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Mineral Resource Information Series No. 2


GARNIERITE, an ore of nickel

Lands Geological Survey Division

Mines and Geosciences Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Quezon City

Copyright 2004
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Nickel, a silvery white, magnetic metallic element used chiefly in making alloys, was
used as coinage in nickel-copper alloys for several thousands of years. This metal is
hard, malleable and ductile, capable of taking a high polish. It was recognized as an
elemental substance only in 1751 when the Swedish chemist Baron Axel Frederic
Cronstedt isolated the metal from niccolite ore.
Nickel occurs as a metal in meteors. Combined with other elements, it occurs in
terrestrial minerals such as garnierite, millerite, niccolite, pentlandite, and
pyrrhotite; the latter two minerals are the principal ores of nickel. Nickel ranks about
22nd in natural abundance among elements in crustal rock.
The metal is used as a protective and ornamental coating for metals that are
susceptible to corrosion (e.g., iron and steel). Nickel steel, containing about 2 to 4
percent nickel, is used in automobile parts such as axles, crankshafts, gears,
valves, and rods; in machine parts; and in armor plate. Nickel is also a key
component of nickel-cadmium batteries. Finely divided nickel absorbs 17 times its
own volume of hydrogen and is used as a catalyst in many processes, including the
hydrogenation of oils.
A common by-product of nickel laterite deposits is cobalt, also a silvery-white
metal, discovered in 1735 by the Swedish chemist George Brandt. Although it is
also used chiefly for making alloys like nickel, cobalt has very low ductility at low
temperatures. Cobalt-60, the most important isotope of this element, is used
extensively in industry and in radioisotope therapy.
Productive nickel deposits in the world occur as sulfides and laterites. Both types
occur in the Philippines but the laterite deposits had been historically more economic
than the sulfide deposits. Many nickel laterites also contain economically recoverable
grades of cobalt. From a geoscientific perspective, the occurrence of nickel
mineralization in the Philippines can be further classified as shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Types of nickel mineralization in the Philippines

Classifica- Origin Deposit type Occurrence Type locality
Sulfide Magmatic magmatic nickel sulfide blebs in Acoje, Sta. Cruz
segregation sulfide dunite Zambales*
-do- chromite Mariwara, Narra,
inclusions Palawan
Hydrothermal epithermal nickel shear zones, hot Minulho, Jaro,
springs Leyte
-do- accessory metal in Binmaca,
high sulfidation Pasuquin, Ilocos
copper veins Norte
Laterite Residual nickel laterites Limonite zone Nonoc Island,
concentration (± cobalt) Surigao del Norte*
-do- Saprolite zone Rio Tuba,
Bataraza, Palawan*
*- Deposits brought into production as nickel mine

The most productive and important type of deposit occurs as nickeliferous

laterite deposits overlying ultramafic rocks in the country. Such deposits have been
exploited in Surigao, Palawan and Samar. The magmatic nickel sulfide deposit best

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exemplified by Acoje, Sta. Cruz, Zambales was briefly mined in the 1970’s. Its
important by-products include platinum group metals, gold and copper. The
hydrothermal nickel-bearing vein deposits in Leyte and Ilocos Norte are both hosted
partially or in full by ultramafic rocks. The latter had been exploited as a copper
deposit (Tupas, 1952).
The attractiveness of the Philippines for nickel mining not only lies in its large nickel
resource base but also in its by-products. Nickel sulfide deposits are associated with
copper, gold and platinum group metals while nickel laterite deposits contain
appreciable amounts of cobalt. This huge potential of nickel mining in the Philippines
contributed to the successful operation of many mines for long periods.


