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It has long been maintained that educational theories, or any theory for that matter, have a
limited impact on ‘real-world' situations. Educational ideas, on the other hand, could have a
substantial influence in 'practice.' Learning is a methodical process, and teachers should be
aware of how students learn in a 'learning environment.' A teacher acquires the required skills
and information to successfully educate, facilitate learning, and grade student performance.
Teachers in leadership positions are expected to assess courses, programs, and design ideas.
As a result, all teachers must be familiar with educational psychology and its applications.
Six articles were chosen based on educational theories and their connections to learning
practices and a therapeutic framework. A study of the features of articles was conducted. In
addition, a mind-map was created to visualize the connections between theories, themes, and
applications in medical education. The application of theories was built using examples from
medical education. Finally, a summary of the entire procedure was presented

Critical Appraisal:
The following is a list of the features of the six articles that were chosen. Author information,
publication dates, study kinds, significant findings, use in medical education, and limits are
among these features.
No Author / Title Study Key Findings Application in Limitations
Year Type Medical Education
Dennick Twelve tips Practice The purpose of this Example 1: Appreciated readin
R. 2012 for Guidelines article is to discuss Ascertain and g this article since
1. (1) incorporating and Constructivist, activating prior it provided advice
educational opinion Experiential, and knowledge which for teaching in
theory into Humanistic learning means that A group many styles while
teaching theories, explain how of students, also giving
practices they are establishing, references for
fundamentally activating, and further reading and
connected, and show acknowledging past the foundation of
how each of them learning allows the each style's
offers teaching and instructor to begin philosophy.
learning approaches. the process of
interacting to The paper focuses
students by on constructivist
displaying empathy teaching the most,
and respect, which is offering five
a key feature of recommendations
Humanistic learning for teaching in that
theory that will be way, but it also
discussed later. includes time for
experiential and
Example 2: humanist teaching.
ELT's educational
advice, which is that One criticism is
as a result, ELT is that for each style,
well-suited to the author provides
clinical experiential less and fewer
learning settings in recommendations,
which students and and that he should
trainees are have either focused
immersed in a on one learning
working theory more in
environment rich in depth or given the
meaningful and other theory more
relevant experiences. time.
2. Badyal D, Learning Guidelines Role modelling Example 1: If Practical
Singh T. Theories: The and behavior is combined Adult learning which examples were
2017 (2) Basics to opinion with cognitive means in a medical given it would be
Learn in learning to increase undergraduate class, easier for us to
Medical the learner's grasp of students’ study as a understand.
Education how, why, and for group about a certain
what purpose the role topic; an individual There were no
model does a given student does not precise headings
job in a certain way. have the option of and no format to
learning anything engage the reader
Example 2:
As a student
remembers and
(cognitivism), he or
she tries to make
connections between
numerous concerns
throughout this
process, learning is
impacted by context
(sociocultural); and
by this time, certain
behavioral changes
may have occurred

