Word Formation 1-Grade 8: Complete The Sentences With The Correct Form of The Words in Brackets

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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1 This game is played _______________________________ in Australia. (DIFFER)

2 The bad smell _______________________________ me. (SICK)
3 Many _______________________________ were rescued from the collapsed building. (SURVIVE)

4 Electrical _______________________________ have made housework easier. (APPLY)

5 Tom is by far the best French _______________________________ in our class. (SPEAK)

6 I can understand Japanese to a certain _______________________________. (EXTEND)

7 The _______________________________ of being attacked by a shark is very low. (LIKE)

8 How _______________________________ that your mother speaks six languages! (AMAZE)

9 You should be _______________________________ to your parents. (RESPECT)

10 The equator is an ________________________ line which divides the globe into two equal parts. (IMAGINE)
11 Ricky is an unemployed _______________________________ guard. (SECURE)

12 Allan is going to get himself killed if he's not _______________________________. (CARE)

13 His _______________________________ dismissed him yesterday. (EMPLOY)

14 She does not want to be _______________________________ on her parents. (DEPEND)

15 His performance was _______________________________ of praise. (WORTH)

16 I'm pretty sure Nick doesn't _______________________________ watching baseball on TV. (JOY)
17 She swam until she was _____________________________ and then went back to the house. (EXHAUST)

18 You don't need to make a _______________________________ right now. (DECIDE)

19 They celebrated the _______________________________ of his high school years. (COMPLETE)

20 Frank is _______________________________ to find Mary. (DESPAIR)

21 David is very _______________________________ of his daughter. (PROTECT)

22 Your proposal will meet with significant _______________________________. (RESIST)

23 If you want to _______________________________, you have to try harder. (SUCCESS)

24 I just want a little more _______________________________ in my life. (EXCITE)

25 The doctor continued to observe the patient's _______________________________. (BEHAVE)

26 I think Tom doesn't have the _______________________________ to solve the problem. (ABLE)
27 I was feeling _______________________________ until I drank a cup of coffee. (SLEEP)

28 The bank _______________________________ were wearing masks. (ROB)

29 We _______________________________ on many things, but we're still good friends. (AGREE)

30 My mother _______________________________ of too much exercise right after lunch. (APPROVE)

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