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Republic of the Philippines


Sorsogon City Campus
Sorsogon City
2nd Semester, SY: 2020-2021

The Teacher and the School Curriculum

Second Semester, SY 2020-2021

First Learning Guide Questions for Self-Assessment

Instructions: From the lens of would-be teachers like you, please provide substantive answers to the
following queries based on the first chapter on The Field of Curriculum found in the reference text.
Substantiate your answers with grounded/timely examples.

1. Explain thoroughly a curriculum that creates magical and transformative experiences for
learners? Under what approach/es do you think does this fall?

A curriculum that creates magical and transformative experiences for learners are the
music and arts curriculum. Child center enhanced and approached, by using locally available
materials, in creating arts that develops the students imagination and individual expression, and
his or her critical thinking skills through inquiry in to the estetics qualities of his works, the work
of artist from the Philippines and other parts of the Philippines.

2. Describe a curriculum that’s needs to be modified in practice in order to connect to the

community, country, and eventually to the world.

English is the curriculum that needs to be modified of practice in order connect to the
community, country, and eventually to the world.
3. What is the students’ role in designing their own educations? Explain it comprehensively.

The students role's I’m designing there own education means by moiling his/her own
self rather through personal views in life together with there particular and values that links for
self improvement. Likewise, it have more positive impact of opportunities to be come
professionals at the same time adopting his or her own new work such as a productive and
happy life together with his or her own family to he in the future.

4. Suggest standards for planning, designing, and curating content in a learner-centered


Standards or planning and designing and creating content in one learners centered
curriculum that I experience during my elementary and high school years is the physical
education. It’s significance on my present life now, it enhances professional appearance through
the following strands: body management, movement skills, physical fitness, games and sports,
rhythms and dance.
Learning are standards: 5-4 learners demonstrates understanding of the concept of
physical fitness in achieving lifestyle for lifelong fitness and illness.

5. Weave a short narrative of the hidden curriculum you have experienced during your
elementary and high school years. Explain its significance to your present life now.

First and foremost as I would be teacher someday, “language” is the most significant
tool in the instruction and learning in our educational system, likewise it is the key access the
great power of education. Based from the first chapter on the field of curriculum found in the
text reference is the mother tongue based multilingual education (MTB MLE), mandated by
Deped order no. 74 of 2009, entitled “institutionalizing mother tongue based multilingual
Furthermore, it is the fundamental policy and programs that’s cover the whole stretch
of formal education including pre-schools and alternative learning system (ALS). It was moved
the pilot stage from the full implementation stage of instructions in the first 3 grades not only
the selected pilot schools. It is even expected that it will be offered as a subject all the way as to
the last year of secondary school, it’s used progressing one level per year.
MTB-MLE is the effective use of more than two languages of literacy and instruction. It
this put at end to the bilingual education policy (BEP) which has been in operation for the last 35
years which has been in operation for the last 35 years. Furthermore, MTB MLE as a curriculum
teaching and methodology, in able the students participate well in education through the use of
LI. It is more than just learning the learners first language to explain curriculum content. It
provides literacy, prior knowledge, cognitive development and higher order thinking skills,
strong bridge, scaffolding, teaching for meaning and accuracy and confidence building and
proficiency development for 2 or more language along the following macro skills (listening,
speaking, reading, wrinting and viewing.)

Second Set of Queries for Self-Assessment

Instructions: Please provide substantive answers to the following based on your reflection on the second
chapter of the reference book. Substantiate each answer with grounded and timely infographics.

1. How does philosophy influence curriculum workers?

Philosophy influence curriculum worked through over perceptions, values and

knowledge. It is a holistic position encompassing curriculum formulations ( a person’s
philosophy, view of history view of psychology and a learning theory and view of social issues),
within the field, and curricula theory and practice. An approved express a view point about
curriculum's design; the role of the learners teacher and curriculum specialist in planning
curriculum , the curriculum goals and the important issues that must be experienced. A
curriculum approach reflects views of school and society.
2. In what way did each of the four major philosophies influence U.S. education and Philippine

U.S Education was influenced by Plato and Agustin agreed that the highest aim is the
search for truth in enduring rules as expressed in Plato’s republic in Latin Christian doctrine that
ideas could be integrated into universal concepts and a meaningful hole., Likewise truth can be
found through reasoning, intuition and religious revelation.

