Sam Unreval: Quantity Survey, Estimation An Valuation

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Strictly as per the New Revised Syllabus (Rev- 2016} of
University of Mumbai w.e.t. academic year 2o19-2o2o
(As per Choice Based Credit and Grading System}




Semester 7 - Civil Engineering

Kiran H. Ghorpade

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available With A Trusted Brand


Quantity Survey,
Estimation .
and Valuation
(CE-C 701}

Semester Vll • Civil Engineering
(University of Mumbai)


Kiran H. Ghorpade

BE CIVIL, ME (Construction and Management)

Assistant Professor,
. Trinity Academy of Engineering

Kondhwa-Saswad Road, Bopdev Ghat, Pune.:. 411 048

rkiTECH-NEO 8298

A Sachin Shah Venture



Semester VII
SubJect Code SubJect Name Crec:ti~
CE-c 701 Quantity Surv~ Estimation and Valuation 5 ---.......

Teachln__R Scheme

Contact Hours Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorials Total- - -
04 02 - 04 01 - 05

Evaluation Scheme
Theory Term Work/ PracticaVOral Total
Internal Assessment End Duration of

Test 1 Test2 Average Sem End Sem

20 20 20
04 Hrs.
25 150 --
Any structure, i.e ., building, bridge , dam etc: consists of various building materials. Due to rise in the cost of materials,
the structure has to be designed so that it is safe, serviceable and economical. Without proper design and estimation, it
may lead to the increase in cost of construction and it further affects the economical aspect of the structure. A Prior
knowledge of various building materials is required for the construction and it controls the cost of the structure, save

wastage of labour-hours and eventuaUy helps in giving the correct amount required.and quantity of various materials
required. It also helps in scheduling of men, materials and machine to be used in the project at stages. The scope of the
subject incl udes estimating, costing, analysis of rates, specification, valuation, tender and contracts etc.

To read, understand and interpret plans, sections, detailed drawings and specifications for a construction project
To study the various methods of detailed and approximate estimates.
To emphasize the impo~ce of relevant IS: 1200- 1964 codes and relevant Indian Standard specifications, taking

out quantities from the given requirements of the work, and drafting specifications.
To conduct a material and labour survey to understand the current market rates for the various materials required
for construction and the different categories of labour required.
To perform the rate analysis for various items; standard and non-standard and the use of DSR in this process.
To study the process of tendering and its various stages, various types of contracts, its suitability and validity as
per the Indian Contract Act of 1872 and draft various clauses and conditions of a contract. ·

Detailed Syllabus
,. . ,v , ,

sua,-M'oCiuteW~contentsi\ .'
Module Hrs /

I. Introduction 04
1.1 Importance of Course
1.2 Measurement systems for various items of civil engineering structures.
1.3 Units of measurement of various items of works
1.4 I.Sl200 (Refer chapter 1)

Detailed Syllabus
Module Sub-Modules/ Contents Hn
u. Specifications and Rat.e Analysis 09
2. I Types and importance of spcciftculions, rules to be followed for drafting the
specifications of various items of work etc. (Refer chapter 2)
2.2 Rate analysis, its impot1ance and necessity, Factors affecting rate analysis, Task work,
sources of materials, Study of IS 7272 regarding labour output, District Schedule of
Rates (DSR), Rate analysis of important itents of construction works.
(Refer chapter 3)
m. Estimates 14
3. \ Approximate Estimate
Deti nition and Purposes of approximate estimates, Methods for preparing approximate

estimates and numerical based on methods, Various terms such as admjnistrative
approval, Technical sanction, Contingencies, Work charged establishments etc.
(Refer chapter 4)

3.2 Detailed Estimate
Definition and purposes of detailed estimate, Data required for preparation of detailed
estimate. Methods of taking out quantities such as long wall and short wall method,
Centre line method etc. (Refer chapter 5)
Bar Bending Schedule and its necessity, preparation of bar bending schedule of various
structural elements as per code IS2502. Preparation of detajJed estimate of R.C.C
framed structures. (Refer chapter 6)
IV. Estimation of Earthwork for Roads and Canals 06
4.1 Methods of computation of volume of earthwork such as mean area method,

rrud-sectional area method, Prismoidal formula, Trapezoidal formula, Spot level

method etc. and numericals based on methods. Mass haul diagram and its necessity,
Terms like lead and lift ~tc . (Refer chapter 7)
v. Tenders and Contracts 09

5.1 Tenders
Defirution and types of tenders, Tender notice and its inclusions,
Pre-qualification of contractors, Pre-bid meeting, Procedure for subrrussion and
Opening of tender, acceptance and rejection of tender, Tender validity period,

E-Tendering (Refer chapter 8)

5.2 Contracts
Definition, basic forms such as Valid, void and voidable contract. General types of
contract with their suitability, conditions of contract. (Refer chapter 9)
5.3 Dispute resolution methods
Causes of disputes and disputes resolution methods such as litigation, mediation and
arbitration. (Refer chapter 10)
VI. Valuation 10
6.1 Difference between cost, price and value. Types of value, Valuation and its purposes.
Various terms such as depreciation, sinking fund, capitalized value, years purchase
etc. Methods for calculating depreciation of building
6.2 Methods of valuation such as Rental method, land and building method, Belting
method etc.
6.3 Freehold Properties, Leasehold Properties, Easement rights
6.4 Numericals based on valuation (Refer chapter 11)

Introduction ......................................................................:... ................. 1-1 to 1-08
• a.pa1

.............................. 2-1 to 2-20
Specifications ......................................................... .
• Chapler2

Rate Analysis .............................................................................. .......... 3-1 to 3-30

• a.pa3
Importance of Course, Measurement systems for various items of cMI engineering structures, Units of measurement
of various items of works, IS1200.
Rate Analysis .................................................................... ............ ... ... .. 4-1 to 4-23
• Chapter4

+ ChapterS Detailed Estimates ................................... ....... ....... ............ ... ............. ... 5-1 to 5-69
1.1 Introduction ... .. ...... ... ... . . ............... ............................................. .................................. .......... .............................. 1·2
1.1.1 Application of Estimating Course .. : .................. ............................ ..................................................................... 1·2
• Chapter& Bar Bending Schedule .................................. ............ ............ ................. 6-1 to 6-26 1.1.2 Purpose of Estimation ...................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.3 Role and Responsibilities of Quantity Surveyor .................... :.... ...................................................................... 1-2
UQ. 1.1.1 Write short notes on : Roles of Quantity Surveyor. .. .......................................... 1-2

• Chapter7 Estimation of Earthwork for Roads & Canals ...... .................................. 7-1 to 7-26
1.2 Meaning of Item of Works ................ .. .... ...... .... ................. ........ ................................................................. ........... . 1-3
1.2.1 ltemofWork .... ... .......................................................................................................................................... ..... 1-3
+ ChapterS Tenders .................................................. ............ ................................... 8-1 to 8-26 1.3 Unit of Measurement ...................................... ...................................... .......................................................................... 1-4
1.3.1 Rule for Deduction ........................ .... ............................................. ..... ...... ........ ............ .................................... 1-4

+ UQ. 1.3.1 Write short notes on: Rules for deduction in masonry work as per IS-1200. MU ·Dec 15 4 Marks .... 1-4
ChapterS Contracts ........................................................................... ... ......... .. .... .. 9-1 to 9-20
UQ. 1.3.2 Write short notes on : Rules for deduction in masonry and RCC work. MU ·Dec 19 5 Marks ............ 1-4
UQ. 1.3.3 Write short notes on : Rules for deduction in plastering as per IS 1200.
+ Chapter 10 : Dispute Resolution Methods ............................................ ................. 10-1 to 10-09 MU • Ma 18. Dec . 18, 4 Marks ................. ......................... ................................... ........................... ..... 1-5

UQ. 1.3.4 Write short notes on : Specify the rule for deduction for opening as per IS 1200 for items of work as

+ Chapter 11 : Valuation ........................................................... ~ .............................. 11-1 to 11-35 plastering to walls. .. ................ ............................................................... 1·5
1.4 Mode of Measurement of Building Items as per I.S. I 200 .... .. .. .... ............. ............................ ........................................... 1-6
1.5 Type of sheet used in estimate ................. ...................................................................................... ............................... 1-7
1.5.1 Face Sheet ............................. ...................... ............... .................................................. ...................... .............. 1·7
DOD 1.5.2 AbstractSheet[BOQ] ... .. ....... ...... ........ ............... ................. .................. ...................................... 1·7
1.5.3 Measurement Sheet ...................... ....... ....... .. .. ............. ................................................. .............. ..................... 1·8

D Chapter Ends ............................................................................................................................................................... 1.()8

fC1 Quallt.Survey. r.ft

~ 1. l

& Val""""' '

. - puCTION
r.. •...0
··'"""" (MU-58111· 7-CiViiJ (1-2)

. .
f constnJction before tt starts. It ts therefore
jil Quant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil)

He should able find out quantity of construction items by referring drawings.


. . to know the probable cost o 5. He should find out exact requirement of material, labour and equipment to avoid delay or cost overrun.
. · wod:: 1t IS necessarY ification
For all ~ ~·..A work from its plan and spec ·
tilDa!e for the pfOJ,N-- . d lti r 6. He should have to gathered quotes from sub-contractor and suppliers.
to prepare the es . ed fro dimensions on the drawmg an mu p ted by
JltCCS5li1Y . . of different items of work are calculat m .
ID estinJabOII the quanU!lCS 7. He must work out actual project cost and create budgets accordingly.
ooaesponding unit cost of itent. 8. He should complete budgeting and scheduling for projects and track same.

'I!. 1.1.1 Application of Estimating Course . . . . . 9. He should Maintain relationship with sub-contractors and clients.
. . d -·~ · il engt· neering project likes, roads, tmgat10n, water

. f estimation of building an uu•er ctv 10. He should insure that site engineer are provide with proper documentation related to project.
A !icatioo of pn:paranoo o
pp . .n.-ring electtical work; are as follows :
supply sarutary en.,...-- '
' . ·
· · · ·
lik ad, building bridge, dam etc. Here esumaung ts use ul for
(I) To know approximate cost of construellon projectS e_ro '

dccidin funding and planning of major construcnon project All construction project works are subdivided into various different task or parts of work. This subdivided work are
g · dfl . B
· cost f mall scale work i e individual item of work like painting, plastenng an oonng etc. y known as item of work.
(2) To know approxunate o s .. .
prqruing estimate. it is easy to submit quotation for such kind of work. Complete description is required to be written in Correct sequence for all items of work to be executed.
(3) It is necessary to prepare estimate of work before inviting private or government tender. Proper and complete description of item of work is useful for contractor or Engineer to execute work effectively.

(4) Ordering and purchasing of construction material should be based on quantities calculated in estimate. Rates to be quoted by contractor in ' Item Rate Tender' depends on complete description of item.

'l!.. 1.1.2 Purpose of Estimation a. 1.2.1 Item of Work

Estimate of work is oecessa!}' mainly for following purposes : (A) Different item of work of load bearing structure
(I) To know the approximate cost of proposed work before its execution. (i) Site clearance (ii) Excavation for foundation
(2) Owner or department gets rougb idea of amount of money required to complete the proposed work. (iii) P.C.C. in foundati on

(iv) UCR in foundation
(3) To obtain ad.ministralive approval and technical sanction of purposed work. (v) C.R. masonry in plinth (vi) Damp proof course at plinth level
(4) To invite tenders and prepare bills for payment of completion work. (vii) Plinth filling with hard murum (viii) Brick work in superstructure
(5) To find exact quantities of material required in order to programme their timely procurement. (ix) providing and fi xi ng door and window frames (x) Lintels over opening
(6) To calculate the number of different categories of labour for completion of work within scheduled time. (xi) Sloping roof
(xii) External plastering, Internal plastering, pointing
(7) To know tbe requirements of tools, plants and equipments for particular item of work. (xiii) Providing and lay ing fl ooring (xiv) Door and window shutter
(8) To fix up the completion period from volume of works calculated in estimate. (xv) Water supply and sanitary arrangement (xvi) Electrification.
(9) To draw up a construction schedule and programme.
(B) Different item of work of C. C. Road

(lO) During valuation, an estimate of an existing property is essential.

(i) Site clearance.
a. 1.1.3 . Role and Responsibilities of Quantity Surveyor
(ii) Excavation for roadway.

MU- May 16, 4 Marks
(iii) Excavation for catch I side water guner.

FoUowing are role and responsibilities of Quantity Surveyor: (iv) Conveying material obtained from road cutting.

1. Quantity Surveyor should find out owner/deparuoent need w.r.t. construction. (v) Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregate.

2. He should analyze drawing and specification accurately. (vi) Providing and laying in situ cement concrete .

3. He should able to understand contract term and condition. (vii ) Groove cutting and joint ftlling.

Tech-l'b PohlieotioDB ~&-.A tlwr . . (viii) Supplying hard murum at road side.

---A SACHIN SIIAH I'entun:

Tecb-Neo Publications ........... Where Authors jnspjre jnnov11 tjon

.....A SA CHIN SHAH r..,,_.

~~~~~Q~u~a~nt~.S~u~N~e~y~,E~s~ti~.&~V~al~ua~t~lo~n~(M~U-~S~e~m~.~7-~C~Iv~il~)--~(~1-~5~l_._._._.~_._._._._._._._._._.~~~-- Module
il ~SoMIY· "
Esli. & ValoJ8tiOO
. (MlJ-5el1l· 7-CiVIl)
(t-4) :l;
(iii) Bed plate, wall plates, bearing of cha.ijas where thickness does not exceed 10 em. a.::JI
;; t .l UNIT Of MEASUR£MEN their size. shape and !be nature. (iv) Bearing of noor and roof slab are not deducted from masonry in superstructure. -
. . of"'()!t is~ upon
-.....-..-t of>'3110US treros
Unit of IJIOOo>"'--- 1te111S of wortcs <::r o:~:::g~:::i,ons are made tn the ronoowtngmanfj_
W PrinCIPle unJts for yarioUS . biC unit or voluntC-
shall t)( taken tn cu
·--'~"'and !hid ,.'()Its .. Deduction Ixhxt
(a) Mass. voi~UJ»U"'""
CC =CUbic roeter
Excavarioo =cu.m.. P. 'tor in area.
. c. u .... taken in square un•
thickness of wall f-- 1 ---j
--'-- wort SUAU ""

(b) Thin. shallow and sw ·-· (b) Opening with segmental arch:
eg. piiSICring = sq.m
(c) Loog and thin WOit
. shall be taken in Jine3f or ru
ruting unit
Deduction : [ ( I x h) + (~ I x r)Jx t
·: r =radius of segmental arch

eg. Pipeline = Rm. (running meter).
. shall be taken in number.
(d) Piece W<rt.Job work f--t---1
S . fitting - number

eg. aruwy - of accuracy in estimating (c) Opening with semi-circular arch :
« Umlts of measurement and degr8l! . .
0 01 m except the followmg cases . (~lx r)] x t

Deduction: =[<I x h) +
(a) !)imcnsion shall t)( roeasured to the nearest .
roeasured to nearest 0.005 m ·: r =radius of semi-circular arch
ThicknesS 0 f slab
_ Wood work to nearest 0.002 m f--t---1
Reinforcement to nearest 0.005 m ~ (B) Rules for deduction in plastering and pointing
, measured to nearest 0.005 m. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thickness of road work less than ~0 em,

i UQ. :1..3 .3 Writt sl.ort r>atts or. ; Rt.eles for dtdt.ection in plasttrir19 as per IS :l-200.
(b) Area shall t)( measured to the nearest 0.01 sq.m
MU - Ma 18. Dec 18. 4 Mark s
(c) Cubic content sball t)( worked out to nearest 0.01 cum. : UQ. j..3.4 Write short r>atts on : Sptcif!:J the rule for dedt.ectior. for opt ning as per IS :l-200 For iteMS oF
(d) Weights shall t)( worted out to nearest 1 kg. work as plasttrir19 to walls. MU- May 17, May 18, 4 Marks
·------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ------ -------------
'11. 1.3.1 Rule for Deduction Deduction in plastering are made in the following manner :

(i) No deduction is made for ends of beams, posts, rafter, etc.

MU - Dec. 15, 4 Marks
(ii) No deduction is made for opening upto 0 .5 Sq.m. and no addition is made for joints, soffits and sills of these openings.

UQ. j..3.2. Write sl1ort t\Otes or.: Rults for dtdu~:~~~-!~-~~~-~~-~~~-~~~------------------------------

MU ·Dec. 19, 5 Marks
i·----·------------------------------------------------------- (iii) For opening more than 0.5 Sq.m. and upto 3 Sq.m. deduction is made for one face only. No addition for jambs, soffits

., Rules for deduction and sills .

(A) Rules for deduction in brick masonry (iv) For opening above 3 Sq.!IL deduction is made for both faces of openings and jambs, soffits and siUs shall be added ..

(B) Rules for deduction in plastering and pointing. Note : Plastering of 12 mm thick Is usually calculated in sq.m.

~ (A) Rules for deduction in brick masonry

No Deduction is made for the following :

(i) Opening upto 0.1 Sq.m

(ii) Ends of beam, posts, raftet>, purline etc. upto to 0.05 Sq.m in section.

Teth-Neo Publiutions........- lrh= Authors in>pire iDDOYslioD ..-.A SACHINSHAH YeDture

....A SACHIN SHAH Yeotun:


.., 1.4 MODE 0

EMS AS PER 1.5.1200 tr~Od~u~~~n
o uant.Survey, Esti. & Valua
lion (MU-Sem 7-CiVil)
~ Quant Survey Estl & Valuation (MU Sem 7 Civil)

s r. No. Description of item.·

(1 7)

..·. ' Units oi:m,ea5W"~~nf Unltofrate



Sr. No.
The unit of tate for payment of work IS as peru
nit of measurement.

Description of Item
Units' of measurement Unit of rate
cu. M
Per cu.m
Barbed wire fencing
Surface dressing and leveling
Brick wall less one brick thick
Per sq.m
I. Eiuth work
sq. m
Per sq. m
39. Rolled steel beams Quintal Per quintal
Clearing of shrubs, brushwood and small trees Per number
2. Number
Cutting of trees (exceeding 30 em girth) Per cu.m ~ t .5 TYPE OF SHEET USED IH ESTIMATE
3. cu.m
4. P.C.C. Percu.m
cu.m Estimate is prepared by following sequence as measurement sheet, abstract sheet and face sheet but while drafting or

5. R.C.C Per cu.m
cu.m submitting it is attached in sequence of face sheet, abstract sheet and measurement sheet
6. Stone masonry
Per sq.m
Stone slab, stone chajjas etc. (thickness specified) sq.m
cu.m Per cu.m a. 1.5.1 Face Sheet
8. Brick masonry

sq.m Per sq.m This sheet is attached at cover page of detailed estimate prepared. This sheet include following item :
9. Honey combed brickwork
sq.m Per sq.m
10. I0 em or half brickwork (i) Nature of proposal
cu.m Per cu.m
II. Reinforced brickwork (ii) Introduction of organization
sq.m Per sq.m
12. Form work
(iii) Statement for total budget of project

Reinforcement Quintal Per quintal
sq.m Per sq.m (iv) Objectives of project work
14. -Damp proof course
15. Cement concrete grill work Sq.m Per sq.m (v) Method of estimate followed

16. Tiled roofing, A.C. sheets, G.J. steels Sq.m Per sq.m (vi) Time required for completion of project work
17. Flooring Sq.m Per sq.m (vii) Fund required for project

18. Wood work for door and window frame Cu.m Per cu.m
(viii) All other charges, EMD, S.D. (Security Deposit)
19. Door and window shutters in wood Sq.m Per sq.m
20. Shuttering, centering Sq.m Face sheet
Per sq.m
21. Collapsible gate Sq.m Per sq.m Sr. No. Particulars AMount
22. Plastering, pointu;g Sq.m Per sq.m l. Esti mated cost Rs.
23. Colouring/Distempering Sq.m Per sq.m 2. Water supply and sanitary charges @ . .. % Rs.
24. Dado Sq.m Per sq. m 3. Electrification charges @ ... % Rs.
25. Skirting Sq.m Per sq. m Contingencies % (3 to 5 %)
26. 4. @ . . .. Rs.

Skirting (up to 30 em height) RMT Per RMT

27 Ornamental cornice 5. Work charged establishment @ ... % (1 to 2 o/~) Rs.
28. Railing Total Amount Rs.
29. Water proofing paste/liquid In words .. ... ..
Kg Per Kg
30. Soling stone, boulders, rubble
cu. m
31. Electric wiring Per cu.m a. 1.5.2 Abstract Sheet [BOO]
32. Brick on edge Per Point
Number The cost for each item of work is calculated by multiplying the quantity calculated in measurement sheet with the rate
33 Eves board Per Number
per unit in tabular form known as "Abstract sheet".
34. RMT
Manholes and inspection chamber Per RMT
35. Nos Abstract sheet is also known as Bill of Quantity (BOQ), which is attached in tender, so it is useful for contractor to
Site clearance Per No.
Lump sum quote the rate for that tender.
T..b-Neo Puhliea1io01_ Lump sum
. !non Authon Ullpi~e innor•tion
-.. A SACHJJY SHAH froture Teeb-Neo Publications........... Where Authors inspire inno••tion •• A SACHIIYS/l41J l'enture
(1·8) lntr<ld~
. & Valuatlon (MU-Sem. 7-Civil)
auantSurvey, Esti.
· ted cost of work.
. is added to get the esuma .
- TbecostofeachJtemofwork . . gexacl work, material , proportm n etc .
tJy menUODID
d 'ption of each item should express exac
In this form escn
Description or particular of Item
Quantity Unit a.te V.aft of Rate A~t~otnn Specifications
Sr. No. P. Rs.
Rs. ...
3 4 5 6 ~
I 2
a. 1.5.3 Measurement Sheet

· · r 't · of work s such as eanll work. concrete. I< (' (' Syllabua :
The whole consuuction work is divided mto dtf,erent ' elllli · · · wo'\
plastering etc. Speclflcllllona : Types and Importance of specificalions. rules to be followed for drafting the specifications of various
Items of woll< etc .

The respective dimension of each item of work are taken from drawing and wri nen in re pe,·ti ve olu mn .

Total quantity of each item is finding out by multiplying its respecti ve dimensions in ente red column,.

This measurement sheet, gives exact total qua~tity for each item.
2.1 Definition ..... . ............................ .......... ........ ................. ....... ........................... 2·3
Meuurement form

UQ. 2.1.1 Define specification . 1.1U · Dec 17 Dec 18 2 Ma•k s ............ ........... .................. 2·3
Item Dacripllon or Number Length In Breadth In HeJgbl or Quanlily Tolal 2.2 Purpose .. ......................................... 2·3
Number plrtkul8r of llellll m Dl depth 'm '
I 2 3 4 5 6 7
q uanl il)•
- UQ. 2.2.1

UQ. 2.2.2
Explain the legal importance of specification.

State the different purposes served by specification . r.tU

~1U Dec 15 ~ r.tarb ............. ................................. 2·3
Dec 18 2 !.lark s ...... ........ ......................... 2-3

- UQ. 2.2.3 Why is specification considered as legal document ? ~1U - Dec 19 ~ r,tar ks .. 2-3

... C/wpta~11 t!J 2.3 Types of specifications ............ ....................... . ....... .................................... 2·3

0 UQ. 2.3.1 What is difference between brief specification and detailed specification of an item? Explain with an
example . ii1!6!ifii:Wi6FfflA ......... . .. .... .................... 2·3
UQ. 2.3.2 Enumerate the different types of specifications lor items of construction woll<?
Bl!a!Bi'I**'Nma ...................................................... . .. .... .. 2·3
UQ. 2.3.3 Explain the different types of specifications for items of construction work? l.lU 1.1.1 18 ~ r.t cHb .. .. . 2·3
2.3.1 Classification of Specification According to the Purpose . 2·5

2.3.2 Classification of Specification based on Method be used in Describing a Material or Method of Installation ...... 2·6
2.4 Principles /Requirement of Good Specification
. 2-6
UQ. 2.4.1 What are the points to be observed in framing specification of an item? r.tu · Dec 15 ~ r.l.lrb .. .. .. 2-6
UQ. 2.4.2 Explain the various principles of specification writing. MU · ~Ia 18 4 ~larks ..... 2-6
2.5 Step by Step Procedure for Drafting Specification ................................... .. .............. ............................... .. ...... ..... 2·7
2.6 Drafting Detailed Specification for Common Items of Building Woll< .. .. ......... 2-8
2.6. 1 Excavation for Foundation
....... 2-8
2.6.2 Ume Concrete .. .............. .................. . ..... .... .... 2-9
2.6.3 Plain Cement Concrete (P.C.C.} ...... ........ .. .. ..... .... 2·10
(2-2) ns
rC1 E. • & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil)
~ Quant.Survey, su.
............ ~ Quant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil) (2-3)
........ .......... ·····················2-11
Bum Blick Masonry • First Class in cement Mortar .............................. .
2.6.4 r1< . cement mortar 1:5. MU - Dec 17. 8 Marks ·······- 2-11 ~ 2.1 DEFINITION
Draft the detailed specification for first class wo In ---------------
UQ. 2.6.1 r~U _Dec 18. 4 Marks ···················-2-11
blickwor1< in superstructure. MU _Dec 17. Dec. 18. 2 Marks
Write brief specification of 1st cIass -
! UQ. 2-U De~~-~~-~~~~~~:----------------------------------"·------·-------------·------------'·--·----------
UQ. 2.6.2
................................ ................... .............. 2-12 _,
2.6.5 Random Rubble Masonry in Cement Mortar. ....... ·························· •------------- ------ · · · h · d oportion procedure and method
A contract document specifymg the quality of matenals to be used, t e1r property an pr •
Coursed Rubble Masonry in Cement Mortar. ....... ··············
···················· ·································· ·· ········ ······ 2-14
2.6.6 of workmanship to be adopted in construction work is called as specification.
.... .. .................. .:............. 2-15
Mild Steel Bar Reinforcement lor R.C.C. ··············· 'firs t' • ·second' • or
2.6.7 · descnbed
According to the quality of materials and workmanship the structure IS · as constructed WI·th
2.6.8 Plastering In Cement Mortar ....................................................... .. . ······················· .................... .... ···· ·· ··· ····· 2-16 'third' class specification.

UQ.2.6.3 Writ.e the detailed specification for External plastering, 20mm thick in CM (1 :4). In short, specification are the instructions with writing describing in detail manner in which the work is to be executed.
ldi!fliMI1 i mq. .. ............................................................................ ························ ········2-16
UQ.2.6.4 Draft the detailed specification for 15mm thick single coat plaster wor1< in cement mortar 1:4.
------ --------------- --------- ------------ ---------------- --------- ------- ---·------------------------- -··------------- -------

······························································ ... 2-16 j UQ. 2-2..:1- Explain tne legal importance of specificatio"- MU- Dec. 15.4 Marks

2.6.9 Pointing in Cement... ............ :............................. .. 2-16 : UQ. 2..2..2. State the different purposes served by specificatior.. MU - Dec. 18. 2 Marks

l UQ-- ~~~----~~-~-i~-~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~i~~-~-~~~~-~~~~~~~-~---------------------------- -------------------------

.......... ......... ... 2-17 MU- Dec 19 4 Marks
2.6.1 0 Damp Proof Course (D.P.C.) ......... ......................

2.6.11 Ceramic Tile Roaring ... ........................... . ........ 2-18

Following are the various purpose of the specification :

2.6.12 R.C.C. Work for Slab .......... ..................................... 2-18
(I) In contract document, the specification defines or show the quality of material and workmanship .
2.6.13 Providing Corrugated G.l. Sheet Roofing ..................................... 2-19
(2) Specification shows the method of doing work and act as guide to the contractor and supervising staff.

(3) By referring specification, tenderer or contractor can able to quote correct rates for various items of work.
a Chapter Ends ...................................................................................................................................:........................... 2·20
(4) The cost of unit quantity of work is known by its specification.

(5) Specification is the witness document and hence useful in court to settle the disputes.

(6) Specification is an important tool or document and it play important role for arbitration.

(7) Specification fixes the responsibilities of owner/depanment and contractor.

(8) Specification serve the object of furnishing the detailed information, which the engineer want to convey, so as fulfil the
requirement of his design.

(9) S~cification mentioned specific materials, tools and plant to be engaged in work.



-------- ------ --- -------- -- ----- ---- ---- ----- -------- --- ---- ----- --- -- ------ ---- -- -- -- -- ----- ---------- ---------- --- -------------
: UQ. 2..3.:1- What is differertce betwee" brief sptcificatio" artd detailed specificatio" oF an ittWl? Explairt !
with al'\ exaWlple. :
i UQ. 2..3.2. £1'\UWltrate the differe"'t types oF specificatiol'\5 For iteWIS of col'l5tructio"' work?
MU- Ma 17 4 Marks
i UQ. 2..3.3 Explain the different types of specificatiol'l5 For iteWls of C01'15truction work?
MU- Ma 18. 4 Marks
- ------- -- ----- - ---- -- ---------- --- - ----- --- -- --- --- -- - --- ---------- ----- --------- ---------- ----- -------- ------ ----- ---- --------

Tecb-Neo Publications..-·····- Where AUthors inspire innoralion .....A SACU!JV SHAH Yeollu?
••..A SA CHIN SHAH Yeoture

~ Esti & Valuation (IAU.Sem-7.Civil)

QuantSurvey, · Specifica1ions
QuantSurvey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civll) (2-5)

(1) Brief speclflcllllon (c) Specification for proprietary commodities.

This specification is useful to quantity surveyor in . of matenals
Part (a) deals with· strict control over quality . of construcuon, · whic h consist of properties such as
preparing the estimate of wort. · and tensile
compressive · strength, hardness and Its
· c hellllc
· al compos!·tion, precautions during material handling,
. ral informalion for the quantities of transport, storage and procedure of its inspection and test to be carried out
It g~ves gene . and
malerials, nanue and class of work 1D short
Part (h) include specification regarding performance of finished items of equipment e.g. turbines, pump and their
DOl with the lengthy detailed specification.
installation guar"'!tees etc.
Brief specification does DOl form the part of the
Part (c) deals with standardized or patented items or commodities from particular manufacturer over which there Module

contract document

(2) Detailed specification

(1E1)Fig. 2.3.1 is no ctirect control over its quality, workmanship and performance etc.

(iii) Standard specification il

. tion of the various items of construction as regards the types, In order to avoid the lengthy procedure of writing the detailed specifications for the various items of work, their
The detailed specification gives the complete descnp
· · f mix mixing and laying etc. complete and the mode of specifications are standardized by the competent government departments and then serially numbered.
quality of malerials and their workmanship, proporuon ° '
measurement of item. At time of writing specification in contract documents for such item, only their serial number are written to save
It also specifies test required to be on construction material or finished item and type of equipments, special tools time and space in contract documents.

and machinery to be used. E.g. for building work of excavation-) Bd.A-1 page'no. 259, for item of bridge work-) BR. 3 page No. 102.
Detailed specification form eventual part of contract document. Above symbol of specification are mentioned in S.S.R. year 2019-2020.
These specifications for various items of work are generally written in order of execution of the work. Such standard specifications are prepared by concerned central (i.e. CPWD) or state (PWD) government agencies.
It prepared by the state Government Agencies such as P.W.D. and published in the form of booklet named as
a. 2.3.1 Classification of Specification According to the Purpose
'Standard specification or (Red book).

The detailed specification are further sub-divided into three categories are as follows : (a) Standard specification (h) Guide specification

(i) General specification (ii) Technical specification (iii) Standard specification (c) Particular specification (d) Manufacturers specification

~ (i) General specification ~ (a) Standard specification

These are also known as conditions of contract which are applicable to the work as a whole.
These are prepared by Bureau of Indian standards (Former I.S.I) new Delhi, and used to referred at time of preparing
In this document, the condition governing the contract are written. specifications for particular engineering project under consideration.
We will study this topic in detail in chapter no. 09 of the book. ~ (b) Guide specification
~ (ii) Technical specification
Typical specification for various common item of construction prepared by competent government or private bodies and
-In !he technical specification the details as regard desired quality of finished products or items of construction are serve as guide in preparing detailed specification for any particular engineering project under constructions.
clearly specified.
~ (c) Particular specification
An arrangement for inspection and testing to be carried out during the construction stage to ensure the desire
quality and also including in it. These are specification written for particular engineering project under construction to accompany the working
drawing of the project.
Such technical provision should be acc.ording to the provisions made in the wor.kjng drawings.
For every item in schedule of quantities, detailed exhaustive specification describing the type and quality of
Technical specification include following parts :
different materials required, their workmanship, which are be useful for contractor at time of actual construction
Specification regarding materials of construction and workmanship. of the work.
(b) Specification for performance.

--4 SACHIIYSHAH l'enlum Teth-Neo Puh~catioru.•.•.•_ Where Auilwrs inspire inno,..lion

•• .A SACHIN SHAll Ymlure

~ OllanlSurve'Y· Esti. & ValuatiOO (IAU·Sem· 7-Civil} ~ Ouant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7.Civll) (2·7)

~ (d) Maatdadum"s
specifotioo . . s of consuuction materials or building prodUct
(2) Language
. . blisbed by manuf.acturer5 for tbe ~~
Specification should follow tbc rules of gr.unrnar. The style and tense should be rrtaintained same throughout.
~ are tbe spec1fiC11D011 pu . and install them eoc.
them. How to SIDit maJeOal. use
manufatUI"ed by e.g. . • . Method be used In DesCribing a Material or (3) Dual meaning
-a 2..3.2 Classification of SpecjftcatiOn baSed on The wording of sentences >hould convey single meaning wherea• dual meaning sentences are avoided.
Method of Installation
(c) Closed specificauon (4) Information
(b) Restri~ speci ftcation
(a) Opal specifJC3lioo Specification of different item• should gives the exact r1:4uired information. .Hodule

· ·
, _ .. descnbed with rrurumum s
In open specifu:arioo. -·•-"aJ
tandards and which can be fulfilled by several
(5) Fairness

The specification should be balanced and force to both owner and contractor.

manufacwr= within permissible limit (6) Practical consideration
'fi . . tbe pbysical and cbemical properties of material.
An open spect IcaliOfl g~ves The specification should not be too lengthy and theoretical but should be wri tten by taking all practical difficulties of
. . ·ficau·on of <fV'f'ific item of equipmeot or a trade name or proprietary commodity.
B ut 1t never g~ves spec• 1 -.-- contractor.
E.g_ cement. steel. !WIIld etc. i.e. mentioned only grade of cement (M-53) without any trade name.
(7) Accuracy

~ (b) Restricted specif'n tion The information given in tbe specifications should be complete and correct otherwise the contractor may claims for any
In case of a restricted specifications. the material is described and choice for contractor is limited to two or more extra cost due to damage occurred to him by the misleading information supplied by tbe owner.
manufactllre~ or distributo~ . (8) Legal complications
Thus an approved list containing the catalogue number or proprietary name of product is specified and contractor As specification form important legal documents it should be described in fewer words to avoid legal complications.
has to chooses material from this approved list

(9) Use of abbreviation
E.g. approved list containing paint brand only of: (I J Asian pain IS (2) Dulux. (3) Berger. Contraclor has to choose
To avoid lengthy description, correct well established abbreviations should be used to describe specification.
paint out of this 3 brands only.
(10) 'Shall and Will'
~ I c) Closed specification
In specification word 'shall' must be used in the sentences and completely avoid word ' will'.
In ca.e of a closed specification, the material or product is designed by a trade name mentioning catalogue
number, manufacturer and sometime particular distributor from whom the product is to be purchased. ~ 2.5 STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE FOR DRAFTING SPECIFICATION
E.g. i!S compulsion to contractor to purchase Ambuja cement from pragati traders of pune.
Detailed specification of each item should be drafted by following steps :


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·---------------------···--· (2) Type of material, i!S qualiiy and quantity.
l UQ. M.~. Wlt4t IU"' tit. poi...ts to be observed ;,. FraMir.g speeificatio" of an iuw.? MU • Dec 15. 4 Marks
(3) InstrUction regarding transponing, handling and storing of material on site.
L~~~~::~---~~-~-~~~~~?~"!~~!~~.~!.~~~~~-~~~: _____,.. ___ .. ________________, ______~__:____
(4) Processing of the materials, proportion of the mix etc.
Specification should be clearly understood by contractor, supervisory staff, workman etc. Following poin!S should be
(5) Construction procedure such as mixing, conveying, Laying, curing etc.
carefully considered while drafting the specification.
(6) Quality of work and workmanship desired.
(1) Wording
(7) Standard test to be carried out to ensure tbe quality.
As the specifi~ation form important part of contract document and very useful during execution of work, they should be
descnbed 10 Simple, shan, concise, correctly wordod. (8) Mode of measurement of completed item, deduction to be made if any advanced payment to be made to the contractor.

Tech-Neo Publications•.__ , Where Authors inspire innovation _,.A SACHINS/l4JIJI,.Dturr

••.A SACHJNSHAH l'entu~
. -Sem 7-CiVll) (2-8) ~
auantswvev. Estl. & vaiUaliOII (MU . Specifications
QuantSurvey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil} (2-9)
...... muG
Ml 2.6 IIIUV nn
(xl) Back filling
· should be removed and space between foundation and sides of
After finishing the foundation concrete wort, shonng
'II. 2.6.1 Excavation for Foundation excavation shall be refilled to original ground level.

(l)Ginnl . iJ d (xll) Mode of measurement and payment

. fou da · wet or dry, carried out Ill so • san , grave(
The item of excaYilioo will generally refer to excavallon for n uons, • The payment to !be contractor shall be made according to !be type of strata .met wtth
· (e.g. soft sot'I, hard sot'I • soft
soft or lwd munun or rock etc. murum. hard rock etc.) at !be unit contract rate per cubic meter of excavation, limited to !be dimensions given on the

(II) Site deering . approved plan. No payment shall be made for excess work carried out by !be contractor.
. · be sti'UCtcd should be cleared of all obstsucuons, loose
The ponion of the ground oo wbicb !be structure 1s to con .
marerWs, rubbish, ·small tree etc. to be arnngcd by cooaactor.
a. 2.6.2 Lime Concrete -
a> (I) Material required

(Ill) Uneout
After the site is cleared. !be centre line of proposed structure as shown on the drawing should be marked on the ground (a) Lime : Shall be freshly burnt, slaked free from ashes and screened through a sieve of 3 meshes to a em before use.

along with !be refereooe;s and bench mar1ts by !be contractor at his own cost. ~) Sand(orrmea~are)

(lv) Average ground 1eYe1 They should be clean, strong, hard and particle size should be 5 mm maximum. If it contains more !ban 4% of dust,

The cootraclor sball request the engineer in change to take levels of the ground before the excavation starts. clay etc. it shall be washed lboroughly before use.

The average ground level is then to be deltrmined and used a datum level for the measurement of depth of (c) Coarse aggregate stone
excavation. lt shall be broken stone of required size (i.e. graded) and hard, strong, durable, clean. It shall not be
(v) Excavation elongated or flacky but only cubical shape to be used.

It is carried out to exact dimension (L x B x H) as indicated in drawing. It should confirm to alii.S. test. The maximum and minimum sizes vary from 20 mm to 80 nun.

(vi) Disposal of excavlted meterlals Aggregates absorbing more than 5% of water by weights after immersion for 24 hours, shall not be used.
The excavated maltrial should not be placed nearer than 1.5 m from outer edge of excavation. The unsuitable (d) Water : The water to be used shall be clean and free from salts. silt etc. Only potable water shall be used for
excavated material shall be disposed off beyond the construction site upto a lead of 50m. mixing concrete.

Engineer in change have responsibility to dispose off excavated material by dumper or other means of w (ii) Proportion
The proportion of lime and sand shall be I :3 and mixed on volumetric basis.
(vii) Protection to existing services
w (iii) Mixing of lime mortar
All the existing services such as water pipe, sewers. electric cables. which are met with in foundation trenches shall be
carefully supported and prolteted.

The mixing of mortar shall be carried out by Ghani or by using power driven mills.
(viii) Dewatering
The mortar thus prepared is stored in moist conditions. Necessary l.S. test shall be carried out to ascertain the required
The excess quantity of ware in the tre h h strength of the mortar.
r nc es s auld be removed by pumping or any other method Th tre h
replaced with the ramming of the soil. · e nc es water
The proportion of lime mortar to coarse aggregate shall be usually 1:2.
(lx) Shoring
w (iv) Mixing of lime concrete
II is important to provid h · ·
e s onng to Sides of excavation to avoid them from collaps. Mixing of lime concrete shall be carried out on impervious level platform.
(x} Protection · . · mg.
The lime mortar shall be spread uniformly on the coarse aggregate and then turned upside down, forward and backward
All !be excavated ·
pnrtJOn of the ground shall be fenced . at least three times, till all !be coarse aggregate is coated thoroughly with mortar.
pnssibiUty of accidents. . properly and marked WJth red light during night time to avoid
Tod.-Ptoo PuWicatioa,_ . .
H.,AIIIMrrIMpUe m-.u.,
.....A SJCHJNSIIA/! Yenttne Teeh-Neo Public:atiou . lnere Author. iDapire ii1Dot'lltion _..A SACHINSll4/l r.,~~~re

iC'1 Est! 7-Civil)& Valuation (MU-Sern. ~ (2-10) ~ Quant.Survey, Estl. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil) (2-11 )
~ auantsurvey. ·
a- (lv) Laying of concrete
w (v) Laying and compaction . d pacted by rammer, until the layer is 15
.d in courses not more than 20 em thick at one ume an com The concrete prepared shall be laid in · position ~fore 30 minutes of adding water to the mix. Concrete shall not be
Concreteshall be IBI dropped from a height more than 60 em but laid gently in its position.
em thick.
a- (v) Compaction
w (vi) Curing . only clean water to be used
. · ·d · posiuon . for
The concrete shall be well compacted by rods, needle vibrator etc. after laying in its position to get dense concrete
~ two weeks after ttts 1at 10
Lime concrete layer sbould be kept wet at Ieast or without any honey combing.
curing. a- (vi) Curing Module


w (vii) Mode of measurement and payment
. ured . b. t and paid according to limited dimension shown on approved drawing. Concrete after it has set, shall be kept wet by ponding or by wet gunny bags for a period of 14 days.
Lime concrete work lS meas rn cu tc me er
a> (vii) Mode of measurement and payment
No amount is paid for excess work done by contniCtor.
The quantity of concrete is to be measured for (L x B X H) in cubic meter and paid accordingly subject to dimension

'1s. 2.6.3 Plain Cement Concrete (P.C.C.) limited to given on drawing. No deduction shall be made for the reinforcement steel in concrete.

r¥ (I) Material ~ 2.6.4 Burn Brick Masonry, First Class In cement Mortar
(a) Cement ! UQ. 2..6.:1. Draft the detAiled speciFicatio" For first class work i" UMent MOrtar l.:S. '
It shall be Ordinary Portland Cement (O.P.C) confinning to IS. 269- 1958.

The cement shall be measured on weight basis and in whole bags, each bag weighing 50 kg. which is equal i UQ. :Z..E>.:Z. Write brieF sptciFicatio" oF class brickwork i" superstructl.lre. ·:
to 35 litre in volume. All standard tesl sball be carried out to ensure that the cement is of required quality.
-------------- ---------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------:
a> (i) Material required
(b) Storage (a) Brick (first class)
The cement brought on site shall be stored on wooden platfonn of 15 em thick above floor and stacked 30 em from
The brick shall be of uniform, regular shape, size and colour and very well bum. The edges shall be sharp,

wall in leak proof godown at the worlcsite. straight and at right angles and free from defects with a frog of 10 nun depth on one of its flat surface. The
(c) Fine aggregate brick shall give ringing sound when struct against each other and shall not break when allowed to fall
Same as described in specification of lime concrete (2.6.2). The size of fine aggregate shall be from 0.15 mm to through a height of 60 em.
5mm. The size of brick (l.S. type) shall be 19 x 9 x 9 em or conventional size 9" x 4.5" x 3". The brick shall not
(d) Coarse aggregate absorb water more than 20% of its dry wet, when submerged in a water.
Same as described in specification of lime concrete (2.6.2). The maximum size shall not be more then l/4'h The brick shall be tested to give satisfactory result as per l.S. requirements.
thickness of concrete member subject to maximum 80 mm, minimum size being 5 mm. -There shall be no (b) Cement
segregation of aggregates during placing the concrete in position.

Fresh Ordinary Portland Cement (O.P.C.) satisfying all l.S. requirement shall be used. For more details, refer
(e) Water : Any potable water shall be used for mixing of concrete. specification of P.C.C. (2.6.3).
r¥ (II) Proportion mix of concrete
(c) Fine aggregate (sand)
For usual mix of I :2:4, cement, fine and coarse aggregate shall be measured dry on volumetric ba1is by suitable wooden
It shall be either natural river sand or crushed sand satisfying all l.S. requirement. For more details refer
box, due care bemg taken to allow for bulking of sand if ill in wet condition. The w~ter cement ratio being about 0.60.
specification of lime concrete (2.6.2).
w (Ill) Mixing of concrete
(d) Water: Water to be used for mixing shall be potable.
Mixing of concrete shall be done either manually or mechanically by mixers.
IIUrumum penod of !.5 minute. The mixer drum shall rotate for a a> (ii) Preparation of cement mortar

- Cement, sand, coarse aggregates are first mixed dry and then .ust . . . Cement and sand shall be thoroughly mixed first in dry condition in proportion (I :5 or 1:6) by volume and then
and down, forward and backward u·ll tb h I J required quanuty of water IS added to it and turned up
e w o e mass appear to be h sufficient quantity of water shall be added to it and then turned upside down and forward and backward direction till a
The concrete so fanned hall omogeneous and of uniform Colour.
Tedi-Neo Pul>li<a!ions s be ~en_se and workable. · homogenous mass of cement mortar is obtained.

- ·.A SACH/NSHAH l'enture Teeh-Ne<~ Publications--.... Where Authors inspire innovation ....A SACHIN SIWII'eoture

~ ~
. Esti & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-CMl) (2-12)
_ QuantSurvey, · . Ouant.Survey, EsH. & ValuaHon (MU-Sem. 7-Civil) (2-13) Specifications
. f ddin water to the dry nux.
- . . . . i shall be used within 30 DllDUte o a g
The moi1JC so l"~t-- w (II) Proportion of mix
d' 011) ConiiJ"UCtiOn of brick wortt . The cement and sand shall be mixed in proportion as specified on the drawing on volumetric basis. (e.g. I :6)
before being used m masonry.
.. . -•-11 be ..___.,,ghly soaked in water for aboUt 2 boWS w (Ill) Mixing
Bnck of ooe sa.e """" """"" .
. used cept in case of irregular operung.
No brickbals or cut ponioo of the bnclr. shall be ex Uniform mixing of cement and sand shall be carried out in dry condition and then just required quantity of water shall
be added so as to obtain a homogenous mass of cement mortar.
d' (lv) Brick laying .
li btl ressed and properly bedded m monar. A.U It should be laid in position within 30 minute of adding water to the dry mix, else it will start setting before it is used
bricks shall be laid in IIIOI1liC to lines and level as per the plan, s g y p . .. .
- The
. .
-•-11 be filkd carefully wilb IIIOI1liC without leavmg any caviOes.
. . The various courses shall be la.Jd m honzontaJ.
w (iv) Dressing of stone Module


• m
. t

~ ~
position and the entire brick wall shall be vertical i.e. in a plumb. All stone shall be tool dressed so as to remove weak projections, edges. corners etc. and shall be one line dressed.
The thiclr.ness of the joims shall DOl exceed I0 mm and raking of joints shall be to deplb of about I0 mm.
d' (v) Laying of stone
..... ··•-- . English or any other bond as directed by the engineer in charge.

The brick worlr. shall be coosttuc= eiu,... ID
The stone masonry shall be conslrUcted in line, levels etc. as shown on the drawing. Slratified stones are to be laid on
The cntirt brick wort: shall be raised unifonnly, and the rate of raising shall not be more than 60 em per day. their natural beds, all bed joints being perpendicular to the pressure coming on them. Stones shall be wetted before

w (v) W818ring being placed in masonry else they will absorb moisture from the mortar.

The cntirt bride wor1r. shall be kept wet by sprinlr.ling water at least for 14 days without allowing mortar to dry· They shall be laid full in mortar and placed well in position witb wooden mallet. Chips, spalls used to fill. the space shall

be wedged in the mortar joints and beds.
d' (vi) Mode of meucnment and payment
The face work and hearting shall be complete evenly. The quantity of mortar required per cubic meter of masonry shall
The briclr. wort: shall be measured in cubic DICier correct to decimal places for the completed work subject to dimension
be about 0.30 cubic meter and there shall be uniform raising of masonry limited to 0.6m.
as sbown on drawing.
w (vi) Bonds
Deduction of lintel. beam girders are made in measureDICnt of worlr. and also deduction for opening like window and
To ensure proper bond, in lateral direction. A stone laid is any course shall be break the joint with the stone laid in the
door are considered.

course above or below it.
a. 2.6.5 Random Rubble Masonry in Cement Mortar
(a) Through stones
w (I) Material required
For every 0.5 sq. m. of facing one through stone shall be placed.
(a) Stone Cor masonry (b) Vertical headers
The stone shall be slrong, hard, dense, durable obtained from !be approved fresh queries of !rap or granite For masonry having I m width, vertical headers of 0.45 m long shall be placed for every square meter area in plan.
variety etc.
(c) Hearting and backing stone
It shall be impervious, weather resistance and free from defects. The water absorption shall not exceed 5%
Such stone shall be at least 0.15 min any direction.

by weight
(d) Quoins
(b) Cemeot
They shall be of good quality stone having rough/fine tooled dressing and be of height of one course.
Ordinary Portland Cement (O.P.C.) satisfying all tbe I.S. requirements shall be used. For more details refer
specification of (2.6.3). The length of quoins shall be more than twice its height.

(c) Fine ~or sud w (vii) Joints

Natural river sand or crushed sand satisfying alll.S. requirement shall be used. For more delaiJ refer specification Free joints shall not be more than 6 mm thick and stones should be laid to break the joints. U masonry is to be pointed,
of(2.6.2). all joints should be racked to depth equal to its width.

(d) Water: The water to be used for preparing cetDCIIt mortar shall he potable. w (viii) Watering
All masonry work shall be kepi wet at least 14 days by sprinkling water over it.

Teeh-Neo l'ublicatwns........... Where Authors io•pirr: innor>tion ....A SACHI!fSJWII't'Dturt

(2-14) ~
I.BI Quant.SuJVey,
Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil)
· ~ Quant.SuJVey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil) (2-15)

w (lx) Sclffoldlng . bein taken 10 ensure safely. w (viii) Joints

. .ded by contractor; suffictent care g
Single/double scaffolding shall be p!OVI The thickness of joints shall not be more than 10 mm. In case the masonry is to be pointed, the raking of joint shall be
........ t rneesurement and payment . . carried out to a depth equal to thickness of joint (i.e. 10 mm) when the mortar is still fresh and green.
w (x) - o . , .~. completed work subject to hrnitin
' · · · cubte meter .or u,.. g
!his item of consl!llCOon ts tn . ,., (lx) Raising of Masonry
The mode of meawremcnt or . r agreed rate per cubic meter.
dimensions sbown 00 the plan and contraCtor sball be p31d as pe
The whole masonry shall be raised uniformly limited to 60 em beight in one day.
a. 2.6.6 Coursed Rubble Masonry In Cement Mortar a> (x) Striking ot joints
For the faces (unexposed) which are not to be plastered, shall be struck carefully when the mortar is fresh and green.
(i) Material requited


(a) SloDe: Refer specification of (2.6.5) of random rubble masonry. w (xi) Scaffolding

(b) Cement : Refer specification of (2.6.5) of random rubble masonry. Single/double scaffolding shall be provided by contractor; sufficient care being taken to ensure safety.

Sand: Refer specification (2.6.5) of random rubble masonry. w (xii) Mode of measurement and payment


S' (ii) Dressing of stones The mode of measurement for this item of construction is in cubic meters for the completed work subject to limiting
The kband};i stone shall be dressed bave straight horiwntal and vertical side which will be perpendicular to dimension shown on the plan and contractor shall be paid as per agreed rate per cubic meter.
50 10

adjacent sides. 'l1 2.6.7 Mild Steel Bar Reinforcement for R.C.C.

The face portion shaiJ be in one plane such stones shall have its breadth larger than its height and shall project back into
,., (i) Material
masonry, for 1.5 time its height and width 113"'. Such stones having their length twice its height, the height being not
Mild steel is such bar used as reinforcement for R.C.C. work shall confirm to bureau of lSI 423 of I960 and shall be
Jess than !Scm.
tested and duly certi!ied by competent authorities of test house. The cost of test shall be borne by contractor. The M.S.
w (ill) Heartlng and backing bars shall be free from dirt, dust, rust, oil paint and these bar should be protected from corrosion and dust.
Sucb s10nes shall be as large as possible. One third of such stones shall be 0.010 cubic meter in volume for 50 em thick w (II) Fabrication of steel

Before fabricating, all reinforcement shall be cleaned thoroughly of all dust, dirt. All reinforcing steel shall be bent cold
w (lv) Quoins to dimension as shown in BBS. During bending, material shall not be damaged.
It shall be a good quality stone whose height shall be that of the course in which it is to be laid. Q' (iii) Placing of reinforcement
a- (v) Through stone All reinforcing bars shall be placed in correct position with exact spacing and cover as indicated on drawing. Binding
Through siOnes shall have their height equal to the height of the course and its width equal to its heighL The dressing of wire of 1.22 or 1.63 mm diameter shall be used for fastening at intersection points or it may be spot welded.
such stones shall be similar to dressing of Khandaki. Q> (iv) Inspection of reinforcement
a- (vi) Vertical headers
No concrete shall be carried out till the entire reinforcement has been inspected and approved by Engineer in change, in

They are required for a masonry having one-meter width and shaU be 45 em in length or depth of two courses
whichever is higber. a> (v) Test certificate
a- (vii) Laying of stones
If the reinforcing steel is brought by contractor, he has to produce a certificate from authorised .test house regarding its
They are to be laid in horizontal course of about 15 em in height All stone in one course shall have same height and all suitability for the work.
courses shall also be of same beigh!. a> (vi) Mode of measurement and payment

The. through stones shall be laid 1.5 m apart and vertical headers shall be required .for masonry of 1m thickness The All steel reinforcement shall be measured in quintal and should be as shown on reinforcement details drawing.
quoms shall be placed with header and stretcher in alternative layers. . .
The length shall be measured correct to two decimal places in meters and weight mea~ured correct to 0.1 kg and
payment made at agreed rate.

- U. llUplrt lDDOf'61itJa
•....A SAl'HINSHAH f'cntun: Tech-Neo Public.ations........... When: tluthon in.•pirr: innoYali~n .... .A SACHIIYSHAH f'entun>

(t.4U-Sem· 7-Civlll

,_.erl gIn Cement Mortar

'!i. 2.6.8 P-· n
& ValuatiOn

------------··---------···-------··: ·--
----------- ·:··----------------------..
tJVek mCM (:1-:.f.). ··:
[§;] Ouant.Survey, Esti. & Valuatloo (MU-Se~. 7-Civil) (2·17) Specifications

.........--------------·---------- • for ~I p.fasttnrog, lOMI" · · . : {b) Slllld {line aggregate) : It shall be natural river sand and clean, strong, bard, particle sizes sball be 5 mm
I i-~~~•.3 Writa tN ~il.& spJiutiOfl , . . ~fMi,_ j maximum.
I l ..
tJVek sirtgll e04ft pfAsttr worlc iF' ctfMCI\t ~ol't4t- j
UQ. ,_.... p,.tt tN at."W Sf*i«utitlf\ for ~
Water : Water shall be free from injurious quantities of deterious materials like oil, acid, allcali, salts.
. j
I ·1-:.f -------~---------------------------------------------------------
a- (II) Scatfolallng
!• • -- - ------ --·------- ----- - - - Necessary strong scaffolding, Single/double to be arranged by contractOr.
Ill' (I) Materiel required . ared free from organic matter. a- (Ill) Raking of joints
I d shall be medium. c1e .
{• ) Cemeot •• It should be fresh Portland cemen liD .
articles sizes should be 5 nun IIUIXJmum. Module
All joints shall be raked to depth equal 10 width of joint or as instructed by engineer-in-charge.

{b) Sud : It shall be nalUfll) river sand IIDd clean. strong, bard P

{c) Water : It shall be potable water free from all impurities.

w Ql) Cement mortar mix

a- (lv) Wetting

The entire area to be pointed shall be washed and all joints wetted before the pointing work starts.

Cement and sand shall be mixed in proportion as specified in drawing. E.g. I : 4. a- (v) Pointing
f d · dry condition add just sufficient water in desired proportion
After mixing of one pan of cement 110d four part o san m • All the raked joints are filled with cement mortar of specified mix and pressed well and rubbed smooth.

to get homogenous mass of cement mortar. A clean string is then pressed with travel into centre line of pointing to form a semicircular depression of 3 mm
Ill' (Ill) Scaffolding

The necessary scaffolding shall be arranged by the contractor. It shall be single or double as the case may be. Such depression is rubbed with nayla to rnalce it 6 rnm deep and 6 mm wide.

The intersection of horizontal and vel1ical joints must be finished in such away that they do not cross each other but just
Ill' (I~ Preparation of surface
touch each other.
Before doing plastering to the surface. surface shall be cleared, brushed anti wetted with water. In case of cement
IF (vi) Curing
plastering on surface of cement concrete surface, the surface shall roughened and cleaned.

The pointed surface shall be kept wet continuously for 14 days.
a- (v) Applying plaster
a- (vii) Mode of measurement and payment
The plastering shall be started from top and worked towards the ground. The whole surface shall be made nush with
wooden noats 10 ensure an even surface. All measurement shall be in square meter in accordance with IS 1200 of 1965.

IIi' (vi) Anlshlng treatment The contractor shall be paid for the completed work at the agreed rate per square meter.
After the surface is plastered, it may be given a finishing treatment of line smooth cement slurry to increase its ~ 2.6.10 Damp Proof Course (D.P.C.)
appearance. 1:1' (I) Material
a- (vii) Curing

{a) Cement : Cement used shall be ordinary Po11land cement confirming to IS 269-1 958.
Curing to the plastering is starts after 12 hours from plastering and it is done for at least 7 days.
{b) Sand : Refer specification of P.C.C. (2.6.3)
a- (viii) Mode of measurement and payment
{c) Coarse aggregate: Refer specification of P.C.C. {2.6.3).
All measurement of plastered work shall be carried out in square meter allowing for nece.~sary deductions as per IS rule
{d) Water: Water used shall be free from injurious quantities of deleterious material like oil, acid, allcali, salts.
for opening.
(e) Bitumen : It shall be blown type satisfying alllS. requirement 73 of 1961.
'!i. 2.6.9 Pointing In Cement a- (II) Laying of DPC
Q' (I) Material
A neat layer of cement concrete (I :2:4) of specifies thickness shall be applied to entire width of wall at the plinth level.
(a) Cement: Cement used shall be ordinary po11land cement confirming to IS-269. 1958. The edges should be even straight and vertical.

-.A SAl'HIN SHAll YeDturt Tecb-Neo Pubficatioru.........- Where Authors inspire inno••lion -" SACHINSHAll Ye, tllrt
~ Quant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil) (2-19) Specifications

{c) Coarse aggregate: It shall be broken/crushed from bard stone obtained from approved quarry. It shall be strong,

w ~lij Curing k and then allowed to dl)'.

bard, dense, clean and durable. It shall be free from dirt and dust. The aggregate shall be well graded to obtain a
• · be cured for one w~ compact and dense volume of concrete with workability.
The layer of concrete IS to
w (lv) Application of bitumen bl cleaned by brush and then with cloUt {d) Water : Water used shall h«; free from injurious quantities of deleterious materials like oil, acid. alkati, salt.
ture shall be thoroug y .
After tbe concrete layer dried the surface under superstrUCo n a lied unifonnlY over surface conung below sul_ler a- (ii) Proportion of mix
dipped in Kerosene oil. The bot bitumen temperature 120 C the PP . The cement, sand, aggregate are mixed either on volumetric or weight basis in proportion of {I :2:4).
struCture. a- (IIi) Mixi"g Module
Mode of measurement and payment


w (v) h f th top surface of concrete multiplied by The concrete shall be prepared in mechanical mixer; the drum being rotated at least for 2 minutes. The water cement
The items of DPC are measured in square meter and shall be equal to lengt o e ratio shall be 0.55 or as directed by engineer in charge. .

width of D.P.C. course. e (iv) Form work

The fonn work confinns to part 7.2 of IS. 456 of 1957.
~ 2.6.11 Ceramic Tile Aoorlng
IF (v) Placing of concrete
w (l) Ceramic tile
IS 777-1970. They shall be flat and true to shape and free from Before placing of concrete, entire fonn work and reinforcement is checked by engineer-in-charge. The concrete is then
The tiles shall be approved make coofirming to · · laid to required thickness throughout as shown in drawing. Entire work is to be completed in one continuous operation.
cracks, and comers. Labour shall not be allowed to cross over freshly laid concrete.

The Iiles shall be of nominal size as 150 inm X 150 rom and I00 rnm x I00 rnm.
~ (vi) Compaction
w (lij Preparation of surface
Compaction shall be canied out either manually by rods, or mechanically by vibrator. So as to get homogenous dense
While the flooring is being laid the joint sball be raked out to depth of at least 15 rnm in masonry walls. In case of mass of concrete without any cavities.
concrete walls the surface shall be roughened with wire brushes.
a- (vii) Curing
w (Iii) Laying

Concrete layer shall be kept wet at least for two weeks after it is laid in position. Only clean water to be used for curing.
12 mm thick plaster of cement monar (1:3) coarse sand or mix as specified shall be apptied and allowed to harden.
..,. (viii) Mode of measurement and payment
The Iiles should be soaked in water, washed clean and coat of cement slurry apptied liberally at back of tiles and
corrected to proper plane and lines. The mode of measurement shall be as per I.S. 1200 of 1965 in cubic meter of slab laid to correct thickness as shown on
drawing. The contractor shall be paid at the agreed rate on per cubic meter basis.
w (lv) Curing and finishing
Joints should be cleaned off the grey cement grout with wire brush to depth 2 mm or 3 mm:Surface shall be kept wet -a. 2.6.13 Providing Corrugated G.l. Sheet Roofing
for 7 days. ~ (A) Sheets
w (v) Mode of measurement and payment

The corrugated galvanized iron sheet shall be I mrn thick. sound and free from any injury in caniage or otherwise.
The items of work are measured in square meter. The contractor should be paid at the agreed rate as per square meter
~ (B) Laps
The sheets shall be laid with aside lap of at least two corrugations with a minimum of 150 mm end lap.
~ 2.6.12 R.C.C. Work for Slab
a- (C) Fixing
&' (i) Materials
The fastening of sheets shall be done with the best galvanized iron bolts.
(a) Cements : Cement used shall be ordinary Penland cement confirming to IS 269-1958. The cement shall be
All such bolts shall be provided with lead washers. The bolts shall be placed 200 nun apart on the sides and at
measured on weight basis and in whole bags, each bag weighing 50 kg, which is equal to 35 liters in volume.
every second corrugation on the ends. The sheets when so fastened shall be secured with alternate wooden purlins
(b) Sand ·It sball be sati fy allIS ·
. .' . s · · requuements and shall be clean, strong, hard, durable and free from dust dirt and by means of galvanized iron screws and wa~hers about 150 mm apart.
tmpunbes etc. It shall be crushed aggregate of particle size 5 mm maximum. '

Tedi-NeoM!icatiou Tec:h-Neo Publications........... IF1It!re Authors inspire inDOY6lioa _ ..A SACHI!fSJWI Yenwre
....A SACHIN SJIAH Yenlure
(2-20) ~
.5I . (Mu-5em· 7-CiVil)
QuanLSUfWY, Elti. & ValuatiOII .
II' (D) n - - - bed froiD the .IDSI'de towards the outstde. All such
be driJ)cd and not punc
h t - for the bolts or screws sball always
The ...,_ . . of the sbeet as laid.
boles sball occur in the ndge of the ronugabOO
Rate Analysis
II' (E) Rldgll I on each side with a lap of 300 rom.
tbicL: and fastened secure Y
The ridges, hips aod valley sball be 1rom

II' (F) lllocle ol ,._urement end payment . iron sheets and no amount shall be Paid
ered by corrugated galvanized Syllabus:
. and valley shall be on ~noing length.

The payment sball be made for actual aiU cov .
ation etc. The payment of ndges, hip Rate analysis, its importance and necessity, Factors affecting rate analysis, Task wor1<, sources of materials, Study of
for wastage, Iaps. COITIIg IS 7272 regarding labour ou1put, District Schedule of Rates (DSR) Rate analysis of important items of oonstruction
Chapter Ends

3.1 Definition ........................................................................................................................................•.....•.......................... 3-2
DDQ UQ. 3.1.1 Define rate analysis ? ....................................................................................... 3-2
UQ. 3.1 .2 What is mean by rate analysis. 1811M•MIWJ6FMd......................................................................... :J.2
3.2 Purpose of Rate Analysis ................................................................................................•............: ..,....•..•....................... 3-2
UQ. 3.2.1 What is purpose of rate analysis. UI.!EIINI#Jd!Mti ....................................................................... 3-2
UQ. 3.2.2 What are the purpose of doing rate analysis. .................................................... 3-2

3.3 Data Required for Rate Analysis....................................................................................................•..•............................. 3-2
3.4 Factors Affecting Rate Analysis .........................................................................................................................•..•......... 3-2
UQ. 3.4.1 Explain how various factors affect rate of an Item. liliMtdi4iiMid ........................................,.. 3-2
3.5 Task Wor1< or Out Tum of Labour ................................................................................................................................... 3-5
ua. 3.5.1 What is task wor1< ? Illustrate with an example. .................................................. 3-5
3.5.1 Factors Affecting Task Wor1<s ........................................................................................................................... 3-5
3.5.2 Table Showing The 'Task Wor1<' as per IS 7272 ............... ................................................................................ 3-5

3.6 Labour Required For Different Wor1< .................................................................... ,•.............................................•........... 3-6
3.7 Sundries .......................................................................................................................................................................... 3-7
3.8 Transportation of Material and Its Cost ........................................................................................................................... 3-8
3.9 Increase in Rates or Prices for Additional Aoors ............................................................................................................ 3-9
3.10 Water Charges .............................................., ................................................................................................................. 3-9
3.11 Calculation of Dry Volume For Different Volume of Item .................................................................•............................... 3-9
3.12 Calculation of Quantities of Materials Required for Various Item of Wor1< .................................................................... 3-12
3.13 SCHEDULE OF RATES (D.S.R.) ................................................................................................................................. 3-16
UQ. 3.13.1 What are the various sources of rates of items? litJliM•M..*J$Gfid ............................................. 3--16
3.13.1 State Schedule Rate (S.S.R.) ......................................................................................................................... 3-17

3.14 Rate of Construction Material ....................................................................................................................................... 3-17

3.15 Rateoflabour ...................................................................................................... .'....................................................... 3-19
3.16 Problem on Preparation of Rate Analysis for Different Items of Wor1< ......................................................................... 3-20
Prev1ous Umvers1t Pa er Questions

UEx. 3.16.2 (MU - Dec. 18, 8 Marks) .......................................................................................................................... 3-20

UEx. 3.16.3 (MU ·May 16, Dec. 19, 6 Marlts) ............................................................................................................ 3-21
UEx. 3.16.5 (MU - Dec. 16, May 18, 8 Marlts) ........................................................................................................... 3-23
UEx. 3.16.7 (MU ·May 17, Dec. 17,6 Mar1<s) ............................................................................................................ 3-26
UEx. 3.16.8 (MU - Dec. 16, 5 Marlts) .......................................................................................................................... 3-27
UEx. 3.16.9 (MU - Dec. 15, 6 Marlts) .......................................................................................................................... 3-28

D Chapter Ends ............................................................................................................................................................... 3-30
Rate Analy ,
rt"'1 Esti. & ValuatiOn (MU-5em· 7-Civil)
~ ~ QuantSurvey, Estl. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil) (3-3)
Rate Analysis
l'&t Quant.Survey, ·
The various factors that affect the rate of item are as follows :
~ 3, 1 DEFINmON
(a) Quantity of materials and cost (b) Labour cost
r~.-~;;··-~ nate au.I!JSis? . (c) Specification of item (d) Cost of equipments, tools and plants
! UQ. 3.U Wlodt is ····· ···-----------------: .... ------·'··----------------------------.! (e) Overhead charges (f) Establishment charges
:..••.. --------------------------------- . . ric. from the quantities and cost of materials
for delerminatioo of rate per unit of a particular ttem of wo .' . ' (g) Contractor profit (h) Place of work
The process . . . factors is called 'Rate Analysts .
labours, tools and plant required with constdenng vanous related (i) Miscellaneous
The ralt per unit of particular item depends on the foUowing factors :

~ (a) Quantity of materials and cost
(i) QUantity of materials and their cost (ii) Labours cost
Material is major factor since cost for material is 50% of total cost of work
(iii) Trnnsponalion of materials (iv) Cost of tools and plants
Hence, it is necessary to work out the exact quantity ~f material required.

(v) Contractor's profit The excess quantity of material or shortage of material greatly affect the rate analysis.

.., 3.2 PURPOSE OF RATE ANALYSIS Cost of material include material, freight, transportation, sale tax and insurance charges.
------------------------------------------------ Cost of material varies from place to place and from time to time, thus rate of item will also vary accordingly.
ru;;.·;;;··-~·;;;;;,-;;;~;-~-;;-~~~;··--- ---- --·------ ------- - MU- May 16. 2 Marks

~ (b) Labour cost
! UQ. 3.2.2 111/Nt an tN. purpo~ of doir15 ratt aMfysis. MU - Dec. 19. 2 Marks
'-------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cost of labour carries 30% of total cost of work.
Following are purposes of ra1e analysis :
The wages to be paid to labour depend upon their availability, categories, (i.e. skilled, unskilled, semiskilled), cost
(I ) To find out the present ra1e per unit of item at locality. of living in that area i.e. rural or urban amenities available to labour and nearest to worlc site.

(2) It help the contractor in quoting the appropriate ra1e for the various item of construction. Thus knowing the number of labours to be required and the wages to be paid to them, the cost of labour for the



It help the department to examine the rate offered by contractor.

To calculate the exact quantity of material and labour and their cost required for completion of projeer work.
To fu up labour contract rates. U ~
completion of item can be worked out accurately.
(c) Specification of item

Specification of item shows the proportion of materials, the method of construction and execution of work.
If superior quality of material issued rate will be higher.
(6) To examine most eco~ornical method for construction.
~ (d) Cost of equipments, tools and plants
(7) To wort out the cost of exrra items whi~b are not provided in contract.
Different types of equipments, tools and plants are necessary for execution of work. They carries cost J% of total
(8) To revise schedule of ra!ts due ro increase in the cost of material and labour or due to change in technique.

cost of material and labour required for completion of an item.

.., l.l DATA R£QUIR£D FOR RATE ANAlYSIS A good estimator will decide whether purchasing is more economical or hiring the tools and plant is advisable.
(I l Martel rate of materials. Use of special equipment increase the cost of construction.
(2) Market rate of labours.
(3) Task work. ~ (e) Overhead charges
(4) DeW!s of operations involved in conslruction..
(5) Tools, equipments and their ovenurn. Overhead charges are taken as 5% of total cost of material and labour required for completion of the item.
(6) S.S.R. Of D.S.R.

·~ ---~-'-~
These are unproductive and indirect expenses required for completion of an item, which include establishment of
FACTORS AFFECTING RATE AHAI.YSIS office at work site, supervision charges, office expenses, expenditure on labour welfare, testing of material,
1--~~~-~::?~~~~~~~--~~-~~i~!.~~i~~~;;~~-~,~~-(;~~:-····-··--------··--·--·----------- .. electrification, water supply connection etc.

MU · Dec 17 5 Ma k

.....A SACHill'SHAH Venture Teeh-Neo Publications......__Wbere Authon inspire iiJIIor•tion

_ .A SACHJ/1'SHAH l'mtll/'e
.5J auantsurvey. Esti.l Vr/IJIIJI«<. (MU-Sem. 7-Civil) Quant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil) (3-5)
Rate Analysis

Q\'erbead cbarFS sub-divi~ into : ~ 3.5 TASK WORK OR OUT TURN OF LABOUR
Q> (leoc:OI overbcad (ii) Job ovetbead ] ~-- - ------ ; -- - --------------- -- --- -- - - - --- - ----- - -- ---- --- - --
: UQ. '.5.5."- What is task work ? I/I&Astrate with a"' exaMple.
I. · • · ·• . - - . • · · • • •• - · • • • · . • ••••• •• · - . - • . • ••••• • · • • • • • • • • •• .-.. · - · · · · · • • ••• • • • • · · . • • • · . .... . ...... • ~ - ... _ .. .............. · · ·· - · ••• .................. .... .... . ..

~ (I) Geaenl oftlilmd 'Task work' or 'out tum' is defined as the quantity of a particular item of construction which an average labourer of
particular category can complete in a working day of eight clock hour.
It iDcludes :
(I) Eslablisbmcnt cbargeS of offi<:e slaff. The L!lsk work varies from individual to individual, place to place and dePends upon various factors such as physical
fitness and skill of labourer, type, nature and place of work:, climatic condition of the place etc.
(2) Sblliooary. printiDg. postage ctwges etc.

Normal procedure for determining the L!lsk: work for any item of construction is by keeping a record of labour employed
(3) Travelling expenses.
and wort carried out by him in a day of eight hours or may be detennl.ned by past experiences.·
(4) Telcpbooe bill, n:m and
(5) Salary of office slaff such as cled. accounWll peoo etc. However, determination of exact L!lsk wort of labour for particular type of work is a difficult job.

It is observed that L!lsk work of labour, in case of item rate contract is much higher than the same work executed by
~ (ii) Job Oftl'iltat
employing daily labour.
It includes:
Task work per day also know as labour constant.
(I) Salaries ~fall persoos J.ii:e eogint:er. supervisor etc.
a. 3.5.1 Factors Affecting Task Works

(2) Handling of maJerial
(3) Repair. depreciatioo of tools and plants. ( l) Output of individual worker also varies according to their slcilL
(4) Amenities to labour. (2) Out tum of sldlled labour depends on the nature, size, height, situation, location, climate condition, techniques adopted,
(5) lntelCSt Oil investment wages paid etc.
(6) Paid boliday, provisioo of incentives or bonus. (3) Availability of sldlled labour affect L!lsk work.

(7) Compensalion ofworter. (4) A well organized work increases the out-tum of the labour.
~ (f) EA1blislllaent cllarga (ol bead ol!l~:e) (5) Job satisfaction and working condition may increase tbe out tum.
The permanent bead office of contracting company is different from temporary office at the worksite. (6) U work is allotted on piece work basis then daily wages output of labour increases.
It is usually I% of cost of material and labour which may include salaries of quantity surveyor, accountant, cashier
3.5.2 Table Showing The 'Task Work' as per IS 7272
clerk of bead office.

~ (g) Cootrador's proftt Task work or out-tum per day per sldlled labour: (as per Maharashtra Government P.W.D).

Sr. No. Item Labour Quantity per clay

The contractor profit is usually taken as I0% to 15% of total cost of construction of item.

I. Brick-work in foundation and plinth Mason 1.25 cu.m.

Contractor profit is equal to the amount received by contractor for completion of item minus the initial investment
which contractor bas made for its completion. 2. Brick-work in super structure Mason I.OOcu.m.

):..anger the duration of completion of wort Jesser will the percenL!Ige of profit and vice-versa. 3. Half brick wall in portion Mason 5.00 sq.m.
(h) Place of wort 4. Uncoursed rubble masonry Mason 1.33 cu.m.

If site is in remOte areas, transportation charges increases. 5. Coursed rubble stone masonry Mason 0.80 cu.m.
Similarly• labour charges a1so vary if srte
· conditrons
.. are difficult then cost will be more. 6. Random rubble stone masonry Mason I.OOcu.m.
(i) Misc:ellaoeous 7. Ashlar masonry Mason 0.40 cu.m.

Time of completion, climate condition trans . 8. Stone arch work Mason 0.40cu.m.
. , portation charges, water charges etc. also affect the rate of an item.
9. Plain cement concrete ( I : 2 : 4) Mason 5.00cu.m.
Tedi-Neo l'uhlitMioa. Rue AotM,. . . . .
•...A SACHINSIIAIII'eoture Teeh-Neo Pnblacahons........... Where Autlwn· mspm! moora//oo •...A SACHIN S/l4/ll'eotun!
Rate A.
(3-0) nal~sis
~ Est! & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil)
QuantSurvey, · Quantity per~~
Labour ~auan.tsurvey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil)
Sr. No.
Item - Mason 3.00cu.m. ----
(3-7 Rate Analysis

- 10. ----
Sr. Description of work Quantity Labour required in day

R.C.C. wo!k
12mm thick plastering with lime or cement

Pointing with cement or lime



10.00 sq.m. -- No.

I. Earth work:
(8 working~) .-

12. Painter 70.00sq.m. Excavation in trenches for

White washing I colour washing 3 coatS foundation.
13. Painter 200.00 sq.m.
14. White washing I colour washing 3 coats (a) In ordinary soil 10cu.m. Mazdoor =3 'A
Painter 25.00 sq.m.
Painting or Varnishing doors I windows one coat (b) In dense or bard soil IOcu.m. Mazdoor =7 '%
15. 35.00 sq.m. Module

Painter 2. Cement concrete in foundation. 10 cu.m. 1 Mason- 2 2,
I Mazdoor- 12, Bbi stl-
. 2
Distempering one coat
Timber framing teak wood
Timber framing counuy wood

0.070 cu:m.

0.15 cu.m.
3. Cement concrete for R.C.C. work. lOcu.m.
Head mason- 4;

Head mason -1; Mason - 3, Mazdoor- 18, Bbisti- 4


Carpenter O.o7 sq.m. 4. Reinforcement work for R.C.C. 10 quintal Mason-cum-blacksmith - I, Mazdoor - I
19. Doors 1windows shutters panelled or glazed.

20. Primer coat with ready mix primer on wood or steel.

Painter 40.0 sq.m. 5. Brickwork in foundation and
lOcu.m. Head mason- t.Mason- 8, Mazdoor- 14. Bbisti - 2 .
Tile layer 6.00 sq.m.
21. Mangalore Tiling 6. 2.5cm thick cement concrete 100 sq.m. I . . I
Head mason- 4; Mason- 8, Mazdoor- 8, Bbistl- 2

Labour 0.75 cu.m. (D.P.C).
22. Breaking of Brick ballast 40mm down
23. Breaking of stone ballast Labour 0.40cu.m. 7. First class
brickwork in 10 cu.m Head mason - t;Mason - 8, Mazdoor - 15, Bbisti - 2
24. Ashlar stone dressing Cuner 0.70 cu.m.
8. Coursed rubble stone masonry in lOcu.m 1 ; Mason - 15, Mazdoor - 22 ! • BhistJ. - I!
Head mason - 2 2
25. 4 em thick l.P.S. flooring Mason 7.5 sq.m. 2
lime or cement concrete.
26. A.C. sbeet Roofing Finer 5.0 sq.m. 1

9. Stone masonry in foundation and 10 cu.m l ; Mason - 10, Mazdoor - 17 2.
Head mason - 2 I Bh'tstJ. - I 2
27. Excavation - Ordinary soil Labour 3.0cu.m. plinth.

28. Excavation - Hard soil Labour 2.0 cu.m. 10. l2mm thick cement plaster. lOOsq.m Head mason- t;Mason- 10, Mazdoor- 15, Bbisti- 01
Labour I.O cu.m.
Head mason- t; Mason - 5, Mazdoor- 5, Bhisli- 1
29. Excavation - Hard rock
II. 20mm thick damp proof course . lOOsq.m
30. Surface dressing 15 em Labour 30.0 cu.m.

31. Excavation over areas ordinary soil Labour 5.50 cu.m. 12. Mosaic or Terrazo floor. 100 sq.m Head mason - 1; Mason - 20, Mazdoor - 20, Bhisti - 2,
Polisher- 20
32. Removing excavated material Vertical (1.5 m lift) and Horizontal (50 m) Labour 8.00 cu.m.
13. Mangalore tile roofmg with 10 sq.m I 1 1
Carpenter - 2, Tile layer - 2 , Mazdoor - 3 2

Labour lO.OOcu.m.
Filling in carts and lrucks
Reinforcement (Bar bending)

O.o? cu.m. 14. Cement painting. 100 sq.m Head mason - t;Mason - 10, Mazdoor - 10, Bhisti - 01
1.0 Quintal
15. White washing or colour washing 100 sq.m 1
painter- 12. Mazdoor - 2
~ 3.6 LABOUR REQUIRED FOR DIFFERENT WORK 2 coats with primer of 2 coats.

Labour required for different work shall be as per the labour output constant. ~ 3.7 SUNDRIES
Total quantity of work
Number of labours for work = Out tum of a labour A lump sum amount is generally provided in analysis of rate, for purchase of certain tools and other petty item which
cannot be accounted in detailed estimate.
Following table shows number of labours required for different works, as per IS 7272.
Such sundry item (known as Sundries) are miscellaneous small items or works that do not readily fit into standard
categories and so are classified under sundries.
.....A SACHIN SHAH l'enturt Tech-Neo Publications........... Where Autho,.,· inspire inno•ation .....A S.~CH/If SHAH Jlesture
Rate Anal ,
Rate Analysis
(~) Ouant.Survay, Estl. & Valuation (MU·Sam. 7-CivU) (3-9)
ik.1 Esti & V~ (MU-Sem- 7-CiVil)
~......a- .k mirtors door bell.
c:a-"1'""" Home ;mnmveroent items 1t e ' For items of construction of superstructure of a building the prices are to be increased for subsequent floor as more
block. (ii) .....-·-
(i) Binding wire ISd to tie bars. CO\"Cl" • d """'"'" higber locks, handles. effort is required for transporting material to subsequent floor.
(iv) Masking tape. san ,....--•
(wl Adbcsive. AND ITS COST Sr. No. Floor Level Percentage Price IDcrease
~ 3.8 TIAMSPORTAnON OF MATERIAL . . I. Ground and first floor No increase
on: . For sbort distances usually buUOck
. rure are to be carried to the w s•1e. 2. Second floor 1% increase
Various mall:rials for C()llSIIIICbOO of strUC • f bullock cart is I tonne, and truck can carry a Module
disWICC truCks are to be used. The capactty 0 3. Third floor 2% increase
car1S are used. ~ for loog

load of 3 to 8 toone depending upon size of truCk used. 4. Fourtb floor 3% increase

Trwilf)OI'tatlon of matMials by truck 5. For every addition floor 1% increase

Cost of trallSJlOIUtion of IIl3ICrial by truCk depends upon the following :

( 1) Tbe maximum load wbicb vebicle can safely carry·
The water charges as I% is to be considered for the items of construction that need water for the completion. e.g. water
(2) DiSWICC to which tbe marerial is to be aan.sported.
required for P.C.C. in foundation, brick work in superstructure with cement mortar etc.
(3) Cost of hUe charges oftbe vehicle.
Direct cost and Indirect cost

(4) Average speed of vebicle.
(1) Direct cost
(5) Labour required for Joadillg and unloading of material.
(6) Average number of nips in a day of 8 working hours. A cost object is something for which a cost is compiled, such as product, service, customer, project or activity.

The cost and expenses that are accountable directly on a facility , function or product are called direct cost.
(7) Cost of fuel and oil required.
(8) Time required for cbeckiog. Octroi posl e.g. cost required for labour, material, equipment cost.

Tbe total number of nips (N) is working day of 8 hours is determined as :

" =N = { Numberofworkinghourperday} -
2LT -
{_8_ }
U (2) Indirect cost

In construction projects the cost of some of items cannot be directly allocated for specific activity is called indirect cost.

Examples of indirect cost

L = distance to be travelled i.e. lead in km. (one way) Supervisor salaries, quality control cost, insurance, depreciation, rent, general office expenses.
s Average speed of vehicle in km I hour
T Time measured in minutes for loading, unloading, checking, orctroi post etc.

Normally, T = 60 minute t.a.ken The materials required for prepardtion of cement concrete are cement, sand (fme aggregate) and ballast

.. N = [2i?-]
(coarse aggregate) which are mixed in the predetermined proportion.

The voids in coarse aggregate are ftlled by fine aggregates and that in the fine aggregates are filled by cement paste (i.e.
cement and water).
A load of one tonne is equivalent
Thus the wet volume of cement concrete (i.e. when water is added to dry cement concrete mix) will always be less than
(I) Sand= 0.675 m3 (2) Coarse Aggregate= 0.60 m3 corresponding dry volume.
(3) Stone= 0.5 m3
(4) Mangalore tile= 370 no. (I) Cement concrete work
(5) Brick= 325 nos.
(6) Water= 1000 liter
Assume wet volume of concrete I0 cu.m.
(7) Timber= 1.3 m3 (8) Aag stone (50mm) thick = 8m 2 :. Dry volume of concrete 52% more of wet volume of concrete (50 to 55%)
(9) Cement mortar= 0 50 mJ
Teci.-Nee Publico · · (IO) Scaffolding poles- 36 to 40 nos.
T..h-Neo Publieatioos....-...- lfhen: Authon inspire iDDor•tioo •...A SACHIN SHAH l'eDIIUr

~~ ~
rc1 E ti & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil)
~ auantSurvey, 5 · ~ Quant.Survey, Estl. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-CMI) (3-11) Rate Analysis
_ Jl. x tO+ 10 = 15.2 cub.m.
(a) i.e. - tOO (VI) Damp proof course (25mm thick)

Or Assume area of D.P.C IOOsq.m.

i.e. = 1.52 x 10 = 15.2 cub.m 25
(b) Volume of wet concrete 100 x
=2.5 cub.m
(II) Plastering (t2mm thick) 52 ) .
:. Dry volume of concrete 52% more of wet volume= ( 100 x 2.5 + 2.5
Assume plastering area 100 sq.m.
I 00 x loOO = 1.2 cu.m 3.8Cub.m.
:. Wet volume of mortar
(VII) Rubble Masonry


·I Add 30% mortar w fill up joints, cavities,
(a) U.C.R. Masonry
_ 1Q. x 1·2 + 1.2 = 1.56 cu.m.
Uneven surface - 100
rl 30
' Assume volume of masonry 10 cub.m
30% more of wet volume of mortar = I 00 x !.56 + 1.56 49.

As dry volume of mortar :. Dry volume of monar 49% of volume of masonry = 100 x I0

2.028 cub.m 4.9cub.m.

(Ill) Pointing As volume of stone 1.25 x Volume of masonry = 1.25 x 10

Assume pointing area = I 0 sq. m. 12.5 cub.m.

(a) For pointing to brick work: Dry volume of monar including wastage= 0.036 cu.m (b) Coursed rubble mastinry

(b) For pointing for random masonry : Dry volume of mortar= 0.076 cub.m Assume of volume of masonry 10 cub.m.

(IV) Mortar for Brickwork Dry volume of mortar 42% of volume of masonry
Assume I cum of brick work. x 10 = 4.2 cub.m.

Since for I cum brick work, quantity of wet volume required is 0.2305 cub.m
And volume of stone 1.25 x volume of masonry
Add 10% mortar to filling the frog, bonding and wastage :
. 10 1.25 x 10 = 12.5 cub.m .
= 100 x 0.2305 + 0.2305 = 0.253 cub.m.
(c) Ashlar masonry
As dry volume of mortar = 25% more of wet volume of mortar Assume volume of masonry IOcub.m
25 25
= 100 x 0.253 + 0.253 = 0.3 I6 cub.m Dry volume of monar 25% of volume of masonry = x I0

(V) Flooring (20mm thick mortars) 2.5 cub.m.

Mosaic tiles ftooring : Volume of stone 1.25 x volume of ~asonry = 1.25 x 10
Assume area of flooring
12.5 cub.m
Assume area of flooring JOO sq.m. (VIII) Steel reinforcement in R.C.C.
Wet volume of mortar 20
I00 x 1000 = 2 cub.m Assume of volume of concrete IOcub.m.

Dry volume of mortar = 25% more of wet volume = ~ x 2 + 2 Assume volume of steel reinforcement I% of wet volume of concrete
2.5 cub.m 100 x 10 = 0.1 cub.m.

-••.A SACJ/1/YSHAll l'eotun: Toeh-Neo Publitations.......,_ Where Aut.ho/'5 inspire iooor•tioo _...A SACHIIYSHAH l'eoturt
Rate Anal~~
. uation (IAl)-Sem. 7-Civil)
~ auant.Survey, EsU. & Val . . ,_, ment x density of steel
nt - Volume of reuuorce
:. Weight of Steel reinforceme - l
~ Quant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-civil) (3-13) Rate Analysis

= 0.1 x 7850 kg/m

~ Sr. No. CoocreteGtacte
= 785 kg i.e. 0.785 tonnes.
Quantity of binding wire = 10 kg/tonne .,
= 7.85 kg 01 M-20
> I: 1.5:3 7.96 0.42 0.84

Nelle: 02 M-15 I :2 :4 6.26 0.44 0.88

De~ of various constructioo materials : Module

3 03 M-10 1: 3 :6 4.38 0.45 0.90
!21 Concrete =2370 k!Vm 3
(1) cement= 1440kg/rn
r• (3) Cement mor18J' = 2080 k!Vm
141 Brick= 1600 to 1920 k!Vm 04 M-7.5 1:4:8 3.37 0.47 0.94
3 River sand = 1840 kg m3
(5) Oly_sand= 1600kg/m (6)

3 05 M-5 I: 5: 10 2.74 0.475 0.95
m PCC- 2240 kglms (BJ Aggregate =1600 Ill 1880 kg/m

_1_ Ex. 3.12.2 56.35 6

i.e. volume of one cement bag 28.8 = 1 +6 X
.., 3.12 CALCULATION OF The quantity of stone masonry (U.C.R) in CM (1 : 6) for
O.D35 = 48.3 cu.m.

;: plinth and foundation is 115 cum. Detennine the quantities
REQUIRED FOR VARIOUS of basic materials required to complete the work. Ex. 3.1 2.3
ITEM OF WORK :. As quantity of cement
0 Sol~.: Calculate the quantity of material required for 10 sq.m area
:. Number of cement bag required= 0.117 x 28.8 for pointiog to coursed rubble masonry work in CM. (1 : 3)
Ex. 3.12.1 Volume of stone masonry= 115 cu.m
3 = 3.37 bags ;: 3.50 bags (a) Volume of stone = 1.25 x volume of UCR masonry
0 Soln.:
Calculate material required for 1m PCC of grade

(I) Area of pointiog = 10 sq.m
M-7.5(1 :4:8) = 1.25 x 115 = 143.75 cum.
OR 3
(2) Dry volume= 0.76 m /100 sq.rn.
0 Soln.:
0.11 7 (b) Dry volume of mortar= 49 % of volume of UCR masonry
Number of cement bag required = .0347 = 3.37 bags. . f . d 0.076
As wet volume of concrete 1 Cub.m 0 49 (3) :. The quanllty o cement reqmre =(I + )
:. Dry volume of concrete
= (()()X 115 3
52% more than of wet
volume =3.5 bags =0.019 cu.m.
= 56.35 cu.m
52 . = +1. 52 0.019
l()() X 1+ 1 S1'mil ar1y, quant.Jty
. of sand reqmred + x4 Dry volume of mortar Number of cement bag = _ = 0.547
1 4 8 (c) Volume of cement= S f . 0 0347
urn o proporllon
1.52cub.m. =: 0.55 bags
= 0.468 cub.m ;: 0.47 cub.m x content of cement in proportion
. Qu . f . 1.52

. . anllty o cement requrred = + + 0.076

1 4 8 56.35 I Quantity of sand required = + x 3 =0.057 cu.m.
an d quant.J'ty of course aggregate reqmred
. = J+"4+8
1.52 x 8 = I +6 X 1 3
= IJ= 0.117 cub.m. Ex. 3.12.4
= 8.05 cu.m.
= 0.935 cub.m =: 0.94 cub.m.
[': Density of cement = 1440 kglm 3, 1 bag = 50 kg of Volume of cement Work out the quantity of material required for 150 sq.m
cement] :. Number of cement bag- Volume of one bag of cement D.P.C. (25 mm thick) in C.C. (I : 2 : 4)
Note : Following table gives the quantity of materials

:. Number of cement bags required in 1m 3 = 1 ~ required for cement concrete of various proportion 8.05
= 0.0347 = 23 1. 98
0 Soln. :
for1 m3•
;: 232 number of bags
(a) Area of D.P.C. = 150 sq. m.
= 28.8 number of bag 25
Dry volume of mortar .. Volumeofwetconcrete = 150x =3.75cu.m.
(d) Volumeof sand = Sumofproportion
Dry volume = 52% more of wet concrete
T«h-N.. Publitatio81-:...ll' Autl.on . . . x content of sand in proportion 52
......4 SACHIN SHAH renturo
x 3.75 + 3.75 5.7 cu.m .
Te<h-Neo Publitotioos......... Wbero Aut!Jors iDspiro innorolioo _•..4 SAC/liN Sll4/l rmtun:
- - --

(3-14) Rate Analysis
-C' 'I) rtar to filling the frog, bonding Quant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil) (3-15)
auantSUivey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7 IV1
(c) Add 10% mo . ~ 20
Dry volume 25
Volume of wet mortar 120 x loOO = 2.4 cu.m.
· ~ x J::0.8 14cu.m. wastage 0.253 X 100 + 0.253
(b) Volume of cement = 1 + 2 + 4 :: Joo X29.043 + 29.043
..Q!!i- 23 45 =say 24 0.316 Dry mortar = 25% more of wet volume
:. Number of cement bag 0.0347 - · 25
31.95 cub.m. :. Quantity of cement bag
-7- =-0.045 cu.m. = 1oo x 2.4 + 2.4 =3 cu.m.
(c) Volume of sand 1+2+4 mortar ::25% more than wet volume 3
As dry voIume of :. Number of cement bag 0.045 X 28.8 (b) Volume of cement :: + x I = 0.428 cu.m.
1 6
of mortar

1.628 cu.m.
1.29 ~ 1.30 bags 0.428
5.7 4 25 :. Number of cement bag = 0_0347 = 12.34 say 13
= Joo x 31.95 + 31.95 Module
(d) Volume of coarse agg~egate = 1 + 2 + 4 x Quantity of sand
- 7- x 6 = 0.27 cub.m.

3.256cu.m. (c) Volume of sand = + x 6 =2.57 cu.m.
1 6
'i Dry volume of mortar :: 39.94 cub.m. Ex. 3.12.7
III , (e) Water proofing agent 'Impermo' = I kg I bag of cement (d) Quantity of cement and sand : Workout the quantity of material required for: (d) Number of mosaic tile : [20 em x 20 em]
Dry volume of mortar Area of flooring 120
=23.5 kg

Plastering to wall and ceiling 12mm thick, 10 sq.m.
Quantity of cement required = 1+6 XI =Size of tiles in mortar - ~ = 3000 nos. of tiles
Material required of plastering for wall and ceiling of lZmm
Ex. 3.12.5
Determine the material requirement for construction of 39.94 I thicks, 10 sq.m ~ (CM = 1 : 4) Ex. 3.12.9
126 cu.m. of brick masonry in CM (1:6). Also determine the =7 x
quantity of water required ifW/C ratio for mortar is 0.55.
0 Soln.: The quantity of R.C.C (I : 1.5 : 3) work for a residential
= 5.70 cub.m. 12 building is 36 cu.m. Determine the quantities of basic

0 Soln. : Quantity of wet mortar 10 (sq.m) x 1000 (m)
:. Number of cement bag required= 5.70 X 28.8 materials required to execute the R.C.C. work.
(a) Consider l.S. size brick i.e. modular brick 0.12cub.m.
= 164.16 =!65 no. 0 Soln.:
= 19x9x9 cm Add 30% extra for filling joints uneven surface
39.94 (a) Wet volume ofR.C.C = 36 cu.m.
Assume thickness of mortar IOmm Quantity of sand required = - 7- x 6 = 34.23 Cub.m. 30
: . Quantity of wet mortar = ( 100 x 0. 12) +0.12 52
:. Dry volume = 100 x 36 + 36
:. Nominal size of brick = 20 x 10 x 10 em

(e) Quantity of water = w/c ratio x weight of cement
i.e. 020 x 0.1 x 0.1 m 0.156 cu.m. = 54.72 cu.m.
Weight of cement = I65 x 50= 8250
Volume of brick masonry Quantity of dry mortar 30% more of wet mortar 54.72
(b) Volume of cement + 1.5 + 3 x I = 9.95 cu.m.
Number of brick Volume of brick :. Quantity of water = 0.55 x 8250 = 4537.5 cu.m 1
( ) ~ X 0.156) + 0.156

0 0~;7 = 286.74
126 9
Ex. 3.12.6 :. Number of cement bags =
= 0.2 x 0.1 x 0.1 = 63,000 nos.
Workout the quantity of material required for: 0.2028 cub.m.
5 . ~ 287 bags
j ~~
· Add 5% wastage = 100 x 63,000 = 3150 nos. BBM in superstructure= I cu.m. 8
:. Quantity of cement required = x1 54.72
0 Soln. : (c) Volume of sand I+ 1.5 + 3 X 1.5
:. Total number of brick to be required 3 0.04056 cub.m.

(i) Material required in BBM in superstnlcrure of I m in 14.92cu.m.

= 63000 + 3150 = 66150 nos.
CM(l :6) :. Number of cement bag 0.04056 X 28.8
(d) Volume of course aggregate
(b) Quantity or volume of wet mortar required
Number of brick 500 1.168 say 2 no. 54.72
0.2 X 0.) X 0.1 -
= ( Total voume of)- (Voume occupied ) 0.2028 I+ 1.5 + 3 X 3
bnck work by 63,000 brick and quantity of sand required 1+4 x4
add 5% wastage = 25 = 29.85 cu.m.
Volume occupied by 63,000 bricks
:. Total brick required = 525 nos. 0.162 cub.m
(e) Volume of steel reinforcement @1% of given volume
= 63,000 X 0.19 X 0.09 X 0.09
Volume of wet mortar = [1 _ (500 x 0_19 x 0.09 Ex. 3.12.8 I
= 96.957 =100 x 36 = 0.36 cu.m.
x 0.09) I = 0.2305 cu.m. Calculate the materials required for 120 sq.m. area of
.. Volume of wet mortar= 126-96.957 mosaic tile flooring 20mm thick over cement mortar ( 1 : 6). :. Weight of steel reinforcement= 7850 x 0.36 = 2826 kg
Add I0% for frog filling 0.253 cu.m.
= 29.043 cu.m. 0 Soln.: i.e. = 2.826 tonne.
(a) Area of flooring = 120 sq.m.
Tecb-Neo Publieatioru_____ WbeN: Authors isspire inoDI'Oiioo
Rate AnalYsis
Quant.Survey, Estl. & Valuation (MU-Se~. 7-ctvil)
........ (3-17)
Rate Analysis
~ VaJuation (MU·Sem. 7-Civll) ·,. o.OOJ787 cub.m.
'IS. 3.1 3.1 State Schedule Rate (S.S.R.)
. . brick for 1 cub/m. brick work.
Bi.ndiDg wile = 10 kg per tonne . Number of tra(liuon
(f) District Schedule Rate (D ·s·R·) IS
· appbcable
· . · app J'cabl e '.or
.. ~::559 .43 ~ 560 for district wise, whereas State Schedule Rate (S.S.R.) IS I
= 10 X 2.826 = 28.26 kg.
:= 0.001787 particular state.

lldkJnll brick size Is Add 5% wastage == 28 The basic rates of materials like cement, steel, sand, brick may vary from district to district, while preparing the item of
Brick ~ c:a1c:uiiiiOn ~ .a. rJ brick c f traditional brick required is
22.4 x 11.4 x 7 em p.e. 4 l and nomhll :. Total number o rates for state SSR, the basic rates from all district are considered at an average level.
23 x 11.4 )(75 cm .., 3.14 RATE OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL
= 588 number.

:. Volume of lnditional size brick Below rates have been taken from S.S.R. PWD for year 2019-2020. These rates are excluding of GST. These have been
- 0.224 X 0.114 X 0.07 used for analysis of rates of various items carried out in this chapter
Sr. No• Name (If Material -TPer uult I Rate (Rs.)
.., 3.13 SCHEDULE OF RATES (D.S.It.)

.. . . ..- ----- - - - - - --- - ---- - - - - - - - -..:

---- --------- MU . Dec 15. 2 Marks ' Building (Excavation)

:: ~.:~:~:~::~:~~:~:~~~~F~-~-~~-~-~: I. Blasting powder 1 kg I 70

· . .
District Scbedule Rate is booklet conlains list of vanous Items
of civil engineering work.
2. Detonator I No. I 17
Building (structure or steel work)
.de to decide the rates of various items required
It is used to prepare estimates of various slr\ICillfeS and to be serve as gw . I. M.S. screws (35 mm to 75 mm Jog) ( 100 numbers) I Box I 120

as per specification.
2. Nut bolts (16 mm q,) 1 kg I 85
. . "' hi b . published by public work department for different regions. Building Reinforcement Cement Concrete
Tbese rates are m pnnted form of boouet w c JS
· · f ·al labour transportation charges etc. are included with I 0 I. Binding wire kg 80
D.S.R. rates of various items of work mcluding cost o maleD • •
2. Centering oil Litre 10
% profit for contractor.
3. R.C.C. Jali 50mm thick m 493.5

The rates given in D.S.R. are revised every year because of change in cost of material and labour wages every year.
4. Epoxy paint litre 360
FoUowing tabular form use to specify the rates of various items · 5. Cement (per bag) No. 250

Sr. No. DeBcrlpdon at Items Unit Rate for (Ill Rs.) 6. Cement M.T. 4700

Item code
- Completed Labour'
7. Strucrural steel M.T. 44100
8. c.c (1:4:8) m 3200
9. c.c (1:3:10) m 3300
Description of item 10. c.c (1 :2:4) m 3500
Brief description of items given in DSR. II. c.c (1:1.5:3) m 3800
(a) Completed rate Building • Brick work

This rate of item include the ma!erial charges; transportation charges if any, labour charges, machinery charges, I. Brick(Red) No. 6
2. Brick (fly ash) No. 5
water charges along with contractor profit
3. Brick llnd class No. 6
This rate of DSR is useful for contractor to quote amount in tender
Building - stone Masonry
(b) Labour rate 3
I. Rubble stone excluding royalty m 473
These are charges of labour for that Paru· cu1ar Jtem
· of work. This· mclude
· ·
charges of different categories of labour. 2. Supply of quarried stone (150mm · 200mm) size m 750
3. Laterite stone rubble m 330

Teeb-Neo Pubtieatiow ____ Where .4utbon iDspire iDoontios
••.A SA CHIN SHAH Yeoturt

fil auantSurvev. Esti- & v,._

li0n (MU-Sef1l· 7-CiVIl)

te ~.-
Rate Analysla
-- Quant.Survey, Estl. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil)

Sr. No.

Name ofM.aterilll ·
Building - Rooting and ceiling
Peronlt ,Rate (lis.)
Rate Analysis

~-No- Jluildllll· sand and Aggreli~ 111

3 700_ 1. A.C. sheet plain (4rnin thick) m
2 195

Qusbod saod
2153 2. G.L sheet m
2 395
I. 18
- - - - 1113 800 3. .Mangalore tile class AA No

2. Nawml saod
~()mro and belOW 800 Building- (Door and window)

3. 800
A.ggregalt 20mro w 6mm - 1. Handle - Alurninimum (125mm) No. 59
Aggregate 25mm w 40rniD
-~ Ill
2. PVC door-shutter- (34 nun) m
2 3898

3 210 m
6. Stooedust Ill 3. Ply wood
j 235 Doz. 22
7. Softmurum Ill 4. GI screw (50) mm
Hard murum m 320

8. stone masonry 5. Glass plain (3mm)
BuiJdiD& - caneD! coocrd£ 38 Kg 50
No. 6. Steel window
Hollow bloci C.C. (0.2 X 0.2 X 0.4) m 71
I. No. Building - (water supply and sanitary fi~)
Sipo<eX block (75 X 140 X 650) !DID 785
2. I. G.!. pipe (IOOmm) ¢1 R.M
BuiJcliD& - water proofing 3
m 700 110

2. PVC nahani trap (75mm) No.
I. Brick-bat 600
Kg. No. 3625
3. G.l. man hole cover (50 kg)
2. Bitwnen (Compound)
Kg. 130 No. 1285
wa~er proof compound 4. Colour wash hand basin
Building • (Plastering aod pointing) 5. W.C. pan coloured glazed No. 23 10
Kg 5
I. Neeru/sanala General (Morth Roods)
Kg 26

2. White putty (cemetit) 1. Bitumen VG.40 (30-40 Bulk: grade) MT 30180
bags 1300
Tel({IJJ'C material 3
3. 2. Coarse sand m 750
Building- (Paving, Oooring, and dado) 3
2 215 3. Coarse graded grannual sub-base material (53nun to 26.5mm) m 800
Rough Sllahabad (25 to 30mm) thick m
I. 2
m 4!0
Black kadappa (25mm) thick .-.t 3.15 RATE OF LABOUR
2. 2
m 480
3. Ceramic tile (30 x 30) em
m 480 The rates of labour vary from place to place and every year. The rates mention below have been taken from
4. ,Cenmic tile for dado (30 x 30) em
m 990 S.S.R.- PWD for year 2019-2020.
5. GreeD marble

m 259
6. M.artlle mosaic tile Sr. No. Labour Per Unit .Rate
Building- (oil painting, distempering, colour, white washing)
I. Head Mason (I~ class) Day 539
I. Oil enamel paint litre 270
Kg 62 2. Mason (ordinary) 2"• class Day 539
2. Cement paint
3. Primer for plaster surface litre 180 3. Mazdoor
4. Terpentine litre 90 I. Male Day 493
5. Varnish litre 175 2. Female Day 493
6. Luster paint litre 220
7. 4. Carpenter Day 539
Oil bound distemper Kg 105
8. Scrapping sand paper (30 x 20) em size 5. Plumber Day 539

Tr<h-N.. Publiatiam f'llet.AutA.n · Tech-Nw PubliutioDJ .....__ IJ'IJere Autlwrs m•pin: inno.,.tion
Rate A
llQI !it
~ Quant.SuNOV, EtU. &Veluelloll (MU·Bim· 7~Civll)


r.rVIIIt .... Rate Ana ale

lf, Ne;
m (h) Volumcofccmcnt = [(I +?S2+ 3Jx 1 = 2.76m3
.. Number of cement hag = [ 0~0~~7] =79.S2 s 80 bagH.

7. BliCk smith with tool

512 J
8. Bar bender - (c ) VoIumc o f Han d 15.2
[ (!+1.5+ 3) x2
Day 512
9. Bhlstl 5.52 m3

10. Stollecutter with tool

Day 512
(d ) Volume of aggregate 15.2 J
[ ( l+1.5+ 3) x4= 11.04m

~ 3.t6 PIOILEM ON PREPARAnON Of RATE Particular Quantity or Number Rate (Rs.) Unit AJIIOUDt
ITEMS OF WORK [A) Material
r I . Cement 80 bags 250 bag 20000

Ex. 3.1• •1 ) l
2. Sand 5.52m 700 m 3864
Prepare rate analysis for foUowing item of work : ) 3
3. Aggregate 11.04m 800 m 8832
(i) Eanh work e~cavation for foundation
Iii loin.:

[B) Labour
(i) Earth work excavation for foundations of 10m
I . Head m a~on 114 539 Day 134.75
Sr. No. Ptrdadan QuiDdtJ or Number Rate·(Jb.) Per Amount
2. Mason
~2 539 Day 1347.5

(A) Malcrials Excavation of I 0 m

- - - -
3. Mazdoor 12 493 Day 5916
(B) Labour Mazdoor 3 'A 493 Pay 1602.25 4 . Btlisti 02 512 Day 1024

Total 1602.25 Total= Rs. 41,118.25
Add 112 % for tools and plant = 8.0 I Add 2 % as Tools and plant Charges = 205.59

Add 10% for conlrac!Or profit and overhead charges = 160.22

Add 1.5% as water charges = 616.77
Grand Total 1770.48 Add I 0% contractor profit as = 4111 .825
3 Grand total
:. Rate of excavation per m Grand total = 46052.43
