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Adult Class - Tue 13:00 / 2021 Sayoko Masaoka (11/9)

Conversation Introduction
(30 mins) Ask some questions
What did you do over the weekend?
Do you have any plans this weekend?
Watch for tense and aspect; subject dropping

Conversation Topic: Breaking News English : Men lost at sea

Vocab Breaking news English 6 (involve) - 10 (insecurity)

(10 mins) Notes: She will make sentences for the new vocabulary as a homework

Interchange 3 Unit 16
(20 mins) P. 110 Writing Task 12

Have a quick review of conditional sentences
Have a quick review S-V-A (neither… nor/ either … or/ not only … but
Have a quick review of -ic ending word stress
Order of adjectives
Noun vs Verb Stress
New Vocab je chorus, migrate, pass by, have been feeling - lately, fatigue, folklore,
race, discrimination, dialect, courier, nursing home , perfect vs
complete, fur, difference between A and B , don’t know if/whether, blood
thinner, ethnic, intensive care unit , scandal, syllbale, bouts, reigning,
anxiety, primary care physician, general practitioner, occur, biennial,
biannual, uterus, cervical cancer, give credits to (sm) , chinky eyes,
loathe, havoc, site, tomb, inherit, pests, gnawed, take care of, look after,
tuberculosis, curfew, extraordinary, ancestor, kick off, self- isolation,
torrential, awning, dusk,dawn, orphanage, was -ing , decelerate, have +
food/drink, braille, ~ friendly, powers, morale, conquered, envoy,
captured, intramurals, meet , psychologist , get on top of, prohibits,
move ahead, sneeze, extravagant, snail mail, gallstone, referral paper,
inpatient, outpatient, stepdown, revive, expert , pediatrician, kidney
stone, alias, fur, philanthropist, decades, numb, chaos, descend
Homework Breaking news English 6 (involve) - 10 (insecurity)

E5 / Age: 11 – Tues 17:30 / 2021 Kaho, Koine, Mairo (11/9)

Vocab Test Eiken 4 Vocab- 5 : 100 (river ) - 109 ( sightseeing )
Kaho: Koine: Mairo:
(15 mins)
Eiken 4 Conversation Unit 3 : page 96- 97 (2) Japanese
Kaho: Koine: Mairo:

Conversation Do you/ Did you ~ (6)

(10 mins) ● Check the vocab [ get - up - watch YouTube]
● Have them make Do you / Did you sentences with the vocab
[ get up - watch YouTube ]

Eiken 4 Vocab Eiken 4 Vocab- 5 : 110 ( sign ) - 119 ( subject)

(15 mins) Eiken 4 Conversation Unit 3 : page 96- 97 (3) English
Reading practice
Kaho: Koine: Mairo:

Eiken 5 Sentences 2003 - 5, 11- 15 : Reading (4)

Super Drill 2 Super Drill 2 – Lesson 10 – pages 26- 27 (3)

(10 mins) 3rd Week - Reading and Japanese Translation Test
Kaho: Koine: Mairo:

Conversation New Keypals 0-19 p.40 - 41 (8)

(10 mins) What chores do you do?
Check vocabulary

Homework Eiken 4 Vocab- 5 : 110 ( sign ) - 119 ( subject)

Eiken 4 Conversation Unit 3 : page 96- 97 (3) English
Super Drill 2 – Lesson 10 – pages 26- 27 (3)

H1 / Age:16 Class – Tue 19:30 / 2021 Souma, Yuko, Ouji (11/9)

Conversation What did you do last week? (7)
(10 mins)


Vocab Test
(10 mins) Eiken Pre-2-part 1 2-9: 163 ( region ) - 182
( congratulation )
Ouji: Souma: Yuko:

Get Real 3 Unit 1 : 1 (What do you think of~ ) - 16 (go

with )
Ouji: Souma: Yuko:

New Vocab Eiken Pre-2-part 1 2-10: 1 (advise) - 19 (retire)
(5 mins) Get Real 3 Unit 2 : 17 (complete) - 28 ( friendly)
Get Real 3 Review:
(15 mins)
New: Page 2
What do you think of~?


Eiken Pre-2 Eiken Pre-2 Writing Practice page 10

(10 mins ) Do you think it is important for students to learn how to give
presentations at school? (2)
● Collect their HW

Eiken Pre-2 Eiken Pre-2 2008 No. 2 p. 48-51 ( 28)- ( )
(10 mins) Souma: / Yuko: / Ouji: /
● Listen, answer, check, then do dictation.

Notes: Pre-2 2008 No. 1

Homework Eiken Pre-2-part 1 2-10: 1 (advise) - 19 (retire)
Get Real 3 Unit 2 : 17 (complete) - 28 ( friendly)
H2 / Age : 17 Class - Tue 20:30 / 2021 Kai (11/9)
Conversation What did you do last weekend? What/ when/ where etc.
( 10 mins ) What will you do this weekend?

LDA Cards - Actions

What’s he/ she doing?
- Have him describe the card as much as possible


Vocab Test Eiken 2-5: 178 (method) - 197 (item )

( 10 mins )

New Vocab Eiken 2-6: 198 ( population) - 217

( 5 mins ) ( creature)

Top Notch 2 Review : page 1

( 15 mins )
Unit 1
● page 2

Eiken 2 Dr. Write Format

Writing Some people say that the number of cars in cities should be limited.
( 10 mins ) Do you agree with this idea? (1)

● Give the new question

Eiken 2 Eiken 2 Listening 11-2 p.28 13 - ( )

( 10 mins ) ● One by one
● Dictation
Kai /

Homework Eiken 2-6: 198 ( population) - 217 ( creature)

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