Methods of Analysis in Resistive Circuit: School of Electrical Information

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School of Electrical Information

Methods of Analysis in
Resistive Circuit
3.1 Introduction
Ø What we have learned?
Ohm’s Law
Kirchhoff’s Law
Ø What we will learn?
Three powerful techniques for circuit analysis:
branch analysis
mesh analysis
nodal analysis
Ø How about the solving process?
① Analyze any linear circuit by obtaining a set of
② Solve equations to obtain the required value of
voltage and current Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 52
3.1 Independent Equations
Ø Reviewing …
basic concepts in network: node, branch, loop
independent loops result in independent set of equations
A network with b branches, n nodes, and ! independent
loops will satisfy:

Ø How to obtain b, n, ! ?
ü n
ü A simple way to determine !

! = ()* %+,"*- ./ ,*0)12

ü b Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 53

3.1 Independent Equations
Ø Independent equations
• The number of KCLs


• The number of KVLs

$ = & − (! − #)

b independent equations totally when applying KCL and KVL Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 54

3.2 Branch Analysis
Ø When applying KCL…
• Variable: branch current
• Number of variables: b
• Number of Independent equations: n-1
Ø When applying KVL…

• Variable: branch voltage

• Number of variables: b
• Number of Independent equations: b-(n-1)

Ø When applying Ohm’s Law…

• Number of equations: b

2b variables in 2b independent equations 2b Analysis Method Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 55

3.2 Branch Analysis
Ø What are the variables in branch analysis?
a number of b branch currents

Ø Steps to obtain b independent equations using

branch analysis:
① Assign reference direction to every branch current

② Apply KCL to obtain ($ − &) independent equations

③ Apply KVL while considering Ohm’s Law to obtain ) −

($ − &) independent equations

b variables in b independent equations Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 56

3.2 Branch Analysis
Example: calculate all the branch current in fig. (a). Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 57

3.3 Mesh Analysis
Ø What is a mesh?

A loop that does not contain any other loop within it

Ø Steps to determine mesh currents:

① Assign mesh currents "# , "% ⋯ "' to the n meshes.
② Apply KVL to each of the n meshes. Use Ohm’s law
to express the voltages in terms of the mesh
③ Solve the resulting n simultaneous equations to get
the mesh currents. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 58

3.3 Mesh Analysis

For mesh 1, applying KVL gives

For mesh 2, applying KVL gives Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 59

3.3 Mesh Analysis
Example Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 60

3.3 Mesh Analysis
Example: Us1 = 50V, Us3 = 20V, Is1 = 1A, find all mesh currents.

Assume current source‘s voltage is U

Need to find additional equation to make

the number of variables equals to the
Number of simultaneous equations:

Applying KCL gives: Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 61

3.3 Mesh Analysis
Ø Shortcut to establish mesh current equations:

For !"# $%&'$ : Add all meshn which have

common branch with meshm

(∑ *),$ − ∑((∑ *)," ) = ∑ U0123!4% &1567% + ∑ U7566%"3 &1567%

Sum of voltages
for all voltage Have no resistor
Sum of resistances sources along in parallel
along the meshm meshm ,voltage
rise is positive.

Sum of resistances Sum of voltages for

on the shared all no companion
branch with meshn current sources along
meshm , voltage rise
is positive. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 62
3.3 Mesh Analysis

Using mesh analysis to find !"

Answers: -5 A Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 63

3.3 Mesh Analysis
Example 1:
Write mesh current equations
for Fig.3.22.

Example 2:

Write mesh current equations

for Fig.3.23, and find !" and !# .

!" = −&. #(, !# = #. *(

Remove 2Ω first. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 64

3.3 Mesh Analysis

Use mesh analysis to determine

!" , !# , !$ in Fig.3.25.

!" = $. '('), !# = +. '($(), !$ = ". "+,#)

Remove 1Ω first. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 65

3.4 Nodal Analysis
Ø Steps to determine node voltage:
① Select a node as the reference node. Assign voltages
"# , "% ⋯ "'(# to the remaining n-1 nodes. The voltages are
referenced with respect to the reference node.
② Apply KCL to each of the n-1 nonreference nodes. Use
Ohm’s law to express the branch currents in terms of the
node voltages.
③ Solve the resulting simultaneous equations to obtain the
unknown node voltages.

"-+.-/0 − "234/0
5 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 66

3.4 Nodal Analysis Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 67

3.4 Nodal Analysis
Solution: Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 68

3.4 Nodal Analysis
At node 1, applying KCL and Ohm’s law gives
&" &" )&# *+'
!" + !# = " → + ="
"' "'
At node 2, applying KCL and Ohm’s law gives
&" )&# *+' &# )&+
7+ !# = !+ → , + =
"' #'
At node 3, applying KCL and Ohm’s law gives
&+ &# )&+
2+ !- = !+ → # + =
"' #' Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 69

3.4 Nodal Analysis
Ø Shortcut to establish Nodal Analysis equations:
For 3-: -0-+,8,+,-),6 %023.4, %& :
# # #
(∑ $ )%& - ∑( %& ) = ∑ &)*++,-. /0*+), + ∑( %%02.34, /0*+), )
$ $

+,/&/.0+/ directly %02.34, /0*+), &- /,+&,/ 7&.5 $

connects with %& while connecting with %& ,
If the positive pole is near to %& ,
use plus.
+,/&/.0+/ .53. &/ /53+,6
7&.5 -0-+,8,+,-),6
%023.4, %9

For all current sources connecting with %& ,

take currents flowing into %& as positive,
take currents flowing out of %& as negative. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 70

3.4 Nodal Analysis
Ø Shortcut to establish Nodal Analysis equations:
For 3-: -0-+,8,+,-),6 %023.4, %& :
# #
(∑ $ )%& - ∑( %& ) = ∑ &)*++,-. /0*+), + ∑ &%02.34, /0*+),

+,/&/.0+/ directly Sum of currents for all

connects with %& no companion voltage
sources connecting
with %& , If the positive
pole is near to %& ,
+,/&/.0+/ .53. &/ /53+,6
use plus.
7&.5 -0-+,8,+,-),6
%023.4, %9

For all current sources connecting with %& ,

Have no resistor
take currents flowing into %& as positive,
in series
take currents flowing out of %& as negative. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 71

3.4 Nodal Analysis
Write Nodal analysis equations:

Solutions: Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 72

3.4 Nodal Analysis


Supernode: formed by enclosing a

voltage source connected between
two nonreference nodes and any
elements connected in parallel with
it. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 73

3.4 Nodal Analysis
Write Nodal voltage equations:


removable Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 74

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