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A Quantitative Research Presented to

The Faculty of Senior High School Department
Guiguinto National Vocational High School
Poblacion, Guiguinto, Bulacan

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) Track
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)- Strand

Rannelyn G. Argañosa
Dharrell Andrei T. Montion
Denelle Dione P. Rosales
Shane Iverson C. Ventura

Grade 12 – TVL E

Anna Veronica D. Sabariaga, MAEd

Subject Teacher

July, 2021

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion

subject, this Research Paper with the working title “Impact of Internet Connectivity on the

Workloads of Government Offices in Guiguinto, Bulacan” has been prepared and submitted.





Senior High School Students



Thesis Adviser



Assistant Principal, SHS- Academics

Table of Contents

List of Tables ………………………………………………………………….. vii
List of Figures ………………………………………………………………..... viii
List of Appendices …………………………………………………………….. ix

Chapter 1: The Problem and Its Background

Introduction …………………………………………………………..... 1
Significance of the Study………………………………………………. 3
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework ………………….………………... 4
Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………… 4
Hypothesis of the Study………………………………………………... 5
Definition of Terms …………………………………………………..... 5
Scope and Delimitation …………....………..………….……………… 5

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature and Studies

Internet Speed………………………… 6
Cost of Internet Service………………………………………… 7
Workloads…………………………………………………….. 8

Chapter 3: Methodology of the Study

Methods and Techniques …………………………………………….. 9

Respondents of the Study……………………………………………... 10

Instruments of the Study………………………………………………. 11
Data Gathering Procedure ……………………………………………. 12
Data Processing and Statistical Treatment………...…………………... 12

Chapter 4: Presentation, Analysis and, Interpretation of Data (use your own topic)
Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusions and, Recommendations

Summary of Findings…………………………………………………... 15
Conclusions…………………………………………………………….. 15
Recommendations……………………………………………………… 16

References… ………...……………………………………………………...... 17

Curriculum Vitae…………………..………………………………………… 18

Chapter I


There have been numerous technological day breaks within the last 30 years, amid which

the desktop computer and the Web have been created. Internet access is the capability of

individuals and organizations to connect to the Internet utilizing their computers and other

devices such as mobile phone and IPADs. It is used to access services such as email and browse

the World Wide Web. Various technologies and methods with different rate of speeds have been
utilized by Internet service providers (ISPs) to give this service to the end users. Gaining a

reliable internet speed connection is quite challenging especially in places like government

offices here in Guiguinto, Bulacan.

Guiguinto was in the process of its rise and for it to happen a faster internet connection is

very crucial. Almost everything is in the power of government from the issuance of business

permits up to emergency hotlines and/ or services it is also their job to respond to the people’s

appeals. With a slow Internet connection, government workers are less likely to be motivated to

participate in today’s information society and it may cause them too many pending and

unfinished works. In some countries, the essential role of this tool is well understood, and the

right to broadband Internet access as a means of communication is spoken of as a fundamental

right. When it comes to providing the nation with Internet access, the Philippines has been barely

catching up with other countries over the past few decades.

If our average internet connection speed is slower compared to other countries, and yet

we have to pay a higher price for it, then that makes our economy somewhat less competitive.

Poor connectivity adversely affects business, consumers and government agencies that have

become increasingly reliant on the internet to perform daily transactions (Campos, 2018).

Internet connectivity for government offices had a very big impact for them especially in

teaching. In Thailand, the use of information technology and mobile phone increased in the past

two years, according to the National Statistical Office. A survey found that there are 9.6

computer units, 4.4 Internet access units, and 2.3 fax machines for every 100 households. In

2001, the number stood at 5.8 computer units, three Internet access units and 1.6 fax machines

for every 100 households. Even so, the digital divide between Bangkok and other regions
remains. The Office reported there were 29.4 computer units for every 100 households in

Bangkok, but the figure was well below 10 in other regions. For Internet access the figure was 17

in Bangkok and less than 5 in the regions. Of 7.4 million people in Bangkok, 2.8 million used a

computer and one million used Internet, compared with 2.5 million computer users and one

million Internet users in the Northeast, where 19.1 million people live. The survey was carried

out among 16 million households nationwide from April to June 2002. The Survey found 11.3

million people used a computer, 6.03 million had access to the Internet and 12.9 million owned a

mobile phone. Of the total, Bangkok accounted for 45.6 % of mobile phone owners. People aged

15-24 accounted for 46.2 % of computer users. People aged 6-14 were the next biggest group,

making up for 18.9%. People aged 15-24 accounted for 51.9% of those with Internet access,

followed by people aged 25-34, who accounted for 21.3%. Of total computer and Internet users,

28.9 % and 34.4 % had at least bachelor’s degrees or studied at universities. (National Statistical

Office, 2003).

