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The World of

Dream Pedlar Live Role Play Club
Book 3
Character Creation Guide

Version 5.3
Ormgard Character Generation ..........................................................................................................4
Introduction .....................................................................................................................................4
Background and Experience Points (Abbreviated as XP) .............................................................4
Ongoing Character Progression ..................................................................................................... 5
Indoors, Outdoors and Downtimes ................................................................................................ 5
Gathering.......................................................................................................................................... 5
Breakdown of Character Creation: .................................................................................................... 6
Choosing a Race:............................................................................................................................. 6
Physical Attributes ........................................................................................................................... 7
Choosing a Profession: ....................................................................................................................... 8
Spending XP: ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Healer .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Warrior ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Priest ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Rogue ............................................................................................................................................. 10
Scholar ............................................................................................................................................. 11
Scout................................................................................................................................................ 11
Shaman ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Trader ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Wizard ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Racial XP Costs: .................................................................................................................................. 14
Gardian Racial XP Costs: ................................................................................................................ 14
Barbarian Racial XP Costs: ............................................................................................................. 15
Grey Elf Racial XP Costs: ................................................................................................................ 16
Wood Elf Racial XP Costs: .............................................................................................................. 17
Dwarf Racial XP Costs: ................................................................................................................... 18
Outlander Racial XP Costs: ............................................................................................................ 19
Beastkin Racial XP Costs:...............................................................................................................20
Ratkin Racial XP Costs: .................................................................................................................. 21
Skill Descriptions ................................................................................................................................ 22
Alchemy .......................................................................................................................................... 22
Ambidexterity ................................................................................................................................ 22
Armour Master .............................................................................................................................. 22
Armour Use .................................................................................................................................... 23
Artisan ............................................................................................................................................ 23
Blacksmithing ................................................................................................................................. 23
Bladed Weapon.............................................................................................................................. 23
Bleed ............................................................................................................................................... 24
Body Conditioning ......................................................................................................................... 24
Body Development ........................................................................................................................ 24
Bow................................................................................................................................................. 24
Channelling..................................................................................................................................... 24
Concealment .................................................................................................................................. 24
Create Scroll ................................................................................................................................... 25
Crossbow........................................................................................................................................ 25
Demon Lore ................................................................................................................................... 25
Detect Magic .................................................................................................................................. 25
Disguise .......................................................................................................................................... 25
Elemental Lore ...............................................................................................................................26
First Aid...........................................................................................................................................26
Greater Spirits ................................................................................................................................26
Hafted Weapon.............................................................................................................................. 27
Hand Weapon ................................................................................................................................ 27
Helm Use ........................................................................................................................................ 27
Herb Collecting .............................................................................................................................. 27
Income............................................................................................................................................ 27
Jewelcrafting ................................................................................................................................. 27
Keen Senses ................................................................................................................................... 27
Larceny ...........................................................................................................................................28
Leatherworking .............................................................................................................................28
Life Force ........................................................................................................................................28
Literacy ...........................................................................................................................................28
Magic Item Creation ......................................................................................................................28
Mental Conditioning ......................................................................................................................28
Might ..............................................................................................................................................28
Monster Recognition.....................................................................................................................29
Pathfinding .....................................................................................................................................29
Persistence .....................................................................................................................................29
Poison Mastery ..............................................................................................................................29
Post Mortem ..................................................................................................................................29
Praying ............................................................................................................................................29
Reconnaissance .............................................................................................................................30
Rune Lore .......................................................................................................................................30
Salvaging ........................................................................................................................................30
Scavenging ..................................................................................................................................... 31
Shaman Spirits ............................................................................................................................... 31
Shield .............................................................................................................................................. 31
Silver Tongued ............................................................................................................................... 31
Social Lore ...................................................................................................................................... 31
Spear & Staff .................................................................................................................................. 32
Spell Breaker .................................................................................................................................. 32
Spirit Lore ....................................................................................................................................... 32
Spot Deception .............................................................................................................................. 32
Spot/Create Forgery ...................................................................................................................... 33
Stamina........................................................................................................................................... 33
Stealth ............................................................................................................................................ 33
Subdual........................................................................................................................................... 33
Thrown Weapon ............................................................................................................................34
Tracking .......................................................................................................................................... 35
Treat Ailment ................................................................................................................................. 35
Two-Handed Weapon .................................................................................................................... 35
Vigilance ......................................................................................................................................... 35
Weapon Master. ............................................................................................................................ 35
Wizard Spells ..................................................................................................................................36
Ormgard Character Generation


This document lays out the guidelines for creating a character in the Ormgard world. Hopefully
you will have read the player guide previously and so will have some idea of how the world is set
out. This should give you an idea of what type of character to play.

Background and Experience Points (Abbreviated as XP)

Base XP
 Players receive 40 XP to spend on a new character

Background XP
● Players can receive up to 10 XP to spend on a new character from background
● 2XP for a background beyond a few lines or 4-6 XP for a lengthy background with
reasonable description of the character’s history varying depending on quality
● 2 additional XP if the history contains subtle interesting aspects (such as allies, enemies or
unresolved plots)
● 2 additional XP if the background is connected and associated with the background of
another player or players

Costume XP
● Players can receive up to 10 XP to spend on a new character from a thematic costume
● 2- 6XP is rewarded for not borrowing any club kit and having kit that is thematic to both
the character’s race and profession varying on quality.
● 2 additional XP is rewarded for any props that the player provides themselves
(weapons, backpacks, potion bottles, jewelry are all considered props)
● 2 additional XP is rewarded for any props that are exceptional in quality

Base XP, Background XP and Costume XP is all awarded at character creation, this XP does not
carry over to the normal XP pool. When purchasing with creation XP, double the cost of the XP
value of the skill you are purchasing, unless that skill is on your Mandatory list, or your chosen
bundle list.

Please make sure when you create a background that it is in-keeping with the medieval settings
and genre. Do not create a character obviously based on a T.V show with a different setting, or
around any concept that will detract from the feel of the game. Characters such as these will be
refused from being created and removed from the game then the player asked to re-write the
background or create a different character.

Character Slots:
 Players have slots for 2 characters at a time
 XP can only be gained on one character per event
 You may only Gather on one of your characters each indoor
Ongoing Character Progression
Indoors, Outdoors and Downtimes
● Players receive 2 XP for each indoor they attend, on a character they attend with
o If you attend on one character, that character gains the XP, if you attend on both
your characters then you may choose which gets the XP
● Players receive 3 XP for each outdoor they attend, on the character they attend with, or on
any of their character slots if they Monster
● If the weather on an outdoor is sufficiently bad 1 XP will be awarded to all players and
● Players who play their characters, indoor or outdoor, may submit downtimes
● Players may submit a downtime for an indoor or/and outdoor their respective character
● Downtimes consist of what a player wishes their character to do between events
● Downtimes do not award XP, but allow a character to progress in day to day activities such
as travelling long distances, making trades, talking to other NPC’s, inspecting plot lines etc.
● Downtimes should be written in the given format of 6 actions with a description of what
each of these actions entails (such as: Action 1: Travel - I travel to the hearth to meet with
an important noble to discuss matters of payment)
● Assuming your character intends to attend the next indoor event, your downtime should
be written within the time period of two weeks, the cut off usually being the Friday before
the next game
● Please see the Downtime Example document for further details on Downtimes
● Downtimes should be sent to the current referees preferred method, usually an email
address (

 Each of the Gathering Skills allows you to gain in character resources for the game
 You may only Gather on one of your characters each indoor
 You may only Gather once per indoor
 Please see the Gathering Skills (Herb Collecting, Mining, Scavenging, and Income) for
further details and Book 4 for additional information

Choose • Gardian, Dwarf, Grey Elf, Wood Elf, Barbarian,

Race Ratkin, Beastkin, Outlander

Choose • Healer, Warrior, Priest, Rogue, Scholor, Scout,

Profession Shaman, Trader, Wizard

• Background, Equipment,
Mandatories, Secondaries.
Spend XP Remember to double XP costs
for skills that arent on your list.
Breakdown of Character Creation:
 Think of a concept
 Come up with a background for the character within the world
 Select an appropriate race for your concept
 Select an appropriate profession for your concept
o See if you’re a Physical or Magical class, this is important for XP costs
o Physical type classes pay triple cost for Magical Skills
o Magical type classes pay triple cost for Combat Skills
 If you can, gain equipment (armour, props, larp safe weapons etc.) this will garner you
more XP to spend on your character at creation
 See how much XP you have from your equipment, background and add that to your
base XP
 You have 40 Base XP. Up to 10 additional for equipment and up to 10 additional for
background for a maximum of 60
 Look at what Mandatories your class must have to represent them and see what
Secondary’s are available to augment your character.
 Mandatories and Secondary’s are normal cost at character creation, any other skills are
double cost. Once you are done making your character all skills become their normal
listed cost taking into account any restrictions or discounts you character may have.
 Veteran Skills are triple cost for all professions unless stated otherwise

Choosing a Race:
Races within Ormgard come in all shapes and sizes, some require prosthetics or face paint to
properly represent, the following table has a brief explanation and what if any physical
representation they need.

