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General Chemistry 1

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Performance Task: Chemical Reaction


NONAN, Chester
PALOS, Lorenzo D.
PANAL, John Matthew B.
OSAY, Rene


STEM 11- J

Chemical reactions are represented symbolically by chemical equations, with the formulas of the reactants
and the products separated by an arrow, and with a coefficient preceding each formula to indicate the
relative number of molecules or formula units in the reactions. The idea of atoms dates back to the time of
Democritus who first coined the term from the Greek word “atomos”- meaning indivisible. However, the idea
was not supported by scientific studies until the time of John Dalton. He proposed 5 postulates regarding
atoms. These postulates are relevant to the later developed Atomic Theories by Joseph Proust. One of the
Atomic Theories is the Law of Conservation of Mass. This is the focus of this activity.

• Observe the chemical reaction that takes place.
• To prove that mass is conserved after a chemical reaction.
• To relate the Atomic Laws with the five Postulates of John Dalton.
• Write balances equations.

A. Secret Message
• 1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice (squeezed or bottled juice)
• Cotton swab
• Coupon bond/ paper
• Flat Iron/ candle/incandescent light bulb

B. Law of Conservation of Mass

• Acetic acid solution CH3COOH (vinegar)
• Sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3 (baking soda)
• 4 balloons
• 4 empty plastic bottles (dry and clean)
• 1 funnel (optional)
• Measuring spoons (tablespoon and teaspoon)
• Weighing scale
• Paper to place the measured sodium bicarbonate

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A. Secret Message Activity Preparation
• This activity will be done by every member then compile the pictures as part of the
documentation. Prepare your camera for your photo documentation. Take a photo on every
procedure that you will be performing and include a caption in each of your photo (before,
during, after). You may also have video clip if you wish to use it for the Final Requirement.
1. On your table, prepare and label the materials that you have for the aid procedure.
2. Add about 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of lemon juice to the cup. Fresh squeezed or bottled juice will
work just fine.
3. Soak an end of the cotton swab or put the paint brush into the lemon juice. You’ll use this to write
your message.
4. Write your message dedicated to the frontliners on the plain paper. You’ll be able to see it as long
as the paper is wet so let the lemon-juice message dry completely.
5. There’s no rush to revealing the message but when it comes time to read it, there are several
methods of heat sources. NOTE: If you choose the open flame method, make sure an adult helps
out. Setting the message and/or yourself on fire are not what you want to do. Whichever method
you choose, start at the bottom of the message and work your way up since heat rises.
• Here are some options:
a. You can hold the paper over an incandescent light bulb. It may be hard to tell if the bulb
is hot enough, so you may not know whether your paper is blank or whether you just can’t
see the message yet.
b. You can “iron” your paper but don’t use the steam setting. This may be the best method.
A clean rag between the iron and the paper helps keep the iron’s hot surface clean.
c. Hold the paper over a hot burner on a stove. There will be some distortion of the paper as
it gets hot and the message appears. Watch your fingers!
6. Document and take a picture of the secret message with your parents.
B. Law of Conservation of Mass

Sample 1 2 3 4

½ tsp 1 tsp 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Mass NaHCO3

1tsp = 5 g 1tsp = 5 mL
1. Weigh the dry empty water containers individually. Record the data gathered.
2. Pour 50 ml of vinegar in each water bottle and weigh.
3. Weigh 25g of baking soda.
4. For trial 1, carefully add the measured amount of baking soda to one of the containers with vinegar.
5. Wait until reaction is complete then weigh the end product.
6. For trial 2, weigh a balloon and record.
7. Weigh another 25g of baking soda.
8. Put the baking soda inside the weighed balloon. Avoid spilling any amount.
9. Cover the mouth of a container with vinegar using the balloon with baking soda. NOTE: Do not let the
baking soda mix with the vinegar yet.
10. When the mouth of the container is fully covered, let the baking soda mix with the vinegar and wait
until the reaction is completed. Make sure the neck of the balloon stays firmly attached to the flask.
The reactions will be immediate and vigorous. The white solids will dissolve, the solutions will start to
bubble and fizz, and the balloons will become inflated.
11. Allow the reactions to proceed until the bubbling stops. Compare the size of the inflated balloons and
whether the solid has dissolved in each case.
12. Weigh the set-up.
Repeat procedures 6-11 for trials 3 and 4.
13. Take a photo of yourself showing the final result of your experiment.
14. Fill in the table in the Results and Discussions.
15. Answer the questions provided.
16. Document the procedures.