During the early part of the twentieth century, the American administrators of the
Philippines recognized the huge potential of nickel deposits in Surigao. In a series of
laws from 1912 to 1950, large areas of the province were declared as mineral
reservations. During World War II, the Japanese was reported to have mined briefly
the Nonoc deposit to feed their home refineries. From the 1950’s onwards, more
discoveries and detailed exploration works in many parts of the country were made.
As the national inventory of nickel deposits grew, feasibility studies of putting up
nickel refining plants were undertaken. Among the sites examined were Pujada
Peninsula in Davao Oriental and Nonoc Island in Surigao del Norte. In December
1974, a nickel refining plant went on-stream in Nonoc Island which was capable of
producing more than 30,000 tons of nickel metal and 4,000 tons of nickel and cobalt
sulfides annually. By 1981, the Philippines was ranked tenth in the world production
of refined nickel. This ranking was short-lived however as the refinery was
mothballed in 1986 due to operational problems.
During the latter part of the 70’s, the Rio Tuba nickel mine in Palawan and the
Hinatuan nickel mine in Hinatuan island, Surigao del Norte began producing ores
with the Japanese refineries as market. In 1989 and 1993, the Taganito nickel mine
in Surigao mainland and the Manicani mine in Samar, respectively, went into
production. The enactment of the Philippine Mining Law of 1995 precipitated the
entry of many foreign and local exploration firms in the local nickel scene.
The total Philippine nickel reserves (positive, probable and possible reserves) as of
1996 stood at around 1.09 billion metric tons, with an average grade of 1.319% Ni.
During that year, the local nickel mines produced only 640,286 metric tons of
beneficiated ore which was valued at more than 600 million pesos (MGB, 2004).
Table 2 shows the identified nickel ore reserves of the Philippines, while Table 3 lists
production figures from1979 to 2004.

Table 2. Known nickel ore reserves in the Philippines.

Camarines Norte and Mt. Kadig 83,129,840 1.40% Ni
Quezon Province 30.00% Fe
Davao Oriental Pujada 220,000,000 1.25% Ni
Pujada, Mati 165,000,000 1.00% Ni

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Makambal, Mati 90,718,582 1.00% Ni

Eastern Samar Hibacong, Borongan 13,278,312 0.58% Ni
Manicani Is., 1,027,610 0.95% Ni
Guian 33.64% Ni

Isabela Palanan & San Mariano 5,000,000 2.00%Ni

Leyte Antipolo, Jaro 3,030,000 0.23%Ni

Palawan Buenavista, Puerto Princesa 10,794,650 1.60%Ni
Long Pt. & Iborsom Pt.,Berong 204,100,000 1.35%Ni
Rio Tuba, Bataraza 9,607,200 2.30%Ni
Pulot, Narra 2,631,168 2.04%N 22.25%Fe
Bato-bato, Narra 3,670,712 2.03%Ni, 20.69%Fe
Calategas, Narra 1,752,457 2.03%Ni, 58.00%Fe
Ipilan, Brookes Point 6,149,457 1.75%Ni,28.66%Fe
Quezon and Aborlan 172,982,380 1.33%Ni, 0.045%Fe
Ipilan, Brookes Point 2,513,000 2.20%Ni,22.25%Fe

Romblon Sta.Barbara Dev. Corp. 10,000,000 1.50%Ni

Surigao Del Norte Surigao Nickel Reservation 387,712,048 0.65%Ni,44.98%Fe,
- 0.09%Co
Marinduque Mng. & Indl. Corp 75,173,000 1.24%Ni,35.65%Fe,
(Surigao Nickel Refinery) 0.11 %Co
Hinatuan Mining Corporation 1,744,000 2.30%Ni,11.50%Fe,
Surigao Del Sur P.D.Ago Enterprises 14,000,000 0.56%Ni, 48.00%Fe "
(Carrascal-Puthaw Ass'n-
Zambales Global Mining Pes., Inc. 23,000,000 1.75%N 17.19%Fe
(Laterite Mng. & Nickel 0.03%Co
Acoje Mining Co.,Inc. 1,015,000 0.47%Ni
Benguet Corp. (Sta.Cruz
24,000,000 1.68%Ni
Nickel Project)

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Table 3. Summary of Nickel Mineral Production: 1979 – 2003

