Recognition of Construction Contract Revenue Based On PSAK 34 at PT Tunggal Jaya Raya

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Journal of Contemporary Information Technology,

Management, and Accounting

Vol. 1 No. 2, July 2020
ISSN: 2715-677X (online)
pp. 47-54

Recognition of Construction Contract Revenue based on PSAK 34

at PT Tunggal Jaya Raya
Firdaus Indra Faradiba1, Sulis Rochayatun2
Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic Univeristy Malang, Gajayana St. No. 50, Lowokwaru, Malang, 65144, East
Java, Indonesia
Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic Univeristy Malang, Gajayana St. No. 50, Lowokwaru, Malang, 65144, East
Java, Indonesia


Article history: All companies have the aim to get profit with maximum. One of the
Received: 16 April 2020 elements related to the acquisition of profit is income. In each type of
Revised: 14 May 2020 company certainly have different methods in recognizing its income. In
Accepted: 2 July 2020 the construction company there are two ways of revenue recognition
namely completion percentage and contract completion. This research
aims to determine how the revenue recognition of the construction
contracts used by PT Tunggal Jaya Raya.
This research uses qualitative research methods. The results
Key words: showed that the company in recognizing its earnings on the basis of cash
Construction Contract, Percentage receipts or cash bases, with a period of 4 months. The company is
ofCompletion Method, Completed working on a project with a period of 4 months using the system, but the
CContract Method record is not in accordance with PSAK No. 34.
The conclusion of this research is that the company in recognizing
the income of contracts if using recognition by the method of settlement
percentage preferably with a cost approach so that the value of income
and profit value can be recognized more precisely. However, looking at
the project time period of 4 months, the company should use the
completed contract method.

1. INTRODUCTION Information needed to examine financial

Recent economic development has spread performance using financial reports which is used
to various business sectors, starting from services, as a reference in making decisions about policies.
and other various sectors. The current economic one of them is the income statement. Income
development in various business sectors on both statement is a report that displays the performance
small and large scale can be considered to be very of a company in a period (Martani et al. 2012). In
dynamic. It leads the management to be able to take income statement, there are several elements,
the right opportunities, policies, and strategies to namely income and expenses.
maintain the company's going concern as an effort
to stay ahead in market competition. In order to
maintain going concern in a company, increasing
profit is definitely the main goal, as well as to
improve financial performance in a company.
Faradiba and Rochayatun: Recognition of Construction Contract Revenue based on PSAK 34 48

PSAK No. 23, which discusses income that and in financial accounting standards (Febritina,
becomes the main problem in determining the time 2019). Relevant to Fitriana (2015), a company
to recognize income. PSAK No. 23 also describes applied the construction contract revenue
the measurement of income from sales of goods / recognition method differently to financial
services, interest, development, distribution, and accounting standards. Inversely, there is still study
disclosure, but the revenue recognition for which states that a company has implemented the
construction companies is regulated separately in revenue recognition method in accordance with
PSAK No. 34. PSAK No. 34 (Benny, 2016).
PSAK No. 34 has the objective of providing Dealing with this phenomenon, it turns out
guidance on recognizing construction contracts, that there are still many construction companies
because the nature and activities of a construction which have not implemented financial accounting
contract which are the execution date and the date standards regarding construction contracts, as well
of completion of the contract usually happen in as the companies that are being studied
different accounting periods. Thus, the main (Yevdokimova et al. 2018). PT Tunggal Jaya Raya
problem in a construction contract is “the allocation is a construction contract company that does not use
of contract revenue and contract costs in the period guidelines in recognizing construction revenue. The
in which the construction work is carried out” company recognizes its income on a flexible basis.
(Gallagher and Andrew 2000; Kustono and PT Tunggal Jaya Raya does not have any specific
Nanggala 2020).. PSAK No. 34 which regulates the standard in recognizing its income, thus researchers
recognition of revenue for construction contracts in interested in examining either methods or policies
paragraph 23 states that the recognition of income used by PT Tunggal Jaya Raya in recognizing its
and expenses must pay attention to the stage of income.
completion of long-term contracts using the
percentage of completion method. 2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND
Another method, a construction activity HYPOTHESES
which is completed in less than 1 accounting period Definition of Income
or less than one year in services and the recognition Harahap (2011), stated that income is the result
of revenue and profit is only recognized when the of the sale of a good or service and is charged to
contract is completed. (Kieso et al. 2007). Some of customers or those who receive these goods and
these methods certainly have different effects on the services. The income in PSAK 23 is defined as the
company's financial statements. gross cash inflow obtained from the economic
PT Tunggal Jaya Raya is a private company benefits of the company's normal activities during
in the construction sector. This company works on the accounting period, which causes an increase in
projects from the government. The project inflows and an increase in equity, but the increase
undertaken by PT Tunggal Jaya Raya is based on an does not come from the participation of investors.
auction process that competes with other tenders.
After winning the auction, the company starts Income Recognition
working on the project at the stated contract price. Income recognition is generally recognized on
It takes less than a year and uses the term system a cash and accrual basis. The recognition of income
calculation or the percentage completion method. can be recognized when the revenue has been
The financial accounting standard states that earned, can be measured, and collectively.
projects whose recognition uses the term system or Measurement of income here is measured regarding
the percentage of completion method are contracts the value of products or services that have a
that have a term of more than one year (Kustono and turnover in transactions consisting of net cash or
Nanggala 2020). present value. Martani et al. (2012), for the
Previous researchers who discussed the calculation of income and profit in each period, can
accounting for construction income have resulted in be seen in the following formula:
several conclusions. There are case of companies
applying revenue recognition method which are not
in accordance with PSAK No. 34 due to differences
between the application of methods in companies

