General Instructions: Read Each Statements Carefully. On The Answer Sheet Provided, Shade The

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General Instructions: Read each statements carefully.

On the answer sheet provided, shade the

letter that corresponds to your answer.  Erasures, alterations, and superimpositions will not be

1. Andres Bonifacio, Teodoro Plata, Valentin Diaz 

and others organized the secret organization called_______.
A. Bandala
B. Encomienda
C. Katipunan
D. Spanish-Filipino Circle
2. What is the method in the Katipunan that 
was approve of taking members but was so 
slow in recruiting of Members?
A. Circle method
B. Networking
C. Square method
D. Triangle method
3. What is the organization of Katipunan that
the women of Katipunan were accepted 
during the Presidency of?
A. Andres Bonifacio
B. Deodado Arellano
C. Emilio Aguinaldo
D. Emilio Jacinto
4. The Sigaw ng Pugad Lawin, alternately and originally 
referred to as the___________. 
  A. Cry of Balintawak
B. Cry of Bulacan
C. Cry of Manila
D. Cry of Pugadlawin
5. How would you recognize a small unit of government consisting of 30-100 families? 
  A. Balangay
B. Barangay
C. Municipality
D. Town
6. What is the main idea of the document was written by Emilio Jacinto in 1896?
  A. Code of Maragtas
B. Code of Kalantiaw 
C. Kalayaan ng Katipunan
D. Kartilya ng Katipunan
7. How can you describe the term "cry"?
  A. The first clash between the Katipuneros 
                  and the Civil guards
B. The clash between the Magdiwangs and 
                 the Magdalos
C. The clash between the Guardia civil and the 
D. The first clash between the Magdalos and 
                  the Macabebe scouts
8. How would you express the concept of stewardship?
  A. Relationship between man and community
B. Relationship between man and the chief
C. Relationship between man and nature
D. Relationship between man and a woman
9. What is the main idea of by process of burning for clearing to increase the land area?
  A. Crop rotation method
B. Deforestation method
C. Kaingin method
D. Land conversion
10. What is the main idea by selling of the Panay Island by the natives to the ten Bornean datus
in exchange of a golden salakot and a long gold necklace?
  A. Acquiring the land of Panay
B. Purchasing the land of Panay
C. Acquiring the land of Panay from the 
                  Native Filipinos
  D. Purchasing the land of Panay from the 
      Natives Filipinos
Read and analyze the sentences in each set. Use the following options for items 11-16.
  A. if only the first sentence is correct.
  B. if only the second sentence is correct
  C. if both sentences are correct.
  D. if both sentences are incorrect

11.   A. Land was commonly owned by the community

                   known as barangay.         
  B. They practiced the concept of killing and 

C 12.  A. The term "cry" referred to the first clash

                  between the Katipuneros and the Civil 
B. Cry could also refer to the tearing up 
                  community tax certificates in defiance of 
                  their allegiance to Spain. 
C 13.  A. The colonial government at this period 
                   introduced a pueblo agriculture
B. The pueblo agriculture practiced no share
                   cropper class or landless class.

14.  A. The Kartilya is a code of conduct, contains 

                  fourteen rules that instruct the way a 
                  Katipunero should behave.
  B. The Native families were landholders and 
                 not land traders. 

