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Class 8

Set A

Year 2016

FOR QUESTIONS 1 TO 22, choose the 6. water is elixir of life, but

correct word/phrase to complete water of this pond is poisonous.
each sentence. A. The, the, the
B. The, an, the
C. No article, the, the
Ice floats if you it in water. D. No article, an, the
A. drops
7. Dario said that he all his homework
B. drop before he left for Delhi.
C. dropped A. had finished
D. can drop B. is finishing
C. was finishing
1. Kirti asked me if I the movie last D. has finished
8. Quick! the train. It’s ready to leave.
A. had watched
B. was watched A. Get up
C. have watched B. Get away
D. watch C. Get at
D. Get on
2. Rabindra Nath Tagore was awarded
Nobel Prize. 9. It’s so late in the night and I’m trying to sleep.
A. a You have to the radio a little.
B. an A. turn up
C. the B. turn down
D. no article C. turn over
3. If Gita to the party, her friends D. turn off
her. 10. Do you ghosts?
A. doesn’t go, will miss A. trust in
B. didn’t go, will miss B. believe in
C. went, won’t miss
C. trust
D. had gone, won’t miss
D. consider
4. If they , they the flight.
11. Matter written by hand is called a .
A. won’t hurry, aren’t catching
A. biography
B. don’t hurry, won’t catch
C. aren’t hurrying, are not catching B. manuscript
D. didn’t hurry, wouldn’t caught C. inscription
D. symposium
5. grandpa drive a car when he was
eighteen? 12. in a dictionary.
A. Can A. See into these words
B. Could B. Watch out these words
C. Should C. Look these words up
D. Will D. See up these words

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13. the parcel yesterday? A. complaint
A. Was, send B. moan
B. Is, sending C. squeal
C. Will, be sent D. murmur
D. Was, sent
19. The possibility of by the aliens cannot
14. the workers machines? be ruled out.
A. Are, are replaced by A. defeating
B. Will, be replaced by B. being defeated
C. Might, replacing C. facing defeated
D. Can, replacing by D. having defeat
15. Notice on the hotel wall: Dogs into 20. The school is not going to make an
the hotel rooms.
just because you are younger than the
A. will not be brought others.
B. must not be brought
A. impression
C. have not been brought
B. expression
D. don’t have to be brought
C. exception
16. It that pickpockets operate in this D. execution
21. of your performance in the exam,
A. is a well known
B. is knowing you will get admission to the course.
C. know A. Irrespective
D. is well known B. Despite
C. Nevertheless
17. It’s a dangerous area after sunset. You must
D. Notwithstanding
bag snatchers.
A. look after 22. The children in the bus escaped the accident
B. watch out for by .
C. see out for A. hair breadth
D. watch yourself B. the hair’s breadth
18. She accepted his help with a quiet C. a hair’s breadth
of thanks. D. a breadth of hair


FOR QUESTIONS 23 TO 28, Read the

passage and answer the questions tools, doors, flushes, baseball gloves, etc.
that follow. designed (deviously, I would say) for the
right-handed people.
I am a leftie. Out of every ten people walking Fortunately, we left-handed people learn
down the street one is a leftie. This simply early on that we need to survive in a world
means there are many people like me in meant for the right-handed. I’m sure most of
the world. Yet the world wants to ignore you who read this article are right-handed.
us! Everywhere we go, we come across Why don’t you try this simple task? Get hold