Journal of Contemporary Information Technology, Management, and Accounting

Vol. 1 No. 2, July 2020
Faradiba and Rochayatun: Recognition of Construction Contract Revenue based on PSAK 34 49

often referred as the percentage completion method.

According to this method, contract revenue is
Total Extimated related to contract costs incurred in reaching the
Accumulated Revenue (until end of completion stage, so that the reported revenue,
revenue the profit period)
Income = - expenses and profits can be attributed
(recognized which has been
/ proportionally to the completion of the work.
profit) recognized until the
previous period Paragraph 26 of PSAK No. 34 explains that under
the percentage of completion method, contract
Source: Martani et al. (2012) revenue is recognized as income in income
statement in the accounting period in which the
Construction Contract Revenue Recognition work is performed. Contract cost points are usually
Method recognized as an expense in income statement in the
Kieso et al. (2007) states that the income accounting period in which the related work is
recognition method consists of 2 methods: performed. However, any expected difference in
a. Contract Method Completed total contract costs over total contract revenue
The completed contract method is the should be recognized as an expense according to
recognition of revenue and gross profit which are paragraph 36.
recognized when the contract is completed. Costs
incurred during the construction process are 3. RESEARCH METHOD
accumulated in the inventory account or called The approach taken by researchers is a
construction in progress, and the terminals are qualitative research approach. Moleong (2014), a
accumulated in the contra account of inventory, i.e. qualitative approach is a study that develops
invoices for construction in process. descriptive data by using sentences to interpret the
b. Completion Percentage Method phenomena that occur. The research was conducted
Revenues and expenses under this method at a construction service company, PT Tunggal Jaya
are recognized on a per accounting period basis. So Raya, which is located in Sidoarjo, East Java.
that the financial statements of a company can show Sources of data in this study are primary data
the true value. The assessment is based on the sources and secondary data. Sugiyono (2013) states
progress of the work. The calculation of the that primary data is obtained through direct
percentage of completion is as follows: observation and interviews with informants. From
Accumulated Costs That Happen
Completion to the End
these data analysis will be carried out to get a
Percentage = conclusion.
Most Recent Estimated Total Cost
Source: (Martani et al. 2012) Application of the Construction Contract
The percentage of completion method is Revenue Recognition Method at PT Tunggal
also divided into two approaches, physical and cost. Jaya Raya
The physical approach does not pay attention to the PT Tunggal Jaya Raya recognizes its
comparative concept, whereas in the cost approach revenue on a cash basis or revenue recognition is
it focuses on the comparative concept. Suwardjono made when cash is received from customers. The
(2011) states that the comparative concept is procedure for receiving revenue from customers
income in a period which is expensed with costs comes from bills sent by the company to customers,
related to products to generate income. then the cash received by the company goes directly
to the company's account. Cash receipts as periodic
payments are made without making a transaction
journal. Cash received as payment is used and
Construction Contract Revenue Recognition rolled back by the company to carry out its
Analysis Based on PSAK No. 34 operational activities so there is no journalizing
PSAK No. 34 in paragraph 25 states that activity.
the recognition of income and expenses with Project undertaken by PT Tunggal Jaya
respect to the stage of completion of a contract is Raya is the construction of a project regarding the

