MKT264 - Bonus Assignment

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College of Business Administration

Department of Management and Marketing


Semester I - 2020/2021

Controversies in Marketing
The marketing function practices imply lots of contradictions and
arguments issues. You are requested to choose any of those different
issues to provide an informative extended essay about. The report must show how far
this issue affects the ethical, legal, societal, and/or fairness treatment to some groups,
countries and/or individuals throughout the world.
Different literature review readings are required to comprehend the whole issue from various
perspectives to write your essay professionally. Your essay must show your own view on this
issue as well as your recommendations and suggestions to overcome its negative effects.

The essay should be developed in a (1,500 words, "Calibri" font type, 12 pnt. size, 1.5 line
spacing) format.

Examples of marketing controversial issues and not limited to:

1. What is a fair price for companies and organizations in wealthier countries to pay suppliers in
poorer countries?
2. Where is the line between persuading customers and manipulating customers to purchase
products, services, and ideas? Is some marketing promotion really corporate propaganda ?
3. To what extent should the goods, services, and ideas of one country be marketed over the
goods, services, and ideas of another country? What are the cultural implications?
4. How much should we consume of any one particular good, service, or idea? When should
governments step in to limit consumption?
5. Are some groups more susceptible than others to certain types of marketing promotion? If
they are, at what point and how should they be protected?
6. Are some producers or buyer groups more powerful than others, and what impact, if any, does
this have upon society?
7. Does the aggregate marketing system itself advantage some groups over others, and what are
the implications for society?
The final reports should be submitted in a word file before 31/12/2020 to the Blackboard©

University of Bahrain – College of Business Administration - MKT264

College of Business Administration
Department of Management and Marketing

Plagiarism Policy
Students are expected to follow the university rules and regulations regarding plagiarism and
citation procedures. Students are expected to provide a list of references in any classwork
they submit. Therefore, all received reports will be checked by the SafeAssign feature of the
Blackboard platform for the originality and authentication test, and hence reports will be
graded accordingly. Hence, the following scheme will be applied to all received reports:
- A maximum of 10% similarity content will be allowed.
- If >10%-20%>, a (10 marks) will be deducted from the report's final grade.
- If 20%<, the report will be entirely REJECTED, and (NO Mark) will be given.

 Good Luck 

University of Bahrain – College of Business Administration - MKT264


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