1.1 Intro To Physics - What Is A Force

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LESSON 1.1.What is Force?

Welcome to the World of Physics! Teacher:

At the end of the session, you are expected to:

1. express your understanding of what Physics is and its basic branches;

2. explain forces and their effects on objects;

3. enumerate the fundamental forces of nature and explain how they govern the
events in the environment
Do you have any idea of what Physics is all about?

Physics looks at
how things happen;
The reason things happen;
And explains it!
No other science does this!
Physics asks HOW???
Let’s have a glimpse into
The world of Physics…
Take-aways from the video…..

Physics is the study of the physical

including motion, energy, light,
electricity, magnetism, sound etc.
 The most basic science. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

 The foundation of other sciences.

 The study of the behavior, properties and
interaction between matter and energy
Branches of Physics
 Mechanics
 Statics, Dynamics (forces)

 Kinematics (motion)

 Thermodynamics (Heat)
 Magnetism
 Electricity
 Waves
 Optics (geometric optics)
 Nuclear Physics (Modern Physics)

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

LESSON 1: What is a Force?

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC

Types of Forces
● Contact Force – Forces that act
through direct contact between two

○ Applied Forces, Friction

What is a Force?
● A force is a push or pull acting ● Long Range Forces – Forces that can
on an object that changes the act over distances
motion of the object.
○ Gravity, Electromagnetic Force
Can we see Can we observe
forces? forces?

Change the size

 Speed up
Start objects to
move  Slow down

Change the shape  Change the

Stop a moving
Are you familiar with the…
Force of Gravity?

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

Four Fundamental Forces in Nature

These forces govern

the events that take
place in the

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA pt.slideshare.net

Take-aways from the video…

Four Fundamental Forces of Nature

● Gravity – Force of attraction between ● Electromagnetic Force (EMF) – force between
any two masses. Weakest of the charged particles. Stronger than gravity but
fundamental forces but acts over the does not reach as far. (Like charges repel,
largest distances. opposite charges attract); responsible for the
adhesion, cohesion and capillarity of some
● Weak Nuclear Force – is the force
observed in the radioactive decay of ● Strong Nuclear Force – Force of attraction
some elements between subatomic particles inside the nucleus.
Strongest force in Nature but only acts inside
the nucleus (shortest distance). Holds the atom
1. Physics is the study of the behavior, properties and interaction
between matter and energy. It is the most basic science and the
foundation of other sciences.
 Its branches are Mechanics, Electricity, Magnetism, Waves,

(Heat)Thermodynamics, Optics & Modern Physics

2. Forces refer to the measurement of a push and a pull.

- Change the size of objects - Change the shape
- Start objects to move - speed up or slow down an object
- Stop a moving object - change the direction of objects
3. The four fundamental forces in nature are:

a. strong nuclear force

b. weak nuclear force
c. electromagnetic force
d. gravitational force

These forces govern the events that take place in the environment.
Check your understanding:
1. Which of the following is the 2. When one studies Physics,
most basic and fundamental of which of the following usually
all sciences? is/are concerned?

A. Biology A. energy
B. Chemistry B. reactions of matter
C. Physics C. Living and non living things
D. Geology D. matter and energy
Check your understanding:
3. Which is TRUE about forces? 4. Which of the following
explains the adhesion, cohesion
A. can change the motion of the and capillarity of some matter?
B. can the size of objects A. gravity
C. can change the direction of an B. strong nuclear forces
object C. electromagnetic force
D. all of the above D. Weak force
Check your understanding:
5. Which is the weakest among 6. Among the following physical
these fundamental forces? quantities, which do you think
affects the state of motion of
A. gravity an object?
B. strong nuclear forces
C. electromagnetic force A. direction
D. Weak force B. force
C. magnetism
D. speed
Check your understanding:
7. Which DOES NOT belong in the

A. electromagnetism
B. physical chemistry
C. Mechanics
D. thermodynamics
1. Go to your Bb collab CC – Supplementary Materials Folder
watch the supplementary videos about Physics & Force & motion

2. Read & Study lesson on Motion - pp.7-16; p.23

Lesson 1.2-1.3: How is Motion Described?,
How Can Technology Ensure Safety and Security?
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