3. Torre D, Overview of Practice Multiple learning Example 1: For starters, our

Daley B, Current Guidelines orientations were Behavioral objective analysis is based on
Sebastian Learning and given in this article, a small number of
J, Elnicki Theories for opinion along with their With 80% accuracy, studies in medical
D. 2006 Medical applications in a learner will education that
(3) Educators. medical education. recognize an S3 apply theory to
(performance) in a practices. As a
If instructors want simulated patient result,
students to master a with CHF and a third generalizations are
new skill, they should heart sound (S3) impossible.
use a behavioral (condition) (criteria).
approach In this they were Second, theories
examining what type are dynamic and
A cognitivist method of behavior will be developing, with
may be the ideal performed and what many alternatives
alternative for performance of for applying them
instructors who want behavior. to various
students and populations, as well
postgraduate trainees Example 2: as their strengths
to improve critical Reflective thinking and limits. As a
thinking and clinical as a cognitivist result, practitioners
problem-solving learning Strategy should stay current
abilities on current topics
Asking team and their
A humanistic members to explain significance in
approach with a focus the major learning medical education.
on self-directed elements of a given
learning may assist case while the Third, applying
educators attain this patient is still getting theories to student
aim if they want care is an example of advice necessitates
learners to take
reflection in practices, as well as
responsibility for their
action. Asking knowledge,
own professional
students or residents experience, and
growth. to report their most time. As a result,
memorable patient medical education
care experience from consultants will
the previous month require extensive
Social learning is an example of training in the
techniques in which reflection on action. theoretical
learners mimic expert techniques they
conduct may be the wish to employ in
optimal strategy if practices.
educators want a
student to begin best
practices in a clinical
4. Abdullah The Practice The fundamental Example 1: The authors go to
Omer A. Importance Guidelines learning theories were Use of the depth into details
2020 (4) of Theory to and examined in this contrastive approach that an expert in the
Inform opinion research, and their field would be able
Practice – application to improve Dysphagia education to understand it but
Theorizing teaching and learning Moving from this a person with other
the Current in the clinical setting compliance to its specialty in the
Trends of was discussed. underlying causes field wouldn’t.
Clinical allows learners to
Teaching: A Clinical teaching is comprehend the
Narrative fundamental to distinguishing
Review graduate physicians characteristics of its
capable to serve their Etiology and is far
communities more effective than
and educate the teaching each reason
coming generations of separately.
health practitioners.
Example 2:
However, teaching Patter Recognition
in the clinical
environment was When a young adult
often unstructured, complains of right
opportunistic, and iliac fossa
lacks a theoretical discomfort, anorexia,
foundation. and a slight
temperature, the
possibility of acute
appendicitis comes
to mind quickly for
an expert physician.
This is also related
to the idea of
recognition," which
adds to clinical
reasoning's non-
analytical approach
and is one of the
characteristics of
clinical practice
5. Arab M, Learning Practice This research analyzes Example 1:
Ghavami Theory: Guidelines and summarizes Behavioral Good practical
B, Akbari Narrative and learning theories that Performance examples related to
Lakeh M, Review opinion are important to the theory they
Yaghmaie medical education. An A senior resident proposed.
M, overview of seven should be able to
Hosseini- types of learning make judgments on The Authors have
Zijoud S. theories relevant to surgical procedures explained well by
2015 (5) medical education is (performance) with diving deep into
presented. 80% accuracy details only an
(criteria) during a expert could
physical assessment understand rather
of a patient with than a person from
abdominal another field.
They should have
Example 2: focused on one
Cognitivist Theory theory and give
related practical
A medical student examples.
utilizing a problem-
solving technique in
diagnosis is an
application of the
"Gestalt" theory

Example 3:

Consultation with
patients with unique
diagnoses, contact
with parents of
children with severe
diseases, and care of
cancer patients are
all instances of
facilitative learning
in action.
6. Wrenn J, Enhancing Guidelines The purpose of this Example 1: Sometimes it is
Wrenn B. Learning by and article is to Value of Experience difficult to
Enhancing Integrating opinion demonstrate how an understand what
Learning Theory and enhanced learning When a teacher the author are
by Practice model may be used to provides an example trying to say.
Integrating include this from his or her own
Theory classroom/practice/cla life, learning may Need of practical
and ssroom process into a happen and a desire examples would be
Practice curriculum, even in to learn more can be helpful to easy to
2009 (6) courses that are not sparked. understand and
focused on clinical, concentrate
internship, or service- Example 2:
learning requirements. Practice in Social
There is an
intolerable gap
between theory and
practice, a
disconnect between
what is taught or
learnt and what is
practiced, according
to the author.