Minimum Physical
Race Description
Gardians Common race all around Ormgard, Standard “Human” None
Common race within Wyverns lands, nomadic, barbaric
Barbarians None
and spiritual “Human”
Grey Elves Common race within cities, scholarly and studious Elven Ears
Common race within the Elven Kingdom/Forested
Wood Elves Elven Ears
areas, Naturistic, Spiritual, Mildly Isolationist
Common race within the Mountains, Sturdy, Strong, Beard/Braided
Stubborn Wig/Metal Jewelry
Represents those hailing from other countries, usually Foreign Costume and/or
treated with a level of suspicion and distrust Accent
Common race within the forests and outskirt Brown/Black face stripes
settlements, bestial, spiritual, short life span or Beast Mask
Common race within the underground tunnels, hidden
Brown/Black face stripes
Ratkin alleyways and secret places. Cunning, stealthy and
or Ratkin Mask
Physical Attributes
Races within Ormgard vary in their physical stature and their capability to cast spells, below is a
table showing their base Stamina and Magical Channelling potential

Race Starting Stamina Channelling Potential

Gardian 5 10
Barbarian 5 10
Grey Elf 4 15
Wood Elf 4 15
Dwarf 6 8
Outlander 5 10
Beastkin 5 10
Ratkin 5 12

 Ratkin reduce the cost of Wizard Spells by 4xp if they are purchasing Fire Elemental Magic

Note: Please see Stamina, Magical Potential and Wizard Spells in the Skill Descriptions for more
details on the importance of these abilities
Choosing a Profession:
There are nine distinct professions in Ormgard, which have several sub professions, each
profession will either be a Physical or Magical profession or has the option to choose, this effects
how much certain skills will cost.

For Combat skills, Magical professions must pay triple the listed experience cost. Vice versa for
Combat professions purchasing Magical skills. When a profession says you may choose, this
choice is made before you spend XP and cannot be undone.

Magical abilities such as Wizard Spells and Shaman Spirits can only be cast in either no armour or
level 1 armour and require a free hand, unless stated otherwise. Faith powers have no armour

Profession Physical/Magical Sub professions Description

Healer Your Choice The Alchemist Mundane healer through herbs, medicine
The Battlefield Medic and surgery
The Surgeon
Warrior Physical The Knight Highly trained fighting elite
The Mercenary
The Sentinel
Priest Physical Arin Dedicates to a selected God and blessed by
Elspeth their god with miracles. Please contact a
Feylis referee for details on miracles and vows.
Veiled Mother
Rogue Physical The Infiltrator Opportunists, Charlatans, Gamblers and
The Poisoner Casanovas
The Assassin
Scholar Your Choice The Ritualist The educated; capable of learning quickly
The Explorer
The Academic
Scout Physical The Hunter Woodsmen, Trackers and Survivalists
The Skirmisher
The Spy
Shaman Battle – Physical Battle In touch with ancient spiritual arts of both
Spirit – Magical Spirit war and harmony
Trader Your Choice The Metalworker Barterers, Craftsmen and Profiteers
The Imbuer
The Crafter
Wizard Magical Nemetite Capable of harnessing great magical
Runesmith powers, including the likes of Nature, the
Zenethist Light, Runes or the Elements themselves
Spending XP:
Below will be information of the professions again with their specials, mandatories and secondary
bundles. After which there is a list of XP tables for each respective race, this is how much a skill
will cost you XP wise, different races can sometimes have wildly varying XP costs for different

Mandatories and Secondary’s are normal cost at character creation, any other skills are double
cost. Once you are done making your character all skills become their normal listed cost.

Mandatories and Secondary’s are always normal cost regardless of modifiers after character
creation. E.g. Lifeforce on a Battleshaman will be normal cost instead of triple.

 Immunity to Diseases
 Does not require a salve for their bandages to heal stamina
 First Aid III is three times cheaper for a Healer (8xp)
 First Aid III bandages that are Salved will upgrade Total Heal location to flat Total Heal,
restoring all of their wounds and stamina regardless of association, instead of just the
wounds and associated stamina on the bandaged location


Secondary Bundles (Choose One)

Mandatory Skills The Alchemist The Battlefield Medic The Surgeon
First Aid Literacy Monster Recognition Literacy
Treat Ailment Herb Collecting Any Weapon Skill Income
Social Lore Alchemy Pathfinding Subdual
Post Mortem Thrown Weapon Stamina Hand Weapon

 All melee weapons are half cost (this does not impact cost at character creation)
 Veteran Skills are normal cost


Secondary Bundles (Choose One)

Mandatory Skills The Knight The Mercenary The Sentinel
Armour Use Literacy Monster Recognition Spot Deception
Any one Weapon Skill Social Lore Income Spot/Create
Any one Weapon Skill or Shield Use Praying First Aid Keen Senses
Stamina Theology Vigilance Social Lore
 A priest may select vows which in turn will grant them faith points that they may spend on
miracles. These vows must be maintained at all times else they will receive punishment
from their god. Please consult the referees for more information.
 The bundles for priests are the options available depending on which god you have chosen
to dedicate yourself to. Different gods provide different playstyles and power. Please
consult the referees for more information
 Faith, Life Force and Channelling are unique sources of power and only one can be
possessed at any one time.


Secondary Bundles (Use your God’s bundle)

Arin Feylis Marnus Tarna Veiled Mother Elspeth
Literacy First Aid Disguise Armour Demon Any one First Aid
Use Lore Academic
Praying Alchemy Keen Senses Bladed Armour Monster Rec Demon Lore
Weapon Use
Social Lore Herb Forgery/Spot First Aid Hafted Craft Scroll Any Weapon
Collecting Forgery Weapon skill
Theology Treat Pathfinding Shield First Aid Scavenging Armour Use

 Immunity to Poisons
 Hand Weapon is half cost (this does not impact cost at character creation)
 Veteran Skills are normal cost


Secondary Bundles (Choose One)

Mandatory Skills The Infiltrator The Poisoner The Assassin
Armour Use Keen Senses Herb Collecting Stealth
Hand Weapon Subdual Alchemy Tracking
Ambidexterity Income Poison Master Income
Social Lore Larceny Thrown Weapon Disguise
 All Academic skills are reduced by 2xp in cost, to a minimum of 1xp (This does not impact
cost at character creation)

Secondary Bundles (Choose One)

Mandatory Skills The Ritualist The Explorer The Academic
Literacy Ritual Monster Recognition Scavenging
Theology Pathfinding Create Scroll
Spirit Lore Scavenging Any one Lore Skill
Elemental Lore Any One Weapon Skill Any one Lore Skill

 Ranged Weapon skills are half cost (this does not impact cost at character creation)
 Veteran Skills are normal cost

Secondary Bundles (Choose One)

Mandatory Skills The Hunter The Skirmisher The Spy
Any Ranged Weapon Keen Senses Any Melee Social Lore
Skill Weapon Skill
Monster Recognition Armour Use Armour Use Income
Tracking Scavenging Scavenging Reconnaissance
Pathfinding Bleed Stamina Forgery
 Faith, Life Force and Channelling are unique sources of power and only one can be
possessed at any one time.
 Battle Shaman
o Physical Class
o Ability to cast without a free hand
o May only purchase Battle Shaman Spirits
o May only purchase Autumn and Winter Greater Spirits
o Greater Spirits are always normal cost for a Battle Shaman to purchase despite
being a Physical Class
 Spirit Shaman
o Magical Class
o Start with an additional 3 lifeforce (this does not impact the XP cost of lifeforce
they purchase)
o May only purchase Spirit Shaman Spirits
o May only purchase Spring and Summer Greater Spirits

Mandatory Skills Battle Shaman (Physical) Spirit Shaman (Magical)

Pathfinding One Weapon Skill First Aid
Shaman Spirits Monster Recognition Ritual
Spirit Lore Stamina Alchemy
Life Force Armour Use Herb Collecting

 When gathering they draw two balls and take the better of the two

Secondary Bundles (Choose One)