(Updated September, 2004)
Volume: In thousands unit used
Value: In million pesos

Mineral / Mineral
Year Unit Used Volume Value
1979 Nickel Metal MT 21 837
DMT 513 85
Beneficiated ore
1980 Nickel Metal MT 25.38 1,221.75
DMT 964.80 215.49
Beneficiated ore
1981 Nickel Metal MT 21.49 1026.46
Nickel 82.89
DMT 345.31
Beneficiated ore
1982 Nickel Metal MT 11.22 506.54
DMT 368.79 70.39
Beneficiated ore
1983 Nickel Metal MT 6.10 323.05
DMT 350.16 76.92
Beneficiated ore
1984 Nickel Metal MT 3.53 290.66
DMT 441.45 175.73
Beneficiated ore
1985 Nickel Metal MT 16.99 1,473.48
DMT 483.81 239.13
Beneficiated ore
1986 Nickel Metal MT 1.15 83.50
DMT 504.86 238.35
Beneficiated ore
1987 Nickel Metal MT - -
DMT 367.85 145.23
Beneficiated ore
1988 Nickel Metal MT - -
DMT 444.53 293.86
Beneficiated ore
1989 Nickel Metal MT - -
DMT 658.41 812.04
Beneficiated ore
1990 Nickel Metal MT - -
DMT 608.12 686.06
Beneficiated ore
1991 Nickel Metal MT - -
DMT 557.17 648.32
Beneficiated ore
1992 Nickel Metal MT - -
DMT 593.94 595.94
Beneficiated ore
1993 Nickel Metal MT - -
DMT 346.86 350.77
Beneficiated ore
1994 Nickel Metal MT - -
DMT 429.00 376.18
Beneficiated ore
1995 Nickel Metal MT - -

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DMT 647.27 598.13
Beneficiated ore
1996 Nickel Metal MT - -
DMT 656.72 479.54
Beneficiated ore
1997 Nickel Metal MT - -
DMT 814.31 514.08
Beneficiated ore
1998 Nickel Metal MT - -
DMT 959.95 793.22
Beneficiated ore
1999 Nickel Metal MT - -
DMT 625.29 583
Beneficiated ore
2000 Nickel Metal MT - -
DMT 1,023.38 1,144
Beneficiated ore
2001 Nickel Metal MT - -
DMT 1,282.71 1,519
Beneficiated ore
2002 Nickel Metal MT - -
DMT 1,200.20 1,318
Beneficiated ore
2003 Nickel Metal MT - -
DMT 561.89 1,808
Beneficiated ore
2004 Nickel Metal MT
Beneficiated ore


Nickel laterite
Nickel laterite deposits derived from the weathering of underlying ultramafic rocks
found along the ophiolite belts of the country form the bulk of nickel deposits. For
clarity, this chapter defines a laterite deposit as having a limonite zone on top of a
saprolite zone. These zones are analogous to the laterite and serpentinite zones,
respectively, of Santos-Ynigo and Esguerra (1961). Both the limonite and saprolite
zones of the laterite profile contain nickel ore with variable amounts of iron, cobalt,
magnesium, manganese, silica, alumina and chromium.
The economic viability of each zone depends on the market or refinery grade
requirements. For example, some refineries require an average of 2.0% Ni with low
iron content while others require a cut-off grade of 1.25% Ni with up to 40% Fe. Table
Ni2 shows the nickel and iron tenors in the laterite profile in the Manicani nickel
laterite deposit in Samar. It shows that the Manicani deposit has the potential to
supply different refineries requiring different grade combinations of nickel and iron.

Table 4. Ranges of nickel laterite grades in Manicani.

Laterite Zone Average Nickel range (%) Fe range (%)
thickness (m.)
Limonite 8 0.1 - 1.9 30 - 55
Saprolite 4 1.2 - 2.4 5 - 30

