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for Nurses
Pharmacology for Nurses

The Pedagogy
Pharmacology for Nurses drives comprehension through various strategies that meet the learning needs of stu-
dents while also generating enthusiasm about the topic. This interactive approach addresses different learning
styles, making this the ideal text to ensure mastery of key concepts. The pedagogical aids that appear in most
chapters include the following:


Central Nervous System Drugs

Dion M. Mayes-Burnett

Key Terms
Nerve processes
Parkinson’s disease
Peripheral nervous system
Found in a list at the beginning
Alzheimer disease
Neuromuscular blockers
Pons of each chapter, these items will
Anesthetic Forebrain Neurons Prostaglandin
Antispasmodics Gamma-aminobutyric acid N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) Salicylates create an expanded vocabulary.
Autonomic nervous system (GABA) Nociceptive Somatic nervous system
Brain stem
Noncompetitive antagonist
Nonsteroidal anti-
Use the access code at the front
Central nervous system (CNS)
Medulla oblongata
inflammatory drugs
Spinal column
Spinal cord
of your book to find additional
COX-2 inhibitors
Muscle relaxant
Parasympathetic nervous
Sympathetic nervous system
resources online.
Cyclooxygenase (COX) Muscle spasm system


At the end of the chapter, the reader will be able to: 8. Describe the indication and mechanism of action for each
Chapter Objectives
of the drug classes used to treat CNS disorders.
1. List the key components that make up the central nervous
system (CNS). 9. Discuss the long-term effects of chronic acetaminophen
These objectives provide
2. Describe the function of the CNS.
3. Identify common disorders and diseases of the CNS.
10. Describe symptoms of overdose for each class of CNS drug. instructors and students with a
11. Explain how each CNS drug acts to alleviate or eliminate
4. List four primary symptoms of Parkinson’s disease,
Alzheimer disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
symptoms. snapshot of key information they
5. Discuss five myths associated with chronic pain.
will encounter in each chapter.
6. List three complications associated with narcotic
administration. They serve as a checklist to help
7. Identify the major drug classes used to treat CNS disorders.
guide and focus study.

Pharmacology for Nurses iii

110 CHAPTER 4 Central Nervous System Drugs

TABLE 4-1 Most Common Opioids

Generic Trade Name Administration Routes Natural/Other Agonist/Antagonist

Morphine MS Contin Subcut./IM/IV/PO Natural Agonist

Codeine Lodine PO/IM/Subcut. Natural Agonist

Hydromorphone Dilaudid Subcut./IM/IV/PO/REC Semi-synthetic Agonist

Meperidine Demerol Subcut./IM/IV/PO/REC Synthetic Agonist

Fentanyl Duragesic IV/IM/lozenge/buccal tab/transdermal patch Synthetic Agonist

Methadone Dolophine Subcut./IM/IV/PO Synthetic Agonist

Tramadol Ultram PO Synthetic Agonist

Naloxone Narcan Subcut./IM/IV Semi-synthetic Antagonist

a response; agonists mimic the actions of en- beneficial in both regards, as we shall see
dogenous opioid ligands. The best-known later in this chapter.
drugs with mixed agonist–antagonist
Best Practices
activity are the opioids. For example Acute Versus Chronic Pain
Selecting an appro- morphine is an agonist of opioid re- One person’s pain perception may be very

Best Practices priate analgesic is

achieved with con-
ceptors, while naloxone is an antag-
onist to morphine and other opiate
different from another person’s, but the one
commonality is that a sensory pathway spans
sideration of the risks drugs (and therefore a receptor an- from the affected organ to the brain. Anal-
and benefits to the
Key concept notes reinforce patient, the type and
tagonist). The drugs buprenorphine gesics work at the level of the nerves, either
severity of pain the and pentazocine have both agonist by blocking the signal from the PNS or by
correct methods and techniques patient may be suf- and antagonist effects (TABLE 41). distorting the perception by the CNS. Select-
fering, and the risk of Among the class of NSAIDs are ing an appropriate analgesic is achieved with
and provide information on adverse effects.
COX-2 inhibitors. These drugs are consideration of the risks and benefits to the
matters in day-to-day practice. selective in that they directly tar- patient, the type and severity of pain the pa-
tient may be suffering, and the risk of adverse
get COX-2, an enzyme responsi-
Best Practices
ble for inflammation and pain, yet effects. The healthcare provider would also
Analgesics should be have a less severe impact on the gas- want to examine whether the type of pain
dosed routinely to en- trointestinal (GI) tract than trad- the patient is experiencing would be catego-
sure constant blood itional NSAIDs such as salicylates rized as acute or chronic.
levels of analgesic
(aspirin). The more benign GI ef- Acute pain is self-limiting in duration and
so that pain relief is
uninterrupted. fects of COX-2 inhibitors reduce includes postoperative pain or pain due to
the risk of peptic ulceration asso- an injury or infection. Given that pain of this
ciated with the traditional NSAIDs type is expected to be short term (usually less
Best Practices (Chan et al., 2017; Whittle, 2000), al- than 12 weeks’ duration), the long-term side
though overall gastrointestinal toxic- effects of analgesic therapy may be ignored.
The risk of side ef-
ity of selective COX-2 inhibitors has These patients may be treated with narcot-
fects with long-term
use of NSAIDs means been questioned (Hima & Venkat, ics without concern of possible addiction. One
treatment of chronic 2016). Celecoxib is an example of a important consideration with patients in se-
pain requires a com- COX-2 inhibitor. vere pain is that they should not be subject to
bination of drugs, life- Analgesics provide symptom- the return of pain. Analgesics should be dosed
style modifications,
atic pain relief but do not alleviate routinely to ensure constant blood levels of
and other treatment
modalities. the cause of that pain. The NSAIDs, analgesic, rather than waiting to provide
due to their dual activity, may be patients with appropriate medications until

144 CHAPTER 4 Central Nervous System Drugs

effects. When the procedure is over, remind Critical Thinking Questions

the patient not to arise too quickly to avoid
possible dizziness due to orthostatic hypoten- 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
sion. Remind patients to call immediately if NSAID analgesia versus opioid analgesia?
they experience side effects or notice areas of 2. What distinguishes epilepsy from non-
irritation or increased bleeding, warmth, or epileptic seizures? Why would therapy for each
swelling at area of injection. type of seizure disorder be different?
3. Name three common myths surrounding pain
CHAPTER SUMMARY medications. How do these medications po-
This chapter has explored the CNS, touched briefly on the
tentially affect therapy and clinical response to
PNS, and discussed key conditions affecting the CNS as well the patient?
as the drug classes most commonly used as treatments for 4. In Alzheimer disease, the key diagnostic symp-

Critical Thinking
specific CNS diseases and disorders. If there is one all-encom- tom is dementia; in Parkinson’s disease, the
passing theme to this chapter, it is the principal necessity to most frequent identifying symptom is tremor

support patients’ ability to maintain physiological function
and changes in gait. How do these differences
and a sense of “normalcy” as they cope with the neurologic
alter the therapeutic approach to patients with
disorders for which they are being treated. Whether the
problem is pain centered or focused on loss of memory (as these diseases?

Analyze and evaluate content in Alzheimer disease), physical capability (as in Parkinson’s or
ALS disease), or simply a matter of suppressing seizures, the
5. What is the principal function of glutamate?
6. What are the roles of prostaglandins in inflam-
from each chapter using these therapeutic goal is the same: manage the condition with
the goal of restoring normalcy to the extent possible. Where matory diseases? How do NSAIDs affect prosta-
glandin production?
end-of-chapter questions. disease and/or symptom progression is inevitable, the goal
becomes maintenance of high function and independence 7. Which of the following medications is most ap-
for as long as possible. In such cases (and, indeed, in any CNS propriate for a patient with a spinal cord injury
disorder), medication is rarely used alone; it is most often
who has a history of benzodiazepine addic-
supported with multiple adjunct therapies (or sometimes is
better regarded as an adjunct to other modalities).
tion: cyclobenzaprine, diazepam, aspirin, or
Key concepts include the importance of neurotransmitters
such as dopamine and acetylcholine in brain-centered pro- 8. ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative dis-
gressive disorders such as Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease, ease with varied etiology. What are typically
the function of glutamate and NDMA in memory and cogni- the first symptoms seen in the progression of
tion, and the central role that prostaglandins play in inflam- this disease?
matory conditions. Management of pain is a challenging
9. What are the key symptoms or lab findings
objective for the clinician because it is so often performed
ineffectually. However, maintaining physiological function that would indicate toxicity in a patient on
and supporting patients’ ability to cope with various diseases long-term acetaminophen therapy?
and symptoms is as important as pain control.
iv Pharmacology for Nurses

Case studies 145


Case Scenario 1
Ms. Smith, a 78-year-old woman with a history of gastric ulcers and stroke, comes into the clinic
following an accident where her car was rear-ended. She is complaining of headache and pain in
her neck and shoulders. The nurse takes the patient’s vital signs: B/P, 123/68; P, 88; R, 18; T, 98.9.
Ms. Smith states that she has allergies to penicillin and codeine, and has been taking Coumadin
since her stroke three years ago. After a brief examination, the physician’s assistant tells Ms. Smith
that he believes she has whiplash and prescribes her cyclobenzaprine and aspirin.
Case Question
1. Is aspirin the best or most appropriate medication that should have been ordered?
a. Yes, because it acts both as an anti-inflammatory and a pain medication.
b. No, the patient would do better taking ibuprofen because it is less upsetting to the stomach.
c. No, the patient should take acetaminophen because she has both a history of peptic ulcers and is cur-
rently taking warfarin.
d. None of the above.
Answer: The answer is c. Because Ms. Smith has a history of ulcers and is receiving anticoagulant therapy
post stroke, aspirin should be avoided because it would both increase the anticoagulant effects of the
warfarin and increase her risk of gastric ulcers.
Case Studies
Scenarios encourage active
learning and promote critical
thinking skills. Students can read
about real-life scenarios and
analyze each situation presented.

Case Scenario 2
Nathaniel, an EMT and girls’ soccer coach in Connecticut, was flying home to Tulsa for a visit. When
his father, Louis, picked him up at the airport, Nathaniel noticed that Louis seemed different. He
didn’t think much of it at the time, but as the week progressed, he noticed that his father was
frequently confused, had difficulty organizing and planning, and was quite moody when normally
he was always laughing and telling jokes. He had always loved making flies for his favorite hobby,
fly-fishing, but Nathaniel’s mother reported that he no longer made the flies or even went into his
workshop anymore. She also stated that she noticed when they watched TV, Louis had difficulty
following the plot of any of the shows they were watching.
Nathaniel felt that his father might have some mild dementia, which concerned him because his
father was only 58. He made an appointment for his father with his doctor; following examination
and testing, Louis was diagnosed with early-stage Alzheimer disease.
Case Questions
1. Because Louis is relatively young, and has been diagnosed with early-stage Alzheimer disease with what
appear to be only mild symptoms, which medication would be best to start him on?

Blaine Templar Smith, RPh, PhD
for Nurses
Diane F. Pacitti, RPh, PhD
Pharmacy Consultant Pharmacy Educator
Editor and Author Editor and Author
Former Chair Adjunct Pharmacology Faculty
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Saint Manchester Community College
Joseph College School of Pharmacy Capitol Community College
Former Assistant Professor Former Chair
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Holyoke Community College
Sciences – Worcester Former Assistant Professor
College of Pharmacy, University of Oklahoma Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Saint
Joseph College School of Pharmacy Department
of Pharmacology, Springfield College
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and
Health Sciences – Worcester
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Smith, Blaine T., editor.
Title: Pharmacology for nurses / [edited by] Blaine Templar Smith.
Description: Second edition. | Burlington, Massachusetts : Jones & Bartlett
   Learning, [2019] | Includes bibliographical references.
Identifiers: LCCN 2018023083 | ISBN 9781284141986 (hardcover)
Subjects: | MESH: Pharmacological Phenomena | Drug Therapy | Nurses’
Classification: LCC RM301.28 | NLM QV 37 | DDC 615.1--dc23
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This book is dedicated to the memory of my mother,

Joan (Joanna) Lou Templar Smith, PhD (1927–2013),
my life-long editor and editorial advisor. – Blaine T. Smith
Dedicated to my mother as well: the single strongest, most faithful,
and resilient person I have ever known. – Diane F. Pacitti


Pharmacology for Nurses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxiv
About the Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxv
Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxvi
Reviewers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxviii

Section I Pharmacology for Nurses: Basic Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Chapter 1 Introduction to Pharmacology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Jean Nicholas, MSN
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Nursing and Pharmacology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Drug Classifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Drug Names. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Prescription and Nonprescription Drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Controlled Substances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Sources of Drug Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
QSEN Competencies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Overview of the Nursing Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Nursing Diagnosis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Intervention. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Cultural Aspects of Drug Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Legal–Ethical Aspects of Drug Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Medication Errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
How Often Do Medication Errors Occur? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
How Can Medication Errors Be Prevented?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Conclusion: Pharmacology in Nursing Practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Chapter 2 Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics

and Pharmacokinetics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Diane F. Pacitti, RPh, PhD
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
What Happens After a Drug Is Administered?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Making the Connection: Pharmacology in Clinical Nursing Practice. . . . . . . 17

Contents ix

Pharmacokinetics Versus Pharmacodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

The Relationship Between the Drug and the Body. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
What Is a Drug?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Advances in New Drug Development: Personalized Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Drug Nomenclature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Chemical Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Generic Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Brand Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
The Liver: Anatomical First Stop for Orally Administered Drugs. . . . . . . . . . 21
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Drug Meet Patient; Patient Meet Drug. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Toxicology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
What, Then, Is the Right Dose?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
The Interplay of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Pharmacodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Pharmacokinetics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Biopharmaceutics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Clinical Pharmacology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Pharmacodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
What the Drug Does to the Body. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
The Mechanism of Drug Action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
The Receptor Molecule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
The Nature of Ligand-Receptor Interactions: Chemical Bonding
Interactions/Forces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
The Drug–Receptor Complex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
The Drug–Receptor Interaction and Therapeutic Response. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Types of Receptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Transmembrane Receptor Activation and Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Signal Transduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
The Dose-Response Relationship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Pharmacodynamic Parameters Obtained from the Dose-Response Curve. . . 35
Efficacy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Potency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Potency vs. Efficacy: A Source of Confusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Limitations of a Dose-Response Curve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
The Drug Activity Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Pharmacodynamic Parameters Obtained from the Drug Activity Profile. . . . 38
Duration of Action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Onset of Action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Therapeutic Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Classes of Medications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Agonist Drugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Mimic Ligand-Receptor Activation Responses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Antagonist Drugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Block the Receptor’s Activation Response. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Different Types of Antagonists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
x Contents

Variability in Pharmacodynamics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Pharmacokinetics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
How the Body Affects the Drug. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Overview of the Pharmacokinetic Processes, ADME. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Absorption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Metabolism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Elimination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Overview of Pharmacokinetic Terminology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
The Pharmacokinetic Parameters Used to Characterize
the Rate of Drug Movement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Pharmacokinetic Studies and Determination of Kinetic Parameters. . . . . . . 43
The Plasma Level-Time Curve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Rate Processes of Pharmacokinetics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Zero-Order Rate Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
The First-Order Rate Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Further Explanation of Rate Constants in Pharmacokinetics. . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Half-Life in Pharmacokinetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Drug Absorption: The “A” in ADME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
The Pharmacokinetics of Oral Absorption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Bioavailability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Factors Affecting the Rate and Extent of Absorption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Impact of First-Pass Effect on Bioavailability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Steady-State Drug Levels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Distribution: The “D” in ADME. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Pharmacokinetics: Rate of Drug Distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Pharmacokinetic Models: Compartmental Model Theory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
One-Compartment Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Multicompartment Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Volume of Distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Drug Binding to Plasma Proteins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Competition for Binding Sites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Ramifications of Protein Binding on Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Metabolism: The “M” in ADME. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Enzyme Reactions in the Liver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Metabolism and Liver Blood Flow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Drug Interactions Involving Drug Metabolism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Elimination: The “E” in ADME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Biliary Excretion of Drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Drug Clearance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Glomerular Filtration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Active Renal Secretion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Tubular Reabsorption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Case Study: Making the Connection to Clinical Nursing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Considerations Affecting Drug Delivery: Dosing Frequency,
Timing, and Route. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Contents xi

Chronic Medication Use: Long-Term Dosing Regimens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
External Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Chapter 3 Medication Administration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Tara Kavanaugh, RN, MSN, MPH, ANP-BC, FNP-BC, WHNP-BC
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Before Administering Medications: The Eight Medication “Rights” . . . . . . . 69
Procedures for Administering Medications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Which Factors Hamper Safe Medication Administration?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Systemic Factors in Medication Errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Proper Procedure for Administering All Medications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Administering Oral Medications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Injecting Medications Safely. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Giving Subcutaneous Injections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Preparing the Medication for a Subcutaneous Injection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Injectable Pens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Rotating Injection Sites for Subcutaneous Injections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
General Guidelines for Subcutaneous Injections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Intramuscular Injections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Anatomic Locations for Administering Intramuscular Injections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Supplies Needed for Administering Intramuscular Injections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
General Procedure for Administering Intramuscular Injections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Intravenous and Intraosseous Medications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
IV Medication Safety Issues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Matters of Key Concern When Administering IV Medications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Administering an IV Medication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Identifying a Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Inhaled Medications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Proper Procedure for Using a Metered-Dose Inhaler or
Dry-Powder Inhaler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Delivering Medication with an Inhaler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Proper Procedure for Administering a Nasal Spray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Using a Nebulizer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Preparing for Nebulizer Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Using the Nebulizer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Medication Transfer Across Permeable Tissues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Administering a Transdermal Patch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Applying Topical Preparations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Vaginal Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Administering Vaginal Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Administering Rectal Suppositories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Buccal and Sublingual Administration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Administering a Sublingual or Buccal Medication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Medication Errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
What are Medication Administration Errors? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Causes and Prevention of Medication Errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Conclusion: Medication Administration in Nursing Practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Suggested Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
xii Contents

Section II The Pharmacology of Physiological Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

Chapter 4 Central Nervous System Drugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

Dion M. Mayes-Burnett, RN
Nervous System Physiology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Conditions Affecting CNS Function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Drugs Used for Conditions of the Central Nervous System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Classes of Medications for Treating CNS Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Analgesics and Pain Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Acute Versus Chronic Pain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Narcotics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Nursing Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Nursing Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Seizure Disorders and Epilepsy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Anticonvulsants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Valproic Acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Phenobarbital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Levetiracetam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Phenytoin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Benzodiazepines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Anticonvulsant Side Effects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Nursing Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Neurodegenerative Diseases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Parkinson’s Disease. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Carbidopa–Levodopa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Nursing Process for Carbidopa–Levodopa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Ropinirole. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Nursing Process for Ropinirole. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Benztropine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Nursing Process for Benztropine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Amantadine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Nursing Process for Amantadine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Alzheimer Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Nursing Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Nursing Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Musculoskeletal Dysfunction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Muscle Relaxants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Specific Drugs and Their Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Side Effects and Contraindications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Nursing Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Local Anesthetics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Specific Drugs and Uses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Nursing Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Suggested Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

Chapter 5 Autonomic Nervous System Drugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

William Mark Enlow, DNP, ACNP, CRNA, DCC, Sue Greenfield, PhD, RN,
and Cliff Roberson, DNP, CRNA, APRN
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
The Three Systems of the ANS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Contents xiii

Anatomy of the Autonomic Nervous System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

Integration of ANS Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Sympathetic Nervous System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Parasympathetic Nervous System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Neurotransmitters in the Autonomic Nervous System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Adrenergic Receptors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Drugs That Affect the ANS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Adrenergic Agonist Drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Nonselective Agents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Selective Adrenergic Agents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Nursing Considerations for Adrenergic Drugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Adrenergic Antagonists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Alpha-Adrenergic Antagonists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Selectivity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Nursing Considerations for α-Receptor Antagonists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Beta-Adrenergic Antagonists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Selectivity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Nursing Considerations for β-Adrenergic Antagonists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Cholinergic Drugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Cholinergic Agents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Directly Acting Acetylcholine Receptor Agonist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Nursing Considerations for Cholinergic Agonists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Nursing Interventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Cholinergic Antagonists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Clinical Indications for Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Individual Cholinergic Antagonists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Nursing Process for Cholinergic Antagonists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Nursing Interventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Suggested Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174

Chapter 6 Cardiovascular Medications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175

Diane F. Pacitti, RPh, PhD, and Blaine Templar Smith, RPh, PhD
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
The Cardiovascular System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Treatment of High Blood Pressure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
What Is High Blood Pressure? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
JNC 7: “Older” Guidelines for Treatment of Hypertension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
JNC 8: Updated Guidelines for Treatment of Hypertension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
The Renin–Angiotensin–Aldosterone System (RAAS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Direct Renin Inhibitors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Angiotensin-Converting-Enzyme Inhibitors (ACE Inhibitors) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Aldosterone Antagonists (AAs). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
The Role of the Autonomic Nervous System
in Blood Pressure Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Adverse Effects of Beta-Blockers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Blockade of α1-Receptors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Adverse Effects of Alpha-Blockers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Calcium-Channel Blockers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Adverse Effects of Calcium Channel Blockers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
xiv Contents

Diuretics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Thiazide Diuretics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Loop Diuretics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Potassium-Sparing Diuretics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Hypertensive Emergencies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Cardiac Agents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Coronary Artery Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Chest Pain/Angina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Exertional Angina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Variant Angina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Unstable Angina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Antianginal Agents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Hyperlipidemia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Statin Drugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Fibrates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Niacin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Bile Acid Sequestrants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Congestive Heart Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Inotropic Agents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Cardiac Glycosides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Prevention of Thrombosis and Stroke: Anticoagulant Therapy. . . . . . . . . . . 205
Anticoagulants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Heparin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Oral Anticoagulants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Warfarin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Direct Thrombin Inhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Direct Factor Xa Inhibitors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Antiplatelet Agents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Antiarrhythmic Agents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Group I Antiarrhythmics: Sodium-Channel Blockers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Group II Antiarrhythmics: Beta-Blockers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Group III Antiarrhythmics: Potassium-Channel Blockers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Group IV Antiarrhythmics: Calcium-Channel Blockers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Group V Antiarrhythmics: Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216

Chapter 7 Respiratory Medications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219

Amy Rex Smith, DNSc, RN, ACNS, BC, and Blaine Templar Smith, RPh, PhD
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Assessment of Lung Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Asthma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Approach to the Treatment of Asthma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Oral Preventive Medications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Leukotriene-Receptor Antagonists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Thromboxane Antagonists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Oral Corticosteroids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Inhaled Preventive Medications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Inhaled Corticosteroids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Contents xv

Inhaled Long-Acting Beta Agonists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228

Combination Inhalers (Corticosteroid + LABA). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Injected Preventive Therapies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Monoclonal Antibodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Methylxanthines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Fast-Acting “Rescue” Medications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Short-Acting Inhaled Beta Agonists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Anticholinergic Agents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Intravenous Corticosteroids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Epinephrine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Late-Phase Asthma Treatment: Emergency Room Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
COPD Adjunct Therapies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Antibiotics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Smoking Cessation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Mucus Reduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Smoking-Cessation Therapy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Oral Medications for Smoking Cessation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Antidepressants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Nicotinic-Receptor Agonists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Nicotine Replacement Therapies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Suggested Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238

Chapter 8 Pharmacology of the Gastrointestinal Tract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

Jacqueline Rosenjack Burchum, DNSc, FNP-BC, CNE, and Hoi Sing Chung, PhD, RN
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
The Nursing Care Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Drugs to Control Gastric Acidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Antacids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Histamine 2 (H2) Receptor Antagonists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Proton-Pump Inhibitors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Mucosal Protectants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Drugs to Stimulate Gastrointestinal Motility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Cholinergic Mimetic Agents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Dopamine (D2) Receptor Blockers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Drugs to Control Diarrhea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Opioid Agonists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Bismuth Compounds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Octreotide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Drugs to Relieve Constipation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Bulk-Forming Laxatives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Stimulant Laxatives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
xvi Contents

Stool Softeners/Surfactants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252

Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Osmotic Laxatives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Drugs to Treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Anticholinergics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Serotonin 5-HT Receptor Agonists and Antagonists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Chloride-Channel Activators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Drugs to Control Nausea and Vomiting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
5-HT3 Receptor Antagonists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Corticosteroids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Neurokinin-1 (NK1) Receptor Antagonists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Dopamine-Receptor Antagonists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Antihistamines and Anticholinergics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Cannabinoids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
Drugs to Treat Inflammatory Bowel Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
Aminosalicylates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Glucocorticoids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Purine Analogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Methotrexate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor Therapy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
Anti-Integrin Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Bile Acid Therapy for Gallstones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264

Chapter 9 Endocrine System Drugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267

Karen Crowley, DNP, APRN-BC, WHNP, ANP, Cathi Bodine, RN, BSN, Linda Tenofsky, PhD,
ANP-BC, Ashley Pratt, MSN, WHNP-BC, and Sarah Nadarajah, RN, BSN
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
Endocrine Glands and Their Hormones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
Hypothalamus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Pituitary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Pineal Gland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Thyroid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Parathyroid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Thymus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Pancreas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Adrenal Glands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Reproductive Glands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Treating Endocrine Conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Diabetes Mellitus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Insulin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Contents xvii

Nursing Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276

Oral and Injectable Hypoglycemic Medications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Nursing Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
Thyroid Disorders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
Thyroid Hormone Replacement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Nursing Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Thyroid Hormone Suppression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
Nursing Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
Nursing Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
Adrenal Disorders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
Adrenal Insufficiency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
Nursing Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
Hypercortisolism (Cushing Disease). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
Nursing Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Hyperaldosteronism (Conn Disease). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297

Chapter 10 Medications for Eye and Ear Disorders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301

Tara Kavanaugh, RN, MSN, MPH, ANP-BC, FNP-BC, WHNP-BC
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Medications for Ophthalmic Disorders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Proper Instillation of Topical Ophthalmic Medication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
Drops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
Ointments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
Glaucoma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
Beta Blockers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Therapeutic and Adverse Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Miotics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Therapeutic and Adverse Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Alpha-Adrenergic Agonists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Therapeutic and Adverse Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Prostaglandin Analogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Therapeutic and Adverse Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Adverse Drug Reactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Chronic Dry or Bloodshot Eyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Ocular Lubricants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
Therapeutic and Adverse Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
Ophthalmic Vasoconstrictors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
Therapeutic and Adverse Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
Corticosteroids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
Therapeutic and Adverse Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
Ophthalmic Antibiotics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
Therapeutic and Adverse Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
Drugs Used in Treating Otic Disorders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
xviii Contents

Prevention Begins at Birth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317

Acute Otitis Media. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
Choosing an Antibacterial Agent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
Treatment for Antibiotic-Resistant AOM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
Pharmacodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
Therapeutic and Adverse Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
Otitis Media with Effusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
Otitis Externa and Its Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
Prevention. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Treatment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Topical Medications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Systemic Treatment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
Fungal Otitis Externa (Otomycosis). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
Treatment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
Analgesics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326

Chapter 11 Pharmacology of the Genitourinary System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329

Diana M. Webber, DNP, APRN-CNP
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Urinary Tract Infections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Complicated UTI in Adults. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
Complicated UTI in Pediatric Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
Medications for Treatment of Uncomplicated UTI (Cystitis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
Nitrofurantoin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
Fosfomycin Trometamol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
Second-Line Agents for UTI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
Beta-Lactam Agents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Non-Antimicrobial Biological Mediators for Prevention of Uncomplicated
Recurrent Cystitis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Cranberry Juice, Capsules, or Tablets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Topical/Local Estrogen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
Vaccines and Probiotic Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
Treatment of Complicated UTI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
Candida albicans Vaginitis (Vaginal Yeast Infection) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
Benign Hyperplasia of the Prostate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
Medications for the Treatment of BPH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
Antimuscarinic Agents (Tolterodine). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
Selective `1-Adrenoreceptor Antagonists (Alfuzosin, Prazosin, Doxazosin,
Tamsulosin, Terazosin). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
5-`-Reductase Inhibitors (Finasteride, Dutasteride). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
PDE-5 Inhibitors (Tadalafil). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
Erectile Dysfunction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
Medications for the Treatment of ED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
PDE-5 Inhibitors (Sildenafil, Tadalafil, Vardenafil) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
Alprostadil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
Sexually Transmitted Infections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
Sexually Transmitted Viral Infections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
Contents xix

HPV, Genital Warts, and Cervical Cancer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342

Herpes and HIV Infections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
Sexually Transmitted Bacterial Infections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
Sexually Transmitted Parasitic Infections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Female Hormonal Contraception. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Estrogen Analogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
Progestins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Testosterone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Pharmacodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Delivery System Comparison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
Oral Hormonal Contraceptives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
Transdermal Contraceptive System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
Vaginal Rings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
Implants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
Intrauterine Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
Emergency Contraception. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
Urinary Incontinence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358

Section III Special Conditions and Supplemental Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361

Chapter 12 Drugs Associated with Pregnancy, Labor and Delivery,

and Lactation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
Jean Nicholas, MSN
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
FDA Pregnancy Categories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
Medication Use on a Preconception Basis and in Early Pregnancy. . . . . . . . 365
Physiological Changes in Pregnancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
Use of Nonprescribed and Illicit Drugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
Patient Emotions Around Medication Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
Common Conditions Arising in Pregnancy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
Constipation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
Diabetes Mellitus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
Heartburn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
Hypertension in Pregnancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
Group B Streptococcal Infection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
Human Immunodeficiency Virus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
Neoplastic Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
Drugs Used During Labor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
Preterm Labor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
Tocolytic Medications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
Labor Induction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
Analgesia/Anesthesia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
Drugs Used During the Postpartum Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
Drugs Administered During Lactation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
xx Contents

Chapter 13 Pharmacology in Dermatologic Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379

Diana Webber, DNP, APRN-CNP
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
Topical Administration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
Systemic Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
Intralesional Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
Physiological Factors Affecting Transdermal Medication
Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
Acne Medications: An Example of Delivery Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
Pharmacology of Topical Acne Medication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
Benzoyl Peroxide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
Salicylic Acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
Tretinoin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
Pharmacology of Systemic Acne Medications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
Tetracyclines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
Isotretinoin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
Hormonal Medications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
Pharmacology of Intralesional Injection Acne Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
Intralesional Steroid Injection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
Atopic Dermatitis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
Pharmacology of Topical Preparations for AD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
Triamcinolone Acetonide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
Emollient Ointment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
Bacterial Skin Infections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
Antifungal Preparations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
Pharmacology of Common Antifungal Medications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
Ketoconazole 2% Cream. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
Terbinafine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396

Chapter 14 Pharmacology of Psychotropic Medications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397

Christopher Footit, RN, CS
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
Delusional Disorders (Psychoses): Schizophrenia
and Antipsychotic Medications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
Antipsychotic Medications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
First-Generation Antipsychotics (FGAs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
Second-Generation Antipsychotics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
Depression and Anxiety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
Adverse Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
Prescribing Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
Adverse Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
Prescribing Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
SSRIs and SNRIs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
Adverse Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
Prescribing Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
Contents xxi

Buspirone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
Adverse Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
Benzodiazepines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
Adverse Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
Prescribing Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
Bipolar Disorder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
Mood Stabilizers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
First-Line Medications: Lithium, Valproic Acid, and Carbamazepine . . . . . . . . . . . 414
Lamotrigine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
Antipsychotic Drugs in Bipolar Disorder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
Prescribing Considerations for Drugs Used To Treat Bipolar Disorder. . . . . . 416
Attention-Deficit Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity
Disorder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
Stimulant Medications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
Adverse Effects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
Nonstimulant Medications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
Adverse Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
Prescribing Considerations for Drugs Used for ADD/ADHD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
Sleep Disorders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
Sleep Hypnotic Drugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
Adverse Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422
Drug–Drug Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
Other Sleep Aids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
Prescribing Considerations for Sleep Aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427

Chapter 15 Pharmacology of Anesthetic Drugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429

Dwayne Accardo, DNP, CRNA, APN
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
Types of Anesthesia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
Local and Topical Anesthesia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
Adverse Effects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
Inhalational Anesthesia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
Drugs Used for Inhalational Anesthesia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
Nitrous Oxide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
Isoflurane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
Desflurane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437
Sevoflurane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437
Intravenous Anesthetics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437
Induction Anesthetics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
Propofol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
Ketamine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
Etomidate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
Barbiturates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
Anesthetic Adjuncts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
Benzodiazepines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
Opioids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
xxii Contents

Nonanesthetic Adjuncts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445

Muscle Relaxants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
Anticholinergic Drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
Antiemetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450

Chapter 16 Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453

Blaine Templar Smith, RPh, PhD
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
Antibacterials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
Sulfonamides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
Drug Interactions and Contraindications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
Tetracyclines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460
a–Lactam Antibiotics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460
Mechanism of Action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
Penicillins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
Drug Interactions and Contraindications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
Nursing Implications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
Cephalosporins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
Drug Interactions and Contraindications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
Nursing Implications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
Carbapenems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
Drug Interactions and Contraindications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
Monobactams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
Drug Interactions and Contraindications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
Beta-Lactamase Inhibitors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
Drug Interactions and Contraindications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
Aminoglycosides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
Drug Interactions and Contraindications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
Macrolides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
Drug Interactions and Contraindications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
Quinolones and Fluoroquinolones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
Drug Interactions and Contraindications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
Lincosamides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
Drug Interactions and Contraindications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
Vancomycin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
Drug Interactions and Contraindications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
Newer Anti-Infective Drugs for Resistant Infections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
Drug Interactions and Contraindications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478
Quinupristin/Dalfopristin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478
Linezolid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478
Contents xxiii

Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479

Quinupristin/Dalfopristin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
Linezolid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
Antitubercular Drugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
Drug Interactions and Contraindications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
Isoniazid (INH). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
Ethambutol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
Ethionamide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
Pyrazinamide (PZA). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
Rifampin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
Streptomycin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
Isoniazid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
Ethambutol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
Ethionamide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
Pyrazinamide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
Rifampin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
Streptomycin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
Antifungal Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
Drug Interactions and Contraindications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
Antiparasitic Agents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
Protozoal Infections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
Antiprotozoal Medications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
Drug Interactions and Contraindications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
Anthelmintic Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
Drug Interactions and Contraindications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
Antivirals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
Anti-Herpesvirus Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
Anti-Influenza Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492
Anti-Hepatitis Agents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492
Antiretroviral Agents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
Drug Interactions and Contraindications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
Drug Interactions and Contraindications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
Protease Inhibitors (PIs). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
Drug Interactions and Contraindications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
Nursing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
Entry Inhibitors (EI). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitors (ISTIs). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506

Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525

Pharmacology for Nurses is an earnest attempt to provide make the student comfortable with both how pharmacol-
a fundamentally solid yet quickly learnable foundation ogy fits into professional nursing and the mathematical
from which to teach nursing pharmacology courses. It foundation on which later sections are based. The second
was created to provide an alternative pharmacology section is intended to provide basic pharmacology and
textbook for nurses to those previously available. There is arranged by organ or physiologic system. The reader’s
is a tendency for nursing pharmacology textbooks to be previous understanding of physiology is usually assumed,
either overly complex or overly simplified for the needs so physiology review is minimized in order to more di-
of nursing students. This is not to say comprehensive rectly address common systems of drug receptors utilized
pharmacology textbooks are not of value. It is a sim- for medical interventions. The third section is dedicated
ple fact of the education paradigm that pharmacology to the physiologic systems that, though regularly encoun-
must be a component of nursing education, but there is tered in practice, are not considered primary systems.
insufficient time to delve into the details of each topic After reading this textbook, presumably in associ-
during the regular curriculum. Therefore, the authors ation with pharmacology courses offered, it is hoped
recognized a need for a “core” pharmacology textbook the essentials for capable professional nursing practice
that not only provides a solid foundation for nurses but will be afforded, while offering a nonintimidating pre-
also is compatible with the realities of course constraints sentation of the topic. It is our hope that this instills a
encountered in any curriculum. true interest in pursuing more in-depth pharmacology
The textbook is divided into three major sections. The ­education as situations inevitably present themselves in
first section provides the general information needed to everyday professional nursing practice.

About the Editor

Blaine Templar Smith, RPh, PhD, earned bachelor degrees Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sci-
in chemistry and pharmacy and a PhD in pharmaceutical ences, Worcester; faculty member and Chair of the De-
sciences (with emphasis in nuclear pharmacy and immu- partment of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Saint Joseph
nology) at the University of Oklahoma. Dr. Smith is a reg- University School of Pharmacy; and Visiting Fellow at
istered pharmacist in both Oklahoma and Massachusetts, the University of Massachusetts Medical School.
practicing in a very wide spectrum of settings, including He has written, edited, and published reference
hospital in-patient, long-term care centers, independent books and textbooks related to the fields of medicine,
and chain retail pharmacies, and Indian Health Service pharmacy, pharmaceutics, physical pharmacy, nuclear
clinics and hospitals. He completed a postdoctoral fellow- pharmacy, immunology, molecular biology, diagnostic
ship at the University of Oklahoma Genome Sequencing imaging, and nursing. Additionally, he provides online
Center, participating in the Human Genome Project. education (both live and asynchronous) and continuing
Dr. Smith has been a faculty member at the Uni- health profession education for healthcare profession-
versity of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy and the als’ licensure requirements.


Dwayne Accardo, DNP, CRNA, APN Dion M. Mayes-Burnett, RN

Assistant Professor, Program Director for DNP Nurse Manager of Alzheimer, Dementia, and PTSD
Anesthesia Norman Veterans Center
University of Tennessee Health Science Center Norman, Oklahoma
Memphis, Tennessee
Sarah Nadarajah, RN, BSN
Catherine Bodine, RN, BSN Nurse Coordinator, Reproductive Medicine
Clinical Research Communication Specialist Reproductive Science Center
Duke Clinical Research Institute Lexington, Massachusetts
Durham, North Carolina
Jean Nicholas, MSN
Jacqueline Rosenjack Burchum, DNSc, FNP-BC, CNE Spencer, Massachusetts
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Diane F. Pacitti, PhD, RPh
Memphis, Tennessee
Hoi Sing Chung, PhD, RN Manchester Community College Pharmacy Technician
Assistant Professor Training Program
University of Memphis Manchester, Connecticut
Memphis, Tennessee
Ashley Pratt, MSN, WHNP-BC
Karen Crowley, DNP, APRN-BC, WHNP, ANP Coastal Women’s Healthcare
Assistant Professor and Associate Dean of Online Scarborough, Maine
Cliff Roberson, DNP, CRNA, APRN
Regis College
Assistant Program Director
Weston, Massachusetts
Assistant Professor of Nursing
William Mark Enlow, DNP, ACNP, CRNA, DCC Graduate Program in Nurse Anesthesia
Assistant Professor of Nursing School of Nursing
Columbia University Columbia University
New York, New York New York, New York
Christopher Footit, RN, CS Amy Rex Smith, DNSc, RN, ACNS, BC
Footit and Associates Associate Professor, Department of Nursing
Hadley, Massachusetts Graduate Program Director MS in Nursing Program
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Sue Greenfield, PhD, RN
University of Massachusetts Boston
Associate Professor
Boston, Massachusetts
School of Nursing
Columbia University Blaine Templar Smith, PhD, RPh
New York, New York Pharmacy Consultant
Editor and Author
Tara Kavanaugh, RN, MSN, MPH, ANP-BC, FNP-BC,
Former Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Saint Joseph School of Pharmacy
Holyoke Community College
Former Assistant Professor, College of Pharmacy,
Holyoke, Massachusetts
University of Oklahoma

Contributors xxvii

Linda Tenofsky, PhD, ANP-BC Diana M. Webber, DNP, APRN-CNP

Professor College of Nursing
Division of Nursing University of Oklahoma
Curry College Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Milton, Massachusetts

Bruce Addison, DO, TAMUCC Celeste S. Dunnington, RN, MSN

Adjunct Professor Dean, Associate Professor
Assistant Clinical Professor Family Medicine TAMU Rielin & Salmen School of Nursing
HSC Truett McConnell University
Adjunct Clinical Professor Cleveland, Georgia
Family Medicine North Texas State University, HSC
Bruce E. Fugate, MSN, RN, CNE
Fort Worth, Texas
Assistant Professor, Nursing
Karen J. Anderson, PhD, RN, CNE Southern State Community College
School of Nursing & Health Professions Hillsboro, Ohio
Oakwood University
Laurie Gelardi, RNC, DNP, CCNS, CPNP, NNP
Huntsville, Alabama
Assistant Professor
Mindy Barna, MSN, RN California State University Northridge
Director of Practical Nursing Northridge, California
College of Saint Mary
Sheila Grossman, PhD, APRN, FNP-BC, FAAN
Omaha, Nebraska
Professor, Family Nurse Practitioner Coordinator,
Patricia J. Bartzak, DNP, RN, CMSRN Director of Faculty Scholarship & Mentoring
Assistant Professor of Nursing Egan School of Nursing & Health Studies
Anna Maria College Fairfield University
Paxton, Massachusetts Fairfield, CT
Christine M. Berte, APRN-BC Tony Guerra, PharmD
Professor Professor of Pharmacology
Western Connecticut State University Des Moines Area Community College
Danbury, Connecticut Des Moines, Iowa
Karen P. Black, MSN, APRN, PMHNP-BC Katherine S. Herlache, MSN
Assistant Professor Professor
University of Louisville School of Nursing and Health Professions
Louisville, Kentucky Marian University
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Sonya Blevins, DNP, RN, CMSRN, CNE
Assistant Professor of Nursing Jan Herren, MSN, RNC
University of South Carolina, Upstate Assistant Professor
Simpsonville, South Carolina Southern Arkansas University
Magnolia, Arkansas
Susan Braud, RN, MSN, CCRN
Assistant Professor of Nursing Tara M. Howry, RN, MSN
Lynchburg College Instructor
Lynchburg, Virginia Craven Community College
New Bern, North Carolina
Robin Webb Corbett, RN, BSN, MSN, PhD
Associate Professor
East Carolina State University
Greenville, North Carolina

Reviewers xxix

Jennifer C. Johnson, MSN, RN Kathleen S. Sampson, MSN, RN, CCRN

Assistant Professor Nursing Faculty
Baldwin Wallace University Accelerated Bachelor Carroll University
of Science in Nursing Program Waukesha, Wisconsin
Berea, Ohio
Diana Shenefield, PhD, MSN, RN
Lynn A. Kelso, MSN, APRN, FCCM, FAANP Director of Nursing
Assistant Professor of Nursing Huntington University
University of Kentucky College of Nursing Huntington, Indiana
Lexington, Kentucky
Mary J. Sletten, DM(c), MSN, RN
Josef Kren, PhD, ScD Associate Professor
Professor Doña Ana Community College
Bryan College of Health Sciences Las Cruces, New Mexico
Lincoln, Nebraska
Jane L. Smith, PhD, RN
Nancy Kupper, RN, MSN Assistant Professor of Nursing, School of Nursing
Associate Professor of Nursing New Mexico State University
Tarrant County College Las Cruces, New Mexico
Fort Worth, Texas
Beryl Stetson, RNBC, MSN, CNE, LCCE, CLC
Deborah L. Mahoney, RN, MSN, CCM Professor of Nursing, Chairperson for the Health
Nursing Instructor Science Education Department
College of St. Elizabeth and Union County College Raritan Valley Community College
Plainfield, New Jersey Branchburg, New Jersey
Gerald Newberry, RN, MSN Rebecca Swartzman, DNP, RN
Assistant Professor of Nursing Professor
Eastern Michigan University Simpson University
Ypsilanti, Michigan Redding, California
Katharine O’Dell, PhD, RN-NP Amy E. Tingle, PharmD
Associate Professor of OB/GYN, Division Clinical Pharmacist
of Urogynecology Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School
UMass Memorial Medical Center of Pharmacy
Worcester, Massachusetts Austin, Texas
Patti Parker, PhDc, APRN, CNS, ANP, GNP Elizabeth A. Tinnon, PhD, RN, CNE
Assistant Clinical Professor Assistant Professor
University of Texas at Arlington University of Southern Mississippi
College of Nursing Graduate School Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Arlington, Texas
Theresa Turick-Gibson, EdD (c), MA, PPCNP-BC, RN-BC
Amanda M. Passint, DNP, RN, CPNP-PC Professor
Assistant Professor Hartwick College
Wisconsin Lutheran College Oneonta, New York
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Sherry Vickers, RN, MSN, CNE
Pamela Preston-Safarz, DNP, RN Associate Professor of Nursing
Instructor Jackson State Community College
Saint Anselm College Jackson, Tennessee
Manchester, New Hampshire
Michael H. Walls, MSN, PhD, RN
Edilberto A. Raynes, MD, PhD Assistant Professor, Manager, Medical-Surgical Nursing
Instructor Malek School of Health Professions
Grand Canyon University Marymount University
Brentwood, Tennessee Arlington, Virginia
xxx Reviewers

Cynthia Watson, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC Lisa D. Wright, DNP, ANP-C, CPHQ
Assistant Professor Adjunct Faculty
University of Louisiana at Lafayette College of Nursing Jefferson College of Health Sciences
and Allied Health Professions Carilion Clinic
Lafayette, Louisiana Roanoke, Virginia
Sue Winn, RN, MSN Maureen E. Yoder, MSN, RN
Nursing Instructor Assistant Clinical Professor
City College, MSU Billings Northern Arizona University
Billings, Montana Flagstaff, Arizona

for Nurses: Basic


Introduction to Pharmacology

Jean Nicholas


Assessment Drug name Nursing diagnoses Prescription drugs

Controlled substances Goals Nursing process
Drug classification Medication errors Pharmacology


At the end of the chapter, the reader will be able to: 5. Name two sources for obtaining drug information.
1. Discuss how drugs are classified. 6. Discuss legal and ethical responsibilities of the nurse when
administering medication.
2. Differentiate between brand versus generic drug names.
7. Define medication error.
3. List the five steps of the nursing process.
4. Identify categories of controlled substances.

4 CHAPTER 1  Introduction to Pharmacology

Introduction pharmacokinetics (how the body absorbs, dis-

tributes, metabolizes, and excretes a drug) and
In modern health care, there is an increasing pharmacodynamics (a drug’s mechanism of
reliance on medication therapy to manage action and effect on an organism). Knowledge
illness and disease, to slow progression of dis- of the various drug classes enables the nurse
ease, and to improve patient outcomes. Medi- to understand how drugs work in the body,
cations offer a variety of potential benefits to achieve the therapeutic (intended) effects,
to the patient: relief of symptoms, support and to anticipate and recognize the potential
for necessary physiological processes, and side effects (unintended or unavoidable) or
destruction of toxic substances or organisms toxicities. To understand the p ­ harmacology of
that cause disease, to name a few. Yet medica- drugs, and related information, such as drug
tions also have the potential to do harm, even interactions and side effects, it is important to
when administered properly—and the harm understand drugs’ mechanisms of action, at
is likely to be exacerbated if medications are the molecular level. Rather than merely un-
administered incorrectly. The administration derstanding a drug’s actions, interactions, side
of drugs introduces opportunity to affect effects and dosage requirements, the nurse
either remedy or harm. should strive to understand the process be-
As the persons most often charged with hind these elements of drug administration.
administering medications to patients, nurses This requires at least a fundamental under-
can minimize any harm associated with med- standing of drug–drug receptor interactions,
ications by carrying out this task with few, even if at an elementary “lock and key” level.
if any, errors (Institute of Medicine [IOM], Only then will drug effects, interactions, and
2007). A 2007 IOM (now the National Acad- side effects, and the logic behind dosing regi-
emy of Science) report on medication safety, mens, reveal a ­complete picture. Chapter 2
titled Preventing Medication Errors, empha- continues this discussion in depth.
sized the urgency of reducing medication er- The value of this knowledge in nursing
rors, improving communication with patients, cannot be overemphasized. The nurse’s role
continually monitoring for medication errors, as caretaker puts the nurse in the position of
providing clinicians with decision-support being closest to the patient and best able to
and information tools, and improving and assess both the patient’s condition prior to
standardizing medication labeling and use of a medication as well as the patient’s re-
drug-related information (IOM, 2007). sponse to the medication—two key compo-
If one of nursing’s primary roles is the safe nents of appropriate medical therapy. Clearly,
administration of medications, it is important under these circumstances, it is ideal for the
to realize that this requires knowing not only nurse to have a solid, in-depth understanding
how to correctly administer medications to of when, how, and for whom medications are
patients, but also how to determine whether best used, and what the expected response is
the intended effects are achieved and whether when specific pharmaceutical therapies
any adverse, or unintended, effects have oc- are implemented.
curred. Without adequate understanding of At the most basic level, nurses must
drugs and their effects on the body, nurses are learn the various diagnostic and therapeutic
unable to meet their professional and legal re- classes of medications; recognize ­individual
sponsibilities to their patients. This text will drug names, both trade and generic; know
provide the reader with that knowledge. about the applications and availability of
prescription and nonprescription medica-
Nursing and Pharmacology tions, a ­particularly the restrictions regarding
Pharmacology is the study of the ac- controlled substances; and be familiar with
tions of drugs, incorporating knowledge sources, both printed and online, where the
from other interrelated sciences, such as nurse may obtain specific information about
Nursing and Pharmacology 5

© Hero Images/Getty Images

particular drugs, including dosage, interac-

tions, and contraindications.

Drug Classifications
Drugs are classified by how they affect cer-
tain body systems, such as the use of bron-
chodilators for respiratory conditions; by their
therapeutic use, such as antinausea; or based
on their chemical characteristics, such as Drugs may be prescribed and dispensed
beta-blockers. Many may fit into more than by either trade name or generic name, as ge-
one drug classification due to the various neric drugs are considered equivalent in most
effects that they exert in the body. ­Because cases. Generic drugs are typically less expen-
drugs in the same class have many features sive than trade-name drugs.
in common, categorizing them in these ways
helps nurses become familiar with many Prescription and Nonprescription Drugs
of the drugs they are administering. For In the United States, consumers have two
­example, although there are many types of ways to legally access drugs. One is
­angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, to obtain a prescription for the drug Best Practices
they have many common side effects. from a licensed provider, such as a
Nurses are required
physician, dentist, or nurse practitio-
Drug Names ner; the other is to purchase drugs
to keep controlled
substances in secure,
Nurses must know both the trade name of a that do not require a prescription on locked locations,
drug, which is assigned by the pharmaceuti- an over-the-counter (OTC) basis. Some administering them
cal company that manufactures the drug, and drugs previously available only by only to patients with
valid prescriptions or
the generic name, which is the official drug prescription have now become avail-
physician’s orders.
name and is not protected by trademark. able OTC. Thus, it is essential for the
When a manufacturer receives a patent for a nurse to gather information about the
new drug, this means that no other company patient’s use of both prescription drugs and
can produce the drug until the patent expires. OTC medications, as some combinations of
Once this patent has expired, other companies different types of drugs can affect the actions
may manufacture the drug with a different and toxicities of either. Various drug laws reg-
trade name but equivalent chemical makeup. ulate these ways of acquiring drugs.
Some companies choose to use the generic
name only—for example, lisinopril is now Controlled Substances
manufactured by many different drug compa- The Comprehensive Drug Abuse Preven-
nies. Generic names are not capitalized. tion and Control Act was passed in 1970 and
6 CHAPTER 1  Introduction to Pharmacology

regulates the manufacturing and distribution or physical dependence; and in most cases,
of substances with a potential for abuse— Schedule I drugs are illegal substances. There-
examples include narcotics, hallucinogens, fore, Schedule I drugs are not dispensed, ex-
stimulants, depressants, and anabolic steroids. cept in rare instances of specific scientific or
These controlled substances are catego- medical research. No refills can be ordered on
rized by schedule (Schedules I–V), based on Schedule II drugs; instead, providers must
their therapeutic use and potential for abuse write a new prescription.
(TABLE 1-1). The Drug Enforcement Agency Nurses are required to keep controlled
(DEA) enforces the law and requires all indi- substances locked in a secure room or cab-
viduals and companies that handle controlled inet, administering them only to patients
substances to provide storage security, keep with valid prescriptions or physician’s orders.
accurate records, and include the provider Nurses must maintain accurate records of
number assigned by the DEA on all prescrip- each dose given and the amount of each con-
tions for controlled substances. Schedule I trolled substance on hand, and must report
drugs have a high potential for abuse and the any discrepancies to the proper authorities.
potential to create severe psychological and/
Sources of Drug Information
With Internet access readily available for
­personal as well as professional use, obtaining
drug information is easy. For the beginning
student, however, access to a pharmacology
textbook is helpful for learning and under-
standing the therapeutic uses of drugs. Drug
reference guides are helpful when looking up
a specific drug and the nursing implications
of administering that agent. Drug informa-
tion can be obtained through authoritative
sources such as American Hospital Formulary
Service, published by the American Soci-
© Scott Rothstein/iStock/Thinkstock. ety of Health-System Pharmacists (www.

TABLE 1-1 Controlled Substances Categories Designated by the U.S. Government

Schedule Dispensing Requirements Examples

I Drugs not approved for medical use, except LSD, marijuana, heroin, gamma-hydroxybutyrate (Ecstasy)
specific protocols: high abuse potential.

II Drugs approved for medical use: high abuse Opioid analgesics (e.g., codeine, morphine, hydromorphone,
potential. Must be kept in locked safe. No refills methadone, oxycodone), central nervous system
without a new prescription. stimulants (e.g., cocaine, amphetamine), depressants (e.g.,

III Less potential for abuse than Schedule I or II Anabolic steroids; mixtures containing small amounts of
drugs but may lead to psychological or physical controlled substances, such as codeine
dependence. Prescription expires in 6 months.

IV Some potential for abuse. Prescription expires in Benzodiazepines (e.g., diazepam, lorazepam), other sedatives
6 months. (e.g., phenobarbital), some prescription appetite suppressants
(e.g., mazindol)

V Written prescription requirements vary with Antidiarrheal drugs containing small amounts of controlled
state law. substances (e.g., Lomotil)
Overview of the Nursing Process 7

Association of Colleges of Nursing, identi-

fied six competencies to prepare nurses with
the knowledge, skills, and attitude needed to
improve workplace quality and safety within
healthcare systems. These competencies are
as follows:
• Patient-centered care
• Teamwork and collaboration
• Evidence-based practice
• Quality improvement
• Safety
• Informatics

Overview of the Nursing Process

The nursing process is a systematic, ratio-
nal, and continuous method of planning,
providing, and evaluating individualized
nursing care to optimize the administration; Tarascon Pharma-
of medications. The nursing process involves
copoeia, published by Jones & Bartlett Learn-
critical thinking throughout each of
ing; or Drug Facts and Comparisons, published
its five steps: assessment, nursing Best Practices
by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins/Wolters
diagnosis, planning and establishing
Kluwer. These resources are updated periodi- Continuing education
goals or outcomes, intervention, and
cally. The Physicians’ Desk Reference is published about drug therapy
evaluation. Administering medica-
yearly and includes pharmaceutical manu- is an essential part of
tions involves much more than the professional nursing.
facturers’ package inserts for specific drugs.
psychomotor skill of preparing and
Nurses can also obtain package inserts from
giving medications; the nurse must
the dispensing pharmacy—this is helpful
use cognitive skills throughout the nursing
when a drug is relatively new and information
process to ensure patient safety during drug
is not readily available from other resources.
therapy. The QSEN competencies, especially
Online resources and mobile applications
safety and patient-centered care, are woven
include Micromedex¯ and Lexicomp, both of
into the framework of the nursing process.
which are searchable databases offering drug
information, drug interactions, drug identifi-
cation tools, medical calculators, and patient
counseling information.
Continuing education about drug
therapy is an essential part of professional
nursing. Reading current peer-reviewed
journal articles, which often include infor-
mation about drug therapy for specific con-
ditions, should be part of every nurse’s
professional development.

QSEN Competencies
The Quality and Safety Education for Nurses
(QSEN) project, developed by the American © goodluz/Shutterstock.
8 CHAPTER 1  Introduction to Pharmacology

Assessment begins. During this phase, goals and outcome

Assessment involves collecting subjective criteria are formulated. Nurses will prioritize
and objective data from the patient, signifi- identified needs, keeping patient comfort
cant others, medical records (including labora- and safety as top priorities. The planning
tory and diagnostic tests) and others involved step incorporates the QSEN competency of
in the patient’s care. These data may affect patient-centered care. Patients are seen as
whether a medication should be given as or- full partners in the planning process and the
dered, or whether a provider’s order should goals recognize the patient’s preferences and
be questioned and confirmed. In addition, in values. In patient terms, the goals and out-
the assessment step the nurse gathers data come criteria identify the expected behaviors
about the drug(s) that he or she is responsible or results of drug therapy. For example, the
for administering and monitoring. Assessment ­patient may be expected to and agree to do
is ongoing throughout the entire nursing the following:
process, as patients’ conditions may change. • List the steps for correctly drawing up his
Nurses must continually monitor drug effects, or her insulin dosage
both therapeutic and unintended. A complete • Demonstrate the correct technique for
medication history and nursing physical as- self-administration of a medication patch
sessment are parts of the assessment step. • Verbalize the most common side effects of
a medication
Nursing Diagnosis • Report pain relief of at least 3 on a scale of
The second step of the nursing process in- 10 within 30 minutes
volves clustering the data gathered during the
assessment, analyzing it for patterns, and mak- Goals are usually broad statements for
ing inferences about the patient’s potential achievement of more specific outcome crite-
or actual problems. Nursing diagnoses, as ria. A timeline is often included so that there
developed by the North American Nursing Di- can be realistic achievement of goals. Dur-
agnosis Association (NANDA), are statements ing the planning phase, the nurse must fa-
of patient problems, potential problems, or miliarize himself or herself with any special
needs. This text will address nursing diagnoses information or equipment needed to admin-
that pertain more specifically to drug therapy. ister a medication. If knowledge attainment
Some examples of selected diagnoses follow: by the patient is the goal, appropriate pa-
tient teaching materials must be obtained. Be-
• Patient has a knowledge deficit related to cause many medications are administered by
drug therapy and reasons for use; need for the patient himself or herself (or the family),
follow-up tests and office visits teaching is an important part of the nursing
• Patient is at risk for injury related to ad- process for drug therapy.
verse effects of medication
• Patient is at risk for falls related to various
anticipated or unanticipated side effects of
• Diarrhea (or constipation) related to side
effects of medications
• Ineffective health maintenance related to
inability to make appropriate judgments
or to lack of resources

Once the data have been analyzed and nurs-
ing diagnoses identified, the planning phase © Fertnig/iStockphoto.
Overview of the Nursing Process 9

Intervention Clearly, nurses require specific skills re-

The intervention (or implementation) phase lated to the intervention decision-making
of the nursing process involves carrying out process. While these skills will not be enu-
the planned activities, being mindful that merated in detail in this chapter, in general
ongoing assessment of the patient is needed they include the following elements:
before every intervention. For example, per- • Knowing and following correct proce-
haps a patient has a laxative ordered daily but dures for confirming whether the medica-
has been having loose stools all night. The tion is appropriate for the patient
nurse will need to assess this patient’s current • Knowing and following correct proce-
condition (i.e., complaint of loose stools) and dures for administering medications via
decide how to proceed with the intervention different routes (oral, injection, intrave-
(e.g., withhold the medication and notify the nous, and so forth)
prescriber). Here, the nurse will value the • Having the ability to identify and avoid
patient as expert on his or her own health factors that contribute to errors
and symptoms, in conjunction with objec-
tive assessment. As this example illustrates,
interventions for drug therapy involve not
only the actual administration of medica- The evaluation phase of the nursing pro-
tions, but also observation of the effects of the cess is a continuous process of determining
medications, as well as provision of additional progress toward identified goals. For some
measures to optimize the effects of certain medications, the response can be identified
medications, such as increased fluid intake to quickly—for e­ xample, relief of pain following
promote bowel elimination or reduce fever. administration of an analgesic, again, utiliz-
During the intervention process, the ing patient-centered care as an approach to
nurse encounters a variety of points at which the evaluation. For other medications, the
he or she is required to make assessments and ­response is slower and must be monitored
decisions about whether to proceed. Certain on an ongoing basis. A newly prescribed
medications, such as antihypertensive or car- ­antihypertensive medication, for example,
diac drugs, will require specific actions at the may require follow-up visits to the clinician’s
time of administration, such as measuring office for blood pressure checks and assess-
blood pressure or heart rate. If the identified ment of side effects. Evaluation may involve
parameters for these vital signs are not met, reviewing pertinent laboratory and other
the medication may not be given. ­diagnostic tests, observing patient perfor-
mance of a learned procedure, or interview-
ing patients and significant others about the
­effects of their medications.
Documentation is an essen-
Best Practices
tial component of all phases of the
nursing process. Specific guidelines Documentation is an
for documentation of medication essential component
­administration and related teach- of all phases of the
nursing process.
ing are prescribed by state nursing
practice statutes and The Joint Com-
mission (formerly the Joint Commission on
­Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations).
Patient- and drug-specific variables affect
the nursing process as it relates to drug ther-
apy. Factors such as the patient’s age, physi-
© asiseeit/iStockphoto. cal condition (e.g., renal or liver impairment),
10 CHAPTER 1  Introduction to Pharmacology

psychological/mental ability to self-administer response just because a patient appears to

medication, and educational level are integral ­belong to a certain ethnic or cultural group.
parts of the nurse’s knowledge base for safe Examples of cultural considerations
medication administration. ­affecting nursing care in drug therapy include
The nursing process is a dynamic tool pain response, belief in traditional “­ healers”
used to enhance the quality of patient care. versus belief in the medication’s effective-
Each step involves critical thinking to provide ness for restoring health, use of herbal rem-
­individualized, safe, effective, and thoughtful edies, ability to communicate effectively
­patient care. Use of this process enables nurses with healthcare providers, and compliance
to incorporate safe administration and moni- with long-term drug therapy. A careful nurs-
toring of drug therapy into the overall plan of ing assessment will include cultural beliefs
care for each patient, whatever the setting. and practices that may impact drug therapy.
Nurses are encouraged to learn about cultural
Cultural Aspects of Drug Therapy and ethnic groups commonly encountered in
the healthcare settings of their practices.
As the United States becomes increasingly
culturally diverse, nurses administering and Legal–Ethical Aspects
monitoring medications must be aware of
how various cultural beliefs and practices
of Drug Therapy
affect health care, particularly the use of The legal responsibilities of nurses for
medications. In addition, physical medication administration are defined in
Best Practices differences may affect how certain state nurse practice acts and healthcare
cultural or ethnic groups respond ­organization policies and procedures. The
A careful nursing as- to specific medications. For many Eight Rights of Medication Administra-
sessment will include
years, research on drugs was carried tion, d ­ iscussed in detail in Chapter Three,
cultural beliefs and
practices that may out using only white male subjects. form the basis of safe drug therapy (Bonsall,
impact drug therapy. Thus, the medications’ effects on fe- 2011). These eight rights, briefly, ensure that
males or nonwhite males could not (1) the right drug is given to (2) the right
be ­accurately predicted, but rather ­patient at (3) the right dose via (4) the right
were determined only by observing patient route at (5) the right time, for (6) the right
outcomes. Response to drug therapy is highly reasons, with (7) the right documentation,
­individualized, and nurses must be careful to obtain (8) the right response. Some clini-
not to assume an eventual successful or failed cians and institutions include two additional
rights: right education (correctly educating
the ­patient in therapeutic effects of the drug
as well as expected side effects) and right to
­refuse (the patient or responsible party has
the right to refuse medication administra-
tion). Most medication errors result from
the failure to follow one of these “rights.”
Beyond maintaining awareness of these Eight
Rights, nurses must possess the cognitive and
psychomotor skills required to safely admin-
ister medication and monitor the effects.
Ethical aspects of nursing care were
identified by the American Nurses As-
sociation (ANA) in the 2001 Code of Eth-
© monkeybusinessimages/iStockphoto. ics (ANA, 2001). These guidelines provided
Medication Errors 11

ethical principles to be adhered to by e­ very and implementation and use of clinical deci-
­professional nurse. The Code included prin- sion support were the top three causes for
ciples recommending that nurses (1) ­respect medical errors. Opioid administration and
the dignity of all patients, regardless of management of new oral anticoagulants were
­ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or specific medication-specific concerns on the list (ECRI
health problem; (2) participate in activities Institute, 2017).
to ­support maintenance of their professional
How Often Do Medication Errors Occur?
­competence; (3) protect patients’ privacy
and confidentiality; and (4) make a com- Medication errors have the potential to occur
mitment to providing quality patient care in at numerous times during the complex deliv-
every setting. ery process, but their actual incidence is diffi-
Since the original Code of Ethics was re- cult to quantify. The reason the frequency
leased, the ANA has added more provisions, of medication administration errors is diffi-
along with interpretive statements. The cult to calculate is because error rates vary
2015 Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive depending on the method of measurement
Statements comprised nine provisions used to assess the errors (McBride-Henry &
(ANA, 2015): Foureur, 2006). The most accurate way to
measure the occurrence of medication admin-
1. Respect for human dignity istration errors is through direct observation
2. Primacy of patient interests of practice (Barker, Flynn, & Pepper, 2002;
3. Protection of patient privacy and
confidentiality Barker, Flynn, Pepper, Bates, & Mikel, 2002;
4. Authority, accountability, and responsibility Keers, Williams, Cooke, & Ashcroft, 2013b;
for nursing practice Thomas & Peterson, 2003); self-reported
5. Duty to self and others data underrepresents true error rates (Nanji,
6. Maintaining an ethical environment Patel, Shaikh, Seger, & Bates, 2016). Two
7. Contributions through research and scholarly observational studies discovered that medica-
8. Health as a universal right tion administration error rates in acute care
9. Articulation and assertion of nursing values settings varied between 14.9% (Tissot et al.,
2003) and 32.4% (Schneider, Cotting, &
Pannatier, 1998), with medication error
Medication Errors rates for intravenous medications being sig-
Medication errors are a daily occurrence in nificantly higher during the preparation
many healthcare facilities, sometimes result- (26%) and administration (34%) stages
ing in serious—even fatal—consequences. It (McBride-Henry & Foureur, 2006; Keers,
should be the goal of every healthcare profes- Williams, Cooke, & Ashcroft, 2013b; Wirtz,
sional to be aware of the potential for errors Taxis, & Barber, 2003). Observed medication
and to strive for prevention of these prob- administration demonstrated errors in nearly
lems. Errors can occur during the prescribing, one out of every five doses (Barker, Flynn,
dispensing, administration, or documentation Pepper, et al., 2002). Of note, studies primar-
phases of medication administration. Thus, ily target inpatient care; thus, medication
the error may be detected by the pharmacist, errors occurring in nursing homes or ambu-
physician, nurse, or other staff, such as the latory surgery centers (and other outpatient
person transcribing the order to the patient’s care facilities) are not captured in the data
medication administration record (MAR). (Makary & Daniel, 2016).
The ECRI Institute noted in their Top 10 Pa-
tient Safety Concerns for 2017 list that in- How Can Medication Errors Be Prevented?
formation management in electronic health In 2003, the Institute for Safe Medication
records, unrecognized patient deterioration, Practices (ISMP) identified several key areas
12 CHAPTER 1  Introduction to Pharmacology

Best Practices of focus for error prevention. Many

errors occur during patient transfer—
Many medication for example, when a patient is being
errors occur during
transferred from intensive care to a
times of a patient
transfer—for exam- patient unit, from an inpatient unit
ple, when a patient to an outpatient facility or home,
is being transferred or from the care of one provider to
from intensive care to another. Medication reconciliation
a patient unit, from
an inpatient unit to
forms are now being used in many
an outpatient facility facilities to prevent medications from
or home, or from the being omitted during transfers and to
care of one provider prompt physicians to review existing
to another.
medication orders when transfer-
ring care. Bedside rounds, in which
the nurse coming onto the succeeding shift
accompanies the nurse going off-shift, are
another helpful means of communicating
medication changes. Nurses must be vigilant
to ensure that these tools are utilized properly
if they are to be effective in preventing errors. ©
Another area of focus is patient identifi-
cation. Recent technological advances have hospital-based and other healthcare settings,
been developed to reduce medication error targeting areas in which there continue to be
rates by better associating patient and medica- harmful and fatal errors (ISMP, 2016). Nurses
tion identities. Special patient wrist bracelets should be active on committees and in profes-
with bar-coding that require nurses to scan the sional organizations that are looking at these
bracelet before administering a medication are practice issues.
now being used, which ­facilitates matching the Hospitals and other providers have
“right drug” to the “right ­patient.” Every nurse worked with pharmaceutical companies to
should develop the habit of verifying patients’ ­reduce errors caused by similarly named
identities by a­ sking each to state his or her drugs. Nurses should assess the patient and
name and date of birth. Photo identification know why a patient is receiving a particu-
can be used for nonverbal patients. lar medication. They must carefully read
Environmental factors may also con- medication labels, compare the labels to the
tribute to errors. Increased workload, work- ­prescribed order, and follow guidelines for
ing with acutely ill patients, distractions proper use. For example, a medication label
while preparing and administering medica- may say, “Do not crush.”
tions, problems with medicine supply and Finally, all nurses must be responsible for
storage, and nurse/staff fatigue have all maintaining and updating their knowledge
been noted to lead to a higher number of of the medications they administer and the
­errors (Anderson & Townsend, 2010; Keers, equipment they use. Patient teaching is also a
Williams, Cooke, & Ashcroft, 2013a). key to preventing errors. An informed patient
The ISMP continues to identify will question his or her nurse if the medica-
­areas of best practice. They released the tion looks different from the usual “pill.” In
2016–2017 Targeted Medication Safety some cases, a generic version of a drug could
Best Practices for Hospitals, which con- have been substituted; in other cases, an error
sists of 11 medication-specific practices for might be prevented.

Conclusion: Pharmacology • Nurses must follow legal and ethical guidelines for drug
in Nursing Practice • Nurses must be aware of the potential for medication
errors, working to provide a safe environment for drug
Given the central role of medical therapy in therapy.
modern health care, the need for nurses to
have a solid foundation in pharmacology is
Critical Thinking Questions
profound. Understanding how a drug acts in
the body, how the body acts on the drug, and
1. What is pharmacology?
anticipating potential positive and adverse ef-
fects of drugs is tantamount if nurses are to 2. List three characteristics of a medicine used as
knowledgeably administer drugs to patients. a basis for drug classification.
Recognizing drug actions based on knowl- 3. Discuss the rationale for nurses knowing both
edge of pharmacology enables the nurse to generic and trade names of drugs.
anticipate whether changes in patient symp- 4. What is an example of a Schedule II drug?
toms indicate drugs are having its intended What are the prescriptive limitations placed on
such a drug?
or adverse effects, whether medications are
acting as drugs or poisons—“pharmacons.” 5. Describe the five steps of the nursing process.
The act of administering medications is 6. Identify at least three factors that can contrib-
where the theory of medicine is put into ute to medication errors.
practice. It is also where the general under-
standing of human biochemistry manifests
in the reality that all people are different.
Nurses are tasked with identifying how these REFERENCES
differences may affect the use of a medical American Nurses Association (ANA). (2001). Code of
ethics. Retrieved from
therapy in a patient and with determining /codeofethics
the actions necessary to ensure the therapy’s American Nurses Association (ANA). (2015). Code of
success. By learning about pharmacology, ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Retrieved
nurses can equip themselves to make sure
that the tools of medicine are used appro- Anderson, P., & Townsend, T. (2010). Medication errors:
priately to heal illness and relieve distress in Don’t let them happen to you. American Nurse Today,
their patients. 5(3), 23–27.
Barker, K., Flynn, E., & Pepper, G. (2002). Observa-
tion method of detecting medication errors. American
Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 59, 2314–2316.
CHAPTER SUMMARY Barker, K., Flynn, E., Pepper, G., Bates, D., & Mikel, R.
• Pharmacology is the study of the actions of drugs, incor- (2002). Medication errors observed in 36 health
porating knowledge from other sciences. care facilities. Archives of Internal Medicine, 162(16),
• Drugs are classified based on their action or effect on 1897–1904.
the body or by their chemical characteristics. Bonsall, L. (2011). 8 rights of medication administration.
• Nurses must be familiar with both generic and trade Retrieved from
names of drugs. /Blog/post/2011/05/27/8-rights-of-medication
• Controlled substances are categorized based on their -administration.aspx
potential for abuse and their prescribed uses. ECRI Institute. (2017). ECRI Institute names top 10 patient
• Drug information is available from many sources; nurses safety concerns for 2017. Retrieved from https://www
should familiarize themselves with reliable tools to gain
knowledge of drug therapy. -Concerns-for-2017.aspx
• The five steps of the nursing process—assessment, Institute of Medicine (IOM). (2007). Preventing medica-
nursing diagnosis, planning and goal setting, inter- tion errors. Retrieved from http://nationalacademies
vention, and evaluation—are a key part of safe drug .org/HMD/Reports/2006/Preventing-Medication
administration. -Errors-Quality-Chasm-Series.aspx
• The success of drug therapy may vary because of cul- Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP). (2003,
tural beliefs or ethnic differences. September 4). Cultural diversity and medication safety.
14 CHAPTER 1  Introduction to Pharmacology

Retrieved from Nanji, K.C., Patel, A., Shaikh, S., Seger, D.L., & Bates,
/acutecare/articles/20030904.asp D.W. (2016). Evaluation of perioperative medication
Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP). (2016). errors and adverse drug events. Anesthesiology, 124(1),
2016–2017 targeted medication safety best practices for 25–34.
hospitals. Retrieved from Schneider, M., Cotting, J., & Pannatier, A. (1998). Eval-
/BestPractices/TMSBP-for-Hospitals.pdf uation: Nurses’ errors associated with the prepara-
Keers, R.N., Williams, S.D., Cooke, J., & Ashcroft, D.M. tion and administration of medications in a pediatric
(2013a). Causes of medication administration errors intensive care unit. Pharmacy World Science, 20(4),
in hospitals: A systematic review of quantitative and 178–182.
qualitative evidence. Drug Safety, 36(11), 1045–1067. Thomas, E. J., & Peterson, L. A. (2003). Measuring
Keers, R.N., Williams, S.D., Cooke, J., & Ashcroft, D.M. errors and adverse events in health care. Journal of
(2013b). Prevalence and nature of medication ad- General Internal Medicine, 18(1), 61–67.
ministration errors in health care settings: A system- Tissot, E., Cornette, C., Limat, S., Mourand, J., Becker,
atic review of direct observational evidence. Annals of M., Etievent, J., . . . Woronoff-Lemsi, M. (2003).
Pharmacotherapy, 47(2), 237–256. Observational study of potential risk factors of
Makary, M., & Daniel, M. (2016). Medical error—the medication administration errors. Pharmacy World
third leading cause of death in the US. BMJ, 2016, Science, 25(6), 264–268.
353. doi: 10.1136/bmj.i2139 Wirtz, V., Taxis, K., & Barber, N. (2003). An observa-
McBride-Henry, K., & Foureur, M. (2006). Medication tional study of intravenous medication errors in the
administration errors: Understanding the issues. United Kingdom and in Germany. Pharmacy World
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 23(3), 33–41. Science, 25(3), 104–111.

Introduction to Drug Action: The

Interplay of Pharmacodynamics
and Pharmacokinetics
Diane F. Pacitti


Absorption Compartmental model Inhibitors Potency

Active ingredient theory Irreversible receptor Presystemic elimination
Active metabolite Competitive antagonist antagonists Pro-drug
ADME Distribution Lag-time Rate process
Adverse effect Dose Ligand Receptor
Adverse event Dose-response curve Margin of safety Renal clearance
Affinity Dosing interval Mechanism of action Saturable-binding kinetics
Affinity constant (kA) Dosing regimen Metabolism Second-messengers
Agonist Drug Metabolite Side effects
Antagonist Drug action Minimum effective concen- Signal transduction
Area under the curve Drug-activity profile tration (MEC) Steady-state drug levels
(AUC) Duration of action Minimum toxic concentration Therapeutic drug monitoring
Bile Efficacy (MTC) (TDM)
Bioavailability Elimination Noncompetitive antagonist Therapeutic index
Biopharmaceutics Elimination rate constant (ke) One-compartment model Therapeutic response
Biotransformation Endogenous Onset time Therapeutic window
Blockers Enterohepatic circulation Pharmaceutical Toxicity
Brand name Exogenous Pharmacodynamics Toxicology
Central compartment First-order Pharmacokinetics Volume of distribution (VD)
Chemical name First-pass effect Pharmacologic activity Zero-order
Clearance Half-life (t½) Plasma-level time curve
Clinical pharmacology Inactive metabolite Plasma proteins


At the end of the chapter, the reader will be able to: 5. Explain why a specific dose of drug is required to achieve a
1. Define key terms. therapeutic response.

2. Explain how a drug “knows” where to go following adminis- 6. Describe the difference between an agonist and antagonist.
tration to a patient. 7. Discuss the factors that can affect the pharmacodynamic
3. Explain what is meant by drug action, describing the events parameters, such as time of drug onset, duration of action,
required for a drug to elicit a therapeutic response. minimum therapeutic dose, and receptor-drug binding.

4. Differentiate the meaning of “drug action”, using pharmaco- 8. List the factors that affect the bioavailability of a drug.
kinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters.

16 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

9. Explain how different routes of drug administration 11. Describe how a dosing regimen is developed for a
­affect the therapeutic drug response. medication, in pharmacokinetic terms.
10. Explain the physiological factors that influence the 12. Discuss the factors that can affect optimal therapeutic
pharmacokinetic parameters, such as the rate and response, drug therapy, and clinical patient care.
­extent of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism,
and excretion (drug action).

Introduction What Happens After a Drug Is Administered?

The question of how a drug works on the
The effective use of drugs in clinical practice
molecular level to produce a desired, thera-
requires a thorough understanding of both
peutic drug response underpins the study of
the foundational principles of pharmacology
and the specific pharmacological characteris-
A drug is administered to a patient for
tics of the major drug classes currently used
a reason: to achieve a desired beneficial, or
in healthcare practice. The molecular basis
clinically observable, therapeutic effect. For
of drug action—for all drugs—is based upon
this to occur, the drug itself must ultimately
similar principles of pharmacology. To fully
be delivered to a specific place in the body,
understand the molecular basis of drug ac-
called the drug’s “site of action,” to produce
tion, the complex interactions between a drug
its desired effect, known as the “therapeutic
and the body must be examined, including
response.” To fully understand how the drug
the consequences these interactions have on
acts on the body, one must consider the fate
the drug’s therapeutic or desired effects. This
of the drug following its administration to a
chapter provides the foundational principles
patient. FIGURE 2-1 illustrates the different sites
and concepts necessary for learning how
inside the body where the drug can interact
drugs are used in prevention and treatment
before it produces a physiological response.
of disease.

Dose of drug

Soluble in the
gastrointestinal tract

Liver Reabsorption Kidney
Drug Free drug Bound-drug Drug and
metabolism Metabolites Elimination metabolites

Tissues Target site/organ

Free drug Tissue-bound Free drug Receptor-bound
(Temporary storage)


FIGURE 2-1  Pathways of a drug movement within the body (following oral administration). Note the number of sites/variables with which the
drug can interact before producing a physiological effect.
Courtesy of Diane Pacitti. © 2017
Introduction 17

Of note is the lack of a definitive path upon To safely administer medications, a nurse
which the drug follows after it enters into the must know the answers to a range of poten-
body to produce a response. tial questions about his or her patients’ med-
Drug action can be illustrated by following ication therapy. These questions are easily
the movement of the drug molecule through- answered after grasping the basic principles
out the body, starting from the time the ini- and concepts necessary for understanding
tial dose of drug enters the patient’s body, to drug action, including the major determi-
its interaction with its target site, until finally, nants that influence the therapeutic response
the drug has completely moved out (elim- of a drug, in a clinical setting. The approach
ination) of the body. Imagine that a drug to understanding how these questions are
could be tagged with a visible marker, thus ­addressed is the objective of this chapter.
enabling an observer to visualize and follow
the drug as it moved through the body. The Making the Connection: Pharmacology in
Clinical Nursing Practice
observer would be able to identify the precise
macromolecules with which the drug inter- Pharmacology (derived from the Greek word
acted that result in an alteration of a specific pharmakon, which translates into poison in
biochemical or physiological process(es). classic Greek and drug in modern Greek,
A number of questions arise from this and -logia, meaning “the knowledge gained
scenario: through study”), is the branch of medicine
and biology concerned with the study of drug
• How does the drug know where to go? action—or, “how a drug works”. In its broad-
Does it know where to go? est sense, pharmacology studies how chemi-
• Why would the medicine be administered cal substances affect living organisms. More
in one manner and not another? When specifically, it is the study of the interactions
would a specific route of administration between a living organism and a chemical
(ROA) be chosen? substance that result in a visible change to the
• What happens to the body after the drug is organism’s normal or abnormal biochemical
administered? Where else does the drug (or physiological) function(s). The resultant
“go” as it moves throughout the body? change is called a drug action. Note: The
• After the drug is administered, how long term “drug action” alone does not character-
does it take the drug to work? ize the outcome of the change as beneficial,
• How does the drug get to its intended site therapeutic, or toxic to the organism. Drug
of action? Once there, how does it work? action simply means that an alteration in a
• How much of the drug is needed to af- physiological or biochemical process takes
fect an observable change in the patient’s place because of the drug’s interaction with a
symptoms? specific site within the body. If such chemical
• What dose of drug is “too much,” and substances have medicinal properties—­meaning
what happens if too much drug is given? they work in such a way as to correct an ab-
• How often does the medication need to be normal biochemical or pathophysiological
given to the patient, and how long should function (including restoration of biochemi-
the therapy regimen continue? What if a cal functions that are absent, intermittent, or
dose is missed? subnormal)—they are said to be pharmacologi-
• Which patient parameters should be mon- cally active and are considered pharmaceuti-
itored while the patient is taking this cals. The field of pharmacology encompasses
medication? a broad range of scientific disciplines includ-
• How does the body eliminate the drug? ing biochemistry, physiology, pathophysiol-
• How long will it take for the drug to be ogy, and chemistry, in addition to the study
completely removed from the body? of the chemical structure of drugs, their
18 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

chemical properties, toxicology, therapy, and links drug action within the body at the mo-
medical applications. lecular level to the patient’s therapeutic drug
response in the clinical setting, considering
Pharmacokinetics Versus Pharmacodynamics the host of variables that influence drug ac-
The two major underpinnings of pharma- tion. Knowing which pharmacodynamic and
cological study are pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetic factors influence drug ac-
pharmacokinetics. The core principles of both tion equips the practitioner to better predict
(pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics) the therapeutic response of a medication,
must be examined to characterize drug ac- and tailor drug therapy to individual ­patients.
tion, and are discussed later in this chapter. ­Understanding “the whole story,” from proper
Pharmacodynamics is the study of “what administration to expected responses, enables
the drug does to the body.” More specifically, it the nurse to anticipate the timing of drug ef-
describes the molecular interactions of a drug fects, the actions of drugs, and potential ad-
with specific biological molecules that lead verse effects and interactions.
to a desired therapeutic response. The study
of pharmacokinetics is referred to as “what The Relationship Between the Drug
the body does to the drug” and quantifies the and the Body
rate of drug movement in the body. Specifi-
cally, pharmacokinetic studies characterize To understand the molecular basis of phar-
the speed of drug absorption, distribution, macology, the complex interrelationships
metabolism, and drug elimination (excre- between the drug and the body must be
tion). The interaction between a drug and its considered, as well as the consequences these
target site is essential for understanding the interactions have on the drug’s therapeutic
molecular basis of drug action (pharmacody- or desired effects. The molecular basis of drug
namics); equally as critical is characterization action, for all drugs discussed in this text, is
of the rate and extent of the drug’s move- based upon these same concepts and principles of
ment in the body (pharmacokinetics). The effi- pharmacology.
cacy of drug therapy (meaning, how well the
drug works) is evaluated using components of What Is a Drug?
both pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinet- Before examining drug action on a molecu-
ics. (*The term efficacy will have a more spe- lar level, it is necessary to first clarify what is
cific meaning, later in this chapter.) meant by the terms medication and drug.
The safe administration of medication is A drug is a substance or chemical capa-
critical to providing optimal nursing care. A ble of altering a biochemical or physiological
thorough review of the different ways medi- process(es) in the body; these responses may
cation is administered in the clinical setting, be desirable (therapeutic) or undesirable (ad-
emphasizing the safe nursing practices associ- verse). Drugs do not change the basic nature
ated with each, is given elsewhere in this text of these functions, or create new functions.
(Chapter 3). However, even if a drug is admin- This is a vital tenet of pharmacology: drugs do
istered safely, a lack of understanding about not confer any new functions on a tissue or
how and why the drug works imperils the organ in the body; they simply modify existing
goals of medication therapy. Much of import- functions. For example, drugs can only affect
ance occurs within the span of initial drug ad- the rate at which existing biologic functions
ministration and the action(s) of the drug, proceed: they can speed up or slow down the
which ultimately produce a clinically bene- biochemical reactions that cause muscles to
ficial response. It is paramount that the ac- contract, kidney cells to regulate the volume
tions occurring between these two points are of water and salts retained or eliminated by
fully understood by the nurse. This chapter the body, glands to secrete substances (such
What Is a Drug 19

as mucus, stomach acid, or insulin), and words drug, medication, and active ingredient
nerves to transmit messages. Within the Fed- are used interchangeably.
eral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C),
the United States Food and Drug Administra- Advances in New Drug Development:
Personalized Medicine
tion (FDA) defines a drug* as:
The goal of medication therapy is to restore
1. A substance recognized by an official a dysfunctional or pathological biochemical
pharmacopoeia or formulary. or physiological process. Unfortunately, drugs
2. A substance intended for use in the diag- cannot restore structures or functions already
nosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or pre- damaged beyond repair by the body. This fun-
vention of disease. damental limitation of drug action underlies
3. A substance (other than food) intended much of the frustration when trying to treat
to affect the structure or any function of tissue-destroying or degenerative diseases
the body. such as heart failure, arthritis, muscular dys-
4. A substance intended for use as a compo- trophy, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer dis-
nent of a medicine but not a device or a ease (Arrowsmith, 2012). Yet, the completion
component, part or accessory of a device. of the human genome sequencing project
Biological products (including therapeutic along with rapid developments in genom-
biological products, defined as proteins derived ics has dramatically transformed pharmaco-
from living material, such as cells or tissues) therapeutic treatment approaches for many
used to treat or cure disease are included diseases, some with no previous drug choices.
within this definition and are generally cov- The National Research Council outlined the
ered by the same laws and regulations, but development toward a more individualized,
differences exist regarding their manufactur- gene-based pharmacotherapeutic treatment
ing processes (chemical process versus biolog- of ­human disease—termed precision-based
ical process). ­medicine (Desmond-Hellmann et. al, 2011).
(Food and Drug Administration [FDA], n.d.) There are a growing number of research in­
Therefore, chemical substances such as itiatives to accelerate progress toward what
water (H2O), caffeine, metals (e.g., titanium, drug development companies are calling “a
copper), illicit street drugs (e.g., heroin, crack new era of precision-medicine” (Kambham-
cocaine), and mosquito-repellant (insecticide) pati, 2014; Abrams, Conley & Mooney, 2014;
spray all qualify as “drugs” (and rightly so). Carter et. al, 2017). Personalized medicine
It quickly becomes evident that not all drugs promises to increase benefits and reduce risks
are therapeutically beneficial, or even legal to for patients by improving both the safety and
use, in the United States. In contrast, a med- efficacy of medical products (Kambhampati,
ication is defined as a drug that is used for 2014; Food and Drug Administration
the purpose of restoring a dysfunctional or [FDA], n.d.).
pathologic process in the body to its desired Drug Nomenclature
function or process; conventionally termed
Every drug has (at least) three names: (1) a
a “medicine”. The terms drug and medication
chemical name, (2) a generic name, and
are synonymous with what the FDA defines
(3) a brand name (there can be one or more
as an active ingredient. An active ingredi-
proprietary or trade names).
ent is any component that provides pharma-
cological activity or other direct effect in the 1. The chemical name is designated
diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or pre- ­according to rules of nomenclature
vention of disease, or to affect the structure of chemical compounds (IUPAC—­
or any function of the body of man or ani- International Union of Pure and Applied
mals (FDA, n.d.). Throughout this text, the Chemistry).
20 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

2. The generic name refers to a common medication is assigned by the United States
established name regardless of its manu- Adopted Names (USAN) Council, an offi-
facturer. There is only one generic name cial body formed precisely for this purpose.
for a drug. Many generic names are a shorthand ver-
3. The brand name is selected by the man- sion of the drug’s chemical name, structure,
ufacturer and is always capitalized. or formula (American Medical Associa-
tion [AMA], n.d.). According to the USAN,
Chemical Name the council strives to assign generic drug
The chemical name is a precise description names that are useful and meaningful for
of the chemical composition and molecular their primary users: health professionals.
structure (see FIGURE 2-2) of a compound. In (Physicians, for example, are not interested
the early stages of drug research and develop- in knowing the chemical structure of drug
ment (commonly referred to as “R and D”, molecule). “Consideration of the needs of
for Research and Development), a chemical health professionals has led to a system in
substance with potential pharmacological ac- which distinctive nonproprietary names
tivity (i.e., a new drug candidate) is identified are given that indicate relationships that
by its “chemical name”; that is, its molecular, exist between the new entity and older
atomic, or chemical structure. In most cases, drugs. Conversely, misleading names that
the chemical name is too complex and cum- might suggest nonexistent relationships are
bersome for general use; researchers may avoided” (Wells, 2017).
assign the compound a code name, a refer-
Brand Name
ence number, an acronym, or abbreviate the
chemical name. The brand name (also known as the “trade
name” or “proprietary name”) is created by
Generic Name the company requesting initial FDA approval
The generic name is the “official name” of for the drug and identifies it as the exclusive
the drug; there is only one generic name property of that company. While a drug is un-
for any drug or medication. Although the der patent protection*, the company markets
FDA must approve both the generic and the it under its brand name. When the drug is no
brand name of a new drug, the FDA does longer protected by the patent (the patent has
not assign the new drug its generic name. expired), the original company may market
In the United States, the generic name of a the drug under either the generic name or its
brand name. Other companies that file for
approval to market the off-patent drug must
use the same generic name but can create
their own unique brand name. As a result,
H Chemical name: N-acetyl-p-aminophenol
N O the same generic drug may be sold under
­either its generic name or one of many brand
Generic name: acetaminophen names. Therefore, one drug may have at least
(common acronym: “APAP” ) three different names: one chemical name,
one generic name, and one or more brand
Brand name: TylenolR, manufactured by McNeil names.
H *A Note about Patent Protection - Patent
FIGURE 2-2  The complexity of drug nomenclature. Chemical name: Protection for Drugs
N-acetyl-p-aminophenol. (Molecular structure of C8H9NO2). Different
names for the same drug molecule (medication). Note the degree of In the United States, a company that de-
complexity among the three different names. These three names are velops a new drug can be granted a patent
interchangeable, and all refer to the same drug!
for the drug itself, for the way the drug is
Reproduced from the Open Chemistry Database. Retrieved from
/acetaminophen#section=To. made, for the way the drug is to be used, and
The Liver: Anatomical First Stop for Orally Administered Drugs 21

even for the method of delivering and releas-

about the new compound, to use the
ing the drug into the bloodstream. Patents
drug’s generic name because it refers to
grant the company exclusive rights to a drug the drug itself, not to a company’s brand
for 20 years; although additional patents can of the drug or a specific product.
be filed in an attempt to extend the patent • Prescribers often use the brand name
life. Usually, it takes about 10 years between on prescriptions, because it is easier to re-
the time a drug is discovered, the company member and because they are introduced
to new drugs by the brand name (by phar-
files a New Drug Application (NDA) with the
maceutical sales representatives).
FDA (petition for approval, when the patent • Brand names are typically “catchy,” of-
is obtained), and the FDA grants approval of ten related to the drug’s intended use, and
the drug. The company may have only half relatively easy to remember, so that doc-
of the patent “time” left to exclusively mar- tors will prescribe the drug and consumers
ket a new drug (and profit from its use). easily recognize the name (most com-
monly from advertising).
Companies that manufacture generic drugs
typically sell their product at a lower price Source: Smith Marsh, 2017.
than the original brand-name drug because
the generic manufacturer does not have to
recover the original costs of drug develop- The Liver: Anatomical First Stop
ment and spends less on marketing. (Smith
Marsh, 2017) for Orally Administered Drugs
In order to ensure the safety of compounds
introduced into the body, the FDA catego-
rizes and distinguishes compounds used for
drug therapy through an approval process
Key Notes on Drug Naming that assigns them as either prescription, or
over-the-counter (OTC medications). How-
• When a new drug is approved by the ever, the human body cannot distinguish
FDA, it is given a generic (official) name
between a prescription medication and a
and a brand (proprietary or trademark or
trade) name. poisonous toxin: both are exogenous chemi-
• Generic and brand names must be cals (meaning, chemical substances produced
unique to prevent one drug from being outside of the body). Fortunately, inherent
mistaken for another when drugs are pre- physiologic processes serve to protect the
scribed and prescriptions are dispensed. To body from potentially toxic compounds. Ev-
prevent this possible confusion, the FDA
ery compound that enters the human body is
must agree to every proposed brand and
generic name. subjected to these same physiologic and bio-
• Generic names are usually more com- chemical processes.
plicated and harder to remember than As an example, a food or any other sub-
brand names. stance ingested by mouth is subjected to
• In the clinical practice of medicine, pre- the rigors of the gastrointestinal (GI) sys-
scribers tend not to be interested in the
tem tract and its digestive processes. Food is
drug’s chemical name or physiochem-
ical properties when prescribing drug broken down by enzymatic processes into
therapy for their patients. Hence, the smaller particles and transported to the du-
chemical name of a drug tends not to be odenal region of the small intestine. Diges-
used outside of the fields of pharma- tive processes continue until food breakdown
ceutical science, research, and/or drug is complete, releasing vitamins, nutrients,
and other essential compounds in the duode-
• It is common practice for government of-
ficials, researchers, and others who write num, where the absorption of most soluble
chemical substances takes place. Compounds
22 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

To heart and
systemic circulation


Absorption Small intestine


Portal vein
FIGURE 2-3  Physiologic protection of systemic circulation. The blue circles represent drug molecules. Following drug administration, the drug in
the small intestine is absorbed into the hepatic portal vein, where it passes through the liver before it is “delivered” to the systemic circulation (the
entire body).

absorbed from this region of the GI tract do The chemical changes a drug under-
not immediately enter the systemic circula- goes as it passes through the liver may affect
tion (bloodstream); they first enter into the the drug’s ability to interact with its tar-
hepatic portal vein, which shunts all orally get site of action; it depends how the chemi-
absorbed substances to the liver (FIGURE 2-3). cal changes affect the drug’s molecular (i.e.,
The liver serves as the “filter” through which chemical) structure. A structurally-changed
compounds are “screened” by inherent (built- drug (metabolite) may not retain the chem-
in) metabolic and enzymatic processes; path- ical properties required to elicit a therapeu-
ways in the liver may (or may not) remove or tic response. If the drug’s metabolite can elicit
chemically inactivate drugs, nutrients, or po- the same therapeutic response as the “parent
tential toxins (by metabolic breakdown pro- drug” (chemical structure of the intact drug),
cesses, discussed in further detail later in this it retains its pharmacological activity, and is
chapter). As a consequence, drugs that pass termed an active metabolite. Conversely, if
through the digestive tract may not attain the the chemical changes render the drug unable
same concentration in the bloodstream as to elicit a therapeutic response, the metabo-
was present in the GI tract, before the absorp- lite is deemed pharmacologically inactive, and
tion process. termed an inactive metabolite. For this rea-
The human body does not “know” if the son, the amount of drug surviving these liver
administered drug compound is a nutrient, processes, and thus the resulting therapeutic
a poison, a vitamin, or a medication—it does drug response, may be less than anticipated
not discriminate. The liver serves only as an an- when the drug was originally administered
atomical first stop for chemical substances ab- orally; this is called the first-pass effect (me-
sorbed from the duodenal region of the small tabolism, metabolites, and the first-pass effect
intestine—before they can reach the systemic are discussed later in this chapter).
circulation. Following passage through the It is important to note that not every drug,
liver, the vena cava carries blood from the chemical substance, or even poisonous com-
liver to the bloodstream (systemic circulation; pound is subjected to the metabolic processes
i.e., circulation throughout the entire body). present in the liver (many compounds are not
This is illustrated in Figure 2-3. affected by the metabolic pathways).
Drug Meet Patient; Patient Meet Drug 23

clinical outcomes. The optimal outcome a drug

Key Notes can produce is a therapeutic response (ben-
eficial effect) without causing any ill effects
• The anatomical shunting of orally ingested
chemical substances to the liver, before it for the patient. However, because the drug
circulates throughout the entire body, is travels throughout the body via the blood-
just one of the body’s built-in (inherent) stream to reach its intended target, a number
physiologic protective mechanisms. of alternative outcomes can occur. These in-
• Although the liver is the primary site of clude: (1) no therapeutic response in a patient
chemical detoxification and protection,
(although this is very rare); (2) a side effect
it is not the only site where metabolic pro-
cesses take place. (common); or (3) an adverse event (uncom-
• Medications can be broken down into in- mon). The occurrence of side effects does
active forms by enzymatic processes lo- not necessarily preclude the use of a drug.
cated within the gastrointestinal tract, A therapeutic response means that the
thereby preventing the drug from ever medication produces a beneficial effect for the
reaching the bloodstream.
patient. Understanding “response” requires
knowing how and where in the body a drug
produces it. Ideally, a drug administered to a
Nursing Considerations patient would move only (and specifically)
The amount of medication (or any chemical to its site of action, where it would produce
substance) that the liver can metabolize de- its intended therapeutic response without
pends on the overall health of the liver. Con- affecting other sites in the body, where its ef-
sider a medication that must be chemically fects are neither required nor wanted. This
changed (metabolized) in order to be elimi- selectivity is called the “magic bullet” and
nated from the body; the drug is completely describes the ideal medication—one that ev-
dependent upon an enzymatic (metabolic) ery pharmaceutical company and research
pathway in the liver to change its chemical pharmacologist strives to create. However,
structure into a form that can then exit the very rarely (if ever) does this occur with the
body (i.e., if it is not metabolized by the liver, medications currently in use. The assumption
it will not be eliminated [removed] from the that all drugs act selectively, leading to only the
body). A patient with a history of hepatitis or desired results, is flawed because most drugs
cirrhosis is likely to have impaired liver func- lack selectivity; that is, a drug may also pro-
tion due to direct damage caused by disease. duce unintended and often unpredictable ef-
A patient with impaired liver function will fects on the body. Because the drug travels via
not have the same metabolic capacity as a the bloodstream to reach its intended target,
healthy patient. Thus, a patient with hepatic inevitably, unintended sites within the body
dysfunction who is given a drug that relies are exposed to the drug, potentially causing
on the liver to be eliminated may experience unpredictable (and unwanted) physiological
toxicity from the “regular” dose of this medi- or biochemical responses. Thus, when drugs
cation. In other words, the dose of the drug do not act “ideally,” it is important to under-
may need to be lowered, to prevent drug stand why and perhaps even to anticipate de-
toxicity. viations from ideal behavior.
As mentioned, the most common un-
Drug Meet Patient; Patient intended therapeutic drug responses are side
effects. Side effects are responses in tissues
Meet Drug where the drug’s effects are neither needed nor
The introduction of a drug into a patient, pre- wanted, causing problematic, but not harmful,
suming that the drug does, in fact produce a symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, headache,
clinically beneficial effect, can result in several and similar uncomfortable responses. Drug
24 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

side effects result from the drug’s “acciden- which, if left untreated, may lead to diabe-
tal” interaction, or interference, with of one tes. Acceleration of bone loss, which can lead
or more of the body’s (healthy) physiologic to osteoporosis (Ferris & Kahn, 2012), is an-
systems, while the drug’s therapeutic effects other potential adverse effect associated with
help to repair the intended dysfunctional sys- long-term glucocorticoid use. For this reason,
tem. Side effects range in severity from mild steroid medications are frequently used only
(barely noticeable), to nuisances (somewhat on a short-term basis, to “kick-start” healing,
bothersome), to—at worst—severe. In severe without allowing sufficient time for the side
cases, an unintended drug effect causes such effects to do long-term damage.
a significant impact on the patient’s daily
functioning that the patient may choose to
stop taking the medication as a result. An ex-
ample of a particularly troublesome side effect Toxicology is the study and characterization
(but one that is not harmful or toxic to the of the adverse effects caused by excessively
patient) that may lead to the discontinuance high concentrations of drug in the body and
of drug therapy is nausea. Although nausea the harmful, potentially fatal results that may
is extremely uncomfortable, the drug itself is result. Most drugs used for their medicinal ef-
not causing harm or damaging the biologi- fect have the potential to become toxic (i.e.,
cal function of body systems (except if nutri- capable of causing harm or death; to produce
tional intake is adversely affected). toxic effects); it all depends upon the dose, or
In some cases, drug therapy produces amount of the drug that is administered to the
the desired therapeutic drug response but patient. The first recorded toxicologist, Para-
at the same time produces harmful effects; celsus (circa 1500) was quoted as saying, “All
some of these effects are severe enough to substances are poisons; there is none which
be life-threatening. When an unintended is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a
drug effect causes harm to the functioning of poison and a remedy.” Most often, this is sim-
a body system, it is termed an adverse ef- ply paraphrased: “the dose makes the poison.”
fect (also referred to as an adverse event) Thus, both in this text and others, the
and usually requires the patient to discon- reader is reminded of the root word of phar-
tinue that medication. For example, a widely macology, pharmakon, and its two ­meanings—
prescribed class of medications used to treat drug and poison—with good reason.
high cholesterol levels (statins) is associated Medications do not affect all individuals in
with development of rhabdomyolysis, a rare the same way. In fact, they do not always af-
but life-threatening disorder in which skele- fect the same individual in the same way,
tal muscle tissue is damaged. Should a patient each time they are used. The same drug that
experience muscle pain not attributable to is therapeutic for one patient can produce
other causes following the initiation of statin harmful, even toxic effects, when adminis-
drug therapy, the patient would alert their tered to another. Unfortunately, there are a
prescriber immediately, as the muscle pain limited number of signs alerting the practi-
could be an early sign of this adverse effect tioner to which patients should or should not
(Lopez-Jimenez, et. al. 2014). use a given medication. Therefore, it is impor-
Although steroids (“glucocorticoids”) are tant to weigh each drug’s potential for harm
highly effective anti-inflammatory medica- against the anticipated benefits in each pa-
tions, long-term use of these medications in tient accordingly. All drugs must be treated as
the treatment of chronic inflammatory dis- potential “toxins.” Toxic effects, or toxicity
ease is associated with several serious adverse implies drug poisoning, the consequences of
reactions. Glucocorticoid use causes hypergly- which can be extremely harmful and may be-
cemia (abnormally high blood sugar levels), come life-threatening. In such situations, the
The Interplay of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 25

drug should be stopped immediately and sup- the body interacts with the drug molecule.
portive therapy to treat the harmful effects This may be likened to the “pharmacology
may be required. coin”: Up until this point, the focus has been
on only one side of the coin. There is a flip-
Nursing Considerations side, however, and its characteristics must be
Toxic effects should not be confused with ad- examined thoroughly as well, to determine
verse or side effects. Side effects (and adverse ef- the coin’s value. In pharmacological terms,
fects) occur when drug concentrations are knowledge of “where” and “how” drug action
within therapeutic levels, as a result of that occurs does not provide enough information
drug’s interaction with sites other than the to determine “how much drug” (right dose of
drug’s target site, producing unwanted, but medication) is required to produce a thera-
not fatal, effects. Toxicity is a result of “too peutic drug response. To determine the opti-
much drug” in the body, when the amount of mal dose of a drug, one must examine factors
drug present in the body exceeds the “dose”; that affect the fate of the drug as it moves
hence the derivation of the term overdose. throughout the body as well as the rate (speed)
at which the drug movement occurs. In other
What, Then, Is the Right Dose? words, one must examine what the drug does
One must consider the relationship between to the body and what the body does to the drug.
drugs and the body to answer this question.
Thus far, the mechanism of drug action has The Interplay of Pharmacokinetics
been described in terms of the interaction
between the drug and a functionally impor-
and Pharmacodynamics
tant structure within the body. This alone is What happens when drug and patient meet is a
not sufficient to determine the “right dose” complex, challenging interplay of the two sides
of medication for any given patient. Not of the pharmacology coin: pharmacodynamics
only does the drug interact with the body, and pharmacokinetics. FIGURE 2-4 illustrates that

Dose of drug


Elimination Pharmacokinetics
Drug in the Drug metabolized
systemic circulation and/or excreted What the body
does to the drug

Drug at the Drug distribution

site of action in tissues


What the drug
Clinical response does to the body

Toxicity Efficacy

FIGURE 2-4  The interplay of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics: The components, text boxes and all shapes that are colored in purple
are pharmacokinetic parameters. Those same items that are colored in blue are pharmacodynamic parameters. Note the interdependence of the
pharmacological response on the drug concentration at the site of action. This is only one of the components involved in the complex interplay
of the drug-body interactions.
Courtesy of Diane Pacitti. © 2017
26 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

both pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic dosage forms that will (1) deliver the chem-
parameters influence the ability of a drug to ically active form of the drug in sufficient
produce a therapeutic response following the amount (dose); (2) withstand physiologic
introduction of a drug into the body. conditions inside the patient’s body; (3) re-
lease the active drug at a tolerable therapeutic
Pharmacodynamics rate (i.e., neither too slowly nor too quickly);
Pharmacodynamics describes qualitatively the and (4) determine the route of administration
therapeutic activity of a drug once it is in the to achieve the optimal therapeutic outcome
bloodstream, and characterizes the interac- without causing physiologic adverse effects
tion of the drug with its target site, known for the patient. The chemical properties of the
as the mechanism of action (MOA). The drug molecule govern the drug’s formulation
MOA identifies the target molecule with into what is termed its “dosage form” (e.g.,
which the drug interacts and describes how capsule, tablet, solution, transdermal patch).
the interaction produces a therapeutic drug These same chemical properties, in turn, de-
response. This allows one to calculate how a termine which route of administration (ROA)
given amount of a drug will get from point A would be the best way to deliver the drug so
(the place where the drug enters the body) that it gets where it is needed in an appropri-
to point B (the place in the body where the ate concentration, without causing physi-
drug’s activity is wanted). Pharmacodynamic ologic adverse effects for the patient.
studies delineate factors such as dose, onset of An excellent and thorough review of the
drug action, and drug response. These will be different routes of drug administration en-
discussed later in this chapter. countered in the clinical setting is given in
Chapter 3 of this text. Not only does it build
Pharmacokinetics on the foundational principles introduced in
Pharmacokinetics is the quantitative this chapter, the emphasis placed upon the
­(numerical) study of the rate of drug move- safe practices throughout the nursing pro-
ment throughout the body, focusing on the cess while administering medication strength-
biological processes by which substances ens the discourse and scope of this discussion.
move in the body as a function of time. The study of medication dosage forms (bio-
The study of pharmacokinetics can be sum- pharmaceutics) will not be addressed in detail
marized as the study of how fast the drug in this chapter.
reaches the bloodstream (absorption pro-
Nursing Considerations
cess), how fast the drug gets to its site of ac-
tion (distribution), how long the drug stays The pharmacology of a drug is often confused
in its chemically active form (is the drug with the drug’s clinical, therapeutic response.
­metabolized—yes or no), how long the drug It is important to distinguish between actions
stays inside the body before being elimi- of drugs and their effects. Actions of drugs are
nated, how fast the drug is eliminated from the biochemical physiological mechanisms by
the body (processes of elimination), and how which the chemical produces a response in
often the drug needs to be dosed (dosing in- living organisms. The effect is the observable,
terval). Pharmacokinetics uses mathematical clinical outcome—or, the consequence of a
equations to predict the rate of drug move- drug action.
ment throughout the body. • The pharmacology of a drug defines the
mechanism of drug action; the mechanism
Biopharmaceutics of action explains how and where in the
The third key area of pharmacological study body the drug works, and identifies the bi-
is known as biopharmaceutics. It is the ological molecule to which the drug binds
study of the design and development of drug at the drug’s target site of action.
Clinical Pharmacology 27

• The therapeutic response of a drug is the de- 3. When should this dose be repeated to
sired effect, or clinical outcome of drug maintain those effects? (How often?)
therapy, and explains the desired end re- 4. By which method is the medication best
sult of drug therapy. administered for this patient? (Where?)
Consider the following scenario: A patient The key difference between pharmacol-
is diagnosed with strep throat and prescribed ogy and clinical pharmacology is that simply
an antibiotic—penicillin—to treat the infec- knowing the chemical properties of the drug is
tion. “How does the drug work, to treat strep not enough to predict the therapeutic drug re-
throat?” sponse in the clinical setting; the practitioner
must also evaluate and individualize medica-
• The HOW is the pharmacology and ex-
tion therapy for each patient. Every drug has a
plains the mechanism of action of penicillin;
dose required to produce a therapeutic response
The mechanism of action explains how
(known as the therapeutic dose). How-
penicillin works to kill and/or remove the
ever, drug action is different in every patient, even
Gram-positive-bacteria (Streptococcus) that
though the same medication is administered
is the cause of the infection.
under identical conditions. This introduces once
• Penicillin interferes with the structure
again a critical consideration—one which the
and synthesis of the bacterial cell wall;
nursing professional frequently encounters in
bacterial cell walls “break,” causing the
the clinical setting: What, then, is the “right”
bacterial cell contents to spill out. This
dose? Clinical pharmacology applies these basic
kills the bacterium.
pharmacological principles to determine what
• The clinical response of penicillin is relief
the right dose is, for optimal patient care.
of any sore throat pain or possible fever.
The reliance of pharmacokinetic effects
That is, improvement in patient symp-
upon drug concentration at the target site
toms due to eradication of the bacteria—
provides the key link between pharmacoki-
the cause of the strep throat.
netics and pharmacodynamics. Given that
the goal of medication therapy is to achieve a
Clinical Pharmacology therapeutic effect:
The interplay of the research areas—­ • Drug action occurs only when there is a
pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics— sufficient concentration of drug present at
answers many of the key clinical questions the site of action; and
that come with the decision to prescribe a • The rate and extent of drug distribution
medication and initiate a patient on a drug determines the amount of drug to reach
treatment regimen. Clinical pharmacol- the site of action.
ogy is the application of the concepts and
Which side of the coin should be studied
principles of pharmacology to enable the
first? Pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics?
practitioner to properly evaluate and manage
It literally becomes a “toss-up”; both sides must
drug therapy for patients in the clinical care
be examined, to accurately characterize the pa-
setting. In pharmacology, the key questions
tient’s therapeutic response and the outcome
about the clinical use of medication are:
of the medication therapy. FIGURE 2-5 illustrates
1. For what reason is the medication be- the interdependence between pharmacody-
ing given—that is, what condition is being namic and pharmacokinetic parameters. The
treated, and what are the intended ef- mechanism of how a drug interacts with its
fects? (In other words, Why?) receptor site to produce a beneficial drug re-
2. What is the dose of the medication that sponse is addressed first. Consideration of
must be given to achieve therapeutic ef- pharmacokinetics, or the rate processes of drug
fects without causing harm? (How much?) movement throughout the body, will follow.
28 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

I.V. Dose of Drug

Liver Reabsorption Kidney
Free drug Bound-drug
Drug (Plasma proteins) Drug and
metabolism* Metabolites Elimination metabolites
(Active or inactive metabolites)

Tissues Target site/organ

Bound-drug Free drug Free drug Bound-drug
(Temporary storage) Complex

(Drug action)

FIGURE 2-5  Pathways of drug movement after entering the bloodstream.

Courtesy of Diane Pacitti. © 2017

Pharmacodynamics It was originally thought that the drug it-

self “knew” where “to go” in the body. All the
Pharmacodynamics is the study of the drug molecule had to do, after reaching the
mechanism of drug action. The mechanism bloodstream, was travel directly to the “spot”
of drug action describes both where the in- in the body that needed “to be fixed,” and
teraction (drug’s target site) takes place once there, fix the problem for which it was
and how the change (therapeutic response) given and the drug would exit the body. An-
occurs. In other words, it considers both other dose of drug would only be necessary if
drug action, which refers to the initial conse- the “problem” occurred again. For example,
quence of a drug-receptor interaction, and consider an adult with a sore throat, who has
drug effect, which refers to the subsequent taken a single oral dose of an over-the-counter
effects. The drug action of digoxin, for ex- analgesic, to relieve the sore throat pain. The
ample, is via inhibition of membrane Na+/ patient asks, “How does the medication get rid
K+-ATPase pump on cardiac tissue; the drug of this pain in my throat?” It was believed that
effect is augmentation of cardiac contractility the medication “knew” just where the pain
(Chapter 6). source was located and moved directly to that
site in the body, where it would work to alle-
What the Drug Does to the Body viate the pain. It is now known that drugs in-
A medication, or “drug”, is administered to gested by the oral route must not only survive
a patient for a reason. It does not matter the rigors of the gastrointestinal digestive pro-
what the reason is. It does not matter what cesses, but also then travel to the liver, before
the drug is. It also does not matter who the they even enter the bloodstream! But what
patient is. What matters is what happens about the throat pain? The over-the-counter
after the drug is administered to the patient. analgesic moved right past it, after it was swal-
Does the drug produce the therapeutic effect, for lowed; yet in most cases it does prove ef-
which it was prescribed? To answer this, one fective, and temporarily relieves the mild to
must address drug action—at the molecu- moderate throat pain for which it was taken.
lar level—that leads to a drug’s therapeutic But the question remains unanswered: How
response. does the drug know where to go?
Pharmacodynamics 29

The Mechanism of Drug Action Ligand

The key to answering the question of how the

drug relieves sore throat pain hinges upon
the overarching principle of pharmacology:
Drugs do not produce “new” responses in the
body; they merely interact with a structure Receptor
in the body, resulting in alterations of physi-
ologic or biochemical processes that already
exist. While it is widely accepted that the ef-
fect of most drugs results from interactions
with receptor molecules, the concept of a
“molecular drug target” inside the body with
which the drug interacted was not widely
accepted until the middle of the twentieth
century. It was originally thought that drugs
exerted their effect on the body based upon
the chemical properties of the drug molecule
itself. Later theories of drug action proposed
that there was a structure inside the body,
complementary in shape and specificity to FIGURE 2-6  Cartoon illustration of the degree of ligand-receptor
the structure of the drug molecule, to which binding specificity between the drug and the binding site(s) on a
target receptor molecule.
the drug bound. However, the existence of
Courtesy of Hana Tisserand.
such “drug-specific molecules” could only be
inferred from the chemical structures of the
drugs. In 1907, Paul Ehrlich developed his The Receptor Molecule
own theory, which included the binding of The “functionally important” molecule in the
drugs to molecular drug targets receptors that body with which the drug interacts (to pro-
he called chemoreceptors (Ehrlich, 1913). duce its therapeutic response) is known as the
However, it was not until the first “receptor” “drug target”. For most drugs, this target mol-
molecule (the beta-receptor) was isolated and ecule is a macromolecular protein called a re-
its receptor interactions characterized, that ceptor. Receptors are large protein molecules
the “receptor theory” was accepted by the sci- located either outside the target cell called
entific community. With the discovery of the extracellular receptors, or inside the cell, called
“receptor” molecule came theories regarding intracellular receptors. The receptor types are
the mechanism of the drug-receptor interac- discussed in further detail later in this chapter.
tion. Originally, the belief was that a drug It is of import to note, however, that the
“fit” into the receptor molecule in the same actual drug-target may not even be a recep-
manner in which a key fits into a lock to open tor molecule. Although the term “receptor”
a door; this model was aptly named the “lock is ubiquitously used to describe the target
and key” model. Simply put, the receptor is a molecule with which the drug interacts, not
“lock” with a specific keyhole, and the drug all drugs exert their pharmacologic actions via
is the “key” that fits (into the lock), to open receptor-mediated mechanisms. There are other
the door. (FIGURE 2-6. In pharmacology, if the mechanisms by which a drug produces its ef-
“right” drug finds the right “receptor”, it pro- fect. For instance, the mechanism of action
duced the drug’s therapeutic response. Unfor- for a number of drugs (discussed throughout
tunately, the mechanism of drug action is not this textbook) is attributed to the physicochem-
this simplistic. ical properties of the drug molecule. Examples
30 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

include osmotic diuretics, purgatives, antisep- have been identified and characterized. A li-
tics, antacids, chelating agents, and urinary gand has a specific three-­dimensional shape
acidifying and alkalinizing agents. Certain that “fits” into its binding site on the receptor
cancer and antiviral chemotherapeutic agents molecule. The receptor binding site is highly
are structural analogs of pyrimidine and pu- discretionary and will only bind compounds
rine bases; these drugs serve as suicide sub- (ligands) with specific chemical structures.
strates for DNA or RNA synthesis, and elicit Therefore, the ligand must “fit” and bind to
their effects when they are incorporated into the receptor (three dimensionally) in a very
nucleic acids. precise manner. Even a slight change to the
For most drugs, however, the target is, in chemical structure of the molecule can ren-
fact, a receptor molecule. Most receptors have der it unable to properly fit into the recep-
specific, naturally-occurring (endogenous) tor’s binding site (FIGURE 2-7). The degree to
compounds called ligands. When the proper which the ligand is able to elicit a therapeutic
ligand binds to its receptor, it causes a stimu- response is dependent upon the interaction
lation (or activation) of the receptor molecule, between the ligand-binding site and the re-
which leads to a biological response. This re- ceptor, the specifics of which are addressed in
sponse manifests as a change in an existing the following section.
physiological or biochemical process within
the body. Quite often, the affected physiologi- The Nature of Ligand-Receptor Interactions:
cal process is one which plays a critical role Chemical Bonding Interactions/Forces
in maintaining optimal health. For almost all The target site on the receptor molecule has a
­receptors that have been identified to date, high degree of binding-specificity as well. Like
endogenous ligands specific for each receptor any other chemical-bonding interaction, the

[Ligand] + [Receptor] [Ligand–Receptor Complex]


A. Macromolecule; usually a protein.

B. Poor receptor fit.
No pharmacologic response.


C. Some drug – receptor fit. D. Excellent receptor fit.

Slight therapeutic response possible. Full therapeutic response.

FIGURE 2-7  Ligand-Receptor Complex: If the body lacks the ligand, either from a disease-state or congenital disorder, a drug (medication)
may serve to bind the receptor as the “ligand” itself would, (replacing the natural compound), thus resulting in the desired physiological
(pharmacological) response. When the drug binds to its receptor site, it produces the intended pharmacological response..
Courtesy of Diane Pacitti. © 2017
Pharmacodynamics 31

binding of a ligand (or drug) to a receptor is range, weak hydrophobic attraction

determined by chemical bonding forces that forces caused by slight charge displace-
allow interaction(s) between functional groups ments that occur only when chemical
on the ligand and complementary binding sur- groups come into close contact with one
faces in the receptor (FIGURE 2-8). Ligands bind another. The bond occurs when a drug
to their target site on the protein molecule is within close contact to its receptor
“using” chemical bonds, non-covalent in na- site, and this close proximity can cause
ture (meaning “reversible”); Bonds include the non-polar groups such as hydrocarbon
following “intermolecular forces”: chains to associate with each other in the
aqueous physiological environment.
1. Hydrogen bonds result from electrostatic
4. Covalent bonds are strong, irreversible
attraction between an electronegative
chemical bonds (sharing of electrons)
atom (oxygen or nitrogen) and a hy-
that form when a drug’s chemical group
drogen atom that is bonded covalently
shares electrons with a chemical group
to a second electronegative atom. They
on the receptor. This bond is irrevers-
result from electrostatic attraction be-
ible; thus, the drug-receptor complex will
tween an electronegative atom (oxygen
never dissociate. Compounds that are
“O”; or nitrogen, “N”) and a hydrogen
bound by covalent bonds are usually tox-
(H) atom that is bonded covalently to a
ins or poisons to the human body.
second electronegative atom. Example:
N-H ----- O=C- -O-H----- O=C- Nursing Considerations
2. Ionic bonding is a very important bonding
The effects of most drugs used in clinical prac-
mechanism between a drug and receptor,
tice are temporary, because the interaction
as many drugs are weak acids or bases.
of the drug with the target site is reversible.
These drugs become “ions,” meaning
Consider the effects of a drug that entered
they have either a positive or a negative
the body, and bound covalently to its target
charge (positive and negative charges
site - that drug would permanently remain
interact) when in the physiological en-
in the body. An example of one of the few
vironment of the body (pH averages 7.4).
drugs that does utilizes covalent bonding is
The nature of the ionic chemical bond is
aspirin (ASA). This medication irreversibly
a basic attraction between net positive (+)
acetylates platelets, thereby suppressing the
and negative (–) charges.
production of prostaglandins and thrombox-
3. Van der Waals forces are the weakest
anes (due to its irreversible inactivation of the
bonds between a drug molecule and its
cyclooxygenase [COX] enzyme).
receptor-binding site. They are short
The Drug–Receptor Complex
[L] + [R] [LR] If the body lacks the ligand, either from a
disease-state or congenital disorder, a drug
(medication) may serve to bind the receptor as
the “ligand” itself would (replacing the natural
compound). Therefore, the drug must be a
close structural mimic of the endogenous com-
[L] pound, (to “fit” the target site on the receptor).
Note: Knowing the exact structure of the
(receptor) (receptor) endogenous ligand allows synthetic chemists
FIGURE 2-8  The extent to which a ligand will bind to its receptor to design structural mimics of the ligand mol-
molecule & form a [ligand-receptor] complex is dependent upon the ecule. This knowledge greatly expands the
degree of chemical attraction between the two molecules, expressed
by the affinity constant, kA (see text). pharmaceutical industry’s arsenal of potential
Courtesy of Diane Pacitti. © 2017 new drugs.
32 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

drug’s “association rate”, or, “on” rate

[Drug] + [Receptor] [Drug-Receptor Complex]
drug’s “association rate”, or, “off” rate
FIGURE 2-9  A drug molecule will bind to a receptor molecule if there is a sufficient degree of chemical attraction between the two molecules.
The strength of the bond between two molecules is based solely upon chemical bonding; that is, the degree of “chemical attraction” between the
two. The complex formation occurs at a speed known as the drug’s association rate, also referred to as the drug’s on rate (meaning, how quickly
the drug associates, or binds to, the receptor). The rate of complex formations is represented by the rate constant k+1. The bond between the
drug and its receptor, forming the drug-receptor complex, is reversible (meaning the drug eventually disassociates or “falls off” the receptor).
The amount of time the drug remains bound to the receptor is based upon the degree of chemical bonding attraction (and also the basis of
the duration of a drug’s action). The drug-receptor complex breakdown occurs at a speed known as the drug’s dissociation rate, or off rate, and is
represented by the rate constant. k-1.
Courtesy of Diane Pacitti. © 2017

What are the chances that a that any mol- k1

[D] + [R] [DR]
ecule, such as a ligand (or drug), will bind k–1
to a receptor-binding site? It depends on the
degree of chemical attraction (i.e., the strength k1
= kA
of the “chemical bonding forces) between the k–1
two molecules (covalent bonds are the stron-
gest; Van der Waals are the weakest). The Drug association = k1 k–1 = Drug dissociation

equation in FIGURE 2-9 shows the interaction D

that is reversible. The drug binds to the recep- (receptor) (receptor)
tor, and then “falls off.” FIGURE 2-10  Drug is abbreviated as “D”; receptor is “R”. The brackets
The strength of the drug-receptor com- represent the “molar concentration”. Note that the binding constant
k has “A” as its subscript. This indicates that the bonding constant is
plex is measured in terms of affinity; that expressed in terms of the “association” of the drug with the receptor
is, how much the drug is attracted to the re- molecule [DR]. The rate of drug binding to the receptor is represented
ceptor (or target). Affinity is the measure of by “k1”, and rate which the drug “leaves” or “falls off” (dissociates)
the receptor is represented by “k-1”. The association constant kA is
the strength of the bonds, or tightness, of calculated from the ratio of the molar concentration of reactants
the drug-receptor complex. The strength [D] and [R], and the molar concentration of the product [DR]. Drug
binding to its receptor (“on”) and the dissociation (“off”) of the drug
of the binding complex is represented by from the receptor. (One could also characterize the drug-receptor
an affinity constant, referred to as kA binding interaction in terms of the parameter “kD”, known as the
“dissociation complex”. The ratio of the “on” and “off” rates would simply
(FIGURE 2-10). This term is widely used to de- be inverted to calculate the dissociation complex.)
scribe drug-­receptor binding. The magnitude Courtesy of Diane Pacitti. © 2017

of kA indicates the degree of attraction with

which a drug (or ligand) binds to a recep-
tor. The stronger the affinity, the longer the
drug–­receptor complex will exist before the chapter). The strength of a bond between a
drug is released from the site. drug and a receptor protein can be expressed
The length of time the drug remains mathematically, as well. Consider that the
bound to its receptor [between a drug and a following:
receptor] is also the basis of the duration of ac- Drug + Receptor ↔ Drug-Receptor Complex
tion for a medication (the duration of drug ac- Or
tion in addressed in further detail later in this (D) + (R) ↔ (DR)
Types of Receptors 33

This equation assumes one binding site of receptor-drug complexes which can form at
per receptor molecule: the drug’s target site of drug action. Efficacy is
[DR] discussed in further detail later in this chapter.
kA =

Where [DR] = bound drug-receptor complex Types of Receptors

and [D] and [R] = free, or the receptor mol- Most receptors are one of three types of large
ecule and drug separate from one another. An protein molecules: (1) those located outside
association constant, kA, can be expressed as the the target cell, called cell-surface receptors or
ratio of the molar concentration of the products extracellular receptors; (2) transmembrane recep-
and the molar concentration of the reactants. tors, which cross, or span, the cell membrane—
these receptor-types have binding sites located
The Drug–Receptor Interaction and on both the outside and inside of the cell; or
Therapeutic Response
(3) those located inside the cell, called intracel-
If a drug binds to a receptor molecule to form lular receptors. (The best-characterized receptor
a receptor-bound complex (drug-receptor molecules are regulatory proteins, enzymes,
complex [DR]), one can expect the bound transport proteins, and structural proteins.
complex to induce that receptor’s therapeutic [Note: for the purpose of understanding the
response. The assumption that must be made molecular mechanism of drug action, it is not
is this: when the drug binds to the target necessary to know what pharmacological re-
binding site on the receptor molecule, it will sponse each of these receptor-types produces]).
produce the intended therapeutic response.
This is known as the receptor occupancy Transmembrane Receptor Activation
theory, and is illustrated in FIGURE 2-11. The and Response
equation illustrates that the formation of a The transmembrane receptor has a specific
drug–receptor complex is responsible for a de- ligand binding site on the outside surface of
sired pharmacologic effect. What about the ex- the cell. For example, four different transmem-
tent of the drug response? The degree to which brane receptors are illustrated in FIGURE 2-12;
a drug is able to produce a therapeutic drug in this figure, note that each of the recep-
response is based upon both the affinity of the tors has a specific ligand-binding (receptor)
drug for the receptor, and the efficacy. Efficacy site located on the outside of the cell and
is pharmacodynamic measure of the thera- “connections”, or “responders” of some type
peutic response, and is related to the number located on the inside of the cell. When the
cell-­surface-receptor site is “occupied” (ligand
Receptor occupancy theory binds), the transmembrane receptor under-
goes a transformational change in shape (con-
The general theory of drug receptor formational change), which then “signals”
interaction can be expressed by the equation:
a “messenger” inside the cell, to amplify the
signal. One receptor binds one ligand – and
Drug + Receptor [Drug-Receptor Complex] Pharmacological
triggers a chain of biochemical events (“am-
plification”) to take place inside the cell.
k–1 Signal Transduction
[D] + [R] [DR] Effect
k+1 The ligand-receptor complex formation initi-
FIGURE 2-11  Receptor Occupancy Theory ates a complex set of reactions inside the cell
Courtesy of Diane Pacitti. © 2017 via a process known as signal transduction.
34 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

Ligand-gated ion G protein-coupled Enzyme-linked Intracellular
channels receptors receptors receptors
Example: Example: Example: Example:
Cholinergic nicotinic α and β Insulin receptors Steroid receptors
receptors adrenoceptors


Ions R R-PO4

Changes in membrane Protein phosphorylation

Protein and receptor
potential or ionic Protein phosphorylation and altered
concentration within cell gene expression


FIGURE 2-12  Types of receptors. Each of the four different receptor types illustrated utilizes cell-surface signaling pathways to affect a change
within the cell.
Courtesy of Diane Pacitti. © 2017

The signal is amplified by activating what is The Dose-Response Relationship

known as a “second-messenger system”
inside the cell. Second messengers are sys- In previous discussions in this chapter, it was
tems that are activated upon stimulation of said that a drug can only exert its desired
the receptor. Although only one molecule (therapeutic) affect when enough of the
can stimulate one receptor (at any one time), drug molecule is present at the active site to
the stimulated receptor can produce mul- produce a physiological response. The con-
tiple second messengers, each of which can centration of drug that is reached at site of
stimulate other molecules within the cell. One action depends on the dose and dosage form
molecule (ligand, drug, etc.) can therefore cause a in which the drug was administered and the
large effect. physiochemical properties of the drug it-
self, as well as physiological processes of the
body. An amount of drug is administered to
a patient and the desired therapeutic drug
Key Points response occurs. How much drug is required
When the ligand binds to its receptor site, to produce a therapeutic drug response? The
the receptor complex undergoes a “confor- amount is known as the dose of a drug.
mational change” (meaning the shape of the Pharmacodynamic studies are performed
entire receptor changes); this change then ini- to characterize how much drug is required to
tiates a complex set of biochemical reactions produce a therapeutic response. Specifically, to
within the cell, called signal transduction. In
effect, one ligand binds to one receptor site, determine the amount of drug that is neces-
and converts an extracellular signal into an sary to produce a quantifiable and clinically
intracellular signal—which then signals the observable response, defined (increas-
“messenger” inside the cell to amplify the sig- ing) amounts of drug are administered to
nal. These interactions and the resulting con- healthy volunteers and the therapeutic re-
formational changes in the receptor initiate sponse is measured. The data is known as
biochemical and physiological changes that
characterize the drug’s response. the dose-response curve. The “dose-response
curve” is obtained graphically: the amount of
Pharmacodynamic Parameters Obtained from the Dose-Response Curve 35

drug is plotted on the X-axis, and its corre- In FIGURE 2-14, the graph in 2-14a illustrates
sponding therapeutic response on the Y-axis. the raw drug concentration plotted on the X-
Dose-response curves are used to present axis. A graph of the amount of drug versus
data describing the ability of a drug to produce a the therapeutic drug effect produces a rect-
given physiological effect. angular curve that plateaus when the maxi-
A plot of the log of [D], (in which mal therapeutic response is reached. This is
[D] is the concentration of drug), v ­ ersus a cumbersome graph because drug concen-
the pharmacological effect results is a trations often vary over 100- to 1,000-fold,
sigmoidal-shaped curve, and is the most necessitating a long X-axis. To overcome
common “graphical” presentation of the this problem, the log of the drug concentra-
“dose-response data”; depicted in FIGURE 2-13. It tion is plotted on the X-axis; the same data is
is the way the data is graphed which yields the graphed and the resultant curve is illustrated
shape of the curve—the X-axis is the log dose). in Figure 2-14b (log of [D]) of the drug con-
The resulting sigmoidal curve is depicted in centration on the X-axis. Note the difference
the following graph: in the shapes of the curves.

Pharmacodynamic Parameters
Obtained from the Dose-Response
Percent Calcium Current Increase

The graphs in Figures 2-14a and 2-14b depict

and characterize the relationship between the
dose of a drug and the amount of drug re-
quired to produce the maximum physiologi-
40 cal (therapeutic) effect. Graphs such as these
are often used to compare the effectiveness of
two drugs or characterize the degree of drug
0 responses.

1 10 100
PMA concentration (nM) Efficacy is a measure of the maximal therapeu-
tic response that a drug is able to produce and is
FIGURE 2-13  The sigmoidal-shaped curve is the most recognizable
“dose-response” graph when speaking of a drug- receptor binding. dependent on the number of drug-receptor
Data from U.S. Occupational Safety and Health complexes formed. When all the receptors are
Therapeutic drug response

Therapeutic drug response

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
[Dose] Log dose

FIGURE 2-14  a: The dose-response curve. For example, a clinical study examines the effect of increasing amounts of an analgesic on pain
threshold. To present the data, the concentration of the drug is plotted on the X-axis and the effect on pain threshold is plotted on the Y-axis. The
resultant “dose-response curves” are shown in Figure 2-14b; both graphs depict the therapeutic effect of the drug on the Y-axis, but the difference
between the two graphs is the way in which the dose is plotted on the X-axis.
36 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

occupied at a drug’s site of action, the maxi- 100

mum therapeutic response is achieved.

Therapeutic Response
On a log dose-response curve, the efficacy 75

Percentage of
of a drug can be readily observed by looking
at the height of the sigmoidal curve, and reading 50
over to the Y-axis to determine the percent-
age of the maximal response. 25

Potency is a measure of how much drug is re- 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
quired to elicit a therapeutic response. The lower Drug Dose

the dose required to achieve the maximal

High potency
therapeutic response, the more potent the drug. Medium potency
By convention, in the field of pharmacology, Low potency
potency is expressed as “the dose of drug that
gives 50% of the maximal response,” known FIGURE 2-15  Dose-response graph comparing three different drugs.
This dose-response graph compares the pharmacological response/
as the ED50. In this way, two or more drugs activity of three different drugs that produce the same therapeutic
may be compared by examining the values response. (Pharmacological response is plotted on the Y-axis; the log of
the drug dose amount is plotted on the X-axis; 100% is the maximum
of the ED50, in the absence of graphical data pharmacological response - % therapeutic response.) All three drugs
(log-dose response curve). produce the same degree of the desired response; that is, all three
On a log-dose response curve (sigmoidal have the same efficacy (biological response). The dose required to
produce a percent of therapeutic response is different among these
curve), the potency of a drug can be readily ob- three drugs–a shift of the curve to the right means it takes more drug
served by looking at the placement of the sig- to produce the same degree of drug response; therefore, it is said that
the drug has a lower potency when compared to the others.
moidal curve on the X-axis; its position on Courtesy of Diane Pacitti. © 2017
the X-axis quickly indicates that the farther
to the left that the curve begins on the X-axis,
the more potent the drug. That is, it takes less have three different potencies. Note, in this graph,
drug to produce a therapeutic response. the sigmoidal curve the farthest to the left rep-
resents the drug with the highest potency.
Potency vs. Efficacy: A Source of Confusion
The difference between potency and effi- Nursing Considerations
cacy can be evaluated quickly by looking at a A patient has an attack of gouty arthritis,
comparison between two drugs on a log-dose and the prescriber would like the patient
response curve. The amount of drug it takes to to receive a short course of a nonsteroidal
elicit the maximum therapeutic response of anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) medication.
the drug is a measure of the drug’s potency; a The prescriber has two choices: ibuprofen,
separate and distinctive parameter, easily con- 600 mg or piroxicam, 20 mg. Both drugs pro-
fused with efficacy. duce the same degree of pain relief; therefore, it
is said that the efficacy of the drugs is the same.
• Efficacy is the maximal response pro-
Which of the two drugs is more potent?
duced by a drug and depends on the num-
ber of drug-receptor complexes formed.
Which of the two drugs has a greater af-
• Potency is a measure of the amount of
finity for the receptor? Why?
drug necessary to produce a therapeutic
The efficacy of the two drugs is the same, as
response; the lower the amount of drug
a dose of either drug produces the same degree
needed, the greater the potency.
of pain relief. Yet, it takes 600 mg of ibuprofen
FIGURE 2-15 compares three drugs that pro- and 20 mg of piroxicam to achieve that same
duce the same degree of therapeutic activity degree of pain relief. Piroxicam is clearly the
(i.e., all three drugs have the same efficacy) but more potent of these two drugs, as it requires
The Drug Activity Profile 37

a lower dose to achieve the same effect. This The Drug Activity Profile
does not mean piroxicam is “better” than
ibuprofen; simply that it takes less of the drug A fundamental principle of pharmacology
to produce the same effect. is the amount of time it takes to produce a
Affinity cannot be determined from the drug action, or alternatively, to produce a
data given in the question as there is no men- therapeutic, clinically observable effect. While
tion of the binding strength of either drug to a dose-response curve provides an instant
the receptor. Recall that affinity measures the view of the efficacy of a drug, it lacks the
degree of binding strength between two mol- amount of time it takes to achieve a thera-
ecules and predicts the likelihood of two mol- peutic drug response. For this information,
ecules forming a bonded complex. one must look to the drug activity profile:
a graphical representation of the concentra-
Limitations of a Dose-Response Curve tion of drug in the body over a given period
The dose-response graph yields informa- of time, using the information gleaned from
tion that accounts for the amount of drug the dose-response curve. (This graph is syn-
that produces the maximal therapeutic drug onymous with a concentration-response
response. However, it does not give any in- graph.) A dose of drug is administered to
formation about the effect of the drug on the a patient; the concentration of drug in the
patient, the duration of action of the drug, body is measured at periodic time intervals.
the optimal dose, or the resultant effect on The concentration of drug is plotted on the Y-
the patient: it does not include TIME. It is a axis, and the corresponding time of the blood
graph simply showing the amount of drug draw is noted on the X-axis. The resultant
required to produce the maximal therapeutic graph represents the relationship between the
drug response. This by no means is meant to amount of drug and the time the drug pro-
minimize the information gained from the duces a therapeutic drug response; either its
dose-response relationship. The studies are beneficial or toxic action (FIGURE 2-16).
essential for analysis of the drug’s pharmaco- The drug-activity profile is a measure of
logical properties. the amount of drug in the bloodstream at

Duration of action

Cmax Therapeutic




Onset tmax

FIGURE 2-16  “Drug activity profile” (also known as the concentration-response graph). The drug-plasma level time curve indicates a number
of pharmacodynamic parameters: the onset of action, duration of action, the therapeutic index, the minimum toxic concentration (MTC), and
minimum effective concentration (MEC) for a given drug.
38 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

periodic time intervals; this information is used index. The dose of a drug that is required to
to determine the amount of drug required to deliver the optimal concentration at the ac-
be in the body to produce a therapeutic effect. tive site depends on the pharmacokinetic and
biopharmaceutical parameters of the drug,
Pharmacodynamic Parameters as well as physiological processes in the body
Obtained from the Drug Activity that affect the drug as it moves throughout
the body. The therapeutic window will be dis-
Profile cussed further in this chapter.
Figure 2-16 illustrates a drug activity pro-
file from which the following pharmacody- Duration of Action
namic parameters can be determined: the The duration of action is defined as the
onset of drug action, the duration of drug ac- length of time a drug exhibits a therapeutic effect
tion, the minimum effective concentration after the drug is administered, or the dur-
(MEC), and the minimum toxic concentra- ation of the pharmacologic effect. This is de-
tion (MTC). Each of these will be discussed in termined by measuring the amount of time
greater detail. that the drug concentration is at or above the
The amount of drug it takes to produce minimum effective concentration (MEC). In
the intended pharmacological response of the an earlier discussion it was said the duration
drug is termed the drug’s minimum effec- of drug action is related to the affinity (de-
tive concentration (MEC). The drug must gree of attraction) between the drug and the
be present in a concentration at least as large receptor molecule. In fact, the longer that the
as the MEC; thus, the MEC is used to de- drug is bound to its receptor (drug-receptor
termine the dose (or amount) of drug that is complex), the more likely it is that the blood
given to the patient. The drug’s dose may be levels of drug will stay above the minimum
considerably more than the amount of drug effective concentration.
required to achieve the MEC at the target
site, but it must not be so large that it deliv- Onset of Action
ers too much drug to the site of action (or to The onset of action is the time it takes for
unrelated locations) and produces toxic ef- the drug to reach the MEC. A measurable re-
fects. The maximum dose of a drug that may sponse will not be observed until the drug
be given to a patient without producing toxic exceeds the minimal concentration—at its site of
effects is termed the maximum effective concen- action—necessary to produce the desired re-
tration (i.e., the maximum amount of drug sponse. Factors which effect the onset time
that produces a therapeutic response, with- for a drug are more likely related to the route
out signs of toxicity), and defines the upper- of drug administration and the dosage form
most dosage limits, or the maximum dose of the drug. A drug that is absorbed quickly
of drug that can be safely administered. The will reach that minimum concentration more
drug dose that no longer produces the in- rapidly than a drug that is slowly absorbed.
tended therapeutic response but produces When comparing the onset time of drug ac-
the first signs of drug toxicity is known as the tion, recall that a drug with a quicker onset
minimum toxic concentration (MTC) and will require less time to exert a pharmacologic
delineates the toxic dose for that drug. (Note effect. Increasing the onset time means more
that there is a very fine line between the max- time is required before the pharmacologic ef-
imum effective concentration and the MTC.) fect is observed.
The difference between the MEC and the
MTC represents the margin of safety for a Therapeutic Index
medication and is defined as the therapeutic Drugs produce both desired and undesired
window, also known are the therapeutic (adverse) effects. The ratio of the minimum
Classes of Medications 39

concentration of drug that produces toxic for that receptor. Because the antagonist
effects (MTC) and the minimum concentra- binds to the same site as the agonist for that re-
tion that produces the desired effect (MEC) ceptor, it also prevents the agonist or the re-
is termed the therapeutic index. The term ceptor’s ligand from binding to the receptor
therapeutic window is also used to refer to the site. This type of antagonist is known as a
span of concentration between the MEC and competitive antagonist, because it “com-
MTC. The larger the therapeutic window for a petes” with the agonist for the same bind-
drug, the “safer” it is to use that drug without ing site on the receptor. An antagonist that
causing unwanted toxicity in patients. An- binds to a site other than the ligand-binding
other way of assessing the therapeutic index, site, and blocks receptor-activation is known
also known as the margin of safety, is to use as a non-competitive antagonist. Since
the ratio between two factors: the lethal dose a non-competitive antagonist does not bind
50 (LD50), the dose of drug lethal in 50% of with the ligand-binding site, it blocks re-
the laboratory animals tested, and the effec- ceptor activation in the presence of endoge-
tiveness dose (ED50), the dose that produces nous ligand. This is an important distinction
the therapeutic effect in 50% of a similar which must be made; each is discussed in
population. The closer the ratio is to “1,” the further detail.
greater the danger in administering the drug
to humans. Some drugs have a small thera- Agonist Drugs
peutic range and the difference between the Mimic Ligand-Receptor Activation Responses
effective dose and the toxic dose is small. An agonist is a drug that binds at the ex-
Digoxin, lithium, and warfarin are exam- act same place on the receptor as the li-
ples of drugs with a narrow therapeutic index. gand. Thus, it is capable of producing a
During the course of drug therapy with these stimulation-type response. Agonist binding
medications, particularly with warfarin, induces a conformational change in the re-
blood levels are drawn on a regular basis ceptor such that cellular signaling pathways
(e.g., weekly) to ensure that the drug con- are activated; these activated pathways
centration levels remain within therapeutic trigger a series of biochemical events that
limits. This close monitoring of drug plasma ultimately lead to an alteration in cellular
levels is also known as therapeutic drug function, producing the same effect as the en-
monitoring (TDM). In contrast, naloxone dogenous ligand itself. However, not all agonist
is an example of a drug with a wide margin drugs are capable of initiating the maximal
of safety. response that the naturally occurring ligand
is able to produce. Therefore, agonists can be
further divided into full and partial agonists.
Classes of Medications Full agonists are compounds able to elicit a
After any drug binds to the ligand-binding site maximal response following receptor occupa-
on a receptor, the drug may either initiate a tion and activation; partial agonists are com-
­response or prevent a response from occurring. pounds that can activate receptors but are
An agonist is a drug that produces a unable to elicit the maximal response of the
stimulation-type (activates the receptor) re- receptor system.
sponse. The agonist is a very close mimic
to the ligand (endogenous compound) that Antagonist Drugs
normally stimulates that receptor; it there- Block the Receptor’s Activation Response
fore “fits” with the receptor site and is able While it seems intuitive that inducing a
to initiate a response. In contrast, an antago- therapeutic response would be an impor-
nist is a drug that binds to the receptor site tant part of therapy, disrupting (or “block-
and blocks or depresses the biological response ing”) such responses is equally, if not more,
40 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

important—particularly in situations in 100%

which the typical physiological response has
become abnormal or compromised. An an-
tagonist is a drug that binds to the receptor

molecule and prevents the receptor’s biological or 50%
functional activation process. Once bound, the
Agonist alone Agonist plus
drug may be unable to effectively alter the re- competitive
ceptor in a manner that can initiate a change
in cellular function. Antagonist molecules 0%
often bind at the same place on the receptor Dose

that the agonist binds (and therefore, where FIGURE 2-17  Hallmark log-dose response curve illustrating a
the ligand binds); occupation of the receptor competitive antagonist (discussed in text): Receptor blockade can
be overcome by increasing the agonist concentration; the sigmoidal
by a “competitive” antagonist molecule pre- curve “shifts to the right”; meaning that the dose of the drug can be
vents the binding and actions of agonists; this increased to overcome the presence of the competitive antagonist.
is discussed further in the next section.

Different Types of Antagonists the name “non-competitive antagonist”). Its in-

Antagonists can be reversible or irrevers- hibitory action cannot be overcome by increas-
ible. The most common type of antagonist ing the ligand or agonist concentration, nor
drug-receptor interaction is known as the can the presence of the ligand or agonist af-
competitive antagonist (see above). This fect (diminish) the inhibitory action of the
type of antagonist is known as competitive, non-competitive antagonist.
because it (the drug) “competes” for the en- Irreversible receptor antagonists are
dogenous ligand-binding site on the receptor. chemically reactive compounds. The antagonist
Antagonists are also referred to as blockers, covalently binds to the receptor. Because the
or inhibitors. (There are many examples of bond is covalent, this compound can not dis-
drugs that bind the active binding site on the associate from the receptor; the physiological
receptor intentionally to block its activity—these response is completely blocked and cannot be
appear throughout this text). Competitive an- undone. This is not a desired interaction, in
tagonists block the ligand site, preventing the most cases, as the receptor loses its function-
normal ligand from interacting with the re- ality completely.
ceptor site. Competitive antagonists reversibly
bind to the ligand-binding site binding to the Nursing Considerations
receptor; blockade of the ligand-binding site Many “agonists” drug classes have been de-
can be overcome by increasing the agonist veloped to bind to an endogenous ligand’s
concentration. (The presence of the antago- binding site and stimulate its ligand-receptor’s
nist does not decrease the maximal response of response. Many “antagonists” drug classes
the agonist) (see FIGURE 2-17). have been designed to interrupt, or block a
In contrast, a noncompetitive antago- particular process that contributes to disease,
nist binds to a site different from the endogenous as well. For example, the enzyme aroma-
ligand’s binding site (responsible for activation tase converts testosterone to estradiol, an
of the receptor response) but it is still able estrogen—a normal and necessary part of
to block the receptor’s “normal” physiologi- the female hormonal cycle. However, certain
cal response. The noncompetitive antagonist estrogen-dependent cancers affecting breast
binds to a site—other than the ligand-bind and ovarian tissue in women grow more rap-
site—on the receptor (and therefore, does not idly in the presence of estrogen. Thus, a class
compete with the endogenous ligand (hence of medications called aromatase inhibitors
Pharmacokinetics 41

was developed to suppress the activity of the • General health of the person
aromatase enzyme, effectively decreasing • Psychological aspects (e.g., placebo effect)
the body’s synthesis of estradiol, and reducing Other sources of variability occur due
the amount of estrogen available to promote to the administration of the drug itself to that
tumor growth. individual:
Variability in Pharmacodynamics • Dosage
There is remarkable variability in drug re- • Potency of the drug
sponses from one individual to the next. • How the drug is formulated (e.g., liquid,
Two patients can be given the same dose of capsule, tablet, sustained release)
the same medication and have completely • Route of medication administration (e.g.,
different responses; the pharmacologic re- IV, oral, inhalation)
sponse to a drug is different in every hu- • Single dose (acute) versus maintenance
man body. Therefore, one patient might (chronic) versus steady state
take 500 mg of acetaminophen and have a • Physiological tolerance of the drug (i.e.,
completely different response than another drug allergy, drug resistance)
patient. What causes this variability in drug • Interaction with other drugs and other
response? substances that may be present in the
Some of the variability stems from the dif- body
ferences the differences between individual per-
sons. These individual-level factors include the Pharmacokinetics
following: How the Body Affects the Drug
• Body size and body mass (volume of Pharmacokinetic studies investigate and char-
distribution) acterize the rate of drug movement through-
• Gender out the body (see FIGURE 2-18)—specifically, the
• Chronological age physiological processes of drug absorption,
• Genetics/pharmacogenetics distribution, metabolism, and elimination; often

I.V. dose of drug

Liver Free drug Bound-drug Reabsorption Kidney
(plasma proteins)
Drug Drug and
metabolism Metabolites Elimination metabolites
(active or inactive metabolites)

Tissues Target site/Organ

Bound-drug Free drug Free drug Bound-drug
Temporary storage complex)

Pharmacological effect
(drug action)

FIGURE 2-18  What the body does to the drug. What happens to a drug following an intravenous (IV) bolus dose of drug that is administered to
a patient?
Courtesy of Diane Pacitti. © 2017
42 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

referred to by the acronym ADME (pro- “survive” (remain pharmacologically intact)

nounced “add-mee”). the physiological conditions of the upper gas-
trointestinal (GI) tract (mouth, esophagus,
• Absorption: The process of drug move-
stomach, and duodenum) as well as passage
ment, from the site of administration, into
through the liver, before the drug reaches the
the systemic circulation.
bloodstream. Recall from discussion earlier in
• Distribution: The process of drug move-
this chapter the variables along this route of
ment, from the systemic circulation, to
administration which may (or may not) af-
the site of drug action.
fect the amount of the drug dose that enters into
• Metabolism: Chemical alteration(s) to the
the systemic circulation (the amount of the
structure of the drug molecule.
dose may be significantly decreased from the
• Elimination: Process(es) of irreversible
amount of drug present in the dosage form).
drug removal from the body.
Contrast this with a drug administered intra-
Each drug moves throughout the body venously (IV): The drug is “placed” directly
at a particular rate, depending on the into the bloodstream (vein), in the form and
physiochemical characteristics of the drug, concentration selected by the clinician. The
the manner in which it is administered, and onset of drug action is immediate, and the
its interaction with the patient’s body. Phar- amount of drug needed to achieve a thera-
macokinetic studies characterize the rate of drug peutic effect may be smaller than with an
movement throughout the body by measur- orally administered drug.
ing the amount of drug in the body over a
given period of time. Pharmacokinetic models Distribution
are developed to predict the patterns of drug The process of drug distribution is the move-
movement when the drug is administered to ment of the drug from, or “out of,” the systemic cir-
the general population. The mechanism and culation to its target site of action. The drug may
rates of the absorption of drugs into the body, distribute out of the bloodstream into organs
their distribution to various body sites, their or tissues, or simply stay within the systemic
metabolism into inactive (or active) com- circulation. The physiochemical characteris-
pounds, and their routes of elimination are tics of the drug itself dictate where the drug
essential to understand how a drug works “goes” as it moves throughout the body. The
(drug action). The relationship of the amount drug may diffuse into a particular tissue, be-
of drug in the body at any time is used to cause it “has affinity” for those tissues. The
determine pharmacokinetic parameters of drug may bind to plasma proteins, such as
half-life, steady-state drug levels, rates of drug albumin, within the systemic circulation it-
clearance and bioavailability. self. The amount of time a drug “stays” in the
body is highly dependent upon the rate and
Overview of the Pharmacokinetic extent of drug distribution. If a drug is highly
distributed, it means that the drug partitions, or
Processes, ADME diffuses, out of the bloodstream into tissues/
Absorption organs and remains (outside of the systemic
Absorption is the process of drug movement circulation) for a period of time, before it
from its site of administration into the systemic returns to the bloodstream to be eliminated.
circulation; this definition implicitly means Little or no “distribution” means the drug
that the drug must cross a physiological bar- spends much less time in the body; it enters
rier to reach, or enter, the systemic circula- the bloodstream, interacts with its site of
tion. The rate of drug absorption is dependent ­action, and is eliminated quickly. Drug dis-
on the route of drug administration (ROA). tribution is discussed later in this chapter,
Consider a drug administered orally: It must as well.
Pharmacokinetic Studies and Determination of Kinetic Parameters 43

Metabolism Overview of Pharmacokinetic

Drug metabolism is any alteration or change Terminology
to the chemical structure of the drug molecule
The Pharmacokinetic Parameters Used to
by the body. Metabolic processes dictate how/
Characterize the Rate of Drug Movement
if the chemical structure of the medication is
“changed” or structurally altered, and may Each drug moves throughout the body at a
create secondary pharmacologically active particular rate, or speed, that is dependent on
drug products, called metabolites, which properties of the drug molecules and its inter-
may or may not be therapeutically active. The action with the body. The rate of the drug’s
different metabolic processes are addressed movement is represented, in pharmacological
later in this chapter. terms, by its rate constant, k (a lower-case k
in italics); a subscript indicates which ADME
Elimination process is being discussed—that is, the rate
Drug elimination (the term excretion is often constant for drug absorption is ka, for distri-
used in place of elimination, although they are bution it is kd, and for elimination, ke. The
not the same) is the irreversible drug removal from rate constant for a drug is determined from
the body. It is worth noting that the term elimin- data obtained from pharmacokinetic drug
ation does not identify the mechanism or site of studies plotted on a graph, called the drug’s
the drug removal processes. Drug elimination plasma-level time curve. The plasma level
processes are complex and can involve multiple time curve is also used to characterize the
organ systems. Pharmacokinetic rate processes used rate process of drug movement (zero- or
to characterize the drug elimination rate con- first-order). The rate constant of elimina-
stant, ke, represent the fraction of drug elimin- tion, ke, is used to calculate the most import-
ated, by all mechanisms, from the body. Drug ant pharmacokinetic parameter: the drug’s
elimination is discussed later in this chapter. half-life, known as t1/2. Each will be dis-
cussed in turn.
Nursing Considerations
Nursing Considerations
Pharmacokinetic studies are performed with
one goal—to obtain the rate constant for Kinetic parameters for all drugs approved for
elimination, which means: How fast is the by the FDA are readily found on the drug’s
drug being eliminated in terms of time? package insert, which contains the full pre-
scribing information of each drug product.
1. Why does the nurse need a work-
ing knowledge of the elimination rate Pharmacokinetic Studies
Because it is used to determine the and Determination of Kinetic
half-life for that drug. Parameters
2. Why is the half-life important? The Plasma Level-Time Curve
The half-life determines how long the
Similar to the pharmacodynamic
drug will stay in the body, and is used to
dose-response curve discussed earlier, a
design drug-dosing regimens.
plasma level-time curve is a highly useful tool
Also, it is frequently necessary to pre- used to determine characteristic properties of
dict how a drug concentration in the plasma drug behavior after it enters the body.
(or other body fluid) will change over time. A pharmacokinetic drug study is con-
Although “pharmacokinetic studies” seem ducted in the following manner: A patient is
particularly daunting, this chapter aims to given a specific dose, or amount, of drug, rep-
present material in a manner that is relatable resented as “D”, by intravenous (IV) bolus in-
and useful to the clinical practice of nursing. jection (bolus means “all at once”). The route
44 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

of administration must be IV bolus to deter-

mine the rate constant for elimination (ke) in Cp° Elimination rate (Zero-order
pharmacokinetic rate process)
pharmacokinetic studies, as only one kinetic
process—elimination—is occurring. Blood

Concentration (mcg/mL)
draws are taken at specified time intervals,
and the amount of drug in each blood sample k0 = Elimination
rate constant
is measured. The concentration of drug in the
plasma is represented by Cp: “C” represents the
concentration of drug; the subscript “p” means
that the drug being sampled was drawn from
the plasma (bloodstream). The amount of
drug in the body determined at the time of
each blood draw is plotted at the correspond-
ing time point of the blood draw, t, on the X- Time (hours)
axis on graph paper. The units on the Y-axis
(Cp) represent the drug concentration, FIGURE 2-19  Plasma level-time curve illustrates a zero-order process
of drug elimination following a single IV bolus dose of drug. The data
which is usually expressed as “mg/ml” or is graphed using regular (rectangular) graph paper to obtain a straight
“ng/ml” (amount of drug/blood volume); on line. The elimination rate constant is the slope of the straight line
obtained from the resultant graph.
the X-axis, units are measurements of time (t), Courtesy of Diane Pacitti. © 2017
most commonly measured in hours. The re-
sultant graph is known as the plasma-level If a straight line can be drawn through the
time curve. The time of drug administration data after it is plotted on regular rectangular
by IV bolus injection is called “time zero,” graph paper, it immediately reveals that the
or “t0”. Immediately following the adminis- rate process for that drug follows a zero-order
tration of an IV bolus drug dose, the drug is rate process for elimination. Figure 2-19 illus-
in the bloodstream, and the process of drug trates a plasma level-time curve typical for a
elimination begins. The highest plasma drug drug that exhibits a zero-order rate process of
concentration (Cpmax) occurs at the time of elimination. The rate constant, k0, is obtained
the IV bolus dose (at t0) and is known as the from the slope of the straight line on the
“initial plasma drug concentration,” or Cp0. plasma-level time curve.
To find the rate constant ke, one must calcu-
late the slope of the “line of best fit” resulting
from a plot of the drug concentration Cp ver- Key Points
sus time t (the slope IS the rate constant.) A Note: The rate process for drug elimination (i.e.,
plasma-level time curve is shown in FIGURE 2-19. irreversible removal of drug from the body)
does not identify how the drug is being moved
Rate Processes of Pharmacokinetics out the body (e.g., urine, feces).
Drugs generally exhibit either a zero-order
or first-order rate process.
Nursing Considerations
Zero-Order Rate Process There are very few drugs that are eliminated
Drugs characterized as following a zero-order at a fixed rate; the best-known drug that
rate process (for any of the ADME processes) follows a zero-order rate process for elimi-
have a rate of drug elimination that is constant; nation is alcohol. No matter what alcohol
that is, the drug is eliminated from the body dose is “administered,” the rate of alcohol
at a fixed rate and independent of the amount elimination out of the body does not change.
of drug that is in the body. The amount of drug This is due to the elimination mechanism
eliminated from the body per time does not change. of ­alcohol—enzymes in the liver metabolize
Pharmacokinetic Studies and Determination of Kinetic Parameters 45

alcohol into a pharmacologically inactive 80

form, and this is constant. The elimination Conc (μg/mL)
rate will not change—approximately 10 mL
of ethanol are eliminated per hour. (How- 60

Concentration (μg/mL)
ever, the rate can differ among the general
population due to genetics, alcohol overuse, Typical data
and other factors.) Contrary to popular belief, 40 which might
be collected
caffeine (coffee) does not speed up the elimina-
tion of alcohol from the body. Caffeine itself
is a drug; its drug action is stimulation of the
sympathetic nervous system (Chapter 5) .
The First-Order Rate Process 0 2 4 6 8 10
For a drug that exhibits (or follows) a Time (hour)
first-order kinetic rate process (any ADME pro-
FIGURE 2-20  Plasma-level time curve on regular graph paper
cess), the rate of drug elimination is dependent illustrates a drug that follows a first-order rate process of elimination.
upon the amount of drug that remains in the body; Note that there is not a straight line.
the rate of elimination is not constant. Unlike Courtesy of Diane Pacitti. © 2017

drugs that follow a zero-order rate process of

Cp° (First-order)
elimination (which eliminates drugs at a con- 100
stant rate no matter how much drug is in the
body) the rate of elimination for drugs that
Concentration (mcg/mL)

follow first-order kinetics does change. Thus, ke = Elimination

rate constant
for a patient with a high concentration of drug
in his or her body, drug elimination occurs 10

at a faster rate. As the amount of drug in the

patient’s body decreases (because it is being
eliminated), the rate of drug elimination slows
(decreases) proportionally. The rate constant
(ke), represents the fraction of drug eliminated 0
Time (hours)
from the body—and this is constant (FIGURE 2-20).
The same data as seen in Figure 2-20 is FIGURE 2-21  Plasma level-time curve for a first-order rate process
also plotted in FIGURE 2-21, but this time the data on semi-logarithmic graph paper.
Courtesy of Diane Pacitti. © 2017
is graphed using semi-logarithmic graph paper.
The Y-axis is rectangular (i.e., normal), and the what, exactly, is the rate constant? And how
X-axis is in log units. The graph is transformed can there be a “constant” if, as has been dis-
into a straight line when the data is plotted on semi- cussed, the elimination rate for drugs that
log graph paper. A straight line is obtained for follow a first-order kinetic rate process slows
a drug that exhibits first-order kinetics, and a down over time? To answer this question,
curved line for a drug that follows zero-order understand that there are two different rates
kinetics (to be clear, a zero-order rate process being considered when looking at the rate of
of elimination on semi-log graph paper results elimination for drugs that follow a first-order
in a curved line—not a straight line). kinetic rate process. The first is the fairly
straightforward concept of the rate at which
Further Explanation of Rate Constants the drug leaves the body, or the elimination
in Pharmacokinetics rate. The second is the rate at which the elim-
As mentioned, rate constants are represented ination rate changes over time. For a drug that
by the lowercase letter “k,” in italics. But follows a zero-order rate process, this rate of
46 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

change is zero, because the rate of elimina- (Conversely, if one knows the drug’s half-life,
tion is constant (unchanging) over time; if a the equation above can be used to calculate
zero-order kinetic drug is eliminated at a rate the rate constant for elimination.)
of 1 mg/100 ml per hour, it will be elimin- For a drug that follows a first-order ki-
ated at that rate from the moment the dose is netic rate process, at 1t½, one-half of the
administered until the moment the last of the initial dose is gone from the body. At 2t½,
drug leaves the body. For a drug that follows three-fourths of the initial dose is gone from
a first-order rate process, the rate of elimina- the body. At 3t½, seven-eighths of the ini-
tion decreases over time as mentioned previ- tial dose is gone from the body, and so on
ously, but the rate at which it decreases is a up to 10t½, when virtually all of the drug is
constant that is specific to the given drug. It is “cleared (out of the body)”—meaning what-
this second, constant rate that is described by ever remains is such a small amount it is un-
ke; thus, for every first-order kinetic drug, the detectable. Ten half-lives are considered the
medication’s rate constant can be quantified completion of the drug elimination process
and used to calculate the elimination half-life. (although it theoretically takes an infinite
amount of time to completely eliminate the
Half-Life in Pharmacokinetics drug due to the rate equation).
The most valuable of the pharmacokinetic pa-
Nursing Considerations
rameters, aside from the first-order rate pro-
cess for elimination, ke, is the drug’s half-life, In clinical practice, when a patient asks,
t½. For drugs that follow a first-order rate pro- “How long will it take for this drug to be gone
cess for elimination, because the rate constant from my system?” the standard answer is five
does not change, one can easily calculate the half-lives, which is the amount of time is takes
half-life for any drug; it, too, does not change. for approximately 95% of the drug to be
This value identifies how long it will take eliminated.
the body to eliminate one-half of the total A patient may state: “This medication is
amount of drug administered. For a drug that giving me terrible headaches, and I am go-
follows a first-order rate process, one needs to ing to stop taking it. How long will it take for
know only the elimination rate constant, ke, to this drug to get out of my system?” The sim-
calculate the drug’s half-life, by using the fol- plest way to answer this question is to use
lowing equation: the n
­ umerical value of the drug’s half life and
multiply it by 5 to estimate the amount of
0.693 95% drug eliminated by the body (only about
t1/2 =
ke 5% of drug remains in the body). The answer,
For example, a 500mg dose (D) of a drug for a drug that follows first-order kinetics, can
is administered to a patient; the half-life is the also be calculated if the clinician only has ac-
amount of time it takes for the dose of drug cess to the ke; t½ is found using the first-order
to decrease by 50%. Alternatively, it is the rate equation for half-life.
time it takes for the amount of drug remain- To obtain the precise half-life value, clini-
ing in the body to be one-half of the origi- cians commonly rely on the package insert
nal dose, which in this case, is 250 mg. How for the medication, in the “pharmacokinetics”
long does it take? If the value of ke is known section, or another source of drug informa-
(or looked up in a reference), one simply tion, such as Lexicomp (Chapter 1).
uses the simple equation given above to cal-
culate the half-life. The half-life can then be Drug Absorption: The “A” in ADME
used to determine the amount of a drug that • The movement of all drug molecules from
remains in the body at any given time, using the site of administration to the systemic
the first-order elimination rate constant, ke. circulation.
Drug Absorption: The “A” in ADME 47

• The rate and extent of drug absorption 30

depends on the drug’s ability to cross a
cellular membrane, along with a number 25

Concentration of Drug (mg/mL)

of other factors.
• Passage of drug across a cell membrane 20
depends upon the physiochemical nature
of both the drug and the cell membrane. 15

Absorption is the process of drug move- 10

ment (drug molecule) from the site of ad-
ministration into the systemic circulation. 5
A key point to understand is that with most
routes of drug administration, the drug must 0
cross a physiological barrier to reach the sys- 0 6 12 18 24

temic circulation. Thus, a drug that has not Time (hours)

passed through all the barriers between its FIGURE 2-22  Plasma-level time curve: Plasma drug levels obtained
original point of entry (i.e., site of drug ad- following administration of a single oral dose of drug. Note that the
ministration) and the circulation system can- data is plotted on rectangular graph paper.
Courtesy of Diane Pacitti. © 2017
not be said to have been absorbed. Therefore,
there is a delay in the time it takes for the drug
to become “absorbed”—that is, to actually
reach the bloodstream and begin to circulate absorption and drug elimination. FIGURE 2-22
throughout the body. (The exception to this illustrates data points on a plasma level time
is drugs that are designed for topical use that curve following administration of a single oral
are never meant to enter the systemic circu- dose of drug. Contrast this with the graph
lation; to do so may even prove harmful. This obtained following a single IV dose of drug,
topic—routes of administration—is discussed in Figure 2-19, where there is no absorption
in further detail in Chapter 3.) process.
The more complex the physiological bar- When a drug is administered by the oral
rier, the longer it takes for the drug to cross route, the drug can not immediately en-
into the systemic circulation. One exception ter into the bloodstream; the drug must
to this rule occurs with IV bolus drug admin- pass through the GI tract and the liver be-
istration. When a drug is administered intra- fore it can enter the bloodstream. The time it
venously, there is no absorption process; there takes for the drug to enter the bloodstream is
is no barrier the drug needs to cross; the drug known as the lag-time; it takes even longer
is injected directly into the systemic circula- for the drug to reach peak plasma drug levels.
tion. Immediately following an IV bolus drug Contrast this with a drug administered intra-
dose, the drug is detected in the systemic cir- venously; the moment the drug dose is ad-
culation. This route of drug administration is ministered, it is present in the bloodstream.
the fastest way to get a drug into a patient’s body. In fact, the time of IV drug administration is
For all other routes of drug administration, the same as when (the time) the drug is at its
there is a delay from the time of administra- highest plasma levels!
tion to the time the drug enters the systemic Inherent in the definition of absorption is
circulation. the barrier between the drug and the blood-
stream. The amount of time it takes the drug
The Pharmacokinetics of Oral Absorption to reach the systemic circulation directly cor-
After an oral dose of drug is administered, responds with the complexity of the barrier
two pharmacokinetic processes are occurring between the drug at its administration site
simultaneously – the processes of both drug and the bloodstream.
48 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

Note the time it takes to reach the maxi- the ke represents ONLY the first-order elimi-
mum drug concentration levels – tmax. Two nation rate process. When the rate of elimina-
pharmacokinetic rate processes are taking tion is the only kinetic process occurring, the
place—first-order absorption and first-order tail-end of the straight line on the plasma-
elimination. Figure 2-22 illustrates a typi- level time curve can be extrapolated and used
cal plasma level-time curve following a sin- to determine ke.
gle oral dose of a drug, plotted on regular
rectangular graph paper. In FIGURE 2-23, the Key Points
same plasma drug levels are plotted on semi-
log graph paper, for purposes of delineat- As the last pharmacokinetic process, the rate
ing the two concurrent pharmacokinetic rate of elimination appears on a plasma-level time
curve at the tail end of the semi-log graph of
processes—absorption and elimination. The
the data Cp versus t. The plot of these data be-
key difference is the methodology of plot- comes a straight line on semi-log graph pa-
ting data: When plasma drug levels are plot- per when only the rate process of elimination
ted on semi-log graph paper, pharmacokinetic is occurring, and the slope of the line, which
parameters can be obtained from the resul- represents the rate constant for elimination,
tant plasma-level time curve, much in the can be readily determined. (The first-order
rate constant for absorption ka can also be de-
same manner as the rate constant for elimi-
termined using the same plasma-level time
nation was determined following a single IV curve on semi-log graph paper; the methodol-
bolus drug dose. The first-order rate constant ogy is beyond the scope of this text.)
for elimination, ke, is determined from the
slope of the straight line obtained on semi-log
graph paper. The plasma-level time curve in Bioavailability
Figure 2-23 can be used to determine ke, but, Bioavailability is defined as the total
the data points used to determine an accurate amount of drug (as a fraction of the total
ke occur only at the tail end of this plasma amount of drug in the administered dose)
level time curve. Why? One must be abso- that reaches the systemic circulation in its
lutely certain that the drug absorption process pharmacologically active form, capable of
is complete, and the data used to determine producing a therapeutic drug response.
Bioavailability is a measure of the extent
of absorption and is generally determined
100 Absorption rate = Elimination rate by calculating the area under the curve
(AUC). (The “curve” is the resultant plasma-
Plasma Concentration (mcg/mL)

Elimination rate < Absorption rate level time curve following a single dose of a
drug.) The AUC represents the total amount
of drug that entered the bloodstream; its
10 value is numerically determined by adding
Elimination rate only
all of the data points on the plasma level-time
curve: from the time the drug entered the
Absorption rate < Elimination rate bloodstream until the drug was completely
out of the bloodstream. It is, quite literally,
1 an accounting of how much drug entered the
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
bloodstream following a single dose of a
Time (hours)
medication. A quick estimate of a drug’s bio-
FIGURE 2-23  Plasma-level time curve plotted on semi-log graph availability can be more easily observed by
paper; data obtained following a single oral dose of drug. Comparison looking at the plasma-level time curve. Liter-
between the rate of absorption and rate of elimination is indicated on
the plasma level-time curve. ally, everything under the plasma-level time
Courtesy of Diane Pacitti. © 2017 curve represents the total amount of drug
Drug Absorption: The “A” in ADME 49

that entered the bloodstream. Drugs adminis- both the rate and extent of drug absorption
tered intravenously are 100% bioavailable— (bioavailability) when a single dose of the
the entire amount of the drug dose enters same drug is given in three different dosage
into the bloodstream. With all other routes forms. Biopharmaceutics and drug formula-
of drug administration, the entire dose of the tion affects the bioavailability; you can see
drug may or may not reach the bloodstream, that the same drug product in three different
meaning one cannot be assured that 100% formulations results in three different AUCs.
of the dose will be absorbed. The rate of ab-
sorption is determined by calculation of tmax, Factors Affecting the Rate and Extent
or the time required to reach the peak drug of Absorption
blood concentration (Cmax). Regardless of the The rate and extent of absorption depends on
shape of the AUC (i.e., fast or slow tmax, low a number of factors, including the following:
or high Cmax), if the AUCs are the same, the
• The route of drug administration
same amount of drug was absorbed.
• Degree of complexity of the membrane
Many factors affect bioavailability. As dis-
• Physiochemical properties of the drug
cussed earlier in this chapter, an oral dose of
• Surface area at the site of absorption
drug must pass through the gastrointestinal tract
• Dosage form of the drug
before reaching the systemic circulation. Recall
• Physiology of the patient (i.e., motility of
that the drug must first disintegrate and then
the GI tract)
dissolve in gastric or enteric juices, and survive
the digestive enzymes. Food slows down gas- illustrates the vast difference
tric transit time from the stomach into the intes- in both the rate and extent of drug absorp-
tines, slowing the rate of absorption, as well. tion following a single dose of the same drug.
The plasma-level time curve in FIGURE 2-24 Both the dosage form and route of drug ad-
illustrates the dramatic differences between ministration differ; note the overall effect the

Formulation A
Formulation B
Drug Concentration (μg/mL)

Formulation C


0 50 100 150 200
Time (hr)

FIGURE 2-24  Bioavailability differs dramatically when the drug is given in three different dosage forms, depending on the dosage form of a drug
plasma-level time curve.
Courtesy of Diane Pacitti. © 2017
50 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

8 25
Cp = AUC
A Cmax

Concentration (mg/L)
Cp (mg/L)
4 10
0 6 12 18 24
0 τ
Time (hr)
0 6 12 18 24
Time (hour) FIGURE 2-26  Plasma-level time curve: multiple oral dosing.
Courtesy of Diane Pacitti. © 2017
FIGURE 2-25  Plasma-level time curve indicates the amount of drug
that reaches the bloodstream for the same dose of drug administered
by two different routes of administration: the blue line represents the be preferred, but the clinician may select an
amount of drug in the body following administration via the rectal alternative ROA that bypasses the liver. For
route (suppository), and the red line, following oral dosage form.
Note the extensive decrease in the amount of drug that reaches the example, drugs administered parenterally,
bloodstream when the drug is given orally. transdermally, or by inhalation are examples
Courtesy of Diane Pacitti. © 2017 of ROAs in which the drugs are absorbed into
the systemic circulation, without first pass-
ing through the gastrointestinal tract, thus
different ROAs have on the bioavailability,
avoiding the first-pass effect. Drugs may also
time to reach Cmax, the level of Cmax achieved,
be metabolized by the intestinal mucosal cells
and the duration of action.
into a pharmacologically inactive form; these
Impact of First-Pass Effect on Bioavailability drugs demonstrate poor systemic bioavailabil-
Recall that an orally administered drug is ity when given orally. It is therefore advanta-
shunted to the liver before it enters the geous to select an alternative ROA that will
bloodstream for the first time. If a drug is bypass the first pass through the liver. The ef-
extensively metabolized into an inactive me- fect of bypassing the liver can be seen quite
tabolite by the liver, each pass through the clearly by examining the plasma-level time
liver will only serve to further decrease the curves for a drug given by multiple ROAs. See
FIGURE 2-26.
amount of pharmacologically active drug;
that is, decrease the amount of active drug
that enters the systemic circulation. The
Steady-State Drug Levels
greater the extent of drug metabolized by The clinician needs to understand a drug’s
the liver (rendering it inactive), the greater half-life, elimination profile, and affinities
the impact on the bioavailability of the drug. because the goal of medication therapy is to
Consider an orally administered drug that maintain plasma concentrations of the drug at
is 80% metabolized in the liver, rendering a level that ensures enough drug is present, at
it pharmacologically inactive. Only 20% of the minimal effective concentration (MEC),
the pharmacologically active drug will en- to provide a therapeutic response on a
ter the systemic circulation the first time—a more-or-less continual basis (or, if that is not
much smaller amount of drug than was ad- desirable, on the basis that gets an optimal re-
ministered. This is an example of a drug that sult for the patient’s well-being). Recall that a
undergoes a significant first-pass effect (also medication’s half-life is the amount of time it
called presystemic elimination). takes for half of the drug to be excreted from
For drugs that are highly metabolized by the body. Of course, half-life applies only to
the liver, the oral route of administration may an individual dose—so what happens when
Distribution: The “D” in ADME 51

a second dose is given before the first dose is site of drug action. The movement of the drug
fully excreted? The result of repeat dosing de- throughout the body, and hence its “ability to
pends on when the second dose is given distribute,” reflects various physiological fac-
in relation to the first (i.e., the dosing inter- tors as well as the physiochemical properties
val, τ) and how much of the drug the second of the drug. To understand how a drug is
dose contains. Ideally, the new (second) dose distributed, the clinician needs to identify or
would be calculated so that it supplies enough understand the following:
drug to keep the therapeutic effects going
• The process by which drugs are carried
without introducing any potential toxicity
throughout the body and delivered to tar-
(i.e., keep blood levels above MEC and below
gets of action
MTC; further discussion of this point appears
• The blood/blood flow at the absorption
in the section on pharmacodynamics, earlier
site and throughout the rest of the body
in this chapter). If a second dose is given be-
• The capacity for passage across a cell
fore the first drug dose is completely elimi-
membrane, which depends on the physio-
nated from the body, the second drug dose
chemical nature of both the drug and the
results in a higher maximum plasma drug
cell membrane
concentration (Cmax). With each consecutive
• The affinity of the drug for a tissue or or-
dose, drug continues to accumulate in the body
gan; that is, the partitioning and accumu-
until the maximum drug concentration pla-
lation of the drug in the tissue
teaus (shown in Figure 2-26). This is known
as steady-state drug levels, in which the Drug concentration in untargeted sites
concentration of drug entering the body may cause side effects. Once the drug is ab-
equals the amount of drug being eliminated. sorbed into the bloodstream, the drug mol-
This in–out balance is represented as Cpss. In ecules move freely throughout the body via
general, medications reach steady-state drug the systemic circulation. The drug may dis-
levels between five and six half-lives (note tribute, or move, out of the systemic circula-
that this is the same amount of time that a tion into organs or tissues, bind with plasma
drug is said to be eliminated from the body, proteins within the systemic circulation, or
as well). Those with short half-lives reach simply stay within the systemic circulation.
steady state relatively quickly, and those Ideally, the drug would move throughout the
with long half-lives require longer to reach body directly to its site of drug action, leave
steady state. its site of action, and be eliminated (exit)
from the body directly (recall the “magic bul-
Nursing Considerations let theory of drug action” described earlier in
A drug administered by continuous IV infu- this chapter).
sion achieves desired steady-state drug levels
Pharmacokinetics: Rate of Drug Distribution
immediately. One must calculate the desired
amount of drug to be delivered at a given Drug movement is dependent upon the phys-
flow rate, set on the IV infusion pump, to de- iochemical characteristics of the drug mol-
liver a the steady-state drug level. ecule and its interactions with the anatomical
and physiological surroundings following its
administration. Once a drug enters the sys-
Distribution: The “D” in ADME temic circulation, the chemical composition
Distribution is the process of drug movement of the drug molecule governs its ability to dif-
from the bloodstream to its target site of action. fuse out of the bloodstream and into tissues,
After a drug moves from its site of adminis- organs, or other areas.
tration into the bloodstream, it then moves The rate of drug movement to its site of ac-
throughout body, via the bloodstream, to its tion is derived in the same manner as the rate
52 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

prior to elimination. Compartmental models

are used to visualize and represent where
a drug moves as it travels throughout the

Serum Concentration
Distribution phase
body once it has reached the bloodstream;
10 compartments illustrate the distribution pat-
terns for a particular drug. For example, if a
drug moves out of the bloodstream (central
Elimination phase
compartment) into tissues (second compart-
ment) and/or other distinct areas outside of
1 the bloodstream to reach its target site(s), it is
said to exhibit a two-compartment (or possi-
FIGURE 2-27  Plasma-level time curve: Data is plotted on semi-log bly more) model for drug distribution.
graph paper, following a single intravenous dose of drug. This drug
exhibits first-order rate processes of drug distribution and drug There is a rate constant for drug distribu-
elimination. This drug distributes into two compartments; therefore, tion into each distinct compartment to ac-
has a first-order rate constant for both distribution and rate constant for
elimination. Two pharmacokinetic rate processes occur simultaneously, count for the movement of drug throughout
and account for the shape of the plasma-level time curve. the body. In the mathematical model of phar-
Courtesy of Diane Pacitti. © 2017
macokinetics, one important question is this:
constant for elimination—by using the drug What is the rate of drug movement? That is,
plasma level versus time curve. This rate is how long does it take for the drug to move
mathematically derived from the slope of the from the place where it enters the body to its
line obtained using a semi-logarithmic graph site of action? As previously stated, the rate
paper (assuming a first-order rate process). of drug movement is derived by plotting the
The rate of drug movement from the blood- plasma drug concentration (Cp) against time
stream to various tissues/organs/sites is repre- and then calculating the distribution rate con-
sented by the rate constant for distribution, or stant, or kd.
kd (FIGURE 2-27).
One-Compartment Model
Pharmacokinetic Models: Compartmental In a one-compartment pharmacokinetic
Model Theory model, there is no rate constant for distribu-
Mathematical pharmacokinetic models are tion because drugs do not move out of the blood-
developed to describe the movement of a stream and into other tissues—that is, they
drug in the body after it has entered the stay within the central compartment, and
bloodstream. The compartmental model have only a rate constant for elimination (ke).
theory of drug distribution defines specific Qualitatively speaking, once such a drug en-
areas within the body as “compartments” — ters the bloodstream, the rate of drug move-
that is, groups of tissues with similar blood ment is completely dependent the elimination
flow and drug affinity. For some drugs, only rate; i.e., upon the amount of drug remaining
one compartment matters—the circulatory in the body at any time (i.e., a first-order rate
system, the central compartment—because process). Because the drug remains in the
they stay in the blood and do not move into central compartment (bloodstream), and does
other tissues. These drugs are said to follow a not leave, no actual distribution takes place.
one-compartment model. For other drugs, Thus, when dealing with a drug that follows
a two- or three-compartment model is more the one-compartment model, the rate of drug
appropriate. The mathematical equations movement is due to the elimination rate pro-
developed by modeling are used to predict cess only.
the amount of drug in the body as the drug FIGURE 2-28 illustrates the simplest model of
becomes distributed, moving from the blood- drug distribution, made even simpler due to
stream to tissues and back to the bloodstream the route of drug administration—IV—such
Distribution: The “D” in ADME 53

• There is no rate constant for drug

distribution(kd)—because there is no
• As soon as the drug enters the blood-
stream, the process of elimination begins.

