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2290 | PEDRAM ET AL.

Received: 15 February 2017 necessary more than ever. And always there are the significant
DOI: 10.1002/mop.30728 changes here of that are done by the owners of the communica-
tions industry in the world. The appearance of initial communi-
A multiband circularly cation tools such as Morse and the telegraph caused that people
be closer to each other and inventing the telephone made it to
polarized antenna with simple feel closer. The phone has been posed as an extraordinary phe-
nomenon in the communication world and will remain forever.
structure for wireless Finally, with advent of the computers and present internet, a new
horizon has been opened in the field of communication, and so
communication system the communication networks were emerged. Growing the office
community led to grow the computer networks significantly and
Kioumars Pedram | Javad Nourinia | today we have a real battle on this field.
The subject about network is very widespread and com-
Changiz Ghobadi | Mohsen Karamirad plex, but here we will explore a new form of communication
and computer networks known as Wireless. The Wireless
Department of Electrical Engineering, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran technology is used for a long time. The mobile communica-
tion, the intercity or international communication and also
communication between military units are examples of this
Kioumars Pedram, Department of Electrical Engineering, Urmia University,
Urmia, Iran. technology. But the information exchange from one place to
Email: another has provided a new access in the wireless network,
and the number of its users increases every day. The hard-
Abstract ware equipment allows connecting to each other without
using the physical media such as wire and cable. The wire-
A small multiband antenna with circularly polarization is
presented in order to apply in WWAN/WIMAX/WLAN less networks contains a wide range of applications, from
bands. This antenna consists of a rectangular patch with complex structures such as cellular wireless networks—
2 L-Shaped stubs and 3 slots over a ground which are sep- which are often used in mobile phones—and local wireless
arated by a substrate. Moreover, the dimensions of the network (WLAN—Wireless LAN) to different kinds of sim-
proposed antenna are 21 3 213 0.8 mm3. As a result, the ple structures, such as wireless headphones. Recently, by
simple design enables the antenna to operate in such fre- growing the wireless communications systems and increas-
quencies of 1.9, 2.4, 3.5, 5.2, and 7.6 GHz which are ing demand for wireless devices which have the ability to
across the WWAN/WIMAX\WLAN bands. Furthermore, work in several frequency bands, we will need multiband
3 dB axial ratio bandwidth is 16.5% within the WWAN antennas. There are many ways to design this kind of anten-
band. The simulation and measurement results of the nas that in meanwhile the use of monopole microstrip
antenna illustrate a good impedance bandwidth and radia- antenna is offered because it has easy construction, low cost
tion characteristics cover the whole required band for and required features in telecommunication systems and
WWAN/WIMAX/WLAN application. antenna mobile systems with compact size. Now days, it is
common to use one multiband antenna which cover the
KEYWORDS intended bands for integrating several antennas to use in
multiband antenna, circularly polarization, small size, Wireless communi- portable devices. The multiband antennas are the most favor-
cation system, mobile communication system able option to use in several different bands, so that these
antennas can be satisfactory in terms of size, weight and per-
formance. By means of these features, there are many differ-
ent methods for miniaturization of multiband antennas such
1 | INTRODUCTION as defected ground structures (DGS), employing slot on radi-
ated patch, and coplanar waveguide (CPW) feed-line.1–16
The growing need for seeking works, using the equipment such Multiband antennas are widely used in portable devices
as mobile phones, pagers, and so forth. has been possible such as laptops, smartphones and tablets. There are several
through the wireless networks. If the user or company or applica- ways to design multiband antennas. Indeed, some researches
tion program wants to have their required data and information are reported in.1–7 In1 a micro strip feed, F-shaped slot radia-
any time, the wireless networks will be a suitable infrastructure tors and a DGS are etched to achieve tri-band operation. An
for them. In today world with growing the population and cities, antenna with bowtie patch shape is used for multiband
the need for connecting the effective communication is antenna that has CPW feed2 in3, a CPW-fed antenna after
| 2291