B 15.  A. Purchasing the land of Cebu

B. The colonial government at this period 
                   introduced a pueblo agriculture

16.  A. The Katipunan spread to Manila and nearby 

B. The Katipunan spread to Pampanga and nearby 
17.  Marjorie, a 32 year old farmer was working to 
Construction a bridge near their town with the help of her neighbors in order to finish the
bridge on time. This policy being shown in this situation is ________. 
A. Donating
B. Sharing
C. Stewardship
D. Volunteer
18. Myka wants to see some of the historical sites in the Philippines. One of these was the Cry
of Balintawak located in Caloocan. What is this represented to our history?
  A. Filipinization
  B. Realization
  C. Regularization
  D. Secularization
19. Manilyn practices this method by burning bushes for clearing additional land to cultivate.
This method was being practiced during the Pre-Spanish times.
  A. Crop rotation method
B. Deforestation method
C. Kaingin method
D. Land conversion
20. Lani Kris practices stewardship in the church every Sunday a harmony with her
chruchmates. This practice was being during________.
  A. Pre-Spanish Period
B. Spanish Period
C. American Period
D. Japanese Period
21. What do you call if the land granted to the Spanish military as a reward for their service.
A. Encomienda
B. Encomiendero
C. Repartiamentos
D. Land Reform
22. How many native farmers were without titles at the start of the American Era, this was also
aggravated by the absence of records of issued titles?
A. 300,000
B. 400,000
C. 500,000
D. 600,000
23. Who was the president that the land reform programs should be implemented?
A. Diosdado Macapagal
B. Manuel Roxas
C. Elpidio Quirino
D. Manuel Quezon.
24. What is the main idea that allow the enterprising tenant to acquire a form of at least 16
hectares to cultivate?
A. Homestead program of 1903
B. Land Reform Act
C. Phil. Bill of 1902
D. The Common Wealth
25. How would you express land cultivation?
A. Kaingin system
B. Land Reforestation 
  C. Land Reform
  D. Phil. Bill of 1903
26. What idea validates direct taxes which the citizens were to put up their products for sale at
a cheap price?
A. Bandala
B. Land Cultivation
C. Land Reform
  D. Polo Y Servicio
27. What can you point out about the farmer will do the forced labor evolved within the frame
of the encomienda system?
A. Bandala
B. Land Cultivation
C. Land Reform
  D. Polo Y Servicio

28. To promote Christianity and easily govern 

their colony, the Spanish missionaries forced 
the people to house in one area that was fully
pacified. This system was known as _______.
A. Reconcentration
B. Reducciones
C. Remontadones
D. Retociones
29. How would you explain the main reason why the peasants and workers organized
  A. To took over vast tracts of lands and gave 
                  the land and harvest to the people.
  B. To gave the rights to the Japanese to own
                  agricultural lands.
  C. To confiscate the large land estates.
  D. To took lands and sale to the Japanese 
30. How can you describe President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo did adopted the BAYAN-ANIHAN
concept as the Implementing Framework of CARP?
   A. BAYAN-ANIHAN means united people 
                  working together for the successful 
                  implementation of Agrarian Reform.
  B. Because she wants to get lands and 
                 distribute to the peasants.
  C. It credited for enhancing the Internal 
                  Operating System.
  D. It credited for tapping more resources to 
                  help implement the program.

Read and analyze the sentences in each set. Use the following options for items 31-36.
  A. if only the first sentence is correct.
  B. if only the second sentence is correct
  C. if both sentences are correct.
  D. if both sentences are incorrect

31. A. March 28, 1942

  B. March 29, 1942

32. A. A law that provided regulations on the 

                 disposal with public lands where in a 
                 private individual can own 16 hectares of 
B. A law that provided regulations on the 
                  disposal with public lands where in a 
                  private individual can own 17 hectares of 