Multicompartment Model
Once a drug enters the systemic circulation, a
pattern of distribution becomes evident.
• One-compartment model: Into the body
(bloodstream), circulation in the blood-
stream, out of the body.
• Two-compartment model: Into the body
(bloodstream), circulation in the blood-
stream, distribution from bloodstream to
tissue or other compartment, back to the
Before administration After administration
bloodstream, out of the body (FIGURE 2-29).
FIGURE 2-28  One-compartment model.
• Distribution of the drug out into
­tissues—the second compartment—
that there is no “absorption” process for
is often referred to as the “peripheral”
which to account.
The drugs that follow this simplest model
• This compartment(s) includes(s) physio-
of drug distribution are characterized by the
logical spaces that are less well-perfused,
following traits:
such as adipose tissue and skeletal muscle,
• The drug stays within the bloodstream and therefore the administered drug will
and has no affinity for tissues outside the equilibrate more slowly in those regions
compartment of the central circulation. (“compartments”). The duration of the

Before administration Immediately after After distribution

administration equilibrium
FIGURE 2-29  Multicompartment model.
54 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

drug effect at the target tissue will often sary to account for the concentration of
be affected by the redistribution from one drug in the body is known as the volume
compartment to another. of distribution (VD) and is perhaps one
• If more than two compartments are in- of the most difficult of pharmacokinetic
volved, pharmacologic modeling becomes concepts to grasp (FIGURE 2-30). The VD is
more challenging, because it is neces- generally expressed in liters. The difficulty
sary to assess how fast the drug moves arises because the volume of distribution
among multiple compartments. The elim- is theoretical—it is not a real physiologic-
ination rate of a drug is much simpler al volume. It may also be referred to as
to determine using a plasma-level time the apparent volume of distribution, for this
curve when there are more than at least same reason. However, it serves as an
two different rates of distribution on the indicator of the extent of drug distribution
graph. The total amount of time the drug in the body, and for this and other reasons
spends in the body, moving into and out
is an invaluable pharmacokinetic value.
of the systemic circulation, can be de-
If a drug tends to stay within the systemic
termined if the time of drug administra-
circulation, it will appear to have a volume of
tion and the elimination rate constant are
distribution equal to that of the volume of the
known. This will be a finite amount of
bloodstream (5 L), or less (the total volume
time, which can be calculated.
of the “central compartment”). However, if
a drug has an affinity for a distant compart-
Key Points ment, meaning that the drug travels out of
the bloodstream and into tissues, organs, or
What cannot be determined is the amount of other sites beyond the central circulation, the
time a drug spends in any given compart- time it takes for the drug to reach its site of
ment, interacting with its site of action, be-
action (or final destination) becomes much
fore returning to the circulation to be cleared.
Nor is it known how many compartments the longer. Not only does this affect the amount
drug passes through when it leaves the circu- of time the drug stays in the body, but it also
lation and goes out to the tissues. Drugs that effectively “hides” the drug in a compartment
follow multicompartment models become dis- outside the bloodstream, vastly increasing
tributed into different compartments at differ-
ent rates, and determining not only the path
the drug travels but also the speeds at which it
travels through different sections of the path is
Volume of distribution
­extremely challenging.
• The apparent volume in which the dose of
drug is “dissolved” , or distributed.
• A dose of drug is injected, and the plasma
Volume of Distribution concentration is measured. The dose is
“dissolved” in an apparent volume.
The amount of the drug in the body, or
the amount of a drug dose, is expressed Parameter necessary
in units of mass (weight)—grams, milli- Cp° = Dose
to explain the
grams, or micrograms. The amount of drug VD
in the body differs from the concentration of
drug in the body, as concentration repre- Initial concentration
after distribution
sents how much drug is in the body as a
FIGURE 2-30  The volume of distribution serves as an indicator of
solution (weight/volume), which means the extent of drug distribution, that is, a measure of how long it stayed
there must be a measurement of the fluid outside the bloodstream, effectively hiding. For example, drugs that
must travel to difficult-to-reach “compartments” such as bone, joint
volume in which the drug is “dissolved,” fluid, the prostate gland, and others to reach their target sites of action,
or contained. The amount of fluid neces- typically have a very “large” volume of distribution.
Distribution: The “D” in ADME 55

the apparent volume of distribution. Conse- Tissues

quently, the half-life of this drug will be much
greater, as the rate of elimination is much Capillary

slower. Plasma
Once the drug exits the systemic circula-
tion and enters two, three, or four (or more)
different compartments, it must eventually
return to the systemic circulation to be elim-
inated from the body. The mechanism of Free drug Protein-bound
elimination does not affect the distribution molecules drug
of the drug, nor does the extent of distribu- FIGURE 2-31  Schematic representation of protein binding.
tion affect where the drug is distributed as it
moves throughout the body.
for binding to the same plasma protein, there
A few generalizations can be made re-
will be a drug “competition” for binding sites
garding volume distribution. First, if VD for
on that particular plasma protein. Only un-
a drug is 5 L or less, it can be inferred, just
bound forms of a drug (otherwise known as
from the VD value, that the drug most likely
the “free” form of the drug) move out of the
remains within the central compartment (the
bloodstream and reach target sites in the tis-
bloodstream), has a shorter half-life (than a
sues to cause a pharmacologically relevant ef-
drug with a higher VD), spends less time in
fect (FIGURE 2-31). Conversely, bound drugs are
the body, is eliminated more rapidly, and has
unable to diffuse out of the bloodstream and
a shorter dosing interval, meaning it must be
into the tissue (or to their target site of ac-
dosed more frequently. In contrast, if VD for
tion) due to their large size when bound in a
a drug is much larger than the physiological
drug–protein complex.
volume of the compartment (or is a volume
Of import in the assessment of a drug’s
that is anatomically possible), such as 250
binding capacity is the fact that a drug may
L, it is deduced that the drug does not stay
bind to various macromolecular components
within the central compartment, but rather
in the bloodstream as it enters the systemic
distributes in the body into a second, third,
circulation, where there are numerous pro-
or even more distant compartment, where it
teins in the blood. This drug–protein complex
travels based upon its chemical characteris-
literally becomes trapped within the systemic
tics. This drug will be eliminated much more
circulation. However, most drugs’ binding
slowly from the body in comparison to drugs
processes are reversible, such that the drug–
that follow a one-compartment model. The
protein complexes will (eventually) dissociate.
elimination rate for such a drug, along with
The following proteins most commonly
its half-life, will be much longer. The dos-
bind to drug molecules:
ing interval for a drug with a large volume of
distribution, therefore, is less frequent than • Albumin—a protein synthesized by the
that for a drug with a volume of distribution liver. It is the major component of plasma
of 5 L. proteins responsible for reversible drug
binding. Many weakly acidic (anionic)
Drug Binding to Plasma Proteins drugs bind to albumin by electrostatic
Drugs can, and very often do, bind to plasma and hydrophobic bonds (the same in-
proteins (usually albumin). While the bind- termolecular bonding forces previously
ing of drugs is reversible, drugs have differing discussed, in the pharmacodynamics sec-
affinity for binding to these proteins. If two tion). Weakly acidic drugs such as salicy-
or more drugs are present in the bloodstream lates, phenylbutazone, and penicillins are
simultaneously, both having a high affinity highly-bound to albumin.
56 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

• α1-Acid glycoprotein (orosomucoid)—a response. The extent of drug–protein bind-

globulin. It binds primarily basic (cationic) ing in the plasma or tissue will affect the VD,
drugs such as propranolol, imipramine, as well. The formation of a drug-protein com-
and lidocaine. plex essentially confines the bound drug to
• Lipoproteins—very-low-density lipo- the bloodstream until it dissociates from the
protein (VLDL), low-density lipopro- plasma protein molecule. This binding ap-
tein (LDL), and high-density lipoprotein pears as a measurable decrease of the drug
(HDL). These complexes of lipids and pro- in the central compartment and makes the
teins may be responsible for the bind- volume of distribution much greater. The
ing of drugs if the albumin sites become strength of a bond between a drug and a pro-
saturated. tein can be expressed mathematically, as was
• Erythrocytes (red blood cells)—may discussed previously in the pharmacodynam-
bind both endogenous and exogenous ics section, for the drug-receptor binding in-
compounds. teraction. Given:
Protein + drug ↔ protein–drug complex
The bonding interaction between a drug Or
and plasma protein is reversible and varies
(P) + (D) ↔ (PD)
in strength, depending on the affinity that
the drug has for the plasma protein. Recall The magnitude of KA is indicative of
the discussion earlier the chapter describ- the degree of protein–drug binding. Drugs
ing the nature of drug-receptor interactions; strongly bound to proteins have a very large
the extent which a drug binds to its recep- KA and exist mostly as the protein–drug com-
tor is dependent upon the degree of “chem- plex. Thus, large doses of such a drug may
ical binding attraction” between the two be needed to obtain a reasonable therapeutic
molecules. The very same kinetic principles concentration of free drug.
apply to characterize the interaction between
Competition for Binding Sites
drugs and plasma proteins: identifying how
strong the bond will be between the drug Earlier, a brief mention was made regard-
and protein, and how long the bond lasts. ing the fact that drugs sometimes compete
The extent to which a drug binds to a plasma for binding sites. In the competition for
protein is dependent upon the affinity of the protein-binding sites, someone always loses
drug-protein complex. The attraction may be the battle and is not able to compete with
strong because a protein has multiple binding the strength of its opponent. In this case, the
sites to which the drug molecule can attach, “strength” in question is the binding attrac-
or it may be strong because the molecular tion of the drug for the plasma protein mole-
configuration of the site forms a strong chem- cule itself. The drug with the stronger affinity
ical bond with the drug molecule. Drugs have will push aside the drug with the weaker
different affinities for plasma proteins; some affinity and bind to the protein; this process,
have no affinity at all. called displacement, has potentially signifi-
The extent of the drug’s capacity to bind cant consequences for the patient.
to plasma proteins has an impact upon the Displacement of drugs from plasma pro-
therapeutic response of the drug, in part, teins (for example, by other drugs taken at
due to the “availability” of the drug to reach the same time) can affect the pharmacokinet-
its molecular site of action. Only “free” or ics of a drug in several ways:
unbound drug is able to diffuse out of the • Directly increase the free (unbound) drug
bloodstream, distribute to the drug’s target concentration as a result of reduced bind-
tissues, and produce the desired therapeutic ing in the blood
Metabolism: The “M” in ADME 57

• Increase the free drug concentration that The liver produces enzymes that are ca-
reaches the receptor site directly, caus- pable of chemically reacting with and chang-
ing a more intense pharmacodynamic ing the chemical structure of a drug molecule,
response often rendering that changed drug molecule
• Increase the free drug concentration, into a pharmacologically inactive compound.
causing a transient increase in VD, which However, not all drugs are metabolized, and
then decreases (partly) this free plasma not all drug biotransformation reactions oc-
drug concentration cur in the liver; there are metabolic enzymes
• Increase the free drug concentration, re- present in other tissues throughout the body
sulting in more drug diffusion into tissues as well.
of eliminating organs, particularly the Some drugs are eliminated chemically
liver and kidney, resulting in a transient unchanged from the body into the urine, by
increase in drug elimination the kidneys. For other drug molecules, their
chemical structure is such that the drug must
Ramifications of Protein Binding on Therapy
be chemically changed in order for it to be
The effects of protein-binding competition eliminated by one of the elimination path-
among drugs can have direct significance ways in the body. For example, enzymes in
for patient outcomes. For example, consider the liver can change the chemical structure
a scenario in which a patient has been pre- of drugs suitable for excretion in the kidneys
scribed Drug A. This patient is taking Drug B, (usually by making them more hydrophilic,
which has a higher affinity for binding plasma or water soluble). The liver serves as a hub
proteins than Drug A. The patient neglects for numerous metabolic and enzymatic reac-
to inform his doctor that he uses Drug B on tions, with drug biotransformation being just
occasion. Drug B competes with Drug A for one of those reactions. The majority of drugs
protein-binding sites and, due to its greater that require a metabolic chemical transform-
affinity, successfully displaces Drug A about ation are acted upon by enzymes present in
75% of the time. This decreases Drug A’s the liver. The family of enzymes most nota-
protein binding significantly. As a result, the ble and responsible for chemically changing
concentration of free Drug A increases, dis- the structure of drug molecules is known as
tributed into all tissues. More of Drug A will the cytochrome P-450 (CYP-450 family of en-
then be available to interact at receptor sites, zymes) enzymes.
which produces a more intense pharmaco- For a drug that cannot be eliminated from
logic effect. The plasma levels of Drug A may the body unless the chemical structure of that
even become too high, causing potential harm molecule is changed, biotransformation re-
to the patient as well. In addition, the elimin- actions convert drug molecules into more
ation half-life of Drug A may be decreased, as water-soluble compounds that can be elimin-
binding to plasma proteins typically lengthens ated from the body. Most biotransformation
the half-life of a drug. Collectively, as a result reactions occur in the liver, although there
of its displacement from the plasma proteins are other body tissues (such as intestinal
when Drug B is present, the clinical effects of wall, kidney, skin, blood) in which enzymatic
Drug A become unpredictable. transformation takes place. The discussion
that follows focuses on those enzymes pres-
Metabolism: The “M” in ADME ent in the liver. Drug molecules travel into
Metabolism is defined as the chemical change the liver via one of two routes: (1) the hepatic
of the structure of a drug molecule by an en- portal vein, which provides 75% of the liver’s
zymatic reaction in the body; also called blood flow and transports the venous blood
biotransformation. returning from the small intestine, stomach,
58 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

pancreas, and spleen, and (2) arterial blood composition of the drug—specifically, its
from the hepatic artery. ­polarity—makes a difference. Many drugs
start out as lipid-soluble, less-polar molecules.
Enzyme Reactions in the Liver The biotransformation process usually (but
Hepatic biotransformation enzymes are not always) creates a metabolite of the drug
responsible for the inactivation and subse- that is generally more polar than the par-
quent elimination of drugs that are not easily ent compound; polar metabolites are unable
cleared through the kidney. For these drugs, to diffuse out of the systemic circulation, and
there is a direct relationship between the rate therefore, are not pharmacologically active.
of drug metabolism (biotransformation) and Instead, they are filtered through the glomer-
the elimination half-life for the drug. ulus and are more rapidly excreted (the pro-
Some drugs, such as ethanol, undergo cess of renal excretion is described later). This
Michaelis-Menten pharmacokinetics, referred allows the drug to be eliminated faster than if
to as saturable-binding kinetics. When it remained lipid soluble.
drug concentration is low relative to enzyme Many drugs, despite undergoing a chemi-
concentration, there is plenty of enzyme cal or structural change by a metabolic pro-
available to metabolize, or biotransform, the cess, remain pharmacologically active. These
drug molecules. The presence of abundant compounds are called active metabolites;
enzymes to catalyze the reaction means that despite being structurally different than their
the metabolism is a first-order process. How- “parent drug”, active metabolites can still
ever, when the drug concentration is high, bind to the drug’s target site and produce
enzymes soon become saturated and can no a drug action. Because they are capable of
longer metabolize the drug. In this scenario, binding to the receptor site resulting in drug
the reaction rate is at a maximum, and the action, active metabolites effectively prolong
rate process becomes zero-order (discussed the pharmacological activity of the drug, be-
earlier in this chapter). fore being eliminated.
What does this mean for the patient? Two In rare cases, a drug is intentionally for-
key issues are involved. First, what concen- mulated as an inactive compound called a
tration of the drug reaches the liver? If it is a prodrug. A prodrug has no pharmacological
high concentration, as is true for drugs that activity before it enters the body. After the
are subject to first-pass effects, more enzymes drug is administered to the patient, it requires
are needed to metabolize the high drug con- a metabolic enzyme process or biotransfor-
centration than for a drug that bypasses the mation reaction inside the body to chemically
liver. If it is a lower concentration, as is true change its structure into its pharmacologically
for drugs that pass through the systemic cir- active form. A prodrug can be designed to im-
culation prior to reaching the liver, the quan- prove drug stability, to increase systemic drug
tity of enzymes needed may be smaller. This absorption, or to prolong the duration of the
brings us to the second issue: Is the liver ca- drug’s activity.
pable of producing enough enzymes to me-
tabolize the drug completely—or, more to the Metabolism and Liver Blood Flow
point, at what level of concentration can the Blood flow to the liver plays an important
liver not metabolize all of the drug? role in the extent of drug metabolized after
Most drugs are eliminated after being pro- oral administration. Changes in blood flow to
cessed by the kidneys, but the molecules must the liver may substantially alter the propor-
be water soluble. A lipid-soluble drug would tion of drug metabolized and, therefore, the
be easily reabsorbed by the renal tubular proportion of bioavailable drug. The quantity
cells and, therefore, would tend to remain in of enzymes involved in metabolizing drugs
the body. In this circumstance, the chemical is not uniform throughout the liver. Some
Elimination: The “E” in ADME 59

enzymes are produced only when blood flow can exacerbate the drug’s effects and leave
travels from a given direction. Because of this, the patient prone to excessive bleeding and
changes in blood flow can greatly affect the poor wound healing. Conversely, a patient
fraction of drug metabolized. This factor ex- on warfarin who does not normally include
plains why the presence of hepatic disease— leafy greens in his or her diet but who be-
which can cause tissue fibrosis, necrosis, and gins to eat more of them (perhaps to improve
hepatic shunt, all of which change blood his or her health) may inadvertently decrease
flow—can have a significant effect on the bio- the drug’s action and become vulnerable to a
availability of drugs administered to a particu- blood clot.
lar individual. Also, there is genetic variability
Nursing Considerations
in drug-metabolizing enzymes from individ-
ual to individual (pharmacogenomics). Such diet–drug interactions need to be ex-
plained to the patient prior to beginning medi-
Drug Interactions Involving Drug Metabolism cation therapy. While a nurse may not want
Enzymes involved in the metabolism of drugs to discourage a patient from eating healthy
may be altered by diet and by the administra- foods, it may be necessary to adjust the pa-
tion of other drugs and chemicals. Enzyme tient’s medication dose and monitor his or
induction is a drug- or chemical-stimulated her plasma drug levels more closely until the
increase in enzyme activity, usually due to effects of the dietary change are ascertained.
an increase in the amount of enzyme pres- (A valuable resource for obtaining such infor-
ent. Enzyme induction usually involves some mation is the National Institutes of Health’s
onset time for increased protein (enzyme) patient education pages on drug–nutrient
production. Enzyme inhibition may occur interactions; for example, the page on the
due to substrate competition or due to direct ­vitamin K/warfarin interaction, found at
inhibition of the drug-metabolizing enzymes
(particularly one of the cytochrome P-450 en- /drug_nutrient/coumadin1.pdf, contains a
zymes). For example, grapefruit juice, which helpful list of foods high in vitamin K.)
contains a bioflavonoid called naringin, is It is important for nurses to be aware that
at least partly responsible for inhibition of dietary factors can and do alter how patients
the enzyme cytochrome P-4503A4, which is metabolize certain drugs. Such knowledge
present in the liver and intestinal wall. This can help the patient avoid unintended drug–
inhibitory effect can lead to an increased food interactions, and potentially adverse
concentration of drug in the body, possibly events.
leading to toxic levels of the drug. A nutrient
may mimic, enhance, or suppress the effects Elimination: The “E” in ADME
of certain drugs in the body, resulting in un- Drugs may be eliminated from the body
intended toxic effects. through a variety of processes. However, the
A well-documented example of such key components are the biliary system in the
an interaction occurs between the prescrip- liver—the mechanism by which toxins ex-
tion drug warfarin, which is used to de- tracted from the detoxification channels are
crease the risk of blood clots, and vitamin removed to the excretory system—and the
K, found in dark-green, leafy vegetables. Vi- renal system.
tamin K promotes the clotting cascade, and
warfarin acts by inhibiting the body’s ability Biliary Excretion of Drugs
to recycle this vitamin. If a patient normally The biliary system of the liver is an important
eats a lot of leafy greens prior to being pre- mechanism for the excretion of drugs. Bile
scribed warfarin, and then reduces or elim- appears to be an active secretion process by
inates greens from his or her diet, this change hepatic cells and is made up of mainly water,
60 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

bile salts, bile pigments, electrolytes, and, to Because VD and k are both constant, clear-
a lesser extent, cholesterol and fatty acids. ance will remain constant as long as elimi-
A drug or its metabolite is secreted into bile nation is a first-order process. An important
and, on contraction of the gallbladder, is then note with respect to Clt is that clearance val-
excreted into the duodenum via the com- ues are often normalized on a per-kilogram
mon bile duct. At this point, the drug or its body weight basis; thus, the patient’s body
metabolite may be excreted into the feces or, weight will change the volume of distribution.
alternatively, the drug may be reabsorbed and Drugs are typically excreted by one of three
become systemically available and therefore processes: (1) glomerular filtration; (2) active
pharmacologically active. The cycle in which renal secretion in the proximal tubules of the
the drug is absorbed, excreted into the bile, kidney; or (3) tubular reabsorption in the distal
and reabsorbed is known as enterohepatic tubules (lipid-soluble drugs). Renal clearance is
circulation. The biliary secretion process may defined as the volume of plasma that is cleared
become saturated in some cases, however. of drug per unit time through the kidneys. It
The following are general rules: can be expressed as the constant fraction of VD
• Drugs with molecular weights (MW) in which the drug is contained that is excreted
in excess of 500 are mainly excreted in by the kidney per unit of time.
the bile.
Glomerular Filtration
• Drugs with MW between 300 and 500 are
excreted in both the urine and the bile. Drug molecules generally are eliminated
• Drugs with MW less than 300 are al- through the first process, glomerular
most exclusively excreted via the kidneys ­filtration—a unidirectional process that oc-
into urine. curs for most small molecules (MW < 500),
including undissociated (non-ionized) and
To be excreted into bile, drugs must usu- dissociated (ionized) drugs. The major driving
ally have a strong polar group in addition to a force for glomerular filtration is hydrostatic
high MW. Many drugs excreted into bile are pressure within the glomerular capillaries
glucuronide metabolites (glucuronide conju- (FIGURE 2-32). When clinicians want to measure
gation increases the MW by 200). a patient’s glomerular filtration rate, they do
Drug Clearance so using a drug that is known to be eliminated
by fi­ ltration only (inulin, or creatinine, is most
Clearance is a pharmacokinetic term used
often used).
to describe drug elimination from the body
Glomerular filtration of drugs is directly
without identifying the elimination process.
related to the free or non-protein-bound drug
It differs from elimination in that clearance
concentration in the plasma. Protein-bound
can include drugs that break-down with-
drugs generally are not eliminated by glo-
out being excreted. The simplest concept of
merular filtration in the kidneys because the
clearance is defined as the fixed volume of fluid
molecules tend to be too large; instead, such
(containing the drug) cleared of drug per unit
bound drugs are usually excreted by active
of time. Often, the fluid in this definition is
secretion, following capacity-limited kinetics.
plasma. Thus, clearance may also be defined
As the amount of free drug in the plasma in-
as the rate of drug elimination divided by the
creases, the glomerular filtration for the drug
plasma drug concentration or, in pharmaco-
will increase proportionately, thereby increas-
kinetic terms,
ing the renal drug clearance.
Clt = kVD
where Clt is the sum total of all the clearance Active Renal Secretion
processes in the body, including clearance Active renal secretion is an active transport
through the kidney, lung, and liver. process that occurs in the proximal tubule.
Elimination: The “E” in ADME 61

Proximal convoluted Proximal

tubule convoluted
tubule Distal convoluted


Thin segment tubule
of Henle’s loop

Thick segment

Henle’s loop
Thick segment
of Henle’s loop Thin segment

Distal convoluted

Collecting tubule
Renal papilla
FIGURE 2-32  The structure of the renal tubule, illustrating its relationship to the glomerulus and the collecting tubule.

In the following way: The filtrate leaving the any transporter molecule can attach to any
glomerulus passes through the tubules to al- substance present in the filtrate. As a conse-
low key nutrients contained in it—­including quence, the process can become saturated if
water, as the kidneys are also responsible the amount of drug molecules needing trans-
for maintaining blood volume—to be reab- port surpasses the availability of transporter
sorbed. Unwanted molecules, which include molecules. Drugs with similar structures can
protein-bound drug molecules that could not compete for the same carrier system.
be filtered out by the glomerulus, are not re-
absorbed, but rather are “carried” out of the Tubular Reabsorption
plasma by a variety of transporter molecules, Tubular reabsorption is a passive transport
including P-glycoproteins (PGPs), organic mechanism in which drug molecules are re-
anion transporters (oats), and organic cat- absorbed from the plasma rather than being
ion transporters (cots), among others. (This excreted into the urine. This process occurs
process is called active transport because after a drug is filtered through the glomerulus
it requires an energy input; the molecules and is often influenced by the differences in
that transport the drug must work against pH between the filtrate and the urine. Urine
a concentration gradient, so the active tu- that is highly concentrated (i.e., more acidic)
bular secretion rate is dependent on renal tends to promote more reabsorption of drugs
plasma flow.) that are acids or weak bases, though this pro-
Most of these transporters are not spe- cess is influenced by the pH of the fluid in
cific to a particular substance, meaning that the renal tubule (i.e., urine pH) and the pKa
62 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

of the drug. Non-ionized drugs are easily re- patients, and indeed many healthcare pro-
absorbed from the renal tubule back into the viders, make is that the end result of medi-
body, but the ionized forms of such drugs are cation therapy is curing disease. If we define
less readily reabsorbed and, therefore, will cure as “ending the disease process and re-
be excreted faster. The rate of urine flow also storing normal function,” then we must ac-
influences the amount of filtered drug that is knowledge that most drugs do not actually cure
reabsorbed. Specifically, drugs that increase disease. Antibiotic agents, antiviral agents,
urine flow (e.g., diuretics) will decrease the and some biological anticancer medications
time for drug reabsorption and promote their are exceptions, because they actively at-
excretion. tack disease-causing organisms or cells. That
is not true of most medications (and even
Case Study: Making the with most “cures,” the medications tend to
act in concert with the patient’s physiology,
Connection to Clinical Nursing although there are a few exceptions). Most
Considerations Affecting Drug Delivery: medications’ actions simply support or sup-
Dosing Frequency, Timing, and Route press existing body processes to interrupt ei-
Consider the following situation a nurse may ther the dysfunction itself or, more often, the
encounter in clinical practice. A 13-year-old symptoms caused by the dysfunction that are
male patient, newly diagnosed with type 1 unpleasant for the patient to experience. In-
diabetes, is being taught how to use insulin to terrupting, however, is not the same as end-
treat his condition. He asks the nurse the fol- ing—for a patient to be “cured” of a disease,
lowing questions: the disease process must actually end. Most
of the time, it is the body’s own healing ca-
• Why do I have to keep taking insulin over
pacity that determines whether a disease or
and over again? Wouldn’t it make more
injury ultimately resolves itself or contin-
sense to just take one big dose, instead of
ues, albeit in a controlled state. In many sit-
a lot of smaller ones?
uations, medication therapy is capable of
• Why does insulin have to be given using a
restoring “normalcy” to body systems in bio-
needle? I don’t want to stick myself with
chemical terms, but not functional terms. For
a needle, what, five times a day?! If in-
example, a person with low thyroid function
sulin needs to be given more than once a
can take levothyroxine to increase the thy-
day, can’t I take a pill or a liquid of some
roid hormone level to “normal”—but he or
kind, something I can swallow?
she must continue taking the drug to main-
• Why do I have to take two different forms
tain that state, because the drug only r­ eplaces
of insulin? Why can’t I just take one?
a missing component without actually fixing the
Now consider the true questions be- dysfunctional thyroid.
ing asked by the patient. He wants to know, That brings us back to the patient’s first
in essence, two things: (1) why one dose of question: Why must a drug (almost always)
the medication (in this case, insulin) will not be given more than once to achieve a thera-
cure, correct, or fix the underlying cause of peutic result? In general terms, the answer
his illness in a permanent way and (2) why to this question is that body systems are dy-
he is being asked to take the medication by namic, not static. When dysfunction occurs,
a specific ROA, according to a specific dosing it will generally continue occurring unless or
regimen. until something happens to restore normal
To answer his first question, the term function. Sometimes the body lacks sufficient
cure must first be clarified, because a com- resources (for whatever reason) to resolve an
mon (and erroneous) assumption that many injury or infection.
Case Study: Making the Connection to Clinical Nursing 63

The portion of the original dose of the or missing piece of the physiological system?
drug that enters the body does not perma- Which physiological or biochemical process is
nently remain in the body (because drugs do affected in this pathophysiological state, and
not irreversibly “bind” to their sites of action). what is the normal condition? In type 1 dia-
Recall from earlier in this chapter the manner betes, the biochemical process that has be-
in which the drug interacts with its target and come dysfunctional is the patient’s ability to
then dissociates. Dissociated drug molecules produce the hormone known as insulin.
leave the site of action, return to the systemic The solution sounds simple, but in clini-
circulation (bloodstream), and are eliminated cal practice, effective insulin therapy is dif-
by the body. Each dose of drug “works” only ficult to achieve, as the levels of insulin are
for a specific period of time before it is elimi- not at a constant level in the body under
nated. The dose must be repeated for the du- normal physiological conditions. Emulating
ration of the symptoms or dysfunction; each normal fluctuations of insulin concentrations is
dose of drug works at its site of action to alle- daunting. A patient attempting to replace the
viate the symptoms or dysfunction. Drugs are missing insulin relies on what amounts to a
designed to reach a specific site of action in system of “informed guesswork.” The patient
the body where the pathology is located and must measure blood sugar and carbohydrate
“work” to alleviate the problem—temporarily. intake and use these parameters to calcu-
How long a drug takes to be eliminated de- late a dose of insulin that can counterbalance
pends in a manner consistent with the chemi- from food, all without supplying too much
cal properties of the compound; that is, the insulin that blood glucose levels fall too low
pharmacokinetic parameter drug half-life (causing fatigue, shakiness, seizures, loss of
(t1/2). Some drugs last 4 hours, some 12 hours, consciousness, or even, in extreme cases,
others a full day. This is the basis for the de- death).
sign of the dosage regimen, and explains why To answer the patient’s second question
multiple doses of medication may be needed to about why two types of insulin are needed,
achieve the desired response. the nurse must explain to the patient that
normally the pancreas releases insulin in the
Chronic Medication Use: Long-Term healthy body in two different ways. Unfortu-
Dosing Regimens nately, this requires the patient to use two
The situation faced by the patient with types of insulin, to mimic “healthy” physio-
newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes is some- logical responsive actions of the pancreas.
what more complicated. This patient has a In addition to maintaining a baseline insu-
chronic condition for which correcting the lin level, “bursts” of insulin are required to
disease process is not currently possible. effectively deal with increases in blood glu-
Therefore, the patient must use chronic cose after meals. Therefore, the standard drug
medication therapy—which raises many therapy regimen for type 1 diabetes is insulin
considerations not pertinent to short-term replacement for both the baseline levels and
medication regimens. the spikes and, therefore, two different insu-
In short-term, acute conditions, medica- lins: (1) a long-acting form of insulin that is
tion supports or suppresses a normal body injected once daily and ensures baseline insu-
function to promote healing. In chronic con- lin levels and (2) a short-acting form of insulin
ditions, however, medication often replaces or that is injected with meals to replace the insu-
restores a physiological function or factor that lin spike that accompanies rising postprandial
has gone so seriously awry that it cannot be glucose levels.
brought back to normal, or that has stopped The patient’s question about why in-
working entirely. What is the malfunctioning sulin must be injected, rather than taken
64 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

the pancreas, albeit one altered to extend its

life in the body.

Medication therapy requires knowledge of both physiology
(how the body works) and biochemistry (how chemicals
work upon the body). Fortunately for the clinician, much of
the biochemistry is worked out before drugs are approved
for use, so there is guidance available. Even so, it is up to
the clinician to keep the pharmacokinetic and pharma-
codynamic parameters in mind and apply them to each
specific situation when choosing a drug for treatment and,
© Carlos Davila/Alamy Images especially, when deciding how to administer the drug. It
would take decades of study to identify the properties of
each and every drug—and even then, given that new drugs
are continually entering clinical trials, the clinician would
by mouth, is simpler to answer. Insulin is never be able to keep up. Moreover, the “old standbys” of
a protein molecule (a biological drug)—if therapy often are found to be problematic in some respects
when used in different regimens, for long-term therapy, or
ingested orally, it is rapidly degraded and for new indications. Thus, practitioners must keep abreast
completely destroyed by enzymes present of the various sources of information and learn to identify
in the gastrointestinal tract. Subcutaneous clinical situations that favor the use of one medication over
injection, by comparison, delivers the in-
sulin into the bloodstream rapidly, circum- The nature of this text is such that it focuses on general
principles; the specific details of pharmacodynamics
venting gastrointestinal metabolism, so and pharmacokinetics for individual drugs, or even indi-
that drug response can be seen within 15 vidual drug classes, cannot be given here due to space
to 30 minutes. At the present time, there constraints. However, there are abundant resources for
obtaining this information. Following are a series of re-
is no other bioavailable dosage form of in-
sources (websites) that can offer more specific guidance
sulin (aside from the parenteral routes of when it comes to identifying these parameters for par-
administration). ticular medications.
Such considerations are fundamental to 1. Interactive Clinical Pharmacology:
identifying which drug to use, at which dose, .nz/
at which frequency, and by which manner of 2. First Key: Pharmacodynamics for Nurses: https://
delivery. In pathologies where physiological 3. A First Course in Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceu-
and biochemical systems are challenged tics by David Bourne:
but remain fundamentally intact, medica- /index.php?Loc=OUHSC33
4. Basic Principles and Pharmacodynamics: https://­
tion can reduce symptoms or speed the heal-
ing response so that the body can fend off 5. Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics: Advanced
the disease and return to a healthy state. In Course by David Bourne:
contrast, when the body’s underlying func- /p4/?Loc=Advance
6. An online course in Basic Pharmacokinetics by Makoid,
tions are compromised, as in autoimmune Vuchetich, and Banakar:
disorders, metabolic disorders, cardiovascu- /files/PKINBOOK.PDF
lar disease, and so forth, often the best drug 7. Pharmacology Corner: http://pharmacologycorner
therapy can do is to restore a semblance of .com/
8. USC Laboratory of Applied Pharmacokinetics: http://
normal function or relieve symptoms, with-
out fixing the actual problem. What this 9. MoDRN: ADME and Toxicology: https://modrn.yale
means for the patient is that the drug may .edu/education/undergraduate-curriculum
need to be taken indefinitely. The drug used
10. Pharmacology for Nurses: https://pharmafactz
to treat type 1 diabetes, insulin, is essentially .com/pharmacology-for-nurses-rapid-revision-of
a synthetically identical hormone produced in -drugs/
Chapter Summary 65

Critical Thinking Questions

14. Explain why a healthy, adult patient would
need to take 600 mg of ibuprofen, but only
1. Define the process of absorption.
10 mg of piroxicam, to obtain the same degree
2. List factors that may affect the rate of of pain relief.
drug a­ bsorption; explain the reason(s) for
15. Explain “volume of distribution.” Why is this ki-
each. (Hint: Recall the “definition” of
netic parameter necessary? What information
does it give about the overall distribution for a
3. Which factors may affect the extent of drug medication?
­absorption? Explain the reason(s) for each.
16. What information does the VD value give about
4. Identify the physiological barrier(s) for each of the overall half-life of a drug? Which predic-
the following routes of drug administration. tions can be made about the extent of distribu-
How does the barrier affect the rate of drug tion and the rate of elimination for such a drug?
­absorption for each? 17. Mrs. S. Takes Drug A at the same time as she
a. IV bolus injection takes Drug B. Both drugs bind to albumin
b. Oral tablet (one of the plasma proteins) and compete for
c. Transdermal patch the same binding sites on this plasma pro-
d. Intramuscular injection tein in the bloodstream. Drug A has a much
e. Rectal suppository higher affinity for the plasma protein than
5. Place the predicted rates of drug absorption Drug B. Which Drug (A or B) will be more likely
(for the routes of administration (ROAs) listed “inactivated”?
in Question 4) in order from the fastest rate to For Questions 18–20, choose the correct answer.
the slowest rate (based on the physiological More than one answer may be correct.
18. Which factor(s) affect(s) the distribution
6. What is meant by the “first-pass effect,” with re- of a drug in the body following systemic
spect to drug absorption? administration?
7. Identify the route(s) of administration that by- a. Extent of drug binding to plasma proteins
pass the “first-pass effect” following drug ad- b. Lipophilicity of the drug molecule
ministration. Explain your answer considering c. MW of the drug molecule
the site of drug absorption. d. Affinity of the drug for peripheral tissues
8. Which route of elimination is most subject to 19. What assumption(s) might you make if a drug
the “first-pass effect”? Why? has a large volume of distribution (i.e., 250 L)?
a. The drug is highly bound to plasma
9. Explain what is meant by “steady-state” plasma proteins.
drug levels. b. The drug exhibits one-compartment model
10. Will a drug given as an oral solution be 100% kinetics.
systemically available (bioavailable)? Why or c. The drug distributes extensively in tissues.
why not? d. The drug is excreted exclusively by the
11. Describe, in words, the meaning of t1/2 for a
drug. 20. Which of the following factors may explain a
long half-life for a drug?
12. A medication has a short half-life (approxi-
a. The rate of elimination is very fast for that
mately 3 hours). Discuss how the (elimination)
half-life (t1/2) for a medication affects its dosing
b. The volume of distribution is 3 L.
interval and, consequently, the design of the
c. The drug distributes into a peripheral tissue
dosing regimen.
13. How long will it take to eliminate 75% of a d. All of these factors will result in an in-
drug, if the drug’s t1/2 is 6 hours? creased drug half-life.
66 Chapter 2  Introduction to Drug Action: The Interplay of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

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Instritute’s Precision Initiatives for the new National lesterol to Reduce Atherosclerotic Cardiovascu-
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century. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 67(5), Ruhoy, I., & Daughton, C. (2008). Beyond the medi-
447­–450.  cine cabinet: An analysis of where and why medi-
Carter, A., Chang, H., Church, G., Dombkowski, A., cations accumulate. Environment International, 34(8),
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and recommendations for epigenomics in precision Smith Marsh, D.E. (2017). Overview of generic drugs
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Building a knowledge network for biomedical re- way for personalized medicince: FDA’s role in a new era of
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Medication Administration

Tara Kavanaugh


Buccal Intraosseous Medication administration Subcutaneous

Depot preparations Intrathecal error Sublingual
Injectable pen Intravenous Medication error Transdermal
Intramuscular Oral Transmucosal


At the end of the chapter, the student will be able to: 4. Identify the steps in administering medications using
­different delivery methods.
1. Define key terms.
5. Discuss current trends in medication administration.
2. Discuss the nurse’s role in medication administration.
6. Identify methods to help reduce medication errors.
3. Identify the Eight Rights of Medication Administration
and three patient checks.

68 CHAPTER 3  Medication Administration

Introduction To safely administer medications, a nurse

must know the answers to a range of poten-
Medication is transferred into the body’s tissues tial questions about his or her patients and
in one of three ways (as mentioned in Chap- their medications: who, what, when, how,
ter 2): (1) by ingestion and absorption in the and why (TABLE 3-1).
digestive tract; (2) by passive transfer through Medication errors are no small matter in
porous tissues, such as the skin, the alveoli nursing practice. The Institute of Medicine’s
of the lungs, and the mucous membranes; or (IOM) first Quality Chasm report, To Err Is
(3) by insertion directly into the interior tissues Human: Building a Safer Health System, noted
via subcutaneous, intramuscular, or intrathecal that medication-related errors contribute to
injection or intravenous/intraosseous infusion. significant morbidity and mortality; errors
The central goal of nursing pharmacology is accounted “for one out of every 131 outpa-
to enable nurses to provide medications to pa- tient deaths and one out of every 854 inpatient
tients safely and ­appropriately using the route deaths in the United States” (IOM, 1999,
best suited for the administration. Within that p. 27; see also Hughes & Blegen, 2008).
seemingly simple statement is held a complex Furthermore, according to the IOM (1999),
set of i­nformation defining the nurse’s relation- medication errors accounted for more than
ship with his or her patients. 7,000 deaths annually in the United States.

TABLE 3-1 Key Questions When Administering Medications

Questions What Nurses Need to Know Is… Goal

Who Who is the patient? This means: What is Ensure that the medication is appropriate for the patient’s needs,
the patient’s age, sex, and mental and keeping in mind factors such as physiological issues (e.g., ability to
physical health status? Are there any absorb oral medications), biochemical issues (e.g., other medications
factors that could contraindicate this the patient takes), and social factors (e.g., the patient’s known
medication being administered? religious or cultural preferences) that may affect whether an ordered
Is this patient the same individual for medication is appropriate for a given patient.
whom the medication was ordered? Avoid administering the ordered medication to the wrong patient.

What What medication is to be delivered to this Ensure that the correct medication is administered in accordance with
patient? the prescription or orders of the prescriber.
What dose was requested on the Ensure that the dose administered is in accordance with the orders of
medication order? the prescriber and cross-check that the dose ordered is appropriate
for patient needs.

When What is the appropriate time to administer Avoid administering medication too frequently, too infrequently, at
this medication? inappropriate times of day, or in inappropriate combination with
When did this patient last have a dose of another medication.
this (or any) medication? Avoid delivering a medication for a longer or shorter duration than
was ordered by the prescriber.
Avoid overmedication or potential interactions between medications.

How In what manner is this medication typically Avoid selection of inappropriate delivery procedures (e.g.,
administered? intramuscular injection for a medication intended for intravenous
Which route of delivery was ordered for delivery).
this patient? Ensure that the medication is delivered via the route ordered by the
Do any factors contraindicate the ordered prescriber.
delivery route in this patient? Avoid using inappropriate methods of medication delivery.

Why What condition is the medication Avoid using medications that are not indicated for a particular
intended to treat? condition.
What is the response that is expected Ensure that unexpected or unintended actions (e.g., medication
from the use of this medication? allergy) are noted and treated as necessary in a timely fashion.

Note: If any of these questions is overlooked before medication is administered, the potential for a medication error increases.
Before Administering Medications: The Eight Medication “Rights” 69

clear that nurses must take an approach to-

ward medicating patients that focuses on
ensuring the right amount of the right med-
ication gets to the right patient at the right

Before Administering Medications:

The Eight Medication “Rights”
A variety of protocols have been instituted
to help avoid medication errors. For ex-
© Jupiterimages/ ample, many hospitals and practices use an
eight-point checklist (TABLE 3-2) that includes
identifying the correct patient (who) by cross-
checking the names on the medication order
More recently, the Department of Health and and on the patient’s identification bracelet;
Human Services (DHHS) estimated that one using two documented patient identifiers,
in seven Medicare patients experienced an such as name and date of birth; and asking
adverse event during a hospital stay and 31% the patient to verbally identify himself or
of those were due to medication error (DHHS, herself, if able to do so. Additionally, using
2010). Contemplating these facts makes it technology, such as a bar-code system when

TABLE 3-2 The Eight Rights of Medication Administration

Patient Right Nursing Interventions

Delivered to the RIGHT Confirm the patient’s identity by cross-checking the medication order and the patient’s ID
patient If the patient is awake/conscious ask them to state their name and their date of birth

The RIGHT medication Check the medication label against the medication order

Given for the RIGHT reason Does it make sense to give this medication to this patient?
What is the patient’s medical history?

The RIGHT dose Check the medication order for correct dosage.
Verify against available drug references.
Verbally confirm with another nurse.

Via the RIGHT route Confirm the correct route of administration through drug references and by reviewing the
medication order.

At the RIGHT time Check the medication order for correct timing of medication administration. Review patient chart for
time of previous medication administration.

With the RIGHT response What are the expected outcomes for how this patient should respond to the medication?
Verify against manufacturer guidelines and available drug references.
Ensure the drug leads to the desired effect. Monitor the patient and document the monitoring process
as well as any nursing interventions performed

The RIGHT documentation Review the medication order for the correct frequency of medication administration, as well as correct
site for administration.
Document administration of medication after it has been given. Note patient vital signs and pertinent
lab values.
70 CHAPTER 3  Medication Administration

it is available, can decrease medication errors. regardless of whether the patient actually re-
Checking the medication label against the ceived the correct dose of medication—if for
medication order can ensure that the correct no other reason than the nurse is unable to
medication is being prepared for the patient document that procedures were performed
(what). Checking the medication order for the correctly, which affects the ability of other
correct dosage and verifying its appropriate- healthcare providers to continue treatment in
ness by comparing information with drug a safe and effective way.
references, as well as double-checking with
another nurse, can also reduce dosing errors. Procedures for Administering
Determining the route of the medication that Medications
should be given (how) can be verified via a
To further ensure patient safety, each route of
drug reference book, and confirming the or-
administration (TABLE 3-3) has procedures that
der can reduce errors associated with the
should be followed. These procedures shall be
wrong route of administration. Furthermore,
delineated individually below. However, be-
knowing the appropriate time when a given
fore describing how medications are admin-
dose should be administered by checking the
istered, it is important to review the obstacles
prescribed or ordered frequency of the medi-
that can interfere with performing this task.
cation dosing, as well as knowing when the
previous dose of a medication was given, can Which Factors Hamper Safe Medication
eliminate timing errors (when). After a medi- Administration?
cation is administered, it is important to docu- The goal of any healthcare provider is to ad-
ment that the drug was administered both in minister medication in accordance with cor-
a timely fashion and in a correct manner to rect procedure. However, any procedure can
avoid duplicate dosing and prevent missed be derailed by the following factors that com-
doses, note pertinent information such as lab monly contribute to human error (Reason,
values and vital signs, and review documen- 2000; Southwick, 2012):
tation regarding the sites used for previous
medication administration. Finally, knowing • Fatigue. Tiredness reduces attentiveness
the reason (why) a medication is ordered or to details, making it more likely that a
prescribed, as well as the expected outcomes, step in a procedure will be missed or per-
will allow the nurse to provide optimal care formed incorrectly.
for his or her patients. • Interruption. Stopping midway through a
All of these procedures must precede any task or being interrupted during a task in-
delivery of medication. A nurse who fails to creases the likelihood that steps will be
perform them has made a medication error missed or improperly performed.
• Multitasking. Attempting to juggle multi-
ple tasks at the same time usually results
in one or more of those tasks being per-
formed poorly.
• Emotional stress. An individual who is un-
der emotional stress—whether the source
is personal (e.g., marital difficulties, a sick
relative) or professional (e.g., fear of lay-
offs, workplace c­ onflicts)—is more prone
to making errors.
Such factors are not always in the nurse’s
control. If a facility is short-staffed, due to ill-
© Blaj Gabriel/Shutterstock. ness for instance, it may not be possible to
Procedures for Administering Medications 71

TABLE 3-3 Routes of Administration

Route of Administration Route Meaning Example of Medication*

Sublingual (SL) Under the tongue Nitroglycerin
Inhalation Into the lungs Albuterol
Intranasal Within the nose Midazolam
Intravenous (IV) Into the vein Furosemide
Intramuscular (IM) Within the muscle Glucagon
Subcutaneous (SC/SQ) Between the dermis and muscle layer Insulin
Endotracheal (ET) Via an ET tube Atropine
Oral By mouth Fluoxetine
Buccal Between the cheek and gum Glucose
Rectal (PR) Rectum, urethra, or vagina Diazepam
Transdermal (TD) Applied topically to the skin as in a patch Lidocaine
Aural Ear Levofloxacin
Intradermal (ID) Within the dermal layer of the skin PPD (purified protein derivative; Mantoux
tuberculosis [TB] test)
Ocular Drops in the eye Betaxolol ophthalmic
Gastric Via a gastric tube Activated charcoal
Intraosseous (IO) Into the marrow cavity of the bone when Furosemide
quick IV access is not practical
Intrathecal route† Lumbar puncture Baclofen

*Note that many drugs are available in forms for administration via multiple routes.

Intrathecal medications are generally not administered by nursing staff due to the specialized nature of lumbar puncture procedures. Most such
medications are administered by anesthesiologists or other specialist technicians. However, nurses need to maintain awareness of the effects of
medications given by this route.

avoid working long or multiple shifts, lead- systemic institutional processes in place de-
ing to fatigue and emotional stress. However, signed to limit errors and foster a safety culture
maintaining awareness of susceptibility to (Singer & Vogus, 2013), such as implementing
these factors can help the nurse avoid the er- a handoff program (Starmer et al., 2014) and
rors these factors tend to encourage. mitigating interruption-related errors (Prakash
et al., 2014), is crucial to reduce such errors and
Systemic Factors in Medication Errors ensure correct administration of medications
It is likewise important to realize that errors (Reason, 2000).
do not occur simply because of factors specific The procedures we describe in the follow-
to an individual; often, systemic or cultural ing sections include protocols to help avoid
factors in institutions also create an environ- conditions that contribute to medication er-
ment that is error-promoting. For example, rors. Most institutions will have specific
studies have found that the ­transition between checklists or processes that must be followed,
shifts—that is, when a new team of provid- some of which are specific to particular med-
ers assumes care for patients after the previous ications that are prone to be confused (e.g.,
team members finish their working day—is a medications with similar-sounding names),
key period during which errors may develop that are similar in function but have critical
due to ineffective communication of patients’ differences in timing (e.g., short-acting ver-
status (Carayon & Wood, 2010). Thus, having sus long-acting insulins), or that may have
72 CHAPTER 3  Medication Administration

medication record or patient chart, (3) clean

dispensing containers, and (4) drug reference
books or approved apps. It is important to
gather your supplies prior to the procedure to
decrease interruptions. Handwashing should
be performed prior to and after all of the nec-
essary steps in the medication administration
procedure. All legitimate prescriptions should,
at a minimum, include the name of the drug
(usually the generic name, but the trade name
can be written), the dose of the medication to
be given, the intended administration time, the
actual time of administration, and the route of
administration. If the prescription is handwrit-
ten, it should be legible, unambiguous, and
contain complete information (e.g., correct
dose, route of administration) (Albarrak, Al
Rashidi, Fatani, Al Ageel, & Mohammed, 2014;
Brits et al., 2017; Cerio, Mallare, & ­Tolentino,
2015; Walker, 2016). Additionally, the medi-
cal chart should contain the patient’s name,
© Adam Gregor/Shutterstock.
date of birth, and medical record number af-
fixed via a nonremovable label on the chart,
and it should clearly state whether the patient
has any known allergies to any substances,
especially medications ­(Ferguson, 2005). An

© michaeljung/Shutterstock.

profound effects if dosed incorrectly (e.g., an-

ticoagulant or antiarrhythmic agents).

Proper Procedure for Administering

All Medications
No matter which delivery route is used, certain
steps should be followed when giving any form
of medication. First, the equipment necessary
to administer a medication should be gath-
ered prior to the procedure. This equipment
includes (1) any necessary keys for opening
the medication-dispensing devices, (2) the © Hero Images/Getty Images
Administering Oral Medications 73

updated weight should be documented in the 2016; Strudwick, Clark, ­McBride, Best Practices
patient chart and recorded on the medication Sakal, & Kalia, 2017), although crin-
administration record flow sheet; this should kles, food spills, and barcode blur- It is important to
gather your supplies
be checked for discrepancies for any weight- ring due to bathing may cause
prior to the procedure
dependent medication dosages, especially for errors (Sandler, Langeberg, Carty, & to decrease inter-
pediatric patients (­ Ferguson, 2005). ­Dohnalek, 2006). Informed consent ruptions and their
Facility-based policies will exist regarding should be obtained prior to adminis- potential negative
the number of providers necessary to check the tering any medication, to determine consequences.
appropriateness of medication prescriptions. Ad- the patient’s understanding of the
herence to such policies is especially important medication and its side effects, as well Best Practices
when administering controlled substances, pedi- as the option for the patient to refuse
Before administering
atric doses of medications, and high-alert medi- any medications (Ferguson, 2005).
the medication, the
cations, which include such drugs as insulin Any refusal of medication should be nurse must verify that
and heparin. Pediatric dosing and administra- appropriately documented in the pa- the patient receiving
tion of controlled substances require that two tient record and reported to the pre- the medication is the
nurses check preparations prior to administra- scribing provider. patient for whom the
medication is pre-
tion of the medications. For all medication ad-
ministration, at a minimum, the nurse should Administering Oral scribed. Matching the
patient’s name and
check the name of the medication (both the Medications birth date to the name
generic and trade names), the dose required, and birth date on the
time for proper administration, and the previ- Oral medications in this context order is the easiest way

ous time the drug was given (or the most recent are those given by mouth and swal- to do this.

time that the drug was taken by the patient). In lowed (FIGURE 3-1). It is important to
addition, the legibility of the prescription, the note that some other medications
provider’s signature, the date when the order or are ostensibly delivered orally (e.g., sublin-
prescription was written by the prescriber, any gual medications) but are not swallowed; the
known patient allergies, and the expiration date key difference is that oral medications are
of the drug should be included on the order or designed to pass through the digestive tract,
patient chart (Ferguson, 2005). Any discrepan- while the other types of delivery bypass the
cies between the ordered medication and the digestion process. Rationale for either type
medication the nurse has to administer should was discussed in Chapter 2.
be verified with the prescriber, or, if that pre- Oral medications should be adminis-
scriber is not available, with another qualified tered using an appropriate delivery system.
prescriber familiar with the patient. Solid medications such as tablets and cap-
Before administering the medication, the sules should be given in clean, dry, disposable
nurse must verify that the patient receiving the
medication is the patient for whom the medi-
cation is prescribed. One way to do this is to
check the patient identification band on the
patient’s wrist, or ask the patient to state his
or her name and to match it with the name in
the medical record (Ferguson, 2005). Addition-
ally, a second identifier is necessary to verify
the patient’s identity; this may include the pa-
tient’s date of birth for easy verification. Some
facilities use bar-coded or radio-frequency
identification labels on wristbands for patient FIGURE 3-1  Proper oral medication administration.
identification (Probst, Wolf, Bollini, & Xiao, © JPC-PROD/Shutterstock.
74 CHAPTER 3  Medication Administration

Best Practices containers, whereas oral liquid med- is delivered “under the skin” (sub = “under”,
ications, and those requiring oral cutis = “skin”) by a syringe placed within the
Sign the prescription syringes, should be measured in sy- fatty layer of tissue just below the dermis
or medical record to
ringes designed specifically for the (National Institutes of Health [NIH], 2012).
verify that the medi-
cation has been ad- medication-dispensing purpose (Fer- The subcutaneous route is sometimes selected
ministered only after guson, 2005). Patients should be because there is little blood flow to the fatty
the patient has taken placed into a comfortable position tissue, and the injected medication is there-
the medication. and assisted if necessary. It is impor­ fore absorbed slowly, sometimes taking as
tant to note that medications should long as 24 hours to be absorbed. Examples of
not be left out for a patient to take at medications that are injected subcutaneously
his or her convenience. If the patient is not include heparin, growth hormone, insulin,
present when the medication is due, or if the and epinephrine (NIH, 2012). Intramus-
patient does not wish to take it at the pre- cular injections, as the name implies, are
scribed time, then the nurse should return to administered directly into muscle tissue. In-
administer the dose later (documenting the tramuscular injections are utilized as a medi-
reason for the discrepancy in timing). Addi- cation delivery method because there are no
tionally, consideration should be given to the significant barriers to drug absorption and are
patient’s ability to swallow oral medications; designed such that they may be absorbed rap-
all medications should be given in the man- idly or slowly (Lehne, 2013).
ner prescribed, and crushed only if ordered A variety of considerations affect safety
to do so by the prescriber, and if it is appro- when delivering medications by injection.
priate to crush the specific dosage form of First, the nurse needs to ascertain which type
the medication (Morris, 2005). Pharmacy / of injection is required: Is the medication in-
pharmacists can be valuable sources for these tended for subcutaneous delivery or intra-
questions. muscular delivery? Second, the nurse should
When dispensing oral medications, the consider the needs of the patient receiving
nurse should sign the prescription or medi- the injection: Is this a pediatric patient who
cal record to verify that the medication has may be unwilling or unable to sit still for an
been administered as ordered, and should injection? If so, the nurse may need to get an
do so only after the patient has taken the medi- assistant or request a parent’s help in hold-
cation—not when the medication is placed ing the child still while delivering the injec-
into the dispensing containers (Ferguson, tion. Third, the patient’s physical presentation
2005). The nurse should also note the may affect safe and appropriate medication
effectiveness of the medication given and delivery; for example, in a particularly slen-
document it in the patient record. All med- der patient, the layer of subcutaneous fat may
ications should be replaced and stored in be narrow enough that a syringe inserted at
compliance with the policy of the institution too great an angle (more than 45°) might in-
(Ferguson, 2005). advertently inject the medication into muscle
instead fat, while in an obese patient, the op-
posite problem might impede an intramuscu-
Injecting Medications Safely lar injection. Note that the nurse’s own safety
Injected medications are delivered into the is important as well when it comes to medica-
body using a syringe by one of six routes tion injection, as improperly handled syringes
(Table 3-3). These are intradermal, subcuta- can cause needle-stick injuries.
neous, intramuscular, intravenous, intraos-
seous, and intrathecal. The most common Giving Subcutaneous Injections
of these are subcutaneous, intramuscular, Before giving a subcutaneous injection, the
and intravenous. Subcutaneous medication nurse should wash his or her hands thoroughly
Injecting Medications Safely 75

Preparing the Medication for a

The Parts of the Syringe Subcutaneous Injection
Best Practices

A syringe has three major parts: the needle, • Check the label to verify the correct There are specific
the barrel, and the plunger (FIGURE 3-2). The drugs (e.g., chemo-
medication and remove the soft therapeutic and radio-
needle goes into the skin to enable medication
metal or plastic cap protecting the active agents) that
transfer from the barrel. The barrel holds the
medicine, and the plunger is used to force the rubber stopper of the vial. pose potential danger
• If the medication is in a multidose to the patient and/or
medication out of the syringe. The syringe has
nurse if inadvertently
marks on the side of the barrel (like a ruler) to vial, record the date and time the
spilled. These excep-
indicate the number of cubic centimeters (cc) vial was first opened on the label. tional drugs require
or milliliters (mL) that can be contained in the • Clean the exposed rubber stopper that “negative pressure”
syringe, and increments thereof.
with an isopropyl alcohol wipe, be maintained in the
remove the syringe from the plas- vial. If this is true, injec-
tion of air into the vial
tic or paper cover, and attach the
prior to medication
needle securely to the syringe, if it withdrawal must be
is indicated. avoided.
Note: cc and mL • Next, pull back and forth on the Be sure to check
are equivalent plunger by grasping the plunger that the technique for
volume measures withdrawing doses
handle, so that contamination of from the vial is appro-
the sterile plunger shaft will be priate before you start.
Barrel • With the needle capped, pull
back on the plunger to fill the sy-
ringe with air equal in volume to Best Practices
Needle hub the amount of medication to be
administered. The needle’s cap is
sterile; it is used to
Lumen Remove the cap covering the
Needle keep the needle sterile
needle and set it on its side to pre- after the medication
Bevel is drawn from the vial.
vent contamination, also taking care
Remove and replace it
not to touch the sterile needle. The
carefully to maintain
FIGURE 3-2  Parts of a syringe. inside of the cap and the needle are sterility.
sterile, and the cap will be used to
cover the needle until the time of
for at least 20 seconds, and assemble the equip-
medication administration. With the vial up-
ment necessary, including the following:
right, push the needle through the cleansed
• Medication in either a multidose vial of rubber stopper on the vial (FIGURE 3-3).
liquid or a vial of powder requiring recon- Inject the air (if appropriate) in the sy-
stitution, as directed by the manufacturer ringe into the vial to prevent a vacuum
• Syringe or pen and needle, appropriate from forming. If too little air or no air is in-
for the size of the adult or child: 0.5 cc, jected, it is difficult to withdraw the medica-
1 cc, or 2 cc with 27-gauge 5⁄8-inch needle; tion. If too much air is injected, the plunger
3 cc Luer-Lock syringe if the solution is may be forced out of the barrel, causing the
more than 1 cc; 25- to 27-gauge 5⁄8-inch medication to spill. Remember that there
needle or 0.3 mL insulin syringes with are a few injectable medications for which
31-gauge – 1/4 to -1/2 inch needle in spe- you want to prevent positive pressure from
cial circumstances causing the medication to spill on the nurse
• Container for syringe disposal or the patient.
• Sterile 2×2-inch gauze pad Turn the needle and vial upside down
• Alcohol pads with the needle remaining in the vial, making
76 CHAPTER 3  Medication Administration


FIGURE 3-4  Image of administering a subcutaneous injection

(45° angle).

FIGURE 3-3  Dispensing medication into a syringe.

Courtesy of Jim Gathany/CDC

sure that the needle is pointed upward. Ensure

that the tip of the needle is completely covered
by the medication to make it easier to draw
up the medication without any air. Pull back
on the plunger to fill the syringe with the cor-
rect volume of the medication. Keep the vial 90°
upside down with the needle in the vial, con-
tinuing to point them upward. Tap the syringe
with the fingertips to remove any air bubbles
in the syringe. Once the bubbles are at the top
of the syringe, gently push on the plunger to
force the bubbles out of the syringe and back FIGURE 3-5  Image of injection at a 90° angle.
into the vial. Alternatively, if the bubbles can-
not be removed from the syringe by tapping
with the fingertips, push all of the medication Push the needle into the subcutaneous
slowly back into the vial and repeat the previ- tissue at a 45° or 90° angle, being careful not
ous steps if necessary. It is important to remove to bend the needle (FIGURE 3-4, FIGURE 3-5, and
the air from the syringe because air takes up FIGURE 3-6).
the needed space for the medication and be-
cause such bubbles can cause pain or discom- Injectable Pens
fort or air emboli if they are injected. After For some medications, a pen-like device,
removing the bubbles, check the volume of the which delivers premeasured dosing, is avail-
medication in the syringe to verify that the vol- able. If the nurse is using such an injectable
ume (and therefore the dose) is the correct. pen, the following steps will be employed.
Injecting Medications Safely 77

FIGURE 3-6  Subcutaneous injection administration.

© solar22/Shutterstock

First, attach the needle to the pen by and hardening of the skin may prevent ab-
cleaning the top of the pen with an alcohol sorption of the medication. Each injection
wipe and screw the needle onto the inject- site should be at least one inch away from
able pen. Next, use the dial on the pen to set the previous injection site. A series of injec-
the appropriate dose volume. If priming of tions should be started at the highest phys-
the injectable pen is required, this step should ical point possible on the patient (such as the
be performed before setting the dose. Many upper arms) (FIGURE 3-7); the sites should then
injectable pens are manufactured so that a move to the furthest point from the initial
“priming volume” may be set with a dial. injection site on the body part, such as the
To prime, the pen needle should be pointed upper thighs. It is preferable to use all of the
up and the injection button depressed com- sites available on one body part before mov-
pletely. The nurse should see a drop or stream ing to another body part, although this may
of liquid. If a stream of liquid is not visible, need to be altered for patient comfort. Injec-
the priming steps should be repeated until tions should not be administered in
this occurs. Dial in the prescribed volume of red, inflamed, burned, swollen, or Best Practices
medication. After the medication is correctly damaged skin (NIH, 2012).
prepared, carefully replace the needle cap to Before injections,
General Guidelines remove the air from
prevent contamination, being careful not to
for Subcutaneous Injections the syringe because
stick any fingers with the needle (NIH, 2012). air takes up space
Cleanse the skin thoroughly in a that should be filled
Rotating Injection Sites back-and-forth motion with an al- with medication. In
for Subcutaneous Injections cohol swab to eliminate microbes at addition, bubbles can
It is important to rotate the injection sites to the injection site. Allow the alcohol cause pain or discom-
fort or air emboli if
keep the skin healthy and to prevent scarring to dry completely. Take the cover they are injected.
and hardening of the fatty tissue. Scarring off the needle, being careful not to
78 CHAPTER 3  Medication Administration

Insert the needle at a 90° right angle into

the skin (see Figure 3-5). This angle is im-
portant to ensure that the medication will be
injected into the fatty tissue. If the patient re-
ceiving the injection is a small child or has
very little subcutaneous fat or thin skin, a 45°
angle is used (see Figure 3-4). If using a pen
needle, insert the pen needle at a 90° angle.
After the needle is completely inserted
into the skin, release the grasped skin and
press down on the plunger to inject all of
the medication into the subcutaneous layer
at a slow and steady rate. If using a pen,
press the injection button completely until
it “clicks,” and keep the pen in position for
10 seconds before removing the needle from
the skin.
As the needle is pulled out of the skin
where it was inserted, gently press a 2×2-inch
gauze pad onto the needle insertion site. Keep-
ing pressure over the needle insertion site pre-
vents the skin from retracting while removing
the needle, causing less pain. The gauze also
FIGURE 3-7  Example of injection site rotation choices.
helps to seal the punctured tissue, preventing
any leakage of medication. If indicated, press
or rub the injection sites. Not all medications
contaminate the needle. Place the cover on its should be massaged into the skin, so the medi-
side. The nurse who is administering the dose cation manufacturer’s information should be
should hold the syringe in one hand consulted. If any fluid or blood is noted at the
Best Practices like a pencil or dart, grasp the patient’s injection site, press another 2×2-inch gauze
skin between his or her thumb and pad onto the injection site.
Rotate injection sites
index finger with his or her other If using a pen, untwist the needle on the
to prevent scarring,
and avoid giving in- hand, and pinch the skin in an up- pen and safely dispose of the needle. Replace
jections in damaged ward fashion. The needle should then the pen cap and store as instructed (NIH, 2012).
or swollen skin. be quickly thrust all the way into the
skin. Avoid pushing the needle into Intramuscular Injections
the skin slowly or thrusting the needle Some medications, as noted earlier, are in-
in with great force. A common mis- jected directly into muscle tissue (FIGURE 3-8).
Best Practices
take is pressing down on the top of the The primary reasons for using intramuscular
Keep your fingers off plunger while piercing the skin; this injections of medications are (1) administra-
the syringe plunger can result in the medication being re- tion of poorly soluble drugs and (2) admin-
until the needle is
leased before the needle is in position, istration of depot preparations, which
fully inserted. Other-
wise, you may wind resulting in deposition of medication are preparations of medications that are
up delivering the on the skin surface, or within the skin absorbed slowly over an extended period of
medication on the layers, rather than under the skin; time (Lehne, 2013). The rate of absorption
skin surface or in the for this reason, it is important to keep is determined by two factors: the water solu-
dermis, rather than
one’s thumb or finger off the plunger bility of the drug and the blood flow to the
until the needle is completely inserted. injection site. Drugs that are highly soluble
Injecting Medications Safely 79

1. Use an alcohol swab to 2. Gently pinch the skin and

clean the skin where you insert the needle into the
will give the shot. skin at a 45° angle.

4. Gently pull back on the plunger

of the syringe to check for blood.
3. After you insert the needle (If blood appears when you pull
completely, release your back on the plunger, withdraw
grasp on the skin. the needle and syringe and
gently press the alcohol
swab on the injection site.
Start over with a fresh needle.)

5. If no blood appears, inject 6. Withdraw the needle and

all of the solution by gently syringe and press an
and steadily pushing down alcohol swab on the
the plunger. spot where the shot
was given.

FIGURE 3-8  How to give an intramuscular injection.

in water will be rapidly absorbed, within 10 Vastus Lateralis Muscle (Thigh)

to 30 minutes, whereas drugs that are poorly The thigh is used most often for children
soluble will be absorbed at a rate greater than younger than age three but can also be used
30 minutes (Lehne, 2013, p. 34). for adults. There is some evidence of reduced
infant distress during medication administra-
Anatomic Locations for Administering tion at this site (Taddio et al., 2015). Another
Intramuscular Injections
advantage to this location is that it is easy to
The muscle chosen for the injection must be view the thigh if the patient needs to admin-
able to be exposed completely and easy to ister his or her own injectable medication.
access (Beyea & Nicoll, 1995). However, the In infants and children, the site for injection
patient’s circumstances must also be consid- lies below the greater trochanter of the femur
ered. Muscles change with age and cannot and within the upper lateral quadrant of the
always be used successfully for every type thigh. For adults, the site is four inches below
of intramuscular injection. The dorsogluteal the greater trochanter and four inches above
muscle, for example, is never used for chil- the knee, lateral to the middle third of the
dren younger than age three because it has vastus lateralis muscle. This may be visualized
not developed completely. The deltoid can- as dividing a patient’s thigh from the knee
not be used if the area is very thin or fragile to the hip into three equal parts. The middle
with no muscle mass or is underused, such as third is where an injection should be admin-
in a frail older adult or infant. It is generally istered (FIGURE 3-9 and FIGURE 3-10) (Beyea &
considered good practice to avoid giving an Nicoll, 1995; Winslow, 1996).
injection in the dominant arm because any
pain or swelling in the injection site might Ventrogluteal Muscle (Hip)
hamper the patient’s ability to function using The ventrogluteal muscle is a good location
that arm. for adults and children aged seven months
The following sites are most commonly and older. This site’s utility is due to the
used for intramuscular injections. ease with which bony landmarks may be
80 CHAPTER 3  Medication Administration

Safe Needle Disposal

After any injection, it is important to dispose of
needles properly to avoid injuries or the possi-
bility of needle reuse (and potential contamina-
tion or infection transmission). The following
guidelines will ensure such errors are avoided
(NIH, 2012): Vastus
• Do not recap needles after use. Doing so lateralis
increases the likelihood that the used nee-
dle will be mistaken for an unused needle
and inadvertently reused.
• Immediately after use, place the needle,
with or without the syringe, in a hard
plastic or metal container with a tightly
FIGURE 3-9  Administering a vastus lateralis injection.
secured lid. Keep the container out of
reach of children or pets.
• If used in a home setting, when the con-
tainer is full, take it to an appropriate fa-
cility for proper disposal.

Vastus Lateralis
(outer middle third)

FIGURE 3-10  Proper visualization of thigh.

& Nicoll, 1995; Winslow, 1996). To find the

correct location to give a ventrogluteal injec-
tion (in the hip), place the palm of the hand
against the greater trochanter and place the
index finger on the anterior superior iliac
spine. Extend the middle finger along the iliac
crest toward the iliac tubercle (right hand to
left hip and left hand to right hip;
see FIGURE 3-11).
© StephanieFrey/
Deltoid Muscle (Upper Arm Muscle)
The patient receiving a deltoid intramuscu-
lar injection can be lying down, sitting, or
identified, and there is little danger of inad- standing. The entire upper arm and shoulder
vertently piercing blood vessels or nerves. area should be exposed to correctly identify
The patient should lie on his or her side when the landmarks. The correct location to give
receiving a ventrogluteal injection (Beyea the injection is 1–2 inches (2.5–5 cm) below
Injecting Medications Safely 81


FIGURE 3-11  Administering a ventrogluteal injection.

FIGURE 3-13  Administering a deltoid injection.



FIGURE 3-12  Location for administering a deltoid injection.

FIGURE 3-14  Administering a dorsogluteal injection.

the bottom of the acromion process Supplies Needed for Administering

(FIGURE 3-12 and FIGURE 3-13) (Beyea & Nicoll, Intramuscular Injections
1995; W­ inslow, 1996). • Individually wrapped alcohol wipes, or
the equivalent.
Dorsogluteal Muscle (Buttocks) • Sterile 2×2-inch gauze.
Expose one buttock cheek completely. Draw an • The vial or ampule of medication being
imaginary line between the superior iliac spine administered.
and the greater trochanter. Give the injection • The correct-size needle and syringe
in an area above this imaginary line (FIGURE 3-14) (1 cc, 3 cc, 5 cc, 10 cc, 20 cc, 30 cc, or
(Beyea & Nicoll, 1995; Winslow, 1996). 60 cc syringes; ½-inch, 5⁄8-inch, 1-inch,
82 CHAPTER 3  Medication Administration

TABLE 3-4 Needle Lengths and Injection Sites for Intramuscular Injections

Birth—18 Years

Age Needle Length Injection Site

Newborn* 5/8" (16 mm)† Anterolateral thigh

Infant 1–12 months 1" (25 mm) Anterolateral thigh

Toddler 1–2 years 1"–1¼" (25–32 mm) Anterolateral thigh§

5/8"†–1" (16–25 mm) Deltoid muscle of the arm

Child/adolescent 3–18 years 5/8"†–1" (16–25 mm) Deltoid muscle of the arm§
1"–1¼" (25–32 mm) Anterolateral thigh

Aged ≥19 Years

Sex/Weight Needle Length Injection Site

Male and female <60 kg (130 lbs) 1" (25 mm)¶ Deltoid muscle of the arm

Female 60–90 kg (130–200 lbs) 1"–1½" (25–38 mm)

Male 60–118 kg (130–260 lbs)

Female >90 kg (200 lbs) 1½" (38 mm)

Male >118 kg (260 lbs)

*Newborn = first 28 days of life.

If skin stretched tight, subcutaneous tissues not bunched.
Preferred site.

Certain experts recommend a 5/8” (16-mm) needle for patients who weigh <60 kg (130 lbs)
Data from Poland, et al. (1997). JAMA 1997 June; 277(21):1709-1711.

or 1.5-inch needle, ranging from 15- to the needle by holding the syringe with his
33-gauge needle diameter). The needle or her writing hand and pulling on the cover
length and injection site for intramuscular with the other hand. This can be thought of
injections appear in TABLE 3-4. as similar to taking a cap off of a pen. The
• Gloves for the protection of the patient nurse should hold the syringe in his or her
and person providing the intramuscular dominant hand, then place the syringe under
injection. his or her thumb and first finger. The nurse
• A sharps container to dispose of the used should let the barrel of the syringe rest on the
syringe and needle. second finger of his or her hand, as is typi-
cally done when writing with a pen or pencil.
General Procedure for Administering Wipe the area with the alcohol wipes where
Intramuscular Injections the needle will be inserted, and let the area dry
As with other procedures, the supplies required completely. Depress and pull the skin a little
(see the preceding list) should be assembled and with the free hand. The nurse should continue
checked prior to the procedure. The location of to hold the skin a little to the side of where
the injection should likewise be determined in he or she plans to insert the needle. Next, the
advance, considering the patient’s needs and nurse should use his or her wrist to insert
circumstances. The nurse should wash his or the needle at a 90° angle (i.e., straight into the
her hands with soap and water for at least muscle). The nurse should think of this action
20 seconds and pat them completely dry. similar to that of throwing a dart (FIGURE 3-15).
Next, the nurse should put on gloves Avoid trying to forcefully push the nee-
and open one of the packages of alcohol dle into the patient’s muscle, because doing
wipes. The nurse should take the cover off so will cause bruising. The needle is sharp and
Intravenous and Intraosseous Medications 83

Medications can be administered via a pe-

ripheral line, a saline IV lock, a direct IV line,
or a central venous catheter. In addition,
medications can be delivered by rapid injec-
tion (called a “push” or “IV push”), infused
continuously over a specified time period, or
given intermittently by mixing them into IV
solutions (usually normal saline) at predeter-
mined times. Over 90% of hospitalized pa-
tients receive IV therapy of some form during
their hospital stay (Institute for Safe Medicine
Practices [ISMP], 2015).
FIGURE 3-15  Administering an intramuscular injection.
Intraosseous access is similar in nature
© weerayut ranmai/Shutterstock.
except that the puncture goes into bone mar-
row of a long bone in the arm or leg rather
will go through the skin easily if the wrist ac-
than a vein. The long bones’ marrow con-
tion is correct. Remember to let go of the skin
tains a network of blood vessels that feed into
to prevent the needle from jerking sideways.
the central venous canal, so intraosseous ac-
Push down on the plunger and inject the
cess is just as effective as intravenous access
medicine. Do not force the medicine through
for delivering medicines. This route of admin-
the syringe by pushing too hard on the
istration is generally used when intravenous
plunger, because some medications will burn
access is difficult or impossible to achieve—
or hurt if they are administered too quickly.
for example, in small children with circula-
After all of the medicine is injected, pull
tory collapse or adult individuals experiencing
the needle out quickly at the same angle that
vasoconstriction due to shock.
it was inserted. Finally, use the 2×2-inch dry
sterile gauze to press gently on the location IV Medication Safety Issues
where the needle entered, and apply a ban-
In its guide to standardization of high-risk
dage as necessary (Higgins, 2005).
IV medications, the San Diego Patient Safety
Examples of medications that are given
Consortium (2006) lays out a compelling
as an intramuscular injection include
argument for being especially careful when
epinephrine pens, antibiotics, pain medi-
administering IV medications. It notes that
cations such as morphine and nonsteroidal
IV medications are associated with the high-
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), vitamin
est risk of harm, with 61% of serious and/or
B12, and vaccinations. Intramuscular injec-
life-threatening adverse drug events occur-
tions should not be administered into broken
ring with these medications. Equally impor-
or damaged skin.
tant is the fact that many of the medications
Intravenous and Intraosseous given via IV are high-risk drugs in and of
themselves, including drugs such as insulin,
Medications heparin, morphine, and propofol. Certain
When speed of delivery is important, medi- of these drugs have been designated “high-
cations may be delivered directly into the alert medications” by the Institute for Safe
bloodstream by one of two means: intrave- Medicine Practice (ISMP) due to the drugs’
nous or intraosseous. propensity toward serious harm. These drugs
Intravenous medications are delivered have a narrow therapeutic index and there is
via a device that punctures a vein and in- a higher risk of patient injury or death associ-
fuses medication directly into the blood- ated with the drugs (ISMP, 2015). A complete
stream at a specific rate and concentration. list of high-alert medications can be found at
84 CHAPTER 3  Medication Administration Complications
.asp. Given that a very common form of Potential complications related to cannula
administration error in IV medications is insertion or use of IV medications include
incorrect dosing, it is essential that nurses hematoma; infiltration; extravasation; phle-
administering intravenous/intraosseous bitis; thrombosis; venous spasm; puncture of
medications pay special attention to the Eight artery, nerve, tendon, or ligament; septice-
Rights, and particularly to ensuring the right mia; and fluid overload. Some medications, if
dose. A key point to remember is that for IV infused too rapidly, can cause life-threatening
delivery, the dose means the rate of delivery reactions as well. If a central venous catheter
as well as the amount of medication delivered. is used, pneumothorax is another concern.
Nurses should be alert to the specific symp-
Matters of Key Concern When
Administering IV Medications toms of these complications.
Some of the most important issues to be Administering an IV Medication
­considered during IV medication admin-
After undertaking the necessary checks
istration include the potential for allergic
for correct patient, medication, and dose,
reaction, synergistic or antagonistic effects
collect the supplies needed to administer
­between medications, and complications of
the medication:
the procedure.
• Medication to be administered
Patient’s Allergy History • Alcohol swabs
A medication delivered via IV goes directly • Tape or occlusive dressing
into the circulation. Allergic reactions to med- • Syringe with needle
ications delivered by IV therefore tend to be • Sterile saline or water (diluent)
considerably more severe than allergic reac- • Sodium chloride flush syringe
tions to those medications delivered by other • Heparin flush (if central venous catheter
routes. If the patient has a history of allergy is indicated)
to the prescribed, or similar, medications, the • Surgical gloves
drug should not be used so that severe aller- • Tourniquet
gic responses can be at least partly avoided.
Ensure that the patient is comfortable and
Be aware that just because there is no known
warm; this prevents vasoconstriction. Keeping
history of allergy does not mean the patient
in mind that gaining intravenous access may
will not have an allergic response. At the
be frightening to some patients, the nurse
medication’s first use, any reactions (e.g.,
should project a reassuring, confident man-
hives, difficulty breathing) should be consid-
ner. Turn on and position any supplemental
ered a potential allergic response, treated ap-
light as needed before beginning. If the pa-
propriately, and documented.
tient is supine in a mobile bed or gurney, the
Synergistic or Antagonistic Effects nurse should raise the bed sufficiently high
Medications given in close proximity in time so that he or she can work without bending
and location may alter each other’s activ- over, as comfort for the nurse will assist in ac-
ity. For example, heparin’s anticoagulant curacy of performing the puncture. A patient
effect increases in the presence of who is seated should place the arm to be used
Best Practices
penicillin. Thus, when giving an on a flat surface so that the nurse can have
In intravenous deliv- IV medication to a patient who has unimpeded access to it.
ery, the dose means already received another medica-
the rate of delivery as tion by this or any other route, it Identifying a Site
well as the amount of
is ­important to double-check for The veins most commonly used for intrave-
medication delivered.
­potential drug interactions. nous access are located in the hand or arm.
Intravenous and Intraosseous Medications 85

Once the patient and environment are

ready and an appropriate site has been identi-
fied, the nurse should wash his or her hands
for 20 seconds, pat them dry, and put on
gloves. If indicated, apply the tourniquet
4–6 inches above the site. Sitting or stand-
ing in a comfortable, stable position, the
Cephalic vein nurse rests the heel of the dominant hand on
Basilic vein the patient’s arm (or other appendage) into
Median Brachial vein
which the access is to be inserted. The nurse
cubital vein then grasps the cannula controls between
his or her thumb and index finger and low-
Accessory ers them so that they just touch the insertion
cephalic point. The bevel of the needle should be fac-
Basilic vein ing up, and the angle of entry should be shal-
vein Median low, 20–30° at most. The nurse presses the
Radial vein tip first gently, then firmly, against the skin,
vein Ulnar vein informing the patient what is happening as
it occurs, in order to avoid surprising the pa-
Deep palmar
venous arch tient (which can lead to jerking or jumping).
Superficial palmar The tip should be allowed to rest a few sec-
venous arch
onds on the skin surface, then gently and
digitals quickly pressed through the skin. The hub of
the cannula should be held stable as the nee-
FIGURE 3-16  Veins used for intravenous access. dle is withdrawn. If a tourniquet is in place,
it should be removed immediately once the
cannula is in place to avoid loss of access and
They include the dorsal digital and metacarpal bleeding from the site.
veins, the cephalic vein, and the basilic vein For a more in-depth discussion regarding
(FIGURE 3-16). cannula placement, a nursing practice hand-
Examine the arm or appendage to spot book should be consulted.
large or prominent veins, tapping if necessary
to promote greater blood flow. Allow the pa-
tient’s arm to hang down so that gravity can
further promote blood flow. If these strategies
do not identify any obvious veins, apply a tour-
niquet. If the patient (or chart) reports prior
IV medication administration, ask the patient
where the “best veins” have been for previous
administrations, as patients usually know. Bear
in mind that if the patient has had prior venous
access in recent weeks, it may not be possible
to reuse a vein that has already been accessed;
look for evidence that a vein may have been
© Elena Ray/Shutterstock, Inc.
recently used, and, if possible avoid any veins
that show signs of bruising or new healing. If
avoidance is not possible, choose the site that With access established, the next step is to
seems to have had the least recent use. begin infusing the medication.
86 CHAPTER 3  Medication Administration

Inhaled Medications propellant; instead, the medication is simply

inhaled from the device in the form of a fine,
Medicine delivery via inhalation is primarily dry powder—much like breathing in dust or
used to treat respiratory disorders for obvi- pollen. The inhaler used by the patient de-
ous reasons: Inhalation offers the most direct pends on the medication; only those medica-
pathway into the lungs and sinuses. Inhala- tions that are produced in dry-powder form
tion is also used for some anesthesia drugs. can be delivered with a DPI.
Although therapeutic inhalation delivery may The greatest obstacle to delivery of medi-
eventually include medications for nonres- cation via either type of inhaler is improper
piratory diseases (for example, diabetes re- patient technique. The correct method needed
searchers are exploring the potential for an to deliver the full dose accurately is neither
inhaled form of insulin), for the purposes of self-evident nor easy to learn, although the
this text, it is assumed that the medications use of spacers with metered-dose inhalers
are intended as therapy for a respiratory dis- (MDIs) can improve delivery (Figure 3-18c).
order, such as asthma, chronic obstructive Because most of these medications are in-
pulmonary disease (COPD), sinus congestion, tended to be self-administered, it is important
or bronchitis; are inhaled forms of vaccines; that a nurse assist the patient in learning how
or are inhalation anesthesia drugs. to use the device properly to maximize the
There are three principal methods for in- benefits the patient gets from the medication
haled medication delivery: (1) an inhaler de- (Melani, 2007).
vice, (2) a nasal spray, or (3) a nebulizer. This It is also important that the inhaler be
section describes each method in turn. kept clean. Buildup of debris can clog the
inhaler’s exit hole, preventing medication
Proper Procedure for Using a Metered-Dose
Inhaler or Dry-Powder Inhaler from being released and potentially reduc-
ing the dose of medication the patient re-
Metered-dose inhalers (MDI, “puffers”) are
ceives. When working with a patient who
most frequently used to administer medica-
uses an inhaler, particularly if the inhaler is
tions for chronic respiratory illnesses such as
not used frequently, examine the hole where
COPD or asthma. These hand-held devices
the medicine comes out of the inhaler. If
deliver the medication in aerosol form by
any powder or debris is noted in or around
means of a propellant in the medication can-
the opening, the inhaler should be cleaned.
ister so that it can be inhaled directly into
To do so, remove the canister from the L-
the lungs (FIGURE 3-17). A similar device called
shaped plastic mouthpiece. Rinse the cap and
a dry-powder inhaler (DPI) does not use a
the plastic mouthpiece in warm water. Let
the components air-dry thoroughly (over-
night if necessary). When the mouthpiece is
completely dry, put the canister back inside
the mouthpiece and replace the cap. Do not
rinse the other parts. The unit may need to be
primed again (see following paragraphs) to
restore proper function.

Delivering Medication with an Inhaler

Assemble the necessary components, in-
cluding the medication, the inhaler, and the
spacer (if used), and perform the standard
FIGURE 3-17  Use of a metered-dose inhaler (MDI) or dry-powder
inhaler (DPI). checks to ensure the medication, dose, and
© bikeriderlondon/Shutterstock. patient are correct. Take off the cap and shake
Inhaled Medications 87

insert the inhaler into the round end Best Practices

of the spacer and put the spacer’s flat
mouthpiece completely inside his or The greatest obstacle to
delivery of medication
her mouth (it should not simply be
via an inhaler is improper
pressed against the lips). If the spacer use. Patients need to
has a mask, fit the mask over the learn how to use the
nose and mouth. device properly to maxi-
Instruct the patient to breathe mize the medication’s
in slowly through the mouth while
pressing down on the inhaler
once (FIGURE 3-19). If a spacer is being used,
press down on the inhaler unit before inhal-
ing slowly. Instruct the patient to begin to
breathe in slowly through the spacer within
five seconds of inhaler actuation. Remind the
patient to keep breathing in slowly and as
deeply as he or she can.
With or without a spacer, after inhalation,
instruct the patient to hold his or her breath
B while counting to 10 slowly, if the patient is
able to hold the breath that long. If the pa-
tient is unable to hold his or her breath for
10 seconds, the patient should be instructed
to hold the breath for as long as possible, al-
beit less than 10 seconds. Inform the patient
that holding his or her breath for as long as
possible allows the medicine to better pene-
trate into the lungs.

FIGURE 3-18  (A) Proper use of metered-dose inhaler (MDI).
(B) Inhaler spacer. (C) Use of a spacer to assist with proper inhaler use.
© Rob Byron/Shutterstock.
© LSOphoto/iStockphoto

the inhaler hard. If the patient has not used

the inhaler before or has not used it in a
while, the device may need to be primed to
prepare it for administration of the aerosol-
ized spray (FIGURE 3-18). (The patient will need
to look at the instructions that came with the
inhaler to learn how to do this properly.)
Instruct the patient to breathe out or ex-
hale completely. Next, instruct the patient to
hold the inhaler about one inch in front of
his or her mouth (about the width of two fin- FIGURE 3-19  Actuation of a metered-dose inhaler (MDI).
gers away). If using a spacer, the patient should © Stockbyte/Thinkstock.
88 CHAPTER 3  Medication Administration

If the patient is using inhaled rescue complains of congestion should be questioned

medicine (beta-agonists), wait at least five about over-the-counter decongestant use be-
minutes before taking the next puff of the fore a prescription nasal spray is offered.
medication. Subsequent inhalations or As with inhalers, there is a “right way”
“puffs” should be spaced one to five minutes and a “wrong way” to use a nasal spray, and
apart and not exceed the prescribed dose. patients who will be using such a medica-
Remind p ­ atients that they should wait at tion at home should be taught how to ad-
least five m ­ inutes between inhalations or minister it correctly. Instruct the patient
“puffs” of other medicines. to shake the bottle gently and remove the
Finally, after they have finished us- dust cover or cap. If the patient is using the
ing their inhaler, patients should rinse their pump for the first time or has not used it for
mouths with water, gargle, and spit, espe- a week or more, he or she must prime the
cially if the medicine contains a steroid. This pump by holding the pump with the appli-
will help reduce unwanted side effects. cator between the forefinger and middle fin-
The procedure for DPI administra- ger and the bottom of the bottle resting on
tion is the same as for MDIs, except that the thumb. Instruct the patient to point the
DPIs do not employ a spacer as an option applicator away from his or her face. If the
for administration. patient is using the pump for the first time,
the pump should be pressed down and re-
Proper Procedure for Administering leased six times to prime it. If the patient
a Nasal Spray has used the pump before, but not within
Nasal sprays are generally used for condi- the past week, the pump should be pressed
tions affecting the nose or sinuses, such as down and released until he or she sees a
congestion related to colds or allergies. The fine spray (FIGURE 3-20A). Next, instruct the
medications are usually one of three types: patient to blow his or her nose until the
(1) steroids, which work by decreasing nostrils are clear (FIGURE 3-20B). Have the
­inflammation within the nasal passages; patient hold one nostril closed with his or
(2) anticholinergics, which work by de- her finger; next, tilt the head slightly for-
creasing secretions from the glands lining ward and carefully put the nasal applica-
the nasal passages, thereby diminishing the tor into the other nostril, being sure to keep
symptoms of a runny nose; and (3) decon- the bottle upright. The patient should hold
gestants, which work by constricting the the pump with the applicator between his
blood vessels in the nasal lining, thereby or her forefinger and middle finger, with the
providing temporary relief for a clogged or bottom resting on the thumb. The patient
stuffed nose (Wade, 2016). should be instructed to begin to breathe in
Decongestant nasal sprays are avail- through the nose. While breathing in, the
able as over-the-counter products. They pro- patient should use the forefinger and middle
vide quick relief of symptoms, but the relief finger to press firmly down on the applicator
is limited, often having the result of causing and release the spray (FIGURE 3-20C). Instruct
patients to overuse them in search of contin- the patient to breathe gently in through the
uous relief. This overuse usually has negative nostril and breathe out through the mouth.
consequences, leading to rhinitis medicamen- If the patient’s healthcare provider told him
tosa or drug-induced rhinitis (Wade, 2016). or her to use two sprays, the same process
Side effects of overuse of nasal decongestant should be repeated using the same nos-
sprays can include increased risk for sinus tril, with the patient then switching sides to
infections, headaches, coughing, nasal pas- the other nostril. Finally, wipe the applica-
sage swelling, congestion, and, rarely, sep- tor with a clean tissue and cover it with the
tal perforation (Wade, 2016). A patient who dust cover or cap.
Inhaled Medications 89

that affect their lung function and voluntary

muscle control, and those patients who are
cognitively impaired (Dhand et al., 2012)—or
for a few medications for which hand-held
inhalers are not appropriate or available for
delivery of the required drug. When used cor-
rectly, nebulizers are just as effective as MDI/
DPI devices, and in some patients they may
be more effective, as the use of a nebulizer
A mask or mouthpiece reduces the likelihood
of ­underdosing due to the errors in deliv-
ery technique often seen with inhalers. If a
nebulizer is to be used in the home setting,
the p­ atient or the patient’s caretaker must be
given instruction on its proper use.

© LeventKonuk/iStock/Thinkstock.

Preparing for Nebulizer Therapy

The nebulizer device usually consists of a
compressor machine attached with tubing to
a mouthpiece or mask (FIGURE 3-21). A mouth-
FIGURE 3-20  Procedure for nasal spray administration. (A) Priming.
(B) Clearing nostrils. (C) Administration. piece is inserted into the patient’s mouth
­between the teeth such that the lips surround
the mouthpiece and form a seal. A mask is
fitted over the mouth and nose and is ­often
secured with an elastic strap (if no strap is
Using a Nebulizer present, it must be held securely, but not
A nebulizer delivers medication by produc- tightly, to the face).
ing a mist that is inhaled by the patient. This To use the nebulizer, the compressor
method of delivery is preferred for patients should be placed on a table or solid surface
who lack the ability to exert conscious control next to the chair or bed where the patient
over their inhalation and exhalation. Exam- will sit or lie; the compressor’s on-off switch
ples of these types of patients include young should be within easy reach of the patient if
children, older adults with chronic conditions the medication is self-dispensed. The tubing
90 CHAPTER 3  Medication Administration

penetration of the medication into the airways.

Continue the treatment for 7 to 10 minutes
to ensure that all of the medication is deliv-
ered. When the treatment time is finished, the
mouthpiece/mask should be removed and the
patient instructed to take several deep breaths
and cough into a tissue to remove any secre-
tions. The compressor may be turned off and
the tissue discarded. Remember to properly
clean the nebulizer after use.

FIGURE 3-21  Nebulizer. Medication Transfer Across

© Gerain0812/Shutterstock
Permeable Tissues
should be free of tangling or kinks, and suf- While injected medications are inserted into
ficiently long that the mask or mouthpiece tissues, other delivery forms place the medi-
reaches the patient’s face with length to cation onto or against a tissue. These methods
spare. The nebulizer cup—a receptacle usu- take advantage of tissue permeability to trans-
ally located just below the nebulizer mouth- fer medication into the body. They can be
piece or mask—should be placed on the classified broadly into two groups: transder-
surface as well. The compressor should be mal methods, in which medication is spread
properly plugged into an electrical outlet, and or placed upon the skin and allowed to enter
verification should be made that the nebulizer and/or cross the skin barrier, and trans-
is functioning properly; a clean measuring mucosal delivery systems, which introduce
dropper or syringe should be readily accessi- medication into areas of mucous membranes
ble. The patient or care provider should wash so that the medication can pass through the
and dry his or her hands before ­handling the membrane into the bloodstream. Transdermal
syringe and the cup. delivery systems include medicated patches
and topical creams, gels, ointments, and lo-
Using the Nebulizer tions. Transmucosal delivery makes use of sub-
Remove the top of the nebulizer cup. The dose lingual (under the tongue), buccal (between
of medicine to be placed in the cup should cheek and gums), vaginal, and anal mucosa,
be confirmed and measured into a syringe or as appropriate.
dropper, then dispensed into the bottom of
the cup. It is best to place the tip of the mea- Administering a Transdermal Patch
suring device into the cup, rather than letting Use of transdermal patches has become in-
the medication drip down from above the creasingly common in recent years. Most
cup, to avoid spillage. Replace the top of the people have become aware of this delivery
nebulizer cup, attach the cup to the mouth- option through widely marketed nicotine-
piece or mask, and make sure that the tubing replacement patches used to aid in smoking
is connected to both the cup and the com- cessation, but other medications (e.g., pain
pressor. Switch the compressor on; the mist medications or hormone therapies) are now
should be visible through the tubing at the being provided in this manner, due to its con-
compressor end. If the patient is sitting, he or venience, the different timing of drug activ-
she should sit up straight, breathing slowly ity (Prausnitz & Langer, 2008), and, in some
and deeply through the mouth. If possible, instances, the ability to bypass the liver’s de-
the patient should hold his or her breath for 2 toxification channels, which can cause oral or
or 3 seconds before exhaling, to improve the injected medications to be eliminated before
Medication Transfer Across Permeable Tissues 91

FIGURE 3-22  Application of transdermal patches.

they reach their destinations (Morrow, 2004), patch, the slit should never be facing toward
as discussed in Chapter 2. the patient, to ensure that it will not stick to
To properly apply a transdermal patch, the other areas of the body. Rotate the patch as
patient or nurse should wash his or her hands necessary to place the slit in a vertical position.
thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 Bend both sides of the adhesive liner away at
seconds (FIGURE 3-22A). Nurses should don ap- the slit (FIGURE 3-22C) and slowly peel off only
propriate gloves for their protection from ab- one of the strips of the liner. Do not touch the
sorbed medication. Each patch is individually exposed sticky side of the patch. Use the re-
sealed in a protective package. Open the pack- maining strip as a “handle” to apply the sticky
age at the tear mark if there is one present, side of the patch to the skin (FIGURE 3-22D). Press
or cut the package with scissors if not, tak- the sticky side on the chosen skin site and
ing care not to cut the patch inside. Carefully smooth it down. Fold back the unattached
remove the patch. The patch is attached to a side of the patch. Grasp the remaining strip
pre-labeled adhesive liner (FIGURE 3-22B). The and remove it while applying the remainder
liner has a slit that divides the backing into of the patch to the skin (FIGURE 3-22E). Press the
two strips. Hold the patch with the adhesive patch on the skin and smooth it down with
pointed away. For easier application of the the palm of a hand. Once the patch is in place,
92 CHAPTER 3  Medication Administration

do not test the adhesion by pulling on it. Af- even if it is merely a soothing aloe gel to treat
ter applying the patch, instruct the patient to a sunburn, or lotion for dry skin. What they
wash his or her hands to remove any drug. At may not realize, however, is that the majority
the time recommended by the prescribing pro- of people do not apply such preparations prop-
vider, and verified via a literature check, re- erly. For example, most people fail to wash
move and discard the old patch. Place a new their hands first unless they are visibly dirty,
patch on a different skin site according to the and often (unless an open wound is involved)
healthcare provider’s instructions. they will not wash or dry the skin to which
The patch should be applied to clean, dry, the medication is applied. Yet doing so is the
hairless skin. If hair is likely to interfere with key first step to ensuring that the medication
the adhesion of the patch, the hair can be is applied in such a way as to maximize its ef-
clipped or shaved, being careful not to break fects while minimizing possible contamination.
the skin. Do not apply a transdermal patch to In the correct approach to applying a top-
any areas with broken or irritated skin, or im- ical preparation, the person who is apply-
mediately after bathing or showering, so the ing the medicine (be it nurse or patient) must
patch will be able to properly adhere to the wash his or her hands with soap and water
skin. It is best to wait until the skin is com- for at least 20 seconds. It is especially impor-
pletely dry. It is important to rotate the sites tant that handwashing precede application in
used for patch application so that the medica- cases where the medication is intended to treat
tion can properly absorb into the skin, and to wounded, abraded, inflamed, or healing skin,
prevent irritation or breakdown of the skin. to reduce the possibility of microbial contami-
Consult the manufacturer’s prescribing nation. Gloves should be worn by nurses ap-
information to determine if the medication plying medications on patients. The skin itself
patch can be cut. Certain topical medication should also be washed and patted (not rubbed)
patches cannot be cut because doing so will dry—again, a particularly important step when
alter the absorption of the medication. Also, the skin is the treatment target. Be sure that
with some medications—particularly hor- the skin in the affected area is completely dry
monal therapies such as testosterone—great before applying any topical preparation.
care should be taken to avoid the medi- Apply a thin layer or film of medication
cation coming in contact with the skin of to the entire area of the skin that is affected,
individuals other than the patient. For ex- using either a gloved finger or cotton-tipped
ample, one precaution that patients or care- applicator. Rub the medication into the skin
givers applying any transdermal medication completely and gently, unless otherwise indi-
should take when washing after applica- cated by the manufacturer’s directions. After
tion is to place a tissue in their hand before the topical medication has been applied, wash
opening doors or turning on a faucet, so the hands with soap and water to remove any
that any medication on the hands remaining medication. Treated areas may be
Best Practices
prior to washing is not transferred covered with normal clothing, but bandages,
To avoid accidentally to the door or faucet handle. dressings, or wraps should not be placed over
transferring topical the area unless indicated by the prescribing
medications to other Applying Topical Preparations healthcare provider. Remind the patient to
people, put a tissue
Topical preparations include oint- be careful not to wash or wipe off medication
in your hand when
turning the faucet on ments, creams, gels, and lotions that from the affected areas of the skin to prevent
to wash up after ap- are applied to the skin, usually on or loss of the medication. Instruct the patient
plication. Always wear above an area affected by an injury, not to swim, bathe, or shower immediately
gloves to avoid in- an allergic response, or an infection. after applying medication because these activ-
advertent medication
Most people have had experience us- ities will prevent the medication from prop-
ing some form of topical preparation, erly absorbing into the skin.
Medication Transfer Across Permeable Tissues 93

As with transdermal patches, it is import-

ant to prevent cross-contamination of other
people by ensuring that topical medication
is not spilled or wiped on surfaces, clothing,
towels, and so forth that might be touched by
someone else. The nurse or patient applying
the topical medication should use only dis-
posable cloths or tissues to wipe medication
off hands, and should put a tissue in the hand
to grasp door handles or faucet fixtures if he FIGURE 3-23  Hold the vaginal ring between thumb and index finger,
or she must touch them before washing up. pressing the opposite sides of the ring together to form a figure-eight

Vaginal Rings The nurse can either hold open the labial
Vaginal rings are a form of transmembrane folds of the patient’s vagina or have the pa-
delivery that is generally utilized to provide tient hold open her own folds of skin around
hormonal medications, specifically sex ste- her vagina with her hand. Place one side of
roids. These devices are used for delivery of the figure-eight tip of the ring into her vagina
contraceptives and of hormones for relief and then use an index finger to gently insert
of menopausal symptoms. They are flexible the ring into her vagina.
rings that are inserted into the vagina and left The vaginal ring does not need to be po-
in place for up to three weeks of continuous sitioned a certain way inside the patient’s va-
contraception, or up to three months of con- gina but it will be more comfortable and less
tinuous hormone therapy to replace loss of likely to fall out if it is placed as far back in
estrogen during menopause. Vaginal estrogen the vagina as possible (FIGURE 3-24). Inform the
is used to treat vaginal dryness, itching and patient that the ring cannot go past her cer-
burning, painful or difficult urination, and in- vix so it will not “go too far” in her vagina or
continence in perimenopausal or postmeno- “get lost” when it is inserted. If she feels dis-
pausal women (NIH, 2010a). It is also used to comfort when the ring is inserted, the nurse
treat “hot flashes” in women who are experi- should use his or her index finger to insert
encing menopause (NIH, 2010b). it farther back into the woman’s vagina. The
nurse should inform the patient that the ring
Administering Vaginal Rings may fall out if it is not inserted deeply into
After performing the Eight Rights checks, the the vagina, if the vaginal muscles are weak,
nurse should wash his or her hands for at least or if the woman is straining during a bowel
20 seconds and dry them thoroughly. Remove movement. If the ring falls out, it should be
the vaginal ring from the pouch and save the washed with warm water and reinserted into
foil wrapper to properly dispose of the previ- the vagina following the steps outlined previ-
ously used hormonal ring after it is removed. ously. If the ring falls out and is lost, insert a
Ask the patient to either lie down on her back new ring and leave the new ring in place for
with her knees bent or have her squat or stand the manufacturer’s intended duration. If it
with one leg up on a chair, step, toilet, or other falls out often, the patient should consult her
elevated object; it is best to allow the patient healthcare provider.
to choose the position that is most comfortable The nurse should remind the patient that
for her so that the nurse can insert the vaginal the vaginal ring can be left in place during
ring. The nurse should hold the ring between sexual intercourse. If the patient chooses to
his or her thumb and index finger and press remove it, or if it falls out, the ring should be
the opposite sides of the ring together to form washed with warm water and replaced in the
a figure-eight shape (FIGURE 3-23). vagina as soon as possible.
94 CHAPTER 3  Medication Administration

FIGURE 3-24  Proper location for vaginal ring placement.

When it is time to remove the ring from

the patient’s vagina, instruct the patient to
find a position that is most comfortable for
her. The nurse should hook his or her index
finger under the front rim of the ring or hold
the rim between the index and middle fingers
to then pull it out from its resting location.
The nurse should gently pull downward and
forward to remove the ring from the patient’s
vagina. The used ring should be discarded in
a sealed trash can out of reach of children and FIGURE 3-25  Lubrication of rectal suppository prior to administration.
pets. Do not flush the used ring down the toi-
let. Finally, insert a new ring into the patient’s
vagina as directed according to the prescribing Lubricate the suppository tip with an ap-
provider’s instructions (NIH, 2010a, 2010b). propriate lubricant (FIGURE 3-25). The use of an
improper lubricant (such as an aqueous-based
Administering Rectal Suppositories lubricant used with a water-soluble supposi-
To administer a rectal suppository, after per- tory base) may compromise the integrity of
forming the Eight Rights checks, the nurse the delivery system. The manufacturer’s lit-
should wash his or her hands thoroughly erature for individual suppositories should be
with soap and water for at least 20 seconds consulted for advice regarding suggested ap-
and dry them completely. If the suppository propriate lubricants. If there is no lubricant
is soft, hold it under cool water or place it in available, the nurse should moisten the pa-
the refrigerator for a few minutes to harden tient’s rectal area with cool tap water. The
it before removing the wrapper. Remove any nurse should instruct the patient to lie on his
wrapper that is present. If half of the supposi- or her side with the lower leg straightened
tory is indicated for use, cut the suppository out and the upper leg bent forward at the
lengthwise with a clean, single-edged razor knee toward the stomach (FIGURE 3-26).
blade. Consult the manufacturer’s directions Lift the upper buttock to expose the rectal
about suppositories that can be safely cut in area and insert the suppository with the fin-
half without affecting the efficacy of the drug. ger, pointed end first, until it passes the mus-
The nurse should put on disposable gloves to cular sphincter of the rectum, about a half to
administer the suppository. one inch in infants, and one inch in adults
Medication Transfer Across Permeable Tissues 95

FIGURE 3-26  Proper positioning of the patient for rectal suppository administration.

The nurse should discard any used ma-

terials such as gloves and wrappers, and wash
his or her hands thoroughly.

Buccal and Sublingual Administration

The membranes of the mouth offer certain
advantages for administering medications.
Key among them is the speed with which
such medications are transferred into the
bloodstream. The permeability of the oral
FIGURE 3-27  Proper positioning of a rectal suppository.
membranes is considerably greater than that
of the skin, although the extent of this per-
meability depends on where in the mouth
(FIGURE 3-27). (If the suppository is not inserted the medication is placed, as membrane thick-
past the sphincter, the suppository may not ness varies in different parts of the mouth.
remain in place.) Have the patient hold his or Sublingual (below the tongue) placement
her buttocks together for a few seconds and results in very rapid absorption due to the
remain lying down for five minutes to avoid thinness of the membranes in this location,
dislodging the suppository (FIGURE 3-28). which is why rescue medications such as

FIGURE 3-28  Temporary patient positioning after rectal suppository administration.

96 CHAPTER 3  Medication Administration

nitroglycerin for angina relief, and glucose gel abrasions, or irritation to the oral mucosa, as
for hypoglycemia in diabetes, are provided for the presence of such damage may contraindi-
sublingual use. This approach works well for cate use of the medication.
medications that can be fully absorbed if held If the medication is delivered via sublin-
in place for a short time, but not quite as well gual spray, the head of the spray bottle should
for medications that need to be held in place be positioned within the mouth, behind the
over a longer time to maximize absorption. teeth, while the tongue is raised to ensure
In the latter case, buccal (between the cheek that the medication is delivered into the sub-
and gum) placement is used despite its lower lingual area. The spray bottle’s button should
absorption rate. be pressed firmly the prescribed number of
Recent advances in the use of these routes times. The patient should wait about 10 min-
have led to increased availability of drugs utes before eating or drinking anything to al-
­delivered by buccal and sublingual systems low the medication to be fully absorbed.
(Senel, Rathbone, Cansız, & Pather, 2012). A In the case of tablets or strips, the pa-
variety of medications is currently available, tient should rinse his or her mouth with wa-
including fast-dissolving tablets, films/strips, ter prior to placing a tablet or strip under the
or sprays. Some are available in this form as tongue. The tongue is then raised and the strip
over-the-counter products. or tablet placed underneath it; the tongue may
Aside from the rapidity of absorption, an be lowered once the medication is in place,
advantage of sublingual and buccal delivery is and if possible the patient should tilt his or her
that this route bypasses the digestive tract and head forward to reduce the chance of swal-
the liver, delivering the drug directly into the lowing it. The patient should avoid standing,
bloodstream. This can allow for lower quan- moving, talking, opening the mouth, eating,
tities of drug to be highly effective (Lam, Xu, or drinking for at least 10 minutes to ensure
Worsley, & Wong, 2014), resulting in fewer the medication is fully absorbed and to min-
side effects (Narang & Sharma, 2011) (refer imize the chance of swallowing or dislodg-
to Chapter 2). A disadvantage of this deliv- ing the tablet or strip. Some medications may
ery system is that it cannot be used in uncon- cause a tingling sensation while in place, but
scious or combative patients. they should not be moved to another location
unless strictly necessary for the patient’s com-
Administering a Sublingual or Buccal fort. (This sensation may also be an indication
Medication the medication is working correctly.) Most of
Sublingual Medications the time, patients can place tablets or strips
Patients should be advised to refrain from into their own mouths without difficulty,
smoking for an hour prior to use of the medi- but for those patients who cannot, the nurse
cation, as smoking causes vasoconstriction should be certain to take standard precautions
that will impede sublingual absorption. Like- (gloves) prior to placing the medication.
wise, the patient should be advised to neither
eat nor drink while taking the medication Buccal Medications
to avoid swallowing it, which may reduce The procedure for administering buccal medi-
or obviate its absorption as well. The patient cations is similar to that of sublingual medica-
should remain seated and upright while the tions, except that the tablet or strip is placed
medication is in place, to avoid accidental between the cheek and gum line as far back
swallowing or aspiration of the medication. toward the back molars as possible. After the
After performing the Eight Rights checks and medication is in place, the mouth should be
prior to administration, the patient should kept closed for up to 10 minutes to allow for
be asked about or inspected for sores, cuts, complete absorption.
Medication Errors 97

Medication Errors means that the nurse’s checks are a key

means of restoring accuracy to the treat-
Earlier in this chapter, the need to avoid ment process. In this context, however, the
medication errors was discussed briefly. That concern centers on errors in administration
discussion is expanded upon here to em- of medication—that is, the ways in which
phasize the magnitude and gravity of this implementation of the therapeutic plan can
problem. It is important for nurses, as the go wrong.
people most commonly charged with deliver- The definition given by physicians in the
ing medications to patients, to have a strong literature for a medication administra-
awareness of the root causes of medication tion error is a deviation from the physician’s
errors, and to understand the steps and sys- medication order as written on the patient’s
tems that can be put in place to reduce their chart (Headford, McGowan, & Clifford, 2001;
incidence. Mark & Burleson, 1995). Interestingly, this
Administering medication is where the definition of medication administration
“rubber meets the road” in medical therapy— ­errors fails to consider that prescribing e­ rrors
it is not only the point at which the therapeu- contribute to medication administration
tic decisions are put into action, but is also ­errors (Davydov, Caliendo, Mehl, & Smith,
the last point at which errors in the preced- 2004; Headford et al., 2001; Wilson et al.,
ing ­decision-making process (prescribing 1998). A nurse who administers 10 mg of a
and dispensing) can be identified prior to caus- drug to a patient in accordance with the phy-
ing harm. Nurses should strive to avoid medi- sician’s written instructions is, by this defin-
cation errors in their daily practice; thus, not ition, not in error, even if the correct dosage
only must they know how to administer med- for this patient should have been written
ications properly but also they must be alert as 10 mcg. Yet, an error has indeed been
enough to identify errors made in previous ­committed—a fairly serious one that, de-
therapeutic stages. pending on the drug and whether the error
is caught in time, could be life-threatening!
What are Medication Administration Errors? The definition of “medication administration
A medication error is defined as follows: ­errors” that nurses use, and that is cited most
…any preventable event that may cause or often in the literature for nurses, is “mistakes
lead to inappropriate medication use or pa- associated with drugs and intravenous solu-
tient harm while the medication is in the con- tions that are made during the prescription,
trol of the health care professional, patient transcription, dispensing and administration
or consumer. Such events may be related to phases of drug preparation and distribution”
professional practice, health care products, (Wolf, 1989, p. 8).
procedures and systems, including prescrib- Wolf classifies the errors as either acts
ing, order communication, product labeling, of commission or omission, either of which
packaging, and nomenclature, compounding can now also include violations of the Eight
dispensing, distribution, administration, edu- Rights: administering the medication to
cation, monitoring, and use. (National Coordi- the wrong patient; administering the ­patient
nating Council for Medication Error Reporting
the wrong drug; administering the patient
and Prevention, 2018)
the correct drug but at the wrong dose, via
Note that a medication error can occur the wrong route, or with the wrong tim-
at any point in the pathway from prescrip- ing of drug administration; administering a
tion onward. Indeed, many such errors have contraindicated drug to the patient; inject-
been found to occur at the point at which ing the drug at the wrong site; using the
the prescription is actually written—which wrong drug form or the wrong infusion
98 CHAPTER 3  Medication Administration

rate; using medication beyond its expiration factors for individual errors—fatigue, stress,
date; or prescribing the wrong medication. multitasking, and interruption. In addition,
Wolf (1989) further notes that errors can be medication administration errors can occur
­classified as either occurring intentionally because of flaws in the institution’s system
or unintentionally. and procedures, or the provider’s equipment,
Medication administration errors are not procedures, operators, supplies, or environ-
always due to a mistake by the nurse, but the ments (Anderson & Webster, 2001), and can
nurse may nonetheless help prevent them. A occur anywhere in the system. Moreover,
situation with high potential for error occurs errors can occur because of the interface be-
when patients (or caretakers) are charged tween the nurse and the system in which
with administering their own (or someone he or she works. For example, a nurse who
in their care) medication but are given in- undergoes inadequate training regarding the
adequate information for performing this facility’s procedures may learn what is taught,
task—or, having been given appropriate in- and may even recognize that the training is
formation, nonetheless fail to understand key insufficient; if he or she has no opportunities
points of how or when the medication is to to request or receive additional training, how-
be administered. At minimum, a nurse needs ever, there is a systemic issue that affects indi-
to ensure that the patient or caregiver knows vidual performance.
each of the following pieces of information: Additionally, prescribing, preparing, and
the name of each medication that the patient administering medications rely on numerous
is taking; why the patient is taking it; how often processes intended to ensure that the patient
or when to take it; what the drug looks like; receives appropriate treatment, and problems
the appropriate means of delivery (e.g., ensure can arise in any part of this system as well
that medications designed to be delivered via (McBride-Henry & Foureur, 2006). Finally,
buccal or sublingual delivery are not swal- acuity levels or seriousness of illness, avail-
lowed); the dosage; potential adverse effects and able nursing staff, access to medication, and
interactions; and symptoms to watch for (Ander- policy documentation can affect medication
son & Townsend, 2010). administration error rates (McBride-Henry &
Patients or caregivers who are under the Foureur, 2006).
significant stress of coping with an acute ill- Error avoidance must, therefore, be a
ness or injury may not fully grasp instructions priority not only for the individual nurse,
given to them in a hospital setting. Thus, for but also for the facility for which the nurse
patients being discharged following an acute works. Standardized procedures should be
illness or medical emergency, providing clear established and followed as a matter of daily
written instructions, in conjunction with a routine, particularly in high-risk ­medication
follow-up call by the nurse within the first delivery systems such as intravenous medi-
few days after discharge, is very important to cations. Tools such as procedural checklists
ensure that there is complete understanding can be valuable assets to assist in limiting
of how to use medications. errors, but only if the individual nurse com-
mits to using them, and the facility culture
Causes and Prevention of Medication Errors promotes and reinforces their use. Com-
Factors that contribute to medication errors munication among the various individ-
can be divided into two subcategories: er- uals working with a specific patient is a key
rors caused by the system (Keers, Williams, component, yet systemic barriers to com-
Cook, & Ashcroft, 2013) and errors caused by munication remain all too common. Such
­individual healthcare professionals (Kim & barriers may include lack of clear-cut pro-
Bates, 2012; McBride-Henry & Foureur, cesses, inadequate staffing (or the less-­
2006). Earlier, we noted some of the causal common problem of overstaffing, which
Suggested Readings 99

means too many people are working on Critical Thinking Questions

the same problem, thereby impairing com-
munication and efficiency), poor staff train- 1. What are the Eight Rights of Medication Admin-
ing, cluttered or disorganized workspaces, istration? How can these be applied for patients
inadequate lighting, or even something who are noncommunicative, for any reason?
as ­simple as a failure to provide adequate 2. Why should nurses know the rationale for a
­office supplies such as pens, computers, prescription even if they are not the ones pre-
printers, and so forth. scribing the medication?
3. Name the three basic ways medication can be
Conclusion: Medication transferred into the body’s tissues/bloodstream,
Administration in Nursing and provide two specific examples of delivery
methods for each of the three forms of transfer.
Practice 4. Which modes of delivery may be used in an
Nurses are continually challenged to ensure unconscious patient and which may not? If a
route of administration is considered inappro-
that their patients are given the correct medi-
priate for an unconscious patient, how can the
cation at the correct time. Obstacles such as nurse determine an alternative route to recom-
inadequate nursing education about patient mend to the prescriber?
safety, excessive workloads, untrained staff, 5. The causes of medication errors occur at both
fatigue, illegible provider handwriting, flawed an individual level and a systemic level. What
dispensing systems, and problems with the is an example of a factor leading to an individ-
labeling of drugs are encountered by nurses ual error? Which factors can be considered sys-
on a daily basis. Moreover, harm from medi- temic factors leading to medication errors?
cations can arise from unintended sequelae, 6. Which form of medication delivery has the high-
as well as from errors such as administer- est error rate? At what point in the administration
process do most of the errors occur and why?
ing the wrong medication or administering
the medication at the wrong time, at the
wrong dose, via the wrong route, or to the
wrong patient (Hughes & Blegen, 2008).
Thus, nurses’ understanding of pharmacology SUGGESTED READINGS
includes knowledge of not only how medi- American Society of Health-System Pharmacist. (n.d.).
cations are administered, but also which fac- How to use rectal suppositories properly. Retrieved
tors can contribute to faulty administration
of medications. RectalSuppositoriesProperly.aspx
Barker, K., Flynn, E., & Pepper, G. (2002). Observa-
tion method of detecting medication errors. American
CHAPTER SUMMARY Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 59, 2314–2316.
• Medications are an essential therapeutic intervention, Barker, K., Flynn, E., Pepper, G., Bates, D., & Mikel, R.
yet there are multiple challenges to administering them (2002). Medication errors observed in 36 health
correctly. care facilities. Archives of Internal Medicine, 162(16),
• The Eight Rights of Medication Administration offer 1897–1904.
nurses a checklist for ensuring that the chance of errors Bergogne-Bérézin, E., & Bryskie, A. (1999). The suppos-
is reduced. itory form of antibiotic administration: Pharmacoki-
• Medication delivery comes in a variety of forms, each netics and clinical application. Journal of Antimicrobial
with its unique administration procedures, challenges, Chemotherapy, 43(2), 177–185.
advantages, and disadvantages. Bonsall, L. (2011). 8 rights of medication administration.
• Understanding when and why a given delivery route is Retrieved from
preferred for a specific drug is as important as knowing /Blog/post/2011/05/27/8-rights-of-medication
how to correctly administer the drug. -administration.aspx
• Medication errors are not solely a matter of individuals Burstein, A.H., Fisher, K.M., McPherson, M.L., & Roby,
making mistakes, however; nurses must also understand C.A. (2000). Absorption of phenytoin from rectal
the potential for systemic problems that promote medi- suppositories formulated with a polyethylene glycol
cation errors. base. Pharmacotherapy, 20(5), 562–567.
100 CHAPTER 3  Medication Administration

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The Pharmacology of
Physiological Systems


Central Nervous System Drugs

Dion M. Mayes-Burnett


Acetylcholine Dendrites Narcotic Parkinson’s disease

Afferent Dopamine Nerve processes Peripheral nervous system
Alzheimer disease Efferent Neurodegeneration (PNS)
Analgesics Epilepsy Neuromuscular blockers Pons
Anesthetic Forebrain Neurons Prostaglandin
Antispasmodics Gamma-aminobutyric acid N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) Salicylates
Autonomic nervous system (GABA) Nociceptive Somatic nervous system
Axons Glutamate Noncompetitive antagonist Spasmolytics
Brain stem Hindbrain Nonsteroidal anti-­ Spasticity
Central nervous system (CNS) Hypothalamus inflammatory drugs Spinal column
Cerebellum Medulla oblongata (NSAIDs) Spinal cord
Cerebrum Midbrain Opioids Sympathetic nervous system
COX-2 inhibitors Muscle relaxant Parasympathetic nervous Thalamus
Cyclooxygenase (COX) Muscle spasm system


At the end of the chapter, the reader will be able to: 8. Describe the indication and mechanism of action for each
of the drug classes used to treat CNS disorders.
1. List the key components that make up the central nervous
system (CNS). 9. Discuss the long-term effects of chronic acetaminophen
2. Describe the function of the CNS.
10. Describe symptoms of overdose for each class of CNS drug.
3. Identify common disorders and diseases of the CNS.
11. Explain how each CNS drug acts to alleviate or eliminate
4. List four primary symptoms of Parkinson’s disease,
Alzheimer disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
5. Discuss five myths associated with chronic pain.
6. List three complications associated with narcotic
7. Identify the major drug classes used to treat CNS disorders.

106 CHAPTER 4  Central Nervous System Drugs

Nervous System Physiology The brain is the control center of the

body. It processes and interprets sensory input
The nervous system has two major divisions: sent from the spinal cord. The brain consists
the central nervous system (CNS) and the of three structurally distinct components. The
peripheral nervous system (PNS). The first, the forebrain, houses the thalamus,
central nervous system is made up of the hypothalamus, and cerebrum. This area
brain, brain stem, spinal cord, and an intricate is responsible for functions such as receiving
network of neurons. The CNS (FIGURE 4-1) is and processing sensory information, ­thinking,
responsible for sending, receiving, processing perceiving, producing and understanding
and interpreting sensory information from all ­language, and controlling motor function.
areas of the body. It also receives information The midbrain and the hindbrain make
from and sends information to the p ­ eripheral up the brain stem. The midbrain connects
nervous system (PNS). The PNS monitors the forebrain and the hindbrain, and is in-
and coordinates internal organ function volved in auditory and visual responses as
and responds to changes in the external well as motor function. The midbrain also
­environment. Figure 4-1 illustrates how these contains the medulla oblongata, which
two parts of the nervous system are divided, is responsible for autonomic functions such
describing the paths they follow as well as the as breathing, heart rate, and digestion. The
areas of the body they affect. hindbrain extends from the spinal cord and

Central nervous

Peripheral nervous
FIGURE 4-1 (A) The central nervous system. (B) Two parts of the nervous system.
Nervous System Physiology 107

Nervous system

Central Peripheral
nervous system nervous system
(integrative functions)

Sensory functions Motor functions

Somatic Autonomic
nervous system nervous system
(skeletal muscle effectors) (smooth muscle,
cardiac muscle,
and gland effectors)

Sympathetic Parasympathetic
(fight or flight) (rest and digest)

FIGURE 4-2 Major subdivisions of the nervous system.

contains the pons and cerebellum. This Dendrites

­region assists in maintaining balance and
equilibrium, as well as movement coordina-
tion and conduction of sensory information.
The spinal cord is a cylindrical bundle of
nerves that is connected to the brain, running Cell body
down the protective spinal column, extend-
ing from the neck to the lower back. Spinal Cell
cord nerves are responsible for transmitting body
information from body organs and external Axon Axon
stimuli to the brain, and for sending informa-
tion from the brain to other areas of the body.
Neurons are the basic units of the
­nervous system (FIGURE 4-2). All cells of the
Unipolar Bipolar Multipolar
nervous ­system contain neurons, which in
turn contain nerve processes (“fingerlike” FIGURE 4-3 Cells of the nervous system.

­projections) that consist of axons and den-

drites (Figure 4-2). These cells work together
to convey signals to different areas of the body. The PNS (FIGURE 4-3, FIGURE 4-4) is divided
The PNS consists of nerves outside the into two major functional units, the sensory
CNS. PNS nerves are ­classified by how they ­(afferent) and motor (efferent) functions;
are connected to the CNS. ­Cranial nerves the motor (efferent) division is further sub-
originate from or terminate in the brain, divided into the somatic nervous system
while spinal nerves originate or t­ erminate in (voluntary nervous system) and the auto-
the spinal cord. nomic nervous system (involuntary nervous
108 CHAPTER 4  Central Nervous System Drugs

but they often work antagonistically (discussed

later in Chapter Five). For example, the sym-
pathetic system causes the heart rate to acceler-
ate, while the parasympathetic nervous system
slows the heart rate. Each system is stimulated
as appropriate to maintain homeostasis.
In reviewing the CNS and PNS, it b ­ ecomes
clear that the function of these systems to
control all the c­ enters and actions within the
body. It is also s­ imple to see how damage to
the CNS caused by e­ ither disease or trauma
can have devasta­ting implications for both
physical and m ­ ental health.
Recall that neurotransmission involves
generation and propagation of action poten-
tials along axons, which then trigger signal-
ing across synapses, via neurotransmitters.
These signals then cause reactions in either
receiving neurons, or effector cells (such as
muscle). The terminal actions may be either
stimulating or inhibitory, depending on the
type of receptors.
The major neurotransmitters in the
Peripheral nervous CNS include gamma amino butyric acid
system (GABA), s­ erotonin, acetylcholine, dopa-
mine, n ­ orepinephrine, endogenous opi-
FIGURE 4-4 The peripheral nervous system.
oids (­endorphins and enkephalins), and
some amino acids, such as glutamic acid,
system). The somatic nervous system consists ­aspartic acid, and histamine. There are
of peripheral nerve fibers that send informa- other m­ olecules understood to participate in
tion to the CNS and motor nerve fibers that ­neurotransmission, but this discussion will be
project to skeletal muscles. The ­autonomic limited to major neurotransmitters.
nervous system can be further divided into Drugs that affect these neurotransmitters
the sympathetic and parasympathetic in the central nervous system, their effects,
nervous systems. The sympathetic nervous and interactions with the immune system
system is responsible for generating the “fight- and inflammatory responses in relation to the
or-flight” response. When a person is afraid, central nervous system will be discussed in
the stimulated sympathetic nervous system this chapter.
prepares the body for action by increa­sing the
heart rate, releasing glycogen from the liver Conditions Affecting CNS Function
into the blood, and other actions. The para- What causes these diseases or trauma to the
sympathetic nervous system activates passive CNS? The injuries and diseases that occur
functions such as stimulating the secretion of to the CNSs of thousands, even millions, of
saliva, or digestive enzymes into the sto­mach people worldwide have numerous causes.
or small intestines (“rest and digest”). They can be attributed to viruses, toxins
Generally, both the sympathetic and para- released from bacteria, toxic chemicals,
sympathetic systems target the same organs, congenital disorders, birth defects, lesions,
Analgesics and Pain Management 109

tumors, autoimmune diseases, and trauma. including acute and chronic pain, the three
These can affect the brain tissue, spinal cord, most common neurodegenerative disor-
or major nerves directly, or they can impact ders, seizure disorders, and musculoskel-
specific components of the nervous system— etal dysfunction. The most commonly used
individual nerves or even structures within medications for treating CNS issues will be
nerves—resulting in effects that may be either discussed, including analgesics (both opioids
localized or systemic. Examples of diseases, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
disorders, and trauma that affect the nervous [NSAIDs]), local anesthetics, and muscle re-
system include encephalitis, meningitis, Hun- laxants. Particular emphasis will be given to
tington disease, Alzheimer disease, Parkin- acute and chronic pain management, myths
son’s disease, Tourette syndrome, multiple associated with pain, and the nursing process
sclerosis, epilepsy, fibromyalgia, accidents related to administration of CNS medica-
causing brain and spinal cord injuries, strokes, tions, as these are commonly seen in nursing
fractures, and torn ligaments, tendons, mus- practice and are of particular significance for
cles, or nerve fibers. patient care.
Just as there are numerous diseases and
Classes of Medications for Treating CNS
causes of disease, the symptoms the p ­ atient Disorders
might experience vary widely. Symptoms
CNS pharmacology will be addressed using
­associated with a nerve disorder or i­njury
the following system of categorization. These
may include persistent headaches, loss of
divisions are based on the groupings of the
sensation, memory loss, muscle weakness,
pharmacologic mechanisms of the drugs con-
tremors, nausea and vomiting, loss of bowel
tained within each division.
or urinary control, seizures, slurred speech,
aphasia, dysphagia, intractable pain, paraly- 1. Analgesics
a. Opioids/narcotics
sis, or blindness, to name a few. Symptoms
b. NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
may be barely noticeable, or they may be so drugs) and acetaminophen
significant as to impair the patient’s ability to 2. Antiseizure/antiepileptic agents
function. However, because the nervous sys- 3. Medications for neurodegenerative disorders
tem’s functions are essential to movement, it 4. Muscle relaxants
is quite common for patients with CNS dis- 5. Local anesthetics
orders or damage to complain of loss of func-
tion in an affected limb or system, as well as
Analgesics and Pain Management
pain syndromes. Analgesics is a broad term used to d ­ escribe
For many of these conditions, the ther- medications that provide pain relief.
apy of choice is medication, perhaps in con- The primary classes of analgesics are the
junction with physical therapy. Thus, it is ­narcotics or opioids, which include narcotic
important for the clinician to have a solid agonist–­antagonist drugs; NSAIDs, including
­understanding of the types of medications ­salicylates and COX-2 inhibitors. Other
available to treat CNS disorders and the medications, such as gabapentin, an antiepi-
­effects that may be expected from their use. leptic agent, are used to relieve pain (primarily
neurologic pain), but these are not routinely
Drugs Used for Conditions of the classified as analgesics because pain relief is a
useful coincidental ­effect of their activity.
Central Nervous System In the narcotic drug class, medications are
A wide range of therapies and medications defined pharmacologically as agonists and
is used to treat CNS diseases. This chapter antagonists. An agonist is a chemical (drug)
focuses on drugs that treat CNS disorders that binds to a cellular receptor and activates
110 CHAPTER 4  Central Nervous System Drugs

TABLE 4-1 Most Common Opioids

Generic Trade Name Administration Routes Natural/Other Agonist/Antagonist

Morphine MS Contin Subcut./IM/IV/PO Natural Agonist

Codeine Lodine PO/IM/Subcut. Natural Agonist

Hydromorphone Dilaudid Subcut./IM/IV/PO/REC Semi-synthetic Agonist

Meperidine Demerol Subcut./IM/IV/PO/REC Synthetic Agonist

Fentanyl Duragesic IV/IM/lozenge/buccal tab/transdermal patch Synthetic Agonist

Methadone Dolophine Subcut./IM/IV/PO Synthetic Agonist

Tramadol Ultram PO Synthetic Agonist

Naloxone Narcan Subcut./IM/IV Semi-synthetic Antagonist

a response; agonists mimic the actions of en- beneficial in both regards, as we shall see
dogenous opioid ligands. The best-known later in this chapter.
drugs with mixed agonist–antagonist
Best Practices activity are the opioids. For example Acute Versus Chronic Pain
morphine is an agonist of opioid re- One person’s pain perception may be very
Selecting an appro-
priate analgesic is ceptors, while naloxone is an antag- different from another person’s, but the one
achieved with con- onist to morphine and other opiate commonality is that a sensory pathway spans
sideration of the risks drugs (and therefore a receptor an- from the affected organ to the brain. Anal-
and benefits to the tagonist). The drugs buprenorphine gesics work at the level of the nerves, either
patient, the type and
and pentazocine have both agonist by blocking the signal from the PNS or by
severity of pain the
patient may be suf- and antagonist effects (TABLE 4-1). distorting the perception by the CNS. Select-
fering, and the risk of Among the class of NSAIDs are ing an appropriate analgesic is achieved with
adverse effects. COX-2 ­inhibitors. These drugs are consideration of the risks and benefits to the
selective in that they directly tar- patient, the type and severity of pain the pa-
get COX-2, an enzyme responsi- tient may be suffering, and the risk of adverse
Best Practices
ble for inflammation and pain, yet effects. The healthcare provider would also
Analgesics should be have a less severe impact on the gas- want to examine whether the type of pain
dosed routinely to en- trointestinal (GI) tract than trad- the patient is experiencing would be catego-
sure constant blood itional NSAIDs such as salicylates rized as acute or chronic.
levels of analgesic (aspirin). The more benign GI ef- Acute pain is self-limiting in duration and
so that pain relief is
fects of COX-2 inhibitors reduce includes postoperative pain or pain due to
the risk of peptic ulceration asso- an injury or infection. Given that pain of this
ciated with the traditional NSAIDs type is expected to be short term (usually less
Best Practices (Chan et al., 2017; Whittle, 2000), al- than 12 weeks’ duration), the long-term side
though overall gastrointestinal toxic- effects of analgesic therapy may be ignored.
The risk of side ef- ity of selective COX-2 inhibitors has These patients may be treated with narcot-
fects with long-term
been questioned (Hima & Venkat, ics without concern of possible addiction. One
use of NSAIDs means
treatment of chronic 2016). Celecoxib is an example of a important consideration with patients in se-
pain requires a com- COX-2 inhibitor. vere pain is that they should not be subject to
bination of drugs, life- Analgesics provide symptom- the return of pain. Analgesics should be dosed
style modifications, atic pain relief but do not alleviate routinely to ensure constant blood levels of
and other treatment
the cause of that pain. The NSAIDs, analgesic, rather than waiting to provide
due to their dual activity, may be patients with appropriate medications ­until
Analgesics and Pain Management 111

after the experience of pain returns. O ­ ften, ­ xygenation of erythrocytes. In the presence
it can take some time before the plasma of ­narcotics, the medulla is desensitized such
concentration of analgesic drugs returns to that the brain remains unconscious of rising
­effective levels, so waiting until pain recurs to PCO2 that normally leads the lung muscula-
administer analgesics may mean that the ture to be understimulated, resulting in respi-
patient must then wait for an extended period ratory depression.
of time for the medication to provide relief. While some drugs, such as the selective
Chronic pain, classified as pain severe COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib and the narcotic
enough to impair function that lasts longer agonist–antagonist drugs buprenorphine,
than three months, is much more difficult to nalbuphine, and pentazocine, represent
treat, because the long-term use of medica- advances in the reduction of side effects, they
tions makes the anticipated side effects more are still not suitable for long-term manage-
difficult to manage. With regard to narcot- ment of severe pain. Although these classes of
ics, this may include the potential for toler- drug inhibit various isoforms of COX, thereby
ance and addiction, respiratory depression, or reducing the production of prostaglandins
other side effects. (a key component of the inflammatory reac-
One of the more serious side e­ ffects of tion), it is precisely because of their inhibi-
narcotic analgesics—respiratory d ­ epression— tion of COX isoforms that NSAIDs may cause
occurs when the medulla oblongata injury through their effects on various or-
(­moderator of unconscious crucial activi- gan systems (Samad et al., 2001). The po-
ties within the body, including respira- tential sequelae from organ damage include
tion) d ­ etects variances in the levels of partial cardiovascular risk, acute renal failure, gastric
­pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) through ulceration and perforation, and decreased co-
specific c­ hemoreceptors present in the c­ arotid agulation due to inhibition of platelet aggre-
arteries. As PCO2 increases, the medulla gation. For this reason, treatment of chronic
­stimulates the respiratory muscles to breathe pain requires a combination of drugs, lifestyle
in a deeper, more rapid rhythm; this has- modifications, and other treatment modalities
tens the drop in PCO2 as well as increases (Rosenquist, n.d.).

Chronic Pain Management: Myths and Facts

Pain is a normal part of people’s daily lives. told—sometimes even by medical profession-
Pain occurs during childbirth, when scraping als!—that their pain is “all in your head,”
a knee while on the playground, postopera- when in fact their pain is very real; very
tively, or when getting whiplash in a fender- often, it may just be that the causes of the
bender. Most of this pain is acute, meaning that pain are not clearly defined or known. Ironi-
it is of sudden onset, self-limiting, and usually cally, while the patient’s experience of pain
of short duration, normally no longer than 12 is usually not a consequence of psychological
weeks. In contrast, chronic pain, by definition, issues, chronic pain syndromes can cause such
lasts longer than 3 months and may be severe issues, leading to depression, anxiety, and
enough to impair function and interfere with other disorders. Such issues often spring from
daily routines. patients’ efforts to “just deal with it” and the
No one wants to be in pain. No one difficulties associated with others’ perceptions
wants to be in a situation where they have of what the patient should or should not feel.
discomfort so debilitating that they cannot These issues can, in turn, affect the patients’
work, rest, or simply enjoy life. Yet despite ability to cope with chronic pain.
this, patients with chronic pain are occa- The following discussion illustrates some of
sionally branded with labels of being “lazy,” the common myths and misconceptions associ-
“drug-seeking,” or “whiny.” They are often ated with pain, including the medications used
112 CHAPTER 4  Central Nervous System Drugs

for chronic pain management, and presents the (Bolden et al., 2017). Thus, while addiction is a
facts needed to exculpate these myths. concern, the other risks associated with ­opioid
use—risks that are more difficult to ­identify—
MYTH: “Chronic pain” is a psychological are of considerably greater concern. These
issue—it is mostly in the patient’s head. risks include respiratory depression and un-
FACT: Chronic pain is a legitimate medical con- intentional overdose death, serious fractures
dition that can and should be treated. An exact from falls, hypogonadism and other endocrine
cause cannot always be found; sometimes, cli- ­effects that cause a spectrum of adverse effects,
nicians lack the specialized training to recognize increased pain sensitivity, sleep-disordered
and treat common and unusual conditions that breathing, chronic constipation and serious
cause ongoing pain. ­fecal impaction, and chronic dry mouth, which
can lead to tooth decay.
MYTH: Taking opioid painkillers
leads to drug addiction. MYTH: Bed rest is usually the
FACT: Because people have often read sensa- best cure for pain.
tional stories of numerous celebrities addicted FACT: In the past, the medical advice for peo-
to drugs, many people with chronic pain fear ple with some types of chronic pain, such as
that taking opioids will lead to drug addiction. back pain, was to rest in bed. But that is no lon-
As a result, many people with terrible chronic ger the case. Now we know that for almost all
pain refuse medication. When opioids are taken types of chronic pain conditions, bed rest is al-
on a short-term basis and as directed, the risk most never helpful, and in some cases it will ac-
of becoming addicted to this type of medication tually worsen the problem. For most causes of
is very low. When used to treat chronic pain, pain, keeping up a normal schedule, including
­tolerance to lower opioid doses can occur, and can physical activity, will help the patient get bet-
be anticipated. This sometimes requires escalat- ter faster. Of course, there are situations where
ing the opioid dose, adding combinations of pain rest is important, especially for a day or two af-
medications, and increased patient monitoring. ter acute injury, so the patient should be urged
Tolerance and addiction are not the same. to follow a provider’s advice.
An interesting side point in regard to o ­ pioid
painkillers is that they are all too o
­ ften ­misused MYTH: Increased pain is inevitable as we age.
not by patients, but by prescribers. As detailed in FACT: Pain experts say that one particu-
both the literature (Chou et al., 2014; M ­ cNicol, larly damaging myth about chronic pain is
Midbari, & Eisenberg, 2013) and a two-day FDA that pain is just a sign of aging and that not
public conference on the subject of opioid abuse much can be done about it. They also sug-
(Walker, 2012), little evidence supports the ef- gest that too many doctors believe this myth
ficacy of long-term opioid use in chronic pain as well. While it is true that the odds of devel-
relief for conditions unrelated to cancer or acute oping painful conditions such as arthritis be-
injury due to accident or surgery; in the lat- come higher as we age, those conditions can
ter indications, however, evidence for their ef- be treated and pain can be well controlled. No
ficacy is abundant. Even so, the drugs are often matter what their age, no patient should have to
prescribed for patients whose pain syndromes settle for chronic pain.
do not fall within those parameters and, there- While there will always be myths and
fore, who are unlikely to respond to the med- ­assumptions regarding pain, there will also
ications appropriately. Treating chronic pain always be answers to questions, and realis-
with nothing more than a medication—and tic facts to correct many of the myths associ-
one that has little proven effect—contradicts ated with pain, and with pain medications and
­current ­knowledge regarding the complex and treatments. Always research your facts and
multiface­ted therapies required for relief. discuss your concerns with your primary pro-
vider rather than suffer unnecessarily because
MYTH: Addiction is the main risk to be of unfounded fears or lack of knowledge. As
concerned about when prescribing opioids. a nurse, researching drugs and medical con-
FACT: Predicting which patients are at risk of ditions, and discussions with other health-
addiction or aberrant behavior when using care professionals and specialists, should be
opioids is possible, given known risk factors routine practices.
Analgesics and Pain Management 113

Narcotics methadone are derived from non-opioid

Narcotics or opiates (opioids) comprise a substances in laboratories, although they
variety of chemicals that owe their name to have similar mechanisms of action. Endog-
their derivation from the Asian poppy Pala- enous opioids are created naturally by the body
ver somniferous, also called the opium poppy. and include substances called endorphins. The
These drugs may be classified as natural, most common opioids are listed in Table 4-1.
semi-synthetic, synthetic, or endogenous. Opioids work by “agonizing” opioid receptors,
Natural opioids such as morphine or codeine which are found in the brain, spinal cord, and
are created from opiate alkaloids extracted gastrointestinal tract (FIGURE 4-5). This binding
from the resin of the opium poppy. Semi-­ action blocks transmission of nerve impulses.
synthetic opioids are produced chemically Morphine, as well as other opioids, acts on
by altering the natural opioids or morphine an endogenous opioidergic system, which not
esters; examples of these drugs include only establishes the body’s pain (nocicep-
oxycodone and hydromorphone. Synthetic tive) threshold and controls nociceptive pro-
opioids such as meperidine, fentanyl, and cessing, but also participates in modulation



Opioid analgesic

pathway Messages
to brain
mu (µ) Messages
opioid from brain

nervous system

FIGURE 4-5 Action sites of opioid analgesics.

114 CHAPTER 4  Central Nervous System Drugs

of gastrointestinal, endocrine, and auto- sensations of well-being and euphoria that

nomic function, as well as plays a possible role patients experience when medications such as
in cognition. morphine and hydrocodone bind to opiate
Opiate receptors are also responsible for receptors in the brain. A shortage or excess of
some autonomic functions within the body. these natural chemicals can drastically alter a
They may cause fluctuations in body temper- person’s emotional state.
ature or alter heart rate and respiratory func- Individually, the opioid receptors known
tion. The endocrine system is also sensitive to as mu, kappa, delta, and nociceptin play
changes in these receptors. Opiate receptors ­antagonist and agonist roles within the body
influence the neurotransmitters acetylcho- (TABLE 4-2). Mu receptors are necessary for the
line, dopamine, serotonin, and norepineph- supraspinal analgesic effects from narcotics;
rine. These neurotransmitters cause the they are also responsible for the feelings of

TABLE 4-2 Four Major Opioid Receptors

Receptor Location Function

Delta or DOP Brain: • Analgesia

• Pontine nuclei • Antidepressant effects
• Amygdala • Convulsant effects
• Olfactory bulbs • Physical dependence
• Deep cortex • Perhaps participate in mu-opioid
• Peripheral sensory
• Neurons

Kappa or KOP Brain: • Analgesia

• Hypothalamus • Anticonvulsant effects
• Periacqueductal gray • Dissociative and deliriant effects
• Claustrum • Diuresis
• Dysphoria
• Miosis
• Neuroprotection
• Sedation

MU or MOP Brain: Mu1:

• Cortex • Analgesia
• Thalamus • Physical dependence
• Striosomes Mu2:
• Periacequductal gray • Respiratory depression
• Rostral ventromedial • Miosis
• Medulla • Euphoria
Spinal cord: • Reduced GI mobility
• Substantia gelatinosa • Physical dependence
• Peripheral sensory Mu3:
• Neurons • Possible vasodilation
• Intestinal tract

Nociceptin receptor or NOP Brain: • Anxiety

• Cortex • Depression
• Amygdala • Appetite
• Hippocampus • Development of tolerance to Mu agonists
• Septal nuceli
• Habenula
• Hypothalamus
Analgesics and Pain Management 115

euphoria associated with opioid use, respi- bradycardia, tachycardia, cardiac arrest, nau-
ratory depression with overuse, and opioid sea, vomiting, constipation, urinary retention,
dependence. Delta receptors are responsi- rash, skin flushing, pruritus, respiratory de-
ble for enabling the body to experience pain pression, and apnea.
relief. They also permit the medication or Among the many narcotics available,
natural neurotransmitters to exert an antide- there are some with a few notable differences.
pressant effect and play a role in a person’s
• Hydrocodone and oxycodone are often
physical addiction to opiates. Nociceptin re-
mixed with other non-opioid compounds
ceptors control appetite stimulation and are
such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen
responsible for the formation of depressive
to achieve synergistic analgesic effects be-
conditions and anxiety disorders. When to-
tween the two compounds.
tal sedation is required in anesthesia, it is the
• Tramadol is a synthetic opioid analgesic
kappa receptors that are responsible. Epi-
that binds to mu opioid receptors and in-
dural or spinal cord anesthesia would not
hibits reuptake of norepinephrine and se-
provide pain ­relief without these receptors.
rotonin; consequently, it does not cause
Kappa receptors are also responsible for the
histamine release or affect heart rate like
pupil constriction (­miosis) seen in patients
many opioids can. When metabolized,
taking opiates.
it becomes O-desmethyltramadol, a sig-
Narcotics dull the sense of pain and
nificantly more potent mu opioid an-
cause drowsiness or sleep. They are effective
tagonist. Tramadol and its metabolites
in relieving severe pain and are used preop-
are distinguished from more potent opi-
eratively to reduce anxiety and induce an-
oid agonists by their selectivity for mu
esthesia. They are used to suppress cough
opioid receptors.
through direct action on the cough center
• Fentanyl, besides the usual uses for opi-
in the medulla, and in severe cases of di-
oids, is employed as an adjunct to gen-
arrhea, due to their direct actions on the
eral anesthesia, for conscious sedation,
intestines, in instances where these symp-
and for controlling breakthrough ­cancer
toms are not relieved by other medications.
pain. It is 100 times more potent than
Caution should be exercised, however: In
morphine. Fentanyl is a strong agonist
large doses, these medications can sup-
at the mu opioid receptor sites. Although
press the ability to breathe and cause coma
typically used for pain relief, it is often ad-
and death.
ministered with a benzodiazepine for pre-
Because narcotic drugs depress the CNS,
operative pain control and anesthesia. It
they should not be taken with other drugs
is unique in that one of its administration
that depress the CNS, such as alcohol, bar-
routes is transdermal (i.e., via a patch ap-
biturates, and benzodiazepines. In addition,
plied to the skin). When the patch is used,
opioids are metabolized by the liver, so indi-
it releases the drug across the skin, into
viduals with liver disease or damage may not
body fats, so that it is slowly absorbed and
metabolize and eliminate these medications
distributed over 48 to 72 hours
as readily as healthy individuals, which can Best Practices
(which provides longer duration
then potentially lead to accidental overdose.
of action than typical of opioids). When using narcotic
These drugs do not cure the source of the
medications, be cau-
pain, but simply block the individual’s per- tious about dosing
ception of pain. Nursing Process because large doses
Side effects are essentially the same for all Assessment of narcotic drugs can
of the narcotics. They may include drowsi- When administering narcotics, the suppress respiration
and other autonomic
ness, dizziness, confusion, sedation, eupho- nurse or caretaker should regularly functions.
ria, insomnia, seizures, heart palpitations, assess the patient regarding various
116 CHAPTER 4  Central Nervous System Drugs

Wong-Baker FACES® Pain Rating Scale

No Hurts Hurts Hurts Hurts Hurts

Little Bit Little More Even More Whole Lot Worst

FIGURE 4-6 Wong-Baker FACES pain rating scale.

©1983 Wong-Baker FACES® Foundation.
© 1983 Wong-Baker FACES Foundation. Used with permission.
Used with permission.Originally Originallyinpublished
published Whaley & in Wong’s
Whaley and Wong’Care
Nursing s Nursing Care ofand
of Infants Infants and Children.
Children. © Elsevier.
©Elsevier Inc.

aspects of pain, such as its location, type, and ensure the proper timing, dosage, and name
character, utilizing pain scoring methods such of medication for the right patient; and to
as having the patient rate the pain from “no maintain thorough documentation. If the pa-
pain” (0) to the “worst pain ever” (10). If the tient experiences nausea or vomiting, provide
patient is unable to provide a rating, a facial ordered antiemetic agents.
scale that shows facial expressions ranging Follow all guidelines for the proper stor-
from comfort to excruciating pain can be used age of each medication. Be sure to provide
for this purpose (FIGURE 4-6). safety measures such as side rails, a night
The patient should not be required to wait light, a clutter-free room, and a call bell
too long between doses of analgesic medi- and water within easy reach. Assist the pa-
cation. It is important to maintain adequate tient with ambulation or other activities as
pain control. At the same time, watch for needed. When the patient has been on a
more frequent requests for pain medication, long-term regimen of narcotics, withdrawal
as that could indicate tolerance. Constipation of these drugs should be gradual to avoid
is common with narcotic use, so provide stim- adverse reactions.
ulant laxatives as needed. Be sure to obtain
baseline vital signs and monitor blood pres-
sure, pulse, and respirations closely. Watch Evaluation of a therapeutic response should
the patient’s intake and outputs closely. De- include assessment for decreased or no pain,
creases in output could indicate uri- no facial grimacing, decreased cough, or de-
Best Practices nary retention. creased diarrhea.
Regularly check the patient for
It is important to Patient/Family Education
maintain adequate signs of adverse reactions and CNS
pain control, but changes such as dizziness, hallucina- Teach patients to take the medication as pre-
watch for increased tions, euphoria, or pinpoint pupils. If scribed and, if any CNS changes or allergic
requests for pain
the patient displays any of these signs reactions occur, to contact the healthcare pro-
medication as a vider immediately. Instruct patients not to stop
possible sign of or allergic or anaphylactic reactions
such as rash, hives, or respiratory dif- medications abruptly as symptoms of with-
ficulty, contact the patient’s primary drawal could occur, including nausea, vomit-
Best Practices provider immediately. ing, cramps, fever, faintness, and anorexia.
Advise patients that they should avoid alcohol
The antidote for Administration or other CNS depressants unless prescribed by
overdose of narcot- When administering any medication, their primary provider and that physical de-
ics is the antagonist
it is important to know the ordered pendence may occur with long-term therapy.
route and handling of the drug; to Instruct patients to avoid hazardous activities
Analgesics and Pain Management 117

such as driving if drowsiness or dizziness While these drugs are generally considered
is present, and to change position or stand safe, some people may experience side effects
slowly, as orthostatic hypotension could occur. with their use, though these unwanted effects
Female patients should not breastfeed their are not the same as many of those seen with
children while on narcotics, as these medica- steroid use. NSAIDs are not narcotics, so they
tions can pass through breastmilk. do not carry any risk of addiction.
NSAIDs work by reducing the production
of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are chem-
Serious symptoms of overdose may include icals produced by the body that promote in-
decreased level of consciousness, pinpoint flammation, pain, and fever. They also protect
pupils, changes in heart rate, or decreased or the lining of the stomach and intestines from
absent respirations. Cyanotic lips and nails the damaging effects of acid, and promote
are caused by decreased oxygen in the blood blood clotting by activating blood platelets.
as an indirect result of depressed respiratory Prostaglandins also affect kidney function.
rate. Other symptoms may include seizure ac- The enzymes that produce prostaglan-
tivity, muscle spasms, or even death. The an- dins are called cyclooxygenases (COX).
tidote for overdose of narcotics is naloxone, Two types of COX enzymes are distinguished:
which reverses the adverse effects of the opi- COX-1 and COX-2. Both enzymes produce
ates due to its antagonistic actions. prostaglandins that promote inflammation,
pain, and fever; however, only COX-1 pro-
Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs duces prostaglandins that activate platelets
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and protect the stomach and intestinal lining.
(NSAIDs) reduce inflammation but are not NSAIDs block COX enzymes and reduce
related by structure or action to steroids (glu- production of prostaglandins. Therefore, in-
cocorticoids), which also reduce inflamma- flammation, pain, and fever are reduced. Be-
tion. The NSAID class of drugs provides both cause the prostaglandins that protect the
analgesic and antipyretic effects. This large stomach and promote blood clotting also
group of medications is available under an are reduced, NSAIDs, with the exception of
assortment of brand names, with the most COX-2 inhibitors, can cause ulcers in the
recognizable members of this group being stomach and intestines, and increase the risk
aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen, all of of bleeding. TABLE 4-3 lists the most common
which are available as over-the-counter med- NSAIDs, their administration routes, and
ications. Although all NSAIDs have a similar their classifications.
mechanism of action, individuals who do NSAIDs are used for treating conditions
not respond to one may respond to another. that cause inflammation, mild to moderate

TABLE 4-3 Most Common NSAIDs

Generic Name Administration Route Chemical Class

Acetylsalicylic Acid Aspirin/ASA PO/REC Salicylate

Ibuprofen PO/IV Proprionic acid derivative

Naproxen PO Proprionic acid derivative

Ketrolac PO/IV/IM Acetic acid derivative

Celecoxib PO COX-2 inhibitor

118 CHAPTER 4  Central Nervous System Drugs

pain, and fever. Examples include headaches, other NSAIDs is that the dosing interval for
coughs and colds, physical injuries, gout, ar- naproxen is longer (every 8–12 hours) than
thritis, menstrual cramps, and postopera- for other NSAIDs, which are usually dosed
tive discomfort. These medications (especially every 4–6 hours.
aspirin) are also used for their antiplatelet ef- Ketorolac is a very potent NSAID that
fects. NSAIDs differ in potency and duration is used for short-term management of mod-
of action, as well as their tendency to cause erately severe, acute pain that would nor-
GI ulcers and bleeding, because they differ in mally be treated with narcotics, such as
their relative inhibition of COX-1 and COX-2. kidney stone pain or postsurgical pain. It
As the individual drugs are addressed further is more effective than other NSAIDs in re-
in this section, more specific consideration of ducing pain from both inflammatory and
their actions and uses will be provided. non-inflammatory causes. This agent acts
There are a few notable differences be- by reducing the production of prostaglan-
tween NSAIDs. Celecoxib blocks COX-2 dins by binding to the COX-1 and COX-2
but has little effect on COX-1. Therefore, enzymes, thus reducing pain and inflam-
celecoxib is subclassified as a selective mation as well as their signs and ­symptoms.
COX-2 inhibitor, which causes fewer in- Ketorolac is not to be used for more
stances of gastrointestinal bleeding or ulcer- than five days due to adverse effects on
ation than other NSAIDs. This agent is used the ­kidneys; it also causes ulcers more
for the treatment of osteoarthritis, rheuma- ­frequently than other NSAIDs.
toid arthritis, acute pain, ankylosing spondyli- Acetaminophen is an analgesic and
tis, and primary dysmenorrhea. ­antipyretic, but it is not an anti-inflam-
Ibuprofen is chemically similar to acetyl- matory substance. As a result, it is rela-
salicylic acid (ASA, or aspirin) and functions tively ineffective for treating arthritis,
in a comparable way, minimizing the produc- sprains, or other inflammatory conditions.
tion of prostaglandins. In lower doses, it ap- Acetaminophen blocks pain impulses pe-
pears to irritate the esophageal and gastric ripherally that occur in response to inhibi-
linings less than the related NSAIDs, aspirin tion of prostaglandin synthesis, so it does
and naproxen. Ibuprofen is used for rheu- not have anti-­inflammatory properties. Its
matoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, primary antipyretic action results from inhibition of
dysmenorrhea, gout, dental pain, musculo- prostaglandin synthesis in the CNS at the hy-
skeletal disorders, fever, and migraine. pothalamic heat-­regulating ­center. While
Aspirin is the only NSAID able to irre- acetaminophen has milder effects on the
versibly inhibit COX-1; it is also indicated for upper digestive tract than other over-the-
inhibition of platelet aggregation because it counter pain relievers, it can have serious
inhibits the action of thromboxane A2. This side effects in cases of overdose or long-term
agent is useful in the management of arterial therapy such as renal failure and hepatic tox-
thrombus and prevention of adverse cardio- icity. This agent should be used with caution
vascular events. in patients who have renal or hepatic dis-
Although naproxen is commonly used ease and should not be taken with alcohol.
for headaches and menstrual pain, it is Acetaminophen does not decrease plate-
­especially effective as an anti-inflammatory let aggregation and, therefore, is less likely
agent. For arthritis, sprains, and other inflam- to affect clotting capacity, which makes it a
mation-based pain, naproxen appears to be safer choice for hemophi­liacs, patients taking
superior to ibuprofen in that it better tar- “blood thinners,” and for children. It is often
gets muscle-tissue inflammation and has less used as a first-line medication in conditions
of an anti-platelet effect than aspirin. An- such as headache, muscle aches, arthritis,
other difference between naproxen and the backache, toothaches, colds, and fevers.
Analgesics and Pain Management 119

The most common side effects of NSAIDs NSAIDs on both the kidneys and heart mean
are gastrointestinal symptoms, which are usu- that they should be avoided in pregnant
ally mild, but can be serious. Nausea, vomit- women, particularly late in pregnancy. They
ing, indigestion, dyspepsia, stomach ulcers, are also suspected to cause premature birth
and gastrointestinal bleeding are some ad- and miscarriage.
verse reactions that are seen. These ­symptoms Mixing NSAIDs with other medications
result from NSAIDs’ inhibition of prosta- is something to be undertaken with caution.
glandins, which, in addition to their pro-­ Some kidney and blood pressure medications’
inflammatory functions, are responsible efficacy can be affected by NSAIDs. More-
for producing the protective lining of the over, antiplatelet effects can be experienced
­stomach and intestines. with NSAID use; this is especially true when
Other side effects that can have serious aspirin is mixed with anticlotting medica-
consequences are the NSAIDs’ effects on the tions such as heparin or warfarin. If mixed
cardiovascular system. It is believed that se- with alcohol, aspirin may increase the risk of
rious cardiovascular disease leading to heart gastrointestinal bleeding and ulceration.
attack and stroke is twice as likely in people Toxic effects are usually the result of over-
using NSAIDs, even if there is no preexist- dose or chronic, long-term therapy. One
ing heart disease. The exception is low-dose of the first studies conducted on this issue
aspirin, which is used for preventing strokes (Singh, 1998) estimated that each year nearly
and heart attacks in individuals who are at 107,000 hospitalizations and 16,500 deaths in
high risk for such events. The reason aspirin the United States are linked to NSAID-­related
works in this fashion is that it inhibits blood complications. More recent studies have
clotting for a prolonged period by irrevers- shown an overall decrease in NSAID-related
ibly acetylating platelets, something none of mortality and morbidity (Gargallo, Sostres,
the other NSAIDs do. Aspirin is therefore ef- & Lanas, 2014; Sostres, Gargallo, & Lanas,
fective for preventing blood clots that cause 2013). The severity of symptoms depends
clot-related cardiovascular conditions; how- largely on the dosage taken and the timing of
ever, if used in conjunction with another the medication. Multiple systems can be af-
NSAID, aspirin negates at least some of the fected in NSAID-related toxicity; most nota-
other drug’s benefits, so a patient who takes bly, gastrointestinal and liver dysfunction can
aspirin for its cardiovascular benefits should be manifested.
not take a second NSAID drug for relief of Gastrointestinal effects can be as serious
pain for extended periods of time. Aside from as ulceration and bleeding. The possibility of
aspirin, naproxen is considered the only liver toxicity increases in elderly individuals,
other NSAID that possesses a low likelihood in patients with history of liver failure, and
of causing cardiovascular disease. with any alcohol consumption. Tenderness,
NSAIDs affect the kidneys by reduc- jaundice, elevated liver enzymes, and liver
ing their efficiency in filtering and eliminat- failure can be seen in severe toxicity.
ing waste from the body—again due to their Other signs of toxicity in various body
­action on prostaglandins. Side effects can be systems may include sodium and water re-
compounded when NSAIDs are taken with tention, acute renal failure, and tissue death
other drugs that act on the kidneys, such as from renal necrosis associated with overdose.
ACE inhibitors. Some common signs of ad- Overdose can also produce tachycardia and
verse reaction on the kidneys are sodium or even cardiac or respiratory arrest; blood com-
fluid retention and hypertension. More seri- plications, though rare, can include decreased
ous reactions could be pain or urinary reten- platelet counts, anemia, and reduced white
tion. Hydration is very important for patients blood cell count. Skin rashes can occur with
taking these medications. The effects of minor acute toxicity, and in rare instances,
120 CHAPTER 4  Central Nervous System Drugs

a serious condition called Stevens-Johnson Give medications with a full glass of water.
syndrome may occur, characterized by pain- Medications may be taken with milk or food
ful rash and blisters, with shedding of the epi- as needed to decrease gastric symptoms. Oral
dural layer of the skin. suspensions should be shaken well before in-
Significant toxicity can occur from interac- gestion by the patient.
tions between NSAIDs and lithium, oral antico-
agulants, oral hypoglycemic agents, phenytoin,
digoxin, or aminoglycoside antibiotics. Make sure medications are stored at room
temperature and out of the reach of children.
Nursing Process Store suppositories at temperatures less than
80°F (27°C); some require storage at
under 4°C.
Due to the possibility of serious toxic re-
actions with overdose and chronic use of Evaluate
NSAIDs, the following parameters should Regularly evaluate the patient’s therapeutic
be monitored: complete blood count (CBC), response to medications. Note whether there
liver enzymes, and, in patients receiving is an absence or diminished report of pain
diuretics, urine output and blood urea ni- using pain scales such as a numerical scale
trogen (BUN)/serum creatinine. In patients of 0–10, where 0 is absence of pain and 10 is
with renal insufficiency, the provider should the worst pain possible; for children, mentally
obtain a baseline of renal function, followed challenged patients, or patients who cannot
by repeat testing within two weeks to deter- verbalize their responses, a facial scale may be
mine if renal function has deteriorated. It is used for pain monitoring. Also monitor for a
important to monitor patient fluid intake and decrease in the patient’s fever.
output closely, as changes in urine such as
Patient/Family Education
presence of blood or albumin could indicate
nephritis and decreased output could pose Teach the patient to not exceed the recom-
the threat of renal failure. If changes in urine mended dosage of NSAIDs, as acute poisoning
color, clay-colored stools, yellowing skin, or with liver damage may result. Tell parents to
sclera is noted, the patient could be experi- check products carefully and to avoid aspirin
encing hepatotoxicity. use in children, as this could potentially lead
Request the patient to describe any pain, to Reye syndrome; also educate them that
including its location, intensity, and duration, symptoms of acute toxicity include nausea,
and identify whether anything worsens or vomiting, and abdominal pain. Patients/­
improves the pain. Encourage use of numeri- parents should notify the ­prescriber im-
cal and facial scales as means to rate pain. If mediately if these symptoms occur. ­Parents
the patient shows signs of any of these symp- should be especially aware of the toxicity
toms, the primary provider should be con- that may occur if NSAIDs are used with
tacted immediately, as the medication may ­over-the-­counter combination products that
have to be discontinued. also contain NSAIDs.
Emphasize to the patient the importance
Administer of avoiding alcohol while taking NSAIDs,
Most NSAIDs are given orally. Explain to the and of notifying the prescriber if the patient
patient that many oral medications may be has liver dysfunction or a history of alco-
given crushed or whole and that chewable holism to avoid hepatotoxicity. Instruct the
tablets may be chewed. However, consult ­patient about signs of chronic overdose, such
with the pharmacy or manufacturer litera- as bleeding, bruising, malaise, fever, or sore
ture regarding the potential for modified throat. Diabetics may notice blood glucose
dosage forms that should not be crushed. monitoring changes due to drug interactions
Seizure Disorders and Epilepsy 121

of hypoglycemic medications with NSAIDs, so may be a symptom. It is a term often used

encourage them to monitor their blood glu- in place of epilepsy. The type of seizure a
cose regularly and report changes to the pri- ­patient ­experiences depends on which part
mary provider. and how much of the brain is involved, as
do the symptoms that the person has during
a seizure. The cause of the seizure, including
Seizure Disorders and Epilepsy “unknown causes,” also influences its mani-
The brain is the center that controls and regu- festation. Two broad categories of seizures are
lates voluntary and involuntary responses distinguished: generalized seizures (absence,
in the body. It is made up of trillions of cells atonic, tonic–clonic, myoclonic) and partial
that, through a sequence of events, transmit seizures (simple and complex).
information by interacting with each other. Non-epileptic seizures are essentially
In the normal brain, neuronal interchange oc- a symptom caused by either physiological
curs with few disruptions. When portions of or psychological conditions. When the sei-
the brain become overly stimulated, or when zure activity has a known cause, it is gener-
multiple cells break down at the same time in ally classified as a non-epileptic seizure. Such
an abnormal fashion, however, a seizure may short, frequent events mimic epileptic sei-
occur. If seizures recur or are prolonged over zures, but do not involve abnormal, rhythmic
short periods of time, the potential for addi- discharges of cortical neurons. Non-epileptic
tional seizures increases as nerve cell death, scar seizures are generally caused by illness, in-
tissue formation, and new axons accumulate. jury, or other issue that stimulates irregular
After a nerve cell actuates, certain chemi- brain activity. They may also be caused by in-
cals prevent a second firing of the neuron un- fectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, encepha-
til the internal charge of the neuron returns litis, or meningitis. Other causes may include
to a resting state. One of the principal inhibit- drug use, high fever (especially in children),
ing chemicals in the brain is gamma-amino- abrupt cessation of certain medications, ex-
butyric acid (GABA). GABA causes chloride cessive alcohol consumption, traumatic brain
channels for negatively charged ions to open injury, stroke, cardiovascular disorders, or
and flood into the excited neuron, which in even organ failure, such as of the liver or kid-
turn decreases the internal charge and pre- neys. If a seizure has no identifiable cause, it
vents the nerve cell from firing again. If there is considered an epileptic seizure.
is a disruption in the cells that produce GABA Epileptic seizures are a symptom of epi-
or in the receptor sites for GABA, these chan- lepsy, a brain disorder in which clusters of
nels may fail to open and moderate the excit- neurons sometimes signal abnormally in the
ability of the nerve cell. brain. When normal neuronal activity in the
Another chemical that plays a significant brain becomes disturbed, it may cause strange
role in the pathophysiology of seizure activity sensations, emotions, behaviors, convulsions,
is glutamate. A major excitatory mediator in muscle spasms, or even loss of conscious-
the brain, glutamate binds to receptors that ness. This condition has many possible causes.
open channels for sodium, potassium, and Anything that disturbs the normal patterns
calcium into the cell. Some genetic forms of of activity, such as brain damage, abnormal
seizures involve a predilection for excessively brain development, or illness, can cause sei-
frequent or prolonged activation of gluta- zure activity. Having a seizure, however, does
mate receptors, which increases the excitabil- not necessarily mean a person has epilepsy.
ity of the brain and the possibility of further Generally, a person is not considered to have
seizure activity. epilepsy unless he or she has two or more ep-
Seizure disorder is a broad term used to isodes of seizure activity; even then, this diag-
describe any condition in which a seizure nosis is only suspected until further testing is
122 CHAPTER 4  Central Nervous System Drugs

done to confirm its presence. Electroenceph- to hepatic failure. The healthcare practitio-
alography and brain scans are the diagnostic ner must be careful to choose an appropri-
tests most commonly performed to defini- ate combination of drugs that controls the
tively diagnose epilepsy. seizures with a minimal degree of side effects.
Epilepsy is a relatively common condi- Some of the most commonly used anticon-
tion, affecting 0.5% to 1% of the popula- vulsants are described in TABLE 4-4.
tion. In the United States, approximately
2.5 ­million people have epilepsy, and about Valproic Acid
10% of Americans will have at least one sei- Valproic acid is a carboxylic acid derivative.
zure in their lifetime (Epilepsy Foundation Valproate is the name given to valproic acid
Michigan, 2011). after it has converted to the active form in the
Once epilepsy is diagnosed, treatment body. Valproic acid is converted to valproate
should begin as soon as possible. A major- in the GI tract; thus, this medication must be
ity of patients have success with medications. delivered orally. It is used as an anticonvul-
When medications do not relieve seizure ac- sant as well as vascular headache suppressant.
tivity, surgery is sometimes an option. Valproic acid has also been used to treat
Numerous medications are used to treat manic episodes associated with bipolar disor-
seizures and epilepsy. These medications are der, as an adjunct in schizophrenia, to treat
selected based on the type of seizure, age tardive dyskinesia, to minimize aggression in
of the patient, side effects, and cost. There children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity
are three main goals of antiseizure/­epileptic disorder (ADHD), and for organic brain syn-
drug therapy: (1) to eliminate or reduce the drome mania.
frequency of seizure activity to the maximum The mechanism of action by which val-
degree possible; (2) to avoid the adverse proate exerts its antiepileptic effects has not
effects associated with long-term treatment; been established, but its action in epilepsy is
and (3) to assist patients in maintaining or believed to occur through increased GABA
resuming their usual routines, psychosocial concentrations in the brain, which decreases
activities, and occupational activities so as to seizure activity. Valproic acid (valproate)
maintain as normal a lifestyle as possible. also blocks the voltage-gated sodium channels
and T-type calcium channels. These mecha-
Anticonvulsants nisms make valproic acid a broad-spectrum
While the ideal antiseizure medication would anticonvulsant drug.
prohibit seizures without resulting in any un- Valproate is believed to affect the func-
desired adverse effects, most of the currently tion of the neurotransmitter GABA in the
available drugs not only fail to adequately human brain, making it an alternative to lith-
control seizure activity in some people, but ium salts in treatment of bipolar disorder. Its
also produce adverse effects that range in se- mechanism of action includes enhanced neu-
verity from minimal impairment of the CNS rotransmission of GABA (by inhibiting GABA

TABLE 4-4 Anticonvulsants

Generic Administration Chemical Class

Valproic acid PO/IV/REC Carboxylic Acid Derivative

Phenobarbital Subc./PO/IV/IM Barbituate

Levetiracetam PO/IV (-)-(S)-alpha-ethyl-2-oxo-1-pyrrolidine acetamide

Phenytoin PO/IV Hydantoin

Seizure Disorders and Epilepsy 123

transaminase, which breaks down GABA). can then result in a seizure. Although the
However, several other mechanisms of ac- drug’s mechanism of action is not entirely un-
tion in neuropsychiatric disorders have been derstood, it is believed that within the neu-
proposed for valproic acid in recent years rons in the brain, levetiracetam binds to a
(Rosenberg, 2007). synaptic vesicle glycoprotein, SV2A. These
molecules are found on the surfaces of tiny
Phenobarbital structures in the neurons called vesicles. It
Phenobarbital is a barbiturate or barbituric is this attachment of levetiracetam to the
acid derivative that acts as a nonselective CNS SV2A molecules that inhibits the abnormal
depressant. It is primarily used as a sedative spread of signals, which may otherwise lead
hypnotic but also has application as an anti- to a seizure (UCB, 2013).
convulsant. Phenobarbital enables binding
to inhibitory GABA subtype receptors, and Phenytoin
it alters chloride currents through receptor Phenytoin is a hydantoin whose chemi-
channels. It also restricts glutamate-induced cal structure is closely related to that of
depolarizations. In subhypnotic doses, it is barbiturates. It is one of the drugs most
used to treat all forms of epilepsy, status epi- commonly used to control epileptic seizures
lepticus, febrile seizures in children, sedation, in the United States and around the world.
and insomnia. Phenytoin is prescribed to treat various
Phenobarbital agonizes GABA receptors, types of convulsions and seizures, including
increasing synaptic inhibition. This has the ef- generalized tonic–clonic (grand mal), com-
fect of elevating the seizure threshold and re- plex partial (psychomotor, temporal lobe)
ducing the spread of seizure activity from a seizures, status epilepticus, non-epileptic sei-
seizure focus. Phenobarbital may also inhibit zures associated with Reye syndrome or after
calcium channels, resulting in a decrease in head trauma, and Bell’s palsy.
stimulative transmitter release. The sedative– Phenytoin inhibits the spread and fre-
hypnotic effects of phenobarbital are likely quency of seizure activity in the motor cortex
the result of its effect on the polysynaptic by altering ion transport. More specifically,
midbrain reticular formation, which controls phenytoin acts on sodium channels on the
CNS arousal. neuronal cell membrane, limiting the spread
of seizure activity and reducing seizure mul-
Levetiracetam tiplication. By promoting sodium efflux
Levetiracetam is an anticonvulsant chemi- from neurons, this drug tends to stabilize the
cally unrelated to existing antiepileptic drugs. threshold against hyper-excitability caused
Its chemical class name is (–)-(S)alpha-ethyl- by excessive stimulation or environmental
2-oxo-1-pyrrolidine acetamide. This agent is changes capable of reducing the membrane
often used as monotherapy in partial seizures sodium gradient. This includes the reduction
and as an adjunct to other medications in of post-tetanic potentiation at synapses. Loss
partial, primary generalized tonic–clonic, and of post-tetanic potentiation prevents cortical
myoclonic seizures. Like other anticonvul- seizure foci from detonating adjacent cortical
sants such as gabapentin, levetiracetam is areas (Mantegazza, Curia, Biagini, Ragsdale,
also prescribed to treat neuropathic pain. & Avoli, 2010).
Electrical signals in the brain cause the
­release of neurotransmitters, which in turn Benzodiazepines
assist in sending messages between neurons. Benzodiazepines (clonazepam, chlorazepate,
If the release of these neurotransmitters oc- diazepam, lorazepam) are similar in phar-
curs too often or is prolonged, an overload macologic action but have different potencies,
in the body’s electrical signals can occur. This and some benzodiazepines work better in the
124 CHAPTER 4  Central Nervous System Drugs

treatment of certain conditions than others. to megaloblastic anemia, agranulocytosis, and

As a group, these medications are used as an- thrombocytopenia. Phenytoin is a known
ticonvulsants, muscle relaxants, sedatives, and teratogen; it may produce craniofacial anom-
hypnotics, as well as for neurodegenerative alies and a mild form of retardation in fetuses
disorders such as multiple sclerosis, ALS, and exposed to this drug. Due to the folate defi-
Parkinson’s disease, which will be discussed in ciency it produces, phenytoin has also been
greater detail later in this chapter. associated with drug-induced gingival en-
This class of agents works on the CNS, largement, which may involve gingival bleed-
­acting selectively on gamma-aminobutyric acid- ing and exudate, pronounced inflammatory
A (GABAA) receptors in the brain (­Rudolph response to plaque levels, and, in some in-
et al., 1999). Benzodiazepines enhance the stances, bone loss without tooth detachment.
response to the inhibitory neurotransmitter In addition, phenytoin has been known to
GABA by opening GABA-­activated chloride cause hypertrichosis, rash, pruritus, exfolia-
channels and allowing chloride ions to enter tive dermatitis, and autoimmune reactions
the neuron, making the neuron negatively such as drug-induced lupus, life-threatening
charged and resistant to excitation. skin reactions such as Stevens-Johnson syn-
drome, and toxic epidermal necrolysis. Like
Anticonvulsant Side Effects any antiepileptic drug, phenytoin carries
Like all medications, anticonvulsants have an increased risk of suicide and other behav-
potential side effects. Some effects are dose ioral side effects. Despite all of these risks, the
related and may become more likely as doses drug has a long history of safe use, making it
increase or during long-term therapy. The one of the more popular anticonvulsants pre-
most common side effects seen with anticon- scribed by primary providers and a common
vusants are drowsiness, irritability, nausea, “first line of defense” in seizure cases.
rash, and unsteadiness. Some drugs may
produce changes in behavior and emotions, Nursing Process
and some patients may experience thoughts Assess
of suicide. At high doses or with toxicity, With any anticonvulsant medication, the dos-
­patients can demonstrate sedation, slurring of age should be adjusted carefully, starting with
speech, sleep disturbances, double vision, and low doses and increasing the amount given
other symptoms (for more information, see, gradually until seizures are controlled, as
for example, the National Library of Medi- long as there are no toxic effects. Monitoring
cine’s MedlinePlus page describing specific plasma concentration levels assists in dosage
drugs’ characteristics). adjustments. A few missed doses or a small
Of all the anticonvulsants, the drug change in absorption may result in a marked
that should be monitored most carefully, or change in plasma concentration. Small dosage
that should be considered “high priority” is increases in some patients may produce large
phenytoin. At therapeutic doses, rises in plasma levels accompanied by acute
Best Practices this drug can produce numerous toxic side effects.
side effects, but at higher drug lev- Side effects such as acne and hirsutism,
Of all the anticonvul- els, side effects of the drug become while mild, may be undesirable in adolescent
sants, phenytoin is
quite alarming. Phenytoin may ac- patients. If ataxia, slurred speech, nystagmus,
the drug that needs
the most careful cumulate in the cerebral cortex with and blurred vision occur, notify the primary
monitoring, as its chronic use and can cause atrophy of provider immediately, as these symptoms
side effects become the cerebellum when administered at could be indications of toxicity or overdose.
dangerous when the high doses. It inhibits the monogluta- Avoid sudden withdrawal, as it can lead to se-
drug concentration
reaches toxic levels. mate enzyme, thereby causing folate rious side effects. Always taper anticonvulsant
deficiency and predisposing patients medications slowly.
Neurodegenerative Diseases 125

Patient/Family Education addition of one glutamine residue to the poly-

Patients or their caregivers should be in- glutamine tail in the huntingtin gene. When
structed regarding how to recognize signs of there are too many repeats, the tail becomes
blood or skin disorders, and advised to seek too long, creating problems for the resulting
immediate medical attention if symptoms of protein molecule and for the body as a whole.
fever, sore throat, rash, mouth ulcers, bruis- When this pattern is repeated, polygluta-
ing, or bleeding develop. mine tracts form. The extra glutamine residues
Instruct patients to take medications ei- can cause proteins to fold irregularly, disrupt
ther after meals, or at least with food. Nurses neural pathways, alter subcellular localization,
should refer to the manufacturer’s summary and cause abnormal interactions with other
of product characteristics and to appropriate cellular proteins. Two examples of the nine
local guidelines. Encourage patients and their reported neurodegenerative diseases that are
families to learn about the disorder being affected by the CAG trinucleotide are Hun-
treated, the medication, and its potential side tington disease and spinocerebellar ataxias.
effects or drug interactions. Another protein, alpha-synuclein
(α-synuclein), is an abundant synaptic pro-
tein in which four mutations have been
Neurodegenerative Diseases found to cause an autosomal dominant
Neurodegeneration is a blanket term for form of Parkinson’s disease (PD). It is also a
chronic, progressive diseases or disorders char- ­major ­component of intraneuronal protein
acterized by selective and often symmetrical ­aggregates, designated as Lewy bodies (LB),
loss, or death of, neurons in the motor, sensory, a prominent pathological hallmark of PD
or cognitive systems. There are approximately (Wan & Chung, 2012).
600 such disorders that afflict the nervous How α-synuclein contributes to LB
system. The area of the brain where neurons ­formation and PD is still not understood, but
are affected is a way of determining the type it has been proposed that aggregation of
of neurodegenerative disease. If the cerebral α-synuclein in cells contributes to the devel-
cortex is involved, typically diseases such as opment of LBs that form insoluble fibrils in
Alzheimer disease, Pick disease, and Lewy body pathological conditions such as Parkinson’s
dementias are seen. Cellular destruction or mal- disease, dementia with Lewy bodies, and
formation in the basal ganglia is generally en- multiple system atrophy. An α-synuclein frag-
countered in Parkinson’s disease or Huntington ment, known as non-αβ component (NAC),
disease. Degeneration occurring in the brain also is found in the amyloid plaques com-
stem and cerebellum are characteristic of such monly seen in Alzheimer disease. While treat-
disorders as Freidreich ataxia, multiple system ments can sometimes slow the progression of
atrophy, or spinocerebellar ataxia. When the these diseases or even alleviate certain symp-
motor areas are affected, diseases such as ALS toms, there are currently no cures for these
and spinal muscular atrophy are seen. devastating disorders.
Although many of the causes of neuro- This text cannot address all the neurode-
degenerative disorders are not known, re- generative diseases and disorders in existence;
search has found that many of these diseases therefore, the focus will be restricted to the
are associated with genetic mutations, some most common medications used to slow pro-
of which are located in genes whose ulti- gression and/or alleviate symptoms of three
mate functions appear unrelated. In many of specific diseases. These diseases are Parkin-
the different diseases, the mutated gene has son’s disease, Alzheimer disease, and ALS.
one common origin: a repeat of the cytosine–­ Other disorders may be mentioned in relation
adenosine–guanosine (CAG) nucleotide triplet. to the medications being addressed further in
These triplets or “CAG repeats” encode for the the chapter with regard to symptom relief.
126 CHAPTER 4  Central Nervous System Drugs

Parkinson’s Disease Dopamine sends signals to the brain and

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a disorder normally acts to counter signals sent via ace-
in which nerve cells in the areas of the tylcholine (both then affect GABA), thereby
brain that involve muscle movement coordinating movement. Symptoms that are
(corpus striatum and substantia nigra) are characteristic of PD include tremors in the
­affected. This disease is considered both face, jaw, hands, arms, and legs. Stiffness of
chronic and progressive, meaning that the extremities and trunk, slow movements,
once it develops, it does not go away, and and altered coordination may also be seen.
­symptoms generally get worse over time. In As symptoms worsen with progression of
PD, brain cells are lost when an aggregation the disease, the patient may eventually lose
of α-synuclein binds to ubiquitin (a regula- the abilities to walk and speak; have diffi-
tory protein) in the damaged nerve cells. culty chewing or swallowing; develop depres-
When these proteins bind, the complex sion; and/or lose the ability to perform simple
that forms cannot be directed to the protea- tasks. Sleep disturbances may be an early sign
some. This accumulation of proteins forms of PD, emerging even before motor symp-
cellular i­nclusions called Lewy bodies. In toms have begun, and may include insom-
Parkinson’s disease, nerve cells that produce nia, excessive daytime sleepiness, restless leg
an­ eurochemical called dopamine die or syndrome, sleep apnea, and nocturia, among
­become damaged. numerous other symptoms (FIGURE 4-7).

Motor Motor
cortex cortex

Basal Basal
ganglia ganglia

Motor Motor
cortex cortex

Dopamine Lack of
stimulates dopamine

Basal Reticular Basal Reticular

ganglia Damping formation ganglia formation

Acetylcholine Acetylcholine
inhibits inhibits

Spinal Spinal
cord cord

Controlled Increased
muscle muscle tension
activity and tremor

Healthy state Parkinson's disease

FIGURE 4-7 Brain function in healthy state and in Parkinson’s disease.