Volume of work
3 46052.43
= - 10
- = R&.l77.04 perm
J Rate perm = - -
10- =Rs. 4605.24

UEx. 3.16.3 MU - Ma 16. Dec 19. 6 Marks

Prepare rate analysis for UCR masonry in cement mortar 1 : 6.
Prepare me analysis for:· P.C.C (I: 1.5:3) in footings.
liJ Soln.: 0 Soln.:
Rate analysis of UCR masonry in ern ( I :6)
Rate analysis of ~ment concrete (I : 1.5:3) M-20.
(a) Assume U.C.R. masonry 10 cub.m.
(a) Assume volume of wet concrete= 10m 3
: . Dry volume
:. Dry volume of mortar 49% of value of masonry=
x 10 = 4.9 cub.m.
S2% more than wet volume
1.52 x 10 = 15.2 m 3 4.9 3
(b) Volume of cement J+6 XI =0.7 m

Tecb-Neo Publieatioii!.... _.. ,.. IJ1Jere Authorw inapire inno••tion

Quant.Survey, Esti. & ValuatiOil
Quant. Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. ?-Civil) (3-
Rate Analysis
_Q]_=ZO.l7 ~ 21 bags 231
:. Number of cement bag = 0.0347
Quantity of cement =
}:}+ 4 x 1 = 0.542 cub.m.
(c) Sand = ..i2..x6=4.2m
I +6 3
N be
- I 25 X 10:: 12.5 m
1.25 x volume of masonry - .
urn r of cement bag = 00.542
=15.61 bags f: 16 bags
(d) Volume of stone
20 nos.
(e) Number of through sto~e = 2 number I cum = 2 x 10 =
(c) 3.8
Sand = 1"+2"+'4 x 2 = 1.085 cub.m.
Per AmoUllt
Particular QuantitY or Number Rate , (d) 3.8
1 + 2 + 4 x 4 = 2.171 cub.m.
A) Material (e)
I Water proofmg agent, Jmpermo I kg/bag of cement = 16 kg

,, : !.Cement 21 bag



Particular Quantity or Number Rate (Rs) Per: A.inount '
2. Sand 4.2m
A) Material
3 473 m 5912.5

3. Stone 12.5 m I. Cement 16 bags 250 bag 4000
40 no. 800 2. Sand
4. Through stone 20no. 1.085 mJ 700 m
B) Labour
3. Aggregate 2.171 mJ 800 m 1736.8

I 269.5 4. 1mpermo 16 kg 120 Kg 1920

I. HeadMason 539 Day
B) Labour
2. Mason 15 539 Day 8085
I. Head Mason 114 539 Day 134.75
3. Mozdoor 2212 493 Day 11092.5
2. Mason 8 539 Day 4312

4. Bhisti r-2I 512 Day 768 3. Mazdoor 8 493 Day 3944
4. Bhisti 112 512 Day 256
Total 35,117.5
Total Rs. 17063.05
Add :2 'Mor T and P charges = 175.58 I % as sundnes,
. T and P
Add 2 85.3 2
Add 1.5% water charges = 526.76
Add 1.5% as water charges 255.94
Add 10% contractor profit = 3511.75
Add 10% as contractor profit 1706.30
Grand total = 39331.59

Grand total Rs. 19,110.61

.. Rate per m = i~ 59- Rs. 3933.15 :. Rate per sq.m -- 19110010.6 1 -- Rs.I91.10
Ex. 6.16.4
UEx. 3.16.5 MU. Dec. 16. Ma 18.8 Marks
Prepare rate analysis for D.P.C. (25 mm thick) in C.C. (1 :2:4) for 100m 2• Carry out rate analysis for : M20 grade R.C.C.'concrete with 2 % steel including formwork and reinforcement
It! Soln. :
Prepare rate analysis for M20 R.C.C concrete with I% steel including centering and shuttering.
(a) 25
Volumeofwetconcrete = IOO x
=2.5cub.ut 0 Soln.:

Rate analysis of R.C.C. of slab of M-20 i.e. ( I :1.5 :3 ).

: . Dry volume of concrete = 52% more of wet concrete
52 Assume volume of wet concrete = 10m
= 2.5 + TOO x 2.5 = 3.8 cub.m.
:. Dry volume = 52% more than wet volume

.-A SACHJNSll4/J Yeoture Teeb-Ne<> Pub~catioD8-·-·· Where Authors inspire innol'lltion

auantsurvey, Esli. & Va11J8ti011
(MU-Sem· 7-CiVil)

= 1.52 x 10= 15.2 m

(3-24) .. ~~
QuantSurvey, Esti. & Valuation (MU·Sem. 7-Civll)
I .
{3-25) Rate Analysis

3 Add 2% forT and P charges = 614.36

15.2 ] x 1 = 2.76 m
(b) volume of cement = [ (I + 1.5 + 3)
Add 1.5% as water charge = 1843.08

:. Number of cement bag= [ 0.0347

2. 76 J = 79.52 80 bagS.
Add 10% as contractor profit= 12287.22
15.2 ]x2=5.52m Grand total= Rs. 1,37,616.91
(c) Volume of sand = [ ( I + 1.5 + 3)
3 3 137616.91 ·
15.2 Jx 4=11.04m :. Rate perm = - -- - = Rs. 13761.69
(d) Volume of aggrcgale = [ (1 + 1.5 + 3) ----------------~~--------------------------------Moowe
Ex. 3.16.6

(e) Assume 2'1> se=l of total volume of c:onaete
_.1... X 10 X 7850 Work out the rate per unit of the following item of work.
Quantity of sttd 2 'I> of volume.of concrele - I 00
(a) First class brick work for superstructure in CM (I :6)
1570 kg i.e. = 1.570 toone 0

.570 = 15 7 kg
0 Binding~ - 10 kg per tonne- 10 x I (a) Rate analysis of first class brick work for superstructure in CM (I :6) : Assume 10m brick work

Per Amoont
Plrticallr Qiu81y ar Number Rate 10
(i) Number of brick
0.2 X 0.1 X 0.1- 5000 DOS.
[A) Malerial
bag 20000

BObags 250
!.Cement Add 5% wastage = 250
5.52 m
700 m 3864
2. Sand
3 3 :. Total number of bricks required= 5250 numbers
11.04m 800 m 8832
3. Aggregate
l.S70tonne 44100 Tonne 69237 (ii) Volume of wet mortar (10- (5000 X 0.I9 X 0.Q9 X 0.09)] = 2.305 cub.m
4. se=l
5.Binding~ 15.7 kg 80 Kg 1256 Add I0% for frog filling 2.535 m

[B) Labour for C.C.
Dry volume (2.535 x ~~) + 2.535 = 3.168 cub.m.
I. Head mason l 539 Day 134.75
4 3.I68
(iii) Quantity of cement
2. Mason 539 Day 1347.5 1 + 6 x I = 0.452 cub.m.
:. Number of cement bag
3. Mazdoor 12 493 Day 5916 0.0347 = 13.02 14 bags.

4. Bhisti 02 512 Day 1024 3.168

1 + 6 x 6 = 2. 71 cub.m.
[C) For Bending
Particular Quantity or Number Rate Per • Amount
I. Black smith 01 512 Day 512
A) Material
2. Mazdoor 01 493 Day 493
I. Cement 14 bags 250 bag 3500
3 J
2. Sand 2,7 1 m 700 m 1897
[D) For centring I shuttering
3. Brick 5250 no. 6 No. 31500
I. Carpenter 08 539 Day 4312 B) Labour
2. Mazdoor 08 493 Day 3944 I. Head mason 1/2 539 Day 269.5
2. Mason 8 539 Day 4312
[E) sundries 3. Mazdoor 15 493 Day 7395
Lump sum 2000
4. Bhisti 2 512 Day 1024
I 1 Total = I ,22,872.25 49897.5
Tecb-Neo Publiratioao-II'J.,e AIIIMn i.tupir. ;.,,..,_ Total
.....A SACRIN SIIAR rentun:
Teeh-Neo Publications ........... Inert Authors inspirt inn•••tion


Rate Analysis
l§tJ a uant.Survey, Est!. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civli)

. Mu-sem. 7-CMI)
~ ti&V~~~( .. Grand total = Rs. 24733.79
l.!ftl Quallt.Survey, Es · p " 249.48
Add 112 '*'as T and . s 24733.79
.. Plastenng rate per q.m. = ~ = Rs. 247.33 perm2
- 748.46
Add 15%as water charges -
. rofit " 4989.75 ..,
Add 1~ as con1!11Ctor P - 55885.19 UEx. MU- Dec. 16. 5 Marks
Grand total - CarrY out rste analysis for :. Internal plastering in C.M. 1:5 ..
~ "Rs. 5588.5 1
:. Rarperm "
10 It! sotn. :
Assume area of plaster =I00 Sq.m.
nn&WQi•M''iN~ . · cement mortar 1:4 . tuding scaffolding.
:~~;-;m~.mlfiiii!Bir&•~C: inC For 12 mm thick cement plaster in em (I : 5)

UEx-3.15.7 - - . l5JDIIllbieklfl
PtrfooD ra1e analysis for internal plasltfUig 12
:. Net volume of mortar 100 x 1000 =1.2 cub.m.
0 Soln.:

II Assume area of plaster= 100 Sq.m. Add 30 % mortar to fill joint u~ x 1.2) + 1.2

For 15 mm thick cement plaster in em (I : 4)
15 Total wet volume
:. Net volume of mortar = 100 x TiXXi " 1.5
. . Dry volume of mortar More than 30% of wet volume

1 ~ x 1.5] + l.5
Add30% mortartofilljoint = [ 30 \ 3
( 100 x 1.56) + 1.56 =2.028 m

Total wet volume = 1.95 m
Volume of cement 2.028
[ (I + 5)
J X I =0.338
:. Dry vo!ome of mortar = More than 30% of wet volume
= (t~ x 1.95J+ 1.95= 2.535 m =10 bags.
. . Number of cement bag = 0_0347 = 9.74

2.028)Jx 5 =1.69 cub.m.

Volume of cement = [ (~·:3;) Jx 1= 0.507 Volume of sand = [ (I+ 5
.. Number of cement bag = 0_0347 = 14.61 =IS bags.

2.535) x4=2.028cub.m.
Vo!umeof sand = [ (!+

Quantity of Number Rate (Rs.) Per Amount (Rs.)
U Particular
[A) Material

I. Cement
Quantity of Number

10 bags


Amount (Rs.)

2. Sand 1.69 rn
2153 Ml 3638.57
[A] Material
I. Cement 15 bags 250 Bag 3750 3. Scaffolding Lump sum 500 . 500
2. Sand 2.028 mJ 2153 Ml 4366.28

3. Scaffolding Lump sum 500 - 500

[B) Labour

[B] Labour I . Head mason l 539 Day 269.5

I. Head mason I
539 Day 269.5
2. Mason 10 539 Day 5390
2. Mason 10 539 Day 5390
3.Mazdoor 3. Mazdoor 15 493 Day 7395
15 493 Day 7395
4. Bhisti 01 512 4. Bhisti 01 512 Day 512
Dayj 512
Total- 22182.78 Total =20205.07
Add water charges 11-1%= 33 2.74
Add water charges IW7'o = 303.07
Add contractor profit and overhead charges 10 %= 2218.27
Ted.-Neo Publia tio01 _ rn., Au/Don . . . . Add contractor profit and overhead charges I0 % =2020.50

•...A SA CHINSHAH l'eotum Teeh-Neo PubUcatioOB .......... Autlrors inspire iuooratioo _ ..A SA CHIN SHAH l'e~~tu.rt
5I Estl. & VaiUStlon (MU
.sem 7-CiVil)
1§1 Quant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-civll) (3-29) RateA~is

Add 1.5 % as water charges 1283.51

Add 10% as contractor profit . 8556.76

Grand total Rs. 95835.7

Ex. 3.16.10

What is 'task work' or 'out tum' work? Work out the labour team requirement for following work:
(I) Laying 2.83 cub.m. of cement concrete.
(a) Malcrial RqUiied for = I 00 sqJJL area
(2) 40 sq.m. plastering 12mm thick in any proportion.

Vitrified tile (20 em X 20cm) = size li'J Soln.:
Number of tile = 0.2 x 0.2 3
(I) Laying 2.83 m of cement concrete.

Cement monar (I :6) proportion (25 mm thick bedding)

Work out labour number by comparing it with 10m3 work.
25 l 3
(b) Wet volume of monar = 'iOOii x 100 = 2.5 01 As 10m of cement concrete work, labour team required is as follows :

:. Dry volume of monar = 1.25 X 2.5 = 3.125 01

(I) Mason 4I number
(c) Cement quantity 3.125
[ (I +6)
J 1= 0.446 01
(2) 2.!

X Head mason
0·446 - 12 85 ~ 13bags
Number of cement bag 0.0347 - . (3) Male mazdoor 6no.

(d) Sand quantity 3.125

[ (I + 6)
6=2678 ml
(4) Female mazdoor 6 no.
(5) Bhisti 2 DO.
Particular Quantity or Number .Rate Per Amount 3
:. for 2.83 m cement concrete work, labour team required is :

A) ~terlal
bag 3250
(I ) Mason 0.070 ~ 0.1 ( ·: w=
J/4 X
... x = o.07o
! . Cement 13 bags 250
) J
(2) Head mason 0.707 =0.8
2. Sand 2.678 m 700 m
(3) Male mazdoor 1.698
2 l
3. Mosaic tile 2500 no. (100m 475 m 47500
(4) Femal mazdoor 1.698
4. Polishing stone oxalic acid power Lump Sum 500 (5) Bhisti 0.566
B) Labour (2) 40 sq.m plastering of 12mm thickness:
2 2

I. HeadMason I 539 Day 539 Compare it plastering work of 100m • For 100m plastering of 12mm thick, labour team required is,
2. Mason 20 539 Day 10780 (I) Head Mason = (2) Mason= 10
3. Male mazdoor 10 493 Day 4930 (3) Male mazdoor 8 (4) Female mazdoor = 8
4. Female mazdoor 10 493 Day 4930 (5) Bhisti
5. Bhisti 2 512 Day
1024 :. for 40m plastering, labour team required as follows:
6. Polisher 20 512 (I) Head Mason 0.2 (2) Mason =4
Day 10240
(3) Male mazdoor 3.2 (4) Female mazdoor = 3. 2
Total 85,561.6
I (5) Bhisti 0.4
Add 2'~ as T and P charges = 427.83

T«h-N•o Publiatioos,_,_ lnen. Authors iiupire iiJDOI'lltioo _.A JACHINSJMII r,.~r=

•...A JACHIN SHAH Yt'lltwe

EL 3.11.11 lead of metal. quantity of metal is

be paid to!he cooii'ICtoc foe 35km extra 100 cub.rn. ~
Wort out extra piymeDI to . is Rs 1750 per uip.
fiCIOr is 5.75 cub.m. pet trip. COSI of tnnsporfal!OII for 50tm .

Iii Selin.:
Approximate Estimates
Quantity of metal = I oonl
Load hctor = 5.75 m I trip

100 8 .

NUIIIberoCtrip = _ = 17.39: I tnp
5 75
Cost of ooe ttip 1750 for 50 km
Definition and Purposes of approximate estima•- "e"'-~- . . ......._.._ and IIOOMirical based
. ""'• .., """"" 1or prepanng approx1ma18 """""""""
I~ on methods, Vanous terms such as administrative approyal, Technical sanction, Contingencies, Worll charged

Cost per km = Rs. 35
establishments etc. .

:. Extn p3}'lllelll for 35 bn

4.t Meaning of Approximate Estimate .............. ........... ........ ........ .................... .................... ........................................... 4-3
35 X 35
4 _2 Purpose of Approximate Estimate ... ....... . . ... . .. .. . .. . .. ... ..... . ..... . ........................ ....................................... 4-3

Rs. 1225 4 _3 Methods of Approximate Estimating Of Building ............................................................................................................ 4-3
:. Cost of 18 trip 1225 X 18
ua. 4.3.1 Enlist different methods of calculating approximate estimate with suitabirlty.
MU • Ma 16 4 Marks
........................................................................................................................... 4-3
22050 extra payments. 4.3.1 Serv1ce Umt Method ..... .. .......................... . ............................................................................................. 4-4
4.3.2 Plinth Area Method............... .................... ................................. .. ................ .... .. .................................... 4-4
Chapter Ends 4.3.3 Cubic Content Method .... . .... ... . .. ..... .. ................ ........... ............................................. . .......................... 4-4

U OOQ 4.3.4 Bay Method ................................. .. .. ........................................... ....... 4-5

4.3.5 Approximate Quantity Method ................... . ....................... ................................... ................. 4-5
4.3.6 Cost Comparison Method ............................. .. ........................ .......... ........... .4-5
4.3.7 Empirical Equation for Materials and labours .......................... ................................ ........... ........ ................... 4-6
UQ. 4.3.2 Write short notes on : CBRI Equations. r.1u . Dec 15 16 17 18 r.1~ 17 s r.t,ks .......................... .. 4-6
4.4 Approximate Estimate of Various Civil Construction Project ......... ....... ...................... .... ................... .......................... 4-6
4.4.1 Method of Preparation of Estimate for Road Projects ....... . ... ....... ......... ............................................... 4-6
4.4.2 Approximate Estimate for Railways ............................................... ................................ .................. 4-7

4.4.3 Approximate Estimate for Bridges/Culvert .................. ...................................................................................... 4-7

4.4.4 Approximate Estimate for Culvert ................................................... ................................... .... ......... .. .............. 4-8
4.4.5 Approximate Estimate for Irrigation Projects . ........................................................................................... 4-8
4.4.6 Approximate Estimate for Water Supply and Sanitary Project .......................................................................... 4-8
4.5 Approximate Estimate For Water Supply, Sanitary And Electrical Works In Building Project ....................................... 4-9
4.5.1 Cost of Water Supply .. .... .......................... ............... ..... ........... . . .. . ............ · .. .... ....... .. ........... ........ 4· 9
4.5.2 Cost of Sanitation ....................................................... ......................................................... .......................... 4-9
4.5.3 Cost of Electrical Works ..................................... ........ ...................................................... :............................. 4- 10
4.6 Administrative Approval , Technical Sanction And Budget Provision ...................... ...................................................... 4 -~0
4.6.1 Administrative Approval ............................................······· · ........................ · ·· ····· · ................................... 4- 0
UQ. 4.6.1 Write short notes on : Administrative Approval. .. ................................ · 4"10
............................ ......... ............................ 4·10
4.6.2 Technical Sanction ......................................................... ·........ 4-1 o
UQ. 4.6.2 Write short notes on : Technical Sanction. IIU!IDdNIMIIIififi ....................................................... _
4 11
4.6.3 Budget Provision ............................................................................................................................................ .

Approximate Estimates
~ auant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-cl~l) Approximate Estimates
7 CiVil) (4-2) ......................................... 4-11 (4-3)
. ii>
' Vafuadon ("''""m
M"""' . . .. .......... ... ........ """"""

!~~~~§;~ ~ji
It is also known as preliminary or rough e~timate.
This esnmate . f imilar work
IS prepared to know the approximate cost of work in short time, on the basis of cost o s
,..,.,. ... _,-t E,stabfiShm80 ............... ,.;iillb . ·-·- carried out in past.
47.2 Work"'""rv · ntdl'P 1' , . - ' - · ............................ .. ........... 4-1(

4t.·i7~.•r~~or~~..••.•-•.•..,•~. ~\ ..••. .•.•·: ·: ·: · : · :•. •. •. .• • •· •· • • • •·• • • • • ~...j1

From financial aspect, this estimate is useful to see whether investmenf is justified or not by calculation of benefit cost
ratio. ·


,..,,~ ~w "'"'~ : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4-13
..,.,. ............ .. ......
(a) To know the feasibility of project
4.8 ApprOxlmate EstimBI8 f'roblemS ................... ;>>;;;' ~ i4A,IIk@•u~1 It gives idea for the probable expenditure in short time.
. 1§4••grwae•giGJ'... - -

(b) To Irnow project duration

To get rough idea of time required for project completion.

(c) For Administrative Approval

Approximate estimate with brief report and site plan or layout plan has to be submitted to concern authority to obtain
administrative approval for detailed investigation and preparation of detailed estimate.

(d) For insurance and tax schedule

For insurance and tax schedule the value of property or projeet is drawn up from approximate estimate cost.
(e) Adjustment of planning
(] Chapter Enda---·-···-..··-·-···"'''""'-"""""""""""''"""'""'"""'"""''""""'""'"'""'"'"'"'"'""'"'""'"""""'"""' 4·23

U (0
In approximate estimate, the alternative for original work for adjustment o( drawing can be done.


To see whether investment ·is justified or not, by calculating benefit cost ratio.
:·~Q.- ~:~:~ ---~~i;~-difie~;~~-~;~;~~i~ti~-~~~~;d~-;.~I;~~~;;:;~1~f-·J:~·:':,-;,:_~~:~rc~

L. ---------------------·--·----------·· ,_: ______ ······-·--... _,____ ------.---------...---------:..·...:'___ ------------··-.....·-·· J

Following are type of approximate estimate :

(i) Service unit or unit rate method.

(ii) Plinth area rate or square meter method.

(iii) Cubic content or cubic meter method

(iv) Bay method.

(v) Approximate quantity method.

(vi) Cost comparison method

T~~~~.' - --.6;~;;~;;~--------------------~~------­
(vii) Empirical equation for materials and labours
. --rn....Au,_,m.,m.;,.,.,..u.,

.....A SACH!NSHAH Jlenturr: Teeb-Neo PublicalioDB..- ..... 11'1lerr: AutiHxs inii{Jirr: innonlion
. (MU·Seflt 7.CiVil)
Approximate Estirna!ee
s auant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation {MU·Sem. 7-cMi) (4-5)
. App~:oxlmate Estimates
. .

The volume of building can be calculating by multiplying the plinth area with the height of building.
rveY Esti- & vaJuatiOfl · d be'ght should be measured
auantSU ' ank per meter for 1
Unit Method litre for water t , . span or The length and breadth should be measured at outer dimension of building at floor level an
'II. 4.3.1 servJce klJ1 for highway, per t per service urut by the number
. -~•od all costs of unit quantity such as per alculated by multiplying the cos
{rom floor level to top of roof.
Jo thiS W<W · the approximate cost c The foundation, Plinth and carpet above roof are not considered while finding cubic contenl .
'd -A first. D
bridge eu:. are const e,...
Cubic content method is more accurate as ci>mpared to Plinth area method.
of units in the suucture· . r service unit. .
. _ um!Jer of service urut x Cost pe . 'lar designed st111cture hav1ng the
proximaU: estiJDal.e - N . urrent rateS for s1JJ11 ~ 4.3.4 Bay Method
Ap ireS record of uml c
This estiJDale can be quickly prepared. but requ

Bay is a centre to centre distance between the support.
same specification a1 that locality. . . rail latform. factory shades etc.
= service uoit is per kDl This method IS applicable to s_tJllcture consists of similar parts such as godown, a way P
e.g. for road
. · · per classrooro - laced t equal distance forming

/i I for school = servtce umltS

· Senice Unit
such stJllcture constJllcted with intermediate column or with roof t111sses on_wall s P a .

Name oC strueture bays.
Sr. JIO,
Per Bed Approximate cost Number of bays x cost of one bay
I Hospital
Per Seal Following points are to be noted :
2 Audilorium
Per Bay 1. Necessary correction should be made for the end bays due to end walls and also in other bays, if there is any
3 Godown

Higbway and Roads PerKm difference in framing.
Sieel bridges Per Span
5 2. This method is useful for factories and such similar stJllctures.
RCC Retaining Wall Per Meter
6 3. More time is required by this method than any other previous method. But the results obtained by this method are
Per hectare of area I Per km of length of canal
7 Irrigation Canal found to be more reliable.
8 Reservoir Per hectare-metre


Per Room
Per Seat
Per classroom
U ~ 4.3.5 Approximate Quantity Method
In approximate quantity method, total length of wall is found in running meter and this total length multiplied by the
rate per running meter of wall gives approximate cost.
Approximate cost = Total length of wall x Rate per running meter
'II. 4.3.2 Plinth Area Method
For this stJllcture is divided into two parts :
This estimate is prepared on the basis of plinth area of building.
(a) Foundation including plinth
- It is prepared by multiplying the plinth area of proposed building by plinth area rate of same building.
(b) Superstructure

- Approximate cos1 =Plinth area x Plinth area rate.

The running meter cost for foundation and superstructure should be calculated firSt and then multiply this cost with total
- The rates are obtained from building having similar specification and constructed in same locality.
length of wall to get approximate cost.
- Plinth . ·
area IS calculaled for covered area t.e. under roofed portion by measuring external dimension at plinth level.
Plan or line plan should be required to prepare this estimate.
- Open area should not be included in the plinth area.
- For storyed building the Plinth area estimate is prepared ~or eac b story separately. a. 4.3.6 Cost Comparison Method

'II. 4.3.3 Cubic Content Method By this method approximate estimates are prepared for prototype st111cture consisting several works after comparing

- In this method th with past records of expenses for such work.

e vo1umc of the proposed buildin .
building in nearby locality. . g IS worked out and multiplied by the rate per volume of similar e.g. when prototype staff quarter or railway station etc. are required to be estimated approximately then estimate for
such prototype works are prepared by comparing the previous cost with present market rates, by increasing the past
Approximate cost = Volume of Buildin .
Tedo../loo l'uhli.atiou g X Rate per volume previous cost on a percentage basis.
- &n Alllb«r impU. m-,u.,
.....A SA CHIN SIIAH Yentrut
------- --

Approximate Esti~
auantSurvey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-civil) ~ximate Estimates
. . 7-Civil (4~) . . (4-7)
QuanlSUIWY• ES.& VIUii#' ~ . expert laJOWledge IS must to estunate the The approximate cost of road and hi h . .
. eYCII cluring Dlfll:llll8· But g way mainly consist of following four Item:
- This type d esriiD* ca be prqliRd cpidiY vioUS recorded cost 1 1be cost of land acquired . Thi . · hi h ay If the route is
• • s cost IS varibale. It depend upon route followed by g w ·
pesad cost d ~ ~ ~10 die JXI:
passing though highly developed area, the cost of this item will be very high .
.....-for ll8lllriaiS and LabOUrs -------------------------
~ 4.3.7 EmplrtC8I ~:... ----------·······-··············-······ r,IU . Dec 1s 16 17 18 May 17. 5 Marks
2. 1be cost of excavation (cutting), embankment (banking) aod drainage : The cost of this item depends on

[~~~i~~~:~~-~~~-;~:;~-~-~:~-~;-~ buil~~
topography of the country through which the highway runs. The cost also varies wilb nature of soil and sub soil.
plinth area of proposed 3. The cost of a road surface or Pavement : The cost of this item is fairly constant for two different highway wilb
In dJis mediJd ~ quan . 'plied b die toW plinth area of building. same road surface. Therefore the cost of this item can easily be worked out by knowing the cost of unit surface of
me wmUd 0111 .tHtnrily <I by empirical equallOO. aud muln Y .

. . 'deotial building can be worked out w1lb the help of another existing highway with a similar road surface.
The . . of maii2Ws aud labour requi!ed toc a parncular res~ .
• . Research Institute (C.B.R.I) Roorkee, India.

qtJIIIIllleS 4. The cost of other structures such as culverts, bridges : Whenever a highway crosses some stream a suitable
amiD~ equations developed by die Ceolrll Building
. . . . . . from 30sq m to 300 sq.m and these equations are derived from structure is to be constructed to make a highway or road continous. The approximate cost of all such structures in
- The pliDib lllel of an ordinary rcsidmtial building vmes · .

. . . . . ba · .,,._1 ,, •.,... The equations are for swgle storeyed structures and the form of bridge culvert etc. are worked out separately.
a study of vmous res~deotial buildings vmg Wll<'"'-' .,._,...,.
eJcludiog services. Hence the approximate cost of above items are worked out and then added together to obtain the approximate cost of
- Depeodiog upon die pria:s of IIIIICrials aud wages of labour, the approximate cost can thus be worked out. To the cost road or highway.
!bus ob!aincd • 2.50% to 55% sbouJd be added for water charges, scaffolding, shuttering and sundries and a further Example : Approximate cost of 20 Km of four lane slate highway @ 20,00,000 1- per K.m works out to be Rs.4 Crore.

addition of 20% fc. COIIII'aCfOr5 profit will give die approximate cost of the residential building excluding services.
lj._ 4.4.2 Approximate Estimate for Railways
- An artlilraly melbod is 00( staudard.
For estimate of a railway project main items or work are foundation, emabankment in cutting and banking, bridges,
Following are the equation recommeoded by C.B.R.L should be foUowed to estimate quantities of materials and labour :

Nail : A.. Plnlh 8181 ot bl.tilg In IIQII8I8 m8lre ]
culverts, leve and road crossing, fencing, boundary, lan,gradient, office building , phitform , staff quarters,workshops,
sanitary arrangmenl etc.

I Brick in Nos. = 226 A+ 6680 Railway estimates are prepared by knowing the cost per km of recently constructed similar railway line ie.baving same
9 Timber for frames = 0.019 A +0.23
and shutter in cu.m. gauge, sleeper, baUast etc.

2 Brickbats in Cu.m. = 0.1134 A - 0.83 10

While preparing approximate estimate, cost of land acquisition should also be consider.
Glass in sq._m. = 0.064 A+ 0.73
3 Cement in toones = 0.153 A+ 0.57 II lj._ 4.4.3 Approximate Estimate for Bridges/Culvert
Paint in litres - 0.1076 A + 0.27
4 Lime in Kg = 14.50A -35 w Approximate estimate for Bridge
12 Mason in nos. = 1.335 A+ 28
5 Steel in quintal -0.213 A- 3.14 Unit for bridge is span in running meter.
13 Carpenter in nos. -1.184 A- 9
6 Sand in Cu.m. For preparing the approximate estimate of multi span bridge, consider typical one span of similar type of exisimg

14 Blacksmith in nos. =0.269 A 4

'7 Kapacbi in cu.m. bridge.
-0.145A+I.5 15 Mazdoor in nos. = 4.766 A -32
8 Grit in cu.m. Then approximate rate of the proposed bridge can be found out by multiplying the length of span of proposed bridge
=0.176A 0.21 16 Painter in DOS. - 0.0893 A + 0.06 with the rate per meter of existing bridge.
:::~n ESTIMAn OF VARIOUS CIVIL CONSTRUCTION Hence Approsimate rate = Length of each span x Rate per meter of existing bridge.

In other way of approximate estimate of bridge is worked out by dividing bridge into two parts :
· &. 4.4. 1 Method of Pr8paratJ f I. Approximate cost of Substructure : Depend upon element such as type of span, width of roadways, type of
on o Estimate for Road ProJects
- Appro ' foundation , nature of river or stream to be crossed and method of construction.
Ximale estimate of roads and high .
and thickness of metal, material used way ts prepared for per kilometer basis depeding on th
etc. e nature of road, width Hence to find out the approximate cost of the substructure, the approximate quantities of variuos materials required
r...,._P.W;..;... are worked out and the proper unit price is applied. Similarly the approximate cost of labour required is worked
&. .4-.,. i.tpire ~
- ..A SACH/NSIIAJI Jleoture Tecb-Neo Puhliutioos ...._, __ Jnere Authors inspire iono>'6lioo __..4 SACHIN SIIAJJ Jl.,.t~~re

11;1 Approximate Estirr...._

1B1 _auar....s..ney, Ed.&. Valull6on (MU-Sem. 7-CM) (4-a) =~
~ QuanLSurvey, Esti. & Valuation (•n,
"-'"- aDd raiJ: per mcu:r of bridge. ~
""V-Sem. 7-'"'~"
2. Appo • cm~.t s i
. . ~ : Dc:peod upon span "'--~ "-"Vll) (4-9)
Approximate Estimates
- of "-"'- by addin" approrimal.e COSl of subslruCtre & superstrcure_ 2- Population served by tbe
Hence 10 fiad <ll& the~ COSl a uo--e- " water and sanitary Pnljed
In this case. tbc total population to be
&.. 4AA Appioxlmate Estimale for Culvert bead 0 f ul . 5erved by the . . .
per pop auon served by the project the P~J<et lS worked out and by adopting a suiatble rate per captta or
Orpmdi"« upoa the n:mm: of fODD<Iation. rype of o:ra&erialto be used. width of roadway etC - the approximate Cost Ile£ Ex&B~Jlle ' approXImate cost tbe project can be obtained.

nmain& me1ne of 5pm is ~ to work out tbe approximate cost of tbe rulvert5 wllooc spans are known.
a) Approximate cos t of the water supply project for .
Fcx c:ulveru with RDa11 ~pam. the appnnimate COSl can be found 001 011 lump-sum basis per number from the records or
crore a populat:ton of 80,000 people @ 500 per head work out to be Rs.4
culverts Uvi"« similar o;pans.
b) Approximate cos t of sewerage project for a ul .

&.. 4.4.5 Approxlmale Estimate for Irrigation Projects pop at:ton of 1,20,000@ Rs.7501- per head work om to be Rs. 9 Crore
Approxinwe C&timate of irrigatioa pr-oject is prepared for storage reservo ir, canals and dams . ELECTRICAL WORKS FOR WATER SUPPLY, SANITARY AND
Unil _a dopced to rwd approximau COOl of irri gatioru; project ill depend upon :
Prov isio n fo r internal services lik.e wate .
1. A..- ~ a.nd Wider dloe COIIIJIUIDd ~ r:aaaJ : This area is worUd out in hectare~. b . d. . r supply, sannary and electrification of building are usually made on the basis of
percentage UJ tng estlmate cost as COnsidered reasonable according to specificatio n to be adopted.

2. Per ldlometcr laopil : Toul length of canal ill found out in km.
Provis io n fo r interna l serv ices sbo uld be considered on percentage bas is as belo w :
Appr-o ximate «>~malt is prepared oo the basU. o f per million c ubic meters of storage capaci ty o r per sq uare m e ter o f
(i ) W ater s uppl y = 4 % to 5 % o f estimated cost of building work.
caldlmo:nt area of ~ reac:rvoi.r .
(ii ) S an itary = 4 % to 5 % o f estimated cost of building work.
For irri gation channtls per km b ... u.. dependi ng on the capacity o f the c hannel o r per hectare b as is.
(iii ) E lectrifi catio n = 9 % o f estimated cost of building works plus. For electric fan , light =3 % of estimated cost of
Al110 unit for the !itOra~ o f w ata U. the hectare-metre whk h is quantity o f water cove ring a hectare to a depth o f o ne building work .
C o ns ideratio n made in a llocati o ns of above percentage cost are given below .

Tile CO<il of hectare- metre o f Mora~ o f a • imilar ex iMi ng dam is kno wn and hence the appro ximate co st o f the proposed
dam c an be w o rked out.
a 4 .5 .1 Cost of Water Supply

Normall y "'-<lra~ c ap-oteit y o f da m i• depend upon the c hara<:terohip o f the reservoir b a• in , the cost per hectare- metre o f In abse nce o f piped wate r supply and sewer lines. it requires provisio ns fo r these with approximate cost. Also it
•tora~ of wa ter i• w hject to wide variatio ns. de scribes w he re water is tapped from street pipe lines within distance , say upto 5 m fro m pro perty line and be stored in
overhead .


b) Approximate COIIt o f 1000 hectare• of commanded area @ 7UOO is 70 lak hs.

Appro ximate COlli. o f !! km lo ng irriagtirm channel o f 4 cu .m capac ity 1i!! 10 lak h is 50 Lak hs .
Sto rage tank by pressure o f street pipe line water, an amo unt of 4 % to 5 % of cost of building structure including
royalty c harge fo r pipe connecti o n (Rs . 400 usually) may be recommended.
Thls include cost o f sto rage tank with necessary agreement to place the same o n the roof, fitting, fixing of ~hower hath,
'&. 4.4.8 Approximate E.tlmate for Water Supply and Sanitary Project wash b as ins, Lap co nm:l.:lio n s e tc .
f'or ouch projects. t.he unit to be adpotc<l trJ arrive at the approx imate cost may ilc find o ut by o ne o f the fo ll o wing fac to r : a 4 .5.2 Cost of Sanitation

I. Area ~~ervcd by the water 1111d sanitary proj ect In sew e r area where the sewer Hne is within distance o f 12m from privy, an amount 4 o/o to 5 % of building cost, is

2. Populatio n Krvcd by the water and sanitary project cons idered . . .

ln ab sence o f se wer tine . an additi o nal amo unt fo r constructio n of septic tank with soak pit sho uld be provided onutung
• 1. Area aned by the water and gnltary project
c ost o f servi ce connecti o n and m aster trap.
In lhiA cwoe, the to!Jll are11 covered by the project is w o rked o ut in hectares and by ass uming a suiatble amo unt per For this additio nal am o unt, 3 % to 4 % of building cost sho uld be pro vided.
hectare of area served, t.he approximate cost of the project c1111 be worked o ut .
T o ta l cost becomes 7 % to 9 % of building cost.
_ _ _.4 SACHIN S/l,4ll r.,ture
Tech-Neo l,ublicalions ........... JJ'ben: A.utiHmt inspire ianottlltion
.... .A SAC/liN S//A/1 Yenturc
I --

Approximate Estimate. auant.Survey, Estl. & Valuation (MU-Sem~ 7-CMI) Approximate E81irrl8t8ll
l§1 v~ (~U-Sem· 7-CMIJ
(4-10) '-
Then work is taken for execution only after gett'eng tee hn'real sanctron.
If the estimated amount exceed 10 % of ad . . . h . aJ anction is granted only after
. . . JIUniBtra!Jvely approved amount, tee me s
obtaining revrscd admmrstrative approval for work.

Technical sanction once given to any work • it w'tll remam

. vaI'd , <
1 .or J years.

power of technical sanction to various officer :

- 1'hi5 exclude cost of [111.1. bulbs tiC . 'dered 10 be fair. (I) Chief Engineer~ full power
timaltd cost of building may be cons•
roiocludeallsucbcosts. tl'l>oftbees CTION AND BUDGET (2) Superintending Engineer~ upto 50 lakhs

4.6 ADHINISTIATIVE APPROVAL, ncHNICAl SAN (3 ) Executive Engineer~ upto 251akhs

· ·· · val Technical sanctioo and budget approv
aJ of any work its tender is prepared and
. .
"'- 4.6.3 Budget Provision

AM g!UU!g AdminisllaiiVC appro ' . . ced and teChnically sound contractor wJilmg to do Budget is annual financial statement showing tbe estimated receipts and expenditure in respect of financial year before
invite for ioll:resltd CXIIIII'ICIOI' 10 carry oul elCCUIIOO of woric. Expenen .
----·•le race After opening of render by government depanment commencement of that year.
wort, will fill dJis cmdcr and m•'" amounl of teoder al ru>U~WV ·
~- d be is read to execute work as r
or coocem autboricy, cmdcr wilJ be awarded to lowes! amounl quoced contraCtor, an Y pe After getting administrative approval and technical sanction, a report is prepared mentioning raw material. organization
ttnns and cooditioas, metlliooed in cmder. setup and total cost required for execution of projecL Module

a. 4.6.1 Admlnlstnltfve Approval Considering budget proposal, provision are made in five years plan and yearly budgetary provision are made. This
r;;.- ~~;- --~-~-~-~-;-~~~-~~---- - ------- - - ---- - ----- - ------ --- - ------- -- -------- ---- -~ budget sanction is approved by financial dep~menL
'·--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------· Originally estimates are prepared from the different division and submitted to superintending engineer.
For any new original wort. inclllding special repair wort initialed by or relaled to the requirements of department, it is
The chief engineer prepared annual budget estimate after receiving the estimate from superintending engineers.
necessary 10 obWn formal aa:cptance with respea 10 cost and work which is called as administrative approval.

- For adminiitrative approval lbe departmeat (PWD) sends a proposal 10 government for taking up the work.

After considering all aspects like feasibilicy of project and financial aspec~ the government accept proposal.

AM geaing administrative approval the detailed drawing, design and estimate are prepared and submitled for technical
And then budget statement is sent to minister concerned and to fmancial department after scrutiny by secretary of the


"a. 4.7.1 Contingencies
w 5tllgll at Adrnh listJ ative approval
,·--- -- --- --- -- ----------- -- -------- -- ------- -- --- ---- ---- ------·-····----------- ------------------ ----- -------------------- -- -- --.

!_ ~~·- ~:::~---~!.~~~~-~-~-~~~~~~---··················································································_!
(i) fnitiati011 of proposal by coocemed departmenl

(ii) l'tepanWoo of 'Block · • (' · ·

... ~ t.e. ApproXJmate ~) by engineering department (e.g. PWD). The unforeseen or incidental expenses of miscellaneous character occurs during the execution of worlc., but not

(w) Approval from ~t autboricy of the bead of tbe concerned department.

reasonably predicted during preparation of estimate is called contingencies.
'Is. 4.6.2 Technlcal Sanction
A provision of 3 % to 5 % of estimated cost should be made in estimate for contingencies.
r~~~~~~~~~-~-~-:-~~-~----------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous incidental expenses which cannot approximately classified under any distinct subhead may be debited to

~g administrative awov~--~-~ -:~:·;;·~-=~·:···-~------·······-~·-······· ·················----~

MU · May 16. 4 Marks
sub-bead contingencies.
- After
Jli'OIIOied wort, which an: 10 be submiaed 10 the . sary prepare det.aJied drawing and estimates of the Provision of contingencies may not be diverted to any new work or repair, which is not provided in the estimate and of
Sucb a . appropnate authority of PWD of state
&aoctlon by COO!pelent aulboriry is called technical sancti government for further sanct ion. for which the cost exceeds Rs. 2000/- without sanction of Superintending Engineer.
- TecbnicaJ on.
la!ICii011 means the · . E.g. Unpl an ned water pumping operation is required to be done during excavation for foundation, which is not
their sanctJon of detailed estimate de .. d .
racea aod COS! of wort. ' stgn, rawmg, quantities of different i•·ms f k considered in estimate.
"' o wor and

••.A SAlli/NSIIAI!I'entu~r
Teeb-Nw Publications........... lf'kert Authors io!!pirt iDsot1tioo -A SACHIN SIMI/ Ye.~
J _
Approximate ~
j ouantSurvey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. -cMJ)
lil Esli & VaJua!ion (MU-Sem- 7-CMI) .

"" "'- 4.7.6 Provisional Quantities


MU. Dec 18. May 17.18. 2 Marks 'f}lese are the addition quantities Which .
art IIOIIJlC]uded ,in the estimate.
It occurs due to variation of site COndition.

These quantities art worked out . . uode

. , .. . 5eparateJy from the dimensions of drawing and kept in the bill of quanllues r a
beadJDg 'ProVISIOnal Quanllties".

payment for provisional quantities is made afte . .

work supervisor etc. . draftsman clerk. r the completmn of an uem.
But work-ebarged staff does not include non-industrial employees like typiSt, , . The advantages of such provision are that the
progress of work does not get delayed.

· . rk barged establishment.
I f . ted cost is prov1ded for wo c Example : Due to uncertain soil condition the de
In estimale an amount of 2 % to 2 2 % o estJma . •
. .
pth of foundation will vary.
. . f ' -"are considered till the completion of project_
. porary basiS $erv1ce 0 Sw I "'- 4.7.7 Spot Items or Site Items
Appointment of work-eharged staff IS on tern ·
. tb's notice for one-year continuous service, but for less than one Year

The service of staff may be tenrunated by one moo There are certain items for which it is not possible for the estimator to ftx an amount without seeing and studying them
service, 14 days notice is required. in details. Such items are knowing as spot items or site items.

a. 4.7.3 Centage Charges Estimate of such iteTTIS can be prepared only after inspection and taking detailed measurement at site.

· · th ork of another department of government, a percentage amount Say Some of the spot items are as follows :

When an Eogrneenng department executes e w
10 % to 15 % of estimated cost is charged for their consultation. 1. Construction opening in existing wall 2. Demolishing existing siructures
This consultation charges include cost of establishment, planning, designing supervision etc. 3. Corrnecting an old building with a new building 4. Connecting an old roof to a new roof
The percentage shall be fixed by local authority in consultation with accountant general. 5. Clearing the site etc.

The centage charges should be shown separately. Following three important point should be consider while working on spot item :


4.7.4 Prime Cost 1. Detailed description : The estimator should give a complete and precise description of the spot items so ibat
contractor can put a more accurate price for such item.
Prime cost is actual cost of articles or materials at shop and refer to supply only and not for carrying out the work.
2. Removal of debris : Rate of removal debris clause should be clearly mention in tender , whether it include or not.
At time of estimate, it is some time not possible to specify the exact article required (e.g. water supply, sanitary titLing,
door and window fixtures and electrical fitting etc.)
3. Ownership : The specification should be clearly mention the ownership of broken materials ie. They belongs to
the owner or to the contractor.
Then the choice is to be made by owner or buyer or engineer incharge for execution of such items, for which reasonable
amount is set aside in estimate known as prime cost.
cost of building
E.g. suppose door and window fitting amount approved by Engineer-in-charge. The actual cost is Rs. 2000/- for ~ 4.8 APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE Plinth area rate :::; plinth area

material including carriage. For fitting, fixing separate cost shall he provided in estimate. PROBLEMS
2000 -- Rs. 9000/- sq .m
-- 18000000
a. 4.7.5 Provisional Sum Ex. 4.8.1
A person constructs a building of plinth area equal to Approximate cost of proposed building :
It is amount provided in estimate and BOQ for specialised work to he carried out by specialist agencies. 2000 sq.m on a plot of land in a locality at cost of
Cost of proposed building plinth area x rate
Rs. 1,80,00,000/-. The noor height of building is 3m and
Specialised works are in the form of installation of lift, providing AC, Central AC plant, shifting water line or sewer provided wiib a parapet wall of height 0.8 m. Calculate the
line. 1500 X 9000
cost of a similar building of plinth area 1500 sq. m to be
constructed in ibe same locality by plinth area rate method. Rs. I,35,00.000
A reasonable amount, usually lump sum amount provided in BOQ is called provisional sum.
The Engineer-in-charge has a right to order any test. 0 Soln.:
Calculation of plinth area rate of already constructed
building :

-.A SACHJNSIIAJI Yeotu"' Tech-Neo Publi<J~Iioos....-·- JJ1J<"' AutlJon irupite miHir~lios

il Oue&.:wy. v..,_,. ( &II. & AlJ-Sem. 7-CM) (4-14)

flkL ouantSurvr.y, Et1i. & V~ (Mt Lo.
b.U.2 (B) Wort! shop wtth 3 beys JP- ::.:.-n. 7-<:!v'l)
~·...5 (4-15)
A ~ buildinJ a( G .. 311&\ been COIIMIUCit:d in Pune Sizt of oor bay~ = 5 x 9 = 45 '>q.m. .....-e approxim.ale e11imate of brid .
P •r- . . l!t hav1ng 4 &.4..1.7
have a pijnlh area 180m2 • Keip a( build'mg L\ I:U alxn-c JJI each wung followmg data : COlt . 'Jlrdn or
CO!ll of OIX ba Y~ = s17..e of one bay / Rate of e:...L, 40
of e~ng .._, , Delennine approxi~~~a~c ~ coa of a Telidelllial
pound. The COli of ~ of building n . . br'd
1.6 cr. e.llL~tmg 1 ge having 3.S ""0 J.e
JU.'· !110tr.) u.q ~ of cube JU. lipan or 4S mtich.. building, Llling fol.lowinJ clara :
= 45 / 4500: R.I. 2.02.50") ~ SOin. :
etltim!K, QkuJale JWOrimat.e COli of buildlllg !G + 3J !i) Built up area of the propoled building= 350m2
baving heip 12m and area of plinth 240 m. ApprownaJ.e W!>1 = Number of bayb .1. Co<.t of one b-4y 1be cm1 of oomtruction of bridge ha . (ii) (lJIIt of C01111r1Jction for a building of built up area
VJng 3.5 $pal] of 2
rtJ 8oln.:
= 3 Y 2.02,500 = R1. 6.1n,500
45 JJI each ib Rb. I .60.00,(XX) 300 m and •.ith aame specifiCalioo u propoKd
. .!ffi.~ building COiliUUcled 3 yem bdou =Rs. l6,00,1XX.V-
Comider H : Keiglx of building :. Cost of I ~V4111S =

:. Total approximaLe cost of factory building. 3.5 = 45, 71.421l.S7
!iii) Auume 24% rise in comtruction cost over ra1e1 before
A : Area
three yean.
.·. Cost of I m bridge ~p-40 iA = ~
CO!ll of factory building = Co<.t of office prcmio,eh
Alee of con.truct~on by aa. me ITI8Itlod 45 iivJ ~sume a priJ'VUion of 15% of comtruction COli for
+ Co<.t of work ~hop.
WaJer supply, dr.tinag.e and electrifation.

~ of con.wuction luxmxJ = Rs. I,OI.587.3()
Bil\u = vol. of building = ~ 14,00,000 + 6.1n,5<X! ltJ Soln. :
Now. Awroximate cost of new PTOJ>O<ed bridge :
luxmxJ ) R\. 20,In,500/-
180 x 12.4 = RA. 5376.34 per m For new bridge with 4 W40 of 40 m each. Built up area = 300m2
EL 4.8.4
= Rs. 53n per m1 .. Co!;tof40m
40 x l,OJ 587.3()
Comtructioo cost befou 3 years = Rs. 16,00.000'-

Calculate arprox.imate estimate from following data for 4 16,00,000
ApproximaJC cost of new building Rs. :. Construction rare
school building. 40,63.492.06 300
Co!.1 of new building = Rate per m
/ vol. of new building
(i) Number of classroom= 10 .. For 4 sp-40
4 X 40,63,492.06 Rs. 5333.33 per sq.m.
=53Ti x(A YHJ (ii) Area of each classroom= 50m 2 A\ ri10e in construction rar.e. 24%
Approx cost of New proposed bridge=Rs. J ,62.53,968.ZS
=5377 x(240 /. 12J=RA. l,54,85,760 (iii) Area of other facilities= 200m2 Ex. 4.8.6 :. Present construction ra1e =
x 5333.33 + 533333
E.t.4.U Similar school building having same specification and A hospital building of 150 beds is construCted in Pune in the

h~ving buildup area of 900m wa.1 cons tructed in year 20 I6 Rs. 6613.32
Prep-dte approximau: e!.timau: of factory building from cost of construction of Rs. 40 lakhs. Find the approx.imate
following data. at Rs. 2 crore 30 lal::h.1. estimate of small hospital of 50 beds in same locality by Rs. 66!3 per sq.m.
(i) OffiCe premises : R.C.C. fr.uned rype = total are~ 0 Soln. : using service unit method. Now, for new proposed building,
200 Sq.m built up.
Plinth area method 0 Soln.: With built up area = 350m2
Iii) Worbhop : 3 bays of si1.c 5 x 9 m with lo~ bearing Cost of buildin.& Construction cost = Built up are~ x Construction rate
Rate per service unit
walls and A.C. ~beet.o. roof. Calculation of plinth area rate of old school building = Number of beds
23000000 = 350 X 66J3 = Rs. 23,!4,550/-
(iii) Plinth area Tales. ~ = R.~. 25.555.55 sq.m =
Rs. 25556 - 40CXJOOO
- 150 Add water supply, sanitary connection and
(a) R.C.C. building= Rs. 7CXXJ/- sq.m.

Area of new proposed school building = (Number of class electrification charges as I5%.
(bJ Load ~aring building = Rs. 4500/- sq.m. = R.1. 26,666.67 per bed
room x Area of ellCh class room) + (Area of other facilities) 15
rtJ Soln.: :. Approximate cost of newly proposed hospital of 50 beds = JOO X 23,14,550 + 23,14,550
=(10 x 50) +200=700m 2
Approx.imate estimau: of factory building. =Number of beds x rate per bed = 26,61 ,733
Approximate cost of new proposed
(A) Office premiees = 50 X 26,666.67 = Rs. 13,33,333.34 Cost of building = Rs. 26,6 I ,733/-
School building 700 X 25,556
Total built up area = 200 sq.m.
UEx. 4.a:a MU • 0 . 3 A . Dec 19. 10 Marks
Rs. 1,78,89,200 Calculate the total built up area of building as shown in Fig. Ex. 4.8.8.
Rare per sq.m . = Rs. 70CXJ/-
Prepare an approximate estimate of the same building. Assume cost of construction of super structure as Rs.80001sq.m.
Approximare cost =Total built up area x Rate per sq.m
= 200 X 7000 =Rs. 14,00,0CXJ/-
T.a.Neo Pabliratiou••_ftm, Autilon U16pire ioDtmtitm
.....A SACH!NSHAll Yeotu"'

IJ.-i 7)
~ ;e,
- c.·
~ .....
c.· ~~~ of <G+4> fi2llla:l bailtilg -....,
C<aiJid ~ f!L500 Sq.m. ~ is bad ill
~ ~ C0!1 of alii.!IJ'1Jt::t of lllpUJIJaJUrc • h lO.OO:V· Jll.7 sq. aa. ;\faille saiallie r * cf CIJIIIDudiln Ailo

.f 091! _ c- ~
+ %

~ ::::
r-- s gJtk& puvisioo of fund for 3alliuiioa. decDifi&:a., tnla' Jllt1PIJ ac.

-" + ::
:::: g SolrL:
- ?!e :::;

""' - < ~

Built-up area i.e. plinth area = C1rpet area+ cin:u1atioo area+ area occupied by wall and colmm-

2"' + s\ ..~.s C3IJlt!l area = 500 sq. m. Let ·x · be the plinth ma in sq. m.
t -
:v ~ -· 0 and circulalioo area= 25% of plinth area i.e. 0.25 x.


+ =
::1 ~
" riel co ,.vea occupied wall and column = IO':t of plinth area = 0.10 x
Lc.· .

c· " Ri:l
" 25% of plinth area i.e. 0.25 x,

c c
Area occupied wall and column = I0% of plinth area= 0.1 x o
Plinth area~ X 500+ 0.25 x + O.IO x
0.65 X 500

X 769.23

rq:. u. 4..8..8
i.e. plinth area 769.23 sq. m.
6!1 Soft. :
Let us assume rate of construction at Kalyan is Rs. 1500 sq. m.
rAJ r o<aJ built ap area of building =r o<aJ area occupied by each room + Wall thickness and column
Calculation of cost of construction considering rate and various provisions :
Let us calcula!e area of each room with wall thickness
As building is (G + 4) R.C.C. frame building.
Living room = (4500 + 230 + 115) x (3300 + 230 + 115) mm

1. Ground floor of 769.23 sq. m. @cost of Rs. 1500 sq. m. ~ 769.23 x 1500 = Rs. 11.53,845.00
(4.845) x (3.645) (m) = 17.66 sq. m.
2. Atea of master mom (3300 +230+ 115) X (3300 +230+ 115)
2. I" and 2od floor of (2 x 769.23) @cost of Rs. 1650 sq. m. ~ (2 x 769.23) x 1650 =Rs. 25,38,459.00
3.645 x 3.645 (m) = 13.28 sq. m. 3. 3nJ and 4th floor of (2 x 769.23) @cost of Rs. !800 sq. m. ~ (2 x 769.23) x !800 =Rs. 27,69,228.00

Total cost of superstructure= Rs. 64,61,532.00

3. Atea of bed room = (3000 + 230 + 115) x (3300 + 230 + 115)
3.345 x 3.645 (m) = 12.19 sq. m. 4. Add for foundation @ 20% of superstructure= Rs. 12,92,306.4

4. Area of Bath and W.C. (1800 + 230 + 230) x (1200 +I 15 +I 15) Total building cost = Rs. 77.53,838.40

2.260 x I.430 (m) = 3.23 sq. m. 5. Add 2% for architectural tteaunent of total building cost= Rs. !,55.076.76
5. Ateaofopenpassage (970+ 115) x(l200+ 115+ 115) = 1.085 x J.430(m)= 1.55 sq. m. 6. Add 8% for water supply and sanitary charges of total building cost= Rs. 6,20,307.07

6. Area of kitchen = (3000 + 230 + 115) x (2700 + 230 + 115) 7. Add 10% for electrification charges of total building cost= Rs. 7,75,383.84

~.345 x 3.045 (m) = 10.18 sq. m. 8. Add 5% for other services of total building cost= Rs. 3,87,691.92

:. TO!al buil! up area 17.66 + 13.28 + 12.19 + 3.23 + 1.55 + I0.18 = 58.09 sq. m. Overall cost = Rs. 96,92,297.99
(B) Approximate estimate of same building 9. Add contingencies @ 4% of overall cost = Rs. 3,87,691.91

10. Add work-charged establishment @ 10% of overall cost= Rs. 9,69,229.79

.Grant total of estimated cost= Rs. 1, Rs.l,I0,49,220.00

Ill.-........ err. Au/Don in#pirr. innor6tion

.....A J'A£11/N S1WI renlu,. Ttth-Neo Puhlir..tiom........... lnen: Au/bon in1pin: iDno.olinn

Approximate~ !!!! ouant.Survey. Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. ]-civil)

~ximate Estifn8t8S

"""" p>
• •8.11

wott out the plio· th area 0 f building shown in Fig. Ex. 4.8.11. Prepare an approximate estimate of the sarnc assunung
IIEJ· · cost of
cansuuction of superstructure as Rs. 8,()00t sq.m:

r---w---, C2 r---w---,
3.000 4.000

.; Room-1 Room-2 ..,§

C1 D C1
CMpet area of each floor is 320 sq. m. 'ed by wall and column. D
. uJalion area + Area occupt C2
. . ,_,. area -Carpet area+ Cuc
Built up area te. P1ww - PLAN

Lei 'x' be tbe plinth area
Fig. Ex. 4.8.11
:. Circulatioo area = 0.25 1
Aru occu~ by wall and thickness = 0.085 1 fi1 so1n.:

:. Built up area CK plinth area ~ Total built up area of building= Area occupied by bathroom+ Wall thiclrness and column

1 = 320 + 0.251+ 0.085 x = 481.20 sq. m.
I. Area of room I including wall thickness and column
i.e. buill up area = 481.20 sq. m.
: (3 + 0.23 + 0.115) X (3 + 0.23 + 0.23): 3.345 X 3.46 = 11.57 sq. 01.
Lei us a.uume rau: of consuuction = Rs. HXXJ sq. m.
2. Area of room 2 including wall thickness and column
Calculation of cost of consuuction considering ra1e and various provisions
1. Ground noor and first noor of 2 x 481.20 sq. m. @ cost of Rs. 1000 per sq. m. = (4 + 0.23 + 0.115) X (3 + 023 + 0.23): 4.345 X 3.46 = 15.03 sq. m.

= 2x481.20x IOOO=Rs. 9,62.400.00
2. 2"'noorof481.20sq. m. @cosl of Rs. 1100 per sq. m. =481.20x 1100 = Rs. 5,29.320.00
3"'. 4~. s• and 6° of 4181.20 sq. m. each@ cost of Rs. 1200 per sq. m.
= 4 x 481.20 x 1200 =Rs. 23,09,760.00
U 3.

Total built up are of superstructure= 26.6 sq. m.

: . Cost of superstructure of 26.6 sq. m. area @ rate of Rs. 8000/ sq. m. = 26.6 x 8000 = Rs. 2,12,800.00

Add for foundation @ 20% of superstructure cost= Rs. 42,560.00

Total CO!<I of ~uperstruclure = Rs. 38,01.480.00
Total building cost= 2',55,360.00
4. Add for foundation @ 20% of superstructure= Rs. 7,60.296.00
Total building COSI = Rs. 45,61,776.00 5. Add 2% for architectural treatment of total building cost= Rs. 5107.2

5. Add 2% for architcctul'llllleatment of total building cosl = Rs. 91,235.52 6. Add 8% for water supply and sanitary charges of total building cost = Rs. 20,428.8
6. ·Add 8% for water supply and sanitary charges of total building cost = Rs. 3,64,942.08
7. Add I0% for other services of total building cost= Rs. 25,536.00
7. Add 10% for electrification charges of IOial building cost= Rs. 4,56,177.60
8. Add 5% for other services of total building cost Rs. 12,768
8. Add 5% for other services of total building cost= Rs. 2.28,088.80
Overllll COSI = Rs. 57,02,220.00 Overall cosl = Rs. 3,19,200.00

9. Add contingencies @4%of overull cost = Rs. 2.28,088.8 9. Add contingencies@ 4% of overall cost= Rs. 12,768.00
10. Add work-charged eslablishmcnl @ 10%of overall cost= Rs. 5,70,222.00 10. Add work charged establishment @ 10% of overall cost= Rs. 31,920.00
Grand total of cslimaled cost= Rs. 65.00,530.8 I.e. Rs. 65,00,531.00
Grand total of estimated cosl = Rs. 3,63,888.00

Tech-Neo Pub!· tlo

-·· ....A SA£11/N SHAll Yc11tu,.. Tecb-Neo Publications........... AuthorY inspi,.. iDnOI'•tion

-. !:·~:!~Q~uan~t~Su~rve~y,~Esti~
UEx. 4.8.12
· !&~Val~ua~tion~(M~U~-Sem~~·7~-Civi~·~~~)=~(4~-20~)b========App""'=ro=x==ima~te~E~stirna168
~ ~~a:ua~n~t.S~u;rv~e=y,~E=sti~·
Prepare apJKoximatc estimale for G +6 1lC.C. residential bui1diDg consisting of four flat per Door and ~ch tl~ bas a LiEX·4.B-13 ' "'""""~ Approximate Estimates
areaof80 sq. mt Assume £a occupied by walls and column ecc. As 8.5% of buill up area and area of ~treulation 2~
as .....nare on esumate for a residential b . .
l'l~r- Uilding in w
boil~ up ma. Assume cost of COIISiniCtion of superstruciW'C as Rs. IO,<Xn'- per Assume swtable percentage far 01 Plot are= 80 mx 50 m (ii) FS estern sublllbs ofMumb
I "' 1.5 (' :u. (R. C C. framed struclllre)
srmces.. COIIIiDgalcies aad wori: rmhlisbmeat cbarges. (iV) Consider the foundation cost as IS% ut) Butlding is G+ 6 ·
Of SUper.;lluct
0 Soln.: (
v) A]low 22% of building cost for all . ure COsl
vi) A] low 2.5% of overall cost for c ·
llC.C. residmtial building of G + 6, consisting of four flat per floor. ( onsultant fees
(vii) CoD5ider 5.0% provision for cant' . ·
Hence first fiod out area of each floor= 4 x 80 = 320 sq. m. mgenctes.

As Carpel area of each floor is 320 sq. m.
Total plot area = 80 x SO m, 4000 sq. m.
Built up area= Carpet area+ Circulation area+ Area occupied by wall and column Floor space index= 1.5
Let x be built up area. FSlf!29r space covered in all floo r· . .

r. _t.e. lota] built up area)
Ci:rt:ulalion area = 0.25 x Tolal plot area
.. Total built up area FS! T
x olal plot area = 1.5 x 4000 = 6000 . m.
area occupied by wall and column = 0.085 x But residential building is (G + 6) storied sq
. . Buill up area ~ x 6000

:. Area of each floor = - - = 857_14 sq.m.
X 320 + 0.25 X + 0.085 X : 481.20 sq. m.
i.e. Built up area of each floor = 857.14 sq. m.
X 481.20 sq. m.
cost of building construction
i.e. built up area 481.20 sq. m.
Assume cost of construction is Rs. 1000 per sq. m.
Cost of comtruction of superstructure is Rs. l O,IXXJ per sq. m.


2. Add for foundation @ 20% of cost of super.;trucrure =Rs. 67,36,800.00

Cost of consuuction of superstructure (G + 6) with area (7 x 481.20)@ Rs. IO,IXXJ per sq. m.

= 7 X 481.20 X lO,IXXJ = Rs. 3,36,84,1XXJ/-


Ground floor and first floor of area (2 x 857.14) sq. m. @cost of Rs. J(XXJ per sq. m. =2 x 857.14 x 1000

= Rs. 17,14,280.00

2'd floor area (857. 14) sq. m. @cost of Rs. 1100 per sq. m. = 857.14 x 1100 = Rs. 9,42,854.00

3"'. 4~ , 5", 6~ floor area (4 x 857.14) sq. m. @cost of Rs. 1200 per sq. m.
Total building cost = Rs. 4,04,20,800.00 4 X 857.14 X 1200 = Rs. 41,14,272.00
3. Add 2% for architccrural treatment of total building cost= R.~. 8,08,416.00 Total cost of superstructure Rs. 67,71,406.00

4. Add 8% for wau;r supply and sani!My charges of total building cost= R.s. 32,33,664.00 4. Add foundation cost of 18% of superstructure cost= Rs. 12,18,853.08

5. Add 10% for electrification changes building cost= R.s. 40,42,080.00 Total building cost = Rs. 79,90,259.08

6. Add 5% for other services of total building cost = R.s. 20,21 ,040.00 5. Allow 22% of building cost for all sources= R.~. 17,57,856.99
Overall cost = Rs. 5.05,26,1XXJ.OO\- Overall cost = Rs. 97,48,116.07

6. Allow 2.5% of overall cost for consultant fees= Rs. 2,43,702.90

7. Add contingencies @ 4% of overall cost = RR. 20,2 l ,040.00

8. Add work changed establishment @ 10% of overall cost R.s. 50,52,600.00 7. .Allow s.O% proVIS
. .IOn ,,or contingcncies· -- Rs· · 4'87,405.80
. d . Rs - 104 79,224.77
Grand total of est1matc cos1 · · - · '
Grand total estimated cost R.I. 5,75,99,640.00

-4 SACHINS/WI y,.,.,.
. . ,,.4 ,Autho(!( in.f(Jirr: innovation l'uLiu:aliOnK
Tr.d.-Neo Puhliatioou......... J1w. Jut!.on in1J1in: inntw1tion .....J SACHINJ1UII f'<ntun:

Approximate Estilll&tee ouant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sern. 7.Civti) (-4-23) Approximate Estimates
, Elll. & Valu111011 (
MU-Sem 7-Civll) ~~e . . .
-·loilft!l . . '(bcl'e an: (our flat.~ on each floor ~ __,., an approximate estimate cost filr (G + l) Rcc • ol. . 30 feet x SO feet with
•ramed row bouse constructed on plot s&ze
UEx. U.t4lliiiiMBiiW& - - - friDI'd ~ bUildiliB· ft.
l'IW'""" .
..c!J., !. constder c05t of construction of IUJlCrSlructu Rs 'red .....
. r cost for (0 + 2) RCC IJUCIUI'C,. Rs. 850 per sq. '"" re = .800 / sq. ft. Assume other requt .._
-~-""i00 of supers
- 10 approll.iaUift estJJIIIIe _O....... (:oosider (lOS( 0 £wuou--
having catpet ma of 1200 !II· ft. cao•
It! sotn.:
Total plot area
AIIUIIIC other n:quirc:d daLL 30 feet x 50 feet =1500 sq. ft.
li1J Soln.: PSI I Total built up area
framed suucrure building. FSI Total plot area
Approumate estimate of (G + 2) RCC ·
. . Total built up area PSI X Total plot area= I x 1500

There are four flat on each floor =>
Built up area 1500sq. ft.
:. Alea if each floor = 4 x t200 sq. ft.= 4800 sq. ft
"cd by wall and column But row house is (G + I)
Built up ma = Calpel ma + Circulation area + Area occup•

:. Area of each floor -2- = 750 sq. ft.
Let1 be built up area. Let circulation ma = 25% i.e. 0·25 1

and ·m a occupied by wall and column =0.085 1 Built up area of each floor 750 sq. ft.

:. Built up area => Cost of construction of superstructure== BOO Per sq. ft.

4800 +0.25 1 + 0.085 1 I. Ground floor and I" floor of area (2 x 750) sq. ft. @ cost of Rs. BOO per sq. ft.

7218.04 sq. ft. = 2 X 750 X BOO= Rs. 12,00,000.00 (cost of superstructure)
i.e. buill up area of each floor 7218.04 sq. ft. z. Add foundation cost of 20% of super.>tructure cost = Rs. 2,40,000.00 Total building cost= 14,40,000.00
cost of consuuctioo of superstructUre= Rs. 800 per sq. fL for ground and t• floor.
3. Add 2% for architectural treatment of total building cost= Rs. 28,800.00

I. Cost of construction of superstructur< 4. Add 8% for water supply and sanitary charges of total building cost Rs. 1,15,200

For ground and t• floor =
(2 X 7218.04) X 850 = Rs. 1,22,70,668.00

Cost of construction of2"' tloor@ Rs. 1000 per sq. ft.= 7218.04 x 1000 = 72,18,040.00

Cost of superstructure = 1,94,88.708.00

U 5.


Add tO% for electrification charges of total building cost= Rs. 1,44,000 •

Add 5% for other services of total building cost = Rs. 72,000.001-

Add contingencies @ 4% of overall cost= Rs. 72,000.

Add work charge establishment 10% of overall cost= Rs. 1,80,000

Overall cost = Rs. 18.00,000.00
3. Add for foundation @ 20% of cost of superstructure = 38,97, 741 .6 9. Grand total of estimated cost= Rs. 20,52,000.00
Total building cost = Rs. 2,33,86,449.60 Chapter Ends


4. Add 2% for archit«tural treatment of total building cost= Rs. 4.67,728.99

5. Add 8% for water supply and sanitary charges of total building cost = Rs. I8,70,915.96

6. Add 10% for electrification charges of total building cost= Rs. 23,38,644.96

7. Add 5% for other services of total building cost Rs. 11,69,322.48

Overall cost = Rs. 2,92,33,061.99

8. Add contingencies@ 4% of overall cost= Rs. 11,69,322.48

9. Add work changed establishment @ 10%of overall cost= Rs. 29,23,306.19

Grand total of estimated cost= Rs. 3,33,25,690.66 Rs. 3,33,25,691

Tcch-Neo Puhlicatioou
• ...A SACHJNSHAH Yenture

Detailed Estimates

Detailed Estimate : Definition and purposes of detailed estimate, Data required for preparation of detailed estimate.
Methods of taking out quantities such as long wall and short wall method, Centre line method etc.

UQ. 5.3.1
UQ. 5.3.2
Explain Centre line method.
Introduction ..................... ........................ .. ...................................................................................................................... 5-2
Steps in Preparation of detailed Estimate ....................... ...................................... .......................................................... 5-2.
Different Methods of taking Out Quantities .......... .. .................... ....... .. .................. ........ .. ....... .......................... .. ...... ....... 5-3

Explain the difference between Centre line method and long wall -short wall method.
MU- Ma
.. ................................ .. ...... ............................... .... 5-4

16. 4 Marks ....................................... .... ....................... ............................................. .............. 5-5

5.4 Factors to be considered during Preparation of Detailed Estimate ........................................ ........................................ 5-6
5.5 Problem for Load Bearing Structure ............... ............ ................ ...................................... ................. ..... ........................ 5-7
5.6 Estimate of A. C.C. Frame Structure ...... .. ............ ....................................... ....... .......... .. .. .. .. ......... .. .. ......... .... ............. .. 5-34
Previous Universit Paper Questions

UEx. 5.6.3 (MU - Q. 3(A), May 16, 20 Marks) ...............,........................................................ .................................... . 5-38
UEx. 5.6.4 (MU- May 16, 2 Marks) .................................. .... .. .. ...................... :.......... .......... .... .................. ............ ...... 5-42

UEx. 5.6.5 (MU- Q. 2, Dec. 16,20 Marks) .... ............................................ ............... .............. ...................... .............. . 5-43
UEx. 5.6.6 (MU- Q. 1(a), May 17, 20 Marks) ...................... ................................, ......... .............................................. 5~48
UEx. 5.6.7 (MU- May 17, 6 Marks) .......................... .................................. .......... ........ ............................ ............ ...... 5-52 .
UEx. 5.6.8 (MU- Q. 1, Dec. 17, 20 Marks) ........ .............................. ................. ............................................ ...... .......... 5-52
UEx. 5.6.9 (MU - Q. 1, May 18, 20 Marks) ........ .. ....... .. ........ ............................ ...................................................... .... . 5-56
UEx. 5.6.10 (MU - Q. 1, Dec. 18, 20 Marks) .................................................. .... ...... ........ ............ .......... ...... ...... .. ........ 5-60
UEx. 5.6.11 (MU- Q. 1, Dec. 19,20 Marks) ....................... ...................... .......... .. ...... ....... .... .................... ~ ............... .. 5-63

0 Chapter Ends ............................................................................................................................................................... ~9
L --- ----

Detailed Estimates re1 ,.,.,.,ntSurvey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem' ?-elvin'I

l!tj ..,._ (5-3)
. Detailed Estimates
(&-2) ~
~ QuantSurvey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sent 7 -CiVil) ; - 5.3 DIFFERENT METHODS OF TAKING OUT QUANnnES
the accurate estimate the <limen · 1 dra ing
.., 5.1 JNTRODUCTION · . /estimator/quantity surveyor With For ' SJOn, ength, breadth and height or depth are taken out correctly from w ·
__,.,.Jt by lhe engJOee~
· -~ ture is to be 1"~..-- ceed 10% to 15%. For accurate estimate junctions of wall reqwre· spec'aJ .
'l'be' detailed eslimale of the stnJC . ed cost does not e;<
rual cost and esumat
. .
- 1 attentiOn. care
50 that the margin between

To eslimale the rost of sucb

!he ac
. .
proposed budding
()( strUCture. estimawr requ

Drawing sbould be coosisting of plan, elevation _and secuon-

ired drawing, spec1ficat10n and rates

line method, crossing method etc

- Tbe method of taking out quantities are classified as follows :

(a) Long wall and short wall method

(b) Centre line method

. . . metbods like PWD method, cen[J'(: .
While pteparing detailed esOmate by vanous

(c) Crossing method
take all dime0 sions from drawing. .
Estimalor should be able to from the section and elevation.
· the h ·ght or depth are taken ~ (a) Long waU and short waU method
The Jeogtb and breadth are taken from the plan. while el
An This method is also known as 'PWD' method or 'Out-to-Out' and 'In-to-In' method.

. lltt85 of each Item of work and finding cost PWD method is commonly adopted in our country.
Prepandlon of detailed •llmate consist of working out quan
1'¥ procedure
. from drawing and quantities of each item are
The dimension like lengtb, breadth. height of each 1tem are taken
I. By referring the plan, draw centre line plan for same.

calculated, abstracted and costing is computed. Module

2. By observing dimension of walls, take decision to categories walls as a long wall or short wall. ·
3. Consider wall spanning in horizontal direction as Out-to-Out or long wall and wall spanning in vertical direction as 'In-
(A) Taking our quantities
to In' or 'short wall' in plan. Or consider throughout vertical wall as long wall and throughout horizontal wall as short
(B) Squaring the dimension wall.
(C) Abstrnctiog
4. Calculate the centre to centre lengths of long wall and short wall.

~ (A) Taldng out quaotity

Divide the whole work into different items of works such as earthwork, concrete work, brickwork, plastering work

Then the items are classified and grouped under different subheads.
U (i) Calculation of length of 'long wall' as out to out:

i.e. Length of long wall

i.e. length of long wall

centre to centre '\ {balf width of item'\ ( half wide of '\
Gength of long waiV + \ on one side ) + item on other side.J

C/C length of long wall + width of item

(ii) Calculation of length of 'short wall' as into in :
Take the details of measurement of each item of work and enter the measurement of each item of work in
measurement sheet. i.e. Length of short wall
( centre of centre '\ (half width of item'\ _ ( . half wide of.
\Length of short walt/\ on one side )
1tem on other s1d
Once the measurement of each item of work is entered in measurement sheet, squaring of dimension is done. i.e. length of short wall C/C length of short wall - width of item.

~ (B) Squaring
(width of item like excavation, PCC, VCR Brick work etc.)
Squaring is multiplication of number, length, breadth, height or depth to get area or volume which are entered in 5. Multiply the above calculated length by width and depth in measurement sheet to get the quantity.
last two column of measurement sheer. (i.e. Quantity and total quantity)
~ (C) Abstracting r------l

- The cost of each item of work is calculated at the workable rate.
The Jotal .
cost IS warted out and entered io the abstract of estimate form.
3% 10 5% is added for contingencies to allow for unforeseen expenses du .
h .
nng t e execut1on of work
' - - - - - - - - _ ___J

I y, % 10 2% is added for work charged establishment. . Length of long wall = L

- The grand total thus obtained is the estimated cost of project
Tech-Nee l'oobliatioa,_ fie, Aut&.n isi(Jirr iiiiHM/Hm . UCI)Fig. 5.3.1

.....A SACHINSHAJII'enlure Tt:th-Neo Puhlieation&.-._..__ lnere Au11Jon iDlpire i~tiotl

Detailed Estimates
Detailed Est;~~ s.,auant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. ]-Civil) (5-5)

. ·•u-sern. 1..c1vil) ~ 8111 ple

· &VaiUBtiOI'I ("' 2
Quant. Survey. Esti· n. +812 (i) wall meeting from three direction (n) = 1 (ii) Wall meeting from four direction (n)

L " C1C length +B n == 4(1)+2

0 0
C1C length +B 3
CIC length = 2 x ( :} + + 0.3 + 2 + 23)
i.e. L " gth
_an. Number of junction (n) 6
s" CJC]eD - + 3 (023 + 2 +On
CJC length - B
i.e. S =
=18.1 m ,..- -
--rl -----"'!
Example .th wall thickness 300 mm. No. of junction (n) = I + I = 2 r I

. •. - .1 dirneDSiOD 5 X 41D WI

Consider a room of m~a '"'1

Calculalioo of 'L' aDd ·s· for brick work iltlll. .

Width of brick work item= 0.3
+ width of wall or JltDI 1
f . - - - - f.f - - - : iI
Length of loog wall (L) " CJC length .

+half wall thick+ half wall thick I
il ac length " 5
0.300 ~
0.3 m
5+2+ 2 3X 2m _=.J

l __ _ L __w.

ac length 5.3
(1C4}Fig. 5.3.4

:. L " 5.3 + 0.3 = 5.6 m uc:z1Fig. 5.3.2
Sbort wall length (s) " ac length- Width of wall or item (ICJJFig. 5.3.3
0.3 0.3
ac1ength = 4+T+T=4.3
a- comparison between long wall and short wall method and centre line method
:. s 4.3-0.3 ------- ------- ---- --------- ------ ---- ----- --- -------· ----- ----- -- ------ ---------- ----- ----- ----- ---------------- --
! uQ. s .3.2. Explain tN diFfe~e betwun Centre liN MdNul and lo"9 wall-s#lort wall ~
S 4m

.--------- ------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------

UQ. 5.3.1 ~CUtin li"' lfltltl>,od.

This is easy and quick in calculations.

-------------- ------------------- --- -----
MU - Dec. 18. 4 Marks
..... . -----·-·------- -- ----------- --------.. ..
~ (a) Long wall and short wall method
(i) Suitable for small building having one/two rooms.
MU · Ma
'-- ---------- --- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 4 M<Hks
(ii) Takes more time
w Procedure
(iii) Percentage of accuracy is more
l. Draw !be centre line plan for given dr.lwing (Plan). (iv) No need of consideration of (N), No. of junction of wall.
2. Calculate !be IOta! length of centre line which remain constant. (v) Formula :

3. Calculate !be number (o) of junction carefully. L C/C length of wall+ Width of item
4. Take number of junction for walls meeting from three directions i.e. n = 1. s C/C length of wall - Width of item
5. Take number of junction for wall meeting from four directions i.e. n " 2. ~ (b) Centre line method
6. Calculate !be length of item as, (i) Suitable for rectangular, circular polygonal (hexagonal, octagonal etc.) buildings having no inter or cross walls.
I (ii) Take comparatively less time.
L = ac length- 2X DO. of junction (o) X width of item
(iii) Percentage of accuracy is little less.
7. Multiply !be length by !be width and depth to get the quan''ty f . .
u o parucular 1tem. (iv) Calculate no. of junction carefully.
8. For building baving different types of walls each set f all
. o w s shall be taken separately. (v) Formula :
L = GC length - (t X No. of junction X width of item)

--.A SACH/11' SHAH Yeot~~~t Ttth-Neo PublicatioDJ- --·- IFI!ere Authon iospirt iooorstioo

i ~. EA.' \'IllatiOn (t.CU-Sem. 7-0\i) (s-6)

Detailed Eaurn.
• (c) ~ Mldled
. . ak laled and lbcn four times lhe thickness of the CrtJs .
ba 11us lllt0..'1d tilt 0'-c:rall pcnmetc of lbt bllildi~ L\ c ·u • sona
. .h. . liubk for uuly squart or rccungular building~ 0 Ol~
cirduaoed 1D at-cam thr ~ linr ~· Thi lllC""'-" o~ IJlP
E•· 5.5.1
fig. EA. 5J.J(a) \how~ plan or .
• IIIJ jiJDc.txJm o( cnm -.·al . Single roorn IJu·
excavation in foundation (ii) Li tiding with ......
. me COncrete bed . ._,lOll of waiJ E.Um.c
ttl 5.4 FACTOIS TO IE CONSIDEUD DUliNG PUPARATION OF DETAILED foundation and plinth (ivJ first cl- 5 br' on fOUncJcion ("') · die qualcjes of: (i) ~woO: in
~· ockwon: 10· lit f'tnl cbieic bric ·
ESTIMAn method and (2) centre line method. ctment lllOnat (I . . kwOit Ill c:emmr IIIOIW (I : 4) in
' 6) tn ..--~- •
..,..._.._,un: IIIIJII {l) lone wall and lbor1 wall

Quantity and availability of maJ.erial

4. l...ocarion of so~

6 llll1't of woO:

• L Spwfft.ef'w

Speaflallla! p¥Ca dcoatpooo of rm&mah md llltlhod of eucuuoo of work..

SpccnlabOil PYefl by 01I'DIC: or clcpanmcnl should be known before lhe pfCJYdT'dlion of del;oltd ewmau:.

TID 'P'tCifJCaiJIXI of ncm ot woO: dcadel. tht ~ ttucl<ne&s
0.3 m
• 2. ~-~· fl....,.,

'T'b. dewnxl q:unmy ot rn:oiCI'laJ r.houJd be ~Valbblc m tht vionity of ~i~ of worl:

'T'b. I'Y2l1ab!lny al mau:ru.J ..,. and wbeo rcqtoJrul wt.IJ not hatnpe! tht •Nor!: and labour canOOI JII odie.

• 3.. T,.....,..._fl_..
quamny or •mall quantzty dependong on tht volume of worl:.

• 4. ,_._fl. fie. E.1. !.5.Uat

II U ~ IV VJAII tht Wlc bd!Kt prqr.r4000 u( ll ddaJJtd e1lJJTlaU

0 Soln. :
long W3JI and 6hort w;,Jl mt1Jiod

If a iocaltt1 ~ ""' eM pba 'II>'!D~ ~ unlo;odml uf 1lli4erulJ are l'ltUWI1}'. pol6ibiJJiy of damage• ('Jf '""
Ill Dr~w centre lone plat!
6:ln:t lr"""?'...c'!.lll¥.«1 ...O.JJd f.<: V J!'i catdUIJ)

If pr<>pct apprr..,c;t, rUl ~r:,d ~k:t..:trrfl(..l<llf.Jil lilt rO. lfV~JW:>ie. lhrn ltq'JOi e>. lllfg.t cow lor rwome, herefore 11 1hould
bo: ~ wlatlc prqMtltt eUIII'Gik

• !. ·~ ~~-· ... 1--- - - ---

"· ..,rllirJ!Jor, i ~/..M • , g~e.Uy itdw.J c prcpat..urAl uf l.le:WIW euml<llt
6.l m
S dl ao:! l2lGty ~ o1 .e lrl'~a! J.;oty.J!JT MI':JUlll!J! wrr'.odati.J :dure Jilo/dliftll>ll (I(~ Clt'l4licd e>.llrrJaU:

• "' .~fl•frl

n-.. qw.:A.sty r.A nar. rt ukllww QfdullJ aril li.ct1 If rawre uf wrA n larv;. 11111•'- fXJflilLltm c:harv;1, rlliJleflill
n111boble .t,-..ulll bot o.-ldati.J 111ill 1f n u u r>i!l tben ;,villl;•bllny uf il£~1 //l<lltfllll ;,nd labiJIJ/ ~htAJid be wn~l(Jcrtd.

J........_,, - -·.A JA£11/NJ1WI YMiun;

~ Quant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-CiVi~ (S-8} ~ (S-9)
Detailed Estimates
N Item o, - '~lib {L) B
Assume wall spanning in horizontal direction as long wall and wall 6m
~r.· ..
,..--::..o'--+- -----1._--' __ (Bretltd)
. lb Depth/ Height Quantfty
spanning in vertical direction as short wall. Step 3 : Brickwork in plinth ~ {D/Hj meter. Total
_ r---__ - -- --..:.:::.._...:...L_ __:__l~q~
.. ac length oflong wall= 6 + (2 )f)= 6.3 m --+-Lo-ng_w_al_I_(L_)--+-.:::
02::_ __11 6-;------r---
03 - Short wall (S) 02 1"--~ ~--:-0_5:::----,--2-6-8 --,--- -.....J
ac length of short wall = 4.5 + (2 X ) = 4.8 m i --
.4 04 :--r----=~--1--~
- ~-~-----J
(1C8) Fig. Ex. S.S.l(c) '----- ' 0.5 1.76
(No. of long wall = two and no. of short wall = two) .
Explanation : 15.762 m

Depth I Height Quantity Total
Item DescriptloG <-1 No. l..eD&tl (L)
.....,. ~
I quantity T Step 3
Step I : L"' 6.3 + 0.7 =
7 m, S "'4.8- 0.7 = 4.1
No. ltftn (B) meter (D/8) meter
- 0.5 0.4

I. Eanhwort in excavation :
l Step D : L = 6.3 + 0.5 - 6
Long wall (L) 02 7.2 0.9 1.1 14.256 m step 2 - ·8 m, s = 4.8- 0.5 = 4.3
Sholt wall (S) 3.9 0.9 1.1 ?.722 m
21.98 m1


Explmatioo :

Long wall length (L) = ac length oflong wall + width of item (B) = 6.3 + 0.9 = 7.2 m .. (excavation width= 0.9 m)
Fig. Ex. 5.5.1 (d)
Sbon wall length (S) = ac length of sbon wall- width of item (B) = 4.8 - 0.9 = 3.9 m
4. First class brick work in superstructure
Depth (D) of excavation = 0.2 + 0.3 + 0.6 = 1.1 m

Long wall (L) 02 6.6
2 Lime concrete in foundation . 0.3 3.2 12.672
Short wall (s) 02 4.5
l 0.3 3.2 8.64
Long wall (L) 02 7.2 0.9 0.2 2.592 m
l Total A 21.312 m
Sbon wall (S) 02 3.9 0.9 0.2 1.404m
Explanation: (Brickworks) L = 6.3 + 0.3= 6.6m
3.996 m S - 4.8 0.3 = 4.5 m

ExplaDation L and S calculation same as excavation item Explanation : (Deducting) D = 1.2 x2.10m.
D=0.2m W = l x 1.20m

Lintel depth - 0.15 m

3. First class Brickwort in foundation and Plinth
Deduction for opening :
Step 1 : Brickwork In Foundation
Doors 01 1.20 0.3 2.1 0 0.756
Long wall (LJ 02 7 0.7 0.3 2.94 Window 1.00 0.3
04 1.20 1.44
Short wall (5) 02 4.1 0.7 0.3 1.722 lintel over :
Door OJ 1.50 0.3 0.15 0.0675
Step 2: Brickwork in Foundation Window 04 1.30 0.3 0.15 0.234
Long wall (L) Total B 2.~975 m
02 6.8 0.5 0.6 4.08
(Add 0. I5 projection on both side for lintel)
Short wall (S) 02 4.3 0.5 Brickwork= A- B = 21.312 - 2.4975 = 18.81Sm
0.6 2.58
T<do-Ne. Publir.aioao__
H err Authon inK. in: ionor•tio.
.... .A .S'AOIJN.\1WI Yt r11urc = Nt o l'uhl1eatiu n.!1 ........... Whrrt: Authoa ln.'P'"' mmmt1on

auant.Survey. Esti. & Valuation (MU-

Sem. 7-ciVil)
~tr~tshHt --~~~~~~~==----- ~~~~E~~E~~~mU-
rr::l. Iced' Description ollte.n r--

\ ~\ 1'10- ~ Ulllt h&e Uait ~t

....__ - - - - - - - __.J

Ol Earthwork in excavation

Ita. P.

... P.

21.98 m' 157 l
.00 m 3450. 86
02 Line concrete in foundation.
~ 1996 m' 4766 .00 3
m 19044. 93
03 First class brickwork in foundatj
oo and Pliruh
,.--- - 15.762 m' I

1- \.::,J
3700 .00

m 58319. 4
~ First class brickwork in su~
f..--- - I 18.&82 m' 3&50 \.oo m
T111Y.J. 7

L 0.9 1.1 21.97 m' \ !.--- Total l$35ll. .,

3 EX- 5.5.2
To1.a1 I 21.98 m 1

Prt1JW! an est.imar.e of one room block of \1 x 5 M f .
· J or follo..'lllf; iian of "aL
[ (I) Exca,·atioo for foundation
(-l P.CC (I : 4 : 8) in foundation
::. 1..1::2 c::oa::= ;:::; o_ 3.99oo?
(3) CCR masonry in foundation in C\t (1 : 6)
~L = Z:.:
(4) C.R. masonry in pl.intb in C\t 0:6}

F5 da& ::ntb-~
SIL!p I : U Trbl
(5) D.P.C a! plinrh level
(6) B . ·ort in SUper51IUCtllre in CM C1 :6J
R.C.C slab 15 em thick
41i62 Long wall and sbon •• 4.1 I llXIhod fP'\II'D metlni]
). lil 03
Caure line rne!hc..d ;-.
Skpl :

L = 1:1.2. B = ' ~ (_.. ! -1 ().6


SIL!pJ : O PC pan t-d)

22.1 fJA ()_5 4M

T!lUI 15.762 m RIYAl
7 ,_5

i:lt". d-.n fJ ~ 122 21 31 2

I 0
TtbJA 21 .3 12"'
IM~-11A.J 1
T•A:ol .K 2.4'175 m

· ____ --
"'-,4odw,....,.,.-- ---AKAWI!f.\1/AII Ye111ut<

~ ~ant Survey Esti & ValuatiOO(MU-Sem

Iii Ouant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-CIVil) (5-12) Detailed Estirnates
. 7-civil)
...... (5-13)
Description of Item '.,, Detailed Estimates
ltJ Soln. : lteJII INo.' 'Length .,·
~0- ' . ' 'Breacllh Depth/
a> long waD and short waD metbod(PWD) method ' (LJ liieter Quaoilty T~
I ' ., " ~)..- Hefpt:(DIR)
Assume horizontal spanning wall as long wall and vertical spanning wall as short wall. v .
Providmg and laying in site
'-----1--~ .< 'lnetei ' •
' . ;; quantity

2- cement '
Draw centre line plan. L concrete (1:4:8) of trap metat for

r----- -,T foundation and bedding including

bailing out water, form Work,

i0i 5.3m compacting and curing etc. complete

~ 1--

Long wall (L)
f-- - - - - - - - - 02 8.5 1.2 3
1----- 0.2 4.08m
7.3 m Short wall (S) 02

- 1.2 0.2 L968m

(1Cti)Fig. Ex. 5.5.2(c)

0.3 0.3 3
CJC length of length wall = 7 + 2 + 2 = 7. m
- l Providing uncoursed rubble masonry
of trap stone 10 CM (1:6) in
Total 6.048 m

0.3 0.3 IModul~

CJC length of short wall 5 +2 + 2= 5.3m foundation including bailing out of
water, ·striking joints on unexposed
(No. of long wall= 02, No. of short wall = 02)
faces and watering etc. Complete
Measurement Sheet ~

Long wall (L) 02 8.1 0.8 0.5 6.48 m


Item Descrlpdoo.of Item No. Leagth Breadth Depth/ Quantity Total

U Short wall (S) J

02 4.5 0.8 0.5 3.6m
No. (L) meter (B) meter Height (D/H) quantity
meter Total 10.08 m

l. Excavation for foundation in the earth Explanation L = 7.3+0.8 =8.1

soil of all types, removal of the s = 5.3-0.8 =4.5
excavated material upto a distance of
4. Providing coursed rubble masonry of
50 m beyond the building area and
trap stone in CM (1 : 6) in external
staking and lift upto 1.5 m preparing

walls of plinth including bailing out

the bed for foundation with necessary
ramming, watering water. Striking joints inside and
back filling
racking out joints from outside and
including shoring and strutting etc.
watering. I
complete 3
0.6 0.4 3.792 m
Long wall (L) 02 7.9
Long wall (L) 02 8.5 1.2 0.8 16.32 m J
0.6 0.4 2.256 m
Short wall (S) 02 4.7
Short wall (S) 02 4.1 1.2 0.8 7.872 m Total 6.048mJ
Total 24.192 m
L = 7.3 + 0.6 = 7.9
Explanation : •
Explanation L = 7.3 + 1.2 = 8.5
s- 5.3 - 0.6 =4.7
s = 5.3 -1.2 = 4.1 _,1 JACHINSIL4II r-
Tecb-Neo PublicatiGDS.- - Ine"' Autl»n iJUpU" ,._.
.....A SACH/NSI/All Venture

Detailed estimates
Detailed Es~rnatee
t surveY Esti & Valuation (MU ·Sem. 7-ciVil)
oo8fl · • . (5-15)
Iii QuantSUrvey, Esti. 7
& ValuatiOn (MU·5eiTI· ,.ciVil)
. ,
.· ilfelddl
ae~Pt (J>/8)
Quantity T-:
~J)esCription ofltem .
I ,, . .
No• . · Length
(L) meter
(B) meter '
. ~t.h! '
·I ~tr 1.. .:12~ .

~ ~0. meter

v-- --
N~ (8) jpelel"
No. 0
()eiUipdilll or~

- -
(L) aaeter
___:_- f..-

---· 1.
- >--
providing and costing in site cement 01
concrete tvU5 (1 :2:4) of trap metal
(or R.C.C slab 15 em thick including
7.7 5.7 0.15 6.58 m

daliiP proof centering. form work, compacting aod

5. Providing and laying
course 5 em thick in cemcot COJ1CidC curing etc complete


bituiDCii using total 6.58 01
(1 :2:4) layer and 1---'
concrete with walet 2
9.48 m ~. Considering slab projection 0·2 m from all side
E"planation :
compound. 0.6

7.9 2 L = 7.3 + 0.4 = 7.7

Loog wall (L) 02 5.64m
0.6 B = 5.3 + 0.4 = 5.7
4.7 15.12m2
Short wall (S) 02 Total
(II) eentre hoe Method
oraw centre line plan ~------l

Providing second clasS bum brick
masomY with LS. type bricks or
cooventiooal type in CM (I :6) in I ' - - - - - - ------'
supc:rstructtue including raking out
and sailing joint (1C14jfig. EL S.S.l(d)

scaffolding. walering eu:. complete

LOOg wall (L)

Short wall (S)


02 1




!3.68 m

Number of junction (N) = 0
0.3 0.3] [ 0 3 0 3]
C/Ciength ofwali = 2 [ 7+z+T +2 5+2+2 =14.6.+10.6

CIC length of wall 25.2 m

Measurement Sheet Quantity Total
Length (L) meter Breadth quantity
L = 7.3 + 0.3 = 7.6 Description or Item No. (B) meter (Dill) meter
Fspk...OOU: Item 3
s = 5.3 -0.3 = 5 No. 0.8 24.192 m

25.2 1.2
Ol Excavation for
()edudiD& ror ~: foundation Total 24.192m

I 2.00 0.72
01 1.2 0.3
(i) Door (D)
0.3 1.50 1.35 I I
(u) Wmdow (W 1) 03 1.0
E"planation: L = CIC length - 2 x N x B = 25.2 -2 x 0 x 1.2 = 25.2
0.3 0.15 0.06 0.2 6.048 m
(iii) Liotel over (D) 01 1.5 1.2
0.!755 02 Laying Cement
(iv) Liotel over (W 1) I03 I 1.3 0.3 0.15
concrete for J
Total 6.048m
Total 2.305 m foundation
.....A S.4CDINSll411 r~snue
:. Net quantity of brick Masonry - (A B) -20.38m I 2
Ttth-Neo Publications.---- - Where Authors 1D5f1«" UJIHI' UOD

T....,._NW+w n.n.htl.nWpirr~

Detailed E ti
s rna~ rCI ouant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil) (5-17)
r~ ~
I li1 OuantSurvey, Esli. & VaJual1011. (Ml)-Se/11 7-Civil)
r_,.,cb(L)- - ~
(IJ{Hl meter
peptW&eilflt Quantity /
e•·s.s.3 .

No. detailed estimate for double room building <Load"-~~-

llem Desaiplioo "'111m prepare a """'mg structure) by
parapet wall
_ _ ,------
. 0.5 I0.08m
J (f! [.DOg
wall and short wall method
.,.-- 0.2 m thick

--------- line method
(lll een
08 [JC

OJ Providing U.C.R in OJ
25.2 w,
--L..---- ~.....-:::::::::r----a=:::r---,
to.os rnl

0.6 0.4
6.048 m

04 Providing and laying OJ Room 1 Room2
CR masonry in w, 4.5.x6m 3.5 x 6m w,
Total 6.048ml -----

25.2 0.6
---- D,
O.J m wall thidt
05 Providing and laying OJ
Total 15.I2m2
- Plan


J (1C1S)Fig. Ex. 55.3(a)
OJ 3 22.68m
06 ~vidiog 2"' class OJ 25.2
brickwork in

Total A 22.68m 3
Deduction ror opening

(i) Door (D)

(ii) Window (W 1)





U li'f
(tC11lFic. Ex. s5.3(b)
(iii) Lin~l over (D) OJ 1.5 OJ 0.15 0.06 (I) Long wall and short wall method [PWD method]
(iv) Lin~! over (W1) OJ JJ Assume horizontal spanning wall as long wall and vertical spanning wall as short walL
OJ 0.15 0.1755


Draw centre line plan

Total 8- 2.305m t
Long wall no. 02 I
:. Net -quantity of Brick Ma1onry I
A B - 20.38m J Short wall no.
07 03 I
Providing and laying 01 I
7.7 5.7
cement concre~ slab 0.15 6.58 I
C/C length of long wall
s1 16.3
or 15 em thick I
8.6m I
CIC length of short wall 6 + OJ + 0.3 =6 3 t
Total 6.58m
J 2 I

t ----~~---L,-----~~--j
(1C17)Fig. Ex. 5.5.3(c)

.....A SAC/11/Y SHAH Yentutt ....A SA.CHIN SHAH f'eat~~n~

Tech-Neo PubliCJitions........... Where Authon· inspire inno,..tion
~1 -------
l§il ouant.survey Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem 7 Civil) (5-19) Detailed~:
Detailed Eati
Descrlptlonofltem I I . '
No. ·• ~- / BRaath •
J -;·

.n.pdl/ .• ·· QuantitY
•• I ; ToW';;
/"· • ·. • ...
(5·18) --..::::::: (L) .' ·<~ / . .qiuuitity,'
~0 • -~~older; : ~:; ~ ~~ :-~:,.) ::
~ Quantity Tota~l
Quant Survey. EB!I. & Valuai!On (
MU Sern 7-Civil) ~I meter . :;If:_


s..-1* fiefpi quanttty ~t-Br-ic~k-w-or~k-m-~~so-nry~fu-r-----L--~~---1~:_--~~~~~~~~~~~~~
No. f.dlllb
Item o.crtpdoa olltem (L) ..,ettr (B) ..,ettr (1)!8) meter
4- ~r---~~-----r~----.---~-----,----~-----l
No. ~ ~ _::::.:...-;.-- ........- (a) superstructure _

_,----- 0.9 17.28m

3 --......... ~~~------~w~ng~w-ru~I:(L~Ji-oo-1---8-9--~----~---3----+-t6-.02--m~3~r<~i)----l
Earth work excavation for foundation
~f.-- +---------:---~-t--t-~·--+--=0.3~~--~--~~--~~~---
Long wall (L) 02 9.6 14.3 1 m
~ Short wall (S) 03 6 OJ 3· 16.20 m3 (ii)
- 0.9 -
Short wall (S)· 03 5.3 -~L----- Total 3l.S9ml ---- v-- Explanation L =8.6 + 0.3 =8.9,

L=8.6+ 1.0=9.6
---- ~
s = 6.3- 0.3= 6 -
(b) Parapet wall
---- -

~ Long wall (L) 00 8.8 3
3.168 m
0.2 0.9

2. P.CC bed for foundation 3 ~ Shon wrul (S) 02 3
2. 196m

0.2 3.84 m 6.1 0.2 0.9
9.6 1.00
+ ii_+_m_·+__lv_)~~-L3_7_~_~__m_ 1
Long wall (L) 02 3
3. 18 m
5.3 1.00 0.2

Short wall (S) 03 Deduction for opening
Total 7.02m 3
- I) 01 1.2 0.3 2.1 0.756 m

Explaoalioo L=8.6+l=9.6 2) 01 0.9 2

s- 6.3 -I= 5.3 3) 04 1.2 0.3 1.5
3. Brickwork masonry in substructure

Step 1: First fooling (B = 0.7 m)

Long wall (L) 02 9.3 0.7 0.4 5.208

U (i)

Lintel for (D 1)

Lintel for (W 1)




Total B = 3.645 m
Short wall (S) 03 5.6 0.7 0.4 4.704 (ii) Explanation For lintel length L =door/Window length+ (0.15 projection on both sides)

Explanation L=8.6 +0.7 =9J Lintel thick = 0.1 m

s = 6.3-0.7 = 5.6 :. Net quantity of Brick Masonry A- B =33.939 m3


Stq 2 : Second fooling (B = 0.6) 5 R.C.C work for

(a) Roof Slab 8.9 6.6 0:12

Long wall (L) 02 9.2 0.6 OJ 3.312 (iii)
Explanation L = 8.6 + OJ = 8.9
Short wall (S) 03 5.7 0.6 OJ 3.078 (iv) B = 6.3 + OJ = 6.6
Stq 3 : Third fooling (B = 0.5) (Add slab projection on both sides)
Long wall (L) 02 9.1 (b) R.C.C lintel over
0.5 OJ 2.73 (v)
ShOrt wall (S) 03 5.8 01 1.5 OJ 0.1
0.5 OJ 2.61 (vi)
Window (W 1) 04 1.2 0.3 0.1
Total (i + ii +iii+ iv + v +vi) 3 3
21.642 m Total 7.238 m
·· ~Authon io~pire j-•IHJo • ....4 SACHIN SH.411 JleoiUir
T..,h-Neo Publications ........... Where Authors toaptre tnnoratJoo
.... .A SACH!N SI/AH Venture

JilOuantSurvey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil)

Detailed E
1ea nt.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Se .

Depth/ Quantity aua rrt 7-ciVil)
Item No. J..eD&th Breecllh (5-21 )
Descrlptioo of 111m tre line Method
(B) meter
Height (11l Cen
No. (L)meter qu8llllt) Detailed Estimates
(DIU) meter Draw centre lie plan :
6. Plastering for walls 1- -
"'1...- No. orJunctions n=1

(a) lD&ide room- I OJ

3 63 m
---------- l
3 57 m2
--........__, I
room 2 01 19 6.3 I I I
--........__, I I 1
Explanation I I I


Room-! I I I
L=2(4.5+6)=21 I I I
Room-2 L=2(3.5+6)= 19 I 4.8 I I
-- - - -- - -- - -~~:;~ -- -~

l l ---

(b) Outside room
j 31
I 03 193m
IICIB)Fig. Ex. S.S.J(d)
Explanation : L- 2 (8.9 + 6.6) 31 C!C length of wall
2 (4.8 + 3.8) X3 (6.3) = 36.I m
{c) Panpet wall ---.... Measurement sheet

01 28.6 - 0.7 20.02 m2
---- Item
Description ofltem
No. Length Breadth I Depth I Height Quantity I Total

Outside OJ 31 0.7 21.7 m2

I ~
OJ Earthwork excavation for I
(L) meter

(B) meter (DIU) meter quantity

Explaoatioo : Inside (L) = 2 (8.3 + 6) = 28.6 - foundation

1.00 0.9 31.59m


{a) Door (0 1)
Outside (L) = 2 (8.9 + 6.6) = 3J

Total A= 1 254.72 m1
Explanation : I
L = C/C length- 2 x n x B = 36.1-2 x 2 x I= 35.1

101 1

l l
Total 31.59 m
OJ 1.2 02 p .C.C bed for foundation 351
2.1 2.52 1.00 0.2 7.02m3
(b) Door {01) OJ 0.9 - 2 Total 7.02 m3
(c) Window (W1) 04 1.2 1.5 03 Brick for substructure

Total B = 11.52 m1 Step 1 : Footing B 0.7 m 101 35.4 0.7 0.4 9.912m
1 l l 1 1
Net quantity of plastering work (A- B) = 243.2 m1 Explanation : L = 36. I - ~ X 2 X 0.7 = 35. 4

Step 2 : Footing B - (0.6 m) 01 35.5 0.6 0.3 6.39 m

35.6 0.5 0.3 5.34 m
Step 3 : Footing B (0.5 m) l 01 1 .l
Total 21.642 m.
Tech-Neo Publiealions.
l J

....A SA£111/YSJJAJ/ Jlenturt I ••.A SAC/liN SIWI I'CJJtllJ'<

Tecb-Neo Puhhcahons........... Wl~trr: Authors inEpirt imiOrltion
(5-22) Detailed E
Quant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil) ~lll&tes
.... ..- _...... · ""l ....... \"""""1 ~~- -1-' I '""
Detailed Estimatap
No. (L) meter (B) meter (DIH) meter qlilllltlty
' ~
04 Brick masonry for

3 32.22 m3
(a) Superstructure 01 35.8 0.3
(b) Parapet wall 01 29.6 0.2 0.9 5.328 m3

Total A=

Explanation L = 2 (8.6 + 6.3) = 29.8-2 X 2 X 0.2 =29.6 -------

TotaiB = Living room

Dedoctioa : Same as PWD method 3.64s rnl

5x4.5 m

:. Net quantity of brick work (A- B ) = 33.939 J

P.C.C. (1:4:8)
w 100 mm thick
05 Calculation Quantity of R.C.C. roof slab and plastering to wall are same as long wall and short wall method


Abstract sheet

Item Descrtptioo of Item Quantity Unit Rate Unit of rate Amount

Rs. P. Rs. P.


Earthwork excavation for foundation

P.C.C (1 :4:8)

Brie( masonry in foundation







3700 .00



U 4,959




Calculate :

(i) Excavation in soft murum i~ foundation.

Fig. Ex. S.S.4(a) : All dlmemloo an In mm
4. Brick masonry for superstructure 33.939 m
l l (ii) P.C.C bed in foundation (I :4:8)
3850 .00 m 1,30,665 .1 5
5. R.C.C for slab, lintel l 3
(iii) U.C.R masonry in foundation and Plinth in CM (I : 6)
7.238 m 6000 .00 m 43,428 .00
(iv) D.P.C in C. C.

6. Plastering work l
243.2 m 185 .00 m
44,992 .00 (v) B.B masonry in superstructure in CM I :6.

Total (vi) Mosaic tile flooring in all rooms

3;37,577 .50
(vii) Internal plaster in CM I :4
(viii) R.C.C lintel

(ix) P.C.C below flooring

.....A JAC/1/N 51/All Yeoturt Te.h-Neo Publicatio 111........... Jnm Aut/Jon iJ11pire jm,oWJtHm

.c1 ~t survey Esti & Valuation (MU Sem. 7-Civi~

Detailed Estimates
~ I
. . MU-5efll· 7-CiviQ 6} - - - -- - Leactb Breadth Total
QuanlSurvey, Esti. & VaJua!JOil ( -- - ;~-- 1n=1 423m -- I
3.7 (L) (B) quantitY
I I I . Height
0 Soln.: I I 1
meter meter
I S1 I S1 1 Sl (DIH)
(A) Long wall and short wall method I 1
1.4.23 rn I I meter
Draw cenll'C line plan I n = 1).. n=1 I

n=1- - --'"'tl-6)----- I
No. of juoction =04 -- L, I
Tolal s, = 03 No. I 0.15 2.69

= 02 No. I I S2 0.15 0.93
I s2 4.73 m 1 ~
L, = 02No. I I
I I 0.15 1.45
~ = 01 No. I I

· al wall as short wall. 0.15 1.12
Assume horizonll!l wall as long wall and vertJC 3
Total 6.19m
: .CIC length of long wall
L, = 3.73 + 4.23 = 7.96 m (2 nos.)
IICZI)fig. Ex. 5.5.4(b)

~ = 5.23 m (I nos.)
:.CIC length of short wall For Long wall L, = 7.96 + 0.75 = 8.71 02 8.71 0.75 0.4 5.23
s, = 4.23 m (3 nos.) L, =5.23 + 0.75 = 5.98 01 5.98 0.75 0.4 1.79
s, = 4.73 m (2 nos.)
For Short wall S 1 = 4.23- 0.75 = 3.48 03 3.48 0.75 0.4 3.13

Length of long wall =C/C length of long wall +width of item

h wall C/C 1ength 0f sh0 rt wall - width of item

Length of sort
Depth / Quantity
U Toial
2oc1 step footing
s, =4.73- 0.75 = 3.98

L, = 7.96 + 0.55 = 8.5 1

02 3.98 0.75 0.4 2.38
No. Length Breadth For Long wall 02 8.51 0.6 0.55 5.61
Item Description of Item
(1) (B) Height quantity
No. L, = 5.23 + 0.55 = 5.78 5.78 0.6 0.55 1.90
meter meter (D/H)

meter For Short wall S, =4.23-0.55 =3.68 3.68 0.6 0.55 3.64

I. Excavation in soft murum in foundation :

s, = 4.73-0.55 = 4.18 2 4.18 0.6 0.55 2.75

3'd step footing

For long wall : L1 =7.96 + I =8.96 02 8.96 1.00 1.2 21.50

~ =5.23 + I = 6.23 01 6.23

For Long wall =
L1 =7.96 + 0.45 8.41 02 8.41 0.45 0.85 6.43
1.00 1.2 7.48
L, =5.23 + 0.45 = 5.68 I 5.68 0.45 0.85 2.17
For Short wall: S1 =4.23 - I =3.23 03 3.23 1.0 1.2 11.63

S2 =4.73 - I = 3.13 02
For Short wall =
S1 = 4.23 - 0.45 3.78 3 3.78 0.45 0.85 4.33
3.73 1.0 1.2 8.95
s, =4.73 - 0.45 =4.28 2 4.28 0.45 0.85 3.27
Total 49.56 m J
Total 42.63m
Tecb-Neo Public.oliolll--..- fie,. Aut/Jon illi{Jirt inotmtillo
- -A SACHINSIWI Yt~~tur<
- _A SACHJN Sll4l/ Yature
r l

~!;BIL AVit~
', .. h.~~-~ . W7\
.. DMrl
fi1 QuontiYMtV, ltti,I V@IUIIIionIMU·IOI!l· HlMI

....., l)lptl!l Qullldlf
ptloft .. N -'·· " . ""
. • ~, ~ ll'fUlh · o.,dt1 Quulftr
(i.} ' m> l c..... '. '; !';x~

' '/
~~~ .... (L)