3. What are the differences between perennialism, essentialism, progressivism, and


The differences pf perennialism, essentialism, progressivism and reconstructionism is

Reconstructionism or the reconstructionist philosophy is based on socialistic and
utopian ideas of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Therefore, after credited with coining
reconstructionism in 1950. It is a philosophical perspective that challenges essentialism and
other dogmatic viewpoints. It calls into question established norms in order to provide fresh
perspectives on social, political, economic, and other related issues.
Progressivism is considered a contemporary reform movement in educational, social
and political affairs. Progressivism emphasized how to think, not what to think. Progressivists
rejected role learning lesson recitation and textbook authority they also criticized concentered
subject matter and experimented, with other approaches to curriculum.
Perennialism is the oldest and most conservative educational philosophy. American
education dominates much from the colonialism from the period 1990s. At the elementary level
the curriculum stress the 3R’s as well as moral and religious training., at the secondary level it
emphasize such subject as Latin, Greek, etc. As a philosophy of education, it relies at the past
and stresses traditional values. The aim of educational system is to improved people in every
age and every society. The goal of education is to develop the rational person and uncover the
universal truth by developing student intellect and moral character.
Essentialism : reaffirming the best and brightest, to Foster in students, our future citizen,
a reaffirmation to the society and a renewal of valuing there culture's contribution. Like
perennialism many essentialist emphasize mastering the skills, facts and concepts that form the
basic of subject matter. A curriculum that takes student interest or social issues on to account
regarded as wasteful, as our teaching methods that relay on psychological theories. The role of
the essentialist teacher follows perennialist philosopy. The teacher is considered as master of a
particular subject and a model worthy of immolation they are respected as an authority and
exhibit high standard and expect the same from student, demand the race of academic standard
an initiative that sought to race achievement and close gap in reading , writing in math through
annual high-stakes testing. Although current essentialist philosophy is more moderate.

4. What are some of the works that embodied each of the philosophies of education? Describe

Some of the works that embodied each of the philosophies of education;

Perennialism (under Realism) – aim to educated the rational person
Essentialism (under realism and idealism) – to promote the intellectual growth of
individual, to educate the competent person.
Progressivism (under pragmatism) – to promote democratic social living
Reconstructionism ( pragmatic philosopy education) – to improve and reconstruct
society to educate for change and social reform.,
5. How do relevant curriculum, humanistic curriculum, and radical school reform differ?

There are three school reform differ and three curriculum.

Relevant curriculum- different on the following education and demanded a move
progressive and student-centered curriculum. And must be motivated and interested in the
learning task and that the classroom should build our life experience and interesting activities.
Humanistic curriculum- emphasizes effective rather than cognitive, outcomes. It draws
heavily or the marks of Abraham and Carl Rogers. It’s goal is to produce “self actualizing
people”, in mas lows words or total human beings, “in Rogers. The works of two psychologist
are laced with terms such as maintaining, striving, enhancing, experiencing, independent , self
determination, integration and self actualization. It emphasizes happiness, aesthetics
(spirituality, caring and emphathy). As effectiveness, humanists generally rely on testimonials
and subjective assessment by student and teachers.
Radical school reform- since the 1960s and now in the 21 st century, radical romanticist
have criticized the educational establishment. The radical critics also wrote popular books on
their views. Early prominent radicals such as Firedenberg , John Holt, Paul Good man, and A.S
Neil expressed disdain for established schooling methods compulsory schooling , adult
authority, and school rules.