Neurodegenerative Diseases 127

Parkinson’s disease usually begins around in extracerebral tissues. When levodopa is

age 60 but may start earlier. It affects men combined with carbidopa, however, decar-
more than women. Although there is no cure boxylation of peripheral levodopa is pre-
for PD, numerous medications are utilized to vented. The carbidopa does not cross the
help control symptoms. The drugs and drug blood–brain barrier and does not affect the
classes commonly used in treating PD are dis- metabolism of levodopa within the CNS.
cussed next. The drug classes covered here Because its decarboxylase-inhibiting activity
are of two types: (1) those that increase do- is limited to extracerebral tissues, adminis-
pamine in the nerves and (2) those that de- tration of carbidopa with levodopa makes
crease acetylcholine in the nerves. more levodopa available for transport to the
brain (Merck & Co., 1999).
Carbidopa–Levodopa Carbidopa–levodopa combinations are
The first and most effective drug for PD is used for PD or Parkinsonism-like syndrome
carbidopa–levodopa, as levodopa, upon caused by such factors as cerebral arterio-
crossing the blood-brain barrier, is converted sclerosis, carbon monoxide poisoning, and
to dopamine, thus offering replacement chronic manganese intoxication. These med-
therapy. Other dopamine agonists that may ications have also been used in restless leg
be prescribed for PD are pramipexole and syndrome. As with any drug, side effects are
ropinirole. Other drugs used are the mono- common, most of which are related to either
amine oxidase B (MAO-B) inhibitor selegiline, dopaminergic or opposing cholinergic effects
the action of which enhances the effect of on motor movement, and have included dys-
levodopa; the catechol-o-methyltransferase kinesias, such as choreiform, dystonic, and
(COMT) inhibitor entacapone; and the anti- other involuntary movements, and nausea.
cholinergics benzatropine and amantadine, There is an increased risk of upper gastroin-
which decrease or block acetylcholine. Some testinal bleeding in patients with a history
of these drugs will be discussed in more detail of peptic ulcer disease who are being treated
here, chosen for their different actions. with carbidopa–levodopa formulations,
just as when they are treated with levodopa
Carbidopa-Levodopa alone. Dark brown, red, or black discolor-
Carbidopa–levodopa is a catecholamine ation of urine, saliva, and sweat may also be
combination; it is considered the most effec- seen; other side effects include anorexia, con-
tive medication for use in PD. Administration stipation, dry mouth, back and shoulder pain,
of dopamine itself is ineffective in the treat- dyspnea, fatigue, depression, psychosis, and
ment of PD, as this agent does not cross the bradykinetic episodes (“on-off” phenome-
blood–brain barrier. However, levodopa, the non), among others.
metabolic precursor of dopamine, does cross A more serious condition, neuroleptic
the blood–brain barrier and is converted to malignant syndrome (NMS), is an uncom-
dopamine in the brain. It therefore serves to mon but life-threatening condition charac-
supplement existing dopamine in affected terized by fever or hypothermia. Neurologic
neurons. ­Levodopa is rapidly decarboxyl- findings include muscle rigidity, involuntary
ated to dopamine in extracerebral tissues movements, altered consciousness, and men-
so that only a small portion of a given dose tal status changes; other disturbances such as
is transported unchanged to the CNS. For autonomic dysfunction, tachycardia, tachy-
this reason, large doses of levodopa are re- pnea, sweating, and hypertension or hypo-
quired for adequate therapeutic effect, but tension, along with laboratory findings such
their administration may be accompanied by as creatine phosphokinase elevation, leu-
nausea and other adverse reactions, some of kocytosis, myoglobinuria, and increased se-
which are attributable to dopamine formed rum myoglobin, have been reported as well.
128 CHAPTER 4  Central Nervous System Drugs

Early diagnosis of this condition is important vital signs and track the patient’s blood pres-
for the appropriate management of affected sure and respirations. Notify the primary
­patients, which may include intensive treat- provider if there are episodes of orthostatic
ment and medical monitoring and treatment hypotension, or changes in heart rate and
of any concomitant serious medical problems rhythm. Be aware of any changes in the pa-
for which specific therapies are available. Do- tient’s affect, mood, and behavior; watch for
pamine agonists such as bromocriptine and onset of depression; and perform a complete
muscle relaxants such as dantrolene are of- suicide assessment. Muscle twitching or un-
ten used in the treatment of NMS; however, controlled spasms of the eyelids may occur
their effectiveness has not been demonstrated and indicate toxicity. Monitor renal, hepatic,
in controlled studies (Merck & Co., 1999). and hematopoietic tests, as well as those for
Carbidopa–levodopa has been found to diabetes and acromegaly, in long-term use.
pass into breastmilk, so it is contraindicated for
use during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. It Administer
is also contraindicated in patients with chronic Carbidopa–levodopa is given orally as dis-
wide-angle glaucoma, as it can affect intraoc- integrating tablets. When administering the
ular pressure, which must be monitored dur- medication to the patient, do not crush or let
ing therapy. If there is any history of malignant the patient chew the extended-release tablets,
melanoma or undiagnosed skin lesions resem- although they may be broken in half if neces-
bling melanoma, the patient must be moni- sary. The patient’s dosage should be adjusted
tored carefully for development of melanomas. according to the response to the medication.
Epidemiological studies have shown that pa- The tablets are administered by gently plac-
tients with PD have a higher risk (two to ap- ing them on the tongue and swallowing with
proximately six times higher) of developing ­saliva; after the tablet dissolves, liquids are
melanoma compared to the general population not necessary.
(Huang, Yang, Chen, & Xiao, 2015). Ask patients to take the medication with
Overdose with carbidopa–levodopa is meals if GI symptoms occur; limit protein in-
rare, but treatment is the same as the man- take, as this can decrease the absorption of
agement of acute overdosage with levodopa: the drug. Do not initiate the drug until non-
General supportive measures are employed selective monoamine oxidase inhibitors have
along with emergent gastric lavage. Intra- been discontinued for a minimum of 2 weeks.
venous fluids should be administered cau- If the patient was previously on levodopa,
tiously and a satisfactory airway maintained. discontinue it for at least 12 hours before
Cardiac telemetry monitoring should be in- changing to carbidopa–levodopa.
stituted and the patient carefully observed Pyridoxine (B6) is required by the body
for arrhythmias. The healthcare provider for utilization of energy from the foods we
should also investigate whether the patient eat, production of red blood cells, and proper
may have taken other drugs in addition to functioning of nerves. It is a cofactor for
carbidopa–levodopa. the enzyme (among many) DOPA decarbox-
ylase, which is responsible for converting
Nursing Process for Carbidopa–Levodopa 5-­hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) into serotonin
Assess (and then also melatonin), and for convert-
Monitor the patient for any known PD ing levodopa (L-DOPA) into dopamine (DA).
symptoms such as tremors, “pill rolling” (a DA, then, can be further converted to norepi-
rhythmic, muscle contraction and relaxation nephrine and epinephrine. Because pyridox-
involving to-and-fro movements of the fin- ine is very ubiquitous in nature, deficiencies
gers), drooling, akinesia, rigidity of extremities are not normally seen in humans, except
or trunk, or a shuffling gait. Obtain baseline in absorption deficiency diseases, such as
Neurodegenerative Diseases 129

alcoholism. A lack of pyroxidine in the body or D4 subtypes; that is, this agent binds the
may lead to anemia, nerve damage, seizures, dopamine receptors D2 and D3. Although the
skin problems, and sores in the mouth when precise mechanism of ropinirole’s action as a
carbidopa–levodopa is administered. Pyri- treatment for Parkinson’s disease is unknown,
doxine is not effective in reversing the effects it is believed to be related to the drug’s ability
of carbidopa-levodopa, however. to stimulate these receptors in the striatum.
This conclusion is supported by electrophysi-
Evaluate ological studies in animals demonstrating that
Determine the therapeutic response of anti- ropinirole influences striatal neuronal firing
Parkinson’s medications based on the patient’s rates via activation of dopamine receptors in
decrease in “inner restlessness” or slowness of the striatum and the substantia nigra, the site
movement (akathisia/bradykinesis), tremors, of neurons that send projections to the stria-
rigidity, and improved mood. tum (Wishart et al., 2008).
Side effects of this medication are similar
Patient/Family Education to those associated with other anti-Parkinson’s
When educating the patient and family mem- drugs. Ropinirole should be avoided in preg-
bers, remind them that the patient should nancy, and precautions should be taken with
change positions or rise slowly to prevent patients who experience dysrhythmias, car-
orthostatic hypotension. If side effects are diac disease, hepatic disease, renal disease,
noted, report them to the primary provider psychosis, or affective disorder.
immediately—especially such symptoms as Symptoms of overdose include confusion,
twitching or blepharospasms, which may in- agitation, chest pain, drowsiness, facial mus-
dicate overdose. Explain to the patient that cle movements, grogginess, increased jerki-
his or her urine, sputum, or perspiration may ness of movement, symptoms of low blood
darken, which could stain clothing. Instruct pressure (dizziness, lightheadedness) upon
the patient to take the medication as pre- standing, nausea, and vomiting. It is antici-
scribed, and advise the patient that discon- pated that the symptoms of overdose with
tinuing the medication abruptly could initiate ropinirole will be related to its dopaminergic
Parkinson’s crisis or NMS. If a patient needs activity, so general supportive measures are
to discontinue the medication, do so by taper- recommended—for example, maintenance of
ing the medication gradually. vital signs or removal of any unabsorbed ma-
Encourage patients to continue physi- terial (e.g., by gastric lavage).
cal activity or therapy to maintain mobility
and function and to lessen muscle spasms. Nursing Process for Ropinirole
Remind them that improvement may not be Assess
seen for two to four months after initiation of Patient monitoring will be the same for
carbidopa–levodopa therapy and that they ropinirole as for most anti-Parkinson’s agents,
may experience the “on-off phenomenon.” such as monitoring for PD symptoms that ei-
ther worsen or improve, obtaining a baseline
Ropinirole of the patient’s vital signs, and watching for
Ropinirole is an anti-Parkinson’s agent that possible changes during treatment, especially
acts as a dopamine receptor agonist in idio- issues with hypertension or hypotension, and
pathic PD; it is also used for the treatment of reporting them to the primary provider.
restless leg syndrome (RLS). It is a nonergot One symptom to be aware of with
dopamine agonist with high relative in vitro ropinirole is “sleep attacks” or narcolepsy. Sud-
specificity and full intrinsic activity at the den drowsiness or falling asleep without warn-
D2 subfamily of dopamine receptors, bind- ing, especially during hazardous activities,
ing with higher affinity to D3 than to the D2 should be reported immediately. Also monitor
130 CHAPTER 4  Central Nervous System Drugs

the patient’s mental status for any changes in that abrupt discontinuation of the medication
affect, mood, or behavior; watch for signs of could lead to Parkinsonian crisis.
depression; and perform a complete suicide as- Recall that acetylcholine is released from a
sessment. Watch for worsening signs or symp- presynaptic neuron into the synaptic cleft (the
toms in restless leg syndrome as well. space between the presynaptic neuron and
If the patient is on long-term therapy, pro- postsynaptic neuron), where it then can bind
vide testing for conditions such as diabetes the postsynaptic neuron at acetylcholine recep-
mellitus and acromegaly, as these conditions tors. Effects on the sympathetic system are then
may worsen with use of ropinirole. Monitor ultimately through norepinephrine, via nico-
and report the therapeutic response for the pa- tinic receptorsfor acetylcholine, and on alpha
tient, noting any improvement in movement and beta receptors for norepinephrine. Effects
and other symptoms of ­Parkinson’s disease. on the parasympathetic system are ultimately
through muscarinic and nicotinic receptors.
Acetylcholine receptors are subdivided into
When administering ropinirole, provide it muscarinic- and nicotinic-types. Acetylcho-
exactly as directed by the primary provider. line receptors—and therefore acetylcholine sig-
Continue administering the medicine as nal transmission—are found in the central and
ordered, unless or until the patient is NPO autonomic nervous systems (both muscarinic
(nothing by mouth) prior to any surgery. and nicotinic), and at neuromuscular junctions
Adjust the dosage according to the patient’s (muscarinic). Acetylcholine helps regulate vari-
response to medication and taper gradually ous functions, including sleep, memory, muscle
when discontinuing. If the patient experi- movement, and organ functions.
ences GI symptoms, the medication should be There are five known types of muscarinic
taken with meals to reduce nausea. The ex- receptors, and two types of nicotinic receptors.
tended-release tablets should not be chewed, These are shown in TABLE 4-5. Acetylcholine is
crushed, or divided. degraded by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase.
Patient/Family Education Drugs may be introduced that either increase
acetylcholine effects, or decrease acetylcholine
When providing education to the patient,
effects. Some methods employ affecting ace-
­explain that when beginning a new medica-
tylcholinesterase, usually inhibition, to slow
tion, the therapeutic effects may take several
the degradation of acetylcholine.
weeks to a few months to be seen. If the
patient will be changing positions or stand-
ing, he or she should do so slowly to prevent Benztropine
­orthostatic hypotension. Explain to the ­patient Benztropine is an anticholinergic agent
that he or she must use the ­medication exactly that works by blocking acetylcholine. The ac-
as prescribed by the primary provider and tion of acetylcholine is normally balanced by

TABLE 4-5 Acetylcholine Receptor Subtypes and Locations

Acetylcholine Receptor Subtype Location

Muscarinic M1 CNS
M2 Heart
M3 Smooth muscle

Nicotinic N1 Neuromuscular junction

N2 Autonomic ganglia; CNS; adrenal medulla
Neurodegenerative Diseases 131

dopamine; in PD, however, because dopa- Nursing Process for Benztropine

mine is depleted, decreasing the acetylcholine Assess
helps rebalance dopamine/acetylcholine ac- As with all medications, vital signs will be
tions on GABA neurons. This, in turn, helps monitored while a patient is on benztropine,
in decreasing muscle rigidity, perspiring, and especially upon initiation of the drug. Blood
production of saliva, and works to improve work including monitoring of kidney and
ambulation in patients with Parkinson’s dis- liver function is vital. Watch for a therapeutic
ease. Benztropine is used to treat symptoms response of documentable improvement of
of PD as well as to diminish the involuntary Parkinson’s symptoms, while at the same time
movements arising from a variety of psy- monitoring for any side effects or worsening
chiatric drugs, such as the antipsychotics symptoms.
chlorpromazine and haloperidol. It is not
helpful in treating problems with movement Administer
caused by tardive dyskinesia. Benztropine may be administered either
Potential side effects of benztropine are with food or on an empty stomach. If the
related to its anticholinergic activity and in- medication is ordered only once a day, it is
clude drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, recommended that it be taken at bedtime
constipation, flushing, nausea, nervousness, to avoid daytime drowsiness. Administer
and dry mouth. This medication is contrain- the medication at the same time each day
dicated in children younger than three years to maintain constant blood levels. Do not
and in persons with tardive dyskinesia. Serious administer injectable benztropine if the
interactions have been reported with the med- vial appears to be cloudy or have precipi-
ication pramlintide, a relatively new adjunct tate. Be sure to monitor the patient’s blood
in the treatment of type 1 and 2 diabetes. work for renal or hepatic toxicity. Evaluate
Symptoms of overdose may occur if too for a therapeutic response in the patient,
much benztropine is ingested. The spe- including noticeable improvement of symp-
cific effects of an overdose vary depending toms, and watch for any adverse effects of
on how much of the medication was taken the medication.
and whether it was ingested with other sub-
stances. As an anticholinergic medication, Patient/Family Education
benztropine is prone to causing anticho- Teach the patient and family members that
linergic side effects, which may be more se- the medication should be taken exactly as di-
vere if too much is taken. These side effects rected; do not increase, decrease, or abruptly
include drowsiness, hallucinations, difficulty discontinue the drug without consulting a
swallowing, muscle weakness, heart palpita- primary provider, as doing so could lead to
tions, blurred vision, and difficult or painful serious side effects or worsening of symp-
urination, among others. toms. Benztropine should be taken at the
Treatment for benztropine overdose same time each day to maintain constant
may include gastric lavage if the overdose blood levels; the medication may be taken
was recent, or administering certain medica- with or without food. Do not use alcohol,
tions to induce vomiting or absorb the medi- prescription or over-the-counter sedatives,
cation from the digestive tract. An antidote, or CNS depressants without consulting a
physostigmine, may be given to counter- primary provider, as these substances could
act the effects of the benztropine. Other worsen side effects of the drug or affect the
measures include supportive care such as in- drug’s efficacy.
travenous fluids, and cardiac monitoring The patient who is taking benztropine
and treatment of symptoms that result from may experience drowsiness, dizziness,
the overdose. ­confusion, or blurred vision, so encourage
132 CHAPTER 4  Central Nervous System Drugs

patients not to drive, climb stairs, or operate output ratios, reporting any frequency or hes-
machinery until their response to the drug is itancy; also obtain baseline serum BUN and
known. The medication should be used with creatinine levels prior to beginning treatment.
caution in hot weather, as it can make the pa- Be aware of patient allergies before initiation
tient more susceptible to heat stroke due to of treatment, and the potential reactions of
the drug’s side effect of decreasing perspira- amantadine with each medication that the
tion; maintain adequate fluids and reduce patient is taking. Monitor hematologic status
exercise activity where possible. Report any for signs of leukopenia or agranulocytosis. Be
unresolved nausea, vomiting, or gastric dis- aware of the patient’s bowel patterns before
turbances; rapid or pounding heartbeat, or and during treatment. Watch the patient for
chest pain; difficulty breathing; hallucinations; signs of congestive heart failure (CHF), such
memory loss; anxiety; prolonged f­ ever; pain; as weight gain, dyspnea, crackles, and jugular
difficulty urinating; increased spasticity; or ri- vein distention. Monitor respiratory status,
gidity to the primary provider immediately. noting rate, quality, and presence of wheezing
or tightness in the chest. After administering
Amantadine amantadine, watch for skin i­rritation and
Amantadine was serendipitously found to possible photosensitivity.
have anti-Parkinsonian effects in 1968, when Question patients regarding symptoms
it was seen to improve rest tremor, rigidity, and report to the primary provider if wors-
and akinesia in a PD patient who had been ening gait, tremors, akinesia, or rigidity is
prescribed the drug for influenza A prophy- noted. Monitor closely for signs of toxicity
laxis. The female patient improved during the such as confusion, behavioral changes, hy-
six-week duration of therapy and saw a re- potension, or seizures. Also be aware of a
turn of symptoms when the drug was discon- condition called livedo reticularis, charac-
tinued (Adler, 2002). Today, amantadine is terized by mottling of the skin, usually red,
used as prophylaxis or treatment of influenza with lower extremity edema and pruritus
type A, extrapyramidal symptoms, Parkinson- ­often present.
ism, and Parkinson’s disease.
Amantadine’s mechanism of ac-
tion in PD is not fully defined, but data Administer the medication in divided doses
from previous studies have suggested that to prevent CNS symptoms such as head-
amantadine hydrochloride may have both ache, dizziness, fatigue, and drowsiness.
direct and indirect effects on dopamine neu- The patient should take amantadine after
rons (Adler, 2002). Amantadine causes re- meals for better absorption and to decrease
lease of dopamine from the neurons, thereby possible GI symptoms, and at least four
rebalancing actions with acetylcholine. More hours before bedtime to prevent insomnia.
recent studies have shown that it is a weak, Amantadine capsules should be stored in a
noncompetitive N-methyl-D-aspartate tight, dry container.
(NMDA) receptor antagonist (Paquette et al., Evaluate
2012). Although amantadine has not dem-
Document the patient’s response to the medi-
onstrated direct anticholinergic activity, it does
cation. The patient should be observed for the
exhibit anticholinergic-like effects such as dry
presence (or absence) of tremors and a shuf-
mouth, urinary retention, and constipation.
fling gait as seen in Parkinson’s disease.
Nursing Process for Amantadine Patient/Family Education
Assess Teach patients that when repositioning them-
As treatment is initiated and while it is ongo- selves or beginning to rise from a lying or
ing, closely monitor the patient’s intake and sitting position, they should do so slowly to
Neurodegenerative Diseases 133

prevent orthostatic hypotension. To avoid memory, reasoning, judgment, communi-

injury, they should also avoid any hazardous cation, and the ability to carry out simple
activities, including driving or climbing stairs, tasks and activities of daily living. The dis-
if dizziness or blurred vision occurs. ease worsens as it progresses and eventually
Explain to patients that they must take leads to death. Most often, AD is diagnosed
amantadine exactly as prescribed by the pri- in people older than 65 years of age, al-
mary provider. They should not discontinue though it is not just a disease of old age. As
this medication abruptly, as Parkinsonian cri- many as 5% of affected people have the less-­
sis may occur. If a dose is missed, the patient prevalent early-onset AD, which can occur
should be advised to take the medication if much e­ arlier—when someone is in his or
it is still within four hours after the missed her 40s or 50s. Although some medications
dose. Otherwise, the patient should skip the can slow the progression and help manage
missed dose and resume the regimen at the symptoms of the disease, there is currently
next regular dosing time. Capsules may be no cure. AD affects women at approximately
opened and mixed with food. If shortness of twice the rate as men. The reason for this is
breath, sudden weight gain, dizziness, poor still not clear.
concentration, dysuria, or behavioral changes Although Alzheimer disease develops dif-
manifest, notify the primary provider imme- ferently in every individual, there are many
diately. Explain to patients that they should common symptoms. Early symptoms are of-
avoid alcohol while taking this medication, as ten mistaken for “age-related” concerns, or
adverse effects may occur. manifestations of stress. In the disease’s early
stages, the most common symptom is diffi-
Alzheimer Disease culty in remembering recent events. When
Alzheimer disease (AD) is a neurogenera- AD is suspected, the diagnosis is usually con-
tive disorder that is the most common form firmed with tests that evaluate behavior and
of dementia, a general term for loss of memory thinking abilities, and can be followed by a
and other intellectual abilities serious enough positron emission tomography (PET) scan if avail-
to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer disease able (FIGURE 4-9). As the disease advances,
accounts for 50% to 80% of dementia cases symptoms may include confusion, irritability,
(Alzheimer’s Association, 2017). aggression, mood swings, trouble with lan-
Alzheimer disease is distinguished by guage, and long-term memory loss. As the
the loss of nerve cells and synapses in the patient declines, he or she often withdraws
cerebral cortex and subcortical regions of the from family and society. Gradually, bodily
brain as well as the appearance of plaques functions are lost, ultimately leading to death
and tangles, which make this disease unique (Waldemar, 2007).
(FIGURE 4-8). This loss results in profuse deteri- The U.S. Food and Drug Administra-
oration of the affected regions, including de- tion (FDA) has approved four medications
generation of the temporal and parietal lobes, for the treatment of Alzheimer disease:
and parts of the frontal cortex and cingulate gy- donepezil, galantamine, memantine, and
rus. Aberrations in beta-amyloid, tau, and rivastigmine. Three of the FDA-approved
ApoE functionality have been associated in- medications are in the same drug class—
tra- and extracellularly with AD. It is believed namely, cholinesterase inhibitors. These
that these changes within and outside neu- drugs work to curb the breakdown of ace-
rons lead to altered acetylcholine, glutamate, tylcholine, a chemical in the brain that is
and other neurotransmitter concentrations important for memory and learning, by in-
and effectiveness. hibiting an enzyme, acetylcholinesterase, that
Alzheimer disease is an irreversible, pro- is responsible for the metabolism of ace-
gressive brain disease that slowly destroys tylcholine; as a result, concentrations of
134 CHAPTER 4  Central Nervous System Drugs

Blood vessel



synapse Aβ




ApoE4 enzyme

α-Synuclein Signaling

FIGURE 4-8 Some key players in the pathogenesis of AD.

acetylcholine increase in the brain and symp-

tomatic improvement is seen. While these
drugs may reduce symptoms for approxi-
mately half the people taking them for a lim-
ited time, on average 6 to 12 months, the
medications do not slow the progression of
Alzheimer disease overall, and their effects
are, for the most part, temporary.
Donepezil is the only cholinesterase in-
hibitor approved by the FDA for all stages
FIGURE 4-9 A brain scan comparison between a healthy brain and a
brain afflicted with Alzheimer disease. (mild, moderate, and severe) of AD. The
© Lawrence Berkeley National Library/Photodisc/Thinkstock. other listed cholinesterase inhibitors are used
Neurodegenerative Diseases 135

only in mild-to-moderate states of the dis- use of this drug should be avoided if possible
ease. All cholinesterase inhibitors share com- include pregnancy, breastfeeding, renal dis-
mon side effects, which are usually mild, such ease, genitourinary conditions that affect or
as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and in- raise urine pH, history of seizures, and severe
creased frequency of bowel movements due hepatic disease.
to cholinergic effects. Cholinesterase inhibi-
tors also have vagotonic effects that may lead to Nursing Process
bradycardia or complete heart block. Patients Assess
taking these drugs should be monitored for When initiating medication for AD treat-
active gastrointestinal bleeding, weight loss, ment, obtain the patient’s baseline vital signs
bladder outflow obstructions, and general- and then monitor them regularly, especially
ized convulsions. These drugs should be pre- blood pressure for signs of hypertension.
scribed with care for patients with a history of Continually assess GI status for signs of
asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary dis- vomiting or constipation, and add bulk to
ease (COPD). the diet and increase fluids for issues with
The fourth FDA-approved drug, constipation. Monitor GU status for urinary
memantine, is used to treat moderate-to-­ frequency; monitor serum creatinine levels.
severe AD, but its mechanism differs from that Note whether the patient is having respira-
of the other approved drugs. Memantine tory problems such as dyspnea. Be aware
is an (NMDA) receptor antagonist, acting by of any mental status changes such as affect,
regulating the effects of glutamate, a chemi- mood, and behavioral changes, and appear-
cal messenger involved in learning and mem- ance of hallucinations or confusion. Assist
ory. Glutamate is released in large amounts the patient with ambulation during the onset
by cells damaged by AD and other neurologic of therapy, as dizziness may occur. Evalu-
disorders. Glutamate causes a magnesium ion ate the therapeutic response of the patient,
in the NMDA receptor to dislocate. When the documenting decreased confusion and/or
magnesium exits its NMDA receptor dock- improved mood.
ing location, calcium influx is allowed, caus-
ing post-synaptic propagation. Slow leakage Administer
of glutamate from presynaptic neurons keeps Instruct the patient to take the medica-
NMDA receptors constantly activated. Over tion with a full glass of water and note that
time, this leads to chronic overexposure to it may be taken without regard to meals.
calcium, which can speed up neuronal dam- If the dose is greater than 5 mg, the total
age and death, because the neurons are in a daily memantine should be divided into
state of continuous stimulation. Memantine two doses. Adjust the dose according to the
prevents this destructive chain of events patient’s response to medication, but no
by partially blocking the NMDA receptors more than once a week. Patients should not
­(Alzheimer’s Association, 2017), and is con- crush, chew, or divide the extended-release
sidered a noncompetitive antagonist (see capsules; instead, they should swallow the
Chapter 2). capsules whole or open them and sprinkle
The most common side effects seen with their contents on applesauce before swal-
memantine are fatigue, dizziness, confusion, lowing. Remind patients that when using
headache, hypertension, vomiting, constipa- oral solutions of the drugs, they should use
tion, back pain, hallucination, coughing, and the dosing device provided with the medica-
shortness of breath. Memantine may cause a tion and follow the instructions given. Oral
serious skin reaction called Stevens-Johnson solutions should not be ingested with any
syndrome. Co-occurring conditions in which other liquids.
136 CHAPTER 4  Central Nervous System Drugs

Patient/Family Education (MND), is a progressive neurodegenerative

Instruct patients to take their medication(s) disease with varied etiology characterized by
regularly for best effect, and refill prescrip- rapidly progressive weakness, muscle atrophy
tions before running out of the medication(s). and fasciculations, muscle spasticity, and dif-
If a dose is missed, the patient should take it ficulty speaking, swallowing, and breathing.
as soon as remembered, unless it is almost ALS is the most common of the five motor
time for the succeeding dose; in that case, the neuron diseases.
patient should skip the missed dose and take The defining feature of ALS is the death
the medicine at the regularly scheduled time. of both upper and lower motor neurons in the mo-
The patient should not take extra medicine to tor cortex of the brain, the brain stem, and the
make up for the missed dose. These are gen- spinal cord. Prior to their destruction, motor
eral guidelines regarding missed doses. Always neurons develop proteinaceous inclusions
refer to the literature regarding each drug’s in their cell bodies and axons; this may be
unique dosing requirements, including instruc- partly due to defects in protein degradation.
tions for missed doses. These inclusions often contain ubiquitin, and
Remind patients to take the medication they generally incorporate one of the ALS-
exactly as prescribed by the primary pro- associated proteins: SOD1, TAR DNA bind-
vider and explain that, while the drug will ing protein (TDP-43, or TARDBP), or FUS. As
alleviate symptoms, it is not a cure for AD. motor neurons begin to deteriorate and die,
Unless otherwise indicated by the drug’s lit- the ability to initiate and send messages to
erature, medications should be taken with the muscles in the body is lost. In turn, the
a full glass of water; they generally may be muscles slowly lose their function, begin to
taken with or without food (again, refer atrophy, and demonstrate involuntary mus-
to specific drug requirements). When tak- cle contractions.
ing oral suspensions, the included dispenser As with Alzheimer disease, studies of
(where applicable) should be used, and ALS have focused on the role of glutamate
other liquids should not be mixed with the in motor neuron degeneration. It was
medication. Capsules may be taken intact mentioned previously that glutamate is one
or opened and sprinkled over applesauce or of the chemical messengers in the brain,
pudding and then swallowed. Memantine but its importance in transmitting nerve
must be stored at room temperature away impulses is not limited solely to the brain.
from moisture and heat. Scientists have found that in comparison
These medications may cause side to healthy individuals, ALS patients have
effects that impair the patient’s thinking or higher levels of glutamate in their serum and
actions; consequently, patients should not spinal fluid (Al-Chalabi & Leigh, 2000; Obál
participate in dangerous activities or driving et al., 2016).
until the effects of the medication are Commonly, the progression of ALS starts
known. Instruct patients to report any side with the patient’s speech being affected to
effects such as restlessness, psychosis, visual the point that he or she is eventually unable
hallucinations, stupor, or changes in level to speak or vocalize. The disease then be-
of consciousness, as these symptoms may gins to affect the individual’s ability to chew
indicate overdose. and swallow. This deteriorates to a point to
where the patient may even be unable to
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis swallow pureed foods or his or her own sa-
The final neurodegenerative disorder ad- liva, at which point the primary provider
dressed in this chapter is amyotrophic lateral may recommend placement of a feeding tube
sclerosis (ALS). This disease, also known as so that the patient receives adequate nutri-
Lou Gehrig disease or motor neuron disease tion. Finally, the individual begins to lose
Neurodegenerative Diseases 137

strength in the extremities, weakening with also demonstrated neuroprotective proper-

little activity or exertion, and losing the abil- ties in various in vivo experimental models of
ity to perform tasks that require manual dex- neuronal injury involving excitotoxic mecha-
terity such as buttoning a shirt or unlocking nisms. In in vitro tests, riluzole protected cul-
the front door. tured rat motor neurons from the excitotoxic
Although there is devastating loss of mo- effects of glutamic acid and prevented the
tor function, ALS does not affect a person’s death of cortical neurons induced by anoxia.
mind. The person’s personality, intelligence, Due to its blockade of glutamatergic neuro-
memory, and self-awareness, as well as the transmission, riluzole also exhibits myorela­
senses of smell, sight, touch, hearing, and xant and ­sedative properties in animal models
taste, remain intact. While ALS initially may ­(Bellingham, 2011).
affect only one side of the body, or a single Numerous side effects can occur with
leg or arm, eventually the person is unable to riluzole therapy, the most common of
walk, stand, or perform any activities without which are asthenia, nausea, dizziness, de-
assistance, yet remains completely alert and creased lung function, diarrhea, abdominal
aware of the changes taking place. pain, pneumonia, vomiting, vertigo, circum-
The majority of ALS cases diagnosed in oral paresthesia, anorexia, and sleepiness.
the United States each year, approximately There is no specific antidote or information
90% to 95%, have no association with ge- on treatment of overdosage with riluzole,
netic inheritance. Worldwide epidemiological and experience with overdose in humans is
research has shown associations with ALS to limited. Neurologic and psychiatric symp-
occupations including heavy labor, exposure toms including amnesic syndrome, acute
to heavy metals, or history of a traumatic toxic encephalopathy with stupor, coma,
head injury (Lacorte et al., 2016; Yu et al., and methemoglobinemia have been ob-
2014). With the exception of an unusually served in isolated cases (Cardoos, Inamori,
high frequency of cases in the western Pacific, Sanacora, Fava, & Mischoulon, 2013;
particularly in Guam, there is no pattern of ­Viallon, Page, & Bertrand, 2000). Treatment
geographic clustering, nor is ALS associated should be supportive and directed toward
with a particular race or educational level. alleviating symptoms.
Currently, there is no cure for ALS. As
with most incurable diseases, the main fo- Nursing Process
cus of treatment is symptom management or Assess
palliative care. As more research is carried Evaluate the patient for clinical improve-
out on brain diseases, scientists are learning ment in neurologic function. Monitor hepatic
more about what causes ALS and how best studies such as AST, ALT, GGT, and bilirubin,
to treat it. along with liver function tests (LFTs), by
Riluzole, an anti-glutamate agent, is the obtaining baseline lab values and then per-
first FDA-approved drug for the treatment forming follow-up lab work every month for
of patients with ALS. Results in clinical tri- three months, then every three months to
als have indicated that this drug shows some adequately track liver function (riluzole is
promise in prolonging lives. While its mech- metabolized in the liver). Follow lab results
anism of action is relatively unknown, its for signs of neutropenia (i.e., neutrophils
pharmacologic properties include an inhibi- numbering less than 500 cells/mm3).
tory effect on glutamate release, inactiva-
tion of voltage-dependent sodium channels, Administer
and an ability to interfere with intracellular Give the medication one hour before or two
events that follow transmitter binding at ex- hours after meals; note that a high-fat meal
citatory amino acid receptors. Riluzole has will decrease riluzole’s absorption. Evaluate
138 CHAPTER 4  Central Nervous System Drugs

the patient’s response to the medication, has multiple neurologic facets but its etiology
watching for signs of neurologic improvement. is as yet unknown.
Because most musculoskeletal neurologic
Patient/Family Education
disorders are accompanied by pain and loss of
Explain to patients the reason they are be- function, the medications used to treat them
ing given this medication and the expected seek to relieve symptoms and restore func-
results. Remind them that there is no cur- tion. Thus, the most commonly administered
rent cure for ALS. Ask patients to report medications for these indications are muscle
any febrile illness, signs of infection, or any relaxants, which seek to ease painful and in-
­cardiac or respiratory changes that may voluntary contraction of injured or overstim-
indicate neutropenia. ulated muscle cells, and anesthetics, which
Other medications that may be used for obstruct nerve impulses to prevent the trans-
ALS, or other neurodegenerative disorders, in- mission of pain signals.
clude antidepressants such as amitriptyline
to reduce excess saliva production, muscle re- Muscle Relaxants
laxants such as diazepam or baclofen, and Muscle relaxants are drugs used to treat mus-
pain medications for discomfort. As there is no cle spasm and spasticity. Muscle spasm is de-
known cure for ALS, these medications, along fined as a sudden involuntary contraction of
with proper nutrition, physical and occupa- one or more muscle groups and is usually an
tional therapy, and use of braces, a wheelchair, acute condition associated with muscle strain
or other orthopedic measures, are meant to or sprain. By contrast, spasticity is a state of
maximize functioning, provide optimal gen- increased muscular tone with amplification
eral health to the patient, and prolong life. of the tendon reflexes and is often associated
with disease states, illness, or injury such as
Musculoskeletal Dysfunction multiple sclerosis, stroke, and spinal cord in-
Neurologic musculoskeletal disorders stem jury. Spasticity can severely limit functioning
from a variety of causes. Some are straightfor- due to weakness, spasms, and loss of dexter-
ward: An individual strains or overstretches ity. The goal of muscle relaxant therapy is to
a tendon or muscle during strenuous activ- improve function as well as to alleviate pain
ity and experiences pain and, in the case of and simplify activities of daily living.
muscle injuries, spasm. Such injuries are The use of muscle relaxants in pain-
usually acute and very common; indeed, low ful disorders is based on the theory that pain
back and neck pain developing as a result of can induce spasms and spasms cause pain—
acute injury or, in many cases, from repeti- although considerable evidence contradicts
tive stress injury is among the top causes of this theory (Beebe, Barkin, & Barkin, 2005).
work-related disability among adults (Theis, Generally, muscle relaxants are not ap-
Roblin, Helmick, & Luo, 2017). Acute injuries proved by the FDA for long-term use, though
can also evolve into chronic pain (pain last- rheumatologists often prescribe the drug
ing more than three months), which can be cyclobenzaprine nightly to increase stage 4
difficult to resolve. But the causes of other sleep, which has been found to be beneficial
CNS disorders affecting the musculoskeletal for patients suffering with fibromyalgia.
system are harder to elucidate. Headache, Muscle relaxants may be used to allevi-
an extremely common neurologic condition, ate symptoms such as muscle spasms, hyper-
may be transiently related to psychological or reflexia, and pain, often in conjunction with
physiological stress (e.g., tension headache), NSAIDs. The term muscle relaxant is often used
but may also be more chronic in nature (e.g., as a blanket term to refer to two major ther-
migraine). Fibromyalgia, a condition charac- apeutic groups: neuromuscular blockers
terized by widespread muscle and joint pain, and spasmolytics.
Musculoskeletal Dysfunction 139

Dendrite or by attenuation of excitation–contraction cou-
cell body
pling process in the muscle itself.
Not every agent in this class has CNS ac-
tivity, however; thus, even the label “cen-
trally acting” is inaccurate. For example,
molecule dantrolene, which is a muscle relaxant, does
Nerve not act on the CNS as the spasmolytics and
antispasmodics do. This drug belongs to its own
distinct category, directly acting agents.
Specific Drugs and Their Uses
Presynaptic Neurotransmitter
vesicles molecule Muscle relaxants such as carisprodol,
cyclobenzaprine, metaxalone, and
PRESYNAPTIC POSTSYNAPTIC methocarbamol are often prescribed for
tension headaches, myofascial pain syn-
FIGURE 4-10 The path of transmission of neuromuscular impulses. drome, low back and neck pain, and fibromy-
algia but are not considered first-line agents
for pain. In acute pain, they are no more ef-
depicts neuromuscular
FIGURE 4-10 fective than NSAIDs, and even in conditions
­transmission. Neuromuscular blockers act such as fibromyalgia, antidepressants are
by preventing neuromuscular transmission considered more beneficial. However, muscle
at the neuromuscular junction, causing pa- relaxants are considered beneficial when used
ralysis of the affected skeletal muscles. This in conjunction with NSAIDs.
occurs in two ways—either presynaptically Carisprodol is a centrally acting skeletal
or postsynaptically. In the presynaptic path- muscle relaxant that depresses the CNS by in-
way, muscles are affected via the inhibition terrupting neuronal communication within
of acetylcholine (Ach) synthesis or release. Post- the descending reticular formation and spi-
synaptically, these medications act at the nal cord, resulting in sedation and alteration in
acetylcholine receptors of the motor nerve end- pain perception. It is used as an adjunct in the
plate. Botulinum toxin and tetanus toxin are symptomatic treatment of musculoskeletal con-
drugs that act presynaptically; the drugs of ditions associated with painful muscle spasms.
clinical importance that are used most often Cyclobenzaprine is a skeletal muscle re-
act postsynaptically. Neuromuscular block- laxant and a CNS depressant. It acts on the lo-
ers do not affect the CNS. They are most of- cus coeruleus, where it results in increased
ten administered during surgical procedures, norepinephrine release, potentially through
intensive care, and emergency medicine to the gamma fibers that innervate and inhibit
cause paralysis. the alpha motor neurons in the ventral horn
Spasmolytics or antispasmodics are re- of the spinal cord. Cyclobenzaprine binds
ferred to as “centrally acting” muscle relax- to the serotonin receptor and is considered a
ants. They are used to relieve musculoskeletal 5-HT2 receptor antagonist that reduces muscle
pain and spasms, and to diminish spastic- tone by decreasing the activity of descending
ity in a variety of neurologic disorders. While serotonergic neurons. It is commonly used as
both types of agents are often grouped to- an adjunct with other medications for relief
gether as “muscle relaxants,” the term com- of pain and muscle spasms in several muscu-
monly refers to spasmolytics only. Such drugs loskeletal conditions. Cyclobenzaprine has
act by blocking interneuronal pathways in the spi- also been used for fibromyalgia.
nal cord and in the midbrain reticular activating Methocarbamol is a carbamate deriva-
system by modifying the stretch reflex arc, or tive that is a centrally acting skeletal muscle
140 CHAPTER 4  Central Nervous System Drugs

relaxant. It acts on the multisynaptic pathways effects a patient may experience when us-
by depressing them in the spinal cord, which ing any of these drugs are dizziness, drowsi-
in turn causes musculoskeletal relaxation. ness, headache, tremor, depression, postural
Methocarbamol is typically used as an adjunct hypotension, tachycardia, nausea, rash,
with other medications to relieve spasms and flushing, urinary retention, diplopia, and
pain in skeletal muscle conditions or in tetanus. seizures. Contraindications and precautions
Baclofen is a centrally acting oral and in- include pregnancy, breastfeeding, geriatric
jectable muscle relaxant and spasmolytic patients, renal/hepatic disease, addictive
medication. It is a GABA chlorophenyl deriv- personality disorders, myasthenia gravis,
ative. Baclofen, much like GABA, blocks the and epilepsy. In addition, a specific precau-
activity of nerves within the part of the brain tion is necessary with dantrolene, as it has
that controls the contraction and relaxation been observed that fatal and nonfatal liver
of skeletal muscle. This agent is used for treat- disorders of an idiosyncratic or hypersen-
ing spasms of skeletal muscle clonus, rigidity, sitivity type may occur with dantrolene
and pain caused by such conditions as ALS therapy, especially in females and patients
and multiple sclerosis. older than 35 years of age. Dantrolene
Diazepam is a centrally acting, long-act- should also be used with extreme caution
ing benzodiazepine that has antianxiety, with patients who have impaired pulmonary
anticonvulsant, and skeletal muscle relaxant function or impaired cardiac function due to
properties. It heightens the actions of GABA, myocardial disease.
especially in the limbic system and reticular
formation; it also inhibits reflexes, which are Nursing Process
managed by control centers in the spinal cord. Assess
Diazepam is commonly used for anxiety, for While patients are on medications, monitor
acute alcohol withdrawal, and as an adjunct their vital signs such as blood pressure (both
in seizure disorders. It has also been used pre- reclined and standing), pulse, and respira-
operatively as a relaxant and for skeletal mus- tory rate. Be aware that blood laboratory re-
cle relaxation, especially in conditions such as sults can be affected by use of these products.
multiple sclerosis and ALS. Diazepam can be Monitor CBC during long-term therapy for
used rectally for acute repetitive seizures. Off- possible blood dyscrasias, though these con-
label uses have included agitation, insomnia, ditions are rare. Due to the medications’ ef-
seizure prophylaxis, benzodiazepine with- fects on the liver, monitor hepatic laboratory
drawal, and chloroquine overdose. results such as AST, ALT, bilirubin, creatinine,
Dantrolene is a direct-acting skeletal mus- LDH, and alkaline phosphorus.
cle relaxant. Unlike the centrally acting drugs, Assess the patient for relief of symptoms of
it works by preventing intracellular release pain and/or muscle spasms. If the patient has a
of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, history of seizures, monitor the type, duration,
which is necessary to initiate contraction. This and intensity of seizures to dose these individ-
drug also slows the breakdown of complex uals appropriately. Regularly observe patients
molecules in malignant hyperthermia. It is for degree of anxiety; attempt to ascertain fac-
most commonly used for spasticity in multi- tors that precipitate anxiety, and if the medica-
ple sclerosis, stroke, spinal cord injuries, cere- tion controls the symptoms. Observe patients’
bral palsy, and malignant hyperthermia. mental status for changes in mood, sensorium,
affect, sleeping patterns, increased somno-
Side Effects and Contraindications lence, vertigo, or suicidal tendencies.
Side effects produced by muscle relaxants If a patient has been prescribed a medi-
as a group are similar. The most common cation for alcohol withdrawal, observe and
Musculoskeletal Dysfunction 141

document changes in symptoms, which may medication abruptly, but taper it gradually, as
include hallucinations (either visual or audi- adverse reactions may occur otherwise.
tory), delirium, irritability, agitation, or fine to Educate both patients and family mem-
coarse tremors; these outcomes may indicate bers that these medications are not for “ev-
a need to adjust the dosage. In patients re- eryday stressors” and should not be used
ceiving intravenous medications, observe the longer than four months unless directed by
IV site for any signs of thrombosis or phlebi- the primary provider. Instruct them to not
tis, which can occur during treatment. take more than the prescribed amount and
Be observant for indicators that the pa- to recognize that such medications may be
tient may have become physically dependent habit forming.
on the medication. Likewise, monitor the pa- Explain to patients that drowsiness may
tient for withdrawal symptoms, which may occur or worsen at the beginning of treat-
include headaches, nausea, vomiting, muscle ment but should improve. Patients should
pain, or weakness following long-term use. be warned not to rise from a sitting position
or lying position quickly, but rather to do so
slowly, as dizziness or fainting may occur, es-
Give oral medications with food or milk to pecially with the elderly.
prevent possible GI symptoms. Instruct the Remind patients to avoid concomitant use
patient that medications may be crushed if of over-the-counter medications unless first
the patient is unable to swallow the medi- approved by their primary provider. Patients
cation whole. If concentrated diazepam should not drive or perform any activities
oral solutions are used, measure doses with that require them to be alert, as these drugs
calibrated droppers only. Liquid medications may cause drowsiness. Nor should patients
may be mixed with water, juice, pudding, or use alcohol or other psychotropic medications
applesauce and should be ingested immedi- unless specifically allowed or ordered by the
ately. Remind patients that if they experience primary provider. Advise patients that smok-
dry mouth, they should drink frequent sips of ing may decrease the effect of diazepam by
water or use sugarless gum or hard candy increasing its rate of metabolism.
for relief.
Local Anesthetics
Anesthetics are used for many different rea-
At the beginning of therapy, assist patients
sons. They can be used for pain that is not
with ambulation and standing as a safety
controlled using oral medications or other
measure and to prevent injury, in case they
types of therapy, as well as for surgeries or
experience drowsiness or dizziness. Confirm
other medical procedures. Types of anesthesia
that oral medication has been swallowed be-
include general anesthesia, topical anesthesia,
fore leaving a patient.
infiltration, plexus block, epidural block, and
Evaluate spinal anesthesia, among many others. Some
Monitor the patient for an appropriate thera- of these are covered more in-depth in Chap-
peutic response, which should include de- ter 15 (“Anesthetics”).
creased anxiety, restlessness, and insomnia. Local anesthetics are drugs that cause re-
versible anesthesia in a specific location.
Patient/Family Education They act mainly by inhibiting the sodium in-
Instruct patients that their medications may flux through sodium-specific ion channels
be taken with food or liquids. Patients should in the neuronal cell membrane, in particu-
take the medication exactly as prescribed by lar the voltage-gated sodium channels. When
the primary provider. Do not discontinue the influx of sodium is interrupted, an action
142 CHAPTER 4  Central Nervous System Drugs

potential cannot arise and the signal con- Specific Drugs and Uses
dition is inhibited. The drug receptor site For the purpose of this chapter, only a few
is located at the cytoplasmic portion of the of the most commonly used local anesthetics
sodium channel. will be discussed, as other forms of anesthe-
Local anesthetic drugs produce an absence sia are generally administered under fairly
of pain sensation at a specific site, and though specific circumstances. The local anesthet-
other local senses may be affected, this action ics addressed here are procaine, lidocaine,
occurs without changing the patient’s aware- and benzonatate.
ness. When such agents are used on specific Procaine is a local anesthetic drug of
pathways (such as for nerve block), paralysis the aminoester group. It is primarily used
can be achieved as well. This is accomplished to ­reduce the pain of intramuscular injec-
either by applying the anesthetic topically or tion of penicillin but is also used in dentistry.
by injecting a numbing medication into or Due to the ubiquity of the trade name Novo-
on the area of interest, sometimes via several cain, in many regions it is known generically
small injections; after a few minutes, the area as “novocain.”
should be numb. If the area is still sensitive, Procaine acts primarily by inhibiting so-
more anesthetic may be applied to achieve dium influx through voltage-gated sodium
total numbness. Local anesthetics are most channels in the neuronal cell membranes of
commonly associated with dental procedures, peripheral nerves. When the influx of so-
minor medical procedures such as receiving dium is interrupted, an action potential can-
stitches, or for initiating IVs, but are used in not arise; consequently, signal conduction is
many areas of the medical field for numerous inhibited. The receptor site is thought to be
other procedures as well. located at the cytoplasmic portion of the so-
Clinical local anesthetics belong to one dium channel. Procaine has been shown to
of two classes: aminoamide and aminoester bind or antagonize the function of NMDA re-
local anesthetics. ceptors as well as nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
Synthetic local anesthetics are structurally and the serotonin receptor–ion channel complex
related to cocaine. The difference is that the (Brau, Vogel, & Hempelmann, 1998), elabo-
medications have no abuse potential and do rated upon later in this text.
not produce hypertension or local vasocon- Side effects of procaine are minimal
striction, with the exception of ropivacaine and mostly related to parenteral injection
and mepivacaine, which do produce or spinal anesthesia uses. They may include
mild vasoconstriction. adverse CNS and cardiovascular effects, un-
der-ventilation, apnea, post-spinal headache,
arachnoiditis, palsies, spinal nerve paralysis,
hypotension, respiratory impairment, nausea,
and vomiting.
Lidocaine is a local anesthetic and car-
diac depressant that is used as an antiarrhyth-
mic agent. It was the first aminoamide-type
anesthetic synthesized. Lidocaine stabi-
lizes the neuronal membrane by inhibiting
the ionic fluxes required for the initiation
and conduction of impulses, thereby effect-
ing local anesthetic action. It alters signal
© Catalin Petolea/Shutterstock, Inc. conduction in neurons by blocking the fast
Musculoskeletal Dysfunction 143

voltage-gated sodium channels in the neu- portion of voltage-gated sodium channels, de-
ronal cell membrane that are responsible for creasing the rate of membrane depolariza-
signal propagation. With sufficient blockage, tion and increasing the threshold for electrical
the membrane of the postsynaptic neuron excitability (National Center for Biotechnol-
will not transmit an action potential. This cre- ogy Information [NCBI], National Institutes of
ates the anesthetic effect by not merely pre- Health (NIH), & PubChem Compound, n.d.).
venting pain signals from propagating to the Numerous side effects are associated with
brain, but rather by abolishing their origin benzonatate. The most common and milder
(Muroi & Chanda, 2009). adverse effects include burning sensation
Lidocaine is used topically to relieve in eyes, constipation, dizziness, drowsiness,
itching, burning, and pain from skin inflam- headache, itching, nausea, vomiting, and skin
mation; is injected as a dental anesthetic; and rash. More serious side effects and signs of
is used as a local anesthetic for minor surgery. overdose may include confusion, shortness of
Its side effects are generally mild and include breath, hallucinations, tightness in the chest,
flushing; redness of the skin; small red or wheezing, loss of consciousness, tremors in
purple spots on the skin; swelling at the site the extremities, and convulsions.
of application; unusually warm skin; bruis-
Nursing Process
ing, burning, pain or bleeding at site of ap-
plication; and itching of skin. Less common
are symptoms of overdose, which would in- During use of the medication, monitor the
clude change in consciousness, fainting, rest- patient’s blood pressure, pulse, and respira-
lessness, coma, cardiac arrest, and rapid, tions. If the patient has a history of cardiac
­bounding, or irregular heartbeat or pulse. disease, obtain a baseline electrocardiogram
Benzonatate is a non-narcotic oral and monitor it during parenteral or injectable
cough suppressant, or antitussive, with effects therapies. Monitor the patient closely for pos-
lasting six to eight hours. Because it is not an sible allergic reactions, which may manifest as
opioid, benzonatate is not prone to abuse rash, urticaria, or itching.
like some other cough medications such as Administer
codeine. Benzonatate is a butylamine, so it
Always use new solutions and discard any
is chemically related to other ester local anes-
unused portions. Only use products that are
thetics such as procaine and tetracaine. It
not cloudy or have no precipitate. Protect the
acts as a local anesthetic, decreasing the sen-
medication from light; keep it in a cool, dark
sitivity of stretch receptors in the lower airway
place. Before administering medication, make
and lung, thereby reducing the drive to cough
sure that a crash cart and resuscitative equip-
after taking a deep breath.
ment are nearby in case of emergency.
Benzonatate acts peripherally, anesthetiz-
ing the stretch receptors of vagal afferent fi- Evaluate
bers in the alveoli of the lungs, bronchi, and Ensure that an appropriate therapeutic re-
pleura. Because these receptors are responsible sponse, providing sufficient anesthesia for the
for mediating the cough reflex, anesthetizing procedure, has been achieved.
them results in inhibition of cough production.
It also suppresses transmission of the cough Patient Education
reflex at the level of the medulla, where the Inform the patient about what to expect
afferent nerve impulse is normally transmit- during the procedure, including what is be-
ted to the motor nerves. When applied locally, ing executed, expectations of the anesthetic,
benzonatate binds within the intracellular and possible transient or longer-lasting side
144 CHAPTER 4  Central Nervous System Drugs

effects. When the procedure is over, remind Critical Thinking Questions

the patient not to arise too quickly to avoid
possible dizziness due to orthostatic hypoten- 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
sion. Remind patients to call immediately if NSAID analgesia versus opioid analgesia?
they experience side effects or notice areas of 2. What distinguishes epilepsy from non-­
irritation or increased bleeding, warmth, or epileptic seizures? Why would therapy for each
swelling at area of injection. type of seizure disorder be different?
3. Name three common myths surrounding pain
CHAPTER SUMMARY medications. How do these medications po-
This chapter has explored the CNS, touched briefly on the
tentially affect therapy and clinical response to
PNS, and discussed key conditions affecting the CNS as well the patient?
as the drug classes most commonly used as treatments for 4. In Alzheimer disease, the key diagnostic symp-
specific CNS diseases and disorders. If there is one all-encom- tom is dementia; in Parkinson’s disease, the
passing theme to this chapter, it is the principal necessity to most frequent identifying symptom is tremor
support patients’ ability to maintain physiological function
and changes in gait. How do these differences
and a sense of “normalcy” as they cope with the neurologic
alter the therapeutic approach to patients with
disorders for which they are being treated. Whether the
problem is pain centered or focused on loss of memory (as these diseases?
in Alzheimer disease), physical capability (as in Parkinson’s or 5. What is the principal function of glutamate?
ALS disease), or simply a matter of suppressing seizures, the
therapeutic goal is the same: manage the condition with 6. What are the roles of prostaglandins in inflam-
the goal of restoring normalcy to the extent possible. Where matory diseases? How do NSAIDs affect prosta-
disease and/or symptom progression is inevitable, the goal glandin production?
becomes maintenance of high function and independence 7. Which of the following medications is most ap-
for as long as possible. In such cases (and, indeed, in any CNS propriate for a patient with a spinal cord injury
disorder), medication is rarely used alone; it is most often
who has a history of benzodiazepine addic-
supported with multiple adjunct therapies (or sometimes is
better regarded as an adjunct to other modalities).
tion: cyclobenzaprine, diazepam, aspirin, or
Key concepts include the importance of neurotransmitters
such as dopamine and acetylcholine in brain-centered pro- 8. ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative dis-
gressive disorders such as Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease, ease with varied etiology. What are typically
the function of glutamate and NDMA in memory and cogni- the first symptoms seen in the progression of
tion, and the central role that prostaglandins play in inflam- this disease?
matory conditions. Management of pain is a challenging
9. What are the key symptoms or lab findings
objective for the clinician because it is so often performed
ineffectually. However, maintaining physiological function that would indicate toxicity in a patient on
and supporting patients’ ability to cope with various diseases long-term acetaminophen therapy?
and symptoms is as important as pain control.
Case studies 145


Case Scenario 1
Ms. Smith, a 78-year-old woman with a history of gastric ulcers and stroke, comes into the clinic
following an accident where her car was rear-ended. She is complaining of headache and pain in
her neck and shoulders. The nurse takes the patient’s vital signs: B/P, 123/68; P, 88; R, 18; T, 98.9.
Ms. Smith states that she has allergies to penicillin and codeine, and has been taking Coumadin
since her stroke three years ago. After a brief examination, the physician’s assistant tells Ms. Smith
that he believes she has whiplash and prescribes her cyclobenzaprine and aspirin.
Case Question
1. Is aspirin the best or most appropriate medication that should have been ordered?
a. Yes, because it acts both as an anti-inflammatory and a pain medication.
b. No, the patient would do better taking ibuprofen because it is less upsetting to the stomach.
c. No, the patient should take acetaminophen because she has both a history of peptic ulcers and is cur-
rently taking warfarin.
d. None of the above.
Answer: The answer is c. Because Ms. Smith has a history of ulcers and is receiving anticoagulant therapy
post stroke, aspirin should be avoided because it would both increase the anticoagulant effects of the
warfarin and increase her risk of gastric ulcers.


Case Scenario 2
Nathaniel, an EMT and girls’ soccer coach in Connecticut, was flying home to Tulsa for a visit. When
his father, Louis, picked him up at the airport, Nathaniel noticed that Louis seemed different. He
didn’t think much of it at the time, but as the week progressed, he noticed that his father was
frequently confused, had difficulty organizing and planning, and was quite moody when normally
he was always laughing and telling jokes. He had always loved making flies for his favorite hobby,
fly-fishing, but Nathaniel’s mother reported that he no longer made the flies or even went into his
workshop anymore. She also stated that she noticed when they watched TV, Louis had difficulty
following the plot of any of the shows they were watching.
Nathaniel felt that his father might have some mild dementia, which concerned him because his
father was only 58. He made an appointment for his father with his doctor; following examination
and testing, Louis was diagnosed with early-stage Alzheimer disease.
Case Questions
1. Because Louis is relatively young, and has been diagnosed with early-stage Alzheimer disease with what
appear to be only mild symptoms, which medication would be best to start him on?
146 CHAPTER 4  Central Nervous System Drugs


a. Namenda, because it has fewest side effects

b. Vitamin E, as it is a supplement and much better than prescription medication
c. Donepezil, as it is approved for all stages of Alzheimer disease
d. Aspirin, because it acts as a “blood thinner” and should help improve blood flow to the brain
Answer: The answer is c.
2. Nathaniel’s father has a history of vertigo and enlarged prostate. Which education should the nurse provide
regarding donepezil?
a. This medication has few side effects, so he doesn’t need to worry about taking this medication in relation
to his medical history.
b. Donepezil can have side effects of dizziness and difficulty urinating, so he should rise slowly when get-
ting up and avoid driving until he knows how he will react to this medication; he should also report any
difficulty urinating to his primary provider immediately.
c. If he has any side effects from the medication, he should stop taking it; he probably didn’t need it anyway.
d. None of the above.
Answer: The answer is b.

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Autonomic Nervous
System Drugs

William Mark Enlow, Sue Greenfield, and Cliff Roberson


Acetylcholinesterase Cholinergic agonists Epinephrine Pheochromocytoma

Adrenal medulla Cholinergic antagonists Ganglia Postganglionic neuron
Adrenergic agonists Cholinergic nerves Indirect-acting Preganglionic neuron
Adrenergic antagonists Craniosacral system Muscarinic acetylcholine Selectivity
Adrenergic nerves Direct-acting receptors Sympathomimetic
Adrenergic receptors Dual innervation Nicotinic acetylcholine Synapse
Cardioselective Effector organs receptors Thoracolumbar system
Catecholamine Enteric nervous system (ENS) Norepinephrine Vasopressor


At the end of the chapter, the student will be able to: 3. Compare the various classes of ANS drugs.
1. Identify the physiological functions the autonomic nervous 4. Describe common indications and contraindications of ANS
system (ANS) controls. drugs.
2. Explain the mechanism of action for ANS drugs. 5. Discuss adverse effects of ANS drugs.

150 CHAPTER 5  Autonomic Nervous System Drugs

Introduction CNS are not separate systems; they simply

have different key functional responsibilities.
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) con- Whereas the CNS supervises all motor and
trols a variety of involuntary regulatory re- cognitive functions, voluntary or otherwise,
sponses that affect heart and respiration rates. the ANS is primarily tasked with the involun-
It is responsible both for the “fight-or-flight” tary functions of the body such as heartbeat,
responses that represent the body’s physio- respiration, digestion, and so forth.
logical response to crisis or stress and for the There are three key components to the
less crisis-driven functions of resting, repair- ANS (FIGURE 5-1), two of which are of primary
ing, digesting, and reproductive activities. concern in this discussion: the sympathetic
Many of the drugs used to treat common con- nervous system (SNS) and the parasympa-
ditions of the heart, circulation, and especially thetic nervous system (PNS). The third com-
blood pressure do so by intentionally altering ponent, the enteric nervous system (ENS),
the functioning of the ANS. is intrinsic to the digestive system and car-
ries out key functions that support ­systemic
The Three Systems of the ANS
neurologic and immunologic well-being. The
An early view of the ANS described it as be- ENS is highly responsive to both physical and
ing separate from the central nervous system emotional stimuli. For purposes of this dis-
(CNS), which integrates sensory information cussion, however, the focus will mainly be on
in the brain and spinal cord. It is more ac- the SNS and PNS.
curate to say that the ANS carries out tasks
that originate in the CNS (Blessing & Gibbins,
2008), but in some instances it acts more or Anatomy of the Autonomic Nervous System
less autonomously in doing so. It is important The ANS is, in essence, an extension of the
to recognize, though, that the ANS and the CNS that manages the involuntary functions

Nervous system

Central Peripheral
nervous system nervous system
(integrative functions) (PNS)

Sensory functions Motor functions

Somatic Autonomic
nervous system nervous system
(skeletal muscle effectors) (smooth muscle,
(SNS) cardiac muscle,
and gland effectors)

Sympathetic Parasympathetic
(fight or flight) (rest and digest)

FIGURE 5-1  Major subdivisions of the nervous system.

Introduction 151

of the body; thus, all signals that pass steady metabolic speed for normal activities
through ANS pathways originate in either or “revving the engine” in crisis situations.
the spinal cord (both SNS and PNS) or the Meanwhile, the PNS functions are similar to
medulla of the brain (PNS). These impulses the activities of the pit crew; the PNS pro-
pass through a preganglionic neuron to duces more targeted responses that facilitate
bundles of synapses called ganglia, most digestion, repair, and resting functions, en-
of which then synapse to postganglionic abling the body to maintain energy stores and
neurons that process the signal to the ap- recover from incidental damage. Finally, the
propriate effector organs, muscles, and ANS is more like the car itself; it responds to
other structures that they innervate. In input from both the SNS and the PNS—it is
both the SNS and the PNS, acetylcholine nevertheless central to the operation of the
is the key neurotransmitter facilitating the whole team.
preganglionic synapse. In the SNS, norepi- An important component of this meta-
nephrine stimulates p ­ ostganglionic neurons phor is that the functions of the pit crew
while, conversely, postganglionic neurons (PNS) and the driver (SNS) are rarely en-
in the PNS are activated once again by gaged at the same time. One operates under
acetylcholine. certain circumstances, while the other oper-
Although the SNS and PNS ­often inner- ates under different circumstances—yet to-
vate the same organs (dual ­innervation), gether they can handle nearly all situations,
the effects on that organ are often very whether it be routine maintenance, fueling,
­different. For example, the heart is i­nnervated and upkeep or the critical stress of race time.
by both sympathetic and p ­ arasympathetic The ANS, by comparison, is on the receiving
nerves. ­Increased parasympathetic (PNS) end of signals from the PNS and SNS at any
­stimulation of the heart will result in given moment; at the same time, it is always
­parasympathetic ­predominance and decreased engaged and “running,” even when at rest
heart rate, while ­decreased parasympathetic (just as the brain is).
activation can result in unopposed sympa- Anyone who has seen cars race under-
thetic ­stimulation and increased heart rate. stands that the crew, the car, and the driver
Conversely, increased sympathetic stimulation all need to work well and work together for
of the heart produces increases in heart rate the race to go well. Similarly, the ANS is a
and decreased sympathetic stimulation pro- highly integrated system in which the ma-
duces decreases in heart rate. jor parts are mutually interdependent. Con-
sequently, medications that alter how the
Integration of ANS Systems ANS functions may be intended to act on
The ANS can be thought of as being equiva- one system, yet affect the others in unex-
lent to a car racing team. The responsibility of pected ways. Understanding how the SNS
one part of the team is driving the car, keep- and PNS interact will help the clinician to
ing the vehicle on the track, while dealing identify both how medical interventions
with the stresses and quick responses needed may affect the ANS overall, and how those
as circumstances change. The other part (the treatments may have more specific effects
pit crew) is tasked with keeping fuel and on the functions of certain components
repairs in place so that both the driver and of the ANS.
the car can continue doing their jobs. In this
metaphor, the SNS is the driver; it increases Sympathetic Nervous System
metabolism and stimulates the cardiovascu- SNS impulses are responses to a fairly spe-
lar and pulmonary systems as the situation cific set of stimuli requiring activation of
requires, whether that means maintaining a the fight-or-flight response. When someone
152 CHAPTER 5  Autonomic Nervous System Drugs

crosses a street and sees a car moving quickly also refer to Figure 4-10). Postganglionic
toward him or her, or the car suddenly sympathetic nerves release adrenergic neu-
rounds a corner headed straight for the per- rotransmitters and, therefore, are classified as
son—the rush of energy he or she experi- adrenergic nerves. Receptors responsive to
ences while jumping out of the way is exactly adrenergic neurotransmitters—adrenergic
this type of impulse. It is, as may have been receptors—include alpha (α), beta (β), and
experienced by the reader, highly suited to- dopamine (D) receptors.
ward propelling the body into motion—it
originates from the spine rather than the Parasympathetic Nervous System
brain: the ganglia and nerves of the SNS con- The PNS, similar to the SNS, is composed
nect the spinal cord to a specific set of organs. of preganglionic and postganglionic nerves.
The sympathetic ganglia extend from the up- However, preganglionic parasympathetic
per neck down to the coccyx and are found nerve fibers originate in cranial nerves—II,
in paired chains close to and along each side VII, XI, and X—and sacral spinal nerves (S2
of the thoracic and lumbar spine. Nerves through S4) (Johnson, 2013). For this rea-
­carrying sympathetic fibers exit the spinal son, the PNS is sometimes referred to as the
cord from T1 to L2. For this reason, the SNS ­craniosacral system (see Figure 5-1).
is sometimes also referred to as the thoraco- The PNS is the “rest and repair” part of
lumbar system. the ANS. Its essential job is to transition the
The nerves in the ANS release specific body to those functions that support the
neurotransmitters that target a number of dif- body’s ability to renew itself. Thus, it stimu-
ferent receptors, listed in TABLE 5-1. Pregangli- lates digestive secretions and gastrointesti-
onic sympathetic nerves release acetylcholine nal (GI) tract activity to promote processing
into synapses. Acetylcholine stimulates post- of nutrients, and it slows the heart and con-
ganglionic nicotinic acetylcholine recep- stricts the pupils to promote resting. The
tors, and impulses are propagated along principal route of PNS signaling is along the
postganglionic sympathetic nerves, which re- vagus nerve; in consequence, impulses tend
lease adrenergic neurotransmitters—­primarily to move more slowly through the PNS. This
norepinephrine—to produce systemic e­ ffects. part of the nervous system is often conceived
Because these preganglionic sympathetic of as being “in opposition to” the SNS, but
nerves release acetylcholine, they are clas- this is not entirely the case, although it is true
sified as cholinergic nerves (FIGURE 5-2, and that certain opposing functions are assigned

TABLE 5-1 Types of Autonomic Receptors

Neurotransmitter Receptor Primary Locations Responses

Acetylcholine Nicotinic Postganglionic neurons Stimulation of smooth muscle and gland

(cholinergic) Muscarinic Parasympathetic target: organs other than the secretions
heart Decreased heart rate and force of contraction

Norepinephrine Alpha1 All sympathetic target organs except the heart Constriction of blood vessels, dilation of pupils
(adrenergic) Alpha2 Presynaptic adrenergic nerve terminals Inhibition of release of norepinephrine
Beta1 Heart and kidneys Increased heart rate and force of contraction;
Beta2 All sympathetic target organs except the heart release of renin
Bronchoconstriction; blood vessel dilation
Introduction 153


Acetylcholine β
Preganglionic fibers
(short) Postganglionic
Nic Sympathetic Ach Nic NE
Nicotinic receptor


Muscarinic receptor

NE Preganglionic fibers Postganglionic

(long) fibers
Parasympathetic Ach Nic Ach
α β
Adrenergic receptors

nerve terminal

nerve terminal

Beta1 or Alpha1
Beta 2 or Alpha 2
receptor receptor

FIGURE 5-2  Acetylcholine interactions with sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation.

to each system. Increases (SNS) and decreases nerves are also cholinergic nerves, and the
(PNS) in heart rate, for example, are two such acetylcholine they release attaches to mus-
“opposing” functions. carinic acetylcholine receptors at effector
organs. Acetylcholine is rapidly metabolized
Neurotransmitters in the Autonomic to acetate and choline by the enzyme known
Nervous System as acetylcholinesterase, which is located on
Both the PNS and the SNS rely on two gen- the postsynaptic membrane. Acetate diffuses
eral types of neurotransmitters to pass nerve away from the synapse and is metabolized in
signals along. Preganglionic parasympathetic the liver, whereas choline is taken back up
nerves in both systems are classified as cho- into the presynaptic membrane for synthesis
linergic nerves and release acetylcholine. Ace- of new neurotransmitters (FIGURE 5-3).
tylcholine attaches to nicotinic acetylcholine The postganglionic neurons of the SNS,
receptors on the postganglionic membrane, unlike those in the PNS, primarily produce
and impulses are propagated toward effec- norepinephrine, a direct-acting neuro-
tor organs. Postganglionic parasympathetic transmitter classified as a catecholamine.
154 CHAPTER 5  Autonomic Nervous System Drugs

There are two specific places where post- Adrenergic Receptors

ganglionic SNS neurons behave differently: Catecholamines bind to specific receptors
sweat glands, in which postganglionic neu- known as adrenergic receptors. There are two
rons produce acetylcholine (as in the PNS), basic types of receptors: α-adrenergic recep-
and the adrenal medulla, where nor- tors and β-adrenergic receptors. Each of these
epinephrine (also called noradrenaline) is two types has various subtypes; there are
converted to a different catecholamine, two α-adrenergic receptor subtypes (α1 and
epinephrine (also called adrenaline), by α2) and three β-adrenergic receptor subtypes
phenylethanolamine N-methyl transferase. (β1, β2, and β3). The action of neurotransmit-
Another endogenous catecholamine deriva- ters or sympathomimetic drugs upon these
tive is dopamine (FIGURE 5-4). receptors is an important means of altering
Both norepinephrine and epinephrine ANS function for therapy of different dis-
are metabolized by catechol-o-methyl trans- ease states—although this is not without its
ferase (COMT) and monoamine oxidase ­potential drawbacks, as will be discussed later
(MAO). Vanillylmandelic acid is the common in this chapter. TABLE 5-2 identifies the vari-
metabolite for norepinephrine and epineph- ous ways that stimulation acts upon particu-
rine from both the COMT and MAO path- lar receptors in particular organs. Note that
ways (FIGURE 5-4). β3-­receptors are found primarily in adipose
­tissue and are thought to play a role in ther-
moregulation and lipolysis; if stimulation of
these receptors has an immediate effect on
Glucose body functions, it is not yet identified. Thus,
β3 ­responses are not listed in Table 5-2.
Acetyl CoA + Choline
Drugs That Affect the ANS
Choline acetyl Medications that affect the ANS are classi-
transferase Co A fied into several categories. Adrenergic drugs
are those that either mimic or interfere with
Acetylcholine the activity of neurotransmitters secreted
by the adrenal medulla—for example, nor-
epinephrine and epinephrine. Specifically,
Synaptic cleft
esterase adrenergic agonists are drugs that stimu-
late the SNS, either by direct activation of
Acetate + Choline receptors or by promoting the release of
receptor-­activating catecholamines, whereas
FIGURE 5-3  Acetylcholine metabolism. adrenergic antagonists block the activity

MAO 3,4-Dihydroxymandelic MAO

Norepinephrine Epinephrine


MAO 3-Methoxy-4- MAO

Normetanephrine Hydroxymandelic acid Metanephrine
(Vanillylmandelic acid)

FIGURE 5-4  Catecholamine metabolism.

Copyright William Mark Enlow.
Drugs That Affect the ANS 155

TABLE 5-2 Actions of Neurotransmitter Stimuli on Receptors in Various Organs

Receptor Effector Organ Response to Stimulation

β1 Heart Increased heart rate

Increased contractility

Increased conduction velocity

Fat cells Lipolysis

β2 Blood vessels (especially skeletal and coronary arteries) Dilation

Bronchioles Dilation

Uterus Relaxation

Kidneys Renin secretion

Liver Glycogenesis


Pancreas Insulin secretion

α1 Blood vessels Constriction

Pancreas Inhibition of insulin secretion

Intestine and bladder Relaxation

Constriction of sphincters

α2 Postganglionic (presynaptic sympathetic nerve ending) Inhibition of norepinephrine release

Central nervous system (postsynaptic) Increase in potassium conductance (?)

Platelets Aggregation

D1 Blood vessels Dilation

D2 Postganglionic (presynaptic) sympathetic nerve ending Inhibition of norepinephrine release

Muscarinic Heart Decreased heart rate

Decreased contractility

Decreased conduction velocity

Bronchioles Constriction

Salivary glands Stimulation of secretions

Intestine Contraction

Relaxation of sphincters

Stimulation of secretions

Bladder Contraction

Relaxation of sphincter

Nicotinic Neuromuscular junction Skeletal muscle contraction

Autonomic ganglia Sympathetic nervous system stimulation

156 CHAPTER 5  Autonomic Nervous System Drugs

of acetylcholine, norepinephrine, or Epinephrine

other neurotransmitters. Epinephrine is a direct-acting adrenergic
agonist that stimulates all α-and β-adrenergic
Adrenergic Agonist Drugs receptors (α1, α2, β1, β2, and β3). As a phar-
Adrenergic agonists can produce profound macologic agent, epinephrine is a potent
effects on the body’s vital systems, typically cardiac stimulant that increases contractil-
requiring special care in their admin- ity and heart rate by β1 receptor stimulation
Best Practices and characteristically leads to a dose-re-
istration and monitoring of patient
When administering responses. Therapeutic activation of lated increase in systolic blood pressure.
a nonselective adren- SNS receptors is useful for a range of Epinephrine also causes contraction of
ergic agonist, keep in clinical purposes, including cardiac vascular smooth muscle and results in vaso-
mind that the drug stimulation, bronchodilation, and constriction due to activation of α1-receptors.
acts on receptors
constriction of blood vessels. The Conversely, stimulation of β2-receptors by
everywhere in the
body, which may lead clinical effects of adrenergic agonists, epinephrine leads to relaxation of respira-
to unwanted adverse however, depend on the selectivity tory and uterine smooth muscle, as well as
effects. of the drug for the variety of recep- skeletal smooth muscle vasculature. Because
tor subtypes. For example, some of these effects, epinephrine is used for
agents may be used to treat hypoten- circulatory support and treatment of airway
sion, due to their preference for stimulation swelling in severe acute anaphylactic reac-
of α1-adrenergic receptors (e.g., phenyleph- tions and shock, and for promotion of return
rine), whereas others may be used to treat of circulation in cardiac arrest during cardio-
hypertension, due to their selectivity for α2- pulmonary resuscitation. Epinephrine is also
adrenergic receptors (e.g., clonidine). commonly added to local anesthetic solutions
to diminish the rate of systemic absorption
Nonselective Agents of the anesthetic by means of localized vaso-
Nonselective adrenergic agonists act on par- constriction, thereby prolonging the desired
ticular adrenergic receptors anywhere in the anesthetic effect while reducing the risk of
body, producing a variety of systemic effects. systemic toxicity. Epinephrine may be ad-
Given their widespread action, they must ministered by a range of routes—intravenous,
be used with a fair amount of consideration intramuscular, subcutaneous, intraosseous,
for the possibility (or even probability) of oral inhalation, endotracheal, and ­topical—
­unwanted or counterproductive effects, as well depending on the indication and clinical
as careful review for the possibility of contra- ­situation; it is also given in a wide variety
indications. TABLE 5-3 describes a selection of po- of doses.
tential effects of adrenergic drugs, along with Adverse effects include anxiety, headache,
therapeutic goals associated with their use. tremors, pallor, sweating, nausea, vomiting,

TABLE 5-3 Nursing Diagnoses Related to Use of Adrenergic Drugs and Associated Therapeutic Goals

Nursing Diagnoses Goals

Impaired gas exchange related to bronchoconstriction Patient will experience relief of symptoms. Goal: Bronchodilation

Altered tissue perfusion related to hypotension or vasoconstriction due to Patient will attain adequate perfusion to the brain, heart, kidney,
adrenergic drug therapy and peripheral tissue. Goal: vasodilation

Altered nutrition, less than body requirements, related to a loss of appetite Patient will maintain his or her weight. Goal: increased appetite

Potential for injury related to cardiac stimulation: hypertension, dysrhythmias Patient will not experience any adverse effects. Goal: prevent
sympathomimetic adverse effects
Drugs That Affect the ANS 157

hypertension, tachycardia, cardiac arrhyth- norepinephrine are recommended for el-

mias, cardiac ischemia, and intracranial hem- derly patients because of their higher likeli-
orrhage. Administration of epinephrine can hood of concomitant organ dysfunction or
provoke chest pain in patients with underly- coexisting disease.
ing ischemic heart disease due to β-mediated
cardiac effects and can cause urinary reten- Ephedrine
tion in males with enlarged prostates due to Ephedrine is a natural substance found
α-stimulation. Uterine relaxation caused by in plants of the genus Ephedra. It has been
β2-receptor activity can delay the second stage widely used in traditional and modern medi-
of labor. cine to treat symptoms of asthma and up-
per respiratory congestion. Ephedrine acts
Norepinephrine directly on α-and β-adrenergic ­receptors
Norepinephrine bitartrate is a potent va- (α1, α2, β1, and β2), causing cardiac stimu-
sopressor and cardiac stimulant that acts lation, bronchodilation, and vasocon-
directly on α-and β-adrenergic receptors (α1, striction. Ephedrine also provokes an
α2, and β1). Like epinephrine, norepineph- indirect effect by stimulating the release
rine is a naturally occurring hormone in the of norepinephrine from nerve terminals
body that mediates the stress response. It is within the SNS. Ephedrine can cross the
also an important neurotransmitter within blood–brain barrier and enter the CNS, where
the SNS. Unlike epinephrine, however, it produces mild stimulatory effects; for this
norepinephrine bitartrate has little im- reason,this medication has been useful in
pact on β2-receptors; its effects are primarily the treatment of narcolepsy and ­depression.
mediated by its interactions with alpha- CNS effects have also resulted in the mis-
receptors. As a result, norepinephrine has use and abuse of ephedrine as an athletic
a profound effect on peripheral vascular re- performance enhancer and as an appetite
sistance, increasing both systolic and diastolic ­suppressant. A form of ephedrine used in
blood pressures, and is utilized clinically nasal decongestants (pseudoephedrine) has
most often as a vasopressor to restore blood been used in the illicit manufacture of meth-
pressure in acute hypotensive states. This amphetamine, resulting in stricter controls of
medication is administered intravenously by its over-the-counter sales. This agent is also
means of an infusion pump, with careful ti- used as a vasopressor in the treatment of hy-
tration and frequent systemic blood pressure potension during anesthesia.
measurements. Indications include hypoten- Adverse effects of ephedrine include ex-
sion and shock that are refractory to fluid cessive CNS stimulation, which can manifest
volume replacement in septicemia, myocar- as anxiety, restlessness, headache, blurred vi-
dial infarction, trauma, and burns. sion, insomnia, and seizures. Ephedrine can
Adverse effects of norepinephrine cause palpitations, arrhythmias, pallor, tachy-
are similar to those of epinephrine. cardia, chest pain, and severe hypertension.
Given norepinephrine’s potent vasocon- Nausea, vomiting, and anorexia can also oc-
strictive properties, however, the risks of cur with its use. Acute urinary retention can
plasma volume depletion and organ dam- result from prolonged usage, especially in
age to the bowel, kidneys, and liver are en- men with prostatism. Ephedrine can restrict
hanced with this medication, especially in renal blood flow with initial parenteral use
the context of hypovolemia or prolonged and decrease urine formation. Caution must
administration. Impaired circulation, tis- be exercised when prescribing this drug to pa-
sue necrosis, and sloughing may occur at tients with underlying hypertension, hyper-
the infusion site even without demonstra- thyroidism, ischemic heart disease, diabetes
ble extravasation. Lower initial doses of mellitus, and prostatic hypertrophy, because
158 CHAPTER 5  Autonomic Nervous System Drugs

ephedrine can exacerbate these conditions. sloughing and necrosis. If this occurs, the tis-
Severe hypertension from ephedrine can oc- sue should be infiltrated immediately with
cur in patients who are taking MAO inhibi- 10–15 mL of normal saline with 5–10 mg of
tors. A reduced vasopressor response from phentolamine.
ephedrine may be seen in patients taking Dopamine administration requires close
reserpine and methyldopa, as well as those monitoring of patient hemodynamics and
taking α-and β-adrenergic blocking agents. careful titration of drug dosing using an infu-
Due to the significant adverse effects experi- sion pump, based on the patient heart rate,
enced by patients, in 2004 the FDA removed blood pressure, peripheral perfusion, uri-
ephedrine from the market, and banned the nary output, and electrocardiogram (ECG)
sale of all ephedrine-containing products, in- findings. Dopamine is contraindicated in
cluding the sale of dietary supplements con- hypovolemic states, pheochromocytoma,
taining ephedrine alkaloids. tachyarrhythmias, and ventricular fibrillation.
It should be used with caution in patients
Dopamine with a history of occlusive vascular disease
Dopamine is a potent vasoactive agent that (atherosclerosis, arterial embolism, Raynaud
acts on a variety of adrenergic receptors in a disease, cold injury, diabetic endarteritis, or
dose-dependent manner. At low and moder- Buerger disease).
ate doses, dopamine causes dopaminergic
and β1-adrenergic effects, resulting in in- Selective Adrenergic Agents
creased renal and splanchnic blood flow and Selective adrenergic agents act on adrener-
increased cardiac contractility, respectively. At gic receptors in specific, targeted locations.
higher doses, this agent promotes vasocon- Therefore, therapies including these agents
striction by directly stimulating α-adrenergic are less likely than nonselective adrenergic
receptors and by causing the release of nor- drugs to produce undesired responses in
epinephrine from sympathetic nerve termi- the body.
nals. Dopamine is an endogenous
catecholamine and the immediate precursor Dobutamine
of norepinephrine. Its therapeutic indica- Dobutamine is a synthetic β1-selective
tions include the treatment of shock states, agonist that is used in the short-term man-
low cardiac output syndromes, and hypoten- agement of patients with depressed cardiac
sion, and as an adjunct to increase cardiac contractility from organic heart disease, car-
output and blood pressure during cardiopul- diac surgical interventions, and acute myo-
monary resuscitation. cardial infarction. It is also used to treat low
Adverse cardiac effects associated with cardiac output states following cardiac arrest.
dopamine include hypotension, hyper- Dobutamine acts on the β1-adrenergic re-
tension, ectopic beats, tachycardia, palpi- ceptors in the heart, increasing the force of
tations, vasoconstriction, angina, dyspnea, myocardial contraction. It causes a reduction
and cardiac conduction abnormalities and in peripheral resistance and has a limited
­widened QRS intervals. Dopamine can impact on heart rate. This agent is contrain-
cause headaches, anxiety, nausea, and vom- dicated in patients with hypovolemia, as well
iting. E
­ xaggerated effects can be seen in as those patients with idiopathic hypertrophic
patients taking MAO inhibitors, tricyclic anti- subaortic stenosis. Its use in the context of
depressants ­(Chapter 14), and methyldopa. acute myocardial infarction is limited, but
­Administration of ­intravenous phenytoin to concerns about infarct extension have been
patients receiving dopamine may precipi- articulated. Dobutamine increases atrio-
tate hypotension, b­ radycardia, and seizures. ventricular conduction and may cause rapid
Dopamine extravasation can cause tissue ventricular responses in patients with atrial
Drugs That Affect the ANS 159

fibrillation, unless they have received digoxin shock states, phenylephrine may cause se-
prior to initiating dobutamine therapy. vere peripheral and visceral vasoconstric-
Adverse effects of dobutamine in- tion, and like norepinephrine, its use may
clude hypertension, increased heart rate, result in plasma volume depletion and end-
­ectopic beats, and angina, as well as nausea, organ damage. Phenylephrine may cause
vomiting, headache, fever, and leg cramps. severe bradycardia and reduced cardiac out-
Increased effects may be seen with con- put, and should be used with caution in
comitant use of tricyclic antidepressants, elderly persons and in patients with dimin-
furazolidone, and methyldopa. Patients re- ished cardiac reserve or history of myocar-
quire continuous monitoring of hemodynam- dial infarction.
ics during dobutamine administration and Self-medication with oral over-the-coun-
careful titration of the medication based on ter products containing phenylephrine
their responses. should be avoided in patients with high blood
pressure, thyroid disorders, cardiac ­disease,
Phenylephrine and urinary difficulties due to ­enlarged
Phenylephrine is a potent synthetic vaso- ­prostate. According to the U.S. Food and
pressor that acts predominately on Drug ­Administration (FDA, 2016), children
α1-receptors to produce vasoconstriction and younger than age two years should not be
dose-related elevations of both systolic and given nonprescription oral cough and cold
diastolic blood pressure. Phenylephrine is preparations due to the risk of overdose and
administered intravenously as an adjunct death, and extreme caution should be used in
therapy to treat low vascular resistance states, children older than two years. Patients taking
hypotension, and shock, particularly the dis- MAO inhibitors may experience life-threat-
tributive shock seen in sepsis and spinal cord ening, exaggerated sympathetic responses to
injury, after adequate fluid volume placement phenylephrine and other adrenergic ago-
has been achieved. It is also commonly used nists, resulting in severe headache, hyper-
to treat hypotension during spinal anesthe- tension, hyperpyrexia, and precipitation of a
sia, caused by a loss of vascular tone from hypertensive crisis.
the associated sympathectomy, and hypoten-
sion during general anesthesia, produced by Clonidine
the vasodilatory effects of anesthetic agents. Clonidine is a selective α2-adrenergic ago-
Topical application of phenylephrine to the nist that is used as an antihypertensive and
mucous membranes of the nasal passages central analgesic. Clonidine stimulates
is used to relieve nasal congestion from al- α2-adrenergic receptors in the CNS, mainly in
lergic conditions or the common cold. Oral the medulla oblongata, causing inhibition of
administration of phenylephrine is used for the sympathetic vasomotor centers. This stim-
its decongestant properties, and is taken ulation results in a reduction in peripheral
either alone or in multidrug combinations SNS activity, peripheral vascular resistance,
with antipyretics and antihistamines in the and systemic blood pressure. Clonidine pro-
treatment of u ­ pper respiratory symptoms. duces a reduction in heart rate by inhibition
Phenylephrine is also an ingredient in many of cardioaccelerator activity in the brain.
over-the-counter products for the treatment It also produces analgesia by activation
of hemorrhoids, as it can reduce the swelling of central pain suppression pathways in the
of anorectal tissue through vasoconstriction. brain and by inhibiting the transmission of
Adverse effects of phenylephrine in- pain signals to the brain through the spinal
clude anxiety, restlessness, tremor, pal- cord. Therapeutic indications for this medi-
lor, headache, hypertension, and precordial cation include the treatment of hypertension
pain. As a treatment for hypotension and and hypertensive urgencies, as well as in the
160 CHAPTER 5  Autonomic Nervous System Drugs

multimodal management of chronic pain. the number of agents that cause postopera-
Clonidine has also been used as a treat- tive respiratory depression while significantly
ment for vascular headaches, dysmenorrhea, attenuating postoperative pain.
and vasomotor symptoms associated with Adverse effects of dexmedetomidine
menopause; in smoking cessation therapy; ­administration are primarily hypotension
as treatment for opiate and alcohol depen- and bradycardia. Bradycardia can be pro-
dency; and in attention-deficit/hyperactivity found when increased vagal stimuli are pres-
disorder (ADHD). ent, and in young individuals with high vagal
Adverse effects of clonidine include diz- tone, requiring modulation of vagal tone with
ziness, drowsiness, sedation, dry mouth, fa- ­intravenous anticholinergic agents (atropine,
tigue, anxiety, nightmares, and depression. glycopyrrolate). Other adverse effects
Cardiovascular effects can be pronounced, include hypertension, supraventricular and
including palpations, tachycardia, brady- ventricular tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, ane-
cardia, orthostatic hypotension, and cardiac mia, pain, leukocytosis, and pulmonary edema.
rhythm disturbances. Clonidine should not Caution should be exercised in patients who
be discontinued abruptly because rebound are volume depleted or who have high-degree
phenomena can precipitate hypertension, heart block. The safety of this medication in
tachycardia, and cardiac arrhythmias. Instead, lactating mothers has not been established.
therapy should be discontinued by gradual
reduction of dosage tapered over several days. Nursing Considerations for Adrenergic Drugs
Clonidine should be used with caution in Assessment
patients with severe coronary insufficiency, For patients with respiratory disease, the
recent myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular nurse should assess respiratory status, includ-
disease, and chronic renal failure. Children ing respiratory rate, heart rate, blood pressure,
are more likely to experience signs of CNS de- color, use of accessory muscles, oxygen satu-
pression with clonidine than are adults. ration, and breath sounds, when adrenergic
drugs are prescribed. For patients who have
Dexmedetomidine diabetes mellitus, the baseline serum glucose
Dexmedetomidine is a selective level should be checked. For all patients,
α2-adrenergic agonist that has seda- ­cardiovascular status should be assessed:
tive, anxiolytic, and analgesic effects.
• Assess for potential contraindications to
Dexmedetomidine activates α2-receptors
using adrenergic medications: angina,
in the locus ceruleus of the brain stem, sup-
­hypertension, and tachydysrhythmias.
pressing firing of the noradrenergic neu-
• Before, during, and after treatment,
rons as well as activity in the ascending
­monitor blood pressure, heart rate, respi-
noradrenergic pathway. The inhibition by
ratory rate, color, and temperature of skin.
dexmedetomidine causes a decrease in
the release of histamine, which then results There are also important life span con-
in a hypnotic response, similar to that seen siderations in using such drugs. Most ad-
in normal sleep. Indications for the use of renergic drugs should be used with caution,
dexmedetomidine include sedation of me- as they were previously classified as risk
chanically ventilated patients in the intensive ­category C with regard to use during preg-
care unit (ICU), pediatric procedural seda- nancy, so healthcare providers should deter-
tion, and sedation for awake neurosurgical mine whether females of childbearing age are
procedures. Dexmedetomidine has also pregnant before giving such medications. Use
been used as an anesthetic-sparing agent in a ­adrenergic drugs with caution in infants and
number of specialties, including bariatric and the elderly as well, as these patients are at
cardiac surgery, allowing for a reduction in higher risk for adverse effects.
Drugs That Affect the ANS 161

Nursing Interventions consent, it may be helpful for the nurse Best Practices
• For impaired gas exchange: Monitor to show the patient what to do and
then monitor (and correct) as the pa- Patients’ responses to
­oxygen saturation and/or arterial blood
adrenergic antagonists
gases; check respiratory rate and breath tient mimics the procedure under the
may vary, especially
sounds prior to administering adrenergic nurse’s guidance. Patients should be if they have previ-
drugs and during treatment. advised to seek medical attention im- ous exposure to such
• For altered tissue perfusion: Monitor the mediately after use of self-injectable medications.

level of consciousness, heart rate, blood epinephrine as epinephrine is short-

pressure, ECG, chest pain, urine output, acting and the source of the allergic
color and temperature of skin, and capil- response may still be present after the drug is
lary refill. metabolized if they have previous exposure to
• For altered appetite/nutrition concerns: such medications.
Provide small frequent meals, feed when
Adrenergic Antagonists
the medication effect is minimal, and
serve foods the patient likes. Adrenergic antagonists are also known as
• For sleep pattern disturbances: Dim the ­adrenergic blocking agents or adrenergic
lights, keep the area quiet, and offer a blockers, and for good reason: When they
back rub. interact with their respective receptors, the
• For the potential for injury: Monitor the normal receptor response does not occur.
ECG, blood pressure, heart rate, and any They merely attach to receptors and block
chest pain. binding sites for their respective agonists by
competitive inhibition or noncompetitive
Patient Teaching inhibition. Responses to adrenergic antago-
Patients should be taught to use adrenergic nists depend on the receptor classes and sub-
drugs as directed by their prescriber. Anxiety classes with which the antagonists interact.
and insomnia are common feelings caused A review of adrenergic receptors and their
by the adrenergic drugs and should be re- activation or stimulation (see Table 5-2) is use-
ported to the prescribing clinician. Because ful to facilitate understanding of the effects
of the potential for side effects or drug inter- of blocking receptor activation using adren-
actions, patients should be advised to check ergic antagonists.
with their healthcare provider or pharmacist
prior to taking any other medications, and to Alpha-Adrenergic Antagonists
seek medical attention immediately if they Drugs that attach to α-adrenergic receptors
experience chest pain. If the patient takes and block the effects of norepinephrine and
the medication as directed and has no relief epinephrine are categorized as α-adrenergic
of symptoms, he or she should let the pre- antagonists. Specific drug effects differ due to
scriber know. the degree of selectivity for α1 or α2 receptor
Patients who are prescribed epinephrine subtypes. Moreover, patients’ responses to
kits for emergency self-administration due to these drugs may vary if they have had prior
risk of anaphylaxis should be advised to read exposure to α-agonists or α-antagonists, or
the instructions and practice using the pen on may reflect the concentration of endogen-
an orange or a stuffed animal prior to using it ous catecholamines, receptor concentration
on themselves. (Self-injectable epinephrine on cell membranes (up- or down-regulation
kits are packaged with a practice syringe con- of receptors), or even simply a genetic varia-
taining no needle or drug.) If the patient is tion in receptors. The following is an ex-
a child younger than age 13, this instruc- ample: A typical response to endogenous
tion should be given to parents; if the patient catecholamines that stimulate α1-receptors
is an adolescent or teen, and with the parent’s (e.g., norepinephrine) is vasoconstriction.
162 CHAPTER 5  Autonomic Nervous System Drugs

If an α1-receptor antagonist is administered, Phenoxybenzamine

vascular smooth muscle contraction and Phenoxybenzamine is a noncompeti-
other α1-receptor–mediated effects caused by tive, nonselective α-adrenergic antagonist
norepinephrine are blocked, blood vessels agent that is the prototype for α-antagonists.
dilate and blood pressure decreases. When the α-receptor–mediated effects of
Generally, α-adrenergic receptor antago- norepinephrine and epinephrine are
nists are useful in the management of hyper- blocked by phenoxybenzamine, peripheral
tension, benign prostatic hypertrophy, and vascular resistance decreases and blood pres-
heart failure. It has been observed, however, sure falls. Heart rate often increases due to a
that repeated exposure to the same drugs may compensatory baroreceptor reflex–mediated
cause adaptive changes such that patients effect (called reflex tachycardia) and perhaps
­either no longer respond to the medication to some extent due to increased ­circulating
dose originally prescribed (tolerance) or per- norepinephrine caused by α2-receptor
haps become sensitized to it, meaning that blockade. Additionally, phenoxybenzamine
the patient may develop an allergic reaction irreversibly binds to receptors and new recep-
(sensitization). Studies of this phenomenon tors must be synthesized for termination of
(Kojima et al., 2011) show that use of such effects of the drug.
drugs may lead to up-regulation of receptors Phenoxybenzamine is primarily used
over time, potentially changing the patient’s in the preoperative management of episodic,
response to the drug. dangerous hypertension in patients with
pheochromocytoma prior to surgical exci-
Selectivity sion. Beta-receptor antagonists are also useful
Alpha-adrenergic receptor antagonists may in this setting but should be added after effec-
be nonselective or selective for α1-receptors. tive α blockade has been achieved to prevent
With nonselective α-adrenergic antagonists, unopposed alpha stimulation and possible
both α1- and α2-adrenegic receptors are pulmonary edema. Other indications include
blocked, resulting in reduced blood pressure hypoplastic left heart syndrome and complex
as the major cardiovascular effect. While regional pain syndrome type 1.
the inhibitory actions caused by α2-receptor Adverse effects of phenoxybenzamine
activation, such as decreased release of include decreased blood pressure, which
norepinephrine, are blocked by nonselec- is an expected effect of the drug that can
tive α antagonists, blockade of α1-receptors be detrimental if drug concentrations oc-
produces profound hypotensive effects cur above the therapeutic range. Initiating
that mask the actions at α2-receptors. The phenoxybenzamine therapy at a low dose
α1-selective antagonists spare α2-receptors of and increasing the dosage slowly over a period
blockade and the predominant effect is, simi- of several days may attenuate profound hypo-
larly, decreased blood pressure. Other favor- tension. As the peripheral vascular resistance
able actions of α1-specific antagonists include decreases and the intravascular volume ex-
decreased urinary outflow obstruction caused pands over several days, oral ingestion of fluids
by benign prostatic hypertrophy and benefi- fills the expanded intravascular volume. Or-
cial effects on glucose and lipid metabolism. thostatic hypotension may persist with associ-
Yohimbine, used primarily for the treat- ated increases in heart rate after slow initiation
ment of erectile dysfunction, is the only of therapy and appropriate volume reple-
α2-selective receptor antagonist available for tion. Forced ejaculate is limited by α-receptor
clinical use. However, newer, more reliable blockade, but orgasm and semen secretion are
medications that inhibit phosphodiesterase not impaired (Gerstenberg, Levin, & Wagner,
(e.g., sildenafil) have made this drug 1990). Parasympathetic effects may become
­virtually obsolete. evident due to decreased α-adrenergic activity
Drugs That Affect the ANS 163

(e.g., nasal stuffiness, increased gastrointestinal caution in patients with exaggerated hista-
motility, and increased glycogen synthesis). mine release or sensitivity to histamine effects
Administration of exogenous catechol- (e.g., bronchoconstriction due to histamine,
amines may be ineffective in treating hy- particularly in patients with asthma).
potension due to phenoxybenzamine, as
these drugs cannot compete with the irre- Prazosin
versible phenoxybenzamine–receptor com- Prazosin is a competitive, selective
plex. Phenylephrine and norepinephrine α1-receptor antagonist (1000:1::α1:α2). It
may be completely ineffective. Because also inhibits the phosphodiesterase enzyme,
epinephrine is effective only at β-adrenergic thereby decreasing smooth muscle contrac-
receptors in individuals treated with nonse- tion. This drug is used primarily in the treat-
lective α-receptor blockade, its administration ment of hypertension. Antagonist effects at
will produce hypotensive responses due to un- the α1-receptor produce decreased peripheral
opposed vasodilation caused by β2-receptor vascular resistance and increased venous
stimulation. This phenomenon, called “epi- capacity, in turn leading to decreased pre-
nephrine reversal,” may also be observed load and systemic blood pressure with little
with other α1-receptor antagonists due to stim- change in heart rate. Interestingly, prazosin
ulation of both β-adrenergic receptors and increases the concentration of high-density
α2-adrenergic receptors (Swan & R ­ eynolds, lipoproteins and decreases the concentration
1971). Generous intravenous fluids adminis- of low-density lipoproteins via mechanisms
tered to increase intravascular volume prior that may be unrelated to α-receptor interac-
to and during phenoxybenzamine admin- tions. For this reason, it is sometimes pre-
istration may prevent profound hypoten- scribed for patients with both hypertension
sion and reduce orthostatic hypotension and and hypercholesterolemia.
tachycardia. Vasopressin may correct hypo- A number of prazosin analogs are also
tension due to phenoxybenzamine infusion in use, including terazosin, doxazosin,
proven to be refractory to norepinephrine and tamsulosin. Terazosin is a less potent,
administration (O’Blenes, Roy, Konstantinov, longer-acting analog of prazosin that is simi-
Bohn, & Van Arsdell, 2002). larly selective for α1-receptors. It is primarily
used in the management of benign prostatic
Phentolamine hyperplasia (BPH). Doxazosin is a selective
Phentolamine is a competitive, nonselec- α1-receptor antagonist analog of prazosin
tive α-receptor antagonist. It differs from that is used in the management of hyper-
phenoxybenzamine in that its interac- tension and BPH. Likewise, tamsulosin
tion with receptors is reversible and drug is a selective α1-receptor antagonist ana-
effects can be overcome by increasing the log of prazosin, but its effects are weaker
concentrations of an α-receptor agonist in the vasculature and more selective for
(e.g., phenylephrine, norepinephrine). α-receptors in the prostate. This agent is used
Phentolamine also has affinity for serotonin in the management of BPH.
(5-HT) receptors, blocks potassium channels, Adverse effects for prazosin and its ana-
stimulates gastrointestinal motility, increases logs include orthostatic hypotension and syn-
secretion of gastric acid, and causes mast cope, which may occur 30 to 90 minutes after
cell degranulation. It is used systemically to the initial dose of any of these drugs, with the
treat hypertension and injected locally after possible exception of tamsulosin (as noted
extravasation of vasoconstrictor drugs (e.g., earlier, tamsulosin’s effects are weaker, so it is
dopamine) to prevent soft-tissue necro- less likely to produce profound orthostatic hy-
sis (Bey, El-Chaar, Bierman, & Valderrama, potension than the other agents in this class).
1998). Phentolamine should be used with For this reason, the first dose is optimally
164 CHAPTER 5  Autonomic Nervous System Drugs

taken just prior to bedtime. Postural hypoten- preferentially block β1-receptors. The predo­
sion may continue during long-term therapy minant cardiovascular effects for these an-
with these drugs, so patients should be advised tagonists at the β1-receptor include decreased
to rise from lying or sitting positions slowly to heart rate and myocardial contractility (see
avoid dizziness and syncope. Headache and Table 5-3). The effects of β2-receptor antago-
­asthenia are common side effects. nists include inhibition of vascular dilation and
inhibition of pulmonary bronchiole dilation,
Nursing Considerations for α-Receptor which may be problematic in patients with
Antagonists obstructive lung disease.
Because postural hypotension often persists Beta-adrenergic antagonists are useful
with chronic therapy, it may be beneficial in the management of a number of illnesses,
to assess and document the patient’s stand- including hypertension, ischemic heart dis-
ing, sitting, and recumbent blood pressures. ease, arrhythmia, hypertrophic obstructive
Patients should be advised to take the first cardiomyopathy, chronic open-angle glau-
dose just prior to bedtime. Additionally, they coma, ­migraine, thyrotoxicosis, variceal bleed-
should rise slowly from lying and sitting ing due to portal hypertension, and “stage
positions to avoid dizziness, syncope, and fright.” More recently, β-antagonists have
possible injury. Patients may be alarmed by become important adjuncts in the manage-
some of the side effects (e.g., nasal stuffiness, ment of chronic—but not acute—heart failure
increased gastrointestinal motility, ­abnormal ­(Bristow, 2011; Javed & Deedwania, 2009).
ejaculate) and can be reassured with the Beta-antagonist drugs can produce a
understanding that these side e­ ffects are number of adverse effects. Common side
common. ­effects include bradycardia, bronchospasm,
fatigue, sleep disturbance, impotence in
Beta-Adrenergic Antagonists men, and attenuated responses to hypogly-
Beta-receptor antagonists are drugs that at- cemia. These drugs, particularly nonselective
tach to β-adrenergic receptors and block the agents, are generally avoided in patients with
effects of agonists (e.g., epinephrine and asthma. More concerning effects include pro-
norepinephrine) at β-receptor sites. When gressive heart block, bronchoconstriction, and
β-receptors are stimulated, sympathetic re- heart failure. Additionally, abrupt discontinu-
sponses occur. For example, β1-receptor ation of long-term β-antagonist therapy may
stimulation elicits increases in heart rate, result in “rebound” increases in heart rate
while β2-receptor stimulation elicits bron- and blood pressure. These rebound effects
chodilation. Blockade of these receptors can produce myocardial ischemia, infarction,
prevents cardiac and pulmonary excitation, or sudden death in susceptible individuals.
respectively. The effectiveness of β-adrenergic Therefore, gradual tapering of the dose is rec-
antagonists, like the effectiveness of other ommended if β-adrenergic antagonist therapy
adrenergic agents, may vary among individu- must be terminated.
als due to membrane receptor concentration Symptomatic adverse effects of
(up- and down-regulation of receptors), cat- β-antagonist overdose may require interven-
echolamine concentration, interactions with tion. Treatments for symptomatic bradycar-
other agents, and receptor genetics. dia, hypotension, or heart block may include
cessation of β-blocker therapy; administration
Selectivity of atropine, glucagon, or isoproterenol; or
Beta-antagonists are often classified as ­either temporary cardiac pacing.
nonselective or cardioselective. Non- Administration of vasopressors such as
selective β-antagonists block both β1 and norepinephrine and epinephrine in the
β2-receptors. Cardioselective β antagonists context of β-antagonist pharmacotherapy or
Drugs That Affect the ANS 165

overdose may be harmful, as these agents’ heart rate increases during exercise in patients
effects will be limited to α-receptor stimu- with ischemic heart disease. It is also useful
lation because β-receptors are blocked. The in hypertension, angina, acute myocardial in-
combination of α-receptor–mediated hyper- farction, supraventricular tachycardia, chronic
tension from vasopressor administration and (but not acute) heart failure, ­hyperthyroidism,
decreased contractility from β blockade may long QT syndrome, performance anxiety,
produce iatrogenic heart failure and pul- ­vasovagal syndrome, and migraine headaches.
monary congestion. When β-adrenergic– Esmolol is a competitive, cardioselective
antagonist therapy is used during cocaine β1-receptor antagonist with a unique struc-
intoxication, it may result in unopposed ture that permits hydrolysis by erythrocyte
α-receptor stimulation, leading to hyper- esterases. This feature results in a drug with
tension and pulmonary edema (Houston, a short half-life, necessitating administration
1991; Richards et al., 2016). Nonsteroidal of this medication by intravenous infusion to
anti-inflammatory agents (e.g., ibuprofen, achieve sustained effects.
diclofenac sodium) are not recommended Atenolol is a competitive, cardioselective
in patients taking β-adrenergic antagonists for β1-receptor antagonist. It is eliminated un-
hypertension because they attenuate the anti- changed in the urine and may accumulate in
hypertensive effects of these agents. patients with impaired renal function, leading
Beta-adrenergic antagonist therapy is to overdose and toxicity.
­indicated in the presurgical management of Nadolol is a competitive, nonselective
pheochromocytoma only after α-adrenergic β-receptor antagonist with a long half-life,
antagonist therapy has been initiated. These ­allowing for once-daily dosing. It is used in
drugs are not indicated in the management the management of angina, hypertension,
of acute heart failure. Patients with diabetes ­migraine headaches, Parkinsonian tremors,
may not experience the typical responses to and variceal bleeding.
­hypoglycemia, putting them at higher risk for Pindolol is a nonselective β-receptor an-
­hypoglycemic crisis. tagonist. However, it is also thought to have
some weak β-receptor–agonist effects, which
Propranolol limit the degree to which heart rate and blood
Propranolol is the prototype β-antagonist pressure are reduced. This agent is sometimes
drug and has effects on both β1 and β2-­ used in patients who are sensitive to the bra-
receptors—it is a competitive, nonselective dycardic effects of other β-receptor antagonists.
β-adrenergic antagonist. Propranolol has Labetalol is unique among the
fallen out of favor since newer cardioselective β-adrenergic antagonists. It actually consists
β-antagonist agents have been developed. of several isomers that have α1-antagonist and
However, it remains useful in the manage- nonselective β-adrenergic–­antagonist effects.
ment of intention tremor, thyroid storm, Labetalol produces significant decreases
and pheochromocytoma. in blood pressure without compensatory
Propranolol may interact with alcohol, ­increases in heart rate and is most commonly
α-antagonists, calcium-channel blockers, anti- used in the treatment of hypertension.
arrhythmic medications, α2-agonists, digoxin, Carvedilol is a unique drug that acts as
haloperidol, MAO inhibitors, nonsteroidal an antagonist at α1-, β1-, and β2-adrenergic re-
anti-inflammatory agents, thyroid medica- ceptors. It also demonstrates antioxidant and
tions, tricyclic antidepressants, and warfarin. antiproliferative properties. This agent is use-
ful in the management of chronic heart failure
Other Commonly Used β-Adrenergic Antagonists and postmyocardial infarction. Carvedilol
Metoprolol is a competitive, cardioselective improves ventricular function and reduces
β1-receptor antagonist. It is effective in limiting morbidity and mortality in these populations.
166 CHAPTER 5  Autonomic Nervous System Drugs

Nursing Considerations for β-Adrenergic • Dangle legs for a few minutes before
Antagonists standing.
Assessment • Rise slowly and stand for a moment.
A number of factors are contraindications to • Move slowly and do not change posi-
use of β-adrenergic antagonists. Women of tions readily.
childbearing age should be assessed for preg- • Tell the patient to check with his or
nancy or likelihood of pregnancy, as most her healthcare provider or pharmacist
β-adrenergic antagonists are considered to prior to taking any other prescription or
­potentially carry some risk to the fetus. Elderly over-the-counter medications.
patients may be at higher risk for injury when • Tell the patient not to stop taking the med-
such agents are prescribed, due to bradycardia, ication abruptly, as this medication needs
postural hypotension, and falls. The presence to be weaned.
of conditions that might be worsened with
these drugs—such as hypotension, bradycar- Cholinergic Drugs
dia, unstable congestive heart failure, heart Cholinergic drugs are divided into two classes:
block, asthma, and COPD—should also be cholinergic antagonists and cholinergic
evaluated. Prior to, during, and after admin- agonists. Understanding the normal physi-
istration of β-adrenergic–antagonist medica- ology of cholinergic nerves, acetylcholine,
tions, the nurse should monitor the patient’s ­acetylcholinesterase, and cholinergic recep-
blood pressure and cardiovascular status. tors is necessary to understand the actions of
In chronic treatment, the nurse should cholinergic drugs.
­assess the patient for common effects such as There are a number of conditions in
fatigue, hypotension (especially orthostatic or which using cholinergic antagonists is not
postural), bradycardia, sleep disturbance, and ­advised (TABLE 5-5). These contraindications
depression. TABLE 5-4 lists nursing diagnoses arise because such medications may actu-
­associated with use of β-adrenergic antago- ally exacerbate a disease process in which
nists and the goals associated with them. stimulation of the receptors is already weak,
Nursing interventions for β-adrenergic or because the side effects of their use may
­antagonists include the following: ­exacerbate a condition related to the
• Monitor the blood pressure while the disease process.
­patient is supine, sitting, and standing for
Cholinergic Agents
the possibility of postural hypotension.
• Teach the patient to minimize postural Cholinergic agonists can be separated
hypotension: into two subclasses of drugs: direct-acting

TABLE 5-4 Nursing Diagnoses Related to a-Adrenergic Antagonist Use

Nursing Diagnoses Goals

Activity intolerance related to fatigue, lethargy, or depression due to Patient will maintain his or her activity level.
β-adrenergic antagonist administration

Altered tissue perfusion related to hypotension or bradycardia related to Patient will maintain adequate tissue perfusion.
β-adrenergic antagonist drug

Risk for sleep pattern disturbance related to fatigue, lethargy, and depression Patient will maintain his or her normal sleep and waking patterns.

Alteration in comfort: nausea related to β-adrenergic antagonist drug Patient will maintain his or her weight.

Potential for injury related to potential postural hypotension Patient will remain injury free and learn to change positions slowly.
Cholinergic Drugs 167

TABLE 5-5 Contraindications to the Use of Cholinergic Antagonists

Contraindication Rationale

Myasthenia gravis Cholinergic antagonists will decrease the effects of the anticholinesterase medications, putting the
patient at risk for a myasthenic crisis.

Tachydysrhythmias Cholinergic antagonists block parasympathetic vagal stimulation, increasing the heart rate and
increasing the myocardial oxygen demand.

Myocardial infarction Cholinergic antagonists increase heart rate, increase myocardial oxygen demand, potentiate
arrhythmias, and exacerbate a myocardial infarction.

Glaucoma With narrow-angle glaucoma, cholinergic antagonists can increase the intraocular pressure and
precipitate an occurrence of acute glaucoma.

Prostatic hypertrophy Cholinergic antagonists affect the muscarinic receptors in the smooth muscle of the bladder and can
cause urinary retention.

Hyperthyroidism Cholinergic antagonists can aggravate the cardiac effects of tachycardia.

Pregnancy and lactation Counsel patients according to the FDA Pregnancy and Lactation Labeling Rule (PLLR).

acetylcholine receptor agonists (e.g., contraction. Drugs with cholinergic ­activity

bethanechol) and indirect-acting ace- in the ANS may have significant effects on
tylcholinesterase enzyme inhibitors (e.g., neuromuscular transmission (cholinester-
neostigmine). The actions and adverse drug ase inhibitors, e.g., neostigmine), and vice
effects of this class of medications are listed versa (neuromuscular blocking agents, e.g.,
in TABLE 5-6. pancuronium) (see also TABLE 5-6).

Directly Acting Acetylcholine Receptor Agonist Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors

Bethanechol is the only commonly used Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors ­(or anticho-
cholinergic agonist. It stimulates muscarinic linesterases) block the metabolic ­effects of
receptors on the bladder, causing contraction the enzyme acetylcholinesterase in both the
and urination. It also stimulates peristalsis of ANS and the neuromuscular junctions of
the urethra and relaxes the external sphinc- voluntary skeletal muscle. Acetylcholinester-
ter. Spinal cord injury does not limit the use ase breaks down (inactivates) acetylcholine
of bethanechol, as the drug is a direct-acting (ACh); when ACh breakdown is blocked,
agonist. This agent is the drug of choice to the amount of acetylcholine increases. This
treat postpartum and postoperative unob- inhibition allows acetylcholine to accumu-
structed urinary retention. In the gastroin- late in synapses and subsequently increases
testinal tract, bethanechol stimulates the acetylcholine receptor stimulation. It is im-
muscarinic receptors to increase peristalsis portant to note that acetylcholinesterase
and motility, causing defecation. is not selective for cholinergic synapses.
While drugs affecting the somatic Therefore, cholinergic stimulation
­(voluntary) nervous system are beyond the occurs in all autonomic ganglia, in Best Practices
scope of this chapter, acetylcholine is also re- parasympathetic end organs (musca-
When acetylcholines-
leased at the neuromuscular junction and rinic effects), and in neuromuscular
terase is blocked, the
affects nicotinic acetylcholine receptors at junctions. Parasympathetic effects acetylcholine is not
or near postjunctional muscle membranes. predominate due to increased acetyl- metabolized as quickly,
When stimulated, nicotinic acetylcholine choline activity at muscarinic sites. allowing it to have a
­receptors cause skeletal muscle membrane Anticholinesterase agents are used more prolonged effect
at the cholinergic re-
depolarization and trigger a complex s­ eries in the management of Alzheimer ceptor sites.
of subsequent events resulting in muscle ­disease, for the treatment of delirium,
168 CHAPTER 5  Autonomic Nervous System Drugs

TABLE 5-6 Cholinergic Agonist Actions and Adverse Effects

Cholinergic Agonist Action Cholinergic Agonist Adverse Drug Effects (ADE)

Cardiovascular ↓ heart rate, vasodilation Serious ADE: bradycardia, hypotension

Pulmonary Bronchoconstriction, Serious ADE: bronchoconstriction,

↑ respiratory secretions, ↑ secretions → shortness of breath
↑ salivation

Pupils Constriction (miosis), ↓ intraocular pressure

Gastrointestinal ↑ motility, ↑ secretions Common ADE: ↑ gastric emptying, nausea, abdominal

cramping, vomiting, diarrhea

Blood sugar ~ ~

Sweating ↑ sweating Diaphoresis, loss of fluids

Urinary Voiding Frequency of urination

CNS ~ ~

Uses Limited, but varied:

Urinary retention or atony
Paralytic ileus
Diagnosis and therapy of myasthenia gravis
Alzheimer disease

“Wet” (salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation) Drying effects

Drugs Bethanechol

and in the diagnosis and treatment of myasthe- required to stimulate muscle contraction.
nia gravis. They are also useful in the indirect This leads to muscle weakness, particularly of
reversal of certain paralytic agents by specially the voluntary muscles and often those mus-
trained professionals. cles innervated by the cranial nerves. Symp-
toms usually include ptosis, diplopia, ataxia,
Neostigmine dysarthria, difficulty swallowing, shortness
Neostigmine is the prototype of anticho- of breath due to chest wall muscle weakness,
linesterase drugs. It is used for the long-term and weakness in the arms, hands, and legs.
treatment of myasthenia gravis. When used Neostigmine is indicated to treat uri-
for this purpose, resistance may develop, ne- nary retention and paralytic ileus. It is also
cessitating administration of larger doses to used as an antidote for nondepolarizing skel-
achieve the same effect. Myasthenia gravis is etal muscle relaxants (paralytic agents) used
an autoimmune disease in which antibodies during surgery.
destroy postsynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine
receptors in the neuromuscular junction. The Physostigmine
levels of acetylcholine are normal, but due Physostigmine is useful in the treatment of
to a lack of receptors, the acetylcholine can- myasthenia gravis, glaucoma, and impaired
not bind at a sufficient number of receptors gastric motility. Perhaps most importantly, it
Cholinergic Drugs 169

is useful in the treatment of central toxic ef- peptic ulcer disease, and cardiovascular dis-
fects of atropine and scopolamine because ease. Female patients of childbearing age
it is the only anticholinesterase drug that should be assessed for possible pregnancy or
crosses the blood–brain barrier in an intact breastfeeding, as these drugs should be used
form. It also has been used in the manage- only if no other alternatives are available in
ment of delirium associated with anesthesia. pregnant or lactating women. Elderly patients
may be at greater risk for visual disturbances,
Edrophonium so nurses should have a baseline knowledge
Edrophonium is a short-acting cholinergic, of their visual capacity for comparison to the
making it ideal for the diagnosis of myasthe- patients’ experiences during treatment.
nia gravis and to differentiate between myas- In patients with urinary retention, note
thenic crisis and cholinergic crisis. When it is the last time and amount of the previous
given in these situations, life support equip- urinary output. Note fluid intake and assess
ment such as atropine (the antidote), endo- for bladder distention. In patients with para-
tracheal tubes, oxygen, and ventilators must lytic ileus, assess for the presence or absence
be available. of bowel sounds, abdominal distention, pain,
and regular bowel patterns. In patients with
Pyridostigmine myasthenia gravis, assess for muscle weak-
Pyridostigmine is similar in actions, uses, ness such as drooping of the eyelids (ptosis)
and adverse drug effects to neostigmine. and double vision (diplopia). In more severe
Pyridostigmine is the maintenance drug of stages of the illness, the patient should be as-
choice for patients with myasthenia gravis, as sessed for any difficulty in chewing, swal-
it has a long duration of action. It is also avail- lowing, speaking, or breathing. Assess for
able in a slow-release form that is taken at respiratory rate, rhythm, and muscle use, as
bedtime. Because this agent is effective for 8 these patients can develop respiratory fail-
to 12 hours, the patient with myasthenia gra- ure due to muscle weakness. In patients
vis does not have to wake during the night to with Alzheimer disease, memory and cogni-
take their next dose of medication, and wakes tive functioning, as well as self-care abilities,
strong enough to swallow a morning dose. should be assessed.
Nursing diagnoses and goals for patients
Donepezil taking cholinergic agonists and acetylcholin-
Donepezil is used to treat mild to moderate esterase inhibitors are found in TABLE 5-7.
Alzheimer disease (see Chapter 4). Alzheimer
disease is characterized by a loss of neurons Nursing Interventions
that secrete acetylcholine in the brain. When Nursing interventions for patients with uri-
acetylcholinesterase is blocked, the acetylcho- nary retention include the following:
line is not metabolized as quickly, allowing it • Ensure there is no obstruction of the
to have a more prolonged effect at the cho- ­urinary tract.
linergic receptor sites. This can help improve • Consider nonpharmacologic treatments
memory, attention, reason, language, and the such as providing privacy, bathing the
ability to perform simple tasks. Donepezil perineum with warm water, and, if pos-
is given orally and can be taken without sible, allowing the patient to sit up to uri-
­regard to meals. nate or ambulate to the bathroom.

Nursing Considerations for Cholinergic Agonists Nursing interventions for patients with
Assessment paralytic ileus include the following:
Assess the patient for possible contraindica- • Ensure there is no obstruction in the
tions such as uncontrolled asthma, active ­gastrointestinal tract.
170 CHAPTER 5  Autonomic Nervous System Drugs

TABLE 5-7 Cholinergic Agonists and Anticholinesterases: Nursing Diagnoses and Goals

Nursing Diagnoses Nursing Goals

Ineffective airway clearance related to increased respiratory Patient will maintain effective oxygenation of tissues.
secretions and bronchoconstriction

Ineffective elimination patterns Patient will maintain or attain normal elimination patterns.

Knowledge deficit related to drug administration and effects Patient will verbalize why this drug is being used and signs or
symptoms to report to the healthcare provider.

• Implement preventive measures includ- Clinical Indications for Use

ing early ambulation, adequate fluid Anticholinergic drugs have multiple actions,
­intake, providing privacy, and, if possible, and their indications vary as well. For exam-
­allowing the patient to sit up or ambulate ple, since anticholinergic drugs inhibit smooth
to the bathroom. muscle contraction and decrease gastrointes-
Nursing interventions for patients with tinal secretions, they are used to treat spastic
myasthenia gravis include the following: and hyperactive ­conditions of the gastrointes-
tinal and urinary tracts.
• Schedule activities to allow for periods Anticholinergic agents are used preopera-
of rest. tively to decrease respiratory and gastrointes-
• Encourage the patient to wear a medical tinal secretions and to prevent a drop in the
alert bracelet. heart rate caused by vagal stimulation during
• With the permission of the patient, intubation. These drugs are also used in oph-
involve family members in patient care. thalmology because they cause mydriasis (pu-
• Suggest a family member be trained in pil dilation), which facilitates examination
cardiopulmonary resuscitation. and ocular surgical procedures. Other uses of
Nursing interventions for patients with anticholinergic drugs include the treatment of
Alzheimer disease include the following: Parkinson’s disease, to decrease salivation,
spasticity, and tremors; the treatment of
• Encourage self-care activities.
asthma and COPD, as they produce broncho-
• Maintain a consistent routine.
dilation and drying of the respiratory sections;
and the treatment of symptomatic bradycardia.
Cholinergic Antagonists
The adverse effects of anticholinergic
Cholinergic antagonists are often referred to as drugs are generally related to the dose
anticholinergic drugs or antimuscarinic drugs. ­administered. The major adverse anticholin-
Their drug action is limited to muscarinic ergic drug effects include tachycardia, dried
acetylcholine receptors, where they limit and bronchial secretions, dry mouth, blurred
block the actions of acetylcholine. Muscarinic ­vision, and decreased sweating. As noted in
receptors are located on most internal organs, Table 5-5, there are specific conditions in
such as those of the cardiovascular, pulmo- which cholinergic antagonists are contrain-
nary, gastrointestinal, and genitourinary sys- dicated because they may interact with phar-
tems. Stimulation of the muscarinic receptors macotherapeutic interventions or worsen
causes an increase in secretions. symptoms of the underlying pathology.
Muscarinic receptors are also found on
smooth muscle. By blocking the action of ace- Individual Cholinergic Antagonists
tylcholine at these receptors in the gastro- Atropine
intestinal and urinary tracts, anticholinergic Atropine is the prototype anticholinergic
drugs can relax the spasms of smooth muscles. drug. It is absorbed by the gastrointestinal
Cholinergic Drugs 171

tract and distributed throughout the body. bronchodilation. It is also used as a nasal spray
Atropine crosses the blood–brain barrier. In to relieve rhinorrhea. When ipratropium is
the CNS, a therapeutic dose produces stimu- administered by spray or inhalation, the bron-
lant effects, whereas toxic doses produce chial secretions are decreased and there is less
depressant effects. When applied to mucous risk of mucous plugs forming.
membranes, atropine is absorbed systemi-
cally. This agent has a short duration of action. Tiotropium Bromide
According to Advanced Cardiac Life Support Tiotropium bromide is a long-acting
Guidelines, atropine is the drug of choice in ­antimuscarinic, anticholinergic agent that pro-
the treatment of symptomatic bradycardia. duces bronchodilation. It is administered as a
However, it is no longer recommended for dry-powder capsule with a HandiHaler device.
the treatment of pulseless electrical activity or This agent is indicated for use as a daily main-
asystole (American Heart Association, 2010). tenance treatment in patients with COPD; it is
Atropine given preoperatively can avert not recommended for treating acute episodes.
the vagal stimulation that often accompanies
endotracheal intubation, causing bradycar-
dia and hypotension. This agent is also useful Benztropine is a centrally acting anticholin-
in drying respiratory secretions prior to head ergic drug. It is more selective for ­muscarinic
and neck surgery. receptors in the CNS, so it also produces
Atropine is used to treat the excessive fewer adverse drug effects. Benztropine can
cholinergic stimulation caused by anticho- be used to decrease the symptoms of Parkin-
linesterase toxicity, mushroom poisoning, son’s disease (see Chapter 4), such as tremors,
some nerve gases (Sarin) used for chemical spasticity, and salivation. This agent is ­usually
warfare, and some organophosphate prescribed in the early stages of the disease
pesticide poisoning. and in patients who have ­demonstrated a
minimal response to levodopa, which is the
treatment of choice for Parkinson’s disease.
Glycopyrrolate does not cross the blood–
brain barrier and, therefore, is devoid of cen- Oxybutynin
tral effects. This agent increases heart rate Oxybutynin increases bladder capacity and
and blood pressure, but to a lesser extent decreases voiding frequency by exerting a
than atropine. direct antispasmodic effect on smooth muscle
Scopolamine and anticholinergic effects.
Scopolamine exerts minimal effects on heart Nursing Process for Cholinergic Antagonists
rate and blood pressure. However, it has sig- Assessment
nificant central effects and produces profound
The assessment should identify whether the
mydriasis. In high doses, it can cause central
patient is on any other medications with an-
toxicity, which manifests as dry mouth, rubor,
ticholinergic effects, such as antihistamines,
cycloplegia, and delirium. Central toxicity is an
antipsychotic agents, or tricyclic antidepres-
emergency and may be treated with the anti-
sants, as this combination could cause an ad-
cholinesterase drug physostigmine. Admin-
verse interaction. Similarly, the nurse should
istration of scopolamine by cutaneous patch
assess for any condition in which the anti-
reduces nausea and vomiting due to anesthe-
cholinergic drug would be contraindicated,
sia or motion (e.g., sea sickness, car sickness).
such as glaucoma, myasthenia gravis, hyper-
Ipratropium thyroidism, prostatic hypertrophy, tachyar-
Ipratropium can be used as an inha- rhythmia, or myocardial infarction. Female
lation treatment for COPD to produce patients of childbearing age should be
172 CHAPTER 5  Autonomic Nervous System Drugs

TABLE 5-8 Anticholinergic Drugs: Nursing Diagnoses and Goals

Nursing Diagnoses Nursing Goals

Decreased cardiac output related to bradycardia Patient will attain a heart rate of 60 to 100 beats per minute.

Ineffective airway clearance related to increased respiratory Patient will maintain effective oxygenation of tissues.
secretions and bronchoconstriction

Ineffective elimination patterns Patient will maintain or attain normal elimination patterns.

Knowledge deficit related to drug administration and effects Patient will verbalize why this drug is being used and signs or
symptoms to report to the healthcare provider.

Risk for noncompliance related to adverse drug effects Patient will verbalize the need to take the medication as prescribed.

assessed for pregnancy or breastfeeding, as • Avoid overheating by staying in air

these drugs should be used in such women ­conditioning, drinking fluids, and taking
only if no other alternatives are available. frequent showers or sponge baths.
Elderly patients may be at greater risk for
most ­adverse effects and heat stroke.
During the assessment, note the condi- CHAPTER SUMMARY
tion for which the patient was prescribed an • The ANS is composed of three interconnected systems
that manage involuntary functions: the SNS, the PNS,
anticholinergic drug, such as bradycardia, di- and the ENS.
arrhea, enuresis, Parkinson’s disease, asthma, • The SNS is responsible for fight-or-flight response,
COPD, or other disorders. Note any indica- while the PNS is characterized as the rest-and-repair
tions of adverse drug effects such as tachy- system; the two work in tandem, and the
ENS (which innervates the digestive tract) interacts
cardia, dried bronchial secretions, dry mouth, with both.
blurred vision, and decreased sweating. • The SNS is also called the thoracolumbar system, and
Nursing diagnoses and goals related to an- the PNS is called the craniosacral system, reflecting the
locations from which preganglionic nerves originate in
ticholinergic drugs are listed in TABLE 5-8.
each of the respective divisions.
Nursing Interventions • Preganglionic nerves may be sympathetic or parasym-
pathetic, and in both cases they are cholinergic nerves
• Teach the patient why the drug is being that release acetylcholine.
prescribed and how to take it correctly. • The receptors at ganglia for both the SNS and the PNS
are nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.
• Teach the patient about the potential ad-
• Postganglionic sympathetic nerves release norepineph-
verse drug effects. rine, which stimulates adrenergic receptors at effector
• Have the patient protect his or her eyes organs.
from the sun with sunglasses. • Postganglionic parasympathetic nerves release ace-
tylcholine, which stimulates muscarinic acetylcholine
• To alleviate a dry mouth and to receptors at effector organs.
prevent tooth decay, sip on cold ­water, • Medications that affect the ANS often mimic or block
suck on sugarless hard candies, chew the actions of acetylcholine or norepinephrine. These
­sugarless gum, and use frequent actions can provide therapeutic effects by either reduc-
ing stress on effector organs such as the heart, lungs,
oral hygiene. or kidneys, or increasing the output of these organs in
• Increase fluid and fiber in the diet to pre- cases where function is sub-par.
vent constipation. • Some medications that have generalized, rather than
targeted, effects on receptors can also promote un-
• Avoid any over-the-counter or prescrip-
wanted side effects. Understanding how each type of
tion drugs without first checking with the medication affects the receptors is therefore necessary
healthcare provider. for optimal disease management.
Case studies 173


Case Scenario 1
A 12-year-old boy is stung by a bee while playing in his backyard. In the past, he has had severe
reactions to insect stings, which required emergency room visits and the dispensing of an
epinephrine injector. On this occasion, by the time he reaches the door to tell his mother, he is
covered in hives, is audibly wheezing, and passes out suddenly in the foyer. His mother immediately
calls 9-1-1 and administers the prescribed intramuscular epinephrine dose into the boy’s thigh.
The child recovers consciousness rapidly; at the arrival of the ambulance, he is breathing easier and
complaining of itching all over. Paramedics report normal blood pressure and tachycardia.
Case Questions
1. Given the patient’s symptoms, what is the likely medical problem?
2. The administration of epinephrine caused a rapid improvement in the patient’s symptoms. Which adrenergic
receptors were likely stimulated by the medication, and what response did these invoke that improved his
3. Which adrenergic receptors were stimulated to restore the patient’s normal blood pressure and return to
consciousness, and what response did this invoke?
4. Which adrenergic receptors must be stimulated to relieve the patient’s tachycardia, and what response
would this invoke?


Case Scenario 2
Mr. Walker enjoys cooking and prefers to eat locally grown food when it is available. While hiking
on a trail through the woods, he finds a new crop of mushrooms growing by a log. Thinking about
how good fresh sautéed mushrooms would be with his dinner that evening, Mr. Walker gathers the
When he arrives home, he cleans the mushrooms and eats a few of them as he works. Twenty
minutes later, he is salivating and sweating, his vision is blurry, and he has difficulty breathing. He
calls 9-1-1.
Case Questions
1. Which branch of the ANS has been stimulated?
2. What is causing the symptoms?
3. What is the antidote?
4. Why is the antidote effective in this case of mushroom poisoning?
174 CHAPTER 5  Autonomic Nervous System Drugs


Discussion Questions
1. What are the components of the ANS? Which functions does the ANS control?
2. What does the SNS control? How does it differ from the PNS?
3. Where is acetylcholine released? Where is norepinephrine released? Which receptors do each of these
neurotransmitters utilize?
4. Which types of drugs would have a positive effect on bronchoconstriction? Which drugs should be avoided
in patients who suffer from bronchoconstriction?
5. Name the adrenergic receptors and identify a key function for each receptor.
6. Which conditions are contraindications for cholinergic antagonists?

of Urology, 65(4), 395–402. doi: 10.1111/j.1464-

SUGGESTED READINGS 410X.1990.tb14764.x
Bellamo, R., Chapman, M., Finfer, S., Hickling, K., & Houston, M.C. (1991). Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
Myburgh, J. (2000). Low-dose dopamine in patients drugs and antihypertensives. American Jour-
with early renal dysfunction: A placebo-controlled nal of Medicine, 90(5 Suppl. 1), S42–S47. doi:
randomised trial. Lancet, 356, 2139–2143. 10.1016/0002-9343(91)90485-G
Ichai, C., Passeron, C., Carles, M., Bouregba, M., & Gri- Javed, U., & Deedwania, P.C. (2009). Beta-adrenergic
maud, D. (2000). Prolonged low-dose dopamine in- blockers for chronic heart failure. Cardiology in
fusion induces a transient improvement in renal ­Review, 17(6), 287–292. doi: 10.1097
function in hemodynamically stable, critically ill pa- /CRD.0b013e3181bdf63e
tients: A single-blind, prospective, controlled study. Johnson, J.O. (2013). Autonomic nervous system phys-
Critical Care Medicine, 28, 1329–1335. iology. In H.C. Hemmings & T.D. Egan (Eds.), Phar-
macology and physiology for anesthesia: Foundations and
clinical application (pp. 208–218). Philadelphia, PA:
REFERENCES Elsevier-Saunders.
American Heart Association. (2010). 2010 American Kojima, Y., Sasaki, S., Kubota, Y., Imura, M., Oda, N.,
Heart Association guidelines for cardiopulmonary re- Kiniwa, M., . . . Kohri, K. (2011). Up-regulation of
suscitation and emergency cardiovascular care. Circu- alpha 1a- and alpha 1d-adrenoceptors in the pros-
lation, 122(18S), S640–S656. tate by administration of subtype-selective alpha
Bey, D., El-Chaar, G.M., Bierman, F., & Valderrama, 1-adrenoceptor antagonist tamsulosin for benign
E. (1998). The use of phentolamine in the preven- prostatic hyperplasia patients [Abstract #300]. Inter-
tion of dopamine-induced tissue extravasation. national Continence Society Meeting, Glasgow, Scot-
Journal of Critical Care, 13(1), 13–20. doi: 10.1016/ land, August 29–September 2, 2011. Retrieved from
Blessing, B., & Gibbins, I. (2008). Autonomic nervous O’Blenes, S.B., Roy, N., Konstantinov, I., Bohn, D., &
system. Scholarpedia, 3(7), 2787. Van Arsdell, G.S. (2002). Vasopressin reversal of
Bristow, M.R. (2011). Treatment of chronic heart failure phenoxybenzamine-induced hypotension after the
with β-adrenergic receptor antagonists. Circulation Re- Norwood procedure. Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascu-
search, 109, 1176–1194. lar Surgery, 123(5), 1012–1013.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA). (2016). Use Richards, J.R., Hollander, J.E., Ramosak, E.A., ­Fareed,
caution when giving cough and cold products to kids. F.N., Sand, S., Gomez, M.M., & Lange, R. A.
­Retrieved from (2016). β-Blockers, cocaine, and the unopposed
/­resourcesforyou/specialfeatures/ucm263948.htm α-stimulation phenomenon. Journal of Cardiovascular
Gerstenberg, T.C., Levin, R.J., & Wagner, G. (1990). Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 22(3), 239–249.
Erection and ejaculation in man: Assessment of the Swan, K., & Reynolds, D. (1971). Adrenergic mecha-
electromyographic activity of the bulbocaverno- nisms in canine mesenteric circulation. American Jour-
sus and ischiocavernosus muscles. British Journal nal of Physiology—Legacy Content, 220(6), 1779–1785.

Cardiovascular Medications

Diane F. Pacitti and Blaine Templar Smith


ACE inhibitors Cardiac output (CO) High-density lipoprotein Renin–angiotensin–

Angina pectoris Cardiovascular system (HDL) aldosterone system (RAAS)
Angiotensin I Cholesterol Hyperkalemia Selective α1-blockers
Angiotensin II Congestive heart Hyperlipidemia Sodium-channel blockers
Angiotensin II receptor failure (CHF) Hypertension Statin
blockers (ARBs) Coronary artery disease Hypertensive emergency Systemic vascular
Angiotensin-converting Cytochrome P450 3A4 Lipids resistance (SVR)
enzyme (ACE) (CYP3A4) Low-density lipoprotein Systolic
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) Deep vein thrombosis (LDL) Triglycerides
Arrhythmias (DVT) Myocardial infarction Vasodilators
Atherosclerosis Diastolic Negative chronotrope Vasopressin antagonists
Beta-blockers Direct renin inhibitors (DRIs) Peripheral dopamine-1 Very low-density
Beta-receptors Diuresis agonists lipoprotein (VLDL)
Blood pressure Diuretic Positive inotrope
Bradykinin First-dose effect Potassium-channel blockers
Calcium-channel Fluid volume Prehypertension
blockers (CCBs) Heart rate (HR) Renin


At the end of the chapter, the student will be able to: 4. Explain the rationales and approaches for treatments of
common cardiovascular conditions.
1. Define the key terms at the beginning of this chapter.
5. Identify the mechanism of action for common drug classes
2. Describe the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system and its
used in treatment of cardiac conditions.
impact on the cardiovascular system.
3. Discuss the most common cardiovascular conditions affect-
ing patients.

176 CHAPTER 6  Cardiovascular Medications

Introduction It is presupposed the nurse has a working

knowledge of the normal structure and
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause function of the heart and vasculature (for
of death in the United States, for both men review, the reader is referred to one of the
and women, according to the Division for many anatomy and physiology references
Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention at the and resources). Since cardiovascular disease is
Centers for Disease Control (CDC). About one of the leading causes of all deaths in the
630,000 Americans die from heart dis- United States, it is important to distinguish
ease each year—that is one in every four that cardiovascular “disease” is actually a
deaths. Each minute, more than one per- group of disorders that affect the heart, the
son in the United States dies from a heart blood vessels, or both (see FIGURE 6-1). For
disease–related event. Coronary artery example, some disorders involve only the
disease (CAD) is the most common heart heart itself. Pathologies attributed to the
diseasein the United States: someone has a heart include the following:
heart attack every 40 seconds. There are also
12 million yearly visits to physician’s offices • Malfunctions of the heart’s electrical im-
and close to 4 million hospital discharges pulses that result in rhythmic disturbances
for cardiovascular disease (Heron, 2014; (arrhythmias)
Centers for Disease Control and P ­ revention, • Poorly functioning valves, which result
2017). Treatment of cardiovascular disease in blood “leakage” between chambers be-
and monitoring for therapeutic efficacy cause of insufficient force to move blood
and side effects of the cardiovascular drugs forward
used requires a comprehensive knowledge • Atrophy or hypertrophy of individ-
of the pharmacology of these medications. ual chambers, whether from congeni-
Nurses play a vital role in direct patient tal causes or disease processes, which
care; t­ herefore, knowledge of cardiovascu- can prevent adequate blood movement
lar medications, ­assessment of therapeutic through the heart
and adverse ­effects, knowledge of drug ef- • Acute infections, electrolyte imbalances,
fects on the body, and patient education and fluid buildup around the heart, con-
are essential. It is the goal of this chapter to ditions that may create a cardiovascular
equip the nurse with not only a thorough crisis if not promptly treated
understanding of the medication classes and In contrast, conditions that affect the
mechanisms of a­ ction of the drugs used to circulatory component of the cardiovascular
treat these cardiac conditions, but more im- system (including the blood vessels that
portantly, to provide the rationale for select- feed the heart; see Figure 6-1B) include
ing appropriate drug regimens and ensure such cardiac disorders as hypertension
optimal therapeutic outcomes. (high blood pressure, which itself can have a
variety of causative factors), hyperlipidemia
The Cardiovascular System (high cholesterol and/or triglyceride
In broad terms, the cardiovascular sys- levels, which are generally lifestyle related
tem can be defined as a complex interre- but can also have genetic causes), and
lated network composed of the heart and congestive heart failure (CHF). Nearly all
blood vessels (of the circulatory system). of these various conditions are treated with
Cardiovascular pharmacology is the study of medication, although in some situations
the mechanism of action of drugs used to treat the medications are adjuncts to surgical and
pathologies of the heart, the circulatory sys- lifestyle interventions.
tem, and interrelated physiological systems The number of medication classes used to
which comprise the cardiovascular system. treat cardiovascular disease is as varied as the
The Cardiovascular System 177

Arteries Veins

Capillaries Major vessels

Capillary beds
of lungs where
gas exchange

Pulmonary Pulmonary circuit Pulmonary veins

Aorta and branches

Venae cavae Left atrium

Right atrium Left ventricle


Right ventricle

Systemic circuit

Capillary beds of all

body tissues where
gas exchange occurs

Oxygen-rich,CO2-poor blood
Oxygen-poor,CO2-rich blood
FIGURE 6-1  Anatomy of the cardiovascular system. There are two physiological systems within this system: the circulatory system, which
consists of the veins, arteries, and smaller vessels, and the heart. (A) The heart. (B) The circulatory system.

number of disorders themselves. The focus hyperlipidemia, and congestive heart failure. The
of this chapter, therefore, is restricted to the medications used to prevent thrombosis and
medication classes used in the treatment and stroke by reducing coagulation of blood are
long-term management of the cardiovascular also discussed, as these agents are frequently
conditions most commonly seen in the gen- used in conjunction with therapies to treat
eral population: hypertension (HTN), angina, underlying diseases to prevent cardiovascular
178 CHAPTER 6  Cardiovascular Medications

crises such as heart attacks (myocardial

­infarction [MI]) and strokes.
BP Formula
Blood pressure depends on cardiac output
Treatment of High Blood Pressure (CO) and systemic vascular resistance (SVR):
BP = CO × SVR*
Blood pressure measures the amount of force
that blood exerts upon blood vessel walls as it Cardiac output depends on heart rate and
flows throughout the body. The two measure- stroke volume:
ments of pressure are systolic blood pres- CO = HR × SV**
sure, which measures the force of blood pressing *SVR = total resistance of arterioles to flow of
against vessel walls while the heart is contracting blood
during a beat, and diastolic blood pressure, **SV = the amount of blood pumped by the
which is the force exerted while the heart muscle is heart each cycle
relaxed between beats. The systolic measure-
ment is typically anywhere from 40 to
contribute to CO and SVR must be consid-
50 mm Hg higher than the diastolic value.
ered. Key physiological factors that affect
When the force that pushes against blood
CO and SVR include fluid volume and va-
vessels (pressure) remains consistently higher
soconstriction. Fluid volume, the volume
than the vessel walls can tolerate, the blood
of blood passing through the blood vessels,
vessel becomes damaged. Left untreated,
plays a significant role in the regulation of
this could lead to serious cardiovascular pa-
blood pressure. S ­ pecifically, the greater the
thologies such as heart attack, heart failure,
amount (volume) of blood to be pumped,
and stroke.
the greater the pressure will be on the ves-
Two significant factors that affect blood
sel walls; the risk of damage to the ves-
pressure are cardiac output (CO) and
sel walls is increased. This can be likened
­systemic vascular resistance (SVR),
to a garden hose (blood v ­ essel) connected
as a function of heart rate (HR). This
to a faucet (heart). If the f­ aucet suddenly
­relationship is often shortened to the follow-
pumped three times more water than the
ing formula:
hose could handle, the hose would be sub-
CO = HR × SVR jected to a significantly higher pressure than
it was made to tolerate, which greatly in-
Cardiac output is the amount of blood creases the risk of damaging the hose. As a
the heart is able to pump in one minute, result of increased fluid in the body (blood
and systemic vascular resistance is the re- volume), the heart must also work harder
sistance to blood flowing, present in the to compensate for the greater volume. Exces-
body from the vasculature, after the exit sive fluid, therefore, can be harmful to both the
from the left ventricle (not including the heart and the vessels.
pulmonary vasculature). Vasoconstriction, similarly, affects blood
According to the preceding equation, an pressure: less blood volume can pass through
increase in HR or SVR will cause blood pres- a constricted vessel than a dilated ves-
sure to increase; conversely, a decrease in the sel; thus, there is an increased resistance to
HR or SVR will cause a subsequent decrease in the passage of blood which can also dam-
blood pressure. It follows then, that a drug age blood vessels. Restriction of blood vessel
which decreases either the HR or the SVR walls, regardless of cause, impedes the flow
would be a useful pharmacological agent to of blood through that vessel, and causes the
lower blood pressure. pressure inside the vessel walls to increase.
According to the preceding equation, Persistent blood vessel constriction is associated
however, all physiological factors that with the development of hypertension.
Treatment of High Blood Pressure 179

The autonomic nervous ­system (ANS), accompanies a variety of chronic conditions,

the kidneys, and the renin–angiotensin– such as diabetes mellitus, renal disease, and
aldosterone system (RAAS) are the key sleep apnea (Story, 2012). In many instances,
contributors in the control of blood pressure hypertension is a self-perpetuating condition
(TABLE 6-1). Hypertension may develop for any in which high blood pressure damages renal
number of reasons, ranging from genetic fac- blood vessels, leading to decreased blood flow
tors to lifestyle factors (e.g., tobacco use, lack to the kidney, which in turn triggers increased
of exercise, high-­sodium or low-potassium renin secretion (FIGURE 6-2). Because one of
diet) to simple aging. ­Hypertension also the responses to renin is vasoconstriction,

TABLE 6-1 Actions of the ANS, Kidneys, and RAAS for Regulation of Blood Pressure

Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Kidneys Renin–Angiotensin–Aldosterone System

• Responds to information received from • Release renin (hormone) • End products are angiotensin II and
baroreceptors located in the carotid sinus in response to need for aldosterone, which elevate blood pressure
and aortic arch. increased blood pressure. through vasoconstriction of arterioles and
• Sympathetic nervous system is stimulated • Regulate fluid and electrolyte volume expansion caused by increased
when a decrease in blood pressure causes balance in the body for sodium.
signals to be sent to the brain stem. long-term control of blood
• Epinephrine and norepinephrine are pressure.
neurotransmitters released from the adrenal
medulla (discussed in Chapter 5).

Nitric oxide, EDHF Angiotensinogen

Renin inhibitor Beta-blocker

Bradykinin Angiotensin I

ACE inhibitor,
Inactive peptides Angiotensin II SNS activation

Receptor AT1 receptor Norepinephrine

Aldosterone Target cells

Target cells

Heart Kidneys

Brain Vasculature

FIGURE 6-2  Actions of the ANS, kidneys, and RAAS for regulation of blood pressure.
180 CHAPTER 6  Cardiovascular Medications


Blood Distal tubular

pressure sodium




Angiotensin I Angiotensin II Angiotensin III

Vasoconstriction Aldosterone

Sodium and fluid


Increased peripheral Increased cardiac

resistance output

Elevation of blood pressure

FIGURE 6-3  RAAS feedback loop: Renin is released from the kidney in response to a decrease in blood pressure.

this r­ esponse increases peripheral resistance among others. Hypertension is therefore ad-
even further, creating a damaging feedback dressed with any of a variety of antihyper-
loop (see FIGURE 6-3, which shows the feed- tensive medications, including drugs in the
back loop). Thus, prevention of hypertension following categories: angiotensin-convert-
and early treatment when it is first diagnosed ing-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin II
can help prevent the upward spiral of high receptor blockers (ARBs), direct renin inhibi-
blood pressure. tors (DRIs), aldosterone antagonists (AAs),
Uncontrolled hypertension carries an beta-blockers, alpha-1-blockers, and cal-
even greater risk of a wide range of dis- cium-channel blockers (CCBs).
eases, including not only MI and coronary The classes of drugs used to lower blood
artery disease, but also stroke, kidney dis- pressure are named for their mechanism
ease, aortic aneurysm, and heart failure, of action. However, to understand why, for
The Renin–Angiotensin–Aldosterone System (RAAS) 181

example, blocking beta-receptors or inhibit- in the range of 120–139 mm Hg and/or a

ing the conversion of angiotensin will reduce diastolic value in the range of 80–89 mm Hg.
blood pressure, one must understand the Hypertension was defined as having an average
­contributions these processes make toward blood pressure of 140/90 mm Hg or higher most of
cardiovascular function. the time.
Given the relationship of CO, SVR, and
HR in the equation given earlier, there are JNC 8: Updated Guidelines for Treatment
three ways to lower blood pressure: (1) lower of Hypertension
CO (generally by reducing fluid volume); In 2014 panel members of the Eighth Joint
(2) reduce HR (generally by inhibiting signals National Committee published guidelines that
that normally increase HR); or (3) decrease do not recommend blood pressure guidelines
SVR (generally by expanding or dilating numerically. In hypertensive persons younger
blood vessels). Most of the medications used than 60 years, there is not sufficient evidence
in therapy for hypertension alter one or more to support a systolic goal; nor is there suffi-
of these factors. cient evidence to support a diastolic goal in
those younger than 30 years. There panel
therefore recommends a target blood pres-
Medication Naming Conventions
sure below 140/90 mm Hg for those groups
The generic names of the blood pressure med- (James et al., 2014).
ications can be helpful tools for recognizing
the category to which “class” a medication be-
longs, and even its mechanism of action. For
The Renin–Angiotensin–
example, beta-blockers end in “lol” (propran- Aldosterone System (RAAS)
olol, metoprolol, and atenolol); ACE inhibitors
end in “pril” (benazepril, captopril, enala- The renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system
pril, or lisinopril); and ARBs end in “sartan” is a hormone system that regulates blood pressure
(candesartan, irbesartan, losartan). There are and water (fluid) balance. The second mech-
exceptions to every rule, and there are addi- anism by which drugs act to lower blood
tional classes of medications that share similar pressure is to decrease angiotensin II levels,
suffixes as well.
thereby suppressing its activity in the RAAS.
As noted in FIGURE 6-4, hypertension is often a
self-sustaining condition, as systemic vaso-
What Is High Blood Pressure? constriction leads to increased renin produc-
JNC 7: “Older” Guidelines for Treatment tion in the kidneys, which in turn raises the
of Hypertension circulating level of angiotensin I. However,
The seventh report of the Joint National neither of these products is itself respon-
Committee (JNC 7) has served as the gold sible for the vasoconstriction and increases
standard guideline for antihypertensive phar- in blood pressure. Angiotensin II, which
macotherapy since it was published in 2003. is created by the conversion of angioten-
Specifically, the JNC 7 defined and delineated sin I by angiotensin-converting enzyme
“normal,” “prehypertension,” and “hyper- (ACE), is the product that causes potent
tension” blood pressure values and set treat- vasoconstriction and the release of aldoste-
ment goals for initiating pharmacotherapy rone, which then increases the retention of
intervention accordingly. Their recommended sodium and consequently water. By limiting
guidelines for pharmacotherapeutic treatment the availability of angiotensin II, vasoconstric-
goal was a resting systolic blood pressure less tion and aldosterone release are likewise lim-
than 120 mm Hg and a resting diastolic blood ited, and volume expansion is curtailed. This
pressure less than 80 mm Hg. Prehyperten- reduces both the SVR and CO, thus lowering
sion was defined as a resting systolic value blood pressure.
182 CHAPTER 6  Cardiovascular Medications


Renin Aliskiren

Angiotensin 1

converting ACE inhibitors

Angiotensin 2

Blood vessel Angiotensin Angiotensin receptor

constriction receptor blockers (ARB)


Sodium retention Aldosterone Spironolactone

Fibrosis receptor Eplerenone

FIGURE 6-4  Drug targets: Renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS).

The RAAS feedback regulation pathway class of medications called ACE inhibitors
presents multiple pharmacotherapy “targets,” does exactly that). Another possibility is to
which can be exploited to lower blood pres- focus instead on blocking the receptors where
sure blood pressure. Each of these strategies is angiotensin II binds to cells, which is the
examined in turn. mechanism of action of a class of drugs called
There are several ways to go about angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs).
reducing the activity of angiotensin II. One Note that using any of these methods does
route is to limit its presence in the system, not mean there will be no angiotensin II
either by (1) reducing the availability of available—angiotensinogen and angiotensin I
renin, thereby limiting the amount of are both converted to angiotensin II by means
angiotensin I available for conversion other than renin and ACE interactions.
(drugs with this mechanism of action are However, the goal of the therapy is not to
called direct renin inhibitors [DRIs]), eliminate the effects of angiotensin II (that
or (2) preventing ACE from acting on would be harmful, rather than helpful) but
angiotensin I to produce angiotensin II (a rather to reduce them.
The Renin–Angiotensin–Aldosterone System (RAAS) 183

Direct Renin Inhibitors hyperkalemia. DRIs are contraindicated in

As with many classes of medication, the pregnancy due to the increased risk of fetal
name of this drug class is representative of complications and, therefore, are not used in
the drug’s mechanism of action. Direct re- pregnancy-induced hypertension.
nin inhibitors bind to the renin molecule
and form a “renin-drug complex,” which Angiotensin-Converting-Enzyme Inhibitors
effectively inhibits renin activity. Recall that (ACE Inhibitors)
renin is responsible for the conversion of As with the DRIs, the name of the angioten-
angiotensinogen to produce angiotensin I; sin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitor cat-
decreasing renin levels and thereby reduces egory of drugs is a helpful reminder of their
the amount of angiotensin I (see Figure 6-4). mechanism of action. By limiting the produc-
As the amount of angiotensin I in the RAAS tion of the enzyme responsible for converting
decreases, the amount of the angiotensin II angiotensin I to angiotensin II, the amount of
end product decreases as well. As angiotensin II angiotensin II in the body decreases, which
decreases, less vasoconstriction and volume expan- in turn lowers blood pressure. In addition to
sion occur, causing blood pressure decrease as well. converting angiotensin I to angiotensin II, the
Because the increase in renin secretion that angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) breaks
accompanies hypertension tends to continu- down bradykinin, an endogenous compound
ally promote blood pressure increases (Farag, released in response to inflammation; brady-
Maheshwari, Morgan, Sakr Esa, & Doyle, kinin directly causes vasodilation. The inhibi-
2015), this drug class adds another option to tion of bradykinin breakdown decreases blood
the hypertension pharmacotherapy arsenal. pressure by a different, yet significant, second-
This class of antihypertensive medica- ary mechanism of action. Increasing vasodi-
tions is new, and there is currently only one lation reduces systemic vascular resistance
FDA-approved DRI available; aliskiren was (SVR), which leads to lower blood pressure
approved for use as an antihypertensive agent (see BP Formula box). Patients most likely to
in 2007. DRI therapy for hypertension can be benefit from ACE inhibitor drug therapy in-
used as monotherapy, in conjunction with di- clude those with hypertension, diabetic and
uretics, or with other antihypertensive treat- nondiabetic nephropathy, coronary artery dis-
ments, although combination therapy should ease, and heart failure, as well as patients who
be undertaken with caution. Initial research have had a myocardial infarction (TABLE 6-2).
found aliskiren to be a safe and effective al-
Adverse Effects of ACE inhibitors
ternative to ACE inhibitors and ARBs for pri-
mary hypertension (Farag, Maheshwari, Because this class of medications has “dual
Morgan, Sakr Esa, & Doyle, 2015), and subse- mechanisms of drug action” (inhibiting an-
quent trials identified combined therapy with giotensin-converting enzyme produces two
ACE inhibitors or ARBs plus aliskiren at low distinct physiological effects), lowering angio-
doses as having potential benefits for high-risk tensin II and increasing bradykinin, it follows
patients with type 2 diabetes ­(Riccioni, 2013). that use of this class of medications would
produce multiple adverse effects. Indeed, ad-
Adverse Effects of Direct Renin Inhibitors verse effects of ACE inhibitors can be grouped
Patients taking DRIs are much less likely into two categories: (1) effects that are likely
to experience the side effect of dry cough and caused by the reduction in angiotensin II
angioedema than those receiving ACE in- formation (hypotension, renal failure, and
hibitors (Makani et al., 2012). Patients hyperkalemia) and (2) effects related to in-
with renal insufficiency, diabetes, or who creased “kinins” (cough, angioedema, and
take a DRI in combination with an ACE in- anaphylaxis reactions); each is discussed in
hibitor or an ARB have an increased risk of further detail.
184 CHAPTER 6  Cardiovascular Medications

TABLE 6-2 ACE Inhibitors Used in Hypertension*

Name Additional Uses and Notes

Benazepril Also used for CHF and chronic renal failure. It is converted into its active molecule, benazeprilat, a non-sulfhydryl
ACE inhibitor, by metabolism in the liver. Combinations of this drug with a thiazide diuretic and the calcium-
channel blocker amlodipine are also available.

Captopril Also used for CHF, post-MI left ventricular dysfunction, and diabetic nephropathy. Can be used with a thiazide
diuretic or ARB. Patients with renal impairment may need dosing modifications. Like other medications in this
class, captopril is a pro-drug, but its pharmacokinetic profile is distinguished by its poor bioavailability.

Enalapril Also used for CHF and left ventricular dysfunction post MI. Enalapril is converted into its active molecule,
enalaprilat, a non-sulfhydryl ACE inhibitor, by metabolism in the liver. Patients with renal impairment may need
dosing modifications.

Fosinopril Also used for heart failure. Because it is excreted via both renal and biliary pathways, fosinopril may be a safer
choice for patients with renal impairment than other medications in this class that are excreted solely via the
renal system. Like other medications in this class, fosinopril is a prodrug that is converted into its active form via
metabolism in the body.

Lisinopril Also used for CHF, post-MI left ventricular dysfunction, and diabetic nephropathy. This medication is one of
the few in its class that is not a prodrug; it is excreted unchanged in the urine. Patients with renal impairment
therefore may need dosing modifications.

Moexipril Like most drugs in this class, moexipril is a prodrug. It has low oral bioavailability, but is lipophilic, which means it
penetrates cell membranes better and has higher activity in blocking ACE in tissues as well as plasma.

Perindopril Also used for stable coronary artery disease. Perindopril is a prodrug for the active metabolite perindoprilat.

Quinapril Also used as an adjunct in treatment of heart failure. Quinapril is a prodrug for the active metabolite quinaprilat.

Ramipril Also used in the treatment of post-MI heart failure and for prevention of MI, stroke, and cardiac death. Ramipril is a
prodrug for the active metabolite ramiprilat.

Trandolapril Also used in treatment of post-MI heart failure and left ventricular dysfunction. Trandolapril is a prodrug for the
active metabolite trandolaprilat.

*All ACE inhibitors present a risk of fetal toxicity and, therefore, are contraindicated for the treatment of pregnancy-induced hypertension. Concomitant use
in conjunction with aliskiren (a direct renin inhibitor) is contraindicated in many of these medications.

Adverse Effects Related to Decreased be discontinued for a period of three to five

Angiotensin II Activity days before starting ACE inhibitor therapy to
Patients who begin an anti-hypertensive drug ensure that the hypovolemia has been re-
therapy regimen may experience adverse ef- solved. Additionally, caution must be used
fects resulting from a significant decrease in when treating patients with compromised
their blood pressure. These symptoms are renal activity. Patients taking an ACE inhibi-
most commonly referred to the first-dose ef- tor may experience a decrease in their glo-
fect and include weakness, dizziness, and syn- merular filtration rate (GFR) severe enough
cope, in addition to severe hypotension that to warrant discontinuation of therapy (Yusuf
may occur. Patients who have intravascular et al., 2008). Patients with known renal dis-
volume depletion (hypovolemia), as well as ease should be treated with an alternative
those who have high renin levels are at par- antihypertensive drug class, if possible; if not,
ticular risk. For these patients, ACE inhibitor the patient’s renal function should be closely
therapy initiation should be preceded with monitored while taking an ACE inhibitor.
precautionary measures. If hypovolemia is a ACE inhibitors block aldosterone release (the
result of concurrent diuretic drug therapy (di- last step in the RAAS feedback loop); aldo-
uretics decrease blood volume; discussed later sterone increases urinary potassium excre-
in this chapter), the diuretic therapy should tion. As aldosterone levels decrease, the blood
The Renin–Angiotensin–Aldosterone System (RAAS) 185

level of potassium increases. For patients with TABLE 6-3 Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs)
normal renal function, treatment with ACE Used in Hypertension*
inhibitors may not be a serious issue, as the
amount of potassium in the body increases Generic Name
only minimally. However, ACE inhibitor ther- Azilsartan
apy should be used with caution in patients
with renal insufficiency, diabetes, receiving
hemodialysis, and those taking other medica- Eprosartan

tions that can cause elevated potassium levels Irbesartan

(such as a potassium-sparing diuretic) as hy- Losartan
perkalemia can occur.

Adverse Effects Due to Kinin Increase Telmisartan

A dry cough is the most frequent side effect Valsartan
associated with the use of ACE inhibitors. *All ARBs present a risk of fetal toxicity and, therefore, are contraindicated
However, the literature is conflicting with for the treatment of pregnancy-induced hypertension. Concomitant use
in conjunction with aliskiren (a direct renin inhibitor) is contraindicated in
respect to the number of patients that stop many of these medications.
treatment of their ACE-inhibitor treatment
due to cough. A study conducted by Sato and II cannot bind to its receptor, thus blocking
Fukuda in 2015 report that up to 20% of pa- the vasoconstriction and volume expansion
tients receiving an ACE inhibitor developed caused by angiotensin II, leading to higher
a dry, “hacking” cough. In this same study, blood pressure. Patients who may benefit
the authors stated that although 5.1% of from ARB therapy include those with hyper-
these patients discontinued treatment due to tension, diabetic and nondiabetic nephropa-
the cough, another 5% of patients reported thy, coronary artery disease, heart failure
that the cough either resolved naturally or after developing MI, or scleroderma.
completely disappeared as treatment with According to the JNC 8, when compar-
the ACE inhibitor continued. Once a patient ing ARBs to ACE inhibitors, the panel con-
develops a cough, if an additional ACE inhibi- cluded that these two classes of drugs are
tor is restarted at a later time, the patient will comparable and thus interchangeable for the
generally develop the cough again. P ­ atients initial treatment of hypertension in patients
can be switched to an ARB medication who do not have heart failure (James et al.,
­(discussed in the next section), which has a 2014). First, their side-effect profiles differ.
much lower incidence of associated cough. Unlike ACE inhibitors, ARBs do not increase
Once a patient develops a cough, if an ad- the levels of bradykinin; thus, patients tak-
ditional ACE inhibitor is restarted at a later ing ARBs are much less likely to experience
time, the patient will generally develop the the side effects of dry cough and angioedema
cough again. than those taking ACE inhibitors. However,
hypotension is more common with ARBs
Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs) than with ACE inhibitors. ARBs are contra-
As shown in Figure 6-3, blockade of angiotensin indicated in pregnancy due to the increased
II receptors represents yet another pharmaco- risk of fetal complications; they cannot be
logical target along the RAAS feedback loop. used in pregnancy-related hypertension
Angiotensin II receptor antagonists (or ARBs; (pre-eclampsia).
TABLE 6-3) compete with the endogenous li-
gand (angiotensin II) for binding sites on the Aldosterone Antagonists (AAs)
angiotensin II receptor. While the antagonist The class of aldosterone-antagonist medica-
(ARB) is bound to the receptor, angiotensin tions completes the pharmacological classes
186 CHAPTER 6  Cardiovascular Medications

of medications that target the RAAS feed- from different RAAS-drug classes should not
back loop. At present, two drugs are avail- be used together unless there is a proven
able: eplerenone and spironolactone, both medical benefit for doing so.
of which are competitive antagonists at the
Drug–Drug Interactions Associated With AAs
aldosterone receptor (these drugs are also
potassium-sparing diuretics; and are discussed Both AAs are also classified as
later in this chapter). AAs work slightly dif- potassium-sparing diuretics, so they should
ferently in altering the RAAS than the three not be used in combination with other
previously discussed classes. Angiotensin II drugs in this class—namely, amiloride and
causes both potent vasoconstriction and the triamterene—for fear of synergistic over-
release of aldosterone. Aldosterone signals to treatment leading to hyperkalemia. Similarly,
the kidneys to conserve water and maintain fluid use of supplemental potassium, whether
volume. In normotensive individuals, this usu- taken over the counter (OTC) or by prescrip-
ally does not present a problem. For patients tion, should be avoided with AAs, due to the
with hypertension, however, increasing fluid likelihood of hyperkalemia. Less obvious,
volume can indeed negatively impact blood perhaps, is the potential interaction between
pressure levels. vasopressin receptor antagonists (“vaptan”
Recall CO and SVR were shown to be key drugs), which should not be used with AAs
factors in determining blood pressure. In pa- for the simple reason that blocking the activ-
tients with hypertension, both SVR and CO ity of vasopressin reduces the amount of cir-
are increased due in part to increased blood culating aldosterone; in conjunction with an
volume related to heightened levels of aldo- AA, one would again expect synergism and
sterone attributable to increased renin se- overtreatment. Cyclosporine is contraindi-
cretion. Reducing aldosterone activity can cated because it lowers serum aldosterone;
interrupt that sequence by decreasing water similarly, mifepristone should not be taken
conservation and reducing fluid volume. Be- within 14 days of AA usage due to its effects
cause AA are competitive antagonists at the on mineralocorticoid receptors.
aldosterone receptor, they prevent aldoste-
rone from signaling the kidneys to conserve The Role of the Autonomic Nervous System
water, allowing any excess fluid to be excreted as in Blood Pressure Regulation
urine (diuresis). Decreased levels of aldoste- The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is the
rone also produce increased potassium retention, branch of the nervous system that regulates
less sodium retention, less volume expan- “involuntary” physiological processes, such as
sion, and lower blood pressure. heart rate (FIGURE 6-5). The ANS is subdivided
into the sympathetic nervous system (SNS)
Adverse Effects of Aldosterone Antagonists and parasympathetic system (PANS) (see
AAs block the aldosterone receptors, which Chapter 5). The ANS plays a significant role
decreases the sodium and water reabsorption regulating cardiovascular function in addi-
and increases the potassium retention. Thus, tion to modulating the physiological control
hyperkalemia is a risk with these drugs. of blood pressure. In simplest terms, if the
body suddenly requires more oxygen to sup-
Drug–Drug Interactions Within RAAS Feedback Loop port an activity or respond to danger, the ANS
Of note: it should be clear that using more automatically signals the heart to beat faster
than one of these RAAS-focused medica- and circulate blood more rapidly. Such sig-
tions simultaneously carries a risk of over- nals are mediated by the neurotransmitters
treatment—each drug class acts upon a norepinephrine and epinephrine (formerly
different site along the RAAS feedback known as noradrenaline and adrenaline, re-
loop (Figure 6-3). Therefore, medications spectively). Most readers have experienced an
The Renin–Angiotensin–Aldosterone System (RAAS) 187

Sympathetic Parasympathetic
NorEpi ACh

Mydriasis Ganglia (N) miosis

Reduced saliva flow

Stimulated saliva flow

Increased SV & HR
Decreased HR


Reduced peristalsis &
ganglia (N) Stimulates peristalsis
& secretion
Glycogen Glucose
Epinephrine Stimulates bile
release release

β2 bronchodilation
Inhibition of bladder contraction (not innervated) Bladder contraction

FIGURE 6-5  The autonomic nervous system (ANS).

“adrenaline rush” in response to danger, be of beta-receptors on the heart causes increased

it real or imagined—the heart rate increases blood pressure levels, one would expect that
(i.e., the heart “pounds”), breathing quickens, an antagonist (or other chemical substance
skin flushes, and muscles tense. This physio- bound to the receptor site) would prevent re-
logical response, known as the fight-or-flight ceptor activation by blocking the endogenous
response, is the result of the brain signal- ligand from binding to its receptor. Hence,
ing (via the ANS) the adrenal glands to re- one mechanism to reduce blood pressure
lease norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine is to restrict, or block, norepinephrine (and
(EPI), which bind to specific receptors lo- epinephrine) from binding to beta-receptors
cated on the heart, called beta-receptors on the heart (which results in reduced heart
(β-receptors). When beta adrenoceptors muscle contractility and lower CO). This class
(beta-receptors) are stimulated, automatic- of medications is known as beta-blockers
ity in the sinoatrial (SA) node increases; the (as their name implies) (TABLE 6-4).
velocity of conduction through the atrioven- Beta-receptors innervate organs through-
tricular (AV) node increases as well. These out the periphery (see FIGURE 6-6), not just the
effects lead to a higher heart rate (HR) as well heart (Chapter 5). Because this class of drugs
as increased myocontractility, producing more blocks endogenous ligand-binding and re-
forceful contractions of the heart muscle. Nor- ceptor activation, it is critical to know pre-
epinephrine and epinephrine are the natural cisely where other b-receptors in the body are
ligands (agonists) for beta-receptors in the located. Specific beta-receptors (β1-receptors)
ANS (see Chapter 5). NE directly “activates” are found not only in the heart, but also in
β-receptors on the heart, causing an increase the kidney. Blocking β1-receptors in the kid-
in heart rate, which in turn increases blood ney inhibits the release of renin (recall that
pressure on the vasculature. Even when the this reduces the activity of the RAAS), which
body is not “stressed,” norepinephrine circu- further decreases blood pressure. β2-receptors
lates throughout the body. Because activation have a less powerful effect on the heart
188 CHAPTER 6  Cardiovascular Medications

TABLE 6-4 Beta-blockers Used in Hypertension*

Drug Type of Beta-Blocker Additional Uses and Notes

Acebutolol β1 selective, cardioselective Also used for treatment of angina and arrhythmias. May be used in patients with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Atenolol β1 selective, cardioselective Also used for treatment of angina, tachycardias, and acute MI, as well as prevention of migraine
and hereditary essential tremor. Use with caution in diabetes due to masking of hypoglycemia.
May be used in patients with COPD.

Betaxolol β1 selective, cardioselective May be used in patients with COPD. Also frequently used as an ophthalmic solution to treat
open-angle glaucoma.

Bisoprolol β1 selective, cardioselective Also used for treatment of angina and CHF. May be used in patients with COPD.

Carvedilol Nonselective β-blocker/ Primarily used in treatment of CHF, but may also be used to treat hypertension. Primarily used
α1-blocker for “chronic” CHF. Not used in patients with “acute” CHF. Should not be used in patients with
COPD, CHF, heart block, or bradycardia.

Esmolol β1 selective, cardioselective Short-acting, administered by injection; used more for treating arrhythmias than for
hypertension. May be used in patients with COPD.

Labetalol Nonselective β-blocker/ Also used for angina, MI, and pregnancy-induced hypertension as well as acute forms
α1-blocker associated with pheochromocytoma. Should not be used in patients with COPD, CHF, heart
block, or bradycardia.

Metoprolol β1 selective, cardioselective Also used for treatment of angina, CHF, acute MI, and arrhythmias as well as prevention
of migraine, treatment of tachycardia in hyperthyroidism, and hereditary essential tremor. Use
with caution in diabetes due to masking of hypoglycemia. May be used in patients with COPD.

Nadolol Nonselective β-blocker Also used for angina; often used off-label for long QT syndrome, migraine, attention-deficit/
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; in adults), and essential tremor. Should not be used in patients
with COPD.

Nebivolol β1 selective, cardioselective Has a nitric oxide–potentiating effect that promotes vasodilation. May be used in patients with
COPD, but is contraindicated in patients with heart block, heart failure, or liver dysfunction.

Penbutolol Nonselective β-blocker Should not be used in patients with COPD, and should be used with caution in diabetes due to
its potential to mask hypoglycemia.

Pindolol Nonselective β-blocker Also used for angina; is thought to have antiarrhythmic effects. Being investigated for
depression and erectile dysfunction. Should not be used in patients with COPD.

Propranolol Nonselective β-blocker Also used for treatment of angina and arrhythmias as well as prevention of migraine, treatment
of tachycardia in hyperthyroidism, and hereditary essential tremor. Use with caution in diabetes
due to masking of hypoglycemia. Should not be used in patients with COPD.

Sotalol Nonselective β-blocker Used primarily for treatment of tachycardia due to its ability to inhibit potassium channels, but
may be used for hypertension as well. Should not be used in patients with COPD.

Timolol Nonselective β-blocker Also used for treatment of angina and arrhythmias as well as prevention of migraine; used
off-label for mitral valve prolapse and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Should not be used in
patients with COPD.

*A variety of other beta-receptor antagonists are available that are used specifically for open-angle glaucoma, and not for hypertension. Some of the drugs
listed here (e.g., carvedilol, esmolol, sotalol) are used more frequently for other indications than for treatment of hypertension.

when stimulated. Activation of β2-receptors and promotes the movement of potassium

causes arterioles in the heart, lungs, and skel- into cells.
etal muscles to dilate; induces bronchial di- Therefore, following administration of
lation, relaxation of the uterus in women, either a β1-receptor agonist or antagonist
glycogenolysis in liver and skeletal muscle, drugs produces a myriad of physiological ef-
and enhanced contraction of skeletal muscle; fects, in addition to the desired therapeutic
The Renin–Angiotensin–Aldosterone System (RAAS) 189

• Second-generation beta-blockers are cardiose-

lective drugs that block only β1-receptors
at normal dosages
Nerve ending
• Third-generation beta-blockers are typically
Epinephrine and mixed α1-/β-blockers and are therefore
norepinephrine nonselective.
As evidenced by the most recent JNC 8
Guidelines, the use of beta-blockers for hy-
pertension, despite their wide use, is not ne-
Beta adrenergic cessarily the best first-line treatment for this
blocking drug site on condition. These findings is corroborated by
(beta blocker) cell surface a 2017 Cochrane Database of Systematic Re-
view conducted by the ­Cochrane Hyperten-
sion Group, which studied the overall efficacy
of initiating treatment of hypertension with
beta-blockers. The ­authors concluded that ini-
Myocardial or tiating treatment of hypertension with beta-
other tissue cell
blockers leads to modest CVD reductions,
little or no effects on mortality, and are infer-
FIGURE 6-6  Beta-receptors innervate organs throughout the ior to those of other antihypertensive drugs
(such as diuretics, calcium-channel block-
ers, and rennin–angiotensin–system inhibi-
effect for which the medication was given (in tors) (Wiysonge, Bradley, Volmink, Mayosi, &
this discussion, to lower blood pressure). It is Opie, 2017). It has been concluded that beta-
of utmost importance that the nurse be able blockers are not as effective preventing the
to predict and/or anticipate these additional number of deaths, strokes and heart attacks,
physiological responses following the admin- as drugs in other classes of medications (used
istration of a β-blocker to a patient, due to to treat hypertension).
antagonist blockade of beta-receptors at sites While beta-blockers are not necessarily the
on different organs and tissues throughout best choice to treat hypertension, these medi-
the body. cations are used to treat many other medical
Beta-blockers are further classified by conditions. For example, long-term treatment
their specific receptor-binding profile: of angina, coronary artery disease, heart fail-
• Nonselective beta-blockers block both beta- ure, and dysrhythmias, and those who have
one (β1) and beta-two (β2) ­receptors on recently experienced a myocardial infarc-
tissues located throughout the body; not tion (MI). Medications of this class can also
only those on the heart. be used for the prevention of migraine head-
• Selective beta-blockers are selective about aches and anxiety attacks. In patients who
which beta-receptors they “block”; in have hypertension along with one or more of
other words, selective β-blockers bind to these other conditions, beta-blockers can offer
beta-receptors located on cardiac tissue a “two-for-one” option to potentially address
(β1-blockers), but do not bind to both conditions simultaneously. However, cli-
beta-receptors located on all the other nicians should keep in mind (and inform
organs, throughout the body patients) that abrupt beta-blocker discontinu-
• First-generation beta-blockers are nonselec- ation can cause a hyperadrenergic state that
tive and block both β1- and β2-receptors places the patient at increased risk for sig-
throughout the body. nificant cardiovascular event or even death.
190 CHAPTER 6  Cardiovascular Medications

Gradual tapering of the beta-blocker will re- TABLE 6-5 Beta-Blocker–Drug Interactions
duce this risk (Prescriber’s Digital Reference
[PDR], 2018). Possible Adverse Effects
When Combined with
Adverse Effects of Beta-Blockers Drug Beta-Blockers
Blockade of β2-receptors (on the lung) in- Aminophylline or Inhibits both drugs
hibits bronchodilation; for this reason, use isoproterenol
of β-blockers has generally been avoided in Amiodarone May cause cardiac arrest
patients with asthma over concerns regarding
Digitalis Potentiates bradycardia
bronchoconstriction. Numerous studies report
patients who have bronchospastic disease (e.g., Indomethacin Inhibits the antihypertensive
action of the beta-blocker
asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
[COPD]) should avoid nonselective beta-block- Lithium Propanolol potentiates
lidocaine levels
ers, but can use cardioselective β1-blockers
with supervision (Morales et al., 2014). Phenytoin or quinidine Potentiates the cardiac
depressant effects
Likewise, patients with significant pe-
ripheral artery disease (PAD) and Reyn- Rifampin or smoking Increased metabolism of
aud phenomenon should not be prescribed
non-selective beta-blockers, for much the same Tricyclic antidepressants Inhibits action of
reason: blockade of β2-receptors will limit the
arterioles’ ability to dilate. Patients with mild to Tubocurarine Potentiates the action of the
neuromuscular blocker
moderate PAD did not show an exacerbation of
symptoms with beta-blockers (Radack & Deck,
1991), but even so, patients with these diseases Blockade of `1-Receptors
should take beta-blockers with caution. As mentioned earlier, some beta-blockers
Beta-blockade prevents the normal re- also block the α1-receptors and thereby
sponse of tachycardia to low blood sugar and promote vasodilation, which helps to de-
masks one of the classic signs and symptoms crease SVR. However, certain medications
of hypoglycemia. Thus, medications based block only the α1-receptors without affecting
on this mechanism of action should be used β-receptors; these are, for obvious reasons,
with caution in patients with diabetes, par- referred to as selective `1-blockers. Drugs
ticularly insulin-dependent type 2 or type 1 in this class include terazosin, doxazosin,
diabetes. Also, the body’s responses to hypo- and prazosin. Alpha-blockers act on the
glycemia are glycogenolysis and gluconeo- postsynaptic α1-receptors. As antagonists,
genesis, which are slowed with beta-blocker ­alpha-blockers bind to the ligand-binding site
medications, especially if the beta-blocker on alpha1-receptors and thereby block receptor
is noncardioselective. activation, preventing NE from binding to the
Depression, fatigue, and sexual dysfunc- smooth muscle receptors. When such agents
tion were commonly reported as side ef- are used to treat hypertension, the e­ ffect of
fects of beta-blockers in early clinical trials. blocking constriction of the arterioles and
A r­ eview of 15 trials with more than 35,000 veins has the most significant impact on low-
­patients using such medications showed only ering blood pressure. Patients who may benefit
a small increase in reports of fatigue or sexual from α1-antagonist therapy include those with
dysfunction, however, and no difference in hypertension and benign prostatic hypertrophy
depressive symptoms (Ko et al., 2002). Beta- (BPH). These agents are also often the drugs of
blockers have significant adverse effects when choice for hypertensive crisis caused by pheo-
combined with certain common medications, chromocytoma (an adrenal gland tumor that
as described in TABLE 6-5. causes hypersecretion of catecholamines).
The Renin–Angiotensin–Aldosterone System (RAAS) 191

Adverse Effects of Alpha-Blockers ­(positive inotrope). It also increases the HR

Patients who take alpha-blockers may experi- by affecting the rate in the SA node, and, the
ence weakness, dizziness, and syncope caused velocity of the conduction in the AV node.
by a significant decrease in their blood pressure Blocking calcium channels, therefore, helps lower
and the loss of the reflex vasoconstriction upon CO by both reducing the force of contraction and
standing, known as postural hypotension. The decreasing the frequency of contractions.
patient should be counseled not to sit or stand In the arteries, calcium-channel blockers
up from a lying position too quickly. In addi- impede the smooth muscle of arterial walls
tion, there can be a first-dose effect charac- from contracting (i.e., constricting), resulting
terized by severe hypotension. Patients who in smooth-muscle relaxation and the arterial
have intravascular volume depletion (hypovo- dilation. Blood pressure levels decrease by de-
lemia) are at particular risk. Reflex tachycardia creasing SVR, while simultaneously increas-
is seen most often with the use of nonselec- ing oxygen flow to the heart. In sum, CCBs
tive alpha-antagonists, in response to the hy- act on all three of the factors related to blood
potension, as the body works to stabilize the pressure: CO, SVR, and HR.
blood pressure. The rationale that supports CCB use as an-
Nasal congestion due to the dilation of tihypertensive agents make them (the CCBs)
the nasal mucosal arterioles is caused by valuable agents for treatment of other car-
the α1-blockers antagonizing those recep- diovascular pathologies (see TABLE 6-6). For ex-
tors. Alpha-blocking medications should ample, they are used to treat chest pain and
be used with caution in the elderly and cardiac dysrhythmias. Three subclasses (based
those with cataract surgery, as blockade of upon chemical structures) of CCBs—the dihy-
alpha-receptors in the eyes can lead to pupil dropyridines, phenylalkylamines, and benzo-
dilation and blurred vision. thiazepines—are used to treat chest pain and
hypertension. In addition, the phenylalkyl-
Drug–Drug Interactions amines and benzothiazepines may be given
Some medications may increase the risk intravenously for atrial fibrillation, atrial flut-
of hypotension and other adverse effects if ter, and supraventricular tachycardia (SVT).
used with α1-antagonists. These agents in- The longer-acting CCBs are indicated for el-
clude alfuzosin, dutasteride/tamsulosin, derly patients with isolated systolic hyper-
silodosin, tadalafil, and tamsulosin. tension and one of the following coexisting
conditions: angina pectoris, Raynaud phe-
Calcium-Channel Blockers nomenon, asthma, or COPD; they may also
The last major class of antihypertensive be given to elderly patients who have not re-
medications is not “antihypertensive.” sponded to other medications.
Calcium-channel blockers (CCBs) are,
in truth, more of a broad-spectrum vascular Adverse Effects of Calcium Channel Blockers
smooth muscle relaxant, and this property can All CCBs carry a risk of hypotension, head-
be exploited to provide a number of bene- ache/weakness, and dizziness related to the
fits to the heart and the cardiovascular sys- vasodilatory effects necessary for lowering
tem as a whole. This utility arises because of the blood pressure. Edema of ankles and
calcium plays a major role in the mechanism feet (peripheral edema) also may occur and is
of vascular smooth muscles contraction; cal- likely related to a redistribution of fluids from
cium channels, which span the cell membrane the intravascular space into the interstitial
channels, regulate the amount of calcium that spaces. Unfortunately, diuretics may not be
enters the cell. In the heart, calcium levels af- useful in resolving this type of edema.
fect the force and rate of contractions. C ­ alcium Some specific effects are associated with
entry causes the heart to contract with more force particular classes of CCBs. Dihydropyridines
192 CHAPTER 6  Cardiovascular Medications

TABLE 6-6 Calcium-Channel Blockers Commonly Prescribed in the United States*

Generic Name Class Additional Uses and Notes

Amlodipine Dihydropyridine Also used for coronary artery disease (e.g., chronic stable angina or variant angina). May be used in
patients with heart failure, diabetes with or without renal failure, or hyperlipidemia.

Diltiazem† Benzothiazepine Also used in treatment of angina (chronic stable/variant), atrial fibrillation, superventricular
tachycardia, atrial flutter.

Felodipine Dihydropyridine Generally used only for hypertension, as it has limited effects on cardiac muscle. Has significant
interaction with components of grapefruit.

Isradipine Dihydropyridine Generally used only for hypertension. Use with certain medications, such as cimetidine, azole
antifungals, macrolide antibiotics, rifamycin, and antiseizure medications such as carbamazepine and
phenytoin can alter liver metabolism of this drug and lead to over/undertreatment.

Nicardipine† Dihydropyridine Also used for angina. Rifampin, phenobarbital, phenytoin, oxcarbazepine, and carbamazepine may
reduce blood levels of nicardipine by increasing its metabolism in the liver.

Nifedipine Dihydropyridine Also used for treating angina, arrhythmias, and off-label for Raynaud phenomenon and migraine
prevention. Patients using beta-blockers concomitantly with nifedipine may be at increased risk for CHF.

Nimodipine Dihydropyridine Infrequently used for hypertension because of its selectivity for cerebral vasculature, but for that
reason, it is commonly used for treatment of subarachnoid hemorrhage. Contraindicated in patients
with unstable angina or recent MI.

Nisoldipine Dihydropyridine Also used for angina.

Verapamil Phenylalkylamine Also used for angina, arrhythmias, and migraine/cluster headaches.

*Many other drugs in this class are available outside the United States or on an experimental basis. The drugs in this table represent the most commonly used examples
of this class.

Also available in IV formulation for treatment of hypertensive crisis.

may cause reflex tachycardia due to arterial might be seen if the patient took a higher
dilation, and large doses of short-acting nife- dose of the medication than was prescribed;
dipine may increase the mortality of patients symptoms include hypotension, bradycar-
immediately following an MI (Furberg, Psaty, & dia, and peripheral edema. Patients should
Meyer, 1995). Phenylalkylamines and benzo- be warned not to drink grapefruit juice or eat
thiazepines reduce arterial pressure without grapefruit while taking these medications.
as much reflex tachycardia as the dihydro-
pyridines, but because of how these drugs act Diuretics
on the arterioles and the heart, a patient who Recall earlier in this chapter it was said that
has bradycardia or AV block is at risk. Con- another physiological mechanism which
stipation is also a concern with this group serves to lower blood pressure levels is to
of medications, with verapamil being more decrease total body fluid—or fluid volume.
likely to cause constipation than diltiazem. Diuretics, first discovered in 1957, are a class
CCBs are among the few medications of medications used to reduce blood pres-
with known interactions with nutrients—­ sure by lowering the fluid volume in the
specifically, components of grapefruit juice circulatory system and are a mainstay in
(Sica, 2006). Certain flavonoid and nonflavo- the treatment of hypertension. They have
noid components of grapefruit juice interfere been shown, in placebo-controlled clinical
with presystemic clearance of these drugs, studies, to significantly reduce cardiovas-
which means that less of the drug is metabo- cular morbidity and mortality (Salvetti &
lized before it enters the circulation; in turn, Ghiadoni, 2006). Commonly referred to as
the overall bioavailability increases. The ef- water pills, diuretics (TABLE 6-7) cause the kid-
fects of this interaction are similar to what neys to excrete sodium and water from the
The Renin–Angiotensin–Aldosterone System (RAAS) 193

TABLE 6-7 Diuretic Medications Used in Treating Hypertension and Other Cardiovascular Conditions

Drug Class Notes

Amiloride Potassium-sparing Must not be used with another potassium-sparing diuretic or other
diuretic medications that reduce potassium loss due to the potential for
hyperkalemia. May be combined with thiazide diuretics or loop diuretics.

Bendroflumethiazide Thiazide diuretic

Bumetanide Loop diuretic

Chlorthalidone Thiazide diuretic

Eplerenone Potassium-sparing Must not be used with another potassium-sparing diuretic or other
diuretic/aldosterone medications that reduce potassium loss due to the potential for
antagonist hyperkalemia. May be combined with thiazide diuretics or loop diuretics.

Ethacrynic acid Loop diuretic

Furosemide Loop diuretic

Hydrochlorothiazide Thiazide diuretic

Hydroflumethiazide Thiazide diuretic

Methyclothiazide Thiazide diuretic

Metolazone Thiazide diuretic

Polythiazide Thiazide diuretic

Quinethazone Thiazide diuretic

Spironolactone Potassium-sparing Must not be used with another potassium-sparing diuretic or other
diuretic/aldosterone medications that reduce potassium loss due to the potential for
antagonist hyperkalemia. May be combined with thiazide diuretics or loop diuretics.

Torsemide Loop diuretic

Triamterene Potassium-sparing Must not be used with another potassium-sparing diuretic or other
diuretic medications that reduce potassium loss due to the potential for
hyperkalemia. May be combined with thiazide diuretics or loop diuretics.

Trichlormethiazide Thiazide diuretic

systemic circulation, which in turn lowers Diuretics in the thiazide subclass also relax
the fluid volume. the walls of blood vessels, thereby reducing
Diuretics have been used when initiating both CO and SVR.
the stepped-care pharmacological treatment As a class, diuretic drugs are attractive be-
approach of antihypertensive drug therapy. cause they are well-tolerated and can be used
FIGURE 6-7 illustrates the rationale for the use in combination with other classes of antihy-
of diuretics to treat high blood pressure and pertensive medications. However, not all sub-
both short-term and long-term effects us- types of diuretics behave in the same manner,
ing the thiazide class of medications. Several so close attention should be paid to a drug’s
classes of diuretics are available to treat hy- subclass and mechanism of action. (Another
pertension; diuretics are categorized into dif- subclass of diuretics, carbonic anhydrase inhib-
ferent drug classes based upon and the drugs’ itors, is not used for treating hypertension be-
mechanism of action: thiazide diuretics, po- cause these agents’ effects are too weak; such
tassium-sparing diuretics, and loop diuretics. drugs are used primarily to treat glaucoma.)
194 CHAPTER 6  Cardiovascular Medications


• Inhibit reabsorption of
4. Distal Na+ and Cl– in the distal
Glomerular convoluted convoluted tubule,
filtrate tubule resulting in retention of
water in the tubule.
• Most commonly used
diuretic for the treatment
of hypertension.

Spironolactone, Amiloride,

1. Proximal • Spironolatone, an
Acetazolamide convoluted aldosterone antagonist,
tubule inhibits the aldosterone-
• A carbonic anchydrase
mediated reabsorption of
inhibitor that inhibits the
Na+ and secretion of K+.
reabsorption of HCO3– 2. Descending 3. Ascending
in the proximal limb limb • Amiloride and triamterene
convoluted tubule. block Na+ channels.
• Weak diuretic • These agents can prevent
properties. loss of K+ that occurs with
thiazide or loop diuretics.
Bumetanide, Furosemide, Torsemide, Ethacrynic acid

• The loop diuretics inhibit the NA+/K+/2Cl– cotransport in the ascending loop of
Henle, resulting in retention of Na+Cl–, and water in the tubule. 5. Collecting
tubule and
• These drugs are the most efficacious of the diuretics.

FIGURE 6-7  Treatment of hypertension: Mechanism of action of diuretics.

Thiazide Diuretics at high risk for developing diabetes should be

Thiazide diuretics (hydrochlorothiazide undertaken with caution. In such cases, the
[HCTZ], chlorthalindone) are very commonly drugs should be prescribed at the lowest active
­prescribed for several reasons. First, they have dose and possibly in combination with ARBs,
a long history of safe, successful use for hyper- a pairing that has been shown to reduce the
tension. Second, they are relatively inexpen- adverse impact on glucose tolerance. There
sive. Third, they are easy to use and have fairly is an association between glucose intolerance
minimal side effects, which means patients are and hypokalemia, and some have suggested
more likely to take them as prescribed. In ad- that treating hypokalemia might reverse insu-
dition, these agents’ efficacy is quite good: thi- lin resistance or prevent diabetes (Sica, Carter,
azide diuretics are just as effective in reducing Cushman, & Hamm, 2011).
cardiovascular events in patients with hyper-
tension as beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors, Loop Diuretics
and they are actually better than either of the Loop diuretics get their name from the loop
other classes in reducing stroke (Roush, Kaur, of Henle in the kidney, which is where this
& Ernst, 2014). Of note, thiazide diuretics have class of drugs produces their effects. They bind
been particularly successful in treating African to a carrier protein in the thick ascending
American patients, in whom they tend to be limb of the loop of Henle that transports so-
the first-line therapy (see JNC 8 Guidelines; dium, chloride, and potassium ions; by doing
James et al., 2014). However, thiazide diuret- so, they prevent NaCl (salt) as well as water
ics promote potassium loss and are thought from being reabsorbed, lowering fluid volume
to increase the risk of new-onset diabetes, es- (Wittner, Di Stefano, Wangemann, & Greger,
pecially when combined with beta-blockers; 1991). The thick ascending limb of the loop
thus, use of these drugs in patients who are of Henle is where a large proportion of the
Hypertensive Emergencies 195

body’s sodium transport occurs, so loop diuret- edema, acute aortic dissection, encepha-
ics can reduce water reabsorption substantially lopathy, stroke and life-threatening bleeding
more than thiazide diuretics (which work in [intracerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid
the distal tubules of the kidney). The nega- hemorrhage]) (Chobanian et al., 2003; Perez
tive aspect of this capability is that it promotes & Musini, 2008). Careful management of the
potassium loss and, potentially, hypokalemia. process of lowering the blood pressure is es-
Furosemide is perhaps the best-known drug sential due to the risk of the antihypertensive
in this class; it is much more often prescribed treatment causing severe hypotension, which
for congestive heart failure (CHF), an indica- can lead to complications such as MI and
tion discussed later in this chapter. stroke. Both oral and intravenous (IV) medi-
cations are available for these purposes, but
Potassium-Sparing Diuretics
the IV route is preferred for patients at risk of
Potassium-sparing diuretics, unlike thiazide end-organ damage. IV medications for hyper-
and loop diuretics, do not act on sodium trans- tensive emergencies include medications from
port mechanisms, so they avoid the problems the following categories: vasodilators, CCBs,
associated with potassium loss. Two drugs in peripheral dopamine-1 agonists, beta-block-
this class, spironolactone and eplerenone, ers, and alpha-adrenergic blockers.
are AAs (described earlier in the RAAS dis- The primary goal of intervention in a hy-
cussion) and produce a diuretic effect by that pertensive crisis is to safely reduce blood
mechanism; the other two members of this pressure. The appropriate therapeutic ap-
class, amiloride and triamterene, act dir- proach of each patient will depend on their
ectly on sodium channels and likewise do not clinical presentation. Patients with hyper-
promote excretion of potassium. In patients tensive emergencies are best treated in an in-
for whom hyperkalemia is an issue, these tensive care unit with titratable, intravenous,
medications will make the problem worse hypotensive agents. Rapid-acting intrave-
and should not be used. However, because nous antihypertensive agents are available, in-
­potassium-sparing diuretics have relatively cluding labetalol, esmolol, fenoldopam,
weak effects on overall sodium balance, they nicardipine, and sodium nitroprusside.
are often used in combination with other Newer agents, such as clevidipine and
classes of diuretics as a way of maximizing fenoldopam, may hold considerable ad-
fluid volume reduction while avoiding ex- vantages to other available agents in
cessive potassium loss and hypokalemia. An the management of hypertensive crises.
important drug interaction occurs with con- Sodium nitroprusside is an extremely toxic
comitant use of trimethoprim-sulfamethox- drug and its use in the treatment of hyperten-
azole antibiotic therapy, which acts similarly sive emergencies should be avoided. Similarly,
on the distal tubules as a potassium-sparing nifedipine, nitroglycerin, and hydralazine
diuretic (Weir et al., 2010). should not to be considered first-line therapies
in the management of hypertensive crises be-
Hypertensive Emergencies cause these agents are associated with signifi-
To this point, the discussion has been focused cant toxicities and/or adverse effects.
on the treatment of chronic hypertension
stemming from a variety of causes. There is an
Organs at Risk of Damage During
additional form of hypertension that occurs
a Hypertensive Crisis
in an acute form, known as a hypertensive
emergency. Hypertensive emergencies are • Eyes: Bleeding or swelling
instances in which the patient has both severe • Brain: Complications from elevated
­intracranial pressure, stroke
hypertension and a risk of end-organ damage
• Kidneys: Renal failure
(e.g., myocardial infarction, unstable angina, • Heart: MI, CHF
acute left ventricular failure with pulmonary
196 CHAPTER 6  Cardiovascular Medications

CCBs that are used for hypertensive emer- for instance, cause reflex tachycardia in re-
gencies are in the dihydropyridine category sponse to the decrease in the arterial pres-
and include clevidipine and nicardipine. sure. A beta-blocker may be considered to
Esmolol is a predominantly cardioselective address this symptom. Hydralazine may
beta-blocker, and labetalol is a combined also produce an increase in volume because
beta-receptor and alpha-adrenergic blocker. the lowered blood pressure can cause an in-
For emergency management, these drugs crease in sodium and, subsequently, water re-
are given via the IV route. (See the previous tention. A diuretic (see the earlier discussion)
sections for additional information on these may be considered to address this increase in
drug categories.) volume. Other adverse effects associated with
Vasodilators include nitroprusside, hydralazine include chest pain, paradoxi-
which dilates both arterioles and veins by re- cal hypertension, peripheral edema, anxiety,
leasing nitrous oxide (NO), which then ac- disorientation, further increase of intracranial
tivates smooth muscle guanylyl cyclase, to pressure, GI disturbances, diaphoresis, lupus-
form cGMP. cGMP inhibits entry of calcium like syndrome, and peripheral neuritis.
into cells, thereby causing smooth muscle Peripheral dopamine-1 agonists are
relaxation, by virtue of the decreased cal- another class of medications that promote
cium. Nitroprusside is a very effective drug vasodilation and thereby relieve high blood
for lowering blood pressure quickly. This ef- pressure during an acute crisis. Fenoldopam,
fect occurs in less than 2 minutes and lasts for example, activates the dopamine-1 re-
for only 1 to 10 minutes, necessitating that ceptors on the arterioles, which causes the
the medication be administered as a continu- vessels to vasodilate. It is as effective as
ous IV drip to maintain its effectiveness. In nitroprusside and has even more benefits
the body, nitroprusside is metabolized into for the kidney because it acts on receptors in
cyanide; consequently, the patient must be renal, coronary, mesenteric, and peripheral
monitored for signs of developing cyanide vessels. Acting as an antagonist, fenoldopam
poisoning. The risk for cyanide poisoning cor- causes the renal arteries to dilate, which im-
relates to both the length of therapy and the proves blood supply; it also promotes so-
dosage level of medication administered. Pa- dium and water loss. Like nitroprusside,
tients should be monitored for signs of tox- this medication has a rapid onset (less than
icity such as changes in mentation, miosis, five minutes) and short duration (half-life
tinnitus, gastrointestinal (GI) distress, methe- of five minutes). Adverse effects include re-
moglobinemia, and metabolic acidosis. The flex tachycardia in response to the vasodi-
patient should be on continual and accurate lation and increased intraocular pressure;
blood pressure monitoring to facilitate titra- fenoldopam should not be administered, or
tion of the medication and to prevent severe should be given only with great caution, to
hypotension. Pregnant women should not re- patients with glaucoma.
ceive nitroprusside, as this drug may cross Some high blood pressure medications,
the placental barrier. such as ACE inhibitors and the angioten-
Another vasodilator is hydralazine, sin II receptor blockers may harm a pregnant
which works primarily on the vascular mother and developing fetus, so should not
smooth muscles of the arteriolar vessels and be used during pregnancy. Reserpine, an al-
has minimal impact on the venous vessels. kaloid that acts via monoamine depletion,
This drug is considered safe and is widely should only be used when no alternatives ex-
used for the acute hypertensive treatment of ist, as it may also be harmful during preg-
pregnant women. However, its hypotensive nancy (Morelli, 2016). All pregnant patients
episodes can be difficult to predict in com- should be counseled on medication use per
parison to other agents. Hydralazine can, the Pregnancy and Lactation Labeling Rules.
Cardiac Agents 197

Cardiac Agents type of angina causing the chest pain. The

three forms of angina discussed in this sec-
Coronary Artery Disease tion are exertional, variant, and unstable an-
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a condi- gina (FIGURE 6-10).
tion that occurs when blood flow to the heart
is restricted, or completely blocked, depriving Exertional Angina
cardiac muscle of oxygen. Coronary artery dis- Also called chronic stable angina, exertional
ease most commonly results from the buildup angina usually has somewhat predictable
of cholesterol and other fatty materials (ath- triggers. Physical exertion, emotional stress,
erosclerotic plaques) in the wall of a coronary cold weather, or large meals are common
artery, in a process known as atherosclerosis examples of conditions that can trigger ex-
(FIGURE 6-8). (Note: Fatty-plaque buildup occurs ertional angina in patients with underlying
in arteries throughout the body; not just the coronary artery disease. Each of these triggers
coronary arteries of the heart.) places an increased workload on the heart,
which in turn increases the heart’s need for
Chest Pain/Angina oxygen. The angina is the body’s ­signal that
Angina pectoris, known more commonly the heart is not receiving adequate oxygen.
as chest pain, is characterized by the sudden The treatment goal is to balance the heart’s
onset of a “crushing” feeling of pressure, oxygen needs with the available supply by
burning, squeezing, or suffocating pain in decreasing the demand for oxygen.
the chest. Chronic chest pain, or angina, gen- Acute episodes of angina are usually
erally occurs as a result of coronary artery treated with nitroglycerin, which, like ni-
disease (FIGURE 6-9). Pain from angina can also troprusside, increases tissue cGMP, and is
radiate to the arms, shoulders, neck, jaw, typically placed sublingually for rapid ab-
and throat, often leaving the patient uncer- sorption but can also be administered orally
tain of its origin. The “experience” of angi- or intravenously. Longer-term prevention
nal pain varies among patients; symptoms and decrease of severity/number of angina
also manifest differently depending upon the attacks requires the use of any of several

Normal artery
Artery cross-section

coronary Normal blood flow
Narrowing of artery
Plaque Narrowed

Abnormal blood flow


FIGURE 6-8  Development of coronary artery disease due to buildup of fatty deposits, called plaques, on the walls of coronary arteries, which
restricts the flow of blood to the heart.
198 CHAPTER 6  Cardiovascular Medications



FIGURE 6-9  Oxygen deprivation in cardiac muscle results from restricted or blocked blood flow through the coronary arteries.

Normal coronary artery

medications, primarily CCBs, beta-blockers,
and ranolazine, a medication specific to an-
gina pain.
Variant Angina
Also called Prinzmetal angina, variant angina
Atherosclerosis is caused by vasospasm of the coronary arter-
ies (which supply blood to the heart muscle).
Stable Angina Exertion is not a trigger for variant angina.
Classic Angina
Effort Angina This is in direct contrast to stable angina (re-
call from the above discussion: chest pain oc-
Atherosclerosis with blood clot curs in a predictable pattern during exertion
or exercise). Prinzmetal angina occurs at rest,
Unstable Angina
often without a predictable pattern. The pa-
Crescendo tient experiences pain as a result of coronary
artery spasms, which decrease the amount
of oxygen delivered to the heart. Therefore,
Coronary the treatment goal for this type of angina is
spasm to increase the blood flow and oxygen supply to
Variant Angina the heart. Medications used in the treatment
Angina of variant angina include nitrates and CCBs.
Beta-blockers and ranolazine are not used to
FIGURE 6-10  Three types of angina. treat variant angina.
Cardiac Agents 199

Unstable Angina reducing the calcium level in these Best Practices

Unstable angina carries a much higher risk cells helps to relax both the vessels
of mortality than chronic stable angina or feeding the heart (increasing blood Use of phosphodies-
terase type 5 inhibi-
vasospasm-related angina and is considered flow) and the heart muscle itself
tors (medications for
a medical emergency. The treatment recom- (reducing oxygen demand). erectile dysfunction)
mendations are as follows: Adverse effects of this medi- is absolutely contra-
cation include alterations in heart indicated in patients
1. Oxygen: Recommended for patients with an function, specifically a dose-related taking nitroglycerin
arterial saturation of less than 90%, patients or other nitrate
in respiratory distress, or those at high risk
increase in the QT interval that medications, as the
for hypoxemia (Anderson et al., 2007). places the patient at an increased interaction between
2. Nitroglycerin: Either oral or IV nitroglycerine risk for serious dysrhythmias, the drugs may be life
for patients who have continued hyperten- including torsades de pointes. threatening.
sion or are in heart failure. Patients with severe renal impair-
3. Morphine: IV morphine is recommended for ment may experience blood pres-
pain relief and/or relief from anxiety. The
morphine should be titrated while monitor-
sure elevation and should monitor their blood
ing the patient. pressure closely. Other side effects include
4. Antiplatelet therapy: Unless there are seri- constipation, dizziness, nausea, and headache.
ous contraindications, patients should re- A few medications are known to have
ceive antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and significant interactions with renolazine.
a P2Y12 receptor blocker (Anderson et al., Drugs that prolong the QT interval should
2007). Anticoagulants are discussed later in
this chapter.
not be combined with renolazine due to in-
5. Anticoagulation: Anticoagulation therapy creased risk of developing torsades de pointes.
should be initiated to reduce the risk of MI CYP3A4 inhibitors can increase the serum lev-
or stroke. els of renolazine, because it is metabolized
through that mechanism; patients taking this
Antianginal Agents drug should be warned to avoid grapefruit
Most of the drugs used to treat angina are al- and grapefruit juice.
ready familiar from the previous discussion
of hypertension. Because the cause of angina Nitroglycerin
is reduced oxygen to the heart, it stands to Nitroglycerin—or more correctly, glyceryl
reason that drugs such as beta-blockers and trinitrate—is a well-known therapy for chest
CCBs, which cause vasodilation, can increase pain. It works through a series of reactions that
blood flow to the heart and thereby relieve the begin with the uptake of nitrates by the vas-
pain. Thus, there is no need to reiterate the cular smooth muscle to produce vasodilation,
activity of those drug classes here. However, primarily in the veins but also in the arterioles.
two other drugs, ranolazine and ­(especially) The obvious benefit of this response is an in-
nitroglycerin, have important roles in treat- creased amount of blood remaining in the per-
ing this condition, so they are discussed in ipheral tissues, so that less blood returns to the
more depth. heart. With this reduction in preload, the heart
has a decreased demand for oxygen. Nitrates
Ranolazine also lessen coronary artery spasm, thereby in-
The mechanism of action for ranolazine is creasing the oxygen supply even more.
not completely understood, but it can reduce Nitroglycerin is typically (perhaps even
the amount of sodium and calcium in the stereotypically) administered sublingually as a
myocardial cells. As described in the earlier spray or dissolving tablet; however, it may also
section on CCBs, the function of calcium in be administered orally as a long-acting cap-
cardiac and vascular smooth muscle is to pro- sule, as a sustained-release patch, or, in un-
mote contraction and vasoconstriction; thus stable angina, intravenously. The development
200 CHAPTER 6  Cardiovascular Medications

of tolerance to the vasodilation effects of ni- membranes. In short, human beings could
trates is one concern for patients receiving ni- not live without cholesterol. The body obtains
trate therapy. To minimize nitrate tolerance, some of its necessary cholesterol from dietary
the smallest effective dose should be utilized, sources, but the remaining amount is synthe-
and patients using sustained-release patches sized in the liver. However, too much of any
should allow for a consistent period of time molecular compound can become harmful.
each day that the patch is removed. Although most people know about
two kinds of cholesterol (characterized in
Nursing Considerations the media as “good” cholesterol and “bad”
Adverse effects associated with nitroglycerin cholesterol), there are actually six major
include headache, which is caused by the classes of lipoproteins. Only three of these
direct vasodilation and can be treated with six have been directly associated with the
acetaminophen. Orthostatic hypotension development of coronary artery sclerosis:
may also result from the collecting or pooling very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL),
of blood in the veins; patients should move low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and high-­
from a lying or sitting position slowly to al- density lipoprotein (HDL). An increase
low time for accommodation of their blood in LDL cholesterol—the type popularly
pressure. Reflex tachycardia may occur in re- identified as “bad” cholesterol—correlates
sponse to the vasodilation as well, decreasing with an increase in the risk of coronary heart
the patient’s blood pressure. disease (CHD). Conversely, an increase in
Nitroglycerin’s drug interactions in- HDL (“good”) cholesterol correlates with a
clude phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) in- decrease in the risk of CHD. Remembering
hibitors, a group of medications used for which is which is simply a matter of
erectile dysfunction; these medications are understanding that the names equate with
absolutely contraindicated with nitrates. Con- the levels needed for health: LDL is the
comitant use of nitrates and PDE5 inhibi- type of cholesterol which should be remain
tors can cause life-threatening hypotension. low, while HDL is the molecule that needs
Care should be exercised with patients tak- to stay high, to avoid dyslipidemia. VLDL is
ing nitrates and other medications that lower the principal transporter for other lipids,
blood pressure to decrease the risk of severe including triglycerides; a high triglyceride
hypotension. level generally equates to a high VLDL
level and is a risk factor for heart disease.
Hyperlipidemia Because VLDL is not directly measured, it is
Lipids are a class of molecules that include not a target for medication in the same way
a variety of substances: fatty acids, sterols that HDL and LDL are; however, the total
(including cholesterol), certain fat-soluble amount of triglycerides is addressed with
vitamins (A, D, E, and K), and glycerides. The pharmacologic therapy due to its correlation
word lipid is often misconstrued as cholesterol, with cardiovascular disease.
as lipids is the overall term most often blan- Cholesterol (and triglyceride) levels are
ketly associated with the “prevention of heart best controlled via lifestyle alterations, in
disease,” along with triglycerides. which high-fat foods are avoided and, in
Cholesterol has also gained a bad reputa- particular, cholesterol-bearing foods (meats,
tion, yet the cholesterol molecule is required eggs, and dairy products) are limited. How-
for key biochemical and physiological func- ever, lifestyle modifications are not always
tions. For example, cholesterol is required for successful. Some patients simply are not able
the synthesis of hormones (i.e., adrenal corti- to manage the dietary changes needed, while
costeroids, estrogen, progesterone, and testos- others, due to genetic factors, continue to
terone); it is essential for the synthesis of bile have elevated cholesterol levels even with
salts; and it literally makes up part of all cell dietary modifications. For these situations,
Hyperlipidemia 201

a variety of medical options are available. be taken at bedtime so they can have Best Practices
The goal of therapy is to reduce cholesterol the greatest effect in reducing choles-
and triglyceride levels so as to reduce risk of terol levels. Because the major-
ity of cholesterol
plaque buildup and the potential for throm- Adverse effects related to the use
synthesis in the body
bosis leading to MI or stroke. (Medical ther- of statins vary. For some patients, occurs at night, pa-
apies specifically intended to prevent clot muscle symptoms ranging from my- tients taking shorter
formation are discussed later in this chapter.) algia to myositis to rhabdomyoly- half-life statins should
sis can begin to appear within weeks be instructed to take
Statin Drugs to months of starting statin therapy.
their medication at
Statin drugs (TABLE 6-8) are among the most Muscle injury is far less common
widely prescribed medications for hyperlip- when patients are taking statin ther-
idemia for one reason: this group of drugs is apy alone. There is also a risk of liver tox-
currently the most effective class available in icity; elevation in the serum transaminase
terms of its ability to lower cholesterol levels, levels develops in 0.5% to 2% of patients
due to their mechanism of action (MOA). The who have been taking statins for a year or
MOA is exactly the same for each member longer. While there is risk for liver injury,
of the statin class of medications. The cho- progression to liver failure is extremely rare.
lesterol molecule is synthesized in the liver Liver function tests are recommended be-
by an enzyme called HMG-CoA reductase; fore the start of treatment and every 6 to 12
the statin drugs directly inhibit the action of months. Some statin drugs may increase the
this enzyme, HMG-CoA reductase, thus dir- risk of type 2 diabetes, particularly in women
ectly decreasing the synthesis of the choles- (Byrne & Wild, 2011), but recent studies sug-
terol molecule. Lower cholesterol levels have gest that this outcome occurs primarily in
been shown to slow the progression of CHD, those patients who already have other risk
and the complications of CHD. The enzyme, factors for diabetes (Waters et al., 2013).
HMG-CoA reductase, is most active during the Thus, a patient’s baseline diabetes risk should
sleeping hours; thus, this class of medications be assessed carefully before using statin
is more effective when taken right before bed- drugs and weighed against the risk of cardio-
time. These drugs are effective in decreasing vascular events (Nichols, 2013).
the risk of CHD events in patients who have Statins are considered to be harmful to
CHD as well as those who do not show evi- pregnant women and the developing fetus.
dence of CHD. Because the majority of choles- They should not be taken by women who are
terol synthesis in the body occurs at night, it is pregnant or who plan to become pregnant.
recommended that the shorter half-life statins Drug interactions of note include those
with other lipid-reducing agents, which
can increase the severity and incidence of
statin-associated adverse events. Statins may
TABLE 6-8 Statin Drugs
also interact with drugs that inhibit CYP3A4
Generic Name
as statins are metabolized via this pathway;
thus inhibition of CYP3A4 can elevate serum
statin levels.

