Pe1 Assessment Manicdao, B.G.

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Name: Manicdao, Berlyn G.


Date: __10/17/2021__ Year/Section: 1-A__ Score: ____________

Instruction: Write your answers on the space provided

1. What does Physical Education mean to you?
The subject, physical education, means a lot not only to the teachers but also most
importantly to students because it could help children engage in physical activities that
could assist them in developing their physical, social, mental, emotional, and spiritual
health. Nowadays, children give their everyday attention to gadgets, that they become
unaware of the significance of doing physical activities. Physical education trains students
to be physically active in activities such as exercise because it can refine their memory
and brain functions, reduce feelings of anxiety and depression, improve quality of sleep,
prevent illnesses, etc.

2. What are the benefits you can gain from this subject?
Physical education offers numerous benefits that can assist us in taking care of
our body, mind, and health properly. One of these is that doing regular physical activities
can improve our fitness level. Through physical activities, we can stimulate and accelerate
the development of our motor skills. And also, it will keep us happy because regular
exercises can lift the mood and keep stress, anxiety, and depression away. When we do
physical activities, our body releases hormones called endorphin, which is known to
induce positive feelings and reduce pain perception. Moreover, other benefits we can
acquire from this subject are self-discipline, weight loss, learning to respect, leadership
qualities, boost our energy level, and most importantly, improved academics. Physically
active students perform better in terms of grades, participation, cognitive performance,
and classroom behavior because of exercising our memory and brain function.
3. Do you think Physical Education should be included in the curriculum?
Explain your answer.
The only subject in school that promotes the physical, social, emotional, and
cognitive development of a child is physical education, so it is essential to include it in the
curriculum. As children spend most of their days learning in the institution, every school
needs to prioritize physical education to provide students with a healthy start in life and
education skills to help them stay fit for the rest of their lives. It is significant to teach the
students to understand the value of physical fitness to prevent them from the risks of
chronic illnesses and early fatality. And also, it is proven by many scientists and
researchers that exercising could improve students learning outcomes because it could
optimize their mindset and enhance their alertness and motivation, etc.

4. Observe the lifestyle of your family members. What physical activities do

they participate in? Give your comments.
As I observed the lifestyle of my family members, I noticed that they always perform
physical activities such as doing household chores. And also, they sometimes do yoga,
and home workouts, and walking. We need to stay in good health in this time of the
pandemic. Therefore, performing certain physical activities and eating nutritious food will
aid us in keeping our mind and body healthy.

5. Try to ask a person who does physical activities regularly? What benefits
has he/she attained?
After asking my auntie about the benefits she attained upon doing physical
activities regularly, I discovered that before she started exercising regularly, she faced
many health and life problems. But now, she's been healthy, always active, optimistic,
etc., ever since. Indeed, she benefitted a lot from her daily routine of physical activities,
and it became the key lever to be a better version of herself. Physical activities also keep
her body strong and healthy while also improving her mental health, reducing her feelings
of sadness, worry, and loneliness. Her focus, sleep, and energy levels all improve as a
result of physical activity.

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