F I G U R E 1 (A), The Layout of the multiband circularly- polarized antenna, (B) top direction, (C) bottom layer. [Color figure can be viewed at]

embedding a vertical stub, a T-shaped strip and a slit to the frequency selective surface to improve its radiation charac-
ground plane was proposed to achieve dual-band CP per- teristics. A 4-band slot antenna has been proposed in6 using
formance. Fork-shaped antenna uses 3 stubs and rectangle a rectangular slot and several stubs. The size of antenna is
ground plane for WLAN/WIMAX application4. Furthermore, equal to 48 3 18, but it is too large for practical use. In7
an antenna with quad-band CP characteristics has been pre- hexa-band planar antenna, asymmetric fork-shaped radiators
sented in.5 However, it has a large size and uses a simple are used for multiband and broadband communication

T A BL E 1 The final dimensions of the proposed antenna

Parameters Unit (mm) Parameters Unit (mm) Parameters Unit (mm)

L1 13.5 LF 8 WS1 0.75

L2 14 LT 5 WS2 1

L3 11.5 LS1 11 WS3 0.75

L4 4.75 LS2 8 Wg1 0.45

L5 2.75 LS3 5.25 Wg2 0.5

L6 3.25 WF 1 Wg3 0.25

L7 10 WT 1.5 Lg 5

LSub 21 WSub 21 h1 2.5

Lg1 0.75 Lg3 2.7 HSub 0.8

Lg2 0.5 Lg4 4.75

2292 | PEDRAM ET AL.

2.496–2.690/3.3–3.8 GHz), Wireless Fidelity (2.412–2.4835/

4.9–5.9 GHz). Moreover, the dimensions of the proposed
antennas are optimized in order to achieve almost 5 dBi
gain. The measurement results of the antenna reveal that the
impedance bandwidth and radiation characteristics are appro-
priate for portable and wireless communication systems.



As shown in Figure 1A, the radiation patch is etched on an

FR-4 substrate with thickness of 0.8 mm, loss tangent of 0.02,
and relative permittivity of Er 5 4.4. Prototypes of the pro-
posed antenna are illustrated in Figure 2A. At first, a rectangu-
lar patch and a defected ground plane are considered for the
proposed multiband antenna. A tapered 50 X micro strip fed is
used to enhance the impedance matching. The antenna with
rectangular patch cannot satisfy demanded frequency
response. For this reason, in the next step, 2 L-shaped stubs
and 3 slots on the radiation patterns will be loaded. The 2 L-
Shaped elements are embedded on the patch to obtain a lower
frequency. Since the length of the 2 L-Shaped stubs are
approximately one quarter-wavelength of the operating fre-
quencies, 3 resonant bands at 2.1, 2.6, and 4.9 GHz can be
achieved. The simulated return loss curves are shown in Figure
2B. According to Figure 2A by inserting 3 slots on the

F I G U R E 2 (A) The picture of the evolution of the realized multi-

band circularly polarized antenna, (B) simulated the S11 characteristic.
[Color figure can be viewed at]

application. In most cases, the antenna has a large size, com-

plicated structure, and resonant frequencies which could not
be tuned independently and are not suitable for portable and
wireless communication device.
In this article, we proposed a small multiband antenna
with circularly polarization for WWAN/WIMAX/WLAN
applications. The presented antenna is a low profile rectangu-
lar patch antenna with 2 L-Shaped stubs and 3 slots printed
on the radiation patch which is fed by 50 X micro strip line.
Not only the design is a low profile antenna as we presented,
but also it resonates at 1.9, 2.4, 3.5, 5.2, and 7.6 GHz which
is able to cover the aforementioned wireless communications
standards: Digital Cellular System (DCS) (1.71–1.88 GHz),
Personal Communication System (PCS) (1.85–1.99 GHz), F I G U R E 3 (A) The prototype fabricated antenna (B) the measured
Bluetooth (2.402–2.480 GHz), WLAN (2.4/5.2/5.8 GHz), S11 in comparison with simulated one. [Color figure can be viewed at
Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (2.3–2.4/]
| 2293

F I G U R E 4 Analysis of the geometry parameters of the proposed antenna: (A) L1, (B) L2, (C) Ls1, (D) Ls2, and (E) Ls3. [Color figure can be viewed at]

radiation patch, new resonances are excited which result in fre-

quencies resonating at 1.9, 2.4, 3.5, 5.2, and 7.6 GHz. To
improve the impedance matching and get wider bandwidth, the
corners of the ground plane are truncated and 3 stubs are con-
nected to ground plane as depicted in Figure 2A. The geometry
of the multiband designed antenna is shown in Figure 1B,C.
The optimal antenna dimensions are listed in Table 1.