Fibrate drugs (TABLE 6-9) are derived from fibric
Pravastatin acid, which lowers lipid levels, at least in part,
Rosuvastatin by activating peroxisome proliferator-acti-
vated receptors (PPARS) (Staels et al., 1998).
Activating these receptors promotes the
202 CHAPTER 6  Cardiovascular Medications

TABLE 6-9 Fibrate Drugs Niacin

Niacin, also known as vitamin B3 or nico-
Generic Name Notes tinic acid, is an essential nutrient that offers
Bezafibrate Not marketed in the United States. benefits for patients with dyslipidemia. In the
liver, niacin inhibits the production of VLDL,
Ciprofibrate Not marketed in the United States.
which helps to lower LDL levels. It also raises
Clofibrate No longer commonly used due to HDL levels by decreasing the lipid transfer
its side-effect profile, which includes
the production of gallstones. Dosing of cholesterol from HDL to VLDL and slows
adjustment is needed in patients with down HDL clearance. In this way, niacin
renal dysfunction.
both lowers LDL levels and causes a reduc-
Fenofibrate Contraindicated in patients with liver or tion in plasma fibrinogen levels. It is effective
severe renal dysfunction, unexplained
persistent liver function abnormalities, or
in patients with elevated cholesterol levels
preexisting gallbladder disease. and those who have elevated lipids and low
HDL levels. Some studies have suggested that
Gemfibrozil Patients with Type IV hyperlipoprotein-
emia may see their serum LDL increase niacin may be useful in decreasing mortality
rather than decrease. May potentiate ac- when used with patients for secondary pre-
tion of warfarin.
vention of CHD.
Niacin (vitamin B3) is available as an
breakdown of fatty acids. Fibrates can lower OTC product in the same strength as the
serum triglycerides by 35% to 50% and raise prescription medication, but it comes in
serum HDL by 5% to 20%—a substantial several different forms: nicotinic acid, inositol
improvement in patients with significantly el- hexanicotinate, and nicotinamide. Neither
evated triglycerides. nicotinamide nor inositol hexanicotinate
Adverse effects of fibrate drugs include has been shown to lower lipid levels; thus,
muscle toxicity, especially when taken con- if patients are told to take niacin and wish
comitantly with a statin. Patients taking to purchase it on an OTC basis rather than
fibrates have also been identified as experi- obtaining it by prescription, it is imperative
encing elevations in their serum creatinine that they be instructed to read the label and
levels. Dyspepsia and formation of gallstones purchase nicotinic acid—otherwise, they
have been identified as common side effects will not get the benefit of the medication.
of this drug class, with clofibrate in particular A helpful pointer to patients is to avoid
marked as causing the latter problem. brands that advertise themselves as “no-flush
Known drug interactions include exac- niacin,” because these are almost universally
erbation of muscle toxicity when fibrates are made with inositol hexanicotinate. Such
taken with statins, especially those that are products are able to make “no flush” claims
metabolized by the CYP3A4 pathway; caution precisely because they lack nicotinic acid, the
should be used when taking fibrates alongside very substance needed to lower cholesterol!
any CYP3A4-inhibiting drug, or any other Flushing is the most common adverse
agent that likewise relies on this metabolic ­effect of niacin, and it can last from a few
mechanism. Fibrates interfere with warfarin minutes to several hours. Flushing is more
metabolism and increase this medication’s cir- prevalent with the crystalline preparation
culating levels (Dixon & Williams, 2009), so versus the controlled-release formulation.
patients on warfarin should have their Inter- This side ­effect is a minor consideration, how-
national Normalized Ratio (INR) monitored ever; of greater concern is the fact that niacin
while taking fibrate drugs. Fenofibrate in- can elevate serum glucose levels, which can
creases the clearance of cyclosporine, and be particularly problematic for those patients
patients can experience a significant reduc- with diabetes. Nicotinic acid can also cause
tion in their serum cyclosporine levels. hyperuricemia, so patients with a history of
Congestive Heart Failure 203

gout should not take nicotinic acid. Pruri- levels, bile acid sequestrants are more Best Practices
tus, paresthesias, and nausea are other poten- effective when taken concomitantly
tial adverse effects. Also, in patients who are with statins or nicotinic acid. Make sure patients
understand that if
on vasodilators for unstable angina pectoris, GI disturbances are the most
they are buying nia-
nicotinic acid can cause further hypotension, common adverse effects with these cin on an OTC basis,
which can exacerbate chest pain. drugs, including nausea, bloat- they must look for
ing, and cramping. Of note in re- “nicotinic acid” on the
Bile Acid Sequestrants gard to drug interactions are those label.
Bile acids are by-products of cholesterol and with digoxin and warfarin. Both of
are excreted in the feces, but often a substan- these agents may bind to bile acid se-
tial amount of these acids are reabsorbed in questrants in the gut, which can impair the
the intestines. By binding bile acids in the absorption of these two drugs and result is
intestines, bile acid sequestrants inhibit the less-than-therapeutic serum levels.
reabsorption of bile acids. This lowers the
cholesterol in the liver, which in turn encour-
ages LDL receptors to be created; their pro-
Congestive Heart Failure
liferation then leads to additional reduction CHF is a progressive disease in which the heart
in serum cholesterol. Examples of this drug is unable to pump with sufficient force to
class include cholestyramine, colestipol, and push blood through the blood vessels. When
colesevelam. this happens, fluid backs up in the vessels and
Patients with mild to moderately elevated leaks into the tissues and organs, particularly
LDL cholesterol levels are best served with the lungs, leading to the shortness of breath
this group of cholesterol-lowering agents. For and “congestion” that characterize CHF. Heart
patients with significantly higher serum LDL failure usually develops in the ventricles and
can occur on one side of the heart or the
other, or both sides simultaneously.
CHF has been described in terms of four
stages of increasing severity (TABLE 6-10). Symp-
toms of heart failure include reduced CO,
shortness of breath with or without exertion,
pulmonary edema, peripheral edema, angina,
and jugular vein distention caused by the
heart’s decreased inotropic strength.

TABLE 6-10 Four Stages of Congestive Heart Failure

Stage Characteristics

AHA Stage A/NYHA No symptoms or minimal/absent structural/functional cardiac abnormalities. Patient experiences no
Stage I* limitation of physical activity or symptoms such as dyspnea, fatigue, or palpitations.

AHA Stage B/NYHA Structural heart disease associated with the development of heart failure is present. Patient experiences no
Stage II symptoms at rest, but mild symptoms and slight limitation that increase with activity. Strenuous activity may
produce anginal pain.

AHA Stage C/NYHA Structural heart disease is moderate to severe. Patient experiences marked limitation and symptoms such as
Stage III dyspnea, fatigue, arrhythmia, or angina even with mild activity, but is comfortable at rest.

AHA Stage D/NYHA Severe structural heart disease. Patient experiences discomfort even at rest; limitations on physical activity
Stage IV are considerable, as any activity exacerbates symptoms.

*There are two standard classification systems used to identify CHF stages. The American Heart Association’s A–D classification is based on objective, clinical
criteria. The NYHA I–IV classification is based on patient symptoms. Both are equally valid measures and are often used side-by-side.
204 CHAPTER 6  Cardiovascular Medications

Appropriate pharmacologic treatment is to interact with the myocyte contractile pro-

selected based on the patient’s stage of CHF teins, leading to contraction. This intracellu-
and response to the medication. Controlling lar calcium is re-stored during repolarization
volume overload can help alleviate left ven- and relaxation. Cardiac glycosides bind the
tricular dysfunction. To reduce ventricular ATPase responsible for sodium and potas-
wall stress, drugs that affect the RAAS, and sium movement, resulting in a decrease in
those that target the sympathetic nervous sys- the amount of sodium that moves out of the
tem effects on the heart can be employed. cell, resulting in less calcium recycled out of
Three main groups of drugs are considered the myocyte, and increasing the amount of
first-line therapy for CHF: diuretics, ACE in- usable calcium inside the myocyte. By in-
hibitors or ARBs, and beta-blockers (all of creasing usable calcium, myocardial contrac-
which were discussed in detail in the earlier tility is improved. The increased force raises
section on hypertension). The reason for us- the CO and arterial pressure. When arterial
ing these medications should be clear: They pressure increases, the baroreceptor reflex
reduce the workload of the heart and lower decreases the sympathetic stimulation of the
overall fluid volume, both of which are im- heart and blood vessels, allowing the heart
portant considerations in patients with CHF. to pump more efficiently and in a more or-
Additionally, angiotensin receptor antago- ganized manner. This reduces the symptoms
nists (AAs), inotropic agents (which include of CHF and can treat some cardiac dysrhyth-
cardiac glycosides [digoxin]), and vasodilators mias. Increases in extracellular potassium
can be considered if treatment with the three ion concentration interfere with cardiac gly-
main categories of drugs is not adequate. AAs coside binding of the ATPase, inhibiting the
and vasodilators were discussed previously; effectiveness of cardiac glycosides (such
thus inotropic agents will be considered here. as digoxin).
Digoxin has a narrow therapeutic index,
Inotropic Agents which facilitates the potential for undertreat-
Inotropic agents affect contractions of the ment or toxicity. Because of the significant
heart muscle. Inotropes can be either positive potential for under- or overtreatment with
or negative. Positive inotropes cause increased this agent, digoxin is now considered a sec-
cardiac contraction force, increasing cardiac ondary treatment for CHF, to be used only if
workload, but improve cardiac function. Neg- primary treatment is not adequate. Because
ative inotropes decrease cardiac contraction of its negative chronotropic action, digoxin
force, which decreases cardiac workload. Pos- can also be useful in the treatment of atrial
itive inotropes, primarily cardiac glycosides, fibrillation, atrial tachycardia, and supra-
have found utility for the treatment of CHF. ventricular tachycardia. However, in pa-
tients who are being treated with this drug
Cardiac Glycosides for CHF, digoxin’s negative chronotropic ef-
The class of drugs known as cardiac glycosides fects can severely decrease HR and impact
is represented by the commonly prescribed cardiac rhythm.
medication digoxin (derived from the fox-
glove plant Digitalis), acts on the heart both as Nursing Considerations
a positive inotrope (leading to increased force The patient’s pulse should be checked be-
of contraction) and a negative chronotrope fore the administration of each dose, if not
(leading to altered impulse conduction) in more often. A low potassium level places the
the heart. patient at increased risk for digoxin toxic-
Each time the heart contracts, sodium ity, so caution should be used in patients
and calcium ions move into myocyte intra- who have chronic hypokalemia; extreme
cellular space. The calcium ions cause re- caution should be used in patients with par-
lease of stored calcium ions within the cell tial AV block or renal failure. Conversely,
Prevention of Thrombosis and Stroke: Anticoagulant Therapy 205

hyperkalemia reduces the drug’s effective- The resulting sodium retention Best Practices
ness in such a way that if used in conjunction can lead to an anticipated adverse ef-
with medications that promote potassium fect of increased thirst. Hyperkale- Pay close attention to
the patient’s potas-
retention, digoxin may prove less effective or mia (potassium) may also be seen in
sium levels when us-
completely ineffective. patients taking these medications. ing digoxin therapy,
A number of key drug interactions with Though these drugs do decrease pa- as too little potas-
digoxin have been identified. Diuretics that tient body weight, and improve so- sium could lead to
can cause hypokalemia put the patient at in- dium concentrations, their benefits digoxin toxicity and
too much could cause
creased risk for digoxin toxicity. ACE in- for patients with CHF appear to be
the drug to lose its
hibitors and ARBs, in contrast, can increase marginal (Nistor et al., 2015). effectiveness.
potassium levels and decrease the response
to digoxin. Quinidine, an antidysrhythmic Prevention of Thrombosis
drug, can elevate digoxin levels and increase
the risk of toxicity. Patients on quinidine
and Stroke: Anticoagulant Therapy
may need digoxin dosage adjustments. Also, Earlier, we discussed therapy to reduce
the CCB verapamil can elevate digoxin levels ­cholesterol levels. The reason these thera-
and increase the risk of digoxin toxicity. pies are so widely used is that the long-term
Vasodilators are discussed in other parts consequences of uncontrolled hyperlipid-
of this chapter, and so are not discussed here, emia include two of the most dreaded acute
other than to point out that arterial and ve- cardiac dysfunctions—stroke and MI. Plaque
nous dilatation improves the hemodynamic buildup in the arteries promotes the forma-
status of patients, decreasing resistance to tion of blood clots, which can block blood
blood flow, and cardiac workload. vessels and lead to tissue death locally.
Vasopressin, also called antidiuretic ­Often, this condition occurs in the deep
hormone (ADH), is released by the pitu- veins of the legs (deep vein thrombosis
itary gland, and induces increased water re- [DVT]), which can provide a warning to
sorption by the kidneys. Elevated vasopressin patients of the need to address a propensity
concentrations may increase peripheral vas- toward clotting before such an event takes
cular resistance and pulmonary capillary place in the brain, the lungs, or the heart,
wedge pressure via free water resorption in which may prove fatal.
the kidneys, leading to worsening of con- Prevention of strokes/MI, DVT, or pulmo-
gestive heart failure. There are three known nary thrombosis relies on several classes of
vasopressin receptors: V1a, V1b, and V2. V1b medications. Among the best known are the
receptors are located in the central nervous anticoagulants; some of these agents, such as
system, V1a receptors are found both cen- heparin, are given intravenously, while others
trally and peripherally, and V2 receptors per- are taken orally (e.g., warfarin).
ipherally. V1a are involved in blood pressure
regulation, while V2 receptors affect renal Anticoagulants
function. Heparin
One goal for treatment of CHF is to in- Heparin, also known as unfractionated hep-
crease fluid elimination, while minimizing arin, binds to antithrombin III (AT-III, part of
electrolyte loss, particularly of sodium (lead- the body’s anticoagulant system). When this
ing to hyponatremia). Vasopressin antago- occurs, a sequence of associated responses
nism, especially of V2 receptors, increases increases the efficacy of the body’s anticoagu-
urine output without associated sodium loss. lant system and decreases the blood’s ability
Thus, vasopressin antagonists are some- to clot. Heparin is therefore used to treat
times employed as part of the strategy to individuals with the potential for or past hist-
combat CHF. Two approved vasopressin an- ory of experiencing harmful clots. Indications
tagonists are tolvaptan and conivaptan. that increase the risk of clotting include acute
206 CHAPTER 6  Cardiovascular Medications

coronary syndromes, percutaneous coronary patient (Coutre, 2012). The second type of
interventions, venous thromboembolism, and thrombocytopenia associated with heparin
maintenance of IV catheter patency. Unfrac- use, immunological HIT, is less common but
tionated heparin therapy is reserved for the far more serious. This form of HIT is an im-
inpatient setting. munological reaction to heparin therapy in
which the body’s platelets are attacked. The
Special Note condition is usually reversible if the heparin
is discontinued. However, serious side effects
The concentrations of heparin that are avail- such as skin necrosis, pulmonary embolism,
able range from 1 unit/mL to 20,000 units/
gangrene of the extremities, stroke, or MI
mL. Effective May 1, 2013, manufactur-
ers of Heparin Lock Flush Solution, USP and can occur (Lexicomp, 2012). Two additional
­Heparin Sodium Injection, USP were required side effects associated with heparin use in-
to clearly state the strength of the entire con- clude elevation of aminotransferase levels
tainer of heparin followed, in parentheses, and hyperkalemia due to heparin-induced
by the amount of the medication contained in aldosterone suppression.
1 mL (Lexicomp, 2012).
The antidote for an overdose of heparin
is protamine sulfate. After administration, the
Heparin is not absorbed well from the gut. protamine sulfate combines with heparin to
Therefore, administration of this drug is lim- form a stable complex (salt), which neutral-
ited to IV and subcutaneous injection; it is not izes the anticoagulant activity of the drugs.
given intramuscularly, to decrease the possi- Heparin may be given simultaneously
bility of bruising. The subcutaneous injections with other anticoagulant agents when tran-
should be given in the abdomen, rotating be- sitioning a patient to an outpatient regi-
tween the left and right sides above the il- men. In such a case, it is important to keep in
iac crest. It is also important to make sure not mind that the heparin is likely to enhance
to aspirate before depressing the plunger on the anticoagulation effect on the body when
the syringe. In addition, the site should not be given in combination with these other drugs.
rubbed after removing the needle from the ­Examples of some of the drugs that interact
abdomen. with heparin include other anticoagulants,
As with all anticoagulants, excessive antiplatelets, aspirin, NSAIDs, certain herbs,
bleeding is a primary concern. Frequent com- nitroglycerin, thrombolytic agents, and
plete blood counts (CBC) and activated par- ­vitamin E.
tial thromboplastin times (aPTT or APTT) tests
are required to monitor the impact of the Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin
heparin therapy. The complete blood count LMWHs are not interchangeable with un-
will provide hemoglobin, hematocrit, and fractionated heparins, and the two groups
platelet levels. The aPTT measures the efficacy of drugs have different pharmacologic
of the contact activation pathway and the properties. Two examples of LMWH are
common coagulation pathways. enoxaparin (1 mg = 100 units of anti-Xa
Heparin can cause two types of throm- activity; World Health Organization First
bocytopenia. The first type, simply referred International Low Molecular Weight Hepa-
to as heparin-induced thrombocytope- rin Reference Standard) and dalteparin
nia (HIT), is benign and is the most com- (1 mg = 70–120 units of anti-Xa activity;
mon. Three factors that increase a patient’s World Health Organization First Inter-
risk of developing HIT are unfractionated national Low Molecular Weight Heparin
heparin therapy versus use of low-molec- Reference Standard). As their name sug-
ular-weight heparin (LMWH), surgical ver- gests, LMWHs have smaller heparin mol-
sus medical patient, and female versus male ecules than the unfractionated heparins. The
Prevention of Thrombosis and Stroke: Anticoagulant Therapy 207

mechanism of action for LMWH is to have a patients (body mass index greater than
small effect on the aPTT and a strong anti- 40 kg/m2) will likely need adjusting/correcting
factor Xa ability. of the weight-based dosage, but there is no
LMWH drugs are becoming widely pre- consensus on specific recommendations.
scribed because they are much more pre- Examples of some of the drugs that in-
dictable than the unfractionated heparins, teract with LMWH heparin include antico-
have longer half-lives, are just as effective, agulant drugs, antiplatelet agents, aspirin,
and do not require the blood test monitor- NSAIDs, certain herbs, thrombolytic agents,
ing necessary when unfractionated heparin and vitamin E.
is administered. Also important is that these
medications, with the appropriate patient Oral Anticoagulants
­education, can be successfully managed in an While injectable anticoagulants are used
outpatient setting. in critical situations, for patients in whom
Some examples of the uses of LMWH thrombosis is merely a risk, preventive use of
enoxaparin include DVT prophylaxis and oral anticoagulant drugs is commonly under-
treatment, percutaneous coronary inter- taken. The drugs most often used for this pur-
vention, and treatment of pulmonary em- pose are the vitamin K antagonist warfarin
bolism, ST elevation MI (ST-segment as well as a class of drugs called direct throm-
­elevation myocardial infarction [STEMI]), bin inhibitors (DTIs).
and unstable angina or non-ST elevation MI
(non-ST-segment elevation myocardial in- Warfarin
farction [NSTEMI]). Enoxaparin should not Warfarin blocks the availability of vitamin K
be administered intramuscularly. Adminis- in the body. With less vitamin K available, the
tration should be subcutaneous only to the liver’s production of clotting factors declines.
left or right anterolateral or posterolateral The decreased amount of clotting factors in-
abdominal wall. It is important not to expel creases the amount of time it takes for the
the air bubble in the syringe before admin- blood to form a clot, which can be beneficial
istration, to prevent inaccurate dosing. As in people at risk of thrombosis.
with unfractionated heparin, the site should The most harmful adverse effect of
not be rubbed after injection. The patient warfarin therapy is excessive bleeding, which
may experience a burning sensation upon is also the reason that lab work is necessary
subcutaneous injection at the entry site. A for patients on therapy. Patients receiving
single IV dose may be given to patients expe- warfarin require close monitoring of their
riencing STEMI. prothrombin times (PTs) and INR. The PT is
Enoxaparin has not been approved for particularly dependent on the clotting factors
use with dialysis patients by the Food and affected by warfarin, while the INR is a stan-
Drug Administration (FDA). If the patient has dardized value that is calculated from the PT
chronic kidney disease, the dosage should be results. The exact target range will be deter-
decreased and the anti-Xa levels checked fre- mined by the healthcare provider. The dosage
quently. Elderly patients may have increased of the medication should be adjusted to meet
sensitivity to LMWH, and these drugs are not this goal. A PT that is below the target will re-
recommended in patients with renal impair- quire an increase in the dosage; a PT or INR
ment and age older than 70 years. that is above the target will require a decrease
Patients receiving enoxaprin are at risk in the dosage and monitoring for bleeding. In
for excessive bleeding (may be increased in addition, patients should seek medical evalua-
women weighing less than 45 kg and men tion following any serious fall or head injury.
weighing less than 57 kg), HIT, thrombocy- Patients should also take precautions to
topenia, and hyperkalemia. Morbidly obese minimize the risk of harm from bleeding
208 CHAPTER 6  Cardiovascular Medications

such as using a soft-bristle toothbrush, pro- TABLE 6-11 Drugs That Affect Warfarin Therapy
actively reducing their risk of falling in the
­environment, using an electric razor instead Drug Name Effect on Warfarin
of a blade, and avoiding activities that in-
Acetaminophen Increases effects; potential for
volve or have the risk of intense traumatic bleeding
physical contact.
Amiodarone Increases effects; potential for
Alcohol should be limited to no more bleeding
than one to two servings occasionally.
Antithyroid drugs Decreases effects; potential for
Chronic alcohol abuse affects the body’s abil- clotting
ity to handle warfarin and also increases the
Carbamazepine Decreases effects; potential for
risk of falls (Hull, Garcia, & Vazquez, 2018). clotting

Cephalosporins Increases effects; potential for

Signs of Bleeding Ciprofloxacin Increases effects; potential for
• Nosebleeds
• Bleeding gums Haloperidol Decreases effects; potential for
• Coffee-ground emesis clotting
• Persistent nausea or stomach pain
Levothyroxine Increases effects; potential for
• Blood in stool or tarry stools bleeding
• Blood in urine or dark brown urine
Macrolide antibiotics Increases effects; potential for
(e.g., clarithromycin) bleeding

Metronidazole Increases effects; potential for

Drug–Drug Interactions bleeding
Many drugs interact with warfarin, both
NSAIDs (e.g., ibuprofen, Increases effects; potential for
prescription and OTC (TABLE 6-11). Because of naproxen) bleeding
this, patients who are receiving warfarin
Oral contraceptives Decreases effects; potential for
therapy should contact their healthcare pro- clotting
vider before taking any new OTC medica-
Phenobarbital Decreases effects; potential for
tions, prescription medications, or vitamin clotting
supplements. It is especially important that
Rifampin Decreases effects; potential for
vitamin K supplements be avoided in patients clotting
taking warfarin, as vitamin K promotes clot-
Vitamin E Increases effects; potential for
ting and counteracts the effects of the drug. bleeding

Dietary Guidelines Vitamin K Decreases effects; potential for

Significant dietary guidelines must be fol-
lowed while a patient is taking a vitamin K
antagonist. A consistent vitamin K dietary in-
take is essential for maintaining a therapeutic mean that they must avoid foods rich in this
warfarin level. Patients need significant di- vitamin. That is not actually the case: What
etary and safety education on ways to main- is needed is maintenance of consistency in eat-
tain a consistent vitamin K dietary intake ing leafy green vegetables and other common
and to prevent falls and traumatic injuries. food sources. This may be challenging in areas
Most patients, unless they are very conscien- where access to such vegetables is limited due
tious about consuming a healthy diet, will to climate; if the patient’s intake falls (or in-
not know which foods contain vitamin K, or creases) due to seasonal availability of certain
they may understand the “dietary guidelines” foods, it may adversely affect the therapeutic
portion of the therapeutic intervention to efficacy of the warfarin regimen. Regular PT
Prevention of Thrombosis and Stroke: Anticoagulant Therapy 209

and INR lab work should be performed and valve thrombosis compared to patients taking
evaluated by a healthcare provider to ensure warfarin (“Pradaxa,” 2012).
safe and therapeutic levels if the patient has
difficulty maintaining dietary consistency. Drug–Drug Interactions
Drugs that cause P-glycoprotein to increase
Direct Thrombin Inhibitors or decrease its pumping rate impact the
An alternative to warfarin is the amount of dabigatran etexilate that is
DTI dabigatran etexilate. Although available in the bloodstream. Such medica-
there are other drugs in this class, tions include antacids, drugs that decrease
dabigatran etexilate is the first DTI that gastric acid secretion, and rifampin. Medica-
can be given orally. The body converts tions that reduce the drug’s metabolism and,
this prodrug into dabigatran, which binds therefore, increase its presence in the blood-
directly to thrombin. The benefit of this stream include verapamil, amiodarone,
drug over other, similar medications is that dronedarone, ketaconazole, quinidine,
dabigatran can actually bind to clot-bound clarithromycin, and clopidogrel (Bussey &
thrombin, which is an effect not even IV Edith, 2012).
heparin can achieve. Blocking the effect Other drugs that affect platelets, such
of thrombin decreases the probability of a as NSAIDs and other antiplatelet agents,
dangerous clot developing. Another ben- should be avoided when taking dabigatran
efit is that there is no need for lab work etexilate. Concomitant use of dabigatran
monitoring with dabigatran etexilate, etexilate with anticoagulants also increases
unlike that required with heparin and the risk of excessive bleeding.
warfarin therapy.
Dabigatran etexilate has been used for Direct Factor Xa Inhibitors
the prevention and treatment of venous and Factor Xa activates conversion of prothrom-
arterial thromboembolic disorders. It has been bin to thrombin in the coagulation pathway.
used primarily to treat venous thromboembo- The end result of this pathway is the devel-
lism (VTE) after orthopedic surgery. In 2010 opment of a clot. The inhibition of factor
the FDA approved the drug for the preven- Xa decreases the probability of developing
tion of stroke and blood clots for patients who life-threatening clots or from current ones
experience chronic atrial fibrillation. becoming larger. Two drugs, rivaroxaban
The most significant adverse effect associ- and apixaban, are specific inhibitors of
ated with this DTI is excessive bleeding. How- activated factor X; both have excellent
ever, preapproval studies of the medication oral bioavailability.
showed comparable rates of serious bleeding Factor Xa inhibitors have a fast onset of
in patients taking dabigatran etexilate and action and consistent pharmacokinetic and
patients receiving warfarin. Patients with pharmacodynamic actions (Kubitza, Becka,
liver or renal impairment should either avoid & Voith, 2005). Rivaroxaban reaches peak
this medication or use it with extreme cau- plasma concentrations within 2.5 to 4 hours
tion and medical oversight due to their in- after taking the medication orally (Lawrence,
creased risk of developing excessive bleeding. 2014). Rivaroxaban was found to be equiv-
Other side effects include GI disturbances. alent to enoxaparin followed by vitamin K
In December 2012 the FDA issued a warn- antagonist treatment in patients with DVT
ing against the use of dabigatran etexilate (Lawrence, 2014).
in patients with mechanical prosthetic heart There is no coagulation monitoring lab
valves, as a RE-ALIGN study indicated that work required, and no known dietary restric-
these individuals may be at increased risk tions with either rivaroxaban or apixaban.
of experiencing stroke, MI, and mechanical Both drugs have been approved for the
210 CHAPTER 6  Cardiovascular Medications

treatment and/or prevention of clots in pa- Messe, 2018). However most of the bene-
tients with atrial fibrillation, after knee or hip fit was observed in patients with PAD (Cuc-
replacement, in DVT, and with pulmonary chiara & Messe, 2018). The combination
embolism (PE). Rivaroxaban is approved in of aspirin and dipyridamole for second-
the United States for treatment and preven- ary stroke prevention appears to be addi-
tion of acute pulmonary embolism and DVT. tive, and aspirin-extended-release with
Apixaban, meanwhile, is indicated for pre- dipyridamole is significantly more effec-
vention of stroke and thromboembolism in tive than aspirin alone for stroke prevention
patients with atrial fibrillation. (Cucchiara & Messe, 2018).
As with all anticoagulants, adverse effects All antiplatelet medications carry a risk of
with rivaroxaban and apixaban include an excessive bleeding. Aspirin is known to in-
increased risk of excessive bleeding. Because crease the risk of GI distress and bleeding.
there is no known antidote to these drugs, These risks can be decreased with lower dos-
and given that dialysis is not likely to re- ages or enteric coatings. Also, patients may
duce their presence in serum, patients should experience aspirin toxicity, which, in addi-
be given careful dosing instructions to help tion to increased bleeding risk, may present
avoid overdose. Similar to patients taking the as tinnitus or ringing of the ears. Patients who
other anticoagulant medications, patients on experience aspirin allergies should also avoid
rivaroxaban should avoid other antithrombic a cross-allergy to NSAIDs.
agents, aspirin, NSAIDs, combined P-gp and Clopidogrel is associated with a slightly
CYP3A4 inhibitors, P2Y12 platelet inhibitors, lower occurrence of GI upset or bleeding than
and fibrinolytic therapy, all of which could aspirin (Cucchiara & Messe, 2018). With
further increase the risk of excessive bleeding. dipyridamole, headache is the most fre-
quently reported adverse effect.
Antiplatelet Agents Similar to patients taking the other an-
A variety of oral medications inhibit plate- ticoagulant medications, patients on anti-
let function directly. These drugs include platelet medications should avoid the use of
aspirin, which inhibits the enzyme cy- other antiplatelet medications, antithrom-
clooxygenase, reducing the production of bic agents, NSAIDs, and fibrinolytic ther-
thromboxane A2 (stimulator of platelet aggre- apy, all of which could further increase the
gation). Use of low-dose aspirin as a “blood risk of excessive bleeding. Patients on long-
thinner” to prevent clotting is widespread term anticoagulation therapy may also be re-
as a result. However, there are alternatives. ceiving antiplatelet therapy, but only under
Thienopyridines (clopidigrel, pasugrel) the close supervision and monitoring of a
inhibit ADP-dependent platelet aggregation; healthcare provider.
the PDE5 inhibitor dipyridamole impairs
platelet function by inhibiting the activity of Antiarrhythmic Agents
adenosine deaminase and phosphodiesterase Cardiac cells depolarize and repolarize about
(it may also cause some vasodilation). once per second. Multiple proteins, affected by
Aspirin is the most commonly used an- ion concentration fluctuations, are responsible
tiplatelet medication and is used to prevent for maintenance of cardiac rhythms. Outside
ischemic stroke and cardiovascular events, of the proximal electrophysiology, the heart
despite evidence that it is not always the is affected by input from the sympathetic and
best medication for the job. For example, parasympathetic systems. When improper
the CAPRIE study showed that a compos- rhythms (arrhythmias) occur, pharmacologic
ite outcome of stroke, MI, or vascular death intervention is sometimes indicated.
was significantly reduced with clopidogrel Ions move through specific channels
treatment versus aspirin use (Cucchiara & or transporters in response to changes in
Prevention of Thrombosis and Stroke: Anticoagulant Therapy 211

electrical stimulation and ion concentra- impulse refractory time; by suppressing ab-
tion gradients. Important ions for cardiac normal automaticity. Drugs are utilized to
conduction include sodium, potassium, and alter ion (sodium, potassium, calcium) chan-
calcium. At rest, potassium is allowed in nels and conduction velocity, or affect sym-
myocytes, while sodium is excluded. Depo- pathetic or parasympathetic actions on the
larization of myocyte membranes briefly al- heart. ­Antiarrhythmics are usually classified
lows sodium ions in and potassium ions out, as members of four or five groups, though
propagating the conduction signal, then so- members of groups sometimes can be classi-
dium is once again excluded from cells, fied in more than one group. The four main
while potassium returns. Also involved in groups include sodium-channel blockers,
ion exchange is calcium. Improper ion trans- beta-blockers, potassium-channel ­blockers,
port can result in improper cardiac rhythm. and calcium-channel blockers. A fifth
For a more complex review of cardiac con- grouping includes drugs that act by a variety
duction, signal transmission and muscle con- of mechanisms.
traction, the reader is referred to physiology
textbooks. Group I Antiarrhythmics: Sodium-Channel
An arrhythmia occurs when the normal Blockers
sequence of impulse initiation and propaga- Blockade of fast sodium channels slows
tion is disturbed. Arrhythmias include rapid electrical conduction in the heart. Group I
heart rhythms (tachycardia), premature de- antiarrhythmics bind to fast sodium chan-
polarizations, flutters, fibrillations, and signal nels (which are involved in the rapid depo-
re-entry, and can involve the atria (atrial) or larization [phase 0] of fast-response cardiac
ventricles (ventricular). action potentials). The result is a reduction
Antiarrhythmic drugs are sometimes un- of inward-moving sodium, but utilizing drug
predictable in their effects on patients, in concentrations that do not affect resting
part because arrhythmias often involve mul- membrane potential (FIGURE 6-11).
tiple mechanisms, and in part because drugs This reduces the action potential trans-
can affect multiple targets. These drugs usu- mission velocity, which can counter tachycar-
ally act by one of three mechanisms: by alter- dias caused by mechanisms including signal
ing conduction velocity; by changing cardiac re-entry. Sodium-channel blockers also can
cell excitability via altering the length of affect refractory period. Therefore, there are

Potassium channel blockers

Sodium channel blockers

Calcium channel blockers Rate
K+ control
K+ Ca2+ Beta blockers

Na2+ Ca2+ K+


FIGURE 6-11  Group I antiarrhythmics: Sodium-channel blockers.

212 CHAPTER 6  Cardiovascular Medications

three subclasses of sodium-channel blockers, stimulation (FIGURE 6-12). Examples of beta-

categorized as groups IA (increase refractory blockers (though not necessarily β1-selective)
period), IB (decrease refractory period), or IC that can be useful antiarrhythmics include
(no effect on refractory period). acebutolol, propranolol, and esmolol.
Examples of group IA drugs in-
clude quinidine, procainamide, and Group III Antiarrhythmics: Potassium-Channel
disopryamide, and can be useful for
treating atrial fibrillation and flutter, and Most drugs in Group III have potassium-
supraventricular and ventricular tachyar- channel blocking activity, but may also affect
rhythmias. Examples of group IB drugs in- other ion channels, and so are not necessarily
clude lidocaine, tocainide, and mexilitine. purely targeting potassium transport. Blocking
Group IB drugs tend to be useful for the potassium channels causes delayed repolar-
treatment of ventricular tachycardias. Exam- ization of myocardial cells, increasing the re-
ples of Group IC drugs include flecainide, fractory between beats (FIGURE 6-13). They can
propafenone, and moricizine, and can be
useful for treating supraventricular and ven-
tricular tachyarrhythmias.
Group II Antiarrhythmics: Beta-Blockers –
Beta-1 antagonists (beta-blockers) affect
beta-1-receptors located in the heart, eyes, NE
and kidneys. When utilized as antiarrhyth-
mics, they act by inhibiting sympathetic β1 β2
stimulation, especially by epinephrine and AC
norepinephrine, of cardiac impulses. Nor- Cardiac
mally, sympathetic nerves increase pacemaker myocyte
currents, causing increased heart rate. Sym- Ca++ +
Ca++ SR PK-A
pathetic stimulation of the heart can also be a +
cause of aberrant pacemaker activity from in- Contraction +
creasing conduction velocity. β1-blockers can
reduce these effects by decreasing reactivity Ca++
of pacemaker cells to adrenergic sympathetic FIGURE 6-12  Group II antiarrhythmics: Beta-blockers.

Potassium channel blockers Rhythm control


K+ Ca2+

Na2+ Ca2+ K+


FIGURE 6-13  Group III antiarrhythmics: Potassium-channel blockers.

Chapter Summary 213

be useful for treatment of tachyarrhythmias on the heart, which opens potassium chan-
caused by reentry signals. Examples of Group nels, and blocks calcium channels. The result
III drugs include amiodarone, dofetilide, is hyperpolarization of cells, and decreased
dronedarone, bretylium, sotalol, conduction velocity. Adenosine, which is
ibutilide, and dofetilide. very short-lived in the body, can be used for
rapid treatment of SVTs. Digoxin, which
Group IV Antiarrhythmics: Calcium-Channel was previously discussed, is useful for ar-
rhythmias because it reduces heart rate, and
Group IV antiarrhythmics are calcium- can be useful for treating atrial fibrillation
channel blockers (CCBs), and, by inhibit- and flutter.
ing calcium from crossing cell membranes,
decrease firing rate of aberrant sites in the
heart, decrease conduction velocity at the CHAPTER SUMMARY
AV node, and reduce heart rate. Action at This chapter has touched upon the most common subsets
of cardiovascular disorders seen by healthcare provid-
the AV node is useful for treating supraven- ers. It is nowhere near a comprehensive overview of
tricular tachycardias caused by reentry im- cardiovascular disease—a topic that could fill numerous
pulses (FIGURE 6-14). volumes—but rather highlights the classes of medica-
Calcium channel blockers are subdivided tions used most frequently in addressing the commonly
seen problems. Of key importance is an understanding
into two categories, dihydropyridines and of which drugs may be used in conjunction with one an-
non-dihydropyridines, the latter being use- other to support cardiovascular function, and which may
ful for arrhythmias. Dihydropyridines are not; understanding how drug classes act upon particular
receptors, and how they are metabolized in the body, is
more vascular-selective, and so more useful
an important topic for identifying potentially dangerous
for treating hypertension via calcium channel drug interactions.
blockade. The non-dihydropyridine class in-
cludes the drugs diltiazem and verapamil.
Critical Thinking Questions
Group V Antiarrhythmics: Miscellaneous
Group V antiarrhythmics include drugs that 1. Describe the three factors that affect blood pres-
act via a variety of mechanisms other than sure, and name specific classes of drugs that can
those recognized as Groups I–IV. Included alter each factor to reduce hypertension.
in this class are adenosine and digoxin. 2. How does the RAAS impact the cardiovascu-
Adenosine binds adenosine type-1 receptors lar system? Which classes of drugs are used to
alter it, and how does each drug class do so to
lower blood pressure?
Calcium channel Ca2+ 3. Which factors affect CO? How does the clini-
Compartment cian seek to change CO in (1) hypertension and
blocker prevents
containing internal
release of internal (2) CHF?
calcium stores
calcium stores into
4. How do medications that inhibit cytochrome
cell cytosol.
Calcium channel P450 3A4 affect the metabolism and serum
levels of eplerenone? Why does this effect not
occur with spironolactone?
5. Why should patients who are taking statins
avoid grapefruit?
6. Which medications are the best first-line therapy
Calcium channel for chronic hypertension? Which are best used
Heart muscle cell in hypertensive crisis? Why is there a difference?
does not respond to
Cytosol of cell 7. Which major classes of medications should not
calcium ion signal.
be used with anticoagulants?
FIGURE 6-14  Group IV antiarrhythmics: Calcium-channel blockers.
214 CHAPTER 6  Cardiovascular Medications


Hypertension Management
A 62-year-old Caucasian male, CW, is an established patient at a free primary care clinic where you
are volunteering. The clinic serves only persons without health insurance. CW works as a general
handyman in a rural farming community and is quite physically active most days of the week
doing his jobs. He did not complete high school and reads at approximately a sixth-grade level. He
is single, does not use tobacco products or recreational/illicit drugs, and rarely drinks alcohol. His
medical history is significant for primary or essential hypertension, prediabetes, and osteoarthritis;
he is extremely hard of hearing. He was last seen six months ago for a routine check-up; his BP
at that time was 140/84. Today CW is worried about his blood pressure after discovering it was
200/110 when he checked it last night at the local grocery store. He denies headache, dizziness,
palpitations, chest pain, or shortness of breath. On further questioning, he tells you that he has not
taken his blood pressure medicine for “several months” because “I ran out and couldn’t afford to buy
more.” He admits that he has “not been eating right” for the last few months. He drinks only coffee
for breakfast, then typically stops at a convenience shop for lunch choosing a packaged snack food,
Coke, and a fried meat product. For supper, he eats scrambled eggs with sausage or frozen burritos
most nights. He drinks four to five caffeinated beverages daily.
Medication list:
Lisinopril 20 mg one tab daily in AM, initiated 2 years ago
Ibuprofen 200 mg (OTC) 1–2 tabs every 6 hours prn joint pain
Allergies: NKDA
Vital signs: BP: left arm: 200/110, right arm: 190/110; P: 86/minute, regular; Respirations: 12/min,
regular; Oral temperature 98.4°F; Weight: 185#; Ht: 69″; BMI 27.3.
Upon assessment, you notice that CW is sitting comfortably and is in no acute distress. The
healthcare provider reports no unusual findings upon funduscopic exam and evaluation of heart
sounds, peripheral pulses, lungs, abdomen, and extremities.
Lab values from today’s visit: CMP all within normal range; hemoglobin A1c 5.7% (consistent with
prediabetes); Lipid panel all values within normal range (normal values in parentheses). Total
cholesterol: 152 (125–200 mg/dL); LDL-c: 75 (<130 mg/dL); HDL: 54 (≥40 mg/dL); Triglycerides: 114
(<150 mg/dL)
The healthcare provider decides to prescribe two antihypertensive agents: Lisinopril 40 mg and
hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg daily. CW is to return in two weeks for a nurse visit to recheck his blood
pressure and assess for adherence. He asks you to instruct the patient regarding the importance of
adherence to this regimen, expected side effects, and any other relevant teaching points. He also
asks you to teach CW about the DASH diet.
Case Questions
1. What are two nursing diagnoses (NANDA format) you would make concerning CW’s hypertension manage-
ment and eating patterns?
2. According to current hypertension management guidelines, what is the target blood pressure for this patient?
3. What will you tell CW about why the provider has prescribed two medications instead of one for his blood
4. Explain the difference between the two medication classes in clear language appropriate for someone with
a sixth-grade reading level.
5. Knowing that CW is uninsured, what formulation of these medications would be most appropriate to decrease
cost and thus promote adherence?
6. What is one open-ended question you can ask CW to initiate a conversation about medication adherence?
7. What precautionary information should you provide for CW regarding this medication? What would be the
expected results?
Case studies 215


8. What are the basic principles of the DASH diet that you would communicate to CW?
9. Write one long-term and one short-term goal for one of the two nursing diagnoses that you made.
10. What action step can you take at today’s visit as an intervention to meet the short-term goal?
11. When CW returns for his follow-up appointment in two weeks, how will you evaluate the effectiveness of
your intervention?


Dyslipidemia Management
CW is a 62-year-old Caucasian male and an established patient at a free primary care clinic where
you are volunteering. The clinic serves only persons without health insurance. He presents today for
a two-week follow-up nurse visit to evaluate the effectiveness of and adherence to his new blood
pressure medication regimen. CW works as a general handyman in a rural farming community
and is quite physically active most days of the week doing his jobs. He did not complete high
school and reads at approximately a sixth-grade level. He is single, does not use tobacco products
or recreational/illicit drugs, and rarely drinks alcohol. His medical history is significant for primary
hypertension, prediabetes, and osteoarthritis; he is extremely hard of hearing. He tells you that he
has taken his prescribed medications daily since his last visit. He went to the health department
once last week to have his BP checked, and “they said it was ok.” He denies headache, dizziness,
palpitations, chest pain, or shortness of breath. He thanks you for the time you spent at the last visit
explaining about the DASH diet; then he says, “I don’t hear so good, so I missed some things you
said.” He still drinks coffee, but he has cut down to one cup daily. He continues to eat packaged
snack foods such as chips, cinnamon rolls, and cookies because of convenience.
Medication list:
Lisinopril 20 mg one tab daily in AM, hydrocholorthiazide 12.5 mg daily in AM started 2 weeks ago
Ibuprofen 200 mg (OTC) 1–2 tabs every 6 hours prn joint pain
Allergies: NKDA
Vital signs: BP: left arm: 140/86, right arm: 142/88; P: 76/minute, regular; Respirations: 12/min,
regular; oral temperature 98.4°F; Weight: 183#; Ht: 69″; BMI 27.02.
His lipid panel values from his visit 2 weeks ago are in normal range as follows (normal values
in parentheses): Total cholesterol: 152 (125–200 mg/dL); LDL-c: 75 (<130 mg/dL); HDL: 54
(≥40 mg/dL); Triglycerides: 114 (<150 mg/dL).
CW is sitting comfortably and is in no acute distress. He turns his left ear toward you when you speak.
You have learned how to use the online ACC/AHA ASCVD Risk Calculator, so you invite him to
watch as you enter his lipid and blood pressure values. The risk calculator shows that CW has a
9.9% 10-year risk of heart disease or stroke. CW sits up straight, looks directly at you, and says, “Does
that mean I could have a heart attack or stroke? What can I do to prevent this?”
Case Questions
1. Is CW’s blood pressure at JNC-8 goal for his age and medical history? He has no chronic kidney disease, and
he does not have diabetes.
2. Even though CW’s lipid panel is in normal range, he has a fairly high risk for an atherosclerotic cardiovascular
disease (ASCVD) event, such as heart attack or stroke, within the next 10 years. How will you answer his two

216 CHAPTER 6  Cardiovascular Medications


3. CW is experiencing the proverbial “teachable moment” as he learns about his risk for ASCVD. According to
guidelines, might he benefit from taking a statin drug for lowering cholesterol?
4. What will you tell CW about the class of statin drugs when he asks how they work?
5. What is one open-ended question you can ask CW to initiate a conversation about making lifestyle modifications?
6. Write one nursing diagnosis (NANDA format) related to patient education that addresses CW’s known
hearing deficit.
7. Write one short-term goal to reflect CW’s patient education needs.
8. What action will you take today to meet the short-term goal?
9. You work together with CW to arrive at one change in his diet patterns he could make in the next three
months. Write one long-term goal for this using the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant,
Time-Based) goal format.
10. When CW returns for his follow-up appointment in three months, how will you evaluate the effectiveness
of your intervention?

Dixon, D.L., & Williams, V.G. (2009). Interaction be-

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Respiratory Medications

Amy Rex Smith and Blaine Templar Smith


Allergen Cyclic adenosine monophos- Leukotriene synthesis and Primary mediators

Alveoli phate (cAMP) receptor blockers Rescue medications
Anticholinergics Cysteinyl leukotriene type-1 Metered-dose inhaler (MDI) Restrictive airway disease
Asthma (CysLT-1) receptors Mixed obstructive/restrictive Secondary mediators
Atopy Dry-powder inhaler (DPI) airway disease Slow-reacting substance of
a2-receptor agonists Dyspnea Monoclonal anti-IgE antibody anaphylaxis (SRSA)
Bronchioles Early response Obstructive airway disease Spirometer
Bronchoconstriction Emphysema Peak expiratory flow rate Thromboxanes (TXAs)
Chronic bronchitis FEV1:FVC ratio (PEFR) Type I hypersensitivity
Chronic obstructive pulmo- Immunoglobulin E (IgE) Peak flow (PF)
nary disease (COPD) Late response Peak flow meter
Corticosteroids Leukotrienes (LT) Preventive medications


At the end of the chapter, the reader will be able to: 4. Identify the role of the nurse in the administration of respi-
ratory medications.
1. Differentiate among the major classes of respiratory drugs.
5. Recognize typical profiles of a home-medication regimen
2. Relate the mechanisms of action of each class of respiratory
for patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmo-
drugs to the pathophysiological changes in the immune
nary disease (COPD).
system and inflammatory response that each one treats.
6. List essential features of patient education about respi-
3. Analyze patient characteristics that indicate appropriate
ratory medication regimens that will improve patient
responses to respiratory medications, focusing on symptoms,
patterns of airflow, and changes in physical examination.

220 CHAPTER 7  Respiratory Medications

Introduction a more complex condition, being a mixed

obstructive/restrictive airway disease.
Great progress has been made in the scientific Obstructive airway disease is relatively com-
understanding of the immune system and the mon, including asthma (which is wide-
inflammatory responses specific to common spread), bronchiectasis, and cystic fibrosis;
conditions of the respiratory system. Identifi- COPD is generally included among obstruc-
cation of the molecular mechanisms of these tive airway disorders despite also having el-
conditions has led to the development of new ements of restrictive lung disease. Purely
medication categories based on what is now restrictive airway disease is uncommon
known to be occurring. In addition, respira- and usually relates to damage of the airways
tory medications are now often delivered di- from other initiating causes; it includes con-
rectly to the airways using a variety of novel ditions such as pneumonia and myasthenia
medication administration devices. These gravis, or can result from the use of certain
new approaches to the treatment of respira- medications such as methotrexate. It is far
tory conditions require many patients to use more likely that nurses will encounter re-
medications on a daily basis. strictive airway disorders in the context of
Most patients are willing to take medi- COPD; however, the key therapy in restric-
cations to treat troubling symptoms but are tive lung disease is supplemental oxygen to
reluctant to use medications to treat an un- offset the inability of the lung tissue to ad-
seen condition. However, prevention of the equately oxygenate on room air. Medical
symptoms of respiratory diseases is impor- therapy is generally useful only in obstruc-
tant for attaining and maintaining the best tive or mixed obstructive/restrictive disorders.
control over the disease processes. Because Thus, focusing on how asthma and COPD are
many of the pulmonary medications are treated allows for an in-depth understanding
self-administered, much of the nursing role
regarding medications for the respiratory sys-
tem focuses on patient education—that is,
teaching correct methods of medication ad-
ministration for adults and children (espe-
What About Lung Cancer?
cially the proper use of inhalation devices), It might seem strange to have a chapter on re-
and the reasons for scheduled dosing. These spiratory disease that does not address lung
two nursing interventions can profoundly im- cancer. In fact, lung cancer is not, strictly
speaking, a disease of respiration because it
prove outcomes for patients. It is essential
does not represent a functional issue with the
that nurses understand the mechanisms of mechanics of breathing. Instead, it is a neo-
the immune dysfunction (where applicable), plastic disorder that happens to occur in lung
or other pulmonary disease processes, and tissue. This disease can create problems with
recognize how each medication contributes to respiratory function if cancer obstructs the air-
treatment of the underlying disease. ways or reduces the ability of the lung to oxy-
genate blood. Even then, treatment generally
Most pharmacology of the pulmonary
does not focus on improving function of the
system can be illustrated using two common airways themselves but rather comprises com-
diseases: asthma and chronic obstructive bined medical, surgical, and radiotherapy in-
pulmonary disease (COPD). Many of the terventions to remove the cancerous tissue.
medications used for one of these conditions Such interventions are generally undertaken
are used for the other as well, and for many in the care of a specialist in pulmonary on-
cology and are not applicable to the general
other pulmonary conditions. Asthma and
population of patients who develop chronic
COPD differ in that asthma is a purely respiratory disorders.
obstructive airway disease, while COPD is
Introduction 221

of respiratory pharmacology that can then be • FVC = Forced vital capacity. This meas-
applied in many clinical situations. ures the total volume of air expired after a
full inspiration.
Assessment of Lung Function
Before discussing pharmacotherapy, it is help- With obstructive airway disease, normal
ful to understand how lung diseases are di- volumes of air pass through the airways, but
agnosed and assessed. A spirometer can be the ability of the lungs to push out air quickly
helpful for diagnosing and staging both restrict- is reduced. Thus, one would expect to see
ive and obstructive lung disorders (FIGURE 7-1). low FEV1 and PEFR, but a normal FVC, in a
Spirometry measures both volumes and air- person with an obstructive disease such as
flow. Volume measures include the complete asthma. Restrictive airway disease prevents
volume, called the total lung capacity (TLC); the lungs from filling to their full capacity, so
the amount of air exchanged with each breath, one would expect a smaller volume of air to
called the tidal volume (VT); and the amount pass through the airways, with normal val-
of air left in the lungs after a maximal exhala- ues for the speed at which it can be exhaled.
tion, called the residual volume (RV). Thus, in restrictive lung disease, FEV1 may
Simply measuring the amount of air be normal, FVC would be reduced, and PEFR
­exchanged does not necessarily diagnose a may be normal, but the total volume of air
disease. However, spirometry helps assess a expired would be smaller. Some patients have
person’s ability to breathe not only by meas- characteristics of both restrictive and obstruc-
uring how much air he or she is able to ex- tive disease, but diagnosis can be confirmed
hale, but also by the rate—how fast it comes by comparing FEV1 to FVC—in essence, de-
out. Three specific measurements are made: termining how much of the total amount of
air the person has to exhale is exhaled within
• FEV1 = Forced expiratory volume in
the first second. In obstructive disease, FEV1
1 second. This measures how much air
is low in relation to FVC, so the ratio tends
a patient can blow into the tubing in
to be smaller than normal values. “Normal,”
1 second.
however, can vary by age; a reading of less
• PEFR = Peak expiratory flow rate. This
than 75%, for instance, would be diagnostic
measures how fast a patient can exhale a
of asthma in anyone younger than 60 years,
volume of air (measured in liters/minute).
but not necessarily in an older adult. In re-
strictive disease, the amount of air available is
small and there is generally little obstruction
to exhalation, so normal or near-normal re-
sults (75–80%) would be seen.
COPD paints a more complex picture, be-
cause of the chronic hyperinflation of the
lungs. In addition to the expected obstructive
airflow pattern results, abnormal volumes are
seen—most significantly an increase in the
residual volume, which results in a decreased
FEV1:FVC ratio. Effective tidal volumes are
reduced, which may contribute to the sensa-
tion of dyspnea (shortness of breath) so of-
ten reported by these patients. This is why,
FIGURE 7-1  Spirometry for the diagnosis of respiratory disorders. as mentioned earlier, COPD is considered a
© age fotostock/Alamy mixed obstructive/restrictive airway disease.
222 CHAPTER 7  Respiratory Medications

At the bedside, a peak flow meter is used Asthma

(FIGURE 7-2). This device registers, in cubic centi-
meters (cc), the volume of airflow. The result- Asthma is not, strictly speaking, a respiratory
ing value is referred to as the patient’s peak disorder—it is actually an immune system
flow (PF); it is usually measured each shift in dysfunction that manifests in the respiratory
an acute care setting, and daily at home and in system. The patient with asthma does not
long-term care settings. The PF value provides have an anatomical abnormality of his or her
real-time objective data as to how effective the airways; instead, he or she has an inappropri-
medications are at reversing the resistance to ate and exaggerated immune response that is
airflow. It is important to know the patient’s dysfunctional, and that produces symptoms
baseline PF so that individualized realistic in the airways. The term “reactive airway
treatment goals can be achieved. disease” (RAD) is often used interchangeably
with “asthma,” and sometimes “asthma” is
thought of as a part of RAD. In fact, RAD is
Cystic Fibrosis ill-defined, and only “asthma” will be consid-
ered a true disease condition in this text.
One chronic obstructive airway disease that As an immune disorder, asthma is clas-
is distinct from either asthma or COPD is cys-
tic fibrosis. This disease is caused by a gen-
sified as a type I hypersensitivity—an
etic defect in a particular protein that leads ­excessive response of the immune system
to the buildup of sticky mucus in the lungs. to an encounter with a nonpathogenic sub-
It generally manifests in infancy, but gen- stance to which it has been sensitized. Type
etic testing allows for prenatal identification I hypersensitivities (also known as atopy)
and early intervention, which has increased are mediated by immunoglobulin E (IgE).
the life span and improved the prognosis for
individuals with this disorder. Cystic fibro-
Upon exposure to a specific allergen, bound
sis is treated primarily with ivacaftor and IgE on mast cells and basophils is cross-linked
dornase alfa, medications specific to the bio- by the allergen. This leads to signals to the re-
chemistry of the disease. A variety of mech- spective cells that allow calcium ion influx,
anical methods are also used to loosen and which is thought to lead to decreased con-
break up the mucus. Because this disease is centration of cyclic adenosine monophos-
so specialized, most of what is discussed in
the context of asthma/COPD is not directly
phate (cAMP) in the cell. Decreased cAMP
relevant to cystic fibrosis, and the nursing permits degranulation of the membrane, re-
student is encouraged to find further reading leasing primary mediators and secondary
if interested in this disorder. mediators, including histamine, serotonin,
leukotrienes, prostaglandins, and cytokines,
among others.
These primary and secondary mediators
are the cause of overt respiratory symptoms,
including bronchoconstriction (resulting from
smooth muscle contraction), vasodilation,
and increased mucus secretion. Together,
these responses cause trapping of air in the
lower (distal) respiratory tract. Thus, during
an asthmatic episode, the lungs will be near
their maximum inflated volume, but there
will be resistance to exhaled air.
Until this point, the reaction (type-
FIGURE 7-2  Use of handheld (bedside) peak flow meter. I hypersensitivity) is considered an
© BSIP SA/Alamy Stock Photo early-response reaction, meaning one
Asthma 223

that occurs within minutes to hours after Based on this understanding, medi- Best Practices
­exposure to the allergen. In contrast, late-­ cations can be grouped into two
response asthmatic reactions can occur conceptual categories: (1) those that Patients should under-
stand that preventive
hours after the early phase, and are much prevent the immune response and/
medications are of
more pharmacologically complex than are or restrict the actions of ­initial (pri- little value in treat-
the early-response reactions. If the reader is mary and some secondary) medi- ing acute asthmatic
unfamiliar with hypersensitivity reactions ators and (2) those used after the episodes.
and the pathophysiology of asthma, he or release of histamine and other
she is referred to immunology and patho- early-phase mediators to treat the
physiology textbooks for in-depth reading. resulting symptoms.
Late-response reactions require specialized In the past, asthma was considered a dis-
(emergency department) care. Outpatient ease of “attacks”: acute exacerbations were
asthma management is aimed at prevention recognized only as a person started to audibly
and treatment of early-response reactions. wheeze, an obvious sign of airway obstruc-
If managed properly, the occurrence of late-­ tion. In recent years, however, a new under-
response reactions can be largely avoided in standing of asthma has emerged, so that
most patients. asthma is now best understood as a chronic
While most asthmatic attacks can disease with the main feature being an on-
be traced to antigen exposure, it is well going, underlying inflammatory process. In
known that acute symptom onset can be in- turn, the approach to treating asthma has
duced in some patients by exercise, cold changed; instead of focusing solely on treat-
air, and even emotional distress. These ing the acute symptoms by reversal of airway
non-allergen-induced attacks are believed obstruction, treatment protocols now recog-
to occur when membrane cAMP levels are nize the need to address the underlying in-
close to the “threshold” concentration re- flammation on a daily basis.
quired for degranulation that exists in some An important method of prevention is re-
patients’ mast cell and basophil cell mem- moving the allergen from the vicinity of the
branes. In this scenario, anything that might patient, or removing the patient from the vi-
disturb the cell membranes may be sufficient cinity of the allergen, as much as is practical.
to lower cAMP to “sub-threshold” concen- Smoking is a common and serious source of
trations, thereby allowing the pharmacol- allergens that is best totally avoided, by dis-
ogy of asthma to proceed—without direct continuation of smoking by the patient and/
allergen exposure. or minimizing or eliminating smoke in the
environment in which the patient lives and
Approach to the Treatment of Asthma works. However, not all allergens can be
It is a general principle that prevention of a avoided; a patient who is allergic to cat dan-
disease is often better than treating disease der, for example, can avoid keeping or touch-
after it develops. This principle explains why ing cats, but that will not keep the person
the emphasis for asthma therapy is on daily entirely away from cats throughout his or her
treatment of the underlying inflammation. life span—sooner or later, the allergen will be
If a medication can intervene in the body encountered. It is important to be able to re-
to prevent symptoms, then this is the opti- spond to such encounters (when they arise)
mal outcome. Thus, the treatment protocol with medication to reduce the response of the
for asthma is to practice allergen avoidance immune system.
to the greatest extent possible, to use agents As described earlier, from a pharmacologic
that suppress the immune response appro- point of view, reactions can be categorized
priately, and to carry fast-acting agents to as early and late responses. The pharmaco-
reverse symptoms if and when they occur. logic categories of early-response asthma
224 CHAPTER 7  Respiratory Medications

prevention and treatment include a2-receptor with preventive medications. These

agonists (both long- and short-acting), drugs include antagonists of primary medi-
­corticosteroids, leukotriene synthesis ators or primary mediator effects (such as
and receptor blockers, and a monoclonal β2-adrenergic bronchoconstriction). Preven-
anti-IgE antibody designed to bind circulat- tive agents include medications that are orally
ing IgE, preventing it from proceeding to bind administered, inhaled, or injected.
to surface receptors. Management may also For times when symptoms progress, or for
include inhaled muscarinic cholinergic recep- patients whose symptoms are not well con-
tor blockers, (anticholinergics), and agents trolled, rescue medications are available.
aimed at stabilizing mast cell and basophil cell Rescue medications, by their nature or by de-
membranes (mast cell stabilizers). sign, act more rapidly than preventive med-
Drugs that stimulate β2-receptors ications. These agents include inhaled and
(β2-receptor agonists) have structures similar injected medications.
to those of the naturally occurring catechol- Patients should understand that preven-
amines, epinephrine and norepinephrine. tive medications are of little value in treating
Epinephrine and norepinephrine have acute asthmatic episodes. Patients and practi-
short durations of action before being me- tioners should be fully knowledgeable of the
tabolized. Differences made in the structures applications and limitations of both catego-
of the drugs used for β2 stimulation allow ries of medications. In practice, attaining opti-
them to avoid quick degradation (by COMT), mal outcomes for patients can be a “trial and
and to improve their utility for respiratory error” process, in which practitioners experi-
use. Stimulation of β2-receptors activates ment with various single- or multiple-drug
their cells’ Gs-adenyl cyclase-cAMP-PKA regimens, aiming to achieve the best control
pathway, which ultimately leads to bronchial over the disease.
smooth muscle relaxation, regardless of the
original cause of constriction. There are Oral Preventive Medications
β2-receptors in the peripheral circulation. A variety of daily oral medications is available
Stimulation of these receptors causes vaso- to address the underlying immune response
dilation, which is the genesis of some of the that leads to asthma. These drugs need to be
side effects of these drugs. taken daily by the patient according to in-
The anti-inflammatory mechanisms of structions. In turn, patient education must
corticosteroids are complex. After entering emphasize the need to use the medication,
target cells, corticosteroids bind intracellular even in the absence of overt symptoms.
glucocorticoid receptors; drug-bound recep- Several of these medications focus on sup-
tors then move to the nucleus, bind to DNA pressing the action of leukotrienes (LT)
and alter gene transcription, which may also (Berger, 1999). These inflammatory mole-
directly affect protein functions. The result is cules are products of phospholipid breakdown
decreased, or inhibited, transcription factors via arachidonic acid metabolism, usually from
responsible for activation of inflammatory host cells, including mast cells and eosino-
processes, including inhibition of several cy- phils. Two “families” of leukotrienes exist,
tokines and immune inflammatory cells. but the one that is important in asthma com-
Ideally, asthmatic patients can be man- prises the cysteinyl-leukotrienes, which bind
aged with minimal, basic drug interven- to cysteinyl leukotriene type-1 (CysLT-1)
tion. This approach depends on the severity receptors found in smooth muscle cells, air-
of daily symptoms, of course, as well as the way macrophages, and eosinophils. Beyond
propensity of the patient to have more ex- their more “asthma-specific” origins and ef-
acerbated symptoms when attacks do occur. fects mentioned previously, leukotrienes can
Many patients are able to restrict the disease be secreted by activated macrophages, exhibit
Asthma 225

cytotoxicity, participate in febrile responses quickly enough; be sure to emphasize that

via the hypothalamus, and have hematopoi- these are not rescue medications.
etic effects. Those particularly important in
inducing asthmatic symptoms include LTC4, Thromboxane Antagonists
LTD4, and LTE4. These leukotrienes tradition- Thromboxanes (TXAs) are eicosanoids
ally have been recognized as components of (lipids) derived from arachidonic acid, but
the slow-reacting substance of anaphy- from the prostaglandin-producing side of the
laxis (SRSA). The negative asthma-related cascade. TXA2 is of particular importance in
effects for which leukotrienes are responsible asthma, as it is a vasoconstrictor, a potent
include bronchoconstriction (they may ex- hypertensive agent, and facilitates platelet ag-
hibit up to 1,000 times the potency of hista- gregation (which can be of concern especially
mine), increased vascular permeability, and in late-response reactions). Inhibition of TXA2
increased mucus production. is aimed mainly at stopping airway bron-
choconstrictive and vasoconstrictive actions.
Leukotriene-Receptor Antagonists Inhibition of leukotriene formation also de-
A preventive approach to dealing with leukot- creases neutrophil and eosinophil migration,
riene actions is to block (antagonize) leukot- along with the aggregation of neutrophils and
riene receptors, with the goals of decreasing monocytes. In addition, it decreases leukocyte
airway edema, smooth muscle constriction, adhesion, cell–cell permeability, and smooth
and the general inflammatory process associ- muscle contraction.
ated with asthma (Scow, Luttermoser, & Dick- One example of a thromboxane receptor
erson, 2007). Currently available leukotriene antagonist (TxRA) is zileuton. Zileuton in-
receptor agonists (LTRAs) are zafirlukast and hibits 5-lipooxygenase, the enzyme that cat-
montelukast tablets for oral administration alyzes the conversion of arachidonic acid to
(TABLE 7-1). Zafirlukast antagonizes LTC4, LTD4, leukotrienes. Thromboxane inhibitors act by
and LTE4 receptors and can be effective in both blocking the formation of leukotrienes, which
early and late responses, although it has found in turn decreases inflammatory cell migration
application mainly as a preventive medication. and the inflammatory process. Symptomati-
Montelukast binds CysLT1 receptors, and cally, these actions lead to decreased edema,
blocks the binding of LTD4 to CysLT1 receptors, reduced mucus secretion, and less (smooth
without itself stimulating the receptors. muscle) bronchoconstriction in the airways of
Nursing Notes for LTRAs asthmatic patients.

Even when patients are not symptomatic, Nursing Notes for TxRAs
they should continue to take LTRAs, as these Because they are preventive medications,
agents are preventive medications. Con- TxRAs should be taken regularly, even dur-
versely, patients should not use LTRAs for ing asymptomatic periods. For optimal action,
acute asthmatic attacks, as they do not work zileuton should be taken within an hour of
a meal, and should not be crushed, cut, or
TABLE 7-1 Examples of Leukotriene-Receptor chewed. In some patients, zileuton metabo-
Antagonists lism elevates some liver enzymes (AST or
ALT). Therefore, periodic liver enzyme labo-
Generic ratory values should be obtained.
Name Mechanism

Montelukast Binds CysLT1 receptors, and blocks the binding of Oral Corticosteroids
LTD4 to CysLT1 receptors
Oral corticosteroids have well-known
Zafirlukast Antagonizes cysteinyl-leukotrienes receptors, anti-inflammatory properties. Some patients
especially LTC4, LTD4, and LTE4
may need low-dose corticosteroids (TABLE 7-2)
226 CHAPTER 7  Respiratory Medications

TABLE 7-2 Examples of Oral Corticosteroids affected tissues. Inhaled drugs are used to
prevent asthma attacks, thin mucus se-
Generic Name cretions, provide bronchodilation, act as
anti-inflammatories, and stimulate respira-
tion. Like other preventative medications, the
Prednisone preventive inhaled products provide optimal
Dexamethasone results when used on a consistent basis, but
are not useful for acute attacks.
The use of drugs directly delivered to the
desired site of action is attractive, and often
to remain free of attacks, or to reduce the very effective. However, the metered-dose
frequency and severity of those attacks that inhaler (MDI) devices used to deliver the
do occur. The general mechanisms by which drugs require proper timing between inspira-
corticosteroids act are discussed later in this tion and actuation of the device to be effect-
chapter. Clinicians may prescribe a continu- ive, and dry-powder inhaler (DPI) devices
ous low-dose corticosteroid, or a “burst and must be correctly loaded and primed. Thus,
taper” dosing regimen, in which a higher dose the patient’s ability to use the device correctly
is used to quickly resolve inflammation and to self-medicate plays a large role in the suc-
then the dose is gradually reduced, as, once cess or failure of the treatment (Aydemir,
inhaled, the anti-inflammatory effects of glu- 2015; The Inhaler Steering Committee, et al.,
cocorticoids persist past the duration of dos- 2013; Yawn, Colice, & Hodder, 2012). Patients
ing. The taper approach is most often used to need teaching regarding proper technique for
treat intermittent flare-ups of asthmatic symp- self-administration of inhaled medications
toms, while the continuous dosing approach is (FIGURE 7-3). Taking time to educate patients
most often used as maintenance medication. about the proper technique can have a great
impact on the successful use of inhalers. In
Nursing Notes for Oral Systemic Steroids most cases, a spacer can compensate for pa-
Long-term use of systemic steroids can lead tients who are unable to use the proper tech-
to many serious adverse effects, including nique due to a lack of physical coordination;
increased vulnerability to infection, develop- such patients may include children, older
ment of insulin resistance or frank diabetes, adults, or individuals who suffer from neu-
complications in patients who already have romuscular disorders that limit their capacity
diabetes, osteoporosis, adrenal insufficiency, for fine manual maneuvers. Use of nebulizers
and hyperlipidemia, among others. That is and facemasks is important in small children,
why “burst and taper” dosing is used if at all
possible. If continuous steroid administra-
tion is required, the lowest dose of steroids
possible is used, but patients should still be
closely monitored for signs of adverse ef-
fects. Patients who have diabetes, particularly
insulin-dependent diabetes (type 1), should
use oral corticosteroids with caution, as even
short-term therapy can produce excessively
high blood glucose values (Caughey, Preiss,
Vitry, Gilbert, & Roughead, 2013).

Inhaled Preventive Medications

Inhalation of drugs provides delivery of FIGURE 7-3  Delivery of medications via self-administered inhaler.
medication directly and quickly to the © Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock
Asthma 227

TABLE 7-3 Common Devices Used to Deliver Respiratory Medications

Name of Types of Drugs Delivered by This

Device Advantages Disadvantages Device

Nasal sprays Direct delivery to nasal passages; Delivery of medication to airways Corticosteroids
easy to use correctly; small, may be inadequate in patients with
convenient to carry congestion

Dry-powder Direct delivery of the appropriate If patient cannot inhale strongly or Often used for delivery of combination
inhalers dose of medication to the lungs quickly enough due to congestion or medications (e.g., fluticasone/salmeterol)
via inhalation; small, convenient to COPD, patient may not get full dose or
carry adequate relief; accidental exhalation
can blow medication away

Metered-dose Direct delivery of the appropriate If timing of inhalation is incorrect, patient Bronchodilators
inhalers dose of medication to the lungs may not get full dose or adequate relief Corticosteroids
via chemical propellant; small,
convenient to carry

Metered-dose Support correct inhaler technique, Not convenient to carry; may harbor Bronchodilators
inhalers + particularly in children bacteria if not properly cleaned Corticosteroids

Handheld Turn medication into a mist that Equipment may be expensive or Any medication that can be obtained as
nebulizers may be easier to inhale, particularly cumbersome, and treatment time may or compounded into a solution that can
for young children or very ill people; be longer; external power source is be aerosolized
work with low inspiratory capacity needed

and all children may benefit from the use TABLE 7-4 Examples of Inhaled Corticosteroids
a spacer so that they receive full dose of
the medication. Generic Name
Inhaled medications come in a variety
of forms (TABLE 7-3). The type of delivery de-
vice used depends partly on the medication’s Budesonide

availability in a particular form, and partly on Mometasone

the capacity of the patient to use it correctly. Flunisolide

Inhaled Corticosteroids Beclomethasone

Corticosteroids have multiple and complex

actions. Their usefulness for prevention of
asthma symptoms is mostly by virtue of eosinophil infiltration, inhibition of macro-
their glucocorticoid-receptor agonist action, phage and eosinophil function, reduction
resulting in several anti-inflammatory ef- of vascular permeability, and production
fects. Importantly, inhaled corticosteroids of leukotrienes.
inhibit multiple inflammatory cell types, Inhaled corticosteroids (like the ones
including mast cells and basophils, among listed in TABLE 7-4) are not for immediate (“res-
others. Inhaled corticosteroids also inhibit cue”) use because their effects may not ap-
asthma-related mediator production or se- pear until up to two weeks after initiation of
cretion. Some of these effects include de- therapy. Patients benefit most from consistent
creased histamine production by target cells; daily use of these drugs rather than sporadic
increased cAMP production, which helps dosing. As with systemic corticosteroids, there
stabilize membranes of granule-containing is an increased risk of developing diabetes us-
cells; and decreased production of cyto- ing inhaled corticosteroids, but it is much
kines. This action then results in reduced smaller than with oral delivery.
228 CHAPTER 7  Respiratory Medications

Nursing Notes for Inhaled Corticosteroids are more effective for prevention of attacks.
Inhaled corticosteroids are used for preven- Both the short- and long-acting β2 agonists
tion of symptoms, not for treatment of acute utilize the same mechanism: They occupy and
asthma exacerbations. Daily use, even during stimulate β2 receptors in much the same fash-
asymptomatic periods, is important. Careful ion as epinephrine and norepinephrine.
instruction in the proper use of MDI or DPI Like the natural catecholamines, β2 agonists
inhalers is essential; patients should be able activate the Gs-adenyl cyclase-cAMP-PKA
to demonstrate correct use to the nurse. If pathway, leading to bronchial smooth muscle
the patient cannot demonstrate correct use, relaxation. Adenyl cyclase catalyzes the con-
­additional teaching and/or a spacer should version of adenosine triphosphate to cAMP,
be provided. and it is the increased concentration of cAMP
Because some of the inhaled product that induces smooth muscle relaxation. In
may remain in the mouth after adminis- addition, increasing cAMP inhibits primary
tration, patients should rinse after each ad- mediator release, especially from mast cells.
ministration to decrease the likelihood that Examples of long-acting β2 agonists include
corticosteroid-induced fungal infections may salmeterol and formoterol.
occur in the mouth. If a fungal infection (such Nursing Notes for LABAs
as oropharyngeal candidiasis) occurs, the in-
Adrenergic stimulation, even by long-acting
haled corticosteroid should be discontinued
β2 agonists, may cause the patient to expe-
for the duration of antifungal treatment. Pa-
rience nervousness, tachycardia, palpita-
tients may also be more susceptible to onset
tions, and difficulty sleeping, much of these
or worsening of existing tuberculosis, fungal,
due to vagal responses, and some β2 cardiac
bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections. If using
stimulation (see the following discussion).
a spacer or nebulizer, patients or caregivers
Adjustment of the timing of administration
should be given written instructions regarding
may alleviate some of these effects. If they
care and cleaning of the device, and a sched-
are intolerable, alternative medications may
ule of frequency of maintenance if applicable.
be necessary.
Inhaled LABAs are to be used for pre-
Inhaled Long-Acting Beta Agonists vention of symptoms, not the treatment of
Receptors in the respiratory tract include acute attacks. Even though LABAs act via the
β2-receptors, as discussed in the preceding same pharmacology as short-acting β2 ago-
sections and Chapter 5. Stimulation (ago- nists, they are designed to act over long pe-
nism) of these receptors causes smooth mus- riods of time and, therefore, do not work for
cle relaxation, and results in bronchodilation ­“rescue” applications.
(reverse of bronchoconstriction). Inhaled β2 Careful instruction in the proper use of
agonists are important drugs used for asthma MDI or DPI devices for delivery of LABAs is
because they are very effective bronchodila- warranted; patients should be able to dem-
tors. When used correctly, side effects can be onstrate their correct use to the nurse. If
minimized. Depending on modifications made the patient cannot demonstrate correct use,
to the chemical structure, β2 agonists can ­additional teaching and/or a spacer should
be synthesized that are short or long acting. be provided.
Short-acting β2 agonists (SABAs) typically act
for up to six hours, whereas long-acting β2 Combination Inhalers (Corticosteroid + LABA)
agonists (LABAs) act for more than twelve As the category name implies, combination
(12) hours. Short-acting β2 agonists are more inhalers provide medications from more than
useful for rescue (“attacks,” discussed later in one pharmacologic category. Combination
this chapter), whereas long-acting β2 agonists inhalers for asthma provide a long-acting β2
Asthma 229

agonist with a corticosteroid, enabling the pa- Other, recently approved monoclo-
tient to benefit from both drugs with a single nal antibodies for asthma treatment include
administration. As with other preventive reslizumab and mepolizumab. These an-
medications, the combination inhalers are tibodies are directed at IL-5, which normally
intended to be used daily, rather than as “res- promotes eosinophil growth and inflamma-
cue” medications. tory actions. Reslizumab and mepolizumab
Examples of combination inhal- bind IL-5, thereby reducing its ability to bind
ers for asthma include the combination of IL-5 receptors on eosinophils.
fluticasone and salmeterol, and the combi-
Nursing Notes for Omalizumab
nation of budesonide and formoterol. For
each, the corticosteroid is named first, fol- Omalizumab should be kept in a refrigera-
lowed by the LABA. tor and not used after the expiration date
stamped on the product carton. Also, once
Nursing Notes for Combination Inhalers reconstituted, the drug should be adminis-
The advantage of the combination inhaler tered within eight hours following reconstitu-
is increased compliance: The patient has to tion if kept in the refrigerator, or within four
administer the medication from only one de- hours if kept at room temperature, and vials
vice instead of two. As with other preventive need to be protected from direct sunlight. As
medications, combination inhalers are not in- with any product containing foreign protein,
tended to be used for “rescue” of acute exac- there is a risk of life-threatening anaphylaxis
erbations of asthmatic symptoms. Side effects with omalizumab, even up to four days
to anticipate for the combination inhalers are after its administration. Therefore, patients
the same as those for both the inhaled corti- should be observed for signs and symp-
costeroids and the inhaled LABAs. toms of anaphylaxis after injections. Also,
Again, careful instruction in the proper as omalizumab is a preventive medication,
use of MDI or DPI devices is essential; pa- patients should be told that improvement
tients should be able to demonstrate their in asthma symptoms from this drug may
correct use to the nurse. If the patient cannot be delayed.
demonstrate correct use, additional teaching
and/or a spacer should be provided. Methylxanthines
Methylxanthines are structurally related
Injected Preventive Therapies to other xanthines, such as caffeine and
Monoclonal Antibodies theobromine, found in coffee and chocolate.
An injected antibody is available for preven- Although the exact mechanisms of action
tion of asthma and other type I hypersensitiv- of the methylxanthines used as drugs,
ity reactions. Omalizumab is a recombinant theophylline and aminophylline, are
humanized IgGκ monoclonal antibody that not completely understood, some important
binds circulating IgE antibodies, reduc- effects of these drugs for asthma treatment
ing the amount of IgE available to bind to include an elevation of cell membrane
high-affinity IgE receptors (FcåRI) on the cAMP concentration and antagonism of
surface of mast cells and basophils. This medi- adenosine receptors (adenosine induces
cation is injected subcutaneously every two bronchoconstriction). It is thought that the
to four weeks, with the dose based on the elevation of cAMP results from blocking
patient’s serum IgE concentration each time. of cAMP breakdown. The cAMP effect,
As this therapeutic approach relies on passive then, would hinder degranulation of cells
immunization, injections must be repeated responsible for asthma mediator release,
every two to four weeks to maintain an effec- and would induce relaxation of the smooth
tive serum concentration. muscles around the airways.
230 CHAPTER 7  Respiratory Medications

Theophylline (and its derivative, used for “rescue,” rather than for preven-
aminophylline)*, can easily cause toxicity tive reasons. These drugs, which have a rapid
in patients, so monitoring of drug concentra- onset of action, are intended for short-term
tions in patients’ blood is required. For this use. Rescue medications are used to coun-
reason, the methylxanthines are not as com- ter an acute attack or to prevent exercise- or
monly used as they were in the past, being stress-induced attacks. Because rapid onset is
replaced largely by inhaled β2-agonists. Nev- a primary goal for these medications, none is
ertheless, they remain a viable alternative administered orally, as the requirement for an
drug choice for patients whose asthmatic (or absorption step would delay the desired drug
COPD) symptoms are resistant to other drug effects. All of these medications are admin-
regimens. Theophylline can be delivered ei- istered either by some type of inhaler or by
ther intravenously or orally, but absorption injection to ensure rapid effect.
and metabolism of the drugs is inconsistent
via the oral route, which is why it is not a fa- Short-Acting Inhaled Beta Agonists
vored regimen.* [Aminophylline is gener- Short-acting β2 agonists act by the same
ally no longer available in the United States.] mechanism as the long-acting β2 agonists, ex-
Theophylline induces both smooth mus- cept that the SABAs are designed to have im-
cle relaxation, leading to bronchodilation, and mediate or rapid onset of action and a short
suppression of airway responses to trigger- duration of action. Although they are con-
ing stimuli. As a result, it has both immediate sidered “rescue” medications, it is common
and prophylactic actions. The bronchodilation practice to prescribe SABAs as “prn” (pro re
is suspected to be caused by theophylline’s nata, meaning “as circumstances arise”) pre-
ability to inhibit two isozymes of phosphodies- ventive medications, especially for patients
terase (PDE), PDE III, and PDE IV. PDE III and who may be predictably susceptible to spe-
PDE IV are enzymes that metabolize (hydro- cific, irregular stimuli such as cold air, exer-
lyze) cAMP, so inhibition of PDE III and/or PDE cise, and animal dander, or those who do not
IV by theophylline increases the availability have severe asthma and can be maintained
of cAMP. Theophylline is also known to an- on nominal β2 agonism. For these patients,
tagonize adenosine receptors. This m ­ edication’s many practitioners consider SABAs the first
prophylactic actions are less clearly understood. medication to prescribe patients, and all are
supplied via inhaler, usually MDI. Some
Nursing Notes for Methylxanthines examples of SABA inhaled medications are
Adverse effects of theophylline include hy- shown in TABLE 7-5.
potension, tachycardia, headache, emesis, and
Nursing Notes for SABAs
possibly cardiac arrhythmias and convulsions.
These may be related to theophylline’s PDE The SABAs have a shorter duration of ac-
III actions. Because methylxanthines (i.e., tion than do the LABAs. Therefore, it is
theophylline) have a narrow therapeutic important to understand why the patient is
index (Chapter Two), serum theophylline
concentrations must be closely monitored to
avoid toxicity. Dosing is adjusted based on TABLE 7-5 Inhaled Short-Acting a2 Agonists
this drug’s serum concentration, as well as
therapeutic responsiveness. Generic Name

Fast-Acting “Rescue” Medications
Specific medications have been designed to
be of help during an asthmatic attack and are
Asthma 231

prescribed a SABA. Often, SABAs find use to muscarinic receptor antagonism actions on
among patients such as athletes, who may vagal reflex bronchoconstriction.
have exercise-induced bronchoconstriction,
Nursing Notes for Anticholinergics
or persons with mild asthma who experience
periodic or seasonal difficulties, rather than As these drugs are anticholinergic in nature,
continuous problems. Because they are short they can induce anticholinergic side effects,
acting, for SABAs to be useful throughout even systemically. These side effects include
the day, they may need to be used as often dry mouth and decreased saliva production,
as four times daily, (but not more than ev- blurred vision, drowsiness, constipation, dif-
ery three to four hours). Therefore, some ficulty urinating, decreased sweating, and
clinicians may opt for a LABA, whereas oth- memory impairment, among others. Care
ers may prefer the acute dosing control of should be taken to avoid spraying or rubbing
­SABAs. One advantage of SABA use in some the medications in the eyes for this reason
patients may be the ability to avoid evening as well. Training in correct use of the type
doses, thereby lowering the potential for of inhaler supplied (DPI versus MDI) must
sleep disturbance. be provided.
It is especially important that patients
who are prescribed these medications receive Intravenous Corticosteroids
training in correct use of inhaler devices; pa- In some circumstances, injectable corticoste-
tients should be able to demonstrate their roids can enhance asthma treatment, but they
correct use to the nurse. If the patient cannot are usually reserved for emergency situa-
demonstrate correct use, additional teaching tions. The actions of corticosteroids have been
and/or a spacer should be provided. discussed previously. Examples of injectable
corticosteroids include methylprednisolone
Anticholinergic Agents and triamcinolone.
Acetylcholine has direct constrictor effects
on bronchial smooth muscle via muscarinic Epinephrine
cholinergic receptors. By blocking musca- One of the staples in emergency treatment
rinic cholinergic receptors, anticholinergic of asthma attacks is epinephrine (adrena-
agents cause bronchodilation, albeit not as line.) It acts on both alpha and beta receptors
effectively as β2-agonists; consequently, these (see Chapter 5). Injectable epinephrine is
drugs are typically used as adjunct agents for usually reserved for emergency situations,
asthma. Drugs that exhibit muscarinic cho- where direct physician oversight can oc-
linergic antagonism can be useful for revers- cur. One patient-administered product is
ing the bronchoconstriction associated with the epinephrine self-injection pen, whose
asthma. Two drugs that act in this fashion use is reserved for acute, severe attacks.
are ipratropium and tiotropium, both of Epinephrine is an agonist at both alpha and
which are supplied as inhaled medications; beta receptors. Agonism of α1 and α2 recep-
ipratropium is delivered via an aerosol in- tors reverses asthma-induced vasodilation and
haler, while tiotropium is delivered via DPI. vascular permeability. Agonism of β2 recep-
These drugs antagonize acetylcholine’s bind- tors reverses bronchial smooth muscle con-
ing to muscarinic cholinergic receptors, spe- striction. Epinephrine also increases cAMP
cifically the M3-receptors on smooth muscles concentrations in several cell types, including
in airways, inhibiting intracellular calcium mast cells, which prevents further degranula-
ion increases caused by acetylcholine. Ad- tion. When administered via injection (subcu-
ditionally, anticholinergic agents possess the taneously or intramuscularly), this drug has a
benefit of countering histamine effects, due rapid onset and short duration of action.
232 CHAPTER 7  Respiratory Medications

Nursing Notes for Epinephrine Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary

Patients should be advised that, if they use Disease
their epinephrine self-injection pen, they
should proceed to an emergency provider, Like asthma, COPD is a disease in which
as the asthmatic reaction may not be per- patients struggle to breathe. However, the
manently controlled by the self-injection mechanisms are slightly different. COPD
treatment. Also, with any injection of does appear to have an immunological
epinephrine, patients should be aware the component, in that there is an exaggerated
drug will induce multiple adrenergic-related immune response to the presence of for-
effects, which may be unpleasant, including eign bodies such as particles and pollutants,
“shakiness” (muscle tremor, due to presence usually from smoke (Hassett, Borchers, &
of β2-receptors on skeletal muscle), tachycar- Panos, 2014; Zuo et al., 2014). A second key
dia (both from the direct effect of β1-receptor factor is the progressive breakdown of the
presence in the cardiac atrium, and from mechanical processes of breathing due to
peripheral vasodilation resulting from β2 damage to the bronchioles and alveoli (air
stimulation on blood vessels), palpitations, sacs) in the lungs. COPD is almost always
sweating, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, and a result of smoking, although exposure to
feelings of panic. Cardiac arrhythmias are also heavily polluted air and secondhand smoke
possible after epinephrine administration. can also contribute to its development. An-
The epinephrine self-injection kit is sup- other area of difference lies in the fact that,
plied with a “practice” syringe, which does whereas in asthma there is no difficulty in-
not have a needle or contain medication. The haling, only obstruction on exhaling, COPD
purpose of the device is to allow patients to is characterized by a restrictive element
practice self-administration. Patients should as well as an obstructive element—that is,
demonstrate the ability to self-administer the patients are unable to take in adequate air,
self-injection pen practice device to the nurse. and they are unable to exhale what they
take in.
Late-Phase Asthma Treatment: Emergency There are two major forms of COPD: em-
Room Only physema and chronic bronchitis. In em-
Acute (rescue) events are troubling. It physema, the alveolar walls are damaged in
is frightening to patients to be unable to such a way that the alveoli lose their shape
breathe. Not surprisingly, then, anxiety and and elasticity, which provides less surface
even panic commonly accompany an acute area for gas exchange and makes it both
asthma exacerbation. This makes the psy- more difficult for the sacs to fill with air
chosocial care of patients a focus while they and more difficult for gas exchange to oc-
are receiving emergency treatment of res- cur over the damaged areas. As a conse-
cue medications. Emergent care may not be quence, patients with emphysema receive less
enough to resolve the attack; often, hospi- oxygen and suffer all of the effects of poor
talization may be needed. A patient hospi- oxygenation—weakness, fatigue, and general
talized for an acute exacerbation of asthma debility. In chronic bronchitis, inflammation
requires close surveillance by nurses. This is of the bronchi and mucus-producing glands
a serious condition; the most severe events leads to excessive mucus secretion, which in
require intensive care unit care, and death later stages can contribute to obstruction.
can r­ esult from asthma attacks. The hospi- Like their counterparts with asthma,
talization event is a critical time for nurses COPD patients may experience critical exac-
to provide essential teaching about medica- erbations of their condition. With bacterial in-
tion use to prevent another exacerbation and fections, antibiotic therapy may be required;
subsequent hospitalization. viral infections are best treated via preventive
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 233

measures (vaccination, hand washing, crowd Antibiotics

avoidance) and supportive measures should Most COPD exacerbations are associated
the patient become ill. with a microbial infection. Nearly half of
Patients with COPD are chronically ill, these (40–50%) are bacterial, and most of
are vulnerable, and experience chronic dys- the remainder are assumed viral (Siddiqi &
pnea. They are often oxygen dependent Sethi, 2008), although the cause of up to
at home and live with chronic hypoxemia one-third of severe COPD exacerbations re-
and hypercapnea. Often, they are admitted mains unknown (Ouanes, Ouanes-Besbes,
for acute exacerbations of COPD, for which Abdallah, Dachraoui, & Abroug, 2015). Vac-
they receive many of the same medications cinations, such as “flu shots,” and preventive
used in asthma treatment. These medica- hygiene (hand washing, crowd avoidance)
tions work in COPD for the same reasons are prophylactic measures that can protect
they work in asthma. However, because of against many of the most common viruses,
the restrictive factor involved in COPD, in- which include rhinovirus (40–50%), influ-
haled delivery may be less effective; in turn, enza (10–20%), respiratory syncytial virus
systemic, injected medications—particularly (RSV; 10–20%), coronavirus (10–20%), and
corticosteroids—are used more often in adenovirus (5–10%) (Siddiqi & Sethi, 2008).
COPD than in asthma. Unfortunately, an op- For bacterial infections, however, antibiotic
timal regimen for corticosteroid continues to therapy is generally required.
be debated, and further data are needed to A wide range of antibiotics is used to
determine the most effective approach and combat bacterial respiratory infections
optimal doses (Kiser et. al., 2017; Woods, in COPD patients, with cefuroxime and
Wheeler, Finch, & Pinner, 2014), although ciprofloxacin being the two most commonly
results of the REDUCE clinical trial support selected drugs (TABLE 7-6). Antibiotic ther-
a five-day course of glucocorticoid treatment apy has been associated with improved out-
for acute exacerbations of COPD (Leuppi comes in a number of studies, although not
et al., 2013).
Most often the medications used in-
clude SABAs and anticholinergic agents for
bronchodilation. In acute exacerbations, TABLE 7-6 Antibiotic Treatment for Bacterial
Respiratory Infections in COPD
the bronchodilators are generally admin-
istered using handheld nebulizer devices Amoxicillin-clavulanate
instead of MDIs. Patients may require sys-
temic steroids as well, often given intra-
venously with a burst during hospital stay Aztreonam
and a tapering dose to be followed after dis- Cefepime
charge. Patients with COPD often develop Ceftriaxone
lung infections, resulting in pneumonia or
bronchitis that require antibiotics (discussed
later in this section). They also will usually Ciprofloxacin
be prescribed LABAs and inhaled steroids Doxycycline
upon discharge. Levofloxacin

COPD Adjunct Therapies Piperacillin-tazobactam

A number of medical therapies are used in Data from Anderson, J. (2017). Antibiotic Guidance for Treatment of Acute
Exacerbations of COPD (AECOPD) in Adults. University of Nebraska Medical
COPD as need arises. These treatments in- Center. Accessed at
/documents/for-providers/asp/COPD_pathway2016_Final.pdf.; Hamilton,
clude antibiotics, smoking cessation, and mu- R.J. (Ed.) 2015. Tarascon Pharmacopoeia 2016 Professional Desk Reference
coactive medications. Edition. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning
234 CHAPTER 7  Respiratory Medications

all patients improve on antibiotic therapy and no information on what the chemical admix-
many need either hospitalization or further ture might do in the body.
antimicrobial treatment to address the infec-
tion (Rui & Kang, 2014). The pathogens most Smoking-Cessation Therapy
frequently associated with exacerbations of
It is well known that smoking is a major
COPD are Haemophilus influenzae (observed in
cause of many serious respiratory diseases,
as many as 50% of cases), Streptococcus pneu-
including COPD and lung cancer. In addi-
moniae (up to 20%), and Moraxella catarrhalis
tion, for many patients with asthma, cigarette
(up to 20%). Antimicrobial pharmacology is
smoke is a trigger for asthma symptoms. For
discussed in Chapter 16.
any patient with chronic lung disease, elimin-
Smoking Cessation ating smoking—the patient’s own, a partner’s,
or a parent’s—is a key factor in easing symp-
Because smoking is the primary cause of
toms and slowing progression of disease. Thus
COPD, smoking cessation is an essential part
a chapter on treating respiratory disorders is
of treatment. The highly addictive nature
incomplete if it does not address smoking ces-
of nicotine means that most patients are
sation therapies, given that smoking cessation
unable to quit without assistance of some
is a key intervention to improve respiratory
kind, even though they know that smoking
is endangering their lives and preventing
them from breathing easily. Physiological
cravings for nicotine are typically reinforced Oral Medications for Smoking Cessation
by psychosocial habits related to smoking. Antidepressants
In many cases, these habits cannot be A number of antidepressant drugs have been
successfully altered until the cravings have tested for the treatment of smoking. In theory
been quashed. Thus, smoking-cessation they may be effective because they alter the
therapies are adjunct medical treatments for chemistry in the brain that is associated with
patients with COPD (these are addressed in the reward/craving cycle of nicotine use
the later section on smoking cessation). (most notably dopamine and norepinephrine)
and prevent depressive symptoms associ-
Mucus Reduction ated with its withdrawal (Shoaib & Buhidma,
Another therapeutic intervention is the use 2017). Only one of these drugs, bupropion,
of mucoactive medications to reduce mu- is approved by the Food and Drug Adminis-
cus hypersecretion associated with COPD in tration (FDA) for helping with smoking cessa-
some patients, particularly those with chronic tion. However, on rare occasions bupropion
bronchitis (Decramer & Janssens, 2010). One may be associated with seizures, and a patient
commonly used drug, N-acetylcysteine, who takes other drugs that lower the seizure
is available in inhaled or nebulized form. threshold, including other antidepressants,
Clinical trials found that in addition to its ef- antipsychotics, systemic corticosteroids, the-
fects on mucus in moderate to severe COPD, ophylline, or tramadol, should use this
N-acetylcysteine reduces disulfide bonds in medication with caution. A history of seizure
mucoproteins (a component of mucus), caus- or bipolar disorder is a contraindication to this
ing the mucus to have decreased viscosity medication, as is pregnancy or breastfeeding.
(Sadowska, 2012). This drug modifies small Bupropion centrally inhibits norepi-
airways, limiting the restrictive aspect of the nephrine and dopamine reuptake; it also is
disease (Stav & Raz, 2009; Tse et al., 2013). a competitive α3β4 nicotinic acetylcholine
Note that this drug should not be mixed with receptor (nAChR) antagonist (see the fol-
other drugs if used in a nebulizer, as there is lowing discussion), which makes the drug
Smoking-Cessation Therapy 235

appealing for countering the neurochemistry for marketing in the United States is
of addiction. varenicline, an α4β2 neuronal nicotinic ace-
Of the other antidepressants that tylcholine receptor agonist that shows both
have been tested for smoking cessa- fine selectivity and high affinity for its recep-
tion, which include moclobemide, tor site. Nicotine acts through the α4β2 re-
sertraline, venlafaxine, fluoxetine, and ceptor to ultimately stimulate the central
nortriptyline, only nortriptyline had nervous mesolimbic dopamine system, which
a positive impact on smoking cessation is thought to be tantamount to the reinforce-
(Hughes, Stead, & Lancaster, 2007); selec- ment and reward cycle that smokers experi-
tive serotonin-reuptake inhibitors are gener- ence. By increasing the dose of varenicline
ally ineffective. Nortriptyline is less effective over time, with the intention of replacing nic-
than bupropion and is not indicated for otine effects with varenicline effects, many
this use (Zwar, Mendelsohn, & Richmond, patients are able to interrupt their physio-
2014) but is sometimes prescribed off-la- logical, addiction-based urge to smoke for a
bel for those patients who cannot tolerate prolonged enough period of time that they
approved medications. are able to free themselves of the psychosocial
habits that reinforce smoking.
Nicotinic-Receptor Agonists A review of the literature (Cahill, Stead,
A relatively new class of oral medications & Lancaster, 2012) found that more patients
is the nicotinic-receptor agonists, which, as successfully quit smoking with varenicline
their name suggests, act by binding to the re- than with bupropion. Unfortunately,
ceptor normally stimulated by nicotine. In so varenicline has a more serious side-effect
doing, these agents simultaneously stimulate profile than bupropion, including a poten-
the receptor (thus maintaining the neuro- tial increased risk of cardiac events in ­patients
chemical effects of nicotine) and block nico- with a history of cardiovascular disease
tine itself from binding the same receptors (Haber, Boomershine, & Raney, 2014). Given
(thus aiding withdrawal). that smoking and cardiovascular disease have
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors are a strong association, it is worth taking this
found in the CNS, muscle, and other tissues, factor into consideration when selecting a
and utilize signaling via acetylcholine. The smoking-cessation regimen with a patient.
system is quite complex, consisting of recep-
tors composed of many variations of sub- Nursing Notes
units, forming receptor pores, in various areas Patients should undergo a cardiac health as-
of the body. Two receptor subtypes import- sessment before being offered varenicline,
ant for nicotine’s effects are the α3β4 and α4β2 due to the potential for increased risk of car-
receptors. Agonists of these receptors include diac events. Treatment with varenicline is
acetylcholine and nicotine, among others. typically targeted for 12 to 24 weeks, with the
Nicotine binds both α3β4 and α4β2 recep- potential to repeat cycles if relapse occurs. As
tors, causing stimulation. One path to control with any smoking-cessation attempt, patients
nicotine addiction is believed to be through should receive information regarding smok-
­affecting these receptors, and their resultant ing cessation, advice regarding administra-
downstream effects. By blocking agonism tion, and available support programs. Two
caused by nicotine in this case, the resulting dosing schedules are suggested for patients.
neuronal excitation normally caused by nico- The first schedule requires the patient to set
tine is decreased. a target “stop date,” when smoking is sched-
Although there are several medica- uled to stop. Varenicline therapy should be
tions in this class, the only drug approved initiated 1 week prior to the stop date. The
236 CHAPTER 7  Respiratory Medications

second schedule features the concomitant support habit reform—they merely provide
use of varenicline and smoking, targeting for continuation of the same habits (as well as
complete replacement of nicotine (smoking) ongoing nicotine addiction) without the as-
with varenicline between 8 and 35 days sociated inhalation of smoke and particulate
after initiation of treatment. To maximize the matter. Thus, e-cigarettes should not be con-
effectiveness of varenicline, patients should sidered a form of NRT. Patients who indicate
be advised to take the medication after eating, that they currently use (or are considering
and with a full glass of water. using) e-cigarettes to help them quit smok-
ing should be advised that there are signifi-
Nicotine Replacement Therapies cant safety concerns related to these products.
Some forms of smoking-cessation therapy Notably, substances such as diethylene glycol
focus upon breaking the psychosocial habits (a component of antifreeze) and nitrosamines
associated with smoking first, and use various (carcinogens) have been found in e-cigarette
delivery mechanisms to provide the substance cartridges (FDA, 2017). Moreover, because
of addiction—nicotine—to the patient while they are not low-dose products, e-cigarettes
habit reform is undertaken. FDA-approved may actually increase nicotine addiction rather
forms include nicotine patches, gums, than aid withdrawal.
­nasal sprays, inhalers, and lozenges. Many
Nursing Notes
of these therapies can be obtained on an
over-the-counter basis; nicotine inhalers Patients who express interest in the use
are the only drug dosage-form that requires of NRTs for smoking cessation should be
a prescription. encouraged to pursue such treatments in
It is important to note that conjunction with social or psychological sup-
nicotine-replacement therapy (NRT) is effect- port. Support groups online or in person are
ive in leading to abstinence from smoking re- widely available, or if appropriate, a referral
gardless of social or psychological support to clinical counseling should be provided. The
provided to or obtained by the patient (Stead nurse should assist the patient in determining
et al., 2012); however, combining NRT with which method is most appropriate based on
psychosocial support or therapy is more likely likelihood of consistent, correct use. Note that
to help with long-term smoking cessation. patients with unhealthy cholesterol levels as-
Indeed, one study found that individuals sociated with smoking (e.g., low high-density
who combined pharmaceutical interven- lipoprotein) will see no improvement until
tion (both NRT and other medications) NRT is finished. Use of nicotine replacement
with behavioral support had three times has not been proved safe in pregnant women,
the likelihood of success as those who sim- although it is considered likely to be less un-
ply purchased over-the-counter NRT safe than cigarette smoking.
Best Practices
(Kotz, Brown, & West, 2013).
Patients who indi- One delivery method that has not
cate that they cur- been approved for use, and that cur-
rently use (or are rently lacks safety oversight and dose CHAPTER SUMMARY
considering using) Respiratory disorders generally occur in one of two forms:
regulation, is e-cigarettes (electronic
e-cigarettes to help obstructive disorders, where a patient is unable to exhale
them quit smoking nicotine atomizers), which are sold due to airway obstruction (whether that manifests in the
should be advised online and shipped from overseas. form of inflammation or excessive mucus or both) and re-
that there are signifi- Unlike true nicotine-replacement strictive disorders, in which the capacity of the lung oxygen
cant safety concerns transfer is limited. Asthma is an extremely common example
systems, these devices do not pro-
related to these of an obstructive disorder. Some disorders, such as COPD,
vide low-dose nicotine replacement, contain elements of both obstructive and restrictive disor-
and more importantly they do not ders. Most chronic respiratory diseases can be controlled
Case Studies 237

with oral and inhaled medications that suppress underlying Critical Thinking Questions
inflammatory processes.
Acute exacerbations (“attacks”) can be addressed by
fast-acting “rescue” medications, although hospitalization
1. What distinguishes an obstructive airway dis-
may be required in some situations. It is important that ease from a restrictive airway disease?
patients learn how to accurately self-administer preventive 2. How are the patient populations with asthma
and rescue medications, particularly those administered via and COPD distinct from one another? How are
MDI or DPI devices. Rescue medications utilize β2 and mus-
they similar?
carinic cholinergic agonism to affect responses.
Where excess mucus contributes to obstruction, the 3. Which medications used in asthma might also
likelihood of infection increases, and patients may need be used in COPD? Why might some medica-
mucus-thinning medications to reduce mucus (by thinning tions be less useful in COPD?
it with N-acetylcysteine) and antibiotics to address bacte- 4. What are the benefits of inhaled medications
rial infections.
versus oral medications? What are the draw-
Many respiratory diseases, most notably COPD, occur in rela- backs? What pharmacologic pathways are uti-
tion to smoking behavior. If the patient smokes, smoking lized with these drugs?
cessation therapy should be offered and supported. If the
patient’s partner or other household members smoke, help- 5. Which medications are used for prevention
ing the patient to avoid secondhand exposure is essential to of symptoms? Which medications are “rescue”
health; smoking cessation through therapeutic intervention medications?
and support should be encouraged in patients’ household
members. Nurses should emphasize the effects of smoking, 6. Describe patients for whom use of a spacer
whether primary or secondhand, in the disease process to might be beneficial and explain why it should
underscore the importance of smoking cessation in treat- be considered.
ment of respiratory diseases, particularly COPD.


Case Scenario 1
Mrs. H. is a 44-year-old immigrant from the Dominican Republic who works from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m.
for a company that cleans offices in many downtown high-rise buildings. She uses many different
aerosol sprays as she cleans the offices. Recently, Mrs. H. has started to have some trouble with her
breathing, and she occasionally finds herself audibly wheezing. She is a nonsmoker, but both her
husband and her teenage son smoke cigarettes at home. Until recently, Mrs. H. had no insurance,
so she was relying on herbal preparations and over-the-counter inhalers to manage her troubling
symptoms. She is an enthusiastic person who embraces learning. She has been studying English
at the classes offered at the local library and is becoming fluent in English. She hopes to be able to
further her education, so she no longer will have to work cleaning offices.
Mrs. H. has just become eligible for health insurance through her work and has a visit scheduled
with her new primary care practitioner.
Case Questions
1. Which suggestions would you make regarding removal of irritants in Mrs. H.’s environment? Be realistic and
consider economic and cultural issues that might affect your answer.
2. What would a standard medication profile look like for Mrs. H.? Can you suggest a profile that would both
meet her medical needs and promote adherence to the medication regimen?
3. Which medication teaching would you emphasize and why? What are the cultural and/or health literacy
issues that you should consider as you develop your teaching plan?
238 CHAPTER 7  Respiratory Medications


Case Scenario 2
Mr. N. is a 63-year-old man who has recently retired due to disability related to his COPD, a diagnosis
he received 7 years previously. He lives with his wife and adult son in his own home in an urban
neighborhood. Mr. N. and his wife were both heavy smokers for more than 40 years, but both have
quit smoking in the past 6 months. Mr. N. has an air conditioning and filtration system in his home
and is able to maintain a low-allergen, temperature/humidity-controlled environment. Despite
these efforts, he is now oxygen dependent on 2 liters/min by nasal cannula. He also has a home
nebulizer setup that he can use in addition to the MDIs on an as-needed basis. His baseline PF is
150 cc.
Mr. N. has an acute onset of breathlessness that does not resolve by the usual interventions at
home. He is admitted to the medical unit for an acute exacerbation of his COPD. His PF is 60 cc
on admission. Not only is he anxious, but he is angry that all his hard work in quitting smoking
and cleaning up his environment has not worked. He is also discouraged about having to give up
his job.
Case Questions
1. Which medications do you expect to be administered in the hospital? How will you determine if Mr. N.’s
response to his medications is adequate?
2. What is the best way to approach this anxious, angry, and despondent patient to ensure that he will cooper-
ate with taking his medications?
3. Upon discharge, which suggestions can you make to ensure that Mr. N. will adhere to his medication regimen?
Are there any lifestyle suggestions you could make to help him cope with his chronic illness?

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Kiser, T.H., Sevransky, J.E., Krishnan, J.A., Tonascia, Disease, 3(1), 31–44.
J., Wise, R.A., Checkley, W., . . . for the DECIDE Stav, D., & Raz, M. (2009). Effect of N-acetylcysteine
Investigators. (2017). A survey of corticosteroid on air trapping in COPD: A randomized
dosing for exacerbations of chronic obstructive placebo-controlled study. Chest, 136(2), 381–386.
pulmonary disease requiring assisted ventilation. Stead, L.F., Perera, R., Bullen, C., Mant, D.,
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases: Journal of the Hartmann-Boyce, J., Cahill, K., & Lancaster, T.
COPD Foundation, 4(3), 186–193. doi: 10.15326 (2012, November 14). Nicotine replacement therapy
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Kotz, D., Brown, J., & West, R. (2013, December 20). Reviews, 11, CD000146. doi: 10.1002/14651858.
“Real-world” effectiveness of smoking cessation CD000146. pub4
treatments: A population study. Addiction, 109(3), Tse, H.N., Raiteri, L., Wong, K.Y., Yee, K.S., Ng, L.Y.,
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Leuppi, J.D., Schuetz, P., Bingisser, R., Bodmer, M., N-acetylcysteine in stable COPD: The 1-year, double-
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Short-term vs conventional glucocorticoid therapy Chest, 144(1), 106–118.
in acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive Woods, J.A., Wheeler, J.S., Finch, C.K., & Pinner, N.A.
pulmonary disease. The REDUCE Randomized (2014). Corticosteroids in the treatment of acute ex-
Clinical Trial. JAMA, 309(21), 2223–2231. acerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
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disease. Therapy Advances in Respiratory Disease, 6(3), (2014). Supporting smoking cessation. BMJ, 348,
127–135. f7535. doi: 10.1136/bmj.f7535 Best Practices

Pharmacology of the
Gastrointestinal Tract

Jacqueline Rosenjack Burchum and Hoi Sing Chung


5-HT3 receptor antagonists Cholinergic mimetic agents Gastroprokinetic drugs Mucosal-protective agents
5-HT4 receptor Dopamine-receptor Histamine Muscarinic M3 antagonists
Acid reflux disease antagonists Histamine-2 (H2) receptor Neurotonin-1 receptor
Aminosalicylates Dyspepsia antagonists antagonists
Antacids Emesis Inflammatory bowel disease Parietal cells
Antiemetic agents Eructation (IBD) Peptic ulcer disease
Antihistamines Gallstones Irritable bowel syndrome Phenothiazines
Butyrophenones Gastritis (IBS) Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs)
Cannabinoids Gastroesophageal reflux Laxatives Serotonin
Chloride-channel activators disease (GERD) Melena Serotonin 5-HT receptor
Cholelithiasis Gastroparesis Motility Substituted benzamides


At the end of the chapter, the student will be able to: 3. Explain the mechanism(s) of drug action, primary indica-
tions, contraindications, significant drug interactions, and
1. Identify the major classes of medications used to control
important adverse effects for each drug class described.
common gastrointestinal (GI) conditions or problems.
4. Use the nursing process to care for patients receiving drug
2. Describe the nurse’s role in the pharmacologic and non-
therapy to treat common GI problems.
pharmacologic management of each GI problem.

242 CHAPTER 8  Pharmacology of the Gastrointestinal Tract

Introduction (or excessive) GI motility, irritable bowel

syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel
The GI tract is often misconceived as being disease (IBD), and gallstones. While ev-
merely a tube for processing food and elimi- ery condition known to affect the gut cannot
nating waste. In reality, it has considerably be addressed in this text—drugs that treat GI
more functions than simply extracting nu- cancers, for instance, are better discussed in
trients from food. It has been referred to as the context of oncology medications, as they
“the second brain,” and indeed a great many are not typical conditions seen in nonspecial-
biochemical messages affecting different body ist nursing practice—this chapter at least ad-
systems come from, or are routed through, dresses the most common disorders treated
the enteric nervous system of the digestive with medical therapy: gastric acidity, disorders
tract. The GI tract produces neurotransmit- of GI motility, diarrhea, constipation, IBS,
ters such as serotonin that affect mood and nausea and vomiting, IBD, and gallstones.
well-being (Hadhazy, 2010). It is also a key An important topic for consideration with
component in the body’s immune defenses, the use of any of these drug classes is preg-
being a significant interface with toxic sub- nancy. GI distress is a well-known, common
stances, bacteria, fungi, and other potential side effect of pregnancy in healthy women,
pathogens. And, of course, the GI tract is re- and it usually does not require medical in-
sponsible for the transfer of nutrients to the tervention. However, in some women, the
body, so that in the presence of GI disorders, GI disturbances of pregnancy are extreme
a patient may suffer from nutritional deficits. (e.g., hyperemesis gravidarum) and poten-
Given these many functions, disease or dys- tially threaten maternal and fetal well-being.
function affecting the digestive tract can have While pregnancy-related health issues are
a broad range of systemic impacts that should not the topic of discussion here, the medi-
not be taken lightly. cations in this chapter are sometimes used
Because the digestive tract is composed to address such concerns. Also, in women
of multiple organs and glands (FIGURE 8-1), it with preexisting GI conditions, pregnancy
stands to reason that there is a great vari- can raise questions about whether the ther-
ety of functions that can go wrong and cause apies they have been using might affect the
problems. Treatments for GI disorders run fetus. BOX 8-1 discusses the updated Federal
the gamut from short-term approaches— Drug Agency (FDA) pregnancy categories into
for instance, control of minor gastric acidity, which all medications—including the major
management of nausea and vomiting, or res- groups of GI-directed medications—are classi-
olution of diarrhea or constipation—to ther- fied so that the potential for fetal toxicity can
apy for chronic GI dysfunction, such as poor be considered in the context of both treating

Mouth Salivary gland Pancreas Small Large

cavity intestine intestine

Storage Digestion Digestion ends and Undigested

and water absorption materials
Food absorption continues released
enters Digestion

Gallbladder Cecum
(bile storage)

FIGURE 8-1  The gastrointestinal system’s functions.

Chiras, D. (2011). Human biology (7th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
The Nursing Care Process 243

BOX 8-1  Pregnancy Safety Categories Related to Pharmacology

and the Gastrointestinal Tract
In 2014, the FDA replaced its existing preg- cases consideration of the potential ben-
nancy letter categories with a new system efit versus risk may warrant use of these
intended to help consumers make better in- drugs in pregnant women.
formed choices and to enhance patient counsel- Category X: Fetal abnormalities have been
ing. The previous system assigned entire drug reported; and positive evidence of fetal
classes to a specific category, as follows: risk in humans is available from animal
and/or human studies. These drugs are
Category A: Studies indicate no risk to the
not to be used in pregnant women.
human fetus.
Category B: Studies indicate no risk to the The new system (effective June 30, 2015)
animal fetus; information for humans is is known simply as the Pregnancy and Lacta-
not available. tion Labeling Rule (PLLR). Drug labeling must
Category C: Adverse effects reported in the include a pregnancy risk summary, indicating
animal fetus; information for humans is whether the drug is systemically absorbed,
not available. if it is contraindicated in pregnancy, and risk
Category D: Possible fetal risk in humans statements based on both animal data and
has been reported; however, in selected human data.

GI disturbances arising from pregnancy and chronic discomfort (“upset stomach”), nurses
managing existing GI disturbances during should be alert to signs suggesting the com-
pregnancy. plaint may have greater significance. Is the
patient losing weight despite eating well?
The Nursing Care Process Does he or she notice symptoms are exacer-
For nurses managing patients with GI dis- bated by certain foods? If so, the patient may
orders, there are several key management need assessment for a malabsorption disorder,
issues to consider. First and foremost is assess- food allergy, or celiac disease. (Most such dis-
ing the patient’s well-being; nurses are tasked orders are treated by dietary changes or nu-
with identifying any supportive measures tritional supplementation as appropriate, but
that need to be taken and ensuring that the medical therapy may also be used to alleviate
patient has access to them. In a patient who lingering symptoms until lifestyle and dietary
is experiencing mild, temporary discomfort alterations are completed.)
(e.g., nausea related to a viral infection), the Chronic GI complaints can be fairly bur-
measures may be simple: reminding the pa- densome for patients, particularly in older
tient to drink plenty of fluids and get rest, adults, in whom such complaints are rela-
offering appropriate therapy (medical or tively common. Dysfunction in the GI tract
otherwise) to relieve symptoms, and ensur- is often associated with depression, anxi-
ing that social support and/or a caretaker is ety, and other affective disorders (Foster &
available should the patient’s symptoms fail McVey Neufeld, 2013). Thus, a second aspect
to improve quickly. In patients with acute or of nursing care is to assess for and manage
chronic GI disease, additional measures are mental health concerns that arise alongside
required. If the patient is experiencing signifi- (or in response to) chronic GI issues. Does
cant pain, for example, steps should be taken the patient seem discouraged about ther-
to rule out the possibility of acute conditions apy, claiming “It doesn’t work,” or insisting
requiring surgical intervention, such as bowel “It won’t work,” when a new therapy is pro-
obstruction, torsion, or appendicitis. posed? Does the patient appear listless, dis-
Even where pain is not present, and the interested, or present a negative affect when
patient’s complaints are limited to vague, talking about his or her GI complaint? If so,
244 CHAPTER 8  Pharmacology of the Gastrointestinal Tract

Best Practices then additional measures may be re- contribute to remodeling of the esophagus
quired to support the patient’s emo- and, potentially, more serious conditions
It is important to ask tional well-being both in general and such as esophagitis, chronic obstructive pul-
about use of antacids
in relation to the disease process. It monary disease (COPD), and esophageal
specifically when
doing a workup for is important to note that the connec- cancer (Story, 2018).
a patient with GI tion between the enteric nervous sys- When gastric acid creates a problem, sev-
complaints. tem and the central nervous system is eral drugs can be used to manage or con-
profound: Stress is a precipitant of GI trol gastric acidity. These medications include
disease (particularly conditions such antacids, histamine-2 (H2) receptor an-
as peptic ulcer disease [PUD] and IBS), but tagonists, and proton-pump inhibitors
the presence of GI disease can precipitate or (PPIs). Additionally, mucosal-protective
exacerbate stress as well. agents serve to prevent the gastric acid from
Finally, it is important to recognize that causing damage to the stomach and duode-
medications that affect the GI tract alter the num. FIGURE 8-2 presents a schematic model of
behavior of a key body system in ways that the physiological control of hydrogen ion se-
are not confined to that system. Nearly all cretion and the mechanism of actions by ant-
classes of GI medications are subject to signif- acids, H2-receptor antagonists, and PPIs.
icant interactions with other drugs, particu- Antacids
larly insofar as they alter how both nutrients
Antacids are the oldest drugs used to control
and other medications may be absorbed. Pa-
gastric acidity. Examples of antacids include
tient education on the potential interactions
sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate,
between GI medications and other sub-
and formulations containing aluminum and/
stances, whether prescribed or purchased as
or magnesium hydroxide. Most of these
over-the-counter (OTC) products, should be
medications are available without a prescrip-
comprehensive and targeted.
tion, and they are commonly used by the
general public. For the nurse, it is important
Drugs to Control Gastric Acidity to ask about use of antacids specifically when
Gastric acid has an important role in sev- doing a workup for a patient with GI com-
eral physiological processes. It aids in the plaints, as many patients may omit mention
digestion of proteins and promotes absorp- of these medications.
tion of minerals such as calcium, iron, and Gastric acid typically has a very low pH,
vitamin B12. Because gastric acid is lethal to in the range of 1.5 to 3.5. Antacids are weak
many microorganisms, it also has a role in bases that neutralize gastric acid. When a base
the prevention of some enteric infections reacts chemically with an acid, the result of the
(Vakil, 2017). Unfortunately, gastric acidity reaction is the formation of a salt and water or,
can complicate a number of medical condi- in the case of sodium bicarbonate, a salt and
tions. One such condition is peptic ulcer carbon dioxide. As a result of this reaction, the
disease, in which infection with a microbe, gastric pH is increased to greater than 3.5.
Helicobacter pylori, promotes harmful over- Because carbon dioxide, a gas, is a
production of gastric acid and lesions on product of the reaction of gastric acid
the stomach lining. Treatment of the infec- and either sodium bicarbonate or
tion with antibiotics often is not sufficient calcium carbonate, eructation (belching)
to resolve the acid levels; indeed, protocols may occur when these products are taken.
for H. pylori eradication require dual antibi- This does not occur with products in which
otic therapy to prevent resistant organisms the active ingredient is either aluminum or
from remaining in the gut. If left unchecked, magnesium hydroxide.
chronic acid reflux—also known as gastro- Aluminum hydroxide can cause consti-
esophageal reflux disease (GERD)—can pation. Conversely, magnesium hydroxide
Drugs to Control Gastric Acidity 245

• Gastric acid reflux
to the esophagus
• Esophageal injury Esophageal
Symptoms: Esophagus
Chest pains


H2 receptors

Proton pump

Treatment: Remove acid-causing Administer Administer H2

food and drugs proton-pump inhibitors receptor antagonists

FIGURE 8-2  Treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

can cause osmotic diarrhea due to unab- interaction, antacids should not be Best Practices
sorbed salts. Usually, these drugs are com- administered within one to two
bined to prevent these problems, but hours of other drugs. To avoid drug–drug
interactions, antacids
this is not always the case. For example,
should not be admin-
magnesium hydroxide is the active ingre- Histamine 2 (H2) Receptor
istered within one to
dient in a popular OTC medication that is Antagonists two hours of other
sometimes given to relieve constipation. Histamine binds to H1, H2 and H3 drugs.
Excessive intake of antacids could result histamine receptors throughout the
in metabolic alkalosis. Because magnesium body. The H2 subtype is of importance
and aluminum are excreted by the kidneys, to altering the function of the gastrointestinal
they should be used cautiously in patients tract. The stomach contains specialized cells,
who have renal insufficiency. In addition, ex- called parietal cells, that produce gastric
cessive antacid intake may lead to exacerba- acid in response to stimulation by histamine,
tion of cardiac or renal disease, as well as fluid acetylcholine, and gastrin receptors released
electrolyte imbalance. Therefore, baseline val- from the surrounding antral G cells, and
ues for serum chemistry, including serum ALP, ­enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells. H2-receptor
ALT, AST levels, serum creatinine, and blood antagonists decrease gastric acidity by block-
urea nitrogen (BUN) levels, should be ob- ing H2 receptors, thereby decreasing gastric
tained and recorded before antacid treatment acid production. Examples of H2-receptor an-
is initiated in renally compromised patients. tagonists (also known as H2 blockers) include
cimetidine, famotidine, nizatidine, and
Drug–Drug Interactions ranitidine. All of these medications are sold
Antacids can affect the absorption of most in OTC as well as prescription formulations.
drugs by either binding to the drug, or al- Because H2-receptor antagonists de-
tering the drug’s solubility as a result of in- crease gastric acidity, their use may be asso-
creasing intragastric pH value. To avoid this ciated with an increase in bacterial growth
246 CHAPTER 8  Pharmacology of the Gastrointestinal Tract

in the stomach, which may cause GI discom- Proton-Pump Inhibitors

fort. This condition has been linked to an in- PPIs are the most effective of the drugs
creased risk of bacterial colonization in the used to control gastric acidity, particu-
lungs and subsequent pneumonia in pa- larly in the context of H. pylori infection,
tients with COPD (GlaxoSmithKline Phar- where they are paired with targeted anti-
maceuticals, 2009). Intravenous infusion of microbial drugs such as clarithromycin
H2-receptor antagonists may cause confusion and amoxicillin (see BOX 8-2). Examples
and other mental status changes; however, include esomeprazole, lansoprazole,
these effects do not occur when such drugs omeprazole, pantoprazole, and ra-
are taken orally. Otherwise, adverse effects beprazole. As their name implies, PPIs
are rare with famotidine, nizatidine, and inhibit the action of the H+, K+-ATPase
ranitidine. (proton pump) in the stomach. This proton
Cimetidine, unlike the other H2-recep- pump has an important role in the produc-
tor antagonists, may increase serum prolactin, tion of gastric acid, so inhibiting its action
decrease metabolism of estradiol, and block directly blocks gastric acid production. In an
androgen receptors by inhibiting binding of acid environment PPIs are activated, and dif-
dihydrotestosterone (Katzung, Masters, & fuse into the parietal cells of the stomach.
Trevor, 2011). As a result, adverse endocrine PPIs accumulate in the secretory canaliculi,
effects may occur: Women may develop ga- binding to cysteine groups on the ATPase,
lactorrhea, while men may develop gyne- inactivating the proton pumps for one to two
comastia. This drug may also cause sexual days, until new ATPases are made, replacing
dysfunction. those that were inactivated. To prevent their
Pregnant patients considering H2-­receptor degradation in the acidic stomach environ-
antagonists should be counseled according ment, PPIs are either enteric coated (allow-
to the PLLR. In older adults, especially those ing dissolution in alkaline pH), or combined
with renal or hepatic dysfunction, intrave- with sodium bicarbonate (to neutralize
nous administration of H2-receptor antago- stomach pH), allowing PPIs to accumulate at
nists may cause mental status changes such as their sites of action before being activated.
confusion and depression, though the mecha- As with H2-receptor antagonists, de-
nism through which these changes occur re- creased gastric acidity may contribute to an
mains unclear (Tawadrous et al., 2014). increase in bacterial growth in the stomach.
Abdominal discomfort and diarrhea may oc-
Drug–Drug Interactions cur in a percentage of patients. Adverse ef-
Cimetidine has a number of significant fects are uncommon when over-the-counter
interactions related to its effect on several PPIs are taken as recommended; however,
cytochrome P450 enzymes. When taken when high-dose, prescription-strength PPI
concomitantly with cimetidine, certain therapy is continued for a year or more, atro-
drugs metabolized by the same P450 path- phic gastritis (AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals,
ways may cause toxicity. Examples of drugs 2012a, 2012b), osteoporosis-related bone
that are particularly dangerous when taken fractures at multiple sites (Wang et al., 2017),
concomitantly with cimetidine and a rare but potentially serious magne-
Best Practices
include warfarin, phenytoin, sium deficiency (American Academy of Fam-
Use caution in ad- theophylline, and lidocaine. If ily Physicians, 2011) may occur, although the
ministering PPIs with both antacids and H2-receptor antag- mechanisms for these effects are unknown.
other drugs that use onists are prescribed concomitantly, PPIs were previously classified as preg-
the CYP 2C19 and the drugs should be administered one nancy risk Category B; pregnant patients
CYP 3A4 metabolic
hour apart to prevent the disturbance should be counseled per the PLLR. Older pa-
of absorption caused by antacids. tients with liver impairment may require
Drugs to Control Gastric Acidity 247

BOX 8-2  Primary Treatment of H. pylori Infection

Members of the American College of Gas- If no penicillin allergy, but macrolide
troenterology published the following exposure:
evidence-based recommendations for clini-
• Bismuth quadruple
cians in North America. All patients should first
• Levofloxacin triple: PPI (standard dose) –
be asked about penicillin allergies and previ-
BID, levofloxacin (500 mg) – QD, Amox
ous macrolide exposure. Based on patient re-
(1 g) – BID. Treatment for 10–14 days.
sponse, the following first-line treatments are
• Levofloxacin sequential: PPI (standard
or double dose) + Amox (1 g) – BID. Treat-
If no penicillin allergy and no macrolide
ment for 5–7 days. Followed by PPI, Amox,
levofloxacin (500 mg QD), nitroimidazole
• Bismuth quadruple: PPI (standard dose) – (500 mg) – BID. Treatment for 5–7 days.
BID, bismuth subcitrate (120–300 mg)
If penicillin allergy, but no macrolide
or subsalicylate (300 mg) – QID, tetra-
cycline 500 mg – QID, metronidazole
(250–500 mg) – QID (250mg). Treatment • Clarithromycin triple (substitute metro-
for 10–14 days. nidazole 500 mg – TID for amoxicillin)
• Clarithromycin triple: PPI (standard • Bismuth quadruple
or double dose) – BID, clarithromycin If penicillin allergy, and macrolide
500 mg, amoxicillin (1 g). Treatment for exposure:
14 days. • Bismuth quadruple
• Concomitant: PPI (standard dose) – BID,
Data from Chey, W. D., Leontiadis, G. I., Howden, C. W., &
clarithromycin (500 mg), amoxicillin (1 g),
Moss, S. F. (2017). Treatment of Helicobacter pylori
nitroimidazole (500 mg). Treatment for ­infection. Am J Gastroenterol. 112: 212–238; doi:10.1038/
10–14 days. ajg.2016.563; published online 10 January 2017.

lower doses of these drugs due to the pa- Mucosal Protectants

tients’ impaired metabolic function and the Mucosal-protective agents do not affect gas-
drugs’ prolonged half-life. tric acid secretion; however, they play an
important role in managing ulcers and similar
Drug–Drug Interactions problems caused or worsened by gastric acid.
PPIs may decrease the bioavailability of drugs Examples include sucralfate, a local agent;
that require a low pH for optimal absorption. bismuth subsalicylate, a bismuth com-
These drugs include certain antifungal drugs pound with mucosal-protective properties;
such as ketoconazole, and antiviral drugs and misoprostol, a prostaglandin analog.
such as atazanavir (Katzung et al., 2011). Mucosal protectants shield the gastric
PPIs are extensively metabolized via two mucosa from harmful effects of gas- Best Practices
cytochrome P450 pathways, CYP 2C19 and tric acid via a variety of mechanisms
CYP 3A4; therefore, giving a PPI along with (Wallace, 2008). Bismuth subsalicylate
other drugs metabolized via these pathways Sucralfate is an agent with lim- should not be given
to children, especially
may affect drug metabolism. For example, ited solubility that becomes thick and
following vaccina-
patients taking warfarin and omeprazole sticky in acid solutions to create a pro- tions for influenza
or esomeprazole may have an increased risk tective layer on the surface of gastric and varicella, be-
of bleeding (though not with pantoprazole, mucosa. Less than 3% of the intact cause salicylate is
as it is not a blanket drug–drug interaction) drug is absorbed from the intestinal implicated as a caus-
ative agent of Reye
(AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, 2016a, 2016b; tract. In the stomach, this medication syndrome.
Takeda Pharmaceuticals, 2012). is believed to utilize negative charges
248 CHAPTER 8  Pharmacology of the Gastrointestinal Tract

to adhere to gastric erosions (which contain in pregnancy risk Category X. Due to their
positively charged proteins) to protect gastric varied effects, patient counseling per the
mucosa from further damage and promote PLLR is important to enhance patient
healing (Arora Bisen & Budhiraja, 2012). education.
Bismuth subsalicylate coats stomach le-
sions, protecting them from the erosive ef- Drug–Drug Interactions
fects of gastric secretions. This agent also has Sucralfate should not be given with other
the ability to bind to microbes, providing ad- drugs because it may bind to them and pre-
ditional protectant effects. However, the pre- vent their absorption. There are no significant
cise mechanisms by which sucralfate and drug interactions with misoprostol.
bismuth subsalicylate exert their protective Bismuth subsalicylate interacts with
effects are not clear. a number of drugs due to its weak acid-
In contrast, misoprostol protects the gas- ity; patients should be advised of this po-
tric mucosa by activating prostaglandin E1 tential and cautioned not to use this
receptors on gastric parietal cells; its protec- agent with certain medications. Notably,
tive effects are mainly due to its inhibition of bismuth subsalicylate reacts chemically
gastric acid secretion via G-protein–coupled with both tetracyclines and quinolone anti-
receptor-mediated inhibition of adenylate cy- biotics, resulting in decreased antibiotic ab-
clase, which decreases intracellular cyclic ad- sorption. It may increase the hypoglycemic
enosine monophosphate and proton pump effects of insulin and other drugs given for
activity. Misoprostol is typically adminis- diabetes through unknown mechanisms. It
tered with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory may also increase the bleeding risk in pa-
drugs (NSAIDs) to prevent GI erosions due to tients taking warfarin by synergistic ac-
decreased prostaglandin synthesis caused by tions on platelet aggregation. Conversely, it
NSAIDs. may decrease the antigout effectiveness of
Both sucralfate and bismuth probenecid and sulfinpyrazone. The use
subsalicylate have few adverse effects of bismuth subsalicylate is best avoided if
when taken as recommended. Bismuth the patient is taking other salicylates, such
subsalicylate commonly causes dark as aspirin.
brown–black stools that may be mis-
taken for the melena that occurs with GI Drugs to Stimulate
bleeding. Prolonged or excessive use of
bismuth subsalicylate can cause constipa-
Gastrointestinal Motility
tion and may result in salicylate toxicity. The The class of drugs used for stimulating motil-
most common adverse effect of misoprostol ity is also called gastroprokinetic drugs.
is abdominal discomfort, which may occur These medications act by increasing the fre-
with or without diarrhea. Other GI side ef- quency of contractions in the small intestine
fects such as nausea and vomiting, flatulence, without disrupting their rhythm, ultimately
and dyspepsia occur, but have been reported resulting in enhanced GI motility. Such
in fewer than 3% of those patients taking the agents have been commonly used to treat a
drug. Bismuth subsalicylate should not be number of GI disorders, such as IBS, acid re-
given to children under three, especially fol- flux disease, gastroparesis, gastritis, and
lowing vaccinations for influenza and vari- functional dyspepsia. Therefore, related GI
cella, because salicylate has been implicated symptoms, including abdominal discomfort,
as a causative agent of Reye syndrome. Previ- bloating, constipation, heartburn, nausea,
ously, sucralfate was classified as pregnancy and vomiting, may be relieved by these drugs.
risk Category B, bismuth subsalicylate in Drugs commonly used to stimulate GI motil-
pregnancy risk Category C, and misoprostol ity include cholinergic mimetic agents and
Drugs to Stimulate Gastrointestinal Motility 249

dopamine (D2) receptor antagonists (Gumaste due to the anticholinergic effects of Best Practices
& Baum, 2008), although researchers con- the drug in the wrong location. In
tinue to look for additional agents (Auteri, addition, these drugs should not be Bismuth subsalicylate
interacts with a num-
Zizzo, & Serio, 2015; Kusano et al., 2014). used if there is any mechanical ob-
ber of drugs; patients
struction in the gastric or urinary should be advised
Cholinergic Mimetic Agents tracts due to their effects of increas- not to use this
Cholinergic mimetic agents (muscarinic ing GI peristalsis (Gumaste & agent with certain
receptor agonists, Table 5-2) have been com- Baum, 2008). medications.
monly used for stimulating GI motility, ac-
celerating gastric emptying, and improving Dopamine (D2) Receptor Blockers
gastroduodenal coordination. Examples of Blocking the dopamine D2 recep- Best Practices
these agents include bethanechol. Such tor has many effects (see, in part,
medications work by stimulating muscarinic TABLE 5-2), including suppression of Cholinergic mimetic
receptors similarly to acetylcholine, only acetylcholine from myenteric mo- drugs should never
be administered by
with prolonged duration of action, due to tor neurons. Dopamine normally
intramuscular or in-
their resistance to acetylcholinesterase. In- blocks acetylcholine release, nega- travenous injection:
creased muscarinic receptor stimulation in- tively affecting gastrointestinal mo- The fast absorption
creases GI peristalsis, which further increases tility. By blocking the inhibitory from these routes
pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter, effects of dopamine, D2 blockers may lead to heart
block or severe
resulting in enhanced GI motility (Gumaste stimulate gastrointestinal motility. hypotension.
& Baum, 2008). Although dopamine D2-receptor
There are two different ways to increase blockers are most often used as
cholinergic effects. The first approach is to ag- antidiarrheal drugs (and will be discussed
onize (“stimulate”) the M1 receptor, mimick- further in that section), some of these
ing acetylcholine effects. The second approach drugs are also used to stimulate GI motil-
is to inhibit the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, ity. The utility of this type of drug derives
which normally metabolizes acetylcholine, from the fact that it can stimulate the GI
and other cholinergics, including drugs; by tract without increasing gastric secretions.
doing so, less acetylcholine is broken down, A good example of a dopamine D2-receptor
so more is available. In addition, cholinergic blocker that is prescribed for this purpose is
mimetic drugs may stimulate muscarinic M3 metoclopramide.
receptors on muscle cells and at myenteric The most common adverse e­ ffects caused
plexus synapses; M3 stimulation causes gen- by dopaminergic D ­ 2-receptor blockers in-
eralized vasodilation, which may lead to some volve the c­ entral nervous system. Side effects
of the drugs’ side effects. such as Parkinson-like symptoms, tardive
Cholinergic mimetic drugs are associated dyskinesia, and acute dystonia, as well as
with a variety of side effects, including ab- drowsiness and confusion, may occur es-
dominal discomfort, diarrhea, hypotension pecially in the elderly and those treated for
and reflex tachycardia, lacrimation, miosis, a prolonged period. Elevated prolactin lev-
salivation, and urinary urgency. Due to the els caused by dopamine D2-receptor blockers
multiple cholinergic effects mentioned pre- can cause galactorrhea, gynecomastia, impo-
viously, and the development of less toxic tence, and menstrual disorders (­Gumaste &
agents, bethanechol is now seldom used. Baum, 2008).
As a part of nursing concerns, cholinergic
mimetic drugs should never be administered Drug–Drug Interactions
by intramuscular or intravenous injection: For dopaminergic D2-receptor blockers, drug–
The fast absorption from these routes may drug interactions have been well documented
lead to heart block or severe hypotension, with alcohol, tranquilizers, sleep medications,
250 CHAPTER 8  Pharmacology of the Gastrointestinal Tract

and narcotics. The possible mechanisms in- Opioids generally cause central nervous
volved in these interactions are mainly due system depression, so they are suggested only
to the drugs’ inhibitory effects on the cen- for short-term therapy of diarrhea, due to
tral nervous system. In addition, caution is the potential for adverse effects and depen-
needed when administering dopaminergic dence, especially with diphenoxylate. In
D2-receptor blockers in hypertensive patients addition, large amounts of loperamide may
(Hasler, 2011). cause dry mouth, abdominal pain, tachycar-
dia, and blurred vision, which are atropinic
Drugs to Control Diarrhea effects. All opioid agonists for the treatment
Diarrhea is an abnormal increase in the fre- of diarrhea must be taken with adequate
quency and fluidity of bowel movements. It fluid to prevent potential constipation. Opi-
may be not only a type of body defense, but oids have a variety of adverse effects that are
also a nonspecific symptom of an underlying described in detail elsewhere. If diarrhea con-
condition or disease. The common etiologies tinues, or other symptoms such as fever, ab-
of diarrhea include viral and bacterial infec- dominal pain, or bloody stool occur, patients
tion, adverse effects of medications, GI tract should be instructed to contact the prescriber
inflammatory diseases, certain food allergies, quickly. Dehydration and electrolyte imbal-
and malabsorption. Therefore, the symptoms ance are more commonly encountered with
of diarrhea should be treated only after the use of these drugs in elderly patients (Kent &
etiologic conditions or diseases have been Banks, 2010).
identified. The most commonly prescribed
Drug–Drug Interactions
antidiarrheal agents include opioid agonists,
bismuth compounds, and octreotide. When concurrently used with other central
nervous system depressants and/or alcohol,
Opioid Agonists opioid agonists can cause additive sedation.
Opioid agonists are the most effective—and Hypertensive crisis may occur when these
most commonly prescribed—medications medications are taken in combination with
for the symptomatic treatment of diarrhea. monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
As monotherapy, they are represented by due to the fact that both MAOIs and opioids
loperamide. In addition, opioid agonists increase synaptic 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-
are formulated in combinations with anti- HT), which can prove toxic (Stahl & Felker,
cholinergic drugs such as atropine. Exam- 2008). Before administration of antidiarrheal
ples include diphenoxylate plus atropine opioid agonists, it is important to rule out
and difenoxin plus atropine (Kent & infectious diarrhea, including Clostridium dif-
Banks, 2010). ficile infection.
Loperamide, as a nonprescription opioid
agonist, does not cross the blood–brain bar- Bismuth Compounds
rier and has no analgesic properties or poten- In addition to the protective use on gastric
tial for addiction, whereas diphenoxylate is mucosal erosions discussed previously, bis-
a prescribed opioid agonist and has analgesic muth compounds are approved as OTC drugs
properties, albeit only at nonstandard higher for diarrhea. The prototype of this class is
doses. Loperamide and diphenoxylate can bismuth subsalicylate. Although its pre-
act directly on the intestine to slow peristalsis cise mechanism of antidiarrheal drug action
dramatically and allow more fluid and elec- is unclear, bismuth subsalicylate can act
trolyte absorption in the colon. In addition, directly by binding and adsorbing toxins and
the anticholinergic properties of atropine in inhibiting intestinal prostaglandin and chlo-
commercial preparations may contribute to ride secretion. These effects then contribute
the antidiarrheal action. to reduction of diarrheal symptoms.
Drugs to Relieve Constipation 251

The earlier gastric mucosal-protective Overuse of laxatives has the potential for
agents section discussed the adverse effects electrolyte imbalance (Roerig, Steffen, Mitch-
associated with bismuth compounds. ell, & Zunker, 2010) and paradoxically to
cause fecal impaction, particularly in elderly
patients (Obokhare, 2012). Thus, for patients
Octreotide can prevent diarrhea through complaining of constipation, a detailed his-
the following mechanisms: (1) by prevent- tory of laxative use must be elicited before
ing the secretion of numerous hormones and prescribing additional therapy, and those pa-
transmitters, including gastrin, serotonin, tients with acute complaints of pain should
and other active peptides that promote di- be assessed for impaction. Even where laxa-
arrhea; (2) by directly inhibiting intestinal tive therapy is appropriate, emphasis should
and pancreatic secretion and enhancing be placed on the need for adequate fiber and
absorption; and (3) by slowing GI motility. fluid intake.
As a drug chemically related to endogenous Obtaining from the patient a description
somatostatin, octreotide is approved to of how the stool presents may prove chal-
treat severe diarrhea in a wide variety of lenging. There is no way around it: People are
conditions and diseases, including cancers, embarrassed to talk about their feces. Use of
vagotomy, dumping syndrome, short bowel the Bristol Stool Chart (FIGURE 8-3) may be use-
syndrome, and AIDS. ful in obtaining information about the condi-
The most frequent adverse effects with tion of the patient’s bowel movement.
octreotide are GI related, such as nau-
sea, abdominal pain, flatulence, and diar- Bulk-Forming Laxatives
rhea. Impaired pancreatic secretion may Bulk-forming laxatives are indigestible,
cause steatorrhea, leading to fat-soluble vi- hydrophilic colloids used to increase the
tamin deficiency. In addition, long-term use frequency and quality of bowel move-
of octreotide can cause acute cholecystitis ments. Examples of bulk-forming laxa-
(gallstones), hyperglycemia, hypothyroidism, tives include calcium polycarbophil and
and bradycardia. psyllium mucilloid. These medications
work by absorbing water to form a bulky
Drugs to Relieve Constipation emollient gel that distends the colon and
Constipation is an abnormal decrease in the promotes peristalsis. Bulk-forming laxatives
frequency of bowel movements. However, are the safest class of laxatives, and are of-
the normal frequency of bowel movements ten used to treat chronic constipation with
varies from two to three per day to as few as few adverse effects. They generally produce
one per week. Constipation can be one of the less abdominal cramping but may lead to
manifestations of a variety of underlying con- more bloating and flatulence than other
ditions or diseases, including different aspects laxatives. As a part of nursing assessment, a
of dietary and lifestyle causes, GI disorders, basic abdominal and bowel pattern should
neurogenic disorders, metabolic disorders, be elicited, and the relevant history should
and pregnancy, as well as adverse effects of always be taken. Bulk-forming laxatives
some medications. Drugs to control consti- should be administered orally after the pow-
pation are classified as laxatives, of which der form has been completely dissolved into
subcategories include bulk-forming laxatives, 8 ounces of liquid.
stimulant laxatives, stool softeners/surfac-
tants, osmotic laxatives, and miscellaneous Drug–Drug Interactions
laxatives (Singh & Rao, 2010). Bulk-forming laxatives may decrease
Many of these medications are ineffective the absorption of warfarin, digoxin,
if fluid intake is not concomitantly increased. nitrofurantoin, antibiotics, and salicylates.
252 CHAPTER 8  Pharmacology of the Gastrointestinal Tract

cause more abdominal cramping and depletion

Separate hard lumps,
Type 1
like nuts (hard to pass) of fluid and electrolytes, which bulk-forming
laxatives do not. There has been concern about
long-term use of stimulant laxatives leading
Type 2 but lumpy to dependence and destruction of the myen-
teric plexus. More recent research suggests that
long-term use probably is safe in most patients.
Like a sausage
Type 3 but with cracks
on its surface Drug–Drug Interactions
Milk or other dairy products should not be
Type 4 Like a sausage or snake, given with bisacodyl, as these products can
smooth and soft
dissolve the enteric coating and cause dys-
pepsia. In addition, bisacodyl should not be
Type 5 Soft blobs with clear-cut taken within an hour of ingesting antacids or
edges (passed easily)
milk; rather, it should be taken on an empty
stomach for faster action and to avoid de-
Fluffy pieces with creased absorption of other drugs.
Type 6 ragged edges, a
mushy stool
Stool Softeners/Surfactants
Watery, no solid pieces; Stool softeners/surfactants can soften stool
Type 7
Entirely liquid materials by absorbing water and lipids. These
agents are most often used to prevent con-
FIGURE 8-3  The Bristol Stool Chart. stipation in high-risk populations, including
Story, L. (2018). Pathophysiology: A practical approach (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
patients who have recently experienced
surgery, traumatic injury, or myocardial
infarction (MI). The commonly used stool
Stimulant Laxatives softener/surfactant is docusate. It is recom-
Stimulant laxatives induce bowel movement mended that these agents be taken with six to
by irritating the GI tract. These agents are eight ounces of fluid to aid in stool softening.
often used as “bowel prep” prior to bowel The most common adverse effects of stool
procedures, examinations, or surgeries. They softeners/surfactants are abdominal cramp-
should not be used routinely because they ing and diarrhea. However, these are usu-
may cause laxative dependence. The com- ally mild. Docusate was previously classified
monly administered stimulant laxatives in- as pregnancy Category C; pregnant patients
clude bisacodyl and castor oil. Previously, should be counseled of the risks and bene-
bisacodyl was classified as pregnancy Cat- fits per the PLLR. Docusate and other stool
egory C, whereas castor oil was classified as softeners should be used cautiously in the el-
pregnancy Category X. Under the new PLLR, derly, as these medications can produce nu-
patients should be informed of the risks and tritional deficits when used on a long-term
benefits of castor oil and would be counseled basis; older adults may already be prone to
not to use it during pregnancy. The risks and such deficiencies.
benefits of bisacodyl should be explained to
pregnant patients. Drug–Drug Interactions
Stimulant laxatives can activate bowel Docusate should not be used in sodium-
movement by irritating the mucosa and enteric restricted patients. It should not be given
nervous system in the colon and altering intes- concurrently with mineral oil, because this
tinal electrolyte and fluid absorption. However, combination increases the systemic absorp-
their precise mechanism of action remains tion of docusate. Long-term use may impair
poorly understood. Stimulant laxatives may absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D,
Drugs to Treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome 253

E, and K, because docusate will decrease the likely multifactorial. For example, Best Practices
digestive tract’s physical contact time with motor and sensory dysfunction,
those vitamins. neuroimmune mechanisms, psy- Osmotic laxatives
may be used to treat
chological factors (specifically, the
fecal impaction, but
Osmotic Laxatives brain–gut axis), a possible genetic only after bowel
Osmotic laxatives can promote bowel move- component (Makker, Chilimuri, & ­obstruction has been
ment in a rapid and highly effective man- Bella, 2015), and changes in the ruled out.
ner. These do so by attracting water and intraluminal milieu all may play
creating more fluid stools. In other words, a role in the development of this
osmotic laxatives exert their therapeutic disorder (Bajor, Tornblom, Rudling, Ung, &
effects by causing a concentration gradi- Simren, 2014; Grundman & Yoon, 2010;
ent. They are often used for colonoscopy Pimentel, Cash, Lembo, & Schoenfeld, 2012).
preparation and for purging toxins from To manage symptoms of IBS, medication may
the body. Commonly used osmotic laxa- be prescribed along with lifestyle changes to
tives include magnesium hydroxide, eliminate the most troublesome symptoms such
polyethylene glycol, and sodium as diarrhea, constipation, or abdominal (mod-
biphosphate. Magnesium hydroxide erate to severe) pain and to improve bowel
possesses very potent activity and should function. Although antidiarrheal agents and
be used only in certain situations, such as laxatives have been introduced in detail in the
fecal impaction where bowel obstruction preceding sections, three categories of medica-
has been ruled out (Obokhare, 2012). If tions will be added specifically for this section:
the patient’s bowel is obstructed, all of anticholinergics, serotonin 5-HT receptor
these medications are contraindicated. antagonists or agonists, and chloride-channel
The most common adverse effects of os- activators (Camilleri, 2010; De Ponti, 2013).
motic laxatives are abdominal cramping and However, no single medication has been found
diarrhea. Osmotic laxatives should be used to be completely effective in relieving IBS over
with caution or avoided in elderly patients the long term.
due to the potential for dehydration and elec-
trolyte imbalance. Hypermagnesemia is a
concern when magnesium hydroxide is Nonspecific or specific antimuscarinic anti-
taken by patients with renal impairment due cholinergic agents have been used to reduce
to decreased ability for magnesium elimina- bowel motility and prevent painful cramp-
tion. Therefore, baseline electrolyte levels are ing spasms in the intestines. Two commonly
important to assess and monitor. used antimuscarinics include dicyclomine,
a muscarinic M1 receptor blocker, and
Drug–Drug Interactions hyoscyamine, a nonspecific muscarinic
Magnesium hydroxide may decrease the receptor antagonist. More recently, newer
absorption of the following medications: his- selective muscarinic M3 antagonists (which
tamine H2-receptor antagonists, iron salts, affect gastrointestinal smooth muscle contrac-
phenytoin, digoxin, and tetracyclines. tion; see TABLE 5-2) have been developed to de-
crease the nonspecific anticholinergic adverse
Drugs to Treat Irritable effects seen with the antimuscarinics. Such
medications have shown promising results in
Bowel Syndrome clinical trials (Katzung et al., 2011).
IBS is one of the most common functional GI Anticholinergics may exert their effect of
disorders, characterized by unexplained abdom- relieving painful cramping spasms by bind-
inal pain, discomfort, and bloating in association ing to muscarinic receptors in the GI mu-
with altered bowel habits. The pathophysiology cosa, which results in relaxation of intestinal
of IBS is still not well understood but is most spasms (Camilleri, 2010). They are often
254 CHAPTER 8  Pharmacology of the Gastrointestinal Tract

considered “smooth muscle relaxant drugs,” agonist of the 5-HT4 receptor, tegaserod, a
although their efficacy has not been convinc- GI motility stimulant, was approved in 2002
ingly demonstrated. In addition, anticholin- but later voluntarily removed from the mar-
ergics may inhibit intestinal gland secretion, ket in 2007 due to an increased number of
thereby helping prevent severe diarrhea. cardiovascular deaths. It was subsequently
Of course, these medications can also ex- reintroduced only for emergency situa-
hibit significant undesired anticholinergic ef- tions, and only for women younger than
fects, such as visual disturbance, dry mouth, 55 years of age. The FDA retains the right
urinary retention, and constipation–especially to deny authorization for use of tegaserod,
those that are nonspecific muscarinic block- even in life-threatening situations, if the
ers. Given this side-effect profile, anticholin- evidence does not support that tegaserod,
ergics are rarely used to treat IBS, although would be effective for its intended use or if
they are recommended for some patients; ef- its use would put patients at additional risk
ficacy may be related to ethnical differences (FDA, 2016b).
in lifestyle, eating habits, genetics, and gut Alosetron is a highly potent and selec-
microbiota (Fukudo et al., 2015). tive 5-HT3 antagonist, whereas tegaserod
is a serotonin 5-HT4 receptor partial agonist.
Serotonin 5-HT Receptor Agonists Alosetron has a much longer duration of ef-
and Antagonists fect, which may be due to its high affinity for
Serotonin, also known as and slow dissociation from 5-HT3 receptors
5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT, is an impor- (Katzung et al., 2011).
tant neurotransmitter of the GI tract. There The most frequently seen adverse effect of
are at least seven known serotonin recep- alosetron is constipation, which has been re-
tor subtypes, with subdivisions within some ported in 20% to 30% of patients. Rare epi-
of the subtypes. The serotonin receptors sodes of ischemic colitis (approximately 3 per
involved in those GI functions consist of se- 1,000 patients), including some fatal cases,
rotonin 5-HT3, 5-HT4, and 5-HT7 receptors. have occurred; hence alosetron is strictly re-
5-HT3 receptors in the GI mediate by both stricted to women with diarrhea-predominant
central and peripheral inhibition of serotonin IBS who have not responded to conventional
activity, and some, colonic transit, via va- therapies and who have been educated about
gal action in the gut and regions of the CNS the risks and benefits (Grundman & Yoon,
where emesis is regulated. 5-HT4 receptors 2010; United States Food and Drug Adminis-
are located in enteric cholinergic neurons, tration [FDA], 2016a). More seriously, a list
and are thought to help regulate (positively) of severe adverse effects—including angina,
peristalsis. 5-HT7 receptors play a role in heart attacks, and stroke—has been associated
smooth muscle relaxation peripherally, and with the use of tegaserod, leading to its re-
in the GI tract. Alosetron was the first 5- moval from the market except in emergency
HT3 receptor antagonist to be approved situations.
for the treatment of women with severe As part of the nursing process, additional
IBS with predominant diarrhea who have assessment and evaluation of any cardiac dis-
failed to respond to conventional therapy ease and adverse effects of alosetron and
(De Ponti, 2013). Ondansetron has shown tegaserod are very important to ensure pa-
efficacy in relieving loose stools, frequency, tient safety. For instance, patient complaints of
and urgency in IBS with predominant diar- chest pain and lightheadedness should be ag-
rhea (Garsed et al., 2013; Zheng et al., 2017), gressively investigated. In addition, more fre-
while the efficacies of three other 5-HT3 quent vital signs and neurologic assessment
antagonists (graisetron, dolasetron, and may be advisable. Because both alosetron
palonosetron) have not been determined and tegaserod are subject to use under strict
in the treatment of IBS. In contrast, a partial guidelines, patients must take these drugs
Drugs to Control Nausea and Vomiting 255

exactly as prescribed and for a maximum du- Clinical trials have shown it to be free of se-
ration of only four to six weeks. Patients are rious adverse effects (Wilson & Schey, 2015).
encouraged to keep a daily journal to confirm However, lubiprostone should not be used
the effectiveness of therapy. Although there for any known or suspected bowel obstruc-
are no data showing specific concerns regard- tion. After a healthy mother gave birth to a
ing alosetron administration in pregnant bilateral clubfoot infant following the drug
women, tegaserod was previously catego- trial (Lembo et al., 2011), lubiprostone was
rized as a pregnancy Category B drug (Grund- listed as Category C for pregnancy under the
man & Yoon, 2010). Understanding the risks prior FDA guidelines. Appropriate counsel-
and benefits of taking these drugs will be im- ing is required under PLLR and its use should
portant to counseling pregnant women. be avoided in women of childbearing age
(­Katzung et al., 2011).
Drug–Drug Interactions
Significant drug interactions have not been Drug–Drug Interactions
observed clinically with serotonin 5-HT re- There have been no drug–drug interactions
ceptor agonists and antagonists, even though found with lubiprostone to date.
alosetron is metabolized by a number of CYP
enzymes (Grundman & Yoon, 2010). How-
Drugs to Control Nausea
ever, both alosetron and tegaserod should
be administered strictly as ordered and taken and Vomiting
on an empty stomach before a meal to pre- Nausea and vomiting are manifestations of a
vent drug–food interactions. wide variety of medical conditions, including
diverse diseases, systemic and GI infections,
Chloride-Channel Activators pregnancy, motion sickness, adverse effects
The type 2 volume-regulated chloride chan- of medications, radiotherapy, and procedures
nel has been found in gastric parietal cells as such as anesthesia and surgery (Andrews &
well as in small intestinal and colonic epi- Horn, 2006). Nausea and vomiting occur
thelia. Intestinal chloride secretion is critical when the vomiting center in the medulla is
for intestinal fluid and electrolyte transport. stimulated by sensory signal input received
Lubiprostone is a type 2 chloride-channel from the digestive tract, the inner ear, or the
activator that has been approved by the FDA. chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) located in
It was introduced for the treatment of women the area postrema (Feyer & Jordan, 2011).
with IBS who experience constipation as their When large amounts of fluids are vomited,
predominant symptom (De Ponti, 2013). dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and acid–
Lubiprostone is a prostanoic acid deriva- base imbalance may occur. Severe loss of fluid
tive from a metabolite of prostaglandin E1. and electrolytes may cause vascular collapse
It activates selective type 2 volume-regulated and death in pediatric patients.
chloride channels, thereby decreasing small At least six different classes of antiemetic
bowel and colon transit times and increas- agents are available to prevent and treat nau-
ing secretion of fluid and electrolytes. Several sea and vomiting, including 5-HT3 receptor
clinical trials have demonstrated this agent’s antagonists, corticosteroids, neurotonin-1
positive effects on improved spontaneous receptor antagonists, dopamine-receptor
bowel movement, quality–of-life measures, antagonists, antihistamines/anticholine
stool consistency, frequency, and straining rgics, and cannabinoids (Adams & Urban,
(Camilleri, 2010; Wilson & Schey, 2015). 2012; Feyer & Jordan, 2011; Katzung et al.,
Adverse effects of lubiprostone in- 2011). In addition, combinations of antiemetic
clude diarrhea and nausea, which are usu- regimens have been the standard of care for
ally mild, transient, and not associated with the control of severe chemotherapy-induced
alteration of gastric function (Mayer, 2008). nausea and vomiting.
256 CHAPTER 8  Pharmacology of the Gastrointestinal Tract

5-HT3 Receptor Antagonists gut contractility (see the following discus-

Antagonists that inhibit the actions of sion). Examples of corticosteroids used for
­serotonin have been widely used for the man- these purposes include dexamethasone and
agement of chemotherapy- and radiotherapy- methylprednisolone.
induced nausea and vomiting over the past The general antiemetic mechanisms of
decades. Examples of 5-HT3 receptor antago- corticosteroids are unclear. However, these
nists include ondansetron, granisetron, agents’ well-known effects on eicosanoid me-
dolasetron, and palonosetron. tabolism, inflammation, and edema are likely
Exposure to cytotoxic drugs or radiation part of the explanation.
may cause release of serotonin (5-HT) from Corticosteroids used systemically have a
enterochromaffin cells in the GI mucosa, variety of significant side effects. Long-term
which in turn stimulates 5-HT3 receptors lo- corticosteroid therapy carries with it a signif-
cated on sensory nerve terminals peripher- icant risk for type 2 diabetes, as well as hy-
ally (Sanger & Andrews, 2006). This process pertension, osteoporosis, hyperadrenalism or
may initiate emesis (vomiting) or sensitize hypoadrenalism, and a variety of other con-
the sensory nervous system to promote eme- ditions that are serious—even potentially
sis. Selective 5-HT3 receptor antagonists elicit life threatening. In patients who are already
antiemetic actions through their selective an- insulin resistant or diabetic, even short-
tagonism at the peripheral 5-HT3 receptors term therapy with corticosteroids should be
(Sanger & Andrews, 2006). avoided because of concerns that the drugs
In general, 5-HT3 antagonists are well tol- will aggravate hyperglycemia. Due to these
erated and exhibit few side effects. Those side concerns regarding their potential adverse
effects that are observed include mild head- effects, corticosteroids are usually reserved
ache, dizziness, constipation, and diarrhea, as for acute antiemetic therapy in patients for
well as transient elevations of hepatic amino- whom the benefits significantly outweigh
transferase levels (Geling & Eichler, 2005). the risks—generally, patients who experience
chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomit-
Drug–Drug Interactions ing (CINV). For such patients, corticosteroids
No significant drug–drug interactions have are highly effective (Van Ryckeghem, 2016).
been observed with 5-HT3 receptor antago- A study of patients taking dexamethasone
nists, although all four agents undergo some for the prevention of delayed emesis induced
metabolism by CYP 450 (Katzung et al., 2011). by chemotherapy revealed adverse events in-
cluding insomnia, indigestion/epigastric dis-
Corticosteroids comfort, agitation, increased appetite, weight
Corticosteroids have shown impressive gain, and acne (Grunberg, 2007).
­efficacy in treating chemotherapy-induced
and postoperative nausea and vomiting. Neurokinin-1 (NK1) Receptor Antagonists
­Furthermore, corticosteroids, in combina- A new class of antiemetic agents,
tion with other antiemetics, especially 5-HT3 Neurokinin-1 (NK1) receptor antagonists, is
and neurokinin-1 (NK1) receptor antagonists, now available. An example is aprepitant,
are widely used to prevent and treat nau- which was approved in 2003 for use in
sea and vomiting. NK1 receptors are found conjunction with dexamethasone and/or
in both the central and peripheral nervous ondansetron for the treatment of acute and
systems, and are understood to participate delayed emesis induced by chemotherapy.
in pain signals and smooth muscle contrac- Several other investigational NK1-receptor
tion. NK1 receptors, binding substance P, antagonists have shown clinical promise,
appear to be involved in delayed emesis and currently aprepitant, netupitant, and
­after chemotherapy, via vasodilation and rolapitant are available in the United States.
Drugs to Control Nausea and Vomiting 257

During the past two decades, multiple as antipsychotic agents (Chapter 14). The
studies have shown that substance P is a neu- phenothiazines that are most commonly
ropeptide that acts as a neurotransmitter or used as antiemetics are promethazine,
neuromodulator, by preferentially binding to prochlorperazine, and thiethylperazine,
the NK1 receptor involved in the emesis re- whereas droperidol is the main butyro-
flex. Neurokinin-1 receptor antagonists exert phenone used for its antiemetic properties.
their antiemetic action through the inhibition In addition, the major substituted ben-
of substance P involved in the emesis reflex zamides include metoclopramide and
both centrally and peripherally. trimethobenzamide.
The most common adverse events with The antiemetic properties of these
these drugs include fatigue, headache, an- dopamine-receptor antagonists are mediated
orexia, diarrhea, hiccups, and mild trans- through the inhibition of dopamine and mus-
aminase elevation. Very interestingly, the carinic receptors. It has been suggested the
incidence of adverse effects reported with selectivity of the established D2-receptor an-
the three-drug combination of aprepitant, tagonists is responsible for their effectiveness
dexamethasone, and ondansetron is simi- as antiemetic medications.
lar to that observed with dexamethasone The principal adverse effects of these cen-
and ondansetron alone. There are no re- tral dopamine antagonists are sedation and
ports on use of aprepitant, netupitant, and extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS), includ-
rolapitant in pregnant patients; however, ad- ing restlessness, dystonias, and Parkinsonian
ministration of these drug in pregnant patients symptoms with long-term use. In addi-
should be avoided unless other medications tion, hypotension and prolonged QT inter-
prove ineffective (Rapoport & Smit, 2017). val may occur with droperidol. In general,
phenothiazines including promethazine,
Drug–Drug Interactions prochlorperazine, and thiethylperazine
Aprepitant has been shown to induce CYP were previously listed as Category C in
3A4 and CYP 2C9. As dexamethasone is terms of their pregnancy risk, whereas
a substrate of CYP 3A4, aprepitant and metoclopramide is relatively safe for preg-
dexamethasone often interact. In recog- nant patients (Lee & Saha, 2011).
nition of this fact, dexamethasone doses
should be reduced by about 50% when it Drug–Drug Interactions
is used in combination with aprepitant. Phenothiazines have a synergistic e­ ffect
In addition, clinicians should be aware of on certain antimicrobial drugs, inclu-
the potential for interactions of aprepitant ding streptomycin, erythromycin,
with warfarin, phenytoin, itraconazole, oleandomycin, spectinomycin,
terfenadine, and oral contraceptives due to levofloxacin, azithromycin, and
the synergistic effects on the same CYP 450 amoxicillin–clavulanic acid (Chan,
subtype systems. Ong, & Chua, 2007). Metoclopramide
is ­contraindicated in patients taking anti-
Dopamine-Receptor Antagonists psychotics, and its label carries a black-box
Dopamine- (D2-) receptor antagonists were warning about the likelihood of tardive
traditionally used for antiemetic therapy ­dyskinesia with long-term use—a risk that
before the introduction of 5-HT3 recep- has decreased its use in clinical practice
tor antagonists. They can be categorized (­Ehrenpreis et al., 2013).
as phenothiazines, butyrophenones,
and substituted benzamides. Among Antihistamines and Anticholinergics
these three classes of agents, phenothi- Although the H1 antihistamines and anticho-
azines and butyrophenones are also useful linergics are used more extensively to treat
258 CHAPTER 8  Pharmacology of the Gastrointestinal Tract

other diseases, these drugs possess weak an- raw form of cannabis for patients as “medical
tiemetic activity, which can be particularly marijuana.” Although some state laws may al-
useful for the treatment and prevention of low clinicians to prescribe medical marijuana,
motion sickness. The most commonly used federal law still categorizes marijuana as a
anticholinergic drug for motion sickness is Schedule I substance; which in all states is il-
scopolamine, administered as a transdermal legal. Although these cannabinoids are able to
patch. In addition, H1 antihistamines includ- produce psychotropic effects via the binding
ing diphenhydramine, dimenhydrinate, and activation of the cannabinoid CB1 recep-
and meclizine are used in conjunction with tors, the mechanism for their antiemetic ac-
other antiemetics for the treatment of emesis tions is less well defined. However, it may be
induced by chemotherapy. explained by their potential to modulate 5-HT3
The mechanism of action for the mo- receptor activation in the nodose ganglion as
tion sickness indication for these H1 antihis- well as substance P release in the spinal cord.
tamines and anticholinergics is inhibition of The main adverse effects of these cannabi-
histamine H1 and muscarinic cholinergic M1 noids include euphoria, dysphoria, sedation,
receptors. The major adverse effects of these hallucinations, dry mouth, and increased ap-
medications are dizziness, sedation, confu- petite, along with tachycardia, conjunctival
sion, dry mouth, cycloplegia, and urinary injection, and orthostatic hypotension. Use of
retention. Their significant anticholinergic marijuana cigarettes should be discouraged in
properties may limit the use of these agents. patients who have any form of respiratory dis-
Scopolamine given as a transdermal patch order (e.g., asthma or COPD); contrary to the
has proved superior to the same drug admin- claims made by medical marijuana advocates,
istered by oral or parenteral routes. use of the drug in smoked form is not without
The anticholinergic agent scopolamine risks and may promote or exacerbate obstruc-
was listed in the previous pregnancy Cat- tive airway disease (Joshi, Joshi, & Bartter,
egory C, while H1 antihistamines including 2013). In addition, heavy or long-term use
diphenhydramine, dimenhydrinate, and carries with it physical health risks that are
meclizine are relatively safe. Because these currently poorly understood, both in the pub-
drugs are not primarily indicated for use as lished medical literature and in the popular
antiemetic agents, the details of their drug in- media (Gordon, Conley, & Gordon, 2013). Pa-
teractions are discussed elsewhere. tients seeking to use raw cannabis for relief of
nausea or pain should be counseled about the
Cannabinoids risks and benefits of smoking versus taking
The major cannabinoid receptors so far iden- oral cannabinoid medications, as considerable
tified are CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are bias (both pro and con) is present in the infor-
primarily located in the brain, whereas CB2 mation that is publicly available on the topic
receptors are primarily peripheral. CB1 recep- of medical marijuana.
tors mediate psychoactive effects, analgesia,
and effects on memory. CB2 receptors mediate Drug–Drug Interactions
several inflammatory and immune responses. There are no drug–drug interactions known,
An isomer of the major psychoactive ingredi- but cannabinoids may potentiate the effects
ent in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), of other psychoactive agents.
dronabinol takes advantage of the CB1 re-
ceptors, and is used medically as an appetite Drugs to Treat Inflammatory
stimulant and as an antiemetic. Nabilone,
a chemically related analog to dronabinol,
Bowel Disease
has also been approved for the treatment IBD includes ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s
of chemotherapy-induced emesis. In addi- disease. Because the etiology and the
tion, in some states it is legal to prescribe the pathogenesis of IBD remain unclear, the
Drugs to Treat Inflammatory Bowel Disease 259

pharmacologic management of IBD is varied Most aminosalicylate formulations are well

and complex. The emphasis of IBD treat- tolerated. The most common adverse effects
ment is to use a combination of drugs and reported with olsalazine use include secre-
nutritional support to maintain patients tory diarrhea, subtle renal tubular changes, rare
during long periods of remission, while cases of interstitial nephritis, and rare hyper-
controlling drug toxicity and complica- sensitivity reactions. In contrast, sulfasalazine
tions. Three main groups of drugs are used is associated with a higher incidence of adverse
in the management of IBD: aminosalicy- effects, most likely due to the systemic effects of
lates, corticosteroids, and drugs that affect the sulfapyridine molecule. The problems most
the immune system, such as immunosup- commonly reported with this drug include nau-
pressants, purine analogs, methotrexate, sea, GI upset, headache, malaise, arthralgias,
monoclonal antibodies, antitumor necro- myalgias, and bone marrow suppression. In ad-
sis factor agents, and anti-integrin agents dition, hypersensitivity reactions to sulfapyri-
(Katzung et al., 2011). dine may cause fever, exfoliative dermatitis,
pancreatitis, pneumonitis, hemolytic anemia,
Aminosalicylates pericarditis, or hepatitis. All aminosalicylates
Several aminosalicylates containing are considered safe for use in pregnancy.
5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA or mesala-
mine) have been licensed and successfully Drug–Drug Interactions
used in the treatment of IBD. These drugs There are no significant drug–drug interactions
include various azo compounds and different documented with aminosalicylates. However,
formulations of mesalamine. For instance, sulfasalazine may interfere with folic acid
sulfasalazine, balsalazide, and olsalazine absorption and processing. Therefore, dietary
are listed in the category of azo compounds, supplementation with 1 mg/day folic acid is
while pentasa, asacol, apriso, lialda, needed to prevent folic acid deficiency.
rowasa, and canasa are part of the class of
5-ASA formulations. Glucocorticoids
It has been well documented that the Glucocorticoids are commonly used
active ingredient of all aminosalicylates is for the treatment of patients with ac-
5-ASA. The primary action of salicylate and tive IBD. Prednisone and prednisolone
other NSAIDs is due to blockade of prosta- are the oral glucocorticoids most com-
glandin synthesis by inhibition of cyclooxy- monly used for this indication. In addi-
genase. However, the exact mechanism of tion, topical hydrocortisone formulations
action of 5-ASA is not understood. In recog- are used to maximize colonic tissue ef-
nition of the fact that 80% of aqueous 5-ASA fects and minimize systemic absorption.
is easily absorbed from the small intestine, Furthermore, a potent synthetic analog of
several derivatives and formulations of 5-ASA prednisolone, budesonide, is available in
have been developed to optimize the amount a controlled-release oral formulation that in-
of 5-ASA released in specific sites of the body, creases the drug concentration remaining in
ideally in areas of diseased distal small bowel contact with the inflamed mucosa.
or colon. The potential mechanisms that may The mechanisms of action of glucocor-
be involved include (1) the modulation of in- ticoids in the treatment of IBD are unclear.
flammatory mediators derived from the cy- However, these drugs are known to in-
clooxygenase and lipoxygenase pathways, hibit production of inflammatory cytokines
(2) interference with the production of in- and chemokines such as tumor necrosis fac-
flammatory cytokines, (3) the inhibitory ef- tor ­alpha (TNF-α), interleukin 1 (IL-1), and
fects on nuclear factor-κB, and (4) other ­interleukin 8 (IL-8). Other anti-inflamma-
­inhibitory effects on NK cells, mucosal lym- tory effects of glucocorticoids include reduc-
phocytes, and macrophages. tion of expression of adhesion molecules and
260 CHAPTER 8  Pharmacology of the Gastrointestinal Tract

inhibition of gene transcription of nitric ox- breaks down 6-MP. Allopurinol should not be
ide synthesis, phospholipase A2, cyclooxygen- given to patients taking 6-MP or azathioprine
ase-2, and NF-κB. except in carefully monitored situations.
Adverse effects and drug interactions as- Purine analogs cross the placenta, but
sociated with glucocorticoids are discussed the risk of teratogenicity appears to be small.
elsewhere in this chapter. These medications may therefore be used in
pregnant women with caution, if other medi-
Purine Analogs cations prove ineffective and no other contra-
In addition to their anticancer and im- indications exist.
munosuppressive properties, purine
analogs, including azathioprine and Methotrexate
6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) , known as pu- Like other immunosuppressants,
rine antimetabolites, are used in patients with methotrexate has beneficial effects in
IBD who are unresponsive to aminosalicy- ­patients with Crohn’s disease, being able
lates or glucocorticoids, or who relapse when to induce and maintain remission of this
glucocorticoids are withdrawn. Azithioprine ­condition. However, its efficacy in ulcerative
is a prodrug that is metabolized to 6-MP by colitis is uncertain.
liver. The mechanism of action of these drugs The main mechanism of action of
in IBD is not clear, but both drugs are metab- methotrexate is inhibition of dihydrofo-
olized to the nucleotides 6-thioinosinic acid, late reductase, which participates in tetrahy-
thioguanylic acid, and 6-methylmercaptopu- drofolate synthesis and, therefore, inhibits
rine ribotide. These metabolites are thought the production of thymidine and purines. At
to inhibit purine ribonucleotide synthesis, the low doses used in the treatment of IBD,
which then impedes DNA synthesis and thus methotrexate may interfere with inflamma-
inhibits proliferation of cells, especially fast- tory actions of IL-1, stimulate release of ad-
growing cells—mainly T and B lymphocytes. enosine, and induce apoptosis (programmed
Dose-dependent adverse effects caused cell death) of activated T lymphocytes.
by azathioprine and 6-MP include nausea, The dose of methotrexate used to
vomiting, bone marrow suppression, and he- treat IBD may not cause the severe ad-
patic toxicity. Therefore, routine complete verse ­effects—such as bone marrow suppres-
blood counts and hepatic function tests are sion, megaloblastic anemia, alopecia, and
important for all patients who receive these ­mucositis—commonly seen with the higher
medications. In addition, hypersensitivity re- doses used for chemotherapy. Folic acid sup-
actions to azathioprine and 6-MP, occurring plementation reduces the incidence of ad-
in 5% of patients, include fever, rash, pancre- verse effects. In addition, the risk of hepatic
atitis, diarrhea, and hepatitis. damage caused by methotrexate is low.
Methotrexate is known to interact with
Drug–Drug Interactions foods containing caffeine (e.g., coffee, tea,
In the quest to achieve remission in patients chocolate, cola) in such a way that the ef-
with active IBD, the utilization of purine ana- fectiveness of the drug is reduced if taken in
logs may allow lower dosing or elimination conjunction with caffeine-containing foods.
of glucocorticoids to control active disease. Also, liver dysfunction can develop in pa-
Allopurinol significantly reduces xanthine tients who use alcohol while taking the
oxide catabolism of purine analogs, poten- drug. A significant number of drugs interact
tially increasing active 6-thioguanine nucleo- with methotrexate, including some com-
tides, which may lead to severe leukopenia. monly found in OTC medications (e.g., vari-
Allopurinol—a drug commonly used for ous NSAIDs) that increase the blood levels
gout—can inhibit xanthine oxidase, which of methotrexate. Consequently, patients
Drugs to Treat Inflammatory Bowel Disease 261

should be cautioned against using OTC med- patients with positive test results, prophylac-
ications without first consulting their pre- tic therapy for tuberculosis is warranted be-
scriber and be encouraged to report any fore anti-TNF therapy begins.
adverse effects immediately. In addition to resistance to drug effects,
ATA development increases the likelihood
Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor Therapy of acute or delayed infusion or injection
Three agents—infliximab, adalimumab, reactions. Those adverse reactions may in-
and certolizumab pegol—have been ap- clude fever, headache, dizziness, urticaria,
proved for acute and chronic treatment of and mild cardiopulmonary symptoms. De-
patients with IBD who have shown an inad- layed reactions consisting of myalgia,
equate response to conventional treatment arthralgia, jaw tightness, rash, and edema
(Loftus, 2011). These are all tumor necrosis may occur one to two weeks after anti-TNF
factor (TNF) blocking antibodies, which, by therapy is initiated in a small proportion of
blocking the binding of TNF to its recep- patients. Moreover, anti-TNF therapy may
tor, reduce inflammatory cell migration and increase the risk of lymphoma in patients
adhesion, resulting in reduced inflamma- with IBD.
tion. After six weeks of induction therapy
to attain remission, approximately 60% to Anti-Integrin Therapy
70% of patients have a clinical response and Natalizumab, an anti-integrin antibody, was
30% to 40% of patients achieve a clinical approved by the FDA in 2008 for patients
remission. However, one-third of patients with moderate to severe Crohn’s disease who
eventually develop drug resistance due to the have failed to respond to other therapies. This
development of antibodies to TNF antibody drug is administered through a carefully re-
(ATA) or non-ATA mechanisms (Altwegg & stricted program.
Thierry, 2014). Integrins have been found to play an im-
TNF is one of the most important portant role in the pathogenesis of IBD. Inte-
pro-inflammatory cytokines in the pathogen- grins are adhesion molecules located on the
esis of IBD. All three anti-TNF agents bind to surface of leukocytes, which interact with
soluble and membrane-bound TNF. Their high selectins on the surface of the vascular en-
affinity binding prevents TNF from binding to dothelial cells, thereby allowing circulating
its TNF receptors (TNFr) present on the helper leukocytes to adhere to the vascular endo-
T cell type 1 (TH1) and on some, other innate thelium and then move through the blood
immune and nonimmune cells. In addition, vessel wall into the tissue. Natalizumab is
the binding of anti-TNF to membrane-bound a humanized IgG4 monoclonal antibody tar-
TNF induces reverse signaling, which sup- geted against the alpha-4 subunit of integ-
presses cytokine release. rins. It blocks interaction of integrins with
The most important adverse effect of selectin, thereby preventing leukocyte migra-
anti-TNF drugs is infection due to suppres- tion into surrounding tissue; in turn, this ef-
sion of the TH1 inflammatory response. This fect prevents IBD progression in the chronic
immunosuppression may allow serious infec- disease process.
tions to flourish, including bacterial sepsis, In initial clinical trials involving patients
tuberculosis, invasive fungal organisms, reac- with Crohn’s disease, natalizumab was
tivation of hepatitis B, listeriosis, and oppor- found to induce progressive multifocal leuko-
tunistic infections. Before starting anti-TNF encephalopathy (PML) due to reactivation of
therapy, all patients should have tuberculin a human polyomavirus in three patients re-
skin tests or interferon-gamma release assays ceiving other immunomodulators on a con-
to ensure that they will not experience pos- comitant basis (Yousry et al., 2006). After
sible reactivation of latent tuberculosis. For withdrawal from the market based on risk
262 CHAPTER 8  Pharmacology of the Gastrointestinal Tract

of PML, natalizumab was reintroduced in Drug–Drug Interactions

2008 under a restricted distribution program. Some aluminum-based antacids decrease
Under this program, patients with refractory the absorption of many medications; thus,
Crohn’s disease may consider natalizumab ursodiol’s effectiveness decreases when
a valuable alternative treatment (Chen, it is given with those antacids. Further-
­Kularatna, Stone, Gutierrez, & Dassopou- more, estrogen and clofibrate negate the
los, 2013). Other adverse effects may include effects of ursodiol, as these medications
acute infusion reactions and a small risk of increase hepatic secretion of cholesterol
opportunistic infections. (Felicilda-Reynaldo, 2012).
Drug–Drug Interactions
There are no known drug–drug interactions
This chapter discussed the medications indicated for a vari-
associated with anti-integrin therapy.
ety of GI conditions and disorders:

Bile Acid Therapy for Gallstones • To control gastric acidity, antacids, histamine
H2-receptor antagonists, PPIs, and mucosal-protective
Cholelithiasis, also known as obstruction by agents are prescribed.
• For stimulation of GI motility, cholinergic mimetic
gallstone formation, is one of the most com-
agents and dopamine D2-receptor blockers are used.
mon disorders in the gallbladder. Although • Opioid agonists, bismuth compounds, and octreotide
laparoscopic surgery has been widely per- are administered for treatment of diarrhea.
formed soon after diagnosis of this condition • A total of five classes of medications are used to manage
constipation: bulk-forming laxatives, stimulant laxatives,
in recent years, medical management of cho- stool softeners/surfactants, osmotic laxatives, and mis-
lelithiasis continues to be utilized in patients cellaneous laxatives. Three categories of medications—
who refuse cholecystectomy or who are poor anticholinergics, serotonin 5-HT receptor antagonists or
surgical candidates. There is one oral bile acid agonists, and chloride-channel activators—are used for
management of IBS.
dissolution agent available in this category: • 5-HT3 receptor antagonists, corticosteroids, neurokinin-1
ursodiol (Portincasa, Di Ciaula, Bonfrate, & receptor antagonists, dopamine-receptor antagonists,
Wang, 2012). antihistamines/anticholinergics, and cannabinoids are
used to manage nausea and vomiting resulting from dif-
After the discontinuation of the first oral
ferent causes.
gallstone dissolution therapy, chenodiol, due • Aminosalicylates, corticosteroids, and immunosuppres-
to the risks of liver toxicity and cardiovascu- sants are used for treatment of IBD.
lar disease, ursodiol became employed as an • Ursodiol is the only bile acid dissolution agent given for
treatment of gallstones.
oral bile acid dissolution agent. The mecha-
nism involved in ursodiol-induced dissolu-
Critical Thinking Questions
tion of cholesterol stones is quite complicated.
As this drug is a naturally existing bile
1. Which classes of medications are useful for
acid, the long-term daily administration of treating acid reflux by reducing acid secretion?
ursodiol expands the bile acid pool by 30%
2. Why would you discourage a patient from tak-
to 50%. However, the principal mechanism of ing antacids with ranitidine first thing in the
action of ursodiol is to decrease the choles- morning?
terol content of bile by reducing hepatic cho- 3. Which class of motility-stimulating drugs
lesterol secretion, and to stabilize hepatocyte might be a poor choice for a patient with
canalicular membranes. ­Parkinson disease? Why?
In general, ursodiol is clinically free of 4. Which medication class is contraindicated
severe adverse effects. Potential side effects in individuals with insulin resistance or
include abdominal pain, dyspepsia, nausea, ­diabetes? Why?
headache, and viral infection. In addition, bile 5. What supportive care is needed for patients
salt–induced diarrhea is the most common with either diarrhea or constipation?
adverse effect.
Case Studies 263


Case Scenario 1
Mrs. S. is a 48-year-old middle school teacher who has recently been waking up in the middle of
the night with abdominal pain. This happens a few nights a week. Mrs. S. just divorced her husband
and has three children, aged 8 to 17 years. After a history and physical examination were concluded,
Mrs. S. was scheduled for endoscopy and diagnosed with PUD. The analysis of a tissue sample
taken from the site further demonstrated the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection. Mrs. S. was
prescribed omeprazole, clarithromycin, and amoxicillin. The doctor also instructed her to schedule
an appointment for another endoscopy procedure in six months.

Need to Know
1. What are the main risk factors associated with the incidence of PUD in Mrs. S.?
2. What is the rationale to concurrently administer two antibiotics and an acid-reducing drug?
3. Why is it important for Mrs. S. to complete the full course of antibiotics?

Case Questions
1. Mrs. S. was diagnosed with PUD caused by H. pylori infection. Which prescriptions best fit her situation?
a. Omeprazole and clarithromycin
b. Omeprazole and amoxicillin
c. Omeprazole, clarithromycin, and amoxicillin
d. Omeprazole, ranitidine, and amoxicillin
2. After teaching the patient regarding her diagnosis and medications for PUD and H. pylori, which statement
demonstrates that further instruction is needed?
a. I have to take all my antibiotics and antiulcer drug.
b. I have to live a less stressful life with my diseases.
c. I know my two diseases are related to each other.
d. I can stop my antibiotics only when I have no heartburn.
3. A nurse preceptor wishes to explain the necessity of the combination of two antibiotics with a PPI to treat
PUD and H. pylori. Which statement is most appropriate?
a. A PPI is for PUD and antibiotics are for H. pylori.
b. Eradiation of H. pylori with antibiotics is important to allow for PUD healing with the PPI.
c. Antibiotics are for PUD and the PPI is for H. pylori.
d. The combination of antibiotics helps decrease antibiotic resistance.
264 CHAPTER 8  Pharmacology of the Gastrointestinal Tract


Case Scenario 2
Mr. J. is an 85-year-old retired policeman. He arrives at his primary physician’s office with complaint
of being “backed up” and claims he is having less than one bowel movement per week. During the
assessment, the nurse finds he has medical history of mild dementia, depression, and osteoarthritis
of the fingers, knee, and lower back. Mr. J. takes a cholinergic drug for dementia, OTC NSAID
medications and oxycodone for osteoarthritis, bisphosphonates with calcium for osteoporosis, and
a selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) for depression. He has been living independently
since his wife died three years ago. His daughter visits him once a month.

Need to Know
1. What are the most relevant factors possibly contributing to Mr. J.’s constipation?
2. What are some nonpharmacologic treatments to help his constipation?
3. What is the best choice among the various OTC laxatives the nurse might suggest?

Case Questions
1. What are the potential factors contributing to constipation? (Select all that apply.)
a. Aging
b. Dementia
c. Renal insufficiency
d. Depression
e. Aluminum-containing antacids
2. What are the nonpharmacologic methods to help relieve constipation? (Select all that apply.)
a. Increasing fiber intake
b. Decreasing fiber intake
c. Increasing fluid intake
d. Increasing iron intake
e. Increasing exercise

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Endocrine System Drugs

Karen Crowley, Cathi Bodine, Linda Tenofsky,

Ashley Pratt, and Sarah Nadarajah


Adrenal cortex Feedback loop Luteinizing hormone (LH) Sulfonylureas

Adrenal glands Follicle-stimulating Meglitinides Testes
Aldosterone hormone (FSH) Ovaries Thiazolidinediones
Aldosterone antagonists Glands Pancreas Thymosin
Biguanides Glucagon Parathyroid Thymus
Calcitonin Homeostasis Parathyroid hormone Thyroid
Cortisol Hormone (PTH) Thyroid-stimulating
Diabetes mellitus Hypothalamic–pituitary–­ Pineal body hormone (TSH)
Endocrine system adrenal axis Pituitary
Estrogen Insulin Progesterone


At the end of the chapter, the student will be able to: 4. Identify pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of medi-
cations used in treating endocrine disorders.
1. Identify six primary glands in the endocrine system.
5. Identify appropriate nursing interventions in caring for indi-
2. Describe four common conditions resulting from endocrine
viduals with endocrine disorders.
3. Identify medications used to treat endocrine disorders.

268 CHAPTER 9  Endocrine System Drugs

Introduction Disorders of the endocrine system

arise when there is a disruption in one of
The endocrine system is a complex body these feedback loops, or overproduction or
system composed of hormone-secreting ­suppression of a hormone. Medications used
glands including the hypothalamus, ante- to treat endocrine disorders are typically syn-
rior and posterior pituitary, pineal body, thetic versions of innate hormones; hormones
thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, adrenal from human, animal, or plant sources; or
glands, pancreas, and reproductive glands medications that suppress or increase release
(ovaries or testes). Hormones are chemi- of hormones.
cal messengers that are released into the This chapter reviews the ­principal glands of
blood and travel to target tissues and organs, the endocrine system, the ­hormones ­secreted
regulating many bodily functions including by them, and some of the ­medications com-
growth, metabolism, and sexual reproduc- monly administered for ­endocrine disorders.
tion. The purpose of many of these hormones
is maintaining homeostasis by means of Endocrine Glands
an array of negative and positive feedback
loops, and direct stimulation or inhibition of
and Their Hormones
the endocrine glands (FIGURE 9-1). An example No single gland in the endocrine system is
of a negative feedback loop is glucose regula- “most important” or “key”—but certainly
tion. After a person eats, blood glucose rises, some hormonal dysfunctions are easier to
signaling beta cells in the pancreas to secrete treat than others (BOX 9-1). As an example,
the hormone insulin. Insulin enhances the consider the hormones insulin, which is
conversion of glucose to glycogen, a form that secreted by the pancreas, and L-thyroxine
may be absorbed into cells, and blood glucose (T4), which is produced in the thyroid. Both
decreases. After blood glucose levels reach a insulin and T4 are essential to cellular metab-
normal range, the pancreas halts production olism, and the absence of either in the body
of insulin. would lead to death of the patient. Auto-
immune diseases attacking the two glands
Cortex that produce these hormones are relatively
common. Autoimmune hypothyroidism
Hypothalamus (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis) can be treated by
simply taking a tablet each day. In contrast,
autoimmune diabetes (type 1 diabetes mel-
hormones litus) requires an often complicated and diffi-
cult regimen of injecting two types of insulin
or the use of an insulin pump, along with
Anterior pituitary
lifestyle changes to reduce the likelihood of
short- or long-term complications. Does this
mean a person with type 1 diabetes is sicker
than a person with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis?
Not at all. Both disorders are dangerous,
Feedback inhibition Endocrine gland Feedback inhibition
even life threatening.
Because there is no obvious way to pri-
Circulating oritize the glands and hormones by import-
ance, necessity, or other ranking, the different
glands and their hormones will be described
Metabolic effects anatomically from a “head-to-toe fashion,”
FIGURE 9-1  Normal mechanisms controlling elaboration of tropic
that is, starting with the glands in the brain
hormones by the pituitary gland. and moving downward (FIGURE 9-2).
Endocrine Glands and Their Hormones 269

BOX 9-1  Hormones of the Hypothalamus

• Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH): Acts • Somatostatin: Acts on the anterior pituitary
on the anterior pituitary to trigger release to inhibit release of GH and TSH (is also
of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) ­secreted in the pancreas and intestine).
and prolactin. • Dopamine: Acts on the anterior pituitary to
• Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH): inhibit release of prolactin.
Acts on the anterior pituitary and repro-
Two other hormones—vasopressin and
ductive organs to stimulate release of
­ xytocin—are synthesized in the hypothalamus
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and
but travel to the posterior pituitary and are re-
­luteinizing hormone (LH).
leased from there. Vasopressin is a key hormone
• Growth hormone-releasing hormone
regulating water reabsorption in the kidney’s
(GHRH): Acts on the anterior pituitary
collecting ducts and, therefore, is responsi-
to stimulate release of growth
ble for regulating water loss and blood volume
hormone (GH).
(hence its alternate name, antidiuretic hormone
• Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH):
[ADH]). Oxytocin is a smooth muscle stimulant
Acts on the anterior pituitary to stimulate
that promotes uterine contraction in childbirth
release of adrenocorticotropic hormone
and is also a contributor to emotional bonding.




(most active
in children)

Ovaries (female)

Testes (male)

FIGURE 9-2  Human endocrine system.