33. A. Executive Order No. 355 the Land 

                  Resettlement Development Corporation 
  B. Executive Order No. 355 the Land 
                  Land Development Corporation 
C 34. A. Manuel Roxas implements 
                 Republic Act. No. 34
  B. 70-30 sharing arrangement between tenant 
                  and landlord. 
C 35. A. It aimed to free tenants from the bondage 
                  of tenancy and gave hope to poor Filipino 
                  farmers to own the land. 
  B.  It emphasized owner-cultivator ship and 
                  farmer independence, equity, productivity 
                  and distribution of land. 
36. A. It provided for tenanted lands devoted to 
                  rice and corn to pass ownership to the 
                  tenants, and lowered the ceilings for 
                  landholdings to 10 hectares. 
B. It provided for tenanted lands devoted to 
                  rice and corn to pass ownership to the 
                  tenants, and lowered the ceilings for 
                  landholdings to 7 hectares.
37. Lebby had a huge track of land in which the Spaniards organized them into the pueblo
system. This was practice during this period____________. 
A. The Spanish Era
B. The American Era
C. The Japanese era
D. The Contemporary Era
38. Marjorie and I witnessed the Mendiola massacre last January 22, 1987. Which of the
following was the total number of Farmers were killed during the Mendiola Massacre?
  A. 10
  B. 12
  C. 50
  D. 100
39. Manilyn had a huge tract of land a total of 5000 hectares. She's ready to implement the
Republic Act 6657 known as the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) was
implemented under the administration of________________
  A. Corazon Aquino
  B. Fidel V. Ramos
  C. Joseph Estrada
  D. Ramon Magsaysay
40. How would you developed the sets of activities and measures that may or should be taken
to improve or correct the defects or problems in the relations among men with aspect to their
rights to the land they till?
  A. By implementing the BAYAN-ANIHAN
  B. By implementing the pueblo system
  C. By Land Tenure Structure
  D. By implementing the Land Reform 
41. Which is not included in the Philippine Constitution? 
  A. 1898 Malolos Constitution
  B. 1935 Constitution
  C. 1973 Constitution
  D. 1987 Constitution
42.  What are the branches of the Philippine Republic? 
  A. Judicial, Executive, Legislative
  B. Judiciary, Executive, Legislation
  C. Judiciary, Executive, Legislative
  D. Judiciary, Execution, Legislation

Read and analyze the sentences in each set. Use the following options for items 43-48.
  A. if only the first sentence is correct.
  B. if only the second sentence is correct
  C. if both sentences are correct.
  D. if both sentences are incorrect

43. A. 1899 Malolos Constitution pertained to the  

                  separation of church and state. 
        B. In 1907, the Philippine Assembly passed 
                  resolution expressing the Filipino desire 
                  for independence. 

D 44.  A. Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act established the 

                  Philippine Commonwealth as a transition 
                  government for 5 years before receiving 
  B. Tydings-Mcduffie law authorized the 
                  Philippine Legislature to call a 
                  constitutional convention to draft the  
                  Constitution of the Philippines. 
D 45.  A. The bombing of Plaza Miranda was one of 
                  the reasons why martial law happened. 
                  This declaration was made by President   
                  Marcos under 1987 Constitutions. 
  B. The 1973 Constitution was said to be “the 
      truly reflective of the aspirations and ideals 
      of the Filipino people.”

D 46.  A. Proclamation No. 58 of the 1986  

          Constitutional Commission was responsible 
      for drafting a replacement for the 1973 
  B. Proclamation No. 9 announces the results 
                 of the plebiscite and proclaimed the 1987 
                 Philippine Constitution.

C 47.  A. Anchored in democratic traditions that 

                  ultimately had their roots on American soil.
  B. Important Filipino document produced by 
                 the people's representatives.

C 48.  A. Hare Hawes Cutting Act. Would establish 

                  the Philippine Commonwealth as a 
                  transition government for 10 years before 
                  receiving independence. 
  B. The Jones Law introduced by William 
                  Atkinson Jones for Philippine Independence 
                  and specifies the tree branches the 
                  Executive, Legislative and Judiciary.

49. Margie was a victim of brutality, unjust, and unfair treatment of his arresting officers. If she
will seek for a legal basis, in what article of the 1987 Philippine Constitution this case belongs?
  A. Article III
  B. Article XII
  C. Article XIII
  D. Article XIV
50. Janelle, a 19 year-old Filipino, wanted to vote on the national election. Is she qualified to
exercise suffrage under section 1 of Article VI in the Philippine Constitution?
  A. Yes.
  B. No.
  C. Yes, because she is a Filipino. 
  D. No, because it is for National Election. 