Bad internet connection is a more pressing problem in the country compared to poverty

and corruption (Ordinario,2017). The main purpose of the study is to know what will be the

impact of a fast internet connection in the municipality of Guiguinto.

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study may provide useful information to the following people:

Government agencies. This would help them to know if they will have to switch on a

much faster internet connection. This would also help them to improve their internet sites for

their internet transactions.

Government employees. This would help them to know a much faster internet

connection that would help them on downloading files, getting into different transactions, and

responding to people’s appeals.

Students. It may help them to know what is the best internet provider for them now that

it is very crucial because of their online classes. It will also help them when they are


applications, games, videos, images, and software for their schooling.

Conceptual Framework
Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Internet connectivity Workloads of government

Statement of the Problem

The study generally aims to know the Impact of Internet Connectivity on the workloads of

government offices in Guiguinto, Bulacan.

Specifically, this study shall seek answers to the following questions:

1. How may the characteristics of the internet providers be described in terms of:

A. Speed;

B. Cost of service

2. How will a fast internet connection affect the downloading of files and fixing sites of

Government agencies in terms of workloads?

3. Does the slow internet connection significantly affect the workloads of government agencies?

Hypothesis of the Study

The following hypothesis are tested at .05 level of significance.

"The fastest internet provider will provide a better downloading and uploading of files

experience to make government agencies’ workloads much lighter."

“Slow internet connection will significantly affect the workloads of government agencies of

Guiguinto, Bulacan”.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The main objective of the study is to analyze the internet use and effect (performance) in

the municipality of Guiguinto. This study covers the effects of a slow internet connection into the

municipality. This also covers the impact of a faster internet connectivity to the economy and in

the workloads of government offices.

The respondents of the study will be 100 Office workers of Guiguinto Municipality from

different departments such as: Municipality Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office

(MDRRMO), Job Order (JO), etc. The results will be gathered by giving them online survey

questionnaire. This will demonstrate which internet provider is the fastest in the town, as well as

the sources of internet usage in the municipality.

Definition of Terms

To further understand the study, some terminologies were given conceptual and/or operational

● Connectivity- The quality, state, or capability of being connective or connected (Meriam

Webster dictionary). As used in the study this refers to being connected through an

internet connection.

● Workloads- The amount or of working time expected or assigned (Meriam Webster

dictionary). As used in the study this refers to the government’s work and duties.

● ISPs (Internet Service Providers)- The companies that provides internet service for the


Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Internet Speed

Through a comparison of the current global ICT situation with the current situation in the

Philippines, this paper shows that the country’s Internet infrastructure lags behind among those

of contemporary developing countries in Asia, particularly in terms of Internet connectivity.

Findings show that the lack of competition in the Internet connectivity market, among other

reasons, is at the root of the dilemma of slow and costly Internet connection. (Romeo Agan

Salac, Y. S. Kim, 2016)

Next to price, Internet speed is one of the main decision drivers when shopping for

internet or evaluating your current internet service. Internet speed is determined by how much

data the connection can download or upload per second (David Anders, 2021).

According to an Ookla, speedtest in August 2020, the Philippines ranked at the lower part

of the global index in terms of average broadband and mobile speeds. At 16.44 mbps for mobile

downloads, the country landed the 199 th spot out of 139. With 25.34 mbps for broadband, we

landed at the 106th place out of 174. (Moneymax, 2020)

Cost of internet service

Despite having the second cheapest mobile data per gig in the Asia Pacific, the internet in

the Philippines also remains quite expensive. In the digital quality of life index 2020, the

Philippines lands at the 82nd place, out of 85 spots in terms of internet affordability. The study

also reveals that it takes 1,994 seconds of work to get the cheapest mobile internet and 75

minutes of work to afford the cheapest broadband internet in the country. (Moneymax, 2020).

A joint study by the world bank and the Philippines’ National Economic and

Development Authority (NEDA) reveals that Filipinos are paying more for slow internet

services. As for pricing, the Philippines’ fixed broadband plans have similar cost to those of

Singapore and Thailand. What’s ironic is, these countries have the fastest internet speeds in the

region, opposite to what the Filipinos are experiencing. (Patrick Cañete, 2020)

From bolstering national defense and homeland security to automating operational

processes and citizen interactions, government agencies are big users of high performance

computing and artificial intelligence systems. Historically, agencies ran these data- and compute-

intensive workloads on their own HPC infrastructure. (Janet Morss, 2021)

A workload is an integrated set of demands on IT, generally fulfilled through one or more

applications. Human-resources management and financial management are two examples of

workloads. (Kreg Nichols and Kara Sprague, 2012)

Economic and population growth further signal the dire need to invest more in

modernizing digital infrastructure, which has only been accelerated by the pandemic.