Mandatory Skills The Metalworker The Imbuer The Crafter
Literacy Blacksmithing or Alchemy or Magic Leatherworking or
Jewelcrafting Item Creation Artisan
Social Lore Mining Herb Collecting Scavenging
Spot/Create Forgery Stamina Elemental Lore Craft Scroll
Pathfinding Body Development Detect Magic Hand Weapon
 Gains their races Magical Potential as additional Channelling (This does not impact the XP
cost of Channelling they purchase)
 The Schools of Nemetism, Zenethism and Runesmithing are exclusive from each other but
can be mixed with Elemental magic
 Faith, Life Force and Channelling are unique sources of power and only one can be
possessed at any one time.
 Runesmith
o Must be a Dwarf
o They may cast in up to level 3 Armour instead
o They may replace the Magical Potential special and instead gain the ability to
purchase the following at normal cost: One Melee Weapon Skill, Armour use and
Shield Use
 Zenethist
o Must be a light worshipper
o Must take Vow of Never Kill
 The character will never kill a living being
o Must take Vow of Never Flee a Fight with Darkness
 The character will never willingly leave a combat engagement with darkness
o Failure to uphold these Vows results in death
 Nemetite
o Must be a Wood Elf
o They may replace the Magical Potential special and instead gain the ability to
purchase the following at normal cost: One Ranged Weapon Skill, One Melee
Weapon Skill and Armour Use

Mandatory Skills Runesmith Elementalist Nemetite Zenethist

Channelling Blacksmith Create Scroll Alchemy Demon Lore
Literacy Mining Scavenging Herb Collecting Income
Wizard Spells Social Lore Detect Magic Monster Rec First Aid
Applicable Lore Magic Item Magic Item
Pathfinding Treat ailment
Skill* Creation Creation

*Applicable lore skill changes depending on the type of Bundle chosen:

 Elementalist uses Elemental Lore
 Runesmith uses Rune Lore
 Nemetite uses Spirit Lore
 Zenethist uses Theology
Racial XP Costs:
Gardian Racial XP Costs:

Medical Skills I II III Academic Skills I II III

First Aid 4 6 24 Demon Lore 6 10 14
Treat Ailment 2 3 5 Elemental Lore 6 10 14
Post Mortem 10 Literacy 4
Rune Lore 6 10 14
Combat Skills I II III IV V Social Lore* 3 3 3
Ambidexterity 4 5 6 Spirit Lore 6 10 14
Armour Use* 2 4 6 10 10 Theology 2 6 10
Helm Use 3 Praying 6
Blade Weapon 5 40 80 Ritual 12
Body Development 20 Timekeeping 5 10 15
Bow 6 48 96
Crossbow 6 48 96 Outdoor Skills I II III
Hafted Weapon 6 48 96 Keen Senses 6
Hand Weapon 4 32 64 Monster Recognition 4 6 8
Shield* 3 5 7 Vigilance 10
Spear and Staff 6 48 96 Tracking 3
Stamina 3 6 12 21 33 Pathfinding 8
Subdual 6 Persistence 8 12
Thrown Weapon 4 24 48 Reconnaissance 8
Two Handed Weapon 6 36 72
Rogue Skills I II III
Gathering Skills I II III Larceny 4
Herb Collecting 3 4 5 Poison Mastery 20
Scavenging 3 4 5 Disguise 4 6 8
Mining 3 4 5 Concealment 4
Income 3 4 5 Spot Deception 4 6 8
Spot/Create Forgery 4 6 8
Craft Skills I II III IV V Silver Tongued 18
Alchemy 3 5 7 9 11
Artisan 6 7 8 Veteran Skills I II III
Blacksmithing 6 7 8 Bleed 10
Craft Scroll 10 Mental Conditioning 6 9 12
Leatherworking 5 6 7 Body Conditioning 6 9 12
Magic Item Creation 14 Might 30
Jewelcrafting 5 6 7 Spell Breaker 20
Salvaging 3 4 5 Armour Master 18
Weapon Master 20
Magical Skills I II III IV V Body Development 20
Channelling 1 2 3 4 5 Stealth 12 10 8
Life Force 1 2 3 4 5
Detect Magic 6 8 10
Shaman Spirits 5 7 9
Greater Spirits* 20 20 20
Wizard Spells 10 14 18 22 26
Barbarian Racial XP Costs:

Medical Skills I II III Academic Skills I II III

First Aid 4 6 24 Demon Lore 6 10 14
Treat Ailment 2 3 4 Elemental Lore 8 12 16
Post Mortem 8 Literacy 6
Rune Lore 8 12 16
Combat Skills I II III IV V Social Lore* 6 6 6
Ambidexterity 3 4 5 Spirit Lore 2 6 10
Armour Use* 2 3 8 14 14 Theology 8 12 16
Helm Use 3 Praying 12
Blade Weapon 7 56 112 Ritual 12
Body Development 20 Timekeeping 6 11 16
Bow 6 48 96
Crossbow 7 56 112 Outdoor Skills I II III
Hafted Weapon 5 40 80 Keen Senses 6
Hand Weapon 5 40 80 Monster Recognition 4 6 8
Shield* 4 6 8 Vigilance 8
Spear and Staff 5 40 80 Tracking 2
Stamina 3 6 12 21 33 Pathfinding 6
Subdual 6 Persistence 6 10
Thrown Weapon 5 30 60 Reconnaissance 6
Two Handed Weapon 5 30 60
Rogue Skills I II III
Gathering Skills I II III Larceny 5
Herb Collecting 3 4 5 Poison Mastery 20
Scavenging 2 3 4 Disguise 4 6 8
Mining 4 5 6 Concealment 5
Income 3 4 5 Spot Deception 4 6 8
Spot/Create Forgery 6 8 10
Craft Skills I II III IV V Silver Tongued 21
Alchemy 3 5 7 9 11
Artisan 5 6 7 Veteran Skills I II III
Blacksmithing 7 8 9 Bleed 10
Craft Scroll 12 Mental Conditioning 6 9 12
Leatherworking 4 5 6 Body Conditioning 6 9 12
Magic Item Creation 14 Might 30
Jewelcrafting 6 7 8 Spell Breaker 20
Salvaging 3 4 5 Armour Master 18
Weapon Master 20
Magical Skills I II III IV V Body Development 20
Channelling 1 2 3 4 5 Stealth 12 10 8
Life Force 1 2 3 4 5
Detect Magic 8 10 12
Shaman Spirits 3 5 7
Greater Spirits* 20 20 20
Wizard Spells 10 14 18 22 26
Grey Elf Racial XP Costs:

Medical Skills I II III Academic Skills I II III

First Aid 4 6 24 Demon Lore 4 8 12
Treat Ailment 2 3 5 Elemental Lore 4 8 12
Post Mortem 12 Literacy 2
Rune Lore 4 8 12
Combat Skills I II III IV V Social Lore* 4 4 4
Ambidexterity 5 6 7 Spirit Lore 4 8 12
Armour Use* 2 5 10 15 15 Theology 4 8 12
Helm Use 4 Praying 8
Blade Weapon 7 56 112 Ritual 10
Body Development 25 Timekeeping 4 9 14
Bow 7 56 112
Crossbow 7 56 112 Outdoor Skills I II III
Hafted Weapon 7 56 112 Keen Senses 7
Hand Weapon 5 40 80 Monster Recognition 5 7 9
Shield* 4 6 8 Vigilance 12
Spear and Staff 5 40 80 Tracking 4
Stamina 4 8 16 28 44 Pathfinding 10
Subdual 6 Persistence 10 14
Thrown Weapon 6 36 72 Reconnaissance 10
Two Handed Weapon 7 42 84
Rogue Skills I II III
Gathering Skills I II III Larceny 5
Herb Collecting 3 4 5 Poison Mastery 20
Scavenging 4 5 6 Disguise 4 6 8
Mining 4 5 6 Concealment 4
Income 2 3 4 Spot Deception 4 6 8
Spot/Create Forgery 4 6 8
Craft Skills I II III IV V Silver Tongued 15
Alchemy 3 5 7 9 11
Artisan 7 8 9 Veteran Skills I II III
Blacksmithing 7 8 9 Bleed 10
Craft Scroll 6 Mental Conditioning 6 9 12
Leatherworking 6 7 8 Body Conditioning 6 9 12
Magic Item Creation 10 Might 30
Jewelcrafting 6 7 8 Spell Breaker 20
Salvaging 3 4 5 Armour Master 18
Weapon Master 20
Magical Skills I II III IV V Body Development 20
Channelling 1 2 3 4 5 Stealth 12 10 8
Life Force 1 2 3 4 5
Detect Magic 6 8 10
Shaman Spirits 6 8 10
Greater Spirits* 20 20 20
Wizard Spells 10 14 18 22 26
Wood Elf Racial XP Costs:

Medical Skills I II III Academic Skills I II III

First Aid 4 6 24 Demon Lore 6 10 14
Treat Ailment 2 3 4 Elemental Lore 8 12 16
Post Mortem 10 Literacy 6
Rune Lore 8 12 16
Combat Skills I II III IV V Social Lore* 6 6 6
Ambidexterity 3 4 5 Spirit Lore 4 8 12
Armour Use* 2 3 15 20 20 Theology 8 12 16
Helm Use 4 Praying 12
Blade Weapon 7 56 112 Ritual 12
Body Development 25 Timekeeping 5 10 15
Bow 4 32 64
Crossbow 7 56 112 Outdoor Skills I II III
Hafted Weapon 6 48 96 Keen Senses 5
Hand Weapon 4 32 64 Monster Recognition 4 6 8
Shield* 4 6 8 Vigilance 12
Spear and Staff 5 40 80 Tracking 2
Stamina 4 8 16 28 44 Pathfinding 6
Subdual 6 Persistence 8 12
Thrown Weapon 6 36 72 Reconnaissance 6
Two Handed Weapon 7 42 84
Rogue Skills I II III
Gathering Skills I II III Larceny 3
Herb Collecting 2 3 4 Poison Mastery 20
Scavenging 3 4 5 Disguise 4 6 8
Mining 4 5 6 Concealment 3
Income 3 4 5 Spot Deception 4 6 8
Spot/Create Forgery 5 7 9
Craft Skills I II III IV V Silver Tongued 18
Alchemy 2 4 6 8 10
Artisan 5 6 7 Veteran Skills I II III
Blacksmithing 7 8 9 Bleed 10
Craft Scroll 10 Mental Conditioning 6 9 12
Leatherworking 5 6 7 Body Conditioning 6 9 12
Magic Item Creation 14 Might 30
Jewelcrafting 6 7 8 Spell Breaker 20
Salvaging 3 4 5 Armour Master 18
Weapon Master 20
Magical Skills I II III IV V Body Development 20
Channelling 1 2 3 4 5 Stealth 12 10 8
Life Force 1 2 3 4 5
Detect Magic 8 10 12
Shaman Spirits 4 6 8
Greater Spirits* 20 20 20
Wizard Spells 10 14 18 22 26
Dwarf Racial XP Costs:

Medical Skills I II III Academic Skills I II III

First Aid 4 6 24 Demon Lore 6 10 14
Treat Ailment 2 4 5 Elemental Lore 8 12 16
Post Mortem 10 Literacy 4
Rune Lore 4 8 12
Combat Skills I II III IV V Social Lore* 4 4 4
Ambidexterity 4 5 6 Spirit Lore 4 8 12
Armour Use* 2 4 6 8 8 Theology 4 8 12
Helm Use 2 Praying 8
Blade Weapon 5 40 80 Ritual 12
Body Development 15 Timekeeping 5 10 15
Bow 7 56 112
Crossbow 7 56 112 Outdoor Skills I II III
Hafted Weapon 5 40 80 Keen Senses 8
Hand Weapon 6 48 96 Monster Recognition 4 6 8
Shield* 2 4 6 Vigilance 8
Spear and Staff 7 56 112 Tracking 4
Stamina 2 4 8 14 22 Pathfinding 10
Subdual 6 Persistence 6 10
Thrown Weapon 6 36 72 Reconnaissance 10
Two Handed Weapon 6 36 72
Rogue Skills I II III
Gathering Skills I II III Larceny 3
Herb Collecting 4 5 6 Poison Mastery 20
Scavenging 3 4 5 Disguise 4 6 8
Mining 2 3 4 Concealment 4
Income 3 4 5 Spot Deception 4 6 8
Spot/Create Forgery 4 6 8
Craft Skills I II III IV V Silver Tongued 21
Alchemy 4 6 8 10 12
Artisan 6 7 8 Veteran Skills I II III
Blacksmithing 5 6 7 Bleed 10
Craft Scroll 10 Mental Conditioning 6 9 12
Leatherworking 5 6 7 Body Conditioning 6 9 12
Magic Item Creation 14 Might 30
Jewelcrafting 4 5 6 Spell Breaker 20
Salvaging 3 4 5 Armour Master 18
Weapon Master 20
Magical Skills I II III IV V Body Development 20
Channelling 1 2 3 4 5 Stealth 12 10 8
Life Force 1 2 3 4 5
Detect Magic 4 6 8
Shaman Spirits 4 6 8
Greater Spirits* 20 20 20
Wizard Spells 10 14 18 22 26
Outlander Racial XP Costs:

Medical Skills I II III Academic Skills I II III

First Aid 4 6 24 Demon Lore 6 10 14
Treat Ailment 2 4 5 Elemental Lore 4 8 12
Post Mortem 10 Literacy 2
Rune Lore 6 10 14
Combat Skills I II III IV V Social Lore* 5 5 5
Ambidexterity 5 6 7 Spirit Lore 8 12 16
Armour Use* 2 4 8 14 14 Theology 6 10 14
Helm Use 3 Praying 10
Blade Weapon 5 40 80 Ritual 12
Body Development 20 Timekeeping 5 10 15
Bow 7 56 112
Crossbow 7 56 112 Outdoor Skills I II III
Hafted Weapon 7 56 112 Keen Senses 6
Hand Weapon 5 40 80 Monster Recognition 5 7 9
Shield* 4 6 8 Vigilance 10
Spear and Staff 5 40 80 Tracking 3
Stamina 3 6 12 21 33 Pathfinding 8
Subdual 6 Persistence 8 12
Thrown Weapon 6 36 72 Reconnaissance 8
Two Handed Weapon 7 42 84
Rogue Skills I II III
Gathering Skills I II III Larceny 4
Herb Collecting 2 3 4 Poison Mastery 20
Scavenging 4 5 6 Disguise 4 6 8
Mining 3 4 5 Concealment 4
Income 3 4 5 Spot Deception 4 6 8
Spot/Create Forgery 4 6 8
Craft Skills I II III IV V Silver Tongued 18
Alchemy 2 4 6 8 10
Artisan 7 8 9 Veteran Skills I II III
Blacksmithing 6 7 8 Bleed 10
Craft Scroll 10 Mental Conditioning 6 9 12
Leatherworking 6 7 8 Body Conditioning 6 9 12
Magic Item Creation 12 Might 30
Jewelcrafting 5 6 7 Spell Breaker 20
Salvaging 3 4 5 Armour Master 18
Weapon Master 20
Magical Skills I II III IV V Body Development 20
Channelling 1 2 3 4 5 Stealth 12 10 8
Life Force 1 2 3 4 5
Detect Magic 4 6 8
Shaman Spirits 6 8 10
Greater Spirits* 20 20 20
Wizard Spells 8 12 16 20 24
Beastkin Racial XP Costs:

Medical Skills I II III Academic Skills I II III

First Aid 4 6 24 Demon Lore 8 12 16
Treat Ailment 3 4 5 Elemental Lore 8 12 16
Post Mortem 8 Literacy 6
Rune Lore 8 12 16
Combat Skills I II III IV V Social Lore* 6 6 6
Ambidexterity 3 4 5 Spirit Lore 4 8 12
Armour Use* 2 3 10 15 15 Theology 8 12 16
Helm Use 4 Praying 12
Blade Weapon 7 56 112 Ritual 12
Body Development 20 Timekeeping 6 11 16
Bow 7 56 112
Crossbow 7 56 112 Outdoor Skills I II III
Hafted Weapon 6 48 96 Keen Senses 4
Hand Weapon 3 24 48 Monster Recognition 2 4 6
Shield* 4 6 8 Vigilance 8
Spear and Staff 7 56 112 Tracking 2
Stamina 3 6 12 21 33 Pathfinding 6
Subdual 6 Persistence 6 10
Thrown Weapon 3 18 36 Reconnaissance 6
Two Handed Weapon 7 42 84
Rogue Skills I II III
Gathering Skills I II III Larceny 5
Herb Collecting 3 4 5 Poison Mastery 20
Scavenging 2 3 4 Disguise 6 8 10
Mining 4 5 6 Concealment 6
Income 3 4 5 Spot Deception 4 6 8
Spot/Create Forgery 5 7 9
Craft Skills I II III IV V Silver Tongued 21
Alchemy 3 5 7 9 11
Artisan 5 6 7 Veteran Skills I II III
Blacksmithing 7 8 9 Bleed 10
Craft Scroll 12 Mental Conditioning 6 9 12
Leatherworking 4 6 8 Body Conditioning 6 9 12
Magic Item Creation 16 Might 30
Jewelcrafting 6 7 8 Spell Breaker 20
Salvaging 3 4 5 Armour Master 18
Weapon Master 20
Magical Skills I II III IV V Body Development 20
Channelling 1 2 3 4 5 Stealth 12 10 8
Life Force 1 2 3 4 5
Detect Magic 8 10 12
Shaman Spirits 4 6 8
Greater Spirits* 20 20 20
Wizard Spells 10 14 18 22 26
Ratkin Racial XP Costs:

