PE MODULE 21 - History of Basketball

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Name: _Divine Grace P.

Fuerte_ Date: _September 20, 2021_

Course and Section: _BSCE 2-A_ Score: ________________

Answer the following question:

1. Enumerate the different benefits derived from knowing the history of basketball.

• To be aware of the rules and how it changes as time passes.

• To understand how they developed, who played them, and how they were
• To instill in our minds the importance of sports, as some of us may be interested
in these activities in addition to our studies.
• To understand the evolution of the sport provides a valuable perspective.
• To motivate ourselves. If they can do it, you can do it!

2. Discuss the following beliefs or views in connection for successful basketball

leanings. (15pts.)

a. How to be a Leader

Being a leader means becoming a good role model for your teammates
and willing to work hard for the team. Listening to all the teammates' ideas
and opinions before making a final decision. Leaders must believe in
themselves, because how can your teammates believe in you if you don’t? A
good leader does everything with confidence and inspires others to do the
same. He or she cheers others up and makes them feel that they are needed
and that they are doing a great job. And lastly, to be a good leader, you must
be ready to take responsibility for your whole team. Also, know how to
respect teammates so that your teammates would respect you as the leader.

b. Success Requires Sacrifice

I agree that “Success Requires Sacrifice,” and that in order for us to be

successful in the sport of basketball, we must sacrifice our time on other
responsibilities in order to practice more and learn new tactics. You’ll miss
tons of events that you wish you could have attended. There will be times
when even your family does not understand what you are trying to achieve.
But, in the end, when you see the results of your sacrifices, it's all worth it.
c. Together Everyone Achieves More

In sports like basketball, teamwork is important to a team's success

since it requires the participation of every team member. Within a group,
teamwork can help solve difficult problems. Brainstorming helps the group to
share ideas and come up with creative solutions. Teams can find the most
effective solutions by working together. Finally, teamwork encourages
players to do their part in helping the team achieve its overall goal.

d. How to Manage Time Efficiently

Time management is very important to basketball players. They'll

need a planner or calendar to make sure they don't forget about their
practice routine. Stress can be reduced or even eliminated with good time
management skills. You will be more productive and have less stress if you
have good time management abilities.

e. How to Deal with Pressure and Stress

I believe stress and pressure are already part of any sport. It is up to the
player to decide how they will handle it. Staying active, improving as a player,
and making friends are all important aspects of sports. Above all, whether
you're on the varsity team or playing in a weekend pick-up game, the goal is
to have a fun. You can learn to deal with the pressure that comes with
competition if you keep that as your priority.

3. How can you apply the life lesson learned from basketball to your actual life
situation? (5pts.)

For me, I can apply the lesson I learned in basketball to my current life
by making wise decisions, because just like in basketball, I need to be wise
and focused on my decisions no matter how under pressure I am. In
basketball, one wrong move may change the flow of the game, and in my life,
one wrong decision can change the flow of my life. So that I can say that we
need to be wise in all things.

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