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Technique Characteristics

Direct percussion This is considering the first technique that is development in the 1. The impact point is characterized by a limited surface,
with hard prehistory by hominids to create Stone tools. This technique is a very because the hammerstone have a rounded shape.
hammerstone simple one and its use to obtain flakes from a core. It consist in hit a 2. The impact point is very visible in the butt
Percussione diretta al block of rock (core) with a hammerstone (usually pebbles or spheric (TALONE/TALÓN)
percussore duro stones) 3. The butt is in most of the case thick
4. The head of the incipient cone shows a visible
This technique is not abandoned during the prehistory because its fracture.
and indispensable to prepare blocks of rock that later will be work 5. The products (flakes) generally have a very important
with other techniques. thick
Indirect percussion on The indirect percussion on anvil is create at the first phase of the 1. Presence of double bulb (it is because the big
anvil/Bipolar lower Paleolithic, perhaps even before direct percussion. This dimension of area that is in contact with the block on
Percussione indiretta technique is used above all for the opening of the block of raw one side by de hammerstone and in the other, in the
su incudine material (specially those ones that are totally spheric-with no anvil.
Percusión bipolar percussion platform), or to exploitation of medium-low quality raw 2. Presence of a contra-bulb in the opposite side of the
materials. original (or first) bulb. This is due to the rebound of
the shock wave of energy on the anvil.
This technique consists in placing the block of raw material on an 3. Presence of a big amount of chips or little flakes. It is
anvil and hitting it with a hand hammer. because this technique its not a controlled one.
Always in bipolar percussion the hit of the hammerstone will be 4. The products are characterized by an important thick
guided by the split fracture, in parallel way of it. 5. In rare cases it produces “écaillés”.
Direct percussion This technique is development during the Acheuleano (1.7 my), and 1. Absence of an visible impact point on the butt
with organic material is used for the faconnage, and the knapping of bifacial. 2. Butt with a reduce thick (some millimeters, butts
Percussion diretta al usually Linear or punctiform)
percussore organico It allows to detach flakes of quite large and thin dimensions and to 3. A pronounced lip and acute angle between the ventral
tenero) simplify the problem of impact accuracy: the hammerstone no longer face and the butt surface
Percusión directa con hits a precise point but hooks the edge by tangential contact, which 4. Diffuse bulb (not very evident)
material makes a certain margin of imprecision in the gesture tolerable. 5. A visible abrasion on the edge of the dorsal face and
organico/blando the surface of the butt (because of the preparation of
The utilization of this technique can be done only later of a systemic the impact platform)
preparation of the edge of the impact platform (intense abrasion in 6. The general angle of the flake (butt/ axis of the flake)
direction: future dorsal surface to future butt). This in order to make is generally less than 80°
it suitable for contact with a organic material.
Direct percussion Identified for the first time in the context of castelperroniano (upper 1. Small butt (linear or punctiform)
with soft stone paleolithic), it is very similar to organic direct percussion. The 2. Diffuse lip (similar at the lip of a percussion with hard
Percussion diretta experimentation shows how, in fact, the products have similar stone
alla pietra tenera characteristics. The technique is developed for the production of 3. A visible abrasion on the edge of the dorsal face and
Percusión directa con small, light and straight blades. the surface of the butt (because of the preparation of
Piedra blanda The most effective soft stone strikers are fine-grained sandstones and the impact platform)
flint nodules with a thick cortex 4. Chipping in the bulb
5. fine and close wrinkles on the lower face of the flake

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