Medical Skills I II III Academic Skills I II III

First Aid 4 6 24 Demon Lore 4 8 12
Treat Ailment 3 4 5 Elemental Lore 4 8 12
Post Mortem 8 Literacy 6
Rune Lore 8 12 16
Combat Skills I II III IV V Social Lore* 6 6 6
Ambidexterity 3 4 5 Spirit Lore 8 12 16
Armour Use* 2 6 10 15 15 Theology 8 12 16
Helm Use 4 Praying 12
Blade Weapon 7 56 112 Ritual 12
Body Development 25 Timekeeping 6 11 16
Bow 7 56 112
Crossbow 5 40 80 Outdoor Skills I II III
Hafted Weapon 7 56 112 Keen Senses 5
Hand Weapon 4 32 64 Monster Recognition 3 5 7
Shield* 4 6 8 Vigilance 12
Spear and Staff 5 40 80 Tracking 2
Stamina 4 8 16 28 44 Pathfinding 6
Subdual 6 Persistence 10 14
Thrown Weapon 6 36 72 Reconnaissance 6
Two Handed Weapon 7 42 84
Rogue Skills I II III
Gathering Skills I II III Larceny 2
Herb Collecting 3 4 5 Poison Mastery 18
Scavenging 2 3 4 Disguise 6 8 10
Mining 4 5 6 Concealment 3
Income 3 4 5 Spot Deception 4 6 8
Spot/Create Forgery 5 7 9
Craft Skills I II III IV V Silver Tongued 15
Alchemy 3 5 7 9 11
Artisan 5 6 7 Veteran Skills I II III
Blacksmithing 7 8 9 Bleed 10
Craft Scroll 8 Mental Conditioning 6 9 12
Leatherworking 5 6 8 Body Conditioning 6 9 12
Magic Item Creation 14 Might 30
Jewelcrafting 6 7 8 Spell Breaker 20
Salvaging 3 4 5 Armour Master 18
Weapon Master 20
Magical Skills I II III IV V Body Development 20
Channelling 1 2 3 4 5 Stealth 12 10 8
Life Force 1 2 3 4 5
Detect Magic 6 8 10
Shaman Spirits 6 8 10
Greater Spirits* 20 20 20
Wizard Spells 10 14 18 22 26
Skill Descriptions

There follows an alphabetical description of every skill in the Dreampedlar system that can be
bought and used in the Ormgard world. Changes have occurred to some of these skills since the
system was created, and it is advised to consult a referee about any questions due to the nature
of a living game. The skills descriptions are updated as frequently as possible.

Combat skills are standard cost for Physical Professions and triple cost for Magical Professions
Magical skills are standard cost for Magical Professions and triple cost for Physical Professions.
Veteran Skills are triple cost except for Professions denoted as a Veteran.
Skills must be bought in ascending order unless denoted by an asterisk (*).
Some skills have pre-requisites that must be bought first in order to be obtained.

This is the craft of making potions and poisons.
 Level 1 – Access to the ability to craft Level 1 Potions and Poisons
 Level 2 – Access to the ability to craft Level 2 Potions and Poisons
 Level 3 – Access to the ability to craft Level 3 Potions and Poisons
 Level 4 – Access to the ability to craft Level 4 Potions and Poisons
 Level 5 – Access to the ability to craft Level 5 Potions and Poisons

This is the skill of fighting with a weapon in your off-hand.
 Level 1 will allow you to fight with a one handed weapon using either hand, but will only
allow the use of one weapon at a time.
 Level 2 will allow the use of two weapons at the same time. The primary weapon can be any
one-handed weapon, but the secondary weapon can only be a hand weapon.
 Level 3 will allow any one-handed weapon to be used as the secondary weapon.

The damage of the offhand weapon is one factor less than your skill in that weapon (Minimum:

Armour Master
This skill is the representation of mastery of a certain type of armour
 You must have the Relevant Armour Use Skill (e.g. Armour Use 1 for Level 1 Armour Master
 Has to be Armour that is Physically Represented
 Level 1: Resilient: The first source of damage you take each encounter is negated
 Level 2: Camouflaged: 1/encounter, you may apply the effects from a smoke bomb you possess
without consuming it
 Level 3: Absorbent: Double the duration of any Kits or Oils applied to the Armour
 Level 4: Riveted: The first Through call effect you receive each encounter is ignored, you still
take the associated damage call (singles, doubles etc.) this includes spells that have through
effects inherently such as Bolt spells.
 Level 5: Reinforced: Gain one additional point of armour in each location
Armour Use
This skill represents the use of different types of armour

Players who are wearing a significant amount of a single type of armour, with a small amount of
another type, may be considered to be wearing wholly of one type. For example, if a player is
wearing level 5 armour in all locations except chest, where they are wearing level 4 armour, that
chest armour may be considered to be level 5. This is down to referee discretion.
 Level 1: Furs/Padded Cloth/Light Leather (adds 1 armour pts)
 Level 2: Heavy Leather (adds 2 armour pts)
 Level 3: Studded Leather/Ring Mail (adds 3 armour pts)
 Level 4: Chainmail (adds 4 armour pts)
 Level 5: Platemail (adds 5 armour pts)

This craft covers a wide range of products some of which include making paper, bookbinding,
wood craft, sculpting and many other things. Some of the main products artisans can make are
scroll paper and wands.
● Level 1 - Superior Items
● Level 2 - Master Crafted Items, Superior Ornate Items
● Level 3 - Master Crafted Ornate Items
● Reforge: This allows a crafter to alter the properties of an item, by adding additional
materials or changing the items base material. Reforging an item costs half the item's base
material cost, rounded up. If the crafter is changing the base material of an item, such as
changing an Iron Sword to a Mithril Sword, they require the full metal cost to be paid in
addition to the reforging cost
● Reforging does not remove any Enchantments nor do any special materials already in the
item count towards the base cost

Evaluate: You can recognise the quality of items at a quick glance.

This craft allows the production of weapons and armour.
 Level 1 - Superior Items
● Level 2 - Master Crafted Items, Superior Ornate Items
● Level 3 - Master Crafted Ornate Items
● Reforge: This allows a crafter to alter the properties of an item, by adding additional
materials or changing the items base material. Reforging an item costs half the item's base
material cost, rounded up. If the crafter is changing the base material of an item, such as
changing an Iron Sword to a Mithril Sword, they require the full metal cost to be paid in
addition to the reforging cost
● Reforging does not remove any Enchantments nor do any special materials already in the
item count towards the base cost

Evaluate: You can recognise the quality of items at a quick glance.

Bladed Weapon
This skill allows the use of a one-handed sword (up to 42 inches) in combat.
 Level 1 – Allows the use of the Singles call on hit
 Level 2 – Allows the use of the Doubles call on hit
 Level 3 – Allows the use of the Triples call on hit
This skill allows you to use the additional weapon call Bleed on hit with any weapon.
 When a wound is caused by a weapon using the Bleed call and that wound caused associated
stamina damage (Subdual does not cause stamina damage for example), then that target
starts bleeding.
 30 seconds after being successfully afflicted by Bleed, the target takes a point of
unassociated stamina damage, this continues until the Bleed effect is stopped or the target
 Any healing to wounds or stamina removes the bleed effect
 Any level of First Aid can diagnose bleeding without any count and staunches it during
diagnosis at touch range or applying bandages (See First Aid)

Body Conditioning
This skill allows you to reduce the duration of movement impairing effects. This skill only effects
movement impairing effects whose base duration is 120s or lower, in the case of conflicting
numbers, always take the lowest duration.
 Level 1 – Reduces duration of effects to 60 secs.
 Level 2 - Reduces duration of effects to 30 secs.
 Level 3 - Reduces duration of effects to 10 secs.

Body Development
Increases your character’s natural hits and stamina.
 Requires your character to have a minimum of 8 stamina (Racial Base + Purchased Stamina
 Increases your natural hits by 1 in each location
 Increase your maximum stamina by 4 points
 Increases your character’s death count, see the Stamina skill for additional details

This skill allows the use of any kind of bow in combat. (Please consult a ref about safe use)
 Bows allow the use of the damage type modification Through call on hit
 Level 1 – Allows the use of the Singles call on hit
 Level 2 – Allows the use of the Doubles call on hit
 Level 3 – Allows the use of the Triples call on hit

This skill increases a mages maximum Channelling by 1 point
 If you have purchased an amount of Channelling equal to your races Channelling potential
then the cost of this skills increases by 1 point, this increases each time this instance happens.
 For example, for a Gardian whose race’s Channelling potential is 10, your first 10 Channelling
purchased would cost 1xp each, your next 10 Channelling would be 2xp each, your next 10
Channelling would be 3xp each and so on
 There is no maximum to how much Channelling you may purchase

This skill allows you to either mundanely hide items or a single item
 You may hide either one Weapon no longer than 18” or multiple items whose total length
does not exceed 18” and each individual item can fit comfortably in the palm of your hand
 This skill is defeated if the 10 second search count is used in conjunction with the Spot
Deception skill
Create Scroll
This is the skill of writing magical scrolls.
 Requires literacy and certain lore skills to create
 One use item, consumed when used
 The Crafter may create any scroll of which they have the relevant lore skill for the spell being
infused in the scroll (e.g. Elemental Lore 1 for Cauterize)
 The Crafter must be the correct race and/or alignment for Zenethism, Nemetism or
Runesmithing scrolls
 The scroll must be the same or greater level than the spell being infused into it
 You only need Literacy to be able to read and use a scroll once its crafted