7th IEO | Class-8 | Set-A | 3

of a pair of scissors and hold them in your One piece of information that makes me
left hand. Now, try to cut a piece of paper really happy is: most intelligent and creative
with it. Tell me how you feel. Doesn’t it people are left-handed. Sir Isaac Newton,
feel awkward? I am glad you tried because Albert Einstein, Ludwig van Beethoven,
that’s exactly how I feel when I use your Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Charlie
pair of scissors with my right hand. Chaplin … see, the list is really long. So,
Of late, I am relieved to notice that online though life isn’t really easy for me, I know
stores have begun to peddle paraphernalia I am in good company.
for us. At least they see us as worthy
customers! Left-handed camcorders, left- 23. The writer believes that the right-handed
handed tools, left-handed stationery… the people are .
range is quite satisfying. I remember my
A. unaware of the problems faced by the
grandfather saying that being left-handed
was extremely difficult when he was my age. left-handed people
He had no choice but to use things meant B. less intelligent than left-handed people
for right-handed people. He also says that C. unaware of some people being left-
the world was outright cruel to people of handed
our kind. As a child when my grandfather D. purposefully taking a revenge
tried to write or eat with his left hand, he 24. The writer wants the right-handed people
was rapped on the knuckles. His parents,
to try to cut a piece of paper because he
his teachers, his siblings, almost everyone
wants .
who ‘cared’ for him, treated him with the
utmost unkindness. A. them to learn to cut a piece of paper with
left hand
Fortunately, nowadays parents and teachers
B. them to manufacture tools for the left-
are more accepting and understanding. The
handed people
little kid who sits next to me on the school
bus says that no one asks him to write with C. t h e r i g h t - h a n d e d p e o p l e t o f e e l
his right hand. I am glad to learn that the comfortable
world is becoming a slightly better place D. them to empathise with the left-handed
for us. people
I am keen to know why I am left-handed. 25. Choose the option that has similar meaning to
My curiosity stems from my suffering. You ‘survive’ as used in the second paragraph.
may have noticed that people with some
A. To pull it off
disease always try to find out what caused
B. To live
that condition. Well, I don’t have a disease
C. To persist
but no one fails to make me feel miserable
D. To win
about my condition! So, my research into
medical sciences says that people can be 26. Choose the option that means similar to ‘to
either handed for no particular reason. sell’ as used in the third paragraph.
Just as you have black hair or brown hair; A. Online stores
love Sudoku or hate it; like strawberry ice
B. Peddle
cream or detest it, I can be left-handed or
C. Paraphernalia
right-handed. It just happens.
D. Range

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27. Which of the following statements is true?
To prevent falling off the ledge, you will
A. The grandfather had a very understanding
family in childhood. have to fasten yourself to the cliff. Use
B. The writer believes that being left-handed pitons and ropes for this purpose. Use a
is a disease. very heavy hammer to drive the pitons
C. Most intelligent people are intelligent deep into the rock face. Then, weave the
because they are left-handed. rope around your limbs and fasten it to the
D. The writer’s grandfather was left-handed pitons. Remember to keep at least one arm
as well. free from the weaving. This arm will help
you untie yourself in the morning.
28. Which of the following statements is
false? Now, some of you might have the habit
of reading yourself to sleep. Fairly good
A. Online stores sell more things for the left-
handed than regular markets. habit! However, how do you read when
B. The grandfather approved of the way he you are on a mountain face? Well, you can
was treated in his childhood. wear your helmet with the light on and you
C. People’s attitude towards the left-handed can hold the book with your free arm. With
is improving with time. not enough space to change the book from
D. People can be either left or right-handed one arm to the other, and with no pillows
for no particular reason. to prop up your head, the experience may
not be as pleasurable as you would like,
FOR QUESTIONS 29 TO 35, Read the
passage and answer the questions
that follow. What do you do if you complete reading the
book? You can always leave it behind for
Here is a humorous article giving advice other climbers to find it. It is best to fasten
to mountaineers. Do you think the author the book to the ledge so that it remains
is serious? Read on. there to surprise future climbers. You must
Do you jump out of bed in the mornings? remember to wrap the book up in some
Well, if you are a mountain climber sleeping waterproof material.
on a rock face, you cannot do so! Nor can While you are sleeping high up there, a
you toss and turn in your sleep. You cannot few reptiles or birds might grow interested
spread yourself out either. So, how do you in you. They might want to know who the
sleep? intruder is. How do you deal with them?
Mountaineers have honed the art of sleeping Ignoring them might help. Also, biting cold
on the rock face of a mountain several winds and the lashing rain might bother
hundred feet above sea level. They affix you. Again, the advice is to ignore them.
themselves to the open rock face using If you don’t look at them, they are likely
ropes and pitons.
to just go away!
If you would like to climb a mountain and
sleep a few nights high up there then this
is the way to do it. First of all find a nice 29. The writer’s tone is .
wide ledge in the cliff. You would be lucky A. sincere
if you found a ledge that is three to five B. humorous
inches wide. It is a challenge to sleep on a C. bitter
ledge of lesser width.
D. serious