C. Disposal
All the waste solutions maybe disposed down the drain with excess water.

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Mass recorded Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4

1. Empty container
0.013g 0.013g 0.013g 0.013g
2. Container + 50 ml vinegar
0.059g 0.059g 0.059g 0.059g
3. 50 ml vinegar
0.05g 0.05g 0.05g 0.05g
4. Balloon
0g 0g 0g 0g
5. Containers + End products
0.093g 0.090g 0.089g 0.019g
6. End products only
0.059g 0.077g 0.076g 0.006g


1. Explain the result and the reaction that takes place in Procedure A.

When the lemon-juice message dried, the message wasn’t able to be seen, but when we ironed
or placed it near the heat, the message became visible and readable. And as we used the lemon
juice to write the message, the carbon-based compounds in the juice were absorbed into the
paper’s fibers. Also, since lemon juice ink is a weak acid, it softened the fibers in the paper. The
added heat caused some of the chemical bonds to break down in the dried juice and some carbon
was cut loose. When the carbon came into contact with air, it burned or oxidized. One effect of
oxidation is things turn a darker color.

2. How did the size of the inflated balloons vary when the reactions are complete?

The sizes of the inflated balloons in trial 1,2, and 3 were able to become big meanwhile the
balloon in trial 4 wasn’t able to inflate because as the reaction was taking place it slowly lost some
of the air.

3. Has the solid dissolved in each case? Explain your answer.

Some of the solid (baking soda) weren’t able to dissolve properly in every trial. The reason why
it wasn’t able to dissolve well was because of the mixture of the solid and vinegar which resulted
the creation of the carbon dioxide gas. The carbon dioxide gas was also the reason why the
balloon was inflated and it also produced a liquid substance called carbonic acid.

4. What is the balanced equation of the that took place in Procedure B?

The balanced equation of the that took place in Procedure B is the baking soda and the
vinegar which is NaC2H3O2+CO2+H2O. In this reaction we have NaHCO3 (baking soda) reacting
with an aqueous solution of HC2H3O2 (vinegar) to form NaC2H3O2 + CO2 + H2O. The bubbles
that can b see when mixing the baking soda with vinegar are the CO2 found on the product side
of the equation.

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5. What does the Law of Conservation of Mass state? In which trial/s was/were the Law of
Conservation of Mass demonstrated? How?

The Law of Conservation of Mass states that, despite chemical reactions or physical
transformations, mass is conserved — that is, it cannot be created or destroyed — within an
isolated system. In other words, in a chemical reaction, the mass of the products will always be
equal to the mass of the reactants. Trial 1 is where the Law of Conservation of Mass took place,
because the weight of trial 1 when the reaction didn’t occur yet and was same with the end
product weight.

6. In what trial/s was the Law of Conservation of Mass not observed? Why?

The trials in which the Law of Conservation of Mass was not observed was trials 2,3 and 4. It was
because the weight of the end product is different from the original mass when the reaction
didn’t occur yet and the law states that the mass of the products will always be equal to the mass
of the reactants.

7. Aside from the Law of Conservation of Mass, what are other Atomic Laws? Briefly explain

The other atomic laws beside the Law of Conservation of Mass are the Law of Definite
Proportions and the Law of Multiple Proportions. The Law of definite proportion, also called the Law
of Constant Composition, states that if a compound is broken down into its constituent elements,
the masses of the constituents will always have the same proportions, regardless of the quantity or
source of the original substance. The Law of Multiple Proportions states that if two elements form
more than one compound between them, then the ratios of the masses of the second element
which combine with a fixed mass of the first element will always be ratios of small whole numbers.
Many combinations of elements can react to form more than one compound.