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Limonite zone. The limonite zone, as the term implies, is composed predominantly
of iron clay minerals. It is usually capped by reddish-brown soil with low nickel
content. Most often, this capping, termed as overburden in mining parlance, is low in
nickel but rich in iron as manifested by the presence of iron pisolites or hard caps. As
this material progresses downward, the color usually turns into various shades of
yellow and brown (Zone 2, the accumulation zone). It is still rich in iron but the nickel
values are now relatively higher than the upper portion. The limonite zone exhibits
plasticity and highly porous. Slightly weathered boulders of the bedrock most often
appear in the lower portion of the limonite zone.
Saprolite zone. The contact between the limonite and the saprolite (Zone 4) may be
gradational or sharp. Depending on the intensity of weathering and laterite
development, the saprolite may have variable thickness even in one confined area.
This thickness range from less than a meter to more than 8 meters. The saprolite is
colored with various shades of green mixed with hues of yellow and brown. It turns
into various shades of blue, gray to black as it approaches the bedrock. The iron
content becomes sharply and significantly less than in the limonite zone while the
magnesium content progressively becomes richer at depth. The higher ore grade is
believed to be due to the downward migration of nickel which eventually settles along
the numerous cracks in the saprolite. The ubiquitous green coatings along fractures
are often due to garnierite, a high grade hydrous nickel silicate belonging to the
serpentine group of minerals.


Magmatic nickel sulfide is closely associated with chromitites and platinum group
elements (PGE). Bacuta (1989) reported four occurrences in the Acoje block of the
Zambales Ophiolite. Later, Santos (1993) reported nickel sulfide inclusions in the
chromite deposits of Central Palawan. The known nickel sulfide deposits in the
Philippines have an average grade of from 0.23 to 0.47 percent Ni. They take the
form of pentlandite, nickel-copper-iron alloys and nickel-rich pyrrhotite/marcasite.
Grains of bravoite, millerite, heazlewoodite, awaruite, violarite and polydymite have
also been reported. These occur as blebs, inclusions in chromite grains (Santos,
1993 and Bacuta, 1989), hairline stringers or as veins in ultramafic rocks.
The Acoje nickel sulfide deposit best exemplifies the typical magmatic nickel sulfide
deposit in the country. Abrajano (1984) believed it was formed as a result of liquid
sulfide immiscibility of a crystallizing magma. During crystallization, the sulfides are
the last minerals to crystallize and may be locally redistributed. Fe, Ni and Cu metals
are then alloyed with each other or with precious metals such as PGM and gold. This
is attributed by Abrajano (1984) to a six-stage evolution of the sulfides during
serpentinization by low-temperature reduction process. In this evolution, pentlandite
developed from the earliest stage up to the lastest ones. Nickel-iron alloys, on the
other hand, could have evolved from immiscible solid solutions. Orberger (1988)
believed otherwise and attributed the Acoje nickel sulfides to hydrothermal solutions.
However, Bacuta (1989) and Yumul et al. (1993) found evidences to believe that the
deposit was formed from multiple stages of magma melting processes.
In Central Palawan, Santos (1993) documented the occurrence of nickel sulfides and
alloys of the Fe-Ni-Cu system as inclusions in the chromite grains. The nickel sulfides
have been identified as pentlandite, heazlewoodite, millerite and awaruite. These
minerals and the Fe-Ni-Cu alloys occur as anhedral or globular inclusions that are 1
to 50 microns in size. Other inclusions in the chromite grains of Mariwara are
amphiboles, micas, pyroxene, olivine and even feldsphatic silicates. Santos (1993)

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believed that all of these inclusions are caused by entrapment of chromite rather than
exsolution or unmixing. The sulfides contain variable amounts of PGE.


Hydrothermal nickel sulfide deposits occurs in narrow silicified zones in serpentinite
rock and in rocks immediately adjacent to it. Known deposits are believed to be
epithermal (i.e., formed at shallow depths). The metallogenic model involves the
leaching of nickel metal from serpentinite by hydrothermal fluids and redeposition of
nickel, along with other metals, along fractures. The hydrothermal engine was driven
by identified heat sources near the vicinity of these veins. Particularly, the Jaro
deposit in Leyte occurs less than 10 aerial kilometers east of a known geothermal
prospect. The occurrence in Pasuquin, Ilocos Norte, in turn, occurs near a
leucogranite intrusion in the serpentinite. The nickel metal is hosted not only by
nickel sulfides but by Fe-rich sulfides as well. Copper minerals are always present
either as accessory or as primary ore minerals. Tupas (1952) cites the presence of
high-sulfidation copper minerals such as enargite, tennantite and tetrahedrite in
Figure 1 shows the nickel occurrences in the Philippines, as well as some important
deposits. Table 5 lists some examples of the different types of Philippines nickel
deposits and their general geologic descriptions.