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30. Pitons are . A. The writer is giving some unimportant
A. spears advice to climbers.
B. spikes B. It is natural for some creatures to be
C. hammers inquisitive about you.
D. harpoons C. Wearing a headgear while reading will
give you light.
31. Which word in the fourth paragraph means D. The writer tells us to overlook the rain
“a steep rock face especially on the edge and cold.
of a sea”?
34. It is important to find a ledge that is about
A. Cliff
five inches wide because .
B. Ledge
C. Limb A. it is difficult to sleep on a ledge that is
D. Fasten narrower
B. then it is easy to drive the pitons deep
32. Which of the following statements is true? inside the rock face
A. It is easy to find ledges on a rock face that C. then it is possible to keep both arms
are wide. free
B. The free arm will help the climber to untie D. then climbers can read th e b o o k
herself/himself. comfortably
C. Reading will be a very comfortable 35. What are the important objects one needs to
experience on the rock face. sleep safely during a climb?
D. The hammer is meant to hold the climber
A. Books, helmets and wrapping paper
in place.
B. Helmet, light and ropes
33. Which of the following statements is C. Pitons, books and ropes
false? D. Hammer, pitons and ropes

Spoken and written expression

FOR QUESTIONS 36 TO 45, choose the A. a doddle

correct option to complete each B. tough as an old boot
conversation / dialogue. C. above and beyond the call of duty
D. easier said than done
Anita : Kelly lost her cat last week. 37. Shreya : Every time my mother serves spinach
Karan : to my brother, he .
A. makes a poker faced
A. This is fun!
B. makes a face only a mother could hate
B. I’m so sorry to hear that.
C. looks like a hot potato
C. Good for her! D. makes a face like a bulldog chewing a
D. Don’t bother me. wasp

36. Anne : Is your new job difficult? 38. Vipin : Tina is a rage now. She
Jen : Not at all. Actually, it’s . since she recorded her first album ten years

6 | 7th IEO | Class-8 | Set-A

A. has an ace up her sleeve Yoko : Yes. Did you top the class?
B. has made a pig’s ear of her career Fin : Actually, I failed.
C. let her career slip through her fingers Yoko : Really? !
D. has come a long way A. Congratulations
39. Mark : With new developments in the cyber B. What a pity
C. How funny
world every day, parents have to to
D. Not bad at all
constantly know if their children are safe.
A. have eyes in the back of their heads 43. Sales attendant :
B. throw caution to the wind Customer: No, it’s a little too small. Have
C. skate on thin ice you got this in a larger size?
D. save their own skin A. They don’t fit.
B. It’s just right.
40. Lyle : I’m going to tell Fenny about her
C. Is that a good fit?
shoddy work.
D. Could you measure this?
Gina : But that could hurt her.
Lyle : I don’t mind. . 44. Tourist : ?
A. Let the chips fall where they may Guide : This is by the famous Dutch painter
B. Let it go with the wind and etcher, Rembrandt.
C. I’m two-timing her A. Who’s this painting by
D. I’m going to hit the sack B. Do you like modern art
C. Can I take photographs
41. Dill : I’ve been here since 5!
D. Who’s in the painting
Dina :
45. Manager : I’m afraid our project is delayed.
A. Thanks for everything.
The funds will arrive late. This’ll us
B. I can’t be bothered.
by at least two months.
C. Sorry to keep you waiting.
D. Just kidding! A. set, up
B. set, back
42. Fin : You know how hard I worked on the C. show, up
project. D. rip, off


FOR QUESTIONS 46 and 47, choose the C. hoping

correct word to complete each D. asking
47. I will write a letter to you tentatively
the dates of the programme.
46. Without to be rude, I must remind
A. guiding
you to speak softly.
B. indicating
A. wishing C. urging
B. showing D. involving

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FOR QUESTIONS 48 and 49, choose the A. Deprecatory
most suitable antonym of the word B. Mocking
given in bold. C. Strident
D. Respectful
48. There are four chapters that are extraneous
to the structure of the book. 50. CHOOSE THE CORRECT option TO
A. Extrinsic
Jatin : Let’s take Kalyan also.
B. Irrelevant
C. Additional Rajesh : Kalyan hates eating food in that
D. Integral restaurant. You’re .
A. cooking his goose
49. The secretary had a derisive attitude B. flogging a dead horse
towards some of the members of the C. bringing the house down
committee. D. going up in smoke


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