Hypothalamus adrenal axis regulates almost every endocrine

The hypothalamus is located in the brain above function in the body (FIGURE 9-3). Thus, dysfunc-
the pituitary gland and produces ­hormones tion in the ability of the ­hypothalamus to
that start and stop the production of other secrete the hormones that activate other glands
hormones. The hypothalamic–­pituitary– can have significant s­ ystemic effects.
270 CHAPTER 9  Endocrine System Drugs

Hypothalamus controlled by the hypothalamus. Even so, the

TSH pituitary does have significant involvement in
multiple endocrine functions (FIGURE 9-4).
The pituitary gland releases stimulat-
ing hormones, which affect endocrine glands
TRβ throughout the body, regulating many hor-
mone processes.
• Anterior pituitary: Secretes hormones
that stimulate the adrenal glands (ACTH),
Regulation: ­thyroid (TSH), and gonads (FSH and LH).
+ Also produces GH and prolactin.
• Posterior pituitary: Stores and releases
hormones created in the hypothalamus
(vasopressin and oxytocin).
Pituitary dysfunction can manifest as
­ enign tumors or cysts that cause the gland to
produce either too much or too little of one
or more hormones. Inflammatory disease,
T4 T3
­autoimmune disease, or malignancy may also
be sources of pituitary dysfunction. Treatment
of tumors is usually surgical, especially if a
Skeletal tumor’s presence threatens the optic nerve;
Liver Auditory Brain Bone Heart
TRβ TRβ TRα1 TRα1 TRα1
TRα1 TRα1
in some instances, medications are used to
shrink the tumor prior to surgery. Removal of
TRH = Thyrotropin-releasing hormone tumors can lead to a permanent hormone im-
TSH = Thyroid stimulating hormone balance that is then treated with hormone re-
TRβ = Thyroid hormone receptor beta
TRα1 = Thyroid hormone receptor alpha placement; similarly, autoimmune and other
FIGURE 9-3  Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Thyroid (HPT) Axis.
disorders that reduce hormone levels are
treated with hormone replacement. When
excess hormone is produced by a tumor that
cannot be removed, treatment consists of
Activity in other glands triggers the medications to suppress hormone release
r­ elease of hormones by the hypothalamus. or function.
Conditions affecting hypothalamic hormone It is important to recognize that ­excess
release—whether directly, via damage to the ­pituitary hormones can contribute to an
hypothalamus in such a way that it cannot ­array of dysfunctions. Excess GH, for
or does not release one or more hormones, ­example, can lead to hypertension, diabetes,
or indirectly, via failure of the feedback loop heart or kidney failure, or heart enlargement
to signal the hypothalamus that these trig- if left untreated.
gering hormones are needed—can result in
a c­ ascade of physiological problems down- Pineal Gland
stream from the hypothalamus. Also called the pineal body, the small pineal
gland is located above and behind the pitu-
Pituitary itary gland. It secretes melatonin in response
There is a popular conception of the pituitary to darkness and light, and helps regulate
gland as the “master gland,” but that is a bit the body’s daily biological clock (circadian
misleading, given how much of its function is rhythm) and sleep/wake cycles (McDowell,
Endocrine Glands and Their Hormones 271

Hypothalamic hormones
Hypothalamus Anterior pituitary hormones
neurons of the

Arterial Capillaries
Pituitary gland inflow Vein
Anterior Capillaries in system
pituitary anterior pituitary
A Posterior
Venous outflow pituitary

FSH = follicle-stimulating hormone B

hormone (TSH)
(ACTH) Growth
Thyroid Prolactin (GH)
(PRL) Antidiuretic
Gonadotropins (ADH)
(FSH and LH)

Adrenal cortex

Kidney Smooth muscle

Mammary Ovaries, testes of uterus
glands tubules
Bone, tissues

FIGURE 9-4  The pituitary gland. (A) A cross-section of the brain showing the location of the pituitary and hypothalamus.
(B) The structure of the pituitary gland. Releasing and inhibiting hormones travel via the portal system from the
hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary, where they affect hormone secretion.

2011). The effects of this hormone on other which affect all organs, cellular metabolism,
systems are unclear, but it appears to have an and assist in controlling functions such as
inhibitory effect on reproductive hormones heart rate, blood pressure, and muscle tone
such as FSH and LH, as well as a variety of (Kemp, n.d.). Release of T3 and T4 is con-
­effects on mood regulation. trolled by thyroid-stimulating ­hormone
(TSH) through a negative feedback loop
Thyroid to the a­ nterior pituitary gland. T3 is the
The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped most m ­ etabolically active form of thyroid
gland located in the front, lower part of ­hormone, and T4 is most often a precursor
the neck. It releases the hormones L-­ to it that is changed into T3 by the activity of
triiodothyronine (T3) and L-thyroxine (T4), any of three deiodinase enzymes (enzymes
272 CHAPTER 9  Endocrine System Drugs

that remove an iodine from T4). The thyroid disease in which the thyroid is stimulated
also produces c­ alcitonin to inhibit osteo- by autoantibodies to produce excess thyroid
clast activity and f­ ormation, thus suppressing hormones. Hyperthyroidism is treated with
­resorption of bone. thyroid-suppressing medications, or complete
The most common disorder of the thyroid or partial surgical removal of the thyroid gland.
is hypothyroidism, which generally manifests
as a decrease in the amount of circulating T4. Parathyroid
Causes of hypothyroidism include: The parathyroid gland comprises two small
pairs of glands embedded in the back of the
• Inability of the hypothalamus to produce
thyroid gland. They secrete parathyroid hor-
­thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)
mone (PTH), which helps regulate calcium
• Inability of the pituitary to produce ad-
absorption and release in the blood and bones
equate TSH in response to TRH
(Kemp, n.d.). PTH is produced in response to
• Inability of the thyroid to produce T4 in re-
low calcium levels; thus, excessive produc-
sponse to TSH, which itself can result from:
tion of PTH (hyperparathyroidism) may be
• Lack of iodide in the diet (nutritional
harmful to bones, as calcium is drawn from
bone (and teeth) stores in response to the el-
• Autoimmune attack on the thyroid
evated levels. Hyperparathyroidism may also
(Hashimoto’s thyroiditis)
play a role in cardiac conditions, as PTH has
• Congenital disease
known inhibitory effects on certain calcium
• Iatrogenic causes (e.g., medications that
channels in heart muscle (Schlüter & Piper,
suppress thyroid function or interfere
1998). The opposite condition, hypoparathy-
with feedback mechanisms)
roidism, is less common and usually occurs
It is less common for hypothyroidism to due to nutritional deficiencies (e.g., low blood
result from a lack of T3, but occasionally this magnesium levels), metabolic alkalosis, injury
does occur; T3 is generally produced ­outside to the parathyroid gland (occasionally due to
the thyroid by the interaction of T4 with surgery or radioactive iodine treatment for
­deiodinase enzymes, which can become sup- Graves’ disease), or unusual congenital condi-
pressed in instances of selenium deficiency tions such as DiGeorge syndrome.
(Pedersen et al., 2013). Selenium is a com-
ponent of the amino acid selenocysteine, Thymus
which is part of each of the T4 diodinases. The thymus gland is located in the upper
Medication protocols for hypothyroidism chest behind the sternum and plays a role in
vary depending on the cause of this imbal- immune function. It produces the hormone
ance. In nutritional syndromes, the obvious thymosin and is most active during child-
therapeutic intervention is supplemental nu- hood; it atrophies after adolescence. Lym-
trients or dietary changes to include foods phocytes passing through the thymus are
containing the needed elements (e.g., iodide, stimulated by thymosin to become T lympho-
­selenium). For most other causes localized to cytes or T-cells (Blakemore & Jennett, 2001).
the thyroid gland, the treatment is thyroid Disorders affecting the thymus, therefore,
­replacement therapy with synthetic thyroxine relate to the ability of the body to cope with
(levothyroxine). If the cause of the defect is disease via cell-mediated immunity (e.g., ac-
upstream from the thyroid in either the pitu- tivation of pathogen-destroying phagocytes
itary or the hypothalamus, treatment involves and natural killer cells).
addressing the source of the excess or inade-
quacy in the triggering hormones. Pancreas
Much less common is hyperthyroid- The pancreas is located behind the stom-
ism due to Graves’ disease, an autoimmune ach and has both endocrine and exocrine
Endocrine Glands and Their Hormones 273

functions. For its endocrine functions, this nonexistent function in the pancreatic beta
gland secretes hormones directly into the cells that secrete insulin, in such a way that
blood. Examples include the hormones insufficient insulin circulates to meet the
­insulin and glucagon, which help regulate body’s needs, or (2) cellular resistance to in-
blood glucose. For its exocrine functions, sulin, so that cells’ ability to utilize insulin
the ­pancreas uses a duct system to secrete for glucose transfer is impaired even when
hormones, which are used outside, or on adequate insulin is available. The under-
the ­surface of, the body (sweat and salivary lying causes of these two problems can vary
glands are examples). Additional exocrine widely. In both circumstances, blood glucose
function includes secretion of enzymes that ­levels rise above normal levels (hypergly-
aid in digestion. cemia), which can result in both short- and
One of the most common endocrine dis- long-term health complications. Treatment of
eases in the developed world—with fast-rising diabetes depends on which of the two issues
incidence in developing countries—is diabe- is ­causing hyperglycemia (discussed later in
tes mellitus, which is a disorder of glucose this chapter).
metabolism (FIGURE 9-5). Insulin is produced
by the beta cells in the pancreas in response Adrenal Glands
to elevated blood glucose; the body cannot The adrenal glands sit atop each kidney.
use glucose without insulin. Insulin binds to Each adrenal gland has two parts: the
cell-surface receptors and creates a pathway ­adrenal ­cortex (outer part) and the adre-
for glucose transporter proteins to move glu- nal medulla (inner part). The adrenal cortex
cose from the bloodstream into the cell. Insu- releases ­corticosteroids (glucocorticoids and
lin also enhances the conversion of glucose to mineralocorticoids), which help regulate
glycogen in the liver and decreases the rate metabolism, immune function, sexual func-
of protein to glucose conversion, all to tion, and the balance of sodium and water.
­decrease hyperglycemia. The adrenal medulla releases catecholamines
Although several types of diabetes exist (epinephrine and norepinephrine), which
(see BOX 9-2), there are only two physiological increase heart rate and blood pressure in
processes that lead to diabetes: (1) poor or response to physical and emotional cues.
Dysfunction in adrenal hormone produc-
tion can create catastrophic metabolic imbal-
Raises High ances, including hypercortisolism (Cushing
blood blood disease), hyperaldosteronism (Conn disease),
sugar sugar
and hypoadrenalism (adrenal insufficiency or
Promotes Addison’s disease). In cases of excess adrenal
Liver insulin
Glucagon release hormone production, these conditions are
Glucose Stimulates breakdown
often related to a tumor on the adrenal glands
of glycogen that produces exogenous hormones (e.g.,
Stimulates formation cortisol or a­ ldosterone) or a tumor in the
of glycogen Pancreas
pituitary that produces excess ACTH, stimu-
lating the adrenal glands to produce excess
Stimulates glucose cortisol, resulting in hypercortisolism. In cases
uptake from blood Promotes
glucagon of inadequate adrenal hormone production,
Tissue cells release
(muscle, kidney, fat) the cause is usually related to an injury or in-
Lowers blood
fection affecting the adrenal glands or, more
blood sugar commonly, the pituitary. Treatment depends
on the type of dysfunction and the source of
FIGURE 9-5  Glucose metabolism. the deficiency or excess.
274 CHAPTER 9  Endocrine System Drugs

BOX 9-2  Types of Diabetes Mellitus

Type 1 Diabetes birth as a result of excess glucose availabil-
Cause: Reduction or absence of insulin secretion in the ity. Typical treatment includes blood glucose
pancreas. monitoring, ­dietary changes, exercise ­(unless
Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is usually ­contraindicated), weight gain limitations,
caused by autoimmune attack against the and, if indicated, cesarean delivery to prevent
­pancreatic beta cells but can also be caused by ­complications at birth. Insulin is used if other
injury to the pancreas, or failure of beta cells. strategies are inadequate. There is a growing
It is unknown what triggers the autoimmune body of data that supports oral hypoglycemic
attack, although many patients have relatives medications (metformin and glyburide) as
with other autoimmune diseases (e.g., auto- ­suitable alternatives to insulin within specific
immune thyroiditis or rheumatoid ­arthritis). parameters (e.g., women past the first trimester
The sole method of treating T1DM is insulin who refuse—or cannot use—insulin and have
­replacement therapy. not achieved satisfactory ­glycemic control ­after
a trial of medical nutrition therapy) (Kalra,
Type 2 Diabetes Gupta, Singla, & Kalra, 2015).
Cause: Insensitivity of cells to insulin signaling. Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is the most Cause: Autoimmune attack on beta cells leading to
common manifestation form of diabetes, with ­reduction in insulin production.
90% or more of all patients with diabetes Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA)
­falling into this category. Except in cases where involves a similar disease p ­ rocess as T1DM.
there is a known causative factor—diabetes ­Instead of the rapid onset that ­frequently
related to other endocrine disorders such as characterizes T1DM, however, this vari-
Cushing disease or polycystic ovary syndrome ant develops relatively slowly, with patients
(PCOS), or due to medications such as corti- maintaining at least some endogenous insu-
costeroids—T2DM is a disease that develops lin production for a period of months, years,
from the interplay of genetic predisposition or even decades. Because the disorder is
with long-term environmental factors, specif- poorly understood and frequently misdiag-
ically sedentary lifestyle and being overweight/ nosed (usually as T2DM), treatment proto-
obese. T2DM is treated with combinations of cols for LADA have not been established; one
lifestyle therapies (e.g., exercise and dietary recommendation includes combining immu-
changes to promote weight loss and ­improve nomodulatory therapy to ­preserve beta-cell
insulin sensitivity), medications (hypoglyce- function and h ­ ypoglycemic medications to
mic agents), hormone therapy (insulin), and, ­reduce blood sugar levels (­ Cernea, Buzzetti, &
in some instances, bariatric surgery, which has Pozzilli, 2009).
been shown to both rapidly reduce weight in
obese individuals and significantly alter insulin Monogenic Diabetes
metabolism. Cause: Genetic mutation that causes beta cells to fail
to produce insulin.
Gestational Diabetes There are two main forms of this rare condi-
Cause: Insensitivity of cells to insulin signaling ­during tion: neonatal diabetes mellitus (NDM) and
pregnancy. maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY),
Gestational diabetes (GDM) occurs when the which is usually identified in adolescence or
normal insulin resistance that occurs in preg- young adulthood. In some cases, no treatment
nancy becomes excessive and leads to hyper- other than lifestyle modifications (e.g., low-
glycemia in the mother, and if uncontrolled, carbohydrate diet, regular exercise) is needed
rapid growth and high birth weight in the in- to avoid hyperglycemia. In others, the patient
fant. Both mother and infant are at risk of de- requires a regimen similar to that followed by
veloping T2DM later in life if GDM ­develops individuals with T1DM or LADA. Correct diag-
and is not controlled; in addition, both are at nosis of the condition is generally the greatest
risk of complications during pregnancy and obstacle to appropriate therapy.
Treating Endocrine Conditions 275

Reproductive Glands actions: (1) in case of excess, e­ liminate the

The reproductive glands produce sex hor- source of the overproduction (often through
mones that influence the development of surgery or a medication that suppresses the
male and female characteristics and reproduc- gland’s activity), or (2) in case of deficiency,
tive function. In females, there are two ova- administer synthetic or n ­ atural hormones to
ries located in the pelvis on either side of the replace what is missing. That said, some endo-
uterus. Two hormones collectively referred crine conditions are c­ ommon, complicated, or
to as gonadotropins, follicle-stimulating both, warranting a closer look:
hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone • Diabetes mellitus, which is a relatively
(LH), are released from the anterior pituitary. widespread condition affecting millions of
In women, these hormones stimulate the people that results from a dysfunction of
ovaries to produce and secrete estrogen and insulin production or metabolism
progesterone, which regulate the menstrual • Thyroid disorders, which are likewise
cycle, egg production, functions of pregnancy, fairly common and involve dysfunctions
and breast growth. In men, the testes are of thyroid hormone production
stimulated by FSH and LH to secrete andro- • PCOS, a common disorder in women that
gens (e.g., testosterone), which influences is caused by excess androgens
production of sperm (Pardue et al., 2017) • Adrenal dysfunction, which is somewhat
and signs of reproductive maturation, such as less common but which has significant
­facial and pubic hair (Rey, Campo, Ropelato, & implications for the patient’s long-term
Bergadá, 2016). well-being, and, as noted earlier, is often
Many conditions of the reproductive related to neoplasms
glands are caused by inappropriate l­evels
of gonadotropins, many of which relate to Diabetes Mellitus
­sexual maturation in adolescence or f­ ertility. Diabetes mellitus occurs when the pan-
Some of these conditions are c­ ongenital (e.g., creas does not secrete insulin (type 1,
Turner syndrome) and relatively ­uncommon. LADA, or monogenetic types), or when
Others, such as PCOS ­(polycystic ovary cells are i­nsulin resistant and unable to util-
­syndrome) and symptomatic menopause, ize circulating insulin (type 2 or GDM).
­occur frequently, although their causes are Treatment may i­nclude oral or injectable
not known. With PCOS, a suite of other hypoglycemic drugs (­ including insulin), or
­endocrine abnormalities often co-occur— both. Oral hypoglycemic medications and
most notably, insulin resistance and diabetes. insulin are available as many preparations
With menopause, the decrease in reproduc- and brands, all with the goal of normal-
tive hormones is a normal part of a w ­ oman’s izing blood glucose l­evels in people with
life cycle, but the presence and severity of diabetes. All p­ atients will need to take cer-
­associated symptoms depends on a variety of tain steps to guard against h ­ ypoglycemia or
genetic, physiological, and lifestyle factors. ­hyperglycemia (see BOX 9-3).
Treatment varies depending on the c­ ondition
and cause of the problem, with hormone Insulin
­replacement being used for some deficiency Until the last century there was no effective
syndromes and other therapies are applied as treatment for diabetes, particularly T1DM,
needed (e.g., metformin therapy in PCOS). which was inevitably fatal. The identification
of insulin in 1921 led to the development of
Treating Endocrine Conditions synthetic insulins used as the primary treat-
The general strategy for dealing with hormone ment of T1DM and as an adjunct therapy in
excess or deficiency is one of two obvious some patients with T2DM and GDM.
276 CHAPTER 9  Endocrine System Drugs

BOX 9-3  Nursing Interventions in Diabetes

• Teach patients how to test blood sugar • Instruct patients to carry a source of sugar
­levels and urine for ketones. in case of hypoglycemic events.
• Teach appropriate insulin administration • Instruct patients on the need for medical
(timing, injection site rotation). alert identification.
• Instruct patients on signs and symptoms
of hypoglycemia.

Best Practices Insulin comes in many formula- Insulin lack

tions with differing durations of ac-
At present, regular tion; it may be ultra-short acting,
insulin is the only Impaired utilization
form of insulin that
short-acting, intermediate-acting, or of glucose
can be delivered long-acting, and patients may use
intravenously. one or a combination of forms. How
quickly and for how long a type of
Accumulation of
insulin will work depends on the ar- glucose in blood
Catabolism of fat

rangement of amino acids in the molecule of

the particular formulation.
Elevated blood Overproduction
The search continues for alternative glucose of ketone bodies
methods of insulin delivery. Gastrointestinal
(GI) enzymes destroy insulin, making an oral
dosage form impractical. In 2006, the Food
Urinary loss Urinary loss of Metabolic
and Drug Administration (FDA) approved an of glucose ketone bodies acidosis
inhaled formulation of insulin, but it was
removed from the market a year later be-
cause it was not popular with patients or Loss of water
care providers, and there was concern about and electrolytes

possible links to lung problems. Although re-

FIGURE 9-6  Major metabolic derangements in type 1 diabetes
search has sought a more convenient form mellitus.
of administration for insulin, with oral or
nasal spray forms being the methods investi-
gated most intensely, at present insulin can growth spurts (in children) or pregnancy
be ­delivered only by subcutaneous injection (in adult women). Therefore, intravenous
or intravenously. ­delivery is used only in emergencies, when
Lack of insulin leads to a fairly predict- the patient develops a hyperglycemic cri-
able set of metabolic derangements culmi- sis or ketoacidosis. Otherwise, insulin is
nating in diabetic ketoacidosis (FIGURE 9-6), self-delivered, either by intermittent subcu-
which, if not treated promptly, can lead taneous injection or by continuous infusion
to coma and death. Patients with diabetes pump. Nurses should note that ketoacido-
who no longer produce endogenous insu- sis may occur in patients with T2DM, albeit
lin, as well as those who are severely insu- less frequently than T1DM.
lin ­resistant, require insulin or risk
developing severe complications from this Nursing Process
life-­threatening condition; however, Assess
insulin needs change from day to day de- An HbA1c test is performed at intervals of
pending on activity levels, dietary intake, 3 months or more to assess blood glucose
diet composition, and other factors such as control. Test results are given as a percentage
Treating Endocrine Conditions 277

of glycosylated hemoglobin, representing a complications but at higher risk of Best Practices

measure of average blood glucose over the ­hypoglycemic events (Skyler, 2004).
past 3 months (TABLE 9-1). In adult patients, an Patients who complain of The idea that
­ketoacidosis occurs
HbA1c result of 5.5–6.0 is ideal. In children ­symptoms consistent with ­diabetic
only in patients with
younger than 10 years with T1DM, the ­ketoacidosis, or who present with a T1DM is not accur-
desired level may be somewhat higher for two significant infection, should be tested ate. Patients with
reasons: (1) pediatric patients have frequent for ketones with urinalysis first, T2DM may present
influxes of GH, which promotes insulin resist- ­followed by blood tests, and referred with this condition,
albeit less frequently.
ance and therefore elevates overall blood glu- for immediate treatment if positive
All patients with
cose levels; and (2) target ranges (particularly (see BOX 9-4). Individuals at the great- very high blood
in very young patients) tend to be set higher est risk include those with T1DM glucose and symp-
to alleviate concerns about hypoglycemia im- who use an insulin pump, ­because toms consistent with
pacting brain development. A large, random- pump failures can contribute to the ketoacidosis should
be assessed for this
ized trial of “tight control” in patients with lack of insulin flow. ­ life-threatening
T1DM found that those whose HbA1c results Dosing and frequency of insulin condition.
were consistently greater than 8% were at administration are usually based on
risk of long-term complications, such as neu- blood glucose test results, diet, and
ropathy, kidney failure, and cardiovascular expected exercise. Most patients with dia-
disease, while patients with better glycemic betes are instructed by a specialist or a certi-
control were at much lower risk for these fied diabetes educator (CDE) in how to check

TABLE 9-1 HbA1c Reading Correlated to Average Blood Glucose Level for the Prior Three Months

Average Blood
HbA1c Glucose, Prior
Reading Three Months In Comparison to Normal Levels (Nursing Action)

4.5 83 Subnormal (Assess for frequent hypoglycemic events and hypoglycemia unawareness; consider
reducing insulin dosage.)

5.0 101 Low end of normal range (Assess for hypoglycemic events and hypoglycemia unawareness;
consider adjusting insulin dosage.)

5.5 118 Normal (Provide patient with positive reinforcement: “Keep doing what you’re doing!”)

6.0 136 Normal (Provide patient with positive reinforcement: “Keep doing what you’re doing!”)

6.5 154 High end of normal (Provide patient with positive reinforcement but suggest strategies to avoid
high blood glucose levels and set goals for slight reduction in HbA1c level.)

7.0 172 High (Assess for patterns of hyperglycemia and suggest strategies for avoiding high blood
glucose levels; consider adjusting insulin regimen.)

7.5 190 High (Assess for patterns of hyperglycemia and suggest strategies for avoiding high blood
glucose levels; consider adjusting insulin regimen.)

8.0–10 207–279 Excessive (Assess for patterns of hyperglycemia; suggest strategies for reducing high blood
glucose levels; initiate more frequent blood glucose testing; consider adjusting insulin regimen;
consider nutritional counseling and low-carbohydrate diet.)

>10 >279 Critical (Usually seen in the context of new diagnosis; counsel patient on strategies for blood
glucose control. In established patient with levels greater than 10, counseling with a CDE or
LICSW with expertise in diabetes issues may be required. Assess for mental health status and
social issues preventing access to supplies or medication.)

Conversion: HbA1c = (Plasma blood glucose + 77.3)/35.6

Plasma blood glucose = (HbA1c × 35.6) – 77.3
Data from Rohlfing, C.L., Wiedmeyer, H.M., Little, R.R., England, J.D., Tennill, A., & Goldstein, D.E. (2002). Defining the relationship between plasma glucose
and HbA1c: Analysis of glucose profiles and HbA1c in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. Diabetes Care, 25, 275–278.
278 CHAPTER 9  Endocrine System Drugs

BOX 9-4  Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Common Symptoms • Blood test then measures beta-
• Decreased alertness hydroxybutyrate
• Deep, rapid breathing Other tests for ketoacidosis include:
• Dry skin and mouth
• Arterial blood gas
• Flushed face
• Basic metabolic panel
• Frequent urination or thirst that lasts for
• Blood glucose test
a day or more
• Blood pressure measurement
• Fruity-smelling breath
• Headache Ketoacidosis may affect the results of the
• Muscle stiffness or aches following tests:
• Nausea and vomiting • CO2
• Stomach pain • Magnesium blood test
• Phosphorus blood test
Exams and Tests • Sodium blood test
Ketone testing of urine or blood may be used in • Urine pH
type 1 diabetes to screen for early ketoacidosis. Reproduced from National Institutes of Health/MedLine
Ketone testing is usually done: Plus. (2013). Diabetic ketoacidosis. Available at http://
• If an initial urine test is positive for ketones (accessed December 18, 2017).

their own blood sugar levels and how Patient Education

Best Practices
to adjust their insulin dose, to avoid Patients may need education regarding the
Adolescent patients hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia. As- pharmacodynamics of their specific insulin
on insulin, particu-
sessment should include a review of brand(s). Onset time, peak effect, and dur-
larly females, may
be noncompliant the patient’s blood glucose logs to ation of action can all affect how the patient
with their regimen identify patterns of hypoglycemia or responds, particularly when using more than
in an attempt to lose hyperglycemia that might warrant one type of insulin. Meals, exercise, and
weight. Elevated follow-up with a specialist or CDE. blood glucose monitoring must be coordin-
HbA1c and body
image issues in
Nurses should ask how ­frequently ated with insulin administration to avoid
adolescents suggest patients are testing glucose levels adverse effects. For example, a patient who
a possible eating dis- and whether there are any obstacles typically goes for a walk in the mornings after
order (bulimia) and to obtaining needed supplies such breakfast must be educated to either eat more
require follow-up.
as test strips, insulin, or ­syringes/ food or use less insulin, should he or she de-
pump supplies. Insurance limitations cide to take up jogging, as the added exertion
may restrict some patients (usually those with will increase the efficiency of glucose transfer
T2DM) to a small number (two or fewer) in the body, which means the insulin will
of test strips per day, which may hinder the clear more glucose out of the blood and into
­patient’s ability to perform adequate testing to the cells. Particularly for patients with T2DM,
manage blood glucose. Resources for obtain- the understanding of how exercise affects
ing free or reduced-cost supplies are available insulin metabolism can be critical toward im-
through the American Diabetes ­Association, proving their effective use of the medication
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, (and potentially enabling them to avoid the
­Diabetes Hands Foundation, Children with need to use it). Teaching the value of weight
Diabetes, and many other organizations loss for improving blood glucose control is
geared toward educating and assisting people important for overweight or obese patients
with diabetes. with T2DM who use insulin, but understand
Treating Endocrine Conditions 279

that weight loss for patients with diabetes is medications. It is not unusual for blood
frequently a source of emotional distress and ­glucose levels to rise to in excess of 350 mg/dL
frustration particularly because insulin use in response to a dose of prednisone, and the
often leads to weight gain at first. Initially, it insulin resistance that accompanies the drug
may be more helpful to stress exercise and can defeat efforts to reduce blood glucose
healthy eating for blood glucose control, and ­levels, even with high doses of insulin, until
provide positive reinforcement and additional the drug is discontinued. Most physicians
education on weight loss when it occurs (as it hesitate to prescribe such drugs to patients
will, in compliant patients who exercise and with diabetes—and with good ­reason—but
eat a healthy diet). in some situations, there are no appropriate
Regardless of which type of diabetes the ­alternatives. Ideally, doses of insulin and/or
patient has, it is important to teach patients ­hypoglycemic medications will be temporar-
who are using insulin about which fac- ily adjusted to compensate for the duration of
tors put them at risk for hypoglycemia and the steroid use.
how to watch for signs and symptoms of
hypoglycemia (see BOX 9-5). Early interven- Oral and Injectable Hypoglycemic Medications
tion can help prevent serious adverse out- Hypoglycemic medications may be used when
comes. Patients at risk of ketoacidosis (those the pancreas secretes some insulin, but not
with T1DM, pregnant patients, and patients enough to meet the body’s needs (often the
with T2DM combined with severe insulin case in LADA or MODY), or when the body
resistance or who present with an infec- is unable to utilize the insulin that is pres-
tion) should be advised of the warning signs ent due to insulin resistance. Almost all such
of ketoacidosis and of the need to go to an medications are used as single agents in com-
emergency department for treatment with bination with diet and exercise when treating
intravenous insulin and fluids promptly if diabetes, and it has been suggested that more
this imbalance is suspected. aggressive intervention can prove beneficial
Another important teaching point for pa- if combinations of medications are tailored to
tients with diabetes of any type is the effects the patient (Inzucchi et al., 2012; Moon et al.,
of corticosteroid drugs on blood glucose lev- 2017). There are several categories of hypo-
els. Particularly in patients with co-occurring glycemic drugs: insulin secretagogues, insu-
conditions such as asthma or severe aller- lin sensitizers, α-glucosidase inhibitors, and
gies who may use corticosteroids such as glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1) agonists.
prednisone on a repeated basis, it is es- Most are well absorbed through the GI tract
sential to make them aware that hypergly- and are administered in oral form, although
cemia, often severe, is a side effect of such some are given by injection.

BOX 9-5  Hypoglycemia Basics

Signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia may Risk factors for hypoglycemia include the
include the following: following:
• Confusion • Too much medicine (insulin or oral
• Double or blurred vision hypoglycemic)
• Shakiness • Not enough food
• Weakness • Too much exercise/activity/stress
• Dizziness
• Sweating
• Hunger
280 CHAPTER 9  Endocrine System Drugs

Insulin Secretagogues to treat T2DM; first-generation sulfonyl-

Insulin secretagogues are drugs that stimulate urea medications include tolbutamide,
the beta cells in the pancreas to make more chlorpropamide, and tolazamide, while
insulin, effectively enabling it to overpower newer drugs in this class include glipizide,
cellular insulin resistance. The pancreas must which is shorter acting; and glyburide,
have functioning beta cells for secretagogues glibenclamide, andgimepride, which are
to be effective, so these agents are used pri- longer acting. Both sulfonylureas and meg-
marily in T2DM and LADA, but not in T1DM. litinides inhibit adenosine triphosphate-sen-
Some of these drugs may also be used in sitive potassium channels of the beta cell
GDM if they do not cross the placental bar- membrane (see ­FIGURE 9-7), thereby increas-
rier; those that do cross this barrier carry the ing intracellular calcium levels and promot-
risk of stimulating harmful insulin production ing release of insulin’s precursor to raise
in the developing fetus. Common adverse ef- insulin levels (Coustan, 2007; Landgraf,
fects are related to hypoglycemia, which is 2000). Secondary effects include suppres-
usually the effect of too much medication or sion of glucose release and insulin clear-
inadequate carbohydrate intake. ance in the liver and decrease in lipolysis. Of
This class of drugs is primarily com- these drugs, only glyburide has been con-
posed of sulfonylureas and meglitinides. clusively shown to cross the placental bar-
Meglitinides include nateglinide rier to a small extent or not at all; the others
­and repaglinide. Sulfonylureas were either cross the placental barrier to a de-
some of the first oral medications used gree that has the potential to harm the fetus


Glucose vesicles


P Glucose-6-Phosphate

krebs ATP/ADP
Ca2+ Ca2+
cycle ratio

Voltage sensitive
Mitochondria ATP
calcium channel

Pancreas β (Beta) cell ATP K+
potassium channel

FIGURE 9-7  How sulfonylureas and meglitinides inhibit potassium channels of the beta cell membrane.
Treating Endocrine Conditions 281

(Shepherd, Brook, Chakera, & ­Hattersley, postprandial glycemic rises and as a result
2017) or data are unclear about placental can be used for both T1DM and T2DM in
transfer (Simmons, 2015). ­patients in whom hyperglycemia is the pri-
mary concern. Use of these medications can
Insulin Sensitizers reduce insulin usage in patients administering
Insulin-sensitizing agents do exactly what insulin and, more importantly, limit glycosyl-
their name implies: They cause the body to ation of hemoglobin. Therefore, HbA1c levels
need less insulin and to use available insulin are reduced (Bischoff, 1994). These medica-
more effectively in patients who are insulin tions should not be used in individuals who
resistant. Biguanides are currently repre- are prone to hypoglycemia.
sented by one drug, metformin, and thia-
Incretin Mimetics
zolidinediones by pioglitazone. A second
thiazolidinedione, rosiglitazone, has limited Incretins are hormones secreted by the in-
exposure due to FDA concerns about associ- testine in response to food passing through
ated cardiovascular risks (Hiatt, Kaul, & Smith, that part of the GI tract. The two main incre-
2013). These two hypoglycemic subgroups act tins are glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and
differently from sulfonylureas in that instead glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide
of causing more insulin to be released, they (GIP). Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) func-
block glucose from entering the blood by de- tions in a way that is beneficial for patients
creasing glucose production from the liver and with diabetes: It promotes insulin release
reducing glucose absorption in the intestines. in the pancreas, slows glucose absorption
They also increase insulin sensitivity, allowing in the gut, and suppresses release of gluca-
for improved glucose uptake. This lowers basal gon, a pancreatic hormone that elevates the
and postprandial blood glucose levels in pa- release of glucose by the liver. A synthetic
tients with T2DM. Because insulin sensitizers incretin, exenatide, mimics natural GLP-1
do not increase insulin levels within the body, to produce these actions, resulting in lower
patients taking such medications have a lower overall glucose levels, particularly the post-
risk of hypoglycemia than patients taking prandial blood glucose peaks. This agent is
sulfonylureas. Both biguanides and thiazoli- also an appetite suppressant, which helps
dinediones are effective in controlling blood patients achieve weight loss. However, the
glucose, but metformin has a superior safety drug is available only in injectable form and
profile; for this reason, metformin formula- must be injected 1 hour before eating; both
tions are frequently part of the first-line treat- the delivery form and the inconvenient tim-
ment of T2DM, along with diet and exercise, ing are factors that may discourage some
while pioglitazone is used in those patients patients from using exenatide. It carries a
who do not respond well to metformin. risk of hypoglycemia due to its dual activity
in promoting insulin secretion while reducing
a-Glucosidase Inhibitors glucose uptake.
α-Glucosidase is an enzyme neces-
sary for glycogen-to-glucose degradation. Nursing Process
α-Glucosidase inhibitors, like insulin sensitiz- Assess
ers, block absorption of glucose in the diges- Patients should be assessed for contraindica-
tive tract by reversibly binding to pancreatic tions to hypoglycemic drug use. In patients
α-amylase and intestinal α-glucosidase to with T1DM and patients who are prone to
reduce insulin requirements. The two medi- hypoglycemia, agents that are associated with
cations in this class that are currently avail- hypoglycemia as a side effect should not be
able in the United States are acarbose and used. In the case of metformin, contraindi-
miglitol. They are taken with meals to limit cations include renal or hepatic impairment
282 CHAPTER 9  Endocrine System Drugs

or any condition with increased risk of lac- aligning care with the Chronic Care Model,
tic acid production (liver disease, severe and supporting team-based care with com-
­infection, excessive alcohol intake, shock, munity involvement (ADA, 2016).
and hypoxemia). Education of patients regarding medica-
Pregnancy, whether in a patient previ- tion actions and effects is crucial. It is espe-
ously diagnosed with T1DM/T2DM or a pa- cially important to inform patients that most
tient who is at significant risk of GDM, is of these medications—but particularly those
typically regarded as a contraindication that block glucose absorption—must be taken
to most hypoglycemic medications unless in conjunction with a meal and to offer ad-
there are significant overriding factors. This vice on the importance of timing the medi-
is because many of the newer drugs lack cation correctly. Failure to eat after a dose of
information concerning their effects on a de- any such medication carries a risk of hypogly-
veloping fetus, and most are considered to cemia, which can be traumatic to the patient
carry some risk. There is no evidence of fe- even if no actual lasting harm occurs.
tal toxicity in either animal or human stud- As with patients who use insulin, the
ies regarding metformin use. Although the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia and,
drug’s long-term impact on the fetus is un- where applicable, ketoacidosis should be re-
known, there is no convincing evidence of viewed with patients taking hypoglycemic
fetal malformation when taken in early preg- drugs. Likewise, the effects of corticosteroid
nancy (Lindsay & Loeken, 2017). Several medications should be reviewed with those
controlled studies in human pregnancies in patients likely to require or use such medica-
women with PCOS—a group prone to insu- tions, particularly patients newly diagnosed
lin resistance and diabetes—have found that with diabetes who have a history of using
metformin offered no benefit in prevent- such medications.
ing GDM or in reducing glucose levels dur-
ing pregnancy (Legro, 2010). Glyburide is Thyroid Disorders
generally, if cautiously, regarded as safe dur- As noted earlier, there are two basic types
ing pregnancy d ­ espite conflicting data on the of thyroid disorder: excessive production of
risks and ­benefits of treating pregnant women thyroid hormones (hyperthyroidism) and
with GDM (­Kimber-Trojnar et al., 2014), inadequate production of thyroid hormones
with some data pointing to increased risk of (hypothyroidism). The latter is more com-
­neonatal hypoglycemia (Song et al., 2017; mon and is most often caused by chronic
Zeng et al., 2014). lymphocytic thyroiditis or Hashimoto’s thy-
roiditis (an autoimmune disorder). Hypo-
Patient Education thyroidism may also be a side effect of the
The most significant obstacle to adequate treatment of hyperactive thyroid disease.
diabetes care with hypoglycemic drugs is Regardless of the cause, hypothyroidism is
­patient compliance. Providers must recognize almost universally treated with hormone re-
that patient compliance is due to a number placement therapy.
of factors at the system, medication, and pa- Graves’ disease, which is also autoim-
tient levels (American Diabetes Association mune in nature, is the most common cause of
[ADA], 2016), or based on nonpatient factors, hyperthyroidism, the result of an overactive
patient demographics, patient beliefs about or overstimulated thyroid gland. Treatments
medications, and perceived patient burden include blocking the stimulus to the thyroid
(Polonsky & Henry, 2016). The American gland with medication, or deactivating the
Diabetes Association recommends employ- thyroid gland with radioactive iodine so that
ing a patient-centered communication style, it no longer produces thyroid hormones.
Treating Endocrine Conditions 283

Thyroid Hormone Replacement loss, fever, and anxiety. Side effects may oc-
Identification of the underlying cause of cur in any system of the body because of the
hypothyroidism is important in choosing wide-ranging effects of thyroid hormones.
the correct thyroid therapy. Lack of dietary
iodine can lead to hypothyroidism (three Nursing Process
atoms of iodine are needed to make T3, and Assess
four iodine atoms for T4). Dietary supple- Patients should be assessed for the likelihood
mentation would be adequate treatment in of dietary causes for hypothyroidism prior
such cases, so increasing the availability of to starting levothyroxine therapy. Patients
iodine-rich foods such as seafood, eggs, or should also be assessed for potential contra-
dried seaweed used for sushi, or even switch- indications to thyroid replacement therapy,
ing to an iodized table salt, could be all that including any of the following conditions:
is required. Pituitary disorders—usually be-
• Untreated subclinical or overt thyrotoxi-
nign tumors that suppress the production of
cosis, which would be significantly wors-
TSH—can also lead to hypothyroidism; these
ened by use of levothyroxine
conditions need to be treated at the source.
• Acute myocardial infarction, because use
Hypothyroidism may also be a secondary ef-
of levothyroxine may increase oxygen
fect of adrenal dysfunction, specifically hy-
consumption in cells
percortisolism (Arnaldi et al., 2003), as high
• Uncontrolled adrenal insufficiency (cor-
cortisol levels tend to suppress thyroid pre-
recting adrenal insufficiency may correct
cursor hormones (TRH and TSH). However,
hypercortisolism also unmasks existing auto-
• Known hypersensitivity to the medication
immune hypothyroidism, so while treating
(although this is very rare)
hypercortisolism might resolve hypothyroid-
ism, patients should be monitored to ensure Thyroid medications are available in a se-
this is the case. ries of graduated doses. For most patients,
In hypothyroidism that results from ­ levothyroxine replacement dose is related
dysfunction in the thyroid itself (­ congenital to body mass; a daily dose of about 1.6 mcg
or acquired hypothyroidism), levothyroxine levothyroxine/kg body mass is adequate re-
sodium, a synthetic T4 hormone, is indicated placement for most adults. This is equiva-
as replacement or supplementation of T4. This lent to 100 mcg daily or 125 mcg daily for
medication may also be used as treatment for, an average-size woman or man, respectively
or to prevent, euthyroid goiters. (Vaidya & Pearce, 2008). In otherwise healthy
Synthetic T4 has a mechanism of action patients, this dose may be used as initial ther-
identical to naturally occurring thyroid hor- apy; however, in frail or elderly patients,
mone, although the mechanism of thyroid particularly those with cardiac comorbidi-
hormones’ action in cells is not well under- ties (discussed later), it is prudent to start at a
stood. Synthetic thyroid hormone increases lower dose of about 25 mcg and gradually in-
oxygen consumption in most tissues and crease to one that is well tolerated. In either
stimulates the basal metabolic rate, heat pro- case, the patient’s TSH and T4 levels should
duction (thermogenesis), and the metabo- be rechecked at least six weeks post initiation
lism of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. to determine whether the dose is adequate.
Common adverse reactions of thyroid re- The dose may thereafter be adjusted upward
placement therapy are related to symptoms in increments of 12.5–25 mcg until serum
of hyperthyroidism resulting from the in- TSH reaches a normal range (e.g., 0.5–4.0)
creased metabolic rate actions of T4 and T3, and clinical symptoms have subsided. In pa-
which include tachypnea, tachycardia, weight tients with autoimmune hypothyroidism, it is
284 CHAPTER 9  Endocrine System Drugs

Best Practices not uncommon for the dose to grad- patients lack understanding of the impor-
ually increase over time as the dam- tance of the thyroid to overall health, so they
Hypothyroidism is an age done by the autoimmune disease may not take the need for compliant use of
easy disorder to treat,
process expands. Patients should medication seriously. It is important to edu-
if patients are compli-
ant with their medi- have thyroid hormone levels checked cate patients that daily use of the medication
cation regimen and at least yearly, and more often if and communication of hypothyroid signs and
testing protocol. symptomatic or if optimal dosing has symptoms to healthcare providers is crucial
not yet been established. to maintain long-term health. Patients also
Best Practices In patients with established dis- need to understand that finding the level at
ease, blood work should be per- which they have no hypothyroid symptoms
Levothyroxine is formed to check the TSH level and, may take some time, particularly if they have
best taken on an
if the patient’s prior levels have been been suffering from undiagnosed subclini-
empty stomach, at
the same time each unstable, the free T4 level. Free T3 cal hypothyroidism for a prolonged time.
day (breakfast or rarely needs to be checked unless the Patients need to understand that treatment
bedtime), and at clinician has reasons to suspect an al- for this disease process is a lifelong treatment
least four hours sep- ternative diagnosis. plan and even if they begin to feel better on
arated from calcium
supplements or dairy
A number of special consider- the medication, they need to continue their
products. ations arise when using thyroid daily doses.
Methimazole and hormones to treat hypothyroid- Levothyroxine is best taken daily on an
PTU do not affect ism. Patients with diabetes who are empty stomach, at whichever time the patient
levels of circulating
put on thyroid replacement ther- finds to be both most convenient and most
or stored T3 or T4, but
rather inhibit the apy may r­ equire increased doses of likely to promote compliance with the need
synthesis of thyroid insulin/oral h ­ ypoglycemic medi- to take the medication (1) daily and (2) in a
hormone in the thy- cations, because thyroid hormones fasting state.
roid gland. PTU also increase glucose absorption, utiliza- Calcium carbonate supplements have a
blocks conversion
tion, and production. Patients tak- known suppressive e­ ffect on levothyroxine
of T4 to the more
biologically active T3. ing anticoagulants may require a therapy. Studies suggest that taking these
Methimazole and lower dose of the anticoagulant af- supplements within four hours of taking
PTU are administered ter their thyroid levels and m ­ etabolic levothyroxine can cause the levothyroxine
in tablet form and rate are normalized. In patients with to adsorb to the calcium carbonate and thus
absorbed in the GI
tract, metabolized by ­hypothyroidism prior to pregnancy, reduce its bioavailability, but if the timing of
the liver, and excreted ­thyroid ­levels decrease as early as the drug and the supplement are appropriately
in urine. The metab- the fifth week of gestation, so the spaced, there should be no interaction (Mazo-
olism of methimazole dose should be increased early in kopakis, Giannakopoulos, & Starakis, 2011).
is more rapid than
gestation to avoid cognitive impair- Patients who are already taking a calcium sup-
that of PTU, requiring
more frequent dosing. ment in the ­fetus (Alexander et al., plement, such as calcium carbonate when
2004). Levothyroxine is considered initiating levothyroxine therapy or who use
safe for use in pregnant women. Pa- dairy products as a means of supplementing
tients who begin taking calcium supplements their calcium intake should be advised to take
may experience recurrence of hypothyroid the supplements/dairy foods in the afternoon
symptoms if taken at the same time as their or evening if they take levothyroxine in the
thyroid ­replacement hormone (see the “Pa- morning (or vice versa). In general, if c­ alcium
tient ­Education” section). intake is separated from levothyroxine
­dosing by at least four hours, there should be
Patient Education no interaction.
Hypothyroidism is an easy disorder to treat, Because iatrogenic hyperthyroidism is a
if patients are compliant with their medication risk in patients with hypothyroidism, they
regimen and testing protocol. However, many should be educated about the symptoms of
Treating Endocrine Conditions 285

both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism as hormone produced by the thyroid gland.

well as the health ramifications should either Methimazole and propylthiouracil (PTU)
condition be undertreated. are the drugs most commonly used for treat-
ing hyperthyroidism.
Thyroid Hormone Suppression Many medications interact with
Hyperthyroidism occurs when patients have methimazole and PTU. For example, a
excessive output of thyroid hormones. The ­patient with hyperthyroidism will have
impact of this condition on body functions ­increased metabolism of theophylline, a
may be dramatic, as it represents a “revving medication used in the treatment of respi-
of the engine” in multiple organ systems. ratory disorders. As medical treatment for
­Hyperthyroidism causes the overall metabolic ­hyperthyroid becomes effective (which may
rate to increase, resulting in rapid heart- take weeks to months, due to the thyroid’s
beat/palpitations, hypertension, weight loss, ability to store large amounts of hormone),
­nervousness/anxiety, abnormal liver function, serum theophylline levels may increase
and, in some cases, hypercortisolism with as- due to the reduction in the rate of metabo-
sociated hyperglycemia. lism. Careful monitoring of all medications
Patients with untreated hyperthyroidism is ­important during the first few months of
are at risk of a condition referred to as thy- ­hyperthyroid treatment.
rotoxicosis, or thyroid storm. This condition is Methimazole and PTU both pose a risk
also a risk factor in patients treated for hy- of teratogenicity; thus, women who are of
perthyroidism with partial rather than to- childbearing age should use birth control to
tal thyroidectomy. It is triggered by exposure prevent pregnancy when taking these medi-
to a physiological stressor, such as trauma cations. If already pregnant when the condi-
or infection. The symptoms of thyroid storm tion develops, a consultation with a maternal/
include agitation, altered mental state, con- fetal specialist (perinatologist) is warranted,
fusion, diarrhea, fever, tachycardia, shaking/ as hyperthyroidism creates a number of risks
shivering, sweating, high blood pressure (es- to the pregnancy. Despite the potential for
pecially systolic), and respiratory symptoms birth defects, the benefits of treatment out-
consistent with congestive heart failure or weigh the increased risk of pre-eclampsia,
pulmonary edema. premature labor, and miscarriage. For treating
In patients in whom this condition is re- hyperthyroidism during pregnancy, PTU is
lated to pituitary or hypothalamic dysfunc- preferred during the first trimester, as the risk
tion (excess output of precursor hormones), of congenital anomaly is thought to be lower.
treatment includes removal of any neoplasms Methimazole is preferred in the ­second and
that may be producing exogenous TSH or third trimesters.
TRH to stimulate excess T4 production. How-
ever, in other situations, the cause is en- Nursing Process
demic to the thyroid itself. The most common Assess
cause of hyperthyroidism is Graves’ disease, In newly diagnosed patients who are initiat-
an autoimmune condition that causes thy- ing medical therapy, baseline vital signs are
roid hyperplasia. In such instances, there are obtained with the goal of identifying current
a number of options for treating the dysfunc- metabolic status. Comprehensive assess-
tion: (1) removal of part or all of the thy- ment of the patient’s cardiac status to iden-
roid gland (often followed by levothyroxine tify potential cardiac complications includes
therapy); (2) ablation of the thyroid with ra- blood pressure measurements (prone, seated,
dioactive iodine; or (3) medications to de- standing), electrocardiogram (rate, rhythm,
crease the production of TSH, which in presence of dysrhythmias), and heart rate.
turn decreases the amount of thyroid Oxygenation and respiratory rate are other
286 CHAPTER 9  Endocrine System Drugs

Best Practices key observations, as are mental sta- a euthyroid state. Teach patients to avoid
tus, weight, and sleep patterns. The stimulants such as coffee, sweets, tea, soft
Many medica- goal of therapy is to bring all elevated drinks, energy bars, and cigarette smok-
tions interact with processes into a more normal, well- ing. The patient’s diet should be high in
methimazole and
PTU. Careful monitor- regulated state; by measuring base- ­calories and protein; suggest protein shakes
ing of all medications line values at time of diagnosis, the as ­between-meal snacks to supplement in-
is important during nurse can gain an appreciation for take. Stress-reduction techniques such as
initial hyperthyroid whether the therapy is working over ­meditation, cognitive-behavioral therapy,
treatment with these
time. It is important to recognize that yoga, and other relaxation modalities should
medical therapy does not work for be recommended.
all patients; only 20% to 30% of pa-
Best Practices tients with hyperthyroidism achieve Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Both PTU and remission after 12 to 18 months of PCOS is a complex endocrine disorder in
methimazole carry a medical therapy (Iagaru & MacDou- women that disrupts a number of body func-
risk of birth defects; gall, 2007). tions: reproductive, cardiovascular, glucose
however, that risk is Nurses should be aware that the transport, and often other key metabolic
lower than the risk
patient’s condition affects his or her processes such as thyroid function. Its origins
of pregnancy loss
and threat to ma- response to surroundings and take are poorly understood, but the common fac-
ternal health if left steps to alleviate discomfort. Re- tor seems to be an imbalance in two pituitary
untreated. If a patient duce the exam room’s temperature ­gonadotropins—LH and FSH. Normally, LH
diagnosed with or, if that is not possible, provide cool stimulates theca cells in ovarian follicles to
hyperthyroidism is
pregnant, PTU is used
compresses to a patient who feels produce androgens; these androgens are then
in the first trimester overheated. If possible, offer the pa- converted to estrogen by aromatase, which
and methimazole in tient privacy in a quiet room to re- is expressed in the granulosa cells of the fol-
the second and third duce anxiety and nervousness. Offer licle. Meanwhile, FSH stimulates granulosa
trimesters to limit ef-
eye shades or eyedrops to patients cells to produce inhibin (which suppresses
fects on the fetus.
who demonstrate or complain of FSH in a negative feedback loop) and pro-
photosensitivity or dry eyes. mote oocyte development. In PCOS, for rea-
Watch for signs of agranulocytosis (de- sons that are not clear, LH is overproduced
crease in white blood cell count), such as sud- while FSH is either normal or underpro-
den onset of fever and sore throat, during duced. This imbalance leads to development
treatment with either PTU or methimazole. of a self-reinforcing feedback loop (FIGURE 9-8)
In patients who have been previously in which the excess LH leads to excess an-
treated, the assessment should include signs drogens, but the lack of stimulation by FSH
of treatment failure—such as lack of stabiliza- means that the granulosa cells are unable to
tion of weight (continued weight loss), pres- stimulate follicle development. However, aro-
ence of tremula, anxiety, tachycardia, heat matase in body tissues (especially adipocytes,
intolerance, or exophthalmos. Patients who which is why obesity contributes) allows
have previously been treated with partial thy- some of the excess androgens to be converted
roidectomy should be assessed for the possi- to estrogen, so that the ­feedback loop of es-
bility of thyrotoxicosis if symptomatic. trogen prompts continued release of LH.
Women with PCOS, therefore, have ex-
Patient Education cess androgens and often relatively high es-
Patients suffering from hyperthyroidism are trogen levels but low progesterone. This
“stuck on high”; it is therefore important combination frequently leads to menstrual
to teach them to avoid environmental trig- irregularities and infertility, as the follicles
gers that impact their metabolic rate until fail to fully develop within the ovary (al-
their therapy successfully brings them into though this does not happen in all women
Treating Endocrine Conditions 287




Abnormal feedback
regulation promotes

Anterior (–)

Follicle-stimulating Luteinizing Androgens

hormone (FSH) hormone (LH) converted by
aromatase in
body tissues
Insufficient FSH
to stimulate (+)
granulosa cells

Granulosa Theca
cells cells

Hirsutism, acne


FIGURE 9-8  Hormonal Interactions in PCOS.

with PCOS). In addition, the presence of ex- PCOS is very common, affecting as many
cess androgens in women is associated with as 15% to 20% of women to some degree
insulin resistance, although determining the (Sirmans & Pate, 2014). Most women with
nature of this association has proved chal- this condition are diagnosed in their teens
lenging. Otherwise-healthy women treated or early 20s as a result of the menstrual ir-
with testosterone, for example, are more regularities and physical effects such as ex-
likely to develop insulin resistance (Cor- cessive body hair (hirsutism), acne, and
bould, 2008), but whether that is an effect of central (abdominal) weight gain associated
the androgen increase or another, preexisting with the disorder, all of which can contrib-
condition that is unmasked by exogenous an- ute to psychosocial problems such as the de-
drogen use is difficult to identify. Either way, pression and other mental health issues
it is clear that the elevated androgen lev- commonly observed in women with PCOS
els exacerbate ­glucose intolerance in women (Barry, ­Kuczmierczyk, & Hardiman, 2011;
and leave them at risk of metabolic syndrome Conte, Banting, Teede, & Stepto, 2015).
and diabetes. PCOS is also a significant risk factor for many
288 CHAPTER 9  Endocrine System Drugs

chronic disease states with nearly 60% of as pregnancy should be avoided while using
PCOS patients being obese and insulin resis- this medication. Leuprolide, a GnRh recep-
tant, and 40% developing T2DM, dyslipid- tor suppresses secretion of LH and FSH, sub-
emia, and cardiac disease (McGowan, 2011). sequently suppressing gonadal sex steroid
It is important to treat this syndrome to production. Finasteride inhibits the type 2
help reduce these long-term negative health isoenzyme of 5-α-reductase, which is respon-
consequences. sible for dihydrotestosterone-to-testosterone
First-line therapy for PCOS involves life- conversion. Leuprolide and finasteride may
style changes, including nutritional counsel- be used to reduce hirsutism in some patients
ing and exercise to help stave off the threat but should be prescribed only if oral contra-
of diabetes by promoting weight loss and im- ceptives plus spironolactone do not work.
proved glucose metabolism, both of which Eflornithine cream is thought to inhibit the
contribute to stabilization of some of the skin activity of ornithine decarboxylase, thus
more distressing syndromes related to the reducing the rate of hair growth and is some-
condition. When efforts at lifestyle therapy times used to treat facial hirsutism (Kumar,
are inadequate or unsuccessful, medications Naguib, Shi, & Cui, 2016; Vissing, Taudorf,
are selected based on the specific metabolic Haak, Philipsen, & Haedersdal, 2016).
disorders observed in each patient, including In women who are trying to conceive, of
insulin resistance and anovulation/menstrual course, use of contraceptives will not be help-
irregularities related to high androgen levels. ful. For these women, emphasis is placed on
Insulin-sensitizing drugs such as following lifestyle guidelines intensively for
metformin are frequently used in patients approximately 6 to 12 months; the goal is
with insulin-resistance (see the earlier dis- for such patients to lose weight, stabilize glu-
cussion of these agents in the diabetes sec- cose metabolism, and reduce circulating an-
tion). To address menstrual i­rregularities and drogens by this mechanism before making
­anovulation, a number of m ­ edications may use of either the selective estrogen receptor
be prescribed. Women who are not ­trying modulator clomiphene citrate or, less fre-
to become pregnant are typically p ­ rescribed quently, the aromatase inhibitor letrozole to
hormone-based oral c­ ontraceptives to help induce ovulation (Kamath & George, 2011).
reduce free testosterone l­evels. These medi- Clomiphene binds to estrogen receptors
cations are composed of ethinyl estradiol and induces ovulation by promoting release
(which reduces secretion of LH and FSH of additional gonadotropins from the pitu-
in the pituitary) and a p
­ rogestin (e.g., itary. Letrozole prevents conversion of an-
norgestimate, norethindrone, drogens to estrogen, thereby eliminating a
desogestrel, and particularly drospirenone, negative feedback loop that suppresses go-
which i­tself has anti-androgen effects). nadotropin release. In either case, the result is
Use of these medications establishes regu- increased FSH secretion from the anterior pi-
lar menstrual cycles, suppresses circulating tuitary; in many women, that effect is enough
androgens, and increases production of the to promote ovulation. Standard therapy for
sex-hormone–­binding globulin, which binds clomiphene citrate is an oral dose timed to
to testosterone and estrogen and helps fur- the woman’s menstrual cycle, so that she be-
ther decrease ­androgen levels. gins taking the medication on the second to
Use of oral contraceptives may be enough fifth day after the onset of menstruation and
to alleviate unwanted hair growth, but if then once per day for five consecutive days.
not, an androgen-blocking agent, such as The dose starts at 50 mg and, if ineffective,
spironolactone may be added, with the pre- may be increased by 50 mg at each subse-
caution that the patient must be compliant quent cycle until pregnancy occurs or a maxi-
with her oral contraceptives while using it, mum dose of 250 mg is reached, whichever
Treating Endocrine Conditions 289

comes first. Approximately 52% of women component of successful therapy for PCOS.
treated with the lowest dose ovulate in their It may be difficult for patients to recognize
first cycle post treatment; of the remain- that the prescription they have been given
ing 48%, all but 2% will ovulate at a higher is merely an adjunct, and that the dietary
dose ­(Practice Committee for Reproductive and exercise regimen recommended to
­Medicine, 2013). Triggering ovulation does them is the real “cure” that they seek. For
not, of course, automatically mean pregnancy women seeking relief of infertility, identi-
will be achieved; only 40% to 45% of infer- fying a two-part goal of (1) being able to
tile women treated with clomiphene be- get pregnant and (2) being able to have a
come pregnant (Kamath & George, 2011). healthy pregnancy via preconception weight
loss and insulin resensitization may be
Nursing Process extremely valuable.
Assess For women who wish to under-
Women presenting with PCOS should first take clomiphene citrate therapy Best Practices
be assessed for understanding the relation- to induce ovulation, strong encour-
ship among diet, exercise, and relief of PCOS agement to lose weight prior to at- In PCOS, the medica-
symptoms. It has been shown repeatedly in tempting the regimen may help in tion prescription the
patient has been
clinical practice that diet and exercise are the its success. When therapy is ini-
given is merely an
first-line therapy for PCOS (Ravn, Haugen, & tiated, the timing and dosing of adjunct; the dietary
Glintborg, 2013), and even where medica- the five-day cycle should be care- and exercise regimen
tions are used, they should be regarded as ad- fully outlined (in writing as well as recommended to her
junct treatments. ­verbally). Referral to a reproduc- is the real “cure” that
she seeks.
The patient’s blood pressure and fasting tive endocrinologist may be needed
blood glucose should be measured, and a lipid if clomiphene citrate therapy does
panel drawn to assess for ­elevated cholesterol. not result in ovulation or pregnancy.
Dietary counseling to identify ways to reduce In women not seeking pregnancy, educa-
caloric i­ntake and avoid sources of choles- tion for the correct use of oral contraceptives
terol should be provided. Before starting any is necessary, particularly if spironolactone
therapy intended to address PCOS-related is prescribed for reduction of hirsutism. Be-
symptoms, a negative pregnancy test must cause oral contraceptives are associated with
be ­obtained; while PCOS frequently renders a risk of blood clots and stroke, patients who
women infertile, some can and do get preg- use tobacco should be counseled about smok-
nant, and use of oral contraceptives and cer- ing cessation. Patients should be educated on
tain other medications is not r­ ecommended the signs and symptoms associated with blood
in pregnant women. clots and stroke, such as severe headache, ab-
Once pregnancy has been ruled out, d ­ iscuss dominal pain, chest pain, visual changes, and
the patient’s wishes for future c­ hildbearing. leg pain.
Does she desire children? If so, is she ready
to begin the process of trying to conceive, or Adrenal Disorders
is having children something she wants to do As with thyroid disease, there are two forms
in the future? The answers to these questions of adrenal dysfunction: inadequate produc-
help identify whether a p ­ articular therapy (e.g., tion of the two key adrenal hormones cor-
oral contraceptives and/or spironolactone) tisol and aldosterone (adrenal insufficiency
may or may not be appropriate. [Addison disease]) and excess production of
these hormones (hyperaldosteronism [Conn
Patient Education disease] and hypercortisolism [Cushing dis-
Educating the patient on combining life- ease]), which are nearly always due to an
style therapy with medication is a critical adenomatous tumor in either the pituitary or
290 CHAPTER 9  Endocrine System Drugs

the adrenal gland that produces either exog- 2. Do you have a history of poor tolerance for
enous aldosterone/cortisol or exogenous pre- stress, weakness, fatigue, and intolerance for
cursor hormones (ACTH or vasopressin). strenuous or moderate exercise?
3. Do you experience cravings for salty foods?
Adrenal Insufficiency 4. Have you recently experienced menstrual al-
terations or alterations in sexual function?
Primary adrenal insufficiency (Addison dis- 5. Have you recently experienced appetite dis-
ease) results when the cortex of the adrenal turbances, weight loss, anorexia, diarrhea, or
glands does not produce any, or enough, nausea?
adrenocortical hormones—that is, cortico- 6. Have you recently experienced greater-
than-normal loss of hair on your head or hair
steroids. Secondary adrenal insufficiency oc-
loss on your body?
curs when the adrenal glands do not receive
7. Do you experience greater levels of fatigue or
ACTH, which is secreted by the pituitary. Nor-
weakness at certain times of the day?
mally, ACTH binds to receptors in the adrenal
cortex to stimulate the production of cortisol; Positive answers to these questions, and
thus, if the pituitary is not secreting enough a pattern of symptoms that are worse in the
ACTH, the body lacks an adequate supply of morning and improved in the evening, are
cortisol. The solution in either case is to re- suggestive of adrenal insufficiency.
place the missing hormone(s). In a patient with suspected adrenal insuffi-
Two commonly used medications mimic ciency, assess for fever or elevated temperature
the key effects of cortisol and aldosterone and orthostatic hypotension. Patients’ skin
and, therefore, are administered as hormone should be inspected for typical alterations in
replacement. Prednisone (to replace corti- melanin characterized by “bronzing” of lighter
sol) and fludrocortisone (to replace aldoste- skin areas such as scars, skin folds, or genitals.
rone) are corticosteroids used to treat adrenal In addition, look for bluish-black discoloration
insufficiency. Prednisone is metabolized by in the oral and mucous membranes, and assess
the liver into prednisolone, which then in- whether the membranes seem dry.
hibits leukocyte infiltration, reducing inflam- A key component to adrenal insufficiency
mation and the humoral immune response. is reduction of fluid volume and dehydration
Fludrocortisone acts on the renal distal tu- related to aldosterone deficiency. Thus, as-
bules, affecting sodium/potassium balance sessment of patients presenting with known
and helping to maintain blood volume and or suspected adrenal insufficiency includes re-
pressure. Side effects are dependent on the viewing signs and symptoms such as condi-
dose and duration of use. For treatment of tion of the mucosa, skin turgor, tachycardia,
Addison disease, the dose is smaller, replac- and blood pressure, with a goal of identify-
ing the naturally occurring amount of hor- ing and treating dehydration and limiting
mone, and not higher doses as indicated for cardiac stress as quickly as possible. Electro-
an anti-inflammatory effect; therefore, side lytes should be monitored, as hyperkalemia is
effects are minimal. common. Blood work to assess thyroid levels
should be performed to obtain a baseline, as
Nursing Process adrenal insufficiency may produce or unmask
Assess hypothyroidism; if the latter, the thyroid con-
In a patient presenting with symptoms and dition will require treatment after the adrenal
history suspicious for adrenal insufficiency, insufficiency is resolved.
there are a number of ways to assess the like-
lihood of this rare condition. Ask the patient Patient Education
the following questions: Patients should be counseled in the appropri-
1. Do you have a history of recent infection, ate use of medications and likely side effects.
steroid use, or adrenal or pituitary surgery? The National Institutes of Health’s patient
Treating Endocrine Conditions 291

education publication on adrenal insuffi- administered at the doses needed to achieve

ciency provides appropriate guidance for most the cortisol-blocking effect (DeSimone,
patients. Patients with a history of adrenal in- Morales, & Vetter, 2010). When using
sufficiency or new-onset diagnosis should be ketoconazole, mitotane, or metyrapone, cli-
referred for psychosocial assessment, as emo- nicians must pay close attention to side effects.
tional stress is frequently a trigger of adrenal Mifepristone and pasireotide are both
crisis. Instruction on symptoms of adrenal FDA approved for use in Cushing disease, but
insufficiency and when to notify a clinician of their mechanisms of reducing cortisol lev-
renewed symptoms should be provided. els differ. Mifepristone is a competitive an-
tagonist of glucocorticoid receptors, and binds
Hypercortisolism (Cushing Disease) to glucocorticoid receptors to prevent cor-
Hypercortisolism is caused either by excess tisol binding (Johanssen & Allolio, 2007);
ACTH secretion or by autonomous cortisol re- pasireotide binds to somatostatin receptors
lease from the adrenal cortex and results, in (subtypes 1, 2, 3, and 5) that are critical in
general, from one of two causes: the presence triggering ACTH secretion (Colao et al., 2012).
of a cortisol- or ACTH-producing adenoma For mifepristone, cortisol c­ annot act upon the
(usually in either the pituitary gland or the body, which reduces the effects of hypercorti-
adrenal gland, although occasionally such solism; for pasireotide, cortisol’s precursor hor-
tumors occur elsewhere) or long-term use of mone, ACTH, is suppressed, which is helpful
corticosteroids. In the latter case, the solution in instances where ACTH overproduction is
is to withdraw the causative drug under a the cause of the condition (Colao et al., 2012).
clinician’s care. In the former, surgery or ra- Ketoconazole was previously a first-line
diotherapy to remove the adenoma is usually, choice for many clinicians due to its safety
but not always, the solution. profile (DeSimone et al., 2010) until the ap-
When surgery or radiation proves ineffec- proval of mifepristone and pasireotide. Al-
tive, medications may be used to suppress the though ketoconazole is actually an antifungal
synthesis and secretion of cortisol or its pre- agent, its therapeutic drug action is attributed
cursor, ACTH, or to block the effects of either to one of its side effects: it inhibits 17α-
one. Medication use is chronic, because while hydroxylase, an enzyme needed for cortisol
the drugs can halt the effects of the disorder, production (Gross, Mindea, Pick, Chandler, &
they do not actually alter the underlying Batjer, 2007); therefore, use of ketoconazole
pathology. For this reason, medical t­ reatment reduces cortisol levels. However, the dose
is used in only patients who have a contra- needs to be titrated up to therapeutic levels,
indication for surgery, who refuse surgery, so achieving relief of associated symptoms
in whom no adenoma can be located, who may take time. On average, ketoconazole
are waiting for radiation to take effect, or as has been found to induce remission in ap-
part of a multifaceted approach when the proximately 70% of patients using doses of
pituitary tumor turns out to be cancerous 400–800 mg/day; its most common serious
­(Castinetti, Morange, Conte-Devolx, & side effect, liver toxicity, occurs in 12% of
Brue, 2012). These medications include ­patients according to one study (Gross et al.,
three established therapies—ketoconazole, 2007), although overall risk of liver injury
mitotane, and metyrapone—and two remains unclear (Greenblatt & Greenblatt,
more recent medications—mifepristone and 2014). Another problem with this medica-
pasireotide diaspartate. tion is its high level of drug–drug interactions
The three older drugs all block cortisol pro- with other medications due to its effects on
duction, but their main disadvantage is that CYP enzymes, which alters the body’s abil-
none of these drugs is FDA approved for this ity to metabolize a great many common med-
use, nor are these medications normally ication classes (e.g., benzodiazepines, some
292 CHAPTER 9  Endocrine System Drugs

calcium-­channel blockers, theophylline, acquire adrenal insufficiency, despite the pa-

warfarin, various medications for erectile tient having (as a result of the blockade of
dysfunction and some statin drugs). In ad- receptors) elevated ACTH and cortisol con-
dition, medications such as phenytoin, centration; the only way to gauge if this is
H2-­recepter blockers, and proton-pump in- happening is to watch for clinical signs of ad-
hibitors may decrease ketoconazole concen- renal insufficiency, including hypotension,
tration in the bloodstream. Ketoconazole is hypoglycemia, and rapid weight loss. The
a teratogen and pregnant patients should be high cortisol levels associated with too-high
counseled accordingly. dosing also place the patient at significant
Mitotane is an anticancer drug that, like risk of hypokalemia. Thus, patients using this
ketoconazole, inhibits several hydroxylase medication need close monitoring to ensure
enzymes needed for cortisol synthesis—­albeit maintenance of therapeutic levels.
different ones than ketoconazole (Gross et al., Pasireotide was approved by the FDA in
2007). Like ketoconazole, mitotane must be 2012 for treatment of Cushing disease due to
titrated up to a therapeutic (high) dose of 4–12 corticotrophic (ACTH- or cortisol-­producing)
g/day. In this dose range, the drug destroys adenomas. It has a high affinity for soma-
cells in the adrenal cortex. Its most common tostatin receptors, one of which (SSTR-5) is
side effects of nausea and hypercholesterolemia often overexpressed in pituitary adenomas.
limit its use and make it the second-line choice By binding to these receptors, pasireotide
after ketoconazole. Mitotane is also poses reduces the ability of these receptors to be ac-
risk of teratogenicity, and pregnancy should tivated and, therefore, dampens production of
not be attempted for at least two years after ACTH. However, while it is useful in decreas-
discontinuing the drug due to its long retention ing cortisol concentration, it frequently does
in the body ­(Castinetti et al., 2012). not normalize it (Arnaldi & Boscaro, 2010)
Metyrapone works by blocking 11β- and can cause worsening hyperglycemia in as
hydroxylase to halt cortisol production. This many as one-third of patients taking it (Casti-
drug can be used as monotherapy, but it is netti et al., 2012; Colao et al., 2014).
most often used as adjunctive therapy with
radiation or in combination with mitotane Nursing Process
or aminoglutethimide. It must be titrated Assess
upward, usually starting at doses of 0.5–1 g Hypercortisolism brings with it risk of diabe-
and increasing to a maximum dose of 6 g tes, hypertension, and cardiac dysfunction,
(Gross et al., 2007). It is less effective than including cardiac arrest. Patients should have
other agents and is not readily available, a full workup for markers of these disorders
making it a less desirable option. at initial diagnosis; potassium and blood glu-
Mifepristone is better known for its cose levels should be monitored during treat-
FDA-approved use as the controversial abor- ment for all patients, but especially those
tifacient RU-486 and thus, its use is contra- on mifepristone or metyrapone (which
indicated in pregnancy (Patil & Edelman, cause hypokalemia) and pasireotide (which
2015). Unlike the earlier-generation enzyme-­ can cause hyperglycemia). Patients should
blocking medications, mifepristone is a be asked about symptoms of liver dysfunc-
competitive antagonist, i.e., it blocks cortisol tion, and follow-up testing may be required
by binding directly to glucocorticoid recep- as some medications (ketoconazole) can be
tors and, therefore, acts comparatively rapidly toxic to the liver. Active or past hepatitis, al-
in addressing Cushing symptoms (Castinetti, coholism, or other liver disease should be as-
Conte-Devolx, & Brue, 2010), including rap- sessed. Liver function tests should be obtained
idly lowering elevated blood pressure and if there is any reason for concern.
blood glucose levels. Its main drawback is At each follow-up visit, patients should
that too high a dose can cause the patient to have their weight, blood pressure, blood
Treating Endocrine Conditions 293

g­ lucose, and potassium levels measured. patient took and for how long; tapering can
­Particularly in patients on mifepristone, take a week to several months.
clinical signs consistent with adrenal insuffi-
ciency should be noted as a potential indica- Hyperaldosteronism (Conn Disease)
tor of overtreatment. Hyperaldosteronism, like hypercortisolism, is
a disease process in which the adrenal glands
Patient Education produce excess aldosterone. Aldosterone acts
Patients whose hypercortisolism is due to an on the kidneys to regulate water, sodium,
adenoma that failed to respond to prior treat- and potassium levels in the body, so excessive
ment or are unsuited to surgical or radiation amounts lead to hypernatremia, hypokale-
treatment must be educated regarding the mia, and fluid retention. Two types of primary
need for compliance with the medical regi- hyperaldosteronism exist: Approximately
men on a long-term basis. Medical therapy 40% of cases result from an aldosterone-
is not curative in the way that surgery or producing adenoma (APA; sometimes called
radiation can be; thus, patients who are not an aldosteroma), while the remainder are due
candidates for surgery or radiotherapy will to idiopathic adrenal hyperplasia (IAH) in
likely require medication for the duration of which both adrenal glands undergo thicken-
their lives. The consequences of hypercorti- ing. There are also several forms of familial
solism are significant, so an understanding of aldosteronism that are rare, accounting for
the symptoms associated with diabetes, hy- fewer than 1% of cases (Chrousos & Serte-
pertensive crisis, cardiac issues, and so forth daki, 2012). Secondary hyperaldosteronism is
should be reviewed. Use of stimulants such usually the product of a disease process such
as caffeine and nicotine should be discussed as hypertension, heart failure, cirrhosis of the
and discouraged, because they exacerbate the liver, or kidney disease (nephrotic syndrome).
systemic stress that excess cortisol places on The discussion here focuses on treatment of
the body. Similarly, high-intensity exercise primary hyperaldosteronism.
can be harmful in patients whose cortisol lev- As is true of hypercortisolism, the pre-
els are abnormally high, even if they are not ferred treatment for APA-related hyperaldo-
currently suffering from clinical symptoms of steronism is to remove the tumor responsible
Cushing syndrome. Patients should be advised for the excess hormone secretion and treat
to choose lower-intensity exercise, including any hormone deficiencies with replacement
tai chi, walking, yoga, swimming, and other therapy. When this is not possible, m­ edical
types of exercise that work the body without therapy to suppress the effects of aldosterone
markedly raising heart rate or blood pressure. is used. In IAH, surgical removal of one or
Patients whose hypercortisolism is due to both of the adrenal glands (IAH is rarely
use of corticosteroid drugs will likely need to unilateral) can be enough to restore one in
be switched to another, nonsteroid medication. five patients to normal blood pressure
Corticosteroids should not be stopped abruptly, levels, but most will also need suppression
but rather tapered over time, so that the ad- therapy. For this reason, patients with IAH-
renal glands (which reduce cortisol produc- related primary aldosteronism are usually
tion in the presence of the drug) can increase treated with medical therapy using aldoste-
production. Patients should be instructed how rone antagonists such as spironolactone
to gradually reduce corticosteroid doses in or eplerenone, which inhibit sodium resorp-
manners consistent with good practice, and tion through the renal nephron collecting
informed of symptoms that could indicate too- ducts. If those drugs cannot be used, potas-
rapid decrease, including severe fatigue, weak- sium-sparing diuretics such as amiloride are
ness, body aches, and joint pain. The time to employed. The therapeutic regimen of choice
fully withdraw from corticosteroids such as is spironolactone combined with antihyper-
prednisone varies depending on the dose the tensive drugs, as some studies have shown
294 CHAPTER 9  Endocrine System Drugs

this to be the most effective way of manag- ­ iuretics), along with their aldosterone-­
ing hypertension in these patients (Bloch & suppression therapy. Such combinations may
Basile, 2011). However, spironolactone be ­challenging to manage. Blood pressure
does carry a higher risk of adverse effects measurements should be taken with every
than eplerenone, which is a more selective visit, and some patients may need at-home
medication. Of these problems, the most se- blood pressure monitoring.
rious potential side effect is hyperkalemia,
which is significantly more likely in patients
on spironolactone than in those taking Critical Thinking Questions
eplerenone (Bloch & Basile, 2011).
Even with the aldosterone antagonists 1. Describe negative and positive feedback loops.
currently in use, many patients still suf- Which alterations in feedback contribute to
Cushing syndrome? To PCOS?
fer from some degree of high blood pres-
sure. Numerous classes of drugs are used to 2. How are T1DM and T2DM different? What
makes them similar? Which type is most similar
treat hypertension; they will not be discussed
to GDM, and why?
here. The focus of this discussion is on medi-
cal treatment of the underlying disease pro- 3. Which mental health effects would you ­expect
to see in patients who have ­hypothyroidism?
cess, and exploring the multitude of ways How do these differ from the effects of
that c­ linicians tackle high blood pressure is hyperthyroidism?
the subject of other parts of this text (see
4. Name the hormones produced in the adrenal
Chapter 6). However, nurses should be aware cortex and briefly describe their functions.
that most, if not all, patients being treated
5. In a patient with very low TSH values, what
for this disorder will be taking blood pressure would you expect to find if you measured free
medications, possibly from more than one T4? What might contribute to such findings in a
class (e.g., angiotensin-converting enzyme in- patient being treated for hypothyroidism?
hibitors, calcium-channel blockers, thiazide


Case Scenario 1
MG is a 61-year-old African American female who is a new patient to the primary care clinic where
you are working as a nurse. Her chief complaint is fatigue that has been increasing over the past
year. She also complains of hoarseness, and her friends have told her that her voice has deepened.
She has gained weight over the last 6 months and has noticed some loss of muscle strength and
difficulty getting around. Upon further questioning, she admits that she has to wear a sweater
most of the time, even if others in the room are comfortable in light clothing. She takes one
prescription and two OTC medications (noted in the following medication list). She started taking a
multivitamin last month hoping that it would give her more energy, and she has been using an OTC
stool softener daily for the last few months due to increasing problems with constipation. Her past
medical history includes primary hypertension, diagnosed 10 years ago, that is well controlled with
HCTZ. She denies diabetes or high cholesterol; she is post-menopausal. Her parents are deceased;
her older sister has “thyroid trouble,” but she knows of no other health problems in her family. She
Case Studies 295


does not use any tobacco products, nor does she drink alcohol or use recreational drugs. She
wears a step-counter and tries to walk at least 5,000 steps daily. She tries to follow the DASH diet
recommendations. She is single, has two grown children, and is employed full-time as a librarian.
Medication list:
HCTZ 12.5 mg once daily
OTC calcium carbonate 500 mg BID
Multivitamin once daily
OTC docusate sodium 100 mg once daily
Allergies: NKDA
Vital signs: BP: 120/70; P: 60/minute, regular; Respirations: 12/minute, regular; Oral temperature:
97.0°F. Weight: 164#; Ht: 63”; BMI: 29.
During the history-taking part of the visit, you notice that MG has a deep voice and moves rather
slowly. You also notice that her hair is sparse and coarse, and her skin is cool and dry.
The healthcare provider performs a thorough physical exam. She agrees with your observation that
MG’s skin is cool, dry, and coarse; her hair is sparse; and her eyebrows do not extend to the outer
canthus. She also notes that MG has an enlarged tongue and a moderately enlarged thyroid gland
without nodules. Her lung sounds are clear over all fields, and her heart is in regular sinus rhythm
with no ectopic beats. Her abdomen is soft and non-tender, but stool is palpable in the left lower
quadrant. Her deep tendon reflexes are slowed to 1+/4+ bilaterally, and she has 1+/4+ non-
pitting dependent edema in both lower extremities.
Lab values from today’s visit (normal values in parentheses): Free T4: 0.4 ng/dL (0.8–2.8 ng/dL); TSH:
12.4 IU/L (0.4–4.0 IU/L); Antithyroglobulin antibodies: positive (none detected). CBC, lipid panel, and
CMP are within normal range.
The provider determines that MG has primary hypothyroidism due to autoimmune thyroiditis (also
called Hashimoto disease). MG is to start taking levothyroxine 50 mcg once daily and return to
check TSH in four to six weeks. The dosage may be titrated up after the next visit. You are to instruct
MG about primary hypothyroidism, management with levothyroxine, and any relevant information
regarding side effects or drug–drug interactions with this medication.
Case Questions
1. Based on data collected during history-taking and physical exam, you identify several areas where MG has
needs that should be addressed. Write a nursing diagnosis that addresses one of these needs.
2. What is the half-life (t1/2) for levothyroxine? How does the t1/2 of levothyroxine relate to the timing for
rechecking TSH? Why should the TSH be checked in four to six weeks rather than in one to two weeks?
3. MG asks you, “How did I get Hashimoto disease? Is it contagious?” How will you respond to her questions?
4. What do you need to know about the multivitamin she is taking? Are there any potential drug interactions
between the levothyroxine and her other medications?
5. What important information should you provide for MG regarding taking her other medications and the
levothyroxine? What time of day do you suggest MG takes the levothyroxine?
6. Write one short-term goal that can be met today regarding the nursing diagnosis you identified in question
What intervention can you implement during the visit to meet this goal?
7. How might MG know that the levothyroxine is having its desired effect? What symptoms might indicate she
needs to contact her provider to be seen sooner than four to six weeks?
8. MG asks about how long she will need to take levothyroxine. She is hoping that the medication will “take care
of the problem” so she can get back to her “normal life.” How will you respond to this question?
9. Outline one strategy to help MG be adherent to taking levothyroxine for the remainder of her life.
296 CHAPTER 9  Endocrine System Drugs


Case Scenario 2
AV is a 46-year-old Hispanic male who presents to your primary care clinic for his six-month
appointment “to check my blood pressure and cholesterol.” Although this is a follow-up appointment,
he admits to a chief complaint of nocturia three to four times each night that disrupts his quality of
sleep. He also complains of increased thirst, fatigue, and mild blurred vision necessitating the use
of reading glasses. He admits daytime urine frequency but relates it to drinking a lot of water and
sugared caffeinated soda while working. He drinks one cup of coffee each morning. He has gained
about 15 pounds over the last six months and admits to eating more between-meal high calorie
snacks due to an irregular work schedule. He denies chest pain/pressure, palpitations, shortness
of breath, cough, dysuria, difficulty starting urine stream, or incomplete bladder emptying. His
past medical history includes primary hypertension diagnosed five years ago and well-controlled;
dyslipidemia, diagnosed three years ago; and prediabetes diagnosed two years ago. He takes two
prescription medications: one for HTN and one for high cholesterol. He denies OTC medications or
herbal preparations. His parents live in a Central American country; both have diabetes, and his father
recently had a myocardial infarction at age 66. His brothers both have high blood pressure, and one
sister has diabetes. He knows of no other health problems in the family. He does not use any tobacco
products or recreational drugs/substances; he drinks beer with his friends most weekends. He works
in construction, so he reports he is physically active on his job. He knows about the DASH diet, but he
does not follow it. He is married and has three children. He is literate in both Spanish and English.
Medication list:
Enalapril/HCTZ 10/25 mg one tab each morning
Atorvastatin 40 mg one tab daily at bedtime
Allergies: NKDA
Vital signs: BP: 134/78; P: 82/minute, regular; Respirations: 12/minute, regular; Oral temperature:
98.0°F. Weight: 230#; Ht: 69”; BMI: 34.
The healthcare provider performs a thorough physical exam. His fundoscopic exam shows no
retinopathy. His lung sounds are clear over all fields, and his heart is in regular sinus rhythm with
no ectopic beats. His abdomen is soft, non-tender, with no organomegaly. There is no suprapubic
nor costovertebral angle tenderness. AV has no lower extremity edema and a normal response to
monofilament fiber test of bilateral feet showing 10/10 sensation.
Lab values from today’s visit (normal values in parentheses): Fasting plasma glucose: 210 mg/dL
(<100 mg/dL); Hemoglobin A1c: 8.5% (5.7–6.4%: prediabetes; ≥ 6.5% diabetes); Urine glucose: 2+
(absent); Spot urine microalbumin/creatinine ratio: 45 mcg/mg (<30 mcg/mg); Serum creatinine:
0.98 (0.5–1.2 mg/dL).
The provider determines that AV has type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) based on a fasting blood glucose
>200 and hemoglobin A1c ≥ 6.5%. He also has mild microalbuminuria. He is to begin taking metformin
1,000 mg every 12 hours and insulin glargine 10 unit daily at bedtime. AV will be referred to the clinic
diabetes nurse educator for diabetes self-management education; however, he will not be able to see
this person until later this week. The glargine will not be titrated up until after AV sees the diabetes nurse
educator. The provider asks you to teach AV about how to take his new medications and how to test his
blood glucose. You are also to encourage AV to make at least one change in his dietary patterns before
his next clinic visit. He is to be scheduled for a follow-up visit with the provider in one month.
Case Questions
1. Based on data collected during history-taking, physical exam, and lab results, you identify several areas where
AV has a need that should be addressed. Choose two needs you assessed, and write nursing diagnoses that
address these needs.
2. AV is going to start taking the biguanide metformin for the first time. Should you advise him to start with the
full 1,000 mg dose twice daily? Why or why not?

Case Studies 297


3. Is it safe for AV to take his evening dose of metformin at the same time as he takes his insulin? Why or
why not?
4. AV is your last patient of the day, and your clinic has some samples of insulin glargine in a prefilled pen of
100 units/ml. You decide to supervise his first injection of 10 units. Explain the steps he needs to follow to
self-inject 10 units subcutaneously.
5. What important information should you provide for AV regarding expected side effects and adverse effects
of both metformin and the basal insulin glargine?
6. What should AV do if he forgets to take a dose of his metformin? What should he do if he forgets to take his
evening insulin dose?
7. You teach AV how to perform a finger stick to check his blood glucose, and he demonstrates correct tech-
nique. How often/when should he check his blood glucose during the first two to three days until he meets
with the diabetes nurse educator?
8. Write one short-term goal that can be met today as you encourage AV to make at least one change in his
dietary patterns before the next appointment. What intervention can you implement during today’s visit
to meet this goal?
9. Using the SMART goal format, write one long-term goal for AV directed toward adherence to his medication
10. Outline one strategy AV could use to promote medication adherence.

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Medications for
Eye and Ear Disorders

Tara Kavanaugh


Acute otitis media (AOM) Intraocular pressure (IOP) Miosis Otorrhea

Angle-closure glaucoma Intravitreal Mucosal membranes Peripheral vision
Anterior chamber Iris Open-angle glaucoma Periocular
Blood–retinal barrier Iris sphincter Ophthalmic Pupil
Carbonic anhydrase Cerumen Iritis Optic nerve Retina
Ciliary muscle Keratoconjunctivitis sicca Otalgia Tympanic membrane
Conjunctivitis Lacrimation Otic Uveitis
Cornea Low- or normal-tension Otitis externa
Glaucoma glaucoma Otitis media with
Impaction Middle ear effusion (OME)


At the end of the chapter, the reader will be able to: 4. Describe appropriate use of ophthalmic antibiotic and
­steroid preparations.
1. Demonstrate correct techniques for instillation of topical
ophthalmic (eye) medications. 5. Identify the classes of medications used in treating otic
(ear) disorders.
2. Identify the classes of medications used for treating
glaucoma. 6. Discuss nursing considerations for managing patients using
medications to treat vision and otic/auditory dysfunction.
3. Identify the classes of medications used for treating dry eye

302 CHAPTER 10  Medications for Eye and Ear Disorders

Introduction lacks a layer of skin for subcutaneous injec-

tion, and muscles and blood vessels are made
Illnesses affecting the senses can be very relatively inaccessible by the bony socket
disturbing to patients, but none affects day- surrounding each eye. While it is possible to
to-day life like the loss of sight or hearing, inject medication directly into the eye via
whether temporary (e.g., in the case of an either periocular or intravitreal injection,
infection that obstructs vision or impairs these routes are uncomfortable to patients
hearing) or permanent. Any condition that and require specialized training; moreover,
impairs the ability to see or hear may have a with intravitreal injections, the distribution
profound effect on the patient’s sense of well- of drugs is often not uniform (Aldrich et al.,
being. When treating conditions that a­ ffect 2013), making these routes useful in only a
the eyes and ears, nurses should ­always be limited number of situations. Systemic ad-
conscious of the likely impact of the p ­ roblem ministration via the intravenous or parenteral
on the patient’s daily life and provide route presents the challenge of passing medi-
­supportive care as needed. In this chapter, the cation across the blood–retinal barrier, as
medications used to treat a variety of ­illnesses blood that feeds the retina (including any
of the eyes and ears are reviewed and medication molecules) must pass through
discussed from a pharmacologic standpoint, this barrier before entering the eye (Aldrich
with special attention paid to the impact of et al., 2013). Only certain sizes of molecules
the illness and the medication on patient can pass through the blood–retinal barrier, so
well-being. medications delivered systemically by the oral
route may be unable to penetrate into the
Medications for Ophthalmic eye even though the drug arrives intact near
its intended site of action. Thus, medications
Disorders used to treat diseases, injuries, or disorders
The human eye is a complex and delicate in the eye are usually administered in one of
­organ, and in some respects it is difficult to three ways: (1) by topical administration on
treat when diseased or dysfunctional because the cornea or mucosal membranes of the
of its anatomic configuration (FIGURE 10-1). affected eye, (2) via the oral systemic route,
Unlike most other areas of the body, the eye or (3) a ­combination of both methods.

Suspensory eye muscle
Ciliary body Retina
Conjunctiva Sclera

Aqueous Sclera
Canal for tear Iris
Lens drainage
Cornea Pupil
Optic nerve B
Vitreous humor Optic disk
Blood vessels

FIGURE 10-1  Anatomy of the eye.

Glaucoma 303

Proper Instillation of Topical Ophthalmic to receive the full benefit of any medica-
Medication tion given in eyedrop form, even with a par-
Topical administration of medication into the ent doing the actual administration, because
eye (either by the patient or the nurse) can they simply cannot sit still and exert con-
be tricky because of the innate reflexes that trol of their eye to the extent needed for
protect the eye from infiltration by foreign successful instillation. Adults with tremula
bodies and irritants, such as blinking and wa- or poor hand–eye coordination would also
tering of the eyes (lacrimation). Eye tissue likely benefit from an ointment rather than
is quite sensitive, particularly when injured drops, if this formulation is available for the
or infected, so opening the eyelids wide to medication in question. Some patients may
receive a medication may be painful. Further- ­experience allergic responses to the buffers or
more, if a patient has not previously received preservatives used in standard formulations,
ophthalmic medication, he or she may even if the medication is one that previously
flinch away from a clinician attempting to has been used systemically without incident;
treat an ophthalmic disorder, making it diffi- if this occurs, a compounding pharmacist may
cult to ensure that the medication reaches the be able a formulate a dosage form that does
places where it will do the most good. For this not include these ingredients (Goodolf, 2014).
reason, it will be useful to discuss how such
medications are properly administered before Ointments
discussing the variety of liquid or ointment Ointments used in the eye are generally com-
medications that are intended for use directly posed of medication compounded into a gel-
on the eye. like base of inactive matrix, such as paraffin
(a wax), mineral oil, or petrolatum. A ­ pplying
Drops such preparations generally requires
Many medications are available in the form less coordination than using drops Best Practices
of aqueous solutions, usually a combina- (see the “Eye Medication Administra-
tion of saline with or without preservatives Some patients may
tion, Step-by-Step” box), but the base
experience allergic
and buffers to protect the eye from irrita- frequently leaves a film on the cornea responses to the buf-
tion. Administration may be done either by a that causes blurred v­ ision and minor, fers or preservatives
nurse or by the patient, although most com- short-term discomfort to the p ­ atient. used in standard oph-
monly eyedrops are offered so that patients Some patients also may experience thalmic formulations;
if this occurs, some
may self-administer the medication. Nurses allergic responses to the base, just as sterile compounding
should, however, make sure patients are with drops. However, advantages of pharmacies may be
aware of proper technique for eyedrop instil- ointments, aside from ease of use, able to compound
lation (see the “Eye Medication Administra- include that they allow for a higher drops that eliminate
tion, Step-by-Step” box). These medications these ingredients.
concentration of medication to be
are convenient and inexpensive, but their key placed in the eye than eyedrops, and
drawback is that they do not have extended longer retention as well, because the base is
contact-time with the cornea because they usually water insoluble and is not washed
are diluted and eliminated by tears produced away by tear production (­ Aldrich et al., 2013).
in response to the introduction of the foreign ­Particularly when treating an i­nfection, these
substance (Goodolf, 2014). properties make ointments more attractive
While drops are convenient ­because most than drops as a delivery vehicle.
patients are capable of self-­administering
them, patients should be a­ ssessed for their
capacity to do so, as certain circumstances
may make an ointment more advantageous. Glaucoma is not a single disease, as the name
Small c­ hildren, for example, are less likely implies, but rather a group of diseases that
304 CHAPTER 10  Medications for Eye and Ear Disorders

Procedure for Administration of Eye Medications

Eyedrops Eye Ointment
1. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and 1. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and
water. water.
2. Gently tilt the patient’s head back and pro- 2. Gently tilt the patient’s head back and pro-
vide support. Alternatively, have the pa- vide support. Alternatively, have the pa-
tient lie down. tient lie down.
3. Shake the medication bottle thoroughly (if 3. Don gloves if mandated by clinic protocols.
formulated as a suspension). 4. Warm the tube of ointment between your
4. Don gloves if mandated by clinic protocols. hands for 1-2 seconds.
5. Gently depress the patient’s lower eyelid 5. Gently depress the patient’s lower eyelid
and ask them to “look up.” to create a “pocket.”
6. Squeeze the dropper to release one drop at 6. Squeeze one-quarter inch of the ointment
a time into the eye. into the “pocket.”
7. Use caution, as the dropper tip must ­remain 7. Use caution, as the tip of the tube must
sterile and not touch the patient’s eye. ­remain sterile and not touch the patient’s
8. Have the patient rest for 1-2 minutes, with eye.
eyes closed, before administering remain- 8. Have the patient rest with eyes closed for
ing drops. 1-2 minutes.
9. Use a clean tissue to wipe away any 9. Use a clean tissue to wipe away any excess
excess medication from areas around medication from areas around the eye.
the eye. 10. Inform patient that Inform patient
10. Wait at least 15 minutes before adminis- that their vision may be blurry for
tering another eye medication, if multiple up to 30 minutes following ointment
medications are prescribed. administration.

damage the optic nerve because of elevated which clear fluid flows in and out, to nourish
intraocular pressure (IOP), which can the nearby tissues (NEI, 2015). The fluid leaves
result in vision loss and blindness. With early the chamber at the open angle where the cor-
detection and treatment, vision loss can be nea and the iris meet. When the fluid reaches
prevented. In the United States, glaucoma that angle, it flows through a spongy mesh-
is the leading cause of blindness in African work, like a drain, to leave the eye (FIGURE 10-2).
Americans and the third leading cause of In open-angle glaucoma, despite the
blindness in people of European descent angle being open, the fluid passes too slowly
(Moroi & Lichter, 1996). The risk of develop- through the drain, causing the fluid to build
ing open-angle glaucoma increases in all up and increase pressure in the eye to the
races after the age of 60, but it is highest in point that the optic nerve may be damaged.
African Americans older than age 40, Mexican When the optic nerve is damaged from in-
Americans, and people with a family history creased pressure in the eye, vision loss may
of glaucoma (National Eye Institute [NEI], result (NEI, 2015). Another major risk factor
2015). Additional risk factors for development for optic nerve damage is elevated blood pres-
of open-angle glaucoma include high eye sure or hypertension (NEI, 2015). Thus, the
pressure, thinness of cornea, and a­ bnormal principal goal of treatment is to reduce pres-
optic nerve anatomy (Acott et al., 2014). sure in the eye, generally by increasing drain-
Eye pressure is a major risk factor for age of fluid out of the eye.
optic nerve damage. In front of the eye is a Not every person with increased eye pres-
space known as the anterior chamber from sure will develop glaucoma. Whether or not
Glaucoma 305

Normal flow of aqueous humor causing people to miss objects to the side
and out of the “corners” of their eyes, as
Normal intraocular Canal of Schlemm if they are looking through a tunnel (NEI,
pressure (10–20 mm Hg) 2015). Over time, straight-ahead or central
Iris Anterior meshwork vision may continue to decrease until vision
Posterior is completely lost (NEI, 2015). In low-ten-
chamber Cornea Absorption of sion or normal-tension glaucoma, the optic
aqueous humor
Ciliary body
(formation nerve is damaged, resulting in narrow side
of aqueous vision in people who have normal eye pres-
sure (NEI, 2015).
LENS Angle-closure glaucoma is a medical
emergency. In this condition, the fluid at the
A front of the eye, in the anterior chamber, can-
not drain through the angle where the cor-
Chronic (open-angle) glaucoma nea and iris meet, and the angle gets blocked
off by part of the iris, causing a sudden in-
Degeneration and obstruction of trabecular
meshwork and canal of Schlemm decreases crease in eye pressure (NEI, 2015). Symptoms
absorption of aqueous humor
typically include pain, nausea, redness of the
eye, and blurred vision. Immediate evalua-
tion is necessary to restore the flow of fluid in
the eye to prevent blindness.
Anti-glaucoma medications are divided
B into the following categories: topical beta
blockers, adrenergic agonists, miotics,
Acute (narrow or closed-angle) glaucoma carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, sympatho-
mimetics, and prostaglandin analogs. The
Narrow iridocorneal
Iris in anterior angle blocks drainage pharmacokinetics and duration of activity
position into canal of Schlemm of medications in each of these classes are
High intraocular
pressure ­summarized in TABLE 10-1.

Beta Blockers
Beta blockers are a class of medications
C with many therapeutic uses (Chapter 6).
FIGURE 10-2  Intraocular pressure in (A) the normal eye, (B) an ­Although more typically associated with
eye with open-angle glaucoma, and (C) an eye with acute-angle
their use in cardiac conditions such as
hypertension, ­topically applied
Best Practices
(ophthalmic administration) beta-
a person develops glaucoma depends on the adrenergic antagonists (beta block- Though increased in-
level of eye pressure that the optic nerve can ers) reduce intraocular pressure in traocular pressure in
tolerate without being damaged; this varies patients with elevated or normal only one of the m­ ajor
glaucoma risk factors,
from person to person (NEI, 2015). It is also ­intraocular ­pressure by ­decreasing
the ­principal goal of
possible to develop glaucoma without any ciliary body ­production of aqueous glaucoma treatment
increased intraocular pressure. This condition humor ­(Noecker, 2006; Wójcik- is to reduce pressure
is known as low- or normal-tension glau- Gryciuk, Skup, & ­Waleszczykb, in the eye, generally
coma (NEI, 2015). 2016). Visual acuity, pupil size and by increasing drain-
age of fluid out of
If open-angle glaucoma is untreated, accommodation remain unaffected the eye.
slow loss of peripheral vision will result, by ophthalmic beta blockers.
306 CHAPTER 10  Medications for Eye and Ear Disorders

TABLE 10-1 Pharmacokinetics: Topical Anti-glaucoma Agents TABLE 10-2 Topical Beta Blockers Used for Glaucoma

Generic Name Class Duration Generic Type Notes

Acetazolamide Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor 8–12 hours Timolol Nonselective All brands come
(blocks both β1 and in 0.25% and 0.5%
Apraclonidine Alpha-adrenergic agonist 7–12 hours β2 receptors) concentrations
Betaxolol Beta blocker 12 hours Levobunolol Nonselective 0.25% and 0.5%
(blocks both β1 and concentrations
Brimonidine Alpha-adrenergic agonist 12 hours β2 receptors)
Brinzolamide Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor N/A Carteolol Nonselective 1% concentration
Carbachol Miotic 6–8 hours (blocks both β1 and
β2 receptors)
Carteolol Beta blocker 12 hours
Metipranolol Nonselective 0.3% concentration
Dipivefrin Sympathomimetic 12 hours (blocks both β1 and
β2 receptors)
Dorzolamide Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor About 8 hours
Betaxolol Selective (blocks 0.25% and 0.5%
Echothiophate Miotic Days/weeks only β1 receptors) concentrations

Epinephrine Sympathomimetic 12 hours

Latanoprost Prostaglandin analog 24 hours ointments and include the medications de-
Levobunolol Beta blocker 12–24 hours scribed in TABLE 10-2 (Sambhara & Aref, 2014).
Methazolamide Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor 10–18 hours
Therapeutic and Adverse Effects
Metipranolol Beta blocker 12–24 hours As mentioned earlier, ophthalmic
Pilocarpine Miotic 4–8 hours anti-glaucoma agents can be absorbed into
Tafluprost Prostaglandin analog 24 hours
the systemic circulation and reach concentra-
tions that can cause systemic effects. When
Timolol Beta-blocker 12–24 hours
this occurs, it can cause complications in
Unoprostone Prostaglandin analog 24 hours patients with chronic medical conditions
Data from Wynne, A.L., Woo, T.M., & Millard, M. (2002). Pharmacotherapeutics for nurse such as sinus bradycardia, cardiogenic shock,
practitioner prescribers. Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis. atrioventricular (AV) heart block, heart fail-
ure, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmo-
nary disease (COPD), because blockade of
The pharmacokinetics of beta blockers, β1 and β2 receptors can depress cardiac and
insofar as they are used for therapy of glau- pulmonary function (Lee et al., 2014; Wilson
coma, remains unknown. Clinical observation et al., 2012). All beta-blocking medications,
determines the pharmacodynamic responses. but ­especially cardioselective β1 antagonists
Topical application of ophthalmic beta block- (e.g., atenolol, esmolol, and metoprolol),
ers can lead to systemic absorption through should be used only with caution in patients
conjunctiva and lacrimal drainage system, with COPD, coronary artery disease, and
causing side effects on the cardiac and pulmo- asthma. Studies of patients with glaucoma
nary systems (Noecker, 2006). Onset, peak, and cardiac or pulmonary comorbidities re-
and duration of action vary widely among vealed that these patients were more likely to
these products (Wilson, Shannon, & Shields, need hospitalization or emergency room care
2012; Wynne, Woo, & Millard, 2002). Beta (Sambhara & Aref, 2014). In particular, those
blockers are metabolized in the liver and patients treated with nonselective beta block-
excreted in the urine, bile, and feces. ­Topical ers (the majority of available ophthalmic beta
beta blockers that are available for glau- blockers fall into this category) were nearly
coma treatment are sold as drops rather than twice as likely as those treated with selective
Glaucoma 307

agents to need such care (Sambhara & Aref, result in compounded antihypertensive ­effects
2014). Clinicians should consider the systemic when given with ophthalmic beta blockers
effects, carefully weigh the potential risks, (see Table 10-2) so care should be taken to
and coordinate care with a cardiac or pulmo- monitor patients’ blood pressure and pulse.
nary specialist as needed.
Caution should also be exercised when
prescribing beta-adrenergic blockers to preg- Medications used to treat irregular or rapid
nant women, children, and geriatric patients, heartbeats, such as diltiazem, verapamil,
because of the cardioselective β1-receptor amiodarone, and digoxin, can cause signifi-
blocking and risk for heart failure in cant effects on the AV node and may cause
geriatric populations. In these populations, complete heart block; thus, they should be
close monitoring is required. Beta-adrenergic used with caution and patients should be
blockers should not be given to patients monitored carefully. Verapamil (a calcium
with known hypersensitivity reactions, heart channel blocker) coadministration can cause
block, congestive heart failure, or cardiogenic bradycardia and asystole; consequently, this
shock because of the β1-selective adrenergic medication should not be used concurrently
receptor blocking properties of these drugs. with ophthalmic beta blockers (NPPR, 2012;
­Caution should also be used in patients with Wynne et al., 2002).
hyperthyroidism, as beta-adrenergic block- Asthma and COPD Medications
ers can precipitate thyroid storm (­ Wilson Beta-antagonists used for glaucoma may re-
et al., 2012). Potential adverse effects of duce the effects of β2 agonists used to treat
beta-blockers are discussed in Chapters Five obstructive pulmonary disease. While this is
and Six. primarily an issue with systemic, long-acting
medications taken orally (e.g., salbutamol
Drug Interactions
and terbutaline), this interaction may also
occur with inhaled formulations, whether
Beta-adrenergic blockers should be prescribed short or long acting. Individuals taking
with caution for glaucoma in patients under- beta-agonist bronchodilators should avoid
going treatment for hypertension, AV block, using beta blockers when possible (Lee et al.,
cardiogenic shock, and heart failure, as well 2014; NPPR, 2012).
as certain types of pulmonary diseases includ-
ing asthma and COPD, because of the likeli- Miotics
hood of drug interactions or synergisms. Oral Miotics (TABLE 10-3) are medications that pro-
beta blockers prescribed for hypertension can duce two effects in the eye: (1) miosis—that

TABLE 10-3 Topical Miotics Used for Glaucoma

Generic Type Notes

Carbachol Muscarinic receptor agonist Contraindicated in patients with asthma, coronary insufficiency,
(carbamylcholine) gastroduodenal ulcers, and incontinence due to potential for exacerbation of

Demecarium Acetylcholinesterase Use with caution in patients undergoing concurrent systemic therapy with
inhibitor cholinesterase inhibitors (e.g., in Alzheimer disease or myasthenia gravis).

Echothiophate Acetylcholinesterase Medication’s action on acetylcholinesterase is irreversible. Contraindicated

inhibitor with succinylcholine and other cholinesterinase inhibitors.

Pilocarpine Muscarinic receptor agonist Available in both eyedrop and gel forms. Use with caution in patients with
asthma or other existing eye problems (e.g., dry eye, which is sometimes
treated with the same class of medication via the oral route).
308 CHAPTER 10  Medications for Eye and Ear Disorders

is, constriction of the pupil secondary to the ­ ypertension, salivation, sweating, nausea,
contraction of the iris sphincter , and vomiting, and iris cysts (Glaucoma ­Research
(2) contraction of the ciliary muscle (Lehne, Foundation [GRF], 2012; NPPR, 2012;
2013; Wójcik-Gryciuk et al., 2016). As the Wynne et al., 2002).
ciliary muscle contracts, the trabecular mesh-
work through which fluid must pass opens, Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors
allowing more rapid outflow of fluid and, Carbonic anhydrase (CA) is an enzyme that
consequently, reduced eye pressure. Miotic is found in many tissues in the body, includ-
agents further reduce outflow resistance by ing the eye, that assists in converting carbon
causing the iris sphincter to contract (Tamm, dioxide to carbonic acid and bicarbonate ions.
Braunger, & Fuchshofer, 2015). For all practi- As their name makes clear, carbonic anhy-
cal purposes, it is not unlike turning a knob to drase inhibitors prevent the production of this
open a vent—a purely mechanical response. enzyme. When CA is inhibited in the ciliary
However, one drawback to such agents is that body, bicarbonate ion formation is slowed,
pupillary constriction can limit night vision, with subsequent reduction in sodium and
and their application may also be accompa- fluid transport (Tamm et al., 2015). This
nied by a burning sensation in the eye and a decreases the secretion of aqueous humor
headache (Sambhara & Aref, 2014). in the eye, diminishing the amount of fluid
available to exert pressure; thus, intraocular
Therapeutic and Adverse Effects pressure decreases.
Various miotics may possess differing mech- At present, only two such drugs are avail-
anisms of action. Some bind to the muscarinic able for topical application—brinzolamide
acetylcholine receptor to stimulate it directly and dorzolamide, both of which are
(muscarinic receptor agonists). Others in- ­supplied as drops. Two other medications—
hibit the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which acetazolamide and methazolamide—are
breaks down acetylcholine, thereby increas- available in oral formulas for systemic ad-
ing the amount of acetylcholine needed to ministration; however, these medications,
stimulate the receptors. In either case, the which are sulfonamide derivatives, are asso-
end result is the same: The receptors are ciated with significant adverse effects, so they
stimulated and the outflow of fluid increases so are not generally considered first-line agents
as to lower intraocular pressure. Both types of (Sambhara & Aref, 2014).
medications are usually supplied as eyedrops.
These agents are contraindicated in Therapeutic and Adverse Effects
­patients with ocular inflammation and in Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors should be used
disorders where constriction of the pupil is with caution in pregnant and breastfeeding
not desirable (e.g., uveitis, iritis, and some women. These drugs are categorized as sulfon-
forms of secondary glaucoma). In such in- amide drugs, meaning that they can induce
stances, dilation of the pupil is preferable to allergic reactivity in patients with sulfonamide
prevent scarring of the pupil, because it can allergies; in patients with known sensitivity to
no longer react appropriately as a result of the such drugs, they should not be used.
inflammation present from such conditions Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors can cause
(Wilson et al., 2012; Wynne et al., 2002). stinging, burning, or other eye discomfort
Miotics can cause blurred vision, pho- (GRF, 2012) and bitter taste and superfi-
tophobia, myopia, angle-closure glaucoma, cial punctate keratitis (NPPR, 2012; Wynne
­corneal clouding, ciliary spasm, and headache et al., 2002). Side effects of the tablet form
because of stimulation of the cholinergic re- ­(systemic) of methazolamide may include
ceptors in the eye. If systemically absorbed, tingling or loss of strength in the hands and
these medications may cause headache, feet, upset stomach, lack of mental clarity,
Glaucoma 309

memory problems, depression, kidney stones, (i.e., pH < 7), such as amoxicillin,
and frequent urination (GRF, 2012). acetazolamide, ampicillin, aspirin,
furosemide, ibuprofen, levodopa,
Drug Interactions methyldopa, theophylline, and warfarin.
Metabolic Competitors Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors generally pro-
Acetazolamide, when taken with barbi- mote excretion of acidic drugs. Corticosteroids
turates, aspirin, or lithium, interacts with as well as potassium-depleting diuretics also
these agents in such a way that both drugs cause hypokalemia, and potassium should
are metabolized more quickly, which may be closely monitored (NPPR, 2012; Wynne
lead to decreased effectiveness of interact- et al., 2002).
ing drugs. In contrast, if taken with amphe­
tamines, quinidine, procainamide, or Alpha-Adrenergic Agonists
tricyclic antidepressants, acetazolamide can Alpha-adrenergic receptors play key roles in
cause decreased excretion, leading to toxicity two functions affecting the eye’s fluid balance:
of both the interacting drugs (NPPR, 2012; vasoconstriction and pupillary constriction.
Wynne et al., 2002). Brinzolamide has no Both α1 and α2 receptors contribute to vaso-
known drug interactions. Dorzolamide constriction, but α2 receptors, in particular,
interacts with oral carbonic anhydrase are specific to the eye. Constriction of the
­inhibitors causing potential additive effects, blood vessels in the ciliary body slows the
so concurrent use of these medications is not production of aqueous humor, thereby reduc-
recommended. Methazolamide interacts ing fluid levels and, consequently, pressure
with diflunisal, causing significant ­decreases (Sambhara & Aref, 2014; Wójcik-Gryciuk
in intraocular pressure, and should be et al, 2016). Thus, stimulating the alpha re-
avoided with administration of other c­ arbonic ceptors, but most of all the α2 receptors, to
anhydrase inhibitors. Concurrent use with promote vasoconstriction in the eye offers
salicylates (aspirin) may cause accumula- valuable therapeutic effects for glaucoma.
tion of methazolamide that can result in Alpha-adrenergic agonists are medications
central nervous system (CNS) depression and that bind to the alpha-adrenergic receptors in
metabolic acidosis, and should be avoided. tissues (Chapter 5). They are, in essence, mi-
Topiramate use concurrent with use of metics for the hormones epinephrine and
­carbonic anhydrase inhibitors increases the norepinephrine, which are produced under
risk of renal calculi and should be avoided. certain physiological circumstances. In fact,
until some of the newer, more selective al-
Basic-pH Drugs pha-adrenergic agonists were introduced,
Medications with a basic pH effect on circu- epinephrine itself was an option for treating
lation (i.e., pH > 7), when combined with glaucoma; however, because it is nonselec-
carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, inhibit renal tive and has multiple, potentially undesir-
excretion. Thus, the coadministration of ba- able systemic effects, this medication is now
sic drugs with the following agents should be used only rarely for this indication. Instead,
avoided: atropine, diazepam, amoxicillin, medications that are selective for the α2 re-
epinephrine, methyldopa, metoprolol, ceptor have been developed (Arthur & Can-
nicotine, norepinephrine, pilocarpine, tor, 2011). Aside from epinephrine, one
and other carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. nonselective alpha-adrenergic ­receptor ag-
onist is used for glaucoma treatment—
Acidic-pH Drugs dipivefrin hydrochloride 0.1%; two
Potassium should be closely monitored α2-selective agonists—apraclonidine
when patients are taking other medications hydrochloride 1% and brimonidine
that have an acidic pH effect on c­ irculation 0.1%, 0.15%, and 0.2%—are also used as
310 CHAPTER 10  Medications for Eye and Ear Disorders

glaucoma therapies. The medication of choice Drug Interactions

is brimonidine, which is better tolerated by Cardiovascular Drugs
patients and equally or more effective than Alpha-adrenergic agonists—apraclonidine
other drugs in this class. Apraclonidine in particular—may interact with cardiovas-
is rarely used for glaucoma today because cular agents, including beta blockers/thiazide
a high rate of follicular conjunctivitis has diuretic combination drugs, cardiac glyco-
been associated with its use. Moreover, in sides, and beta blocker monotherapies, in
combination with timolol, a non-selective ways that may lead to reduction in pulse and
(β1 and β2) antagonist, brimonidine has blood pressure. Consequently, care should be
been found to offer a potential neuroprotec- used with their concurrent administration, to
tive effect (Arthur & Cantor, 2011), although include careful monitoring of blood pressure
this is offset, somewhat, by the potential risk and pulse.
of bradycardia that the combination appears
to induce (Sambhara & Aref, 2014). Psychotropic Medications
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
Therapeutic and Adverse Effects interact with apraclonidine, and concur-
Alpha-adrenergic agonists can cause foreign rent use of these therapies is contraindicated
body sensation (the sensation that something (NPPR, 2012). Brimonidine interacts with
is irritating the eye) in 10% to 39% of patients. CNS depressants including alcohol, barbi-
Also, ocular pain (Tamm et al., 2015; NPPR, turates, opiates, sedatives, and anesthetics,
2012), burning or stinging upon instillation of causing an additive CNS depression; it should
the eyedrop, fatigue, headache, drowsiness, be used with caution for ophthalmic indica-
dry mouth, and dry nose occur as the result tion if the patient is taking any medications
of α2-adrenergic agonist activity (GRF, 2012). with CNS depressive effects, and patients
­Alpha-2 agonists can protect neurons from in- should be cautioned against use of alcohol or
jury caused by ischemia (Lehne, 2013). nonprescribed/over-the-counter depressant
These agents are contraindicated in nurs- drugs. In patients taking tricyclic antidepres-
ing mothers and in children (Tamm et al., sants concomitantly with alpha-adrenergic
2015; Wilson et al., 2012). They should be agonists, intraocular pressure should be
used cautiously in patients with cardiac, re- ­monitored because this combination of drugs
nal, or liver disease. Brimonidine should not can lower circulating amines and reduce
be used with contact lenses in place. Patients ­pressure excessively.
should wait approximately 15 minutes be-
fore inserting contact lenses after instillation Other Precautions
of the solution because brimonidine can be Epinephrine can interact with anesthet-
absorbed on soft contact lenses (Tamm et al., ics such as cyclopropane and halogenated
2015; Wilson et al., 2012). If systemically ab- hydrocarbons, potentially causing cardiac ar-
sorbed, side effects may include headache, rhythmias; thus, it should be discontinued
hypertension, tachycardia, and cardiac ar- several days prior to surgery (three to seven
rhythmias (Tamm et al., 2015; NPPR, 2012). days depending on the duration of action of
Apraclonidine is contraindicated in the drug) (NPPR, 2012; Wynne et al., 2002).
patients with clonidine hypersensitiv- Dipivefrin does not have any known drug
ity, while dipivefrin is contraindicated in interactions.
narrow-angle glaucoma and in aphakic
patients who are missing the lens of their Prostaglandin Analogs
eye either congenitally or as the result of Prostaglandins are lipid compounds derived
surgery or trauma (Tamm et al., 2015; from arachidonic acid that act as chemical
Wilson et al., 2012). messengers throughout the body. Although
Chronic Dry or Bloodshot Eyes 311

they have systemwide effects as key media- darkening and thickening of eyelashes and
tors of inflammation (Ricciotti & FitzGerald, darkening of the iris, for example. Other side
2011), these agents are important in glau- effects include stinging, blurred vision, eye
coma therapy because they help to increase redness, itching, and burning due to topical
uveoscleral outflow (Wynne et al., 2002; administration of the prostaglandin agonist
Wójcik-Gryciuk et al., 2016). How they drug (GRF, 2012; NPPR, 2012; Wynne et al.,
accomplish this is not fully understood, but 2002). Very rarely, patients may experience a
potential mechanisms include relaxation of systemic reaction consisting of flu-like symp-
the ciliary muscle and remodeling of toms, muscle/joint pain, and allergic skin
extracellular matrix tissue within the ciliary reaction (Sambhara & Aref, 2014).
body. A variety of drugs are analogs to pros- Prostaglandin analogs should be used with
taglandins and, therefore, produce similar caution in pregnant women, in patients with
effects (TABLE 10-4). intraocular inflammation or iritis, and apha-
kic patients (Wilson et al., 2012; Wynne et al.,
Therapeutic and Adverse Effects 2002). The medications should not be admin-
Of the various classes of medications used in istered while contact lenses are in place, and
glaucoma, prostaglandin analogs are usually they are contraindicated in lactating women
the first-line choice. Most of the medications and in children.
available in this class are highly effective, of-
Adverse Drug Reactions
fering a reduction in intraocular pressure of
approximately 30%, which can translate into Almost no drug interactions are known with
a decrease in pressure of 6.5–8.4 mm Hg at prostaglandin analogs. Multiple medications
trough and peak time points (Sambhara & from this class should not be used simultane-
Aref, 2014). Another significant benefit is ously, however.
that prostaglandin analogs are consistent in
their activity overnight, keeping intraocu-
Chronic Dry or Bloodshot Eyes
lar pressure reduced while patients sleep, in At one point or another, everyone experi-
contrast to other medications that have less ences dry and/or bloodshot eyes. Not enough
consistency in their overnight activity pro- sleep, poor hydration, hormonal changes re-
files. Prostaglandin analogs are generally well lated to the menstrual cycle or menopause,
tolerated and have few side effects, some of irritants such as smoke or fumes, keeping
which are strictly cosmetic in nature— contact lenses in too long, prolonged expos-
ure to wind or sun—all of these factors can
contribute to dryness in the eyes. Dryness
TABLE 10-4 Prostaglandin Analogs Used in Glaucoma itself is sometimes the cause of swelling of the
blood vessels in the sclera, which leads to the
Generic Notes reddened “bloodshot” eyes that sometimes
Bimatoprost Used once daily. One of three agents with accompany it, but often this condition is sep-
equivalent efficacy. arate, related to inflammation within the eye.
Latanoprost Used once daily. One of three agents with This can be due to allergy, infiltration by par-
equivalent efficacy. ticulate matter, or microbial infection.
Tafluprost Used once daily. Less well studied than other Chronic dry eye (keratoconjunctivitis
drugs in its class because it was introduced sicca) is a condition in which the problem is
fairly recently.
not temporary, but persists due to an under-
Travoprost Used once daily. One of three agents with lying condition affecting tear production in
equivalent efficacy.
tear ducts. The cause may be simple aging or
Unoprostone Used twice daily. Efficacy found to be age-related hormonal changes, but a num-
somewhat lower than other agents in this class.
ber of chronic diseases also affect the quantity
312 CHAPTER 10  Medications for Eye and Ear Disorders

or composition of tears, leading to dry eye; Some ocular lubricants contain benzalko-
­diabetes, thyroid disease, and rheumatoid nium chloride and should not be used in pa-
arthritis, for example, can all have this effect tients who wear soft contact lenses because
(American Optometric Association [AOA], the released benzalkonium concentration
2018). In addition, certain autoimmune con- that remains on soft contact lenses is beyond
ditions affect mucous membranes throughout the upper limits for safe wear (Chapman,
the body, including the eyes, such as Sjögren Cheeks, & Green, 1990).
syndrome. Finally, use of certain medications Ocular lubricants may cause transient
to treat unrelated conditions, such as oral an- stinging and blurred vision due to the preser-
tihistamines, decongestants, blood pressure vatives contained in the lubricant.
medications, and certain antidepressants, can
lead to lower tear production and drying of Drug Interactions
the mucous membranes, resulting in chronic There are no known drug interactions with
dry eyes that are often painful and itchy ocular lubricants, although patient use in
(AOA, 2018). conjunction with medications for glaucoma is
While treatment protocols vary depend- probably ill advised, because use of artificial
ing on the cause of the condition, a number tears could reduce the efficacy of the glau-
of medications are used to relieve the symp- coma medication.
toms of dry or bloodshot eyes resulting from
multiple causes. This section describes these Ophthalmic Vasoconstrictors
­medications and indicates how they are used. Ophthalmic vasoconstrictors are sympathomi-
metic agents with activity similar to epineph-
Ocular Lubricants rine and norepinephrine that constrict the
In the majority of cases, the first line of de- conjunctival blood vessels and act minimally
fense against dryness in the eyes is adequate on the ocular tissue itself (Duzman et al.,
sleep and water intake. Most often, if given 1983). They are used to provide temporary
sleep and hydration, the body can produce relief from eye redness due to ocular irritants.
adequate tears to meet its needs—although Many are sold as over-the-counter products;
admittedly this capacity is lessened by aging. the agents approved for this purpose comprise
Where sleep and hydration fail to resolve the following medications (Food and Drug
the problem, artificial tears can supplement Administration [FDA], 2013):
natural tears and provide tear-like lubrica-
• Naphazoline hydrochloride, 0.01–0.03%
tion for dry eyes. These ocular lubricants are
• Phenylephrine hydrochloride, 0.08–0.2%
solutions that contain a balance of salts to
• Tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride,
maintain ocular tonicity, buffers to adjust pH,
viscosity-enhancing agents to prolong the
• Oxymetazoline 0.025%
duration of the lubricant’s retention on the
eye, and preservatives (Tamm et al., 2015). ­ Little is known about the pharmacoki-
Ocular lubricants are not absorbed netics of ophthalmic vasoconstrictors. The
­systemically, so they lack appreciable phar­ ­duration of action for naphazoline is three
macokinetic properties. to four hours, that for oxymetazoline is four
to six hours, and that for tetrahydrozoline
Therapeutic and Adverse Effects is one to four hours.
There are no known contraindications for
ocular lubricants. The main problem with Therapeutic and Adverse Effects
their use is that relief is usually only tem- Ophthalmic vasoconstrictors should be used
porary, which is problematic for patients with caution in pregnant women, but this is
suffering from chronic dryness of the eyes. primarily because their safety for use during
Chronic Dry or Bloodshot Eyes 313

pregnancy remains unknown and unstudied. may experience a severe hypertensive crisis
In a study in rabbits, oxymetazoline was if given a sympathomimetic drug (Bausch &
absorbed slowly into the eye: Only 0.006% Lomb, 2010). MAOIs may cause exaggerated
of the original drug concentration was found adrenergic effects and should not be used
in the aqueous humor 30 minutes after within 21 days of naphazoline. Systemic
instillation, with the balance remaining effects are more likely if these agents are
primarily in the extraocular tissues (99. used in combination with beta-adrenergic
004%) (Duzman et al., 1983). Safety indi- blockers (NPPR, 2012; Wynne et al., 2002).
cators including blood pressure, heart rate, There are no known drug interactions with
intraocular pressure, pupil size, and visual oxymetazoline and tetrahydrozoline.
acuity did not change significantly from
baseline after administration of ocular Corticosteroids
vasoconstrictors (Duzman et al., 1983). Corticosteroids have well-known
Ophthalmic vasoconstrictors are con- anti-inflammatory properties. When used
traindicated in patients with a known judiciously, they can be helpful in reducing
­hypersensitivity to the components of the the red, inflamed appearance that comes with
products and in patients with narrow-­angle injury or infection to the eye. These agents
or angle-closure glaucoma because of the are sometimes used to address inflammation
­vasoconstriction that occurs within the after cataract surgery as well. However, ocular
­vascular system of the conjunctiva (Bausch preparations of these medications (TABLE 10-5)
& Lomb, 2010; Duzman et al., 1983). Use have a variety of known adverse effects, both
in pediatric patients, especially infants, may local and systemic.
result in CNS depression leading to coma
and marked reduction in body temperature Therapeutic and Adverse Effects
(Bausch & Lomb, 2010). Corticosteroids have well-known systemic
The most serious adverse reaction is in- effects. In the eye, these effects consist of
creased intraocular pressure due to constric- quelling of the inflammatory response via
tion of the vascular system of the conjunctiva inhibition of multiple inflammatory cytokine
(Bausch & Lomb, 2010). This effect is likely effects. Unfortunately, the potential i­mpacts
due to the drug’s direct stimulation action on of these medications go beyond simply reduc-
the alpha-adrenergic receptors in the arteri- ing inflammation. Just as they do when used
oles of the conjunctiva, which results in de- systemically, topical corticosteroids can induce
creased conjunctival congestion (Bausch & hypertension; increased intraocular pressure
Lomb, 2010). Ocular vasoconstrictors may and glaucoma are significant risks of local
cause transient ocular stinging and burn- corticosteroid administration, due to glucocor-
ing upon instillation of the solution, as well ticoid effects on vasculature. Another risk is
as blurred vision, mydriasis, increased lacri- suppression of immune responses in the eye.
mation, irritation, and discomfort. Rebound Posterior subcapsular cataracts can develop
congestion and eye redness may occur with as soon as four months after initiating topical
prolonged use greater than three days (NPPR, corticosteroid use. Using topical corticoste-
2012; Wynne et al., 2002). roids carries other risks as well, including pto-
sis (drooping eyelid) and reduction in ocular
Drug Interactions movement, as well as slower wound healing
Naphazoline interacts with tricyclic anti- in surgical patients or those with eye injuries.
depressants and maprotiline, which act, in Corticosteroid drops or ointments should
part, by inhibiting presynaptic norepineph- not be used in patients with glaucoma, as
rine reuptake, causing increased pressor ef- these medications may increase intraocular
fects. Patients currently receiving MAOIs pressure.
314 CHAPTER 10  Medications for Eye and Ear Disorders

TABLE 10-5 Ophthalmic Corticosteroids

Generic Form

Dexamethasone Drops: 0.1% suspension

Dexamethasone + neomycin Drops: Suspension of dexamethasone 0.1% + neomycin equivalent to

3.5 mg/mL

Dexamethasone + neomycin + polymyxin B Drops: Suspension of neomycin equivalent to 3.5 mg/mL, polymyxin B 10,000 units,
dexamethasone 0.1%

Dexamethasone + tobramycin Drops: Suspension of tobramycin 0.3% + dexamethasone 0.1%

Difluprednate Drops: Emulsion, ophthalmic 0.05%

Fluorometholone Drops: 0.1% and 0.25% suspension

Ointment: 0.1%

Loteprednol Drops: 0.2% and 0.5% suspension

Ointment: 0.5%
Gel: 0.5%

Prednisolone Drops: Solution, ophthalmic, as sodium phosphate: 1% Suspension, ophthalmic, as

acetate: 0.12%, 1%

Prednisolone + gentamicin Drops: Gentamicin sulfate equivalent to 0.3% gentamicin base; prednisolone
acetate (microfine suspension) 1.0%

Prednisolone + polymyxin B + neomycin Drops: Prednisolone acetate (microfine suspension) 0.5%, neomycin sulfate
equivalent to 0.35% neomycin base, polymyxin B sulfate 10,000 units/mL

Prednisolone + sulfacetamide Drops: Suspension of sulfacetamide sodium 10% + prednisolone acetate 0.2%

Drug Interactions lubricants or vasoconstrictors, or both, most

Potential drug–drug interactions with likely are experiencing either an allergic re-
­corticosteroids are mainly those with other sponse to a substance they have encountered
locally applied ophthalmic preparations. or a viral or bacterial infection. These three
conditions can be distinguished from one an-
other by the exudate produced, which is
Ophthalmic Antibiotics usually watery and mucus-like for a viral in-
Best Practices It is not uncommon for redness, itch- fection, yellow-green and thick for a bacterial
ing, and dryness to be the result of infection, and absent in an allergic response
Patients with glau- microbial infections introduced into (Story, 2012).
coma should not the eyes. Indeed, given how often The most common presentation of an
use corticosteroid
people unconsciously rub dirty fin- ­ocular infection of this kind is conjuncti-
gers into and around the eyes, not to vitis, in which the eye appears bright red,
mention the proximity of the eyes to swollen, and painful. Infectious conjunctivi-
Best Practices
the rich source of microbes that the tis is highly contagious, and patients should
Patients should be mouth and nose jointly represent, be encouraged to avoid touching their eyes
told that skipping the miracle is that infections of the or face, to wash hands frequently, and to
or delaying doses of eye are not more common! limit face-to-face contact with others for the
topical antibiotics for Patients who present with red- ­duration of the infection—particularly if only
eye infections could
prolong the infection.
ness and dryness that have not re- one eye is infected, as hygienic measures can
sponded to either over-the-counter prevent infection of the contralateral eye.
Chronic Dry or Bloodshot Eyes 315

Unfortunately, while these steps are often (Haemophilus ­influenzae), many of which
enough to resolve an infection in an adult, have developed resistance to oral antibiot-
they are virtually impossible to enforce in a ics as a result of overly frequent use. Thus,
small child, who will likely need medication. proper dosing and use of a broad-spectrum
Treatment of conjunctivitis may involve agent are key factors in resolving the infec-
use of a variety of agents, most of which are tion and preventing recurrence due to resist-
intended to reduce inflammation and r­ elieve ance. The patient should be informed that
soreness and swelling. If the underlying cause skipping or delaying doses could promote
is bacterial and the infection is particularly resistance and lead to prolonged infection
severe (and therefore unlikely to resolve on and discomfort.
its own), a number of antibiotic ophthal- Chronic conjunctivitis that responds
mic agents are available for use (TABLE 10-6). poorly to therapy with antibiotics and cortico-
Note that some options are superior to others steroids could indicate undiagnosed glaucoma
when dealing with conjunctivitis in an infant; and should be assessed by an ophthalmolo-
pediatric limitations are included alongside all gist. Clinicians should also recognize that con-
ophthalmic antibiotic preparations listed. junctivitis is sometimes a product, rather than
The key concern with using ocular anti- a precursor, of glaucoma treatment. The pre-
biotics is the potential for developing resist- servatives used in a variety of glaucoma med-
ance. Some bacterial causes of eye infections ications, particularly the preservative known
are gram-positive bacterial pathogens, such as benzalkonium chloride (BAK), can be toxic
as Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epi- to the conjunctiva if used for extended per-
dermis, and Streptococcus pneumoniae (Haas, iods (Rasmussen, Kaufman, & Kiland, 2014).
Gearinger, U ­ sner, Decory, & Morris, 2011), A patient using glaucoma medications who
but others are gram-negative organisms presents with repeated bouts of conjunctivitis

TABLE 10-6 Ophthalmic Topical Antibiotics

Generic Antibiotic Class Preparation Pediatric

Azithromycin Macrolide antibiotic 1% solution Children 1 year and older

Bacitracin Polypeptide antibiotic 500 U/g unguent Not used in pediatric patients

Besifloxacin Fluoroquinolone 0.6% suspension Children 1 year and older

Ciprofloxacin Fluoroquinolone 0.3% solution or unguent Children 1 year and older

Erythromycin Macrolide antibiotic 0.5% unguent Children 2 months and older

Gatifloxacin Fluoroquinolone 0.3% solution Children 1 year and older

Gentamycin Aminoglycoside 0.3% solution or unguent Not used in pediatric patients

Levofloxacin Fluoroquinolone 1.5% solution Children 6 years and older

Moxifloxacin Fluoroquinolone 0.5% solution Children 1 year and older

Ofloxacin Fluoroquinolone 0.3% solution Children 1 year and older

Polymyxin B + bacitracin Antibiotic combination Unguent Not used in pediatric patients

Polymyxin B + neomycin + gramicidin Antibiotic combination Solution or unguent Not used in pediatric patients

Polymyxin B + trimethoprim Antibiotic combination Solution Children 2 months and older

Tobramycin Aminoglycoside 0.3% solution or unguent Children 2 months and older

316 CHAPTER 10  Medications for Eye and Ear Disorders

may need alternative medications that lack unlikely. Patients who are concurrently using
preservatives, or surgical therapy. other eye preparations for dry eye, glaucoma,
or similar conditions should avoid using these
Therapeutic and Adverse Effects medications at the same time, as they may
The therapeutic effect of ocular antibiotics is ­dilute the efficacy of one another.
primarily achieved through regular and correct
use of the medication. Thus, patients must be Drugs Used in Treating Otic Disorders
instructed on the appropriate way to instill the
medication as well as given a schedule of use. The most common medical therapies for otic
Most antibiotics have few adverse ­effects, use treat one of three basic problems:
particularly when used in topical form, but pa- (1) ear wax buildup leading to hearing loss;
tients’ history of antibiotic use should be taken (2) infection of the ear, either bacterial or
to identify the possibility that they might have fungal; or (3) pain associated with such an
encountered a resistant ­bacterium. In a survey infection. Because infections of the ear are
of clinical studies at ­multiple sites (Haas et al., common in children and a frequent source of
2011), a significant level of antibiotic resist- visits to medical clinics, the majority of this
ance to ciprofloxacin was noted in Staphy- section addresses the medications used to
lococcus and Streptococcus isolates, so changing treat these illnesses.
agents may be ­advisable in patients who show There are three types of ear infections that
no response to ciprofloxacin or who have occur in different parts of the ear (FIGURE 10-3).
extensive past oral antibiotic use. Acute otitis media (AOM) is a type of
ear infection that is usually painful and can
Drug Interactions have other symptoms such as redness of the
Few drug interactions are known with topical ­tympanic membrane (eardrum), pus in the
ophthalmic antibiotics. Systemic absorption is ear, fever, pulling or tugging on the affected

Outer ear Middle ear Inner ear

auditory Tympanic Semicircular
canal membrane canals
Oval window



Malleus Incus Stapes Eustachian
(auditory) tube

(Not to scale)

FIGURE 10-3  The structure of the ear.

Drugs Used in Treating Otic Disorders 317

ear (in children), and irritability (Centers for at birth. Mothers of newborns and expectant
Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2012). mothers should be advised on strategies for
Otitis media with effusion (OME) is the limiting their child’s exposures to ear infec-
buildup of fluid in the middle ear without tions, including the following measures (CDC,
the signs and symptoms of pain, redness of the 2012; Giebink, 1994):
eardrum, pus, or fever; it may be caused by vi-
• Breastfeeding exclusively for at least the
ral upper respiratory infections, allergies, or
first six months of an infant’s life reduces
exposure to irritants, including cigarette smoke
AOM in infancy and early childhood.
(CDC, 2012). The fluid does not usually cause
• If breastfeeding is not possible, avoid su-
any pain and goes away on its own, so it does
pine bottle-feeding; infants should be fed
not require any treatment with antibacterial
in an upright position.
agents. The final type of ear infection is otitis
• Avoid childcare centers when respiratory
externa, more commonly known as “swim-
illnesses are prevalent.
mer’s ear,” which is an infection of the inner
• Eliminate exposure to tobacco smoke,
ear and the outer ear canal. It can cause the
both firsthand and secondhand, as well as
ear to itch or become red and swollen to the
air pollution; use of a high-efficiency par-
point that touching it or even applying pres-
ticulate absorption (HEPA) filter in the
sure to the ear is quite painful. Pus may also
infant’s room can assist with limiting ex-
drain from the ear (CDC, 2012). Antibiotics
posure to pollutants.
are usually needed to treat otitis externa.
• Avoid pacifier use, or reduce pacifier use
In addition, when pain from ear infec-
after six months of age.
tions is significant (although these illnesses
• Preventing and treating influenza produces
are sometimes painless and go unnoticed),
a modest reduction in the incidence of
analgesics may be needed. Use of analge-
AOM, but only during influenza season.
sia in small children, especially, can present a
• Vaccinating against pneumococcal infec-
concern for parents, who should be a­ dvised
tion can reduce the risk of AOM slightly.
­regarding which medications are safest, how
much and how often to dose, and which
Acute Otitis Media
symptoms of toxicity to watch for.
Pain in the ear (otalgia) has many causes,
Prevention Begins at Birth not all of which are related to infection. To
Preventing AOM and reducing the risk of otic correctly diagnose AOM, the clinician must
complications in children can be done in sev- not only note otalgia, often characterized by a
eral ways, but many of the most useful strate- child tugging at or holding the ear, but other
gies must be initiated in infancy, preferably symptoms of AOM, including fever, vomiting,

A Word About Wax

Many pathogens are introduced into the ear by the external ear canal, which is difficult and
well-meaning individuals seeking to clear their painful to remove. Treatment of excess ceru-
ears of wax. While excessive accumulation of men or impacted cerumen includes instillation
cerumen (ear wax) leads to conductive hear- of mineral oil or carbamide peroxide. When
ing loss, impaction, and an environment con- ­instilled in the ear canal, this combination
ducive for the development of otitis e­ xterna softens the cerumen and allows for removal
(Wynne et al., 2002), manual removal of by ­irrigation with warm water or saline (van
­cerumen merely exacerbates the problem. Yet Wyk, 2017). If the external ear canal is excori-
it is nonetheless necessary to clear excess wax ated, treatment with antibiotic or steroid otic
to prevent the problem of impaction, in which preparations will prevent development of otitis
cerumen dries and hardens to form a plug in externa.
318 CHAPTER 10  Medications for Eye and Ear Disorders

irritability, impaired hearing, sleeplessness, The viruses that are most commonly
and otorrhea (fluid drainage) or purulent associated with AOM include respiratory
discharge from the ear (Lehne, 2013). AOM syncytial virus (RSV), rhinovirus, influenza
can be caused by bacterial or viral infection, virus, and adenoviruses (CDC, 2012). The
or both (TABLE 10-7) and is characterized by bacteria most commonly associated with
fluid, either purulent or nonpurulent, behind AOM include Streptococcus pneumoniae,
the tympanic membrane. When fluid is be- Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella
hind the tympanic membrane, the membrane catarrhalis (Table 10-7) (CDC, 2012).
can bulge outward, causing pain and possible
perforation of the tympanic membrane, and Choosing an Antibacterial Agent
resulting in otorrhea. In children with viral or AOM is the most common infection for
nonbacterial AOM, the tympanic membrane which antibacterial agents are prescribed
usually does not bulge outward. There is al- for ­children in the United States (Ameri-
ways the possibility of co-infection with bac- can ­Academy of Pediatrics [AAP], 2004;
teria and viruses, and sometimes a pathogenic ­Lieberthal et al., 2013). Recently, there has
bacterium cannot be isolated. These instances been much discussion about the necessity
are reflected in the percentages shown in of the antibacterial therapy for treatment
Table 10-7. of AOM. Making this diagnosis requires
AOM develops when a microbial infection (1) a history of acute onset of signs and
(which can be either viral or bacterial, but symptoms, (2) the presence of middle ear
is usually viral) in the nasopharynx causes effusion, and (3) signs and s­ ymptoms of
blockage of the Eustachian tube, causing middle-ear inflammation (AAP, 2004; Li-
negative pressure in the middle ear (Lehne, eberthal et al., 2013). Children with AOM
2013). When the Eustachian tube finally does usually present with a history of rapid onset
open to equalize the pressure in the ear, bac- of signs and symptoms of AOM such as otal-
teria and viruses can enter the middle ear as gia (pulling on the ear in an infant), otor-
the result of an inefficient mucociliary ­action, rhea, and fever (AAP, 2004; Lieberthal et al.,
making the transport of pathogens back to 2013). These findings are nonspecific for
the nasopharynx impossible, and resulting in otalgia, however, and can also represent up-
the colonization of bacteria or virally ­infected per respiratory infections. The infection must
cells in the middle ear mucosa. Bacteria are also disrupt sleep or daily activities to war-
present in 70% to 90% of children with rant an AOM diagnosis (CDC, 2012).
­middle-ear fluid, and viruses are present in In 2013, the AAP and the American
about 50% of children with middle ear fluid. Academy of Family Physicians released new
guidelines for treating children with AOM.
They recommend basing treatment on three
TABLE 10-7 Pathogens Most Commonly Associated ­factors: age, illness severity, and the degree
with Acute Otitis Media of diagnostic certainty (AAP, 2004; Lieber-
thal et al., 2013). The guidelines also include
Streptococcus pneumoniae 40–50% the important new option of observation,
Haemophilus influenzae 20–25% ­defined as management of symptoms alone
for a period of 48 to 72 hours, allowing time
Moraxella catarrhalis 10–15%
for AOM to resolve on its own, which hap-
No bacteria found 20–30% pens in most cases (AAP, 2004; Lieberthal
Respiratory viruses with or without bacteria 48% et al., 2013). If the symptoms persist past this
Data from Lehne, R.A. (2013). Pharmacology for Nursing Care, 8th ed. St.
time period, then antibiotic therapy is war-
Louis, MO: Elsevier, pp.1346–51; CDC, 2012 ranted and initiated. One important point
Drugs Used in Treating Otic Disorders 319

with the observation option is that it is appro- ­detailed in Table 10-8 and are based on the
priate only if follow-up can be ensured with patient’s age, the severity of the illness/
the child’s healthcare provider. The following symptoms, and the certainty of the ­diagnosis
statements should be considered for the rec- (AAP, 2004; ­Lieberthal et al., 2013). Any
ommendation of observation: child who is younger than six months of age,
regardless of the ­certainty of the diagnosis or
• Most episodes of AOM resolve spontane-
the severity of the symptoms, should receive
ously without any antibiotic treatment.
antibiotic therapy, whereas children who are
• Immediate antibacterial therapy is only
six months to two years old should receive
marginally superior to observation at re-
antibiotics only with diagnostic certainty of
solving AOM and is no better at resolving
AOM. If the diagnosis is uncertain, antibiot-
pain and/or distress.
ics should be reserved only for severe illness
• Parents find the observation approach an
or severe symptoms. For children more than
acceptable treatment plan for their child.
two years old, antibiotics are reserved for
Delaying the initiation of antibacterial those whose diagnosis is certain and whose
therapy does not significantly increase the symptoms are severe (AAP, 2004; Lieberthal
risk for mastoiditis, which occurs when bacte- et al., 2013).
ria invade the mastoid bone (Lehne, 2013).
The AAP and American Academy of Fam-
ily Practice recommend the following criteria: What About Decongestants?
• Diagnosing AOM by confirming a hist- Many parents, when confronted with a child
ory of acute onset of the signs of middle who has a cold and who complains or shows
ear effusion (MEE) and evaluating for the signs of ear pain, reach for over-the-counter
presence of signs and symptoms of middle decongestants to help relieve the child’s symp-
ear inflammation toms. These medications are not recom-
mended, according to the AAP, because there
• Identifying pain and treating it
are too few data supporting their use and,
• Observation for children who have the as- more importantly, no clear understanding of
surance of follow-up based on diagnostic their risks. Manufacturers voluntarily discon-
certainty, age (greater than 2 years), and tinued over-the-counter medications intended
illness severity for children younger than two years in 2008
• If antibacterial agents are necessary, and relabeled medications for older children
as unsuited for those younger than the age of
­starting with amoxicillin 80–90 mg/kg
four as a result of these concerns (FDA, 2011).
per day based on the anticipated clinical
response and the microbiologic flora
likely to be present (AAP, 2004; Lieberthal
et al., 2013) The Food and Drug Administration’s
(FDA) recommendations for treating children
If the patient fails to respond to the ini-
under four with cough and cold symptoms
tial management of AOM with amoxicillin
are as follows:
80–90 mg/kg per day within the first 48 to
72 hours and the symptoms persist, then • A cool mist humidifier helps nasal pas-
either another disease is present or the anti- sages shrink and allows for easier breath-
bacterial therapy was inadequate and should ing. (Do not use warm mist humidifiers,
be based on the likely pathogens present (see as they can cause nasal passages to swell
­Table 10-7) and the clinical experience. and make breathing more difficult.)
The criteria for choosing observa- • Saline nose drops or spray keeps nasal
tion v
­ ersus initiating antibiotic therapy are passages moist and helps avoid stuffiness.
320 CHAPTER 10  Medications for Eye and Ear Disorders

• Nasal suctioning with a bulb syringe, either clarithromycin, both of which are macrolide
with or without saline nose drops, works antibiotics, should be the first-line treatment
especially well for infants less than one options in these instances.
year old. Older children often resist its use. Although many instances of AOM occur
• Acetaminophen or ibuprofen can be used secondary to upper respiratory infections, the
to reduce fever, aches, and pains. Acet- use of decongestants or nasal steroids does not
aminophen is preferred for infants and aid in resolving the ear infection and their use
children younger than age two. Parents is not recommended (Harmes et al., 2013).
should carefully read and follow the prod-
uct’s instructions for use label. Treatment for Antibiotic-Resistant AOM
• Drinking plenty of liquids will help the Antibiotic resistance is defined by the persis-
child stay well hydrated. tence of symptoms including fever, otalgia,
otorrhea, and a red bulging tympanic mem-
In short, the best evidence available sug-
brane despite 48 to 72 hours of antibiotic
gests that decongestants and cough sup-
therapy (AAP, 2004; Lieberthal et al., 2013).
pressants should be left on the shelf when it
Major risk factors for antibiotic resistance
comes to pediatric patients. Nurses should of-
(Lehne, 2013) include the following:
fer parents information based on the FDA’s
recommendations for managing their child’s • Attending day care
upper respiratory symptoms and treat any as- • Age less than two years old
sociated ear infection, if present, according to • Exposure to antibiotics in the previous
standard protocols. one to three months
When antibacterial therapy is warranted, • Winter and spring seasons
high-dose amoxicillin (40–45 mg/kg twice The United States has seen an i­ncrease
daily) is the first-line treatment. The bene- in the incidence of antibiotic resistance
fits include efficacy, safety, low cost, pleas- ­because of the overuse of antibiotics, lead-
ing taste, and narrow microbiologic spectrum ing to the development of resistant patho-
(AAP, 2004; Lieberthal et al., 2013). gens. Often, strains of H. influenzae and
Best Practices If the infection persists after 48 to M. catarrhalis are resistant to beta-­lactam
72 hours of treatment, however, ­antibiotics because they have evolved
FDA recommenda- the patient should be reexamined, the ability to produce beta lactamase,
tions for treating chil- and a second-line agent, such as an e­ nzyme that inactivates amoxicillin
dren under age four
amoxicillin/clavulanate, should and certain other beta-lactam antibiotics.
with cough and cold
symptoms focus on be used as appropriate (Harmes S. pneumoniae can be resistant to m ­ ultiple
supportive care. Evi- et al., 2013). For patients who have ­antibiotics, including erythromycin,
dence ­suggests for- a penicillin allergy, the treatment trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole,
going decongestants depends on the severity of the re-
and cough suppres-
amoxicillin, and other beta-lactam
sants for pediatric
action. If the allergy is not severe ­antibiotics (Lehne, 2013). The resis-
patients. Nurses (severe Type 1 hypersensitivity reac- tance to amoxicillin is not the result of
should offer parents tion), a ­cephalosporin may be used beta-lactamase production, but rather
information based on (e.g., cefdinir, cefuroxime, or ­reflects synthesis of altered penicillin-­binding
FDA recommenda-
cefpodoxime). If the allergy is se- proteins (PBPs) that have an affinity for
tions for managing
their child’s upper vere (Type 1 hypersensitivity that amoxicillin, which has a much lower PBP
respiratory symptoms causes urticaria or other immedi- than penicillin.
and treat any associ- ate-type anaphylactic symptoms), a
ated ear infection, if cephalosporin should be avoided be- Pharmacodynamics
present, according to
standard protocols.
cause of the possible cross-reactiv- The medications used to treat o
­ titis e­ xterna
ity (Lehne, 2013). Azithromycin or include combination ­products that contain
Drugs Used in Treating Otic Disorders 321

corticosteroids and a­ ntibiotics or antibiot- Ofloxacin otic medications may cause taste
ics alone. The exact mechanism of action alterations as well as dizziness, vertigo, and
for corticosteroids such as hydrocortisone paresthesia in patients with ruptured tym-
in this indication remains unknown, but panic membranes due to the systemic absorp-
it is thought that they act by the induc- tion of the medication (NPPR, 2012; Wynne
tion of phospholipase A2 inhibitory pro- et al., 2002). Ototoxicity may occur with pro-
teins that control inflammatory mediators longed use of combination antibiotic and
such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes ­cortisone-like solutions (NPPR, 2012; Wynne
(Wynne et al., 2002). Neomycin is ­active et al., 2002).
against Staphylococcus aureus and P ­ roteus and
­Enterobacter species. Polymyxin B is ­active Drug Interactions
against gram-negative bacteria (including There are no significant drug interactions for
P. aeruginosa, E. coli, and H. influenzae), while topical otic preparations.
gentamicin is a broad-spectrum amino-
glycoside that is active against P. aeruginosa, Otitis Media with Effusion
Staphylococcus, S. pneumoniae, beta-hemolytic OME is a painful condition characterized by
streptococci, and Enterobacter species. The fluid in the middle ear that does not have any
fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin and evidence of local or systemic illness, such as
ofloxacin) are active against Staphylococcus, the fever, vomiting, irritability, or otorrhea
S. pneumoniae, Proteus and Enterobacter spe- observed with AOM (AAP, 2004; Lieberthal
cies, and P. aeruginosa. Acid and alcohol so- et al., 2013). OME patients may have some
lutions contain 2% ­acetic acid; they reduce associated hearing loss, but there is rarely
inflammation and exert their antibacterial pain associated with the condition. The pres-
and antifungal effects by decreasing pH in ence of fluid may persist for weeks to months
the ear (Wynne et al., 2002). after the AOM infection has resolved, render-
ing antibiotics useless in treating this condi-
Therapeutic and Adverse Effects tion. Therefore, antibiotics should not be
Hypersensitivity to any of the components in recommended or used to treat OME.
an otic medication is a contraindication to its
use. Ciprofloxacin and combination antibi- Otitis Externa and Its Management
otic and cortisone-like solutions are contra- Otitis externa (OE) is an acute, painful in-
indicated in tympanic membrane perforation flammation of the external auditory canal
because they possess ototoxicity character- that is usually caused by a bacterial infection,
istics, and they carry a risk of sensorineural but rarely can be caused by a fungal infec-
hearing loss due to cochlear damage, mainly tion. Occasionally the infection may spread
destruction of the hair cells in the organ to the surrounding tissues and cause serious,
of Corti (Howard, 2012; JHP Pharmaceut- even life-threatening, complications in im-
icals, 2008). However, neomycin/polymyxin munocompromised and diabetic individuals
B/hydrocortisone otic suspension may be (Wynne et al., 2002). The majority of cases
used with tympanic membrane perforation. of OE respond to topical treatment. The most
­Superinfection and overgrowth of nonsus- common pathogens implicated in OE are
ceptible organisms and fungi can result from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus au-
prolonged use of topical antibiotics (Wynne reus, but other potential causative bacteria/
et al., 2002). pathogens include Staphylococcus epidermidis
Contact dermatitis, local reactions, and and Microbacterium otitidis.
superinfections from prolonged use can re- Symptoms of acute otitis externa include
sult from use of topical otic preparations. otalgia and otorrhea, impaired hearing,
322 CHAPTER 10  Medications for Eye and Ear Disorders

purulent discharge, and pronounced tender- drainage of excess water by tipping the head
ness of the auricle with manipulation such to the side. The patient should not remove
as during chewing (Sander, 2001). Otitis ex- cerumen and should not use earplugs, except
terna occurs because of abrasion in the ear for swimming.
canal and/or excess moisture, both of which
facilitate bacterial colonization with P. ae- Treatment
ruginosa and S. aureus (Bojrab, Bruderly, & Treatment with systemic antimicrobials
Abdulrazzak, 1996; Clark, Brook, Bianki, should be initiated for initial therapy only if
& Thompson, 1997; Dibb, 1991; Hajioff & there is involvement outside the ear canal, or
MacKeith, 2015; Nichols, 1999). The abra- specific patient-based reasons (such as immu-
sion creates a site for bacteria to enter the nocompromised patients) exist. Otherwise,
epithelium, while e­ xcess moisture washes treatment with topical preparations should be
away the protective cerumen, thereby cre- instituted (Rosenfeld et al., 2014). The treat-
ating an environment that supports the ment goals for otitis externa are to reduce
growth of bacteria (Wynne et al., 2002). pain and eliminate the pathogen. For most
Otitis externa abrasions can be caused by patients, this involves treating pain with anal-
the use of cotton-tipped swabs or inserting gesics and administering topical antibiotics or
fingers, toothpicks, pencils, ear syringing, acetic acid solutions. Rarely, oral antibiotics
hearing aids, or earplugs into the ear. Other may be necessary, if the infection is exten-
causes can include the presence of excess sive. The ear should be kept as dry as possible
moisture resulting from swimming, bath- for 7 to 10 days until the treatment course is
ing, perspiration, or high humidity (Sander, completed.
2001). Occasionally, otitis externa can be
caused by chronic dermatologic diseases Topical Medications
such as ­eczema, psoriasis, seborrheic der- The external auditory canal should be
matitis, or acne (­ Hajioff & MacKeith, 2015; cleansed as thoroughly as possible and a wick,
Sander, 2001). made of cotton usually, should be inserted
Acute bacterial otitis externa is charac- to assist with draining and swelling. In addi-
terized by scant to thick white mucus. In tion, topical antibacterial therapy should be
contrast, fungal otitis externa is character- initiated (Sander, 2001). Simple acidifica-
ized by a fluffy, white to off-white discharge, tion with 2% acetic acid is usually the best
with small black or white conidiophores on choice. However, topical antibiotic agents can
white hyphae (associated with Aspergillus) be placed in direct contact with the bacteria
(Sander, 2001). and are the next choice for treatment of otitis
externa (Sander, 2001). Table 10-9 provides
Prevention more information on the various treatment
The best way to prevent OE is to maintain options.
good hygiene and promote the natural de- Steroids added to otic drops may be
fenses that the body has against OE. The used to decrease inflammation and edema
patient should not put anything in the ear ca- of the external ear canal, and can help
nal, including cotton-tipped applicators, fin- resolve symptoms more quickly, but not all
gers, toothpicks, pencils, or other objects that studies reveal a benefit from this treatment.
could damage or abrade the ear canal and In addition, topical steroids can be sensitizers
remove the protective cerumen layer. The that can cause hypersensitivity reactions
patient should dry the ear canal after swim- to antigens through repeated exposure
ming, bathing, and showering by thoroughly (Bojrab et al., 1996; “Diagnosis and Treatment
drying the ear with a towel and promoting of Acute Otitis Externa,” 1999; Sander, 2001).
Drugs Used in Treating Otic Disorders 323

While treatments vary slightly, it is most should be reserved for patients who have
commonly recommended that otic drops temperatures higher than 38.3°C (101.0°F),
be given for 3 to 5 days beyond the cessa- severe pain, and regional lymphadenopathy
tion of symptoms. This usually results in a of the preauricular or anterior or posterior
total 5- to 7-day course of treatment with cervical chains (Sander, 2001). Addition-
topical agents (Sander, 2001). In the case ally, otitis media should be considered as a
of severe infections, 10 to 14 days of treat- concomitant diagnosis when the patient has
ment may be ­warranted. Follow-up is not an upper respiratory infection or is younger
required ­unless the symptoms are not im- than two years of age, as otitis externa is
proving (Clark et al., 1997). Typically, three considered uncommon in these populations
or four drops of the topical antibiotic prep- (Sander, 2001). Furthermore, systemic anti-
aration are placed in the affected area four biotics should be used in patients with early
times daily, whereas fluoroquinolones are signs of necrotizing otitis externa, and in
applied in the affected area twice daily (“Di- those whose immunity may be comprom-
agnosis and Treatment of Acute Otitis Ex- ised, such as individuals with diabetes, those
terna,” 1999; Jones, Milazzo, & Seidlin, taking systemic corticosteroids, or those with
1998; Simpson & Markham, 1999). an underlying chronic dermatitis (“Diagno-
To minimize the dizziness associated with sis and Treatment of Acute Otitis Externa,”
instillation of otic drops, it is recommended 1999; Jones et al., 1998; Nichols, 1999;
that the bottle be warmed by gently rub- Sander, 2001; Selesnick, 1994).
bing it between the hands for several min-
utes prior to administration of the drops. A Fungal Otitis Externa (Otomycosis)
small cotton plug that is moistened with the Approximately 10% of otitis externa is caused
antibiotic drops can also be used to help re- by fungi and not bacteria, with the two most
tain the drops in the ear if the patient can- common fungal pathogens being Aspergillus
not lie still long enough to allow adequate (causing 80% to 90% of otitis externa) and
absorption (Sander, 2001). Manipulating Candida (causing 10% to 20% of otitis externa)
the tragus of the affected ear can assist with (Bojrab et al., 1996; Boustred, 1999; Dibb,
sufficient distribution throughout the ex- 1991; Sander, 2001). Fungi are usually the
ternal auditory canal (Sander, 2001). If the primary pathogen in otitis externa when there
patient has an ear wick, the drops should is excessive moisture and heat (Sander, 2001).
be applied more often while the patient is Often fungal otitis externa is asymptomatic,
awake—every three to four hours. Addition- with diagnosis made through observation of
ally, with a wick, the ear should be examined the unique discharge from the external audi-
more often and cleansed more frequently tory canal (Sander, 2001). When symptoms
to decrease the edema. The wick should be are present, discomfort is the most common
removed when it is no longer necessary (Bo- complaint, followed by pruritus that is quite
jrab et al., 1996). intense. The pruritus causes further scratch-
ing and damage to the epidermis. Patients may
Systemic Treatment also describe a feeling of fullness in the ear
Rarely, systemic antibiotics may be required (Sander, 2001).
for treatment of acute otitis externa that is
not responding to topical treatments. Sys- Treatment
temic antibiotics should be used with con- Cleansing the ear canal by suctioning is the
current AOM or if local or systemic spread first treatment, as well as administration of
has occurred or is suspected (Halpern, acidifying drops, such as 2% acetic acid
Palmer, & Seidlin, 1999). This treatment (Sander, 2001). The patient should be
324 CHAPTER 10  Medications for Eye and Ear Disorders

evaluated at the end of the treatment for • Bacterial infections of the eyes and ears are not auto-
resolution of symptoms because the infection matically treated with antibiotic therapy due to con-
cerns about antibiotic resistance, but persistent or
can persist asymptomatically (Sander, 2001). severe infections may be addressed with appropriate
If the infection persists, over-the-counter medications.
clotrimazole 1% solution should be used; if • Otic infections are treated, depending on whether they
are AOM or external, with antimicrobials, but following
tympanic membrane perforation is suspected,
age-based guidelines. External ear infections should
however, tolnaftate 1% solution should be be treated with topical agents unless circumstances
used to prevent ototoxicity associated with warrant broad-spectrum systemic antimicrobials. Pain
clotrimazole (Lucente, 1993; Sander, 2001). associated with most otic infections should usually be
treated with NSAIDs.
Aspergillus infections may be resistant to
clotrimazole and may require the use of oral
itraconazole (Sander, 2001). Critical Thinking Questions

1. The nurse is caring for a patient with a known
Ear infections are frequently accompan- history of glaucoma. The patient complains of
ied by pain. Treating this pain with systemic blurred vision, severe headache, and severe
analgesics can be problematic for parents, pain. What is the priority action for the nurse?
particularly when the patient is an in- a. Notify the physician immediately.
b. Administer a narcotic analgesic.
fant. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
c. Document the findings because these are
(NSAIDs) are associated with upper gastroin- expected symptoms.
testinal tract complications (Bianciotto et al., d. Place the patient in a darkened room.
2013), particularly if combined with salicy- 2. What is the mechanism of action of the prosta-
lates (which are generally not advised for use glandin analogs used to treat glaucoma?
in young children due to the association with a. Decreased aqueous humor formation
Reye syndrome). Use of acetaminophen in b. Increased aqueous humor outflow
10–15 mg/kg doses has been found to be ef- c. Dilated pupils
d. Decreased production of vitreous humor
fective as a fever reducer (Temple, Temple, &
Kuffner, 2013), and this agent is a reasonably 3. The patient should be aware of the possible
effective analgesic. side effects of beta blockers used in the treat-
ment of glaucoma. The nurse should include
Topical anesthetics, typically benzocaine, which of the following in the treatment plan?
can also be used to treat the pain associated a. Brown pigmentation of the iris and eyelid
with otitis media until systemic antibiotics b. Loss of eyelashes
are able to take effect (Wynne et al., 2002). c. Bradycardia
Benzocaine may be combined with glycerin, d. Tachycardia
a hygroscopic agent that helps coat the ear 4. From the following list of signs and symptoms,
­canal more easily (Wynne et al., 2002). identify which are associated with AOM. Select
all that apply.
a. Fever
• Eye and ear diseases are uniquely distressing to the c. Somnolence
patient. They are frequently addressed with topical and d. Otorrhea
local interventions rather than systemic medications. 5. From the following signs and symptoms,
• Eye diseases stem from a variety of problems but can be
­identify which are associated with OME.
treated with solutions or unguents containing appropri-
a. Fever
ate medications.
• Glaucoma, in particular, is treated with a variety of medi- b. Vomiting
cation classes that are applied directly to the eyes. c. Irritability
• Proper technique in using ophthalmic medications must d. Fluid in the middle ear
be taught to patients to ensure optimal results.
Case Studies 325


Case Scenario 1
A two-year-old child presents to the clinician’s office with her mother. The mother states that
her daughter has been sick for five days. The child has a runny nose with “green” discharge, has a
temperature of 99.9°F, and has been tugging at her left ear for the last two days. She does not have
any history of “ear problems” according to the mother. There are no smokers in the household. The
only medication that the girl is taking at this time is fluoride, according to the mother (sodium
fluoride drops 0.5 mg, 0.5 mL daily). The mother notes that she had to speak louder to her daughter
over these last several days in order for her daughter to understand her.
The girl does not appear in any acute distress. She is well developed and well nourished. Physical
exam findings are as follows:
• Vital signs: temperature 99.2°F, blood pressure 90/55, pulse 100, respirations 20.
• Eyes: sclera injected with clear discharge leaking from eyes.
• Ears: external ear canal with yellow-brown earwax present.
• External pinna: no lesions or masses.
• Left tympanic membrane: bulging, translucent, pink, intact, clear fluid noted behind tympanic
membrane; light reflex diffuse; unable to visualize all of the bony landmarks.
• Right tympanic membrane: translucent, intact, no fluid visualized; light reflex sharp; able to
visualize all bony landmarks.
• Nares: clear discharge from nares bilaterally.
• Lymph nodes: small anterior and posterior cervical nodes palpated on left side, no pre-auricular
nodes palpated.
• Throat: pink, moist, tonsils not enlarged, clear postnasal drainage present in the posterior
• Heart: regular rate; S1 and S2 heart sounds present.
• Lungs: clear to auscultation bilaterally anterior and posterior.
Case Questions
1. Based on the exam findings, what are the possible reasons for the girl’s ear pain?
2. How should the nurse educate the mother on the exam findings and potential treatment plan?
3. What are the signs and symptoms for AOM and OME?


Case Scenario 2
Sophie is a four-year-old Hispanic female with a complaint of bilateral “eye drainage” who is routed
to the fast-track clinic of the ED where you work. Sophie’s mother tells you that Sophie’s eye
drainage started yesterday in one eye, and today both her eyes were matted shut with thick, yellow
secretions when she woke up. Sophie has had cloudy nasal drainage and mild, nonproductive
cough for the last three days. She attends full-day pre-K, and several children have been ill with

326 CHAPTER 10  Medications for Eye and Ear Disorders


similar “cold symptoms” during the last week. She denies fever, eye pain or itching, photophobia,
headache, loss of vision, rash, nausea or vomiting. No other family members are currently ill. Sophie’s
past medical history includes uncomplicated term birth with no subsequent chronic diseases,
hospitalizations, serious injuries, or surgeries. She has no history of allergic rhinitis, asthma, or atopic
dermatitis. She is seen regularly by a pediatrician for her annual well-child check-ups, and her
immunizations/health screenings are up to date. She was last seen by her pediatrician three months
ago for her annual check-up. She takes no medications, herbal products, or supplements. Sophie’s
parents are both employed; she has 2 older siblings. Her immediate family have no chronic illness.
Sophie is not exposed to tobacco smoke.
Medication list: None; Allergies: NKDA
Vital signs: BP: 90/50; P: 95/minute, regular; Respirations: 20/minute, regular; Oral temperature: 98.8°F.
Weight: 32 lbs.; Ht: 38”; BMI: 52nd percentile (healthy weight).
The healthcare provider performs a targeted physical exam. Sophie is alert and cooperative; she is in no
acute distress. Her visual acuity is 20/30 for each eye and both eyes together. Her visual fields are intact;
her pupils are round, equal, and reactive to light bilaterally. The conjunctivae are injected bilaterally,
and tenacious yellow-green material is present. Her lids are mildly edematous bilaterally; there is no
periorbital erythema or edema. Her pharynx is clear; tympanic membranes are dull bilaterally but
mobile; pre-auricular lymph nodes are nonpalpable. Her lung sounds are clear bilaterally.
The provider makes a clinical diagnosis of acute bacterial conjunctivitis based on symptomatology.
He prescribes trimethoprim-polymyxin B sulfate, a topical antibiotic with-broad spectrum activity
that has shown to be safe in children. He asks you to instruct the parent about instillation of the eye
drops, dosing frequency, adverse effects, duration of treatment, and prevention of contamination
of the medication bottle. Sophie is to follow-up with her pediatrician at her next scheduled
appointment or sooner if her condition worsens or does not improve in 24–48 hours.
Case Questions
1. Sophie’s mother is concerned about how to instill the eye drops in her very mobile four-year old daughter
who does not like anything put into her eyes. What can you teach her about a good technique to use with
small children when instilling eye drops?
2. What is the dosing frequency and duration of treatment for trimethoprim-polymyxin B sulfate?
3. What should you say if Sophie’s mother asks, “Will the eye drops hurt when I put them in her eyes?”
4. How can Sophie’s mother protect the sterility of the antibiotic eye drop solution?
5. Sophie’s family members may be at risk for contracting the infection from her. Write a nursing diagnosis that
reflects this risk.
6. Write one short-term goal (something that can be achieved today) directed toward avoiding the outcome
of spread of infection to other family members.
7. What adverse effects might occur with the use of this medication? What specific information will you tell
Sophie’s mother about when to call the clinic for a reevaluation of her illness?
8. When can Sophie return to pre-K? Would you recommend that someone at her school instill the eye drops
during school hours?

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the recalcitrant case. American Journal of Otology, 15, (pp. 782–808). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis.

Pharmacology of the
Genitourinary System

Diana M. Webber


Androgens Gonadotropin Prostatitis Urethritis

Benign prostate hyperplasia Gonadotropin-releasing Pyelonephritis Urinary incontinence
(BPH) hormone (GnRH) Recurrent UTI Urinary tract
Complicated UTI Ovulation Sexually transmitted Urinary tract infection (UTI)
Contraception Phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) infections (STIs) Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR)
Corpus cavernosum inhibitor Testosterone
Cystitis Progestin Uncomplicated UTI
Erectile dysfunction Prostate Urethra


At the end of the chapter, the reader will be able to: 4. Describe the pharmacology for the drugs discussed in this
chapter in terms of class, therapeutic indication, mechanism
1. Discuss the basic pharmacotherapeutic concepts in three
of action, interactions, side effects, and toxicity.
genitourinary conditions: urinary tract infection (UTI),
male erectile dysfunction (ED), and female hormonal 5. Identify relevant nursing considerations for medica-
contraception. tions used for management of UTI, ED, and hormonal
2. Describe the nurse’s role in the pharmacologic manage-
ment of UTI, ED, and hormonal contraception.
3. Explain the mechanisms by which estrogens and progestins
prevent conception.

330 CHAPTER 11  Pharmacology of the Genitourinary System

Introduction is as straightforward (in theory) as a simple

bacterial infection. Particularly when such in-
The genitourinary system is an unusual con- fections may have been sexually transmitted,
vergence of two separate bodily functions: re- embarrassment or shame about the nature of
production and waste elimination. It includes the illness can provoke responses in patients
the entire urinary tract as well as the organs that make treating them difficult.
related to reproduction in both men and The focus of this chapter includes male
women (FIGURE 11-1). When treating ailments and female lower and upper UTIs (e.g.,
of this system, the clinician must, therefore, urethritis, bacterial cystitis, pyelonephritis),
“wear two hats”—that is, consider disease vaginitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia and
processes (and potential outcomes) that may male erectile dysfunction (ED), sexually
have origins in or impacts on more than one transmitted infections (STIs), and female
set of functions. For example, an ailment of pharmacologic contraception.
the urinary tract, such as a simple infection,
can have repercussions for the patient’s sex-
ual functioning, and vice versa. This associa-
Urinary Tract Infections
tion can complicate patients’ understanding Although the anatomy and physiology of
of disease processes, even when the illness the male and female genitourinary tract



Ureter opening



External urethral opening

FIGURE 11-1  Anatomy of the male (left) and female (right) urinary tracts.
Urinary Tract Infections 331

partially protect this system from pathogenic be 60.4%, and at least one-third of women
invasion, certain factors may contribute in the United States are diagnosed with UTI
to increased incidence of urinary tract before age 24 (Griebling, 2005a).
infection (UTI). In females, these factors By contrast, males (other than prior
include a short, straight urethra, which to one year of age, when male UTI inci-
facilitates bacterial access to the bladder, and dence exceeds that of females), have only
hormonal influences such as postmenopausal a 13.6% lifetime risk for UTI. Most adult
estrogen deficiency with concomitant male UTIs are the result of obstruction of
vaginal acidification (FIGURE 11-2). The acid the urinary tract from benign hyperpla-
environment of the vagina allows for bacterial sia of the prostate (BPH), typically occur-
colonization with subsequent ascending ring after age 50 years (FIGURE 11-3) (Griebling,
microbial invasion of the bladder. In fact, the 2005b). Urinary incontinence, estrogen
lifetime risk for UTI in females is estimated to deficiency, chronic constipation, chronic

(fallopian) tube
Uterus Bladder
Cervix Clitoris

FIGURE 11-2  The female urogenital system, and anatomical relationships for UTIs.

Front view


Urinary bladder Side view

Bulbourethral bone
Corpus Prostate
cavernosa gland
Urethra Urethra

Testis cavernosum

Glans penis Scrotum

FIGURE 11-3  Urethra and prostate gland, and anatomical relationships for UTIs and BPH.
332 CHAPTER 11  Pharmacology of the Genitourinary System

diseases such as diabetes, use of urinary men may be indicative of an underlying in-
catheters, and other factors contribute to in- flammation in the prostate (and, therefore,
creased incidence of UTI in the older adult should be investigated further).
population (Beveridge, Davey, Phillips, &
McMurdo, 2011). Complicated UTI in Adults
UTI in children is usually related to a struc- Complicated UTI can occur in both men and
tural or functional abnormality of the kid- women of any age. Most clinicians agree
ney, the ureters, or the vesicoureteral valves. that any UTI in males is considered compli-
Among these abnormalities, vesicoureteral cated, especially in men older than 50 years,
reflux (VUR) is the most likely cause in pe- simply because their risk for underlying
diatric patients with UTI (Koyle & Shifrin, conditions is higher. UTIs associated with
2012). Other risk factors for UTI in pediatric an immunocompromised state, a concur-
patients include chronic constipation, dysfunc- rent metabolic disease, an anatomic or func-
tional voiding patterns, and lack of circumci- tional abnormality that impairs urine flow,
sion in males. or colonization by an atypical organism
UTIs are diagnosed by the presence of such as yeast, are considered complicated.
symptoms such as urinary urgency and fre- Recurrent and pediatric UTIs are also cat-
quency, pain with voiding, lower back or egorized as complicated. Infections in such
suprapubic pain, and dark or malodorous cases have an increased risk of treatment
urine. These symptoms are similar in males failure and/or adverse long-term conse-
and females. Fever without an obvious quences and require different pharmaco-
source is the most frequent presenting logic management.
symptom for UTI among infants younger
than two years. Older men with prostatic Complicated UTI in Pediatric Patients
obstruction of the urethra retain urine in According to the American Academy of Pe-
the bladder, and may develop asymptom- diatrics (AAP, 2011), uncircumcised infant
atic (possibly chronic) UTI. Laboratory males have a 1% greater risk for develop-
tests such as urinalysis, with urine culture ing UTI even if no other risk factors are
and sensitivity (C&S), not only confirms present. A systematic review of random-
the UTI diagnosis and identifies the caus- ized controlled trials (RCTs) indicates that
ative pathogen, but also allows for appro- circumcision reduces the risk of UTI and is
priate antimicrobial selection. Escherichia coli recommended in boys with recurrent UTI
is the most common urinary tract patho- and/or high-grade VUR (Singh-Grewal,
gen, and accounts for approximately 85% of Macdessi, & Craig, 2005). UTIs are termed
­community-acquired UTIs. Other common complicated when the risk for serious or fatal
infectious organisms include Proteus, Pseu- consequences—particularly urosepsis or re-
domonas, Klebsiella, and Staphylococcus sapro- nal failure—is higher than usual. Treatment
phyticus (Hooton, 2012). in a complicated UTI, then, should employ
It is useful to categorize UTIs to facilitate the most effective agent with the best phar-
treatment ­decisions: complicated UTI and macokinetic profile and the least resistance.
­uncomplicated UTI. ­Uncomplicated UTIs, Although most children can be treated orally,
termed cystitis, generally occur in healthy, if the clinician believes the child appears
nonpregnant, ambulatory females with no toxic or is unable to tolerate food or fluids
functional or anatomic abnormalities of the orally, or if adherence may be a problem,
urinary tract. Healthy young men with UTI then the parenteral route is recommended
may also develop uncomplicated infection, al- until the child shows clinical improvemen
though symptoms associated with cystitis in (AAP, 2011).
Urinary Tract Infections 333

Medications for Treatment of Uncomplicated Pharmacokinetics

UTI (Cystitis) Both TMP and SMX are well absorbed from
For further information about antimicrobial the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The combin-
agents, the reader is referred to Chapter 16. ation drug’s half-life is 8 to 14 hours; there-
First-line pharmacologic agents for un- fore, it must be dosed twice daily. The usual
complicated UTI include trimethoprim- dose when treating uncomplicated UTIs is
sulfamethoxazole, nitrofurantoin, and 160/800 TMP-SMX mg, one tablet twice
fosfomycin trometamol. In UTIs that prove daily, for 3 days. The drug is excreted in
resistant to these agents, fluoroquinolones urine, so the dose must be lowered in patients
and beta-lactam drugs are recommended as with renal insufficiency.
second-line agents.
Nursing Considerations
Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole The patient’s human immunodeficiency vi-
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole rus (HIV) status should be assessed before
­(TMP-SMX, or SMX-TMP) is active prescribing TMP-SMX, as adverse reactions
against many Enterobacteriaceae, includ- are most common in HIV-infected patients
ing Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and may occur in as many as 65% of those
and Proteus mirabilis. TMP-SMX is stan- receiving the drug. Follow-up testing of
dard therapy for uncomplicated cystitis in urine for pathogen eradication is not neces-
women unless the prevalence of local resist- sary in uncomplicated UTI due to the low
ance to the drug is greater than 10% to resistance and high efficacy of this antimicro-
20%. Patient factors favorable to the use of bial agent.
TMP-SMX include no recent antimicrobial Some healthcare professionals may rec-
use, hospitalization, or recurrent UTI in the ommend phenazopyridine to help lessen
past year. the pain or discomfort caused by urinat-
SMX and TMP act synergistically to in- ing. Phenazopyridine is a pain reliever
hibit bacterial folic acid synthesis. By using only; it does not take the place of an antibi-
two agents that act on the organism via two otic and should be taken concurrently with
different mechanisms that affect the same the prescribed antibiotic. Patients should be
metabolic pathway, the combination drug cautioned to use this medication for a max-
avoids the development of bacterial resistance imum of three days, as it can mask symp-
to either component alone (Masters, O’Bryan, toms, and be warned that it changes the
Zurlo, Miller, & Joshi, 2003). color of the urine to bright orange/red and

Myth Buster
Although certain conditions and practices, such perineal hygiene (not wiping from front to
as recent change in sex partner, pregnancy, con- back), tub bathing, bubble bath, swimming, type
stipation, postmenopausal hormone changes, of underwear, tampon use, precoital or postco-
instrumentation of the urinary tract, and neu- ital voiding patterns, body mass index (BMI),
rogenic bladder, have been shown to be as- and drinking carbonated sodas or juice (Hooton,
sociated with the development of UTIs, some 2012). It is important that nurses dispel com-
suspected factors have not been proven to con- mon myths associated with the development of
tribute to UTI risk in women with no preexisting UTI while supporting practices shown to prevent
risk factors. These unproven risk factors include this bothersome infectious process.
334 CHAPTER 11  Pharmacology of the Genitourinary System

can stain clothing. Nurses should empha- function, possibly due to fosfomycin’s
size that phenazopyridine does not cure effects on acute inflammatory cytokine sig-
the infection. naling (Falagasa, Vouloumanoua, Samonisd,
& Vardakasa, 2016) and reduces the ability of
Nitrofurantoin bacteria to adhere to urinary epithelial cells
Nitrofurantoin is a synthetic antimicrobial (Roussos, Karageorgopoulos, Samonis, &
agent that is effective against 90% of the Falagas, 2009).
clinical strains of E. coli. Most other bacte- Pharmacokinetics
ria show resistance to nitrofurantoin. This
The bioavailability of fosfomycin is 40%
drug is indicated for uncomplicated UTI due
when taken orally as a 3 g single dose. Its peak
to E. coli.
distribution to the urine occurs 4 hours after
Nitrofurantoin is enzymatically reduced
administration, and it persists in the body for
by microbial nitroreductases within the bac-
48 hours. High concentrations of fosfomycin
terial cell. The reduced derivatives bind to
are present in the bladder for 36 hours.
bacterial ribosomal proteins and disrupt cell
metabolism by interfering with protein and Nursing Considerations
DNA synthesis (Garau, 2008). Assess the patient for medication adherence
Pharmacokinetics patterns; this antibiotic is appropriate when
adherence may be low, as a single dose may
Although the drug has only 40% to 50% GI
be given in-clinic.
absorption, this percentage can be enhanced
when nitrofurantoin is taken with food. It is
Second-Line Agents for UTI
highly concentrated in urine.
Nursing Considerations Ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin are first-
Guidelines for treatment of uncomplicated and second-generation fluoroquinolones,
UTI do not recommend urine culture and respectively. This antibiotic class com-
sensitivity to identify the specific pathogen; prises broad-spectrum antibacterial agents
however, nitrofurantoin has little activity with activity against gram-positive and
against bacteria other than E. coli. Evaluation gram-negative bacteria. By selectively bind-
for the expected clinical outcome includes ing to one of the catalytic sites during the
contacting the patient two to three days after formation of negative supercoils in bacterial
he or she has started this medication to assess DNA, fluoroquinolones inhibit two types of
for subjective improvement. bacterial enzymes, topoisomerase 4 and DNA
gyrase, required for DNA replication, tran-
Fosfomycin Trometamol scription, repair, and recombination (Wagen-
Fosfomycin trometamol is a broad- lehner, Wullt, & Perletti, 2011).
spectrum bactericidal antibiotic that is effec- The fluoroquinolones are indicated for
tive against beta-lactamase–producing E. coli, complicated (levofloxacin) and uncompli-
P. mirabilis, and Klebsiella pneumoniae. It is cated (ciprofloxacin) UTI. Levofloxacin is
specifically labeled for treatment of uncom- labeled only for persons older than 18 years
plicated UTI. Fosfomycin acts as a bacterial due to the risk of tendonitis or tendon rup-
cell-wall inhibitor by binding to and inhibit- ture. Members of this drug class are recom-
ing the enzyme (known as MurA) responsible mended only when the pathogen is penicillin
for the synthesis of components necessary to resistant or macrolide resistant. The half-life
produce the peptidoglycan layer of the bacte- of ciprofloxacin is much shorter than that of
rial cell wall. It exerts immunomodulatory levofloxacin, necessitating twice-daily dos-
effects, mainly on lymphocyte and neutrophil ing with the former drug.
Urinary Tract Infections 335

Pharmacokinetics diarrhea and possibly impaired absorption

Fluoroquinolones show concentration-­ of combined oral contraceptive pills (OCPs).
dependent bactericidal activity. The oral for- Therefore, the nurse should assess for use of
mulation is rapidly absorbed. Members of this OCPs and recommend alternative contracep-
drug class also have good tissue penetration tion for the duration of treatment. The GI
and a high concentration in the urinary tract ­effects are seen more often with prolonged
(especially levofloxacin). use of these agents.

Nursing Considerations Non-Antimicrobial Biological Mediators

for Prevention of Uncomplicated
Because they chelate certain cations in the Recurrent Cystitis
stomach and GI tract, fluoroquinolones Cranberry Juice, Capsules, or Tablets
should not be given within two hours of ant-
The current hypothesis regarding the potential
acids containing aluminum, magnesium, or
effectiveness of cranberries in preventing UTIs
calcium; sucralfate; iron preparations; and
is that cranberries contain fructose and type A
multivitamin/mineral supplements containing
proanthocyanidins (PACs), which in urine can
zinc. If the patient ingests caffeine, there may
inhibit the adherence of type 1 and P fimbriae
be increased central nervous system (CNS)
of E. coli to the uroepithelial cell receptors on
stimulation, as fluoroquinolones inhibit the
the bladder wall (Guay, 2009; Hooton, 2001;
CYP4501A2 enzyme that normally regulates
Raz, Chazan, & Dan, 2004). Without the abil-
caffeine metabolism.
ity to adhere, the E. coli ­bacteria are unable to
Beta-Lactam Agents infect the mucosal surface (Hisano, Bruschini,
Nicodemo, & Srougi, 2012).
Beta-lactam agents are generally less effec-
When compared to no treatment,
tive than other antimicrobial drugs for UTI.
­unsweetened cranberry juice (or 500 mg
Amoxicillin is an aminopenicillin that
­capsules/tablets of cranberry juice extract) may
is ­active against E. coli and P. mirabilis, but
be effective for prevention of recurrent UTI
­inactive against most other Enterobacter spe-
in premenopausal women (Singh, Guatam, &
cies and Pseudomonas. When combined with
Kaur, 2016). However, there is no consistency
the beta-lactamase inhibitor clavulanate,
in formulation or established dose for effica-
­amoxicillin is more stable against beta lacta-
cious use of cranberry products (Guay, 2009)
mase, an enzyme produced by many bacteria
and larger studies are needed to confirm effi-
that inactivates the beta-lactam ring present on
cacy of cranberry in UTI prevention (Fu, Liska,
all beta-lactam drugs. Other beta-lactam agents
Talan, & Chung, 2017). When cranberry was
(second- and third-generation cephalospo-
compared to prophylactic TMP-SMX in the
rins) are active against gram-negative bacteria
same population, TMP-SMX proved more ef-
such as E. coli, Klebsiella, and P. mirabilis. These
fective than cranberry in the prevention of re-
agents are more stable against beta-lactamase
current UTI (Beerepoot et al., 2011).
than are the penicillins.

Pharmacokinetics Nursing Considerations

Most oral beta-lactam agents have a short Many women have had word-of-mouth
half-life and must be dosed two to four times ­“information” about the use of cranberry as
daily. Some parenteral forms may be dosed a prophylactic or even a “cure” for UTI. Most
once daily. who act upon this information will do so by
drinking sweetened cranberry juice products,
Nursing Considerations thinking that this is a more “natural” or less
Beta-lactam antibiotics have significant im- expensive means of treating their ailment
pact on GI microflora, sometimes leading to than using medication. These patients need to
336 CHAPTER 11  Pharmacology of the Genitourinary System

be provided with accurate information about to an increased risk of complicated UTI in

how to address UTI symptoms and which men 50 years and older (discussed later in
forms of cranberry extract have value versus this chapter). Invasive diagnostic studies as-
which do not. Moreover, because cranberry sociated with urine obstruction also increase
can interact with medications that are me- risk for UTI and associated prostatitis or py-
tabolized via the cytochrome P450 pathway, elonephritis. In addition, chronic medical
patients who take such medications and who conditions increase the risk of developing
acknowledge using cranberry juice or supple- UTI, including diabetes mellitus, renal insuf-
ments should be assessed for the possibility of ficiency, immunosuppression, and kidney
drug interactions. stones (Neal, 2008).
A wider variety of pathogens and in-
Topical/Local Estrogen creased drug resistance are more common
American College of Obstetricians and Gyne- among persons with complicated UTI; for
cologists (ACOG, 2016) guidelines state that this reason, fluoroquinolones are recom-
randomized trials are required before con- mended as first-line drug therapy rather
clusively recommending use of topical/local than TMP-SMX, which has an increased
estrogen for postmenopausal women with likelihood of microbial resistance, or nitro-
recurrent UTI. The Society of Obstetricians furantoin, which has limited effectiveness
and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) indi- against pathogens other than E. coli. When-
cates that vaginal estrogen should be offered ever possible, drug initiation should be de-
to postmenopausal women who experience layed pending results from urine culture so
recurrent UTIs (see also Geerlings, Beerepoot, that the agent can be targeted to the specific
& Prins, 2014). infectious organism. Levofloxacin, cip-
rofloxacin, and norfloxacin may be used
Vaccines and Probiotic Application as oral therapy (Nicolle, 2005), with other
Both ACOG and SOGC found insufficient medications under evaluation (Giancola
evidence to recommend the use of vaccines et al., 2017; Shah et al., 2018). Parenteral
for recurrent UTI (ACOG, 2008). An initially therapy is indicated if patients are unable to
promising vaccine—OM-89—was not con- tolerate oral therapy, if they have impaired
firmed to prevent recurrent UTI (Beerepoot & GI absorption, or if the infecting organism
Geerlings, 2016). The use of probiotics (vagi- is known or suspected to be resistant to oral
nal lactobacilli application) shows promise agents.
(specifically, oral capsules with Lactobacillus Fever is unusual in men with uncom-
rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus reuteri RC- plicated UTI, and its occurrence signals a
14 in postmenopausal women and intravagi- complicated UTI with concomitant acute
nal suppositories with Lactobacillus crispatus prostatitis, orchitis, or pyelonephritis. The
in premenopausal women) (Beerepoot & nurse should evaluate for these conditions
Geerlings, 2016), but as yet both ACOG and and for drug intolerance or nonadherence to
SOGC have not found enough evidence oral antibiotics. Because of their high risk for
to recommend their use for recurrent UTI recurrent infection, men with a complicated
(ACOG, 2008). UTI should have a follow-up visit in 2 to
4 weeks to ensure resolution of symptoms.
Treatment of Complicated UTI
A complicated UTI is a urinary infection oc- Candida albicans Vaginitis
curring in a patient with a structural or func-
tional abnormality of the genitourinary tract.
(Vaginal Yeast Infection)
Bladder outlet obstruction due to BPH may be Infections of the vaginal mucosa are common
associated with urinary stasis and contribute in women of reproductive age. While some of
Benign Hyperplasia of the Prostate 337

the organisms causing vaginitis are sexually patients, which is why a single, oral dose is
transmitted (see the “Sexually Transmitted usually effective in treating most Candida albi-
Infections” section later in this chapter), cans infections.
Candida albicans, a yeast, generally is not.
Thus, it is not necessary to treat the sexual
partners of patients diagnosed with vaginal “Feminine Itching”
candidiasis (Schwebke, 2012).
Some over-the-counter medications are
Vaginal candidiasis is distinguished from
­advertised as relieving “intense itch” or
other forms of vaginitis by the characteristic ­“itching due to thrush.” These products consist
“cheesy” discharge and a positive potassium of combinations of anesthetics such as ben-
hydroxide smear. Oral antibiotic use often zocaine or lidocaine, plus external analgesics
precedes candidiasis (Xu et al., 2008), and (resorcinol) and topical corticosteroids (hydro-
this type of infection is more likely to occur cortisone) (Angotti et al., 2007). These prod-
ucts do exactly what they say they do—relieve
in immunosuppressed and diabetic women
the pruritus and irritation, without curing the
(Nyirjesy & Sobel, 2013). If possible, diagnosis underlying infection. Patients who present
should include in-office microscopic inspec- with symptoms of vaginitis should be advised
tion of wet mount samples for hyphae to pos- that these products produce only symptom-
itively identify yeast. atic relief and not cure. Assessment for the
Treatment of vaginal candidiasis can cause of vaginitis is the best way to identify an
­appropriate curative therapy.
be undertaken with either oral medication
­(fluconazole, 150 mg single dose, which
may be repeated 3 to 7 days later if indicated)
or intravaginal therapy, which can con- Nursing Considerations
sist of a cream (butoconazole or clotrim- Recurrent or persistent vaginal candidiasis in-
azole 2% cream 5 g × 3 days) or a vaginal fections are generally related to an underlying
suppository (miconazole 200 mg × 3 days chronic disease (e.g., diabetes), and should
or 1,200 mg × 1 day). Some intravaginal prompt assessment of therapy (if previously
creams are sold as over-the-counter prod- diagnosed) or diagnostic testing. Alternatively,
ucts (e.g., miconazole, butoconazole, a patient with recurrent infections may have
clotrimazole), and patients may attempt been colonized with a non-albicans species of
self-treatment prior to coming to the health- Candida that is resistant to first-line therapy
care provider for evaluation. However, many with fluconazole (e.g., C. glabrata, which
women who self-diagnose a “yeast infection” is particularly prevalent in persons with dia-
actually have vaginitis of bacterial or parasitic betes [Goswami et al., 2006; Nyirjesy &
origin, which is why the treatment fails. On Sobel, 2013]). These considerations should
average, over-the-counter azole creams have be taken into account when treating patients
about an 80% cure rate if used as directed with recurrent yeast infections.
(Angotti, Lambert, & Soper, 2007).