Her expertise as a
grief counsellor and
mourning group
leader allows her to
bring the grieving
experiences of others
to life.
7. jaeger A, Put Theory Guidelines This article provides Example 1: More details of the
Dunstan S, into Practice. and an analogy that, we Alexander Astin's topic would be
Thornton About opinion hope, helps to concept of student more appreciated
C, Campus: demystify theory for participation is a and well
Rockenbac Enriching the everyday application. classic example of a understandable.
h A, Gayles Student While the method is theory that may be
J, Haley K. Learning not entirely novel, we applied in the
2013 (7) Experience. feel it raises practical classroom.
applications of theory According to Astin's
to a level that has yet idea, students who
to be fully devote their mental
comprehended. and physical
energies to
educational pursuits
are more likely to
succeed in college.
8. Kolodner Problem- Practice
The purpose of this Example 1: The article was
J, Camp P, Based Guidelines
article is to describe Students consider well explained but
Crismond Learning and the design of Learning the film Apollo 13 there was a lot to
D, Fasse B, Meets Case- opinion
by DesignTM (LBD), and then examine the read, the authors
Gray J, Based a development inquiry various activities should be brief and
Holbrook J Reasoning in approach to science carried out by precise no need to
et al. 2021. the Middle- learning with roots in scientists in the drag the topic.
(8) School case-based reasoning context of launching
Science and problem-based the Apollo
Classroom: learning, highlighting spacecraft into orbit
Putting the theoretical and preserving the
Learning by implications of both, astronauts' lives
Design(tm) classroom issues that when the mission
Into Practice. arose during a first was jeopardized.
attempt at piloting, Collaborating,
ways we addressed studying an
those challenges, unknown,
lessons learned about constructing a well-
promoting learning formed scientific
using a project-based argument, planning
inquiry approach, and an experiment, and
lessons learned about so on are all actions
using a theory-based that students engage
approach to in.
9. Moskaliuk Training in Practice The authors of this An operation in The authors gave
J, Bertram virtual Guidelines study advocate for the which police ground good practical
J, Cress U. environments and creation of such personnel must examples related to
2021. (9) putting theory opinion settings based on collaborate with a virtual training and
into practice theory, with the goal helicopter crew to how to implement
of linking theory to locate a missing them in real life
practice and ensuring person or trace a and in
that the training suspect is an organizations.
offered meets the example of such a
needs of the taught situation. Because
individuals and their this situation is
organizations. difficult to teach in
real life due to the
expenditures and
effort required, it has
been included in the
virtual training's
pilot edition. ViPOL
trains police officers
for difficult
scenarios and allows
them to experience
complicated events
safely without
risking their lives or
pushing themselves
to their physical
10. Falco L, Putting Guidelines This article Example 1: A very conceptual
Shaheed C. Theory Into and synthesizes principles A thorough article with good
2021. (10) Practice: A opinion from Social Cognitive explanation of a examples related to
Conceptual Career Theory, career counselling the topic and easy
Framework constructivism, and group created with to understand.
for Career group process. A full these characteristics
Group description of a career in mind to enhance
Counselling in counselling group is self-efficacy and
School provided as an STEM career
Settings. The example for school consideration for
Journal for practitioners to use in girls in high school
Specialists in their own approach to is provided in an
Group Work. career group exemplary example.
counselling. We believe that
Considerations and using SCCT in
ramifications for this conjunction with a
work are examined group method that
from both a practical provides for
and theoretical constructivist
standpoint.  learning possibilities
will successfully
enhance students'
self-efficacy and
STEM career