51. Which of the following influences introduced calendars to the Filipinos?

  A. Arab Influence
  B. Chinese Influence
  C. Japanese Influence
  D. Malay Influence
52. What Filipino values refers to the value of belongingness and loyalty to the small in-group
with sensitivity to the feelings of others of the principle of give and take?
  A. Hiya
  B. Manana habit
  C. Pakikisama
  D. Utang Na Loob
53. All words influence by Arabs except:
  A. Alamat
  B. Apo
  C. Mabuhay
D. Sulat
54. What is the main idea of Amor Propio?
  A. It is the tomorrow-attitude or 
                  procrastination attitude.
  B. It is a socio-political connection for some 
                 material consideration to be able to obtain
  C. Is a system where you are allowed to get a 
                  job without hassle only if you’re a family 
                  member, good friends with or referred by 
                  someone you know from the inside.
D. it is the individuals highly emotional 
                  reaction to protect his honor and dignity 
                  when they are threatened or questioned.

Read and analyze the sentences in each set. Use the following options for items 55-58.
  A. if only the first sentence is correct.
  B. if only the second sentence is correct
  C. if both sentences are correct.
  D. if both sentences are incorrect

C 55.  A. Use of phrases such as Malas and 

  B. It is one of the Filipino beliefs 
C 56.  A. Having the same appliances with the 
  B. A child imitating the dialogues and actions 
                  on the television.

57.  A. Those are Filipino Superstitions

  B. Group of unusual creatures

58.  A. Lagay and Areglo refers to socio-political 

                  aspects while palakasan scheme can refer 
                  to many form of agreements.
  B. Lagay areglo depicits good Filipino values 
                  while Palakasan scheme depicts a bad 
                  Filipino values.
59. Apple was working as a cashier in Jollibee. She's always been punctual in coming to work on
time.  What actions would you take to perform Ningas Cogon?
  A. Accept the task given to me and finish it 
                  on time.
  B. Take all the responsibility of being a leader
                  and lead my team to a better one.
  C. Accept promotion and show my eagerness 
      and enthusiasm then suddenly neglect it 
        once I get tired.
  D. Take time to slowly but efficiently finish the 
      tasks and jobs assigned to me.
60. As a Filipino youth, how would you solve the Palakasan scheme in the Philippines?
  A. I will apply to the company where my 
      parents are the owner.
  B. I will find a job and make sure to take and 
      undergo to the right and complete process 
      of application.
  C. Together with a good friend of mine, we 
      will seek job that is manage by our friends.
  D. With all the power and money that our 
      family have, I’ll make sure to find and get 
      the job I want.
61. This law provided regulations on the disposal of public lands wherein a private individual
can own 16 hectares of land while the corporate land holdings can avail of 1, 024 hectares.
  A. Philippine Bill 1898
  B. Philippine Bill 1900
  C. Philippine Bill 1902 
  D. Philippine Bill 1907
62. This constitution borrowed from the constitution of France, Belgium, Mexico, Brazil,
Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Guatemala.
  A. Malolos Constitution
  B. 1935 Constitution 
  C. 1973 Constitution
  D. 1987 Constitution
63. What is an inherent power of sovereign?
   A. Income tax
  B. Tax
  C. Taxes
  D. Taxation

Read and analyze the sentences in each set. Use the following options for items 64-68.
   A. if only the first sentence is correct.
  B. if only the second sentence is correct
  C. if both sentences are correct.
  D. if both sentences are incorrect

64.  A. to inspire the Filipinos to fight to the last 

      with honor and freedom)
  B. to remember the great deeds of national 
D 65. A. for them to hide their identity 
  B. for the Spaniards be interested on them
C 66. A. Construction of railways
  B. Installation of telegraphs& telephone lines

C 67. A. An enforced contribution

  B. Generally payable in money
68.  A. There are no limitations upon the power 
      to tax.
  B. There are limitations upon the power to 
69. How would you present burden or charge
imposed by legislative power upon persons or
property to raise money for public purposes?
  A. Income tax
  B. Tax
  C. Taxes
  D. Taxation
70. Myka is a regular worker in the private company. Yearly she always pays to the government
her responsibility as a citizen of the Philippines. What is this taxation?
  A. Income tax
  B. Tax
  C. Taxes
  D. Taxation

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