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The Role of Beta-Lactamase-Producing-Bacteria in Mixed Infections I


Article  in  BMC Infectious Diseases · December 2009

DOI: 10.1186/1471-2334-9-202 · Source: PubMed


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1 author:

Itzhak Brook
Georgetown University


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Curr Infect Dis Rep (2010) 12:110–117
DOI 10.1007/s11908-010-0081-8

β-Lactamase–Producing Bacteria in Upper Respiratory

Tract Infections
Itzhak Brook

Published online: 24 February 2010

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010

Abstract β-Lactamase–producing bacteria (BLPB) can including their ability to produce the enzyme β-lactamase
play an important role in respiratory infections. They can (BL). These include aerobic and facultative bacteria such as
have a direct pathogenic impact in causing the infection as Haemophilus influenzae [1], Moraxella catarrhalis [2], as
well as an indirect effect through their ability to produce the well as anaerobic gram-negative bacilli (AGNB; eg,
enzyme β-lactamase. BLPB not only may survive penicillin Bacteroides fragilis group, pigmented Prevotella and
therapy, but as demonstrated by in vitro and in vivo studies, Porphyromonas spp) and Fusobacterium spp [3].
can also protect other penicillin-susceptible bacteria from β-Lactamase–producing bacteria (BLPB) may have an
penicillin by releasing the free enzyme into their environ- important clinical role in infections. These organisms can
ment. The clinical in vitro and in vivo evidence supporting be pathogenic in causing the infection as well as have an
the role of these organisms in the increased failure rate of indirect effect through their ability to produce the enzyme
penicillin in eradication of these infections and the BL. BLPB may not only survive penicillin therapy but also
implication of that increased rate on the management of may protect other penicillin-susceptible bacteria from
infections is discussed. penicillins by releasing the enzyme into their environment
(Fig. 1) [4].
Keywords β-lactamase . Penicillin . Anaerobic bacteria . This review highlights the importance of BLPB in upper
Haemophilus influenzae . Moraxella catarrhalis . respiratory tract infections (URTI). The clinical, in vitro,
Staphylococcus aureus and in vivo evidence supporting the role of these organisms
in the increased failure rate of penicillin in eradicating these
infections and the implication of that increased rate on the
Introduction management of various infections is discussed.

Penicillins have been the agents of choice for the therapy of

a variety of bacterial infections. However, within the past Evidence for Indirect Pathogenicity of BLPB
60 years, an increased resistance to these agents has been
noted. In addition to bacteria long known to resistant The production of the enzyme BL is an important
penicillin, such as Staphylococcus aureus and Enterobac- mechanism of indirect pathogenicity of aerobic and
teriaceae, other previously susceptible organisms became anaerobic bacteria that is especially apparent in polymicro-
increasingly resistant because of several mechanisms, bial infection. Not only are the organisms that produce the
enzyme protected from the activity of penicillins, but other
penicillin-susceptible organisms can also be shielded
I. Brook (*) (Fig. 1). This protection can happen when BL is secreted
Department of Pediatrics, into the infected tissues or abscess fluid in sufficient
Georgetown University School of Medicine,
quantities to break the penicillin’s β-lactam ring before it
4431 Albemarle Street NW,
Washington, DC 20016, USA can kill the susceptible bacteria. Clinical and laboratory
e-mail: studies are described that illustrate this phenomena.
Curr Infect Dis Rep (2010) 12:110–117 111

