Cambridge School ICSE, Kandivli (East) 2 - Assessment Coursework Topic

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Cambridge School ICSE, Kandivli (East)

Coursework Topic

Grade –VIII

English I :-
1. Narrate an experience that you went through when you misjudged someone and
later realized your fault.
2. Are we happier than our grandparents were, when they were our age? State your
3. Write a letter to your pen friend comparing the cultures of both the countries.
English II :-
1. Which according to you has been the most significant event of the twenty first
century so far? Write a factual essay about the event, explaining why do you think
it is the most significant.
2. How do you think the story "The Gift of the Magi' would have ended if the two
characters had decided on different presents? Write an alternative ending to the
story starting from Jim returning home in the evening.
3. Imagine that you are an ancient monument, built to celebrate an important
event. But the neglected monument is in ruins today. Write an autobiography
describing your journey from splendour to misery.

1 'मेरा बचपन' विषय पर एक अनुच्छे द लिखिए |
2 अमर ज्योति संस्था के विषय में एक िेि लिखिए |
3 विश्ि ओजोन ददिस के बारे में िोगों को जागि
ृ करिे हुए एक सचचत्र विज्ञापन िैयार
कीजजए |

१. व्यायामाचे महत्त्ि लिहा.
२.' िुमची रोजतनशी ियार करा.
३.िरं धा घाटािीि टपऱयांमधीि चमचमीि मेनूबाबि एक सुंदर मेनूकार्ड ियार करा.
4 हषडदशडक ि शोकदशडक भाि व्यक्ि करणारी चचत्रे काढा.

1. Describe any 3 flowers w.r.t its parts and adaptations for pollination.
2. Make a poster to create awareness against Drugs.
3. Describe an Ecosystem that you have recently visited w.r.t the flora and fauna.

1.Make a PPT on Development of atomic models till now with youtube links and gif
images added to it.
2. Explain the formation of cation and anion using a model. You can take any one
example each for Explanation. Material suggestion- wire, beads, woollen thread, clay
3. Make a 2D model on chart or cardboard to explain the various types of reactions.
Material suggestion- iron wire pieces, blue colour cotton, golden yellow colour glitter,
black colour powder, etc.

1. Construct a model of a manometer
2. Construct a model of common water pump
3. Make a chart on different types of energy
4. Make a model of a periscope

1. Make a project and find out the major problems of the South East Asian
2. Make a powerpoint presentation/project about the endangered animals and
plants of Asia. Why are they dwindling in numbers?
3. With the help of internet find out the total population, literacy rate, sex ratio and
skilled people for any 5 developed coountries of the world.

1.The British Empire in India was often called the ‘’Jewel in the British crown’’.
Prepare a digital timeline showing how the British expanded their rule first over
Bengal and then almost all of India.
2. Research and collect information about females who fought as equals with
males in the Revolt of 1857 and prepare a chart /PPT highlighting their

3. Collect information and prepare chart/ppt about Presidents of India from 1947
till date.

1. Prepare a Webpage using HTML 5 to display list of States in India, common
language spoken and their state flags in a tabular format.
2. Create web page on the topic "Pollution". Home Page should give the definition
of Pollution. Create a link from this page to pages giving details about water
Pollution, air pollution and noise pollution.
3. List the benefits of regular exercise and list of your favoritesports. Create a
HTML code to create the list. use ordered or unordered list

1. ककसी एक फि के विषय में संस्कृि में 5 िाक्य लिखिए |फि का चचत्र भी िगाइए
2. 2 संस्कृि में बद्
ु चध ि ् ज्ञान पर एक स्िोगन दहंदी अथड के साथ लिखिए |
3 एिि पुज्िंग शब्द रूप लिखिए |

1.Conjuguez trois pronominal verbs - se promener (neg) se raser ( inversion) se
brosser (interrogation)
2.Ecrivez cinq heures formelles et cinq heures informelles
3. Decrivez les saisons francais

Topic 1 – Pie Chart
The following table represents the average time spent by Middle school students in a
day for various activities:
Activity Sleeping Study Leisure Eatin Grooming Sp Othe
g ort rs
No.of 8 6 3 1 1.2 0.8 4

Prepare a 3 D Model of Pie Chart to represent above data.Refer the pic

image attached.

Material required : A4 colour sheets, glue, marker, ruler, compass

Topic 2 - Simple Interest and Compound Interest

Complete the following table :

Year Opening Interest at Simple Compounding period Int Amo

Balance (In 10% p.a Interest ere unt
Rs ) st

Annual Half- Quarterl

ly yearl y
1 10,000

Topic 3- Algebraic Identity - (a + b) 2 = a2 + 2ab + b2

The expansion of the algebraic identity (a + b) 2 = a2 + a2 + 2ab + b2 can be
derived in mathematical form by the geometrical approach
Use the concept of area of rectangle and square to derive the identity.
Material required : A4 sheet, colour sheets, glue , marker ,ruler

Design Thinking
1. Prepare a chart showing the different ways of removing both visible and invisible
pollutants from water.

2. Prepare a chart on different kinds of survival kits needed by different people and
explain any one of them in brief.

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