This skill allows the use of a crossbow in combat. (Please consult a ref about safe use)
 Crossbows allow the use of the damage type modification Through call on hit
 Level 1 – Allows the use of the Singles call on hit
 Level 2 – Allows the use of the Doubles call on hit
 Level 3 – Allows the use of the Triples call on hit

Demon Lore
This is the skill that covers knowledge of Demons and the undead. It covers such things as
knowing a creature’s abilities, its nature, or its weaknesses. It also covers information about
darkness magic.
 Level 1 – Knowledge of level I and II of darkness magic, Undead Recognition I and Demon
Recognition I.
 Level 1 – Knowledge of level III and IV of darkness magic, Undead Recognition II and Demon
Recognition II.
 Level 1 – Knowledge of level V darkness magic, Undead Recognition II and Demon Recognition

Detect Magic
This skill allows the detection of magic on an item or person
 Level 1 allows you to detect magic on an Item or Person within 1 yard.
 Level 2 allows you to detect magic on a Person within 10 yards. It will also tell you if that
person possesses any magical items, but not how many or any details
 Level 3 allows you to detect magic on any number of People within 10 yards. It will also tell
you if those People possess any magical items, but not how many or any details
 Lore Skills used in conjunction with detect magic will garner additional information
depending on the type of magic detected, greatest details coming from within 1 yard.

This skill covers the ability to hide your identity with the aid of make-up and costume. Higher
levels of the skill mean that it is harder to see through the disguise, and also allow more radical
 Level 1 of the skill allows you to be disguised as a member of the same race and culture.
 Level 2 allows you to be disguised as a member of the same race but a different culture.
 Level 3 will allow someone to disguise themselves as a member of a different race and/or
 This is mundane and cannot be seen through with magical vision such as Truesight
 This skill is defeated by Spot Disguise skill of the same or greater level
Elemental Lore
This skill covers knowledge of elemental spells and elemental beings. It gives general information
about the nature of the elemental spells or beings. It also allows Elemental Wizards to change the
type of focus required. This skill is also required to use Items enchanted with elemental spells.
 Level 1
o Grants access to level I and level II elemental spell knowledge as well as the ability to
use those spells enchanted in items and activate permanent elemental effects
enchanted within items.
o You must infuse a book with your magic to be your focus, if this book is destroyed or
not held in your hand you cannot cast elemental spells. The book will automatically
repair itself after an encounter if it is destroyed.
 Level 2
o Grants access to level III and level IV elemental spell knowledge as well as the ability to
use those spells enchanted in items and activate permanent elemental effects
enchanted within items.
o Your focus may now be any item that could be comfortably held in one hand and
must be displayed somewhere visibly on the mage's person. If this focus is not on
display or is destroyed, you cannot cast spells. If the focus is destroyed, you may
spend 60s per level of magic you wish to be able to cast to create a new focus.
 Level 3
o Grants access to level V elemental spell knowledge as well as the ability to use those
spells enchanted in items and activate permanent elemental effects enchanted within
o You no longer need a focus to cast elemental spells.

First Aid
This is the skill of healing injuries in the field.
● level 1 - Apply a bandage with 10 second count, diagnose bleed instantly at touch range,
diagnose injuries with 10 second count at touch range, wake a target with a 10s count at
touch range, staunch instantly while administering first aid diagnosis at touch range or
applying bandages.
● level 2 – Use Salves in conjunction with a bandage, wake a target instantly at touch range
● level 3 - Diagnose a targets injury instantly at 10yrd range, administer a potion to an
unconscious target, fully heal bandaged location with a salved bandage
● Staunching pauses a bleed count timer as well as the death count timer
● Bandaging is interrupted if you or the location takes damage and the process must be
● Bandages must be physically represented
● Bandages must remain on the location for 3 Encounters before they can be removed
● Bandages removed before 3 Encounters have passed will cause the location to be reduced to
zero wounds as well as taking the appropriate associated stamina loss

Greater Spirits
This skill represents the most powerful spirits available to a shaman.
 Requires two Shaman Spirits at level III and an additional one at level I and Spirit Lore III
 You may purchase greater spirits in any order
 Each time you purchase a greater spirit increase your maximum Life Force by 2, this does not
impact the XP cost of manually purchasing Life Force
 Greater Spirits require 2 Life Force to use each time they are called upon
 You may purchase this skill multiple times, each time it’s purchased, you must choose a
different greater spirit
Hafted Weapon
This skill allows the use of a one-handed mace or axe (up to 42 inches) in combat.
 Level 1 – Allows the use of the Singles call on hit
 Level 2 – Allows the use of the Doubles call on hit
 Level 3 – Allows the use of the Triples call on hit

Hand Weapon
This skill allows the use of a small weapon (up to 18 inches), usually a dagger, in combat.
 Level 1 – Allows the use of the Singles call on hit
 Level 2 – Allows the use of the Doubles call on hit
 Level 3 – Allows the use of the Triples call on hit

Helm Use
This skill allows the user to gain benefits from wearing a helm.
● Level 1 - 3 Armour helms grant 1 hit to the chest location
● Level 4 - 5 Armour helms grant 2 hits to the chest location

Herb Collecting
This skill represents your knowledge and ability to search for herbs in the wilderness. You may
Visit the Refs at the start of every indoor to collect herbs appropriate to your level of skill.
 Higher levels of this gathering skill allows a greater chance of rarer materials

This skill represents your knowledge and ability to earn raw money. You may Visit the Refs at the
start of every indoor to collect money appropriate to your level of skill.
 Higher levels of this gathering skill allows a greater chance of larger sums of money

This is the skill of cutting gems and crafting jewelry.
● Level 1 – Superior
● Level 2 - Master Crafted, Superior Ornate Items, Transform Superior to Ornate
● Level 3 - Master Crafted Ornate Items, Transform Master Crafted to Ornate
● The Jewelcrafting ability to Ornate items does not require the Reforging of the item
● Reforge: This allows a crafter to alter the properties of an item, by adding additional
materials or changing the items base material. Reforging an item costs half the item's base
material cost, rounded up. If the crafter is changing the base material of an item, such as
changing an Iron Sword to a Mithril Sword, they require the full metal cost to be paid in
addition to the reforging cost
● Reforging does not remove any Enchantments nor do any special materials already in the
item count towards the base cost

Evaluate: You can recognise the quality of items at a quick glance.

Keen Senses
This skill allows the user to sense any invisible or concealed creatures, it can also be used to locate
hidden items or warning symbols.
 Keen senses will either be called out by referees to bring something to your attention
 If there are creature’s invisible around you, you are automatically aware of their presence
but not their exact location
Allows for the use of rogue like skills, such as picking locks, disarming traps, setting traps and the

This craft allows the making of leather based armour and other leather or fur based products such
as belts and pouches.
 Level 1 - Superior Items
● Level 2 - Master Crafted Items, Superior Ornate Items
● Level 3 - Master Crafted Ornate Items
● Reforge: This allows a crafter to alter the properties of an item, by adding additional
materials or changing the items base material. Reforging an item costs half the item's base
material cost, rounded up. If the crafter is changing the base material of an item, such as
changing an Iron Sword to a Mithril Sword, they require the full metal cost to be paid in
addition to the reforging cost
● Reforging does not remove any Enchantments nor do any special materials already in the
item count towards the base cost

Evaluate: You can recognise the quality of items at a quick glance.

Life Force
This skill Increases a shamans Life Force
 Increase your Life Force maximum total by 1 point
 Increase the XP cost of purchasing this skill by 1 Point permanently
 This skill can be purchased multiple times

This skill allows the character to read and write the Common tongue.
 Allows the ability to read item cards and read scrolls, if an item card has been forged or in
some way isn’t what its represented, you cannot decipher the deception with literacy alone.

Magic Item Creation

This skill only has one level, and allows you to enchant superior and master crafted items.
Unlike other craft skills this skill has no set materials for producing items, just a total cost of the
materials to be used. See Magic Item Creation in Book 4 for more details.