11. Powell T. Strategy as Guidelines This article presents a Example 1: Good practical
2017. (11) Diligence: and technique termed Behavioral examples related to
Putting opinion diligence-based Foundations the theory they
Behavioural strategy, which is proposed.
Strategy into based on behavioral That neither
Practice. research and strategy individuals nor The Authors have
California practice. In organizations explained well by
Management marketplaces correspond to diving deep into
Review constituted of humans rational actor details only an
rather than rational theory's expert could
economic actors, the assumptions, that understand rather
understanding of people mimic both than a person from
competitive good and harmful another field.
advantages matters practices, and that
less than the attentive businesses do not They should have
execution of observe or imitate focused on one
fundamental one other in the theory and give
operations. Diligence- ways that economic related practical
based strategy is a theory assumes. examples.
practical approach to
developing and
implementing strategy
in businesses,
demonstrating how
managers may use
technology and
managerial discipline
to achieve commercial
success in the twenty-
first century.
12. Kim D, Putting Guidelines This article proposes a Example: The authors go to
Senge P. systems and framework for Individuals have depth into details
2017. (12) thinking into opinion organizational mental models, but that an expert in the
practice. learning, highlights they may also be field would be able
System many learning shared. to understand it but
Dynamics breakdowns, and They are frequently a person with other
Review. examines how unspoken and can specialty in the
systems thinking may contradict what field wouldn’t.
play a key role in others say about
assisting businesses in their assumptions or
overcoming learning ideas. For example, a
breakdowns through manager may claim
the design and to believe in
implementation of collaborative
management practice decision-making
fields. while making
choices unilaterally
on a regular basis.
13. 7. Radović Strengthening Qualitativ The goal of this study Example: More details of the
S, Firssova the ties e and is to see how well a To offer additional topic would be
O, between quantitive genuine learning clarity on the overall more appreciated
Hummel H, theory and research environment aids view of the learning and well
Vermeulen practice in method master student in both processes and understandable.
M. 2020. higher re-contextualization understanding of re-
(17) education: an and de- and de-
investigation contextualization contextualization
into different processes processes, examples
levels of of the students’
authenticity comments during the
and processes debriefing session
of re- and de- are presented.
ion. Studies in
14. Joseph D, Putting Guidelines Within the Bachelor Example: Need of practical
Heading Theory into and of Education The school examples would be
M. 2021. Practice: opinion (Primary) degree at placement allows helpful to easy to
(14) Moving from Unnamed University, students to “connect understand and
Student a tertiary music theory to utilizing,” concentrate
Identity to educator educates her and the music
Teacher generalist primary workshops at
Identity. pre-service teachers to university give a
engage, investigate, knowledge basis of
and experience music how to teach
education. utilizing African
ideas and European
methodology. They
learn about music
hand gestures and
body percussion, for
example. When they
are on school
placement, they plan
lessons that engage
students in pitch
using hand signals
and teach beat and
rhythm using claps
or stamps as body
15. Hashemip Exploring the Practice Although good Example 1: Appreciated readin
arast M, barriers of Guidelines clinical performance Insufficient g this article since
Negarande utilizing and necessitates the theoretical it provided advice
h R, theoretical opinion integration of theory knowledge for teaching in
Theofanidi knowledge in and practice, there is a many styles while
s D. 2019 clinical disconnect between The students lack also giving
settings: A what students learn in theoretical references for
qualitative the classroom and understanding. For further reading and
study. what they encounter in example, to do the foundation of
International clinical settings. The venipuncture, they each style's
Journal of goal of this study was just know how to do philosophy.
Nursing to elicit and it, but they have no
Sciences investigate the idea if the vessel is
challenges of using superficial or deep.
theoretical knowledge
in clinical settings. Example 2:
Non standards
clinical practices

Our teachers advised

us that the closed-
gloves approach is
better and more
sterile than the open-
gloves technique for
putting on sterile
gloves, for example.
However, we
observed that
everyone, even
surgeons, used the
open gloves
approach in the
operating room.
Why should we care
if they don't follow
the rules?

Concept Map

Cognitivism Social Learning

Learning Theory Theory

Constructivism Transformative
Learning Theory Learning Theory

Creates Analysis of
Prior knowledge
Establish New Reflection of
Knowledge Assumptions

New ideas and

knowledge Past Experience

Internal cognitive
New Observation Modeling

Connects Connects

Learning Theory
into Practice

Common Themes:
Cognitivist Theory, Constructivism learning theory, Transformative learning theory, Social
learning theory, reflection of assumptions, past experience, prior knowledge, critical analysis
problem, new knowledge.