. /
. . '") 1:~;,. . ....~...~.'../.•(IWII)' " ,"'.1""·,' ,"' x'
. . ~/ . .
, " . ;/
'5 '/

j . '' ~- /fy// k:... 1 ;~:-,;./·:'

- -...( ~~
lll~ffidl pla5~f in f;:M(Iill)

. 7., 6
-.... ~ p
f6f l(ilt!lli!H I
04 ().P.C In CC (I : 2 : 4)
rorLoatnll 1,1• 7.96 +0A5 • lA I
2 8.41 0.45
2., ---
ftJtilll~n~\11 = ~ (H al = 1~ I ~~
' u 48

I 5,68 ~ F6f Ol!d fOOifl I
~ • U3 +0A5 •5.61 , ,10
3 3.78 'ft!ti!lli!llgUl= ~ (4 'fill : Ill
II rorlbanw.U 11• 4.23 - 0.45 • 3.11
4.28 OA5
3 . 8~
I 18 ' H ~IJ


~ • 4.73 - OA5 • 4.21 Total 19.06m-;- f of bi¥1HI fOOHI I
'ftlli!l iMglil = ~ (~ 'f H J: 1~ · I I~ H (l(l:8
8.8. Muonry In IUJI'f'IIIKIII" In CM(I : 6) '001 l.O m1
JoriAII•ID 1.1. 7.96 +0.23. 8.19
02 8.19 0.23 3.2 12.0~

-- ~
ti6H flif Oj)@Hilll


~ • 5.23 +0.23 • 5Mi I 5.46 0.23 3.2 4.01 p
f)oof I
for 8llort waD s1• 4.23 - o.23• 4 3 4 0.23 3.2 8.83

- Rltm~gOOf h ll@ 0:~ ' l:l {):1}4..~

s,. 4.73 - 0.23. 4.~ 2 4.5 0.23 3.2

Total A= 31.51 mJ
- lnlmlill ilOOf ~ 0:9 ' u ~ ,n

- n
Dldaedoa ror CJIIIIIIal ror Door (D)


Deduedoa for IIDtel '"" Door (D)








0. 1 ~


Wlftftow h ll@ LO '


:':N@l(illllllllity = 100 - U~ =liiM m

08 IU;,e; linl~l in e;(';(l !~!4)
ExpiiMdoD: LenJ!h of llnlel • 0.9 + (2 x 0.15) • 1.2 m
OwF llooF(D) 1 ~ 1:~ M~ 0: 1~ 0:1~4
Over window (W) 06 1J 0.23 O.IS 0.269

Total B = 3.353 m
:.Net quantity ( A- B) - 31.51 3.353 28.16mJ \,;, l!l!ifill!l
06 MosaU: tile flooring in em (I : 4)for

kitchen I 3.S 4 - 14 I-== o,@m====-I

bed room I 4 4 - 16 I b=M*(hO: I~)= 11 m (IIIII) J'lt Kt, §:M(l)

llvingroom I s 4.S - 22.5 (j u M~ 0: 1~ MftiJ

Owr wl.nllow(W)
add for door sill 03 1.0 0.23 0.69 1:, = Uh (l ~ 0,I ~) = L~ m
l Tulll OJNJB~
Total 53.19 m

T.a.Hoor......_ - Jlen. hfbon i/Jif'Ue«1

- ..ASAC/liNS//A/1 Yu ttu<
- =---
~ey Esti & Valuation (MUSem. 7-civit)

pepbl 1'~ ~r-- ~·· (5-29) DetaJed Estimlltll8
. v~ (t.IU-5ef1'· 7 ~ Deacrlptloa or Item
Quant surveY· EsiJ. & ,... ~ sef&b• qlllllqt} Jtel" NO. ~ Breadth Depb/ Quantity Total

J'lO. quatitY
.... ~fl ...
(Dill> (L) (B)
No. meter
v ,.--
o .P.C in CC (1:2:4)
01 19.08
Q4 42.4 0.45 -
0.1 1.23 L = 43.3 - 2 X 4 X 0.45 =42.4
09 PCC bed beloW t]ooring
Deduction for door (D)
Kitcben: 3 0.9 0.45 - 1.215
,_.--- r-

L = 3j - 2 x pliDih ofud 1
Total t7.86m
II\ = 3j - 2 x 0. I 10 =3.21! \----
BB masonry in superstructure in em (I :6)
B 3.78 0.1 2.Q4 os 01 42.S4 0.23 3.2 31.53

L = 43.3-2 X 4 X 0.23 =42.S4
Living room 0.1 1.42

bed room Total Deduction for opening \Modul!_

Door (D) 3 0.9 0.23 2.1 1.304

(B) c.e.m .. MdMd Window(W) 6 1.0 0.23 1.2 1.656

4 23) + 2 (4.73) =43.3 m
ToW CJC lcJglh = 2 (7.96) +5.23 + 3 ( .
For lintel
No. of junctioo n = 4 r-
Depth/ Quantity
Nt. Iagtll Breadth Total Over door (D) 3 1.2 0.23 0.15 0.124


Exca\'31ion in soft murum foc fOUDdation Ol


- meter



49.56 m3
Over window
6 1.3 0.23 0.15 0.269

Total 3.353
L= 433 _l x 4 x I =413
:. Net quantity =31.53 - 3.535 = 28.17 m

02 P.C.C. bed below Foundation in CC(1:4:8) Ol 41.3 1.0 0.15 6.195 6.195m3 \Note : Quantity of other items can be calculated in similar way as it calculatad ~ long wal and lhort wal method. - ..

L= 43.3- 2 x 4x I =413
Ex. 5.5.5
Prepare the detailed estimate of following item for residential building as shown in Fig. Ex. 5.5.6(a) and (b).
03 UCR masonry in fOUDdation and plinth in CM (I :6)
I. Earthwork in excavation
I" footing : CB =0.75 Ol 2. P.C.C. (I : 4 : 8) for foundation
41.8 0.750 0.4 12.54
2• footing : CB -0.6 3. First class brick masonry in em (I : 6) in foundation and upto plinth.
Ol 42.1 0.60 0.55 13.89 4. First class brick masonry in em (I : 6) in super structure.
3n1 footing : CB = 0.45
Ol 42.4 5. R.C.C. cha.ija, lintel and roof slab in C.C. (I : 1.5 : 3)
0.45 0.85 16.21
L= 43.3 2x 4 x 0.75-41.8

T"""-p,y;...,;, ........ ;.,pu...__

\Total 142.64~
.._.A SA CHIN SIWI Yeotrue


6. 12 mm lbil:t a.p CC. IIII&a pg.r ill aa (I : 4) 111 illide nll.urfa:c.

7. ~ CO. -.1 f.:e P..ID ~ ..0 afxc.
Bc4room •
Kitchen •
Balh ..
Pu.~~ "'

fWt :. ToW eentre llne leng1h .,
Nlllllber or junction "n " 1o ~

(IIIII O.riPlloll tlllfm
- -
..,_ Ho.
Hti. ..... ttl . . . .,.. QIIMilf Tltll



nR I. Excavation (or foundatlGn
. l OJ ~6.89
l. • 61.39 -p 10 x O.h 56.89 m 0.9 0.9 46.011 46.0i nf
z. P.C.C. (I : 4 : 8) !or foundation
01 56,19 0.9 0.15 7.61 7.61 ml
3. Flnt clu8 blatk work In (C.M.I :6) upto plinth

~ILS.UC.J:,_(AI.....__ .. ...,,

lain.: , _______ , U 11
l 11ep or roouna (I!. 0.7 m)

L•6l.39 ~ p IOx0.?-57.89

2 ltep of tootlna (B • 0.4 m)

01 57.89 0.7 0.75 J0.39
L • 61.39 ~ !x 10 x 0.4 • 59.39
I I 59.39 M 0.6 14.25
I IOidw1 I
10 8 I 1 I
~-- -& - - ~ -a\ I
I I y T I Ta&al 44A4ml

1 ..,. 1 W.C.I J. J.
I IIICII11 I ~J~::------~-1 4. Pl11t ciiUls brick work In CM (l : 6) In 1upen~n~ewre 01
I () -- - ~ 1l 7 I 60.24 0.23 3.00 4l.S6 41.NmJ
I Sl ..__ I I I
A I ·--I I L • 61.39 -p 10 x 0.23 • 60.24
't'- - -(9------~ llldiiiCIIII I
14 3 I 2 I
Deduction (or openlna :
I I :
:I Hill
~t--- -- ---~
' 1.20 0.23 2.10 2.1l0
I I o, 2 0.9 0.23 2.10 0.87
w, 2 2.00 0.23 1.50 1.38
'-----------J WI 3 1.50 0:23 1.50 1.55
(1C171P1i- II. U.l(e) 1.00 0.23 0.60 0.28
v 2
...A &latiNIIUIIflrlwl
-4 SACHINSIWI f'~t~~lllll

~-ouent.Survey, Esti . &VI

a uation (MU-s
liJ OuanlSurvey, Esti. ern. 7-civil)

& Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil)
Desc:riptioq oil~
Item Descriptioo ol Item
Detailed Estimates
No. J'iO~ No;
Le8&th CLr Breadth Depth Quantity :;Total
llleter (B) I ljU8Dtity
meter Helglit ·
f.-- Deduction: · meter· . •
Lintel over
f.- r--
apening in internal waJJ
D 02 1.50




0.158 --- - (D)

w, 02
1--'r- 3

1.20 2.10 7.56
0.230 0.15 0.186 (D,)
03 1.80
f.- r- 2

0.90 2.10 3.78
Total Opening in external wall

j----1 2x 112 1.20 2.10 2.52
5 R.C.C. (I : 1.5 : 3) r-- 2 X 112 2.00 1.50 3.00
2 X 112
(a) Oiajja (75 mm thick) r-- 1.50 1.50 2.25
- v

2 2.30 0.45 2 X 112 1.00

ii i
OverW, 0.60 0.60
1.80 0.45 2.43 1
OverW2 r- Total 19.71 m

Total 4.50 m2

7.427 ml
- 7 Double coat sand race plasrer to
Net total = 206.82- 19.71 = 187.11m

I External wal l

(c) R.C.C. slllb (I 0 em thicbJess)
Horizontal wall
Hall 01 4.98 5.46 0.10 2.7 1 02 9.19 - 4.6 84.54

KiU:bez! 01 3.46 3.96 0.10 1.37 Venical wall 02 9.12 - 4.6 83.90

Bdl room 01 4.46 3.96 0.10 1.76 Total 168..44m2

B~+WC+Pai~ (J] 4.73 2.96 0.10 1.40 Deduction:
Total 7.24m D 2 X 112 1.20 2.10 2.52

w, 2x 112 2.00 1.50 3.00


w2 2 X 1/2 1.50 1.50 2.25

v 2 X 1/2 1.00 0.60 0.60

HaJJ 2 3 57
Total 8.37 m'
&drr:rJUJ 2 7.5 3 45
Net total - 168.44 837 -160-07 m '
~m 2 11.5 3 39
B-'£J 2 4.52 3 27. 12
we 2 2.75 3 16.5
f'~ 2 3.7 3 22.2

,~, ......- "-~·~--.a.


o.crtptloa ana.
. . . . (L) ...... .,.,.,. Qllld1 Tclc.l
.., .......
(I) I

I I-- ~

I ~~
Site cJeurunce
(LumpSumJ -
II Bxcavution for foundation of foolln1 of column ]
1;'' 6.1ml Um
~ p,ovldlng und laying cement concrete of M_ "
4 I I 1.7
I r--
I for ]

I 3. 4 I I 0.2 0.8 m' O.Bm
I foundation block
I ~ r-- .
I 4 Providing und luymg cement concrete of M _ " for 4 ] ]
Volume • 0.139 m 0.556m
R,C.C. work in footln1 of R.C.C. column

Ii i

(i.e. trapezoidal shape)
Explanation: Trapezoidal formula ;. Volume • ~ x [ A+ ~ •..JA

h .. 0.3 ; A 1 • lop area • 0.3 x 0.3 • 0.09 m1;

~ =bottom area • I x I • I m1

U 5
:. ~ • .,j(o.Jlx (1)2• OJ
V=J'X(0.09+ -rom
1+ 0.09)•0.139 mJ

Providing und casting M- I5 for R.C.C. column 04 0.3 0.3 4..5 J.62m
1.62 m
Explanation : H • 1.2 + 3.3 • 4..5

6 Providing and casting M - 15 cement concrete for

R.C.C. beam

(i) B I 03 4.4 0.2 0.3.5 0.924 m
(ii) B- 2 02 5.4 0.2 0.4.5 0.972 m
Total U96m

Explanation :
II.C.C. 1llb • IJ amllllol Length or Beam : Depth or Beam :
hunll1 • o.JOw0,20m B1 = 5.00- (column size ) = 5- (0.3 + 0.3)= 4.4 m B1 = 0.5- (slab thick)= 0.5-0.15 = 0.35 m
111m 11 • 0.60 mw0.20 m 81 =6 (0.3 + 0.3) = 5.4 m B1 = 0.6-0.15 =0.45 m
3 3
7 Providing and casting cement concrete of M- 15 for
R.C.C. slab
I 6
l 5
0.1 5 4.5m 4.5m

Ttth-Neo Publitation8.........- IWJere AutMin JIJJfJI"' JDDOWJ/JOD
_.....4 SACHINSitU/ YulrUtl
OuanLSurvey, Esti. & Valuation (MU·Sem. 7-Civil) auant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MlJ.Se
rn. 7-tlvil)
Abatract Sheet --r- Volume of trapezoidal fonnula (5-37)
~ Unit Rife Rs. Unit of . h Detailed Estimates
Item De.crfpdon ollkal QaiDdlY A~t~ollllt' V - -[A
rate - 3 t +~+·r.--A
No. ~/\~)(AU
- ~psum) ~
rtant point while calculating qua
""pOTbe height of the column is to be rne
tkl- .
nw...,. Of R cc
I Site clearance
· · • lramect atructure
157 m (i) asured from the t f
2. Excavation for foundation of footing of column 6.8 m
.. )..ength of the beam is to be measured be op 0 the footing to the bottom of the R.C.C. slab.
- 1---f---)
0.8 m 5179 m
(II) .
... The column pon10n between slab and be .
tween two colutnn
3. ProVJ'ding and 1aymg
· C.C. ofM ·15 forfoundation (til) am ts to be l1leas .
block 1. Voltage of trapezoidal portion of footi ure tn slab portion.
3 ( v) ng Calculated by.
5704 m
Ill m (a) Average area method : ·

4. Providing and laying C.C. of M - 15 for R.C.C. 0.556

Work in footing of R.C.C. column
3 Volume V
5. 1.62 m 11252 m
Providing and casting of C. C. of M- 15 for R.CC.

J At Area of footing at bottom
m 9908 m
6 Providing and casting of C.C. of M - I5 for R.C.C.
~ = Area of footing at top
12037 mJ
H = Height of footing
7 Providing and casting of C. C. of M - I5 for R.C.C. 4.5 54 ];;--. (b) Prismoidal formula:

Total ::-:--
I,00,06z.s2 Volume = 6[A 1 + A2 + 4 A,J A +~)2

Say (c) Prismoidal formula : (Truncated pyramid)

,WhereAm =( ~
:. Estimated cost
Add 5% contingencies
=Rs. I ,00,063
=Rs. 5003.15
= Rs. 1,00,063/.
= 'j[At+Al+Nv

Total cost
( Add I% as wort \
~hanged EstablishmenJ
:. Grant total cost
=Rs. I ,05,066.15
=Rs. 1050·66
=Rs. 1,06,116.81
U Ex. 5.6.2

The plan and elevation for the column footing for an R.C.C. framed structure is shown in Fig. Ex. 5.6.2(a) and (b). work out
the quantities for the following item of works.
(a) Eanh work excavation for foundation (b)
Say = I ,06 I 17.001·
Rrlamoldal formula as truncated pyramid

When base of footing larger than the offset oear column, use ihis form~] a.

I P.c.c. below
.....--...'"":"'"'""-"'""".::::.;:""'-'~~ footing
TraP8ZOida1 fOOting
(1C30F"~g. Ex. 5.6.I(t) (1C31)Fig. Ex. 5.6.2(a) (1C32)Fig. Ex. S.6.2(b)

T«b-Neo Publicalions........_ Where Authon io6pire imw"liD• _.4 SACHJNSIIAI/ """"""

-••..4 SACHIN SHAH Yeot~

~~Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MlJ.Se

P'" rn. 7-civr)
liJ loin. 1 B1 soJn. : Draw centre live Plan I (5-39)

(a) fllarthwork oxcavoJion'

~ for foundallon ) • L x Bxo • 1.' x U x 1.0 •
U5 ' Detailed Estimates
m ~-- - --~23
I ··---~ 3,23
: Master 1 -----~-~-23
(b) C.C. (I : 2 : 4Hor column footln1 :
I Bedroarn I Scar eeae 1 I ----
m Comont ooncroto buo-1 .
x x u x 0.10 • o.Z%5 m 1.'
a23 :
. : 5•.23 1
Chid :
I Bedroom 1
(II) C C (I : 2 : 4) lloiiOm IIQUII\I•I x U x x 0.30 • 0,675 m 1.' I

(Ill) Tn~pozoldal portion V • ¥[A +A +~ I

1 1
f--- 4.23
'1"--:.--~ 3.23 I
1.43 .1. we~-----~
.,. _ _..1.43
-----~ n=1
3 23 I 1

•0:,, [(l.,)~ + (O.)); +...j(J,,/x (0.3)' J• OA185m'

~-, I I

1.83 : Bath I : living Room I
11.83 I
/!I (lv) ( Romlllnlna part J. 0.3 x 0.3 x 0. "• 0.0135 m' (1CU)Fta. UEx. 3.6.2(c) ,..----2
1 2.33
'f----- :
I 4.23

C.C. (I : 2: 4) Column upto 0 l l 1 1 a-:46- ----..!

0 67' l + 0 4185 m + 0.0135 m =1.332 mJ I I
Not quantity of C.C. upto OL • (l) +(II)+ (iii)+ (lv) • o.m m + · J m ·
--- 3.23

: KitChen : 3.23
UII.U.I r.111 u q/\1 r.l.&\' '" -'" r.lnh
Wort out the quantitlo of followlna Item fromgiven plan and ~eeilon. I I Wall thickness = 0.23 m

(II) Bxeavatlon for fooclna

---4:23 ___, No. of junction = 12

Brick work In (c:m. I : 6) In IUpor!ltriiCturo of sround floor. Fie. h

(b) S.6.3(b)

(c) Concreto (M20) ill fooclna.

Total c/c length
= (4.23 +3.23 +3.23 +3 23 .M~e
(d) · 20mm thick oxlennlal pluteriJia ill C:M • (l : 4) upto terriiCC level.
+ 4.23 + 4 23 . +3.23 +4.23 + 2.33 +2.33+ 6.46 + 4.23 + 6.23 + 5.23 + 5.23 +
. +1.43 + I .43 + 1.83 + 1.83 + 3.23 + 3.23)


,---, C2 W1 C2
U No.

Excavation for footing

Footing Fl




r CHILDREN eEO ":w Footing F2
MASTER lEO ROOM ROOM J 1.2 1.37 1.2 15.78
8 Total= 24.92m

0 •1x2.1M, D• 1x2.1M
C2 02 Brickwork in em (l : 6) in superstructure of J
C2 01• 0.7h 2.1 M, V• 0.5x 0.75 M 01 78.71 0.23 2.750 49.78 m
0 W•1 .0x 1.2 M, W1•2.0x 1.2 M
ground floor
COLUMN C1 • 0.23 X 0.30 M
COLUMN C2 • 0.23 X 0.<0 M
8.23X 4M IW1
I FOOTING F1 • 1.2 X 1.27 X 0.40 I 0.1
I FOOTING F2 • 1.2 X 1.37 XO.lO 10.1
r J
C2 Ct
PLINTH BEAMS • 0.23 X 0.60 M
FLOOR BEAMS • 0.23 X 0.60 M
L = c/c length- (! x n x B)
L__ J SI.A8•0.15M
WAll TH. • 0.23 M
PCC OFFSET FOR FOOTING • 0.1 =80.09 - (kx 12 x 0.23)
Ct L __ J
2.1 1.93

w 04 1.0 0.23

Fig. Ex. 5.6.3(a)
T..h.Neo Puhlicatiou--lnl!l'll Aut/Jon iJupire ill-•tioo ••..A SACHINSIWI Ycn1ure M-Neo Puhlieatiom......... lnere Autbon miJlire imJm/ioD

Ouant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-sem. 7-Civil)
I DIH I Quantity
No. L . lot.~
~ttm Deau IJidou fA Item ·•·
No. . - -
0.23 2.1 0.72
02 0.75
Door (D.)
1.0 0.23 2.1 0.483 ~
Opening {0 )
0.23 1.2 2.20
Window{w) 08 1.0

0.23 1.2 1.10

02 2.0
Wmdow(w 1)

0.23 0.75 0.17 ~
Ventilator {V) 02
Explanation : F l
Lintel over

0.15 0.17 Volume=3 [A1 +A2+~]
D 04 1.3 0.23

0.15 0.072
----... 0.3

02 1.05 =3

t' 1.3 0.23 0.15 0.35 ((0.38 X 0.45) +(I X ) 07) +. r:::-:-:--(O
w 08 . V\U.t7! X !.07))

:I 02 2.3 0.23 0.15 0.15 =0.166
--. For footing F2

c. 05 0.23 0.30 2.75 0.94 --- V=T


I.J7) +~(0.209x 1.!7)]

--- [(0.38 X 0.55) +(I
c2 08 0.23 0.40
2.75 2.02

10.305 m 3
v = 0.187
C1 = 0.23 X 0.43

c;= 0.23 x0.4


Fig. Ex. S.6.3(c)

Net quality of brick work= (49.78 -10.305) = 39.475 m Net quantity of concrete in footing = 7.348 m3

(3) Concrete in footing (M20) (4) 20mm thick external plastering in em (l : 4) uplo 01 44.48 3.5 155.68
terror level.

(a) Concrete at P.C.C i.e. at base of footing.

External wall plaster
Footing Fl 05 1.2 1.27 0.1 0.762
Footing F2 08 1.2 1.37 0.1 1.315
Length 10.92 ~ (4 + 0.23 +0.23 +0.23 + 3 +0.23 + 3)
10.92~ (6.23 + 0.23 + 0.23 + 0.23 + 4)

(b) Concrete fir rectangular part above a base 12.95 ~ (6 + 0.23 + 0.23 + 1.2 + 0.23 + 1.6 +
0.23 + 3 + 0.23)
Footing Fl 05 1.0 1.07 0.15 0.8025
9.69 ~ (5 + 0.23 + 0.23 + 4 + 0.23)
Footing F2 08 1.0 1.17 0.15 1.404

- Total lengtb = 44.48 m
(P.C.C. offset for footing 0.1) 2.20m
Tetb-Neo Publicalion!........... Whero Aut!Jon impir< iJJDDr~liM
T..b-Nee l'ublieoiiOIII--- Inert Aut!KJn ll18f'll't JJUHMIJDD ....A SACHINSIWI Yatrae

~ QuantSurvey, Esti-· & ValuatiOn (MlJ-5ef11·

B wu· i ·,. ~ @

.- '·,,,,

....... ,
l)eiCripdoB llltelll
f--'- t-----
For Height calcularioo:

Floor to Ooor Heigbl =2.750


Plinlh=0.6 w, o,


4.0 x2.5m w2

:I DrdDctioa
Total Jlei&lll 3.5 ID
-- - 1--! - -
f---- f..---
1.0 2.1 1.05 w,
Living o.nn
dining room
4.8 xa.o m Bed room
4.0 x3.2 m
o,=1 .2x2.1m
w2 D2= 0.9 x 2.1 m

01 X
Door (D) 112
os x - 1.0 1.2 4.8
--- w,
W1 =1 .5x1 .5m
W2= 1.2 X 1.5m

Wall thiCkness- 0.23 m
Wmdow(W) 0 throughout
112 w,
2.0 1.2 2.4
02 X

0.375 Module
02X 0.5 - 0.75 R.C.C. slab 10 em thidt
veotilalor (V) r;:::::=;::i:;=f
Total deduction 8.625 m
Net qu111tity of external plaster (155.68 - 8.625)


U&.UA 1.1U rla • 15 2 Uarks

~ die abstract of items of above questioil.

Abllnct Slloel ·

U "~6o~

I---I- soan
o.:riptiaa l i t . Qady Ualt late Uoitofrate Amount

01 Excavatioo for footing 24.92 3 3

m 157.00 m 3912.44

02 Brick work in (em I : 6) in 39.475 3

m 5820.00 m
229744.50 5.03 n =1 4.23
superstructure of ground floor 0 Soln.:
r ---- --- ----- ------------,1
03 Cournte (M20) in footing. 3 : : 2.73
6.596 m 5456.00 3 I I

04 20mm thick extend plastering

m 35987.77 :
n_~~- - --- - ---& n =1I
147.05 l I I
m 531.00 2 I I
in CM (I : 4) upto terrace m 78083.55
&23:I :
level. I I

~-=-~ ~4.23
- -- -- ---:
Total Cost= Rs. 347728.26 I
Wall thickness =0.23 m

.....A SAaJJN SJJA/1 -
Fig. EL S.6.5(b)

__.4 JACHINSIIAIJ y.,llue

Detailed Esu~les Detailed Estima~

SJ QuantSurvey, Esti. .
& ValualiOil (
MU-Sel11· 7.civil)

NIIIIIM of junction = N =4
Usc c:cocn: line medlod

Ccocn: line formula~ ....h (!x N x widlbofitelll)

Leogthofwall = clcl""6~- 2 343:45.3701~
TO!al clc length - 2 <8·23) + 2(5.0J) ~~:==-:;-- ·..,. ,~· Qty Totai. portal base
10 1.0 1.0 0.15
1.5 m
~.-km~--~~~~-~~!~~~~~~--~-~--~~~- ~~- -1.8··~~~78-.~--r-78-.%-~

LNo.~L-----__:..----:----:=1--;- 4~ ~~---- - 10 0.7 0.7 . 0.15 0.735 m
3 .

° -...Jc...-~--~~-----+---j'-----....
Eanb work excavation in foundation
10 )

0.079 0.079 0.15 0.093 m
·- --~---J------
Explanation 330mm
L=45.37 -(tx04x I)
:...-t-- Trapezoidal formula
~7 01 0.15 6.50
2. PCC (I : 4 : 8) in fOUDdalion Volume =)

L-45.37-(t x04 x I) (A,+ A2+..JA, A2]
Jl -43.37 3.0 30.98 m
44.91 0.23 b : 0.3 m
3. Brick masonry in CM ( I : 6) for 01
superstructure A, = top area = 0.3 x 0.3 = 0.09 m2
ExpOOalion A,= bottom area = 0.7 x 0.7 = 0.49
L=45.37-(tx 4x 0.23 )

o, 01 1.2 . 0.23 2.1

Fig. Ex.S.6.5 (c)
0.9 0.23 2.1 0.86 0.3
D, 02 Volume =3
w, 05 1.5 0.23 1.5 2.58
[ 0.09 + 0.49 + ..J(0.09 X 0.49) ]
w, 03 1.2 0.23 1.5 1.24

Linlel over
D, 01 1.5 0.23 0.15 0.051 Total R.C.C. work in footing

~3.025 m
o, 02 1.2 0.23 0.15 0.082
w, 05 1.8 0.23 0.15 0.310 R.C.C work in column
(B) 10 013 0.23 4.8 2.5392 2.54 m
w, 03 1.5 0.23 0. 15 0.15
Concrete in column
Column (c) 10 0.23 0.23 03 1.587
Total 7.43 m3
Column height = 3 + 0.6 +
!!.8 - (0.15 + 0.15 + 0.3) I
Net quantity of brickwork in superstructure= 30.98 - 7.43 ~ 23.55 m3 =4.8 m

R;-·OuantSurve~, Esti. & ~alua~ (MU-5em. 7-Civll) (5-46) Detailed e

~- I . -'. DeiU~ allkm - . No. '- I ... '~ .c.<l-, . ~- v
t .· _' ...' ·.· I DIH ... , I ..' QtY~
No, . toilf .
. ~--

(q R.c.c. Work in plinth beam :

cone~ in plinth beam Explanation

rC:: : JJO.tsrn
Plinth beam : 8 1 4.0 0.23 0.4 l.l04
Plinth beam : 8 2 0.4 0.8832 1-------- o.05m
Plinth beam : 8 3
0.23 0.4 0.69
-r-------._ ~
Plinth beam: a. 02 3.2 0.23 0.4 0.58 r------._ Fig. Ex.S.6.S (e)

I Plinth beam : 8 5

0.23 0.4
I: 01 5.27 0.4848
Average height=~
Plinth beam : 8 6
01 1.84 0.23 0.4 0. 1692 -------
r---._____ .2
Total quantity of concrete In plinth beam= 3.9192 rn"J--.,.

Explanation 82 81 ---- R.C.C. work in roof slab :
Length of plinth beam : I Concrete is slab :
83: 83 83
B1 =4.0m I Roof slab over living room
I 81 01

= 5.145
8 2 =4.8 m 1!1I ~-------------$ L 4.8 + 0.23 + 0.23/2 =5.145 8.46 0.1 4.3526
8 3 =2.5 m I
I B =8 + 0.23 + 0.23 = 8.46
I :84 184
B4 =3.2m 85: I
I Roof slab over kitchen
Gl------------- £] 01 4.34 2.84
L =4.0 + 0.23 + 0.2312 = 4.34 0.1
8 5 = 8 - (2.5 +{).23) = 5.27 I
I :86 1.2325

8 6 = 5.27- (3.2 + 0.23) = 1.84m

(Note : Some quantity for concrete in

roof beam)
~---- ------- - - .{!]

Fig. Ex.5.6.5 (d)

U B =2.5 + 0.23 + 0.2312 = 2.84
Roof slab over bed room

L = 4 + 0.23 +{).23/2 = 4.34

01 4.34 3.545 0.1 1.5385 .
l B = 3.2 + 0.23 + 0.2312 = 3.545

(D) R.C.C. worlc in chajja concrete in To!al quantity of concrete in roof slab = 7.1236 m3
chajja • Steel reinforcement quantity

OverD-1 01 Using thumb rule

1.5 0.45 0.1 0.0675
Windoww 1 05 (A) Steel for footing
1.8 0.45 0.1 0.405
Windoww2 = 0.8 % of cement concrete in footing
03 1.5 0.45 0.1 0.2025
D1 = 1.2 + 0.3 = 1.5 = ~ 3.025 X 7850: 189.97 kg
concrete {B) Steel for column

in chajja :3'%of cement concrete in column

= 0.675 3
3 =100 2.54 X 7850:598.17 kg

- .A SACHINS/Wf Ye~~~~~~e
~ QOBnt.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MlJ.Se
~ rn.7-cMI)
It!!jOin. : (5"49)
1.5 % cement coocrete in beam BYusing long wall and shot Wall Detailed Estimates
f&r 3.9192 X 7850 = 461.48 kg j\SSU!IIC wall spanning in horizo .
ntaJ diJtcti
L - onasloogwall .
(D) Steel for c:hatia - c/c length and Wall spannin .
of Wall+ w·d g ID venicai direction as shon waiL
s : c/c length f 1 th of ue
0.7 % of celllCllt coocrete in chajja
o Wall-width
Length of curved wall ,. (If ofitem
~ 0.675 X 7850 =37JJ9 kg r.:-r- X llleao rad.

• _ IUS) : lO<(I • .
Description on~em.
.·. ;, ... •r:~~-15)

= 10( 1.95 = 6.!2 m
(E) Steel for roof slab
.. No; ,
;ih ·=:t
1" class brick work in ce~ ~ ~
. ~. mortar 1 . . ~
1% of cement coocrete in slab foundallon phnth. · 3m
~ ~~~ """' ~

I~ X 7.1236 X 7850 = 559.20 kg t--
Lo~wal~~ork~o~ t--

UEx. 5.6.6 r.tu • 0 t (a r.ta 17 20 r.lerks I'~ t--

W~ the quantities of below-mentioned items of workfrom given plan and section provided in Fig. Ex..5.6.6 (b) Z'~stel'_ t-- _!.4 ~ _o.4
(i) . 1_• clus lxiCt wort in cement mottar 1:3 in foundation upto plinth f..-- . 3rd~
- r-_;- E

~ _3.32

li l
1 (ai) Ent:rnal plastering 20mm thick in CM (I : 2) (Including plinth steps) Explanation _8.2 ~4 _().4 2.62
(Iii) lSOmm lhiclc DPC in cement concrete 1:1.5:3 Long wall (L) for step 1
c/c length = 3.6 + 3.6 + 0.3 + 0.15 + o. 15 = _
(IV) R.C.C M-25 grade in slab, lintel, and plinth steps. 78
:. L = c/c length +width of item
All dimensions are in meters in plane 8.10

Section of I Willi : 7.8 + 0.6
and section. w w
No chajja is provided
Riser lor plinth steps : 10 em
Tread for plinth steps : 30 em
Untel bearing : 15 ems on the load
bearing walls
3.60 X 3.0
U Room2
3.60 X 3.0 w

2'd stel'_
: 8.4
Short wal~~l) (No. "_3)
I ' step
03 -2.90 0.4
DPC is 100 mm thick 0
.,; Explanation : ~ 1.39
RCC slab is 100 mm thick D D
Shot wall length (s) =>
RCC slab projection beyond wall edge
c/c length = 3 + 0. 15 + 0.15 => 3.30
is 150 mm D Room3

w S = c/c length - width of item

Width of plinth steps is 1.5 meters.
: 3.30 - 0.6 = 2.70
Untelthickness is 150 mm
(b) Verandah and room no. 3
Long wall lttOnzomal) (No. I)
I'~ 4.50 0.6 -~ 1.08
2'"~ __(l_l_ 4.40 0.5 ~ 0.88
3'd step 01 4.30 0.4 0.4 0.69_
W= 1.20 X 1.35 m
3.0 x 1.35m (3.0 meter is arc reng1h) Explanation
c/c length = 3.6 + 0.1 5 +0.15 = 3.9
Fig. Ex. 5.6.6(a)
L - 3.9+0.6 4.50
Short wall~ (No_:_= 031
0~ LSI_
0~ 2.10_ ~
I '~ '
...-4 SACHINSlll/l y..,,om
__.A SACHINSJ/A/1 Ycnturt Ted..Neo Public.alion8.........- fncrc Authon inlfJift inno'"lioD
Detau ~ ·~• ~urvev, Estl. & 1/ol.. ~" · :2·Civli\
ed E:sti
Iii CluantSurvey, Ellll. &Valuation (MU:sem. 7.Civill (5·50)
)Jrellltb Depdl/ ~~"
Detailed Estimates
No. I.AOadt (B) Helgbt ~I
o-rtpdoll fA u.. ~ , N~. ·: ~~ Breadth 'Depth 1 n. •.:." ...~ I-, J'otal ·
_QL ~
Sr. · ,.
~ J80 mm thick DPC in cement concrett~e---· · t--+J\~I.iJ-4--l·(B~)L.:._.lJR~el~gb!!!t~~'· ' S'r
;"_ .:_-~:.•;- . . :£~;,:;~4-~Qu.n
· ~dty~

~ 2.20 0.5 0.4 . 1.32-

_:;.- (I : 1.5: 3)

2• step 0.4 0.4 1.10
3nl Slep Y- - V Room_
:·~, noof" and 2 long wall (horizo·~ntaJ;rN~=--~;;:;-+-::-::--+----L---_J_--,---1---~
1111 02
0. -
u. ~Ju~ 8.2 0.4 . 6·.56
V Explanation ~
cis length= 2.4 +0.15 +0.15
L = c/c length + width of item
clc length = 2. 7
s = 2.7 0.6=2.1
CUrved wall (No. -01)
- 6.42 0.6 0.4 1.54
== (7.8 + 0.4) = 8.2
· Shoi!_wall (vertical) (No. 03~PC

1• step 01 Explanation _3.90 0.4 - 3.48
6.32 0.5 0.4 1.26 r---______ s :: 3.30- 0.4 = 2.90

2 step 01
0.4 1.00
6.22 0.4
1-;b} ~ Verand~ and room no. 3
3nl Slep 01
25.36 mJ
P Long wall (No._!)DPC


OJ 4.30 0.4 1.72

Eqllaaalioa Short wall (No. 3)
03 2.30 0.4 - 2.76
· Leogth of curved wall Curv~ wall _(No. •01)

= M Xl.95 =6.12 =6.12 +0.3 -6.42 OJ _6.22 0.4 2.48
(2) Extemai ~ 20mm thick in CM (I : 2) Total = •IMrulnJp

including plinth Slep) 17m
~4 )

-...._ M-20 grade in slab, lintel and plinth
Extemai wall plaster I step
Length 01 30.39 3.0 92.70m 2 (A) Lintel
8.10 = (03.6 + 3.6 + 0.3 + 0.3 + 0.3)
R.C.C. M-20 grade lintel including steel
6.3 = (3 +OJ + 2.4 + 0.3 + 0.3) reinforcement and 0.15 m bearing on each side
3.9 = (3.6 + 0.3) of opening.

6.0 = (3 + 0.3 + 2.4 + 0.3) Door= ( 1.2 + 0.3) • 1.5 03 1.5 0.3 0.15 0.2025
6.60 =(curved wall= ltX 2.10)
Total = 30.90
' \11:..... ' (,.,,
05 1.5 0.3 0.15 0.3375
Window(w 1)
Deduction - OJ 2.1 0.3 0.15 0.0945
2~ 1.20 2.10 2.52
= 0.6345
Window(w) mJ
5~ 1.20 1.35 4.05 (B) I R.C.C. slab in M-20

~~ 1.20 1.35 0.81
(I) · Slabover

Verandah Room I and 2 01 8.1 3.6 0.15 4.374m 3

~~ 1.80 2.10 1.89
L = 3.6 + 3.6 + 0.3 + 0.3 + 0.3 =8.J
Opening B - 3 + 0.3 + 0.3 - 3.6
2~ 1.5
2.10 (2) :;:QU UHoO ouvu) no. 03

(i) Rectangle 01 3.9 2.4 0. 15 1.404 m3
deduction (ii) '"" " " OJ 5.089 0.15 0.7633 m
= 12.42
Net quandty of xte
T.,..Neo p,w;..,;., e rna! Plaster= 92.70- 12.42- 80.28 m1 Fig. Ex.S.6.6 (b)
Hen.A.tJ..r,Wpue ~
.....A SACH/If S/1..4H Yeoture
Teeb-Neo Publi<alions .••..•-·- Jnere Aut/Jon J08ptte IJlJIOYIIJOD
--..A SA CHIN Sll4/l Yenture
Detail d
(5-52l e E:stl~t nt survey. Esti. & Valuation (MU-s
1i1_Ouant.Survey, Esti. & Valualion (MU-Sem- ?·Civil) Breadth ' Depth/ Qulllltity ~ aue · em. 7-CivJI)
No. LenJda ' (B) Height r---w---, C2 Detailed Estimates
Desmpdon ~ltmL
No. ~ ~ C1

7P'2 = 5.089
- t- - Total slab ~ §
..; Room-1
r-- 4.000

= J 6.54}3 Roorn-2 §
m ..;

- ~ c1 D D r- 8
R.C.C. M-20 in plinth step
03 1.5 0.3 0.133 0.179 m 3
r--------- C2 .
C1 N

B = 0.9/ 3 = 0.3
------- ~- ~
I ~d.-~

P1 - 0.413- 0.133
1. \.

'[J I'~ I
·1 " I

"'- _,
:. Total R.C.C. M-20 grade in slab. lintel and 81 I
nl ~-
82 I I' I
plinth step = L
UEx. 5.8.7 r.1 u. • 17. 6 r.1arks

Bs 86
~ 87
Prepare the abslract sheet far quantities caJc:ul-' in UEL5.6.6.
Ab5tnct Shed : I'I \ ,; I
~~ <~ 83
l 8, •
..... ~flitem Quantity Unit Rate Unlt of rate Amount t J=...I
" ---~
I I \ I

J D=1x2.1 m

I I" class brick wori: in cement 25.36 m 5820 m 3.230 4.230 W=1 .5x1 .2m
I• Column C1 = 0.23 x 0.23
mortar I :3 in foundation upto 147595.20 ,-- Co!Lmn C2 = 0.23 x 0.30
8, Footing F1 = 1.0 x 1.0 X 0.3510.15
plinth B2
Footing F2 = 1.1 x 1.5 0.45/0.15

+ +
Footing oflsel = 0.075

2 Enemai plasre.ring 20mm thick 80.28 Ml 531 m g Plinth beams = 0.23 x 0.50 m
Bs 86 87 Floor beams= 0.23 x 0.45 m
in CM (1 : 2) (including plinth 42628.68 (")
SlepS) Waif Tlt = 0.23
PCC oflsel for fooling = 0.1
83 e, Excavation depth= 1.2 m
3 150mm thick DPC in cement 17 m
2 l ,__
350 m Chaja projection = 0.45 m
5950.00 Chaja thid<ness = 0.07510.12 m
CCliiCme 1: 1.5:3 PLAN AT FLOOR!TERRACE LEVEL UnteVChajJa bearing = 0.15 m
4 R.C.C M-25 grade in slab, 7.3548 m
12271 m
Fig. EJL 5.6.8 (a)
lintel, 111111 plinth steps. 90250.75

Total Cost= I Rs.286424.63 Draw the centre line plan
U&.S.U f.1U 0 1 Dec 17. 20 Marks 3.230 n= 1 4.230
- - - - --- -- - <i)-- -- - -- ------1
Wort out the foUowing quantities from given plan and sectiOn. I
(a) RC.C. (M20) upiO plinth level (footing, columns and plinth beam) 1
Room - 2
Room - 1 : : 3.230
(b) lntanal plas1er in C:M (I : 5) 15mm tbeck. 3.230 I I

(c) Brick Willi in C:M (I : 6) in superstru~

~d) . Flooring aDd~ I
---- - ------~-,- - - ---- ____ ,

wall thickness = 0.23 m

Fig. Ex. 5.6.8 (b)

-.. A JACHINSHAH Yentu!t T.,.b.r;.., PubliutiooB........... Inert Authon iospiit iooor~tiOD
~urvey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-civit) (5- 5) Detailed Estimates

l!:tJ1 auant.Survey, Esti.· & vaJuatloll (M
U.Sem- 7-Civil)
:::. Dt>scriptlonofitem .
·. . .; .·<··::~·.· :· /.;~f
· .' ,, ·. II • ' No. • .i ?:~;
.]J_. '" [¥.).~_ffl;
..' (lty
.. · ··. .
' i
...::;, .

Numberoftunction = N=2 3(3230)=~ 8 DIH Qty -~ ~ Height of C, - (1.2- (0.35 + 0. 15 + 0.15)) +

_ 2(3.230) + 2 < 4 ·~~ L ~"" 0.6= 1.15
Total c/c length - -- No. . . ,
De.<crlptioD of item ~ I --....._ Height of C, = [1.2 - (0.45 + O.I5 + O.I5) +
' Nit. .· ·. •....· .·. - - --~---- r-----...
0.6] = 1.05
01 R.C.C. (M20) upto ptinth l e v e l - - - f.-.--1--- f-(c) RCC (M20) in plinth beam concrete in plinth

(i) R.C.C. (M20) in footing - - ~1--- 0. 15 0.6 r------._ I--
Concrete"' footing base
r----- 1 :-..:....-
1 "::__j--- ~1.1 50~+----T----~
0. I 5 0.585
I -...._
0 .40
~ooting No. I '~
·3 ,~~·~+-~-T----~r-----_......_
~ r--- 01 3.95 0 .23

~C~o~n~cre~te~fo>:_rrec~tan~gu~lar~fo~r~abo~v.::::e:.:b:::ase~-~----;;-- 0 .6 0 .4I
Ill (b)
1 0_7 0.7 0. 15 0.294
FootingNo.- l - J.Z 0. 15 0 .36 --
~-----------:--:------::;-------~~02 1.0
l__ _J:=======~F:oo~ti~ng~N~o~.-:2_ _ _ _1-_:~r====±======c=====+=~====!==::::

(c) Concrete fortraperoidal part 0.1050 - 0.42 OJ

Footing No. -I 3.0
0.286 0 .572
lj Footing No. -2 02 - T otal
Total 2.831 Internal plaster I ( : 3) 'ffiffi
Room No.
Footing -I => 03

V =~ (A 1 + A 2 +..JA.A;) 0.23 + 0 .075 + 0 .075: 0.38 2 .9 I7.4

= o;s 2 2 1
[(0.38) + (0.7) + ...J0.38 x 0.72 1 ] c

02 17 .4
v = 0. 105

Footing- 2 => 7 5.4 m

[ (0.38 X 0.55) + ( 1.0 X 1.2) + ...j0.209 X 1.2 ]
l 1 0.15 03
1.0 .
Fig. Ex. 5.6.8 (c)

(b) RCC M(20) in column concrete in column m'

upto ptinth. .....
04 Door (D) I I 2.I
0.23 02 "2 2. 1
Columnc, 0.23 1.15 0.243
02 0.23 Window (W) I 1.5 1.2
Explanation 0.4 02 "2 1.8
1.05 0. 193
Teeh-Neo Publieotio 01
0.436m 3 ~ Net_quantity ' o lastering inside '(75.4 · 21 3.9) '92.5 m

,.-.-- ....4 SACHJ!f Sll4H YeJJtur<

l'tth-Neo Publications..... .... lnere Authon iospm iDDov.tioo
_4 SACHJ!f SHAH J'eatun-

1§;1 Ouant.Survey, Estl. & Valuation
. (MU-Sem· 7:Civil) (5-56) Esti
., ,,
pili ~!ee auant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU.
. L::, ,,:, B
c No. . . Sern. 7·Civil)
ltem ·}·'>·' ·'

- 1--
Description of item " ~ ·, ,,
' -..:..: (5-57)
ru ~ ~
' '
No•. ..
-- ~
0.23 2.9 16.25
(3) Brick work to (M (I : 6) ) in super.;trUCIUJ'C - r-- Detailed Estimates

~ Oow! ...

I x nv width or·1tem
L = c/c length _ 2 UCR~~7SO. O
I f>CCbod ~SOD l

: 24.6-zX 2 X0.23 soo.o
= 24.37 m

Door (D) 02 I 0.23 2.1 0.966 ~
Window(W) 02 1.5 0.23 1.2 0.828 ~
0.23 0.23 2.9 0.6]3
Column (C) 1 04

0.4 2.9 0.533
Column (C)- 2 02 0.23 . ----------
Lintel over :------.
Door (D) 02 1.3 0.23 0.15 0.0897 r------...
Window (W) 04 1.8 0.23 0.15 0.2484 :------.

(Add begin of 0.15m in both side) Total deduction= 3.2781---

Net quantity of brick work= (16.25- 3.278l) - 12·97 m Module

---- Schedule :

(4) Aooring and skirting Doors :
Wllldows :
(a) Aooring: =
D 1.2 X 2.1 ml
w = 1.2 x1_2 mt. All dimensions in mm for SOdions
' 01 = 0.9 X 2.1 mt
W1 = 0.8 x 0.5 ml All in1emal Bnd extemal wall Ill~ 300 ""'
Room No.I 01 3.0 3.0 9.0m2 D2=0.75x2.1mt.

Room No. 2
Add sills of opening :
Door (D)


1.0 0.23

U 12m2

Total flooring= 21.46 m2
- 0 Soln.:

Fig. Ex. 5.6.9(a)

(b) 'skirting 3.3: 3.3: 33:
Room No. I 02 3.0 I · I I 6.0

02 I
6.0 I
Room No. 2 02 4.0 - - 8.0 I 5.6 Sitting I

I Room I
02 3.0 6.0 Bed room 4.4 4.4 I
39: I
26Rm I 5.6 I
6.0 I
Deduct : Opening door (D) 02 1.0 ----f)----------'
- 2.0Rm
Net quantity of skirting = 26- 2 = 24 R.M. 1.os : we :1 .os 3.9 I
UEx.5.6.9 MU · Q 1. Ma 18. 20 Marks I
I 3.2 :
·work o!JI the quantities from given plan and section in figure 1 .5L_~~~--- 5.3 Bedroom :s3
(a)· . UCR masoruy in cement mortar 1:2 in fPIIDdation up to plinth. 3.2 I

'(b) · Fifflt class brick IIUISoruy !n cement mortar I :3 in superstructure (including plinth steps) I 3.9
(c) External plastering 25 mm !hick in two coats in C.M (l z4) adding waterproofmg compound. L---------------
. :(Including plinth steps)
Wall thickness= 0.3 m
(d):,. Prepare an abstract of cost for the items of works specified above. No. of junction N =14
Fig. Ex. 5.6.9(b)
~ - r -··•uuu _,,.A S.4CH/N SHA!H'eJJtuft
J;h:Nto Publiutiow........... ~e~ Authors inapire inoorltion
- --- --- -

rveY Esli & Valuation (MU Sem. 7.Civil)

- ~· · of I~
(5-59) Detailed Estimates
Esti &VaiJBiiOn (Ml)-Sell'-
~l c5-55l + + 2(5.6J + 2(6J + 2(3.9J + 2c3
2 5 28
?(I ()5) + 1.5 + . ·2) 1&eJll
No. I L.
I Total

Quant.SurveY· . 3 9 + 2(5.3) +. .
d e lcnglb = 3{3.3) + 2(4.4) + . . ~ Qty
--;;;mal plasteri ng 25mm thick 01 48.8 3.45 168.36 m

Toc.J in two coat in CM (I : 4)

= 79J Dl ...-.--~ J){ll
---.._· adding water proofing
i)e$Ciipiioll ollleJII
No. l---j..--- compound. External wall
ftem 1---L---- plaster :
UCR nwoory in CM (I : 2) in k;-f--o.750 33.88
,_....---- p-
r..ength ~
fouDdalioo ~0 plinth -75.3~~ (1.6 (:= (2.2 + 0.3 + 0.3 + 2.5 +
~ _:.::.::.-
a) UCR 51rp No. I
E.......,. 0.3 + 5.70 + 0.3)

11.6 (:= (2.9 + 0.3 + 0.3 + 3.6
L= ck lcopb
I +0.3 +4.2)
- ?'n x B
(2.8(:= (3.0 + 0.3 + 0.3 + 3.6 +

=79.s - (1x t4 xo.6 )
- - 0.4 0.6 18.40m
3 --..... 0.3 + 5 + 0.3)
12.8 (:= (2.8 + 0.3 + 4.!0 + 0.3
= 753 76.7
I + 5 + 0.3)
b) UCR Step No. 2
L= 79.5-Gx !4 x0.4) 488

4.8 m

---- Height= 3 + 0.45 = 3.45

- 76.7 m 0.4 0.75
1 16 [)eduction
c) UCR below ver.mdah and
eolr3DCe ball Door (D) 3xl 1.2 - 2.1 3.78
de len¢! 6.0 + 2.8 + 41 + 2
3.0= 16 Door(D 1) lxl 0.9 2.1 0.945
L 16- (1x o x o.4 ) -t6 2
Total UCR= 57.08m3-
- Window(W)
2) firs! class brick masonry in CM
(1 : 3) in suprnll1lCWll'
L= 79J- (1x 14 x03 )
- 77.4
01 77.4 0.30 3.0 69.66m

U Window (W 1)
12 x l





Total deductioo - 13.76

Deductioo : I I Net quantity of external plaster= 168.36- 13.76 = 154.6 m2
Opening :
0.30 2.1 3.024 Abstract Sheet :
(i) Door (D) ~ I 11
(ii) Door(D,J 02 0.9 0.30 2.1 1.134 Amount -
Item Deicrlption of item Quantity Unit Rate Uaitof

(iii) Door(D:.J ~ 0.75 0.30 2.1 1.89 No. rate

(iv) Window (w) 12 11 0.30 1.2 5.18 ) l
(v) Window (w1) 01 UCR masonry in CM (I : 3) in superstrucrure 57.08 m 4387 m 2,50,409.96
02 0.8 0.30 0.5 0.24 ) 3
Lintel over 02 First class brick masonry in CM (I : 3) in superstrucrure 58.49 m 5820 m 3,40,411.80
(i) Door (D) l 2
~ 1.5 0.30 03 154.6 m 531.00 m 82,092.60
0.1 0.18 External plastering 25mm thick in two coat in CM (I : 4)
(ii) Door- (D,) 02 i.2 0.30 0.1 adding water proofing compound.
(iii) Door(D.J 0.072
~ 1.05
(iv) 0.35 0.1 0.147 Total cost = 6,72,914.36
Window (w) (Note : Rate are taken from S.S.R- 19- 20)
12 1.5 0.30
(v) Window(W,) 0.1 0.54
02 I. I 0.30 0.1 0.066
Net quantity of brick wort - 69.66- 12.47 = 1
Total deduction 12.47 m
r...,__ P.w;, fb Alltb.niMpft a-a., -- / 57.19
-...A SAC/liNSHAH l'eotwr

T«b-Neo Publieatioru........... Inue Authon iMpirt iluwntiotl _.A SA CHIN Sll4/ll'ea~r~re

t survey, Estl. & Valuation (MU S

ouan . • ern. 7-ciVil)
UEx. 5:6.10 r.1U - Q 1 Dec 18 20 Marks ~ -
~ sotn- .
(5·61 )
Detailed Estimates
Worit out following quantities from given plan and section. wcentre line plan ; - -- -- 3.83 n, 1
(ll pra ··· · ···Q.... 4.23
(a) mcavllion fur all footing. I

: : ----------:
(b) R.C.C. in foWog beds. I I I
3.23 : ' Room ~ 2 : :
(c) Flooring IDd skirting 1 1 Room-a 1
: : : 3,23
(d) Brickwort in C:M 1:5 in supmttucture 1
n:: 1 : :
(J)-. ______ r.-, n: 2 1

: ----r.::r---- -------......:
2.23 Roam. 1 I·

I 2.23
tl L .. .. ..... .............. .. J

Wall thickness : 0.23 m
No. of junction: 1 + 1 + 2 = 4
Fig. Ex. 5.6.10 (b)
Number of junction = I + 1+ 2 =4 number

n 04
~0 10

total c/c length 2(3.83 + 4.23) + 3 (3.23) + 3.83 +2 (2.33) = 34.3 m
.I By using centre line method find length formula :
.--------w-----------------------, ~2 G
w I
I Centre line (L). =clc length - x n x width of item) .
Chaiaine / : 3600 4.000 I
I . I
1.2 n. o.1o Description of Item
Room-1 I !tent No. L B
i !'.I 3.000 Room-2 WI
DIH Quantity Total




D= 1 x 2.1 m
W= 1.5 x 1.2m
Column = 0.23 x 0.23
01 Excavation for all footing

L=34.3 - 0x4x t.2)

01 3L9 L2 1.30 49.76

49.76 m
I II PUnth and ftoor
I - 31.9
::::::::::::11 I Beams= 0.23 x 0.45 m
I Slab= 0.12 m
Wall Th. = 0.23 02 D.C.C. in footing bed
PCC orrset for footing = 0.1 J
L=34J-Gx4xl.2) 01 3l.5 l.2 O.lO 3.828 3.828 m

3.600 4.000
Slab 51 51abS1
03 Flooring and skirting
A) Tiles flooring
Room - ! 01 3.6 3.0 10.8
Slab 51 Slab 51 :: 4.0 3.0 l2
Room -2 Ol
2.1000 I I
01 3.6 2.10 7.56
Room - 3 ·
llt:::::====:it :::::::::::::il Add sills of opening
Door (D) 03 I
Total= 31.05 m
Fig. Ex. 5.6.10 (a)

-Tod,.N.., Publicatioos........... lne"' Aut/Jon IDSptfe
~survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-s
au~_:_ em. 7..Civit)

(5-63) Detailed Estimatas
lil -
OuanlSurvey, Esti & ValualiOII (MU-51
s' ..
r· . . nui•li•ISR+.ut&
5 6 11
~· · 1the following quantities from the g'
L '/{~ 1111 tven plans & .

No. .' .
I laB o-ripCioll fllllftD 12----- ~tCC (M20) (for roof slabs and beams sections.
(B) TLles Slrining

Room I
3.~I - -
3.00 ~
- t--
- -
(ll Jlllertlal plaster on walls and ceiling in C:M(l·S)
,...- ---,

12 11Up thick

(2) Brick work
{4) Fl~md ~
Cl RB7 C·l

02 4.00 ~
- 6.0 ..Iii on
..Iii PB6 Cl
s ... RB6 Cl

02 3.00 -
- 7.2 ------.. Iii
+ iii

C2 "'Iii RBS
C2 C2
02 - 4.2 C2 0::

02 2.10 38.6 .,. "'Iii PB4 RB4
.. s iii C2

0. C2

:s +

0:: 51
DedDct 2
---- C2 PB3 C2 RB3


Door opening (D) 02 2 P82 Iii
0:: RB2 iii
ill0:: 0::
(d) IX2 1.0 Cl

- Cl
38.6 4 - 34.6 Running ; ; ; Ct Cl Cl Cl
Net quantity of skirting
(' : Door between room I ROOF LEVEL ROOF LEVEL
and 3. provide deduction 125

0.23 3.0 23.34m
3 -
04 Brick wori in CM (I : 5) in

L = 34.3 -(tx0.23 x4)

01 33.84

= 33.84
(i) Door (D) 03 1.0 0.23 2.1 1.45

(ii) Wmdow(W) 04 1.5 0.23 1.2 1.66

(iii) Columo(c) 08 0.23 0.23 3.0 1.27

(iv) Lintel over
Door (D) 03 1.3 0.23 0.15 .0.134
Wiodow(W) 04 1.8 0.23 0.15 0.248

Total deduction= 4.762 m3

Net quantity of brickwork in superslructure _ 23.34 4.762 3
18.57 m


g C1 · 230 X 230 gc2 - 230 X360
Fig. 5.6.11(a)
•...A SACHIN SIWI y..,"""
-A SACHIN SIWI Yestutt Tedt-Neo Publiutions.......... IHlen: Author> iDspitt iDDo••tioD
--- surveY Esti & Valua~on (MU·em.
8 7-Civil) Detailed Estimates
aua-'\ · (5-65)
s ~criptlon of Item I No. I L I B D/H I Quantity / Total l
~ . u.sem 7-Civill ~0·
R.C.C (M-20) for roof •
lBJ QuanLSurvey. Esti. & VaJuaiiOfl (M · ~ slab and beam
li:1 Soln.:
0rdW centre line plan
'~ r_ _I
3.23 I
concreti ng :
roof slab

Slab No. I (master room)

L: 3.3 + 0.23 + 0.23/2
01 3.645 3.645 0.125 !.66

3.53 ~- - ·
--e-----4>1143 :3.645
I 1 11 .43 ,~,. · 0 3

: 1. 43 I .b--- -"Y' B : 3.3 + 0.23 +
: ~--·• I
4.73 : : 3.23 : :3.645
: 293: : 293 01 . 1.52
I I I Slab No.2 3.345 3.645 0.125

~-----;;;-- ---r __________j (Bed room)
Iii -- 3.23 L:3+ 0 .23 +-
waull1ici<ness =o.230 :3.345 M
No. of jUnction N =10 1-- Slab No.3

Fig. Es. 5.6.11 (b) (Living room)
0.23 01 3.645 4.845 0.125 2.207
L: 3.3 +0.23 + 2
Number of function
N: 10 B - 4.5 + 0.23 + 2
ac leogth of wall ~ :4.845
: (3 X 3.53) + (4 X 3.23) + (3 X 5.53) + (3 X !.43)+ (2 X 2.93) + 4.73 0.125 0.646
01 3.345 1.545

Slab No.4
de length 48.98 (Batb and we)
L- 3.345
R.CC layOUl of at roof level
Slab tbek : 125 mm B "' 1.2 + o.23 + ·i
0 3
TotAl slab : 0.5 : 1.545
3.045 0.125 1.273
Slab No. 5 (Kitchen) 01 3.345
TotAl roof beam : 14
RB7 L- 3.345
B "'2.7 + 0.23 + ·i
0 3

51 RB14 :3.045 3
RB 13 RB12 Total Concrete in Slab: 7.306 m
RB4 b) R.CC roof beam
s, concreting 2.17
S3 RB11 3.0 0.23 0.45
RB8 RBI, RB3, RB4, RB6.
RB7, RB5, RB2
• RB2
Ss RB10
(ii) RB-11
01 2.43 0.23 0.3 0.167

RB1 L =(1.2 + I + 0.23)

:2 .43 0.6 0.612
4.44 0.23
Fig. 5.6.ll(c) L(iii) RB -08 I
L= I I I '
......-1 SACHIN SHAH Ymlllrt:
..~~. 11Uinor8
Tetb Neo Publicaf1008... ........ wotrt • '- 105ptre
· ·
......-1 SA CHIN S!WI Yeolutt
-------- ----
ey Estl & Valuation (MU Sern 7 c
Qt.lant.Surv · - Ml)

(5-67) Detailed Estimates
Detailed E
stlrnatea J)eSc:ripdon ol Item I No. I L I I I Total .!
(5-66) QUaDllty Totti"""" JteJII B D/H Quantity
......., . U-Selll· 7.Civil) J)/11 Quantity ~
lfhl QuantSurvey. Esti. & Valuii!Oil (M L 8 ~ --.....:.... Cl 06 0.23 0.23 3.275 1.039
lr- o.crtpdlufl... o. --l....---" C2
,___ 04 0.23 0.35 3.275 1.054
LN~o.~·~~~~~~~ . J
(4.5 -(0.35 ;0.23)) . f-- Total Deduction = 8.42 m
Net quantity of Brick work= (36.02- 8.42) 27.6 m
:4.44 1 ~~~ 0.569
~ Internal plaster in wall
01 - ~
and ceiling in CM ( I : 5},
L- l - -- - - -r -
;;-;- 4.1 0.23
12nun thick
iv) RB =10
L= 2.7+0.23+1.2 I ~~ 0.267
--- Inside wall

~~ 0.45 (a}
L---it..:=:..:4~.1~3-----1--;;-o;-- 258 o.23 Living room 02 3.3 3.275 21.61
'') RB -9
L = 2.7 -(0.35 -0.23) --::--f.----'-' 5 0.670
02 4.5 - 3.275 29.47

Master room 02 3.3

02 3.24 023
. 0.4 3.275 21.61
,;) RBIJ. RBI4 02 3.3 - 3.275 21.61
0.35 -2 0.23 t
L-3.3 ( r Bed room 02 3.0 - 3.275 19.65
3.24 0.45 0.341 02 3.3
023 3.275 21.61
01 3.3
vii) RB-12 Total concreting in roof beam- 4.796 rn3 Kitchen 02 3.0 3.275 19.65

3.275 36.02 m 02 2.7 17.685
47.83 0.23 3.275
02 Brick wort in 01
Bath and WC 02 1.8 3275 I 1.79
supel'S!IUCrure by using
CCIIII'e lin< method ; 02 1.2 - 3.275 7.86
Line method Open passage 02 0.97 - 3.275 6.35
L = cJc lengtlr-
02 1.2 - 3.275 7.86
( fx n x width of item)
L = 48.98 -

(tx 10x0.23)
L- 47.83
U Ceil ing
Living room 01 3.3 4.5 -
= 206.75

Master room 01 3.3 3.3 10.89
Door (D) 01 1.2 0.23 2.1 0.579 Bed room 01 3.0 3.3 - 9.9
Door (D,) 02 1.0 0.23 2.1 0.966 Kitchen 01 3.0 2.7 8.1
Door(Dz) 01 0.75 0.23 2.1 0.362 01 1.8 1.2 - 2.16

Bath and WC
Opening (o) 02 1.2 0.23 2.1 1.159 Open passage 01 0.97 1.2 1.164
Window(w) 2
05 1.5 0.23 2. 1 3.622 47.06 m
Ventilator (v) 01 0.45 0.23 0.6 0.062 1 Deduction
Lintel over
Internal opening
Door(D) 01 1.5 0.23 0.15 0.051 02 1.0 2. 1 4.2
Door(D 1) Door- Dl
01 1.3 0.23 0.15 0.044 01 0.75 2.1 1.57
Door(Dz) D2
01 1.5 0.23 0.15 0.036 02 1.2 2.1 5.04
opening (o) 02 Opening (0)
1.5 0.23 0.15 0.103
Window (w) 05 External opening
1.8 0.23
Column 0.15 0.310 Door(D) I 1.2 - 2.1 1.26

' "2
·-.A SAC/liNSHAll Ventutt Terb-Neo Publications........... Where Authors inspUt JOJJOriiJoD

surveY Esti & Valuation (MU Sem. 7-clvil) (5-69)
Detailed Es timates -
(~) Quantity

~ ~

J)eseription of Item. I
No. I L I B . Dlil I Qoall60]
., Total
~ auantSurvey, Esti. & VaJuatiOO (
. Mu.sem.r.civil)
Jl J)/11
QTotat !'iO.
~ voor (D) 01 1.2 - - 1.2 -
. --~
l.5 ------~~-~---0
voor (Dl)
(Deduct twice, since for
02x02 1.0 - - 4 -
5lCi 1 - - both side)

Window (W) 0.6
L-----1 1
0.4j L------1----2-1-----...- · Opening (0) 02x02 1.2 - - 4.8 -
Veotilalor 1'1 ~~ 20.07m l.---- Door (D2) 0.75
~------r-_:-1 ~ttr"' -
01 0.75 -
7s+ 47.06)- 20.01
........-;- of Internal Pla5
<206_ 233:?4
m2 v- Total J0.75R.M.
Net quanUIY . . - - - - - - - - ---... L--- 52.39

Net quantity of Skirting= (63.14- 10.75) RM. __j

~~--------r--~L----~ -- L.--
· ::::·n:E..g- -r--1-- L.---:--1--- 14.85 --
~A'!._)~A~oo~rin~g----1-;,--;-~~ EJ· 5.6.1 2

: 10.89 -- prepare detailed estimate for R.C.C. chajja (or water shed) with lintel as shown in Fig. & . 3.6.ll(a)
~u~·YID~·~g~roo~m~--+-:::01;-13.3-~ 9.9 - 0.3m
~M~~~tt~r~roo~m~-----+--~-r~- 2,10mm+
~~ 33
anchor bar

Bedroom 01 8.1 - Module
Kitchen 0~1 -1~3.0 , ~
.......- 2.16
-- 10 mm +@ 150 mm C/C

JB~a~tb~an~d:! _W~C------+--0~1--t-;~1.8

f- 097 1.
2 1.164 2 --
01 · 47.06 m ·
P~sage ~~~~~----------JJ~o.oom
12mm +
Add sills of opening 0.23 -"'-~~ 0.7m
01 1.2
Door (D,) 02 1.0 0.23
- (1C82)Fig. Ex. 5.6.12

Net quantity of flooring- (47.06 + 1.46)
U48.52 ml
0 Soln. :

Measurement sheet

Item Description or Item No. Length (L) Breadth (B) Depth I Height Quantity To~
meters meter (DIH)meter
B) Skining No.
6.6 0.09m
Uving room 02 3.3 0.30 0.20
Providing and casting of 01 1.5
9.0 01
02 45
C.C. M-20 for lintel
02 3.3 6.6
L =1.2 + (2 X 0.15) = 1.5 m (' .' 0.15 =bearing)

02 3.3 6.6 )

0.7 0.09 0.0945 m

Providing and laying of C. C. 01 1.5
Bedroom 02 3.0 6.0 02
02 3.3 6.6 of M-20 for chaija
0.10 + 0.08
Kitchen 02 3.0 6.0 Avg. height of chaija = =0.09
2 3
02 2.7 5.4 Total 0.1845m
Bath and we 02 1.8 3.6 Chapter Ends...
02 1.2 2.4 [J[J[J
Open passage 02 0.97
02 1.2
Total - 63. 14 RM.
Deduction at opening
. I .J
Teeh-Neo Puhlieoaio..

