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Police communication plays a vital role in police operations because police

officers cannot file against a suspect case if an officer had a problem
communicating with the victim. The victim was an older man and could not hear
properly, so if an officer handled that, there was nothing to know about how to
handle or communicate with the victim because the older man was a scam.
However, the foundation of police operation is communication, but then it is the
police officers it is their job to complete as part of their field. Police operations
consist of different foundations such as Human Communication,  Non-verbal
communication,  Oral Communication,  Effective Communication,  Barriers to
Effective Communication, and  Communication Cycle. First, Human
Communication. Effective communication is essential, especially in police
operations, because, in this way, it helps to create teamwork among members of the
police force who will conduct an operation. If there is proper communication, there
is great understanding, ideas, and discussion on the situation you may encounter,
avoiding conflict. Second. Non-verbal communication. There is a one of the
powerful sign to a police operation especially to the police force because just simply
raising hand and open palm during the surprise operation it means to "stop"
without outspoken words, and one thing to understand that gesture is to
understand the basic command during the training. Third, Oral communication.
These to out bring the ideas and discuss by means outspoken some words
especially if they have encounter problems need a solution through the operation.
For example, Operation Jumbo means having a strategic plan for anti-terrorist, so
how can they come upon the said operation? Because they brainstorm and discuss
the situation and produce alternative course of actions like the synoptic approach.
Fourth is Effective Communication. The same concept I mentioned earlier is that
it avoids any conflict, and the police officers could perform their primary tasks
successfully during the operations. Especially when they can attain the basic
security operational mission to maintain peace and order, crime suppression and
prevention, and internal security. Fifth is Barriers to Effective Communication.
One thing which makes it a barrier to communication, especially on police
operations, is "misunderstanding" occurs when there is a "misinterpretation"
because it may affect the whole enforcement management no matter how detailed,
attentive, strategic it was, once misinterpretation strikes, it affects everything the
whole police operation. Lastly is the Communication cycle. There is a so-called
"Chain of Command" that the instruction above and an only person should follow,
and there are clarifications before implementing the police operation. A police
officer should address the person who commands the operation to avoid
misleading information and chaos. Another example is if the non-commissioned
police officers were concerned about their salaries, then it should be addressed
first to their commissioned officer in charge until it reaches the PNP's Director-

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