Journal of Contemporary Information Technology, Management, and Accounting

Vol. 1 No. 2, July 2020
Faradiba and Rochayatun: Recognition of Construction Contract Revenue based on PSAK 34 50

physical construction planning of the Sukodono 3. Payment receipts journal recording of terms:
sub-district building. These development projects Cash XXXX
have a period of 4 months, from September 2019 to Account Receivables XXXX
December 2019. During the development process, 4. Revenue recognition journal recording or
the company carries out the accounting process by completion of construction work in month n:
computerizing Microsoft Excel. This company does In Progress Construction XXXX
not use a special accounting application in its Construction Cost XXXX
recording, including receipt of cash in and receipt Construction Revenue XXXX
of cash out. The basis for the company in 5. Submission journal recording for the
recognizing its revenue is based on several data, completion of work:
including through the draft budget, implementation Billing for Construction in
budget design, and data on progress during the Progress
In Progress
construction contract. Construction

Analysis of Construction Contract Revenue PT Tunggal Jaya Raya in recognizing its

Recognition at PT Tunggal Jaya Raya Based on own income regarding expenses and revenues are
PSAK No. 34 not recorded according to financial standards or
Recognition of revenue from construction generally accepted regulations. All expenses and
contracts for more than 1 accounting period uses the income received by the company are directly
percentage of completion method revenue moved to the company's account without
recognition with two approaches, the physical journalizing. It thus indicates that there is no
approach or the cost-to-cost approach. However, complete information about the completion stage.
the cost to cost approach is preferred because it PT Tunggal Jaya Raya records revenue recognition
relates to the concept of the matching principle. using the term system method, so that the company
Matching principle concept can be defined that must recognize its costs and revenues using the cost
between income and expenses must be measured in to cost method.
a balanced manner and must not be focused on In the cost approach, it is related to contract
either income or expense. revenue that has been recognized at that time, so
PT Tunggal Jaya Raya carried out the that the value of the revenue, expenses, and profit
construction of the project which took a short time. earned can be reported proportionally. According to
However, the company recognizes its revenue using Martani et al. (2012) there are ways to determine the
a term system commonly used by long-term stage of completion of a construction contract. The
projects. In addition, the records used by PT formula for expressing the percentage of
Tunggal Jaya Raya are also not in accordance with completion can be done in the following ways:
PSAK No.34 in the application of the percentage of Accumulated Costs That Happen
completion method. The following is a journal Completion to the End
recording that should be carried out by PT Tunggal Percentage =
Most Recent Estimated Total Cost
Jaya Raya based on financial accounting standards Period
as follows: Source: (Martani et al. 2012)
1. Expense journal recording for actual cost: Formula for determining the amount of revenue
In Progress Construction XXXX recognition that must be recognized is as follows:
Accumulation/ etc. XXXX Revenue Completion Percentage ×
Recognition Contract Value

Formulas above are used as the basis for

2. Revenue journal recording of all contracts: calculating revenue recognition using the
Account Receivables XXXX percentage of completion method. The data needed
Billing for Construction to perform the calculations above are:
in Progress

Journal of Contemporary Information Technology, Management, and Accounting

Vol. 1 No. 2, July 2020
Faradiba and Rochayatun: Recognition of Construction Contract Revenue based on PSAK 34 51