Bar Bending Schedule

sytllb"' :
r Bending Schedule and its necessity, preparation of bar bending schedule of various structural elements as per
~ 152so2. Preparation of detailed estimate of R.C.C framed structures.

6.l Bar Bending Schedule (B .B.S.) ................ ....... ..... .......... ....................................... .... ..... .. ... ... ... .............. ..... ..... ........... .. . 6-2
ua. 6.1 .1 Write short notes on : BBS. MU - Dec 15 . 4 Marks .. .............................. ................................................ 6-2

ua. 6.1.2
ua. 6.1.3
UO. 6.1.4
What is bar bending schedule? What is its importance ? MU - Dec. 16. 5 Marks ......... .. .. .. .................. 6-2
Define and explain the purpose of BBS. MU - Dec . 17. 4 Marks
What is Bar bending schedule? Explain its importance in estimation Process .
..... ...... .. .. .... .. ..... .... ......... ........... 6-2

MU - Dec . 18, 5 Marks .................. ............. ...... ........... ...... ... ....... ............... .. ............. .... .. ..... ...... .... .. ..... .. 6-2
Calculation of Steel Quantity .... .... .. ........... ..... ......... ..... ...... ... ...... ..... ............... ........ ......... ... .. .... ... ... ... ... ...... ... .. ... .. .......... 6-2
6.3 Types of Steel Reinforcement. .. ..... .. .... ... .......... ................ ............................. .............................. .......... .. .... ..... ....... ... .... 6-3
6.4 Weights of Steel Bar ... ... ................ ..... ... .... ,.. ...................... .... ............. ... ...................... ........ ........ ...... .... .............. .. ........ 6-3
6.5 Clear Cover for Different R.C.C. Member .. ...... .............. ................ .. .......... ................ .. .. ............. .. ..... ....... ........... ..... .... .. 6-4
6.6 Calculation of Extra Length of Bar ..................... ........ ..................................................... ... .......... .. ......... .... .. .. .... ............ 6-4
6.7 Number of Bars or Stirrups .. .. .. ....... ..... ... .......... ..... .. ...... ....... ...................... ....... ..... .... ..... ... .. ... ....... ... ..... .. .. ... ..... ..... .. .. .. . 6-7

6.8 Numerical of steel quantity (Bar Bending Schedule Problem) .. ..... ...... ................. ...... ...... ....... .. ..... .. .... ....... .... ..... ....... ... 6-7
Previous Universit Paper Questions

UEx. 6.8.1 (MU- Q . 5(8), Dec. 15,8 Marks) .. .... .... .... ........... .............. .......... .......... .... ................ ........ .. .. ..... .. .. ............ 6-7
UEx. 6.8.2 (MU- Q . 5(b), May 16,6 Marks) .......... ....... ... ...... .. ........ .... ........ .. .... .. ........... .. ................ ...... .... .. .-...... .. .. .. . 6-10
UEx. 6.8.3 (MU- Q. S(a), Dec. 16, 10 Marks} ........... ....... .... ... .. ............ .... ...... ............... ......... ........ ....... ..... .... ... .... .... 6-12
UEx. 6.8.4 (MU- Q. 5(a}, May 17,8 Marks) .... ...... ...... .... ..... .......... ...... .... ..................... ...... .. .... ............................... .. 6-14
UEx. 6.8.5 (MU- Dec. 17, 10 Marks} ........ ............ .... ....... ... .. .... ... ....... ... .. ...... ............. .. ......... .... ..... .. .. ......... ..... .... .... . 6-16
UEx. 6.8.6 (MU- Q. S(a}, May 18, 10 Marks) .... ........ ........... ............ .......... ........ ....... ....... ................ ......... .... ..... .... .. .. 6-19
UEx. 6.8.7 (MU- Q. 4(A}, Dec. 19, 12 Marks} ... .......... .... ... ..... ..... ....................... ....... ............. .......... ...... ......... .. ........ 6-21

Chapter Ends .........................................................................................................................................: ..................... 6-26
------ (&2)

auant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Se

m. 7-Civ/l) (6-3)
.d Thumb rule for steel quantity 1 Bar Bending Schedule
,.. or various R.c.c m
For slab and lintel • ember
I Quantity of steel is 0.7 % to 1 % of .
quantuy of concrete in C
I' eg . Quantity of concrete for slab = SmJ
u.m. i.e. (m )

:. by thumb rule quantity of steel

Steel 1% of concrete (' J I

r.e. Sm) =TOO X 5 X 7850

Steel = 329.5 kg-

jll (b) Forbeam

II shows foUowing derails : Quantity of steel
(c) No. of bar I to2%ofq .

(a) Particulars of bar (b) Sbape of bar uanuty of concrete in Cu.m.
(I) Total length of bar (c) For column
(d) diameter of bar (ojl in rnm ) (e) Length of bar
Quantity of steel 2to5% f .
(g) Weight of bar in kg tm (h)Total weight of bar (kg) o quantity of concrete in Cu.m.
. d difti rent grades are calculated. (d) For fooling
Tbe quantity of s~l reinforcement of different diameter an e

BBS gives idea of different sizes of bar, bend, book. shape and length of bar. Quantity of steel
I II 0.5 to 0.8 % of quantity of concrete in Cu.m.
BBS serve as guide to person wbo bending the bars.
BBS helps in easy supervision and checking of steel reinforcement work on site.
BBS gives idea of exact quantity of steel required for various item of work like foundation, column, beam, slab etc. _ The steel reinforcement used in R C C constru ,;
. · Cuon are two type :
(I) Mild steel (2) High Yield Strength Deformed (HYSD .

By using BBS . Engineer or owner can order and pure base exact quantity of steel from market. ) steel r.e. tor steel.
Typical form of bar bending schedule is given as follows · - In conventional R.C.C. works, the mild steel barb bee
as n rep1aced by HYSD bar except 6mm diameter bar.
The properties like diameter, area, weight per me•· t
Sr. n-ripdoo Sbapeof No. of Diameter ol bar Length of Total length Weight in ~r e c· are same for both type of bars.
No. Bar bar (• inmm) bar of bar (m) kg/m Weight in ~ 6.4 WEIGHTS OF STEEl BAR
(Lin 'm') kg
The following form ula is use to find out the weight of a bar of any diameter :

Weight of bar in (kg per meter length) = (L)

162 Wbere "'.,. =di ameter m
· 'nun ' for length of 1 meter

Example for 8rnm •q,• bar,

Steel reinforcement is.calculated as per actual · · · ·. . . 82
etc. fro m detrul drawing.
requrremems as lrud m posiUon mcluding length bend over laps hook
• • •
Weight in kg/m = 162 = 0.39

No deduction for s~l is made from volume of concrete. The weight of bars of different diameters are as follows :

The cost of binding wire and wasl.'lge of steel is considered in the 1't f . Diameter of bar in (mm) Weight In kg per meter Diameter or bar In (mm) Weight In kg per meter
. . em o steel remforcement. 20
6 0.22 2.46
When detrul drawmg of s~l reinforcement are not available th . .
b' • en ll IS worked out .· h 1 8 0.39 25 3.85
per cu 1c meter of concrete and density of steel _ usmg t umb rule by using % of stee
- 7850 (kg/m 3.)
10 0.62 32 6.32

12 0.89 36 8.00
TedJ.Ne, Publica · 1.50 40 9.87

--..A SAC/liN SI!AI! I'entutt · ........... ll''kere Authors uup1rt
" ocat10ns · · JJJDO""''"n
· ·
auant.Survey, Esti. &Valuation (MU-Se
Ill. 7-ci'lil)
sent·UP bars (6-S)
Bar Bending Schedule
(a) Bent of 45°
Weight volume x density
Extra length = --!!._ d
(Area x leng!h) x density sin 45• --.;;.._
tan 45°
7t 2 7850 C: put all value in mm)
4 x~ x IOOOx IOOOX JOOOX IOOJ 0.42d (for one bent Up)
"xtra length of 2 bent up = 2 x 0 42 d
= ~2 X 6.1653 X JO-l " . =0.84 d

( •• . 3 78500 kg/mm3 L=Im=IOOJmm) D = overall depth of.._ __

. Denstty = 7850 kglm - 1000 x IOOO x 1000

""4l4l or slab
d = effective depth of h... · (tOSiFig. 6.6.3
. _L_ _ _L -.nor slab
Wetght = 162.19 = 162.00 :. d D (t
- op cover + bott
l E.g. for beam: depth om cover)
[Formula is applicable 10 circular steel bar, wilh density 7850 lr.g/m I (tDt)Fig. 6.4.1 : Steel bar 400mm

d = 400-(2x2s)=350nun
·· Formula for weight for srcel (kg) per meter=-& (mm} x Lenglh (m) (b) Bent up 30o

~ 6.5 CLEAR COVER FOR DIFFERENT R.C.C. MEMBER Extra length for bent of 30• = 0.3d
----------------- lCiear (c) Bent up 60°

Clear cover is dis!ance from lhe face of the member 10 outermost face of
the reinforcement including shear or torsion stirrups or link.
Concrete cover for reinforcement is required to protect the rebar (steel)
•" • Extra length for bent of 6Q• = 0.6d
(4) Lateral ties or vertical stirrups
against corrosion and to provide resistance against fire.

(a) For two legged stirrup : 'II
The thickness of cover depend on environmental conditions and type of
snucture member. Extra length of hook = ~

Minimum clear cover for different R.C.C. member are as follows :

(a) For slab, and lintel
(b) Forbeam
U •
(tD2)Fig. 6.5.1 : Stirrup
A = b- (2 x side cover)

B = d- [top cover+ bottom cover)

:. Total length of stirrup = 2[A +B)+~

(c) For column 40mm A

(d) For footing 50mm C/Sofbellm

where $ = diameter of bar ltDeJFig. 6.6.4 : Stirrup
~ 6.6 CALCULATION OF EXTRA LENGTH OF BAR (b) One legged stirrup :

(1) Main bar or Distributing bar witb standard book (180" bend) ~ra Length of hook 14$ + 14$

Extra length for one hook = 9~

Extra Ieng!h for two hook (at each end) = 2 x 9$ = 18$

~\~ 28$

:. Total length of stirrup = A+ 28 +28$

(tD3JFig. 6.6.1 : Hook A
(2) For 90" bend
(tD!)Fi&. 6.6.5
90• bend generally provided for HYSD bar. length (5) Overlapping bar
=6+ For bar in tension, extra length = 40$ + ~ + 9~
Extra leng!h for one 9QO bend = 6$
58$(for M.S. bar)
Extra length for two 90• bend= 2 x 6$ = ~ 12 68.5~ (for HYSD bar)
Teeh-Nee Publiutio111___ 1Jihue Alllilon Uupire illJJ(MtiotJ (tD4)Fig. 6.6.2 : 90° Bend
For bar in compression, extra lenglh = 45~
•...A SA CHIN SJWI Ye~~tu~

Ouant.Survey, Estl. & Valuation (MU-5em. 7-Civil) (6-6) lliJ o uant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-s e
p rn. 7-Civil)
· Type of bar · . (6-7)
' ,, sr· Shape Ofblll" --==:::::::: . Bar Bending Schedule
' ' Hook~ T~taltenith . . I
Sr. Typeolbar Shapeofber or~ t'IO·
No. v ~

Two legged stirrups

HOOk length T otallenglh of bar


~+~= 18$ I+ 18$

l. Straight bar ·~+ 12~=24~ 2(A+B ) +~


(1_... 6.6.6
I + 18$ + 0.4 2; - - - - (1D14)Fig. 6.6.12
9$+~= 18$

2. One side bent-up
Ac ~·

(d =effective depth) J ~+~= 18$ I + 18$ +0.3d 6.7 N UMBER O F BARS OR STIRRUPS
~+~= 18$ l + 18$ +0.6d
)'lo . of bars o r stirrups length of comoone
[ c/c spacing of bnt - (2 X cover,l]
!" or stmup +1
~c ~ J

~c \(so· J

3. 90° bent up
(1~1&- 6.6.7

6$ I +6$ - ~-------------------m~
uex. 6.8.1 l;tiiiOo4i WM•M!0-5:h!fflD
Work out tbe q uan tities of reinforcement in footing and column

6+fl I I steel in (ooting -

Pl.{ to ill@ ! 50

mm c/c both way)
(1D10)Fic. 6.6.8
P2,( 10 1!>,@ ! SO mm c/cbothway)
9$ +9$ = 18$ [ + 18$ + (2 X 0.42 d)
4. Both s ide bent up
~ £.JI Steel in colum n
c 1 (Main bar 4 nos. 12 1!>. Links 8 1!>. @ 200 nun C/c throughout)
I I m 'C2 (main bar 6 nos. 16 $ , Link 8 ~ @ 200 nun c/c throughout).
(1 D11)Fig. 6 .6.9
0 So ln .:
9$ + 9$ = 18$ (404> o r 50$ + 18$)

5. Over lapping


. .U ,.

14$ + 14$ = 28$ A+ 2B +28$ 1000 mm

6. O ne legged stirrup Footing no. 2
Footing no. l
Fig. Ex. 6.8.l(a)

(1D13)Fig. 6.6.11 _ ..4 SACIOif SJIAII """'-

Tech- Neo Publications ....- ...- IJ7Je" Authors inspire iooo.,.tioll

Tech-Nee Public:lotioaa
/ ~~
ousn .surVey. Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7.Civil) (6-9) Bar Bending Schedule

~of stirrup ties (link): 8 mm +@ 200 1 A .J
1- V mm ric.

...,e cover for column = 40 mm,
A (230-2 X cover) =(230 2
150 - X40) : 150

.. L 2 (A +B) +24$
~ 230 mm :....j
792 mm i.e. 0.792 m
Fig Ex. 6.8.l(e)
~ 1000 mm No. of link 0_000~+_4~50~+~15~0±+~45~0;-g<_2~~1=~!E~~
- X cover) 2 x Hooting)

Spacing +I
Fig. Ex. 6.8.1 (b)
200 +I= 20.73 =21 Nos.
1080 mm i.e. 1.080 m
Quantity of steel for column no. 1
HXXl;~ X 50) + 1= 7 Nos.

No. of bar
in both djrection) For link = No. x Length x We1ght
. (kg!m)
:. Quanti!)' of steel = 2 x (Nos. xi.agth X wt (kg/ID) C: 21 X 0.792 X 0.39 ,: 6.48 :; 6.5 kg
2 X(7 X 1.080 X0.62) = 9.37 k.g
(II) c-2 coiUJilll size : 400 mm x 400 mm

Steel required for footing no. 1 = 10 kg Main bar = 6 no. 16 mm $,
2. Footing ao. 2 (Fl) 1. Length of longitudinal bar (main bar) :
Size of footing = 1500 x 1500 mm L = 4.380m I A I
(10mmljl,@ 150mmc/cinbolbway)

:. Quantity of steel.
Assume cover of footing = 50 mm
:. Length of bar = 1500 - (2 x 50)+ (2 x 9 X 10)
1580 1D1D i.e. [.58 ID

No. of bars = [1500 -2 X50] + 1 = 10.33: 11 Nos.


U 2.
= No. x L x weight in kg/m
= 6 X 4.380 X 1.58 =41.52 kg :; 42 kg
Length of stirrup ties (link) (8 mm @ 200 mm ric)
400 - (2 X 40) = 320
I· 4oo ·I
:. Steel required for footing no. 2 F2 ::::) 450 B 320 Fig Ex. 6.8.1(f)
= [2x 11 x l.58x0.62]=21.55:22kg
150 L 2 (A+ B) +24$
(B) Steel required for column no. 1
450 L 1472 mm i.e. 1.472 m.

(I) C-1 column size = 230 x 230 mm 250 3000 + 450 + ISO+ 450 - (2 x cover) - (2 x !II footing) 1
No. of link = Spacing +
Main bar = 4 No. 12 mm (j), Link 8 mm (j) @ 200 rom c/c. Fig. Ex. 6.8.l(c)
1. Length of longitudlrutl bar (main bar) 200
+ l = 20.73 =21 Nos.
(3000 + 450 + 150 + 450)- (clear cover of footing)- ( 2x d.1ameter of m
. footmg
. ) + 250+ 200 Quantity of steel for column no. 2 for link :
L 4426 mm i.e. 4.426 m No. x Length x Weight (kg/m)
: · Quanti!)' of steel 21 X =
1.472 X 0.39 12.05: 13 kg
Number x L x Weight in kglm

4 X 4.426 X 0.89 =15.75: 16 kg

Tech-Nee Puhlieoliooo ll'krt A Ilion . . . _..A SACHIN SHAH Yeoture

•...A SACHINSIWI Yeoture T;:Neo Publieatiollli......... lnere Authors inspire irwoYIIiOD

r,1U- a s bl n1a · 16 6 r.larks

UEx. 6.8.2 ·. : reiDfon:'Cd with 2 no. 12' at top and 4 no. 16 ht bo
,For a beam of span 5.0 m and cm;s section 230 mm x SOD 11111\. IS de. Calculate the quantity and cost of materials. lto~tt, Bar Bending Schedule
our of which ttr.'O bm R belli~ and stirrups 8 +•
ISO nvn . · (St~l. TL-(2x
cover)+ (2
cement, sand, ~). 5600_ (2 x 9x ~~
)( 25) +(2
0 Soln.: L = 5766nun . x 9 x 12)
I.e, 5.76()
Total length of beam .vOgth of stirrups ( 8nun diamell!r @ ISO rn
3 nun c/c)
TL =500) + (2 x side bearing) A=230-(2x25) "180
=500J +(2 x 300) =5600 mm =

B 500-( 2x 25)"450
Assume clear co"er on all side = 25 mm. b = 230 mm. 0 = 500 mm
L = 2(A+B) +~
2 (180 +450) + 24(8) 230mm

8 mm +@ 150 mm C/C L = I452mrn .
te. 1.452 rn Fig. Ex. 6.8.2(d)
No. of stirrups [ TL- 2 x cover]
[ 5600 - 2 X 25]

38 Nos. Modole
sar bending schedule
Description of bar
Sbapeofbar Nos. .in ~ Total Weight in


F'.g. Ex. 6.8.2(a) : Section of beam

U (I) (2)




= (4)X(6)


(7) X (8)
(A) Quantity of steel I. Main bar (straight) L

2 16 5.838 11.67
Fig. Ex. 6.8.2(e) 1.58 18.43
1. Length ~bottom bar

(a) Straight bar at bottom. 2 no. 16 mm ~ Fig. Ex. 6.8.2(b) 2. Maio bar (bent up) '"'---"' 2 16 6.216

12.43 1.58 19.63

Fig. Ex. 6.8.2(0
: . Leogthofbar = TL- (2xsidecover)+ (2x~)
5600-(2 X25) +( 2 X 9x 16) 3. Top bar (straight) 2 12 5.766 I 1.53 0.89 10.26
Fig. Ex. 6.8.2(g)
=5838 mm i.e. 5.838 m

(a) Bent up bar at bottom: 2 no. 16 mm 4> 4. Stirrup 38 8 1.452 55.17 0.39 21.51

Wbere d = D- (2 x cover) di~

= 500- (2 x 25) =450 mm Fig. Ex. 6.8.2(c)
Fig. Ex. 6.8.2(b)
:. L = TL- (2 Xcover)+ (2 X~)+ (2 X0.42 d)
Total : 69.83kg
5600 - (2 X 25) + (2 X9 X 16) + (2 X0.42 X 450)
6.216 mm i.e. 6.216 m
:. Quantity of steel required for beam is =70 kg
_,1 SACHINS/l411 re•lrlre
T;:N.o Publications........... Wliere Authors inspire iDDOYitioo
.....A SACHIN SHAH YentUit

Bar Bendin tC1

ouant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Se
Ouant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-CiVll) ~ ~ Ill. 7-clvil)
. ent, sand, aggregate) ~ sotn.: ·
(B) Quantity of material required for concrete (cem .
As slab size is 3m x 6 m Bar Bending Schedule
Quantity of concrete for beam
J Its reinforcement details are giv
i. e. volume of beam= L x B x D = 5 X 013 X 0.5 = 0.575 m en as below:

Assume grade of concrete as M 15 (I : 2 : 4)

But dry volume of concrete J
- I 52 x 0.575 = 0.874 m
52% more than of wet concrete - ·
150 mm bearing
0.874 x I = 0.124 ml
:. Quantity of cement required = 1+ 2 + 4

_ .Q.1l£ = 3.57 =4 Nos. §
Nwnber of cement bag required - 0.0347 X
+ E
Quantity of sand required = 10.874 2-0 249 ml
+ 2+4 x - · 88


. of aggregate required
. 3 "'"'
= ...M2i-
1+ 2 + 4 x 4 =0.499 m
Quanuty J'
' I No. or cement bag = 4 Nos. Main bar 12 mm
@ 120mmC/C
Saud = 0.249 m3


•g. Ex. 6.8.3(b) : Slab sectiol)
Aggregate = 0.499 mi calculation of steel quantity
UEx. 8.8.3 0 5 a Dec 16 10 Marks
Thickness of slab = 120 mm = D
Prepare a bar bending schedule of the figure Shown in Fig. 5.8(a). The roof slab is span of 3 metres and 6 metres long. On I
plan, top and beJ!l bar are shown in dot!M lines). Assume clear cover on all side = 15 mm,

U 1. Length of main bar

12 rom~ @
d = D-2Xl5=l20-2xl5:90mm

120 mm c/c. (Alternate bent up).

L Lx-(2xcover) + (2x9~)+(0.42 xd) ~

r-------------------- ---------~~~~~~~~~~ 3300 - (2x 15)+(2x9x 12)+(0.4;x90)
: 15 an Bearing Outer edge of slab , --j Fig. Ex. 6.8.3(c)
I . \ I L 3523.8 mm i.e. 3.523 m
: ll ....<=..± .J, - -- j__ d l - :

: I I I I Inner lace of ViOl J I I I : No. of bar [ Ly- 2 x cover] 1 [6300 _ 2 x IS]

I : I 1 I I I c/c spacing + = 120 + 1 =53.25 =54 Nos.
1 n -r+ --t ~-1:-:-i: el
: ~ I 1 I I li!Cr ~~ 1 1 I 1~ J!: 2. Length of distribution bar
: ~ , : t-~ --i ~r~ I I I 1! ~:
I Ail bent up ./ ,-I ;i ~I 6 mm ~ 180 mm c/c (straight bar)
: I i LL .J J I L I
- j_+
I I ! c81l!:
Diltr. bara6mmdlo. t8crnc/c ~ /, . It;. L Ly- (2 x cover)+ (2 x 9~)
L ~ Mambarat2rrrndia. t2crnclc ,.
r------- 3m dear 1p1n 1 Bent up bars and
6300- (2 X 15) + (2 X 9 X6)
top bars shown dttted
6378 mm i.e. 6.378 m. Fig. Ex. 6.8.3(d)
Fig. Ex. 6.8J(a)
No. of bars Lx- 2 x cover] -[3300- 2 x IS] I= 19 16 ~ N
[ c/c spacing + 1- 180 + · - 20 os.

Teeb-Neo Publiatio Jn A . . Add 4 nos. of bar i.e. no. of distribution bar= 24 nos.

--.A SA CHIN SIWI Venture Tttb-Neo Publications........ _ Jncre Authors inspire innofllion •...A S4CHIIY SIWI r..,nu-.
survey. Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem 7 . .
/ auBnt. . ·CtVJI) (6-15)
Bar Bending Schedule
&<-~ L;:ngtb of bar TL- (2 x side
COVer)+ (2 X 9$)
7000- (2 X 25)
~ QuantSurvey, Esti. & Valualion (M --=-- ..------,----- + (2 X9 X 12)
j Weight in
Bar bending schedule -~-----
""~ • ill
• ......tb
l'olliJ 7166mm t·e 7
· · -166m
,....,. in 5 "' ,.eight ~,ength of bottom
S!Jape ofbal' (lllflll
Sr. pteter (kg) 1-
4 Jllo. 12 nun cp,
(7) (8) (9) L;:ngtb of bar
TL - (2 x side cover)+ (2 x 9 X
(~ {7)
w .~xoo -~
oo J__....:...:.---t----+--......_______ 7000 ~)
(1) (2)
(3) - (2 X 25) + (2 X 9 X 12)
L--~L--- j9().24 0.89 16 7166 mm i.e.= 7.166 m
L--4-- - - --+- - -1

)4 12 3.523 9.3) Fig. Ex. 6.8.4(c)
I. Main bar (Alternate ~pgth of stirrup

., bent up) -f..--- 1.58
----- IJ]Jllcp@ 250mmc/c.

~--+------+-----tl 6 6.378 I 24185 10

24 1- - - - -tJ A 350- (2 x 25) =300 mm
2. Disuibotion bar rJ
F~~6~0 ------~~----~-----+-----_ B 600- (2 x 25) =550 mm

t==t=========~=======~==:==~~----~--~To_~_I __=-L4--~ L 2 (A +B) +24cp

Fig. Ex. 6.8.4(d) Module
=1940 mm i.e. 1.940 m.

2 (300 + 550) +(24 x 10)
TL -2xcover] 7000 _ 2 x 25
No. of stirrup [
1.1U. 0 5 a 17 8 r.larks
Wort.OUI tbe qnaotity of steel in 7.0 meier long sunply supported beam
of size 350 x 600 rom overall. c/c spacing + I = . 250 =
+ I = 28.8 29 Nos.

Bollom bar =4 no. 12 mm dia!Ileaer straight bar sar bending schedule

Anclior bar • 2 no. 12 mm ~ straigtll bar
Stirrup= 10 mm 41250 mm de Sr. Description of bar Shape of bar Nos.
• Length Total Weight in Total
Througbout the length of lhe beam. Clear cover as 25 mm on all sides.

Bo">m bar
Anchor bar
2 Nos.12 mm+
Clear cover
25mm U No.

(I) (2) (3) (4)




= (4)x(6)

(7) X (8)
12mm+ Anchor bar 12 7.166 14.33 0.89 12.75

Stirrup 350mm

10mm 9@ 250 mm CIC

2. Bottom bar 4 12 7.166 28.66 0.89 25.50
Fig. Ex. 6.8.4(0

7m .l Stirrup

29 10 1.940 56.26 0.62 34.88
Fig. Ex. 6.8.4(a)
li1J Soln. : As clear cover on all side= 25 mm b = 350
• mm, D=600 mm, T =7000
Quantity of steel L mm. Fig. Ex. 6.8.4(g)

1. Length of Anchor bar: (lop bar)

To~l 73.13 kg
2 Nos. 12 mm $.
T«h-N.. Publications...- ..... lne"' Aut.\on . . . . :. Total quantity of steel = 74 kg
Fig. Ex. 6.8.4(b)

.... ..4 SAC/liN SHAll reotutO Tetb-N.o pUh''ucaltons

. ........... lnere Aulhors irupire inoo•ation
•.••..4 SA CHIN SHAH Jleoture

,l;flJ Ouant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation {MU-8em. 7-Civil) (6- 16) ~
Qtll!~n~t.~Su;;;rv;.;e""y,""E""sti""·.&._,.Va;;;lu;,;:atio:::;'~n.!_(~MU-se .
UEx. 6.8.5 - Ill. 7-clvil)
' I) in PB 5 of Fig. Ex. 6.8.5(a). ¢ soJn-:
Workout the QUantity of materials (sand, cement, aggregale aodstee. .
consider plinth beam PBs and note d .

Bar Banding Schedule
Top steel- 2 Nos. 12·· · Bouomsteel- 2 Nos. ~2 +. own Its dUne
:. Length of beam is L ::: 3.0() OSion.
Extra at bottom oflengtb (0.7 L) of2 Nos. 16 mm +· 111
-S~s 8 mm +·@200 mm clc.

--w---, C2 r-------
w 1
its width is B ::: o.23 Ill,
D:::0.61ll ~
- PB 2

workout quantity of mat~ial ( "'

3.000 4.000 ~~
As quantity of concrete in slab ~
cernel'lt, ._lid
' agg"'late)

§ § PBJ PB4
ill ..;
Room-1 Room-2
"' . volume of plinth beam-5 ::: L x B D
,.e. x ==3.0xo.23x F~g. Ex. 6.8.S{b)
As volume of concrete::: 0 0.6 =: 0.4)4 m3
C1 ·41 4m3·

C2 :. Grade of concrete is Ml5 (I: 2: )
But dry volume of concrete :: 52% more .
3230 4.230
than of Wet COilt:rete :: I 5
~- .:;~
r-- -=-~ J..:l I . Quantityofcementrequired-~ · 2x0.4I4 ==0.6292m3
I .. -1 +2+4x I ==0.0898mJ
!.J f' l 8, ~,I" I 1/ I

-"' "- .>1 82 ~-
No. of cement bag required :: ~ :: 2.58 ;: Nos.
3 Module
85 86 "';! 87
. Quantity of sand required ::: 0.6292
.. I +2+4x 2 ==0.179m3
~ 7
: \
/ I
. Quantity of aggregate required :: °·6292 x _
I "\I
83 I 8,
r- "'" I
·· 1 +2+4 4 - 0.359m3




II{ _ _ _ I

D= 1 x 2.1 m
W= 1.5x 1.2 m
Column C1 = 0.23 x 0.23
Column C2 = 0.23 x 0.30
Footing F1 = 1.0 X 1.0 X 0.35/0.15 (B) Quantity of steel
:. No. of cement bag :: 3 Nos.

Saod == 0.179 m3
Aggregate == 0.359 m3
8, 82 Footing F2 = 1.1 x 1.5 0.45/0.15

+ +
Footing offset = 0.075
0 Plinth beams= 0.23 x 0.50 m Plinth beam PB-5 ~Reinforcement details
"'"' 85 86 87 Floor beams= 0.23 x 0.45 m BotiDm bar
"' Slab= 0.15 m
Wall Th. = 0.23
2 No. 16mm+
Top bar 2 Nos.12 mm+

PCC offset for footing = 0.1

83 8,
,___ Excavation depth = 1.2 m
Cha]a projection = 0.45 m Boltlm bar
Cha]a thickness= 0.075/0.12 m 2no. 12mm•
LinteVChalia bearing = 0.15 m

Fig. Ex. 6.8.5(a)


Fig.~. 6.8.S(c): Section of beam

Tecb-Neo Pubfialioos........... lnel't' Authors inspirt imJoYJIIion
.....A SA CHIN SIWI Yenturo
--- -~

~ ou ant survey, Esti. & Vaiuation (M U-Sern

. 7-cMI)
~J)eSCription of bar
sr. (2) ShaPe of bar (6-19)
NO· (3) Nos.
2Nos. l2mm+
(ll (4)

(llltn) Le~~gtb
Bar Bending Schedule

(L) Weight in Tot&l
(S) length of
l...engtb of bar = TL - (2 x side rover) + (2 x ()q) (6) kglm weight
,......-- bar _,£_ (kg)
3230-(2 x25) + (2 X 9 X 12)
Fig Ex. 6.8.5(d)
Extra bottom bar
r-- r--- -
= {4)X(6)
(1) X {8)
L 3396 mm i.e. 3.396 m 16
Fig. Ex. 6.8.S(i) 2.377
v 4.754 1.58 7.51

CJ r-- 1--r-

2 Nos. 12 mm 9. 17
Length of bar = Tl - (2 x side rover) + (2 x 9 ') 1.652
28.08 0.39 10.95
3230 - (2 X 25) +(2 X 9 X 12)

Fig. Ex. 6.8.S(j)

L = 3396 mm i.e. 3.396 m

l..ength ol extra bar ol bottom

Fig. Ex. 6.8.5(e) ~
:. Quantity of steel =31 kg
Total = 30.54 kg
2 No. of 16 mm +.
uEx. 6.&.6 OIIM•iiiJiiiii:Miti@tta

Length= 0.7 x L = 0.7 x 3.396 = 25T7 m Work out the quantity of steel in a 1.0 meter .
. 20 . 1ong sunply supported be .

4. Leagth of stirrup Bottom bar. 4 no. - mm. ctiameter out of which tw b aru of SIZe : 300 x 700 mm overall Module
Anchor bar :2 no. 12mm diameter, stirrups . 8mm d' 0 ars are beot up at 45 degree at supports ·
8 mm+ @ 200mm ctc.

A 230- (2 x clear rover)

Refer Fig. Ex. 6.8.6(a).
· Iarueter @ 200 ·
mm clc throughout the length of the beam.
230- (2 X 25)


= 600- (2 X 25) =550


Fig. Ex. 6.8.5(0 U 0


D ~ II
d) StiiTlJps bar
8mm ~ @200mm CIC
_A /

c)2-12 mm+Ancho r bars

. :. l = 2 (A+ B) + (24 x 8) L = 1652 mm i.e. 1.652 m c.
Tl -2 x cover] 3230- 2 x 25 [)
No. of stirrup = [ clc spacing + I - + I = 16.9 : 17 No. 300mm i--A
200 Section A-A a)2 20 mm+
Bar bending schedule straight bar b) 2· 20 mm+ bent

bar upto 45'

Sr. Descriptiou of bar
Shape of bar
(4) (mm) • Length
leilgth of
Weight in
Clear cover of 25 mm on all sides of beam

Fig. Ex. 6.8.6(a) : Beam

(S) (6) bar __£. (kg) 0 Soin. :
(1) -162 (9) Total length of beam :
= (4)x(6) (8) (7)X (8)
I. Top bar
) 12 3.396 TL = 7000 + (2 X side bearing) = 7000 + (2 X 300)
6.792 0.89 6.04
Fig. Ex. 6.8.S(g) .=7600mm
2. Bottom bar ( Assume clear cover on all side =25 mm, b =300 mm, D =700 mm
12 3.396 6.792 0.89 6.04
Fig. Ex. 6.8.5(b)
Teeb-Neo l'l.blieotio., ___ Where Aut.bon ilUpiro a.-,,;,

-...A SACHIN SIWI Yeoturt

T,.h-Neo Puhlitatioos........... lnere Authors iospin: iiJJJofltioo __..A SACHJ!f S/M/1 rcoturr
- ---- ----- --~-~

1. Length ol bottom bar

(b) Stnlgbt bar (at bottom) 2oos. 20 mm +. Bar Bending Schedule

fil. EL 6.8.6(b)

:. Length of bar TL -(2xcover)+(2X9+)

= 7600- (2 X 25) + (2 X 9 x20)

= 7910 mm i.e. 7.91 m

(<:) Beot up bar (2 no. 20 mm +l at boUom

Fig. EL 6.8.6(c) 16.9(

2.47 41.76

""') + (2 X0.42 Xd)

L = TL. (2 x cover)+ (2 X"'
Fig .S.S(b) 15.53 0.89 13.82
Where d = 700 - (2 x 25) = 650 mm


L = 7600-(2x25)+(2x9x20) + (2 x 0.42 x 650) = 8456 mm i.e. 8.456 m 4.
2. Length Of BDCbor bar (2 DO. 12 IDDI +J 0.39 30.29

L TL-(2xcover)+(2x9~)
Fig Ex. 6.8.6(1)

7600 _ (2 X25) + (2 X9 X12)

3. Length or stirrups
7766 mm i.e. 7.766 m

A = 300-2X25=250mm
Fig. Ex. 6.8.6(d)
:. Total quantity of steel reinforcement= 125 kg

Aclear dimension of one-way slab is 3m x 6.25 m. ·The -slab is supported on 230-min thick wall all around.

~" Main bars are-8

124:94 kg
B = 700-2x25=650mm nun diameter @ ISO mm c/c (alternate bars bent up) and distribution bar are 8 mm @·200 ck di~ter Thi~kness of slab is·
. . L = 2 [A+B]+24~
A 125 irun. Calculate the quantity of rei~forc~ment. per
cum of concrete In slab. Also calculate the quantity ~f ec~nt, sand·and
aggregate. Grade of concrete is M20 and grade of steel is l.'e415.
L = 2 (250 + 650] + (24 X8) 0 Soln.:

Distribution bar
Bmm +@200mm CIC
L = 1992mmi.e.l.992m
.TL- 2 x cover]
No. of stirrups = [ c/c spacing + I
[7600- (2 X25l! +I g~ Main bar
200 "'" Bmm~ @150mm CIC
Fig. Ex. 6.8.6(e) "'"'
II II alternate bent up
38.75 39 nos. J

Lx: 3000 + (2 X 230)

Teth-Neo PublieatioDa.__ lnere Authoriisspu. il111ofotio.tJ Fig. Ex. 6.8.7(a)

•.. .A SA CHIN SHAll YeDIUit Tetb.Neo Pub~catioru ....•.•.. lnere Authors isspire inDIWitioD
-4 SACJDN SIWI y..,,_
survey. Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. l-c· . sar sending Schedule
~ ~ lVII) (6-23)
/ ~ nooa:itY of concrete in slab =>
;.s quan
. e volume of slab = L x B x D _ (3 4
7.(;iV11) t. . . - . 6 X 6.7] X 0.125) = 2.90 ml
liOI1 (MU-Selll·
Quant SurWY· Esli. & Va/IJ6. _ +46() uantity of remforcement per cum of .
.nnn + (2" 2JO)- · flencC q concrete tD slab
LX = >VV" 127 ••• (A)
= 2.9Q= 43.79 kg per mJ

ouafltitY of cement, sand and aggregate

(8) 3
AS Vo lume of concrete .= 2.90 m

Grade of concrete is M-20 ( l : 1.5 : 3).

1. ~o(maiabar alf tJclll up bafl· Fig. Ex. 6.8.7(b) A"" volume of concrete
suto.uJ .
Main bar · SIDID' @ 150 nun cJc{altertl ~) + (0 42 Xd) 52% more than of wet volume

L = Lx- (2 ""'ver)+(2" ;042 x 95) 52
3460- (2" t5J +(2"9 x 8) + . 100 x 2·90 + 2.90 = 4.408 m3
. • 4 (11111 (3.614 OJ)
36 13.9 o.e. J6 l [ _ x 15]+ 1 =45.53:46Nos.
6710 2
. . Quantity of cement required =~

No. of barS [ ~] + I=~

clc spacmg 3

= 0.801 m

0.801 = 23.08 =24 m

No. of cement bag required = Q.0347
l. ~ ol cJimibulioll bar
Distribution bar : 8 nun ¢ @200 nun clc Fig. Ex. 6.8.7(c)
Quantity of sand required = ......i:1QL x 1 5 _ 1 20 J
L = Ly - (2 x ei!ver) + (2X ~l _ nun i.e. 6.824 m I+ 1.5+3 · - . m
= 6710 - (2" 15) + (2 " 9 " 8) - Quantity of aggregate required -- ......i:1QL 3

L _ ""'verJ+I= [ 3460-2 x
]+ 1 = 18.15: 19 Nos.
l+l.S+ 3 x3=2.40m

x 2 200
No. of bars = [ clc spacing No. of cement bag 24 Nos.
Add 2 bars a1 top on each side i.e. add 4 Nos. Sand 1.20 m

:. Total distribution bar= 23 Nos. Aggregate 2.40 m3

Bar bending schedule Weight
Length in Total Total Ex. 6.8.8
Desaiptiooolbar Sbapeolbar No. +In meter length inkglm weight Work out quantity of IOmrn Ill reinforcement in footing shown in Fig. Ex. 6.8.8(a) and also prepare schedule of
Sr. mm
(A) (B) (C) D=AXC .£
E= 162
Footing size
8 3.614 166.24 0.39 64.83 =1mx1 .2m
I. Main bar (alteroalf "'-----' 46
bent up) F"rg. EL 6.8.7(d)

2. Distribution bar
23 8 6.824 156.95 0.39 61.21

Fig. EL 6.8.7(e)

Total = 126.04 (1021) Fig. Ex. 6.8.8(a)

;: 127 kg

Tr:eh-Nc. Publicotio"' In= Aut/Jon ivpire m..,.u., _..A SACHIN SJM/1 y.,IUie
- ...A SAlHIN SJWI l'enture Ttth-Neo Publication.s .... _..... IJJJere Auth01'6 inspire iooo••Lion
Ill. 7 ·C111il)
&l Soln.: 10 mm +0 150~m c/c ~-· 6.s.s
/ ,omm+0150mmclc CafcU
late the quanllty of steel for footi
200 ng lllld COlumn
Bar Bending Schedule

H asshow 0 ·
1-- - ----:....__ , tn Fig EJ< 4 7
· · .4(a). 4.7.4(b), 4.7.4(c).


AssUme cover

1000mm -1
1.2 m

(1) Main bar (10 mm@ 150 mm c/c) :

L 1200- (2 X 50) + (2 X 9 X 10) = 1280 mm i.e.= l.28m


No. of main bar = eoool~ 50
x ) + I= 7 Nos. 45 f-230 --j

"mm+@'OO~ 0 1~

(2) Distribution bar (lOmm@ l50mm c/c) 12 mm+@ 100c/c

L 1000- (2 X 50) + (2 X 9 X 10) = 1080 D1ffi i.e. = 1.08 m in both direction

No. of disttibutioo bar = e200 ;5~ x
) + I = 8.33 =9 No.s (1032) Fig. Ex. 6.8.9(a)
(1033) Fig, Ex. 6.8.9(b)
(1034) Fig. Ex. 6.8.9(c)
0 Soln.:


(A) Steel quantities for column

Sr. D lp«M Slulpeo( .... Nos. . +in Length(m) Total Weight Total
No. mm length kg/m Weight (a) Length of longitudinal bar (main bar)
= 3000 + 450 + 150 + 450- (clear cover of footing)
1. Main bar r "") 7 10 m1.28 8.96 0.62 5.55 - (2 x diameter of bar in footing)+ 250 + 200
!1111111 Fig. Ex. 6.8.8(c)
L = 4426mm ie = 4.426m
2. Distribution r ") 9 10 1.08 9.72 0.62 6.026 :. Quantity of s tee l Number x L x Weigbt in kglrn
bar (1011) Fig.. Ex. fiJUI(d) 4 X 4.426 X 0.89 = 15.76 kg 250
(1035)Fig. Ex.. 6.8.9(d)
Total= 11.58 kg·
(b) Length of stirrup o r ties
Assume cover for Column = 40mm
A (23(! _ 2 x clear cover)

A 230- (2 X 40)

A 150mm

B 230 -(2 x 40) (1ooo)Fig. Ex. 6.8.9(e)

B 150mm _ .A SACmN SJ1..411 """"""

Teeb-Neo Publications .........- Where AutJ,ors in!!pin iDDo.-.tiOII
--A SA CHIN SJIAII l'eature
Bar Bending ~

OuantSurvey, Esli. & Val\laliOill
r.~l)-Sem· 7-CMI)
. ::0.74401
- 744 rom ,_e. .
:. L = 2(A+B)+2"+ - 450 - CoveroffoOUO +I
3(KXl + 450 + 150 + spacing
No. of ties:
Esrnnation of Earthwork for
J21§_ +I= 27.50 = : 28No&
150 I
:. Quantities of steel
w ·gbt in kg 01
Nos. x Length x et
Roads &Canals
28 X 0.744 }( 0:22 = 4.58 kg

(B) Steel quantity in tooting


Assume co\·a for footing = 50 mm ""')
Ii i
Lengthofbar 1200 - (lxclearCO
ver) +(2X"'
-1 316010l i.e. = !.316 m
,, thodS of computation of volume of earth
~·e . War\( such as
f rmula. Trapezoidal formula, Spot level methOd
. .
mean area methOd, mid-sectional area method, Pnsmoidal
!200 - (2 x 50) +(2 x 9x 12)-
:ecessity, Terms like lead and lift etc. etc. and numericals based on methods. Mass haul diagram and its

tl200 - 2X5Ql + 1
No. of bars 100

= 12 Nos · ) ('. in both direction)

Estimate of Earth Work for roads and canals .....
. x len"'h x WL in kg I rn .
:. Quantity of steel : 2X OS. c~
:·~ Earth Work in Road ... ........................ ................ ... · ................................................................................... :~~

2 X(12 X \.316 X0.89) ~ 1
73 Dtfferent Methods to Wor\(out Earth War\( Ouanljty tor R~~~-~d ~~~-~...... ·.·: ·.·..·.·.·.·....::·.·.·....: ··::·:. ·..:.::.·..:·.:·.:·.·.·.·.·.·.:::·:·.·.·.·. :. 7·3
28.10 kg ------------- 7.4
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___.:_::.~~-------- Chapter Ends Mass-haul diagram ...................................................................................................................................................... 7•5
ua. 7.4.1 Define mass diagram. Explain the use of mass diagram. .................... 7·5
Cl(JQ UQ. 7.4.2 Write short notes on : Mass Haul Diagram and its important ...................... 7·5
ua. 7.4.3 Explain: Mass Haul Diagram. Qll+.tMI:IiMMD ......................................................................7-5

U 7.5
ua. 7.4.4
Write short notes on : Economic haul distance.

Necessity of Mass-haul Diagram ............................ .

Construction of Mass Haul Diagram .............. ..
.. ......................................... 7·5
Definitions related with Mass-haul Diagram ................................. ..................... ............................................. 7·6

Lead and Lift .. ............... .... ...........................................................

............................................... ............ 7-7
" .. ..... ....................................... ..... 7·1
. ........................................................ 7-8
ua. 7.5.l Explain Lead and Lift with example. MU • Dec 18 5 Marks ........................................... 7-8
7.6 Numerical of Estimation of Earthwor\( for Roads and Canals ................................................. ....................................... 7·8
Previous Universit Pa er Questions

UEx.7.6.3 (MU- Dec.1 5) ..................................... .. .................................................................... ....................... 7-11

UEx. 7.6.4 (MU ·May 16) ................................. . ....................... 7·12
UEx. 7.6.5 (MU- Dec. 16) ...................................... .. ............................................................. ....................... 7-15
UEx. 7.6.6 (MU ·May 17) ......._. .................................. ... .. .. ... . . . ....... ......... " ..... ............ 7·17
.. .... 7-19
UEx. 7.6.7 (MU ·Dec. 17) ........................... ... .......... ..
UEx.7.6.8 (MU ·May 18) ........ .. .............. ..
.. ........ 7-22
UEx. 7.6.9 (MU ·Dec. 18) .......... ,.. .
UEx. 7.6.10 (MU ·Dec. 19) ......................................... ...

7 26
Chapter Ends ............................................................................................................................................................... ..

l§tJ ·Estimation of Earthwoll( for R

2 QlJant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (M

~ 7·1 ~
OuantSurvey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-CiVil) (7· ) 08ds &
~ 7.3 DIFFERENT MEnt .7-civil) (7.3
ODsToWOkkouy l EstJrna.lion of Earthwork fQr Roads & Canals

For construction of roads and canals tbe quantity of ea~wW

--~• ork 1·s requiled to be calculated either ·
embankment (filling). '
In CUtting

poJiowing are different method
(l) Mean sectiOnal area method
out quanti
ty of earthw0
rk for Road,

Volume of earth work is measured in cubic meter. (3} Trapezmdal formula (2) MJd-sectj canal, Railway embankment. dam :
The _..,. · 0ot complicated in case of earth surf . onat :uea methOd
problem of computation of such volume of earth WUI ~ 15 ace IS even illtd
(S) Spot level (4) Prismoida! ,•OrmuJa
foundation of trenches of smaU building. .
(1) Mean sectional area method
But in case of road works, earth surface is uneven and its slope may be uniform or varying gradient

In this method, cross sectional
So volume of earth work is worked out by various metb<>d considering certain role. .area at two end8
length of sectiOn, to get volume 0 f earth work of section 1s ca!culated and then
A · mean of these two area 1s multiplied by
~ 7.2 EARTH WORK IN ROAD sechonat ar

. ea at one end: Bdl +Sdz
Cross section of earthwort of road in banking or in cutting is nonnaiiY the form of trapezium ~ = sectional :uea 1
at another end =Bd, +si
Volume of earthwork. can be calculated as, volume of earthwolt =sectional area X length :. Mean area = (A,) = ~ + ~ 2
I 2 where, A= sectional area
A = Bd+2 X2 Xsd :. Quantity of earth work = Q=A,x L

B = formation width,
Jl A = Bd+sd
d = depth of cutting or embankment, ,...--
The quantities of earth work calculated.mtabular form :

:. Quantity= (A XL)= (Bd +sdl XL Depth Area of
s =side slop, cbainage Area or Total~ Mean Lengtb Q =A,.XL .
or station (d) central side slope
L = length of section A=Bd+si sectionit between
portion (Bd) (Sdl euumg ·

U s:1 .~ (2) Mid sechonal area method
station (L)
I In this method, first mean depth is·calculated
As, dm 2

Then, Area of mid-section

(IOO)F'lg. 7.2.1 11 C68)Fig. 7.2.2
If ground is in longitudinal slope with different dep!h at two end, then find mean depth. :. Quantity = Ax L

i.e. ~ = (d +f) 1
The quantities of earth work calculated in tabular form :
Earthwolt is generally estimated for normal lead Depth Mean depth Area of central Area of side Tolll Area 1 LeD&th Quality " Ax L
and lift as follows : (d) (Dm) portloo (Sd:) A=Jid.+Sd. betweea Cuttlna FIIIIJII
or station (L)
(i) Normal lead : 30 m, 50m,
(ii) Normal lift : 1.5 m (IC69)F'Ig. 7.2J: Different depth or two ends
_A SACHINSJWl r..,tore
For greater lead and lift, rate will be different.
__.A SAC/liN SJIAII Yenturt T,.b-N.o Publiralioos ....-...- Wkert .4u1Don Hupitt iJIDm"UoD
Estimation ol Earthwork for Roads & Canals
IL'1 U Sern 7-CiVil)
lftJ QuanlSurvey. Esti. & Valuation (M • ·
(3) Pmmoidal formula
. . three cross-seclioP If d is positive ~section in tilling
(a) Formula for a single stnp haVJDg
If d is negative ~ section in cutting
Q = ~ [A, +A,+4A,]
caJculation of chainage of zero depth :
Where, A,. Azare area a1 ends
A,. = Area of mid-section It is chainage at which depth of cutting or filii'mg ·.JS zero.
c alculation of 'x' distance
xr even area + 2 r. odd area]

(b) Formula for series of cross secliOD
4 ~ ~
v = !: [fir.;r area + Lasl area + X (L- x) (similarity of triangle)
(tC71JFig. 7.3.2
3 ) 2(A1 +As +..... +A, . 2)]

/II Q = JL [A,+A,+4(A, + A' +.... A, . , +

Side slope calculation

(a) If side slope is given as 1 inn.
This is mosr accurate method for calculation of earth work.
Then S =n,
.. (4) Trapezoidal formula

~[A, +A,+2(A1 +Al + .... +A, .,)] (b) If side slope is given as 2H : l V then, s =2
Quanlily of earth work
If side slope is given as IH : 2V then s =y2

!: [fir.;l area+ last area+ 2 x L remaining area]
(5) Spot levels ------------------------------- ------------------------
In this method, the volume of earlhwor* is compured by
: UQ. 1.4.1- DefiVte WIQSS diagraM. Exp/aiVt tile USt of ~;-d;.~~;~:--·- -·-----·----------------------- - --- -------·
MU- Dec 15.May 16. 4 Marks
dividing area on the field inlo squares, rectangles, and ! uQ. 7.4-:Z. Write sl.ort Mtes oVt :Mass Haw/ DiagraM and its iMportaVtt.

triangle then the height of filling or excavation is measured h3
! uQ. 7.4.3 ExplaiVt : Mass Haw{ DiagraM.
al each comer of such geometric Fig.3.9.4 .
! uQ. 7-4.4 Write sl.ort Vtotes EcoMw.ic l.aul distanet.

OVt : MU. May 18. 2 1/2 Marks
IIC70)Fig. 73.1 Module
! .... . ---- --- - - - -- - -- - ------------------- -- --- - ----- -- ·---- --- -------------- -- ---- -- ---- -- --- ----- ---------- ------- ------------ --- -

Thus, if h1,b2,h1, and h. are thedifferem heighiS at poinrs A,B,C and D respectively of rectangle as shown in fig. Ji' Mass Diagram or Mass- Haul Diagram
Then volume of rigb1 truncated formed will be given by lbe formula : The lead or haulage of excavated materials from working face of the excavation of a road section to the tip end is
V = l-1+ b, : bl + h,) X 4 variable but should be ntinimum for an economical construction. During earthwork for a road project, a long stretch
may be in cutting and the next stretch in filling.
If triangle are formed, then formula is :
In cases it may be found that utilising earth obtained from cutting of a road section and transponing the same for long

V = [br +h, ;hJ+h.J x4 distances for filling is more costly than the cost of borrow earth from borrow pits. So it is necessary to plan the
movement of materials from cuts to fills so that haul distance he minimum to reduce the cost of earthwork specially for
. IThfye~n poinl involved in this method would be lo find our the average height of each regular figure in the field and to undulating and hilly areas.
sunp I e process. The heights occurring more than once can be d
some height will he common for the ad· . . groupe and added together. This is due to the fact that The planned movement for different leads to use maximum quantity of excavation in filling embankment and also the
JOmmg rectang1es, squares or lriangles.
places where use of borrowed eanh is required for filling to make it more economical is determined by use of Mass-
w Important point to be considered during calculation t .. .
. o quanttlres '" cutting and filling haul diagram with great accuracy.
(I) CalculatJon of formation levels (F.L.)
This is a curve representing the cumulative volume of eanhwork at any poinl on the curve. the manner in which the
F.L. al next Chainage = FL al previous Cbaina e + . .
. .. . g - gradient x Chamage differenc earth is to be moved. It indicates the balance points of cutting and filling, the volume of free haul and overhaul.
+ s1gn => nsmg grad1en1

- sign => falling gradient
Tedo-lieo Publieario.._ --lfher<AutlJom'nn.- · .
-rli'r liUJOflltOD

.....A SAC/1111' SHAH Yeotutt Tetb-Neo Publication, .......... Where Authon inspire inoor•tioo
_.A SACH/11'SHAH reoture

till conditions along an al ignment .
0 ~ IDCUI 4U]d
m-r il and ,,...,maul ' sed desig n s ite. dis playi ng bal~
~· oJ mo•«l io ~ propo.
f"'<""'"" " pap~~d • "

and <'' rc:p<.vt> and , - poo nt> of cut and fiJ I nlo ng an alignment.
. mul:wvc· " u~
" • profik of ~ n.-.ute. with
·. the ordjnate al an y stati o n represcn lJng t.he
~ dt~~ ot'U!'d
kou t acc u m ul a ted vo lume a.• algebraic sum •olume f
~cJ>amace .
. :-,--- ol the unJeo. c .and fill Of! ro

Dwfw~ ,. ,.....a
w1ltt .......,..ul [)lag,..,
w or
l)r11Wa base line and mark the Slatioos with Suitable JCalc.
0 earth wort .. each

5. 7 .4.1 . f c·ofan excava:uo n to thetip eodofthe
Haul O...U..O. nu,. r = denotes the diSI.>li>C<" a t an) llfllt
from ~ worbng a c From every s tation draw vertical line and mart the suitable JCalc for ~ •olumr.
eml>an6:meor. l'onno:i !Tom u d. On tbe o rdinates of each s ta tion mark respecti•e scaled CWOUI.ative beighls.. Thus tbe lxighl of'"" oni:J.nale lll ..y poiJIC
. 0( eacb lo:ld bv tiS lmul rusllJllC<. on the base line rep resen ts alge braic sum of volullll: of eartbwort.
nu,. ., ...., sum o1 thc prodUCI • _ . fa curling to that of the Upped material i.e .. the
A~ H.ntJ Otsaocr . ~
• =-· •• thc dJSIJUlCr from thc oentre o f grdVIty o e. Joi n all the points by smooth c urve and this curve ;. kJJown as Mass Haul Diagram.

From c w-ve. w o rkou t q uantities o f earthwork such as earth 10 he tat.en a..ay from ..;.., or eanb he brougbtt 111 o.iee.
lead. ork incl udes the cos t o f ha ul w itltin a s pecified 10
Lbt- ce fo r th< schedule o f iu:ru earth

F""' tUuJ D1suncr ln cont:r.oct pn als i> hauled without any exlnl cost is kn o w n as Free Hau.l
~ Will t:hb Lm.J.t oJ d.L-rul.n(X up ro wh1ch llUilt!ll
. beyond ". ,h.ich i1 i ~ economical 10 wa s te and borro w . is of
Eoonoaucal H.ntl~
the I 1IW I of profilllbk hauJ distance
Tlu,Ur"' COST of tica vation and hauling
. •
one cub.• metre equal tbe cos t of excavatio n and ha uling to
0 E
COU.'"SC.. rc.toeh<:d' ODe
b•c lllCU"C pJi.b tlutJ of exc.avauon and hau lin g one Cubic metre fro m tbe borrow pit. (T ill condi ti n has
ha:D io rm.wu,d rn thc w rb:d out e.uuuple ).
m " - 10
0. va Haul n.:- = of CaotnlCt> for earth work stipul ate that price pet unit quantity (c um) o f excava ti o n is inclu i\'e

of thc of fuw.l wttbrn s pecilled dJSWK:< only. &t:n! payment is made for tbe haulage o f each urut wb.ich has to he
moved lxyond 5 dJst:ance excct:dmg tllis specified disUlllce (the free haul <lisUlllce). The excess o f haul dJ s tan ce above 50
this !llllOunt =!led OvertuwJ disUlJlce and the sum of • products of volume by tbe respec u ve o verha ul distance

~led overtuwJ. and u. ~ qWlflury for wh.1 cb exLrB p.ay menr js made . \e m
0 0
;::: ..0

7. Ba.iii.DCing Lmc An) line whicb mu:rsecu WJY two points of liUISS diagram is kn o wn as a balanc ing line and j ~ E
0 - 50
qua.rui l) of earthwod JS eqwalised o ver the Jengtb between thest rwo points. The eJlact in terpretatjo n o f a mass diagram -60
is ent:in:ly depend upon the baJilru:mg lme. th< posnioo of which is adjusted generaJ.J~ near tbe bas e line trying w
- 100
0 4000 5000 11000 7000 11000 8000 10.000 II
equalise tbe lengths of upward tllld dn wn"'ard loop> iSS f11r •• possible to exhibit a possible m e th od to red uce haul
0 500 t 000 t 500 2000 2500 3000
CiltlilnOe along~

Fla. 7A.J : ,..___. .......


Estimation of Earthwork for Roads & Canals

asB 12m,
Slope at cuning => S 1.5
Slope at filing => S 2
Cbainage GL ~-'-r-:--
n ,...._
· Depth · Area
. -'---t-- <FL-Gt) !Bd+Sd')
107.20 108 t--- 1--

-~---- 0.80 10.88
107.90 I08 1-----
40 1.22 .s
-108 00

Uft 60 108.80 108
f material is called lift. -0.80
Tbc d<p!b of excavation or vertical movement 10.56
80 109.00 108 -1.00
Normally lift is taken as J.5m. 13.5 00

_ ~measurements are tal:en far every J.5mlift

100 110.80 108 -2.80


108 1.!0 15.01
CANALS By Using prism oidal formula : [fo r chamage between 0 to 40]
Ex. 7.6.1 (a) Quantity of filling 3 [~ +4A2o +4A40]
. . , sed road having following details
Calcul:ue the volume of eartbwork using pnsmmdal fonnula ,or propo 20
(a) Formation widtb of road is 12 m 3 [I 0.88 + 4( 1.22) + 4(0)]

(h) Side slope in filling is 2 : J v 105.06cum

• --~
(c) side slope in cutting is J.5 : J d
(b) Quantity of cutting 3 Moduk
(d) formation level is 108.00 mat ·o· Chainage [Aw+4A60+2A80 +4A 100 +A 120] ~:

(e) Road has Do sl0 pe ID
· Iong1·tudinal direction. 20 '
I Cllaialq:e(m) I o 20 40 160 80 100 120 3 [0 + 4 (10.56) + 2(13.5) + 4(45.36) + 15.01]
V 1771.26cum
GL.(m) 101.20 1 107.90 1J08.oo 108.80 109.00 110.80 109.10
Ex. 7.6.2
0 Soln. :
Calculate the volume of earth work by using trapezoidal formula for proposed road having following details

At 'Zero ' chainage FL =108m

(a) Fonnation width of road, is I0 m.
Since there is no slope in longitudinal direction, (b) Side slope in filling is 2 : I
:. FL will be same at all chainage. (c) Side slope in cutting is 1.5 : I

By observing deptb i.e. (FL- GL), it is clear that chainage 0 to 40 span is in filling and chainage 40 to J 20, is in cutting. (d) Cutting is zero at '0' m chainage
: . Depth of cutting = GL- FL (c) Road has longitudinal slope of 100 · I falling gradient
As prismoidal formula
Chainage 0 20 40 60 80 100
GL.(m) 51 51.50 51.65 52.05 52.15 52.30
Also draw:

I TeeL-Neo Mliations (I) Longitudinal section (2) Cross-section at chainage 20 and 60 m

-...A SA CHIN SHAH YtDtu~r -A SACHIN Slttll YeD~

I TfU_N., Publications........... Where Authors i11SfJire i.nDor•tioD
QtJ&ntSL11vey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-CiVil) (7-11 ) Estimation of Earthwork for Roads & canals
ttitodinal section of road
~ . MU-Sern· 7-Civll)
1!t1 QuantSurvey, Esti. & VaJuatiOil ( . fall in level will be 0.2 m e.g. FL.
6!1 Solo . h zorn cbaUlage. at ·~o· F.L.
.. client so for eac (_

cbainage =51
-)oo x 20::: 50.80 ___
Jongirudinal slope is I00 : 1 faJJillg gra
..,. tOO

Datum 49
Depth of cutting 0 1.05 1.65 1.95 2.30
level (m)
51.00 50.80 50.80 50.40
50.00 50.20 50

G.L. (m) 51 51.50 51 65 52.15 52.30
. Chainage
I ·1 I I
20 40 60 80 100
Depdi(Dl) · o.oo I I I I I I

Longitudinal section
From above table, it is clear that GL is bigber tban fL.
(1C73)Fig. Ex. 7.6.2(a)
So that whole road is in cutting -- ~
-- ~
-~<1'~- - - -r :.:s~--;.::
R.L. 52.05
Depth of cutting = GL - FL
R.L. 50.40 ~"'--~---..(

Area at different section is calculated by. ·d slope in cutting:::l.5 10 m
2 ; where B:::IDrn, st e
A=BdtSd Quaritity

Area(Bd +si)
:I ll GL FL J)eptb cutting Filling (tC Fig. E"- 7.6.2 (b) : Cross section at cbaioage 20 mm (tC7S)Fig. Ex. 7_6_2 (c) : C1116S section at cbainaP 60 111

0 00
uEx.7.s.a m••·w•t1 . . i>'' . . .
,.>;, , · ·. . X " 7': 2 :··::
Estimate the quantity of earthwork'from chainage 20 to26 measured witli standard 20 ni chairt' fr<>.rn.the foUo¢11g <WA :..,. :
51 51 .S
0 :; 23 24 25 26
::> , Chainage 20 21 22
0.70 7.73 u
51.50 50.80 90.75 90.20 89.98
20 .S Ground level 88.10 87.74 87.80 90.40
!.05 !2.15 "00 '------- 88.20
51.65 50.60
"" - ~8.50 and the road width.ofthe:ioalf~
1.65 20.58 1befonnation level atchainage 20 is bas rising gradient of I in 100. The foQiilitioo
~linking 2 : l.
52.05 50.40 -"
60 u
- .10m and side slopes in cutting I : 1 and
1.95 25.20 -< . · ·
80 52.15 50.20
!00 52.30 50.00 2.30 30.93 0 Soln. :
Fonnation level per chainage 20m with rising gradient I in 100 is added by
By Using prismoldal formula : I

= x 20 = 0.20m
V = 2
d [A +A, +4(A +A4 + .... + A, _1) + 2(A3 + A5 + ... + A•. 2)] 100
1 2
Denoting depth of cutting by- ve sign·and depth of banking by+ ve sign.
20 [~+2(A tA +At,otA 80 ) +AuxJ
= 2 20 40 Depth of earthwork at different chainages are calculated below : 26
23 24 25
20 [0+2(7.73+ 12. 15+20.58 +2520) +30.93]
= 2 Chainage 20 21 22
90.75 90.20 89.98
Ground' 87.80 90.40
V = 1622.5 curo [quantity of earthwork in cutting] 88.10 87.74 89.50 89.70
level 89.10 89.30
88.50 88.70
Formation level 0.90
-0.70 -0.28
Depth of earthwork 1.10 - 1.30 -1.45
0.40 0.96 _...A gcmNsJIA// re~~~~~~~'

Tech-Neo Publications .........- Where Authors inspire innoration

Tecb-Neo Publi<atio01 ,,_Jnen: Authors inspire illllO,.tioo ....A SA CHIN SHAfl YtDtuft

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E~s~ti; ·ma~ti=on==o~f=E~a=rth~w~~~~fo~r~A~o~agd~! ~
survey. Esti. & Valuation (MU
Ouant.Survey, Esli. & Valuation (MU-sem. 7-Civil) (7-12) aosn1. ·Sern 7 .
. -ciVIl)

Quantities of earthworlc are worked out by using mean sectional area method.
~ ~ - GL (7-13)
_ n.,
50 ~ -.!L
Estimation 0 1 E
Use B = 10. Side Slope => S I in cutting ~ 131.1 130 ~bortartb arthworktorRoads&Canals
~ ~~ Work(FL_GL) ·
s -- 2 in banking
I 5;-------r--_::..:.::.. .J]__O.t - - - -1.1~
ChaiDage DepQ. ~~A.~~- ·<M~ -~L Quanuty .
--:::_ 130 9 • - - - -
53--~~ ------:-:-:---
-1.1 _____,
Area of A~ofSWe ·
Ceotral (Bd) (Sxd') A
, sectioaaJ ·
Cutting~ ~~~~-

~- ~
.. " ~~130.4~
20 0.4 4 0.32 4.32
---...:..._ 56-~~~---...J
7.88 20
~ 57-~~~
~ - 58 -~ ~~-----J
21 11.44

0 .96 9 .60 1.84 -
12.43 20 2;-- - 59 ~ ~~-:-l.-:-7-----J
22 1.10 II 2.42 13.42 - 60 ~ ~r-----:l.-:-4-----1

12.02 20
2~ N w quantities workout by using me
o •
~ 1.3
an sectlOoaJ area method Use_ _ _ _ _ _ __]
2.3 0 .90 9 1.62 10.62 Side slope . fonnahon Width (B) = 10 m,

-1.30 14.89 15.75 20 315 s =
13.20 1.69
16.60 - Depth
1 in cutting;
Area of · s 1.5 in banking
- 1.45 14.50 2.10
12.05 · 2o 241 - Cbaloage
Ana or
TOtal Aft&
A =(Bd +Sd')
2.5 -0.70 7.00 0.49 7.49 (Bxd)
Cutting Banking
5o 1.1 11

26 -0.28 2.80 0.08 2.88

5.19 20 103 .80
-51 1.1 11

12.2 1
12.21 20 244.20


Total= 659.80
646.60 - 52 0.7 7 0.49 7.49
9.85 20 197

m m' 8.65 20 173

53. 0.9 9 0.81 9.81
u EL -7.&.4:161!++tam 6.98 20 139.60
'I>etecmine the quantities of earthworlc for the-portion of a .road between chainage 50 and 60 from the fol.lowing data, length,,
-0.4 4 0.16 4.16
being ~ ~with a slandard20m .chain. · · 54
Tlie?oimat.ion level at chainage 50 is 13o and the road is in a rising gradient of I in 200. The width of formation is 10m. and
55 -0.2







-~Side slopes 1.5 ·: I in embanlcment aild 1 : I in cutting, the lateral slope of the ground may be assumed as leveL Calculate 1.57 20 31.40
'a.s9_tpr;·~t of this earthwork. in bdand in cutting. Assume suitaiJie rates Ojlld also dr11-w the mass diagram .
0 .3 3 0.14 3.14
57 244.80
12.24 20
0 Soln. : Depth of cutting is denoted by - ve sign and banking by + ve sign.
17 4.34 21.34
As rising gradient of I in 200 58 1.7 20 382.80
. 20 16.94
i.e. for 200 m slope = I m : . for 20m slope = 200 = 0.1 59 1.4 14 2.94
16.24 20 324.80

: . Rise FL by 0 . 1 at each chainage.
60 1.3 13 2.54 Total - 836-;'l 1183.80

Ted.-Neo Publications_.. __ Here Au1hon ioapirr: inDo.,.tioo Tech-Nee Publications ........... Where Autbon· inspire iJJno.-.liOD
.....A SACHF/Y SHAH Yenture

Q 801 .survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-s

u em. 7-clvll)
I ~"*•I§Mhl (7·15) E
E"""- olwlf•"""' . , R. 180 per m,1· uP·k7,11.5( . . in cmhllllk
out eurthwork qunnlllics stimaHon of Earthwork for Roads & Canals
tnent lllld CUIU
~of'* of culfinl ti R.\. 200 per m' l!ld rile ofban~•na as ' ·
purticUIIIfli : ng for a length of
'1110 fotll1Udon width = 20 m 600
:. eosa or t\lltin& = 200 X 8..'6.20., Jl\. 1,67,240 (il . b k
, Side slopes m em lUI mcnt = 2 : 1(H . V) lllld .
eosa or ftltinJ .. l ""
"" x 983.80•Rs. 1 .n.~ (I~!
(hi) There is no .tfllllsverscs slope · °
1 CUlling= 1.5 : 1(H : V)

TOCII OOit of eri~J.'Oit • Rs. 3, Rising grud1eot of I : 250 upto 250m h .
(IV) • • c aanoge
(V) Rising grud1cnt of I : 100 upto 600 111 h .
· c lllnage
0 ~
~ 50 100

I F.L 150

200 250
31 1
1 31.2 131.2
130.9 ......,

130.S 130.7

130.6 '------j-----:
- ---- - r
(ILofGL 172 172.35 172.6 173.8
173 172.65


400 450 500 550 600

___ ----- ----~


t ---- IlL of Formation 171.60 170.65 170.35 170.60 170.75

-.... •. o o129.5
I ~0.4

:129.1 !....---1' 129.7 L-- 172.40
130.0 - -- - [!! Soln . . I 175.40

1 For rising gradient of I : 250
i.e. for 250m. slope :: I m.

:. for 50 m. slope = 250 x 50= 0.2 m. (upward)

And similarly for rising gradient oft : 100.