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Figure 1. Nickel occurrences in the Philippines

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Table 5. Examples of various nickel deposit types in the Philippines

Type of Operator Location Geology Alteration and Mineralization Ore Mineralogy Reserves

Rio Tuba nickel Rio Tuba Geographical The mine’s property is The in-situ weathering of the Mt. In the limonite zone, With a cut-off
laterite deposit Nickel Mining name: centered on the ultramafic Beaufort ultramafics resulted in the minerals found are grade of 2%Ni,
Corporation Barangay Rio member of the Late the concentration and enrichment goethite, magnetite, the average
(RTNMC) Tuba, Cretaceous Palawan of nickel and cobalt in the hematite, grade is
Bataraza, Ophiolite, consisting of the preserved laterite (soil) profile. magnetohematite and 2.35%Ni with a
Palawan Mt. Beaufort ultramafics limonite. Nickel grades reserve of about
and the Espina Formation from <1.0% Ni to 1.2% 11.5 million
Central (basalts and pelagic Ni. Cobalt ranges from WMT.
coordinates: sediments). It is intruded by 0.1 to 0.2% Co. In the
16º16’51”N small bodies of quartz saprolite zone, the
120º37’16”E diorite and unconformably minerals found are
overlain by Eocene serpentine, talc,
turbidites and limestone of garnierite and goethite.
the Panas Formation. Here, nickel is
Recent alluvium covers the enriched up to 3% Ni
low-lying areas in the while cobalt is
southeast. The loose generally less than
sediments of this deposit 0.125% Co. The high
consist mainly of volcanic nickel content is due to
detrita. the presence of
Hinatuan Island Hinatuan Geographical The oldest rock in the The in-situ weathering of the The company is
nickel laterite Mining name: vicinity of contract areas ultramafic rocks in Hinatuan mining the nickel-
deposit Corporation Tagaba-an, are the amphibolite schists, resulted in the concentration and cobalt-iron silicate ore
Nonoc Island, and other meta-volcanics enrichment of nickel and cobalt in in the island. Its
Surigao del overthrust by the ultramafic the preserved laterite (soil) profile. mineral product is
Norte rocks. The ultramafic rock The saprolite zone range wih the beneficiated nickel
consists predominantly of thickness of 6-7 meters with the silicate ore of direct
Central harzburgite interspersed as average grade of 1.8-3.5% Ni, shipping grade.

(Copyright 2004 – not for resale or unauthorized reproduction)

coordinates: basal layer on an ophiolite, 7.0-30% Fe.

9°47’N, and are overlain by upper
125°45’E Eocene conglomerate and
Nonoc Island Philnico Geographical The island is underlain by In situ weathering of ultramafic The ores of Nonoc Philnico Mining
nickel laterite Mining and name: Nonoc crystalline schists and rocks Mine are limonite type Corp. produced
deposit Industrial Island, Surigao metasedimentary and of laterite nickel a total of 44,058
Corporation del Norte metavolcanic rocks. deposits. The limonite WMT of nickel
Central Ultramafic rocks are is characterized by silicate ore
coordinates: dominant in the northern, high iron content (40 to worth P39.8M
9°51’N, central and eastern 50 %) and relatively since the start of
125°36’E portions. Clastic rocks low nickel (0.5 to 1.5 their commercial
cover basins fromed from %) and relatively low operation in
erosion of the denudation nickel (0.5 to 1.5 %), March to July
of ultramafic terrains while cobalt (0.05 to 0.2 %), 2003.
basalt flow lie magnesia (less than 5
unconformably on %) and silica (less
serpentinites. Nickeliferous than 10 %).
laterites are developed on
the ultramafic rocks.
Recent alluvium and
coralline rocks drape the
near shore areas and river
Adlay-Cadianao- QNI Ltd. Geographical The nickel laterites are The five (5) main lithological units The main nickel ore is As of November
Tandawa (ACT) name: developed on the ultramafic of the Alday project area from top limonite and garnierite 2003, 8.8 million
Project Carrascal, rocks bordering the eastern to bottom were defined as: Mt of combined
Surigao del portions of Surigao del Limonite Overburden - is usually saprolite and
Sur Norte. Previous aerial less than one meter thick. limonite ore has
Central photo interpretation showed Mineralization is generally poor been blocked,
coordinates: a north-south orientation of with Ni<1%. Fe is high due to with 1.53% Ni,
9°28’N, geologic features parallel to sporadic occurrence of small, 0.145% Co and
125°52’E the Philippine Fault. rounded pisolites. 37.2% Fe.
Important secondary Limonite - yellow-brown in color
alignments are also and with black manganese-oxide

