated that the higher the
their capital to expand to expand their businesses PBV produced shows that the company’s perfor-
(Darmanto & Ardiansari, 2017). mance in the future is considered more prospecti-
Annisa and Chabachib’s (2017) research ve by its investors. PBV is formulated as follows:
shows that DER has a significant positive effect
on firm value, as well as research conducted by
Pertiwi and Hermanto (2017) which shows that
debt policy (DER) has a positive effect on firm va-
lue. This means, the higher the DER, the higher
the value of the company. The independent variable in this study is
H6: Debt to equity ratio (DER) has a positive ef- institutional ownership (INST), Return on Ass-
fect on the value of the company. ets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), Current
Ratio (CR), Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR), Debt
Based on the literature review and various to Equity Ratio (DER).
sources of previous research, the framework of Institutional ownership is the percentage
thinking in this study is as Figure 1. of share ownership held by institutional parties.

Dewi Sukmawardini & Anindya Ardiansari/ Management Analysis Journal 7 (2) (2018)

So that institutional ownership can be formulated ty of shareholders owned by the company. For-
as follows: mula Debt to equity ratio (DER) is as follows:

According to Wardoyo and Veronica Analysis of the data in this study using
(2013), Return on Assets (ROA) is one form of multiple linear regression were processed using
profitability ratio that is intended to measure a Eviews 9. The linear regression equation in this
company’s ability to fund all of the funds inve- study are:
sted in a company’s operating activities aimed at
generating profits by utilizing its assets. ROA can PBV = α + β1 INST + β2 ROA + β3 ROE + β4 CR
be formulated as follows: + β5 DPR + β6 DER + e

PBV = Firm Value
α = Konstanta
According to Pasaribu et al (2016), ROE β = Regression coefficient of each inde-
is a ratio that shows the rate of return obtained pendent variable
by shareholders for investment in the company. INST = Institutional Ownership
Agustina and Ardiansari (2015) stated that the ROA = Profitability
number in ROE shows how well management ROE = Profitability
utilizes the investment of shareholders. The CR = Liquidity
higher ROE shows the more efficient the compa- DPR = Dividend Policy
ny uses its own capital to generate net profit or DER = Debt Policy
profit (Wardoyo & Veronica, 2013). ROE can be e = Value Error
formulated as follows:

Descriptive Statistical Analysis

Table 2. Descriptive Analysis

According to Stiyarini and Santoso
(2016), Current ratio (CR) is a ratio to measure
a company’s ability to pay short-term liabilities PBV INST ROA ROE CR DPR DER

or debt that is due immediately when billed as a  Mean  5.74   .73   .15   .27  2.40   .59   .80
whole. The CR formula is as follows:  Max.  52.86   .98 .71  1.36  7.73  4.14  2.56
 Min. .14   .50   .00   .00   .61   .04   .15
 12.29   .15   .12   .31  1.31   .65   .60

Based on Table 2, the variable of company

Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR), is the ratio value measured using ratio Price to Book Value
between dividend payments and net profits. Di- (PBV)shows an average value of 5.74 with a stan-
vidend Payout Ratio is a ratio that looks at the dard deviation of 12.29. This means that the ave-
share of income from a company that is paid to rage value is smaller than the standard deviation,
shareholders in the form of dividends, which is so that indicates a poor result. The maximum
calculated by dividing dividends per share with PBV value is 52.86 and the minimum value is
revenue per share (Erfiana & Ardiansari, 2016). 0.14.
The formula Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR) is as Based on Table 2, institutional ownership
follows: variables measured by the proportion of shares
owned by institutions (INST) have an average va-
lue of 0.73 and a standard deviation of 0.15. This
means that the average value is greater than the
standard deviation, thus indicating good results.
Debt to equity ratio (DER) is a ratio that The maximum INST value is 0.98 and the mini-
measures the level of use of debt to the total equi- mum value is 0.50.

