CR 93 Task 1.9 Essay On How To Protect Oneself On Cybercrime

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As we know, Cybercrime is an illegal activity which target individual or users computers,

networks and devices. It is operated by an individual, a group of persons or an organization who are
skillful in terms of computer programming and they doing the illegitimate means in order to gain
mainly money from extorting the confidential information of their target, phishing, ransomware, and
the like. Here are the following tips on how to protect ourselves from Cybercrime;
• Keep software and operating system updated – the computer and device users should
update their respective gadgets in order that it may enhance also its security features
against the cybercrime attacks, we cannot deny the fact that criminals doing so also
upgrade their means to perform cybercrime especially to their computers and software
• Use anti-virus software and keep it updated – what is the good thing about it is that the
anti-virus software helps to enhance and assess computer security protection against any
malware attacks which is found on attached online, emails, downloaded files and
software and the like. These anti-virus software help to scan, detect and remove the
malicious virus on user’s computer system which causes harm, worst gets the user’s
confidential information.
• Use strong passwords – it is indeed that any user’s access in the internet world
especially when they create account on a particular websites, they user should take an
advantage to let the manager to generate user’s password. Wherein fact, it creates a very
strong password which hard to guess by anyone who had the intention to do cybercrime
to their targets.
• Never open attachments in spam emails – cookies, subscribing any websites which gives
a weekly notifications, unable to activate blocking the third party cookies or unnecessary
notifications, and the like. These are the way to trick and attempt their targets by sending
mostly emails which contains malicious attachments that ones accessed it may infect the
computer system or network worst corrupt and gain.
• Do not click on links in spam emails or entrusted websites – mostly arises on any
websites which we mostly visits and this links spams and entrusted websites blend on
what the user’s purpose of visiting. In which it will attempt to click worst, ones
responded to the bait then it now falls to the wrong hands.
• Do not give out personal information unless secure – giving of personal information in
accessing to any websites especially if it is not familiar to the user it may lead to being
victimize of cybercrimer. In a way, mostly the websites would ask for information if the
users is new and wanted to create a new account and one notice a lot of filled boxes to
fill in despite of its minimal service. Not only that but also mobile apps also a lot of
accessed ways to happen in user’s phone despite small service on that app is needed, and
a lot of consent to access is arise to access user’s phone.
• Companies directly about suspicious request – one of the wisest way to be made
especially if an unknown or known company called on, by dialing their official number
of that company in order that there would be a match of callers which is only one person
.If different call receiver then probably one is the criminal.
• Be mindful of which website URLs you visit – whether using of gadgets or computer in
accessing online websites for any user’s purpose. User should notice especially those
spam websites mostly happen on Google browser despite it blocks the cookies which
makes a traffic. In order that the user will not be tedious in take noting or mindful those
websites they can use well trusted browser which traces and block unnecessary Ads or
websites or they can install browser extensions on chrome web store.
• Keep an eye on your bank statements – the individual able to familiar its bank
transactions especially on the inquiry statements that need to fill in. Some cases
criminals copy the identity of the transactions of the bank statement in order to get the
vital information and worst they could access individual’s bank account then gain.

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