6. Discuss two traditional and two contemporary educational philosophies that have been
influential in your country.

1. Idealism – is a traditional school of thought , U.S and Philippine education was heavenly
influence by Plato and Agustinian, and idealist agree that the highest aim and the search
of truth and enduring various, “that Truth can be found through reasoning, intuition and
religious revelation”, taken by Plato’s and later Christian doctrine. And the most
influential idealist, Hegel that one could progress toward truth by continualisynthzing
thesis and anti-thesis, thereby arriving at ever hyphen higher levels of understanding.
2. Realism- another traditional school of thought, were Aristotle open link to the
development of realism, realist view the world in terms of object and matter. People
can come to know the world through the resensis and there reason. Everything is derive
from nature and each subject to it’s lost. Human behavior is rational when it conforms
to nature lost and when it is govern by physical and social lost, Aristotle believe, that
everything had a purpose and that human purpose is to think. For Aristotle and
Aquinas , the universe is ordered things happen for a purpose, and education should
illuminate purpose. Aristotle encourages people to live a rational life of an operation, to
strive for the golden mean, “a compromise between extremes.”
3. Pragmatism- contemporary school of thought. It is in contrast to the traditional
philosophies, ( it is also referred to an experimentalism) – it is based on change process
and relativity where as idealism and realism emphasize subject matter while
pragmatism construes knowledge, as a process in which reality is constantly changing.
Learning occurs as the person engages in problem solving, which is transferable to wide
variety of subjects and situation. Both the learner and the learners environment are
constantly changing. Fragmatist reject the idea of unchanging universal truth. The only
guides that people have when they interact with the social group or the environment
generalization establish. The further research and verification. To fragmatist teaching
should focus in critical thinking. Teaching is more exploratory than explicatory the
method is more important by the subject matter the ideal teaching method is concern
not do much with the learner. What to think as a teacher is respected as an authority,
exhibit high standard and expect the same from student.
4. Existentialism- is mainly a European philosophy that originated earlier but became
popular after world war 2nd . In U.S education existentialist stress individualism and
personal self fulfillment (well-know existentialist are Maxine greel, George and moris )
means people continually make choices and thereby define there self it varies among
individual. Existentialist advocate that the student be free to choose how and what they
study especially at elementary School level. And the most important knowledge is
knowledge of the human condition that education should develop consciousness of
choice and there significance. They reject the imposition of group norm , authority and
establish order. Only few standards, customs or opinions are being recognized and
claimed to have limited application to schools., Unlike in our society- rather in most
modern society involves institutionalized learning and socialization which require group
instruction, restrictions of individual behavior, and buraiotic organization. Schooling is a
process that limits students freedom and is based on other authority and generally
accepted behavior and belief. An existentialist curriculum consist of experience and
subject that lend themselves to individual freedom and choice.

Third Activity for Self-Assessment

Instructions: Please provide a short substantive essay to each of the following questions based on the
third chapter of the textbook. Substantiate each answer with relevant
1. What are some of the differences between the various types of colonial schools?

Town Schools - (New England colonies )this school may locally controlled public
elementary school- a crude, one room structure dominated by tears' pulpit at the front of the
room. Students sat on benches and studied their assignments until the teacher called them to
recite. Children ranged in age from 5 or 6 9or 13 or 14 attendance was not always regular it
depended or weather conditions and on the extent which individual families needed their
children to work on the farm
Parochial and Private School- (middle colonies) predominated by missionary societies
and various religious and ethnic groups established elementary schools for their own children. It
focused on reading, writing and religious sermons (like the new England). In the south town
Schools, hyper-class children attended private school oriented toward reading, writing and
studying the primer and bible, less fortunate children might attend charity schools, where they
learned the 3P’s recited religious hymns and learned vocational skills.
Latin Garner School – first established in Boston, as preparation for college at secondary
level upper class buys attended Latin grammar school. There schools catered for those who
planned to enter the profession (medicine, law, teaching, and the ministry) or became business
owners or merchants.
Academics- established in 1751. It was the 2 nd American institution to provide education.
Based on Benjamin Franklin's ideas and intended to offer a practical curriculum for those not
going it had a diversified curriculum of English grammar, classics, composition, thetonic and
public speaking. Latin was no longer considered a crucial subject. Students could choose a
foreign language based on their vocational needs. For example, s prospective clergy man could
study Latin or Greek, and a future businessman could learn French, German or Spanish. Math
was taught for it’s professional rather than as an abstract intellectual exercise.
2. How did U.S. democratic ideas contribute to the rise of public schooling during the National