Mental Conditioning
You have trained your mind to strengthen it. You are not so easily impacted by mind effects.
● Level 1 - Resist 2 Mind Effects per day
● Level 2 - Resist 3 Mind Effects per day
● Level 3 - Resist 3 Mind Effects per day + Immunity to fear/terror

This skill allows a character to bypass the normal physical limitations
 Requires skilled Triples in a combat skill
 Requires Body Development
 Requires Body Conditioning 3
 When purchased, select a single skill you have at purchased at Triples, that skill can now call
 You gain immunity to Hold Effects
This skill represents your knowledge and ability to mine for metals and precious gems. You may
Visit the Refs at the start of every indoor to collect metals/gems appropriate to your level of skill.
 Higher levels of this gathering skill allows a greater chance of rarer materials

Monster Recognition
This skill gives the ability to identify monsters. Below are some examples at each level.
● Level 1 – Goblins, Orcs, Lesser Lizardkin
● Level 2 – Dark Orcs, Ogres, Greater Lizardkin
● Level 3 – Trolls, War Orcs, Croxigor

This skill represents your ability to survive in the wilderness of the world.
 You do not forfeit all of your Downtime actions should you end up lost in the wild
 You may traverse the wild places of the world without getting lost or succumbing to
 You may create maps and understand specific map legend information beyond simply
written words
 You may create signals with fires, alchemical vials, wooden signs, dirt etchings etc.
 You can read and create signs left by others and interpret their intending meaning

This skill allows the user to fight on regardless of their injuries
 Level 1: Persistence 1/encounter: When a limb location is reduced to zero hits, you may use this
call to preserve use of the limb as if it was fully functional, however any further hits to the
location while it’s unarmored will render the limb useless as per the normal rules.
 Level 2: The persistence call may now be used on the Chest location
 The Persistence Effect will end at the end of the encounter it is used in, or if New Encounter is
 You must use the Persistence ability as the area is taken out (within reasonable time window),
otherwise the area is useless as normal, you cannot retroactively regain use with this ability.
 Note: You cannot fake an injury or play possum

Poison Mastery
This skill allows the user to apply consumable poisons to a weapon as per the contact poison

Post Mortem
This skill allows the user to examine a dead body with a 10 second count, granting them mundane
information on how the creature died.

This skill represents your ability to pray to the Gods.
 When you purchase this skill pick one of the following Gods to be able to pray to: Arin, Feylis,
Marnus, Tarna, the Veiled Mother or Elspeth.
 There is no guarantee that you will receive a reply.
 This skill can be purchased multiple times, choosing a different listed God each time.
This skill is the ability to conduct and recognise Rituals
 Rituals must call upon a power to aid you (Gods, Elementals, Spirits etc.)
 Rituals must have a sacrifice of items, skills, vows or something similar
 Rituals must be conducted by performing a live show, usually in the form of calling forth the
power, requesting its aid in some manner and then offering up a sacrifice
 Rituals will be judged by the Referees dependent on how well it was performed, what is being
asked for and what is being offered
 Further information on Rituals can be obtained by talking to a Referee

This skill is the ability to scout ahead to find what encounters exist in the near future
 You may ask the referees what you see ahead for the next encounter and you will be told
what you could realistically see. This may be information your character is unaware of such as
Trolls, which requires Monster Recognition 3 to identify. However, other party members may
recognise the threat if they have the sufficient knowledge skills.
 The information you pass over to your party members cannot be Lore Skilled for automatic
information, only reasonably interpreted within the confines of the character’s knowledge
 You must wait a minimum of 5 encounters before using this skill again

Rune Lore
This skill is the knowledge of the Dwarvern Runesmithing magic.
 You must have Magic Item Creation to be able to etch runes onto items
 Level 1
o Gives knowledge of all level I and II Runesmithing spells, how to etch those levels of
runes into Master Crafted items. It also gives the ability to use those spells enchanted
in items and activate permanent Runesmithing effects enchanted within items.
o Runesmithing Focus must be a precious stone that can comfortably be held in one
hand, if the focus is not visible or destroyed you cannot cast. The focus will
automatically repair itself after the encounter if destroyed.
 Level 2
o Gives knowledge of all level III and IV Runesmithing spells, how to etch those levels of
runes into Master Crafted items. It also gives the ability to use those spells enchanted
in items and activate permanent Runesmithing effects enchanted within items.
o If the focus is destroyed, you may now spend 60s per level of magic you wish to be
able to cast to create a new focus.
 Level 3
o Gives knowledge of all level V Runesmithing spells, how to etch those levels of runes
into Master Crafted items. It also gives the ability to use those spells enchanted in
items and activate permanent Runesmithing effects enchanted within items.
o You are fully attuned to the Voice of Stone and as such no longer require a focus.

This skill represents your ability to deconstruct items into their base materials
 You gain half the material cost of the item back, rounded up. (For example, a 2-handed sword
costs 3 Iron Ore and 6 Coal to create. Salvaging it would return 2 Iron Ore and 3 Coal.')
 You cannot salvage consumable items such as potions, kits, lacquers etc.
 Level 1 – You may salvage Superior Items
 Level 2 – You may salvage Superior Ornate Items and Mastercrafted Items
 Level 3 – You may salvage Mastercrafted Ornate Items
This skill represents your knowledge and ability to scavenge for rare materials such as wood,
honey, Fur etc. You may Visit the Refs at the start of every indoor to collect materials appropriate
to your level of skill.
 Higher levels of this gathering skill allows a greater chance of rarer materials

Shaman Spirits
This skill represents the purchasing of Spirits, both for Spirit Shamans and Battle Shamans
 You must have Spirit Lore equal to or greater than the level of spirit you are trying to
 You may purchase any Spirit available to your class
 Spirits are bought sequentially from level 1 to 3
 Whenever you purchase a level of Spirit increase your maximum Life Force by 1, this does not
effect of XP cost of manually purchasing Life Force
 You may purchase this skill multiple times
 You do not need to fully purchase levels 1 to 3 of a spirit to begin purchasing others (for
example you could have two spirit trees at level 1 and one at level 2)
 Each Spirit Tree must have a Focus associated with it, if this focus is not on display or
destroyed you cannot use its associated Spirit Tree
 A Focus automatically repairs itself after an encounter if its destroyed, or can be repaired
with 60 seconds of uninterrupted concentration on the Focus
 This does not represent the purchasing of Greater Spirits, please see that section for that
particular skill

This skill allows the use of a shield for defense in combat.
 Shields block Bolt effects provided that the shield is between your chest and the source of
the Bolt
 Level 1 allow the use of shields up to 60 inches in perimeter
o May be safely strapped to your arm to allow the use of your hand
 Level 2 allows the use of shields up to 100 inches in perimeter.
 Level 3 allows the use of shields up to 160 inches in perimeter.

Silver Tongued
This skill represents your innate ability to resist compulsion to force you to tell the truth
 You are immune to the effects of any compulsion effect that would force you tell the truth
 If you lie it will still come up under a detect lie ability

Social Lore
This skill combines elements of savoire faire, streetwise, history, law, politics, and who’s who. It is
the knowledge that one would expect the well-informed ‘man in the street’ to know. There are
three levels of this skill; they may be bought in any order. Each level of the skill covers knowledge
that one would expect from people of different stations in life.
 Level 1 covers knowledge of the Lower Classes, the peasants and the soldiers.
 Level 2 covers knowledge of the Middle Classes, which usually includes the business of
merchants, wizards and some priests.
 Level 3 gives knowledge of the Upper Classes, the nobility.
 Social Lore grants the ability to hear news from contacts in the form of Social Lore sheets at
Spear & Staff
This skill allows the use of a spear or staff in combat (melee only) up to 75 inches. Such weapons
require two hands to wield effectively.
 Level 1 – Allows the use of the Singles call on hit
 Level 2 – Allows the use of the Doubles call on hit
 Level 3 – Allows the use of the Triples call on hit

Spell Breaker
Once per encounter: Interrupts spell casting, if a spell is interrupted this way, the caster is silenced
for 10s. This silence effect is considered a mind effect. (For example a mage with Iron Will casting a
spell would be interrupted, but not silenced)

Spirit Lore
This skill is similar to Demon Lore, except that it covers knowledge of spirits. This includes the
types of spirits that Shamans summon to gain their powers and it gives some information about
the nature of Shamantic spells.
● Level 1
o Knowledge of level 1 spirits spells, spirit recognition 1, banish spirits 1 and Nemetism
spell knowledge level 1 and 2 as well as the ability to use those spells enchanted in
items and activate permanent Nemetism effects enchanted within items. This includes
Spirit Powers in items.
o Nemetite Focus must be a living item comfortably held in one hand, if the focus is not
visible or destroyed you cannot cast. The focus will automatically repair itself after the
encounter if destroyed.
o Spirit Focuses must be Shamanistic in nature, Leather Trinkets, Wood Carvings,
Leather Symbols etc. (See Shaman Spirits for more details)
● Level 2
o Knowledge of level 2 spirit spells, spirit recognition 2, banish spirits 2, Nemetism spell
knowledge 3 and 4 as well as the ability to use those spells enchanted in items and
activate permanent Nemetism effects enchanted within items. This includes Spirit
Powers in items.
o If the focus is destroyed, you may now spend 60s per level of magic you wish to be
able to cast to create a new focus. (Nemetite Only)
● Level 3
o Knowledge of level 3 spirit spells, spirit recognition 3, banish spirits 3, Nemetism spell
knowledge 5 as well as the ability to use those spells enchanted in items and activate
permanent Nemetism effects enchanted within items. This includes Spirit Powers in
o You no longer require a focus. (Nemetite Only)

Banish spirits: The caster performs a ritual to banish a spirit from a person, item or place. The
duration of this ritual is 60 seconds, but you must be able to recognise the spirit.