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observed from the veins and stains. It ranges from 1

northwest to the southeast. to 27 meters in thickness; Ni and
Co grades increase downsection.
Transition Zone - represents a
gradational change from limonite
to saprolite zone. This zone has a
higher Ni and Co grades, and Fe
grades between 20 to 40 percent.
Saprolite - a mixture of pale
greenish, yellow or grey material.
with a distinct chemical change at
the limonite-saprolite contact, i.e.,
an increase in Ni, SiO2 and MgO
and a sharp decrease in Fe and
Co grades.
Basement - complex assemblage
of serpentinized ultramafic rocks.

Acoje magmatic Acoje Mining Geographical The area is underlain from The sulfides primarily occur as Nickel sulfide It is estimated
nickel sulfide Corp. the east by the tectonic tiny blebs in the black dunite and mineralization is that the deposit
name: Sitio
Pasicar, Sta. peridotite, followed by the as inclusions in the chromites dominated by contains 1.015
Cruz, transition dunite in the immediately adjacent to the pentlandite although million tons of
Zambales central portion and by sulfide zone. Minor sulfides are some occurrence of ore at an
Central gabbro in its western side, also noted in the gabbro-norite heazlewoodite and average grade
coordinates: all of the Zambales portion of the massif. godlevskite were also of 0.47%Ni.
15°40’N ophiolite. The nickel sulfide The nickel sulfide blebs are noted.
120°05’E lenses are hosted primarily actually disseminations in the rock
by the black dunite facies. but these disseminations are
The dark color of this dunite confined in a series of lenses
is due to serpentinization trending northeast with variable
and to the presence of sub- dips to the southeast. Although
micron sized magnetite and cut by numerous faults, it still
less commonly, sulfides, persists for about 3 kilometers

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metals and even graphite. with a maximum thickness of 25

Joints and foliations meters.
dominate the structures in The host rock is moderately to
the Acoje Mine area. The deeply serpentinized. Alteration
foliations generally stike phases in the nickel sulfides are
northeast with steep dip ascribed to in-situ reduction
angles directed towards the during serpentinization.
southeast. Near the
contact with gabbro, the
foliations indicate a
synclinal structure trending
north-south. the sulfide
bodies are cut by en
echelon faults striking
northwest. It has displaced
the orebodies by as much
as 40 meters in some

Jaro deposit The deposit Geographical The deposits are hosted by Nickel sulfides occur along Marcasite, polydemite, Estimates
is still a name: Brgy. serpentinite and by silicified shear zones in the bravoite and pyrrhotite reported by
prospect Minulho, Jaro , hornblende andesite. The serpentinite as individual grains have been identified. BMG in 1986
Leyte apparently diapiric and as colloform bands. At times, showed an
serpentinite bodies occur greenish gougy materials in the average grade
sporadically along the serpentinite also contain sulfide of 0.23% Ni with
eastern slopes of the Leyte grains. an over-all
Central Highlands parallel The mineralization is being linked resource of 3.03
to the orientation of the with Pliocene-Pleistocene million tons.
Philippine Fault in the volcanism.
province. The LCH is cut A montmorillonite zone on the
and truncated by hanging wall of the serpentinite
Quaternary volcanic plugs and a silicified zone on the
(porhyritic hornblende footwall has been observed.

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andesite) Silicification affects the shear



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