Resistance to β-lactam antibiotics

illustrated BL activity in empyema fluid. Most infections
were polymicrobial and involved both Klebsiella pneumo-
niae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. O’Keefe et al. [13]
found inactivation of penicillin-G in an experimental B.
β-lactam antibiotics
fragilis infection model in the rabbit peritoneum. These
studies suggest that local infection with BLPB may modify
penicillin contents of abscess fluid by enzymatic degradation.
The presence of the enzyme BL in clinical specimens
was reported by Bryant et al. [14], who studied BL activity
in samples of pus obtained from 12 patients with
polymicrobial intra-abdominal abscess or polymicrobial
empyema. Enzyme activity was noted in 4 of the 11
abscess fluids. Boughton [15], who studied cerebrospinal
specimens detected enzyme activity in all five specimens
that contained BL-producing H. influenzae. No BL was
β-lactamase– β-lactam–
detected, however, in the 33 specimens that contained non-
producing susceptible
bacteria bacteria
BL-producing H. influenzae or in the 234 sterile samples.
We investigated the presence of BLPB and BL activity in
Fig. 1 Protection of β-lactame–susceptible bacteria from these anti- 109 abscesses [16]. One hundred BLPB were recovered in 88
biotics by β-lactamase–producing bacteria (77%) specimens. These included all 28 isolates of B. fragilis
group, 18 of 30 pigmented Prevotella and Porphyromonas
In Vivo and In Vitro Studies spp, 42 of 43 S. aureus, and 11 of 14 Escherichia coli. BL
activity was detected in 40 (55%) of the purulent specimens.
Animal studies demonstrated the ability of the enzyme BL BL activity was detected in 46 of 88 (55%) ear aspirate
to influence polymicrobial infections. Hackman and specimens that contained BLPB [16]. BL activity was also
Wilkins [5] demonstrated that penicillin-resistant strains of present in ear aspirates of 30 of 38 (79%) children with
B. fragilis, pigmented Prevotella and Porphyromonas spp, chronic otitis media (OM) [17] and in 17 of 19 (89%) ear
and Prevotella oralis protected a penicillin-sensitive Fuso- aspirates of children with acute OM who failed amoxicillin
bacterium necrophorum from penicillin therapy in mice. (AMX) therapy [18].
Brook et al. [6], using a subcutaneous abscess model in mice, Brook et al. [19] determined the bacteriology and BL
showed protection of group A β-hemolytic streptococci activity in aspirates of 10 acutely and 13 chronically
(GABHS) from penicillin by B. fragilis and Prevotella inflamed maxillary sinuses. Four BLPB were isolated in
melaninogenica. Clindamycin or the combination of penicil- four specimens (40%) obtained from acutely inflamed
lin and clavulanic-acid (a BL inhibitor), which are active sinuses, and 14 BLPB were recovered from 10 chronically
against both GABHS and AGNB were effective in eradicat- inflamed sinuses (77%). The predominant BLPBs in acute
ing the infection. Similarly, BL-producing facultative bacte- sinusitis were H. influenzae, and M. catarrhalis; those in
ria protected a penicillin-susceptible P. melaninogenica from chronic sinusitis were S. aureus, Prevotella spp, Fusobac-
penicillin [7]. terium spp, and B. fragilis. BL activity was detected in 12
In vitro studies have also illustrated this phenomenon. A (three in acute and nine in chronic sinusitis) of the 14
200-fold increase in resistance of GABHS to penicillin was aspirates that contained BLPB (Table 1).
observed when it was co-inoculated with S. aureus [8]. An The recovery of penicillin-susceptible bacteria mixed
increase in resistance was also present when GABHS was with BLPB in patients who have failed to respond to
grown with Haemophilus parainfluenzae [9]. When mixed penicillin or cephalosporin therapy suggests the ability of
with cultures of B. fragilis, the resistance of GABHS to BLPB to protect a penicillin-susceptible or cephalosporin-
penicillin increased 8500-fold [10]. susceptible organism from the activity of those drugs.
The isolation of BLPB in the oropharynx of patients with
β-Lactamase in Clinical Infections URTI has been noted to be increasing in recent years [20].
These organisms are S. aureus, H. influenzae, M. catarrhalis,
Several studies demonstrate the activity of the enzyme BL in and AGNB. The emergence of BLPB was shown to be
polymicrobial infections. De Louvois and Hurley [11] associated with the administration of penicillin therapy.
observed degradation of penicillin, ampicillin, and cephalor- We investigated the monthly changes in the rate of
idine by purulent exudates obtained from 4 of 22 patients recovery of aerobic and anaerobic penicillin-resistant bacteria
with abscesses. Studies by Masuda and Tomioka [12] in the oropharynx of children [20]. Each month over a period
112 Curr Infect Dis Rep (2010) 12:110–117