U.S democratic ideas contribute to the rise of public schooling during the national
peroud, whereby means of reaffirming the ordinances, the schools and the means of education
shall forever be encouraged by the States the secular forces sufficiently developed the
democracy. It was Thomas Jefferson expressed a belief when he asserted, “ If a nation expects
to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what newer was and never will be.
Many leaders began to link free public schooling with the ideas of popular government
and political freedom. President Madison wrote, “ A popular government without popular
information of the means of acquainting it is, but a prologue to a face or tragedy or perhaps
3. How did the 19th century European pioneers of pedagogy influence the U.S. school

In 19th century European pioneers of pedagogy influence the U.S school curriculum
based on the German model. At the k-12 level progressive ideas from Gerner & Seuss led to
curricular and instructional methods that were psychologically oriented and considered students
needs and interests. English model of schooling also affected U.S education. The traditional
curriculum and typical school of this era were recognized by educational leaders in Europe &
America, and many features that were now theory and practice can be traced to the ideas of the
men and women who were ahead of their time but become less popular. New pedagogical
practice replaced role learning m, memorization, and corporal punishment.
Pestalozzi : General and Special Methods, A swiss educator, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
(1746-1827) U.S education was strongly influenced earlier. He laid the basis for the modern
elementary school of 19rh century and helped to reform elementary school practice. It was
maintained based on the child’s natural development. Its basic pedagogical innovation was line
insistence that the children learn through advocated linking the curriculum to children’s home
experiences. His proposal a “general” method and a “special” method. The general method an
education who provided children with emotional security and affection special method
considered children’s auditory and visual sensed. He devised the object lesson , in which
children studied common objects lesson , such as plants, rock, and household objects. Children
would determine an objects form , draw the object and then name it. From the lesson in form ,
number and sound come more formal instruction in the form, number and sound come more
formal instruction in the three.
His basic concepts of education became past of progressive schooling and later
appeared in the movement for curriculum relevancy and humanistic curriculum.
4. How did education evolve to meet the needs of the masses during the rise of universal

It was expressed in the Declaration of Independency and reaffirmed by westerners , who

believed all people of all classes were important and underscored to the frontier people the
necessity of school.
5. How did the Committee of Fifteen and the Committee of Ten influence 20th century

These committees were to determine and bring order to schools unwieldy curricula
become “standardized” the curriculum for match of the 20 th century. In Gubberleys words, the
committees were dominated by subject matter in mental discipline. “No concern for student”
abilities social needs , intensity or capabilities, found a place in their deliberating.
The committee of 15 or Elementary Education. Both Elliot and Harius wanted the
traditional curriculum intact. The committee adopted Elliot's plan to reduce Elementary grades
from 10-8 and stressed the 3rs , English grammar, literature, culture, vocal music and drawing
were each allotted one hour/week.
The committee of 10 on secondary education. Chained by Elliot, the committee of 10
was the most influential of the 3 committee it identified 9 academic subjects as central to the
high school curriculum.
The committee recommend med four different tracks (1) classical (2) Latin scientific (3)
modern language (4) English. The first program emphasized , English literature and math also
included literature, the second, math and science. The modern language program requires years
of French or German ( Spanish considered as too easy and culturally less important).
6. What are some of the “twenty-first century skills” that employers seek? What kind of
curriculum can help promote these skills among students?

Some of the 21st century that employers seek are the ability to think critically and
creatively. That employers seek/demand to collaborate, and to communicate among other skills.
Kind of curriculum can help promotes the skills among students are based more on inquiry
problem posing, technology and students interest, rather than content profiency.

Fourth Activity for Self-Assessment

Instructions: From today’s perspective, write a substantive paragraph for each of the items below. Base
your responses on the fourth chapter of the reference and substantiate them with examples.

1. How did Skinner apply operant conditioning to classrooms? What is behavior modification?
Why do behaviorist theories continue to shape curriculum and instruction?

