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NAME: Date: oct. 29, 2020

Year and Section: BSC 2-A Score

:_____________STION: Classify the following as element, compound or
homogeneous mixture or heterogeneous mixture.

1. glass of milk 6. air

2. water 7. seawater
3. helium 8. blood
4. sand and gravel 9. carbon dioxide
5. iron 10. sulfuric acid

Element Compound Homogenous Heterogeneous

mixture mixture

Helium Water Water Sand and gravel

Iron Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide Blood

Sulfuric Acid Air Sulfuric acid
Sea Water

NAME: Deni Louie P. Ballogan Date: 10/08/12

Year and Section: BSC 2-B

A.) Classify the following as element, a compound or a mixture

1. Gold- Element

2. Kerosene- Mixture

3. Silver- Element

4. sterling silver- Mixture

5. Quartz- Compound

6. Blood- Mixture

7. Ascorbic acid- Compound

8. Glucose- Compound

9. Granite- Mixture

10. saline solution- Mixture

11. manganese- Element

12. diamond- Element

C, Pb, Zn and silver are elements. Glucose, quartz and ascorbic

acid are

compounds. kerosene, granite, blood, sterling silver and saline

solutions are

B.) Identify the following as physical, chemical or nuclear changes.

1. burning of kerosene- Chemical Change

2. compression of a foam- Physical Change

3. using O2 in oxidation- Nuclear Change

4. decay of uranium -235- Nuclear Change

5. dry ice vaporization- Physical Change

6. chewing gum- Physical Change

7. tanning of leather- Physical Change

8. fermenting apple- Chemical Change

9. using antacid with stomach acid- Chemical Change

C.) Which of the following statements are true? Write true if the
statement is true and false if the statement is false on the
space provided for.
true a. New substance result from chemical and nuclear
true b.The products of chemical changes have properties
entirely different from those of the original substances
false c.In Physical changes, atoms of elements lose their

D.)Give examples of chemical changes that have to be; five each

1. Hastened

a) Analysis of human blood

b) Tools used to date ancient fossils
c) Tools used to analyze ancient materials
d) Combining of elements to produce useful products
e) Ripening of Fruits

2. Delayed or slowed down

a) Rusting of nails
b) Rotting of Fruits
c) Decaying of meat

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