Table 1 Isolates recovered in four sample patients with chronic resistance of oral pathogens, however, has limited the use
sinusitis, their ability to produce β-lactamase, and the detection of β-
of this drug [24, 25].
lactamase in sinusitis aspirates
The frequently reported inability of penicillin to eradi-
Organism Patient no. cate GABHS is of concern. A clinical study [26] demon-
strated the persistence of GABHS in the pharynx despite
1 2 3 4
treatment with intramuscular penicillin in 21% of the
Staphylococcus aureus (BL +) – + – + patients after the first course of therapy and in 83% of
Streptococcus pneumoniae + – – – patients that were retreated. Two randomized, single-blind,
Peptostreptococcus spp + – – + multicenter antibiotic efficacy trials in children illustrated
Propionibacterium acnes + – – – that the recommended doses of either oral penicillin-V or
Fusobacterium spp (BL +) – + – + intramuscular penicillin failed to eradicate GABHS in
Fusobacterium spp (BL -) – + – + acute-onset pharyngitis in 35% patients treated with oral
Prevotella spp (BL +) – – + – penicillin V and 37% of intramuscular penicillin [27].
Prevotella spp (BL -) + + + –
Various theories have attempted to explain this penicillin
Bacteroides fragilis group (BL +) + – – +
failure. One explanation is that repeated penicillin admin-
β-lactamase activity (BL +) + + + +
istration results in a shift in the oral microflora with
selection of BL-producing strains of Haemophilus spp, S.
BL -, organism does not produce β-lactamase; BL +, organism aureus, M. catarrhalis, and AGNB [8, 9, 21, 22, 28, 29]. It
produces β-lactamase is possible that these BLPB can protect GABHS from
(Data from Brook et al. [19]) penicillin by inactivation of the antibiotic.
Clinical evidence supporting the ability of a BLPB to
of a year, the first 30 children who presented with URTI protect a penicillin-susceptible pathogen was first reported
were studied. The highest number of aerobic and anaerobic in 1963 [8]. Knudsin and Miller [30] observed a signifi-
BLPB and number of patients with BLPB was noted in April cantly higher carrier rate of penicillin-resistant S. aureus in
(60% of patients) and the lowest was in September (13%). A patients with penicillin treatment failure than in those with
gradual increase of BLPB and penicillin-resistant Strepto- treatment success. In contrast, Quie et al. [31], who did not
coccus pneumoniae occurred from September to April, and a use methods for detection of anaerobic BLPB, found no
slow decline took place from April to August. These changes such correlation. Clinical studies suggested that H. para-
correlated directly with the intake of β-lactam antibiotics. influenzae [9] and M. catarrhalis [32] may also have a role
The study was repeated over the following year with similar in penicillin failure.
results. The crowding that is more common in the winter The role of anaerobic BLPB in persistence of GABHS in
might have also contributed to the spread of BLPB. tonsils was suggested by Brook et al. [33-35], who studied
Monitoring the local seasonal variation in the rate of BLPB core tonsillar cultures of 50 children suffering from
may be helpful in the empiric choice of antimicrobials. recurrent tonsillitis. One or two strains of aerobic and/or
Judicious use of antimicrobials may control the increase of anaerobic BLPB were recovered in 74% of the tonsils. The
BLPB. anaerobic BLPB included strains of B. fragilis group,
pigmented Prevotella and Porphyromonas spp and P.
Clinical Studies oralis, whereas the aerobic bacteria were S. aureus,
Haemophilus spp, and M. catarrhalis. These observations
The selection of BLPB following antimicrobial therapy may were confirmed by Reilly et al. [36], Chagollan et al. [37],
account for many of the clinical failures that occur after and Tuner and Nord [38]. Assays of the free enzyme in the
penicillin administration. A report described five adults with tissues demonstrated its presence in 33 of 39 (85%) tonsils
clinical failures after penicillin therapy associated with the that harbored BLPB, whereas the enzyme was absent in the
isolation of anaerobic BLPB [21]. In a study of 185 children 11 tonsils without BLPB [35].
with orofacial and respiratory infections who failed to respond Tuner and Nord [39] and Brook and Gober [40]
to penicillin, BLPB were recovered in 75 (40%) [22]. The demonstrated the rapid emergence of BLPB following
predominant BLPB were S. aureus, pigmented Prevotella and penicillin therapy. Tuner and Nord [39] studied the emer-
Porphyromonas spp, B. fragilis group, and P. oralis. gence of BLPB in the oropharynx of 10 healthy volunteers
The URTI in which the phenomenon of indirect treated with penicillin for 10 days. A significant increase was
pathogenicity was most thoroughly studied is recurrent observed in the number of BL-producing strains of Bacter-
tonsillitis due to GABHS [23••]. Penicillin was considered oides spp, Fusobacterium nucleatum, and S. aureus. BL
the drug of choice for the therapy of most URTI because of activity in saliva increased significantly in parallel to the
the susceptibility of most oral pathogens. The growing increase of BLPB.
Curr Infect Dis Rep (2010) 12:110–117 113