:. For 50 m slope = iOO x 50= 0.5 m. (upward)

50 51

~~ ~
lllilg (d)
52 53 54 55 56





Hence rise by 0.2 m form '0' chainage to '250' chainage and also rise by 0.5 m. From '300' chainage upto '600'

.Chainage RL ofGL IU.or FL

172 171.4
Depth of Earthwork (FL - GL)
172.35 171.60 -0.75
daph ~
CUIIWlg (d)
- ""
"'0 ~
0 0
- 0.8
0 N
"' ...0 ....
200 173 172.2 -0.8

0 0 0 10
~ ~ ~ ~ ::?
0 "'
c:i 0"' ~
250 172.65 172.40 - 0.25
~ ~ ~ ~
263.15 0
"! 300 172.20 172.9 0.7
5 ~
0 "!
"'::?0 .... co "': ,.._
~ c:i 0 Ill
~ 0 ai ai 350 171.50 173.4 1.9
::? ::? ~ ~
G.L ~ ~
400 17 1.20 173.9 2.7
450 170.65 174.4 3.75
0 ~ ~ ~
170.35 174.9 4.55
Dislance in
s 0
50 51 52 I I N 550 170.60 m .40 4.8
53 54 55 I
56 57 5.15
58 59 60 600 170.75 175.9
Fie. Ex. 7.6.4

....A SACHINSIWI r...hlrt

_,,.A SACHIN SHAH Yeo/Uit T;j;•Neo Pubhcaholl8 JfJL""' Aut/Jon impire io110fltion
. • .........- wn

.survey, Esti. & Valuation ('' U

QUBn1 ,., ·Se~
.... 7-civil)
Chalnage at zero depth . 1.&.&~.. (7·17) .

0.25 0.7 :. X : !3.15 ~e-. . - quaouues

work 0ut earthwork 20 in embonL--
-uunent and . - ...........,.... ~Es:,::tirna~tio~n,gof~Eanh~~wo~ri<~f~or!R~oa~d~s&~C~an~~als
·on wtdth - mtrs. ' Side sl CUtting for the .
X (5()- x) •...,;ali I opes . . chatn I '
J'<l' . ... s 00 rransverse s ope.. · m ernbanknJ ength of 600 mtrn The . .
~ I dient of I : 250 upto 250 . ent " 2 : I . . . Particulars are .
i.e. (250 + x) = 263.15 rn . , ula ~sing gra . f 1 . 100 m. chfllnage (H · V) and m cutting = 1.5 : 1 (H : V).
· · bular fonn of nu·d-secuon .onn · , g gradtent o · upto 600 m. cbo:.
Now quantities of earthwO!t are calculated adoptmg tll . ~sill ....age
_ 2 in banking Meters chaioage
~ S -
Talr.e B =
20 rn. Side slope
RL. of GI'Ound
s 1j in cutting
= 200 250 300
Tual Length Quantity
~ Area=B xct. AIUol

Depth Me. Depth 153 152.65 152.2
(d) (d.)
Ceafre . A18A Banking . ~

Sxd. 500 550 600

0 RL of formation !50.35 150.50 150.75
-0.68 13.6 0.69 14.29 50
-.:.::__ Esuu-
the cost of earthwo~ by consideringe . .
,,..;..1-. 155.40
. XISting district SCheduit cites.
50 0.75 &1 Soln. :
16.51 50
0.78 15.6 0.91 For rising gradient of I : 250

100 = I m.

0.8 i.e. for 250 m slope
-1.3 26 2.54 28.54 50 t"427 I
:. For 50 m. slope = 250 x 50 =0.2 m. (upward)
150 1.8
1.3 26 2.54 28.54 50 142 7 And similarly for rising gradient of I : 100
200 0.8
11.02 50 - :. For 50 m slope =
TOO X 50 =0.5 m. (upward)
250 0.25
0.53 10.6 0.42

U 551

- Hence rise by 0.2 m from '0' chainage to '250' chaioage and from '300' cbainage rise byo 5 m upto '600' chainage.

0.13 2.6 0.025 2.625 13. 15 34.52 Module
DistanceiChainage (m) RLofGroond RLofFL
Depl411. Eartbwort. (FL- GL)
263.15 0
0 152 151.4 -0.6
0.35 7 0.25 7.25 36.85 267.16
50 152.35 151.6 - 0.75
300 0.7
100 152.6 151.8 -0.8
1.3 26 3.38 29.38 50 1469
150 152.8 152.0 - 0.8
350 1.9

50 2829 200 153 152.2 -0.8

2.3 46 10.58 56.58
250 152.65 152.4 - 0.25
400 2.7
3.23 64.6 20.87 85.47 50 4273.5 263.15 0

450 3.75 152.2 152.9 0.7

4.15 83 34.45 177.45 50 8872.5 151.5 153.4 1.9
500 4.55 151.2 153.9 2.7
4.68 93.6 43.80 137.4 50 6870 154.4 3.85
450 150.55
550 4.8 154.9 4.55
4.98 99.6 49.60 149.2 50 7460 155.4 4.9
600 5.15 550 5.15
150.75 155.9
3 600 '
3 4979.52 m .L
Total= 3204J.l6 m
- - .
- _,1 JACHINS/1.411 Yeotwr

_...A SAC/liNS//A/1 YeJJt T..d.-Neo Publications....-·-- Where Autbot> tn>'P'
~ OuantSurvey, Esli. & Valuation (MlJ-Sem. 7-Civll} {7-18)
Estimation of Earthwork for Road
s &. Can ~ ousnt.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Se
~ ~ ITt7-Civil)
Chainage at zero depth ~lrne-te of earth work {7-19)
0.7 12.5- 0.25x = 0.7x Es~mation of Earthwork for Roads & Canals
(50-x): consider rate of cutting for earth
Work as Rs.
X 13. 15 200 3
. lienee cost of earth work fo t>er m and rate t
i.~. . (250 + x) = 263. 15 m. . _ tion formula : .. r CUtting. or banking as Rs.i80 perm'.
Now, quantitJes of earthwork are calculated adopting tabular Conn of nud sec '
200 X 3821.52" Rs
Take B 20m, = Side slope : => S 2 in banking And cost of earth work for b•n._, · 7•64,304.00
s - 1 5 in cutting. rv· ~"'-'ng :

ToealAIU Length Quantity 180 X 29412.48- Rs
~.. . . Depth Mean Area Aft.Olskle
:. Total co st of earth work : - . 52,94,246.40
Depth ' Slope
,·_: '(m) (d) (d..) Bxct. Sxd~ A=~d_+S.d~ L . Banking c;u;--

0 0.6

50 0 .75
0 .68

0 .78





100 -0.8
-- I I . 116 1 116 85

16.96 50 115 ' 1
Upward gradient I in 200
· ll8.00 1118.25 1 118.1 1117.8 1 117.75 1 117.90 1119.5 I
0 .8 16 0.96 848
&1 Soln. : Downward gradient 1 in 400 I
- 0 .8
0 .8 16 0.96 16.96 50 848
- As upward gradient is I in 200.
200 -0.8 i.e. for 200 m slope lm
-0.53 10.6 0.42 11.02 50 551 1
:. For 100m slope 200 x I 00 =0.5m (upward)
250 -0.25

And downward gradient is I in 400.
-0. 13 2.6 0.025 2.625 13.15 34.52
263.15 0
0 .35 7 0.245 7.245 36.8? 266.98
i.e. for 400 m slope

: . Fo r 100m slope
400 x 100 = 0.25m (downward)
300 0.7 Denoting depth of cutting by - ve sign and banking by + ve sign, the depth of earthwork at various distance are worked
1.3 26 3.38 29.38 50 1469 out as below :

350 1.9
2.3 46 10.58
5658 50 2829
114.5 115
Depth of Earthwork (FL- GL)'
100 114.75 115.50 0.75
400 2.7 115.25 116.00 0.75
115.2 116.50 1.3
3.28 65.6 21.52 87.12 4356
50 300
117.00 0.9
400 116. 1
4500 3 .85 0.65
116.85 117.50
500 0
4 .2 84 35.28 119.28 50 5964
500 4 .55
600 11 8.00 117.25 °·7525
118.25 117.00 1.
4 .73 94.6 44.75 139.35 50 6967 .5 700
118.1 116.75 1.35
550 4.9 800
117.8 116.50 1.3
100.6 50.60 900 5
5.03 151.2 50 7560 116.25 1.
1000 117.75 19

600 5 . 15
1100 ll 7 -90 3.75
Total- 29412.48 m 3 3821.52 m' 119 5 115.75 .....ASACHINSJIAliYest.-
1200 . .
__.A SA CHIN SllUf YentuJe Tttb-Neo Public:ations ..- ....... lnten Aut/Jon ilupUe iDM ..IJOD

Ouant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Givll) (7-20) ~tSurvey, Esti.

Chainage at zero depth

0.65 0 .75 E:stimalion of Earthworl< lor Roads & Canals
X (100- x)
65 -0.65x 0.75x
.·.X 46.42
i.e. 500 +46.42 546.42

Now • quantities of eanhwork are calculated adopting tabular form of mid-section formula.
Take B = 10m, Side slope ==> S 2 in banking.

Distance llepth MeMO Depth Area ArM or Side Slope

S I 5 in cutting
Total Length Quanlity


. (d)'

0 .625

6 .25


7 .03



0.75 7 .5 1.13 8.63 100 863 --

200 0 .75 To calculu te FL at vari o us c hainage fi .1 fi d
• n; m out valve of down gradienl.
1.03 . 10.3 2. 12 12.42 100 1242
: . Vult>e o f clo wn gracliem FLat A - FL 111 B 118.90 - 118. 10
300 1.3
Total Span of chainage 8 =0.1 m
1.1 11 .00 2 .42 13.42 100 1342
·. Aho Span o f each chainag• 320 - 0
400 0.9 - 8 - =40m
0.78 7.8 1.22 9.02 100 902
I o w cukululln g F L a t eac h c hainage by taking downward gnl(fe t fO I
• n o mat eac h c hamage.
500 0 .65
Statiob Chainar:e GL FL

0.33 3.3 0.22 3.52 46 .42 163.40 Depth of Earthwork (FL- GL)
O( A ) 0 120.5 118.90
546.42 0 1.6
I ~0 120.10 118.8 - 1.3
- 0.38 3.8 0 .22 4.02 53. 58 2 15.40
600 -0.75 2 &0 119.7 118.7 -1.0
-I 10 1.5 11.5 100 11 50 3 I_O 119.2 118.6 -0.6
700 -1.25 ~ 160 118.5 118.5 0

800 - 1.35
- 1.3

- 1.33


m 15.54


155 4

7 280 117.3 118.2 0.9
900 - 1.3 0.6
S(B ) 320 117.5 118.10
- 1.4 14 2.94 16.94 100 1694
1000 - 1.5 Quanti tie' o f e arth w o rk are c alc ulated adopting a tabular form of mid-section formula.
-1.7 17 4.34 21.34 100 2 134 8 6
As . fo m1a11o n width fo r c utting is B = 5.5 m and for banking is = m.
1100 -1.9
-2. 83 28.3 12.01 40.31 100 403 1 And side ,tope .
1200 -3.75 1.5 in cutting
J 3
Total= 5215.4 m 12373.4 m s 2 in banking

_ .4 .S4CHI!t' Sll~ l'esl.ut'

~ OuanLSurvey Estimation of Earthwork fo r R Ql.ient.survey, Estl. & Valuation (M '
Esti & Valualion (MU-Sem. 7 -CMI) -
(J 22) cads & Canals U-se
rn. 7·CivU
I~ ILengtJtl Q.U...t~ so for euch 30m distance, rise in
I I )
Area or (7-23)
I Depcb Total Area
M.. -Ara I. level Will b 30
A ·a Bxd..+
( m)d Side Banking e :::::---... Estl""'tion of
(lh<.t.} Earthwor1< for Roads & Ca nals
(41,.) ~
Stope sct! Safllple calcu l atio n of FL at 30 h .
, c amagc,
110 "0.273

Pw*- (sxct!)

FLat '3o•
0 - 1.6 Take fonn . " 1616()
+ 0.27" 161 87
1.45 7 .98 3. 15 11.13 40
445:2-- alion Width 'B•
" 10m

40 1.3 Side slope S '
(i.inage FL. GL~ "IS~
1.15 6.33 1.98 8.31 40 332;-- • d r;:----.:~nkingtfilr
(Fl._ G BXd Set' ~2 for cutting.
80 1.0 L) A.. (Bel+ Set')

-- --
A. L
0 .8 4 .4 0 .96 5.36 40 2!4::;-

----- -- Quantity
V= AxL

120 -0.6 0 161.6 161.5 t-- t - - CuUina Banldntl

1.79 40 I 0.015
0 ..3 1.65 0.14 71.6
r-- t-- 1.015
160 0
0 .1 0 .6 0.02 0.62 40 24.8
30 161.87 160.95 0 .92 - t--- 5.74 30 172.2

9.2 1.27
200 0 .2 r- 10.47

0 .4 2.4 0.32 2.72 40 108.8
- 15.08 30 452.4
0 .6
0 .75 4 .5 1.13 5.63 40 225 .2 - 60 162. 14 160.55 1.59 15.9 3.79 19.69

280 0 .9 14.7 30 441

0 .75 4.5 J.l3 5.63 40 225 .2 162.41 161.55
90 0.86 8.6 l.JI 9.71
320 0 .6
Total 584m 1063.6 m 3 9.52

30 285.6

120 162.68 I 61.85 0.83 8.3 1.03 9.33 Module
3 3
Consider rate of cutting for eanhwork as Rs. 200 per m and rate for banking as Rs. I 80 per m • 4.67 30 140.1
.·. Hence cost o f eanhwo rk for cuning : 150 162.95 162.95 0 0 0 0
200 X 1063.6 =Rs. 2,12,720.00
And cost of eanbwork for banking
.·. Total cost of earthwork
180 X

Rs. 3,17,840.00
584 = Rs. 1,05,120.00

180 163.22 162.35 0.87 8.7 1.14 9.84

4.92 30 147 .6

UEx. 7.La i i li+•&+l:i 8.73 30 261.9

Calcula&e volume of earthworl< in cutting and banking for !be road section whose detail are given below :
(Use Mean Area Method) 0.69 6.9 0.71 7.61
210 163.49 162.80
Clai-ae T01al 1900.8 m
R.L. of Grouad (at)
Width of formation = 10 m. .·. Total banking = 1900.8 m
F . L. atl!CTO cbainage = 161.60 m.
Rising Gradient ( 1 in 110)
S ide slOpe= 1.5 : l (banking) and 2 : 1 (cutting).
62:1 Soln.:
__,1 SACHIN SHAll rut""'
At zero chainage, A... = 161.60 m, and rising gradient is I in I 10.

__.A SAl'HIIY SHAH Yuture

l;;_Neo Publitatioiill........... Where Authors iDNpire ioDO..tion !
/ ~~surveY. Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem 7
~ · · -civil)
As, B = 12m, Estimation of Earthwork tor Roads & Canals
Slope S = 15.
~ QuantSurvey, Esti. & vatuation (Mu-SefTl. 7-CMil ' ffi CUtting
. data. I
of earth wat for~ of road ftOIII tbe fol)owilli
uex. 7.&.1o''H*•M" 360

420 480 I 540 (~:

~~f· Depth
__.....----~-_= 2 in
· '~M~·· ,I ·' .. .~g
·· T ·
·.· ·~~of'
Eslim* tbe guaniiiY
otf.t ' r--:=----
0 60 120 !80
8(1.54 80.82 1
>o"';·? . (m) dept.b'( f:/Ce' i·":';a ~~:· ~::-
. "l.---.----~
·. ~
...:,.·:'..·...:f. ·..~· . . . . , >PorU . .oiS~
IJltt. 81.3 80.8
0 • • •

82.08 I
~ '··~
83.12 82.44 81.86 Upward gradient 0.5%

~ .: :~ f----
GL . · :---+---+"_·_ ··_ . . 1.c.:"•<;; s Afta '.. .. . . Leogtb . Quantity.
])owuward ~~ 0.8% .:A;=Bd,;+si
. •. . ,....,..,
011. • • ·zf' ·.. ' .
......,.......,..,.,..,.,.,,....,...,J,Jj•-"'u•....,.""""'""'--· .
'. · ' • ·.· . _ L' ........
(A'xLf: """"
1 . .•
.· _
. •
~ ---J..:-..:.:::.:_~~
-T·. ,_._j
0 v-60 ~ _!).54 -E
Soln.: -0.50

As downward gilldieut is 0.8% in 100 I v-
L.---" 60

~ i---2:?-
. 100

~-~--- ----j[-..:::.__-+---t-~J
i.e. lmO:S = 125
II v 120 -0.40
" "'

For 125m slope 1m
~~--r---i---4-- ---~~60~+---_J~5~~~
1--- - L__:' •V 0.84
:. For 60 m slope =
1~ x 60 = 0.48 m (downward) 180 -1.10 -=:.::.:._1-- 9.84 I -

- o.95 -~----;;T-=-+-"--.l----_L---
And for upward gradient of 0.5%,
11.4 135 12.75 -~ ~--=~--~~60~+---_1~76~5-
. 100 200 -0.80

0.5 m 100 orQj = 240
0.40 4.8 0.24 5.04 60 302.4
For 200m slope = I m
:. For~ m slope
I 300
= 2oo x 60 =0.3 m (upward)
0.28 211.2
3.36 0.16 3.52 60
Denoting depth of cutting by negative (- ve) sign and embankment by positive(+ ve) sign, the depth of earth
k 0.56

. . 360 Module
vanous distanced are waded out as below :
J)isWJc:e ill (DI

) I IlL oiG.L. TR.L. orr.t.
Depth of earth work (FL- GL)
-0.70 420 0.58







81.86 81.46 480
120 8.21 60 .492.4
1.10 0.62 7.44 0.77
82.08 80.98
80.50 0.80
240 81.30 540 0.50
80.80 0.00 I

300 Tolal = 1680.4 2464.2

81.10 0.56
360 80.54
81.40 0.58 I m'
420 80.82
80.96 81.70 0.74
0.50 I
I 540 I 81.50 82.00 I

Sample calculation of R.L. of FL at

Chainage '60' = 82.42-0.48 = 81.94

and at RL or FLat chainage •300•

= 80.50 + 0.30 = 80.80

· ;·~~~~~.;--------------=~==~---------------
. a tabular form of Mid · Sec liOn
Quantities of earthwork are calculated adoptmg . formula.

T.r~~~~~~~~oo~u:=:f~~~Au~~~~~ -··.A SA CHIN SJI,4/I Yeoturt

· .... - ••- 11'/Jere Authors irupirt JD/IOri/JIIII
Tl<h-Neo Publ'oeatJOoo · ·
-- --
--- ------

EstimatiOn of Earthwork for Roads & Canal&

~ Quant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-SerT!· 7-CiVll)

Culling G.L F.L/
Mass diagram 81.50
80.96 Tenders


oefinition and types of tenders, Tender notice and . . .
proc ur e tor submission and opentng · of tende tts tnclusions' Pra-qualification
. . of contractors, Pre-bid meeting,
~-reneddering · r, acceptance and reJection
· . of tender, Tender validity period,

480 540
360 420
240 300
60 120 180

~ ~~~::~'T;d"

"'0 "'0

0 Ill
Ill 0

Height of

inclus~~:-~;· ~~~~~;·~~~~: ..·················································· ·····················"

filling (d) 8

0 0 8...
ua. 8.4.1 Write short notes on : Main -4
,.... 0 0
~ "'"'I 1
depth of 0 "'0I "'0 0
8.5 Drafting Tender Notice ...... .. ........................................ ..................................................................................................
············ ······················ 8-4
cutting (d) 0 0
0 0 0
": revtous Untverstt Paper Questtons















U UEx. 8.5.1 (MU ·Dec. 16, 10 Marks)............................................................................................................... ........ .... _

UEx. 8.5.3 (MU - May 17, 8 Marks) .............................. ............................................................................................. •

UEx. 8.5.2 (MU - Dec. 17, 5 Marks) ....................................................................................................................... :..... _
UEx. 8.5.4 (MU - May 18, 8 Marks) ........................................................................................................................... 8-8
"'I I I

0 0
0 0
CXl ...
8.6 Tendering Procedure ................................................................................................................................................... 8-1 0
~ ~ N
"'I "'I I I I MU · Dec 15 8 M;nks ............ 8-1 0
"'I I UQ. 8.6.1 Explain in detail the Procedure of submission and opening of tender.

Distance in I
meter 8.7 Pre-Qualification of Contractors ................ ................................................................................................................... 8-12
Fig. Ex. 7.6.10 ... :.......................................................... 8-12
MU- Ma 18 2 Marks
UQ. 8.7.1 What is pre-qualification of tenderer?
... Chapter ends
8.7.1 Post Qualification of Contractors............ .. ............................................ .................................................... 8-12
ODD ............................................................. .............................. 8-13
8.8 Tender Documents .... ............................ .................................. ................................................................................. 8-1 3
8.9 Types of Bid System .. .............. .. ................................... ..................................................................................... 8-13
.................................... 8-14
8.9.1 2 Bid System .... .
.9.2 3 Bid System ............................................................................................................ . ..... 8-14
.10 Pre-bid Conference I MEeting .............................................................................. .. .................................. ..

an~ =tr·a-~~-r -~int~-f- ~:~~-

UQ. 8.10.1 What is pre bid meeting? Explain in brief from owners .. ............................. 8-14
MU. Dec. 17. 5 Marks

-~--~~~~L~S~U~N~e~y~,~Esti~-~&~V!m~ua~tion~~(M~U~~~~-~7;~~-~)_._.~(~~2~)a&_._._._.-==-=-=-=-~~~~~~~ 16rtdel'll
UQ. 8.1 0.2 Write short notes on : Pre-bid conferenCe. ..................··............. ····· ~
UQ. 8.10.3 What Is pre-bid 001 f91MIC8 r.1u r.1 1 1::; ::. rl."u k ..., ... ... ... ..... ... .. .. .. ... ..... . .. ....... ..... ....... ....... . ·•· ·· ·• · 8-14
8 .11 •'ter gewng Adrruntstrative ap - .....=""':'=="""'"""'"""'"""'~T:e~nd~e~rs
1v provaJ T '
8 . 12 . for mterested contractor to car-.-.. ' ecbntcaJ s
"/Ire . - · J out e atlctt00
8 . 13 iJI will ftll this tender and quote "-eculion of aod budget
~ . amount of Work. E apProval of
cern authonty, tender will be

8.14 tender at..... . "-perienced and any work •ts tender is prepared and
It coo . awarded t ·-onabl tecbnicaU
~• and condtuons, mentioned tn tender. o lowest amount e rate After openin of Y SOUnd contractor willing to do
!e',.... quoted contrac g tender by government department
8 .15. 1 ~ s.z DEFINITION OF n ...
DER. tor, and he is ready to eJ<ecute work as per
8 .1 5 .2

f ender iS defi ne d as Offe r in Writin t
8 .15.3 - . . g or eJ<ecuu
certain te rms and c ondthons such on of cena; .
What is an unbalanced tender? . as rates. time litnit e n Specified Work or for su .
UQ. 8.15.1 r 1u r . l~\ ,- > r1.1r k s

llj~-M~Mj;sj:»mfi:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :~~:
_ pepending upon type o f contract, tbe tender tc. pply of spectfic materials subject to
UQ. 8.15.2 Write short notes on : Balanced aoo urtlaL9nced Tender ... labOUf tende r o r de m o litio n tender. may be classified .

. as •tern-rate tender tum
8 .15.4 lnfonnal Tender ······································-····· Contracto r is supposing to study I . • p-sum tender, cost-plus tender,

: ~::
P ans, spectficati
8 . 16 before ftllin g, quo ting a nd submitting tend on of Work to be executed ..

er. · • term & condition etc mentioned in tender;


UQ. 8.16.2 Explain BOT Contract type. . . . . .WIMIW .:...... ................. .. .. ..... ... ....... .... .. ..... ....... .. ... .... .... .. 8 •
8 .16.1 Differentiate between : BOT and BOOT Contract ..................... .................. ..... ...... ..... ........ ... .... .. .. ..... .. .......... 8-2 There are three m e tho ds o f inviting tender :
UQ. 8 .16.3 Differentiate between : BOT and BOOT contract. r 'U r.1a 18 2 1/ 2 Marks ........ ...... .. ... ... .. .. .... ........ 8· 21 ( I) Public tende r o r o pen tender.
8 .17 Global Tender ···· -··· ··················································· .............. . ................................ ................. ...'... .. ...... .... ... ....... 5.21 (2) Private te nde r or limited tender or selected tender.
GQ. 8.17.1 Discuss the term Global tender . ................................................................................... .. ...... ....... ... .......... 8-2 1 (3) Negoti ated or s ing le tender.

GQ. 8.17.2 Define Global tender state the procedure of global tendering .............. ............ ......... ... .. ............ .. ..... .... . 8-21
(1) Public tender or open tender
8 .18 E-Tendering ............................. ... ........................ ....•........................................................ ......................... .... .... ........ .... 8-2 1
8.19 Introduction to Registration as Contractor in PWD ............................ ........................... ........... ...... .... ........ .. .. ... ...... ... ... 8-23 This type of te nde r should be invited iri open and public manner by :

8.20 Classification of Original Wot1<s on the Basis of Expenditure ......... .•.............•....... ............... ......... ..... ....... .. .. ..... ... ...... 8-24 (a) Advertisem e nt in local newspapers.

8.20. 1 Method of Execution of Minor Wor1< in PWD ............................. .......... ............... ....... .... .... ..... .... ....... ..... .. .. .... 8-24 (b) N o tice in reg io nal .language and also in English to be displayed in public place 1 department office.

UQ. 8.20.1
Differentiate between : Day wor1< and Piece work. MU · Dec 16 2 • , Marks ... ... ........ .•.. ....•. ..• .... ... .... 8 -24

Chapter Enc:la ••••.•••••.•..••••• - ·······-·········:································································································: .••..•••.•..........•. ~26 .

(c) Publi s h te nde r o n tender website I department portal.
It is compul s io n for work costing more than Rs. 25.000. a tender notice should be published in local leading news
paper have large c o verage.
M ostly al l public work to be advertised in local newspaper by giving public tender notice. so that any eligible new
contractor can submit his tender.
B y this m ethod, al l contractor get equal opportunity.
. rk executed at the cheapest rate.
There are c h ances o f the gettmg wo . . ed and less qualified contractor which may
. .. h dl' 0 ver work to unknown. mexpenenc
But there is posstbility of an mg f work. delay in completion of work etc.
lead to dis pute, sub-standard quality . . 'ob
. rk but not suitable for spectahzed J .
Thi s te nde r suitable for pubhc wo
. . ed te der or selected tender . k
(2) Private tender or hm•t n ed tractors for execuuon of wor ·
. . d for the limited number of reput con . • . contractor.
ln this case te nde rs are mvtte d r minat.e new mexpenenced
, . tition on the limited scale an e' .....A SAl111NSHAIH'. ,.u=
Thi s results into fru r compe
Tod!-Neo Puhlicatioru .... _..... Where Authors iospiiT' innoWIIion.
Teeh-Neo PuhlieatioDB--- ~"""' Aut!H>n iDapire iDDo,.tioD ___ _,4 SACH/If SJIA/I r eDIUTC
survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem 7
Tenders ~ au;'· pRAFTING TENDER N~;; (e-s) renders

. n) (e-4) . new contractor will not be abl "' S· .. . E

IC'1 . 1iol1 (MU-S8111· 7-0'11 !lich an ordinatY e to etting Adrrumstrattve approval, T . .
lBf QuanLSUrve ' Esli. & Valu& .alised nanJI'I:o w g,_rtr-r ecbntcal saner
bridge. road etc, respected depanment draft ton and budget approval of propose work like government
'or workS of spec•
_ 'Ibis mcdlod is advantageOUS '' h~ildi~ . , . .. . tender notice~ .
~·s) --IMniM"MI ·.. ~ . ormVItmgcontractor. _
complde satisfactorilY- . f work·
ful cornpleUOII 0 ~. :: ·~i notice for the construction of a wate' ·, , • . •
- It leads to s--'Y and success -"" ,, ' i ~en~ · .· · · .. r lreatme · · •
'Ibis method is suitable ~ caJT)'ing out pn
·vareW"'"' ~~e~· in zo cal.~ndllr inonths: ., · , . • n Plant in·Mumbai. It is esti~ted to cost 30 crores and is to be
'ted contractor, single well-known reputed
~ (3) Nqotiated or slaP lftldB erom the bnu .[tf soJn.: . .
stead of invinng tenders
- It is similar. to. limited
. tender but ID . or for supply of amc
. Ies of propriet•~-

conuacwr ts mVIted. "" of specialised nanue -y
oon ofwo, ..
This method ts adopted in case of execu
narure. be costlY.
Because of no fair competition, this roet1Jod proves to . of wodc is completed before target time Without

. as execunon
'Ibis method is found to be more advantageOUS•
sacrificing its quality.
Time of Class of
~ 8.4 TfNDER NOTICE MU · Dec 18. 4 Marks contractor


Rs.30Lakbs Rs.l.2 Crores 20 months Class I
~ r any work. For canymg ' ·
- Tender notice is very important document 0 . , t create interest of contractor.
b ading 'Tender Nonce
local newspaper or on tender website unde
. r e . . limit,
which includes name of work, esUmated cost, tni\e '-- ·. '

- All tender notice should be published m standard fonuat . . Blank tender form at a non refundable cost of Rs. 2000/- can be obtained from the office of Chief Engineer MCGM

earnest money deposi~ security deposit detail etc.
Points to be included while drafting tender notice :
(I) Name of agency or deparunent inviting tender.
(2) Name of work and its exact location.
U Mulund Mumbai upto 6:00P.M. during working hours on all working days, From 13/'}}2020 to 22fl.l2f110.
Pr~ Bid meeting is '\Uanged.on date: 14/V2020 at MCGM office Mulund at 2:00PM.
Tender should receive at office of Chief Engineer before 221212020 upto 5:00P.M.
Tender will open on date: 23/2/2020 at 10:00 A. M. at same office in presence of contractor who may like to aitend.
The right reserve to reject any or all tenders, without assigning any reason.
(3) Estimated cost of work.
(4) Eligible class of contractor.
(5) Time limit for completion.


Chief Engineer
(6) The place and time where contract document can be seen and blank tender form can be obtained.
MCGM Mulund Mumbai Module
(7) The cost of blank tender form.
Prequaliflcation of tender
(8) Specification of work (Schedule B or BOQ) and conditions of contract
(I) Contractor should be having experience of similar type of work done. (attach work done document)
(9) The last date, place and time before which tender should be submitted.
(2) Contractor should be having own concrete mixer (attach purchase copy I rent copy).
(10) Date of pre-bid conference if any.
(3) Scan copy of GST under, Act- 2017.
(II) Date, place and time for opening of tender.
(4) Contractor should attach last 3 years ITR.
(12) Earnest money to be deposited along with tender. (5) Contractor should be having BMC registered contractor license with appropriate class.

(J3) Security deposit to be paid (appticable only for successful contractor whose tender is awarded).
(14) Y_alidity and right to reject any or all tenders and name of au th onty
. acceptmg
. tenders. Note:
Tender programme will be available on the website :'http://www from 1312/2020.
Teeh-N'eo Pub~calioDJ '- ....A SA CHIN SHAH Yeoture
.....A SACHJN SHAH Yeature T.,h-Neo Publicatiom........... Where Autkors inspire ionoratioo

li] Quant. Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem, 7-Civil) (B-S)

·' \ . . . . . ,
. . .. . . . rk . .
. . din in a city are;j. The WO IS esllmated to Cost of ·.
Draft a 'ty:picai tender noti~ for tbe conslrilction of hostel bwl g ~. IO
'G~: io be.complefed in .l8 inonths.
~ Soln.:
Tender Notice
Government of Maharashtra
Municipal eorporatlon of Greater Mumbal
Date: ll/1012020

Tender No. 2921/year-2020·21
. . ed b Chief Engineer MCGM for registered contra
Sealed item rate tender in form B-1 tender, are 10V1t Y Ctor in
appropriate class for the following work.
SecUrity deposit Time of Clas.~ or
Estimated cost Earnest MoneY completion

Sr. Name of work (Rs) contractOr ·.nmeiir
No. (Rs) (Rs)
18 months ·Class! --- Construction of Rs: 180 Crores tOmpletlOn
Rs.IO Lakhs Rs.40Lakhs . ,.flyover over
l. Construction of Rs. 10 Crores (Including 15 months Class}only .
hostel building Mansoon) express :(Including
at Goregaon !iighway Maosoon)
East in Mumbai

'slaDlc tenderform at a non refundable coSt of Rs 50001 . . . . ·· .
Blank tender form at a non refundable cost of Rs. 20001- can be obtained from the office of Chief Engineer
1111012020 tvtSRDC · P. M. during workin · h - can be obtained from.\he office of Superintending Engineer of
· Mumba!· upto 6·00
Goregaon East Mumbai upto 6:00P. M. during working hours on all wprking days, From to 21110/2020. • . g ours on all working da ·
pre Bid meeting is arranged on date:9/i2!20l at . ys, From 6/1212019 to 2011212019. .
. 9
· MSRDC office Mumbai at 2:00PM.
Pre Bid meeting is arranged on date: 1211012020 at MCGM office Goregaon East at IO:OO AM.
Tender should reGelve at office of Superintendin En .
Tender should receive at office of Chief Engineer before 21110/2020 upto 5:00P.M. . .· · g gmeer before 20/1212019 upto 5:00 P. M. .
Tender will open on date : 22/1212019 at!O:OO A.M. at .
Tender will open on date : 24/10/2020 at 10:00 A. M at same office in presence of contractor wh~ may like to attend. . . • . same office mpresence of coDll11Ctor who may like to attiod.

The right reserve to reject any or all tenders, without assigning any reason.
U (Signature)

Chief Engineer
The right reserve to reJect any or all tenders ' without ass·tgrung
. any reason.


Superintending ~r·
MSRDC Limited Mumbai
MCGM Goregaon East Mumbai
~ualification of tender
f'reqJ.Jilllflcation of tender
(1) Contractor should be having experience of similar type of work done. (attach work done document)
(1) Contractor should be having experience of similar type of work done. (attach work done document)

(2) Contractor should be having·own concrete mixer (attach purchase copy I rent copy).
(2) ·contractor should be having own concrete mixer (attach purchase copy I rent copy).
(3) Scan copy of GST under, Act- 2017.
(3) Scan copy ofGST under, Act- 2017.
(4) Contractor should attach last 3 years ITR.
(4) Contractor should attach last 3 years ITR.
(S) Contractor should be having Mumbai PWD registered contractor license with appropriate class.
(5) Contractor should be having BMC registered contractor license with appropriate class.

. . bite . www msrdc.Q!l from6/1212019.
Tender programme will be avatlable on the we s · ·
Tender.programme will be available on the website : from 1J/10/2020.

Teeh-Neo Publications..••..... Where Authors inspire innoration .....A SA CHIN SHAH l'entun:
Teeb-Neo Publications ..•.-..-- Where Authors •r--
. ...;,.iJJJIIJI'Itioo
__..4 SACHIN SJW/ y..,,.,..

t survey, Esti. & Valuat·
oua n . IOn (MU-se
~ Ouant.Survey. Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil) (8-8)

UEx. 8.5..4 MU - Ma 18 8 Marks ~- jzation wish to construct . h

oorgun a ospual b
Draft a tender notice for . fill . al h "ld.n£ tw CIIX'O Navi Mumbai (Executi ve Engg) with an csr A ted 1o 15 months. Prepare a 1 Utld 1ng ..,
1 Tenders
of Rs . . construcuon o :1>p1t u1 1 • . · llttatect c
0 cO
1~p1calificution. ender 0 • hc co
Oltficalion I "- nstructton esl
1 cmre and durauon of proJect 1s _4 lll(lnth>. St
pre qu o ue PUbhshect 'mated lo be of Rs 2
~ Soln.: r11 sotn· :
10 nat,onat n
ews paper ..
50 crores The work 1s to be
' glvmg all details, inclusive of
Tender Notice
CIDCO of Maharashtra Limited Tende
G 'Notice
CIDCO Navi Mumbai
overnrnent ot
PWo N Maharashtra

Tender No. 79/CIDCO!Eff'.m0-2011 Date : l0/9/2o 20 'fender No. 1014/year 2020 • ortho·!Vision p
E-Bid l\o. 32S4 sealed ttem rate tender m form B-l
tender ar
•.-.ctor tn appropnate class for foil ' e tnv11ed by E Date : 6/1/2020
Sealed item r:ue tender in f nn B- 1 tender. are in,·ii~d b~ ExccutiYe Engineer CIDCO Navi Mumbai for regist~ conv• OWtng work ~ecuuve Engl!lcer p W

contra • · · fed North diVISion Punc fur rcg~>tc red
cto, rn appropnate class for following work. Name of Work
Sr. Name of Work I Estimated Earnest Mone~- ! Security deposit Time of Class of Time or Class of
~~\~=·~)--~--~~~-)----~~----~--l ____t-c_o_m_p_k_n_on_-r---~ Construction of 2.50. Crores completion contractor

I. Construction of I i.OO Crore ! 00 Lakh 4.00 Lakbs 24 months Class _ IV hospital building IS months Class- I
I and

hospital building Above at Narayangaon
TaL Junnar
In 'a'"i Mumbai I I

. .
Blank tender form at non refundable cost of Rs. 1000/- (Non-refundable) can be obtamed from office of Ex
Engmeer CIOCO i\a,·i Mumbai upto 4:00 PM from : !0/912020 to 19/9/2020. Tender should receive at office before
1919n020 and tender will open ar 10:00 A. M on dare : 20/9/2020. U . Blank tender form at non refundable cost of R-
Division Pune upto 4:00PM from: 6/1/2020 to .
open at 10:00 A.M. on date: 16/1/2020. ·
- ' -----..L____L _ _ _ __j
'· !000/- can be obtai d f
ne rom office of Executive Engineer P.W. North
1)1112020. Tender sho ld · _ .
" recetve at office before 1)/1/2020 and tender w11l

Executive Engin~r Executive Engineer

CIDO Navi Mumbai P.W. North division. Pune
Prequalification of tender
Prequalification of tender

( I) Contrac10r should be having experience of similar type of work done . (attach work done document) (I) Contractor should be having experience of similar type of work done. (anach work done documem)

(2) Contractor should be having own concrete mixer (anach purchase copy I rent copy). (2) Contractor should be having own concrete mixer (anach purchase copy 1rent copy).
(3) Scan copy of GST under, Act - 20!7.

(3) Scan copy of GST under, Act- 2017.

(4) ContrdCtor should auach last 3 years ITR. (4) Contractor should attach last 3 years lTR. Module
(5) Contractor should be having government registered with CIDCO Ltd., Maharashtra state PWD, CPWD, MJP, MJDC, L(~S)_C_o_nt_ra_c_to_r_s_ho_u_ld_b_e_h_:a_v_in.g_P_w_D_r_
:. eg_is_te-re_d_co_n_tra_c_to_rL_icc_n_se_w_ith-ap_pr_o_pr_ia_Ic_ci_as_s._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
MCGM contractor license wi th appropriate class.
Tender programme will be available on the website: from 10/9/2020.

. .. J SA CHINS/IA/1 Yeature

Teth-Neo Publications ........... lnere Authors inspire inao"tioa

Tecb-Neo Publications._,_,, ... Where Authors inspire inooralioo .....ASA CHIN SJIA/1 VenLurt:

OuantSurvey, Esti. & Valuation (MlJ-Sem. 7-CMI) (8-10) ,c! usnt.Survey, Esti. & Vaiuati
I! a on (Mu.Selll
~ 8.6 nNDERING PROCEDURE (f) Form No. u_p
- lantand
· -<:ivll)
(g) Form No UI · ltlacitin....
::;,;•;:~:.::·:.;;;,~~~i·~~~~E~~~~;:,:::B:ssn-., . ::: Silllilar . -•• , available Wi
(h) FormNo.JV-w \ypeofworkdo
- ~rk done . ne
Whole tendering process, right from sanctioning of work to selection of contractor is explained as below : · •· •••: (i) Form No. Tee . v::: 10
billy il!ea ·
hnicat Ptrs
0> Forwarding letter on available V.'lh
. . t conlractor
Envelope 3 : Fmanctal Bid (1\in
(A) Approval ol-'t from GcMnment AulhOrity Envelope 4 : This envelope COntain by CQnlractor)
bef 1 all above th-

ore ast date of subrniss· •uce envelops and . .
. . IOQ, It IS pmpe l
~~<) aperung of tender by concerned gov r y sealed, Submit it to department office
t" elllrnent anlho .
(i) Officer opening tender should nty by following seq
(C) lnvilation or lendef by concomed government department no1e down number or uence mentioned below :

tenders received d .
(ii) Officer then open envelope-! . an prepare list containing names of
(D) Subnission of tender by contradOr • to check e
tender returned unopened to co arnest rnoney deposit as .
ncerned contractor. per Prescnbed format. If EMD not deposited,
(iii) After that envelope 2 is opened

to verify documents r .
(iv) Lastly envelope 3 is opened and oftj equtred are submitted or not.
(F) Sauliny of tender by ooncemed government authority cer Dole down rate .
(F) scrutiny of tender by concerned authority : quoted by vanous contractors.

(G) Comparative statement and awtrd of contract by coocemed In this process officer check all docume t f
goyemment authority. n s o contractor Which are sub . .
Following points should be checked carefully : lDltted m envelope.

considering fund available.

(H) Wori< Older to (awarded) selected contractor

Fig. 8.6.1
(A) Approval·of work by government authority w.r.t. Administrative Approval, Technical sanction and budget approval 'by
(i) Check that each tender is signed by co trac

· n tor and has contain his address.
(ii) There should be no additions, 01 alterations 01 del . .

(iii) Verify that rates against each item are wrin · fi

. .
.. . . .
ettons m terms & condtuons mcluded m tender subrrutted by

en lD tgures as well as words. Multiplication of quantity of each item

and tiS corresponding rate should also be verified.
(B) After getting approval, concerned department prepare a lender set including detail specification of item of work (iv) Check over writing, omission in any item rate in tender.
included in work, a contract document containing all type of contract, clause and terms & conditions. Also attach plan (v) If rate quoted by contractor is not clear, doubtful or far below, then tender may consider as invalid.
drawing, schedule B and BOQ in tender set
(vi) Officer should check all technical documents of contractor and also verify financial stability of contractor.

(C) Then concerned Government department invite tender by publishing tender notice in local newspaper and on web site of (vii) After scrutinising all documents, officer prepare comparative statement.

department. Module
(G) Comparative statement prepared by concerned government authority :
(D) Submission of tender by contractor: Tender to be submitted in '4' envelope.
Envelope I : Contains EMD [lender estimated cost =Rs 50 00 000]1

Envelope 2 : Technical Bid (document) Sr. No. Name of Contractor Tender Amount Quolfd (Rs) Remark
A 42,00,000 1- (Lowest)Ll
Contains : (a) Certificate of registration as contractor
2. B 42,50,000 1-
(b) 1TR and Pan card 44,00,000 I·
3. c
(c) GST certificate D 47,00,000 I·
49,00,000 I· Higbest
(d) Declaration I Affidavit on stamp paper 5. E
(e) Fonn No. I= Work in hand who quote the lowest amount.
Tender will be awarded to contractor, ....A SACHIN SJI,I// Yuttur
_,.A SACHIIY SHAH YtDturt Teeh-Neo Publications........... JJ1left' Authon iupire iDDDI'ItioD r-

pull competition since any contractor ..
(I) ,• . can be able to fill tender
.......... ... ...... ........... . . OnlY Hpeetlrc JXItntH Of COntractor Hl dl '
~ ~

(Z) u ed l!lllalylled h'

· · · w rch are in relar
r;;:~:;.~ ···~;·i~;·~~~;i;;;;~i~· ~'~~;:d;~~;····. ...... ... ... __·--~: savingtn trme, to avord filling quest' . •
(3) ' trm oorm and etc.
ron to the nature or PI'""""··• .....
vo~- w.,,.,
'······-· ··· ········ -····· ··· ··· ··············· ···········--····-·ors l~<lctcnnlned lleforc the tenders for the work ure Invite •••, ,.. Dllldvantaget
In thl• process, the capahihty 1cornpc:tcocy of tile ~-ontn 1· · , <1.
h0 rc qunllfied for the work I Jnh, (I) Short pc:ri<xJ is availahle for office u, 11 • 1
11le tcndc111 11n11l~tn surpli«ll offered only to those contraclol'l, w a . ' nu yse lhc contracu,r.
Z) Critical situation will happen, while reject'

. up •. dellli•lcd questlonnnircs form under tlus pr< ~~:ess.

' 10 loll
Normally, u contnoctolr will be rc4uor«J ( tng 1owest amount quoted tender ev . .
~ 8.8 TENDER DOCUMENTS ' en tf he tH found unfit.
l11i~ f<>rm cuntuln :

( 1) Jn formu tlon regarding contructur> pu!ol experience ·render set include followin g documents:

(h J Prcoc:nt wurk In hand (I) Title page : l<cgarding the agreement nurnbcr
(<' ) Finan lnl $14bolity (Z) Index

(d) Tech<ucal quulificatioM (J) Tender Notice

(c ) Plunta and « lu ipmcnt• (4) GerltnollnNiructions

(S) special conditior1s
After curcfully lilbdy ln~ und analyMng thcliC fuel•, the officer in churgc dec ides the cutegnry nf w nrructor hod
(6) Furrn of contract : t\ 1, t\ 2, 11 1,13 1 form
nccurdln ly IIUt hlx numc in ~~ehedu le of the cut.cgory .
(7) VariouNcontract clauNes, tcnns and conditions
Officer then Invite nnfy selected controcrors ro quote render.
•..- (8) Schedu le ' t\ ' : Showing details of' materials to he .~upplicd by department
(9) Schedu le ' ll ' : Bill of' quuntities
( fJ Officer have suffidcnr time for dcciKion und nnuly~is of conrnoctor.
(2) Sound cont ra r. .<incc unfit w nr rucror omortcd previously.

(3) Unqunli fied cnnrructur suvc thei r time in Mudying und submission of tender since they nrc ornitrcu before lender in vi r ,
(4) Fuir competition umong only !JUUiificd contractors.
(10) Schedule 'C' : Detailed item wiNe specifications and drawings
(II ) Spcciliculion : General and detailed
(12) "·complete set of drawings
(5) llcllcr quuflt y of work wi ff be done hccausc of liCicction of quality conrracrur.~ .
,.. Dllldv1ntagea '!to 8.9.1 2 Bid System

(I) No rcul compc:t ition, ~ince only selected contractor.~ pc:rrnitto fill tender.

In this system , Tcchnicul and Pinancial Proposals arc subrnillcd separately but one before tile other, rather than
(2) Doubt of purtiufity nguinst officer in uny cusc. during prcquufifi curion of contractor.
A key fcuturc of thi s tendering method is that submission of proposal take pluce in two stages. AINO bidder can assist in
(3) Contructur need to fiff up complicurcd !JUestiunruaire forrn.
defining the technical requirement and scope of work .
'11 8. 7.1 Poat Qualification of Contractors
Two stage tendering is used for the procurement of goods, services and construction work .

In this process, cupahility I compc:tcncy of the contructor is determined ufter the render is opened. l"i' Advantages

The _lowest tender Is gencrully uccepted und qualification of awarded 1 selected conrrucror arc
sagnang the cnrllracts.
.~ tuuicd before actuully (I) Allows bidder to purtieipalc in dclining technical specification and scope of work.
(2) Bidder is more likely to have good understanding of requirement, which reduces many risks.

(3) Technical approach ;md methodology can be a, d'JUslc

. ·d to ·suit agreed technical specification and scope of work.

Tech·Nto Publi.. rloru ........... rn.,. tlutJ;,., in•pi,. innor•lion (4) A contract is negotiated on the basis of agreed technical specification and scope of work . SAl'HIN S//A/1 rt:ntu~e

T,.h-Nto l'ubli..liono ........... lnere tlulhon inapire innor•rion
.... .A JACHIN SIWI r..,,.,.,

d oua~..,nt..,.S"'urv"'e""y"",E; ;s.; t·i.;;&;.:V:al~
1m,. llation ('-ilJ.Se
q- Dlalidvantage
~ e. t t BID CAPAciTY rn.7:CMJ)

(I) Extended tendering time due to two stage submission. Bid capacity is the capacity Tenders
. ld rove difficult. . or the compete
(2) Second stage negotiation with higher rank bulder cou P On the basJS of assessing the . nee of the bi"•-
~ b1d cap . """r or contract
a_ 8.9.2 3 Bid System of proposed Work on the basis of his :tty
of bidder it can be deci or for the execution of the proposed work.
Bt.d capacity can be assessed dun astand ongoin ded that PanicuJ .
In this case the bidders should submit the document by following way : ~ g Project w~..... ar one Is capable enough for execution
ng lhepre ~-
Bidder who meet the lllin -qualification"""'·--
Envelope I : Documents related to eligibility criteria ~ . trnurn qUalifi . , ..,....,. of contrac
the total btd value. cauon Criteria Will be . tors or at tbe time of scruting of tenders.

Envelope 2 : Technical bid qualified Only if tbe· .
~ The available bid capacity Will be tr available btd capacity ts more than
Envelope 3 : Fmancial bid Calculated
Available Bid Capacity _ [ as Under :
The envelopes are opened in sequence, that means first, second then third. . - 2xA XJII]-B
A M ·

ualification critena.
Envelope 2 will be opened of only those bidders who meet q . Uimurn Value of
. . offers, also to discuss ments and demerits of te . N Works executed .
Pre-defme date of conference is arranged to discuss vanous ChnlcaJ Number of Year reco many one Year during last five year
offer. B llllnended for com 1 ·
Value of Peuon of given contract .
current pri 1
. . . bnical solution are declared. . ce eve! of existin .
Bidder wbo offer most viable and technolog~cally supenor, tee m next 'JII• Years . g COIIlliiltments and ongoing work to be completed

All successful bidder at this stage now asked to modi.fy fiJnancl·aJ bid if required. ~ 8.12 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT
Envelope 3 will be opened for successful bidder of stage 2.
_ After scrutinising the tender received
And contract is awarded to most economical bidder. government officer prepared .
_ This comparative.statemem coot . . . comparauve statement of all tenders.
ams inforrnatmn reganJin
... 8.10 PRE-BID CONFERIMCE I MEETING above or below the rate entered by COntra g name of contractor, date or receipt of tender, percentage
·---------------------------- ctor and amount 0 f
tender quoted by contractor.
r~:-~:~:~--~~-~;~·j;;,t-~;~-;~·~d~-~~ntrs and contractor point oF View. ,----.....

i uq. 8.10.2 Write sNwt notes

! uq. 8.10.3
Oft :Pre-!1id confef'UIU. is prt-bid cortftrt..nce.
U . .
This comparative statement is arranging .th rde
Fonnat of comparative statement . Eg c t f
Sr. No. Name of finn / oontrac!Or
I. A
r of lowest quoted tender first and higbes1 1ender amount at lasL
· · os o work Rs 10 lakhs.

Amount of leader (Raie quofe) Remark

Rs. Blakhs Lowest(LI)
:t~ :::~~~~~~:,::~::~~'J;~~~~::~~~~~~:~~:~::~~~~~;~~::~~:~~:~::~~~~=;~=;~~::~~:~~=~;=~~~~~~~:~~::/i 2. B Rs. 8.4 lakhs Lowes! (L2)
3. c Rs. 8.9 lakhs
:_____ ttndtr,
____ to clcor_______
_____ _________ doubts of contractor
_______ ________ ______wit:r. nsput to______
____ ____________ txuution
___ _____of work..............................
_______ __ _ ----------· i 4. D Rs. 9.5 lakhs
The main purpose of this conference is to clarify the doubl5 about the proposed project work and answer the question of 5. E

Rs. 10.4 lakhs Highest

any mauer that may raised at that ;1age.
- A special note shall be written by officer whether rate quoted by lowest tender are workable or DOL Module
The pre bid conference is usually organised attbe place near to the proposed work site.
- In addition, reputation of contractor should be mentioned, after considering all paramelers of lowest lender and the ~
The time, date and place of conference is mentioned in tender notice. decision for awarding the contract is taken. .

The interested contnctor JJIJjy attend the bid conference on their own cost. ~ 8.13 QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF TENDERS
The contractor geL~ the actual idea aboul the work and then he can fill tender without any doubts.
After invitation of tender, interested bidder should submit their tender and documcms to fulm requirement of owner or
The bidder L~ requested to submit their question in writing before one week of meeting. All doubt~ will have clarified in
their meeting by the aulhorily.
. process starts to 1'dentify besl effective contraelor for cootrdCI
After all contractors responses are received, evaluatton
Any modification of bidding document is become imponant as a result of pre bid meeting.
Non 4ltendance of the pre bid meeting will not be C41Jse for disqualification of bidder.

.....ASAWIN!J1/AII ftoture
~ Oua.n tSurvey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil)
..::1 auant.Survey, Esti. & Valueu
The evaluation team meet for careful assessment of bid proposaL . . b . ~ . on (MU-~rn. 7-c .
financial expert. pure asmg expert and . Within that 14 days, earnest m lvil) (8.17)
Evaluation team is the team of expert thai iovolve technical expe • If requ~ oney de]lOs.
legal and commercial expert. 1'J1e various method of accePlance of tt of unsuceessru
le I contractor :
(l) Conduct as Proof of nder frorn view . r should be returned
Criteria for a formal Evaluation process : acceJitanc PDtnt of law ·
Capability Evaluation the formalities of the e : Owner /om are foUows :
Fm~cial Evaluation
(a) (b) Technical Evaluation acceptance, his cer allow co
(2) Acceptance by Te1egrliJQ : Acce COnduct im PI'les the 8CcepJan nlracror to start .
t(d) Serv1ce Evaluation (e) ContraCt Award
. . ce and each tender response is given s officer I owner to the contra Plance of lender b
. execution of work without completing
ce of offer (lender) of !he contractor.
The se cntena
. . are then g1ven we1ghtage accordmg therr unportan . core "'· . . ctor. Y !eleilflUns is also v . .

lO ·~•&ing
(3) W ntten acceptance . If alld m !hat case telegram was send by
from 0 to 10. . . . · verbal acce

wrthin specrfied time Jim·t Plance is 001 val'd .
r/ 0 ~ Lowest score (4) Absolute acceptance
' . I '" !hat case acce .
Plance shOUld be done in written format
I 0 ~ Highest possible score

An acceptance with v . . .
. anatJon is noiJti
~ (a) Financial Evaluation proiDJsor before a contrac . ng more !han a cou le .
tIS made. n r offer and it must. be accepted by !he original
Evaluate financial soundness of contraCtor. Contractor should ha
ve to submit
demand draft withi 14 acceptance letter with .
~ (b) Technical Evaluation n days of opening of lender specJfied amount of security deposit in form of
After successfully completion of .

.. .. urce product feasibi lity .
Scrut1mse capability of conlractor, availability of key reso • work acceptance Process contr ·
. ' actor will get ' work order' to stan execution of
~ (c) Capability Evaluation specimen form of letter of acceptance
ed resources claimed manpower, conlractor str
Eval ua te client eAperience, system management, proc ures, ' · ength illld
weakness. Letter of Acceptance
~ (d) Service Evaluation (On letterhead of Department)

Assess ment of the contractor services ranging from his experience resource siiUcture to service delivery moctel.
Date :
~ (e) ContractAward
Afte r evaluating each tender, team will give its recommendation on each of received tender and will announce the "Name of Contractor"

winner. "Address of Contractor''

Both successful and unsucccsyful bidder arc notified with the result.
The uns ucces• ful hidder will receive a feedback from authori ty as why they could not make up to the contract Dear sir,
award .
This is to notify you that your bid dated : _ _ _ for execution of _ _ _ (Name of work, t£nder ID) for !he
~ 8.14 ACCEPTANCE Of TENDER contract of rupees _ _ _ _ (amount of tender in words and in number) is here by accepted by our agency.
You arc requested to auend the office of _____ (Address of PWD I departm<:nt office) 10 complete the formal
Definition of ' Acceptance' a• per Indian contract Act 1872 : "When the person to whom the proposal is made signific! agreement within 14 days. You arc also direeled to stan the worlc at once. Plea"' note !hat time allowed for carrying out
his a.•'!Cnl lhc relo, I he propo, al i• •aid llJ be accepted." work as entered in lender, shall be reckoned from 14• day afl£r dale of his offer 10 commence work.

Afler oorrrplelior uf <K:ruliny of le nder proce~s . a! last a(Jicer in charged prepared comparative Stalemcnl.
Yoors FaithfuUy,
Norma lly tende r wi lh !he lowe" amount i• accepted. But in w rne ca'" I he raleR of loweR! lender arc so low thai it may
Au!.horised signattue
c au'IC• l" '"r qualily ,,f work, o r dcl11y of work if cunlracl i• given 10 such lender.
Name of agency I off...,..
In rtwl c aAC t,-ffi ccr decide tJf ncgo flatc.ll wilh .'ie(.;ond Jr,Wt \ 1 contractor.

( :r,fil fi>e lflf wlirme lenrler i• <JCCCJ>Ied '" awarded. •lrould have ro •ubmi t tender acce ptance letler of standard format
wi llllll • t•.:d ficd lime limil IN<~rm;,Jly wilhin 14 day• of tender upening d<Jle).

..... A SAl111/V.WIAII Yeolulfl

Tu h-Nw f'uhli~l ifJnJ ........... ll'lu:n AtJihor~ in•pirr lnniJrMiirm
.d ant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU
~ au ·Sam. 7~ivll)
.2 Revocation ofTende Tenders
~ 8.15 r
~ . MU-Sem 1-Civil)
lBJ OuantSurvey, Esli. & ValualiOO ( · offer or tender becomes a contr .
p.n act tf it is ace ·
. epted by th
.., e.tS IE)EcnON Of TENDER , tender ts only an offer the OWne . e owner or officer.
,..s r can reJect . .
tt Wtthout I'
·rnilarly, the tenderer i.e. contract h . any lability.
Tender may rejecr..d in rwo ways : St or as ntghrr0
. legal contract. · revoke his offer
(A) Rejectioo of all rmders
(B) tn!O or tender, as long as it is not accepted and converted

~ all tenders without assigning any reason is f or exarnple· : If after submitting his tender, contr .
. .
• (A) RejedJoaotaD-· ;,ct anY or ork: or want to withdraw fr actor realises his mi s......,
'·"- tn · tendenng
. or IS
. not mtercsted
. . . .
right to re,-- out W om Work h 10 carrymg
As las! paragrapb of tender notioe says thai . , e can do so by revokin his '
section 4 and 5 Indtan contract act isn .

g tender.
resemd with undersigned • mention thi .
. UD<Icr ~0 Uowing circUJIISillliOC: three) tenders are not received. s revocatiOn tender clause.
All tenders a~e rejecr..d number of (al Ieast . "" 8.15.3 Unbalanced Tender
'' . .
. .
( 1) There is 00 competition for wort and llliiUfllUDI . . found thai changes in destgns are very esseotiaJ.
. . news paper. tt tS :-~;. s.:J.S.:J.
----- ----------- ... ----------------
What is an urlbalaf'IC~-~~~.. --,....... _, __ _·-.. ·--·--·--·-.. ----·-- ------·----·-·- ·--· --- ----------- ----,

(2) After the publican on of render noooe w
(3) When any fraud is detected. titn3ted rate. !.uQ. s.:J.s.;z. Write short I'IOUs ~ =. ~allif'leed !
higb rates tban es :...•. --·-- -- -·---------·---·---- .. -... --. lltld Uro.balaf'ICed TeAder •. 1
(4) The lowest tenderer bas quoted very
In case of 'Item rate tender' the contractor has qu;~-~~·-·-- ---·-~-·- .. -.. -.. ~--.~--:·--- ~: --- - ------- -- ·- --- -- - - -- ----­

(5) There is coUisions among the contrae!Ors. urred witb owner, which unable the owner to rates agatnst each ttem mdicated in tender fornL
· ••.,..,ing bas OCC If the rates quoted by contractor are not von(
Sickness. financial reverse or unforeseen '""'~"'-

(6) · -1 tng much from tho ·
proceed witb the wort.
wD then this tender is said t~ be 'Balanced .lender'.
P. · •
se menttoned in the "schedule of rates" prepared by the

(B) Rejedioo o( lolft:St tender If rates quoted by the contractor for initial items hi
, . .. are gber and for the subsequent items are lower but sum total amount
Lowest render rejected due to foUowing reason : remams practtcally unaffected, the tender is said 10 be 'U b

n alanced render'.
(I) Wben tender is not submitted in particular follll sold by department.
Contractor submit unbalanced tender for following reasons :
Earnest money is not enclosed along with tender.

( J) Get an excess payment in initial stages of the rk hi h ··
wo , w c can reutilised as working capital.
(3) The lowest tender may lack in experience for work.
(2) Contractor having plant, machinery for items of wo k ' hi h b h
• r •Or w c e as quoted lower rates.
(4) Unsatisfactory reputation of lowest tenderer.
'1t. 8.15.4 Informal Tender

(5) Tender is not signed by contractor.
(6) If any page is removed by contractor from document Tender is said to be informal tender·in following cases :
(7) If any extra term and condition is placed by contractor. (l) When it has been not submitted in the form as prescribed by department for the tender.
(8) If contractor is black listed by any department (2) Not submi tted before last date and time.

'a. 8.15.1 Corrigendum to Tender Notice

(3) Not submitted with mentioned EMD or not submitted EMD as per prescribed notice. Module
Last date of accepting complete tenders can be extended under following conditions : (4) Tender not signed by contractor or his authorised agent holding power of attorney.

( l) When time period to prepa~e tender for contractor is short. (5) When tender is qualified against standard rules and orders of the government and local bodies.

(2) When tbere is any major change eitber in design, drawing, specification or in amount. In above ca~es , tender is considered as informal tender and it can be rejected.

(3) Tender papers are not ready in office.

(4) Sufficient number of blank tender forms are not sold. :· · • • •- • • • • • • • • • • • • •- • • • • • • • • • • - - • • • • •• • • •---- ••. •-- • - •• •••• ••• • • - •• - •• • • • • • • • • • ••- • • - - •• • • • : -- •• • • • - ---- -- ~- R • , •••• •••• • ---- • ••-- · ;

Separate notice should be again advertised indicating extension of last date for submission. 0
i UQ. 8.:1.€>.:1. 1,.;/n'te sJ,ort notes on : B.O.T. Contract. i

i UQ. 8.:1.l>.;z. Explain BOT Contract type. :i

'----------- ---- ----- -------------------------------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------'

T"'b-Neo PulJli.,..rions
Tetb-Neo Publications .... _..,., W!Jerc Authors inspire inno••tion

lit1 <;luant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-5em. 7-Civil) (8-~)·------ -----:·------------_-·----------·----.'~

f --------- ------------------- -----·---------- -----------·--- lt\tl't i" wJo.jcJ, tJ,t. pnvatt SUtor bwi( ----~
'LJ ~nititwl. : B.O.T is deFinL.d as a typt of arrfJJ15t all tranSfer ownership of tl-.t projtct cis '~h. i
tftFrastrucb4rt wit:ll fS..eir Funds, diu-. operate and evt"tiA y to ~ i Tenders
It is called as Public Private Partnership i.e. (P.P.P). . .
. finn to constrUct and adlllllllstrate certai
In this form of project government grants pennission to pnvale . b all . th n PUblic
. reclaim wvestment Y owmg em to COil
infrastructure by financing and authorising them, to pay .off loans ect fees,
tolls as stated in coolract.
rnment without any expenses

After.CODiract period is over. ownership is tranSferred back to gove

Types of BOT contracts can be enlisted as follows :

( I) B.O. ~Build, Operate
~ BOOT operator will be the Owner of the facility

(2) B.O.T ~Build Operate and Transfer unng the ~ion Period
In BOOT Co . .
(3) B.O.O. ~Build Own and Operate ••- , ntract pnvace panner owns the facility and
uo:re,ore does0 't .
(4) B.O.O.T ~Build, Own, Operate and Transfer
durin the required to pay a fee to the public partner
g Concesston period.
(5) B.T ~Build, Transfer Example : The national highway .

(6) B.T.O. ~Build, Transfer and Operate

(7) B.L.T ~Build, Lease and Transfer

IT Objectives of BOT ~ 8.17 GLOBAL UNDER

(I) To encourage private investment. i" aa. U 7.:l. DiSCtASS tN tuM alobQJ ~- --··-------------·------·-------·--------·-----·

terlder ~·tile proudure of global.tu.dtrir.g .
(2) To promote foreign investment, teChniques and teChnology in country.

(3) To release burden on public budget

(4) To constrUct facilities like good roads, bridges, tunnel in partnership with private sector.