In procedure A, the materials we used in doing our activity were squeezed 1 tablespoon (15ml)
of lemon juice, as ink, short coupon bond paper, cotton swab, and a heat source, which is a lighted
candle. First, we prepare the materials we will use in the given activity. Then we put the squeezed
lemon juice in a cup so that it would be easier for us to dip the cotton in, and the next thing we did
was write a message using a cotton swab dipped in lemon juice on a piece of paper. The words we
wrote are about the tribute to our frontliners who always sacrifice, which is "THANK YOU FOR YOUR
SERVICE" and "THANK YOU." "You are a true hero". When we made it pass through the heat source,
which is the lighted candle, the place where the lemon ink was present burned more quickly than
those of the parts without the lemon ink.

In conclusion to this, when we place lemon ink on a piece of paper, it softens its fibers, which
causes it to burn more rapidly than the other parts of the paper. As a result of the heat reaction with
the paper, the lemon juice released carbon; when carbon comes into contact with air, it undergoes
oxidation, resulting in a light or dark brownish color. Thus, the obscured words were uncovered.

In procedure B, we used acetic acid solution and CH3COOH to complete our assigned tasks,
(vinegar), sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), 4 balloons, 4 empty plastic bottles (dry and clean), two
measuring spoons (a tablespoon and a teaspoon), a weighing scale, and paper for scribbling the
sodium measurement were used. We were tasked with weighing acetic acid, baking soda by itself,
and the balloon. and the empty container. The first thing we did was weigh the water containers
individually. Then we poured 50 ml Then we put 25 g of baking soda in the containers and put the
balloons, When the balloon with baking soda was placed at the top of the container with vinegar, a
reaction took place. It started to inflate. After that, we went directly to questions and the table of
Mass. Recorded where we weighed from trial 1 to trial 4.
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In conclusion, when you put more baking soda into the vinegar or acetic acid, the balloon will continue
to expand and the mass will drastically increase. Nevertheless, in the chemical reaction, the single thing that
transformed your sealed system was its volume. If you add the baking soda to the vinegar, the two combined
substances will create carbon dioxide gas, which will inflate the balloon. That expounds the law of conservation
of mass. It asserts that for any system closed to all transfers matter and energy, since the system’s concretion
cannot vary, therefore the quantity cannot be added or removed, the system’s mass must remain constant
over time. Subsequently, the amount of conserved mass throughout time will most likely vanish.

With all that said and done we can say that in every chemical reaction, there is a new substance or
product that would be formed.

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1.empty bottle 2.Vinegar in the bottle

3.weighing a bottle of vinegar 4.baking soda

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6.putting the balloon with baking
5. Putting baking soda in balloon
soda in the bottle with vinegar

7. all bottles have a balloon in their mouth

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8.the baking soda inside the balloon is
poured into the bottle of vinegar So all
the balloons swelled because the baking
soda and vinegar were mixed

Trial 1

Trial 2

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Trial 3

Trial 4

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9. Final Result of the experiment


 Spangler, S. S. (n.d.). Secret message with Lemon juice. Steve Spangler Science. Retrieved October 24,
2021, from
 Modern atomic theory and the laws that led to it. (2020, August 26). LibreTexts. Retrieved October 24,
2021, from

 Balancing NaHCO3 + HC2H3O2 → NaC2H3O2 + CO2 + H2O. (2021). Breslyn.Org. Retrieved October 25,
2021, from

 The Conservation of Mass. (n.d.). ThenatureEDUCATION. Retrieved October 25, 2021, from

Source: Flinn ChemTopic™ Labs; Volume 7, Molar Relationships and Stoichiometry; Cesa, I., Editor; Flinn Scientific: Batavia,
IL (2002)

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