Government processes are paper-centric, requiring the submission of physical documents even

after taxes or other paperwork is filed online. (International Trade Administration, 2020)

Chapter 3
Methodology of the Study

This chapter presents the methods and techniques in the study, the respondents of the study, the

instruments, and the data processing and statistical treatment to answer the sub-problems given

in Chapter 1.

Research Design

This study used quantitative research which involves the manipulation of an independent

variable with the random assignment of participants to conditions or orders of conditions.

This study employed data such as the speed and affordability of a service of a certain

network, these data are gathered using a survey through the different users of different networks.

The Sample

The target population of the study is the government employees of different government

agencies in Guiguinto, Bulacan during the second semester of the academic year, 2020-2021.

The researchers considered a sample of 100 respondents. These samples are randomly

selected through purposive sampling.

The Instrument(s)
This study utilized two research instruments to gather data on the variables being studied.

To measure the respondents’ “Impact of Internet Connectivity on the Workloads of Government

Offices in Guiguinto, Bulacan”, the researchers proposed to use a scaled questionnaire. A

questionnaire is used to determine the Impact of internet connectivity on the workloads of

government offices in Guiguinto, Bulacan. These instruments are further defined in the

subsequent paragraphs. Impact of Internet Connectivity on the Workloads of Government

Offices in Guiguinto, Bulacan Questionnaire. The purpose of this scaled questionnaire is to

assess the respondents’ opinion regarding the impact of internet connectivity to their workloads.

It was developed by and to find the best solution for

residents and business owners, fast, reliable and affordable internet. Aside from being recent, the

researchers have decided to use the instruments because it has been related to the study.

A cover letter addressed to the researchers is attached to the questionnaire explaining the

research, its rationale and purpose, and the general instructions on how to fill out the form. The

questionnaire is composed of two parts. Part one seeks to gather data regarding the demographic

profile of the respondents which includes their names, email address, and their departments. Part

two of the questionnaire aim to know the work experience of the respondents while using their

Internet connection and instructs the respondent to check those which they encountered, as many

as applies.

Plan for Data Analysis

To answer the questions presented under the Statement of the Problem, the following statistical

tools will be employed:

1. Frequency and percentage distribution will be used to present and analyze data regarding

the demographic profile of the respondents and problems encountered by the respondents

during work hours using their internet connection.

2. The score will categorize the respondents’ review on their internet connection. This mean

shall be interpreted as follows:

Frequency and percentage distribution will be used to present and analyze data regarding the

department where respondents belong and the respondents’ work experience while using internet

in their department.

Scale Range Interpretation

1 90 – Outstanding

2 85 – 89 Very Satisfactory
3 80 – 84 Satisfactory
4 75 – 79 Fairly Satisfactory
5 70 – 74 Did Not Meet


Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents, analyses, and interprets the data collected in the study. For clarity of

presentation and consistency in the discussion, the data are presented following the order and
sequence of the questions raised in Chapter 1, (1) the internet providers; (2) the impact of a fast

internet connection on the workloads of government agencies at Guiguinto, Bulacan; (3) the

impact of a slow internet connection on the workloads of government agencies at Guiguinto,


Indicators Mean Interpretation

We have internet access on our department 94.% High
We always use internet access on our work 87% High
Slow internet connection gives me heavy workloads 80.% High
I am satisfied with the internet connection on our office 47% Low

Chapter 5

Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions, and recommendations

with regards to the assessment of the impact of internet connectivity to the workloads of
government agencies in Guiguinto, Bulacan, this study used the descriptive correlational method

of research that utilized a standardized questionnaire as a primary data-gathering tool. The

respondents of the study were (100) employees from Guiguinto, Bulacan on the second semester

of the academic year, 2020-2021. The following null hypothesis was subjected to testing at 0.05

level of significance. The fastest internet provider will provide a better downloading and

uploading of files experience to make government agencies’ workloads much lighter. Slow

internet connection will significantly affect the workloads of government agencies of Guiguinto,

Bulacan. The results were processed using the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS),

and the data were presented using appropriate tables and texts. The results were analyzed and

interpreted using statistical tests such as regression analysis in assessing the impact of internet

connectivity to the workloads of government agencies in Guiguinto, Bulacan. Using the

procedures above, the findings of the study may be summarized as follows:

Summary of Findings

96 employees out of 100 said they have internet connection in their office and 44 of

them says that the type of internet connection in their offices are wireless internet. 57 are

subscribers of converge ICT solutions, 22 are PLDT subscribers, 11 are GLOBE broadband

subscribers, and the rest are subscribers from other networks. 33 out of 100 respondents rates
their internet speed 3 or satisfactory. 46 employees said they choose the Internet provider

because it was the fastest option available. 48 out of 100 said they are satisfied with their internet

connection. All of them said they always use internet connection on their work and only 2 of

them said they don’t encounter interruptions when using internet.


