Carol Baine Case Study

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Carol Baine Case Study

Q1: How would you describe carol’s trait?

Carols trait can be described as follows:
Self Confidence:
When the firm's image was deteriorating, she took some smart actions to prevent it from
declining, and she was confident that these steps were the appropriate ones for the
organization. Carol also spent months following her husband's death getting to know the
colleagues who worked at the company, to learn about the organization's working style and
the procedures it follows.
She began by doing a thorough examination of the firm, which included reasons for
purchasing office supplies. She created a particular set of short- and long-term goals for the
firm based on her awareness of the company's capabilities and her evaluation of the
prospective market. Carol made the decision to operate the company herself rather than sell
it. Furthermore, her business degree with a concentration in management assisted her in
making a number of sound and practical decisions for the firm in the areas of marketing, as
well as determining the best time to invest, and so on. Carol's intellect is demonstrated in
these stages.
Following his husband's death. Carol spent months getting to know the company's workers
and learning about their working styles and processes at the time.
She was real and honest in her approach to her work and mission. She also had confidence in
her staff, who encouraged her in creating a religious-based and family-oriented environment.
Carol also offered a feeling of support and interest to several of her staff who left following
Baines' death. She was a person with a high moral code.

Q2: How big a part did carol’s traits play in the expansion of the company?
Carol's quality indicates that she will play a significant part in the company's growth.
Following her husband's death, she worked extremely hard for the firm and helped it reach
the heights that her partner desired. The firm has been steadily improving since she took
charge. Prior to her arrival, there were just five employees, which grew to twenty when she
arrived. Her management degree came in handy as she made confident investments in
finance, marketing, advertising, and sales, allowing the firm to reach new heights and make
additional procurements and hires.
Q3: Would Carol be a leader in other business contexts?
Carol may be a leader in different business situations since she possesses all of the necessary
qualities. Carol is a person with a strong personality. She was extremely concerned about
people being treated fairly and considerately. She believes in establishing a family-like
environment for her staff, implying that she values human ties. She promotes the company's
as well as her employees' interests. Furthermore, her business degree may assist her in
excelling in any sector and standing out as a leader since she has a strong understanding of
how to handle many aspects of a firm (such as finance, marketing, advertising, and sales)
when combined with experience.

Carol, who lost her husband, Baines Company's owner. She made the decision to take over
the firm after he died and turn it around, and if the firm was not large, she was able to
transform it into a successful $3.1 million business instead of the $200,000 in the previous.
She was confronted with challenges; first and foremost, she needed to familiarize herself with
the organization, as she had never worked in that field previously. She conducted a thorough
company analysis so that she could implement long- and short-term objectives that would
help her succeed in the future. She had the qualities and abilities that a leader should possess.
Her new management and control here version made her more liked to the employees since
she was compassionate with the staff and the turnover rate of staff dropped with her fresh
management and control version, even though she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She
eventually handed up ownership of the company to her sons and worked as an accountant for

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