(5) To maiptain roads, bridges, tunnel in good condition.

U i...aQ.

Some work required special equipment, machineries which is not fulfilled by local contractor.

For such big and specialised job or design, global tender are invited to get competitive·offers from various specialised
firms or reputed manufactures throughout the world. .
IT Advantages of BOT - These are published in internationally published newspapers, sometimes it is also circulated through embassies offices
located at different important countriel! throughout world.
(I) Fast completion of InfrastrUcture is possible. ·
... Global tenders are invited for big projects such as construction of airport, under water construction, express highway

(2) Quality work is assured

(3) After completion of project, the expenditure incurred will be collected by tolls and this amount is used for maintenance
of project. ~ 8.18 E·TENDERING
IT Disadvantages of BOT i'o·--r;~(;;,;~~~~-:--E-~~~-;.d;;;~--~~·-;~~;~~-~~~~~~;-~;-~i~~~~;~;~--;~::d~;.;~-~~"rt~~--;~-·t~::d~;.;;;;-~;~~~;;:·;~1
; which complete tertdtrir<g process ri9ht fro 1M advertisirtg or publishirtg tender to award1"9 or!
(I) Political risk.

(2) Private firm may have monopoly in such project. :......~.~~~-~t_~~~-~~:-~~-t~~~~-~~-t_~~~~!~.~~~-~ -~~!~-~·-·-------·-----·--··---·----··-·:··--··-----·:::~~~~;~·::~-~=~-~
. whole process of tendenng was done manually. (t.e. the proc
(3) Tolls put burden on public. ln Maharashtra before year 2009 ,
this chapter is manually process of tendering). .
E.g. Mumbai-Pune expressway, Pune-Nashik highway . · flak for corrupbon and many
ln tbe year 20 I0, the state Government staned the e-tendering process after receiVIng

fraud cases against manual tendering process. •...ASACJJINSJW/f-

Teeh-Neo Publit.atiom_,_ lnen: Aulhon iospire imlontiotJ Tetb-Neo Publicatiom..••...• Inert Authon iD5pire ioiHJrltioD
J (
.c\ ~tSUIVey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem
I!:M OuantSurvey, Esti. & Valuation (Mu-5em. 7-
'or project over Rs. 3 I .
. mandatory ,,
akhs -.... v •19 IMTR.ooucnott 10
. 7
Now onwards, Maharashtra GovellllllWt make e-tendenng 8
tfl lEG1ntAnott
Difference between Manual and E-tendering ProceSS :
- F,.teDIIerl&l_
coouactor interested in re&islering his . AS COMTRAaoa. 1M PWD .
Sr. No. Mmm.l Tmderiag Procal •;vision building of PWD along With ~ With governmem shall ba .
procurement cycle "' . lecbnicaJ aod·finauciaJ veto fill and submit application foon at mam
I. Long procurement cycle Registration of civil contractor done ·and llCnoaal documents.
&;onoroical-tilled cost , under two calegones .
2. Ellpensive (J\l Regular civil contractor ·
EnvironmentallY mendly
3. Paper based procurement (B) u nemployed Engineer- Licenoe
AllY time-anywhere bidding

4. Restricted mobility
Bidding possible on holidays

I s.
No worlr. on holidays
Prone to human error
Automated and accurate process

Sharable content
(A.) aegular civil contractor

WbiJe submitting application fonn, contractor shou! .

7. Content nol sharable d submit following documents :
Lifelong storage on Internet/ CD I PC (1) Work done certificate of last 3 years
8. Wastage of spare to store bid
No chances of fraud w.r.L quotation of rate.
9. More chances of fraud w.r.L quotation of rate (2) Bid capacity certificate

Data or tools required for E-tendering process : (3) Last 3 years ITR with pan card

( l) Scan copy of all technical documenL (4) Technical staff (with qualification and ex~ ) .
.-·-nee appomled by conlractor.
(2) Online payment mode option like net banking I debit card (5) List of plants and machines (purchase or rent order)
(3) Computer I Laptop
(6) In case of partnership, attested copy of Partnership, deed.
(4) Specific version of browser with updated java
(7) Copy of power of anomey, duly signed.
(5) MS office

(6) Digital key

In E-tendering whole process is done online lil<:e :

(i) Submission or anaching of aU scan document by contraCtor. U ~ (B) Unemployed engineer license

A fresh civil engineering degree holder student can apply for this category of licence. {Class N with limil of l.5 crore]
Documents required during registration :

Degree I Diploma certificate

(ii) Tender fees and EMD online payment (I)

(iii) Rate quotation in financial bid is also done online. (2) College leaving certificate
(iv J At last after tender is opened, comparative statement is also shown online. (3) Mark sheet of S.S.C.

Claales of Contractor (4) Mark sheet of fmal year

Before 6"' Sep. 1982, gove-rnment classified contraCtor class as A,. A, B, B + , C, D & E. Employment Exchange card
After 6"' Sept 1982 category of contrdCtor classified as below.
(6) Domicile certificate
a- Limit for tendering a- Umit roc tendering
Unemployed license (7) Pan card
[ No limit VA Rs. upto 50 lal<:bs
n Rs. upto 3 Crore VI Rs. upto 10 lal<:bs (8) Affu1avit
m Rs. upto 2 crore VII Rs. upto 2 lal<:bs (9) Bank solvency certif1cate
IV Rs. upto I crore In above two cases. PWD officer scrutinise aU documents.

INote : Unemployed engineer license limit is now extended upto Rs. 1.5 crore and classified ~nder class IV.
J . .on fees to get his contraet license.
And then contractor have to pay reg!Strall

. . ;..-tiM
-A SA CHIN SIWI reoture Toeh-Neo Publi<ationl-- fieno Au,..,. IMf1U"

d ouant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU.

~ . Sent7-clvii)
Form subnutted by piece
. Worker, ilnd a
··....,on A f
l onn for !lercen .

The piece worker has 10 arr tage bas1s and Az fonn item rate
EXPENDITURE ~ ange all material
Acl'lantages ilnd labour required f .
It is classified as : II or carrying out wm.
small and urgent kind of work can be
(a) Major work (b) Minor wort (c) Petty work ) (I) effectively ex
~ (a) Major wort. Rapid completion of work. ecuted.
lt is an original wort. estimated cost of which excluding departmental charges is more than Rs. l lakh or an
.. Y0 ther

ceiling fixed by the engineering deparunent ie. P.W.D. )llo penalty for delay or other reason.
~ (b) MiDor work piece work is not a valid contract and h .
(2) ence II can be tennin
. . . ated at any lime
lt is also an original wort, t:be estimated cost of which excluding departmental charges is less than Rs. 1 I••L J.,ack of commumcatlon between depanme ·

""''or (3 ) nt and piece worker
any other ceiling fixed by the deparunent ie. P.W.D. ~ (2) Rate list ·
~ (c) Pftty work Petty works costing less than Rs 5000 . .
. IS earned OUt by .
him is called rate list. ptece worker as per 'schedule of cost' or rate quoled by
lt may he either original worli: or renair
. .
work, the estimated cost of which is upto Rs. 5000/- or any othe r 1•nut

fixed by P.W.D. Neither penalty nor security deposit requ·ired . .
mthis method.

"a. 8.20.1 Method of Execution of Minor Work in PWD Small urgent repair works are normally carried by this method.
~-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.., . Payment will made on basis of work actuall .
i UQ. t..2D.l. DifFwtN:iate '*-"' : Day work 4Nl Pi.ce worlc. MU ·Dec 16.2 , , Marks Yexecuted at agreed rate wtthout time limit for completion.
·---------------- --------------- -------- ----------------------- ------------------ ------- ---- ---- ----- Drawback of piece work and rate Jist is that early pan of work is more.
Different methods of execution of minor worli: in PWD :

(I) Piece Wort. Agreement (P.W.A.)

(2) Rare list

(3) Day wort.

U (3) DayWork

There are certain item of work which can neither be measured accurately nor valued correctly due to its
Hence their valuation is made on basis of actual material and labour l!Sed.
(4) Employing labour on daily wages
For example, decorative plaster or ornamental work, taking out roots of trees during excavation for foundation for
such work where it can neither be measured accurately and valued properly.
~ (1) Piece Work Agreement {P.W.A.) In such case day work method is adopted for valuation of above item on basis of actual material used and number

and Class of labour employed, tools and plant required for works.' Module
PWA is generally adopted for small worli:s of very urgent nature and where labours co-operative society are not . ki ho of each labour in day work
Contractor has to maintain day to day account of matenal consumed, wor ng urs
willing to accept such works.

In this method, piece worli:er is to be paid as per measurement of actual work carried out by him at agreed rate. sheet. d !ant utilised if any.
Contractor is paid on the basis of net cost of material, wages of labour and renl for tools an p
Piece wort. is agreement which involve the payment for work done at agreed rate without reference to total
quantity of worli: to be done or time of completion. The method is suitable for :
(ii) Artistic work
Agreement contains detailed specifications of various item of work to be done but does not mention total quantity (i) Decorative work
(iv) Special ornamental work
of wort. nor its time of completion. (iii) Site clearance work

Advertisement of such worli: costing is Rs. 2500/- is not given in newspaper. Instead that notice inviting tender is (v) Under water work
displayed on notice board of the office of the executive engineer without mentioning quantities of work to be done.
Rate are quoted either in A 1 or in A2 form.
A thon ;,spirt iDJJofltMO
Tttb-Neo PubliatioDB ....••.• In<tt u
Tech-Neo PublitatioDI.--·-Wbe"' Autbora iDtpi"' miJtMtiOD .....A SA CHIN SIWI Ye11tutt

li1 Ouanl.Survey, Elli. & VM!don (MU-5em. 7-Civil) (8·26)

When 110 COIIInlctor is willing to lrXCpl the wort due to small margin of profit then this method is used.
The wort is to be executed depanmcntally by employing laboUr on daily wages. .

The 111a1aiaJ l!quired fur wort such 15 cement, steel, sand, aggregate. brick. Also ordinary and SIJeciat .
plant ~uired C&ll be issued from government stores 00 indent or directly purchased from market. Ools lllld Contracts
The ~of total number of labour empfo•...A
is maintained in muster roll form No. 21 by J·u .
Dlor en .
llld is cbccked by assistant engineer. gtn~r

The PIYmcut is to labour weekly 01" moothly .crording to requirement

Wben muster roll is used for pi"""'"L it is necessary ro measure tbe work done during that period d
>· · - an enter . . Definition, basic forms such as Valid ,
IDC4suremcnt book (MB ). It lit conditions of contract. · VOid and Voidable
The muster is submitted ro competent autbority. who check it and passes it for issuing payment order. OOOtract General types of contJaci with their stJitablllty,

The amoum is then given to site engineer for making payment to labour in the form of advance., 9.1 Definition of Contract .................... .

The mUSler roll is divided into rwo parts.

ua. 9.1.1 What is contract? ==>:;,. . .....................
· ~•w*§+ ....................... . .. ... 9-3
9.1.1 Valid, Voidable and Void Contract ''illll ........ 9·3
Pan I : Nominal mliSier roU (from no. 21) ua. 9.1.2 ................................ ............................................ .
Explain void and Voidable con~: ·_ ...... 9·3

h is nominal mliSier roU in which daily attendance of labour employed to be marked with his name lath , UO. 9.1.3 Explain valid OOOiract, Voidable con~ .................................... . ...................... 9-3
. ' er s name
category of labour, date of attendance, its rate, due signature of person taking attendance and signature 0 f ' 9.1.2 Differentiate between Void and Voidable VOid contract. Biii•IMipamn ............................. 9-3
. officer UQ. 9.1.4 Differentiate between void and . Contract......................................... .. ................... 9-4
making payment etc. are entered.
Objectives of ContraCTS ................. VOidable contract. IIW+i:i!O§b .. 9-4
Pan D : Measuremem book (from No. 23) Essentials of A Valid Contract as Per Indian Contract .......................... .. ...... 9-4
The details of measw-ement of work done, labour engaged on muster are entered in measurement hook <M.B.). ua. 9.3.1 What are the essential of valid ~tract ?Act ~en;;: ~ ·· ................ _....... .. 9-4

hem Wise

All complete payment of aU work is done on basis of entries done in MB.

abstract 1s prepared with giving reference of MB number and page etc. 9.4

Termination of Contract ..................... ..
ua. 9.4.1
"""'' 'ft''R'W"!IQ~' ......

Write short notes on : TeiTTlina!ion of contract.ii1!6iiih

Types of Contract... .........................................................................
UQ. 9.5.1 What are the different type ofcivil engineering contract? liilloHM!if&&.
.. .. 9-4
.. 9-5
........ 9-5
... 9-6
.. ·Chapter ends UQ. 9.5.2 List out the type of contract Explain anyone with its advantages and disadvantages and suitability.
MU ·Dec t7 8 h1ark ... 9-6
aao UQ. 9.5.3 Explain in details the different type of tenders with suitability and advantages.
.. ....... 9-6
MU · Ma 16 8 ~lark

ua. 9.5.4 State the suitability of item rate contract. How does contractor quote the rate and get payment in
item rate contract? 'M!IItM ..j8iiiiHil--·"····... ······9-
............ ······· ............... . . 9-10
9.6 Conditions of Contract .. . .. . 9-10
............ ...................................................
9.6. 1 Earnest Money Depos~ (EMD)..... ········ 9-10
MU. Dec !7 19 Ma 17 2 ~larks
UQ. 9.6.1 Write Short note on : Eames! money depos~. .. ....... 9-10
D•:t•ruma.. .......................... ·t ll"ll!''l'liDMI*D'I·m•••mwlss ........s- 1o
Differentiate between : Security deposit and Eamest money deposl . .. ....... 9-11
ua. 9.6.2
·=: . 6&fit.J........
Security Deposit (S.D)... ... ·· · ...... ·· .......... .......
UQ. 9.6.3 Write Short note on
9.6.3 Time as an Essence of Contract ............................. ......................... . 9-12
..... 9-12
Voidable Contract ................. ......................... . f Delay in CompletiOn ....................................... . Extension of Time or
~ ~J!!;survey, Estl. & ValuatJoo (MU-Se
~- m. 7-crvtQ
"' __... :.....------·-···------------ TlAa
(-...-~::J..:J. what is ccmtract? : --------
l~· ....... -----· ........................ .............. . .. .
tJIJ J• r ~~ 2 ! .t..~r,..
contract is an undertaking by perso ....... .. . ........ ................ - ----·:
n or contractor or linn lo ....... .... .
······················· ')1Je work may be of construction ' repalTS,
. suppty of . do won under ca1ain lmn and condition.
9.6.6 e.c.lalion or Price Vatislion CJeuse ..... .
uo. u.a Write Short note on : Price VariatiOn CIIIJS8. J\S .pcr the Indian contract Act of 1872 lllaltria!s, labour etc.
Write Short note on : Price EscaJation Clause of C()OIJllct. # a contract is an agree

(a) •Valid agreements' are th~ that are

ment enforceable by law.
oo..u.a Explain : Price Eacalalion 1VariatiOn aause.

. enforceable by law.
UQ. t.a.t Oilterantiate ~ : Price EscalaliOO and Price variation. ·······- 9-13
(b) ·Votd agreement'
. are th~ that are not enforceable b Ia
9.6.7 Defective Malsrial and woOOnanShip .... . y ~
Contract.................... ............................. .. ..........
.... ·14
.. ... . 9-14
9.6.6 (c) 'VOidable agreement' are th~ whi ch are valid as I
ong as they an: not av01·ded by

Defect L.iabi1i1y Period........ ................................ .. ....... .. ..... .......... .
9.6.9 If an agreement enable a person tbe parties competentiO do so.
UO. 1.6.10 Write short notes on : Oetectl..iabifitY Period. . • . .... 9-15 10 compel or force another
10 do something or 001 10 do something is termed as
9.6.1 0 Liquidated Damages .............................................................................. .. ..... 99-15
1 contract.
UO. · - Explain: Liquidated Damages for delay and Unliquidated .. ............. " 5
8 6 11 e.g. ·x' person agrees to build a house for ,Y, person .m considerati ~ Unliquidated Damage .. .................... ............................. .... ...... ........ .. .... 9-15 contract. on or Rs. 10 lakhs, tbe agreement is said to be a

9.6.11 Retention Money ................... .. ....................... ......... .... .... .. ...... ..... 9-1 5
.. ................ .. ... 9
UQ. • -
8 6 12
Write short notes on : Retention money. ..................... ......... .. .. .... · 5
It may be noted; all contracts are necessaril y agreements but all agreements are not necessarily contraCt.
9.6.12 Interim Payment ............................................. ........................ ............................. · · · 9-15
9.6.13 Advance Payment ..................................... ........ ..................... ... 9
1 ~ 9.1.1 Valid, Voidable and Void Contract
9 6 13 Wnte short notes on Advances to contractor
UQ. · • MU-r~a 182',Marks ............ · • 6 u.~-- ------
! uQ.--------- --- --------
Explair. -- -----------
void arid void4~~-~;~.-- -----· -- · ................................................... ..
9.6.14 Secured Advance . .. .... ......... ... 9-16
.. ... .................. 9-16

9 ·6 · 15 Payment of Frnal Bill ...... .. ... 9·17 ! uQ. q .::1..3 Explair. valid cor.tratt, void4ble tontratt lllld void clll'\tralt.
-- ------ ---- ------------ ----- --------- --------- --------------------------------- -- --------- ---------------- -- ------------ --:
9 ·6· 15 ·1 Payment of Au!Jning Bill .. .. .... .... ............ . .. ....................... 9-17
.......................... 9-18
The various conditions that an agreement should satisfy so as to become a 'Contract' • mentioned in section 10 of India
9.7 General And Specific Conditions .... ..
9.8 Fodic Documents ................... . ........................................... 9·18 Contract Act are discussed as follows :
9.8. 1 Redbook ......................................... .. ································· .................. .................. 9-19
1. Valid Contract: Are those that are enforceable by law under some conditions.
9.9 Standard Contract Condition by MOS AND PI . ......... .......... ........... .... 9-20
2. Voidable Contract : As agreement that can be enforced by law at the option of one or more parties to the
agreement but not at the option of others (not concerned with the agreement) is called as a 'Voidable Contract.'
D Chapter Ends ................................................................................................................................................................ 9-20


3. Void Contract: A contract which cannot be enforced by law is said to be 'Void Contract'.

Such a contract cannot be enforced by law due to presence of technical flaw into it of which any of the parties may take •• V'
advantage of it.
Eg. A-greement forced by coercion, fraud etc. amounts to 'Voidable Contract.' If the objects or consideration of the

contract are against law, the contract is said to be 'Void.'

Under the following circumstances, an agreement becomes voidable :

. t · . forced by coercion or undue influence or fraud etc.
When consent to agreemen ts
· h' b fme is essence of contract, fail to complete in a stipulated time.
ii. When a partY to contract m w tc ·
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.....A SA CHIN SHAll Yentun:

(b) Legally COIDpeteqt Pllrties

As per section II of Indian Co

Dlract Act, the .
work. P3nies sion;•
.......g the COntract
sbouid be CO!Dpetent enough to carry out
111 this type of contract one of the two Parti~
A competent party i.e. the one.
This typt of CODtrX:l C30IIOl ~ entacabk
..........., to enforce for rescind it kno w as y 0 .<lathe
is kuoown as Void Comract- .......-- 1 ble 1. Who is not minor llleans

. pet-son age should be
I Sectioo 2 ( j) of the lndiaD Contract Act.
Section 2 ( I) of the Indian Contract Act, 1 sn:---- 2. Who is of sound mind .
. .
I.e. at tune of enterin
~ than 18 Years.
I 1872.. ratiOnal JUdgement whe .
n requu-ed.
g contract he is "-'-Je of
. . 11 and conform a
The cootf3C1 is valid, un til the party whose c~
The aJotniCt is valid, bul subseqllenlly
01 3. Who is not idiot and Iunati (

beccmcs invalid due to some reasoo. 001 free. does not revokes iL Is
c mentally ill).
: •Subscquem illegality oc impossibility of If the consent of the parties is not independent. - 4. Who is not drunken person.
l any act v.iricb is to ~ perlomlerl m the
~ fumR~~--------------------r.~~~~~::~~~-------
(c) Lawful subject matter
1 Rigl:as ID p;any
1 No Yes. but only to the aggrieved party. --
~~~~~~--------------_L~~~~=-~~------- The subject matter of agreement must be 1 al .

eg and defirute.
... 9.2 Oa]ECTIVlS OF CONTRACTS It should be easy to understand and not too
comp1ex to understand and execute.

I. To exocu~e tbe won in quality by expericn=:J per.;oo or coouacwr. (d) Can be enforced in court of law

2. To euan.e wad: as per agreed competitive rate.

All terms and conditions should be according to Jaw, 50 that if situation arises the panies signing should not
3. To compie1e worlc as per specifu:ation. escape from their responsibilities.

4. To me laleQ machineries and techniques. • (e) Contract should be in writing and attested by witness
5. To have free hand for a supervisor to c~k the work done by contractor without interference.
Contract should be in writing and should be signed by both parties i.e. owner and contractor and incase of
6. To avoid dispute between two parties, while completing work. government the person authorised should sign on behalf of departmenl under presence of wilness.
ACT (1872) ,------- ----- ------ ----- ------ -- --- ------· -·--·--·····-·-· ------·-··· · · · ········ · ····· ·· ········· · · 1.11) r.tey 18 2 r.terk s
.--.--- .. -- -- ...... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- --.·-; ; UQ. q ,.of,l. Writt short ~otts o~ : Terw~inatio~ of co....tract. --· ...... ............ -- -- ------- --- --- --- -- ------
; UQ. .,.s.s. ~ A,.. tN 'efU#Ititll ol vAlid torltrlld ? !
:______ __ ____ ___ __--- --- ----- --------- -------- --- --- ----- --- ------ ----· -- ------- ··--·- -·· ·········---- --- --- ---- -- -- --- ------ --- -··
;... --- --------- ---- -- ---- --- ----- ----- -- -----------·-------------- -·--·-··
Termination of contract may be in any one of the following ways:

As per the Indian contract Act 1872, essential requirements of valid contract are as follows :
~ 1. By mutual agreement In lhal ca<;e
(a) Free consent. (b) Legally competent panics. . . b muiUal agreernenl belween owner and conlraclor.
The contract may be tennmated at any stage y . . d will freely appoint olher contractor lo
(c) Lawful subject matter. 'II be pru·d for work executed uplo the time of termmatJOn an owner
(d) Can be enforced in coun of law. contrac tor WI
(e) Contract should be in writing attested by witness. complete remaining work.

~ 2. After completion of the work .. . will be auwmalically terminaled.

. k per tenns and conditiOns, contrac1 .
~ (a) Free cor~~~ent After the contractor completed the enure wor as '
'S cial performance ·
As per SC(.1.ion 13, of Indian contract Act, two or more person are said to be consent, if both of them agree upon such performance is known as pe

same thing in same sense.

Valid contract should not only consent but it should be 'free consent '.
H Authon iolpire imltiYI Iioo
Tech-Neo Publitlllion•-----····-- en
.....A SAC/11/Y SJJA/1 Yeotun
nt.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU.
Contracts ~ . Sem. 7-CivU)
QuanlSurvey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil) (9-6) (9·7)
~antsges of lump-turn contract
(I ,. . Contracta
._. 3. Due to inlpoMiblllty of performance d amount : Owner knows th
. ·'ble e g Due to excessive floods w flte e total cost 0 f
. .
Under some sttuattons, beCome tmposst · · · eathe ed amount of contract. the Work before .
the execution of work by contraCtor
. tinue work and hence
. I ~0 r contractor to con contract c
r 6~ executtons and thus he .
condiuons. So due to such situations it is practically tmposstb e an IY completion of work : k w ·
well prepared to arrange the
• f)f or getl completed .
be terminated. ~ Sreedtly '
work- ' stnce contractor fi .
q- 4. By provlalon of law pro Jt 18 related to time of completion of
"0 need for measurement of wo k
(i e contractor or owner) the law provid . ' •• r : Detailed meas
If any one of the pany become bankrupt or due to the death of one party · · es the . alternation. Ltrement of wor!( is not .
requtred except in case of addition or
termination of contract.
, ,VI cost : Due to competition amon h
4, ""'

._. 5. Breach of conti'IIC1 g t e contractors
. of work to the owner. · ' percentage of contract
cost or profit may go lower, resulting in low
. art need not perform his part of agreement a ,, .
If any contractmg party fails to perform the promise, then other P Y nu 1s
. . by the former. In case of breach of co (¥ oJsadvantages of Lump-Sum Contractor
ehgtble for compensation or damages caused due to breach of cootrac1 ntract,

injured party can claim for damage against opposite party. Unbalance contract : There are cbanc . f
J. es o excess profit or loss to th
·· e contractor
.., 9.5 TYPES OF CONTRACT Extra items and Extra cost : For extra ite ·
2. . mcontractor may demand higher rates.
.--------------------------------·---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More dispute : Extra Hems can be cause of d'
1 UQ. 'I.S.l- What a,. tN dilh,..,t type of civil e"9inuring co,.,tract? MU- Dec. 15, May 16,2 Mark ). . tspute between owner and contractor.

Quality of material and good workmansh" .18
! UQ. 'I.S.2. List out tN type oF co,.,tract. Explai,., a"'!! one wit~! its adva,.,tages and disadvan.tages an,d 4• th k . tp not guaranteed : As contractor will try to bring substandard material
MU - Dec. 17, a Mark and comp1etc e wor a~ ear1y as possible.
1 UQ. 'f.S-3 Explai,., ;,. details tN differe,.,t type oF ter.ders with ~itability and adva,.,tages. S. Delay in commencement of work : Until plan, specification and formalities completed.
. . . _ ______ _ __ ____ ____ _ _____ _ _________ . . _ _____ _ _ _ . __ ______ . __ . _____ _ _____ _ ____________ _ _____________ _ _____ ! _
W m •_~~~~:
__" __
W__' J•
'l _____ (b) Item rate or schedule or Unit price contract
--------------- ---------------
uQ. q.sA- State the ~ita&ility oF -~~--~~--~~~~~~---~~~--~-~~~~~~~-~~~-~--~~-~--~-!
FoiJowing are four types or forms of contract

(a) Lump-sum contrdCt

(c) Cost plus or percentage contract.

(a) Lump-sum contract

(b) Item rate or schedule or unit price contract.

(d) Basic price contract. U pa!Jfl!ler<t ;,. iteM rate co,.,tract? MU · Dec 15 May 16. 5 Mark !
---- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------·---------------·------··-----------------
In this contract, contractors are required to quote their own rate for each individual item of work mentioned in
schedule of quantities, supplied by government department.
In lump-sum contract the complete work as per plan and specification is carried out by contractor for certain fixed Against each item, every contractor fills up his rate and arrive at the final total amount of the work.
amount of money as per agreement. Rate of contract for unit of item includes material, labour, overhead cost and profit.
The owner has to provide required information and contractor charges certain fixed amount to execute this work. The schedule includes full description of items as per sanctioned estimates for approximate quantities.

The prescribed form 'C' is to be used for all such lump-sum contracts. This contract is very much useful , when quality of work is req~ired but actual quantities may be more or less than Module

This contract is suitable, when it will be possible to work out exact quantities of items to be executed or when estimated quantities and rate of item remains fix.
number of items are limited. Most of the public works are carried out under this type of contract e.g. Railway department work.
e.g. sanitary block for public building like college, hospital; small room for watchman; construction of compound
li' Advantages of Item rate contract
I. Flexibility : Variation in quantities can be made during progress of work.
Sometimes, miscellaneous items which cannot be ordinarily carried out under any other form of contracts are given · f work thus method proves
aid as per actual measurement of quantity 0
on lump-sum basis. e.g. Ornamental door, grill work, demolishing existing structure. 2. Economical : As the contractor to be P
3. Balance contract : As chances of excessive profit or loss is very less.

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~survey. Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem .

00 . 7.CMI)
11:1 &-a) Cootrae~e i) cost plus fiXed sum
OuanlSurvey, Elli. & Vllualion (MlJ.Sem. 7-CMI)

Euty • - · · ·

t fA '""" : As wen will be

stJIItd by con
traciDI' as soon as
acceptance of h' • .........
1s tender othe
• r .
'~ In this contract, instead of tnaki
. ng pay~nt to the
formalioo tiU plan. spccificatioo being oomplet£d afte!Wards· contractor for h1s service. contractor on the fiXed
percentage basis, a fiXed sum is paid to
5. Quilty fA wort II -.reel • 11Mre II DD rilk for ('OIItr1ldDI"· It is predetermined amount that · .
IS to be pa1d to the

. dispute between owner and contractor

(iill Cost plus r1Xed sum with Profit sharing
L a..lfkadoa fA awen.1 : ClassifiCIIioo of !DJ~trial results Into . e.g.
Jn order to bring the cost of wort< lower than .
Excavation may be in loose soil. loose rock. bard rock etC. . the esumated work, this method .
. of work. so some ume owner may face !inane· The contractor is given a share in the IS adopled.

1. Flaal COlt : Total cost of work is noc known before compleUOO lal
. amount thus saved, in addition to h.IS fii.xed sum as agreed.
difficulties. Usually percentage of the contractor in h . .
sue sharing IS 25 to 50%.
.ty of work for such item, for which he quoted high
3. <lasbin& ot iDt.ensU : The contractor will uy to do more quanu er (iv) Cost plus fiXed sum with bonus

rate and vice ve:sa.
. mber of staff for taking measurement for completion f Tbis type of contract is used, when the work . be
4. More measuraneat : BoUJ parties need to appomt large nu o IS to completed urgently and before time.
A planned or target date is fiXed for co 1· .
work. mp euon of enure work and if the contractor completes the work before the
target date then he is paid a certain
5. VarUtlon In plan : As work staned before the final plan and detailed specification are prepared, it may chance of . amount as bonus per day of early completion in addition to the fi.xed sum
agreed upon earher.

demolitioo of c:eroUn worts may be necessary, resulting into ext111 cost of work.

(v) Cost plus varying percentage

(c) Colt plus or peraata&e coatrad
In this method bill of quantities consist of description of item, (as per sanctioned), estimate with their quantities, In this method, payment to contractor is made on varying percentage basis.

rates, unit and amounL The contractor percentage is linked with cost of construction i.e. his percentage increases or decreases with
increase or decrease in cost of construction.
Contractor is required to quote only percentage above or below the rateS shown in schedule.

expen service. U
1n short contractor agrees to execute work for certain percentage over ktual cost of construction as fees for bis

This contract is suitable when both quantity and quality of work are unknown at start and there is fluctuations in
rate of labour and material and no contractor willing to execute worl< either on lump-sum or item rate
Thus contractor get more profit if he lowers down cost of construction.
Advantages of Cost Plus contract

I. Interest not clashing : As contractor is assured a certain fixed amount towards his profit and owner can spend as much
market amount as he like toward the work. Hence interest of both owner and contractor will not clashing with each other.
contract basis. 2. No speculation : As contractor profit is linked with total cost of construction, hence there is no risk of quitting of
Not suitable for public worl< but adopted in private work. contractor.
According to the manner in which fees are paid to the contractor, this method is further classified as : ·h · · f all formalities to

3. Early commencement of work : After acceptance of tender, worl< can be started w•t out wruuog or Module
(i) Cost plus fi.xed percentage. (ii) Cost plus fiXed sum. complete.
(iii) Cost plus fi.xed sum with profit sharing. (iv) Cost plus fiXed sum with bonus. 4. Good quality of material and workmanship : Good quality of material and worl<manship can be achieved.

(v) Cost plus varying percentage. ill be no botheration of extra work and detemlination of its rate.
5. Elimination of extra work : There w .
. assured fixed sum or percentage over the total cost of work. so he Will
~ (i) Cost plus faxed percentage 6. Speedy completion of work : As contractor 1s
try to complete the work as early as possible.
In this contract, certain fixed percentage of the total amount spent by the owner is given to the contractor as his
fees. W Disadvantages of cost plus contract . .k to face fmancial
. k t start with owner IS 11 e1Y
1. Final cost unknown : As the fmal total cost of contract IS not nown o ,
Percentage may usually between 10 to 15%.
. bl d 1·negal for public worl<.
2. Unsuitable for public work: Unsmta e an
Tech-Neo Publications_....... Wbe"'Autbora inspire jlJIJ/}YMtio•
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O) Contracta (9-11 )
Ouant.Surv:y. Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-CMI) (~ 1 . . ~ secause of deposition of tarnellt Contrac~~
f suuction and hence he Will try tO InCrease lh 2. . . · money amount onl . . ·
0 will submtt thetr tender. ' Y genume, tntere.ced contracton ho fi .
J. Unbalance c:ontrac:t : As contractor profit is based on toW cost con e w are 1nancially strong
cost or construction. 3.
After allotment of work, if cont
raetor refllf!e to accept .
.al from the wort site. owner or department (a., compensation for . ll, as a punishment his earnest money is to be forfeited by
4. Lola at material : Owner has to suffer to any toss of ma~en
. delay 10 execution of worlr.). ·
~ (d) Bale price motnct If tender or work ts rei!Crved for class of (IV)
unemployed engineer
·a1 arying to great extent, it is quite likely that eMD to contractor. contractor, then there will be an exemption for
·a1 ma~en s are v no
When market is unstable and the prices of esscnu

~ g.6-~---~~~~~~~-~~~~-~~-~~:~:~ .. -...
conlJ'actor will ready to do work.
So there is chances of conflict between owner and conuactor.
:-;;4: q.h.'5 Wriu Short 1\Dtt 01'\ : Security ~-;;;;, ...... ---------·------·-···---------

. h . . tc contniCl is made.
Hence sI1g t modification of unit pnce or 1tcm ra L..- ~ ------- -- - - --- - --- ·--------------------------------·-·-------- MU ·Dec 17 19 r~ey 17 2 , !~arks
·ce of some essential material like cement, steel and "ner acceptance of tender of successful contractor he ~ - ........ : ...................................................:
The cont1'11Ctor mentions in his tender, the ba.<ic pn
. d . ' to deposit a eenain amount to department/ owner that is
briclr.etc. called as secunty epos1t.

. . . . f ba.<ic price can be adjusted without any serious connict
If there Ill nse or fall in price of these matcnals, the sum 0
between owner and contractor. . S.D. varies from 5% to 10% of total estimated cost of work.

It is compulsory for contractor to deposit this amount before commencement of work.


I• Contractor will get work order only after successfully submission of this S.D.

Tite clauses which relate to the won as whole are written in separate contract document which is known as conditions If amount of S.D. is more in case of large work, contractor may be requested to submit part of S.D. at the start and
remaining amount is deducted in instalments from his running bills.
of con~t.
.,.,.__ raJ d d' ' f •~rtto .... compliw by the contractor and mainly related to the work to be Main objectives of security deposit are as given below :
• ,, are gene terms an con 1uons o conu- ""
executed. Ol Deposit for loan
The main objective of specifying these tenns and conditions are to avoid dispute, which may arise between owner i.e.
depanment and contractor.
Also. it helps both panics to keep outside coun of law.
This condition, mentions indirectly duties, respo~ibilities and liabilities of contractor from commencement of work till
its completion and defect-liability period is over.
S.D. is serve as security against plant, machinery or material such as steel, C(ment etc. issued by owner or department
to the contractor as loan.

(II) As punishment
If <;ontractor fails to fulfil work as per terms and conditions. as mentioned in the contract e.g. poor quality of work
material, inferior type of work, delay in completion of work, leaving the work in complete; then as a punishment
'11 9.6.1 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
.--- ------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- his whole or part of S.D. is forfeited by department.
MU · Dec. 17,19. May 17.2 'h Marks Such forfeited S.D. serve as compensation for damage caused to the depanment or owner by the conll'3Ctor.
Ma 16. 4 Marks

After satisfactory completion of the work by contractor. his S.D. is to be refunded after completion of defect
\ UQ. 4.6.2. Pi"'-"tim Ntw"" : SWArity deposit and EArnest MDI'\e!j deposit. MU ·Dec. 16. 2 ',Mark , liability period of work, which may be 6 to 12 month after completion of work.
'··-----------------------------------------------------------------------------·----------------------- -------- -- ----------------·
While submitting a tender. it is mandatory to contractor to deposit certain amount (in the form of D.D.), I to 2% of
'&. 9.6.3 Time as an Essence of Contract
estimated cost, with department as earnest money for guarantee of tender.
Time is the essence means something must be done immediately. . .
So that contractor may not refuse to accept work or run away, when his tender is accepted. . . eadin its date of completion or by menllorung of
Generally • the time of completion is specified m the contract by h g
If contractor refuses to accept work, his earnest money is forfeited
calendar month to complete the work.. . lete a certain thing on or
The earnest money of the other unsuccessful contractor is to be refundW, after 10 to IS days of opening of tender. ...f (contraCtor) to contract pronuses to comp .
As per section 55 of indian contract Act, 1 party . th traCt become voidable at pronusee's
Malo objectives or Earnest Money to be deposited are : . do so on or before specified umes, e con
before a specified time but fails to . . be lh ssence of contract".
I. To have restriction on the 'unnecessary competition' of the contractors. . . f arties was that lime must ee
(owner) option. if the mtenuon P ° .-A SAOIINSIW/ y..,..,..
Ted.-Ne. P•bliutiooa T-L·"- - P blitaltODJ
. ••.- -··- WltereAuthorsinspireiooo.,tioo
.....A SA CHINSHAH J'<Dtu.rt Ctll IW::O U

liJ OuantSurvey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-5em. 7-Civil) (9-12) Contrects ouant.Survey, Esti. & Valuauon (MU-s
If ·
It was nor intention of the parties that time must be the essence of contrac '
1 the contnlct does not bee ~
ome Voidabl
ern. 7-CMI)
g.6.4 Condition for Addltl (9-13)
B · ·see (owner) wants compensation f e. ~ onsandAit
ut prollllsor (contractor) fail to perform wort.: before date. then pronu . rom Promisor
('lortnally in every contrac~ ernatlona Contracts
(cootractor) for loss~ to him by such failure. -
.. . some addition
s, alterations
So Law does nor · al . . . . .d or suict condition to terminate contract, it depend If prov1s1on ts not made for such f • Omissions will be .
ways coos1der snpulated nme as ng1 upon . . ac~ then COntractor ~UII'ed at somes e
'fhe mam pomt to be included . hi can refuse to carry tag ·
wbetber time is essence of contr.tct or depend upon intention of both parties. , . In t s clause would be . out such addition and alteration
E.g. Time is the essence of conlnlet will be true for mercantile rransactions as shipping contract will be VOidable if (i) The Engmeers authority to d · ·
0 reasonable additions . .
promiser failed to fulfil his promise. (ii) The changes not affect the . . • onuss1ons & alterati
ongmal contract. ons.
(iii) The adjustment in prices to bed
&.. Voidable Contract . one by the engineers

e.g. Engmeer has power to make suitable d .
Voidable cootract is a formal agreement between two parties that may be rendered unenforceable for a number of legal of the work under this contract. an reasonable alterations, additions or . . . .
reason. onusslons mdrawmg and specification
~ 9.6.5 Extra Items

Reason which make contract voidable include :
(i) failure by one or both parties to disclose a material fact The items of work which are not incl d d . ·
. . u e mthe accepted lender are to .
(ii) mistake. Engineer, subjected to followmg Limitations. ' be sanctiOned by or agreed for l1lle by Executive

(iii) misrep~ntation or fraud. ( I) The amount of each extra item should not be more than Rs. 10,000/-.

(iv) one party legal incapacity to enter a contract. (Z) Total cost of all such extra item should be WI'thi n amount upto whi h E · .
. . . c xecut1ve Engmeer has power of approval.
(v) a breach of contract (3) E"ecuuve Engmeer can compare rate of similar 1
'te ·th .
m WI rate of exira 11em after convincing the contractor.
A voidable contract is considered to be legal and enforceable, but can be rejected by one party if the contract is (4) When extra item is not comparable with any item 10
· th
. . e accepted tender, it should be paid at the rate mutually agreed
discovered to have defects. upon by Engmeer-m-change and contractor,

&.. Extension of Time for Delay in Completion (5) The work of extra item should be executed by contraclor on1y a,ler
• recemng
· · fonnal wntten
· orders from engineer in

! UQ. 'l.E..'f
i UQ. 'l .6.S
WriU sJ..irt 1\Dtes Ol'l : Extel'lSio" of col'ltract period.
WriU sllort 1\Dtes Ol'l : Tlw.e tJCUI'lSiOI'l clause oF col'ltract. U
,·------------------ ---- ------- --------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
MU • May 18, 2 ~' Marks

•--------------------------------------···- --····-·---·-··-----------------------·------------------------------------------------·
When contractor is unable to execute the wort.: within the mentioned time limit due to certain valid reason, he can apply
-, • charge of work.

(6) Rate of extra item should be scrutinised by divisional accouittant before they are sanctioned.

'B. 9.6.6
..' -------
Escalation or Price Variation Clause
-------------------------------------------------------· ····------- ------------------- ---------·--------------------··:
~-- --

for e"tension of time before the due date of its completion as provided in terms and conditions of contract. ; UQ. q,6.h Write Snort l'lOte Ol\ : Prict Variatio" Claust.
Such extension of time may be approved for following cases : ! UQ. q.6.7 Write Snort l'lOte 01\ : Priu Estalatio" Clause of co,tract.

(i) Act of God. (ii) Exceptionally bad weather condition. ; UQ. q,6.8 Explai" : Priu Esc41ati01\ I Va.ria.tiOI\ clause.

(iii) Serious loss due to fire. stonn. (iv) Due to strike. ; UQ. q ,f>,q Differtl'ltiate bttwttl'l : Prict Esca.latio" aNI. Prict variatio".
r.1u r.1ay 18 2 r.1arks
..................................... Module

(v) Shortage of essential labour. (vi) Non availability of land, plans, engineer, tools. ~ .. -;~~-;~~~~-~~-~~~-~;~j~~:.·~~-~~;~t;~·;·~~~·;:·;~~~-~~·:;·::;~-~~~~~~~:;~;·ma~rial and labour mcreases day by ~
The executive engineer is a competent authority who can approve necessary extension of time tQ the contractor on valid day.
. . d bo ~ while quoting ~nder Which definitely
reason as stated above. It is very difficult for contractor to find out such rise m matenal an 1a ur cos .

~ Extension of Time Due to Additions and Alterations affects quality and progress of work.
To overcome these draw backs contract includes a price variation clause.
The limit for the execution of the wort.: shall be extended in the proportion to the increase in its cost due to additions or nsation for any variation in material, labour cost etc.
alterations wruch affects the original cost of the contract work. According to which contractor get compe . .od . re than 1year.
. timated cost is more than 5 Iakhs and compleuon pen IS mo
This clause is applicable for work whose es
Engineer in charge can approve extension of time after studying addition and alteration effects on work.
Empirical formula for calculation of escalation.

Tech-Neo Publicalioiii---- IPhen: Au/bon inspire iooo••lioo _...A SACHINSIWI Ywlure Tech-Neo Publicalions....-.... lnere Aullwrr in•pire innDI'IIion
ouant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-·
Sem. 7-civi~
Contracts (9·15)
lil OuantSurvey, Esll. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7.Civil)
(9- ) ~
g,6.9 Defect Liability PeriOd

(a) Escalation formula for material cost Writt s'-ort ~~:~;------·--·.----- ..

Vm = ( 0.88 V-IC+ S- ~ 1\ X -
tOO Wo
:... ----------------------·- ------ .?.~!.~~ LJ~b/1~~-~~ri~-d:------ .............-----------------~----------- .........,.
oefect liability period is period . . ··---·----·-·--·----------- ':
tn Wh1ch co -------------- • •
thole on road) due to faul . ntractor is suPJX>sed to ......................................
Where, pO . .. . ty rnatenals, bad workmanship remedy I repair all defects (e.g. Cracks in wall,
Vm Variation in material cost oefect habthty penod is general! 6 .
y to 12 month after com .
V V aluc of actual work done If anY defect noticed within one . pletion of Work.
Year. It shalt be rectified b
C Cost of cement used But if contractor fails to repair the d t y contractor at his o~n cost.

. . efect then department/ .
S Cost of steel used recovered from secunty deposn of contracto .f he owner may rectify/repair such defects and its amount is
. .. . r. I refuses to pay cost
X Cost of any other material oefect hablltty penod actually stan f d .
W A vernge of all India wholesale price Index
. rom ate of certified completion of work b .

Defects which are noticed due to ·nat raJ .. Yengmeer.
u calarruhes such as 1
W0 All India wholesale price Index responsible for such defect. eye ones, storms, floods etc.• the contractor is not

a. 9.6.7 Defective Material and Workmanship ~ 9.6.10 Liquidated Damages

This clause is provided to reject the materials and workmanship which are not confirming with the specification of
r·~Q. H•.:l-:1- Explai~: LiqtAidllttd Dlll>lll!jts for dtla ~:.d-~~-:--- ......................................................\

·wor1c ;____ _.................................. ~ l1qtA1dtrtut Da~W~~~St- :
Liquidated damage is an amount of com · ..............................................................:
The main points to be included in this clause are : . . pensahon payable by contractor to owner/government department due to delay
( I) Marking and removal of rejected materials. in constructton of work wh1ch has no relation with actual damage.
(2) Replacing or repairing dc;fective workmanship to satisfaction of the engineer. The amount of compensation ranges from Rs. so to Rs. . 100 per day of delay for excess period required for completion
All defective material and workmanship sball be rectified, repaired or replaced by the contractor to satisfaction of of work than specified in contract.


a. 9.6.8 Subletting of Contract

In sublening contract, main contractor who is awarded with tender gives or transfer some portion of work to another
In this case parties do not make any attempt to estimate the real loss that might occur to them due to tenninationlbreach
of contract.

In short liquidated damages are assessment of the amount which will compensate the wrong party for breach of
contractor, to carry out his letting out portion of main work is called as subletting.
a. Unliquidated Damage
The clauses provided in subletting are :

(I) Written permission to appoint sub contractors to be obtained from owner. They are ordinary damages with fixed relation with the actual damage.

(2) Main contractor to be considered responsible for the work as a wbole.

It increases with the increase in damage and decreases with decrease of damage. Module

Such damages are for not maintaining suff1cient progress of the work and or for not completing the work in stipulated
Main contractor shall not sub-let or assign any part of work under his contract to any other person without written
permission from owner through engineer. time.

The payment to all sub contractor shall be made by main contractor and not by the owner in any case. a. 9.6.11 Retention Money
-------------------- ·----------------:
,------------------------------------------------------------------------------ r.1U . Uey 1B 2 ' ~1erks
Reason for sub-letting of work : : UQ. q_6.:L;2. Writt short notts o~: Rttt~tion ~ont~. .. ..... ............. .................................. ..
:............ ............... ..............................._.. ...... . _. . . when there is any claim for
(I) Subletting part of work to a specialised firm.
Some amount to be hold from the security deposit of contractor by Engmeer m charge,
(2) lllness of contractor. . . ·t the contractor is called as retention money.
payment arises, out of or under the contract agams
(3) Financial difficulties of main contractor. This amount is hold up till ftnalisation or adjustment of any claim is senled.

Tech-Neo PubliatioD!.. ll'bere Author. ia~pire ina..• tiM Tech-Neo Publications......... Where Authors iDJpire isoo~•tiou
••..4 SAC/1//V S/1,41/ Ventu"'

Ooantsurvey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civll) ·(9-16) ti..;;&,.::

,o:;;u;;;an;;;t... 'V.;;;al~ua~tio~n I
""' n(MU.Se
. . m.
Various JlUlPOses of n:tention money : p ivisJonal Engmeer 1 Office h
r as autho ·
{I) To R:Ctify defects. (2) To meet the damage if any. material brought to the site b nty (() lllake Con
Ycontracto SCcultd ad tracts
. . r. VaJ~te Uplo
(3) Any incomplete work. (4) Work not done in prescribed date and time. foJiowmg pomt to be consideted While &antti . <ll!lount not exceeding 75% of the value of
'!!a. 9.6.12 lntertm Payment ( I) Material must have bee Otltng secured ••
n actually b ""YaJ!te .
· rou ht . ·
(2) No previo~s advance has bee g on SJie by the contractor
This clause is provided to make panial payments to the contraCtor. n received b .
Main points to be include in this clause m : (3) The maU:rial really required . y the contractor for abo .
for llern of eons . ve material.
( 1l Interim payment to be made at the end of each calendar month. (4) Amount of secured ad
vance ts adjusted .
lruction as mentioned .

consumption of the material Ill the next runnm .
(2) I0% to be n:tained as deposit out of wbich 5% to be returned at time of final payment and remaining 5% at th
e end . g account bill Within p!'OjlOrtlon IO that ,of actual
of defect liabiliry period. (5) The 1tem of construction mat .
enal on which
(3 l No amount to be given to contractor for the materials brought on site. for da1ly work secured advance ma be
Y gJven mclude asphalt, bitumen, sand required

( 4) Interim payment not to be considered as final acceptance of the works upto that leveL (6) No secured advance is given f .
or Piece workers.
(5) Engineer to be given power to withhold the interim payment under special circumstance. (7) Secured advance is not to be . 'd f
Pill or material broughH .
Of centenng laying 0 f .
Interim payment is necessary in case of large amount of project, since contractor has to invest the large amount for a ~ 9.6.15 Payment of Final · water 1me etc.
longer duration. wbich is not possible to him.

Tile payment to be made within three hs
Progn:ss of work may affect due to Jack of funds with contraCtor. Hence interim payment is made to the contractor so as mom from the date 0 f. .
payment. ISsue of certificate of final completion is called as final
to continue the progress of project without any break.
After completion of work done by contractor in all re .
So interim payment also indicates the approximate value of work done by contractor. spects, engmeer do measurement of all work done a1 site and then
prepare the final amount of bill accurately afte ded · .
PWO form No. 47 is used fdr making interim payment. r ucung all prev1ous payments (running bill) made 10 the contraCtor.
Following points to be considered while preparing final bill :
a. 9.6.13 Advance Payment
l UQ. 'f~.J-3 WriU sNwt riDUS 111'\ : Advat~Us to contractor. MU- May 18. 2 "' Marks

T1Je Jr•yment made un a running account to a contractor for work done but not measured is called advance payment.
( 1) Confirm that there is no damage to the other propert·ICS and no defect JS
· appeared.

(2) Check and confirm whether the work is.completed as per specification or not

(3) Confirm that site has been left cleaned and conflf!n that there is no rabbet, waste steel, waste timber or any waste
material left on the site.
Advance payment i~ not generd!Jy paid to the contractor, but under special cases or under special circumstances,
(4) Confirm that measurements entered are according 10 the method prescribed in the contract.
advance payment is i.o.sued to the contr.ctor on the certificate of assistant engineer, who is incharge of the project work.
(5) Make sure that a certificate of physical completion have been recorded in the relevant measurement book (M.B.).
Value of work done should not be Jess than the advance payment proposed to be made to the contractor.

(6) Check thai amount of work done and measured is not more than that of provided in contraCt
T1Je advance is adjusted to subsequent bills in which actual measurement have been taken.
Afu:r confinning above points, final bill in prescribed formis printed on yellow paper.
Mobili5ation advance and construction equipment advance should be given at 12% interest or free of inu:rest depending
upon behaviour of owner. 'lt. Payment of Running Bill
. . . h ro ss of work as per request of contraetor to
Mobilisation advance should be given upto 10% of contract price, payable in two equal instalment.~. I case of large amount project, payment IS made maccordance Wll p gre
n · · · bill
avoid financial problem for further work completion, such bdlls called as runnmg .
Construction equipment advance should be paid upto 5% of contract price and payable in two or more instalmenll.
Running bill is paid within 10 days of submission.
'!!a. 9.6.14 Secured Advance
Bill is based on running measurement
Due w need of fii!JIIK:e w the contracwr. an advance payment made to the contractor on the basis of security of It is recoverable, if paid excess in billing.
materi.als brought by contractor on the site of work under con~1ruction is called secured advanced. . b'll checking is not made thoroughly.
In case of runmng I • ·

_...A SA£11/NSJWI Yeotu,. JJ1I A thon inipirr iDn0¥1/ion

Teth-Neo Publiatiom........ ,,. u

Running bill submitted in prescribed form on a white paper.

e.g. For building COilstJUction work

(i) F'.m running bill at plinth level. (ii) Second at lintel level.
\Iii) Third ar roof le\'el. (iv) Fourth and fmal on completion of wort. 3· Instructions and duties of en&lneer.

4. General obligations and ope .

~ 9.7 GENERAL AND SPECinC CONDmONS .. . ration of COn!ractor
s. J)efiruuon, obJection, paylllen ·
. ~ conditions of OOilb'lct to be included in any particular project will depend upon the nature of work. In case of lllost lsofnolllinilled
6 Facilities for staff and Iabo SUb-tonl!actor.

of ctvil engineering COOtracts the following groups of conditions of contrael are generally mcluded : . ur and labour laws.
1. Plant, material and workmanship.
{I) Coaditioo rtlated to ~Is
8. Commencement, delay and s .
Bill of quantities. drawing, specification, provision of provisional and prime cost sums etc. uspenston of wort,

9. Test on completion.
(ll) c-litioa rtlated to ~ obtiptioa of coatnctor
JO. Employees taking over.
Access to work, fencing, lighting, insurance, setting out site etc.
II. Defect liability.

]2. Measurement and evaluation.
Accident to worlaoen, contractor and engineer representative, first aid, rate of wages.
13. Variations and adjustments.

14. Contract price and payment

Assignment, sub-letting, special contractor.
15. Tennination by employer.
(V) Cooditioa related to extra execution of tbe work

(VI) Coodition related to time I duration for work

Defect liability period, liquidated damage, time of essence.

Alteration, additions and omissions during progress of work, extra item, damage, defective work.
16. Suspension and termination by contractor.

17. Risk and responsibility.

18. Insurance.

19. Force majeure.

(Vll) Coodition .related to meuurement and payment 20. Claims, disputes arbitration.
Method of measurement of completed work and its payment, advance payment, secure payment, running and final bill, - FIDIC document is treated as bible for entering into contract in !he Western Countries. Similar to FIDIC, Indian
intt:rim payment.

government publish MOS and PI in 2005. Website to download FIDIC document :
(VIII) Condition related to default and non-completion
11 9.8.1 Redbook
Bankruptcy of contractor, failure to complete work in time, termination of contract, right to suspend to work by owner.
In September 1999, FIDIC introduced its new suite of contract, which included a new ttd, yellow, silver and green form
(IX) Condition related to settlement or dispute
of contract.
Arbitration, DRB. .shed b FIDIC'n
1 1999 which contain basically :
- Redbook is actually document/booklet pub!1 Y '

~ 9.8 FIDIC DOCUMENTS 1. FJDIC international Civil Engineering conditions.

2. FIDIC construction contract.

FIDIC is Federation International Des lngenieuro-Conseils (which is international federation of consulting engineel'li
based out of Geneva, Switzerland).

FIDC has published a document, which contain the general condition for·enlering into contracts.

T..b-Neo Publicatiooa-- II'IN:rr Aut/Jon irupirr itlDtw6tioD .....A SACHIIYSIWI Yeoture T,.b-N.o Publications........... Inere Autilon io6piro m-otiDD

~ comn.a OOOditioos ~by Ministry of Slalistics and Programme Implementation (M OS and PI).

Twelve standard contract claa:ses are included in this sumdard cootraet condition :
L Eligibility aod ~ 2 Earnest Money (EMD).

3. Sccur:ity DqxlSit (S D ). 4. variation. extra 1 substituted items. lspute Resolution Methods
5. 1'3)-ment of tlliiDing bilL Payment of final bill.
7. .".d\~ paymcm. Secured Advance.

9. ~Damage and Incentives.. 10. Escalation.
11. Disputed item. Arbitration. DRB. p 0"''1leTS risk and compensation events.
Dispute resolution methOds : Causes of disputes and di .
art>itratJon . · ISputes resolution methods SUCh as litigation, mediation and
... Chapter ends

10.1 Dispute Resolution Board
·· ··· ·················· · ········· ··· ·· · · ·· · · ·· ·· · · · ·· ·········· ····~·· ·· ······· ·· ······· ······ ... 1Q-2
UQ. 1 0.1.1 Write short notes on : Settlement of disputes. iill4i&ilPMI: 6111!5! ... ........................... 1o-2
10.2 Disputes Resolution Methods .........
.. 10.2
10.3 Introduction to Art>itration .. .................
··· ········ ·· ········· .................. ...... ....... .... 10-4
ua. 1 0.3.1 Write Short note on : Arbitration. lili+•M+i:MHHI¥11titid... . ............. .. .. 10-4

UQ. 1 0.3.2 Write short notes on : Arbitrator and Condliation Act 1996. U(!W++Midfi .... . .. .. ..... 10-4
10.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Arbitration . 10-4
10.5 Need For An Arbitration ............. . .. 10.5

UQ. 1 0.5.1 What are the causes of dispute between a contractor and owner? How is the dispute between
contractor and owner solved? Explain Brietty. IIIIM•M€iieilmg ..... ... 1(}.5
..... 1(}.5
10.6 Appointment of Arbitrator .... ... .
m 10.7
Qualification of The Arbitrator
Qualities of An Art>itrator. .. . .
. ... 1().6

............... 1().6
10.9 Power of Arbitrator ........... .. .. 10.7
10.10 Role of Arbitrator in Civil Engineering Works ···· 10.7
10.11 Types of Arbitration .. .... . .. 10.9

10.12 Arbitration Process ... . · ····················· ························

Chapter Ends .......................................................................................................................................................... ().09

1()-2 Quant Survey, Estl. & VaJuaHon (M

U-Sern. 7.Ci'lll)

~ 10.1 DISPUn RESOLUTION BOARD ~. r,4edla~~~-~--------·-- -.....,......:l:;(l;;;O.a~).._"""'"""'""""=-~Disp~u~te~R!:eaot~uti~on~M~ethod~s

r;.;···-p,fi"itio" : Mtdiati~~i~-- - -,--- ---- -------------
:~o~ . . vo Ulltary ,----- -- ---·--- -
: co~>~MIAIIICat'o" ahd pro process '" which ;·---------------------
! 1\'liAtiAally acce.ptablt agre:tes recor.ciliatio" betwul\ :~ll'>~pa~ial perso" (ti,~-;.:.,~di~t;~)-i,~ip;-~;~i.!
i••.• -----------------------------------~~~·- !:_~diatio" oFte" is til part,es which will allow tilt"' to rtat!l a!
The Process :The mediator manag h --------------- ------~-~-~~!._~~-~otiatio" proves u~cctssful. l
, es I e proee -----·---·- ,
not make a decision nor force an ss and helps facilitate negotiati be --------- -- -·-------------- -·
agreement. The ani . on tween the parties. A mediator does
signature of contract agreement own settlement or agreement. P es dtrectly panicipate and are . . . .
responsible for negOIIallng thelf

Primary funcb·00 0 f ,_ __, · ... _ · ·d disputes if nn<<ible
UUAIU 10 IISSISt UJOO paniCS tO 3\'01 r---
or if not, !ben assist them to a speedy , COst At the beginning of the mediation se .
. SSion, the mediator will desc .
effective resolution and avoid disputr case to forward to arbi!rlltion or litigation. their attorneys have an opportunity to ex I . th . . nbe the process and the ground rules. The parties or
. . p il.IO el[ VICW of the dj . .
other's pomt of v1ew. Sometimes the ed' . spute. Mediauon helps each side better understand the
Membership of board : m 1ator w1U meet se . .

addreSS emotional and factual issues as w all . Parately With each s1de. Separate "caucusing" can help
{I) One member experienced in all type of coostruetion involved in works and in the interpretation of documents to be 11
e as ow tune for receiving Ie a1 ad · fro . .
enerally held in the office of the med· g VIce myour attorney. Mediations are
g tator or other agreed location.
appointed by president, Institution of Engineer (India).
~ Characteristics of Mediation
{2) One member of similar experienced, selecied by each of owner and contractor within 14 days of the date of
Promotes communication and cooperation

contract ~nt
(3) Third member sball be selected by other rwo and approved by parties within 14 days. Provides a basis for you to resolve disputes on your own

The board members become and remain familiar voitb the contract, the project and the participate from the beginning Voluntary, informal and flexible
and bave upto date knowledge of all relevant issoes which might impact on potential dispute. Private and confidential, avoiding public disclosure of personal or business problems
The aim of boards site meeting is 10 maintain communication with contracting parties and encourage resolution of Can reduce hostility and preserve ongoing relationships

contentioos issue al the job level, before they become actual disp!r.e.


We are all familiar with the IIIOSt
traditional dispute-resolution process of our civil justice system: litigation and trial
Allows you to avoid the uncertainty, time, cost and S!fess of going to lrial

Allows you to make mutually acceptable agreements iailored to meet your needs

Can result in a win-win solution

with a judge or jury deciding wbo is right or wrong - where someone wins and someone loses. However, there are many 3. Litigation (Going To Court) -- -- -- ----- -------
other optioos available. Negotialion, mediatioo and arbitration - often called ADR or al tern ative dispute resoluti on- are the ;~--- 0~fi~j~~-;-Lj~j~~~;~~-;~-~-~~-~-F-~--;,~~-~;.d-~i0ij-~i~~-~rtt~>~ to. resolve legal controversies.
·· ~ · ~~~-
ID05t weU-known.
:_ _____~~~~~~!~~-:~~-~~--~~-t~-~~~~~!-~?.~-~~~~-?.~~-~-~~-~:~~~~-~~-:;~-~~-~:-~~~-

1. He; otiation The Process : Litigation is begun by filmg a lawswt ma coo pee Aonn<itioo to learn more about the Modale
~ the Olher side will want to take your ~r---
:0 Delmiticm : N~otiation is tl-ot w.Mt basic w.tMS of settli"9 difftrtnces. It is back -and -Fortn i of evidence must he followed. The anomey or robe f court appearances by you and/or your
ilion in the case. There can be a nu r o . . ou
·------~~~~-~~ .t!:t.!'.~~!~~- ~~-U:."f!!~.~~~.t!:~. ~~a!.~!. ~:~~~- ~~f!0. ~ _s_~l-~~~~~--- - ----------i facts as you see them and your pos
lawyer. If the parties cannot agree
'the the J·udge or a jury will decide tbe dispUit for y
h0 w w settle the case. e1 r
T1le Pr-; You may negc;tiate directly wilh the other penoo. You may hire an attorney 10 negotiate directl y with the
through a tnal d deltfllllnaiJon of all the ISSUtS beiWCCll tbe ~
ottc side on yoor behalf. There are oo o/..cifJC procedure~ to follow - you can determine your own - but it work.s best if __ • • Ain allowmg full exanuna!IOO an ..... facts of the case to
A tn al IS a formal judiCial prucc<-<>w& nwle by applying u,.
aJI prgtie~ ag~ee 10 remain calm ar.d not tall at the 1.ame time. Depending on your situation, you can negotiate in the ase to etther a JUry or a JUdge The be enforceable. however. if
w1th each s1de presenung tts c de !be hugauon process and .... cosrs
boatel room of a big comp'.my, in ar1 offu or r:ven in your (fNn Jiving room. cJec 1ston can cone 1u may have to pay ""'
the applicable Jaw. That verdtcl or . . h.• h•r court. In some ca.~. tbe losmg partY
Negotiation, yoo to p-..nicip'..u: directly ir, dtd\ion~ that afft(.1 you. In the ffiO'.I \tJCCe~• ful negot i ation~. the needl a aJ the deciSIOn lD a 1f>'-
appropriate, the loser can ppe arty's attoliii!Y fees.
uf t..'Al: po-<111ie\ ~e cr.nw1e:red. A r.egrA1.VA a g~eemtfll can become a contr<o:-1 and be cnfmcca.blc. h ve to pay the other p
of the la wsuit and may a

. . Jrlhcn: .4ull>on iDI{Jin: iD_,/ioD

Tr.d.-l(y, Puhhcal.,........... -
.....ASAOIJN.\/Uif Pcn/Uf<

Dispute Resolution Me"'

(1o-.4) "'Ode
t0.5 NEED FOR AN ARBITRAn DlaputeRetotuUonMIIhodl

4. Arbltmlon -·-··-------· ------- -----

~ ······································· ON
,...··· ,0 5.j. WNit an die CAuses of~- .................... .
fri·-~~~-~-;;.rl,;·t:,:~t,:~~;~-~-~b;.:.i~;~~-i~-di~p~t~-~tt~;t~-~~-,;;.p~rtial persor. (the arbit~~;~~)j ~ J}Q• • COI\trActor 111\d OWt\c :f.ttt flttwUf\11 ~-;,;;················--··························:
: For liuisio"'. ························· : :l ... .
............................ ld.? Ellpr.;,.. g.;..
"""!t OWNr? How is d.e dl; · ...... HtwUI\ :
....,;.. '
·············· • • • •· • • · ·· · · •· ··· '
~······h n dispute take place betw ..•....•••...••.••...•...•:......... · Dill, NIIIIMI i
...._ --._ . . ... ~ . .... :. .. .. .. ... ..... for resolving a dispute. The arbitrator controls th
·•-' We . een owner I dePanrnent d •·•·••••·•·•·•······· · ·••·' ···
- · · · ·· ·-· ·• ·..· •····--··
•..., .-....-... : Arbttrahon 1s typtcally an out-of-roun meuiVU e ·· ··:
. reason or need : an contractor, it ma ~ .
process, will listen to boti1 sides and make a decision. Like a trial. only one side will prevail. Unlike a trial, appeal rights roJioll'lng y re er to arbitrator instead of court law for
arc limited. fa avoid lengthy procedure of coun law.

fo avoid costly process of coun.


:· · . .... -~ ··· .... - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . • !' . ............. . .... - - . . . . . . . . - - - - - - . - ... . . . . ....... . . - - - .. - - - - . .. ....... - - - - . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . - - - - - - - - - - . - - - • • - - - . - . . . . . . ., fo maintain reputation of both panies by d' 1 .·
MU ·Dec. 17.18. May 16. 5 Marks ). ISC Oslng matter or solving dispute . . I
i tlq. S0.5.2- WriCI $lwrt NCI Of\ : AfbimttiOI'\. take pi
pnvate Y·
By arbitration settlement of dispute .k
i uq. SO..:s..a WriC1 sflort Ntis.,. r Arllitrator aN£ COI".tiliatior. N-t Hqh. i . a•~~
'·· -. ---- .. -.------....... -----------... --.----------.--- ... ---- ................ -------.---- --· -------------.------.-- -. ---. .. . . .... -- ....-- -~ oue to fair judgement of arbitrator, constructions act' . .

S. IVIIy or prOJect again started Smoothly.
During execution of work. owner and contractor may come across situations where disputes amongst them may arises.
yollowlnll matter of dispute are referred to an arbitrator :
If dispute is not solved it may affoe1 progress of work.
variation or escalation of rates.
'Arbitration • is process in wh.ich dispute between the contractor and owner or department is referred to third impartial
_ [)clay on the pan of owner or department to supply necessary drawing.

person known as 'Arbitrator'. For seulement Gf dispute, the arbitrator after bearing both the panics in judicial manner 2
gives their decision wh.icb is known as Award. [)clay in payment to be made to the contractor.
Award (decision of the arbitrator) is executed on stamp paper in accordance with stamp duty 'Act' . _ Extra . claims by the contractor.
The award is binding on both Lhe panies. S. Termination of contract.
Due to arbitration legal formalities of 'court of law' can be avoided and quick result is possible. . Hire charges to be paid for the tools and plant supplied by department.


The entire procedure of arbitration is very simple as compared to the court of law proceeding.
U 1. Extension of time.


_ Section 11 of the arbitration and conciliation Act 1996, provide for the appointment of the arbitrator.
2. It Lakes less time to declare Lhe award. _ The arbitrator can appointed under following means :
3. It is cheap as compared to filling civil suits. (a) Appointment by parties (b) Appointment by couns
4. The dispute between the contracting panics is not made public as it is solved privately.

5. The time and place for arbitration proceeding can be flJ(cd as per convenience of both the panics. (a) Appointment by parties
6. The dispute involving technical points or requiring experience of panicular trade or business can be submitted to An arbitrator is judge appointed by the disputing parties to resolve the dispute.
arbitraiOr who are experts for such type of work. For marters related with building industry and valuation, the arbitrator arbitrator he is known as a 'sole arbitraU.If' ·
If both parties agree to appoint only one person as an .
can easy to solve it ~ince he may be engineer, architect~ or Surveyors. . . . own arbitrator then they an: Jrnown as joint arbitrator.
However 1f each party appotnts their . another person mown
. ioted arbiuator wdl refer the maner 10
In case of even number of joint arbitrators, the appo
l. Partie!IIIIIJJit be bear costs of both Lhe arbitrator and the venue. as 'Umpire' whose decision i.e. award will be final.

2. Sometimes arbitratioo simply copied to coort process and so you do not get the advantages of infonnality and speed. (h) Appointed by courts h the coon and then the court will appoint a
. . . t arbitrators, the either of them can approac
3. In some cases, injustice may result due to neglect of formal rules of evidence and violation of legal principles. In case pan1es fad to appom
sole arbitrator for the arbitration .

....A SACHINSHAll Veoture

Ouant.~rvey· Eali. & V~ (MU-Sem. J.OW) (to-6) Dispute Resolution M~ ~au::;a;;.;"';;;·s.:.urv""e""y,""Es""ti;,;.&;..;V~al~ua~tion~(~'-I~Se

.- lJ-Sem.7oCMI)
While lppOinting an llbitraror, tbe cowt also bas power 10 decide on the existence and validity of alb~ ~ to. t 0 ROLE. OF ARBI~ (t().7J
~L ttrahon . l'OkiM CIVIL E ~te Reeolution Methods
j\lbitrator revtew testimony and . NGINEEIUNG Wo•v•
ctecision that may include an award f sented by disputed P .
o money. 8illes at hearing and tesolv . . .
Albi j\lbitrator listen statement of both de . es lbe dispute by tssumg a
lrator should bave follOWing Qualification : Partrnent or owner
I. Azb:-............. ~ be "-'- . j\lbitrator go through all evidenee of d' . and contractor.
•u-.. -...uu uwc, llllpartial, booest and disintmsted person. . tspute It may be lao .
2 itelll. escalation etc. of all tenn and .. P •specification of Work, . .
· He should be knowledgeable and expert in tbe field of dispute and having good reputation. . condiuon of lllentiooed in con tune dura~~on, payment clause, exlla
3 After analysmg all evidenee arb' . · . tract.
He should have suffteient knowledge oftbe law. ' ttrator gtves fair dec' .

deficiencies in specification or Work, check Whelhe ~ton to solve dispute. e.g. he fmd out fault of any parties, or
4. He should be conversant with arbitration proceedings. r claims for time .
Arbitrations main role is to gives fai d . . 'P•)'lllents exlla ttem, addition is valid or 001.
. r ectston as earty as .b
S. He should be capable of baodling the entire procedure of amitration. without any dtspute. PQSst le, so !hid COIIslruction activities ·starts once again

For~ dispute in building industries or valuation, be may be an eminent engineer or an architect, acceptable to both the _ He solves the clashes of owner and contractor d . .
pames. an mamtains well relationsltip between lbem.
Following are type of arbitration :

Arbitrator should bave following qualities 1duties :
l. Voluntary arbitration 2. Compulsory ar!Jil!ation
I. Throughout the llbitration, llbitrator has to be impanial and fair to both the disputed parties.
3. Institutional arbitration 4. Adhoc ar!Jil!ation
2. During the process of arbitration, be has to assume a role of third pany and disinterested judge.
5. Fast track arbitration 6. Statutory ar!Jitration
3. While collecting evidence, be must give equal opponunities to both the disputed parties to present their cases.
7. Online arbitration

He should not be a person of doubtful character.
He should always talk to one party only in the presence of other party to prove his impartiality.

The arbitrator should be conscious and always stand for norms of n.alural justice and equality while carrying out
1. Voluntary arbitration

Is a binding, adversarial dispute resolution process.

llbitration proceedings. ·
When conciliation officer or board of conciliation frulto resolve confl'tct or di•pute between tWO parties, partieS
7. He should not be under pressure or under influence of either parties. can advised to agree to voluntary ar!Jitration for setting their dispute. e.g. pancbayati system.

~ 10.9 POWER OF ARBITRATOR - This was advocated by Mahatma Gandhi and encouraged by tbe government. .
arb'tr tion as one of the measured for settlement of a dispute

I. He can .administer both tbe disputed contracting parties and administer the witness appearing before him for collecting In 1956, the government decided to place voluntary ' a

the evidence. through third party intervention under the law.

2. The arbitrator bas full power to ask any question related of disputed maner, to both the parties and witness. Essentials of voluntary arbitration :

3. He is empowered to declare the judgement called award, whicb will be binding on both the parties. (a) The voluntary submission of dispute to an arbillator.

4. In certain special dispute cases, be bas authority to refer it to court of law for it's opinion in the matter. f 'tness and investigation.
(b) The subsequent auendance o WI . .
he ecessatY and bmdmg.
S. He can correct the mi.stakes or any problem in award arising from exception or accidental slip. fan award may not n
(c) The enforcement o . . . gunder agreemeni.Sicontraet
.all needed for dtsputeS a nsm
6. In order to protect dispute property, tbe arbitralor bave the power to grant interim relief to the parties. The power of arbitration may be spec• y
(d) VoluntarY
llbitrator can be explained under the following heads :
(a) Power to nnake award. (b) Power to take assistance.

(c) Power to rule on its jurisdiction.

lf!Jere Autl>ort isspire i•no"tioD
_...A SACHINSHAH Yeoture Teeb-Neo Pubficatiolll·-·-
ouant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU
OuantSurvey, Eeti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7..Civil) (1!)·8) . Dispute Resolution MethOds ·Sern. 7..CIVil)

2. Compulsory arbitration
~ t o.12 ARBITRATION PROCESS Dispute Resolution Methods

"'annal arbitration flow chan giv

1' en as below :
Is a non-binding, adversarial dispute resolution process.

Compulsory arbib'ation is one wbere tbe panies are requiJed to accept arbitration without any willingness on their

When one of tbe party to an industrial dispute feels aggrieved by an act of the other, it may apply to the

appropriate government to refer tbe dispute to an adjudication machinery.

Essentials of compulsory arbitration :

(a) The country is passing through grove economic crisis.

(b) Industries of strategic importance are involved.

(c) Parties are ill balanced.

(d) Compulsory arbitration leaves no scope for strikes and lock outs, it take away very important and fundamental

rights of both parties.

~ 3. lnstitudoaal arbitration

There are several well established ins titutions with settled and tested rules of procedure, which provide the service (1K1)Fig. 10.12.1 ; Arbitntlon process

for administering arbitration.

...Chapt<r ends

~ 4. Adboc arbitration IJIJIJ

This arbitration is agreed to get justice for the balance of the un-settled part of the dispute only.

~ 5. Fast track arbitration

When parties mutually decide that no oral hearings will be conducted in the arbitration and the arbitrator shall
formulate its decision based on written submission and the evidence submitted by both . parties such arbitration
proceeding is known as fast track arbitration.

~ 6. Statutory arbitration
Certain statues (i.e. a written law passed by a legislative body) specially provide for dispute to be resolved through


~ 7. Online arbitration

Arbitration can be conducted through various online arbitration platforms, which use a mixture of arbitration and
t.echnology to resolve dispute.

_.A SACHIN SHAH r~oture


Difference betwe~n cost. price and value. Types of value, Valuation and its purposes. Various terms such as

depreciation, sinking fund, capitalized value, years purchase etc. Methods for calculating depreciation of building,
Methods of valuat~on such as R ~ntal method, land and building method, Belting method etc. • Freehold Properties,
Leasehold Properties, Easement nghts Numericals based on valuation

11 .1 Valuation ........ .................. ............... ..... ............................. ....... .................................................... ........................ ... .... 11-3

11 .2 Purpose Of Valuation ....... ........ ........................... ................. ............................................. .......................................... 11-3

Meaning Of Price, Cost And Va lue ..................................................... ........................................................................ 11-5

11.4 Factor Affecting Value ........................................................................................... ........ .... ... ........... .... ..... ..... ........ ... ... 11-6

11 .5 Types Of Value .. ...................... ....... ................................... ...... ....................... ............................ .................. .............. 11-7
11 .6 Concept Of Free Hold Property And Lease Hold Property ................................. ............. ... ......... ........ ..................... 11-1 0

UQ. 11.6.1 Write short notes on : Lease hold and free hold property. MU- Dec. 15, 16, Ma 17. 5 Marks .... 11-10

11 .6 .1 Different Type of Lease .... ...........................................·........................................ ............., ..................... .... 11-11


11.7 Difference Between Estimation and Valuation ............. ........................ .............................. ................ ........ ............... 11-12

11 .8 Easement rights .... ....... ......... ..... .................................................................................................... .......................... 11-12

UQ. 11.8.1 Write notes on: Easement rights. MU - Dec. 18. 4 Marks. Ma 18, 2 '12 Marks .. ............ .................... 11-12

11 .8 .1 Characteristics of Easement ................................................................................ , ......................... .... ........ ... 11-13

11 .8.2 Method of Creating Easement .................................... .................................................................................. 11-13

11 .9 Depreciation .. ........ .. ..... ... ...... ...................................................................................................................... ........... .. . 11-14

UQ. 11.9.1 What is depreciation ? MU - Dec . 18, 1 Mark ...... ................. .............. ............. ................. ........... 11-14

11 .10 Methods of Depreciation ......... .......... .... .......................................... ....................................... ................................... 11-14

UQ. 11.1.0 .1 Explain any one method for calculating the depreciation. MU • Dec. 18 . 4 Marks ........................ 11-14

11 .11 Obsolescence .................. .......... ..... ............. ............. .. ................................................... ......... ............................... .. . 11-16

11 .12 Sinking Fund ....... .......... ....................... .................... ........ ......................... ............................................... ................. 11-17

UQ. 11.12.1 Write notes on: Sinking fund. MU- Dec. 18. 4 Marks .. .... ............... .................................. ............ 11-17

UQ. 11.12.2 Write notes on : Concept of Sinking fund. MU ·Dec . 19. 5 Mark s .. .............................................. 11-17
11.13 Years Purchased (Y.P.) ........... .... ............... ........ ..... .... ...... ............. ................................................................ ........... 11-17
Quant. Survey, Esti . & Valuation (MU-Se ..
liJ OuanlSurvey, l;sti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Glvil) (11 -2) Valuation m. 7-CIVII) (11-3)
~ 11.1 VALUATION Valuation
11 .14 Methods of Valuation ··-··············-······-· .. ············ ......... ........... ··························..... ······ · ·· ·· ········· ··········· ············ 11-17
------- -- -------- ----
UQ. 11.14..1

00.11 .14.2

11 .15 Problem tw1

Enlist dilterant method of valuillion of land. Explain belting method of valuation for land
with an example.

Wrtte shirt notes on : Belting Method of Valuation. W * * H 6

······· ······· ····· ·· ·· ······ ········ ·· ······· ········· ···· ·· ·········· · 11-17

Valuation .. ......... ................ ............ ........ ... .. ....... ..... ......... ...... ..... . ········ ·
D ................................... 11 • 17
...... ............. 11 -20
[~·;;:::::~:~~~~:::::~;';=~ ::;;;;;~;;;;;~~;;:;;;~~;;:: : : : :: : : : .:
use or purpose can he worked out by co "d . he ..
p peny at a spectfied tune, place and assuming a specific
nst enng 1 prevaJting economic factors.

p, c. 10u:::. Un1vC'1 s1t · P.1 cr Oucst10i1S ~ 11.2 PURPOSE OF VALUAnON

... .. ............... ... ..... .. ..... .. .... ....... .... .. .. ..... 11 -26
Purpose of Valuation are as follows·
UEx.. 11 .15.7 (IIU- Q. 4(a), Dac.. 15, 8111arb) ....................... .

UEx.. 11.15.8 (IIU - Q. 4(a), M.y 16. 8 lllartla) ..... ... ... .....•.... ···· .. ...............••........ ...... ... ... ...... 11 -27

UEx..11 .15.9 (IIU- a. &(a), a..y 17, 8 ~~arb) ............ .. ... . . .... .... ............ ..... ....... .... .............. 11-27

UEx.. 11.15.10 (IIU- Q. 4(b), Dec. 17, 10 ~~arb) ...... ........... . ··· ······· ····· ··· · ···· ·······••······ ···· ··· 11 -29
H 1. Purchase f()( investment ()( !()( occupation

UEx..11.15.11 (IIU- a. &(•). M.y 18,10 llarb) . .... .. ....... .. .. ......... ... 11-30 -1 2. Tax fixation

UEx. 11 .1s.12 (IIU- a . 5(•), Dac.. 18,10 Mertts) .. ······· ···· ·· 11 -31 H 3 . Sale

UEx. 11 .15.13 (IIU- Q. 4(8), Dec. 19, 8111arb) . ...... ...... .... 11 -32
f-+j 4 . Rent fixation
f-+j 5. Balance sheet E n d a - - - - - - - -- ·- - - -----·--·-------···- ···--·--··············-······································11-35 f-+j 6. Insurance premium
f-.[ 7. M()((gage value or security of loan

8 . Compulsory acquisition

f-+j" 9 . Speculation
f-+\10. Betterment charges

m -+\ 11 . Court fees

~ 12. Wealth tax and estate duty

~13. Gifttax 1
H" 14. Capital gain tax
4f J
15. Partition

Fig. 11.2.1

n- Purpose of valuation
1. Purpose for investment or for occupation
. based and its valuation is necessary. Module
For in vestment, property to be pure
IS . . to the money market interest and also
on the income from property tn companson
Such valuation shall depend
possib ility of increase in cost.

- ...A SA£11/!t' SIIA/1 reotu~ TO.h-Neo PublieatioM......... - IJ1, e~ Authors inspire innor~tioo

5I Ouant.Survey, ea.. & Vaklalion (MU-&!m. 7-CMI) (11 ~)


To fix up lllllllicipaiiU of property, the valuation is essential by municipal authority which depend upon class of city
When property is gifted valua•'
uon of gifted


property has been gifted. property ts necessary to pay gift tax

aodlrlde~. to government by person to wbo
14. Capital gain tax · m
• 3. s.Jt
Taxation on capital gain i .
For sale of property valuaion become necessary which depend upon price thai can be obtain in the market and seller s meant gam realized whe .
in acquiring the asset. n captlal assets is disposed off and """'~"- .
coosidc:r this IIDOUDI as ~ ~ below which any offer is no1 accep!ed 10 them. ""'"~ exceed the costlllCUr!ed
1S. Partition
• 4. ltat IIDiieli

In case of ParfIlion,
· market value of the · · .
Valllllioa of property is nccessary 10 find the ~Jil of property and usually ~quired for sumdard rent JOmt properues has to be de ·
shanes of the owners. tenoioed to divide the property according 10 the
• 5. IW.c:e!!Met

Sometimes. ll company requires valuation of its premises for the purpose ()f showing !hem in !be balance sheet .., 11.3 MEANING OF PRICE, COST AND VALUE

• '-~..-am Price

To fix up ins:lnd value of property excluding cost of land. \'aluation is required in order 10 replace !be same and thus This is amount worked out by adding the cost of production or con - . -
fiDd out insurance premium. to producer for his labour and risk. Thus selling price is fixed for a cstructiommodion, mterest on mvestmeot, own profit, reward

• 7. Mortpcr 'falue or semrity of lou For less price demand, selling price may have to lower and vice versa.
To raise loan against security of property its valuation is necessary.
• 8. c.c.a,uo,· KqUisitioa Cost means original cost of construction or production and can be known afte . all da
r accouonng y to day expenditure
from every planning stage till construction is completed.
A property may be acquired by govemmcot for public purpose and in such case compensation against such acquisition
Cost of old building become less due to its age and changes in fashion.
is given 10 owner by government

Wbcn pun:basc is intended for sale of the property and to make some profit in short period for which valuation is
oecessary and such value called as speculative value.
For valuation cost of an old b ildi ·
' u ng IS worked out from present cost of construction of such new building Jess !be
calculated amount of loss in building due to its wear and tear.

If you purchase a brand new car, !hen !he amount you paid to !he car seller for its acquisition. it is known as price.
• 10. 8dtermmt charges e.g. Car price =8 lakhs.

1be value of property may increase as result of making of new road. developing of land and by providing other While the amount invested in manufacturing !he car is its cost
amenities. To fu up betterment charges of fees. valuation become necessary before and after completion of the e.g. Manufacturing cost =5 lakbs

Normally, the price of any good or services is more than its cost because !he price include !be profit margin.
• IL Court fees Value
Wben a case 10 be filed with respect 10 a real estate, it become necessary to affix stamp of suitable amount This amount Value means its worth or utility.
is wort.ed 0111 after arriving at the v.l.!ue of property under dispute. Value varies time to time and depends largely on supply of that particular type of property and extent of demand for it
• 12 Weahb tu 111111 estate duty The cost of construction of building may have no relation to !he value of !he same which sold in open market

Government fixes value i.e. minim!lffi value of property or above, for which wealth tax or estate duty shall have to be Value mainly depends upon :

paid by owner of property. for this valuation of estate is necessary. (i) It's utility (ii) Shortage in supply or demand. (iii) Events.

The value of property within short time may be get double than cost of construction when !here are more buyen for that Module . ~
type of property and vice versa. ~

~ <AwaSmvey. Esli. & Valuation (MU-sem. 7-civil) (11~) Valuation
Quant.Survey, Esti. & Vaiuati
on (MU-Sem. 7-Civii)
8. Improvement in IUDenities (11-7)
By •mprovmg amemties and
l ~~\W.U£1 make that public scheme hke
area more anractJVe and its val sewer lmes. water hne, means of
M ,.C'-'ge ., building t8chnology
erest on Scheduled banks
ue get mcrease transport etc. m Particular are
a, •t w•U
or government ..,., "ties

H 2. Migrelion--- By lowering of SChedul b
for investment in r
. un
e ank Interest or government securin .
H 3 . Fon:es of -.w.nd and supply
10. Unstable time
P operty and vice versa
g higher may be interest for mak.i
ng more money available
f-+1 4 . Cost or construction
Due to uncertainty ·
m the economy of country al

5 . Change in age distribution of population
11. Abnormal condition , re property market will get totally lower down.
H_ 6 . Sudden change in price of buildklg matertal
Due to insecure condition like riots
• , war trend etc. Value rna dro .
~ 7 . Rent restriction act
11 .5 TYPES OF VALUE y p and remam so For a considerable period.
~ 8 . Improvement in amenities

H l The different typea of


9 . lnt&ntst on scheduktd banks or government valuea as follows

H 10. Unstable time r+ 1. Market value

L-+J 11 . Abnormal condition r-+1 2. Book value

Fig. 11.4.1 ~ 3. Salvage value

,... Factor affec:tlng value of property !-+ 4 . Scrap value

IJo 1. Change In building technology r+ 5. Distressed value

Advance and improve buiJding techniques will cenainly resuJt in changes in value.
2. Migration tendencies
r+ 6. Sentimental value
~ 1 · Accommodation value
Due to sudden industrialization. there is heavy rush of people in the city ~d w hich causes c hanges in property values.
IJo 3. Forces of deiii8Dd 11nd supply r+ 8. Annual value
Very few buyer as compared to number o f properties available for sale in a particular area. will result in low prices for r-+ 9. Good will value


property and vice versa.
4. Cost or construction
Current cost of construction affects val ue due to rapid change of price index in comparison with rate of de prec iatio n.
S. Change In age distribution of population
10. Hlghest and best use value

11 . Liquidation value

12. Monopoly value

...,..: 13. PotenUa\ value

The changes in the age distribution of the population o f the area may also ca uses changes in the values of properties.
Eg. Age group beJow 30-year population is major in particular area. then demand for fla t is more for them in that area,
r-+1 14 . Rateable value

which will increase value. ..... 15. Replacement value

.. 6. Sudden change In price or building material r-+1 16. Assessed value

The violent fluctuation in price of buiJdjng materials causes change in value of bui~ding. ~ 17. Speculative value
.. 7. Rent restriction act
Value of property is calculated from its probable annual income through rents and so due to certain enactment of rent
L+118. Capitalized value
HI il
restriction ac~ by government. ir may cause slump in property vaJue.
Tu.h-Neo PuhliealioDB-~-IPDere Autlwn iDBpirt lBDtw.tioD __ .A SACHIN SJIAJI Yenture
Tod.-Neo Puhli.. - lnere AutAon
tion.o ....- ..• inspire innof'lltiOD _...A
auant.Survey, Esti. &Valuation
Iii OuanlSurv:y, Esli. & Valuation (MU·Sem. 7-Civin (1HI) YaluaUon
~ 6. Sentimental value
(MU·Sem. 7.Civil)
(1 1-9)
When property is sold
or purchased at hi he
Market value of property is value a1 which it can be sold in open market al particular time. of owner this is called . g r value than mark
sentunentaJ value. et value due to its playing of sentiments . .
Open nwht means the property is offe~ for sale by advertising in daily newspaper and all necessary steps are It has no relation With the ID the llllnd
taken so every penon who desire to purchase property can involve in it. market value of near b .
As a feeling of ow . Yproperties.
• 2. Boot vaiDe ner ts attached t th
~ 7. AccommodatJ o e propeny, hence fancy price is req i
. red

on value . u to be offered for the property.

It is deliDed as an amount shown in .the account book of particular year after making due provisions for the
depreciations of the previous years. As the city or town de I .
this u ve ops, the surrounding agricultural .
area IS to be convened into the acco~~--~··' '·-•

The book value of property depends on the depreciations allowed per year and it is not affected by market p rpose the owner of the land has t b .
I d. o o the permj . ..............on uwu. For
condition. an •nto non-agricultural I d ss•on from competent auth "ty .
an or accommodation land. on to conven his agricullllral
s.n-. viiDe Such value of accommodati . .
• 3. on 1and IS greater than that of a .

~ 8. Annual value gnculture land and less than that of building land.
It is estimated value of built up property at end of its useful life without ~ing broken into pieces or dismantled.

This is calculated by deducting depreciation from its new cost. The local authority bas to decide th .
e annual value of the
Example the sleepers used on a railway track. may be reused as a posts of a fencing.
9. Good -'"
~~~ 1
property so that taxes can be calc"'··-•
on that bas"~