Brook and Gober [40] isolated BLPB in the nasopharynx An association has been noted between the presence of
of 3 of 21 (14%) children prior to penicillin therapy, and in BLPB even prior to therapy of acute GABHS tonsillitis and
10 of 21 (48%) following one course of penicillin (Table 2). the outcome of 10-day oral penicillin therapy [43]. Of 98
In a study of 26 children who received therapy with children, 36 failed to respond to therapy (Table 3). Prior to
penicillin for 7 days, 11% harbored BLPB in their therapy, 18 isolates of BLPB were detected in 16 (26%) of
oropharyngeal flora prior to therapy [41]. This increased those cured; after therapy, 30 such organisms were
to 45% at the conclusion of therapy, and 3 months later the recovered in 19 (31%) of these children. In contrast, prior
incidence was 27%. These organisms were also isolated to therapy, 40 BLPB were recovered from 25 (69%) of the
from household contacts of children repeatedly treated with children who failed, and after therapy, 62 such organisms
penicillin, suggesting their possible transfer within a family. were found in 31 (86%) of the children in that group.
These data suggest that emergence of BLPB occurs rapidly A correlation was also noted between the rate of recovery
in the upper respiratory tract following penicillin therapy of BLPB in healthy children and the rate of AMX failure to
and can spread within the household. eradicate GABHS tonsillitis [44]. AMX failure rate varied
Certain groups of children are at greater risk for over the year of the study; it was high between October and
developing penicillin-resistant flora. Administration of May (22% to 32%), with the exception of April (11%), and
AMX chemoprophylaxis is sometimes used for the preven- low between June and September (8% to 12%). BLPB were
tion of recurrent OM. Although AMX prophylaxis has been recovered from 226 of 663 (34%) well children. The rate
shown to prevent ear infections in susceptible patients, was also high between October and May (40%–52%), with
patients receiving the drug are at risk for developing BLPB the exception of April (23%), and the lowest between June
in the nasopharynx. and September (10%–12%). Prior to their treatment, BLPB
A study investigated the effect of AMX chemoprophylaxis were recovered from 26 of the 48 (54%) children who
on the recovery rate of penicillin-resistant nasopharyngeal eventually failed AMX therapy, and from 28 of the 180
aerobic and anaerobic isolates over a 9-month period [42]. (16%) who did not fail (P<0.001). A high failure rate of
The rate of recovery of BLPB in the oropharynx of 20 penicillins in eradication of GABHS in pharyngotonsillitis
children who received AMX or sulfisoxazole chemoprophy- can therefore serve as sensitive indicator for a high
laxis for 4 to 6 months for OM was investigated monthly. prevalence rate of BLPB in the community.
The major BLPB were H. influenzae, M. catarrhalis, S. Roos et al. [45] showed that high levels of BL in saliva
aureus, and AGNB. The recovery rate of all BLPB as well as may reflect colonization with many BLPB. These investiga-
penicillin-resistant S. pneumoniae increased in the children tors demonstrated that patients with recurrent GABHS
after initiation of AMX chemoprophylaxis. Prior to therapy, tonsillitis had detectable amounts of BL in their saliva
six isolates of BLPB were recovered from four (20%) compared to patients with uncomplicated courses of tonsillitis.
children. The number of BLPB increased gradually until all Previous antimicrobial therapy can select for resistant
patients were colonized 5 months into their prophylaxis. Four bacterial strains including BLPB that could persist in the
to 6 months following discontinuation of prophylaxis, the nasopharynx to re-emerge in new infection. We evaluated
number of BLPB declined to colonize only three (15%) the antimicrobial susceptibility of the pathogens isolated
children. No change occurred in the recovery of BLPB in from the middle ear of 22 children with OM and from sinus
those receiving sulfisoxazole. These data illustrate the shift in aspirates of 20 adults with maxillary sinusitis who failed to
oropharyngeal flora toward penicillin resistance during AMX respond to antimicrobial therapy, and correlate it with
chemoprophylaxis. previous therapy [46]. Resistance to the antimicrobial