Pharmacokinetics Benign Hyperplasia of the Prostate

Fluconazole is highly bioavailable (93%) Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) is
and reaches its peak plasma concentration very common among men older than age 50.
within 3 to 4 hours after administration. Some studies estimate that by age 50, 50%
This drug and is eliminated unchanged in of men have at least histologic evidence of
the urine; in 48 hours, nearly 60% of an ini- hyperplasia; of those men, approximately
tial dose of 150 mg may be r­ ecovered in the 25% experience bothersome lower urinary
urine (Debruyne, 1997). The half-life of flu- tract symptoms such as hesitancy, urgency,
conazole is approximately 36 hours in most frequency, difficulty starting or stopping
338 CHAPTER 11  Pharmacology of the Genitourinary System

urine flow, and feelings of incomplete blad- lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS); how-
der emptying (Roehrborn, 2012). These ever, more vigorous studies have shown
symptoms, classified as obstructive and/or mixed results with this treatment (Amer-
irritative, ­occur because the enlarged pros- ican Urological Association [AUA], 2014;
tate presses against the urethral canal and Novaro et al., 2016).
interferes with normal urination. Complica-
tions from long-term urinary obstruction Medications for the Treatment of BPH
may include chronic UTI and renal scarring. Antimuscarinic Agents (Tolterodine)
Pharmacologic treatment is primarily based Antimuscarinic agents block the neuro-
on the degree of discomfort the patient ex- transmitter acetylcholine in the central
periences, as a result of these bothersome and peripheral nervous system, reducing
symptoms. its effects on the bladder neurons through
Published guidelines recommend several competitive inhibition. These agents have
different pharmacotherapeutic agents to al- a dose-­dependent effect, with higher doses
leviate the symptoms caused by BPH. Cur- producing more a­ dverse effects such as wors-
rently recommended drug classes include ening urinary r­ etention. These agents are rec-
antimuscarinic agents, alpha blockers, 5-α- ommended for BPH only under two conditions:
reductase inhibitors, combinations of these (1) when overactive bladder symptoms (ur-
drug categories, and the phosphodiester- gency, frequency, urge incontinence) exist,
ase-5 (PDE-5) ­inhibitor tadalafil used for but there is no i­ndication of bladder outlet
ED. The labeling of a PDE-5 inhibitor for BPH obstruction; or (2) when overactive blad-
is a promising avenue for BPH treatment, as der symptoms are not relieved by other BPH
ED and BPH often co-occur. agents.
Although their exact pharmacologic
mechanisms are not well understood, some Nursing Considerations
plant products have been studied sufficiently Prior to initiating this drug, the patient should
to make dietary supplement recommenda- be evaluated for urinary retention.
tions. Two such products include extracts
from the berry of the saw palmetto (Sere- Selective `1-Adrenoreceptor Antagonists
noa repens) and stinging nettle (Urtica dio- (Alfuzosin, Prazosin, Doxazosin, Tamsulosin,
ica). Some researchers postulate that saw Terazosin)
palmetto binds to alpha-1 (α1) adrenocep- Selective α1-adrenoreceptor antagonists (also
tors, muscarinic cholinoceptors in the lower called α-adrenergic blockers) block postsyn-
urinary tract tissues (Suzuki et al., 2009). aptic α1-receptors, resulting in both venous
Stinging nettle appears to exert its effect on and arterial vasodilation with relaxation of
the prostate through interactions with sex vascular and other smooth muscles, includ-
hormone–­binding globulin (SHBG), aroma- ing those of the urinary bladder, bladder
tase, epidermal growth factor, and prostate neck, urethra, and prostate. Because there
steroid membrane receptors (Chrubasik, Rou- are fewer α1-receptors in the bladder wall
fogalis, Wagner, & Chrubasik, 2007). Other than in the bladder neck, these drugs are
dietary supplements utilized, but not sub- able to reduce bladder outflow obstruc-
jected to rigorous study, include extracts of tion without impairing bladder contractility
the African plum tree (Pygeum africanum), (AUA, 2010). These agents are used to treat
pumpkin seed (Cucurbita pepo), South African urinary outlet obstruction symptoms such as uri-
star grass (Hypoxis rooperi), and rye pollen (Se- nary hesitancy, incomplete bladder empty-
cale cereale). Earlier studies with saw palmetto ing, straining, and decreased force of urine
had suggested modest efficacy in treatment of stream in men with BPH.
Erectile Dysfunction 339

Nursing Considerations gynecomastia, ED, and decreased libido at

When considering the adverse effects of these each follow-up visit.
medications, it is important to evaluate pa-
tients for reflex tachycardia and hypotension; PDE-5 Inhibitors (Tadalafil)
these effects are associated more often with Agents in this drug class act as select-
­doxazosin and terazosin than with other ive ­vasodilators for treatment of impotence
agents. If the patient is taking an antihyperten- in men with ED. This drug class has also
sive agent, the dose may need to be adjusted. been shown to improve LUTS in men with
BPH. Further pharmacologic information
5-`-Reductase Inhibitors (Finasteride, is provided in the next section, “Erectile
Dutasteride) Dysfunction.”
The 5-α-reductase inhibitor class of drugs is
composed of synthetic testosterone deriva-
Erectile Dysfunction
tives. Because the growth of the prostate
depends on androgens, decreasing andro- Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common
genic activity may effectively reduce prostate condition reported by about half of men
volume in men with BPH. The inhibition of aged 40–70 years. Defined as the inability
the prostate enzyme 5-α-reductase blocks the to sustain an erection adequate for sexual
conversion of testosterone by this enzyme satisfaction (Andersson, 2011), ED typically
to its metabolite, 5-α-dihydrotestosterone results from a lack of blood flow through the
(DHT), which is an active metabolite. Decreas- corpus cavernosum of the shaft of the pe-
ing conversion of testosterone to DHT reduces nis. Although ED can have other etiologies,
testosterone-related biological effects. The it usually is a result of neurogenic or vascular
two drugs in the 5-α-reductase inhibitor cat- conditions. Following the first-line recom-
egory act slightly differently. Finasteride is a mendation to treat any underlying medical
competitive inhibitor of the type 2 isoform of conditions and offer psychosexual counsel-
5-α-reductase, whereas dutasteride blocks ing, the two main categories of pharmacologic
both type 1 and type 2 isoforms, resulting agents used to treat erectile problems are
in more suppression of DHT synthesis. Both PDE-5 inhibitors and alprostadil, a prosta-
finasteride and dutasteride act to reduce glandin that can be either injected directly
androgen-dependent increases in prostatic into the corpus cavernosum or inserted as a
volume; however, adequate symptomatic urethral suppository. In both instances, the
relief may require several months of therapy medications act to increase the availability or
(AUA, 2014). activity of cyclic guanosine monophosphate
(cGMP) and cyclic adenosine monophosphate
Pharmacokinetics (cAMP), both of which promote relaxation
The half-life of 5-α-reductase inhibitors is of vascular smooth muscle. In normal physi-
about 8 hours; however, the level of DHT is ology, stimulation of the muscarinic recep-
reduced for about 24 hours. tors by acetylcholine leads to nitric oxide
(NO) release. This NO, upon diffusing into
Nursing Considerations the smooth muscle cells of the corpus cav-
5-α-reductase inhibitors decrease serum ernosum, stimulates cGMP activity to relax
prostate-specific antigen (PSA) values by ap- smooth muscles, increase blood flow, and
proximately 50%. Any increase of serum produce an erection. Whether the dysfunc-
PSA should prompt a referral for further tion leading to ED is a dysfunction in this
follow-up and discussion with the patient’s system or is unrelated, increasing cGMP or
healthcare provider. Evaluate patients for cAMP activity aids in overcoming it.
340 CHAPTER 11  Pharmacology of the Genitourinary System

Various medications associated with as to a cause-and-effect relationship be-

chronic disease may contribute to ED. As tween lifestyle or substance-use habits
hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and and ED (Christensen, Gronbaek, Pedersen,
obesity are significantly associated with ED, Graugaard, & Frisch, 2011).
it is likely that men seeking treatment for ED
may also be taking medications that contrib- Medications for the Treatment of ED
ute to the problem. According to a systematic PDE-5 Inhibitors (Sildenafil, Tadalafil,
analysis (Baumhaken et al., 2011), antihyper- Vardenafil)
tensive medications associated with a higher PDE-5 inhibitor agents are selective vasodila-
incidence of ED include thiazide diuretics and tors indicated for the treatment of impotence
beta blockers (except for nebivolol). ­The risk in men with ED (FIGURE 11-4). Tadalafil has
of ED associated with beta blockers is 5 per been shown to significantly improve urinary
1,000 patients (Ko et al., 2002). A­ dditionally, symptoms of BPH as well. The drug works by
spironolactone—a weak inhibitor of testos- increasing the availability of cGMP, leading to
terone synthesis—may exert a negative effect muscle relaxation, vasodilation, and erection.
on erectile function. Angiotensin-convert- cGMP is inactivated by PDE-5; thus, PDE-5
ing enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin-receptor inhibitors decrease the breakdown of cGMP
blockers, loop diuretics, and calcium-chan- by competitively occupying the PDE-5 bind-
nel blockers are reported to have no relevant ing sites (Andersson, 2011).
­effect on ED; therefore, members of these PDE-5 inhibitors enhance the effects of
drug categories could be used as alternative NO. This increases blood flow and allows an
medications for hypertensive therapy. erection, in response to sexual stimulation.
The mechanisms responsible for the ED
effects of these medications are not always
clear. Some studies suggest that sodium de- arousal
pletion associated with thiazide diuretics leads
to increased central alpha-2 adrenergic func-
tion, which may depress erectile performance Nitric oxide
(Baumhaken et al., 2011). Other studies have
suggested that diuretics exert a direct effect
on vascular smooth muscle cells or decrease
the response to catecholamines (Sica, 2004).
Beta-blockers, especially the nonselective Guanylyl PDE5
cyclase inhibitors
agents such as propranolol, may decrease lev-
els of testosterone and, therefore, affect erec- cGMP 5´-GMP
tile function. Protein
Cross-sectional studies have shown as- kinase G
sociations between lifestyle, substance-use Decreased
habits and ED. Lifestyle habits studied in-
clude smoking, alcohol, and sedentary life-
style (Reffelmann & Kloner, 2006). Other Smooth muscle
unhealthy lifestyle factors examined in- relaxation
clude obesity, a substantially increased
waist circumference, and use of drugs
such as amphetamine, LSD, cocaine, her- Penile erection
oin, and other narcotics. Unfortunately,
cross-­sectional studies can only speculate FIGURE 11-4  Biochemistry of PDE-5 inhibitors.
Sexually Transmitted Infections 341

Pharmacokinetics Pharmacokinetics
PDE-5 inhibitors are rapidly absorbed, with Within 60 minutes of intracavernous injection,
an onset of action 30 to 60 minutes after ad- 96% of alprostadil is metabolized by an
ministration. The duration of action for silde- enzyme present in the corpus cavernosum,
nafil and vardenafil is 4 to 6 hours, and the prostaglandin 15-hydroxydehydrogenase.
duration for tadalafil is 36 hours. Although some alprostadil enters the systemic
circulation, its presence does not lead to changes
Nursing Considerations
in vital signs or other serious adverse effects.
Patients should be evaluated for orthostatic
hypotension, as PDE-5 inhibitors reduce sup­ Nursing Considerations
ine blood pressure by 7–8 mm Hg. Patients’ Intraurethral alprostadil (IUA) has a
baseline blood pressure should be at least lower efficacy than the injected form; how-
90/60 mm Hg. Patients must be advised that ever, pain associated with injection and resist-
concurrent administration of these drugs ance to self-injection results in 30% patient
with any form of nitroglycerine—a vaso- discontinuance in favor of IUA after three
dilating drug commonly used for angina— months (Nehra, 2007).
is absolutely contraindicated. Precaution
is recommended when α-adrenoreceptor
blockers are used with PDE-5 inhibitors. Sexually Transmitted Infections
Evaluate patients for concurrent use of an- The genitourinary tract is a particularly wel-
tibiotics, antifungals, and grapefruit juice, coming environment for pathogens, and
as these substances will reduce clearance of many of the bacterial, fungal, parasitic, and
PDE-5 inhibitors by way of their CYP3A4 viral organisms that infect the genitourinary
isoenzyme inhibition. The nurse should tract can be transmitted to sexual partners.
also evaluate patients for priapism, a per- Preventive measures for transmission of
sistent erection (lasting longer than four sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in-
hours). Although rare, priapism is a very clude abstinence and use of barriers, such as
serious side effect of all PDE-5 inhibitors, condoms (although inconsistent or incorrect
that should be reported immediately to the use of barrier methods can reduce their effec-
healthcare provider. tiveness as means of STI prevention).
Unlike many other conditions de-
Alprostadil scribed in this chapter, STIs carry a distinct
Alprostadil is a synthetic prostaglandin E1, stigma associated with the nature of dis-
a derivative of arachidonic acid, which acts as ease transmission. This is a particularly im-
a smooth muscle vasodilator and is indicated portant factor among adolescents, who may
for treatment of impotence in men with ED. avoid being screened for or notifying part-
Alprostadil is administered by intracavern- ners of STIs if they view STIs as stigmatiz-
ous injection or by intraurethral supposi- ing (Cunningham, Kerrigan, Jennings, &
tory. It stimulates the production of cAMP; Ellen, 2009; Reed et al., 2015). Stigma is re-
this causes smooth muscle relaxation of the lated to the fact that risk of contracting an
corpus cavernosum, thereby increasing the STI increases in accordance with the number
diameter of cavernous arteries and leading of sexual partners the patient has encoun-
to penile erection. This drug can be used in tered in his or her past. This is particularly
patients who have sustained nerve injury to true for women, as historically, the key vec-
the penis, as it does not depend on NO, or an tor of STI transmission has been prostitution
intact nervous system, for its pharmacological (East, Jackson, O’Brien, & Peters, 2012).
activity (Nehra, 2007). While this is no longer necessarily true,
342 CHAPTER 11  Pharmacology of the Genitourinary System

women diagnosed with an STI are likely to ­ araiya, & Markowitz, 2012), and most strains
express negative self-perceptions, fear of re- are nononcogenic (non-cancer-causing).
jection, and feelings of unworthiness (East However, some strains cause the develop-
et al., 2012). In the public’s (and often the ment of genital wart lesions (HPV-6, HPV-11);
patient’s) perception, a person who contracts others (HPV-16 and HPV-18 in particular), if
an STI is often partly responsible for the ill- unresolved, may cause cervical, vulvar, vaginal,
ness because it results from the patient’s penile, and anal cancers (Datta et al., 2012).
“choices.” Such choices include (or may be Female patients diagnosed with oncogenic
perceived to include) sexual relations with strains of HPV should be screened routinely
multiple partners or partnering with an in- for cervical cancer.
fected person. Nurses who encounter pa- Treatment is usually considered only
tients diagnosed with an STI should be when genital warts arise, and is intended
aware that patients may be unusually reluc- to remove the warts rather than eliminate
tant to discuss the disorder frankly due to the underlying infection. Therapies include
shame or embarrassment. podofilox 0.5% solution or gel, imiquimod
The cause of STIs run the gamut of infec- 5% cream, and sinecatechins 15% ointment
tious organisms: viruses, bacteria, and para- (Datta et al., 2012), which may be applied by
sites; there are too many such infections to the patient. If these therapies are ineffective,
provide a comprehensive listing of all organ- medical options such as bichloroacetic acid
isms and therapeutic regimens here. This dis- or podophyllin resin, applied by the clinician,
cussion focuses on the most common types are possible. These drugs act by various, un-
of infections and medication classes used in related mechanisms, including acting as tox-
their treatment. ins and as immunomodulators.

Sexually Transmitted Viral Infections Herpes and HIV Infections

A number of STIs are caused by viral infec- Neither herpes nor HIV is curable at present.
tions. These include molluscum contagiosum, Genital herpes is not life threatening, but it
which is usually treated surgically; genital can be bothersome to the patient. Moreover,
warts, caused by human papillomavirus genital herpes represents a significant threat
(HPV), some strains of which also cause to the infants of women who become preg-
cervical cancer; genital herpes, caused by nant and give birth without treatment. In a
herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2); hepatitis B neonate infected as it passes through the birth
virus (HBV), which is often sexually trans- canal, herpes can spread to the brain and
mitted, although it can be transmitted by other internal organs, leading to lasting dis-
other routes; and HIV, a retrovirus known abilities or even death (ACOG, 2007).
to cause acquired immune deficiency syn- Herpes infections are managed depend-
drome (AIDS). Some strains of HPV and ing on the severity of symptoms; antiviral
HBV can be prevented via vaccination, medications such as acyclovir, famciclovir,
but HSV-2 and HIV cannot; individuals in- and valacyclovir (nucleoside analogs, refer
fected with these viruses generally have to Chapter 16) are used intermittently to re-
a lifelong chronic infection that can flare duce flares’ duration and discomfort when
up periodically. flares are infrequent, or are provided daily
to suppress viral activity altogether in in-
HPV, Genital Warts, and Cervical Cancer dividuals subject to frequent and/or severe
More than 40 strains of HPV are known to flares. TABLE 11-1 provides the Centers for Dis-
infect the genitourinary tract. The vast major- ease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) rec-
ity (90%) of these infections resolve without ommended regimens for treating the initial
intervention within two years (Datta, Dunne, clinical episode of herpes.
Sexually Transmitted Infections 343

In the case of HIV, the long-term potential TABLE 11-1 CDC Recommended Regimens for Treatment
effects of the virus on the immune system are of Genital Herpes
significant and potentially deadly. Therefore,
antiretroviral therapy is recommended for all Medication Dose Options
patients with HIV, regardless of CD4 T-lym- Initial Clinical Episode
phocyte cell count, to prevent HIV-associated
Acyclovir* 400 mg orally three times a day for 7–10 days or
mortality and morbidity (U.S. Department 200 mg orally five times a day for 7–10 days.
of Health and Human Services – AIDS Info,
Famciclovir 250 mg orally three times a day for 7–10 days.
2017). TABLE 11-2 lists the medications used in
HIV treatment. Their mechanisms of action Recurrent Episodes – Episodic Therapy
are discussed in Chapter 16. Acyclovir* 400 mg orally three times a day for 5 days or 800 mg
orally twice a day for 5 days or 800 mg orally three
Nursing Considerations times a day for 2 days.

A new diagnosis of HSV-2 and especially HIV Famciclovir 125 mg orally twice daily for 5 days or 1 g orally
infection can be an emotionally devastating twice daily for 1 day or 500 mg once, followed by
250 mg twice daily for 2 days.
experience for the patient. Nurses should be
prepared to assist these patients with referrals Valacyclovir 500 mg orally twice a day for 3 days or 1 g orally
once a day for 5 days.
for counseling as well as treatment.
Many of the medications used to treat vi- Recurrent Episodes – Suppressive Therapy
ral infections have drug–drug interactions Acyclovir 400 mg orally twice a day.
due to their metabolism by the cytochrome
Famiciclovir 250 mg orally twice a day.
P450 pathway. Consequently, vigilance is
necessary when a patient taking other med- Valacyclovir 500 mg orally once a day or 1 g orally once a day.**

ications (including herbal products) begins Severe HSV Disease

HIV therapy.
Acyclovir (IV) + 5–10 mg/kg IV every 8 hours for 2–7 days or until
HIV infection may coincide with other oral therapy as clinical improvement is observed, followed by oral
STIs. Of note is the interaction that occurs per recurrent antiviral therapy to complete at least 10 days of
episodes total therapy. Patients with HSV encephalitis require
between HIV and syphilis, in which the lat- 21 days of IV therapy. Acyclovir dose adjustment is
ter causes increases in the HIV viral load and recommended for impaired renal function.
suppresses the CD4 cell count ­(Jarzebowski *In pregnant women, acyclovir is preferred, as safety profiles for the other drugs are not
et al., 2012). Patients diagnosed with HIV as well established (ACOG, 2007). For all medications listed, treatment can be extended if
healing is incomplete after 10 days of therapy.
should be assessed for STIs prior to i­nitiating a **For suppressive therapy of recurrent HSV, valacyclovir 500 mg once a day might be
treatment regimen. less effective than other valacyclovir or acyclovir dosing regimens in persons who have
frequent recurrences (i.e., ≥10 episodes per year).
Data from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Sexually Transmitted Bacterial Infections Treatment Guidelines, 2015. Available at

The most commonly reported bacterial STIs

are chlamydia (Chlamydia trachomatis) and
gonorrhea (Neisseria gonorrhoeae). Coinfection of a variety of bacteria commonly present in
with these two organisms is common, with the vagina. It is frequently seen in women
chlamydia being found in as many as 40% with multiple sexual partners, as a coinfection
of individuals diagnosed with gonorrhea (Ze- with other STIs, and in association with the
nilman, 2012). Syphilis (Treponema pallidum) use of vaginal douches, which alter vaginal
is a less common bacterial STI, but if left un- pH and/or floral balance (specifically a de-
treated has significant clinical consequences, crease in the presence of Lactobacillus species,
particularly when it occurs in concert with which are protective).
HIV infection. Bacterial vaginosis, which pres- Bacterial STIs are typically treated with
ents as vaginitis caused by an opportunistic antibiotic therapy. A key point in this ap-
infection of the vagina, can develop from any proach, however, is knowing which agents
344 CHAPTER 11  Pharmacology of the Genitourinary System

TABLE 11-2 Antiretroviral Therapies for HIV fluoroquinolones (Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention [CDC], 2013; see especially
Recommended Initial Regimens for Most People with HIV “Drug-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae,”
Recommended regimens are those with demonstrated durable virologic
efficacy, favorable tolerability and toxicity profiles, and ease of use. -report-2013/pdf/ar-threats-2013-508.pdf#
INSTI + 2 NRTIs: page=55). TABLE 11-3 describes antibiotic thera-
• DTG/ABC/3TCa (AI)—if HLA-B*5701 negative pies for bacterial STIs.
• DTG + tenofovirb/FTCa (AI for both TAF/FTC and TDF/FTC)
• EVG/c/tenofovirb/FTC (AI for both TAF/FTC and TDF/FTC) Nursing Considerations
• RALc + tenofovirb/FTCa (AI for TDF/FTC, All for TAF/FTC) Patient allergy to the specific antibiotics used
to treat gonorrhea and syphilis is of particular
Recommended Initial Regimens in Certain Clinical Situations
concern due to the relative lack of response
These regimens are effective and tolerable, but have some disadvantages
when compared with the regimens listed above, or have less supporting these two organisms show toward other
data from randomized clinical trials. However, in certain clinical situations, agents. In patients with a known allergy to
one of these regimens may be preferred. the principal drug of choice, consultation with
Boosted PI + 2 NRTIs: (In general, boosted DRV is preferred over boosted CDC or other infectious disease specialists
may be useful to identify the optimal treat-
• (DRV/c or DRV/r) + tenofovirb/FTCa (AI for DRV/r and All for DRV/c)
• (ATV/c or ATV/r) + tenofovirb/FTCa (BI) ment regimen.
• (DRV/c or DRV/r) + ABC/3TCa – if HLA-B*5701—negative (BII) Any patient diagnosed with a bacterial STI
• (ATV/c or ATV/r) + ABC/3TCa—if HLA-B*5701—negative and HIV is at risk of other STIs, including HIV and her-
RNA < 100,000 copies/mL (CI for ATV/r and CIII for ATV/c) pes; testing should be offered, and patients
counseled on effective prevention of STIs,
• EFV + tenofovirb/FTCa (BI for EFV/TDF/FTC and BII for EFV + TAF/FTC)
• RPV/tenofovirb/FTCa (BI)—if HIV RNA , 100,000 copies/mL AND including HIV. In all of the infections noted
CD4 . 200 cells/mm3 previously, aside from bacterial vaginosis,
INSTI + 2 NRTIs: partners of the infected individual will likely
• RALc + ABC/3TCa (CII)—if HLA-B*5701—negative and HIV RNA need treatment as well, even if asymptomatic.
, 100,000 copies/mL
Regimens to Consider when ABC, TAF, and TDF Cannot be Used:d Legal reporting requirements and partner
• DRV/r + RAL (BID) (CI)—if HIV RNA , 100,000 copies/mL AND CD4 notification for certain diseases vary from state
. 200 cells/mm3 to state; nurses should maintain awareness of
• LPV/r + 3TCa (BID)e (CI) the requirements of individual states and of
3TC may be substituted for FTC, or vice versa, if a non-fixed dose NRTI combination is desired. the CDC with respect to notifiable diseases.
TAF and TDF are two forms of tenofovir approved by the FDA. TAF has fewer bone and
kidney toxicities than TDF, while TDF is associated with lower lipid levels. Safety, cost, and
access are among the factors to consider when choosing between these drugs.
Sexually Transmitted Parasitic Infections
RAL can be given as 400 mg BID or 1,200 mg (two 600 mg tablets) once daily. Several parasitic organisms are transmitted
Several other NRTI-limiting treatment strategies are under investigation.
LPV/r plus 3TC is the only boosted PI plus 3TC regimen with published 48-week data in via sexual contact. Two of these, the mite
a randomized controlled trial in ART-naïve patients. Limitations of LPV/r plus 3TC include ­Sarcoptes scabiei (scabies) and the parasitic
twice-daily dosing, high pill burden, and greater rates of gastrointestinal side effects than
other PIs. louse Pthirus pubis (crab louse), infest the
Key to Acronyms: 3TC = lamivudine; ABC = abacavir; ART = antiretroviral therapy; ATV
= atazanavir; ATV/c = atazanavir/cobicistat; ATV/r = atazanavir/ritonavir; BID = twice
external genitalia by direct skin contact be-
daily; CD4 = CD4 T lymphocyte; DRV = darunavir; DRV/c = darunavir/cobicistat; DRV tween an individual with an infected part-
/r = darunavir/ritonavir; DTG = dolutegravir; EFV = efavirenz; EVG = elvitegravir; EVG
/c = elvitegravir/cobicistat; FDA = Food and Drug Administration; FTC = emtricitabine; ner. Note that condom use does not prevent
HLA = human leukocyte antigen; INSTI = integrase strand transfer inhibitor; LPV/r such contact. A third parasite, Trichomonas
= lopinavir/ritonavir; NNRTI = non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; NRTI
= nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; PI = protease inhibitor; RAL = raltegravir; vaginalis, infects the urogenital tract. Al-
RPV = rilpivirine; TAF = tenofovir alafenamide; TDF = tenofovir disoproxil fumarate though both men and women can be in-
Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in Adults and Adolescents Living with HIV: fected with this pathogen, the symptoms
generally differ; women may have a foul
will work for which organisms, and which odor, vaginal itching, and/or a greenish-yel-
will not. Antibiotic resistance is an issue low, frothy discharge, while men generally
for gonorrhea, which has developed resist- are asymptomatic. TABLE 11-4 summarizes the
ance to cephalosporin antibiotics as well as treatment regimens for these STIs.
Sexually Transmitted Infections 345

TABLE 11-3 Antibiotic Therapies for Sexually Transmitted Bacterial Infections

Disease Bacterium Agent(s) Used Notes

Gonorrhea Neisseria gonorrhoeae Ceftriaxone 250 mg IM plus N. gonorrhoeae has developed multidrug
azithromycin 1 g orally in a single dose resistance, including resistance to cefixime, as
reported by CDC in 2013. Currently, ceftriaxone
is the only agent known to which the bacterium
lacks resistance. Different strains may be resistant
to different agents. Patients must be advised of
the importance of close compliance.

Syphilis Treponema pallidum Parenteral benzathine penicillin G*; 2.4 million units IM in a single dose.
if allergic, doxycycline may be used If allergic to penicillin, 100 mg doxycycline orally
twice daily for 14 days.

Chlamydia Chlamydia trachomatis Doxycycline 100 mg orally twice a day Alternative regimens:
for 7 days Erythromycin base 500 mg orally four times a day
Azithromycin 1 g orally in a single dose for 7 days or Erythromycin ethylsuccinate 800 mg
orally four times a day for 7 days or levofloxican
500 mg orally once daily for 7 days or ofloxican
300 mg orally twice a day for 7 days.
Individuals who had sexual contact with the
patient within 60 days before onset of symptoms
should be examined, tested for urethral or
cervical chlamydial infection, and treated with a
chlamydia regimen

Bacterial vaginosis Various Metronidazole 500 mg oral twice daily Cure rates of 70–80%, with recurrence common.
for 7 days or Association with other STIs, including HIV,
metronidazole gel 0.75%, one full suggests that patients presenting with bacterial
applicator (5 g) intravaginally, once a vaginosis should be tested for other STIs.
day for 5 days or clindamycin cream 2%,
one full applicator (5 g) intravaginally at
bedtime for 7 days

*The CDC reports that practitioners have inadvertently prescribed combination benzathine-procaine penicillin instead of the standard benzathine penicillin product;
nurses should be aware of the similar names of these two products and alert to the possibility of errors in prescribing or dispensing the agent for treating syphilis.
The preferred agent is indicated by underline.
Data from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines, 2015. Available at

TABLE 11-4 Treatment Regimens for Parasitic Sexually Transmitted Infections

Organism Treatment Notes

Pthirus pubis (crab Permethrin 1% cream rinse applied Treatment must be accompanied by thorough cleansing of
louse) to affected area and washed off after the patient’s and partner’s bedding, clothing, linens, and other
10 minutes or pyrethrins with piperonyl potential reservoirs with hot water. Sexual abstinence for up
butoxide applied to the affected area to 2 weeks is also needed to break the cycle of reinfection.
and washed off after 10 minutes Treatment failure is usually due to poor compliance.

Sarcoptes scabiei Topical: permethrin 5% cream, Topical medications should be selected depending on patient
(scabies) Oral: ivermectin, 200 mcg/kg–250 mcg/kg, needs. Combination of a topical medication with oral ivermectin
repeated in 2 weeks has been shown to be effective in crusted scabies.

Trichomonas Metronidazole or tinidazole, 2 g oral Resistance to metronidazole has been noted in some strains of
vaginalis single dose T. vaginalis. Use of tinidazole can usually overcome this issue.
Failure to respond to prolonged therapy with tinidazole warrants
referral to susceptibility testing.

Data from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines, 2015. Available at
346 CHAPTER 11  Pharmacology of the Genitourinary System

Pharmacokinetics Piscitelli, Wilkes, & Danziger, 1992); rapid ab-

Permethrin is the first-line agent for both sorption, reaching its maximum serum con-
scabies and crab lice because it is poorly sys- centration in 1 to 2 hours if taken on an empty
temically absorbed, nontoxic even in young stomach; and a half-life of approximately
children, and highly effective. It has no 12 hours. It has a number of drug interactions
known drug interactions and is contraindi- that may be of concern; most notably, it in-
cated only in persons with known sensitiv- creases the anticoagulant effects of warfarin
ity. Of note, it has a residual effect of up to and may produce an acute psychosis/
14 days when used to treat pubic lice, which confusional state when taken within 2 weeks
helps to reduce recurrence by killing emerg- of disulfiram. Tinidazole is biotransformed
ing insects. mainly by CYP3A4, so it carries the potential
Lindane is lipophilic and is absorbed for similar significant interactions.
poorly through the skin, albeit somewhat bet-
ter than either permethrin or malathion Nursing Considerations
(approximately 9%). It should be avoided in Treatment of scabies and pubic lice with
pregnant women due to its potential to be ­permethrin is known to be highly ­effective
stored in placental tissue. Use of this agent and nontoxic. The key consideration for
with oil-based skin preparations could in- ­patients is compliance with the full regimen—
crease the absorption of the drug and should that is, not simply using the correct medica-
be avoided. Lindane has a long half-life (ap- tions as directed, but also performing the
proximately 18 hours) and is metabolized in needed environmental and behavioral adjust-
the liver. ments that ensure complete eradication of
Malathion is poorly absorbed (approxi- the parasite. Washing of linens, bedding, and
mately 4%) and does not accumulate in body clothes; prophylactic treatment of partners
tissues. It is classified as a cholinesterase in- (and, in the case of scabies, other residents of
hibitor, but its effects on cholinesterases in the household, including children); and
humans are very small. There are, however, abstinence from sexual activity for 14 days
only limited data regarding its use topically in are essential components of the therapeutic
humans; thus malathion is regarded strictly regimen. Treatment failure is nearly always
as a second-line agent for parasitic STIs due to noncompliance (as no resistance to
at present. permethrin is known in these organisms),
Ivermectin is metabolized by the cyto­ or the use of the wrong formulation (Cox,
chrome P450 pathway, so it could be ex- 2000), as the 1% permethrin cream rinse
pected to interact with other drugs that use used for body lice is occasionally used by mis-
this pathway. Its elimination half-life is ap- take instead of the 5% cream or rinse indi-
proximately 12 hours, but it has been ob- cated for scabies and crab lice. Patients should
served to have antiparasitic activity lasting be carefully instructed about what to use and
considerably longer, even as long as several for how long to use it.
months (González Canga et al., 2008). While Lindane has potential CNS toxicity;
it is not considered equal to permethrin in it has been banned from agricultural use,
terms of safety and efficacy, ivermectin re- and its use in pharmaceutical indications is
mains a viable option for patients who have ­restricted. This drug’s potential neurologic
difficulty in compliance with the perme- effects contraindicate its use in children, and
thrin regimen and/or who have a high bur- resistance among body lice has been noted.
den of infestation. Similar resistance has not been noted in
Metronidazole for trichomoniasis has oral ­scabies, but the concerns about its use are
bioavailability approaching 100% (Lau, Lam, the same. For all these reasons, among the
Female Hormonal Contraception 347

treatment options available, lindane is the These hormones then stimulate the ­ovaries
agent of last resort. to produce three categories of gonadal steroids:
Malathion is considered superior to lin- estrogens (including estradiol, estrone, and
dane as a second-line agent for these parasites estriol), progestins (most importantly, pro-
because of its lower toxicity; if not for the fact gesterone), and small amounts of androgens
that its safety has not been fully investigated, (such as testosterone). The menstrual cycle
it might well be considered a first-line agent (FIGURE 11-6) is the most obvious result of the
(Idriss & Levitt, 2009). No animal or human interactions among GnRH, FSH, and LH.
studies have shown evidence of teratogenicity The rate of production of the pituitary hor-
or increased risk of congenital malformations mones plus the gonadal steroid hormones
(Patel, Lambert, & Schwartz, 2016). The one varies throughout the typical 28-day cycle
drawback with malathion is its flammability; to produce regular bleeding and shedding
a potential hazard exists for patients should of the lining of the uterus (Katzung,
they approach an open flame during use or Masters, & Trevor, 2012).
after application. Patients, particularly those The gonadal steroid hormones are non-
who smoke, should be advised of this hazard polar, lipid-soluble substances that rapidly
and warned to wash hands thoroughly after diffuse across the cell membrane following
use, and to limit exposure to flames from synthesis and are then transported by car-
stoves or cigarettes. rier proteins to their target organs. Gonadal
steroid hormones are synthesized from the
Female Hormonal Contraception enzymatic alteration of cholesterol. There-
Human reproduction involves a complex inter- fore, the regulation of these hormones is
action among various hormones, glands, and ­accomplished by controlling the enzymes
organs in both males and females. Hormones that modify the steroid hormone in question
secreted by the pituitary gland that stimulate (Katzung et al., 2012).
the female gonads or reproductive organs are The first contraceptive—a combination
called gonadotropins. Beginning with the se- of a synthetic form of estrogen that oxidized
cretion of gonadotropin-­releasing hormone to ethinyl estradiol (EE), plus a progester-
(GnRH) by the hypothalamus, a hormone cas- one ­derivative—was approved by the Food
cade stimulates the pituitary to release the go- and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in
nadotropins ­follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) the United States in 1960. An estimated
and luteinizing hormone (LH) (FIGURE 11-5). 9.7 million U.S. women use oral hormonal
contraceptives (Daniels, Daugherty, & Jones,
2015) and have a wide variety from which
Hypothalamus to choose (FIGURE 11-7; see also TABLE 11-5).
Two main categories of hormonal prepa-
+ rations are available for contraception:
Pituitary combined estrogen and progestin, and con-
LH and FSH tinuous progestin therapy without estrogen.
− + −
Combined estrogen/progestin preparations
Estrogens and are further divided into monophasic (the
progesterone same dose of each component daily through-
out the month) or multiphasic (the dose of
each component changes throughout the
month to more closely reflect normal men-
strual cycle fluctuations) options. The vari-
FIGURE 11-5  Gonadotropin-releasing hormones and follicle-
stimulating hormones. ous mechanisms of action include inhibition
348 CHAPTER 11  Pharmacology of the Genitourinary System

releasing hormone)


Follicular phase Luteal phase

Ovarian cycle
Developing follicles Ovulation Corpus luteum regression

Sex hormone


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Days
Menstrual Postmenstrual Premenstrual Menstrual
phase (proliferation) (secretory) phase
phase phase


FIGURE 11-6  The menstrual cycle.

of ovulation by suppressing LH (­ estrogen), the growth and maturation of the fallopian

alteration of cervical mucus so as to hinder tubes, the uterus, and the vagina; addition-
sperm transport, and modification of the en- ally, this hormone promotes development
dometrial lining of the uterus so as to make of female secondary sex characteristics such
implantation of a fertilized ovum more diffi- as skeletal growth, distribution of body fat,
cult (progesterone). breast development, and axillary and pubic
hair patterns. Estrogens have additional ac-
Estrogen Analogs tions in that they affect mood and emotions,
Most estrogen analogs—that is, synthetic increase synthesis of clotting factors, prevent
compounds with estrogenic effect—are ­either bone reabsorption, and play an important
ethynyl estradiol (EE) or metabolize to this role during childbirth. With regard to contra-
form. In women who have a uterus, estrogen ception, estrogen prevents ovulation largely
analogs must be combined with a progestin, through selectively inhibiting the release of
typically progesterone, to prevent endome- FSH by the pituitary gland. Estrogen also
trial hyperplasia and the associated increased causes increased production and/or thin-
risk of uterine cancer. The primary effect ning of the cervical mucus, and it causes the
of ovarian-secreted estrogen is to promote lining of the uterus to thicken or proliferate
Female Hormonal Contraception 349

A. Uterine cavity B. Fallopian tube

• Paragard IUD - prevents ascent • Tubal sterilization - blocks
of sperm into fallopian tubes passage of sperm/egg

Fallopian tube
Uterine cavity

C. Ovary
All following stop ovulation
• Implanon implants
• Pills
• Patches
• Rings
• Injections
D. Cervix Cervix
Both following cause E. Vagina
thick cervical mucus All following block/kill sperm
• Mirena IUD • Spermicides
• Progestin-only pills (foam, film, gels, creams)
• Diaphragm
• Sponge

FIGURE 11-7  Preventing pregnancy with hormonal contraceptives: Contraceptive types and sites of actions.
New data from:; Page last reviewed: April 18, 2017; Page last updated: April 18, 2017; Content source: CDC/National Center for Health Statistics 1600 Clifton Road
Atlanta, GA 30329-4027 USA 800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636), TTY: 888-232-6348 [Email CDC-INFO /U.S. Department of Health & Human Services/ HHS/Open/].

TABLE 11-5 Current Use of Contraceptive Methods

Percentage of women 15–44 years of age using specified contraception in month of interview:

20021 2006–20102 2011–20153

Not currently using contraception (currently pregnant, 38.1% 37.8% 38.4% (0.70)
postpartum, trying to get pregnant, not having sex, etc.)

Percentage using any contraceptive method 61.9% 62.2% 61.6% (0.70)

Pill 19.2% 17.1% 15.9% (0.60)

Female sterilization 16.7% 16.5% 14.3% (0.66)

Male condom 14.7% 10.2% 9.2% (0.41)

Male sterilization 6.3% 6.2% 4.5% (0.32)

Intrauterine device (IUD) 1.3% 3.5% 6.8% (0.38)

Withdrawal 5.4% 3.2% 3.9% (0.28)

Depo-Provera 3.3% 2.3% 2.6% (0.17)

Note: Women could be using more than one method in the month of interview. In this table, women are classified roughly according to the one most
effective contraceptive method they are using. Additional methods women may be using are not shown here.
Series 23, No. 25, Table 57[PDF – 4.5 MB]
NHSR No. 60, Table 1[PDF – 443 KB]
Special tabulation by NCHS
350 CHAPTER 11  Pharmacology of the Genitourinary System

(Practice Committee of the American Society and dienogest, are derived from spirono-
for Reproductive Medicine, 2008). lactone and testosterone, respectively. Spi-
ronolactone is a synthetic steroid with
Progestins anti-androgenic and weak progestin activity
Synthetic progestin (also called progesto- (Practice Committee of the American Society
gen) preparations, in contrast to estrogen for Reproductive Medicine, 2008). Although
analogs, may be given without an estrogen there is a risk of elevated serum potassium
component; and this is advantageous when due to its potassium-sparing activity, this con-
estrogen administration is not desired or is traceptive has been shown to improve acne
contraindicated. The primary effect of pro- and other androgen effects associated with
gesterone, which is synthesized in the body polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). As a tes-
from cholesterol and secreted mainly by the tosterone derivative, dienogest does not
corpus luteum, is to maintain pregnancy possess the potassium-sparing effects of spi-
and prevent endometrial sloughing and mis- ronolactone; however, it is anti-androgenic
carriage. Other effects of progesterone and and, therefore, effective for women with acne
other progestins are to increase basal body and/or PCOS.
temperature at ovulation, increase insulin
levels, increase synthesis of low-density lipo- Testosterone
proteins, and increase sodium retention with The ovaries also produce small amounts of
subsequent fluid retention by the kidneys. androgens from cholesterol. Among the an-
Some synthetically produced progestins also drogens, testosterone is the only biologically
exert androgen-like effects such as increas- active hormone. The physiological effects of
ing body or facial hair (hirsutism) growth and testosterone in females are not well estab-
increasing sebum production with associated lished, but this hormone may contribute to
acne. With regard to contraception, progestin pubic hair growth during puberty, increased
suppresses ovarian and pituitary function to libido, and prevention of bone demineraliza-
inhibit ovulation (but to a lesser degree than tion (Katzung et al., 2012). Most testosterone
estrogen); thickens the cervical mucus, which in the female is bound, along with estrogen,
makes sperm transport to the fallopian tubes to a carrier protein (SHBG) and is, therefore,
more difficult; and causes endometrial atro- not biologically active. Some hormone con-
phy so that implantation of a fertilized ovum traceptive agents block the action of SHBG,
cannot occur (Katzung et al., 2012). which causes an increase in the amount of
Currently, four different forms or genera- free testosterone in the body with increased
tions of synthetic progestins are used in hor- androgen-like effects.
monal contraceptives. The first-generation
progestins, all of which are converted to Pharmacodynamics
norethindrone in vivo, contribute to spot- The major difference between the endog-
ting and breakthrough bleeding. The enous estrogen and progestins and those
second-generation progestins, norgestrel synthetically produced is in their oral bio-
and levonorgestrel, were developed to availability. The two currently available oral
decrease this unexpected bleeding by in- preparations of estrogen—EE mestranol
creasing androgenic activity. However, this (which is oxidized to EE)—and all of the
worsened the adverse effects of acne, hirsut- progestins undergo significant first-pass me-
ism, and dyslipidemia. Third-generation pro- tabolism via the CYP450 enzyme system. As
gestins, desorgestrel and norgestimate, estrogens and progestins are both nonpolar
show decreased androgenicity; these agents steroid hormones, following metabolism
also result in fewer unfavorable effects. The they easily pass through the lipid cell mem-
fourth-generation progestins, drospirenone brane and bind to estrogen and progesterone
Female Hormonal Contraception 351

receptors distributed between the nucleus for extended-cycle patterns so that women
and the cytoplasm. Cells with estrogen and take daily tablets but have hormone with-
progesterone receptors are located in tissues drawal–induced menstrual bleeding only
throughout the body, including the ovaries, once every 3 months or once a year. Al-
endometrium, pelvic structures, liver, bone, though return to normal fertility following
breast tissue, brain, and more; therefore, discontinuance of COCs with monthly cycles
OCPs have significant systemic effects. In the is immediate, women taking extended-
absence of estrogen or progesterone, their cycle preparations may experience up to a
specific receptors are inactive and have no ef- 3-month delay in ovulation after discon-
fect on DNA. Once the hormones have bound tinuing the medication (Practice Committee
to their respective receptors, the hormone–­ of the American Society for Reproductive
receptor complex travels into the nucleus Medicine, 2008).
and binds to DNA. This facilitates synthesis of Progestin-only oral contraceptive formu-
various proteins and regulates the activity of lations have been developed for women who
various genes (Katzung et al., 2012), leading are unable to take estrogen for the follow-
to the effects noted previously. Progestin-only ing reasons: a history of, or risk for, venous
compounds also suppress mid-cycle peaks thromboembolic events (VTE) or deep-vein
of LH and FSH and inhibit progesterone re- thrombosis; immediate postpartum or lactat-
ceptor synthesis (Hibbert, Stouffer, Wolf, & ing status; cigarette smoking status of more
Zelinski-Wooten, 1996). than one pack/day and age greater than
35 years; untreated hypertension; liver dis-
Delivery System Comparison ease; diabetes with microvascular compli-
Hormonal contraceptives are marketed in cations and/or age greater than 35 years;
oral, transdermal, vaginal, implanted, and in- migraine headaches; estrogen-sensitive can-
jected forms. Varying doses of each hormone cer; and prolonged immobilization or surgery
can be selected to minimize adverse effects, of the legs (Bonnema, McNamara, & Spencer,
to take advantage of certain beneficial effects, 2010). Maintaining a consistent (same time
and to tailor menstrual bleeding to the wom- every day) schedule for taking the tablets is
an’s lifestyle and preferences. A Cochrane more important for progestin-only pills than
review found that combined OCPs, transder- for COCs, as more than a three-hour delay
mal patches, and vaginal rings were equally in taking the progestin-only tablets can cause
efficacious, with a failure rate of 0.3 per 100 failure of contraception.
women per year with perfect use and 8.0 per
100 women per year with typical use (­ Lopez, Transdermal Contraceptive System
Grimes, Gallo, & Schulz, 2010). A ­ ccording The transdermal combined estrogen–­
to Mosher and Jones (2010), the failure rate progestin patch has been used in the United
during the first year of use for injectable States since 2002. The patch releases EE
forms of contraception is similar, at 6.7 per and a progestin that metabolizes into the
100 women per year. third-generation progestin norgestimate. As
women using the patch are exposed to higher
Oral Hormonal Contraceptives serum concentrations of estrogen, their risk
Over the last 50 years, OCPs that combine for VTE may be up to twice that of women
estrogen and progestin have been modified taking COCs.
to limit the amount of active hormone, in
an attempt to lessen their side effects with- Vaginal Rings
out decreasing their efficacy in preventing An ethylene vinyl acetate vaginal ring
pregnancy. In recent years, combined oral containing estrogen and progestin was ap-
contraceptives (COCs) have been developed proved for use in the United States in 2001.
352 CHAPTER 11  Pharmacology of the Genitourinary System

The ring releases EE and a prodrug of the is 10 months, and 20% of women who dis-
third-generation progestin desorgestrel. continue MPA do not resume ovulation
The advantage of the vaginal ring is in once- within 12 months (Practice Committee of the
monthly self-administration rather than a American Society for Reproductive ­Medicine,
daily tablet or weekly patch. 2008).

Implants Emergency Contraception

The first implantable contraceptive device Hormonal early contraception (EC) refers to
was approved by the FDA in 1990; however, the use of high dose combination estrogen/
it was withdrawn from the market due to progestin (not discussed here), progestin
problems with its removal. A newer implant, receptor modulators ulipristal acetate, or
approved in 2006, has demonstrated effec- ­progestin-only (LNG) oral tablet formula-
tiveness for up to three years and contains tions to prevent pregnancy following unpro-
a single nonbiodegradable rod. This device tected sexual intercourse or contraceptive
releases a metabolite of desorgestrel, a failure. The drug products are also called ECPs.
third-generation progestin, and does not LNG is most effective when used within
release any estrogen. The most common 72 hours of unprotected intercourse, and
­adverse effect associated with this method is its mechanism of action appears to result
unpredictable breakthrough uterine bleeding. from either an inhibition or a delay of ovu-
lation. Other possible mechanisms, still
Intrauterine Device unsupported by research studies, include
A levonorgestrel (LNG) -releasing intra- interference with corpus luteum function,
uterine device (IUD) was approved for use in thickening of cervical mucus, and alterations
the United States in 2000. The IUD may be in tubal transport of the sperm, egg, or em-
left in place for up to five years; it has a low bryo (International Consortium for Emer-
failure rate, decreases menstrual bleeding by gency Contraception, 2012). LNG prevents
75% due to suppression of endometrial pro- pregnancy only when taken before fertiliza-
liferation, and has a low rate of associated tion of the ovum has occurred; studies do
ectopic pregnancy. Following its removal, not show that changes occur in the endo-
the woman experiences a rapid return to metrium that would make it unfavorable for
normal fertility. Because there is only a local implantation of an embryo after administra-
(intrauterine) release of progestin, the inci- tion of this preparation (Shrader, Hall,
dence of side effects is small. As a progestin, Ragucci, & Rafie, 2011). In the United Sates,
LNG’s suppression of ovulation is minimal; LNG-containing ECPs are available without
pregnancy does not occur either because the a prescription and may be purchased by fe-
thickened cervical mucus hinders sperm mo- males (or males) regardless of age (the FDA
tility or the atrophied endometrial lining does removed age restrictions on the sale of LNG-
not allow implantation of a fertilized ovum. ECPs; however, check state law as age re-
strictions may vary from state to state). The
Injectable Progestins only FDA-approved emergency contracep-
Two long-acting injectable progestins are cur- tive in the United States that does not con-
rently approved for use in the United States. tain LNG is ulipristal acetate.
Both are formulations of medroxyproges- Ulipristal acetate is approved for EC
terone acetate (MPA), and their mechan- within 120 hours of unprotected intercourse
ism of action is to suppress ovulation for 12 or contraceptive failure and is currently
to 14 weeks. Return to normal fertility is de- available only by prescription. This select-
layed following discontinuance of this type of ive progesterone receptor modulator has
contraception; the median return to ovulation mixed progesterone agonist and antagonist
Urinary Incontinence 353

properties. After administration, it binds to pregnancy should contact her health care
the progesterone receptor and results in a provider immediately.
delay of ovulation by at least 5 days if taken The above mentioned ECPs should not be
before the peak of LH at mid-cycle. Alter- confused with what is known as the “abor-
ations in the endometrium that decrease tion pill” (known by several different names,
likelihood of implantation may also occur such as RU-486, mifepristone. It is import-
(Shrader et al., 2011). ant to note that both its indication for use
EC is absolutely contraindicated in con- and its mechanism of drug action differ dra-
firmed pregnancy. Although EC reduces matically from any type of emergency con-
the risk of pregnancy by 75% to 88%, it traceptive; it is not an ECP nor should it be
should be noted that EC is still less effective considered to be an ECP.
at preventing pregnancy than consistent
use of any other contraceptive method, and Urinary Incontinence
should not be used in their place (Practice Urinary incontinence occurs in both men
Committee of the American Society for and women and can be a source of consider-
Reproductive Medicine, 2008). The most able emotional discomfort. Symptoms range
common side effects associated with ECPs, from “leaking” small amounts of urine to
related to the drugs’ mechanism of action, a complete inability to restrain urine flow
include nausea, vomiting, and delay in via maintenance of voluntary muscle con-
resuming menses. trol. Management depends on its cause; in
many cases, urinary incontinence is related
Nursing Considerations
to weakness in pelvic floor muscles, which
There is great deal of confusion and miscon- can be strengthened or supported by exercise
ception surrounding the use of ECPs; not all therapy or surgical intervention. Medica-
ECPs are the same. tion is the preferred therapy only in specific
In the United States, LNG-only ECPs are situations, such as overactive bladder (Mc-
sold over the counter. There are many ge- Donagh, Selover, Santa, & Thakurta, 2009).
neric equivalents of the original brand-name Medications used for this indication are an-
drug available. An LNG-only ECP drug prod- ticholinergics, with one or two exceptions.
uct contains either two tablets (0.75 mg each) TABLE 11-6 lists medications used in treatment of
to be taken 12 hours apart, or a single 1.5 mg overactive bladder.
tablet (hence the one dose).
Although it is not covered here, what is
known as the “morning after pill” is a hor- TABLE 11-6 Medications Used for Treating Overactive
monal-combination tablet that contains 100 Bladder
mcg of estrogen and 0.5 mg of progesterone.
The recommended dosing is to take one tab- Generic Names Drug Class
let, followed by a second dose 12 hours later. Darifenacin Anticholinergic
The incidence of side effects is much higher
Flavoxate hydrochloride Anticholinergic
with the hormonal-combination tablets. Not
only has the morning after pill been shown to Hyoscyamine sulfate Anticholinergic
be less effective at preventing pregnancy than Oxybutynin Anticholinergic
the LNG-ECPs, approximately 1 in 5 women
Oxybutynin chloride Anticholinergic
vomit after taking the morning-after pill, ne-
cessitating another dose. Solifenacin Anticholinergic
Hormonal ECPs do not terminate an es- Tolterodine Antimuscarinic
tablished pregnancy. However, a woman
Trospium Anticholinergic
who has taken an ECP and has a confirmed
354 CHAPTER 11  Pharmacology of the Genitourinary System

CHAPTER SUMMARY Critical Thinking Questions

• Genitourinary tract issues affect not one but two aspects

1. Which clinical and laboratory findings are con-
of patients’ lives: waste elimination through urination
sistent with the diagnosis of acute uncompli-
and sexual function.
• In both instances, the presence of dysfunction can cause cated lower UTI in both males and females?
considerable emotional as well as physical discomfort 2. What is the most common urinary tract
to patients, who may be reluctant to discuss their health pathogen causing UTI and why?
concerns due to shyness or embarrassment.
• Stigma is particularly relevant in the case of sexually 3. Which factors differentiate complicated from
transmitted infections, where patient beliefs about mo- uncomplicated UTI?
rality may affect their willingness to undergo screening 4. Explain the pathophysiology as to why im-
and treatment. peded urine outflow might cause a UTI.
• The impact of even minor genitourinary tract issues can
be a significant mental health consideration for many 5. Which considerations affect the choice of
patients. agent used in treating bacterial STIs?
6. Which causative organism for vaginitis is not
usually sexually transmitted?
7. Why are antiviral medications usually not
indicated in treatment of HPV infection?


BW, a 23-year-old female, presents to the women’s health clinic complaining of painful urination
for 1 day. She also reports urinary urgency, voiding small amounts every 15 to 30 minutes, and pain
over her lower abdomen. She did not sleep well the previous night due to waking up frequently to
void. She denies fever, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, vaginal discharge, urine leakage, or blood in
her urine. She denies ever having similar symptoms in the past, takes no routine medications except
for contraceptive vaginal ring, is a nonsmoker, has no known drug allergies, and has no history of
renal calculi or urinary tract disease/abnormalities.
BW states she is sexually active with one lifetime partner; her last menstrual period ended 1 week
ago, and she is 100% adherent to using the contraceptive ring as directed. She tells you that in the
last 24 hours she has been drinking “a lot of cranberry juice because I heard that is supposed to
cure a urine infection.” She also confides that her mother told her that her symptoms were probably
because BW must not be “wiping from front to back or cleaning myself well after using the toilet.”
BW’s vital signs are within normal range; she is afebrile. Her physical exam is unremarkable
except for suprapubic tenderness to palpation; she has no organomegaly or costovertebral angle
tenderness. A dipstick urinalysis is performed on a clean-catch specimen of BW’s urine, which shows
cloudy, yellow urine; pH 5.0; specific gravity 1.015; glucose negative; protein negative; trace blood;
leukocyte esterase moderate; nitrite positive. The urine HCG test is negative for pregnancy.
The provider makes the diagnosis of acute, uncomplicated UTI and decides to prescribe TMP-SMX
160/800, one tablet twice daily for 3 days. The decision to prescribe empirically—that is, without
culturing the urine to identify the bacteria causing the infection—is appropriate according to
evidence-based practice guidelines (ACOG, 2008). BW is instructed to drink six to eight cups
of water daily while taking the antibiotic and to discontinue drinking excessive amounts of
cranberry juice.
Case Scenario 2 355


Case Questions
1. Why is it important to know whether BW is pregnant?
2. Should the provider have performed a urine culture to identify the pathogen causing BW’s UTI?
3. Is it necessary to have BW return to the clinic after completing the course of antibiotic to confirm resolution
of the infection?
4. What should the nurse tell BW regarding how the prescribed antibiotic “works”?
5. What should the nurse tell BW about the use of cranberry juice or products to prevent UTI?


JR, a 4-month-old male presents to the pediatric clinic with subjective fever for 2 days. Associated
symptoms include decreased appetite, loose stools, and irritability. He is breastfeeding every 3 to
4 hours, but not as vigorously as usual; has had wet diapers four times in the last 24 hours, which
is less than his usual six to eight wet diapers daily; and has experienced loose stools four times in
the last 24 hours, with no blood in the stool. His past medical history is unremarkable: term birth
without complications during pregnancy or delivery; no significant illnesses since birth; length,
weight, and head circumference at 50th percentile for age; developmental milestones passed
appropriately. JR is current with all routine immunizations, he does not take any routine medications
except for supplemental vitamin D, and he does not attend a daycare program.
JR’s vital signs are as follows: T 38.9°C, P 156, R 36. The physical exam is completely unremarkable
for source of fever. JR is alert, interacts with the nurse, and has a nontoxic appearance. His anterior
fontanelle is flat. The EENT exam is completely within normal limits. His lungs are clear; the heart
rate and rhythm are regular. His abdomen is soft and nontender, and there is no organomegaly. His
external genitalia indicate a Tanner 1 uncircumcised male with bilaterally descended testes. His skin
is warm and dry, with moist mucous membranes and no rashes.
Urine was obtained by catheterization, and a dipstick urinalysis was performed in the clinic that
was positive for nitrites and leukocyte esterase. Urinalysis showed the following: cloudy yellow
urine; pH 5.5; specific gravity 1.025; glucose/protein negative; RBC: 2–3/HPF; WBC: 3–5/HPF. The
urine specimen was sent to the lab for culture and sensitivity. The CBC results were as follows: WBC
9.4, hemoglobin/hematocrit 10.5/33, platelets 390,000, 51% neutrophils, 46% lymphocytes, 2%
monocytes, 1% eosinophils. After 48 hours, the urine culture showed more than 100,000 CFU of
E. coli, a bacterium that is sensitive to the beta-lactam cephalosporins ceftriaxone, cefixime, and
cefotaxime, and to amoxicillin-clavulanate, nitrofurantoin, and ciprofloxacin.
JR’s provider diagnoses acute febrile UTI without urosepsis and, following evidence-based guidelines,
prescribes an injection of ceftriaxone 500 mg IM prior to leaving the clinic. The infant is to return the
following day for reevaluation and a second ceftriaxone injection. Further oral antibiotic therapy is
prescribed after receiving the culture and sensitivity report: oral cefixime two times daily for 14 days.
JR is also scheduled for a renal ultrasound within the next 2 weeks; if it is abnormal, a voiding
cystourethrogram will be performed to evaluate for hydronephrosis and/or VUR.

356 CHAPTER 11  Pharmacology of the Genitourinary System


Case Questions
1. When is a pediatric UTI considered uncomplicated, and how does its treatment differ from that of a com-
plicated pediatric UTI?
2. Although E. coli shows very low resistance to ciprofloxacin, this antibiotic is not typically prescribed to infants.
Why is this so?
3. JR’s mother asks you whether circumcision might prevent another episode of UTI in her son. How would
you respond to her question?
4. How would you evaluate JR for therapeutic benefit from the ceftriaxone injection when he returns to the
clinic the following day?


RM, a 59-year-old male, presents to his primary care provider with a complaint of painful urination
of increasing intensity over the last week. Associated symptoms include subjective fever, urinary
frequency, urgency, and new-onset urge incontinence resulting in inability to get to the bathroom
before leaking urine. RM also describes pain over his lower abdomen and bilateral mid-back region.
He reports his urine is cloudy and foul smelling, but he denies visible blood. He denies chills,
diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, or previous similar symptoms; however, he admits that for several
years he has had problems with urinary frequency (worse at night), a weak, interrupted stream of
urine, and feeling like he cannot completely empty his bladder. He says that these symptoms are a
significant bother and are worsening.
RM states that he is currently sexually active with a single partner for the last 20 years. He routinely
takes daily medications for type 2 diabetes mellitus, essential hypertension, and high cholesterol;
he has not taken any antibiotics in the previous 6 months. At his last routine medical visit
2 months ago, RM’s blood tests indicated excellent control of these chronic conditions. A PSA
blood test performed 6 months ago was also in normal range. RM denies a personal or family
history of structural or functional urinary tract disorders, or bladder, prostate, or renal cancer. He is a
nonsmoker. He has been drinking less fluid for the past 2 days due to worsening urinary frequency
and urgency. He reports no known drug allergies.
RM’s vital signs are within normal range except for a low-grade fever of 37.5°C. Upon physical
exam, the provider notes suprapubic tenderness and costovertebral angle tenderness. RM is
circumcised; digital rectal exam shows a mildly enlarged, nontender prostate gland without
nodules. Microscopic mid-stream urinalysis shows cloudy, dark-yellow urine; pH 6.2; specific
gravity 1.030; glucose negative; protein negative; RBC 8–10/HPF; WBC 18–20/HPF; nitrite positive.
A urine culture, performed and made available after 48 hours, shows more than 100,000 colonies
of Klebsiella pneumoniae. A baseline PSA blood test is in the normal range (1.2 ng/mL).
The provider makes a diagnosis of acute, complicated UTI (pyelonephritis), likely due to lower
urinary tract obstruction and subsequent urinary stasis resulting from BPH. RM is given a
prescription for levofloxacin 750 mg once daily for 5 days. As RM is nontoxic, outpatient treatment
is an acceptable option. The provider schedules an appointment for 2 weeks to follow up for
resolution of the UTI and to discuss treatment of BPH.
Case Scenario 4 357


Case Questions
1. Which contributing factors may have predisposed RM to pyelonephritis?
2. With a complicated UTI, why is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic recommended rather than TMP-SMX or nitrofurantoin?
3. When would IV antibiotics be preferred over the oral route in treatment of complicated UTI?
4. What is an alternative fluoroquinolone antibiotic that could have been prescribed to this patient?
5. For which therapeutic outcome should the nurse evaluate this patient?


JS is a 58-year-old man who presents to his primary care provider for a routine check-up. During
the medication review, he mentions that he is having significant ED that has been worsening over
the last year. This is very distressing to him and to his wife, and JS wonders if any of his medications
might be causing the problem. He is obese, and he has been treated for hypertension and type
2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) for the last 8 to 10 years. His current medications include a thiazide
diuretic, hydrochlorothiazide, and a beta blocker (metoprolol) for blood pressure. JS is taking
metformin twice daily for T2DM. He denies significant urinary frequency, hesitancy, urgency,
dribbling, incontinence, or weak stream. He reports no morning erections, nocturnal erections, or
spontaneous erections adequate for sexual satisfaction. He does not exercise regularly, and he has a
20-pack/year cigarette smoking history.
JS’s vital signs are BP 152/92, P 84/min, and R 20; his BMI is 34. His physical exam is unremarkable
with a normal cardiac exam including peripheral pulses, normal male genitalia, normal prostate
exam, and no abdominal tenderness or organomegaly.
The metabolic panel shows normal renal and liver function, but JS has an elevated fasting blood
sugar of 160 mg/dL. JS’s lipid panel shows elevated triglycerides, elevated low-density lipoprotein,
and low high-density lipoprotein.
The provider decides to change JS’s antihypertensive regimen to a combination angiotensin II
receptor type-1 blocker and calcium-channel blocker. He also increases the metformin dose to
the maximum daily dose, and he adds a statin drug for JS’s dyslipidemia. Because JS is not taking
nitrates or alpha-blocking drugs for hypertension, a PDE-5 inhibitor is initiated to improve his ED.
The provider also stresses smoking cessation and the importance of daily physical activity with JS as
factors shown to improve ED. JS is referred to a nutritionist for education about low-fat food choices
and to initiate a weight-loss program.
Case Questions
1. In JS’s initial drug regimen, which medications may have contributed to his ED, and how might this be occurring?
2. Which antihypertensive drugs do not seem to contribute to ED?
3. From JS’s medical history, which factors not directly related to medications may be contributing to his ED?
4. What is an appropriate plan for discussing adverse effects associated with use of PDE-5 inhibitors?
358 CHAPTER 11  Pharmacology of the Genitourinary System

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Special Conditions
and Supplemental


Drugs Associated with

Pregnancy, Labor and
Delivery, and Lactation
Jean Nicholas


Albumin Gestational diabetes Hyperglycemia Preterm labor

Atony Gestational hypertension Hypoglycemia Proteinuria
Beta-mimetic drugs Group B streptococcal Insulin resistance Respiratory distress
Cytotoxic infection Magnesium sulfate syndrome
Eclampsia Human placental growth hor- Nonprogressing labor Teratogen
Epidural anesthesia mone (hpGH) Postpartum Tocolytic drugs
Fetotoxic Human placental lactogen Pre-eclampsia Vasodilation
Gastric reflux (hPL) Prenatal vitamins


At the end of the chapter, the student will be able to: 4. Identify common conditions in pregnancy that may require
management with medication.
1. Describe the mechanism of action, dosages, side effects,
and nursing considerations for drugs commonly used in 5. Compare and contrast drugs used in uterine stimulation
pregnancy, labor and delivery, and postpartum. and uterine relaxation.
2. Discuss physiological reasons why drug use in pregnancy 6. Describe nursing care of a labor patient receiving analgesia
and lactation is limited. or regional anesthesia.
3. Explain changes to the Food and Drug Administration preg-
nancy categories and give an example of a teratogenic drug.

364 CHAPTER 12  Drugs Associated with Pregnancy, Labor and Delivery, and Lactation

Introduction FDA Pregnancy Categories

The use of any drug just prior to or during The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
pregnancy and lactation requires close sur- is responsible for reviewing and approving
veillance due to the unique physiological medications. In 1979, as a result of experi-
changes that occur in the body during these ence with both thalidomide and another
periods. Drug effects are often unpredict- drug, diethylstilbestrol (DES), which
able, particularly when using newer drugs, caused less dramatic but still important tera-
for which less information is available about togenic effects (Mittendorf, 1995), the FDA
possible effects in this population. Yet because created a categorization system for drugs used
pharmaceutical companies do not test drugs in pregnancy, derived from the Labeling for
on pregnant or lactating women—such test- Prescription Drugs Used in Man Regulations. The
ing, with no knowledge of the potential harm categorizations were made on the basis of
to the fetus, would be unethical—drug effects animal studies and anecdotal reports or post-
on the fetus or newborn are known only after hoc reviews of outcomes of patients who took
they occur and are reported. the drugs.
Some drugs are known to be harmful to In 2014 the FDA replaced existing preg-
the fetus (fetotoxic) due to a large num- nancy letter categories with a new system
ber of reported cases. A classic example is intended to help consumers make better in-
thalidomide, a drug that was widely used in formed choices as well as to enhance patient
Europe during the late 1950s and early 1960s counseling. The previous system assigned en-
to treat severe nausea in pregnancy. This drug tire drug classes to specific letter categories
was prescribed and eventually ­marketed on an (A, B, C, D, and X), according to the known
over-the-counter basis, ­before the d ­ iscovery or reported level of risk to the human (or ani-
that it was a teratogen—that is, a compound mal) fetus. However, patients and practition-
that interferes with the normal developmen- ers felt that the categories could be confusing
tal process in the fetus ­(Sachdeva, P­ atel, & and there was not a definitive “yes” or “no”
Patel, 2009). Thousands of babies were born as to what was safe for patients. Further, the
with malformed or missing limbs before categories were incorrectly viewed as a con-
thalidomide was ­removed from the market, tinuum of most safe (Category A) to least safe
and many thousands more women likely suf- (Category X) and did not address the adverse
fered miscarriage as a ­result of using this drug. effects of drug therapy discontinuation dur-
Thalidomide is an ­extreme example—many ing pregnancy (Pernia & DeMaagd, 2016).
other fetotoxic drugs have effects that are less Finally, the Centers for Disease Control and
dramatic but still noticeable, and even with Prevention’s web page on medications and
thalidomide the effects were present in ap- pregnancy (
proximately half of the babies whose mothers /meds/treatingfortwo/research.html) notes,
took the drug, not all of them. Nevertheless, it “A 2011 study of all medications approved
makes no sense to put the fetus at any risk of by FDA from 1980 through 2010 found that
malformation or health effects unless there is 91% of the medications approved for use by
a clear need to do so. For this reason, the de- adults in general had insufficient data to de-
fault position of most clinical practices is to termine the risk of using the medication dur-
use no drug unless other measures fail. Yet 9 ing pregnancy.”
out of 10 pregnant women take at least one Labeling will now follow the process out-
medication during their pregnancy, and in the lined in the FDA’s 2014 Content and Format of
past 30 years the number of women taking Labeling for Human Prescription Drug and Bio-
four or more medications has more than dou- logical Products; Requirements for Pregnancy and
bled (Mosley, Smith, & Dezan, 2015). Lactation Labeling, more commonly referred
Physiological Changes in Pregnancy 365

to as the Pregnancy and Lactation Labeling • How significant is the risk to the Best Practices
Rule (PLLR). Both the content and format of mother’s health versus the risk to
information changed under the PLLR. While the fetus? In the majority of
cases, medications
there remain three labeling subsections, the • If medication must be used, are
can be given safely
scope of those sections has been broadened there available options that are in pregnancy, but
(see ­TABLE 12-1). lower in risk to the fetus? every effort should
The decision to use or not use a drug will • If no lower-risk medication is be made to minimize
no longer be based on the assigned FDA cat- available, is using a reduced dose risks.
egory, but rather on what is optimal for the an option, despite the presumably
patient, given the risk to her life or health, reduced efficacy?
the risk of harm to the fetus, and the way • Is delaying therapy until the fetus reaches
the pregnant woman prioritizes those risks a more advanced stage of development an
once informed of them. According to the option? Would doing so prove helpful to
PLLR, medication labels must be continually the fetus? Would doing so increase the risk
updated as new data is available (Blattner, of severe consequences to the mother?
Danesh, Safaee, & Murase, 2016). The la-
beling rules apply only to prescription med- Medication Use on a Preconception
ication; over-the-counter drug labels are
Basis and in Early Pregnancy
not affected.
That may sound alarming to both clinician Several circumstances may ­occur that intro-
and patient. However, in practice, most medi- duce the possibility of ­medication use during
cations can be given relatively safely in preg- pregnancy. First, a woman may be healthy,
nancy to the majority of patients. That does not but a condition may arise during pregnancy
mean, however, that there are no risks, or that for which medication is needed (it may
every effort should not be made to minimize or may not be related to the pregnancy).
risks. This is especially true when the medica- ­Second, the woman may have an existing
tion being considered is cytotoxic—that is, ­undiagnosed or borderline health issue that
toxic to cells, and is especially important for was not being treated before she became preg-
drugs that target fast-growing cells—such as nant, but that worsened or was ­“unmasked”
most cancer drugs. Considerations that the cli- due to her pregnancy. Examples would be a
nician and patient should discuss when under- woman who had subclinical ­hypothyroidism
taking therapy include the following: and developed hypothyroid symptoms while
pregnant because of the extra metabolic bur-
• Are there effective nonpharmacologic den of pregnancy, or a woman with an un-
therapies that could be tried first? diagnosed tumor, which, responding to the
pregnancy hormones, became palpable. Third,
a woman who is ­already taking medication
TABLE 12-1 PLLR Labeling Subsections for a health ­concern may become pregnant,
either intentionally or accidentally. In all
Previous Labeling New Labeling of these cases, the woman’s medication use
8.1 Pregnancy 8.1 Pregnancy (new or ­ongoing) needs to be assessed with
Labor and Delivery regard to its effects on the fetus.
8.2 Labor and Delivery 8.2 Lactation

8.3 Nursing Mothers 8.3 Females and Males of

Physiological Changes in
Reproductive Potential Pregnancy
Data from Content and Format of Labeling for Human Prescription Drug Nurses should be aware that many physio-
and Biological Products; Requirements for Pregnancy and Lactation
Labeling (Federal Register/Vol. 79, No. 233/Thursday, December 4, 2014). logical measures change during pregnancy, so
366 CHAPTER 12  Drugs Associated with Pregnancy, Labor and Delivery, and Lactation

that they are not regarded as (and potentially energy, resulting in a negative nitrogen bal-
treated as) abnormalities. The mother’s blood ance and ketosis. If diabetes develops (or is
plasma volume (and therefore cardiac ­output) already present) in the mother, it can have
increases approximately 50%. Increased ­renal significant effects on the fetus and lead to
flow (the glomerular filtration rate rises by complications during birth.
about 55% during pregnancy) may lead to Placental transfer of drugs occurs by the
more rapid excretion of drugs. Oxygen con- fifth week after conception. The fetal and ma-
sumption also increases by about 20%, which ternal bloodstreams are separated by only a
may have implications for women who re- thin barrier, which many drugs easily pen-
quire bronchodilators. After about 20 weeks, etrate. Because the fetus has low levels of al-
plasma lipid levels increase in the mother, bumin, drug binding is minimal. The fetal
with the ratio of low-density lipoprotein to liver is immature, resulting in poor metabol-
high-density lipoprotein increasing (­ Sanghavi ism of drugs and greater effect of the medi-
& Rutherford, 2014). The increased produc- cations on fetal tissue. Excretion of drugs is
tion of hormones (e.g., estrogen, proges- similarly affected due to the immaturity of
terone, human placental lactogen, growth the fetal kidneys.
hormone) may alter the metabolism of drugs. In a woman of reproductive age who
Other biochemical changes include alterations may become pregnant (i.e., one who is sexu-
in serum creatinine, urea, liver enzyme tests ally active and not using an effective contra-
(alkaline phosphatase increases by as much as ceptive method), the key concern is that she
400%), and thyroid function. may ingest drugs that are potentially harmful
The physiological changes that occur dur- to the fetus before she is aware she is preg-
ing pregnancy influence the effects of drugs nant. Although the embryo is fairly resis-
in both the mother and the fetus. For ex- tant to fetotoxic substances in the first week
ample, the increase in plasma volume pro- or two post conception, all of the fetal or-
duces a dilutional effect and lowers many gans are formed during weeks three to eight
drug concentrations more than would other- of pregnancy (Sachdeva et al., 2009). Drugs
wise be expected. The resulting lower levels taken during this time may cause organs to
of albumin may decrease drug binding, thus be malformed or to malfunction. Medica-
freeing up more drug for transfer to the fetus. tions taken from week nine onward do not
Such effects make it difficult to predict how necessarily affect organ and tissue formation
a drug will work in the pregnant woman and but may influence how well the organs de-
how that same drug will affect the fetus. velop or function during pregnancy or after
Of particular note is the change that oc- birth. The fetal brain, in particular, is highly
curs in insulin utilization. During pregnancy, sensitive to chemical inputs and contin-
increases in two specific pregnancy-related ues to develop postpartum; for this reason,
hormones, human placental l­ actogen medication use is a concern not only during
(hPL) and human placental growth pregnancy, but also for the duration of post-
­hormone (hpGH), cause an increased re- partum breastfeeding, in women who choose
sistance to insulin (Moore, 2018). This phe- to breastfeed.
nomenon is a normal physiological change Ideally, a woman who requires a pre-
that ensures the growing fetus receives an scribed drug for an ongoing health problem
adequate amount of glucose for its growth. will plan ahead if she wishes to become preg-
However, insulin resistance can lead to in- nant. Under such circumstances, she may
adequate glucose uptake for the mother and be able to change the drug to one less likely
higher than normal circulating levels of glu- to affect the fetus in the first weeks of preg-
cose. Fats and proteins must then be bro- nancy. Moreover, the nutritional needs of
ken down and used by the mother’s body for pregnant women change, making it advisable
Use of Nonprescribed and Illicit Drugs 367

to initiate the use of prenatal vitamins to such as sleep aids, cough and cold Best Practices
ensure adequate amounts of essential vita- medications, analgesics, antacids, and
mins and minerals. Because folic acid defi- so forth. Such drugs may contain Drug effects are often
unpredictable; a
ciency is linked to defects in the fetal neural ingredients that have the potential
medication that has
tube (brain and spinal cord), all women in to harm the fetus or that could inter- no effect in one preg-
their reproductive years are encouraged to act in harmful ways with prescribed nancy may do harm
consume at least 400 mcg of folic acid daily. medications. Nonprescribed drugs in another, even in
Many foods are now enriched with folic acid. may also include herbal or nutritional the same mother.
Iron is the only other nutritional supplement products sold as supplements, teas,
whose intake needs to be increased during or beverages. These include such Best Practices
pregnancy. Most women can get enough of ingredients as chamomile, g­ inseng,
All women in their
the vitamins and minerals they need for preg- potassium, B vitamins, ­glucosamine,
reproductive years
nancy and lactation through a varied and bal- taurine, and so forth. Many ­patients should be encour-
anced diet. do not regard these “natural aged to consume
Only a few therapeutic drugs are known ­remedies” as “drugs” and may fail to at least 400 mcg of
to be fetotoxic, so medications with extreme mention them during an initial preg- folic acid daily. Dur-
ing pregnancy, iron
effects on fetal development can usually be nancy assessment; indeed, many pa- ­intake may need to
avoided during pregnancy. A more difficult tients may not even realize they are be increased.
challenge is avoiding drugs that may have ef- ingesting these i­ngredients because
fects that are not readily observed (e.g., drugs they have been added to a beverage
that affect long-term brain, lung, or other tis- or tea and the patient did not carefully read
sue development) or that may alter the pro- the label. Yet because such products may have
cess of pregnancy (e.g., by stimulating early unexpected effects or interact with prescribed
labor or reducing placental function). Drug medications, it is e­ ssential that an account of
effects are often unpredictable; a medication all such substances be elicited from the pa-
that has no effect in one pregnancy may do tient and assessed with regard to safety. Some
harm in another, even in the same mother. herbal products, such as ginseng, rosemary,
This is why so few drugs are considered truly and some forms of chamomile, are generally
“safe” during pregnancy. When a prescribed recognized as safe for women who are not
drug is considered critical for the mother’s pregnant but can be unsafe during pregnancy
health, the risks to the fetus versus the bene- (Kennedy, Lupattelli, Koren & Nordeng, 2016;
fits for the mother must be carefully weighed. Dante, Bellei, Neri, & Facchinetti, 2014).
The goal of drug treatment during pregnancy Not enough studies have been done to mea-
is to provide as much benefit as possible to sure the effects of various herbs on pregnant
the mother while minimizing impact on fetal women or fetuses. Conflicting information on
development and well-being. the internet regarding the use of herbal prod-
ucts only confounds the issue. Therefore, the
Use of Nonprescribed and best practice is to consult with a health care
provider before taking any ‘natural’ medicine
Illicit Drugs or herbal product during pregnancy, or, avoid
While this chapter is primarily concerned with the products altogether.
prescribed or recommended medications dur- In addition, some pregnant women may
ing pregnancy, it is also important to mention ingest harmful nonprescribed drugs for rec-
the potential impact of nonprescribed and il- reational purposes, whether legal or oth-
licit drugs. Nonprescribed drugs may include erwise—for example, alcohol, tobacco,
over-the-counter medications that the preg- narcotics, methamphetamine, and other-
nant woman has been accustomed to using wise legal medications that were not pre-
on an occasional basis to treat minor ailments, scribed for her use (e.g., psychotropics or pain
368 CHAPTER 12  Drugs Associated with Pregnancy, Labor and Delivery, and Lactation

Best Practices medications). Particularly with re- Common Conditions Arising

spect to illegal drug use and alcohol
If abuse of nonpre- abuse, patients may be unwilling to
in Pregnancy
scribed drugs, illicit
give an honest history of drug use or It is beyond the scope of this chapter to ad-
drugs, or alcohol is
suspected in a preg- misuse for fear of legal repercussions. dress all possible conditions that coincide with
nant patient, the Nurses may also have concerns re- pregnancy. However, discussion of the most
patient should be lated to liability, depending on state common conditions arising from or coincid-
assured of confidenti- law about reporting illicit drug use ing with pregnancy, and the best treatments
ality, educated about
the repercussions of
in expectant mothers; however, the for these conditions, can help the nurse gain
drug use on the fetus, position statement of the American an understanding of the factors likely to be
and offered assist- Nurses Association (ANA, 2011) on encountered in practice.
ance with withdraw- this subject is that nurses should re-
ing from the drugs
gard addiction or drug abuse as an ill- Constipation
or medications in
question. In women ness to be treated via coordination The increased weight of the growing uterus
with significant ad- with social services, not law enforce- as well as the relaxing effects of the hor-
diction issues, this ment. If abuse of nonprescribed/il- mones produced in greater amounts during
withdrawal must take licit drugs or alcohol is suspected, the pregnancy can lead to decreased intestinal
place under medical
patient should be assured of confi- motility, with resulting constipation. It is pref-
supervision to ensure
the safety of both the dentiality, educated about the reper- erable to treat this condition by a preventive
woman and the fetus. cussions of drug use for her fetus, approach—that is, by encouraging increased
and offered assistance with with- fluids, a diet high in fiber, and regular exer-
drawing from the drugs or medica- cise. If medication is necessary, bulking agents
tions in question. In women with significant such as psyllium are preferred because they
addiction issues, this withdrawal must take are not absorbed by the circulatory system.
place under medical supervision to ensure the Stool softeners such as docusate may also
safety of both the woman and her fetus. be prescribed. If constipation is severe, a
mild osmotic laxative such as milk of mag-
Patient Emotions Around nesia (magnesium sulfate) can be used on
occasion, but osmotic and stimulant laxa-
Medication Use tives should be used on only a short-term
For patients who used medications prior to basis because of concerns about dehydra-
becoming aware of pregnancy, reassurance tion and electrolyte imbalances (Trottier,
that the likelihood of harm is minimal is ap- Erebara, & Bozzo, 2012), which can promote
propriate, except in instances where the premature labor.
medication is absolutely contraindicated.
Such occasions will probably be extremely Diabetes Mellitus
rare, ­because women taking such medications Diabetes mellitus, a defect in glucose trans-
(e.g., isotretinoin) are usually warned about port, is a common condition in women of
the ­potential for harm in pregnancy and ad- childbearing age. While describing the treat-
vised to use an effective birth control method. ment regimens for the different types of
For patients who must initiate or continue ­diabetes is beyond the scope of this chapter,
use of a medication during pregnancy, a thor- a few general facts can be presented.
ough discussion of the risks and potential There are three basic types of diabetes
strategies to minimize risk is required under mellitus: type 1, type 2, and gestational diabe-
the PLLR. Patients should be reassured that tes. G
­ estational diabetes is a variant of type
these changes will be ­undertaken with con- 2 diabetes in which insensitivity to insulin
siderable care to limit risks to both mother signaling develops in response to some of the
and fetus. endocrine changes of pregnancy.
Common Conditions Arising in Pregnancy 369

In women who already have diabetes jaundice, and preterm birth. Endogenous
when they become pregnant, these changes ­(injected) insulin is usually required, as many
may exacerbate the existing metabolic issue, oral antidiabetic agents cross the placenta.
and their current treatment regimen must be
adjusted to account for it. Women who use Heartburn
insulin to manage type 1 diabetes may, for Heartburn is a common discomfort of preg-
example, find that they need to increase their nancy, with symptoms worsening as the
insulin dosage(s) or reduce their carbohydrate uterus grows upward and displaces the stom-
intake and increase their exercise regimen ach. Gastric contents are regurgitated into the
to maintain good glucose control. Women esophagus, resulting in a burning sensation.
who manage their type 2 diabetes with exer- The increased level of progesterone in preg-
cise and diet alone may find that adding a hy- nancy also contributes because of its relax-
poglycemic medication becomes necessary, ant effect in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
while those who are already taking a hypo- To avoid heartburn, pregnant women should
glycemic medication may need to increase the eat smaller, more frequent meals, avoid fried
dose or add insulin to avoid hyperglycemia. or fatty foods, and drink adequate amounts
Additionally, a consideration for these women of fluids. Antacids can be used safely because
is the fact that some oral hypoglycemic medi- their effect is localized to the stomach. If the
cations are safer than others with respect to heartburn is accompanied by gastric reflux,
fetal outcomes, and they may need to change an antisecretory agent (H2 blocker), such as
oral medications or temporarily switch to in- ranitidine, may be prescribed. A number of
sulin out of concern for fetal well-being. studies have demonstrated the safety of this
In women who develop gestational diabe- class of drugs (­ Gilboa, Ailes, Rai, Anderson, &
tes, the medication considerations are slightly Honein, 2014).
different. Gestational diabetes is defined as
glucose intolerance of varying severity first ap- Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy
pearing in pregnancy. The peak time for gesta- Women who become pregnant so com-
tional diabetes to manifest itself is at 28 weeks’ monly experience nausea and vomiting that
gestation, when the level of the hormone hPL prevalence rates in the U.S are estimated
is greatest. All pregnant women should be at 70% (Einarson, Piwko & Koren, 2013).
screened for blood glucose levels at 28 weeks, While common in the first trimester for most
unless their medical history and risk factors pregnancies, nausea and vomiting for some
indicate a need for earlier assessment. women can last through the 22nd week of
The goal of treatment of diabetes is gestation or beyond. A small portion of preg-
to ­prevent both hyperglycemia and nant women (1-3%) (Nuangchamnong &
­hypoglycemia, both of which are detri- Niebyl, 2014; London, Grube, Sherer, &
mental to the developing fetus as well as the Abulafia, 2017) experience a severe form
mother. A mildly elevated blood glucose level of nausea and vomiting called hyperemesis
may be treated with dietary changes and gravidarum. Signs and symptoms include
­increased exercise, just as it is in a nonpreg- severe vomiting, dehydration, weight loss,
nant person. Frequent monitoring is needed headaches, extreme fatigue, and electrolyte
using a glucometer. If these changes do not imbalance. Hyperemesis gravidarum is the
result in lower glucose levels, drug treatment second most common cause of hospitaliza-
is needed to prevent the many known compli- tion for pregnant women in the US, follow-
cations that may result, including macrosomia ing preterm labor (London, Grube, Sherer,
(excessive birth weight), which can increase & Abulafia, 2017). Treatment is primarily
the risk of potential complications during supportive, with IV fluid replacement and
parturition, hypoglycemia in the neonate, antiemetics. While several antiemetics are
370 CHAPTER 12  Drugs Associated with Pregnancy, Labor and Delivery, and Lactation

available, the combination of delayed-release such as stress management techniques, bed

doxylamine succinate and pyridoxine hydro- rest, and other supportive care interven-
chloride is the only pharmacological treat- tions do not stabilize the rising blood pres-
ment to receive FDA Pregnancy Category A sure, or if hypertension onset is rapid and
status, under the previous FDA pregnancy severe. Oral medications used for hyper-
categories. This means there were adequate tension in pregnancy include methyldopa
and well-controlled studies performed with (first-line agent of choice), hydralazine,
no demonstrated risk to the fetus in the first hydrochlorothiazide, and nifedipine
trimester of pregnancy (Nuangchamnong & (Mustafa, Ahmed, Gupta, & Venuto, 2012;
Niebyl, 2014). As such, it is considered a Vest & Cho, 2012). Diuretics, such as
first-line treatment for nausea and vomit- hydralazine and hydrochlorothiazide,
ing in pregnancy (Madjunkova, Maltepe, & carry a risk of volume contraction and elec-
Koren, 2014). trolyte disturbances, as well as hyperurice-
mia. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
Hypertension in Pregnancy inhibitors and angiotensin receptor antago-
Hypertension is the most common maternal nists are absolutely contraindicated in preg-
complication, occurring in approximately nancy (Vest & Cho, 2012). Most beta blockers
12% of all pregnancies. The management of are regarded as unsafe in pregnant women
this disorder varies depending on the gesta- as well, due to the increased risk of preterm
tional age at which it is detected, the severity, birth, small for gestational age babies, or peri-
and the progression of symptoms. Gesta- natal mortality.
tional hypertension is defined as systolic As pre-eclampsia becomes more severe or
blood pressure equal to or greater than 140 is progressing rapidly, the patient is hospital-
mm Hg and/or diastolic blood pressure equal ized, and intravenous magnesium sulfate, a
to or greater than 90 mm Hg on at least 2 central nervous system depressant, is initiated.
occasions, at least 6 hours apart, after the Magnesium sulfate may act as a vasodila-
20th week of gestation in a woman who was tor and/or protector of the blood–brain barrier
previously normotensive (King & Brucker, from edema, although its mechanism has yet to
2011). Pre-eclampsia is diagnosed when the be defined. A bolus, or loading, dose of 4–6 g is
gestational hypertension is accompanied by given intravenously over 30 minutes, followed
proteinuria (300 mg or greater in 24 hours). by a continuous infusion of 1–2 g per hour
Severe pre-eclampsia is hypertension with until the patient is stabilized and no adverse
systolic blood pressure greater than 160 mm ­effects noted (see TABLE 12-2).
Hg or diastolic blood pressure greater than
110 mm Hg. The goal of treatment is to pre- Group B Streptococcal Infection
vent seizures (eclampsia). Lowering the Pregnant women can become infected with
mother’s blood pressure with antihyperten- any number of viruses or bacterial infections.
sive drugs is reserved for severe cases when Nurses must be especially concerned about
the threat of a cerebral vascular event, such Group B streptococcal infection. Approxi-
as stroke, is imminent. mately 30% of pregnant women are colonized
Many antihypertensive drugs cause with Group B strep infection in the vaginal or
­vasodilation (opening of blood vessels). This rectal area. Most are asymptomatic. If untreated
effect may divert vital blood supply away during the birth process, Group B strep can
from the uterus. Thus, treatment with anti- be acquired by the infant as he or she passes
hypertensive agents is undertaken with care through the infected genital tract; this may re-
in pregnant women. For mild hypertension, sult in serious, even fatal, cases of pneumonia
medications are avoided as much as pos- or meningitis in the newborn. All pregnant
sible and offered only if lifestyle therapies women are tested for Group B strep at about
Common Conditions Arising in Pregnancy 371

TABLE 12-2 Pre-eclampsia Therapy in a Hospital Setting

Drug: Magnesium sulfate

Action Nursing Considerations

CNS suppressant: blocks nerve transmission, decreasing the Close observation during administration.
possibility of convulsion in cases of severe pre-eclampsia. Hourly vital signs. Protocols may call for discontinuing magnesium
Because it acts as a smooth muscle relaxant, it may also lower sulfate if the respiratory rate falls below 12 per minute.
blood pressure, although this is not the intended use. Monitor urine output; an indwelling catheter should be inserted.
Dosage Output less than 30 mL per hour is a sign of toxicity.
Given intravenously as an infusion. Monitor ordered laboratory studies: serum magnesium levels,
Loading dose: usually 4–6 g IV over 30 minutes. urine protein, and other kidney function tests.
Maintenance dose: 1–2 g per hour. Assess deep tendon reflexes (patellar) as ordered. Loss of reflexes
Side Effects may indicate magnesium toxicity.
Due to vasodilation, facial flushing, feeling of warmth, lethargy. The antidote for magnesium toxicity is calcium gluconate. Keep an
Nausea and vomiting, visual changes (e.g., blurred vision), heart ampule readily available at the bedside.
palpitations, headache. Continuous fetal heart rate monitoring.
Signs of magnesium toxicity include decreased respirations, After delivery of the infant, continue IV magnesium sulfate as
diminished or absent reflexes, and decreased urine output. ordered for 12–24 hours. Seizures can occur in the postpartum
Postpartum hemorrhage can occur due to the relaxant effect period.
on the uterine muscles.

Data from Davidson, M., London, M., & Ladewig, P. (2012). Maternal–newborn nursing and women’s health (9th ed.). Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

35 weeks’ gestation. If she tests positive, the 2011), however, the FDA advises against
woman is treated with intravenous antibiotics its use in the first trimester of pregnancy
during labor to reduce the bacterial load present ­(Department of Health and Human Services
at the time of birth. Penicillin G is the drug of [DHHS], 2017).
choice; clindamycin is an alternative in those Treatment for the infant is usually con-
women who are allergic to penicillin. tinued prophylactically until about 6 weeks
of age. Because the infant’s blood will contain
Human Immunodeficiency Virus the same HIV antibodies as the mother, the
A woman who tests positive for human im- infant must be tested using a more specific
munodeficiency virus (HIV) must be given test for disease, or monitored for up to
antiretroviral therapy during pregnancy to 18 months, when the maternal ­antibodies
decrease the viral load and reduce the chance would have cleared the infant’s system.
of transmission to the fetus. Without treat- ­Because HIV can be transmitted through
ment, the risk of maternal–fetal transmission breastmilk, breastfeeding is not recommended
of HIV is about 25%. Antiretroviral therapy for infected mothers.
during pregnancy can reduce this risk to
about 2% (Department of Health and H ­ uman Neoplastic Disease
Services [HHS], 2012). If the maternal v ­ iral While it is not common for women to be di-
load of HIV RNA is less than 400 copies/mL, agnosed with cancer while pregnant (or vice
treatment during labor and delivery is no versa), it does happen. In such a scenario,
longer considered necessary (HHS Panel on therapy needs to be balanced between opti-
Treatment of HIV in Pregnancy, 2012). One mizing the fetal outcome and maintaining the
drug in particular, efavirenz (EFV), is associ- therapeutic benefit for the mother. ­Although
ated with a small increase in the risk of neu- many women believe (wrongly) that the co-
rologic birth defects, especially during the first occurrence of pregnancy and cancer auto-
trimester of pregnancy; experts are divided matically means choosing between the life of
on whether this drug should be avoided (Sax, the fetus and the life or health of the mother,
2014) or used (Ford, Calmy, & ­Mofenson, either short or long term, advances in cancer
372 CHAPTER 12  Drugs Associated with Pregnancy, Labor and Delivery, and Lactation

therapy have allowed many women to suc- and surfactant production prior to birth. Two
cessfully combat certain types of cancer (par- doses given intramuscularly 12 hours apart
ticularly breast cancer) without needing to significantly reduces the likelihood of respi-
resort to pregnancy termination. ratory distress syndrome in the neonate,
Chemotherapy drugs for the most part if he or she is born prior to the time of full
target fast-dividing cells, which is problematic lung maturation (37–38 weeks). These doses
for fetal growth. It has been generally deter- can be utilized for at least 2 days. Continu-
mined that such drugs are most dangerous to ing administration of tocolytics beyond this
the fetus in the first trimester. However, use period has not proven to be effective in pre-
of these medications can be undertaken with venting preterm labor (Locatelli, Consonni, &
caution in the second and third trimesters. ­Ghidini, 2015).
Because of the great variety of drugs used
in cancer treatment, and the development Tocolytic Medications
of more targeted medications that address Tocolysis is the use of drugs to de-
specific types of neoplasms, the discussion crease uterine activity. Tocolytic drugs
of individual medications is too e­ xtensive include beta-sympathomimetic drugs,
for this chapter. However, information on magnesium sulfate, calcium-channel block-
treating cancer during pregnancy is avail- ers, and prostaglandin inhibitors (King &
able from a wide range of sources, including Brucker, 2011). In general, they are effective
the ­American Cancer Society, the ­American for 2 to 7 days.
­Society of Clinical Oncologists, and the Beta-mimetic drugs inhibit uterine ac-
­National Cancer Institute. tivity by binding with beta-adrenergic re-
ceptors in the uterus. The only drug in this
Drugs Used During Labor category to be approved for this indication
A variety of medications may be used in rela- was ritodrine. It is no longer prescribed or
tion to labor and delivery. Some are used to available in the United States due to its side
prevent, halt, or delay premature onset of la- effects. Terbutaline (a β2-receptor agonist),
bor (preterm labor); some are used to induce a drug more commonly used for treatment
or speed up an overdue or n ­ onprogressing of asthma, is the most frequently prescribed
labor; still others are used to address pain or drug in this category, but it is used off-la-
complications arising ­during labor. bel for preterm labor and it has been used
with less frequency following a 2011 FDA
Preterm Labor black box warning and contraindication for
The presence of uterine contractions that use in preterm labor (Ross, 2017). Most pro-
cause changes in the cervix (effacement or tocols call for subcutaneous administration
dilation) prior to 37 weeks’ gestation is di- of 0.25 mg, with a repeat dose in one to six
agnostic of preterm labor. In most circum- hours if the cardiovascular effects are toler-
stances, tocolytic drugs are prescribed to able. Terbutaline is not recommended for
stop the l­abor and allow the pregnancy to continued treatment of preterm labor. The
continue until the fetus reaches full term, FDA requires that all forms of terbutaline
considered to be 38 weeks’ gestation, if pos- (oral, injectable, and subcutaneous pump)
sible. These drugs work best if given before carry Black Box warnings and contraindica-
the cervix dilates to 4 cm and when the bag tions for use (FDA, 2011) (TABLE 12-3).
of waters is intact. One goal of this therapy is Magnesium sulfate is the drug most
to delay the labor long enough for the admin- widely prescribed for preterm labor because
istration of a corticosteroid (betamethasone its side effects are relatively mild and it effec-
or dexamethasone) to the mother, with the tively stops uterine contractions. The exact
goal of accelerating fetal lung development mechanism of action is not known. A loading
Drugs Used During Labor 373

TABLE 12-3 Drugs Used in Preterm Labor (Tocolytic Agents and Corticosteroid Prophylaxis)

Drug Name
(Drug Class) Mechanism of Action Dosage Side Effects/Nursing Considerations

Terbutaline Binds to beta-adrenergic receptors Subcutaneous injection: Mother: tachycardia, palpitations, cardiac
(beta agonist) in the uterus, reducing uterine 0.25 mg. May repeat every arrhythmias, chest pain, hyperglycemia.
contractions 1–6 hours if maternal heartrate is Fetus: tachycardia, hyperglycemia during
< 130 beats per minute treatment, hypoglycemia after birth
*Black box warning – see text

Magnesium sulfate Smooth muscle relaxant; decreases 4–6 g IV over 20 minutes; Tachycardia, palpitations, flushing,
uterine contractions 1–4 g/h maintenance dose if headaches
uterine contractions persist and
depending on urine output

Nifedipine Inhibits uterine activity 20 mg orally, repeat, if needed, after Mother: palpitations, flushing, headaches,
(calcium-channel 30 minutes dizziness, maternal tachycardia, nausea
blocker) 20 mg orally every 3–8 hours for Fetus: decreased amniotic fluid, resolves
48–72 hours if contractions persist after treatment

Indomethacin Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis Rectal suppository: 100 mg, Mother: hyperglycemia
(NSAID) (not recommended after 32 weeks’ followed by 50 mg orally every
gestation due to risk of premature 6 hours for 48 hours
closure of ductus arteriosus in fetus)

Betamethasone, Accelerates lung maturity in Betamethasone: 12 mg

dexamethasone neonate; given antepartum to intramuscularly; two doses 24 hours
(corticosteroids) mother if preterm birth is likely apart
(24–34 weeks’ gestation) to Dexamethasone: 6 mg
accelerate lung maturity in the intramuscularly every 6 hours for
neonate 24 hours (4 doses)

Data from Ross, M. (2017). Preterm labor. Medscape. Retrieved from

dose of four to six grams intravenously, fol- The prostaglandin is absorbed locally into the
lowed by a maintenance dose of one to two cervix, helping to “ripen” the cervix, mak-
grams per hour, is the usual protocol. ing it more likely to dilate in response to
Indomethacin, an NSAID used for its oxytocin administration. Oxytocin binds
prostaglandin inhibition properties, has been oxytocin receptors in the myometrium, lead-
used effectively to stop preterm labor for a ing to increased intracellular calcium concen-
period of 24 to 48 hours. It is not recom- trations, resulting in stimulation of uterine
mended after 32 weeks’ gestation due to the contractions. It will stimulate uterine contrac-
possibility of premature closure of the ductus tions but will usually not be effective if the
arteriosus in the fetus. cervix is not ripened (TABLE 12-4).
PGE2 is inserted as a vaginal gel or in-
Labor Induction sert (suppository), usually 12 hours be-
When medically indicated due to a compli- fore oxytocin is started. Prostaglandins can
cation of pregnancy or risk of fetal compro- stimulate uterine contractions via binding
mise, labor may be artificially induced. If the to E-prostanoid receptors (EP), which are
cervix is not considered “favorable” based G-coupled receptors that mediate the ac-
on Bishop’s scoring system of cervical charac- tions of calcium and adenylyl cyclase, ulti-
teristics and the descent of the fetus into the mately controlling contractility (Blesson &
pelvis, a two-step process is usually imple- Sahlin, 2014). The patient must be monitored
mented. First, a prostaglandin agent, such as in a labor setting. The drug must be removed
misoprostol (a synthetic analog of PGE1) or 30 minutes prior to labor induction to avoid
PGE2 (dinoprostone), is inserted vaginally. hyperstimulation of the uterus.
374 CHAPTER 12  Drugs Associated with Pregnancy, Labor and Delivery, and Lactation

TABLE 12-4 Use of Oxytocin for Labor Induction

Action Nursing Considerations

Stimulate uterine muscles to contract by increasing the excitability of the muscle Follow ordered protocols carefully, including
cells. maximum dose.
Dosage Continuous fetal monitoring is recommended,
Must always be diluted; 10 units added to 1,000 mL of isotonic solution for along with assessment of contraction pattern.
intravenous administration results in a solution containing 10 milliunits (mu) per Begin monitoring before beginning oxytocin.
milliliter. Using an electronic infusion pump, begin at 2 mu/min and increase by Assess maternal vital signs hourly or as ordered.
1–2 mu/min until a satisfactory contraction pattern is established. Protocols vary Monitor intake and output.
among institutions. IV infusion must be piggybacked into the main IV line at the
site nearest the patient so that it can quickly be discontinued if necessary. Discuss management of pain with the patient.
Side Effects
Uterine hyperstimulation: can lead to rupture of uterus, abruption of placenta,
and rapid labor and birth with possible lacerations and tissue trauma in both
mother and baby
Water intoxication: nausea and vomiting, hypotension

Although not approved by the FDA for sufficient intensity to cause cervical changes.
this indication, misoprostol, a prostaglan- This use of oxytocin is referred to as
din E1 analog, is also used to achieve cervical labor augmentation.
ripeness for labor induction and is sanc- Oxytocin is also used after delivery of the
tioned for that use by the American Con- infant and the placenta to help contract the
gress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists uterine muscle and prevent excessive post-
(ACOG). A 100-mcg tablet must be broken partum bleeding.
into four pieces to obtain the 25-mcg recom-
mended dose, which may be taken orally or Analgesia/Anesthesia
inserted into the vagina. Oxytocin must not Uterine contractions are the main cause of
be started until four hours after the last ad- pain during labor. Because there is the fetus
ministration of misoprostol. As with the to consider, drug choice for pain relief must
other prostaglandin cervical-ripening agents, take into account the needs of both patients.
close observation is required in a labor set- Due to the prolonged gastric emptying time
ting. Extreme care should be observed with during labor, oral medications are not used.
misoprostol administration for labor in- The intravenous route is preferred, because
duction, as it can cause uterine rupture. In most drug actions will take effect more
addition, during pregnancy, misoprostol quickly and in a more predictable manner.
can cause birth defects, abortion, and Medications also may be administered intra-
premature birth. muscularly or subcutaneously, but will take
If the cervix is favorable for induction, longer to produce their effects.
the patient may be admitted for intrave- Butorphanol tartrate and nalbuphine-
nous administration of oxytocin. The goal hydrochloride are narcotic agonist/­
is to ­effectively mimic a normal labor pat- antagonist drugs commonly used for pain
tern, with uterine contractions every two management in early labor, particularly
to three minutes, of sufficient duration and when epidural anesthesia is unavailable or
intensity to cause progressive dilation of the ­patient refuses it. They can be given ei-
the cervix and descent of the fetus into the ther ­intramuscularly or intravenously. Both
birth canal. Oxytocin may also be admin- of these drugs cause severe withdrawal
istered when labor is not progressing nor- symptoms in women who have been using
mally, either ­because the contractions are ­narcotics. A thorough history must be ob-
too far apart or are not long enough or of tained before using either drug.
Drugs Used During the Postpartum Period 375

Epidural anesthesia is commonly used because it may cause a severe elevation in

during labor as well as delivery for manage- blood pressure. Methylergonovine is given
ment of pain. Under local anesthesia, a cath- as an intramuscular injection, 0.2 mg, which
eter is inserted into the epidural space. An may be repeated every 2 to 4 hours if nec-
opioid drug such as fentanyl as well as a lo- essary, followed by oral administration of a
cal anesthetic (see the Pharmacology of Anes- 0.2-mg tablet every 6 hours for 2 days un-
thetic Drugs chapter) are then injected into the til bleeding subsides. Both oxytocin and
catheter. Additional drugs can be adminis- methylergonovine can cause severe uterine
tered to provide anesthesia during either vag- cramping, and the nurse should encourage the
inal or cesarean birth. Patients must be given patient to take prescribed analgesics for pain.
an adequate amount (usually 1,000 mL) of
a volume-expanding fluid (such as lactated Drugs Administered During Lactation
Ringer’s solution), prior to being given epi- During lactation, most drugs do penetrate
dural anesthesia, to compensate for the sud- the milk supply, but usually in very small
den shift of fluid that occurs with the epidural amounts, less than 1% (Hale, 2010). Very
injection. Blood pressure is monitored closely, few drugs are contraindicated during lacta-
every 5 minutes for the first 15 minutes af- tion. It is important for the nurse to be well
ter each administration; hypotension and fe- informed about this issue, because women
ver may develop in the mother (Leighton & may feel discouraged from breastfeeding if
­Halpern, 2002). Labor may slow, so maternal they must take prescribed medication, for
uterine and fetal monitoring are continuous. fear of effects on the infant—yet in many
Epidural anesthesia using low concentra- cases those fears are not justified. National
tions of local anesthetics, combined with Institutes of Health (NIH) has established
lipid-soluble opioids, does not generally affect the LactMed site (https://toxnet.nlm.nih.
Apgar scores, but use of parenteral opioids gov/newtoxnet/lactmed.htm) as part of its
is associated with more frequent incidence TOXNET system. This site has valuable infor-
of low 1-minute Apgar scores (Leighton & mation pertaining to use of drugs during lac-
­Halpern, 2002; Silva & Halpern, 2010). tation and breastfeeding.
Those agents that do warrant concern in
Drugs Used During the conjunction with breastfeeding include che-
motherapy drugs, drugs of abuse such as co-
Postpartum Period caine and heroin, and radioactive isotopes
After delivery of the placenta, oxytocin is (Davidson et al., 2012). Most drugs do pen-
usually administered either intravenously etrate breastmilk, so consideration
in a diluted mixture of intravenous fluids should be given as to the timing and Best Practices
or as a 10-unit intramuscular injection to dosage form of the medication. For
control postpartum bleeding. If oxytocin example, using a drug with a shorter Most drugs penetrate
the breastmilk to
is not sufficient to control bleeding due to half-life rather than a longer-acting some extent. Drugs
a failure of the uterus to contract (atony), form will decrease the accumula- that must be given to
methylergonovine maleate, an ergot alka- tion of the drug in the breastmilk. lactating and breast-
loid, is usually ordered. Methylergonovine Feeding the infant prior to tak- feeding patients
should be evaluated
is an agonist for both serotonin and dopamine ing medication will also reduce the
regarding the best
receptors. In addition, it antagonizes endo- amount of medication that reaches dosage form, and the
thelial-derived relaxation factor. These effects the breastmilk. When alternatives ideal timing of dos-
increase uterine tone and decrease uterine are available, choose a drug that ing, to minimize the
bleeding. Because this drug affects all smooth has a lower tendency to pass into amount of the drug(s)
that is transferred to
muscles, including the blood vessels, it must the breastmilk. Certain drugs, while
the infant.
not be given to a woman with hypertension, not absolutely contraindicated, will
376 CHAPTER 12  Drugs Associated with Pregnancy, Labor and Delivery, and Lactation

diminish the milk supply and so should not drugs is contraindicated in pregnant women. If efforts to sta-
be used in breastfeeding women; examples bilize blood pressure fail, hospitalization may be necessary.
include estrogen and ergotamine (King & Medications given during labor and delivery are adminis-
tered for one of three reasons: to halt preterm labor, to pro-
Brucker, 2011). Encourage women to dis-
mote nonprogressing labor, and to address pain and other
cuss any medication use with their pediatri- complications of labor and delivery. Oxytocin promotes la-
cian, but avoid causing unnecessary fear; as bor progression and is also used in the postpartum period
noted earlier, very few medications have the to control hemorrhage. Pain management during labor and
delivery includes the use of narcotic agonist/antagonists
potential to pass through breastmilk to the during early labor as well as regional (epidural) anesthesia.
infant in sufficient quantity to cause harm.
Critical Thinking Questions
Drugs are not tested in pregnant or lactating women; there- 1. At what stage of development is it most im-
fore, evidence of their effects in these women and their portant to avoid fetotoxic medications?
infants is known only after they are taken and sufficient
data have been obtained. All fetal organs are formed by the 2. List three common side effects for magnesium
eighth week of pregnancy. Thus, drug effects may be more sulfate.
significant when medications are taken during this time. 3. A pregnant woman has been prescribed meth-
Physiological changes in the woman’s body during preg- ylergonovine to stop postpartum bleeding.
nancy make drug effects both in the mother and in the fetus Which of the following assessments would be
more difficult to predict. Planning for pregnancy makes most important for the nurse to determine be-
it more likely a woman has adequate stores of essential fore administration of the medication?
vitamins, such as folic acid, which can help her to avoid po- a. Urinary output
tentially fetotoxic substances. Management of common con- b. Respiratory rate
ditions of pregnancy must always be inclusive of both the
c. Blood pressure
needs of the mother and the needs of the developing fetus.
d. Deep tendon reflexes
Hypertension is the most common complication of preg-
nancy. Treatment is focused on preventing progression to 4. What are the concerns of epidural anesthesia
eclampsia. Because of the effects of antihypertensive medi- for the mother? For the neonate?
cations on the fetus, use of most classes of antihypertensive


Case Scenario: Nausea/Vomiting of Pregnancy

SW is a 26-year-old Asian-American female who presents as a new obstetric patient to the private
OB-GYN clinic where you are working as a nurse. She is approximately 6 weeks’ gestation, gravida 2,
para 1, no pregnancy losses. She is married and has a 4-year-old son. Her chief complaint today is
nausea with vomiting up to three times per day that has been increasing in severity over the past
week. She expresses concern that she might be getting dehydrated as this happened with her last
pregnancy, requiring hospitalization with IV fluids. She also complains of fatigue, food aversion,
heightened sense of smell, and a 2-pound weight loss from her pre-pregnancy weight during the
past week. She reports she is drinking water “constantly” in small amounts throughout the day, but
is only able to tolerate a few foods such as dry crackers, toast, and pretzels. She denies diarrhea,
constipation, acid reflux, dysuria, dry mouth, dizziness, or headache. She takes one prenatal vitamin
daily. Relevant past medical history includes one full-term pregnancy complicated by significant


nausea and vomiting with dehydration during the first 20 weeks’ gestation. She reports taking
ondansetron during her last pregnancy, but she has read that this drug is no longer recommended
during pregnancy. She had no complications during childbirth or postpartum. Her sister also
experienced severe nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. She does not use any tobacco products, nor
does she drink alcohol or use recreational drugs. She is currently full-time at home with her son and
reports daily physical activity taking him on walks to the park.
Allergies: NKDA
Vital signs: BP: 120/70; P: 74/minute, regular; Respirations: 12/minute, regular; Oral temperature:
98.4°F; Weight: 125 lbs.; Ht: 63’’; BMI: 22.14.
The healthcare provider performs a thorough physical exam, appropriate for initial prenatal clinic
visit. Bimanual pelvic exam reveals fundus is not yet palpable above the pubis symphysis; breasts are
tender bilaterally; skin is intact with mildly decreased turgor. The remainder of the exam is normal.
Transvaginal ultrasound reveals fetal pole and heartbeat.
Relevant lab values from today’s visit: Serum electrolytes: All values are within upper limits of normal range.
CBC shows mild hemoconcentration. Urine specific gravity elevated; urine glucose/ketones negative.
The provider determines that SW is approximately 6 to 7 weeks pregnant by menstrual dates and
has nausea and vomiting of pregnancy without dehydration. Doxylamine/pyridoxine 10mg/10mg is
prescribed. The provider asks you to explain to the patient how to take this medication, its expected
effects/side effects, and any warnings or precautions associated with this drug. You are also to
counsel her regarding dietary changes and trigger avoidance.
Case Questions
1. Write a nursing diagnosis that addresses this patient’s risk for dehydration.
2. What is the drug class for each component of doxylamine/pyridoxine? What is the mechanism of action
(pharmacodynamics) for each component?
3. SW asks you if taking this medication will present any risk to her unborn baby. How will you answer this ques-
tion? What have well-controlled studies shown regarding a risk for fetal abnormalities associated with this drug?
4. How will you explain to SW about the initial dosing of this medication? What is the maximum dose she can
take in 24 hours?
5. How will you counsel SW about dietary adjustments to help control nausea? What are some specific foods
or beverages that should be eliminated or avoided of she feels nauseated? When should she drink fluids in
relation to eating solid foods?
6. SW admits that she has tried taking ginger products such as ginger tea and ginger lollipops during this past
week to help curb the nausea. She asks you if it is safe to take these ginger products during pregnancy. How
will you respond? Refer to current evidence-based data for your answer.
7. Write one short-term goal that can be met today regarding the nursing diagnosis you identified in question #1.
8. What is one intervention that can you implement during the visit to meet your short-term goal in question #7?

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­Preterm labor: Approach to decreasing complications

Pharmacology in
Dermatologic Conditions

Diana Webber


Acne Dermatophytosis Integumentary system Parenteral

Atopic dermatitis Eczema Intralesional injection Pruritic
Atrophy Emollient Keratolytic Systemic administration
Comedogenic Enteral Lotion Vehicle
Cream Gel Microcomedone
Dermatopharmacology Hyperkeratotic Ointment


At the end of the chapter, the student will be able to: 3. Describe the use of three common types of topical agents:
antimicrobials, steroids, and antifungals.
1. Discuss the basic concepts of drug delivery in dermatologic
conditions. 4. Describe the pharmacology for the drugs discussed in this
section: class, therapeutic indication, mechanism of action,
2. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three
interactions, side effects, and toxicity.
methods for drug delivery in dermatologic condi-
tions: topical, intralesional injection, and systemic 5. Identify relevant patient information concepts for medica-
administration. tions used for dermatologic conditions.

380 CHAPTER 13  Pharmacology in Dermatologic Conditions

Introduction topical medication must be able to cross the

barrier of the outer layer of the skin. Topical
The skin serves as a barrier that protects the administration in this section refers to the ap-
body from injury, disease, and environmental plication of a substance to the skin. Otic and
conditions. It also functions in temperature ophthalmic preparations are also considered
regulation, fluid balance, sensory percep- “topical medications,” but these are discussed
tion, and immunobiology. The three layers of elsewhere in this text (Chapter 10). In only a
the skin (FIGURE 13-1), the associated glandular few instances can a drug be applied directly to
structures, plus the mucous membranes, hair, the target tissue and exert its effect, as is the
and nails make up the human body’s largest case with topically administered drugs. Topi-
organ system: the integumentary system. cal pharmacologic agents may be incorpo-
It is no wonder that this system is one of the rated into various vehicles that will transport
primary avenues for introduction of pharma- the medication across the outer skin barrier
cologic agents into the body. to reach the affected site. Common topical
Dermatopharmacology is a term that drug formulations include lotions, creams,
refers to pharmacology as it applies to gels, and ointments (TABLE 13-1). Topical drug
dermatologic conditions. Medications for products have many uses, including the fol-
skin disorders may be applied topically, in- lowing: inflammatory or pruritic skin con-
jected intralesionally, or administered sys- ditions; infectious processes such as bacterial
temically. The methods for introducing (cellulitis, folliculitis, impetigo), viral (shin-
medication into the body are called routes of gles), and fungal conditions; hyperkeratotic
drug administration. conditions such as warts and corns; and pre-
The majority of skin conditions are treated vention of skin conditions such as burns from
with topical medications. To be effective, a ultraviolet light exposure.



pili muscle Dermis

Hair follicle
Artery (subcutaneous

Fat Sweat gland

A Nerve B
FIGURE 13-1  The layers of the skin.
© Donna Beer Stolz, PhD, Center for Biologic Imaging, University of Pittsburgh Medical School.
Introduction 381

TABLE 13-1 Topical Formulations

Formulation Description Uses

Semi-solids Ointment Oil-based; non-soluble Hydrating; most absorbent

(most common)
Cream Emulsion of oil in water Lubricating; absorbs well

Lotion A suspension of powder in water (or Cooling; evaporates

water and oil)

Gel A gelling agent dispersed in water or Easy to apply; not as well absorbed.
alcohol-based medium

Foam Small bubbles suspended in liquid Easy to apply; not as well absorbed.

Powder A solid or semisolid that has been ground Can be used as antifungals in
into fine particles over-the-counter products

Occasionally, a dermatological condition concentration of the drug being applied,

requires treatment with a drug that is admin- (3) the frequency of drug application, and
istered systemically, as opposed to the topical (4) the vehicle into which the drug is in-
ROAs shown in Table 13-1, In other words, corporated to facilitate penetration through
to produce their desired therapeutic activity, the skin barrier (Katzung, Masters, &
some drugs must first enter the bloodstream Trevor, 2012).
to reach their target sites of action, located General principles involving absorption of
inside the body. Systemic routes of drug ad- topical medications include the following:
ministration used to treat skin disorders in-
• More drug is absorbed when the medica-
clude parenteral (ROA requires a needle,
tion is applied to a larger area of skin.
e.g., intravenous, subcutaneous, intramuscu-
• The more a vehicle moisturizes the skin,
lar) and transdermal. Medications admin-
the greater the absorption of the drug.
istered by these ROA elicit ­systemic effects;
• Absorption is increased by occlusive prop-
­meaning, the drug enters the b ­ loodstream
erties of the agent.
and is distributed throughout the entire
• The more a vehicle is rubbed into the
body (Chapter 3).
skin, the greater the absorption.
In contrast, intralesional injections
• The longer the vehicle remains in contact
­provide direct delivery of medication to
with the skin, the greater the absorption.
the site of a lesion without eliciting sys-
temic e­ ffects. Steroids are an example of The goal of topical delivery of medication
a ­medication commonly administered via is to avoid the adverse effects associated with
­intralesional injection. systemic routes of drug administration (such
as nausea, dizziness and headache). In gen-
Topical Administration eral, topical medications have few adverse ef-
Some common skin conditions treated with fects or complications. Topical medications are
topical medications include infections (bacte- also convenient, cost-effective, and easy to
rial, viral, fungal), inflammation, pruritus, apply, which collectively increases the likeli-
hyperkeratosis, and others. Four major fac- hood the patient will use them as directed.
tors determine the pharmacologic action or There are, of course, some disadvan-
response to topically applied preparations: tages to the topical route of administration.
(1) the type and thickness of skin upon Skin irritation or allergic reaction may occur
which the preparation is applied, (2) the at the application site. Also, due to the size
382 CHAPTER 13  Pharmacology in Dermatologic Conditions

Intracellular Transappendageal Intercellular

Corneocytes route route route

Hair Sebaceous Sweat

follicle gland duct
FIGURE 13-2  Schematic diagram of percutaneous absorption.

and composition of the drug molecule, not all medication regimens may be enhanced with
drugs are suitable for absorption through the systemic versus topical medications, particularly
skin (FIGURE 13-2). in conditions where topical treatment would
be prolonged.
Systemic Administration A disadvantage of the enteral (specifi-
Although the usual approach to treating cally, oral dosage forms that pass through the
cutaneous disorders in immunocompetent GI tract) route for drugs that are highly me-
persons is with topical pharmacologic agents, tabolized by the liver is the first-pass effect
sometimes systemic therapy is indicated, such (Chapter 2); that is, reduction of the drug’s
as in widespread infections or dermatophy- concentration each time if passes through the
tosis (meaning, superficial fungal infections liver. Cost is also a consideration, as some sys-
of the skin, hair or nails), or when topical temic medications, such as systemic antifun-
treatments are ineffective. Examples of skin gal agents, are quite expensive. Disadvantages
conditions that may require a systemic medi- of parenterally delivered medications include
cation include extensive allergic contact der- the pain associated with drug administra-
matitis, nail and hair infections, widespread tion, added risk of potentially serious adverse
dermatophytosis, and chronic nonresponsive reactions (without recourse of withdrawing
yeast infections. When oral therapy is being the administered dose), and the skill level re-
contemplated, it is imperative to confirm the quired for accessing this route.
causative agent and type of skin infection, ei-
ther by microscopy or by culture. Intralesional Administration
When a disease condition affects a large Common skin conditions treated with in-
area of the skin, systemic administration tralesional injection include cystic acne,
of a pharmacologic agent is advantageous, as psoriasis, keloid scars, hemangiomas, lichen
widespread infectious or inflammatory con- simplex chronicus, and eczema that is poorly
ditions may be difficult to treat with a topi- responsive to topical therapy. Scarring from
cal preparation. Additionally, adherence to these conditions is cosmetically unacceptable
Acne Medications: An Example of Delivery Systems 383

to patients of both sexes, and often intral- between a newborn and his or her mother.
esional steroid injection is the only way to An infant’s skin is soft and fine-grained, but
reduce the inflammation and skin remodeling it is generally not thin, and most often there
that occurs. is a relatively thick layer of protective fat
Intralesional injection is advantageous in beneath it. In an older adult, loss of mois-
that it places the drug in direct contact with ture and elasticity and, in many cases, years
the pathologic tissue. of sun damage have toughened the outer
Although less of the drug administered surface, but reduced subcutaneous fat and
by intralesional injection is absorbed into the thinning of the epidermal layers (FIGURE 13-3)
rest of the body (systemic absorption), if large make skin in older adults more susceptible
doses are injected, there may be a systemic ef- to damage. This reduction in ­epidermis
fect. Other disadvantages are localized skin and subdermal fat affects how medica-
atrophy at injection sites and pain associated tions cross the skin when applied topically
with injection. Additionally, the medication (Story, 2012).
cannot be self-administered, and the treat-
ment regimen often requires more time and/ Acne Medications: An Example
or repeated visits for maximum effectiveness.
Intralesional injection of corticosteroids is not
of Delivery Systems
recommended in persons with diabetes due to Acne vulgaris is one of the most common skin
possible systemic absorption resulting in in- conditions affecting adolescents and young
creased blood glucose. adults. One form of acne, termed rosacea,
develops during adulthood and responds to
Physiological Factors Affecting similar treatment modalities as acne vulgaris.
Transdermal Medication Briefly, the pathogenesis of acne involves the
interaction of four factors: sebaceous gland
Administration hyperplasia triggered by increased androgen
Skin is not uniform over the entire body, nor levels, changes in the growth and differentia-
does it maintain the same qualities through- tion of cells lining the hair follicles, bacterial
out the life span. Infants, for example, have invasion of the follicle by Propionibacterium
skin that is highly sensitive to external stim- acnes, and subsequent inflammation of the
uli, which is part of the bonding mechanism follicle epithelium (FIGURE 13-4).

Stratum corneum

Stratum lucidum
Stratum granulosum

Stratum spinosum

Stratum germinativum

FIGURE 13-3  The layers of the epidermis.

384 CHAPTER 13  Pharmacology in Dermatologic Conditions

Normal hair follicle Duct clogged

Skin by dead cells,
surface sebum starts
to accumulate

follicle Sebaceous

Bacterial infection, Follicle ruptures,

inflammation pustule with
triggered fluid formed

Pimple Acne

FIGURE 13-4  Pathology of acne.

More specifically, an increase in androgen promote the growth of, P. acnes (Kaur, ­Sehgal,
production first causes follicular obstruction, Gupta, & Singh, 2015). The P. acnes bacte-
via epithelial desquamation, which in turn ria release pro-inflammatory mediators that
creates microcomedones (precursor acne le- spread to the surrounding dermis when com-
sions). (Any substance that clogs pores or fos- edones rupture, causing inflammatory pap-
ters the formation of precursor acne lesions is ules, pustules, nodules, and cysts to develop.
known as comedogenic; conversely, a topi- To successfully manage a patient’s acne, clini-
cal formulation classified as noncomedogenic cians must understand these components that
claims not to directly cause or exacerbate acne contribute to its pathophysiology. Moreover,
vulgaris.) Increased sebum production due treatment should be driven by predominant
to excess circulating androgens fills these ob- lesion type (Dellavalle & Dawson, 2013).
structed follicles, forming both the open and The treatment of acne often involves
closed comedones of visible acne. The sebum- the use of several medications that target ei-
rich follicles provide a nutrient source for, and ther different types of acne lesions, different
Acne Medications: An Example of Delivery Systems 385

factors involved in the pathogenesis of acne, Salicylic Acid

or different degrees of acne severity. Because Salicylic acid is a keratolytic drug that facili-
acne medications are administered via three tates desquamation by breaking apart intra-
different modalities (topical, systemic, and in- cellular bonds in the stratum corneum. This
tralesional), acne pharmacologic treatment loosens the keratin and aids in the penetra-
serves as a model to illustrate dermatologic tion of other medications through this outer-
medication delivery systems. most layer of the epidermis.
Pharmacology of Topical Acne Medication Pharmacokinetics
Benzoyl Peroxide Salicylic acid penetrates only three to four
Benzoyl peroxide is a topical antimicrobial millimeters below the site of application,
agent. Because this medication is lipophilic and it remains biologically active for about
(i.e., lipid-loving), it is able to penetrate the two hours.
lipid-lined sebaceous duct. The antimicrobial
Nursing Considerations
activity of benzoyl peroxide against P. acnes is
likely due to the release of active or free-radical The nurse should assess the patient’s under-
oxygen into the follicle, which then oxidizes standing of the drug’s potent drying effect on
bacterial proteins, causing bacterial death. skin and caution the patient to avoid its use
Benzoyl peroxide exerts mild keratolytic on inflamed eczematous skin, as it may in-
and comedolytic effects by removing excess duce an eczema flare.
sebum and causing mild desquamation (Dutil,
2010; Zaenglein et al., 2016).
Tretinoin is a retinoic acid derivative that
Pharmacokinetics is available as a topical 0.1% cream or a
Less than 5% of the applied dose is absorbed 0.025% gel. This drug is a naturally occurring
through the skin. Benzoyl peroxide therapy derivative of vitamin A that binds to intra-
is limited by concentration-dependent skin cellular retinoic acid receptors and regulates
irritation associated with the amount of time epithelial cell reproduction, proliferation, and
the drug is in contact with the skin. differentiation. It moderates abnormal ke-
Nursing Considerations ratinization and inflammation by inhibiting
the expression of transglutaminases, enzymes
Common adverse effects of benzoyl peroxide
that create cross-links between keratin pro-
are related to its mechanism of action: oxi-
teins. Tretinoin promotes detachment and
dation of skin cell proteins causes them to
shedding of keratinized cells from the hair
become dry, possibly causing skin irritation
follicle so that the contents of comedones are
and peeling at the site of application. In more
extruded; this effect reduces the precursor le-
pronounced cases, this can lead to pruritus and
sions of acne vulgaris (Millikan, 2003).
contact sensitization reactions (topical hyper-
sensitivity reactions). Also, benzoyl peroxide Pharmacokinetics
is a potent bleaching agent; therefore, patients Tretinoin demonstrates very little systemic
should be warned that fabrics that come in absorption when administered as either a
contact with benzoyl peroxide, including cream or a gel. Its half-life is about 18 hours,
towels, bed sheets, and clothing, may be and it is excreted through the urine and feces.
bleached. When evaluating the effectiveness
of this medication, the nurse should consider Nursing Considerations
that drug-induced photosensitivity to ultravio- To evaluate the full effectiveness of
let light may affect an underlying skin condi- tretinoin, the nurse should advise the
tion, causing erythema and irritation (Kraft & patient to allow 8 to 12 weeks for optimal
Freiman, 2011; Zaenglein et al., 2016). clinical improvement. Although the amount
386 CHAPTER 13  Pharmacology in Dermatologic Conditions

of drug absorbed from the skin when using encourage the patient to use a sunscreen with
topical retinoid formulations is very low, a high SPF rating, and monitor the patient for
the risk of systemic absorption still exists. any skin discoloration, as photosensitivity reac-
Women should be discouraged from using tions involving UV light can be a concern with
tretinoin during pregnancy and discontinue tetracyclines, especially doxycycline.
its use if they do become pregnant (Bozzo,
Chua-Gocheco, & Einarson, 2011). Isotretinoin
Isotretinoin is an oral retinoic acid deriva-
Pharmacology of Systemic Acne Medications tive. Similar to tretinoin, isotretinoin is a
Tetracyclines derivative of vitamin A that attaches to skin
Tetracyclines, including doxycycline, androgen receptors and alters DNA transcrip-
tetracycline, and minocycline, are tion, resulting in reduced sebaceous gland
broad-spectrum antibiotics that effectively size, decreased sebum secretion, and inhib-
eradicate P. acnes. The drugs bind reversibly ited keratin formation. It also has a dermal
to the P. acnes bacterial ribosome subunit and anti-inflammatory effect. Isotretinoin is
block incoming transfer RNA (t-RNA) from used primarily for severe nodular acne in
binding to their receptor sites. This may result patients for whom other treatments fail; it is
in leakage of intracellular material from bac- restricted to this narrow indication because of
terial cells, with resultant cell death. its safety profile, which includes association
with serious mental health disturbances and
Pharmacokinetics a well-known, significant teratogenic effect in
Only 60% to 70% of tetracycline is ab- pregnancy. However, systemic isotretinoin is
sorbed after an oral dose, compared to 90% the only drug that acts on all etiopathogenic
to 100% absorption of minocycline and mechanisms of acne (Çinar et al., 2016).
doxycycline. The half-life of tetracycline
is 6 to 8 hours; by comparison, the half-life Pharmacokinetics
of minocycline and doxycycline is 16 to Isotretinoin is only about 25% bioavail-
18 hours, allowing for once-daily dosing of able following an oral dose. The half-life is 10
these drugs. All tetracycline drugs are pri- to 20 hours, and it is excreted via the urine
marily excreted in the urine and bile. and feces.

Nursing Considerations Nursing Considerations

The nurse must assess for concurrent use of Administration of isotretinoin ­requires
hormonal contraception in any female patient signed patient consent and regular pregnancy
of childbearing age. Tetracycline may decrease testing for females of childbearing age. Ani-
oral contraceptive effectiveness by interfering mal or human studies have demonstrated se-
with normal gut flora, thereby decreasing the vere fetal abnormalities or fetal risk associated
bioavailability of hormone preparations. with the use of this drug. The outcomes as-
Additionally, the use of tetracyclines is not rec- sociated with use of isotretinoin while preg-
ommended during pregnancy. After long-term nant include high likelihood of pregnancy
use of at least 100 mg/day, minocycline may loss and significant, life-altering malforma-
cause a blue-gray skin discoloration, which may tions to the fetus’s central nervous system,
take months to years to resolve or may never face, head, and heart (Zaenglein et al., 2016).
resolve after the drug is discontinued. The cause So significant is this risk that patients are
of this hyperpigmentation may be related to the required to register with a program called
fact that minocycline turns black when oxi- iPledge that is intended to ensure that no
dized (Niser et al., 2013). The nurse should ad- pregnancies occur in females taking the drug
vise the patient of this potential adverse effect, (iPledge, n.d.). Female patients are required
Acne Medications: An Example of Delivery Systems 387

to document use of two forms of contracep- oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) are ­effective
tive, starting a month prior to use of the drug, in reducing both inflammatory and non-
or a complete inability to become pregnant inflammatory acne lesions. Although any
(e.g., hysterectomy or menopause) for the OCP containing estrogen will improve acne,
drug to be dispensed. Male patients are re- newer OCPs containing drospirenone,
quired to register as well, out of concern that desogestrel, or norgestimate are less an-
the drug may be present in semen (although drogenic and, as a result, may be more ben-
no documented cases of birth defects from eficial, as testosterone and other androgens
male use of the drug exist). stimulate sebum production.
In addition, isotretinoin has been as- Drospirenone decreases the ­levels
sociated with the development of significant of ovarian androgens and free testos-
mental health effects in some patients, in- terone in the blood by counteracting
cluding depression, psychosis, and suicidal the estrogen-induced stimulation of the
ideation/suicide (Bremner, Shearer, & Mc- ­renin–angiotensin–­aldosterone system
Caffery, 2012). It is recommended that all and by blocking testosterone from ­binding
patients be closely monitored at each visit to androgen receptors. Desogestrel and
during treatment, and assessed for symptoms norgestimate combine high progestational
of depression, mood disturbance, psychosis, activity with minimum androgen effects.
or aggression to determine if further evalu- They do not counteract the estrogen-induced
ation may be necessary (iPledge, n.d.). The increase in sex hormone–binding globulin, so
nurse is advised that the patient or a fam- a greater amount of circulating testosterone
ily member may also contact them if the pa- is bound and, therefore, unavailable to the
tient develops depression, mood disturbance, tissues. This results in lower serum levels of
psychosis, or aggression, without waiting un- free testosterone.
til the next visit with the prescriber. The rec-
ommendation is that the drug should be Nursing Considerations
discontinued if symptoms consistent with de- Both smoking and use of OCPs cause in-
pression or psychosis arise. creased blood coagulability, with associated
increased risk for blood clots. For this reason,
Hormonal Medications the nurse should regularly assess for smoking
Oral contraceptives may also be employed for status and strongly recommend smoking ces-
the treatment of acne. For female p
­ atients, sation in persons using OCPs.

Myth Buster
A common misconception is that dirty skin, skin pores open and on controlling the bacte-
stress, chocolate, and greasy foods cause acne. ria that causes infection of the hair follicle. Topi-
Hormones, oral contraceptives, pregnancy, he- cal preparations such as benzoyl peroxide have
redity, milk, and some medications seem to antibacterial and keratolytic effects, serving to
trigger acne. However, the basic pathology is dry the stratum corneum and loosen the keratin
fourfold: (1) increased sebum production due to so that it is mobilized by the sebum out of the
androgenic (specifically testosterone) stimula- hair follicle duct to the surface of the skin. This
tion; (2) excessive keratinization of the cells lin- helps open the pores so that the antibacterial
ing the hair follicles; (3) bacterial invasion of the agent can penetrate the stratum corneum. The
follicle by P. acnes; and (4) inflammation of the presence of bacteria triggers and maintains in-
follicle epithelium. The interaction of these pro- flammation; therefore, it is vital that the P. acnes
cesses causes swelling, occlusion, and bacterial bacteria be controlled. The desired outcome is to
proliferation in the micro openings (i.e., pores) heal pustules, keep new pustules from forming,
of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands (Lei & prevent scarring, and help reduce the embar-
Mercurio, 2009). Treatment focuses on keeping rassment from having acne (McKoy, 2008).
388 CHAPTER 13  Pharmacology in Dermatologic Conditions

Best Practices Pharmacology of Intralesional lesion. Corticosteroids may cause a burning

Injection Acne Treatment sensation for three to five minutes after injec-
Atopic dermatitis Intralesional Steroid Injection tion, so the nurse should prepare the patient
typically co-occurs for this possible discomfort. The nurse should
with asthma and al- Triamcinolone acetonide is a cor-
lergic rhinitis. If there ticosteroid. Corticosteroids decrease assess for steroid-induced skin changes (e.g.,
is a history of any of inflammation and swelling through atrophy, telangiectasia, and hypopigmenta-
these conditions in suppression of polymorphonuclear tion) at follow-up visits.
the patient or the
leukocytes and reversal of increased
patient’s family, AD is
capillary permeability. They may also Atopic Dermatitis
exert vasoconstrictive and antimitotic Atopic dermatitis (AD; FIGURE 13-6) is a
activity, which may decrease pain. common immune-mediated inflamma-
Best Practices Corticosteroids may reduce scar for- tory skin disorder affecting 8% to 18% of
mation by interfering with oxygen U.S. children younger than 17 years of
Topical corticosteroid and nutrient delivery to the scar, age (Shaw, Currie, Koudelka, & Simpson,
potency is catego-
which inhibits the proliferation of 2011). It is characterized by a pruritic,
rized by class; the
classes range from keratinocytes and fibroblasts. Scarring scaling rash that flares and subsides at inter-
low or least potent may also be reduced by corticosteroid vals. AD is sometimes called “the itch that
(Classes V and VI) to blockade of alpha-2-microglobulin, rashes,” as its primary feature is intense
ultra-high potency a collagenase inhibitor, thereby pruritus. This condition typically starts in
(Class I).
stimulating digestion of collagen the first year of life, with involvement on
­(Fabbrochini et al., 2010). the cheeks, chin, and extremities. After the
A 30-gauge needle is used to i­nject ap- first year, the rash typically transitions to
proximately 0.1 mL of a dilute solution of classic involvement of the flexural creases
triamcinolone acetonide directly into the of the arms and legs. AD often improves or
cavity of the acne lesion. One injection is resolves as the patient grows older. Because
made into each acne cyst. The injections can AD is part of an atopic triad that includes
be repeated after three weeks (FIGURE 13-5). asthma and allergic rhinitis, it is important
to ask patients and parents whether there is
Nursing Considerations a history of any of these conditions in the
Injections should not be placed into a site of patient or family. If there is such a history,
active skin infection or near a herpes simplex AD is more likely.

FIGURE 13-5  Intralesional injection. FIGURE 13-6  Infant with atopic dermatitis.
© Ocskay Bence/Shutterstock, Inc. © PHANIE/Science Source.
Atopic Dermatitis 389

Typically, treatment begins with a Topical corticosteroids are effective for

low-potency (Class VI) topical corticosteroid inflammatory and pruritic conditions. The
cream twice daily (e.g., desonide exact mechanism of anti-inflammatory
0.05%) for the limbs and torso, and an activity is not clear; however, corticosteroids,
over-the-counter emollient ointment in general, may induce phospholipase A2
for use on the face. If the rash does not inhibitory proteins. These inhibitory proteins
improve with the low-potency steroid target arachidonic acid, the common
cream, a medium-potency (Class V) cream or precursor for inflammatory mediators such
ointment (e.g., triamcinolone acetonide as prostaglandins and leukotrienes, thereby
0.1%) will be prescribed for use only controlling mediator biosynthesis. Low-
on extremities. potency steroids are the safest agents for
long-term use in the following settings: on
Pharmacology of Topical Preparations large surface areas, on the face or areas of
for AD the body with thinner skin, and in children
Topical corticosteroids are only minimally ab- (Rathi & D’Souza, 2012).
sorbed when applied to intact, healthy skin.
Absorption is increased when the skin is in-
flamed, such as in AD. Penetration can be in- The extent of absorption of triamcinolone
creased by increasing the drug concentration, acetonide is determined by several factors,
by incorporating the drug into a vehicle that including concentration, the vehicle, and the
increases its absorption, by occluding the area integrity of the skin itself. Absorption ranges
of application, and by applying the prepara- from approximately 1% in areas of thick stra-
tion more frequently. Corticosteroids applied tum corneum (palms, soles, elbows, knees) to
to the face, scalp, or genitalia are from 4 to 36% in areas with the thinnest skin (genita-
42 times more potent than when applied to lia, eyelids, face).
the forearm (Katzung et al., 2012). All of Nursing Considerations
these considerations should be discussed with Assess for steroid-related skin changes (e.g.,
the patient before use. hypopigmentation, atrophy) in areas of
chronic AD inflammation. Remind patients to
Triamcinolone Acetonide use triamcinolone acetonide sparingly for
Triamcinolone acetonide is a Class V the shortest possible length of time.
corticosteroid. Topical corticosteroids are
available both as over-the-counter products Emollient Ointment
and as prescription medications. Most are Emollients are the first-line topical agents in
available in generic forms, so often the maintenance treatment for AD. These medi-
cost is minimal. cations are recommended for restoration of

Myth Buster
Numerous studies have evaluated a variety of to be ineffective. Expert opinion supports the
dietary, environmental, and alternative ap- use of comfortable fabrics for clothing and bed-
proaches to the prevention of AD flare-ups, ding, avoidance of known environmental or di-
such as delaying starting solid foods, prolonging etary factors that worsen the rash or itching,
breastfeeding, massage therapy, oil of primrose, avoidance of perfumed soaps and lotions, and
vitamins, and herbal remedies. Unfortunately, avoidance of irritants that worsen skin dryness
many of these approaches have been shown (Anderson & Dinulos, 2009).
390 CHAPTER 13  Pharmacology in Dermatologic Conditions

Best Practices skin barrier function. Emollient ve- epidermis are able to enter below the surface
hicles include lotions, creams, and through breaks in the skin. Such breaks may
Topical corticoste- ointments. The exact mechanism for occur from skin conditions characterized by
roids are not well
improved barrier function with emol- intense pruritus (such as atopic dermatitis).
absorbed on healthy
skin, but absorption lients is not known (Proksch, Brand- The vigorous scratching that accompanies
may be increased ner, & Jensen, 2008); however, these such conditions may cause the skin to break
depending on where agents act as moisturizing agents and (i.e., bleed), allowing the flora (most com-
they are applied, provide an artificial barrier to tran- monly Staphylococcus aureus and various
whether there is
sepidermal water loss. No known strains of Streptococcus), to enter and colonize
inflammation on the
skin where they are systemic absorption occurs, but there the affected area. Thus, a former self-limiting
applied, and which is substantial penetration into the skin condition can potentially become much
vehicle is used for stratum corneum. more severe, the most serious of which is the
delivery. Care should development of bacteremia. In the United
be taken to avoid Nursing Considerations
application to fungal
States, the most common pathogen to cause
The nurse should evaluate for regular
rashes, as suppression skin infections is methicillin-resistant Staphy-
use of emollients after bath and one
of the local immune lococcus aureus (Dhar, 2018). Bacterial skin
response alone can to two times daily to prevent skin
infections are treated with oral or topical an-
make resolution of dryness/irritation.
tibiotics depending on the strain of bacteria
the condition more
causing the infection and the severity of the
difficult. Bacterial Skin Infections infection (Chapter 16). Four common bacte-
Bacterial skin infections occur when rial skin infections, cellulitis, impetigo, boils,
normal flora that reside on the and f­olliculitis, are illustrated in FIGURE 13-7.



FIGURE 13-7  Bacterial skin rashes.

(A)Courtesy of Allen W. Mathies, MD; (B) © TisforThan/Shutterstock; (C) ©; (D) © Ocskay Mark/Shutterstock
Antifungal Preparations 391

Detailed discussion of bacterial skin however, once the hair or nails are Best Practices
i­nfections is beyond the scope of this text; involved, systemic preparations
the reader is referred to a more compre- are required. Malassezia furfur Low-potency steroids
are the safest agents
hensive dermatology text or resource for and Candida infections typically
for long-term use on
further study. respond well to topical medications; large surface areas,
however, if there is treatment on the face or areas of
Antifungal Preparations failure or if extensive areas are the body with thinner
affected, systemic preparations are skin, and in children.
Superficial fungal infections of the hair, skin,
and nails are common human conditions. indicated.
Essentially, no living tissue is invaded by
Pharmacology of Common Best Practices
the fungal organisms; however, a variety of
pathological changes may occur in the host Antifungal Medications
In fungal infections
because of the presence of the fungus or its Ketoconazole 2% Cream where topical treat-
metabolic products. The principal fungal or- Ketoconazole is a drug in the ment fails or where
ganisms include dermatophytes (tinea), a li- azole class; specifically, it is a syn- the affected areas
are extensive, sys-
pophilic yeast (Malassezia furfur), and various thetic imidazole. Ketoconazole temic antifungals are
Candida organisms. interferes with fungal biosynthesis of indicated instead of
Antifungal agents include topical and ergosterol via competitive inhibition topical preparations.
oral (systemic) preparations. Dermatophytes of fungal cytochrome (CYP) P450 Topical corticoste-
roids should not be
are fungi that infect hair, skin, and nails, enzyme (FIGURE 13-8). A reduction of
used to treat fungal
and feed on keratinized nail tissue. Most fungal ergosterol leads to impair- rashes—only anti-
dermatophytic infections are responsive ment in the integrity of the fungal fungal medications
to topical medications if treatment is cell membrane, resulting in increased should be used.
started early in the course of the infection; permeability with loss of essential cell


Cell membrane

pathway Squalene

Accumulation of
toxic sterols in
cell membrane

Inhibition of


FIGURE 13-8  Diagram of azole antifungal inhibition of ergosterol biosynthesis.

392 CHAPTER 13  Pharmacology in Dermatologic Conditions

contents. Ketoconazole has a strong affinity of other drugs by influencing the cyto-
for keratin in the skin, and it is active against chrome P450 system (e.g., some statins,
dermatophytes as well as yeast. warfarin, antiepileptic drugs). Use of oral
ketoconazole with many medications, in-
cluding inhaled fluticasone/salmeterol, will
Ketoconazole shows no systemic absorp- increase plasma concentrations of the sub-
tion following topical application unless stance and, therefore, increase the risk for ad-
the affected region is extensive, the skin is verse effects. This interaction typically does
broken, or the skin is occluded after applica- not occur with topical ketoconazole but
tion; however, it is well absorbed orally un- should be monitored.
der acid conditions. For this reason, the oral
form is not well absorbed in the presence of
acid-blocker medications.
Terbinafine is both keratophilic (i.e., it tar-
Nursing Considerations gets keratinized tissues such as skin, hair, and
The nurse should assess for the location of nails) and fungicidal. Terbinafine interferes
tinea, as the treatment choice depends on the with fungal biosynthesis of ergosterol and in-
location of the infection. If the genital region hibits the fungal enzyme squalene epoxidase
is affected (tinea cruris), instruct the patient so that squalene, a substance toxic to the fun-
not to apply ketoconazole near the anus or gal organism, is able to accumulate. Similar
near other mucous membranes to avoid sys- to ketoconazole, terbinafine also reduces
temic absorption. the ergosterol concentration in the organism,
When imidazole derivatives are given which prevents the synthesis of the fungal
orally, they can interfere with the metabolism cell membrane.

Myth Buster
People often think that “ringworm” (tinea cor- and pustules. Because the lesions are often pru-
poris) is not contagious. The opposite is true. ritic, providers sometimes mistakenly prescribe
Tinea corporis spreads easily from person to per- a topical corticosteroid. This may mask the itch-
son, especially in communal areas like locker ing, scale, and erythema; however, the infection
rooms and community pools. Tinea can be will worsen considerably and continue to spread
transmitted even without having skin-to-skin to other people (FIGURE 13-9).
contact with an infected person. The fungus can
survive on damp surfaces such as locker room
floors, shoes, hats, combs, and brushes.
Tinea infection of the scalp (tinea capitis) can
be very difficult to treat, requiring ketoconazole
shampoo and an oral antifungal agent. Tinea un-
guium or onychomycosis, a fungal infection of
the toenails, requires several months of daily oral
antifungal medication rather than a topical for-
mulation for its eradication. Tinea cruris, a fungal
infection of the groin region, may be treated with
the same medication as tinea corporis.
Tinea corporis typically presents as a round,
sharply outlined patch, sometimes with central FIGURE 13-9  Ringworm infection.
clearing and an active border of inflammation © Alejandro Rivera/ iStock/ Getty Images
Case Studies 393

Pharmacokinetics Critical Thinking Questions

Terbinafine medication is well absorbed
orally and is 40% bioavailable after the 1. What problems might a patient encounter with
first-pass effect. Its half-life is approximately the administration of a topical medication?
36 hours at steady state, and it is very slowly 2. How does a gel differ from a cream? Under
eliminated via the skin and adipose tissue. which circumstances might it be better to de-
liver a drug with one vehicle versus the other?
Nursing Considerations 3. Which changes in skin morphology affect drug
Assess for preexisting liver disease, as absorption in an elderly person? In a person
with an inflammatory skin condition?
terbinafine is hepatotoxic.
4. Can you think of a common skin condition for
which systemic administration would be supe-
CHAPTER SUMMARY rior to topical administration? Why?
• Dermatologic medications may be delivered through vari- 5. Intralesional injection is very useful in chronic
ous routes: topical, systemic, and intralesional injection. inflammatory skin conditions such as pso-
• The majority of skin conditions are treated with topical riasis. What might be some barriers for a pa-
medications; the choice of carrier or vehicle for a topical tient when this form of drug administration is
preparation significantly impacts efficacy.
• When determining route for administration of derma-
tologic agents, general principles regarding absorption 6. Which factors might contribute to increased
must be considered. absorption of topical corticosteroids? Why
• Superficial fungal infections are a common hu- might this be useful or detrimental?
man malady, which can easily be mistaken for a
steroid-responsive or inflammatory condition. When 7. Which factors would significantly contraindicate
treated with topical steroids, the infection will worsen use of isotretinoin in a patient with nodular acne?
and become more difficult to identify and treat.


Case Scenario 1
A 17-year-old white female, AB, comes to the adolescent clinic very upset and embarrassed about
the “zits” on her face. On further questioning, she tells the nurse that she has had this problem for
three to four years and has tried many different over-the-counter soaps, creams, and medications,
but has seen little improvement. She is currently using either an over-the-counter topical salicylic
acid preparation (SalAc) or a benzyl peroxide face wash once daily. The “zits” are now affecting her
social life, as AB is afraid to go to social events due to being self-conscious. She currently is not
sexually active and is not using any hormone medications such as estrogen/progesterone. She has
stopped eating fatty or fried foods and chocolate, as her mother and friends have told her that these
items may be causing the problem with her skin. AB is otherwise well. She is allergic to sulfa drugs.
She takes no daily medications, vitamins, or supplements.
AB has multiple small open comedones (blackheads) and closed comedones (whiteheads), and
some larger pustules on both cheeks and across her forehead. She has some cysts and scarring. The
healthcare provider has graded her acne as moderately severe inflammatory acne. If there were
no scarring, the acne would be graded as moderate. Severe acne occurs when nodules, cysts, and
scarring are present.

394 CHAPTER 13  Pharmacology in Dermatologic Conditions


The provider decides to prescribe both topical and systemic medications for AB. Topical treatment
choices include topical retinoids, keratolytics, and antibiotics. Oral choices include antibiotics or
isotretinoin. A topical retinoid, tretinoin topical 0.1% once daily at bedtime, was selected. The
provider also selected an oral antibiotic, tetracycline 500 mg twice a day for two months, followed
by 500 mg once daily for two months. The provider has also discussed intralesional injection of
diluted triamcinolone acetonide solution for the acne cysts and scars.
Case Questions
1. What should the nurse tell AB about continuing to use the over-the-counter benzoyl peroxide and salicylic
acid preparations?
2. How should AB apply the newly prescribed tretinoin topical 0.1% cream?
3. If the provider prescribed tretinoin 0.025% gel, how would the nurse explain the difference between the
cream and gel preparations?
4. Which precautionary information should be provided for AB regarding this medication? What would be the
expected results?
5. What are the different tetracycline class medications that could have been prescribed for AB? What are the
advantages and disadvantages of selecting any one of these agents?
6. Which precautions should be explained to AB about the use of tetracycline class medications? Are there
any interactions that would require AB to take tetracycline separate from food or beverages? Are there any
interactions between AB’s current medications and tetracycline?
7. If AB were to begin to use any contraceptives, would it be important for her to contact her healthcare pro-
vider? Why or why not? If AB suspected she were pregnant, which information should she know about her
new medications?
8. At what age could a pediatric patient begin using the topical retinoids or oral tetracycline antibiotics? Why
is age important?


Case Scenario 2
CT, a 23-year-old male college student, presents with superficial lesions on his trunk. He recently
returned from a summer volunteer experience in a developing country at a sports camp for
underprivileged children. Most of the campers come from relatively poor families who do not
practice good personal hygiene. As a result, many of them have minor skin and scalp problems. CT’s
duties at the camp included supervision of swimming classes and other outdoor activities. He also
served as the counselor in one of the dormitories in which the children slept and showered.
On examination, CT’s vital signs are normal. He has seven distinctive, roughly circular skin lesions on
his body. The lesions range from two to eight cm in diameter and have well-demarcated edges. The
edges of the lesions are highly inflamed, where there is little or no inflammation in the center of the
larger lesions. The borders of the lesions are scaly, slightly raised, and noticeably reddened. The centers
of some lesions are hypopigmented. CT states that the lesions first developed about three weeks earlier
and have been enlarging steadily since that time. They are quite itchy, but not overtly painful, and only
Case Studies 395


the superficial layer of the skin is involved. The healthcare provider diagnoses CT’s skin lesions as tinea
corporis, commonly called ringworm due to the raised border of the lesions that appear as if a worm were
burrowing under the skin. CT likely contracted the fungal infection from the children at summer camp. CT
has a history of persistent asthma for which he takes inhaled fluticasone/salmeterol, two puffs twice a day.
The provider decides to prescribe topical ketoconazole 2% cream applied twice a day for two
weeks. After three weeks, CT returns to the provider with no significant improvement in the lesions.
Systemic therapy is initiated with terbinafine 250 mg daily for four weeks, which results in complete
resolution of the lesions.
Case Questions
1. What is the pharmacologic basis for using the prescribed agents?
2. What should the nurse tell CT about interactions between fluticasone/salmeterol and ketoconazole?
3. For how long after starting the ketoconazole will CT be contagious?
4. CT wants to know if he should continue to use the topical cream even after starting the oral terbinafine.
What should the nurse tell him?


Case Scenario 3
KW, a five-month-old girl, presents to the pediatric clinic for her routine well-child exam. KW’s
mother is concerned about intermittent rashes that seem to be bothersome to her child. She states
that the rashes started a few weeks ago, were initially present on her cheeks and around her mouth,
and have now appeared on her elbows and knees. There is no rash in her diaper area. Although
KW is not able to scratch the affected areas, when the rashes are worse, KW is more irritable. KW’s
mother has applied various “baby” lotions and does not believe they are helping. She denies other
family members being affected by any itchy rashes, and KW does not attend a daycare program.
Other than having a rash, KW is healthy and meeting developmental milestones. Her father has a
history of seasonal allergies, and her mother had “childhood asthma.”
KW is attentive and smiling as her vital signs are checked and found to be within normal limits.
Skin assessment reveals symmetric, brightly erythematous, scaling, pink patches on her cheeks and
similar, although milder, patches on her knees and elbows. KW’s healthcare provider diagnoses
this patient with AD, commonly known as eczema, and prescribes hydrocortisone 0.5% ointment
(in white petrolatum and mineral oil), to be applied twice daily. A follow-up visit to assess KW’s
response to the topical corticosteroid is scheduled for four weeks.
Case Questions
1. What is the pharmacologic basis for using the prescribed agents in the particular vehicle?
2. What should the nurse tell KW’s mother about the reason why she should not use the steroid cream on
KW’s face?

396 CHAPTER 13  Pharmacology in Dermatologic Conditions


3. KW’s mother asks if generic “baby lotion” is one of the emollient creams that are recommended for use on
her baby’s face. How should the nurse respond?
4. How often and on which occasions should KW’s parents apply the emollient cream?
5. What are some signs that would indicate that the parent should stop applying the steroid cream and return
to the clinic?
6. KW’s mother has been exclusively breastfeeding up to this point, but she planned to introduce solid foods
this month. Now she wonders if solid foods will make KW’s rash worse. How should the nurse respond to
this question?

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Medical Research, 5(2), 106–110. 74(5), 945–973.

Pharmacology of
Psychotropic Medications

Christopher Footit


Acute dystonia Diaphoresis Neuroleptic malignant Remission

Agranulocytosis Distorted thinking syndrome Schizophrenia
Akathisia Dyssomnias Neuropathic pain Selective serotonin reuptake
Antihypertensive Extrapyramidal symptoms Neurotransmission inhibitor (SSRI)
Antipsychotics (EPS) Obsessive-compulsive Serotonin/norepinephrine
Anxiety Generalized anxiety disorder disorder reuptake inhibitor (SNRI)
Ataxia Huntington’s chorea Orthostatic hypotension Serotonin reuptake pump
Atypical antipsychotics Hypertensive crisis Palsy Serotonin syndrome
Auditory hallucinations Hyponatremia Panic disorder Synaptic space
Barbiturates Involuntary movements Paranoia Tardive dyskinesia (TD)
Benzodiazepines Mania Parasomnias Tolerance
Bipolar disorder Mesolimbic Parkinsonian symptoms Tourette syndrome
Bradykinesia Metabolic syndrome Phobic disorders Treatment-resistant
Cognitive symptoms Monoamine oxidase inhibitor Positive symptoms Tricyclic antidepressant (TCA)
Comorbid (MAOI) Post-traumatic stress disorder Typical antipsychotics
Delusional disorders Mood stabilizers Prolactin Tyramine
Delusions Motor tics Psychosis Visual hallucinations
Dependence Negative symptoms Psychotropic drugs Withdrawal
Depression Relapse


At the end of the chapter, the student will be able to: 2. Identify key side effects of first- and second-generation
1. Distinguish between first- and second-generation
antipsychotics. 3. Differentiate the five principal classes of antidepressants
and anxiolytics.

398 CHAPTER 14  Pharmacology of Psychotropic Medications

Introduction • Delusional disorders, such as schizo-

phrenia and other psychoses
Psychiatry and the eventual use of psychotro- • Mood (affective) disorders, such as bipolar
pic medication have a long history in Europe disorder or depression
and the United States. In 1841 a study of 13 • Anxiety disorders, including panic disor-
asylums in Europe was conducted to ascertain ders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and
statistics on the causes, duration, termination, phobias
and moral treatment of insanity in Europe • Behavioral syndromes with physiological
and the United States. In 1847 another study disturbances, including eating disorders,
involved the construction of government lu- some forms of sexual dysfunction, and
natic asylums in hospitals for the insane in postpartum depression
London. During the 19th century, asylum • Personality disorders, including obsessive–
doctors and general practitioners wrote texts compulsive personality disorder, patho-
and papers on “madness,” a term that in- logical gambling, and narcissistic disorder
creasingly evolved into psychiatric. They began • Behavioral disorders with childhood
to differentiate the “mind” from the body and onset, including attention-deficit/
to initiate the task of classifying psychiatric hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), tic
illnesses and distinguishing one from another. disorders, and conduct disorders
In the modern era, the American Psy- • Developmental disorders, including dys-
chiatric Association (APA) recognizes more lexia, autism, and learning disabilities
than 400 distinct disorders, as described in
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Men- Many of these conditions arise from im-
tal Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). This man- balances in brain chemistry, most specifically
ual undergoes periodic revisions as research from excessive or inadequate levels of spe-
develops a more advanced understanding of cific neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, se-
these conditions. rotonin, and norepinephrine, among others.
Psychotropic drugs gained an impor- Such imbalances are typically treated with
tant role in psychiatry during the mid-20th medication. Other mental illnesses may arise
century. Scientific research into neurology from disorders of nerve signaling. Although
and pharmacology led the way for the de- this chapter cannot look comprehensively at
velopment of generations of psychotropic the medications used for all disorders, it will
medications. The development and use of examine the pharmacology of key classes of
psychotropic medications came about as a re- medications for major forms of psychiatric
sult of teamwork among the pharmaceutical illness.
industry, federal and state governments, and
clinical practice and theory. Eventually shifts
Delusional Disorders (Psychoses):
in social and ethical issues, medical educa- Schizophrenia and Antipsychotic
tion, and popular culture began to alter the Medications
perception of the treatment of mental illness.
According to the World Health Organiza-
Some basic classes of mental illness in-
tion (WHO, n.d.), schizophrenia affects
clude the following:
­approximately 24 million people worldwide.
• Organic disorders, in which physical Schizophrenia is a treatable disorder,
damage to the brain leads to a suite although treatment may be more effective
of symptoms such as dementia, motor in its early stages. It strikes mostly individu-
dysfunction, and hallucinations (e.g., als between the ages of 15 and 35. More
Alzheimer disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob than half of affected persons do not receive
disease) appropriate care even though the cost of
Delusional Disorders (Psychoses): Schizophrenia and Antipsychotic Medications 399

treatment can be as little as $2 per month. episode. The first episode should be treated
The earlier the treatment is initiated, the for at least one year. Subsequent episodes
more effective it will be. may require lifelong maintenance.
The symptoms of schizophrenia can be
­divided into three distinct categories: positive First-Generation Antipsychotics (FGAs)
symptoms, negative symptoms, and cognitive FGAs were initially developed for controlling
symptoms: the symptoms of nausea and vomiting associ-
ated with cancer chemotherapy and gastroen-
• Positive symptoms include distorted
teritis. Chloroperazine and perphenazine
thinking. Paranoia, auditory hallu-
are still in use today for this purpose.
cinations, visual hallucinations, and
FGAs work primarily by blocking
­delusions may be present.
­dopamine-2 (D2) receptors in the mesolim-
• Negative symptoms include poor in-
bic area of the brain (TABLE 14-1). They also
sight and judgment, lack of self-care,
block the acetylcholine, histamine (H1), and
emotional and social withdrawal, apathy,
norepinephrine receptors thereby reducing
agitation, blunted affect, and poverty of
the positive symptoms of psychosis as well
as reducing agitation and hyperactive behav-
• Cognitive symptoms include difficulties
ior. Additional actions include blockade of
with the ability to pay attention and to fo-
some muscarinic and alpha-1 adrenergic re-
cus, as well as the presence of significant
ceptors in the brain.
learning and memory problems and disor-
The FGAs’ action reduces the positive
dered thinking.
symptoms associated with acute psychosis,
Antipsychotic Medications such as auditory and visual hallucinations and
Antipsychotic medications were introduced delusions. These medications are less effective
in the 1950s, essentially revolutionizing the for treating the negative symptoms such as
management of psychoses, ending an era of emotional and social withdrawal and blunted
institutional care, and beginning the treatment affect. Psychotic symptoms can improve as
of schizophrenic persons in the commun- soon as one week after FGA administration is
ity setting. The antipsychotic medications begun and may continue to improve over the
are grouped as a class of drugs used to treat a succeeding four to six weeks.
broad range of disorders including schizophre-
nia, psychoses, delusional disorders, bipolar
TABLE 14-1 First-Generation Antipsychotic Medications (FGAs)
disorder, and depression. In addition, anti-
psychotics are used to treat emesis, Tourette Generic Name Drug Class Notes
syndrome, and H ­ untington’s chorea.
Chlorpromazine Phenothiazine
Antipsychotic medications are classified as
either first-generation antipsychotics (FGAs), Haloperidol Antiemetic/
sometimes called typical ­antipsychotics,
or second-generation antipsychot- Perphenazine Phenothiazine Brand-name products
are currently sold only as
ics (SGAs), otherwise known as a ­ typical combinations of perphenazine
antipsychotics. and amitriptyline. Perphenazine
Antipsychotic medications do not cure without amitriptyline is available
only as a generic.
schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders,
but rather offer partial or complete relief of Trifluoperazine Phenothiazine
symptoms. The length of treatment depends Data from Youdim, Moussa & Edmondson, Dale & F Tipton, Keith. (2006). The therapeutic
on whether the patient is experiencing his or potential of monoamine oxidase inhibitors. Nature reviews. Neuroscience. 7. 295-309.
10.1038/nrn1883. Retrieved from
her first psychotic episode or a subsequent _Figure-5-The-mechanism-of-potentiation-of-cardiovascular-effects-of-tyramine-the.
400 CHAPTER 14  Pharmacology of Psychotropic Medications

FGAs can also be used to treat episodes and TD can progress to the limbs, hands, feet,
of acute bipolar mania (discussed later in this and trunk.
chapter), but only until control of the symp- Acute dystonia can have an onset within
toms is gained. After control is attained, a a few hours of the initial drug administration.
mood stabilizer or atypical antipsychotic Its features include spasms of the muscles of
(second-generation antipsychotic, SGA) the tongue, face, neck, throat, and back. This
should be employed for ongoing treatment. is a crisis that requires the addition of an-
FGAs are also indicated for use with Tourette ticholinergic agents such as benztropine,
syndrome, a disease not associated with which works by blocking acetylcholine, to
schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. They can counter dopamine blockade effects, to relieve
be effective for control of motor tics, uncon- the crisis.
trolled use of obscene language, and other Parkinsonian symptoms can begin 5 to
symptoms related to this disorder. 30 days after drug therapy is started. Their
features include bradykinesia, which pres-
Nursing Considerations ents as slow movement and muscle rigidity.
In addition, mask-like facies, tremors, rigidity,
First-generation antipsychotics are indi- shuffling gait, drooling, and stooped posture
cated for use with Tourette syndrome. FGAs may be present. Again, the use of anticholin-
can help control motor tics, uncontrolled
ergic agents is the treatment of choice.
use of obscene language, and other Tourette
symptoms. Onset of akathisia can occur between 5
and 60 days after FGAs are started. Its fea-
tures include restless movement and symp-
Adverse Reactions toms of anxiety and agitation. Drugs used to
The blocking of D2, acetylcholine, H1, norepi- treat symptoms of akathisia include benzodi-
nephrine, muscarinic, and alpha1-adrenergic azepines, beta blockers, and anticholinergics.
receptors in multiple areas of the brain leads TD can have an onset of months to years
to the medications’ benefits. Unfortunately, and is related to drug dose and duration of
it can also lead to common, potentially trou- treatment. TD is often persistent and can de-
bling, and dangerous side effects. velop as a late complication of antipsychotic
Extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) in- therapy; thus it is more likely to be seen
clude acute dystonia, a syndrome of ab- with long-term use of typical antipsychotic
normal muscle contractions that produces agents. In many cases, this condition is ir-
repetitive involuntary twisting move- reversible. Symptoms include involuntary
ments and abnormal posturing of the neck, ­movements of the tongue, mouth, and face.
trunk, face, and extremities; Parkinsonian There is no reliable treatment for TD, but the
­symptoms, which are dopamine-mediated, use of benzodiazepines and reduction of dos-
characterized by rhythmic muscular trem- age of the FGAs can be beneficial.
ors, rigidity of movement, and droopy pos- Other dangerous dopaminergic-medi-
ture; and mask-like facies, characterized by ated adverse effects that can occur with the
an immobile, expressionless face with staring use of FGAs include neuroleptic malignant
eyes and slightly open mouth. Other types of ­syndrome, which is characterized by high
EPS include shaking palsy; trembling palsy; fever, stiffness of the muscles, altered men-
akathisia, which is characterized by unpleas- tal status (paranoid behavior), wide swings of
ant sensations of “inner” restlessness that blood pressure, excessive sweating, and ex-
manifest as an inability to sit still or remain cessive secretion of saliva. Blockade of the hy-
motionless; and tardive dyskinesia (TD), pothalamic D2 receptors by FGAs creates an
the involuntary movement of the facial mus- elevated temperature set point and impairs
cles and tongue. The shaking palsy, akathisia, cutaneous vasodilation, sweating, and other
Delusional Disorders (Psychoses): Schizophrenia and Antipsychotic Medications 401

mechanisms for dissipating heat. Other, which offer the benefits of long duration of
less severe adverse effects related to FGA effect (Llorca et al., 2013). No adequate or
use include anticholinergic effects, ortho- well-controlled human studies have been
static hypotension, sedation, and cardiac done regarding teratogenic effects of FGAs;
arrhythmias. The cardiac arrhythmias can however, potential benefits may outweigh
manifest as prolongation of the QT interval as potential risks. Pregnant women should be
measured by an electrocardiogram. counseled per the Pregnancy and Lactation
Labeling Rule (PLLR).
Drug–Drug Interactions
Because of the inherent central nervous Second-Generation Antipsychotics
­system (CNS) depression associated with SGAs (TABLE 14-2) are commonly referred to
FGAs, care should be taken when combining as “atypicals” because they generally do not
FGAs with alcohol due to the potential for cause the same degree of kinesthetic side
excessive CNS depression. Caution should effects observed with the “typical” (FGA)
also be used when combining these agents antipsychotic medications. Most work by
with medications that affect the FGAs’ anti- blocking dopamine-D2 receptors as well as
cholinergic actions, with other CNS depres- strongly blocking multiple serotonin recep-
sants, and with medications that activate tors. In addition, norepinephrine, acetyl-
dopamine receptors (such as levodopa) choline, alpha1-adrenergic and, to a lesser
because these medications would directly extent, histamine and muscarinic receptors
oppose the actions of the FGAs. Other in the brain are blocked by SGAs. Although
medications that can interact with antipsy- much is understood about how the various
chotics include the selective serotonin neurotransmitters are affected by the SGAs,
reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) paroxetine, little is known about why these changes in
fluoxetine, carbamazepine, and fluvox- brain chemistry have a positive outcome
amine. These drugs can cause an increase in terms of controlling the symptoms of
in serotonin levels and increase the risk of schizophrenia.
serotonin syndrome because both FGAs and The SGAs have been more commonly
SSRIs inhibit the reuptake of serotonin; thus, used than the FGAs since the 1990s. Whereas
using them together can lead to a synergistic the FGAs help control the auditory and vi-
effect on serotonin levels. sual hallucinations and delusions as well as
The combination of FGAs with carbam- reduce the emotional and social withdrawal,
azepine can cause an increased risk of CNS the SGAs reduce both positive and negative
depression, cardiac arrhythmias, and hypo- symptoms associated with schizophrenia. Ef-
natremia. When FGAs are combined with ficacy of the medication cannot be accurately
antihypertensive agents, there is an in- determined for at least 4 to 6 weeks, and neg-
creased risk of hypotension and changes in ative symptoms may require 16 to 20 weeks
cardiac rhythms due to blockade of alpha1-ad- to show a beneficial response (Lehne, 2015).
renergic receptors. Duration of treatment is similar to that with
FGAs. SGAs can also be used to treat acute
Prescribing Considerations mania and bipolar depression, for mainte-
FGAs are considerably less expensive than nance of bipolar disorder, and to treat behav-
SGAs. Patients with an inadequate response ioral disorders and disorders associated with
to SGAs may respond to FGAs. Weight gain, impulse control and agitation.
which may or may not be desirable, occurs
more frequently with SGAs and tends to Adverse Reactions
be minimal with FGAs. FGAs and SGAs are The blockade of D2 receptors and alpha1-
available in injectable depot formulations, adrenergic receptors, and to a lesser extent
402 CHAPTER 14  Pharmacology of Psychotropic Medications

TABLE 14-2 Second-Generation Antipsychotic Medications

Generic Name Drug Class Notes

Aripiprazole Partial dopamine agonist (atypical Also used in treating bipolar disorder, depression, and autism-related
antipsychotic) with 5-HT2A antagonism irritability

Asenapine Atypical antipsychotic, Dopamine antagonist Also used in treating bipolar disorder
with 5-HT2A antagonism

Clozapine Benzodiazepine (atypical antipsychotic) Carries “black box” warnings for agranulocytosis, seizures, myocarditis,
unspecified respiratory/cardiovascular effects, and increased mortality in
elderly patients with dementia

Iloperidone Dopamine antagonist Only used for treatment of schizophrenia

Lurasidone Dopamine antagonist Also used for treatment of bipolar disorder

Olanzapine Thienobenzodiazepine, Dopamine and 5-HT2 Principal side effects are weight gain and metabolic effects (e.g.,
antagonist (atypical antipsychotic) hyperglycemia or diabetes)

Paliperidone Dopamine antagonist (atypical antipsychotic) Also used in treating bipolar disorder and schizoaffective disorder

Quetiapine Atypical antipsychotic Also used in treating bipolar disorder, psychosis related to Parkinson
disease, and, in concert with other medications, major depressive

Risperidone Dopamine antagonist (atypical antipsychotic) Also used in treating bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, and
autism-related irritability

Ziprasidone Dopamine/serotonin antagonist with 5-HT2A Also used in treating bipolar disorder
antagonism (atypical antipsychotic)

H1 and muscarinic receptors, can cause sig- What’s in a Name? FGAs Versus
nificant side effects. Common side effects of SGAs
atypical antipsychotics include dizziness, se-
Going by the classification alone, it is tempt-
dation, and hypotension, all of which can be ing to think of “first-generation” antipsychot-
associated with blockade of alpha1-adrenergic ics as being older, and possibly less effective,
receptors. More serious side effects include formulations. While it may be true that some
an increased risk of metabolic syndrome. of these drugs preceded the development of
Features of this syndrome include weight ­second-generation antipsychotics, the pre-
sumed difference in efficacy does not exist. In
gain for which the mechanism is unknown.
fact, second-generation antipsychotic drugs
As a result of the weight gain, there is a con- are not derived from the first-generation med-
comitant increase in incidence of diabetes ications at all. They are a completely different
and dyslipidemia. SGAs are also associated set of medications with completely different
with an increased risk of dangerous arrhyth- mechanisms of action, and whether they are
mias and elevated prolactin levels due to more or less effective for a patient’s condition
depends on the patient. A 2009 meta-­analysis
their blocking of D2 receptors in the pituitary.
of first- versus second-generation antipsychot-
­Clozapine has been associated with an in- ics noted that selection should depend on ef-
creased risk of agranulocytosis and is con- ficacy, side effects, and cost (Leucht et al.,
sidered a drug of last resort for this reason; 2009). The results of this review are similar in
however, it also has been shown to reduce some respects to another recent systematic re-
suicidality in schizophrenia and may be used view of SGAs versus FGAs, although the 2009
Leucht et al. review is broader in scope in
with caution to help reduce this risk. When
terms of medications included, patient popula-
compared to FGAs, SGAs have a significantly tions, and outcomes.
lower risk for EPS and TD.
Depression and Anxiety 403

Drug–Drug Interactions of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed Best Practices

In general, caution should be used when sleep or appetite, low energy and
poor concentration, and possibly, sui- Patients taking SGAs
combining SGAs with medications that in-
should be closely
crease the risk of CNS depression, such as cidal thoughts. Depression can lead
monitored for meta-
antihistamines and over-the-counter sleep to substantial impairments in an in- bolic syndrome.
aids. CNS depressants such as alcohol and dividual’s ability to take care of his or
benzodiazepines should be used with cau- her everyday responsibilities. WHO
tion or avoided altogether for the same rea- estimates depression affects more than 300
son. L­ evodopa may adversely affect SGAs million people worldwide and is among the
through D2-receptor agonism, a mechanism leading causes of disability (WHO, 2017).
that opposes the desired D2 blockade. It is hypothesized that depression
The combination of clozapine with an is caused by deficiencies in the mono-
SSRI can also increase the risk of serotonin amine neurotransmitters, norepinephrine,
syndrome. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome ­dopamine, and serotonin, at CNS receptors.
is another possible serious adverse reaction Therefore, the focus of pharmacologic treat-
when combining SGAs or using them in com- ment is to increase the concentrations/levels
bination with SSRIs or a similar class of med- of these neurotransmitters. In general, all an-
ications, the serotonin/norepinephrine tidepressants boost the synaptic action of one
reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). or more of these neurotransmitters, in most
cases by blocking the presynaptic transport-
Prescribing Considerations ers, which normally act to decrease, or recy-
All antipsychotic agents should be prescribed cle, the neurotransmitter (FIGURE 14-1).
at the lowest possible effective dose to reduce The National Institute of Mental Health
the possibility of side effects. Injectable depot (2012) describes anxiety as a normal reac-
formulations offer the benefits of long-acting tion to stress that in some situations can be
efficacy, and in some situations may be pref- beneficial. However, in approximately 18%
erable to orally administered versions (Llorca of adults in the United States, anxiety can be-
et al., 2013). These formulations should be come excessive—and in nearly one-fourth of
considered if a patient has memory problems these persons, anxiety can become so severe
and forgets to take the medication, or if the that it negatively affects day-to-day living.
patient is considered to be at a great risk of This condition is characterized by worry, fear,
doing harm to self or others if nonadherent muscle tension, irritability, sleep changes,
with taking the medication by mouth. arousal, fatigue, breathing changes, and con-
Choice of SGAs can be made according to centration difficulties.
side effects. Some patients may benefit from Anxiety triggers the endocrine system
the sedating effect of SGAs, whereas oth- connected to the amygdala and the hypo-
ers may benefit from the activating effects. In thalamus to increase the levels of the adre-
some cases, weight gain may be beneficial for nal hormone cortisol. The autonomic nervous
those patients who have a low body mass in- system is also triggered, which causes the
dex. Patients receiving SGAs should always fight-or-flight response. Chronic increases in
be closely monitored for signs and symptoms cortisol can lead to coronary disease, type 2
of metabolic syndrome. diabetes, and stroke.
Anxiety disorders can be divided into
Depression and Anxiety six major classes: generalized anxiety
The DSM-5 describes major depressive disor- disorder, panic disorder, obsessive–­
der as a common mental disorder that pres- compulsive disorder, phobic disorders,
ents with a depressed mood, loss of interest post-traumatic stress disorder, and acute
in daily activities, lack of pleasure, feelings stress disorder.
404 CHAPTER 14  Pharmacology of Psychotropic Medications

Agonistic drug effects Antagonistic drug effects

Drug increases the synthesis Drug blocks the synthesis of

of neurotransmitter molecules neurotransmitter molecules
(e.g., by increasing the (e.g., by destroying
amount of precursor). synthesizing enzymes).

Drug increases the number of Drug causes the

neurotransmitter molecules by neurotransmitter molecules to
destroying degrading leak from the vesicles and be
enzymes. destroyed by degrading

Drug increases the release

of neurotransmitter
molecules from terminal Drug blocks the
buttons. release of the
molecules from
terminal buttons.
Drug binds to
autoreceptors and
blocks their inhibitory
effect on Drug activates
neurotransmitter autoreceptors and
release. inhibits

Drug binds to LEGEND

postsynaptic Neurotransmitter
receptors and either Agonistic drug
activates them or Antagonistic drug
increases their effect Degrading enzyme
on neurotransmitter

Drug is a receptor blocker; it

Drug blocks the deactivation of binds to the postsynaptic
neurotransmitter molecules by receptors and blocks the effect of
blocking degradation or reuptake. the neurotransmitter.

FIGURE 14-1  Neuronal junction, with receptors and reuptake for various neurotransmitters, and sites for drug actions.

Use of medications is one of the modali- separate the diagnoses in many cases. The
ties for treatment of depression and anxi- psychopharmacologic treatments for both
ety. The four major types of antidepressant depression and anxiety are often similar as
medications are tricyclic antidepressants well. The antidepressant medications will be
(TCAs), SSRIs, SNRIs, and monoamine addressed first, followed by anxiolytic (an-
­oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). In general, tianxiety) medications. The section on SS-
anxiety responds well to benzodiazepines RIs/SNRIs considers both antidepressant and
and/or SSRIs or SNRIs. anxiolytic indications. At the end of the sec-
Depression and anxiety are often tion, the discussion turns to the benzodiaz-
­comorbid conditions. They share many epines and buspirone, which are used to
symptoms in common, making it difficult to treat anxiety disorders.
Depression and Anxiety 405

Psychotherapy should always be consid- 25 years) or an adolescent (Gibbons et al.,

ered before initiating antidepressant and anx- 2015; Hawthorne, 2017; Hussain, Dubicka, &
iolytic medications. As noted when discussing Wilkinson, 2017). 
the adverse reactions for each drug class,
whenever antidepressant medications are Nursing Considerations
prescribed for and used by a patient, that in-
Adolescents and young adults using antide-
dividual should routinely be evaluated for the
pressant medications should be routinely eval-
emergence of suicidal thoughts, particularly uated for the emergence of suicidal thoughts.
if the patient is a young adult (younger than

Serotonin Syndrome
Of special note is the drug reaction called serotonin due to consumption of foods rich in tyramine,
syndrome, a disorder that can develop with the such as aged cheeses, is one reason that MAOIs—­
use of any medication that prevents the reuptake otherwise highly effective medications—are now con-
of serotonin. It develops when suppression of sero- sidered drugs of last resort.
tonin reuptake causes an excess concentration of Care must also be taken when switching
serotonin in the brain stem and spinal cord. Symp- patients from one class of antidepressant medication
toms include alterations in mental status and coor- to another, as many of these medications have
dination, d ­ iaphoresis (excessive sweating), tremor, long half-lives and can produce residual effects that
rapid heartbeat, muscle spasms, blood pressure fluc- could potentially lead to serotonin syndrome, even
tuations, and fever. The condition can be fatal ow- in patients who have not taken the medication for
ing to a potentially lethal combination of side effects, several weeks.
including hyperthermia, seizures, coma, and brain
damage. Yet it is a condition that is easily overlooked,
as initial symptoms (e.g., agitation) sometimes mimic Medications with Potential to Cause Serotonin Syndrome*
the signs associated with activity of SSRIs and other
antidepressants. Drug Classification Specific Agent Reported
Clinicians using any of the medications de-
Analgesics Tramadol, meperidine, fentanyl;
scribed in this section, as well as any other medica- opioids
tions that increase serotonin levels (many of which
are not considered psychoactive drugs), should be Anti-Parkinson agents Selegiline, l-dopa
aware of the signs of serotonin syndrome and ed- Antibiotics Linezolid
ucate their patients to respond proactively should
they occur; that is, in the context of a high fever, Anticonvulsants Carbamazepine
the patient should go to a hospital or physician for Antidepressant/ All agents in the SSRI, SNRI, TCA, and
treatment rather than attempt to self-treat, even if antianxiety MAOI classes; buspirone, St. John’s
the patient believes that the fever may be related to wort
an infection. Notably, in a study of physician over-
Antiemetic Ondansetron, metoclopramide
rides of drug–drug interaction alerts, slightly more
than one in five of the overrides deemed inappro- Antihistamine Chlorpheniramine
priate by the reviewers involved an interaction be-
tween an antidepressant and another drug that put Antimigraine agents All agents have potential for
(triptans) interaction; specific case examples are
the patient at risk of serotonin syndrome (Slight et limited and disputed
al., 2013); it is likely that the clinicians were un-
aware of the pharmacology behind the warning, be- Antipsychotics Mirtazapine, olanzapine, risperidone,
cause physician awareness of serotonin syndrome is phenelzine, quetiapine
low (Arora & Kannikeswaran, 2010; Spies, Pot, Wil- Cough suppressant Dextromethorphan (found in many
lems, Box, & Kramers, 2016). OTC medications)
Serotonin syndrome can occur because of drug–
Muscle relaxant Cyclobenzaprine
drug interactions and, in some instances, drug–food
interactions. The risk of this syndrome developing *List is not comprehensive.
406 CHAPTER 14  Pharmacology of Psychotropic Medications

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors MAOIs are indicated for depression,

As the name indicates, monoamine t­ reatment-resistant depression, treatment-­
oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) block the resistant panic disorder, and treatment-­
action of monoamine oxidase (MAO), resistant social anxiety disorder (Flockhart,
which is the enzyme that degrades the 2012). T ­ reatment-resistant refers to those
neurotransmitters norepinephrine, sero- disorders that do not respond to, or only par-
tonin, dopamine, epinephrine, and tially respond to, multiple trials of medica-
tyramine and makes these neurotransmit- tions, and continue to be problematic. The
ters less available in the brain (FIGURE 14-2). onset of action of MAOIs often is delayed by
It is theorized that by blocking MAO, two to four weeks, and a dosage increase may
MAOIs increase the availability of norepi- be required if the medication is not helpful
nephrine, serotonin, and dopamine (D2) by six to eight weeks. The goal of treatment is
neurotransmission in the brain, which symptom remission as well as relapse pre-
in turn provides a powerful antidepressant vention. Symptoms of depression may recur
effect (TABLE 14-3). Conversely, withdrawing after the medication is stopped.
MAOIs decreases availability of norepineph-
rine, serotonin, and dopamine and so may Adverse Reactions
cause “depressive” symptoms (Kosinski & Side effects of MAOIs include symptoms of
Rothschild, 2012). CNS stimulation, such as anxiety, insomnia,


Vesicle Nerve ending





5-HT reuptake
re-uptake transporter

5-HT Noradrenaline
receptors receptors

FIGURE 14-2  Metabolism of monoamines by catechol-o-methyl transferase (COMT) and monoamine oxidase (MAO).
Depression and Anxiety 407

TABLE 14-3 Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors for Drug–Drug Interactions

Depression Starting an MAOI when a patient is taking
an SSRI or SNRI can cause a life-threatening
Generic Name Notes
serotonin surge by inhibiting the breakdown
Phenelzine Phenelzine has been linked and reuptake of serotonin, leading to
to vitamin B6 deficiency. an excessive amount of serotonin in the
Selegiline Low-dose selegiline is often neuronal synapse. Therefore, a “washout”
used to treat Parkinson period of at least five weeks should be
disease. It is the only member
of its class that is also observed before either starting or stopping
available as a transdermal an MAOI if the patient has been taking or
is to be switched to an SSRI or SNRI. Other
Tranylcypromine Contraindicated in patients medications to use with caution or avoid
with low body weight or
eating disorders, particularly
altogether in patients taking MAOIs include
anorexia. antihypertensives, TCAs, meperidine,
decongestants that contain phenylephrine,
and stimulants such as amphetamines or
agitation, and elevated mood, in addition to methylphenidates, as these are metabolized
the more troubling side effects such as re- by the same pathway. Street drugs should,
duced sleep, constipation, dry mouth, nausea, of course, be avoided at all times, but
diarrhea, weight gain, changes in appetite, drugs that hyperstimulate the CNS, such
orthostatic hypotension, and sexual dysfunc- as cocaine, are particularly dangerous in
tion. A life-threatening side effect of the combination with MAOIs due to the risk of
MAOIs can be hypertensive crisis caused hypertensive crisis. The herb St. John’s wort,
by eating certain foods and beverages that long used as a natural remedy for depression,
contain tyramine (Flockhart, 2012). This oc- increases serotonin levels and could
curs because the neurotransmitter MAO-A, potentially interact with MAOIs to produce
which normally would prevent excessively a serotonin surge (Klemow et al., 2011).
high levels of norepinephrine in the gut (thus The adverse events occur when MAOIs are
controlling blood pressure), is less available combined with the previously mentioned
in people who take MAOIs. High levels of medications. This causes excessive alpha1
tyramine, which can occur when a patient and noradrenergic stimulation and can
eats foods such as certain aged cheeses, yeast result in elevated blood pressure or
products, aged fish or meat, chocolate, some hypertensive crisis.
vegetables, some alcoholic beverages, and
some fruits, cause a significant increase in Prescribing Considerations
the neurotransmitter norepinephrine in the In general, MAOIs are reserved for use as
gut, leading to a dangerous hypertensive cri- second-line antidepressants. They can some-
sis (FIGURE 14-3). The patient prescribed oral times be beneficial in patients with whom
MAOIs must be carefully educated and pro- SSRIs and SNRIs have failed. A patient should
vided with materials that identify which foods consult with a healthcare professional be-
must be avoided. A transdermal form of one fore taking other prescriptions or
MAOI, selegiline, is available and is thought over-the-counter medications or Best Practices
to reduce the impairment of MAO-A in the supplements. MAOIs can be of ben-
As with all antide-
gut by allowing a larger portion of the dose to efit for the treatment-resistant client
pressants, clinicians
reach the CNS and avoid first-pass metabo- and should be carefully considered should monitor
lism (Finbert & Rabey, 2016). as an option for treatment (Stahl, patients for suicidal
In addition to the tyramine-related issues, 2005). Pregnant women (or those ideation, particularly
other life-threatening side effects that can attempting to achieve pregnancy) in younger indi-
viduals (younger than
occur with MAOI use include seizures and should be counseled about potential 25 years).
liver toxicity. teratogenic effects.
408 CHAPTER 14  Pharmacology of Psychotropic Medications

Tyrosine Tyramine
in gut

Tyramine metabolism Tyramine metabolism

by MAO-A (80%) and by MAO-A (50%) and
Dopamine MAO-B (20%) in small MAO-B (50%) in liver


Vesicle MAO-A

ending COMT Increased
tyramine in
blood circulation

by endothelial
transporter Amine


FIGURE 14-3  Tyramine chemistry and its relation to MAOI hypertensive crises induction.

Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs) require a dosage increase of the particular

TCAs were introduced as first-line antidepres- TCA if improvement is not seen by six to eight
sants in the 1950s. They work by blocking weeks. The goals of treatment are remission
the norepinephrine reuptake pump and the of depressive symptoms as well as prevention
serotonin reuptake pump in the synaptic of relapse. Symptoms of depression may recur
space, thereby boosting the availability of the after the medication is stopped.
neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine, Acting on the same neurotransmit-
histamine, muscarine, acetylcholine, and do- ters, TCAs are also beneficial for anxiety and
pamine in the brain. chronic pain; patients may require long-term
TCAs (TABLE 14-4) are indicated for depres- treatment of months to years or as long as the
sion, bipolar disorder, neuropathic pain, anxiety and chronic pain persist. Chronic pain
panic disorder, and obsessive–compulsive dis- includes fibromyalgia, a condition that occurs
order. Improvement of symptoms can often when descending norepinephrine is deficient
be delayed up to two to four weeks and may in the dorsal region of the brain.
Depression and Anxiety 409

TABLE 14-4 Tricyclic and Tetracyclic Antidepressants sedation are common. As with all antidepres-
sants, clinicians should monitor patients for
Generic Name Notes suicidal ideation, particularly in younger indi-
viduals (younger than 25 years).
Amitriptyline Single-ingredient amitriptyline is
available only as a generic. Brand-name
formulations of combined amitriptyline Drug–Drug Interactions
and perphenazine are also available.
TCAs should not be used in combination
Amoxapine Also used to treat anxiety and agitation. with MAOIs, anticholinergic agents, or CNS
Amoxapine has been studied as a
resistance-modifying agent for MRSA.
depressants. Caution should be used when
these agents are given in combination with
Desipramine Off-label use includes treatment for
anxiety, ADHD, bulimia, and panic attacks.
some SSRIs, such as fluvoxamine, which is
metabolized through the CYP enzyme path-
Doxepin Medication is also sold in cream form for
use in treating eczema.
way, and with antihypertensive agents and
methylphenidate, which compete for the
Imipramine Sometimes used in children to treat
same enzymes. There have been reports of
serious cardiac effects with concomitant TCA
Maprotiline Maprotiline is a tetracyclic antidepressant; and CYP-inhibiting SSRI use (English, Dortch,
it is also used for treating bipolar disorder
and anxiety disorders. Ereshefsky, & Jhee, 2012).
Nortriptyline Sometimes used to treat panic disorders
and postherpetic neuralgia, and as an
Prescribing Considerations
antismoking agent. TCAs can be beneficial for chronic pain re-
Protriptyline A tricyclic antidepressant that is FDA- lated to increased norepinephrine reuptake
approved to treat attention deficit- inhibition and sleep disorders related to an
hyperactivity disorder, narcolepsy, and
increase in histamine receptors’ availability.
They continue to be useful for treatment-re-
Trimipramine Trimipramine has more antihistaminic and
sedative properties than imipramine.
sistant depression. These medications are con-
sidered second-line options for treatment of
depression compared to the SSRIs and SNRIs
(the first-line options) because of their sig-
Adverse Reactions nificant side-effect profile. More importantly,
Side effects of the TCAs, many related to TCAs have a narrow therapeutic index; for
anticholinergic actions of the drugs, include this reason, overdoses are associated with a
orthostatic hypotension and anticholiner- greater risk of fatality than the newer classes
gic effects such as dry mouth, constipation, of antidepressant medications. Therefore,
blurred vision, and sedation. In addition, patient history of suicidality should be consid-
weight gain, dizziness, sexual dysfunction, ered when initiating TCA pharmacotherapeu-
nausea, and vomiting are common. Life- tic treatment of depression. TCA overdose can
threatening side effects include seizures, cause QT prolongation, cardiac toxicity, car-
arrhythmias, hepatic failure, and EPS. EPS diac contractility, and hypotension. Treatment
may include acute dystonia, a syndrome of includes activated charcoal up to two hours
abnormal muscle contraction that produces post-ingestion, benzodiazepines for seizures,
repetitive involuntary twisting movements and sodium bicarbonate for hemodynamically
and abnormal posturing of the neck, trunk, unstable patients. Pregnant women should be
face, and extremities. In addition, Parkinso- counseled about potential teratogenic effects.
nian symptoms characterized by rhythmic
muscular tremors, rigidity of movement, and SSRIs and SNRIs
droopy posture may occur. Other potential The SSRIs were introduced in the mid-1980s
side effects include mask-like facies, shaking and are now the first-line antidepressant
palsy, and trembling palsy. Weight gain and and anxiolytic medications. They work by
410 CHAPTER 14  Pharmacology of Psychotropic Medications

blocking the serotonin reuptake pump in the require an increase in dose if the medication
synaptic space, thereby increasing the con- is not helpful in six to eight weeks. The goal
centration of the neurotransmitter serotonin of treatment is the remission of symptoms of
in the brain (FIGURE 14-4); recently, they have depression and anxiety as well as prevention
also been identified as having significant of relapse. Symptoms of depression and anxi-
anti-inflammatory properties that are being ety may recur after the medication is stopped.
explored in the context of their effects on de- Use of SSRIs or SNRIs to treat anxiety dis-
pression and anxiety (Walker, 2013). orders may require long-term treatment of
SNRIs are also considered a first-line months to years.
choice for antidepressant and antianxiety
medications. Introduced in the mid-1990s, Adverse Reactions
they block both the serotonin and norepi- In general, SSRIs and SNRIs are the safest
nephrine pumps in the synaptic space (Fig- and best-tolerated antidepressant and anx-
ure 14-4), thereby boosting the availability of iolytic medications (compared to TCAs and
the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepi- MAOIs). The most commonly reported side
nephrine in the brain. Increased levels of se- effects with these drugs are sexual dysfunc-
rotonin and norepinephrine in the synaptic tion, defined as reduced libido, erectile dys-
space have been shown to cause a decrease in function, or ejaculatory difficulties, caused
depression and anxiety symptoms in patients by stimulation of serotonin receptors in the
(Stahl, 2008). spinal cord. Nausea, another common side ef-
SSRIs and SNRIs (TABLE 14-5) are indicated fect, is caused by the stimulation of serotonin
for depression and numerous anxiety disor- receptors in the hypothalamus or brain stem.
ders, including panic disorder, general anxi- Headaches and nervousness also can occur,
ety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, caused by the action of serotonin in the pre-
and obsessive–compulsive disorder. Mem- frontal cortex. Insomnia is caused by stimula-
bers of these drug classes are effective in tion of serotonin receptors in the brain stem’s
these disorders because increasing serotonin sleep centers, which disrupts slow-wave or
and norepinephrine has been shown to de- stage III and IV sleep; this can contribute to
crease anxiety symptoms in patients, which a lack of restorative sleep and cause daytime
in turn improves the symptoms of the anxi- fatigue. Life-threatening side effects are rare,
ety disorders. Drug response can often be de- although patients should routinely be evalu-
layed by two to four weeks, and patients may ated for suicidal thoughts.