Draft Project Cost Budget and Employer that must be recognized are known, so that gross
Contract Value (in Rupiah) profit can be calculated by subtracting the
Contract Value Employer difference between construction revenue and cost,
No Work Type in Draft Cost Contract Value as follows:
A. Preparation Construction Revenue Rp 2.025.482.643,43
19.200.000,00 24.000.000,00 Construction Cost Rp 1.620.386.114,74
B. District Office Profit Rp 405.096.528,69
Building Work
32.573.634,94 40.717.0433,67 PT Tunggal Jaya Raya Construction Contract
2.345.696.318,32 2.932.120.397,89
2.360.482.790,14 2.950.603.487,67 Revenue Recognition Using the Completion
Mechanical Percentage Method based on PSAK No. 34
227.066.607,74 283.833.259,68
C Pendopo Work 503.839.252,29 629.799.065,37
The project undertaken by PT Tunggal Jaya
Land Raya is the physical construction of the Sukodono
Structural 4.551.001,06 5.688.751,33 sub-district building, where the project runs from
Architectural 277.440.445,34 346.800.556,68 September 2019 - December 2019, which is running
277.309.757,36 for 4 months. The following is the cost data incurred
D. Landscape
each month for the construction of the project as
600.758.123,04 750.947.653,80 follows:
Pedestrian 131.969.452,41 1. Costs incurred during the contract work
Paving Road 390.724.786,77
488.405.983,46 process:
Fence and Project Completion Percentage (in Rupiah)
Lawn 78.063.883,86
Total 6.089.616.726,46 7.612.020.908,08 Month Cost Budget Cost Inccured
10% VAT 608.961.672,65 761.202.090,81
September 6.698.578.000 1.620.386.114,74 24,19%
Total After Tax 6.698.578.399,11 8.373.222.998,89
Rounded 6.698.578.000,00 8.373.222.000,00 October 6.698.578.000 1.623.735.403,94 24,24%
November 6.698.578.000 2.588.330.693,42 38,64%
December 6.698.578.000 866.126.187,00 12,93%
From the data above, it can be determined the size
Total 100%
of the completion stage in each month by
*(Cost Incurred / Cost Budget) x 100%)
calculating the progress of the work. Based on the
progress and completion stages that have been 2. Recognition of revenue that must be recognized
realized, the company can compare the costs by the company during the contract work
incurred with the most recent overall costs. The process:
following is a calculation regarding the progress or Revenue Recognition (in Rupiah)
percentage of completion: Contract Completion
Month Revenue
Value Percentage
= Rp 1.620.386.114,74 ×100%
Completion September 8.373.222.000 24,19% 2.025.482.643,43
Rp 6.698.578.399,11
Percentage October 8.373.222.000 24,24% 2.029.669.254,93
= 24,19% November 8.373.222.000 38,64% 3.235.413.366,77
December 8.373.222.000 12,93% 1.082.657.733,76
Based on the calculations above, it can be Total 8.373.222.998,89
seen that the percentage of completion in Rounded 8.373.222.000,00
September 2019 is 24.19%. The contract value is The percentage of completion method
calculated at Rp 8,373,222,000, thus the revenue recognized as value of income in the current period
that must be recognized by the company can be of work. The cost of a construction contract is
formulated as follows: recognized as an expense in the profit or loss for the
= 24,19% × Rp 8.373.222.000 period relating to the work in progress. From the
Revenue Recognition
= Rp 2.025.482.643,43 journaling process from September 2019 to
Based on the calculation of revenue December 2019, it can be compiled regarding the
recognition, it can be seen that the revenue that must amount of revenue, total expenses, and the amount
be recognized by the company is Rp of profit recognized in the contract income report in
2,025,482,643.43. Construction costs and revenues