In light of the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

 Internet connectivity is really essential on the government offices in Guiguinto, Bulacan

because it is always used for transactions, meetings, and downloading and uploading of

files or documents online.

 It is also very crucial to have a fast internet connection to lessen interruptions when using

it ad for the workers to avoid heavy workloads because of slow processing.


Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the following recommendations

are hereby submitted:

 Try to conduct this research on a different group of people to discover more about the

impact of internet connectivity in different fields.

 Consider comparing different internet speeds to discover more about the effects of

internet to the workloads of the employees.

 Consider asking the employees on what are the workloads that they have to do using

internet connection to know how important internet connectivity is.

Anders D. (2021). Allconnect. Internet speed classifications: What’s fast, what’s slow and

what’s a good internet speed?

Cañete P. (2020). Noypigeeks. World Bank: the Philippines has expensive but slow internet


Campos (2018). The Manila Times. PH’s economic competitiveness: is slow Internet a factor?

International Trade Administration (2020). Philippines- Country Commercial Guide. Information

and Communications Technology.

Moneymax (2020). Internet in the Philippines: Why is It Slow and Expensive?

Morss J. (2021). CIO. Government Workloads Find a Landing Spot in the Cloud

Nichols K. and Sprague K. (2012). How governments can get ahead in the cloud. pg. 16

Denelle Dione P.
Guiguinto National Vocational High School, (Poblacion,
Guiguinto Bulacan)
 Computer System Servicing (CSS)
 2019-2021

823 Kabilang Bacood, Elementary

Santa Rita, Guiguinto Doña Escolastica Aldaba Punongbayan Elementary School,
(Kabilang Bacood, Sta. Rita, Guiguinto, Bulacan)
 Top 8 student
09358323515  2013-2014
 Proficient in Ms. Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
 Photoshop and adobe illustrator
 Windows OS installation

Personal Information
 Date of birth: November 6, 2003
 Language spoken: English and Filipino
 Religion: Roman catholic
 Civil Status: Single

Mr. Michael Andrion
 Work immersion teacher
I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct

Arganosa, Rannelyn G.
#176 Hernandez St. Tabang Guiguinto , Bulacan
Contact No.: 09977201378 DENELLE DIONE P. ROSALES
Personal Background

Sex : Female
Date of Birth : December 31, 2001
Place of Birth : Malolos City
Height : 5’2 ft
Age : 19 years old
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Language : Filipino

Educational Background

Primary : Tabang Elementary School

Tabang Guiguinto, Bulacan
2007 - 2013

Secondary : Guiguinto National Vocational High School

Poblacion Guiguinto, Bulacan
2013 – 2016

Tertiary : Guiguinto National Vocational High School

2017 - 2018

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.


Dharrell Andrei T. Montion

Address: 715 Poblacion Guinguinto Bulacan, Guiguinto north Luzon
Telephone: 09559111227
Date of birth: June 20 2003
Citizenship: Filipino
Sex: Male


Secondary: St. Martin de Porres Catholic School of Guiguinto

Elementary: Shorouq Al Mamlakah International School


To be part of a fast growing company which will encourage me to do my best and having hat
opportunity is a blessing and beginning of a good career


Video editor
Computer literate (fixing/upgrading pc, programming)


055 Zone 1, Ilang-Ilang, Guiguinto, Bulacan
OBJECTIVE: To be able to find a position as an intern/immersion student in your company wherein I
will be able to put into practice the skills I gained in my experience and apply the knowledge I learned
from the Activities and Assessments I have.

Poblacion, Guiguinto, Bulacan, Philippines
S.Y. 2020 - 2021


Ilang-Ilang, Guiguinto, Bulacan, Philippines
S.Y. 2014 – 2015


 Proficient in MS Office, Word and PowerPoint

 Capable of editing pictures, files, documents etc. using some Microsoft
Windows Application
 Basic Network Repair


Date of Birth: March 10, 2003

Place of Birth: Ramona, Plaridel, Bulacan
Language Known: English and Tagalog
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single


803 St. Lorraine Village, Ilang Ilang, Guiguinto, Bulacan
Prudential Guarantee and Assurance Inc.
Senior Clerk VIII
0916 1366 583

I hereby certify that what has been written is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

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