Table 2 β-Lactamase–producing isolates recovered from the nasopharynx of children before and after treatment with penicillin and from
untreated (control) patients

Organisms Group 1 Group 2

Isolates recovered in 21 penicillin-treated children Isolates recovered in 18 nontreated children

Before therapy After therapy Baseline Follow-up

Gram-negative anaerobic bacteria 23 (0) 26 (8) 23 (8) 20 (0)

Staphylococcus aureus 2 (2) 4 (3) 1 (1) 2 (1)
Total children 3 (14%) 10 (48%) 2 (11%) 1 (6%)

(Data from Brook and Gober [40])

114 Curr Infect Dis Rep (2010) 12:110–117

Table 3 β-Lactamase–producing organisms isolated from tonsillar cultures of 98 children with GABHS tonsillitis before and after penicillin

Prior to penicillin therapy Following 10 days of penicillin therapy

Group Aa Group Bb Group Aa Group Bb

(62 patients) (36 patients) (62 patients) (36 patients)

Aerobic and facultative 6 20 11 30

Anaerobic 12 20 19 32
Total 18 40 30 62
Group A—Children who responded to penicillin therapy, and GABHS was eradicated
Group B—Children who did not respond to penicillin therapy, and GABHS persisted in tonsils
GABHS—group A β-hemolytic streptococci
(Data from Brook [43])

