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World Geography Grade 12 worksheet

Mark the following sentences true or false:

1- The Amazon rainforests are a complex ecosystem.t
2- Many unusual plants grow in the Amazon rainforests.t
3- Some of the plants that grow in the Amazon rainforests are used to fight
deadly diseases.t
4- Transpiration is the process where the plants release water vapor into
the air.t
5- Transpiration form clouds which rise in the air.t
6- In the Amazon rain forests, the warm air and moisture support the
growth of vegetation.t
7- The Amazon rainforest absorbs the greenhouse gas from the Earth’s
8- The greenhouse effect takes place when too much carbon dioxide is
released into Earth’s atmosphere which reflects heat to the Earth.t
9- Since the mid-20 century, large sections of the Amazon rainforests have
been cut.t
10- Global warming is a term used by scientists to describe the rapid
warming of the Earth because of the heavy use of fuel.t
11- The Inca civilization stretched along with the Pacific coast.t
12- The Inca empire included parts of present-day Colombia, Ecuador, Peru,
Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina.t
13- The Inca empire lasted from 1438 until the Spanish conquest in the
14- The Inca civilization built their capital in Cuzco.t
15- The Inca emperor used to be called Sapa.t
16- The emperor used to be considered the descendant of the Sun god.t
17- The Inca empire included 80 provinces.t
18- The Inca civilization’s population was 12 million people.
19- In the Inca society, people were organized according to their kinship or
blood and common land ownership.t
20- The Inca made advanced engineering skills to adapt to the mountain's
21- The Inca farmed on terraced fields.t
22- The Inca built suspension bridges so that they can cross canyons
23- Machu Picchu was built in the 1400s .t
24- Machu Picchu is a complex city on a mountain by constructing giant
walls and terraces.t
25- A weak economy and civil wars were some of the reasons that made
the weakness of the Inca.t
26- There are some Inca descendants still living in the Andes of Peru,
Ecuador, and Bolivia.t
27- Artifacts are objects that people left behind.t
28- The Nasca were people who lived 2000 years ago.t
29- Five thousand years ago, people started to settle in the lowland of the
Orinoco and the Amazon rain forests.t
30- At first, People in south America lived as nomads and as hunter-
31- As early as 3000 BC, the people of South America began to farm the
land and build cities.t
32- The Guarani are people who live in the eastern and central lowlands on
33- The Guranai people cleared the land, cut down the trees, and burnt it so
that, they can grow crops.t
34- Slash-and-burn is a technique that Guranai people used to prepare their
land for growing crops.t
35- The Tupinamba are people who settled near the mouth of the Amazon
and southward along the Atlantic coast.t
36- The Yanomami people are the people who still live throughout the
Amazon River basin.t
37- The Yanomami people are still using the slash and burn technique.t
38- Spain and Portugal signed a treaty which is called the Treaty of
Tordesillas to avoid conflicts between them.t
39- The Treaty of Tordesillas divided the land between the Spanish and the
Portuguese giving them east of the line and the Spanish the west of the
40- In 1533, Francisco Pizarro led a small army that overthrow Atahualpa,
the emperor of the Inca.t
41- Pizarro founded the city of Lima, Peru.t
42- Deadly diseases traveled and caused the wipeout of entire villages and
that was one of the reasons that ended the Inca civilization.t
43- The Spanish enslaved natives and forced them to work on plantations,
ranches, and mines which caused the death of many.t
44- The South American people were forced to convert to the Catholic
45- Alvares Cabral claimed Brazil when he went off course on his way to
46- Unlike the Spanish, the Portuguese didn’t conquer the natives quickly.t
47- Brazilwood, sugarcane, and minerals were some of the goods that were
exported to Europe from Brazil.t
48- By the mid-1500, the Portuguese and the other Europeans started to
enslave Africans.t
49- The Portuguese were able to create a monopoly of the slave trade
starting from 1556 to the 1900s.t
50- The Portuguese imported 5 million slaves from Africa.t
51- In 1822, Brazil declared independence from Portuguese rule.t
52- Simon Bolivar was born in 1783 to a wealthy family in Carcass.t
53- After the death of his parents, Simon Bolivar's uncle sent him to Europe
to receive his education.t
54- In 1810, Simon Bolivar joined the independence movement.t
55- Simon Bolivar was sent to exile in Jamaica.t

Answer the following questions:

1:How did the Argentinian rulers try to improve the life standards in South
America after gaining their independence? (PG:222-223)

2:How did the land shape of south America affect its language diversity?



3: Explain how did some native South americans manage to keep their
native languages intact after the European invasion. Name some of these
groups. (PG:216-217)

4: How did the Spanish and Portuguese economic activities affect the
native South Americans? (PG:208-209)


5: What were some of the results of the European invasion on the native
South Americans? (PG:206-207)


6: How did the treaty of Tordesillas affect the political stability in South
America? (PG:206-207)

7: Explain how did the early native Americans live? (PG:204-205)


8: Name some of the early South American tribes.Explain some of their

agricultural techniques ?.(PG:204-205)


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