Dewi Sukmawardini & Anindya Ardiansari/ Management Analysis Journal 7 (2) (2018)

Based on Table 2, the variable profitabi- Test Multicollinearity

lity with proxy Return on Assets (ROA) has an
average value of 0.15 and a standard deviation of Table 4. Test Multicollinearity
0.13. This means that the average value is greater
than the standard deviation, thus indicating good X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6
results. The maximum value of ROA is 0.71 and X1 1.00 .39 .35 -.08 -.01 .03
the minimum value is 0.00.
Based on Table 2, the profitability variable X2 .39 1.00 .88 -.06 .07 .25
with theproxy Return on Equity (ROE) has an X3 .35 .88 1.00 -.29 .09 .52
average value of 0.27 and a standard deviation of X4 -.08 -.06 -.29  1.00 -.06 -.56
0.31. This means that the average value is smaller X5 -.01 .07   .09 -.06 1.00 .13
than the standard deviation value, thus indicating
X6 -.03 .25   .52 -.56 .13 1.00
a poor result. The maximum ROE value is 1.35
and the minimum value is 0.00.
Based on the results multicollinearity test
Based on Table 2, the variable liquidity as
shown in Table 4, it is known that between the
measured by the Current ratio (CR) has an avera-
variable coefficient is smaller than 0.9. So it can
ge value of 2.40 and a standard deviation of 1.31.
be concluded that the data above does not have
This means that the average value is greater than multicollinearity.
the standard deviation value, so that indicates a
pretty good result. The maximum value of CR is Heterocedasticity Test
7.73 and the minimum value is 0.60.
Based on Table 2, the dividend policy va- Table 5. Heterocedasticity Test
riable as measured by the DPR has an average
value of 0.59 and a standard deviation value of
0.65. This means that the average value is smaller Heteroskedasticity Test: ARCH
than the standard deviation value, thus indicating F-statistic .033147 Prob. F(1.67) .8561
a poor result. The maximum value of the DPR is Obs* Prob.Chi
4.15 and the minimum value is 0.04. .034120 .8535
R-squared Square(1)
Based on Table 2, debt policy variables
measured by Debt to equity ratio (DER) have an Based on the test results in Table 5, it is
average value of 0.80 and a standard deviation known that the Prob. Chi Square value is 0.8535
value of 0.60. This means that the average value . This is in accordance with the white test testing
is greater than the standard deviation value, thus criteria which has a probability value Prob. Chi
indicating good results. The maximum DER va- Square greater than significance. So it can be con-
lue is 2.56 and the minimum value is 0.15. cluded that the data above does not occur hete-
Normality Test
Autocorrelation Test
Table 3. Normalitas Test
Table 6. Autocorrelation Test
Testing I
Probability .00000 Testing I
Testing II Durbin-Watson Stat .779380
Probability .247246 Testing II
Durbin-Watson Stat 1.976892
Based on Table 3, it can be seen in test I
probability value 0.0000 <0.5, so it can be conclu- A regression model is said to be free of au-
ded that the data is not normally distributed. To tocorrelation if the value of dU< value DW <4-
treat data that is not normal, data transformation dU. The dU value can be seen in the DW Table
takes the form of logs. In this study, the variable by knowing the number of observations (n) and
that is logged is thevariable price to book value. the number of independent variables (k), in this
Based on the results of the test II obtained the- study, n = 70 and k = 6, so this data has a dL
value probability of 0.247246 >0.05, so that the value of 1.4326 and dU of 1.8021 . Based on the
data is normally distributed. results of the Durbin Watson test in Table 6, the

Dewi Sukmawardini & Anindya Ardiansari/ Management Analysis Journal 7 (2) (2018)