Skinner uses both positive and negative reinforcements in the classroom to promote
good and desired behavior while discouraging bad and unwanted behavior. Operant
conditioning has been shown to be especially effective in the classroom when used in a variety
of situations. And since behaviorists emphasize the need for objectivity, which leads to a strong
emphasis on statistical and mathematical analysis, behaviorist ideas continue to influence
curriculum and instruction. They assume that behaviors can be improved, and that learning is
assessed by behavioral changes.

2. Identify and describe Piaget’s four stages of cognitive development.

The four stages of Piaget’s cognitive development are sensorimotor stage,
preoperational stage, concrete operational stage and formal operational stage.
Children in the sensorimotor stage range in age from birth to 18–24 months. Anything
can learn is based with your own experiences or trial and error. At this point, the main aim is to
create an awareness of object permanence, or knowing that an object persists even though you
can't see it or it's secret.
Children between the ages of 2 and 7 are in the preoperational period. The
development of memory and creativity is underway. At this age, children are egocentric, which
means they have trouble thinking beyond their own perspectives. This stage's main
accomplishment is the ability to use language to assign meaning to things. It's a way of thinking
about things in a symbolic way.
In the concrete operational level, children are far less egocentric. It occurs between the
ages of 7 and 11, and is characterized by more rational and methodical symbol manipulation. At
this point, the main aim is for a child to begin finding things out in their heads. This is known as
operational thinking, and it helps children to solve problems without having to physically deal
with them.
Piaget's formal operational stage is for children aged 11 and up. The use of symbols to
comprehend abstract concepts was a turning point during this period. Furthermore, older
children and adults may consider several variables and formulate theories based on prior
information.Piaget assumed that people of all ages mentally grew.
3. Why was Maria Montessori considered a psychological pioneer in cognition?

Montessori is best known for her contributions to education, a profession she initially
declined to support because it was one of three conventional positions available to women at
the time: dealing with children, homemaking, or the convent.

4. In what ways can addressing emotional intelligence be justified in the 21st century

Emotions have a huge impact on how we communicate with others, process knowledge,
and create meaning. Emotions have an effect on the choices we make. There is no way, in my
opinion, to keep emotion out of the curriculum because it drives everything we do. I like how
the book says that educators have urged students to "stick to the truth" or "be rational" while
making claims. However, we can't make a logic-based claim without getting any emotional
connection to it. We can't be emotionally impartial when it comes to a lesson or a research
subject. We must discuss emotional intelligence in the classroom because we cannot avoid
emotion in everything we do in life. However, we can't make a logic-based claim without getting
any emotional connection to it. We can't be emotionally impartial when it comes to a lesson or a
research subject. We must discuss emotional intelligence in the classroom because we cannot
avoid emotion in everything we do in life.

5. What are the ways that social class may influence a child’s learning capabilities and academic

The ways that social class may influence a child’s learning capabilities and academic
experience. Schools can overcome socioeconomic disadvantage remains far from settled there
appears to he done consensus that the growing income gap must be addressed whether
through policy or school reform. Researcher believes the key to focus on enhances opportunities
rather than merely closing achieve went gaps. This means improving the quality and consistency
of instruction and other learning experiences provided to students based on sound evidence.
Note worthy initiatives focus an quality programs instructions that included student
engagement, smaller classroom size , smaller high school and teacher collaboration.
6. What is the impact of technology on the brain and on learning? How do you think social media
change the way children and adolescents develop?

Many researchers believe technology can improve certain. It helps the brain process
new ideas quickly to improve their reasoning and decision making process, which can facilitate
innovation. And I think social media change the way children and adolescents develop in a way
that experts agree that play in general fundamental to creative thinking and that technology
may not provide the all sensorial experience. The fear is that the children will lose there
creativity as they spend more time immersed digital technology.

7. Why does phenomenology appeal to educational reformers of various psychological

orientations? How can phenomenology be applied to the field of curriculum?

First and foremost Phenomenology sometimes called humanistic psychology appeal to

educational reformers of various psychological orientations (as a third force) learning theory –
after behaviorism and cognitive development because it emphasizes the total person however,
the differences between learning cognitive and affective aspects have led as to separate this
Phenomenology can be applied to a field of curriculum in terms of teaching, learning is
conceived as a process of selection by the student. Curriculum specialist must understand that
learners perceive something in relation to the whole, what they perceive and how they perceive
it is related to their previous experiences.