In this section, the optimized antenna is illustrated and the F I G U R E 5 AR of the presented antenna. [Color figure can be
results are discussed. In order to perform the design process, viewed at]
2294 | PEDRAM ET AL.

FIGURE 6 Current distribution of the presented antenna at frequencies of: (A) 1.9 GHz, (B) 2.4 GHz, (C) 3.5 GHz, (D) 5.2 GHz, and (E) 7.6 GHz.
[Color figure can be viewed at]

the Ansoft Simulation Software High-Frequency Structure (3.235–3.843 GHz) that covers the WiMAX band. The fourth
Simulation is used. and the fifth resonant frequencies that cover the bandwidths of
(4.933–5.629 GHz), and (7.5–7.7 GHz) respectively are able
to resonate at the frequencies of 5.2 and 7.6 GHz operating in
3.1 | The return losses of simulated and
WLAN band and almost part of C band.
measured of the proposed dual band antenna
The value of power which is dissipated as the result of imped-
3.2 | Different values of key parameters
ance mismatch between the feed line and its related impedance
is called Return Loss It should be negative because the more In order to better understand the behavior of the proposed
negative it is; the better impedance matching can be antenna, the simulation results of return loss are depicted
achieved.9–13 The proposed multiband antenna is fabricated on while the key parameters as the lengths of the first and sec-
FR4 substrate and then it is examined experimentally. Figure ond stub as well as the lengths of the 3 slots are being
3A illustrates a photograph of the fabricated antenna. The changed as shown in Figure 4A,B, the effect of the length of
simulated and measured return losses of the proposed antenna L1 which has an asymmetric L-Shape on the antenna can
are plotted in Figure 3B. The measurement results are in good change the impedance matching and bandwidth of the lower
agreement with the simulated results. The proposed antenna frequency. Accordingly, it has no effect on other radiation
excites multi resonant frequencies at 1.9, 2.4, 3.5, 5.2, and 7.6 elements. The Simulated return loss reveals that with an
in order to cover major parts of PCS, DCS, UMTS, BLUE- increase in the amount of L2 the resonant frequency of the
THOOTH, WIMAX, and WLAN bands. The lowest fre- lower band decreases and decreases in the value of L2 can
quency at 1.9 GHz has an impedance bandwidth of 326 MHz increase the resonant frequency of the same lower band. Fur-
with a fractional bandwidth of (1.7127–2.0393 GHz) which thermore, the values of LS1, LS2, and LS3 are changed and
can be used for PCS, DCS, and UMTS applications. The sec- the optimized values of LS1 5 11, LS2 5 8, and LS3 5 5.25
ond resonant frequency at 2.4 GHz has an impedance band- are obtained. According to Figure 4C-E. It can be realized
width of (2.303–2.509 GHz). As can be seen from Figure 3B, that the higher frequencies are significantly affected by the
its return loss is < 215dB, and operates at Bluetooth/WLAN. variation of these parameters. Although changing the lengths
The third one resonates at 3.5 GHz with the bandwidth of of the stubs and slots can have significant effects on their
| 2295

F I G U R E 7 Radiation pattern characteristics of the multiband circularly polarized antenna at: (A) 1.9 GHz, (B) 2.4 GHz, (C) 3.5 GHz, (D) 5.2 GHz,
and (E) 7.6 GHz. [Color figure can be viewed at]

own operational frequencies, they will not have a sharp the same amplitudes and 90 degrees’ phase difference. In
impact on other frequency bands. order to show the functionality of an antenna in circular
polarization, the parameter of 3 dB axial ratio (AR) is
used.5–7 The AR of the proposed antenna is shown in Figure
3.3 | Axial ratio
5. The 3 dB bandwidth of the proposed antenna is in
A patch antenna can produce a circular polarization so long 1.9 GHz positioned between 1.65 and 1.95 GHz.
as 2 perpendicular modes are excited simultaneously with

