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Chapter 12
Frequency Response
12.1 Transfer Function

The frequency response of a circuit is the variation in its behavior with

change in signal frequency

The frequency response of a circuit may also be considered as the

variation of the gain(magnitude) and phase with frequency.

The transfer function ! " (also called the network function) is a useful
analytical tool for finding the frequency response of a circuit. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 215

12.1 Transfer Function
Transfer Function ! "

The transfer function ! " of a circuit is the frequency-dependent

Ratio of a phasor output # " (an element voltage or current) to a phasor
Input $ " (source voltage or current).

# "
! " = = ! " ∠'
$ "

()*+, - ./012)3 45-+6*67, ! " 9-: - 0-,+*65;) ! " -+; - 19-:) ' Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 216

12.1 Transfer Function

Subscript ! and " denote input and output values. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 217

! Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 218

12.2 Bode Plots
Since Bode Plots are based on logarithms, it is important that we keep
the following properties of logarithms in mind.

Why to introduce Bode Plots?

When obtaining the frequency response, the frequency range is often

so wide that it is inconvenient to use a linear scale for the frequency axis.

We want to find another way (semilogarithmic plots) to locate the important

features of the magnitude and phase plots of the transfer function.

The magnitude in decibels is plotted against the logarithm of the frequency.

The phase in degrees is plotted against the logarithm of the frequency. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 219
12.2 Bode Plots
! " = ! " ∠% !&' = ()*+,-) ! "

.*+/0: ()&'/&034&0

.*+/0: −()&'/&034&0 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 220

12.2 Bode Plots
! " = ! " ∠% !&' = ()*+,-) ! "

Summary of Bode plots for every single factor Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 221

12.2 Bode Plots
! " = ! " ∠% !&' = ()*+,-) ! "

Steps to plot Bode plots of transfer function ! " :

Ø Dividing out the poles and zeros in ! " , represent ! " by
different factors:
a pole (/")1- +2 342+ /"
" "
A simple pole -/ - + / 7 or zero -/ - + / 3
- -

A constant K
Ø Rewrite ! " in terms of factors
Ø Record the corner frequencies based on each factors
Ø Sketch the factors one by one in ! "
Ø Combine additively the graphs of the factors Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 222

12.2 Bode Plots
Obtain the !"# and $ of ! % . Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 223

12.2 Bode Plots

!"#$%: −()° /,%-.,% Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 224

12.3 Series Resonance
Input impedance: Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 225

12.3 Series Resonance Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 226

12.3 Series Resonance
Ø The highest power occurs at resonance:

Ø When the power equals to half of the maximum value

!" #$% !& #'( )#**(% +,( ,#*- − /01(' -'(23($)4(5

Ø Bandwidth 67

67 = !& − !" Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 227

12.3 Series Resonance
Ø quality factor !

#$ #% &' $ )
!= = = =
# # ( &' %(

( &'
*+ = =
$ ! Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 228 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 229
12.4 Parallel Resonance Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 230

12.4 Parallel Resonance Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 231

12.5 Passive Filters
A filter is a circuit that is designed to pass signals with desired
frequencies and reject others. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 232

12.5 Passive Filters
Lowpass Filter

! " =$ ! ∞ ="

! &'

&' ()*&* +, -./ .+01 − 3)&/4 14/56/*'7

8, '+00/9 '6-)11 14/56/*'7 ./4/.

The lowpass filter is designed to pass only

frequencies from dc up to the cutoff frequency &' Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 233

12.5 Passive Filters
Highpass Filter

! " =" ! ∞ =%

&' () *+, '-*.// /0,1-,2'3 .

The highpass filter is designed to pass all

frequencies above its cutoff frequency &' Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 234

12.5 Passive Filters
Bandpass Filter

! " =" ! ∞ ="

%" &' ()* +*,(*- .-*/0*,+1 .

The bandpass filter is designed to pass all

frequencies within a band of frequencies,
%3 < %" < %5 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 235

12.5 Passive Filters
Bandstop Filter

! " =$ ! ∞ =$

&" '( )*+ ,+-)+. /.+01+-,2 .

The bandstop filter is designed to stop or

eliminate all frequencies within a band of
frequencies, &$ < &" < &5 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 236

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