• 4. Scrap ~... This value represents the amount by which the value of business . . .
physical or other assets determined mark . prerruses m Its present form, exceeds the value of
At the end of period of usefulness, a property is discarded and then it can be scraped off or broken into suitable at etpnce.
10· Highest and best use value
units for disposal. The amount obtained by selling such unit known as scrap value of property or junk value or
demolition value.
This value regulated from most probable use of the ro .. . . .
Scrap value is nonnally I 0% of original cost or sometime it may zero also. legally permissible and finaoc"all ' . p perty. Which IS physocally possible, approximately justified
J Y oeas1ble. '

sncb amount is known as scrap value.

Usually scrap value of R.C.C. structure will be less than corresponding timber-structure.

5. Distressed valve
Example. building is demolished after its utility period is over, then some amount obtains by selling old material, ~

11. Liquidation value

It is defined as an amount that can be realised from the

or by the sale f

12. Monopoly value

. .
0 an enterpnse on dissolution.
. .
property of a concern which sold under force circumstances
In case of property is sold at lower price than market value at that time, it is said to have distress value. In some cases the property pos .
' sesses cert310 advantages wilb respect to the adjoining properties due to its size
Distressed value developed due to various reason li.k.e ; shape, frontage, lOCation etc. •

(a) Fear of wars, riots, earthquakes. flood etc. The owner of such property may demand huge price for that property.

(b) Fmancial difficulties of seller. Such price is known as monopoly value.

(c) Insufficient knowledge of seller. ~ 13. Potential value

(d) Dispute among partners. When property is capable of getting more return due to its alternative use or by advantageous planning by

Distress value (D.V.) = (F.M.V)- (D.f) (F.M.V) providing some development work, such value of property is known as potential value.

~ 14. Rateable value

D.V. = F.M.V [I- D.F]
Where, F.M.V = Fair market value, Same as annual values, rateable value is decided by the local authority for determining the tax tiability.

D.F. = Distress factor ~ 15. Replacement value

D.F is always less than I. It is the present value of property or either fully or in part thereof if these have to replaced at current market rate. ·

- ·.A SACHINSJWI Ye»turo Tedt-Neo Publications........._Where ..4utbon inapiro in»OI'IIitHJ
ouant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU
·Sem. 7-ciVII)
<luanlSUivey, Esli. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-civil) (11-10) Valuation (11-11 )
'!J. 11 .6.1 DIFFERENT TYPE OF LEASE Valuation

It is value of property recorded in register of municipality in order to fmd amount of municipal taxes to be
collectM from owner of the property.

~ 17. Speadalift value

There are certain purchaser who are interested in purchasing the property and then selling it with profit after short

Purcbasec not interested in developing properties.

His purpose is only to sell property with profit within sbon duration.

Speculative \'alue of property will be less than market value because purchaser will try to buy property at low price
and to sell it at a bigb price in future.

~ 18. Capb&.wd value

Fig. 11.6.1
It is sum or amounL the interest on which at highest prevailing rate would be equal to net income out of property. (i) Building lease
Capim&ed value= Net iDrome X Year purdgse
If owner of free hold 10 t 0 f 1
P and not able to construct buildin 0 his .
~ 11.6 CONCEPT OF FREE HOLD PROPERTY AND LEASE HOLD PROPERTY to somebody who is ready to constru . . . g n land, then be gives the plot of land on lease
ct a SUitable bulldmg on particular piece of land.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------

~~------- -

MU - Dec 15, 16. May 17. 5 Marks ln such case lease holder pays yearly ground rent to the free holder.
Then lease holder proceed to erect the buildi .
Concept of both properties are explain by differentiating them as below : condition and also bear all expenses . ng and .after constructton work is completed, he maintains it in good
tn connectton With building.
Sr.Ne. lfftehold property Lease hold property In this lease sufficient time is given to 1
granted ~or 99 year or 999 years. ease holder to get profit over its investment eg. building lease may be
I. It is absolute pennanent possession of its owner holder is called as lessee and he holds the physical

for period of indefinite duration.
(Owner also lrnown as lessor)
Owner/free holder/lessor have legal right to the
condition specify in lease document.

possession of property for definite period under term and holder/lessee have no right to the property.

~ (ii) Occupation lease

ln this lease, the owner con tru

. s ct structure on the land and together with land, he grants lease for certain
occupation such as residential, factory, shop, office etc.

Lease holder maintain property according to term and condition of tease.

3. A free holder does not have to pay ground rent to A lease holder has to pay ground rent regularly to hold the
e.g. For residential building lease period is 2 to 5 years. For other building it may be 20 to 30 years.
hold the possession of property. possession of the property.
~ (iii) Sub-lease
4. A free holder can sell, rent or lease his property A lease holder can not sell, lease or rent the property

without consent of any other private party or without the consent of lessor. A lease holder may tender sub-lease of his lease hold property to other person, subject to the term and condition in
person. the original lease and be allowed by local regulations or court of law.
5. A free hold property can be developed within the A lease holder can not develop the property as per his ln such case, original lease holder become the head lessee for sublease holder.
limit of municipal laws. wish without consent of the lessor.
Usually a gap of few days is kept between period of the original lease and sub lease.
6. At' expiry of lease, lessor get back absolute At expiry of lease, lessee have handover property to
~ (iv) Life lease
possession of property. lessor.

7. When lease is granted for 99 year is known as Normally lea.;e may be of quite short duration of 1 to 3 In case of life lease, the lease is granted for the duration of the life or lives of one or more persons. The lease

long terms lease years. comes to an end on the death of such person or per.;ons.

Tetb-Neo PubliatiOOJ.-- 111!ere Aulhon inspire iDDOv•tioo .....A SACHIN SIIA/1 l'enture
Tecb-Neo Publications........... 111!ere Authors inspire innovation •
Quant.Survey, Esti. & VaJuati
Ii1 Ouant.Survey• &II. &Vlblion (MU-$em. 7-civil) (11-12) Valuation
(3) Ri h .
on (MU-Sem. 7-Qvil)
g t of light and ventil .
ation tbrou h v.~ ..._
property. g an open space or an ope . ;:;:_"""""
omg appurtenant to the abutting ..
. Wbeo lease of property is giYeO for number of years providing condition that the lease is renewable time to time, (4) Right to project in the re . or adJouting
eYeD fur endless time according 10 the desire of lease bolder sucb type of lease is called as perpetual lease. . P nuses of abutting or adjoinin
(5) Right to pollute i.e. right of d' . g prOpeny for disposal of rain Water.
PDSal of ram or other type of
Water through the other
Yof a neighbour for disposal of Stooke propeny.
Sr. No. Eetlr ffoa 'Valuation (7) Right to fiX advertise . ·
ment over another property.
I. An estimation is calculation of quantities required Valuation is process of estimating tbe cost of property (8) Right to use latri
lllld expenditure like 10 be occurred during based on its present condition. ne, water closet or bath room of other Plllpeny

consauction won: ( ) Right of a property 10 have its building supponed by other .
2. (10) Ri h p peny.
Estimation is done before construction of proposed Valuation is done for existing structure. g t to take Water from a well or a reservoir or a flowing ...._
~- propeny Su....... of Water situated· .
. lD or passmg through another
3. Method of estimation are :

Method of valuation : '1:t.. 11.8.1 Characteristics of Easement
(a) long wall and sbon wall method (a) Rental method
(b) Centre line method (b) Direct comparison method ( I) There shaU be two properties, one which enjoys the right i. D .
. . e. onunant Te~~11l d tbe
(c) Profit based method enjoyed t.e. Servient Tenement. an other over which tbe right is
4. For estimation, measurement sbeet and abstract For valuation, form No. 0-1 is used. (2) Owners of Dominant Tenement and Servient Tenement shaU be dif

sheet are used. ferent Because . .
land. casement IS nght over some others
5. Estimated quantities and cost of the construction Market value of property to be sold or purchased is (3) This acts as a useless bindings to a Servient Tenem .
wodi: is find out by the method of estimation. find out by tbe method of valuation. ent and hinders the characte f
properly. r o sole ownership over the entire

~ 11.8 Euemem Rilhts (4) The character of casement is beneficial enJ·oym t t Do .

en a nunant Tenement.

. (5} This may originally be provided through a deed b tb .
: UQ. %o~u. wrn. r~DtG M : ~ rigl¢s. MU . Dec 18. 4 Marks. May 18. 2 ', Marks with the sale of tbe propeny without any separ t
ut e contmued beneficial ·
enJoyment ts transferred automatically
~ ---------------------- ----- ------~-- - ------------------------ --·----------------------------------- ---------------------- -------- a e agreement With the Dominant T
to the properties but not to the owners. enement Thus easement are a!tached
In the Indian Easement Act., I 882 , the easement is defined as follows :
(6) The right is for tbe beneficial enjoyment of the Do . T
As easement is a right which the owner or occupier of cenain land, possesses, as such for tbe beneficial enjoyment of . ht of actt' on. nunant enement and does nO! amount to a nuisance which causes a
tbat land, 10 do and continue 10 do something. or to prevent and continue to prevent something being done, in or upon,
or in respect of, certain other land not his own. (7) The easement is always an appendage to a dominant heritage.

An easement may be defined as the privilege or right without profit which the owner of one property has to enjoy in (8) All easement move with the transfer of propeny and pass to p h ' ·
urc aser or trans.eree unless speciftcally destroyed or

respect of tbat property in or over the property of another person. extinguished by the seller before the sale.

When a property has enjoyed a privilege from time immemorial it is said to have acquired a prescriptive right., and an a. 11.8.2 Method of Creating Easement
easement right may be created when the property has/ had uninterrupted enjoyment of the privilege for a period of not
less than 20 years. An casemem can be created or acquired by a owner or a person on his behalf for the beneficial enjoyment of the
propeny. But a lessee of a leasehold property or tenant with permanent rights of tenancy cannot create or acquire an
The property which enjoys the right is known as tbe "Dominant Tenement" and propeny over which the right is enjoyed
is known as the "Servient Tenement''.
The main different methods of creating or acquiring an easement are as follows:
Following are example of easement :
I. Due to grant : An easement may be created or acquired when the conditions of the deed grants the same. Thus the right
(I) Right of common passage of abutting or adjoining properties. It includes footway, Crossing Way, cable way or
of a common passage, space for ventilation or light can be established by prescnbmg sueh condiuons
. 10. the re.,;•tered
vehicle way.
deed at the Court of Law.
(2) Right to lay, Cross or Construct pipe lines, ducts or cables over or under the land or property.
Tech-Neo Publieaticuu._ 8""' AutittJn itupil'e imlo.,titJD ••.A SACHINSIWI Yeotum Tetb-Neo PublicatioDB.......... Jnem Au~ impim innor~litJD
auant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU- .
~ OuantSurvey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil)
Sem. 7-CtVil) (11·15)
(11-14) Valuation
1. Straight line method
2. Due to necessity : During panition between the co-owners easement becomes necessary to enjoy the parts by the Co-
In straight line method .t .
owners by providing a common passage or staircase or ventilation as the case may be. Thus when a propeny or part of it ' t ts assumed that th
cannot be enjoyed without exercising a panicular privilege, it is known as an easement.of necessity. A fixed amount of th . . e property loses its value by the same am
e ongma] cost is ded ount every year.
3. Prescriptive right : When a property has enjoyed without interruption a privilege from time immemorial it is said to value is lefL Ucted every Year, so that at the d f .. ·
en o the Utility period only the scrap
have acquired a prescriptive right Thus to create an easement. a property must have had uninterrupted enjoyment of the
privilege for a period of no less than 20 years. But to acquire easement on Government property, the prescriptive period
Annual Depreciation (D) = £.:1 .
is not less than 60 years.
Where, C - Original cost
4. Due to custom : An casement may be acquired by virtue of local tradition belonging to a class or locality. It must be
S = Salvage or scrap value

reasonable and applicable to a well defined locality only.
n = Life of property in year
5. Due to transfer of dominant beritage : When 3 person purchases a property with easement right he automatically
This method is generally used ~
acquires the same because easement moves with the Property and not with !he person. or detemtiniog the·cost depreciation for
and loss financial statement. tax purpose as well as for preparing profit

6. Through legislation : An easement may be imposed by Government by legislation. To control pollution of water air or
~ 2. Constant percentage metbod
lo control sound etc. a Government may pass necessary Acts by legislation.
This method also kno deer ·
~ 1 t.9 DEPRECIATION wn as mmg balance method or written down value method or equal percentage method.

·------------------ ---------------- ------ ---------- --- ---- ---------------- -- ----------------- -------------------------------------. In this method, it is assumed !hat the property wil\ lose its value by a constant perce ta f .

. . n ge o us value at the
!UQ. 1.1-.'l.l. WhAt is dtpruiation ? MU ·Dec 18 1 Mark begmnmg of every year. ·
·-------------------------------- ----------------------------------·---------------------· ···-----····-------··-----·----·--------·
Following expression is used to ftnd !he depreciation by this method.
The loss in the value of property due to its use, life. wear, tear. decay and obsolescence is called as depreciation.
Constant percentage (P) = 1 _ (~) "'
lt is assessment of physical wear and tear of building or property and is naturally depend on its original condition,
quality of maintenance and mode of use. Where, S = Scrap value ; C =Original cost

total cost may be allowed as depreciation to determine its present value.

Usually a percentage of depreciation per year is allowed.

There arc different methods for calculation of depreciation.

The value of a building will be gradually reduced because of its use, life, wear and tear etc. and a certain percentage of

Following two points are to be noted for this method :

(i) Above expression of (P) will fail when S = 0

N = Life of property in years

When ratio(~) is very small then depreciation for the first year will be considerable.
~ 11.10 METHODS OF DEPRECIATION ~ 3. Sinking hsnd method
-------------------------------------------------------------------.. ----------------------------------------------------------- In this method depreciation of property is a~sumed to be equal to the annual sinking fund plus the interest on the
MU • Dec. 18. 4 Marks
UQ. 1.1..3.0.1. explt.~in I1"!J ol\t Jllllt;Md For calculating tH dtpruiation. .. ......................... .
-------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- -- ----------

fund for that year, which is supposed to be invested on interest bearing investment.
Following are the various method used 10 calculate the depreciation : This method is based on a well established principle of compound interest.

I. Straight line method. But this method docs not consider consumption of usefulness of the property.

2. Constant percentage method nr decl ining balance method . The process of arriving at the depreciation percentage involve three stages:

1 Sinking fund method. (a) Find annual sinking fund (p)

i = rate of interest
4. Quanlily survey method. p = (I t i)' - I
5. Sum of the digits method. n =life huilding in year

6. I}nil COSI method.

••.A ,f,fl'H/N S/Wf r...,,.,..

Ttth-Neo Pu!Jlieation• ........... IJ7Jr.n: Authorr inKflin: innofllion
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Twh-N.u Pul.lieation• ........... Wl1r.ff' Author~ lu•piff' in1111¥0ii11n

1il OuantSurvey, Ell!. & Valuation (MU-5em. 7.Civil)

auantSurvey, Esti. & Valuation

(b) Fiad 8Callaldaled UMiant q

q = ll+')"-1

~ t t . t 2 SINKING FUND
rf~ ~::: -.~~ ~-
(MU-Sern. 7-cMI)

··:~-,. ~··:·~?7··....,....,;_.... ,._ ................


d JQ- ·1-1-.1-2.1- Writt·flot«s·-' ·// '-' . :r:··--·-···----

f~; :S.u:z..2 .w :;:::r;r .,,~,?!~,~~·· . :. ,-.----·.-::-,/·s;::··.--;-~::,---....__
(c) . ~ Pft"Ceella&e:

For 'n' years = (p x q)

' >________
' _______
. _____ritt • on:
. . l'lot4is ·" ·c~
· ., . .of's;;ia,:..l..'
. . . .,_ __
....... . . . ..._·,J .. ~---...... :~~ :.. '•
~ :/?'"fi:.•MIIll. '
:~ -, ·~· .
An amount which h~ to be ·-----·----'-u.~:'!........... :_ · ·
Normally l"aiC of interest for sinking fund is taken between 3.5 % to 5%. kept aside fi . ------------------------
life of building, the fund sh . at txed mtervaJs of time, out of tbe . ----------------·------ '
~ ... Qautity IUI"Vey IDetbod . . ouJd accumulate to be initial cost . gross mcome so that at the end of the USeful
As building subjected to of property IS called as sinking fund .
nonnat wear and .

This is most widely used method in which the property is studied in detail and loss in value owing to the physical he will loose both structure and . tear. It value goes on decrease with its age and if .
deterion!tion is WIXted OUt. . . mcome at end of useful life of owner not take prteautioo, fund created by regular periodi property.
Tbe amount spent or to be spent to modemization or imponant ch3nges so as to offset obsolescence is worked out. fu c payments which accum 1
use I for owner for replacement or reco tru . u ate at compound interest will fonn amouni whicb will
ns cuon of structu ·

Tbe basis of this method is observation and nO! assumption. Sink.iiJ fu d re at rts end of utility period.
g n may be created by takin a s. .
~ s. Sam of h dlcits metbocl s· . g inking fund policy with any insurance policy fund can be calculated depends on following factor : .
In this method, the sum of the arithmetic series of numbers from I to n, where n is the probable life of property is (a) Life of the building or structure.

(b) Rate of interest on bank deposits or government securities.
Tbe depreciation coefficient of a specific year is then found out by fraction having numerator equal to the
(c) Scrape value of building which ~ assumed .
difference between digits of total life and digits of balance period and denominator equal to the sum of digits. 0
. as .I tunes cost of COnstruction at end of its useful life.
n x (a+ l) Annual sinking fund , ---!.._
Sum of dlcits (l+i)" -1
Where, i "' rate of interest ; n"' useful life of propeny
~ 6. Uait cost metboc1

Method is applicable to machine and other equipments, where it is possible to work out the cost per unit output.
In this method, it is assumed that machine after n year of use wili give the same unit cost of output during its
remaining year of life.
~ 11. t3 YEARS PURCHAsED (Y.P.)
As a figure or multiplier which h
· li
w en mu1Up ed by the net income gives the capitalised value of propeny
matenal date of valuation is called as years purchase (Y.P.)

Capitalized Value "' Net Income x Years Purchase

~ t t .t t OBSOLESCENCE Capitalized Value
:. Y.P. "' Net Income
When the value of property become less due to its out of date in style, in structure, in design elegance etc. then it is
Y. P. is capital sum required to be invested, so as to receive a net annual income as annuity of Rs. 100 at certain ra1e of
called as obsolescence. interest.

Even though the property is physically sound and strong, the value of property reduces because of changes in fashion, 100 100
:. Y.P. "' Rateoflnterest "'j Where "' Rateofinterest
new inventions, improvements in design technique, modem facilities etc.
Y.P. calculated for single rate and dual rate.
Obsolescence does not depend upon the age of the property, as value of property may reduce suddenly.

Obsolescence cannot be calculated by any method. Y.P. (dual rate) "'

T+i I = sinking fund JL(l~]
+i l -1
E.g. older building with massive wall compare with current advance light weight wall,lndian toilet (w.c.) compare with
western toilet.
r~:-~~:;:.;~~---~~~dlh~-~~-~~~~-~~-~~~-~~-~-~~i•:~~--:--\ Modult
' .
\ ::e~~=~ ·on :Btlti~~g
- of----···-----
- - -- --- ·de11F"IIM4 \
_,.A SACHINSHAH Y<Dture Teda-Neo Publicalion~........... IJ'Mre Authon iJupire imHmlioll

auant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation

Ji] OuantSurvey. Esli. & Valualion (MU-8em. 7.CMl) (11-18) Valuation
(MU-Sem. 7·CiviJ)
- Then net profit is rn . . (11-19)

r A] . . . . . of=
Methods of valuation can~ classified as.

for IMd will!

1 BJ lhthod ol Vlluallon
In this method val .

Also known
u !Jphed by Y.P. to e
• Uahon rnay
work out to be
as accounts method and
. .
g t capuahsed value
too high in com ·
may regular!
panson with cost of constructi

-.1 1. Reral methpd_ 1. Betting method.

4• Development or ......... ·
•~ruual method
YUsed for rating pulJlO
-.1 2. DnCI ~I method. 2. Companlllve method. In this method
• probable increase · .
addition, alteration or . . 10 net Income from the existin .
-.( 3. Profit based method. modlticallon in that propen g propeny IS worked out by considerin
3. Abstractive method.
~ ~- ~ g~
-.[ 4 · ~or residual method.

me ts applicable to property .

. possessmg developme t
Use simple equation to check . n or redevelopment potentiality
-.[ 5. Based on CXlSI ONXlntraclors method. potenllality. ·

..j. 6. Book value method. A-B c

Where, A

Value of complete development
~ 7. Present land value melllod. B Total ·
ure on Improvement of property
Fig. ll.J4.1
C Value of site at present condition
w (A) Method of vall.llltlon for land with building 5. Based on cost or contractor's method

1. Rental method
In this method highest and best value of open land with due provision for ob . .
then added to the depreciated cost of the strucure.
t structtve factor IS worked out and it is
This method is U5ed if building is used on rental basis or when the probable rent from building can be finalized by
local authority. This method is applicable for building like hospital, libraries tow hall I' .
· n · po 1ce statiOn, temple, special factory etc
6. Book value method ·
Adop! foUowing procedure for valuation by rental method :

(i) Find out gross rent from property in term of rent collected. This method is applicable to building which doe t .

(iii) Calculate net rent =Gross rent- all outgoing

(ii) Calculate all ou~going from property like taxes, insurances, annual repair and maintenance etc.

(iv) Assume suitable rate of interest offered by nationalised bank and government agencies, to find Y.P.
school, police station building.
s no get any rent or no direct ev1·d

Suitable for recording valuation of assets in balance sheet f .

f· . .
ence o mcome from 11 like

o companies or government office records etc.

Book value= [Original cost of construction]- [Depreciated by straight line metbod) +[Original cost of land]
7• Present land value method ·
Years purchase (Y.P.) = assume rate of interest
In this method instead of taking original cost of land, present market land value is considered.
(v) lben valuation of properties i.e. capitalized purchase is worked out by :
Valuation of property= [Original cost of construction)- (Depreciation for past life] + [Present market value of land)

Capitalized purchase = Net rent x Y.P. rent.

a- (B) Method of valuation of land only
~ 2. Direct comparison of capital value method
~ 1. Belting method :
Direct comparison of capital value method is adopted when the rental value is not available from property
This m~thod is adopted when plot of big size is to valuated or when plot with less frontage and more depth is to he
concerned, but there are evidences of sale price of properties of whole. valuated.
In such case capitalised value of property is fixed by direct comparison with capitalised value of similar property As value of land decreases depth of plot increase, i.e. front land abutting road is more valuable than rear land away
sold in recent past in same locality. from road.

~ 3. Profit based metbod Instead of estimating an average rate of land, the plot of land is divided into number of convential strips i.e. zone
or belt by lines parallel to centre line of road.
This method of valuation is suitable for building like hotels, cinema houses and public places for which capitalized
Generally, plot divided into three belt.
·value depends on the profit from business or trade.
(a) Depth of first belt near the road is adjusted.
In this method net annual income worked out by deducting all outgoing from gross annual income.
(b) Depth of second belt is kept SO% more than I" belt.
Tech-Nee Publialtiom-- WMn. Authon itupirt iluHMiioD _....4 SACHINSHAH Yenluro Teeb-NeG PubliutiGns.........- Aullwn inspire innor~tion

s Ouait.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil) (11-20) Valuation

auantSurvey, Esti. & Valuation (Mt LC>._

&' SOin.:
~- 7-Civil)

(c) Depih of 3"' belt is kept 50% men than 2111 belL

AsllertainiDg a rate per sq1111re meter of laod for the first belt, the value of each belt is wort out.

MultipJy uea of each belt by respective related rate per unit area.

A&r summing up the value of each belt the value of entire plot of land can be known. 148.42m



f----1 UGlJFia, h 11.15.1(1)
= ~000 =SOOm

Road Depth of plot
(IGI!fl&. 11.14.2 : Bellin& metbod
As depth of plot is more as com d .
pare to the frontage, belting method adopted in tbi
Area ofl and m
· margin space s case.
In this method, the various transaction of nearby lands are properly studied and then a fair rate of land under
Wbere number of construction allowed = (40 x 30) = 1200 ml

consideration is work out.
Remaining depth = 500- 30 = 470 m
Applicable in ca5e of market or area wbere there are large number of statistics available for comparison.
The property is divided into three belts with depth of front belt (as I belt) middl bel
Factor to be consider during analysis of sale instances are : Situation, size, shape, frontage and depth, return as follows : ' e I (as ll belt), rear belt as (Ill belt)
frontage restriction and development. :. for fmding first belt
• 3. Abstnc:tiTe method

Method is useful wben no information is available regarding land transaction in nearby area i.e. not sales of land
are frequently occurring.

:. Depth of I" Belt

x + 1.5x + 2.25x = 470

2.25 X


u... Belt
470 m

Procedure: 00
ll Belt 148.43m,
xm 1• Belt
(a) Worted out capitalized value of nearby property fetching rent (C).
(b) Cost of building (S) is obtained by subtracting depreciation from estimated cost. 222.63m. 40m

(c) Difference (C-S) gives value of land. Hence, area of each belt work out as follows :
(IGJJF!a, El. 11.15.1 (b)

~ 11.15 PROBLEM ON VALUATION Area of I" belt = (98.95 x 40) =3958 m2

Area ofll00 belt (148.43 x 40) = 5937.2 m2
Ex. 11.15.1
A plot of land is situated along a highway. The plot has an area of 2()()()() Sq. m with single frontage of width 40 m along Area of illnl belt =
(222.63 x 40) 8905.20 m2
highway. The front 30 m along the plot from the edge of highway is kept reserved for providing gardening and other for
Considering shape, size, frontage and ground level and other factor affecting land value, rate of land for I" belt is
green pwpose, also remaining 3 sides of plot is prohibited from any son of construction under law. Assuming that the
taken as Rs. 22.5 % per m • Take lind belt rate as~ of I" belt i.e.[·:
( ~ = 22.5) ]
2 20 25
prevailing rate of land varies between Rs. 20/Sq.m to Rs. 25/sq.m.

Fmd the value of the property. 2

= J X 22.5 Rs. = 15/Perm2
I 2
Take mrd belt rate as half of I" belt = 2 X 22.5 Rs. = 11.52 / per m •

auant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU Se
- m. 7-Civil)
I§l Ouant.Survey, Est!. & Vaklatlon (MlJ.Sem. 7-{;lvil) (11-22) Valuation
Depth of:
Hence value or property woct ou1 as foUo~ :
-= Valuation
l"belt lOOm,
FRSt Belt (3958 X 22.5) = Rs. 89055.00 2nd belt = IOOx 1.5 : 150m
Secood Belt (5937.2 X 15) =Rs. 89058.00 3'd belt = 600- (100+ 150)
Third Belt (8905.20 x 11.25) = Rs. 100183.50
Fmn margin ~
(1200 X 5) = Rs. 6000.00
By similar A, 400 X
TOIIII " Rs.l, 84, 296..5 600 250
Ex. 11-15.2
X = 166.67

Fig. Ex. 11 .15.2 (a) shows the plan of piece of land fronting 60m wide national highway. The land is suilable for developing 400 ...L
COIIIIIJe:rCW activities like hotel, commen:ial complex ele. Detemline value of land by belting melhod.
600 100

Use following data : y 66.67

(a) Depth of frool bell : I00 m 2
(b) Presen! market rale for froDI Bell : Rs. 1000 I m Area calcuJatioo
Plot Arealosq.m
!"belt 600 X 100 = 600()()
= 60IXXl
2nd belt

600 X!50= 900()(}
£x90000 = 60IXXl
3rd belt 600 X350 = 21()(}()() l
2X2)()(}()() = 105000
4.. plol I
2 X 100 X 66.67 = 3333.5 3
4x3333.5 =2500.125
5tbplot I
2 X(66.7 + 166.67) X !50= 17502.75 3 2

U 6'" plot I
2 X (166.67 + 400) X 350 = 99167.25
;jXJX 17502.75 .= 8751.37
3 l
4x2x99167.25 = 37187.71

Total = 273439.205
(IG4) Ftg. Ex. 11.15.2 (a) As market rate for front belt is Rs. 1000/m2
:. Value of plot (land)
It! Soln.:
1000 X 273439.205
· Rs. 27,34,39,205.00


Detennine the present fair market value of property from following data :
600 - 250 = 350 m 1. Built-up area of building= 200 sq.m
2. Area of plot = 600 sq.m.
3. Year of construction = 1983
2rwJ Belt 100x 1.5 =150m
4. Present cost of construction of similar structure= Rs. 1500 sq.m
5. Present value of land in locality = Rs. 400/sq.m
1.,Ben 100m
6. Annual gross rent from property = Rs. 8000/-
600m 7. Return on capital investment= 8%

(IGS) Fig. Ex.l1.15.2 (b) 8. Redemption capital = 5%

Tetb-Neo PublitatioDA-- Inere Au/bon iDspirt iluJtwJtioo ••..A SACHINSIWI Yeoture
auant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU,sem. 7-Civil)
(11-24) Valuatio~ VaJuaUon
= 0.06 , n = 4 year
9. Future life of building = 40 years
10. TOial outgoing= 30% of annual gross ~a~t 0.06
= [ (I + 0.06)'- I
II. Reversionary value oflaod at 6% rate of interest.
= 0.2285
~ Soln..:
Book value of hot mix plant . = (cost of plant- scrap value) xI
Gross Inrome = Rs. 8001V-

Net Income = 8000- outgoing = [10,00,000-1,00,000] x.0.2285

= Rs. 205650
= 8000-U~x sooo)

= 8000-2400 = Rs. 56001-
A person wish to sell his building at Rs. 15.00 lakhs. The life of building may be considered as 80 years and scrap value as
Now, Y.P. (dual rate) = T+i' JO%. Find the depreciated value of building if the current age of building is 20 year, also what price the building should be

purchased 7
Where, i = 0.08 (as rate of interest on capital= 8%) and ( = 0.05 (as redemption capital= 5%)
li?J Soln.:
. and :::) sinking fund
Present cost constructions= Rs. 1500000/-
i' J[
= [ (I + i')"- I = (1.05)46 - I
J Scrap value 10% X 15,00,000
.. . (C)

= 8.278 x w·3 1,50,000 ... (S)
I n = 80 year
·- Y.P. = o.os + (8.278 x w-~ C-S
. . Depreciation per year
.. Y.P. = 11.32 (i = rate of interest on redemption of capital)
1500000- 150000
Now, 80

Capitalised value = [Net income x Y.P.) + Reversionary value of land. Rs. 16,875 /-
Currentiiiliiket value of land] . . Depreciation at 20 year 20 x Rs. 16875
5600 X I 1.32 + [ (I + 0.06)
Rs. 3,37,500/-
63392+[~~?] . . Building should be purchased at cost
Rs. 86725.32 1500000 _·337500

Ex. 11.15.4 Rs. 11,62,500/-

Detemline book vaiue of bot mix plant after 4 years by sinking fund method. Ex.11.15.6

Use following data A person wish to purchase a building at an estimated cost of Rs. 10 lakhs. The age of building is 40 years and well
(i) Cost of plant : Rs. I0 lakhs. maintained. The life of structure may considered as 80 years. At what cost should the person purchase the building ?

(ii) Scrap value : Rs. I lakhs

0 Soln.:
Cost of building= Rs. 10 lakhs. (C)
(iii) Life of mixing plant : 10 year
Assume scrape value as I 0% of cost of building.
(iv) Rate of interest on government security= 6%
~ Soln.: . . S = JOO X 1000000= Rs. 100000

Sinking fund method C- S I000000- I00000

Depreciation per year = h 80

Sinking fund (I)

[ (
(I +tJ"-1
J - Rs. 11,250/-
_,.4 SA CHIN SHAll Yenlu~ Tec:b-Neo Publicatioru ... - ..... Whe~ Aulbors inspi~ innov•tion

~ Ouantsurvey, Esti.
auant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. ?.Civil) (11-27)
& Valuation (MU-Sem. ?.Qvft) Valuation

-~ ~
(11·26) MU · 0 4 a . Ma 16. 8 Marks
:. Depreciation at 4fP year .
W~cr$ mixture was ~.based for Rs. 60 lacs. Assufuiog. the salvag!) value {if~·,51~~ at :the c~.4 ofU Y¥· ~~
40 x 11250
Rs. 4,50,000/. ~ bOOk value and depreciation at the end of ftrst five years, by constant pcrtcotage ~ . • . · '
· · Person should pun:base building at cost gJ sotn.:
= 1000000-450000 = Rs. 5,50,0001- By constant percentage method
.~z": _: ~~--_; -~-· · ~
UEx.11.11.71111MfiM1tM+:jild '· ,> \
p = ,_,c
(S) IIn
~person~ • P.lot ~g 450 tq~
ll lbe.rate of Rs. ·6000 per sq. m. the~ be'co~:a b~ow (on that
P ot) of built up area 150 sq. ~· lbe cost of c:qostructi<io'beilig· Rs. 12.000 per sq..IlL ~l'i the oivner wishes to let this s Salvage value = 5,00,000/- n =11

property. (plot and bungalow together) on lllonlbfy mtta1 basis. He except net return .of 6% on land cost arid 12%. · . C Cost of mixer = 60,00,000/-
bungalow cosi. · 0 11.
( 5 00 000) 1111
CoDBi~g lbe Olllgoiog m of gross income, suggest suitable ~y rent for this property to.Qwner, · p 1-~~ =0.2022
1t'I Soln. :

I. Depreciation for I" year 60,00,000 x 0.2022 = Rs. 12,1 3,200.00
Standard rent (gross net} Net return + outgoing
:. Book value after !" year = 60,00,000 -1213200 =Rs. 47,86,800/-
(A) Net return
2. Depreciation for 2"" year 47,86,800 x 0.2022 = Rs. 9,67,890.96
I. Cost of bungalow COnstruction
:. Book value after 2"" year = 47,86,800 - 9,67,890.96 = Rs. 38,18,909.04

= !50 X 12000 = Rs. 18,00,000 3. Depreciation for 3'" year = 38,18,909.04 x 0.2022 = Rs. 7,72,183.40
. . Net return on bungalow construction :. Book value after 3'" year = 38,18,909.04 - 7,72,183.40 = Rs. 30,46,725.63
IOO X 18,00,000= Rs. 2,16,000/- 4. Depreciation for4"' year = 30,46,725.63 x 0.2022 = Rs. 616047.92
.. .(i)
.. Book value after 4"' year = 30,46,725.63 - 61,6047.92 = Rs. 24,30,677.70
2. Cost of land= 450 x 6000 = Rs. 27,00,000/-

:. Net return on land

:. Annual net return

{B) Outgoing
x 27,00,000 = Rs. 1,62,000/-

(i} + (ii} = 2,16,000 + 1,62,000 = Rs. 3,78,000/-

U ... (ii}
5. Depreciation for 5"' year = 24,30,677.70 x 0.2022 = Rs. 4,91 ,483.03
:. Book value after 5"' year = 24,30,677.70 - 4,91,483.03 = Rs. 19,39,194.66
Ans. :Depreciation for 5"' year = Rs. 4,91,483.03
Book value after 5th year = Rs. 19,39,194.66
As all outgoing is 30% of gross income, OR
Let assume gross income i.e. gross return as x. We can also find out depreciation cost after 5 year directly using following equation.
( S)mln
:. All outgoing 0.30x Depreciation cost after 5 years = C \.C

. . Gross rent Net return + Outgoing (.soooooY'1

60,00,000 \.~)
X = 3,78,000+ 0.30 X
0.7 X 3,78,000 Rs. 19,39,163.01

X = 5,40,000 UEx. 11.15.9 MU - 0 . 6(a . Ma 17.8 Marks

Abuilding ne~ly constructed including services costs Rs. 20 lacs over a plot of land costing Rs. 7 lacs. Workout monthly
i.e. Gross rent Rs. 5,40,000
standard rent per flat from the following data :
. . Standard (gross} rent per month from bungalow= - - - = Rs. 45,000 (i) Expected net return from building at 8.5%
(ii) Expected net return from land at 5%
(iii) Rate of interest on sinking fund = 4%

Trd.-Neo Publications........... Wb. , Authors in!!pire inooYatioo .A SACHINSIWI r.-tom

Ouantsurvey, Eaa. & v
~ ('-IU-sen,. 7-cMI) (11-28) ouant.Survey, Eati. & Valuation (MU·Sem. 7-cMJ) (11 -2e)
{iv) Design life ofbuiJding Valuation

X :: 2,05,000 + 13266 +0.285 X .

0.715 X 2,18,266

X 3,05,267.13

X : Rs. 3,05,268.00
Slaodard rent or gross rent
:: Netreturn+OUI80ing . standard rent per month of each of flat
.. = -305268
- - = Rs. 25,439.00
(A) AniiUII net 111twn 12
. :~-·}:.~'',;' , ' . ,"'
MU · 0 4 b Dec 17 10 r.1ark s
Net mum from building ~ ';,~·, ~~~::·J~~/~;

(i) (8 5 ' . ' .; ' ' ' ' 'I·' ' :·'

at .5% = 100 X 20,00,(XK)l =Rs. 1.70,(XK) ~owner of a building get a net iiimuat ·reni.·of Rs. 35,000. '!be rutilre:life of building is estimated 12 y~:B~Eff
J ;recommended repairs aie carried out illllliediately at an estimated ~t- of Rs. 3,00,000/- it is expected to·i• roi~ ~~
Net mum from laud at 5% -
(...L 1
loo x 7.oo.<XK>r Rs. 35.<XK> }o years. ·' · - · .. ·. • : J · ' _,•

~ming the rate of interest as 8% arut cite of inreiest on sinking fund 6% . Determine whether it is eci)nomicaJ't:~·;

.·. Annual net~ .
= (i) + (ii) = I,70,(XK) + 35,<XK> = Rs. 2,05,<XK!.OO
(B) Outgoing ~ recommended repair to Jhe build)ng or.leayeif~ it is. ..
It! Soln.:
(a) Total oini.-;M
- fund allowing 10% salvage value Net rent per annual= Rs. 35,000/-

I 00 - I 0 = 90% of building cost A) Value before repair

(20,00,()()() X 0.9) = Rs. 18,00,000/- As rate of interest on sinking fund is 6% and future life of building is 12 years.
Annuai sinking fund I S X i' :. Coefficient of sinking fund
(I+ i')" -I
I = i' 0.06
(I+ i')' -I = (l + 0.06t- I- 0.0592
Wberei' = 4% n=80

18,00,(XK) X

Rs. 3265.2 Rs. 3266.00
0.04 Ill
(I +0.04) -I

U ...(a)
Where i
Year purchase (Y. P.) = i +


Rate of interest = 8% = 0.08

0.08 + 0.0592 = 7·183
(b) Annual repair and maintenance are % of building cost
:. Capitalize value Rs. 35,000 X 7.183 =Rs. 2,51 ,405.00
0.5 .1
( 100 X 20,00,(XK)) (B) Value after repair

Rs. 10,000 As sinking fund coefficient for 30 years

.. . (b)
I 0.06
(c) Taxes and other outgoing= 28.5 of gross rent = (I + 0.06)30- l = 0.0126
Let assume gross rent x I l
Year purchase = T+I- 0_08 +O.Ol 26 = 10.799
:. Taxes and other outgoing 0.285 X ... (c)
:. Capitalized value = Rs. 35,000 x 10.799 = 3,77,965.00
:. Total outgoing (a)+ (b)+ (c)
The difference of value after and before repair=> Rs. 3,77,965- Rs. 2,51,405 = Rs. 1,26,560/-
3266 + 10,000 + 0.285 X Since the estimated cost of repair Rs. 3,00,000/- is greater than the increased value of the building after repair
13,266 + 0.285 X Rs. 1,26,560/-, it is not economical to carry out the recommended repair and so it is better to leave it as it is. Moduk
Standard rent (gross rent) Net return + Outgoing

__ _, SACmNS/l411 l'eDture
auantSurvey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. ?-Civil)
fiJ OuantSurvey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil) (11-30) Valuation (11-31)

UEx.1US.11 MU- 0 6 a . Ma 18. 10 Marks

11p.11.1s.12 'Nl"•Yiiilitit:+ui@IJ Valuation

. cost Rs. 70 lakhs on a plot of valuatJOD

. Rs. 100 lakhs· Ten flats of 120 sq. m. each are pecerminc standard rent per flat from the following data :
A newly building
constructed. A bUilding is constructed newly with costs of Rs 55 lalchs
Fix !he mon!hly reo! per flat from following da!a 75 sq.m'. area each are construcled. . on a plot of valuation RQO laXhs. Building consists of 20 Oats of
(i) Net return on land and building= 10%
(i) Net return on land·and building= 9% (ii) Life of building =40 years
(ii) Life of building= SO years
(iii) Interest rate on Sinking fund= 5% (iv) Salvage Value= IO%
(iii) Interest rate on sinking fund =5%
(iv) Salvage value= 10% of cos! of building M Repairs and Maintenance_= 2.5% of the building cost
(v) Repair and. maintenance = 3% of building cost (vi) Taxes and other expenses = 20 % of the gross rent.

(vi) Taxes and olher expenses= 20% of gross renL Soln.:
li11 Soln.:
1. Annual net return required
l. Annual oel mum required
Net return on land and building is 9%

Net return on land and building is 10%
(0.09 X 55,00,000) + (0.09 X 70,00,000)
(70,00,000 x 0. 1) + (100,00,000 x O.l) = Rs. 17,00,000/-
Rs. 1,125,000/-
2. Outgoing
2. Outgoing

(a) Tolal sinking fund allowing 10% salvage value
(a) Tolal sinking fund allowing 19% salvage value= 100- 10 = 90% of building cost
I00 - I0 = 90% of building cost
55,00,000 X 0.90
(70,00,000 X 0.9) = Rs. 63,00,000

Annual sinking fund

s··-:-- - 63 00 000 X
--=.:..• 0 06
. 50
Rs. 49,50.000/-
( l + i'l" - 1 - . ' (1+0Jl6) -1 Annual sinking fund, I Si'

(l +i')" - 1
63,00,000 X 3.444 X 10- J
WhereS Total amount of the sinking fund
21697.2 =Rs. 21698.00 .. .(a)

(b) Annual repair and maintenance are 3% of building cost : Rs. 49,50,000/-

I~ i' = Rate of interest of sinking fund in decimal = 0.05

= x 70,00.000 = Rs. 2, I0,000 .. .(b)

n = Number of years= 40
(c) Taxes and other expenses are 20% of gross rent
Si 0.05
:. I
Let assume rent as · x' . (I +i'), - 1 = 49,50,000 X (I+ 0.0 5 )~ _ I

. . Taxes and olher expenses Rs. 0.20 x . .. (c) 49,50,000 X 8.278 X 10-J
:. Tolal outgoing (a) + (b) + (c) = 21,698 + 2,10,000 + 0.20 x Rs. 40,976.89 =Rs. ·40,977.00 ... (a)

2,31,698 + 0.20 X
(b) Annual repair and maintenance are 2.5%of building cost
Standard rent (i .e. gross renl) (Ne! return) + (Tolal outgoing)
~~ X 55,00,000
17,00,000 + 2,31 ,698 + 0.20 X
... {b)
= Rs. l ,37.500
0.8 X 19,31 ,698

X = 24,14,622.5 =24,14,623.00 (c) Taxes and other expenses are 20% of gross rent iYiil
24 14 623
.. Standard rent per monlh of each of I0 flats = 12• x· 10 = Rs. 20•121 ·85-= Rs· 2012200
' · Let assume standard rent as 'x' · ...(c) -

Te<h-Neo PubliatioOB........... lnere Authors irupirr: inoov•tion .....A SACHIN SIIAH Venture -~~~~~~~~nse~sz.=~R;.s;,.o;..2;o;,x~~~------------~-----------_:_j£j~fl£UM~WW~ShUHUH~ru~t~urr:;-
:. Taxes and other expe
. .
Te<b-Neo PubhattoDJ--..-
. . .
li'Aerr: Authors iospue JDno,../JOII
auant.Survey, Esti. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7·Civil)
.. (11 _33)

1§1 OuantSurvey, Esli. & Valuation (MU-Sem. 7-Civil) (11-32) [ Valuation )
. . Toul outgoing (a)+ (b)+ (c) Form0-1
40.977 + 1.37.500 + 0.20 X Report of valuation of immovabl . · -
. e property (other than agricultural lands• piantalion, ~crests, mined
. and quanies)
1.78.477 + 0.20 X Part - I (Questionnaire)
Standard rent (gross reml (Net return)+ (total outgoing) All question is to be answered by the reg~stered
valuer. If an · .
·-'· .;nn he may indicate so. y parttcu1ar question does not apply to the property under
X 11.25.000 + 1.78_477 +0.20 X
If the space provided is not sufficient, details rna be .
0.8 X 13.03.477 Y attached on separate sheet (or Annexure).

Name of the Registered valuer
X 16.29.346.25 =16,29.347 Registration liUIDber
16 29 347 General
· · Standard rent per month of each of 20 Oats = 12· X·20 1. Purpose for which valuation is made.

R.s. 6788.94 Rs. 6789.00 2. Date as on which valuation is made.

Q ~iB Dec 19 8 Marks

3. Name of owner/owners.
UEx.11.15.13 1,1U ·
A leasehold propeny is to produce a net annual income or 550.000 for the next 30 years. The owner expects a return of 8% 4. If property is under joint ownership, co-ownership share of each such owner.
on his capital and also seiS apan a sinking fund instalment to accumulate at 7% annually to replace the capital. Determine the 5. Brief description of property.

valui of the property. 6. Location, street, ward no.
0 Soln.: 7. Survey/plot no. of land.
_I_ 8. Is the property situated in residential/commercial/mixed areallndustrial area
As year purchase (Y .P.) i+l
9. Classiftcation of locality : high class/middle class/poor class
Where i Rate of interest on capital and expressed in decimal
10. Proximity to civic amenities like school, hospttals,


As I
0.08 (i.e. 8%)
Coefficient of sinking fund. to replace the capital.
(I + i')• - I
U 11.

offices, markets cinemas etc.
Means and proximity to surface communication by which the locality is served.

Area of land supported by documents : proof shape, dimensions and physical features.
13. Roads, street or lanes on which the land is abutting.
Where, i' Rat.e of interest for sinking fund and expressed in decimal =O.D7 (7%l
14. It is freehold or lease-hold land
. . For 30 year ~ 15. lf lease-hold, the name of lessor or lessee, nature of lease, date of commencement and
i' 0.07 termination of lease and terms of renewal of lease.

(I + i')• - I - (I + 0.07) - I
(i) Initial premium
0.01058 (ii) Ground rent payable per annum
(iii) Unearned increase payable to the le~sor in the event of sale or transfer.
:. Y.P. i+l =0.08 + 0.01058 =!1.039 16. Is there any restrictive covenant in regard to use of land? If so, attach a copy of
Net income x Y. P. = 5,50,000 x 11 .039 covenant. ..
.. Value of the property
17. Are there any agreement of easement? If so, attach copies.
Rs. 60,71,450.00
Does the land fall in area included in any town planning scheme or any development
18. IModul!_
plan of government or any statutory body? If so, give particular.
Has any contribution been made toward development or if any demand for such
1 contribution still outstanding?
~Tech-Neo Publiutiom........... ll1lett Authon tn§pltt Jnuor~IJoD

.....A SA£11/NSIIA/1 Ventutt

Teth-Neo Publiutiona----·- rrhut Autborr io.<pirr: inoorotion

l§iJ Quant.Survey, Estl & Valuation (MU S
Ouant Survey Esti & v a1ueoon (MU-Sem. 7-Civil)

N11111t ot tbe Reptered valuer

Reglstntloo numbe;- ---

- em. 7-Civll)

Name of the Registered valuer

20. I Registration numb;"
Has the whole or pan of land been notified for acquisition by govexnm:nt or any
stalu!Ory body? Give date of the notification.
- I 38. Give the instance of sales of .
· d' .
•rnmovable property · th 1 .
Altach a dimensioned site pion. m tcatmg the name and add m e ocahty on a separate sheet
ress of the property . . •
area of land hold. • regtstrahon number, sale price and
22. Attach plans aod elevations of all ~1nletUres standing 00 lhe land at lay-out plan.
23. 39.
Fwnisb technical details of the building on a se~te sheet. Land rate adopted in this valuation.
24. (i) Is the building owner-occupied /tenanted /both. 40. lf sale instance are not available or not r r . .
rate. · ep ted upon, the baSIS of arraying at the land

(ii) lf Party owner. Occupied specify portion ond extent of area under ownen;
Cost of construction
25. What is the floor space index permissible and percentage actually utilized? 41.
Year of commencement of construction and year of completion.

Rents 42.
26. (i)
:~~ was the method of construction by contract I by employing labour directly I
Name of tenontsllesseesllicensees etc.
(ii) Portions in their occupation 43.
For items of work done on contract produce copies of agreement
(iii) Monthly or annual rent/compensation/license fee, etc. paid by each.

(iv) Gross amount received for the whole property. For items of work done by labour directly, give basic rates of materials and labour
supported by documentary proof.
27. Are any of the occupants related to or close business association related to the owner?

28. Is separate amount being recovered for the usc of fixtures, like fan, geysers, Part II- Valuation
refrigerators, cooking ranges built in wardrobes etc. or for service charges? If square Here the registered valuer should d. · . · d ·1 · ·
. tscuss m elal hts approach to valuatton of the property and indicate how the valm
given details. has been arnvcd at supported by necessary calculations. .

Give details of water and electricity charges, if any to be borne by the owner.

Has the tenanl

10 hear the whole or part of the cost of repairs and mainlenance? Give
U I hereby declare that :
Part Ill- Declaration

(a) The information furnished in Part-! is true and correct to best of my knowledge and belief.
31. If a lift is installed, who is to bear the cost of maintenance and operation-owner or (b) 1 have no direct or indirect interest in the property valued.
(c) I have personally inspected the property on date :
32. If a pump is installed, who has to bear the cost of maintenance and operalion owner
(d) I have not been convicted of any offence and sentence a term of imprisonment.
or tenant

(e) I have not been found guilty of misconduct in my professional capacity.

33. Who has to bear the cost of electricity charges for lighting of common space like
entrance ball, stairs, passage, compound etc. owner or tenant?

34. What is the amount of property tax who is to bear it? Give details with documentary
proof. Date: Signature of Registered offtcer.
35. Is the building insured? If so give the policy number, amount for which it is insured
and the annual premium
Registration No.
36. Is any dispute between landlord and tenant regarding rent pending in court of law? ...Chuptrr ends

37. Has any started rent been fued for the premises under any law relating to the control
of rent?

Tech-Neo Publiu!Joru.__ IJ'JJen: Aoihon mspu~ Jooo•~lloo -··.A SAC/liN SIIAJI 1-'eoture

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