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10 Step Formula

To An Elegant Life

Step 1: Mindset
Transformation begins with your mindset. If you want to better yourself
and your lifestyle, you have to have the right attitude. Identify where you are
now and where you want to be. Anything is possible, so don’t let your mindset
limit you! How can you align your mindset with your goals? Here are some tips...

Visualize Your Goals

Feel Worthy
Your mind is filled with endless possibilities.
When you visualize those possibilities, you
You have to believe that you are
start to uncover your potential and shift your
worthy of living the life you’ve
focus away from negative thoughts.
always dreamt of. You might
have some limiting beliefs

Reward Yourself
that prevent you from doing
that, but those are usually your
own perceptions and not reality.
Any positive change in behavior or step
towards your goals should be praised! Always
remember to give yourself a pat on the back.

Step 2: Grooming
Invest in Skincare
Grooming is one of
the major things that
distinguish elegant ladies
from Plain Janes. You’ll Healthy, glowing skin should
instantly stand out from always be your priority when
the crowd when you it comes to grooming. Invest in
take your grooming quality skincare products, consult
and presentation more a dermatologist regularly and get
seriously. It will help treatments if needed.
you make a lasting first
impression and ultimately
give you a “wow” factor. If Pay Attention
you’re a novice to the world
of beauty, here are some to Your Hygiene
things you can start doing to
elevate your grooming...
Hygiene extends beyond simply
showering daily. It includes
maintaining your nails and making
sure their clean and tidy, as well as

Avoid Heavy Makeup taking care of any body hair or stray

brow hairs. Make sure to exfoliate
weekly, moisturise daily and wear
The “less is more” principle totally applies to makeup. You should fragrance, too!
opt for the “no makeup makeup look”, which means looking like a
more enhanced version of yourself.

Step 3: Fashion
Ditch the seasonal trends as it’s essential for an elegant
lady to curate a capsular and timeless wardrobe. To
elevate and transform your style, you need to
understand what fits f latter you most and what
colours suit you best. Here is some guidance on
navigating elegant style...

Choose a Feminine Cut

Feminine cuts can make the most simple

design look extremely elegant. For example,
a plain midi dress can be elevated with a simple
boat neckline. A flared or ruffled dress also
exudes femininity and is super romantic.

Dress Sensually, When in Doubt,

Not Sexily Pick Neutrals

Elegant and elite ladies are never comfortable with Neutral palettes are favoured among high-end
putting it all on display because they know there are designers and they use it often in their designs. This is
smarter ways to grab a man’s attention and make why neutral colours like beige, cream, and white tend to
an entrance. Dress with sensuality, not sexuality! be associated with affluence.

Step 4: Etiquette
Following the right etiquette is essential for presenting yourself as a
sophisticated and elegant lady. It’s all about demonstrating respect
for those around you, and treating others as you wish to be
treated. These are some etiquette tips to get you started...

Always Thank the Staff

Make it a habit to say please and thank you

to the staff. Not only is it a good thing to do,
but it will also make others think highly of you.

Master Your Cutlery

Make the effort to learn what each utensil’s purpose is

and when to use them. Also, make sure to learn how
to hold and place cutlery.
Always Hold Glasses
Use Your Napkin by the Stem

A good way to use your napkin is for blotting your Not only does holding the glass by the bowl look
lips before you drink from a glass. This removes less elegant, it actually warms up the drink. You also
any crumbs and food residue from your lips that would end up with fingerprints all over the glass, which looks
otherwise get stuck on the rim of your glass. very unrefined.

Step 5: Confidence
As an elegant lady, your confidence is what’s going to
give you an edge and truly make you stand out. People
naturally gravitate to those with confidence because
they tend to be more themselves and are more relaxed.
Here are some ways to instantly boost your confidence...

Your Memories Are

Not Facts

You have to distinguish between your self-

perception and reality. You might have some
“embarrassing” memories that are holding you
back from feeling confident, but you have to
remember that your memories of events are
likely to be more exaggerated than the reality.