It was a thrilling experience to work on this project. It mainly consisted of a critical
evaluation of six works on educational psychology in light of educational theories'
application in medical education. Mind maps and a list of common topics were also part of
the process. Because there are three pieces of art, I first assumed this would be a large
undertaking. I began by evaluating six papers. I believe it was an excellent method of
learning since critical assessment necessitates a thorough investigation of the content. It was
difficult to choose crucial results from a paper with so much material, but I determined to do
so and express them in my own words. The most crucial results We were also asked to write
about the medical education implications of ideas presented in articles. Despite the fact that it
was a considerable difficulty, I feel this was an essential learning exercise since we are all
teachers and introducing us to educational theories and then applying them to medical
education was the most effective learning experience. While reading my chosen papers and
then writing the important conclusions, I had the idea that translating these theories to
medical education would be challenging. It was difficult to draw practical conclusions from
educational ideas. Behaviorist, cognitive, constructivist, and social constructivist models
were most commonly utilized, according to the mind map. Learning climate, curriculum
planning, internal motivation, self-efficacy, self-directed learning, reflective practice,
instructional design, cognitive load, and memory were among the many themes illustrated by
the interaction of educational these chosen articles I have examined by going
through these articles there is a lot to see and learn and we should incorporate our learning
theories into practical procedure and trainings as we will know how to our job in a working
environment and this not specific to our medical filed but all the fields, as student can know
how to be practical in life. I have learn a lot from doing research is that teachers play a very
important role in a student life as they are the mentors and they teach us about the regarding
subject but in our country there is a lack of practical trainings, all the teachers use the same
old methodologies which I believe are still in use. If instructors want students to master a new
skill, they should use a behavioral approach. A cognitivist method may be the ideal
alternative for instructors who want students and postgraduate trainees to improve critical
thinking and clinical problem-solving abilities. A humanistic approach with a focus on self-
directed learning may assist educators attain this aim if they want learners to take
responsibility for their own professional growth. If educators want a student to start
implementing best practices in a clinical context, social learning models in which learners
imitate expert conduct may be the way to go. As the world is advancing, we need to advance
our teaching skills also so that students can learn better and in a more practical way. I believe
I will continue to follow the same path in my profession, attempting to create my learning
and teaching methodologies through the application of educational ideas.
Gibbs Reflective model

