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Why “A” Students Work for “C” Students

and Why “B” Students Work for the

Author: Robert T. Kiyosaki

1. Fear of failure
The biggest reason because of which most
of the toppers don’t able to achieve
something big in their life is because of
their fear of failure, most successful people
don’t find education system good because
since childhood they were trained like
failing is not at all good, and they should
never fail in their life, and they should
always top everywhere to grow in life, and
if they fail they get different punishments,
school doesn’t allow to promote them to
next class or standard, parents shout or
beat their children even criticize them,
society makes fun of such students and
they get tortured in various ways, everyone
literally scares them that if they fail in their
exams they will not be able to do anything
good in their life, so what happens because
of all this negativity child gets nervous and
lives life under stress, and with that
pressure that child start working hard so
that he/she can get good grades and can
pass and can never face failure, works hard
to get good college good decent salary and
so that all the time can play safe and avoid

Whereas successful people understand that

mentality of never getting fail or fear of fail
never allow person to do anything great in
life, example, if Edison would have ever fear
of failure then he would never had invented
light bulb, if colonel sanders would have
feared from failure then KFC would never
have become such a huge brand, In fact
you can search almost every successful
people or billionaire, you will see almost
every successful person is a school dropout
and a failure, who had face failure many
times in their life in various ways, but still
they never fear to failure, because of their
failure they able to become successful and
able to grow in their life, they never fear
for failure and they never take a job and
work for others.

Here I am not saying that education system

must encourage students to fail, whereas
many successful people do teach this thing
to their children in different perspective,
example, I was reading a successful women
story where she was saying, that every day
when her family used to sit together to
have dinner, her father who was a
successful man, used to asked his children
to tell him about all things they have failed
today and what all things you have learned
from it, so as its reply when she used to tell
her father about all her failure, then he
used to feel happy and used to tell her that
next time try something new and come up
with a solution, and next day when she
used to tell her father that today she hasn’t
faced any failure then he used to feel sad,
by saying that maybe today you haven’t
tried doing something new, or you haven’t
learned anything new.

This is the way to shape children’s

mentality, that girl learned from her
parents that failure is not a bad thing
instead its good to fail because through
failure we learn something new in our lives
and can grow in our life, and hence with
that learning she able to achieve something
great in her life and able to create
successful life for herself, whereas the
person who always fear from failure never
have the courage to do something great like
this, these things happens everywhere,
usually people who fail in exams, or doesn’t
able to do anything good in education
system, they eventually start thinking above
that education system and their mind
becomes sharp and clear regarding earning
money, they realize that education is not
everything. And then they work in different
ways and able to become successful,
whereas on the other side toppers stay
trapped under that system in which they
perform very well, every one applauds for
them, and by playing safe all the time, they
start working under average or Failure

2. No financial literacy
Another thing which is not good in
education system is, the most important
thing which is necessary and important for
happiness and for survival is financial
knowledge and education system doesn’t
teach us nicely about it, when child
becomes capable of learning about
important things at that time because of
education system child keeps on learning
things which are not that important and
which is not important in real life, whereas
things which are important and necessary
in real life such as communication skills, self
-confidence, relationship handling,
education system neglects it and never
teaches us about it. School always teaches
us to listen and follow orders which is good
till some extent especially for discipline, but
this things start indulging servant or
employee mentality under students mind.

Author says in order to earn money there

are 4 quadrants, first through employment
means by doing job can earn money,
second through self-employment, means
starting own business where its necessary
for you to get involve, third by creating
business means where you create such a
system, where there is no need for you to
stay always, and 4th is through investment,
means which is from some extent is a
passive income. At school education is
provided till first quadrant or max 2nd
quadrant, whereas if they teach about 3rd
and 4th quadrant then students will able to
understand about its value, and they will
able to become big businessman and
investor, which is very much important for
them and for our country growth as well,
America and other countries are way ahead
or can say developed because there
students are given or provided financial
knowledge, since child or at small age they
are given knowledge about investment and
business investments, there many
entrepreneur programs used to run for
students, whereas here in our country
parents and teachers asked us to not
discuss about money at all.

3. Injustice
There is one quote said by An Einstein,
Everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish
by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its
whole life believing that it is stupid.”
Today’s education system is somewhat like
this, where everyone means every single
student is judge by same old method
without understanding their different talent
and skills, which is not at all fair, because
this is somewhat similar like giving marks to
money and fish on the basis on their ability
to climb a tree, this is one of the major
problem of education system still they
haven’t learn to handle it properly, because
of which students or children’s can’t
perform good on things in which they are
actually talented and can become topper in
that particular thing, now most of the
people will think Entire fault is of education
system and they needs to be blame, but its
not like this education system has many
flaws but instead of blaming we all should
try to change it , if not education system
then at least change yourself, we can
atleast change ourselves if not education
system. How ? you can do that my last
point will explain it which is.

4. About Others
Last reason for which make topper works
for failure is because they listen to their
relatives and neighbours, or can say that
they get inspire through wrong people,
means they take suggestion from such
people who are not successful by
themselves, about life and about things
even they don’t have much idea or
knowledge, instead you should learn from
such people who are successful and knows
real world and understand and have
knowledge about the real market, do learn
from mentors gain knowledge from them,
do read self- help books, all these things
will help you in real.

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