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Vol. 1 No. 2, July 2020
Faradiba and Rochayatun: Recognition of Construction Contract Revenue based on PSAK 34 52

the physical construction project of the Sukodono 5. CONCLUSION, IMPLICATION,

sub-district building (attached in Appendix) SUGGESTION, AND LIMITATION
Based on the above discussion and analysis,
PT Tunggal Jaya Raya Construction Contract it can be concluded that PT Tunggal Jaya Raya in
Revenue Recognition using the Completed recording the construction contract revenue
Contract Method recognition method is not in accordance with PSAK
Previous revenue recognition uses the No. 34. It is because costs and cash receipts
completion method. However, the fact that the transactions are not recorded. In reality, PT Tunggal
project undertaken by PT Tunggal Jaya Raya is a Jaya Raya recognizes revenue on a cash basis, but
short-term project of 4 months, then another method the company does not actually record it on a cash
that can be used by PT Tunggal Jaya Raya is the basis. Receipts are only made through an account
completed contract. Unlike the settlement without journaling. Recognition of revenue on a
completion recognition method, the completed cash basis reflects the inaccuracy. Receipts on a
contract method only costs expenses in each month. cash basis are usually determined on the basis of
However, using the settlement settlement method, estimates between the two parties, whereas in
it is not only costs that are journalized, but also financial accounting standards it is stated that any
revenue recognition and accounting. Thus, at the revenue recognition transactions should be
end of December or at the time of delivery of the recognized based on the level of completion of the
construction contract, a contract income report for work.
the physical construction project of the Sukodono Based on PSAK No. 34, companies that use
sub-district building can be prepared as follows: the revenue recognition method with a percentage
of completion are projects that require long-term
PT Tunggal Jaya Raya development. Considering that the project
Contract Revenue Report undertaken by the company is a short-term project,
Per December 31st 2019 and the company's initial process in recognizing
Contract Revenue Rp 8.373.222.000 revenue is using the percentage completion method
Construction Report Rp 6.698.578.000 term system, the company must record it in
Gross Profit Rp 1.674.644.000
10% VAT Rp 152.240.000
accordance to the standard, PSAK No.34.
Net Profit Rp 1.522.404.000 Recording according to PSAK No.34 is intended so
that the historical work that has been completed and
Contract revenue report data above shows everything related to project work can be traced
the company's overall gross profit is Rp clearly and can be accounted for. In this case, if the
1,674,644,000 which is then reduced by 10% VAT, company cannot record revenue reliably or the
Rp 152,240,000, so it can be inferred that the conditions for using the term method are not met,
company's net profit is Rp 1,522,404,000. The then the company should use the completed
recognition of revenue and recognition of profit contract method in the revenue recognition process
between the two methods does have differences. for the construction contract.
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Vol. 1 No. 2, July 2020
Faradiba and Rochayatun: Recognition of Construction Contract Revenue based on PSAK 34 54


Table 1. Total Income, Expenses, and Profits onthe Income Statement per Month for 2019
This Month Recognized in Previous Month Recognize in n month

Revenue Rp. 2.025.482.643,43 Rp. 2.025.482.643,43
Expense Rp. 1.620.386.114,74 Rp. 1.620.386.114,74
Profits Rp. 405.096.528,69 Rp. 405.096.528,69
Rounded Rp. 405.096.000,00
Revenue Rp.,36 Rp. 2.025.482.643,43 Rp. 2.029.669.254,93
Expense Rp.,69 Rp. 1.620.386.114,74 Rp. 1.623.735.403,94
Profits Rp. 811.030.379,67 Rp. 405.096.528,69 Rp. 405.933.850,99
Rounded Rp. 405.933.000,00
Revenue Rp. 7.290.565.265,13 Rp.,36 Rp. 3.235.413.366,77
Expense Rp. 5.832.452.212,10 Rp.,69 Rp. 2.588.330.693,42
Profits Rp. 1.458.113.053,03 Rp. 811.030.379,67 Rp. 647.082.673,35
Rounded Rp. 647.082.000,00
Revenue Rp. 8.373.222.998,89 Rp. 7.290.565.265,13 Rp. 1.082.657.733,76
Expense Rp. 6.698.578.399,11 Rp. 5.832.452.212,10 Rp. 866.126.187,00
Profits Rp. 1.674.644.599,78 Rp. 1.458.113.053,03 Rp. 216.531.546,75
Rounded Rp. 216.531.000,00

Journal of Contemporary Information Technology, Management, and Accounting

Vol. 1 No. 2, July 2020

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