8. In what ways do psychological foundations enable curriculum workers (teachers, supervisors,

and curriculum developers) to perform their educational responsibilities?
As teachers are the main characters and the decision making such not just responsible in
developing lesson plan on curriculum committee but in this new century teachers are
comported to each challenges. They were contended with digital age like computer program,
and their virtual work, to teach and evaluate called collaboration to facilitate the true made
especially on the secondary it depends on the specific content of the curriculum. Likewise with
distance learning many teacher will have the classes taught by field expert.
As principal/palm (school administrative manager) last new year, a new educational
position has been develop. This person assume many of the principal administrative function
allowing him to focus more time on situation and would assert curriculum. He can be an
instructional leader also he has time observing classes, engaging teachers discussion about
instructions and curriculum. Actually participating in teachers meeting, discussing issues with
the student and even engaging with students who are discussing curricular issues. Supervisor
even allowed principal sometimes to actually tutor students. They need to possess specialized
knowledge regarding curriculum and instruction.

9. Identify the three major theoretical schools of learning and explain them.

First is the culture of school, culture of the classroom and moral/character education.
Culture of the classrooms a place where children and youths must learn to get along with peers
and learn the rudiments of socialization and democracy.
Culture of the school, in creative and innovative area of the country, the school maybe organize
around the internet of day. The emphasize is on the teacher controlling the behavior of the
students. To be sure, grade can be used as an instrument for controlling behavior in class – at
least for students who are great oriented. The teacher decides in class who speaks and when
who goes on the front on the line and the back of the line – and who receive what grade. Lastly ,
the moral character education, the idea that encourage good early age reading the teachers self
respect tolerance and social good. The teaching in morality that starts with folktales such as
“Aesop favles” Jack and the beanstalk. Social and moral messages common values with virtues
such as hard working , honestly and caring.
10. Explain how Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory influences the field of curriculum.

Gardner’s ideas provide a place in the curriculum not only cognitive excellence, but also for
music for dance, sports and social skills ( winning fields and influencing people). None cognitive
types of intelligence have a place in our other field of society (which consider the importance of
working in groups) and poster success in adulthood. Gardner, (ups generation) we need to
master (5) minds. The disciplined mind (to master bodies and skills). The synthesizing mind ( to
decide what is most important and frame knowledge. The creating mind to explore in useful
ways and uncover new phenomena, the respectful mind is to appreciate differences between
human beings and the ethical mind to act and ways that serve the wider society. All of this
requires various intelligences , he believe that school need to create experiences that encourage
children to confront both belief and reality which will lead to genuine understanding. In an age
of tolerance, pluralism and diversity, Gardner views are will come by school people.

Fifth Activity for Self-Assessment

Instructions: Write a substantive paragraph for each of the items below. Base your responses on the
fifth chapter of the reference and cite contemporary examples.
1. What is the difference between education and schooling?

For me the difference between education and school is that, the word schooling refers
to the formal education system that takes place in schools, whereas education refers to a variety
of formal and informal sources of knowledge.
2. Define developmental task and articulate why it is important for youths to learn these tasks.

A developmental task is one that occurs at or around a certain point in one's life and
whose failure to complete results in the inability to perform tasks associated by the next period
or stage. The development task is important for youths or students like me to learn because it
can help us explore attitudes toward our family life and gain the knowledge we need to manage
our home. It can also help people develop career/vocational goals and ways to achieve them in
order to make a living. Finally, create a perspective on life that is based on what is important

3. How does society shape a modal personality? What are the characteristics of a modal
personality in your country?
Society has a significant role to play in the development of a modal personality; in fact,
most of the characteristics of personality are a reflection of how well your society shaped you.
Individuals vary in a variety of ways, but their social behavior is more or less consistent.
However, society provides you with a blend of good and bad practices, and you must be
able to distinguish between the two in order to shape your personality. If your society is
progressive and more focused on fundamental rights, you will grow into a person who is
identified with a variety of positive characteristics, while if your society is failing and depressed,
the opposite may occur.
Relationships are something that Filipinos (the Philippines) excel at. We have a passion
for connecting with people on a deep, personal level. We're welcoming, loving, and hospitable,
putting our own interests aside to make room for the people we welcome into our circles. What
we value the most is constantly maintaining pleasant, polite, non-offensive, and neutral
relationships. When faced with conflict or disagreement, we either shut up out of stress or try to
divert the conversation in a friendly way.

