Unit 3-Part 2 - Engineering Materials

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Unit 03-Part 2 

: Engineering materials


EXERCISE A Describing dimensions

- The steel rod is 12 meters in length.
- The steel rod length is 12 meters.
- The steel rod has 12m in length.
- The length of the steel rod is 12m.
- The steel plate’s base is 4 meters.
- The steel plate’s height on the left side is 3 meters.
- The steel plate’s height on the right side is 1 meter.
- It weighs 20 kg.
- The weight is 20 kg.
- Its weight is 20 kg.
- It is 20 kg in weight.
- The electricity pylon is 25 m in height.
- The height of the electricity pylon is 25 meters.
- 25 meters is the height of the electricity pylon.
- The oil tank is 1.5 meter in height, 3 meters in length and 2 meters in width.
- The dimensions of the oil tank are 3 meters in length ,1.5 meter in height, and 2 meters in
- The oil occupies 1 meter in height of the oil tank height.
- The brick is 3 kg in weight.
- The weight of the brick is 3 kg.
- 3 kg is the weight of the brick.
- The beam’s height is 40 cm and its width is 12 cm.
- The beam is 40 cm in height and 12 cm in width.
- The concrete block is 100 mm in height, 150 mm in length and 500mm in width.
- The dimensions of the concrete block are 500mm in width, 100 mm in height, and 150
mm in length.

- The steel plate is 10 mm in height and 200 mm in length.
- The length of the steel plate is 200 mm and its height is 10mm.
- The pipe’s inner diameter is 25 mm and the outer diameter is 30 mm.
- The pipes diameters are 25mm and 30mm.
- The inner diameter of the pipe is 25 mm and the outer diameter is 30mm.
- The casting is 30g in weight.
- The crowbar is 1.7 meter in length.
- The crowbar has 1.7 meter in length.
- The length of the crowbar is 1.7 meter.


STAGE 1 Sentence building

1) There are two types of plastics: thermoplastics are plastics and thermosets are plastics.
2) Thermoplastics will soften when heated and thermoplastics will harden when cooled.
Whereas thermosets set on heating and thermosets will not remelt.
3) Plastics are used to make a great variety of products. From plastics used to make textiles
to plastics used to make engineering components.
4) Plastics are available in many forms such as sheets, tubes; rods, molding powders, and
5) Various methods are used to convert raw plastics into finished products.
6) Compression molding is a common method used to shape thermosets.
7) The equipment consists of a press with two heated platens, which carry an upper and
lower mold.
8) The molding powder is placed in the lower mold, then the upper mold is pressed down on
the lower mold.
9) The pressure and the heat change the powder to become liquid plastic which fills the space
between the molds.
10) When the chemical changes have taken places, the mold is opened and the molding is
11) Plastic bowls are made by the compression molding method.

STAGE 2 Paragraph building

Paragraph 1 : Plastics proprieties and uses.

Plastics are used widely in engineering because they are cheap and have a resistance to
atmospheric corrosion, however they are not particularly strong. There are two types of
plastics: thermoplastics and thermosets. Thermoplastics will soften when heated and will
harden when cooled, whereas thermosets set on heating will not remelt. Plastics are used to
make a great variety of product as textile and engineering components. Plastics are available
in many forms such as: sheets, tubes, rods, molding powders and resins.

Paragraph 2 : Molding plastics.

Various methods are used to convert raw plastics into finished products. Compression
molding is a common method used for shaping thermosets. It consists of a press which has
two heated platens. The two heated platens carry an upper and a lower mold. The molding
power is placed in the lower mold then the upper mold is pressed down on the lower mold.
The pressure and the heat change the powder to become liquid plastic which fills the space
between the molds.


- Corrosion attacks all engineering materials especially metals.

- Corrosion is every chemical action which harms the materials.
- Corrosion reduces the life time of materials.
- Painting metals regularly protects it from rust.
- Metals containing from 12 - 35% chromium have resistance to corrosion.
- Alloys made from copper and nickel are also have resistance to corrosion.
- Monel metals containing nickel and copper are resistant to fresh and salt water.
- Monel metals are used for marine engines parts and other parts that are in contact with the
sea water.
- Cupronickels have a smaller proportion of nickel than Monel metals.
- Cupronickels are used to make tubes.
- Corrosion occurs when two different metals touch each other in the presence of moisture.
- No material can be completely corrosion-resistant.

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