Spot Deception
This is the skill of seeing through disguises.
 Spot Deception: You may use the Spot Deception call on a person, this will spot someone in
disguise that has an equal or lower Disguise skill but it can never tell who is actually under the
 You can also combine this with a 10 second search to detect hidden items on a person.
Spot/Create Forgery
This is the skill of spotting and producing fake documents, letters, items and the like. create
 Create Forgery: You may use this skill to create Fake Documents and letters, or any item that
wouldn’t normally require the expenditure of material cost within reason (For example a
forged document with the signature of the local lord)
 Craft Forgery: You may combine this skill with any crafting skill to create a forgery of an item,
this costs half that items usual cost rounded up, but the item will be riddled with impurities
and be impossible to enchant (For example, a 2-handed sword costs 3 Iron Ore and 6 Coal to
create. Creating it as a forgery would cost 2 Iron Ore and 3 Coal.)
 The difficulty to detect a forgery is equal to your level in this skill
 Detect Forgery: Allows the use of the call Detect Forgery, this will spot a forgery that has a
level equal or to or lower than your level in this skill.
 You cannot create forgeries of consumable items

This ability gives more Stamina points
 Increases your maximum stamina by 1 point
 Increases your death count depending on your maximum stamina
o 1-6 stamina – 5 minutes
o +3o seconds for every 2 additional stamina you have over 5
o Example:
 7 Stamina – 5 minutes and 30 seconds
 9 Stamina – 6 minutes
 If your Stamina ever hits 0, you die

This skill grants the Stealth ability
 Can only be used in conjunction with No Armour, Armour Use 1, or Armour Use 2
 Level 1 – Stealth: 1/Encounter; A character who is initially out of sight of enemies can enter
stealth, which turns the character mundanely invisible
 Level 2 – When breaking Stealth, the characters first attack deals an additional level of
damage if used within 10 seconds of breaking stealth. You must have spent a minimum of 10
seconds in stealth.
 Level 3 - When breaking Stealth, the characters first attack gains the damage type
modification call ‘Through’ if used within 10 seconds of breaking stealth. You must have spent
a minimum of 10 seconds in stealth.

This skill can be added to the call of any weapon the character has skill in, and the player can
choose when to deal normal or ‘subdual’ damage
 The damage from a Subdual can only be equal to your skill with that weapon.
 Any additional weapon calls have no effect when used in conjunction with Subdual (For
example, bleed, strength, blade bite)
 Subdual can be used in conjunction with Damage Type Modification calls (For Example, Bless,
Magic, Strike Foe, Fire, Acid etc.)
 Subdual does not cause stamina damage when causing wound.
This is knowledge of the history, laws and traditions of the worship of the gods of Light, the
primary religion of Orme.
● Level 1
o Allows the knowledge of level 1 priest powers, level 1 and 2 of Zenethism magic and
knowledge of the gods as well as the ability to use those spells enchanted in items
and activate permanent Zenethism effects enchanted within items. This includes
Light Faith Powers in items.
o Zenethist focus must be a clear/white crystal/stone that can be comfortably held in
one hand. If the focus is not visible or is destroyed, then you cannot cast spells. The
focus will automatically repair itself after the encounter if destroyed.
o This also grants the ability to understand level 1 Dark Faith powers.
● Level 2
o Allows the knowledge of level 2 priest powers, level 3 and 4 Zenethism magic and a
greater knowledge of the gods and god like beings as well as well as the ability to use
those spells enchanted in items and activate permanent Zenethism effects enchanted
within items. This includes Light Faith Powers in items.
o If the focus is destroyed, you may now spend 60s per level of magic you wish to be
able to cast to create a new focus.
o This also grants the ability to understand level 2 Dark Faith powers.
● Level 3
o Allows the knowledge of level 3 priest powers, level 5 Zenethism magic and an
immaculate knowledge of the gods, god like beings and acts of divinity as well as the
ability to use those spells enchanted in items and activate permanent Zenethism
effects enchanted within items. This includes Light Faith Powers in items.
o You no longer require a focus.
o This also grants the ability to understand level 3 Dark Faith powers.

This skill allows you to manage your downtime actions more efficiently granting you extra actions
 Level 1 – Increases your maximum downtime actions to 7
 Level 2 – Increases your maximum downtime actions to 8
 Level 3 – Increases your maximum downtime actions to 9

Thrown Weapon
This skill allows the use of thrown projectiles. Your weapon must be safe for throwing.
 Level 1 – Allows the use of the Singles call on hit
 Level 2 – Allows the use of the Doubles call on hit
 Level 3 – Allows the use of the Triples call on hit
 Thrown potions scale their damage with your Thrown Weapon skill, they also automatically
o Otherwise you must use a Physically Represented potion and only takes effect on a
successful hit
This is the skill of following tracks. There is only one level of this skill. If this skill is combined with
Monster Recognition or the Lore skills, it can be used to identify what made the tracks.

Treat Ailment
This is the skill of tending to people who are suffering the effects of Ailments.
● Requires Ailment Balm to use the curing effect appropriate to the level or higher
● Ailment Balms require First Aid II and a Bandage
● Level 1 - Allows the recognition and curing of mundane diseases and poisons.
● Level 2 - Allows the recognition and curing of magical diseases and afflictions.
● Level 3 - Allows the recognition and curing of unique diseases, poisons and afflictions.

Suppress Disease/Poison: You may use treat ailment to spend 60 seconds of role-play to suppress a
disease/poison that you can recognise. Unique diseases/poisons may only be suppressed if you know
how to cure them. The suppression lasts 1 day.

Two-Handed Weapon
This skill allows the use of a two-handed weapon (up to 60 inches) in combat.
 Level 1 – Allows the use of the Singles call on hit
 Level 2 – Allows the use of the Doubles call on hit
 Level 3 – Allows the use of the Triples call on hit

This skill represents the character’s innate ability to awake from a state of slumber or
● Whenever the character’s chest wound is healed above zero hits, instead of staying
unconscious, they immediately awaken
● This also represents the user’s ability to avoid being snuck up on while asleep.
● This skill requires you to have First Aid II
● Note: You cannot fake an injury or play possum

Weapon Master.
This skill allows the various use of abilities depending on the weapon type used, this is to
represent that you have mastery of that weapon and can use it in an unorthodox way.
 You must possess skilled Doubles with the weapon to gain the Weapon Master ability for it
● Bladed – 1/Encounter Disarm: Successful strike on an opponent’s non-shield arm location
forces them to drop their held item. This is a drop effect.
● Hafted – 1/Encounter Crush: Successful strike on an opponent’s armour reduces that armour
location to zero.
● Two Handed – 1/Encounter Sunder: Successful strike on a shield with a two-handed weapon
using the 2 handed weapon skill splits the shield in two, destroying it. This is a Minor
Destruction effect
● Crossbows/Bows – 1/Encounter: You may apply the effects from a special ammunition you
possess without consuming the ammunition, as per ammunition rules this has no effect if
you miss.
● Spears/Staff – 1/Encounter Impale: Successful strike on an opponent’s leg location roots them
in place. This is a hold effect.
● Hand Weapon – Nimble Hands: Your hand weapons are immune to any effect that would
attempt to remove them from your hands forcefully.
● Thrown Weapons – May now use the damage type modification call Through
Wizard Spells
This skill is your ability to cast magical spells
 Requires Literacy
 Requires Lore Skill relevant to the type of magic you are trying to cast
 Can be purchased multiple times. When purchased you may either choose to select a new
school of magic or increase one you already know
 Requires a Maximum Channelling total equal to or greater than the level of Wizard Spells you
are trying to purchase
 These are the schools of magic followed by their required lore
o Nemetism – Spirit Lore
o Runesmithing – Rune Lore
o Zenethism – Theology
o Water Elemental Magic – Elemental Lore
o Fire Elemental Magic – Elemental Lore
o Air Elemental Magic – Elemental Lore
o Earth Elemental Magic – Elemental Lore
 You may possess multiple schools of magic at different levels (e.g. Water Elemental Magic 2
and Fire Elemental Magic 4)
 The Schools of Nemetism, Zenethism and Runesmithing are exclusive from each other but can
be alongside with Elemental magic
 Wizard Spells cannot be cast in Physically Represented armour higher than level 1
o This does not apply to magically summoned armour
o This does not apply to enhancement effects that would increase the armours
protection to be greater than 1
 Reminder:
o Nemetism Requires that you are a Wood Elf who is a Wyrm Worshipper
o Runesmithing Requires that you are a Dwarf
o Zenethism Requires that you are a Light Worshipper

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