4. What content is essential for moral teaching? What should be the teacher’s role in promoting
moral education? Identify the main content areas essential for moral teaching.

The content that is essential for moral teacher. The totality of what is to be learned in a school
system is referred to as curriculum content. The essential facts, values, and concepts to be
learned are referred to as the content component of the teaching learning situation. Learners
are introduced to it in the form of awareness, skills, attitudes, and values. And the teacher’s role
in promoting moral education is teachers need to impart standards of morality and behaviors in
students and serve as role models by exhibiting desirable character qualities in the classroom
and in community. They also teach students how to respect the rights of others and how to take
responsibility for their own behavior.

5. Explain the difference between moral character and performance character.

Moral character refers to the dispositions required for ethical functioning and includes
virtues such as fairness, caring, respect, and honesty. Performance character is based on “willing
values” such as perseverance, diligence, and self-discipline, while moral character is based on
“willing values” such as perseverance, diligence, and self-discipline.

6. Describe the relationship between children’s reading habits and their family’s economic

The relationship between children’s reading habits is that reading is thus essential to a
child's growth, not only academically but also in everyday life. Reading regularly aids them in
comprehending their evolving world, expands the strength of their imagination, develops
creative thinking, and expands their vocabulary. On the other hand, Since the child's primary
social group is his or her family, the child's learning and socialization are most affected by their
family's economic status. During this time, children grow physically, mentally, socially, and

7. What do the studies by Jackson and by Goodlad suggest about the culture of classrooms?
Schools and classrooms, according to Jackson and Goodlad, are diverse cultural
environments. Learning is an analytical activity that is socially influenced, so it is beneficial for a
new teacher to understand them as such. As a consequence, communication is essential to
learning. Our social environments and verbal attitudes have powerful contexts in which we
teach and learn.

8. Discuss why the culture of the school often disengages students, especially those who are
academically behind.

Many students drop out because of academic failure, behavioral problems, and life
issues; many more remain in school but drop out in their minds, eventually disengaging from
what schools have to offer.

9. Explain the power of peer groups over authority figures during adolescence.

Since I believe peer relationships/groups are very dominant in adolescence, I believe

peer groups have more impact over authority figures. Problems in peer relationships, such as
bullying, may have serious psychological, physical, academic, and social-emotional effects for
both victims and perpetrators.
Peer groups, on the other hand, may provide an environment in which teenagers can
understand, explain, and practice social norms while also fostering socioemotional competence
at a time when youth are attempting to form.

10. What is cooperative learning? How can teachers ensure that peer relationships support
learning rather than impede it?

Cooperative learning, in my opinion, is an effective teaching approach in which small

groups of students with varying levels of skill use a variety of learning activities to enhance their
understanding of a topic.
Through promoting and improving peer relationships, teachers will ensure that their
peer relationships help rather than hinder learning. Teach social skills to your students.
Recognize the distinction between social and emotional learning. Collaborative learning should
be encouraged. The final step is to develop a collaborative environment.

11. Discuss how peer, racial, and income groups might affect school achievement and

Peer, racial, and income groups can have an impact on school achievement and success
because peer groups' effect on risky behaviors such as drug abuse and sexual activities has been
shown to have a negative impact on academic performance. As a result, individual students can
be able to mislead their peers about their academic success.

12. Do you think schools can overcome socioeconomic divisions based on income inequalities?
Any discussion of curriculum should consider the social setting, especially the relationship.

There are those who claim that income inequality is hard to deal, and that it is the home
and family environment, as well as the school itself, that institutionally reproduce social class.
Furthermore, proponents see pre-K as an economic investment that can eliminate or at least
minimize a variety of social ills, such as dependence on state assistance.

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