3.4 | Surface current distribution

To define the multiband performance, current distributions
of the proposed multiband antenna at the frequencies of 1.9,
2.4, 3.5, 5.2, and 7.6 GHz are shown in Figure 6A-E, respec-
tively. The current surfaces around the L-Shaped stubs at the
frequencies of 1.9 and 2.4 GHz are more vivid. The current
distributions of the proposed antenna at the frequencies of
3.5, 5.2, and 7.6 GHz are simulated and shown in Figure 6C-
E. As can be clearly seen the antenna radiation is affected
more at the aforementioned frequencies and the surface cur-
rents are more visible in the vicinity of both slots and stubs.
F I G U R E 8 The derived gain of the proposed antenna. [Color figure Accordingly, the effects mentioned above show that the pro-
can be viewed at] posed antenna operates in multi bands.
2296 | PEDRAM ET AL.

T A BL E 2 Comparison between the results of the proposed antenna and pervious published results

Maximum Number of
gain (dB) separated bands Size (mm) References

3.05 3 19 3 25 3 0.8 [1]

3.93 3 100 3 60 3 0.8 [2]

3.5 2 33 3 27 3 1 [3]

... 3 20 3 37 3 0.508 [4]

6.92 2 55 3 52 3 1.52 [5]

2.3 11 15 3 15 3 0.8 [8]

2.5 2 25 3 38 3 1.6 [12]

6 5 21 3 21 3 0.8 Proposed antenna

3.5 | Radiation pattern and gain ACKNOW L E DGM E NT

The authors thank the northwest antenna and microwave
In order to show the field power of an antenna in all direc-
research laboratory (NAMRL) for their beneficial and pro-
tions from a fixed point, radiation patterns are used.14–16 The
fessional help.
radiation characteristics of the proposed antenna are simu-
lated and presented in Figure 7A-E. Belonging to frequency
bands of 1.9, 2.4, 3.5, 5.2, and 7.6, respectively. The simu- C O NFL IC T O F IN T E RE S T
lated far- field radiation patterns of the proposed antenna are The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest
shown in the E- and H-plane at the operating frequency with the contents of this article.
bands. The radiation patterns for E- and H-plane are omnidir-
ectional in all frequencies. The plot of the gain of the multi- R EFE RE NC ES
band antenna is shown in Figure 8. The peak gain of the
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suspended strip-line (SSL) filter, dual-band, electric metamaterials,

How to cite this article: Pedram K, Nourinia J, Gho- negative permittivity
badi C, Karamirad M. A multiband circularly polarized
antenna with simple structure for wireless communica-
tion system. Microw Opt Technol Lett. 2017;59:2290–

Received: 20 February 2017

With the rapid development of wireless communications,
DOI: 10.1002/mop.30727
filters with high performances have attracted more and
more attentions. Especially, the suspended strip-line (SSL)
filters are in great demand for its good properties such as
Dual-band suspended stripline low insertion loss, easy integration and compact size. Gen-
erally, the core filtering structures of SSL filters are fabri-
filter based on electric cated on a thin suspended dielectric substrate with low
metamaterials dielectric loss, and most of the electric fields and EM ener-
gies are confined around the structures. In addition, both
sides of the substrate are etched with metallic structures so
Ruo-Lin Wang | Jia-Fu Wang | that the patches and lines on both sides can be described by
equivalent capacitances and inductances. Also, the cou-
Yong-Feng Li | Ming-Bao Yan |
plings between metallic structures on both sides are fairly
Zhi-Qiang Li | Hua Ma | strong, leading to quite high quality factor value. Many
SSL band-pass filters have been designed with high selec-
Shao-Bo Qu
tivity and low insertion loss.1–6 Particularly, Xu3 came up
College of Science, Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an, Shaanxi with a technique to adjust the parameters of the coupling
710051, China open loop and thus to improve the performance of out-of-

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