DW value of 0.779380 is lower than dL so the- the profitability variable as measured by the ratio
re is a positive autocorrelation. Autocorrelation Return on Equity (ROE).
problems are treated withmethod the Cochrane- The first hypothesis states that institutional
Orcutt two-step Procedure (Ghozali & Ratmono, ownership has a positive effect on the value of
2013). Based on the results of the correction of the company, but the test results show that insti-
the autocorrelation test obtained the DW value tutional ownership does not affect the value of
is 1.976892 with dL value of 1.4326 and dU of the company. This is seen from the coefficient
1.8021 the autocorrelation is located in the 5th value of -0.282852 with a significance value of
area (ie dU <DW <4-dU). Thus autocorrelation 0.7181, the significance value is greater than 0.05
has not occurred. (0.7181> 0.05). So that H1 is rejected. The results
of this study support research conducted by Per-
Multiple Regression Analysis tiwi and Hermanto (2017) which states that in-
stitutional ownership does not affect the value of
Table 7. Multiple Regression Results the company.
With supervision from the institution, it is
Variable Coefficient t-Statistic Prob. expected that the management does not act for its
own sake. The greater the ownership by the insti-
C 1.591652 1.808469 .0755
tution, the greater the urge to supervise manage-
INST -.282852 -.362770 .7181 ment in increasing shareholder prosperity, so that
ROA -1.299699 -.702330 .4852 the value of the company will increase. However,
ROE 3.362943 2.815252 .0066 the results of this study state that institutional ow-
nership does not affect the value of the company.
CR -.263248 -2.402868 .0194
According to Pertiwi and Hermanto (2017)
DPR .038870 .256191 .7987 institutional ownership does not affect the value
DER -1.085337 -1.795275 .0776 of the company because the institutional side
R-squared .7999060 cannot effectively supervise the management.
This can occur because of the information asym-
Adjusted R-squared .7698920
metry between shareholders and management, so
F-statistic 26.651090 that management can control the company accor-
Prob(F-statistic) .000000 ding to their wishes. This information asymmet-
ry is an obstacle for the institution in supervising
From the Table above regression equation management behavior, because the information
can be written as follows: held by the institution is not as good as the in-
formation held by management, so the institution
PBV= 1.591652 – 0.282852INST – 1.299699ROA has difficulty controlling the behavior of manage-
+ 3.362943ROE – 0.263248CR + ment. Thus institutional ownership does not have
0.038870DPR – 1.085337DER + e an impact on the value of the company.
The second hypothesis states that Return
Determination Coefficient (R2) on Assets (ROA) has a positive effect on firm va-
Based on the test results shown in Table 7, lue, but the test results show that Return on As-
it is known that the adjusted R-Squared results of sets (ROA) has no effect on firm value. This is
the independent variables in this study amounted seen from the coefficient value of -1.299699 with
to 0.769892 or 76.98%. This means that 76.98% a significance value of 0.4852, the significance
of the company’s value (PBV) can be explained value is greater than 0.05 (0.4852 >0.05). So H2
by the six independent variables namely insti- is rejected. The results of this study support re-
tutional ownership (INST), Return on Assets search conducted by Chaidir (2015) which states
(ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), Current Ratio that ROA does not affect the value of the compa-
(CR), Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR), Debt to ny.
Equity Ratio (DER). While 13.74% is explained Return on Assets (ROA) is a ratio that
by other variables outside the regression model. describes the extent to which the ability of assets
owned by a company can generate profits or pro-
RESULT AND DISCUSSION fits. This ability reflects the success of a company
in the eyes of investors. The higher ROA will in-
The results of hypothesis testing show that crease investor confidence in the company’s per-
out of the six independent variables, only one va- formance and will have an impact on investors’
riable has a positive effect on firm value, namely decisions to invest their shares, so that the value

Dewi Sukmawardini & Anindya Ardiansari/ Management Analysis Journal 7 (2) (2018)

