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USE OF ENGLISH – grammar tasks

ex. 1: Choose the best answer from the four options marked A, B, C, or D to complete
each sentence below. Circle it!
1. When you are in a western country, your host may open a wrapped gift in front of you. Opening a
present in front of the gift-giver is ................ polite.
A. acquired B. considered C. known D. called

2. Even if the host doesn’t like a present, he or she will tell a “white lie” and say …….. they like the gift to
prevent the guest from feeling bad.
A. how often B. what C. for what D. how much

3. Expressing one’s …………….. is one skill that the school can really teach.
A. thinking B. thoughts C. thoughtfulness D. thoughtlessness

4. People believe there is a ……….. between the two crimes.

A. joint B. chain C. link D. connecting

5. You are not allowed to drive ………… the influence ………… alcohol.
A. under/of B. in/of C. under/by D. by/in

ex. 2: Choose the most suitable answer from the four options marked A, B, C, or D to
complete each of the numbered gaps in the passage below. Circle it!

Keeping your distance

Personal space is a term that refers (1) ………. the distance we like to keep between ourselves and other
people. When (2) …………. we do not know well gets too close we usually begin to
feel uncomfortable. If a business colleague comes closer than 1.2 meters, the (3)
……… common response is to move (4) ……… . Some interesting (5) ………..
have been done in libraries. If strangers come too close, many people get up and
leave the building; others use different methods such as turning their back on the
intruder. Living in cities has (6) ......... people develop new skills for dealing with
situations (7) ………. they are very close to strangers. (8) ……….. people on
crowded trains try not to look at strangers; they avoid skin contact, and apologize if
hands touch by mistake. People use newspapers (9) …….. a barrier between
themselves and other people, and if they do not have one, they stare into the distance, (10) ………….
sure they are not looking into anyone’s eyes.

1. A. from B. to C. for D. about

2. A. anyone B. nobody C. people D. someone
3. A. most B. best C. more D. first
4. A. on B. in C. up D. away
5. A. research B. studies C. survey D. questions
6. A. done B. caused C. made D. allowed
7. A. that B. where C. which D. how
8. A. Most of B. The most C. Almost D. Most
9. A. like B. as much C. alike D. such as
10. A. making B. make C. be D. made

ex. 3: Fill each numbered space in the passage with one suitable word.
It happened over 300 years (1) _______________ in Holland. Anton van Leeuwenhoek had a new microscope
that he (2) ______________ made. One day he looked through it at a drop (3) __________ lake water. What he
saw surprised him.
The water was alive with what Leeuwenhoek called "wee beasties." The microscope made tiny organisms look
200 times (4) _________________ than life size. Leeuwenhoek was one of the first scientists to see things that
were that small. His work was (5) ___________ huge step towards science.
Today, microscopes are (6) _______________ stronger. An electron microscope can make tiny organisms look
200,000 times life size. A few electron microscopes can see individual atoms. Pictures can be made to show the
objects (7) ______________organisms much bigger. The pictures really define (8) _____________ we know
about tiny objects and organisms. Microscopes have come a long way (9) ____________ 300 years!

ex. 4: KEYWORD TRANSFORMATION - Complete the second sentence so that it has a

similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the key word that is given in brackets. Don’t
change the key word and don’t change the meaning of the sentence.

1. Alexander Graham Bell created the first telephone. (BY)

______________________________________________________ Alexander Graham Bell.
2. In order to see sharks, you have to go underwater. (WANT)
___________________________________________ see sharks, you have to go underwater.
3. The third English test was easier than the first English test. (MORE)
The first English test _________________________________________ the third English test.
4. Senator Kruger is worried about the rising number of accidents. (MORE)
Senator Kruger is worried because there _________________________________ accidents.
5. The next train will be there at 8.40. (ARRIVES)
The next train _______________________________________________________________
6. I plan to buy some new shoes today. (GOING)
I _______________________________________________________ some new shoes today.
7. Last Friday the teacher gave us 5 pages of homework. (WERE)
We _____________________________________of homework by the teacher last Friday.
8. Sorry, but we must go home now. (TO)
Sorry, but we ______________________________________________________________.

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