agents used was found in 23 of the 47 (49%) isolates that GABHS was eradicated in 14 of 20 (70%) patients treated
were found in 20 (48%) of the patients. These included 10 with penicillin, and in all those treated with AMX-C (P<
of 15 (67%) isolates of S. pneumoniae, 4 of 14 (29%) H. 0.001). In a 1-year follow-up, 11 of 19 patients treated with
influenzae, 4 of 7 (57%) S. aureus, and 5 of 6 (83%) M. penicillin and 2 of 18 patients treated with AMX-C had
catarrhalis. A statistically significant higher recovery of recurrent GABHS tonsillitis (P<0.005). The addition of
resistant organisms was noted in those treated 2 to 6 months clavulanate, a BL inhibitor that blocks the enzyme, enables
previously, and in those with sinusitis who smoked. AMX to eradicate the BLPB.
The data presented illustrate the increasing role of BLPB In a double-blind study, Brook and Hirokawa [55]
in mixed infections. The data also demonstrate the rapidity compared penicillin with erythromycin and clindamycin
with which BLPB can appear in patients and spread to other (Table 4). Penicillin therapy resulted in only 2 cures of 15,
household members. erythromycin in 6 of 15, and clindamycin in 14 of 15. Four
patients who received penicillin and two who received
erythromycin required a tonsillectomy. No tonsillectomies
Therapeutic Implications of Indirect Pathogenicity were required in the clindamycin group.
BLPB colonize more than 83% of the adenoids in
The presence of BLPB in mixed infection warrants children with chronic adenotonsillitis [62]. The presence of
administration of drugs that will be effective in eradicating BLPB within the adenoids core may explain the persistence
BLPB as well as the other pathogens. The high failure rate of many pathogens, including S. pneumoniae, where they
of penicillin therapy associated with the recovery of BLPB may be shielded from the activity of penicillins. The effect
in a growing number of cases of mixed aerobic-anaerobic on the adenoid bacterial flora of 10-day therapy with AMX,
infections highlights the importance of this therapeutic AMX-C [63], or clindamycin [64] prior to adenoidectomy
approach [21, 22]. for recurrent OM was studied. The total number of isolates
This therapeutic approach has been successful in and bacteria per gram of tissue were lower in those treated
recurrent tonsillitis [26, 47-63]. Antimicrobials active with any of the antibiotics. However, the number of
against BLPB as well as GABHS were more effective than potential pathogens and BLPB was lower in those treated
penicillin in the eradication of this infection. Smith et al.
[26] illustrated the superiority of dicloxacillin therapy (50%
success rate) compared with penicillin (17% success rate) in Table 4 Double-blind antibiotic comparison study treating patients
eradicating recurrent GABHS tonsillitis. Several studies with recurrent GABHS tonsillitis (45 patients)
demonstrated the efficacy of lincomycin [47-50] and
Antibiotic Clinical cures Tonsillectomies
clindamycin [51-56, 61], the combination of penicillin plus
rifampin over penicillin alone [57, 58], and clindamycin Penicillin 2/15 4/15
over penicillin plus rifampin [59]. The superiority of these Erythromycin 6/15 2/15
drugs compared with penicillin results from their efficacy Clindamycin 14/15 0/15
against GABHS as well as AGNB and S. aureus.
Amoxicillin-clavulanate (AMX-C) was also found to be GABHS—group A β-hemolytic streptococci
superior to penicillin in therapy of recurrent tonsillitis [60]. (Data from Brook and Hirokawa [55])
Curr Infect Dis Rep (2010) 12:110–117 115