of the company will also increase. But the results Current Ratio (CR) is a ratio that desc-
of this study state that Return on Assets (ROA) ribes a company’s ability to meet its short-term
does not affect the value of the company. The obligations. A high CR reflects the adequacy of
results of this study are not in accordance with cash owned by the company and the company
the signal theory, where the higher ROA will give will be more liquid, so that the level of investor
a good signal to investors that the company can confidence will increase which can affect the va-
provide good prospects because it has the ability lue of the company. But in this study stated that
to generate profits by managing its assets effecti- CR has a negative effect on firm value. This can
vely. happen because the high liquidity of the compa-
The absence of the influence of ROA on ny indicates the existence of assets/ idle cash that
the value of the company can be caused by the is not utilized by the company’s management in
performance of management does not have the its operational activities, so that the high CR will
ability to use the assets owned which causes the actually reduce the value of the company. The
net income to be small while the assets owned by negative influence between CR and company va-
the company are very large. Besides that, it can lue can also occur because this ratio only shows
also occur because the profits owned by the com- the company’s ability to meet its short-term debt,
pany cannot reflect the size of the company. so that investors in investing their capital do not
The third hypothesis states that Return on pay attention to the liquidity factor owned by the
Equity (ROE) has a positive effect on firm value, company.
the test results show that Return on Equity (ROE) The fifth hypothesis states that the Divi-
has a positive effect on firm value. This is seen dend Payout Ratio (DPR) has a positive effect on
from the coefficient value of 3.362943 with a sig- the value of the company, the test results show
nificance value of 0.0066, a significance value that the Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR) does not
smaller than 0.05 (0.0001 <0.05). So that H3 is
affect the value of the company. This is seen from
accepted. The results of this study support rese-
the coefficient value of -0.038870 with a signifi-
arch conducted by Chaidir (2015); Pasaribu et al.
cance value of 0.7987, a significance value gre-
(2016) which states that ROE affects the value of
ater than 0.05 (0.7987 >0.05). So H5 is rejected.
the company.
The results of this study are in line with research
ROE is a ratio that describes a company’s
conducted by Pamungkas and Puspaningsih
ability to generate profits using its own capital
(2013); Sari and Wijayanto (2015) which state
(equity). Companies that have high ROE indica-
that the DPR does not influence the value of the
te that the company is able to utilize its equity
well. The results of this study state that ROE has company.
a positive effect on firm value. This result is in ac- According to the theory of signals, high
cordance with signal theory where high ROE can DPR can be a good signal for investors to invest
provide information to investors that the compa- their shares, because the company’s high divi-
ny is able to utilize its equity for the company’s dend payments are considered to have good pro-
operational activities. The higher ROE shows the fit prospects, so investors will menamkan stake in
better the company’s performance in utilizing its the company and will be able to increase the va-
equity, because equity can be used to buy needs in lue of the company. But the results of this study
the production and sales process so that the com- state that the DPR does not influence the value
pany is able to earn high profits or profits. So that of the company. Pamungkas and Puspaningsih
the high ROE owned by the company can inc- (2013) stated that, these results indicate that the
rease investor interest in buying company shares, ability of companies to pay dividends is not the
thus triggering an increase in stock prices and will main consideration of investors in buying shares.
increase the value of the company. This can happen if investors only want short-term
The fourth hypothesis states that Current profits, namely by obtaining capital gains. Accor-
Ratio (CR) has a positive effect on firm value, but ding to Anita and Yulianto (2016) investors con-
the test results show that Current Ratio (CR) has sider that small dividend income is currently no
a negative effect on firm value. It is seen from the more profitable when compared to capital gains
coefficient -0.263248 with a significance value in the future.
of 0.0194, the significance value less than 0.05 The sixth hypothesis states that Debt to
(0.0194 <0.05) but the value of the coefficient is Equity Ratio (DER) has a positive effect on
negative. So that H4 is rejected. The results of this firm value, but the test results show that Debt to
study support research conducted by Abdurrakh- Equity Ratio (DER) has a negative effect on firm
man (2015) which states that CR does not affect value. This is seen from the coefficient value of
the value of the company. -1.085337 with a significance value of 0.0776, the

Dewi Sukmawardini & Anindya Ardiansari/ Management Analysis Journal 7 (2) (2018)

significance value is greater than 0.05, so that H6 with an increase in DER it will reduce the value
is rejected. The results of the study support the re- of the company.
search conducted by Mayogi and Fidiana (2016) The suggestions from the authors are as
which states that DER does not affect the value follows: 1) For companies, the results of this re-
of the company. search can be taken into consideration for com-
Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) is the ratio panies in increasing the value of the company by
of the amount of long-term debt to total equity. taking into account the ROE ratio. So that the
This ratio reflects the company’s ability to pay company can further improve its ability to gene-
long-term debt using its own capital. With the rate profits from the amount of its own capital. In
high DER will increase the value of the company. addition, companies must be more careful in ma-
But in this study it actually gives results that DER king decisions relating to the use of debt for the
has a negative effect on firm value, which means company’s operational activities, because the re-
that the higher the DER will reduce the value of sults of this study indicate that liquidity and debt
the company. policy negatively affect the value of the company,
This can happen if investors pay little at- 2) For investors who want to invest in a compa-
tention to the debt owned by the company, but ny can pay attention profitability variable (ROE),
they pay more attention to the company’s ability because the higher the ROE reflects the value of
to generate high profits by ignoring the amount the company as measured by the PBV ratio inc-
of debt held by the company. Every company reases, 3) For the next researcher who wants to do
needs debt in running the company’s operational research on the value of the company can add the
activities, but the higher the debt that the com- research period and add the number of research
pany has, it shows the higher the risk that must variables or try to use other measurement indica-
be faced by the company to pay off the debt. Ac- tors to knowing the effect of variables used from
cording to Mayogi and Fidiana (2016) high debt several ratios and measurements.
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