Presynaptic Presynaptic
Nerve terminal membrane Nerve terminal membrane
Vesicle Mitochondria Vesicle Mitochondrion
α2-adrenergic 5-HT1B
– autoreceptor – autoreceptor
Norepinephrine 5-HT re-uptake
re-uptake transporter transporter

Norepinephrine 5-HT
Synaptic cleft Synaptic cleft
Postsynaptic Postsynaptic
membrane membrane
Norepinephrine 5-HT
receptor receptor

FIGURE 14-4  Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake pathways.

Depression and Anxiety 411

TABLE 14-5 Selective Serotonin and Selective Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors Used for Depression and Anxiety*

Generic Name Class Notes

Citalopram SSRI

Desvenlafaxine SNRI

Duloxetine SNRI Also used for generalized anxiety disorder, diabetic neuropathy, fibromyalgia, and bone/muscle pain.

Escitalopram SSRI Also used for generalized anxiety disorder.

Fluoxetine SSRI Also used to treat OCD, bulimia, and panic disorder.

Fluvoxamine SSRI Primarily used in the treatment of OCD, but may also be used for depression.

Levomilnacipran SNRI

Paroxetine SSRI Also used to treat panic disorder, OCD, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and PTSD.

Sertraline SSRI Also used to treat panic disorder, OCD, PTSD, social anxiety disorder, and premenstrual dysphoric

Venlafaxine SNRI Also used for generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and panic disorder.

Vilazodone SSRI

Vortioxetine SNRI

*Other drugs in these classes (e.g., tramadol) are not used for treating anxiety or depression. However, any drug in this class should not be used in
conjunction with antidepressants in the SSRI/SNRI class due to the risk of serotonin syndrome.

Studies have shown a small (approxi- medication. Lowering the dosage can reduce
mately 4%; Bridge et al., 2007) but signifi- the side effects.
cant risk for suicidal ideation and behavior,
with use of antidepressants in children and Drug–Drug Interactions
adolescents (Termorshuizen, Smeets, Boks, The number of potential SSRI and SNRI
& Heerdink, 2016). Clinicians prescribing drug–drug interactions is extremely extensive.
antidepressants to children and adolescents Therefore, a general list of medications that
should monitor them closely for both re- may interact with SSRIs and/or SNRIs is pro-
sponse and adverse reactions. Studies show vided here. More broadly, caution should be
that the benefit-to-risk ratio is favorable and used when combining SSRIs and SNRIs with
that the use of antidepressants in children tramadol, codeine, thioridazine, warfarin,
and adolescents should be a personal deci- sumatriptan, simvastatin, lovastatin, and
sion made through collaboration among cli- atorvastatin. These interactions arise related
nicians, family, and patient. The reason for to the liver’s cytochrome P450 enzyme, which
the increased suicidal risk is unclear, but may is involved in the metabolism of most drugs
be related to the short half-life of some an- and can lead to excessive or reduced blood
tidepressants. It is also theorized that sui- levels of these medications.
cidal risk could be related to the activating/ Extreme caution must be used when ex-
drive-enhancing effects or side effects of the changing SSRIs or SNRIs with MAOIs; clini-
medication such as akathisia. Personality cians should never combine the medications
disturbances such as borderline personality and should wait at least 14 days until the MAOI
should also be considered (Moller, 2006). has “washed out” of the patient’s system before
Weight gain may occur with SSRIs and initiating an SSRI or SNRI or switching from an
SNRIs. Sedation is not often reported. Most SSRI or SNRI back to an MAOI. Concomitant
side effects occur early in treatment and use of SSRIs or SNRIs with MAOIs could cause
often resolve within a week, as a patient’s serotonin syndrome, a potentially fatal side ef-
neurologic system accommodates the fect (described earlier in this chapter).
412 CHAPTER 14  Pharmacology of Psychotropic Medications

Prescribing Considerations (Borrelli & Izzo, 2009; Dannawi, 2002). Con-

To avoid withdrawal effects such as rebound comitant use with MAOIs is contraindicated
depression, anxiety, dizziness, nausea, or sweat- due to the possibility of hypertensive crisis.
ing, SSRI and SNRI dosages should be slowly Linezolid, an antimicrobial, has also been
tapered when these medications are being de- reported to produce serotonin syndrome in
creased or discontinued. Withdrawal effects can concert with buspirone and other serotoner-
occur as a result of reducing the neurotransmit- gic agents (Morrison & Rowe, 2012).
ter concentrations in the brain that were artifi-
cially boosted by the medications. Benzodiazepines
Benzodiazepine drugs (BZD) are one of the
Buspirone most widely prescribed pharmacologic cat-
Buspirone is a medication used for the treat- egories in the United States. They are pre-
ment of anxiety and treatment-resistant anxi- scribed for numerous indications, including
ety disorders. Its exact mechanism of action is anxiety, insomnia, muscle relaxation, relief
unknown; however, it binds to serotonin and from spasticity caused by central nervous sys-
dopamine (D2) receptors. tem pathology, and epilepsy. They are also
used intraoperatively because of their amne-
Adverse Reactions sic and anxiolytic properties. Benzodiazepines
Best Practices
Side effects of buspirone are often act primarily on the CNS and are often the
Generic versions of benign but can include dizziness, first-line treatment for anxiety. This is due
the SSRIs and SNRIs drowsiness, and nausea. Buspirone to BZDs’ mechanism of action. Benzodiaz-
are available and tend does not appear to cause depen- epines act on the gamma-aminobutyric acid
to cost much less
than the brand-name
dence or withdrawal symptoms. (GABA)-A receptor, a ligand-gated chloride-
versions—a fact of- It is best used as an adjunct agent selective ion channel. GABA is the most com-
ten appreciated by for other antianxiety medications mon neurotransmitter in the central nervous
patients. but can also be effective when used system, found in high concentrations in the
alone. cortex and limbic system. GABA is an inhibi-
tory neurotransmitter in nature and thus re-
Drug–Drug Interactions duces the excitability of neurons, producing a
As mentioned earlier, buspirone is a se- calming effect on the brain (FIGURE 14-5).
rotonergic medication, so it should not be There is no evidence that any one benzo-
used with other medications that affect diazepine is more effective for alleviating anx-
serotonin levels in the brain. Buspirone iety than another (TABLE 14-6).
is metabolized via the cytochrome P450
3A4 (CYP3A4) pathway, which means it is
Benzodiazepine GABA GABA
likely to interact with a great many other
medications processed via this mechanism. Volatile
Medications such as azole antifungal drugs 

(e.g., i­ traconazole), carbamepazine, and
­rifampin are metabolized via this pathway
as well and may increase or decrease the
plasma levels of buspirone. Grapefruit juice
is a known inhibitor of CYP3A4 metabolism Ethanol
and can significantly increase plasma levels
of buspirone. Use of the herb St. John’s Propofol Neurosteroids

wort, which increases serotonin levels, FIGURE 14-5  Benzodiazepine receptor and flow chart.
while ­taking buspirone has been reported The GABA chloride channel has multiple receptor sites, including those for benzodiazepines. When GABA receptors
are bound, chloride ions enter the neuron cell body, moving the cell away from firing, causing a dampening effect
as a possible cause of serotonin syndrome on the neuron cell.
Depression and Anxiety 413

TABLE 14-6 Benzodiazepines Commonly Used for Adverse Reactions

Anxiety* Overall, benzodiazepines are well tolerated
and safe. Long-term use of these medications
Generic Name
may lead to dependence or tolerance and
Alprazolam cause withdrawal symptoms when the dosage
Chlordiazepoxide is reduced or the drug is discontinued. There-
fore, slow tapering of benzodiazepines is often
required in these instances. There is the poten-
Clorazepate tial for abuse, particularly if treatment periods
Clotiazepam are longer than 12 weeks in length. Patients
with a history of substance abuse should be
carefully evaluated to determine whether ben-
Lorazepam zodiazepines are an appropriate choice. Use of
Oxazepam benzodiazepines should be closely monitored
for signs of abuse and inappropriate or ille-
*This class of medications has a wide range of additional examples used
for anxiety as well as for sedation and anticonvulsant indications. This list gal use. Sedation, fatigue, dizziness, ataxia,
includes only a subset of the class.
and confusion are common side effects, and
memory loss can occur with long-term use of
It is their rapid onset of action that makes benzodiazepines. A change in body weight is
some benzodiazepines a good choice for not often seen with benzodiazepines.
short-term relief of anxiety, although this is
not necessarily true for the entire class. A spe- Drug–Drug Interactions
cific benzodiazepine is chosen based upon Increased CNS depression is possible when
its pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic benzodiazepines are combined with other
properties, including the half-life, onset time, CNS depressants, such as additional ben-
and duration of action. Certain conditions zodiazepines, alcohol, and opioids. Coma
may require quick onset, whereas other con- and death are possible with overdosing of
ditions may require a longer duration of ac- a combination of these CNS depressants.
tion (Bostwick, Casher, & Yasugi, 2012). ­Cimetidine, valproic acid, fluvoxamine,
BZDs are classified in terms of their elimina- and grapefruit juice can reduce the liver’s
tion half-life. Short-acting BZDs have a me- ability to clear benzodiazepines from the
dian elimination half-life of 1 to 12 hours, body, thereby increasing benzodiazepine
intermediate-acting BZDs have an average plasma levels and effects.
elimination half-life of 12 to 40 hours, and
long-acting BZDs have an average elimination Prescribing Considerations
half-life of 40 to 250 hours. As previously mentioned, decreasing benzo-
Benzodiazepines can also be used to aug- diazepine dose or discontinuing a benzodiaze-
ment the anxiolytic effects of SSRIs and pine should be accomplished through tapering
SNRIs, as they do not affect serotonin or nor- of the dose rather than abrupt reductions in
epinephrine levels and, therefore, incur no dose. However, tapering patients off benzo-
risk of serotonin syndrome. They are also diazepines can be performed rapidly if the
helpful for alleviating insomnia, due to their patient has not been taking a benzodiazepine
sedative properties (Griffin, Kaye, Bueno, & for longer than seven days. Long-term use of
Kaye, 2013). Further, benzodiazepines can be benzodiazepines requires a much slower taper
used to prevent common seizures and alcohol because the risk of rebound anxiety, hyperten-
withdrawal due to their inhibiting actions in sion, muscle twitches, and seizures. Caution
the cerebral cortex, mediated through GABA should be used with benzodiazepine dosing in
receptors. elderly patients because of the increased risk
414 CHAPTER 14  Pharmacology of Psychotropic Medications

of unsteadiness, oversedation, and injuries re- Manic episodes may last from hours to days
lated to falls. Use of benzodiazepines should be to months. Symptoms include being easily
avoided in pregnancy. distracted, reduced need for sleep, poor judg-
ment, loss of temper, reckless behavior, poor
impulse control, hyperactivity, excessive en-
Bipolar Disorder ergy, grandiose thoughts, racing thoughts, ex-
According to the National Institute of Men- cessive talking, and agitation or irritability.
tal Health (2017), 2.8% of U.S. adults and as Psychotic symptoms, such as auditory and vi-
many as 3% of adolescents have been diag- sual hallucinations and delusional thoughts,
nosed with bipolar disorder, also known may also be present.
as manic–depressive disorder. The onset of Hypomania is defined as a mild form of
bipolar disorder often occurs between the ages mania. Its symptoms are similar to mania but
of 15 and 25 years but can occur in children not as severe. The patient’s mood tends to be
or later in life. The prevalence of child-onset elevated, and irritability and agitation are of-
bipolar disorder is not well established, but ten prominent.
82.9% of adult bipolar disorder is classified as Major depressive episodes include sad-
severe, characterized by severe mood swings ness, fatigue, appetite changes, sleep changes
between depression and mania. Only 48.8% (evidenced by either excessive or inade-
of those diagnosed with bipolar disorder are quate sleep), isolation, thoughts of death
receiving treatment, and many are receiving or suicide, and feelings of hopelessness and
only minimally adequate treatment. worthlessness.
Bipolar disorder is often unrecognized or Mixed episodes include mood swings be-
misdiagnosed and therefore, is not treated or tween manic and depression. Symptoms in-
medicated properly. It can often take years be- clude agitation and irritability as well as
fore the patient receives the correct diagnosis. feelings of depression and/or mania.
Early diagnosis of bipolar disorder is preferred The drugs of choice for treatment of bi-
and should include input from family mem- polar disorder generally are classified in
bers, to give important historical insight (U.S. one of two categories: mood stabilizers and
National Library of Medicine, 2011). This can antipsychotics.
help differentiate between unipolar symp-
toms, defined as typical depression without Mood Stabilizers
the mood swings, and bipolar symptoms. Pa- First-Line Medications: Lithium, Valproic Acid,
tients often fail to report symptoms of mania and Carbamazepine
because they do not see them as debilitating, Mood stabilizers are often the first choice of
but family members are much more likely to medications to treat bipolar disorder. The goal
observe early behavioral symptoms of mania of treatment is to stabilize the patient’s mood
and report them as a problem. All too often and eliminate mood swings, or make them
patients are misdiagnosed with unipolar dis- less frequent and less severe. Three medica-
order, which presents as signs and symptoms tions are indicated to treat the symptoms of
similar to depression, and then treated with bipolar disorder: lithium, valproic acid, and
antidepressants. Patients can then go on to carbamazepine.
exhibit symptoms of bipolar disorder and will The exact mechanism of action of
require a change in medications. ­lithium is unknown and complex, although
Symptoms of bipolar disorder include un- it is believed to alter the distribution of cal-
usual shifts in mood between depression and cium, sodium, and magnesium ions as well
mania. Energy, activity levels, and ability to as alter the synthesis and release of norepi-
carry out daily activities can be significantly nephrine, serotonin, and dopamine in the
increased or decreased according to the mood. brain. Valproic acid and carbamazepine
Bipolar Disorder 415

are antiseizure agents that have been ap- Drug–Drug Interactions

proved to reduce symptoms during manic Caution is advised when combining lithium,
and depressive episodes. Valproic acid is be- valproic acid, and carbamazepine with the
lieved to work by altering the brain’s sodium medications listed here. Interactions can alter
channels and the concentration of GABA. the blood levels of the mood stabilizers or al-
­Carbamazepine works by inhibiting the ter the metabolism of the other medications
brain’s sodium channels so as to increase the listed, thereby causing side effects or increas-
release of glutamate, an agonist at several im- ing plasma levels of these drugs.
portant CNS stimulatory receptors.
Mood stabilizers, used with or without • Lithium: Caution should be used when
antipsychotic medications, are effective in re- combining lithium with nonsteroi-
lieving acute mania and depressive episodes dal anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics,
and can help with maintaining mood stabil- ­calcium-channel blockers, angiotensin-
ity by preventing reoccurrence of both ma- converting enzyme inhibitors, and
nia and depression. The onset of action of the metronidazole.
mood stabilizers is fairly rapid and should be • Valproic acid: Caution should be used
seen within a few days; however, it may take when combining valproic acid with
weeks to months for optimal effects on mood ­lamotrigine, carbamazepine, aspirin,
stabilization to be seen. phenytoin, and phenobarbital.
• Carbamazepine: Caution should be
Adverse Reactions used when combining c­ arbamazepine
Common side effects that may occur with with phenobarbital, phenytoin,
lithium, valproic acid, and carbamaze- ­fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, and hormonal
pine include sedation, dizziness, tremors, contraceptives.
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, unsteadiness,
headache, weight gain, and hematological Lamotrigine
changes. It is good practice to monitor the A fourth medication, the anticonvulsant
patient’s blood levels for all three agents, ­lamotrigine, has been approved for long-term
so as to titrate any necessary dose adjust- maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder and
ments, determine efficacy, and check for is regarded as a first-line agent in adults (but
possibly life-threatening toxicity, which can not children) by the APA (2002). It acts by
occur if the blood levels of these drugs are inhibiting the voltage-dependent sodium chan-
too high. Also, complete blood counts, in- nels within the cell, which decreases presynap-
cluding electrolytes and platelets, should be tic glutamate and aspartate (which, again, are
closely monitored, as well as lipids and liver, normally stimulatory neurotransmitters) re-
thyroid, and renal function tests. Because lease. Studies show that this drug is most effec-
weight gain is one of the potential adverse tive at stabilizing depressive phases but is not
effects of the mood-stabilizing drugs, the pa- particularly useful in acute manic phases; how-
tient’s weight, body mass index, and blood ever, it can be paired with other medications
pressure should also be monitored on a to stabilize mood acutely and transition the
regular basis. patient into preventive therapy (El-Mallakh,
Serious side effects of lithium can in- Elmaadawi, Gao, Lohano, & Roberts, 2011).
clude renal impairment, arrhythmias, and hy-
pothyroidism. Serious side effects of valproic Adverse Effects
acid can include thrombocytopenia, pancre- The key adverse effect of lamotrigine is a
atitis, and liver failure. Serious side effects of serious rash that can develop, particularly
carbamazepine include leukopenia, anemia, when the drug is paired with valproic acid
and thrombocytopenia. or the anticonvulsant divalproex, which is
416 CHAPTER 14  Pharmacology of Psychotropic Medications

sometimes used to manage manic-phase symp- persistent basis and are firmly embedded
toms. This rash can take one of several forms in the patient’s belief system, whereas with
severe enough to require hospitalization (e.g., bipolar disorder, psychotic symptoms are
Stevens-Johnson syndrome, DRESS syndrome, present only during acute manic episodes
and toxic epidermal necrolysis) and should be and abate when the patient’s mood has
treated proactively. Skin reactions of this sort normalized. Manic symptoms are generally
are most likely to occur in the first two to eight absent in schizophrenia. Agitation and ir-
weeks of treatment but may appear at any ritability are often associated with bipolar
time. Because these reactions are more com- disorder and can be managed effectively
mon in children, the drug should not be used in with antipsychotics.
patients younger than 16 years of age. In 2010, For descriptions of the mechanisms of ac-
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also tion and adverse reactions associated with an-
issued a warning (which is still current) stating tipsychotics, refer to the section describing
that lamotrigine can cause aseptic meningitis. these drugs earlier in the chapter.

Drug–Drug Interactions Prescribing Considerations for Drugs Used

The use of lamotrigine in patients taking To Treat Bipolar Disorder
­valproic acid affects serum levels of both As noted earlier, bipolar disorder is often mis-
drugs, with lamotrigine increasing in the se- diagnosed as major depression and anxiety
rum as valproic acid decreases. The risk of and may take years to be correctly diagnosed
skin reaction is also increased with this combi- and treated with the appropriate medications.
nation. Concomitant use with c­ arbamazepine Patients who take mood stabilizers or antipsy-
leads to increases in side effects such as blurred chotics should always be closely monitored
vision and dizziness, although the mecha- for worsening symptoms of depression or
nism is unknown. Drugs such as phenytoin, emerging signs of suicidal risk. The increased
­phenobarbital, rifampin, and oral contracep- potential for impulsive action associated with
tives containing estrogen increase liver metabo- bipolar disorder can increase the risk of sui-
lism of lamotrigine significantly, resulting in a cide. Lithium can be helpful to reduce sui-
reduction of 40% to 50% in the drug’s serum cidal thoughts. Lithium and valproic acid
concentration. may be helpful as adjuncts to boost the effi-
cacy of SGAs.
Antipsychotic Drugs in Bipolar Disorder
FGA and SGA medications, which were Attention-Deficit Disorder and
described in terms of their pharmacology Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity
in an earlier section, are indicated to treat
acute manic episodes, stabilize mood be-
yond the acute episode, and continue to Both attention-deficit disorder (ADD) and
manage symptoms of acute manic episodes ADHD are often characterized by symptoms
over longer periods of time (known as the that include hyperactivity, lack of attention,
maintenance phase). They are particularly lack of focus and concentration, distractibility,
valuable in managing the psychotic symp- and difficulty organizing and completing tasks.
toms that may occur during acute manic ep- For diagnostic purposes, these symptoms must
isodes, including delusions, hallucinations, have been present since childhood, although
thought disorders, and other symptoms they may or may not have been recognized.
that are similar to those seen with schizo- In fact, ADD or ADHD is often not diagnosed
phrenia. The difference between psychotic until the patient is an adult. In addition, the
symptoms in bipolar disease and schizo- symptoms must interfere with school, employ-
phrenia is that in the latter disease, psy- ment, or social functioning. Criteria for the
chotic symptoms are present on an ongoing, diagnosis of ADHD are laid out in the Diagnostic
Attention-Deficit Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 417

and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and TABLE 14-7 Stimulant Medications Used for Treating ADD/ADHD
were revised for the fifth edition. Changes to
the criteria include shifting the age of onset re- Generic Name Class Notes
quirement from the presence of symptoms and
Amphetamine/ Amphetamine Comes in IR and ER
impairment by age 7 years to the presence of dextroamphetamine formulations
some symptoms by age 12 years; reducing the mixed salts
number of symptoms required for a diagnosis Dextroamphetamine Amphetamine Comes in IR and ER
for individuals 17 years of age and older; and formulations
providing clinical examples of symptoms that Lisdexamfetamine Amphetamine A prodrug formulation
are more age appropriate for older adolescents dimesylate that is metabolized to
dextroamphetamine; is
and adults (APA, 2013). preferred in adolescents
The DSM-5 reports the prevalence of ADHD and children due to
to be approximately 5% of school-age children, lower risk of abuse and
better side-effect profile
and around 2.5% of adults in the general pop-
ulation (APA, 2013). Other estimates, how- Methylphenidate HCl Methylphenadine Comes in IR, SR, and ER
ever, place the prevalence higher, at about 9%
of children aged 6 to 11 years, and almost 12% All medications listed are Schedule II controlled substances. Use of IR formulations can be
problematic in children for this reason.
for those aged 12 to 17 (Pastor, Reuben, Du-
ran, & Hawkins, 2015). Boys are twice as likely
Dorsolateral Caudate Putamen
to be diagnosed with ADHD as girls (Pastor et prefrontal nucleus (lateral) Thalamus
al., 2015). As of 2017, parents of 2.7 million cortex
youth aged 4 to 17 years reported use of med- prefrontal
ications to treat ADHD. Children with a his- cortex
tory of ADHD are almost 3 times more likely to
encounter peer group problems and 10 times
as likely to have difficulties that interfere with
friendships. They are also at greater risk for in-
jury. Young adults and adults are a greater risk
for involvement in motor vehicle accidents,
drinking and driving, and traffic violations
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Ventromedial
[CDC], 2017). prefrontal

Stimulant Medications Globus pallidus

The most commonly used class of medica-
tions used to treat ADD/ADHD is stimulants
(TABLE 14-7) (Albert, Rui, & Ashman, 2017).
FIGURE 14-6  Anatomical illustration of the brain showing
These controlled substances work by block- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, basal ganglia and medial prefrontal
ing reuptake and facilitating release of nor- cortex.
epinephrine and dopamine (D2) in areas of
the brain that control impulsivity, including (Goodman, 2010). Neither category is supe-
the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, basal gan- rior to the other, although patients sometimes
glia, and medial prefrontal cortex (FIGURE 14-6). will respond better to one than the other,
Frontal cortex neuronal transmission is too and determining the most efficacious agent
slow in patients with ADD/ADHD, allowing in a particular patient often is a matter of trial
for more “impulsive” behavior (e.g., speech, and error.
motor). Stimulant medications are categorized Two types of drug release systems are
as either amphetamines or methylphenidates; used for these medications: instant re-
both are Schedule II controlled substances lease (IR), which has a duration of action
418 CHAPTER 14  Pharmacology of Psychotropic Medications

of approximately 4 hours, and extended re- atomoxetine use. Sleep hygiene and behav-
lease (ER) or sustained release (SR) formula- ioral modification therapies may work best for
tions, which have durations of actions of 6 to patients whose sleep disturbance predates their
12 hours. medication for ADHD (Graham et al., 2011).
Long-term use of stimulants can result in
Adverse Effects physical dependence. When discontinuing the
Reports for all of the stimulant drugs associ- stimulant, the patient may experience exces-
ate medication use with increases in heart sive fatigue, depression, and craving for the
rate of one to two beats per minute on av- stimulant. Slow titration is the best method
erage (although some considerably higher for discontinuing the medication. Patients
rates have been noted) as well as elevation should always be monitored closely for signs
of blood pressure by as much as 10 mm Hg. of abuse. Abuse of stimulants should be ap-
These changes were noted in both adult and proached with a treatment plan that focuses
pediatric populations. The increases, on av- on addressing the substance abuse.
erage, are relatively small, but in patients
already predisposed to cardiac issues or hy- Drug–Drug Interactions
pertension, they could create potential harm Amphetamines taken in concert with
in a long-term use scenario (Graham et al., fluoxetine, duloxetine, escitalopram,
2011). Careful screening of patient and family or a variety of other antidepressant/
history to rule out cardiovascular disease is, antipsychotic drugs can cause serotonin
warranted in patients for whom these syndrome because of redundancy of
Best Practices medications are considered. transporter reuptake blockade. A number
All medications listed are Sched- of medications taken concurrently with
Weight and growth ule II controlled substances. Use of IR amphetamines increase the risk of seizures,
rate should be closely
formulations can be problematic in including acetaminophen, bupropion,
monitored in patients
taking stimulants, children for this reason. and tramadol. Using amphetamines with
particularly children. Weight loss and growth retardation linezolid, procarbazine, or isocarboxazid
are two additional risks in pediatric pa- can produce a hypertensive crisis.
tients. Appetite suppression is one key
side effect of these medications; if monitoring Nonstimulant Medications
of weight/growth shows decreased progression, A variety of nonstimulant medications are
management steps to alleviate this issue can in- also used to treat ADD/ADHD. They are most
clude altering the timing of doses to promote often prescribed for patients who cannot
optimal nutritional intake, use of high-energy tolerate stimulants or who have a history of
snacks to supplement nutrient intake (e.g., pro- stimulant abuse, although these agents are
tein bars), and, in some patients, occasional generally less effective at improving atten-
drug holidays or changes in medication dose tion span and concentration. Most fall into
or type (Graham et al., 2011), which has been one of two classes (TABLE 14-8): antidepressant
shown to produce a rebound growth effect. medications (atomoxetine, bupropion,
Sleep disturbance may occur in some ­nortriptyline) or centrally acting α2-
­patients, with a variety of causative factors. adrenergic agonists (guanfacine, clonidine).
Patients with a history of sleep disturbance Atomoxetine is a nonstimulant med-
preceding medication use probably should be ication in the SNRI class that works by
prescribed atomoxetine, which is a non-stim- increasing the concentrations of the neu-
ulant ADHD/antidepressant drug (acting in rotransmitters norepinephrine at the norepi-
part by inhibiting norepinephrine reuptake), nephrine receptors and dopamine at the D2
instead of stimulants, as there is a lower inci- receptors in the frontal cortex in the brain.
dence of insomnia side effects associated with It is not a controlled substance and is more
Attention-Deficit Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 419

TABLE 14-8 Nonstimulant Medications Used for for use in ADHD but have a long his- Best Practices
Treating ADD/ADHD tory of off-label use for this indication
(Barner et al., 2011); ER formulations Nonstimulant medi-
Generic Name Class Notes cations are a better
of both drugs have been approved for
choice for patients
Atomoxetine Selective the ADHD indication. Response to at risk of substance
norepinephrine these agents is not as robust as with abuse or cardiac
uptake inhibitor
stimulants or atomoxetine, but they issues.
Bupropion Antidepressant do help with comorbid tics and lack
Clonidine Antihypertensive/ Affects cardiac the appetite suppressive effects ob-
central α2 conduction and served with stimulants. Like atomoxetine,
adrenergic agonist should be used guanfacine and clonidine carry a lower
with caution in
patients with risk of abuse and are good candidates for pa-
a personal or tients with a history of addiction to stimulant-
family history of
arrhythmia type drugs. Because they are antihypertensive
agents, these drugs can cause orthostatic hy-
Guanfacine Antihypertensive/
central α2
potension and may cause reactive hyperten-
adrenergic agonist sion if withdrawn suddenly. In combination
Nortriptyline Tricyclic Used off-label
with methylphenidate, clonidine was asso-
antidepressant as a second-line ciated with sudden death in children, although
therapy in ADHD no causative factor could be established. Nev-
ertheless, patients should be screened for car-
closely related to antidepressant medications diac anomalies and monitored if placed on this
described earlier. Because it affects the nor- regimen (Barner et al., 2011).
epinephrine in the brain, atomoxetine can Bupropion is an atypical antidepressant,
also have a calming effect. most often used to help with smoking cessa-
Atomoxetine has several advantages. tion due to its activity as a nicotinic acetyl-
First and foremost, it is not a controlled sub- choline receptor antagonist. Its mechanism of
stance because it lacks the addictive potential action in depression is not well understood,
of stimulants, and there are no legal reper- but it appears to act (weakly) as both a nor-
cussions or controls on its distribution, which epinephrine and a dopamine reuptake inhibi-
makes it attractive for use in children and ad- tor (Reimherr, Hedges, Strong, Marchant, &
olescents as well as adults with a history of Williams, 2005). Bupropion is slow to take
substance abuse, who might otherwise be dif- effect, with patients showing a response at
ficult to treat with stimulants. This drug is approximately four weeks (Reimherr et al.,
cost-effective to use and does not differ greatly 2005), which makes it somewhat less attrac-
in efficacy from IR stimulants, although it has tive than the faster-acting stimulant medi-
significantly lower efficacy than the ER/SR cations or atomoxetine. It is not currently
methylphenidates (Garnock-Jones & Keating, considered a first-line agent for ADD/ADHD
2009). Atomoxetine is generally well toler- but may be useful in patients for whom stim-
ated and adherence to the prescribed regimen ulants or atomoxetine are contraindicated
is usually good, even in adolescents (Barner, or ineffective.
Khoza, & Oladapo, 2011).
Nortriptyline is a TCA that was men- Adverse Reactions
tioned in the earlier section detailing use of For all nonstimulants, increases in nor-
those medications for depression, and acts in epinephrine and D2 in the extraneuronal
the same fashion as amitriptyline. space in the brain and increases in the non-
The α2-adrenergic agonists guanfacine therapeutic acetylcholine receptors in the
and clonidine are not approved in IR form body and the brain can cause autonomic
420 CHAPTER 14  Pharmacology of Psychotropic Medications

Best Practices side effects. These effects include wakefulness and reduce hyperactivity by
tremors, tachycardia, hyperten- increasing the concentrations of norepineph-
Stimulants should be sion, cardiac arrhythmias, insomnia, rine and D2 at their respective receptors. In
tapered slowly if be-
agitation, irritability, and psychosis. addition, these medications may improve the
ing withdrawn.
The medications can also aggravate symptoms of depression and fatigue, have a
motor tics and Tourette syndrome. calming effect, and reduce sleepiness. Results
Other reports cite the occurrence of seizures, may include increased productivity at home,
headaches, nervousness, nausea, dry mouth, school, and work; improved self-esteem and
anorexia, and weight loss. Children may self-image; and, therefore, reduced anxiety
experience temporary slowing of growth, and depression.
particularly with atomoxetine, although The effects of the stimulants may be
long-term growth does not seem to be af- observed as early as the first day of their
fected (Poulton, Bui, Melzer, & Evans, 2016; use, but often dose adjustments are neces-
Reed et al., 2016). Bupropion, in particular, sary to achieve the optimal benefits. When
bears the caveat that dose-dependent inci- ­atomoxetine (and other antidepressant
dence of seizures is notably higher than with drugs) are prescribed, it can take weeks be-
most other antidepressant or ADHD therapies fore benefits are noted, and these medications
(Alper, Schwartz, Kolts, & Khan, 2007). often require dose adjustments to realize the
optimal therapeutic benefit. Treatment can
Drug–Drug Interactions be continued indefinitely, as long as benefits
Patients who are being treated for hyperten- are present. Acceptable use of stimulants can
sion should be evaluated for elevations in span from childhood to adulthood. Stimulant
blood pressure related to the use of ADD/ doses should be slowly tapered when these
ADHD medications. Other medications that drugs are discontinued.
block the reuptake of norepinephrine, such Stimulant drugs can be helpful as adjunct
as SNRIs or antipsychotics, may increase the therapies in the treatment of depression and
CNS and cardiovascular effects of the stimu- treatment-refractory depression because of
lants. Great care should be used when com- their enhancement of dopamine and norepi-
bining stimulants with mood stabilizers and nephrine release and binding in the medial
antipsychotics. A condition such as bipolar prefrontal cortex and hypothalamus. Over-
disorder or psychosis that requires treat- all, the potential for developing drug abuse
ment with mood stabilizers or antipsychotics in children and adults may be diminished or
may be aggravated by the use of stimulants, prevented when medications are used for the
resulting in aggravated mood instability treatment of ADD/ADHD.
and psychosis. The use of stimulants and There is another, unrelated use for the
­atomoxetine should be avoided in patients stimulant drugs. They can be used effec-
who have a history of heart disease, stroke, tively to reduce sedation and fatigue caused
or neurovascular disorders because of the by opioid analgesic use because of their abil-
increased risk of cardiac arrhythmias and in- ity to increase alertness and wakefulness by
creased blood pressure. These drugs should increasing the concentration of dopamine
not be administered with an MAOI agent. and norepinephrine in the hypothalamus
and the medial prefrontal cortex. Dosing of
Prescribing Considerations for Drugs stimulants should be timed to avoid interfer-
Used for ADD/ADHD ence with sleep. It is good practice to moni-
Both stimulants and atomoxetine can im- tor the patient’s weight. Pregnant women
prove attention, focus, concentration, orga- (or those attempting to achieve pregnancy)
nizational skills, and the ability to initiate should be counseled about potential terato-
and complete tasks. They can also increase genic effects.
Sleep Disorders 421

Sleep Disorders Parasomnias include the following

The DSM-5 identifies 10 sleep-wake disor-
ders, all of which include patient dissatisfac- • Nightmare disorder: Defined as night-
tion with the quality and amount of sleep as mares that repeatedly awaken the affected
a major complaint. Previously, the primary individual.
sleep disorders were categorized as either • Sleep terror disorder: Defined as recurrent
dyssomnias or parasomnias. Dyssomnias in- episodes of abrupt awakening from sleep
clude primary insomnia, which is defined with intense fear and autonomic arousal
as the inability to sleep well and pertains to such as tachycardia, rapid breathing,
the improper amount, quality, or timing of and sweating. During the episode, the
sleep. Parasomnias are defined as abnormal individual is difficult to awaken or
behavioral or physiological events that occur comfort. No dream is recalled, and the
while sleeping. The CDC (2012) has made it patient often does not remember the
one of the agency’s missions to raise aware- event the following day.
ness about the problem of sleep insufficiency • Sleepwalking disorder: Characterized as re-
and sleep disorders, and to emphasize the im- peated episodes of motor activity during
portance of sleep. sleep, including getting out of bed and
The CDC (2012) estimates that 70 million walking around.
Americans suffer from chronic sleep prob- Primary sleep disorders can be further clas-
lems. Difficulty with falling asleep or daytime sified as acute or chronic insomnias. Acute in-
sleepiness affects approximately 35% to 40% somnia lasts for no more than a few weeks
of U.S. adults and approximately one-third of and ends without treatment. Chronic insom-
adults report not getting the recommended nia occurs at least three nights per week and
amount of sleep (National Center for Chronic lasts longer than three months; it often re-
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, quires treatment. Acute or chronic insomnia
2017). The high prevalence of complica- can be caused by a medical problem, such as
tions related to sleep insufficiency in sleep respiratory disease, acute or chronic pain, hy-
disorders, concomitant illnesses, and un- pothyroidism, sleep apnea, or restless legs syn-
treated symptoms has immense cost implica- drome. Acute or chronic insomnia can also be
tions (Hafner, Stepanek, Taylor, Troxel, & van caused by life changes such as chronic stress,
Stolk, 2016). Sleep deprivation is associated depression, and emotional difficulties (Sateia,
with injuries from accidents, chronic disease Buysse, Krystal, Neubauer, & Heald, 2017).
(e.g., coronary heart disease), and metabolic Medications used as sleep aids are sum-
and endocrine complications. Also associated marized in TABLE 14-9.
with sleep deprivation are mental illnesses
such as depression, poor quality of life, and Sleep Hypnotic Drugs
feelings and perceptions of diminished well- The sleep hypnotic drugs work by suppress-
being, such as marital and social problems. ing the CNS. Benzodiazepines, which are
Lack of sleep can be correlated with increased used as anxiolytic agents at lower doses,
healthcare costs and loss of work productiv- promote sleep at higher doses via their in-
ity as well. hibitory actions in the sleep centers. The
Sleep problems tend to be under-­ benzodiazepine-like drugs such as zolpidem,
addressed. There are three categories of zaleplon, and eszopiclone work in a fash-
dyssomnias: ion similar to the benzodiazepines and are the
• Difficulty initiating sleep preferred agents for treating sleep disorders
• Difficulty maintaining sleep because they are generally well tolerated,
• Early awakening are eliminated rapidly by the liver, and have
422 CHAPTER 14  Pharmacology of Psychotropic Medications

TABLE 14-9 Commonly Used Sleep Aids (Nonbarbiturate)

Generic Name Class Notes

Clonazepam Benzodiazepine By prescription only

Diazepam Benzodiazepine By prescription only

Diphenhydramine Antihistamine Sold OTC as an allergy medication; commonly found in OTC

“PM” analgesic formulations

Doxylamine (+ diphenhydramine) Antihistamine Sold OTC as a sleep aid

Eszopiclone Nonbenzodiazepine sedative By prescription only

Lorazepam Benzodiazepine By prescription only

Melatonin Endogenous biochemical Sold as OTC supplement

Promethazine Antihistamine By prescription only

Triazolam Benzodiazepine By prescription only

Zaleplon Nonbenzodiazepine sedative By prescription only

Zolpidem Nonbenzodiazepine sedative By prescription only

a low abuse potential. Historically, barbitu- drowsiness, dizziness, problems with motor
rates were used in the treatment of anxiety, coordination, and possibly cognitive changes,
epilepsy, as anesthetics, and to induce sleep. including memory deficits, with long-term
Barbiturates also bind GABA receptors, but use. Amnesia and forgetfulness can occur.
they have a high abuse potential and can be Behaviors such as sleep-driving and prepar-
fatal with overdosage, so they are not nor- ing and eating foods in an amnesic state have
mally considered drugs of choice for sleep been reported.
disorders and are rarely prescribed for these Benzodiazepines and benzodiazepine-
indications. However, barbiturates may be like medications are generally well toler-
cautiously considered if other treatments ated. Barbiturates, in contrast, can produce
have failed. For example, phenobarbital, a tolerance and dependence, and have a high
long-acting barbiturate, is indicated for use as abuse potential. Rebound anxiety and re-
a sedative and anticonvulsant. Its onset of ac- bound insomnia have been reported with
tion occurs within 30 minutes, and the dura- benzodiazepine and barbiturate withdrawal,
tion of action ranges from 5 to 6 hours. but the incidence is lower with benzodiaze-
The sleep hypnotics help induce and im- pine-like medications. Tolerance can occur
prove the quality of sleep in patients with with ­benzodiazepine-like medications but the
dyssomnias and parasomnias. The total hours incidence is very low. Tolerance and medi-
of sleep may be increased and the number cation dependence can occur with the benzo-
of nighttime awakenings may be decreased, diazepines, especially at the higher doses, but
thereby affording patients improved sleep again, the incidence is fairly low.
quality. These drugs also can be effective for The benzodiazepines are designed for
managing anxiety, especially when the anxi- short-term use or as-needed use. Long-term
ety adversely affects the sleep cycle. use, for periods greater than 30 days, and
higher doses can lead to more serious with-
Adverse Reactions drawal symptoms. Abrupt cessation of ben-
All of the sleep hypnotics cause CNS de- zodiazepines and barbiturates use should
pression. Their side effects include daytime be avoided. Instead, tapering of dosages is
Chapter Summary 423

recommended, normally over a period of formulations of analgesics, as these products

weeks or months. almost always contain diphenhydramine to
Withdrawal symptoms include rebound promote sleep.
anxiety and rebound insomnia, lack of rest-
fulness, orthostatic hypotension, confusion, Prescribing Considerations for Sleep Aids
and disorientation. In serious cases, hyper- All sleep medications can lead to troubling
tension, paranoia, seizures, cardiovascular adverse reactions, and their use should be
collapse, and death are possible from with- limited to avoid dependency and abuse. Ben-
drawal. Pregnant women should not be pre- zodiazepines and benzodiazepine-like medi-
scribed benzodiazepines. cations are the most popular sleep agents and
the most frequently used. They tend to have
Drug–Drug Interactions a short half-life because they are metabolized
Caution should be used when combining ben- quickly in the liver. These drugs also have
zodiazepines, benzodiazepine-like drugs, or fewer side effects than other sleep agents.
barbiturates with medications or other sub- Pregnancy risk must be evaluated carefully,
stances that may increase the depressive effects and women counseled as to the benefits and
of the CNS system, including alcohol and opi- potential risks. In general, the barbiturates
oids. Such a combination can cause respiratory should be avoided and relegated to “last
depression, coma, and even death. Oral con- resort” status for treating individuals with
traceptives may increase the clearance of (and severely disturbed sleep and no contraindicat-
so lower the plasma concentration of) loraze- ing health issues.
pam. Valproic acid may reduce the clearance Sleep hygiene, behavioral changes, and
and increase the plasma levels of lorazepam. treatment of other underlying medical prob-
Sertraline may reduce the clearance and in- lems should always be addressed before medi-
crease the plasma levels of zolpidem. Sleep cations are prescribed for sleep problems. All
hypnotics should be used with caution with sleep hypnotic medications are indicated for
patients who have respiratory problems or ob- short-term use only—that is, two to three
structive sleep apnea ­because they can further nights in a row—and caution should be used
depress the respiratory system. if they are prescribed for longer periods of
time or for chronic insomnia because toler-
Other Sleep Aids ance may develop. Rebound insomnia can oc-
Trazodone and mirtazapine are atypical cur with the discontinuation of a hypnotic
antidepressants because they react differently medication (Roth & Culpepper, 2008). The
to neurotransmitters than do SSRIs or SNRIs. sleep hypnotic eszopiclone, however, has
They are often used as sleep medications on been approved for long-term use and does
an off-label basis because they have a sedat- not appear to lead to tolerance.
ing side effect and can be very effective in ini-
tiating and maintaining sleep. T ­ razodone’s
sedative effects are related to H1 properties
Mental health issues encompass a wide range of biochemi-
and blockade of serotonin 2A receptors. cal imbalances and dysfunctions. Depression, anxiety, psy-
­Mirtazapine’s sedative effects seem to be chosis, bipolar disorder, ADHD, and sleep disturbances are
­related to H1 receptor antagonism. among the most common—and, unfortunately, the most
likely to be undertreated or misdiagnosed—psychiatric con-
Other over-the-counter medications such
ditions seen. Identifying the appropriate medical therapies
as melatonin and diphenhydramine (an is important, but awareness of the potential for severe side
antihistamine) can also be considered as op- effects related to enhanced neurotransmitter levels, particu-
tions for sleep. Patients should be warned larly with respect to serotonin, is of key importance to safe
and effective treatment. A number of psychiatric medica-
against combining these readily available op- tions, including antidepressants, stimulants, and sedatives,
tions with prescription CNS depressants, are prone to abuse, and patients taking these agents should
and to avoid concomitant use of any “PM” be monitored.
424 CHAPTER 14  Pharmacology of Psychotropic Medications

Critical Thinking Questions

1. Which three neurotransmitters are affected by 5. Why are MAOIs subject to significant dietary
most antidepressant drugs? restrictions?
2. What causes serotonin syndrome? 6. Which considerations might make atomox-
3. Which antipsychotic drugs are indicated for etine a better choice than a stimulant drug for
­bipolar disorder? treating a 16-year-old male with history of mild
episodic depression who has been recently di-
4. Which key drug interactions must be identi- agnosed with ADHD?
fied and avoided when treating a patient with
­concomitant anxiety and insomnia?


M.T. is a 22-year-old male who has been transported to the emergency department via the police
department from a local coffee shop. Police were notified after M.T. was found to be agitated, with a
disheveled appearance and loudly speaking to another person despite the fact that he was alone at
the table and there was no one else in the coffee shop other than the employee. He was upset and
shouting curse words and appeared to feel threatened, stating, “I’ll get you before you get me.”
Upon examination in the emergency department, M.T. exhibited similar behavior. His lab work and
vital signs were normal. He stated that he takes medications for voices and paranoia but stopped
the medications 10 days prior because “They make me tired and fat.”
M.T. reluctantly agreed to take a combined intramuscular injection of the antipsychotic haloperidol
and the antianxiety medication lorazepam to control the auditory hallucinations, agitation, and
paranoia. He became much calmer and less psychotic over the following two hours. M.T. was
released and referred to his psychiatric prescriber and support services for a follow-up appointment.
Case Questions
1. What evidence supports that this patient may be psychotic?
2. What evidence of positive and negative symptoms is present?
3. What evidence of adverse reactions to use of antipsychotic medications is present?
4. Which medications were used to treat the acute psychotic symptoms and agitation, and which other treat-
ment recommendations were made?
Case Scenario 3 425


Mrs. A. is a 45-year-old woman who presents at her primary care physician’s office with complaints
of fatigue, sadness, lack of interest, lack of pleasure of normally pleasurable life events, excessive
sleep, frequent crying, and difficulty with focusing and paying attention. These symptoms have
been present for the past three months, after she lost her job and her only child moved to another
state to attend college. Mrs. A. also states she has been increasingly anxious, avoids social gatherings
and crowds, and is increasingly uncomfortable leaving the house. The lab work and physical exam
are normal. Mrs. A. states she has a family history of depression.
Case Questions
1. What evidence supports that this patient may have a depressive or an anxiety disorder?
2. Which category of medication is the first-line choice for treatment of depression and anxiety?
3. What would be some of the signs of positive response to treatment, and in what time period would you
expect to see benefits from the medication?


S.T. is a 22-year-old man who informed his therapist that he has experienced significant mood
swings recently. He reports episodes of feeling sad and depressed, crying, lack of motivation and
energy, excessive time in bed, and vague thoughts of suicide. These episodes can last for up to 7 to
10 days. S.T. then experiences a rapid mood change to episodes of feeling elated and very happy
with excessive energy and lack of need for sleep. During the last episode he was involved with risky
behavior such as drug use and unsafe sex on multiple occasions, and impulsive behavior such as
unwise spending of his money. This episode also lasted 7 to 10 days. S.T. was arrested for driving
under the influence of alcohol at excessive speed. He tells his therapist, “My mood is all over the
place. I lost my job because I got into an argument with my boss. I just want to feel normal again.”
Referral to a psychiatric prescriber resulted in a trial of lithium in an effort to stabilize S.T.’s mood and
reduce or eliminate the episodes of mania and depression.
Case Questions
1. What evidence is present to indicate a diagnosis of depression? Of mania?
2. Which medication was prescribed, and what was the rationale for prescribing the medication?
426 CHAPTER 14  Pharmacology of Psychotropic Medications


Mr. F. has been struggling with an inability to complete his work and to stay productive both in
the office and at home. His boss and his wife state that he has difficulty paying attention, focusing,
concentrating, and staying on task. He often starts a task and then is easily distracted, going on to
another task before completing the original task. His boss has placed him on probation because of
inconsistencies in his work.
Mr. F.’s eight-year-old son was recently diagnosed with ADHD and has been prescribed an
amphetamine. Mr. F. recognizes similar problems with his own behavior. His general practitioner has
considered a trial with amphetamine, methylphenidate, or atomoxetine. He decided to initiate an
amphetamine because Mr. F.’s son has responded well to the medication and is now slowly titrating
the dosage according to the response. Mr. F. reports that he is better able to pay attention, focus,
concentrate, and stay on task. He reports he is less distracted and thus able to complete tasks and
increase his productivity.
Case Questions
1. Which symptoms are present that indicate a diagnosis of ADD/ADHD?
2. Which medications are used to treat the disorder?
3. Which benefits from the medication did Mr. F. report?


Mrs. B. has recently experienced an increase in stress due to relationship problems at home as well
as financial stressors. She has had an increase in symptoms of anxiety and notes “sleep changes.” She
has difficulty falling asleep and wakes every two to three hours throughout the night. Often the
worries and concerns of the day are present in her thoughts when lying awake in bed. Mrs. B. feels
sleepy during the day and has noted that she is less productive at home and at work.
Her nurse practitioner reviewed Mrs. B.’s sleep hygiene and then recommended a two-week trial
with clonazepam at bedtime, as well as a referral to a psychotherapist for talk therapy to address her
problems and concerns. Mrs. B. reported feeling more relaxed after taking the medication before
bedtime and was able to fall asleep and remain sleeping for six to eight hours. Feeling more rested
during the day helped her to function better at home and at work. She also made an appointment
with a therapist to address her problems and concerns and learn a nonpharmacologic approach for
insomnia, including cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Case Questions
1. Which symptoms are present that indicate a sleep disorder?
2. Which interventions are used to treat the sleep disorder?
3. What are the benefits of the sleep medication?
4. Which adverse events might be monitored in a patient taking this medication?
References 427

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Pharmacology of
Anesthetic Drugs

Dwayne Accardo


Amide (anesthetic) Ester (anesthetic) Maintenance anesthesia Postoperative nausea

Anesthetic adjunct Hypnotics Minimum alveolar and vomiting (PONV)
Chemoreceptor trigger Induction anesthesia concentration (MAC) Pruritus
zone (CTZ) Infiltrative anesthesia Nondepolarizing Sedation
Conduction blockade Inhalational anesthetic Offset Topical anesthetic
Depolarizing Laryngospasm Onset
Epidural Local anesthetic Opioid receptors


At the end of the chapter, the reader will be able to: 3. Describe the potential benefits and drawbacks of inhala-
tional versus intravenous general anesthesia.
1. Discuss the various types of anesthetic drugs and various
forms of anesthesia. 4. Identify specific anesthetics that offer unique benefits for
specific patient populations.
2. Explain how each type of anesthesia is administered, and
under which circumstances it is used. 5. Describe various anesthetic adjuncts and explain why they
are used.

430 CHAPTER 15  Pharmacology of Anesthetic Drugs

Introduction unconsciousness) or partial anesthesia (semi-

consciousness), are the most common ap-
Anesthetic drugs are medications intended plications. These drugs are used for patients
to reduce or eliminate sensation. In addition, undergoing surgery or other invasive, stress-
several drugs also affect the patient’s aware- ful, or complex procedures that require the
ness of surroundings or reduce conscious- patient to remain still for long stretches of
ness. Anesthetics are used in patients who time. Inhalational agents come either as gases
are (or may be) experiencing pain or other (e.g., nitrous oxide) or volatile liquids (e.g.,
unpleasant sensations (e.g., pruritus) and sevoflurane). Alternatively, intravenous
are of particular importance for patients who agents may be used to accomplish the same
are undergoing surgical procedures or other goals without inhalational medications, or in
forms of therapy that can be painful or diffi- addition to them. These include barbiturates,
cult to tolerate. opioids, benzodiazepines, and nonbarbitu-
Anesthetics produce their effects via a rate hypnotics, which are used most often to
variety of mechanisms, including those that provide general anesthesia or modified seda-
are central nervous system (CNS) depres- tion as well as, in some cases, pain relief. In-
sants that act on gamma-aminobutyric acid halational and intravenous agents are often
(GABA) and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) used simultaneously or in succession so that
receptors in the brain and spinal column. Im- their complementary effects may work to the
portant mechanisms will be discussed here. patient’s advantage.
In general anesthesia, subcategories of
Types of Anesthesia therapies exist, including induction anesthe-
There are a number of disparate drugs con- sia, maintenance anesthesia, and anesthetic
sidered anesthetics, and they are not all adjuncts. Induction anesthesia is the pro-
administered via the same route. Topical cess of creating a state of unconsciousness
anesthetics are medications provided in or semi-consciousness (sedation) prior to
creams, ointments, gels, or other vehicles for a painful or unpleasant procedure. Diverse
use on superficial skin conditions that cause drugs administered by various means may be
pain or itching. These pass through the skin considered based on patient characteristics,
to soothe pain or inflammation in muscles or goals of the anesthesia, and other factors—
joints. Local anesthetics are used to block for instance, a patient with a fear of needles
pain or other sensations in a specific area of might do better with an inhalational agent,
the body when complete or partial sedation is whereas a patient prone to respiratory ill-
not desired or is contraindicated. These medi- nesses might have a superior response to an
cations are primarily drugs with the suffix intravenous medication. Maintenance an-
“caine,” of which the best-known example is esthesia is the use of agents to prolong the
procaine, commonly used in oral or dental unconscious or sedated state for procedures
surgery to create conduction blockade in that require a time frame longer than the in-
the nerves of the mouth. Other types of nerve duction agent usually lasts; often, the main-
blockade are applied through epidural and tenance agent used differs from the induction
spinal injection, which offer regional anesthe- agent, and it may even be administered via
sia by means of application of local anesthetic a different method. Often, anesthetic ad-
to a particular set of nerves feeding the region juncts (usually administered intravenously)
in which sensory, motor, or autonomic nerve are used to limit the patient’s pain and en-
blockade is desired (most often this involves hance the sedating effects of the maintenance
injecting the agent into the spine). anesthetic. A few of these adjuncts may also
Inhalational anesthetics are inhaled address other factors of concern during sur-
drugs, for which general anesthesia (complete gery, including nausea or vomiting (which
Local and Topical Anesthesia 431

may be directly caused by some anesthetics, are intended to have varying levels of effect
particularly volatile agents), and the unwel- upon the nerves.
come possibility that the patient may move or Topical and local anesthetics are used
twitch during delicate procedures. Nonanes- far more commonly than are those for sys-
thetic adjuncts such as muscle relaxants and temic anesthesia. For example, topical an-
antiemetic drugs support patient well-being esthetics that contain benzocaine are sold
during and immediately after procedures by over-the-counter for temporary pain relief
reducing these complicating factors. caused from sunburn pain, for soothing pain-
Not all anesthesia requires patients to be- ful gums, and to relieve severe itching. Topi-
come unconscious or semi-conscious. Anes- cal anesthetics are also included in lozenges
thetic drugs may be used simply to deaden intended for temporary relief of sore throat
sensation in a particular area so that a pro- pain. Topical and local anesthetics will be ad-
cedure may be undertaken without the pa- dressed first in this chapter, as they are more
tient feeling discomfort. This practice is likely to be encountered and are used fre-
common in dentistry, dermatology, and ob- quently in general nursing practice. Other
stetrics. It is also used in certain types of forms of anesthetic/analgesic drugs are usu-
neurosurgery where the patient’s ability ally encountered in the context of surgery or
to produce a voluntary movement or re- postsurgical recovery or critical care nursing.
port sensations is helpful to the surgeon.
The medications used for this purpose may
include a topical anesthetic drug, used to
Local and Topical Anesthesia
“deaden” skin sensation for superficial pro- Local anesthetics are commonly used in an-
cedures (often simply as a precursor to esthetic practice, especially for regional an-
injecting another medication or setting an in- esthesia and peripheral nerve blocks. Local
travenous line), or a local anesthetic injected anesthetics are classified as either amides or
to block nerve impulses in a specific region of esters; the majority fall in the amide class of
the body for the duration of a short, relatively drugs, largely because those in the ester class
superficial procedure. Most of the agents used are more likely to induce allergic responses.
in topical and local anesthesia are the same, TABLE 15-1 lists agents commonly used for local
but they are delivered by diverse means and and topical anesthesia.

TABLE 15-1 Local Anesthetic Drugs

Drug Class Uses Cautions

Benzocaine Ester Used primarily for treatment of pain in the oral Limited risks when used as directed. Persons with
cavity, in dentistry, and treatment of ear pain. hypersensitivity to other ester-class anesthetics should
Many over-the-counter products for sore throat or not use this product.
teething pain (lozenges, sprays, gels) include this

Bupivacaine Amide Used in local infiltrative anesthesia, regional Contraindicated for use in obstetrics or in children
(epidural and spinal), and transdermally for younger than age 12. Must not be used in
postherpetic neuralgia. combination with epinephrine on distal surfaces (e.g.,
ear, nose, toes). In epidural and spinal anesthesia,
preparations containing preservatives should be
avoided. Concomitant use with chloroprocaine is
toxic and contraindicated. Do not use in patients with
personal or familial history of malignant hyperthermia.

432 CHAPTER 15  Pharmacology of Anesthetic Drugs

TABLE 15-1 Local Anesthetic Drugs (continued )

Drug Class Uses Cautions

Chloroprocaine Amide Used for epidural, infiltrative, and peripheral nerve In epidural anesthesia, preparations containing
blockade in adults only, as safety in children has preservatives should be avoided. Must not be used in
not been established. combination with epinephrine on distal surfaces (e.g.,
ear, nose, toes). Concomitant use with bupivacaine is
toxic and contraindicated. Do not use in patients with
personal or familial history of malignant hyperthermia.

Cocaine Ester Applied to mucous membranes of the mouth, Serious toxicity (seizures, cardiac arrest) is a key
nose, or larynx for local anesthesia in a 1% to 10% concern in elderly and pediatric patients, particularly
solution. Not widely used due to safety concerns. when used topically admixed with epinephrine. Do
not use in patients with personal or familial history of
malignant hyperthermia.

Etidocaine Amide Primarily used as an infiltrative anesthetic in In epidural anesthesia, preparations containing
dentistry. May be used in epidural regional preservatives should be avoided. Should not be used
blockade but is not recommended for obstetric in patients with heart block. Safety in children has not
use due to inadequate safety data. been established. Do not use in patients with personal
or familial history of malignant hyperthermia.

Lidocaine Amide Used in topical liquid, ointment (5%), cream, or gel Lidocaine is a Class IB antiarrhythmic; thus, it
(xylocaine) formulations for sunburn or superficial pruritus; should not be used in patients with certain cardiac
oral gels for pain associated with teething or gum conditions (e.g., those who require a pacemaker or
soreness; as a transdermal patch for mild, superficial who are being concurrently treated with other Class
muscle pain; or injected as a local infiltrative I antiarrhythmic agents). It can be toxic to the CNS in
anesthetic (often in combination with epinephrine) excessive doses (plasma levels >6–10 mcg/mL), with
to reduce bleeding. May be used in epidural or early signs of toxicity manifesting as seizures and later
spinal anesthesia if no cardiac contraindications signs manifesting as respiratory depression or arrest.
are present. In topical or transdermal uses, it is Combinations with epinephrine or epinephrine/
sometimes combined with prilocaine, bupivacaine, tetracaine should not be used on broken skin or on
or tetracaine. A lidocaine/prilocaine combination distal surfaces (e.g., nose, ear, toes). Do not use in
(EMLA) is commonly used prior to needle puncture patients with personal or familial history of malignant
for blood collection or other purposes. hyperthermia.

Mepivacaine Amide Used in infiltration anesthesia, spinal/epidural In epidural or spinal anesthesia, preparations
anesthesia. containing preservatives should be avoided. Do
not use in patients with personal or familial history
of malignant hyperthermia. Concomitant use with
bupivacaine is toxic and contraindicated.

Prilocaine Amide Infiltrative anesthesia, usually in dentistry. In high doses (more than 600 mg), may cause
Combined in topical formulations with lidocaine methemoglobinemia. Combinations with epinephrine
(e.g., EMLA cream, EMLA patch, and generic should not be used on broken skin or on distal surfaces
variants of both). (e.g., nose, ear, toes). Do not use in patients with
personal or familial history of malignant hyperthermia.

Procaine Ester Used primarily for infiltrative local anesthesia, Risk of CNS depression and hypersensitivity response,
to reduce pain of penicillin G injections, and in cardiac arrest.
dentistry. Not selected for other uses due to the
availability of more effective and less allergenic al-
ternatives such as lidocaine.

Ropivacaine Amide Used in epidural and spinal anesthesia (including Do not use in children younger than age 12. Do not
obstetrics). use in patients with personal or familial history of ma-
lignant hyperthermia. Combinations with epinephrine
should not be used on broken skin or on distal sur-
faces (e.g., nose, ear, toes).

Tetracaine Ester Used in spinal anesthesia, ophthalmic anesthesia, In spinal anesthesia, preparations containing preserva-
and in spray form for the larynx. A topical combin- tives should be avoided. Combinations with epineph-
ation containing epinephrine and cocaine (TAC) rine or epinephrine/lidocaine should not be used on
for surgical repair of skin lesions has fallen into broken skin or on distal surfaces (e.g., nose, ear, toes).
disuse in favor of a safer formulation of lidocaine, Do not use in patients with personal or familial history
epinephrine, and tetracaine (LET). of malignant hyperthermia. TAC should not be used
on intact skin.
Local and Topical Anesthesia 433

contain a combination of lidocaine, which

Open Closed Plugged blocks the pain signals, and aloe, which pro-
motes healing and protects the damaged skin
from further drying and abrasion. In recent
Na+ Drug-H+ years, transdermal patches have gained in
­popularity as a means of administering topi-
cal anesthetics for relief of discomfort either
on the skin itself or immediately subdermally
Voltage-gated (e.g., muscle pain).
NA+ channel
Infiltrative anesthesia is delivered via
FIGURE 15-1  Voltage-gated sodium channels. direct injection to the nerves that require
blockade. There are several purposes for
which this technique is used:
• Infiltrative nerve blockade is a conduc-
Most local anesthetics work by interfer- tion block used to eliminate sensation
ing with nerve signaling, thereby reducing in a ­specific location that is to undergo
permeability of voltage-gated sodium chan- an ­invasive procedure. It is preferred for
nels (FIGURE 15-1). When sodium cannot pass any form of relatively minor surgery in
through these channels, the ability of the which it is undesirable for the patient
channels to conduct signals is reduced, ef- to move or feel the procedure but he or
fectively interrupting the transmission of the she need not be unconscious for the sur-
nerve’s “message” of pain to the brain. Local gery to be performed. Local conduction
anesthetics bind to sodium channels most ef- blocks, such as a brachial plexus block,
ficiently when the channels are in an ac- numb the arm and shoulder; this type
tivated state, meaning that the drugs take of nerve blockade might be used prior to
effect more rapidly in neurons that are ex- repair of torn ligaments or rotator cuff,
cited than in those that are quiescent. As a for example.
consequence of this state-dependent block- • Intra-articular injections are used to manage
ade, a topical medication—for instance, postsurgical pain or arthritis pain in joints
EMLA cream composed of 2.5% lidocaine such as the knee or the hip.
and 2.5% prilocaine—will work faster in a • Epidural anesthesia is a form of conduction
patient whose skin has a rash or a sunburn blockade in which the local anesthetic is
than it will in a patient whose skin is undam- injected into the epidural space surround-
aged and whose dermal nerves are not in a ing the spinal cord’s dura mater. It is com-
state of excitement. monly used in obstetrics because it is
Administration of the drugs is performed somewhat safer than spinal anesthesia.
via a variety of means. Topical administra- • Spinal anesthesia is a form of infiltrative
tion, in which the drug is added to a vehicle nerve blockade similar to epidural anes-
(e.g., an oil-based cream or ointment, a gel, thesia in that it targets the spinal cord, but
or a liquid solution that can be sprayed or in which the local anesthetic is injected
wiped onto the surface to be treated), is an through the dura mater into the subarach-
extremely common route of delivery. Many noid space to produce paralysis and lack
topical preparations containing anesthetic of sensation in the lower body. The needle
drugs are sold as over-the-counter prod- is introduced between the lumbar verte-
ucts for home treatment of burns, rashes, brae (usually L4 and L5). In some in-
sore throat, or minor wounds. Some popular stances, the anesthetic may disperse to the
products for treating sunburn, for example, upper thoracic region, so that the patient
434 CHAPTER 15  Pharmacology of Anesthetic Drugs

may require support in the form of response (particularly among the ester-class
mechanical ventilation (Smeltzer, Bare, drugs), the possibility of cardiac complications
Hinkle, & Cheever, 2008); such risks, along (specifically, hypotension, dysrhythmia, and
with the obvious risk of direct damage to cardiac arrest), and CNS toxicity, manifesting
the spinal nerves and/or introduction of as tinnitus, disorientation, and convulsions
infection into the cerebrospinal fluid, are (Dewaele & Santos, 2013). Such CNS toxic-
the main reason why epidural anesthesia ity occurs at lower doses than cardiac toxic-
is preferred if possible in most patients. ity. Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is another,
• Subcutaneous infiltration is used to deaden rarer complication of which clinicians none-
multiple layers of skin quickly and thor- theless must be aware, as early detection,
oughly for invasive procedures such as in- cessation of anesthesia, and treatment with
travenous line placement, skin biopsies, dantrolene sodium and sodium bicarbonate
or wound repair using sutures or staples. are essential to prevent mortality (Schnei-
It is superior to simple topical applica- derbanger, Johannsen, Roewer, & Schuster,
tion of anesthetic because the anesthetic 2014). MH is a type of severe reaction in sus-
agent is absorbed much more rapidly and ceptible individuals triggered by either vola-
more thoroughly. tile (inhaled) anesthetics or succinylcholine,
• Submucosal infiltration is used in dental a depolarizing muscle relaxant.
procedures and for repair of mucosal lac-
erations. Injection is preferred to topical Inhalational Anesthesia
application in these circumstances be- Inhalational anesthetics are used for the
cause complete coverage of the nerves maintenance of general anesthesia and in-
needing blockade is guaranteed; the main duce anesthesia by acting on the brain and
drawback is that infiltration lasts longer spinal cord. They are effective by virtue of
and produces effects that generally out- their access to the pulmonary circulation,
last the need (as anyone who has left the which allows rapid uptake and distribution
dentist with numbed lips and tongues to the brain. Several theories have been pro-
will know). posed to explain how they work, but their
• Wound infiltration is used to manage overall mechanism of action remains un-
postoperative pain at the site of a sur- known. The depth of anesthesia is reflected
gical incision or a laceration that has by the degree of suppression of consciousness
been repaired. and autonomic and motor reflexes.
While local anesthesia via infiltrative To better understand the importance and
techniques may be administered by clinicians the role of inhalational agents in anesthe-
in most cases, spinal and epidural anesthesia sia, it will help to cover a few basics regarding
are always administered by a specialist due to how they work in the body. Unlike ingested
the need for significant training and exper- or injected agents, inhaled agents become dis-
tise in penetrating the correct spinal structure tributed in the body along pressure gradients,
without damaging the spinal cord. Because rather than via absorption into serum and cir-
such cases are always in the care of an anes- culation. Equilibration occurs when the par-
thesia provider, the discussion of the local an- tial pressures of the inspired gas and the gas
esthetic drugs provided here will, for the most distributed into alveoli, blood, and tissues are
part, assume that they have been used for less the same (Becker & Rosenberg, 2008).
invasive procedures. Solubility refers to how the body’s tis-
sues become saturated with the agent, with
Adverse Effects solubility of the agent in blood and in adi-
Among the key effects of concern with lo- pose tissue being the key reference points.
cal anesthetics are the potential for allergic The higher-solubility agents take longer to
Inhalational Anesthesia 435

saturate the body and will be retained lon- similar, their respective mechanisms of ac-
ger in the body after the agent is discontin- tion remain unknown. Nitrous oxide is a
ued. Highly soluble agents also take longer gas; the other three inhalational ­anesthetics
to reach the brain to achieve their desired ef- are volatile liquids, meaning that the ­active
fect (onset) and dissipate from tissues more ingredient is obtained by breathing in the
slowly (offset). Thus, the solubility and the fumes of the agent rather than taking in the
rapidity of onset/recovery of an agent are im- agent itself (Smeltzer et al., 2008). All of
portant considerations affecting selection. In these medications are combined with oxygen
some circumstances, rapid onset and recovery when administered, although the proportion
are desirable; in others, they are not. of inhalant to oxygen varies depending on
Another important factor in choosing an the agent, the goal of the anesthesia protocol
agent is pungency. A pungent agent is one (e.g., general anesthesia versus partial anes-
with a very strong, ethereal odor that can thesia), and the factors influencing the MAC.
make a patient breath-hold or cough with TABLE 15-2 provides MAC values for the four
an inhalational induction. Pungency can be commonly used inhalational anesthetics.
problematic for patients with strong gag re-
flexes, or for children. Nitrous Oxide
Dosing is guided by the agent’s min- Nitrous oxide (N2O) is an odorless, color-
imum alveolar concentration (MAC), less gas that has been in use as an anesthetic
which represents the alveolar concentra- for more than 170 years. Its MAC is 104%,
tion that prevents patient movement in 50% considerably higher than the MACs of other
of patients in response to surgical stimula- agents; nitrous oxide, therefore, cannot
tion. The MAC values are designed for pa- be used alone to produce general anesthe-
tients aged 30 to 55 years, and the values sia due to the fact that the patient would
for MACs are expressed as a percentage of 1
atmosphere at sea level (760 mm Hg). Ob-
viously, if the patient is outside the rather TABLE 15-2 MAC Values of Commonly Used
narrow age range, the MAC for the agent Inhalational Anesthetics
must be adjusted to compensate. Similar ad-
justments must be made to account for fac- Agent Patient Age MAC
tors that can alter concentration or solubility Nitrous oxide ~40 years 104*
of the gas, such as the ambient temperature, ~80 years 81
the patient’s alcohol consumption, electrolyte Isoflurane + 100% 26 ± 4 years 1.28
imbalances, pregnancy, coadministration with oxygen 44 ± 7 years 1.15
other drugs, and any preexisting disease pro- 64 ± 5 years 1.05
cesses in the patient. Isoflurane + 70% nitrous 26 ± 4 years 0.56
oxide 44 ± 7 years 0.50
Drugs Used for Inhalational Anesthesia 64 ± 5 years 0.37

Currently available modern inhala- Desflurane + 100% ~40 years 6.6

tional anesthetics include nitrous oxide, oxygen ~80 years 5.1
isoflurane, desflurane, and sevoflurane. Sevoflurane + 100% ~1 year 2.3
Two other similar anesthetics, halothane oxygen ~40 years 1.8
and enflurane, are no longer used due to ~80 years 1.4
their dangerous side effects; both are linked *As a single agent. Values of nitrous oxide combined with other agents are
to acute liver injury (National Institutes given separately where available.
Data from Nickalls, R.W.D., & Mapleson, W.W. (2003). Age-related iso-MAC
of Health [NIH], 2018a, 2018b). Although charts for isoflurane, sevofl urane, and desfl urane in man. British Journal of
the chemical structures of isoflurane, Anesthesia, 91(2), 170–174. Table 1. For full discussion of how age-related
MACs are calculated, view this article at
desflurane, and sevoflurane are all very /content/91/2/170.full
436 CHAPTER 15  Pharmacology of Anesthetic Drugs

become hypoxic long before the concentra- nitrous oxide and deliver pure oxygen for a
tion reached the minimum level. However, few minutes prior to removing the patient’s
doses considerably below the MAC, generally mask (Becker & Rosenberg, 2008). Chronic
in the range of 0.1 to 0.5, provide acceptable exposure to nitrous oxide can produce
levels of sedation to conduct most routine toxic effects including vitamin B12 deficiency,
dental procedures (Becker & Rosenberg, which is a consideration not only for patients
2008). Nitrous oxide may be combined undergoing repeated procedures using this
with other inhaled agents or with intrave- agent, but also for nurses or clinical staff who
nous agents (Becker & Rosenberg, 2008) administer it on a regular basis.
for general anesthesia. It has an impressive
safety profile when used alone, but when Isoflurane
combined with other agents, the possibility of Isoflurane is the oldest of the three currently
synergistic depression of respiratory and car- used modern inhalational anesthetic agents.
diac function must be considered (Becker & It is a pungent agent, making it unsuitable
Rosenberg, 2008). for inhalational induction of general anes-
thesia; however, it may be combined with
Adverse Effects nitrous oxide for induction. Isoflurane
Concerns around nitrous oxide relate to its does not significantly alter the heart rate or
significantly greater blood:gas partition coef- cardiac output, making it a cardiac-stable
ficient (0.46) compared to that of nitrogen agent. Its main disadvantage is its high solu-
(0.014). Substituting a mixture of oxygen bility, which means that the desired effects
and nitrous oxide for the room air pro- are realized slowly compared to the other two
duces a situation in which the nitrous oxide flurane agents and the process of patient re-
enters gas-filled spaces 30 times faster than covery is relatively slow.
nitrogen leaves it, causing an increase in vol-
ume or pressure of such spaces (Becker & Adverse Effects
Rosenberg, 2008). For this reason, the use of Isoflurane has neurologic effects that are
nitrous oxide may be very dangerous in the incompletely understood, including the
following conditions: air embolism, pneumo- potential for neurodegeneration and pos-
thorax, bowel obstructions, intracranial air, sibly cognitive effects, particularly in young
pulmonary air cysts, and intraocular bubbles. children and older adults (Schifilliti, Grasso,
Chest pain, hypertension, and indications Conti, & Fodale, 2010). These concerns are
of stroke are warning signs of potential still under investigation, but in patients
pressure-related complications. younger than 10 years, older than 65 years,
or with existing cognitive impairment, use
Nursing Considerations of alternative agents should be considered.
Nitrous oxide alone does not produce the Isoflurane produces significant respiratory
ventilation or cardiovascular depression char- depression, more so than other agents. All of
acteristic of other agents, but when it is used the flurane inhalants have been associated
in combination with sedatives or opioids, the with malignant hyperthermia, although this
patient’s vital signs should be closely moni- adverse effect occurs only rarely.
tored. Hypoxia is the most significant con-
cern, aside from the risk of pressure-related Nursing Considerations
adverse events as noted previously; officially Due to isoflurane’s respiratory depressant ef-
termed “diffusion hypoxia,” nitrous oxide fects, careful monitoring of patients’ oxygen
is eliminated from the lungs so rapidly it will intake and blood oxygen levels is necessary.
significantly decrease the partial pressure It is important to note that this respiratory
of oxygen leading to hypoxia. At the end of depression may not be observable, as the
the procedure, best practice is to shut off the effects are seen in tidal volume and not in
Intravenous Anesthetics 437

respiration rate. Supportive oxygen supple- from that, its side-effect profile is relatively
mentation must be available at all times. mild. Unlike desflurane and isoflurane,
Isoflurane can also potentiate muscle relax- sevoflurane is not metabolized to trifluoro-
ant drugs used simultaneously, so caution acetate (a metabolite that is connected to liver
should be exercised when determining the toxicity) and has not been associated with
doses of such medications during or immedi- liver injury (Eger, 2004).
ately after use of isoflurane anesthesia.
Adverse Effects

Desflurane Malignant hyperthermia is the princi-

pal concern with sevoflurane. Patients
Desflurane is the least soluble of the mod-
should be monitored for signs of increased
ern inhalational agents, making its onset
body temperature.
and offset very rapid. Its main drawback is
its pungency, which makes it unsuitable as a Nursing Considerations
single agent for inhalational induction (causes Sevoflurane can form carbon monoxide
coughing, salivation, breath holding, and la- during exposure to dry CO2 absorbents; post-
ryngospasm), although desflurane can be operative serum carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO)
mixed with nitrous oxide for that purpose. levels may be ordered.
Its rapid onset and offset make desflurane Sevoflurane has the least effect on blood
a preferred agent for outpatient procedures. pressure and heart rate (will see tachycardia
However, it sometimes causes respiratory ir- with MAC >1.5).
ritation, which makes it less attractive for use
in pediatric patients. Intravenous Anesthetics
Nursing Considerations Intravenous administration of anesthetics
Desflurane has been associated with tachy- offers an attractive adjunct or alternative to
cardia, hypertension, or rarely, myocardial inhalational agents. There is a much greater
ischemia when used in high concentra- variety of intravenous agents available that
tions or when the inspired concentration is may be used alone or in conjunction with
rapidly increased. other agents; these drugs can be used for
either general anesthesia (complete lack of
Adverse Effects consciousness) or partial anesthesia (mild to
Malignant hyperthermia and tachycardia moderate sedation). As a rule, most of these
are the principal concerns with desflurane. agents are relatively pleasant at onset (un-
Patients should be monitored for signs of like some inhalational agents, which have
these complications. an overpowering, unpleasant odor that may
induce discomfort) and produce few after-
Sevoflurane effects once the patient awakens. They are,
Sevoflurane is the only modern agent that is however, somewhat more expensive to use
not pungent, making it ideal for inhalational than inhalational anesthetics and are less at-
induction of general anesthesia. It is the pri- tractive to use in needle-phobic adults or in
mary inhalational anesthetic used for pediat- children. Moreover, some drugs have side ef-
ric patients for this reason. It is more soluble fects that may complicate procedures or pro-
in the blood than desflurane, but less soluble duce unwanted after-effects during recovery,
than isoflurane, putting its onset and offset including significant alterations of respiration,
somewhere between those of these other heart rate, and blood pressure. In many cases,
two inhalational agents. Sevoflurane may these side effects may be reduced by coad-
cause agitation, coughing, or gagging during ministration of adjunct medications. TABLE 15-3
administration or emergence delirium after lists the main types of drugs used for intrave-
administration in pediatric patients, but aside nous anesthesia.
438 CHAPTER 15  Pharmacology of Anesthetic Drugs

TABLE 15-3 Types of Drugs Used in Intravenous Anesthesia

Agent Class Common Use Examples Notes


Induction + Induction and maintenance; sedation Propofol Propofol is the most commonly used
maintenance with regional anesthesia anesthetic due to its dual capacity as an
anesthetics induction and maintenance agent.

Induction anesthetics Induction of general or regional Ketamine, etomidate, and Their rapid onset makes these drugs
anesthesia barbiturates (e.g., thiopental, useful for induction. Often paired with a
sodium methohexital) secondary agent for maintenance.


Opioid analgesics Surgical analgesia Morphine, fentanyl Sedating effect is secondary to pain relief;
not used for induction and usually used in
conjunction with another agent.

Neuromuscular Muscle relaxation for intubation, short- Succinylcholine Its rapid onset and short duration make
blocking agents duration procedures this agent useful only for very short-term
(depolarizing) treatment.

Neuromuscular Muscle relaxation for intubation, Atracurium, rocuronium, Several agents produce histamine release.
blocking agents maintenance of relaxation for metocurine
(nondepolarizing) moderate- to long-duration procedures

Hypnotics/anxiolytics Used as adjuncts to induction Benzodiazepines (e.g., May be given as preprocedure medication
anesthetics diazepam, midazolam) to reduce patient anxiety. Most often used
for local/regional anesthesia.

Induction Anesthetics as the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ)

Propofol that antiemetic drugs typically affect (Golem-
Propofol is an alkyl phenol hypnotic/ biewski, Chernin, & Chopra, 2005). Propofol
amnestic agent that has become the most is also considered a bronchodilator and anti-
commonly used intravenous induction/ convulsant though it offers no analgesia.
sedation medication in anesthesia. It has a
Nursing Considerations
very rapid onset as well as a rapid offset due
to its rapid redistribution (Hemmings, 2010); The lack of lasting effects and its overall
an intravenous injection of propofol in- safety profile along with antiemetic properties
duces anesthesia within 40 seconds, which makes propofol an ideal choice for the ma-
is roughly the amount of time it takes jority of procedures and patient populations,
blood from the arm to circulate to the brain as it does not alter the heart rate or decrease
(propofol injectable emulsion USP, package blood pressure, respirations, cerebral blood
insert). Its rapid metabolism leads to a more flow, and intracranial pressure. Propofol can
alert patient when the propofol burn on administration, cause hypotension,
Best Practices has cleared from the body. In ad- cause apnea with larger doses, and is contra-
dition, the drug has an antiemetic indicated in shock states and in patients with
Currently, Propofol
characteristic of unknown origin, an ejection fraction <30%.
is considered the
first-line agent for although some researchers have
intravenous general speculated that it is related to the Ketamine
anesthesia induction fact that—unlike other drugs (e.g., Ketamine is a phenocyclidine (PCP) de-
due to its rapid on- thiopental)—propofol produces rivative that can be used for the induction
set and good safety
uniform CNS depression that in- of general anesthesia. Of all of the intra-
cludes the subcortical centers such venous induction agents, it is the only one
Intravenous Anesthetics 439

with analgesic properties, which may be a ketamine use. Hypersalivation is a Best Practices
product of its noncompetitive blockade of common effect; patients should be
NMDA-receptor calcium-channel pores (Pai & able to handle their own secretions Ketamine is a good
Heining, 2007). This drug’s anticholinergic effectively. Ketamine administration choice in hemody-
namically comprom-
effects also reduce its potential for creating is especially useful with uncoopera- ised patients but
respiratory depression; in fact, ketamine tive patients and helps to preserve should not be used
is a potent bronchodilator, which can be airway reflexes due to its minimally in patients with head
beneficial in the patient with asthma. It is depressing cardiorespiratory effects. trauma because it
increases blood and
­considered a dissociative anesthetic due to the It can cause dysphoria and halluci- intracranial pressure.
fact that it can cause hallucinations and out- nations; therefore, coadministration
of-body experiences, but it is not a drug that with a benzodiazepine (with its am-
promotes seizures; indeed, it appears to have nestic effect) is useful to prevent awareness or
anticonvulsive and neuroprotective proper- memory of these effects.
ties (Pai & Heining, 2007). Some of these ef-
fects may be related to ketamine’s agonist Etomidate
actions on mu and kappa opioid receptors as Etomidate is a short-acting, nonbarbiturate
well as its antagonism of a variety of adren- anesthetic drug that produces hypnosis, am-
ergic receptors (Pai & Heining, 2007). At high nesia, and inhibition of sensory responses via
doses, ketamine produces a local anesthetic agonist actions at GABA-A receptors (Forman,
response as well, which can be useful in some 2011). It also inhibits adrenal hormone
surgical procedures. (aldosterone, cortisol) synthesis and reduces
Ketamine is commonly used in hemody- pain on injection (Forman, 2011). Its inhibi-
namically compromised patients because it is tory effects on corticosteroid synthesis mean
a sympathetic nervous system stimulant due that etomidate does not increase heart rate
to its induction of increased sympathetic ner- and decreases blood pressure, respirations,
vous system outflow from the CNS; through cerebral blood flow, and intracranial pres-
that mechanism, it can increase heart rate, sure. These effects make it a good choice for
cardiac output, and blood pressure. This patients with poor cardiac health; the drug’s
characteristic does, however, mean use of overall effects on patients’ hemodynamic pro-
ketamine is contraindicated in patients with files are mild and may benefit those patients
head trauma, because intracranial pressure experiencing circulatory stress. At the same
can be increased by this mechanism, leading time, in patients who are critically ill and
to brain herniation. In patients in whom such who would potentially benefit from a higher
cardiovascular effects pose a risk, it is possi- metabolic rate, there have been concerns that
ble to reduce the side effects by administering etomidate might have an adverse effect on
ketamine via continuous infusion and giv- survival (Forman, 2011). A variety of studies
ing a benzodiazepine (Pai & Heining, 2007). comparing etomidate to other agents, such as
Ketamine should be used with caution in ketamine or opioids, offer little guidance as to
patients with known psychiatric disease, as it when its use is appropriate in critically ill pa-
has significant psychotic effects in as many as tients who require intubation (Forman, 2011).
30% of patients, and has been shown to acti- Due to the decreased demand on the
vate psychosis in patients with schizophrenia. heart, at-risk cardiac patients are less likely
As with the cardiac side effects, concomitant to have an induced myocardial infarction
use of other sedative-hypnotic drugs (e.g., from anesthesia induction when etomidate
benzodiazepines) has been shown to attenu- is compared to other agents that tend to in-
ate this problem (Pai & Heining, 2007). crease heart rate and cardiac output, plac-
ing undue stress on this patient population.
Nursing Considerations This effect may far outlast the sedative ef-
Close vital sign monitoring is necessary with fects of the drug, however, so resumption of
sympathetic nervous system activation with medical treatment for hypertension or similar
440 CHAPTER 15  Pharmacology of Anesthetic Drugs

conditions should be undertaken with cau- The two barbiturates that were most com-
tion in patients who discontinued such thera- monly used in anesthesia are thiopental and
pies prior to surgery (Forman, 2011). methohexital. A third agent, thiamylal,
is sometimes used as well, although it has
Nursing Considerations
been shown to promote clotting, which may
Best Practices Post anesthetic nausea and vom- be problematic in a surgical setting. Due to
iting (PONV) is a frequent prob- shortages of thiopental that have occurred
Etomidate is a good lem and antiemetic prophylaxis
choice for patients
in recent years, in general methohexital
should be given before emergence. is the only such drug still being used in the
with poor cardiac
health, as it reduces Pain on IV injection is possible. United States (Hemmings, 2010). Its principal
stress on the heart Etomidate should not be adminis- use is for the induction of anesthesia for elec-
and cardiovascular tered to patients at risk for seizures troconvulsive therapy (ECT), in which the
system. as etomidate can lower the seizure lower seizure threshold of barbiturates works
threshold and accelerate seizure foci. to the advantage, rather than the disadvan-
tage, of the therapeutic intervention. For this
Barbiturates indication, methohexital is preferred over
Barbiturates is a class of CNS depressant thiopental or thiamylal because it is con-
medications that produce sleepiness and re- siderably more potent than either of the lat-
laxation via GABA-A agonism. They were ter agents (Hemmings, 2010); the induction
the primary intravenous induction agents dose needed is about half that of thiopental,
used in anesthesia before the introduction making methohexital less likely to create
of propofol, which has since become the dose-dependent adverse effects. Moreover,
drug of choice for intravenous induction. methohexital does not induce the kind of
Nevertheless, there are good reasons why electrocardiographic anomalies that are seen
barbiturates might still be used for anesthe- with other similar drugs (Pitts, Desmarais,
sia. For one thing, they can be more useful Stewart, & Schaberg, 1965).
than propofol or other induction agents Barbiturates, in oral form, are some-
under specific circumstances. For another times used as anxiolytics (albeit infrequently),
thing, occasional manufacturers’ shortages of headache pain relievers, and anticonvul-
preferred drugs such as propofol mean that sants (as noted in the Pharmacology of Psycho-
availability dictates the use of barbiturates in tropic Medications chapter). Patients who take
lieu of propofol; such shortages occurred in oral barbiturate medications should be man-
2009 and 2010, leading to selection of drugs aged with great care when they are undergo-
based as much on availability as on pharma- ing any form of anesthesia, but particularly
cologic properties (Hemmings, 2010). if they are being sedated with a barbiturate,
Barbiturates do have some significant det- due to concerns of excessive CNS depression
rimental effects that mean they must be used and seizures. Although all medications and
cautiously. In general, all barbiturates increase patient health history should be reviewed be-
heart rate and lower blood pressure, respi- fore anesthesia as a matter of good practice,
rations, and cerebral blood flow, via mecha- patients who report a history of seizure, re-
nisms that are still unclear. They also decrease current or “cluster” headaches, or anxiety
intracranial pressure, potentially increasing should prompt closer review.
the risk of seizure, which can be a significant
complication for patients undergoing sur- Nursing Considerations
gery. Because safer intravenous alternatives Use barbiturates with caution in elderly pa-
are now available, barbiturate drugs are now tients due to post administration sedation and
rarely used for general anesthesia unless other confusion. Give IV doses via the largest bore
induction agents are contraindicated. peripheral IV as possible, as barbiturate use
Intravenous Anesthetics 441

leads to soft tissue damage with extravasa- as a fourth receptor designated as Best Practices
tion of drug outside the blood vessel into sur- a nociceptive, opioid-like receptor
rounding tissues. (NOP). Activation of these different Barbiturates increase
the risk of seizure
Barbiturates may be used as an anesthetic, receptors has a variety of effects that
and, therefore, are
an anticonvulsant, and for brain protection as can be useful, but also sometimes rarely used for in-
they decrease the cerebral metabolic rate and harmful, in patients who require duction of general
intracranial pressure. Barbiturate use carries a sedation or pain relief. For example, anesthesia.
risk of a histamine reaction, cardiopulmonary stimulation of the MOP receptors
depression (negative inotrope), and laryngo- produces analgesia and sedation, but
spasm or bronchospasm. can also trigger respiratory and cardiac de-
pression as well as nausea and vomiting—all
Anesthetic Adjuncts of which are unwanted effects in a patient
Benzodiazepines undergoing surgery (Pathan & Williams,
Benzodiazepines are anxiolytic drugs com- 2012). MOP receptor stimulation is also im-
monly used in anesthesia as adjunct medica- plicated in opiate addiction (Goodman, Le
tions, acting as GABA-A receptor agonists; Bourdonnec, & Dolle, 2007). Thus, when
they are often given prior to anesthesia to selecting an opioid drug, it is important to
help patients relax. Numerous benzodiaz- understand which receptors it affects, how it
epines are available, but the primary one affects them (i.e., stimulation versus block-
used is midazolam, which is currently the ade), and which response that effect pro-
shortest-acting benzodiazepine available, duces in the body. TABLE 15-4 lists the various
making it an ideal choice in the anesthesia receptors and effects of stimulation; TABLE 15-5
setting. The agent for reversal specifically for lists opioid drugs by class and effects.
benzodiazepines is flumazenil, a benzodiaz- In the setting of general or partial an-
epine receptor antagonist; it is used in case esthesia, opioid drugs offer two basic ben-
of a suspected benzodiazepine overdose or in efits. First, using them alongside another
an elderly patient who is showing new onset anesthetic—an inhaled anesthetic such as
confusion or deep sedation postoperatively. sevoflurane or an intravenous induction an-
esthetic such as propofol—can reduce the
Nursing Considerations
Use decreased doses in patients with liver
or kidney disease. Elderly patients have in- TABLE 15-4 Opioid Receptors and Their Effects
creased sensitivity to benzodiazepines with
possible CNS effects (sedation, disorientation) Receptor Effects of Stimulation
and risk of falls, thus they are often not given DOP (δ) Spinal and supraspinal analgesia, reduced
to patients older than 70 years of age. Benzo- gastric motility, euphoria, physical dependence
diazepines can be used for antegrade amnesia,
KOP (κ) Spinal analgesia, diuresis, dysphoria, inhibition of
anxiolysis, and as an anticonvulsant but they vasopressin release
offer no analgesia and can depress ventilation
MOP (μ) Analgesia, sedation, respiratory depression,
and blood pressure. bradycardia, nausea and vomiting, reduction in
gastric motility, physical dependence
Opioids NOP Analgesia/hyperalgesia,* allodynia; antagonism
Opioids are medications that agonize opioid of these receptors may reduce opioid tolerance

receptors in the brain and nervous sys- *Dose dependent

tem (see Chapter 4). There are three major Data from Fine, P. G., & Portenoy, R.K. (2004). The endogenous opioid
system. In A clinical guide to opioid analgesia (pp. 9–15). New York, NY:
opioid receptors: delta (δ) opioid receptors McGraw-Hill; McDonald, J., & Lambert, D.G. (2005). Opioid receptors.
Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care, and Pain , 5 (1), 22–25.;
(DOP), kappa (κ) opioid receptors (KOP), Pathan, H., & Williams, J. (2012). Basic opioid pharmacology: An update.
and mu (μ) opioid receptors (MOP), as well British Journal of Pain , 6 (1), 11–16.
442 CHAPTER 15  Pharmacology of Anesthetic Drugs

TABLE 15-5 Opioid Medications Used in Anesthesia

Drug Subclass Effects Uses

Alfentanil Opioid agonist Increases pain threshold and alters pain Used as an analgesic adjunct to anesthesia with
perceptions. Immediate onset; duration: 30 to barbiturate/nitrous oxide/oxygen for short-
60 minutes; half-life: approximately 90 minutes duration (less than 1 hour) surgical procedures,
in adults. Produces increased intracranial pressure by continuous infusion as a maintenance
and respiratory depression. analgesic, or as the analgesic component for
monitored anesthesia care.

Buprenorphine Mixed opioid Strong affinity for MOP receptors that provide Generally not used in anesthesia, but may
agonist analgesia at relatively low concentrations; exerts be used for postoperative pain. May induce
agonistic effects at MOP and DOP receptors but withdrawal symptoms in opioid-dependent
antagonistic effects at KOP receptors. Produces patients.
dose-dependent respiratory depression. Onset:
15 minutes IM; duration: 4 to 10 hours; half-life:
approximately 2 hours.

Butorphanol Mixed opioid Agonist for KOP and partial agonist of MOP Used as an anesthetic adjunct during induction;
agonist receptors. Inhibition of ascending pain pathways also given as a preinduction medication.
causes altered pain response; also produces
analgesia, respiratory depression, and sedation.
Onset: less than 10 minutes; half-life: 4 to 6 hours;
duration: 3 to 4 hours.

Fentanyl Opioid agonist Reduces MAC by approximately 50% when given Most commonly used opioid for surgical
30 minutes before procedure. Similar reduction is or postsurgical analgesia. Has 10 times the
seen in propofol induction. Excellent hemodynamic potency of morphine, but is short acting. May
stability but the patient may maintain some be used as the sole agent in small (<100 kg)
awareness (this is good in cases where partial patients.
anesthesia is preferred). IV onset is immediate;
duration: 30 to 60 minutes: half-life: 2 to 4 hours.

Hydromorphone Opioid agonist MOP agonist with lesser effects at other receptors. Principal use is analgesic rather than anesthetic
Inhibition of ascending pain pathways alters pain or sedative. Is best used in opiate-naïve
response; respiratory depression, sedation, and patients.
cough suppression are additional effects. Onset:
10 to 15 minutes IV; duration: 3 to 4 hours; half-life:
2 to 3 hours.

Meperidine Opioid agonist Second-line analgesic with anesthetic and Due to side effects and drug interactions, this
vagolytic effects. May produce histamine release, drug is not recommended for analgesia unless
bronchospasm, and hypotension. Onset is rapid; other options are unavailable. Avoid in patients
duration: 2 to 4 hours; half-life: 2.5 to 4 hours. taking MAOI inhibitors. May cause seizure.

Morphine sulfate Opioid agonist Generalized opioid receptor agonist; inhibits Often administered via the intrathecal
ascending pain pathways and produces analgesia, or epidural route for postoperative pain.
respiratory depression, and sedation; suppresses Elimination half-life: 3 hours.
cough by acting centrally in medulla. When used
with an inhalational induction anesthetic, reduces
MAC by as much as 65% in a dose-dependent
manner. Even in significant respiratory depression,
patients may still be readily aroused. May produce
histamine release at higher doses. Onset: less than
5 minutes IV; duration: up to 7 hours; half-life: 1.5 to
4 hours.

Nalbuphine Mixed opioid Agonist for KOP and partial antagonist of MOP May produce withdrawal signs in opiate-
agonist receptors. Inhibition of ascending pain pathways dependent patients due to MOP antagonism
causes altered pain response; also produces effects.
analgesia, respiratory depression, and sedation.
Onset: 2 to 3 minutes IV, 15 minutes IM; duration:
3 to 6 hours; half-life: 5 hours.
Intravenous Anesthetics 443

TABLE 15-5 Opioid Medications Used in Anesthesia (continued )

Drug Subclass Effects Uses

Naloxone Opioid Rapid-acting antagonist that reverses effects of Preferred agent used in case of excessive res-
antagonist opioid drugs; is especially active at MOP receptors. piratory depression. With careful titration, res-
Used to counteract effects of opioids administered piratory depression may be reversed without
during surgery. Onset: 1 to 2 minutes IV, 2 to 5 min- sacrificing analgesia.
utes IM; duration: 1 to 4 hours, depending on route
of administration; half-life: 30 to 90 minutes.

Pentazocine Mixed opioid Produces dose-dependent respiratory depression, Used preoperatively for pain or for analgesia/
agonist but to a lesser extent than a pure opioid agonist. sedation before general anesthesia. Also used
This drug has highest incidence of psychotomi- as an adjunct during surgery. May produce
metic effects of all drugs in this class and should be withdrawal in opioid-dependent patients.
avoided in concert with ketamine. Onset: two to
three minutes; duration: one hour IV, two hours IM;
half-life: two to three hours.

Remifentanil Opioid agonist Ultra-short-acting analgesic that must be given via Rapid metabolism allows for prolonged con-
continuous infusion to have lasting effects, but is tinuous infusion without tissue accumulation.
extremely potent so that small doses are needed Used as an adjunct to volatile anesthetics to
to obtain effects. Inhibits ascending pain pathways lower MAC during induction. Often used in
and alters the patient’s response to pain (increased surgical cases where the patient must be awak-
pain threshold); produces analgesia, respiratory de- ened quickly at the end of surgery for assess-
pression, and sedation. Onset: one to three minutes ment (e.g., can they move their toes, grip their
IV; half-life, three to ten minutes. hands, stick their tongue out). Patients must re-
ceive longer-acting narcotics once remifentanil
is stopped for analgesia.

MAC or dose needed to obtain the desired • Partial opioid agonists, which bind to the
level of sedation, while simultaneously pro- receptor but produce only a partial re-
ducing pain relief. Opioids are often given sponse from the receptor no matter what
prior to induction as a way of minimizing dose of drug is administered (Pathan &
the discomfort associated with some induc- Williams, 2012)
tion medications (propofol and etomidate
Opioid Agonists
are both known to cause pain upon injec-
tion). Second, opioids block the stress re- There are numerous opioid agonist drugs
sponse, inhibiting release of catecholamines, available for use concomitantly with an an-
vasopressin, and cortisol, better than volatile esthetic (see Table 15-5). Of these, fentanyl,
anesthetics, which in theory could produce a sufentanil, and hydromorphone are the
better outcome for the patient. most commonly used intravenous opioids due
There are three basic variants of to their favorable onset and duration of action
opioid drugs: (but, as noted earlier, these medications also
carry a significant risk of respiratory depression).
• Opioid agonists, which stimulate a maxi-
mal response from opioid receptors Nursing Considerations
• Opioid antagonists, which bind to the There is great variability in the dosing of
receptor but stimulate no response and opioids needed to produce pain relief, even
block other opiates, whether produced by among patients having identical surgical pro-
the body or administered as a drug, from cedures. Opioid agonist medications carry a
binding to the receptor (“blockade”) significant risk of respiratory depression and
444 CHAPTER 15  Pharmacology of Anesthetic Drugs

other negative side effects and risks inclu- time unless a larger dose of the full agonist
ding opioid dependence, and severe nausea is given—which itself has risks, as the higher
and vomiting. dose could then produce overdose once the
partial agonist drug is eliminated from the pa-
Mixed-Agonists tient’s body unless correctly titrated down.
Some opioid drugs selectively stimulate
specific opioid receptors while not affect- Opioid Antagonists
ing others. The mixed-agonists (also called The pure opioid antagonists are drugs that
opioid agonist-antagonists) encompass a competitively antagonize all opioid receptors.
group of drugs that are structurally similar This action makes them “antidotes” to opioid
to morphine; unlike morphine and other drugs—an important consideration given the
drugs in the morphine family, however, potential for overdose or adverse effects with
mixed-agonist drugs stimulate select opioid the opioids.
receptors, and, they may simultaneously an- The opioid antagonist class includes a va-
tagonize other opioid receptors. For example, riety of medications, but the most commonly
the mixed-agonist drug pentazocine par- used agent in anesthetic practice is naloxone.
tially agonizes DOP and KOP receptors but This drug is used in overdose or the presence
antagonizes MOP receptors (Kimura, Ohi, & of excessive opioid effects, such as sedation
Haji, 2016; Mori et al., 2015). As the MOP and respiratory depression, following surgery.
receptors are the principal source of some of It is favored to the exclusion of other drugs
the negative effects of opioids, this character- in this class specifically because of the speed
istic reduces the unwanted side effects to a with which it works: Naloxone, given intra-
certain extent. Moreover, when given as pain venously, can usually reverse opioid-induced
medications, these drugs have lower risk of respiratory depression within 1 to 2 minutes,
promoting drug-seeking or addictive behav- whereas naltrexone (another drug in this
iors due to the lower stimulation of opioid re- class that is primarily used for treating opiate
ceptors (Pathan & Williams, 2012). The main addiction) has an onset of 15 to 30 minutes
advantage of this class of drugs is that the when given intramuscularly (it is not admin-
agents produce analgesia without the same istered intravenously). In a patient who is at
significant risk of depression of ventilation; risk due to respiratory depression, the time
although they produce lower maximal anal- difference in the opioid antagonist’s onset
gesic effects than the opioids, they have lim- may be the determinant of whether the out-
ited toxic effects as well. Two commonly seen come is good or bad; thus, naloxone is in-
medications in this subclass are nalbuphine dicated as a “rescue” medication whenever
and butorphanol. opioid drugs are used in anesthesia. It has
similar effects in counteracting benzodiaz-
Nursing Considerations
epines (Solhi, Mostafazdeh, Vishteh, Gheza-
An important factor to keep in mind is that vati, & Shooshtarizadeh, 2011), making it an
partial agonists can reduce the responsiveness important agent in managing overdose of ei-
of full agonists. For example, if a patient is ther opioid or benzodiazepine adjuncts.
sedated with an inhalant plus a par-
Best Practices tial agonist opioid (given to maintain Nursing Considerations
analgesia and/or sedation) and then The duration of action of some opioids may
Naloxone, a
rapid-acting opioid switched to a full agonist opioid while exceed that of naloxone; the patient must
antagonist, is kept the partial agonist remains in effect, be kept under continuous surveillance for
on hand as a “rescue” the partial agonist will block the ef- the life of the given opioid. Repeat doses of
medication whenever fects of the full agonist, potentially naloxone may be needed depending upon
opioids are used in
reducing the patient’s level of seda- the amount, type and route of administration
tion or pain relief at an inopportune of the opioid being antagonized.
Intravenous Anesthetics 445

Nonanesthetic Adjuncts important than it might seem, because even

As noted earlier, a variety of drugs that of- a slight, involuntary twitch could prove cata-
fer neither anesthesia nor analgesia are used strophic in, for example, a patient undergoing
as adjuncts to anesthesia. They offer benefits eye or heart surgery. Other adjunct medica-
for the patient on several fronts. Some act on tions suppress nausea and vomiting. TABLE 15-6
the patient’s muscles to prevent them from describes many of the medications used as
moving during the procedure; this is more nonanesthetic adjuncts to surgery.

TABLE 15-6 Additional (Nonanesthetic) Adjuncts

Drug Class Notes

Aprepitant Neurokinin-1 (NK1) receptor Hypersensitivity reaction (rare) is usually immediate; symptoms include flushing, erythema,
antagonist (antiemetic) and dyspnea during infusion. Discontinue if symptoms occur.

Atracurium Nondepolarizing muscle May cause transient hypotension and release of histamine; its metabolite laudanosine
relaxant is toxic and may show greater accumulation in patients with renal failure. Onset:
approximately 2 minutes; duration: 30 minutes.

Atropine Anticholinergic Inhibits acetylcholine activity in smooth muscle, CNS, and secretory glands. Increases
cardiac output and dries secretions. Onset: approximately 1 hour; duration: 4 hours.

Cisatracurium Nondepolarizing muscle Generally does not cause histamine release. Onset: approximately 2.5 minutes; duration:
relaxant 60 minutes.

Dimenhydrinate Histamine-receptor CNS depressant, anticholinergic, antiemetic, antihistamine (H1), and local anesthetic effects.
antagonist (antiemetic) Immediate onset if given IV; onset is 20 to 30 minutes if given IM.

Diphenhydramine Histamine-receptor Antihistamine (H1) with moderate to high anticholinergic and antiemetic properties. Onset:
antagonist (antiemetic) 15 to 30 minutes; duration: 4 to 6 hours.

Dolasetron Serotonin-receptor Binds to 5-HT3 receptors in GI tract to block vagal signaling to CTZ.
antagonist (antiemetic)

Droperidol Dopamine-receptor Reduces motor activity and anxiety, and causes sedation; also possesses adrenergic-
antagonist (antiemetic) blocking, antifibrillatory, antihistaminic, and anticonvulsive properties. Antiemetic effects
stem from dopamine receptor blockade in brain. Onset: 3 to 10 minutes; duration: 2 to
4 hours typically but may last up to 12 hours.

Edrophonium Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor Increases presence of acetylcholine to offset actions of nondepolarizing muscle relaxants.
Onset: within 1 minute; duration: 5 to 10 minutes.

Glycopyrrolate Anticholinergic Inhibits action of acetylcholine competitively to reduce salivation and tracheobronchial
secretions; also increases heart rate and blood pressure. Onset: within 1 minute; duration:
2 to 3 hours.

Granisetron Serotonin-receptor Binds to 5-HT3 receptors in peripheral and central nervous system; effects are strongest
antagonist (antiemetic) in GI tract. May be given IV preoperatively or transdermally for procedures such as

Haloperidol Dopamine-receptor An antipsychotic; blocks dopamine D1 and D2 receptors in brain. Onset: 30 to 60 minutes;
antagonist (antiemetic) duration: variable depending on formulation (long-acting formula lasts up to 3 weeks).
Contraindicated in patients with glaucoma and dementia-related psychosis (black box

Metoclopramide Dopamine-receptor Antagonizes dopamine receptors in CTZ; sensitizes tissues to acetylcholine; increases upper
antagonist (antiemetic) GI motility but not secretions. May cause irreversible tardive dyskinesia and should not be
used with other drugs that cause extrapyramidal symptoms (black box warning).

Neostigmine Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor Increases presence of acetylcholine to offset actions of nondepolarizing muscle relaxants.
Onset: 1 to 20 minutes; duration: 1 to 2 hours.

446 CHAPTER 15  Pharmacology of Anesthetic Drugs

TABLE 15-6 Additional (Nonanesthetic) Adjuncts (continued )

Drug Class Notes

Ondansetron Serotonin-receptor Binds to 5-HT3 receptors both in periphery and in CNS, with primary effects in GI tract.
antagonist (antiemetic) Onset: 30 minutes.

Palonosetron Serotonin-receptor Binds to 5-HT3 receptors both in periphery and in CNS, with primary effects in GI tract.
antagonist (antiemetic) Onset: 30 minutes.

Pancuronium Nondepolarizing muscle May produce slight elevation in heart rate and blood pressure. Onset: 90 minutes; duration:
relaxant up to 3 hours.

Physostigmine Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor Increases presence of acetylcholine to offset actions of nondepolarizing muscle relaxants.

Promethazine Histamine-receptor Antihistamine (H1) that blocks mesolimbic dopamine receptors and α-adrenergic receptors
antagonist (antiemetic) in the brain. Onset: 3 to 5 minutes; duration: 4 to 6 hours.

Rocuronium Nondepolarizing muscle May increase heart rate via vagolytic effects. Onset: 75 minutes; duration: 45 to 60 minutes.

Scopolamine Anticholinergic Blocks transmission of cholinergic signaling to CTZ. Onset: 10 minutes; duration: 2 hours.

Succinylcholine Depolarizing muscle relaxant Drug of choice for muscle relaxation in emergency situations due to its rapid onset and
short duration of action. Onset: within 1 minute; duration: 2 to 10 minutes.

Vecuronium Nondepolarizing muscle Generally does not cause histamine release or cardiovascular effects. Onset: 60 minutes;
relaxant duration: 30 minutes.

Muscle Relaxants relaxation, prevent movement during surgery,

Neuromuscular blocking drugs, more often and aid in surgical exposure. Although a vari-
referred to as muscle relaxants or paralyt- ety of nondepolarizing agents is available, the
ics, are commonly used as intravenous ad- choice of drug used is based highly on dura-
junct medications with anesthesia agents tion of action and provider preference.
to induce muscle paralysis. They are used Succinylcholine is the only depolariz-
for intubation of the trachea as well as to ing neuromuscular blocking drug. It similarly
induce muscle relaxation for surgical pro- blocks acetylcholine stimulation in muscles,
cedures. Two subclasses of neuromuscular but by a different means: Instead of binding
blocking drugs are distinguished, based to the receptors without stimulating them,
on their respective mechanisms of action: it depolarizes the plasma membrane of the
nondepolarizing and depolarizing. Both ­skeletal muscle fiber, which makes the muscle
classes work by blocking the function of fiber resistant to stimulation by acetylcholine.
acetylcholine receptors on skeletal muscle, In contrast to the nondepolarizing agents, this
but the mechanisms by which they act drug’s action is like a key that fits a lock and
differs significantly. turns the tumblers, but does not complete
The majority of neuromuscular blocking the turn to open the door—yet it stops an-
drugs used today belong to the nondepolar- other key from doing so while it remains in
izing class, which blocks the acetylcholine re- place. Succinylcholine also leads to flaccid
ceptors on skeletal muscle without activating paralysis of skeletal muscle, but only after the
them—behaving much like a key that fits in muscles have contracted or fasciculated. The
a lock, but does not turn the tumblers. The fasciculations induced by succinylcholine
blockade of acetylcholine receptors causes explain why a patient’s muscles may twitch
flaccid paralysis of skeletal muscles to allow following its administration.
Intravenous Anesthetics 447

Nursing Considerations Anticholinergic Drugs

Obviously, muscle relaxants are not given un- Anticholinergic drugs are used to oppose the
less the patient is sedated and intubated on acetylcholine actions of the parasympathetic
ventilatory support. nervous system, via muscarinic and nicotinic
Succinylcholine administration can lead blockade. Some of the effects they have are
to an increase in serum potassium levels and to increase cardiac output—which can be
should be avoided in hyperkalemic patients valuable in counteracting the hypotensive
(e.g., patients in end-stage renal disease on effects of some anesthetics—and to reduce
hemodialysis, severe burns, paralysis). Other secretion of saliva and (to a lesser extent)
adverse side effects such as cardiac dysrhyth- mucus. The antisialagogue (saliva-suppres-
mias, and bradycardia and/or asystole (espe- sive) effect is an important mechanism to
cially in children or in a repeat dose in adults) lessen secretions in the airway that can lead
can occur. to laryngospasm, a spasm of the vocal
cords that can occlude the airway, making
Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors ventilation impossible.
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are intrave- Three anticholinergic medications are
nous medications used as reversal agents of commonly used in anesthesia: atropine,
motor blockade for nondepolarizing muscle scopolamine, and glycopyrrolate.
relaxants. These medications prevent the Atropine is primarily used to raise the
enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which breaks heart rate during episodes of bradycardia.
down acetylcholine, from functioning, lead- Scopolamine causes some sedation and pre-
ing to an increased concentration of acetyl- vents motion sickness, which is helpful for
choline in the neuromuscular junction. The patients prone to postoperative nausea
presence of acetylcholine is required to com- and vomiting (PONV). Glycopyrrolate,
pete with nondepolarizing muscle relaxants which does not cross the blood–brain barrier,
on skeletal muscle. When acetylcholinester- lacks the sedative effects that can be found
ase is blocked, more acetylcholine is made with scopolamine but is useful as an antisiala-
available in the neuromuscular junction, thus gogue (decreases production of saliva) and is
countering the effects of nondepolarizing the most commonly used anticholinergic ad-
neuromuscular blocking agents. Acetylcholin- ministered with acetylcholinesterase inhibi-
esterase inhibitors do not reverse the actions tors to offset the undesirable side effects that
of a depolarizing block and can actually cause they produce.
the block to last longer.
Nursing Considerations
Nursing Considerations Anticholinergics can be used to treat a
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors will NOT re- variety of conditions (diarrhea, overactive
verse the effects of succinylcholine and can bladder/incontinence, and asthma), to
actually make the paralytic effect last longer. dilate the pupil to prep for an ophthalmic
Because the anticholinesterase drugs used exam, or in the treatment of motion sick-
to reverse nondepolarizing muscle relaxants ness, but in the anesthetic arena, these drugs
also act on nerve endings in areas other than are given to prevent negative side effects
the neuromuscular junction, they must be from the use of anticholinesterase drugs in
administered with an anticholinergic drug. neuromuscular relaxation reversal. They
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor side effects can cause urinary retention, constipation,
include bradycardia, asystole, bladder and and dry mouth; closely monitor the patient’s
bowel incontinence, and increased bronchial vital signs to assess for hypertension and
and salivary secretions. tachycardia.
448 CHAPTER 15  Pharmacology of Anesthetic Drugs

Antiemetics Administration has issued black box warnings

Nausea and vomiting can be significant side for all three of these drugs due to their seri-
effects of anesthetic medications. Finding ous side effects at higher doses.
ways to suppress or relieve these symptoms is Neurokinin-1 (NK1) receptor antagonists
important not only during induction but also block receptors that are also found in the GI
postoperatively, as the involuntary motions as- tract, stimulation of which is responsible for
sociated with vomiting are powerful enough the vomiting reflex. Aprepitant, one of the
to potentially tear sutures or displace recently newest drugs used in the prevention of PONV,
repaired anatomic structures. All of the volatile is a NK1-receptor antagonist that appears to
anesthetics can cause postoperative nausea and be very effective.
vomiting, and many adjuncts trigger histamine Other medications with antiemetic prop-
release and thereby promote PONV indirectly. erties include the following:
Managing this effect is one of the main chal- • Corticosteroids. Dexamethasone is com-
lenges in anesthetic practice. Countless stud- monly used in combination with other
ies have been performed involving antiemetic antiemetics.
therapy for PONV, yet the exact mechanism • GABA-receptor agonists. Propofol and ben-
that induces it remains unknown. It is known zodiazepines occupy GABA receptors and
that such nausea and vomiting can be triggered have been used successfully in the pre-
by a variety of substances. The most common vention of PONV.
of these stimulate the area in the medulla • Muscarinic-receptor antagonists. The sole
known as the chemoreceptor trigger zone. Five example of this class used for PONV is
receptors in this zone, when stimulated by their scopolamine, which is administered pri-
respective agonists, produce nausea and vomit- marily as a transdermal patch.
ing: serotonin (5HT-3), histamine, muscarinic, • Alvimopan. This mu opioid receptor an-
opioid, and dopamine receptors. The majority tagonist is used primarily when PONV is
of drugs that are currently used to prevent and thought to be due to opioids.
treat PONV are antagonists of these receptors.
Serotonin-receptor antagonists include Nursing Considerations
ondansetron, granisetron, dolasetron, and Side effects from antiemetics are as varied
palonosetron. Ondansetron was the first as the classes of drugs used to prevent or
agent developed in this class and is one of the treat nausea and vomiting and too numer-
most commonly used antiemetics in anesthetic ous to include in this chapter, but can include
practice for the prevention and treatment of life-threatening events. Clear knowledge and
PONV. Palonosetron is the newest mem- understanding of the patient’s history and dis-
ber of the 5HT-3–specific receptor antagonists, ease state is imperative before administering a
acting at both central and peripheral 5HT-3 particular antiemetic.
receptors. It has a longer half-life and thera-
peutic effect than the other drugs in this class. CHAPTER SUMMARY
Histamine-receptor antagonists include Anesthesia is primarily a method of blocking nerve im-
dimenhydrinate, diphenhydramine, and pulses to reduce sensation and, if needed, conscious-
promethazine. They work by slowing pro- ness, muscle activity, and nausea. Particularly in patients
undergoing general or partial sedation, the potential for
duction of histamine and reducing stimula- systemic effects on the heart and respiration is a key con-
tion of the histamine receptors. sideration. With surgical patients, consideration of postop-
Dopamine-receptor antagonists work simi- erative pain and nausea is also of key importance due to
the potential for these factors to produce complications
larly on dopamine receptors; those used for
and affect recovery. Anesthetics, analgesics, and adjunct
PONV include droperidol, haloperidol, and medications may be administered in concert to avoid
metoclopramide. The U.S. Food and Drug such complications.
Chapter Summary 449

Critical Thinking Questions

6. Anticholinergic drugs are often utilized in an-
esthesia. Which of the following drugs is gen-
1. Which of the following anesthetic inhalational
erally devoid of the sedating effects that can
agents would you not use on a patient with a
be seen with the others?
pneumothorax? Why?
a. Atropine
a. Desflurane
b. Glycopyrrolate
b. Isoflurane
c. Scopolamine
c. Sevoflurane
d. None
d. Nitrous oxide
2. Which of the following induction agents would 7. Two types of local anesthetics are used in re-
be the best option to use in an outpatient set- gional and peripheral nerve blocks. Which of
ting due to the rapid emergence from anesthe- the following drugs is not a member of the es-
sia? Why? ter class?
a. Ketamine a. Chloroprocaine
b. Propofol b. Cocaine
c. Methohexital c. Lidocaine
d. Fentanyl d. Tetracaine
3. Which of the following medications is a depo- 8. Which of the following is not one of the recep-
larizing neuromuscular blocker? Why would tors in the brain that, if stimulated, may lead to
you avoid use of an acetylcholinesterase inhib- PONV?
itor with this medication? a. Acetylcholine
a. Rocuronium b. Serotonin
b. Vecuronium c. Histamine
c. Succinylcholine d. Opioid
d. Atracurium e. Dopamine
4. Which of the following induction agents would 9. Opioid antagonists can be used if there is ex-
be the best choice to use in a hemodynami- cessive sedation or respiratory depression fol-
cally compromised patient? Why? lowing surgery. Which one is generally used
a. Ketamine and reverses the untoward side effects within
b. Propofol one to two minutes?
c. Etomidate a. Nalmefene
d. Methohexital b. Naltrexone
5. Which of the following inhalational agents c. Flumazenil
is used for inhalational induction of anes- d. Naloxone
thesia, especially in pediatric patients? What
makes it different from the other agents 10. Of the following, which drug is known to be a
so that it is preferred for this use? Why specific antagonist for benzodiazepines?
would it be preferable to an intravenous a. Fentanyl
induction agent? b. Flumazenil
a. Desflurane c. Naltrexone
b. Isoflurane d. Naloxone
c. Sevoflurane
d. Nitrous oxide
450 CHAPTER 15  Pharmacology of Anesthetic Drugs


An 82-year-old female patient has just been brought to the recovery room after having general
anesthesia for a fractured hip repair. She is confused to time, place, and date and very fearful but
states she is not in any pain and her vital signs are stable. Her husband states that she had a “sharp
mind” and was not confused before surgery. You look at her anesthesia record and see that she
received Isoflurane volatile anesthetic, fentanyl 200 mcg IV and a preoperative dose of midazolam
2 mg.
Case Questions
1. What anesthetic drug most likely caused her new onset confusion?
2. What drug would you give to reverse its effects?
Answers: Midazolam: Elderly patients have increased sensitivity to benzodiazepines with possible CNS
­effects (sedation, disorientation) and risk of falls and are often not given to patients older than 70 years
of age.
Flumazenil is a benzodiazepine antagonist.


A 38-year-old male patient is admitted onto the neurosurgical stepdown unit after having a
craniotomy for aneurysm clipping. You hear the patient yelling about a “horrible headache” as he
is coming down the hall. The recovery nurse giving report states she doesn’t understand why the
patient is so uncomfortable as he “received a continuous dosing of remifentanil in the operating
Case Questions:
1. What is the duration of action of remifentanil?
2. What other drug class does this patient need for pain control?
Answers: The half-life of remifentanil is 3–10 minutes. This patient has had his cranium opened surgically
and needs a strong opioid agonist for pain control.

Eger, E.II. (2004). Characteristics of anesthetic agents

REFERENCES used for induction and maintenance of g­ eneral
Becker, D.E., & Rosenberg, M. (2008). Nitrous oxide ­anesthesia. American Journal of Health-System
and the inhalation anesthetics. Anesthesia Progress, ­Pharmacy, 61(Suppl. 4), S3–S10.
55(4), 124–131. Fine, P.G., & Portenoy, R.K. (2004). The endogenous
Dewaele, S., & Santos, A.C. (2013). Toxicity of opioid system. In A clinical guide to opioid analgesia
local ­anesthetics. New York School of Regional (pp 9–15). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
­Anesthesia. Retrieved from https://www.nysora Forman, S.A. (2011). Clinical and molecular pharma-
.com/toxicity-of-local-anesthetics cology of etomidate. Anesthesiology, 114(3), 695–707.

Golembiewski, J., Chernin, E., & Chopra, T. (2005). Nickalls, R.W.D., & Mapleson, W.W. (2003). Age-related
­Prevention and treatment of postoperative nau- iso-MAC charts for isoflurane, sevoflurane and des-
sea and vomiting. American Journal of Health-System flurane in man. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 91(2),
­Pharmacy, 62(12), 1247–1260. 170–174.
Goodman, A.J., Le Bourdonnec, B., & Dolle, R.E. Pai, A., & Heining, M. (2007). Ketamine. Continuing
(2007). Mu opioid receptor antagonists: Recent de- Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care, and Pain, 7(2),
velopments. ChemMedChem, 2(11), 1552–1570. 59–63.
Hemmings, H. (2010). The pharmacology of intra- Pathan, H., & Williams, J. (2012). Basic opioid pharma-
venous anesthetic induction agents: A primer. cology: An update. British Journal of Pain, 6(1), 11–16.
­Anesthesia News (Special Edition). Retrieved from Pitts, F.N. Jr., Desmarais, G.M., Stewart, W., & Schaberg, K. (1965). Induction of anesthesia with methohexital
/Induction_ANSE10_WM.pdf and thiopental in electroconvulsive therapy: The ef-
Kimura, S., Ohi, Y., & Haji, A. (2016). Mechanisms fect on the electrocardiogram and clinical observa-
of pentazocine-induced ventilatory depression tions in 500 consecutive treatments with each agent.
and ­antinociception in anesthetized rats. Journal of New England Journal of Medicine, 273, 353–336.
­Pharmacological Sciences, 130(3), 181–184. Schifilliti, D., Grasso, G., Conti, A., & Fodale, V. (2010).
McDonald, J., & Lambert, D.G. (2005). Opioid recep- Anaesthetic-related neuroprotection: Intravenous or
tors. Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care, inhalational agents? CNS Drugs, 24(11), 893–907.
and Pain, 5(1), 22–25. Schneiderbanger, D., Johannsen, S., Roewer, N., &
Mori, T., Itoh, T., Yoshizawa, K., Ise, Y., Mizuo, K., Schuster, F. (2014). Management of malignant
Saeki, T., . . . Suzuki, T. (2015). Involvement of ­hyperthermia: Diagnosis and treatment. Therapeutics
μ- and δ-opioid receptor function in the rewarding and Clinical Risk Management, 10, 355–362. http://doi
effect of (±)-pentazocine. Addiction Biology, 20, .org/10.2147/TCRM.S47632
724–732. doi:10.1111/adb.12169 Smeltzer, S.C., Bare, B.G., Hinkle, J.L., & Cheever,
National Institutes of Health (NIH). (2018a). Drug K.H. (2008). Brunner & Suddarth’s textbook of
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­Information on Drug-Induced Liver Injury. Retrieved Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
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­Information on Drug-Induced Liver Injury. Retrieved ings of a preliminary study. Human and Experimental
from ­Toxicology, 30, 535–540.

Pharmacology of
Antimicrobial Drugs

Blaine Templar Smith


Anthelmintic Combination therapy Maximum tolerable Peptidoglycan

Antibacterial Culture concentration Protozoan
Antibiotic Dihydropterate Minimum inhibitory Resistant
Antifungal synthetase concentration Retrovirus
Anti-infective Drug resistance Narrow spectrum Sensitivity
Antimicrobial Fungus (fungi) Non-retrovirus Specificity
Antiviral Gram negative Nosocomial Superinfection
Bactericidal Gram positive Nucleoside Susceptible
Bacteriostatic Helminth Nucleoside reverse Virus
Bacterium (bacteria) Host factors transcriptase inhibitors
Beta-lactamase Hypersensitivity reaction (NRTIs)
Broad spectrum Influenza-type viruses Parasite


At the end of the chapter, the reader will be able to: 4. Define the difference between bacteriostatic and bacteri-
cidal effects.
1. Describe the classes of antibacterial and antiviral drugs.
5. Broadly apply specific drugs to correct bacterial and viral
2. Distinguish the various mechanisms of action antibacterial
and antiviral drugs utilize.
6. Explain the limitations and major side effects or interactions
3. Describe the pharmacology of various antimicrobials in
that exist for specific drugs.

454 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

Introduction it is important to consider the effects these

drugs have on the host. Unless designed spe-
Antimicrobial therapy is a story of drug cifically to alter or enhance a natural immune
discovery and microbial evasion. It is also response, all antimicrobial actions on humans
the story of dual pharmacology: that of the are considered “side effects.”
pathologic organisms that drugs are intended This chapter emphasizes antibacterial and
to target, and of the human hosts who, antiviral drugs, as these are the most com-
though not the therapeutic target, must ab- monly encountered anti-infectives in practice.
sorb, distribute, metabolize, and eliminate Because many pathogens are living organ-
antimicrobials they are administered or take. isms, treatment of microbial diseases involves
As with all organisms, microbes can acquire the pharmacology of both the host and the
new capabilities through mutation and acqui- pathogen. Antimicrobial drugs are designed
sition of novel DNA or RNA. For microbes, to act preferentially upon pathogens; part of
this enables them to become invulnerable to the discussion will focus on the mechanisms
drugs designed to disable or destroy them. by which pathogens are inhibited or killed by
They select for strains that have emergent antimicrobials. Drugs target specific, essential
resistance, and they acquire abilities to resist microbial biochemical and physiological path-
new environmental hazards via selection, and ways, but also often affect the host. There-
from other microbes. Often, this resistance is fore, minimum inhibitory concentration
accelerated by improper or inappropriate use and patient maximum tolerable concen-
of antimicrobial drugs. Thus, the escalation of trations in-vivo are important considerations
resistance, followed by novel drug develop- for both drug efficacy and patient safety.
ment, continues. Following proper guidelines There is a saying: The dose makes the poison.
for use of antimicrobial drugs will help slow Antimicrobial therapy is a balance between
the evolution of resistance, but, by nature, toxicities: While we “poison” the microbe, we
the cycle may well never stop. In addition, must spare the host, as much as possible.

Terminology of Antimicrobial Drugs

Although terms like antibiotic, antimicrobial, and antivirals and those that target fungi are an-
anti-infective are used interchangeably in prac- tifungals. A further delineation is made with
tice, there are essential distinctions to be made regard to the drug’s mechanism of action: Anti-
among them. microbials that directly kill (eradicate) the target
An anti-infective is a drug that treats an organism are termed-cidal (e.g., b ­ actericidal,
infection caused by an organism; thus, this term fungicidal); antimicrobials that only inhibit the
encompasses treatments for infections involv- growth of the organism, reproduction, or health
ing not only microbes, but also macrobiotic or- are termed-static (e.g., bacteriostatic, fungi-
ganisms such as helminths. When speaking of static). “Static” drugs suppress the growth, or
microbial pathogens, antimicrobial is a more weaken the pathogen sufficiently to allow the
accurate term. Either of these might be consid- patient’s immune system to complete the recov-
ered interchangeable with antibiotic, but there ery process, as opposed to “cidal” drugs that di-
is a distinction: An antibiotic refers to a drug rectly eradicate the invading microorganism.
that targets any organism in the body, including A broad-spectrum antimicrobial is effective
symbiotic (nonpathogenic) microbes as well as against many strains of microorganisms, whereas
micro-and macro-organismal pathogens. a narrow-spectrum antimicrobial is effective
In popular parlance, antibiotic is often used to against only a few strains. Each antimicrobial
mean drugs used to treat bacterial infections, but drug offers a unique profile of pharmacokinetics,
a more accurate term would be a ­ ntibacterial, specificity, spectrum, and resistance. Antimicrobial
just as drugs that target viruses are called drugs is the most inclusive term.
Antibacterials 455

Some antimicrobials kill the target or- various classes of antibacterials are introduced
ganism, and so will be described as -cidal, in roughly their order of discovery and use.
while others inhibit the organism, allow-
ing the ­patient’s immune system to complete Sulfonamides
the recovery process, and will be described Sulfonamides were the first therapeutic an-
as -static. Technically, there will differences in tibacterial agents and were discovered in the
meaning among the terms antibacterial, anti- 1930s (TABLE 16-1). Sulfonamides are derived
biotic, and anti-infective. However, in practice
these terms are used interchangeably. Each
antimicrobial drug offers a unique profile TABLE 16-1 List of Some Sulfonamides and
of pharmacokinetics, specificity, spectrum, Sulfonamide Combinations
and resistance.

Antibacterials Sulfadiazine

There are some general targets against which Sulfadoxine–pyrimethamine

antimicrobial drugs have traditionally been
aimed. Those for various bacteria are sum-
marized in FIGURE 16-1. Sulfisoxazole
Antibacterials include agents that are bac-
teriostatic, and those that are bactericidal. The

Cell wall synthesis

DNA inhibitors:
• Carbapenums
• Cephalosporins
• Isoniazid
RNA synthesis • Penicillins
inhibitors: • Vancomycin
• Rifampin

DNA synthesis
Protein synthesis inhibitors:
inhibitors: mRNA • Fluoroquinolones
• Aminoglycosides Replication
• Chloramphenicol
• Clindamycin
• Linezolid
• Macrolides
• Streptogramins Proteins
• Tetracyclines

Enzymes or
• Sulfonamides

FIGURE 16-1  Mechanisms of action of some antibiotics.

456 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

4 1



Sulfamethoxazole Sulfisoxazole


Sulfacetamide Para-Aminobenzoic acid

FIGURE 16-2  Structure of some sulfonamides.

from para-aminobenzenesulfonamide, or sul- Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae,

fanilamide (see FIGURE 16-2). Haemophilus influenzae, Haemophilus du-
Most sulfonamides are fairly water in- creyi, Nocardia, Actinomyces, Calymmatobacte-
soluble, and so require emphasis on patient rium granulomatis, and Chlamydia trachomatis
hydration in order to better eliminate these (Boothe, 2018).
drugs through the patients’ kidneys/urine. It As discussed, development of antimicro-
is this insolubility that allows some sulfon- bial resistance is a constant concern. Bacteria
amides to be effective agents for urinary tract can become resistant to antibiotics by ran-
infections, as the drugs—many times unal- dom genetic mutations, or through acquisi-
tered by metabolism—tend to concentrate tion of plasmids containing resistance genes.
(and crystallize) in the urinary tract. Sul- As resistance develops, sulfonamides may
fonamides are considered broad-spectrum retain bacteriostatic effects, and so may be
antibiotics for bacterial infections. How- paired with other drugs, rendering the com-
ever, bacterial resistance has rendered binations bactericidal. An example of this is
many sulfonamides bacteriostatic, rather the combination of sulfamethoxazole with
than bactericidal. ­trimethoprim (Table 16-1).
As with any class of antimicrobials, cur- Mammalian cells require preformed fo-
rent institutional, local, regional, and national lic acid and cannot synthesize their own.
susceptibility and resistance reports should be Susceptible bacteria synthesize their own
reviewed frequently, in order to provide pa- folic acid using the starting materials, pteri-
tients with agents that are the most likely to dine and para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA)
be effective for combating specific infections. (FIGURE 16-3) (Petri, 2011) to make dihydrop-
Generally, sulfonamides are effective against teroic acid, a precursor to folic acid. Sulfon-
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacte- amides inhibit the enzyme dihydropterate
ria. The most common microorganisms that synthetase, which is required for this first
may be treatable with sulfonamides include: step. Sulfonamides have structures similar
Antibacterials 457

Pteridine + PABA TABLE 16-2 Classification of Sulfonamides

Sulfonamides Classification Sulfonamide

Orally absorbed and rapidly Sulfadiazine

Dihydropteroic acid excreted (renally) Sulfadimidine
Glutamate Sulfamethizole
Dihydrofolic acid
Orally absorbed poorly Sulfasalazine
NADPH Long-acting (half-life of ≥35 Sulfadimethoxine
hour) Sulfalene
NADP Sulfametoxydiazine
Tetrahydrofolic acid Sulfamerazine
FIGURE 16-3  Folic acid synthesis in bacteria. Sulfamazone

Topical Silver sulfadiazine

Sulfanilamide (in vaginal
to that of PABA and are mistakenly used by suppositories)
susceptible bacteria in this reaction, result- Ophthalmic sulfacetamide
ing in inhibition of folic acid synthesis. Be-
cause mammalian (patient) cells do not use
this reaction, their folic acid supply is un-
affected by the presence of sulfonamides.
­Trimethoprim, which is not a sulfonamide, TABLE 16-3 Sulfonamides

often is paired with a sulfonamide, to aug-

Drug Characteristics Uses
ment sulfonamide action and circumvent bac-
terial adaptations that counter sulfonamide Sulfisoxazole Rapid absorption/ UTIs, STDs, otitis media, eye
excretion infections, and CNS infections
action in the first step of folic acid synthesis (meningococcal)
(Figure 16-3). Trimethoprim inhibits micro-
Sulfamethoxazole Rapid absorption/ Wide range of infections,
bial dihydrofolate reductase, the enzyme that excretion particularly in combination
converts dihydrofolate to tetrahydrofolate, with trimethoprim, including
thereby adding a second obstacle to bacterial UTIs, otitis media, bronchitis,
pneumocystic pneumonia,
folic acid synthesis. traveler’s diarrhea, and
Sulfonamides can be classified by their shigellosis
oral absorption and excretion characteristics: Sulfadiazine Rapid absorption/ UTIs; combined with
(1) orally absorbed and excreted (renally) excretion pyrimethamine, used for
toxoplasmosis and malaria
rapidly, (2) orally absorbed poorly, (3) topical,
(4) orally long-lasting (absorbed rapidly, but Sulfasalazine Poor absorption Infections of the bowel
also excreted slowly). Sulfonamides that are Sulfacetamide Topical Bacterial infections of eye,
in these categories are shown in TABLE 16-2 ear, and skin
(Petri, 2011). Sulfonamides and some of their Silver sulfadiazine Topical Prevention of wound
notable characteristics and applications ap- infections
pear in TABLE 16-3. Sulfadoxine Rapid absorption/ Primarily used in combination
Sulfonamides with rapid oral absorp- slow excretion with pyrimethamine for
tion and excretion are used for treatment of prevention and treatment of
systemic infections as well as urinary tract
458 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

infections (notably, the combination of sul- of type 2 diabetes (Loubatières-Mariani,

famethoxazole and trimethoprim). Poorly 2007), so sulfonamides may produce a re-
absorbed sulfonamides can be useful for treat- duction of blood glucose levels that can be
ing infections of the gastrointestinal tract. significant with concomitant use of oral hy-
Topical uses of sulfonamides include preven- poglycemics (e.g., tolbutamide, glyburide,
tion and treatment of ophthalmic and skin glipizide). This increases the risk of hypogly-
infections from compromised skin, such as cemia in diabetic patients due to the enhanc-
burns. Sulfadoxine, a long-acting sulfon- ing effect of the antibacterial sulfonamide
amide, combined with pyrimethamine, is with the oral hypoglycemic drugs. Patients
occasionally used for prevention and treat- with allergies to sulfonamide-based diuretics
ment of malaria (Plasmodium falciparum, a are more likely to elicit hypersensitivity reac-
protozoan parasite). Sulfonamides are re- tions to sulfonamide anti-infective drugs.
nally excreted, and if a patient is insufficiently A similar enhancing effect is seen with the
hydrated, can cause crystaluria, in which anticonvulsant phenytoin and the antico-
drug crystals form in the urine, causing pain agulant warfarin. Patients using any of these
and irritation. drugs should be carefully monitored for signs
The most important adverse reactions as- of overmedication.
sociated with sulfonamides include hyper- In patients with renal failure, concurrent
sensitivity reactions (e.g., toxic epidermal use of sulfonamides with cyclosporine in-
necrolysis and Stevens-Johnson syndrome), creases the risk for nephrotoxicity and should
crystalluria, and some anemias. Toxic epi- be avoided; these drugs should be used with
dermal necrolysis and Stevens-Johnson caution (generally as a last resort) in pa-
syndrome are thought to be caused by a tients who have any history of kidney disease
T-cell-mediated cytotoxicity in keratinocytes or kidney stones. Sulfonamides cross-react
(Gonzalez, 2018), though more immediate with sulfonylureas and in theory may also
skin reactions suggest type-I hypersensitiv- cross-react with loop or thiazide diuretics
ity mechanisms may also be involved. Crys- (Tan, Holmes, Kuo, Raji, & Goodwin, 2015);
talluria is generally not a concern, except for they should be used cautiously, if at all, in
with the N-4 acetylated sulfonamides, which patients taking these drugs. Sulfonamides
have deceased water solubility, and thus oc- should be avoided if possible in pregnant or
casionally present an issue, especially in lactating women.
poorly hydrated patients. Sulfonamides have
been implicated in occasional photosensitiv- Nursing Considerations
ity reactions, probably caused by UV-­induced Most sulfonamides are given orally; however,
free-radical production from the drugs sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim is also
(Moore, 2002). Therefore, general guidelines given intravenously. When IV administration
include ensuring patients have adequate-to- is used, it should be slow or via drip. Oral
increased hydration for the duration of treat- preparations should be taken with 8 ounces
ment, increased awareness, observation for of water on an empty stomach, and patients
signs of hypersensitivity and blood reactions, should be advised to maintain a fluid intake
and adequate protection from sun exposure of at least 1,200 mL/day (8 to 10 glasses
for the duration of therapy. Patients should of water per day) because of the charac-
be advised to wear more sunscreen than nor- teristics of sulfonamides’ concentration in
mal due to the increased possibility of burn- the kidneys.
ing while taking sulfonamides. The most important adverse reactions as-
sociated with sulfonamides include hyper-
Drug Interactions and Contraindications sensitivity reactions (e.g., Stevens-Johnson
Sulfonamides are closely related to the sulfo- syndrome), crystalluria, and some anemias.
nylurea class of drugs used in the treatment Thus, one nursing consideration is to monitor
Antibacterials 459

the patient’s complete blood count and assess Chambers, 2011a). Tetracyclines were first
for hemolysis so that the drug may be discon- used in the late 1940s. Those drugs included
tinued should a hematologic adverse response in the tetracycline class include tetracycline,
(e.g., thrombocytopenia, aplastic anemia, he- chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline,
molytic anemia, or agranulocytosis) develop. demeclocycline, methacycline,
General guidelines for patient teaching in- doxycycline, and minocycline.
clude ensuring patients have adequate hy- Doxycycline and minocycline are most
dration for the duration of treatment, and an commonly used today.
increased awareness and observation for signs Glycylcyclines are newer, synthetic ana-
of hypersensitivity and blood reactions. logs of tetracyclines, and are useful for over-
Sulfonamides also have been implicated coming tetracycline resistance. Currently, the
in occasional photosensitivity reactions. Pa- only approved glycylcycline is tigecycline.
tients should be advised to avoid sun expo- Tetracyclines and glycycyclines act by bind-
sure if possible and wear SPF-15 sunblock ing susceptible bacterial 30s ribosomes, block-
and protective clothing if sun exposure is un- ing tRNA access to its mRNA binding site,
avoidable, due to the increased possibility of thereby inhibiting bacterial protein synthe-
burning while taking sulfonamides. sis (FIGURE 16-5).
Tetracyclines readily chelate metal ions
Tetracyclines in the stomach and gastrointestinal tract.
Tetracyclines (FIGURE 16-4) are bacteriostatic Binding of ions by tetracyclines inactivates
agents composed of three natural drugs the drugs. So, patients should be counseled to
­derived from a common soil mold, avoid concomitant (within one to two hours)
­Streptomyces—that is, tetracycline, ingestion of dairy products (calcium), vita-
­demeclocycline, and oxytetracycline— mins (several ions), and antacids (magnesium
as well as two other drugs derived and/or calcium ions) with oral tetracyclines.
semi-synthetically—doxycycline and Tetracyclines are contraindicated in patients
minocycline—and have a broad range of with a history of severe allergic reaction to
bacteria for which they are useful. In addition them (which is rare) and during pregnancy
to both Gram-negative and Gram-positive and lactation. They should not be given to
bacteria, tetracyclines are effective against children younger than the age of eight
infections caused by Rickettsia, Coxiella and should be used with caution in clients
burnetii, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia with kidney or liver dysfunction (Herbert-
species, Legionella species, and Ureaplasma. Ashton & Clarkson, 2008). The reason for
Also, tetracyclines may be useful for treatment
of infections caused by some atypical
Mycobacteria, and Plasmodium species aa

that are resistant to antimicrobials directed Nascent

50S Aminoacyl
against bacterial cell walls (MacDougall & chain

OH O OH O O Transferase site
10 C NH2 A site
9 11 12 1
2 Tetracycline
3 P site
8 6 5 4 mRNA template

Tetracycline 30S

FIGURE 16-4  Structure of tetracycline. FIGURE 16-5  Mechanism of action for tetracyclines.
460 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

avoiding the use in children is because they include the potential for photosensitivity and
are still forming teeth, and, as tetracyclines discoloration of undeveloped teeth. There-
bind to calcium, they can cause permanent fore, patients should be warned that exposure
staining of preemergent teeth. to sunlight may result in burning of the skin
Tetracyclines are well distributed to most more quickly than normal (most notably with
body fluids and tissues, except for cerebro- demeclocycline and doxycycline). Patients
spinal fluid (CSF), and are excreted by the should be advised to wear SPF-15 sunscreen
kidney and liver. Bioavailability of doxy- and a hat, and to cover any exposed skin if
cycline and minocycline is 90% to 100% exposure cannot be avoided. As previously
even in the presence of food. With the other stated, because of the potential for effects on
agents, bioavailability is lower and can be sig- teeth, use of tetracyclines or glycylcyclines
nificantly decreased by food, especially sub- should be avoided in pregnant women and
stances containing minerals; for this reason, children younger than eight years of age.
medications should be taken on an empty Review the history of any tetracycline
stomach if possible. reactions with patients. Each dose should
Although a great deal of microbial resis- be taken with eight ounces of water on an
tance has developed against members of this empty stomach. Doxycycline and minocy-
group over the years, and newer medica- cline can be taken with food. Review the pa-
tions have been developed that are less toxic tient’s medications and dietary preferences
and more effective, the tetracyclines remain and advise the patient that the drug must not
the drugs of choice for a number of specific be taken with, or within two hours of, ant-
infections, including those already listed and acids, iron preparations, or dairy products.
Vibrio cholerae, Borrelia burgdorferi, and gas- Monitor for diarrhea, vaginal itching, or anal
tric infections of Helicobacter pylori. Other itching; report black, “furry” tongue immedi-
diseases in which they are used include en- ately to the prescriber. These may be signs of
docervical, rectal, and urethral infections adventitious infection. Offer small, frequent
caused by Chlamydia; acne; combination meals if nausea and vomiting occur.
therapy with other anti-infective agents to
treat pelvic inflammatory disease and STIs; a–Lactam Antibiotics
and traveler’s diarrhea caused by E. coli. β-lactam antibiotics are bacteriostatic antibi-
Demeclocycline also has a use unrelated otics, and include penicillins, cephalosporins,
to infectious disease, as a treatment for the and other β-lactam structurally related anti-
syndrome of inappropriate secretion of an- biotics (TABLE 16-4). The beta-lactam (β-lactam)
tidiuretic hormone. class derives its name from the beta-lactam

Nursing Considerations
Tetracyclines can be irritating to the gastro- TABLE 16-4 a-Lactam Classes
intestinal tract, sometimes causing nausea,
Drug Related
vomiting, and diarrhea. These effects can Classification Prototype Drug Drugs
often be reduced or eliminated if the tetra-
Natural penicillins Penicillin G Penicillin G
cycline is administered with small amounts potassium benzathine
of food (other than dairy products, as noted Penicillin G
previously). Tetracyclines are usually given by procaine
oral administration, but may be administered Penicillin V

topically, intramuscularly, or intravenously Penicillinase- Methicillin Cloxacillin

if necessary. resistant penicillins Dicloxacillin
Tetracyclines are generally very safe, Nafcillin
but adverse effects and interactions of note
Antibacterials 461

Drug Related
ring that is the source of their bactericidal
Classification Prototype Drug Drugs activity against numerous Gram-positive and
some Gram-negative bacteria. The class in-
Aminopenicillins Ampicillin Amoxicillin
cludes a wide range of antibacterial drugs,
Epicillin including penicillins, cephalosporins, carbace-
Hetacillin phems, clavams (oxapenems), monobactams,
Metampicillin and carbapenems.
Pivampicillin In general, β-lactams are very safe drugs,
although injection-related reactions do
Ureidopenicillins Mezlocillin Azlocillin ­occasionally occur. β-lactams have a reputa-
Piperacillin tion of being “risky” drugs to administer due
Penicillin/beta- Ampicillin/ Amoxicillin to the widespread perception that they ­often
lactamase inhibitor sulbactam clavulanate induce allergic reactions, even though the
combinations Piperacillin/ incidence of allergic response to penicillins
is actually relatively low (1% to 2% of pa-
clavulanate tients). The difference between the percep-
tion and the reality is that to many patients
Carboxypenicillins Carbenicillin Ticarcillin
(and even some practitioners), any adverse
Extended-spectrum Mecillinam Sulbenicillin response may be interpreted as allergy, when
most of the time the “reaction” actually in-
First-generation Cephadroxil volves a non-immune effect or even an effect
cephalosporins Cephazolin unrelated to the drug’s activity. For example,
Cephalexin among patients with acute Epstein-Barr vi-
rus infection who are given amoxicillin, it is
Second-generation Cefaclor common for a pruritic, macropapular rash to
cephalosporins Ceforanide
emerge that is often mistaken for an anaphy-
cabacephams) lactoid reaction. These patients may take the
same drug under other circumstances and ex-
Cefuroxime acetil perience no reaction.
Cefuroxime Incidence of allergic reaction to ceph-
Cefmetazole alosporins is still lower; even in those
Loracarbef patients known to have an allergy to peni-
Third-generation Cefdinir cillins, true allergic reactions to cephalospo-
cephalosporins Cefditoren pivoxil rin (as opposed to non-immune-mediated
Cefibuten sensitivity responses) occur in only a small
Cefixime percentage. The anaphylactic cross-sensi-
tivity between penicillins and first-genera-
proxetil tion cephalosporins has been estimated to
be as high as 40% (i.e., 40% of 1.2%, or
0.4% of patients), whereas cross-sensitiv-
Ceftazidime ity between penicillins and third-or fourth-
Ceftriaxone generation cephalosporins appears to be
Ceftibuten negligible (Campagna, Bond, Schabelman, &
Fourth-generation Cefepime
Hayes, 2012).
cephalosporins Nevertheless, many people are aller-
gic to one or more penicillin, and lactams in
*Aminopenicillins, carboxypenicillins, and ureidopenicillins are all
considered extended-spectrum penicillins. However, aminopenicillins lack
general. Therefore, penicillins (and cepha-
activity against Pseudomonas species. losporins) should be used with caution in
462 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

patients whose response (history) is unclear. Penicillins

In those patients with a history of a bona Penicillin was discovered in 1928 but was
fide allergic response, these agents should be not formally used in patients until the early
completely avoided. 1940s. Though the central portion of the
As with most broad-spectrum antibiotics, penicillin molecule is responsible for most
prolonged oral use can lead to overpopula- β-lactam effects, the side chain attached
tion by yeast or fungi in the gastrointestinal to the central portion dictates the unique
tract or mouth (i.e., thrush). Occasionally, pharmacology of each drug, and so the an-
use of β-lactams can lead to severe infec- tibiotic spectrum each β-lactam derivative
tion by intestinal flora. These effects are due exhibits (FIGURE 16-6).
to the destruction of nonpathogenic bac- Recall that peptidoglycan is an impor-
teria along with the targeted organism(s). tant component of bacterial cell walls, and
Use of probiotic preparations to restore that Gram-positive bacteria have thicker
gut flora as a means of curtailing or offset- cell walls than do Gram-negative bacteria.
ting these effects has been recommended Both penicillins and cephalosporins act by
by some sources (Hempel et al., 2012), inhibiting the final step of bacterial peptido-
but approached with caution by others glycan synthesis, blocking proper bacterial
(Hickson, 2011). cell wall formation and lysis. The mecha-
nisms by which these occur are presently
Mechanism of Action being clarified, but understanding of the de-
Beta-lactam antibiotics act by inhibiting bac- tails is still incomplete. Unless protected by
terial cell wall synthesis. They do so by enter- chemically added groups, the basic β-lactam
ing into the bacterial cell wall and binding to structure is susceptible to the enzymes
a specific protein within the peptidoglycan β-lactamase (also called penicillinase) and
layer of the cell wall, which is essential for amidase, which are produced by bacteria
cell wall integrity (the protein is called, ap- (Figure 16-6). These enzymes destroy the
propriately enough, the penicillin-binding structural integrity of the β-lactams and
protein). After attaching to this protein, the compromise their effectiveness.
drug then interrupts normal cell wall synthe- The penicillins are most commonly used
sis; the bacteria usually die from lysis. to kill Gram-positive bacteria: Staphylococcus,

Thiazoline ring β-lactam ring

Site of action of amidase O C N CH COOH
Site of action of penicillinase

Amidase Penicillinase
R CH + 6-Aminopenicillanic acid Penicilloic acids
FIGURE 16-6  General penicillin structure and sites of resistant bacterial enzymatic hydrolysis.
Antibacterials 463

Enterococcus, and Streptococcus. These drugs TABLE 16-5 Penicillins

have been classified into four groups, based
upon chemical structure and the type of bac- Drug
teria they are able to kill: Prototype Drug Related Drugs Classification

• Natural penicillins Penicillin G Penicillin G Natural penicillins

potassium benzathine
• Penicillinase-resistant penicillins Penicillin G
• Aminopenicillins procaine
• Extended-spectrum penicillins, including Penicillin V
carboxypenicillins and ureidopenicillins Methicillin Cloxacillin Penicillinase-
Dicloxacillin resistant
The extended-spectrum penicillins, inclu- Nafcillin penicillins
ding the aminopenicillins, carboxypenicillins, Oxacillin
and ureidopenicillins, have activity against
Ampicillin Amoxicillin Aminopenicillins
Gram-negative bacteria, such as Pseudomonas, Bacampicillin
Enterobacter, and Proteus species. Epicillin
Some combination drugs contain both Hetacillin
penicillins and beta-lactamase inhibitors Metampicillin
(TABLE 16-5). The beta-lactamase inhibitors pre- Pivampicillin
vent destruction of the penicillin with which
they are paired. Mezlocillin Azlocillin Ureidopenicillins
Penicillins in general have few adverse ef- Piperacillin

fects and are well tolerated. Whether given Ampicillin/ Amoxicillin Penicillin/
orally, intravenously, or intramuscularly, they sulbactam clavulanate beta-lactamase
Piperacillin/ inhibitor
tend to be well distributed to most body tis- tazobactam combinations
sues and fluids and are eliminated by the kid- Ticarcillin/
neys. However, many bacteria species have clavulanate
developed resistance to these drugs, as men- Carbenicillin Ticarcillin Carboxypenicillins
tioned previously (mostly Staphylococcus spe-
Mecillinam Sulbenicillin Extended-
cies), via beta-lactamase, which breaks spectrum
down the molecular integrity of beta-lactam penicillins*
antibiotics (the enzyme targets and destroys *Aminopenicillins, carboxypenicillins, and ureidopenicillins are all
the beta-lactam ring), rendering the drug in- considered extended-spectrum penicillins. However, aminopenicillins lack
activity against Pseudomonas species.
active, and thereby unable to destroy the bac-
terial cell wall.
Natural penicillins are the agents of choice natural penicillins but are also active against
for pneumonia and meningitis caused by the following Gram-negative bacteria: Hae-
Streptococcus pneumoniae; pharyngitis caused mophilus influenzae, Escherichia coli, Salmonella,
by Streptococcus pyogenes; infectious endocardi- and Shigella. These agents are used in bacte-
tis caused by Streptococcus viridans; meningitis rial meningitis, otitis media, septicemia, gon-
caused by N. meningitidis; and syphilis caused orrhea, and sinusitis.
by T. pallidum. These drugs are also used for Extended-spectrum penicillins such as ticar-
anthrax, tetanus, gas gangrene, and prophy- cillin are mainly used for infections of Pseu-
lactically for rheumatic fever and bacterial domonas aeruginosa and are usually given in
endocarditis in individuals with mitral valve combination with an aminoglycoside (such as
prolapse, congenital heart disease, and pros- gentamicin) antibiotic to help increase the
thetic heart valves. killing of the Pseudomonas bacteria.
Aminopenicillins such as ampicillin are Penicillin–beta-lactamase inhibitor combi-
useful for the same infections targeted by nations, such as ampicillin-sulbactam, are
464 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

used in infections that are caused by bacteria regard to mixing them in the same container.
resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics. However, once delivered to the patient, this
Penicillins are roughly categorized as dis- incompatibility does not exist in-vivo. Bac-
cussed here, and summarized in Table 16-5. teriostatic drugs should not be given with
Again, current susceptibilities and resistances a penicillin, as this combination could de-
should be periodically reviewed to ensure crease the effectiveness of the penicillin; in-
drug choices that allow the least chance of stead, the penicillin should be administered
resistance, and optimum patient risk (Doi & first, followed by the bacteriostatic drug a
Chambers, 2015). few hours later.
The penicillins are contraindicated in pa-
1. Penicillin G and penicillin V are very sus-
ceptible to penicillinase, so they are effective tients with history of severe allergic reaction
against Gram-positive cocci, but not most to them, and/or to cephalosporins. Counsel
S. aureus strains. pregnant women according to benefits and
2. Nafcillin, oxacillin, and dicloxacillin are potential risks.
penicillinase-resistant, but less active than pen-
icillin G and penicillin V against suscepti- Nursing Implications
ble bacteria (i.e., S. aureus and S. epidermidis).
3. Ampicillin and amoxicillin possess the When considering prescribing a penicillin,
activity of the above penicillins, plus some review the history of any penicillin reac-
Gram-negative bacterial coverage, such tions with the patient. Patients prescribed
as H. influenza, E. coli, and Proteus mirabi- oral penicillin should be instructed to take
lus, and are known as the extended (spectrum) the full course of medication at evenly spaced
amino-penicillins. Clavulanate or sulbactam intervals around the clock to maintain blood
can be added to prolong action by inhibiting
class A β-lactamases, which degrade many concentration above the minimum effec-
penicillins. tive concentration (MIC). Oral penicillin
4. The carboxypenicillins and ureidopenicil- should be taken with six to eight ounces of
lins class, which includes carbenicillin in- water, but without food, in order to avoid
danyl with clavulanate, have extended acidic stomach fluids, as these degrade the
Gram-negative activity including Pseudomonas, drug. Alert patients to the symptoms of su-
Enterobacter, and Proteus species.
5. Mezlocillin and azlocillin (both now dis- perinfections (e.g., candidiasis), and treat
continued in the United States) have a fur- them appropriately if these concomitant
ther extended Gram-negative spectrum, infections arise.
with improved activity against Pseudomonas, For parenteral dosing, monitor the patient
Klebsiella, and some other Gram-negative for 30 minutes after giving the parenteral
bacteria. dose of any penicillin for signs of allergic
reaction. Monitor the patient for decreasing
Drug Interactions and Contraindications signs of infection and kidney function
Penicillin decreases the effectiveness of oral (especially in patients with decreased kidney
contraceptives and warfarin. NSAIDs com- function). Dilute intramuscular (IM) doses
pete with penicillin for protein-binding sites in the diluent recommended by the drug
and cause more free penicillin to circulate manufacturer and rotate injection sites.
in the body. Probenecid enhances the ef- Monitor IV sites closely for irritation. Monitor
fectiveness of penicillin. Food interferes patients on sodium restriction closely who are
with the absorption of penicillin. Penicillins receiving high doses of sodium penicillin G,
given intravenously should never be mixed carbenicillin, and ticarcillin for signs
with aminoglycosides in the same intrave- of sodium overloading, and follow serum
nous (IV) solution, as penicillins can inacti- ­sodium levels and cardiac status. In patients
vate aminoglycosides, and so the two drug receiving high doses of potassium
classes are considered “incompatible” with penicillin G, check serum potassium levels
Antibacterials 465

before initiating the medication, and then structure differs slightly among cephalo-
monitor for hyperkalemia. sporins, and slightly—but of significance—­
Women taking oral contraceptives should between cephalosporins and penicillins. Like
be advised to add a second method of protec- the penicillins, the cephalosporins inhibit
tion (e.g., a barrier method) at least for the bacterial cell wall synthesis. The categories
duration of therapy. This is true for many of cephalosporins are shown in TABLE 16-6.
broad-spectrum antibiotics, due to their The most common method of classification
­effects on the enterohepatic recirculation of is by “generation” (first to fourth), which,
oral estrogens, resulting in subtherapeutic more or less, follows their usefulness from
­estrogen concentrations. Gram-positive to more Gram-negative or-
ganisms. The fourth-generation cephalospo-
Cephalosporins rins are used in hospitalized patients who
Cephalosporins were discovered in the late have ­infections with Gram-positive bacteria,
1940s and came into clinical use in the 1960s. ­Enterobacteriaceae, or Pseudomonas.
Chemically, they appear very similar to each Though the β-lactams may have earned
other, and to penicillins (FIGURE 16-7). The core a reputation of being risky drugs to adminis-
ter due to the stereotype of induction of al-
lergic reactions, the incidence with penicillins
is actually relatively low (about 1% to 2% of
7 S patients). The incidence of severe allergic re-
actions to cephalosporins is lower than that of
O N 4 penicillins (from 1% to 10%, with rare ana-
O R2
phylaxis (<0.02%) (Annè & Reisman, 1995),
and, though they share structural similari-
Cephem nucleus ties, the cross-sensitivity between penicil-
FIGURE 16-7  Basic structure of the cephalosporins. lins and cephalosporins is quite low (0.012%

TABLE 16-6 Cephalosporin Antibacterial Drugs by Generation

Generation Generic Names Organisms Targeted Resistant Organisms

First Cefazolin, cephalexin, Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus aureus. Acinetobacter spp., Listeria monocytogenes,
cefadroxil, cephradine Legionella spp., MRSA, penicillin-resistant
Streptococcus spp., Xanthomonas maltophilia.

Second Cefuroxime, cefuroxime Escherichia coli, Haemophilus influenzae, Acinetobacter spp., Listeria monocytogenes,
axetil, cefotetan, cefoxitin, Klebsiella spp., Moraxella catarrhalis, Proteus Legionella spp., MRSA, Xanthomonas maltophilia.
cefprozil, cefmetazole, spp., Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus Has less activity against Gram-positive species
loracarbef aureus. than first-generation agents. Activity of
Cefmetazole and loracarbef: All of the cefmetazole and loracarbef against S. aureus is
above plus Bacteroides spp. somewhat reduced.

Third Cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, Enterobacteriaceae, Neisseria gonorrhoeae Acinetobacter spp., Listeria monocytogenes,
cefdinir, cefditoren, (ceftriaxone only), Providencia spp., Legionella spp., MRSA, Xanthomonas maltophilia.
ceftibuten, cefpodoxime, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia, Most strains of N. gonorrhoeae have become
ceftizoxime, cefoperazone, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus resistant to all but ceftriaxone.
ceftazidime pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus.
Some activity against Bacteroides spp., but
less than second-generation drugs.
Cefotaxime has greatest activity against S.
pyogenes and Staph. aureus.

Fourth Cefepime Similar to third-generation spectrum, but Acinetobacter spp., Listeria monocytogenes,
with greater resistance to beta-lactamases. Legionella spp., MRSA, Xanthomonas maltophilia.
466 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

of patients), meaning, in most cases, patients from alcohol during therapy and for the first
allergic to penicillins are not also allergic to 72 hours after completing therapy, as alcohol
cephalosporins. However, many people are in combination with some cephalosporins can
allergic to these classes, and especially the cause a disulfiram-like reaction.
penicillins are notable for induction of type- Counsel pregnant women according to
I anaphylactic reactions, and there is no re- benefits and potential risks of cephalosporins.
liable test to predict or confirm penicillin These agents have been found to enter breast-
allergy (Romano, Mondino, Viola, & Mon- milk, so they should be used with caution in
tushi, 2003). It has been estimated that only breastfeeding mothers.
about 1.2% of patients who report “penicillin
allergy” are, in fact, allergic, though such al- Nursing Implications
lergies are rarely confirmed, and practitioners Review the history of any penicillin or
take a cautious approach when prescribing cephalosporin reactions with the patient;
(Albin & Agarwal, 2014). The cross-sensitivity consider alternative therapy in patients with
between penicillins and first-generation ceph- a known beta-lactam allergy. When admin-
alosporins has been estimated to be as high as istering a cephalosporin parenterally, the
40% (i.e., 40% of 1.2%, or 0.4% of patients), IM injection should be given deeply into a
with cross-­sensitivity between penicillins large muscle mass. IV forms should be well
and third-or fourth-generation cephalospo- diluted, and the IV site should be monitored
rins appearing to be negligible (Campagna, for signs of redness, tenderness, and swelling.
Bond, Schabelman, & Hayes, 2012). There- Check prothrombin time for patients taking
fore, penicillins (and perhaps cephalosporins) ­cefazolin, cefmetazole, cefoperazone,
should be used with caution in patients, and and cefotetan.
if there is a history of bonafide allergy, should As with penicillins, patients prescribed
be completely avoided. In general, β-lactams oral cephalosporins should be instructed to
are very safe drugs, with mechanical, injec- take the full course of medication at evenly
tion-related reactions occasionally occurring. spaced intervals around the clock to maintain
As with most broad-spectrum antibiotics, pro- blood levels. Oral cephalosporins should be
longed oral use can lead to overpopulation taken with six to eight ounces of water; avoid
by yeast or fungi in the mouth or gastrointes- taking them with acidic fluids as these will
tinal tract (i.e., thrush). Occasionally, use of destroy the drug. Prolonged use may lead to
β-lactams can lead to severe infection by in- superinfection, and clinicians should be alert
testinal flora. These effects are due to the de- for Clostridium difficile–associated diarrhea in
struction of nonpathogenic gut bacteria along patients who present with persistent diarrhea
with the targeted organism(s). after use. Alert patients to the symptoms of
superinfections and treat them appropriately
Drug Interactions and Contraindications if these infections arise. Oral forms of cepha-
The cephalosporins are contraindicated in pa- losporins should be taken on an empty stom-
tients with a history of severe allergic reaction ach if possible, but patients may take them
to them and/or to penicillins. If the patient with milk or food if gastric problems occur.
is known to have had a mild or moderate
adverse response to either class in previous Carbapenems
usage, clinicians should consider alterna- Carbapenems are a class of beta-lactam an-
tive options; if no better antibiotic option tibiotics that are distinguished by a fused
is available for treatment, patients known beta-lactam ring and a five-member ring
to have had adverse responses in the past system. The drugs in this class—imipenem,
should be carefully monitored for similar re- meropenem, ertapenem, doripenem,
actions. Patients should be warned to abstain ­panipenem, and biapenem—have a
Antibacterials 467

broader spectrum of activity compared to if possible; of all the members of this class,
the penicillins and cephalosporins; they are doripenem is least susceptible to hydrolysis
considered potent agents against severe infec- by carbapenemases.
tions. More importantly, the carbapenems are
called extended-spectrum beta-lactamases Drug Interactions and Contraindications
(ESBLs) because they are the only agents Drug sensitivity is the most serious concern
available that have activity against organ- with the carbapenem drugs, although the
isms capable of resisting not only standard frequency of hypersensitivity is estimated
beta-lactam antibiotics but also the combi- at less than 3% (Hawkey, 2012). As
nation agents that utilize a beta-lactamase stated previously regarding penicillins and
inhibitor to reduce the microbe’s ability to hy- cephalosporins, cross-sensitivity among
drolyze the antibiotic (Hawkey, 2012). These individuals with allergies both to penicillin
properties make carbapenems the agents of and carbepenem is low, approximately 1%;
choice for mixed aerobic and anaerobic infec- in severe infections, the low likelihood of
tions resistant to treatment with other anti- allergic reaction should be weighed against
biotics, especially for cephalosporin-resistant the need for aggressive therapy. Because of
Enterobacter infections. Hospitalized patients issues of resistance, carbapenems should be
with serious infections may be treated with avoided in patients with known C. difficile
carbapenems if the suspected organism is a infection or high likelihood of contracting
cephalosporin-resistant or penicillin-resistant such an infection (Hawkey, 2012).
bacterium. Note, however, that some strains For all agents in this class, nephrotoxic-
of Enterobacter have begun to develop resis- ity, neurotoxicity (including status epilep-
tance to carbapenems (Hawkey, 2012). ticus), and immunomodulation have been
Imipenem, panipenem, and doripenem reported. Seizures in patients with renal im-
are very effective against Gram-positive pairment are a specific risk, and patients with
­bacteria (Papp-Wallace, Endimiani, Taracila, & renal impairment should have doses adjusted
Bonomo, 2011), including streptococci, en- in accordance with the guidelines specific
terococci, staphylococci, and Listeria. For to the agent used. Therefore, renal func-
imipenem, the list of susceptible pathogens tion should be monitored in these patients.
includes penicillin-resistant strains of S. pneu- Liver function should be monitored, particu-
moniae and some strains of MRSA as well as larly in those patients with known or likely
anaerobes. Meropenem, biapenem, hepatic impairment.
ertapenem, and doripenem have slightly
greater efficacy against Gram-negative organ- Nursing Considerations
isms (Papp-Wallace, Endimiani, Taracila, & Review the history of any penicillin or
Bonomo, 2011). cephalosporin reactions with patients; con-
Meropenem and doripenem have an sider alternative therapy in patients with
antimicrobial spectrum of activity similar known beta-lactam allergy. Assess for and ad-
to that of imipenem, with greater activity just doses in the presence of renal or hepatic
against Gram-negative aerobes but less activ- impairment. Do not mix carbapenems with
ity against Gram-positive aerobes. All three other medications in the IV. Assess patients
drugs are effective against Pseudomonas aerugi- for CNS or seizure-related disorders and GI
nosa and Acinetobacter baumannii, although re- disorders such as colitis, nausea, vomiting,
sistance to them is spreading in A. baumannii and pseudomembranous colitis, which are
(Hawkey, 2012). Doripenem has lower MICs known adverse effects associated with this
than do imipenem and meropenem versus class. Monitor patients for abscess or inflam-
P. aeruginosa and A. baumannii, making it at- mation at the injection site as well as for
tractive as a first choice against these bacteria, phlebitis or rash. Use of carbapenem drugs
468 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

may lead to superinfection, and clinicians beta-lactamase enzymes produced by resistant

should be alert for persistent diarrhea after organisms, thereby preventing these enzymes
use. Alert patients to the symptoms of super- from halting the actions of beta-lactam antibi-
infections and treat the symptoms appropri- otics. The result is prolongation of beta-lactam
ately if these infections arise. MIC concentrations, without necessitating
drug doses that would potentially be toxic to
Monobactams the patient. As adjunct medications, they are
Monobactams are similar to other beta-lactam beneficial in terms of their ability to boost the
antibiotics but contain a monocyclic potency (duration/sustained concentration)
beta-lactam ring. Aztreonam, the only of antibacterial agents that otherwise might
monobactam available in the United States, not be effective against particular organisms
is relatively resistant to beta-lactamases. Its or specific resistant strains due to intoler-
spectrum of activity includes Gram-negative ably high MICs. When combined with beta-
rods, but it has no activity against Gram-posi- lactamases, beta-lactams can be used at serum
tive bacteria or anaerobic organisms. It is used concentrations that are lower than would be
primarily in treatment of UTIs, dermal infec- required without the beta-lactamases, allow-
tions, septicemia, intra-abdominal infections, ing tolerable drug concentrations in patients.
and gynecologic infections involving the fol- However, increased use has led to the emer-
lowing organisms: Citrobacter, Enterobacter, E. gence of organisms that are resistant even to
coli, H. pneumoniae, Klebsiella, N. gonorrhoeae, the combination drugs—in particular, strains
Proteus, Providencia, Pseudomonas, Salmonella, of E. coli and K. pneumoniae that show resis-
and Serratia. tance to sulbactam and clavulanate (Drawz
& Bonomo, 2010).
Drug Interactions and Contraindications Each beta-lactamase inhibitor agent has
Aztreonam is well tolerated, with few ad- slightly different pharmacology, stability, and
verse reactions reported. This agent lacks potency, but the efficacy of the combination
cross-sensitivity in patients with documented against the organism at issue is determined by
allergies to penicillin or cephalospo- the antibiotic with which the beta-lactamase
rin antibiotics, but should nonetheless be inhibitor is paired, coupled with the (weak) in-
used with caution in patients with signifi- trinsic activity of each component of the com-
cant type-I anaphylactic (immediate)-type bination therapy. Therefore, sensitivity and
beta-lactam hypersensitivity. susceptibility of pathogens should be known.
It should be clear that, alone, beta-lactamase
Nursing Considerations inhibitors are not useful. They are only consid-
For IV injection, after constituting aztreo- ered adjuncts to specified beta-lactams.
nam with a diluent in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions, the medication Drug Interactions and Contraindications
should be administered immediately and any Beta-lactamase inhibitors as a class have lim-
excess discarded; do not reserve extra consti- ited toxicity, and most adverse effects seen
tuted drug for later use. in patients are due to the coadministered
antibacterial drug (Lehne, 2012). Allergy to
Beta-Lactamase Inhibitors clavulanic acid has been observed, however
The drugs in the beta-lactamase inhibitor class (Tortajada Girbés et al., 2008).
(clavulanate, sulbactam, and tazobac-
tam) are similar in structure to beta-lactam Aminoglycosides
molecules but have only limited direct effects Aminoglycosides (the prototype strepto-
on bacteria. Their value lies, as their name mycin is shown in FIGURE 16-8) were discov-
suggests, in their ability to deactivate the ered in 1943 (Rogers, 2009), are of primary
Antibacterials 469

use against aerobic Gram-negative bacteria,
C and are bactericidal. They act by first tra-
NH2 H2N versing bacterial porin protein channels into
bacterial periplasmic space, then being trans-
N H ported across the inner membrane, even-
(streptidine) tually binding RNA polysomes (30s, with
H HO effects on 50s). Binding of polysomes causes
misreading of the mRNA, causing premature
termination of mRNA translation, and leading
to incomplete and incorrect protein synthesis
H O O by the susceptible bacteria (FIGURE 16-9). It is
thought these aberrant proteins are inserted
CHO H into the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane,
H3C H causing leakage, and eventually disruption of
the bacterial cell envelope.
HO H The aminoglycosides include amika-
H cin, gentamicin, kanamycin, neomycin,
O netilmicin, paromomycin, streptomy-
CH2OH cin, and tobramycin. Most aminoglyco-
H R sides are administered via IM injection.
H H Neomycin and paromomycin are
administered orally.
R = CH3NH–
OH H The aminoglycosides tend to be more
Streptomycin toxic (or have more narrow therapeutic indices)
FIGURE 16-8  Structure of streptomycin, the prototype
than other antibiotics, with nephro- and oto-
aminoglycoside. toxicities being the most notable. Their major

Growing polypeptide


5' 3'
Direction of mRNA translation protein


5' 3' 5' 3' 5' 3'

A. Blocks initiation B. Blocks further C. Incorporation of
of protein synthesis translation and elicits incorrect amino acid
premature termination
FIGURE 16-9  Effects of aminoglycosides on protein synthesis.
470 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

use is for systemic Gram-negative infections, toxicity, their systemic use is limited to treat-
including those resulting from E. coli, Serratia, ment of those microbes most likely to be sus-
Proteus, Klebsiella, and Pseudomonas (MacDou- ceptible. For smaller topical uses however,
gall and Chambers, 2011b). They can some- they are very commonly used.
times be effective against methicillin-resistant
Staph. aureus (MRSA). In some circumstances, Drug Interactions and Contraindications
aminoglycosides are used in combination Aminoglycosides should not be taken if the
with other antibiotics to improve spectral cov- patient has previously had an allergic reac-
erage or avoid bacterial resistance. Bacterial tion to a member of this family. They must
killing is concentration dependent, so a chal- be used cautiously in patients with Parkinson
lenge often is to maintain the highest possible disease, dehydration, liver or kidney disease,
aminoglycoside concentration in the patient, myasthenia gravis, and hearing loss due to
without surpassing the concentration where the potential to aggravate these conditions or
the likelihood of nephrotoxicity or ototoxicity promote additional injury. Coadministration
becomes too great. of aminoglycosides with other innately neph-
Toxicities caused by aminoglycosides rotoxic drugs compounds the existing risk for
can occur when administered by any of the kidney damage and should be avoided. Simi-
available dosage routes (oral, injectable, rec- larly, the concurrent use of ethacrynic acid
tal, and even topical). Ototoxicity occurs (a loop diuretic) with an aminoglycoside can
from toxic effects on hair cells and neurons promote damage to the inner ear.
in the cochlea, and, eventually the audi- The activity of certain drugs may be en-
tory nerve. Nephrotoxicity is caused by ac- hanced when an aminoglycoside is taken
tions of aminoglycosides in the proximal concomitantly. Extended-spectrum penicil-
tubules. This can lead to decreased glomeru- lins (e.g., ticarcillin) inactivate the amino-
lar filtration rate (GFR) and increased serum glycosides; however, other penicillins produce
creatinine concentrations (Rougier et al., a synergistic effect when combined with these
2003). Once it occurs, ototoxicity is often ir- drugs. Aminoglycosides increase anticoagu-
reversible, whereas nephrotoxicity is usu- lant activity when taken with an anticoag-
ally reversible, because proximal tubules can ulant. Therefore, patients on anticoagulant
regenerate. These problems are more often therapy should be very closely monitored,
encountered when aminoglycosides are ad- both for aminoglycoside concentration and
ministered systemically than topically, un- anticoagulant activity. If an aminoglycoside
less a large surface area, such as with burn is taken with a skeletal muscle relaxant, the
patients, is being treated. To avoid aminogly- neuromuscular blockade effect is increased
coside toxicities, plasma concentrations are due to native neuromuscular blocking effects
monitored. In addition to observation of ami- of the antibiotic (Fiekers, 1999).
noglycoside concentrations, dose calculations It is advisable to avoid use of these medi-
based on patient creatinine clearance cations in pregnant and lactating women, as
Best Practices are used. To optimize the pharma- some agents are known to have fetal effects
cokinetics (and therefore decrease while others are not completely contrain-
Aminoglycosides may the likelihood of toxicity), often a dicated simply due to a lack of informa-
produce irreversible
large dosing interval (i.e., once every tion. Aminoglycosides may cause fetal harm
hearing loss, so moni-
tor hearing during 24 hours) with a higher aminoglyco- when administered during pregnancy and
therapy and consider side dose, is employed, rather than carry a black box warning for this reason.
alternative options smaller, more frequent dosing. There are no well-controlled studies in preg-
in hearing-impaired Because aminoglycosides have nant women for all aminoglycosides, but
patients whenever
a rather narrow bacterial spectrum streptomycin is known to cause harm to the
of activity, and a high potential for fetus in-utero. Others have not been shown
Antibacterials 471

to cause fetal harm. However, all aminogly- erythromycin (FIGURE 16-10), clarithromy-
cosides should be used cautiously in pregnant cin, and azithromycin. A variety of newer
patients, and these patients should be prop- macrolides has been developed, including
erly apprised of potential risks versus benefits azithromycin, clarithromycin, dirithro-
from use of these drugs. Likewise, generally mycin, roxithromycin, and the ketolide
only small amounts of aminoglycoside doses variant telithromycin. Macrolides bind
partition into breastmilk. Because the poten- bacterial 50s ribosomes and block actions
tial for harm exists, breastfeeding patients of tRNA. The results include inhibition of
should be apprised of the risks and benefits bacterial protein synthesis (FIGURE 16-11). Mac-
prior to their use during nursing. rolides are usually bacteriostatic, though
they can be bactericidal at higher concentra-
Nursing Considerations tions. They are most useful for treatment of
Review the history of any aminoglycoside infections caused by aerobic Gram-positive
reactions with patients. Aminoglycosides cocci and bacilli, including Staphylococci and
may be administered via the oral, topical, IM,
and IV routes. Oral forms should be taken
on an empty stomach, and the patient ad-
vised to take the full course of medication.
IV doses should be administered slowly, over H3C CH3

30 minutes or more; peak and trough levels OH OH H3C

must be monitored. Peak levels greater than OH CH3 N
12 mcg/mL and trough levels greater than HO
2 mcg/mL are associated with toxicity. If the O CH3
patient is also receiving an extended-spec- CH3
trum penicillin, administer the aminoglyco- O O OCH3
side and penicillin at least 2 hours apart. CH3 CH3
Nurses should monitor for adverse effects O OH
of aminoglycoside drugs, which may include CH3
any of the following conditions: weakness, Erythromycin
depression, confusion, numbness, tingling,
FIGURE 16-10  Structure of erythromycin.
and neuromuscular blockade; hypertension,
hypotension, and palpitations; ototoxicity;
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomatitis, and
weight loss; nephrotoxicity; bone marrow Nascent
depression; joint pain; superinfection; and polypeptide
chain 50S
apnea. The patient’s BUN, creatinine clear-
ance, and input and output (I & O), as well
as hearing, in particular, should be moni- Transferase site
tored, especially if administering other oto-
toxic or nephrotoxic drugs in tandem with
aminoglycosides. IV calcium gluconate can P site A site
reverse the neuromuscular blockade caused
by aminoglycosides (Herbert-Ashton & mRNA template
Clarkson, 2008).

Macrolides 30S
Macrolide antibiotics were introduced in the FIGURE 16-11  Mechanism of macrolide antibiotics: Bacterial protein
1950s. This class of antimicrobials includes synthesis.
472 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

Best Practices Streptococci. The macrolides can also harm shown. Spontaneous abortion is sta-
be useful for the treatment of H. tistically higher for pregnant patients tak-
Advise patients that pylori–related stomach ulcers. The ing clarithromycin in the first trimester.
if they develop gas-
most important adverse effects of Small amounts of clarithromycin appear
trointestinal upset,
there may be an the macrolides include gastric dis- in breastmilk, but do not appear to be un-
enteric-coated prod- tress, when taken orally. Therefore, duly deleterious to the infant (AbbVie,
uct available, but also oral macrolides should be taken 2017). Therefore, erythro mycin and
allow them to take with food if gastric distress, nau- azithromycin appear to have less evidence
this medication with
sea, vomiting, or diarrhea prove to of fetal or infant harm than does clarithro-
a small meal.
be problematic. mycin. Pregnant and nursing patients should
be ­apprised of the relative risks and benefits
Drug Interactions and Contraindications ­before use of these drugs.
The macrolides are contraindicated in patients
who are allergic to them. They should be Nursing Considerations
used cautiously in patients with liver disease, Macrolides can be administered orally or par-
gastrointestinal disease, impaired hearing, enterally. Erythromycin solutions must be
and cardiac arrhythmias. The ophthalmic used within 8 hours if stored at room tem-
preparation is contraindicated in fungal, viral, perature; solutions stored in the refrigerator
and mycbacterial eye infections. must be used within 24 hours.
Macrolides decrease the metabolism of When these drugs are taken orally, the
carbamazepine and cyclosporine, so their most significant adverse effects include gas-
coadministration can lead to toxicity from tric distress. For this reason, oral macrolides
these medications. Similarly, macrolides de- should be taken with food if gastric distress,
crease the metabolism of benzodiazepines nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea proves to be
and so increase the CNS depression effects of problematic. However, food will decrease
these drugs. The effects of corticosteroids are absorption of non-enteric-coated erythro-
increased when these medications are taken mycin tablets; thus, if the patient has been
with macrolides, and concurrent use of mac- prescribed this formulation, he or she should
rolides and digoxin can cause digitalis toxic- be switched to an enteric-coated formulation,
ity. If patients must be placed on a regimen of if one exists, when gastric adverse effects
a macrolide, extra care should be taken to as- warrant dosing of erythromycin with food.
sess digoxin plasma levels, especially for lon- Each dose should be taken with eight
ger-duration macrolide therapy. In addition, ounces of water. Instruct the patient about
combination of oral anticoagulants and mac- whether the specific prescription may be taken
rolides can cause increased bleeding, so pa- with food. Monitor for diarrhea, vomiting, ab-
rameters of anticoagulant therapy should be dominal pain, jaundice, dark-colored urine,
more carefully monitored during macrolide light-colored stools, and lethargy, as these are
treatment. If theophylline and macrolides signs of liver damage. Also report the follow-
are taken together, the effectiveness of the ing signs of ototoxicity: nausea, tinnitus, dizzi-
theophylline is increased and the effective- ness, and vertigo.
ness of the macrolide is decreased.
Erythromycin and azithromycin cross Quinolones and Fluoroquinolones
the placenta in small amounts, and do appear Quinolones and fluoroquinolones were first
in breastmilk. However, clarithromycin discovered in the early 1960s (Takahashi,
has been shown to cross the placental bar- Hayakawa, & Akimoto, 2003), specifically,
rier, though first-trimester exposure in hu- nalidixic acid. The introduction of fluoroqui-
mans has not shown adverse fetal effects nolones (6-fluorinated quinolones) improved
in humans. In animals, there has been the spectrum over the quinolones, so they
Antibacterials 473

are now more predominantly used than qui- The fluoroquinolones are active Best Practices
nolones. Quinolones include nalidixic acid against most aerobic Gram-negative
and cinoxacin. The fluoroquinolones include bacteria and a few Gram-positive Patients should be
advised that common
ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, moxifloxacin, le- strains. Notably, they are effec-
minerals found in
vofloxacin, and others. The general structure tive against Campylobacter jejuni, E. antacids, antidiarrhe-
of this class appears in FIGURE 16-12. coli, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas aerugi- als, and supplements,
The fluoroquinolones are bactericidal nosa, Haemophilus influenzae, Salmo- as well as caffeine,
via their action of interfering with DNA gy- nella, Shigella, meningococci, and will interact with
rase, which is an enzyme needed to synthe- numerous streptococci. They are
size bacterial DNA. The inability to synthesize also useful in the treatment of mul-
DNA kills the bacterial cell. The quinolones/ tidrug-resistant TB, gonorrhea, Mycobacte-
fluoroquinolones have a very broad spec- rium avium complex (MAC) infections in
trum of antibacterial activity. They act on bac- patients with acquired immune deficiency
terial DNA gyrase and/or topoisomerase IV syndrome (AIDS), and fever in patients
(Strahilevitz & Hooper, 2005). DNA gyrase with cancer who have neutropenia (Tanne,
is the major target in Gram-positive bacteria 2008; Sendzik, Shakibaei, Schäfer-Korting, &
(e.g., S. aureus), while topoisomerase IV is the Stahlmann, 2005).
major target in most Gram-negative bacteria Even though this group of medications
(Cozzarelli, 1980) (FIGURE 16-13). is new, a great deal of microbial resistance
Bacterial DNA gyrase normally binds and has already developed due to misuse of the
twists two segments of DNA, creating a DNA drugs. In particular, Clostridium difficile has of-
superhelix. Further DNA gyrase action in- ten been found to be resistant (Spigaglia,
duces a supercoil in the DNA. Quinolones and
fluoroquinolones inhibit these activities of
DNA gyrase. At higher concentrations, they
also block topoisomerase IV actions. Inhibit-
ing DNA gyrase and/or topoisomerase IV in-
hibits bacterial growth.
The fluoroquinolones are very dominant 1
positive node
in their range of activity and are bactericidal
while generating few adverse reactions. They
are useful for the treatment of UTIs, STDs,
and gastrointestinal, abdominal, respiratory, (−)
bone and joint, and soft-tissue infections. Flu-
oroquinolones are generally safe, with the 2
Break back
major problems pertaining to mild nausea,
vomiting, and gastrointestinal cramps. Some
patients report mild headaches or dizziness.

8 Reseal break
R7 X N on front side
7 2
6 3 (−)
5 (−)
FIGURE 16-12  Nalidixic acid, quinolone, and fluoroquinolone FIGURE 16-13  Mechanism of action of quinolones and
structures. fluoroqinolones.
474 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

Barbanti, Dionisi, & Mastrantonio, 2010), and vein. Any sudden joint pain should be re-
fluoroquinolones generally have little effect ported, particularly in the area of the Achilles
against anaerobes. tendon, as tendon rupture has been associ-
The fluoroquinolones can be given orally, ated with these agents (Kim, 2010).
parenterally, and topically, although many are Antacids should not be given within
given only in the oral form because they have four hours of an oral fluoroquinolone, and
excellent absorption. They are absorbed by urine pH should be monitored and alkalized
the gastrointestinal tract and well distributed to ­decrease the risk of crystalluria. Increase
in the body. The principal organ for excretion fluid intake to two to three L/day. Offer
is the kidneys. small frequent meals to patients with gastro-
intestinal upset.
Drug Interactions and Contraindications
Concurrent administration of a fluoroquinolone Lincosamides
with any of the following medications decreases The lincosamide class originated with lin-
absorption of the fluoroquinolones: sucralfate; comycin, a derivative of the soil bacterium
antacids; didanosine; salts of aluminum, mag- Streptomyces lincolnensis. Lincomycin has
nesium, calcium, zinc, and iron; and food. since been replaced by a second-generation
Theophyllines taken with fluoroquino- drug, clindamycin, which shows more ex-
lones can cause theophylline toxicity. Fluo- tensive activity against both bacterial and
roquinolones can decrease blood levels of protozoan pathogens (e.g., Toxoplasmosis,
the hydantoins and increase the incidence Plasmodium). Clindamycin is currently the
of seizures. These drugs interfere with liver only lincosamide antibiotic available for hu-
metabolism of caffeine and decrease the effec- man use, although others are in development
tiveness of birth control pills. St. John’s wort due to concerns about the spread of bacterial
(Hypericum perforatum), taken with fluoroqui- resistance (Morar, Bhullar, Hughes, Junop, &
nolones, can cause photosensitivity reactions. Wright, 2009). The mechanism of action for
Fluoroquinolones are contraindicated in clindamycin is via interference with protein
patients who are allergic to them, pregnant synthesis by binding to 50S ribosomal sub-
and lactating women, and children younger units in bacterial cells.
than the age of 18. They should be used cau- When delivered orally or via IM/IV in-
tiously in patients with liver disease, kidney jection, clindamycin becomes distributed
disease, gastrointestinal disease, and dehydra- via a one-compartment model to nearly
tion. Ciprofloxacin stimulates the CNS and all areas of the body, including the bones;
must be used cautiously in patients with CNS however, it does not distribute well to the
and cerebrovascular disease. CSF and should not be used for treatment
In 2008 the FDA added a black box warn- of meningitis.
ing for fluoroquinolones regarding the po- Systemically, clindamycin is adminis-
tential for tendon rupture (Tanne, 2008). The tered orally or parenterally to treat infections
mechanism by which this rare event occurs with streptococci, staphylococci, Bacteri-
is unclear, but it has been proposed that fluo- odes, and other anaerobic bacteria, including
roquinolones may interact with tenocyte reg- MRSA (Morar et al., 2009). The types of se-
ulatory proteins, leading to tendon damage rious infections for which it is used include
(Sendzik et al., 2005). lower respiratory tract, bone and joint, gy-
necologic, and skin structure infections as
Nursing Considerations well as septicemia. Clindamycin has certain
Fluoroquinolones may be administered orally, characteristics that make it attractive for se-
parenterally, or topically. IV preparations rious infections of the skin and skin struc-
should be given over one hour via a large ture such as necrotizing fasciitis: It reduces
Antibacterials 475

the toxicity of the virulent S. aureus and S. neuromuscular blockade with neuromuscu-
pyogenes microbes that cause these infec- lar blocking agents and decreased gastroin-
tions and has a small anti-inflammatory ef- testinal absorption with agents containing
fect. However, resistance has been noted, kaolin or aluminum salts (e.g., antidiarrheal
particularly among staphylococci (Mahesh, agents, antacids).
Ramakant, & Jagadeesh, 2013); due to simi- Clindamycin does transfer into breast-
larities in the drug’s mechanisms of action, milk, so it should not be used in lactating
it can be generally stated that any mi- women due to the potential for gastric distur-
crobe resistant to a macrolide will likely also bance in the infant.
resist clindamycin.
Clindamycin is also used topically to Nursing Considerations
treat vaginosis (Eriksson, Larsson, Nilsson, & Review of the patient’s history for hypersen-
Forsum, 2011) and epidermal infections, in- sitivity, atopy, and gastrointestinal symptoms
cluding acne. For those patients with a pen- should be undertaken before clindamycin
icillin allergy, clindamycin is an excellent is administered. Researchers have noted that
second choice, especially for prevention and patient body weight seems to affect clear-
treatment of oral/gum infection, due to its ance of this drug (Bouazza et al., 2012), so
ability to partition into tissues including the that higher doses may be needed to achieve
gums and bone. MIC in patients weighing more than approxi-
mately 75 kg.
Drug Interactions and Contraindications IV infusion should be done slowly, as
Hypersensitivity to clindamycin is rare; there is a risk of cardiac arrest when the drug
when it does occur, it tends to emerge as se- is rapidly infused. Monitor for sterile abscess
vere skin-related eruptions (Thong, 2010). with IM administration and for thrombophle-
For this reason, the drug should be used cau- bitis with IV administration.
tiously in patients with a history of atopic For oral preparations, patients should
dermatitis (eczema) or other forms of atopy be instructed to take clindamycin with a
(e.g., asthma). Clindamycin has a long- full glass of water or with food and to com-
established association with pseudomembra- plete the full prescribed course of the drug
nous colitis (Tedesco, 1977), so its systemic unless instructed to cease taking it by a
use is contraindicated in patients with a his- healthcare provider.
tory of regional enteritis, ulcerative colitis, or For all systemically administered regi-
antibiotic-associated colitis. Topical prepara- mens, monitor patients for adverse effects
tions have minimal systemic absorption and, such as nausea and vomiting; patients may
therefore, may be used cautiously in such eat frequent, small meals if this occurs. Mon-
patients, but should be immediately discontin- itor for superinfections in the mouth or va-
ued if gastrointestinal symptoms arise. Cau- gina and instruct patients to use frequent
tion should be used in patients with hepatic hygiene measures (provide treatment if these
and renal dysfunction and in infants, as the infections are severe). Report severe or wa-
drug is associated with gasping syndrome. C. tery diarrhea, abdominal pain, inflamed
difficile resistance to clindamycin has been mouth or vagina, and skin rash or lesions to
noted, and clindamycin should be discontin- the physician.
ued and treatment versus C. difficile initiated For topical dermatologic administration
should the patient present with persistent, (acne), instruct patients to apply a thin film
severe diarrhea suggestive of C. difficile super- of solution to the affected area twice daily,
infection. Coadministration with rifampicin taking care to avoid the eyes, mucous mem-
may reduce serum levels of clindamycin branes, and broken or inflamed skin. Any
(Bouazza et al., 2012). There is increased medication that contacts non-intact skin
476 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

Best Practices should be rinsed away thoroughly systemic uses is unsatisfactory, rendering oral
with cool water. Patients should be vancomycin useful for gastrointestinal infec-
When using advised to report any symptoms of tions but little else. Parenterally, it is the drug
clindamycin, moni-
abdominal pain or diarrhea while us- of choice for infection with MRSA or Staph-
tor patients for signs
of gastrointestinal ing the medication. ylococcus epidermides; via oral route, it is the
inflammation (colitis); For vaginal preparations, the drug of choice for pseudomembranous colitis
in patients with a his- medication should be used for three caused by C. difficile.
tory of colitis, avoid or seven consecutive days (as pre- When delivered parenterally, vancomy-
using this drug.
scribed), preferably at bedtime. cin becomes distributed into almost all body
The patient should not use vaginal fluids and tissues and has a serum half-life of
douches, deodorants, or vaginally inserted 4 to 6 hours in patients with normal kidney
contraceptive products, and should likewise function. In those with impaired kidney func-
refrain from sexual intercourse during treat- tion and in elderly patients, the half-life can
ment with this product. Patients should be last as long as 146 hours. The IV form of the
advised to report lack of improvement (e.g., drug is excreted mainly through the kidney,
ongoing vaginal irritation or itching) as well while the oral form is excreted in the feces.
as diarrhea that develops during treatment.
Drug Interactions and Contraindications
Vancomycin As mentioned earlier, the list of toxicities
The vancomycins currently have only one and contraindications for vancomycin is
member of the group, which is the prototype long (TABLE 16-7). This drug should not be used
for which the class is named. This drug is a in patients who are allergic or who have sus-
naturally occurring bactericidal antibiotic pected or past vancomycin-resistant Entero-
used in the treatment of severe infections. bacter (VRE) or S. aureus (VRSA) infections.
Because it produces very severe toxic effects, Vancomycin is contraindicated in preg-
however, its use is limited, and reserved for nancy. Lactating women need to have breast-
use against specific bacteria and in narrowly fed neonates and infants monitored for toxic
defined disease conditions. Initially, vanco- levels of drug, with dose and dosing inter-
mycin had very widespread use in the treat- val adjustments made, as necessary (Herbert-
ment of Staphylococcus aureus and Enterobacter Ashton & Clarkson, 2008).
infections, but the CDC has recommended
decreased use of vancomycin to limit the Nursing Considerations
spread of vancomycin-resistant organisms Patients should take vancomycin accord-
(National Institute of Allergy and Infec- ing to the prescriber’s directions. They must
tious Diseases [NIAID], 2011). Vancomycin take the entire prescription and take doses at
prevents cell wall synthesis in bacteria by evenly spaced intervals around the clock to
attaching to pentapeptides of bacterial pepti- keep blood levels even.
doglycan monomers in the bacterial cell wall Patients should report hearing abnormali-
that are necessary for peptidoglycan synthe- ties to the physician immediately; they should
sis; the drug also alters bacterial membrane also advise the physician of any skin rash, fe-
permeability and RNA synthesis. This, in ver, or sore throat. The report for ordered
turn, leads to death of the bacteria. blood work should include a complete blood
Vancomycin is usually given intrave- count (CBC), as well as peak and trough drug
nously for serious infections not responsive levels. Healthcare providers should develop
to other anti-infective medications. The oral awareness of patients’ I & O when taking
route is used only when treatment of sus- this drug. They should also assess patients’
ceptible GI bacteria is necessary, as the ab- liver and kidney function. Concentrations of
sorption from the gastrointestinal tract for 60 to 80 mcg/mL may cause ototoxicity.
Newer Anti-Infective Drugs for Resistant Infections 477

TABLE 16-7 Toxicities and Contraindications Associated with Vancomycin

Systemic Toxicities Adverse Effect Comments

Central nervous system Vertigo, ataxia

Eyes, ears, nose, and throat Ototoxicity causing tinnitus, hearing loss Ototoxicity is significant with this drug. Do not
(considered the most serious effect) use in hearing-impaired patients if an alternative
is available. Do not use concomitantly with
other ototoxic agents. Monitor hearing,
especially in older or very young patients.