Step 1 Description:
As we were given an assignment to do research on the topic Putting learning theories into
practice related to medical field and had to see related articles and write our opinion of what
we understand and what the writers proposed in their study.
Step 2 Feelings:
At first I couldn’t understand how to do this assignment and by looking at the articles I
searched and downloaded I got tense by looking at the pages that I had to read and dig my
ideas out of it but I had to do this otherwise I wouldn’t learn the way to do this assignment.
Then I spent hours reading the 6 articles and jotting down my points, search YouTube and
many more. Finally, I am done with my work and I feel proud that I did it.
Step 3: Evaluation
At first I was searching on the google and found many articles I was just fed up by reading
every page and at some point I gave up it was really hard and then I search YouTube by
clarifying things and cleared my doubts. Then the next day I started working by
understanding everything how to read article and what are the main points you have to write,
how to do reference styling etc.
Step 4: Analysis
The help I got was from YouTube and google as it helped me a lot to understand things
which I didn’t had knowledge about, and my work got easier to do. I also seek advice from
my seniors and teachers they helped me a lot by doing this assignment, they gave me a lot of
guiding points to help me in doing my research
Step 5: Conclusion
I grew in confidence that I did the assignment, at first I gave up but then I realized these kind
of assignments and projects will come ahead so I have to gain knowledge and try to do it
myself and now I have completed, I believe that nothing is impossible, you have to work
hard to achieve it.
Step 6: Action plan
Next time I will try to gain knowledge on how to do these assignments perfectly, without
having mistake or anything and try to seek guidance from an expert to improve my weak
points. In the near future I will improve my research abilities and try to improvise it.
1. Dennick R. Twelve tips for incorporating educational theory into teaching practices.
Medical Teacher. 2012;34(8):618-624.
2. Badyal D, Singh T. Learning theories: The basics to learn in medical education.
International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research. 2017;7(5):1.
3. Torre D, Daley B, Sebastian J, Elnicki D. Overview of Current Learning Theories for
Medical Educators. The American Journal of Medicine. 2006;119(10):903-907.
4. Abdullah Omer A. The Importance of Theory to Inform Practice – Theorizing the
Current Trends of Clinical Teaching: A Narrative Review. Sudan Journal of Medical
Sciences. 2020;.
5. Arab M, Ghavami B, Akbari Lakeh M, Yaghmaie M, Hosseini-Zijoud S. Learning
Theory: Narrative Review [Internet]. 2021 [cited 24 October 2021].
Available from:
6. Wrenn J, Wrenn B. Enhancing Learning by Integrating Theory and Practice.
International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education [Internet]. 2009
[cited 24 October 2021];21:1-8. Available from:
7. jaeger A, Dunstan S, Thornton C, Rockenbach A, Gayles J, Haley K. Put Theory into
Practice. About Campus: Enriching the Student Learning Experience. 2013;17(6):11-
8. Kolodner J, Camp P, Crismond D, Fasse B, Gray J, Holbrook J et al. Problem-Based
Learning Meets Case-Based Reasoning in the Middle-School Science Classroom:
Putting Learning by Design(tm) Into Practice. 2021.
9. Moskaliuk J, Bertram J, Cress U. Training in virtual environments: putting theory into
practice. 2021.
10. Falco L, Shaheed C. Putting Theory Into Practice: A Conceptual Framework for
Career Group Counseling in School Settings. The Journal for Specialists in Group
Work. 2021;46(1):6-19.
11. Powell T. Strategy as Diligence: Putting Behavioral Strategy into Practice. California
Management Review. 2017;59(3):162-190.
12. Kim D, Senge P. Putting systems thinking into practice. System Dynamics Review.
13. Radović S, Firssova O, Hummel H, Vermeulen M. Strengthening the ties between
theory and practice in higher education: an investigation into different levels of
authenticity and processes of re- and de-contextualisation. Studies in Higher
Education. 2020;46(12):2710-2725.
14. Joseph D, Heading M. Putting Theory into Practice: Moving from Student Identity to
Teacher Identity. 2021.
15. Hashemiparast M, Negarandeh R, Theofanidis D. Exploring the barriers of utilizing
theoretical knowledge in clinical settings: A qualitative study. International Journal of
Nursing Sciences. 2019;6(4):399-405.
1. jaeger A, Dunstan S, Thornton C, Rockenbach A, Gayles J, Haley K. Put Theory
into Practice. About Campus: Enriching the Student Learning Experience.
2. Kolodner J, Camp P, Crismond D, Fasse B, Gray J, Holbrook J et al. Problem-
Based Learning Meets Case-Based Reasoning in the Middle-School Science
Classroom: Putting Learning by Design(tm) Into Practice. 2021.
3. Moskaliuk J, Bertram J, Cress U. Training in virtual environments: putting
theory into practice. 2021.
4. Falco L, Shaheed C. Putting Theory Into Practice: A Conceptual Framework for
Career Group Counseling in School Settings. The Journal for Specialists in
Group Work. 2021;46(1):6-19.
5. Powell T. Strategy as Diligence: Putting Behavioral Strategy into Practice.
California Management Review. 2017;59(3):162-190.
6. Kim D, Senge P. Putting systems thinking into practice. System Dynamics
Review. 1994;10(2-3):277-290.
7. Radović S, Firssova O, Hummel H, Vermeulen M. Strengthening the ties
between theory and practice in higher education: an investigation into different
levels of authenticity and processes of re- and de-contextualisation. Studies in
Higher Education. 2020;46(12):2710-2725.
8. Joseph D, Heading M. Putting Theory into Practice: Moving from Student
Identity to Teacher Identity. 2021.
9. Hashemiparast M, Negarandeh R, Theofanidis D. Exploring the barriers of
utilizing theoretical knowledge in clinical settings: A qualitative study.
International Journal of Nursing Sciences. 2019;6(4):399-405.

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