Remind Yourself of

Past Successes Step Up Your Body Language

If you’re doubting yourself, remind yourself of all Rolling your shoulders back, pushing your chest out and
your successes and achievements, however small lifting your chin up is the best way to appear confident.
they might seem. Practicing some power poses might help, too.

Step 6: Femininity
Femininity is an attitude in itself, Pick Up a
and is all about approaching things
with grace, elegance, empathy and Creative Hobby
compassion among other things.
These are some ways you can step
One of the best parts of being a
into your feminine energy...
lady is the creativity and passion
that come naturally to us. If you’re
working in a masculine environment,
try doing a dance class or an art

Get Comfortable session afterward.

With Receiving
Practice Nurturing
Always be gracious when receiving
compliments, gifts, and help in Nurturing is a natural instinct for
general. Say thank you and show women. Whether it’s a plant, pet, child
appreciation instead of rejecting or even yourself, try nurturing and
things or shying away. taking care of something.

Step 7: Lifestyle
Pick Up an Affluent Hobby
To be an elegant lady, you have to live an elegant
lifestyle. This doesn’t strictly concern material
things, although a diamond or two does help! By
There are plenty of these to choose from, like sailing,
lifestyle, I mean elevating where you hang out, where
golfing, horse riding and polo, attending art shows or
you run your daily errands, what activities you do
taking up ballet. You’ll enhance your skill set while
in your spare time, where you travel to, and what
possessions you curate.
also mingling with sophisticated crowds.

Location, Location, Location

Moving to an aff luent area is ideal. If you can’t,

try running your errands in more sophisticated
neighbourhoods. Move your local meeting with a
girlfriend to an upscale bar, restaurant, or coffee shop.

Keep Things Clean

Affluent and elegant ladies never toss their

clothes on the floor, even if they can afford to
replace each piece three times over. Instead,
they hang things up, take care of fabrics
accordingly and store their shoes and
handbags in dust bags.

Step 8: Networking
The people you surround yourself with highly influence your attitude and lifestyle. It’s
important to be around like-minded elegant ladies and men who share the same
visions and goals. For beginner elegant networkers, try these tips...

Remember to Reciprocate
Collect Contact
Elegant ladies always repay the favour. Try
Information sharing your social circle with your new
girlfriend, or passing on a business contact
Always remember to get their that might help her.
full name, number, and any
other points of contact like their
email or social media handles. Always Follow-Up
Also, log any interesting
things about them like their Networking is all about making and sustaining
birthday, favourite hobby, or relationships. Following up after an initial
travel destination. meeting and on random occasions is very
courteous and elegant. It could also lead
to new meet-ups and introductions to new
people and events.

Step 9: Dating
Elegant ladies are very selective about who they choose
to have a romantic relationship with. Dating a high-
calibre man is essential for your elegant life and
elegant image, as his social scene and lifestyle will
reflect on yours. So, how do you avoid dating a loser?
Here are some things to consider...

Withhold Your Time

Don’t always be readily available when he asks you out. If

you’ve already made other plans, don’t change them
for him. This way, he won’t take your time for granted.
Practicing some power poses might help, too.

Set Boundaries

Pay Attention to Red Flags Know what you will and won’t tolerate and
communicate that to your partner. You
shouldn’t be accepting sub-par treatment
Ladies, don’t overlook red f lags no matter how deep
or any form of disrespect.
you are into a relationship. It’s important to recognize
the signs of a toxic partner and act accordingly.

Step 10: Finances

Part of living an elegant lifestyle is
having the freedom to make choices. Create a Budget
So, make sure you’re always able to
afford those choices. Always save for A budget will help you keep track of
a rainy day and invest for the future your spending and your financial
you - you’ll thank yourself later! Here obligations. It’s a great way to
are some tips to help you gain more ensure you’re on the right track.
control over your finances...

Have Multiple
Streams of Income
Put Money
Whether it’s money from a rental
Towards Investing property, dividends from stocks
or a side business, having an
Every Month additional source of income
acts as a financial cushion.
Be thoughtful of how you spend
your money today so that you’re
better secured tomorrow. Each
month, try to allocate as much
money as you can for investing.

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