Gastrointestinal Nausea

Genitourinary Nephrotoxicity, uremia

Hematologic Thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia, leukopenia

Immunologic Hypersensitivity; “red neck” or “red man” Associated with rapid IV infusion and caused by
syndrome histamine release. Symptoms include redness
of face, neck, and upper body; hypotension;
fever; chills; tachycardia; pruritus; and

Other Thrombophlebitis at IV injection site

Drug Interactions

Cholestyramine and colestipol Concurrent use interferes with absorption

of oral vancomycin

Known ototoxic drugs (e.g., aminoglycosides, Increased risk of ototoxicity with Especially with IM administration.
ethacrynic acid, furosemide, salicylates) concurrent use

Known nephrotoxic drugs (e.g., Increased risk of nephrotoxicity with

aminoglycosides, amphotericin B, cisplatin, concurrent use; renal disease requires
cyclosporine, polymixin B) cautious use

Metformin Concurrent use may cause lactic acidosis

Nondepolarizing muscle relaxants Concurrent use may cause an increase in

(e.g., atracurium, metocurine) neuromuscular blockade

Special Populations

Patients with inflammatory bowel disease Cautious use of oral preparation due to
increased drug absorption and possibility of
drug toxicity

Pregnancy Contraindicated due to safety concerns

Older adults Use with caution and monitor for toxicity

The IV preparation of vancomycin Newer Anti-Infective Drugs

should be infused over 60 minutes or lon-
ger; never infuse it quickly. Assess the IV
for Resistant Infections
site frequently for extravasation, as serious The newest anti-infective agents are drugs
skin complications (necrosis, tissue slough- that developed specifically for use against
ing) may occur. In some patients, it may be resistant strains of bacteria. The first class
necessary to administer an antihistamine of novel agents comprises the strepto-
before IV dosing of vancomycin is per- gramins, which were introduced in 1999
formed. Assess blood pressure and pulse (Karch, 2008). There are two drugs in this
during IV administration. group (used together), quinupristin and
478 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

dalfopristin. They have a synergistic effect, can be given orally and intravenously. It is
by binding to different sites on the 50S ribo- distributed all over the body after quick ab-
somal units of susceptible bacteria, inhibiting sorption from the gastrointestinal tract and
bacterial protein synthesis. They also used is excreted via the urine (Herbert-Ashton &
for other serious infections caused by meth- Clarkson, 2008).
icillin-resistant and vancomycin-resistant
bacteria as well as S. aureus and S. epidermi- Drug Interactions and Contraindications
des. This therapy must be used very judi- Quinupristin/Dalfopristin
ciously to prevent the development of drug
Quinupristin/dalfopristin increases serum
resistance to these agents; they should only
concentrations of alprazolam, cyclospo-
be used in patients who have known resis-
rine, diazepam, erythromycin, lidocaine,
tant infection.
nifedipine, verapamil, and vinca alkaloids.
The oxazolidinones were introduced in
Therefore, it should be used with caution
2000, when the first and (as yet) only mem-
in patients taking any of these medications
ber of the group, linezolid, was approved for
or compounds with a similar structure. It
use in the United States (Herbert-­Ashton &
may be used cautiously in pregnant women,
Clarkson, 2008). Linezolid is a synthetic
but in lactating women, breastfeeding
drug that, like the streptogramins, was de-
should be halted for the duration of therapy.
veloped to treat serious infections caused by
Quinupristin/dalfopristin is not approved
methicillin-resistant and vancomycin-resis-
for use in children. Monitor patients with de-
tant bacteria. Linezolid acts by binding to
creased liver function.
bacterial 23S rRNA (part of the 50S subunit),
preventing bacterial protein translation. It
also possesses monoamine oxidase (MAO) Linezolid
inhibition, an enzyme necessary for mono- The FDA issued a warning in 2011 of serious
amine metabolism. It is bactericidal when CNS reactions, specifically serotonin syn-
used against anaerobic, Gram-positive, and drome, in patients taking drugs that promote
Gram-negative bacteria. It is primarily used increased serotonin availability such as selec-
against nosocomial or community-acquired tive serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs; see
pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae the Pharmacology of Psychotropic Medications
or MRSA, as well as complicated skin infec- chapter). Concurrent use of linezolid with
tions caused by MRSA and bacteremia caused SSRIs, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, sym-
by VREF (Food and Drug Administration pathomimetics, or levodopa can cause sero-
[FDA], 2011). Again, this drug must be used tonin syndrome or hypertensive crisis. Foods
cautiously, and numerous healthcare facilities that contain tyramine can likewise increase
require their Infectious Disease Committee to blood pressure in patients who are taking
approve its use (Aschenbrenner, Cleveland, & linezolid. Herbal remedies such as ephe-
Venable, 2006). dra, ginseng, and ma-huang can cause ner-
Both classes of newer antibiotic agents vousness, headache, and/or increased blood
(strepto-gramins and oxazolidinones) act by pressure. The oral suspension of linezolid
inhibiting protein synthesis in bac- should be used cautiously when given to pa-
Best Practices terial cells, but via slightly different tients with phenylketonuria, as it contains
mechanisms, as just briefly described. aspartame, and when given to patients with
Never infuse IV van- Quinupristin/dalfopristin is given blood dyscrasias, as it may cause bone mar-
comycin quickly; intravenously. It is well distributed to row suppression. Pregnant women should be
instead, infuse it over
the skin and soft tissues and excreted counseled regarding the potential teratogenic
one hour or longer.
through bile via feces. Linezolid effects of this drug.
Antitubercular Drugs 479

Nursing Considerations not breastfeed and should avoid caffeine and

Quinupristin/Dalfopristin alcohol. They must be informed of the need
Quinupristin/dalfopristin is ad- to consult with the prescriber or pharmacist
ministered intravenously. Monitor pa- before taking any over-the-counter drug, as
tients’ liver function tests, IV site, and there are many interactions between line-
superinfection risk when they are taking zolid and over-the-counter medications.
quinupristin/dalfopristin. Superinfection
with C. difficile may lead to prolonged diarrhea Antitubercular Drugs
and indicates a need for secondary treatment. Tuberculosis (TB) is an ancient disease that
Watch for candidiasis. continues to be found worldwide. It is esti-
mated that 8 million new cases of TB occur
Linezolid each year, most of which arise in develop-
Linezolid may be given either via IV or ing countries (World Health Organization
orally. The oral form should not be shaken, [WHO], 2012). Reasons for the continuing
and it can be taken with or without food. presence of TB include the development of
Patients should be counseled about which multidrug-resistant mycobacteria and AIDS
foods contain tyramine and that avoidance (Nunn, 2012). Drugs used to treat tubercu-
or restriction of tyramine intake is essential losis differ in their pharmacology, and so a
to prevent a drug reaction. Patients should summary is provided in TABLE 16-8.

TABLE 16-8 Antitubercular Drugs

Drug Mechanism of Action Cautions Use

Isoniazid (INH) Prevents synthesis of mycolic acid, which Do not drink alcohol. Do not breastfeed. Given alone for prophylaxis;
is an integral part of the mycobacteria’s Stop use of the drug if symptoms given in combination with other
cell wall. Also, interferes with DNA, lipid, occur: jaundice, dark urine, clay-colored antitubercular agents for treatment.
carbohydrate, and nicotinamide adenine stools, chills, fever, or skin rash. Report
dinucleotide (NAD) biochemistry. numbness or tingling in the hands and
feet to the physician.

Ethambutol Prevents RNA synthesis, by inhibiting Do not breastfeed. Report any eye Used in combination with other
arabinosyl transferases, enzymes problems. antitubercular agents to treat
involved in the synthesis of mycobacteria pulmonary TB.
cell wall, thus stopping growth.

Ethionamide Inhibits mycolic acid synthesis. Do not drink alcohol. Do not breastfeed. Given to treat active TB after primary
Change position slowly to avoid postural drugs have not worked; must be
hypotension. given in combination with other
antituberculosis drugs.

Pyrazinamide Prodrug of pyrazinoic acid, but the Do not breastfeed. Tell the physician Given to treat TB after primary drugs
(PZA) mechanism of action of the active drug about any urination problems. Increase have not worked. Appears to work
is unclear. fluids. best in the early stages of treatment.

Rifampin Hinders DNA-dependent RNA Do not breastfeed. Do not stop and Drug of choice for pulmonary TB;
polymerase, which stops RNA synthesis restart use of the drug, as a flu-like used in combination with other
and, ultimately, protein synthesis. syndrome may occur. Body secretions antitubercular agents.
will be red-orange colored. Contact
lenses may be permanently stained
red-orange. Additional birth control is
necessary if taking oral contraceptives.

Streptomycin See mechanism of action for See the discussion of aminoglycosides. Used for TB that is resistant to other
aminoglycosides. medications.

Reproduced from Herbert-Ashton, M., & Clarkson, N. (2008). Quick look nursing:Pharmacology (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
480 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

Isoniazid (INH) is the prototype drug for presence of liver disease and known hyper-
TB: It is included in all treatment regimens sensitivity are the only contraindications.
except one—that for INH-resistant TB. The
drugs used for treatment of TB are used in Rifampin
combination, a strategy that allows the drugs Drinking alcohol or taking this drug with
to act on the bacterium at different phases of INH or PZA increases patients’ risk for liver
its life cycle as well as to reduce development damage. Rifampin decreases the effective-
of resistant strains (Lehne, 2012). ness of numerous drugs; the medications for
Compliance tends to be a problem, as which this possibility is the most significant
treatment for TB is a long-duration affair; pa- concern include corticosteroids, oral contra-
tient education is very important for compli- ceptives, thyroid hormones, oral sulfonyl-
ance. Baseline tests of sputum culture and ureas, warfarin, phenytoin, and digoxin.
sensitivity and chest X-ray are generally or- Contraindications (aside from medication
dered so that the combination of drugs that is interactions) include hypersensitivity, lacta-
most likely to work without promoting resis- tion, and recent history or presence of dis-
tance may be selected. Table 16-8 lists antitu- eases caused by meningococci. Use rifampin
bercular drugs and their mechanisms of action. cautiously in patients with a history of alco-
holism and in patients with liver disease.
Drug Interactions and Contraindications
Isoniazid (INH) Streptomycin
Drinking alcohol or taking the drug con- See the earlier discussion of this drug’s inter-
comitantly with rifampin or pyrazinamide actions and contraindications in the amino-
(PZA) increases the chance of liver dam- glycosides section.
age. Concurrent use with phenytoin causes
Nursing Considerations
phenytoin toxicity. Food interferes with
absorption. Contraindications include acute The agents used against TB are markedly
liver disease and known hypersensitivity; use powerful and, therefore, produce a spectrum
cautiously in lactating women, patients with of adverse effects. These adverse effects con-
chronic alcoholism, individuals older than tribute to patient difficulty in complying with
35 years of age, patients with chronic liver and maintaining the months-long regimen.
disease, and patients with seizure disorder. This issue has contributed to development of
multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively
Ethambutol drug-resistant (XDR) TB strains (Cox et al.,
Antacids containing aluminum interfere with 2007; Tabarsi et al., 2011).
absorption. Contraindications include hyper- One strategy to promote greater com-
sensitivity, lactation, age younger than 13 pliance is to use directly observed therapy
years, and optic neuritis. (DOT). Although a Cochrane review of ran-
domized, controlled trials of the use of DOT
Ethionamide for TB treatment showed no significant ben-
Concurrent use with INH or cycloserine in- efit to patient outcomes (Karumbi & Garner,
creases patients’ risk for nerve damage. Con- 2015), WHO still suggests DOT as a consider-
traindications include hypersensitivity. Use ation (WHO, 2017).
this medication cautiously in patients with
liver disease and diabetes mellitus, particu- Isoniazid
larly in those patients with neuropathy. INH causes a variety of adverse effects for
which the nurse should assess, including per-
Pyrazinamide (PZA) ipheral neuropathy; paresthesias; dyspnea;
Concurrent use with INH or rifampin in- visual disturbances and optic neuritis; elevated
creases patients’ risk for liver damage. The liver enzymes and frank hepatitis; urinary
Antifungal Agents 481

retention in males; hematologic effects such as extremity pain; visual impairments; nausea,
aplastic or hemolytic anemia; fluid and elec- vomiting, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea;
trolyte disturbances, including hyperkalemia, liver injury and hepatitis; hematuria and re-
hypocalcemia, and hypophosphatemia; and nal failure; anemia and thrombocytopenia;
decreased pyridoxine (vitamin B6). a red-orange discoloration of body secre-
This medication is administered orally and tions; and flu-like syndrome. This drug is
via IM injection. Assess the patient’s blood administered orally or intravenously. As-
pressure during initial therapy as orthostatic sess liver function tests and obtain a daily
hypotension may occur; also assess eye func- prothrombin time if the patient is receiving
tion. Monitor liver function tests and ensure an anticoagulant.
the patient is taking supplemental pyridoxine
(vitamin B6). Streptomycin
Streptomycin adverse effects and nursing
Ethambutol considerations were discussed in the amino-
Adverse effects of ethambutol include diz- glycoside section.
ziness, hallucinations, confusion, and par-
esthesias; retrobulbar optic neuritis, loss of
red-green color spectrum, photophobia, and Antifungal Agents
eye pain; abdominal pain; and loss of appe- Antifungal drugs are divided into three
tite. Assess the patient’s eyes using an oph- groups: (1) systemic antifungals, (2) azole
thalmoscope to obtain baseline data; reassess antifungals (which also treat systemic fungal
the patient’s eyes monthly. Monitor I & O. infections but are a newer class of drugs), and
(3) topical medications that treat fungal infec-
Ethionamide tions of the mucous membranes and skin. As
Adverse effects of ethionamide use include topical medications are better addressed in
peripheral neuritis, restlessness, hallucina- the context of medications for dermatologic
tions, and convulsions; postural hypotension; conditions (see Chapter 13, Pharmacology in
hypothyroidism; menorrhagia; nausea, vom- Dermatologic Conditions) and gynecologic con-
iting, anorexia, diarrhea, and metallic taste; ditions (see the Pharmacology of the Genitouri-
hepatitis; and erectile dysfunction. Ethion- nary System chapter), this discussion will focus
amide is administered orally. The patient on systemic uses.
should take supplemental pyridoxine (vita- The principal classes of systemic antifun-
min B6). Monitor the following tests: com- gals include the polyene macrolides, such
plete blood count, urinalysis, and kidney and as amphotericin B; the azoles, which are
liver function. in turn grouped into the subclasses of imid-
azoles (ketoconazole is the only one with
Pyrazinamide systemic use; all others are used topically)
PZA adverse effects include headache; urti- and triazoles (e.g., itraconazole and fluco-
caria; liver toxicity; urination problems, el- nazole); echinocandins such as caspofun-
evated uric acid, and gout; hemolytic anemia; gin and micafungin; and the allylamines,
photosensitivity; and arthralgia. This medica- such as terbinafine. A variety of unclassi-
tion is administered orally. Assess the patient fied systemic antifungal agents, including
for liver toxicity and bleeding tendencies, and griseofulvin and flucytosine, are also
monitor uric acid levels; stop use of the drug used (TABLE 16-9).
if gout or liver reactions occur. Antifungal medications, as a class, act by
binding to sterols, especially ergosterol, in-
Rifampin creasing the permeability of the fungal cell
Rifampin produces adverse effects including wall, causing leakage of cellular compon-
fatigue, drowsiness, confusion, dizziness, and ents, death of the cell and failure of the cell to
482 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

TABLE 16-9 Systemic Antifungal Agents

Drug Name Drug Class Use

Amphotericin B Polyene antimycotic Oral or IV treatment of candidiasis, cryptococcal meningitis, leishmaniasis, Coccidiodes
immitis, Fusarium oxysporum

Anidulafungin Echinocandin Aspergillosis, candidemia/invasive candidiasis; often used for strains resistant to azoles

Caspofungin Echinocandin Aspergillosis, candidemia/invasive candidiasis

Fluconazole Triazole antifungal Candidemia/invasive candidiasis, cryptococcal meningitis

Flucytosine Unclassified systemic Candidiasis, aspergillosis, chromoblastomycosis, cryptococcal meningitis


Griseofulvin Unclassified systemic Oral therapy for fungal infections of the skin, nails, and scalp

Itraconazole Triazole antifungal Wide range of fungal and yeast infections, including aspergillosis, histoplasmosis,
blastomycosis, sporotrichosis, cryptococcosis, candidiasis, coccidioidomycosis,
paracoccidioidomycosis, leishmaniasis, zygomycosis

Ketoconazole Imidazole antifungal Aspergillosis, histoplasmosis, blastomycosis, sporotrichosis, cryptococcosis, candidiasis,

coccidioidomycosis, paracoccidioidomycosis, leishmaniasis

Micafungin Echinocandin Aspergillosis, candidemia/invasive candidiasis

Nystatin Polyene antimycotic Candidiasis

Posaconazole Triazole antifungal Aspergillosis, candidiasis

Terbinafine Allylamine Oral therapy for fungal infections of the nails, scalp, or skin

Voriconazole Triazole antifungal Aspergillosis

reproduce. Azoles, in particular, exert a fun- the best broad-spectrum agents (Lass-Flörl,
gistatic effect by targeting CYP-dependent 2011), but resistance to them is expanding.
14α-demethylase, required for the synthesis This trend poses a significant threat given that
of ergosterol, part of the cell membrane. All the microbes targeted by these drugs tend to
these drugs do not use the same mechanism be present in immunocompromised persons
to perform this action, however. For example, and may prove lethal in that setting.
amphotericin B attaches to ergosterol and Some fungal infections respond better to
opens pores in the cell wall, whereas the drugs outside the realm of typical antifun-
azoles inhibit a specific enzyme in the fungal gal medications. For example, Pneumocystis
cell, lanosterol 14-alpha-demethylase, that jiroveci, a fungus that causes pneumocys-
is needed to synthesize ergosterol (Zonios & tic pneumonia, which is particularly dan-
Bennett, 2008). In each instance, the antifun- gerous in AIDS patients, is treated not with
gal agent affects the functioning of the fungal an antifungal medication but rather with ei-
cell membrane and thereby suppresses or kills ther a combination of sulfamethoxazole
the fungus. and trimethoprim or, in case of resistance,
As with other antimicrobial drugs, resist- clindamycin combined with the antimalarial
ance has developed to a number of antifungal drug primaquine (Bennett, Gilroy, & Rose,
agents (Vandeputte, Ferrari, & Coste, 2012), 2013). The clinician should keep in mind the
and many serious fungal infections are now instances in which a drug outside the antifun-
treated with combination therapies. Triazole gal class may be indicated for treating infec-
antifungals have emerged as being among tion by a mold or yeast.
Antifungal Agents 483

Drug Interactions and Contraindications Life-threatening cardiovascular episodes may

A wide range of drug interactions is noted occur if azoles are taken concurrently with
with all classes of antifungal medications. midazolam, lovastatin, triazolam, or sim-
Drug interactions with amphotericin B vastatin (Herbert-Ashton & Clarkson, 2008).
cause nephrotoxicity, hypokalemia, and blood Griseofulvin is an enzymatic inducer of
dyscrasias (Albengres, Le Louët, & Tillement, coumarin-like drugs and estrogens, whereas
1998; Depont et al., 2007). Amphotericin B terbinafine seems to have a low potential for
increases toxicity of flucytosine but may fa- drug interactions.
cilitate its antifungal activity. This agent also Flucytosine produces significant neph-
has hematologic and renal adverse effects that rotoxicity when it is given in combination
are exacerbated when it is used in conjunc- with amphotericin B and other nephrotoxic
tion with nephrotoxic drugs administered drugs (Vermes, Guchelaar, & Dankert, 2000).
concurrently; furosemide, cyclosporine, Contraindications to all antifungal agents
and corticosteroids were associated with include hypersensitivity, lactation, and liver or
significant amphotericin B drug inter- kidney disease. All systemic antifungals should
actions in one study (Depont et al., 2007). be used with caution in pregnant women,
This risk is especially noteworthy when am- who should be counseled per Pregnancy and
photericin B is used for treatment of fungal Lactation Labeling Rule (PLLR) guidelines.
infections in patients with HIV, as the anti- Amphotericin B may be the least risky sys-
viral agents frequently used in HIV therapy temic antifungal for use in pregnant women.
may compound renal toxicity. An increased
risk of hypokalemia is present with concur- Nursing Considerations
rent corticosteroid use. Synergism is likely In the context of systemic fungal infection,
to occur when QT interval–modifying drugs particularly in patients who are immunocom-
(terfenadine) and drugs that induce hypo- promised, treatment may last for an extended
kalemia (amphotericin B) are coadminis- time. Due to the likelihood of emerging resist-
tered (Depont et al., 2007). ance and drug interactions, patients should be
Azole antifungals affect the cytochrome instructed to take all of the medication and to
P450 pathway and significantly decrease the take over-the-counter preparations only after
serum levels and activity of numerous drugs, checking with their prescriber or pharmacist.
including histamine H1-receptor antagonists, Patients should be advised to report fever,
warfarin, cyclosporine, tacrolimus, felo- chills, vomiting, abdominal pain, and skin
dipine, lovastatin, midazolam, triazolam, rash.
methylprednisolone, rifabutin, protease Lactating women who are taking antifun-
inhibitors, and nortriptyline. Similarly, con- gal drugs should not breastfeed their infants.
comitant use with other CYP450-metabolized All oral forms of antifungals except ketocon-
medications such as carbamazepine, phe- azole can be taken with food if gastrointesti-
nobarbital, and rifampicin can cause un- nal upset occurs.
usually rapid metabolism of azole antifungals Healthcare providers should assess pa-
(Albengres et al., 1998). Ketoconazole and tients who are taking these medications for
itraconazole bioavailabilities are is also re- adverse effects, including headache, visual
duced by H2-receptor antagonists and pro- problems, peripheral neuritis, dizziness, sei-
ton pump inhibitors. In contrast, concurrent zures, and insomnia; arrhythmias, tachy-
use of the azoles with some drugs—namely, cardia, and hypertension; rash, urticaria,
warfarin, phenytoin, oral hypoglyce- photosensitivity, and hives; endocrine dys-
mics, digoxin, and cyclosporine—­results function (e.g., hypothyroidism, hypoadrenal-
in elevated blood levels of these drugs. ism); transient hearing loss; nausea, vomiting,
484 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

diarrhea, anorexia, cramps, and liver toxic- increasingly common vector—by eating
ity; erectile dysfunction, or vaginal burning fruits and ­vegetables grown in contaminated
and itching; renal dysfunction; anemia, bone water (Feng & Zhao, 2011). Two protozoal
marrow suppression, thrombocytopenia, and infections common in the United States,
leukopenia; and fever, chills, malaise, and ar- Toxoplasma gondii and Giardia duodenalis (also
thralgias. Monitor for hypokalemia and hypo- known as G. lamblia) are zoonotic diseases.
natremia as well. The average person is fairly resistant to
In intravenously administered antifun- protozoal infections; however, individuals
gal therapy, infuse IV medication slowly (over with suppressed immune systems, such as
two to four hours) and assess the IV site for pregnant women and patients with HIV or
phlebitis. With oral and IV formulations, AIDS, are highly susceptible to such infections
monitor the patient’s liver and kidney lab (Herbert-Ashton & Clarkson, 2008), as are in-
studies and I & O. Monitor nutrition and offer fants infected in utero by the onset of infec-
frequent small meals if gastrointestinal symp- tion in the mother. For most persons infected
toms are present; oral medications may be with toxoplasmosis, the vector is a household
taken with food if gastrointestinal symptoms pet that may have acquired the parasite by
are present except for ketoconazole, which eating wild rodents or birds that carried it.
must be taken on empty stomach. Administer
analgesics and antipyretics to assist in control- Antiprotozoal Medications
ling fever, headache, and chills. A variety of medications are used to treat
protozoal infections (TABLE 16-10). Some were
developed specifically to be effective against
Antiparasitic Agents Plasmodium, the organism that causes malaria
Human beings are susceptible to infec- and, therefore, are classified as “antimalarials”
tion by a variety of parasites—some mi- (although they often treat other protozoan
crobial, and some “macro” organisms such infections and even some nonprotozoan or-
as helminthes. ganisms as well, particularly the fungus Pneu-
mocystis jiroveci). Antimalarial drugs may be
Protozoal Infections used to prevent infection, to treat established
Protozoa cause numerous serious infections, infection, or for both purposes. Other anti-
such as malaria, toxoplasmosis, leishmaniasis, protozoal medications are used for a variety
giardiasis, trichomoniasis, trypanosomiasis, of organisms, but generally are not effective
and amebiasis. These infections affect billions against Plasmodium.
of individuals worldwide, but fortunately
are uncommon in the United States among Drug Interactions and Contraindications
otherwise healthy persons. However, it is All antimalarials should be used with caution
not uncommon for tropical protozoal infec- in pregnant women, except quinine, which
tions to appear in individuals who have trav- should not be used. Other antiprotozoal drugs
eled outside the United States, especially to should be used with caution and pregnant
tropical climates. For example, a visit to the women should be counseled about the bene-
Caribbean can expose travelers to malaria, or fits and potential risks of using these drugs,
a trip to Egypt may expose tourists to Cryp- taking into account the drug and the number
tosporidium (Putignani & Menichella, 2010). of weeks’ gestation of the fetus.
Further, an individual may develop a zoo- Antiprotozoal agents have a wide spec-
notic disease via direct contact with infected trum of interactions and cross-reactivity with
animals’ feces, contact with water that has other agents and with specific disease states.
been contaminated by animal feces, or—an While these adverse events are too numerous
Antiparasitic Agents 485

TABLE 16-10 Agents Used for Prevention or Treatment of Protozoal Infections

Drug Generic
Drug Class Name Organism Mechanism of Action Uses

Antimalarials Chloroquine Plasmodium spp. Inhibits biocrystallization of Prophylaxis and treatment

(protozoan) heme in red blood cells, possibly of malaria; treatment of E.
Entamoeba histolytica by changing vesicle pH. histolytica–related liver
(protozoan) abscess (may be combined
with other medications to
expand efficacy)

Artemether/ Plasmodium spp. Artemether inhibits calcium Treatment of uncomplicated

lumefantrine (protozoan) ATPase, inhibiting nucleic malaria
acid and protein synthesis.
Lumefantrine’s mechanism is
unclear, but it may complex
hemin, inhibiting β-hematin

Hydroxychloroquine Plasmodium spp. Changes vesicle pH, inhibiting Prophylaxis and treatment of
(protozoan) heme polymerization; inhibits malaria
DNA-enzyme interactions.

Mefloquine Plasmodium spp. Interacts with phospholipids, but Prophylaxis and treatment of
(protozoan) mechanism(s) unclear. malaria; considered second-line
therapy for treating chloroquine-
resistant strains

Primaquine Plasmodium spp. Inflicts oxidative damage to Treatment of malaria and

(protozoan) target cells, though the complete Pneumocystis jiroveci
Pneumocystis jiroveci mechanism is unclear. pneumonia (PCP); may be used
(also known as P. carinii) for malarial prophylaxis if other
(fungus) agents are unsuitable

Pyrimethamine Plasmodium spp. Inhibits target cell dihydrofolate Treatment of malaria and
(protozoan) reductase, and so inhibits toxoplasmosis; combined with
Toxoplasma gondii tetrahydrofolic acid synthesis. sulfadiazine for the latter

Quinine Plasmodium spp. Binds hemozoin, and inhibits Prophylaxis/treatment of

(protozoan) synthesis of nucleic acids, last resort for malaria due to
proteins, and inhibits glycolysis, availability of newer, more
all through mechanisms that effective agents
remain unclear.

Antiprotozoal Atovaquone, Toxoplasma gondii Block two separate pyrimidine/ In Babesia infection (“Texas
agents atovaquone-proguanil (protozoan) nucleic acid synthesis pathways: fever”), used in conjunction with
Babesia microti Atovaquone blocks parasite azithromycin
(protozoan) mitochondrial electron transport. For PCP, used only for mild cases
Pneumocystis jiroveci (P. Proguanil is a prodrug of for which usual treatments are
carinii) (fungus) cycloguanil, which inhibits not tolerable
dihydrofolate reductase, and so For malaria, may be prophylaxis
Plasmodium spp. deoxythymidylate synthesis.
(protozoan) or treatment and is combined
with proguanil

Benznidazole Trypanosoma cruzi Interferes with RNA and DNA Treatment of Chagas disease
polymerases and templates,
blocking protein synthesis,
though complete mechanism(s)

486 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

TABLE 16-10 Agents Used for Prevention or Treatment of Protozoal Infections (continued )

Drug Generic
Drug Class Name Organism Mechanism of Action Uses

Metronidazole Entamoeba histolytica Inhibits DNA synthesis, though Treatment of amoebiasis,

(protozoan) the mechanism is unclear. giardiasis, and trichomoniasis
Giardia lamblia as well as a variety of bacterial
(protozoan) diseases
Trichomonas vaginalis

Nifurtimox Trypanosoma brucei Breakage of parasitic DNA via a Treatment of trypanosomiasis

Trypanosoma cruzi nitro-anion radical metabolite of and Chagas disease
the drug; production of superox-
ide (toxic to parasitic cell); com-
plete mechanism(s) unclear.

Nitazoxanide Cryptosporidium Prodrug of tizoxanide, which Treatment of giardiasis and

­parvum (protozoan) may interfere with the cryptosporidiosis
Giardia lamblia pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreduc-
(protozoan) tase (PFOR) enzyme-dependent
electron transfer reaction, a reac-
tion that is essential to anaerobic

Pentamidine Pneumocystis jiroveci Mechanism unclear but may be Prophylaxis/treatment of PCP;

(aka P. carinii) (fungus) via inhibition of nucleotide incor- use against leishmaniasis and
Leishmania spp. poration into RNA and DNA, in- trypanosomiasis is off-label
Trypanosoma brucei terfering with RNA, DNA, protein
and phospholipid production.

Tinidazole Entamoeba histolytica Mechanism unclear, but Similar to metronidazole in

(protozoan) may interfere with the activity
Giardia lamblia pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreduc-
(protozoan) tase (PFOR) enzyme-dependent
Trichomonas vaginalis electron transfer reaction, a reac-
(protozoan) tion that is essential to anaerobic

to describe in detail for all drugs, healthcare kidney disease, lactation, porphyria, and reti-
practitioners should be aware that the inter- nal disease; it should be used cautiously in pa-
activity of the class as a whole means that tients with liver disease, neurologic disease,
the potential for adverse effects and adverse and alcoholism. Taking chloroquine concur-
events—some of them potentially serious or rently with vaccination against rabies can dis-
even fatal—is high. Consequently, a thorough rupt the vaccine response.
pharmacologic cross-check should be per- Mefloquine carries a risk of cardiac ar-
formed before initiating therapy. rhythmia, and it also interacts with sev-
Chloroquine cross-reacts with antac- eral categories of drugs. First, use of this
ids and laxatives containing aluminum and drug should generally be avoided in persons
magnesium, which decrease absorption of with history of seizure, as it lowers plasma
chloroquine. Concurrent administration of levels of anticonvulsants such as valproic
chloroquine with valproic acid decreases se- acid, carbamazepine, phenobarbital,
rum levels of valproic acid and increases risk and phenytoin. Second, use concomi-
of seizures. Chloroquine is contraindicated in tantly with other antimalarial agents should
patients with chloroquine hypersensitivity, be avoided, particularly concurrent use with
Antiparasitic Agents 487

artemether/lumefantrine, as fatal car- antipsychotic drug; in contrast, elevated met-

diac rhythm effects may occur (Youngster & ronidazole metabolism is seen if taken with
Barnett, 2013). Coadministration of meflo- phenobarbital. Metronidazole should not
quine and other drugs that may affect car- be taken with disulfiram or (because of a
diac conduction is not currently considered disulfiram-like reaction) with alcohol; with
to be contraindicated, but it should be under- IV administration of nitroglycerin, sulfa-
taken with caution or avoided in patients tak- methoxazole, or trimethoprim; or with
ing antiarrhythmic or beta-blocking agents, oral solutions of lopinavir/ritonavir, cita-
calcium-channel blockers, antihistamines, lopram, or ritonavir. Transient neutropenia
H1-blocking agents, tricyclic antidepressants, can occur when metronidazole is admin-
or phenothiazines. Finally, mefloquine can istered concurrently with azathioprine
lead to increased levels of calcineurin inhibi- and/or fluorouracil, and hypoprothrom-
tors and mTOR inhibitors, while the serum binemia may arise with concurrent use of
level of mefloquine itself may be increased oral anticoagulants.
by concomitant use with potent CYP3A4 in-
hibitors. CYP3A4 inducers may reduce plasma Nursing Considerations
concentrations of mefloquine, so their con- Key considerations for this class of agents
current use should be avoided. focus on avoiding adverse drug–drug interac-
Atovaquone and atovaquone-proguanil tions, ensuring that the correct organism is
should not be used concurrently with tet- paired with an appropriate agent, and sup-
racycline, rifampin, and rifabutin due to porting patient compliance with completing
these drugs’ capacity to reduce plasma lev- the regimen.
els of atovaquone. Bioavailability of ato-
vaquone is reduced in the presence of the Anthelmintic Agents
antiemetic metoclopramide; thus, if vom- Worm or helminthic infections are a problem
iting occurs while using atovaquone, an found all over the world. It is estimated that
alternative antiemetic should be sought. Pa- 1 billion individuals have worms somewhere
tients on anticoagulants may need a dose re- in their bodies. The worms that are com-
duction or closer monitoring of prothrombin monly found in human infections include
time while taking atovaquone-proguanil tapeworms, flukes, and roundworms. As
(Youngster & Barnett, 2013). anthelmintic drugs destroy specific worms
Metronidazole may increase serum lith- (TABLE 16-11), it is very important to correctly
ium levels if taken concurrently with that identify the worm causing the infection so

TABLE 16-11 Anthelmintic and Antiparasitic Agents

Drug Mechanism of Action Uses

Mebendazole Inhibits the formation of the worm microtubules and causes worm Pinworms (Enterobius spp.), roundworms
glucose depletion. (Ascaris lubricoides), tapeworms
(Cestoidea), hookworms (Necator
americanus), whipworms (Trichuris

Albendazole Causes degeneration of cytoplasmic microtubules in intestinal and Broad spectrum; not approved for use
tegmental cells of intestinal helminths and larvae, glycogen depletion, in humans in the United States but used
impairment of glucose uptake and cholinesterase secretion are impaired. off-label for a variety of nematode and
These result in intracellular accumulation of desecratory substances, flatworm infections
and decreased ATP production, which then results in energy depletion,
immobilization, and worm death.

488 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

TABLE 16-10 Agents Used for Prevention or Treatment of Protozoal Infections (continued )

Drug Mechanism of Action Uses

Ivermectin Binds to glutamate-gated chloride ion channels in target organism muscle Used against arthropods (e.g., scabies
and nerve cells of the microfilaria, causing increased permeability of the mites), lice, bed bugs, and a variety
cell membrane to chloride ions, causing hyperpolarization of the cell, of worms (e.g., strongylids, ascarids,
leading to paralysis and death of the parasite. May also act as a gamma- trichurids)
aminobutyric acid (GABA) agonist, disrupting GABA-mediated central
nervous system (CNS) neurosynaptic transmission. May also impair normal
intrauterine development of O. volvulus microfilariae and may inhibit their
release from the uteri of gravid female worms.

Oxamniquine May inhibit target organism nucleic acid metabolism, but mechanism is Used for schistosomiasis

Praziquantel Causes increased schistosome cell permeability to calcium, inducing Used for flatworm infections,
strong contractions and paralysis of worm musculature, leading schistosomiasis, and flukes
to detachment of suckers from the blood vessel walls and then to

Thiabendazole Inhibits helminth-specific enzyme fumarate reductase. Also, suppresses Used for roundworm and hookworm
egg or larval production, and may inhibit subsequent development of infections
eggs or larvae in the stool of the patient.

that the appropriate drug can be prescribed. system; thus it may interact with theophyl-
(A few medications, such as ivermectin, line, anticonvulsants, oral contraceptives,
also work on arthropods such as mites and oral hypoglycemic. A similar risk exists
and lice.) with thiabendazole. Use of alcohol while
The action of each anthelmintic agent dif- taking ivermectin can exacerbate adverse ef-
fers, because each works on particular met- fects or increase serum ivermectin levels; use
abolic processes in the specific worm. The of antiviral medications (e.g., efavirenz) may
prototype drug, mebendazole, prevents the reduce serum ivermectin levels.
uptake of glucose and other nutrients, which
in turn prevents worm reproduction and Nursing Considerations
eventually causes helminth death. Patients should be advised to wash their
hands after touching contaminated articles;
Drug Interactions and Contraindications
shower frequently; change towels, bedding,
All anthelmintic agents should be used with and underwear often; and sleep alone during
caution in pregnant women except alben- the treatment period. All medication must be
dazole, which is a known teratogen and taken. If one person in a family is infected,
contraindicated in pregnancy. Praziquantel all persons should be treated. If the infection
has shown less risk than other anthelmintic is still present three weeks post initiation of
agents. Concurrent use with phenytoin or treatment, a second round of medications
carbamazepine increases the metabolism of is indicated.
mebendazole and reduces the bioavailability
of praziquantel. Praziquantel bioavail-
ability may increase if it is taken concurrently Antivirals
with cimetidine. Use of praziquantel con- Antivirals are relatively new, with most
currently with dexamethasone is contrain- being discovered and used since the 1990s.
dicated due to a potentially lethal reduction Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites,
in plasma concentration. Albendazole in- relying completely on the host for their
duces liver enzymes of the cytochrome P450 own building materials. They are classified
Antivirals 489

using either the Baltimore System, or the before becoming activated (or reactivated),
system created by the International Com- as can VZV. VZV causes chicken pox (where
mittee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV). This it is referred to as varicella), and, sometimes
text will use the Baltimore System, which later in life, shingles (where it is referred to
separates viruses according to nucleic acid as zoster). Though it is the same virus, zos-
type (DNA- or RNA-based), method of rep- ter (shingles) occurs because of reactivation
lication (positive- or negative-sense), and of the latent VZV in nervous ganglia. EBV is
the number of strands (single or double). the causative agent of mononucleosis, though
Viruses consist of either single- or double- a very large majority of people carry EBV
stranded DNA (ssDNA or dsDNA) or RNA, without any associated disease. EBV is also
surrounded by a protein coat. Examples associated with Burkitt lymphoma, a B-cell
for each class of the Baltimore System are malignancy, that can be induced via viral mu-
shown in TABLE 16-12. tations of B-cell MYC genes.
Herpesviridae include herpes simplex vi- Besides classification by system (Baltimore,
ruses (HSV) I and II, varicella-zoster virus ICTV), viruses can also be divided into two
(VZV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr major types—non-retrovirus and retrovirus.
virus (EBV), and herpesvirus-6. HSV-1 can Within the non-retroviruses there are three
cause infections of the eye, mouth, lips, and subdivisions: herpes-type viruses, influenza-
genitalia, though it is less frequently associ- type viruses, hepatitis-type viruses, and
ated with genital infections than is HSV-II, other viruses. Retroviruses include, among
which causes genital warts. HSV (I and II) can others, HIV. Accordingly, antiviral drugs can be
remain latent in ganglial cells for many years classified as follows:

A. Non-retroviral antiviral agents

1. Anti-herpesvirus agents
TABLE 16-12 Baltimore Classification 2. Anti-influenza agents
3. Anti-hepatitis agents
Class Descriptor Examples
B. Antiretroviral Agents
I: dsDNA viruses Double-stranded Adenoviruses, 1. Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
DNA viruses Poxviruses, (NRTIs)
2. Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibi-
II: ssDNA viruses Single-stranded Parvoviruses tors (NNRTIs)
positive-sense DNA 3. Protease inhibitors (PI)
viruses 4. Entry inhibitors
III: dsRNA Double-stranded Reoviruses 5. Integrase strand transfer inhibitors
viruses RNA viruses
Antiviral agents have a more restricted
IV: (+)ssRNA Picornaviruses
viruses positive-sense RNA (poliovirus, spectrum compared to antibacterial agents.
viruses rhinovirus), Most of the current agents inhibit viral rep-
lication, but the host immune system must
V: (-)ssRNA Single-stranded Orthomyxoviruses, participate to eradicate the virus, and affect
viruses negative-sense RNA Rhabdoviruses
a cure, and current drugs do not target non-
replicating or latent viruses. Many antiviral
VI: ssRNA-RT Single-stranded Retroviruses
virusus positive-sense
agents must be activated by viral or host cell
reverse transcriptase enzymes before exerting their effects, and,
RNA viruses like bacteria, viruses often mutate. Sometimes
VII: dsDNA-RT Double-stranded Hepadnaviruses a mutation of a single viral nucleotide is suf-
viruses reverse transcriptase ficient to render a medication useless. Non-­
DNA viruses
retrovirus agents will be discussed first.
490 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

Non-retroviral viruses and non-retrovi- TABLE 16-13 Agents for Treatment of Non-Retroviral
ral antivirals appear in TABLE 16-13. The table il- Viruses
lustrates the three major subdivisions (along
with a fourth, “miscellaneous” category) of Class Retroviral Drugs Subclass
drugs used for non-retroviruses.
Anti- Acyclovir Nucleoside analog
herpesvirus Cidofovir Nucleoside analog
Anti-Herpesvirus Agents Agents Famcyclovir Nucleoside analog
Foscarnet Other (triphosphate
The herpesvirus (a DNA virus) replication cy- cleavage inhibitor)
cle is illustrated in FIGURE 16-14. The anti-herpes Fomivirsena Antisense RNA
Gancicyclovir Nucleoside analog
(herpes simplex virus, HSV) agents are mostly
Idoxuridine Nucleoside analog
nucleoside analogs (Table 16-6, Figure 16-14), Penciclovir Nucleoside analog
of which acyclovir is a prototype. They act Trifluridine Nucleoside analog
first by being taken up by infected host cells Valacyclovir Nucleoside analog
as a prodrug, being phosphorylated as “faux” Valgancyclovir Nucleoside analog
(prodrug to
nucleosides, and interfering with correct DNA Gancyclovir)
synthesis by target viruses, by virtue of their
similarity in chemical structure to regular Anti- Amantidine Tricyclic amine
influenza Oseltamivir Sialic acid TSA*;
DNA nucleosides. Most of these drugs are agents neuraminidase
converted by viral and cellular enzymes to inhibitor
their active nucleoside triphosphate forms, Rimantadine Tricyclic amine
(a-methyl derivative
such as acyclovir triphosphate. The triphosphate of Amantidine)
forms compete with endogenous viral nucleo- Zanamivir Sialic acid TSA;
side triphosphates and inhibit viral (not host) neuraminidase
DNA polymerase. Some drugs are incorpor-
ated into viral DNA (Figure 16-14). Because Anti- Adefovir dipivoxil Hepatitis B;
hepatitis Phosphonate
nucleoside analogs lack a 3′ hydroxyl group, agents nucleotide analog
chain termination occurs at the point where Entecavir Hepatitis B;
the analog is incorporated. Additionally, some nucleoside analog
antivirals known as nucleoside reverse Interferon alfa-N1 Hepatitis C
Interferon alfa-N3 Hepatitis C
transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) get incor-
Interferon alfacon-1 Hepatitis C
porated into nascent DNA leading to chain Interferon alfa-2B Hepatitis C
termination. Ganciclovir and penciclovir Interferon alfa-2A Hepatitis C
do have a 3′ hydroxyl group, so do not cause Lamivudine Hepatitis B;
chain termination (Figure 16-14). Acyclovir nucleoside analog
Peginterferon Hepatitis C
(and its relative, valacyclovir) is excreted alfa-2A Hepatitis C
in the urine, and adverse effects are often Peginterferon Hepatitis C;
related to compromised renal function. CNS alfa-2B nucleoside analog
side effects, such as confusion, hallucinations, Ribavirin

headache, and nausea, are seen with buildup Telbivudine Hepatitis B;

of acyclovir. These may be related to induc- nucleoside analog
tion of crystalline nephropathy by the drug. Tenofovir Hepatitis B;
nucleotide analog
Other viruses that acyclovir and
­valacyclovir may be used to treat include Other Imiquimod Cytokine inducer
varicella-zoster virus. Cidofovir is useful for agents
treating herpes, papilloma, polyoma, pox,
*TSA: transition state analog
and adenoviruses.
Anti-Herpesvirus Agents 491

H2C Cytoplasm


O Nucleus
O P O–
O– P O


OH O P O– HO O O Herpes
O Herpes thymidine
O O P O kinase Cell
O CH2 membrane
P O–
O– O–
Herpes DNA O P O–
polymerase P O O


FIGURE 16-14  Mechanism of action of acyclovir (a nucleoside analog) in HSV-infected cells.

Foscarnet, useful against cytomegalovi- iodine, its incorporation into viral DNA
rus (CMV), acts at the site where viral DNA inhibits replication.
polymerase binds pyrophosphate, preventing The anti-herpesvirideae agents are gen-
removal of pyrophosphate from nucleoside erally safe. Occasionally patients may com-
triphosphates. This halts any further attach- plain of nausea, diarrhea, rash, or headache.
ment of nucleoside precursors that would be Valacyclovir is a prodrug (a drug that is
used for viral primer template extension of converted in-vivo to the active drug) of acy-
the DNA chain. clovir. The important adverse effects/side
Fomivirsen, an antisense antiviral, is ef- effects of the nucleoside analogs include oc-
fective against CMV. Fomivirsen is a comple- casional headache and neurotoxicity (con-
mentary strand to viral mRNA coding for the fusion, hallucinations). The occurrence of
major immediate-early transcription region of hallucinations is often due to renal toxic-
the virus. The effect on the virus is to inhibit ity of the drugs, or preexisting reduced re-
its binding to target cells. nal function in the patient. Cidifovir
Idoxuridine is an iodinated thymi- and foscarnet are sometimes associated
dine analog. By virtue of the attached with nephrotoxicity.
492 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

Anti-Influenza Agents Interferons (IFNs) are natural cytokines,

possessing potent antiviral, immunomodula-
Anti-influenza agents include amantadine, tory, and antiproliferative effects on viruses,
rimantadine, oseltamivir, and zana- notably for this section, hepatitis B and C vi-
mivir (Table 16-13). Amantidine and ruses. Normally, these proteins are produced
rimantidine act by inhibiting an early step, by host cells in response to various stimuli,
thought to be the uncoating step, by block- including viruses. Interferons cause cellu-
ing the M2 channel in viral replication. lar biochemical responses that lead to states
Oseltimivir and zanamivir (FIGURE 16-15) are of viral resistance. After binding, INFs acti-
transition state analogs (TSA) of sialic acid, vate JAK-STAT signaling, leading ultimately
which inhibits neuraminidases in influenza to multiple proteins that contribute to a cell’s
viruses. Side effects associated with aman- ­viral resistance (FIGURE 16-18). Of the three
tadine and rimantidine include nervous- ­major classes of interferons (α, β, and γ),
ness, light-headedness, and nausea, but are the INFas are currently most useful as anti-­
usually minor. The most notable side effect hepatitis drugs. As these are immunomodu-
of oseltamavir is nausea, so it should be lators, the major adverse effects of their use,
administered with food. as expected, may include myelosuppression,
The replication cycles for herpesviruses granulocytopenia, and thrombocytopenia.
and influenza viruses, and where drugs Non-immune-related adverse effects include
are thought to act against them are shown behavioral changes, and rarely, seizures.
in FIGURE 16-16. ­Pegylated interferons are modified by attach-
ing a polyethylene glycol (PEG) molecule to
Anti-Hepatitis Agents interferons. This has no direct antiviral activ-
Infectious hepatitis can be caused by bacte- ity, but the chemical modification prolongs
ria (hepatitis A) or viruses (hepatitis B, C). duration of each interferon dose, decreasing
The hepatitis viral lifecycles are illustrated dosing frequency.
in FIGURE 16-17. Anti-hepatitis virus agents in- Recently, there has been a proliferation of
clude adefovir, entecavir, lamivudine, very effective antiviral agents for treatment of
telbivudine, tenofovir, and clevudine (for hepatitis C. These mainly fall in three categor-
hepatitis B); interferons and ribavirin (for ies: NS3/4A polymerase inhibitors, NS5A in-
hepatitis C), although interferons are less rec- hibitors, and NS5B polymerase inhibitors. The
ommended now. reader is encouraged to refer to a virology


Scialic Acid Zanamivir
FIGURE 16-15  Zanamivir structure.
Anti-Hepatitis Agents 493

Inhibition of viral
DNA polymerase
Acyclovir, Bidarabine,
Foscarnet, Ganciclovir Attachment

of viral
and transfer of
Viral viral DNA to
DNA host nucleus

into viral
by host cell


Regulatory Viral Structural Release

proteins enzymes proteins

M2 protein H+ Binding to
cell surface




Ribavirin RNAp



Intra- Budding
and assembly Release

Nonstructural Structural Zanamivir

proteins proteins Oseltamivir

FIGURE 16-16  Herpesvirus (DNA) and influenza (RNA) virus replication cycles.
494 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs


Entry Budding

of cccDNA

cccDNA Plus-strand synthesis

by DNA polymerase
Site of
of NA

Minus-strand synthesis
by reverse transcriptase

Assembly and


Entry Budding




Translation Replication

FIGURE 16-17  Lifecycles for hepatitis B and C.

Anti-Hepatitis Agents 495

1. Orthomyxoviruses and retroviruses A B1 B2
2. Picornaviruses and most RNA viruses
IFN Effects
1 Inhibition of transcription
Activates Mx protein
Blocks mRNA synthesis

2 Inhibition of translation
Activates methylase, thereby
reducing mRNA cap methylation 1

Activates 2’5’A oligoadenylate synthetase

→ 2’5’A → inhibits mRNA splicing and activates
RNaseL → cleaves viral RNA

Activates protein kinase P1 → blocks eIL-2a

function → inhibits initiation of mRNA translation
Activates phosphodiesterase → blocks tRNA function 2
3 Inhibition of post-translational processing
Inhibits glycosyltransferase, thereby reducing Glycoproteins Proteins
protein glycosylation
4 Inhibition of virus maturation
Inhibits glycosyltransferase, thereby reducing
glycoprotein maturation
5 Inhibition of virus release
Causes membrane changes → blocks budding

5 Release

FIGURE 16-18  Cellular effects of interferons toward viral resistance.

textbook regarding the lifecycle and biochem- but are so overwhelmingly biased to-
istry of the hepatitis C viruses. ward their effects on viral replication that
The patient’s virus is first genotyped, so their effects (if any) in human cells are not
that the optimum combination of anti-hepa- normally problematic.
titis C drugs can be selected. The drugs within Adefovir (diprivoxil) is a prodrug of
the three main anti-hepatitis C categories adefovir. Adefovir is phosphonate nu-
are shown in Table 16-14. All of these drugs in- cleotide analog of adenosine monophos-
terfere with the hepatitis C viral replication phate (AMP). It acts as a competitive
complex, including interference with RNA- inhibitor of viral DNA polymerases and re-
dependent RNA polymerase (FIGURE 16-19). verse transcriptases and causes viral DNA
Many antiviral medications compete chain termination. Adverse effects include
with viral nucleosides or nucleotides dur- potential nephrotoxicity.
ing the viral replication cycles. They are Entecavir is a guanosine nucleoside
not always devoid of effects in host cells analog, competing with normal
496 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

TABLE 16-14 Antiretroviral Agents Antiretroviral Agents

The agents used against retroviruses
Antiretroviral Drug (Generic)
Drug Class Name Abbreviation (Table 16-15) are all of recent discovery and
have been developed primarily in response
Nucleoside Reverse Zidovudine ZDV, AZT
Transcriptase Didanosine ddl
to the emergence of HIV in the late 1970s.
Inhibitors (NRTIs) Stavudine d4T Some of these agents are also used in the
Zalcitabine DDC treatment of hepatitis C, and a few have
Lamivudine 3TC been investigated for activity against proto-
Abacavir ABC zoan infections such as Plasmodium, Tricho-
Tenofovir TDF
monas, and Giardia (Andrews et al., 2006;
Emtricitabine FTC
Dunn et al., 2007).
Non-Nucleoside Nevirapine NVP Therapeutic use of these agents for their
Reverse Transcriptase Efavirenz EFV
Inhibitors (NNRTIs) principal indication, HIV/AIDS, is a complex,
Delvirdine DLV
Etravirine ETV
highly specialized topic and cannot be fully
addressed here; the classes of medications
Protease Inhibitors Saquinavir SQV
that are selected and combined for treatment
(PI) Indinavir IDV
of any particular patient depend on a great
Ritonavir RTV
Nelfinavir NFV many variables related to host factors, nat-
Amprenovir APV ural history of the infection, strain of HIV vi-
Lopinavir LPV rus involved, comorbidities, and many other
Atazanavir ATV considerations. However, certain general in-
Fosamprenavir FPV
formation about the classes of drugs used for
Tipranavir TPV
antiretroviral therapy can be described.
Darunavir DRV
Retroviruses are single-stranded (posi-
Entry Inhibitors (EIs) Enfuvirtide T-20 tive sense) RNA viruses (they have RNA
Maraviroc MVC
genomes). These viruses utilize a DNA inter-
Integrase Strand Raltegravir RAL
mediate, and reverse transcriptase
Transfer Inhibitors The normal “central dogma” of molecu-
(ISTIs)/Integrase lar biology is that DNA is transcribed to RNA,
Inhibitors (IIs)
which is then translated to make useful pro-
teins. Thus, we are accustomed to a DNA-
based genome. Retroviruses utilize an RNA
genome to create DNA, via reverse transcrip-
deoxyguanosine triphosphate, inhibiting tion, which can then be utilized to make
HBV reverse transcriptase. Lamivudine is necessary proteins. In order to produce pro-
a nucleoside analog that inhibits HBV DNA teins required by retroviruses to propagate,
polymerase (and also HIV reverse transcrip- a unique enzyme, reverse transcriptase, is em-
tase, see the following discussion). Telbi- ployed, to produce a single-stranded DNA
vudine, tenofovir, and ribavirin are also chain from a RNA template, and host-sup-
nucleoside analogs effective against plied DNA bases. From there, a comple-
hepatitis B and/or C. mentary DNA chain is made, resulting in
As discontinuation of some ana- double-stranded DNA. Therefore, approaches
log drugs can lead to severe acute hepati- to treating retroviral infections (such as HIV),
tis B exacerbations, liver functions should are multi-focal, focusing on the various steps
be followed closely in patients who are tak- of attachment, entry, enzyme usage, integra-
ing these drugs, but especially those who tion, and propagation, to achieve cure or re-
discontinue treatment. mission from the virus.
Antiretroviral Agents 497

Drugs Act at Crucial Points

NS3/4A polymerase inhibitors

• Simeprevir
• Glecaprevir
• Grazoprevir
• Paritaprevir
• Voxilaprevir
• Older agents (Boceprevir and Telaprevir)



Replication complex

NS5A inhibitors
NS5B • Daclatasvir
polymerase • Elbasvir
inhibitors Ribavirin • Ledipasvir
• Sofosbuvir • Ombitasvir
• Dasabuvir • Pibrentasvir
• Velpatasvir

FIGURE 16-19  Antiretroviral interference with the hepatitis C viral replication complex. 

Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase nucleotides, thus stopping proviral DNA

Inhibitors (NRTIs) elongation (FIGURE 16-20).
NRTIs work by a fairly simple mechanism: As a group, NRTIs’ adverse ef-
They masquerade as a nucleoside—one of the fects include fatigue, flatulence, nausea,
building blocks of DNA and RNA—to fool the headache, peripheral neuropathy, neu-
enzyme reverse transcriptase into using them tropenia, hypersensitivity (especially with
for construction of viral DNA/RNA. Because abacavir), and pancreatitis—possibly from
they are not, in fact, the correct chemical, mitochondrial toxicity.
they stop the reproduction of viral genetic
matter, thereby inhibiting the spread of the Drug Interactions and Contraindications
virus to uninfected cells. Hypersensitivity responses are most
As the category name implies, the prominent in patients who have HLA-
NRTIs focus on disrupting viral reverse B*5701 and who take abacavir; before ini-
transcription. NRTIs include zidovudine, tiating abacavir therapy, therefore, antibody
didanosine, stavudine, zalcitabine, testing for the presence of HLA-B*5701 is
­lamivudine, abacavir, tenofovir, and warranted. Patients with positive results
emtricitabine. Viral RNA-dependent DNA should not receive abacavir. Patients with
polymerase (also called reverse transcrip- negative results should be watched for hy-
tase) converts viral RNA into proviral DNA. persensitivity symptoms such as fever, skin
So far, drugs used to target this step are nu- rash, malaise, nausea, headache, myalgia,
cleoside-or nucleotide analogs (this section) chills, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain,
or non-nucleoside inhibitors (next section). dyspnea, arthralgia, and respiratory symp-
The nucleoside/nucleotide analogs lack a toms. Onset of hypersensitivity usually oc-
3′ hydroxyl group, and work by competi- curs within nine days of initiation of therapy
tively inhibiting incorporation of natural but may develop at any point in the first six
498 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

1. Triphosphate competes with native nucleotides CH3
(shown is zidovudine 5'–triphosphate) HN

O− O− O−



N− N+ N

(−) HIV reverse


2. Incoporation and
chain termination

RNA strand
O N (−)


DNA strand
N− N+ N

FIGURE 16-20  Nucleoside and nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibition.

weeks; if such symptoms develop, the drug patients’ cardiovascular health and glucose
must be withdrawn. tolerance should be made prior to starting
therapy, with monitoring of status continuing
Nursing Considerations for the duration of therapy plus six months.
A 2008 study of NRTIs (D:A:D Study Group, Prolonged exposure to NRTIs has been linked
2008) found that specific agents in this class, to non-cirrhotic portal hypertension, with
abacavir and didanosine, produce a tran- some patients developing esophageal varices.
sient (six months post cessation) increase Lactic acidosis is another serious po-
in risk of cardiovascular events. Two other tential risk of NRTI therapy, particularly
drugs, the thymidine analogs stavudine and in female and obese patients. Mortality in
zidovudine, contribute to increased lipid such instances is as much as 50%, so pa-
levels and reduced glucose tolerance, poten- tients should be monitored for insidious-on-
tially increasing the patient’s risk of develop- set gastrointestinal prodrome, weight loss,
ing diabetes. Thus, a baseline assessment of and fatigue, which may rapidly progress to
Antiretroviral Agents 499

tachycardia, tachypnea, jaundice, muscular Daughter

DNA strand
weakness, mental status changes, respiratory
distress, pancreatitis, and organ failure (NIH/
AIDSInfo, 2013).
Peripheral neuropathy, sometimes ir-
reversible, may occur with stavudine, zal-
HIV reverse
citabine, or didanosine. transcriptase

Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase

Inhibitors (NNRTIs)
NNRTIs affect the same process as NRTIs, but
in a different manner. Instead of “fooling”
reverse transcriptase into creating nonviable
genetic matter, NNRTIs work directly against Parent
the enzyme’s activity to reduce its ability to RNA strand
perform its function. Unfortunately, microbes (−)
are reasonably resilient when it comes to
dodging the direct approach, so resistance
to these agents has developed fairly quickly. F3C
However, when used in combination with O
other antiviral and antiretroviral agents,
they are still fairly effective against HIV N O
­(Zdanowicz, 2006). Efavirenz binds to a
Several drugs in this class are absorbed non-essential site distant from
the enzyme catalytic site.
better when they are taken with food.
The NNRTIs include nevirapine, efa- FIGURE 16-21  Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibition.
virenz, delvirdine, and etravirine. These
drugs bind the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase en-
zyme in a hydrophobic pocket in the p66 sub- Nursing Considerations
unit, changing the enzyme’s structure, such Assess the patient’s prescriptions for potential
that it becomes much less efficient. Because interactions. A history of hepatitis and other
these drugs are not nucleoside or nucleo- liver disease should be obtained, as liver dam-
tide analogs, no phosphorylation by intracel- age may occur with any of the NNRTIs but is
lular enzymes is required for them to work particularly significant in patients with prior
(FIGURE 16-21). However, these drugs are strain- liver disease. Rash and sores are common ad-
specific (i.e., for HIV-1, not HIV-2, or other verse effects.
retroviruses), and so should only be used for Assess the patient’s psychiatric history
their specified strain (usually to-date, HIV-1). when efivirenz may be prescribed due to
They are hepatically metabolized. Adverse ef- this medication’s CNS effects. If the patient
fects include rash, elevated transaminases, reports CNS symptoms, advise bedtime dos-
CNS/psychiatric effects, and headache. ing of the medication and see if the symptoms
subside or diminish after two to four weeks.
Drug Interactions and Contraindications
The NNRTI class interacts with numerous Protease Inhibitors (PIs)
other drug classes and interaction potential The protease inhibitor class includes a variety
should be thoroughly assessed before add- of drugs. Members of this class act by sup-
ing these drugs, or when adding new drugs pressing the viral enzyme protease, which the
to NNRTIs. retrovirus needs to replicate itself. They are
500 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

rarely used alone, but are more often used in (renin, pepsin, gastricsin, to name a few),
combination with other antiretroviral classes. the viral aspartyl proteases have a differ-
Protease inhibitors (PIs) include ent enzyme active site than human aspar-
saquinavir, indinavir, ritonavir, tyl proteases, and so viruses are preferentially
­nelfinavir, amprenovir, lopinavir, inhibited. These drugs have diverse mech-
atazanavir, fosamprenavir (a prodrug for anisms including a transition state analog
amprenovir), tipranavir, and darunavir. (TSA) of the enzyme substrate (saquinavir,
These drugs use diverse mechanisms to dis- FIGURE 16-22), enzyme active site complement
rupt the viral enzyme aspartyl protease. Even molecules (ritinovir and lopinavir, ata-
though humans have aspartyl proteases zanavir), binding to the enzyme’s proteolytic

H 2N

Transition state peptidomimetic H 3C CH3

protease inhibitor (saquinavir) CH3



Gag or gag/pol HIV protease

precursor polypeptide (C2-axis of symmetry)

FIGURE 16-22  Protease inhibitor (shown here, sequinavir) mechanism of action.

Antiretroviral Agents 501

site (darunavir), or simply impeding the en- uremia, or other imbalances occur during
zymatic binding site (nelfinavir, tiprana- therapy. Patients should be advised to stay
vir). As these drugs vary slightly in their well hydrated due to risk of kidney stones,
mechanisms, their adverse effects can also particularly if using atazanavir.
vary, including diarrhea, nausea vomiting,
crystalluria and nephrolithiasis, hyberbilirubi- Nursing Considerations
nemia, and hepatotoxicity. Protease inhibitors are better absorbed
when taken with food. Monitor patients
Drug Interactions and Contraindications for indications of cardiovascular complica-
Protease inhibitors in general are associ- tions (e.g., dyslipidemia), as these drugs
ated with an increased risk of hematuria are known to produce such effects (D:A:D
and bleeding, and intracranial hemorrhage Study Group, 2008). Patients prescribed
has been reported in some patients using protease inhibitors generally need close
­tipranivir. Risk factors for bleeding monitoring and follow-up, not merely be-
include CNS lesions, trauma, surgery, hy- cause of the drug effects but also because
pertension, alcohol abuse, coagulopathy, of the nature of the illness for which they
and concomitant use of anticoagulant or are receiving treatment (HIV/AIDS). Edu-
antiplatelet agents, including vitamin E cate patients on the need for consistency in
(NIH/AIDSInfo, 2013). All protease inhibi- medication use and for prompt reporting
tors increase the risk of liver dysfunction of adverse effects and symptoms associated
and hepatitis, for which the patient should with medication use.
be monitored. In addition, these drugs in-
crease blood glucose levels, so patients Entry Inhibitors (EI)
with diabetes or prediabetes should be Enfuvirtide and maraviroc work by differ-
monitored for hyperglycemia and diabetic/ ent mechanisms, but both inhibit viral fusion
cardiovascular complications. to the host cell membrane via gp1 and CD4
Use of a protease inhibitor in a patient interactions. Maraviroc is a CCR5 (che-
taking ergot-derived medications for mi- mokine receptor) antagonist (FIGURE 16-23). It
graine poses a risk of ergotism and vaso- blocks the binding of viral gp120 to the che-
spasm; discontinue use of the migraine mokine receptor. Enfuvirtide is a 36 amino
medication before initiating protease in- acid peptide that is analogous to part of the
hibitor therapy. Coadministration of pro- virus gp41. By interacting there, enfuvirtide
tease inhibitors with acid-reducing agents blocks the ability for successful fusion of the
such as omeprazole or ranitidine may virus to the host cell membrane.
reduce the latter drugs’ bioavailability
(Klein et al., 2008). Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitors (ISTIs)
Ritonavir has been shown to increase Raltegravir is a viral integrase inhibitor. It
triglycerides, cholesterol, SGOT (AST), SGPT works by preventing the formation of cova-
(ALT), GGT, CPK, and uric acid levels (Wang lent bonds between the host and viral DNA,
et al., 2007). These effects may occur with which is required for successful integra-
other drugs in this class as well, so regard- tion of viral DNA into the host cell genome
less of the specific agent used, baseline values (FIGURE 16-24).
should be obtained before initiating ther- A summary of the retrovirus lifecycle and
apy and updated at intervals or if any clinical steps where the different drugs affect it is
signs or symptoms of hypercholesterolemia, shown in FIGURE 16-25.
502 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

2. CCR5 chemokine
receptor binding stabilizes HIV virus
complex and allows membrane
gp41-mediated fusion of
virus membrane with Nucleocapsid
target cell membrane. core
HIV fusion
HIV envelope protein gp41
protein gp120
1. gp120 anchors N
HIV to target cell
by binding to CD4
Maraviroc HN
CD4 CCR5 3. Maraviroc binds to CCR5, F
preventing gp120 binding, O
fusion, and entry

FIGURE 16-23  Mechanism of entry inhibitor (EI) maraviroc.



Raltegravir binds to HIV integrase, prevents DNA strand transfer.

HIV integrase binds to
proviral 3' LTR’s
Host chromosomal DNA Host chromosomal DNA

Proviral DNA

FIGURE 16-24  Mechanism of raltegravir, an HIV integrase inhibitor.

Chapter Summary 503

and CD4 Maraviroc
Attachment receptors
Enfuvirtide gp160 + gp41
and fusion


and uncoating Nucleocapsid

Virion genomic RNA

Nucleoside RT RT
inhibitors, non- Reverse
nucleoside RT transcription cDNA-RNA complex
inhibitors RNase H RT
unintegrated DNA
Raltegravir Integrase
HIV particle
Integration Provirus
Host (mature virion)


Transcription Viral mRNA vRNA Maturation


Regulatory Structural inhibitors
Translation proteins proteins
tat, rev, gp120, p24,
nef, etc. p18, etc. Assembly Budding

FIGURE 16-25  Summary of the antiretrovirus actions in the retrovirus lifecycle with HIV, a prototype retrovirus.

always evolving, we are unable to remain complacent with

CHAPTER SUMMARY regard to creating new drugs to combat infection. Our infec-
Microbial life is extremely diverse, and, as has been true for a tious opponents naturally tend to develop counter meas-
very long time, humans often have competitive interactions ures, to evade our best antimicrobials. Thus, the competition
with these other forms of life. Historically, our immune sys- may well never be over.
tems have been our only defense against the infringement
of microbes into our bodies, and their associated disease se- This chapter has introduced the basic concepts of antimi-
quelae. A recent development in our competition has been crobial pharmacology, including drugs designed to com-
the ability to investigate the mechanisms by which other bat bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses, and other infectious
forms of life live and function, and how they infect human agents. The interested reader is encouraged both to study
tissue. This has provided us with a competitive advantage, more antimicrobial pharmacology in-depth and to keep
as we can design drugs that hinder or destroy pathogens. abreast of new developments in the story of our struggle
However, as our competition has been ongoing and is against microbial life.
504 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs

Critical Thinking Questions

1. Which group of anti-infective drugs acts by in- 7. A patient taking a fluoroquinolone should re-
hibiting protein synthesis in the bacterial cell? strict the intake of:
a. Fluoroquinolones a. Dairy products.
b. Sulfonamides b. Coffee.
c. Aminoglycosides c. Orange or lemon juice.
d. Penicillins d. Green, leafy vegetables.
2. A third-generation cephalosporin is different 8. IV vancomycin should be used cautiously in
from a first-generation cephalosporin in that the which of the following clients?
third-generation cephalosporin: a. An 18-year-old
a. Costs less. b. A 30-year-old
b. Has less resistance to beta-lactamases. c. A 50-year-old
c. Is unable to penetrate cerebral spinal fluid. d. A 75-year-old
d. Has increased activity against Gram-negative 9. The antitubercular drugs are given in combina-
bacteria. tion because they:
3. A patient diagnosed with infection with a non- a. Can act on different phases of the bacterial
drug-resistant Gram-positive organism reports cell life cycle.
that she has experienced a life-threatening al- b. Avoid causing microbial resistance.
lergic response to penicillin in the past. Which of c. Are more cost-effective if given together.
the following is the most appropriate alternative d. Cause fewer adverse effects.
medication? 10. Which of the following oral antifungal drugs
a. Cephalosporin must be taken on an empty stomach?
b. Aminoglycoside a. Fluconazole
c. Carbapenem b. Miconazole
d. Macrolide c. Ketoconazole
4. Which class of antibacterial agent is used to d. Clotrimazole
cleanse the bowel before surgery? 11. There is an increased risk of renal toxicity if am-
a. Aminoglycosides photericin B is taken with which of the following
b. Macrolides medications?
c. Penicillins a. Corticosteroid
d. Lincosamides b. Digoxin
5. Which of the following peak and trough levels c. Heparin
are associated with gentamicin toxicity in ami- d. Phenytoin
noglycoside therapy? 12. Chloroquine is contraindicated in patients with
a. Peak levels >2.0 mcg/mL and trough levels which of the following conditions?
>0.2 mcg/mL a. Liver disease
b. Peak levels >6.0 mcg/mL and trough levels b. Blood dyscrasias
>4 mcg/mL c. CNS diseases
c. Peak levels >12.0 mcg/mL and trough levels d. Retinal diseases
>2 mcg/mL
d. Peak levels >20.0 mcg/mL and trough levels 13. In a patient being treated with antiviral medi-
>12 mcg/mL cations, which antiparasitic agent may become
less effective as a result of a drug interaction?
6. The nurse should instruct the patient receiv- a. Mebenzadole
ing an oral tetracycline to do which of the b. Ivermectin
following? c. Praziquantel
a. Take the medication with a full glass of milk. d. Oxamniquine
b. Stop the medication if he or she develop
heart palpitations.
c. Store the medication in a clear plastic bottle.
d. Stay out of the sun while taking the
Case Studies 505


Case Scenario 1
A 24-year-old female presents to the walk-in clinic with complaints of increased urinary urgency
and a burning sensation during urination, for the past three days. The patient relates that she has
had a urinary tract infection in the past, about age 15, but denies any other problems with her
urinary tract since then. She tells you that she recently began a new job as a second-grade teacher
in the public school system, which required her to go three to four hours at a time without the
opportunity to go to the bathroom, and this was new to her. She has been drinking cranberry juice,
which she heard was helpful for UTIs, but it does not seem to have helped alleviate the symptoms.
Other than seasonal allergies, which she treats with diphenhydramine, she has no significant medical
history. She is well developed and well nourished, and reported allergies include penicillin, when she
was a child, but she does not recollect what reaction she had. Physical exam findings are as follows:
• Vital signs: Temperature 101.3°F, blood pressure 121/79, pulse 74, respirations 15.
• Weight: 135 lbs, height 64 inches
• Eyes and Ears: Appear normal.
• Neck & Lymph Nodes: Thyroid gland symmetrical, no nodules or lymphadenopathy.
• Chest: Clear to auscultation.
• Heart: Regular rate; S1 and S2 heart sounds present.
• Lungs: Clear to auscultation bilaterally anterior and posterior.
• Abdomen: Nontender, no organomegaly.
• Genitourinary: Normal external genitalia; no vaginal discharge.
• Rectal: No hemorrhoids.
• Labs: Normal, except urine is yellow and cloudy, and cultures positive for Gram-negative rods.
24 hours later, culture shows sensitivity to ampicillin, ciprofloxacin, and cefazolin.
Case Questions
1. Based on the exam findings, what are the possible reasons for the woman’s urinary pain?
2. Based on the patient’s history, which drug should be avoided?
3. How should the nurse educate the patient regarding UTIs?
4. What are the signs and symptoms for uncomplicated UTIs?


Case Scenario 2
A seven-year-old boy presents to the clinician’s office with his mother, with complaints of fever, headache,
and cough. The mother states that her son has been sick since yesterday. When he first become ill, he had
sudden onset of fever (at least 101°F), chills, and body aches. His head has ached off-and-on and seems
worse when he coughs. His cough is non-productive, and he is fatigued and has little appetite, which is
unusual for him. The patient has no significant medical history. Physical exam findings are as follows:
• Vital signs: Temperature 102.6°F, blood pressure 85/59, pulse 115, respirations 20.
• Weight: 86.7 lb (39.3 Kg); Height 57 inches.
506 CHAPTER 16  Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Drugs


• Anterior cervical lymphadenopathy.

• Skin: No lesions or bruises.
• Cardiovascular: Slightly tachycardic, but regular.
• Lab: Positive nasopharyngeal swab for influenza A virus.
Case Questions
1. Based on the exam findings, what are the reasons for the boy’s symptoms?
2. What is the treatment plan?
3. What are the signs and symptoms of influenza infection?

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5-HT3 receptor antagonists: Drugs that are selective for the ADME: An acronym for the pharmacokinetic processes
seronin5-HT3 receptor; used to prevent and treat nausea and that characterize the rate of drug movement throughout the
vomiting. body: A, absorption; D, distribution; M, metabolism; and E,
5-HT4 receptor: One of the receptors for serotonin, which is
targeted by gastrointestinal drugs. Adrenal cortex: The outer part of the adrenal gland, which
releases corticosteroids.
Absorption: The pharmacokinetic process of drug movement
across a physiological barrier at the site of drug administration Adrenal glands: Glands that sit atop each kidney; made up
to enter the systemic circulation (bloodstream); the rate (how of the adrenal cortex and the adrenal medulla. It releases cor-
fast) of absorption is dependent upon the complexity of the ticosteroids (which help regulate metabolism, immune func-
physiological barrier. tion, sexual function, and the balance of sodium and water)
and catecholamines (which increase heart rate and blood
ACE inhibitors: Drugs that prevent angiotensin-converting
pressure in response to physical and emotional cues).
enzyme (ACE) from acting on angiotensin I to produce angio-
tensin II. Adrenal medulla: The region of the brain where the cat-
echolamine norepinephrine is converted to a different cate-
Acetylcholine: A neurotransmitter that stimulates receptors
cholamine, epinephrine, by phenylethanolamine N-methyl
in the ganglia, somatic neuromuscular junction, and neuroef-
fector junction.
Adrenergic agonists: Drugs that stimulate the sympathetic
Acetylcholinesterase: A carboxylesterase enzyme that inac-
nervous system, either by direct activation of receptors or by
tivates the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in neurons and in
promoting the release of receptor-activating catecholamines.
the neuromuscular junction by hydrolysis into choline and
acetate. Adrenergic antagonists: Drugs that blocks the activity of
acetylcholine, norepinephrine, or other neurotransmitters.
Acid reflux disease: Disease caused by overproduction of
gastric acid. Adrenergic nerves: Neuronal tissue in the sympathetic ner-
vous system that secretes norepinephrine or epinephrine
Acne: One of the most common skin conditions affecting
when stimulated.
children and adolescents; caused by sebaceous gland hyper-
plasia triggered by increased androgen levels, changes in the Adrenergic receptors: Sensory nerve endings in the sym-
growth and differentiation of cells lining the hair follicles, bac- pathetic nervous system that respond to norepinephrine and/
terial invasion of the follicle by Propionibacterium acnes, and or epinephrine. Categorized as alpha and beta receptors (with
subsequent inflammation of the follicle epithelium. subtypes) according to the tissue in which they are located
and the physiological effects that they exert on the body.
Active ingredient: A component that affects the structure or
function of the human body through pharmacological activity. Adverse effect: An unintended drug effect that causes harm
to the functioning of a body system (also called adverse event).
Active metabolite: A structurally changed drug that can
elicit the same therapeutic response as the parent drug and Adverse event: An unintended drug effect that causes harm
retain its pharmacological activity. to the functioning of a body system.
Acute dystonia: A syndrome of abnormal muscle contrac- Afferent: Carrying sensory information.
tions that produces repetitive involuntary twisting move-
Affinity: The strength, or tightness, of the “chemical bind-
ments and abnormal posturing of the neck, trunk, face, and
ing attraction” between two molecules that bond to form a
complex; the degree of the chemical attraction corresponds to
Acute otitis media (AOM): A type of ear infection that is the strength of the bond and the length of time the molecules
usually painful and can have other symptoms such as redness remain bound before dissociating. For example, a drug- (or
of the tympanic membrane, pus in the ear, fever, pulling or ligand-) receptor complex, or a drug–protein complex; mea-
tugging on the affected ear (in children), and irritability. sured in terms of the binding constant, kA.

510 Glossary

Affinity constant: The strength of the binding constant (kA). Antagonist: A drug that binds to a biological receptor and
blocks, or inhibits, the same physiological response produced
Agonist: A drug that binds to a biological receptor and initiates
by the natural substance for that receptor (i.e., a neurotrans-
the same physiological response produced by the natural sub-
mitter or hormone).
stance for that receptor (i.e., a neurotransmitter or hormone).
Anterior chamber: A space in front of the eye from which
Agranulocytosis: A reduced white blood count and leuko-
clear fluid flows in and out to nourish the nearby tissues.
cyte count that can be caused by psychiatric medications.
Anthelmintic: A drug that treats an infection by worms.
Akathisia: Unpleasant sensations of “inner” restlessness that
manifest as an inability to sit still or remain motionless. Antibacterial: A drug used to treat bacterial infection.
Albumin: The most abundant protein in plasma, formed Antibiotic: A drug that targets any organism in the body,
principally in the liver and constituting up to two-thirds of the including symbiotic (nonpathogenic) microbes as well as
6% to 8% protein concentration in the plasma, and is integral micro- and macro-organismal pathogens.
for the transport of drugs to tissues.
Anticholinergics: Drugs that relieve painful cramping spasms
Aldosterone: A steroid hormone produced by the adrenal by binding to muscarinic receptors in the gastrointestinal
glands. mucosa, and that inhibit intestinal gland secretion, thereby
Aldosterone antagonists: Medications that inhibit sodium helping prevent severe diarrhea. Drugs that block muscarinic
resorption through the renal nephron collecting ducts. cholinergic receptors, thereby causing bronchodilation.

Allergen: A substance that triggers a response by the body’s Antidiuretic hormone (ADH): Also called vasopres-
immune system. sin, a hormone released by the pituitary gland that induces
increased water resorption by the kidneys.
Alveoli: Air sacs in the lungs.
Antiemetic agents: Drugs that prevent and treat nausea and
Alzheimer disease: A neurodegenerative disorder that is the vomiting.
most common form of dementia.
Antifungal: A drug used to treat fungal infection.
Amide: A class of local anesthetic, which includes lidocaine.
Antihistamines: Drugs that target receptors for histamine.
Aminosalicylates: Drugs containing 5-aminosalicylic acid
(5-ASA or mesalamine). Antihypertensive: Having the effect of lowering blood
Analgesics: Medications that provide pain relief.
Anti-infective: A drug that treats an infection by an organ-
Androgens: A class of gonadal steroids. ism.
Anesthetic adjunct: Anesthesia used to limit the patient’s Antimicrobial: A drug that treats an infection by a micro-
pain and enhance the sedating effects of a maintenance anes- bial pathogen.
Antispasmodics: Centrally acting muscle relaxants used
Anesthetics: Drugs that obstruct nerve impulses to prevent to relieve musculoskeletal pain and spasms, and to dimin-
the transmission of pain signals; medications intended to ish spasticity in a variety of neurologic disorders; also called
reduce or eliminate sensation. ­spasmolytics.
Angina pectoris: Chronic chest pain; generally a product of Antipsychotics: Medications that were developed to treat
coronary artery disease that restricts blood flow to the heart. the symptoms of schizophrenia, psychosis, delusional disor-
Angiotensin I: An amino acid peptide hormone that causes ders, bipolar disorder, and depression as well as other nonpsy-
vasoconstriction and an increase in blood pressure. chiatric disorders.

Angiotensin II: The product created by the conversion of Antiviral: A drug used to treat viral infection.
angiotensin I by angiotensin-converting enzyme; it causes
Anxiety: A normal reaction to stress that in some situations
potent vasoconstriction and the release of aldosterone.
can be beneficial.
Angiotensin II receptor blockers: Drugs that block the
Area under the curve (AUC): A measurement of the total
receptors where angiotensin II binds to cells.
amount of drug that reaches the systemic circulation, derived
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE): The enzyme that from the plasma-level time curve; used to determine the
converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II. extent of absorption of a drug (bioavailability).
Angle-closure glaucoma: A medical emergency, in which Arrhythmias: Rhythmic disturbances of the heart’s electri-
the fluid at the front of the eye, in the anterior chamber, can- cal impulses.
not drain through the angle where the cornea and iris meet,
Assessment: Collecting subjective and objective data from
and the angle gets blocked off by part of the iris, causing a sud-
the patient, significant others, medical records (including
den increase in eye pressure.
laboratory and diagnostic tests), and others involved in the
Antacids: The oldest drugs used to control gastric acidity. patient’s care.
Glossary 511

Asthma: An immune system dysfunction that manifests in Beta-lactamase: An enzyme that breaks down the molecular
the respiratory system. integrity of beta-lactam antibiotics, thereby preventing them
from entering the cell and destroying it.
Ataxia: Unsteadiness when walking.
Beta-mimetic drugs: Drugs that inhibit uterine activity by
Atherosclerosis: The buildup of cholesterol and other fatty
binding with beta-adrenergic receptors in the uterus.
materials in the wall of a coronary artery.
Biguanides: A group of diabetes drugs that prevent the pro-
Atony: Failure of muscles to contract.
duction of glucose in the liver.
Atopic dermatitis: A common inflammatory skin disorder
Bioavailability: The total amount (the extent) of drug that
that is characterized by a pruritic, scaling rash that flares and
reaches the systemic circulation; expressed as a fraction of an
subsides at intervals.
administered dose of unchanged drug that reaches the sys-
Atopy: Type I hypersensitivity. temic circulation.
Atrophy: Thinning or depression of the skin often associated Biopharmaceutics: The study of (1) the physiochemical
with application of a topical or injected steroid. properties of a drug molecule that determine how the drug is
formulated into its “dosage form” (e.g., capsule, tablet, solu-
Atypical antipsychotics: Second-generation antipsychotic
tion, transdermal patch); (2) the ability of the drug dosage
form(s) to deliver the chemically active form of the drug in a
Auditory hallucinations: A psychotic symptom that causes sufficient amount (dose); (3) the ability of the dosage form to
sounds or voices to be heard. It can occur in schizophrenia or withstand physiological conditions inside the patient’s body;
manic episodes. and (4) how the rate of active drug release from the dosage
form is controlled (i.e., neither too slowly nor too quickly).
Autonomic nervous system (ANS): A division of the
peripheral nervous system that regulates involuntary or vis- Biotransformation: Chemical modification (direct chemical
ceral bodily processes, particularly cardiac, smooth muscle, change) of the drug structure, often by enzymatic processes
and glandular function. Subdivided into the sympathetic and in the body.
parasympathetic nervous systems.
Bipolar disorder: A psychiatric disorder characterized by
Axons: Part of a neuron. mood swings between depression and mania.
a2-receptor agonists: Long- and short-acting drugs that tar- Blockers: Another name for antagonists.
get beta receptors; used in treating respiratory diseases.
Blood pressure: The measure of the amount of force that
Bactericidal: An antimicrobial agent that kills the target bac- blood exerts upon blood vessel walls as it flows throughout
terium. the body.
Bacteriostatic: An antimicrobial agent that inhibits the tar- Blood–retinal barrier: The barrier that separates the blood
get bacterium’s reproduction or health, suppressing or weak- from the retina of the eye, through which medications must
ening it sufficiently to allow the patient’s immune system to pass before entering the eye.
complete the recovery process.
Bradykinesia: Slow movement and muscle rigidity.
Bacterium: Singular form of bacteria, which are prokary-
otic single-celled microorganisms, normally classified in the Bradykinin: A substance that causes vasodilation in the car-
kingdom Monera that can be grouped as Gram-negative (pos- diovascular system.
sessing an outer membrane), Gram-positive (no outer mem- Brain stem: The midbrain and hindbrain.
brane), or ungrouped.
Brand name: The drug name selected by the company
Barbiturate: A class of CNS depressant medications that pro- requesting initial FDA approval for the drug; this identifies it
duce sleepiness and relaxation. as the exclusive property of that company.
Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH): A condition in which Broad-spectrum: Effective against many strains of microor-
the enlarged prostate presses against the urethral canal and ganisms.
interferes with normal urination.
Bronchioles: Small branches of the airway found in the lungs.
Benzodiazepines: A class of drugs that act primarily on the
central nervous system and are often the first-line treatment Bronchoconstriction: Constriction of the airway.
for anxiety. They enhance the inhibitory effects of gamma- Buccal: Between the cheek and gum.
aminobutyric acid (GABA) and bind to benzodiazepine recep-
tors at the GABA-a ligand-gated chloride-channel complex. Butyrophenones: Dopamine-receptor antagonists tradition-
ally used for antiemetic therapy.
Beta blockers: Drugs that block the beta adrenoceptors in the
heart so norepinephrine and epinephrine cannot bind to them. Calcitonin: A hormone produced by the thyroid that inhib-
its bone resorption.
Beta-receptors: Receptors located on the heart, bound by
norepinephrine and epinephrine. When stimulated, the resul- Calcium-channel blockers: A class of antihypertensive med-
tant effects lead to increased heart rate and myocontractility. ications that act on the heart by blocking calcium channels,
512 Glossary

which helps lower cardiac output by both reducing the force parasympathetic nerves, as well as somatic motor nerves and
of contraction and decreasing the frequency of contractions. postganglionic sympathetic nerves.
Cannabinoids: Drugs based on the psychoactive ingredient Chronic bronchitis: A form of chronic obstructive pul-
in marijuana; sometimes used as antiemetic agents. monary disease in which inflammation of the bronchi and
mucus-producing glands leads to excessive mucus secretion,
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor: A drug that prevents the
which in later stages of COPD can contribute to obstruction.
production of the carbonic anhydrase enzyme. When car-
bonic anhydrase is inhibited, the formation of bicarbonate Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): A dis-
ions is slowed, with subsequent reduction in sodium and fluid ease in which patients struggle to breathe. It has an immuno-
transport. logical component but is also characterized by the progressive
breakdown of the mechanical processes of breathing due to
Cardiac output (CO): The amount of blood the heart is able
damage to the bronchioles and alveoli in the lungs.
to pump in one minute.
Ciliary muscle: A circular band of fibers located in the cili-
Cardioselective: Exerting more effect on the heart than on
ary body and used for accommodation when it contracts by
other tissue.
relaxing the suspensory ligament of the lens so that the lens
Catecholamine: A compound, such as norepinephrine, epi- becomes more convex.
nephrine, and dopamine, whose underlying chemical struc-
Clearance: The fixed volume of fluid (containing the drug)
ture is characterized by the presence of a catechol moiety.
cleared of drug per unit of time.
Also produced by the body and exerts important physiological
effects in regulating the body’s response to stress. Clinical pharmacology: The application of the concepts
and principles of pharmacology to properly evaluate patients,
Central compartment: The circulatory system; the blood-
design individualized dosage regimens to achieve therapeutic
drug levels, and ensure optimal clinical outcomes.
Central nervous system (CNS): The brain and the spinal cord.
Cognitive symptoms: Symptoms of schizophrenia that
Central nervous system (CNS) stimulation: Activating include difficulties with the ability to pay attention and to
effects produced by antipsychotic medications. focus, as well as the presence of significant learning and mem-
ory problems and disordered thinking.
Cerebellum: Part of the hindbrain.
Combination therapy: Use of multiple drugs concomi-
Cerebrum: Part of the forebrain.
tantly (e.g., use of more than one antibiotic to eradicate a
Cerumen: Ear wax. superinfection).
Chemical name: The description of the chemical composi- Comedogenic: The description of a substance that clogs pores
tion and molecular structure of a compound. or fosters the formation of precursor acne lesions.
Chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ): A subcortical center in Comorbid: Co-occurring.
the medulla that antiemetic drugs typically affect.
Compartmental model theory: A mathematical pharma-
Chloride-channel activators: Drugs that activate the type 2 cokinetic model used to describe the pattern of drug move-
volume-regulated chloride channels found in gastric parietal ment throughout the body; models describe the distribution
cells and in small intestinal and colonic epithelia. Intestinal of the drug into various “compartments,” or groups of tissues
chloride secretion is critical for intestinal fluid and electrolyte with similar blood flow and drug affinity.
Competitive antagonist: An antagonist that binds to the
Cholelithiasis: Obstruction by gallstone formation. same site as the agonist for that receptor, preventing the ago-
nist or the receptor’s ligand from binding to the receptor site.
Cholesterol: A sterol form of lipid.
Complicated UTI: A urinary infection occurring in a patient
Cholinergic agonists: Medications or chemicals that inter-
with a structural or functional abnormality of the genitouri-
act with acetylcholine receptors to produce nicotinic or mus-
nary tract.
carinic responses at autonomic or neuromuscular synapses.
Conduction blockade: The means by which most local
Cholinergic antagonists: A drug that acts against musca-
anesthetics work—that is, by interfering with nerve signal-
rinic acetylcholine receptors, where it caps and blocks the
ing, thereby reducing permeability of voltage-gated sodium
actions of acetylcholine.
channels. When sodium cannot pass through these channels,
Cholinergic mimetic agents: Drugs that are used for stimulat- the ability of the channels to conduct signals is reduced, effec-
ing gastrointestinal motility, accelerating gastric emptying, and tively interrupting the transmission of the nerve’s “message”
improving gastroduodenal coordination. They work by increas- of pain to the brain.
ing the availability of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
Congestive heart failure (CHF): A progressive disease in
Cholinergic nerves: Neuronal tissue that releases acetylcho- which the heart is unable to pump with sufficient force to
line at the synapse. Includes preganglionic sympathetic and push blood through the blood vessels.
Glossary 513

Conjunctivitis: An ocular infection in which the eye appears Delusions: False beliefs about one’s self or other people or
bright red, swollen, and painful. objects that persist despite the facts, occurring in some psy-
chotic states.
Contraception: Prevention of pregnancy.
Dendrites: Part of a neuron.
Controlled substances: Substances with a potential for
abuse—specifically, narcotics, hallucinogens, stimulants, Dependence: The physical and behavioral need to continue
depressants, and anabolic steroids; they are categorized by a substance due to addiction and tolerance. Discontinuing the
schedule (Schedules I–V), based on their therapeutic use and substance could cause physiological symptoms of withdrawal.
potential for abuse.
Depolarizing: A subclass of neuromuscular blocking drugs,
Cornea: The transparent part of the coat of the eyeball that which blocks the function of acetylcholine receptors on skele-
covers the iris and pupil and lets light into the interior. tal muscle via depolarizing the plasma membrane of the skeletal
Coronary artery disease: A condition that occurs when muscle fiber.
blood flow to the heart is restricted, or completely blocked, Depot preparations: Preparations of medications that are
depriving cardiac muscle of oxygen. absorbed slowly over an extended period of time.
Corpus cavernosum: A channel in the shaft of the penis. Depression: A common mental disorder that presents with
Corticosteroids: Drugs that have glucocorticoid-receptor a depressed mood, loss of interest in daily activities, lack of
agonist action, resulting in several anti-inflammatory effects. pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep
They affect eicosanoid metabolism, inflammation, and edema. or appetite, low energy and poor concentration, and possibly,
suicidal thoughts.
Cortisol: A steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands
and released in response to stress. Dermatopharmacology: Pharmacology as it applies to der-
matologic conditions.
Covalent bonds:
Dermatophytosis: A fungal infection involving the hair,
COX-2 inhibitors: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. skin, and nails that may be treated systemically.
Craniosacral system: Another term for the parasympathetic Diabetes mellitus: A disorder of glucose metabolism.
nervous system, due to the origin of the nerve fibers in the
cranial and sacral spinal nerves. Diaphoresis: Excessive sweating.
Cream: A dermatologic vehicle; a semi-solid emulsion of oil Diastolic: Related to the force exerted while the heart muscle
in water (soluble in water) or water in oil (not water soluble). is relaxed between beats.
Culture: The intentional in-vitro cultivation of a tissue (e.g., Dihydropterate synthetase: An enzyme that plays a role in
blood, serum, urine, cells) sample, with the aim of detecting the process by which bacteria synthesize their own folic acid
the presence of microbial infection. using pteridine and para-aminobenzoic acid as building blocks
for dihydropteroic acid, a precursor to folic acid.
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP): A substance
found in cell membranes. Decreased cAMP permits degran- Direct-acting: The ability to simulate a receptor without the
ulation of the membrane, releasing primary and secondary need of intermediary compounds or processes.
mediators as part of the immune response.
Direct renin inhibitors: Drugs that reduce the availability of
Cyclooxygenase (COX): The enzymes that produce renin, thereby limiting the amount of angiotensin I available
­prostaglandins. for conversion to angiotensin II.
Cysteinyl leukotriene type-1 (CysLT-1) receptors: The Distorted thinking: Inaccurate thoughts, often including
binding targets for cysteinyl-leukotrienes; they are found in negative thinking, that result in a poor self-image.
smooth muscle cells, airway macrophages, and eosinophils.
Distribution: The pharmacokinetic process of drug move-
Cystitis: Uncomplicated lower urinary tract infection. ment out of the systemic circulation to the site of drug action,
Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4): An enzyme, primarily tissue compartments, and other peripheral sites; the chemical
located in the liver and intestine, responsible for metabolizing composition of the drug molecule governs its ability to diffuse
substances in the body, aiding their removal. out of the bloodstream and into tissues, organs, or other areas
outside of the bloodstream.
Cytotoxic: Targeting fast-growing cells.
Diuresis: The process of excess fluid excreted as urine.
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT): The formation of blood clots
in the deep veins of the legs, due to plaque buildup in the Diuretics: Drugs that cause the kidneys to remove greater
arteries. amounts of salt and water from circulation, which in turn
lowers the fluid volume; also called “water pills.”
Delusional disorder: Unreal, often unfounded thoughts that
can include paranoia, grandiose, sexual, or somatic beliefs Dopamine: A neurochemical that plays a key role in Parkin-
that are not found to be based in reality. son disease; an endogenous catecholamine derivative.
514 Glossary

Dopamine-receptor antagonists: A class of antiemetic Effector organs: Organs that respond to stimulation of the
agents that works by blocking dopamine receptors via recep- nerve receptors that they contain.
tor antagonism.
Efferent: Carrying motor information.
Dose: Amount of drug that is administered to a patient.
Efficacy: How well a drug works.
Dose-response curve: A dose-response curve is a graphi-
Elimination: Removal of a drug from the body.
cal method used to characterize the relationship between the
dose of a drug and the amount of drug required to produce Elimination rate constant: The first-order rate constant
the maximum physiological (therapeutic) effect; often used that characterizes the rate (how fast) of drug elimination of
to compare the effectiveness of two drugs, or characterize the from the body.
degree of drug responses.
Emesis: Vomiting.
Dosing interval: The amount of time between doses of med-
ication; the time span separating when the second dose is Emollient: A substance that soothes the skin.
given in relation to the first. Emphysema: A form of chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-
Drug: A substance or chemical capable of altering a biochemi- ease in which the alveoli walls are damaged so that the alve-
cal or physiological process(es) in the body. oli lose their shape and elasticity, which makes it both more
difficult for the sacs to fill with air and more difficult for gas
Drug action: An alteration in a physiological or biochemical exchange to occur over the damaged areas.
process that takes place because of the drug’s interaction with
Endocrine system: A complex body system composed of
a specific site within the body.
hormone-secreting glands including the hypothalamus, ante-
Drug activity profile: A graphical representation of the con- rior and posterior pituitary, pineal body, thyroid, parathyroid,
centration of drug in the body over a given period of time. thymus, adrenals, pancreas, and reproductive glands (ovaries
or testes).
Drug classifications: Categorization of drugs based upon
their mechanism of drug action; drugs can be classified based Endogenous: Refers to substances that are produced natu-
on how they affect certain body systems, such as bronchodila- rally within the body or body systems.
tors; by their therapeutic use, such as antinausea; or based on
Enteral: Introduction of a medication into the body through
their chemical characteristics, such as beta blockers.
the gastrointestinal tract.
Drug name: The trade name of a drug, which is assigned by
Enteric nervous system (ENS): Part of the autonomic ner-
the pharmaceutical company that manufactures the drug, and
vous system that carries out key functions in support of sys-
the generic name, which is the official name and is not pro-
temic neurologic and immunologic well-being, and is highly
tected by trademark.
responsive to both physical and emotional stimuli.
Drug resistance: Alteration of an organism’s genetic struc-
Enterohepatic circulation: The cycle in which a drug is
ture, following repeated exposures to a drug, that enables the
absorbed, excreted into the bile, and reabsorbed as part of bili-
organism to withstand the effects of that drug; an adaptive
ary elimination.
mechanism when organisms encounter adverse conditions.
Epidural: A route of medication administration via the epi-
Dry-powder inhaler (DPI): A device used to deliver an
dural space surrounding the spinal cord.
inhaled medication to the lungs in the form of a dry powder.
Epidural anesthesia: Anesthesia used during labor as well
Dual innervation: In the autonomic nervous system, refers
as delivery for management of pain. Under local anesthesia, a
to the presence of both sympathetic and parasympathetic
catheter is inserted into the epidural space; an opioid drug and
receptors in body organs or tissue.
a local anesthetic are then injected into the catheter.
Duration of action: The length of time a drug exhibits a
Epilepsy: A brain disorder in which clusters of neurons some-
therapeutic effect after the drug is administered.
times signal abnormally in the brain.
Dyspepsia: Upset stomach; indigestion.
Epinephrine: A direct-acting adrenergic agonist that stimu-
Dyspnea: Shortness of breath. lates α- and β-adrenergic receptors in the sympathetic ner-
vous system.
Dyssomnias: Sleep disorders characterized by a disturbance
in the amount or quality of sleep. Erectile dysfunction: Inability to sustain an erection ade-
quate for sexual satisfaction.
Early response: In the immune system, a reaction that
occurs within minutes to hours after exposure to an allergen. Eructation: Belching.
Eclampsia: Seizures during pregnancy. Ester: A class of local anesthetic; more likely to produce an
allergic reaction than amides.
Eczema: A skin condition characterized by a pruritic, scaling
rash that flares and subsides at intervals (see atopic dermatitis). Estrogen: A hormone produced by the reproductive system.
Glossary 515

Exogenous: Produced outside of the body. Gastroprokinetic drugs: A class of drugs that act by increas-
ing the frequency of contractions in the small intestine with-
Extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS): Adverse effects associ-
out disrupting their rhythm, ultimately resulting in enhanced
ated with use of first-generation antipsychotic medications;
gastrointestinal motility.
acute dystonia, Parkinsonian symptoms, mask-like facies, shak-
ing palsy, trembling palsy, akathisia, and tardive dyskinesia. Gel: A dermatologic vehicle; a transparent, semi-solid, non-
greasy emulsion of propylene glycol and water.
Feedback loop: A means of maintaining homeostasis of the
body. Generalized anxiety disorder: A disorder of excessive anx-
iety and worry often including physiological symptoms and
Fetotoxic: Harmful to a fetus.
FEV1: FVC ratio: The ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1
Gestational diabetes: A variant of type 2 diabetes in which
second (how much air a patient can blow into the spirometer
insensitivity to insulin signaling develops in response to some
tubing in 1 second) to forced vital capacity (the total volume
of the endocrine changes of pregnancy; glucose intolerance of
of air expired after a full inspiration).
varying severity first appearing in pregnancy.
First-dose effect: Severe hypotension that occurs the first
Gestational hypertension: Systolic blood pressure equal to
time an alpha-blocker drug is administered.
or greater than 140 mm Hg and/or diastolic blood pressure
First-order kinetic drugs: Drugs that have a rate of elimi- equal to or greater than 90 mm Hg on at least two occasions
nation that is a function of (dependent upon) the amount of at least 6 hours apart after the 20th week of gestation in a
drug remaining in the body. woman who was previously normotensive.

First-pass effect: The metabolism of an orally administered Glands: Hormone-secreting organs.

drug into a pharmacologically inactive form before it enters
Glaucoma: A group of diseases that damage the optic nerve
the systemic circulation; extensive first-pass metabolism can
because of elevated intraocular pressure, which can result in
result in a loss of up to 80% of the oral dose of the drug; also
vision loss and blindness.
called presystemic elimination.
Glucagon: A hormone that helps to regulate blood glucose.
Fluid volume: The volume of blood passing through the
blood vessels. Glutamate: A major excitatory mediator in the brain that
binds to receptors that open channels for sodium, potassium,
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH): Gonadotropin hor-
and calcium into the cell.
mone released from the anterior pituitary.
Goals: The expected behaviors or results of drug therapy, usu-
Forebrain: Part of the brain containing the thalamus, hypo-
ally identified in the form of broad statements for achieve-
thalamus, and cerebrum; it is responsible for functions such as
ment of more specific outcome criteria.
receiving and processing sensory information, thinking, per-
ceiving, producing and understanding language, and control- Gonadotropin: Any of the hormones secreted by the pitu-
ling motor function. itary gland that stimulate the female gonads or reproductive
Fungus (fungi): Unicellular or multicellular saprophytic and
parasitic eukaryotic organisms. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH): A hormone
secreted by the hypothalamus.
Gallstones: Acute cholecystitis.
Gram negative: A descriptor for bacteria that do not take up
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA): One of the princi-
the Gram stain.
pal inhibiting chemicals in the brain; it causes chloride chan-
nels for negatively charged ions to open and flood into excited Gram positive: A descriptor for bacteria that take up the
neurons. Gram stain.
Ganglia: Masses of nerve tissue and nerve synapses that form Half-life: The amount of time required to eliminate one-half
part of the autonomic nervous system. of the amount of a drug in the body.
Gastric reflux: Regurgitation of stomach contents back into Heart rate (HR): The number of times that the heart beats,
esophagus. measured by unit of time, most often number of beats per
Gastritis: The inflammatory reaction of the swollen lining of
the stomach. Helminth: Worm.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): Chronic acid High-density lipoprotein (HDL): “Good” cholesterol; an
reflux. increase in HDL correlates with a decrease in the risk of coro-
nary heart disease.
Gastroparesis: Also called delayed stomach emptying. A
medical condition that stops or slows the movement of food Hindbrain: Part of the brain stem that extends from the spi-
from the stomach to the small intestine. nal cord and contains the pons and cerebellum; it assists in
516 Glossary

maintaining balance and equilibrium, as well as movement Hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid axis: The body systems
coordination and conduction of sensory information. that regulate almost every endocrine function in the body.
Histamine: A chemical compound involved in local immune Hypothalamus: Part of the forebrain.
response, physiological function in the gut, and action as a
Immunoglobulin E (IgE): A type of immunoglobulin that
neurotransmitter associated with gastrointestinal function
mediates the immune response to contact with allergens.
and local immune responses.
Impaction: A condition of the ear in which cerumen dries
Histamine-2 (H2) receptor antagonists: Drugs that
and hardens to form a plug in the external ear canal, which is
decrease gastric acidity by blocking the H2 receptors, thereby
difficult and painful to remove.
decreasing gastric acid production.
Inactive metabolite: A drug’s metabolite that is unable to
Homeostasis: The process of maintaining physiological
elicit a therapeutic response.
Indirect-acting: The impact of a substance that requires
Hormone: A chemical substance produced by endocrine
intermediate processes or agents to achieve its effect.
glands that regulates certain physiological functions.
Induction anesthesia: The process of creating a state of
Host factors: Factors that play major roles in the effective-
unconsciousness or semi-consciousness (sedation) prior to a
ness of an antimicrobial agent. Some of these factors are cli-
painful or unpleasant procedure.
ent age, pregnancy status, genetic characteristics, drug allergy
history, site of the infection, state of the patient’s immune sys- Infiltrative anesthesia: Anesthesia delivered via direct
tem, and status of the liver and kidneys. injection to the nerves that require blockade.
Human placental growth hormone: A pregnancy-related Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): Ulcerative colitis and
hormone that causes an increased resistance to insulin. Crohn’s disease.
Human placental lactogen (hPL): A pregnancy-related Inhalational anesthetic: An inhaled drug most often used
hormone. for general or partial anesthesia, used for a patient undergoing
surgery or other invasive, stressful, or complex procedure that
Huntington’s chorea: Continuous involuntary, jerky move-
require the patient to remain still for long stretches of time.
ments of the limbs or facial muscles that can be associated
with the long-term use of antipsychotic medications. Inhibitors: Another name for antagonists.
Hyperglycemia: Elevated blood glucose level. Injectable pen: A pen-like device containing a premeasured
amount of medication.
Hyperkalemia: An electrolyte imbalance caused by high
potassium levels. Insulin: A hormone secreted by the pancreas that helps to
regulate blood glucose.
Hyperkeratotic: Hypertrophy or excess production of the
keratin or horny layer of the skin. This causes a rough, thick, Insulin resistance: Decreased ability of cells to use insulin due
or wart-like texture of the affected skin. to antagonistic effects of hormones produced in pregnancy.
Hyperlipidemia: High cholesterol and/or triglyceride levels. Integumentary system: The three layers of the skin, the
associated glandular structures, plus the mucous membranes,
Hypersensitivity reaction: An inappropriate immune hair, and nails that make up the human body’s largest organ
response against innocuous, non-pathogenic antigens involv- system.
ing the humoral and/or cell-mediated branches of the
immune system, and which may or may not be exaggerated Intralesional injection: Direct delivery of medication to the
when compared to reactions to pathogenic antigens. site of a lesion so as to treat a local condition without systemic
Hypertension: High blood pressure.
Intramuscular (IM): Within the muscle.
Hypertensive crisis: A life-threatening side effect of MAOIs
caused by eating tyramine-containing foods and beverages. Intraocular pressure (IOP): Pressure within the eye.
High levels of tyramine cause a significant increase in the
Intraosseous (IO): Into the marrow cavity of the bone.
neurotransmitter norepinephrine in the gut, leading to exces-
sively high blood pressure. Intrathecal: Into the cerebrospinal fluid.
Hypertensive emergency: A condition in which the patient Intravenous (IV): Into the vein.
has both severe hypertension and a risk of end-organ damage.
Intravitreal: Into the eye.
Hypnotics: Drugs that produce sleep, and if used as an anes-
Involuntary movements: Uncontrollable twitches and jerks
thetic agent, can induce either sedation or a complete loss of
and movements of the limbs, trunk, or facial muscles associ-
consciousness for purposes of accomplishing procedures.
ated with use of antipsychotic medications.
Hypoglycemia: Lower than normal blood glucose level.
Iris: The opaque contractile diaphragm perforated by the
Hyponatremia: Abnormally low sodium level. pupil and forming the colored portion of the eye.
Glossary 517

Iris sphincter: Smooth muscle surrounding the iris. Magnesium sulfate: A mineral used to stabilize hypokale-
mia (low potassium levels).
Iritis: Inflammation of the iris of the eye.
Maintenance anesthesia: The use of anesthetic agents to pro-
Irreversible receptor antagonists: Chemically reactive
long an unconscious or sedated state for procedures that require
compounds in which after covalent binding, the physiological
a time frame longer than an induction agent usually lasts.
response is completely blocked and cannot be undone.
Mania: A mental disorder that presents with the following
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): A functional gastrointes-
symptoms: being easily distracted, reduced need for sleep,
tinal disorder, characterized by unexplained abdominal pain,
poor judgment, loss of temper, reckless behavior, poor impulse
discomfort, and bloating in association with altered bowel
control, hyperactivity, excessive energy, grandiose thoughts,
racing thoughts, excessive talking, and agitation or irritability.
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca: Chronic dry eye. Psychotic symptoms, such as auditory and visual hallucina-
tions and delusional thoughts, may also be present.
Keratolytic: A substance that softens, loosens, or removes
rough, horny, hyperkeratotic skin. Margin of safety: The difference between the minimum
effective concentration and the minimum toxic concentration.
Lacrimation: Watering of the eyes.
Maximum tolerable concentration: The highest concen-
Lag-time: The time it takes for a drug to enter the bloodstream. tration of a substance (medication) that can be tolerated and
Laryngospasm: A spasm of the vocal cords that can occlude not cause death.
the airway, making ventilation impossible. Mechanism of action: How and where in the body a drug
Late response: In the immune system, a reaction that occurs works, as well as the biological molecule to which the drug
hours after exposure to an allergen and requires specialized binds.
(emergency department) treatment. Medication administration error: A mistake related to the
Laxatives: Drugs to control constipation. dispensing or administration phase of drug distribution.

Leukotrienes (LT): Inflammatory molecules that are prod- Medication errors: Mistakes (or preventable events) in med-
ucts of phospholipid breakdown via arachidonic acid metab- ication prescribing, ordering, labeling, distributing, dispens-
olism, usually from host cells, including mast cells and ing, administering, or monitoring that may lead to patient
eosinophils. harm or the inappropriate use of medication.

Leukotriene receptor blocker: Also called leukotriene recep- Medulla oblongata: The part of the midbrain that is respon-
tor antagonist (LTRA); a class of anti-inflammatory drugs that sible for autonomic functions such as breathing, heart rate,
interfere with the leukotriene-mediated inflammatory pro- and digestion.
cess by blocking (antagonizing) natural ligand (leukotriene)
Meglitinides: A type of insulin secretagogue that inhibits
adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potassium channels of the
Leukotriene synthesis blockers: Anti-inflammatory drugs beta cell membrane.
that inhibit leukotriene formation, especially those inhibiting
Melena: Dark stools that occur with gastrointestinal bleeding.
5-lipooxygenase, which converts arachidonic acid to prosta-
glandins. Mesolimbic: An area of the brain associated with dopamine
activity, located in the midbrain.
Ligand: Naturally occurring compounds that are specific to
receptor molecules. Metabolic syndrome: The combination of obesity, diabetes,
and dyslipidemia.
Lipids: A class of molecules that include a variety of sub-
stances: fatty acids, sterols (including cholesterol), certain fat- Metabolism: The pharmacokinetic process of chemically
soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K), and glycerides. changing the structure and chemical properties of the “par-
ent” (original) drug, by enzymatic processes in the body.
Local anesthetic: Medication used to block pain or other
sensations in a specific area of the body when complete or Metabolite: A drug molecule that has undergone a chemical
partial sedation is not desired or is contraindicated. change to its structure; a metabolite may or may not be phar-
macologically active.
Lotion: A dermatologic vehicle; a clear spray, foam, or free-
flowing solution. Metered-dose inhaler (MDI): A device used to deliver a
precise dose of an inhaled medication to the lungs.
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL): “Bad” cholesterol; an
increase in LDL correlates with an increase in the risk of coro- Microcomedone: Precursor acne lesions.
nary heart disease.
Midbrain: The part of the brain stem that connects the fore-
Low- or normal-tension glaucoma: Glaucoma without brain and the hindbrain; it is involved in auditory and visual
any increased intraocular pressure. responses as well as motor function.
Luteinizing hormone (LH): Gonadotropin hormone Middle ear: A small membrane-lined cavity that is sepa-
released from the anterior pituitary. rated from the outer ear by the tympanic membrane and that
518 Glossary

transmits sound waves from the tympanic membrane to the Muscle spasm: A sudden involuntary contraction of one or
partition between the middle and inner ears through a chain more muscle groups; usually an acute condition associated
of tiny bones. with muscle strain or sprain.
Minimum alveolar concentration (MAC): In regard to Myocardial infarction: Heart attack.
inhalational anesthesia, the alveolar concentration that pre-
Narcotic: Opioid; a type of analgesic derived from the Asian
vents patient movement in 50% of patients in response to
surgical stimulation.
Narrow-spectrum: Effective against only a few strains of
Minimum effective concentration (MEC): The amount microorganisms.
of drug it takes to produce the intended pharmacological
response of the drug. Negative chronotrope: A drug that alters impulse conduc-
tion in the heart.
Minimum inhibitory concentration: The lowest concen-
tration of drug at which an organism’s growth is inhibited. Negative symptoms: Symptoms of schizophrenia that
include poor insight and judgment, lack of self-care, emo-
Minimum toxic concentration (MTC): The drug dose that tional and social withdrawal, apathy, agitation, blunted affect,
no longer produces the intended therapeutic response but and poverty of speech.
produces the first signs of drug toxicity.
Nerve processes: Finger-like projections of neurons that
Miosis: Constriction of the pupil secondary to the contraction consist of axons and dendrites.
of the iris sphincter.
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome: Adverse effects associ-
Mixed obstructive/restrictive airway disease: A complex ated with use of first-generation antipsychotic medications;
respiratory disease, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary characterized by high fever, stiffness of the muscles, altered
disease, that has characteristics of both mixed airway disease mental status (paranoid behavior), wide swings of blood pres-
and restrictive airway disease. sure, excessive sweating, and excessive secretion of saliva.
Monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI): Drugs that block Neuromuscular blockers: Medications that act by prevent-
the breakdown of monoamine oxidase; used for the treatment ing neuromuscular transmission at the neuromuscular junc-
of depression and anxiety. tion, causing paralysis of the affected skeletal muscles.
Monoclonal anti-IgE antibody: A recombinant humanized Neurons: The basic units of the nervous system.
IgGk monoclonal antibody that binds IgE antibodies, reducing
Neuropathic pain: Chronic pain resulting from nervous sys-
the amount of IgE available to bind to high-affinity IgE recep-
tem injury, either in the CNS (brain and spinal cord) or PNS
tor (FceRI) on the surface of mast cells and basophils.
Mood stabilizers: A class of medications used to treat bipo-
Neurotonin-1 receptor antagonists: A new class of anti-
lar disorder. They stabilize the patient’s mood and eliminate
emetic agents; they act through the inhibition of substance P
mood swings, or make them less frequent and less severe.
involved in the emesis reflex both centrally and peripherally.
Motility: Movement (as through the digestive tract). Neurotransmission: The transmission of nerve signals in
Motor tics: Sudden contractions of muscle groups often the brain caused by the release of brain chemicals dopamine,
involving the face or upper arms. They often are associated serotonin, and norepinephrine.
with a dopamine overload. Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors: Acetylcholine-­responsive
Mucosal membranes: Membranes with many mucous receptors on postsynaptic parasympathetic ganglionic membranes.
glands, especially those that line body passages and cavities that N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA): A type of receptor found
connect directly or indirectly with the exterior that protect, in the brain and spinal column.
support, and absorb nutrients, and secrete mucus, enzymes,
and salts. Nociceptive: Related to pain.

Mucosal-protective agents: Drugs that shield the gastric Noncompetitve antagonist: A drug that binds to a site dif-
mucosa from harmful effects of gastric acid via a variety of ferent from the endogenous ligand’s binding site but is still
mechanisms. able to block the receptor’s “normal” physiological response.

Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors: The principal cholin- Nondepolarizing: A subclass of neuromuscular blocking
ergic end-receptors stimulated by acetylcholine in postgangli- drugs, which blocks the function of acetylcholine receptors on
onic parasympathetic nerves. skeletal muscle without activating them, causing flaccid paral-
ysis of skeletal muscles.
Muscarinic M3 antagonists: Antimuscarinic anticholiner-
Nonprogressing labor: Labor that appears to have halted or
gic agents used to reduce bowel motility and prevent painful
is progressing only very slowly.
cramping spasms in the intestines.
Nonretrovirus: One of the two major types of viruses.
Muscle relaxants: Medications that seek to ease painful
and involuntary contraction of injured or overstimulated Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): A class
muscle cells. of drugs that provides both analgesic and antipyretic effects.
Glossary 519

Norepinephrine: A potent vasopressor and cardiac stimu- become red and swollen to the point that touching it or even
lant that acts directly on α- and β-adrenergic receptors of the applying pressure to the ear is quite painful.
sympathetic nervous system.
Otitis media with effusion (OME): The buildup of fluid in
Nosocomial: Hospital acquired. the middle ear without the signs and symptoms of pain, red-
ness of the eardrum, pus, or fever.
Nucleoside: One of the building blocks of DNA and RNA.
Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors: A class of Otorrhea: Drainage of fluid from the ear.
antiviral drugs used to treat HIV infection, AIDS, and some- Ovaries: The female reproductive glands.
times hepatitis B.
Ovulation: Release of an egg by the ovaries as part of the
Nursing diagnoses: Statements of patient problems, poten- menstrual cycle.
tial problems, or needs.
Palsy: A condition involving uncontrollable body tremors of
Nursing process: A systematic, rational, and continuous
one or multiple parts of the body.
method of planning, providing, and evaluating individualized
nursing care, to include the administration of medications. Pancreas: A gland located behind the stomach that has both
endocrine and exocrine functions.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder: An anxiety disorder char-
acterized by recurring, intrusive thoughts that lead to repeti- Panic disorder: A severe anxiety attack that can include
tive (compulsive) behaviors. tremors, tachycardia, shortness of breath, diaphoreses, and
Obstructive airway disease: A respiratory disease, such as fear of dying. Persistent fear of reoccurring attacks can cause
asthma and emphysema, in which the major abnormality is significant changes in behavior.
decreased airflow into the lungs; manifests in patients as dif- Paranoia: A delusion involving suspiciousness or a belief that
ficulty completely exhaling air. others are out to harm you. Often the delusion triggers self-
Offset: The time needed for an effect to dissipate. protective actions.

Ointment: A dermatologic vehicle; a semi-solid grease or oil Parasite: An organism that lives in or on a host, depending
with little or no water (insoluble in water). on the host for its survival, without benefitting the host, pos-
sibly causing disease in the host.
One-compartment model: A model of drug movement
throughout the body in which the drug enters and stays in the Parasomnias: Sleep disorders characterized by abnormal
systemic circulation (central compartment), does not move nervous system behavior.
into other tissues, and is eliminated.
Parasympathetic nervous system (PNS): Part of the auto-
Onset: The time of the first measurable response to the drug. nomic nervous system that activates passive functions such as
stimulating the secretion of saliva in the mouth or digestive
Open-angle glaucoma: An eye condition at which the angle
enzymes into the stomach or small intestines.
where the cornea and the iris meet remains open, but the
fluid passes too slowly through the drain, causing the fluid to Parathyroid: Two small pairs of glands embedded in the back
build up and increase the pressure in the eye to the point that of the thyroid gland that secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH),
the optic nerve may be damaged. which helps regulate calcium absorption and release in the
blood and bones.
Ophthalmic: Relating to the eye.
Opioids: Narcotics; a type of analgesic derived from the Asian Parathyroid hormone: A hormone secreted by the parathy-
poppy. Medications that act on opioid receptors in the brain roid gland that helps regulate calcium absorption and release
and nervous system to provide pain relief or sedation. in the blood and bones.

Opioid receptors: Receptors found in the brain and nervous Parenteral: Introduction of a medication into the body
system; designated as delta, kappa, and mu. directly into the circulatory system.

Optic nerve: Either of the second pair of cranial nerves that Parietal cells: Specialized cells that produce gastric acid in
pass from the retina to the optic chiasma and conduct visual response to stimulation of histamine, acetylcholine, and gas-
stimuli to the brain. trin receptors released from the surrounding antral G cells and
enterochromaffin-like cells.
Oral: By mouth.
Parkinson’s disease: A neurologic disorder in which nerve
Orthostatic hypotension: A rapid drop in blood pressure cells in the area of the brain that involve muscle movement
that can occur after moving from the lying to standing posi- (corpus striatum and substantia nigra) are affected.
tion resulting in dizziness and light headedness.
Parkinsonian symptoms: Rhythmic muscular tremors,
Otalgia: Pain in the ear.
rigidity of movement, and droopy posture.
Otic: Relating to the ear.
Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR): A measurement of
Otitis externa: “Swimmer’s ear”; an infection of the inner how fast a patient can exhale a volume of air (measured in
ear and the outer ear canal that can cause the ear to itch or liters/minute).
520 Glossary

Peak flow (PF): The patient’s maximum airflow; a measure Plasma-level time curve: A graph of the concentration of a
of respiratory status. drug measured in a series of blood samples over time.
Peak flow meter: A respiratory device used at the bedside that Plasma proteins: Proteins present in the bloodstream, to
registers, in cubic centimeters, how much airflow is present. which some drugs bind.
Peptic ulcer disease: Infection with a microbe, Helicobacter Pons: Part of the hindbrain.
pylori, that promotes harmful overproduction of gastric acid
Positive inotrope: A drug that increases the force of the
and lesions on the stomach lining.
heart’s contraction.
Peptidoglycan: An important layer of bacterial cell walls.
Positive symptoms: Symptoms of schizophrenia that
Peripheral dopamine-1 agonists: A class of medications include distortion of reality thinking. Paranoia, auditory and
that promote vasodilation and thereby relieve high blood visual hallucinations, and delusions may be present.
pressure during an acute crisis.
Postganglionic neuron: Any of the nerves of the autonomic
Peripheral nervous system (PNS): The parts of the ner- nervous system originating in the ganglia and terminating in
vous system other than the brain and the spinal cord. the effector organs.
Peripheral vision: The ability to see objects to the side and Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV): Nausea,
out of the corner of the eyes. vomiting, or retching that occurs post-surgery, generally
within the first 24-48 hours.
Pharmaceutical: A chemical substance that has medicinal
properties; a chemical that works in such a way as to correct Postpartum: After birth.
an abnormal biochemical or physiological function (includ-
ing restoration of functions that are absent, intermittent, or Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): An anxiety dis-
subnormal). order caused by a severe traumatic experience that includes
symptoms of intrusive memories, flashbacks, nightmares,
Pharmacodynamics: The study of the “molecular mecha- hyper vigilance, and avoidance of certain stimuli.
nism of drug action” or how the drug interacts at its “active”
site to produce the intended drug response; also characterizes Potassium-channel blockers: A group of antiarrhythmics
the amount of drug needed at the site of action to produce a that interfere with cardiac action via inhibition of potassium
biological response. outflow.

Pharmacokinetics: The study of the rate of drug move- Potency: A comparison measure of the relative concentration
ment throughout the body; focuses on the amount of drug in of drug required to achieve a given magnitude of response.
the body and how fast the drug moves throughout the body; Pre-eclampsia: Gestational hypertension is accompanied by
specifically, at the processes of drug absorption, distribution, proteinuria.
metabolism, and elimination (ADME).
Preganglionic neuron: Any of the nerves of the autonomic
Pharmacologic activity: The therapeutic response induced nervous system originating in the central nervous system and
by a medication, including how and where in the body a drug terminating in the ganglia.
produces such a response.
Prehypertension: A precursor condition for hypertension
Pharmacology: The study of the actions, chemistry, effects, that is associated with an increased risk of myocardial infarc-
and therapeutic uses of drugs; incorporating pharmacokinetics, tion and coronary artery disease.
pharmacodynamics, pharmacotherapeutics, and toxicology.
Prenatal vitamins: Supplements taken prior to conception
Phenothiazines: Dopamine-receptor antagonists tradition- to ensure adequate amounts of essential vitamins and miner-
ally used for antiemetic therapy. als for the mother and fetus.
Pheochromocytoma: A neuroendocrine tumor usually Prescription drugs: Drugs ordered by a licensed provider,
located in the medulla of the adrenal gland that is capable of such as a physician, dentist, or nurse practitioner.
producing large and dangerous amounts of catecholamines
in the body. Presystemic elimination: A first-pass effect.

Phobic disorders: An irrational, illogical fear of an object or Preterm labor: Premature onset of labor.
Preventive medications: In respiratory conditions, drugs
Phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors: Pharmacologic that restrict the disease; they include antagonists of primary
agents used to treat penile erectile problems. mediators or primary mediator effects.
Pineal body: A gland located above and behind the pituitary Primary mediators: Substances released during degran-
gland that secretes melatonin in response to dark and light, ulation of the cell membrane that cause overt respiratory
and helps regulate the body’s daily biological clock (circadian symptoms, including bronchoconstriction, vasodilation, and
rhythm) and sleep/wake cycles. increased mucus secretion.
Pituitary: A gland that has significant involvement in mul- Prodrug: A chemical compound (drug) that is pharmacologi-
tiple endocrine functions. cally inactive in its dosage form; following administration, it
Glossary 521

requires the body to metabolize the drug into its pharmaco- symptoms are not well controlled. They act more rapidly than
logically active chemical structure. preventive medications.
Progesterone/progestin: A gonadal steroid. Resistant: In regard to pathogens, being invulnerable to the
effects of a particular drug.
Prolactin: A protein hormone released by the pituitary gland
that is involved with the secretion of milk, stimulates testos- Respiratory distress syndrome: A lung disorder some-
terone synthesis, and is involved in the immune system. times observed in premature neonates, caused by insufficient
production of the surfactant coating the inner surface of the
Prostaglandin: Chemicals produced by the body that pro-
lungs, leading to the inability of the lungs to expand and con-
mote inflammation, pain, and fever. These lipid compounds
tract properly during breathing, often progressing to lung col-
derived from arachidonic act as chemical messengers through-
lapse, accompanied by accumulation of a protein-containing
out the body.
film lining the alveoli and their ducts; this leads to grunt-
Prostate: A gland that is part of the male reproductive system ing respirations, use of accessory muscles, and nasal flaring
that produces part of the seminal fluid that carries the sperm appearing soon after birth.
from the testes to the outside of the body.
Restrictive airway disease: Conditions, such as pulmo-
Prostatitis: Inflammation of the prostate gland, often caused nary fibrosis, where patients experience difficulty expanding
by an infectious process. their lungs with air (inhaling), though usually with normal
flow through the larger respiratory components, resulting in
Proteinuria: Elevated urine protein level—300 mg or greater
decreased airflow, lung volume, and blood oxygenation.
in 24 hours.
Retina: The sensory membrane that lines the eye, is composed
Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs): Drugs that inhibit the
of several layers including one containing the rods and cones,
action of the proton pump in the stomach, which directly
and functions as the immediate instrument of vision by receiving
blocks gastric acid production.
the image formed by the lens and converting it into chemical and
Protozoan: Unicellular eukaryotic organisms, of the king- nervous signals that reach the brain by way of the optic nerve.
dom Protista, that live in water or as parasites.
Retrovirus: A subdivision of viruses that includes human
Pruritic/pruritus: Itching. immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Psychosis: Delusional disorder. Salicylates: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Psychotropic drugs: Drugs used to treat psychiatric disorders. Saturable-binding kinetics: When concentration of a drug
is high, and the enzymes become saturated so can no longer
Pupil: The contractile aperture in the iris of the eye. metabolize the drug; also known as Michaelis-Menten phar-
Pyelonephritis: Acute, complicated urinary tract infection. macokinetics.

Rate process: The process of drug movement–either zero or Schizophrenia: A delusional disorder associated with three
first-order. types of symptoms: positive, negative, and cognitive.

Receptor: A specific molecule on a cell with which a drug Second messengers: Systems that are activated upon stimu-
interacts. lation of the receptor.

Recurrent UTI: A urinary tract infection that follows resolu- Secondary mediators: Substances released during degran-
tion of a previous infectious episode. The recurrent UTI could ulation of the cell membrane that cause overt respiratory
indicate a relapse from the same organism that caused the symptoms, including bronchoconstriction, vasodilation, and
previous episode or it could indicate reinfection with a differ- increased mucus secretion.
ent organism.
Sedation: A state of unconsciousness or semi-consciousness.
Relapse: Return of symptoms of a disease.
Selective `1-blockers: Medications that block only α1-receptors
Remission: Diminution of symptoms of a disease. without affecting β-receptors.
Renal clearance: The volume of plasma that is cleared of Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI): The first-
drug per unit time through the kidneys. line antidepressant and anxiolytic medication class. SSRIs
work by blocking the serotonin reuptake pump in the synap-
Renin: The molecule responsible for the conversion of angio- tic space, thereby increasing the concentration of serotonin in
tensinogen to produce angiotensin I. the brain.
Renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS): Part of
Sensitivity: Degree of microbial susceptibility to a drug, mea-
the system that regulates blood pressure. Its end products are
sured by the effectiveness at inhibiting microbial growth.
angiotensin II and aldosterone, which elevate blood pressure
through vasoconstriction of arterioles and volume expansion Serotonin: 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT); an important neu-
caused by increased sodium. rotransmitter of the gastrointestinal tract system.
Rescue medications: In respiratory conditions, drugs that Serotonin 5-HT receptor: One of the receptors for serotonin
are used when symptoms progress, or for patients whose that is targeted by gastrointestinal drugs.
522 Glossary

Serotonin/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI): Spinal cord: A cylindrical bundle of nerves that is connected
The first-line antidepressant and anxiolytic medication class. to the brain, running down the protective spinal column,
They work by blocking both the serotonin and norepineph- extending from the neck to the lower back.
rine pumps in the synaptic space, thereby boosting the avail-
Spirometer: A device that measures both volume and air-
ability of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain.
flow in the lungs.
Serotonin reuptake pump: A type of monoamine trans-
porter protein that returns serotonin from the synaptic cleft to Statins: The most widely prescribed medications for hyperlip-
the presynaptic neuron; the chemical method by which sero- idemia; the most effective drug class available in terms of abil-
tonin is transported within the cell synapse at the cell body ity to lower cholesterol levels.
and the dendrites. It is associated with the mechanism of anti- Steady-state drug levels: The concentration of drug in the
depressant medications. body remains constant over time, given a consistent dosage
Serotonin syndrome: A condition that develops when sup- regimen; the amount of drug going into a patient roughly
pression of serotonin reuptake (e.g., from medications) causes equal to the amount being eliminated by the body.
an excess concentration of serotonin in the brain stem and Subcutaneous: Between the dermis and muscle layer.
spinal cord. Symptoms include alterations in mental status
and coordination, diaphoresis (excessive sweating), tremor, Sublingual: Under the tongue.
rapid heartbeat, muscle spasms, blood pressure fluctuations, Substituted benzamides: Dopamine-receptor antagonists
and fever. traditionally used for antiemetic therapy.
Sexually transmitted infection (STIs): Any bacterial, fun- Sulfonylureas: A type of insulin secretagogue that inhibits
gal, parasitic, and viral infection that can be transmitted to adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potassium channels of the
sexual partners. beta cell membrane.
Side effects: Responses in tissues where a drug’s effects are
Superinfection: The development of a new infection while
neither needed nor wanted, often causing problematic symp-
therapy for the initial infection is under way.
toms such as rash, itching, muscle pain, headache, and so on.
Susceptible: In regard to pathogens, being vulnerable to the
Signal transduction: The process of transmitting cell signals,
effects of a particular drug.
which can be amplified by activating the second-messenger
system within a cell. Sympathetic nervous system (SNS): A division of the
autonomic nervous system that regulates activity related to
Slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRSA): A group
the body under conditions of stress.
of three leukotrienes (C4, D4, E4) that induces smooth muscle
contraction and bronchoconstriction, similar to the action of Sympathomimetic: A drug that stimulates sympathetic ner-
histamine, but acts in minutes rather than seconds, and with vous action, simulating normal transmitter actions, in physi-
longer duration than histamine. ological effect.
Sodium-channel blockers: A group of antiarrhythmics Synapse: The junction between the axon terminal of a nerve
(Class I) that interfere with cardiac action via impairment of and an adjacent nerve, muscle end plate, or effector organ.
sodium ion conduction.
Synaptic space: The space between nerve cells that are
Somatic nervous system: Part of the peripheral nervous involved with nerve transmission.
system consisting of peripheral nerve fibers that send sen-
sory information to the central nerve system and motor nerve Systemic administration: Introduction of a medication into
fibers that project to skeletal muscles. the body directly into the circulatory system.

Spasmolytics: Centrally acting muscle relaxants that are used Systemic vascular resistance: The resistance to blood flow-
to relieve musculoskeletal pain and spasms, and to diminish ing that is present in the body from the vasculature after the
spasticity in a variety of neurologic disorders; also called anti- exit from the left ventricle (not including the pulmonary
spasmodics. ­vasculature).

Spasticity: A state of increased muscular tone with ampli- Systolic: Related to the force of blood pressing against vessel
fication of the tendon reflexes; often associated with disease walls while the heart is contracting during a beat.
states, illness, or injury such as multiple sclerosis, stroke, and Tardive dyskinesia (TD): Involuntary movement of the
spinal cord injury. facial muscles and tongue.
Specificity: (1) Relative degree of microbial selectivity of an Teratogen: A compound that interferes with the normal
antimicrobial drug, for purposes of selecting optimum antimi- developmental process in the fetus.
crobial therapy. (2) The degree of confidence with regard to
pathologic microbial identification for purposes of diagnosis. Testes: The male reproductive glands.
Spinal column: A series of bones that extends from the neck Testosterone: An androgen that is the only biologically
to the lower back and that protects the spinal cord. active hormone.
Glossary 523

Thalamus: Part of the forebrain. Toxicology: The study and characterization of the adverse
effects caused by excessively high concentrations of drug in the
Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM): The close monitor-
body and the harmful, potentially fatal results that may result.
ing of drug plasma levels to ensure that the drug concentra-
tion levels remain within therapeutic limits. Transdermal: Applied topically to the skin as in a patch.
Therapeutic index: The ratio of the minimum concentra- Transmucosal: Applied topically to mucous membranes.
tion of drug that produces toxic effects and the minimum con-
Treatment-resistant: A descriptor for those disorders that
centration that produces the desired effect.
do not respond to or only partially respond to multiple trials
Therapeutic response: An interaction in which a chemical of medications and continue to be problematic.
(medication) produces a therapeutic, or intended, response by
Tricyclic antidepressant (TCA): A group of antidepres-
or within the organism (patient).
sant medications, all of which inhibit the reuptake of norepi-
Therapeutic window: The span of concentration between nephrine and treat a broad range of depression and anxiety
the minimum concentration of drug that produces toxic disorders.
effects and the minimum concentration that produces the
Triglycerides: A type of lipid; a high triglyceride level is a risk
desired effect.
factor for heart disease.
Thiazolidinediones: Insulin-sensitizing agents that cause
Tympanic membrane: Eardrum.
the body to need less insulin and to use available insulin more
effectively. Type I hypersensitivity: An excessive response of the
immune system to an encounter with a substance to which it
Thoracolumbar system: Another term for the sympathetic
has been sensitized, specifically associated with IgE antibodies.
nervous system, due to the origin of the nerve fibers in the
thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord. Typical antidepressants: First-generation antipsychotic
Thromboxanes (TXAs): Eicosanoids (lipids) derived from
arachidonic acid, but from the prostaglandin-producing side Tyramine: An amino acid involved in the chemical function
of the cascade. of the MAOI antidepressants.
Thymosin: A hormone produced by the thymus gland that Uncomplicated UTI: Urinary tract infection generally consid-
triggers the creation of T-cells. ered to occur in healthy, nonpregnant, ambulatory females with
no functional or anatomic abnormalities of the urinary tract.
Thymus: A gland located in the upper chest behind the ster-
num that plays a role in immune function. It produces the Urethra: The outlet to the bladder.
hormone thymosin and is most active during childhood; it
Urethritis: A bacterial or viral-induced inflammation of the
atrophies after adolescence.
urethra, which is the conduit carrying urine from the bladder
Thyroid: A butterfly-shaped gland located in the front, lower to the outside of the body; characterized by painful urination.
part of the neck that releases the hormones l-triiodothyronine
Urinary incontinence: Inability to control urination; it can
(T3) and l-thyroxine (T4), which affect all organs and cellular
range from “leaking” of small amounts of urine to a complete
metabolism and assist in controlling functions such as heart
inability to restrain urine flow via maintenance of voluntary
rate, blood pressure, and muscle tone.
muscle control.
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH): A hormone that
Urinary tract: Part of the genitourinary system that handles
controls the release of T3 and T4 through a negative feedback
waste elimination.
loop to the anterior pituitary gland.
Urinary tract infection (UTI): Pathogenic invasion of the
Tocolytic drugs: Drugs that are prescribed to stop labor and
urinary tract.
allow pregnancy to continue until the fetus reaches full term.
Uveitis: Inflammation of the uvea.
Tolerance: The state whereby a medication loses its effective-
ness and higher doses are needed to produce the same phar- Vasodilation: Opening of blood vessels.
macologic effect. It is associated with physical dependence to
Vasodilators: Drugs that dilate blood vessels.
certain drugs or medications.
Vasopressin antagonists: Medications that interfere (antag-
Topical anesthetic: Medication provided in a cream, oint-
onize) vasopressin receptors.
ment, gel, or other vehicle for use on superficial skin condi-
tions that cause pain or itching. Vasopressor: The ability of a substance to cause vasoconstric-
tion of blood vessels and resultant increases in blood pressure.
Tourette syndrome: A neurologic disorder of children
involving multiple involuntary motor and vocal tics and the Vehicle: A carrier for a pharmaceutical agent that transports
utterance of words or phrases. It can be caused by the use of the medication across the skin barrier and into the body.
neuroleptics or stimulant medications.
Very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL): A lipid that serves as
Toxicity: Drug poisoning. the principal transporter for other lipids, including triglycerides.
524 Glossary

Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR): A disorder in which urine amount of fluid necessary to account for the “concentration”
flows back from the bladder into the ureters. of drug in the body.
Virus: A parasitic microbe. Withdrawal: Refers to the symptoms after stopping an
Visual hallucinations: A psychotic symptom that distorts addicting substance by an individual in whom dependence
reality and causes a person to see objects or persons that can- has been present. It often includes craving to restart the
not be seen by others. It can occur in schizophrenia or manic addicting substance.
Zero-order kinetic drugs: The rate of elimination for a drug
Volume of distribution (VD): A measurement of the fluid remains constant irrespective of the amount of drug remain-
volume in which the drug is “dissolved” or contained; the ing in the body.

Note: Page numbers followed by f and t indicates figures and tables.

A adrenal glands, 270, 273, 290, 293

adrenal medulla, 154, 273
A4b2 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist, 235 adrenergic antagonists, 154, 161–162, 164–166
abacavir, 497 adrenergic drugs, 156t
absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination adrenergic nerves, 152
(ADME), 41–42, 46–48, 51, 52–56 adrenergic receptors, 152–154, 156–159, 161, 163–165
process, 26, 46–48, 53 adverse events, 23–24, 59
rate and extent of, 49–50 afferent functions, 107, 143
acebutolol, 212 affinity, 32, 36–37, 38, 42, 51–57
acetaminophen, 41, 109, 115, 118, 200, 324 agonist drugs, 39
acetazolamide, 308–309 agranulocytosis, 402, 459
acetic acid, 321–323 akathisia, 400, 411
acetylcholine (Ach), 114, 126–127, 130–134, 139, 447f albendazole, 488
interactions, 153f albumin, 366
metabolism, 154f aldosterone, 273, 289–290, 293–294
receptor, 130t antagonists, 293–294
acetylcholinesterase, 153, 166–167, 169, 308 aldosterone producing adenoma (APA), 293
acid reflux disease, 244, 248 alfuzosin, 191
acne, 383–388, 384f aliskiren, 183
cystic, 382 allergen, 222–223
medications, 383–387 allodynia, 441
medications allopurinol, 260
systemic administration, 382, 386–387 alosetron, 254–255
intralesional injection treatment, 388 alpha-adrenergic agonists, 309–310
topical administration, 381 α1-acid glycoprotein (orosomucoid), 56
active ingredient, 19 α-adrenergic antagonists, 162
acute dystonia, 400, 409 α-adrenergic blockers, 195
acute otitis media (AOM), 316–320 α-adrenergic receptors, 309, 313
antibacterial agent, 318–319 alpha blockers, 190–191
antibiotic resistance, 320–321 α-glucosidase inhibitors, 279–281
pathogens, 318t α-receptor blockade, 162
acyclovir, 342, 491, 491f alprazolam, 478
adalimumab, 261 alprostadil, 339–340, 341
adefovir, 492 aluminum, 244, 245
adenosine, 210, 212–213 aluminum hydroxide, 244
administration, 16, 18, 39, 41, 47, 50–54, 58–59 alveoli, 232
key questions, 68t alvimopan, 448
rights checklist, 69t Alzheimer disease, 109, 125, 133–135, 136
administration error amantadine, 127, 132–133, 492
definition, 97 amantadine hydrochloride, 132
prevention strategy, 98 ambulatory surgery centers, 11
reasons, 98 American Hospital Formulary Service, 6
adrenal cortex, 273, 290–292 American Medical Association (AMA), 20
adrenal disorders, 289–294

526 Index

American Nurses Association (ANA), 10–11 anticholinergics, 4, 88, 172t, 224, 231, 249–250,
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, 6 253–254, 258
amide (anesthetic), 431 anticoagulant therapy, 205–213
amikacin, 469 antidepressants, 234–235
amiloride, 186, 195, 293 antidiuretic hormone (ADH), 205
aminoglutethimide, 292 antiemetic agents, 255–256, 448
aminoglycosides, 468–471, 469f, 480 antifungal agents, 391, 481–483
aminosalicylates, 259–260 antihistamines, 257–258
amiodarone, 209, 212, 307 antihypertensives, 9, 401, 407, 409
amoxicillin, 246, 309, 319–320, 335, 461 antimicrobial therapy, 454
amoxicillin–clavulanic acid, 257 drugs terminology, 454
amphetamine, 6 antiparasitic agents, 484–488
amphotericin B, 481–483 antiplatelet agents, 210
ampicillin, 309, 463 antiprotozoal medications, 484–488
amprenovir, 500 antipsychotics, 399–402, 414, 416, 420
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (AML), 136–137 antispasmodics, 139
anabolic steroids, 6 antitubercular drugs, 479–481, 479t
analgesics, 109–111 antivirals, 488–490, 496t
anesthesia anxiety, 398, 400, 403–407, 410, 413t, 416, 422–423
inhalational, 434–437 apixaban, 209–210
local, 431–434 apraclonidine, 309–310
topical, 431–434 apraclonidine hydrochloride, 309
types, 430–431 aprepitant, 256–257, 448
anesthetic adjunct, 430–431, 441 apriso, 259
anesthetics, 141–143 area under the curve (AUC), 48
angina, 198f arrhythmias, 401–402, 409, 415, 420
angina pectoris, 191, 197, 203 artemether/lumefantrine, 487
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), 180, 183 asacol, 259
inhibitors, 5, 180–185, 193–194, 196, 204–205 aspirin, 110, 117–120, 199, 206–207, 210, 309
angiotensin I, 180–183 aspirin-extended-release dipyridamole, 210
angiotensin II, 180–186, 185 asthma, 86, 220–237, 234
angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), 180, 185, beta-antagonists, 307
196, 204–205 fast-acting rescue medications, 230–232
angle-closure glaucoma, 305, 308, 313 inhaled preventive medications, 226–229
antacids, 244–246, 252 injected preventive therapies, 229–230
antagonists, 39–40 oral medications, 224–226
anterior chamber, 304–305 treatment approaches, 223–224
anthelmintic agents, 487–488, 487t ataxia, 413
anti-hepatitis agents, 492–495 atazanavir, 247, 500
anti-herpesvirus agents, 490–491 atenolol, 306
anti-infective drugs, 458 atherosclerosis, 197
anti-influenza agents, 492 atony, 375
anti-retroviral agents, 496–501, 500f atopic dermatitis (AD), 388–390
entry inhibitors, 501 atopy, 222
integrase strand transfer inhibitors, 501 atovaquone, 487
non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, 499 atovaquone-proguanil, 487
nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, 499 atrophy, 383, 388–389
protease inhibitors, 499 atropine, 160, 164, 169–171, 250, 309, 447
antiarrhythmics, group, 1–4, 211–212f attention-deficit disorder (ADD), 416–420
antibacterials nonstimulant medications, 418–420
aminoglycosides, 468–471 prescribing considerations, 420
β-lactam antibiotics, 460–468 stimulant medications, 417–418
beta-lactamase inhibitors, 468 attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),
fluoroquinolones, 472–474 416–420
lincosamides, 474–476 atypical antipsychotics, 399, 402
macrolides, 471–472 auditory hallucinations, 399
quinolones, 472–474 autonomic nervous system (ANS), 107, 130, 179f, 187f
sulfonamides, 455–457 adrenergic receptors, 154
tetracyclines, 459–460 affecting drugs, 154–172
vancomycin, 476–478 anatomy, 150–151
antibiotics, 455, 462, 463, 465, 468, 478 blood pressure regulation, 179t
Index 527

functions, 150 brimonidine, 309–310

integration, 151 brinzolamide, 308, 309
neurotransmitters, 153–154 Bristol stool chart, 252f
axons, 107–108, 121, 136 broad-spectrum agent, 315, 456, 462, 465–466, 482
azathioprine, 260, 487 bronchioles, 232
azithromycin, 257, 320 bronchoconstriction, 222, 224–225, 228–229, 231
azlocillin, 464 bronchodilators, 5
aztreonam, 468 buccal, 90, 95–96
budesonide, 229, 259
buprenorphine, 110–111
B bupropion, 234–235
baclofen, 138, 140 butoconazole, 337
bacterial skin infections, 390–391, 390f butorphanol, 444
bactericidal, 76, 454, 456, 461, 469, 471–473, 478 butorphanol tartrate, 374
bacteriostatic, 454, 456, 458, 460, 464, 471 butyrophenones, 257
bacterium (bacteria), 455–456
folic acid synthesis, 457f
gram positive and gram negative, 456
nonpathogenic, 462 caffeine, 229, 260
Balsalazide, 259 calcitonin, 272
Baltimore system, viral classifications, 489t calcium carbonate, 244, 284
barbiturates, 115, 123, 422–423, 430–431, 440–441 calcium-channel blockers (CCBs), 189, 191, 195–196,
benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), 337 198–199, 212
benzalkonium chloride, 312, 315 calcium polycarbophil, 251
benzocaine, 324, 431 canasa, 259
benzodiazepine, 140, 400, 403–404, 412f, 413, 421–423 candida albicans vaginitis, 336–337
benzonatate, 142–143 cannabinoids, 258
benzoyl peroxide, 385 carbamazepine, 472, 483, 486, 488
benztropine, 171 carbenicillin, 464
β2-receptor agonists, 224 carbenicillin indanyl, 464
β2-receptors, 187–189, 189f carbidopa–levodopa therapy, 127–129
β-adrenergic receptors, 164 carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (CA inhibitors), 305, 308–309
beta blocker-drug interactions, 190t cardiac agents, 196–199
beta-blockers, 5 cardiac output (CO), 178
beta cell membrane, 280f cardioselective, 164–165
beta lactam classes, 460–461t cardiovascular medications
beta-lactamase inhibitors, 468 cardia agents, 197–200
beta-mimetic drugs, 372 cardiovascular system, 176–177
betamethasone, 372 congestive heart failure, 203
bethanechol, 249 high blood pressure treatment, 178–195
biguanides, 281 hyperlipidemia, 200–201
bile, 59–60 hypertensive emergencies, 195–196
bioavailability, 42, 48–50, 59 stroke, 205–213
biopharmaceutics, 26 thrombosis, prevention, 205–213
drug formulations and, 49 carisprodol, 139
biotransformation reactions, 57–58 case studies
bipolar disorder, 398–402, 408, 414–416, 420 antimicrobial drugs, 505–506
antipsychotic drugs, 416 autonomic nervous system drugs, 173–174
mood stabilizers, 414–415 dermatologic conditions, 393–396
prescribing consideration, 416 drug delivery, 62–64
bisacodyl, 252 endocrine system drugs, 294–297
bismuth subsalicylate, 247–248, 250 eye and ear disorders, 325–326
blockers, 40 GI tract medications, 263–264
blood pressure, 178–193, 190–196, 199–200, 205 nausea/vomiting of pregnancy, 376
treatment for, 178–195 respiratory medications, 237–238
blood–retinal barrier, 302 caspofungin, 481
bowel elimination, 9 castor oil, 252
bradykinesia, 400 catechol-o-methyl transferase (COMT), 154, 224, 406f
bradykinin, 183, 185 catecholamine, 153–154, 158, 161, 163–164
brain stem, 106, 125, 136 cefazolin, 466
bretylium, 212 cefdinir, 320
528 Index

cefmetazole, 466 Code of ethics for nurses, 10–11

cefoperazone, 466 codeine, 113, 143
cefotetan, 466 cognitive symptoms, 399
cefuroxime, 233, 320 combination Inhalers (corticosteroid + LABA), 228–229
celecoxib, 110–111, 118 combination therapy, 460, 468
central nervous system (CNS), 106–108, 401, 403, combined oral contraceptives (COCs), 351
406, 409, 412–413, 415, 420–423 comedogenic, 384
affecting factors, 108–109 comedolytic, 385
pharmacologic mechanism, 109 comorbid, 404, 419
stimulation, 406 compartmental model theory, 52–54
cephalosporin, 460–461, 464–468, 465f, 465t competitive antagonists, 39–40
cerebellum, 107, 124–125 complete blood counts (CBC), 120, 206, 260, 415
cerebrum, 106 Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act, 5
certolizumab, 261 conduction blockade, 430, 433
certolizumab pegol, 261 congestive heart failure (CHF), 176, 195, 203
cervical cancer, 342 conivaptan, 205
chemical-bonding interaction, 30–31 conjunctivitis, 310–311, 314–315
chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ), 438 constipation
chenodiol, 262 bulk-forming laxatives, 251
chlorazepate, 123 osmotic laxatives, 253
chloride-channel activators, 253–255 stimulant laxatives, 251–252
chloroquine, 140, 486 stool softeners/surfactants, 252
chlorpromazine, 131 contraceptive methods
chlorpropamide, 280 current use, 349t
chlortetracycline, 459 types, 349f
cholelithiasis, 262 cornea, 302–305, 308
cholesterol, 176, 197, 200–203 coronary artery disease, 176, 183–185, 197, 197f
cholinergic agonists, 166, 169–170, 170t coronary heart disease (CHD), 421
cholinergic antagonists, 166–167, 167t, 170–171 corticosteroids, 224–229, 231, 233–234, 256, 259, 273, 279,
cholinergic mimetic agents, 248–249 290–291, 293, 388, 472, 480, 483
cholinergic nerves, 152–153, 166 corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), 269
chronic bronchitis, 232, 234 cortisol, 273, 283, 289–293, 403
chronic dry eyes, 311–312 craniosacral system, 152
corticosteroids, 313–314 cream, 385, 389–391
ocular lubricants, 312 culture, sputum, 480
ophthalmic antibiotics, 314–316 cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), 222–224, 227–231
ophthalmic vasoconstrictors, 312–313 cyclobenzaprine, 138–139
chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), 86, cyclooxygenase (COX-2) inhibitors, 109–110, 117
220–222, 227, 230, 232–234 cyclopropane, 310
adjunct therapies, 233–234 cyclosporine, 186, 202, 458, 472, 478, 483
antibiotics, 233t cysteinyl leukotriene type-1 (CysLT-1) receptors, 224
beta- antagonists, 307 cytotoxic, 365
smoking cessation, 234–236
chronic pain management, myths and facts, 111–112
cidofovir, 491
ciliary muscle, 308, 311 dabigatran etexilate, 209
cimetidine, 245, 246 dalteparin, 206
ciprofloxacin, 233, 316, 321, 334, 336 dantrolene, 128, 139–140
citalopram, 487 dantrolene sodium, 434
clarithromycin, 209, 246, 320 darunavir, 500
clavulanate, 320, 335, 464, 468 decongestants, 88
clevudine, 492 deep vein thrombosis (DVT), 205
clindamycin, 371, 474–475, 482 deltoid injection, 81f
clinical nursing, role of pharmacology, 17–18 deltoid muscle (upper arm muscle), 80–81
clinical pharmacology, 27 delusional disorders, 398–403
clomiphene, 288–289 antipsychotic medications, 399–402
clomiphene citrate, 288–289 delusions, 399, 401, 416
clonazepam, 123 delvirdine, 499
clonidine, 156, 159–160, 310 demeclocycline, 459–460
clopidogrel, 209–210 dendrites, 107, 139
clotrimazole, 324, 337 Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), 69
Index 529

dependence, 412–413, 418, 422 donepezil, 133–134

depolarizing, 434, 446–447 dopamine, 108, 114, 126–129, 131–132, 152, 154, 158, 163
depot preparations, 78 dopamine-receptor antagonists, 257
depressants, 6 doripenem, 466–467
depression, 398–399, 401, 403–407, 408–411, 412–416, dorsogluteal injection, 81f
419–423 dorsogluteal muscle (buttocks), 81
monoamine oxidase inhibitors, 406–408, 407t dorzolamide, 308–309
SSRIs and SNRIs, 409–411 dose response curve, 34–35, 35f, 40f
tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), 408 dosing interval, 26, 51, 55
dermatologic formulation, 381t dosing regimens, 16, 63–64
dermatopharmacology, 380 doxazosin, 190, 338–339
intralesional administration, 382–383 doxycycline, 386, 459–460
systemic administration, 381–382 dronabinol, 258
topical administration, 381–382 dronedarone, 209, 212
dermatophytosis, 382 droperidol, 257, 448
desflurane, 435, 437 drospirenone, 288, 350, 387
desogestrel, 288, 350, 352, 387 drug
dexamethasone, 256–257, 372, 448, 488 action, 16–19, 25, 29, 37, 42, 58
dexmedetomidine, 160 bilary excretion, 59–60
diabetes mellitus, 268, 273–276 central compartment, 52, 55, 56
metabolic derangements, 276f classification, 5
diaphoresis, 405 clearance, 60
diarrhea, 8 definition, 18–19
bismuth compounds, 250–251 drug nomenclature
octreotide, 250–251 chemical names, 20
opioid agonists, 250 generic names, 20
diastolic, 178–181 brand names, 20–21
diazepam, 123, 138, 140–141, 309, 478 elimination, 43
dicloxacillin, 464 molecules
didanosine, 497 glomerular filtration, 60
dienogest, 350 tubular reabsorption, 61–62
diethylstilbestrol (DES), 364 movement
difenoxin plus atropine, 250 pathways, 16f
diflunisal, 309 rate process, 43, 27, 41f
digoxin, 28, 39, 120, 203–205, 212–213, 307, 472, 480, 483 zero-order rate process, 44
dihydropterate synthetase, 456 first-order rate process, 45
diltiazem, 212, 307 and receptors, 31–33, 32f
dimenhydrinate, 258, 448 resistance, 478
dinoprostone, 373 side effects, 23–25, 51
diphenhydramine, 258 therapy
diphenoxylate, 250 cultural aspects, 10
diphenoxylate plus atropine, 250 legal-ethical aspects, 10–11
dipivefrin, 310 long-term, 10
dipivefrin hydrochloride, 309 drug activity profile, 37f
dipyridamole, 210 amount of drug in blood, 37–38
direct factor Xa inhibitors, 209–210 margin of safety, 38
direct renin inhibitors (DRIs), 182–183 minimum effective concentration, 38
direct thrombin inhibitors, 209 minimum toxic concentration, 38
disopryamide, 211 drug concentration
distorted thinking, 399 optimal, 38
distribution, 18, 26, 42, 51–55 saturable-binding kinetics, 58
multi-compartment model, 53–54 drug dose
one-compartment model, 52–53 half life, 43, 46, 50–51, 55, 58
volume of, 54–55 onset time, 38, 59
disulfiram, 346, 466 potency, 36
diuresis, 186 toxic effects, 24–25, 38
diuretics, 183–184, 186, 189, 191–195, 204–205 volume of distribution, 54–56, 60
dobutamine, 158–159 Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), 6
docusate, 252–253, 368 drug excretion
dofetilide, 212 enterohepatic circulation, 60
dolasetron, 254, 256, 448 general rules, 60
530 Index

dry-powder inhaler (DPI), 86, 226, 228–229, 231 erectile dysfunction (ED), 340–342
dual innervation, 151 ergotamine, 376
duration of action, 38 ertapenem, 466
dutasteride, 339 eructation, 244
dutasteride/tamsulosin, 191 erythrocytes (red blood cells), 56
dyspepsia, 248, 252, 262 erythromycin, 257, 320, 471–472, 478
dyspnea, 221, 233 structure, 471f
dyssomnias, 421–422 esmolol, 165, 195–196, 212, 306
esomeprazole, 246, 247
E ester (anesthetic), 431
estrogen, 275, 286
ear, anatomy, 316f analogs, 350
early pregnancy, 365 ethics, 10–11
early-response reaction, 222–223 ethinyl estradiol, 288
eclampsia, 370 ethionamide, 480–481
eczema, 382, 385 etomidate, 439–440, 443
EE mestranol, 350 etravirine, 499
efavirenz (EFV), 371, 488, 499 exenatide, 281
effector organs, 151, 153 exogenous chemicals, 21
efferent division, 107 extended-spectrum beta-lactamases, 467
efficacy, 18–19, 35–36 extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS), 400, 402
eflornithine, 288 eye, anatomy, 302f, 305f
electroconvulsive therapy, 440
elimination, rate constant, 43, 46, 48, 52
emergency contraception, 352–353
emesis, 242, 254, 256–258, 399 famciclovir, 342
emollient, 389–390 famotidine, 245, 246
emotional stress, 70 fatigue, 70
emphysema, 232 feedback loop, 268, 270–271, 286
emtricitabine, 497 felodipine, 483
endocrine conditions fenoldopam, 195–196
adrenal disorders, 289–294 fentanyl, 375, 443
diabetes mellitus, 275–282 fetotoxic, 364, 366–367
polycystic ovary syndrome, 286–289 fibrate drugs, 202t
thyroid disorders, 282–286 finasteride, 288, 339
endocrine system, 268–269 first-dose effect, 184
adrenal glands, 273 first-generation antipsychotics (FGA), 399t
hypothalamus, 269–270 5-HT 3 receptor antagonists, 250, 255–257
pancreas, 272–273 flecainide, 211
parathyroid, 272 fluconazole, 337, 481
pineal gland, 270–271 flucytosine, 481–483
pituitary, 270 fludrocortisone, 290
reproductive glands, 275 fluid volume, 178, 194–195, 204
thymus, 272 flumazenil, 441
thyroid, 271–272 fluoroquinolone, 473f
endogenous ligand, 30–31 fluorouracil, 487
enflurane, 435 fluoxetine, 235
enfuvirtide, 501 fluticasone, 229
enoxaparin, 206–207, 209 fluticasone/salmeterol, 392
entecavir, 491, 492 follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), 269–271, 275,
enteral, 382 286, 347f
enteric nervous system (ENS), 150, 242, 244, 252 forced explanatory volume (FEV1), 221
entry inhibitors (EI), 501 forced vital capacity (FVC), 221
ephedrine, 157–158 forebrain, 106
epidermis layers, 383f formoterol, 228–229
epidural anesthesia, 375 fosamprenavir, 500
epidural space, 430, 433–434 foscarnet, 491
epilepsy, 109, 121–123, 140 fosfomycin trometamol, 333–334
epinephrine, 74, 83, 156, 224, 228, 231–232, 234, fungus (fungi), 482
309, 310 furazolidone, 159
eplerenone, 186, 195, 293–294 furosemide, 195, 309, 483
Index 531

gabapentin, 109, 123 hallucinogens, 6
galantamine, 133 haloperidol, 448
gallstones, 242, 251, 262 halothane, 435
bile acid therapy, 262 Handheld (bedside) peak flow meter, 222f
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), 108–109, HbA1c test, 277t
121–124, 126, 131, 140, 412, 422, 430, healthcare organization policies, 10
439–441, 448 heart rate (HR), 178, 186–187
ganciclovir, 490 heartburn, 369
ganglia, 151–152, 167 heparin, 73–74, 83–84, 119, 205–207, 209
gastric acidity heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), 206
histamine 2 (H2) receptor antagonists, 245–246 hepatitis B virus, 342
medications, 244–245 hepatitis-type viruses, 480–481, 489, 492, 493–496
mucosal protectants, 247–248 high-density lipoprotein (HDL), 56, 200, 202
proton-pump inhibitors, 246–247 hindbrain, 106
gastric reflux, 369 histamine-2 (H2) receptor antagonists, 244
gastritis, 246, 248 histamine, 245, 257–258
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), 244–245, 245f HIV. See human immunodeficiency virus
gastrointestinal disorders homeostasis, 268
gastroprokinetic drugs, 248–250 hormonal contraceptives, 351
nursing care process, 243–244 hormonal medications, 387
gastrointestinal motility hormone, 268–275, 281–285, 288, 290–291, 293
cholinergic mimetic agents, 249 host factors, 496
dopamine (D2) receptor blockers, 249–250 human endocrine system, 269f
gastroparesis, 248 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 333, 342–344, 371
gastroprokinetic drugs, 248 human papillomavirus (HPV), 342
gel, 385 human placental growth hormone (hpGH), 366
generalized anxiety disorder, 403 human placental lactogen (hPl), 366
generic names, 5 Huntington’s chorea, 399
genital herpes, 342–343 hydralazine, 195–196, 370
CDC recommended treatments, 343t hydrochlorothiazide, 370
genital warts, 342 hydrocortisone, 259, 321
gentamicin, 321 hydromorphone, 443
gentamicin kanamycin, 469 hyoscyamine, 253
gestational diabetes, 368–369 hyperglycemia, 369
gestational hypertension, 370 hyperkalemia, 185–186, 193, 195, 205–207
gimepride, 280 hyperkeratotic, 380
glands, 268–273, 275, 290, 293 hyperlipidemia, 176–177, 200–201, 205
glaucoma, 303–316 hypersensitivity reaction, 458
beta blockers, 305–307 hypertension, 176–181, 189–196, 204
carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, 308–310 angiotensin II receptor blockers, 185t
miotics, 307–308 hypertensive crisis, 407, 412, 418, 478
prostaglandin analogs, 310–311 hypertensive emergency, 195
prostaglandins, 311t hypnotics, 430
topical beta blockers, 306t hypoglycemia, 369
glibenclamide, 280 hyponatremia, 401, 484
glipizide, 280, 458 hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid (HPT) axis, 269f
glucagon, 273, 279, 281 hypothalamus, 106, 268–272
glucose metabolism, 273f
glutamate, 121, 123–124, 133–137
glyburide, 280, 282, 458
glycopyrrolate, 171, 447 ibuprofen, 36–37, 115, 117–118, 309
gonadotropin-releasing hormones (GnRH), 347f ibutilide, 212
graisetron, 254 idiopathic adrenal hyperplasia, 293
gram negative, 456, 459, 461–465, 467–468, 469, 473 idoxuridine, 491
gram positive, 456, 461–462, 471–473, 478 imipenem, 467
granisetron, 256, 448 imipramine, 56
griseofulvin, 481–483 imiquimod, 342
group B streptococcal infection, 370–371 immunoglobulin E (IgE), 222, 229
growth hormone-releasing hormone, 269 impaction, 317
532 Index

implantable contraceptive device, 352 isoflurane, 435–437

indinavir, 500 isoniazid (INH), 480
indomethacin, 373 isotretinoin, 387
induction anesthetics, 430, 438–441 itraconazole, 257, 324, 481–483
infant with atopic dermatitis, 388f ivermectin, 346, 488
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), 242, 259–262
aminosalicylates, 258–259
anti-integrin therapy, 261–262 J
anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy, 261 Joint Commission, 9
glucocorticoids, 259–260
methotrexate, 259–260
infliximab, 261 K
influenza-type viruses, 489
inhalational anesthetics, 430, 434–437 keratoconjunctivitis sicca, 311
MAC values, 435t keratolytic, 385
inhaled B2 agonists, 230t ketaconazole, 209
inhaled corticosteroids, 227–228 ketamine, 438–439
inhaled long-acting beta agonists, 228 ketoconazole, 247, 291–292, 392, 481–483
inhaled medication, 86–90 ketorolac, 118
inhalers, 226f kidney, blood pressure regulation, 179t
inhibitors, 40–41
injectable pen, 76–77 L
injectable progestins, 352
injecting medications, safety issues, 74–83 labeling standards, 4
injection, example, 78f labor and delivery, 372–375
Institute for Safe Medicine Practice (ISMP), 11–12, 83 labor induction, 373–374
Institute of Medicine (IOM), 6 oxytocin use, 374t
To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System, 68 lacrimation, 303, 313
insulin, 19, 62–64, 73–75, 86, 268, 273–283, 287–289 lactation, drug use during, 375–376
integrase strand transfer inhibitors (ISTIs), 501 lamivudine, 492, 497
integumentary system, 380 lansoprazole, 246
interferons, 492 laryngospasm, 437, 441
International Normalized Ratio (INR), 202 latent autoimmune diabetes in adults late response, 274, 275
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), 19 laxatives, 251–254
interruption, 70 letrozole, 288
intracellular receptors, 29, 33 leukotriene receptor antagonists (LTRAs), 225, 225t
intralesional injection, 382–383, 388 leukotriene synthesis and receptor blockers, 224
intramuscular injection, 68, 74, 78–83, 79f, 83f leukotrienes (LT), 224
needle length, 82t leuprolide, 288
intraocular pressure (IOP), 304 levodopa, 309
intraosseous medication, 68, 74, 83–84 levofloxacin, 257, 334–336
intrathecal medications, 68, 74 levonorgestrel (LNG), 350, 352–353
intraurethral alprostadil (IUA), 341 levothyroxine, 62, 283–285
intrauterine device, 352 levothyroxine sodium, 283
intravenous access, 83–85, 97–98 Lexicomp, 7
adjuncts, 441–444 lialda, 259
frug types, 438t lidocaine, 56, 142–143, 211, 246
induction, 438–441 ligand, 30
nonanaesthtic adjuncts, 445–449 lincosamides, 474–475
intravenous corticosteroids, 231 lindane, 346–347
intravitreal injections, 302 linezolid, 478
involuntary movements, 400 lipids, 200, 202
ipratropium, 171, 231 lithium, 39, 309
iris, 304–305, 311 liver
iris sphincter, 308 blood flow, 58–59
iritis, 308, 311 enzyme reactions, 58
irreversible receptor antagonists, 40 impairment, 9
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), 242, 244, 248, 253–255 local anesthetics, 141–143, 430–434
anticholinergics, 253–254 lock and key level, drug effects, 4
chloride-channel activators, 255 lomotil, 6
serotonin 5-HT receptor agonists and antagonists, 254–255 long-acting b2 agonists (LABA), 228–229
Index 533

loperamide, 250 memantine, 133

lopinavir, 487, 500 mepolizumab, 229
lorazepam, 123 meropenem, 467
lotion, 380 mesolimbic, 399
Lou Gehrig disease, 136 metabolic syndrome, 402–403
lovastatin, 483 metabolism, 16, 18, 22, 42–43, 57–59
low- or normal-tension glaucoma, 305 metabolites, 22, 43, 58
low-density lipoprotein (LDL), 56, 200 metered-dose inhalers (MDIs), 86–87f, 226, 228–231
low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH), 206–207 metformin, 275, 281–282, 288
lubiprostone, 255–256 methacycline, 459
lung function, assessments, 221–222 methazolamide, 308–309
luteinizing hormone (LH), 269–271, 275, 286 methimazole, 285–286
methocarbamol, 139–140
methohexital, 440
M methotrexate, 220, 259–260
macrolides, 471–472 methyldopa, 158–159, 309, 370
magnesium, 245 methylergonovine, 375
magnesium hydroxide, 244, 245, 253 methylergonovine maleate, 375
magnesium sulfate, 368, 370, 372 methylprednisolone, 256, 483
maintenance anesthesia, 430 methylxanthines, 229–230
malathion, 346–347 metoclopramide, 249, 257, 448, 487
mania, 401, 414–415 metoprolol, 306, 309
maprotiline, 313 metronidazole, 346, 487
maraviroc, 502f metyrapone, 291–292
maximum tolerable concentration, 454 mexilitine, 211
mebendazole, 488 mezlocillin, 464
meclizine, 258 micafungin, 481
medication administration record (MAR), 11 miconazole, 337
medication administrations microcomedone, 384
eight right protocols, 69–70 Micromedex, 7
inhalers, 86–90 midazolam, 441, 483
injection safety, 74–81 midbrain, 106, 123, 139
intraosseous, 83–85 middle ear, 317–319, 321
intravenous, 83–85 mifepristone, 186, 291–293
nursing practice, 99 miglitol, 281
oral medication, 73–74 minimum alveolar concentration (MAC), 435–437, 443
permeable tissues, 90–96 minimum inhibitory concentration, 454
proper procedures, 72–73 minimum toxic concentration (MTC), 38
safety procedures, 70–71 minocycline, 386, 459–460
systemic factors, 71–72 miosis, 307–308
transferring methods, 68–69 miotics, 307–308
medication, classes misoprostol, 247, 248, 374
agonist drugs, 39 mitotane, 291–292
antagonist drugs, 39–41 mixed-agonists, 444
medication errors, 68–70 mixed obstructive/restrictive airway disease, 220–221
causes and prevention, 11–12, 98 moclobemide, 235
environmental factors, 12 monoamine oxidase (MAO), 154
occurrence rate, 11 monoamine oxidase B inhibitor, 127
systemic factors, 71, 98 monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI), 406, 420
medication reconciliation forms, 12 tyramine chemistry, 408f
medication therapy, 4 monoclonal anti-IgE antibody, 224
long-term use, 63–64 monoclonal antibodies, 229
new drug development, 19 montelukast, 225
nursing considerations, 23 mood stabilizers, 414–416, 420
role of pharmacology, 13 moricizine, 211
medicine supply, 12 morphine, 83, 110, 113–115, 444
medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), 352 motility, 242, 248–249, 251, 253–254
medulla oblongata, 106, 111 motor tics, 400, 420
mefloquine, 486 mucosal membranes, 302
meglitinides, 280 mucosal-protective agents, 244, 247, 251
melena, 248 mucus reduction, 234
534 Index

muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, 153, 170 nicotinic-receptor agonists, 235–236

muscarinic receptor, 249, 253, 257 nifedipine, 192, 195, 370, 478
muscle relaxant, 109, 124, 128, 138–139, 446 nitrofurantoin, 33–334, 251, 333–334, 336
muscle spasm, 117, 121, 129, 139–140 nitroglycerin, 195, 206, 341, 487
musculoskeletal dysfunction, 138–144 nitroprusside, 195–197
myocardial infarction (MI), 178, 183, 189, 195, 207 nitrous oxide (N2O), 435–436
nizatidine, 245, 246
nociceptive, 113
N non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), 132, 135, 142 (NNRTIs), 499, 499f
N-acetylcysteine, 234 non-retroviral antiviral agents, 490t
N-meth, 132, 154, 430 non-retrovirus, 490
nabilone, 258 non-αβ component (NAC), 125
nafcillin, 464 nonanesthetic adjuncts, 445–446t
nalbuphine, 111, 444 noncompetitive antagonist, 40, 134
nalbuphinehydrochloride, 374 nonprescription drugs, 5
naloxone, 39, 444 nonprogressing labor, 372
naltrexone, 444 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), 36,
naphazoline, 312, 313 83, 109–111, 117–121, 117t, 138–139
naproxen, 117–119 norepinephrine, 151–159, 161–164, 309
narcotics, 109–111, 113–118 norethindrone, 288
narrow-spectrum, 454 norfloxacin, 336
nasal spray, 88–89 norgestimate, 288, 350, 351, 387
natalizumab, 261–262 norgestrel, 350
nateglinide, 280 North American Nursing Diagnosis Association
National Academy of Science, 4 (NANDA), 8
nausea and vomiting nortriptyline, 235, 483
5-HT3 receptor antagonists, 255–256 nosocomial, 478
antihistamines and anticholinergics, 257–258 nucleoside, 489–491, 495–497
cannabinoids, 258 transcriptase inhibitors, 489
corticosteroids, 259 nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs), 499
dopamine-receptor antagonists, 257 nursing considerations
neurokinin-1 (NK1) receptor antagonists, 256–257 adrenergic drugs, 160–161
nebivolol, 340 alpha Receptor Antagonists, 164
nebulizer, 89–90, 90f alpha Receptor Antagonists, 166
negative chronotrope, 204 aminoglycoside reactions, 471
nelfinavir, 186, 500 anthelmintic agents, 488
neo-natal diabetes mellitus, 274 anticholinergics, 447
neomycin, 321, 469 antidepressant medications, 405
neoplastic disease, 371 antiemetics, 448
nerve processes, 107 antiprotozoal medications, 487
nervous system, 106–109, 150f aztreonam, 468
netilmicin, 469 barbiturates, 440–441
netupitant, 256–257 benzoyl peroxide therapy, 385
neurodegeneration, 125 BPH agents, 340
neurodegenerative diseases, 126–137 cholinergic agonists, 169
neurokinin-1 receptor antagonists, 257 clindamycin, 475
neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS), 400 desflurane, 437
neuromuscular blockers, 138–139, 139f diet–drug interactions, 59
neuronal junction, 404f digoxin toxicity, 204–205
neurons, 106–108, 114, 121, 123, 125, 131–134, 136–137 directly observed therapy, 480–481
neuropathic pain, 408 etomidate, 440
neurotonin-1 receptor antagonists, 255 fluoroquinolones, 474
neurotransmission, 406 gastrointestinal tract, 335
neurotransmitter stimuli, 155t half-life value, 46
nevirapine, 499 HIV status, 333
niacin, 202 hormonal contraception, 387
nicardipine, 195–196 HSV-2 dignosis, 343
nicotine, 309 intraurethral alprostadil, 341
nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs), 236 isoflurane, 436–437
nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, 152–153, 167–168 ketamine use, 438–439
Index 535

liver disease, 392 medications used in anesthesia, 442–443t

macrolides, 472 stimulation effects, 441t
muscle relaxants, 446–447 opthalmic beta blockers, 305–307
nitrous oxide, 436 opthalmic medications, 302–303
NNRTI therapy, 499 drops, 303
NRTI therapy, 499 ointments, 303
opioid agonists, 443–444 optic nerve, 304–305
opioid antaagonists, 444 oral anticoagulants, 11
pencillin reaction, 467–468 oral contraceptive pills (OCPs), 335, 351, 387
propofol, 438 oral corticosteroids, 225–226
prostate-specific antigen values, 340 oral hormonal contraceptives, 351
protease inhibitors, 501 oral medications, 73–74
quinupristin/dalfopristin, 479 orally administered drugs, 21–23
rate process, 44–45 orthostatic hypotension, 401, 407, 409, 419, 429
scabies and pubic lice, 346–347 oseltamivir, 492
sevoflurane, 437 otalgia, 317–320, 321
sexually transmitted infections, 344 otic disorders
skin infection, 388 acute otitis media, 317–318
streptomycin, 481 fungal otitis externa (otomycosis), 323
sulfonamides, 458–459 otitis media with effusion, 321
systemic fungal infection, 483–484 otitis externa (OE), 317, 321–323
tetracyclines, 460 otitis media with effusion (OME), 317, 321
Tourette symptoms, 400 otorrhea, 318, 320–321, 324
tretinoin, 386–387 ovaries, 268–269, 271, 275
urinary retention, 338 over-the-counter drugs (OTC drugs), 5, 21, 186, 202,
use of OCPs, 387 208, 244
UTI treatment, 333–334 overactive bladder, medications, 353t
UTI treatment, 336–337 oxacillin, 464
vaginal candidiasis, 337 oxybutynin, 171–172
vancomycin, 476–477 oxygen deprivation in cardiac muscle, 198f
nursing knowledge, key components, 4 oxymetazoline, 312, 313
nursing process oxytetracycline, 459
assessment, 8 oxytocin, 374–375
evaluation, 9–10
intervention, 9
pain management
O acute versus chronic, 110–112
obsessive compulsive disorder, 403, 408 analgesics, 109–110
obstructive airway disease, 220–221 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, 117–121
octreotide, 250, 251 norcotics, 113–117
ocular lubricants, 312 palonosetron, 254, 256, 448
offset, 435, 437–438, 447 palsy, 401, 409
ofloxacin, 321 pancreas, 268–269, 272–275, 279–281
ointment, 389–390 panic disorder, 403, 406, 410
oleandomycin, 257 pantoprazole, 246, 247
olsalazine, 259 paranoia, 399, 423
omalizumab, 229 parasite, 458, 484, 488
omeprazole, 246, 247, 501 parasomnias, 421–422
ondansetron, 254, 256–257, 448 parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), 108, 150–154, 172
onset, 484 parathyroid hormone (PTH), 272
open-angle glaucoma, 304–305 parenteral, 381
ophthalmic antibiotics, 314–316 parietal cells, 245–246, 248, 255
ophthalmic vasoconstrictors, 312–313 Parkinson disease (PD)
opioid agonists, 443–444 amantadine, 132–133
opioid antagonists, 444 benztropine, 130–132
opioid receptors, 439, 441, 443–444 brain function, 126f
opioids, 108–110, 110t, 113, 115, 441–445 carbidopa–levodopa, 127–129
administration and management, 11 ropinirole, 129–130
analgesics, 6 Parkinsonian symptoms, 400, 409
major receptors, 114t paromomycin, 469
536 Index

pasireotide, 291–292 piroxicam, 36–37

diaspartate, 291 pituitary, 268–273, 275, 283, 285–286, 285–292
patient safety, 7, 11 plasma drug levels, 48, 59
patient’s medication administration record, 11 time curve, 43–44, 47–50, 54
PDE-5 inhibitors, 340f plasma level-time curve, 43, 44–45f, 50f, 52f
peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR), 221 plasma proteins, 38, 51, 55–57
peak flow meter, 222 drug binding, 55
penciclovir, 490 PLLR labelling subsections, 365t
penicillins, 84, 462–464 podofilox, 342
structure, 462f polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), 275, 282, 286–289
pentasa, 259 polyethylene glycol (PEG), 253
pentazocine, 110–111, 444 polymyxin, 321
peptic ulcer disease [PUD], 244 pons, 107
peptidoglycan, 462, 476 positive inotrope, 191, 204
percutaneous absorption, 382f positron emission tomography scan (PET scan), 133
periocular, 302 post-traumatic stress disorder, 398, 403, 410
peripheral artery disease (PAD), 190 postganglionic neuron, 151–153
peripheral dopamine-1 agonists, 195–196 postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), 440, 447–448
peripheral nervous system (PNS), 106–108, 113f, 150f potassium-channel blockers, 211–212
permethrin, 346–347 pramipexole, 127
pharmaceuticals, 17 pramlintide, 131
manufacturers, 7 praziquantel, 488
therapies, 4 prazosin, 190
pharmacodynamics, 4 pre-eclampsia, 370, 371t
drug-receptor interaction, 28 preconception, medication use, 365
pharmacokinetics versus, 18 prednisolone, 259
principle, 28–33 prednisone, 259, 290, 293
rate process, 43–46 pregnancy
therapeutic activity, 26 categories, 364–365
variability, drug response, 41 common conditions, 368–372
pharmacokinetics physiological changes, 365–367
concepts, 25 use of nonprescribed and illicit drugs, 367–368
models, 42, 52 prehypertension, 181
one-compartment model, 52–53 prenatal vitamins, 367
oral absorption, 47–48 pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2), 111
parameters, 16, 27, 42, 46, 48 preterm labor, 372–373
and pharmacodynamics, 25f drug use, 373t
processes, 42, 47–48 preventive medications, 224–226, 229–230
rate processes, 44–45 primaquine, 482
terminology, 43 primary mediators, 222, 224
pharmacology probenecid, 248, 464
activity, 19, 22, 58–59 procainamide, 211, 309
controlled substances, 5–6 procaine, 142, 430
drug classification, 5 prochlorperazine, 257
drug-receptor interaction, 29 prodrug, 58, 490–491, 495, 500
nursing and, 4–5 progesterone, 275, 286
prescription and nonprescription drugs, 5 progestins, 350–351
principles of, 16, 27 prolactin, 402
role in clinical nursing, 17–18 promethazine, 257, 448
sources, drug information, 6–7 propafenone, 211
phenazopyridine, 333–334 propofol, 83, 438, 440, 443, 448
phenobarbital, 123, 483, 486 propranolol, 56, 212
phenothiazines, 257 propylthiouracil (PTU), 285–286
phentolamine, 158, 163 prostaglandin, 118, 310–311
phenylephrine, 159, 163 protease inhibitors (PIs), 499–501
phenytoin, 120, 123–124, 246, 257, 292, 458, 480, protein-binding
483, 486, 488 assessment, 55–56
pheochromocytoma, 158, 162, 165 competition for, 56–57
phosphodiesterase (PDE), 162–163, 210, 230 ramifications, 57
pilocarpine, 309 proteinuria, 370
pineal body, 268, 270 proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs), 244, 246–247
pioglitazone, 281 protozoal infections, 484, 485t
Index 537

pruritic/pruritus, 380, 388–389, 430 rosiglitazone, 281

pseudoephedrine, 157 rowasa, 259
psychosis, 399, 420
psychotropic drugs, 398
psyllium, 369
psyllium mucilloid, 251 salbutamol, 307
pupil, 305, 308, 313 salicylates, 109–110, 248, 259–260
pyrazinamide (PZA), 480–481 salicylic acid, 385
pyrimethamine, 458 salmeterol, 228–229
saquinavir, 500
schedule II drugs, 6
Q schizophrenia, 398–401, 416
Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN), 7 scopolamine, 171, 258, 447–448
competencies, 7–8 second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs), 401–403
quinidine, 205, 209, 211, 309 second-messenger system, 33–34
quinolone, 473f secondary mediators, 222–223
quinupristin/dalfopristin, 478–479 sedation, 430, 436–438, 441, 444, 447
seizure disorders, 121–125
anticonvulsants, 122, 124
R benzodiazepines, 123–124
rabeprazole, 246 levetiracetam, 123
raltegravir, 501, 503f phenobarbital, 123
randomized controlled trials (RCTs), 332 phenytoin, 123
ranitidine, 245, 246, 369, 501 valproic acid, 122–123
ranolazine, 198–199 selective alpha 1-blockers, 339
receptors selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs),
extracellular, 33 403, 407, 410–411
intracellular, 33 selectivity, drug, 156, 161–162, 164–165
signal transduction, 33–34 selegiline, 127
transmembrane, 33 self-administration, 8
rectal suppositories, 94–95 sensitivity, 467–468, 480–481
lubrication, 94–95f sequinavir mechanism of action, 500
relapse, 408, 410 serotonin, 242, 251, 253–255
remission, 408, 410 reuptake pathways, 410f
renal clearance, 60 serotonin 5-HT receptor, 254–255
renal tubule structure, 61f serotonin reuptake pump, 408
renin, 179–187, 181–184, 186–187 serotonin syndrome, 401, 403, 405, 411–413, 418
renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS), 181–186, 204 serotonin/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs),
feedback loop, 180f 407, 411, 418
repaglinide, 280 sertraline, 235
rescue medications, 224–225, 229–230, 232 sevoflurane, 430, 437
reserpine, 158 sexually transmitted parasitic infections (STIs)
residual volume, 221 antibiotic therapies, 345t
resistant, 456, 459, 463–464, 467–468, 473 treatment regimens, 345t
reslizumab, 229 sexually transmitted viral infections, 342–347
respiratory distress syndrome, 372 short-acting inhaled beta agonists (SABAs), 230–231
respiratory medications, 227t sialic acid, 492f
restless leg syndrome (RLS), 129 sildenafil, 341
retina, 302 silodosin, 191
retrovirus, 489, 496, 501 sinecatechins, 342
ribavirin, 496 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP), 260
rifabutin, 483, 487 skin, 380f
rifampicin, 475, 483 sleep aids, medications, 422t
rifampin, 480–481, 487 sleep disorders
riluzole, 137 other aids, 423
rimantadine, 492 prescribing considerations, 423
ringworm infection, 392f sleep hypnotic drugs, 421–423
ritodrine, 372 slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRSA), 225
ritonavir, 487, 501 sodium bicarbonate, 244
rivaroxaban, 209–210 sodium biphosphate, 253
rolapitant, 256–257 sodium nitroprusside, 195
ropinirole, 127, 129–130 sodium penicillin G, 464
538 Index

somatic nervous system, 108 testosterone, 350

sotalol, 212 tetracaine, 142
spasmolytics, 138–139 tetracycline, 386, 459–460, 487
spasticity, 132, 136, 138–140 action mechanism, 459f
specificity, 455 structure, 459f
spectinomycin, 257 tetrahydrozoline, 312, 313
spinal coloumn, 107 thalidomide, 364
spinal cord, 106–107, 109, 136 theobromine, 229
spirometer, 221 theophylline, 229–230, 234, 246, 285, 292, 472, 488
spirometry, respiratory disorders, 221f therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM), 39
spironolactone, 186, 195, 213, 288–289, 293–294 therapeutic drug response, 16, 18, 22, 24–26, 34, 37, 49
statin drugs, 201, 201t therapeutic index, 38–39
stavudine, 497 therapeutic window, 38–39
steady-state drug levels, 50–51 thiabendazole, 488
steroids, 88 thiamylal, 440
streptomycin, 257, 468–470, 481–482 thiazolidinediones, 281
structure, 469f thiethylperazine, 257
stroke, prevention of, anticoagulant therapy, 205–213 thiopental, 438, 440
subcutaneous injection, 76–77f thoracolumbar system, 152
subcutaneous route, 74–78 throat pain, 29
sublingual medications, 73, 90, 96 thrombosis, prevention of, anticoagulant therapy, 205–213
substituted benzamides, 257 thromboxane antagonists (TxRA), 225
succinylcholine, 434, 446–447 thromboxanes (TXAs), 225
sucralfate, 247, 248 thymosin, 272
sufentanil, 443 thymus, 268, 272
sulbactam, 463, 468 thyroid, 268–272, 275, 282–286, 289–290
sulfamethoxazole, 320, 456–458, 482, 487 thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), 270–272, 282–286
sulfasalazine, 259 thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), 272, 283, 285
sulfinpyrazone, 248 ticarcillin, 463–464, 470
sulfonamides, 455–459 timolol, 310
structure, 456f tinidazole, 346
sulfonylureas, 280–281 tiotropium, 231
superinfection, 467–468, 475, 479 tiotropium bromide, 171
susceptible, 456, 459, 462, 467–468, 469–470, 476, 484–485 tipranavir, 501
sympathetic nervous system (SNS), 108, 150–154, 156–157, tocainide, 211
159, 172 tocolytic drugs, 372–373
sympathomimetic drugs, 154 tolazamide, 280
synapses, 151–153 tolbutamide, 280, 458
synaptic space, 408, 410 tolerance, 413, 422–423
syringe, 75–76f tolnaftate, 324
systemic administration, 382 tolvaptan, 205
systemic antifungal agents, 482t topical anesthetic, 431
systemic vascular resistance (SVR), 178, 183, 186, 191–193 topical preparations, 92–93
systolic measurement, 178 topiramate, 309
Tourette syndrome, 399–400, 420
toxicities, 4–5
T toxicology, 18, 24–25
tacrolimus, 483 trade names, 5
tadalafil, 191, 338–340, 340–341 trademark, 5
tamsulosin, 191 tramadol, 234
tardive dyskinesia (TD), 400, 402 transdermal contraceptive system, 351
tazobactam, 468 transdermal medication, 383
Tegaserod, 254–255 transdermal methods (TD), 90–93
telbivudine, 492 transdermal patches, 90–92, 91f
tenofovir, 492, 497 transmucosal delivery system, 90
teratogen, 364 treatment-resistant, 406, 409, 412
terazosin, 190, 339 tretinoin, 385–386
terbinafine, 392–393, 481, 483 triamcinolone, 231
terbutaline, 307, 372 triamcinolone acetonide, 388
terfenadine, 257, 483 triamterene, 186, 195
testes, 268, 275 triazolam, 483
Index 539

tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), 408 V

triglycerides, 200, 202
trimethobenzamide, 257 vaccines, 336
trimethoprim, 320, 456–458, 482, 487 vaginal rings, 93–94
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMPSMX), 333 valacyclovir, 342, 490–491
tuberculosis (TB), 479 valproic acid, 122–123, 486
tympanic membrane, 316, 318, 320–321, 324 vancomycin, 476–478, 477t
type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), 275–277, 279–281 vancomycin-resistant Enterobacter, 476
type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), 274–281, 288 vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium, 478
type I hypersensitivity, 222, 229 vardenafil, 340–341
typical antipsychotics, 399 Varenicline, 235–236
tyramine, 407, 478 vasodilation, 370, 400
vasodilators, 195–196, 203–205
vasopressor, 157–159, 164–165
U vastus lateralis injection, 80f
vastus lateralis muscle (thigh), 79
ulipristal acetate, 352
vehicle, 380–381, 389–390, 433
urethra and prostate gland, 331f
venlafaxine, 235
urinary incontinence, 353
ventrogluteal injection, 81f
urinary tract infection
ventrogluteal muscle (hip), 79–80
in adults, 332
verapamil, 192, 205, 209, 212, 307, 478
non-antimicrobial biological mediators, 335–336
very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), 56, 200, 202
pediatric patients, 332
vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), 332
treatment, 333–335
viral resistance, 495f
urogenital system, female, 331f
virus, classification, 489
Ursodiol, 262
visual hallucinations, 399, 401
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
voltage-gated sodium channels, 433f
acarbose, 281
volume of distribution, 54f
banning of ephedrine, 158
black box warning, 372, 474
bupropion, 234 W
on children medication, 159
on CNS reaction, 478 warfarin (Coumadin), 39, 59, 202–203, 205, 207–209, 208t,
dabigatran etexilate, 208 246, 247, 248, 251, 257, 292, 309, 346, 392, 458, 464,
DRI, 183 480, 483
drug, definition, 19 withdrawal, 412–413, 422–423
e-cigarettes, 236 Wong-Baker FACES pain rating, 116f
enoxaparin, on use of, 207 wound infiltration, 434
hormonal contraceptives, on use of, 347–348, 351
insulin delivery, 276 Y
lubiprostone, 255
memantine, 135 yohimbine, 162
mifepristone, 291–293
muscle relaxants, on use of, 138–139
natalizumab, 261–262
ophthalmic vasoconstrictors, on use of, 312 zafirlukast, 225
pasireotide, 291–292 zalcitabine, 497
pregnancy categories, 242, 258, 364–365 zanamivir, 492, 492f
riluzole, 137 zero-order kinetics, 45
tegaserod, 255 zidovudine, 497
uveitis, 308 zileuton, 225

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