Guide About Past Continuous 3rd Year

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N “San Francisco Javier”

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common verbs

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Es un tiempo verbal usado para
hablar de acciones que se estaban
llevando acabo en un momento
específico del pasado.
El pasado continuo se forma con el verbo auxiliar to Be en
tiempo pasado y el verbo principal con la terminación ING.

La terminación ing en español significa ando/ endo.

Aux. VERB To BE (Past Tense) + Verb- ing

Structures of Past Continuous:


Subject+ was/were+ verb-ing+ complement

Peter was eating a big hamburger last night.

Paul and Ann were running yesterday.

Structures of Past Continuous:


Subject+ was/were+NOT+ verb-ing+ complement

Richard was not eating hot dog yesterday.

Was not = wasn´t
Were not = weren´t

Richard wasn´t eating hot dog yesterday.

Structures of Past Continuous:

Interrogative Form (?)

Was/Were+ subject+ verb-ing+ complement+

Was Peter eating a big hamburger last night?

Were Paul and Ann running yesterday?

En inglés podemos responder en forma corta (short) o larga (long), tanto en afirmativo
como en negativo, esto cuando la pregunta inicie con Was o Were. Observa:

Was Peter eating a big hamburger last night?

Yes, he was.

Yes, Peter was eating a big hamburger last night.

Yes, he was eating a big hamburguer last night.
Al responder en forma corta, se debe sustituir el nombre o sustantivo por el pronombre personal
correspondiente seguido del verbo auxiliar; en este caso was o were según corresponda y final
colocando un punto . para indicar que ha finalizado la respuesta.
La respuesta larga incluye todo, es decir; sujeto, verbo y complemento. En esta respuesta puede o
no sustituir el nombre por el pronombre personal.
Haga buen uso de la mayúscula.
Short and long answers in negative forms.

Was Peter eating pizza last night?

No, he was not.

No, he wasn´t.

No, Peter wasn´t eating pizza last night.

No, Peter was not eating pizza last night.

No, he wasn´t eating pizza last night.

Structures of Past Continuous:

Interrogative Form with WH- questions (?)

WH- question+ Was/Were+ subject+ verb-ing+ complement+

WHAT was Peter doing last night?

Peter was eating a hamburguer last night.

WHO was eating a big hamburguer last night?

Peter was eating a big hamburguer last night.
1.- Se usa el pasado continuo para hablar sobre acciones en un
tiempo específico en el pasado.


Sandra wasn´t living in Spain in 2010.

(Sandra no estuvo viviendo en España en el 2010)

We were still working at 10 o´clock last night.

(Todavía estábamos trabajando a las 10 anoche)

2.-Se usa el pasado continuo para dos acciones que estaban

ocurriendo al mismo tiempo en el pasado.

While I was cooking dinner, my son was reading a poem

(Mientras yo estaba cocinando la cena , mi hijo estuvo leyendo un poema)

They were talking very loudly while we were watching a movie.

(Ellos estuvieron hablando muy alto mientras nosotros estábamos viendo una película)
3- También se usa el pasado continuo para hablar sobre acción en
desarrollo en el pasado cuando otra la interrumpe. La acción que
interrumpe está en pasado simple En general, usamos el pasado simple
directamente después de “when” y el pasado continuo después de


Rose called me while I was taking a shower.

(Rose me llamó mientras yo estaba bañandome)

He was walking to work when he fell.

(Él estaba caminando hacia el trabajo cuando se cayó)

When he fell, he was walking to work.

1.- Verbo que termina en 'e' elimínala y agrega -ing.


Write / writing
Dance / dancing

2.-Verbo con una sílaba que termine en (consonante + vocal +

consonante) se dobla la consonante final y se agrega
terminación "-ing"


Run / running
Swim / swimming
stop / stopping
Complete the sentences using Past Continuous Tense

1.- My aunt Raquel _____________________(sweep) the floor this morning.

My aunt Raquel was sweeping the floor this morning.

2.- Martha, Liz and Sara _____________________(not/clean) the house.

Martha, Liz and Sara weren´t cleaning the house.

3.- I _____________________(walk) when I saw an eagle.

I was walking when I saw an eagle.

4.- My son _____________________(play) video game while I __________ (sleep)

My son was playing video game while I was sleeping.

Answer the following questions.

1.- Was Raquel studying Spanish this morning?

Yes, She was.

2.- Were the girls cleaning the house this morning?

No, the girls weren´t cleaning the house this morning.

3.- What were you doing yesterday at 9 p.m. ?

I was watching T V.

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