with AMX–C and clindamycin compared with AMC and clinical and microbiologic response (P<0.05), compared
controls (P<0.001). with 7 of 14 (50%) who received ceftriaxone. In those who
A similar study evaluated the effects of AMX-C or had tracheostomy-associated pneumonia, 5 of 6 (83%) who
AMX therapy on the nasopharyngeal flora of children with received ticarcillin-clavulanate and all 7 (100%) who received
acute OM [65]. Nasopharyngeal cultures were obtained clindamycin with or without ceftazidime responded to therapy
before therapy and 2 to 4 days after completing antimicro- (P<0.05), as opposed to 4 of 10 (40%) who were treated
bial therapy in 25 patients treated with either antibiotic. with ceftriaxone. The duration of fever was longer in those
After therapy, 16 (64%) of the patients treated with AMX who received ceftriaxone.
and 23 (92%) treated with AMX-C were considered The above studies illustrate that the successful manage-
clinically cured. Polymicrobial aerobic-anaerobic flora was ment of polymicrobial infections is enhanced by directing
present in all instances. A significant reduction in the antimicrobial therapy at the eradication of both aerobic and
number of aerobic and anaerobic isolates occurred after anaerobic BLPB. This approach is also useful in manage-
therapy in those treated with AMX (177 isolates vs 133, P< ment of infections such as tonsillitis where BLPB are part
0.005) and AMX-C (172 isolates vs 60, P < 0.001). of the normal flora at the infection site.
However, the number of all isolates recovered after therapy In infections that involve aerobic or facultative gram-
in those treated with AMX-C was significantly lower (60 negative organisms, some of which can produce BL, therapy
isolates) than in those treated with AMX (133, P<0.001). should also be directed against these bacteria. This can be
The recovery of aerobic pathogens (eg, S. pneumoniae, S. achieved by the addition of agents such as an aminoglycoside,
aureus, GABHS, Haemophilus spp, and M. catarrhalis) a quinolone, or a third-generation cephalosporin, or by the
and penicillin-resistant bacteria after therapy was lower in administration of agents with a wide spectrum of activity, such
the AMX-C group than in the AMX group (P<0.005). This as a carbapenem or the combination of penicillin and a BL
study illustrates the greater ability of AMX-C, compared inhibitor (ie, ticarcillin plus clavulanate, piperacillin plus
with AMX, to reduce the number of potential nasopharyn- tazobactam, or ampicillin plus sulbactam).
geal pathogens and penicillin-resistant bacteria in children A study of core and surface tonsillar cultures from 44
with acute OM. children who had tonsillectomy because of recurrent GABHS
The superiority of AMX-C and clindamycin over AMX tonsillitis found seven (16%) isolates of methicillin-resistant
in eradicating penicillin susceptible pathogens such as S. S. aureus (MRSA) in the cores and two in the surface [69].
pneumoniae and GABHS may be because of their activity Five of the core isolates and the two surface isolates were
against aerobic and anaerobic BLPB. The elimination of also BLPB. Because most of the MRSA (5 of 7) were also
both potential pathogenic and nonpathogenic BLPB may be BL producers, their presence could potentially interfere with
beneficial, because these organisms might “shield” the eradication of GABHS by penicillin [4]. MRSA that is
penicillin-susceptible pathogens from penicillins. This also able to produce BL can survive treatment with β-lactam
phenomenon might explain the survival of penicillin- antibiotics and continue to shield GABHS from penicillins
susceptible bacteria (eg, S. pneumoniae) in children treated through the production of the enzyme BL.
with AMX. The emergence of MRSA in tonsillar [69] and other
Supportive data were also generated from lower respira- respiratory infections [70] may contribute to the difficulty
tory tract infections. Two studies compared the efficacy of in eradicating GABHS as well as other non-BLPB
clindamycin to penicillin in the therapy of lung abscesses pathogens with penicillins and other antimicrobials that
[66, 67]. Clindamycin was superior to penicillin in treating are ineffective against this organism.
the infection. The superiority of clindamycin over penicillin
was postulated to be the result of its ability to eradicate the
BL-producing, AGNB present in lung abscesses. Conclusions
A retrospective study illustrates the superiority of
antimicrobials effective against BL-producing AGNB com- Further studies are needed to explore and ascertain the
pared with an antibiotic without such coverage in the efficacy of therapeutic modalities targeting polymicrobial
therapy of aspiration or tracheostomy-associated pneumo- infections involving BLPB. These include obstetric and
nia in 57 children [68]. The antimicrobials used were either gynecologic, skin and soft tissue, and bone and joint
ticarcillin-clavulanate or clindamycin, which are effective infections. Newer antibiotics, such as carbapenems and
against penicillin-resistant anaerobes, or ceftriaxone, which the newer quinolones, should also be evaluated in these
is less effective against these organisms. In those with conditions.
aspiration pneumonia, 8 of 9 (89%) patients who received
ticarcillin-clavulanate and 10 of 11 (91%) who received Disclosure No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article
clindamycin with or without ceftazidime had a satisfactory was reported.
116 Curr Infect Dis Rep (2010) 12:110–117

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